#clexa TikTok
dysco-lymonade · 1 year
Dear god. This TikTok is not able to be saved. But for the love of all that his holy. I have so many Clexa AU feels about it.
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goldenvulpine · 1 month
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clexmas23 · 9 months
Clextober is NEAR!
Let’s celebrate all things Clexa and one of the best seasons of the year! 
We’re talking fanart, fanvids, fanfics, mood boards, photo manipulations, videos, fic recs, TikToks, the works. You don’t have to participate every day but it would be amazing if you did. You can pick one, or three, or any combo you would like. Listed below are a few ideas to get your creativity going, but they are by no means strict guidelines. You do you, boo! 👻 
Remember to tag #Clextober23, #7DaysofClexa, and #(day/prompt) when posting. 
Example: #Clextober23 #7DaysofClexa #Day4 #Day4: Magical Nights, and of course, any other tags you’d like to add.
Day 1 - Spirit Week A typical spirit week happens during the fall months and is designed to spark joy, creativity, and happiness in any school campus or place of work.
Day 2 - Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice Pumpkin patches, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin carving, pumpkin spice candles, all things pumpkins!
Day 3 - Annual Fall Festival Craft fairs, apple picking, pumpkin patches, sweater weather, corn mazes, baking, bonfires, hayrides! 
Day 4 - Magical Nights  Witches, warlocks, black cats, spells, potions, broomsticks, candles, curses, and magic is definitely one way you can take this. Or you could have just a magical night under the stars with the woman you love.
Day 5 - The Other Side The other side of what?!  Are we talking about Spirits and the afterlife or are we talking about seeing a beautiful woman on the other side of the street?  
Day 6 - Vampires to Werewolves Vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, graveyards, aliens, beasts, Frankenstein, demons, creatures, etc.!
Day 7 - Free Day On Halloween, it’s FREE DAY! 
Didn’t see a theme that you wanted? Missed a day but now you suddenly have a brilliant idea? Today’s YOUR day.
If you need any more suggestions/inspiration, send me an ask. I’ll try my best to give you ideas, or you can always make a post for my friends and/or followers to come up with clever things for you
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chrlvctius · 6 months
"I'm not her clarke"
"I know"
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lovelyy-moonlight · 1 year
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melsnor98 · 10 months
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
If Clexa were a true modern couple, Clarke would be the one insisting they try all the couples tiktok stunt trends and Lexa would be the one shaking her head in the background because she's been roped into it against her will but also can't say no
I will not be taking constructive criticism at this time
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vmplvr1977 · 7 months
Ok I found TikTok links to what I imagine Clarke doing when playing
And she gets the applied amongst a few pups that wanted to play you know but then the zoomies are like a cold, you get it easily you know ? That means she gets it, and she causes CHAOS every pup has it.
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Oh, Clarke definitely causes chaos with the pups in the Clexa household. She and the pups have knocked over a few of Lexa's priceless statues and fancy lamps. But Lexa can't find it in herself to be upset, because they are so damned cute.
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So Lexa's has her staff wolf-proof their penthouse. The expensive artwork and breakable furniture gets moved to a safe place, Lexa's mate and pups can run through the house freely. And Clarke, well she just might do it not only to make herself and the pups happy, but to hear Lexa's laugh as she watches her furry family causing havoc in their home.
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kpforpresident · 2 years
May I ask how you joined the clexa fandom?
You may! I actually initially watched the 100 in like 2017/2018 (whenever it ended up on Netflix) and liked it but wasn't hooked, yanno?
Then during the pandemic I found the brain rot that was tiktok, the algorithm quickly figured out I was queer, and I got a ton of Clexa stuff on my FYP. Then I promptly fell in love with Clexa and found A03/eventually the Tumblr community here. Spent two years reading everything Clexa related I could find and creeping on content before a few months ago I got the balls to write something and post my own writing that is now my canon fic. If you scroll through some popular fics (ie anything that our faves on here have written), you will absolutely see my unhinged comments pre- me starting to actually write.
@butmakeitgayblog actually messaged me the night I posted and was so lovely and encouraging and was probably 85% of the reason I didn't panic and delete it the next day, lol. So if you've liked anything I've posted since it is thanks to her initial support and cheerleading!
I'm super grateful for this space and the people I've met and gotten to know, not to be sappy on main or anything 🖤🖤
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chasing-chimeras · 1 year
"Get To Know Me” Tag Game! Tagged by @thiamsxbitch and @waterloou
Fave Ships: Thiam, Berica, Scira, Allydia (i wasn’t sold, but then i watched a few tiktoks and now i’m like oh yeah, lydia’s a lesbian, but i also can see her w stiles), and Trayden thanks to inglorious roommates
Not TW: Clexa (clarke/lexa from the 100), Nabrielise (nathan/gabriel/annalise from half bad), Kiribaku (kirishima/bakugo from MHA), probably a few others but these are the only three that come to mind
First ship: Briam (leave me alone i was literally a teenager and brett was tall 🙈🙈🙈)
Last song: affection by cigarettes after sex
Currently reading: Tevinter Nights, but also....
Regression to the Mean by @theoceanismyinkwell
Inglorious Roommates by @honeyscapes
“I Left Because You Never Asked Me To Stay” by @ksbbb
The Ten Branches by @dinkelmehl
Broken Parts and The Ring by @waterloou
i’ve also got a list of fics to start once i finish some of these, but i’m the world’s slowest reader.....
Last movie: i genuinely can’t remember lol
Currently Watching: teen wolf (again x300), warrior nun, and dragon age absolution (for the second time)
Consuming: a lot of energy drinks bc final papers are due in less than a week 💀
Currently Craving: kaleb’s half bad au and a viable career path outside of academia 😀
Currently Working On: final edits on chapter 13 of green zone, edits on chapters 20-28 of blue runt as well as chapter 29, moving from the planning stage to a rough rough draft on red flags (college au)
 Tagging: @theoceanismyinkwell @dinkelmehl @ksbbb @dunbarsmunson @sydney-winchester @dunbarogers @sequinedmonkey @attempted--eloquence @sterekshipper-writer @salshuman @himbo-aficionado @metagalacticx @yikeshereiam and @unspokenstydia
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celiastjamesoscar · 8 months
We don't know for sure, she's a hybrid of different breeds, but most likely Kokoni. We got her from a shelter in Lithuania. Her name is Nike, not like the brand though. Pronounced more like Neeke.
Yeah, poor Nat definitely deserved much better. I don't know much about the general plot but I do know that she had a tragic history, which made her closed off and reluctant to let people in. She deserved to have someone who completely understood her and was patient with her. Bruce is meh. He's just there. Natty could have such a beautiful love story. From a closed of hardass to slowly trusting her girlfriend (Wanda, Maria, any hot woman)
Oh yeah, Dani and Jamie were truly perfect. Mike destroyed all of our fragile gay hearts but it's still beautiful. Clexa was and will forever be my all time favorite ship. Through them I discovered that I like girls so they will always have a special place in my heart. Like you I'm also not really shipping people, it honestly depends on what I'm currently watching and what I'm obsessed with. Like Wanda and Nat right now. But I do love Villaneve. They're so chaotic 😭
How's your camping trip going?
Nike is adorable no matter her breed!!
Natasha definitely deserved better. I wish that she had more screen time just so we could have gotten more of actual story. I think the closest she got to having someone understand her was Clint, but that was only platonic love. She deserved to have some womanly love!!
Mike deserves jail time for all of the heart break he’s caused. I still love him though. The Clexa love story is one of my favorites, I love how Lexa made a move on Clarke after not even a week of knowing each other and in the middle of a war 😭 Lexa had been in the trenches after Costia. VILLANEVE!!! I’ve never actually watched the show, but I love their dynamic so much. Most of my tiktok feed is just videos of them 😭
My camping trip was good! It was a bit cold, so my brother and I just stayed in our camper and watched The House of Usher together while our parents hung out with their camping friends. My brother only watched the last 4 episodes with me, but he really loved it. Im trying to get him to watch Hill House next
How has your day been love? <3
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Looking at you Bollywood and your 'progressive' efforts
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sapphictv · 3 years
Top Sapphic Ships on Tumblr in 2020
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iconictiktoks · 4 years
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lofi-lotus · 4 years
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butmakeitgayblog · 8 months
Totally not related to clexa, but have you heard of the real life filipina version of evelyn hugo? I’m just gonna tell it anyway coz i’m such a sap for tshoeh, and i’m so disappointed in myself that i didn’t even know that one of my favourite veteran filipina actresses story is sooooo much similar to hers and she told all this just a year ago🥹 So her name is Gina Pareño one of the very best actresses in the philippines ever, and over the years since her youth, she was always seen with another brilliant actress named Nenita Vidal. They were seen hanging out together, during interviews, and red carpet premieres and all that. The whole industry and the audience always saw them as the very best of friends. Little did everyone know that they were romatically involved. So Gina never really disclosed if she had a husband before or just a boyfriend, but she does have a daughter (just like evelyn! She’s alive though lol). They continue their secret relationship until Nenitas passing 20 years ago or more than 20 years i think. Gina went on with her life and didn’t marry. Her career was still strong up until now. So last year when she turned 75 she gave an interview and admitted that she was with Nenita and that they really loved each other. She said that it wasn’t even a secret really just that people never asked. And what breaks me even more is Nenitas urn is kept by her at her house 😭 Gina’s even active on tiktok doing all these dance trends with her daughter and it’s so cute! So yeah I was in shambles when i watched her interview
I'm in fucking shambles just reading this 🥺
So they were in love and devoted to each other, "hiding" in plain sight but really just being together wherever they fuck they wanted, then when her basically wife died she went on but never found a new love to replace her (or at least not one she ever felt necessary to keep that close), and in her retirement she finally speaks out about the great love of her life and tells the world that she always loved her fully and without shame and just no one was smart enough to see it??? I'M????
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