#but samuel loves to be dominated
wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Reader telling off and piquing Sammy’s interest pls
Roll up roll up, time for Samuel's degradation hours. Er... so you know how I said I don't really do NSFW? This is a little steamy. Just a touch. A tad.
This is the first time I've even tried to write NSFW, IT ALL JUST CAME OUT (that's what she said). I am so so sorry if this is completely off the mark of what you asked!
Samuel Seo x Reader: Degradation
A little NSFW
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You've been a thorn in Samuel's side for the last couple months. A VVIP along with strict instructions from Eugene to show the best Worker's hospitality.
Too bad you are at each other's throat from the moment you walk in.
"This thug is the president?"
Samuel wears one of his closed-eye smiles, especially prepared for the likes of someone like you. He lets your words wash over him, "All the better to look after you while on Worker's grounds, Y/N."
"Y/N? A bit familiar are we?"
"Sorry ma'am," he forces himself to bow.
Samuel dismisses you as another worthless rich daddy's girl, fed full with silver spoonfuls of nepotism.
"This is what you do all the time? Pointless meetings and admin?"
"That's how C-suites at my level operate. Maybe this is useful work experience for you." He eyes you lying lazily on his office sofa. He can't find any errors with his initial judgement of you.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Just that it might be useful for you to see how the way of the world works "
As the weeks fly by, your distaste for each other only grows.
"The president of the affiliates following me around like a dog. Don't you have anything better to do?" You round on him in a quiet corridor, digging your nail into his chest.
Samuel grabs a hold of your hand, "I only babysit those that are unable to take care of themselves."
Your face is inches away from his, "How dare you speak to me that way."
Samuel leans in close, murmuring in your ear, "I will speak to you however I want."
"I can't believe Eugene has partnered me with someone as useless as you,"
Samuel lowers himself to look you straight in the eye and baring his fangs, "Maybe you haven't shown your usefulness."
Each run in with you leaves him more and more heated.
Sometimes at night, Samuel would dream of ways to shut you up. Your mouth only screaming streams of unintelligble words and moans as he uses and abuses you.
In reality or fantasies, the way you look at him stays the same. Eyes full of revulsion and loathing. He prefers it that way.
You are exceptionally vexing and distracting one evening. Taking up your usual position, lounging on the office sofa as he works towards a deadline behind the desk.
You could have left a while ago, but something about making Samuel's life harder spurs you on.
"Enough, Y/N." Samuel has heard enough of your garbage. "I hear you need Workers as much as we need you."
"Excuse me?"
"So why don't you be a good little girl and behave."
Samuel watches you out of the corner of his eye, striding towards him with purpose. You slam your hands down on either side of his chair.
"Would you like to check your previous statement with Eugene? Because we sure don't need your little company."
"That's not what my sources-"
"I don't care what your sources say. If I walk away now, you and the whole of Workers is fucked."
"You should really do your due diligence." He doesn't respond. You know you've got him against the wall.
You lean close.
"You can't touch a hair on my pretty little head, President Seo." You have never addressed him this way before, but fuck if Samuel doesn't feel his body flush at how the words sound coming out of you.
"You can't touch me at all." Samuel's eyes flicker down to your lips.
"And I can do whatever I want." You don't miss the way his eyes rove all over you. You think of a new way to domesticate this wild dog.
"Do you feel like a big man walking around as president? With all these little ants below you?" Samuel feels himself being pulled forward as you twirl his tie around your finger.
Usually he would stop this, but tonight he finds you aggravating, maddening, intoxicating.
"Did you pick out your glasses and style your hair and wear that cologne to impress everyone around you?" His adam's apple bobs as you inhale deeply from his neck, lips almost touching.
"To show how beneath you everyone is?" Feeling the ghost of your breath sends a thrill down Samuel's spine.
"Mr. President, I don't need any of that to show my power." Your tongue darts out for a taste as he releases a shaky breath.
"Let me guess, you rose up from nothing." You walk your talons along his inner thighs, feeling the muscles twitch underneath.
"You made it here and think you can go further." Your hands finally find what they are looking for. You grab onto his hardened length and squeeze.
Samuel represses a whimper, biting his lip to stop any sounds from leaking out. This is humiliating enough as it is. But he is powerless to stop your onslaught.
"You think you have that little badge and meaningless title, and you can speak to me like an equal." Samuel starts to pant as you take his earlobe between your teeth.
Your hand is relentless. You are not gentle.
"You are insignificant. The definition of mediocrity. Pathetic." Fuck. Samuel looks at you with anger and hostility. Never in his fantasies did he think the roles would be reversed, and so goddamn exhilarating. He can't bring himself to make you stop.
"Playing dress up and pretending to be a man?" You backhand him, knocking his glasses askew. Complete desire clouds his eyes.
"When really you're just a disgusting little boy?" Your hand moves even quicker, gripping harder, and Samuel feels his body tense as he draws closer to release.
"Who can barely keep themselves together in the presence of a woman?" You give him another harsh slap, and the cool air stings his cheek.
Finally, he allows himself to groan. Your name slips out unbidden between his lips.
"You will only do as I say, move as I say, think as I say." You suddenly remove your hands and Samuel barely stops himself from whimpering at the loss of friction.
"I own you, and everything around you."
You roughly grab his face, forcing him to refocus on you.
"Now come for me."
Samuel eyes widen equally in pleasure and horror.
The realisation sinks in a split second before anything happens, but there's nothing he can do to stop himself reacting to your words.
You silence his groans with a kiss as he comes undone.
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strslv-4sh · 6 months
I was re-watching some movies and thought
Brightburn but it's Jon Kent
Damian Wayne as Caitlyn Connor or smt
Huh? Huh?
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msclaritea · 3 months
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Congratulations to:
second generation Hollywood insider
a proud member of the Jewish community
and VAULTED member of the Hollywood Gay Mafia, Robert Downey Jr. I'm old enough to remember when he publicly admitted it when he was younger, then pretended later that he didn't.
He survived the test, and got handed the keys to the Kingdom; $300 million dollars richer, even helping smooth the path for Irish thug, Cillian Murphy. I'll never want to see Ironman again, after watching this group of snakes operate. Silicon Valley and the NFL want him back. Can anyone guess as to why?
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fear-is-truth · 1 month
KAI ANDERSON x short!reader
── headcanons
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requested by @ciaraaaxx
warnings: mentions of murder & sex
a/n: the shorter the king / queen the taller the crown (or whatever that means)
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when Kai isn’t being serious and scary, bullying you is his favourite pastime.
because what’d you expect a man to do when he’s not planning world domination? (he’s actually immature af)
if he feels like you’re not giving him enough attention, he would snatch your phone out of your hand and hold it over your head and just out of your reach.
“not my fault you’re vertically challenged”
in these moments, the urge to punch him in the stomach or kick him in the balls is dangerously strong.
calls you “midget” or “short-stack”.
he’s always making mean jokes at your expense.
“i’d call you a good girl but it might not even reach your ears.. it might go over your head,”
“you never ate all your food or went to bed early, huh?”
“you’re so stubborn your body even refused to grow,”
“you’re so fucking short… how about i put a few inches in you?”
once, at the drive-thru, Kai ordered you a Happy Meal, complete with a plastic toy, while the rest of the cult got regular burgers. because you had an argument earlier and this was his petty revenge.
sometimes, before you go on kill missions, he counts heads and deliberately pretends to not see you. just to be an ass.
“Harrison, Bob, Samuels, Beverly, Winter, Ivy… annnd that’s everyone. All set, remember the plan– wait, hold on…has anyone seen Y/N?”
he gets a kick out of pissing you off.
which motivates you to try extra hard with the murdering part because you imagine stabbing Kai instead of the poor person.
seeing the crazed look in your eyes and the fact that you were covered in blood makes him hard.
drenched in someone else’s blood, you stumbled out of the master bedroom and into the dark hallway. the knife slipped from your fingers and dropped to the carpet-covered floor with a muffled thud. with shaking hands, you reached up and pulled the rubber clown mask from your face, the cool air of the hallway a welcome relief against your flushed skin. the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins only moments before had dwindled away, and you had to lean against the wall for support. seconds later, Kai burst through the doorway. his mask already discarded, revealing his wild, stringy blue hair falling haphazardly in front of his intense eyes. a maniacal smile stretching across his face, he closed the distance between you in two large strides, hand cupping your cheek with a possessive grip as he forced you to look up at him. “you,” he murmured, his voice husky with admiration, “were fucking amazing.” before you could respond, his lips crashed against yours in a passionate kiss, open mouthed, all tongue and teeth and breathy moans.
(he’s gonna put some inches in you… ykwim)
he loves being so much taller than you. every time you crane your neck to look at him, it makes him feel powerful and it fuels his ego not that it needs more inflating
expect a lot of manhandling. he’ll throw you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and march straight to the bedroom whenever he’s in the mood to try and conceive a messiah with you.
he lets you sit on his lap while he pretends it’s no big deal.
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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anticapitalistclown · 2 months
hi clownie, i just wanna ask for a kissing session h.c with Lookism men >< my required characters are Gun, Jake and Sam, and some other characters (your pick) from Allied if possible <333 thank you and i love your work very much <333333
hello! ask all you want <3
Kissing session headcanons with Gun, Jake and Samuel
he's not usually the first to approach, but he would never reject your kisses
when he's with you he's usually relaxed so he just makes you do all
that means you have to approach to him and initiate it, normally it's you sitting on his lap, your hands massaging and tugging at his shoulders, your lips kissing him
it's delicate and chill until he just breaks out of patience and takes the lead, his hands now grabbing your hips, moving you closer to him, he leaning on you and being him the one who kisses you.
when he's the first one to initiate the kiss is because he truly is desperate for your touch, he always craves for you, but when he needs it is when he just initiates it.
he becomes more demanding, grabbing at your chin, making your lips pout just perfect for him to kiss it
when he started dating you is when he found out that you were his safe space, and your kisses really helped him to cheer up, something his past self would think it is ridiculous, yet it is so necessary for his present self.
you can prove it, a kiss from you makes him go from ">:(" to ":D"
when you initiate it, he's more gentle, his hands cup your cheeks, his eyes admire you, just closing them when you reach for a kiss, a smile appearing the moment your lips touch
he turns feral when you trace his scars with tiny pecks, you are kissing his war scars? you appreciate him and his "flaws"? he's putty and all yours.
when he is the one who initiates it he turns more careless, he wants to kiss you in public? he's gonna steal a kiss from you, what are they going to tell him? who has the guts to tell him something?
when in private, he's a bit more aggressive, biting at your lips, grabbing your ass, sucking at your tongue, everything he can do to tease you, he's doing it.
like Gun, he's the least likely of being the one who initiates it, that doesn't mean he does not want you to kiss him.
he knows when you want to kiss him, so the moment you sit at his lap he's already took out his glasses, his hands tracing your hips
before kissing him you tend to run your thumbs around his cheeks then leaning for a kiss
it is when you kiss that he gets dominant, taking the lead, kissing you deeply and passionately, holding you.
there's times when he's the one who initiates it, yet is the same roughness and passion
he initiates it normally when he's drunk or in an adrenaline rush, what changes is that he becomes more playful and mean
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erismerald · 8 months
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 (Samuel Drake x Insecure Fem! Reader) 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈
𝐀/𝐍: Hello my loves! I know I have been some time away and without any kind of inspiration, however this has been a very complicated year for me and I have not been well enough mentally to even be able to read or post anything!!! But luckily I am slowly getting better (because i´ve meet someone who´s inspire me, and tbh he is a lot like Sam) and now I feel a little more inspired and motivated to write!!! I wish you a good read and I would like to remind you that my orders will open in a few days or so feel free to send me something!!!
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: It's amazing how exciting and terrifying living alone can be, during a sleepless night as you think back and rethink the nights others warmed the bed of the person you loved the most, a storm of pleasure hit your door.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Insecure reader, Age gap, Semi-Nsfw (sexual tension is in the air for now eheheh) a huge load of fluff, Drunk Sam
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,517
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Lust is a pleasure bought with pains, a delight hatched with disquiet, a content passed with fear, and a sin finished with sorrow. It's not reprehensible to want something that isn't ours, to desire in the depths of our thoughts something that our heart yearns for, that our body malevolently covets, to be enveloped by the sin that torments our thoughts… during the day it's as if it's just a specter that struts around your heart, but when dusk sets in, this carnal sin dominates every sensation in your body, until the revelry of your hands sliding across your soft skin begins, caressing every centimetre of the core of your body, allowing your thoughts to imagine him in your place… in his most libinous state, such a pure sensation, you begin to imagine his body attached to yours, both in a voluptuous battle to feel more of each other, his lips brushing against your neck and his husky voice a melody to your ears, you imagine his hands pressing you against the mattress, his tongue obscenely tracing its way down between your legs… in the pitch black, you utter his name lovingly like a lover whispering the most lascivious promises, you purr his name, yet your hands caress your core, feeling the wave of pleasure run through every cell of your body… when that pleasure finally sinks in, you open your eyes and feel yourself gasping for breath, and you realise that it was nothing more than your imagination.
You get up calmly from your bed, your body still recovering from the forbidden sensation of pleasure, you see your naked figure in a small worn mirror given to you by the person who kept your mind occupied day and night, quite possibly looted during one of his countless adventures with his companion Sully, and you realise that your face is flushed, ashamed as you remember the previous events, you look away in a struggle to maintain focus, redirect your gaze back to the object and in its reflection observe your nude physique, from your perspective it was no big deal, for many years you hid yourself because you were ashamed of certain features, until you met Samuel Drake, a charming man you were fortunate enough to meet at a conference given by one of your favourite journalists, Elena Fisher. Since then, your friendship and your love for him have intensified, even though you knew that your feelings for him were completely doomed and incorrect… for various reasons: your age difference, your lack of experience in relationships, his lack of interest in you… Sometimes you let your mind wander to the immensity of the women he'd already had and that brought you a feeling of craving… jealousy, but deep down you knew that it was completely impossible for anything to happen between the two of you, he saw you as a godchild, a kid in his eyes… You shook your head in an endeavour to dispel these negative thoughts and focus on what was important at that moment: finishing your college paper, you still had a few days to hand it in but you'd rather get it done before you suffocate yourself with work.
The temperature had dropped over the last few days, you could feel it as you walked barefoot across the cold living room floor of your small flat, your gaze carefully examining the clutter, the abandoned sheets and books in battle, on the living room coffee table, on the desk, even on the kitchen table, you could tell that these last few days had been extremely busy, and a large part of you wanted to finish this work as soon as possible so that you could rest and take a few days for yourself. Contemplating the huge window in front of you, it was raining heavily and the only lights were those of the huge city on the horizon, this kind of weather had been your favourite since you were a child, you slowly made your way through the small room towards the kitchen, a coffee would be your salvation for the night, or so you thought.
The sound of lightning echoed through the sky, hours had passed since you started working, you quickly glanced at the window and the rain had become heavier and steadier, completely distracted by the storm brewing on the horizon, you were surprised by the ringing of the doorbell… you weren't expecting anyone that night… or any other night, but for a moment you felt a wave of anxiety run through your body, who could it be? You walked cautiously to the door and peered through the peephole, holding your breath as you saw who was on the other side… Sam… his wet clothes clinging to his muscular body, his hair in disarray and on closer inspection you noticed that he had a wound on one of his arms and his nose was once again broken… You quickly opened the door, his expression changing from serious to relieved within seconds of seeing you.
"S-Sam? what happened-" your question was interrupted when your bodies came together in an embrace, you could feel his breathing quicken, his body relax as it came into contact with yours, his perfume was intoxicating mixed with the blood that dripped down his arm, his face was hidden in the hollow of your neck and that activated something in your body, a strange warmth travelled through your whole being "S-Sam…?" you asked once more.
"I'm sorry for turning up unannounced, darling, but I didn't have anywhere else to go so I thought I'd pay my dear Y/N a visit." For a few seconds his raspy voice against your neck provoked another feeling, a river of pleasure emerged from between your legs, but you put that thought aside when you smelled the alcohol, he was drunk… and had most likely got into some kind of bar fight. As much as it pained you, you pulled your bodies apart and looked straight into his eyes, you had to take care of him, he needed you right now.
"Come on… Let's take care of you, big guy" he chuckled softly, and with a little effort you managed to get him to the sofa, but when you got there you unbalanced yourself on one of your books and almost fell on top of him "S-sorry, the mess is huge, I've been busy-" your eyes met and you could see amusement in the depths of his eyes, his gaze analysed you calmly from top to bottom, your heart started racing, you could feel his breath close to your lips. … but you quickly pulled away, you knew that look wasn't really directed at you, you knew that because he was drunk he could do and say things that he didn't really feel. "Whilst I get the first aid box, please Sam stay still" you stood up from your position, you heard a snort of laughter coming from him, you could feel that cunning old man smirk
"Your house… your orders love, I promise I'll be quiet" he said as you walked away towards the bathroom, picking up the small white box, you stopped in front of the mirror, you were flushed red, your breathing fast, you couldn't get out of your head the image of him lying on your sofa, his sweatshirt clinging to his body… for a man in his 40s, he's too well preserved… you got lost in your thoughts and only came back when you heard his voice pulling you back to reality "What's up Y/N?" his voice was mesmerising, once again you tried to push those thoughts out of your head, you had to focus on the task at hand.
You quickly return to the living room, Sam was sitting on the sofa going through some of your papers when you arrived. "You've been really busy, huh? Have you had any time to yourself? with so many books around I don't think so" he said as you made room to sit next to him, every touch of your skin, even covered by clothes, made your blood rush through your veins "please can you pull up your sleeve? It's funny that every time we meet I have to look after you and yes I've been busy unfortunately" you sighed opening the box and taking out some of the materials you'll need, he smiled as he took off his shirt, as you turned to him you saw his naked torso in front of you, you automatically got embarrassed and looked away, he saw you blush and smirk, he knew the effect he had on you, the air around you was hot. … you wanted to focus on the task at hand but you couldn't, the sensation of his body close to yours, the heat he emanated… it was like a drug was affecting you, but with a lot of effort you managed to finish bandaging his arm. You felt his gaze intensify on you, those earth-coloured eyes analysing every bit of your skin exposed by the pyjamas you were wearing. Sam had looked at you like that before, but on all those occasions he had been drunk, and in an attempt to divert the subject you asked him how he had got himself into that state.
"Well, I'm in town for a few days, Victor and I think this might be our next clue to an artefact we're looking for, and since I had nothing to do I went for a drink, but I think I pissed someone off by trying to flirt with the barmaid…" he said, leaning back on the sofa. Jealousy… That feeling from earlier again… Anger and insecurity ran through your head, and you weren't even listening to what he was saying anymore, it was as if your mind had focussed on that one detail, it was obtuse to think of him as a lover, let alone be jealous of something that wasn't even yours, but that feeling was consuming you and you only managed to return to reality when you felt his touch on your arm "Hey? are you listening darling?" You immediately looked at him, you could feel tears forming in your eyes and so as to avoid having to deal with questions or the feeling of pity, you got up and walked to the kitchen "I'm going to make some coffee", was the last thing you had said before leaving the room.
You shouldn't feel angry, you shouldn't even desire what isn't yours, but somehow that feeling consumed your whole being, just imagining the women who warmed his bed, the cries of pleasure that came out of their mouths, the touches, the words spoken… everything you couldn't have but wanted, everything you longed to have but once again didn't have… you let your mind wander, until you felt a gentle touch on your shoulder, you looked back and Sam's face seemed somewhat saddened to see you like that, neither of you uttered a single word, but the silence was quite comfortable, but unfortunately you couldn't hold back the tears that you had fought so hard to keep in your eyes, and finally they dripped down from your eyes, wetting your face. Sam stroked your arm first, pulling you closer to him, cutting the space between the two of you, and gently lifted your chin so that your eyes meet, wiping away the tears that were still running down your cheeks with his thumb, without cutting your gaze… inside you were nervous, sad, but the feeling of his caress made you feel at peace with yourself.
"Tell me, dear, what's wrong? You know you can trust me with everything" he whispered in your ear as he pulled you into his arms, the only thing you knew how to do was hide your face in his chest, hugging him tightly… asking the gods that this moment would last forever.
"Sam… I… I know I shouldn't, I know it's not the right thing to do, but I've had feelings for you since the day we met… every time you call me, every time we meet, I wonder when I'll be able to see you next… you've stolen my heart in a way that I can't even express myself…" You said softly, still hiding your face in his body, "I long for something that isn't mine, and I get jealous every time I know that someone else is taking the place that could be mine in your bed… next to you." Saying this out loud was a really difficult task, you didn't want to give in to temptation, but you couldn't bear to let yourself feel this anguish any longer, no matter how much you'd be rejected, you'd rather tell him than hide it. Sam once again grabbed your chin and forced you to look up. The light around you was tenuous, and you could hardly see what was around you, but for mere moments it was just the two of you in that kind of darkness. You felt Sam slowly approaching you, his lips brushed your neck "Do you want me?" he said as he gently kissed your exposed neck "Sam…" you felt his tongue drawing little 's' on your skin "Answer me darling, do you want me?" his lips moved up to your lobe, nibbling, letting out a slight moan, "Y-Yes… " you answered breathlessly, he pulled away, leaving you in the interlude of a forbidden pleasure, your eyes locked once more, one of his hands rested on the side of your face, forcing your lips to be mere millimetres apart, the other slid down your body until it reached your waist, pulling you towards him, claiming you as his.
"My dear Y/N, ever since I laid eyes on you I knew I wanted you… no other woman can fulfil the desire I feel for you… i thought you'd reject me so i didn't go through with it, but god damned, each night i wished it was you whispering my name, that it was you moaning with each thrust, that it was your heart that beat close to mine after we fell on the mattress tired and sweaty from the carnal battle that neither of us had won" and with that he sealed your lips, you felt his tongue asking permission to enter and you gave in, you were both gasping, but the fight didn't stop there. With a simple gesture, the hand that was holding your waist lifted you up onto the stall, forcing both your legs open, where he positioned himself in the middle, his kisses went down to your neck once more and all you could do was moan his name.
"Tell me you want me, darling, beg for me, let me be a priest who worships you, let me make you mine, and only mine…" he said between kisses and caresses, your head was light, the only thing you could hear was the sound of your heart and the pounding rain, but with effort you answered
"Yes… please."
𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝…
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positivegvfthings · 10 months
Yes Ma'am-SFK
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Content warning: Smut (Minors DO NOT Interact), Sub!Sam, pillow princess!Sam, language, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it).
Samuel was a natural flirt, everyone knows this, but tonight you were over it. He had invited you out to this album release party and instead of paying attention to you, he was giving some other woman all of his attention. You were seething in your seat at the bar that Sam left you at. He said he was only going to be away for a couple of minutes so he could talk to the producer but as soon as the producer walked away, some chick was on her way to him hoping to go home with him. You watched as Sam laughed at her jokes and marveled at the way she touched his arm. As the party dwindled down, Sam found his way to your table and rested his hand on your thigh. You brushed his hand off of you and continued your conversation with Josh. Sam tried again to put his hand on your thigh but you turned your body away from him and faced Josh directly. 
“I'm getting tired let’s head home babe” Sam stated, pissed off that he couldn’t touch you. 
“Let me finish my conversation then we can go.” You replied. Your conversation with Josh continued for another ten minutes before you decided that it was time to head home. You bid everyone a farewell and went out to Sam’s Tesla. “I’ll drive,” you told Sam as you pulled the keys from your clutch. Sam begrudgingly got Into the passenger's seat. You took your sweet time adjusting the seat and the mirrors to your specifications before backing out of the parking lot. Sam put his hand on your thigh again but you moved it off of you. 
“Do you think you earned the right to touch me tonight?” You asked. Now that you were in the privacy of your car you flipped the switch to the dominant side that Sam loved. 
“No ma’am” Sam sheepishly replied. 
“Then why do you keep grabbing my thigh?” 
“Because I miss you, I need you,” Sam whined. 
“Were you needing me when you shamelessly flirted with all those women at the party? Or were you thinking of getting your dick wet by whore.” Sam didn’t give you a verbal answer, but you watched him shift uncomfortably in the passenger seat. A visible tent growing in his pants. There was palpable sexual tension in the Tesla for the rest of the drive to the apartment you shared. As soon as you pulled into your parking spot. Sam turned to you and awaited your instructions. “Get on the bed and wait for me. Do not touch yourself. Do you understand?” 
“Yes ma’am” Sam replied and scurried off. You waited in the car for a few minutes before deciding to head inside. You quickly walked up the stairs to your flat before taking a calming breath and opening the door to the apartment. In order to let the anticipation build, you set down your things and poured yourself a glass of red wine before slowly making your way to the bedroom. Sam looked absolutely sinful laying fully naked in your bed. You felt yourself getting wetter just looking at him spread out for you. Slowly you made your way from the doorway to the dresser, where you set your wine glass down and began stripping yourself from your dress. 
“I was prepared to let you devour me tonight” you stated into the air. “But because you decided to be a brat. I have to punish you.” Once your dress and lingerie hit the floor, you began making your way to the bed Sam was sprawled out on. “Now what should your punishment be?” You asked no one in particular. You pondered the question you asked while you teasingly moved your fingers up and down Sam’s upper body. “How many other women did you flirt with tonight?” 
“Two” sam answered desperately. 
“That’s how many times I’m going to edge you pretty boy” you explained. “What’s your safe word?” 
“Red for stop. Yellow for slow down. Green for good” Sam explained. 
“Good boy,” you praised. “What’s your color?”
 “Green.” Sam gritted. You moved your hand from his arm down to his dick and gave him a few pumps. Sam let out a loud moan at your action. You slowly began jerking him off, and eventually built up speed until Sam was a moaning mess for you. “C-close” Sam warned you. You pulled your hand away from him. Sam let out a discontent sigh at your action. You gave Sam a few minutes to calm his breathing before wrapping your lips around his dick.  You blew him with fervor, working him to the edge quickly. “I’m gonna cum” Sam warned you once again. You pulled yourself away from him, and Sam whined once again. 
“Good boy” you praised. Once Sam has calmed down again. You lined his dick up with your entrance. When you were ready, you let yourself relax down onto his dick. “Fuck” Sam moaned out. “You feel so good” after a couple of seconds of letting yourself adjust to him, you began moving up and down on his dick. Sam was once again a moaning mess, and it didn’t take long for either one of you to reach your peak. “Gonna cum” Sam warned you. 
“Do it, baby, show me how good you can be.” You granted permission. After a few more movements from you, you felt Sam spilling his seed into you. You reached your peak at the same time as Sam. Once you both came down from your highs, you moved off of Sam and went into the bathroom to use the toilet and to get a wet rag to clean him up with. “Such a good boy” you praised as you began peppering Sam’s chest with loving kisses and cleaning him up. 
“Thank you love” Sam tiredly responded. Once you were done cleaning Sam up. You threw the dirty rag into the laundry basket and moved to the dresser to grab yourself a pair of pajamas and Sam a pair of boxers. You helped Sam slip into the boxers before dressing yourself and climbing into bed with him 
“I love you,” Sam whispered to you as he laid his head on your chest. 
“I love you too Samuel.” You responded as you brought your hand up to Sam’s long hair to play with it. Soon after your praises of love for each other, Sam fell asleep to the rhythmic sounds of your heartbeat. Soon after Sam fell asleep, you did as well.
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Hey! What books by POC got a majority yes result? I'm interested in reading more by authors of color but when I used the be loathed Tumblr search function the only posts it brought up as tagged 'result: yes' were by white authors. Also, any personal recommendations for sci fi by POC?
hello! don’t mistake the stats — no books by authors of color have gotten a yes result either here or on the fantasy blog, and I don’t think any are likely to at this point (if Jemisin’s The Fifth Season couldn’t do it on the fantasy blog, I highly doubt anything else will); authors of color simply have an average yes percentage here that’s only slightly lower than the average percentage for white authors.
I’m happy to give my own recommendations, though:
any of Samuel R. Delany’s sci-fi. I think Nova is maybe the most approachable starting point (and quite good in its own right), but if you want to jump off the deep end, I think Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand is the greatest science fiction novel ever written; whether or not one agrees with that statement, I think it is pretty unequivocally the most science fiction novel ever written, by which I mean that no other book I’ve encountered or heard of has made such a thorough use of everything science fiction can be and do as Stars.
I also would be remiss to not recommend Octavia E. Butler; I’m personally not a huge fan of her books, but I do think every sci-fi reader should read at least one of them. the Earthseed duology (Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents) is probably most-discussed in recent years because they seem to parallel current developments in US politics, and the Xenogenesis trilogy (first book Dawn) is also considered a classic.
the elements of it that read as (at least potentially) science fiction upon publication now read as fantasy, but if you’re interested in something older, Pauline Hopkins’s Of One Blood, or The Hidden Self is an early work of science fiction/fantasy by a Black writer — it was serialized in 1903. it’s part lost world narrative, part last gasp of (pseudo)scientific mesmerism/animal magnetism theory, part troubled romance (caught up in turn-of-the-century racial politics).
Zainab Amadahy’s novel The Moons of Palmares is a cool (though a little short) novel about a racially diverse mining colony trying to break away from Earth’s capitalist / colonial domination.
I’ve enjoyed several of Aliette de Bodard’s Universe of Xuya books, which are mainly short — I think the first I read was On a Red Station, Drifting, and I also enjoyed The Tea Master and the Detective (even though I often don’t really care for Sherlock Holmes adaptations) and The Citadel of Weeping Pearls.
if you like science fantasy, I loved Jacqueline Koyanagi’s Ascension when I read it back in 2014. it hits a lot of ~found family~ notes that I think would appeal to what people on tumblr (say they) like.
I also would recommend any of Yoon Ha Lee’s books; I think the best starting point for his work is his short story collection Conservation of Shadows, which is incredible and also contains “The Battle of Candle Arc”, which I think is the best intro / preparatory reading for his Machineries of Empire trilogy (first book Ninefox Gambit), which is excellent (though very dark) but can be challenging to get into.
I read and enjoyed a lot of Nnedi Okorafor’s books in the past, although I haven’t read most of her more recent stuff, and I would particularly recommend Lagoon, as well as her short story collection Kabu Kabu, which includes some excellent sci-fi stories, especially “Spider the Artist” (also available online).
if by any chance you read Spanish, I can’t recommend Edmundo Paz Soldán’s Iris highly enough — incredible, deeply fucked-up novel about an anticolonial war in a corporate dystopia somewhere in ambiguously Latin America-slash-Oceania.
also “authors of color” isn’t necessarily the right rubric for these, since he’s Wajin in Japan, but if you like military sci-fi I’ve been really enjoying Tanaka Yoshiki’s Legend of the Galactic Heroes novels, although tragically Tyran Grillo’s translations of the middle novels are very bad.
Masande Ntshanga’s Triangulum was something I’d picked up entirely on spec at a bookstore a few years ago and it absolutely blew me away — I’ve been recommending it to everyone.
if you liked The Locked Tomb and ever found yourself thinking, “what if this decadent space empire ran on sex magic instead of necromancy”, I’d highly recommend Bendi Barrett’s Empire of the Feast
and some other short fiction collections (some with the same caveat re the utility of “POC” as Tanaka Yoshiki):
Gillian Ybabez, Homeward Bound, and other stories includes some sci-fi and some science fantasy, published as part of the now sadly defunct Trans Women Writers Collective booklet series and is still available through its successor, River Furnace.
Ted Chiang, Stories of Your Life and Others (now sometimes titled Arrival)
Hassan Blasim (ed.), Iraq + 100
Basma Ghalayini (ed.), Palestine + 100
Sofia Samatar, Tender  — Samatar is imo the greatest living fantasy author, but this collection is also about 50% sci-fi and she’s just as good at sci-fi.
most of it is realist but I have to mention Leanne Betasamosake Simpson’s This Accident of Being Lost, which has two excellent sci-fi stories (“Big Water” and “Akiden Boreal”); Simpson has imo perfect prose — never a word out of place.
Sunyoung Park and Sang Joon Park (ed.), Readymade Bodhisattva
Michel Jean (ed.), Wapke, which was originally published in French but is apparently now also available in English
it wasn’t all my preferred kind of specfic, but Chelsea Vowel’s Buffalo Is the New Buffalo is worth a read in any case.
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nayialovecat · 8 months
The Ink Demonth 2023 - Day 29. Meat
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Day 29. Meat Crossover: The Addams Family Finally, Bendy has the family he fully deserves and fits into! Joey Drew is so dead at the moment... :] The Addams family are one of the most supportive and helping each other families in pop culture!
I love The Addams Family! I'm a really big fan and so far there hasn't been a series that would discourage me (yes, I watched the latest animations, yes, they are embarrassing in places and don't fully capture the spirit of Addams, but they are not so tragically bad that I would suffer while watching them ). The only thing I haven't seen at least partially yet is theatre performance about The Addams Family. But they've been playing it since November at the Syrena Theater in Warsaw, so maybe I'll go there soon :)
Everyone has or has had some unrealistic patterns or models in their lives that they have tried to equal on. Whether it was the figure or appearance of a model or actress, the perfect boyfriend you want to meet from a TV show, or amazing skills in reality show... I had such an ideal - a perfect marriage. And it was Gomez and Morticia Addams. For me, they are the model of a perfect couple who complement each other perfectly and love each other, and are also really charming separately. Few people remember it, because newer productions have lost it, but in older series Morticia devoted herself to the hobby of growing dangerous and beautiful plants, such as carnivorous plants, poison ivy - and roses (because of the thorns; but she always cut off the flowers). She was also a painter and an excellent fencer (the only one to defeat Gomez in this field). And at the same time a loving and supportive mother and wife. At the same time - an icon of sexuality, charm and grace - simply an ideal woman and for me - an unsurpassed role model. I love her character - and that's why her presentation in these two parts of the newest animation hurts me the most, where they turned her into an anorexic skeleton with a domineering, uncompromising character. What happened to my sensitive and supportive Morticia, who likes to be tortured from time to time? Eh...
I also like Wednesday, Lurch (by the way, until I saw the spelling of his name, I was sure his name was Large), Thing, Fester... well, there's actually no character I don't like. Seriously, I'm a huge fan. So when it turned out that I no longer had room for any Addams-related entry, I was a bit sad. And then I said: hell no! I can eliminate Adventure Time (which pissed me off with the ending of the main plot of the series), move Cult of the Lamb in its place, and in ITS place present Morticia in her natural environment! Of course, feeding raw meat to her beloved Cleopatra. Ta-da!
Style of drawing characters was based primarily on the cartoon from 1992 (Hanna-Barbera studio), but I tried to give them a bit of my own style. If I wasn't pressed for time, I would probably colour this art entirely in shades of gray - but I only have one day left and about 1.5 pictures to colour, so... I'm giving it to you as it is - and I think it's great anyway.
Bendy and the Ink Machine (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc. The Addams Family (c) Charles Samuel Addams Sammy and the Ink Machine (c) Nayia Lovecat
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lxlith-aftxn-cos · 8 months
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Honestly, it makes me so upset that Samuel Roukin's stream was filled with people saying the most nasty things about him in the chat. Ghost's voice actor, Samuel, was doing a print signing stream on his Instagram. Meanwhile, some people are saying, "I want him to vi0lat3 me." And "I want to sniff his toes." Saying that you want him to vi0lat3 you can make him very uncomfortable and no wonder why he doesn't use Tiktok. Good God.
He sounds so happy just doing these prints, but these comments aren't it. I was trying to ask about the coffee he was drinking, and these comments saying "I want him to r4p3 me!" Is flooding me out. Nobody wants to hear you talk nasty about him. I feel so bad for Samuel having to deal with this BS. He is being harassed and it makes me sick. Normally, he would like the comments under his live posts, and this time, he didn't. Samuel isn't here to seduce you. This can mentally damage him.
He even had his own family member watching his stream. I wonder how she felt seeing these comments about her own cousin being treated like this. This could make his family members uncomfortable, too. If he was my family member, for instance, my father. I would be so uncomfortable reading these gross comments, perceiving him as someone who doesn't have emotions or feelings. A majority of his fans are uncomfortable with these comments, not a few.
Remember that what you're saying can make him uncomfortable and mentally damaged. He is a human at the end of the day. He is just a normal person. Samuel is a nice person who cares so much about his fans, yet they decide to treat him this way. He is being so generous by signing prints, as you guys say the most disgusting shit like this. Who the actual fuck says "No threesome today😔" because Barry is too busy to join, what the fuck. I understand that Samuel is attractive and handsome, but keep your fantasies to yourself. His chat is not anywhere to be discussing this. He is reading everything you are saying.
Samuel is not Ghost. in reality, he is just the voice actor and motion capture for Ghost. I am a Ghost fanboy. Don't get me wrong. But I keep my fantasies to myself and to my friends, Samuel doesn't want to hear you ramble about wanting him to dominate you. Plus, he is married with a wife and kids. He doesn't want you. Treat others how you'd like to be treated with respect. Respect his damn boundaries for fucks sake. If I were that into Samuel, I wouldn't say that stuff in his live chat. It's so sickening how this even happened in the first place.
At the end of the day, we should all learn to respect the COD actors' boundaries and acknowledge their feelings. Please keep your fantasies to yourself and your friends, not to him. Please respect them and treat them as you want to be treated.
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For the love of God, please repost this to spread the message!
Thank you for reading! - Miller
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akiyamanemu · 2 years
⛓.Samuel and Gun being submissive to the reader:
w:bdsm, handjob, dirty talk, degrading, vibrator, gag, begging, feetjob, nipple play, dacriphilia.
Saliva ran down the boy's chin as he muttered things impossible to understand, the gag stuck to his face prevented him from saying anything, Seo could only thrash about on the mattress while you tortured him with a vibrator. Red ropes went around and tied the boy's body to the bed, highlighting even more his muscles and his tattoos.
His nipples were ruffled, his body tingling every time the vibrator passed through his thighs to his thick cock making his muscles twitch. The open blue shirt was slightly damp, his dress pants seemed about to burst the seams, the dark hair almost covered the boy's wet eyes, his lips were red signaling every time he tried to contain the moans and gasps. Your hands undress him calmly touching the tattooed skin with a certain lightness, Seo protested making more and more saliva run down his chin.
Your fingers now touching Seo's soft skin, sliding over his cock slowly as if around it, your other hand was pouring the cold lubricant over the boy's glans, seeing the transparent gel slowly drain. Samuel muttered under his breath in approval, moving his hips on the bed, as you left some unassuming touches along the length of his cock, your thumb rubbed the boy's glans lightly, just to make him more sensitive.
-Do you like to be treated like that Samuel? You asked as you lowered your hands caressing the boy's balls.-Outside you do all that boss theater, then come back here to be treated like a slut...
Samuel closed his eyes grunting in pleasure, you used your lube-soaked hands to masturbate the boy, his hips rose, he moaned in the midst of all that pleasure as your hands went up and down his thick phallus. You guys were like that for a long time, Samuel wouldn't last much longer, he could feel his body giving all the signs of an intense orgasm, while you played with the cock in your hands making the boy's mind go completely blank. He lost control of his own body lifting his hips while muttering things in a totally tangled way trying to get rid of the ropes that tied him to the bed, it was something totally erotic the sight of the boy's sweaty body trembling while the semen spurted from his cock covering your fingers.
He was irritated, his hands held above his head by a chain that was attached to the low ceiling of the basement, the boy's expensive clothes contrasted with the dirty environment, his hair that had been straightened was now messy and slick with sweat. You used one of your feet to touch the boy's cock over the noble fabric of his pants, the heels you wore caught his attention, JongGun's eyes filled with hate and lust climbed up your calf and thighs appreciating you calmly, for on account of this you can see when the boy's face contorted in pleasure.
-You look so needy today... You whispered seeing the boy lower his head. -Look at me Park JongGun.
Reluctantly he raised his head, Gun loved to pretend he didn't like being dominated, he was always disobedient, always answering you or trying to change positions.
You kept your foot on his cock stimulating him in a slow, torturous way, so you could see Gun's posture change as he lifted his hips or held in vain groans.
-Gun my boy, you know you can't resist for long. Your hands messed up the boy's black hair, gluing his face to your thigh.
-I... I'm not resisting... He said greedily while looking into your eyes. With his cheek glued to your thigh Gun could smell your skin, your perfume intoxicated him, he felt his own body shiver and tremble more with each touch, he wanted to be subjected to all your desires, he wanted to feel more of that.
The gasping moans of pleasure that Gun emitted filled the dark room, his body trembling and arching forward, his lips touching the skin of your thigh as he went wild with pleasure. You started to press your foot more on Gun's hard cock when he called out your name in between moans, the boy who was normally serious and bossy now found himself totally needy and passive to your touches.
You leaned down touching Gun's nipples, his reaction was instantaneous, he whimpered forcing his face against your thigh.
-Don't touch me like that. He looked at you, still trying not to surrender to the pleasure, the boy's eyes were teary, his soft lips slightly swollen after so many bites.
-Don't try to tell me what to do... You went back to tease Gun's nipples squeezing, pressing, giving light touches. -You tremble like a bitch when I touch you like that.
Gun was going crazy with all that friction, he couldn't take it anymore while you used your hands and your feet to stimulate him, your perfume seemed more intense and your voice hit him in a totally erotic and intense way.
-Come for me... You said leaning even further in order to reach Gun's ear with your lips.
Gun's defined thighs were twitching madly, you could feel hot tears against your skin as he called your name in the midst of an intense orgasm, his body was shaking, his face was turned up, his eyes filled with tears of pleasure. They stared in supplication while you could feel Gun's cock throbbing under your foot.
[I intend to write more of these as requested, but as it took me a while to come up with ideas for the others I came to post the ones I had ready, it was a lot of fun writing this, I like male submission. Anyway, i hope you like this, because i liked it a lot 💖🥺🌸]
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overalls4all · 10 months
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Pedro had slowly adjusted to his new life as a uniformed sewer worker. He no longer drives luxury cars or wears designer suits. He had even resigned himself to wearing his uniform coveralls while off-shift. Today Pedro was on his way to the garage where his expensive cars were being held while he was assigned to manual labor; by law he was not able to use luxuries while on assignment, but he wanted to check in.
"Pedro? Is that you?" said a voice from behind Pedro.
Pedro turned and saw Samuel, his college roommate. Samuel was dressed in bright red coveralls with a yellow hi-vis vest that read "Maintenance" on the back. His once long, styled hair had been shaved bald, but Pedro still recognized him.
"Samuel, you've been assigned too?"
'That's right man! I'm a city maintenance worker now. I help keep these streets clean. It may not pay much, but it's much more rewarding than working in sales," replied Samuel with a smile. His pride in his work and uniform were very apparent, especially compared to Pedro.
"Man, I wish I was as happy as you to be assigned."
"You'll get there one day, Pedro! Just keep working hard and wearing your uniform coveralls!"
Pedro thanked him for the kind words and sighed. Maybe one day I will love this, but that's not today.
Pedro arrived at the garage. The men inside were a couple of young studs wearing matching navy blue coveralls with the garage logo on the back. They wore name patches that read Amir and Tristan.
"Looks like the sewer boy is here," said Amir to his coworker.
"Why don't you change into something less stinky. You reek man," said Tristan as he approached Pedro and smelled the pit of his coveralls.
Pedro shuddered as Amir stood up and joined in smelling his other armpit. He couldn't help notice that the mechanics were rubbing the crotches of their coveralls. They began unzipping Pedro's coveralls, while he stood there helpless.
As the young mechanics sniffed and snorted his armpits, they both suddenly convulsed and groaned. Pedro noticed wet spots on their coveralls as both men kissed his pits one last time.
"I think it's time you left boy," said Amir, "But we'll leave you something to remember us by."
Amir grabbed an extra pair of mechanic's coveralls off the wall and made Pedro put it on. Pedro was now dressed identically to the men who just got off on smelling his pits.
"And don't forget your uniform, sewer boy," said Tristan, throwing Pedro's original uniform at him. Pedro zipped his sewer uniform over his mechanic coveralls. The mechanics took one last laugh at Pedro as he walked away looking bulky in his two pairs of coveralls.
Something shifted inside Pedro. He had just been humiliated and dominated by those young guys. He stood there helpless and powerless as they undressed and dressed him as they saw fit. He used to a powerful lawyer who called the shots. Now he wore two pair of coveralls that stank. Maybe this is who we really was.
As he walked to the sewer plant, Pedro began to laugh so much he cried. My whole life was a lie before, this is who I am! Pedro smiled with tears in his eyes and rubbed his hands all over his twice-covered body.
"I love coveralls!"
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jasdiary · 1 year
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“I don’t question this world anymore, 2+2 could be 8 for all I know!”
Original Juvia Intro Post
Name : Juvia Yuyi Espejo
Nicknames : Juvi, Prefect/Housewarden, Piss Baby (Samuel @terrovaniadorm , Ellis @starry-night-rose , and many others,,,), Bestie (Ellis), Juju (Keres), A deer and a puppy..?(Artemis), ‘Via(Deuce and Ace), Sunshine (Deuce), Henchman (Grim), Human (Sebek), Child of Man (Malleus), Potato (Vil and sometimes Epel as a joke-), Mademoiselle Jaune (Rook), Sea Bunny (Floyd), Sunflower (Deuce), Nena(Ruggie and Azul)
Jp Va : Ueda Reina
En Va : Felecia Angelle
Age : 17
Height : 160 cm (5’3)
Homeland : [not found] … [Earth:The Bronx]
Birthday : 12/13 December 13th
Zodiac sign : Sagittarius
Species : Human
Hair Color : Chocolate brown with honey blonde highlights
Eye Color : Caramel Brown
Gender : Female (She/Her)
Sexuality : Bisexual
Family : Janae Oscuro(Mother), Javier Oscuro(Father?), Johan Oscuro(Younger Brother), Jayde Oscuro(Younger Sister), Solana Díaz(Grandmother), Royce Espejo(Biological Father), Unnamed Great Grandmother†
Occupation : Student at Night Raven College, Housewarden of Ramshackle
Twisted From : [not found]
WARNING!! Juvia’s backstory and trivia contains mentions and themes of sickness/chronic illness, depression, suicidal thoughts, child neglect,eating disorders and mentions of death. Please read at your own discretion!!
School Information
Dorm : Ramshackle
School Year : 1st (Freshman)
Class : 1-A
Best Subject : Art
Worst Class : Math
Club : Board Game Club
Dominant Hand : Right
Favorite Food : Shrimp Alfredo
Least Favorite Food : Anything with condiments
Likes : Drawing, making friends, Being away from Crowley, Being with Deuce and Ace, Dying her hair, Rabbits, Grim!, Going to club meetings, The color yellow, Her grandma
Dislikes : Crowley™️, TREY!!!!, Floyd (most of the time), Mayonnaise, Being ignored, Being sick, Her body, Insects, Her mom, math!!
Hobbies : Digital art, singing, dancing, Cleaning up Ramshackle, Doing Crowley’s bidding/hj, Watching over everyone, Being NRC’s personal Therapist/j
Personality : Juvia’s goofy, she’s so very sweet and she’s super friendly! She adores making friends, whether she thinks they’ll stay or not. As the magicless prefect from a different world, Juvia’s extremely curious about Twisted Wonderland as there’s still so much she doesn’t know! At first meet, Juvia’s shy as she’s not very good at talking to people and tends to keep to herself. Once you actually befriend her, she’s never afraid to speak whatever is on her silly little mind. She’s super quick-witted with her jokes. Juvia describes herself as someone with so much love in her heart for everyone. She’s a little air-headed at times, which she usually laughs at!
Unique Magic : Nothing. She has…nothing. But, if she had nothing…why does the magic mirror tell her to be careful of her emotions?
Backstory + Part 2:
₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆Juvia Yuyi Espejo Backstory*✨ ‹𝟥
Juvia is a Puerto Rican-Dominican girl from the Bronx. Her life wasn’t particularly special or interesting and she wasn’t exactly rich or poor but she was grateful for everything. Except for living. Juvia despised herself. A fateful day where she sat in front of the mirror, her stomach churned looking at herself and the words were starting to get to her again. She hated her body, she hated her freckles, she hated her hair, eyes, eyebrows, nose, everything. She was a good person, so why her? Why are people so mean? Why is she so mean to herself?
Juvia could do something about it, to make the pain go away. But, she knows she’s too much a coward to do anything. As she goes to stand up, Juvia feels something or rather…someone push her directly into the mirror in front of her.
The last thing she heard was the glass shattering before her vision darkened and she went unconscious.
When Juvia opened her eyes after what felt like forever, everything was still black. She was inside of somewhere, and it was entirely too closed up for her. Anxiety skyrocketing, Juvia frantically tried to get out of wherever she was. Banging and kicking every corner as hard as she could, she managed to succeed…..but she fell flat on the cold floor. When she scrambled back up, still wobbly and dizzy, her vision focused on the amount of people staring at her in dark robes. But what really shocked her was the…coffin?? next to her slamming open and out came a little grey creature. Wait, was he on fire?
Juvia tried to ask where was she was but her voice wouldn’t come out. No matter how hard she tried, her voice refused to cooperate. Probably due to shock. When a tall man with a crow mask walked up to her, the first thing he did was scold her! Who the hell was this guy? And wait a second, what the hell is a familiar?!
Juvia couldn’t really do anything but stand there and let the masked crow guide her in front of a giant mirror. Why…why does it have a face- WHY IS IT TALKING??
Her soul wasn’t from this world? Well, she knew that much!! Just what was going on?! God, she has so many questions…
₊ ⊹ ⪩⪨ ┆Juvia Yuyi Espejo Backstory Pt.2✨ ‹𝟥
Ever since Juvia was young, she’s been in and out of hospitals. No one, not even doctors, know exactly what her sickness is. She’s just…not okay. Coughing up blood, Cataplexy, Memory loss…Something was horribly wrong with little Juvia. However, one thing was known. It was Fatal. The more and more her parents took her to the hospital, the worse she got. Eventually, her mom became frustrated. Not with the doctors, oh no. Juvia herself. Why couldn’t she just been a healthy child that was easy to take care of? Was this her birth fathers doing? Why does SHE have to take her?
From then on, she half-assed every doctors visit no matter how severe Juvia’s condition was. Little Juvia was smart so she was able to notice how her mother started to care less and less about her, watching the sparkle from her eyes dim into nothingness. But she love mami! and Mami loves her too!…..right? And why does dad look so sad? These questions were too much for Juvia’s migraine ridden brain. It wasn’t until she fell into Twisted Wonderland that she didn’t feel all these things. less headaches, less dizziness, she felt fine for the first time in forever.
But…will she continue to stay this way? With her heart slowly turning into obsidian liquid, Her time in Twisted Wonderland may be limited even more.
Random Trivia!
Since spawning in Twisted Wonderland, Juvia’s heart was drowned in blot. The blot greatly slows down her sickness which is why she seems healthier in Twisted Wonderland. But because it’s fully blotted, she’s greatly at risk to overblotting at any time. This is why the magic mirror or those who can see blot accumulation tell her to take care of her emotions.
Speaking of emotions…Juvia’s very emotional 😭
Juvia’s extremely close with Azul Ashengrotto and Ruggie Bucchi! she sees them as her older brother figures
She’s the closest with Deuce Spade, they’re seen together a lot even without their little ginger friend
Though she aspires to be in art, she has theater experience and is said to be a great actress
Juvia speaks spanish fluently and especially enjoys when people ask her to translate words
Back in her world, Juvia dyed her hair a lot! Her favorite color she did was purple. She doesn’t dye it as much nowadays because she finds it too time consuming
If Juvia was in a different dorm, she’d be in Scarabia!
You’ll almost never see her without those two black rings on each of her pointer fingers. if one of them leaves her sight, she begins to panic. They were her late great grandmothers rings.
She’s the butt of many…piss jokes due to her love of the color yellow💔
Her favorite professor is Trein, He treats her more gently than some of the other students because she reminds him of his daughters ☹️💕
After the events of Chapter 6, she’s become an honorary member of Pomefiore + Her relationship with Idia was slightly severed
Many of her friends have to keep an eye on her food intake as she forgets meals and sometimes isn’t used to eating a decent amount of food due to being sick.
Juvia’s stamina sucks balls. Sick or not, this girl is seeing stars after walking up a flight of stairs.
Juvia’s very sensitive. She’ll sob uncontrollably if you speak in a certain way to her ☠️😭
[Seen in her dorm uniform] Juvia has a small pocket watch that times her blot accumulation outside of her heart. In Chapter 8, it’s seen to be half filled.
Juvia’s hand is bandaged and then scarred after Grims manic episode in end of Chapter 5-Beginning of Chapter 6
Chapter 6 and 7 are the closest Juvia has gotten to fully overblotting
These Juvia Designs Show up near the end of Chapter 5. Juvia’ og design is still very much Canon and exists.
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tuppencetrinkets · 6 months
Sorted caps from multiple MCU resources, a continuation of an earlier project. Previous caps found in THIS tag and also some icons and other MCU/Marvel related resources HERE. You'll find sorted caps from Werewolf by Night, Secret Invasion, Ms. Marvel, Morbius, Loki S1&S2, Thor: Love and Thunder, Marvel One Shots, Agent Carter, Spider-Man No Way Home, Black Panther Wakanda Forever, Guardians of the Galaxy 3 & Christmas Special and She-Hulk in this collection.
FC's listed below cut. 45 gb; ~385k caps, 110 characters.
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shredsandpatches · 2 months
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Teatro la Fenice's new production of Mefistofele (with Alex Esposito in the title role) opens tonight so I've been seeing a lot of preview pics on the bird site, including this one and a video of the chorus from the end of this scene (which does look cool despite the schlubby costumes on the two leads, why are they putting Alex Esposito in sweatpants, come on, they put him in fishnets for Gounod!). ANYWAY it got me thinking about the various props I've seen used for the globe in "Ecco il mondo." For the uninitiated: this scene is set at Walpurgisnacht, the witches' sabbath and the primary event of the infernal social calendar. At one point the chorus presents their sexy demon overlord with a globe, symbolizing his mastery over the world and prompting Mefistofele's aria about the folly of humanity, at the end of which he smashes it. (The original libretto mentions a glass globe, and they did have sugar glass in the 1870s so I think that's probably what it would have been.)
Anyway, if you look at the video from later in the scene you can see that disco ball earth looks substantially redder and more burnt out by the end of the scene, a lighting effect which I am guessing takes place at the end of the aria. Which is pretty cool! I rather like that! Not as much as something that can go boom, but still pretty neat.
Other prop choices I've seen, roughly in order of how much I liked them:
Nothing (Festspielhaus Baden-Baden 2016, ft. Erwin Schrott). Come on. Why would you do it this way. I love this production quite a lot (and I actually otherwise really liked their Walpurgisnacht staging) but sometimes it makes questionable choices and this was one of them. Projecting equations all over the giant stage skull does not count. LET MEPH SMASH THINGS.
Giant blue lighted globe (I forget what production this was, but I saw this scene on youtube and couldn't find it when I looked just now). Pretty attractive visually, and stood out amid an otherwise red-dominated scene. Also the closest on this list to authorial intent (and, let's be real, Boito would certainly have used a lighted globe if it were possible to do safely at the time). However, you lose a lot of the impact if your singer has to carefully drop the prop globe into a trapdoor. This is kind of a common theme in this post and a principle by which I would abide: if you can't break it, use something else.
Cow heart (Bayerische Staatsoper 2015, ft. Rene Pape). Well, it's certainly creatively gross! I'll give it points for that. It was definitely not the worst idea this production had in re: Walpurgisnacht. But there are also a few problems: one is the destructibility issue outlined in the last entry. If you do something gross like that it's not gonna be as effective if it doesn't get to go splat, which obviously the prop cannot do. Another is that it doesn't really go with the symbolism of the aria (why is the world a cow heart, specifically?). A third is that the scene had already placed a bunch of writhing pregnant women downstage which made me worry that things were going to go a LOT darker than they actually did. I neither need nor want to see sacrificial baby yeeting in Mefistofele, but if your production is generally committed to maximum squalor, you probably shouldn't do anything that would make the audience imagine it and consequently doubt that commitment.
Paper globe (Teatro dell'Opera di Roma 2023, ft. John Relyea). A solid choice! He spikes it into an oil drum fire pit and and it makes a nicely scary-looking flame for an instant. It would have looked cooler if it were bigger, but it was definitely visually interesting (unlike most of the scene, alas; Relyea was typically fantastic but the director did not give him much to work with in this sequence beyond dressing him like Mussolini) and appropriately destructive.
Latex balloon (San Francisco Opera 1989, ft. Samuel Ramey). This one sometimes draws sniffs from opera purists for being cheap and tacky, but honestly that's entirely on-theme: behold the world! It's a piece of crap! This staging is iconic for a reason (it's on the cover of the dvd) and the simple balloon is satisfyingly destructible (Ramey dramatically stabs it with a very large pin), easy to bat around before destroying it, and inexpensive to replace. Full marks. Of course, this is a famous enough production that any other one that goes that route will probably be seen to be alluding to it.
Because I am obsessed with this opera and have an unattainable fantasy of directing it I have a lot of thoughts about all kinds of staging details, and so I would definitely return to the "inflatable earth" well, but distinguish it by getting Faust into the act: the second and third verse of the aria, after all, are about how dumb and generally shitty humans are. (And I think it's important for stagings of this sequence not to lose sight of him, which sometimes happens.) I'm picturing Meph dragging Faust up "onstage" and handing the globe off to him, as a representative of said dumb shitty humans (a lot of teasing interspersed with aggressive flirting going on here ofc). At the climactic "Ecco il mondo!" he flicks a finger in Faust's direction, and the globe explodes in his hands, to the great delight of the chorus. It's different, and it's a nice moment for making your singers cooperate in selling it (Faust, of course, has the more difficult job here since he'd have to play startled at a stage effect he is largely responsible for carrying off). My throughline for Mefistofele is that it's fundamentally a toxic, destructive love story that's still somehow weirdly ennobling for the participants on some level, and the Walpurgisnacht scene is a pivotal moment in that arc (it's where Meph's switch flips from "I want to win my wager" to "I want Faust") so that staging choice would be a another little thing that makes that relationship central.
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samuhelll · 1 day
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full name.   samuel croker.
nicknames / aliases.   sam. Debt.
height.   5'9½" / 177cm.
age.   looks late-40s to 50s.
zodiac.   ??
spoken languages.   all.
hair color.   brown.
eye color.   blue.
skin tone.   fair.
body type.  average.
dominant hand.   right.
posture.   good.
scars.   none.
tattoos.   none.
birthmarks.   none.
most noticeable features.   that combover? the suits? angled eyebrows?
place of birth.   ilhayl'ir, the Spires' home.
siblings.  technically all of the Low Spires (War, Famine, Pestilence, Time, and Tragedy) as they were submerged in the same blood and whose hearts were created by the same entity: The Midwife.
parents.   technically, in a way, The Midwife.
occupation.  death entity. a collector, akin to a reaper.
current residence(s).   variable. defaults to philly, pennsylvania.
close friends.   manny calavera @c1tyhaunts.
relationship status.   partnered with margot tine @rottine.
driver’s license.   yes.
criminal record.  no.
vices.   envy.
sexual orientation.   bisexual.
preferred sexual role.   switch. he has a fondness for women on top.
libido.   average to high average.
turn-ons.   women who take charge. someone slightly disreputable, rakish, mischievous. fun, as in they can play with or verbally match him.
turn-offs. aggression, hostility, smugness and superiority, pity, played-up innocence or precociousness, playing up lewd until it's absurd.
love language.   acts of service, physical touch, quality time.
relationship tendencies.   he rarely has relationships as they're not something he wants or needs. by and large, a purely sexual and, at most, friends-with-benefits scenario is more than enough. however, in his few relationships, sam can be something of a nursemaid - attentive, caring, sweet, doting. also: an enabler. he will support the object of his affection to immorality because he does not want to lose them, and he is codependent in that they and their relationship are his source of self-worth in a life that has historically proven to him that he is insufficient. there is nothing he won't do for them or the relationship, and if other people have to pay the price, so be it. the i-will-literally-burn-the-world-for-you type.
hobbies to pass time.   mixology; cooking; casino games; late-night tv gameshows, primarily jeopardy; film, largely black-and-white cinema; lounging.
mental illnesses. ??
self-confidence level. low.
tagged by: @cartelheir ty!
tagging: @prvtocol, @rottine, @c1tyhaunts, @allevils
@wellfell, @celesteye, @delroysinferno, @plastrieve, you
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