#claudia henderson x wayne munson
Can you imagine if like Eddie introduces heavy metal to Claudia and she ends up liking it and they end up sometimes in her car listening to it? Claudia would LOVE Eddie. Why?
"He reminds me of a cat," Claudia said with a grin.
Eddie would take that as the hugest compliment and then would proceed to set her up with his uncle. After she gets together with Wayne, Claudia then tries to get Eddie with Steve only to find out they're already together.
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@steddiemas Day 21 -  Home and/or Dinner
pairing: steddie | word count: 1,333 | rated: G
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“For real this time.”
Steve’s words pull his eyes off that stupid sprig of greenery and back down to his face, but his brain is still sprinting laps in his head, “For real? Who put—? When did—?”
He takes a couple seconds to slow his brain down into a jog. “Yeah?”
“I’m being serious. I want to kiss you. Please.”
“....If this is a pity thing–” Eddie’s stomach twists at the thought.
“It’s not a pity thing.” Steve assures in a soft voice, trailing his hand down the wrist he’d taken hold of to link his fingers with Eddie’s. “I want to kiss you because you’re you and because I’ve wanted to for a while now.”
Okay…he seems genuine enough.
“And also it’s a little bit of a pity thing.” Steve grins good-naturedly.
“Ugh!” Eddie groans, dropping his face into his free hand.
“I just want to be 100% honest.” Steve laughs, “And if I’m being 100% honest, I put this one here, not Robin. And I followed you out here to make sure you were okay and also maybe to get another chance to kiss you.”
Eddie lifts his head and his eyes narrow, studying Steve’s face. His expression seems sincere; serious with an undercurrent of humor to it. His lips twitch too, like his mouth is having a hard time not smiling at him.
“Then you just had to get all sad and mopey on me.” Steve teases.
It breaks through Eddie’s wariness the rest of the way, surprisingly, and he bursts out in cackles.
“What?” Steve asks, laughing slightly with the word, but his smile is wary around the edges.
“Nothing, nothing, I just,” Eddie chuckles again, “Nothing. Yeah, sure, lay one on me, big boy.”
Steve squints at him skeptically.
“I’m not gonna if you still think this is some big joke.”
“Well forgive me if the man of my dreams asking to kiss me is a bit of a hard concept to grasp.” 
The younger man is silent for a moment, though now his eyes are wide.
“What? Why do you keep staring at me?”
“I’m the man of your dreams?”
Oh fuck.
“Uh.. No. I lied, I was only fucking with you, I—”
Steve steps closer and raises a hand to Eddie’s face, brushing the backs of his knuckles along his cheek.
He studies him closely, eyes locked onto his own.
His hand slips off his face to place his palm at the side of Eddie’s neck, his fingers lacing into the hairs at the back of his neck.
“I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Okay.” Eddie gulps.
When their lips connect, everything else falls away.
Steve’s lips are soft on his, and the tip of his nose is freezing cold where it’s pressed into Eddie’s cheek, making him gasp.
Steve takes the opportunity to slide his tongue between Eddie’s lips, only the tiniest touch of their tongues feels electric.
“Steve,” Eddie sighs.
“Mmm..?” it’s more of a soft moan than an acknowledgment, and the sound shoots all the way down Eddie’s spine and into his gut.
“Mhm,” Eddie says in response, locking their mouths together, then after another moment he hums again. “Hm, wait, your nose is freezing!” he pulls away with a smile, looking across the almost non-existent gap between their faces at Steve’s expression.
His eyes are blown wide, his cheeks and nose are red along with his lips, from the cold and from Eddie’s obviously insane levels of kissing prowess.
“You think I care about that right now?” Steve asks, diving back in for more.
Who’s Eddie to tell him what to care about?
“Ah ha!” Robin’s sudden yell, even through the glass, startles them apart. The long blinds on either side of her ripple away from where she’s got two of them parted at the door.
“Jesus H. Christ, Robin!”
“What the hell?!”
She slides the door open and points accusingly at Steve, “You told him straight to his face “Now we’re even.” the last time mistletoe happened, and he still let you kiss him for real??”
“Wait, wha–”
“Oh yeah... Damn it Steve, why’d you let me kiss you like that? I’m still mad at you for Melvald’s.” Eddie says, teasingly pushing Steve further away from him.
“Kiss me?! I kissed you!”
He waves this off, “Semantics.” 
Steve just rolls his eyes in response. “Come on; you’re right, I’m freezing my ass off out here.” He squeezes between the two of them and through the open door.
Eddie turns his gaze to Robin instead, who’s grinning widely at him already. “Congratulations, Doofus, you got Dingus to make a move.”
“Good thing too; I don’t think I would have made one myself.”
“We know.”
“We? Who’s we—”
“You comin’ Eds?” Steve calls, already in the dining room.
“Yeah, yep, absolutely.” he scoots past a still very smug Robin and follows the sound of Steve’s voice.
Oh no. He can sense a pattern forming.
“Steve?” Most of the rest of the guests are piled in the far half of the room, the living room half. Lucas is in the dining half, and gives him a knowing smile while he slides a huge bowl of mashed potatoes into the center of the huge dining table.
“In here, Eds.” Steve calls from the kitchen.
“I don’t wanna hear it, Sinclair,” Eddie points threateningly, half-heartedly, at the teen.
He hears Lucas’ response as he ducks out of the room into the hall “I didn’t say anything, Eds.”
Wayne and Hopper are on one end of the island when he enters, though he doesn’t notice until after he’s placed himself at Steve’s side.
“D’ya need help Stevie?” he asks Steve’s back(side) while he pulls the now-baked pie from the oven.
“Nope, I’m good Ed.” he turns, and places the dish onto the island carefully. Eddie closes the oven for him anyway.
“It looks great, sweetheart,” He says, leaning close to Steve’s side, “I was worried it’d be too many blueberries.”
Steve opens his mouth to say something, but is interrupted by Hopper’s low voice.
“You boys better be careful, now.”
Eddie jumps back immediately, his eyes darting to Wayne.
Wayne is shaking his head fondly. “Took the words righ’ outta my mouth, Chief.” he says, going back to what he was doing (which was carving the turkey apparently; how’d he not notice that?).
He glances back at Steve (oh yeah, that’s why), who’s own panicked look is sliding off his face.
“Yes sir, Mr. Chief Hopper, sir.” he says, his eyes returning to Hopper’s amused expression.
“Where’s the formality coming from?” Steve leans in to say in a not-so-hushed whisper. 
Eddie not-whispers back in the same tone. “I dunno, the guy’s basically your dad isn’t he?” 
Wayne and Hopper laugh, and soon, there’s a herd of teens flooding into the kitchen to steal fingerfuls of the bird.
“Get yer damn hands outta my turkey, you little—”
“But we’re hungry Uncle Wayne, come on.”
“I said no, Mike, now go help set the table or something. Shit’s already done so it’s almost time, yea?”
Even with how large of a table it is, more chairs and another table had to be added to accommodate everyone. A couple folding tables and chairs, and the smaller ‘event’ table from the Harringtons’ fancy finished basement were hauled out, and the giant double-wide table is covered with tablecloths, with plates, and with piles and piles of food.
The chairs fill in in no time, and Eddie finds himself smushed between Jeff and Steve on one side of the table, Robin’s on Steve’s other side, of course, and Dustin and Claudia are across from him next to Wayne. 
He’s surrounded by his friends and family, the food is great, Wayne’s definitely being flirted with by Ms. Henderson, and Eddie’s hand is resting on Steve’s leg under the table, or across the back of his chair, or their legs are pressed together…
It’s the best Christmas dinner he’s had in years.
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other parts! Pt. 1 (Day 1) | Pt. 2 (Day 2) | Pt. 3 (Day 5) | Pt. 4 (Day 6) | Pt. 5 (Day 7) | Pt. 6 (Day 11) | Pt. 7 (Day 13) | Pt. 8 (Day 18) | Pt. 9 (Day 21) [YOU ARE HERE] | Pt. 10 (Day 25) also on AO3! this year
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slowandsteddie · 10 months
Since you’re asking for fic ideas, how about Claudia Henderson taking Steve in when he’s younger? She knows Wayne Munson got custody of his nephew the year before, so she asks him for advice helping Steve adjust.
Maybe Steve and Eddie getting to be close friends? Bonus points for little brother Dustin!
Thank you so much for the request! I love it and have been thinking about it nonstop.
CW: mentions of divorce, previous child neglect/abuse, C-PTSD, mention of minor character death (murder), swearing
I’m not sure what happened here exactly. I just know that I like it.
1953 words.
Claudia Henderson had always wanted two boys, a fact that almost everyone in Hawkins knew about. So, it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise to her that Jim Hopper was standing on her doorstep. He was holding his hat in front of him and the look on his face proved that he knew he was probably going to ask too much. Again.
“How can I help you, Chief?” She asked as though she couldn’t see Steve Harrington sitting in Hop’s car and looking straight ahead.
He cleared his throat. “I need to watch over the kid for a few days. Maybe a week while we try to get ahold of some relatives.”
Jim never was one to beat around the bush, but neither was Claudia. “Why?”
“His father is… going away for a while.” He seemed uncomfortable.
“Why?” She repeated, subconsciously crossing her arms when she had to press for more answers. He came to her for a favor, she had every reason to demand answers.
“He killed his wife and the kid has nowhere else to go in the meantime. I don’t want to have to hold him in a cell just because we don’t have a child services division in this small town.”
“Sorry we aren’t New York, Chief.” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. That poor kid. Did he see what happened? Was she going to have to take him into the station to answer questions in the morning? “Does he have anything with him?”
“Just some clothes. He didn’t really want anything out of that house.”
She sighed again at that. “Bring him, then.”
Tomorrow, she was going to see if he wanted to go to the store and get anything. Probably best to keep him busy if he was willing. Besides, she needed to take Dustin to go pick out a new coloring book anyway.
Claudia looked out through the darkness and gave herself a moment to mourn, though not to cry. Steve’s mother had been her friend, even if they had drifted apart after Claudia’s divorce had gone through. Tonight couldn’t be about her. Not when her best friend’s son needed someone to take care of him.
“Thank you, Ms Henderson,” Hop said as he passed the backpack over to her and Steve stood on her doorstep.
He was so skinny. And was that bruising or shadows on his tiny face? That was a question she’d leave for the morning. Right now, he looked like he was about to collapse.
“I’m not doing it for you,” she replied before kneeling down to Steve’s level.
Hop took the opportunity to leave. The young male looked to him the same way a terrified boy would look for his father and Claudia made a note to reprimand the police chief later.
“Hi, Steve. I know this isn’t your home, but I want you to be comfortable here. Do you want to stay in the spare room tonight, or my room?”
He looked at her, wide eyed, as if she had a second head. “I get to choose?” He asked so softly and it broke her heart.
“You always have a choice here, Steve. As long as you stay safe and don’t hurt anyone.”
He chewed his lip and winced. It made Claudia lean more towards bruises than shadows, but it was hard to tell in the lighting and she wasn’t going to push. He had been through a lot.
“Spare room please,” Steve eventually decided.
Claudia made sure to show him where the kitchen and the bathroom were in case he needed anything. She also pointed out her own room being right across the hall before opening the door to the spare room for him. She did her best to make sure that he was as settled and comfortable as he was going to be under the circumstances. She stood in the door frame for a few seconds, holding on to it gently. She didn’t want to leave him, but he had requested to be alone.
“Anything you need, Steve. Just let me know. And Dustin might pester you in the morning if he wakes up before I do.”
“Okay,” he said simply.
Claudia went back to bed, leaving her door open. She really was going to have to call Wayne in the morning.
If Steve snuck into her room and laid on the floor beside her bed, she pretended not to notice.
“Wayne?” She was speaking a little lower than normal, but she did have two sleeping boys in her house and she was doing her best to keep it that way. “How did you help Eddie cope when he had to move in with you?”
“Why are you asking Claudia?” His voice was rough, but she knew him well enough to know that it was because he was tired.
“Have you heard about what happened at the Harrington’s yet?”
“You mean the murder?”
“I have Steve. Hop brought him to me last night,” she said in a rush before looking down the hall to make sure neither boy was going to sneak in on this conversation.
“Just make sure he feels safe and knows that things are going to happen at his speed, as much as possible. Have your limits and stick to them. Don’t let him push you over just because you know the hell he’s been through. And most important? Don’t try and be his Mama unless he asks you to.”
“Don’t have to worry about that last one. Hop said it should hopefully only be a week until they find some family willing to take him.” There was a tiny sniffle behind her. “Shit, Wayne. I gotta go. I’ll call you back tonight.”
When Claudia turned around, Steve was already disappearing back into the spare bedroom. The door closed with a soft click.
“Mom, what’s for breakfast?” Dustin demanded as he walked out of his room and straight to the kitchen.
She’d check in on Steve soon. He probably needed a minute anyway.
“Pancakes sound good to you, Dusty?”
His toothless grin made her heart hurt.
How could anyone look at their child and feel anything but love?
It had been a few months and it seemed like Steve was staying. No one wanted to step up and take Steve. Honestly? Claudia wasn’t heartbroken about it. The longer he stayed, the more she loved him. She wasn’t fully convinced that she would let anyone take him away from her at this point. She wasn’t sure when she started looking at Steve as a son exactly, just that it happened quickly. Even Dustin, spoiled as he was, was excited to have an older kid in the house to hang out with. He said it made him seem cool to his friends that he suddenly found himself spending a lot more time with a Harrington. Whatever that meant.
She was just happy they were getting along. Happy that Steve was getting more comfortable with them. He was back up to a healthy weight, all the bruises were gone, and his injuries had turned to faded scars. Steve was safe. Most importantly, he was happy and loved. Claudia tried to not let it get to her that those were new feelings for the boy who previously only knew neglect or abuse at the hands of his biological parents.
Claudia woke up in the middle of the night, her heart pounding. What was that? A second thud had her throwing her covers back and running to the kitchen. The sight that greeted her would have made her laugh if Steve didn’t look so terrified.
Both boys were covered in flour. Honestly, the fact that most of the kitchen also had at least a thin dusting of the stuff was kind of impressive.
“What’s happening in here?” She asked with a smile.
Steve flinched and she tried to not let it get to her. He had to know by now that she would never hurt him, but the past doesn’t just go away like that.
“We were trying to make you a cake, but you put the flour too high and Steve wasn’t going to crawl on the counter. So I had to do it.” Dustin supplied after looking at the older kid and realizing that he wasn’t going to talk.
It happened a lot, Steve suddenly not talking. He also tended to leave the room a lot and hide in what had become his room. At least he felt safe enough to walk away now. He wasn’t walking away this time.
“It’s your birthday,” Steve said so softly. “It’s your birthday and you deserve a cake. I never got a cake.” His words got quieter as he kept talking, the last part of what he said barely audible.
“Oh, Steve,” Claudia’s heart was breaking. Shattering, really. “That’s really thoughtful of you, sweetheart. How about this? We clean up this mess and try again together? Yeah? Then I’ll move some stuff around so you can reach all the food in this kitchen.”
His eyes were shiny with unshed tears as the fear on his face gave way to a shy smile. “Okay,” he said simply.
And that was that.
Claudia was flustered.
She had been talking to Wayne a lot lately because he could relate to what she was going through. Taking in a kid who had nowhere else to go.
Somehow, that translated into them going out for dinner or lunch a few times to talk in person. To complain about the hardships and brag about the worthy things respectively.
That turned into her actually asking him on a date. Even more surprisingly, he agreed! Even though she knew he wouldn’t care, she was dressed in her absolute best and even took the time to tame her wild hair.
When there was a knock on the door, she was quick to answer it before Steve or Dustin had a chance. What she saw took her breath away. Wayne had put an effort in as well, and he was even holding a bouquet of flowers. Her cheeks heated and she smiled widely.
“They’re beautiful,” she breathed.
“You’re beautiful,” Wayne replied.
“Come in, come in,” she insisted as she stepped out of the way. When she saw Eddie, she smiled at him as well. “Thank you for agreeing to babysit my kiddos for me.”
Eddie grinned. “Uncle Wayne said he’d get me an Iron Maiden cassette.” Then he was running off to Dustin’s room, following the sound of laughter.
Claudia laughed softly before returning her attention to Wayne.
He shrugged. “Flattery and bribery get you everywhere with that boy,” he joked before going to grab a vase to put the flowers in.
Obviously he had been around the house a few times and paid attention to where she put things. Briefly, Claudia pictured Wayne and Eddie moving in - in the future.
It wasn’t a bad thought.
When they got back, Claudia was greeted by an adorable sight. Dustin was asleep, spread across the couch. Eddie and Steve were cuddled up in the recliner. Of course Dustin would claim the couch for himself and make two people share the smaller seat.
“Let’s not wake them just yet,” she said softly after a moment. “I’ve never seen Steve look so relaxed.”
Wayne had no objections. “Let’s put a note on the coffee table and then head to the backyard?”
Claudia had no objections, either. She scrawled out something on a piece of paper that was on the table already before leading the way outside. They sat on the outside loveseat, their knees touching.
Everyone was going to be spending a lot more time together. She just knew it.
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munson-memories · 1 year
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This mug is an ftd mug
Ftd is a delivery florist company and the mugs were sold filled with flowers as a "Pick-Me-Up Bouquet" in the 80s.
They were popular, these mugs were literally everywhere. Something tells me Wayne wouldnt just buy the mug from a charity shop/thrift store because its 'collectable'. His mugs seem to be picked carefully/collected over time or look gifted to him.
I wonder who sent them these flowers? These flowers were so common that everyone gifted them to each other even when there wasnt a special occasion, you could give them to family or friends and it wasnt strange or out of place.
Maybe it was an older woman who keeps dropping things off because she has a crush on Wayne? Maybe it was a nice old lady in the trailer park who sent them to Eddie for a previous graduation?
They were also given to lift peoples spirits, whether severe or minor.
what could have happened? 👀
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missingexaltation · 2 years
"Steve stays with Eddie at the hospital" this and "Dustin stays with Eddie at the hospital" that.
Where's my "Wayne stays at the hospital with Eddie, and gets inducted into the upside down shenanigans when the other adults hear the news while comforting their kids" fic?
Hopper isn't Eddie's biggest fan because of the drugs thing. The kid's a fucking nightmare to get through to, but Wayne's a good man, a vet, and he deserves to know the truth as to why his nephew is in the hospital. On top of that, he squares things with Wayne's job to make sure he's not fired for absence, and takes the time to explain the past few years of hell in Hawkins to him. The more they talk, the more Hopper realises what they've been through, and how much bad luck and prejudice has forced them into near poverty.
Joyce stops by with Murray, and between them they manage to get the Munsons the same governmental protection and compensation that they have bargained for. There won't be any fees for Eddie's hospital stay, their old debts are wiped, and they get a new home (a house!) to replace the one they lost. The government agents are good, but Joyce is better, and Murray is terrifying.
Claudia Henderson stops by with meals, treats and books, often bringing her son with her. Eddie saved her boy's life, she says, and she'll do whatever she can do repay them both. She's the one who gets Eddie his diploma, getting him graduated on a technicality, and Wayne cries when he finds out. She's sweet and unrelenting, and a wonderful, wonderful lady. (Wayne won't admit it, but he's very much tongue-tied and brain-soupy when she's around.)
It takes a few weeks for Eddie to wake up, and a few months before he can leave the hospital. In that time Wayne realises that he has a new network of people he can rely on. For the first time in years he's out of debt, has enough cash to spoil his nephew like he deserves, and an actual house for a home, instead of that fucking trailer.
Hell, he even has a garden big enough for growing vegetables now, and that's something he's dreamed of for years. And a porch to sit on in the evenings with whoever stops by (or Eddie, who seems to be enjoying the peace and quiet for once).
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somnambulic-thing · 1 year
Found family fluff with Eddie and Wayne, you said? This is for @storiesbyrhi <3 1.8k, fluffy stuff ahead | Eddie & Wayne, Eddie & Dustin, Eddie & Mews, Wayne/Claudia Henderson [Or: The Hendermunsons, like I call them.] didn't really read it back, very likely very messy
It’s 86, baby, and Eddie snatches his diploma, flips off most of Hawkins High and storms off the stage. Wayne is already up and on his way to meet his boy, well aware of the plan Eddie had made way back when he had failed his first Senior year, and Wayne wasn’t going to spoil the fun for his kid. In his opinion, Principal Higgins got off easy with just a middle finger.
Out in the parking lot, Wayne pulls Eddie into a firm hug, tells him he’s proud, so proud, pats his shoulders a little too hard, maybe, but he really is proud and when he holds Eddie by his outstretched arms, both men look a little teary.
“You ready for the next adventure, kid?”
Eddie’s grin could split the pavement. “Hell yeah, Wayne. You’ve no idea.”
Wayne walks to the driver’s side of his car and smiles a decent smile himself. “I raised ya, Ed. I think I got an inkling about that.”
Later that day, the two Munsons knock at the Hendersons door and are greeted with cheers and kisses; Eddie to both cheeks, Wayne to the mouth. Claudia is excited, has made every little treat she knows Eddie loves and there is enough food to feed eight people instead of four.
“How are you feeling, Eddie?” Claudia asks, cheeks pink, eyes a little teary. “Excited?”
“I’m good, I’m good. You can’t bawl on me before dinner though, I need some sustenance before that.”
She cups his cheeks and gives him a little pat, smiling up at him. “Of course. Dusty is in his room, go say hello while your uncle and I get everything ready.”
Dustin’s door is ajar and Eddie knocks against the doorframe, giving him no real time to respond before entering. “Ohhh Duuuusty-buuun,” he croons and is met with a massive eye-roll and an annoyed stare which holds for five full seconds before he breaks out into a big fat grin.
“There he is, Eddie the Graduate!” Dustin bows down low, his think cap slipping off his curly head. “Most metal departure ever! Even Nancy cheered!”
Eddie snatches the cap from the floor before Dustin can, puts it on and flops down on the bed, arms spread out. “Man,” he sighs, “I still can’t believe that I finally made it.”
The mattress dips a little as Dustin sits down and the silly giggle Eddie considers home by now fills him with a weird kind of warmth that toes the line between comfort and anxiety.
“Yeah, dude, non of us can really believe it,” Dustin says and Eddie pulls up his brows until they almost hit the visor of the cap.
Dustin’s eyes go wide, “No, no, no! That’s not what I mean!”
“What do you mean?”
“That… well, that we’re going to miss you, man.” Dustin rubs the back of his head and mumbles, “that I’m going to miss you… you know… you’re like the big brother I always wanted… and Hawkins won’t be the same without you now…”
“Uhh, fuck,” Eddie groans and presses his palms to his eyes. “The Hendersons and their tear-jerking properties.”
He sits up, sees the slight pout on Dustin’s face and puts and arm around his shoulder, ruffling through his curls, swallowing a small lump before he speaks again. “I’ll visit, as much as I can, okay?”
“Yeah, of course, I don’t mean to rain on your parade, man…”
“You better use your time wisely, I want to test out your DM qualities the first time I’m back.”
“What?” Dustin looks shocked, and starts to stammer. “I… no… that’s… weird, no Eddie, no, I… I… horrible idea… could never…”
Eddie laughs and pulls his arm around Dustin’s shoulder a little tighter. “Speak after me: I, Dustin Henderson…”
“I, Dustin Henderson…”
“…will be a great Dungeon Master!”
“…will be a great Dungeon Master!”
“Good,” Eddie smirks and pokes the tip of his tongue out his mouth. “It’s okay to not be as formidable as I am, kiddo, it’s hard to keep up with the divine…”
“Ass,” Dustin mutters, shoving Eddie slightly but they both chuckle softly.
“But no, hey, really… Don’t try to do what I did. You do your own thing and it will be great.”
“You sure?”
“Oh, yeah,” Eddie says and slumps back to the mattress again. “Would never have bullied you into taking over Hellfire if I wasn’t. M’ actually pretty fucking relieved to know it will be in good hands… don’t tell Wheeler, but I was considering failing another year when he declared his interest in taking over…”
“Man, would I be pissed after all those hours tutoring your antsy ass,” Dustin laughs and nudges Eddie’s knee with his own. “Your secret is safe with me.”
A soft knock on the door, then Wayne’s face appears in the doorframe. “You boys hungry?”
“Starving,” they say in unison and hop off the bed.
As they make their way into the kitchen Eddie remembers the first time he walked into the Hendersons house about a year ago on a mission to teach Dustin everything he knew about being a Dungeon Master. It had been like the house wanted him here, like it tried to persuade him that this was a place he needed to come back to, like the secrets on how to go on with his life that he sometimes was so weary of lay here in this humble one-story home.
It didn’t take long for Dustin to notice a pattern in the way Eddie did certain things. The kid started asking all kinds of weird questions about how Eddie went about his assignments at school and after he’d reluctantly answered all the very uncomfortable stuff, he could see a light bulb turn on and explode over Dustin’s head. Turned out that Dustin spent his summers at science camp with a lot of kids in need of alternative ways of learning and that over the years, Dustin had picked up on a few tricks himself. Tricks that worked wonders with Eddie. Soon, Dustin declared Eddie a fucking brain that just needed some directions from someone who was willing to be patient enough to show them to him.
Meeting Dustin hadn’t only changed Eddie’s life but also the life of his uncle and Eddie was proud of that. Proud that something he did ultimately lead to Wayne being as happy as Eddie had ever seen him.
Eddie had spent so much time at the Hendersons that Claudia one day told him to invite Wayne for dinner so that Eddie wouldn’t have to leave early to catch Wayne before his night shifts started. There had been nothing to prepare Eddie for how much of a flirt his uncle could be. Claudia had not stood a chance.
“Uhn, hey, Dustin?” he asks before they make it to the dark wood table Eddie was so familiar with by now and Dustin turns around, eyebrows high and waiting.
“I’ll miss you too, little brother.” Dustin’s eyes are huge, his lower lip slightly quivering and before he can speak, Eddie pulls him into a hug. “I owe you so much, dude. If you ever need anything you call me and I’m here as fast as I can, you hear me?”
“Uh-hn,” Dustin gulps against Eddie’s shoulder. “I will.”
“Good,” he releases Dustin, holds him by his shoulders and smiles. “Good.”
“Same goes for you, by the way,” he says a little shaky, reaching up to pluck his cap from Eddie’s head but Eddie evades him by leaning back.
“I’m keeping that.”
“What? Why? It��s my favourite!”
Eddie rolls his eyes and walks past Dustin towards the table where Wayne and Claudia are waiting, faces soft from what they surely just have witnessed. “Because it looks much better on me—“
“Asshole,” Dustin half laughs half grumbles, plopping down on his chair.
“Dusty!” Claudia says in shock while Wayne grins behind his hand. “Apologize to Eddie.”
“Nah! I kinda deserved it…” Eddie grins and looks around the room, “Where is Mews? He didn’t even say hello.”
“Oh,” Claudia stands up and hurries to open the porch doors. “Meeeewsieee!… He just went out for a walk right before you got here… Meeeeews… Eddie… come try it yourself, will you?”
Eddie joins Claudia at the door, puts his hands around his mouth and calls for the cat. “Oh, Meeeeews, where are youuuu?”
“I don’t believe it,” Claudia chuckles, strokes Eddie’s shoulder and walks back to the table as Eddie squats down, waiting, until Mews rushes out of an elder bush and right into his arms. He picks him up, scratching the special spot between his ears, the ginger fur soft between his fingertips.
“Hey buddy.” Eddie puts a kiss on Mews forehead and moves to sit down.
“Can we start eatin’ now?” Wayne says, eyeing the food impatiently. “I’m starving.”
“Sure, sure,” Eddie waits for Mews to find the best position on his lap. “Go ahead, you don’t have to wait for me. You know I have no table manners…”
“That may be, but I wanted to make a toast and I’d like for you to pay attention when I’m doin’ it, Ed.”
“A toast?” Eddie frowns.
“It’s a custom occurring during gatherings of people to honour something or someon— ouch,” Dustin shrieks, pulling up his leg to rub at his shin.
“Sorry,” Eddie winces, “wasn’t meant to be that hard.”
Dustin laughs in disbelief. “Good thing you’re gone soon—“
“You had to be a smartass, Dusty—“
“Well, you had to be a dumbass—“
“Sorry Wayne,” they say in unison again, then fall quiet.
There is a smirk lingering somewhere around Wayne’s eyes, breaking out fully as he clears his throat and lifts his glass.
“This is to Eddie, my boy, who will leave Hawkins soon to bring chaos to Indianapolis and who hopefully won’t electrocute himself at his new job with that fancy guitar manufacturer because no matter what a menace he can be; I’m proud of him, always will be proud of him… and I love you, son. Cheers!”
“Uhm, shit, uhm, thank you..” A stray tear runs down Eddie’s cheek and he lets it. Mews paws press against his stomach and he figures it doesn’t matter that he’s too overwhelmed to say something half as meaningful because they all knew it was there, somewhere inside him. “I… thank you… like… all of you. Truly.”
“Alright, my boys,” Claudia says, with a thick voice. “Let’s eat—“
“Not quite yet,” Wayne says and turns in his seat, glass raised once more. “And this is to my beautiful Claudia and to Dustin, who are willing to take an old man like me in and share their home with him. I’m one lucky bastard.”
“Cheers,” Eddie and Dustin laugh out, smiles splitting their faces while Claudia, cheeks flushed pink, presses a hearty kiss to Wayne’s cheekbone.
“You’re very welcome.”
“Yeah,” Dustin says, starting to load food onto his plate. “You’re welcome.”
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manycoloureddays · 2 years
i was talking to a friend about eddie & steve bringing their first kid home from the hospital the other day & thought i’d put it here too:
neither of them had what you would call a traditional upbringing (”what does that even mean?” is a question that gets brought up a lot in their extended family. the wheeler household is as traditional as they come but none of them would say ted was a good example for parenting. the conclusion tends to be “as long as there’s love and support and we’re trying our hardest” but it’s a complicated question) 
anyway, neither of them had the picture perfect nuclear family growing up. steve dragged himself up into adulthood with inconsistent boundaries & very little emotional support, and eddie had all that good love and support from wayne but he was every bit as much of a latchkey kid as steve, what with wayne’s work hours. and while they have seven practice babies, the youngest they started with was a 10 year old, so when they get handed a baby and told “congrats dads” they maybe freak out a little bit. it’s not a big freak out, but it is both of them, which means there’s no level head in the car on the way home. eddie’s brain is going too fast for any of the worries to loom larger than the others, but steve is stuck in a loop of “dad was alright for the first few years of my life, what if i go bad the same way”. they get inside, put the baby carrier with their beautiful baby girl down on the coffee table and call, in this order, the buckley-wheeler apartment, joyce byers, uncle wayne, claudia henderson, and then the jargyle household. 
robin tells steve to calm his tits, she’s on her way over with nancy and a bag of parenting books they got from the library just in case there’s any in their pile that steve and eddie haven’t read yet, nancy yells out “you’ve got this, i promise!” and robin reminds him “you’ve saved the world multiple times and nancy would never lie to you!” which makes eddie feel a lot more sane (nancy is his barometer for normal reactions these days). 
wayne reminds eddie that even his biological parents managed to keep him alive for the first 10 or so years of his life and eddie’s a damn sight more cautious, kind, and prepared. “just hold her as gently as you held the strays at forest hills and feed her slightly more often and you’ll be fine, ed. i had no idea what i was getting myself into when i took you in, it’s okay to be scared, just as long as you love her.” 
joyce reminds steve that “no matter what your little girl is going to grow up so loved and cherished, and that’s more important than anything else. she won’t remember that it took you a few days to find the best way to calm her down, or if you couldn’t figure out the quickest way to change her diaper. she won’t remember when you gave her a too cold bottle, she’ll just remember the love.” and hop jumps on for a quick “we’ll be there this weekend kiddo” which is as good as a long distance shoulder squeeze. 
claudia is in the middle of packing a care package while she’s on the phone and tells steve and eddie all sorts of stories about trying to wrangle dustin on her own, “he was always too clever for his own good, but sometimes they need to learn things on their own. they just need you there to pick them up once they’ve fallen over, to kiss it better and remind them they’re never really alone.”
jonathan and argyle congratulate the dads and jonathan reminds steve that family is what you make it, “you’re nothing like you’re dad, man. none of us are. we made our own way and the fact that you’re worried you’ll fuck up is a pretty good sign that you’re going to keep on trying to do your best by her. but how about i promise you this. if you ever look like you’re heading down a path that leads back to him, i’ll pull you out. you’ve got all of us, an insane number of aunts and uncles who aren’t afraid to call you on your shit. but steve, you’re as much like dick as i’m like lonnie.” 
by the time nancy and robin let themselves in with their spare key, the boys have exhausted themselves emotionally, and all three of them are snuggled together on their bed. steve with his back to the headboard, eddie between his legs, and their daughter on his chest, steve’s finger clutched tight in her hand. robin takes a photo, and then she and nancy creep back down the hall to the kitchen to make dinner
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stevethehairington · 2 years
Dustin comes over to Eddie's for some Hellfire stuff or just to hang out, Claudia comes by to pick him up because "It's dinner time, Dusty, I don't want you late again!"
Wayne is out front fixing something under the hood of Eddie's van, grumbling and cursing. She cautiously approaches him like "Hello? Excuse me, sir?" Which scares him and causes him to bang his head on the hood, hissing.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, Mister, I didn't mean to scare you, I was just wondering if you might be Mr. Munson?"
"That, I am." Wayne groans, ducking out from under the hood and slamming it closed.
They see each other for the first time.
Wayne's eyes get wide and Claudia gasps, mumbling "Oh my...." under her breath.
They just stare at each other for a moment before Wayne coughs and scratches the back of his neck. "What can I do for ya there, Ma'am?"
"Hmm? Oh! I'm here to pick up my son, Dustin."
"Lil curly-haired boy, one Eddie's been pal-in' around with?"
"Yes, that's my baby."
"You're his Mama? Young thing like you? That can't be right."
Claudia blushing at his flirtation. She's never really felt beautiful, especially compared to women like Karen Wheeler. She's divorced, she's pushing 50, she has a teenage son. But Wayne makes her feel like a Queen within ten seconds of meeting her.
He holds open the door for her and she steps inside, immediately starting to clean everything and grabbing ice for Wayne's bruise.
Instead of picking up Dustin, she decides to invite Wayne and Eddie over for dinner to their house instead because she ~~wants to flirt with Wayne more~~ doesn't think it's right for him to work so hard all the time and not come home to a good dinner. They giggle and blush and compliment each other all night like two lovestruck teenagers.
Dustin and Eddie look at each other the whole time like "At this rate, we'll be step-brothers by Christmas...... AWESOME!!!"
~~yes I am the #1 Claudia×Wayne Stan, dont judge me~~
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One day, at Steve's house:
Steve: I'm surprised that Wayne let you out of his sight.
Eddie: Well, he's been seeing someone, so I thought that I would get out of his hair.
Dustin: You know, my mom's been seeing someone too. It's why I've been over here so often, but I'm not complaining. She's happy.
Steve: *snaps his fingers* Hey, what if Wayne and Claudia were seeing each other?
Eddie and Dustin's heads snapped towards each other with similar expressions of surprise. Dustin got up and scrambled his way towards the phone. He quickly dialed his phone number.
Wayne: Hello?
Dustin slammed the phone back down and calmly sat back down, picking up the TV guide off the table. He began looking through it. Steve ripped the thing out of his hands.
Steve and Eddie: Well??
Dustin: Yeah, we're definitely going to be cousins, Eddie.
Eddie let out a holler as he started to jump up and down with Dustin.
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ok ok ok hear me out: princess diaries steddie au, specifically PD2; Eddie is Mia and Steve is Lord Nicholas.
like, this is only half-baked but Eddie’s mom is Helen and his dad is dead, but his sister (and him) are royals. he had abdicated his throne and his sister (in my head is Claudia Henderson) can’t have kids and seeks out Eddie to take over the throne. he is iffy about it but ends up being a people’s prince and (just pretend with me) he still needs to get married and enter lord Stephen Harrington (“Steve, just Steve.” he tells Eddie when they dance at Eddie’s bday party) whose family (Steve’s dad) is trying to take the throne from the beloved queen.
Chrissy’d be the one Eddie is originally engaged to, but end up being the best of friends like Mia and Lilly, and Robin is Eddie’s Charlotte and is super protective of him but actually ends up being number 1 on the “Steve is actually a good guy” train while Eddie wants nothing to do with him (also she is down bad for Chrissy).
but Eddie and Steve slowly and surely fall head over heels for each other. Wayne is Joe and falls for Queen Claudia, they end up adopting Dustin who aged out of the orphanage and was interning in security; in the end, Eddie still becomes king w/o marrying and idk i love this movie and just picturing Lord Nicholas!Steve kneeling in front of Eddie in the throne room and confessing his love had me thinking THOUGHTS❤️🥰
edit in case anyone finds this: i wrote this! it is steve as mia and eddie as nicholas though, you can find part one here and on AO3 here (A Recipe for Disaster)
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disastardly · 2 years
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Chapter: 5/7
Words: 9,445
Tags: pre-slash, pre-relationship, guess it’s early relationship now?, canon divergence (everyone lives/no one dies), bisexual Steve Harrington, gay Eddie Munson, found family, platonic soulmates Steve & Robin, mutual pining, idiots to lovers
Rating: Mature
Summary: Steve kissed Eddie. Eddie froze. Steve ran.
…okay, not a great look for either of them, they admit. But they’ve got a date in three days. Is it actually a date? Are they still friends? Steve’s not straight, is he? Eddie’s not losing his mind, right?
Steve’s going to do everything in his power to make this the best date ever. Eddie just needs to wrap his head around the reality of the situation before he tanks his one-in-a-million shot.
Chapter Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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sereinpetrichor · 3 months
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weaving on our ends | Mature | 37.6K
Author: @sara-smiling | @sereinpetrichor | serein95 on Twitter/X
Artists: @strawberrysh0rk & @hawkinsleather | hawkinsleather on Twitter/X
Beta/Sensitivity Reader: @upallnightogetloki
In the era after Vecna and (hopefully) the end of Upside Down-related chaos, Steve Harrington picks up a hobby passed to him with love and care, honoring a found family tradition.
He finds peace in the art of crocheting: making things with his hands and sharing them with those he loves. From the adults who became the parental figures he never really had, to the kids who thrust themselves into his life and will likely never leave, along with the gang of misfits he calls his friends. Especially the one who is unexpectedly stealing his heart.
With each new crocheting project, Steve shows his love for them in all the ways he knows how and slowly learns how to receive it in return.
Or, the 5 crochet projects Steve gives to everyone + the 1 project he makes just for Eddie.
Project 287 | Fic on AO3
Digital Art & Photography/Crochet:
🖼 Prologue Comic: Learning to Crochet by @strawberrysh0rk
📷🧶 Steve's First Crochet, Eddie & Sue's Dishcloths, and Erica's Scarf by @hawkinsleather
📷🧶 Eddie's Dragonscale Gauntlets and Eddie's DM Dice Bag by @hawkinsleather
🖼 The Duality of Crochet by @hawkinsleather
📷🧶 Eddie's Sweater and Eddie's Bat & Blanket-in-progress by @hawkinsleather
🖼 The Steddie Blanket by @hawkinsleather
Bonus 🖼: Buckingham in Crochet by @hawkinsleather
Fic Information
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Side Pairings: Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Wayne Munson/Claudia Henderson
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Sue Sinclair, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Nancy Wheeler, Wayne Munson, Erica Sinclair, Jane "El" Hopper, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Dustin Henderson, Jonathan Byers, Argyle, The Party, Hellfire Club, Barbara Holland
Trigger Warnings: none
Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Post-Canon Fix-It, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Crochet, Steve Harrington Crochets, Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Chronic Pain, Idiots in Love, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson Are Best Friends, Steve Harrington Has Absent Parents, so the Sinclairs unofficially adopt him, Steve Harrington Deserves Love, Steve Harrington's Love Language is Gift Giving, and Gift Making, 5+1 Things, Eddie Munson Lives, Unintentional Hand Kink, Eddie Munson Has a Hand Kink, Minor Original Character(s), Minor Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham, Single Nancy Wheeler, Moving In Together, Sharing a Room, Sharing a Bed, Coming Out
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luvfae · 2 years
hii i love the my favorite henderson series!! can i request 35 from comedy 38 from romance and 45 from nsfw <3
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fandom: stranger things
parings: eddie x f henderson reader
warnings: smut, swearing, fingering, public sex
35: “is that allowed?”
38: “you’re so in love with her… it’s cute.”
45: “i’ll fuck you right here, right now, try me.”
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Two days of officially being Eddie Munson’s girlfriend. You were on fire, every atom in your body tingling at all times, especially when he touched you. All worries had faded away.
You didn’t care about cheerleading, didn’t care about the scholarship or college, didn’t care about peoples opinions. You only cared about Eddie and what the future held for the both of you.
You were like love sick puppies and Dustin was getting pretty sick of it.
“Do you guys have to make out right in front of me?” He asked, covering his eyes. “It’s gross…”
“He has a point.”
You jumped at the sound of your mothers voice, wondering how long she had been standing there.
“Mom!” You exclaimed, standing up to face her.
Her hands were on her hips, staring at you expectantly. Eddie stood up also, standing right behind you as Claudia cleared her throat. “Is there something you want to tell me, Y/N?” She asked.
“Y/N and Eddie are dating!” Dustin yelled. You stared over at your little brother, jaw dropped.
“I was supposed to tell her, not you!”
“Don’t start fighting, please,” Claudia said. “Besides, I already knew.”
“What? How?” You asked before glaring over at Dustin. “You little shit-“
“Dustin didn’t tell me,” Claudia sighed. “I’m your mother. It was just obvious.”
“Obvious how?” You asked.
Claudia chuckled. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed Eddie sneaking out Dustin’s room and into yours of a night,” Claudia said. “In fact I figured it out the day after I saw those hickey’s on your neck.”
You skin lit up at her words, looking down at you feet in embarrassment. “Uh… Sorry about that,” Eddie said, laughing awkwardly.
“Just be safe, that’s all I ask,” Claudia said. “I don’t want to be helping you two take care of a baby in nine months.”
“Mom!” Dustin yelled.
You and Eddie glanced at each other, thinking back on the night you had in his bedroom a few days ago when you let him finish inside of you.
“Anyway… We’re about to head out,” you cleared your throat. “Eddie’s taking me to meet his uncle.”
Half an hour later and you were fidgeting in the front seat, staring up at Eddie’s trailer. You were nervous, you wanted Eddie’s uncle to like you.
“He’s gunna love you, Y/N,” Eddie said, placing his hand on top of yours, reassuringly. You gave him a nervous smile, nodding and the both of you got out of his van, heading towards the front door of his trailer.
Eddie opened the door, letting the both of you inside.
“You’re home,” you heard Eddie’s uncle say, he glanced over his shoulder, making eye contact with you and his eyes widened slightly. “And you brought company.”
“Uncle Wayne, this is Y/N, my girlfriend,” Eddie said as his uncle made his way over to the pair of you.
You held out your hand, flashing your pearly whites at the older man, masking your nervousness. “It’s great to meet you, Sir,” you said, shaking his hand.
“Please, just call me Wayne,” he replied. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend, Eds,” Wayne chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Tell you what, why don’t we all go out for dinner? That way I can get to know Y/N better.”
“That sounds great,” you smiled, looking up at Eddie who was nodding.
15 minutes later and you were in the car again and before you knew it you were sat next to Eddie, Wayne across from you at the same diner Eddie had taken you too a few nights ago.
“So, what do you do, Y/N? Do you have a job, have any plans for after school?” Wayne asked after a little while of small time.
“I’m on the Hawkin’s cheer squad… i’m trying to get a scholarship through cheer but I don’t know,” you shrugged.
“You’re a cheerleader?” Wayne asked and you nodded. He hummed, glancing over at Eddie. “You enjoy that?”
“I love it!” You exclaimed, happily. “I’ve been doing it since I started high school,” you smiled. Wayne nodded. “I’m gunna head to the bathroom before our food comes out,” you said, standing up and excusing yourself.
“A cheerleader, huh?” Wayne smiled, looking up at Eddie. “Is that allowed?”
“You being with a cheerleader, I mean, I didn’t think a cheerleader would be into you, no offence kid,” Wayne said, Eddie rolled his eyes. “You know, back in my day cheerleaders were like royalty,” Wayne chuckled. “If you could get with a cheerleader you were praised.”
“It’s not like that with Y/N,” Eddie said. “I like her, have for a while,” he cleared his throat. “I’m not using her for popularity or bragging rights.”
“You’re so in love with her… it’s cute,” Wayne grinned.
“I’m not in love with her…” Eddie lied, his cheeks heating up.
“You are too,” Wayne replied. “It’s obvious, the way you look at her. Is she the reason you’ve been so happy recently?” He asked. Eddie ignored his uncle, he wasn’t the type to talk about his feelings, with you, maybe, but definitely not with his uncle. “I like her, she’s a nice girl. You got lucky there, don’t mess it up.”
Wayne stopped talking when he saw you heading back from the bathroom. You sat back down next to Eddie and only seconds later your dinner was served.
You talked, laughed and got to know Wayne all night. Eddie was so happy that you and his uncle got along so well. The last time he introduced a girl to Wayne it didn’t go so well. Eddie was worried the whole day, he needed his uncle to like you and everything had worked out perfectly. Wayne loved you already.
The night ended rather quickly and while Wayne was in the bathroom before you headed home, you and Eddie remained seated at the booth.
You looked over at your boyfriend. “He really likes you,” Eddie smiled.
You smiled back at him, your eyes glancing down at his lips for a split second, before looking back up at him, innocently.
“Don’t give me those eyes,” Eddie said.
“I’m not giving you any eyes,” you giggled.
Eddie placed his hand on your thigh. “You know exactly what you’re doing,” he replied. “I’ll fuck you right here, right now, try me.”
“I dare you,” you replied, eyes darkening at his words.
“You’d too noisy though, wouldn’t you?” Eddie smirked.
“That just sounds like an excuse. If you’re too scared, just say that,” you shrugged.
Eddie glanced over at the bathroom, no sign of his uncle and so his fingers slipped up your skirt, pushing your panties aside, coming in contact with your already wet entrance and he groaned.
You gasped lightly as you felt him push two fingers inside of you, glancing around to make sure nobody was looking.
“Better be quick sweetheart, my uncle will be back any second,” Eddie whispered in your ear, making you shiver.
He pumped his skilled fingers inside of you at such a fast pace as your eyes kept glancing around the room, making sure that no one knew of the dirty things he was doing to you.
You covered your mouth with your hand, holding back all of yours moans as he curled his fingers against your g spot.
“C’mon baby,” Eddie said.
His words of encouragement only making that knot in your stomach tighten. You wanted to cum so bad and everything about this situation was turning you on even more.
The thrill of being caught. It made adrenaline course through your veins, you felt like you were on fire. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you pushed your back against Eddie’s chest.
“Hurry up, Y/N,” he cooed, looking over at the bathroom to see his uncle walking out of the door. “My uncles about to be over here, you don’t want him to know that i’m finger fucking you right now, do you?” He asked.
You bit back a moan, the knot coming undone. It was almost like your body knew that if you didn’t cum now you’d have to wait until you got home. You whimpered quietly, Eddie’s free hand resting on the small of your back as he rubbed your orgasm out of you.
“There you go,” Eddie smirked. “Good girl.” He could feel your pussy pulsating against his drenched fingers.
You breathed heavily, watching as Wayne began to approach the pair of you and Eddie’s fingers slipped out of your panties, leaving you slightly disappointed that he didn’t have enough time to ride out your high completely.
“You kids ready to go?” Wayne asked, completely unaware that Eddie just had two fingers inside of you 30 seconds ago.
“Yep,” Eddie answered, wiping his fingers on his jeans. The pair of you stood up and he grabbed your arm, stabilising you. Your legs were always like jelly after you came and Eddie knew that.
He held your hand all the way back to his uncles car and even helped you into the back seat, a fucked out look on your face for the entire drive home.
“Tonight was fun,” Wayne smiled from the drivers seat.
“It sure was,” Eddie smirked, glancing over at you.
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© luvfae 2022
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seidenbros · 2 years
I See Your True Colours Ch. 3
Requests are open | prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist
Summary:“You know, it’s not just what we’ve been through together, seeing you there in your own blood… the demobat attacks…” Steve licked his lips, because his own scars would always remind him of that. “There were already nightmares before that. I dream about the Russians all the time, ‘cause I don’t even know how we made it out of there.” --- Spending the first night at home with the Hendersons - Eddie's and Wayne's ne home after the trailer had been destroyed - is different than anything Eddie had expected. Sitting around the dinner table with them made him feel so welcome, but he'd still afraid of the nightmares that will probably come back that night. And the there's Steve, who simply has to check up on Eddie, make sure that he is alright. But it's not just that, because Steve tells Eddie things, he hadn't talked about yet and one thing even Robin doesn't know. Pairing: Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington - Steddie Word count: 3676 Warning/Tags: fluff, angst, canon divergence, everybody lives, nightmares,bisexual Steve Harrington, gay Eddie Munson, supportive Wayne Munson, end of and after S4, there was only one bed?, eating disorders, trauma, ptsd (let me know if I missed anything) Author’s note: Maybe, I'll make Sunday my day to update this fic, which gives me time to finish the last two chapters until I have to post them. Comments, critique and suggestions are always welcome 💚 Read on AO3 Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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The doctors were really happy with Eddie’s examinations. Everything looked good, but like they’d said before, he’d have to come back to get his bandages changed until he could take them off completely, which would probably be in a couple of days.
“I actually have someone who knows how to do that, who’d help me with that,” Eddie told them, remembering what Steve had told him. Wayne’s curious look made him elaborate on that. “Harrington has kinda the same injuries and he said he’d help.”
Eddie picked up on the smile on his uncle’s lips, the twinkle in his eyes. Oh, Eddie knew what he was thinking, but Eddie himself didn’t want to get his hopes up. They’d become friends after all, and friends helped each other, right? Sometimes, he felt like he was fourteen again and not a twenty-year-old.
They told him that it was okay, but if there were any problems, he needed to come back here. Hopefully, that wouldn’t happen, because even though he’d only been awake for what? Two days? He really didn’t want to come back that soon. His belongings were already packed so that he could get in the car with Wayne and go home. Well, his home for now, because they couldn’t keep living with Dustin and his Mum forever.
Seeing Hawkins as it was now for the first time was… heartbreaking. Even though he’d been treated like a criminal, like shit by so many people here, this town was still the only home he knew, and there were also a lot of people here that were dear to his heart. There was probably not a lot they could do about it, but his mind still started racing. At least until they reached the Henderson house.
Claudia was already waiting at the door for them, opening her arms to welcome Eddie with a hug, careful not to hurt him with all the wounds that were still healing.
“Welcome home, love!” A warm smile was levelled at him, and Eddie felta blush creep up his neck. This was not what he’d expected at all, after pretty much the whole town had been after him. But Wayne had told him how welcome they were here.
“Thank you,” he said with a shy smile before Dustin barged in and told Eddie to follow him, leaving the adults behind. He was always so full of energy, even with the cast on his leg, but he was just happy to have Eddie home, in their home.“We turned this into your room.” Dustin opened the door and let Eddie walk in first, but he stopped even before he was in the middle of the room. His stuff was here, some posters, his music, his guitar… They’d done a great job in making it Eddie’s room instead of just making it a room where he could stay.
“You’re incredible, Henderson.”
“Oh, that wasn’t just me. The others helped as well. Robin and Nancy took care of your clothes, Will arranged your music, Robin and Steve put up the posters and everything else.” Dustin smiled to himself, thinking back on that. All of them had needed something to do, to distract themselves. They’d helped get clothes and food to other people who’d lost their homes, but they’d also made this room as much Eddie’s as they’d been able to.
“You’re spoiling me…” He smiled, trying to swallow all the emotions down that were welling up.
“We just wanted you to have a place that feels like home.”
“And you certainly achieved that.” Eddie still had his back turned towards Dustin, and didn’t dare to look, because he knew that his emotions would get the best of him then. So instead, he walked up to his guitar. “Hello sweetheart…” He let his fingers glide over the strings. The last time he’d played her had been in the Upside Down, and that brought back memories. But then again, this wasn’t the same guitar, it had been a duplicate of the one he was holding right now, which made a difference for him.
“I’ll leave you two alone. Get some rest and I’ll get you for dinner, alright?”
“Sure… thanks Dustin.”
The moment he looked up at Dustin, both of them started smiling. This really meant a lot to Eddie, but Dustin also realised that it was a little overwhelming, a little too much, so he gave Eddie some time to adjust, to settle in. And Eddie definitely needed it. So much had happened for him in such a short time, that it was good to lay on top of his bed, his guitar next to him, and the sounds of people he loved from downstairs in his ears. Dustin’s laughter filled the air, leaving a blissful smile on Eddie’s lips. Yeah, this already felt like a home to him.
Eddie sat up when he heard a knock on the door, surprised that Dustin had knocked at all. He was usually so intrusive, but Eddie still loved him. He never meant anything with it, he was just more than excited to have Eddie back in his life, to see him up and walking. Dustin cared for the people in his life, he just sometimes had a strange way of showing it, overstepping boundaries. Not today, though.
“Coming,” Eddie called out and got up from the bed. By now, he felt his injuries more than he’d felt them in the hospital, because the meds were wearing off, but it was okay. He knew that he’d looked a lot worse, and that a lot of healing had already happened, so he was okay to move around. His body quickly told him when it was too much.
When Eddie came down the stairs and approached the table, he was greeted by happy faces, but one of them caught his attention. Steve was sitting there, still in Eddie’s shirt, even though he’d gone home in the time being and could have changed into something else, but he hadn’t. Oh, Eddie didn’t want the shirt back, he enjoyed seeing it on Steve and that was the whole problem. Seeing Steve like this made his heart pick up its pace, and Eddie wasn’t sure whether he wanted that or not. It made him fall even harder for Steve Harrington, the guy he’d probably never have. Still, he remembered what Wayne had told him, that Steve had been by his side pretty much the whole time, and that had to mean something, right?
“I hope you’re hungry,” Claudia said to him, already loading up Eddie’s plate with the most delicious food. To be fair, to him probably everything smelled and looked delicious right now, but he was just so grateful to her, to Dustin, everyone.
“Starving,” Eddie said with a smile, before he sat down next to Steve.
Conversation flowed easily between the others, mainly Wayne and Claudia, while Dustin chipped in here and there. Eddie still had to get used to this situation, to a meal with so many people - yes, five weren’t exactly many, but for him it was, since it was usually just him, and sometimes Wayne and him, if they were home at the same time.
“You okay?” Eddie asked Steve quietly, after he’d pushed his food from one side of the plate to the other instead of eating it.
“Mh?” Steve looked up at Eddie, looking like he’d been caught doing something illegal which almost made Eddie chuckle. “Yeah, just not that hungry.”
“Now, why are you lying to me, Harrington?” While Eddie wasn’t sure if it was really a lie, he couldn’t imagine that Steve wasn’t hungry. He probably hadn’t had anything proper the whole day, and the food was just divine. Steve had spent so much time with Eddie at the hospital that he hadn’t eaten properly the whole time. Eddie had realised that Steve had lost weight, but in three weeks time, a lot could happen. “Tell you what… I’ll finish my plate if you eat up. Otherwise I’m stopping right now.” Yes, Eddie was still hungry, but he figured it was the only way to get Steve to eat.
It looked like Steve wanted to protest, but then he simply nodded and got back to eating. For the rest of the meal, he didn’t look at Eddie, focused on his food instead, and managed to eat up. Eddie was proud of him, though he didn’t say it out loud.
They avoided talking about what had happened, they simply enjoyed the evening, talking over dinner, and Eddie felt himself relax in the presence of the people who loved him. Once they were finished, Eddie wanted to help clean the table, but Claudia told him that she would do that with Wayne, that the kids should just watch a movie or something. And they did. At least they tried to, but Eddie’s eyes landed on Wayne and Claudia in the kitchen. He picked up on the way Wayne looked at her, the way his lips curled up into a smile whenever she looked up at him. Maybe, they’d bonded even more over this whole situation than they’d like to admit.
“Come on, Eddie, you need to watch this!” Dustin drew his attention back to the living room where they’d already started the movie. While Dustin was hogging the armchair, there was only room left for him on the sofa, right next to Steve. Normally, he didn’t mind, and didn't shy away from body contact, but with Steve, with what he felt for Harrington, it would be difficult for Eddie to concentrate.
He wasn’t the only one. Steve felt his skin tingle the moment Eddie sat down next to him and their arms brushed up against each other. They’d held hands the night before, Steve had fallen asleep with his head on Eddie’s thigh, so this shouldn’t be a problem. It wouldn’t be if Steve hadn’t fallen asleep with a goofy smile on his lips the night before and woken up only to have his heart stutter at the sight of Eddie. He knew what this was, knew what was happening, but it felt so strange, because so far, he’d only been with girls. That he was feeling this way towards Eddie was… new, and he had no idea what to make of it, whether he wanted to pursue it or not. But the fact remained, that he felt calmer in Eddie’s presence, so he dreaded the following night, where he wouldn’t be able to sit by Eddie’s bed and watch over him, until he couldn’t keep his eyes open anymore.
They made it through the movie, and Eddie even managed to enjoy himself, but he was still more than aware of Steve right next to him. Steve, who stood up as soon as the movie was over, and looked back at the other two.
“I should probably get going so that you can get some rest.” He’d been here long enough already, and Eddie should get as much rest as he could.
“Your parents home?” Dustin knew about the nightmares, because he’d pestered Steve so long until he’d confided in Dustin. In addition, he knew that Steve had spent a lot of time with Eddie, by his side to watch over him.
“I don’t think so.” They hadn’t been home much, and even if they were, they didn’t pay a lot of attention to him. Steve was all grown up after all, so he could take care of himself, right? Right. But after all the trauma he’d experienced, not only lately, but in the last couple of years, even he needed someone to just hold him for a moment. His parents weren’t those people, but he’d found comfort among his friends and even Wayne and Claudia. Claudia who’d picked up on the fact that Steve’s hearing wasn’t the best anymore. Yes, he’d realised that as well, but he’d simply pushed it aside.
“Why don’t you stay here? You can sleep in the guest room down the hall.” It wasn’t the first time Dustin had offered him that opportunity, and not the first time he would stay here. But this time, he agreed without Dustin having to talk him into it.
“Yeah, alright. Thanks.”
While Claudia and Wayne stayed in the kitchen, chatting probably halfway into the night, the other three went to their respective rooms, though Dustin immediately took out his walkie talkie to fill at least Lucas, Will and Mike in on what was happening, and when Mike knew, he’d tell El as well. Yes, he’d told them that Eddie was back home, and they were allowed to visit the next day, but for today… Eddie really needed his rest.
Eddie felt it, felt the weariness take over his body as soon as he was in his room. He stripped out of his jeans, pulled up his shirt and stepped in front of the mirror. Most of his injuries were covered by the bandages, but not the ones on his jaw and neck. He’d seen them before, but now he had the chance to examine them. They’d heal over time, leaving scars behind. But he was here, he was alive, and that’s what counted, right?
Eddie dropped the hem of his shirt again and walked over to the bed, switched the big light for the bedside lamp so that it wasn’t that bright anymore. He wasn’t sure whether or not he’d be able to stay here in complete darkness, but he didn’t want to find out right now, so the light stayed on. And even though he was tired, he wasn’t able to fall asleep, so he reached for the book next to his bed. His necklace marked the page where Steve had stopped reading to him. Eddie couldn’t help but smile. The book landed on the bed face down so that he wouldn’t lose the page - though he’d be able to pick up wherever he wanted, because he knew the books so well, not really sure how often he’d read them - and put his necklace on. He’d been without it long enough, and he’d wondered where it had gotten to, but Steve had taken care of it.
When he heard a knock at the door, even before he’d picked up the book again, his head whipped around. Probably Dustin, who wanted to check up on him, but when he said come in none other than Steve Harrington walked in his room. He’d also taken off his jeans, was now dressed in his boxers and the Iron Maiden shirt he didn’t want to take off.
“Harrington? You alright?” Eddie sat up in his bed, a crease appearing on his forehead as he looked at Steve still lurking near the door.
“Yeah, I just…” Steve rubbed a hand over the nape of his neck, before he let out a sigh. “Needed to make sure that you’re alright.” He sounded defeated and he knew it, but he wasn’t here to tell Eddie some lies, tell him that he wanted to borrow a book or something, even though he’d gotten used to reading a little before bed. But he needed this, needed to know that Eddie was well and alive and awake.
“Yeah, Wayne told me that you stayed a couple of nights.”
“A couple…” Steve had to smile at that. “Pretty much every night.”
While Eddie knew that Steve had stayed with him, had read to him, he hadn’t known up until now just how often, how long Steve had stayed. It caught him by surprise, but it also made his heart swell at the thought of Steve watching over him. Last night, he’d experienced it consciously, and he’d slept a lot better with Steve around.
“Come on, sit!” Eddie pulled up his feet to sit cross-legged on top of the bed, to make some room for Steve, because he really didn’t have to stay by the door.
Steve hesitated just for a moment, but then he stepped closer and flopped down on the bed, leaning his back against the wall. Eddie wanted to ask, wanted to know what was going on inside that pretty head, but he also didn’t want to push Steve.
“I think I always had to make sure that you were really there, that you were breathing and not just…” He threw his hands up with a sigh, before he dropped them into his lap again. “Just vanish or stop breathing.”
Eddie watched him intently, saw the fear in his eyes when Steve glanced at him just for a second.
“We thought you were dead down there.” Steve shook his head, taking a deep breath.
“But you saved me, and for that I’ll always be grateful.” Eddie reached out his hand to take one of Steve’s in his. The simple hand-holding was enough to calm Steve down a bit, his breathing evening out.
“It’s the nightmares, right?” Eddie asked now, still holding Steve��s hand, feeling him tense up a little, so he did what he’d done before and rubbed his thumb in circles over the back of Steve’s hand. “You mentioned yesterday that you have them as well.”
“Right.” Yes, Steve remembered. He remembered everything that had happened the night before. The way he’d held Eddie after he’d woken up, the way their hands had fit perfectly together - just like they did now - when he’d read to Eddie, and how he’d fallen asleep like this.
“You know, it’s not just what we’ve been through together, seeing you there in your own blood… the demobat attacks…” Steve licked his lips, because his own scars would always remind him of that. “There were already nightmares before that. I dream about the Russians all the time, ‘cause I don’t even know how we made it out of there.”
“Russians?” They’d mentioned something, Eddie remembered, but so far, there hadn’t been time for them to tell him the whole story.
“Dustin overheard a Russian radio message and we figured it out. Turns out they were operating beneath the Starcourt Mall, and me and Robin were captured by them… tortured because they wanted information.” Steve shook his head at the memory. He still had scars from that incident, and the blows to his head had messed with his hearing. “Since then I think I can’t hear properly in my left ear.”
“Fuck, Stevie,” Eddie said with a sigh, glad that Steve was opening up to him. It was such an intimate moment, so full of buried emotions, that he didn’t want to push Steve any further. If he wanted to keep talking, he’d be here to listen, but right now, he just wanted to scoop Steve up and take care of him for a change.
“It’s just… a lot.”
“That’s an understatement.” Eddie had heard from Dustin that Steve had been pretty much involved since the start of this whole… mess. That he’d been there since the girl with the superpowers had arrived, and there was probably a lot more that Eddie hadn’t heard so far. “No wonder you have nightmares.”
“Most of them are about not being able to save the people I love.” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose with the hand that wasn’t held by Eddie. He was exhausted, completely worn-out, and that brought the headache on.
“Come on… you watched over me last night, so let me return the favour.”
“You really don’t have to!” Though just the thought of it warmed Steve’s heart, because that meant that he’d be able to stay in Eddie’s presence.
“I could read the Lord of the Rings to you, pick up where we left off last night.”
“Only if you tell me right now that Pippin gets home safe!” Peregrine Took had won his heart straight away, maybe because he reminded him of Dustin sometimes, so he had to be sure that nothing would happen to the fool of a Took.
“I don’t want to spoil the story, Steve,” Eddie said with a teasing smile, but then he nodded. “Yeah, nothing happens to him.”
“Good, because otherwise I would have to burn all these books.” There was finally a small smile playing on Steve’s lips, which was quickly followed by a yawn. When he wanted to get up from the bed to find a chair to sit and fall asleep in, Eddie stopped him.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Steve simply pointed at the armchair that was standing in one corner.
“Oh no, definitely not.” Eddie shook his head and moved to the edge of the bed. “It’s not a huge bed, but there’s still room for both of us. I won’t let you sleep in a chair for another night. Lie down and get comfortable.”
Steve hesitated for a moment, but he could already feel the pain in his back, when he looked at the chair. He stretched his body out between Eddie and the wall and sighed. While being so close to Eddie made his heart beat faster, it also made him feel all warm and fuzzy - and relaxed. To take the book in his hands, Eddie had to let go of Steve’s hand, but that was alright now.
“I’m here, alright?” Eddie saw Steve’s lips curl up into a smile upon his words, which made himself smile in turn. He opened the book to the last page he remembered Steve reading to him and picked up where they’d left off the night before.
“The Lord Faramir was walking alone in the garden of the Houses of Healing, and the sunlight warmed him, and he felt life run new in his veins.” Eddie cast a look at Steve, who was breathing evenly, eyes closed. He turned towards Eddie, lying on his side now. He looked so content that it made Eddie smile. He kept on reading until he was sure that Steve was fast asleep, then he turned off the light and stretched out next to Eddie, falling into a deep sleep himself, and the both slept through the night, no nightmares to be found anywhere.
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Tag-list: @dreamsoffilm
Let me know if you want to be tagged for the Promises-series, Eddie x Reader stuff in general or Steddie-fics 💚 
19 notes · View notes
Ooh, Max gets adopted by Wayne after Eddie 'dies' then Claudia and Wayne get married, making Max and Dustin siblings. A year or so later, Eddie gets spat out by the Upside Down like "bitch, you forgot something" and because time is funny there. Anyway, Eddie comes back to find that he's cousins and an aunt.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
Dustin stormed into the Munson's new home after biking over from his own house after he walked in on his mother and Wayne.
"Eddie! You'll never believe who's fucking my mom!" Dustin shrieked. "Wait, why are you in bed in the middle of the day?"
"Someone's been fucking your mom, you say?" Eddie asked, his blanket up to his chin. "Which one?"
"Which mom? Oh, hilarious. Very funny. I'm talking about my mom-mom. Not Steve," Dustin rolled his eyes. "I left Mike's to grab my folder when I saw my mother being defiled by your uncle!"
"I knew he was seeing someone! Get it, Uncle Wayne!" Eddie cackled.
"That's my mom and your uncle!" Dustin exclaimed.
"And I'm happy for them. As you should be because you know what this means, don't you? It means that if this works out, then we could be family!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Oh shit! That's true," Dustin grinned, and then he frowned. "I just wished that I found out differently. I also wish that I didn't know that your uncle had a tattoo on his ass!"
"Okay! Thanks for branding that image into my head!" Eddie exclaimed. "Now, get out of here!"
"Why?" Dustin asked.
Suddenly, there was movement under the blanket. Dustin's eyes widened when he saw Steve roll out of the blanket completely naked.
"Did you say something, Eds? I gotta piss," Steve said sleepily, and then his eyes widened when he saw Dustin. "Shit! Dustin!"
Steve dove quickly under the blankets again.
"You need to leave, butthead, because I plan on going for round two with your other mother!" Eddie yelled at him.
Dustin shrieked and hurried to leave.
"How did I manage to walk in on not one but two Munsons getting down with the people I love?!" Dustin yelled.
"Because you don't know how to use doors, asshole!" Steve exclaimed.
Eddie giggled as the front door slammed closed.
"Poor kid," he grinned.
"What happened?" Steve asked.
"He walked in on Wayne getting freaky with Claudia," he snickered.
"Wayne and Claudia? Good for them. They both deserve it," Steve said.
"Good for us," Eddie said and kissed him.
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