#but that lifted my mood again đŸ„ș <3
nikaserb · 2 months
Thanks to everyone who joined the magma session, it was fun and it definitely lifted my mood :3
My pieces👉👈
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sulking at someone xd
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mm... mmom... mm... m-mommy...
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rip Donnie😔
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In fact, I really like to draw how someone blushes👉👈
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Smoooooch time~ (can i be in y/n place-)
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Thanks again, you're all very cuteđŸ„șđŸ„ș
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babyjakes · 10 months
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sweet surprise. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | august '23 general requests blurb night
summary | ransom has a surprise encounter with your little niece.
pairing | soft!ransom drysdale x auntie!reader (+ reader's baby!niece)
warnings | SOFT RANSOM IS BACK. just soooo fluffy, like unbearable amounts of fluff hehe. written from reader's pov, but most of it is just ran & da baby <3
word count | 689
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requested by @brandycranby | hiiiiii eun ✹💕 for blurb night, maybe we could see a fluff or hurt/comfort + unexpectedly soft!ransom + baby? like a teeny tiny chubby wubby baby đŸ„ș
an | aaaahhhhh i'm so glad you sent in this request brandy bby, i've been DYING to write soft!ran lately and this is just the sweetest idea ever ever, hope you enjoy sweet friend and thank you for the amazing idea!!
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You don't hear Ransom as he returns home from work, tossing his bag beside the door with a quiet grumble. As always, he's not in the best mood after spending nearly six hours at his grandfather's, helping the old writer with the logistics of his business. He can't wait to spend time with you, the sunshine that always brightens his day and erases any worries that might be floating around in his mind. He doesn't see you as he looks around the living room, but what he does see catches him off guard. On the floor, across the room, sits a strange-looking contraption— some sort of swing. He lets out a gasp as he sees what's sitting inside: a tiny baby whose big, bright eyes are looking over at him with a darling sense of curiosity.
"Oh my," Ransom hums to himself. He stands frozen for a few moments, looking around the room again. You're nowhere to be found. "Now what are you doing here all alone?" he hums softly, finally building up the courage to start making his way over to the swing.
He stops several feet away, just observing the tiny being. Judging by the sweet pink lettering on her jumper that spells out Mama's Girl, he's able to easily guess the infant's gender. "My goodness," the large man whispers, his face softening as the sweet little girl smiles at the sound of his voice, "you're so tiny. What're you doing here, hmm? Was y/n looking after you this afternoon?"
He sits down cross-legged on the floor, scooting himself up a bit more as the baby sways gently in the swing, clapping her tiny hands together clumsily to show the stranger that she's happy to see him. Ransom bites back a smile, reaching out a hand to brush back the little one's thin tufts of hair. "Hi there, pretty girl," he murmurs, "Are you clappin' for me? That's so nice of you, sweetheart. What a smart girl you are."
The infant claps a few more times, giggling softly as a defeated smile finally crosses the brown-haired man's face. "You're too sweet," he admits, stroking the baby's chubby little cheek. "I wonder where y/n is, hmm? Have you seen her?" he asks comically, his grin widening as the baby just continues to wiggle and smile in the swing. "You wanna come out, sweetheart? C'mere, let me hold you."
His hands are steady and careful as he gently unbuckles her from the swing, being sure to support her neck and head as he lifts her up and brings her to his chest. "Oh my," his voice flutters as she tucks her tiny head against his shoulder, snuggling right up to him. "There you go, angel. I got you," he whispers, stroking her hair as he bounces her gently in his arms.
"Welcome home," you giggle as you enter the doorway to the kitchen, your heart swelling at the sight of the giant man holding the tiny baby so carefully, as if she's the most precious thing in the world.
"Look, there's y/n!" Ransom coos excitedly to the little one, causing her to look over at you and offer you a huge, toothless smile. "I bet she missed you!"
"Looks like you're Uncle Ran, huh?" you joke as you join the two on the floor, rubbing the tiny girl's back as Ransom sways and cradles her. "Never knew you liked babies."
"Me neither," the man chuckles, looking down at your niece with the gentlest smile. "But I think this little one might've changed my mind. Look at how tiny she is. So tiny and precious, aren't you?" he fusses her again, earning a chorus of giggles from the baby as he messes her hair carefully. "How long is she staying?" Ransom asks, looking back up at you. "Can we see her again soon? I'll take off work, Harlen won't mind— we should bring her over to see him! He loves kids."
"Hey, hey, slow down," you laugh, leaning over to kiss the sweet man's forehead as you remind him, "I haven't even told you her name yet."
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buthowboutno · 6 months
you've caught me in an amenable mood, sure!
Here's a Donnie POV from the very end of chapter 24 <3
(it's v unedited, apologies)
"Wow," April said as she leaned on the counter next to Donnie, "They're really out cold."
Donnie snorted and continued his task of gathering up the empty bottles around the bar.
(He liked to repurpose glass when he could. The more time he spent re-shaping it into his desired purposes it was less time he had to keep depending on subpar tech companies.)
"Just wait until you put a movie on in front of Sweets," Donnie retorted, "I've never seen someone pass out so quickly."
April hummed, gathering up bottles in her own bag, "Should we wake them up and send them home? I bet Leo would make an extra pit stop for them.
"Uh," Donnie said, tilting his head in confusion, "They're spending the night."
"You're not making them sleep on the couch, Donnie."
"I am not making them sleep on the couch, April."
"Sunny and I are taking the spare bed."
"The Casey's have already claimed the cots in the med bay."
"Correct again," Donnie said stiffly, a faint blush rising on his cheeks, "We... Sweets and I usually share my bed."
"Ohhh," April said, trailing off, "Okay. I see."
"There's nothing to see," Donnie argued, "It's simply the most sensible and economical solution. It would be a waste of resources to keep a spare bed fresh and clean with the frequency of Sweet's visits."
"I'm sure."
"Good," Donnie said with a huff, his gaze falling back on you. Your chest rose and fell softly as you slept. Your hand rested against your forehead and twitched as the breeze started to pick up.
It was getting colder again. Truly unprecedented weather patterns this year. If Donnie was a betting man, he would expect snow again before May.
(The month, not Sweet's roommate.)
(Duh, Donatello.)
"I think that's the last of the bags," Raph said, popping his head out of the portal Leo was maintaining just to the side of the pool, "You guys need anything?"
"Wanna get sleepyhead inside?" April said, jerking her head in your direction, "I'm worried about them catching a cold."
"No," Donnie said quickly, practically on instinct.
April raised an eyebrow at Donnie. Her eyes glimmered with satisfaction for just a moment as she schooled her face back to a neutral expression.
Donnie didn't have the energy for her presumptions right now. Not after the last few weeks.
"Raph, do you mind finishing up the bottles for me?" Donnie asked. He already tossed his bag over to Raph before he got an answer and was quickly approaching your side.
You scrunched your face up as Donnie gently raised your head off the chair and managed to settle your torso against his. You were solidly snoozing again with your face pressed against Donnie's neck by the time he managed to slide an arm under your legs.
Donnie pointedly did not look at April and Raph as he stepped through the portal and avoided Casey's blatant staring with a swift departure down his hallway.
You muttered something incomprehensible as Donnie took an especially sharp turn.
It was like a second nature for Donnie to chirp at you and press his cheek against the top of your head as he activated the door to the lab. It was one of the things that Donnie was actively choosing not to think about.
(He had a list.)
(If there were things that he needed to address.)
(Which there weren't.)
Donnie was so preoccupied in his thoughts that he didn't even think about the fact that he had managed to get a hoodie onto you without considering any of the necessary steps he needed to take before that. Namely, getting your swimsuit off first.
He... Donnie didn't think he should be doing that.
"Sweets, you need to go get changed," Donnie said softly, trying to lift you to your feet from where he had set you onto the bed.
(He tried not to think about the wet mark you left behind on his blankets.)
(Where was his mind today?)
You managed to blearily open your eyes and nodded at him. You allowed him to guide you to the bathroom and obediently took the pair of sweatpants he pressed into your hands.
Donnie shut the door behind you and took a deep, steadying breath. He willed his mind to that calming blankness he reached for during meditation. There was no other option, really.
Not on the fumes Donnie was barely running off of.
Ten seconds in.
Change out of his swim trunks. Place in hamper.
Fifteen out.
Replace the comforter, deal with it in the morning.
Twenty seconds in.
Take off his battle shell. Set it on the charger.
Twenty-five --
You opened the door to the bathroom, the light pouring in behind you as you yawned widely. You half-stumbled, half-walked towards his bed.
Donnie had to catch you as you attempted to pull yourself onto his sheets, your hands failing to find traction on the satin.
You giggled sleepily, your hand landing on the collar of Donnie's hoodie while he attempted to tuck you in. You managed to find his arm and tugged at it, humming happily as you managed to pull it to your chest.
Donnie, already leaning over the bed and in grave danger of losing his balance, had to make a quick choice.
Pull away, calm his heartrate, and go sleep on the lab couch, or...
He could stay.
He couldn't--
Could he--?
You would never--
You made the decision for him, in the end, whether you were conscious of it or not. You pulled forward Donnie with the whole weight of your torso as you leaned farther into his bed.
It was all Donnie could do to keep from squishing you beneath him as he landed on the bed. He would be lying if he said he didn't delight in the fact that you were so near, that every bone in his body wasn't screaming at him to stay close to you at all times.
You snored softly next to Donnie, your ability to pass out within an instant never lagging.
He... would be staying. It didn't seem worth it to disturb you more than Donnie had to.
That was the most reasonable justification that Donnie could find, in any case.
(He really needed to get his hindbrain in order.)
"Shelldon, lights off."
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liveforjeongin · 6 months
Oh my godd, your lee Hyunjin fic was soo cuteeđŸ„șđŸ„°. Can I please request a lee Seungmin Ler Skz fic where they all kinda get him back good for being the adorable menace he is? You don't have to write this if you don't want to!! Have a great day and stay hydrated!! Love your work smđŸ©·đŸ’–
Don't Mess With Your Members
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Awww, thank you anon, and I hope you have a great day too<3
I actually loved this scenario, thanks for the request<3
-tickle fic, if you don't like that you can keep scrolling
requested by: anon
warnings: gang tickles, Seungmin almost fainting
Skz were on the practice room as usual, they were rehearsing like they always do, there was nothing out of normal.
Seungmin had been annoying the members the whole day, from internal jokes to poking them constantly. It's nothing rare coming from Seungmin, he's always been like that, so the members are used to it.
But... The original attitude of "just let him be" they always have with him suffered... A little change.
Seungmin was kinda rehearsing, kinda annoying the members like he did the whole day. The rest of the members also fool around always so it's not like they have much right to complain. Hopefully, all the members were in a good mood today, so they were all having fun and being playful and not only Seungmin.
The thing started when Jeongin decided to poke Seungmin back, which make the older jump away a bit and also giggle.
It wasn't a secret that Seungmin was really ticklish just like everyone else in Skz, but the other members never get that much of reaction from him with just a small poke like Jeongin did, so they were pretty surprised by that.
They're going to need more information from Jeongin.
After the rehearsal, Chan approached to Jeongin, willing to get more information about how the youngest got that much of reaction from the main vocal.
"Just aim to his hips, he's extremely ticklish there, you'd get surprised" was the answer of the maknae.
"And you know that... How?"
"We always have tickle fights, and I don't lose everytime like you would think, I've won lots of times thanks to this discovering I made"
Sounded fair.
"I see... You busy tonight? I might have an idea to make that guy get that messing around with his members also has consequences..." Chan went with the rest of 3racha and with Hyunjin, to go to their dorm, and Jeongin went with the rest of the members, to go to theirs.
On the way home, Chan made sure to tell the members of his dorm his little plan. Hyunjin then texted it to the Danceracha group chat, and that way, every Skz member was aware of the plan.
Excepting Seungmin, of course.
About 8pm, all the members already had dinner and didn't have much to do.
Or that's what Seungmin thought.
A knock on the dorm of maknaes+Lino dorm was heard, and the oldest in the place went and opened it.
As you can guess, it was the rest of Skz.
Seungmin was really surprised by this, it wasn't much common to have grupal gatherings all 8 members in a dorm, they usually meet outside.
But it's not like he cared, he was happy to see his members again, so didn't pay much attention to it.
Soon, the 8 members of Skz were all sat in the living room, some on the couchs and some on the floor.
Seungmin was completely unaware of the plan of his fellow members, so he was all comfy with his head resting on Hyunjin's lap, waiting for Changbin and Jisung to finally choose a movie.
Eventually, the second youngest started to feel sleepy due to the comfort of having his head in Hyunnie's lap and the boredom caused by the members fighting over choosing a movie, so he just fell asleep.
He woke up about 10 minutes later, and he woke up in an... Unusual position. He was barefoot, and his arms were lifted up over his head, Hyunjin was sat on his hands, Jeongin was sat on his thighs, Chan and Minho were each one on each side of him, while Jisung and Changbin were each one at each side of him as well, but at his legs, and finally, Felix was at his feet.
"What the hell is going on in here?" Seungmin asked, extremely confused.
"You see, Seungminnie, you really annoyed us today, so we decided you deserve... A small punishment" Chan answered, with a sly grin on his face.
Seungmin realized.
'Oh no... This cann't be happening' was all Seungmin could think at this point.
"G-Guys... We can... Talk about this... P-Please DOHOHON'T" Seungminnie started to laugh hysterically and squirm wild when Jeongin began to squeeze his hips without any warning.
"Oh wow, you weren't exaggerating when you said he was extremely ticklish there" Chan talked to Jeongin, casually, as if Seungmin weren't there.
"Not even I, with the thousands times I've tickled him, had ever seen him laugh so hard before" Minho commented, starting to scribble and squeeze one of the oldest vocalracha member's sides. The other members also started to tickle each one the spot they were at. Needless to say the second youngest was going literally insane.
"You'll try you say? Hmmm... Sorry Seungminnie, I don't think that's enough" Han teased, scribbling behind Minnie's knees.
"It should've been evident Seungminnie! You knew you were being annoying, you should've stopped then~" Lix was tickling all over his member's feet and toes, he knew how to tickle the younger right in there.
"I don't think we can, this is too much fun!" Hyunjin left the younger's armpits temporally to tickle his ribs and neck, making sure to be gentle, knowing that is way worse for the puppy.
"We just wanna keep tickling you, Seungmo! You look too cute like this~" Changbin joined in in the teasing.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA GUHUHUHUHUYS I'M SEHEHEHEHERIOUS! I CAHAHAHHAHAN'T TAKE IT MUCH MOHOHOHOHORE HAHAHAHAAA-" Seungmin's laugh went silent, but that didn't stop the members to continue with their tickling.
"Awwwww, you can't take it? What a shame~"
The members kept on tickling the puppy for a couple seconds more, maybe a minute.
Seungmin felt all weak, he couldn't even squirm anymore and was overwhelmed by all the tickles. The world was starting to go silent and Seungmin could've swore he was about to faint.
Fortunately, Chan noticed soon enough, so the 7 guys immediately stopped with the tickling. They accommodated the second youngest again, they put his head back to rest on Hyunjin's lap, and they all surrounded him to give him some aftercare.
"We're so sorry, Seungminnie. I think we went a bit too far" Lixie apologized while hugging his member and stroking his hair a bit.
Seungmin shook his head "I know I deserved that, it's alright"
"We can still use the movie excuse and really watch a movie now" Chan suggested and all the members agred.
"Just don't take too long choosing it or I'll fall asleep again" The puppy joked.
Skz finally was able to choose a movie, but in the first minute of it, Seungminnie was already sleeping.
Come on, you can't blame him. Our guy got tortured, he deserves a good rest.
The rest of Skz just limited to watch the movie and every once a while, they glanced at Seungmin sleeping.
He looked so cute... Maybe they should do this again...
Okay you better get ready cuz there's like 5 more lee!Seungmin requests and I'mma try post them all this week sođŸ˜»
Not complaining tho, love lee!Seungmin :3
Anyway I hope you guys liked the fic and YES THE THIRD DAY IN A ROW POSTING A FIC DAILYđŸ˜»
I hope I can continue like this, if I do I might get to finish all the requests this week (some (most) of them have been in my inbox for two months now I am so sorry)
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ellieswyfe · 11 months
(eren n armin) reacting to ricewater đŸ„č
(mood song)
Eren: thisss is the one right heree (my man FrđŸ˜«)!! he's literally OBSESSED with you and your culture, sharing info w him and teaching him things is SO EASY and he catches on soo quick đŸ„ș.
this man will massage oil into your scalp every other night and buy silk pillowcases just to protect your hair, so when he spots you in your shared kitchen one night with jasmin rice and your phone propped up playing a yt tutorial, he wasn't so surprised that you were concoctioning up something for your hair (againđŸ«¶đŸŸ).
he'll grab you by your love handles and snuggle his chin into the curve of your neck,, "baby whatchu making?", he's so sweet but so unaware of the chaos that's bout to ensue 😂. you turn your head to kiss him on the nose and tell him that it's just another product for your hair, and he surely regretted trusting you on that one.
he saw you put the container of rice and water it in the back of your bathroom cabinet, and the within the next few days he forgot about it,, that was until he saw you three days later in the bathroom.
sleepily going up to hug you and bring you back to bed, he stopped in his tracks when he smelt that god awful vinegary smell of rice water. "yoo WTF Is that smell" he gagged into his shirt while scrunching up his face.
it was tooo funny and he's literally so dramatic when he finds out it's that stuff you made days ago in the kitchen. When he got used to the smell he calmed down but you are NOTT allowed back in the room till that shits washed out your hair!! 😂😂
Armin: poor baby he doesn't know what he's in for walking into the bathroom expecting it to be the normal routine of you doing your hair 😭. he normally likes watching you do your hair,, sitting on the tub ledge when you suspiciously brought out a liquid-filled container from under the counter.
setting it on aside on the counter and continuing on with your wash day, he began to dismiss and even forget all about the strange liquid- well thats until you reached to open it of course.
you see, armin is such a kind, helpful, and supportive boyfriend so it wouldn’t come off as a shock that when he saw you struggling to open the lid he kindly offered his help. and like the idiot he was, he lifted the jar up to his chest, press down, and popped the lid open with ease.
“thankk you bab”- “OH MY GODD BABE WHAT IS THATTT..” armin yelled and damn near dropped the container as he was handing it to you. (đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŠđŸŸâ€â™€ïž)
he quickly pinched the collar of his shirt over his nose harshly glaring at you. “baby its my rice water” you laugh out. at first he goes and positions himself by the door, still watching you do your hair. but when his legs get tired he has no other choice but to resume his seat on the ledge.
continuing to spectate he asked all sorts of questions about this so called “rice water” and it was annoying you to the point where you couldn’t focus on your hair. “boy this is not 21 questions ask me laterr my arms are tiredd and i’m hungry.” you whine, prompting armin to give you a sad puppy face. sad face gets to you and you end up telling him all apart the hair growth recipe (armin: 1 you: 0 đŸ˜€)
(he doesn’t let you come near him until he sees you wash it out though)
after wash day though he gives you all the kuddles n kisses. <3
SORRY THIS WAS KINDA SHORTT?? (was gonna write another but i lost motivation n got lazy 😓)
lmk if i should do a LONGERR part 2 đŸ«¶đŸŸđŸ©·
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kisskiss-slashslash · 1 year
Could we get some fluff of Jason comforting his s/o after feeling so mentally exhausted?
( It's been hell these last two weeks and honestly I just wanna be held by the big man đŸ„ș )
Aw, of course you can! Here you go, and I hope things get better for you soon <3
Jason comforting his mentally exhausted s/o
Jason is rather perceptive when it comes to your moods. So when he notices you growing increasingly tired and apathetic, he at first doesn’t quite know what to do. He starts to pay even closer attention to you than he normally does, trying to find the cause of your exhaustion so he can get rid of it. When he can’t seem to pinpoint the exact thing that wears you out so much, he finally decides to just just sit down with you and ask what is wrong.
You take a long time to answer. Finally you just kind of shrug. “I
 don’t know. I have a lot on my mind lately, and I can’t seem to get my head to shut up so I can rest.”
He looks at you intently, not quite sure what to do. Then finally he lifts you onto his lap, so your head rests against his chest.
Pressed against his body like that, you are once again reminded of how big he is compared to you, and the way he holds you makes you feel safe and secure. You smile into the faded fabric of his shirt.
“Thank you, Jason.”
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
Hello darling 💜 may I request a moodboard with the name Lia and this pic? đŸ„ș also, I’m curious, which plot would you give it? 😍
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Mood board for a wonderful soul - @justapurrcat
Hi Lia
Thank you so much for sending in multiple pictures!!!
I hope you love your mood boards as much as I loved making them, although it took ages. However, very much worth the time and dedicationïżŒ In the end results! I did 3 mood boards for you (hope your happy with all of them) please, let me know what you think. I am glad that you have participated in this event because you’re absolutely wonderful and you deserve to know!ïżŒ I have even created a plot for you because you specifically, asked for that Detail. ïżŒbest wishes đŸ˜‡đŸ„°
Side note - Love all your feedback and comments on my works, posts, etc
 pls do interact much appreciated! Thank you for all your love and support! xx
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Writing done notes is all so familiar, like running away in the Forest getting sidetracked,ïżŒ along the muddy trails. Tom brings you out of your thoughts as you write more. Feeling him wrapping his toned arms around you. ‘Do you want to take a bath with me, darling,’ softly kissing your temple, you nodded. He lifts you up, bridle style in one quick motion going outside into the bath. You are staying in a private, conceal Terrance, practically in the middle of no where for your 3 year wedding anniversary! Pulling you into his strong, broad chest he peppers kisses along your neck, cheek and shoulders. You giggle as it tickles having his gorgeous, curled, brown locks dangling on your skin. ‘Are you relaxed sweetheart?’ He questions stroking your hair, softly. ‘Mm,uh,’ you hummed, feeling content. The bath is warm, comfortable and heavenly even more so, being with Tom. After about an hour, you get both of yourself dry and dressed. Tom admires you as you read one of your favourite books. You look up confused, ‘what are you looking at pretty boy?’ You giggle as Tom has been caught red handed. He comes closer to you gently placing his hand to yours, ‘May I have this dance m’lady,’ he bowled, like royalty. You stand up taking his large hand into your smaller one. ‘Yes, you may kind sir,’ you smiled. He put on soft, classic music to dance to. Twirling you around the room so gracefully, his princess.
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Tradition is key when it comes to royalty, that changes when love comes into play a little game! Music could be heard from a far in the palace hallways, a young in her mid 20s princess dancing to the soft melody of a young, musical player could be heard. Could be heard!ïżŒïżŒ This affair is a secret for some may fear that a princess does not belong with just a musician, who is not a prince. Scandalous moments happen with you and Tom quite a lot. Cherishing, ïżŒyour love and passion towards each other mysteriously, behind close doors for no eyes to see you getting caught. ïżŒAs you take a look at your photos of you, in extraordinary jewellery fit for a princessïżŒ. Tom wraps his soft arms around you, ‘you look gorgeous my love,’ he says, you feel him smiling into your neck. Suddenly, your breath hitches as you hear a knock at your chamber door. Tom quickly goes into the closet to hid himself. ‘Come in,’ you say, your mother, the queen comes in. Looking at you with a poker face and head risen with no slouch at all, ‘my dear daughter I have came with great news,’ she smiles, even being the most despite full of all women! ‘What news,’ you say, carefully putting down your photos. ‘The prince of France has requested to marry you, of course your father and I have agreed, how delightful,’ she smiles again! ‘Yes, very wonderful mother. I need to have a bath and relax taking in this news,’ you say quickly, pushing her out the door giving her one last fake smile. Slamming the door, your mother behind it smiles at your words walking away. In reality, you crumble to the floor letting a few tears out, what has your soul become? ‘You can come out now,’ remembering Tom was still in hiding. Tom opens the closet door to your red, puffy face. After hearing everything, he comforts you whispering sweet nothings in you ear, kissing you until you giggle. Cuddling into his warm, embrace. Loving that you have Tom forever. You knew this day will come, that is why you set an escape plan with Tom years ago. Running away of your royal duties is dangerous but if love will want to play, so be it. Your going to win!
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Crashing of the waves that’s all you could hear, no light other than moonlight reflecting on their souls. As their hands grasps on to each others gently, noticing a bond that is unbreakable. ïżŒTom loves the feel of your scales rubbing against his fair, soft human skin. It gives him the sense of safety and warmth. You swear that his strong arms are way too strong to be human, but not knowing any better about their kind, you do not think of it again. ‘Are you going to tell me, what you are giggling at darling,’ Tom asks, curious. You look up his brown, orbs ‘just your charm and witty ways, making me laugh because your so adorable,’ you smile, as you play with your ring that he gave you promising forever in over thousand seas. you look at him to kiss his lips. He nods smiling and kissing back, lifting your beautiful, ombre tail into his lap, again those strong, toned arms are your weakness. You feel so secure and safe in them. ‘Your so adorable, even more so gorgeous and addicting my love,’ Toms sweet words are like music to your ears, you turn your head slightly so he can kiss your plumed lips sweetly, most tender touch of you. If anyone would of guessed, it would be Tom is a merman, secretly.
Hope you have enjoyed the little blurbs that I wrote for you with your mood boards. đŸ„°
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Hey hey T! Congratulations on your ✹milestone 10.0✹ !! I remember *slow eater* hcs was ur first work i read and then bam bammm (im gyo anon also btw have i told u that surprise surprise 😂 gyo anon and 🧩 anon r oneee)
maam may i request romantic hcs with gyo đŸ€ sfw, nsfw ANY im a sucker for tooth-rotting mushy mushy squishy fluff please maam thank u iluvĂŒ 💗
About me: ppl say i look mean but rlly it's just my face i'm sorryyyt ;-; but when they got to know me i am described as very funny (when i was in 11th grade the teacher asked who the class clown was and they said it be me ?? I'm pretty sure its that other guy but okayy đŸ€§) and fun to be around with/ knows how to lift ppl's mood up (this touched me i swearrr bc i didn't know i have that effect on ppl until it's palanca time and ye,, one of my insecurities is i'm not rlly good with words and so when i have to comfort someone i just sit with them while also looking for someone who can help better like gurl help me idk what to sayyydbrjdhh and so learning that i can brighten their day with just my presence or just casually saying smthng is just đŸ€Ż) ++ calm and collected bc usually i'd just laugh it off but rn idk anymore gurl i think these were just a fascade im a wreck inside haha sarcasm is how i cope 😭
i'm very straightforward esp to my friends bc i don't wanna give them false hope or anything tho i do the sandwich method to not make it seem too harsh 😭 i'm also the friend who (whichever group i'm in) people hold onto like link arms,, when walking, standing or just sitting they just grab both my arms (1 friend on the right another on the left) like they do to their moms or smthng (now i feel old jkjk is it bc im a little taller? 😭) and it gives the feeling that oh no smol children must protectt like i literally look like am chaperoning kids HAHA tho its cool bc i feel like my arms are the chosen ones ✹ i want to do that too yknow hold someone's arms for a change or like be held đŸ„ș ,, most of my friends are shorter than me (nothing against height !!) i just feel like its weird if *i* do it :"))) I also have this habit of whenever i'm seating next to someone i'd borrow there arm and just go squish squish
I'm an introvert. just the thought of preparing to go somewhere and actually taking the trip there is already draining the sh*t out of me. There are times when mid convo i'd just shutdown tho i still will try to keep a polite face even tho inside i just hURRY UP Iwanna go hOmE sorry dude but idk there are ppl whose energy are draining but there are those who compliments well wid u idk idk
i like letterssss vvvvmuch <3 i'm also sentimental like i keep eveeerything bus tickets, movie tickets, my first shot glass ugHH u could give me a leaf and just write to and from and id keep that foreeever. even that one time in 10th grade where we were practicing for an event in the grassy area and bc we were bored we made smol bouquets madE ouT Of GrAsS i still freaking have it and thaT One letter from a friend which came with a rock she painted with a face on so cuuuute ✹
i want to say my hobby is drawing but my degree requires me to draw too so like drawing *again* as a hobby now just pisses me off bc my brain says: instead of drawing that why don't u just do ur plates đŸ€Ą
I looove animalsss (cats cats we have 4 cats and 3 kittens) my fave wild ones are 🐳 & 🐘 idk it's just they're so big and mighty but they're very gentle and caring and helpful to other animals too ‱u‱ i wanna pet them and hug them they make me soft.
What i like about myself are my sense of humour (no i'd burst out laughing at 2am i was about to fall asleep and my brain be randomly making jokes đŸ˜€), my guts bc it's sharp afff, ability to recover fast (i'm not sure with this one bc i know im not addressing my issues properly but like hey i got alot of shit to do so chop chop 👏) , and my imagination bc my head is wilddd).
wow this got super long i'm sorry ;-; thank you maamm! And have an awesome and safe day at work today!! 🧩
💞: Himejima Gyomei
holds your hand before crossing the street, because if anything tragic were to occur, then at least he will have been holding your hand. Similarly, he's mindful of his parting words to you: variations of I love you being his go to. About to hang up on him because you're angry? He always manages to squeeze in We'll figure this out. About to fall asleep because he's exhausted? He never forgets to mumble Sweet dreams. About to be on your way somewhere for some time? He sends you off with Have fun, stay safe.
sponsors a wild tiger with you (has the certificate framed and everything), and participates in annual fundraisers hosted by wild cat sanctuaries. Last Valentine's Day, he purchased and dedicated a heart (really just a chunk of meat) to you, which was then fed to your favorite leopard. "You're disturbingly sweet," you'd giggled, pecking his cheek as you rewatched the Instagram reel of your "heart" being devoured for the nth time, "Thank you so much!"
gifts you a journal for your third anniversary, but it's already mostly full — mostly full of things you've said that made him smile/giggle/laugh. Of course, it isn't a comprehensive, entirely accurate record, but it includes: inside jokes that you'd inevitably forgotten (until getting to read them again), witty retorts and quips that you'd figured he hadn't heard (turns out he had), and an obnoxiously long section reserved for your puns-that-are-arguably-too-much-of-a-stretch-to-truly-be-punny.
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kpophubb · 2 years
Morning baby 💗 💌
I hope you slept well? :) I have my training in 20 min , but I really want to write to you đŸ’—â€ïžâ€đŸ©č❀
First of all you haven’t offered me in any ways, I’m sorry that you felt that way or maybe the way I wrote was quite triggering đŸ„č but you are fine , MORE THAN FINE ACTUALLY. I just read your response and literally im so happy if I actually received a real hug from u🌞🙈💖
Thank you for your understanding and efforts and just the love you put in your messages, it is really really precious to me đŸ„č❀
I actually wish I could train myself to control these feelings and the need of affirmation from others. Life really doesn’t make sense for me anymore. I want to give up , but these 2 months I feel like I grew stronger and there is still something holding me back , maybe I’m afraid of dying idk . ., but im tired of living you know ? It’s so exhausting and pointless
thank you for being my safe place now , being the person I can trust and open up , I don’t want to change for the worse 
 and tbh I just exist doing tasks on a daily basis , thank you for being open and accepting
You are very good person , amazing and I hope you will have SOOOO MANY GOOD EXPERIENCES:) also I hope my emotions and things I share aren’t influencing your day / mood đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
I’ll add bebe songs to our playlists :)) I love first 2 , I’m not sure if I have heard 3rd one
About book yes def :) ahowww me when u get them :))
What are your plans for today ? Have the most wonderful day 🏞🏞🏞
~ 🐁 :)
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My 🐁 anonie ~â˜șïžđŸ’— noooo omg I’m not even offended in the slightest so dw!!! Your emotions and rants really DO NOT affect my mood at all. Yk the reason I chose my occupation and major of medicine? It’s bc I always wanted to grow up to be kind and help people around me. I feel valid about myself when I can make others feel comforted and smile so I LOVE getting your messages and lifting u up!💖 and about being exhausted and feeling like giving up on life, I mean don’t even think it’s coming from someone really positive minded and full of happiness, but it’s coming from someone who comes from a place of being suicidal and hopeless in life too. There was once a point in my life where I just existed, cried myself to sleep everyday, and would indulge in self harm cause I hated myself and hated life. I didn’t want to live cause I felt like nothing good could come out of it. Back then, if someone told me that things are gonna get better one day and I’ll be really happy in the future, I would’ve never believed them. Heck, I’d feel like they’re all lying cz my life was so messed up I didn’t even believe I could wake up to a tomorrow where I could be at peace or smile even if it’s for a second. But after constant fighting and hanging on for 2-3 years, I came where I did today. Where I’m happy, smiling, ambitious again and thankful for all the bad things that I went through bc they made me stronger and brought me to where I am today. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” That’s the truth. I’m sure you will see your rainbow soon just hang in there. By saying hanging in there I mean cry, feel sad, fall down, get tired, doubt yourself but crawl back up again with the remaining of your strength. And never feel like there’s no hope cause there will ALWAYS be hope no matter how ugly situation you’re faced with. Maybe not now, maybe not soon, but someday you will DEFINITELY be happy and look back and be grateful for enduring it all. 💓
And aww đŸ„ș idk if I’m a good person yet but I try to be and improve myself everyday. Baby steps towards my dream person slowly!💖 and I’m glad I can make you feel safe. There’s nth more reassuring than having someone who listens to everything you gotta say without judging you and understanding you, ik. As for what I’m gonna do today, aaah idk yet. đŸ˜© probs gonna just lie down and eat a lot. Bc my books haven’t arrived yet and and I bought a new makeup palette a few days ago?đŸ€Ł I just wanna try it out even tho I’m not that much into makeup. I barely wear it! And IM EXCITED BC MY SKZ ALBUM IS OTW and I wanna order manifesto:day 1 enhypen albums!! I saved money for that đŸ„č but the kpop store isn’t replying to my msgs yet and I’m so impatient.đŸ„Č I love youuuu saurr much too (says it in jakey’s aussie accent) and have a great dayâ€ïžđŸ„° DID YOU KNOW BEBE REXHA DID A REMIX W ITZY??????!! THAT TOO OF ONE OF MY FAV SONGS OF HERS ITS GONNA BE RELEASED TMRW IM SHAKING IM SO EXCITEDD!!!😭😭😭😭I’m in a really good mood today bc my jakey is all recovered from covid! Man, I prayed for my love so so much and I couldn’t be more grateful to god that he’s healthy and active again!💗💗đŸ€ČđŸ»
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breadhao · 1 year
hello aya! it's your monbebe secret santa here!🎅🎄
thank you so much for answering my questions so thoughtfully! i really appreciate it! and i love your bias line, i think it suits you, even if it does vary! it's good to know who your favourites are. thank you. i'm here to ask you even more questions now, though! i hope you don't mind!
i'd love to know about your comfort monx songs! songs that put you at ease when you hear them, songs you turn to after a hard day, etc. and maybe some songs that pick you up, put you in a good mood, lift your spirits and give you energy? how about your absolute favourite monx song?
for me, beast mode always makes me feel so much better, it gets me hyped for whatever i'm doing so i listen to it while at the gym a lot. i also love watching the dance practice on youtube (i bet i'm a great number of the views on that video!). as for comfort songs, i love the soft ones, like sorry, i'm not sorry! and my favourite monx song has to be fantasia (at the moment, i change my mind a lot hehe!)
i hope you're having a good week so far, and that december is treating you well! sending you all of the love and good wishes for the holidays as always! đŸ«¶
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this has been sitting in my inbox for like days already and i’m so sorry. i got your other message the other day, too, so i’m going to answer both here. i had finals, then work got hectic, then i got sick. it was just a rollercoaster. i hope you’ve been well though, please take care always đŸ€
i tend to go a little overboard with answer omg which doesn’t make sense because i’m your friendly neighborhood introvert, but i need to know who your bias line is too? also, how did you get into monsta x? i always love hearing how monbebes discover them. if i remember correctly, a friend of mine showed me a picture of changkyun and it just went downhill from there, but in a good way. a few days later, i found myself in tears at 3 am because they’re so bad at playing the whisper challenge 😭 i discovered them last year and a lot has happened since then, i went to see them in concert in may đŸ„ș
i feel like you can never go wrong with beast mode though?? i have that for my gym playlist too, also stand together, but my pick me up song while working, working out, or running around would definitely be hero, it just hypes you up and gets the job done 😭 sorry, i’m not sorry is sooooo good ??? like give us a full album when shownu gets back, thank you ❀ i think my comfort song is one day. it makes me nostalgic about something and i can’t tell what. that was my most streamed song last year and it was still part of my top 5 this year. another comfort song of mine is from zero, it’s just a feel good song. and for my favorite song, i would say it’s gambler, but like you said, it changes a lot. it’s hard to choose when they release nothing but bops 😇
i hope we can catch up soon again, i’ll be around this time đŸ€
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himbofan · 2 years
First kiss headcanons with Haikyuu!! boys
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wow two posts in one day who am i 😳
this was a request by @culpa-fate <3 tysm for the cute request! i hope you enjoy :)
cw: fluff, kissing, gn reader
characters: bokuto, osamu, kenma, oikawa
wc: 700ish
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Bokuto Kotaro
i feel like a first kiss with kotaro would be clumsy and awkward, but in the sweetest way
he would be so excited to kiss you that he would miss and only kiss your upper lip, probably clash teeth a little bit
you both pull back and look at each other for a second before breaking out into laughter
god if you could capture his face at that moment; flushed, wide-eyed, and practically oozing with adoration for you
he would insist that he needs more practice, so he’ll keep asking you to kiss him over and over
you can feel his smile against your lips as you kiss him again and again
he’s trying to play it off as being his usual goofy self, but you can feel his heart beating hard and fast under his chest
he will request a kiss before every game now (even practice matches) just ‘for luck’
in reality he just can’t get enough of you and wants to kiss you 24/7 (please let him)
Miya Osamu
a first kiss with osamu would be super romantic
the setting would be perfect, a nice picnic at sunset with food made by him
he would be the type to take it slow, bringing a hand up to your face and caressing your cheek before kissing you softly and sweetly
and then immediately ruining the mood by blowing a fat raspberry on your cheek
i’m just imagining the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles, watching you get after him for ruining the mood, but the smile on your face tells him you’re not really mad
he makes it up to you by kissing you on both cheeks, and then planting an overly dramatic ‘mwah’ on your lips
he didn’t think he could fall in love any more than he already had, but when he sees your blushing and smiling face he knows he’s wrong đŸ„ș
mom help i think i fell in love with a block of text 😭
Kozume Kenma
a first kiss with kenma would be hesitant and shy at first, he doesn’t know where to put his hands or how long he should kiss you
his whole face would be red, averting eye contact but still refusing to let go of your hands
he finally lifts his head to look at your face and oh no you’re so pretty and cute and perfect aaaaand he’s blushing again
but he slowly gets the hang of things and kisses you again more properly and confident this time, putting his hands around your waist
run your fingers through his hair while you’re smooching and he will melt đŸ˜©
big fan of body kisses; shoulders, hands, foreheads, you name it
he will ask for a kiss in nonverbal ways, like hugging you from behind and draping himself over you
if he’s playing a game and beat a level/boss, he’ll just turn and look at you, asking silently for a reward
please give it to him đŸ„ș
Oikawa Tooru
a first kiss with tooru would be intimate and tender, but not too serious
he would try to make it as perfect as possible, creating a romantic atmosphere and making sure you’re alone
caressing your face with one hand and the other holding yours, he leans in slowly

only to be interrupted by his phone ringing, the one thing he forgot to address in his master plan 😭
poor guy would probably be so embarrassed, just laugh it off and tell him it’s okay and he’ll fall in love with you even more
you can practically feel the smile on his lips when you kiss him for the first time, he can’t help himself from smiling because he is completely smitten đŸ„°
immediately pulls you in for a hug, squishing your face against his chest so you can’t see how red his face is
later he’ll fuss at iwaizumi for calling him (to which he responds “you shoulda just muted your phone dumbass how is that my fault”)
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alonezz · 2 years
“hello ! in an angsty mood this tuesday so was wondering if i could request the aot girls when you’re in the hospital ? either for injury or illness, your call. thank you !!!”
saw this request and i kid u not its so adorable, may i request that but yelena verssionđŸ„ș❀thank u❀
hi friend! of course! <3
warning: injury (car crash), not proofread.
Yelena x injured reader
- You are all Yelena has, so she worries a lot about you constantly. When she gets the news that you are in the hospital her heart drops. She will probably panic slightly but try to keep calm for you.
- Yelena will also scold you for being so careless and getting hurt. She will be a little angry at you but it will fade quickly once she realizes she should just be thankful you are alive.
- She will take care of you for as long as she has to, reminding you to take medication, helping you with tasks you can’t do anymore and changing your bandages.
You open your eyes, grimacing at the bright light. Your entire body hurts, and you groan as you remember the events from last night. How you had crashed your new car thanks to the icy roads. A heavy weight is on your leg and you sigh in relief at the sight of your girlfriend peacefully sleeping. Her cheek is pressed against your thigh, her relaxed face facing towards you.
Your hands unconsciously make its way to her soft, golden locks and you thread your fingers through her hair caressing her scalp. Her eyes open slowly and a smile makes its way to her lips.
Your hands keep scratching her scalp, and she leans into your touch.
“How are you feeling?” she mumbles her hand resting on your stomach. She rubs the bandaged area gently.
“hurts,” you mutter in a raspy voice and she frowns lifting her head up, she squeezes your knee before reaching for the cup of water next to you.
Yelena places the cup to your lips encouraging you to take a small sip of water.  Her thumb wipes the water from the corner of your lips and her soft lips press against the skin right after.
“You have to be more careful,” she breathes against your cheek, her hand returning to your bandaged stomach.
“I will,” she stands up towering over you and she leans down pressing her lips to your forehead.
“Scoot,” she mumbles while climbing into the bed next to you. Her arms quickly pull your head towards her chest and she holds your waist. You can hear her heartbeat and her hands move up and down your sides softly.
"How is my car?” you suddenly remember frowning slightly.
“totaled,” she mumbles sadly. “But I don’t want you driving around anymore, ‘s too dangerous, I will hire a driver for you, okay?” you nod against her chest and she kisses your forehead.
“You scared the shit out of me princess, don’t do that again,” she says, her voice shaking slightly and you look up to see her glassy eyes looking down at yours.
“I won’t,” you press a soft kiss to her lips, a promise that you will be more careful.
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periwnklblu · 3 years
i loved p2 to make it right đŸ„ș i think its so healthy for them to grow apart so they can be stronger together ugh its so great to see đŸ˜€ i was hoping to request for my sweet boy sakusa, maybe a drabble of him planning a date super hard but it ends up being a disaster, like everything that could go wrong went wrong but the reader still has a good time anyway hehe idk im in a soft mood rn but if u dont want to no stress!! have a great day/night:)))
ahh tysm i literally did a little happy dance when I first saw this đŸ„șthis request was so cute, I'm sorry I took so long in writing it. i hope you like it and ty again
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sakusa x gn! reader
warnings: none just soft fluff, a few curse words and a Sakusa who is trying his best. maybe slight ooc sakusa?
everything italicized is a flashback, normal font is present.
feedback is much appreciated <3
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Komori felt odd when he first woke up this morning. There was just an air to this Monday morning that made him feel like something was off, almost as if he were forgetting something. He spent the entire morning walk to school racking his brain, trying to remember what was so special about today. It wasn’t until he waltzed into his homeroom and found his cousin uncharacteristically laying his head against the desk in defeat that a light bulb went off in his head; Kiyoomi had his first date with y/n last night.
Judging by his body language, along with the “go away” Komori receives from his cousin in response to his cheery good morning, the libero was willing to bet that the date did not go according to plan.
“I take it the date didn’t go too well?” Komori treads delicately as he settles into the desk next to the brooding Sakusa.
“No, not exactly”
“Even after all your extensive planning? I mean, you literally had a plan a, b, and c for incase something went wrong. It was color coded and everything! Nothing that is planned with color coded highlighters and bullet points can possibly go wrong” Motoya explains in a matter-of-fact way.
“Well, it didn’t go to plan. Literally any of the plans” the ace finally lifts his head up, revealing a red spot on his forehead from where he was placing pressure. Komori laughs at his cousin's angry expression until the ace sends him a look that sends shivers up his spine. Even though his face was mostly covered by a mask, Kiyoomi’s glares still made Komori just slightly scared for his life.
“So tell me,” Komori gets comfortable in his seat, getting comfortable as if preparing for a great story time. “what went wrong?”
“Everything” Sakusa deadpans.
“It couldn’t have been that bad?”
“It wasn’t bad per se,” Sakusa pauses to sigh before continuing. “The date was fine, I guess. They didn’t seem upset or anything. But all my plans went to hell”
“Well, what happened?” Motoya impatiently asks, eager to know what has gotten the usually stoic Sakusa all emo.
“It all started when I got onto the train to meet up with them, and the train station was ridiculously full. Not only was it overcrowded, but some kid accidentally spilled his soda all over me. And of course, this happened right as I was getting off the train”
Sakusa pauses his rant before turning himself more towards his relative. This is how Komori knew the real story was just getting started.
“Just as I was about to text y/n that I was going to be late so I could change, they happened to spot me somehow in that train station. And of course, they’re a perfect being so they don’t mind that I look like I pissed myself. But I mind. So I tried getting them to just wait for me while I go home to change, but you know y/n. They’re stubborn as ever. So, we go back to my place together”
“Oh?” Komori wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “You and your crush go back to your empty house together. I see, I see.” he strokes his imaginary beard inquisitively.
“Don’t even start” the ace rolls his eyes. “The entire way there, I’m not only embarrassed because of the stain on my clothes, but I’m also freaked out that we’re squished so close together”.
“How close?” Komori nosely inquires.
“Very close”
“Like too close?”
“No, not too close. I-I mean yeah kinda, their butt was pressed up to my d- why am I telling you this?!” Sakusa’s blush creeps up his face behind the mask. But even without being able to physically see it, Komori knows his cousin is flustered.
“Because we’re family. But fine, get on with the story” Komori makes a hand motion to continue.
“Whatever, I’m glad my misery is entertaining to you”
“Very much so”
“So we finally got back to my place and of course this happens to be the rare time that both of my parents are home. They’re obviously surprised that I brought someone home, but the worst part is they weren’t even mad that I was trying to bring someone over with nobody else home. In fact, they got excited, too excited”
“In the two minutes it took me to change out of my clothes, they had y/n sandwiched between them on the couch as they brought out all these scrapbooks with a bunch of embarrassing pictures from when I was younger. I honestly didn’t even know they had those pictures!” Sakusa shudders as he recalls the horror he felt when he emerged from his room just to find you giggling along with his parents at a photo album that was foreign to him.
When he finally looked over your shoulder and saw the photo you were stuck on, he all but stopped breathing. There he was, four year old Kiyoomi with a red tear stained face and snot dripping from his nose as he tried his best to not tremble next to the giant creepy mouse animatronic. He never has been a fan of Chuck E. Cheese's.
“That’s rough dude” Komori laughs, earning another glare from the red tinted Sakusa. "I remember that birthday too. Those animals had you messed up"
“Whatever, Afterwards, we finally took the train back to the cafĂ© I had planned from the beginning. It’s just my luck that as we’re walking there, it starts to rain really hard”
“You just can’t seem to catch a break huh”
“You have no idea” Sakusa sighs out.
“We start running to the cafĂ© and in the process they grab onto my hand. Except I’m pretty sure my hands were sweaty from being around them. So I tried taking my hand away but then they looked so offended when I did that that I had to suck it up and hold their hand again. Sweat and all”
“Wait, wait, wait” Komori sits up from his previously lax position. “So not only is the great Sakusa Kiyoomi nervous about something, or rather someone, but the germaphobe also holds hands with someone before they have a chance to wash it? You really are whipped for them”
“Whatever, it was just in the heat of the moment” he says, his ear growing hot.
“When we finally get to the cafĂ©, everything seems back on track. You remember plan a, bullet point three, green section? Where I was going to ask them whether they wanted to, y’know, come to our next game? Well just my fucking luck because as I was asking them, one of their old childhood friends sees them and decided they want to catch up. At that moment, at our table.
Sakusa had just returned back to the table where he had left Y/n alone as he went to pick up their drinks and pastries. Kiyoomi was finally feeling a sense of relief, partly due to being back on track but also because he was going to drink his latte and hopefully warm up from the still pelting rain. His head was already running through possible ways to ask y/n out to their game the following weekend. That is until his bubble burst when he saw some strange person sitting in his spot, talking y/n’s ear off as they just politely nod along. The stranger doesn't seem to catch onto the apologetic tone y/n uses when introducing the two guys to each other.
“y/n is too polite to say anything to this random stranger who probably doesn’t wash their hands thoroughly, so he sits with us for the rest of the date. And no, I'm not exaggerating” the frustrated ace rolls his eyes.
Some deity must have been looking out for Sakusa and graced him with patience he’s never had before. Sakusa managed to sit through the entire hour-long discussion between y/n and their old friend, who Saksua later found out that they were never very close to even in their childhood. This only silently enraged him more.
Once the rain cleared up and the date crasher left, Sakusa checked his phone to see how much longer they had together, only to realize that it was time for Y/n to head back home. He does his best to not sound disappointed when he vocalizes this observation, but he was not the thespian he believed to be. Y/n caught on to his mood change and slid their fingers through slightly sweaty ones. They follow up by asking him if he could walk them back home, to which he agrees but with a slight pout on his lips. Not that he didn't want to walk you home, but more so that he spent the majority of the date dealing with his mistakes and not really getting to be with you alone. Nevertheless, Sakusa lightly squeezes their interlaced hand before beginning the trek back to their house. The two finally manage to enjoy each other's company as they breath in the post-rain air and overlook the sun that was setting over the horizon. The sky is painted in beautiful shades of orange and purple that will forever remind Sakusa of you; too perfect to ever be replicated in all its vibrant shades and hues. Unbeknownst to each other, y/n was enjoying every moment with him. They take the long way home while Sakusa purposely slowed down his usually fast walking pace, both trying to relish in every moment together.
“Did you two kiss
“N-no. I mean, it was barely our first date and even if I was thinking about i-it, their brother opens the door before I could even try to”. The ace rested his head on the palm of his hand and looks out the window in disappointment.
The moment was there, when they finally arrived at y/n’s front door. The neighborhood silent, the wind lightly breezing through as the moon illuminated the two lovers in a way a street lamp could never. Eyes twinkling for each other and each other only as their hands remained interlocked.
"I really had fun today Sakusa, thank you. This walk was really nice too, I don't think I'll ever be able to not think about you whenever I walk down this path again" they smile a smile to beautiful that Sakusa almost forgot to respond. For a minute there, he forgot he was speaking to another person, and not a painting from the romanticism era.
"well maybe I'll just have to be here whenever you take this path again. so you don't have to miss me" he softly says, zipping up their jacket as a cool breeze rushes by them.
"Maybe you're right. This will jut have to be our journey and our journey only" In that moment, gravity seemed to work in Sakusa’s favor as it drew in their faces close. Right as their eyes were fluttering shut and their lips were mere millimeters from another, the front door swung open with aggression as y/n's older brother loudly announced it was now the end of their date.
“So you mean to tell me that after all you went through in that single day, you still didn’t get a kiss from them? Not even on the cheek?!” Sakusa solemnly shakes his head while Komori groans loudly, receiving side glances from the other students that were beginning to file in for class.
“Damn. That really is a bad date. Maybe you should go back to laying your head down” Komori sympathetically suggests. If he went through a date as traumatizing as that, he doesn’t even think he’d be able to show up to school the next day. In his eyes, Sakusa Kiyoomi was a brave man.
“I think I will, wake me up if there’s anything important-”
“Uh good morning Kiyoomi-kun!!” as if he were being risen from the dead, the curly haired spiker eyes light up as he raises his head and turns to the source of the angelic voice; you.
“G-good morning, y/n-san”
“Hi y/n!” Komori interjects.
“Hey Komori. Uh Omi-kun, can I have a moment real quick with you?”
“Sure” he says, his chair making a scraping noise as he stands up and follows his crush out to the nearly empty hallway.
“I’m gonna make this quick since class is about to start but-” and with no other words, y/n pulls down sakusa’s mask and presses their lips onto his. If it weren’t for the fact that he was caught off guard, he would’ve deepened the kiss by holding their face with both his hands. Or maybe by resting one at the nape of their neck. Perhaps a a hand on their waist? Anything for this moment to last longer.
“I had a lot of fun yesterday” they say, slightly out of breath after parting from Sakusa’s lips. “I know it didn’t go all to plan, and I’m sorry about the rain. And my old friend. And then my brother. But I really did have a lot of fun!”
“You don’t have to lie to me y/n. It was a bad first date”
“What? No, no, no, I had a lot of fun! Why would you say that? ” they ask with slight hurt in their voice
“Because I was late, and then we had to go back and fourth and god, my parents! Those pictures were so embarrassing, please do me a favor and forget all about them. Plus the rain and then we ran out of time and just, I'm sorry” he lets out.
y/n says nothing as they grab both his hands and hold them together in their grasp. They rub gentle circles over his knuckles before starting up again
“Well, I don’t typically meet the parents on the first date but it was still cute so I will never forget those pictures. And even though we were all over the place, I didn’t mind at all. Because I enjoy being with you, Kiyoomi. Even if it’s the most boring task on the earth, I don’t mind doing it as long as I’m with you”
Sakusa stands there at a loss for words while the two of you stare into each other’s eyes for what felt like forever, but in reality was just a few seconds. The bell can be heard chiming in the distance, signaling that class was about to start for the day but neither of you budge.
“Well, I gotta go. Don’t want to be late to class, but I’ll see you later?” y/n finally breaks the pause after seeing the doubt that was swirling in his eyes disappear.
“Y-yeah” Sakusa agrees as Y/n dreadfully lets go of his much larger hands. Just as they turn around and make their way to their homeroom, Sakusa feels the same rush of adrenaline he does whenever he spikes a winning ball.
“y/n!” he calls out and right as you turn around, he is now the one to capture your lips in a surprise kiss. It lasts maybe a moment or two but in those seconds, Sakusa memorizes the feeling of your lips and has it ingrained into his brain. If he could, he would spend the rest of the day kissing you.
“This Friday, I have a game. Think you can make it?” he boldly asks, ignoring the second warning bell.
“O-of course. I’ll be there! And I promise this time without childhood friends or protective older brothers”
“Good '' Sakusa smiles just as Komori violently opens the door to rush Sakusa in before the teacher arrives. He reluctantly steps away from you as you offer him one last smile before the door gets slammed shut and the day begins.
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mammonprotectionsquad · 3 years
Imagine mammon being a little chubby.. just a tiny bit soft in the tummy. Imagine telling him how handsome he is anyway and watching him fluster. đŸ„ș
Okay, so uh... This turned more into something about comforting Mammon, instead of really making him flustered? I hope that's still okay and you like it anyway 😅
Oh! And I'd like to generally add that all my Obey Me stuff is always GN, unless stated otherwise :3
Comforting a slightly chubby Mammon
You are just on your way to the library, when you pass Mammon's room. But what you see out of the corner of your eye makes you frown and you take a couple steps back again to get a better look.
He stands in front of the mirror, shirt lifted up and his fingers poking and pinching his stomach. All while he looks rather beat, which is an expression you absolutely hate seeing on him.
Without really thinking about your actions, you walk up behind him, arms snaking around his waist. "What are you doing there, babe?"
He yelps and tries to quickly pull his shirt back down, though since he's already in your arms, all he really ends up doing is covering your hands with the fabric. "I-I ain't doing anythin'! But damn you nearly gave me a heart attack...", he stammers. "Now could ya let go of me?"
As much as him getting easily scared by you randomly showing up normally amused you, the entire situation just seems off. You are convinced you didn't hallucinate him poking himself. And you know what that usually means.
Aka, you decide to stay insistent, find out if your suspicion is actually correct. "Mhm... Nope. Not until you tell me what's wrong~", you hum, followed by a kiss dropped to his shoulder. "You know that whatever you tell me, it'll stay between us, if that's what you want, right?"
He stays completely quiet for a moment and does his absolute best to avoid your gaze. Meanwhile you're waiting patiently. If he should decide to talk to you? Awesome! Because that makes it easier to try and comfort him. But if he decides against telling you? You wouldn't push him. "The others said I got fat..." he mutters eventually, though still looks to the side.
You blink. And blink again. "They said what?" Instinctively your hands move to rest right on top of his belly and you can feel him tense up. That alone makes anger flare up in you for how much everyone always picks on him. Though that's something to deal with later. The most important thing is comforting Mammon now.
"If I get fat, I ain't gonna get modeling jobs anymore and people are gonna think I'm-"
"I'm gonna stop you right there", you interrupt, at the same time planting yourself in front of him and grabbing his face, so he has to look at you. "You think gaining weight is gonna make you unattractive?"
He only nods, lips pressed into a thin line. "Mammon... It doesn't matter if you gained a little weight or not. A little bit of squish isn't a bad thing. Tell me. If I gained weight, no matter how much, would you think that makes me unattractive?"
"Wha'? Why are ya gettin' all ridiculous now? Of course I wouldn't!", he sounds nearly offended as he frowns at you.
"See. And neither is this", you push a hand back under his shirt to brush your fingertips over his stomach, "making you unattractive. You are still, and will always be the most handsome demon existing. And yes, I'm saying you're better looking than Asmo", you add chuckling in an attempt to lighten the mood a bit.
"You could give Aphrodite a run for her money, if you ask me." Running your fingers through his hair, you shuffle a bit closer, pressing loving kisses to his neck and jawline, until you eventually end up just showering his face in kisses.
"Doesn't matter if you have some squish or not. You're my first demon, my favorite and you'll never fail to knock me off my feet with how gorgeous and amazing you are. In and out."
Mammon stays quiet again and for a moment you're worried that he's doubting the sincerity of your words. But when you pull back a bit, you're able to see that his entire face went beet red and he's fumbling with the hem of your shirt. Eyes darting around the room, spluttering a little and it takes him a handful of attempts to get actual words out. "Ya... Ya actually mean it, right? You ain't just sayin' that to make me feel better?"
"Of course I mean it. Have I ever lied to you?", you smile, gently grabbing his chin between your thumb and index finger to make him look at you again.
Though before you're able to do or say anything else, he's suddenly closing the distance, surprising you with a kiss that's a little clumsy, but sweet nonetheless.
"Thank you."
"Not for that, handsome... You feeling a bit better now?"
When he nods, you begin to smile widely and just pull him in for another kiss. When you offer some cuddles, there's no hesitation on his side and you two curl up in bed together.
With his head resting on your chest, your hands playing with his hair and every now and then you slip in a reminder of how much you love him. No matter how his appearance might change.
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@the-purpleblushh @sweeneyblue1
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anzynai · 3 years
hey shawty bae, write something for lee scaramouche pwease pwease with a cherry on top đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„¶đŸ„șđŸ„ș ler can be whoever you want 💕
Melodic Sounds
(Scaramouche x Kazuha)
a/n: my first request since i reopened them finished! ahh i love kazuscara so much, it has to be one of my favorites! but “anon”, you are weird asf like what if i don’t want cherries on top? what if i want strawberries? you should know my tastes better BUT since i’m nice, guess what? i did your request anyway so.. enjoy (or else)~ ALSO, IF YOURE NOT THIS ANON I HOPE YOU HABE A WONDERFUL DAY AND I HOPE YOU LIKE MY FIC <3
word count: 1.4k
summary: scaramouche didn’t have the best day so he decides to annoy his boyfriend.
Most evenings, Kazuha would play a song on his leaf instrument. And most evenings, Scaramouche would be uncharacteristically quiet and jus listen. Kazuha was an extraordinary musician, and the harbinger enjoyed listening to him play. Especially knowing he was Kazuha’s only audience and he only played for him, it made Scaramouche feel special and loved.
But some nights, when Scaramouche has a bad day and he would refuse to talk about it, he would express his anger through more.. interruptive ways. It could be random, the harbinger was quite unpredictable. Some days he could be loudly chewing his food, or tapping his foot on the ground too hard that Kazuha loses his tune, or some more childish ways include teasingly poking and tickling his boyfriend. Today was one of those nights, where Scaramouche was in a rotten mood and was sure to let Kazuha know.
When Kazuha was about a quarter into the song, Scaramouche decided to poke Kazuha in the side, causing the leaf whistle to suddenly pipe up an octave. Kazuha shot him an unamused and unsurprised glance but all Scaramouche did was smirk. Kazuha just rolled his eyes, putting the whistle back to his lips.
And yet, right as he was about to take a deep breath, Scaramouche scribbled at his side again. Kazuha jumped, clamping his arms to his sides and let out a gasp.
” Kazuha mumbled, as Scaramouche pulled his hand away innocently.
“I’m not doing anything.” He spoke, expressionless, though, he was trying to keep the amused smile from appearing on his face. Anywhere else, it wouldn’t be difficult at all but he found that he could rarely ever hide his true emotions from his lover, and if he could, it proved to be quite tricky. “Come on, aren’t you going to continue playing?”
“Are you going to stop interrupting?” Scaramouche didn’t say anything and although Kazuha didn’t believe he would stop his antics, he continued anyway. He picked up where he left off, Scaramouche barely listened, just waiting for Kazuha to let his guard down.
It didn’t take too long, Scaramouche was surprised. Normally, his boyfriend wouldn’t be so relaxed so easily. He also would have been more suspicious if he had thought on it a little more. Scaramouche didn’t mind, though, a small grin creeping onto his face as he lifted his hand, bringing it closer and closer to Kazuha’s sensitive skin before
 Kazuha caught his hand before he had a chance to react.
“Did you really think I’d let my guard down so easily, Scaramouche?” Kazuha spoke, a calm expression planted on his face.
“It’s always too easy. You’re too ticklish.” Scaramouche half-heartedly snapped. He couldn’t help but give a snarky response back. Within a few seconds, he learned that he would regret his words when his boyfriend tackled him back, so he was laying on his back. He pinned his arms above his head, almost too easily.
“Too easy? And what about you?” Kazuha had a smug expression on his face that Scaramouche did not like one bit. Although, he wasn’t sure that mattered much because there was a lot about the situation he didn’t like. He had been dating Kazuha for years but was still hesitant about being so.. vulnerable, weak, and flustered around him.
He didn’t have much time to think about it because his boyfriend had already brought his free hand to Scaramouche’s side, just resting it there and letting Scaramouche’s nerves flare up a notch. Still, he tried to hide his flustered state, turning his head away from Kazuha and hiding his face in his shoulder.
“What about me? I’m not ticklish.” Scaramouche denied. He would have been crossing his arms if he wasn’t pinned to the bed.
“Scara, you and I both know that’s not true.” Yet, Scaramouche didn’t relent, just turning his head further. Kazuha sighed, hopelessly. “Shall I prove you wrong, then?” No response.
Kazuha slowly lifted his hand, which was laying on Scaramouche’s side, curling it downward and teasingly wiggling his fingers. Scaramouche tried to hide the growing blush on his face and an unwilling smile, but Kazuha’s expression told him his efforts were fruitless and he had definitely noticed. When Kazuha’s fingers finally touched Scaramouche’s side, Scaramouche began squirming, against his control, no matter how much he tried to stop it. This isn’t the first time Kazuha had tickled him, but it was embarrassing all the same.
“You say you’re not ticklish but you have very similar reactions to a ticklish person.”
“S-shuhut up!” Scaramouche retorted, biting his lip in a poor attempt to contain the laughter bubbling up from the back of his throat. He knew he wasn’t going to keep his act up for long, but he’d be caught dead before he ever admitted it.
When Kazuha started poking and prodding at his lower body, like his hips and his thighs, he found it was a lot more difficult. He even surprised himself that he still hadn’t cracked.
But of course, when his boyfriend skittered his fingers across the area right above Scaramouche’s knee, he let out a squeal and kicked his legs out before he could even attempt to hide it. Once the first few giggles left his throat, he couldn’t stop, unable to find the willpower to conceal his reactions again.
“Y-youhuhu jeheherk! Stahahap thahahat! You’re sohoho a-annohohoying!” Scaramouche spat out, noticing the way Kazuha’s face had visibly gotten brighter which was a very clear sign that he was enjoying it way more than Scaramouche was.
“I love your laugh, Scara. It’s so melodic I could fall asleep to it.” Scaramouche did not like the way he felt his face heat up upon listening to that phrase. Scaramouche hated his laugh, it sounded so loud and so obnoxious.
“Nohohoho, it’s nahahat!” Scaramouche shook his head, still trying to fight Kazuha’s strong grip. “I h-hATE IHIHIT!” Kazuha made a show of frowning at that.
“I guess I’ll have to show you how beautiful your laughter sounds.” Kazuha sighed, as he began squeezing his knee instead of the scribbling motions he used earlier, letting go of the hand he was using to pin Scaramouche down. It took Scaramouche a moment to realize, but when he did, he took one hand to cover his mouth and the other weakly pushed against Kazuha’s nimble fingers.
“KahahAZUHAHA! PLEhehease!” Scaramouche tried saying, but realized it was more muffled to be comprehensible. Kazuha also noticed the more muffled laughter, shaking his head.
“Let me hear your laughter, Scara. Please?” He lessened the intensity of his tickle attack, allowing Scaramouche to speak. Scaramouche looked at his boyfriend, who seemed genuinely worried he pushed him too far.
” Scaramouche relented, giving up on trying to escape. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t handle it. He was just, a little embarrassed is all. But then again, it’s Kazuha. They had been dating for almost two years and he trusted Kazuha with his life. It’s a small price to pay to make his boyfriend happy. Scaramouche smiled at the way Kazuha’s mood instantly lifted.
Kazuha started from square one, squeezing and kneading at Scaramouche’s sides as Scaramouche instantly bursted into carefree giggles, not bothering to try and hide it like he had been earlier.
“I don’t know why you dislike your laugh so much but I find it quite mesmerizing.” Scaramouche didn’t say anything but he shook his head again in denial. “Tell me your laugh is beautiful, Scara. I think it is and you should too.”
Scaramouche still didn’t say anything, too busy laughing his head off. Scaramouche’s laughter raised an octave when Kazuha began trailing off to his lower body again. This time, though, he didn’t try for his hips or thighs, although those were still pretty ticklish but right to his knees.
“W-wAhAHAHA KAHAHAZ!” Scaramouche shrieked, already half-regretting his decision. “nOHOHO M-MoREEHEHE!” He expected Kazuha to stop right then, but Kazuha wanted to do one last thing.
“Say your laugh is beautiful and I’ll stop.” Kazuha said and Scaramouche’s eyes widened, already feeling his face turn a new shade of red.
“W-WHAHAHAT?!” Scaramouche squealed, unsure he had heard him correctly.
“Tell me how beautiful your laugh is.” Kazuha repeated, kneading an especially sensitive part above his knee.
“O-OKAHAHAY OKAY! MY LAHAHAUGH IS BEAHAUTIFUHUHL! N-nOW STahAP!” And so Kazuha did, finally giving Scaramouche time to breathe, his face as red as Jueyun chili.
“Your laugh really is adorable, even if you don’t seem to think so.” Kazuha insisted, again. Scaramouche grumbled, hiding his face in the pillow.
“Fine! If you won’t change your mind, so be it!” Scaramouche huffed, waving his hand dismissively in the air. He was grateful that his face was still in the pillow because otherwise, Kazuha definitely would have noticed the smile creeping up onto his face. Even if the way he was being “cheered up” involved him screaming and thrashing like a maniac, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a lot better.
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festive · 2 years
Since i cant fall asleep anyway, here the reasons why Bokuto is absolutely a lovely boyfriend.
1. Bokuto's partner can NEVER feel insecure with him, he loves to love, and he is always showing affection in some kind of way, be it with his touches or his words or his acts.
Even if you are not good at explaining things, he will get you and he will make you feel the most loved!
2. Life is always fun with him, sure he does have his emo moods here and then but they dont last long when you are around, akaashi sometimes uses you to make bokutos mood lift up tbh
And i know a lot of people think that him often getting in the emo moods and us trying to always cheer him up is not exactly healthy (and from a pov, it really isnt) but Bokuto is not a kid, not anymore. He knows his limits and understands when to stop his childish acts.
3. Again, he is NOT a kid, him being a himbo is a funny theory and ngl i also think that, but he is not immature, not in the bad way atleast. He takes care of you when you are tired or unhappy, i think his love language of giving is physical touch and words if affirmation, so if you are having a bad day, be prepared to be cuddled bY Kotarou ALL DAY!!
4. Fights with him can be a hassle, he is a little childish and stubborn, but he loves you more than the stupid fights, so he cant just get mad at you for little things; and when he does , he cant stay mad for too long since he is the first one missing you and asking for you!
5. Protects you from absolutely everything! No one can make off handed comments about you, nor can they look at you weird, or they are getting their ass whooped!!
6. His cock big and kink size go brrr
yEAAAAA thanks for feeding me oh my god I love bokuto so much đŸ„ș
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