#smth soft after all that villain dia stuff hahaha
cheemken · 11 months
Could we get wholesome headcanons for the rest of the champions?
That au really took a toll on us huh hahaha
But hey anyways have some more hcs uvu
•Lance has a soft spot for baby Dragon types, like he'd find a tiny Gible out in the wild and I guarantee you he will cry
-Wallace saw him cry once and uses it as blackmail to get what he wants hahah
•Lance once dabbed in front of Cynthia, then he was smirking at her going "no one will ever believe you"
•Steven likes skipping pebbles in lakes and rivers whenever they're out exploring and taking a break from champion duties
-usually Wallace joins him, but Hau also likes joining in too, and the two would talk abt Steven's interest in rocks
•Wallace really loves Iris' champion outfit and made one for himself too, basing it off of his Milotic
-Iris got so happy she inspired one of the older champions, then she said it's her grandpa's gift for her
•Cynthia and Iris loves pranking the other champions, and they have little competitions on who can prank the most champions. If they end up tied, the breaker would be who could prank Diantha and get away w it
-all their pranks on Dia gets foiled tho bc Geeta would take the hit for her without Dia knowing
-Cynthia had to bribe Geeta at one point so she could win, it didn't work hahah
•movie nights are a fucking mess hahaha
-Geeta would insist they'd watch a horror movie, to which Leon and the kids would shake their head no and they watch a comedy instead
-Lance said he'd want to watch one of Diantha's movies, and Wallace agreed to watch some too
-Steven and Cynthia would rather watch a documentary about history and such
-Diantha just wants to watch musicals
-theyd end up just using a lil wheel of fortune thing to find out which one's suggestion they'd watch
•as I mentioned before, Cynthia is an insomniac, but other than Iris who knows abt it, Leon also does
-he saw her roaming the halls one night when he went to get water
-and they end up talking abt how they became champions at a young age and it really took a toll on them
-they formed an unlikely friendship, and so if Cynthia couldn't sleep, Leon would be there for her and they'd just either talk or watch random movies till they pass out
•Diantha is really good at chess, I wanna say she's actually considered a grandmaster, and it shows considering that out of all the champions she's the most strategic
-none of the champions could beat her, no matter how hard they try, even Cynthia tried cheating by hiding her phone under the table and opening up the chess app too, but she still lost
-tho Diantha would purposely lose to Iris, Hau, and Augustine, she loves seeing them happy when they win
•Iris and Hau loves playing video games together, and Iris showed him all the favourite games she plays
-Hau's not sure whether or not to be surprised that Iris loves fps games, then again for him it's on brand of her hahah
-w that tho, they do try the games the other likes, Hau even showed her the dungeon crawler games he liked
Anyways yeah that's all I got for now hahaha
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cheemken · 10 months
Some SilkWing fam stuff in the villain au bc why not and it's also an excuse for me to write more of SilkWing hahah
Anyways hahaha
Imagine how soft these three are w each other tho, like cbdmdn oughhh just them being a family but Iris hasn't called them mom and dad yet and as much as Diantha and Lance wants to say it out loud, they also don't call Iris their daughter out in public
But like, they want to yknow, it's the family the longed for for so many years, and finally they have it, but they have to keep things professional
But like, despite that, they try to be mundane. Like how a family would be. They'd often go out just the three of them, Lance and Diantha buying whatever it is that Iris wanted, spoiling her rotten, giving her gifts and all the affection and attention she ever wanted.
Imagine how soft they are your honour nxjcmxn
Imagine Lance and Iris flying across Johto, Lance said he just needed some help patrolling the region before the meeting starts, but it's really just him wanting to spend time w his daughter. Like, at first it was serious yknow, and then Lance and Dragonite flies past them, w Lance smirking at Iris all "keep up now!" Laughing at Iris as she took a sec to finally figure out what's going on, and just jcmxjd
The two of them just having this lil race up in the sky, doing stunts and tricks w Dragonite and Hydreigon, and Iris was doing so well ofc, smirking at Lance now all "keep up, old man!" Lance huffed at the name, but shook his head smiling at the sight of Iris being happy. And it's so soft your honour cbdmdn
Imagine Diantha teaching Iris how to play chess tho, telling her all the strategies she knows, all the times she joined chess tournaments, and the time she wanted to make a club for it. Iris listening to Diantha's stories while playing tho, and then Dia tells her how chess is like a pkmn battle. Oughh imagine Iris finally realizing why Dia was strong tho, not bc of her raw strength, but her strategies. And Iris wanted to know more.
Diantha telling Iris that she lets others go first so she can think of a counter attack, and her teaching Iris abt the advantage of letting people attack first. Teaching her how to make quick strategies during battle, and how to turn the tides in her favour. And yknow maybe through it all, Iris ended up liking chess, she always looked forward playing w Diantha, showing off her own strategies. Of all the Champions, Iris was the first one to ever beat Diantha in chess
Imagine the three of them just being together after the meetings tho, like at Unova imagine Iris showing them around, telling them abt her favourite spots to hang out w friends, and during the night, before Iris has to get back home to Opelucid, they'd always be at the Gym's rooftop or smth stargazing, w Iris pointing out each constellation she sees and telling them abt their stories and legends. And ofc, Lance and Diantha listens to every word, it's nice to hear and see their daughter be so passionate abt smth she loves, and it was nice to see her interests outside of battling.
Lance and Dia asking her more abt it tho, more abt the legends within each constellation, and she rambled on and on until she got tired, until she fell asleep. Lance had to carry her back home during those nights, and they'd tuck her in, bidding her goodnight even tho she's already asleep. But,, it was nice yknow, it really was the sense of normalcy all three of them wanted, and it could've been so so perfect for them
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