#but yeah enjoy the hcs hahah
cheemken · 1 year
Could we get wholesome headcanons for the rest of the champions?
That au really took a toll on us huh hahaha
But hey anyways have some more hcs uvu
•Lance has a soft spot for baby Dragon types, like he'd find a tiny Gible out in the wild and I guarantee you he will cry
-Wallace saw him cry once and uses it as blackmail to get what he wants hahah
•Lance once dabbed in front of Cynthia, then he was smirking at her going "no one will ever believe you"
•Steven likes skipping pebbles in lakes and rivers whenever they're out exploring and taking a break from champion duties
-usually Wallace joins him, but Hau also likes joining in too, and the two would talk abt Steven's interest in rocks
•Wallace really loves Iris' champion outfit and made one for himself too, basing it off of his Milotic
-Iris got so happy she inspired one of the older champions, then she said it's her grandpa's gift for her
•Cynthia and Iris loves pranking the other champions, and they have little competitions on who can prank the most champions. If they end up tied, the breaker would be who could prank Diantha and get away w it
-all their pranks on Dia gets foiled tho bc Geeta would take the hit for her without Dia knowing
-Cynthia had to bribe Geeta at one point so she could win, it didn't work hahah
•movie nights are a fucking mess hahaha
-Geeta would insist they'd watch a horror movie, to which Leon and the kids would shake their head no and they watch a comedy instead
-Lance said he'd want to watch one of Diantha's movies, and Wallace agreed to watch some too
-Steven and Cynthia would rather watch a documentary about history and such
-Diantha just wants to watch musicals
-theyd end up just using a lil wheel of fortune thing to find out which one's suggestion they'd watch
•as I mentioned before, Cynthia is an insomniac, but other than Iris who knows abt it, Leon also does
-he saw her roaming the halls one night when he went to get water
-and they end up talking abt how they became champions at a young age and it really took a toll on them
-they formed an unlikely friendship, and so if Cynthia couldn't sleep, Leon would be there for her and they'd just either talk or watch random movies till they pass out
•Diantha is really good at chess, I wanna say she's actually considered a grandmaster, and it shows considering that out of all the champions she's the most strategic
-none of the champions could beat her, no matter how hard they try, even Cynthia tried cheating by hiding her phone under the table and opening up the chess app too, but she still lost
-tho Diantha would purposely lose to Iris, Hau, and Augustine, she loves seeing them happy when they win
•Iris and Hau loves playing video games together, and Iris showed him all the favourite games she plays
-Hau's not sure whether or not to be surprised that Iris loves fps games, then again for him it's on brand of her hahah
-w that tho, they do try the games the other likes, Hau even showed her the dungeon crawler games he liked
Anyways yeah that's all I got for now hahaha
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ilyconnie · 1 year
hi bae !! i was wondering if i could request some eren hcs - being his s/o
so happy to hear yur gonna start writing again !!
being eren's s/o <3
eren x blk!reader (but honestly anyone can read)
hii i love you more <33 ,, i hope you enjoy !!
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i feel like being eren's s/o would just consist of you coming along for his endless adventures and having him constantly showing up at your place "hey mama what are you doing today? wanna come somewhere with me?" LIKEEEE yes. yes i do.
eren is a musically inclined man in my eyes, he knows how to play guitar, the piano, and even the drums. he has a bunch of instruments in his apartment that you stay over at frequently.
he's always "oh my gosh, let me show you this little piece ive been working on." "baby can you listen to this real quick, does it sound okay?" "you wanna learn this song? ill teach you if you want?" super super cute
he's always getting little moments when he see's things he think you might like. he feels super good when you use things he buys for you. one time, he got you a super pretty marble guitar pick with your favorite colors, and even painted the both of your initials on it so whenever you come over to play the guitars he makes sure you use YOUR guitar pick.
he's def a acts of service man, don't complain about ANYTHING EVER around him unless you want the problem fixed immediately. one time you complained about your air conditioning wasn't working, so he came over during one of your shifts and fixed it himself. yeah it's missing a few screws now.. BUT IT WORKS so he feels accomplished regardless.
he constantly is coming to pick you up from places and offering to feed you after work, you're his top priority besides himself and his career, so he's got to make sure you know it too. he wants to make sure you feel secure and safe with and without him, knowing that he would go to the ends of the earth for you if it came to it.
no because he's a pda loverrrr omg this man has to let everyone and their mom know that you're together. from the way he holds onto you everywhere you go, to the constant kisses on the cheek, forehead, hand, nose, arm.. anywhere appropriate for outside practically, he's just a big needy loving baby honestly.
he loves to touch at least in same way, even if its small. he likes to hold your hand while waiting in lines, links your arms while you guys walk, he hugs you from behind constantly, he even traces the features and curves of your face while you guys cuddle facing each other.
but even as cute as he is, he's just as annoying.. yk how he walks with your arms linked? he gets upset with you when you step out of step with him HAHAH he'll stop where he is jerking you back with him, "what?" "you're out of step..here let's start again". and don't let it happen too many times back to back, he'll start saying the foot you should be stepping on out loud for everyone and their mom to hear. "baby it's not that hard.. LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RI-" "eren shut up! people are staring!" "they wouldn't be if you could just step on the right foot."
@ilyconnie 2023 <3
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ransprang · 5 months
thank you to @cordelialove for your support <3 we hope you like the hcs :3
if anyone else wants a match up this is our ko-fi
Dante x Astrid hcs
note: Astrid is a fem humanoid alien oc
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Wiping off the sweat from his face, Dante turned his body to congratulate Astrid on their first victory. As he turned, he was faced with a surprise. Astrid right next to his face leaning in, and planting a kiss on his lips. A quick, chaste kiss was all Dante needed, “Hahah wow Astrid, very forward of you. If you wanted a piece of me why didn’t you say earlier hot stuff.” He put his hands on her waist and leaned towards her for another kiss, but was met with a finger to his lips. Puzzled, he looked down at the finger and back at Astrid, “Don’t get too cocky now. This is how I learn languages,” she explained. After finally being able to communicate with her, Dante refused to give up on wooing her.
Everytime Astrid is angry she pouts and has a little frown on her face. Dante finds this utterly adorable even if the anger is channeled at him. “C’mon now, why is my little lady angry? Hm?” he says as he hugs her and gives her kisses.
After every battle Dante likes to lay his head on Astrid’s lap and close his eyes in an attempt to rest and recover his strength, while she reads books.  
When he first hears Astrid swear in English he’d be pleasantly surprised and start laughing, “I’m starting to think that I might actually be a bad influence on you.”
Dante would try to pick up the alien language Astrid speaks, more specifically the swear words since those are the ones she uses the most. Astrid would catch him whispering her native curses every once in a while when he stubbed his toe or accidentally dropped something.
Dante would be impressed by Astrid’s powers, especially after he saw them in action. “Love a woman who can throw me around.” He would encourage her to join him in fights more often and ask her to show him what else she could do. 
Although Dante doesn’t share Astrid’s love of books, he would surprise her with books on interdimensional travel and demonology. Once she learned more about demonology she would also be able to understand his dual nature better.
Dante would be excited to take Astrid around town since she wouldn’t know anything about the human world. The first thing they would do is try pizza with everything on it. Dante would playfully try feeding it to her.
He would enjoy Astrid’s nurturing and caring nature since he’s pretty kind-hearted himself. Both of them would often end up helping people without reward, even while being in debt. He would inevitably suggest she use her powers to “help his luck” in casinos.
Dante appreciates that Astrid doesn’t see him with the stigma associated with being a half-demon. She comes from a world where magical powers and enhanced abilities are the norm, so she makes him feel less like a demonic entity.
Astrid’s blushes and soft whimpers rile Dante up as he kisses her neck and gropes her chest, “Yeah? You’re liking this baby?” As his cock enters in and out of Astrid and she gets closer to cumming, Dante is surprised but turned on by her 180. Astrid moans louder with every thrust, trying to communicate in English as much as possible “Ah your cock more please more.” 
The first time after Dante makes Astrid cum, he’s surprised that she barely looks tired and watches as she props herself up and gets ready to ride his cock. “Woah you sure you ready to go again?” Dante asks, watching as Astrid’s pussy engulfs his dick. “Yes, I need your big cock. I wanna cum again,” Astrid looks longingly into Dante’s eyes. That’s all that was needed as Dante thrusted upwards, and proceeded to make Astrid cum multiple times that night and many more nights after that. “Look at you taking my cock so well like a slut.” 
When Astrid shyly reveals that she likes bondage Dante makes sure to get the right equipment. He ties a rope to bind Astrid’s tits making her back arch, and connects the rope to tie up her hands at her back. Making Astrid lay on her stomach and prop her ass up in the air, Dante pounds her pussy relentlessly.  
Dante is a man who experiments, he will search up alien porn to find new positions and ideas. Only to scare and shock himself at what starts playing on his screen.  
He likes it when Astrid reality warps in a moment of passion. Turning the ordinary bedroom into public spaces where he’s fucking her hard while imaginary people are watching. He's groaning as he leaks his precum inside of her from the danger while pounding her with her legs over his shoulders.
Dante holds Astrid’s hands tightly down when he likes to fuck her, he wants her to know that till he’s done releasing his hot cum inside of her there’s no leaving. He will suck on her nipples when she arches her back in pleasure while being held down.
“Yeah you like that? Louder!” as she lets escape a foreign curse word while he’s fucking her and will smash his lips on yours. 
Dante would get on Astrid’s nerves once in a while and she would use her powers to restrain him. “Oh you wanna fight huh?” Dante teases as he overpowers Astrid, pushing her onto the bed and staring into her eyes. You can see his penis harden and push against his pants ready to be buried inside her cunt.
Dante would cuddle for so long after having sex, he likes talking about anything and everything after a heated session, just basking in her company.
Dante would ruffle his sweaty hair at Astrid and watch her get annoyed at the sweat droplets landing everywhere. He would then get up and laugh at her pushing him away and kiss her before running into the shower for good.
your aliens,
admins sar, san & sav
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biohazard-4ever · 2 months
Oh my goodness. You might just be the sanest person in this fandom. pls ilyyyy
But when it comes to my self shipping with Leon really it's just me wanting to imagine this guy happy and wholesome, if not me then i do it with other characters like Claire or even original characters and such, so yeah it mostly all caters down to "give this guy some loooooove" 🥰🥰
I mostly also lean towards remake Leon, he's just soo lovable hehe
I HC-ed Leon snuggling his adorable cheek against yours and you two are being adorable right now.
Hahah! Awww dear, thank you! Yeah, I have had my insane phase. This is my second blog tbh. I worked a lot on myself and now, I am in a very HAPPY phase where I can enjoy pretty much EVERYTHING
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Lance and speaking Spanish
he usually does it without noticing.
he would be in a fight with keith and all of a sudden, “AH SI?, PUES TU ERES UN-”, then he would realize, blush slightly and just run away, leaving Keith, face red as could be, because what’s hotter than Lance speaking Spanish??
once he accidentaly commanded Blue in Spanish. surprisingly it worked as usual.
apparently, as the lions are bonded to the paladins at a deep level, it doesn’t really matter if they speak English, Spanish, Japanese, or Altean.
so Lance eventually gets used to speaking Spanish with Blue.
but not only speaking. he likes sitting in the Blue Lion singing those songs his whole family liked, even though it’s mostly Abuelita’s favourites, let’s be honest that woman has taste, Celia Cruz is a classic, but it just makes him feel home. or at least closer to his family.
as Lance’s best friend, Hunk knows Lance doesn’t really like talking about his feelings. so when he knows Lance had a bad day he just sits right beside him and lets him just spit it all out in Spanish.
Hunk knows this makes Lance more comfortable, since he knows Hunk can’t really understand him, but he needs someone to talk to, and it just feels good to have someone to listen to him.
Coran and Lance usually just sit down together and look into the vast space, missing home.
but one day Coran just asks Lance what he missed about home the most. Lance answered in spanish.
he blushed and looked away, and before he was able to say sorry, coran spoke back. in ancient Altean.
and they sat for hours and hours talking to each other, even though they had no idea what the other was saying.
Shiro and Lance both share not having english as their first language. so they both know how frustrating it is to forget a word in english, and trying to explain what it is in your native language.
Lance: L- LA COSA ESA, QUE SE USA PARA... PUERTA! PARA ABRIR  PUERTAS ! *gestures widely*   Everybody: ??     Shiro: keyword?   Lance: DOOR??     Shiro: Doorknob.  Lance: Y E S
Lance hitting on Keith. but it’s in Spanish 👁️ 👁️
Lance: tienes algo pegado en la cara.    Keith: uh-??  Lance: mi mirada ;)     Keith: *has no idea what just happened* 
when Keith and Lance start dating, Lance noticed how much Keith liked pet names in Spanish.
Lance: Keith, mi amor, mi cielo precioso, luz de mi vida, don’t forget to buy bread.   Keith: ❤️ 👄 ❤️
Lance talks a lot. like a LOT, and sometimes he just randomly starts speaking Spanish out of nowhere and he just continues as if nothing happened.
but Keith likes that. he likes the way Lance talks and how happy he looks. he likes the way he gestures. he likes the way Lance speaks spanish. he has no idea what lance is saying, of course, but he’s just hopelessly in love with his boyfriend :).
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0tivez · 3 years
hi hi i hope requests r open! if you dont mind could i request some hurt/comfort with gojo ૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა i'll leave u to decide what is the hurt part about shfjdjfdj. u can also choose whether to write it as a drabble or hc format hahah thank u <333 have a good day <3
gojo comforting you
(cause we all need to be emotional sometimes)
note: thank you for your request! i feel like this one got super self indulgent lmaoo i need comfort too, preferably from a tall sexy white haired man :( but uhh anyways enjoy this! it got super long and specific ig?? i also realized i have zero literary talent, so this is more of an action based fic/drabble, so beware.
warnings: gojo satoru, female reader
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the moment gojo saw you across the street, he knew something was wrong. your eyes seemed dim, not what he was used to be greeted with. your smile was crooked, almost as if it was forced. a wave of concern washed over him. it was the first time he ever saw you like this, though, you two had just started dating.
"good morning, 'toru." you greeted your boyfriend. from an outside eye, you seemed happy! your smile was reaching your eyes, voice just as cheery as your smile. but gojo knew your eyes said otherwise.
"morning, baby." he leaned a bit down to receive the obligatory morning kiss from you. "everything good?"
"yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
you weren't one to talk about yourself often. your day wasn't something you hesitated talking about, but you were very secretive when it came to your feelings. deep down, you were concerned that your emotions would scare him away. it's not like you weren't scared of your emotions as well. and gojo hated that. though he wasn't one to open up about his feelings as well, he always wanted to know everything about you. he would always jokingly scold you for not being open with him, to which you would promise you were indeed alright.
to be fair, everything had started to build up. how couldn't it? work, social life, trying to be an adult... everything was taking a toll on you. it had come to a point where you felt like with the smallest negative thing, you could break down crying.
but those are all bummers, right? no need to ruin your beautiful day with your boyfriend, no need to bother him with your problems too.
so, you reached for gojo's hand and led the way. you mostly let gojo talk. he talked about the students, how he awesomely exorcised all the curses and how much he had missed you. of course he knew you were just stalling him. he knew trying to push you made you feel uncomfortable, so he just ignored this and tried his best to cheer you up.
the day went by okay, though you both felt this weird sense of discomfort all throughout. you felt bad for it and blamed yourself for "ruining his day".
you two had walked all the way to gojo's place. you stood at the front of his house while he went to his mailbox for a moment. the driveway was narrow, you didn't have much space to wait for him anyways. while lost in thought, a car stopped beside you. you were practically face to face with the driver.
"go ahead, stand in the middle of the road! you fucking stupid, huh? can't you see how narrow the road is?"
you were dumbfounded. how could you even respond to that? you weren't even that close to the driveway anyways! on a normal day, you would start to argue back and get angry but for that day, for that one time, your voice got shaky and your eyes got blurry.
"i-i'm... s-so--"
a deep, angry voice echoed from behind you. "who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" satoru came running to entry, walking in front of you and blocking your view of the driver.
"how am i supposed to drive-"
"do i look like i care? speak to my girl like that again and you won't have a car to drive." though you couldn't see gojo's face, his voice sounded like he looked terrifying. he put a hand over the roof of the car, one hand in his pocket. he had bended to the level of the driver. you were glad you weren't the driver, cause when gojo gets angry, he gets angry. "got it? move."
the driver obeyed, he disappeared not too later. gojo turned to you, only to be greeted with your wet cheeks and confused face. a wave of sympathy washed over him as he murmured "baby?" in confusion. he extended his arm your way and locked you inside. you didn't even know why you were so hurt, dumbasses like him normally wouldn't affect you!
"'m... sorry." you tried to call his name between your hiccups, hands tightly grabbing his damp t shirt. gojo caressed your hair slowly, making his grip of you tighter. he didn't really know how to handle situations like this, especially not with you.
"it's okay baby. let's go inside."
gojo lowered his hand to your shoulder and kept you close to his chest as you two walked in his house. gojo walked you over to his large couch and sat you beside him, not breaking contact for even a second.
"what happened, princess?"
you didn't even know the answer! nothing huge had happened, nothing that would affect you. then why were you crying hysterically on your boyfriends chest all of the sudden?
"don't... know..." you held gojo even tighter, burying your face on his now fully wet shirt.
gojo chuckled softly. "it happens, baby. let it all out. aaaall out on my expensive designer shirt."
you managed to laugh in between your sobs, lightly hitting his chest as a response. "idiot... that's how- how you comfort?"
gojo waited for you to calm down until he said anything else. in the mean time, he played lightly with your hair and caressed your back, giving you a sense of warmth deep inside. yeah, life sucked a lot. people suck a lot too. not really when you were with gojo, though. nothing else really mattered when you were in his arms, the world was just you and him. all those sucky people were gone, all your troubles washed away.
your eyes felt heavy, just like your breathing. you could feel gojo's calming heartbeat, it almost felt like a lullaby to you.
gojo felt your breathing return to normal. he grabbed your chin and lifted your face to meet your eyes.
"better?" you nodded. "you should have told me, baby. we would have stayed inside."
"m-hm. i know now." you smiled softly. you lifted your face and touched your puffy lips with gojo's. with that, you felt all your problems disappear once and for all. what else could make you feel better than your lover's warm lips?
"oh god!" you broke the kiss, facing away quickly. "is my nose-- god! that's disgusting!" you jumped out of your seat and reached out to his coffee table to look for a napkin.
gojo let out a loud laugh. "nah babe, you look gorgeous, as always." you cleaned your face quickly.
gojo tapped his hand on his lap, calling you over. you climbed over him, lightly wrapping your arms on his neck. gojo's hands found their usual place on your hips.
"next time something's wrong, you tell me. deal?" gojo looks into your eyes softly, his voice is quiet and deep. you nod in response. gojo adores how frail you look with your glossy eyes and reddened cheeks. it's so different from how he was used to seeing you. he almost felt relieved to see you like this. of course, he would fight anyone and anything that could hurt you, but he also wanted to know you in every aspect. every thought you had, every second of your day, every feeling you ever had. despite how you had thought, being emotional with gojo wouldn't scare him away, he would feel closer to you. he felt comforted knowing he was your safe place, just like how you were to him.
gojo snatched his hands from your waist and toughly grabbed your cheeks, swinging and squeezing them.
"my wittle baby is upset? wittle babygurl needs satoru to cheer her up?"
"god, you're so fucking annoying."
"and you love me for that, hm?" gojo purred, a confident smile across his face. you shook your shoulders in response, looking away.
"c'mon now, don't be shy."
"...i love you."
"good girl." he patted your head lightly, slightly messing up your hair. "i love you too." he reached forward for another kiss. this time, he took his time, savoring every second he spent connected to you. it was his reward after all.
"what do you wanna do? wanna watch something?"
"sure." you stopped for a second. "'toru..."
"if you ever bring this up... i will beat you to death."
"the crying?" he chuckled. "yeah, we'll see about that." he responded, as he reached behind you to grab the remote control.
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this was supposed to be comforting to me but now i'm sad cause i don't have this dumbass to do the job (-‸ლ)
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bluexiao · 3 years
modern au hcs on how gn!reader + childe, diluc, and zhongli (separate) became friends? like how the reader + the boys met (can be childhood and/or adulthood)
🌙 anon
#how i met him.
CHARACTERS. Childe, Diluc, Zhongli
THEMES. modern!au. enemies to lovers,,kind of (Childe), first love (Diluc), cafe!au (Zhongli). srsly there are various themes hahah. also i mentioned childe’s real name here so yep.
NOTES. i hope you enjoy reading! i tried my best to post this today i hope this doesn’t look like it was rushed aaaa. thank you for this request! i enjoyed writing it nonetheless hehe. and omg i like how the pics turned out for them! hehe flaunting that amos bow huh childe say goodbye to it when sara comes home sksksk
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A jerk, that’s how you saw him.
You knew Ajax, of course, but only when he was slowly becoming the Childe he was now. Ajax, according to others, is kind, helpful, and really sweet. Actually, you really looked forward to seeing him in person.
However, your expectations were broken the moment you met him.
“And who are you to say what I did was wrong?”
“There is no such thing as purely good and purely evil. The only things that exist are the differences between the strong and the weak.”
Actually, you were not even surprised he joined the Fatui right after that. You’ve always known that the Fatui is a suspicious organization. As someone living in Snezhnaya, you knew them the best.
Nevertheless, what he first did was merely a simple thing, and you only labeled him as a jerk because of how cocky he talked and acted as if he was a being higher than you or some sort. You hated his guts, for short,
The second time you met him, he didn’t even recognize you. Well, it’s not like you expected him to, but you felt disappointed still.
“So, you go by Childe now.”
He raises a brow and says, “Do I know you? Wait, you actually look familiar.”
“Not telling you,” you reply, rolling your eyes. “Figure it out yourself, Ajax.”
And he recognizes you after that, however, he didn’t seem more like the jerk you met before. Or it was as if he was merely hiding it, hm? Nonetheless, it must have been the reason that you became so curious about it—to let out that side of him again. To humiliate him? To prove him wrong? Who knows. The very thought exhilarates you for some reason.
Since then he started being a pest to you, however. He keeps bugging you while at work at the Funeral Parlor and he keeps trying to ask for your number from your co-worker, Zhongli and even your boss, Hu Tao.
But… he doesn’t seem half bad… he brings you meals that you knew could only be cooked by someone from Snezhnaya…
Wait, no! That’s impossible-
“Come now, I know you won’t be able to resist… this!”
“Hey wait, how did you know? This is my favorite!”
He winks at you, “I have my ways, sweetheart.”
He’s rather flirty so uhm try your best not to fall for him.
Because if you do, well, goodluck.
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He is your first love, everybody but he knew that.
Diluc saved you from getting lost one day. Yes, that’s how you met him; while you were on a field trip back in elementary, he was the one who found you and brought you back when you had gotten lost. You’d never forgotten about it ever since; a knight dressed in white (tshirt, haha), eyes gleaming in strength and confidence, ones that you’ve first admired about him.
Of course, you weren’t the only one who liked him. Apparently, every other person did. It’s not a surprise, but it is of course difficult to compete with everyone trying to gain his attention.
So you merely watched from afar, not in a creepy way, but you still admired him all the same.
It went on until you both grew old, unfortunately. Luckily, he was still single so it was easier than if he’s not, but it was nonetheless difficult not to be able to take care of him when he seemed like he needed help, or to talk to him when it looked like he was lonely.
You never tried, or tried more, actually. However, you were obvious enough to be noticed by his brother, who happens to be in one of your friend groups.
“C’mon, give it a shot!” Kaeya would nudge your shoulder, Diluc catching the look that you were giving him and instantly glares at the other.
“Don’t you have any better to do than bother Y/n? Are the Student Council lazing around these days?”
Then he’d turn to you, “You must pardon him. It seems he had forgotten simple manners especially when he steps foot here in the Baseball club.”
Kaeya merely chuckles and sees this as an opportunity to help you out, “Well, since it seems you both had finally conversed, Diluc, I leave them to you.” he sends a knowing smile before waving as he exits the door of the room.
After that, only then did he realize that you hung around the court because you liked watching the Baseball team while doing schoolworks. “It calms you down,” you say, but really, it’s because of him.
So there began the short conversations between you and him, greeting each other frequently when there’s a chance. What you didn’t know is he was starting to develop feelings for you too, actually he realized this too but he didn’t like to dwell in it because he didn’t want to burden you or something. Aww.
It will only become known when you confessed to him, and of course, he won’t lie to you.
With a small smile, he replies, “You’ve captured my heart as well, would you perhaps… like to have a date with me?”
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You met him at work, or actually, while he was going to work.
“Good morning, what can I get for-“ you stopped when you met his eyes and it felt like you had some kind of connection with him. Realizing you were staring at a customer, you cleared your throat and apologized.
He seems to have realized that he also did the same and gave a soft smile, even more fitting with the formal dress he wore—is he a boss of a company or something? He does look like one.
“Not to worry,” he says, his voice sending shivers on your arm. “May I have your special green tea, please?”
He became your regular customer since then! He never fails to smile at you and maybe even have small talks with you.
You didn’t even realize until a co-worker told you but he likes ordering from you, and he always asks for you if you’re not on-shift. It’s endearing, actually, the way you two interacted.
It was all innocent at first until you met him outside of work. Only then when you two had tea together but in a different shop and you were not merely talking as formally as you both should.
“Ah, you’re working at the Funeral Parlor with Hu Tao? I know her, she visits my co-worker, Yanfei frequently.” you say, to which he chuckles.
“Well, she was the one who recommended me to go there, after all.”
It’s fairly easy to be friends with him, honestly. He is a good listener and speaker at the same time, he gives good advice too.
It’s basically your choice if you’d like to go the friendship or romance route hehe. Just so you know, he’s very dense so you’d have to be straight to the point as much as you can.
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TAGLIST. @tartagliaxx @idontevenknow129 @kimbapsana @masterdilucs-c0cksleeve @fukuzawazluvr @albedoeuvre @midnightangelfox @fullyhira @rhythmboo @lolibles @kinekyuroo @niceandspicy @blackberri-jelli @softlybeloved @rheaintheclouds
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catcze · 3 years
Kazu sfw headcanons!!
- cuddle bug
- holds your hand and buries his face in your neck lightly
- will press sudden kisses on your collabone and will make you laugh because haha ticklish
- 'i love you' '*sleepy hum of acknowledgemebnt'
- always gets a little cookie or something sweet when he goes to a store or cafe
- you, him and Tomo often go out on mall dates
- poor Tomo carries everything cuz he's the strongest and loves to flex
- kazuhas very curious, he won't pry but he's here to listen to any gossip or tea you have
- he has definitely went to the store to get u period supplies or sum, and tried to ask what size you were
- knows about a lot of things, and it's like winning the lottery when you tell him something he genuinely didn't know
- kazuha is so sweet omg
now the nsfw ones 😈😈
- I hope you have stamina
- you could cockwarm this man and have your eyes roll back
- he's fucking huge dude
- super gentle, too
- teases you a lot, tho
- edging... he lives for that shit
- then once he decides you've suffered enough, he oversrims you until you're shaking
- 'whats that, sweetheart? use your words.'
- sit on his face
- I do this trope with every character but yes
- I hC that the first time you do it, it feels weird to enjoy it properly
- lots of twiching and squirming, begging and all that lovely stuff
'kazu- kazuha- I swear to g- mmmMm- kazuha please-!'
- music to his fucking ears
- you're so sweet
- he's be into mutual masturbation don't even try me
- and a voyeur
- Imagine this scenario right
- it's late and you're horny and kazuhas not home
- you slowly slip off your garments and tease yourself toll he does get home
- and when he does, he's greeted with a high pitched moan from his room
- mans thinks you saw a spider
- he goes in and immediately goes red
- there's you on the bed, fully naked with your eyes shut right
- moaning and begging for him
- he loves it too much to say his presence
- as soon as you finish, you look at him and grin
- homies face is a tomato
I completely forgor how to write HAHAHS and do ignorethis being a bit late for his bday but yeah!! 🎱Anon but I bet you could already tell ;)
i write for female Reader and modern au don't come for me LMAO
NSFW !! 18+ ONLY !!
PLS these are so sweet n 👀👀 delicious as usual akjsndaks 💞💞💞💞
pls ik the second half is supposed to be h word smut content (and it is omg akjssda <333) but i find it so sweet that Kazuha's first instinct upon thinking the reader saw a spider is to immediately come to the reader's aide aksjksas (Man's gonna b getting head just bc he's sweet)
BUT YES YES i agree kazuha would be a whole sweetheart omg aksnkajs <333 MMM both in bed and just generally in a relationship aaAAA<333
Mine is on the 27, and his is on the 29!! like, two days apart HAHAH
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sunarintoes · 3 years
Pretty Setter Squad Boyfriend Headcanons
part one can be found here II wc: 2.4k II includes: kageyama, suga, kenma, akaashi, semi and oikawa II atsumu and shirabu 
rewriting because i cringe at the old hcs 😭
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✗ Kagggggsss
✗ The emotionally constipated blueberry <3 oh yeahh 😎
✗ Okay well first off he can barely process his emotions (*cough* evidently *cough*)
✗ When you two first started going out he was quite shy and unsure of what to do so you may have had to guide him a bit, but if youre equally shy then it just would have taken longer to get to where you are now; oh and if that was the case it probably took some random burst of energy/confidence from either one of you to make the first move. 
✗ He will buy you milk but uf you hate it (like me 🤢) he will buy you another drink - like juice :D
✗ I dont think he will be the most affectionate, it’s not his love language - and neither are words haHAH. His love language is most likely quality time and gift giving.
✗ He does like to cuddle though 😳
✗ In fact he really likes to :D his favourite is when youre sitting in his lap while he watches a volleyball game (at home - he hates pda). 
✗ This brings us to our next, short point. Kageyama absolutely despises pda, he just thinks its something meant for closed doors and he does not believe that he has to display his relationship for the whole world to ogle at. The most he will do is light hand holding - mostly just linking your pinkies though.
✗ When it comes to height he does not care if you're smaller or taller than him ← but bb, please don't tease him about his height if he’s shorter because he will blow a fuse.
✗ He alternates between small spoon and big spoon, kinda depending on his mood. 
✗ BOY O BOY does he get jealous. Uh please reign in your setter >:( 
✗ Its mostly due to the fact that he’s insecure about himself - he thinks you will leave him like everyone else (in middle school - yes, he is still traumatised from it.)
✗ When he does get jealous he might be snappy to the other person and glare at them or be snappy at you and glare at you. When this happens please give him space because he needs it to clear his head. When he feels better he will come up to you and hug you into his chest so that he can’t see your face and you cant see his, then he will mumble an apology.
✗ Ever since you two began to date he has practiced apologising and getting better at apologising, this is because his inability to admit to his own mistakes was a sour patch in your relationship that almost ended it but he really did not want to lose you so he sucked up his pride and worked on what he had to; of course you also worked in what you had to. God I love character development 😩
✗ Dates are mostly at home dates or dates revolving around volleyball. If you're not into volleyball, Kageyama would not date you, it's something he is so passionate about and loves with every breath he takes (like you) and he refuses to compromise one love for the other. 
✗ ooooh he likes arcade dates a well! He thrives in a competitive environment. If you're not competitive and don't want to compete against him then he’ll compete for you - against the machines lol. Of course you play as well! But i doubt youre as competitive as this blueberry, and if you are - well i guess at the end of the day youll both be stacked in tokens 🤠
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✗ Sugawara my beloved <33
✗ He. Is. So. Affectionate! 
✗ Mans loves skin on skin contact ykwim?
✗ He is down for pda and does not care what others think - only what you think <3. 
✗ I mean he might make out with you in public if you ask nicely 
✗ Dates are very fun with him, he’ll take you to cafes, to amusement parks, to carnivals, to movies and all the like. He’s a cliche lover and he’s proud of it.
✗ Your first kiss happened on New Years Eve/Day. The two of you sat on the roof of his house and watched as the fireworks lit up the starry sky of Miyagi and chanted the count down together. The second ‘one’ left your lips he grabbed your face (softly!!) and pulled you in to crash his lips against yours. 
✗ Suga loves to cuddle, preferably face to face because he just thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world. 
✗ He is not the most jealous person, he definitely does get jealous but never of strangers. It's more when his close friends or your close friends get a bit too comfortable if that makes sense? He normally plays it off with humour and messes around because he acknowledges that he is insecure and that it is most likely him thinking of the worst case scenario; however if he really does start to worry and get jealous then he will sit you down and talk about it with you. To him, communication is key. 
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✗ Ngl Kenma is definitely in my top 3 favourites. 
✗ I may or may not be a Kenma kinnie 😳🙈
✗ i love my non-toxic gamer boy <33 anywho: no matter what ANYONE says, kenma is definitely affectionate. In fact I'd say he’s one of the most affectionate boyfriends. As we all know, he is shy and introverted but he likes to hang around and spend time with people he likes. He also talks a lot to them. So I hc that he’s a bit of a chatterbox with you and it makes him really happy when you let him talk about a game or a theory he has. He’s a great listener so you can count on him to pay attention to what you say.
✗ if you didn't already have one, he bought you a switch. He loves video game dates especially when he can't see you in person (*cough* lockdown *cough*) 
✗ he loves when you sit on his lap when he plays video games. I know everyone talks about sitting on their partner’s lap as some sexual thing and yeah that can happen but most of the time he’s really soft with you and just enjoys being close to you. Loves when you cuddle into him while he plays so that he can place his head on yours or your shoulder. 
✗ i think he is a bit shy when it comes to kisses but definitely warms up after a while. He absolutely refuses to sleep if he doesnt get your goodnight kisses. He loves to kiss you on your nose and your cheeks the most. He loves when you kiss him on the forehead and the nose <3
✗ kenma is not one for pda, it's just not his vibe. He prefers intimacy and privacy; his relationship is not a movie for the world to watch and gawk at. Especially timeskip!kenma. Though that does not mean he wont ever show you skinship in public, occasionally he will softly hold your hand and maybe press a light kiss to your cheek. 
✗ in terms of jealousy, he is moderate. Kenma, as we all know, has incredible people reading skills, so he understands the situation pretty clearly and knows when you’re uncomfortable/what you think of the situation. Most of the time you can deal with the unwanted attention and he doesnt get jealous, but he does get insecure. He shows this by going quiet and looking away when you look at him, you can cure this by giving him hugs when you get home. 
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✗ Akaashi my beloved <3 he’s so pretty i can't even-
✗ ugh! Just imagine him in a dark/light academia aesthetic. 
✗ perfection. 
✗ akaashi is the sweetest most attentive boyfriend, he loves you to pieces and never fails to let you know. He tells you he loves you every morning and every night. He probably makes meals for you and leaves notes in that have a sweet comment like “i love you, you're the best <3” 
✗ he love back hugging you BUT also receiving back hugs 🥺✨
✗ akaashi is a booknerd and an introvert. Please cuddle up to him and let him read his book to you. 
✗ there are only 2 things that can restore his social battery: sleeping and you.
✗ which means he wants cuddles when he’s tired 😊
✗ he is not jealous. He just doesn't get jealous, maybe annoyed if the third party is being a bit too pushy and you're clearly uncomfortable, but he just never feels jealous. No matter how hard you may try to make him jealous (plz dont cause that's kinda toxic imo) he just won't feel that way.
✗ definitely the ‘mom/dad’ as he carries sinister, pads, bandaids → a whole first aid kit basically, everywhere. Bb must be prepared. 
✗ dates are so sweet with him, cute niche cafes and dimly lit libraries. Maybe the occasional abandoned building. He loves spending time with you, so really he's happiest whenever he’s with you; having coffee at McDonalds or a niche cafe won't change anything. 
✗ he’s hard to pinpoint for pda. I feel like he’s indifferent about it. He probably prefers to keep it indoors or to just small and sweet gestures (no making out in public sorry-). It definitely comes down to your preferences, if you don't like it then he won't and vice versa.
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✗ semi semi semi semi semi semi
✗ omg mr musician 
✗ he definitely plays guitar - lead guitar and bass guitar. 
✗ skilled fingies for sure 😗
✗ boy why are musicians so hot???? 😫😫😫💦💦
✗ he writes songs about you. Semsem has a bit of trouble saying exactly how he feels, so he writes it and sings it to you with a small little smile and eyes full of love. 
✗ off topic but Semu has the best music taste in haikyuu
✗ he loves hugs so much <33 please hug and cuddle with him 24/7
✗ very affectionate, he’s always touching you someway. Loves kissing your forehead. 
✗ he is jealous. Yeah definitely. He writes songs about being jealous 🗿 not that you mind of course ‘cause they're bangers. I think he might get snappy when he’s jealous, not directly at you but at the other person. He definitely gets a bit bitchy. Sometimes he acts that way to you so you've just gotta slap some sense into him. Say something like “what's your problem?” or “tell me what your problem is so i can help fix it.” ← that's probably the best thing to say. 
✗ afterwards he’ll just snuggle with you until he feels better. 
✗ he asks for your opinion about his songs all the time, please be honest (but also praise them if you like them lol)
✗ he takes you to niche spots he finds, like hidden concerts and stuff. Loves when you come to his gigs <3 oh and when you scream for him (in more ways than one). 
✗ dates are cute and fun. Mostly walking around together → carnivals, main street, farmers market. Those kind of things. 
✗ when it comes to pda he loves it. Loves being able to show the world who his s/o is. If you don't like it then he will tone it down and only do what you’re comfortable with. If you're also into pda then he will happily make out with you anywhere (you're one of THOSE couples 🤢 /j) 
✗ all round best boyfie <3
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✗ oikawa 😳 have i told y'all how much i love him? Oikawa is the best written character, no cap, he is so complex and real it's crazy. It's so fun to write about him because you can pick him apart, you know his flaws, his weaknesses, his nightmares but also his strengths and dreams. Anywho i'll stop ranting now but i just love writing for such a perfectly imperfect character-
✗ he puts up a cocky exterior but thats all false. He's as scared as you are, he's scared that you'll leave him like his exes because of how obsessed and focused he is on volleyball. However he is a changed man, he's learned to balance his priorities. If you ever feel like you're being sidelined please communicate with him. 
✗ he values communication above all else and wants nothing more in a partner than for them to also value communication.
✗ back to the point → if you feel insecure of your relationship and that volleyball is taking too much of his attention let him know. He will change that. To an extent → he may have an important game coming up which is why he is focusing more, but he will always find time for you. 
✗ he never forgets to text you good morning and good night. He also sends you wholesome memes and makes sure you're taking care of yourself - they're like reminders for him to also take care of himself. 
✗ he is both jealous and insecure. Everyone who gets too close to you or spends a lot of time with you, he is jealous of. Jealous because he wishes he could spend more time with you but he knows he can't - not without jeopardising his volleyball career. He's also insecure, because he knows you could just leave him for a more fulfilling, more attentive, more balanced relationship. You know that too, I mean, of course you could leave him but no one would be as good as him. No one could match up to your beautifully flawed boyfriend.
✗ he is affectionate, very, very affectionate. He loves you so much. And because he spends so much time on volleyball, anytime with you he's touching you - memorizing every dint, every curve, everything about you so that he won't ever forget. 
✗ Oikawa has trouble sleeping unless he's with you, he wants to sling to you in his sleep and be grounded and remember that he is loved and cherished and appreciated y'know?
✗ pda is not an issue for him. He doesn't care what anyone else says or thinks :P in this relationship the only opinions that matter are his and your’s. Tell him you're uncomfortable with something and he won't do it, and vice versa. But otherwise, like Semi, he won't mind having a good makeout session with you in the middle of the street ;)
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worksby-d · 2 years
Dest omg i freaking love the everyone thinks it series. I know u said u wouldn’t write for them anymore, but could u do a little headcannon/blurb on what Chris would be like during her second pregnancy? Like would he make up for stuff he didn’t get to do the first time around and be more doting and caring? 🥺 love that couple sm bestie
i definitely lied when i said that hahah i love them too and have lots of thoughts about them 🥺🥺 probably ones you didn't even ask for, but i'm going to spill them anyway. so enjoy this mess of hcs i have about our everyone thinks it couple during the pregnancies 🤲🏼
i actually totally imagine him being all of those things the first time around!! he basically let you move in with him for a couple months once you told him, immediately jumping into protective mode. he didn't want you around your ex while he moved out of your place. and even after that, he didn't want to take the chance of him bothering you once you went back there, so he let you stay at his place, especially when he was gone.
when he was around, he gave you space. but he was right there when you needed something or when you weren't feeling well. i think i said it in response to a different ask a while back, but in place of any intimate or romantic gestures, there were just a lot of hugs 🥺 lots of reassuring words too, telling you everything was going to be ok.
telling his family was one of the hardest parts of your first pregnancy for you. you put it off for as long as you could before you had no choice because it was obvious. you spent a lot of time with them, so eventually you just couldn't cover up. you got really close to announcing it a couple times, but you'd give chris a look and he knew it meant you weren't ready.
he let it go each time, knowing at the end of the day it was your call, but it didn't hurt any less watching you be so anxious about it.
“hey…” his voice barely got your attention as he pulled into his parents' driveway, his hand resting on your bouncing leg doing more to finally get you to look at him instead of out his car window. “what’s making you so nervous?”
“i don't know,” you sighed, letting your head fall back against the seat. “I don't want to disappoint them…”
“you could never,” he shook his head. “i know this wasn't something we ever expected– although, i think they always wished it would happen,” he joked, thinking back to all the times his mom interrogated him, asking why he wouldn't man up and ask you to be more than his best friend.
“yeah,” you laughed, all too familiar with their wishes.
“see,” he said. “so they're not going to be upset. confused maybe, but not upset, especially not with you.”
“okay,” you breathed out, giving a nod and putting on the best smile you could.
he could tell you weren't convinced, and he didn't let you out of the car without leaning over the center console to hold you in a hug first, repeating, “it’s gonna be ok,” until he physically felt you relax in his arms.
but that part is much different the second time around!!! you're busting at the seams to tell his mom finally after you've told him. that same week you're there visiting him, you tell your son together first to gauge his feelings about it, which are very indifferent at his age lol but you know he's like his dad and can't keep a secret, so it's only shortly before telling his mom.
“you two have had looks on your faces all night,” she glares at you both as you all get back from dinner together. “all week actually. what's going on?”
“we've just been happy to see each other,” you lie, failing to suppress the smile on your face as you help your son out of his jacket so he can run off and play. “don't know what you're talking about.”
“yes, you do,” she teases. “get that boy of yours back in here, he'll tell me. he doesn't keep secrets from grandma–”
“okay, okay,” you laugh, cutting her off before she can yell out his name.
giving chris a look, you let him say it.
“y/n’s pregnant,” he beams, reaching for you, but he's too slow, his mom beating him to it to pull you in for a hug.
“oh, i knew it,” she whispers, and you laugh, hugging her back, not doubting that she did. “i'm so happy for you guys.” pulling out of your embrace, she holds your arms. “and you're not shaking this time.”
“no,” you chuckle, shaking your head, thinking back to the last time. “i couldn't wait to tell you this time.”
your son’s feet hitting the floor as he runs back into the room gets everyone's attention.
“hey,” she calls for him, catching him in her arms before he can run away again. “what do you think about having a little brother or sister?”
he shrugs, pondering for a moment before settling on a nonchalant “cool.”
“cool,” chris chuckles, repeating after him. he finally has the chance to pull you in for a hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “i agree.”
the timing isn't the greatest initially though. he missed the first appointment/ultrasound since you found out while he was working. and he misses the second one a couple weeks later for the same reason. he tells you multiple times that if you told him he needed to be there, he would have found a way to. but he had already rearranged his schedule so he could get everything done sooner and be with you the remainder of your pregnancy, so you assured him it was ok.
it's the one when you find out baby’s sex though, so you have his mom or one of his sisters go with you so they can sit there with your son since he tags along.
meanwhile, you ring chris in on facetime so he can see and hear what's going on.
while it rings, you hand your phone to your son so he can say hi first while your technician’s getting everything ready for you.
“hi, daddy,” you hear him giggle, waving at the screen once he picks up.
“you're not mom,” he teases him, acting confused. “hi, buddy. where are you guys?”
“seeing the baby,” he answers. “want to talk to mom?”
before chris has time to register his question and say yes, he’s already handing your phone back to you.
“guess he didn't want to talk to me,” he laughs at how quickly he was over it. “hi, sweetheart.”
“hi,” you wave back.
“how are you feeling?”
“fine,” you smile. “ready to see if i'm right about them being another boy?”
“we should have bet on it,” he jokes. “you're so wrong.”
you let the tech introduce herself to chris and begin asking all the normal questions before moving onto the ultrasound part.
something about hearing the heartbeat gets to you, tears welling in your eyes as you sniffle to hold them back. you want him here, with you, hearing it in person, not over a video call.
hearing you, he says your name and you turn the screen back toward you so he can see you.
“what's wrong?”
“i'm sorry i'm not there…”
“please don't apologize. you'll make it worse,” you laugh, carefully wiping the tears from your eyes. “it's okay. i've been crying for no reason for five months straight. i'm fine.”
“do you guys want to find out if it's a boy or a girl?” the technician smiles at you, hoping to lift your guys’ spirits a little.
“um, actually,” you clear your throat. “can you just write it down for us?”
“of course,” she nods, smiling sympathetically.
“is that okay?” you look back toward chris for his approval. “i wanna find out with you, not when you’re thousands of miles away. i'm sorry–”
“honey, hey,” he shakes his head, not accepting the apology you're trying to get out. “of course that’s okay.”
but i think everything falls into place after that. he's caring and doting as FUCK.
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lovelynim · 3 years
Purring Demon
Obey me! - Satan x MC
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A/N: Yeah, it’s been a while since I uploaded something other than requests, or something at all. At first, I was just busy and having tons of college work to do, but then I just felt reaaally tired and not willing to write, like, at all. This ‘art block’ stuck around with me for a while, and whenever I had free time I just wanted to do anything else other than writing.
I finished this faster than expected, which is probably because I’m so addicted to the game and I just love the characters, lol.
Anyway, there are some other things I want to write, other than the requests, so that’s why I’d like to use this A/N to tell that I might slow down the requests for a while and focus on works I have been postponing since forever. I’m still open to that, but they won’t show up as often as before ~
Also, big thanks to @fandomsnfluff​ for the lee!Satan hcs that inspired most of this fic ~
That’s it, so, without more to say, enjoy your reading ~
Summary: After a tiresome day, MC decides to stick around Satan for a while, changing their plans when something pops up in their mind.
Word count: 1463 words.
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The bell rang, announcing the end of another day in the Royal Academy, students coming out of every classroom, meeting at the hallways and discussing plans for the days off that were laying ahead. 
Being no different for MC and some of the brothers, the group soon headed back to the House of Lamentation, each of them having their own goals for the free time: try recipes, travel to somewhere fancy, finish another game, buy new clothes or simply sleep the whole day. MC could only smile, already used to the rhythm of things around them.
“Satan, aren’t you joining the meeting in the Student Council’s room? I thought I emphasized the need for your presence there.” Lucifer’s voice came from behind, making everyone look back.
“Ah, right. I forgot about it,” the demon looked to the human by his side, “you can go ahead without me, I will get back home a little later today,” he said, sighing and leaving the group to join his older brother.
“If you say, see you later then,” the transferred student said, they couldn’t help but notice the disappointed look on the blonde’s face. Regardless, it was useless to try to argue him out of it at that point, especially when it came to something requested by the oldest brother.
Later on that day, a sound coming from Satan’s room picked MC’s attention. They approached the door, knocking on it softly. “Satan? Is it you?”
“Mhm, come in…” He muttered, just loud enough to be heard, with a lazy voice tone. 
The human slowly pushed the door open, peeking inside before walking in and closing the door again, careful to not step or kick any of the books scattered all around the place.
The blonde was laying down on his bed, wearing his pajamas and his eyes focused on the book he had in hands. 
“Hm? Are you going to bed already? It’s not like you to go to bed this early.”
“Ah… yes, Diavolo and Lucifer kept me there for long enough, dumping more and more things regarding future projects and… I’m just tired.” He chuckled softly, placing the book down to look at them as they approached his bed, sitting on the other end.
MC sighed, “you shouldn’t let them overwork you like that.”
“It’s Lucifer we are talking about.You know how he is, especially when Diavolo is involved, I couldn’t help it.” He closed his eyes, laying his head down for a second. After taking a deep breath, he started talking again, “I was just agreeing with whatever they said after some point, hahah… When I got back home, I barely got out of the shower awak-” the demon gasped, a faint blush forming under his eyes, using his arm to help him lift his torso and look to MC, “what are you-” 
“Ah, you seemed so tired, I thought about giving you a massage to help you relax…” they said, their thumbs gently pressing against the blonde’s arches. He was distracted by his tiredness that he didn’t notice when they put his feet on their lap. 
It would be an amazing offer for anyone as tired as Satan was, but there was something that concerned him, something that made him more uneasy than relaxed. As great as a massage sounded, he wouldn’t agree with something like that in his right mind, not having feet as ticklish as him.
“Is… something wrong, Satan?” The human was either feigning pure ignorance or being more devious than the demons themselves. 
His lips twitched, a smile slowly forming on his face as he covered half of his mouth with the book, watching as they moved their hands, the fingers pressing and moving up and down his feet.
“N-no, ahem, not r-really, but you don’t really h-have to…” He tried to argue, stuttering as little as possible and trying to shyly move his foot out of the human’s lap.
The massage felt great indeed. It had just the right amount of pressure and was slowly taking his tiredness away, but… on the other hand, the fingers gently sliding against his skin were driving him up the wall. He couldn’t keep bearing it much longer, being as tired as he was, sooner or later, he would lose control over his reactions.
MC were no idiot. It became pretty obvious after a few seconds. Just to test their theory, MC ran a finger from the bottom of his sole all the way up to his toes. The demon cackled, pulling his foot away and realising right away what he had done. His blushing soon became pretty visible, even with half of his face covered by the open book over it.
“It’s just th-”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, silly.” That was probably one of the biggest acts of self control in the entire Devildom’s history. They sighed, smiling, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to tickle you. I will let you rest and leave you alon-”
The human turned his head back to the demon, surprised, “hm?”
“I, I mean… You were well intentioned and… And it wasn’t so bad…” He muttered the last part, almost whispered, “S-so, you can continue, I mean, if you want”
He didn’t move the book away from his face. But the human was surprised, to think that someone like him would be asking for it, and with such a cute and embarrassed expression.
“But doesn’t it tickle?”
“Well, I…” he took a moment to think about an excuse, resuming shortly after, “I have read that… it helps the body relax, so… yes, even if it tickles.”
“Hah, well… if you insist.” They cheerfully said, sitting down. “Don’t kick me, though.”
The blonde shyly placed his feet back in the human’s lap, trying to get mentally prepared for it. “Just keep it lightly and I will try.” He chuckled nervously.
Both of them knew what was about to happen wasn’t even close to a massage. Resting one hand over his ankles, to keep him from moving, the transferred student traced two fingers down the blonde’s soles, making him react right away.
Looking at his blushing face, trying to hide behind the book, with the corner of their eyes, the human started to slowly wiggle their fingers up and down, keeping their word to keep things lightly.
“A-ahahah, w-wahahait, MC!” He soon started laughing, trying to keep his reactions down, but not able to hold the stream of giggles coming out of his mouth. Even the light touches were enough to crack him, turning his head to the side and scrunching his eyes, trying to make it any more bearable.
“Yes?” They said, not able to help but laugh along. They moved their fingers over his arches, making the demon cackle loudly.
“Y-you sahahaid lightly, aAHAHha! D-Dohohon’t!” 
“Hm?” They grinned, seeing the perfect opening. Slowing down for a second, just enough to keep him giggling, they asked, “don’t what, Satan? ~”
“Tihihickle me- No! Wahahait!” Once he realised, it was already too late. Keeping his left ankle in an arm lock, they scribbled five fingers all around his sole. As the human focused on his left foot, he ended up landing a weak kick against their side.
It was far from enough to hurt them, but the human turned his head back, chuckling. “Is it this bad that you can’t hold back?” They taunted the demon, deciding to step up and starting tracing lines with their nails.
“Y-YEHEHES!! It’s bahahahad!” He bursted in laughter, now actually attempting to squirm away. The blonde placed down the book he had in hand, grabbing the bed sheets to try to pull himself away from their grip, weakened by the laughter.
Satan could only lay down and laugh, pleading for mercy as they kept moving their fingers against the sensitive spots on his foot.
Easing up the tickling, the human looked back to him, a giggly and messy-looking boy, his cheeks completely flushed. Who would think of him as the Avatar of Wrath like that?
“A-ahah… I-I told you to keep it lightly… I thought I’d die of laughter” he whined, taking a deep sigh and facing the human at the end of the bed.
“Oh please, and I did!” They chuckled at his dramatic complains, crawling closer to him and laying down by his side.
“You didn’t…”
“Well, you don't seem tired anymore.”
“But I am.” He muttered, placing the book down and bringing the human into a tight hug, “so stay quiet… and let me sleep a lit- MC!” He gasped when he felt a poke on his side, frowning.
“Sorry, sorry…” They giggled, hugging him back and deciding to let him rest this time, they would probably have other chances to do it once he woke up again.
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cheemken · 5 months
Ya know I haven’t really talked about Drayton n Kieran yet so here’s some canon hc stuff!
Okay so I believe in the French translation it’s stated that Kieran is 14….which I don’t believe lol with how shy he is in the teal mask and then crying over not getting ogerpon in the teal mask as well it just doesn’t fit right w/ him being 14 it seems in line of someone who’s 10 or 9 really + Drayton says he misses the old shy Kieran who likes to battle for fun so we can assume that Kieran was in the league club even before his desire to get stronger and tbh if a 14 yr old was around ppl like the E4 I doubt they’d be as shy as Kieran was in the teal mask, being around those 4 would give anyone a confidence, boost, so yeah Kieran is probably like 10 or maybe even 9 but def no older then that, anyways enough of my rambling n to the actual hcs lmao
Once Kieran is back in the club after mochi mayhem, he’s often seen curled up against Drayton snoozing on the clubs couch together as all of his intense training messed up Kieran’s sleep the boy is often really tired
Drayton is actually really good at comforting/calming down a crying Kieran weather it be from a legitimate reason like the trauma from terapagos, when he’s tired that he can’t help but cry or just him crying from not getting his way with something, Drayton is the second best at calming Kieran down (the first being carmine of course)
On the topic of terapagos, Kieran often goes to Drayton about his issues with the legendary bc Drayton knows what it’s like to be impacted by a legendary and Kieran doesn’t wanna bother his sister more with his trauma cause like yeah terapagos was gonna kill him, that energy beam was going straight for Kieran, he’d be dead if protagonist didn’t step in, so he talks to drayton about his trauma n drayton helps the best he can
Drayton eventually drops the “Ex-champion” nickname teasing as he sees it really upsets Kieran n they just started being friends again! He doesn’t wanna lose Kieran again!
They fly together across the terrarium on their dragonite’s :) often having fun lil races 
Drayton joked about carrying Kieran when we beat him during the champion fight but he actually does give Kieran piggyback rides when he wants! He enjoys carrying Kieran a lot!
Just like with the E3, Drayton can be protective of him, that’s his lil brother your honour……stole him from carmine….~Drayton angst anon💛
Huh but y'know I can picture Kieran being 14, there are teenagers that are still kinda shy around that age, and given his upbringing, it's understandable why he'd act like that too
But anyways hahaha
That's dope tho, them bonding over their trauma regarding a legendary. Drayton never got to really face off Kyurem like Iris, only ever saw him after Iris finally got him from Ghetsis' control, a much tamer Kyurem than the one still being controlled by Plasma. He can't imagine how it must've been for Kieran too, being face to face w Terapagos, almost dying bc of it. Nearly died bros tho real lmfao
That's cute them flying around w their Dragonite🥹 reminds me of this one concept I have of Iris and Lance too hahah and aughgh the piggyback ride thing cndmdn like how Iris would do it for Drayton too your honour they are so soft cnmdnd
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astralwaifu · 2 years
well, where to start? uh i have dark hair, which can almost be considered black. i have big brown eyes, ‘m 5’7, dimple on my left cheek, big fan of music.
i sing, dance, and i guess ‘m sort of a philosopher too (barely hahah)
and as for my personality, kind of shot tempted (not “kind of” that’s a lie. my very brown and religious mother’s priest literally recommended me to wear a white pearl, which apparently is supposed to help with anger? it doesn’t do shit.) when i was in play school, i kind of beat up my best friend…in my defence, he said i wasn’t a good singer. (which he was right, back then, i wasn’t exactly the best. but oh well. baby gigi had 0 chill)
i try my best to be respectful and kind to all. (sassy remarks excluded of course)
stole my sense of humour from chandler bing, and barney stinson.
make jokes in every kind of situation, even in ones i’m probably not supposed to hahah, and cuss like a sailor.
have lots of friends, and enjoy going out.
also cry a lot, i cry when i’m frustrated, cry when ‘m angry, hell, i even cry when i’m happy. just cry (lmfao)
and my “big three”, i did not know they existed, especially google them for you.
apparently, my sun is a pisces, scorpio moon, and scorpio rising.
i also am a very affectionate person, like hugs and small pecks, anything. huge fan of sweet nicknames.
and just, yeah. sometimes i feel like the most confident person to walk on earth, and sometimes i just shitty about myself, which i think is like every other person ever.
wow- i spoke so much. fuck, i’m sorry.
that’s kind of it, yeah. sorry for straight up blabbering. force of habit.
also, i don’t like waking up one the morning, mornings are shitty- wow went right back to ranting- sorry. i’m nailing this, no?
You’re nailing this dw :) iIm sorry it took so long - exams. Also tell your mother’s priest that it’s not you, it’s the scorpio moon. You’re funny and I like you let’s be moots 👀
I match you up with…..
Gojo Satoru!
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- He likes to tease you and provoke you. He thinks it’s funny how riled up you get. Tends to take things a little too far, but as soon as he realises he is next to you trying to save you ass.
- Gojo loves that you are real, true to yourself and never really hide how you feel. He swears that if he could be more like you, then he’d really be the strongest.
- Also sees right through you, even if you try to hide it. He instinctively knows when you are having a rough day and need some encouragements and praise.
- He was so shocked with how affectionate you were. Never really having anyone to rely on or to fulfill his emotional needs, Gojo didn’t expect you to take that role in his life. Nevertheless, he was more than excited. If you give him one quick peck except 10 back and occasionally a bite mark.
- Towers over you like the mountain he is.
- Thinks you’re actually funny and enjoys being in your presence. He can also cope with all your mood swings (bc he raised an emo kid at 16 lmao) and is surprisingly patient and understanding.
- He wants to make you feel as loved as you make him.
bonus song that reminds me of you two: Light My Love - Greta Van Fleet
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fallenrepublick · 3 years
Hc’s for Thrawn introducing his s/o to his family?
Hahah yeah that’ll be rough... And let’s all just assume that by now you’ve learned enough Cheunh to function on Csilla
For some reason, he is so confident that everything will be fine. You’re the nervous one, asking him questions off the hook about what kind of things to say, what to avoid, the expectations. He gives you answers, but not obsessively, and you wonder how much he didn’t bother to tell you.
You ask him why he isn’t worried. Considering the fact that his family is relatively important, you’d assume he would be worried about impressing them, or you making him look bad.
The only thing he says is, “I trust you.”
The initial introductions are not warm, both literally and figuratively. The formal nature of his parents in every manner is more than nerve wracking, and it takes a lot of self control not to hide behind Thrawn as a child. Still, he seems pleased, in his own sort of way, and it gives you at least a little more confidence.
Of course, they probe you with questions. It feels more like an interrogation than anything. This, at least, you were warned of. There was no telling what they would ask, and the first few seemed simple enough, before they began wanting personal details that normally come up after more than a few months after meeting. Both Thrawn and Thrass have to periodically intervene.
The conversations just can’t seem to leave your head. The first night, you ask Thrawn what he thought as he was peacefully reading something he’d brought along.
Contrary to what you were expecting, he smiles at you. “You did perfectly, darling,” he says, eyes shining pleasantly. “They like you.”
“Really? It doesn’t seem that way.” You frown, remembering how little they reacted to your responses. It wasn’t the way Thrawn normally is. He’s blank, but in a way you’ve learned to read. This was just flat out uncomfortable.
But he shrugs and returns to his book. “If they didn’t, you wouldn’t still be here.”
Regardless, you find yourself adjusting rather quickly, picking up on the things his parents do or say that indicate how they might feel. His mother positions her hands in different ways, the most common of which is her right hand draped over her left. Though when she’s particularly interested in what you have to say, she intertwines her fingers with her palms facing each other. When she’s annoyed, her hands are more active, her fingers constantly changing positions as if mirroring how the information is processing in her mind, before eventually resting in a connection not unlike the two people holding each other’s hand, one palm face down over the other, to indicate that she’s now calm.
His father tilts his head in different ways, normally looking at you with his face only slightly turned to the left, his eyes watching you from an angle. If he’s interested in the conversation, his head tilts down, as if he’s considering the ideas presented to him, and his eyes lift up to you once he’s figured out how he’ll respond, a trait that Thrawn picked up. When he’s upset, his head turns to the right, more so than normal, and it’s tilted at an angle, almost in warning, before lifting and resting straight when he’s calm again.
Thrass is very much like Thrawn, a tad bit more expressive than the rest of the family, and easier for you to read. He also communicates much better, leading you to being more comfortable when he’s in the room.
But his parents know that you’re learning, that you’re adjusting, and they enjoy the effort, and watching as you open up, despite their overall disconnected appearance.
And Thrawn loves watching you interact. Given how important his family is to him, and how important you’ve become, it’s the best thing in the world to see you all like this, and he loves that you’ve become a part of his family officially. And he feels only pride when he returns to the ship he came in, with you already inside, turning back one more time, just to see his family offer a nod, and nothing more.
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mansions-maiden · 3 years
ikemen vampire with Tom and Jerry part 2
 Part 1 is right here incase anyone missed it! 
Well, he falls asleep as soon as he enters the hall and sits on the sofa. (what else did you expect?) 
Everyone tries waking him up, telling him not to miss this opportunity, but in vain. So they just leave him be. 
And then, there’s a sudden shriek of Tom yelling in pain or something falling down in the TV, loud enough to make our ears bleed. 
And then, “Waah!!” He woke up with a sudden jerk and leapt out of sofa, and stood there in a defensive position. 
A roar of laughter is heard in the halls and then he suddenly clears his throat awkwardly. 
He then watches the show along with other vampires and enjoys the rest of night. 
He’s curious about how the TV works. 
after some days, the TV is found in pieces, with all it’s internal parts separated in his room. Yeah, he disassembled it out of his voracious curiosity. 
All of these animations seem pretty illogical to him , but in a funny way. “Wait, a talking dog and a dancing cat and mouse? “ 
Immediately feels himself getting connected to Tom and Jerry. “Hey Theo, Guess we are Tom and Jerry now! Best friends and yet we are at each other’s throats always! “ 
Finds it sweet that this show is meant for kids. He would show this to the children at the orphanage. 
Found a new nickname for Isaac! “HEY there Jerry! how’s your science stuff going?!” 
feels a bit flustered because he can’t predict the next scenario using his detective skills. 
“What in the name of apples  science is this!?  And people like stuff that has entirely left reality?!” the horror in his face when he realizes that Tom and Jerry is very very far from the face of science and reality. 
“ I . AM . NOT. A . MOUSE!. Leave me alone!” he shouts at Arthur and Dazai on verge of tears and bright red cheeks. 
tries to sit in the hall and enjoy the show with curiosity. 
he likes the show. Just doesn’t like to admit that he HAD LIKED a thing that science has nothing to do with. 
But ends up leaving the place due to continuous pestering by Dazai and Arthur with his new ‘nickname’. 
comes back with a frying pan, actually two frying pans and sits back on the couch, beating the faces of Dazai and Arthur whenever they mentioned his new nickname. (what’s a more effective defensive tool than frying pan? 🤣) 
(I had to make his character a badass in this hc, so just added the last thing. Ignore it if you don’t like it..) 
By the time show ended, Arthur’s and Dazai’s faces were in deep red shade due to the number of hits they received on their faces by Isaac.  
“Toshiko san! All of the characters are so adorable in this show! Just like you! “  
“Ai- kun! Both you and Toshiko san are that cute little mouse!” He exclaims with a subtle hint of teasing in his voice. 
He sees it attentively so that he can share these mischievous tales of two sworn enemies to the children in the streets of Paris, and make them laugh. 
Joins Arthur to pester Isaac with his nickname. 
Is absolutely in love with the two animals. 
After the show ends, he jumps out and yeets himself out of the window runs out and gathers all the animals available, cats, dogs, mice and other animals. (inspired from an old post I remember reading some time ago). 
And now, he’s the leader of the animal gang and he’s the don of that group. 
The mansion somehow ended up becoming a sort of zoo for all the animals of Paris. 
Keep your volume as loud as possible when watching Tom and Jerry with Napoleon. 
He first takes a few minutes to get acquainted with the advanced technology to that time period. 
Everything is calm and quiet until no funny scenes occur. Once the funniest moments between the animals occur, a series of laughter is heard. 
“HAHAHAAA! Oh.. my..haha.. oh my god!! Tom’s�� shape has changed the moment.. hahah.. he collides with wall! Haahaa! He becomes as thin ..HAAHAAA!!haahaaahaa! as thin as a paper!!” 
the residents begin to laugh at Napoleon rather than at cartoon as he still continues laughing, clutching his stomach hard and rolling on the floor. 
While Sebastian is walking across the hall, he ends up grabbing his leg to support himself and stand up, but failing miserably and falling down again due to his laugh, along with Sebastian this time. 
He keeps , or rather, tries to keep a stoic face as he too watches the cartoon with all. 
A wave of nostalgia hits him as soon as he begins to remember his childhood in modern day Japan. ( I guess it’s expected since we all practically grew up while watching Tom and Jerry, and he’s from modern time, non..?)
He loosens up at last and enjoys the show, forgetting about his butler duties and stops worrying about other residents.
But soon finds himself with a pen and his notebook, noting down every other thing the residents do in his notebook secretly.(oh Sebas, at this point, why don’t you become a spy agent? *sigh and face palm*) 
(continuation of last point from napoleon) He  manages to fall down without any pain and heaves a sigh of relief. 
He keeps a stoic face, but is internally screaming that his role model had grabbed him and pulled him down. 
Just stays there on the ground in an intense shock and sees the entire show in the same position, but everything just fades away due to his fanboy thoughts. 
Later that night, lights are found switched on in his room and continuous laughing is heard. (everyone can hear him, but decides to ignore him, or rather listen to it secretly and keep it a secret. ) 
okay.. so Isaac’s and Sebastian’s description seem way too much out of their character, but I wrote it anyway. And Dazai’s, I remember reading it from an old tumblr post ^^;. Took a bit of inspiration from it.
And if you still like this weird post, woah! It’s a miracle. well, thank you for liking! 
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Hcs: Sting, Laxus & Rufus with a really affectionate + supportive s/o
WAIT WAIT I READ RUFUS INSTEAD OF ROGUE?? IM SO SORRY OMG- i promise I’ll make one for rogue ;-;
Hello! May I get hcs about Sting, Laxus and Rogue with a really affectionate and supportive s/o?? The type of person who goes YES THAT'S MY BF YOU ARE THE BEST SWEETIE when the boys do something cool x)??
warnings: uhm spoilers if you haven’t watched the full show yet?... I forgot in what season exactly these things happen sorry ;-;
i really enjoyed writing this! Rufus is a character that I’m very fond of and I was starting to like Sting more and more as well as Laxus ^^ I haven’t written for any of them before but I did my best and hope you like it! ^^ + please check out my post about celebrating reaching 700 followers, I need you guys’ opinions ^^
Tip jar ^^
hcs start below the cut
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Sting Eucliffe
this baby eats your praise UP
freaking loves it so much
he might have to get used to the amount of affection at first, but he loves it!
might even be equally as affectionate as you at some point
let’s say you two are together during the grand magic games
and you are in the crowd at EVERY. BATTLE your bf is at
jumping up and down
cheering so loudly he can hear you above the rest
this gives him even more motivation
also a little pressure
he wants to be the best for you
but well
remember when all the dragon slayers ended up on that vehicle
he was embarrassed to say the least
but then he hears you
“Come on Sting!!! I know you can do it baby!!”
and he just KNOWS you’re face is like :D
and afterwards you continuously praise him, knowing about his problem with motion sickness
“honey i’m so proud!! you got so far!!”
whether he wins or loses, you will always tell him he’s the best
at times he feels like he isn’t worthy of your praise
but at the same time it motivates him so so much
also if you’re affectionate in public he might act different depending on who’s around
if it’s around his friends he doesn’t care and will happily return the affection!
In public he might be a little shyer about it
oh and
whenever he’s training you like to watch
and whenever he manages to do something new you’re just like
“!!!!! that’s my bby!!!!”
and baby will have the biggest smile on his face ever
and he’s so happy to have you by his side
aaaa i’m so soft for this baby
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Laxus Dreyar
okay so
he acts as if it’s nothing
as if he knows he’s the best already
nope hahah he constantly wants to prove he’s strong come on
ok so this is kinda interesting tbh
because if we’re talking about laxus before he changed, I really don’t think he would do much about your constant affection and praise
it gets to the point where some people wonder if Laxus even loves you at all
he does, he was just terrible at expressing it during this time
and you knew that
you had figured him out already
he might even scoff at times if you suddenly hold onto his arm or kiss his cheek
he probably feels a little embarrassed too
but you just
ignore it
and it has the thunder legion like ???? wot??
he’s not pushing you away???
or making any remarks??
cue a jealous freed (sorry the shipper jumped out)
after he changes
he slowly becomes more open to it
he might even return the affection at times in small ways like having a hand on your hip
in private he will gladly cuddle you :D
and he loves the praise so much
remember when he breathed in some strange stuff from that villain
and protected his friends or tried to at least
and basically almost died
maybe you aren’t exactly proud of him being reckless and almost dying BUT
you were so happy that he was okay
and when he’s slowly getting better you keep praising him when he tries doing small things
like walking, going outside, eating full meals etc
and of course you don’t leave his side
and he doesn’t mind it uwu
oh boy he felt so so happy to have you
he acknowledges his mistakes etc but that makes him feel bad
and you’re there to reassure him he’s not a bad person at all
that is probably the moment he needs you the most
and when he realises he really loves you and is one lucky man
he will neveeeeerr let you go
(I forgot to edit a pic like the others for my baby I’ll replace this text with it soon I promise I’m sorry rufus sweetie ;-;)
Rufus Lore
tries to be nonchalant about is while also letting you know he appreciates it??
like at the grand magic games you’re in the crowd
he just chuckles and quietly says to himself how cute you are
while he does often voice his appreciation for your cheerful attitude
it is only after losing to Gray during the grand magic games that he realizes how much he needs you
and you can tell that that battle affects him
yes, rufus has a lot of confidence
I mean his memory make magic is so fascinating and powerful
but he’s still a human that makes mistakes
this isn't something magic can fix
so after that fight
he’s secretly very disappointed and sad
he never loses
he knew gray couldn’t win
his magic told him so
so how did he win??
kinda starts to doubt himself
then you come to him
hugging him and telling him he’s amazing
“it’s okay to make mistakes babe! you’re still great. you’ve won so many times!!”
yeah that’s true
“you remember that you’ve won more times than that you’ve lost, right?”
this is the first time it really Dawns upon Rufus how much you help him and make him feel better
he realises how lucky he is to have you in his life
from here on he will be more vocal about how much he appreciates your support
he will have this small but loving smile as he listens to you praising him
he will lean his head on the palm of his hand as he fondly stares at you
will make sure to remember this
he doesn’t care that this isn’t any type of magic
your support is more powerful than any kind of magic he can use
might even return the praise
but in a more relaxed way
but it doesnt matter because he makes it clear that he appreciates you so so much
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