#but yeah i really do believe that the things amanda came forward with are true
avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Family - 20
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1857
Warnings:  Pregnancy, mentions of past child abuse
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 20: The Road to Forgiveness
I organized to meet my mother for lunch a week later.  Natasha, Wanda, and Thor came with me.   There had been a very long discussion full of a lot of debate about who should come with me.  If I’d let them they all would have, but I didn’t want the whole thing to be overwhelmed by them.  Part of me had wanted to go alone, but then when it came down to it, I was still scared to be left alone with either of my parents.  Besides, we were trying to keep the pregnancies out of the tabloids and if I was going to go out in public, I needed to take Natasha with me so they couldn’t see me.
Wanda came so that she could read my mother’s mind, to see if she was genuine in her attempts to shake off my father and start a new life and relationship with me.  While, Thor was coming because he had that ability to both be a calming and relaxing influence, but also intimidating if need be.
We thought we’d grab lunch somewhere with a private dining room that we could just be free to talk without too many prying eyes.  Then afterward we’d go shopping for baby clothes and maybe something for ourselves.
We were all well and truly showing now, and I did worry about how mom would take the news that all three of us were pregnant.  Natasha wore a short, black maternity dress with knee-length black leggings underneath and a chain belt that sat above the baby bump that’s chain hung down her side.  Wanda was in a long, flowing, off-the-shoulder, lace dress in cream with red flowers embroidered on the bust and around the hems.  I was in a short black dress with a blue tartan skirt and a pair of black lace tights under it.  Thor was in black jeans, a gray v-neck t-shirt, and his favorite red velvet jacket over it.  When we suddenly appeared in front of the staff of the restaurant they almost jumped in shock.  That shock was quickly replaced with a look of slight awe and definitely attraction as they looked Thor up and down.
Mom was already waiting for us when we were led into the private room.  She was with my brother Ian and a small, slight woman around his age that I didn’t recognize but I assumed must be his wife because there were two kids there too - a girl who looked around eight years old and a boy around five.
Mom got to her feet and seemed to move forward like she was going to come and greet me with a hug, before stopping dead and looking me up and down.  “Elise! You’re pregnant!”
“I am?” I said, looking down at myself.  “Oh wow.  I guess I am.”
She gave me that look moms are so good at.  The ones that tell you that you’re not as funny as you think you are.  To her credit, she didn’t press the issue.
“Congratulations,” she said. “And both of you too?”
Natasha gave a terse nod, while Wanda smiled.  “That’s right,” she said.
“Mom, you met Wanda,” I say.  “And this is Natasha and Thor.”
Thor offered her his hand.  She seemed grateful to take it.  “It’s nice to meet you,” you said.
Ian moved forward.  “Hey, El,” he said.  “This is my wife Rachel.”  Despite not having touched either of the people that were related to me, I offered my hand to Rachel.   She shook it and trembled a little as she did.
“So nice to meet you.  Ian said you were his sister and I didn’t believe him,” she said.
“Well, we’ve not had a lot of contact over the last fifteen or so years,” I said.
“Oh, this is Josh and Hannah,” she said.
“Hello,” I said, though their attention was completely drawn to Thor.  They stared up at him with their mouths open.
He crouched down and smiled warmly at them.  “Hello, children,” he said.  “How are you?”
“I hope you don’t mind us coming along too,” Ian said.  “We came to visit mom and then your people set up the lunch…”
“It’s fine,” I assured him.  “It’s good to see you.  Let’s sit.  I’d really like to get off my feet.”
We all sat down, the kids both choosing chairs on either side of Thor.  A waiter took our drink orders and left us to decide what we would order.
“How are your kids?  You have two right?  I read that somewhere,” Rachel asked.
“Yes, we have twins.  A boy and a girl.  They’re in preschool right now,” I answered.  While everyone else seemed to be relaxing a little more, Natasha seemed to be getting more wound up and I was wondering if it was a good idea to bring her.  “They’re good.”
Wanda looked at Natasha and Natasha pursed her lips.  I was pretty certain that Wanda was telling her off because as the rest of us looked over the menu and Thor spoke with the kids about what they wanted to order Natasha’s face got tenser and tenser until she sagged and let out a huff of breath.
The waiter brought our drinks out and took our orders.  I ordered four cheese gnocchi but as soon as the waiter left I regretted it.  I wasn’t sure how well I was going to be able to stomach such a heavy dish considering the circumstances.  Thankfully Thor ordered four different entrees and three starters, and among them was a salad and bruschetta so if I needed to, I knew I’d be able to swap with him.
“How have things been going, mom?” I asked.  “They told me you’ve settled here.”
“Yes,” Mom said.  “It’s a big change.  Originally I was just going to stay in Ohio with Amanda but then part of me worried that if I did that I’d end up just going back to him.  And I wanted to show you I was serious and make it up to you.  I missed so much and I know ... I know how I treated you - all of you really - was terrible.  Making you think it was okay for him to treat us like that.  Making you think that was the only way to have a life.  I don’t want to make excuses but it was all I knew either.  And now here you are… with this other way.  Are you happy?”
I smiled a little and my eyes felt a slight prickle from tears forming.  “Yeah, mom.  I’m really happy.  This is different, you’re right.  And sometimes it’s not easy.  But while most people see the difference as us all being together as a group rather than just paired off, what’s different to me is I feel safe, loved, and supported.  Even during our worst time, I had people who loved and supported me there helping me get through it.  I just… never felt that growing up.  I was scared all the time and I couldn’t see any way that would ever end, because you kept telling me all the ways I had to act to get a good husband, but a good husband wasn’t a good man, it was a rich one.”
“I know.  I’m sorry.  I want to try and make it up to you,” mom said.  “But I know I can’t.  I just hope you’ll let us start from scratch.”
“That’s what I’m hoping for too,” I said.
“Is it true that you’re all married to each other?”  Hannah asked.
“That’s right, young one,” Thor said. “In fact for a while, your Aunt was the Queen of Asgard.”
“Woah,” Hannah gasped. “Really?  Why not anymore?”
“After we wed I gave up the throne to my sister.  She is taking care of things now so I have time to be a husband and father,” Thor explained.
“Are you really all married?  I mean… officially?” Mom asked, looking between the three of us.
“As you know, on Earth Elise is legally married to Tony,” Wanda explained.  “We did that for a sense of security and to protect the children’s inheritance.  But prior to that, we all participated in a ceremony known as bonding on Asgard.”
“Asgard is more forward-thinking than here,” Thor added. “They are all legally my spouses and count as Asgard royalty.  They are all princes and princesses there.  It is much deeper too.  We are connected.”
The starter came out and I pinched one of Thor’s stuffed mushrooms and began to eat it with a piece of warm rye bread that was provided for the table.  I definitely wasn’t as tense as I had been when I arrived but even still, the rich buttery stuffing on the mushroom sat like a brick inside me when I swallowed it.
“Can I ask something?”  Mom said.  “I don’t know if this is offensive or rude but… do you know who the fathers of the children are?”
I sighed and took a sip of my drink, wishing the sweet and acidic juice had the deep burn of alcohol to go with it.  “They’re everyone’s mom.  Just like I’m going to be mommy to the babies that Wanda and Nat are carrying.”
“No,” she said, a little flustered.  “I know, but…”
I shook my head, interrupting her. “Look, I know it’s different, and maybe even hard for you to grasp because you did play favorites.  But we don’t.  Not with these kids.  We do happen to know biology.  Part of that was because of medical issues that might have arisen depending on whose biology was involved.  But as far as how we act and how we treat the kids, they are loved equally by everyone as their own.  Because they are.  That is no one’s business but ours.  And I want to make it clear, they could biologically have been anyone’s. We aren’t confused friends, mom.  They’re my husbands and wives in every sense of the word.”
“Right,” she said.  “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I said.  “I do want you to feel okay around us.  But… not if we have to fit some ideal you still have set in your head about how my life should be.  It is how it is and if you want to meet the others and even the kids then you just have to be open to that difference.”
“Can we meet the other avengers?”  Hannah asked.
“Perhaps someday,” Thor said.  “I am sure your cousins would love to meet you too.”
“Thor,” Natasha warned, giving her head a tiny shake.
“Does that mean you’re our uncle?”  Hannah asked.
A large smile broke out on Thor’s face.  “Why yes it does,” he said.
“I’ve got a safer topic of discussion, and one Rachel and I can reciprocate,” Ian said.  “How did you all meet and start seeing each other in the first place?”
“Oh, yes please,” Rachel added.  “I would love to hear that.”
I smiled and looked at Natasha.  “That we can do,” I said.  “But it depends on how far back you want to go.  Because it really starts way back in 1929…”
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matchasprouts · 3 years
Listen Closer - Chapter 14
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Garrett definitely noticed that Strahm refused to make eye contact with him when they got back to the precinct, and couldn’t help but feel very proud of himself for that, even if all he’d done was get caught after having sex.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home? It’s going to take more than a day for you to make up for all that blood loss,” Mark spoke up beside him, snapping him back to attention.
“I’m sure. I want to make sure they don’t dig too much into Lawrence,” Garrett replied, shifting in his seat.
They were currently sitting in the room hidden from the interrogation room by the two way mirror, waiting for Strahm and Perez to go in and ask Lawrence where he had been for so long. He was one of the only Jigsaw victims they had known of, but had never been able to find after his trap.
Of course, they couldn’t know that he was healing up at the meat packing plant. So he came up with something else, something John approved of.
They didn’t have to wait much longer before the door of the interrogation room opened and the agents entered, Strahm hovering closer to the mirror while Perez sat down across from Lawrence.
“So, Dr. Gordon, you’ve been missing for over six months now. I’ll admit that we don’t know very much about your “game” other than the fact that your fellow captive, Adam Stanheight, is dead. You were presumed dead as well. Where have you been all this time?” Perez asked, resting her hands on the table between them.
“Hiding,” Lawrence answered simply. “I had to… kill Adam in order for my family to live. It wasn’t my best moment- or my best shot, because of the blood I was losing- but I couldn’t just let them die. Not because of my mistakes.”
Garrett knew that Lawrence’s ex-wife had gone to the police after escaping Zep, only because he had looked at the files as soon as Lawrence told him he was going to be questioned. The police knew about their part of the kidnapping, and they had told them that Zep told them the game was over, and that Lawrence had lost.
They had a way around this too.
“I- I know that my ex-wife probably told you that I lost the game, but it’s not true. Zep’s clock was wrong. I checked as soon as I could walk.” This was a complete lie, both of the clocks were perfectly set up.
However, knowing that one day something like this would happen, Zep’s clock turned off permanently when the game was done, so no one could ever check. The police didn’t know that, and they never would.
Apparently they hadn’t been expecting Lawrence to be so cooperative, because there was silence for a minute, before Perez spoke up again.
“You said you were hiding? Is that because you killed Adam? You were trapped, Dr. Gordon, and it was the only way to protect your family. You wouldn’t have been arrested for that,�� she said, leaning back when he scoffed at her.
“Do you honestly think that I was thinking about that after sawing off my own foot and murdering someone?” he asked coldly, his gaze flicking to the mirror for a second before dropping back to the table. “I was afraid, ashamed, and bleeding out. That didn’t exactly make me very open to thinking logically.”
There was silence again, before they decided they were satisfied. “Thank you for your time, doctor,” Perez said as she stood up, offering him a weak smile. “We’re glad to see you’re alright. Take care.”
With that, she and Strahm left, leaving Lawrence in the room. Garrett had already been told earlier that he could take Lawrence home when they were done, so he wasted absolutely no time in doing so, only pausing to give Mark a goodbye kiss.
“So, do you think my acting was on par with yours?” Lawrence teased once they were in the car, gaining a chuckle from Garrett. “Be honest. It was pretty important.”
“Yeah, it was,” Garrett admitted. “You could put a little more into eye contact, but they definitely believed you.” Lawrence gave a quiet “whoop” next to him, which made him laugh hard and sudden enough that he had to slam on the brakes as pain shot through his face from his wound.
Lawrence was on him in seconds, tilting his head to the side to check the stitches. Luckily he hadn’t pulled any out, but it hurt like HELL. “I’m fine,” Garrett muttered, getting an incredulous look from his boyfriend before he was released.
Soon enough, they were back on the road, the only thing breaking the silence being the radio.
This was probably the most quiet car ride Garrett had ever been in.
Upon arriving back at the meat packing plant, Garrett almost immediately locked himself in his room, getting straight to work on the plans for his next trap.
There wouldn’t be many traps for the next few months or so, other than a few small ones that Amanda and Mark would be putting on. Only one of them would need Garrett’s touch- he was going to have to put one of them together piece by piece in a motel room.
He was looking forward to the challenge, but that required the trap before it to happen, and that wouldn’t be for at least a month.
So, he worked on his own trap instead.
Honestly, part of him thought it would make more sense for Mark to design and build a trap for Strahm, but he found it rather poetic that it was his job instead. Since they’d met, they had continuously been forced into situations together, one even bad enough that Garrett literally passed out in his arms.
Strahm was growing attached, and Garrett was planning his death.
Some people might call that love.
His focus turned entirely to his plans as he sat down at his desk, surrounded by pieces of scrap metal and small models of traps. Luckily, he already had a plan in mind and didn’t have to sit there and try to figure it out.
The trap was going to be a box that would be placed on his head and quickly fill up with water. Theoretically there should be no escape, which was why it wasn’t his most creative trap. He wasn’t even going to make a tape for him.
He was, however, going to spend as much time as possible on it, in order to ensure that there was no way for him to get out.
Theoretically, of course.
Once he had the plans sketched out and finalized with a design he liked, he got to work on the actual building. He knew he had several months to put it together, but he didn’t want to waste any time.
He knew his little found family got worried when he threw himself into his work like this, but they did the same damn thing so they never said anything. He was pretty sure they worried just because he was the only one that locked himself away when he worked.
Nar still came in on occasion to make sure he was hydrated and not accidentally starving himself, but it was mostly Lawrence checking in on him now that he could walk.
What finally brought him out of the hyperfocus was the sound of a folder hitting his desk, the sound making him flinch.
The perpetrator was Mark, who was now leaning against the desk. “What’s that?” Garrett asked, tilting his head to the side as Mark handed the folder to him.
“That, sweetheart, is the paperwork you need to fill out to become my official specialist, instead of one accepted on my word alone,” Mark explained, gesturing for him to open the file, which he did.
Most of it was already filled out by Mark, leaving only a few black spaces that Garrett needed to fill in. “Man, you wanna be around me that bad?” he joked, but he really did appreciate the work Mark was putting in to let him into crime scenes.
“Just fill out the forms,” Mark shot back, pressing a long kiss to Garrett’s head before leaving the room.
… Maybe a little break would be okay. These forms were probably more time sensitive than the water box, and he’d take any chance he could to get away from his bookstore job.
Besides, all he had to do was sign his name, explain why he was certified to be a specialist, and any criminal history, which he did not have.
The form was finished quickly, and he took the chance to get something to eat while he looked for Mark to return it to him. After that was done, he went right back to his room and got right back to work.
John had only given him two traps to work on, and by god was he going to work on them.
Besides, the faster he got the water box done, the faster he could put together the pieces needed for one of his favourite traps yet.
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ejzah · 4 years
A/N: This chapter deals with the second part of Little Angels. I tried to trim it down to scenes where it could be from Deeks’ POV.
The Agent and the Lawyer, Part 13
“What did Callen say?” Kensi asked, glancing at Deeks briefly before she returned her eyes to the road.
“Andre Maragos has requested a lawyer,” he said dryly. “Do you think he’d accept me?” Kensi snorted at that, glancing at him again. Her eyes were appraising.
“Well, you certainly can look the part of a lawyer a guy like Maragos would hire.”
“Again, not sure if that’s a compliment,” he said with a frown. Instead of making another joke at his expense, she said,
“I really am glad you’re here today. You’re making this whole thing a lot less terrible.”
“Anytime.” He glanced behind them where the transport van was following. “So what do we do if Lucas doesn’t actually know or show us where the bodies are?”
Kensi’s eyes narrowed on the road, her expression deadly. Suddenly, Deeks was very glad that he wasn’t on the receiving end of her rage.
“Then you might have to stop me from shooting him.”
“I think this is one of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen,” Deeks muttered to no one in particular. And he’d been party to some pretty awful stuff.
Lucas Maragos had lead them directly to the edge of a small hill, radiating smugness the entire time. It wasn’t clear if he was enjoying bossing them around, or having the opportunity to finally show off his work.
Either way, Deeks was reconsidering his position on guns. He sighed as several forensic experts dug up the spots Maragos had pointed out.
“Mr. Deeks, Agent!” A woman dressed in protective gear said, motioning for them to come over. “We found something.” If her expression was anything to go by, it wasn’t pleasant. Then again, that’s what they were hoping for.
Kensi, who’d been talking with Maragos, hurried over. They both glanced in the small grave, where the skeleton of cat lay.
“Well, now we know he wasn’t lying about the cat part.” Deeks said, holding back a shudder.
“You should call Sam,” Kensi told him, a deep frown growing between her eyebrows. “I’m going to see if I can’t get anything else out of Maragos.”
“Sam, you need to get out here,” he said when the agent picked up.
“So far they’ve found the remains of five cats,” Kensi said once Callen and Sam had arrived. “Lucas isn’t being particularly helpful at the moment. He keeps repeating that his brother is responsible.”
Sam and Callen shared a dark look, something unspoken flowing between them. There was clearly something going on with Sam, but now was definitely not the time to ask about.
“Any other sites?” Sam demanded.
“You should ask my brother, these are his,” Lucas responded, apparently trying to appear genuine.
“You seem to be enjoying the attention. Give me the keys.” He directed the last part to Kensi, grabbing the keys to Lucas’ cuffs from her.
“Is that a good idea?” Deeks asked as Sam unlocked the handcuffs. Lucas’ legs were still bound, but Deeks didn’t trust the man not to make a run for it. Or try something more violent.
Kensi caught his eye, shaking her head as Sam dragged Maragos several feet away, ignoring the man’s protests. Sam seemed to just barely be holding himself back from inflicting physical damage. Callen watched it all with obvious concern, but didn’t attempt to intervene.
“Does Sam have a personal history with this guy or something?”
“No,” Callen answered shortly. Sam returned a few minutes with Lucas, who actually seemed a little frightened and was in a much more sharing mood
Deeks could only imagine what Sam had used to gain his cooperation and that worried him.
How strong could the team’s case be if they resorted to threats and potential violence?
“What do we now?” Deeks asked, as they drove to the mission.
They’d found the remains of the third girl who was originally buried, but not Amanda. Both Lucas and Andre had proven uncooperative, blaming the other for the murders.
Then Andre had made an ill-planned attempt to leave the country with his family. It was certainly suspicious behavior, but they’d taken a swab from Andre and it didn’t match any of the DNA on the remains.
They also had a signed statement from Andre’s mistress and a home video the two had made. Deeks could have happily lived without ever seeing Andre Maragos naked. To say that Sam had not been pleased when they interrupted his interrogation with Andre to tell him would be an understatement.
“We look at the evidence again. We look for what we missed before,” she said and then sighed deeply. “And we pray that we come up with something before Amanda runs out of time.”
As they watched the video of Amanda for the countless time, it was not lost on Deeks that they were grasping at straws.
“Hey, take a look at this,” Sam said suddenly, pointing to a bare finger that was just visible at the edge of the video. There was a note of something close to excitement in his voice. “When he picked up the camera, he took off his glove.”
“Different MO,” Callen said. “Makes sense, glove would have been shredded after all the digging.” Sam wasn’t about to be talked down from whatever idea he had. Kensi walked over as Deeks stood up, to get a better look at the screen.
“Hear me out on this, G. What does this guy do with his gloves afterwards?”
“Well, first thing you would, uh, burn ‘em, shred ‘em. It’s full of DNA.”
“What if he’s going fast, got careless?” Sam continued, sounding like he was telling a story. “Left a glove behind, like in a box or in the dirt in the hole.”
“The case is closed,” Deeks said immediately. “I mean, we catch him the second we find that glove.”
“But there is no glove,” Kensi said, echoing Deeks’ own thoughts.
“We don’t know that,” Sam said and Deeks heard warning bells going off in his head. “Maybe neither does the killer. He’s going fast, he’s scared, he tosses everything only to realize, he left a glove behind.”
“Right, but he didn’t,” Deeks said, not liking where this was going at all. What Sam was suggesting was sketchy at best.
“We could make him believe that he did,” Callen said, nodding in agreement with Sam.
“What if it doesn’t stand up in court though?” Deeks asked, thinking of how he’d tear apart “evidence” like that.
“We’ll do whatever it takes to make it stick,” Kensi said as Sam instructed Eric to modify the video. He turned them out for a minute, distracted by his concerns.
“You’ll need to sell it to Lucas Maragos, Deeks,” Sam said, drawing him out of his thoughts. “Make him believe that the glove is real. We’ll do the same with his brother.”
“Me?” Deeks repeated, startled by the suggestion, especially coming from Sam.
“You’ve already got a connection with him. It’ll be easier than if Callen or I do it. Kensi will back you up if you need it.”
“I do not like this,” Deeks muttered, his voice barely audible as they waited in the interview room again.
“You’ll be fine,” Kensi said. “And it’s for Amanda.” She flashed a warning look his way as the sound of guards drew closer and he pressed his lips together, holding back any further comments.
He pulled in a slow, shallow breath, trying to calm himself. This was no different that cross examining a difficult witness. He just had to play to his audience, frame the story they needed to hear, and pretend he believed every word he said.
Deeks snapped his eyes back open the second the guards were at the door, adopting a relaxed posture as they led Lucas in. Kensi said nothing as he opened the laptop on the table, started the DVD with Amanda’s video, and sat next to Lucas Maragos.
“See that little sucker right there? It’s a glove that got left in the dirt,” he told the man. Lucas’ eyes were laser focused to the screen, a change from his earlier careless attitude. “And it is filled with DNA.”
He didn’t glance at Kensi, putting all of his attention on Lucas. Deeks hoped he wasn’t playing it up too much. Maragos cleared his throat after a moment, now looking anywhere but at the laptop.
“I don’t know why you’re showing me this,” he said. Kensi leaned forward then.
“Because when we get a DNA match, we’ll be able to find your partner. And believe me, we’ll get him to turn on you,” she said, her matter of fact tone chilling.
“You can take him back,” Deeks called to the guards. “But let us know if he has decides to talk. Who knows, he might be able to escape a death sentence.”
It was only after they were outside again that he allowed himself to let out a shaking breath.
“You ok?” Kensi asked, eyeing him with concern.
“Yeah.” He was surprised to find it was true.
“Eric’s calling,” she said, putting her phone to her ear and had a rushed and confusing conversation. She shoved the phone in her pocket and started jogging towards the SUV. “Eric says we need to get to Angeles Forest now. Callen and Sam are following someone in one of Andre’s vehicles.”
“I can’t believe it was Andre’s kids,” Deeks said, shaking his head as Kensi returned from putting the younger boy in the back of an LAPD cruiser. He knew they were hardly the first to commit a heinous crime, but it was still shocking.
“I guess they learned a lot from their Uncle,” Kensi said darkly.
“What will happen to them?” Deeks had defended juvenile clients before, though never one charged with attempted murder. And in his own experience, the courts could be pretty brutal when it came to kids.
“Well, I’d guess their dad is going to higher them the best lawyers he can find,” Kensi started. “And then it depends on how they’re charged. I could see the FBI wanting to try them as adults, but I doubt it’ll go through.”
“I don’t know if I’m relieved or disappointed,” he said and Kensi rolled her eyes.
“C’mon, we’ve got lots of reports to file.
“Not me, I’m just a legal consultant.” Kensi made a rude noise at this.
“Nice try. You never get out of paperwork. And if you don’t do it, Hetty will hunt you down. And no one wants Hetty hunting them down.
“You know, you did really well today. I was surprised, but you did good,” Kensi told him as they walked out of the mission, taking their time.
It had been eye opening to watch Deeks question Lucas. She had expected him to hold back and certainly hadn’t considered that he would taunt Lucas. The images he’d produced had been horrifying, and affective during their first interview.
“I think you’ll find I’m full of surprises, sugar bear,” he said, grinning that annoying smirk of his. Kensi held up a hand, turning to face him so he was forced to stop in the middle of the hall.
“Woah, sugar bear? I don’t think so.”
“What, I think it’s very appropriate. You’re very sweet and-“
“And you are absolutely forbidden from calling me that anywhere another person might hear it,” she finished for Deeks, shaking her head. Of course, now she’d left herself wide open to being called “sugar bear” in private.
“What about “Princess”?” he asked, undaunted by her implied wrath. She started walking again before he could see her slight smile. Their shoulders brushed as they walked, an unnecessary physical reminder of Deeks’ presence. Technically, it violated the rules of their bet, but Deeks didn’t mention it.
“Definitely not.” Before he could suggest something even more ridiculous she said, “Be serious for a second. Ok? I know that defusing tension is a big thing for you, but I really need to know how you’re doing.”
He sighed and this time he was the one to stop. He tossed his head back for a second and it was amazing how suddenly his face transformed. She saw the weariness and a surprising amount of anger that he’d hidden for the majority of the case.
“I’m...good,” he decided after a pause. “Which I know is weird to say. I didn’t realize how much I needed to see someone like Lucas Maragos get what he deserves.”
“So we didn’t scare you off with our serial killers?” She was actually curious; he’d been obviously horrified, but not nearly as much as she’d expected. He’d dealt with the possibility of seeing girls buried alive better than many seasoned Agents would.
“I mean, the kids following in their uncle’s footsteps is pretty awful, but again, I’m glad they’re not out there hurting more people. I don’t see nearly enough of that as a lawyer. And it’s even worse if you’re a public defender or district attorney.”
“And here I thought you’d be running out of here after a couple days,” she said.
They were in the parking garage now, which was mostly deserted and had stopped walking again. Kensi found she was reluctant to go to her own vehicle.
“You’re not going to get rid of me that easily Kensi Marie Blye,” he said, then made a face that she recognized meant he was holding something back.
“Nothing...just um,” He rubbed his chin before continuing, “How often do you threaten people or make up evidence to get results?” She nodded, knowing he was thinking of the way Sam had treated Maragos and the planted glove.
“Sometimes you do what you have to,” she said simply. “The important thing is that we found Amanda in the end.” He still looked serious, so she cleared her throat and added, “And now, I think you owe me some Mexican. I’m calling in my first special delivery. I expect it on my doorstep in an hour.” She did a smug little dance to accompany her victory.
Deeks rolled his eyes, chuckling under his breath.
“Yes, technically you did win,” he agreed. “Although I would point out that if this wasn’t such a tense case, you would have been all over me.”
“Those sound like the words of a loser,” Kensi teased, ignoring the thought of being “all over him”. Deeks scrunched his face at her.
“You are a very annoying winner.” Kensi grinned at him. His hair was more disheveled than normal after tramping around in the heat all day and his light blue shirt was now untucked. He looked anything but a high price lawyer. He also looked completely delectable.
“But as I am a man of my word-“ Kensi grasped the sides of his face, cutting him off mid-word as she kissed him roughly, pushing her tongue past his lips and letting out a sigh when his hands settled on her waist.
“Oops, I guess I lost,” Kensi gasped out several moments later. She stepped back from him, her skin feeling flushed and a deep need running though her body. His answering grin was breathtaking as he pulled her back to his chest.
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alj4890 · 4 years
Kiss/Love Prompts
(Maxwell Beaumont x Nadia Park) with the prompt: A gentle kiss that quickly descends into passion, with little regard for what’s going on around them as requested by Anonymous. (Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) with the prompt: Staring at each other’s lips for a moment before moving closer, as if drawn together by some unseen force also requested by Anonymous. And the prompt: "I shouldn't be here." As requested by @krsnlove​
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(Maxwell x Nadia) (Thomas x Amanda) in a The Royal Heir/Red Carpet Diaries/Perfect Match crossover Fan Fiction
@lxaah11​   @alleksa16​   @penguininapinktuxedo​   @blackcoffee85​   @stopforamoment​     @hopelessromantic1352​     @krsnlove​     @annekebbphotography​        @hopelessromantic1352​   . @sunflowergirl05​   @desireepow-1986​  @greywitchyshots​   @lilyofchoices @moodyvalentinestories​  @emceesynonymroll   @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms   @ab1901     @lolablackwrites     @flyawayboo   @i-bloody-love-drake-walker   . @trappedinfandoms   @kate-mckenzie
A/N This isn’t a part of any particular AU, but the idea came to me while listening to one of my playlists and somehow this storyline came about, LOL. It will be a short miniseries because somehow it blossomed in size the more I went into it. I changed Nadia’s problems with Eros for this and made her and Rachel Hunt old college roommates. Without further ado, let's see if Thomas Hunt's sister, Rachel, knows what she is doing when she sets him up on a blind date. Maxwell also plans his hand at matchmaking once more. He was awfully successful with Riley and Liam. And what are plans without a few troublemakers in the mix?
Song: In My Dreams
part 2
A Not So Perfect Match (Part 1)
Upper East Side, New York, Friday the 12th...
"Rachel!" Nadia squealed before squeezing her surprise visitor in a tight hug. 
"I've missed you too." Rachel patted her back. Her eyes widened at the top of her old friend’s once striking, jet black hair. “You colored your hair?!”
“Yeah.” Nadia pushed her now caramel hair back over her shoulders. “I needed a change.” Her brow furrowed with this unexpected visit. "What are you doing in New York?" 
"I came to check on you." She replied. “You didn’t sound right when we last talked.” 
The petite artist teared up some at the sweet gesture. "You shouldn't have come all this way. I'm fine."
"Nadia." Rachel grasped her friend's shoulders. "I lived with you for four years in college. I think after you comforted me during my crying jag over that moron, Nelson, who stood me up our freshman year, we are way past having to fake being fine."
Nadia's overly bright smile dimmed. "Thank God. I didn't think I could continue acting happy." Her eyebrows drew together with worry. "Not that I'm not thrilled to see you again, it's just..." She took a deep breath. "It's just that I'm tired."
Rachel waited silently for her to elaborate.
Nadia groaned, thoroughly disgusted with herself. "I know when we last talked, I told you about the Eros debacle."
"Yes." Rachel moved her hand in an impatient motion to get her to continue.
"Well, ever since Damien found out the dating service was actually for people who wanted to cheat on their significant others and that it had someone perfectly matched for me, I have been too scared to try dating again.."
"Because!" Nadia practically exploded off the couch. "Each guy I think is the one turns out to be my worst nightmare. They either cheat, or stalk me, or take my left shoes, or--"
"Whoa. Back up. Who took your left shoes?!" Rachel glanced down at her own footwear, wondering why a man would do such a thing.
"Evan." Nadia reminded her. "Remember? Junior year, he broke into our room and took two left shoes from my closet."
Rachel's eyes narrowed as she thought back. "I completely forgot about that."
"I wish I could." Nadia tilted her head for her friend to follow. "I've recently made a study of my bad boyfriends."
She led her into the second bedroom of her apartment. There was a large rolling bulletin board covered in pictures of various men. Multicolored strands of yarn went from one ex to another.
"Wow." Rachel stepped forward and read the notes written in glitter gel pens and such her friend had posted with each one. "Nadia, perhaps--"
"Look, I know it's crazy and I'm crazy for going through with making this." Nadia's eyes filled with tears. "I have to know why I'm a jerk magnet."
"You're not a jerk magnet." Rachel rolled her eyes. "You have simply had a run of bad luck."
"It isn't a run! It's years of this." Nadia pointed out.
The evidence on the board was damning. It did seem that somehow the jerks of the world latched on to Nadia.
"You need a change." Rachel decided. "Pack your bags. You're coming with me to California."
"What?" Nadia exclaimed. "Rachel, I can't just--"
"Yes, you can." Rachel went to Nadia's room and began to go through her clothes. "We will go shopping once there. But for the time being, these will do." She pulled out several outfits and laid them on the bed. "I'm going to introduce you to someone that I believe is perfect for you."
"Who?" Nadia asked. An excited trepidation overcame her.
Could the perfect guy be waiting for her in Hollywood?
"My brother." Rachel declared. "Like you, Thomas hasn't had the best of luck with dating." A smile slowly formed as she imagined one of her best friends marrying her only brother. And it would all be because of her brilliant matchmaking.
"Rach, I don't know." Nadia hedged. "Didn't you say he is," she hesitated, "kind of grumpy?"
"He definitely is." Rachel searched for a suitcase. "And that's why I think you would be perfect for him. He needs someone sweet."
"I'm not so sure it will work out. You said he has a quick temper. I do too and--"
"You both have an artistic temperament." Rachel pointed out. "While yours is on canvas, his is film." She continued to pack Nadia's bags. "I can't wait for you two to finally meet."
When she noticed her friend trying to think of a way out of going, she decided to use their new current obsession. They had spent numerous hours on the phone talking about their favorite book.
"Maxwell Beaumont is bringing everyone in The Royal Romance to Hollywood in a few days."
"What?!" Nadia squealed. "Do you think we could meet them?!"
"Tommy Phelps invited my brother to a party for the nobles." Rachel laughed when Nadia dramatically flopped on her bed. "I talked Thomas into taking me. If you come, he can take us both."
And then you'll fall in love with each other, she thought.
"Why didn't you lead with that?!" Nadia broke into a wide smile. “I would love to go to California."
A private jet, a few hours east of Hollywood...
"Excited?" Maxwell asked.
"Sorry?" Amanda removed her ear buds. "Did you say something?"
"Are you excited?" Maxwell repeated.
"About going to Hollywood? Of course." Amanda slipped her ear buds back in, assuming the conversation over.
He yanked out the right one.
"I'm sorry, were you not finished?" She set her kindle down.
"Amanda, you're about to meet everyone who's playing your favorite people in the world!" He took her by her shoulders and playfully shook her. "How can you sit there calmly?"
She laughed at his antics. "I am curious who the director picked to play you."
"I'll give you a hint." His dimples deepened. "Your favorite actor is playing yours truly."
"No!" Amanda's eyes widened. "Are you saying that Ryan Summers is playing you? Ryan I am too handsome to be true Summers?"
He nodded, finally content at having worked her into an excited frenzy.
"I love his movies." Amanda sighed. "Any chance you added a hidden romance for you in the script?" Her lips curved in a teasing smile. "I would be willing to work for free to share a love scene or two with him."
"Oh really?" Maxwell teased. "I guess it's a good thing I told him that if he wanted to learn more about me, then he should spend time with you."
"Shut up!" Amanda hit his arm. "You didn't!? Did you?"
"I did." He winked at her. "Perhaps you can also get to know him."
Amanda fanned herself with her tablet. "I can't imagine talking to him much less spending time with him."
"Breathe." Maxwell repeated. "In and out."
"This is going to be the best trip ever." She declared.
Hollywood, Sunday the 14th...
"Come in." Thomas yelled out when he heard the persistent knock.
Rachel opened the door to his apartment. "Busy?"
He finished packing a stack of books in a crate. "Only with getting the last of my things on the moving truck."
"Good thing I came ready to help.” Rachel rolled up her sleeves.
"Thank you." He handed her a box and motioned toward the awards case. "Bubble wrap is over there."
"This is it for the bathroom." Ryan came around the corner. "And I managed to-- Rachel!"
She smiled at him over her shoulder. "Hello Ryan."
His slow, suggestive smile that made his horde of fans shiver formed. "I didn't know you were stopping by. I would have dressed up."
Thomas eyed the two silently.
"I like to surprise my brother. Keeps him tethered to the real world." She teased.
Thomas did not bother to respond to her quip as he hefted a box downstairs.
Ryan set his own box down and helped Rachel reach one of the awards on a top shelf.
"I heard you were in New York." He helped her wrap one of the SAG Awards.
"I was."
He paused waiting on her to say why she went there.
She glanced up at him. "I went to talk a friend of mine into coming here for a visit."
"A friend, huh?" His smile grew at the thought of her having a secret love. "Is this a close friend?"
"Very close." Rachel replied.
"Really?" Ryan turned away from her and picked up a box to take downstairs.
"I think she is perfect for Thomas." Rachel added when he stepped out the door.
Ryan slowly backed up. "Who's perfect for Thomas?"
"My friend in New York. Nadia." She explained. "I intend to put them together."
Ryan thought about the numerous ways this could end badly for all parties involved yet wisely kept it to himself. "When do I get to meet her?"
"You don't. Not until she meets Thomas." Rachel's nose crinkled. "You're too handsome."
His brow furrowed. "And this is bad?"
"Yes." Rachel faced him with her hands on her hips. "I can't tell you how many women have told me that you blind everyone with your looks and charm. I need Nadia to truly see Thomas. Once that is done, then you can meet her."
Ryan casually leaned against the doorframe. "Do I blind you?"
She rolled her eyes. "Not at all. I'm immune to the charms of actors and models. One of the perks to having Thomas as a brother." She cut her eyes to him. "Why do you ask?"
"Just curious." He winked at her and said over his shoulder. "I like to know who will let me get away with anything by just flashing a smile."
She shook her head in exasperation while packing the rest of Thomas' awards away.
Her brother returned, frowning slightly at the few items that were left.
"Moving into your home seems like a new beginning, doesn't it?" She asked, attempting to sound innocent.
Perhaps a little too innocently.
His eyes narrowed. "What are you getting at?"
"Nothing." She kept her back to him. "Just that life itself can change when one moves out of their comfort zone."
"I'm moving to a home I personally designed as my comfort zone." He grumbled.
She grit her teeth at how obtuse he could be sometimes. "I meant that you will have a place where new memories can be made without the stigma of the old."
He stopped packing and folded his arms. "What new memories are you talking about?"
"Well," she shrugged a shoulder. "You'll be making new movies. Throwing parties--"
"I'm not throwing parties."
"New romance." She continued, pretending he had not interrupted.
"I'm not interested." He informed her.
"You will be when you meet the right person." She set the last of his awards in the box. "Thomas, you built a home with eight bedrooms."
"And what better way to fill them than with a family!" She exclaimed.
"Rachel, I built those for visitors. Plus, I am using some of those rooms for--"
"When do you invite people to stay with you?" She snapped. "And don't you dare say you are using them for your movie paraphernalia."
Thomas ran his hands over his face. "Rachel, I appreciate your concern, but I am perfectly content as a bachelor. I don't have to worry about whether or not I am focusing on a relationship like I should when a new film comes my way. The unnecessary drama of trying to figure out how serious we should be or--"
"That's why I have the perfect person for you!"
His eyes widened. "What?"
"You mean, who." She smiled at him. "I found someone who understands getting swept away with artistic endeavors."
"Rachel, you are not setting me up with someone." He stated firmly.
"Yes, I am." She argued. "Nadia is the one for you."
"Nadia?" Thomas' frown firmed as he tried to recall how he knew that name. "Your old roommate? The one you claimed was deeply in love with love?"
"That was nearly ten years ago." Rachel waved her hand dismissively. "She's mellowed some."
"No." He snapped. "Thank you for what I assume is a loving gesture on your part, but I am not interested."
"You're meeting her Thursday night for dinner at La Boucherie ." Rachel informed him. "Then escorting us next Friday to The Royal Romance party." She hefted her box and walked out the door, yelling, "Don't even think of getting out of it!"
Ryan dodged her on his way back inside. "What's wrong with Rachel?"
"She set me up on a blind date." Thomas replied bitterly. "One I neither asked for nor wanted."
The Royal Romance movie set, Tuesday the 16th...
"Here's the ballroom where we have the big BOOM" Tommy Phelps moved his hands like a bomb blowing up.
"But the night when Liam was crowned King was when the photos happened." Riley pointed out. "Not the night when the Sons of the Earth attacked."
"Love how you're thinking." Tommy said. "But we thought fireworks exploding during that big reveal of you and Tariq would really hammer home how little control you had."
"That moment was fraught with turmoil." Liam argued. "I had to immediately come up with a way to keep Riley safe while also trying to find a way to be with her." He looked about the ballroom. "I don't think fireworks do justice to that heartbreaking moment."
He shifted his daughter in his arms when she grunted.
Riley slipped her arm around him. She alone knew how he still suffered from that one night's decision. To this day, he apologized for being unable to choose her in that moment.
While the director continued to discuss options with the royal couple, Maxwell led the others to meet their actors.
"And this is Ryan Summers, aka me." Maxwell cocked his head to the side as he studied the man. "It's like looking in a mirror."
"I don't think you know what a mirror is." Drake commented.
"See." Seth pointed out. "This is what I am talking about. I need to know how you use your snark when talking to others."
"I still can't believe they chose Seth Levine for Drake." Amanda whispered to Olivia. "He is nothing like him."
Olivia nodded before turning her attention to the actress cast as her. "They made the right choice for me. Victoria Fontaine is known for not taking crap from anyone."
The normally blonde beauty had her hair the exact shade of Olivia's rich red locks. She was in the midst of training with a pair of daggers.
"She's got potential." Olivia muttered. When she noticed Amanda's lack of comment, she turned to see what held her attention.
"Really Amanda?" She teased. "You're drooling."
She quickly touched the corner of her dry parted lips before scowling. "Look at him!" She whispered. "He's more handsome than I expected."
"I guess Ryan is not too hard on the eyes." Olivia conceded.
"Amanda!" Maxwell motioned for her to come over. "I need you to tell Ryan how wonderful I am."
She steeled herself and hoped she didn't succumb to giggling like an idiot when he spoke to her.
Ryan held his hand out. "So this is the other friend who only knew of circumstances through phone calls?"
"That's me." Amanda could feel her skin flush from her neck to the tips of her ears. "I was away caring for my late uncle during Liam's search."
Maxwell grinned at her hand remaining in Ryan's. "She was the voice of reason whenever I called in a panic. If anyone can tell you what I went through during my times alone, it is the duchess I would call at three in the morning for encouragement."
"You won’t mind my pestering you?" Ryan's smile flashed causing her cheeks to turn darker.
"Not at all." She replied, smiling shyly back.
"Sounds like you two could use that dinner reservation I won't be able to make." Maxwell interjected. "Perfect opportunity to talk about me."
"What?" Amanda turned abruptly toward him. Her hand slipped from Ryan's grasp.
"Thursday night, seven o'clock. My agent unfortunately scheduled a last-minute book signing for that night. " Maxwell quirked an eyebrow at Ryan. "Any chance you could take her to dinner at La Boucherie?"
"Maxwell--" her voice almost squeaked with embarrassment. "I... I’m sure Ryan has...we can't..."
"Sure." Ryan responded. "I'll come by and pick you up." He smiled once more at Amanda as he left the two to speak to Tommy.
She pinched Maxwell underneath his arm.
"Ow!" He rubbed the spot. "What was that for."
"Did you just set me up with Ryan Summers?" Amanda hissed.
"Are you asking if I concocted a plan to have one of my best friends go to a romantic dinner for two with the one actor she gasped over when he removed his shirt during a love scene?" He countered.
She dropped her head in her hands. "Maxwell!"
"You're welcome." His sing song voice taunted her as he left her alone.
"Here you go Chris." Addison helped him into another jacket. "Better?" She asked when he moved his arms.
"Much better." He replied. "Thanks Addison."
She smiled and went to check on Cassandra's ballgown, pausing when she overheard one of the nobles talking about someone she knew well.
"I still think Thomas Hunt should have directed this." The dark-haired duchess muttered behind her cup.
"You sure it isn't your crush on him making you say that?" Asked the guy that was clearly best friends with the king.
Addison ducked behind a column to continue to eavesdrop. She peeked around it to see how the duchess looked when responding.
"Just because I've always found him attractive doesn't mean he isn't a talented director. When I think of all he could have done with this story--" she smacked the man's arm.
"Amanda, what was that for?!" He asked.
"You know what you were doing, Drake Walker." She wagged a finger at him. “I don’t make that expression whenever I talk about him.”
"Would you have been able to concentrate on the tour if Hunt was directing?" Drake teased.
Amanda's cheeks turned red. "I highly doubt it." She lowered her eyes. "I was secretly hoping we could still meet him." She looked around the set. "Seems unlikely now."
"You've got a few weeks to casually bump into him." Drake countered, nudging her side. "Just because you haven't seen him after a day or so in Hollywood, doesn't mean you won't."
Addison studied the noble closely. She might work for Thomas, she thought. Then the next words she overheard caused her to decide then and there to set Thomas up with this lady.
"I guess we better rejoin the others. Tommy probably has this whole soundstage rigged to blowup like every other movie he has directed." Amanda grumbled. "Would it kill him to stick to the heartache and romance of Liam and Riley's story?"
Addison quickly pulled her phone out and sent a quick text.
Holly. I found her.
Later that afternoon, The Beverly Wiltshire...
Nadia closed her eyes and sank deeper into the pool, sighing at how wonderful it felt. She tilted her head back, enjoying the sensation of the cool water mixed with the warmth of the sun.
She might have to visit California more often.
She sat up with a start, spluttering at the wave of water that crashed over her.
"I'm so sorry! You okay? I tripped and almost landed on you. It was either splashing you or drowning you."
She rubbed her eyes and blinked at the man nearly tripping over his words with the speed he was speaking. A pair of startling blue eyes were narrowed in concern at her silence.
Her lips parted at the face that slowly came into focus. The very face that graced the cover of the book she kept on her nightstand sheepishly smiled at her.
"I hope I didn't hurt you." He said, dimples deepening.
"I'm fine." She managed to say, smiling at him. "Besides, if I didn't want to get wet, I shouldn't have come to the pool."
His smile grew. "I've never understood people who want to just lay out by water. Who can resist how great it is to swim?"
"Exactly!" She exclaimed. "I'm usually the one having to drag my best friend into the water. He thinks he is too old to play in the pool."
Maxwell shook his head in sympathy. "It takes special people to be friends with such a person. We have to work so much harder to make sure they have fun."
"That's what I always say!" Nadia covered her mouth at how loud her words were. She was so excited to be talking to the Maxwell Beaumont that she lost all volume control.
He smiled and held his hand out. "I'm Maxwell by the way."
"I know." She bounced a little in the water with meeting him on her first day out. "I am your biggest fan! Well, me and Rachel are. I can't tell you how much I LOVE your book!"
Maxwell couldn't stop smiling. "I love meeting a fan."
Her bouncing began to make waves. "Fan hardly describes it. Not that I'm like obsessed with you or anything." She quickly amended. "I've had a stalker fan before. Not. Fun. At. All. Huge fan of your work is a little more appropriate."
His smile dimmed. "You had a stalker?" His eyes swept over her. "I wish I had Amanda here. She could tell me what movie I must have seen you in."
Nadia laughed and shook her head. "I doubt it. I've never done any acting. I'm an artist." She explained moving her hand as if it held a brush. "Paints and canvas."
He playfully wiped his brow in relief. "Thank goodness. I was about to call a doctor to check me over for a head injury if I had forgotten someone like you."
Her cheeks flushed. "I--that's so--thank you." She clasped her hands together to keep from fidgeting. "If you are ever in New York, you'll have to come by my gallery."
"New York huh?" His eyes held hers. "I should have known. After meeting Riley there, I've learned that amazing women come from that city."
Nadia thought she might melt right then and there.
He moved a little closer to her. "Nadia, I don't suppose--"
"Maxwell!" Hana called out. "There you are!" She sent a brief smile toward Nadia. "Sorry to interrupt but Tommy's been trying to get a hold of you. He needs to discuss another scene he thinks needs to be amped up."
"Be right there." His smile disappeared at having to leave. "It was nice meeting you Nadia."
"Best day ever." She replied.
He fought his grin. "Any chance you'll be staying in Hollywood for a while."
"A couple of weeks." She replied.
"Here? At the hotel?" He pushed himself out of the pool.
She became speechless at the sight of him shirtless and dripping wet. "Um. Hmm? Yeah."
He quickly dried off. "Then I hope to splash you again." He winked at her and hurried off.
She watched him until he went back inside before ducking under the water. She let out a squeal once under then popped back to the surface.
Nadia scrambled out of the pool and reached for her phone. "Rach? I JUST MET MAXWELL BEAUMONT!"
Later that night at The Ivy...
At a table for four out on the back patio, Holly waved to get her friend’s attention.
"Hey guys." Addison pulled a chair out and collapsed. "I needed this."
Steve chuckled at her actions. "Hard day?"
"Hard barely covers it." She grumbled. "With all the fireworks and explosions, I'm going to have to find flame retardant material to make ballgowns out of."
"Could be worse." Holly countered. "You could be helping Thomas move into his new home."
Steve grimaced at the reminder of his current assignment. "Or trying to draw up the right plans for his guest house." He rubbed his temple. "I somehow convinced myself that it would go easier after drawing up blueprints for his dream home." He downed his cocktail. "I've never been more wrong."
"He is a demanding, highly detailed man." Holly muttered. "Turns out great on film but is such a pain to work with."
"At least with Thomas, there aren't any surprises." Addison countered. "I'd willingly trade spots right now for a break from Tommy."
"Don't worry. You'll soon be back where you belong." Holly lifted her menu and grinned. "Tortured with the rest of us as we deal with Mr. Hunt's next vision."
"This is the last time I volunteer to work under Tommy." Addison swore.
Steve leaned closer and lifted a blonde lock of her hair. "Addison? Did you get burned?"
She glanced down and let out a shrill shriek. "MY HAIR!"
Holly coughed to cover her laughter. "I'm so sorry." Tears fell with her suppressed laughter. "I'm not laughing about what happened, just your reaction."
Addison dropped her head on the table with a loud thunk. "I need drinks."
"On it." Steve got their waiter's attention and ordered her favorite.
She sighed and resumed sitting up straight. "Thanks."
"Cheer up." Holly nudged her. "We can get your hair cut in a cute style before Matt gets back in town."
"I know." She mumbled.
Steve and Holly shared a glance at their friend’s unusual low spirits. "So tell us about this woman you found for Thomas."
Steve quirked an eyebrow. "I'm curious how you plan on getting them together. He's already trying to get out of one blind date."
"Blind date?" Addison narrowed her eyes. "But I found the perfect one! Who set him up?"
"Rachel." Holly explained. "With an old roommate of hers."
"She's an artist from New York." Steve added.
"No. Nope. She will not be his perfect match. The lady from Cordonia will." Addison argued. "And I think I know how to get them to meet. Is Thomas still planning on doing that sci-fi movie?"
"You know he is." Holly answered, wondering where she was going with this. "He's been taking his time with it during this move. Plans on focusing on it in a few weeks."
Addison pulled her phone out. "Don't judge me for this, but I took some pictures of the one I want for him."
Her friends studied the first image.
"She's pretty." Steve zoomed in on her face.
"I agree." Holly studied the next picture Addison had snapped.
"Look at her eyes." Addison pointed out.
The two were silent as they did as she said.
"Okay." Steve said slowly. "She has beautiful eyes."
"Oh." Holly blinked. "Oh, you're good."
"Right?!" Addison exclaimed.
"Am I missing something?" Steve asked.
"When are you doing this?" Holly asked. "How will you get her to do this?"
"I overheard her say she hoped to go on a tour of the studio. I thought I could offer to take her to Thomas's soundstage and," she scrunched her shoulders with anticipation, "watch the two fall in love."
"Hello?" Steve waved at them. "Guy over here that isn't fluent in Chang-Sinclaire-ese."
"Addison is going to pretend she's found the perfect person to play the female lead in Thomas's next film." Holly explained. "He has stated more than once that he believes he needs an actress with large, expressive eyes."
"Oh." He looked down at Amanda's face again. "You are good."
 "Good enough to have you buy dinner for me?" Addison teased.
"I did just build a multimillion-dollar home." He pretended to think about it. "And you were singed on the job."
Addison clasped her hands together. "Think of my poor hair and how desperately it needs nutrients."
"I guess I could be talked into it." He smiled at her. "I do owe you both for recommending me to Thomas."
"Wait, you're paying for mine too?" Holly rose halfway out of her chair to search for their waiter. "I need to add to my order."
Once they had their entrees, Addison studied the two closely as they talked about their day. Feeling confident in her choice for Thomas, she began to wonder which individuals she could match them with.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Nick Amaro x Reader-Chapter 12
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“Are you willing to take that risk?” 
Barry’s words wouldn’t leave your mind. He was right, the only thing stopping you was fear. Fear of losing your friend, or hurting him. At this point it felt like you’d already done both of those. 
“Hey sunshine.” your eyes lifted at Fin’s greeting. “Hey Fin, have you seen Rollins. Cisco left me a gift for her.” It was a STAR Labs sweater, he insisted you give it to her. Fin chuckled. 
“That kid, I doubt he could handle Rollins.”
“You’d be surprised. “ Now that you thought about it, Cisco seemed attracted to very dangerous women. Kendra, Golden Glider, Gypsy, now Rollins. He really did have a type.
Rollins walked in just then with a very disgruntled looking Nick. Carisi was behind them mouthing ‘don’t ask’. You raised a brow. Fin apparently didn’t heed the warning. 
“What’s wrong with you?” he questioned. Said question just made the growing crease in Nick’s forehead deepen. “Alright, got it.” Fin replied. He took a seat, and everyone slowly gravitated to their own corners. The air was tense. You wanted to know why he was in such a bad mood, but at the same time, you were already on shaky ground with Nick. So maybe tipping the boat wasn’t exactly the smartest plan. “I’m a little peckish. Think I’ll go get a quick bite. Anyone want anything?” You hoped your offer would cut the tension in the room. 
“I’m good.” Nick answered gruffly. You frowned. You moved to get up, but the sight of a familiar brunette caught your attention. “Isn’t that..” you started but Amanda shook her head vigorously, advising you not to say anything. The reason behind Nick’s horrible mood was starting to make sense. That was the woman Nick was seeing for the past two weeks. 
There she was now, chatting it up with another detective in the unit. From the way she was casually touching his shoulder and leaning into him, you could tell. “That tramp.” you thought with a glare. No wonder he was angry. You could imagine how Nick felt. From his perspective it must have seemed that women were just tearing him down left and right. Now you felt bad. If you’d just given him a chance, maybe things would be different. He’d probably never take another one on you. 
Even if that was the case, maybe you could do something to make him feel a little better. Your eyes caught the cup of coffee in the woman’s hand and you grinned. Gold flickered in your orbs and her hand titled on its own. She gasped when the liquid spilled all over the other detective’s expensive suit. He jumped back, letting out a shout at the hot liquid that unfortunately landed on his crotch. You winced a little. Most of the precinct saw what happened and you ducked your head when the eyes of your team landed on you. 
“You can’t prove a thing.” you said in one quick breath. Amanda watched  you for a few seconds, before she burst out laughing. Carisi and Fin joined in. Pretty soon you were laughing too. You chanced a look in Nick’s direction. He was wearing a small smile. Hope didn’t seem that lost after all. 
“Thank you for stopping by Barry, come back anytime.” He gave one last hug, standing at the door. “I will. I have a feeling Cisco won’t mind coming back either.” That you believed. He really was relentless. A knock on your door caused you and Barry to look over. You reached for the knob, opening it. Nick was on the other side, he was shuffling on his feet. He looked up when he saw the door open. 
“Hey (Y/N) I-” he stopped himself when he saw Barry. 
“I didn’t realize you had company.” 
“No it’s fine. I was just leaving. “ Barry moved over, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He winked at you. “See you soon.” he said. Just like that he was gone in a gust of wind and a spark of red light. Nick stood there, wide eyed. His short hair looked partially ruffled from the wind. “He’s fast.” you added. 
“Yeah no shit!” you smiled at Nick’s reaction. “Just so you know, you’re the only one that knows his identity right now. Try to resist telling Carisi. He won’t ever stop with the questions. “ 
Nick stepped in, still trying to process what just happened. 
“Wait a second he’s the-”
“And he-”
“That’s right.” 
“But that’s-”
“Impossible.” you finished. “Trust me, don’t try to find a logical explanation. You won’t find one. “ 
You closed the door, offering him a chair to sit on. “You want a glass of water or something.” He shook his head, not taking a seat either. He just looked at you.
“I’m okay.” Now that he was standing there, you were curious why. He was still wearing a dress shirt and slacks from work, so your guess was he came straight over after he clocked out. 
“If you wanted to kiss him before he left you could have. I shouldn’t have come by when I did.” 
“Kiss him? “ your puzzled look earned a gesture from Nick. 
“Nick you’ve got it all wrong he’s married.” His hands moved to his waist. 
“Wait….you’re having an affair with him?”
“NO! God No.” It was a laughable thought. “Trust me there is absolutely nothing there. Barry would never in a million years cheat on his wife. Neither would I. Cheat that is. Barry and I grew up together. We’ve known each other for ages.”
“Oh, well okay.” You could have been sure you saw relief on Nick’s face. 
“That’s good, not sure if I could compete with a guy that runs faster than Carisi devours his mother’s home cook cannoli.” 
 You smiled at his joke. Then you really thought about what he said. 
“Compete with him?” you asked hopefully. Nick stepped closer, not touching you, but with the lack of distance, he didn’t really have to. Just his presence had you weak. 
“I know what you said before, and in all honesty you’re right. Nothing ever ends well when partners get involved. I’ve been on this job long enough to know. Olivia told me about her previous partner, Elliot. From what I heard around the squad, they weren’t just partners. And we all know how that ended.  “ you heard rumors, but Olivia clarified that he left her. Without so much as a goodbye. You weren’t sure if you could take it if Nick ever did that. Just up and left you with no warning. 
“I know Nick, trust me I know. That’s why I said we should stop it before it got to that point. Our partnership is already far from normal. The things I can do. Things I’ve done. I feel like I’m living in a constant state of fear.”
He was afraid you would agree with him. The plan was to come back and repair your relationship. He was tired of walking on eggshells. He didn’t care if you were unwilling to pursue anything more than friends. He just missed his partner. That being said, it didn’t stop him from hoping you would want something more. That hope would always be there. He was just going to have to find a way to deal with it. 
“You don’t have to worry about that anymore. Listen, the past two weeks I’ve been a dick. I think we can both agree on that. I was pissed at you, and the truth is I was wrong. When I tried to force those feelings on someone else, everyone saw how well that worked out. “
“Yeah, can’t say I’m sorry to see her go.” you snickered. Nick couldn’t stop the smile that played on his lips. 
“Ha ha very funny. Don’t think I didn’t see your little trick.” 
“Where’s the evidence officer? “ you raised your hands with a giggle. Nick shook his head with a smile. 
“Anyway, I just wanted to apologize. I respect you (Y/N), and I respect your decision. As long as I have my partner I’m fine.” you gave him a pointed look. 
“Are you sure?” you took another step forward, closing what little space you had between each other. You didn’t miss the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. He licked his lips, from the look in his eyes you could tell it was an impulse action. 
“What..” he muttered lost. 
You licked your own lips, hands reaching to rest on his shoulders. You finally leaned all the way in, to the point where your chest was pressed to his. Your hands wrapped around his neck, and you had to look up to see into his eyes. At your height, he was still a few inches taller. 
“I’m tired of being afraid, Nick. I want to feel something, something real. And I want to experience it with you, because…” you closed your eyes, when they reopened Nick took in a sharp breath. 
You could always tell when your eyes changed around him. His reactions were so obvious. “Because with you..everything feels right. I want to give this a chance. I-If that’s what you still want.” 
Now he thought maybe he was hallucinating. His forehead leaned on yours and he knew. It was real. “Of course I want this.” he breathed. You beamed at him. “That’s good. “Nick hugged you, pulling a deep breath. It felt like forever since either of you were this close.
“By the way, jealous Nick is adorable. “ He pulled back . 
“I wasn't jealous, I was just concerned.” he protested. 
“Suuuure you were.” you mocked. He closed his eyes with a laugh. “Okay, maybe just a little. What do you expect. The guy is a hero. I was afraid I’d have to wear tights to impress you. “ you giggled. “No need, I’m not sure you could rock it. Besides, you’re a hero too Nick. “ He was about to argue, but the genuine look in your eyes made him decide against it. You really did see him that way. 
“I appreciate that (Y/N).” 
“It’s all true. “ Now that everything was resolved, you weren’t sure what to do. Just a few seconds ago he was about to kiss you. You wanted him to, but maybe after all that happened, taking it slow was the best way to go. You couldn’t risk a mistake by pushing too fast, too quickly. You turned, breaking eye contact. You moved to the fridge to get him a drink.
“So since you're already here, how about you chill for a while and-” Nick’s hand pressed to the fridge, shutting it. He was right behind you. He moved so quietly, you didn’t even hear him. 
“I’m a little thirsty for something else.” the sudden drop in his voice made you quiver. You almost lost it when he pressed a kiss to the back of your neck. “I hope you realize you can’t say all those things and expect me to leave here without a kiss.” 
You bit down on your lower lip. You were still caged to the fridge. He had you right where he wanted you. Your head lifted and you glanced over your shoulder. Slowly, you turned around, now fully facing him. “Just one kiss.” you spoke. He smirked. “Of course. “ your eyes narrowed at the playful look in his eyes. You leaned on your tiptoes, reaching up and pressing a quick peck to his lips. 
“Okay, that’s it.” 
“Come on! That was hardly a kiss.” he complained. It’s not like you didn’t want to, you were just afraid if you gave him a proper one, you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself after just one kiss. 
Nick shifted, invading your space, and this time he initiated the kiss. He pulled you to his body, lifting you slightly off the ground to match his height. Your hands moved over his shoulders and into his hair, forgetting everything else. He kissed you with vigor, tongue wasting no time, slipping past your lips. He deepened the kiss, trying to memorize your taste, your smell. 
Your fingers found merit in his short dark locks, and you were tugging lightly, trying to urge a sound out of him. He complied, a soft grunt leaving his throat. All you could hear was the pounding of your heart in your chest. It was getting louder and louder as the kiss progressed. When you separated, you were shocked to see that you were no longer in the kitchen, but now pressed to the couch. Nick was grinning at you like a teenager. 
“How...do you keep doing that?” you asked between pants. You didn’t feel him move at all. 
“It’s a secret.” he said softly. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, brushing your hair behind your ear. 
Apparently you weren’t the only one with a superpower. 
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chrisevansbabymama · 5 years
Daddy Hair Care - Chapter 4.1
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Chapter 3
Chapter 4.1 - American Boy:
It was 9:51pm when Kayla looked up as the semi-sheer curtains on her booth were drawn open and Chris hovered above her. She locked her iPhone screen, the gadget that had served as a good distraction and company as she waited for him and Lauren. Keith and Tiffany had opted out.
After sending Chris off to his press event, Lauren retreated back to her suite a few doors down to nap, whilst Kayla went back home. She could have napped, but she used the hour to get ready for the dinner. It may or may not have had something to do with making an effort for Chris. She consulted her best friends’ Amanda and Michelle’s help, who co-signed that she should look “casually sexy,” like she wasn’t even trying to make an effort. So she settled for a no make-up, make-up look but with a bold lip. Her lips were her favourite feature. Then she wore high-waisted mom jeans that accentuated her butt (another one of her favourite features), completed with a roll-neck and satin heels.
But Chris had turned up on his own and still wearing the four-digit expensive suit from the event. He looked just as dreamy as he did when he left his suite earlier.
“Hey,” she greeted, taking him in as he slid in the booth opposite her.
His cologne wafted the small space. She breathed him in.
“Hey London,” he said and slid off his coat.
“Hollywood,” she shot back before chuckling at her nickname, “You haven’t called me that in a while,”
“I forgot I even used to call you that,” he smiled and then eyed her drink. “Have you guys ordered - where’s Lauren?”
“I thought she was coming with you?” Kayla explained, only to be met with his perplexed expression. “She told me she was running late and was going to
wait for you to come back to the hotel to change, and then you’d come together,”
“No,” he said slowly, recalling his conversation with her earlier. “I spoke to her when I was leaving the event just twenty minutes ago and she said she was already here with you,”
Even more confused by the mismatching narrative, Chris chewed on his bottom lip, deep in contemplation. This wasn’t like Lauren to lie. But she had said she was tired and wanted to spend the evening and all weekend in bed, before she came up with the plan to go out for dinner.
Kayla noticed his face change as if he suddenly had an epiphany; he shook his head in disbelief.
“Seb,” he muttered, concluding quickly.
Kayla’s eyebrows knit together, now just as confused as he was.
“I bet she’s with him,” Chris said confidently with a nod.
But that didn’t make sense to Kayla; why wouldn’t Lauren tell Chris the truth if that was the case? And why did she lie to her and insist that she was coming out for dinner? But she shook her head, dismissing the thought. They were not best friends, so Lauren didn’t owe her an explanation about her private life; Chris perhaps, not her. And she supposed it made sense that she was lying if she was sneaking around with Seb.
But Kayla immediately had her own epiphany; that she was going to be spending the evening alone with Chris. She suddenly felt sick. Of course she’d been in his company, alone, on multiple occasions when Lauren had slipped out of the dressing room or his hotel suite to return his loaned suits, or grab a coffee.
But never like this, never in an intimate setting where she wasn’t working and had that to distract her. All of a sudden being up close to his face on a daily basis wasn’t as intimidating as this scenerio. She actually felt bad for Chris. He was the one getting the short end of the stick and now stuck with her, she bet he probably preferred to be in his suite with room service instead of this.
“Shall we call her?”
“Hmm, maybe not,” Chris replied quickly. “Probably best to leave her to it,”
“I’m sorry,”
“For what?”
“You’re stuck with me,” she shrugged, she lowered her posture. “Rain check? We can rearrange it for another time with everyone else?”
He paused, scrutinising her concernedly, “Why? You tired? I mean, I’m hungry and I could really eat so I’d prefer not to turn this down,”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you kidding? I’ve been looking forward to this since we talked about it at the hotel,” Chris reached for the menu. “You scared of being alone with me without your crutch, Lauren?”
“Oh shut up,” she huffed, her posture straightened back up without much thought.
“Just me and you London,”
And just like that, she felt normal around him again.
“How was the event?” she finally asked to break the silence as he studied the menu.
He sighed and gave her a look, that although she wasn’t Lauren - who was an expert at reading him, she understood this look: just…don’t.
“That bad?”
“I just hate those events, I knew no one. Y’just kinda stand around and mingle with a champagne in hand and pop a canapé here and there, and keep smiling for the cameras. It was a recipe for an anxiety attack,” he rolled his eyes. “I couldn’t wait to leave, at least I had this to look forward to,”
Had been looking forward to this as much as she had? Was he counting down the minutes, like she had been too?
“And as usual, every journalist was asking me about my Cap diet,” he rolled his eyes. “That’s all they know to talk about,”
“Like you’re some piece of meat,” Kayla offered to lighten up the mood, after noticing how distressed he was getting.
And it worked, he was startled at first but then a grin marked his features, letting her know that he was okay with the sparring. But that precipitated the nerves again for her; she could handle him, but usually that had been with Lauren in the audience. On her own, she felt cornered like he would see through her jokes.
“Like some piece of meat,” he echoed and then his voice went up an octave as he feigned pain in a playful voice. “I am more than my looks, I’m someone’s son and I’m a daddy,”
A daddy...she mused.
Kayla looked down to hide the smile threatening to light up her features. She needed to get out of her own head if she was going to survive this evening with him. As that realisation hit her again, coming to her in waves, her heart
thudded and she glanced at her phone. If only she could tell her friends that she was now out alone with him. But there was no way she could pick up the gadget surreptitiously and not only because it was rude, but her palms were a sweaty mess.
“I’m going to treat myself tonight, London. I’m going all out, what’s the greasiest option here?” he gave her a determined look. “Let’s give them a different variation of Cap’s body and see what they will ask me,”
“I’d recommend the tempura options if you really want to suck it to them, otherwise there’s not much grease here,” Kayla pointed out, receiving a child-like groan from the man across the table.
He grumbled, scanning the menu quickly to confirm that nothing else on there was going to satiate his appetite. The second he left the press event he had decided that it was going to be a cheat night; but he wasn’t going to find his pleasure in a sushi restaurant.  
“Wanna go somewhere else?”
“Oh no, it’s fine. I’ve already made you wait all this time-“
“It’s okay. I would love a proper meal too, since someone’s made me wait this long to eat,”
“Sorry,” Chris said sheepishly, catching the playful shot at him for making her wait.
“C’mon Hollywood,” she wiggled her eyebrows. “I know a place,”
“This is everything I didn’t even know I needed,” Chris groaned with a mouthful of food.
It was a short while later when the two found themselves tucked away in the back of a darkly lit unassuming Lower East Side eatery. As her go-to for comfort food, Kayla thought it was ideal spot for Chris hide away. The sushi restaurant scene was almost too similar to the crowd he had left at the magazine party; dressed up, well-heeled, mini dresses and cleavage, suits and perfume drenched guests everywhere, with sake on the drinks menu.
Despite being overdressed for this crowd, they felt more relaxed. At the eatery, there were distressed jeans, sneakers, thick layered outfits to combat the cold, and drinks on the menu with names like Freaky Friday and OMG! They Killed Henny. Chris was tickled and he’d giggled at the names for longer than they warranted.  But Kayla didn’t mind, she appreciated his sense of humour and that he didn’t take things too seriously.
“I could so eat this every day,” she told him wearing a look of adoration; happy to be eating at long last.
“I’m impressed, London. The concept always seemed bizarre to me, but this is golden,” he reached for syrup and drizzled it all over his waffles until they were swimming in the saccharine liquid.
Kayla felt all giddy at impressing Chris. She loved their little sparring matches and quips, but when he was complimentary, it gave her confidence that he took her seriously. She wasn’t just there for some comic relief.
“Is this really your first time trying chicken and waffles or are you trying to be cute?”
“Believe me, it is and I’m not proud of it,”
“Wow, I’m disappointed Evans,” she meant it.
“I don’t get out much, and I’m not allowed to eat this stuff,”
“You sound like a kid! Surely you have cheat days?”
“Usually it’s pizza, nachos, ice cream and beer. I’m a creature of habit,” he shrugged, shoving his face with another bite. “A simple guy,”
“I just thought chicken and waffles was simple? Isn’t it the most basic combo -the American equivalent to fish and chips?” she commented. “I bet you don’t cook. Do you cook?”
“Do I cook? Of course I cook,” he gave her a ridiculous look.
“Hey,” she looked at him pointedly. “I could have asked you what your Cap diet consists of,”
He deadpanned, “Yeah, touché,”
“Okay, so what do you cook, what’s your knockout meal? I gotta warn you, my standards are low,”
“I can knock a tagine out the park…pesto eggs…I make mean pesto eggs,”
“I don’t believe it,”
He shrugged, “Not really fair if I can’t prove myself without a kitchen,”
“What’s your ‘knockout’ meal?”
“I make a good pad thai, and I bake a lot too,”
“I don’t believe it,” he mocked her with a lopsided grin. “Prove it,”
“Unlike some people,” she coughed a ‘you’ under her breath. “Some of us are normal and don’t live in hotels, so I actually can prove it,”
He looked at her, shocked at the low blow. She flinched at the expression, realising how insensitive she came across.
“Chris, I’m so sorry, that was so insensitive,”
“It was,” he pointed a look at her, but the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth put her at ease; he hadn’t taken offence. “You owe me, now you have to cook for me,”
Caught off-guard by his flirty remark, she became shy; imagining the domesticity of his proposal. It was something that had always occupied her imagines and thoughts on a few too many occasions.
Chris blushed. It was almost visible, his face had turned a soft pink hue as he also imagined it: watching her taking charge of the kitchen to cook for him. He was certain that she was a good cook. Lucky for him, the dim lighting had obscured just how bashful he was.
“I’ll help you, of course, because otherwise that’s just sexist of me to demand you to cook for me,” he corrected.
Everyone inch of Kayla’s feminist inhibition wanted to say ‘damn right,’ but the sexiness of this entire scenerio crippled her.
Patriarchy 1 - 0 Kayla.
“You seem very convinced that it’s going to happen,”
“Speaking it into existence,” he imitated her mantra with a wink that she didn’t know what to do with.
So really if she played her cards right, she could have Chris Evans in her home? And cook for him?
“We’ll see,” she said casually, but deep inside she was screaming.
“Don’t you feel sorry for me? I eat out of take out boxes, or room service. I miss a good home-cooked meal,”
“That hardly seems like a nightmare,”
“You’re lucky I’m not travelling for the Infinity War press tour. I’d love to take you with me and see how you survive out of your territory,”
To him it was a careless and empty threat, but to Kayla, she hung onto the fact that he had even considered her as an option.
“You’re just showing off because New York is your territory,” he continued.
“Hardly! London’s my territory,” she laughed at how worked up he was getting. “So what’s brought you out tonight if eating out isn’t your favourite thing to do? You’re usually one to hide away indoors?”
“Seb’s been bothering me to get out more and ‘put myself out there’ to start dating again, I kinda ignored him until my ma said the exact same thing,” he sat back. “Which clearly means that I have a boring life. If I’m not with Mya or Dodger, I’m either napping or working,”
“So your tactic to live a carefree life is to hide at the very back of a hidden restaurant, stuff your face with waffles drenched in syrup?”
“It’s a good start, baby steps,” he considered, before they both started laughing.
Kayla considered what he meant by ‘putting himself out there,’ had he been reserving himself all along? She wondered how long he’d take to make a move on her if he liked her. Then she felt ridiculous for even thinking it possible, Chris was clearly the type that made a move if he liked someone. Judging by his lifestyle and age; being a dad and all, with a career going for him, he didn’t seem like the type to waste time. He had that sexy and mature ‘I know what I want and I get what I want’ aura about him.
So why hadn’t he made his move, if he liked her as much as Lauren proposed?
“As the singles on Team Chris Evans, me and you should make a pact,” he lifted his glass and nodded at hers. She mirrored him.  “From now on, we are going to make time and put ourselves out there,”
It wasn’t a secret that she was single, but she’d never had a conversation with him for him to know that she was. Something about the way he made that assumption bothered her. Was she that unappealing that it was obvious she was single?
She didn’t call him out on his (albeit correct) assumption though, she clinked her glass against his as he made a toast to being single ‘but ready to mingle.’ Really, the playing field wasn’t levelled; if he wanted, he could be in a relationship tomorrow. He had a queue of women around the world ready to say yes to him.
But she smiled and pretended it was okay, like she knew to.
Like she always did.
Like she always had to.
Chris downed the last of his beverage and sat back again, satisfied. A food coma was imminent, so he stifled a yawn and stretched. Even then, it was a sight for Kayla, it wasn’t even the way his muscles contracted and wrestled with his dress shirt. He just looked so soft and needy. In need of a cuddle, she concluded. The man could just breathe and that was enough for her to lose her senses.
“Long day,” Kayla said sympathetically.
“Man, you have no idea,”
“Let’s get the check,”
“I don’t wanna go home, well, back to the hotel. I’ll just sleep,” he frowned.
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
He looked at her incredulously, “No! It’s a Friday night, putting myself out there and being carefree, remember?”
Kayla thought, “Okay, you can walk me home, that’ll kill sometime,”
“It’s cold,”
“Hence why we’re walking, it’ll keep us warm. I live five minutes from here,”
“That’s not really how the science works,” he stated. She gave him a blank look. He groaned, “A car is better and warm, there is heating,”
“This is so Hollywood of you, Evans. I doubt you’ll meet the woman of your dreams when you’re tucked away in the back of an Uber. Put yourself out there,” she pepped him. “What if you get cold? Carefree, remember?”
What if the woman of my dreams is already there with me? Chris smiled, failing to hide it; Kayla thought her pep-talk was resonating with him.
Chris resigned, “This is so London of you. You’re used to your crappy weather, you can shoulder the cold,”
“You’re so Hollywood, I’m in heels and I’m not complaining,” she pierced her eyes at him. “But you’re all, ‘I’m Chris, I’m from LA where it’s always hot, and I don’t walk anywhere because I have personal chauffeurs-“
“Fine, we are going to walk,” he said determined to show how normal he was.
“Before we go,” she bit her bottom lip nervously, realising he wasn’t putting up a fight anymore. “I kinda lied, it’s more like a fifteen minute walk,”
“Okay, if I’m bearing the cold to get you home, you’re cooking for me next time. I mean that,”
“Deal, and relax, it’s not even that cold,”
Chapter 4.2
Disclaimer: Gif Not My Own
Tags:  @mississippifangirl​ @thinemineours @tessathedragon @thottio​ @caninoona @eratotalles @allonszassbutt @thinemineours @dreamingwithmendes @void-imaginations​ @daybreak96​ @l-auteuse​ @cliffordasparagus @bumber-car-s @lvlyab @melaninmarvel @milkymil-k
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perspective-series · 5 years
Meta Perspective (10)
By: @arc852 and @hiddendreamer67
Warnings: Slight fear and injury mention
(Check the reblog for the links to any future chapters)
Patton hopped up the stairs, Virgil close behind as he made sure his pocket was still during the ride up the stairs. The one that held Amanda. Having her the entire day had made him a bit paranoid but things had gone relatively smoothly, so that was a plus.
 He stopped, however, when he saw two familiar faces at their door. “Roman? Logan?” Patton asked. “What are you doing here?”
 Virgil came up next to them a gave them a confused look. They usually texted when they were on their way over.
Logan was tense, stiff as a board as he attempted not to move and jostle Allison in any way. Luckily, Roman jumped to his aid.
“We were waiting for you!” Roman explained. “We...need to talk to the two of you.” Roman hesitated slightly, realizing they hadn’t exactly rehearsed what exactly they would say to their two best friends slash possible kidnappers. “Although I think it would be best for all involved if we discuss this inside.”
Amanda froze, hearing the mention of other humans. That...certainly wasn’t part of the plan. Though she may be growing comfortable around her humans, Amanda was still wary of meeting any more.
 “Oh! Um, okay?” Patton moved past them to unlock the door and Virgil gave Roman and Logan a look. 
 “The two of you are acting weird…”
“I’ve never acted weird in my life!” Roman insisted.
Logan followed him into the apartment, looking almost like a mannequin with his inhuman movements.
 “...Right.” Virgil said, also stepping into his apartment. He glanced over at Logan, eyebrow raised at how he was walking. “Um, L you good there?”
Logan froze. “...I am functional.”
 Virgil frowned at that but Patton spoke up before Virgil could. “So! What did you want to talk about?” Patton asked.
Roman took a large dramatic step forwards, pointing an accusing finger at the pair. “Are you or are you not harboring a tiny humanoid captive?”
Logan smacked his own forehead.
Inside Patton’s pocket, Amanda paid rapt attention to the conversation going on above her. How could these other humans possibly have reason to suspect she was here?
 Allison groaned. She had wanted this done subtly! Now the other humans were going to suspect she was there.
 Both Patton and Virgil froze. “Um, we uh, we have no idea what you’re talking about.” Patton put on an innocent smile. Meanwhile, Virgil was slightly panicking. Had they not hidden Amanda as well as they thought?
“I think you know exactly what we’re talking about.” Roman insisted, noticing their unease.
“Amanda.” Logan piped up, deciding to cut straight to the point. “We are referring to Amanda.”
Amanda hadn’t thought her back muscles could get more tense. How did these humans possibly know her name? Did Virgil and Patton tell them about her? Was she being set up?
 At the sound of Amanda’s name, Virgil stepped in front of Patton, glaring at his two friends. “...How do you know about her?” 
 Allison’s breath hitched. Oh no, she wasn’t ready for this. Please don’t reveal me.
“A little birdie told us,” Roman answered, realizing it wasn’t that far from the truth. “And we will not stand by and let our best friends be kidnappers any longer!”
Amanda’s eyes widened, beginning to gain an inkling of what was actually going on.
 “Wha..? We’re not kidnappers!” Patton exclaimed. “She’s not here against her will!” Well, not anymore.
 Allison tensed. What? No, that couldn’t be true. They were obviously lying.
Logan and Roman glanced at each other.
“Prove it.” Roman narrowed his gaze.
“Indeed, we would require significant proof of such a claim.” Logan backed him up.
 Patton and Virgil shared a glance with one another. “Uh, one moment.” Patton excused himself and Virgil as they both disappeared into Patton’s bedroom. Once inside, Patton carefully took Amanda out of his pocket and, after checking her over to make sure she was okay, asked, “So...what should we do?”
“Well…” Amanda thought about it, her heart pounding. If her suspicions were correct and Allison was involved in all this, then maybe these humans weren’t so bad. Especially considering the fact that Allison was too timid to get involved with anything but the nicest of humans.
Of course, Amanda also had to consider the path where she was wrong and Allison wasn’t involved. Was she really comfortable revealing herself to two human strangers? The idea seemed daunting, but they were Virgil and Patton’s friends. That meant they couldn’t be too bad...right?
“What do you guys think of them?” Amanda asked, deciding she needed a second opinion.
 “Aww, they’re the best! Roman can get excitable and Logan has trouble expressing himself most of the time but they really are good people.” Patton smiled.
 Virgil shrugged. “Roman’s a bit more than excitable but otherwise, yeah, they’re good.”
“...I think they might have found my friend.” Amanda admitted.
 Patton blinked. “Your...friend?”
 Virgil’s eyebrows furrowed. “Wait, since when did you have a friend?” This was news to the both of them.
“I have a life outside of you two, you know.” Amanda reminded them. 
 “Oh, I know!” Patton was quick to say. “I just, well, I guess I never thought about there being others like you. Though, I guess it only makes sense, huh?” Patton chuckled sheepishly.
 Virgil frowned, remembering what Amanda had just said. “So, wait, you have a friend and you think Logan and Roman have them?”
“Well, she is the only one besides you two who knows my name in the building.” Amanda looked between the two of them. “So, unless it’s an uncanny coincidence, or one of you two told them about me…” Amanda trailed off, having not completely ruled out the possibility.
 Patton put a hand up in a sort of surrender. “We didn’t! We wouldn’t, we promise. Right, Virgil?” Patton turned to his friend, who nodded.
 “Yeah, we didn’t tell anyone. Despite whatever you still may think of us, we wouldn’t do that to you.” Virgil said.
“Sorry.” Amanda winced. “I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything, I just thought...maybe earlier...whatever. Doesn’t matter.” Amanda shook her head. “Then it’s either sheer dumb luck, or they found Allison.”
 “Well...what should we do?” Patton asked. “Do you...want to reveal yourself? Or maybe we can get Allison back another way?”
“...I’m not sure,” Amanda admitted. It felt wrong to reveal herself and possibly put Allison at risk if she wasn’t already involved, but at the same time, it seemed as though there could be no other foreseeable outcome.
 “Well, we have to do something. They’re waiting out there as we speak and coming in here already basically confirmed you’re here, so we can’t exactly tell them you’re not.” Virgil spoke, crossing his arms.
“Ugh, you’re right.” Amanda groaned, hating to admit that. “I just...they’re your friends, right? Do you think that would go, I dunno,” Amanda twiddled her thumbs anxiously, “...poorly?”
 They both shared a glance. “It shouldn't,” Patton said. “If anything, we won’t let it.” He said with a determined look.
 “I think it could have gone worse if they didn’t already know about you but since they do…” Virgil shrugged. 
“Okay. Okay okay okay.” Amanda gave herself a shake, psyching herself up. “Let’s do this then. Quickly, before I lose my nerve again.”
 “You just want me to...carry you out there? Like this?” Patton asked.
“Patton I said quickly!” Amanda rubbed against her forehead, feeling tense. “Now you’re making me second guess it again!”
 “Ah! R-Right!” Patton wasted no time in heading out the door and back into the living room. Virgil was quick to follow and Patton bit his lip as he looked between Amanda and his friends.
Logan’s eyes widened, almost unnerved to see another girl so small. This borrower sat atop Patton’s palms, and just as Allison had said Logan was concerned to see she looked injured.
“...Amanda?” Roman guessed, taking a step forward.
Amanda hesitantly nodded.
 “And she can tell you herself that she isn’t here against her will,” Virgil said with crossed arms.
 Allison desperately wanted to see Amanda for herself but she was still scared to pop her head out and be seen by these new humans. She still didn’t believe them, how could she with the state she saw Amanda in?
Roman and Logan looked to Amanda expectantly.
Amanda pursed her lips, torn between her desire to thwart Virgil and her desire to not anger four human beans at once. 
“...I’m not being held against my will.” Amanda finally admitted.
“How were you injured?” Logan pressed, remaining unconvinced.
“Ah…” Amanda winced. “Long story?”
 “She got her leg stuck in some string. That’s how I first met her, actually.” Patton explained.
 “She also jumped off the bed, which was her own fault.” Virgil also chimed in. “Anyway, enough about Amanda for a second.” His eyes narrowed at his friends. “Because she seems to think you have a...friend, of hers.”
“Where’s Allison?” Amanda pointed an accusing finger at the human Beans.
Roman and Logan shared a glance with one another. “...just one moment, please.” Roman excused them both as this time it was their turn to disappear out into the hall. Once there, Logan held open his pocket, Roman peering over the edge.
“So, what should we do?” Roman asked.
 Allison bit her lip. “I-I don’t know…” What if Amanda was being forced to say those things? But...knowing Amanda, if she was being forced to say something she probably wouldn’t even say it. So...did that mean she really was okay? That those humans were...okay?
 “Do...do you believe them?” Allison asked, looking up at the two humans.
“It seems a plausible explanation, given the state of her injuries.” Logan reasoned. “Although I am a bit confused by the implication of her bringing herself to harm throwing herself off furniture.”
 “Yeah…” If they weren’t keeping her captive, why would she feel the need to do that? Allison groaned, knowing what she would have to do. “I think...I think I need to reveal myself. I need to talk to Amanda and that’s the only way it’s going to happen.”
“Alright, if you’re sure,” Roman said. “We’ll support you no matter what, and we can guarantee nothing will happen to you either way.”
“Guarantee is perhaps the wrong term.” Logan corrected. “After all, we cannot predict any and all outcomes.”
“...fine.” Roman gave the nerd a brief glare. “We will protect you no matter what. There, happy ya linguist?”
 Allison felt a small smile growing on her face. “Th-Thank you.” Now to get out of this pocket, she shifted and managed to get to a stand but was now just hanging off the lip of the pocket. “Um...a little help?” She asked shyly.
Roman glanced to Logan.
“Me?” Logan raised an eyebrow.
“Well, it is your pocket.” Roman reasoned. Frankly, he was beginning to feel odd about focusing so much of his attention into Logan’s chest pocket.
Logan carefully maneuvered his fingers into the pocket, gently lifting Allison out. He set her down on his palm, just as Patton had done with Amanda.
 Allison shook slightly as she sat on Logan’s palm. She had been hoping Roman would help her out but she supposed it made sense for Logan to get her. Still...Logan was still not her favorite person.
“All set?” Roman glanced back, his hand already on the door handle. With a nod from Logan, Roman dramatically threw it open. “All right! Everyone, this is Allison.” Roman stepped to the side, allowing Allison to be seen as Logan entered the room.
Amanda’s eyes widened, shocked to see her assumptions confirmed as Allison sat openly in a palm just like herself. “Allison?” 
“Yes, that’s what I said.” Roman nodded.
 Allison laid eyes on Amanda and her eyes widened. “Amanda!” She felt a smile come on her face but then she met eyes with the other two humans and she started to shake again.
 Patton nor Virgil could believe their eyes, despite the fact they both knew Amanda. It was just strange, seeing another borrower. Patton, however, noticed Allison’s fear and he gave her a gentle smile. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re not going to do anything, promise.”
“He’s harmless,” Amanda assured her, finding it almost odd that someone was afraid of Patton despite herself being frightened of him just the other day. Amanda glanced up at the human holding Allison. “...what about him?”
Logan bit the interior of his lip, concerned about Allison’s response.
 Allison looked behind her, remembering whose hands she was in. “Uhh…” What did she say? “He hasn’t...hurt me?” Physically, at the very least.
 Virgil raised an eyebrow, looking to Logan. “And what is that supposed to mean?” He crossed his arms. Patton was now looking at Logan with a confused and concerned expression. 
Roman muttered something about an idiot jar.
“I placed her inside a mason jar for an extended period of time,” Logan admitted guiltily.
Amanda’s eyes widened. So, it seemed Allison hadn’t gotten quite as lucky as herself and had ended up with regular, bad, run-of-the-mill humans.
“And what did you do?” Amanda turned to point an accusatory finger at the other human.
“I didn’t do anything!” Roman raised his hands in self-defense.
 “Logan, how could you?” Patton said, still hung up on what Logan had said. Virgil had glared at Logan but was now on Roman as well. 
 “Don’t lie, Princey,” Virgil said. 
 Allison looked between Virgil and Patton, surprised by how much they seemed to care about what had happened to her. “I mean...Roman wasn’t too bad.” Allison admitted. At least he hadn’t trapped her in a jar.
“Are you okay, Allison?” Amanda leaned forwards, looking at her friend earnestly. “Are you being held against your will?”
“Now hold on a moment, we were supposed to be rescuing you!” Roman pointed out, confused on how this encounter had turned so accusatory.
 “She doesn’t need rescuing,” Virgil said. “But by the sounds of things, Allison might.” 
 “N-No! I…” Allison sighed. “No, not-not anymore. They let me go and I came back because I thought...I thought you needed help.” Allison said, looking at Amanda.
“...oh.” Amanda was certainly surprised to hear such a tale. Allison must have been really concerned about her to go back to all that; Amanda felt a bit guilty for not trying to get a message to her. “Well thank you, but no. I’m good.”
 “Well...I’m glad about that,” Allison said with a smile. She glanced at Patton and Virgil.
 “Yeah, see. Nothing to worry about.” Patton smiled. “She’s in good hands. Literally!” She grinned as he held her up slightly.
“Pat…” Amanda rolled her eyes, letting out an amused snort.
Roman watched the pair of them, his defensive posture slowly deflating. “So...if you’re not in danger...what now?” He looked back to Allison, not sure what the plan was now.
 Allison noticed Roman looking at her. “Oh! Uh...I-I don’t know.” She turned to look at Amanda. “Are you...staying here?” She asked.
“Well, I mean… I was planning on it.” Amanda shifted slightly, embarrassed to admit her clearly against the rules plan to another borrower. “I have to allow my leg to heal a bit more.”
 “Oh, right.” Allison bit her lip. “I mean, as long as you feel safe with them then...I guess it’s okay?” Having humans around to help would probably help her leg heal up faster too.
 Patton grinned. “You’re welcome to stay here if you want! Unless you’re going to stay with…” he glanced between Logan and Roman.
 “Uhh…” Allison didn’t know.
“Yeah! You could stay with us!” Amanda’s eyes brightened at this suggestion. It would certainly be fun to have everybody together.
“You are, of course, under no obligation to stay with us,” Logan assured her.
“...right.” Roman murmured, confirming Logan’s statement as he looked down at his shoes. It made sense that Allison would want to stay with another borrower, after all.
 Allison looked between Logan and Roman and then at Amanda and Patton and Logan. She really did want to be with Amanda again. It had seemed like forever since she had last seen her, especially when she thought she was never going to see her again. But at the same time…
 She shook her head to clear her thoughts. “I um...I’ll probably swing by later.” She still needed to properly talk with Amanda, after all. “But...I’m tired. I think-I think I just want to go home for a little bit.” Now that she knew Amanda was safe, she could finally relax.
 “Well, our home is always open to ya!” Patton exclaimed.
Amanda blinked, surprised and almost hurt that Allison had rejected the offer. Of course, as Amanda glanced at Allison’s humans she understood. Amanda didn’t want to go with new humans either.
“I guess we’ll see you later then,” Amanda said. She wondered if Allison would come by to visit, or if she’d wait until Amanda was away from Patton and Virgil. Amanda hoped Allison wasn’t mad with her decision.
“In that case, perhaps it would be best for us to leave now?” Logan’s statement was more of a question than usual, looking to his companions for reassurance.
“I guess.” Roman shrugged. Honestly, he wanted to stick around and hang out with both borrowers, but it seemed that wasn’t going to happen. It was still a shock that even Allison wanted to come back with them, but that was likely due to the fact she knew them more than Patton and Virgil.
 Allison nodded. “See you later Amanda.” She said with a smile. 
 “See you!” Patton exclaimed, using his free hand to wave bye to her. 
 Virgil was still glaring at Logan, had been for some time. He would have to talk to him-and Roman, despite what Allison said-later.
Logan placed Allison back into his pocket, heading out the door. 
Roman followed, sending one last curious look Amanda’s way before shutting the door behind them.
“Well, that was...unexpected,” Amanda announced after they left. It certainly wasn’t how she had pictured today going.
 “You can say that again,” Patton said. Out of everything, he hadn’t expected Logan and Roman to find a borrower themselves. 
 Virgil turned away from the door. “I hope Allison is doing okay.” She seemed fine for the most part but still…
Amanda just nodded, her eyes still locked on the door. She trusted Allison to speak up if she was in trouble, but...well, they were dealing with humans.
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thegreenfairy13 · 4 years
A Gotham Ghost Story - Part 4
When Oswald shoots Jim on the pier, his ghost is doomed to haunt the mobster. You can read the full story here. 
Thank you @mexican-texican for fixing my mistakes and I blame you for making me want to write again <3!
The police comes, of course, in the shape of one Harvey Bullock. When Jim spots the familiar, scruffy beard and the greasy hat, a wave of relief rushes through whatever is left of the former commissioner. Harvey is... family. He’s been closer to Jim than his own brother, had been at his side when he started drinking, when he tried killing himself in any way imaginable, when the city had been in anarchy’s firm grip, when he had failed time and time again. It had always been Harvey’s job to save him, to drag him back from the literal abyss. 
Jim wants to scream in joy and even does. The sound punches through the core of his being, seems to both shatter him and be simultaneously unheard to the world. It’s a weird feeling - being so loud and so silent all the same.
Yes, Harvey will be able to help. He’ll find a way to reunite Jim with his body, to mend this mess. He’ll call one of Gotham’s insane scientists, drop his body into some holy water, find someone to...do whatever can only be done in a city of utter madness.
Plus, Harvey being here means they must have found his body and maybe Jim only needs to come close to his corpse, maybe Cobblepot will be taken to the morgue and then, - then... then everything will be fine. Yeah, Harvey will fix this and then they’ll be chasing the Penguin for attempted murder again and it will be just like the good old days.
Unless, of course, it won’t.
It takes Jim far longer than he’d like to admit it, given he’s a cop and everything, but the way Harvey paces about the mobster’s living room, the way he’s not acting as if he’d own the place, should have set off his inner alarm. He’s not submissive, not exactly, but he isn’t acting as if he’s about to haul the former umbrella boy’s ass back to Blackgate either. He’s somewhat tense .
“Penguin,” he greets gruffly, not sitting down without an invitation like he used to.
“Detective,” the gangster purrs back with a crooked smile. He’s showing off too many teeth, accentuating his pointed nose when scrunching up his face awkwardly, and for a second, he truly looks like a Penguin - but not like a cute, clumsy bird, no, more so a creature from hell, a demon’s caricature of a living being and Jim remembers why he never truly submitted to the other man. He forgets, sometimes, what Oswald is capable of. Hidden under all that formal wear, polished smiles and perfect manners, lies a monster.
“I’m surprised to see you came personally to welcome me back in the arms of our beautiful city,” Oswald starts. The mobster limps to a nearby sofa and makes a show of sitting down as gracefully as possible with his injured leg. Extending his hand, he invites Harvey to do the same.
“This isn’t a courtesy visit,” the cop replies but takes the offered seat with a huff. “If it had been up to me, I could have gone another decade without meeting you.”
“And here I thought you already wanted to rekindle our old friendship,” the Penguin retorts smoothly.
“I don’t recall us being friends,” Harvey snaps back, more harshly than is probably wise. Jim cringes inwardly. Given the mobster’s unstable temper, taunting him isn’t probably the best course of action. He himself is the best example of that.
Leaning back and taking a deep breath the cop comes straight to the point, “What do you know about Jim Gordon’s disappearance?”
The silence that follows the lawman’s question is deafening. Harvey patiently waits for his answer, seemingly enraptured by the state of his cropped fingernails while the Penguin makes an impressive show of opening and closing his eyes in mock surprise, acting every bit like an appalled lady from an 18th-century novel. It’s laughable, really, and a wave of anger rushes through Jim at the sight. Storming over, he wants to shake the insolent gangster but of course, his hands only manage to reach through the ether when they try holding onto solid material.
The only reaction Jim elicits is a little shiver from the mobster that easily makes his cheap act seem more believable.
“Oh, haven’t you heard already?” Harvey teases skeptically. “The moment you leave Blackgate, our good Commissioner vanishes from the face of the Earth. And at first I thought, hey, might be a coincidence, but then I thought hey...Every time something bad happened to Jim Gordon it’s somehow related to you or your machinations, so why not ask our favorite, freshly-released jail-bird?”
The mobster smashes his hand onto the table so swiftly and with such vigor, it startles all three of them. “I’ve been home for only a couple of hours,  after having been locked up for false accusations no less. My first way lead me to my mother’s grave to pay her the respect she deserves, to take care of her derelict grave and to return to the house that Jim Gordon had fruitlessly attempted to steal from me and you come into my home and accuse me...of what, actually? Do you have any proof? Evidence? Or are you playing the same old tricks that robbed me of my freedom…”
Harvey halts the gangster’s rant with a motion of his hand and Jim shakes his head in silent admiration. If he hadn’t been shot dead only a couple of hours ago, he would almost be inclined to believe Oswald’s theatrics.
“You’ve always been an exceptional liar,” the Commissioner acknowledges with a little snarl.
“Thank you,” the Penguin mutters unthinkingly and Harvey raises his eyebrows while Jim freezes. Did he just….?
“Thank you?” Harvey parrots.
Confused, Oswald looks at him but quickly regains his composure. “Well, I suppose I should be flattered you believe me to be capable of kidnapping the Commissioner of Gotham City only mere minutes after my release from Blackgate. I must be a true comic book-supervillain in your eyes,” he scoffs derisively.
Taken aback, Harvey considers the Penguin’s words for a moment. “How would you know he was kidnapped?”
“I don’t,” the mobster retorts bitterly. “For all I’ve heard he could have turned his back and ran from Gotham.”
“And leave his only daughter behind?” Harvey asks incredulously. Narrowing his eyes, he inquires him further. “And what exactly did you hear?”
“Ohhh,” Oswald shrugs innocently, “just what I read in the papers. How our holier-than-thou cop’s marriage failed when his wife decided to rule parts of the underworld or how he teamed up with the aforementioned daughter’s mother and notorious criminal to raise said child. Maybe you should take a good look at Gordon’s private life before coming after an innocent man - again.”
At that, Harvey bursts out laughing. “Oh, I will,” he promises, wiping his eyes. “But I still thought I’d start with the criminal who never got tired of pointing out to anyone who might listen how much he hates Jim Gordon. Isn’t that right, Oswald?” he urges. “The guards at Blackgate couldn’t stand your tune any longer. Said you were like a little teenage-girl rejected by her first boyfriend. The only thing missing was you scribbling Jim’s name all over your prison-walls - but you probably did that too, didn’t you?” he teases.
Pressing his mouth into a thin line, the Penguin leans forward. Trembling hands fisted into the fabric of his own trousers, he replies, “You will understand, Detective, that I felt a slight wave of animosity towards you and your partner after the way you betrayed me in the aftermath of…”
“Betrayed you?” Harvey interrupts, angrily rising to his feet. “For a man as smart as you claim to be you are a short-sighted idiot.” Before Oswald can answer, the cop stops him with a motion of his hand. “You truly never figured it out, did you?” he demands to know curiously, and for once, the confusion on Oswald’s face is genuine.
Knowing what is about to happen, Jim rushes towards Harvey. “No,” he mumbles, unwilling to accept what he can’t prevent now that he’s just a shadow in a room. “No,” he groans in frustration when the other man starts talking of what he had done all those years ago. Is it really necessary, he thinks to himself? Is it really necessary for Oswald to know about each and every time Jim failed to do what’s right? Must he know about yet another one of his mistakes? How is it possible Oswald always sees him at his lowest, stripped from his morals and caught in a web of impossible choices even after his death? Is that his punishment in the afterlife? Oswald, of all people, gaining the moral high grounds above him and taunting him with his knowledge?
“You know you brought your time in Blackgate upon yourself, didn’t you?” Harvey challenges, clearly enjoying the Penguin’s tension. He mocks him like a game show host, marveling at his contestant’s distress.
“No, I don’t,” Oswald admits through gritted teeth, clearly upset with the charade. Jim reaches for Harvey, even places a hand over the other man’s mouth but the motion goes unnoticed.
“Did you never wonder, Oswald , how you only got ten years? You murdered so many people: in front of my eyes, Jim’s eyes, in front of countless witnesses and all you got was ten measly, fucking years?”
Oswald tries to reply but is again cut off. “If Jim wanted you gone forever, all he had to do was haul fifty plus people into the witness-stand.”
The Penguin, only moments before about to explode into a fit of rage, stands frozen in place. “Lies,” he whispers then, seemingly unconvinced.
“Lies?” Harvey parrots, nearly jumping from the ground in his anger. “It was you who betrayed the government when Gotham returned back to normal. It was you who thought he could fill his pockets and walk away unscathed. You should be thankful you only got charged for tax evasion,” the cop bursts out.
“Does the name Amanda Waller ring any bells? Did you or did you not try to fuck with her? Did you never wonder why Barbara, Ivy, Zsasz, and others walked free and didn’t get hunted down while you ended up in Blackgate for tax evasion of all things?!” he roars. “Unlike you, they were smart, they knew when to back down and not mess with people, but you and your greed! They wanted your head and I wasn’t against handing it over but Jim - oh Jim,” he emphasizes by pushing his finger forcibly into Oswald’s chest. “He wanted to give you a chance, he made a deal: pulled you from the streets for a considerable amount of time without having to kill you and reuniting Mrs. Waller with Uncle Sam’s money. And the hilarious thing is, you never even knew!” he exclaims in a frenzy. “They all knew, Ed knew, every idiot in Arkham or Blackgate knew but you were too caught up in your revenge-fantasies and you really didn’t think twice .”
Exhausted, Harvey falls back against the cushions, a slightly embarrassed Jim hovering next to him. Biting his lip, Jim doesn’t know what to say. What Harvey explained is just part of the truth, what he thankfully left out is how he failed to protect Gotham from yet another detrimental influence, one that this time came from the government itself. He opens his mouth, wants to explain that yes, all of that is true but just one side of the coin, that maybe he could have done more, that his actions were never about Oswald, that he could have...He isn’t really sure what he could have done but as nobody hears him anyway, he falls silent again.
The cop shivers slightly when Jim lays a consoling hand on his arm as they both wait for the Penguin to speak again. Swallowing heavily, Oswald looks down, barely concealing the tears glistening in his eyes.
“I do remember talking to government officials when Gotham was reunited with the mainland,” he admits at last. “Mrs. Waller…” he scrunches up his face as he tries staying calm. “She made a proposal. Wanted various people to work for her. Not exactly the kind of work you’d expect respectable people to do. I thought she was yet another corrupt politician trying to benefit from the chaos.”
“She’s still very much in charge,” Harvey grumbles angrily.
“I miscalculated,” Oswald admits with a sheepish smile.
“And you projected all your anger onto Jim and once you walked out of Blackgate you either kidnapped him or killed him,” Harvey concludes.
Gasping for air, Oswald screams out his denial. “Jim Gordon and I might have had our difficulties but you certainly don’t believe I could have kidnapped him and still be unaware of what you’ve just told me?” he exclaims angrily. “And as for killing him...You know better than anyone else in this city what we have been through. Do you really think I’d be capable of hurting him in this fashion?”
“Very much so,” Harvey replies drily.
“So if you want to arrest me,” the gangster snaps back indignantly, “present me the evidence. Is there any proof for your accusations?”
Laughing silently, the cop merely shakes his head. “Oswald, you still don’t get it. I’m not here as a cop. I’m here as Jim’s friend. The very same man who stood between you and Barbara Kean’s gun. And she strongly believes you have at least information on her child’s father’s whereabouts. The same goes for his still-wife Lee Gordon. You see, if these two ladies assume you hurt Jim Gordon, I won’t stand in their way, I’ll lean back and enjoy the show. They’ll tear down the city to get to you, at least you should know that. You know what they are capable of, so if you know where Jim is, you should talk now. Blackgate might be the last safe place for you in that case. Otherwise…” Harvey leaves the threat hanging as he readies himself to leave.
Looking up, the Penguin stares pleadingly at the cop. “You must believe me,” he begs. The look on the criminal’s face is so innocent it catches Jim off guard. Hunched over on his couch, shivering from the cold in the room, he looks like a small child. He pleads with Harvey to believe him and his expression is so open, so trusting while the man himself is so frail and broken even Jim starts to doubt what happened to him on that pier.
Getting up clumsily, Oswald limps over, extends his hands to the cop. “You are right, I was very mad at Jim but I could have never killed him. I had so many chances in the past but…” he trails off.
“He was still my friend,” he admits brokenly when his voice takes on a higher tune, almost making him sound like a woman and Jim loses his mind. He can’t look away even though he wants to protest with all his might.
He blinks once, searches for Harvey, wondering if the other cop falls for the trick but he’s already gone.
“But you weren’t a friend to him,” a male voice replies instead, one that belongs to a man Jim has never seen before.
Turning back to Oswald in confusion, Jim finds a petite blonde woman with her face hidden in her hands standing in the place the mobster used to be.
“I took always such care of him,” she sobs desperately as the man starts menacingly walking towards her. Now that he’s stepping closer to the fire, Jim can make out a mop of thick, gray hair, a pointed nose, and thin lips, contorted in disgust.
“A filthy whore, that is what you are,” the elderly man spits as he backs up the young blonde against the fireplace. From that angle, Jim has even a better view. He notes the man wearing a perfectly tailored suit, similar to Oswald’s taste but with much less extravagant details. He shakes the woman roughly as he pushes her towards the fire.
“But I love him!” she protests, terrified.
Horrified, Jim witnesses how the man smacks her across the face. “You love his money,” he hollers. Leaping forward, Jim tries to intervene, tries pushing the man off of the woman as he continues dragging her towards the fire. Angrily, he punches the man right in the face and the woman lets out an agonizing scream.  
Surprised, he lets go, giving her the opportunity to storm out of the room, a baffled Jim in her tow. While following her down the hall the cop briefly wonders if the man felt his punch or if the woman’s cry had been the cause of her escape. If Jim would have turned around though, he would have found the man rubbing his cheek.
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katymacsupernatural · 4 years
When Normal’s Not Enough
Dean Winchester x Reader
2000 Words
Summary: After a hunt goes bad, Y/N runs from her life. But it catches back up with her.
Warnings: Angst at first, then fluff
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You should have been happy. Sitting there, on your porch, a glass of freshly brewed iced tea in your hands, everything should have been perfect. However, you found yourself remembering that fateful night that had changed everything, your heart aching as if it had happened yesterday.
A hunt had taken a turn for the worst. Your best friend, Amanda, had been overtaken by the pack of hungry werewolves, torn to shreds in front of your eyes. And that’s when you knew, your hunting days were over.
Dean had taken your news the hardest, just as you had expected he would. Not only had you left hunting, but you were leaving behind everything that went with it, including the man you loved.
“Please Dean, don’t follow me,” you had pleaded. “Let me go. Fade away into the normal. Away from this...pain.”
“Away from me?” He had asked, his mossy green eyes were full of pain.
“I’m sorry,” was the last thing you had said to him before fleeing. Away from hunting and the bunker. Away from the best people you had ever known. To this life. A very normal life. 
That had been three years ago. Three long years. You had found the most normal town you could think of. Got a job as a waitress. Found a small little bungalow that was all yours. Everything you would have normally done before hunting had gotten in the way. 
But hunting had seemed to follow you, as much as you would let it. Your front door mat had a devil’s trap painted below. Containers of salt were carefully placed in every room, along with iron. Along with a couple of guns carefully hidden, that’s as far as you let hunting follow you.
“Morning Y/N!” Your neighbor Suzie called out. She was pushing a smart-looking pink stroller down the sidewalk. “What a beautiful day for a walk. Want to join me and this little cutie?”
“No, that’s all right,” you answered back and she kept on moving. 
Sighing, you sat down your glass of tea, just as your phone rang. “Hey Stevie,” you answered, your coworker on the other end.
“Listen, I know you’re off today, and I was wondering,” She started. “This morning sickness is kicking my butt. Do you think you could take my shift tonight?”
You had really been looking forward to having the night off. Especially after working every day for the past 6 days. But you couldn’t say no to Stevie. “Sure,” you answered.
“Thanks, Y/N! I owe you!” She exclaimed before hanging up.
Dropping the phone on the cushion beside you, you stared out at the tranquil street. Your neighbor across was out watering her prize-winning roses. Across from her was an older couple sitting on their porch. He was reading the newspaper while she sipped on her tea. 
People walked up and down the pristine sidewalk, many pushing baby strollers. Everyone was smiling. And it was starting to drive you crazy.
It shouldn’t have been. It’s what you had so desperately wanted, no needed after that dreadful hunt. You had wanted everything normalcy could bring you. But it didn’t feel right. Sure, the people were nice, but you still felt like an outsider. Living a fake life, watching as their lives blossomed. They fell in love, started families. And you? You hadn’t been able to force yourself to move on yet. Not after everything. 
Being here, forcing yourself to smile while everyone had no idea what you had been through. It was harder than you expected, and sometimes you picked up your phone, staring at his name. Wishing you were brave enough to press the green button. But you had burned that bridge, and he would probably never want to hear from you again.
A couple of hours later you were tying your apron on, getting ready for another day at work. The place was packed, as usual after the college’s baseball game. The owner, Karen was barking orders while the cook Steve tried to keep up. Pasting a fake smile on your face, you pushed past the swinging doors, stopping immediately.
There he was. Dean Winchester. The man that had haunted your dreams ever since you had moved to this tiny little town. He was looking down at the tattered and stained menu in his hands. His grey flannel shirt rolled up to show those strong forearms. His hair seemed a little longer than you remembered, and there were more lines on his face. But it was him.
Your knees shaking slightly, you did the only logical thing you could think of. Turning around, you pushed back through the doors, pressing your back against the wall. “Y/N!” Karen exclaimed. “We’ve got a full house out there today. There’s no time for dawdling.”
Taking a deep breath, you stepped back into the dining area. Dean was still staring down at the menu, his mossy green eyes staring down. He was alone, his brother nowhere to be seen which surprised you. 
He was on your side of the restaurant, which didn’t surprise you. Of course, fate would throw you back together once again.  Your hands shook slightly as you stepped up to the booth. “Double cheeseburger, fries, and a slice of apple pie?” You asked, knowing exactly what he normally would order.
“How the hell do you know my...Y/N?” His green eyes were wide with wonder, his plump lips parted in shock. “What are you doing here?”
“I work here,” you answered. You could feel Karen’s eyes burning into the back of your neck, and you knew you needed to move on to the next customer soon. “So, did I get the order right?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to take his eyes off of you. “Yeah, of course, you did. You always knew what I liked.”
You scribbled it down on the order form. “It will be a couple of minutes.” Turning to leave, he reached out and grasped you by the wrist.
“Don’t go. Please,” he pleaded.
“I have to work,” you argued, even though it felt so good to see him again. You wanted to sit with him, to be with a person who understood everything you’ve gone through. That’s seen the same craziness that you have. 
You pulled away, steadying yourself as you handed off his order. “He’s handsome,” Karen came over, snapping her gum, her bright red hair piled high on her head. “And you’re not getting any younger.”
You rolled your eyes. “Thanks. But he’s just an old family friend, passing through town. That’s it.”
“Honey, I don’t think you believe that. And he can’t keep his eyes off of you.”
Winking, she pulled a couple of plates from the warmer. Her words rang true, you could feel Dean’s gaze hot on your back. You wanted to turn around but refused to. You had work to do, and you had no idea how you were going to handle him. 
You didn’t have to worry about that for now. With the place being packed, you were kept on your toes, feeling drinks, taking orders. But the whole time you could see Dean watching you, his expression unreadable. 
When his order was ready, your hand shook slightly as you brought it over to him. “Extra bacon, on the house,” you told him, setting down the burger in front of him. Reaching down, you snatched a fry from his plate, tossing it into your mouth.
“You’re the best,” he exclaimed before shoving his mouth so full of the burger his cheeks bulged. “Y/N, I want to talk to you,” he mumbled, his words hardly recognizable with his mouth so full. 
You shook your head. “Not here. Later. Come by my house.”
You took a slip of paper, writing your address on it, and slipped it to him. When reaching for the paper, his hand grasped yours. “It’s really good seeing you again.”
Tears started to fill your eyes, and you quickly turned away. If he saw those tears, well he was Dean Winchester after all.
The rest of the evening rushed by. Dean had left quickly after you had passed the paper, taking his burger and pie for the road. 
The crowd thinned out, and Karen let you leave early. Your house was within walking distance, and it gave you time to think. Think about what you were going to say to Dean. Wonder what he was doing in town. You had kept your eye on the news, and nothing had seemed suspicious. But you had seen how surprised he had been at the diner. So you were completely confused.
The familiar black Impala was parked out front, and Dean was leaning against the passenger door. Suzie was watering her flowers. There were puddles underneath as she stared curiously at Dean.
You waved at her, letting her know it was okay. “Nice house,” Dean said as he pushed away from the car. “Seems like you’re doing well.”
“It’s a rental,” you offered as you pushed the door open. “It’s nice, and it came furnished.”
“Hmm,” he answered, peering around. “Seems like a pretty nice setup. You must be happy here.”
You ignored that comment, pulling out a bottle of whiskey and pouring a glass for each of you. Sitting down on the edge of your armchair, you got right to it. “Dean, what’s up? Why are you here.” 
He sat across from you, the glass resting in his hand but he made no move to drink. Swirling the liquid around, he finally glanced up at you. “It was the best damn coincidence I’ve ever had.”
Dean chuckled, setting the glass down. “Y/N, I did everything in my power to let you go. You deserved all of this and more. I hunted with Sam. But you were on my mind every single day. Then imagine my surprise, as I was stopping on my way back to the bunker, to see you. For the first time in years.”
“You’ve missed out on so much,” he replied. “But tell me the word, and I’ll be gone. Leave you to...whatever this life holds for you.”
You gave him a half-smile. “What word?”
Dean’s eyes watched you closely. “I just want to know you’re happy. Tell me that, and mean it, and you’ll never see me again.” You could see how much the words cost him, but you were grateful he was giving you the chance. A chance at a normal life, away from monsters and death, and horrible things that crept up in your nightmares. 
But was it what you really wanted? To live with only every day worries. To make small talk with your neighbors at the grocery store. To wait tables for the rest of your life. To not have Dean Winchester in your life?
You had missed the stubborn man with your whole heart, and seeing him here made this decision even harder. 
A tear slipped down your cheek, giving away your answer. Instantly he was pulling you to your feet, wrapping you in those arms you had missed so much. “Damn it Y/N, why didn’t you call?” He ground out, his hold on you almost crushing. 
“I almost did. Each and every day I would pull your name up on my phone. But this is what I had thought I needed. That if I just gave it a little more time,” you sniffed. “But it didn’t erase the memory of Amanda. And I missed you. So freaking much.”
“Come home with me,” he offered, using the back of his knuckle to wipe away your tears. “Sure, there’s still hunting, and with that comes pain. But it’s different now. We have a home, a place we belong. And you belong there too.”
All it took was a nod from you before Dean was swirling you around the room. Within an hour your life here was packed up, placed in the back seat of the Impala. You tossed the keys over to Suzie, knowing she would help you out. She clutched them tightly, winking your way as you settled in the passenger side of the Impala. It finally felt like you could breathe. That everything was going to work itself out.
Dean reached over, threading your fingers through his. “Best pit stop ever,” he exclaimed, and you had to agree. Dean had just saved you from a normal life, and you couldn’t be more grateful.
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278   @bi-danvers0  @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215  @flamencodiva @hamiltrash1411 @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @justanotherwinchester @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @krys198478 @librarygeekery @magssteenkamp @misspygmypie @mlovesstories @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk  @mrspeacem1nusone @nothinbuttrouble2 @ria132love @ruprecht0420  @screechingartisancashbailiff   @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @team-free-will-you-idjiot @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666
Forever Tags:  @aditimukul @alexwinchester23 @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @camelotandastronauts @caswinchester2000 @cpag7 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl @deanwanddamons @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @foxyjwls007 @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heartislubbingdubbing @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99 @imsuperawkward @internationalmusicteacher @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @justsomedreaming @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice   @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @mogaruke @monkeymcpoopoo @musiclovinchic93  @nanie5   @percussiongirl2017 @plaid-lover-bay25   @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing  @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @simonsbluee @sillesworldofwriting​ @sgarrett49​ @spnbaby-67​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @spnwoman​   @superbadassnatural​ @thatcrazybookwormgeek​   @thewinchesterchronicles​ @vvinch3st3r​  @whimsicalrobots​ @winchester-writes​ @zombiewerewolfqueen​
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elijahwoodnot · 6 years
22 with brotzly for that ask meme!!! 💛💛💛💛
22. “i’ve seen the way you look at me when you think i don’t notice,”
It had (predictably) started with a feeling. 
Dirk had been chatting with Hobbs about a new aspect to the case he’d begun to consider, excited and unable to keep a grin off his face at the Sheriff’s equally enthusiastic attitude toward the entire idea, when he’d felt a small…something, a sensation creeping eerily along the back of his neck, and had turned around to face it head on, his brow furrowed in concern and his shoulders already tensing in preparation for an altercation. 
To his surprise, he’d found nothing out of the ordinary. Only Farah and Todd huddled closely together in the corner of the room where he’d seen them last (they seemed to do this a fair bit, and Dirk had forced himself to ignore the prickle of…something he felt every time he noticed it, reminding himself firmly that the two had spent a good deal of time together over the past couple months (looking for him, no less), and were liable to have grown somewhat close). This aside, it was simply Farah and Todd as he had left them, Farah nodding stoically as if they were discussing something of grave importance (or, Dirk conceded, she could just always appear to be thinking that way), and Todd–
Todd glancing away, his bright blue eyes (bouncing spectacularly off of the color of the ridiculous forest ranger shirt he was wearing) wide and luminous, having been trained unnervingly in Dirk’s direction for a long moment before he blinked and turned away hastily, nodding slightly and seeming to throw himself full-force back into paying attention to whatever Farah was saying. 
(If the unamused brow Farah raised in response was anything to go by, he’d failed quite terribly at this).
Dirk had frowned a bit, but watched Todd another minute (hoping that the other man might notice and return his gaze, therefore answering some of the questions he could feel beginning to take shape in his mind) before turning dejectedly back to Hobbs when his attempts proved to be unsuccessful, attempting desperately to regain his prior enthusiasm and put the brief interaction behind him. 
The occurrence, however (to Dirk’s (quite confusing) mixture of delight and confusion), wasn’t a one-time thing, he was soon to find out. 
He began noticing Todd’s insistent gaze landing and lingering on him in the most confusing and inopportune moments. When they were out inspecting different leads for the case, for example, and Dirk could feel himself becoming very near to a Lead, the Universe tugging excitedly at that space within his chest that let him know that something was nearing, he would suddenly find himself drawn back to reality, distracted by the increasingly familiar prickling sensation at the back of his neck. 
Each time, he would turn, his gaze seeking out Todd almost immediately, a question already forming itself onto his lips. And, each time, Todd would glance away hastily, his cheeks occasionally staining a (thoroughly distracting) pink as he hastily busied himself with something else, firmly ignoring Dirk’s questioning gaze. 
Occasionally, Dirk was granted the opportunity to begin voicing the question that so badly wanted to escape him, when he felt that gaze. Sometimes, he caught Todd soon enough, locking their gazes and ignoring the tingle of guilt he could feel at the back of his mind at Todd’s completely startled and shaken expression. “Todd?” he would murmur on these occasions, raising his brows as his chest tightened in anticipation. 
Most times, Todd would simply shake his head mutely before glancing away again, and the moment would pass, Dirk left watching in barely concealed longing as Todd exited the general vicinity hastily (though not for long. Never for long), his hands stuffed deeply and petulantly into the pockets of his Too Large uniform trousers. 
Sometimes, however, the smaller man seemed pause, an unidentifiable array of emotions flickering briefly over his face as he seemed to study Dirk warily. “I–” he’d begin on these occasions, seeming to hesitate (Dirk’s pulse speeding a little in hope) before he simply shrugged. “It’s nothing, Dirk.” On these occasions, however, he would stay. A warm and soft and constant presence at Dirk’s side.
However, in predictable, typical fashion, Dirk was unable to keep his silence for long. Once he’d begun to notice the behavior, he found it was difficult to stop himself from noticing it, and it was beginning to become a bit more…distracting than he’d originally anticipated. 
(Especially from the case at hand, something a lot of people’s expectations seemed to suddenly be riding upon, and something he was doing his very best to avoid thinking about too closely, for fear of the continued tightening in his chest becoming unbearable, potentially even unmanageable–a potential he couldn’t afford to consider, right now).
The breaking point came as they were wearily trekking back into Hobbs’s small home after a particularly grueling day (Hobbs having told them that he needed to pick up some groceries, and that he’d “meet up with you guys later! Get some sleep.”), made up of a lot of “leads” that had, in reality, led to nowhere. Dirk himself was feeling particularly discouraged over the entire ordeal, especially as it had been he himself listening to one of his “hunches” that had begun the entire, unproductive day in the first place.
“It’s– It’ll all make sense soon, I’m sure!” Todd was saying toeing off his sneakers and shooting Dirk a small smile, his tone high and tight with the forced enthusiasm. “Today was a good lead. And tomorrow–”
“Tomorrow what?” Dirk interrupted as he spun around to face the man, his tone less irritated than he’d anticipated, and a lot more weary. “What, Todd?” 
“I–It–” Todd stuttered, his expression faltering briefly into something smaller, more fragile (more like he’d been more comfortable displaying when they’d first met, Dirk thought with an internal wince of guilt), before solidifying back into that steady determination. “It’ll all make sense! We–You just need some rest.” 
“I doubt very much that rest has to do with anything.” Dirk muttered offhandedly, even then turning and beginning to strip himself for sleep, ignoring the weak voice at the back of his mind reminding him that Todd was right there. “We could rest for weeks–multiple weeks, Todd! And I doubt we could solve this one.”
“Don’t say that.” Todd commanded, immediately, and Dirk could tell by the soft shuffle from behind that he had moved forward slightly. “We will solve it. Together!” 
Dirk snorted derisively. “I doubt that.” he tossed over his shoulder, his fingers freezing on the buttons of his shirt when the iciness behind the words caught up with him entirely. 
He heard Todd’s soft intake of breath, and felt more than heard him take another soft, hesitant step closer. “Why are you being like this?” he finally murmured, his voice low and tentative in the quickly darkening evening dusk. “Why are you so determined that none of this is gonna work?” 
Dirk inhaled a sharp, shallow breath. “Because!” he tensed before turning to face Todd again. “Because…what if it’s not? What if all these leads, everything we’re working for, Todd. What if it’s all just a– a dead end?” he bit his lip sharply, forcing himself to ignore the persistent stinging behind his eyes. 
Todd blinked, the small worry lines between his brows deepening as his eyes flitted over Dirk’s face. “It isn’t.“ he insisted, his tone remaining sturdy and even, even now. “It’s not a dead end. I know this, Dirk. I know you. You can do this! I know you can.”
Dirk swallowed thickly. “Todd–” he began. 
“Don’t doubt yourself.” Todd interrupted, taking a small step forward. “That isn’t how any of this is gonna be achieved. You have to keep trying!”
“Why are you being like this?” Dirk blurted, before he could stop the words, grateful for the opportunity to draw the conversation away from his own shortcomings and downfalls. “So–So–Like this?”
“I–“ Todd made a face, his brow screwing further in confusion. “Like what?” 
“Don’t play dumb, Todd, it really doesn’t suit you.” Dirk dismissed, quirking a small smile at the irritated expression Todd shot him. 
“I don’t–“ Todd heaved a sigh, the breath ghosting over Dirk’s collarbones, reminding the latter sharply of just how close they suddenly were, in the thick silence of the room. “I believe in you.” Todd murmured, finally, his voice gone quiet and crackly and unexpectedly fragile. “I’ve seen what you say is true actually happen. This–” he swallowed thickly. “This has all gotta mean something….Doesn’t it?”
“Todd,” Dirk began, his chest tightening at how Todd’s gaze had dropped to the floor. “Are you…frightened?” 
“N–Ye–” Todd hesitated, his gaze flickering up again to study Dirk’s expression hesitantly. “Not of you.” he finally replied, the words slow and tentative, like he had to force himself to offer the admission. “Not…out of doubt. I just–”
“You’re frightened.” Dirk concluded, exhaling slowly before propelling himself into taking another step forward, one hand rising to rest gently on Todd’s elbow. “It’s alright, Todd.”
Todd inhaled sharply at the contact, looking almost as if he was about to draw away before the moment passed. “I just–”
“The disease?” Dirk guessed, his throat tightening dangerously with the thought.
“Yeah,” Todd breathed, letting his eyes fall closed for a moment, his brow tightening. “And–and Amanda…” 
“It’s going to be okay.” Dirk soothed, immediately. “I know it–It seemed like a lot. I know you’re afraid. But–”
“Dirk,” Todd interrupted, his eyes reopening as he shot Dirk a somewhat pleading expression.
“But it’s going to be alright. It’s okay to be scared.” Dirk inhaled another steadying breath. “Me–Me too, Todd.” 
Todd huffed a small, humorless laugh. “I know,” he nodded a little, one of his own hands reaching up to grip at Dirk’s elbow. “I know.” 
They both fell silent, the admissions crackling between them for a long moment. 
“I–” Dirk spoke, before he could even fully register the urge to speak, yet somehow unwilling to leave things hanging there, all the same. It seemed to be a moment for admissions, he reminded himself, and he didn’t want to allow the moment to pass without voicing his thoughts. “I’ve seen…the way you’ve been looking at me. When you think I don’t notice.” 
Todd tensed, his expression shuttering a bit. “I–” he shot Dirk a perplexed expression. “It’s noth–”
“No!” Dirk cried, before he could stop the interruption, his hand tightening on Todd’s elbow. “No more! You’ve been feeding me that same excuse for days, Todd! I–I need to…” he trailed off, suddenly much less assured in his argument than he had been, moments ago. 
Todd froze a little, his elbow tugging slightly against Dirk’s hold, before he seemed to come to some private conclusion within himself, and raised his eyes to meet Dirk’s again. 
“I just–” he began, coughing a little, “You’re here.” 
“What?” Dirk cocked his head and furrowed his brow in confusion, his face splitting into a small, bemused grin. “Of course I’m here, Todd! I’ve been–”
“No,” It was Todd’s turn to interrupt, “You’re like…here. You haven’t–Haven’t been and now, suddenly…” he paused, his face screwing up into some unidentifiable emotion. “And now…Yeah.” 
Things clicked a little further for Dirk. He took another step forward, raising his unoccupied hand to grip at Todd’s other elbow, and offered a small, encouraging smile. “I’m not going to go anywhere.” he murmured, firmly ignoring the nagging voice at the back of his mind calling him out on the lie.
“How can you be sure?” Todd demanded, his exterior cracking a bit further to reveal a desperate, doubtful expression.
“If–” Dirk faltered, and tightened his grip, swallowing against the lump forming in his throat and steeling himself before leaning forward to press his forehead against Todd’s, his eyes fluttering closed at the contact. “If you believe so steadfastly in me, Todd Brotzman? I’m asking you to believe this.”
And, though Dirk couldn’t see him, he could hear Todd inhale something suspiciously close to a hiccupping, shuddering breath, his own hands raising to grip both of Dirk’s elbows tightly. “You–” the smaller man began, pressing impossibly closer, his nose bumping comfortably against Dirk’s. “Okay, Dirk.” he whispered, his breath ghosting tantalizingly over Dirk’s lips (Not now, Dirk reminded himself fiercely). “Okay.”
“Todd,” Dirk began, only to be interrupted by the sound of a car door shutting outside the home.
The two of them froze, drawing back slightly to study each other’s faces with matched remorseful expressions, before pulling away entirely when the unmistakable sound of Hobbs’s footsteps on the front walk filtered into their shared silence. 
“You guys still awake?” Hobbs called as he opened the front door, arms laden down with grocery bags as he eyed them both with a bemused expression. “Thought you’d both be dead to the world.” 
“Just!” Dirk cleared his throat a bit. “Just getting ready, Sheriff!“
And, just like that, the moment passed. Todd drew away entirely, disappearing into the back bathroom to change into his pajamas and leaving Dirk to morosely prepare for bed on his own. 
They didn’t speak again until Dirk was soundly buried beneath the covers of his small nest of blankets in the corner, curled into a tight ball, his gaze remaining firmly trained on where he knew Todd was curled, awake, on the sofa across the room. 
“Todd–” Dirk began, again, unsure of how he should continue, but determined, nonetheless. 
“I know, Dirk.” Todd’s voice filtered through the darkness, soft and small and (to Dirk’s slight disappointment) somewhat defeated. “Let’s just–You need to sleep.” 
“Right,” Dirk replied, nodding and swallowing past his suddenly tight throat. “You too. Goodnight, Todd.” 
Silence was his only answer, and Dirk swallowed again before turning to face the wall, listening to Todd faking sleep across the room, his breaths low and decidedly even, and willed himself to give in to the exhaustion gripping his very bones and sleep–however short-lived that relief might be. 
Things were moving forward, he reminded himself. They’d made…something close to progress. Things were okay. 
They were okay.
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alj4890 · 5 years
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For @krsnlove who asked for something for today, LOL.
(Thomas x Amanda) (Maxwell x Nadia)
@walkerinfolkvangr @alleksa16 @penguininapinktuxedo @blackcoffee85 @stopforamoment @fullbeaumonty @cocomaxley @darley1101 @hopefulmoonobject   @krsnlove    @annekebbphotography @gibbles82   @bella-ca  @hopelessromantic1352 @pixieferry
"Must we spend the entire weekend with them?" Thomas asked as he buttoned his shirt.
"They came into town specifically to see us." Amanda called out from the bathroom. "They plan on doing other things, but they wanted the evenings with us."
He frowned as he tucked in his shirt and walked into the bathroom. Amanda was standing before the mirror finishing her makeup and looked at his reflection.
"Thomas, they love us."
"No, they love you. Since you love me, they tolerate my prescence." He propped his hip on the counter and folded his arms.
"You know that's not true!"
He sighed. "Yes, they consider me a friend, but...couldn't they consider me a long distance friend?"
She chuckled as she placed her makeup back in her bag. "You are a long distance friend. You just happen to be friends with two people who love to spontaneously travel and you reside in a very popular state."
"I suppose that's fair. I had wanted you all to myself this weekend." He took her hand and tugged her closer. "I had plans for us."
"Oh?" She said softly as he moved her closer.
"Yes, plans for just us. Plans that started tonight and didn't stop for days. Nights made for you and me. No one else." Each word was breathed against her skin as his lips hovered over her neck.
They both jumped when they heard the doorbell ring. "There they are." Amanda looked up at him and kissed him. "Perhaps you will have what you want."
He shook his head no as he followed her down the stairs. "Not with those two involved."
"Here we are!" Nadia squealed as she hugged them both. Maxwell in turn hugged Amanda, squeezing a yelp out of her then shaking Thomas' hand. Nadia produced a basket filled with sweets, cheeses, and wine.
"Let's get the night started!" Maxwell exclaimed.
The boisterous couple seemed to hold within them the very fabric of a nightclub filled to the brim with people having a good time. Thomas was amazed how between the two of them, they managed to turn his quiet home into one of skull thumping loudness.
Amanda encouraged them to sit down and be comfortable while she retrieved some glasses. Thomas followed her and pinned her between the counter and his body.
She began to laugh softly. "May I help you Mr. Hunt?"
He turned her around and kissed her. "Only if you can figure out a way for us to be alone." He thought of the long hours he had spent editing his current film and the need to be near her. That was what this weekend was supposed to be about.
Amanda let out a sigh and kissed his cheek. She handed him two glasses and gently nudged him back to the living room.
As they caught up on what everyone had been doing, they opened the contents of the basket and were soon sitting on the floor near the fireplace.
"Oh! Let's play a game!" Nadia offered. She looked expectantly at Maxwell who beamed at her way of thinking.
"Let's make it an interesting one. Amanda, we will need paper and pens please." Maxwell said.
"What are we playing?" She asked as she went to get the items.
"Two truths and a lie!" He announced.
"Oh! I love that game, pumpkin." Nadia wrapped her arms around Maxwell.
"I know you do, angel eyes." He kissed her nose.
Thomas rolled his eyes at their pet names and settled more comfortably when Amanda returned.
"Who's going first?" Nadia asked.
Everyone was silent. "I'll go first." Amanda offered.
Maxwell leaned forward, his blue eyes staring directly into hers. "Remember. Make them interesting and difficult. You have two of us here who know you very well."
"Okay, okay." She muttered as she quickly wrote out her two truths and lie. She put a star next to the lie and folded it up, setting it on the stone hearth.
"First thing is...I once threw my drink in a date's face when he accused me of inviting a tipsy guy to kiss me. Second, I once was a bartender for a hockey team's party. Third, I once changed my college major to geology and then changed it back to English the following semester."
Maxwell and Thomas sat there studying her while Nadia shook her head. "Has to be the bartender that's the lie."
Maxwell narrowed his eyes. "I know you collect rocks, I can't remember if you changed majors or not. I think I'm with Nadia on this one."
Thomas studied her. "You are much too sweet to become overly dramatic and throw a drink in a guy's face."
"Is that your final answer?" She asked with a grin. They all nodded. She opened up the paper and they gasped.
"You really were a bartender for a night?!" Nadia exclaimed. Thomas shook his head. "I can't believe you threw a drink in a man's face."
"Wow. Okay, clearly we did not hang out as often as I thought. Now who's next?" Maxwell asked.
"I'll go next." Thomas replied. He quickly wrote out his three and marked the lie before folding the paper and setting it on the table. He cleared his throat. "First, I once moved to San Francisco and developed a business plan for a local smoothie franchise. Second, I was an assistant manager at an electronics store. After closing, I would kill all the lights and project movies on the blank wall inside. I charged friends and friends of friends two dollars a person to come in and watch them. Third, I was once an underwear model."
Amanda snorted and choked on her sip of wine. "Thomas! An underwear model?" She had tears falling as she laughed. No one else laughed. She looked at them all surprised. "Are you serious?"
Maxwell and Nadia shared a glance. "Everyone knows that was his job before directing."
"I didn't know!" She said, her voice getting defensive. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. "Honestly, I thought you knew. I assumed you knew all about me before coming to work with me."
"I didn't! I had no idea that everyone had seen you naked!" Her tone was now a mixture of hurt and anger.
"I wasn't naked! I had on underwear!" He responded, a bit touchy at how she was acting.
She turned toward the other couple. "Have you seen my husband in his underwear?"
"Well, yeah. I mean it was a pretty big ad campaign of Calvin Klein's, so..." Maxwell trailed off as her eyes narrowed. Nadia slumped down Maxwell's side as she confirmed she remembered the ads.
"That's just great. Everyone has seen my husband naked." She nearly yelled.
"Oh for the love--I wasn't naked!" Thomas yelled.
Amanda glared at him. "I can't believe this."
"Come on Amanda. Isn't Hollywood filled with folks that have seen each other in their underwear?" Maxwell asked, trying to help out.
"He is not an actor. No one should have knowledge of how he looks in his underwear, except me! I bet Nadia just loves the fact that on Google Earth, when you zoom in on Ramsford, you are seen naked in the window."
"What?!" Screeched Nadia. "Maxwell Percival Beaumont!"
Maxwell covered his face. "Why? Why would you reveal that?"
Amanda suddenly stood up. Her anger rolled off of her in waves as she stormed upstairs and slammed the bedroom door.
Thomas got up to go after her, when Maxwell stopped him. "We're going to get out of here and give you guys some privacy." He glanced at his own shocked wife and groaned. "I think we both have some things to work out."
Thomas walked them to the door and apologized at how the night had fallen apart. He locked up and turned out the lights, delaying the moment when he had to face his wife. He squared his shoulders and walked up the stairs and down the hall to their bedroom. He raised his hand to knock and then decided to try the door handle first. It was unlocked.
He slowly came in and saw Amanda calmly flipping through channels on the bed. He paused in surprise.
"Are they gone?" She asked quietly
"Yes." He said slowly. "Um, about the modeling, I--"
She started laughing. His shock kept him immobile.
"I already knew all about it." She said after wiping her eyes. She grabbed her phone and opened up her calendar app before tossing it to him.
"April first." He muttered as he raised his head to look at her.
She chuckled. "Sorry. I had to trick you too if I was going to empty our home of company."
"So you knew all along about my past career?" He asked as he stood before her.
"I did. When you offered it up as the last during the game, I'm afriad I took it as a way out. It would have been hard to get upset over your business plan in San Francisco." Her eyes twinkled with humor.
He shook his head in amazement of her trickery and it resulting in what he wanted. "So? Did you see those ads?"
Her cheeks turned red. "Um, yes. I might have been a big fan of them"
"Really? Is that why you agreed so quickly to come here and work with me?" The look in his eyes made her nervous.
"What? No! I mean they didn't hurt my making the decision." She began to scoot over to his side of the bed as he advanced on her.
"Thomas!" She squealed when he pounced on her. He smoothed the hair out of her face and kissed her.
"I know I shouldn't still be in awe each time you manage to give me what I need, but I can't help it." He said softly.
She smiled and gently pushed him off of her. "I know a way you can thank me?" She winked suggestively at him.
His smile was mischievous as he began unbuttoning his shirt. "And how long am I supposed to pose in my underwear?"
"Hmm. One shouldn't rush art."
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Nick Amaro x Reader- Chapter 9
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“Okay, out with it.” Nick blinked unsure of what you meant. 
“You’ve been sneaking looks at me for the last hour. Either you got dosed with a love potion or I’m having a really bad hair day.” Amanda snickered from her desk. “Busted.” she mouthed.
“Alright Rollins.” he threw a rolled up piece of paper her way, turning back to you. 
“So, you care to tell me what’s on your mind?” He looked a bit reluctant, or maybe unsure of what to say. He leaned over his desk. “It’s just, I’m still really trying to wrap my head around this whole thing. How does an explosion give you, well you know.” 
Ah, so that was it. You were glad he felt comfortable to ask such questions. It was still a bit difficult to believe how well your team took the news. That being said, you weren’t exactly in an environment where you could discuss the topic freely.
“Nick I promise I’ll give you the full download, just maybe not here.” you gestured around the precinct. “Okay, guess I’ll see you tonight then. Chinese, I’m buying. “ you smiled. 
“Sure.” you agreed. Guess you had something to look forward to tonight. 
You were so caught up in your little moment with Nick that you didn’t catch the knowing looks Amanda and Carisi sent each other. 
“You know, when you said Chinese, I kinda thought we would be crashing at your place.” you laughed walking through the door. Nick was behind you, closing the door as he entered.
“That was the plan but I didn’t think we’d be back so late. Your place is a lot closer anyway.” That was true. You bent over to take off your boots. When you were free of them you pulled off your jacket, hooking it on the rack by the door. You rolled your shoulders with a sigh. 
Your most recent case was a sad one. But that was expected. Most of them usually were. Nick was watching you from across the room. You dropped to the couch, letting out a calming breath. Sometimes you just needed the solace your home provided. It helped. 
Your home was the one place you didn’t have to worry about staying in control. It took more out of you sometimes to let the criminals you apprehended get away. Like most cases, not all of them ended on a good note. There was more than one occasion where the perp was let go. Olivia told you about William Lewis. You weren’t sure how she dealt with him. Especially after what he did to her, how many times he’d escape before he actually died. And that was only because he killed himself. 
This job brought out the most horrible parts of people. It really did scare you sometimes.
Two strong hands rested on your shoulder. You looked over. Nick was standing behind you. He walked around sitting down right next to you. You were about to question him, but he placed his hand back on your shoulders and guided your back to face him. “Nick you really don’t have to-”
“Just sit back and enjoy it.” So you did. You folded your legs on the couch, and Nick started massaging your shoulders. Despite your reluctance at the beginning, it felt amazing. His hands were like magic. He kneaded his hand into your flesh softly. “Wow...you should quit being a cop, I think you’re in the wrong profession..” you muttered. Your head lolls forward, eyes closing. He laughed at your comment, hands smoothing over your skin, continuing his ministrations. “When is the food coming?” you mumbled. 
“A few minutes.” he answered. His hands were moving up to the back of your neck, and back down. Everywhere his fingers touched, you could feel yourself slowly slipping a little more.  “I know it gets tough (Y/N). It pisses me off, but we don’t always get the bad guy. “ He must have seen how much the case had taken out of you. No wonder he offered to massage you. Nick really was a hell of a partner. You knew there wasn’t always a happy ending. You’d been a cop for too long to think any different. You just needed to have faith. What you did was making a difference, no matter how many scumbags got  away. You were saving lives. That’s all the reassurance you needed. 
“I know, I guess I just wish I could do more. When I was back in Central City, there was no issue with me apprehending suspects with my abilities. My captain Joe West, he knew. So if I ever had to use it there was never a problem. He had my back. I know you guys do too but, I feel a bit confined here. I’m not as free as I used to be. It's frustrating at times. I feel like with what I’m capable I can do more. But at the same time, I can’t really. Because I still need to uphold the law. I’m not sure where I stand with my life as a cop, and my life as a meta. It’s like I have two different identities. I honestly thought that would be over when I came here but sadly, it's far from it.” Nick’s hands stopped, and you turned to look at him.
“Sorry I’m unloading all of this on you. You came to find out more about my abilities, not to hear me whine about my problems. “ 
“You don’t have to be sorry. I’m your partner. It's good that I know where your head is. With the tough cases, it helps to talk about it. If you just take it with you and bottle it up nothing gets solved. Pretty soon every case becomes just another hopeless chase. Because of one bad one that you never had a chance to fully deal with. We’re allowed to question what we do. I’d be more worried if you didn’t.” It was nice having someone to talk to about it all. 
“I’m glad you're my partner Nick.” He smiled at you. “Likewise.” 
You patted your legs, grinning. “So, it’s your turn. What do you wanna know?”
The look on his face was comical. He’d completely forgotten the reason for his visit. 
“Oh, right yeah.” you held back your laughter, waiting for his question. He was rubbing the back of his neck. “Now that we’re here I’m not really sure what to ask. “ 
“Come on, anything that springs to mind. Just hit me.” 
“Alright then, your eyes.” 
“What about them?” you inquired. 
“When they change color, what does that mean? It only happens sometimes, not always. “ That’s what he wanted to know. 
“Well, when I need a little more energy, it happens. I guess it’s my meter. It’s an indication of how much power I have at my command. If it becomes too much then it generates in my eyes. “ He shifted a bit closer. 
“Is that the only reason they change?” he whispered. You gulped. Of course it wasn’t. 
“Y-Yeah. W-What other reason would there be?” Nick reached over, his hand resting on your knee. His thumb was just brushing up and down. “I don’t know, just curious.” 
“Crap..” All he was doing was rubbing your knee, it wasn’t even anything major. But the sudden lower in his tone, doubled with the little glimmer in his eyes. You were losing touch with yourself. You chuckled nervously, trying to look anywhere but directly at him. Another hand tipped your chin up, and your eyes reconnected with beautiful brown ones. 
“Eres hermosa.” You pulled in a shuddering breath at his words. You couldn’t tell, but just like that, the golden light flashed in your eyes and Nick smirked. “Seems I found another reason behind the change. “ You should have known he could tell. It was no secret that Nick had a certain amount of power over you. At least it wasn’t a secret to you. 
That’s why at the beginning you tried to do your part in minimizing one on one interactions. Now that he knew about everything it was difficult to do. You really had no reason to keep him at a distance, at least not one you could disclose. You leaned out of his touch, standing up. His expression changed to one of confusion. “What’s wrong?” you laughed at the question. 
What’s wrong? There was so much wrong with the entire situation. You weren’t naive. It wasn't unheard of, partners getting close to each other, even becoming intimate. But that was something you couldn’t allow. 
You kept rubbing your hands together in hopes that it would help calm your nerves. 
“Nick, I’m really glad that you know about me. But this..” you gestured between the both of you.
“We work together so sometimes feelings get mixed up and I don’t want either of us to have to-”
He stood, looking more than a little angry. “Wait a second, what are you talking about feelings getting mixed up?”
Was he really going to make you say it? You frowned. “You know what I’m talking about Nick. Do I really have to spell it out? You can’t tell me that you haven’t noticed the way I am around you, the way I look at you..” you trailed off. The consistent glow of your eyes should have been more than enough evidence. “So what are you saying?” the annoyance in his voice was obvious. 
“I-I..I don’t think my feelings for you are real. I mean you’re the first guy I’ve really interacted with since I got here. We’re constantly together. And you know my secret now. So it’s normal for me to trust you but I just...I’m not sure if that’s real. And I don’t want either of us to do something we won’t be able to take back. “
Every word you spoke you could see Nick’s irritation rising. It pained you to say it, but you didn’t want to risk losing Nick over feelings you weren’t even sure of. You hadn’t ever dated anyone, so you weren’t sure what it was like to truly care about someone that way. But the first person you fell for couldn’t be your partner. It went against the rules in your book. 
“So that’s it. You’re telling me you don’t feel anything for me, not even a little.” 
He wasn’t listening to what you were saying. You didn’t even understand why he was getting so heated. He was the senior. He had to have known that this would fall apart if either of you even thought about crossing that line. 
“That’s not what I’m saying Nick I just...I can’t trust it. You’ve been married already okay! You know what it’s like to be in love. I don’t! I’ve never been with anyone. I was always scared they would find out about me and run away. Or worse they accepted me and then I accidentally hurt them.” You were hoping you would never have to tell Nick about your inner fears, but you guessed now it was unavoidable. His features softened a little. 
“I want to find someone too, but that someone..it just can’t be you Nick. You’re my partner. “ You wondered if it was as hard for him to accept as it was for you. You were wearing a brave front, but if you were being honest, you never pictured yourself with anyone other than Nick. 
He clenched his fist, walking over to you. You closed your eyes the closer he got.
“No, don’t do that. Look at me. Look me in the eyes  and tell me that you don’t want the same thing I do. That you don’t want me. If you say that then I’ll leave. Right now. And we can pretend this never happened.” you swallowed, He was directly in front of you now. Your eyes reopened, you were fighting back the tears threatening to spill. 
“I-I don’t-” he leaned down, silencing you with a kiss. A soft gasp left you at the action, and Nick’s hands circled your body. It couldn’t have been any longer than a few seconds. Nick pulled back, eyes opening slowly. He didn’t say a word, just released you. And just like that he was heading for the door. Leaving you standing there unsure of what just happened. If it even happened. You pressed your fingers to your lips in shock. 
“Damn it..”
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