#but the thing ppl are not doing is extending that understanding to others / different ships
phantom-of-the-keurig · 3 months
I love when ppl try to throw shade at codywan or insist it’s unreasonable because like okay baby, ur so right, codywan is totally impossible but Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi would 100% fuck his padawan, the literal embodiment of angsty mental illness Anakin Skywalker
We’ve been so blind. Two extremely competent and responsible adult men growing close over the course of a war and finding comfort in each other? Ridiculous. Who would think such a thing 😒 everyone knows clones don’t have dicks, clones don’t fuck. Unless it’s a self insert OC of course, then the clones may fuck
But absolutely, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi would definitely get down and dirty with Anakin. Padme? Who the fuck is that? The only Pad I May need is extra padding for my ass when I sit and read a 300k fic about Jedi power bottom Kenobi taking back shots from Anakin.
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In case you couldn’t tell, this is satire. One of my biggest pet peeves is people trying to justify their ship by insisting its only logical, basically canon tbh, anything else is silly and helllllloooo who would ever ship that other thing haha it makes no sense right?
Stop it. If you want to see Obi-Wan get his back blown out by Anakin, just say that. It’s okay to wanna see ur fave characters fuck or suck each other off you don’t have to gas light urself + everyone else preaching about how it’s the only reasonable / most believable / most practical ship. And yah some people may find your ship a little fuckin weird but who cares, show ur fave ship + characters some respect and stand by them without some twitter level performative nonsense
Do you wanna see two characters touch peepees? Okay then, that’s all the justification you need. And especially if you’re gonna ship something a little dicey at least have the balls to be proud and upfront about it smh 💀
TLDR: you don’t have to craft some grandiose analysis to justify why you ship something, the best ships sail with vibes alone. Stand by your ships / ideas / headcanons don’t be a coward. Y’all be barking and yapping too much except when it comes to standing on business 💀💀💀
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steelycunt · 1 year
ridi im sorry i need to rant and i think youll get it 😭 like not to be a bitch but this fandom kinda going off the rails and annoying the shit out of me https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRbYASpf/ everybody in the comments unironically loving it,,, i mean wtvr ship who you want but its kinda getting delusional like ppl are just operating on thin air and pretty fancasts atp and i do Not understand or emotionally connect with any of it. at least w wolfstar theres so much material and foundation to explore but what is all the rest of this?? just hot celebrity fancasts and crack. to be fair part of me respects taking a terfs canon material and making everybody gay but the way it seems to be so oversaturating fics and the fandom that characters dont even feel like their original selves .. atp its all just surface level OCs
hello! yes! i'll be honest talking about things like this always make me a little nervous, and i feel obligated to preface anything i say with a disclaimer that none of it really matters, nothing i say matters, and you should do what you like, because--who cares. i am not an authority on--anything, frankly. my opinion holds no more weight than the next guy's, and all i'm doing here is giving it, so. essentially what im saying is--people are perfectly entitled to disagree with me, but people are not entitled to be mean to me about it xx
having said that. it is my personal opinion that s x barty is one of the worst fucking things i have ever heard lol. who even is barty who is that guy. why would s be interested in him at all. i do not understand it it does not make sense to me. from where are we sourcing the character traits and personality that we are giving barty that would ever endear sirius to him, because it objectively cannot be canon.
overall i do not get the new interest in barty + evan + pandora (+ regulus, but we won't go there)...at all, other than guessing that people were bored with the marauders and wanted a new version of them (and new celebrities to fancast) while simultaneously changing next to nothing about them other than superimposing them onto the first slytherin side characters they could rustle up. i expect ive become a bit of a broken record in regards to my dislike of the popular meow-meow-ification + complete absolution of regulus as a character in order to make him a loveable oc (just as i think erasing all the negative traits that r/s have in order to make them more likeable is just as boring), and all of that applies to those other guys as well (with the slight difference that they are, somehow, even less interesting and significant than regulus in canon), so i won't get into that too much. but i think what you say about having no emotional connection to any of it is exactly right lol--it is a sort of shift? i guess? in the fandom that is simply of no interest to me. they are characters that i just have no emotional investment in and admittedly struggle a little to understand why other people do. i am emotionally invested in, like, five characters overall (and even out of those--there's only two i'm really here for innit xx) and i personally cannot extend that investment to a creepy little side character who is mentioned maybe twice in the entire series.
and that is okay! i do not need to understand it. i don't want to say it annoys me because honestly--i don't go there, its nothing to do with me. if i dont like it i just wont interact with it, and the fact that it doesn't interest me has no bearing on what other people are into or want to do, and i couldn't give less of a shit what people do with the canon material, which is largely garbage anyway. take the bits you want from it, play around with those and ignore the rest. in that respect we are all doing exactly the same thing. but yeah i think s x barty is genuinely awful lol. hate it. very terrible. he's already got a loser werewolf boyfriend and he loves him so so much. leave him alone.
#i know most people are reasonable and thus it is perhaps overly cautious of me to insist on shrouding my unpopular#opinions in like. layer upon layer of placatory disclaimers but. well im a rather anxious guy i can't help it xx but im going to use these#tags to have a bit more of a consequence-less hater hour so. if you like regulus or barty or any of that lot i suggest you look away now#because i am about to express opinions about them that you probably wouldnt agree with + wouldnt enjoy reading!!#like full warning what im about to do is NOT any sort of analysis or defence of my opinion i will just be hating on them. is that clear.#okay. having said that. hater hour. barty and evan and honestly regulus were all cunts? like they were terrible people why do we care#about them now. regulus interests me solely as a piece of context for sirius' character. i could not give less of a shit about him as a#person in his own right. which leads me to my next hater moment: why oh why oh WHY on earth would canon james potter be interested#in canon regulus black. it makes sense in like a muggle au where they are virtually completely different characters but canon?#why would he be attracted to him. there is nothing. there is no chemistry i am ASLEEP and so is james. he would not give that#guy a second look. like it just baffles me it truly does. i feel like you have to bend over backwards to create a situation in which#james potter would ever show an interest in regulus. and i know jegulus is a fucking force to be reckoned with nowadays but god i just#do not like that ship. also i think the fact that barty and pandora and evan are essentially just oc characters who have been coloured#in by general fanon consensus shows in that what they have become is just. not interesting or complex or well fleshed out lol. like#idk i feel like they are just. very shallow. deliberately. so they are easy to like and easy to ship because that is what theyre there for.#god it feels so good to say all this. i will never be a hater again (<- lying) but i needed to be able to just. say this just once xx#also if you needed any more indication what barty and evan and regulus are here to do you just have to look at their#super-hot super-conventionally attractive celebrity model fancasts. like it all adds up its like but what if these death eaters were#not actually evil :-( what if they were really sweet and also? so so hot. like they were all so hot and actually really good#and none of them meant to be evil they didnt want to be :-( they were just hot good guys all in love with each other and the evil stuff#they did wasnt their fault :-( like that has to be. the most boring thing you couldve possibly done with these blank slates. surely.#anyway. im done now but i enjoyed hater hour immensely this was so fucking good for my soul xx thanks and goodnight xx#anon#telegram#scream hang on sorry. just looked at the comments of that tiktok where people are saying they were prison besties. girl. girl.#girl they were in prison for very different reasons baby. baby you know that right. baby look at me. look at me
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kermit-coded · 3 months
i tried to do my research -- no joke, it's been like 5 months of me doing the equivalent of immersion therapy for fandoms -- and i gotta say that while i can understand mcu Bucky fans cuz at least he got that title movie a decade ago, but i do not understand comic Bucky fandom.
but it's more than just Not Understanding, that'd be just one thing, but comic Bucky fans are WEIRD!!!!!!! to put it lightly!
like they're all obsessed with portraying Bucky -- who mind u is the oldest CA cast member since he's the only one who matches Steve's prehistoric age -- as like... a child. like the child of every single person, even ppl 20, 60, 80 years younger than him.....
and not just trying to re-interpret/re-portray him like a child dynamic-wise, but like they have a weird fascination with making him -- again mind u, the only other old ass supersoldier in the cast besides Steve unless u count random sidecharacters -- smaller and childlike and putting him in the "retro" "campy" outfits from the thrice-retconned-over (&hella racist!) oldtimey propaganda comics that were left in the past for good reason (racism)! not just bc theyve been retconned to hell n back
but that's not the weirdest part, actually. on top of all this weird OOC-ness comic Bucky fandom pushing onto the 2nd oldAssMan's dynamics w/ the other characters, & on top of fandom to "de-age" him, they all be doing the opposite for Steve and shipping him w/ Bucky -- who again, mind u are like e/o's only agemates in the cast -- and turn it into a weird d@ds0n shipping thing... even the cis dudes not even into shipping be makin jokes w their fangirl mutuals who do that!!
and not all of it feels like genuine shipping, but ALL of it feels like an extended homophobic joke all the comic fans are making w the character... it feels like a gross p*d*r*sty joke they're all in on, and coming from the outside it, it feels so gross.
Bcuz why tf are they all de-aging and shrinking Bucky down to a little boy but they shipping him with the folks they were just calling the grownups? either w Steve or w Steve's love interests and doing a weird "(step)mommy" joke........... ... It's all headcanons, but it's the SAME ppl doing BOTH of these things... at the same time... ... i checked! you find one and then you find the other! like... thats weird...
even if his comics were worth it -- it's not -- the fandom is weird as hell with the way they portray him, and the difference between that and canon (either comic or mcu canon) be throwing me for a loop bcuz wtf is going on...... it all feels like a creepy inside joke everyone else decided on b4 i walked into the room!
why would you send this to me, a dc comics blog
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guideaus · 1 year
late tristamp 8 thoughts
the voice filter thing makes rem (?) outright sound like a robot
i see knives and vash have different origins
sc-fi that has shit be like the most transparent tablet or whatever is so funny, its reminds me of d/bh (🤢🤮)
hate knives being less enthusiastic. i think them being different isnt automatically bad, and even if he was like hitting puberty before vash and maybe going through adolescence he still deserves respect, but it does kinda hint that he's the "bad" one. and i hate that evil/good twin shit lol
this cutting straight to the fall kind of makes it interesting. at least makes you go "oh, wow, i wonder what happened" as opposed to starting the show off with it
tristamp might be assigning more guilt to vash concrening knives? if knives is telling the truth. in the manga and anime knives just fucking... hacked smth idk, while here knives makes it sound like vash let him in on a little secret to the "explode all ships" button he instantly regretted
i cant take his voice actor seriously though
rem didnt shove them in diff clothes in this adaptation??
this makes it a bit more gruesome, vash being near the corpses instead of the twins watching afar
i wonder how tristamp will make knives here if he isnt even attempting to deal w vash and he gets easily taken away
this woman just knows to look for plant characteristics?? its not even a surprise thing during a doctor's checkup??
i can see theyre changing the lore w the seeds ships if theres just casual people walking around fine like there wasnt a cataclysmic event just then
they handcuffed a child... what are they gonna do, put him on trial?
is this woman a fucking plant expert. i thought they were all regarded as top-secret lab experiments, esp w vash and knives being the first "independents". why does she know. or is she info dumping
Either knives and vash are much younger, or conrad did get an intentional life extending thingy
orange not changing rem's name is so funny. knives got nai, but her last name is still just "save" added onto her first name. why not seibrem!!!
also we're the same height :)
the guy (brad?) is really annoying.
what the fuck is their food
rip luida's appearance. orange said "not cute anime waifu? GROSS."
i genuinely wonder why they put brad and luida here. are they just trying to take a short cut between making vash visit his home and connecting the backstory
this ep also has the problem of the world looking lifeless, itd be understandable if it was explained (everyone else died, theyre hiding, etc.,) but it seems like its literally just luida and brad here. I genuinely cant tell if shes lying abt other survivors or orange cant afford more models to show them lol
are they trying to make vash repeat after knives. or is it unintentional? i feel like vash wouldnt want to copy knives after the fall tho lol. i might be reading too into it, but they did choose almost the exact same words, so..
why are they keeping vash locked up lol. wouldnt luida just trying to have him help with like... whatever someone can imagine is going on there (idk, orange wont show us anything) to possibly sway him even if he has ulterior motives. he's not even hurt, theres no reason she'd act nice and do that, i feel if vash wasnt depressed atm he'd become scared of them. theyre treating him like a decorative plant
we finally barely see bland people BUT HOW ARE THE PEOPLE SAYING HOW GROSS HE LOOKS WHEN HE LOOKS JUST LIKE THEM FSDGHDHS??? in the 90s anime, it made sense when ppl were freaked out by watching how quickly they aged around them, but theres no reason for them to be acting like this to him. he's locked up, so that one thing where ppl assume "locked up" = "they must have done something to deserve it (his treatment)", couldve come into play, but calling him gross lol?? maybe making fun of his outfit at most or smth but??
WHY DO THEY ALL WANT HIM DEAD SO BAD FJHDJD??? its not even a "this is against the rules" thing (which could work bc in this universe, they were all alive pre-fall), but they just want him dead for some reason...
more bland people
vash is a plant empath
i don't think i like the presentation of rem's iconic speech. there's no context shown for it, i was scared luida was gonna take it, but here its just loosely connected. in fact, i don't think it really matches at all. originally it was about rem and vash wanting to die, they argue you have something to live for, and vash uses it to be hopeful and say people can change even when they've done bad. here it gives off the impression that vash can live to be useful to the humans, therefore he'll finally earn their respect (which is bad lol). even if its related to vash's apparent guilt of knives being able to drop everyone from the sky, its not clear enough. the audience doesnt know the context
SHE SAYING IT AS SHE'S DYING?? why would she think either kid would ever hear it, lol. i feel it doesnt fit any situation in tristamp, im more focused on the plant than what she's saying, so frankly its kind of leaving my mind as shes saying it despite me already knowing it
the plant reminds me tristamp elendira looks like that :/
i guess vash's power here is healing steven universe style, but just through minimum contact ig
he now has an appetite (trying to live), his handcuffs coming off, and a new bed. absolutely feel like a reward for his actions... it feels bad... that absolutely gives him new problems and i dont think it was intentional. thats not good for a 2 y/o, lol. somehow orange repeated the manga's introduction better here than in the reboot's own 2 first eps...
the stuff with tristamp wolfwood and brad just isnt funny. in the manga/anime, brad had that immature attitude to show off in front of jessica, he was also jealous of vash for being an older bro type and jessica had a crush on him, so he felt like the competition. here he's just... being an asshole? the "yeah, he did something useful, i guess he can get a bed now" doesnt feel like a lot. luida too, she apologizes, but doesnt explain why they did that (and that its inexcusable)
so is he using up his powers in tristamp too, or.
hes a little lanky teen, awww
why did they give him a jacket that's too big, lol. its like they found a random one advertising their company and just let him have it. and not a single other character has a similar jacket
OH MY GOD BRAD IS BACK TO BEING IRRATIONAL. no "Hey, kiddo... what's this?" COME ON. luida collapses too, like werent you the smarter, nicer one??
vash runs away out of fear, so ig maybe he would have done that before.
why did vash kind of hide his running away letter. hes copying rem
brad is back to feeling guilty?? what the fuck is going on. pick one. frankly, itd make sense for him to think "running away" = "guilty" with how he started
i dont know why they cut to the present for 30 seconds just to go back in time again
it sucks no one was nearby when vash woke up, but that might be hard for orange. idk why they cant have more than 3 characters in a scene
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palms-upturned · 3 years
Uhhhh ur misogynistic gay man whose name I can’t remember for that character ask meme
character ask meme
What I love about them
love is a strong word when it comes to saionji 💀 but ill admit i enjoy watching his clownery djsgdjxb in the end i found him p compelling, i think the way the show handles both his and touga’s positions as simultaneous victims and perpetuators of the system is rlly interesting… something something about how oftentimes we cling to systems that actively harm us because they also give us some degree of power over others and tempt us w the promise of even more 😔 err anyway, the point is i love that saionji’s queerness and legitimate struggles that come w that don’t exempt him from being taken to task for the ways he abuses what privileges he has, also it’s very funny to watch him get owned 💙 that being said tho i do get like 😔 over his part in the final duel… oh god oh fuck saionji we’re really in it now
What I hate about them
what’s not to hate about this guy… every time he even exists in the same space as anthy i want to rip him limb from limb… but in all seriousness i think the most damning thing about saionji is that he proves that he’s perfectly capable of understanding the abusive dynamic between akio and his victims and even goes to weirdly touching lengths to forgive touga and help him escape, and yet he does not extend any of that kindness or effort toward anthy and actively heaps on more abuse… i do appreciate that a lot about the show, portraying abusers not necessarily as like fundamentally evil people™️ who are somehow different from everyone else and easily identifiable, but people who make the active choice to leverage their power over others, whatever the circumstances may be 😔
Favorite moment/quote
im obsessed with the entire verdant hopes light novel like it’s maybe the funniest thing ive ever read, there’s a scene where saionji runs into wakaba at a department store and drops a bottle of salad oil, which he then asks a store clerk to wrap in a pretty bow bc it’s a gift for a girl, and wakaba is like WHAT. and saionji is genuinely shocked that she thinks it’s a stupid present. second funniest moment is when touga comes to talk to him at the dojo and says “i came to invite you on a date” and saionji pauses before tentatively saying, “me? 😳” and touga is like “haha a double date, i mean. don’t get me wrong, i don’t swing that way” and the narrator is like “this was obviously a lie but saionji didn’t need to know that” LIKE. GOD DHXGSJXBXBC
What I would like to see more focus on
im haunted over saionji being literally homeless after he gets expelled, like… “i have no family or friends to turn to” WHAT? the friends part i can believe but dhgsjdbxbx what?!!?? i just think it’s kind of hilarious that we know a little about each of the stuco members’ families but nothing about saionji’s even tho he seems to be in the most dire situation of them all 😭 but maybe what he meant was that he got disowned after his expulsion… who knows… legit hysterical that no one cared enough to explain that plot beat
What I would like to see less focus on
🤔🤔🤔 again i have no answer for this, i think his storyline was fine
Favorite pairing with
im not immune to tousai… in spite of [gestures broadly]… explaining why would get a little too personal ksbsjdnxbc but let’s say unfortunately i relate to some issues between those two
Favorite friendship
i think it’s p funny that nanami calls him kyouichi, i like to think she bossed him around mercilessly when they were kids
errr idk, do ppl really ship him with anthy or wakaba? i hope not 😭
Favorite headcanon
hmmmm… well for some reason when i picture him and nanami as kids i always imagine her just fucking biting him when she gets mad KSSHSGDH so ig just that nanami put the fear of teething toddlers in him
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 110
The writer doesn’t need to rush to akito (antagonist) & give us quick background exposition & escalate her mentality to the exploding moment, simply cuz tohru (the protagonist) isn’t emotionally in her most vulnerable moment yet. Tohru’s issues will be presented deeper  with each pov chapter she’ll have. So what should the writer do now?
This is a connected plot, meaning the emotions belonging to the previous chapter are still lingering & needs to be dealt with. There is no stupid laughing & cooking or even dumber momentarily amnesia. Nope! There is this:
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-The Art of Writing Slow-Burns: (Lingering Emotions:)
Last time kyo hugged tohru thro the sheets. sth he wouldn’t do if it weren’t for the heartbreaking moment of tohru’s tears & the reason behind them. Why wouldn he do it? cuz he believes he’s the reason of her pain & is setting his mind on leaving her & being imprisoned as a punishment. He  wouldn’t do it cuz he loves her but he did it cuz he loves her. why? cuz love is illogical. Kyo’s heart moved him effortlessly to embrace her & “ his tenderness covered her pain” as the writer put it at the end of ch109.
Last time tohru hugged kyo thro the sheets, sth she wouldn’t do if it weren’t for the comfort of his warmth enveloping her loneliness & providing safety & a home. A home can a person. Why wouldn she do it? cuz Tohru is someone who hides pain behind a smile, someone who thinks she’s ugly & unlovable cuz she’s grieving still after all this time. She’s thinks she’s a burden. But here she confessed to kyo unprompted or advised by anybody. He only asked a fleeting question. but tohru cant hide who she is friom him anymore. Still, he accepted her & tenderly held her thro the sheets & she threw her body at him, she initiated the hug.
The sheet hig is the biggest emotional moment between kyo/tohru yet. It altered how they feel for each other cuz in that moment tohru’s mask fell & kyo was the most honest with himself emotionally. That’s not sth you move from with the stupid ED song. They both try to carry out normally afterwards cuz they live together after all. The slightest touch brings..... sexual tension!!!  it was so bad poor yuki left the house running!!!!!!!!
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The writer cleverly escalates the sexual tension as they awkwardly try to find a talking topic, then dissolves it a bit when kto asks if tohru wants to go out together & where, then escalates it when tohru suggests buying eggs cuz she’s awkward, then dissolves it when kyo grumpily agrees but this is just grocery shopping” not a fun going out”, the escalates it when tohru said she’s happy for just bring together with him regardless of the location & kyo looses it! sexual tension explodes!
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The target of the slow-burn isn’t the characters... the target is the audience! the writer plays with their emotions & cleverly puts the audience in a place where they desperately want these two idiots together but still remember why they aren’t! that’s very important. Having the readers cheer for a romantic relationship includes the readers understanding the obstacles ahead & how big they are & still cheer. If the obstacles are meh~ the readers will find the couple unrealistic, if the obstacles are so big & the couples emotions aren't buildup properly, then the couple themselves will feel meh~. Glad kyoru survived such writing mistakes both manga & anime ( anime hurt their characters more than their relationship).
-Yuki wants to move on from the unofficial son third wheeling his mom & her man:
The writer jokes abt yuki admitting he felt as a son watching his mon & her bf. I love tha this joke becuz it cleverly addresses the following points:
it is cleverly weaved in with the kyoru incident from last chapter. Sth happen & yuki doesn't know what is & doesn't want to! Yuki represents the audience I talked abt in the slow-burn point above. He is us. He’ll cheer for them to be together & will be so frustrated when they can’t. It adds to yuki confronting kyo at the climax!!! You see in the anime kyo/yuki stopped interacting much in se03. Then tada~~ big fight when it’s a must! & can’t be escaped... Here we still have kyo/yuki moments despite each boy moving away from his issues being the fault of the other. Basically better writing.....
The writer cleverly used this to address that yuki still feels like tohru’s son sometimes despite being more independent now, which is natural as you cant switch ur feelings with a button. But also the writer doesnt stay in this moment long & use it to build the next moment.. yuki/Aya , yuki/machi & aya/mine.... sadly all there dynamics are shortened in the anime like kyoru’s.
-I don’t think yuki/Aya  moment suffered much from the cuts, the entire school parents meeting ep us enough to reconcile the brothers. Aya defended yuki that day & so did yuki. He completely accepted him & stood up to him in front of the mom.
- More aya/mine would’ve been good to see & I would’ve preferred it to yuki/motoko moments in the anime that served nothing. but aya/mine too are stand alone story. They’re the most alike couple in a healthy way. Aya is the guy who protected his woman the most. simply cuz he’s the snake. snakes are secretive. he kept her to himself, even from yuki!!! impressive.
- What I lament from the cut of this mini yuki adventure?
1- This: ( yuki’s facial expressions) This is sth the anime fears, either cuz (a) pretty yuki is 100% pretty all the time, so no expressiveness cuz it leads to showing eyebrows & hiding them under layers of hair is the A.B.C of pretty characters... (b) Yuki in the anime is a prince 98% of the time, except with kyo (they got rid of this in se03 & give them one honest/ugly moment together) & with kakeru (one tiny moment in se03 in match’’s focus ep & then quickly back to prince yuki!)..., ugh!!!!!! I hate how yuki is prince thro & thro in the anime!!that’s why they couldn’t get rid of any motoko content!!! he’s a prince there... heck! school girls float after him the graduation ceremony... what’s up with that!! lol.
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2-. This: ( machi with the toy that tohru/kisa/kagura/momiji & kiro like! so cute!!! also, foreshadowing yuki’s future chosen extended family! (his bro & his wife), (yuki & his wife) & best friend/his brother in law! Also, yuki is so himself! no glitters, no bubbles & no pretending anger! <3
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Side Notes:
The lovely @mizzraynelly​ made notice kto’s speech in ch109 abt not vising his mom’s grave! Even tho it’s such a minor line, it’s one of the biggest cuts that foreshadow the accumulation of kyo’s guilt towards his mom. Kyo’s thing is guilt towards ppl he loves & fear of hurting them, by keeping this feeling alive in readers’ minds, the writer is making sure that the climax will hurt like sharp knives cuz the readers are on the same wave liength as kyo!!! epic buildup consists of tiny subtle pieces!
 Luckily, kyoru as a ship felt so strong in both manga & anime despite the later cutting half of their moments. Why? cuz the chosen cuts didnt affects the romantic relationship...no... the cuts affects the characters’ own personal struggle... most precisely tohru. Kyo’s own character struggles had better luck in the anime despite the cuts, simply cuz (a) was drawn with very expressive emotions & the anime team lingered on them in his scenes. (b) His character design as a whole was very expressive, the anime team didnt give him constant wide eyes like tohru & didn’t fear expr4essivness will affect for his “beauty “ like yuki. (c) kyo was given one ep per season for his issues which altho not much but way better than tohru (d) most important: kyo’s issues are very universal & very relatable” feeling guilt, mistakes & choosing wrong. That’s sth we all do!!! Tohru’s thing is grieve: this is very personal & most ppl experience it differently. 
I love kyo’s oufit!!! we have a hint of this moment in se03, ep 10 when yuki was fighting kyo... but they made yuki see them shopping as opposed of him seeing them being sexually charged!
I’m so mad this kyoru moment is cut!!!!!! tohru as a woman with pending sexual emotions is so refreshing & underrated in the trope of “ girl saves guys”. Also, it contradicts the pure mom image that’s been suffocating her since se01 ep 1!!!!! oh now i know why it’s cut... That’s why! momma tohru is so pure for such things & only when it’s the last two eps, then will allow her to be a woman choosing to live away with her man by her own desire! Why the anime only allow things ti happen when there’s no escape!!! I’ve always felt tohru/kyo is the type of couple to be expressive emotionally & sexually with each other based on seeing that ALL of their romantic interaction involves body language & I’m so happy there’s a canon proof so early before the future glimpse in finale!!!!!! 
I liked the aya-story, but it felt like the typical “ lesson of the day” formula, so I didnt analyze it much, but I enjoyed the brotherly interaction so much!! It had a gold mine of yuki being himself & so nit a prince! Im so happy I saw it! <3.
Every time yuki looked expressive is a happy moment for me!
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whatanoof · 3 years
I have a few corruption ideas in mind for cal and I'm just. Okay so like-- reader grinding on/teasing him, maybe while they're hiding in a cave or an empty room in an inquisitor base-- purposefully to the point where he can't hold himself back and he just cums right then and there 👀
Or-- reader accidentally projecting some very, very dirty thoughts towards Cal (bonus points if it's virgin!/inexperienced!Cal), and his reaction to said thoughts ;3c
Don't feel obligated to turn these into full fics or anything tho!! I just like to share my thoughts w ppl and see what they think abt it 🥰💛
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Oh babe, this isn’t an obligation. This is my PLEASURE. Don’t mind me with my slightly force sensitive reader learning how to weaponize her inexperience against her very innocent boyfriend.
A/N: These turned out a lot more fluffy than I had in mind at first, and probably more so than you had in mind, anon. I'll to expand a little more on these, but I wanted to give you what I have now. More to come!
You were two weeks into your relationship the first time it happened. It’s early morning on Bogano, the rare off-day where Cal doesn’t have to take a quest anywhere. The grass glistens in the early morning light, dew droplets sending sparkles of light through the air. You sit in the field, watching the sunrise with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders and a steaming mug of caf clenched tightly in your hands, gracing your morning with its fragrant smell. Happy chirps and beeps echo through the stillness of the morning as BD-1 scampers around the field, chasing a butterfly that’s been disturbed from its early morning food quest. It’s so domestic that it almost hurts. It reminds you of life before the Purge, when everything was better. Except, now you have Cal.
Not beside you of course, he’s actually the reason that you’re even awake to see the dawn. He stands stock-still in the grass several meters in front of you. He’s relaxed, breathing in the crisp dawn air, eyes closed against the rays of light beginning to conquer the horizon line.
Cere stalks back and forth in front of him, “Focus, Cal.” She hefts a round fruit in her hands about as big as her head. “Sense the life around you. What do you feel?”
Cal pivots slowly on the spot until he’s facing you. “I feel you. And her.” His brow is creased in that one spot between his eyebrows. You want to kiss it. 
“Not us, Cal. The life all around us. There’s a reason I chose Bogano for this lesson.” Cere’s disapproving tone is a common staple around here. The crew has learned to accept it as a sign of affection.
“A bogling. On the ship. It’s looking for food.” Cal says.
You smile. The newest addition to the crew has been nothing but a joy to you and a pain in the ass to Greez. It’s always stealing his favorite snacks and making a mess of his ship, if you count it’s tiny nest in the corner of the kitchen to be ‘a mess’. 
“Better. Expand, Cal.”
Then you feel something at the edge of consciousness, something familiar and strange all at the same time. It wasn’t so much a thing, but a feeling. A presence. If you had to describe it in words, you couldn’t. But if you had to try, it would be in swaths of color and emotions that blend and swirl in the invisible eye of your mind. It’s warm, reds and oranges and yellows fluttering against each other, tinged around the edges by blue, the same blue as Cal’s saber. Cal. The presence is undeniably Cal, the warm colors echoing back to his fiery spunk and stubborn affection. 
Your eyes open. When had they closed? Cal is right there, his hand stretched out in your direction. Cere watches cautiously, eyes flicking between you and him. You see her reluctance to interrupt the moment. 
As if called back to the ground by your distraction, Cal opens his eyes with a soft gasp. The presence retreats, fading from your short grasp as you try to chase it. Your gaze bores into Cal, trying to focus your mind on reaching back out to him. But you can’t.
Cere speaks, “That’s enough Force training for today.” She tosses the previously forgotten fruit directly at Cal’s head. “Think fast. Form V today.”
His lightsaber materializes into his hand, cleanly slicing the offending object out of the air in a single smooth motion. But Cal doesn’t hesitate for a single moment, flowing through different saber forms without difficulty. Cere calls a variety of commands, and each gives way to another attack by Cal. The saber moves like it is an extension of his body, like a deadly serpent that flickers in and out of the air.
This continues for a long time, long enough that you have time to finish off your caf. The drink warms your insides. Watching Cal working so hard to strengthen his connection to the Force warms your heart. Examining the definition of his shoulders and his muscular torso warms other places. Your eyes drift to his ass, emboldened by the illusion of ignorance. You allow your mind to drift. 
You and Cal started dating two weeks ago. There was an irresistible pull between the two of you, to the point where the crew forced you two to acknowledge it. Cal had been cautious, but permission from Greez and a blessing from Cere was all the encouragement he needed, because as he had said so eloquently, “Like you. I like you. A lot.”
And you like Cal. A lot. Nothing physical had happened beyond a single makeout session and more cuddle sessions than you could count. You know that he’s unsure about sex, and because of that you’re more than willing to wait for him to be ready. But that doesn’t mean you can’t look and daydream. 
Your gaze drags over his body, imagining for a moment how it would feel. What it would be like, to be allowed close to him to make him feel good. What his skin would taste like, how your fingers would feel threaded through his bright hair. The sounds that he would make as you go down on him. 
A gasp from the field snaps you out of the daydream. Cal’s facedown on the ground; all you can make out of him from here is the fringe of his poncho and his shock of red hair contrasting against the green environment of Bogano. You stand, hurrying over as Cere helps him up.
“Cal?” She's concerned, you can see it in her eyes even if she won’t verbalize it. You’re worried too. In all of your time aboard the Mantis, you’d seen clumsy Cal maybe once before, and that was because he was goofing off in an attempt to make Greez laugh.
He doesn’t respond to Cere. His gaze snaps up to you, and he says your name urgently. Your brow creases, “What?”
His face is flushed red, and he’s panting as he shakily kneels in the grass. “I think you’re Force-sensitive.”
“Come on, it’ll be easy!” He looks so earnest, like a kicked puppy dog. You avert your eyes. Looking too long means that you will fall prey to the terrible innocent eyes.
“I said no. What’s so hard to understand about that?” You cross your arms tighter over your chest. You know that arguing is futile. Cal is the most stubborn person you know, even more so than Greez and you have witnessed the intense food aggression.
“Babe, it’s one rock. You’re not going to get hurt.”
“I might when it’s going to be flying at my face!” Cere had insisted that you learn to control your Force sensitivity, at the very least so that you could learn how to guard your mind from others. But, she placed Cal in charge of your training. Merrin’s Force abilities were nothing close to what you could hope to accomplish, and you believe Cere’s exact words were, “It will be good for Cal to learn just how irritating training a Padawan can be.”
And so your Jedi boyfriend became your Jedi Master. It was quickly determined that your Force sensitivity was nothing close to the level of Jedi. Your talents extended to thought projection, minor thought detection abilities, and, as Cal had been so excited to learn, basic telekinesis. 
That had been an accidental discovery, actually, brought out of a session wrestling with the Mantis’s control board wiring. You’d lost concentration for a split second, and in a flash of light and electricity, you were nursing a burnt finger. Merrin was attracted to your area by the flash of light and pained cry, and was incredibly surprised to find you with various medical supplies hovering in front of your face while you soaked and bandaged your finger. And she’d snitched on you.
So now you’re on a no name forest planet, facing down your boyfriend who’s threatening to throw a rock at your head in order to force out your hidden telekinesis, because as soon as Merrin witnessed the feat, you’d lost all voluntary control over it.
“Cal, this is a bad idea.”
“Do you have a better one?”
“Yes. Leave me alone. I can shield my thoughts now, that’s all I wanted to do.”
“Oh come on. It doesn’t excite you even a little?”
It does, but not enough that you’d be willing to have a rock thrown at your face. You roll your eyes and throw your hands up, “I’m going back to the ship.”
But as soon as you turn, something sparks on the edge of your conscious mind, and you whirl with an outstretched hand. The rock sails past your fingers and bonks you on the forehead. You clap a hand over your head as pain throbs at the point of contact. “Ow!”
You whip your head up and glare at Cal, who’s standing there, mouth agape and eyes so wide that you can see the whites from here. When he meets your eyes, he shrinks back and turns to run.
“Cal Kestis you are going to pay for that!” You lunge after him, nearly tripping over a root as you scramble after your soon-to-be dead boyfriend. 
He disappears around the corner of the clearing with you hot on his heels. Trees tower over your head in every direction. The only thing interrupting the perfect vision of nature is the dorsal fin of the Mantis spearing up into the sky, guiding you to safety.
And Cal’s running away from it, leading you further into the forest. Branches whip at your face, but you can’t pay attention to them when you’re focusing harder on not losing Cal as he ducks and weaves through the foliage with all of the ease of a jungle cat. Then you round a corner, and he’s gone. 
You’re gasping for breath as you stumble to a stop in the midst of the forest. Damn it Cal. You want to rest, but you’ll be damned if you’re going to allow Cal to get away with this. He knows that if he gets away now, you’re probably going to be cooled down by the time he gets back to the Mantis, and you can’t have that. You tamp down your anger. Gather yourself. Feel the world around you. Now hold it at arms’ length. You bring your mental shields up slowly, guarding yourself and calming your racing heart through a few deep breaths. Then, you let the barriers down, allowing the world to rush back into your mind. You exhale slowly, combing through the sensations like Cal had taught you, searching for the presence that had become so familiar over the past few months. There!
A flash of warm colors in the midst of the muted Force signatures of plants.
You whirl, scanning the tree branches above you in time to see Cal make a break for it. He’s overhead, about ten feet off of the ground and running along a tree branch so gracefully that it seems like he’s skimming across the air. He’s heading for a vine. ‘Sneaky little--’
‘Sneaky little what?’
You gasp as he teases back through the Force. Your brow sets in determination, and you narrow your gaze on the vine that he’s reaching out for. You settle on it, and reach out. Your consciousness brushes the vine, pulling it just out of Cal’s reach. His outstretched fingers close just short of the vine, and he loses his balance.
He hits the ground with an oof and you plant a foot on his chest. “Sneaky little laserbrain.”
“Babe you did it!” He grins up at you, unrepentant and ruffled from the mad dash through the forest, “Don’t you love your amazing boyfriend who just helped you to learn another Force trick?”
You smile, “I do. But--” you press harder on his chest with your boot, “--you’re still going to pay for that.”
He groans, “I just paid by falling out of a tree. How else would I make it up to you?”
Without your bidding, ideas leap to your mind. “Oh, I have some.” Cal, between your legs and making you cum with only his mouth. You, on your knees for Cal against one of these trees. Riding Cal back on the Mantis, topless and gasping his name as he brushes up against that one spot inside of you that makes you sing. You don’t project them, but you’re aware that your shields aren’t up, and Cal’s Force presence is hovering on the edge of yours.
Cal’s face reddens as he gapes up at you. All of this time, and he still gets worked up at the bare idea of you naked. It’s a little cute. He springs to his feet, “Let’s go back to the ship.”
You hum, looking at him thoughtfully, ‘We don’t need to go back to the ship for a couple of those.’
He chokes, and you smile as you grab the front of his poncho and back him against a large tree. This is going to be fun.
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the-hot-zone · 4 years
Haru’s Bending Style: An Analysis (And Why Jet Would Lose His Shit)
Here’s the thing–Haru has an incredibly distinct style of earthbending, and it goes beyond, “he uses his hands a lot.” To understand this, we have to go to the root (heh) of firebending. Stay with me.
Firebending is based on Northern Shaolin Kung Fu. On Northern Shaolin Kung Fu:
“The northern styles of kung-fu generally emphasize long range techniques, quick advances and retreats, wide stances, kicking and leaping techniques, whirling circular blocks, quickness, agility, and aggressive attacks.”
The Northern Style is a dynamic style that places emphasis on legwork and force. It is aggressive, strong, and graceful. There are Ten Classical Forms in the Northern Style, but I’m only going to talk about two of them. 
First, look at this video of Haru clips from the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i32HK_RYuDo
[Video Description: several clips of Haru from the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Most of the clips feature his bending. End ID.]
Two moments in particular stand out to me. The first is this:
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[ID: a series of five screenshots that show Haru bending. They follow a sequence of movements as Haru bends a large boulder into the wall of a gorge. In all photos, he is in a deep gorge with walls higher than his head. The rocks and gorge walls are rough and textured, and they are the color of sand: tan, yellow, and shades of brown. In the first photo, Haru begins to lift a large boulder from the ground. In the second photo, he swings the boulder around with two arms. In the third photo, he breaks root, leaping a short distance into the air. In the fourth photo, he finds his root again. One hand is extended towards the boulder; the other is closer to his body, palm outward. In the fifth and final photo, Haru has bended the boulder into the wall of the gorge. A cloud of dust and rock fragments explodes from the wall, displaying Haru’s force. One of his arms is extended towards the wall. End ID.]
and this moment:
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[ID: a screenshot of Haru bending. Relative to the viewer, he is leaping away. His arms are extended on either side of him, causing a small avalanche of boulders to tumble into the gorge. End ID.]
These two moments offer us, the viewers, a wealth of information about Haru’s style. It tells us that Haru has adapted firebending techniques to earthbend. Let me explain.
Long-range techniques
This is the most obvious display of Haru’s style; he easily bends earth that’s not immediate to him. We see this above, and we saw that when he rescued that old man from the mine--Haru moved a significant amount of earth from a significant distance away, even going so far as to stop fragments of rock mid-air. Once again, in the above images, Haru is moving a lot of rock that’s not close to him, and he’s doing it with his hands. This brings me to my next point--the two forms Haru’s style reminds me of.
Hand movements
The first is Duanda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y28P5cWHPI
[Video Description: a person performs Dun Da and its application. In the application, an additional person fights the first. End ID.]
Duanda (or Dun Da), focuses on close-encounter movements. The above video also displays the Northern Style’s other characteristics: deep forms, legwork, and power. Here’s a moment that stands out:
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[ID: two screenshots from the above video: NORTHERN SHAOLIN 第六路短打少林拳 (FORM + APPLICATION). The first photo shows the person in a deep stance, one leg out in a lunge, the other extended behind them. One hand is extended while the other is close to the body. In the second photo, the positions of the hands have switched. End ID.]
Movement for movement, this is almost exactly what Haru does in the first moment from above: his stance and hand movements are incredibly similar. But I’m not done talking about hand movements. Haru’s bending also reminds me of Chuān Xīn, or Chum Sam (heart-piercing strikes). 
Video: https://baksillum.wordpress.com/bak-sil-lum-4-chum-sam/
[Video Description: a person performs Chum Sam. End ID.]
This is due to Haru’s hand movements while bending. The steps of this kata involve the circular movements of the arms. In the latter moment I mentioned above, from the Haru bending video, he throws out his arms and moves them down to bend the rocks behind him. This isn’t circular, sure, but it’s more related to the movements of firebending than earthbending. Additionally, look at this moment from the Haru bending video:
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[Imade ID: a screenshot of Haru from the waist up. He is dressed in a brown prison uniform, and he glares at the viewer with narrowed eyes. In his hand he bends three pieces of coal; they hover mid-air. End ID.]
All hands, baby! There is also a moment later on in the Haru bending video where Haru uses his hands in a swinging motion (with his dad), to bend coal. What’s important here is that his hand/arm movements aren’t always forceful and straightly-applied; occasionally, they’re sweeping and graceful--like the Northern Style. In general, Haru tends to use his hands a lot, which is unusual for an earthbender. I don’t think this is because of inexperience–I think it’s because he wanted to bend, was short on katas, and adapted firebending moves. 
Finally, let’s talk about leaps, or, as I like to call it in terms of earthbending, breaking root. This is seen in both of the Haru bending movements I mentioned above. In the first moment, Haru breaks root before he smashes the boulder into the gorge wall. And, if you look at the last photo, Haru is in the air when he moves those boulders. Let me repeat that: to bend, Haru is in the air. He breaks root! This is highly unusual for an earthbender--but not for a firebender. 
In summary, Haru’s style is a blend of firebending and earthbending--he’s utilizing aspects of firebending to accomplish earthbending. His style is a combination of occasionally breaking his root to apply a powerful force to his attacks; long-range techniques; arm-movements, and traditional earthbending. He’s applying what’s he’s learned from watching Fire Nation soldiers, and it’s fascinating. 
Now. What does Jet think of this?
Ultimately, I think Jet would be impressed by Haru’s bending. Or, more specifically, Haru’s adaptability. One of Jet’s most distinct skills is his adaptability, and Haru’s bending style is exactly that. Haru’s courage and determination to connect with his native element are so admirable. His own father was imprisoned by the Fire Nation, and he most likely faced scrutiny from his fellow villagers (as seen by that one old guy) for even being an earthbender. He had nowhere to go–literally living in a Fire Nation-occupied town. Yet Haru tried his best to learn how to bend; he refused to be separated from his culture. This is seen in his style, which is a bend of earth and fire.
First, though, there’s going to be a moment of incredulity, and anger. Haru was forced to adapt the enemy’s techniques in order to bend his native element. But I think he’d also admire Haru’s determination, and his stubborness to learn. 
The Jet/Haru sparring scene... there would be so much to talk about. Jet recognizing firebending moves coming from an earthbender--that moment alone would be intense. A sparring scene between those two would be legendary, especially if Haru had learned metalbending by then. Haru’s agility and willingness to break root would catch Jet by surprise, I think, but remember: Jet, too, is adaptable. He would have a field day, and it would end with mutual respect and admiration. 
Ugh. I just. Idk man. Jet’s also done a lot of recon on firebenders/Fire Nation soldiers, and so has Haru. But Haru’s willingness to adopt firebending techniques into his fighting style is a decision only Haru would make. They both embody the concept “never give up without a fight” in different ways while demonstrating similar qualities of determination, stubbornness, and adaptability. They have a lot to learn from each other. 
Conclusion? Jetru rights. 
Tagging the ppl who were standing by: @bluberry-spicehead @spooky--suki @spoopykyoshi and @listless-brainrot​ and @nonbinary-crafter-aang​ cause I know you two also ship Jetru.
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seoafin · 3 years
im so sry,, theres just too much 😩
doomed romance
requited unrequited (the side casts are subjected to see idiots looking at each with heart eyes)
historical au (a hit or miss for me bc sometimes theres too many historical inaccuracy just for the sake of the plot 😔)
time loop/ travel au
finding solace in mutual loneliness/ despair / trauma bonding
memory loss au (it all started after i read the housekeeper and the professor)
i’d say crime syndicate au but i rarely can find a good one (the over romanticization just,, hurts to read sometimes)
an f2l relationship progress seen thru outsiders’ pov (like picking up habits the other have and the outsiders would be “wait a min-“ or how its so easy to notice the ease when the mcs are around each other)
these are the ones i have trouble trying to explain abt jsjajwj :
“u are ur mother’s daughter/ father’s son” or living in someone’s else shadow for so long and someone come along (or has always been there but have the role of an “observer” and will be like ??? wtf r u on, ur actually more/ so (compliments) and boom! the realization that they’re always been more than enough and someone’s else validation wont define their existence + their growth as a person as new ppl comes along in their life and finally understand what the person meant back then,, bc hearing and understanding it by urself just hits different
meeting up once more by coincidence after their relationship (friendship or romantic) ended as a mess years ago and could either trying where they left off or start from the scratch as strangers all over again
exes or the ones inbetween not quite friends nor lover relationship finally have the talk tm even though they still hear news abt the other thru their friends,, both of them settled down for another and had their closure but they still love each other to some extend and they’ll always be that special someone for each other thought occasionally think abt the what couldve been/ ifs from time to time
the “what exactly is love?” theme in a fic and the MCs are trying to define it by the definition of other ppl present in their lives or medias before finally going like “fuck this, what we have is still love, and it’s ours to begin with so why do we have to affirm it by other ppl’s definition” bonus point if the potrayal of love is barely there in their early lives so it will be harder for them to navigate through their dilemma (basically slow burn 😌 or could take place in an established relationship)
and YES!! love and to nurture it is a conscious choice for ppl involve in it,,, the soulmate au that i like is those that features the mc (or both) rebelling against the soulmate system ,, sth abt leaving ur partner whom u love after ur soulmate come into the picture is ??🧍‍♂️like what abt those who are married and have kids , the anomalies who dont have soulmates or they have but died before meeting? so many flaws in the system 🥴
and,, the intimacy of a platonic relationship. sometimes the way fandoms constantly views things with shipping lenses and mischaracterize characters for their personal agenda can be a bit 😟 ,, sometimes i side eyed stsg and itafushi shippers who reduce their characters into sth like ‘they’re made for each other 🥺’,, all 4 have their personal agendas which doesnt necessarily revolve around someone 🚶🏻
extra, which may or may not be me just projecting,, but a story which features a character (side or main) having an awkward or turbulent relationship with their mother/ father and ultimately having to accept that its suffocating and have to walk away (maybe they wont ever, bc the emphasize of the importance of filial bond in asian culture can be a bit,,, extreme)
ppl who westernized anime characters are so funny 😭 i’ll lose at least 5 years of my life with the amount of times i saw someone wrote an anime character saying “jesus christ!” and i forgot which fic was it but i have a vague memory of a friend sending me a fic abt someone writing bakugou having a boston accent JSJISNE
and bingo! i am a SEA country dweller - 🐱
all of these are so good
doomed romance
7/10; makes me sad that there won’t be a happy ending and sometimes give s
requited unrequited (the side casts are subjected to see idiots looking at each with heart eyes)
1000/10; this with a big dose of mutual pining.... YES YES YES. i’m writing this one for geto obviously.....
historical au (a hit or miss for me bc sometimes theres too many historical inaccuracy just for the sake of the plot 😔)
3/10; it’s not the historical inaccuracies but the fact that I don’t like AUs. like i said it’s hard to keep characters in character especially for aus and a lot of ppl can’t pull it off tbh LOL
time loop/ travel au
5/10; if done well....then 5/10 but i don’t prefer it
finding solace in mutual loneliness/ despair / trauma bonding
9/10; did you mean gojo and rip!mc after geto’s defection....fjnkdfnjfdks unhealthy relationships are lowkey my jam LMFAOOO
memory loss au (it all started after i read the housekeeper and the professor)
10/10; i’m literally planning a memory loss au for gojo and rip!mc so you already know how it is!!!
i’d say crime syndicate au but i rarely can find a good one (the over romanticization just,, hurts to read sometimes)
2/10; too cheesy not really a fan LOL
an f2l relationship progress seen thru outsiders’ pov (like picking up habits the other have and the outsiders would be “wait a min-“ or how its so easy to notice the ease when the mcs are around each other)
10000/10; THIS IS MY MEGUMI FIC!! i’m also thinking of a 5 times fic which is basically other people’s POV of rip!mc and gojo’s relationship
“u are ur mother’s daughter/ father’s son”
yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. 
this is one of my favorite literary tropes. either breaking out from the mold of your parents or accepting the legacy of your parents and realizing that it doesn’t define you!!!
i think it’d be interesting to write this fic with riko and gojo LOL
meeting up once more by coincidence after their relationship (friendship or romantic) ended as a mess years ago and could either trying where they left off or start from the scratch as strangers all over again
9/10; there’s nothing wrong about ultimately parting ways after realizing maybe it’s not worth it to try, but something about making that conscious decision to try again because you do think it’s worth it and so does the other person.....
exes or the ones inbetween not quite friends nor lover relationship finally have the talk tm even though they still hear news abt the other thru their friends,, both of them settled down for another and had their closure but they still love each other to some extend and they’ll always be that special someone for each other thought occasionally think abt the what couldve been/ ifs from time to time
8/10; and if you add a fwb relationship there.... :D
the “what exactly is love?” theme in a fic and the MCs are trying to define it by the definition of other ppl present in their lives or medias before finally going like “fuck this, what we have is still love, and it’s ours to begin with so why do we have to affirm it by other ppl’s definition” bonus point if the potrayal of love is barely there in their early lives so it will be harder for them to navigate through their dilemma (basically slow burn 😌 or could take place in an established relationship)
10/10; this is gojo and rip!mc’s dysfunctional relationship dynamic LMAO . rip!mc has no idea wtf love is so.....
and YES!! love and to nurture it is a conscious choice for ppl involve in it,,, the soulmate au that i like is those that features the mc (or both) rebelling against the soulmate system ,, sth abt leaving ur partner whom u love after ur soulmate come into the picture is ??🧍‍♂️like what abt those who are married and have kids , the anomalies who dont have soulmates or they have but died before meeting? so many flaws in the system 🥴
4/10; like i said there are few soulmate au’s I actually like but I do like the ones where they rebel against the system LOL
i cannot have a single conversation about geto without someone relating it back to how gojo and geto are soulmates and made for one another can you shut up for a hot fucking second
it’s so exhausting. like i honestly think stsg are sexy as lovers and platonic friends. they just work well in both ways. but im getting super tired of shippers that have to bring shipping into everything and ngl it’s really sucking my enjoyment out of the jjk fandom LOL
also i love characters that have rocky relationships with their parents because i relate super hard. i love it when it ends with the person breaking away because it’s lowkey cathartic for me 
i honestly have so much pet peeves with westerners writing ff for japanese characters. especially in aus too....like i saw a greek god au for haikyuu and i just???? japan has gods too lmfao why does everything have to be so eurocentric???? also when ppl write royalty au’s for japanese characters .....jarring.
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adorable-elsanna · 4 years
I don't mean to be rude, and I apologize in advance if I am!! But why do you ship this nd WHY does this ship exist? Aren't Elsa and Anna sisters? And blood related at that. I don't want to hate on ships, you can ship washer you want as long as you aren't hurting anybody!! It's just that ships like these with incest startle me a bit. Maybe I'm just confused since I really shipped Kistof and Anna so I'm missing out on this? Ahhh sorry if this is annoying!! -confused anon
 Hi Confused Anon ( aren’t we all? ;) ),
Thanks for your polite ask, lol finally I get to dust off this blog’s ask box! :)) I’d love to respond with a whole essay xDD but I don’t really have time :’( so maybe I’ll just give a quick rundown for now. 
I might not be the most representative person to pose this question to lol because I am an outlier in general, meaning due to my life experiences, my development, my major in college, my deep meditation practice, and more, I do not abide by normative, dominant, hegemonic social structures and social constructs (nor do I actively resist them per se), so I am unfazed by anything. 
I started shipping this after I watched the first movie when it came out in Nov. 2013. One of my first posts on this blog, 7 years ago, was me explaining how I came to ship this (I had made the post private, but now you can read it here. Also this other post, but I wrote it when I was a college student, so it’s a little too analytical for my tastes now. Those were my views at the time). 7 years is a long time, so my mindsets and reasonings have changed, but all the reasons I had for shipping them from before are still with me today. 
I didn’t go into the movie with the intention to ship them, but while watching it, I picked up on a lot of chemistry between them because their interactions and even storyline were infused with strong popular romantic tropes, tropes that were used in other classic Disney movies themselves. I used to watch a lot of romantic comedies so I was very familiar with common romantic tropes. Of course, having came away from the movie having noticed all these romantic notes between them, I was a little confused and thought maybe it was just me. But when I went online to search a bit to see if others saw/felt what I saw, I found out it wasn’t just me! 
So one of the reasons why this ship exists is because people picked up on the romantic tropes that colored some of Elsa and Anna’s interactions, tropes that have usually only appeared between romantic couples, in films and in real life. Even if the creators didn’t intend to and didn’t actively put the tropes there, they are there. 
If we apply the principles of Buddhism (not the religion. Many ppl mistakenly practice things as devotional worship or for superstitious reasons. But if ppl really want to know everything about the mind, how the world works, the universe, who they are, about themselves and “other” people and why people do what they do, the meaning of life, true happiness, the end of suffering and stress and conflict, and consciousness, then forget psychology [not saying it’s not useful though]. Buddhism, or rather Buddhadharma, is the true science of mind, or at least the much more effective tool), it says that there is the law of cause and effect, the universal law. Everything that is created in the universe and each phenomenon that happens is the result of the momentary coming together of causes and conditions that make that thing happen. There are many many causes and conditions and intricacies and things are interconnected and interdependent, no one person can control something to happen (certain conditions have to be there for something to happen). Something can not come from nothing. If something happens, then certain causes and conditions have been created to bring that result. A seed was planted. If we plant an apple seed, what comes out will be an apple tree (provided the right conditions were met, like water, soil, sunlight, etc.). It will never come out as a banana tree. And so we can understand the underlying principle behind how each situation and phenomenon arises, about existence itself, why each thing exists. 
Now WHY did I go off on that tangent??? LOL All of this is to say that certain causes and conditions have been created to result in the effect of many people shipping Elsa and Anna together and there being a fandom for them. (These principles and explanations might seem very simple and like kindergarten stuff, but despite that, many people can’t accept it. ESPECIALLY when it applies to heavy stuff in their regular everyday life. Or even trivial things tbh lol) The last I checked, there were people from at least 26 different countries shipping Elsa and Anna together. 
Everyone thinks they see reality exactly as it is and takes it for granted, and thus attach strongly to the notion that they’re right. But if that’s the case, then why are there so many fights over who is right? So who is actually right? Even if someone were to follow the majority consensus or some popular, ingrained, long-standing ideas / societal rules, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right. There are many cases of the blind leading the blind. People used to follow the geocentric model of the universe before they discovered heliocentrism. Ideas are always in flux and keeps changing and transforming, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes imperceptibly and sometimes conspicuously. If you ask 100 different people why they ship Elsa and Anna, you will get 100 different answers (with a lot of overlap of course) with unique spins on their reasons. Because in the world, each person sees reality through their own color-tinted glasses and filters and adherence to labels, concepts, beliefs, upbringing, etc. And then the person seeing “reality” through red-tinted glasses gets mad at the person seeing with blue-tinted glasses for not seeing the world how they see it (and gets frustrated not understanding why), and vice versa. In this scenario, what is actually best? To realize you’re seeing “reality” through color-tinted glasses, and so you should take them off and truly see reality without any filtered lenses. (This is a little off-topic, but I had to bring some Buddhism into this because first of all, dharma applies to everything lol, and secondly, Buddhism is all about dispelling confusion. There is definitely a way to see reality exactly as it is, it typically involves meditation.) 
Yes, Elsa and Anna are sisters. But I’ve never seen any pair of sisters act like them before (if there are, then that’s great!). I have a sibling myself, and we are very close, but we don’t act like how Elsa and Anna act with each other. With most siblings, I would say there’s a lot more joking around, teasing each other, sarcasm, pranks, and casual relaxed communication than the intense intimacy, deep eye-contact, and soul-bonding that Elsa and Anna share. Disney has portrayed many other sibling relationships before, but it seems like they tried something a little different with Elsa and Anna’s relationship that made it pretty easy for many people to ship them together. 
I ship Elsa and Anna together because their pure true love for each other transcends all labels, concepts, preconceived notions, and time and space. They are completely selfless when it comes to one another and that’s what true love means. They make each other better people and it empowers them to extend this selflessness toward other people. Their sacrificing themselves for each other and selflessness in action is true love exemplified. No one deserves Elsa more than Anna, and no one deserves Anna more than Elsa (speaking from my shipper heart xD). Confining and defining their love as just sisterly seems limiting and not allowing the full potential of their true, expansive, infinite love to manifest. (A sibling relationship is really beautiful, but it still has to be shaped and look a certain way, it has to fit into a particular mold and box and abide by certain conditions. Otherwise, as we have incontrovertibly seen, people will scream bloody murder and be squicked out and all hell will break loose.)  
We can even go one step further to say that the same similarly applies to people’s definitions, notions, concepts, ideas, and beliefs about love. They say this love is like this and that love is like that, this is what love should look like, this person can love this person but only if it’s like this and not like that, this is what it means to love and to be loved, etc. Again, it’s limiting, and placing restrictions on something whose essence is boundless. In Buddhism, with the realization of Enlightenment, one realizes that true love is selfless, unconditional, boundless, free, all-encompassing, nondual, timeless, compassionate, wise, nondiscriminating, infinite, universal, endlessly flowing, non-judgmental, creative, indescribable, and inconceivable. So THIS is the love that I see and ship between Elsa and Anna. I love their relationship as sisters, but their love is so grand that it cannot be contained inside that label, so it transcends and goes beyond any attempts to neatly define and characterize it.
It’s okay if incest ships startle you. Uncomfortable feelings come up whenever the ego experiences anything that challenges its worldview and everything it’s ever known and held to be true, and that prompts it to question and reconsider its mind-constructs. We have a knee-jerk reaction to grasp, hold, and attach to what we like, and to avoid, reject, and push away what we don’t like and what makes us feel uncomfortable. For what it’s worth, Buddhism tells about the cycle of life, death, and rebirth from beginningless time, so we have all lived infinite past lives and been each other’s lovers, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, enemies, grandparents, etc. at one point or another. (Deep, but intriguing!, topics for another time.)  
If you really like to ship Krist0ff and Anna, then go ahead and ship happily. First rule of Buddhist meditation: Whatever you do, ONLY DO IT, 100%. ;) And if you don’t do something, then don’t do it, 100%. And then move on to the next moment. Be in the present moment. And remember that everything is changing moment by moment. Mind is changing moment by moment. Don’t need to anticipate the next moment. Who knows where our shipper hearts will take us. 
I like to ship people based on their chemistry and characterization. Elsa and Anna have a great true love story that is theirs and theirs alone. I don’t like to ship relationships that seem contrived, thrown in there for the sake of it, not fleshed out, lacking in substance, trite, and with characters who are underwhelming or underdeveloped. 
Lol no worries, this is not annoying, I’m sorry this is so long and that I took 7 days to get back to you. I wish I could give specific examples from the movies with beautiful gifs to explain why I ship them (I’ve probably written such posts in the past. Maybe I’ll come back to edit this reply one day), but I’ve gotta skedaddle! I’d like to hear your thoughts about my reply if you actually read this, so please send me a message in the ask box again if you can. 
Also I’m a girl if that makes any difference, but yeah anyway, skedaddle time, love you all! 
Oooooh I never finished replying to someone else’s ask box message asking me why I shipped them, it’s from years ago :’(, I started typing my reasons and saved it in my drafts, but it’s incomplete. But here’s what I wrote at the time!
1. I just love everything that Elsa and Anna feel and do for each other. Elsa isolates herself from Anna to keep her safe, and Anna persists in trying to get Elsa to open up to her and goes to find her when she runs away. They’re always thinking of each other and worrying about each other. They act selflessly for one another and their unconditional love is expressed so genuinely. This kind of devotion in any relationship is rare.
2. There was a lot of chemistry between them in the movie. At the coronation ball scene, I get that the creators were trying to depict awkwardness between them since they haven’t spoken in a long time, and Anna wanted reassurance that Elsa didn’t hate her so she was nervous about getting Elsa’s attention and approval, but the scene came off as Elsa being kind of suave and flirty and Anna being flustered because her crush just complimented her. Then Anna gave Elsa a playful smile when she was dipped upside-down as if she only had eyes for Elsa.
When Anna stares admiringly at Elsa as she stands atop the staircase, it was like a scene straight out of A Cinderella Story or Enchanted where the prince stares at his true love like she took his breath away.
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fandom-geek · 5 years
yknow i’ve been thinking abt ffxiv’s side of its collab with ffxv since i finished it earlier today (well, technically yesterday, but still)
and honestly? ignoring the technical problems and noct apparently fiercely contesting prompto for the crown of “who dies the most in a fight”, i loved it. especially for how much more we got to explore noct’s character in a situation completely unlike any other we’ve seen him in
we got to see noct interact with someone other than the chocobros for an extended period of time, someone who has no idea he is the prince of lucis, in a world where no one knows that. and it’s not super obvious, but the fact that duty is only brought up by garuda at the very end (in the context of the prophecy), is pretty interesting to me
now, other people have written much more detailed and much better meta abt noct and how he interacts with the fact he’s royalty and the entire notion of “duty”, but before this... we didn’t really have anything to compare against. there’s no point in the entirety of ffxv, main game or dlcs, where noct is surrounded entirely by ppl who don’t know he’s royalty. either he’s around the rest of the chocobros, or he’s with ardyn, or he’s with the astrals
so in that context -  it’s already a really intriguing scenario. add on the fact that when in this situation, noctis comes across as way more impulsive than he does in ffxv. kipih mentions monsters that need fighting? noct runs off, even though he has no clue where to go, not even remotely waiting for the warrior of light to come with him. kipih mentions they have some downtime until cid gets the airship ready? noct runs off to go fishing
now ok, fishing is always noct’s no. 1 priority when it’s an option, so it’s not that weird, but it’s definitely interesting. especially since he very quickly notices that he’s overshadowed, understandably, by the warrior of light - and honestly? as far as i can tell, he seems relieved. that’s a heavy burden off his shoulders, even if noct does mention missing the other chocobros and (vaguely) luna too
and that’s another thing. sure, he mentions them, but it’s a lot less than you’d expect. noct doesn’t even mention if they were with him when he got scooped up by the weird niflheim machine (which, boy, that’s definitely smth to do with ardyn). instead, he only really mentions the other boys when you’re camping, and even then it’s one of them depending on which response you pick. and tbh, the responses that make him think of each guy are pretty revealing into how noct sees them too, aside from how they’re interesting from the warrior of light’s perspective, since they’re very different to prior choices about why they do what they do.
and luna... hm. she’s actually (spoiler alert) the only other ffxv character who appears aside from noct and garuda, even if it’s only for half a second. but the way noct talks about her is, imo, vastly different from ffxv. which is mainly to say - noct never discusses his relationship with luna in ffxv. sure, the guys tease him about it and noct clams up (every. single. time), and sure there’s dialogue btwn noct and luna which dances around it. but noct never actually gives his opinion on wtf is going down between luna and noct (which is one of my biggest qualms with ffxv in general)
but here? i’d have to go back and double check before i go into detail, but when noct’s originally asked why he’s travelling - he’s going to see someone important to him. and he does really dance around who they are to him (it’s very obviously luna), before later admitting she’s his fiancee. part of this is very obviously noct being a very private person before later opening up, but it’s still interesting
and it’s interesting both from a shipping perspective and a character perspective, because the big thing that always frustrated me in ffxv was that we never hear noct’s feelings on his arranged marriage. sure, the guys tease him about the wedding and everything, but the way they do makes very little sense in the context of it very much being arranged (hence why it’s one of my biggest qualms).
and noct never discusses it - whether he’s insecure over luna’s feelings and the fact she’s being forced into this marriage, whether he regrets that they don’t get to choose each other, how he feels about being forced into this marriage, whether that’s a cultural norm for lucian royalty or not, or even how aware they are of each other’s feelings (even if it doesn’t always sell the players on those feelings). and given that, for the first nine or so chapters of ffxv, that is literally the driving factor of the plot, it’s a gigantic omission.
so it’s definitely interesting to see a crossover (of all things) cover, even if it’s barely skimming over them, these topics. and i probably have more thoughts on it, but it’s nearly 1am and i am super tired, so this is all i’m gonna post for now
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id-never-letyoudown · 5 years
Stranger Things
(spoilers below, unless the readmore isn't working)
Au where instead of kicking the bucket, it's just a real close call for Billy. And once he recovers he and Max become closer cuz that was some Shit™. The crew fill Billy in on what and why and who because you tell me after all of That he wouldn't have any damn questions.
Cue some noice heartfelt sibling bonding between him and Max. "I'm teaching you how to fight." "What, why?" "In case that Mind fucker or those demadipshits come back." "Mind Flayer and demadogs." "Same shit different pasture." And ofc he's tough on her, he doesn't know any other way. But then Steve comes along, the damn Mother Hen of the crew, and Billy gets some schooling in "how to handle kids 101"
Billy goes from abusive bully to overprotective brother, and that starts to extend to the rest of the crew when he sees just how much they mean to Max. There's still a lot of shit he needs to work out, a lot of anger issues. Shit with their Dad. The change isn't instant, it's not like "oh this near death experience has changed me, I'm a new man"
At the start he's too protective of Max, looming over her like a guard dog and not letting her do anything without his supervision. Then Steve comes along. Then he starts loosening his hold. "Listen man, I know you wanna make sure she's safe, but if you keep doing this hovering shit you're just gonna push her away."
He's still a work in progress throughout his redemption arc, but he's getting there. I feel like he'd be the one the kids would go to when they need muscle. A bodyguard of sorts.
Since Billy and Will would be the two who had connections with the Mind Flayer, having both been its host, they would prolly bond over that. Johnathan would be skeptical about it, but hey they're moving anyways so, not much can be done.
Dustin definitely asks him what he uses for his hair and Steve is So offended. Just >:o
Billy is surprisingly really into DnD, btw. He doesn't understand it, but he tries to either punch or charm the enemies in the campaign. I say charm but you know, he doesn't want to get into a whole Birds and the Bees talk
And yeah maybe this whole au is so I can ship Stilly without ppl jumping down my throat about it. Billy deserved a redemption arc
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i-want-my-iwtv · 6 years
Hello! I'm hoping you are well. I just want to say I love your blunt/possitive posts about fiction not being reality, personal responsibility, authors' responsibility if it even applies...just all of it. Really, major kudos to you for being so blunt!
Aw thank you! Yes, I am doing well. Hope you’re doing well, too. I took a decent break from tumblr, and now I’m getting back into the swing of things, there are fanworks to reblog here
(I’m sorry that this response got kind of long, there are things in here I’ve expressed before, and some I may not have, or haven’t mentioned in awhile, and I kind of want to have these things out there for ppl to see where I’m coming from.)
Your message really means a lot, bc I feel like, if I have any responsibility to the fandom as a somewhat popular blog, that I have to stand up for shippers and creators of fanworks. Fanworks are the lifeblood of the fandom, both for the creators and the consumers. Fanworks are made for free (or on commission) by smaller creators who need the encouragement more. Being smaller and more accessible, they’re also easy & more responsive targets for harassment than the published creators :-P
And so when you see it from that perspective, you can understand that when I reblog those fiction =/= reality, pro-shipping, and anti anti posts, it’s coming from a place of good intention. I identify with those easy targets who are criticized for their creation/consumption of published works and fanworks. I was bullied for pretty superficial reasons in my formative years, not an unusual amount/degree of bullying, but it hurt. “Oh, but words can’t hurt you!”
And this part of the story is my own attachment to canon (and, later, fandom), before I was even aware of others. Do we sever our attachment to something bc smne else says that their connection to it is more valid? I feel like fandom is limitless, it’s big enough for all of us.
Media/Fiction was an escape from reality for me. It was a place I could find inspiration, could see characters beaten down (by antagonists and/or their own faults) and rise up again and again, in so many variations! Even the same plot points can yield different emotions when told in different ways, and/or involving different characters. Characters refusing to lay down and submit to their obstacles/antagonists was inspiring and helped me rebuild the self-confidence the bullies had crushed. 
So that was my story, as valid as any. I love stories of how ppl got into VC (or any fandoms/media really!), and there are so many. I don’t think that any reason is more valid than any other. 
There are those who saw themselves reflected in the fact that there are queer/LGBT+ characters, that they existed and had depth and could love and be loved in return. 
Someone told me that they shared a love of history with their father, especially of Rome. The father passed away when the person was young, and so they loved the historical explorations in canon, it seemed to bring them closer to that lost parent. In fact, the act of pointing out historical inaccuracies in canon was enjoyable to this person.
There are those who passionately adore Armand, for all his beauty, strength, and sass, the fact that he is a survivor of so much tragedy. “We must be beautiful, powerful, and without regret.”
There are those who love the quiet and dignified manner of Louis and how he burns everything down handles situations. 
There are those who live for the ~purple prose~ and ~wealth porn~, in the loving descriptions of luxury, the declarations of love and 3 pages of describing how pretty a character is.
… etc. etc.
^And fanworks based on the media consumed may relate to the fans’ reasons for getting into that fandom in the first place. I like to think my memes and fanfic show the same refusal to quit that I valued so much in the characters when I read canon. I would think that other writers/artists/etc. would say smtg similar, that their fanworks are their way of engaging with canon, whether it’s to have more of what they enjoy about it, fix and/or explore a character/ship/situation, or take the characters into different situations (like AU) and see how they might fare within changed parameters. Ppl analyze canon and critique it, comparing it to other fiction/non-fiction to lay out their ideas. Ppl might want to dress like the characters and act like them in cosplay! So many ways to engage with canon. And then you have comments on works and works inspired by fanworks and that’s p. much the definition of fandom, to my mind.
In my zeal for reblogging posts (and writing my own) about defending shippers and creators/consumers of published media and fanworks, I can be too blunt, and unintentionally injure others. I trust ppl to inform me privately if a post goes over the line in that regard, and I have responded by editing/deleting posts. This blog isn’t sacred, editing/deleting a post is not a sign of weakness, but of curating it to better serve my needs and those who come to it for whatever reason. 
Bc my blog really is at its core about entertainment and encouragement/sharing of fanworks.
It’s hard for me to sit in silence about attacks on shippers and creators/consumers of published media and fanworkswhen I feel like if I don’t speak up, silence is tacit agreement when ppl state, “Don’t draw/write/talk about X bc it is harmful to Y” I understand that some ppl do have real triggers and some fictional characters/ships are painful to them, but on the other hand, is it fair to restrict everyone else who wants to explore those characters/ships? 
We have to find ways to coexist, and that may mean everyone taking on some responsibility for their fandom experience and extending respect towards others. Someone asked me to tag a certain ship, and now I do, so that they can block it. I can’t tag every possible thing, but within reason, I will add tags on request.
I don’t believe in censorship when it comes to fiction, for many reasons, there are blogs out there who are much more eloquent than I am in their defense of it. I don’t have their rhetoric. But I feel like I need to defend those who are easy targets for bullying (as I had been).
^^^With all that said, I think it would be best for me to refrain from too much of this type of posting so as not to trample others. Instead, I want to focus on encouraging fanworks, reblogging posts about writing/art and advice about that.  
(If you are looking for more blogs that defend fanfiction, I can recommend more to you privately, or in a separate post.) 
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herotheshiro · 3 years
so i’m still on my “consuming-3h-content-despite-not-playing-the-game-nor-have-any-intention-to” bullshit, and i’m really only consuming and enjoying specific content (i.e., my ship (yes singular) of choice, general no-shipping memes/incorrect quotes) but i’m reaching the bottom of the barrel now so i’m starting to dig further into the fandom, which means i end up going into content that tends to irk me, i.e. happening upon content for ships i don’t ship.
and if anyone remembers from my a/3 posts from a while back, i can get p annoyed by ships (not publicly. i just stew about it). tbh there’s not really any 3h ships i’m seeing that i’m like ANTI, mostly bc i don’t play the game so i can’t really have that strong of an opinion. i understand why ppl ship some of these ships but man i just don’t agree with them bc of my personal opinion about the units (as someone who doesn’t play the game and has only looked at the 3h wiki lmao) and/or tastes. as i said, i don’t get like ANXIOUS seeing this content like i do for some a/3 ships, but when you see something you don’t really care for consciously over and over eventually you’re like “enough. enough of this trash”. like i don’t ship teny/uki and i don’t really care about seeing it -- but i don’t enjoy having to see it all the time on my dash, you know?
the thing is it’s not even like i’m being forced against my will to see these 3h ships i don’t ship, i’m literally doing this to myself by seeking out content knowing that by going to these blogs i will also see the ships the account ships. so writing this post is a reminder to myself to just stay in my lane and don’t seek shit out past the tried-and-true sources you’ve managed to find so far. i literally don’t even play this game so i really don’t need it to become another anxiety source.
it really does suck though bc once you pore through the inital, easy-to-access layer of content you like + are also tired of creating/looking through your own original stuff for this content ... eventually you get desperate and are like “well while i know fandoms are ALWAYS a dumpster fire, surely it’s different this time right?” and so you dive into the fire and then are instantly reminded of how much fandom SUCKS when you’re just an individual consuming it (i mean it can also still suck even when you have an established group but i will always remember my time with the small par/anatural fandom back in ~2014 or so fondly. i mean we still had shit but it was a good time as i remember it. prob also bc i left it naturally i.e. my interest waned and not in a blaze of “canceled” fire).
truly a moment to make me consider leaving fandom for good but unfortunately i will always seem to hyperfixate on series and you need to satiate that fix by seeing MORE content than what’s provided in the original series, i.e. fan content. i know ppl may have beef with me using “hyperfixate” but man i really went full as/hedue brain since march 7 or so which meant i went and read/skimmed every single fic in the ao3 tag (excluding fics with ships i didn’t like but couldn’t dodge lol), and then i also read up on the entire fucking 3h game so now i know all the plot details despite only being interested in a single ship (this is an exaggeration though... i really only know AM and CF “well”, the other routes + DLC i just know roughly) ... and i’m only now starting to trickle off more than a month later with the knowledge that i most likely will get set off again soon (mainly bc i’m reaching that period for a ship where i’m like i’m kinda bored with this ship... usually doesn’t make me not ship it though esp if it’s the first active ship i had for that series bc i tend to stick with the first ship i like and actively produce content for (published or unpublished) for a series forever lmao. it’s like fucking imprinting). also almost all of my previous fandoms i went full brain power for for a set period of time and once that period of time finished, i barely consumed shit of it anymore afterwards. example, i was super into hipmaic for almost a full year but then fizzled out. vo/ltron i was into for an extended period of time since it was a in-progress series at the time, but once i quit it after season 3 i legit just didn’t care to consume shit for it anymore. after vo/ltron and before hipmaic i went and focused on my OCs, and man i actually think i was pretty anxiety-free re: creative content for a while  bc i was mostly focusing on my own stuff. i wish i could enter that mental state whenever i wanted but unfortunately it doesn’t work like that
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I would be interested about your opinion on Karamel, but I find your endeavor strange. Why do you care if you do not watch the show? How do you intend to forge yourself an opinion based on hearsay and second hand informations? Do you simply wish to understand what's the fuss is all about or is it something else?
Hi hun, 
This is very simply a mission to find out what all the fuss is about. 
I’ll explain, I watch/ed the Vampire Diaries and ship Bonkai, one half of Bonkai is played by Chris Wood, I like Chris Wood as a person/celebrity as well as the ship; hence I follow a lot of Bonkai and Chris Wood centred blogs.
A lot of Bonkai shippers appear to ship Karamel also, additionally tumblr keeps suggesting a lot Karamel blogs to me (because of the people I follow understandably), I see a lot of discourse of my dash and I kind of just wanted someone to summarize the arguments for me so I could get where each side is coming from.
For me, it’s less about forming an opinion and more about understanding the issue. The main reason I care is because people appear to be really heated in this fandom - like really heated. Everyone is defensive about their ships and passionate about their otps, lord knows I understand from my experiences in my own fandom but I don’t think I’ve seen fandom discourse quite like this since I’ve been on tumblr. The other day I saw a post on my dash saying that nobody who ships karamel should reblog anything from this person ever and then a whole group of karamels went out of their way to reblog the post, I’ve heard that someone made a post with a list of all the karamel blogs that should be blocked by others in the fandom. 
I see people receiving asks and discussing it all the the time and my curiosity got the better of me. I thought, in the spirit of fairness, instead of just asking one of my Karamel shipper mutuals or an anti for information I figured I’d extend it out to the entire fandom to respond. I tried to tag the main ships to get a range of different perspectives.
It’s been pointed out to me that I’m unlikely to get a unbiased response from anyone, but I have to say people like yourself have been very helpful in giving me both sides of the argument and being very mature and I thank you for that. There have been some more passionate responses from several people but all and all the outcome has been better than I expected.
It’s also been pointed out to me that I could just watch the show (s2 I believe) or go on youtube and watch some clips.
I was reluctant to do that because 
A) I don’t mess with CW shows any longer because all the shows I have watched (TVD, TO, Reign) have screwed me or others over, had terrible writing/plot planning and had major issues with diversity and the treatment of women.
B) I have enough ships and shows and if I get sucked into supergirl and start shipping one of the ships it’s just gonna be a world of pain for me.
C) DC superhero shows aren’t really my jam, I’m more into Marvel and Dc movies tbh.
As for my opinion. I won’t say that I’m either pro or anti-Karamel based on what I’ve heard and considering the fact that I don’t even watch the show. I wholeheartedly understand why ppl take issue with the ship (e.g: the writers excusing misogyny, the glossing over of the whole slavery thing, sidelining James etc) and I also get why some ppl defend the ship and find it cute and not as harmful as a ship as everyone says it is. 
To me, it seems like the Karamels believe they are shouted over and criticised harshly in the fandom for shipping what they ship and the antis seem frustrated because to them karamel propagates harmful values and ideals that they feel are being ignored.
That’s my take on it anyway. I hope that clears it up for you.x
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the-cryptographer · 6 years
re: voltron s5-8
- Ah, yeah, there were a lot of plot holes and unbelievably convenient coincidences going on to keep the story rolling. But I’m not going to be talking about that just because there are so many and it’s the type of thing you must handwave to enjoy the show and I’m okay with that.
- Lotor family drama was pretty great. I’m glad we got the great, horrible filicide/patricide battle. Like, damn, it was great. And Lotor lighting the pyre at the Kral Zera was also very hype. Still not as great as him terribly rejecting Haggar/Honerva. I’m not sure all of these threads were seen to the best conclusion given how hype they all were individually, but I’m in general pretty glad with the way Lotor’s villainy happens and gets revealed to the crew. The honest feelings and affection for Allura getting flipped into ‘if you won’t go along with what I say, I’ll kill you’ was pretty frighteningly believable to me.
- Axca’s endless roulette of deciding who she’s going to align herself with today was also pretty great. I like that moment when her, Ezor, and Zethrid all are like ‘okay no’ to Lotor’s mad rambling and try to bail. Quality.
- Haggar/Honerva might be my favourite character in this canon though (competing with Lance and Coran) I like how competent she is, and how much we see of her personally struggling with the changes in her psyche after being affected by the quintessence. The choice to change her back was really excellent, and I love what it brought out in her, and I hope we get to see a lot of her in the final season.
- Monsters & Mana episode was really amazing. I’m sad it wasn’t the real Shiro playing - but it was still so IC and so fuckin hilarious that he kept on playing Paladin. Best episode.
- Gameshow episode was also good - Pidge’s run of the minigolf course in particular. But it can’t really compete with Monsters & Mana. A low point of it for me was Keith choosing Lance simply because he didn’t want to get stuck with Lance for eternity. Cold bro.
- The timey wimey stuff wasn’t too bad, but it was one of the contributors to what I felt was pretty uneven pacing. I kind of feel like we should have seen some of the stuff with Romelle and the stuff with Keith and his mom and the space wolf first hand, instead of rushing through a lot of it and then presenting the rest of it in flashbacks.
- Not so much the moment everyone was talking about, but The Black Paladins was really emotional in the end. idk like, as frustrating as it is seeing Keith be terribly reckless and consistently willing to sacrifice himself to save Shiro and everyone else, I do feel like it had payoff in the final scene of the episode. hit me hard for those times my teachers/coaches stood up for me. Yeah, Keith- if only you’d stop giving up on yourself.
- Uh, bruh, Earth isn’t in the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. It’s all the way over to the side on the edge of the spiral. You guys seem to be headed in the wrong direction.
- This show really be overestimating how much I care about the extended Holt family. I think it got off on the wrong foot with the kind of overemotional bait & switch regarding Matt. But there’s also the issue of Pidge getting really reckless and inconsiderate whenever they’re threatened and putting them above everyone else which is... very real and understandable. But at the same time it’s kind of frustrating to watch, especially when the first thing I know about them is they make Pidge act this way before I’m given any reason to know or care about them.
- And I know it’s really just a coincidence, but how Admiral Sanda was handled really rubbed me the wrong way, especially how the other woman she’s (unintentionally?) juxtaposed against is Coleen Holt. Like, first you have this dutiful mother and wife who waited on Earth for 3+ years for her husband to return and she doesn’t stray at all and welcomes him back and supports him in every way he needs. And then Admiral Sanda is this woman who’s actually has rank and power and she’s constantly being vilified and told she’s unfit for her position by all the men working around her. And these are the heros and villains in Sam Holt’s story. When I think about it, there might not be a single woman on this show who’s actually at the top rung of the leadership hierarchy who’s not misaimed or evil. And, yeah, that kind of bothers me a bit. I mean, obviously on an in-universe level, Sanda is a pill. But on a meta level- You get to her death scene. And that she’s, like, the only person who the show actually lets die on screen in the fight to save Earth, as part of some death equals redemption arc... Like, it’s unrealistic and idealistic how many people didn’t die on this show - and that’s fine bc idealistic kids’ show - but Sanda is an acceptable target. If only she had listened to the men who were her intellectual superiors, boo hoo. It felt really obnoxious to me all around.
- Allurance lost some points with me. I still ship it, which is more than I can say for about 90% of the other relationships for this canon/fandom, but I’m decidedly more meh about it now. I know Lance is just a teenager and all, and it’s not out of character or something I couldn’t see happening, but the narrative going along with stuff about how ‘none of the other girls are like her, she’s just so speshul’ is the kind of thing that irritates me. As for Allura responding to Lance’s feelings - it was believable to me given a lot of the pieces that were put in place - but I think more time should have been devoted to following Allura’s feelings and thoughts through the whole of season 7, both in regards to this ship and otherwise. I see why other people say it felt rushed.
- And Axca/Keith is a cute battle couple, you guys are just bitter.
- Buuut, I totally think ppl have reason to be bitter. I don’t know exactly who all was responsible. And I know the creators apologised, and I don’t think they should have had to, necessarily. But, at the very least, some of the marketing decisions here were queerbaiting. The show has gone out of its way to market itself to its lgbt+ audience and fans and has created a lot of hype around Shiro and the show being gay aaaand, we got some subtext, a dead ex-boyfriend, some evil lesbians, and two strongly hinted het ships with the show’s major cast. Yeah. Even though I like those het ships, I get the bitterness.
- And... I think there’s a marked difference between the way the narrative treats Adam and the way it’s treated the other Paladin’s loved ones over the course of the show. Like, god, we’ve gotten so much of Pidge’s family drama. We got a whole episode of Pidge crying over Matt being dead when he wasn’t even dead. We got a lot of Hunk trying to come to terms with not being able to see his family at the Garrison this season. We got quite a bit of Veronica this season, and have touched on Lance missing his family since season one. Keith got several episodes about his mother and the lead up to and effects of his father dying. Coleen Holt waits for Sam Holt to return from space. But with Shiro we get this breakup and then Adam dies and it’s brushed over in a couple of minutes? Like, I’m not saying Adam shouldn’t have died necessarily, or that Shiro’s relationship with Adam shouldn’t have been on the rocks. I’m just saying it’s hard to really divorce this from the fact that the relationships straight ppl have are societally valued so much higher than the relationships lgbt+ ppl have, and this show isn’t really disagreeing with that in terms of what it continues to show us. And, like, I’m not angry and don’t really care all that much, like- I stopped looking for mass media to validate me in this way a long time ago. And I prefer to see myself represented in media through angst as opposed to nice, happy relationships anyhow. But, like, I’m tired of hearing that people /shouldn’t/ feel upset or betrayed by this, lmao. Like, yeah, there are totally valid reasons for people to feel that way. And it’s not like feelings even need to be validated to be there and deserve respected anyhow, smh.
- But, yeah, I’m serious. I’m over the moon about Ezor/Zethrid and I love them so much more than I could have possibly loved any heroic gays. I hope we get a lot of them being their wonderful selves and living to tell the tale next season :’)
- Hunk/Shay is also still good and quality.
- Also, this isn’t really a failing of Season 7, so much as just my preference but- I kind of wish the show hadn’t moved back to Earth. Because one of the major draws the show has for me is the weird alien culture exploration aspect of it. Without that it’s just kind of one string of ‘intricate plans to overthrow Galra -> intricate plans fail and the enemy seizes the upper hand -> heroes come through with a way to take back the upper hand -> enemies come up with a way to seize the upper hand back’ and so on and so forth in a ridiculous escalation of who can turn into the biggest dumbest giant robot and save the day from arbitrary time limit the fastest. And, like, I realise a lot of fans are here for the giant mech battles but I am so not. So I hope we get away from the ultra militant save earth stuff soon and get back to weird worldbuilding shenanigans soon <.<;;
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