#collab ig?
gay-salt-amber · 1 year
Kazuheiscara incorrect quotes
@capricoffe helped with these, go send them love!
Neither Scara nor Heizou can sneak up on Kazuha cuz of his “superhuman hearing” or whatever it’s called but Kazuha pretends to be scared
scara would be a good person for heizou to bring with him on detective stuff
Kazuha has a bird and Scaramouche accidentally teaches it swears which makes kazuha mad
Scara: it was an accident
 kazuha: oh bullshit
Parrot: oh bullshit
 Whenever Kazuha gets sad about his past Scara feels guilty about it so he stays away from him even tho Kazuha’s ancestors “don’t know Scaramouche” and kazuha would specifically go to scara for comfort cuz heizou is prolly out]so they both comfort each other
yknow that thing kids do when they hide someones like shoes so they don't leave? Yeah heizou does that with kazuhas scarf and scaras hat
Scara: baby I'm just going out for a walk
 heizou: nu
Kazuha: sweetheart, where’s my scarf? I need to go to the shop
 Heizou: nOooO 
I feel like Heizou has ADHD and so whenever he gets hyper-focused on something Scara and Kazuha find it adorable, he prolly gets focused on a book meanwhile kazuha left him coffee and he didn't notice till like an hour later
puts down book, Heizou: oh- Zuzu?
 Kazuha: yes my lovely detective? Heizou: did you make me a coffee?-
Kazuha: you’re just now noticing?
Scara: bursts out laughing
kazuha has tiny little pink freckles all over his body and scara and heizou trace them while kazuha is napping whenever he’s awake they comfort him about them cuz he’s insecure about them
After getting married, they join up with Beidou and her crew
Their love languages:
Kazuha: words of affirmation 
Scara: acts of service/gifts
Heizou: physical touch (biting)
Heizou: Zuzu~ Kazuha:
 Yes, my detective? I’m trying to- ack
 Heizou: bite I love you
 Kazuha: I love you too
Scara likes being carried bridal style but will never, ever admit it. And Kazuha teases him about it, but Heizou doesn’t know cuz Kazuha only carries him like that when he isn’t home
Heizou uses his intuition whenever he’s at work to probably guess if Kazuha or Scara is feeling down and will text them something like “I love you”
kazuha can play the guitar and it puts scara to sleep laughably easily
Heizou is the little spoon (Scaramouche teases him for this) scara is the middle spoon and kazuha is the big spoon
I think they just drown themselves in blankets so if anyone were to come in they wouldn't even know who was under the blankets
Kazuha and Scara give heizou those metal 3D puzzle things and he hyper-fixated on them for a week (or two)
Their theme song is Devils Backbone, specifically from the pov of Heizou because Scara and Kazuha are both on the run in their own ways
Kazuha confessed first to scara then they confessed to heizou when the vision hunt 
decree ended
so the plot is the same with scara but instead of Nahida helping him recover, kazuha comes in a second too late to see scara unconscious on the ground. he runs over to help and he and heizou help him recover, Then Heizou yells at Nahida, Aether is confused and kazuha yells at him and paimon. Then Scara wakes up and is confused, So Heizou and Kazuha forget about yelling, and rush to his side, scara just wrapped his arms around kazuhas neck with a soft 'i love you before passing out again... The yelling continues and Kazuha is crying, they end up taking him back to Beidous's ship where the doctor on board makes sure Scaramouche recovers all while kazuha and heizou are outside panicking/crying Beidou calms them down then explains to Nahida and Aether on why they started yelling at them. Then Scara demands Kazuha and Heizou to cuddle him once he wakes up. I think they'd prolly be in there for a day or two just making sure scara is safe/ok, and Beidou brings in soup and whatnot so they don’t die.
After this, they buy a house near Springvale and live there
Once Scara felt guilty about his past and what he did to Kazuha’s ancestors that he once locked himself inside their spare guest bedroom and Kazuha and Heizou had to beg him to come out so he could eat, once he comes out Kazuha hugs him and just mutters, "its ok, it's all gonna be ok." but while it comforts scara, he kinda said it for himself. Then refused to speak to them for the next week cuz he felt guilty
Scara goes to therapy for everything that has happened to him and Kazuha and Heizou reward him with stuff after cuz he doesn’t want to go, but he does it for them
 I think they'd have a nice garden area where heizou likes to take Scaramouche whenever he's stressed and they can talk if needed or just take a break if that's what scara wants. And he tells Heizou stuff about his past and how he’s met Kazuha’s ancestors. And Kazuha feels left out that he doesn’t get to go with them but he gets extra cuddles after
some knights/law enforcement of some kind would come by their house trying to arrest scara or kazuha maybe for crimes they've committed and heizou would just lie and go, "You have the wrong house, good luck though.", Kaeya is always suspicious but lets it go anyways
honestly, the only nice one in mondstadt they're on friendly terms with is venti cuz he doesn't give a shit, he is the town drunk bard after all
Whenever Heizou and Kazuha are on walks Heizou collects leaves for Kazuha
have you seen those things of confetti that are leaves instead of plastic/paper? Yeah Scaramouche will sneak those into kazuhas pockets every once in a while 
For new years they would all stay up and just cuddle
Heizou is always the most tired cuz of his work and is always the first to sleep then whenever Scara screams “HAPPY NEW YEARS” and kisses Kazuha. Heizou wakes up in fright, Kazuha would comfort Heizou after and Scara is like “where’s my attention >:(“ so he would have to give it to both of them
Heizou has an aesthetic social media page that's dedicated to his bfs
Scaramouche attention whore 2023 
On Christmas Heizou would get Kazuha leaves as a joke and then surprise him later with his present, the present was a little white kitten like the one his friend had which makes him cry
Heizou: hey zuzu-
 Kazuha: hm?
 Scara: sighs knowing what’s about to happen
 Heizou: I- um, can you come here for a second?
 Kazuha: yeah sure love, what’s wrong?
 Heizou: hands gift with head down here’s your gift- I couldn’t get him until a few mins ago
 Kazuha: huh? looks into the gift and starts to cry Heizou- what is this?
 Heizou and Scara: merry Christmas zuzu
Kazuha wears glittery lipgloss and heizou didn't know so he went to work covered with glitter on his face
after everything Ei tries to reconcile how that would go…. Well, Scara would push her away and start crying and screaming at her while Heizou tries to comfort him and Kazuha starts to argue with her, then heizou would also start arguing with her because of what she did to scara and his friend
Heizou would like to be kissed on the cheek, Kazuha on the forehead, and Scara on the nose, heizou and kazuha kiss Scaramouche on the hands (specifically the palm) as a sign that they don't care about what he's done and that they love him sort of like ignoring what those hands have done to others kind of thing.
their on a date and aether and paimon have a commission there and kazuha eyes them like, 'you saw nothing, you fuck' While Heizou and Scara are kissing each other distracted, aether just walks away like, 'nope, not worth it’
After tomo’s death, Scara couldn’t forgive Raiden for what she did to Kazuha’s best friend
them stargazing while on the crux while the others are sleeping for the night
Scara: zuzu, can you count these stars?
 Kazuha: I mean I could try but it would be impossible
 Heizou: the day you count them all is the day Scara and I won’t love you anymore As Scara kisses Kazuha’s cheek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r51C5dhl-4k This song is scara crushing on his bfs
I feel like Scara and Heizou would be cuddling with each other and Kazuha would be like “aww how cute-“ then Beidou walks up to him and says “what’s so cute?” And catches him off guard, she also got a photo before she said that. Obviously. Kazuha yelps whenever Beidou scares him, waking Scara up and he’s all flustered now, But Heizou is too tired from work that he’s dead asleep
Scaramouche proposes on the spot of their first date
Valentine’s Day Heizou would go all out, Chocolates, cuddles, dates, kisses
Ningguang would secretly use her powers to clear her new stepson criminals of all charges
Heizou Scara and Kazuha would be on vacation in Liyue and Ningguang would have her servants clear a room for them
their wallpapers are all photos from dates
kazuhas is the type to post a photo of their partner eating and just say, 'i got myself some real beauties' meanwhile heizou/scara are like 'we look like shit in these??? What???', meanwhile kazuhas like, And Kazuha’s like ‘you look fine my lovelies’
Heizou would call Kazuha zuzu or leaf, Scara calls kazuha dove, Kazuha would call Heizou his detective and Scara would call Heizou zou or sweetheart. And I feel like Scara would let Kazuha and Heizou call him Kuni. I think Aether or someone would hear that and think it's normal and aether almost died
Aether: hey Kuni!
 Scara: what the fuck did you just call me?
Aether: Kuni?-
Kazuha holds Scara back while Heizou explains to Aether that only he and Kazuha can call him that and tell him to run
i think kazuha leaves cute lil post-it notes around with stuff like reminding scara to take his meds, reminding heizou to get rest, etc
Kazuha definitely has anxiety and whenever he has a panic attack Heizou and Scara drop everything to comfort him
heizou def is the cook out of them
Kazuha has a onesie of a cat and whenever Heizou saw him in it cuddling with Scara his nose bled
Scaramouche keeps small plushies of his bfs and cuddles them whenever their away, this applies to kazuha when he's on the Alcor
Beidou is scaras new mom figure which makes scara cry a bit because he's not used to having a good mom figure in his life
kazuha telling beidou that scara and heizou are gonna be staying on the ship for the first time, was an… interesting conversation 
Kazuha: mom- I mean Beidou?
 Beidou: yes sweetie? HE CALLED ME MOM
 Kazuha: can Uh- can Scara and Heizou stay on the ship?
 Beidou: don’t they have their own homes in Inazuma?
 Kazuha: well uh-
 Heizou: hey Kazuha’s mom I don’t think he mentioned this
 Kazuha: don’t say it heizou
 Scara: we’re actually dating now
 Beidou: I- what? Rebooting
 Kazuha: I SWEAR TO GOD YOU TWO /// 
Scara: oh come on dove~ follows Kazuha to his room
 Beidou: i- yeah sure you and Scara can stay as long as you want
 Heizou: thanks Kazuha’s mom!
If heizou wasn't home when the knights came, Scara would probably look through the window while telling Kazuha to hide, and once he figures out it’s the knights he hides with Kazuha and comforts him that it’s gonna be ok, Cuz I feel like Kazuha would have a panic attack whenever he knew it was the knights at the door. And Scara would muffle his cries with kisses and just cuddle him making sure he was ok with heizou would be getting a lot of urgent texts in the process. However, if they got in...
Woah, those knights are missing? Man, that's strange! Oh did you see these endangered plants? Yeah, you legally can't dig those up, cool huh?”
Scara: ‘Heizou, the knights are in the house and Kazuha is panicking. When will you be home?’
 Heizou: ‘I’ll be there asap, try to keep zuzu quiet as best as you can’ Scara: ‘if they find us I'm gonna kill them I swear to god’
heizou sighing (disappointed) before typing, 'go ahead if you need to, just plant some of those bushes over the bodies if you do’
Matching pajamas (Kazuha red Scara purple Heizou green) And they would each have a part of the different sets
Scaramouche has purple bunny slippers
the angels share has a dance thing and the bois decide to go, venti distracts diluc for the night whos bartending, after being paid in wine
They have one of those cheesy heart locket necklace things with the magnets
Heizou is a trans boi, and  painting his nails black makes them look more masculine, so when he's feeling dysphoric, kazu and scara paint his nails black to help a bit
Kazuha and scara kiss heizous top surgery scars before bed
kazuha doodles on scaras hands when he's bored and also colors in scaras tattoos
Kazuha teaches Heizou how to crochet
the first few times aether asks any of them to go out on commissions with him he gets so many death threats from the other(s) partner(s), scara def bitches abt being on those commissions btw, saying he'd rather be with his bfs
after scaras fall and after he fell into a coma Heizou taught him how to fight with a catalyst again
When Heizou and Kazuha were in school they would hide in one of the empty rooms and just cuddle during lunch
Scaramouche really likes winter and looks really cute in snow clothing so kazuha and heizou just stand back and smile while scara enjoys the snow
Kazuha: He's adorable, isn't he?
 Heizou: Of course.
Scara is definitely the shortest out of them12:03 AM], It goes Heizou Kazuha Scara then scara uses his e and is like,’no I’m taller’ and Kazuha and Heizou be like “of course you are sweetheart”
Heizou has really good puppy dog eyes and abuses the shit outta them Heizou: Kazuha, do I have to sleep
 Kazuha: yes Heizou, come join Scara and I 
Heizou: puppy eyes but I wanna stay upppp 
Kazuha: sigh fine, but only for another hour
He went on to stay up the rest of the night working on cases and Kazuha got angry with him the next day
heizou often passes out at his desk while doing a long case and kazuha just sighs, picks him up, and carries him to bed
Scara would have nightmares about what Raiden did to him and Kazuha and Heizou would have to comfort him, that's why they always hold him while they sleep because it makes scara feel safe, his head is in Kazuha’s chest, and Kazuhas holding him while Heizou is holding him from the back
When Heizou was in college for his degree he used to be on the track team for his school and Kazuha and Scara would root him on, he also won many trophies for his school
Heizou’s favorite animal is the deer (from his constellation) and so for his birthday Kazuha and Scara surprise him with a deer stuffed animal for when Kazuha was on the Alcor and Scara was traveling
For scaras birthday, since he doesn’t like sweet stuff, Kazuha and Heizou make him his favorite food instead of a cake
while scara was gone kazu and heizou are asleep on the couch, so when scara gets back he puts those teeny lil Santa hats on them cuz it's funny and they wake up with a scara on their chest and are confused af
their house would be big because scara has money from his work in the fatui
they name that kitten after tomo in his memory
scara has one of those cute bunny hats with paws you can press to make the ears go up (it kuromi themed) he hates wearing it in public but Heizou and Kazuha make him sometimes, he gets many kisses as a reward
You yknow the caress cheek animation from the sims 4? yeah kazuha does that to heizou
Before Heizou was on testosterone and still got periods, Kazuha and Scara would cuddle him until he felt better and promised him he was a real man And just whispered all types of gender-affirming stuff cuz he would be dysphoric
scara threatening some fatui grunts at a camp while kicking their asses and kazuha just goes 'babe! we'll be over here!' and Scaramouche smiles and goes, 'alright dove, I'll be over there in a sec!' then goes back to scary threats to the fatui guy
Kazuha would have a really good ASMR voice and would do that voice to make Heizou go to sleep, and while they're apart, kazuha will record him reading books to help his bfs fall asleep
after being away for a long time, scaramouche would just walk up to kazuha, hug him and go, 'home..' before closing his eyes and relaxing
when Kazuha is on the Alcor and Scara and Heizou are at home on a call trying to calm Kazuha down from something and Kazuha’s phone died they would start to panic until Kazuha called them back crying because he made them worry. And they would be like “no Zuzu it’s ok, we’re ok. Are you ok?”
heizou does a meow like cats do and the bois just awh over him
their kitten follows scaramouche around like a duck but loves to climb onto kazuhas shoulder like a bird, oh, and it hates Heizou for no reason
scaramouche steals all the hoodies and whenever their bfs want them back he'll just go 'idk what you're talking about, I don't steal hoodies.' while he's wearing haizous hoodie
Heizou has an obsession over energy drinks to stay up to do work and it got to the point where Kazuha and Scara had to hide them so Heizou would quit
Scara would get a small headache and Kazuha and Heizou would get all worried cuz of his coma
scara being one of those people where if you drink pickle juice it helps their headache and kazuha and heizou are so confused
On new years or whenever fireworks go off Heizou would be afraid of them and so Scara and Kazuha get him his headphones, his favorite snack and drink, and hide/cuddle with him in the closet
Heizou would be a blanket stealer, so scra and kazuha pile ontop of him because hes a human heater
scara is naturally cold so he always has his arms around his partners or are holding his partners hands to be warm
Kazuha loves being picked up by Heizou but will never admit it, even after being teased
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faeriegirl · 4 months
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"If someone says it's wrong to hope, I will tell them that they're wrong every time."
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maybe-arts · 1 month
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If you've been following me the last month, you've seen me posting invitations to join Kirby Birthday Collab. Well, as today is 27th, I'm proud to present the result of this collab!!
This collab ended up even bigger than the last year's one. When last year we mainly had only Dream Friends (with some special guests like Morpho, Galacta and Elfilin), this year we've got characters from many more groups, including villains! We've almost left no one behind lol
The image above might be a bit scuffed (anti-AI protection, and all that), but no worries! You can click on it to see full, uncompressed image and see everyone's work that's been put into this!
A HUGE thank you to everyone who participated, and to everyone who wanted but either learned about it too late or didn't manage - don't worry! Looks like this thing might be annual from now on (or until i run out of steam lmao), so you'll get plenty of chances to join next year! Just keep your eyes peeled around March-April :3
And now, everyone who participated in this collab:
@squeak-art - Daroach, Dark Nebula and Squeakers + two bonus polaroids (the one with Nebula and the one with Squeak Squad) @sacrificecage - Hyness and Shadow Kirby @aseuki - Sectonia (absolute madlad) @giantchasm - Elfilin, Fecto Forgo + possessed Awoofy and Rick @taranzas-biggest-fan - Taranza and President Haltmann + bonus polaroid with Wave 3 trio and Kirby @sourghostsoda - Dark Meta Knight and Galacta Knight @spidersandtomatos - Zan Partizanne + bonus polaroid with their OC and Zan @kachikirby - Samus Aran and Francisca + bonus polaroid with Samus @eleart - Meta Knight @azumetapraline - Magolor @tinybandee - Sailor Dee and UFO @a-stardusted-sky - Landia @mementomarx - Morpho Knight @xxmooncheetosxx - Ribbon @rosakikoza - DMS and Zero @hascaple - Chuchu @deafeninggardenerpanda - Void and Arthur (also special thanks for allowing me to organize it on his server that i've been advertising all this month lol) @pixbit - Prince Fluff @eryth-arts - Susie and Flamberge @deefighter2739 - Bandee @skitty-kirby - Sword and Blade Knights @hoshi-no-mahoroa - Coo @diroxide - Fecto Elfilis @starrveria - Tiff @nausylemmyj - Adeline @thecreatorlynne (on Instagram) - Miracle Matter + bonus polaroid with all the Matters @thundermarisol - Pitch, Pick, Mine, Shiro, Nyupun and Pitch Mama @michirikapchiyyy - Falspar and Dragato @galapathy - Nonsurat and Nightmare @wybienova - Clawroline + bonus polaroid with Clawroline @mistilteinn-magolor - Gooey @superskullz64 - Spinni, Doc and Storo @starrysorry - Tuff, Fololo and Falala @tazmilygray - Elline and Keeby @icy-dark-star - Leongar @yokyoaaa - Nago and the Meta-Knights (Axe, Trident, Mace and Javelin Knights) @itsquakey/@chickenhoops - Marx @chibihuey - Drawcia, Claycia and Kine (and colored Nightmare) + bonus polaroid with four Kirbies
and yours truly was the one who combined all of this in a single piece + drew Dedede and main birthday boy himself, Kirby!
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pixlokita · 8 months
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Art trade/ collab with @cookieruma29 ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) 💖 I Drew her Evan and mine meeting and she colored it super pretty as always
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bbltheque · 11 months
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ig u need to follow
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lost-my-dragon · 1 month
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more tf2 magma doodles this time with some more cool ppl
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halogbs · 2 months
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pew pew
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intotheelliwoods · 9 months
Collaborative 2AL Comic Calling and Info!
Oh BOY did this blow up...
Ive polished up dialogue and framing, in total there should be 30 panels, exactly the tumblr image limit haha! Everyone who is participating gets to draw a panel! I will message you the dialogue, and a general layout once I get everyone in! :) I look forward to this!
30/30 Participants [full!]
If you are interested in joining, please message me here on tumblr or Discord! [Discord would be preferred in the long run]
-> Deadline for panels?
2 Weeks! Hoping everything can be ready to go to post by September 24th!
-> What style to use?
Your own! I would love it if you can have as much fun as you can making the panel! The more unique each panel is the better, I dont want to constrict anyones artistic ability outside dialogue, where characters are in a room, and a vague framing idea/expressions.
As for coloring, fully colored and digital would be preferred! Just blue blobs can also work! With the exception of 4 specific panels, flashback panels, in a black/white/red scheme to help differentiate what panel is a flashback, and what panel isnt. I will let you know if your panel is one of those specific 4!
-> How will posting and crediting work?
When the panels are all done, I will gather them up into a singular post on this blog. Below the comic itself in order of panels would be everyones @ to the blog they want credited, Multiple blogs can also be credited ofc (For example If you drew panel 3 you will be the third @ on the list)
You are also free to add a signature or @ to your blog in the panel art itself!
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wolflyndraws · 2 months
Cooking up the most tasty fucking stardew Dnf au ever with Faye (we’re making an au together)
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kindheartedgummybears · 3 months
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faeriegirl · 7 months
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🩷 Kanna-punzel 🩷
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sipsteainanxiety · 1 year
when the night calls...
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...do you answer back?
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
word count: 2.7k+
mentions: no pronouns mentioned, char death (bkg) but not reaaalllyyy, aged up chars (25+), supernatural elements in a pro-hero au, grief/mourning, horror-esque but it's romantic i promise, hurt/comfort, lowercase, part of the dark chocolates teahouse collab.
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you thought katsuki was gone—that he had abandoned you in this life to move on to the next. you saw his body—lifeless, cold, still. saw him get lowered into the ground in his dark casket enveloped in his hero colors. you stayed, for hours after the funeral, at his grave. wondering why he had to leave—why he had to break the promise he whispered to you on the night you both said your vows.
you thought he was dead. that he'd left you alone.
you were wrong.
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the shadows seemed to long for your touch.
they lingered just out of the corner of your vision, always appearing closer than they actually were. you'd turn to see them stretching in your direction in ways that did not align with the light. you played it off as your mind playing tricks on you—as your grief warping your perception. but it was so hard to ignore, so hard to simply shrug off.
they crept over your shoulder—a chill running up and down your spine. they followed along as you walked home after a long day at work. they wrapped around you as you slept. you found yourself lingering in the darkness, not quite understanding why you just—never felt like you were alone. not truly alone, anyways. it was slightly unsettling, but you learned to ignore it.
you weren't scared, not particularly. it was just—cold. it made you feel isolated, at times. like the world was trying to shroud you in this darkness to remind you of what you'd lost.
you needed time by yourself, that was all. you told your friends the same stilted words again and again. i'll be fine, you'd say with a smile, just give me time. you lay in bed—that too large bed with too many pillows—and twisted the silver ring on your finger. staring up at the ceiling swathed in the milky lighting of the moon. the shadows appeared to move before you. your mind did not relent in your exhaustion.
with each passing day the ache in your heart only seemed to grow deeper. you wondered if it would ever end. you wondered if you would ever heal.
it was hard, being at home. traces of katsuki lingered everywhere you went. he was in the large boots that rested neatly by the door. in the lingering smell of burnt caramel that plagued your sheets and clothes. in the worn handle of his favorite spatula. it felt like you were suffocating, surrounded by so much of him. it was only natural for you to want to escape—to breathe. but it wasn’t that simple, and stepping outside just made everything worse.
he was on the t.v. screens in stores as japan still grieved, his face on every news channel. plastered to every pole, every brick wall. memorials were scattered around musutafu. candle stubs lined the streets. they were constructing a statue dedicated to him in front of the agency he’d co-owned with eijiro. you did not let your gaze wander for long. you were torn—drowning in your own sorrows and the sorrows of the people who surrounded you.
moping around would do you no good, you came to realize one day as you stared at a framed picture in your bedroom. it was the two of you on your wedding day, fingers intertwined tightly—two threads woven together expertly. the setting sun cast long shadows around the room from the open window that seemed to latch onto you. holding on for dear life. you ran a finger down katsuki’s face in the picture—the gentle smile he’d graced you with. only ever shown in your presence. you set the frame down and sighed—longing.
it took a few days for you to clean the entire apartment. deep scrubbing it and dousing it in a freshener to get rid of the bits of katsuki that lingered in the air. you hoped—so desperately—that it would alleviate some of the pain you felt in your chest. but as you stood in your darkened living room that smelled like citrus, you only felt emptier, it seemed. you ran a weary hand down your face.
you couldn’t… quite bring yourself to pack his things away just yet, either. so you sat on your couch as the moon peaked at you through the slightly drawn curtains, a single candle lit on the coffee table before you. it was lavender scented. you slumped forward to knead your fingers into your temples. you were exhausted. you missed him, so much that it hurt.
you stared at the flickering tangerine flame as it gleamed across your corneas.
something whispered your name.
it was soft—faint like a breath of air—yet it echoed so loudly in your ears because of how quiet your apartment was. your eyes darted up and to the side, wide and searching in the dark. you were alone. you couldn't see much beyond the couch you were sat upon. you swallowed heavily and waited, straining your ears in case you heard your name again. but you didn't.
you wondered if your grief was driving you insane.
you pursed your lips and stood up so you could slowly make your way to your bedroom to retire for the night. the shadows around you grew deeper with every step you took.
behind you, the candle went out.
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you felt as though you were being watched.
it happened out of nowhere, the feeling of eyes on you as you went about your day. at first you chalked it up to your nerves, maybe the fatigue that weighed heavily on your shoulders. but it persisted. the feeling was stronger at night, you noticed, when you were surrounded by the dark. or at least, you weren't as aware of it whilst you were bathed in daylight.
it grew harder and harder to ignore as time passed. in other circumstances, you wouldn't have let it affect you so much. you wouldn't have had such difficulty with proceeding on with your daily routine. but you were troubled by the weight of the stare and the voices that whispered your name at night—when you were at your lowest, sitting in that too cold, too wide living room that smelled like a mix of citrus and lavender.
what really shook you, however, happened one evening after the sun had set and a gloomy dusk settled across the navy sky. you were sitting on the couch in your living room as you read a book, the lamp in the corner turned on to swathe everything in a warm honey glow. after what felt like hours, you eventually got up to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. it was then that you felt your foot get caught on something.
at first you thought you'd fallen victim to the blanket that spilled over the arm of the couch like a lazy waterfall. but when you looked down at your foot, you realized it wasn't stuck on anything. in fact, there was nothing wrong with it. you blinked down at your foot slowly, not comprehending what exactly was going on. it felt as though something had wrapped around it, gripping tightly at your ankle. something you couldn't see.
you gave a halfhearted tug at it, noticing how it was in the shadow of the couch from the lamp's light. but it didn't budge—not one bit. something in your stomach seemed to sink and grow deeper as you tried to pull your foot free from whatever held onto it. you swallowed heavily and—with all the strength in your body—wrenched your foot free. out of the deep shadow it was encased in.
the force you used made you stumble back until you hit the floor roughly on your backside. you immediately tugged your legs closer to your body, staring wide-eyed at the spot your foot had been stuck in before. there was nothing there. the skin around your ankle seemed to buzz. a shiver crawled up your spine.
something had changed, that evening.
you started drawing your curtains wide open, letting in the sun's light during the day and the moon's at night. you kept the lights on in every room you were in, chasing away every last remnant of the shadows. you were driving up your electricity bill, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. anything to make you feel safe—in a place where you once thought you could not be harmed.
it made you jumpy—set your attentiveness on fire. it had gotten to the point where your friends had started to notice something was wrong.
"are you... okay?" mina asked you tentatively one day as you met with her for a late lunch. your eyes darted over to look at her from where they'd been lingering on the shadows splayed across the table. "you seem... nervous."
"i'm fine," you assured her quickly, clearing your throat. your fingers tapped at the laminated menu before you. "i just... ah... have a lot on my mind, is all."
mina hummed, but it didn't seem like she really believed you. "if you say so..." her dark eyes looked down at her own menu, then back up at your own with a newfound sincerity to them. "you know we're here for you, right? i know it's... hard. for you."
you looked at her—really looked at her. she looked as tired as you felt, though where she covered her fatigue up with makeup, you didn't. and you were reminded, just then, that katsuki had been her friend, too.
you reached over so you could give her pink hand a gentle squeeze. "yeah"—you gave her a soft smile that she reciprocated—"i know."
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you found yourself, one saturday evening, sitting on the floor in the middle of your brightly lit living room as you shuffled through a cardboard box. in it, were photo albums that mitsuki had gifted you so long ago. they were filled to the brim with childhood photos of katsuki—from the moment he was born, to the moment he and you had finally moved in together. you weren’t sure why, exactly, you were compelled to crack open this box, but you did. and it was simultaneously the best and the worst decision you’d made since his death.
you smiled wetly as your fingers flipped page after page, trailed down picture after picture of katsuki. him when he was five, his palms popping like sparklers. him when he was sixteen, grumpily standing with eijiro outside u.a. him when he was twenty-four, an arm wrapped around your shoulders as he scowled off into the distance. you thought everything would get easier—you hoped and dreamed. but it didn’t. at least, not yet.
you sighed and shut the thick album gently. then you hugged it to your chest, closing your eyes as you reminisced.
you breathed in, deep.
there was the smell of burnt caramel in the air—faint.
your eyes snapped open just as the lights went out around you, plunging you into darkness.
for a moment, your breaths stilled. you blinked, your eyes wide as they adjusted to the sudden change. the open window allowed pale blue moonlight to reach into the room, but it wasn’t enough. you glanced around, wondering what had happened. power outage? you glanced at the t.v. stand, where the cable box on the shelf within it still blinked red numbers at you to tell you the time. that was odd. you frowned and slowly picked yourself off the ground.
the moment you moved, you immediately felt the weight of a foreboding, familiar stare. that bore straight through you and set each and every hair on your arms and neck straight. you froze and let your eyes trail around you, cataloging every piece of furniture, every dark shadow that stretched towards you.
and that was when you noticed it. 
in the deepest, darkest corner of your living room. 
there was something. something that seemed to draw in the darkness around it. that writhed and dripped as it pulled itself up from the ground. no, not from the ground, you discovered. from the shadows. it was large. it was tenebrous. and it terrified you. 
but you couldn’t get yourself to run away. no matter how much you willed your legs to move, it seemed like you were rooted to one spot. you watched as this thing slammed a large, clawed hand on the floor—midnight like the shadows around it—and scratched its nails deep into the wood. it coalesced into what looked like a head and shoulders—a torso that moved in a way that was inhumane.
you took in a sharp breath of air when it rasped out something deep. that grated at your ears and made you feel the sudden urge to run. two crimson dots peered at you—bright like smoldering pieces of coal. and you realized you were looking right into its eyes.
it was difficult to decipher where the thing started and where it ended, with how wrapped into the shadows it was. you felt your heart leap up into your throat when it rasped that same word again—that you soon realized wasn't just any normal word. it was your name. and maybe that realization was all it took to jar you into movement.
you stumbled backwards, your instincts screaming at you to get away—run as fast as you could. it wasn't safe here anymore, it wasn't safe. you spun around and lunged for the front door, hoping, perhaps, that once you left your apartment, you would be okay. you could get help.
but you didn't make it too far.
something latched onto your leg, crawled up your body until you were twirled back around and forced into one spot. the thing wrapped its murky limbs around you, looming over you until all you could see was its strange, dark body. it pinned your arms to your sides and gripped at your chin to make you look up at it.
it said your name again—in a voice, you noticed, was familiar, somehow. with an undertone of this desperation. that gripped at your heart and caused you to look into its crimson eyes once more. really look at them. and what you saw reflected against them made you stop struggling. the pale moonlight backlit its features that slowly took on a shape you could recognize. you swallowed heavily.
"katsuki?" you whispered hesitantly. its grip loosened slightly at your voice. and suddenly you were burning up from the inside as the last bits of shadow slipped from its face and revealed one you knew all too well—that plagued you in your dreams and your nightmares. you slipped a hand out of his hold so you could reach up with shaky fingers and lightly touch at the curve of his cheek. his eyes closed.
"how are—" you choked out, your voice thick with emotions you couldn't even begin to decipher. your eyes frantically darted across his features, taking them in—memorizing them as though it was the last time you would ever see them again. he looked like himself, like your katsuki. but there was his underlying feeling that something was wrong. inhuman in the paleness of his skin and the way this darkness seemed to cling to him, unrelenting. "how are you—"
"i fought through hell," katsuki rasped out in a voice that seemed to echo in your ears, "to get back to you."
"you—" something seemed to lodge itself in your throat, just then. and all you could do was lean forward and wrap your arms around his shoulders. pulling him closer so you could rest your ear against his chest and listen to the thrumming of his heart. alive.
"it was hard"—he swallowed thickly—"i tried so fuckin' hard to let y'know i was here. but i was so fuckin' weak. couldn't do shit other than mess with the lights."
"all that time," you breathed as you turned your gaze to look up at him, "it was you?" he only grunted and held you closer. you bit at the inside of your bottom lip to keep it from trembling and buried your face into his dark chest. his body seemed to waver—shake, almost—like it could fall apart at any second. and that terrified you.
"what... happened to you?" you asked in a stifled voice, talking into his sternum. "please tell me you can stay."
"don't think 'bout that," he told you as one of his clawed hands came up to cradle the back of your head. you sunk deeper into his hold, unwilling to let go. "'m here now, yeah?"
you held him tighter—as though you could absorb him directly into your body. it was true, he was back. he was here as this tumultuous being of the night. that had clawed his way back to you—defying death as you knew it.
but at a cost you knew would never be repaid.
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umseb · 2 months
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📷 @.heysicheng / instagram
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spotlightstudios · 4 months
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Omg the girls are fighting...
No, but frfr, this is a collab drawing between me and @neonsix67 !!! It's been ages! Neon chose the pose + drew Vox, while I drew Alastor and the background!
It was gonna be a showcase of our styles at first, buuuuut we both subconsciously just mimicked their og styles. It happens, lol. Regardless, I had a ton of fun!
Bonus Commentary of the Progress:
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^ Phone refused to send the images, and half of my messages.
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akirachuuu · 29 days
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Just enjoying some tea with Caine in @endomentendo 's art.
Ik this is bad, i suck at digital art.
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nin-ei · 8 months
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