#choi wooshik as a boyfriend
kfanopinions · 4 months
Choi Wooshik as a boyfriend (astrology based)
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okay so i couldn’t find a birth time for him at all so I used the standard 12PM for his birth time. please know that some of this information may not be as accurate as it could have been. as per usual this is for entertainment purposes only so take everything with a grain of salt. thank you and enjoy 💕
pisces moon || aquarius venus || aquarius mars
before getting into this i want to preface that his moon and his venus kind of contradict each other in the aspect that one side is sorta the romantic/sympathetic/perceptive (pisces moon) and the other side (aquarius venus) is like WAAAAAHHHHTTTT???? O.o so please keep this in mind while you read. it's probably a mixture of everything all in one ^^ geez men are already complicated why do they have to be even more complicated -_-
hi, it’s me, i’m the problem it’s me he will most likely not feel very emotionally reassured in his relationships with his pisces moon. he just worries about everything and anything
i got you babe his pisces moon makes him aware (intuitvely) of his partners needs. it's almost scary how he can predict what his partner wants/needs/feels before they even verbally express it. that being said he may not act on it
feet firmly planted on the ground he's a very down to earth kind of guy and can relate to people's pain/sorrow very well
"i like angela, pamela, sandra and rita..." so he may end up cheating if he's 1.) around crappy/lousy people (he can be easily influenced by the people he's around) 2.) if his parents don't have the healthiest relationship he may fall prey to what happened with them aka divorce/cheating 3.) if he's a sociable person (his aquarius venus likes to be social too so he may have lots of friends) but the majority may be women and if he seeks solace and comfort from these women... yeah he may cheat on his partner. AND 4.) if his partner doesn't give him the love and support he needs
i do want to note that points #2 and #3 are both with his venus sign as well
"soooo romantic~~~~" his love and feelings run deep and he displays this by being on the slight romatic side (i say slight because of that aquarius venus)
helpful hand he's the type to want to help out the people he loves and help people in general
simple and kind-hearted
a little fight never hurt anyone so he might be a little bit of a pushover for the person that he likes. his pisces moon will put his feelings to the side and do everything and anything that he can to make sure that his partner is happy and enjoying themselves. so yeah... while this sounds nice his feelings matter too
if you ask i will tell along with being perceptive he's also a deep thinker but won't voice out his opinion/thoughts/views unless he's asked to do so and boy will his partner be blown away
loves witty conversations and would love to discuss this and just have fun talking with his partner
eccentric tastes his aquarius venus may have interesting hobbies or he may end up liking very unorthodox things
did i say romantic? yeah his aquarius venus isn't mushy gushy oh baby i love you so much. his idea of loving someone right is probably with an intellectual debate XP
detached with his aquarius venus and his aquarius mars he can have a detached/disinterested vibe about him so this is something to keep in mind
competitive like my mom always says 'just let the guy win. even if you know you can take him to the cleaners...let him win... it might hurt his ego if you beat his a** to badly' yeah he might be a pouty sore loser XP
below the cut (18+)
if you are not over the age of 18, do not interact this section is not meant for you. thank you
promiscuous man... perhaps... may not be as sexually promiscuous as one would think. his aquarius mars doesn't really "need" it as much as other signs and he's also pretty detached anyway
no strings attached this is could be something he prefers as opposed to an actual relationship. possible friends with benefits type of relationshp
open relationships anyone? again this is from the mere aspect of not wanting to be tied down to someone and needing to be there "emotionally"
talk talk talk that's all they want no but seriously he may actually need to have his mind busy while doing the deed so a conversation could happen
spontaneous and "interesting" k*nks
ankle massage... giving the ole calves a massage too... i'm just saying *wink wink*
s*xting/phone s*x
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highflyerwings · 4 months
I have one ep of A Killer Paradox left, and all I know right now is that it's a bonkers fun show. Kdramas are back baby. This feels like 2021 all over again. Choi Wooshik is one of my favorite Korean actors and I don't think I've really noticed it until now. Son Sukku is....my boyfriend. I'm done fighting my crush on him. He's grungy and dreamy and cute and fun and he was made for this role and you can tell he had so much fun with it. Lee Heejoon............if i say what I want to say about him even tumblr might ban me but I just know he's one of my favorite Korean character actors and he's got me scared AND horny and that's my favorite combination.
Anyways, go watch A Killer Paradox.
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thedeluluverse · 5 months
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Author’s Note: Yes, I know the series was over by the summer, but in my Oc Nari au, it sounded better in the summer, lol. Let me know what y’all think, and get ready for the next 2 parts!
Summary: Summer is fast approaching, and your relationship with Tae has felt like a walk in dreamland so far! Naturally, neither of you is thrilled about the prospect of him leaving for Mexico to film a new show because it means being apart, but you are happy for him and promise to call him every night! But will that be necessary?
Pairing:  Jinny’s Kitchen era bf!Tae x oc!Nari. Mentions of the rest of Jinny’s crew but nothing romantic happens.
Rating: Mild (some teasing but nothing explicit)
Genre: slight angst, fluff, established relationship, series
Word Count: 1,570
Warnings: none really, besides separation anxiety and Tae being a little shit, haha
It is the middle of May, and the past 3 months of being the girlfriend of your stranger who turned into the love of your life, Kim Taehyung, has been absolute bliss.
While both of your schedules keep you more than occupied, he always makes time for you, and you relish being able to openly claim him as yours while seeing Jocelyn flounce amongst young bachelors like a dying fish every other week.
Something has seemed off with your boyfriend for the past couple of weeks. You are unable to pinpoint what is different, but his energy has definitely been altered by something.
He reassures you that he is fine and that you did nothing, even swearing it on Yeontan! Still, you know him better than he realizes and that doesn’t tame the worry in your heart.
The next week, you finally get the answer you have been asking for: he is leaving in 3 days to film a show in Mexico. How did you get this information from your guarded teddy bear? Tequila.
He had told you he was going to hang out with his friends Jung Yumi, Choi Wooshik, and Park Seo Joon after the gym and to not wait up as it had been a long time since he had seen them.
Well, you obviously didn’t listen and stayed up until he got home to make sure everything was all right and to sneak in a “hey” to his friends as they dropped him off after partaking in too many shots.
The second he plopped onto the couch, the waterworks started. Between sobs, he choked out the news that he feels like his life with you has just started.
He doesn’t want to leave you, but his manager already said that you couldn’t tag along but were more than welcome to visit him the last couple of days.
You sit there in a daze, rubbing his back while he cries into your shoulder and can’t believe that he has kept this from you. While you understand his reasoning, he knows about your separation anxiety.
You prefer to have a hefty heads-up before these types of things so you can slowly adjust. You’ll barely be past the depression about him leaving by the time he leaves.
Despite your annoyance at his strategy of information release, you do your best to postpone the depression and enjoy the next few days, helping him prepare and have as much fun as possible.
You know this is barely easier for him, and he has apologized profusely for not telling you sooner.
The day arrives for his departure, and you bring him to the airport and wish him and his friends safe travels with bleary eyes and continual “I love you’s” being exchanged between you.
You get home and cuddle up with Yeontan on the couch, feeling exhausted. Your emotions finally take over about 15 minutes later, and the waterworks are in full effect.
A while later, Tae shoots you a text that they have a brief layover before the next flight and that he already misses you and will call you as soon as he gets settled.
This only intensifies the tears, and it takes a miracle for you to settle down enough to pick up the phone about 5 minutes later when you see his manager calling your phone.
You answer immediately, asking if everything is okay, and he even further reassures you that they are fine and that he is about to tell you something confidential, not even to tell your boyfriend.
He apologized for saying that you couldn’t tag along before, but the decision wasn’t final yet. Your eyebrows are about to merge into one from being confusingly scrunched so much.
He explains that you will be leaving in 2 days to meet them in Mexico. A couple of episodes will already be shot, but he wants to surprise Tae (and the viewers) by having you join the crew.
He has already made accommodations for your heat sensitivity in advance, and everyone loves your relationship’s chemistry, so it would be an honor for you to guest star.
You think for a moment but decide not to live in fear and what if, and you agree! It is exceedingly difficult not to tell Tae the news when he calls that night, being the most pitiful puppy missing you so much and being homesick, but you can’t wait to see the look on his face when you spawn on set.
You arrive in Mexico a few days later at a nearby hotel so maintain the surprise and are given instructions on where to go, when, and given the Jinny’s Kitchen uniform.
It is tricky to Facetime Tae that night as you must make it look like you aren’t in the same time zone.
Luckily, he is exhausted, doesn’t suspect anything, and doesn’t even make a fuss about you ending the call earlier than usual because “you have an early photoshoot.”  
You drift off to sleep with the biggest grin on your face, knowing you get to be reunited with your boyfriend way ahead of schedule.
Bright and early the next morning, you arrive at the set, and the moment his eyes meet yours, he runs toward you like an excited puppy, lifts you, spins you around, and showers you with kisses until you both need oxygen.
Everyone on set can tell how much his energy shifts now that you are around and are impressed with your acting debut and how professional you are both being.
The viewers already know that you are together, but you both have jobs to do and can’t play around like when you cook at home.
After the first couple of days, he isn’t used to you in a negative way, but his cheeky side is peeking through now that the shock of you being there has lessened.
As the crew is doing the pre-shift interviews as all of you get ready for the day, he says, “Oh well, I am definitely not the intern now that Nari is here. I’ve been running this for 2-3 days before she got here. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that is cleared up.” He says with a sly grin.
This remark is because the day before, you had gotten playfully sassy when he was trying to show you how to do something. Your reply was, “Um, I’m sorry. I’m the chef at home, so I think I can handle myself just fine, pretty boy; go check on the table 4.” giggling as he walked away.
The workday starts, and Tae calls a team meeting, shocking the older members with his boldness. Once everyone is gathered, he brings up an issue with his boss, Seo Jin. “Hyung, now that Nari is here, I think that we need to reconfigure the hierarchy of this establishment.”
You sit in the corner and roll your eyes only for a moment before they bug out of your head as the older man agrees with Tae. As Wooshik arrived a day before you, that makes you the true intern and the one with the least authority.
The whole time Seo Jin is explaining this amongst the other's discussion, you are glaring at your boyfriend while he has his tongue poking the inside of his cheek the whole time, looking the cockiest he has in a hot minute. Which is highly arousing. You won’t lie, but you are still annoyed.
You head to the back and start to gather the equipment the team will need to prep the snack foods of the day; Tae follows you with the excuse that nobody can make better rice than him so that he will start it.
Despite his attempts to show affection or joke around, you ignore him, fighting a smile because he is just your goofball boy that you are madly in love with and aren’t upset.
Dropping off the tools to Yumi and Seo Joon first, you return to the kitchen for the remaining items needed for the day. Chuckling to yourself about the events of the day so far, you get spun around and pinned to the fridge in a split second.
Tae has both of your hands in one of his above your head, and his other hand caresses your cheek, “Oh jagiya, now it’s official that you must listen to me. But that won’t be a problem; we both know how well you take instruction from me, right?”
With a smirk at your speechlessness, he gives you quick pecks on the forehead, nose, cheeks, and lips and turns to assist the others in prepping the food.
You remain frozen with heat pooling in your stomach for the next several seconds before Yumi comes to gather veggies from the fridge for the rolls.
Noticing your wide eyes, still leaning up against the fridge, she asks, “Nari, are you all right? You hadn’t been seen in a while.” Returning to Earth, you nod, saying, “Sorry, there were a few dishes, then I got overheated, so I just leaned against here a moment.” She nods with a smile, “Glad you are feeling better; we all get hot and bothered in a kitchen, so do what you need to, yeah?”
As she walks away, you grin, knowing the real reason you were back there, and mumble to yourself, “You can say that again.”
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j2kdrama · 2 years
our beloved summer
friendly reminder: choi ung is the type of boyfriend we’ll never have</3
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btsandvmin · 2 years
BTS&Vmin analysis pt. 3 - Problems with analysis of real people (part 2)
There are many things that make analysis of real people very difficult, and even more so from afar and when they would have reason to hide the things we try to make theories about. (Something I think being LGBTQ+ or in a relationship would likely entail for any BTS member.) Thus I want to properly go through many of these problems that I think too many ship analyzers seem to ignore or forget about.
This is part 2, and if you haven’t read part 1 yet you can do so here:
BTS&Vmin analysis pt. 3 - Problems with analysis of real people (part 1)
Once again I ask you to be critical. Question what people say, their reasons for saying it and remember how easily something can be interpreted differently by different people. This applies to me as well, just because I love Vmin and see something as possible between them doesn’t mean I am an expert with the right answer.
Before I even start doing any analysis I want to mention some of the things that make trying to prove something about BTS as faraway spectators very difficult and what we need to remember as we consume anything fan-created or opinion related.
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The topics I will go through for “Problems with analysis of real people” are:
Part 1 (link to part 1)
Culture and individual differences
Keeping up appearances and the created image
Complexity of humans and situations
Screen time and perspective over time
Confirmation bias and Cognitive dissonance
Part 2 (this post)
Dating and unknown relationships
Internal and external relationship with being LGBTQ+
Social norms - What is romantic love?
PR, risk and shipping
Dating and unknown relationships
I am of the opinion that it's very likely the majority of BTS have dated or have been in some type of relationship at some point (or are right now). Maybe only casual, maybe just sex, but I doubt all of them would have been single since 2013. Thus we can think it's likely they have at some point hidden relationships from us without us noticing it. I am not saying they all must have been in relationships and I am not saying how serious those relationships might have been, only that I think at some point some members have probably dated or at least had casual sex. This shouldn't be too surprising considering how common it is for idols to date, sometimes completely in secret. Sometimes resulting in big scandals when revealed to the public. Either way we can most likely assume BTS members have managed relationships without fans knowing and we have no clue when or who they might have been with.
There are so many relationships in their lives we never or rarely ever see. For example Sungwoon has traveled with Jimin several times now and Jimin was heard in the background of one of his videos. Jimin sang the line "You are me, I am you" from Serendipity when talking about how well the two of them fit together and went to his apartment for his birthday. Taehyung has a close relationship to his Wooga squad and Park Bogum to name a few. They are people he has traveled and spent a lot of time with. Taehyung wrote something like “Honey you've worked hard” in a IG comment to Choi Wooshik and honestly Taehyung has been pretty open with his love towards his Wooga hyungs. I know there are people who ship them for sure, but the numbers are less, likely partly because what we see and can enjoy is less. The point is that people ship them because of them having confirmed interactions even if they aren't as frequent as the inter group ships will provide.
All members know a lot of people, some whom we have no idea even exist but that they surely spend time with. Yet most people don't even look at it as a possibility because other ships, especially within the group, are more prominent. I think Namjoon and his “secret boyfriend” is something that kind of shows both sides here. Fewer people ship them together than Namjoon with the members, but because he shows up in a lot of Namjoon’s content a fair amount assumes he is Namjoon’s boyfriend, simply based on that he shows up a lot. But the amount of visible moments doesn't really have to prove anything. Jimin also has a manager he is close enough with that he got dubbed “Jimin's personal manager”. There are people in their lives they might meet every day and we have no clue about them. And if we consider a female partner the odds of getting any “clues” are even smaller. Taehyung and other members have been caught up in several dating rumors, and so far nothing has been confirmed. Some fans get convinced easily while others deny it at every cost, but in the end we don’t truly know the truth unless we are told directly.
Like I said, it’s highly unlikely that no BTS member has ever been in a relationship. Likely most of them have at least at some point kept some type of relationship hidden. There are so many people in their lives they could be together with and we wouldn't even know. For all we know they could even be hiding in their rooms during vlives and we only assume it is who we want it to be.
We have a ton of moments to look at, but if some members (or at least idols in general) can manage relationships with people they don't see every day, surely it would be odd to assume that if there is a relationship within the group, that they would need to constantly be together. I don't think we can truly know what a hidden couple would choose to do in the situation of balancing working together and being involved in a romantic and/or sexual way. The idea of comparing moments and amount of time spent together between members as a competition for what ship is "the realest" might be misleading. For all we know they could try hard to separate private time and work. Or they might be stuck together every chance they get. But we don't see enough to know either way. Both Jimin and Taehyung could theoretically have completely unknown partners and we wouldn't know. So how can we look at any ship and try to compare as if we assume the moments we get are all there is?
We don't know what any of the members would do about a controversial relationship, and we don't know how they would act or what they would prioritize if they are in a relationship. We also don’t know what their company would do. As usual the nuances and possibilities are too many, but at least we should remember it's not fair to only assume anything only based on what we see. In the end it's basically impossible to know anything for sure, because there are too many missing pieces.
Other idols are doing it, so surely BTS dates too. That much I think we should be prepared for and be willing to accept. I think people should honestly try to not bother with other ships too much and just enjoy their own but without getting certain about their view being real. And always keep an open mind for whoever they might date. If they are happily in love, let them, even if it's not your preference. It's their lives not a fanfiction. They deserve to be happy, and putting your preference above their choice for happiness is frankly selfish and toxic. You should be able to love them no matter who they might love.
Internal and external relationship with being LGBTQ+
I don't want to force any labels on BTS as it's their own private matter, but for any inter group ship analysis it's obviously impossible to avoid the subject. Everything regarding sexuality will obviously only be speculation based on assuming what it might look like if any of them are non-straight. They might not have a label of themselves at all, and how can we as complete strangers then apply any of them?
As for any of the members being LGBTQ+ we can only guess how that would look since we have nothing to really compare with. How it shows could vary a lot depending on the person, if they are out, who might know, the company's reactions to it (if they know at all) etc. It can also change over time. Especially since it seems unlikely all non-straight idols would announce their sexualites to just anyone comfortably. Even coming out to yourself or your family can be extremely difficult. How any individual would handle telling their members, or not telling them, has too many possible outcomes.
But I also think people need to remember that in basically any form of entertainment business the average percentage of non straight people is generally higher. I'd go as far as to say it's likely more k-pop groups exist that have at least one LGBT+ member compared to there being none.
There is likely also a consensus not to out LGBT+ idols within the idol community, which we can see by the fact that no one actually has been, despite some even being open enough to go to gay bars etc. (at least I know this is the case for Japanese idols). So in some ways I suppose they also might not have to be as careful as we might think. It's once again very difficult for us as observers to truly know how the individuals involved and the people around them would act. And also what the industry allows and knows.
What we do know is that being an idol can't be easy and comes with a lot of restrictions, likely including psychological ones. We also know being LGBT+ in general isn't easy, and being so as a South Korean celebrity must be even more difficult in a lot of ways. There is a reason so few LGBT+ idols can be found, and even the ones that are open aren't open without problems, like being black listed from shows, censured and of course the general hate that comes with being LGBT+. When considering a real hidden same-group, LGBT+ couple there are many things we cannot forget or ignore.
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(From Holland’s Neverland MV which got a explicit rating simply for including a kiss between two men.)
What their sexuality or gender identity is might also be something that they are unsure about or that they accept or express to various degrees. This in turn of course can very much matter for how they act or react to both things LGBT+ or with a possible hidden LGBT+ relationship. Even shippers when looking at the members as parts of ships often seem to assume “gay and happily in love” (even if perhaps forced apart by some evil).
There are possibilities on a very wide rainbow spectrum and how they might feel about relationships. Some possibilities seems to be ignored completely, like being ace/aro or perhaps polyamorous or in open relationships. Being non-binary or bi for example seems to at least be possibilities some fans are open to, but in the end the point is that the image that most shippers see as the most plausible is based on what they want or are used to and sometimes they might not even stop to think about anything except “these two people are in love and in a relationship.” Basically being part of the community can feel and be expressed in so many ways that it's more or less impossible for outsiders to even guess what it might look like. I's really not our place to try and push or guess the labels of people to begin with. Not to mention the fact that often a lot of the problems this would likely make them go through both as individuals, as a couple and for BTS as a group are overlooked for the sake of “true love conquers all”.
One huge issue that many shippers seem to be aware of, yet at the same time seem to underestimate, is the Korean society’s relationship to LGBT+, and how being openly gay would likely be a huge scandal and even lessen BTS’s popularity. Many Korean’s think being gay is a mental illness, and in the military you can even be dishonarably discharged if you are LGBT+ and consendual sex between soliders is a crime. (X) (X) I doubt these things would be taken lightly, and if there are any LGBT+ members, I don’t think they would risk being exposed or outed at the very least before their military service has been done. What we should know is that clearly being LGBT+ in Korea is an issue, and while BTS are international stars the view of their Korean peers, families and fans might not be as supportive as we might wish.
I will talk more about LGBTQ+ and Vmin, but while I am speculating and considering various things they have done that seem possibly queer-coded I am not going to assume it has to mean one thing or the other. After all, we don't know them and their circumstances. However I want to be clear and say that I also won't assume they are automatically straight (straight is a label too so we shouldn't apply it either), but rather I'll be open and happy and support them no matter what they might be.
Social norms - What is romantic love?
I think that it might be a good idea to stop and think about what romantic love really is, and how different it might look to different people. Social norms and views on how we interpret something as romantic (or queer) doesn't have to always apply.
There is the concept of "romantic friendships" which I just want to explain as an example of how our views change how we read certain actions. I want to be clear however and say this is just a term loosely used and not a label, which is common to describe close and intimate relationships, especially from before the second half of the 19th century. These were relationships that had things we today would consider romantically coded, but weren't necessarily at the time. (You can see many examples of very close friendships like this in literature, for example Lord of the Rings). Likely one reason for these intimate type of friendships were due to people not seeing homosexuality in the same way. I also suspect that the reason for Korean men to be able to be closer is partly due to the old idea that "homosexuality doesn't exist in Korea". It's obviously not true, but not being afraid of being seen as gay might allow for more comfortable and intimate expressions of love between men.
Of course it is very difficult to know the true nature of these relationships from a time where such actions were considered normal but homosexuality wasn't. (For example I would personally count works of Hermann Hesse as queer coded, but not Lord of the Rings which revolves about deep friendships, but it's all just interpretations). The point is that culture has over time changed what might be considered romantic or not, and in the west and in modern times a lot of gestures that might have been more common between friends have become associated with couples to the point that people might find them weird between “just friends''. In some countries casual kissing between men is also a lot more common in some cases, like the cheek kiss greeting for example.
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Basically this is an example of how culture matters and not every individual will automatically follow the same social norms. But even so there is a definition and a list of things common in these romantic friendships, which Vmin basically fit into, meaning even if they aren't actually in love or sexually involved they still act in some nowadays usually viewed as typically romantic ways.
Here is a description used for romantic friendships:
"The term romantic friendship, passionate friendship or affectionate friendship refers to a very close but non-sexual relationship between friends, often involving a degree of physical closeness beyond what is common in modern Western societies, for example holding hands, cuddling, sharing a bed, as well as open expressions of love for one another." (https://psychology.wikia.org/wiki/Romantic_friendship)
We see that Vmin (and BTS in general) check every box of these things commonly beyond the closeness we are used to seeing between same sex friends, in particular men. This is why I personally say the intimacy and even passionate way Vmin show their love for each other is at the very least queer platonic, even though it would then partly be because of the toxic views our society might have on masculinity.
This list is not scientific, but I do think it brings up the point that no matter what relationship Vmin has it doesn't appear conventional to the majority of BTS fans based on cultural views and societal norms. And this is also why Vmin (and BTS) in general are changing some views on toxic masculinity.
So since Vmin has this type of relationship they already depart from some of the social norms of platonic friendship. Something that can make things a bit confusing as many will be used to interpret their behavior as romantic. We see BTS and Kpop idols (meaning not just one stand out ship) break a lot of these norms that in the west might seem very obviously romantic. Meaning we can't completely trust the normal cues of what makes something romantic because the culture and Kpop industry has already blurred the lines.
We can probably recognise that the behavior or intimacy, to the levels BTS share, between men is rare. I can’t help but feel that if Vmin were characters in a movie or novel the way their relationship look would be yet another example of queer coding. Where straight people can watch and be happy about examples of non toxic masculinity. They are such good friends, not afraid to show love and intimacy and even call each other soulmates. I’ve literally seen an article like this for Vmin (BTS Soulmates V And Jimin Are Changing How The World Sees Men Holding Hands). The strong focus on friendship would leave many clueless of the codes left that the LGBT+ community would see and relate to. (Basically, Vmin could be the WangXian from the Untamed (Vmin and “The Untamed”) of BTS and it would fly right over many fans’ heads.)
To me Vmin’s relationship is intimate enough to almost come across as passionate, and thus since I can’t actually know if it’s platonic or not even though some things they do might appear romantic, I label it as queer platonic if it isn’t actually romantic. But this is of course something that can differ from person to person, and we all might have our own ideas on what fits into the term or what we see as romantic.
Of course, the real world is something different than movies and fiction. But I also think the same psychology applies in the eyes of the observers, in this case various groups of BTS’s fandom, shippers or non-shippers, LGBT+ or not, often project their own views and feelings about the members. Meaning LGBT+ “hints” might be found if looked for, or go unnoticed under the guise of very close male platonic friendship. If one of Vmin were a woman, would most people still think of them as platonic soulmates? But also, if you are looking for queer representation, you might find it even if that’s not the intention. Basically, in the end there is a problem in BTS being real people but that fans can almost consume in a similar way to characters. Someone we project on and might recognize ourselves in, without it being intentional. An obvious example would be the lyrics of Stigma or Lie, where many LGBT+ fans can recognize themselves in the words and feelings expressed, but where the inspiration and intention is unknown and might be something completely different.
Fanservice alone where some extreme examples have idols kiss on stage should tell you how even clearly queer actions don’t have to say something explicit about the person doing them, just like how actors can kiss or have sex scenes with people they aren’t interested in for real. This has other problems as well as we can see many fans might be very open to shipping or enjoying gay interactions as a fantasy, but would hate the idea of any of their idols actually being part of the LGBT+ community. However that’s another topic.
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(JE group Tokio members kissing on stage, the GIF didn’t work on Tumblr)
I want to be clear and say that I do not speak about fanservice as something that might make a relationship seem queer or queerplatonic, but rather just as an example of how difficult it can be to know what these idols even see as romantic (or sometimes borderline sexual) behavior exclusive to a partner in a setting where some of these actions are done for entertainment. Basically the world they live in and the different norms they come across could affect how the people involved view skinship or romantic gestures in other parts of their life as well. Just as us looking at them might be affected by what we are used to and how we see something as platonic or romantic.
We know many members in BTS are extremely intimate with several other members, and I can guess that some things many of us watching might feel would be odd to do with a friend is something they long ago got used to.
All of this being said, there are times BTS have suggested some things to be romantic looking or “couple like” that they have done with other members. They are aware of how some things are viewed as romantic and sometimes even joke about it amongst themselves. Basically BTS are aware of social norms of romantic behavior, but sometimes they cross into that “romantic” territory themselves anyways. So how are we to know for sure where their lines are drawn between what only looks like being a couple and what actually is being a couple?
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Of course this doesn't mean we should automatically disregard everything that seems romantic, but it does mean we can't truly be certain. In particular not without other reasons to back up our speculations and when these actions often aren't even exclusive. This is also why judging singular moments based on our preconceptions on romantic or even sexual behavior should always be taken with a grain of salt.
On a small tangent I also want to say that romantic or sexual relationships are not necessarily closer or superior to romantic ones. Even if romantic relationships might culturally be put on a pedestal above other relationships it should not be seen as the end goal of life and the most important thing to all people.
Remember that 1. We don't know what their definition of romantic looks like or what they think is ok to do with "just friends". 2. We should not assume being closer equals romantic or that romantic love is more important than platonic love. And 3. Behavior and actions can be romantic looking in nature without there being romantic intentions or feelings.
It could just be that the members have platonic relationships in ways we aren't used to seeing as platonic behavior, or in short some sort of queerplatonic relationship.
PR, risk and shipping
Now, any romantic (or sometimes even platonic) relationship of any famous person that is supposed to be desired by the masses can become a risk. And even more so when it comes to idols and with how they are viewed by the Korean society. Even though it’s slowly getting better there are countless examples of idols dating which has led to a lot of hate and loss of fans or even going as far as getting them kicked out of their companies. For example, when Chen from EXO announced he is getting married a lot of fans felt deceived and wanted him to leave the group. Or the whole ordeal with Hyuna and E'Dawn ending with both of them leaving their company. It’s a risk both to the individuals and their careers and in extension their whole group as well..
As western fans it is sometimes easy to forget how harsh the Korean fans and society can be, because the culture is so different to what many of us are used to. That being said a lot of idols do date, and it's often in secret, so it's definitely possible, or rather likely, that members of BTS have or are doing this as well. Though I personally think it would look different than a normal relationship for two main reasons, the fact that it would have to be in secret and how little time they would probably be able to spend together due to their hectic schedules.
A relationship within a group is of course even more of a risk considering not only how the people involved would have to hide a lot and be under a lot of stress since they would have to still interact but likely play down their true relationship at least in part, but also due to the simple fact that things can get really bad if two members that have to work together eventually break up. There are even some asian idol groups I suspect could possibly have had really severe consequences because of members getting involved, namely ending up with members leaving the group all together. There is in fact one Korean boy group (K'Pop) where they disbanded because two members were together but one of them cheated on their partner with another male idol (x).
For shippers, but more importantly “believers”, I think it's important to remember that in most cases a romantic relationship has a bigger risk of ending, and particularly ending badly, compared to a platonic one. Especially considering how young the members are. In this way I personally think it would probably be better if no ship at all is real. These are real people, and there is no guarantee for a happy ending. I also think a company would feel the same risks about an inter group relationship.
I think two members of the same sex taking the step to be in a serious relationship would require a lot of thought and in most cases they would probably have people around them be against it as well (if they can talk to someone about it at all). However, it's still love and desire we are talking about and thus what is most logical might not always matter. We also know a lot of people meet their partners in their workplace, including celebrities and idols too of course. And thus it isn't that far fetched for it to happen within groups as well if they happen to fall for each other. So again, while it isn't impossible there is definitely risk involved.
Hiding something like this would also reflect badly on the whole group if it ever got out, and not just affect the individuals involved. Thus I imagine it would very likely require a lot of involvement and the opinions of the group as well, if the company and members are aware at all of course. And if the members involved are serious about their relationship I also think the way they are presented by themselves and the company can be partly intentional. But how they would choose to show it depends on the individuals, the situation, the company's view and many other things.
It’s also a huge personal risk and if their family and friends aren’t open minded they risk getting shunned by their loved ones. I have seen K-netizens call homosexuals “psychopaths” and even though a lot of fans love shipping members they would find it disgusting if it turned out to be real. I know LGBT+ couples in Korea can hardly show affection while being in public and that many have been cut off by their relatives after coming out to them. It’s a big deal, and I don’t know how some fans can say things like “If they were gay they would tell us.” because it’s not that easy. It’s a lot at stake and likely even a huge step to even admit to themselves and close ones if they are non-straight.
Even for celebrities in the west there are countless examples of people hiding their sexualities or relationships because it wouldn't be received well. It's also common in Korea or Japan for gay people to still marry and get children because the pressure and expectations to do so are also very big. In short it's not easy being LGBT+ and perhaps even more difficult in Korea and as an idol. The majority of BTS 'own fans probably also either ship something that goes against a possible real relationship, might be insisting they are straight or call shipping the boys weird to begin with. No matter what ship could be real they would have the majority of their own fans either against them or at least see the possibility as delusional. The pressure to end things if such a ship was found out would likely be big. Even if the company and other members are supportive it's possible that with a group as close and selfless as BTS they might put the best for the group above their own desire or even happiness.
The most realistic approach is probably that even if members were interested in each other they might still not act on it or at least try to keep it secret. However they are only human and they are also young and might act on their feelings despite the risks. It’s also possible that they simply fool around but never take it to the level of an actual relationship. It’s also a possibility that there might have been something but they decided to end it or wait. Or they are very progressive and have decided to be together as an actual couple despite the hardships and risks and even let the company and members know. If two members are involved they could also have different opinions from each other on what they want or what they want to do. There are countless options. So even if there could be something between members we still can't really know in what way. Just because the shipper’s ideal is a romantic mutual official relationship that they want to tell the world about, it doesn't have to be what they have. There are so many different queer or queerplatonic relationships that by just looking at them from the outside it would be very difficult to determine how they would label themselves.
It’s also good to remember that getting questions like “ideal girl” or similar are standard and is in no way proof of an idols' sexuality as it’s basically necessary to answer these questions. This too should tell you something about the heteronormative pressure there is on the idols. However, how a person chooses to answer could possibly be a hint. But nonetheless it will automatically be assumed that all members are single and straight and I think at the very least we need to get rid of that assumption and not label the members definitely at all.
Defending someone's straightness can do a lot of harm, probably more harm than thinking someone might be non straight. Just try not to assume either way and just stay open minded.
Companies can also stage things on purpose like using matching clothes etc just to get rumors going between popular idols for PR purposes. Other groups can also use BTS for PR like this without BTS being involved at all. Because speculations are good promo as long as they are just speculation. Fake dating also happens a lot in the entertainment industry in general. Basically there are a lot of things that can play a part in a group or individual’s image and how they are promoted. I don’t think BTS has to do these things, at least not at this point, but they definitely happen and could complicate things when trying to analyze idols.
I also want to talk about fanservice between members. Fanservice is a huge part of the idol culture, something all BTS members are well aware of, and many (if not all) idols take part in fanservice of some kind with each other (or towards fans). Not all fanservice is bad and I think most of the fanservice BTS engage in nowadays is on their own terms and something they think is fun. I also think that people shouldn’t think that fanservice automatically equals fake, as it can simply be something played up for fun or even something they normally do but maybe not in the same way as in front of an audience.
It’s really difficult to know for sure the line of what is fanservice or not, but in general I would say that if the members are aware of and do something very intimate or romantic-looking in front of an obvious audience or camera it can be called a sort of fanservice. They can still behave naturally of course and that wouldn't be fanservice, but again it can be difficult to know the difference sometimes. Even if they do it without thinking in a way it becomes fanservice as it’s something fans get to see and enjoy. Real feelings can also still be hidden under fanservice, but sometimes fanservice is just fanservice between friends and how are we supposed to know the difference for sure? In my opinion BTS are well aware of the ships and how their fans react. Likely they also have staff for the purpose to follow and report their fandom's reactions, and that includes shipping. Sometimes I also think they avoid shippy moments because they know how fans will view it or they aren't in the mood to do fanservice. But most of the time they just seem to have fun with it.
However, even if they all play into the fanservice, rumors that go too far can also be harmful, especially in a society which still has a long way to go when it comes to people being non straight getting accepted. The companies are all well aware of which ships are popular and how to promote them (but remember that promoting a ship doesn’t mean the relationship is fake). But they also often take precautions like not letting popular members share rooms etc. to keep rumors from getting too bad. So, sharing rooms might be something they act a bit careful about for other reasons than trying to hide a relationship. I think there are probably examples of all ships in BTS (or at least the more popular ones) having weird moments where the members act unsure if they show too much or not. This means that even the odd “why are they being careful” or “why don’t we get to see this” type of moments can also have other reasons than the ship being real. Again, most ships have theories that they are careful or even are kept apart or get edited etc. and if several ships have the same type of narratives either at the very least some are incorrect in their interpretation or incorrect with the reason for the behavior. Unless all the ships are real at the same time.
I want to be clear here though... Even if BTS does fanservice at times I do believe that most of what we see is genuine and something the members do because it is natural to them. Most of BTS's interactions are not fanservice. Especially outside of performing.
Fanservice and more importantly the bonds between the members are a huge part of why BTS are so popular, and that being a selling point is something both they and the company knows about. But they also know some things might not be good to show and thus could show some careful behavior in regards to it. Basically it’s a very delicate balance and I think Big Hit too is very aware and careful about how BTS is perceived by the fans and the public. It is however pretty much impossible to truly know what strategy or what precautions a company like Big Hit would use for an actual couple. Or if they would even know of such a relationship to begin with. It is not unusual for idols to hide their relationships completely from both the company, managers and even their own members. Though this usually doesn't last long. One such example would be Hyuna and E'Dawn.
I personally think in the case of BTS they would know by now if there are any non-straight members. (At least if they have accepted it themselves, because internalized homophobia is a whole other issue). Especially since they all seem to have gotten more and more supportive of the LGBT+ community through the years. I would say Hobi, Jin and Jimin in particular seem more open about it now, starting around 2017, than they were before. It's not impossible learning about other members being LGBT+ could make them want to show more support or even accept being LGBT+ themselves. Or it could be a general stance Big Hit wanted to implement as they became more known globally. Still, even if there is no romantic relationship there can still be plenty of other reasons for the members or Big Hit to play down or be careful with how the boys are viewed. Which means that even if there are odd things about the members or a ship it could have other reasons than it being a real romantic relationship. I think this needs to be taken into consideration when the members might seem to hide, lie or "act suspicious" or when things are edited or avoided. Basically there could be other reasons to act careful or hide certain things even if a ship isn't real. This also explains why more ships than just one can have strange moments.
However I also do have to consider that because the Korean society (and a big part of the fandom in general) is so very against there being a non straight member at all, it’s also possible to get away with a lot. Some things general fans might not even think of or notice because they are completely sure the members are straight, so of course it’s still possible that a same sex couple could act more openly as a couple without getting too much suspicion compared to if it was between a man and a woman. Especially since most members are very affectionate and the Korean culture between men has a lot more skinship compared to western standards. It’s easy to dimiss or explain away “no they are just very close, not gay”. Not to mention the defensive anti-shipping behavior that also spreads in the fandom that makes many fans want to ignore the possibility of non-straight members or a couple even more. But just looking at the members and how they act, how would they or we know what would be too much for an actual couple?
It’s just very difficult to guess where that line would be drawn, between what is ok and what isn’t and which approach the company and the members involved would prefer themselves. Personally I think that this could possibly also apply to Vmin having a very clear platonic label that they can probably partly hide their actions and affection behind if they are together. It’s also something that could change over time, depending on other circumstances or the minds of the people involved. And the way Vmin navigates their relationship could be by slowly trying to see what is ok and what isn’t, which leads to some changes in their actions towards each other gradually over time while they still act careful with doing too much. This is obviously speculation, but something I personally think fits Vmin's behavior towards each other.
We also have to remember that despite what it may feel like the shippers are not most fans. Shippers are a minority and most fans probably don’t care about their personal relationships at all or maybe even want the members to date them or are against shipping completely. Hetero ships are also extremely popular. Basically for the normal BTS fans a lot of things that shippers take notice of they don't even care about or notice at all. It's the same as how many readers failed to pick up LGBT+ themes in old books when being out was definitely taboo and how some still to this day can't see it. For me personally I see Demian as a very LGBT+ themed book, while others might not even think of it. Or how I think the Yoon*kook relationship in the BU is strongly hinted to be between lovers but many fans fail to see it or even call them brothers. So it’s not impossible that most ship interactions simply get blown out of proportion by their own fandom or that the general fans don't even notice or see it as anything special at all. But in the end it is also just a form of interpretation.
And lastly, in regards to shippers in general. If you have to claim most of the members' interactions are fake to make your ship make sense then there is no point in shipping them if you ask me. Because if they can fake all those things how do they know their own ship isn't fake as well?
I mean, at least admit the things they do are legit. I believe the relationships and interactions between the members are genuine and work from there with my analysis and interpretations. That doesn't mean there can't be weird things or that they can't hide stuff or tell lies, or even play some things up. But going out of their way to fake whole relationships just isn't realistic. I also don’t think BTS are good enough actors to fake to this level over such a long period of time. The web of lies would be impossible to uphold if they are to make up things. Leaving things out is much safer and leaves a more genuine impression. Which is why when considering a ship being real it's still important to remember that all members have moments and interactions and that downplaying them doesn't change the fact that they happen.
There are many things that both affect BTS, a possible couple being in BTS and our own views, interpretations and biases. Be careful of projection of your own wants or feelings onto moments and stay humble and open minded to the many obstacles while trying to discern reasons for people’s behavior.
In short, keep in mind:
Culture and individual differences - The members are all different, and their dynamics with each other can’t be compared to each other 100%. We don’t know their views on various things and we often assume based on our own preconceptions. On top of this most of us come from a different culture, and the group culture BTS has created over many years is on it’s own unique and makes it hard to apply direct comparisons with any viewer’s own preconceptions of behavior.
Keeping up appearance and the created image - BTS are idols, they have their work personas and we know this. I think we can trust what they say, but they can frame themselves in ways that might affect our views and how moments come across. We only have what we see, but what we see can be incorrectly interpreted.
Complexity of humans and situations - We don’t know what personal reasons BTS have for reacting differently, they can be both internal or external. We can’t assume how they think and feel and why they behave certain ways. We can only guess. Context matters and we don’t ever have the full context as outsiders looking in.
Screen time and perspective over time - What we see is only a part of the lives of the members, and even though they get filmed a lot we don’t see everything they do even while at work. Not to mention their private time of course. There are also a lot of problems with our perspective changing and being affected by things like a bias towards the negative, comparing periods or relationships making us feel like something has less meaning or our tendency to remember and put more weight on the most recent moments.
Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance - We all tend to put more value and trust in things we want to believe in, especially if being shown something contradicting might give us the feeling of cognitive dissonance and emotional stress. We seek out those that think similar and might end up in echo chambers where our belief gets even stronger as we get exposed to others who see and feel the same as us.
Language - Both the language barrier from Korean and the way we perceive information from fans depending how they convey it affect our views. We can be affected and put weight into things based on how it is presented and what we might associate with a certain word or type of language.
Dating and unknown relationships - Dating isn’t easy for any idol, but it’s clearly something they still do. There are risks, especially for someone LGBT+, but they might risk it anyways. We also know most idols date without anyone really finding out about it and we don’t see everyone that BTS spend time with and need to remember that they have relationships outside of the group.
Internal and external relationship with LGBT+ - Being LGBT+ isn’t easy, and even someone who is LGBT+ might not even be comfortable with their own label, let alone have shared it with family, the members or the company. Being officially together with someone and letting the company know, and how that looks can vary a lot depending on the person.
Social norms - What is romantic love? - We might know our own level of normal or what we would or wouldn’t do with a romantic partner. But there are many different queerplatonic relationships or behaviors that might seem romantic but aren't when it comes to their feelings. We can never be sure if the person sees something as explicitly romantic or if they feel open and comfortable to do things that are just normally perceived as romantic in a platonic relationship.
PR, risk and shipping - There are a lot of personal risks involved for any BTS member that is in a relationship, but even more so if they are LGBT+ and even further if it’s with another member. It will also affect all the members’ careers and the company if a “scandal” happens to any of the members. The company might get involved to various degrees or the members themselves might be influenced by assessing the risks a relationship with a fellow member involves. It could also simply be their stance or knowledge about shipping and ships that influence certain moments or actions, and it might be impossible for us to know the difference.
In the end shipping and analyzing of ships are done by individuals with very different views and perspectives. And trying to know and understand a person from afar through limited views of their lives includes so many obstacles that I think too many fans’ forget or overlook.
Looking at and trying to analyze real people without even really knowing what to look for, how they would act in a relationship for example, we should be aware of how many errors could be made because of our lack of context and understanding. We need to remind ourselves of our biases and flaws and try to keep an open mind while remaining skeptical.
Getting stuck on a narrative you like or think makes sense is so easy, and something I constantly have to remind myself of as I discuss Vmin or any other theories I have.
Don't underestimate the power of your or someone else's unconscious desire to believe something. Our brains are wired to make us believe what we want to believe. And always remember that we are talking about real people in the real world and how much more complicated that makes things.
Once again, be open minded, remember you can very easily be wrong and try to not simplify or generalize something as complex as the behavior and feelings of another person. (No matter if that person is someone famous or a shipper writing their theories.)
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failedthetopikexam · 3 years
Korean This vs That Word Differences #7
NB: Post is a little long this time - lots of examples and explanation - sorry!
이따가 vs 나중에
Here’s something that trips me up at even the best of times - both mean ‘later’ but they imply slightly different things. ‘이따가' indicates that something will happen a short time later - usually within a few hours, whereas ‘나중에' doesn’t really have a time inference - the time period can be either long or short, so it can be used in every situation. However you might prefer to use 이따가 instead to emphasise that the time is short, for example if you ask someone to wait for you and say to them, “I will come back later”, you can say “이따가 다시 올게요” to emphasise that the waiting time will be short. If you use 나중에 instead, the person cannot tell how long they might be waiting.
외롭다 vs 고독하다
Hopefully here are some words you won’t have to use too often - both give off a meaning of ‘lonely’. 외롭다 will be the adjective that most people are familiar with in meaning ‘lonely’ or ‘feeling lonely’, whereas 고독하다 is an even more intense feeling of loneliness. 고독하다 is more like ‘solitude’ - like that feeling of intense loneliness when you are on your own for long periods of time.
인생 vs 삶 vs 목숨
There are numerous ways to say ‘life’ in Korean and it can get a little confusing so let’s break down just three common terms from the numerous options. 
인생 is made up of the Chinese characters 人生, the first of which means ‘person’, therefore 인생 refers to the life of a human and not the life of other living things (plants or animals) or objects, e.g. “Life is worth living - 인생은 살 가치가 있어요" or “What is the meaning of (human) life? - 인생의 의미는 무엇인가요?”
However, 삶 is life as a concept, or life as an existence - it refers to a living thing’s existence on Earth. e.g. “Grandmother lived a good life [existence] - 할머니는 좋은 삶을 사셨어요" or “Cats live a perfect life [existence] - 고양이는 완벽한 삶을 사요"
목숨 has quite a specific use - the word is composed of 목 (neck) and 숨 (breath) to refer to breathing as the primary function of a human or animal’s life. The easiest way to conceptualise 목숨 is as ‘life that can be lost’ - it indicates the idea that a person or animal either has breath in their body (living), or does not have breath in their body (not living). The ‘breath in your neck (목숨)’ can be risked, in danger or lost, so you will likely only see this term in those kinds of sentences. e.g. “I’m risking my life - 목숨이 위태로워요" or “My life is in danger - 제 목숨이 위험해요"
시도하다 vs 노력하다 vs -아/어 보다
All of these mean ‘to try to do something’ but each have quite different uses. 시도하다 holds more of a meaning of ‘to attempt something’ - it is quite formal in the same way that in English you wouldn’t normally say “I will attempt to do it” when speaking amongst friends, therefore it is more likely to be seen in writing than speaking. e.g. “Suzy attempted singing - 수지는 노래를 시도했다” 
You could instead (mostly) use 노력하다 for less formal and less intensive situations, but it gives off a feeling of trying to do something that requires quite a lot of effort, or something that needs long-term effort, e.g. “I will try (really hard) - 노력할게요”
On the other hand, -아/어 보다 is used all the time and indicates that you will try something (possibly for the first time) with the aim of experiencing what that thing is like. It doesn’t require a lot of effort, and it is probably not something that will go on for a long time, e.g. “I will try eating kimchi - 김치를 먹어 볼게요"
대단하다 vs 대박 vs 신기하다
All of these are terms are common words used to express amazement, and largely could be interchanged without much trouble, but I delved a little deeper to understand the differences and here is what I found:
대박 (대박이다) has two meanings:
Totally cool / really great - an expression to indicate positive feelings or a positive reaction towards something or someone, e.g. “최우식의 새 영화는 대박이다! - Choi Wooshik’s new movie is so cool/great/amazing”
Completely surprising - an expression to indicate shock or surprise and can be used in both positive or negative situations to mean ‘Wow!’ ‘No way!’ ‘That’s unbelievable’ ‘That’s unreal’, e.g. “복권에 당첨됐나요? 대박!! - Did you win the lottery? That’s unbelievable!!” or “남자친구랑 헤어졌다고? 대박.... - You broke up with your boyfriend? No way....”
These two meanings can overlap from time to time, like in the lottery example, but dividing them into two like this, makes the other two terms easier to understand. 대단하다 means ‘a huge amount’ or ‘enormous’, but in expression form it means ‘outstanding’, ‘amazing’, so it has the same use as the first meaning of 대박, e.g. “와 대단하다 - Wow, this is amazing.” 
Meanwhile, 신기하다 means something is amazing in a surprising kind of way, so it is closely related to the second meaning of 대박 - however it is not often used with negative meanings, e.g. “네가 아직도 그걸 기억하다니 신기하구나 - It’s amazing/surprising that you still remember that” or “우리가 이 곳에서 만난 건 신기하다 - It’s amazing/surprising/unbelievable that we met each other here [without planning to meet]”
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nabichoi26 · 2 years
kdrama appreciation post: our beloved summer
i've always love how webtoon story are turned into drama's, i am a sucker for romance and childhood because i still live in trauma in finding love and peace with myself. but to know that there's this monday and tuesday drama at netflix that gives me emotion on my week, i always ask myself "if i was one of the protagonist, who do i or what do i represent". i see myself a combination of yeonsu and choi ung, from the first few episode of the drama i knew i was yeonsu because of my strong appearance that gets into people, i am indeed scary but though i know i have that soft spot in me, i understand how yeonsu broke up with ung before was because she was indeed selfless, and i see myself doing that. but when i find love again for the second time around with the same person they i guess that would mean something. i realize maybe there should always be a gap between being in love to not really getting the means of it, i knew she wanted to be rich and she saw that her boyfriend was which i see got her thinking that maybe because of her, ung is wasting the opportunity he was given. as someone who wants the same thing she knew at that very time, their relationship wasn't perfect, or maybe she wasn't perfect for him.
but what i like is after 5 years, she grew from someone who pity herself to someone who wanted to get back with someone she have longed to be with. time was indeed a waste in the series because they both did not want to confess their love that was still showing. i love how they showed the character development from high school lovers, college lovers breaking up and then being successful people. then through trauma of breakup, of not really knowing what could be the possible thing of leaving, by the end they still loved each other.
maybe because summer was defiantly something we could never forget. it symbolize youth and being in love and the warmth of the season, summer symbolized how both yeonsu and choi ung found each other throughout the summer, and that through this season grows until winter falls and by the time, all they ever longed for was warmth.
i love dami and wooshik chemi
i love sungcheol's acting because his character made me love him more, dud deserve a female protagonist!
i love everything and especially the cinematography, how each episode represent a movie title and just i am out of words for it.
i dont want it to end, but i hope there are more good drama's like this.
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damshikluvbot · 2 years
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choi wooshik fluffy boyfriend <3
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chaninfused · 4 years
choi wooshik is boyfriend material in train to busan
a psa you all must hear
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Male Character List ♂
♛ 2AM ♛ Im Seulong: Jung Jinwoon: Jo Kwon: Lee Changmin:
♛ 2PM ♛ Hwang Chansung (Chansung): Jang Wooyoung (Wooyoung): JunK : Lee Junho (Junho): Nickhun Buck Horvejkul (Nickhun): Ok Taecyeon (Taecyeon):
♛ ASTRO ♛ Kim Myungjun (MJ) : Lee Dongmin (Cha Eunwoo) : Jinjin : Moonbin : Rocky (Park Minhyuk): Sanha (Yoon Sanha):
Lee Chanhyuk:
♛ B1A4 ♛ Cha Sunwoo (Baro): Gong Chanshik (Gongchan): Jung Jinyoung: Lee Jung Hwan (Sandeul): Shin Dongwoo (CNU):
♛ B.A.P ♛ Bang Yongguk: Choi Junhong (Zelo) : Jung Daehyun: Kim Himchan: Moon Jongup: Yoo Youngjae:
♛ BTS ♛ Jeon Jungkook: Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) : Kim Namjoon (Rap Monster) : Kim Seokjin (Jin): Kim Taehyung (V): Min Yoongi (Suga): Park Jimin (Jimin):
♛ BIG BANG ♛ T.O.P: Taeyang: Daesung: G-Dragon: Seungri:  
♛ Block B ♛ Ahn Jaehyo: U-Kwon: Taeil: Lee Minhyuk (B-Bomb): Park Kyung: Pyo Ji Hoon (P.O): Woo Jiho (Zico):  
♛ Boyfriend ♛ Jo Kwangmin: Jo Youngmin: Kim Donghyun: Lee Jeongmin: No Minwoo: Shim Hyunseong:
♛ Boys Republic ♛ Jo Won Jun (Oneejun) : Choi Da Bin (Sunwoo) : Park Seong Jun ( Sungjun ) : Kim Min Soo (Minsu) : Lee So Woong (Suwoong) :
♛ BTOB ♛ Ilhoon : Changsub : Minhyuk : Hyunshik : Eunkwang : Peniel : Sungjae :  
♛ CNBLUE  ♛ Jung Yonghwa Kang Minhyuk : Lee Jonghyun : Lee Jungshin :  
♛ Cross Gene ♛ Chu Xiao Xian (Casper) : J.G : Kim Yong Seok : Kim Sang Min : Shin Won Ho : Terada Takuya :
♛ DAY6 ♛ Kang Younghyun (Young K) : Kim Wonpil: Park Jaehyung (Jae) : Park Sungjin (Sungjin) : Yoon Do Woon (Do Woon) :
♛ Epik High ♛ Mithra: Tukutz DJ: Tablo:
♛ EXO ♛ Byun Baekhyun (Baekhyun) : Do Kyungsoo (D.O) : Kim Jongdae (Chen) : Kim Jongin (Kai) : Kim Junmyeon (Suho) : Oh Sehun (Sehun) : Park Chanyeol (Chanyeol) : Kim Minseok (Xiu Min) : Zhang Yixing (Lay) :  
♛ FT Island ♛ Choi Jonghun : Choi Minhwan : Lee Hongki : Lee Jaejin : Oh Wonbin : Song Seunghyun:
♛ GOT7 ♛ Bambam : Jackson : JB : Jr : Mark : Youngjae : Yugyeom :
♛ HALO ♛ Jo Sungho (Dino) : Jung Young Hoon (Ooon) : Kim Jaeyong : Kim Heechun : Kim Yoondong : Lee Inhaeng :
♛ IKON ♛ B.I : Bobby : Chanwoo : Kim Dong Hyuk (DK): Kim Jin Hwan (Jay): Kim Jun Hoe (June) : Song Hyun Yeong (Song):
♛ Infinite ♛ Jang Dongwoo (Dongwoo) : Kim Myungsoo (L) : Kim Sungkyu (Sungkyu) : Lee Howon (Hoya) : Lee Sungjong (Sungjong) : Lee Sungyeol (Sungyeol) : Nam Woohyun (Woohyun) :
♛ JYJ ♛ Jae Joong : Yoo Chun : Jun Su :
♛ JYJ ♛
J.Seph: BM:
♛ MADTOWN ♛ Daewon : H.O : Hoejun : Jota : Ju Hyeon (Buffy) : Kim Sang Bae (Moos) : Lee Geon :
♛ MBLAQ ♛ Bang Chulyong (Mir) : Jung Byunghee (G.O) : Yang Seungho (Seungho) :
♛ MONSTA X ♛ Hyungwon : I.M : Jooheon : Kihyun : Minhyuk : Wonho : Shownu :
♛ MY NAME ♛ Chae Jinsuk (Chaejin) : Kang Insoo (Insoo) : Kang Junkyu (JunQ) : Kim Seyong (Seyong) : Lee Gunwoo (Gunwoo) :
♛ N.Sonic ♛ Black J : Byeol : Eunho : Jonguk : J.Heart :
♛ NU’EST ♛ Aron Kwak (Aron) : Choi Minki (Ren) : Hwang Minhyun (Minhyun) : Kang Dongho (Baekho) : Kim Jonghyun (JR) :
♛ ROMEO ♛ Hyunkyung : Lu Han Kyle : Kangmin : Milo : Aiman Choi Minsung : Seunghwan : Yunsung :
♛ SEVENTEEN  ♛ Boo Seungkwan : Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups) : Vernon: Joshua: Jeon WonWoo : Kim Mingyu : Hoshi: Dino: Woozi: Dokyeom : Xu Minghao (The8) : Jun : Jeonghan: 
♛ SHINee ♛ Choi Minho:  Kim Jonghyun: Kim Kibum (Key) : Lee Jinki (Onew) : Lee Taemin:  
♛ Super Junior ♛ Choi Siwon (Siwon) : Cho Kyuhyun (Kyuhyun) : Henry Lau (Henry) : Kim Heechul (Heechul) : Kim Jongwoon (Yesung) : Kim Ryeowook (Ryeowook) : Kim Youngwoon (Kangin) : Lee Donghae (Donghae) : Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) : Lee Sungmin (Sungmin) : Park Jungsoo (Leeteuk) : Shin Donghee (Shindong) :
Bang Minsoo (C.A.P) : Choi Jonghyun (Changjo) : Daniel Ahn (Niel) : Lee Byunghyun (L.Joe) : Lee Chanhee (Chunji) : Yoo Changhyun (Ricky) :
♛ TVXQ ♛
Jung Yunho (U-Know) : Shim Changmin (Max) :
♛ Topp Dogg ♛ Gohn : Jeon HoJoon (HoJoon) : Jin Hyo Sang (Kidoh) : Kim Byungjoo (B-Joo) : Kim Hansol (Hansol) : Kim Taeyang (Jenissi) : Kim Sanggyun (A-Tom) : Park Hyunho (Seogoong) : Park Sehyuk (P-Goon) : Seo Sangwon (Yano) : Shin Jiho (Xero) : Shin Yooncheol (Nakata) : Yu Sangdo (Sangdo) :
♛ UP10TION ♛ Go Minsoo (Kogyeol) : Han Kyujin (Gyujin) : Kim Jinwook (Jinhoo): Lee Changhyun (Bitto) : Lee Dongyeol (Xiao) : Lee Hwanhee (Hwanhee) : Lee Joowon/Kim Wooseok (Wooshin) : Lee Sunghoon (Wei) : No Sooil (Kuhn) : Sun Yein (Sunyoul) :
♛ VIXX ♛ Cha Hakyeon (N) : Han Sanghyuk (Hyuk ) : Lee Hongbin : Lee Jaewon (Ken) : Jung Taekwoon (Leo) : Kim Wonshik (Ravi) : 
Jisung: Sungwoon: Minhyun: Seongwoo: Jaehwan: Daniel: Jihoon: Woojin: Jinyoung: Daehwi: Guanlin:  
♛ Winner ♛ 
Kang Seung Yeon : Kim Jinwoo : Lee Seunghoon : Song Minho (Mino):
   ♛ SOLOIST ♛
Yoo Seungwoo:
     ♛ ACTORS ♛
Lee Minho:
Lee Jongsuk:
Kim Woobin:
Seo Inguk:
Park Hyunsik:
Ahn Jaehyun:
Park Seojun:
Nam Joohyuk:
Choi Wooshik:
♛ Other ♛
(nb: The list is flexible. Roleplayer can request the chara that he wants if it is not mentioned yet above. Please request it on the wall, thank you ^^~) 
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kfanopinions · 2 years
WIP (Work in Progress) LIST
these are not the order i will be doing these or when they were requested. please be sure to check this list before making requests. if there are repeat requests, they'll just be deleted since it was already on the WIP list. thank you ^^
(i want to preface that i don't take full nct group requests anymore. also, this is before the announcment of nct wish)
mtl to have a long-term relationshpip
NCT 127
yuta: a to z nsfw || as a boyfried doyoung: a to z nsfw
dating their opposite type (reaction) mtl to date a foreigner
jaemin: ideal type chenle: a to z nsfw
how would they react around their crush rising sun guesses
xiaojun: a to z
ex being hurtful to partner how long to have sex with s/o
shotaro: a to z nsfw sungchan: ideal type sohee: ideal type
chanyeol: ideal type kyungsoo: a to z nsfw
baekhyun imagine exo members in bed
lee know: ideal type || a to z nsfw || as a boyfriend
jimin: ideal type jungkook: ideal type
jackson: a to z nsfw
rei: ideal type
sunwoo: a to z || personality analysis
momo: ideal type
juing: ideal type
choi wooshik: as a boyfriend
mark (nct or got7?) as a boyfriend <- this will be confirmed the moment the requester tells me who they are talking about T.T
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infiniapeiron · 7 years
DAY6 (데이식스) - You Were Beautiful (예뻤어) M/V
The second installment of DAY6′s year-long project is here and once again, they’re out to pull on our heartstrings. You Were Beautiful is a lot more mellow than I Wait and it drips melancholy in all 4:45 mins of the song and you will feel every minute of it. 
We have Jae starting off the song again and everyone’s singing is excellent as usual. I especially love how their voices are more emphasized/made to stand out more in this arrangement because you can hear every bit of emotion they’re conveying in the song. 
As for the MV itself, I love the shots of the boys. Everything’s visually pleasing actually. Plus, Dowoon has more screen time here (YAY!!!) But I honestly didn’t expect that plot twist and I feel foolish for not recognizing the girl initially in the teaser (hairstyles can really do so much lol). This is in fact the continuation of their Congratulations MV, their debut song and boy, OH BOYYYY, my feels are running amok. I thought she looked familiar but everything fell into place when Wooshik appeared. 
I can’t believe there was even a hint that this is going to be related to Congratulations! In the photos below, you can see she received an e-mail but from two different people. The first row photos are from the teaser and it says “DAY6″ was the sender while on the bottom row, the sender is “Choiu6″ and those caps were taken from the MV. Now analyzing this, “Choiu6″ is actually “Choi Woo Shik”, the actor who plays the cheated on boyfriend in the Congrats MV!!
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After their break-up, Wooshik sent her a compilation video of their moments together – moments that when he looks back at, are nothing but memories from a tale in the past. The lyrics describe what she was like when they were together and even after a painful parting, he still remembers her as someone who was beautiful. There is no remorse nor longing. 
If we were to map out all their MVs thus far, Congratulations is the breakup, “what the hell, how could you do that?” stage; Letting Go is the reminiscing, “I’m hurt but I know I have to let you go for you to be happy” stage; I Wait is the desperation stage, hanging on to the last shreds of hope that they could still be together, but also perfectly knowing that the waiting and being left with no assurance is causing suffocation, pain, and unhappiness; leaving us now to You Were Beautiful, wherein he sent that video to finally say, “it was good while it lasted but I’m putting all of those behind me now. I’m done. Goodbye.” 
Young K is behind the lyrics again which makes me wonder what exactly did he go through or what inspired him to churn out such heart-wrenching words? Whatever it is, there’s no doubt that he’s a musical genius. Many of their songs are good mood-lifters but those that are about heartbreaks really pierce through you as well. You relate a lot and put yourself in the song’s scenario even if you had not even experienced a breakup ever (or is that just me? lol).
Now that the storyline of Congratulations found its closure (after almost 2 years!!), can we expect a happier, more lively song in March? Because honestly, I don’t know if my heart can handle any more heartbreaking songs from DAY6 ( ;;; —— ;;; ) But I’m not opposing any song they come out with because I’m here to appreciate their music and so far, I can confidently say that although there will be things that can and will disappoint you in this world, trust that DAY6′s music will never. 
Every Day6 Project: two down, ten more to go! 
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jewlloves2-blog · 7 years
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My Top 10 Oldie KDrama List: KDrama’s that you should have watched, and better get to it.
10. Innocent Man/ Nice Guy: I’m not much of a melodrama kind of girl but this drama had some amazing writers. This was your typical revenge story that got you confused and frustrated with what the main characters intentions were. I was most impressed with the writing of this screenplay. The dialog between the characters were just so deep and heart wrenching. As a writer and an avid fan of screenplay writing this was like heaven. This storyline in particular played with your heart but you wanted more. More Song Joongki that is. This drama really made me fall in love with Song Joongki and I don’t regret watching such a dramatic storyline.
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9. I Really Really Like You: An oldie but a heartfelt story. Country bumpkin meets city boy. The love triangle in here will make you frustrated. I mean what love triangle doesn’t. But I was really frustrated that we were as unsure as to who the main lead was and who second lead was. Thankfully I was satisfied with the end result. Lee Minki was the highlight in the drama, he play a stupid jerk but ultimately a softy at heart. Honestly, if they didn’t have his character I don’t think I would have watched and finished it. I can tell you this, I cried. (Evil laugh as I move on to the next.)  
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8. Full House: This is a classic. The all-time marriage contract, living together, celebrity romance story. This drama has a special place in my heart because it sort of inspired me to start writing. Song Hyekyo’s character was a writer and the whole drama was pulled from an online story itself. I was like “I’m going to write my own story and hopefully someone will see it and want to make it a drama too!” Ahhh, what a young mind I had. But seriously I wouldn’t mind seeing this drama being remade because the story is such a classic. But it has to be good. Not like Full House 2. (Such a disappointment…)
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7. The King 2 Hearts: Fantasy drama’s like this where there are Kings and Queens are always good. It can come off as cheesy but this one was pretty good with all the political topics. The creepy parts were creepy and the sweet parts were sweet. Han Jiwon’s character was so cute and lovely with a side of bad ass chick, which she always does well. It was frustrating that it took time for Lee Seunggi’s character to love her though when it does start to work out, it’s like the nation just gained another powerhouse couple. The side characters story were good too, especially the sister and bodyguard. Let’s just say there were some water works here too. (Muahahaha…)  
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6. City Hunter: I think this might be the only Lee Minho drama I actually like. No, it’s not this might, this is the only one I like with him. This was a melodrama with action. The Korean Robin hood story with a revengeful past. I love romance stories, but I appreciated that this wasn’t so romance heavy and more on the lines of what the actual story is. The hype was real whenever he went to go do his missions and I loved how the detective/lawyer was always one step behind him. Thank goodness there was no love triangles and thank goodness the girl was not always a damsel in distress, just slightly, not all the time.
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5. Hogu’s Love: One of my favorites and not too old. Choi Wooshik was the perfect Hogu. I swear I want a boyfriend who would love me just as much as Hogu. His character was just the sweetest and the most loving. This drama also put some serious subject in light, such as rape and homosexuality, which I commend the writers and director for telling a story like this. I mean I would have liked the issue to end certain ways too, but I guess it just showed the reality of society. All in all this drama made me happy and Hogu will always have a special place in my heart.
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4. Wild Romance: Lee Dongwook needs to do more dramas like this. He’s a serious actor, but roles like in this drama are so nice to see him play. He is an amazing actor in general. This is a rom-com with a little suspense. The comedy in here made the eerie parts smoother to watch because it would be so funny you forget that it was creepy just a minute ago. I love the main couple together, they make the perfect team. Jessica, former GG member is in here too. And as much as I don’t like her, I don’t like her even more in this drama. Did I forget to mention that some of these characters have mental issues? Yeah.
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3. Smile, You: One of my all-time favorite family dramas. This was probably the first 25+ episode drama I had ever watched and it was amazing how much I enjoyed watching it. The story revolves around two families that can’t stand each other but are forced to try to live under one roof. The main couple fall in love unintentionally and stir up more trouble in the house. Of course all the family members have to have a say in the relationship and create even more drama. Your typical overly protective mother in law, ridiculous father in law, and grumpy grandfather.
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2. Reply 1997/ Answer Me 1997: As a big time k-pop fan girl I connected to these characters so much it became a favorite. This is such a heartwarming story about friendship, first loves, and growing up. Jung Eunji and Seo Inguk were just the cutest couple ever. They portrayed the perfected besties turned boyfriend girlfriend. Everyone from the friends to the parents where such amazing characters. I loved it so much that it was hard for me to accept the other series, 1994 and 1988, but these writers just have a way with telling such amazing stories that though they were different stories, I fell in love with them once again. I’m not sure if they’ll continue the series. If they do I would love to see an early 2000 story.
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1. My Girl: My ultimate favorite drama. A Hong sisters drama. A drama that I can watch over and over again. This was probably the first drama that I ever watched fully and understood. I was about 10 or 11 when it came out. Just the right age to fall in love with Lee Dongwook I guess. Hahaha!! But really, I consider Lee Dongwook my first love. I still love him. This drama made drama real. From the tearful goodbyes to the overly dramatic symphony playing in the background. This was when Lee Junki still looked like a girl and his long hair was prettier then Lee Dahae. The we’re secretly in love, but fake cousins, rich boy poor girl drama. Watch it and see why I love this drama.
Honorable mentions: Goong (Princess Hours), Sweet 18, Dalja’s Spring, My Lovely Sam Soon, Jewel in the Place, Master’s Sun, What Happens To My Family, Creating Destiny
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kfanopinions · 9 months
Please do actor choi wooshik as a boyfriend
ohhhh an actor! added him to the list
0 notes
kfanopinions · 2 years
here you will find everything you need. read the rules & regulations before requesting or i'll delete your request.
☼ NCT 127
☼ GOT7 BTS (under construction)
full BTS thread will be added if/when i get more requests for them. until now here is what we have :)
Jungkook - a to z nsfw (astrology based)
Other Artists
this will be for anyone whose group has not been consistently mentioned for requests ^^ if the particular group gets 3+ requests of different members they will then be moved out of this section. so keep checking back ♥
Jooyeon Xdinary Hereos - ideal type (astrology based) Hanni Newjeans - ideal type (astrology based) Yoojung OnlyOneOf -ideal type (astrology based) Junseo Wei - ideal type (astrology based) Sana Twice - ideal type (astrology based)
as stated this is for soloists ^^
Jr (Kim Jonghyeon) - former NU'EST member as a boyfriend (astrology based) Park Jihoon - former WannaOne member idealy type (astrology based)
Choi Wooshik - as a boyfriend (astrology based)
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