#chicken noodle soup bath
I need to drown myself in theraflu and take a very very hot bubble bath 🫠🫠🫠
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fairy-hub · 6 months
𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐝! 𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: heavy fluff, light angst, reader is giving birth, kento is worried about being a dad and supportive husband, you easily reassure him, twin baby girls, praise, kento is in awe of you as he should be, you're amazing, you breast feed the baby and kento bottle feeds the other baby
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: I love your works! Could you write kento fluff, him stressing out about becoming a dad for the first time and reader is just really chill about it all!! Please and thank you🙏🙏
Oreo: I’m sick with my period at the same damn time eating chicken noodle soup, my hubby has been spoiling me so much. Brought me some Christmas themed flowers, the cutest wreath that has the house smelling like pine. Then there was running me a warm bath, making my soup this man is the best. Giving that nanami energy, cause you know he would take such good care of you. I haven’t had to lift a finger, and nanami wouldn’t let you lift one either.
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Your painful contractions, rushing to the hospital, and the epidural to ensure a painless birth. Tightly squeezing his hand, pushing out the first baby girl. It’s a blur that doesn't slow down till he hears the first beautiful cry.
Letting go of your hand long enough to cut the umbilical cord. Grasping your hand between his own, kissing the back. “You’re doing wonderful love, she’s healthy and adorable.” Kissing your cheek, weakly you smile momentarily. Gritting your jaw focusing on pushing out your second baby girl. You're sweaty and beautiful.
The second baby girl is louder, her cries quieting her minutes older sister. This time the nurse brings her close to you, offering you the back the handle. Kento gently guides your hand helping you cut the cord.
"After we clean them both of you can hold one of your beautiful little joys. So chonky, healthy with a powerful set of lungs already.” The doctor gently cleans and checks you over.
One of the nurses brings his eldest baby to him. “Congratulations on such healthy wonderful baby girls.” Gently cradling his eldest babygirl in his hands, swaddled in a soft blanket. Kento supports her hand and head with one hand. She’s so small yet chunky at the same time. Swaddled in a yellow blanket.
Her beautiful chunky face scrunched up in confusion that melts away at the sight of his face. More tears trickle down his face at the soft adoring warm love in his baby girl’s eyes. Lifting her small hand, he leads down helping her touch his cheek.
Kento’s eyes widen tears trickling down his face, dripping onto the girl he names “ He’s a dad to two amazing baby girls who he wants to give the world to along side his beautiful wife.
What if he fails to be a good father?
Grinning Docter Annie announces, “Wonderful there is no hemorrhaging, you’re bleeding normally. We will keep you overnight for observation and discharge you in the morning. When you need to go to the restroom press the call button for a nurse. You will need to eat soon and get plenty of rest.”
Two nurses on either side carefully lift you for the doctor to put a diaper on you. Laying you back down, raising the upper half of the bed for you to comfortably sit up.
You're the nurse lift your baby girl out of the bath, drying her off. “Can I try to calm her down?” Kento looks up at you in pure awe. You have always been an amazing woman. He’s lucky for you to be the mother of his children.
What if he fails to be a supportive husband?
The nurse softly smiles, “You should be able to skin-to-skin and settle her, maybe help her latch.” Lying your baby on your chest. Cradling her, resting her head on your chest. Her loud cries softening to whines.
Admiring your little girl with tired eyes and a soft smile. It's a different type of beautiful to see you cradling the delicate adorable life in your hands. It's wonderful sight like the one of other baby girl in his hands.
Warm, healthy, and finally here after nine months. Here to thrive, grow, and develop interests. Kento wants to be there for them, with you by his side, every step of the way.
Her whines quiet down when you help her latch. Letting her get mouthfuls of milk. Softly breathing, “Of course, our lil Hana is hungry after all that hard work.” Kento didn't think he could fall more in love with you until this moment.
"She will need to latch and get skin with mom soon but for now getting fed by dad and doing some bonding is good too." A nurse hands Kento a bottle of formula. "We will get the overnight room and some food ready for the mom ready." Remembering the various videos and books he nudges Himari's lips with the bottle.
It takes a moment for her to latch, once she does, she's taking large mouthfuls. Failing her hand in her attempt to grab Kento's. A feat she takes moments to accomplish. Her small warm hand on the back of his, the sleepy loving looking in her eyes. "Hana and Himari are perfect, thank you my love for working so hard bringing them into this world."
The nurse and doctor trickle out of the room, taking some of the equipment with them. Leaving Kento and You along with your newborns.
"My love I know that look in your eyes and tension in your jaw. We got each other, and I couldn't have a better man by my side to raise our babies and grow old with. You're going to be everything these girls need in a father and more, trust me darling." The confidence in your beautiful face, soothing voice and tired eyes easing the weight on his shoulders.
He takes a deep breath, shoving his worries aside. Reaffirming your comforting words, "We have each other, there isn't anything we can't do to give these girls a wonderful life, don't worry about me love relax and rest." Standing up, carefully leaning down making sure not to disturb Himari drinking, kiss you gently. "I'm so grateful to get the privilege to be your husband and father to these adorable girls."
Oreo creampie’s m.list
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d3add0vedonoteat · 5 months
Chicken Soup for Carmy
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⚠️ Content Warning ⚠️ harsh language, sexism and violence in one scene (not from Carmy). Hurt/comfort, fluff.
A/N: I’m literally feral for this man. I’m sick atm and I started thinking about taking care of Carmy while I was making chicken soup. Bonus combo with Carmy protecting you from an asshole customer. Not proofread bc my brain is rotting. Plz be nice this is my first time posting a fic 🥺
It was cold. You braced yourself against the harsh Chicago wind as you made your way briskly down the street. After a late night phone call from your brother sent you into a spiral, you couldn’t sleep. You’d been tossing and turning all night until finally, at 4am, you flung off the covers and got dressed. It wasn’t a surprise that you’d come here. This place consumed all your mind and your heart since you started working here a few months ago. You used your key to unlock the door in the alley, sighing with relief as the warmth of The Beef welcomed you inside. It was quiet, the lights were down, it was peaceful. You slipped off your sneakers trading in your kitchen clogs and tucked your things safely away in your locker. You tied your handkerchief on your head as you moved. It was so comforting, the routine of The Beef’s prep work. You felt so at home, moving from the prep area to the walk in, diligently beginning the tasks that didn’t need to be started for a few more hours. He would understand. You thought to yourself as you began to prepare fresh stock for the day. He was a man after your own heart, your boss, Carmen Berzatto.
Avoidant, chaotically emotional, one wrong thing away from a complete meltdown, that you both disguised as workaholic tendencies. As you finely chopped onions, your mind quieted. Everything was shut out except for the task at hand. Your brother’s angry voice on the phone accusing you: “you never come home! You don’t even care about us! You can’t take come take care of your own mother?!” was drowned out by the rhythmic pound of your knife on the cutting board. You were in the zone.
Until a voice startled you out of your bubble. “Chef?” You jolted, looking up at the man before you. Carmy’s hair was messier than usual, the bags under his eyes were deeper and more purple. His lips were parted with each soft breath he took. He gave you a quizzical look. “What are you doing here?”
“I uh-” your mouth felt dry and you tripped over your words, as usual when he set those intense blue eyes on you. “I couldn’t sleep.”
Carmy nodded, not pushing you any further. All he said before moving toward the office was a simple: “Heard, Chef.”
You watched him go, noticing the slump of his shoulders and the labor of his normally spry step. There was no mistaking it, Carmen was sick. You stared at the office door for a long moment before you made up your mind.
You set a heavy bottomed pot on the stove with some olive oil. Your hands moved with well practiced efficiency as you chopped garlic and onions, celery and carrots. The garlic and onions went in first. Then the celery. A sprig of thyme and a dash of white wine. While that simmered you quickly seared some chicken breast and chopped it into perfectly bite sized pieces. All into the pot with chicken stock and water, tightly covered to develop the flavors. Next came the pasta. You cracked eggs into the well of flour, mixing and kneading until it became a smooth golden dough. You carefully, tenderly rolled the dough and cut it into thick, short noodles. A bath in hot water to cook, then they too joined the pot. In no time at all, you were ladling a generous portion into a bowl. You set a toasted piece of chibatta on the side, grabbed a spoon, and took a deep breath in an attempt to settle your nerves. Softly, you knocked on the office door.
“Yeah?” His voice responded.
“Chef?” You entered, nervous. Words failing you as they so often did in his presence, you set the bowl before him. Carmy’s eyes widened. The aroma made his mouth water. He looked to you, gaze softening. “You made me chicken soup?”
Your cheeks grew warm. “Y-yeah, I mean chicken soup always makes me feel better when I’m sick.”
Carmy couldn’t believe you. You noticed? He smiled at you. You were so beautiful. You were always so confident and sure on the line, delegating with efficiency, respect, and authority. He had hired you the second you stepped into The Beef. Your resume was impressive but there was something in the way you carried yourself that truly earned the golden reputation you had in the culinary industry. But you were different with him, in the occasional moments like this where it was just you and him. Shy, almost bashful, gentle, and soft. He loved it. He wanted more of it. He lifted the spoon, bringing a bite to his lips.
“Gotta get a little of everything.” You muttered, eagerly awaiting his response.
Carmy shot you a sideways smile. It was good. No, it was better than good. The warm broth slid down his throat and each bite exploded with a depth of flavor he couldn’t believe. It was pure comfort. It reminded him of being a little kid staying home sick from school. Curled up on the couch while Jerry Springer played, eating crackers and ginger ale until his mom would bring a bowl of chicken noodle soup. But this soup, your soup, was more than that. People always talk about cooking with love but he swore he could taste it. Each ingredient had been so carefully handled. Perfectly chopped vegetables, moist and flavorful chicken. The warm feeling in his chest grew as he inspected the bowl.
“Did uh, did you make this pasta fresh?” He asked, eyeing you.
“Yeah, it’s better that way.” You blushed.
“Thank you, chef.” He said. “It’s really, really good.” Carmy looked down, suddenly feeling heavy. The fear of closeness set into him and all he could think about was how he’d fuck this up. “You-you didn’t have to make this for me.”
“Oh, it’s okay!” You insisted. “It was no big deal.” You began to leave, giving him one last truthful smile. “I like taking care of you.”
“I like taking care of you.” Your words rattled through Carmy’s mind all day. Throughout all of lunch, prep, and dinner he couldn’t stop thinking about what you’d said. The soup you had made was the first thing he’d eaten in too long. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had cooked for him and you’d just done it because you noticed he wasn’t feeling well. No motive, no games, just tender love and concern.
Carmy shook his head to try and shake the thought from his mind. No, no, no there was no way you actually cared about him. Not like that. You were just being nice.
That’s just who you are; nice. You were always so kind. The way you’d help Marcus workshop pastries, the way you’d make Tina laugh and listen to her talk about whatever trouble Louis had gotten in, how you’d encourage Sydney and remind her that she can do this. Even the way you’d throw snark right back at Richie or how’d you’d always set aside a portion of Family for Fak and Sugar, even Pete. You were always thinking of others. Carmy wasn’t special.
Yeah. Not special.
Carmy insisted the thought as he scrubbed the grill. Not special. Not special. Not special.
“Carmy?” There you were. You were always there. You had a thick denim jacket on, bag on your shoulder, knit beanie pulled down over your hair. Your brow furrowed at the sight of him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Carmy shook his head. “I’m fine… you uh- you heading out?”
You shrugged, hoisting your bag a little higher on your shoulder and eyeing him skeptically. “Yeah. Are you?”
“Yeah, in a bit.”
You chuckled, more exasperated than humorous. “No.”
“What?” Carmy asked, confused.
“No, you’re leaving too.” You insisted. You were feeling bold. Months of long looks and his hand on your lower back every time he passed you had culminated tonight.
You had taken over the front for Richie while he ducked out to take a call from his daughter. You’d insisted. It was slammed for dinner but everything was going fairly smooth until an irate customer approached you.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” He’d asked, slamming his plate onto the counter.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean are you retarded or something?” He continued. You were stunned into silence. You had never had anyone speak to you like that. “How hard is it to make a fucking sandwich? I know your tits are bigger than your brain but Jesus fucking Christ it’s not hard!”
“I-I…” you were shaking. “I’m sorry that you’re not satisfied, sir. If you like, we can-”
“Not satisfied?!” He screamed. “How can I be satisfied with this piece of shit!”
He hurled the sandwich at you. It hit you in the chest, toppings and sauce splattering everywhere. Before you even knew what was happening, a blur of messy curls shot past you. Carmy launched over the counter, tackling the man. His fist collided with the man’s face over and over while Richie and Fak rushed after him. There was a cacophony of yells as Richie pulled Carmy back. “Get your girl!” Richie yelled. “Cousin! Go get your girl!”
Fak and Richie dragged the man out and threw him into the street. Carmy’s hands grasped your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, are you okay?” He wiped the sauce splatters from your brow. “Look at me.”
Carmy burned with anger as he watched you shake. Your white shirt and blue apron were covered in the sandwich. He imagined what you would do for him if he was in your position. How you’d care for him, how you’d tend to him… so he tried to do what you would. Gently he guided you to your feet and wrapped his arm around your waist. He practically carried you to his office where he sat you on the couch and quickly went to grab a clean shirt from his own locker. You were in the same place he left you when he returned. Carmy knelt before you, taking your face in his hands once more.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.” Tears welled in your eyes and you collapsed into his arms. He smoothed his hand over you back, repeating “it’s okay” over and over again. He felt like he was on fire. The feeling of you clinging to him, nuzzling your face into his neck, the smell of you, how you fit in his arms… it was too much. He wanted to run away and never speak to you again. He wanted to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of his life. He wanted to scream. He wanted to feel your lips against his. He wanted to find the piece of shit that yelled at you and rip him to pieces. He wanted your chicken soup every time he was sick.
All those feelings were closing in on Carmy once again as he stared at you across the kitchen. You still had his t shirt on. You were looking at him expectantly.
“Sorry, uh… what did you say?” Carmy’s voice was softer than he expected.
“I said I’ll walk home with you.”
“Oh, no that’s okay. Ive got to-“
“Carmy,” you stepped closer. Your voice was firm but so tender. “You need to get some rest. Come on, I won’t take no for an answer.”
He couldn’t help but smile back at you. “Alright…” he conceded.
The two of you braced yourselves against the cold and hurried down the sidewalk side by side. You argued about who would walk who home. Carmy insisted on walking you to your apartment but you protested on the grounds that he’d just go back to the restaurant once he dropped you off.
“Fine,” you gave in. “But you have to call me when you get to your place so I know you made it home!”
Carmy looked at the ground, smiling. The warmth in his chest from your soup was steadily turning into a molten pool of lava.
“Heard.” He grinned. You wanted to know he’d made it home. You wanted to make sure he rested. I like taking care of you.
“Well, I’m just up here.” Your voice stopped his thoughts from spiraling before it could even start. Carmy’s brow furrowed. “What?” You asked, puzzled by his sudden change in demeanor.
“You live over there?”
“Yeah? Like a block down?”
There was a beat of silence before Carmy let out a breathy laugh. “I live right there.” He pointed to the building on the other side of the street.
“No shit!” You laughed in earnest. Your hand came to rest on his arm. “Guess I’m gonna be walking you home more often.”
Carmy’s entire body was on fire. He could imagine the tingle of your soft hand on his skin through all the layers of clothing. He wanted to hold you close again like in his office, but this time you wouldn’t be crying. A deep pit opened in his stomach. How long before he made you cry? How long before he fucked it all up? Until you hated him and quit the restaurant and everything fell apart because he-
“Hey,” your voice. Always your voice that brought him back. When he looked over at you it was like everything but your face faded into a blurry background. You were all Carmy could see. “Do you want to come to mine? I haven’t eaten and I KNOW you haven’t either.”
Carmy’s heart fluttered. “O-okay.” He started, his confidence rising when he noticed your hand was still in his arm. “Only if you let me cook you something.”
“Ooh,” you smiled. “I’d never turn that down!”
Carmy chuckled, feeling lighter for the first time in years as he walked so close beside you that your shoulders brushed. “It won’t be as good as your chicken soup.”
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purplestars222 · 3 months
Period comfort with hazbin characters
ft alastor, lucifer, fallen!adam and husk
gn afab reader! no y/n used, and you arent in a relationship with alastor, just besties <3 all the other boys have a crush on you.
there will be more parts, may not be period comfort tho, just more hazbin/helluva characters comforting the reader while theyre sick
cw: mentions of period sex, adam is chubby, slight ooc
mdni please<3
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The smell of blood draws alastor to your room, hes a little worried that you're hurt, but its nothing he cant fix. As he enters your room, and sees you curled up in the fetal position he goes and sits next to you
"Darling, whats the matter? It's a wonderful day and you're spending it in bed! I believe Charlie is baking cookies! You-"
"go away alastor. i'm on my period."
"Well why didnt you say so!"
Alastor disappears into his shadow, and returns a few minutes later with a hot water bottle, a bottle of cold water, some pain meds and dark chocolate. He throws the items on your bed and smiles at you expectingly. You shoot him back a smile of appreciation. Even tho alastor and you had your moments, he's still a good friend when he needs to be.
Lucifer has a crush on you, and its no secret either. Every day he sits next to you during breakfast, he always makes sure you eat enough. He always does Charlie's silly little trust exercises with you, just being in your vicinity makes him happy. When you dont come down for breakfast, he gets worried, he made your favourite for you- pancakes! He decides to take some to your room. When he enters, and sees you curled up on the bed, he sits the tray of pancakes on your bedside table and sits next to you
"Hey, you didnt come down for breakfast, are you okay??"
you shake your head no, and he seems really concerned. He hates seeing you in pain, its horrible. Suddenly he remembers something- lillith acted like this when she first came to hell, periods. In the garden of eden, lilliths periods didnt hurt her, but as soon as she came to hell, it felt like her uterus was stabbing her, luckily luci fixed it
"Can i help?"
You stare up at him, eyes slightly watering from the pain and nod your head, anything to get rid of this. Luci carefully peels back your blanket and rests his hands on your groin, you shiver at the feeling of his warm hands, its nice. Theres a bright glow of golden light, and suddenly, the pains gone, the period pain at least, you still have a headache, and you're still pretty exhausted. You pull luci into a hug, he hugs back, giving you a kiss on the head
"Want me to run you a bath, sweetheart?"
"Yes please"
Lucifer hops up and heads into your ensuite, he starts a bath, making sure to get some really nice smelling soap and bath salts. He puts some rose petals in the tub to make it look pretty, and a couple of rubber duckies. Lucifer cares so much, hes so sweet.
Adam doesn't really understand the whole 'periods thing'. They didn't have them in heaven, so he doesn't really know what to do when you wake up grabbing your stomach. He pulls out his phone and decides to have a look online to see if there's anything he can get that will help, theres products from the vee's, but he doesnt trust those fuckers. He scrolls across an article that says orgasms can help with period cramps. When adam first shoots the idea at you, you're hesitant, period sex isnt something you've done before, and it seems a little scary, but you let him. He puts a towel under the both of you, and he makes sure that you 100% wanna do this before he gets started. When you guys have done, your pains are pretty much gone. he pulls you on top of him and you just lay there for awhile, enjoying the warmth from adams soft belly <3
Husk isn't too educated with this stuff either, but he knows how to take care of someone when they're sick. He doesn't realise you have your period at first, he just thinks it's a stomach bug. He gets you some chicken noodle soup and a few painkillers, when you explain to him that you have no appetite because of how bad the pain is, it suddenly clicks in his brain what's happening. He gives you a small kiss on the forehead, then walks out. He goes to charlie asking for help, she gathers together a basket full of snacks, pads, tampons, a menstrual cup, period underwear, hot water bottle with a cute cat cover and some noise cancelling headphones, in case things get overwhelming. Husk brings it back to you and lets you snuggle into him, something he doesn't allow very often. You spend the next few days cuddled up in bed, playing with husks ears watching movies. He helps you when you need to shower, and also keeps your hot water bottle hot. he just really enjoys taking care of you, not that he'd admit that
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sunraies · 1 year
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Take Care of You
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings- sick reader, soft Rafe, mentions of feeling sick
Rafe comes home to find you unwell and takes care of you
I've been unwell the past couple of days and wish to have soft Rafe to look after me.
Curled up on the couch, in his favourite hoodie, and your favourite blanket is how Rafe found you. An episode of Friends was playing in the background as you had clearly fallen asleep watching the seasons all over again.
He had been at work most of the day as you insisted he stay there even though you had called in sick. There was nothing he could do for you as you planned on sleeping it off. But the minute he'd left, you regreted it, wanting cuddles, so his hoodie was the best you could do.
You'd always been a stomach ache kinda girl, anything would upset your stomach, but this time you felt awful. Nauseous, cold, sweating, and body aches.
Rafe gently placed his hand to your forehead as he noticed the frown, from whatever you were dreaming about. You felt warm and clammy to the touch, making him suddenly feel guilty for leaving you home alone.
He glanced around, noticing you'd all been drinking water with no evidence of food. Whatever this was must have been making you feel horrible.
"Baby," He cooed softly, his thumb stroking your cheek. You stirred and gave him a small smile as you met his gorgeous blue eyes. "How does a bath and chicken noodle soup sound?"
You groaned and shook your head, pulling the blanket around yourself more. "Just wanna lay here"
"I know, but you need to have something. Let's try the bath first? Huh, baby? A nice warm bubble bath." Rafe hated seeing you sick. He would do anything to make it better.
After you shook your head again, he sighed and kissed your temple before leaving you for a little while.
He came back with his suit jacket and tie taken off, with his sleeves rolled up before he scooped you up in his arms, blanket and all. He carried you up the stairs as you buried your face into his chest.
"Rafe, I don't feel well" You sighed, feeling sorry for yourself.
"I know, baby, I know" Rafe said softly, kissing your forehead as he sat you on the closed toilet. The room smelled of lavender as he'd run you a bubble bath anyway.
He helped you undress before placing you in the tub. The warm water was comforting, as you sighed happily as you rested your head on the side.
Rafe smoothed your hair as he sat beside the tub. "Feel nice, babe"
You nodded and hummed. "Thank you, gorgeous." You smiled at him.
"I'll always take care of you, baby." He smiled back at you.
He helped you wash, gently rubbing your back with a washcloth and placing kisses on your shoulder and arms. Once you were washed, relaxed, and the water was going cold, he wrapped a towel around you before helping you to bed.
"Chicken noodle soup sounds good." You told him as he tucked the covers around you after dressing you in one of his t-shirts.
"Of course, baby." He kissed you quickly before going downstairs.
Rafe hated seeing you sick but loved looking after you. The rest of the day, he spent bringing you soup, cups of tea, water, and giving you all the cuddles you wanted as you napped.
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agirlcandream84 · 15 days
HI !! I hope youre feeling much better!! I was thinking that since you were having some health issues maybe I could ask for some "frank nursing u back to health" hc??? to keep up with the theme?? 😁😁
Girrrlll, now this is a HC that'll be easy to write.
How Boyfriend!Frank Nurses You Back to Health
You don't quite own up to being sick at first, your tendency for self-blame and shame convincing you that your illness was some sort of moral failing but Frank wasn't having any of that. He saw it coming from a mile away-- overworked, not enough rest, immune system was taking a hit. After an argument about it, he convinces you to rest with "Listen sweetheart, you can either stay in bed on your own or I'll guard the damn door and make sure you do. Either way you're gettin' some fuckin' rest alright?"
Once you were squared away, Frank took a small measure of delight in calling up your boss to tell him you were out for a minimum of three days and finally giving him an earful about overworking and underpaying you. He ends the conversation with "And this conversation stays between us otherwise I'll see to it we have a personal meetin', alright?"
You make the mistake of checking your email on your phone ONE TIME and Frank sees to confiscating it almost instantly. He's acting like he has no choice and talking to you like this hands are tied like "Sweetheart I know you might wanna watch your Tik Toks too but until I can trust you with it again, I gotta take it, alright? I hate doin' to ya doll but you're not listenin' and I told ya' you need rest."
Your congestion is so bad that Frank has resorted to giving you a head massage, going on about "gotta work the fluid out sweetheart" and you're trying to tell him thats called lymphatic drainage but he's all "I don't know about all that woo woo shit doll." Despite feeling like he's crushing your skull, it actually works quite well however, it does leave you majorly tender and bruised the next day, which is the only time Frank can handle having bruised you and even then he's apologizing all day and asking how it's feeling.
When Frank has to step out for a few hours you get the sneaking suspicion that he's enlisted your friends and sister to check in on you because you seem to be getting "need anything?" and "how are you feeling?" texts about every 30 mins on the dot. You end up silencing your phone just to get some peace (though that's short lived when Frank can't get in touch with you and you have to quite literally say "I'm gonna die from a cold Frank. I was just napping")
When Frank shows up back home he's got a batch of your grandma's chicken noodle soup that he drove 2 hours roundtrip to get because he remembered that you said it always helped when you were younger. This makes you weepy (because you're always weepy when you're sick and run down) and Frank pulls you into his lap and rubs big circles on your back and tells you "I know doll, bein' sick is hard. Takin' care of you ok? Lemme fix you a bath while the soup heats up, ya?"
When it's bedtime, Frank simply SLATHERS you in Vicks vapor rub. He literally heats it up on a spoon like heroin (something the instructions explicitly say not to!) and says "alright, chin up, come on doll" so he can coat your chest and neck in Vicks, adding some to the bottoms of your feet for good measure. But damn if he wasn't right -- you get a good night's sleep.
If I had this level of care in real life I'd look forward to being sick.
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thebaileybugle · 6 months
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Pairing: L. Jethro Gibbs
Warning(s): None but some handsome peepaw fluff
Request: Can I please request a Gibbs x F!Reader where the reader has Pneumonia and she just can’t stop coughing and Gibbs takes care of her and is just super sweet and soft with her <3 - Anon
A/N: Everything is coming out at the same time, the break was entirely too long but here are the pieces ya'll have been waiting for
You were typing away an email to Agent Pride to wish him a very happy Mardi Gras before a coffee cup was plopped onto your desk, only the bitter smell of coffee is nowhere.
"Gibbs, what is-"
"Drink. The damn. Tea."
"Next step is sending you home early."
"And I'd go with ya' t'make sure you don't pass out."
"Are you pushin'?"
"Oh she's pushin boss" Tony said from his office with a wide smirk.
"Shut it DiNozzo! Let's go L/N, get your jacket- leave your files and bring your tea."
You sigh, well you try to sigh but a cough interrupts it.
You're in his passenger seat, blanket from the back seat thrown over your shoulders as you sip the hot peppermint tea.
"You can drop me off and go back, don't have to stay and take care of me." Shifting a bit, you look over to your secret lover. "Tony might get some dumb idea that's accurate to the truth."
"Don't matter, I'm the one that got ya' sick anyway." Jethro shrugs, steering the wheel to turn right.
"I told you I'd be fine without the mask." You fire back with a huff.
"I shouldn't have listened, I never do anyway why would I start then." He glances over and lays a hand on your thigh, giving you a reassuring squeeze. "'sides, promised I'd take care of you, I'm gonna hold myself to that."
"Thank you, Jet. Rule 1 part two."
"So you did, read my rules."
"Shush and drive Jet."
Gibbs drove you to his home and cooked a nice sized pot of chicken noodle soup, followed up the meal with a bath. Now, you lay between his legs, head resting on his abdomen. His hands running through your hair as a Frank Sinatra track plays in the background.
"Are you supposed to be cuddling a person with pneumonia?"
"S'not contagious, sweetheart. Let me have this moment before McGee and DiNozzo start to call."
"In that case, gimme your lips."
"Yes ma'am."
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actuallysaiyan · 3 months
Can I maybe get something fluffy with Kento taking care of you when you’re sick? 🥺
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warnings: mention of sickness, fluff word count: 0.6k pairings: Kento Nanami x Fem!Reader
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You groan as you try to sit up, but you feel like you’ve been run over by a truck. Reaching over towards the nightstand, you try to grab your water bottle. But you notice it’s no longer sitting where you had placed it the night before. Just as you’re about to get up from the bed, Kento is coming into the bedroom with your water bottle all clean and filled.
“Are you feeling any better, darling?” He says as he hands you the water, and he presses a hand to your forehead.
You shake your head, “No, I feel worse.”
You let out another rattling cough, the congestion in your chest does sound worse than last night. Your sickness had come on so quickly too, making Kento worry more than he’d like to. You are so precious to him, so you being sick makes him so worried.
Kento frowns. He’s already decided to take the day off with you today. There’s no way he’s going to leave you here all by yourself while you’re sick. You need someone to dote on you. Besides, you feel warm and there’s a good chance he’s going to catch what you have anyway. It was bound to happen and it wasn’t bothering him.
He pulls you closer to him, holding you practically in his lap. He lets you snuggle against his chest as he begins to run his fingers through your hair. For a few moments, you are both just silent and snuggling. It feels so good for you to be able to rest against your lover like his. His touch is so comforting and soothing to you as well.
“So,” Kento says finally. “Are you ready for a bath or food?”
You think about it for a second, “A bath, then food.”
He hoists you up in his arms, holding you close to his chest. You nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck as he brings you into the bathroom. Kento sets you down on the counter before he kneels before the large tub. The water begins to run and he adds salts and oils to get you to feel even more soothed. Then he returns to you, cupping your face in his hands.
“Pretty girl,” he murmurs softly before kissing you. “You don’t deserve to be sick.”
“You shouldn’t kiss me,” you mention, but he just shrugs.
“Not much is going to stop me from kissing my girl.”
He begins helping you out of your sweat-soaked pajamas. Then he lowers you into the tub, making sure you’re comfortable. He grabs a washcloth and he begins to gently wash you. You moan and sigh the entire time; you’re so happy that you have someone so wonderful like him to take good care of you.
“Just sit in the tub for a bit,” Kento says as he presses a kiss to your forehead. “Let me get something ready for you to eat.”
And with that, he dims the lights and turns on some relaxing music before he leaves the room. You soak in the tub for some time, just inhaling the steam as much as possible to clear up the congestion in your lungs. It’s about fifteen minutes later that Kento comes back in with the fluffiest towel and a change of clothes.
“There,” He says as he helps you out of the tub. “All clean.”
You smile shyly, “Thank you, sweetheart.”
Once you’re dried off and dressed in the comfiest clothes, Kento settles you down in the sweet little cocoon of blankets he has set up for you in the living room. On the TV tray in front of you is a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup that Kento has made from scratch. He sits next to you, feeding you spoonful by spoonful. You feel so relaxed, you know you could kick this cold very soon.
“Ken,” you ask softly. “Aren’t you scared you’ll get sick too?”
Kento laughs, “It’s worth it. If I get to take good care of my girl, then it’s all worth it.”
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444takeomi · 9 months
: ̗̀➛ summary: 1st gen bd taking care of their sick s/o
character(s): shinichiro sano, wakasa imaushi, takeomi akashi, keizo arashi
warnings: none
wc: 0.5k
a/n: i'm sick right now and i wish i had someone to take care of me, so i decided to write this instead💀 also i’m trying out a slightly different format for shorter posts like this one, not sure how i feel about it yet
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: ̗̀➛ shinichiro
shin will literally drop everything to take care of you if he finds out you're sick. it doesn't matter if he's busy at work, he’ll close the bike shop without a second thought — you're always his number one priority, especially when you're not feeling well. he feels terrible when he comes home to find you all wrapped up in blankets, your voice scratchy as you weakly ask him if he can make you something to eat. he tries to make you homemade miso soup but he’s literally hopeless at cooking, so he ends up just making instant ramen instead. shin will cuddle with you and watch your favourite movies and tv shows, not worried about the fact he could get sick himself — he's willing to risk it if it means you start feeling better.
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: ̗̀➛ wakasa
waka is already a clingy boyfriend, but when you're sick he’s extra affectionate with you because he knows you're not feeling well. he makes you something simple to eat like okayu (rice porridge) because it's easy on the stomach, but also because he’s not that great at cooking either. if you're feeling up to it he’ll run you a warm bath and will offer to help you wash your hair. he gets all pouty if you refuse to kiss him in fear of him getting sick, insisting that he’ll be fine and that one kiss won't hurt — however he ends up regretting his choices the following week, whining to you that he doesn't feel good. you have to spend the next few days taking care of him, and good luck because waka is so dramatic when he's sick.
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: ̗̀➛ takeomi
omi was always responsible for taking care of his younger siblings when they got sick, and so he doesn't mind doing the same for you. he might complain about it a little, acting like your sickness is somehow an inconvenience to him, but underneath all that he's actually really worried about you and wants to do whatever he can to help you get better. he hates cooking with a passion, but he will go to the store for you instead and get you whatever you want to eat, as well as some tissues and medicine. omi will roll his eyes whenever you ask him to cuddle with you, but he always gives in because he secretly likes how needy you get when you're sick — he won't admit it out loud but he thinks it's adorable.
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: ̗̀➛ keizo
benkei is so attentive when you're sick, you won't have to lift a finger. he has no problem with taking time off at the gym so that he can take care of you. unlike the others, he's a great cook and will happily make you homemade chicken noodle soup — he insists on feeding it to you even if you're perfectly capable of eating by yourself. he keeps on top of your medicine and checks your temperature throughout the day, just to make sure that your fever isn't getting too high. he also encourages you to drink herbal teas like ginger or peppermint, because they can help you feel less congested and reduce nausea. benkei wants to do everything he can to make sure that you're feeling better as soon as possible.
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please do not translate, repost, or share my writing on any other platforms eg. tiktok
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yandere-sins · 1 year
just read your yandere! könig and it's adorable. 💕 curious, how would he react if his s/o is suffering from a fever? He finally sees them so needy, so peaceful, and when he places the back of his hand to check for their temprature?? his hearts is doing flips because they are voluntarily leaning into his touch (!!!) also, how would he act if he was sick? love your yandere works 💕💕
Thanks for requesting ♥ In sickness and in health, amirite? >:3
»»———————— ♡ ————————««        
♡ Of course, König is extremely worried after finding you coughing and sweating in bed, the blanket wrapped around you painfully tight as you complain about the cold in the apartment. It's unlike you to be vulnerable around him, even though König always tells you to relax and take it easy, he'll protect you. But when he reaches out to touch your forehead, skin burning against his calloused palm as you let out a long sigh before merely leaning into the touch, it's him who's melting by your side. Finally, it's his time to shine. Finally, you need him to be the big, strong protector and carer he knows he can be for you.
♡ If he learned anything from his childhood, then there are a lot of good remedies against your symptoms. A nice, warm shower is the first thing he orders for you, though when he notices your lack of strength, König is more than happy to draw you a bath and wash you himself, drawing out the process for as long as possible until your short from collapsing. After that, he's merrily humming as he puts you into his oversized hoodie, situating you on the couch for a moment so he can change the bedding.
♡ The tea water is boiling by the time he helps you back into bed, closing the window again after letting fresh air replace the old, your feet covered with his oversized, knitted socks. Once König gathered all that is needed—tea, water, and medicine—he sits by your side, ensuring you have a sip of everything while he watches your drowsy, feverish eyes slowly close before you return to sleep. He reaches out again, and a serene joy fills him as he pushes the hair out of your face, watching you nuzzle his palm in search of cooling your fever. He stays like that for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet, even more love for you spreading all throughout him. You are always amazing, but like this, it feels like he's experiencing a wonder.
♡ However, he knows what he has to do. Even if it hurts to part ways, he eventually lets you rest, making sure you are covered properly before leaving the room to allow you to heal in your sleep. All while he's on his way to fetch some chicken, soup veggies, and noodles for when you wake up. Once you open your eyes, you'll already hear the boiling of soup in the kitchen, König almost fainting as you come inside, disheveled and sickly, the blanket hanging off your body but looking so, so adorable. Like someone needing help. His help. He could watch you for hours as you investigate the concoction he's making. Still, even if you scrunch your nose at the thought of food, the real magic only happens once he serves you his soup.
♡ One bite, and you can't stop. König would have watched you scarf down the whole pot he made for two days, but after eating his portion as well, you seem full and a bit more lively. It returns some of the grumpiness you always show him, but you are suddenly overcome by energy as if you hadn't been knocked down for the last few hours. König doesn't mind. He carries your clothes after you as you discard them, reminding you to stay warm even as you scoff at him, a smile always playing around his lips as he sees you feeling so much better already, thanks to him.
♡ Eventually, your fever catches up to you, and you end up exhausted on the couch, barely able to watch the movie he let you choose. It doesn't matter what you want to see. Even the most cringe teen movie is good enough for him as long as he gets to watch it with you. Considering you slowly but surely lean against him, though, König doesn't try to stop you. You need your sleep, and he's glad to be your pillow. You don't even notice him pulling you into his lap, rubbing your back while the movie plays in the background as you fall asleep in his arms, but thanks to that, you also don't complain about him carrying you to bed with him, whispering his well-wishes and love confessions in your ear after he slips under the sheets with you, not afraid to catch your cold. It's nice as long as it lasts, and König knows he needs to treasure these moments. So while you allow him (unknowingly) to always be by your side, he takes the chance to do just that.
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
Warning for Sexual Innuendo at the end
♡ While he might not catch your cold, even a strong soldier feels worn out occasionally. Given, his immune system is just as strong as he is, but König also suffers from a particular kind of sickness once he's under the weather... the man-flu. And yes, he's a huge, whiny baby about it.
♡ "Won't you take care of me, mein Schatz?"
♡ "Can I have a hug, please?"
♡ "Urgh, this is the worst. Don't leave me, please..."
♡ You might be able to run and hide from him for a while. Still, eventually, König will come to find you and drag you back to the couch or bed with him, forcing you into the little spoon so he can nuzzle his face into the nape of your neck or breathe in your smell as much as his nose allows. Somehow his shyness seems to go out of the window when he feels like "he's dying". He's just a big baby.
♡ Since you can't make him food, he'll order some for you guys, being very lenient in letting you get whatever you want. He'd order for you normally, but he's feeling too sick to do it. He just catches you from writing "I need help! I'm kidnapped!" in the comment box and sends it with a long groan of discomfort, but there's still some yummy food awaiting you, at least.
♡ If you do take pity, he'll be happy to drink whatever you get him. (If only he had sleeping pills accessible to you, right?) However, König insists that you praise him for taking sips and also drink from his cup to "prevent you from getting sick too". He also pulls you into his lap while you're holding the hot cup of tea, laughing it off when you burn him (which is a little disturbing).
♡ But in the end, needy as he is, you can't even escape him when he's sick. You go where he goes, be it the bath (even just to brush your teeth so he can lean against you since he's feeling "lightheaded") or the bed (meaning you just lay awake for hours while he smothers you with his body). I suppose it's nice he's a bit more honest with his feelings as he conveys that he needs you and to not fight him anymore, okay? You can try, but his grip around your wrists is still as firm as when he's healthy. So while he snores away, you simply have to endure being captured by him again, hip pressed to hip, as you feel the hints of a fever-boner poke you. But you're safe!
Until he wakes up.
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its-time-to-write · 6 months
More Kent!reader and baby George?? Baby fever hittin hard rn🫠😮‍💨
I gotchu! This one has some backstory on the Kents. Or at least how I imagine it, anyway. I love that you all keep requesting more of this story, I think big brother Roy is the absolute sweetest🥺
this one is definitely more Roy-centric, that’s for sure! here’s a link to the other fics if you’re new here🤗
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light in the hallway
Roy’s in the middle of yelling, “Isaac, pick up your fucking feet!” when his phone rings. 
He almost doesn’t register it, because the only numbers allowed through while he’s at training are Molly’s, yours, and Phoebe’s school. 
His first thought is that something’s happened to Phoebe, and he’s already calculating how fast he can get to her before he notices it’s your name on the screen. He frowns. You never call while he’s on the pitch, but maybe you need to talk to Jamie about something. 
“Your prick husband’s in the middle of training. Can it wait?” he says in lieu of greeting. 
“I don’t want Jamie, I want you,” comes your panicked voice. “George is sick and I don’t know what to do, he’s all feverish and he hasn’t thrown up or anything but I googled it and it says I don’t have to take him ‘round hospital, but I’m worried anyway because you can’t give a baby chicken noodle soup but his eyes are all glassy and he’s so fucking sweaty.”
Roy looks over to where Jamie’s drilling with Dani, kicking football after football into the net. He turns back around. “Right. I’ll be there in five fucking minutes. I love you.”
“Five minutes? You’re at least fifteen away, and-”
“I love you!” Roy says again, slightly louder before hanging up. 
He makes eye contact with Nate and motions to the car park. Nate nods and Roy leaves, satisfied that Nate didn’t ask where he was going. 
He makes it to your house in six minutes, but only because he got stuck behind an old car. You open the door before he has a chance to knock with an overly fussy George in your arms. 
“I’m an awful mum,” you say immediately. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Roy. I can’t make him feel better and I tried googling it but I don’t even know where to begin with that.”
Roy takes George, who seems to calm down a little. “Right, go run a bath for him. Make sure it’s lukewarm, we’re gonna try to get his fever down without fucking freezing the poor lad. You got acetaminophen?”
You nod. “In the medicine cabinet.”
“I’ll go cut some up for him. He can have a bit since he’s four months now. Same thing used to happen to Phoebe, you remember?”
You shake your head and Roy sighs. “Of course you fucking don’t, you’re too fucking worked up to think straight, aren’t you?”
“Should I have called Jamie?” you ask, eyes wide. 
Roy adjusts his hold on George as he shakes his head. This certainly isn’t the first time he’s seen you in a panic, but it might be the fucking saddest. 
“I didn’t want Jamie, I wanted you,” you explain, more to yourself than to Roy. “You always fucking know what to do and you make shit better.”
Roy’s not going to get choked up over that, there’s no point in crying over the fact that you both have shit parents and he and Molly basically raised you. So instead he gives you a gentle push in the direction of the bath and says,  “I’ll fucking call Tartt. Don’t you worry about it.”
You caress George’s little head before hurrying up the stairs. Roy sighs and goes to find the medicine. He checks the time. The team’s on lunch, so Jamie will have his phone. He finds the contact labeled “prick in-law,” and hits the call button. 
“You shit your pants, Coach?” is the first thing Jamie says when he picks up. 
“Fuck off,” Roy replies. “I’m at your house. George isn’t feeling well, so I’m helping your wife out.”
“Shit,” Jamie swears, and Roy can hear him clamoring out of his seat.
“You don’t fucking need to come home,” Roy says before Jamie can get any farther. “They’re both fine. Finish training for fuck’s sake, and stop by the store to get some fucking immunity boosters. Can’t have you fucking getting sick before the fucking match.”
“Right,” Jamie says finally. “Yeah, okay. Tell her I love her, yeah?”
“Sure,” Roy grits out, but if he’s being honest with himself he’s glad that Jamie’s first instinct was to rush home. It’s bad enough that he and Tartt are friends, much less in-laws. He’s glad Jamie makes you happy, at least. 
They hang up and on cue, George starts crying. 
“You’re alright, lad,” Roy murmurs, but he can already hear you thundering down the stairs. 
You come careening around the corner. “What’s wrong?” you ask anxiously, but Roy just hands you the bottle of acetaminophen. 
“He’s fucking fine. Just upset. Let’s go cool him down, alright kid?” Roy says. 
“Okay,” you say. “I’m really glad you’re here, Roy-o. I don’t think Jamie would’ve known what to do either.”
“Mhm,” Roy grunts. “He said to tell you he loves you. He’s picking up fucking immunity boosters for you, but there’s no fucking way you’ll get sick. Just a precaution.”
You stand on tiptoes to peck his cheek. “My god, how would Molly and I survive without you?” you ask fervently. Roy just grunts again and once again herds you toward the stairs. 
An hour later, you’re on the couch with George resting on your stomach. Roy brings you a cup of tea and sits down next to you. You settle closer to him, head on his shoulder as you breathe deep. It reminds you of the rare times he’d visit before Phoebe was born, and how you’d attach yourself to his side and beg him not to go back. There was a time when you were five that he almost caved, but he was twenty and at the beginning of the peak of his career, so he wrenched his hand from your tiny one and refused to look back.
Molly had called him a day later and told him that you wouldn’t stop crying. She was fourteen and already adjusted to the fact that she’d be raising her younger sister (you) on her own.
Roy had hated himself for that. Hated his parents for being shit, but mostly himself. He sent Molly as much money as he could, going around your parents until Molly was eighteen and they fucked off to god knows where, rarely to be heard from again.
So you’ll hold on to him as much as you can even though he’s not going anywhere, not since Molly rang him in a right state, pregnant by a shit husband.
“Roy,” you say softly as not to wake George, “d’you think I’m going to fuck him up?”
Roy asks, “What?” in the gentle tone he only uses with the people he loves.
“I’m worried that I’m going to fuck him up,” you say. “I know we’ve talked about it before but I just can’t shake the feeling that I’m going to do everything wrong. You and Molly… you always fucking know exactly what to do. I don’t. I got pregnant on accident with your arch-nemesis-turned-best-friend-” (“he’s not my best friend,” Roy mouths) “-and I’m worried that it’s all going to go to shit.”
Roy rests his cheek on top of your head. It’s strange. He knows you’re an adult but there’s always a part of him that sees you as that five year old who was crying because her parents were never around, and her brother was leaving her again.
“It’s not going to go to shit,” he whispers. “Molls knows everything because she’s a fucking know-it-all. I don’t know fucking shit, don’t know where you got that idea. You’re a fucking amazing mum. You’d fucking do anything for George, yeah? I’m always here for you and Jamie” (god, Roy can’t believe he’s about to defend fucking Tartt) “Jamie loves you, fucking annoying as it is, and he’s not going to fuck things either.”
You still look worried, but George chooses that moment to sigh and burrow into your chest.
Roy says, “See? He doesn’t think you’re shit,” and the furrows in your brow smooth a little bit.
The lock turns in the front door and Jamie comes in with a grocery bag.
“Kid’s asleep?” he whispers. You nod and he plops the bag on the ground, coming to sit on your other side.
Jamie kisses your temple and runs a hand over George’s back.
“Mental that he was in your stomach once, ain’t it?” he comments, and Roy snorts out a laugh.
“Mental,” you agree hooking one leg around Jamie’s.
Roy asks, “The fuck are you doing here, you’re supposed to be at training,” and Jamie doesn’t even bat an eye just returns, “Coach let us go early,” even though you know he’s lying by the way the corner of his mouth twitches.
Roy probably knows too, but only because he can smell a rat a mile away, but he doesn’t say anything. 
Jamie turns back to you. “Little lad’s doin’ alright, babe?”
“Yeah,” you say. “Roy says he’ll probably sleep for a while, and I thought we’d do takeaway for dinner.”
Jamie kisses you again and says, “You’re doing great, you know that?”
Tears begin to slide down your face and he looks to Roy in alarm. 
Roy just shakes his head. “She’s fine,” he says.
“I fucking love you,” you croak out, and Roy feels like an outsider, like he’s present for something he shouldn’t be. He moves to get up but your hand shoots out and grabs his wrist and all of the sudden he’s twenty again, watching you cry and beg him not to leave.
“Don’t go,” you plead, so he stays. He stays and has exactly one feeling about it, a feeling he would never vocalize, something about family and familiarity and maybe a little bit about coming home.
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lingering-42-long · 1 year
141 + extra When everyone is sick
I am sick. And because I am sick, I thought about doing some thing dealing with some of the COD characters with not just you, or them, or your children sick, but Everybody sick. Let’s be honest one person just doesn’t get sick and then the other people are fine in the household most people if one person gets sick, the whole household runs with that same disgusting germ. If you are a squeamish 2, the usual illness that includes potential, throw up, fevers, coughs, mucus, and whatever else comes out of the crusty eyes of everybody who is sick, then this story might not be for you. Enjoy~
Also, if you want to leave a question, or ask for a theme for a head cannon, or a short story, please feel free to use the ask box!  It’s always open!
COD x Female Character
Warnings: sicknes and other related things, fluff
Captain John Prince
• It started when the girls came back home from school.
• At first they just had sneezes which you didn’t think much about but then the next day their sneezes have turned into coughs and sore throats.
• There was no fever, so you still sent them to school with a packet of Halls for each of them and some kid friendly medicine.
• It was around 2 o’clock and you were almost ready to pick them up from school. When you receive a phone call from the teacher letting you know that your two children have a fever.
• A day later you had caught whatever bug they had caught
• And now your young toddler, son is also down with whatever.
• John is much more susceptible to colds and can handle them. He was doing his best to make sure that everybody was taken care of.
• It honestly broke his heart, saying that his whole family was practically crumpling underneath this little illness.
• He made sure to stay on top of the medication and would do his best to help you with the kids when they weren’t feeling good.
• To make sure that he didn’t get sick, he decided to sleep in the guest bedroom.
• Makes the best chicken noodle soup this side of England!
• Reads to his children while keeping a safe distance from them.
• If you’re burning up and not feeling well, immediately gets a bath going for you.
• He wants to be close to you and the children again and he misses hugging them and you.
• One of the only people that does not get sick.
Lieutenant Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
• You two had eaten some thing that did not settle well in either of your stomachs.
• While, Simon was capable of looking like he wasn’t in pain, you were a different story.
• You were throwing up almost every hour and your stomach hurts so bad.
• Did I forget to mention you’re pregnant with his first child?
• Simon does everything he can for both of you.
• He make sure that you both take the medication on time and he’s very precise with keeping you guys on track of drinking water and taking charcoal pills to eliminate any toxin in your body.
• He’s asking you if you are OK.
• Even though this wasn’t his fault, he still feels like it is.
• You remind him that there is nothing, he could’ve done since neither of you knew that the food was tainted with something.
• He rubs your belly at night, trying to ease the pain that you are feeling, and that your child are experiencing.
• At night, you hear him throwing up. You see him crouched on the side of the toilet, puking out whatever liquids were in his stomach.
• By the time he’s done, he all butt collapses on to the floor, exhausted.
• You help him up and he get him to brush his teeth then you to go back to bed with one trash can mirror each of your bedside.
Sergeant Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish
• Johnny and you had come down with some thing.
• It was a cold, rainy day in Scotland while he and you were hiking.
• You hadn’t expect it to rain so soon.
• It has been a beautiful day out on the highlands when suddenly you got drenched.
• You were now wet and cold and you had at least half a kilometer away from your car.
• Johnny made sure to get you warmed up with a nice hot shower and to make you guys both some soup.
• You could tell by his face he wasn’t feeling good either.
• Another good news was that you made sure to have the freezer stocked with soup bases, and stock as well as soups for cold days and emergencies.
• You to sit on the couch, cuddled together in your blankets, trying to stay warm and drink your soup.
• You take some Advil before heading off to bed.
• The next morning you feel worse than you did.
• You could hear Johnny moaning as he was puking up his contents from dinner.
• His puking caused you to have a chain reaction and you started to feel the bile rising up.
• Next thing you know you’re racing towards the bathroom to throw up as well.
• But it’s too late for you as you suddenly release most of your contacts on the bedroom floor, staining your carpet in the process.
• Johnny sees this and does what he can to finish up with his issue before coming over to help you at least make it into the bathroom before a second wave hits you.
• Your whole body is burning up.
• You decide to start a hot bath for both of you.
• You’re shaking for how cold you feel.
• Johnny does his best to keep you both warm.
• He lays a ton of kisses on your for head as he whispers that it’s going to be OK.
• He is very clingy and wants to be holding you and touching you at all times.
• Some thing about sharing body heat to keep you both warm.
• Just an excuse to hold you.
• He also promises to do a better thorough check on the weather the next time.
Sargent Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
• Gaz was the one that got sick first.
• You’re not exactly sure how he got it. He just came home with a cough and a scratchy throat saying it was nothing.
• The next morning, he woke up with a lot of pain in his throat, and it was making it difficult for him to breathe properly.
• Worried you take him to the doctors and you find out that he has strep throat.
• The doctor gives you the medication you need to help treat him and suggest that you stay away from him as best as you can.
• This hurts both of you since you both want to be close to one another especially in the time of need.
• Gaz makes a phone call to price letting him know that he won’t be in at base due to strep throat.
• Captain Price wishes him well and sends him a speedy recovery.
• Gaz hates taking medicine. He’s not a big fan of bitter stuff.
• But he will do anything if you get to play nurse for him.
• Slightly clingy, but not nearly as clingy as soap.
• Whines a little about not feeling well.
• He doesn’t complain much because he knows you’re doing your best and he doesn’t want you to feel like you’re not doing your best.
• He falls asleep faster if you’re in the room sitting in a chair next to him.
Commander Alejandro Vargas
• The commander is very similar to John. He rarely gets sick, but he hates seeing you get sick and more importantly he hates seeing his children get sick.
• His youngest daughter started not feeling very good a couple of days ago.
• His little baby girl was sent to the hospital to make sure everything was OK.
• She had just picked up the bug that had been passing around the area.
• Do you love watching your husband take care of his baby girl.
• He acts as if her life depends upon him solely to take care of her.
• The other two kids are advised to stay away from their youngest siblings room until she’s feeling better.
• They write her all cards, telling her to get well soon.
• Your two eldest children help you make fresh broth, so that their sibling could have some nourishment.
• Alejandro also knows that he is potentially at risk for catching whatever she has. So in order to keep the disease from spreading, he also sleeps in the guestroom.
• He does miss not being with his family.
Sergeant Major Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
• Your son has always been a weak child from the beginning.
• Since the moment of birth, Rudy and you had to go to the doctors office quite more frequently than what most babies had to go into because your son suffers with autoimmune disease.
• When he was first born, you almost lost him, because he was so weak and born as a preemie.
• Thankfully, he has gotten a lot healthier, but it still considered a very small baby even for his size.
• It was one of those days where he was not feeling very good. While a normal cough or sneeze doesn’t harm a person can absolutely destroy your son.
• Rudy and you are in the ICU making sure that your son is in good hands and being watched over.
• Rudy is nervous but he chose not to show it for you.
• He loves his son dearly and wants the best for him he wishes that he could take his sons pain away.
• His son had to get some IV drips into him.
• Both you and your husband will stay in the hospital for sometime.
• Nothing beats a good day, playing out in the snow in Austria, however; that day will be very short-lived as the whole family gets whammied with an illness.
• The only one that isn’t sick is your baby boy who is staying with his grandmother for the time being as the rest if you get healed up.
• König is not a very healthy person. He doesn’t necessarily have an auto immune issue, but he does catch colds a lot faster, and he sustains them a lot longer than most people.
• Unfortunately, this means that all the work is put on you.
• He really wants to help with the responsibilities, but he can’t even move out of bed without the world spinning, and he hast to collapse back onto the sheets or risk blacking out.
• His girls fare better and you’re doing OK with just a sore throat and a slight fever and mixed with a headache.
• Since you are all sick, you decide to just all cuddle up together in bed.
• König is passed out fast asleep, and the two little girls are squirming around, trying to get comfortable.
• You’re doing your best that you can and you’ve already gotten the medicine from the doctors for the girls and your husband and yourself.
• One morning you wake up to somebody brushing your hair and you look up to see König with some hot coffee ready for you.
• He was feeling a little bit better this morning and wanted to do something nice for you.
• He feels really bad for not helping you with the girls even if you tell them it’s fine.
Alex Keller
• You’ve got pneumonia.
• Alex is like a Labrador retriever.
• He will get you anything that you need or want.
• He woke up in the middle of the night
• He then heard you crying, which helps him get up faster.
• You are in pain and the rattling in your lungs is the evidence of that pain.
• Alex does everything that the doctor prescribes you.
• You have to wear a nebulizer for a few minutes every handful of hours.
• He brings you clothes in his arms as you two are watching a TV show while your nebulizer is wrapped around your face, making a Low hum as it is pumping you with the steam.
• The way you’re laying on his leg is making him uncomfortable, but he’s not gonna say anything to you.
• Right now he’s focused on making sure that you are OK.
Philip Graves
• Philip has never been one really to get sick.
• He Springs back from a lot of things really quickly. It would literally take a bomb to put him under and even then he would still find away.
• He’s not feeling good but he’s got work that Hass to get done and no amount of stopping him is going to keep them from doing his work.
• That is until you get up into his face and pretty much force him back down on the couch when he tries to leave with a 102°f (39°c)fever.
• He grumbles about some thing for Work stating that he can’t miss on his job.
• So you make him go to a doctor and you find out that he has Covid.
• He gets a doctors note and calls in sick from work.
• Yeah, you’re petty.
• You make sure to get the bedroom set up nicely for him and also make sure to have water by his bedside so he’s not dehydrated.
• He grumbles more about how he can handle himself.
• You threaten to call his mom.
• He shuts up.
• He now begrudgingly has to deal with you, tending to his care
• The worst part is he actually enjoys it, and will find any excuse for you to be near him.
• He will ask five or six other times to bring him more tissues, or to fluff up the pillows or tuck in the sheets a little bit more.
• He tries to kiss you after every task, but of course you dodged them telling him he did not want to get Covid.
• He just gets grouchy again.
• Once he’s better, he plans on taking you out to dinner for all your hard work and making him feel better .
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ashiemochi · 7 months
bestie, I ain’t gonna lie - I’m very hungover at work for reasons I’ve already told you
Can I have a comfort drabble of Leon taking care of an icky and hungover reader 😭 I’m dying
You were promoted -- and that was all it took to convince you to invite Leon for a celebratory night out with loads of drinks and snacks. Leon tried to convince you that there was no need for you to take care of the bill, but you were stubborn.
"You always buy drinks for me, so it's my turn!"
You really just wanted a reason to spoil him instead.
One drink turned to two, then to three, then to four, and then more.
You weren't shooting for that many drinks, but Leon kept going as if he didn't have a liver. You knew about his high tolerance for alcohol and his history with drinking, but it seemed like he learned how to not relapse.
And maybe he didn't drink as much as you. Maybe it was him just taking small sips and enjoying the beverage unlike you who was going all out for the weekend. You were calling the shots (and downing them) as Leon casually busied himself with his Brandy and the small cup of peanuts.
You'd ramble about random things that didn't make sense with those red cheeks of yours and those drunken and slurred giggles. Leon was just as happy as you were about the promotion -- though let's be honest, his monthly paycheck was your whole year salary.
And more.
Even when you went to dance with some friends from work, Leon chose to stay by the bar. It wasn't like he hated dancing or mingling with the crowd -- if it's with you, he'd recreate a whole Step-Up scene. If it's with you, then he'd do anything.
But from his spot, Leon sat quietly with a drink in hand, his eyes trained on your swaying form like a hawk. In both lustful and protective ways -- and love.
So, when the night ended and morning came, Leon was still there for you. Though he didn't know how someone like you could vomit that much.
"Fuck me, I'm going to dieeee..."
Leon bit back a snicker as he held your hair back, inwardly cringing at the sounds of you emptying your guts. You didn't even manage to open your eyes before you found yourself rushing to the bathroom with a pounding headache.
For a split second, you even thought you passed out but it was just your legs giving out from the sudden movements of hopping out of bed. And because you were extremely hungover, but that's beside the point.
You were dying.
"No, you're not going to die." Leon rolled his eyes lightheartedly at your dramatic nature, his hand rubbing your back, "You're just hungover. It'll pass."
"You mean... I'll pass away..." You drawled, your voice croaky and still heavy with sleep.
Leon chuckled and that made you straighten up a bit, turning your head slightly to look over at him and he cocked up a brow at the scowl on your face.
"You're laughing at me..." You mumbled, "You think this is funny?"
"Absolutely not, baby," Leon laughed and shook his head, "I think it's very cute. You were practically drinking for the both of us last night."
"Ugh... I knew it..." You moaned, dropping your forehead to your arm that was resting on the toilet seat, "You didn't drink shit."
"I did, just not as much as you." Leon pointed out, leaning forward to press a quick kiss on your head, "C'mon. Luckily for you, I know exactly the right things to do in this situation."
"Not even close."
Leon was a gentleman. First things first was to get you some rest to get rid of that headache. He got you some painkillers and water, emphasizing you finish the whole cup. It was one of the few moments where he'd be stern with you.
Only during the times when you wouldn't be taking care of yourself.
Next thing was food. By the time you woke up, it was in the afternoon and you were starving if not still a bit nauseous. So, for something light on the stomach but filling, Leon made some chicken noodle soup.
A banana smoothie too for the hangover to dissipate completely.
Third, a hot shower which Leon turned it into a hot bath instead as you were a bit lightheaded still.
By the end of the night, Leon had you all snuggled up against him on the couch in your comfy clothes with nothing but some ice cream and even more water.
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Let Me Help
If you could only use one word to describe your husband, it would be, stubborn. Whether you tried paying for dinner or driving his truck, he wouldn’t budge on his decision and it was like pulling teeth to convince him otherwise. In your current case, he had come down with a cold and refused to accept any kind of care. It’s like if he pretended he wasn’t sick, it would just magically disappear.
It had apparently even affected his work as you received texts from both Tony and even Vance that he was grumpier than usual, snapping orders and having unrealistic expectations for case leads. You figured if Jethro wanted to be a stubborn mule then let him. Because now you also had to deal with your 8 year old son showing the same symptoms of sickness.
The nurse had called you, explaining that he was complaining about his head and runny nose so you picked him up early and stopped at the grocery store for supplies before heading home.
Multitasking, you prepared what you needed for some homemade chicken noodle soup and got a hot bath started for him, adding some tea tree oil, hoping the steam would help with his congestion. Once he was all set in the tub, you left the door open so you could hear him and continued chopping vegetables in the kitchen. He was in the phase where he really valued his privacy and you helping him take a bath was always shot down, followed by I’m a big boy now mom as he would stand there in his Lego shirt and bear slippers.
The sound of the front door opening and keys being thrown on the little table nearby, signaled that Jethro was home early. He didn’t say a word but said plenty as he trudged over to the couch and fell face first into it. You couldn’t help but smile at his theatrics and continued your cooking.
“Vance send you home early?”
He rolled onto his back and let out a long sigh, rubbing his temples to relieve some of the headache he told you he didn’t have. Once all your ingredients were prepped and cooking in the pan, you poured the broth in and let it sit in a simmer before heading to the bathroom in search of aspirin, being sure to cover your eyes so your son didn’t yell at you.
Your husband was still laying on the couch when you came over with a glass of water and some aspirin.
“Take these. I’m making some soup as well,” you offered.
He sat up and took the offerings with a grateful grunt.
“Mommy! I’m done!”
You gave Jethro a kiss on the head before tending to your son again.
The soup was a hit with both boys, each having 2 servings and now they sat on the couch under a big thick blanket as you handed them each a capful of medicine.
“I don’t wanna,” your son refused, pulling his brows together in discontent and crossing his arms in extra emphasis.
“I don’t wanna do it either bud but it’ll make us feel better. Ready? On three.”
You watched as they swallowed the tart syrup and made the same exact face, causing you to laugh. They handed you over the empty caps and you brought them into the kitchen to wash them. Just then, the microwave went off, telling you the popcorn was ready.
Pouring it into a big bowl, you took your spot in between them on the couch. They each rested their heads against your shoulder and took turns taking pieces of popcorn while the movie played.
“How’s your head my love?” you asked Jethro, running your hand through his hair, massaging into his scalp and temple.
“Mm. Good.”
You then turned to your little boy and brushed his dirty blonde hair from his face as you could already see his blue eyes getting sleepy.
It was a rare opportunity you got to be able to take care of Jethro and your son at the same time. And as much as it was a bit trying at times with both of their stubborn yet needy ways, you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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midnightmoonkiss · 1 year
Wednesday Addams X GN! Sick! Reader
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When you’re sick, Wednesday ‘begrudgingly’ takes care of you.
You’re her partner in crime, you need to get better as soon as possible. That’s why she went out of her way to make you home made chicken noodle soup, and because she wanted to practice her slicing skills. No other reason at all.
Luckily, her immune system is as solid as a grave stone, so you can basically use her as an ice pack to keep your overly flushed body cool. She’s like your cuddly corpse.
Wednesday has always disliked touch, but with you? She doesn’t mind. You know her boundaries and you’ve always respected them.
Besides, she quite likes it when you curl yourself into her, head resting on her chest. It fills her little black heart with disgusting ooey gooey love. She’s miserable. She loves it and you.
If you’re being a brat and not taking the medicine, she will threaten to withhold your daily dose of Wednesday kisses - that always gets you to take the pills or be spoon fed that gross liquid.
Oh, how you adore your girlfriend doting on you in her own special way.
Like going to the store to get more medicine when you’ve taken it all and fighting five different people because its flu season and there’s only one box of high dosage flu and cold left. Wednesday does not care if she made the random grandmother cry, her darling sparrow is coughing so much the she herself can barely sleep.
Maybe while she’s out she’ll get you something cuddle while she’s gone. Just a sweet gift to cheer you up. You like those… squishmallows, right? Well, this black cat one has your name written all over it. Even if she did snatch it right in front of a child who was pointing at it to get their mother to buy it with their obnoxious cries.
Making you tea is something easy enough to do, she’ll put on the kettle she got from Enid while starting up her coffee machine. Even if you hate tea, she will insist you drink it.
There is no arguing with Wednesday, she’ll stare you down until you’re six feet under. Oh, how that stare brings butterflies to your tummy.
And so, you drink your tea and she drinks her coffee while reading through the morning’s newspaper, looking for any weird occurrences.
When you’re sick, she basically prefers to do next to everything for you. Acts of service is her love language, she can’t help it. You’re very weak and vulnerable right now, she views it as an absolute privilege to still be allowed by your side.
She runs you a bath, joins you in it, and even softly washes and rinses your hair. Maybe she sneaks a kiss or two in.
Her nimble fingers massaging your muscles that are tensed from laying in bed all day.
Nighttime has to be your new favorite when sick, though.
Because here you are, curled up with her and she’s curled up with you. She holds you as if she wants to protect you from all the dangers of the world or from sudden possession.
Who knew Wednesday Addams could be such a softie?
A secret only you know.
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lexithwrites · 1 month
Jegulus hc since you asked:
Reg gets sick insanely easily and when he gets sick he gets sick BAD. James has the best immune system in the world and is somehow always fine.
He makes it his mission to look after regulus every time he's sick (much to regulus' protest(he loves it tho))
James grew up pampered when he was sick like Effie is cooking chicken noodle soup and getting herbal medicine for him and James has just grown up around mess and not made to feel dirty so his immune system is golden, then there’s Reg.
Poor boy was left to fend for himself or with his nannies when he was sick. If anything, Sirius took care of him and he’s not qualified. But regulus is used to someone there so when James sees him sick he’s immediately wrapping him in a blanket, making him soup and lemon tea, giving him soft kisses and putting on his favourite movies and regulus starts getting better quicker but maybe faking it to get the loving heh
Also for trans reg, my beloved, when he has bad cramps James is there with a hot water bottle and his fav snacks and is constantly running hot baths for him ugh I need a James
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