#but the idea expanded from there
instantartific · 1 year
Are the AU 1010 swapped with DJ sub? Also I love their names and designs!!
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Close! Technically speaking, Neon's the one who's swapped with Nova! In this AU, he's a ~scientist gone mad~ in his attempts to recreate life from stars. 1010 are the results of that! (they have,,.,.,. Significant Lore, like why challenger/zim's all scarred up, but enterprise/rin is the most fleshed out)
I just haven't drawn Neon or Nova themselves yet.
As for the names, thanks! The official list in order is:
Atlantis—Neon J
They're named after shuttles and their new boyband name is "Extrastellar" :)
Also, bonus:
An Enterprise struggling with his emotions
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zephyrine-gale · 2 years
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deliverance (ft. a little bird that didn’t make the cut)
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amphibianaday · 8 months
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day 1421
#uh just a heads up if you expand the tags to see all there's. a lot. very long#amphibian#frog#poison dart frog#based on my most popular frog to date (day 651)#inspired by everyone pointing out what they think it looks like#here's a fun secret fact the original guy is actually a phantasmal poison dart frog (Epipedobates tricolor)#(according to the original artists title of the drawing)#not Anthony's poison arrow frog (Epipedobates anthonyi)#i feel too awkward to really point it out though because they look the exact same. i cannot tell if there is a difference#im half convinced the same frog was just discovered and named twice#its very curious btw if you go on the (english) wikipedia page for either species it doesn't mention the other#while hereptiles.info (no idea if this is a trustworthy site) lists both names as common names for the same frog (incorrectly??)#while inaturalist lists them as two different frogs. curiously with tricolor having wayyyyy fewer photos#ok anyway that's my rant i went on a whole journey trying to figure out if these are the same frog or not and i have no answer#i did some more 'research' and i am more confused. some sources seem to imply they are now considered the same species ( e. tricolor)#i think my conclusion is i am willing to agree the drawing looks more like e. anthonyi. it seems like tricolor is generally less vibrant re#and the white is darker and more green?#i feel like thumblr should stop me from typing more in the tags at this point this is a whole essay#at this point i am failry convinced this is specifically the Santa Isabel frog. isthat the real subspecies or morph or whatever#or just the name pet sites are using to sell it??#i even found some sources (frog selling websites) refering to it as “Epipedobates Anthonyi 'Santa Isabel' Phantasmal Poison Dart Frog” lol#Anyways if you read this far hi. species are confusing. i am not a frog scientist#the first few tags are like an hour old now i just kept trying to figure it out and adding more tags
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hajimedics · 1 year
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are these feelings really ours or just part of someone else’s plan?
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lastcellontheleft · 1 month
We didn’t get a S4 announcement, but you know what the absolute best thing about today’s C2E2 Hannibal panel truly was? 
For almost the first time since the show ended, Fannibals showed how profitable Hannibal can still be. 
C2E2 sold out of their remaining VIP ticket packages with guaranteed panel seating within 48 hours of the reunion announcement. Paid PopVerse subscriptions to stream the panel spiked with previously untapped demos (if socials are anything to go by). The largest event hall at C2E2 was overcapacity 45 minutes before the panel; while that’s normal for cons like SDCC and NYCC, in my experience that’s less common at C2E2.
Not to mention Mads and Hugh making bank with autograph and photo-op sales; a huge component of drawing in good talent to table at cons as well, making sure they make enough over the weekend to justify their presence beyond panel appearances. From a talent booking/event management perspective, this is the absolute dream scenario.
So, here’s the super fun part: ReedPop, the company that owns C2E2, also owns/operates New York Comic Con (NYCC), one of the highest-profile US entertainment conventions after San Diego Comic-Con. Now that ReedPop is aware of the viability of Hannibal programming, it would be extremely surprising if RP didn’t attempt a run at a larger, proper reunion panel at NYCC.
Honestly, great job, team. 2024 could very well be the year we get real buzz going again!
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rassebers · 1 year
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Pull yourself TOGETHER man
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Aventurine loves to flirt and tease you until you're blushing and speechless.
"What's the matter? Lost your train of thought?" He coos, trapping you against the wall with his arm.
You can't think of a retort as the smell of his cologne overtakes your senses and your heart pounds in your chest, mimicking the pounding between your legs. He always knew what to say, what to do, to make you melt under him.
At your silence he tsks and shakes his head, taking his hand off the wall.
Before you can take a deep breath to muster a response, he's plopping his hat on your head.
"Come find me when your mouth is ready to work again~"
He winks before turning around and walking away, once again leaving you speechless and craving more.
Part two here 👀
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amaranthdahlia · 4 months
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[chapter 408] extended cut - sewer chase scene
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inhuman-obey-me · 5 months
Diavolo with 🕶 and MC please? I excited to see what you’d do with that?
"I saw a little thing I didn’t like you tried to hide." - Diavolo/MC
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There is a whistling through the rustle of the tree branches, high-pitched and ringing in your ears like alarm bells.
Just the wind, you try to tell yourself -- but the wind has never sounded so uncannily steady with its song. Nor, usually, do you expect to hear faint words hidden in its screaming -- Die. Die. Die. But that too, surely, is just a trick of your mind?
Well, this is the Devildom, after all. The strange and unexpected are to be expected.
You don't know how to tell your lover, crown prince of this very land, that his realm still unsettles you from time to time. He has always tried his very best to make you comfortable here. He himself is proof that terrors are not always so terrifying. His wings, gilded black and extended so wide that they could have blocked out any sun if one existed here, had terrified you the first time you'd seen them in full. But, so too does the expanse of them feel gentle and loving when he wraps those wings around you, a dark cocoon in which you share your secret passions.
You love him, and you love his realm. Scary though it may be, it's beautiful, too, and you try to focus on that. This world is not so dangerous as your human instincts would have you think.
Still -- did the trees you pass on your way home always look like these?
You realize it for certain when a whisper of the breeze against your face sends a chill shivering through your whole body.
Die. Die. Die!
This is not the way home. And you are not alone here.
"Who's there?" you call out, keeping your voice as steady as you can. You have been warned not to show fear -- demons can sense it, and they love the smell of it upon their prey. "Show yourself."
Die! Die! Die!
The whistling twists into a hideous laughter, and a wavering silhouette begins to coalesce before you, its form shimmering back and forth between handsome man and beautiful woman, though you know this creature is neither.
"Puny human, daring to command me?" Its words crackle like static, caught between channels of fury and delight. "Well, I am right here. But you are the one keeping secrets, lost little lamb."
To your surprise, you recognize this voice. It is one of your classmates at RAD, one that you had always found generally pleasant towards you. "Bealphares? What do you mean?"
"I never minded Lord Diavolo's plans for harmony between the realms. I didn't object to the exchange program, when so many others did. I didn't think humans were so bad. But then, today, I saw a little thing I didn't like you tried to hide," it trills, the end of its tirade whipping back into a shriek. "Did you think a pathetic little human like you has any right to our prince?"
In an instant, the air leaves your lungs as if pulled, your ribs crushing inwards at the sudden emptiness, and you drop to your knees. You try desperately to cast a spell to protect yourself, but your breath is too empty to form the words. Bealphares steps closer, cupping your face in its hands as it leans in close to hiss, "The prince of demons belongs with a demon."
"Stop there, Bealphares."
A great shadow falls over you both, as terrifying as the day you first saw it, and Diavolo's commanding presence swoops neatly down beside you. His golden eyes glow wild with a kind of anger you've rarely ever seen in him, and the air around him grows hot with raw magic.
"Lord Diavolo!" Bealphares releases you at once, scrambling to bow before its prince. You gratefully gasp in the crisp night air as the lesser demon anxiously spits out, "I-I can explain!"
"Very well. Explain." Your beloved's cold expression does not change, glaring down at your attacker. "Explain to me, Bealphares, spirit of air, why I've arrived to find one of our human exchange students on the verge of death at your hands. That's a grave offense, to try to attack one of my guests, here in the realm I rule."
Diavolo's voice rumbles like the deep shaking of a volcano, and his fangs glint dangerously in the moonlight as he speaks. Are they longer than usual? Sharper, too, you think -- though it's hard to tell, as the light distorts around the little embers that begin wisping out with each word.
"I will give you your chance to try to justify yourself. But keep this in mind -- I have the power to tell truth from lies. And if I do not find your answer to my satisfaction, Bealphares, I will carry out your punishment personally."
He takes a heavy step between you and the demon -- protective in one sense, threatening in another. His wings are outstretched so wide that you can hardly even see the other past them, with golden veins weaving glowing energy throughout. Though you cannot see, you hear the wind of the demon's voice faltering in the heat of the air as it whimpers, failing to form words.
"Now, go on then. Explain."
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A true and 100% historically accurate account of Hamilton's first meeting with Andre
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+ Bonus Lafayette
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orchidsangel · 5 months
cooking with jason would be so cute omg imagine making him wear an apron and everything :((
making him wear a kiss the cook apron and taking advantage of it by kissing him every few minutes. he doesn't even resist, just puts it on with a grin because he sees the smile on your face (and he gets kisses).
if you know how to cook then he splits the tasks between the two of you, you on prep and him on cooking (or vice versa). weaving between eachother and stealing kisses while chopping up ingredients and stirring pots. if you don't know how to cook then he lets you taste and give him feedback, but for the most part you just sit on a stool and watch him while he does all the heavy work. you'll set the table for two, which takes all of three minutes, and then go back to watching him. talking and chatting, catching up on all the stuff you haven't been able to talk about with his unpredictable schedule.
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brooklynisher · 26 days
Alright, I'll post it here. Please be nice, it's my first published writing on here :}
CW for emotional distress, yelling, and animal abuse
Green Light
The Spine has been called on by Peter Walter to participate in a few tests, but The Spine can’t help but feel that there’s something very wrong about these tests.
The Spine stood still counting the number of wires in the room. He counted the wires, then the flasks, then the ratio of flasks, empty to full to partially full. He would read the paper. Making sure to read each and every word carefully and slowly. Refusing to continue until he understood every last bit of what he just read. This is how he spends his free time. It’s not like he has much else to do. Aside from the fact that he and all of the other robots haven’t been around for more than a few months, there’s also a lot he’s simply not allowed to do. But as much as he hates being unable to do anything he wants, he has developed some essential skills considerably faster than the others.
When he learned how to read, that’s all he really did, though he limited himself to the newspapers. He was pretty caught up in current events as a result. Counting, fractioning, identifying things around the room, while being relatively simple tasks to most adults, was a huge learning experience for the titanium robot. Anything he can do to be just a bit smarter was propitious. 
Peter Walter walks in with a strange expression on his face. The Spine can’t tell if he’s angry, passionate, if his feelings are strong or dull, he simply can’t tell. He feels it’s a failure in his ability to identify facial expressions.
“The Spine,” Peter starts.
“Yes sir?” The Spine straightens his posture.
“I need you to come with me.”
He makes a small gesture urging The Spine to follow him. The Spine spine responds with a simple, “Yes sir.” before taking his inventor’s lead. He tries to make sure any anxiety doesn’t show. He’s a robot after all. He’s not supposed to be feeling things like anxiety. Yet he can’t help but feel slightly anxious every time Peter calls on him to do something he doesn’t know anything about. They arrived in a small concrete room. It’s mostly empty with the exception of an oddly colorful board hanging high up on the wall. The board contains the names of each Walter automaton followed by 5 red lightbulbs. A few of the bulbs for each robot are green, but none are out of order. Peter orders The Spine to stay put before leaving the room. The Spine tries to make observations while he waits.
“Rabbit… 3 green lights… 2 red… Zer0… 5 green lights… 0 red… Hatchworth-”
Peter Walter has returned. The Spine straightens his posture once again. Peter seems to be pulling a large wagon of some kind. The contents inside the wagon are covered with a beige tarp. Peter approaches The Spine.
“The Spine,” Peter starts.
“Yes sir?”
“Take my wrist.”
He pulls up his sleeve. The Spine notices that Peter’s wrist seems to be oddly beat up. He’s not sure what this could mean, but he must obey orders. He grips his wrist as gently as possible trying not to harm him.
“Squeeze it,” Peter commands.
Squeeze it? But The Spine is made out of metal. Peter is made out of flesh. The Spine doesn’t have sensory receptors. Peter does. For all he knows, he already has a tight grip around Peter’s wrist. What if he hurts him? What would he do? But The Spine has learned that obedience is better than defiance. Even if it’s at the risk of causing more issues. He squeezes his wrist.
Peter pulls his hand away and turns his back towards The Spine. The Spine is instantly filled with regret, grabbing his own hand as if to keep it under control. He canes his neck just enough to see the damage he has caused. Peter’s hand is limp. Oh god.
“Pe- Mister Walter! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean- I- I was just-” He tries to apologize, but the words struggle to escape him. He’s not even allowed to apologize. If he apologizes, then that means he made a mistake. And mistakes are a no-go here.
“Stop your stammering!” Peter hisses at him.
The Spine only hangs his head low. Ready to endure whatever it is that he deserves. Peter takes a big shaky breath in.
“You’re… you’re fine… This is good. You’re very strong. Maybe even the strongest automaton I’ve built yet… I could do without the apologizing and the stuttering.”
What? Good? He just broke his inventor’s wrist! Of all the mistakes The Spine made in his short lifespan, how was THIS the one that Peter excuses? Hell, he seems more angry about him apologizing and stuttering than he is about him breaking his wrist. What kind of twisted logic is that? Does he want The Spine to hurt him? But those are questions for later. The least The Spine can do right now is be considerate. He waits for a couple of moments to gather his thoughts before speaking.
“Sir, will your wrist be alright?”
“The depths of science in which I have delved are unlike any other. If I can build such a great number of automatons in such a short period using a substance I alone have discovered, then surely I can heal a broken wrist.”
He takes a controller out of his pocket with his good hand and pushes a button. One of the lights next to The Spine’s name turns green. He then turns to the wagon and pulls off one of the tarps, unveiling a dummy. He drags it out of the wagon and places it down on the ground using one arm. The Spine feels bad leaving him to struggle on his own like this, but he didn’t ask for help, so it’s best he just leaves it to him.
“Alright The Spine. Hit it.”
“... Anywhere?”
“As hard as you can.”
The Spine nods and faces the dummy. He can’t necessarily hit “hard” as he doesn’t have muscle but he can hit fast. So he curls his hand up into a fist and punches the dummy in the head as the humans do in news stories at full speed. The body is pushed back, head flying off. The head slams into the wall creating a small shockwave of dust. The Spine flinches. Peter side-eyes him but doesn’t say anything. He hits another button, and another bulb by his name goes green. He moves back to the wagon unveiling another dummy. He drags it to the center and looks straight towards The Spine.
“Activate voice protocol. The Spine,”
The Spine nods involuntarily.
“Activate blue matter ray projector arrays.”
And just like so, The Spine’s arm shifts into an intense-looking weapon. This throws The Spine off guard, but he keeps quiet.
“The Spine, I’d like you to shoot that dummy.”
The Spine looks at the dummy, then back at his hand.
“... How… How do I do that sir?” The Spine asks unaware he even had this feature installed.
“You’re going to have to figure it out on your own. Just as you will in order to disable it.”
The Spine looks back up at the dummy. He doesn’t understand what to do but still points his arm in its direction. He tries to move each part of his arm as if it were normal, and to his surprise, he is successful. The blue matter ray charged up. He aimed it toward the chest of the dummy feeling slightly uneasy. Something about this feels wrong, but he shoots. Before the beam hit, Peter managed to open up an umbrella, shielding himself from the bright red substance that now covers the room. The Spine’s body becomes a mess of red. He opens his mouth, but no words come out. What… What was that? While The Spine was still trying to process what had just happened, he didn’t notice Peter’s glare.
“Relax yourself.”
The Spine closes his mouth, straightens his posture, and tries to rest his shoulders and eyes. However, he finds that he is struggling to calm down. He doesn’t know why he feels so distressed, but something about that didn’t sit right with him. The third light next to his name turns green as Peter hits the button. He pulls out one more dummy, which makes The Spine feel nervous. 
“Activate voice protocol. The Spine, activate chainsaw.”
His other arm switches into a chainsaw, alarming him quite a bit. He tries to disable his other arm so that he has a free hand. As he does this, Peter simply stands against a wall and watches. He doesn’t say anything. The Spine looks back at him, hoping he tells him to do something different, but Peter only observes. It’s obvious what he wants him to do. The Spine turned back to the dummy.
“It’s probably just ink…” He thinks to himself still feeling uneasy. He preps his chainsaw and turns it on. The vibrations it produces are undeniably strong. It was almost as if he could feel it. He closes his eyes and slashes the chainsaw through the dummy. His eyes reopened to the sound of screaming. It’s even messier than before. He pulls his chainsaw back staring at the brutalized dummy now dyed red. Did it scream? Was it alive? He doesn’t move. His chainsaw slows to a full stop. What did he do? Another light turned green, he’s now down to his last light before all five of them turn green.
“Are you ready for your final test?” Peter asks.
Is that what they were? Not that it mattered what they were. The Spine was not ready. If anything he was afraid. He was afraid of what came next. He was afraid of Peter Walter. So of course, he nodded. Peter unveils the final hidden object in the wagon as The Spine deactivates his chainsaw. The final hidden object is none other than a crate. A crate… He opens the crate and pulls out a dog…
“No.” The Spine accidentally says out loud. He looks away, trying to hide his face.
“I’ll let you use any method you’d like.”
“No.” Though it was stupid before, it’s almost as though he can’t control himself. He knows what’s going to happen. He’s not going to follow through with this. Peter doesn’t say anything for a second. He then starts to speak.
“You know… there’s a reason why I’m not with the others right now.”
The Spine doesn’t respond.
“The others are sweet robots. And lighthearted ones at that. But they’ve always been a little bit… zany. Compared to you at least.”
The Spine grimaces.
“The only reason why I’m so ‘normal’ compared to the others is because you forced me to be! If I had it my way, I’d be just as wacky as the others, if not a bit more mature.” He wanted to say. But he knew arguing wouldn’t do him any good. Especially in a situation like this where that’s not the problem. So as much as he wanted to fight Peter on this, the best he could do for himself was bite his tongue.
“Such wild and eccentric personalities… They’d never want to hurt a soul… but that doesn’t mean they won’t.”
By now, four of the six main automatons have already achieved all five lights. That leaves one other who has yet to complete the test.
“And I’ll admit, it was partially my fault. My idea of the perfect robot would’ve never led up to this moment, yet it has. So for the sake of humanity, I’m going to need you to let go of some of what I had taught you. Obedience is key. Listen to me The Spine.”
The Spine slouches a little shaking his head.
“I can’t.”
“You have to.”
“But I can’t.”
“The Spine-”
“It’s a living creature! I can’t make myself do it…” The Spine then makes the mistake of looking at the puppy. It yawns a big yawn before lying down. His resistance grows stronger. How is he supposed to kill this thing?
“Kill the dog The Spine.”
“Why don’t you just make me kill the dog? Won’t that be easier? It’s not like you don’t have the power to.” His response comes out much more disrespectful than he meant it to, but it seems like there’s no stopping himself at this point. Peter’s eyes widen.
“You’re going to kill the dog whether you want to or not.”
“That’s how it’s always been, hasn’t it? You’re asking me to do things on my own accord but not unless you allow me to. What kind of sense does that make?” It was unlike The Spine to talk back so much. Even during moments where he was defiant, he’s never been this much of a brat about it.
“You want me to kill Rabbit next? Make me kill your favorite robot just so you can yell at me for it afterward?” At this point, The Spine’s retorts became less relevant. Peter is getting fed up with his behavior. His patience now gone.
“DO YOU WANT THE BECILES TO WIN OR NOT?” Peter yells. This is enough to get The Spine to quiet down. He’s not sure if he knows what he means.
The Spine only looks down at the ground out of guilt. He’s not quite sure what Peter is talking about, but he knows he’s blaming him for… something. At least, that’s what it feels like. He pauses for a few seconds before finally saying something.
“I’m sorry Mister Walter… but… I can’t help it that I’m… I’m an individual… and I can’t… I can’t kill an innocent creature. I just can’t… I don’t want the Beciles to win, but I’m just not capable of this sort of thing. I’m sorry…”
Peter is about to respond when he hears a small yelp from the other room. The Jon’s 5th light has turned green. He looks back down at The Spine, but he doesn’t say anything. Even so, The Spine knows what he would say. When it comes to animals, The Jon was always the best with them. Something about his presence would just attract animals stronger than any bait. He loves animals, and the animals love him. It could not have been an easy assignment for him to kill a creature of any kind. Especially one as innocent and as sweet as a puppy. Yet he still had the guts to kill it. The Spine’s relationship with animals was minimal, yet he refused to kill one just because he didn’t want to. He knew this made him weak, but it didn’t change his stance. He simply hangs his head low out of shame.
Peter notices that he’s still reluctant to complete the task, so he turns to his last resort. He sighs as he lights a match. The Spine hears this and looks up at him. His eyes widened in terror. He’s heard horror stories about being burned alive. He knows what he’s going to do.
“Don’t. Please Mister Walter don’t hurt it-”
The Spine continues to beg Peter to leave the puppy alone, but ultimately he ignores him. Soon enough, the small animal begins screeching and yelping in pain. The sounds were enough to drive The Spine over the edge. He pulls out his blue matter ray and shoots the poor thing down as quickly as possible. The Spine can feel an intense amount of steam leaving his body, yet his body still feels unbearably hot. It’s as if the steam from his body wasn’t releasing fast enough. That was the last thing The Spine wanted to do, but he really didn’t have another choice. There was nothing he could’ve reliably used to put out the flames and even if he did find something, he wouldn’t know how to heal the small pup. It would only die slower. The only thing he could do was speed up the process.
Peter places a hand on his shoulder. The Spine stiffens. He’s using every last atom in his metal body to resist the urge to tear his inventor apart.
“Why did you kill it?” Peter asks.
“I- You set it on fire! It was suffering! It was in pain! I couldn’t just let it die such a terrible fate like that…”
“Mm..” Peter nods.
“The Spine, there’s something you need to understand.”
The Spine only looks at him.
“In war, everyone is always suffering.”
“Now, come with me. It’s clear to me that you need some serious repairs.”
The final red light turns green.
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yourlocalgrass · 3 months
I’m bored and thought of another scenario to put in tension and angst for obey me characters to go through. I like this one by the way.
Sorcerers’ society find out the causes of earthquakes happening faster than usual was MC due to their magic potential (MC being the cause of all the natural ‘phenomenon’ in S2) and now want to investigate MC and call them in.
Drama has already started baby.
Solomon who’s against this but goes with MC to make sure they’re ok because it’s not a good idea to ignore a seemingly threat invitation I mean.
It’s explained the Ring of light was used to console MC’s magic and everything is fine now but they’re doubting it and want to investigate the Ring of light for themselves, if it’s actually successfuly tamed their magic or just a temporary device to tone it down- simply meaning if MC’s overflow of magic would still be leaking and not fully restrained.
[Also add overprotective Solomon drama who’s against this because that’s hot and more dramatic]
It’s found out the ring of light isn’t powerful enough to completely prevent MC’s magic from overflowing and now…
The sorcerers’ society have deemed MC a threat. A large threat to the human world.
Who would be better off dead. No. SHOULD be dead.
「If only the story actually did have good drama like this~
Anyways I’m just describing the scenario since I can’t write at all lol if I had enough confidence I probs would haha」
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valec275 · 5 months
Headcanon I gotta write somewhere before I forget! (and I just wanna share it lol) Because of how often solving puzzles has been a part of literally saving their kingdoms and peoples’ lives, none of the chain really do puzzles casually without the aura of someone who is still on a life-or-death mission.
The first time Malon sat down to do a jigsaw puzzle with Time after MM he was staring at the pieces with such an intensity you’d think they’d personally wronged him, always careful with how he set down each piece like putting it in the wrong spot might set off a trap. Yes, Malon was worried. No, Time hadn’t realised he’d been focusing that hard.
Legend does puzzles with a (seemingly subconscious) terrifying speed and efficiency, as if he’s desperate to get it done, but ask him about it and he’ll claim he didn’t even realise how fast he was working through it.
Wind goes quiet. Like, the quietest you’ll ever hear him, except for the occasional mumblings under his breath if he’s struggling with some aspect of the puzzle. He looks older when he’s that concentrated, almost like he’s back in the Temple of the Ocean King.
Warriors doesn’t get like this as much as the others, since his adventure was a war, but strategy games have a similar effect. No one can beat him at chess. You can almost see the cogs turning at ungodly speeds in his mind. His wins are precise, quick, and would be deadly in a real life scenario. It’s always disconcerting when he offers you his hand at the end of a match and congratulates you on a good game.
I’ve got nothing for the others yet lol
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thedemonscrawler · 3 months
Three weeks, two days, and some odd hours ago, Eclipse's life had fallen apart. He'd been tricked, betrayed, and attacked-- and now he was trapped, at the complete mercy of the three people who he hated the most, and who hated him in return. It was like the universe was playing some big cosmic joke on him. --- Eclipse attempts to escape the Daycare. Sun tries something new to calm him down. Prequel to "Hold, Please".
What if. I actually SHARED the 10k+ oneshot 13k+ ficlet. What if I did that.
Anyway! 8D more tiny!Eclipse!
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leverage-ot3 · 3 months
silly episode idea but hear me out
okay well the first part isn’t silly! so the episode is based around a con they are doing where a polyam triad wants to get married and have been writing to senators and stuff for years but nothing has happened. maybe there is a time element that leeway has to happen soon (not sure what that would be yet, maybe someone is sick???)
(obviously polycules aren’t only and are often more than just a closed three-person system, but I’m saying triad right now bc I feel like that would be an easier and more ‘socially acceptable’ gateway into more accepting legislation for diverse relationship dynamics)
the leverage crew, of course, can’t outright change the public perception of poly marriage, but they can use the ‘enemy’s’ tactics against them and slip stuff into legislation without people noticing like they do. it’s slimy and it’s not a permanent fix, but it’s a start, and it gives people the opportunity to see poly marriage in action and that it isn’t as terrifying or pearl-clutching-inducing as they think it would be. there’s a long way to go, but the seeds of change have been sown and they will make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible
this is one of the cases that they will monitor on the back burner over time. some cons can finish within a few hours (the bottle job), and some things they will follow over time and make adjustments when needed- amplify voices and expose corrupt politicians etc
and then it’s just after 3/4 of the way through but the con has been finished? what is going on? this is where the silliness comes in
the camera turns to the ot3 and…
hardison, pulling out three individualized rings: I know it’s not legal yet, and we have the necklaces, but I think rings would be a nice touch
eliot, pulling out an intricately carved box that also has three self-handcrafted rings: dammit hardison (with feeling and tenderness, and damp eyes)
parker, pulling out three very stolen rings from her pocket: does this mean we’re getting triple married if we all have three rings???
harry pops into the conversation (practically vibrating) excitedly just casually mentioning that he’s a notary and would be honored to marry them to each other if they wanted to
(they do)
wait, did I say silly? I meant unwaveringly tender and heartwarming
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