#chapter 20 // returning to eden
darke15 · 2 years
Rewriting Eden
Hello all! As some of you know, BS:A recently hit 500,000 words, which—to me—is a pretty damn big milestone.
As such, my original plan was to celebrate by recreating the New Eden House, Boone's Olympus Apartment, & Duke's New York Apartment in the only house design program I have...the Sims 4.
As you may have noticed, that has not happened.
Between scaling issues, design issues, and realizing that what I see in my head isn't actually a feasible house...I ran into some problems.
That being said, I still wanted to celebrate slightly as I continue to try [for the second year in a row] to build Eden. Because apparently I have issues putting what I see into 'real life' I have decided to rewrite part of a chapter of BS:A. More specifically, the part where Bucky and Ghost arrive in the New Eden house for the first time.
When I first wrote this chapter, I was actually on a road trip. I saw a cool house on the way and used another house I'd seen back at home and meshed them together. Which didn't actually work well and when I think back to the New Eden house, it's not what I see.
And, thus, the update...
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The ten miles to the house flew by as you raced past green fields of spring wheat that rippled in the wind and silver hills of rolling sagebrush. The mountains that ringed the valley were silhouetted by the sun but their snow-capped peaks glimmered in the warm rays and a cool breeze rustled through the pine before swirling through the valley. 
Gravel crunched under the Firebird’s tires as the dirt road transitioned to the property’s driveway. 
You slowed slightly, watching the billowing dust behind you slither through brush as you wound through the winding drive before coming to a slow stop in front of a tall chain link fence that was securely kept closed with a length of chain and a padlock. Your gaze flicked over the abandoned place. 
The fence encased four different buildings. A trio of old, rusted grain bins sat against the front corner of the fence, functioning mostly as a roost for mourning doves than actual storage bins. A crooked storage shed leaned heavily against them through the fence, denting it as it crumpled. 
Just off the drive was a small wooden barn with fading and chipping red paint. Its doors, which once sat on castors and a rail above the doorway, were now sitting lopsided on the ground. 
Sitting beside the house was what was left of your Uncle’s garage. It was built of wood and cinder blocks, both had been discolored by the rust coming off the steel roofing panels that had wrinkled and folded in the violent summer winds and storms. 
You frowned to yourself, popping open the console and digging through it to find the padlock key as your eyes finally landed on the house. 
It was partially hidden behind birch and maple trees that had tangled together over the years and had new leaves budding on their branches. The farmhouse was two stories that stood on its original red brick foundations. White painted wood siding had chipped and cracked in the hot sun and freezing winters that blew through the valley with a vengeance. 
Only a few panels of the metal roofing had been blown off the roof and one of the chimneys had collapsed, its bricks were sprinkled over the yellow, unwatered grass of the yard. 
“Fuck,” you muttered to yourself, earning Bucky’s attention as you slipped from the car and you feet landed on familiar ground for the first time in years. He followed your gaze as you took a tentative step toward the locked gate. 
The light wind that hummed between the buildings also gently swayed the swing that sat on the front porch as you unlocked the padlock and tugged the chain free before kicking open the gate. 
A sigh worked its way through your throat as you rolled your eyes at yourself. 
You’d underestimated the toll the elements would take on your home. You’d nearly forgotten how unforgiving New Eden could be if it was left to its own devices. 
With a low grumble, you ducked back into the Firebird and carefully pulled it into the yard to get a better look at the house. 
Thick tendrils of nightshade had trailed up the sides of the house. Deep green leaves with purple flowers and bright red berries had overtaken the white siding as it wrapped around to the front of the house. It curled up the columns of the porch, anchoring itself to the metal roof above the porch and climbing onto the second story. 
“I didn’t think it would be this bad,” you mumbled, earning Barnes’ attention again. His calculating eyes turned on your face, raking over you before he winced as dried weeds scratched against the undercarriage of the Firebird. He glared down at the floor before glancing back up to the house as you came to a stop in front of it and shoved the car into park, “C’mon.”
Bucky followed you out of the car, his eyes narrowing as you both took in the damage. You took a slow step over the yellowed grass, the stubble crunching under your boots as you shoved your hands into your pockets to find the keys for the front door. 
“It’ll be a project,” you said after a moment, trying to force a smile to your lips but instead a grimace curled to your features as Bucky came to stand beside you, “That’s for damn sure.”
“It looks like shit.” He responded without hesitation. You failed to notice the smirk that was playing on his face as he folded his arms over his chest. 
“Fuck you,” you snapped with a glare and a pout before your jaw set into place. 
The smile on Bucky’s lips grew as a scoff puffed from his nose and he nudged you playfully. Your glare softened as he did and you relaxed back with a roll of your eyes. A small smile played on your face as he took a hesitant step toward the front door before spinning slowly to look over the property once more. 
The flowerbeds that were set in front of the porch had grown past their rock barriers, the native flowers beginning to take over the yard. Soft purple lupine swayed in the wind, sheltering orange poppies and white phlox that crept up the brick foundations.
Bucky leaned against the railing on the stairs, wincing as it cracked slightly and you carefully stepped up onto the porch to the front door. 
You paused in your stride as you lightly strode up the stairs before a yelp worked through your throat and one of the wooden boards snapped in half. You stumbled back for only a moment before Bucky’s arm wrapped around your waist and kept you from tumbling to the ground. 
He held you in the air for a second, looking over you as you clung to him and tried to pry your boot out of the board. 
“You good?” He hummed, keeping you steady as you finally forced your boot from the hole. 
“Yeah,” you muttered as he lowered you to the ground, “Watch your step.”
“No shit.” Bucky nodded as you brushed yourself off and he took a long step directly onto the porch. He paused before he turned back to you, glancing at the railing as it jiggled back and forth before holding out his hand and helping you up the stairs onto the porch. 
“Thanks,” you said, slowly making your way across the creaking wooden planks of the porch toward the front door. 
The yellow paint on the door had been shielded from the seasons. The stained glass that had been carefully designed and laid by your grandmother in the door was protected by cardboard and duct tape that had seen better days. The windows on either side of the door had the same treatment, protecting them from the weather but not providing cover for the flower boxes that were hanging onto the windowsills for dear life. 
You sighed to yourself, forcing your gaze and thoughts away from the growing list of things you had to do to get the house back in working order. 
Twirling the key through your fingers, you shoved it into the lock before pausing as it clicked. 
You hoped the inside wasn’t as bad as the outside, you couldn’t take the thought of adding anything else to the list. 
Taking another deep breath, you turned the handle—
You frowned, pushing against the door lightly—
The door didn’t budge. 
A low, frustrated groan growled through your teeth as you head tipped forward until it hit the door with a resounding thud, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Let me try.” Bucky offered from behind you, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it onto the porch swing along with his cap and glove that had hidden his metal hand.
You waved him off, glaring at the door with a vengeance, “Be my guest.”
His flesh hand wrapped around the handle and he shoved his shoulder into the door—
“Don’t you dare break it,” you warned, glancing between him and his metal hand as he wrapped it around the handle.
“I won’t.”
He pressed against the door again, putting his weight behind it and earning a light squeak from the hinges but, other than that—
Bucky leveled a glare at the door, rolling up his sleeves and widening his stance slightly. 
“Buck—,” you warned him again, your hand reaching up to his shoulder before he smacked you away. 
“It moved a little bit,” he drawled, licking his lips as he turned toward the door again. He held the door knob with his metal hand but held it at arm’s length as he wound up to shove himself against the door again, “It just needs a bit more—”
Another grimace worked to your face as Bucky threw himself at the door before colliding with it…
And the entire thing came off its hinges. 
A squeak came from your throat as you jumped away from the cloud of dust Bucky disappeared in and the entire house rattled as he landed with a thud. You waited to hear the shattering of glass or the telltale crack of a floorboard being snapped in half. 
But there was nothing. 
You poked your head inside the empty doorway as the dust subsided, your gaze flitting over the damage before a laugh spilled from your lips. 
Bucky had landed atop the door, he’d attempted to catch himself but had instead face-planted and was covered in a thick layer of dust that had been kicked up into the air. He grumbled to himself, rolling to his back with a coughed growl, “This isn’t funny.”
You answered him with another laugh before choking on the dust that was wafting from the house. Bucky rolled his eyes, glaring at you before you offered your hand and helped him to his feet. You brushed off his back as he leaned over to grab the door and gently prop it against the hall closet before you took a slow step inside. 
You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until you took a few more steps into the house, whether that was because of the dust still floating on the light draft and danced on the sunlight that had crept its way through cracks in the walls or if it was because of the sudden nerves that worked through your body…you weren’t sure. 
What you did know was that the house was in almost pristine condition. 
Even if it was covered in dust, the furniture and decorations were practically untouched. 
You were finally home.
A sigh of relief blew through you as you took another look around and felt Bucky stop beside you. 
“Well, Buck,” you said softly, nudging him lightly as he followed your gaze, “Welcome home.”
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CAPTAIN'S LOG: ‣Partial Rewrite: September 11, 2022 // Last Updated: September 11, 2022 ‣Minor Update ‣Format Update ‣+1000 Words ‣Part of the 500,000 word celebration
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these last 3 chapters more than ever have left me wondering about the timeline of spy x family and in particular,
donovan's age.
i'm not going to go too deep into the full timeline because i simply don't think we have enough info to make a real robust timeline, BUT i do think we can very feasibly approximate donovan's age with our current info.
I also won’t be using any precise years like 1964 or whatever bc at this moment in time I find that to be kind of useless, bc the only years we have happen very early in the story in background details and for a lot of those ones, I noticed endo had a tendency to just carelessly put whatever so long as it looked fine from afar, which includes news that were happening around the time of that chapter's release. SO unless he decides to explicitly highlight actual years, I’m not gonna be like “this happened in 1964 and that happened in 1953” and anything of the sort.
now, i shall partake in my least favorite activity.
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so uh buckle up my fellas and feel free to correct me anywhere where i might be wrong bc i am more than aware that math is NOT my strong suit!
gonna start with the facts!
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according to the spy x family EYES ONLY fanbook, henry henderson is 66 years old at the time of the current events of spy x family! in the past three chapters we have learned that there is a 3 year age gap between him and martha, so that would make her 63 years old currently.
as of the events of chapter 99, he is 22 years old (and martha is 19), assuming there wasn't any years-long time gap that was not mentioned within the chapter! which, it doesn’t seem like there were any MASSIVE time gaps, so I’ll be using those ages for calculating.
so, what all this means is that we are (roughly) 44 years into the past at the moment! previous info about the war of loid and yor's childhoods puts it at around 20 years old, so from where we are in the backstory, we still have roughly 20 more years before Luwen is attacked — clearly, because this first war has already ended with donovan still in school.
while we don't have loid's age, we do have yor's, who is 27 years old — meaning she was born around the time of henry being 39 years old, aka clearly neither loid nor yor have been born yet as of the events of chapter 99. too into the past for now!
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now, how am i gonna get donovan's age out of all this?
simple! henry's his teacher and has a talk with him after his jail time.
like I mentioned previously, I shall be sticking to 22 for henry’s age here. it may not be fully correct, it may be a year or two off because we aren’t given concrete details on exactly how long he was in jail, so just take it with a grain of salt! it's only going to remain as a rough estimate until we get a definitive answer on donovan's age.
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so! henry has a talk with donovan, but the conversation itself, while very important for the plot and especially for our understanding of donovan’s character, is irrelevant for this conversation. no, what's crucial here is what henry is holding. endo even highlights it by focusing an entire larger panel on it!
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it's a history textbook for year 7 students!
it being a history textbook is very poignant for the conversation they're having, but the reason this is important to me is because it's very clearly a year 7 textbook.
now, i don't know how much of eden academy's curriculum is based on the uk! but because pretty much all of the architecture of it is based on eton college and endo has literally just returned from a london trip where he showed us he visited a kindergarten, so i think that's grounds enough for me to assume eden academy's year 7 is generally populated by children between 11 and 12 years old. luckily for me, that seems to be the general age for germany's secondary school year 7 too, so even if it's not the british one, it's still close enough!
with all that being said, if donovan is, say, 12 in that moment and henry is 22, that means there is a 10 year difference between the two of them, which, drum roll please, means donovan desmond is 56 years old when our story's events take place! assuming the war of loid's and yor's childhoods took place exactly 20 years ago (when yor was 7 and henry was 46), this would make him around 36 years old when he became ostania's prime minister! it would also mean he had damian at 50 years old, and if demetrius is 12 right now, that would mean he was born when donovan was 44 years old (and his birth would’ve been in the last years of the war).
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so, rough events timeline based on all that, focusing on ages!
66 years ago: Henry Henderson is born.
63 years ago: Martha Marriott is born.
~56 years ago: Donovan Desmond is born.
49 years ago: Martha (14) transfers to Eden and meets Henry (17)
47 years ago: Henry (19) graduates Eden.
44 years ago: Henry (22) joins Eden as a teacher, in the same year becomes Donovan Desmond’s (~12) history teacher. Martha (19) graduates Eden and joins the Women’s Defense Auxiliary.
~44 years ago: Martha (~19) is presumed dead. Henry (~22) faces jail time. The war ends, and he marries.
27 years ago: Yor is born. At that time, Henry is 39, Martha is 36, and Donovan is 29.
~27 years ago. [REDACTED] is also born. Same as above, just approximate this time!
~20 years ago: Second war begins. Yor and [REDACTED] are ~7, Henry is ~46, Martha is ~43, Donovan is ~36. Yuri is born.
~12 years ago: Demetrius is born. Donovan is ~44, Yor and [REDACTED] are ~15, Henry is ~54, Martha is ~51, Yuri is ~8.
~10 years ago: Second war ends. Demetrius is ~2, Donovan is ~46, Yor and [REDACTED] are ~17, Henry is ~56, Martha is ~53, Yuri is ~10.
6 years ago: Damian is born (and most other kids in his and Anya’s grade). Demetrius is ~6, Donovan is ~50, Henry is 60, Martha is 57, Yor is 21, Twilight is ~21, Yuri is 14.
5-4 years ago: Anya is born. Damian (etc.) are 1-2, Demetrius is 7-8, Donovan is ~51-52, Henry is 61-62, Martha is 58-59, Yor is 22-23, Twilight is ~22-23, Yuri is 15-16.
1 year ago: Yuri (19) becomes part of the SSS. Anya is 3-4, Damian (etc.) is 5, Demetrius is 10-11, Donovan is ~55, Henry is 65, Martha is 62, Yor is 26, Twilight is ~26.
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I HOPE THAT HELPS PUT THINGS INTO PERSPECTIVE?? melinda is not included bc we have nothing to go off of for her age outside of purely subjective things like her appearance.
super glad endo included the year 7 thing JAKLSDFKLSD
anyway thank you for reading!!! :DD
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phoen1xr0se · 3 months
I was so surprised that you hadn't written anything in 20 years before DFAFM. I was also surprised when you said writing it may have saved your life (paraphrasing). I have struggled with those kind of thoughts my entire life. Things which have meaning and value have been good distractions from those thoughts. I say distractions because the thoughts eventually return. My employment was always good for giving my life purpose. My career took a turn towards insanely stressful two years ago, and I can no longer make my job my entire life purpose. A counselor told me that I can choose the things which matter to me, and those things don't have to matter to anyone else. The first thing I decided on was my dog. My dog is important (and has probably saved my life more times than I can count), and I make time to walk my dog nearly every day.
I would like to try writing because I love reading. I am afraid to try because if it turns out badly (I'm very critical), I won't want to try again. Were you afraid to try writing again? What did you do?
This was a roundabout way to ask those questions, but I also wanted to tell you that you're not alone. I think we all do what we can, whatever we can figure out, to carry on as best we can, for as long as we can, and then fight to carry on even when it's hard to find a reason. This is harder for some than it is for others.
Maybe we can be online acquaintances. I'd like that.
I would like that too.
I haven't told this story publicly before, but the night I published the first chapter of Don't Fall Away From Me, I did it to keep myself from doing something else. It was 2am, my mind was racing, heart heavy, and I felt like I had nothing left to give.
Then, Crowley popped into my head. I wondered if this was how he would feel now that Aziraphale was gone. And in my sleep-deprived, tear-stained state, I found myself wondering desperately what could save Crowley, what could reach him when he had nothing left to hold on to -- and then I thought of Muriel.
I opened my laptop instead of reaching for something worse.
I wrote a story and poured my pain into it.
I got lucky, and people seemed to resonate with it, and people commenting on it encouraged me to keep going. It gave me something to look forward to. And the more I wrote, the more I tried to heal Crowley, I found I was healing myself too.
That's my story.
If you'd like to write, do it. Just write. Even if you hate it, do it anyway, you can always edit it later. Put you into it. Find what you love most about Good Omens and start there. Maybe pick a scene we have a snippet of (like the Flood, or Rome, Eden, etc) and fill it out to practise your skills. I also recommend having writer friends (you already have one 👋) to share your ideas and who can maybe help you with WIPs.
I hope any of this was remotely helpful.
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walkswithmyfather · 9 months
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Revelation 22:13 (NLT). “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
“What does Revelation 22:13 mean?” By BibleRef.com:
“Verse Commentary: Jesus identifies Himself as the Alpha and the Omega: the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. He explains He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Previously in Revelation Jesus employed this same description of Himself (Revelation 1:8; 21:6). As the Alpha and Omega, He existed before creation and was with God in the beginning (John 1:1). He is, therefore, eternal.
Often in John's Gospel Jesus refers to Himself as the “I am;” present tense (John 6:35; 8:12; 11:25). He told His foes He and His father are one (John 10:30). His enemies recognized that Jesus claimed to be equal with God, so they picked up stones in order to stone Him to death (John 10:31). They believed He had committed blasphemy. However, long after the present creation passes away, Jesus will still exist because He is eternal. By grace, the eternal Son of God bestows eternal life on all who believe on Him (John 3:36; Romans 6:23).
Verse Context: Revelation 22:6–13 moves on from the description of life in New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:9—22:5) and focuses on Jesus' return. This marks the end of John's visions of the future, returning to more immediate instructions for Christian believers; this is the epilogue to the book of Revelation. Both the beginning and closing of Revelation offer a blessing (Revelation 1:3; 22:7). Both stress the importance of keeping the prophecy being given (Revelation 1:3; 22:7). And both identify Jesus as the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8; 22:13).
Chapter Summary: John sees additional images of New Jerusalem. The city's depiction stands in contrast to the ruin experienced during the tribulation, and evokes comparisons to the garden of Eden from the book of Genesis. After this, John relates several commands and messages from Jesus Christ. Among these are a dire warning not to manipulate the words of this message. Revelation, along with the canon of Scripture, ends with a benediction and prayer for Jesus to return.
Chapter Context: This passage completes the description of New Jerusalem. Earlier chapters in Revelation described the final judgments against sin and death. Genesis chapter 3 described humanity's loss of paradise; Revelation 22 describes paradise regained. Concluding remarks by Jesus begin in verse 6 and continue through verse 20. Verse 21 records the apostle John's benediction, which marks the end of the New Testament canon.
Book Summary: The word “revelation” means “an unveiling or disclosure.” This writing unveils future events such as the rapture, three series of judgments that will fall on the earth during the tribulation, the emergence of the Antichrist, the persecution of Israel and her amazing revival, as well as Jesus' second coming with His saints to the earth, the judgment of Satan and his followers, and finally, the eternal state. This content, combined with the original Greek term apokalypsis, is why we now refer to an end-of-the-world scenario as “an apocalypse.”
[© Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries.]
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holystormfire · 1 month
What is God's definition of "laws of nature".
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The first verse of the Bible states unequivocally, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Then, after creating the land and seas and all the plants and animals and pronouncing them “good” (see, for example, Genesis 1:24), “. . . God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). The first chapter of John’s Gospel provides this insight: “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him” (John 1:1–3). (Christ is the eternal Word.) This all means . . .
· God’s original creation was “good,” perfect.
· God created perfect human beings—one male and one female—to live in, enjoy, and take care of the rest of creation.
So this begs many questions relating to the purpose of nature and the responsibility of human beings for it.
In what ways has nature changed since Creation?
Romans 5:12
When Adam and Eve sinned, sin entered the world. Adam and Eve's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in God’s perfect creation in the Garden of Eden, sin entered the world and changed everything.
Psalm 51:5
For I was born a sinner— yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. From that point on, every person was born with a sin nature and born into a sinful fallen world.
Ephesians 2:3
All of us used to live that way, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature. By our very nature we were subject to God’s anger, just like everyone else. And because of our sinful nature and our sins, we are separated from God and deserving of his punishment.
Genesis 3:16–19
And to the man he said, “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.” The immediate effects of Adam and Eve’s sin include pain in childbirth, relational conflict, great difficulty in sustaining life, and physical death. Nature also experienced dramatic changes, including the introduction of “thorns and thistles.”
Romans 8:20–22
Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay. For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
At sin’s entrance (the Fall), “all creation was subjected to God’s curse, so, in some respects, every aspect of nature is imperfect, with decay and death, not as God had originally created it to be. Other results of the Fall in nature include predatory animals and natural disasters.
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My OCs from different fandoms and their races!
Tagged by: @kindan-no-kanojo ! Tagging: @poohwhin , @sumire-bride , @arleccine !
This was super fun! I didn't include the founders that i have been working on (i mean, forgot about.. bc ive been busy but ahem i WILL finish them, promise), but this made me think about the babies I abandoned along the way (i only love my one son Ryuuto and what of it, huh?) but maybe i could pick up the stories of these old OC's somewhere down the line when i inevitably dive back into these fandoms through cosplay lol. I have plenty of old OCs, for the record, these are simply the ones that I could remember/fit in nicely/liked best to include. TW for old, blurry, cringe art.
#1 Diabolik Lovers - Sakamaki Ryuuto
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Race: Vampire Age: 18 (Physically)
I mean, you already know about him if you're reading this lol. My favourite, and I have no shame in saying that. He is the OC of mine that will always, ALWAYS get the spotlight, and get put onto a pedestal, because he is my SON, my LIGHT, my MASTERPIECE. I wuv him so much, I miss him, and cannot wait to return to posting regularly here (which I hope to do as of now-nextweek-ish?)!
#2 Diabolik Lovers - Dietrich
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Race: Familiar/Unknown(?) Age: Mid-20's
Dietrich's character was scrapped early on into Ryuuto's development. He was initially going to be a personal servant/familiar and close friend of Ryuuto's, actually! I wasn't sure how I wanted their relationship to develop and, in the end, i felt that Ryuuto was best suited to be more of the loner type anyhow. So, as much as I adored how his character design turned out, I ended up scrapping him :(
#3 Black Butler - Alexander Eden
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Race: Demon Age: 20 (Psychically) Height: 185cm (6'1") Occupation: Head Butler of the Peirce Estate | Demon | Contract Holder
Throwback to my delusional blonde men era, lmao. Alexander is (was?) an idea I created for a black butler storyline of my own alongside another self-insert-turned-oc. I still have the original unfinished story up on my Quotev, actually, which describes him as having "many different sections of his personality, each triggered through separate methods or people". Yes, I am quoting myself appropriately. I take social studies at university, deal with it. He's a blend of Sebastian, Claude, and Reiji, being "distant from other demons and disdainful in general ... [holding] onto the idea that perfection is the only thing valuable in this world and it can only be achieved through a pure soul of one completely aware of corruption yet not tainted by its temptations". I actually kind of miss him :')
#4 Free! - Niikura Seiji
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Race: Human Age: 17 Height: 177cm (5'10") Weight: 65kg (143lbs)
Just directly quoting from the character profile I set up for him, Seiji is "the freestyle and backstroke swimmer and the vice-captain of the Kobeyashi Academy's swim team and a 3rd year high school student ... He was previously attending Iwatobi High School. He is part of the swimming club which includes: Tokaji Kuse, Yukari Niikura and Katsuyuki Tsukino", which are other OC's for his story. Cue the violins because his whole backstory is basically: "Originally, he was extremely passionate about the the swim team at Iwatobi, however, he was never accepted into it. Seiji stopped swimming after he was suspended from junior high school after attempting to psychically attack Rin who insulted his speed in the water. It wasn’t until his best friend Tokaji forced him back into swimming that he found his spark again". I began his story, but never published it! I might get around to doing that, because I really liked what I wrote for him back in 2018.
#5 Noragami - Shoji
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Race: God Age: ??? Height: ???
Unfortunately, I didn't write a character profile for Shoji when I was interested in his story so I cannot remember it for the most part, and I only wrote two unpublished chapters which I archived. However, in the little synopsis, the storyline was that, as the reader, you "had known Shoji - the God of afterlife and exorcisms - for a while now and, oddly enough, a phantom encounter one afternoon after-school had brought you and your best-friend Hiyori closer after finding out she also knew a God. Soon you begun to realise if Shoji and Yato being past enemies wasn't bad enough to start another fight, the fact that both of them were falling rapidly for you definitely was". A typical, cringey (read: hot) love-triangle from an old fandom I was am into. Shoji, like Yato, was a God as was basically the polar opposite of his outgoing, happy-go-lucky nature for the most-part. It was just a sort of ying-yang situation, for the reader, I think. I had to use a picrew to reimagine him because I used a faceclaim but couldn’t find the original character T-T
#6 Yandere Simulator - Yuuto Shinohara
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Race: Human Age: 17 Personality Type: Kuudere-Yandere
You're typical yandere!boy story, lol. I really did like making only male OCs, huh. Yuuto "is a 17 year old in second-year high school student at Akademi High. His classroom is 3-2, the same classroom as Taro Yamada. He has a strange obsession with Ayano Aishi and maintains a lovestruck persona towards her, as she does with Taro. He is in the Student Council Club as it offers him large benefits around the school". He was actually inspired here and there by some of the DiaBoys in his actions/manner of speech/etc. with the (again) unpublished chapters I produced for him. As is typical of many OCs, he had a tragic backstory too; Yuuto "had a hard time as a child, unwilling but not incapable of caring for others. Reasons for this stem from many different areas of his life, including the fact his parents died when he was young which left him with his older sister, Chiyu - the normal parent-child relationship unable to be created. Chiyu, although being a loving older sister, often leaves her younger brother alone while she visits different cities around Japan in pursuit of her career as a Tour Guide. This means Yuuto is often left alone for a number of months at a time. Yuuto, prior to transferring to Akademi High School in second year, was often bullied at school for being too quiet and isolating himself". Kind of want to explore him some more, too :'( Curse this tag game, making me want to hug my old OCs.
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at-thestillpoint · 1 year
weird questions for writers: 22, 32, 38
[ask me weird questions for writers!]
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
I use Google Drive to write and organize myself. I have a nested folder system broken down by ship, then story universe, then individual fic (if needed). Each fic doc is titled with the pairing, a number, and the title of the fic. The number is honestly for aesthetic purposes—it corresponds to the order in which I had the idea, though 000 is always the headcanons, blotter, and darlings catchall for that ship or fic. I write each fic in a single doc, and use headings so I can quickly jump from chapter to chapter. When I’m in editing or finalization mode, I’ll even use subheadings to tag the areas I’m still not happy with so I can easily navigate from place to place via the Google Doc outline sidebar. I also have a spreadsheet to track all my WIPs, ideas, and completed fics.
So, yeah…I’m quite an organization freak for my writing, but I have to be because I write out of order, and things would otherwise get lost.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
I’ll give you lines from a poem and a novel, because I couldn’t pick!
“There are years that ask questions, and years that answer them.” (Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God)
I read Their Eyes Were Watching God in high school, but didn’t realize how much this line had stuck with me until I’d graduated college, and faced some tough, uncertain years in my early 20s. I used it then as a reminder that answers would come—things would get more clear, or better, or whatever it was I was looking for. I still come back to it as a reminder that the moments I’ve felt most aimless, most lost, most overwhelmed, those are the moments I look back on with the benefit of time and now realize the impact they had on my life.
“Life is short and the world / is at least half terrible [...] / though I keep this from my children. I am trying / to sell them the world” and “You could make this place beautiful.” (Maggie Smith, Good Bones)
I get goosebumps just thinking about it, in particular, I got actual chills when I read this the first time. There is something devastating and poignant in how this poem summarizes the despair and the hope I feel about the world every day. 
Honorable mentions go to the entire timshel passage from East of Eden and “and time yet for a hundred indecisions” from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
I feel like my entire writing process is Really Weird, but the weirdest thing I think I do is act out dialogue in the shower. I struggle with the beat of a conversation when I’m just typing, and find characters’ spoken voices come more naturally when I say them out loud, so I will have the conversations with myself, as the characters, over and over again, and just hope that I don’t forget the words while I blowdry my hair.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, April 24
SNYDER: There're some things I can just smell. It's like a sixth sense. GILES: No, actually that would be one of the five. SNYDER: That Summers girl. I smell trouble. I smell expulsion, and just the faintest aroma of jail. GILES: Well, before you throw away the key, you might consider giving her the benefit of the doubt. She may surprise you. SNYDER: You really have faith in those kids, don't you? GILES: Yes, I do. SNYDER: Weird.
~~BtVS 2x01 “When She Was Bad”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Sweet Gesture (Willow, Xander, Oz, PG) by badly_knitted
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Caught on Camera (Spike, Dawn, PG-13) by veronyxk84
[Chaptered Fiction]
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My Sanctuary, Chapter 5/5 COMPLETE! (Angel/Wesley, T) by Enigmatist
The Witching Hour:, Chapter 7/25 (Willow/Tara, E) by TheLightdancer
Infinitely, Chapter 49/? (Willow/Tara, M) by Laragh
Buffy season 8, Chapter 3/22 (Buffy/Angel, not rated) by FreyStewart
In the Company of Witches and Slayers:, Chapter 16/200 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
[French language] Recommencer, Chapter 9/? (Buffy/Faith, M) by FridayQueen
hit rewind, Chapter 50/? (Buffy/Spike, M) by untiljanuary
She's in Parties, Chapter 2/8 (Spike/Drusilla, E) by betweenfactandbreakfast
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The Return of Lost Love, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Riley, T) by OliviaSalvatore
The Greatest Love of All, Chapter 2 (Buffy, G) by Aristocrat Writer
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Stab in the back, Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by MelG_2005
Under the Influence, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Hostile17-1996
The Tortured Slayer Department, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by BewitchedXx
Breaking Illusions, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by RavenLove12
Secret Obsession, Chapters 1-2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Maxine Eden
A Ripple In Time, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by CheekyKitten
Guitar Villain, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by RavenLove12
Love Lives Here, Chapter 53 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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Old Fashioned Romance, Chapter 9 (Xander/Steve Rogers, Marvel xover, FR21) by calikocat
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Blood and dust, Chapters 7-8 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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What the Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by VeroNyxK84
Breaking Illusions, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by RavenLove12
Love Lives Here, Chapter 53 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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The Young King Sings A Song For The Lover, The Leaver, The Lonely Alike (Maybe You're The Boy From My Dreams), Chapter 6 (Buffy/Faith, M) COMPLETE! by Slayerismsunrise
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: recently i started watching buffy and i wanted to make a little something (Buffy, worksafe) by theartintrying
Artwork: Dusk Spoilers (Buffy/Spike, slightly NSF for nudity and CW for blood) by isevery0nehereverystoned
Artwork: Coloring page of Fred Burkle in “Smile Time” (worksafe) by amazzyblaze
Artwork: Caras eu amo a buffy (Buffy, worksafe) by moskarosa
Artwork: Dead girl by the bar all dressed up (Spike/Drusilla, worksafe) by novivi
Gifset: All my mornings are Mondays. Stuck in an endless February. (Giles/Jenny, worksafe) by clumsycapitolunicorn
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Artwork: ChiBangel: Earshot #1 (Buffy/Angel, G) by MamaBewear
[Reviews & Recaps]
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S01E12 Prophecy Girl by she-saved-the-world-a-lot
Slayer: A Buffyverse Story by figurelifeflirt
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PODCAST: Episode 53: The Freshman (w/ Katie Kaisershot) by Gym Was Cancelled
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: looking for a spike/angel fic requested by honeybearbee9
[Community Announcements]
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[Multifandom] Signups Open! by fandom5k
[Fandom Discussions]
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Xander was very annoying - more than usual - for the latter half of this season by theredpharaoah
[about undead characters stating that they “have no breath”] by monsterblogging
Buffy should’ve called Joyce in “Go Fish” by theredpharaoah
the last words Buffy Summers said to Willow before she went to face the Master by deus–auri
I think it’s really sweet in Once More with Feelings how Spike tries his best to get Buffy to leave before he breaks into song by conscious-overflow
One of the best visual jokes Buffy the Vampire Slayer ever did was put Spike in Riley’s clothes in Crush by toomanylizzes
The Dawn plotline by mybuffysittersavampireslayer
START OF S5 THOUGHTS by mybuffysittersavampireslayer
Wait, why did the Initiative set their soldiers up undercover as grad students? by nicnacsnonsense
but why only one slayer at a time? like it doesnt really make sense by gothhobbithoe
Not that I’m not glad for it, but why didn’t Riley just kill Spike in “Into the Woods”? by nicnacsnonsense
does Faith ever actually refer to Willow as “Red” in canon? In either Buffy or Angel? by coraniaid
i’m a season 6 liker but definitely its biggest flaw is the trio by fallingtowers
if i’m reading fanfic and the writer puts faith in a dress without a Very Good Reason [...] by beatriceeverytuesday
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New to Buffy continued by ILLYRIAN
Old Buffy Board (1999-2004) The Bronze continued by multiple posters
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Episode battle: 'Best' Scooby argument by Stoney, multiple posters
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Which character storylines would you change? by xXagirlhasnonameXx
Episode 7x17 Buffy & Giles -What are your thoughts on this scene? Who do you side with? by Excellent-Durian-509
Why did the Watchers offer no support to the Slayer? by inconspicuous2012
What are some missed opportunities from the show in your opinion? by PhilosopherGeneral94
Snyder is one of the best "love to hate" characters by jdpm1991
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Close Your Eyes: Mapping Buffy & Angel's Relationship Through Their Theme Song (Buffy/Angel, not rated) by Kean (abreathofsnowandashes)
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xxblackballoonxx · 2 years
Electric: Chapter 21
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Modern John Shelby AU
This fic is being posted simultaneously on FanFiction.net and Ao3. Classy smut warning beginning with Chapter 5.
Welcome to the second part of Electric! Make sure you catch up on Part 1 (Chapters 1 - 20) at the masterlist link below. Let's get back to John and Gemma.
Chapter 20 Electric Masterlist
Chapter 21: Atlantic
Three weeks after returning to Birmingham from London, Gemma sat in her flat on a rainy day, with Julia sitting on the floor next to her.  They were preparing for Gemma's trip to New York, confirming travel details and documents that may be needed.
"You still haven't told John exactly who you'll be seeing in New York, have you?" Julia asked, looking over at Gemma.
Gemma bit her lip and shook her head.  There really wasn't a reason to not tell John. It was more that she didn't want to face the idea of John being in Small Heath while she was on the other side of the Atlantic, dealing with a part of her own past.
"I will. Tonight." Gemma finally said with a sigh.
"You know he'll be alright with it if you are, yeah? But are you also sure you want to do this? See Nick again?"
"Yes. No. I don't know. He was a huge part of my life, a huge part of my career really. The band is finally getting the chance they've always deserved, and I know them better than anyone. I don't want personal history to get in the way of me supporting talent that I believe in."
Julia nodded and watched as Gemma's eyes faded out to another place. She'd heard the stories about Nick Stanton. Incredibly talented, so close to have hitting it big in the late 2000s. Still making albums and playing locally. Never Sleep Records had finally caught on after years and years of Gemma pitching the band to everyone she knew. 
"Tell John tonight. It'll be a lot easier for you to go if he knows the full truth and you have his full support. If there's one thing about that man I know for sure, he loves you." Julia said with a smile.
Gemma nodded with a grin, thinking back to the week before when they had invited Julia and a few of John and Finn's friends over for dinner. Julia and Isiah had hit it off, despite Julia protesting that she was too old for him (to which Isiah had made her swoon with a compliment). Julia had hung out with John and Gemma together several times by that point, but she could tell something had changed between them after the Eden opening. They were more settled into each other. 
"Now, practice with me how you're going to tell your loving, hotter than fuck boyfriend that you're going on a work trip and will be seeing your former ... boyfriend? Love interest? Complication? Who is far less loving and far less hot." Julia stated.
Gemma rolled her eyes and laughed at the comparison of John and Nick. And Julia was right. They were night and day in every single respect.
Later that night after supper, Gemma sat next to John on the sofa in the Shelby living room, the TV on low as they enjoyed the peace. Finn had gone out with Carolyn, and Gemma fidgeted, linking and unlinking her fingers as she thought of what to say. And how to say it.
"What's going on Gem?" John asked casually, taking one of her hands in his.
He'd noticed that she'd been more and more nervous as the week went on and had initially chalked it up to her work trip. But then he realized she'd told him very few details about said work trip, and he began to suspect there was something more to the story.
"So, you know how I'm going to New York. Well, the thing is ... the band that I'm going to represent ... is Nick's band." Gemma mumbled, looking down as she picked at the sleeve of John's shirt.
He took a moment to breathe and process. Gemma had told him about Nick early on, but never really gave much detail. He'd put together bits and pieces and came to the conclusion that Gemma had been in love with Nick for a long time and it was a messy relationship. Nick also seemed to be a large reason why she took the job at Church Street Records.
"You haven't really told me much about him, but I've heard enough to know that he was a really important person in your life for a long time. Are you nervous? Scared?" John asked softly, pulling Gemma into his lap.
"Both, I guess. But more nervous and scared that it's going to be a problem for you." Gemma whispered.
"Gems, hey, look at me." John replied, gently tilting her face up. The look in her eyes saddened him.
"I love you. I am with you. That's not changing, love, I promise. I trust you and I know that you've decided to take this on for good reason." John continued.
Gemma nodded and leaned her head against John's shoulder. Julia could not have been more correct. Everything about John was different from Nick.
"I know ...and I know I haven't talked about him much. It's been strange to me, to think about talking about him when all I want to do is focus on you and me."
"Would you feel better if you told me a little bit about him?"
Gemma thought for a minute and then nodded. She sat up straight, the feeling of John's arm around her waist comforting and safe. She knew she'd have to talk about it eventually.
"Nick and I met years ago at a show one night, years ago now. I was 17, he was 20. He was playing with another band I knew. Something happened when our eyes met, kind of like how it felt when I met you. Like something big was happening in my life and I could feel everything changing. I did everything I could for him. Promo, working his shows, selling merch, sitting in on recording sessions. I was his personal cheerleader in a lot of ways. It's always been a very ... complex relationship."
John nodded his head and watched as Gemma went back to picking at the cuff of his sleeve. Her fingers brushed over his and he took the opportunity to link his fingers through hers, catching the small smile on her face as he did so.
"I know there's more." He said quietly.
"I've always loved him. Hated and loved him, most times. He was … is so frustrating. I used my work with him as the basis of my resume, the experience got me my first paying jobs in the industry. And I know I don't owe him anything for that. But it became complicated ... when we were together, at a show or in a studio, it was perfection. Everything about us was in sync. But outside of that, it was messy. He's dated more girls than I can count, always coming back to me in between them. But never committing. Never putting anything on the line for me. And it got to a point where I couldn't do it anymore. So I stopped working with him altogether over a year ago. Hadn't heard from him since. Funny, how they get a record deal offer now."
Gemma looked up at John, his eyes cloudy with the thoughts of someone treating her in that way. 
"Are you sure you want to do this? See him again? I trust you completely, I just don't want you to get hurt."
"He asked for me, personally, according to Julia. So did the rest of the band. It's something I worked at for years, trying to get them signed, for them have a bigger platform to put out the music I still really believe in. I want to do that part of it. Interacting with him outside of the business aspect ... I don't know yet."
"You do what you feel is best for you, yeah? If you want to meet with him, to maybe put some things to rest, I think you should do that. If you don't want to, it’s ok to just let it stay in the past."
Gemma wrapped her arms around John's shoulders, pressing her body against his. She sighed with relief as John returned the hug, holding her firmly to him. 
“I’ve got you, love. I'm not going anywhere." John said, his voice low and comforting in her ear.
"Thank you, J." Gemma whispered back.
John cooked her breakfast at her flat the morning of her flight, attempting to settle her nerves before he drove her to the airport. She stood in the kitchen doorway, watching the muscles in his back move as he flipped a pancake, his bare skin both tempting and comforting to her.
"One order of American pancakes for my favorite American girl." John said with a cheeky smile, turning to hand her a plate piled with pancakes and bacon.
"I sincerely hope my favorite Brummie boy is going to help me, cause there is no way I can eat all of this." Gemma replied with a laugh.
John picked up two forks and followed Gemma into the lounge, both of them sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table. He let her take the first bite of pancakes, her eyes lighting up.
"These are really good, J. Best batch yet." 
"I've been practicing on Finn, but I think he's had his fill."
John watched Gemma laugh again and put his hand on her bare thigh, taking in the feel of her warm skin under his hand. She continued eating but gave him a naughty look, her eyes focusing on his bare chest while she took another bite.
"We should plan a trip to New York sometime, I'd love to take you there." Gemma said.
"Tell me when and where and I'm there, darlin'." John replied.
Gemma nodded and thought to herself about how easy it was, to mention a trip to John and know that he would be interested. That she knew he would go anywhere she asked him to. 
An hour later, John sat on the bed as Gemma paced back and forth across the room, packing last minute items that she needed. A familiar item of clothing was in her hand and he couldn't help but tease her.
"Is that my hoodie that you're putting on right now?" John joked.
"It absolutely is, and it is absolutely coming with me." Gemma replied, looking over at him.
John reached out and pulled her between his legs, his hands running up underneath the tank top she had on below the hoodie. He felt her shiver as he touched just below her bra, and he grinned deviously.
"Not fair for you to do this to me right before I leave.” Gemma mumbled into his shoulder.
"Can't help myself. I won't be able to touch you for several days." 
John watched with satisfaction as Gemma looked down at him, her desire for him so easy to read. She put a hand against his face, eyes locking for a moment before she kissed his cheek and then put her lips just below his ear.
"I'm all about reunion sex." She whispered against his neck.
John burst out laughing and she smiled, sinking into him further. Her fingers ran across the chain he wore, closing her eyes as she memorized the sound of his laugh. The smell of his cologne drifting over her. The feel of the chain against his skin.
A few hours later, John stood with Gemma in the departures entrance at the Birmingham Airport. He had the handle of her suitcase in his right hand and rubbed her back gently with his left, watching patiently as she pulled out her passport. He was determined to remain calm, even though the thought of Gemma flying across the Atlantic was enough to send him into a panic spiral. She will be fine, he thought to himself.
“Have everything?” John asked quietly, pulling her into a hug.
“Hope so. Everything but you.” Gemma replied, looking up at John, her eyes flickering with worry.
“It’s going to be fine, Gems. Promise ya. Let me know when you get on the plane and when you land, ok?” 
“Of course. I love you, John.” 
“I love you, too.”
John leaned down and kissed Gemma quickly before hugging her one more time. He pulled back and reached up to his neck, unclasping the chain he always wore. Gemma watched as he pulled it out from his shirt and draped it around her neck, moving her hair gently to the side. She put her fingers up to the chain and then touched John’s cheek as he looked down at her.
“So you know that I’m always with you, love.” John whispered. 
Gemma smiled and wrapped her arms around his middle, her head resting against his chest as he slowly rocked her back and forth for a few minutes. Finally, she sighed and stepped back, taking the handle of her suitcase from him.
“Check the front pocket of your carry on, but only when you get on the plane. Left you a surprise. I’ll see you soon, Gemma.” John said with a smile. 
“I’ll see you soon, J.” Gemma replied. They’d agreed to not ever say goodbye.
John watched and waited until Gemma was to the front of the security line, he could just barely see her over the crowds of travelers. He took a deep breath and turned to go back to the parking lot, where he would sit until he knew Gemma was on the plane. And then it was off to The Garrison, to occupy himself until she safely landed in New York.
Gemma had kept her word and didn’t look in the front pocket of her carry on until she got on the plane. She unzipped the pocket and found a bag of her favorite British snacks with a note from John.
In case you need a reminder of Birmingham. Or get hangry. Maybe both? I love you. - John
She smiled at the note, touching the chain around her neck. It was the most John thing in the world, to sneak a bag of snacks in her bag and write a cute note with it. He was everything she had ever wanted in a partner. The complete opposite of Nick Stanton, in every possible way. And yet, she could hear his voice from across the Atlantic. She could only hope that she would hear John’s voice even more loudly once she was back in New York. Back with the only guy who she'd ever really loved before John Shelby came into her life. 
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bardofavon · 2 months
I was tagged in a writing game by @hametsukaishi and I haven’t done one in awhile so I thought I’d give it a go! 🫡
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
act 3 - a good myth is hard to kill
office hours
part-time soulmate full time problem
kiss and cry
coriolanus snow’s reddit account
I won’t return from war
decoy hero
upstate affairs
chapter titles
main character syndrome
help help help oh help
fic for my own goddamn novel I guess
surprise bitch bet you thought you’d seen the last of me
well, one of us is going to have to change
(olive) garden of eden
podcast fics
an idiot’s guide to fantasy
Mission Control
dumb high school au
as you can see I have a lot of wips and I leave them to die. I actually have 5 docs just for a good myth bc it’s so long but i only included act 3 here lol. it’s sorted by newest to oldest so you can see the exact moment I started titling wips with the actual title of the story asdfghjl.
I’m not tagging 20 ppl so please feel free to do it if you see it and think it’s neat!!!!
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sjsmith56 · 6 months
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Setting Things Right - Chapter 15, Lord Buchanan
Summary: The attraction between Lady Yelena and Silas Brenson is noticed. After learning that Silas’ mother has been kept in indentured servitude for more than 20 years, Buchanan is tasked with investigating the brother owner and rectifying the situation.
Length: 5.3 K
Characters: Lord Buchanan, Lady Yelena, Silas Brenson, Bren, Amanda (Silas’ mother), Arnim Zola, Jarvis.
Warnings: Frank talk about sexuality, birth control, illegal indentured servitude (slavery).
Author note: Bucky Barnes image in banner by Instagram artist Nixakimbo.
<<Chapter 14
🏞️ 🪙
In the aftermath of the battles at Falcon's Eden Vale and Buchanan's Rocky Woodlands, the King gathered his closest advisors and made some decisions regarding the disposition of Dreykov's and Pierce's lands. He assigned the administration of Dreykov's lands temporarily to his younger daughter, Yelena, with the assistance of her older sister Lady Falcon. Knowing that Yelena would refuse a title because of how the marriage laws were written the King made known his intent to change the laws so that Yelena would be Baroness of the Ancient Mountains in her own right. At first he was unsure of what to do about Pierce's lands until the Sorceress informed him that the young woman who had refused to be married to Dreykov, then had asked for asylum in the Queen's Guards was Pierce's own daughter, Isabella.
"Your Majesty, Pierce's man Coulson, who assumed the rank of Commander, promised to make sure the lands are run well until a new lord is named," said Buchanan. "He can do so for a while longer. If the young lady was of a mind to escape to the Queen's Guard I trust she is of a different nature to her father. Under the new laws she may be suitable to assume control of the lands, with the assistance of a trusted advisor. Since my lands abut Pierce's I would be willing to mentor her."
"That is a generous offer," said the King. "Until I have the opportunity to speak with her I will delay any permanent decision. Coulson may continue to administer the lands until then. As for yourself, what are your intentions? Do you return to your lands or come back with me to escort your lady to your estate?"
"I will send most of my men back," he replied, "and accompany you to the palace. It is time I took my lady wife to our home. I would like some time as a husband before we, as a kingdom, begin to tackle the problem that threatens our world."
"I agree," said the King. "Sam, I trust you wish the same for you and your lady wife?"
"Yes, your Majesty," replied Falcon. "We haven't had a full night together as husband and wife yet though it has been weeks since our marriage."
"Very well," said the King, then to all the Lords gathered he spoke. "For the next month, tend to your lands and your people. Heal your injured. Four weeks from today I charge you all to attend to the palace where I will present the changes to the laws allowing Lady Yelena and the young Lady Isabella the opportunity to govern themselves as men do. We will also begin to plan how we will prepare for the future threat to our kingdom. Until then I bid you all well."
The King rose from his chair and all rose in deference to him as he left the room in Lord Falcon's castle. Other Lords were ready to leave immediately and bade the assembled company farewell. Buchanan and Stark stood before the latter left with his full company.
"You are a born leader," said Stark to Buchanan. "Your suggestions have merit and you do your title honour.  It is evident why the King named you his Right Hand. Whatever doubts I may have had to your suitability as a ruler have been swept aside by your conduct since then. I am honoured to call you friend, if you would give me the same privilege."
Buchanan offered his arm to Stark. "I feel the same Anthony," he replied. "Soon, I will come to see you and your scientific endeavours. Until then, my friend."
They shook each other's sword arms and Stark mounted his horse, next to his commander. Both men tipped their hands to their heads and the older Lord rode off with his company. Buchanan returned to his encampment and ordered most of his men to return to the estate. He advised his assistant commander, Wallis, that he would ride to the palace to escort Lady Buchanan back, expecting to arrive in three days. Wallis nodded and signalled one of the men to bring a white mare forward.
"Here is the mare you purchased for Lady Buchanan," he said. "I rode her myself in the battle and she handled the fighting well. Her saddle is in your tent and I trust your lady wife will enjoy riding her."
Buchanan took the reins, thanking Wallis for testing the mare in battle. The other man tipped his hand then signalled to Buchanan's army to depart. As they left a groom came to take the mare from Buchanan and prepare her to leave on the morrow. As Buchanan returned to the castle he noticed Yelena walking with the young soldier Silas. His tall height and dark looks contrasted with her smaller stature and fair features but Buchanan had no doubt she could probably best the young man in combat. The young noblewoman saw him and hailed him so he waited for the young couple to approach.
"I have a question for you," she said. "Silas' mother has long been indentured to a brothel owner. How do I go about freeing her from that debt?"
"What are the particulars of her debt?" he asked Silas. "By the laws of the land all debts are declared fully paid after a maximum of twenty years service."
Silas' face reddened as he became angry. "That liar," said the young man. "My mother was indentured well before my birth and I am 23. She has never signed another contract to my knowledge but every year when she asks him for her release he refuses, claiming her debt is still outstanding."
Buchanan felt the young man's anger and placed his hand on the warrior's arm. "That brothel owner has broken the law then," he said, "and will be punished if I have to go and arrest him myself. Did you never go to Lord Dreykov and file an appeal on her behalf?"
"Aye, my father and I both did, several times," said Silas, his eyes burning as he fought the tears of anger that threatened to overwhelm him. "He said the brothel owner was well within his rights to demand full payment. My father tried to buy her debt more than once and was told it was more money than he was worth."
"Has he kept her as a pleasure woman that whole time?" asked Buchanan, as diplomatically as he could.
"No, she only bedded with my father and worked in the kitchens after that," he said. "She and my father loved each other too much to be with anyone else."
"Silas, I pledge to you that we will free your mother and any others that brothel owner has control over," said Buchanan. "It sounds like he wished to keep your mother in servitude for her whole life. I am supposed to go with the King to the palace but I will see him immediately and convince him to ride with you two back to the Ancient Mountains. Together we will deal with the man."
While Buchanan searched for the King, Yelena comforted Silas and they sat on a bench overlooking the courtyard. Her fingertips brushed away the errant tears that had made their ways down his cheeks.
"Silas, Lord Buchanan is a man of great honour," she said. "If he says he will free your mother and others, then he will do so."
"It's not that," he replied. "I believed Lord Dreykov and the brothel owner when they said the debt was justified. How did I not know it was against the laws of the kingdom? I can read and write but I know so little. I feel such an ignorant fool."
"If it is any comfort I did not know the law either," she said, clutching his hand. "I wish I had as I would have had your mother flee with us two years ago."
"Thank you," he said, looking her in the eyes, trying not to look at her lips. "If I am to serve you when you become Baroness perhaps I should learn the laws of the kingdom so that this injustice never happens again."
"Then we shall learn together Silas," said Yelena, also trying not to take her eyes from his.
While they comforted each other Buchanan found the King in his tent with King Thorn, who mysteriously had not been at the battle. Before Buchanan could bring it up Thorn brought it up himself when he saw his friend.
"Before you say anything I am sorry I did not arrive in time to take part in the battle," he said. "A most unusual incident befell my company on our way here. I was just explaining to Steven."
"What could keep a King from fulfilling his obligations to help in an insurrection?" said Buchanan, still irritated.
"A tidal bore," said Thorn. "We went to cross the East River short cut at Greenpoint where it is shallow but were stopped by a large tidal bore. According to your archivist Jarvis here a tidal bore hasn't been seen on that river for over eight hundred years since our forefathers built the double breakwater across the delta where that river empties into the ocean."
"Does that mean the breakwater is gone?" asked Buchanan, concerned.
"I don't know," said Thorn. "I sent a company of men to the delta to find out while the rest of my company had to back track and go further upstream past the influence of the ocean. It delayed us for almost two days. I regret I was unable to assist in the battle but I am happy you came out victorious."
"If the breakwater is gone, that is going to cause problems with travel between our kingdoms," said King Steven, running his hand through his hair. "Another problem for us to tackle."
"I came to ask if you would delay our return to the palace," said Buchanan. "But, if it is true about the breakwater that would be your priority."
"The reason for the delay?" asked the King.
"Young Silas has revealed his mother has been an indentured servant for longer than his 23 years," said Buchanan. "Do not all indentured contracts end after twenty years of service, regardless if the debt is fully paid or not?"
"That is correct," said the King. "Would you go as my Right Hand on that matter? You may take Jarvis with you as his knowledge of the laws is better than my own. Did Dreykov know of this?"
"Silas said his father attempted to buy her debt but was refused and Dreykov upheld the rights of the owner of the debt," said Buchanan.
King Stephen's lip curled as did King Thorn's at this display of abuse against a subject. "Take a half dozen of my men and Jarvis with you," he said. "Shut the owner of the debt down and arrest him. Free the young man's mother and any other servant who has been abused in this manner. By heavens we will restore justice to this kingdom if it is the last thing we do."
As Buchanan left the room to assemble his party, King Steven called after him. "I will tell Ileana you are delayed for a day or two!"
Buchanan went to the commander of the King's men and asked for six to accompany him on the morrow on a matter of justice. Then he sought out Lady Yelena and young Silas. They were walking hand in hand in the garden but immediately dropped hands when they heard his call.
"My lady Yelena, Silas," said Buchanan, with a smile. "The King is unable to attend personally to rectify the miscarriage of justice imposed on your mother. However he has charged me to take six of his men and his archivist to arrest the brothel owner and free all of those he holds illegally. We leave in the morning."
"My Lord, you are a man of honour," said Lady Yelena. She spoke quickly as her face reddened. "Please don't say anything to my sister about what you saw."
"I saw a young couple in the beginning of love," said Buchanan. "That is nothing to hide. As a Queen's Guard you are responsible for your own happiness. I say take it where you find it."
She and Silas both smiled shyly and the young warrior took her hand again. They left to find his father and give him the news. That evening Buchanan stayed in his tent going over the laws of the land. He wanted to be certain that he knew them when he confronted the brothel owner.
"You won't grace my table so I have brought you some food," said a voice.
Turning he saw Lord Falcon, carrying a bowl and spoon.
"Sorry, brother," Buchanan replied. "I wanted to be sure I knew the relevant laws before I left for the Ancient Mountains. Tell your lady wife I did not mean to disparage her table."
"She knows why you're here," said Falcon. "It was her who told me to come out and feed you. She always thought her father was ignoring the laws. Young Silas' charge is proof of it. The two young ones...will you keep an eye on them?"
"Worried that Silas may break her maiden?" asked Buchanan as he reached for the bowl and spoon.
"Natasha isn't," said Falcon, "but I see myself as an older brother to the girl. He is an honourable man but they are both young and may be unable to resist their desires."
"His father tells me Silas is unsullied as well," said Buchanan. "He refused to go to the brothel knowing his mother worked there. He just spent four years in the frontier, with no women, then three years before that in a monastery learning to read and write, again with no exposure to the pleasures of a woman. I will do what I can but I believe what they have begun is true. If they join in the way of men and women he will protect her honour, of that I am sure."
Falcon sighed and sat on a chair across from Buchanan. "I thought you would say that," he said. "Make sure he knows to pull out early then. It's unfair for women but she will be judged if she bears a child before marriage."
"Is the Sorceress still here?" asked Buchanan. "She can cast a spell."
"Nay, she has returned to the palace with the Kings," he replied, then was silent for a time. "That tidal bore business is troubling. It will add days to the travelling time between the two kingdoms. Didn't the ancients have bridges?"
"Aye and roads to those bridges," said Buchanan. "The roads are still visible in some places as are some bridge supports in others. Makes me wonder what happened that all of that was destroyed. It was long before the Mad Titan's time, I know that."
"Perhaps we should be looking at rebuilding the roads and bridges," said Falcon. "A better surface to transport horses and there could be more wheeled carts to transport goods. While we were besieged I had the opportunity to go through Zemo's books. The man spent little on maintaining his lands and much on his pleasure. There is so much in this area that can be useful to other parts of the kingdom. I just have to get the goods out there."
Buchanan smiled. Weeks before his friend was concerned about his birds, horse and sword, in that order. Now he had the concerns of hundreds of people to deal with as their lord. A light appeared high in the castle behind Falcon which drew the other's attention.
"I believe your lady wife is ready for bed," said Buchanan, motioning to the lamp placed in the window. "I don't want to keep you from your pleasure. We won't wait for you to see us off in the morning. Enjoy the quiet morning moments with your lady wife instead."
Falcon smiled and stood up, patting Buchanan on the shoulder in the way that good friends did. Soon after Buchanan finished his bowl of stew and pulled his curtains closed. Undressing, he then pulled on his nightshirt, blew out the candles and crawled into his bed where sleep overtook him quickly.
As predicted neither Lord nor Lady Falcon came out to say goodbye to the party. Buchanan assured the others that Falcon had indicated this the evening before, so none were offended. As his remaining two men packed up his tent to return to his lands Buchanan left with six of the King's men, Bren and his company of 27 men, including young Silas and the Lady Yelena. Bren rode so that Yelena was protected on the one side while Silas rode behind her and Buchanan on the other side. It gave her an excuse to turn her head often and smile at the young warrior as they rode, a movement not unnoticed by Bren who eventually had his son take his place while he rode behind the lady keeping his eye on both. Several hours later they arrived in the land of the Ancient Mountains, which were actually more like rocky hills.
"I often wondered at the name of my father's lands," said Yelena shortly after they found one of the ancient roads that led to the estate. "Do you think they were mountains once?"
"I am sure they were," replied Buchanan. "I believe there were mines of copper, gold and silver all throughout these lands. Did your father not extract the precious metals?"
"If he did it was in secret," said Yelena.
Ahead at a cross roads a rather large building came into view. Two stories tall there was laughter and music coming out of it. Scantily clad women sat in the windows looking out for travellers and spied the company. At first they began to call out to Buchanan and the others but when they saw the Lady Yelena they stopped. Several smiled knowing smiles at that point, while others ran inside to tell the brothel owner that a large company had approached the building. Buchanan directed Bren to order his men to surround the building while he, the six King's men, Silas and Lady Yelena dismounted.
"You shouldn't go in there," said Silas, his hand on Yelena's arm.
"As the one responsible for the welfare of the people in these lands I have the right and the responsibility to go in there," she said, drawing herself up to her full height.
He nodded and stood with her. "Then I will go with you," he said, "to bear witness for my mother."
Before they could enter a small man with glasses came out and peered at the assembly.
"Go away," he said. "You are not welcome in my establishment."
"We will enter, Arnim," said Silas firmly. "Lord Buchanan has been sent by the King himself to arrest you."
"Arrest me?" laughed the man. "I think not. Lord Dreykov will have something to say about this."
"Lord Dreykov is in custody, little man," said Yelena. "I am to be the next ruler of the Ancient Mountains and I say we are closing your establishment."
She attempted to push past him and he grasped her wrist harshly then raised his hand to hit her. Silas immediately raised Arnim up by his shirt so that their faces were level.
"You do not have the right to touch Lady Yelena," said Silas, with menace. "You do not have the right to touch any woman, ever again."
"Put me down!" he screeched, struggling against the hold the young warrior had on him. "What is this about?"
"Arnim Zola, proprietor of this brothel," said Buchanan formally. "It has been brought to our attention that you have at least one employee who has been kept under indenture past the legal limit of 20 years. That is grounds enough for your arrest. We will now question every one of your employees to find out if there are others. Robbins, please hold the man in custody while we investigate inside."
Robbins, one of the King's men took Zola from Silas' outstretched arm and firmly kept his hand on the little man's shoulder as the other King's men, Buchanan, Bren, Silas, Yelena and Jarvis entered. Whatever frivolity had been happening inside stopped the moment the group entered. Many of the assorted women stood up and gathered together. The men, customers, were either outraged or terrified of their wives finding out.
"Where does Zola keep his books?" asked Buchanan to no response. "I ask again, where does Zola keep his books?"
A voice sounded from the kitchen and a woman with greying hair strode out from the heat of that room.
"He has an office behind the kitchen," she said, then noticing Bren and Silas she smiled broadly. "Everything you need to put him away for good is there."
"Amanda, beloved," said Bren, putting his arms out. "At last, we have the means to free you."
She went to his side and he enclosed her protectively. Jarvis and one of the King's men went in search of the office. "Who among you is here freely as a worker?" asked Buchanan.
Two women held up their hands and one man. "So the rest of you are indentured. How many of you have terms of longer than 20 years?"
Most of the remaining women raised their hands. Buchanan wanted to vomit to get rid of the bitter taste in his mouth.
"By law all indentured contracts must end at 20 years," announced Yelena. "If you have been here longer than that he owes you wages for your work. We can calculate what is owed you and pay you before you leave for all of you women are free to go. You are also free to stay and run this establishment yourself, if that is your choice but there are no indentured contracts anymore. If you stay you get a wage that is yours."
"Who are you exactly to be telling us this?" asked one woman.
"I am Lady Yelena Dreykov," said Yelena. "When I accept my title, and responsibility for these lands and its peoples I will be Baroness Romanoff, as I will take my mother's name rather than live another day with the shame of my father's."
There were several smiles amongst the women at this information and one of them, who had been held on the lap of a rather florid man pushed herself off of him with distaste.
"What of those of us just started in our contracts?" she said. "I had no choice in this. My family put me here."
"You may go to the King's palace and join the Queen's Guard, become a woman warrior," said Yelena. "It is what I and my sister did. You will be free to make your own decisions. You may even choose to stay and serve in my castle for I am sure you have other skills. Most women do. Before you leave here you will be paid."
"Those that choose to serve in the Queen's Guard may meet here on the morrow," said Buchanan, "as I return there then. You will need a horse. No doubt Zola has some which you may take as pay in lieu. You may go on foot now but it is a long journey. It is your choice, completely your choice as all contracts are now declared null and void."
Jarvis came out of the kitchen holding a ledger and carrying a box that was heavy with coins.
"My Lord?" he said. "I have the list of those who have exceeded the 20 year limit as an indentured servant. There is more than sufficient money to pay them what they are owed. The first is the cook, Amanda."
Amanda left the security of Bren's arms and stood in front of Jarvis. He counted out 20 gold pieces into her hands which she deposited into her pockets. She stood back with Bren and watched as a dozen more women also received their payouts ranging from 10 to 20 gold pieces. Upon receipt of their money they went upstairs to the bedrooms and came down moments later fully dressed then left, never to return. The other younger women went up and also, down fully dressed. Four indicated they would ride back to the King's palace to join the Queen's Guard. Another four stepped in front of Yelena and asked to work at the castle, acknowledged as Jarvis paid them their due. Buchanan looked at the two women and the man who said they worked there freely.
"What are your intentions?" he asked.
"I don't mind the work," said the one woman, while the other nodded. "May we run the establishment ourselves? We promise not to have indentured servants and will pay the women a living wage. I never liked how that little rat ran the place."
"I will be keeping an eye on you," said Yelena. "Run it honestly and cleanly. If there are any of these men you wish to ban from ever showing their face again say their names now."
Both women looked at each other and pointed out several men. The King's men grasped them by their collars and tossed them out the door. To those remaining Buchanan had stern words.
"Whether you are married or not is not my concern," he said. "If you come here you treat the women with respect. They provide a service and you pay them what they are worth."
The man who had said he worked there freely stood up. "My Lord, I am here by my choice and I do the same work as these women," he said without shame. "Am I to be given the same considerations as them?"
"If this is your choice, then yes," said Buchanan. "Are there enough customers to keep you employed?"
"You have no idea," said one of the women rolling her eyes. "We could do with a couple more like him. He's like our brother as well."
"Very well," said Buchanan. "Continue on here then. Jarvis, has Zola paid his taxes?"
"No my Lord," replied the bureaucrat. "There is also enough to pay those remaining a wage and a stipend to keep the business running. I would suggest that anything left be given in alms to the poor."
Buchanan directed that Jarvis do exactly that and the business was transferred from Zola to the two women and one man who liked the work. Outside a horse had been brought for the brothel owner and he sat on the sorry beast with his hands tied to the saddle. Bren helped Amanda onto his saddle then mounted behind her. She looked at him with love and Yelena vowed to have them married by the next day. Silas sat taller in the saddle as if that were possible considering his height already. He made eye contact with the Baroness and smiled, then nodded his head at her in thanks. Amanda noticed the interaction and murmured something to Bren. He lowered his mouth to her ear and told her about the budding romance. She smiled, saying she needed something from the brothel before she left. Bren dismounted and helped her off. A few minutes later she came back with a satchel and Bren helped her up onto the horse again, then mounted behind her. Together the company proceeded on to the castle where Yelena would live as the Baroness of the lands.
When they arrived the servants assembled out in the courtyard to greet the return of the Lady Yelena. Word had already reached them of the change and the feeling amongst them was one of optimism. As Bren helped Amanda down Silas proudly brought his mother to meet their new mistress.
"Lady Yelena, may I present my mother Amanda," said Silas proudly. "Although she was unable to raise me she always stayed a part of my life."
Amanda curtsied to the young woman. "M’Lady, I cannot thank you enough for ending that nightmare," she said in gratitude. "Bren told me of your friendship with our son and how you helped him learn about the laws. I offer my services to you as cook, whether for yourself or for the garrison is of no concern to me for I cook the same for all who taste my food. It is likely why Zola kept me captive past my term."
"You are welcome dear lady," said Yelena. "For now you have earned some rest. Bren, do you have suitable quarters for a wife in the garrison?"
"No M’Lady," replied the seasoned warrior. "It is poorly designed for married soldiers. Your father thought having a family nearby weakened the men. I hope we may remedy that."
"By all means," she said. "As the new commander of the garrison I will leave that in your charge. Until then you and your wife, for she is in almost all incarnations that, may reside in the castle. I am sure there are empty servant quarters you may use. I will call for a priest to make you legally husband and wife as soon as you wish, as it is long overdue."
As they walked into the castle many servants came up to greet the young mistress, expressing their joy at her return. Buchanan and his men were directed to quarters as were the Kings men. Zola was taken to the dungeon. Amanda asked where the kitchens were, accompanying Yelena who took her by the arm. As they walked out of earshot of the men the older woman stopped and looked at the young woman with motherly concern.
"M’Lady, you are in love with my son, aren't you?" she asked softly.
"Is it that obvious?" asked Yelena. "I remember him watching me learn the battle arts from your husband. He has been in my heart and mind since I became a young woman. He left for the monastery seven years ago, then went straight to the frontier after that.  He returned shortly after my sister and I escaped here. The other day was the first I had seen him in all that time, and I could not believe the man he has grown into."
"Forgive my boldness," said Amanda. "In the brothel we have ways to prevent a child from forming in your belly. I have brought them with me for you both have the look of lovers before their first coupling. As a fine lady a child before marriage can bring dishonour and I don't wish my son to dishonour you with his desires. There are sheaths he can put on before entry that will protect you, as well as a cap you may insert, or he can pull out before he spills his seed. The sheath works best. I implore you to use that if you find you cannot resist your desires any longer."
"The king is changing the laws so that when I marry I don't give up my rights to my husband," said Yelena. "In a way it frees me to marry who I want. Right now I want Silas to be my consort. He could have status but not the power to rule if anything happened to me. Our children would have the right to inherit the title. Do you think he would agree to that type of marriage?"
"If he loves you enough he will," said Amanda. "He is a good man, like his father."
"On that we agree," said Yelena.
The two women embraced and made their way down to the kitchens where Amanda turned her critical eye to the setup and vowed that after a day of rest she would turn that kitchen into something to be proud of.
Chapter 16>>
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letters-to-rosie · 5 months
16, 17 and 19 for ao3 wrapped💕
ao3 wrapped:
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
"Alternate Universe - Modern Setting" the only ones that don't have this are bloom and Garden of Eden. granted, I only have 10 fics on there, but when I was in high school and I had a significant presence in [redacted] fandom, I did a modern setting fic so maybe it's like return to form? I opened my ao3 account because I wanted to post a couple college AU Fullmetal Alchemist one-shots I wrote, and I wrote two more in that setting, and then I did The Fire Next Time, and with revolution, it just continued, so here we are lol
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
hmmmmmmm this is hard lol I guess the easy answer is the revolution duo, since I posted chapter 20 at the beginning of this year and really enjoyed getting to do that plot twist and develop their relationship. those two are very special to me. but I also really loved writing Lan Fan in Guardian Revisited; she was just really wonderful
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I got asked this on this post, so I'll give a shorter answer: I have no idea, and i have enough ideas for pairings I've already written that idk if I'll get to anything new, but we shall see
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eomma-jpeg · 6 months
12, 18 and 29 for the Fanfic Wrapped questions please! :D
hi b !
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Way too many
So i just counted and its AT LEAST 20 different documents and about 5 different stories. 
Some of the stories include my college au, things for @noaafishfieldguide After Eden fic, the undine/mermaid millynai au, bakery au with @veilder, and a post trimax domestication au (with babies bc i have yet to experiment with that and its funnnn)
But im hoping to gain some steam on my college au and post more regularly when the new year comes !!!
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Probably knives 
Rn actually its Legato
I intend to write him as a creep (bc he is) but i keep hesitating bc i know some people enjoy Legato as a character
I do too ! but I need to use him for nefarious purposes in the college au fic lolol
One day tho… next year hehe
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oh dear. I have to go on a hunt.
So one of my FAVORITE lines from in the meadow is in chapter 8
“And for the first time, Milly felt like Knives saw her.”
Its so simple but in context it says a lot about the development of Milly and Knives’ relationship.
Okay… another passage from in the meadow that i really liked. This one is the ending of chapter 17
Three days after Thompson left, Knives plucked the first ripe tomato. 
He felt pride, especially in himself. His sister had shown him what she wanted, and Knives had accomplished just that; helping the humans and providing useful resources to them had been her greatest desire, and Knives felt he had fulfilled her wish. He would need to return to the geoplant chamber and speak with her, tell her about their successes in and around the garden.
But even with that pride and the excitement in being able to show his sister what she had helped to produce, there was still an emptiness. 
The tomato he picked was only one of a few ripe fruit on the bushes, but this was the first he had spotted. Grabbing the red thing, he wrenched it off the plant with a tug. He turned it in his hand, running a thumb along the natural seams that spread from where the stem originated. The texture was slippery against his fingertips, a glossy finish coating the entire surface. It was just as Thompson had described: a fully red tomato, firm to the touch and easily pulled from the plant.
It was perfect. Not a single blemish from growth or from worms.
Knives' grip tightened on the fruit. He wanted to crush it, break it open, destroy it beneath his powerful grasp, a victim of his fierce anger.
But if he did that it would mean she wouldn't get to see it. She wouldn't get to view the first fruit of their harvest.
Holding the small fruit in his hands, Knives abandoned his work in the garden, moving alone to the casita she inhabited. His heart panged at its emptiness, the loneliness he had felt since she left striking with a vengeance. He walked to the counter, gently placing the tomato down on the smooth surface. 
And there it would remain until Milly returned.
This is the first time knives refers to milly as ‘milly’ and I love the dichotomy of a beautiful fruit against his unending frustration and rage. 
I have many others,,, like a few lines from sealed in steam or from spent tears, but in the meadow is my baby and i will continue to admire it.
ao3 wrapped
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kokiafans · 1 year
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KOKIA in flashback - 2021
Unfortunately, the year of 2021 is not quite what any of us had probably hoped it would be. KOKIA's activities dwindle down to very sparse opportunities to perform, and so she seeks new ways to reach her fans as yet. Last year's 1 to 1 Live for you livestreams were all free to watch, with the occasional chance to pay optional tickets, but this year, she also hosts streams that are only accessible for a paying audience. These recorded concerts are recorded in big venues in Blu-ray quality to justify the price, and later get a Blu-ray release for those who missed out.
Since August last year, KOKIA has been spending more and more time in London, eventually mostly returning to Japan for business. She still manages to release a new album this year: Kono sekai no katasumi de ('In this corner of the world'), the second entry in her Stars mini-album series. Unfortunately, one of the songs has a sad note to it: she dedicates one to Titti, her dog who sadly passes away this year.
On the other hand, this album is also proof of how many people around the world KOKIA has touched over the years: she requests for her fans to send in a recording of them saying Hello in their native language, and she gets so many replies in just one week that she worries if she can even use them all. The song Hello World ends up collecting as many as she could!
◆ Lives and events ◆
January 10 KOKIA utau tada sore dake nano ni ('I just sing, that's all') (Billboard Live OSAKA) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: Billboard Osaka 2021)
February 13 1 to 1 live for you vol.12 (1 to 1 live for you, recap)
February 27 Livestream event ※Event exclusively for members of the KOKIA fanclub, club ancoro (Translated blog post)
April 17 KOKIA ~ongaku o kudaru basho~ Vol.4 ('The place where music falls') (Nagano, Yatsugatake Kogen Music Hall) (Promotion: Yatsugatake 2021)
April 29 1 to 1 live for you vol.13 ※ 23rd anniversary stream; KOKIA chats from London (1 to 1 live for you, recap)
July 24 1 to 1 live for you vol.14 ※ Emergency livestream to replace the postponed Billboard Live YOKOHAMA performance (1 to 1 live for you, recap)
August 21 KOKIA 2021 Bon Odori ('Bon Festival Dance') (Billboard Live OSAKA) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Promotion: Billboard Osaka summer 2021)
August 29 KOKIA 2021 Natsu matsuri ('Summer festival') (Billboard Live YOKOHAMA) ※ 2 performances in 1 day ※Postponed from July 25 due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Promotion: Billboard Yokohama 2021)
September 18 2021 KOKIA live stream concert - THE MISSING PIECE- (online; recorded from Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall) ※ first paid-only concert stream (Promotion: the missing piece)
November 20 1 to 1 live for you vol.15 (1 to 1 live for you, recap)
December 4 2021 KOKIA live stream concert - Missing you (online; recorded from Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall) ※ Paid-only stream exclusive for China (Promotion: Missing you)
December 28/30/31 KOKIA home live Welcome to 1 to 1 live for you (KOKIA private studio) ※Event exclusively for members of the KOKIA fanclub, club ancoro (Blog post 1, blog post 2)
◆ Releases ◆
April 6 Release of original album Kono sekai no katasumi de ('In this corner of the world') (anco&co.) ※ second chapter in the Star series. Mini album consisting of 7 songs (Kono sekai no katasumi de)
October 5 Release of the Blu-ray THE MISSING PIECE & Missing You (anco&co.) ※ Collection of the recordings of this year's paid concert streams (2021 livestream bluray)
◆ Other releases ◆
April Update of the smartphone app game RED - Pride of Eden ※ Performed the new song Nice memories (RED Pride of Eden)
May 25 Release of the smartphone app game Artery Gear: Fusion ※ Performed the theme song Satellites (Artery Gear Fusion)
June 1 Release of the digital album Synapusyu no uta 2 ('Songs of Synapusyu') (tuneCORE) ※ Performed the March theme song Ready to Rock n' Roll (Synapusyu)
December 1 Release of the album Synapusyu aiue-o! de hajimaripushu ('Synapusyu let's start with the ab-c!') ※ Performed the March theme song Ready to Rock n' Roll (Synapusyu)
◆ Other ◆
March Broadcasting of the TV Tokyo program Synapusyu ※ Performed the March theme song Ready to Rock n' Roll (Synapusyu)
August 19 Showcase trailer of the smartphone app and PC game Gran Saga ※ Performed the song Inochi no monogatari ('Story of Life') (Gran Saga)
December NC Japan K.K. 20th Special Thanks ※ Used the song Arigatou... ('Thank you...') (NC Japan)
◆ Videos with links to watch ◆
Showcase trailer of the smartphone app and PC game Gran Saga, song Inochi no monogatari ('Story of Life'): 【Gran Saga】 showcase 【Gran Saga】 KOKIA: Inochi no monogatari
2 notes · View notes
ms-rampage · 2 years
New Dawn: New Horizons Chapter 15 - Our Home
Warnings: Language, Angst, Violence, Blood and Death
Word Count: 2.0k
Summary: Joseph returns to New Eden. A longtime family friend is attacked by the twins. 
Guest OCs: The usuals. Barbara Teller (FC: Katey Segal)
Guest Characters: The usuals. Mickey and Lou. Thomas Rush
Note: Security Captain is gender neutral. They/Their/Them pronouns. Yet another huge thank you to @athenalillystar for helping out for writing this chapter!! 💕💕😭. This is a Supernatural and Far Cry: New Dawn crossover
A/N: Remember when I said in the last chapter that the next one will be "up soon"? Yeah that was a fucking lie 🤣😅
Taglist: @wargames94  @rabbitsoldier  @mrsladydiana  @vicki-the-sinner  @maybeitslizzy  @heyyitsbeckie @thatgaymer3
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Yet another long journey from Joseph’s sanctuary to the New Eden compound. Not wanting to sit in silence this whole journey. The Father sat across from the two girls on the boat. 
“I’ve seen you before” Daenerys says to Joseph, “When I was 6”.
“I know my child” he responds almost immediately. Surprising both of them. 
“So you remember me?” she asks. 
“Yes. You are from the Winchester family. Both of you” he says, “I remember both of you”. 
“So you know our family?!” Cristina asks him. Slightly nodding his head, “Yes. I know your family. We were enemies at one point in time”. 
Both of them don’t say anything else until they get to the compound even up until then, neither of them say any other words to Joseph. They follow behind as Ethan gives a speech about him and how they should move on, forgetting about Joseph. 
They stay back while Captain goes with him. 
“Our future depends on adherence to my strictures. We can no longer hope for Joseph to save us. He is not coming back. We must put him out of our minds and…” Ethan trails off as he sees Joseph. Walking through the small crowd of followers. 
You can see alarms going off in his head, everyone turns and sees The Father. Hope and joy in the eyes of all of them. 
“Where have you been?” Ethan asks Joseph, “Our land is under siege. Our land is threatened. You disappeared. You left us when we needed you. Why?!”. 
As they talk, go back and forth with each other, Cristina and Daenerys step away from the compound. 
“Well now that we have New Eden on our side, we should get going” Cristina tells her. 
Nodding, “Yeah I think we should”. They tell Captain that they’re leaving, and they take a boat back to the mainland and return home to the compound.  
Upon returning home, they are greeted by their parents. 
“Oh finally!” Kate sighs, relieved that her only daughter is home from her dangerous journey. Gabriel follows not far behind her. Paige and Kenneth along with the Triplets go to Cristina, and everyone else. 
“Are you okay??” Paige asks her eldest daughter. 
Nodding, “I’m fine. We had no trouble” she responds. 
A few hours later, the kids are sitting outside on the 2nd floor front balcony. 
“What happened on your trip??” Jeffrey asks his elder sister and cousin. 
“We found Joseph” Cristina answers, “He was out in the mountains. Hiding out”. 
“That wasn’t the weird part, but how we found his word. Well it was actually Captain that found it, it’s a book, a bible like book. I didn’t get to read it but that's what it looked like to me” Daenerys tells them. 
“What’s he like?” Bianca asks them, “Joseph Seed. What’s he like??”. 
They pause for a moment, trying to find the correct words. Cristina then says, “He’s difficult to describe. From what our parents have told us, he seems a lot different from what they’ve told us about him”. 
“But from what they said about him to us. That was almost 20 years ago. People tend to change over the years” Thomas tells them. 
“Apparently he has a son” Daenerys tells them, “His name is Ethan, but I don’t think he’s a blood relative to Joseph”.
“What makes you say that??” Bianca asks, curious. 
“I don’t know. He doesn’t look like Joseph, he doesn’t have any resemblance to him. Yeah I know, he has a mom and he probably looks like her, but I just have this feeling that Ethan isn’t really Joseph’s”. 
A few moments of silence have passed, they sit in silence and watch the sun slowly set behind the mountains. From outside, down on the ground level from the 2nd house. 
The Angels, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Castiel, Gadreel, Uriel and as well as Lucifer watch the 5 teenagers, the 2nd Archangel not really paying any attention to the 5 teenage humans, or to anything at all for that matter.  
“Are you sure she has powers??” Gabriel asks Michael. 
“I’m sure” he responds, “I know she does. I can feel some angelic grace radiating off of her”. 
“Are you sure Michael?” Castiel immediately asks his older brother, “I don’t sense anything from her. Even from where I’m standing”.  
“I’m sure Castiel. I know for a fact. She is dangerous, she may have very little control and knowledge about the powers she possesses”.
“But will she be able to use them??” Gabriel inquires, “What if she discovers them accidentally?!?. She’ll freak out, panic. I know she will”. 
“Only time will tell” the eldest Archangel responds, but the response isn’t good enough to Gabe.
Daenerys is a 16 year old human, her having the powers, and the strength of an Archangel would be incredible, but is also very dangerous. Her being the first human in the history of humanity to inherit the powers of an celestial being. 
Coming from two full humans, her mother Kate Winchester, and her deceased father John Seed. Being born after her birth father’s death, and not knowing of his existence. Not knowing that Joseph Seed is her uncle by birth, and by blood. That being the reason why she doubts Ethan is actually Joseph’s son. 
Not long after, Paige gets a radio call from Captain telling her that Thomas Rush was taken by the Highwaymen, and was being kept hostage by the twins. Shortly after they get that information, their godmother, Barbara was taken by them as well being held hostage. 
“They took him. They took Rush” Paige mutters, fear and panic in her voice. 
“What?! Where is he??” Kate asks.
“I don’t-” she gets cut off when she gets a radio call from a familiar voice. A familiar, annoying and bitchy voice. The voice of Mickey.
“Listen up Losechesters. We have yo’ granny, and Rush. We fuckin’ warned you. We warned you, Rush and your Captain not to fuck with us, and ya’ll will now pay the fuckin’ price”. 
Just hearing her voice makes Paige’s blood boil, and skin crawl, “When we get there. You and your wonder twin sister are fucking dead” she growls into the radio. 
Both twins laugh at her response, “We’ll see about that!”. Dead silence, static on the other end. 
“Kenneth you and everyone else stay here!” Paige tells her husband. 
“Where are you going?! What happened?!” he asks, oblivious to what’s going on.
“Those fuckin’ twins took Rush and Barbara” Kate mubles angrily while getting into their now beaten up, and old Monte Carlo that somehow survived the impact of the collapse. 
“C’mon we need to get them back” the elder Winchester sister says, while starting up the car, and speeding down the dirt road towards the Green-Busch fertilizer plant. 
Captain follows closely behind them in hopes to bring Thomas back alive, while Paige and Kate have the same priority they also need to get Barbara back with their family. 
She was the one that raised them when they were taken away from their mother all those years ago. She took care of them, checked up on them, she’s pretty a 2nd mother to them. A close, long time family friend, their adopted mother, aunt. Whichever she’s family to them, and that's all that matters to them. Family doesn't end in blood. 
“What happened? What’s going on?” Daenerys asks the other 4. 
“The twins got Rush and aunt Barbara” Thomas tells her. 
“Oh no” she mutters. 
They arrive at the plant, speeding, and making sharp turns the whole way. Once arriving, Lou’s voice plays over the intercom. “If you want Rush back, you have exactly 3 minutes, but also we have some of your people locked inside the silos with explosives, and once the timer is out, they’re as good as dead. Tick fuckin’ tock!”.
“Shit, Kate, Paige you guys save the people in the silos and I’ll look for Thomas” Captain tells them. 
They all move quickly to save the people, all while getting shot at by Highwaymen. 5 people in different locations, Kate is able to disarm a few of them, and free them before they were killed.
Paige fends off the advancing Highwaymen so that Captain could get to Rush, all while keeping their cover from their bullets. 
Captain bursts through the door, and sees Thomas with his arms tied behind his back. Mickey standing by a window. 
“Captain? What’re you doing here?!? Get outta here, now!” he tells them. 
  “This feels really familiar” Mickey says, “Like we’ve been here before”. 
Lou steps to the room, staring at them and Cap becomes very defensive, one move and this could all go bad real quick. 
“Relax” Mickey continues, “Stay awhile” while motioning to some chains and cuffs hanging from the ceiling. 
Telling Cap to hang themselves by the wrists, while they tortured Thomas in front of them?. Probably, Captain resisted, but with a possible chance of death they cuffed themselves. 
“Look at that?! See how easy you can be to get along with if you just listened!. I wanted you to understand that, I wanted to get that everything could have ended differently if you left, went away. But instead you chose to be a huge fuckin problem!”. 
Mickey steps outta the way, while Lou takes a double barrel shotgun and blows Thomas Rush’s head off his shoulders. Blood pouring out where his head once was, gushing all over the dirty, graffitied concrete floor. 
“Thomas!” they exclaim, regretting putting the cuffs on in the first place. 
Lou comes at them with her pink helmet in hand, “And when we tried to reason with you over, and over!. You wanted to make something that it's never gonna be!”. Striking them with her helmet several times. 
Paige and Kate head upstairs to the gun sound and loud banging. 
“Captain?!” Paige calls out. The twins hear this, “Oh? You brought friends! How nice” Lou tells them. 
Both sisters kicked down the door, and immediately get blindsided by the twins. Lou hitting Kate with her helmet and Mickey striking Paige on the head with the shotgun butt. Cuffing their hands behind their backs, leaving both Winchester sisters blooded, and bruised. 
“Well since you two decided to show up!” Mickey tells them, “Another pain in our asses. We got someone who belongs to you”.
Lou comes back into the room with Barbara, her face all beaten and bloody. The weak, and barely alive but holding on to dear life, 70 year old woman. Pressing her foot on her back.
“Barbara!” Kate whinces out, blood dripping from her mouth.  
“So sweet of you to come all this way for your granny” Mickey tells them, “Other than your fancy friend here with their fancy train and fancy people. Your family has been another problem to us. You hit us, we hit you back… harder”. 
Without hesitation or even a few second pause. Lou hammers down on Barbara’s head with the same helmet she used on Captain.
“No!” Paige screams. “Stop! Please!” Kate screams out as well. 
Lou stops beating her for a brief moment that doesn’t last even a second before striking her once more that kills her, “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you!” Paige mutters angrily, trying to get out of her restraints. 
“Barbara!” they both cry out. 
“Shut them up!” one of the twins shouts before knocking out both Winchester sisters. Captain breaks out of their cuffs, breaking the metal chain like its made out of a rubberband, and going fucking insane. Throwing both twins across the room. Punching Lou a few times before getting blasted by the same shotgun that killed Thomas Rush and through a window that is on the 2nd floor of the fertilizer plant. Leaving them on the ground below with blood and broken glass on them. 
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wqbytop100 · 3 months
WQBY (the world of Q)
Top 150 for the week ending March 3, 2024 ...11 >>>Off this week... 11 ***new... NO re-entries.
Weak -- Vintage Culture, Maverick Sabre, Tom Breu -3
She's On My Mind --Romy -1
I Don't Wanna Worry --NEEDTOBREATHE -2
Jet Plane --R3HAB, VIZE, JP Cooper -4
Dirty Desire --Vicetone -6
You're Hired -NEIKED, Ayra Starr -10
Heart Still Beating --Nathan Dawe, Bebe Rexha -8
Weight Of the World --Bonnie X Clyde -12
Reckless Child --Milky Chance -18
The Afterhours --Kyle Watson -13
One On One --The Knocks, Sofi Tukker -20
Spicy Margarita --Jason Derulo, Michael Bublé -7
Slide Out --Life On Planets -23
Outlaw Love --Brooke Eden (Dave Aude remix) -25
Anyone --Morgan Page -5
Never Be Friends --Jost, Mingue -9
Graveyard --A R I Z O N A (Shoffy remix) -14
Close Your Eyes --Lucas Estrada, Tribbs, Stephen Puth -11
Give Me --Will Clarke, BURNS -64
Houdini --Dua Lipa -30
It's Love (If We Get It Right) --Anthony Russo -19
Waterslides --Tiesto, Rudimental, Absolutely -29
Kissing Strangers --USHER -16
Powerful Women --Pitbull, Dolly Parton -15
All Fckd Up --Kapuzen -26
Lonely Dancers --Conan Gray -24
***Texas Hold 'Em --Beyonce -(new)
Feels Like Us --GT_OFICE/ALWZ SNNY/Robbie Rosen -35
Kill Anyone --Two Feet, Ari Abdul -37
Purple Irises --Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton -28
Dark Skies --A R I Z O N A -31
You --Svidden, Seeb -27
U Miss Me --Vicetone -33
Both --Tiesto, 21 Savage, BIA -21
Spend The Night --BJ the Chicago Kid, Coco Jones -34
Other Boys --Marshmello, Dove Cameron -32
I'll Be There --Robin Schulz, Rita Ora, Tiago PZK -36
Good In Goodbye, Trivecta -39
Diamond Therapy --Diplo, Walker & Royce, Channel Tres -41
Easy --3LAU, XIRA -38
Flex --Tony Dark Eyes -45
Next Years Light --Elliot Moss -42
Lift Off --Dombresky -43
More Baby --Chris Lake, Aluna -40
Bad Blood --Theresa Rex -48
How Do I Say Goodbye --Adventure Club, Delaney Jane -44
Dreamteam --Galantis, Neon Trees -46
Hangin' On --A R I Z O N A -47
Young & Foolish --Loud Luxury feat/Charlieonafriday -55
Dizzy --Sick Individuals, LOUI LANE -56
Wanna --Paul Dally -50
Sorry Ain't Enough --Michael Gerow -113
Fire --Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE, (G)I-DLE -54
Rhythm Machine --Westend, Max Styler -52
Good Morning --Timmy Trumpet, Alie Farben, YOU -49
Lie To Me --Jubel feat/KIDDO -112
Stress You --Lucas Estrada, SUPER Hi -51
No Reason --The Chemical Brothers (Chris Lake remix) -59
Cutting Loose --Disco Lines, J. Worra, Anabel Englund -60
Sorry Now --A R I Z O N A -69
Mr. Useless --Shygirl, SG Lewis -17
Yes, And? --Ariana Grande -22
Strangers --Kenya Grace -53
See You Again --Vicetone, Anna Clendenning -57
Go Off --Mike Candys -58
***Underwater --DubVision, Afrojack -(new)
Do You Feel It --VAMERO, Cyril M Mougleta -73
Good For You --Dimitri Vegas, Chapter & Verse, Goodboys -61
Run Free (Countdown) --Tiesto, R3HAB -62
High And I Like It --It's Murph, Evalyn -63
Say It Right --Dubdogs, Farfetch'd -65
Somethings Gonna Workout --Jai Picone, 1tbsp -66
Murder On the Dancefloor --Sophie Ellis-Bextor -67
Public --Mike -82
A Day in the Life -Apollo LTD -106
Fantasy --Cosmo's Midnight f/Frank Moody -71
***Beautiful Things --Benson Boone -(new)
AEIOU --PNAU, Empire of the Sun -68
Ohh LALA --Idris Elba, Sasha GiGi -70
What Do You Do for A Living? I Do My Best --Iamnotshane -72
Lead Me On --FLETCHER -74
Pictures Of You -Anyma -75
Take A Moment --ATB, David Frank -76
Afterglow --Klangkarussell, GIVVEN -77
Alive --K-391 -78
Follow You --Return of the Jaded, MELLY OHH -79
Everybody Knows I'm High --SHAED -80
Spirit Of Thunder --Yung Lean, DVRST, Riff Raft, Bladee -81
ADHD --Mae Stephens --83
Never Be Lonely --Jax Jones, Zoe Wees -84
The Tower --Future Islands -85
***Veneno -Sofi Tukker, &Friends, Mari Marenda, Sophia Ardessore -(new)
***Space --Shane Codd -(new)
***Lil Tune --Gus Dapperton, Electric Guest -(new)
***Some Kind of Static -Neil Francis, Alan Braxe (Remix) -(new)
Loneliness --Pet Shop Boys -143
Lucky --Dermont Kennedy -95
***Home --CamelPhat, RHODES, Vintage Culture -(new)
***Me Before You --Bleachers -(new)
***DFHMPU --Ari Abdul -(new)
***Dreams --Alie Farben, Maurice Lessing, Emma Wells -(new)
Nevada --Vicetone, Cozi Zuehisdorff -86
Summertime Friends --The Chainsmokers -87
Sweet Venom --ENHYPEN -88
Save My Love --Destiny Rogers -89
Tension ---Kyllie Minogue -90
Twisted --Laura Davidson -91
Body Moving --Eliza Rose, Calvin Harris -92
Lonely Nights --Papa Beats =93
Taking It Back --DJ Minx -94
One Last Dance --Imanbek, Ali Gatie -96
Fall Again --HAYLA -97
Heat Rising --Pete Tong, Jem Cooke, Jules Buckley -98
Get Dirty --Return of the Jaded, Tommie Sunshine -99
Living In A Haze --Milky Chance -100
Triumph --Bishop Briggs -101
Forever (Stay Like This) --Armin Van Buuren -102
I Don't Remember --Walker & Royce, VNSSA -103
Dance is the Answer --Dubdogs, RUBACK, Ticon, Raja Ram -104
I'm One of the Rest --TALK -105
Burnin' --Rinzen, Shallou -108
When I Wake Up --Lucas & Steve, Skinny Days -107
Come Right Back --Morgan Page -109
Jaguar --Yeager -110
Lullaby --Britti -111
Missing You --Frank Walker, Nate Smith -114
I Got Time --Brittney Spencer -115
No Man's Land --Marshmello, Venbee -116
One By One --Robin Schulz, Topic, Oaks -117
Waking Up --Felix Jaehn, Leony -118
Mas Que Nada --Oliver Heldens, Ian Asher, Sergio Mendez -119
Deep In Your Love --ALOK, Bebe Rexha -120 >>>
J Christ --Lil Nas X --121 >>>
Face To Face --Kenzie -122 >>>
Biggest Regret --Gorgon City, Bbyafricka -123 >>>
Dreaming --Marshmello, Pink, Sting -124 >>>
Mirrors --Caravan Palace -125
Rebel --TVXQ -126 >>>
No Strings --X Ambassadors -127 >>>
Free Falling --James Arthur -128 >>>
Run --ATB, Nu Aspect, Orem -129
Pull You Closer --Sistek, Sadie Rose Van -132
Drums --James Hype, Kim Petras -133
Who I Am --Alan Walker, Putri Ariani, Peder Elias -135 >>>
Maktub --Gary Clark Jr. -136 >>>
The Thief --Future Islands -137
Low Again --Bakermat -146
Alibi --Ella Henderson, Rudimental -150 >>>
Checking In -- for King & Country, Lee Brice -140
Beats For the Underground --Mau P -138 >>>
11 New on the Chart this week with Release Date #27 Texas Hold 'Em [2.11.24] #66 Underwater [2.2.24] #77 Beautiful Things [1.18.24] #92 Veneno [2.23.24] #93 Space [2.23.24] #94 Lil Tune [2.23.24] #95 Some Kind of Static [2.23.24] #98 Home [2.23.24] #99 Me Before You [2.23.24] #100 DFHMTPU [2.22.24] #101 Dreams [2.23.24]
***new on the chart / <> re-entry /12>>> off the chart next week
0 notes