#but the manga is a whole is pretty comfy!
druecomfy · 10 months
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If anyone knows who can I can credit for the animated panels, please let me know!
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lady-tortilla-chip · 23 days
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
A/N: I haven’t read the whole manga or watched all the episodes… so please have mercy on me if he’s not entirely in character!
warnings: oral(both receiving), cockwarming, roleplay, breeding, foodplay, nipple play
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-Laois is quite the devoted lover, worshipping the ground you walk on.
-he can be a but clingy and overbearing, wanting to know everything about you and be there with you at all times. You’re his first and only love, it’s a new experience for him!
-he’s not shy at all when it comes to PDA, happily covering your face in kisses and following you around like a lost puppy.
-again, he’s super clingy. He adores being curled up with you after a good meal, and sleeps next to you every night. He loves to carry you on his back when you’re tired, taking off his armor to make it more comfy for you.
-Laois can’t help but stare at you for prolonged period of time. You’re so fascinating to him, almost as intriguing as the monsters he adores. He knows everything about you, doodling you in his journal every chance he gets.
-when you’re upset or sad, he’s upset or sad. He’ll listen to you complain and get angry on your behalf while petting your head. He WILL hold grudges if someone hurts you.
-his first priority during a battle is keeping you(ans Falin) safe. You are his darling, he couldn’t stand to see you get hurt. Even the smallest of injuries has him anxious, ready to pull you into his arms and feed you snacks while you get healed by Marcille.
-he just melts every time you give him any kind of attention or affection. Listening to him infodump about monsters and feeding him are the two ways to his heart.
-his adores feeding you, and will lick away any food on your face or lips.
-before he met you, he had never been in love before, but now that he has you his heart has never been the same. You make him whole, making him want things he never thought he would.
-he’s a huge virgin with a big, fat cock he has no idea what to do with.
-you’re so pretty, and your hands feel so nice rubbing against his bulge that he can hardly breathe.
-you’re his first kiss, and feeling your tongue touch his instantly makes him hard. He ends up cumming in his pants from only a few sloppy kisses, looking all shy and embarrassed when he moans and whines.
-he’s a switch, a bit on the subby side due to his inexperience. He’ll let you boss him around, just wanting to please you and make you happy. You’re his beautiful girlfriend, he will absolutely listen to whatever you tell him to do!
-he quickly learns he’s obsessed with your pussy. The first taste he gets of your cunt gets him craving more. It doesn’t take long for him to get pussy drunk, looking up at you with hazy eyes as his tongue slips in and out of your pretty, right hole.
-when the two of you have sex for the first time, he’s beyond nervous, and ends up cumming on your pussy before he’s even able to push inside of you. It’s so embarrassing, but you find it hot that he got so excited he couldn’t help but spill his load on you.
-he’s got an average sized cock, about 6ish inches, but he’s GIRTHY! His fat cock stretches you out easily, and he starts to panic when you yelp as he buries himself in your pretty pussy. You quickly reassure him that everything is okay, and he’s happy to move his hips and fuck into you.
-Laois is definitely into roleplay and costumes. Dressing up as a monster will get him so hard that it’ll be hard for him to keep himself from cumming.
-Foodplay is definitely on the table. He likes watching you eat and enjoy food, and also likes when you’re covered in something sweet that he can lick off of you.
-He is okay with cumming inside, outside, on you, honestly he’s just happy he gets to fuck you. Anything you want is yours, so if you want him to creampie you and give you a baby, he’ll do it.
-sucking his cock will make him melt into a puddle. He prefers going down on you, but he will admit seeing your cute face look up at him with his cock in your mouth gets him cumming within seconds.
-his nipples are pink, and REALLY sensitive… he makes the prettiest noises when you rub and play with them.
-honestly cockwarming makes him feel so warm and happy. Your pussy drooling while he plays with your clit, clenching around his cock is just… heaven.
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puppy love (iii)
Chuuya Nakahara x Reader
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fandom: bungo stray dogs
I didn't mean for this to be so long. I'm so sorry. I just really like writing about Chuuya interacting with dogs. Again I apologize (but I hope you enjoy)! (And the panel comes from the manga Kimi ni Todoke!)
warnings: fem reader, pet names (doll, lady, etc.), mentions of pet abandonment in the past, mentions of stray dogs, slight angst towards the end, a bit of mutual pining (but they don't know it yet bc they're kinda dumb) || words: 5.5k
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
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Chuuya has never known himself to be nervous.
Wary? Sure. Itching to get something over with? Absolutely. Pissed off beyond all belief? Of fucking course—he’s put up with Dazai for all these years, hasn’t he?
But he’s never felt quite like this. Standing in front of the shabby little shop you call home, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, fingers twitching in his pockets—not to mention the swarm of butterflies that’s taken refuge in the depths of his stomach. His throat is unnaturally dry, beads of sweat gathering at his forehead.
Why the fuck is he so damn nervous?
He has no reason to be. He knows no danger lies beyond that door, none whatsoever. And even if there was a fight waiting for him, he’d come out on top in two seconds flat.
Nothing to worry about. It’s just you and those dogs you keep yammering on about.
(Maybe that’s why he’s so worried.)
He shakes his head and knocks on the door. You’ve already turned the lights down, placed the closed sign right there in the window, and yet he can hear you scurrying on the other side of the door. A few seconds later it swings open, and the sight of your smile immediately puts him at ease.
“I’m so glad you could make it!”
He steps inside as you shut the door behind him. One of the lights flicker on, bathing the room in a warm golden glow.
This is the first time he’s actually seen your shop, and he’s pleased to find it looks much more comfy than the outside. A bit small in size, but the selection of pet supplies is plenty enough to brag about. Different brands of dog and cat food, assortments of leashes and collars in all kinds of colors, rows of dog toys and treats lining the counters. The floors are clean, the blinds are shut, and everything seems to be in order.
But not a single pup in sight.
“You want anything to drink?” You’re already motioning him to follow you behind the counter, towards the back of the store. “It’s alright, I’m the only one here. I won’t tell anyone,” you add with a wink.
Fuck, more annoying butterflies.
“That’s fine, I’m alright.” He sheds his overcoat and hangs it on one of the hooks by the door, but leaves the hat perched on his head. Luckily you don’t question it.
“They’re in the back, follow me.”
There’s a spring in your step as you lead him through the back hall, through a set of double doors and into what looks like a lounge of some kind. A slightly-worn couch rests by the corner, as well as a table with only a couple chairs to keep it company. But he doesn’t have time to survey the whole room before you disappear through another door, and he picks up the pace just to keep up with you.
Finally you come to a stop, resting a hand on the doorknob and throwing him a smile over your shoulder.
“They’re inside. You ready?”
He swallows the collection of cobwebs in his mouth. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
But you don’t open the door. Don’t even move an inch. You just stare at him with those big eyes, those pretty eyes, as your lips shift into a frown.
“…What?” Did he do something wrong? Did he fuck this up already?
“You don’t have to be nervous, you know.”
“I’m not nervous,” he says a little too quickly, and he bites back a groan when you give him a knowing smile.
“It’s alright, they can be a lot to handle sometimes. But they’ll love you, I promise! Besides, you’ve met three of them already. The other five are gonna be all over you when they see you!”
Two, he corrects you internally. He’s met two of them so far, the third one keeps his distance and fucking glares at him. Hardly a win in his book. Are any of the others like that? Or is it just that one who’s got a stick up his ass?
No, don’t be like that. It’s not the dog’s fault it doesn’t like people; hell, Chuuya himself doesn’t even like people all that much. The nerves are just making him feel on edge.
Fuck it, he’s not nervous!
“They won’t bite,” you add with a laugh, but he still remains locked in his spot behind you. So you hold out a hand and tilt your head, reminding him of the night he first met you. So much like that one dog you have, the shiba pup. “They love meeting new people. And if Kotaro already loves you”—oh yeah, that’s the shiba’s name—“then the others are sure to follow his lead.”
The way you’re looking at him, a gentle look in your eyes, hand outstretched hopefully in his direction…
It’s no big deal. It’s just a bunch of dogs. He loves dogs, right? Never met a dog he didn’t like! They just happen to belong to you, and you’ve…just got a lot of them. Nothing too major, he’s dealt with much worse in his life.
But that’s just it. They’re your dogs, not just stray animals he crosses paths with on the street. They mean the absolute world to you, he knows it in the way you talk about them. You show it in the way you clutch Kotaro to your chest, pressing kiss after kiss to his furry head. The way your eyes light up at even the slightest mention of one of your dogs, how you’re so eager to brag about the new trick they learned or what they did at the park earlier that day.
You love them with everything your heart has to offer…and Chuuya just hopes he’s good enough to give them the attention and adoration they deserve.
A heavy sigh passes through his lips; slowly but surely, he places his gloved hand in yours. “No biting?” he asks with a smile.
“No biting, I promise! Told them to be on their best behavior today, too.”
It’s only when he nods that you turn the knob and push the door open. You all but pull him in after you, all smiles and laughter and—
Holy shit, that’s a lot of fucking dogs!
All different breeds rush him at once, Kotaro taking the lead and nearly barreling right into Chuuya’s knee. The beagle follows soon after, accompanied by a corgi. (At least he thinks it’s a corgi.) Two little Chihuahuas are yipping and running circles around his ankles. A dachshund paws at the tip of his shoe before latching her teeth around it.
“Hey, hey, come on! Be nice!”
You clap your hands and wave your arms to shoo them away. Just like clockwork the dogs turn their attention on you, a blur of wagging tails and drool and perked-up ears. You scoop up the pair of Chihuahuas, holding one in each arm, and gently nudge the dachshund away from Chuuya with your leg.
Over your shoulder he can see the last two dogs: the grumpy bulldog he met a few days ago (the one who looks like he hates his guts), and a schnauzer whose tail hasn’t stopped wagging since he walked in the room. There’s a slight limp in the schnauzer’s step; it’s favoring its front left paw, but he can’t see any visible wound on the skin. Placing the twin Chihuahuas down, you give the schnauzer a scratch under its bearded chin before pressing a kiss to its head.
About half the dogs listen, Kotaro not being one of them. He’s still busy sniffing the area around Chuuya, rubbing against his leg like a cat. You snap your fingers over and over, huffing when the dog blatantly ignores you. Finally you stand up and scoop him up in your arms, placing him down in between the dachshund and the beagle.
“You alright?” Your smile is a bit wobbly. Are you just as nervous as he is?
For some reason the thought quells the storm of butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
“I’m fine, doll. Nothin’ I can’t handle,” he adds with a smirk, and you quickly avert your eyes back down to the dogs.
You sink down to sit on the floor, patting the space beside you. Unfortunately Kotaro takes that as his cue to move—even before Chuuya can settle himself down, he’s wrestling a rowdy shiba pup off his lap.
But when one dog goes, the rest of the pack is sure to follow. And suddenly the two of you are swamped in furry bodies and swishing tails and scrabbling paws. One puppy on your lap, another in your arms, and one nosing at your pocket in hopes of finding a snack or two.
“This one’s Sora,” you say, holding the corgi up to him. Chuuya can’t even speak, too captivated by the pup’s sweet brown eyes. “He’s a cutie, isn’t he? And he’s—oh, hey! I would never forget about you, Ocha, don’t worry!” You reach over to pat the dachshund right between her ears. “This little girl is Ocha. She can get a bit jealous but she’s an absolute sweetheart! Oh! And these two are Yuki and Yui! They’re…the troublemakers of the pack!”
Are those the Chihuahuas? One of them is chomping on your shoelaces, while the other one is pawing at his pant leg. The corgi in his arms lets out a soft whine; immediately he brings it closer, letting it sniff his hand and lick his face.
“This is Haru,” you continue, motioning to the schnauzer. “She’s the newest one here. She’s not scared of humans though, so you can pet her all you like! Just let her approach you first. Oh, and be mindful of her paw, she’s recovering from a broken leg. Poor thing could barely walk when we found her! But she’s healing up so nicely…aren’t you, pretty girl?”
The dog lets out a whine, but it almost sounds happy. Her ears are pressed against her head and her stubby tail’s wagging a mile a minute.
Reaching around the corgi’s head—is it Sora? Sounds about right—he holds out a hand to the schnauzer. The dog, Haru, gives a cautious sniff, balances herself on her good paw, and takes another step closer. You’re practically bouncing in your seat as Haru wags her tail and lets Chuuya pet her.
“Aww, she likes you!”
And thank fuck for that; there’s nothing more depressing than a dog that doesn’t like you.
Like that one—he gives the bulldog a sideways glance, and the dog huffs and turns his head.
The beagle nearly trips over his own paws trying to reach Chuuya’s face. The tiny Chihuahua chewing on your shoelaces manages to untie them, and you scramble to grab the string from its mouth with a shriek.
Kotaro, Pochi, Sora… Haru, right?
Something nudges his elbow. It’s the little dachshund, staring up at him with big brown eyes, clutching a small stuffed toy in her mouth. She nudges him again, giving a whine and shaking her whole backside in the air.
“What is it, huh?” Fuck, what’s that one’s name again? “You wanna play, is that it?”
The dog yips and bats him with her paw. But when he grabs at the toy, she gives a hard tug and nearly rips the damn thing right out of his grasp.
“I can’t throw it if you don’t give it to me!”
She doesn’t give up, and neither does he. You laugh at the awkward tug of war between the two, all the while Sora is curled up in Chuuya’s other arm. One of the Chihuahuas crawls into his lap, throwing off his balance just enough for the dachshund to wrench the toy out of his hand.
“Hey, wait—”
It’s a three-way assault: Kotaro plants his paws right on his shoulders, Sora leans up to lick his face, and the dachshund—Ocha, that’s it!—practically throws herself right into his lap, all but knocking the poor Chihuahua out of the way. The poor pup tumbles to the floor, but you’re quick to scoop him up before he can whine.
“Sorry, Yuki,” you manage through your laughter, “Ocha didn’t mean it, I promise. …And sorry, Chuuya! Usually they’re not this rowdy!”
But he finds himself laughing along with you—of course, you apologize to the dog first—even when Kotaro’s weight knocks him over onto the floor. He’s on his back know, knees bent with the beagle ducking beneath them, and the tiny corgi curled up on his chest. Kotaro’s wet nose is pressed against his cheek, Ocha’s paw nudging his shoulder, and oh shit, now the schnauzer’s in on the fun—
“Come on, guys, let him breathe for a bit!” Your voice reaches him through the mess of fur and paws; he sees your hand snake around the dachshund’s body to pull her away. “No doggy pile today!”
Not that he has a problem with that. If this is what you have to deal with every day, living with all these dogs doesn’t seem like such a bad thing.
“Get over here, you little—”
He rolls over, propping himself on his hands and knees, still supporting the corgi against his chest. Kotaro barks and shakes his bottom in the air; the silly look on his face just screams “play with me, damn it!”
Pochi plants his paws onto his shoulders, while Ocha ambushes him from the front. Despite favoring her paw, Haru is quick to chime in with a yip and plants a sweet kiss right on Chuuya’s cheek.
The smug look on Kotaro’s face says it all: You’re surrounded. Give up already, feeble human!
“Alright, alright, that’s enough!”
You’re on your feet now, shooing the dogs away, cringing at the rumpled fabric of Chuuya’s pristine jacket and vest. The flecks of dog hair sprinkled along his dress pants. Not to mention the trails of drool and doggy slobber on his face—
“Come on, be nice.” You slide Pochi out of the way and gently pick up Haru in your arms. Chuuya catches the bulldog glaring at him from across the room; the little shit hasn’t even moved in the last ten minutes or so. “Give him some space, Kotaro!”
Chuuya manages to lift himself to his knees. The little corgi in his arms lifts his head and kisses his chin, his stubby little tail thumping against his hand. A laugh bubbles up in his throat.
“Lovable little shit, ain’t he?”
“Yeah, Sora’s a cuddle bug when he wants to be!” Once the dogs give you some space, you hold out a hand to help him up. “He’s also a sleepy little guy. Gets random bursts of energy but he’s always the first to fall asleep.”
His gloved hand slides against your own, and you pull him to his feet with a grunt. Immediately Haru and Ocha start whining and pawing at his pant leg. Batting their eyes at Sora, all snuggled up against the man’s chest.
“Are they usually just clingy, or is it just me?” he asks with a smile, and you giggle behind your hands.
“Must be you! They’re friendly, but never that friendly to people they’ve just met… They must really like you a lot.”
(Maybe it’s his roguish charm and handsome features. If so, you can’t really blame them.)
“Anyway, looks like they’ve settled down a bit.” He glances at the two pups nestled in your arms; the twin Chihuahuas are already fast asleep, snoring softly with their heads against your chest. “Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the shop.”
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The “rest of the shop” isn’t really part of the shop at all; Chuuya learns quickly that it’s just the half-finished room where the dogs live, with the stairs leading up to your apartment just off to the side. He stops himself before he can wonder what’s up there, though.
Not the kind of thoughts he should be having about someone he’s only just yet. And about a lady, no less.
And now the dogs are safe and sound, sprawled out in their individual beds and tucked away for the night. The Chihuahuas sleep in a tiny bed between a mess of blankets, with a dozing Pochi and Ocha on either side of them. Sora is curled up into Haru’s side; when his paw twitches gently, Chuuya thinks he can feel his chest get all warm and fuzzy.
So fucking adorable, aren’t they?
The only ones still awake are Kotaro (who’s made his home at his feet, for some unknown reason), and Shiro, who’s planted his ass firmly on your shoes. Still glaring at him with his bottom teeth jutting out, only wagging his tail when you reach down to pet him.
The two of you are leaning against the counter, side by side, holding a pair of mugs in your hands. Might be too late in the night for it, but holy shit do you make a great cup of coffee.
“I’m glad you think so,” you chuckle, careful to keep your voice low. Don’t wanna wake the babies, right? “I don’t really like it, I kinda have to drink it for these little guys, though. Keeps me going the entire day!”
He looks at you then, really looks at you as you take another sip of your drink. Your frazzled hair, the bags under your eyes, the slight heave in your chest—and the familiar warm glow in your eyes as they sweep over the eight resting dogs.
Running a shop, catering to customers, taking care of eight individual dogs, all with different personalities and needs of their own… No wonder you look so drained. You look like you could sleep for a week straight, and then some with that look in your eye.
He clears his throat and averts his gaze before you can catch him. “You said she’s the newest one, right?” He motions to Haru with a hand, snickering as she snuggles deeper into her little makeshift bed. “How long have you had her?”
“Only a couple weeks.” You place your mug down and sweep a hand through your hair. “We found her wandering around the streets one night—well, Kotaro found her, really. Poor girl was digging through the trash and limping so badly! We took her to the vet right away, fixed up her leg so she could walk again. She had a collar but when we tried calling the owners there was no answer.”
Your hands suddenly curl around the edge of the counter. Nails biting into the surface, teeth clenched and eyes wild with fire. Chuuya stops himself from reaching out to you, instead tightening his grip on his mug and taking another sip.
“They wouldn’t answer our calls, and when the vet stopped by their place he realized they’d moved… Didn’t even have the sense to bring her to a shelter first. Just up and left her, like she didn’t even matter.”
Such a sweet dog, so kind and gentle, with her favored paw resting so nicely on the blankets… Little puffs of air escaping through her nose, brushing against the corgi’s fluffy head.
And suddenly he wants to shatter the mug in his hand. The thought of leaving a mess on your floor is enough to keep him at bay, but the white-hot fury is still blazing through his veins.
How could someone treat such an innocent animal like that?
He wouldn’t have guessed it, with how friendly she had been with him earlier. Eager to play and get to know him, licking at his face and wagging her cute little tail. And extremely loyal from what he’s seen so far, with the way she looks at you and responds to your voice. What kind of dumbass would let go of such a perfect companion?
“…Are they all street dogs?” His voice is strained, but his eyes are gentle when they meet your own. “Abandoned, I mean?”
“No, not all of them. This one,” you lean down to rub Shiro’s chest, “I knew his old owner. He was moving away and he couldn’t take Shiro with him. He used to work at the shop, that’s why he asked me. Sometimes I think he still misses him.”
That explains why the dog’s such a hard-ass. But he can’t find it in himself to blame him. Chuuya knows a thing or two about losing people he cares about.
“Pochi and Sora were hanging around the shop before I took them in. At first I thought they were cats, but then I heard barking one night and knew I had to bring them in.” That familiar smile is back on your face as you gush about your puppies. “Ocha? I found her while coming home from a friend’s house, in a thunderstorm of all things! Now she doesn’t like storms, but show me a dog that does!”
You slide your mug further away before lifting yourself onto the edge. Only when you pat the space beside you does Chuuya do the same, careful not to spill what little coffee he has left in his own mug.
“The twins, Yuki and Yui,” you point to the tiny Chihuahuas in the center, “…I don’t know where they came from, honestly. I just opened the door one day and they were there. Right on the doorstep, practically newborn, no note or anything. I don’t even know what happened to their mother.”
Shiro yawns and settles down at the base of the counter, his legs sprawled out in front of him. Meanwhile Kotaro turns his attention to Chuuya, whining until the man caves in and scratches behind his ear.
“What about this one?”
“Oh, Kotaro? Former shelter dog, the last one to be adopted before they closed down! No one else wanted to deal with his little troublesome ass, so I volunteered.”
And the smug little shit looks so proud of himself, too. Tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, tail swishing from side to side, stirring up the mess of dog hair already on the floor.
A comfortable silence settles over the two of you. The dogs are sleeping, Kotaro’s relishing in all the extra attention, and for once, the bulldog Shiro isn’t even growling at him. Eventually he finishes off his coffee, and you’re quick to take it to rinse it in the sink with your own.
“Hey, Chuuya? Can I ask you something real quick?”
He glances up from Kotaro for a split second. It’s easier to pet him from the ground rather than the counter, so he hops off and kneels down to the dog’s level. His gloves are gonna be covered in dog fur once he’s done.
“What is it?”
Another bout of silence. Your back is turned to him, still hunched over the sink, despite the mugs already drying in the rack next to it. Kotaro paws at his knee, silently begging for another round of pats.
“…You’re part of the Port Mafia, aren’t you?”
Every nerve in his body screams at him to run. No, to fight. Fight and fucking win, just as he’s always had to do. Eliminate the threat. Prove your strength.
It’s like a switch goes off in his brain. But he’s not the only one; Shiro’s head lifts off the ground at lightning speed, his lip curled to show more than just that row of bottom teeth. Kotaro stiffens as soon as Chuuya’s hand retreats, his huge eyes boring right through him.
You’re still glued to your spot at the sink, not even daring to move an inch.
The message is clear from the dogs. Touch her and you die.
He swallows the mess of cobwebs in his throat as he slowly rises to his feet. Kotaro and Shiro keep their eyes trained on him; out of the corner of his eye, he can see Pochi and Ocha stirring awake, too.
Insanely loyal dogs, aren’t they?
“…It’s alright if you are,” you spit out, still staring at the sink in front of you. “I promise I won’t tell anyone! It’s just… I’ve, ah, been wondering about it…for a few days now, and I just thought…”
The sigh he lets out sends a shiver down your spine. He’s careful as he makes his way towards you, and for some reason, Shiro lets him without taking a chunk out of his leg.
“…How’d you find out?”
He’s trying not to sound intimidating. He’s not angry, far from it actually. He knows you and your little pack of pups is no real threat to the mafia. (Although, the image of you storming HQ with a band of street dogs is strangely entertaining to him.) Sooner or later, you would have questions of your own about him. He just didn’t think it would be this soon.
But that horrible feeling from earlier is fluttering around in his chest. The same one that makes his palms slick with sweat inside his gloves, the one that sends his heart smashing against his ribcage.
Is he ashamed? Absolutely not; the mafia has always been a part of him, and it always will be until the day he dies.
Maybe the thought of you running away, too scared of what he is—and taking your little pack with you—is sending him in such a frenzy.
“I’ve…had my suspicions,” you start quietly. Slowly you turn around, keeping your back against the sink. Chuuya stands a few feet away from you, forcing his hands back into his pockets. “For a couple days, now. Maybe even more… I just wanted to be sure before I started suspecting anything…”
Dangerous? He fills in the blank with a swallow.
“…’M not gonna hurt you, ya know.”
“I know! I know… Believe it or not, I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with the mafia. This isn’t exactly a nice area of Yokohama to begin with.”
That raises the hair on the back of his neck. Who did you come across? Surely someone like Akutagawa or Tachihara couldn’t be bothered with a simple pet shop owner. A simple grunt then, perhaps? He can’t imagine why they would make themselves known to an innocent civilian like you.
Did they threaten you? Were you caught in the crossfire? Thrown in the middle of a turf war? Every possibility sends another wave of heat throughout his body.
“Honestly, it wasn’t that hard to figure out.” There’s an awkward chuckle on your end. “I only ever see you at night. You’re rich as hell, I can tell by the way you carry yourself. Only one kind of job around here could get you that kind of outfit, and all those fancy wines you like to talk about. Oh, and you kinda dress like a stereotypical mafioso, too… Not that it’s a bad thing!” you add quickly, holding up your hands. “I like it! Makes you look…good, I guess? No, not just good… Maybe handsome? Ah, I-I mean—”
You stumble over your words, burying your face in your hands when none of them come out right. That’s when Kotaro trots over to you, circling your feet before taking a seat right in front of you. Shiro stays right in his spot, eyes glued on Chuuya…but at least he’s not growling at him anymore.
Chuuya blinks. And then blinks again.
…You think he’s handsome?
He clears his throat—no time to get all distracted over a few simple words from a pretty girl. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, doll. I promise, the Port Mafia wants nothing to do with your little…pack of dogs.”
But he does.
As horrible as it sounds, he wants everything to do with you and your little family of puppies.
“It’s okay.” You wrap your arms around your midsection, finally meeting his eyes with a shaky smile. “It’s just…kind of a lot to take in… Sorry…”
No, he gets it. He could barely believe it himself, after joining the mafia years ago.
“…You ain’t scared?” he asks, despite his gut telling him to shut the fuck up already.
But you shake your head, and suddenly he finds himself frowning.
“A bit too trusting, don’t ya think?”
“Maybe.” Your smile becomes a bit stronger now. “But the dogs seem to like you, so that’s enough for me.”
His jaw nearly drops to the floor; he can feel the coffee from earlier swirling around in his stomach.
Are you fucking serious?
“I know it sounds silly, but it’s true!” You must’ve seen the look on his face; you’re starting to look a bit sheepish yourself, but you continue nonetheless. “Dogs have a great sense for this kind of thing. They can tell when a person has good or bad intentions. Pick the rotten apples from the rest of the bunch, you know? And they’re all pretty easy-going around you. So if they’re not scared of you, then I’m not either.”
Well sure, it would make sense if you were a fucking child. But placing all your trust in a bunch of dogs, no matter how loyal and protective it may be… It doesn’t sit right with him.
“You can’t be serious.”
“But I am.”
“What if I hurt you?” Even saying the words out loud make him feel sick. “You really think they would’ve warned you?”
“Yeah, they started growling at you right away, didn’t they?”
“What if it was someone else? Someone other than me?”
“I trust them. I protect them, they protect me.”
“You can’t always be sure of that, doll.”
He’s stepping closer to you, and for whatever reason Kotaro and Shiro allow him to. Until he’s face to face with you, so close you can count the row of freckles splashed across his nose.
But you’re still smiling. In fact, you look more comfortable right now in front of him than you have all night. Almost like you’ve totally forgotten about the whole Port Mafia thing.
“It all comes down to intentions. Believe it or not, they’ve saved my ass a few times before. Especially Shiro; more than once he’s kept a shady person away from me, or pulled me away from a dangerous situation. It sounds weird, but I trust them with my life. Just as they trust me with theirs.”
Words fail him in that moment; he opens his mouth, and they die right there on his tongue. On one hand, what you’re saying does make sense, but it also doesn’t, and he’s not sure which one to believe.
He knew you were close to your dogs. Treated them just as you would your own children. He just didn’t realize you put such a great amount of trust in their hands—well, paws.
Despite their smaller size and friendly natures, they did jump to your defense when they suspected you might be in danger. Shiro and Kotaro standing between you two, a protective barrier of claws and teeth, with Ocha and Pochi standing on guard.
A dog’s love for his human knows no bounds.
“Trust me, if they sensed you had any bad intentions, or wanted to hurt me in any way, they wouldn’t have let you come into the shop like you did. Kotaro wouldn’t have warmed up to you right away. Believe me when I say this, Chuuya, the pups love you.”
He grits his teeth, his gaze falling to the floor between you. “…Not the bulldog.”
Your laugh is a song to his ears, and when you reach for his gloved hand, he thinks his heart might burst right there in his chest.
“Don’t worry about Shiro. He’s stingy with everyone at first! To be honest, if he really didn’t like you, he would’ve tried to bite you the first time he saw you! But as for the rest of them? I’ve never seen them warm up to a stranger like that before. Especially Kotaro—the way he acted around you that first night… It kinda made me jealous!”
You shake your head and take his other hand in yours. His face grows warm beneath your gaze, his heartbeat echoing in his ears as you inch your face closer to his.
“If my dogs trust you, then that tells me you must be a good man.”
And suddenly, Chuuya wants nothing more than to sweep you into his arms and press a thousand kisses to your lips.
“Your secret’s safe with me. If you want to come back, you’re more than welcome to! And if you want, we can just keep it between us. No outside drama, no mentions of work—just you and me and all these dogs…if that sounds good with you.”
Chuuya doesn’t think he can smile any wider. There’s another strange feeling in his chest, so much more pleasant than the one from earlier. No more shaking hands or butterflies in his stomach; only a sweet, warm feeling that pools deep in his chest.
It reminds him of your smile, of your warmth and affection for the little family you’ve made for yourself, as he tugs you in closer with Kotaro yipping happily at your heels.
“Sounds perfect to me, doll.”
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hdhdgsgs · 1 year
Hi Hi! Idk how I ended up here lol (maybe through Bard’s page?? idk) anyway! I see that you’re writing for Osomatsu San right now! Would I be able to request your headcanons on every matsu comforting their crying significant other? Pleeeeease? lol I love the comfy stuff
First post back from writers block/burn out, I know some aren’t as long as others and I’m sorry it’s not consistent but I love the idea!
For a little bit after you start crying he’s stunned, he’s not sure what to do. He’s comforted his brothers before but they’re his brothers, you’re a whole different person that he hasn’t learnt his whole life to comfort.
He’ll pay your back first then offer an awkward hug that turns into cuddling and crying into him with him rubbing the back of your hair and saying how you’ll be ok, kissing your head every now and then.
If you don’t want to be physically touched he’ll just tell you it’ll be okay and that he’ll listen if you need to talk, just constant sweet talking and he’ll throw in a little flirting or joking around if he feels like it’ll make you feel better.
He’ll even offer his beer or to eat instant ramen with him, he might even ‘force’ (ask) his mother to make him and you something, to which she would say yes and comfort you as much as she could and as she’s raised 6 kids at the same time, she’s pretty good at it.
He’ll offer you sex, half-joking, but if you take him up on his offer he’d be delighted to help, whether that means fast and rough or slow and sweet. He’d totally even be willing to get none of the pleasure himself because he wants to make you feel good (and he’s a pervert), you deserve it after all.
He’s read up on this a LOT before so he can understand and comfort his future partner. He loves you and asks before every little thing he does, if you want ANYTHING he’ll run all over Tokyo as fast as he can to get it for you. If his brothers are around he’ll either boss them into doing things for you or he’ll threaten them to stay as far away as possible so you can be in piece.
Affection needed? He’s ready, he’ll do anything to make you happy, even if it’s (not shaming anyone) kissing your feet. He’s ready, cuddles are elite and he’s petting you everywhere he knows you like, kisses galore and touching places he knows makes you giddy. At one point he thinks about tickling you to see you laugh but he decides against it after thinking for a minute.
For gifts and acts of service, he’ll go ALL over Tokyo, fuck, even Japan if he has to, all to make you happy. If he can’t afford he WILL beg, steal and take what he needs to. He will empty everyone he knows bank account, or maybe just hatabou’s cuz he’s rich.
You want words of affirmation? He’s got it, words sweeter than ever before come out of his mouth, comforting and reassuring you until his vocal cords stop working and still then he’ll write it all down. He won’t joke around until he knows you feel good enough, so he will test the waters, every now and then with little jokes before unleashing his attack of humour to make you laugh.
Quality time, no problemo. He’s sitting and laying and standing around, just being with you, if you don’t want to talk he won’t, he’ll give you tissues, water, a plush, ice cream and just sit with you. He isn’t used to not talking for so long but he will anything for his karamatsu angel.
Worst one of all of them, but he’s trying his best. He will pat your back and say “it’s not that serious, you’ll be okay.” Please get mad at him… he isn’t hurt by it for the most part, he’s used to a lot worse by his brothers.
Eventually he’ll learn and get better but at the start he’s grossly bad for someone who reads romance manga on the daily. He might try things he sees there, affection and tissues/water but after a while he’ll honestly just sit next to you and stare into space. He’s perplexed.
If you ask him about getting something or doing something for you, he will be a dork and salute, immediately getting up to help. He might put on some idol shows on tv or try and distract you by putting together a figurine with you. Choromatsu would offer a beer or sake to cheer you up, since it always makes him feel better (even though that’s unhealthy). Some more of his ideas include forcing Totty to search up ways to help, making his brothers embarrass themselves to make you laugh or running around doing things for you (which they will do in the hope you might like them too because you were able to fall for Choromatsu, but they won’t make it that obvious). Cuddles are a thing choromatsu has always been hesitant about, meaning he has to be insanely vulnerable, but he’ll throw away all vain the second he sees you upset.
Panics but keeps it on the inside so you wont stress more. He decides to treat you the same way he treats cats, only knowing how to cheer them up. So he’ll buy you food or get it from his cupboards and pet your head. He’ll whisper sweet nothings in your ear while giving your head a massage (which he’s surprisingly good at) making sure to focus behind your ears and the top of your head. Ichimatsu loves getting kisses but he’s not too confident on giving them so he won’t kiss your lips for his own comfort but he will kiss everywhere else, up your arms, your neck, your face, your head, everywhere else however if you ask him directly he will buck up and give you a small kiss on the lips, followed by more as he gets more confident. Orders his brothers around if you need something since he’s giving you affection at the moment.
Sends out a cat signal(idk) and gets all the little fluffy bois in the area to come and cuddle up! (As a chubby girl myself) He WILL put you on his lap for cuddles, he doesn’t care about weight at all whether you’re underweight, average or overweight. He wants to hold his kitten no matter what. If you end up eating something he’ll physically feed you like a baby, feeling very protective.
Cat eyes, thinking face. Stays like that for a few second then runs around grabbing everything he can think of. Blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, water, tissues, a baseball, snacks and one of his hoodies. He brings it all and offers them, setting up a calm little area and wiping your tears with his sleeves, finding it more intimate than tissues.
Jyushimatsu sings a little song while laying you back on his chest and rubbing your back. He’s very used to comforting Ichimatsu so if you don’t want to be held he’ll know exactly how to help, he might even ask ichimatsu to help him get a cuddly cat for you. Wiggles his arms and and does the water trick too, but if you don’t respond he’ll stop immediately. Sits next to you and writes a love letter, detailed with all his feelings for you, he puts it in an envelope, seals it and hands it to you like you couldn’t see the whole thing being made, he’s VERY bashful about it too. Jyushi will also make you drink water to rehydrate and whisper meow over and over again in a sing song voice because he knows it helps Ichimatsu so surely it’ll help you right? Just need a distraction? He’ll talk about baseball for hours, the history, his favourite players, the rules and how to play it.
Best equipped to handle it, doesn’t go about it well. Todomatsu doesn’t, in fact, use his phone. He feels it would be gross to use his phone when his partner needs comfort, and he panics wanting them to know he loves them more than life itself but not knowing how. He pulls you into a tight hug, telling you it’s going to be okay and that he loves you. Todomatsu will run his hand up and down your back while the other one is in your hair massaging the back of your head. He will push away his feelings of discomfort for a second to grab his phone, putting on soft music to help you relax, including a playlist he made especially for when he got a partner and he needed to comfort them. If Totty even sees a glimpse of a brother in the corner of his eye, they will be gone as soon as possible to make you feel safer and calmer. He hums along while he tries to make you fall asleep in his arms, I’m all honesty Todomatsu will do ANYTHING for his partner, he won’t let you go a single day feeling sad or bad because he truly adores you more than anything in the whole universe.
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My thoughts on the Ritsu&Shou related parts in the Fanbook
because I am kinda going insane.
The way ONE was able to melt all the gays down in one go should be studied, analysed and locked deep in the black void of Shou’s black shirt in the Cultural Festival scene in the manga, because there’s no way. 
As a warning, while I’ll be mostly talking about their relationship in terms of friendship anyway, I ship them, so this is kinda biased on this side of things. Enjoy what I have to say under the cut.
Okay, so, with the premise that the translations around on Twitter aren’t official so the info might not be 100% accurate, I am still more than willing to trust our beloved fantranslators and their hard work. Let’s actually begin this slide deep into the tunnel headed to Copium Land, shall we?
• To the question "Who are your friends, excluding your brother?" Ritsu just answers with Student Council Members and Classmates. And that we (readers) don't have to worry, since he has many people he can ask about the weather to. Now.
We... never see him hang out with his classmates, nor his Council members. Ever. Except for the whole S1 "Middle school criminals purge" fiasco and even then, it ended up with him breaking through the Student Council President Kamuro’s house. When I say Ritsu isn't normal, I mean it (go off, King). 
Ritsu is the same person who asked the other Psychic kids from the Awakening Lab their names only after they were all kidnapped. And solely for the sake of escaping. He... doesn't know how to socialize well or doesn't particularly care. 
To him, friends are ones he can ask the weather to. I honestly feel like, no matter how popular he is (mostly, due to his looks... let’s remember how he is the one among the kids in the cast who gets the most chocolate on Valentine’s Day, but he finds it a nuisance) he doesn’t really know how-to-friend and how-to-people. And partially, he isn’t too focused on that due to the many things he has going on. 
I truly appreciate the idea of autistic Ritsu, because it would explain many things tbh, and this difficulty of approaching others/making friends/even having a basic understanding of friendships and what they mean would be clearer. 
Now, onto Shou. We have two questions to take into account:
• To the "What do you like doing with your friends?" he answers mentioning only Ritsu. Not even the kids that call him leader in S2,nor any classmate. Just Ritsu. And he mentions how Ritsu doesn’t like crowded spaces and noise (I'll return to that later) and how they went fishing together and Ritsu didn't manage to catch anything. From this we have: 
THEY WENT FISHING TOGETHER. Even with the whole text thing later, Ritsu still cared enough to go out with him. Without Mob being involved at all. I think it's important. They canonically hang out together.
Shou cares so much that he wanted to go to a place where Ritsu would feel comfy. Fishing is probably not an activity Shou prefers among others. But Ritsu might appreciate it and that's enough. 
Ritsu is bad at fishing and this is honestly a fun detail lol. 
• Through the same question, we have the whole text bit with Shou saying he texts Ritsu from time to time, but Ritsu answers slowly/not frequently. So-
For one, Ritsu does answer. He is a busy person with Student Council matters and he is, yk. At the top 10 of the best students in the school, in his first year competing with third years. And yet, he still answers these messages. 
Shou goes to school THIS IS A WIN BTW I KNEW IT, Shou literally emits the energy of that one kid who is actually totally listening during class, remembers everything and gets damn good marks, called it. Anyway, Shou probably isn't a slow texter like Ritsu is and has another perception of time lol, not to mention how he probably isn’t as busy. Can relate to Ritsu here. 
They still text. That's pretty good in my book (copium). 
Again, noise. They should have 2012-13 flip phones and now, I have used them in the past, but forgive me, I forgot what I did yesterday, imagine remembering 2012 phones, but I believe they did have an option to turn off notifications. And with Ritsu disliking noise... it's no wonder he would. It also helps with studying. 
•  There was a question about the Cultural Festival bit. Shou says that Ritsu didn’t ask him to come personally, he just caught wind of it and thought “why not?”, which makes more sense now that we are 100% sure he goes to school. Honestly, it’s no wonder Ritsu didn't ask Shou to go and see him. He was uncomfy with that outfit and the whole Maid idea. But as soon as Shou caught on that, he just. Went. Without honestly any other reason if not to see him. Still fruity enough in my book. 
• Last but not least. Ritsu does call Shou a friend in the World Domination Arc. And, truly, I am not willing to believe they aren’t on friendly terms after them texting together, hanging out together (fishing) and Ritsu just... accepting Shou burnt down his house and going along with his plan without a second thought lol. Hence why:
Either Ritsu truly just doesn't know where to place Shou in his mind. Thinking back also on Shou's VA interview helps with this.
Or, since he was mentioned as a friend in Shou’s profile, ONE believed it would have been redundant to put him in Ritsu’s as well. Which I believe is actually a fair point, since Ritsu wouldn’t have added that much insight, knowing him lol.
Or, regarding them being established as friends in World Domination Arc... ONE forgor. And truly, it has been years since he finished that arc, and he has written so many drafts of manga (ONE PUNCH, the rest of Mob), the new upcoming one and all of the extras since then. Wouldn’t blame him.
There is also this little important DETAIL of ONE just casually mentioning he would like a spin-off with Ritsu AND Shou. Together. Can’t separate, idc.
And... gosh, I think this is all. Thanks to all the ones that translated the bits that came out with this book and Katya’s translations of all the other interviews! Between this, the whole deal with Teru (aka his freaking terrible fashion sense and especially his parents), Reigen’s family, Serizawa’s pay, a few peculiar ages being revealed... this fanbook has been a trip and a half. But just in case, thank you all for coming to my Pep Talk, feel free to add anything if you want.
UPDATE 18/11
NEW INFO IS OUT and I reblogged this post of mine with all of such info compiled and my thoughts on it! It kinda changes a few of my highlights here and for the better. I’d say... we ultimately truly won. 
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noyasaur · 4 months
hi! Can you talk a bit about you jjba dr? (If youre comfy ofc!) ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
an introduction to my jjba dr! ✩₊˚.⋆
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cw: spoilers for jojo's bizaare adventure!
-> hihi! and yes omg ofcc!! i haven't shifted to my jjba dr yet but i would LOVEE to just ramble all about it if you don't mind 😌 gonna make it all aesthetic and cute too cuz hell yea😍
-> all images used (except the dividers) are from pinterest and full credit goes to the authors of these images :)
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★ . about my jjba desired reality!
right now, i only have one jjba desired reality which the whole thing about is me going on all the adventures from part three to five!
i think in the future i want to have a few more desired realities like one experiencing part two and part six and maybe even more of the parts if i end up finishing the other mangas! i also want to have a jjba dr set in modern times and also a jjba-based reality with kpop idols!
the timeline: in my main jjba reality, i've changed the timeline of some things so i can experience all the adventures in the different parts with the jojo boys in succession one after the other.
for example, when i first shift to this reality, i start with going on the adventures of part three with jotaro and the other stardust crusaders. the events of part four happen a year after the events of the stardust crusaders adventures when me, and jotaro are ordered to go to morioh by the speedwagon foundation to investigate well, jotaro's 'cousin'😭
in this reality, there was no affair 😙 joseph has a daughter and a son: holly and hugo. hugo is holly's younger brother and when he graduates high school, he goes off to japan for university. however, he meets tomoko there and they become a couple. long story short, he gets her pregnant and he never told any of his family, in fear of what they might say about him having a child so young. so that's how there is no affair that makes everyone go crazy, how josuke exists and how i can experience adventures when i'm not an old lady and i don't have to wait like twenty years between each adventure! (lmao)
obviously i can't live without kakyoin being dead and everyone else, so they live in this version 🤗 also, i made dio sort of less? evil? he doesn't actually commit any crimes against other humans (except blood-sucking ew but he doesn't kill anyone and just keeps people hostage as slaves and maids while he does his evil bidding eek) but is just hellbent on 'destroying' the joestar bloodline.
thinking about adding some other people into this reality too? for example, i was really contemplating adding sunghoon into this reality and making him one of dio's sons or something but during part three, he turns on his father and helps us defeat him 😜 this is a possible addition but i'm not sure if i'll go through with this or not!
i also have some generational pact with the brandos (i didn't do it, my grandpa did smh), though i fight with the joestars. long story short, my grandpas was in love with dio and made a pact that he would swear to protect the brando bloodline (my grandpa = speedwagon but dio's version) /hj might explain this later but im still in the works with figuring out how it's going to work and the backstory behind it!
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★ . about me!
background: i was born in australia on the (??\??\???? - not sure on the dates and whether i want it to be set in the 80's or the 00's). i was born with a faint, butterfly-shaped marking on my back. none of my parents knew what it meant but as i grew older, it continued to grow darker, and darker. self-conscious of the odd mark etched into my back, i bandaged it up to hide it. i lived a pretty peaceful childhood. however, the after i turned thirteen years of age, very strange occurrences kept happening to me.
there were some instances where things would become heavier or lighter, or where my parents felt as if they were moving in slow-motion or faster than usual. i would get weird dreams, some of the past, and some of the very, far future.
little did i know, this was all the work of my stand manifesting.
not knowing what was happening, i was shipped off to japan to live with my uncle, in tokyo in hopes that my uncle would be able to fix whatever was going on with me. you see, my uncle is a very spiritual man. while he works as an astronomer and a psychologist, he is very knowledgeable in the likes of tarot cards, magic, and otherworldly forces (etc). he did everything he could and that was in his power to try and figure out what was happening to me, since that was his forte and all.
and thus, after years of dealing with these strange incidents, at the age of 15, my stand manifested before me. i was crossing the street, on the way back to my uncle's apartment from visiting a convenience store. however, i didn't notice a car zooming towards me until it was too late. i shut my eyes, assuming it was all over. this was my fate: i was going to die a horrible and painful death. and there was nothing i could to about it.
i shut my eyes, bracing myself for the impact and my inevitable doom.
i waited.
and waited.
and yet, i felt nothing.
the impact never came. the excruciating pain and blast i expected to feel, never hit my body.
i was alive. and completely unscathed. but. . . how?
i wearily opened my eyes and to me confusion and horror, i saw her. i saw a strikingly beautiful but eerie human-like creature floating in front of me. it had it's arms extended out toward the car, which was now moving at an impeccably slow snail's pace.
after standing there in shock for a few seconds, i shook my head and scurried away.
around a few times after this incident, the frequency at which i had those 'weird' dreams dramatically increased. they turned from being a fortnightly, even monthly occurrence, to having those dreams many nights in a row, back to back.
oddly enough, with every dream i was having, i couldn't help but feel they were starting to feel a lot less like dreams but a lot more like visions.
after two weeks of more odd visions and happenings, i finally told my uncle. he was deeply puzzled as he tried to make sense of what was happening to me. and after a few minutes of pondering, something washed over his face.
was it relief? or more confusion?
did he finally work out what was happening to me?
but in the end, all he told me what that if i were to ever run into a man with the name 'Joseph Joestar' he made me promise i were to stick with him if i ever met him.
i asked him who he was, and all he replied with was: "Joseph? oh why, he's just a very good old friend of mine."
and so, i continue my life as usual, trying to deal and overpower these strange incidents and even became familiar with my beautiful and endearing new creature. luckily for me, i was enrolled in an online school so any incidents i would have would hardly leave a scratch on my grades and records.
although, this completely changed in the last year of my high school.
you see, my uncle wanted me to have a 'fun' and 'memorable' high school experience, especially considering it was my last year. and so, he enrolled me into an actual high school, which would change the course of my fate forever.
and what a 'fun' and memorable year it was. . .
(i am so sorry if this is so corny omg this feels so corny sdsdjs)
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★ . my stand!
my stand name: Ancient Dreams (In a Modern Land)
statistics: power: B Rank speed: A Rank range: B Rank durability: A rank precision: B Rank potential: A Rank
abilities: weight drop! (weight change): the ability to change the weight of anything. can make objects or people light, or make objects or people heavier. the stand user cannot use this ability on themselves. the ability can be activated by shooting small orbs or energy at the opposing object or person, where they will have a butterfly emblem on them, shaded corresponding to a highlighted moon phase on my stand, which corresponds to the 'levels' of weight taken off the person. flash! (speed manipulation): the ability to change the speed of any object or person. however, this can only be done when the stand makes contact with the object of person. dream telepathy/communication/travelling: has the ability to communicate with others during their dreams, or enter one's dream through a meditative trance, with the help of their stand. the stand user can appear in one's dreams and communicate with the person, and also manipulate their dreams. however, the stand user cannot physically harm their target's through their dreams. rather, it is a soothing and positive technique that puts the target in a state of comfort. dream energy: the stand has the ability to shoot out energy orbs as a way of fighting. the orbs are made of 'dream energy' and can easily damage and slice through objects, depending on the manipulation of the orb. the orbs can be thrown in their pure form, or even me manipulated into whatever the stand user desires. for example, i could turn dream orb into a 'dream sword,' made from the cosmic energy of dreams and fantasy.
appearance: has a slim and feminine appearance. it's body is a gradient and mix of light baby blue, lilac purple and cotton candy pink, with the phases of the moon imprinted on it's chest. it wears a majestic headpiece of a butterfly on it's head, which is coloured a shimmering mix of pastel gold, purple and pink. it's eyes are a deep blur colour, and has transparent blue 'butterfly' wings.
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🪐 saturn's note:
-> um this was a little more than just 'talking a bit about it' but i hope you found this interesting and enjoyed! kinda scared to post this because i've never really talked about my drs like this so it's new to me but also fun 😍 i might update this here and there and i def swill reblog if i do or just make another post for anything else you're interested in!
-> oh and when i shift there? hell yeah am i going to be writing and sharing my experiences omg 😩
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dayseternal-blog · 6 months
Summary: When Naruto finds out Hinata is weird...
Written for NH Fair, NH Month 2023 Day 2 Prompt: Maid Cafe
Rated T.
Unexpected Miracles - Short One-shot
So there’s this classmate.  New friend.  She’s pretty.
Glossy hair.
Cute smile.
Squishy cheeks.
Shiny eyes.
Clear skin.
And always put-together.  Talks nice, laughs nice, well-mannered.
She’s just simply nice, never a bad thing to say about anything or anyone.  And so pretty, he feels like he should try harder to be fashionable and cool if he’s going to try to act on his attraction.
As a nerdy gamer and manga fan who’d rather spend money on building a good computer, he only puts in passing effort to look presentable at school.  A low maintenance haircut, a good collared shirt, and basic jeans.
He can tell they probably run in different circles of people.  To be honest, he wouldn’t have thought to notice her if she hadn’t sat next to him in their literature class.  He wouldn’t have even tried to talk to her if they hadn’t needed to do partner discussions.  He would have never thought to exchange contact information and message her if she hadn’t offered to split the cost on textbooks with him.
And this, too, is something he never expected.
He’s standing across the street from a maid cafe.
He’s watching his nice, pretty classmate walk around in there, and she’s dressed in a fluffy maid outfit, complete with the fluffy little headband-thingy, the fluffy wristbands, the fluffy apron, the knee-high socks…
When he found out she works part-time at a cafe, he boldly suggested he stop by to visit, and she sweetly said, “Oh, no, you don’t have to do that, Naruto-kun.  I’ll just be working, so it’s not worth your time.”
He didn’t think much of it, other than that it was kinda weird she didn’t tell him the name of her workplace.  And by some miracle, he just happened to see her while heading back home from shopping for a new external hard drive. 
His pretty classmate is actually on a whole other, previously unknown level of weird.
Who’d have thought that behind her picture-perfect fashionable exterior lay the type of girl who adores the maid aesthetic?
The traffic light changes, he crosses the street quickly, and without hesitation, he pulls the door open.
The little bell above rings, and a maid greets him with a joyful smile.
But he only has eyes for his classmate-friend, and seeing her much closer in all her fluffy glory is absolutely amazing.  And it’s crazy how the uniform makes her seem even curvier than he thought.
She doesn’t notice him at first, but eventually she does, and the angelically shocked look on her face is priceless.
This is the first time they’re seeing each other outside of campus.
In his worn t-shirt that proudly spells out the name of the RPG game he loved two years ago and in decidedly comfy yet dorky khakis, he is absolutely not the same Naruto she usually sees.
“Hi, Hinata.”
“N-N-Naruto-kun?”  She steps up to him quickly, and the blush glowing over her face and neck is really the most incredible sight.  “What are you doing here?”  She’s blinking quite a bit, unable to meet his eyes, and he realizes she might be stressed out.  Or embarrassed.
“I was shopping for a new hard drive.”  He notices how she’s starting to look a little upset, so he admits, “You look really cute.”
To his relief, her eyes dart up to meet him, and she smiles a tiny bit, the blush at her cheeks deep and red.  She bites her lips and her shoulders wiggle, the movement accentuated by the puffiness of the sleeves and the ruffled apron straps.
“Are you a friend of Hina-tan’s?” the other maid asks.
A gleeful smile wiggles out onto his own face, and he glances back to his classmate-friend.  “Hina-tan?”
Hina-tan’s hands come up to hold her cheeks.  She bends over to whisper in her coworker’s ear, “Yes, Naruto-kun’s my friend,” and the other maid’s lips purse together in a thrilled sort of expression.
“Well, will Naruto-sama be dining in with us today?”
So he’s officially a friend, not just a classmate!  He quickly glances at the pink menu on display that shows sparkly photos of uber-cute food and desserts.  That are a little pricy.  “Maybe another day.  I just wanted to stop in to say hi.”
“Okay.  We hope you come again soon!”  The other maid bows, Hina-tan bows, and he gives her a lingering look and smile before leaving.
So there’s this guy she’s been sitting next to in class.  Heart-stoppingly cool.
Short, light hair.  Like that “best friend of the emo-love interest” type of characters in all the shoujo manga she read growing up.
Strong eyes and warm smile.  Like he always seems to know what’s going on in class, participating a lot, but it turns out he’s just really good at faking it.  “Yeah, I don’t do the readings very often, but the discussions are always interesting!  So I’m really enjoying the class!”
Healthy, tan skin.  Call it her dreamy-rebellious side, but she has a thing for guys who look like they don’t care about traditional beauty standards.  (Don’t expect to catch her without sunscreen on, though.)
He talks with a kind of roughness that also just sounds of sunshine and carelessness, but everything he says seems sincere.  Like whatever comes out of his mouth is thoughtlessly flung out into the open while also being the most kind encouragements or clever jokes.
He’s funny.  Nice to mostly everyone.  When they’re together in class, she can almost forget about all the stress of college life, all the stress of the expectations from her father.
Naruto’s just so cool, it’s a miracle he even talks to her.  It’s a miracle he includes her in his conversation, despite how quiet she is.  It’s a miracle he even messages her, and she supposes that he must just be that nice and sociable.
Just absolutely one of the coolest people she’s ever met, and so she knows he absolutely would be weirded out by her secret hobbies.
Why was he here in her workplace calling her “really cute” and “Hina-tan” with a huge smile?
How did he find out her secret so quickly after asking her about her part-time job???  Isn’t that coincidence too much?  Why must the world do this to her???
To her great relief, she finds his message soothing her worries after her shift is over.  “Sorry to surprise you like that today.  I was really just passing by and happened to see you.  Btw the maid outfit really suits you!”
Pleased heat rises to her cheeks.  A kind of giddiness flits about her heart.  “Thank you 😊  I was happy to see you”   On reflection, yes, she was surprised, and she would’ve liked forewarning, but of course she was still glad to get to see him.  Outside of the classroom.  So it feels like their relationship has deepened past an initial friendship.  Afterall, only her childhood friends know about how she likes to dress up and pretend she’s in a different world.  None of her family knows.  And…based on his reaction, maybe he’s not weirded out at all?  “And I hope I didn’t make you feel like you couldn’t stay.  You are welcome to visit again”
Surprisingly, he responds fairly quickly.  “Only if Hina-tan is my server!”
He’s calling her by that nickname!!!  “🙈 Okay, I’d be happy to!  I work on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday”
The following week, he’s got a huge grin on when he greets her in class.  He’s even more open and friendly to her.  And, as expected, he visits the maid cafe that Saturday with an antisocial-looking boy who seems like he’d rather not be there and a fashionable girl with pink hair.
She hopes the girl is just a friend of his and not something more.  He hasn’t said anything about a girlfriend…
After she’s taken them to a table, he introduces her to them.  “This is Hinata, my friend in my lit class. Hinata, this is Sasuke and Sakura.”
“Hello,” she greets, noticing how Sakura has a big smile.  “Thank you for coming today.”
“Ohh, it’s my first time in a maid cafe!  I’ve always wanted to try one.  I’m so glad Naruto invited us to come here!  You look so adorable!”
“Thank you,” she replies.  If Sakura actually is Naruto’s girlfriend, she can’t be too upset about it when it seems like she’s really nice.
They order the only meal items, the nya-nya cat omurice, sweet curry doggy, and sleeping bear croquette, and when it comes time to pay, Naruto pays for his own dish.  Sasuke pays for Sakura’s.
Hope rises in her heart once more.
“If you’re not busy tomorrow, you should join us at the movies!” Sakura invites.
“Oh!  I might be able to.”  She chances a glance at Naruto and he’s nodding.
He smiles.  “I’ll send you the details.  I hope you can join us.”
His warm tone makes her feel all fluttery inside.  “Okay.”
As they’re leaving, she notices Sakura giving him a light punch on the arm, and they’re elbowing each other in a friendly way.  He turns, catching her stare, and he gives her the cutest smile, yet.
“I hope you can join us.”   His words replay in her mind even after they’ve left the cafe.
She might be jumping to conclusions…she may be making wild assumptions…but she thinks… She thinks that maybe…she was just invited to something like a double-date.
To Naruto’s message with the movie details, she replies, “I can come.  Thank you for inviting me!”
“Great!  See you tomorrow!”
“See you tomorrow :)”
Thanks to Sakura and Sasuke’s cooperation, he’s been able to hang out with Hinata this weekend.  It turns out that Hinata enjoys anime, too, and she had been wanting to see this live-action adaptation.
And now that the movie is over, the couple is pretending they have to leave, and he’ll be able to ask her out on a real date.
“Thank you for coming out with us today, Hinata!  Sasuke-kun and I have to go, so we can’t have dinner with you guys, but this was really fun!”  Maybe Sakura should be trying to be an actor instead of a doctor.
“Thank you for inviting me.  The movie was really good.”  Hinata is picture-perfect polite and soft-spoken as usual.
“It was fun.  See you guys.”  Even Sasuke is approving of Hinata, having commented after the maid cafe that she’s not annoyingly try-hard cutesy the way he worried she would be.
“See you guys later!  Thanks for coming out!”  He bids goodbye to his childhood friends and turns to face Hinata.
She turns a shy smile up at him.
“So…would you like to get dinner with me?”
“Okay,” she agrees quietly, smiling, and the hyper-awareness surrounding them in their new solitude is too much for him.
He decides to just address it, and with adrenaline running smooth in his veins, he asks, “Can we call it a date?”
Her eyes widen, her cheeks pinken, and she nods with a bigger smile.  “Yes, I’d like that.”
He finds himself mirroring her expression.  “Alright,” he cheers.  “Anywhere you want to go?”
“Mmm… how about we just walk around to look first?”
He’s glad he happened to find out about her part-time job.  Because, to be honest, he thinks he wouldn’t have thought they might be a good match.  He wouldn’t have known she’s more than just a pretty face and a nice attitude.  He would’ve been content to exist as her classmate-friend, just a friendly face in their literature class.
He wouldn’t have found out that she’d like a date with him, too.
And now, he can’t help but wonder what other unexpected miracles await him with her.
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seilahscopium · 1 year
𝑻𝒐𝒃𝒊 𝑶𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒊 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝑪𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝟐
♡ I grant a wish for whoever summons me and take one thing as a payment ♡ 𝐒𝐰𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: my current 2d man that i’m obsessed with. a man who doesn't even have a voice. he’s not even in an anime. hes in two music video that should be an anime. No, I have not read the manga, this is all my personal viewpoints after watching the music videos. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ oh and his cash that he’s saved up for one day of paradise? yeah, he’ll use it on you. now he’s not rich or anything but he doesn’t mind spending his cash on his special someone if they need something. doesn’t mean he’s gonna blow through all the cash either. if you need some new clothes or you wanna go get a snack then sure, he’s already putting on his shoes so you can go out together. ♡ he always likes being together. makes him feel comfy. even if his face is blank. He gets this very warm feeling knowing you’re right beside him. now I wouldn’t say he’s…possessive or yandere. but it’d still be hot if he were. 100%. he’s just protective is all. ♡ his habit of smoking... so basically, he doesn’t stop but he certainly doesn’t do it as much. if he sees you’re nose scrunch up or something then he won't ignore it. he’ll just turn his face while you’re getting your soda can. or even if you’re sleeping, he’ll go out and smoke so it’s not around you. he doesn’t think you’re pathetic or anything, but I just think he wouldn’t smoke right in your face. ‎‎ ₊ there’d be a little distance between you two, but you still hold his hand and play with his fingers. i would like to imagine though as your relationship progresses through the years that it's so rare when he smokes that you almost forget he smokes at all.   ₊ he absolutely loves when you play with his fingers. it brings him such calm and tells him that you're there with him. it’s probably one of his favorite forms of physical affection.  ♡ Speaking of physical affection, Tobi is so weak at the knees for it. IT MAY NOT SEEM LIKE IT. but if he wants the cuddles it’ll start with him hugging you from behind. he loves cuddling n snuggling and all of the kisses when you two are alone. in public it’s just hand holding. and if you really want a kiss, he’ll give you one. then when you get home, he’ll re-pay you with ten times more kisses. ♡ yes Tobi is very protective of you. It shows when he holds, your hand. hes big on handholding. it’s like his way of showing he always has you and no one can hurt you. can also be used to give reassuring squeezes between the two of you. makes sure you don’t get separated in the crowd. most of the time he’ll take over if someone is making you mad or invading your personal space. of course, he’ll always look for a minute to see if you’re mad but regardless, he’d always come to stand by your side. ♡ i feel like because he’s quiet…when he’s VERY HAPPY he’ll smile. but most of the time it’s in his eyes. his eyes say his current mood and if he’s happy.   ♡  hes very supportive. if you’re crying, he’s there. if you want space, he says alright. if you need his opinion, he says what’s best for you. he doesn't say anything that could pull you down just to keep you safe. he says what you need to hear and that helps you grow. some see it as harsh but in reality, its exactly what you need. ♡ he’s quite literally the “if I had to choose between the world burning or you, it’d be you”. yes. hed pick you in two seconds. hed let the whole god damn world burn. he would fight whoever came at you. hed beat them all. ♡ Tobi is just very sweet. a pretty crier. a protective puppy. but he loves how you are you and how that is separate from you and Tobi
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emberwood-if · 2 years
Hi! Sorry if this a weird question or something, but what sort of hugs do you think the cast would give? I feel like Andrei would give the best haha
Funny you ask (it’s not weird at all) because I actually thought of this haha
First, Andrei WOULD give the best hugs! He’s a big hugger!
Alex doesn’t exactly give huge comfy “hugs” but more like cool side-squeezes that make it seem like they’re not actually hugging you (they have a reputation to protect.) so their hugs are more like throwing an arm over a shoulder and hugging them from the side
Perry is tall so a lot of his hugs consist of him pulling someone to his chest and like putting his head on their head lmfao, he’s a nice “full body” hugger or he’d bend down to give a proper hug
Dani doesn’t hug but they’re surprisingly comfy. Their hugs consist of a single hand on the back, as they stand stiff as a board and let the other person hug them. Once they’re comfortable though, their hugs are quite sweet. Chin on the shoulder, arms around the waist. The whole she-bang
Finn/Fera is a proper, “come ere’!” hugger like they actually lock their fingers around the waist of the person and just melt into them. They like being the one being hugged, so they’d put their head on the person’s chest and just be content in being squeezed
Kade/Kiera is a one of those “too cool for affection” manga huggers (iykyk). They don’t want to be seen hugging so they’ll grab the person’s head and put it to their chest as they’re looking everywhere else, trying to appear casual 😭I can see Dani doing the same thing, actually
Everett/Eva does an accidentally condescending pat on the head LOL I see them putting hands on both shoulders and just pulling the person close before rubbing their head and having their chin on the person’s head. Very…paternal/maternal.
Noah/Nora hugs slowly then all at once. It starts with a simple touch, or a child-like tug on the clothes in a silent urge to hug. Then they hesitate, but slowly sink into the other person. Maybe put their cheek on the person’s shoulder. N is just naturally shy when it comes to human contact in any form, so it starts pretty slow with them heheh
I feel like the way they hug kind of tells a little bit of who they are so yeah! hope it gives a bit of insight lolol
thanks for the ask! 🫶
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cicisfashioninspo · 1 year
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Agere Moodboard Day 6: Fave Agere Headcanon
Agere Souji Seta from Persona 4!!
x x x | x x x | x x x
top row are things i think hed love when regressed (head rubs, comfiness, and play food so he can ‘help out’) and the bottom row is what he usually does when regressed without understanding why (longingly pet plushies, boredly play w origami, and desperately try to study but get frustrated and tired in the process)
more explanation under cut!
so if u dont know, in fandom and in canon for the persona 4 game/manga, the protagonist is revealed to have kind of neglectful parents. he grew up always trying to be quiet, helpful, and unneedy in the hopes of pleasing his parents. he was also moved around a lot his whole life for his parents’ work so he couldnt establish friendships until he moved to his uncle’s house. especially with how he is known for caring for everybody and everything he meets, you never see anyone in the game take care of him until the story ramps up and his new family ends up in the hospital and hes stuck home alone. ofc i think this can lend to him regressing, before and especially after november/december in the game.
i think he wouldnt know what regression and he wouldnt understand what happens to him. i think he would be a very tired, quiet, and even a lil grumpy when hes little bc he cant take care of himself and hes frustrated that hes struggling to help others. i think some of his ‘weirder’ traits like eating spoiled food and spending literally all day staring at water/petting cats can be attributed to regression? he definitely needs supervision when hes little bc he gets clumsy, he keeps putting random things in his mouth, and he gets very lonely and overwhelmed with emotions.
i imagine that maybe the whole investigation team wouldnt take care of him when hes little and dojima and nanako definitely wouldnt know (snaps him out of regression probably), but i think the IT would find out bc theyd encounter his shadow after everything is said and done (maybe before he has to move away from inaba and all his new friends) and his shadow is a very shy and needy toddler who just wants to be cared for. maybe also when souji gets sick while nanako and dojima are recovering, i think yosuke would be a caregiver for him and teddie would ‘help’ by being a big bro for a few days.
i wanna write this now...im a pretty closeted regressor so i wanna write about souji getting tentatively cared for by his partner...
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ruinsoftime · 1 year
Escaflowne Voice Meme
Okay, I guess it's my turn. This is a Written Meme instead of voice btw. The original questionnaire is here: Escaflowne Voice Meme.
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01. Introduce yourself! When did you first watch Escaflowne? What brought you into the fold?
I already shared part of my experience in this post, so I'm gonna expand on that.
I was young and naive and in Junior High. There was an open tv channel that broadcasted anime shows all evening. One of them was Escaflowne, and I liked it, I mean, it's medieval! With robots! And swords! And the robots wear capes! But I wasn't a fan.
I saw the movie until I was in college and I loved it.
Years later, I always attempted to watch the series, because I thought I never watched it complete (and I never passed from the first episode in those tries). In 2021 I finally watched the entire series again… I didn't remember a thing hahaha and I discovered that I had actually seen it completely before because the only things I recalled were the "Aoi Hitomi" song and that Dilandau was a woman (and I spent the entire time looking for the womanly clues on Dilandau, with no success).
But you know, I really really loved the movie but I forgot how much I did it, it took some effort on my part to remember… hell, I even had magazine clippings in my room (still there) and used to draw Van and Hitomi, but all that is still lost in my mind and from the world (I rescued a drawing, not the great thing).
So here I am.
I already had a tumblr account but I guess due to inactivity I couldn't use the tags, so I better started anew.
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02. Who is your favorite character and why? Was it love at first sight? Has any of their qualities or quirks swayed you on characters in other series?
Van. The guy grew on me after my second watch, it's easy to sympathise with him.
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03. Which side are you on? What do you think happens Post-Hitomi when she leaves? Who do you think will be the next opposing power?
This is fanfic area, but I think Basram would get everyone in trouble if not kept in check. Zaibach could resurface years later, too. Or, you know, Hitomi returns and starts a fight :P
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04. Least favorite plot point? Was there something you think should have changed? What do you think would have made it better.
I found Millerna and Dryden's love story boring (because there's none?). Van's wings are too corny (lol) What's up with Varie? I'd have liked to see more about the war. Escaflowne's customer service was ridiculous hahaha I had to pause when Folken performed the "let's make Hitomi and Allen a couple" mission.
Movie: I wanted to know more about... everything.
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05. OTP? What kind of art and fiction would you like to see? What are some head canons you have for them? What is you NoTP?
Every question is like 10 questions lol This one is pretty obvious: Hitomi x Van of course. If you drop Folken in there I won't mind (not sure if Van or Hitomi would agree though). I like to read so I find fanfics very entertaining and comfy. I like art too so fanarts are welcome. Alright my headcanon is… Hitomi comes back to Gaea, finds her place in there, marries Van of course, and the whole planet is in peace.
NoTP: Van and Dilandau. Van/Hitomi x OC (unless you convince me).
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06. What would you like to see in a figurative remake/sequel? Would you include more minor characters? Would you want a whole new story that could be a stand alone?
I've lived long enough to see failed sequels shit on a perfect story so I'd go for standalone story or a backstory, like Goau's life, Varie's story, Moleman's, Leon's adventures, and so on.
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07. Movie, Series, Game, or Manga preference? What are things you did/didnt like of each?
I love the movie, I love everything about it except for it to be so short, unable to expand on the new universe they built.
The series is great, we'll always wonder what would Escaflowne be if only they got all the episodes they needed and didn't have to pack everything in 26 episodes. A monumental work.
Everything else is meh to me. I've read both mangas and watched the extra scenes of the videogame. I haven't read the LNs for obvious reasons.
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08. Do your favorite impression! Bonus points if you can do a conversation with a scene cut in!
floats in the middle of the room inside a levistone, taking a nap
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09. What do you think about the idea of a re-dub? What are your feelings about the current cast selection for Van (and others if more are introduced)?
I haven't seen the english dub but I've seen the latino one. I wouldn't mind a re-dub, even if I feel that nowadays actors lack heart. Van's VA, Jesús Becerro, died some years ago so I'd prefer to watch it like it is for nostalgia's sake.
As for the japanese cast… it's perfect, period.
I love Maaya Sakamoto's voice (Hitomi), a shame I don't like her music. Tomokazu Seki (Van) surprised me, he's also Kougami's VA in Psycho-Pass (I love his voice in PP) and I didn't notice until certain line he said reminded me of some other character (Gilgamesh).
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10. Recite your top five characters by name.
Van. Hitomi. Folken. 5 is a lot.
Secondary: Gadess, Ruhm, Moleman, Balgus, Yukari.
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ezralva · 8 months
I've been following you for a coupla years now ever since your xicheng era. It's interesting to see whenever you get into new fixations, it introduces me to lesser animes or BLs or new ships that otherwise I would never think of and more often than not I got hooked to them thanks to you 😁 I'm very shy and awkward so mostly in fandoms I'm in im just a silent enjoyer and follower. I'm so happy when you started posting and reblogging jjk because it's a fandom I've been silently lurking for years and moreover because you like stsg and also chousou because they are one of my favorites too. I pretty much enjoy reading your posts and your reblog tags, they are funny! May you share how you got into that? Because you mention one time that you regret those who drew you into jjk 😅 is it something to do with big fandom?
Ps. I like your fic so much, it's like a healing session after chapter 236, I thought i'd let you know here because i'm too shy to comment directly on the fic
Omg this is so sweet of you, anon, thank you! I hope y'know your kind words just made my whole day <3. Wow if you've been following me that long then you shud go off anon so I wud know who you are ^^ but I get it! I enjoy being silent lurker and follower too from times to times.
Also wow I'm amazed you've put up with my everchanging fixations that long lol I know I'm annoying that whenever I'm into new fixation then I wudn't shut up abt it for a while and too lazy to ever make sideblogs. Anw, I don't really remember when I said that ahaha I'd most likely just joked or be sarcastic when I wrote that. I did feel so much pain knowing my otp is a doomed ship but it's nothing I didn't know before I even started jjk. Moreover it ended in a good note for me what with the latest chapters of them so it's all good now. The abundant loveable characters of jjk making it easy to explore other dynamics and ships too. Even dynamics I'd usually nvr entertain so it's been an eye opener experience! I don't regret a thing. Glad to know we share similar tastes :)
but yea I'm really not good with big fandoms overall and am usually content with the tiny corner of my own. My last experience with big fandoms, before I switched completely to obscure fandoms, were too unpleasant that I didn't wish to ever repeat it. But I'm more adept with curating what I wanna see now so I won't get put-off or get bored quickly. Tiny fandoms are nice and comfy but they were oftentimes unsustainable for me due to the lack of interactions. Still, I'm so happy to hear my shitposts could actually introduce you to new fixations!
Abt how I get into jjk. Well, unlike any other animes mangas I'm into, I actually have irl friends and coworkers that are fans of jjk. 3 of them are close to me (one of them is my spouse lol) and had literally pestered me to try it for long so they'd have someone to talk with. So I'd known about it since around 2 years ago when the movie came out. I was curious bcs it was such a hype around me even though they were all adults who usually didn't even watch anime so there must be sth different abt it. Yet I kept putting it off cz I was just not into supernatural fantasy shounen. I decided this year would be a good time to start since with season 2 the hype around me was too high that I just got swept in it, naturally. I cudn't tamp down my curiosity any longer plus I got time now during this break so why not, right? The thing is my irl friends arent into simping let alone shipping (at least not that I know in public, who knows what they might be doing in private) so I keep that side here ofc!
Awwwh thank you so much for letting me know you like my fic! Ch 236 was indeed devastating for a while tho it was still a HE in some aspects (for me). It's an outlet for me to pour my HCs for the characters that stuck with me. I hope you know that even if it's just excited emojis, a comment in the fic worths a lot for authors cz it let them know not just abt whether their fics are being read and liked, but how their works actually affect the readers, it's a potent drive for authors and feedbacks are helping authors so you don't need to be shy 😉
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
HELLO!! I am now here to request my now 2nd matchup for MHA, Love is war and The promised neverland (also TPN can be platonic since I’m 14 but the two can be romantic lololol) ALSO FEEL FREE TO USE MY OTHER LINK SINCE IM EXPLAINING THE SAME THING
Well my name is Joey, im transgender aromatic bisexual and unlabeled, my zodiac is Aquarius and my others are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, i have adhdism and I’m a very cool person 😎🔥/hj
My personality is that I’m a ENTP and I’m Extroverted but usually I am very awkward at first and it will take me time to adjust to a new person for a while 4-9 months precisely and then I can emote freely around them, but I still love to ramble about my interests to them when I’m getting used to being around that person, my love languages are acts of service, gift giving, quality time and psychical affection and my dates would be like going out and like going to a arcade or seeing a movie and go out to dinner somewhere afterwards but I’m totally up to just stay home and play video games and have movie marathons then…! Oh fun fact I also
I’m 5’6, I have brown eyes, and I (now) have brown boyish hair with bangs and I’m absolutely in love with it—!, and as I said before I wear a lot of styles! such as goth(trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo, and vkei ouji and lolita but I usually don’t wear these to school or at home the whole time, yes I wear it to show off on social media or when I’m going out but I’m pretty casual too, i wear oversized stuff like baggy pants, i wear streetwear stuff and I also like wearing comfy stuff at home like a anime t-shirt and jeans or pj pants lol
Hobbies/Interests: anime/manga, gaming, cosplaying, fashion, art(drawing, painting, pottery, digital art and more), cooking, learning new languages (such as Japanese and Spanish), writing, making/listening to music, dancing, skateboarding, playing Interments like piano/electric guitar and more on. Feel free to ask!
Likes: cats, hajime hinata (danganronpa), a silent voice, albedo (genshin impact), lemon demon, felix kranken (twf), bread, sharks, christmas music/christmas in general, scp 3008 (roblox game), get a snack at 4am (roblox game), hotels, and my friends!
Dislikes: negative mentions of my voice, comparing me to people like “you remind me of ____”, hate talk about my interests, and spiders.
Matchup For Joey!
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Mha: Neito Monoma
Affection was strange to him, he seems like the type of person to have grown up without much love or affection so when he got into a relationship, it was all new and unfamiliar to him. When the two of you began holding hands and becoming more of a couple, he would complain, but it would be less than usual and he would have a bright blush on his face.
Arcade/movie dates are his favorite, but he won't admit anything preferring to stick to his cool nature and act like everything is stupid and dumb. When at the movies, he'll talk about how the movie is so boring and how the film is overrated, that is till the end when he remains silent needing to see the end of the movie. Similar to arcades, when the two of you are playing games and he loses, he'll be in a bad mood, saying things about how he let you win and that if you were to lose he would feel guilty.
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Love is War: Chika Fujiwara
Showing your love for her with acts of service/gifts and it's her favorite thing when receiving something from her partner. When she received her first gift it was adorable, seeing the cute gift on her desk all wrapped up neatly and perfect, just for her. Between us, she definitely fell for you from the gifts, rizz her up with them acts of service and she was whipped.
For some reason when I read that you liked cosplaying, my mind drifted to her also enjoying cosplaying and wanting to dress up as her favorite characters. There would be couples cosplaying between the two of you and it would be adorable as heck.
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The Promise Neverland: Emma
You guys have very similar personalities, both being outgoing and caring towards your friends, always keeping them close. You guys are also extremely smart and are very good thinkers having very similar ideas or you guys are usually the one who has that great idea that ends up being right. (I got this from Entp, if this is wrong I am sorry)
Enjoy when you ramble about your interests, there have been times when Emma has sat there listening to everything you have said without saying a single word just enjoying the conversation. Emma is a great listener, but also a great talker knowing what to say and how to say it. She also has a good memory, being able to remember something you have said from a while back without having to struggle.
Cooking together is something she takes pride in, loving being around her friends and doing things the two of them can enjoy together. You guys make all sorts of things for the little kids who always end up falling in love with the food you two make.
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layzeal · 1 year
hey, as a mature person of the right age (not a minor), how do you feel about teenagers reading books like mdzs? i was surprised to know an acquaintance who have watched cql then read the novel and manhua. She was the one who introduced me into cql, which i didn't watch since i dont like watching in general, i prefer reading. i have recently found the manhua then read the novel and briefly watched the show, i was surprised since she recc it to me a few years ago. thats when i realized that she must have been 12?? 13? if i guess right at that time. she even asked me if i read about Incense Burner, which i did skim since I'm still not comfy enough to read it, it feels like violating the couple i adore so much by witnessing such affectionate acts. I was just surprised, it didn't really sinked into me that people that young read sensitive topics as their introduction to various issues reflected in books. A lot of people, who are certainly old enough to read such material is still not mature and somehow manage to contract the whole story to their dialogue. She does know I like JC, he is so pathetic ( affectionate and condescending). And i really aint stopping her, i just wanna vent so pls feel free to ignore.
oof, so my initial reaction is definitely that... 12/13 is way too young to be reading mdzs :/ not even just because of the explicit sex scenes, but the story overall is not something i'd reccomend to to someone who is essentially a child
however, as someone who was also a 13 year old who interacted with content that was not suitable for me (in my case, horror and staged/drawn gore) i can understand the appeal. that's an age where pretty much everyone starts wanting to get away from the more kiddies stuff and interacting with more adult content, which they're likely not prepared to see. there's a whole generation of internet kids born in the 90s who can tell all sort of stories about that
so while it is not something she should have been reading, saying "hey you shouldn't read that" is likely to have the opposite effect you know? teenages will lie and search for content they're not supposed to see whether we like it or not, so... i guess, the only thing to do is talk to her and be like "hey, i know these stories sound really good and interesting. they are! but maybe it's best to wait a few more years, just so you can truly appreciate its content beyond the romance, since most of it might be too boring for you just now"
and... well, it wouldn't be a lie. i can't imagine a 13 year old having a good time reading through nie mingjue's empathy arc, or the guanyin temple. for as good as wangxian's romantic scenes are, they are also a very small part of the novel, and i think it's a disservice to the story if you skim the more political aspects and side-stories just to read the romance. it's not a good habit to develop when interacting with media yk? and best to not start doing so when young
you can try introducing her to more age-appropriate compelling material too. for as much as we clown on YA books, they ARE an important step for teenagers to start interacting with longer and more complex stories, even if they're not "good". you can start by reccomending the really good ones like The Hunger Games, and then asking what sort of thing interests her. there are also lots of asian media like mangas and webtoons to choose from too, and are more fitting for her age!
that age is... complicated, and you truly can't control what sort of thing they'll interact with. sometimes, they will end up seeing something upsetting and having to understand by themselves where their boundaries are. as long as they're not interacting with material that's too heavy and MOST IMPORTANTLY not being close to adults online who are aware she's a minor and still talk to her about these materials, it should be fine. 13 year olds will be 13 year olds, ya know
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colucana · 1 year
(sorry if you’ve answered this before) who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and ships (platonic or romantic)? talk about them!
Uh no, no one has asked me actually, so let me see *takes out a note book* ok let’s go
Top 10 Characters (from 1 to 10)
Charmy Pappitson
-When I told you that she is my lord and saviour I’m not kidding. I adore her, her design, magic, the fact that her body changes, the little background on her, the fact that she went and sit on Julius lap to be comfy, when she offers food, etc. I would build her a shrine and leave cookies and muffins for her every night.
Am i the only one who has imagined her as wizard king? That was an strange dream :v
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Magna Swing
This man right here is my favourite guy in the whole series, don’t know what to say, he is a tough guy who’s not afraid to be soft, struggles with insecurities but will try different angle if it will help him. I’m waiting for him to beat the shit out of Dante animated
In my books he is the G.o.a.t and shares English voice actor with my favourite owl BOKUTO!
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Leopold Vermillion
Love the little chaotic lion cub since the moment he appeared on screen, back then i liked his design but then he started talking to Asta, his relationship with his siblings and squad are great. I’m here waiting for him to make his comeback in the manga
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Luck Voltia
Little perturbed crazy gremlin that would fight god is you gave him an energy drink and a very sweetened coffee, and probably has committed war crimes. People should’ve let him fight Langris after what he did to Finral
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Klaus lunettes
Ok with him i really don’t know, like it can be his exaggerated reactions or how he went from classist prick to an overprotective mother hen, he makes me laugh and I supposed that the glasses are another reason why i like it.
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I’ll be honest Mars reminds me to polar bear from We bare bear from some reason in particular, I mean is probably his deadpan expression.
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Sally is a crazy little gremlin that loves long sleeves apparently (as do i) would like to know more about her if I’m being honest. Or put her in the same room with Morris Hah! What comes out of there won’t be pretty
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Theresa Rapual
What can i say, i love the kind of lady that still can kick ass even after retirement, i mean if she is like this now imagine her in her prime (just like toph). And like damn this woman right here taught Fuegoleon and Mereoleona (although she let Mereoleona figure out things by herself) love to se more of her honestly
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Dorothy Unsworth
Ever since she appeared i was intrigued about how she would be when she wasn’t sleeping 24/7 but then in the battle against her elf when she finally woke up, well I don’t know what i was expected but it was certainly not that, no complaints here though i love her and the way she sees other people
And her expression are hilarious, there’s a reason why she is my profile picture
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I won’t explain myself here, i love butlers and this man deserves the world, would like to know what kind of magic he has though
I mean look at him
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Top 10 relationships platonic or romantic (1 to 10)
Magna Swing/Luck Voltia (both platonic and romantic)
This is probably @crazycookiemaniac ‘s fault and then dear alex (@the-florian-triangle) just went and feed gasoline to the fire, also obsessed me with the ot3 of Rufel/LufuluxMagnaxLuck great job Alex, be proud of yourself. Anyway their friendship is beautiful Magna has a lot of patience (yeah I believe he has) and cares a lot for Luck while Luck as his own way of showing his care with a bit of tough love (i mean what he said in heart) also won’t leave Magna in peace Hah!
The Captains
Pure unfiltered chaos here, 8 out of 10 meetings they don’t get anything done, Julius finds the atmosphere great while Lucius is pulling his hair in the confines of their shared body
Asta / Yuno (platonic)
They are family, friends and rivals that keep on pushing each other to become stronger and are happy when they see each other’s growth, can i see it as romantic? i love them as friends/rivals but got no issues seem them as something else
Asta / Leopold Vermillion (both platonic and romantic)
Leopold hear the new gossip Mimosa brought and once he checked that it was true he decided that this guy right here was the perfect match for him to compete with, and maybe the little lion developed a bit of a crush along the way
Training with each other, getting dragged by Mereoleona to an active Volcano and battling in the capital, would have love to see them fight during the royal magic knights trials
The Vermillion Family
One part just training like savages, arson and throwing your little baby bro out off a cliff, as you do. While the other is flowers and not having a filter about each other, just brutally honesty
Vanessa / Finral (both platonic and romantic)
You can’t tell me they had spent all those years in the squad without gossiping with each other, if anything i think the both of them would make each other happy without the need to change aspects of themselves, and are great superiors to the rest of the bulls when they need to be
Gordon / Finral (platonically?)
Back when in my first watch for some reason I expected them to be closer than what they seem to be, sincerely i can picture Fin talking Gordon’s ear off and Gordon showing him the albums he has of the bulls or just then hanging like bros
Magna / Charmy (platonic)
Ok listen this is because I think it would be extremely funny to see Charmy using Magna like a portable stove, while for his part Magna just gently manhandles her out of trouble when she tries to get in a dangerous situation in order to get new ingredients. And the image of Charmy (and any other bull) using Magna as a living-heater is too cute for me
Klaus the mother Hen and his children (+Asta)
If this were modern times Klaus would probably attend to all of Yuno, Mimosa and Asta’s events with a cardboard with their names and a special kind of t-shirt to cheer them on, love that he cares so much and checks on them if something happens
Kiato / Kahono (siblinghood)
I’m weak for sibling relationships, they reminded me of my own siblings, how they both combine their abilities to fight and to preform beautiful, seem like the kind of siblings that would tease each other about their crush
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