#but our member who had this dumped on her had only herself
20dollarlolita · 1 year
brb watching the people in charge of my local egl community continue to ask for more than two weeks to handle the loss of a loved one before they can go up to someone and say "we banned you for x", after forcing a 19-year-old to deal with these people creating the situation and specifically targeting her, less than an hour after said community member came down from a health episode that almost ended her life.
When someone demands a concession from you that they did not grant you, take note.
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vodkacheesefries · 16 days
Thought it would be fun to do an intro post for each of the three households I'll be rotating through in my historic sims file. Also told my buddy @schitzophrenicrainbows I would make one of these. It'll also help me keep things organized as I play the challenge since I'm committing details to writing.
Up first and beneath the cut, we have a little history dump and our Gladiators.
Gladiators initially started out as poorer people and slaves who were inscribed to fight and train in the gladiator schools, Ludus Magnus. Over time as people began to see the fame and honor that could be won in the arena, though it was more rare, people did start to voluntarily join these gladiator schools.
Due to the popularity of gladiator fights, and how pricey it got to train and house them, not every single gladiator fight was to the death for its contestants. (For the purpose of Finn's story/challenge rules, his fights will be.)
There's debate whether the infamous "thumbs down" actually meant the opponent HAD to die or not. It could have just meant they were disgraced and couldn't compete anymore, but I can't find definitive answers one way or the other, and the opinions I found on this often contradicted each other. (I could probably text my sister with three degrees all about ancient to medieval Italian/Roman history, but how do I explain to her I need to know for my Sims game lmaooo) All that said, gladiators often didn't live past their mid-twenties given the hazards of the job.
Gladiators were also sex symbols (do yourself a favor and look up ancient Roman graffiti. Humans are the same now as they were then lmao). Idk how much that'll play into my game but Finn does have to find a partner and have kids so the legacy continues but we'll get there when we get there.
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Rana is the gladiator who has been at the Ludus Magna the longest. Her traits: Creative, Self Assured, Loyal.
She came from a wealthy merchant family, but the family business didn't interest her much. She left home when she was young to find herself and ended up finding the arena. She picked up sword fighting quickly and proved her aptitude for not only fighting, but teaching others to fight as well. These days she only competes occasionally, as she has proven herself invaluable in creating more gladiators.
She's hitting a point where the losses of her pupils, and more importantly friends, are starting to weigh on her. She likely isn't going to just be allowed to retire, though, so she has to figure something else out.
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Apollo named himself after a Greek God because he thinks he's hilarious. (This is debatable if you ask anyone who has spoken with him for more than five minutes.) He ended up at the Ludus Magnus due to his sense of humor; turns out a Senator doesn't like it when you make jokes about their philosophical ideas, even if they are stupid.
He doesn't enjoy the gladiator lifestyle much if he's being honest, and is counting down the days until his "voluntary" contract with the school is over so he can use what money he's won and travel the world like he's always wanted to. His self absorption is part him being young, and part it being a front for the fear he has of not living out his dreams and he wears it like a protective front. His friends know better, though.
(He also thinks Spartacus is cute, but he's certain Spartacus is going to stay a gladiator till he dies and that doesn't work with what he wants in the long run.)
His traits are: Loves the Outdoors, Self Absorbed, and Outgoing.
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Disclaimer: I did not make Spartacus lmao. I was hitting create-a-sim burnout so I hit up the gallery to find someone else's Roman themed sim. Although I did make some minor changes to his wardrobe, added scars and swapped out a couple of his traits, which are: Athletic, Proper, Loner. I ended up keeping his name because while it's on the nose for a gladiator, it fits.
Spartacus is a former member of the Roman Legionnaires. He was released from his service due to an injury he sustained abroad. Once he had healed, he found civilian life to be difficult to adjust to, so he signed a contract with the Ludus Magnus. He's here for a good time, not a long time.
But lately, he's been spending more time with Apollo, and he's starting to change his mind. But surely someone as handsome as Apollo wouldn't be interested in someone who'd rather spend his time meditating than socializing at a party...
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Finn's traits are: Athletic, Loyal, Ambitious
Finn knew the risks he was taking when he killed Antonius, but he doesn't regret it. He's now plotting his escape, and if his new found friends can survive, he'll bring them with him if they like. He really just wants to get back to Britain to what's left of his family and help them take back what is rightfully theirs and drive the Romans out.
By challenge rules, he has 10 fights to get through first. I also have to receive a silver medal or higher on at least 50 events, and I'll probably use his fights to accomplish at least 10 of those. (I've done six so far).
Will probably go over Laelius' household next along with the parts of the challenge they'll be completing, followed by his daughter's. Who I don't think I've posted so far.
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winsmoke · 2 years
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     ❥ Chapter 1: Help Wanted
Series Synopsis: Privately self-medicating, the 7 members of NCT Dream are all withering away under the pressure of idol life. Unable to cope on their own, they want something to hold, caress, and squeeze away the stress… a teddy bear of sorts. So the boys decide to secretly hire you, their human teddy bear, to help them out. As they explore your mind and body, you discover and confront the problems they’ve been hiding. However, one girl can only support seven boys for so long and you can’t be their teddy bear forever.
Warnings: [no smut or angst - this is probably the tamest chapter] swearing, talking about penis oral sex, mentioning sex on the beach to a minor, y/n asks if she will be a personal cum dump
Word Count: 3.9k
Pairing: NCT Dream x y/n (has a vulva and uses she/her pronouns)
Links: disclaimer • masterlist
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 “She has to be nice,” Jisung starts, gripping the armrests of the chair tightly.
 The other six boys around the office exchange smirks. So typical of Jisung.
 “Don’t want anyone judging you when you fall on your face, right?” snickers Chenle.
 Jaemin swats at Chenle’s shoulder in Jisung’s defense. “Whatever, she can’t be mean.”
 Beside the youngest, Jeno rubs his chin thoughtfully. “But not too nice. If she doesn’t have a backbone we’ll never know if she’s actually comfortable around us or not.”
 The playful mood dims as each boy imagines pushing a girl into doing something she never wanted. Each gives a small nod in agreement.
 “She needs to be independent since she’s going to be by herself a lot,” Renjun comments from the back of the room. Too anxious to sit, he chose to lean against the wall.
 “But she also should be good at making friends because all seven of us need to like her,” Haechan adds, his hands folded tightly on his lap.
 “She needs to be interesting too. I want someone I feel like I can talk to forever,” Renjun says while tapping his cheek.
 Mark crosses his arms. “Okay, but she needs to be a private person. Preferably not too many friends or family so it cuts down the chances that she talks about us.”
 “That’s what we have the non-disclosure for,” Chenle reminds while rolling his eyes. “I want her to be a good cuddler. That’s the whole point of the job anyways.”
 “I want her to be very clean and healthy. I don’t want to share my apartment with a stranger who isn’t,” Jaemin says as he purses his lips.
 Jeno closes his eyes, trying to imagine the perfect girl in his mind. “I just need someone who I can trust. Someone honest and loyal.”
 Chenle stares down at his hands. “Yeah, emotional maturity would be nice.”
 Haechan tries to think about this more logically. “Considering the work we do, it might be difficult for the average 20-22 year old girl to relate to us. Maybe she’ll be able to understand us better if she’s worked a lot before.”
 Mark nods slowly. “That’s true. They should be unique jobs too since being an idol is multifaceted. Preferably some travel experience as well.”
 Renjun bites his lip nervously. “She needs to know how to adapt,” he says while studying his shoes. “We each have our own eccentric habits. She has to be able to handle it. Help us even... if we need it.”
 “Renjun,” Haechan says sharply.
 “He’s not wrong. You could use some help,” Chenle defends.
 “Oh fuck off,” Haechan mutters.
 Facing the seven boys sits a young man who puts down his pen to crack his knuckles. Startled by the sound, the boys’ attention snap to the man. He wears a dark blue suit and a vague expression as he flaps his cramping hand. Mark narrows his eyes at the small black notebook he had been taking notes on, trying to decipher the upside-down scribbles.
 The man looks up at their tensed faces. “You are asking me to find a girl that might not exist.”
 “She does,” Chenle insists.
 Jisung nods. “And if she doesn’t, we don’t want anyone else.”
 The man in the blue suit nods. “A long questionnaire, video, and photo submissions will be included in the application. Naturally, health and criminal background checks will be required as well. I will narrow down the applicants to maybe 3 girls and send their applications to you to review. Of course, you’re not obligated to select anyone.”
 Silence fills the room. There’s a sort of finality in the air that makes the boys anxious. They never thought they would get this far.
 “How long until you send us their applications?” Jeno asks the question everyone is thinking.
 The man clicks his pen. “If you’re determined to find a girl that meets your criteria—and I’m sure you have more requirements—possibly 6 months? Maybe a year. It really depends on the volume of applicants.”
 “And you’ll make sure that no one knows we’re the ones who are hiring?” Jisung asks.
 The man in the blue suit smiles in a way that is professional but reassuring. “Of course, that’s my job. No one will ever know.”
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At a diner, halfway across the world
 “Let’s dine and dash,” Ningning announces, standing from the red-cushioned booth.
 Looking up from the menu, you stare at Ningning incredulously. “This is how you want to celebrate graduating from university?”
 She shrugs. “Why not? Not like the alumni party was any better.”
 Giselle laughs. “Shut up, you’re going to John Hopkins. That’s enough of a celebration.”
 Ningning scrunches her face. “Which is exactly why we should dine and dash. I’m gonna be paying off med school loans until I have gray hair.”
 “Can you sit down? People are starting to stare!” Karina exclaims anxiously as she pulls Ningning into the booth.
 Ningning rolls her eyes. “They’re staring because we’re the only ones under 40.”
 “Can we just order in peace? For once?” you laugh. “Or are we gonna get kicked out again?”
 “That was definitely your fault,” Winter mutters while reading through the menu.
 You huff. “Okay, it was a science museum–aren’t I supposed to be curious?”
 “You literally ignored the ‘Not Open to the Public’ sign,” Winter laughs.
 “It’s not like you were stopping me,” you grumble. “Besides you’re the one that got us kicked out of Chipotle!”
 “You know they have our pictures in the store so the employees know not to let us back in?” Giselle grins.
 “Is this supposed to be a good thing?” Karina groans.
 “Hey, it’s not like we got arrested,” Ningning shrugs.
 You nod. “And that’s all that matters.”
 Karina shakes her head. “Sometimes, I really wonder how you all got GPAs above 3.8.”
 Giselle presses the back of her hand to her forehead dramatically. “How could you ever doubt us.”
 Ningning smirks. “Because you were so busy hooking up with the basketball team.”
 Giselle drops her hand and glares at Ningning. “Whatever. At least I got us in all the clubs and parties for free.”
 “We would have gotten in for free without you,” Ningning shoots back.
 Karina shoots you an inquisitive look. “Yeah, y/n always somehow knew the bouncers.”
 You put your hands up in defense. “Hey, I’m always at the front of the clubs, throwing up. The bouncers and I are buddies, they even chase away the creeps for me.”
 “Your ability to throw up is impeccable,” Giselle sighs.
 “Thank you?” you laugh.
 “Which is why I’m so confused as to why you like giving head. Like, have you thrown up on someone’s dick?” Winter asks with wide eyes.
 “Um… sorry to interrupt but I’ve been standing here for a minute. Can-can I take your order?”
 The five of you turn to face a scrawny waiter with a tray of ice waters. His face untouched by puberty, he looked to be a freshman in high school.
 You squirm uncomfortably in your seat. This boy, likely 8 years younger than you, was making you feel incredibly old. You and Karina exchange guilty glances, both thinking about the conversation he had just overheard.
 But this kind of formality had never bothered your other friends.
 Winter grins. “Yeah, I’d like to order a Sex on the Beach?”
 Giselle removes one of the ice waters from his tray and takes a sip. “Make that two!”
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 You were never one to reminisce. You never had time for nostalgia. But here you were at 3am getting caught in memories, crying your eyes out, and listening to R&B.
 Despite all the brain-wrenching research papers, skull-splitting classmates, and crippling personal experiences, college had been really amazing. Your rambunctious group of girlfriends undoubtedly was the main reason. All the fucked-up boys and the hollow nights meant nothing when you were with them.
 But they were all gone.
 Your parents and academic advisors had urged you to go to graduate school or find a job but you ignored them. You told them you wanted one summer to relax and not think about your future. But really, you were burnt out and overwhelmed. Everything was changing so quickly and you didn’t feel ready to move on from your undergraduate experience.
 Unlike you, your friends had planned out their futures. Eager to travel with COVID restrictions softening, your friend group positioned themselves at least 1,000 miles away from your university. Ningning had been accepted into the most prestigious medical school in the country, Giselle was headed off to Alaska to study whales, Karina had been hired as an engineer at Tesla in Los Angeles, and Winter was working at a promising start-up in Singapore. You, on the other hand, have no job prospects, and no desire to enter the adult world. You were spending the summer living at home alone. Like always.
 You just wanted another intoxicated walk along the river, another joyride into the night but there was no one to do them with. All your friends from college or high school had jobs, relationships, and reputations. Even your parents were busy celebrating their retirement in various South American countries without you.
 People told you that you were wasting your potential but really, the only thing you were good at was having fun. All the jobs and internships you had done had never touched the serious world. “Fake jobs” you liked to call them. Yes, you did real work but it never felt like it. You always made friends with your boss and coworkers so most of the time, it felt like you were getting paid to fuck around. And once it wasn’t fun anymore, you would quit.
 But as you scrolled through job search websites on your laptop, all the places that used to excite you didn’t seem like enough. Besides Ningning, all of your friends were earning salaries, and hourly pay seemed to pale in comparison. Yet, all the jobs that had salaries seemed too white collar, too close to the grown-up world that you didn’t want to enter.
 Getting frustrated with your options, you began randomly scrolling for a few seconds before clicking on something abruptly. You read out loud: “Visa Intern. Uh no, money is my enemy.”
 You try the scrolling and clicking strategy again, only to land on another credit card company. Glancing at the time in the corner of your laptop screen you groan. It was already 5AM.
 You decide to try randomly clicking one more time. Rubbing your sagging eyelids, you read:
In need of a human Teddy Bear for a minimum of 1 year.
Applicant must be a 20-22 year old female and willing to:
Permanently relocate to the clients’ residences
Refrain from contacting anyone and leaving the clients’ residences while under contract
Provide multiple clients with mutually consented mental and physical support
All living and travel (including visa) expenses will be covered. Starting pay $20,000 a month with a signing bonus. More details will be provided if the applicant is successful in obtaining the position.
 “What a weird name… human teddy bear,” you laugh to yourself. “Probably just a group of rich guys who are too socially awkward to date…” You purse your lips and give that concept a thought. “…which honestly does not sound bad.”
 The physical and emotional support didn’t daunt you either. You had your fair share of fuck-buddies and had often helped friends through rough spots. For the most part, you were a level-headed person that could work under pressure.
 Your eyes lingering on the “restrain from contacting anyone” line, you frown. It’s not like you need to talk to friends or family every day. Glancing around your empty bedroom, you shrug. Your friends and parents were scattered around the world without you. As long as you have new places and people to occupy your time with, you won’t need to contact your friends or parents. You’ve always made it work on your own.
 Plus they pay for all your travel and living costs... Entry level jobs rarely provide any sort of benefits. The compensation is quite handsome too - enough to fly you between John Hopkins, Alaska, Singapore, L.A., and anywhere in South America countless times. You fold your lips as you read the description again.
 What really worried you was that you couldn’t leave. You need a sense of freedom. Even during the height of the pandemic, you went outside frequently.
 You know you should be wary. The benefits looked too good to be true. And you can think of at least 3 ways this could end in human rights abuses.
 When you glance through the required application submissions you groan. “Damn, they really tryna get my life story… this is gonna take at least 3 hours.”
 From the way that your feet and eyes are twitching, you can tell that you’re getting delirious. But for whatever reason, your eyes stay glued to your laptop.
 Sticking your laptop charger into a socket, you glare at your screen. “I don’t even know which country this job is in… This is so fucking sus,” you mutter.
 You read over the job position once more, trying to let the information soak in. But the more you read, the crazier the job seems, and the more intrigued you become. You’ve been working odd jobs since you were 14 and you’ve experienced some truly bizarre things. But this… this was something else.
 You sigh loudly. “Fuck it. I’m applying.”
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 There are two types of people in the world. People who jump off the cliff and people who are too much of a pussy to try. And you’ve never been a pussy.
 At least, that’s what you’ve been telling yourself since you accepted an interview for the human Teddy Bear position. You know it’s stupid but you’re growing desperate for change. Your friends fill your Instagram timeline with surreal photos of their new homes and new friends. And your parents still haven’t come back from backpacking in South America. You want something equally drastic, equally as breathtaking, even if it means that you would be off the grid for a year or two.
 So here you are, in some random office building that’s suspiciously empty with a suspicious man in a blue suit. Desperation can do you dirty sometimes.
 After some uncomfortable pleasantries, the man in the blue suit slides a letter across the table. “My clients wrote this letter to you.”
 Your eyes fall onto the glossy red seal embossed with a delicate D. Tearing open the envelope, you take out the paper and read out loud:
Dear y/n,
We are happy to inform you that you have been selected for the Teddy Bear position. We were extremely pleased with your application and are excited to meet you in person. Accepting the position and relocating to Seoul, South Korea can begin at your earliest convenience.
Eagerly awaiting you,
The Dreamies
 “Seoul?” You echo.
 You stare at the letter, dumbfounded. Out of all of the countries you imagined, you had never thought about South Korea.
 “So… this job isn’t like… how do I say this…”
 The man in the blue suit tries to smile but it makes his face look funny. “Yes? I know this might be overwhelming but I am here to answer your questions and assuage your concerns.”
 You blink. Assuage? Damn, this guy is legit. You let out a little sigh. Might as well ask, you are about to sell your soul.
 “Might sound like a stupid question but I’m not like, a signing up to be a personal cum dump, right?” You smile guiltily. “Because that was not my postgraduate plan…” you mutter.
 The man in the blue suit nods politely. “Not a stupid question in any regard. The clients wanted to make it clear that sex is not a part of your job description. The job description does describe physical support which the clients imagined being as simple as a hug or as intimate as sleeping next to each other. Although this is a very ah, unique job, they want it to be as natural as possible. And if sexual intimacy does occur, it will be mutually consented and is not included in your contract.”
 You nod dumbly. So basically, if I have sex with someone it wouldn’t be paid for. “Oh… that’s nice.”
 “Any other questions?”
 “About a million but mostly, who are the Dreamies?”
 “I cannot disclose much until after you sign the non-disclosure. However, they include seven males between the ages of 20 and 22.”
 “How come they don’t want me to leave their home?”
 “They’re public figures. If anyone knew you existed, their careers would be finished. The clients’ top priority is privacy. But since the clients all live in different apartment complexes, I will drive you to a different building every week. Other than that, you’re not allowed to leave until your contract expires.”
 Leaning back in your chair, you let your shoulders slump. You can almost see Karina standing beside you waving a huge red flag. But you had already made up your mind a while ago.
 “Okay… thank you. I, uh, would like to accept the job. But–I need a week before I go. Or–” you pause to look sheepishly at the man in the blue suit. “Am I allowed…?”
 The man in the blue suit nods enthusiastically while he takes the acceptance letter from your hand. “Of course. The clients want to ensure a comfortable transition into this position. They will pay for all moving expenses, including transportation and storage. You will only be allowed one backpack of items which will be inspected by their security upon your arrival. You will be given a weekly allowance to pay for any desired clothes, toiletries, and other necessities.”
 You nod, silently wishing you had brought an old school journal to take notes. It was so much information and you wanted to remember all of it.
 “Excellent, you can begin to go over the non-disclosure, terms of agreement, and contract. As you are aware, this is a year-long contract, but this is subject to change, pending your experience on the job and if the clients deem you inappropriate to service their needs. Discussions about the duration or termination can begin after two months.”
 The man in the blue suit slides a pile of papers in front of you and places a blue pen neatly above the stack.
 “This top file is the most important to the clients. It outlines your guidelines to interact with them. Essentially, every week you will live with a different client. It is critical that you do not discuss your time with the other clients. They work closely with one another and do not want their relationship with you to affect their teamwork.”
 “So basically, I should pretend like the others don’t exist when I’m with one of them?”
 The man in the blue suit looks uneasy. “Not necessarily ‘exist.’ Perhaps ‘avoid talking about’ would be more appropriate. The clients are usually with one another for 8 or more hours every day. They do not wish to start unnecessary disputes over their private lives.”
 You sigh while rubbing your forehead. I guess I can respect that. You nod at the man in the blue suit. “Continue.”
 “As mentioned, they all live in different apartment complexes. Every Monday, I will escort you to the next client’s apartment and the other clients will be unaware of where you are staying each week. For any medical, personal, or professional needs, I will be your point of contact.”
 “And your name is…?”
 The man in the blue suit smiles politely. “The clients thought it would be best if you remain unaware of my name.”
 “Damn, these people really don’t want me to do or know anything,” you groan.
 “To be fair,” he says gently, “your salary is exceptional. Please understand that their careers are on the line if there is the slightest mishap.”
 “Okay, but I can’t leave their apartment at all? Let me guess, I can’t even open a window?”
 The man in the blue suit nods. “If you flip to the next page…”
 Doing as instructed, your eyes fall on the paragraph titled ‘Phone Usage.’ ��I can’t post, like, or comment on any social media platform? I can’t even order anything for myself. This is crazy!”
 “It’s a part of the job. I will purchase necessities and any other items for you.”
 You bite your lip. This is insane. You’re pretty much signing away your freedom.
 “Fuck…” you moan, slumping into your chair. “Give me a second to think.”
 Closing your eyes, you weigh your options. It was either this or being stuck at home with no job, parents, or friends.
 Gradually, you raise the stack of papers from the table to your eye level.
 The man in the blue suit sighs in relief. “Please take your time to read and feel free to ask me about anything.”
 You don’t hear him as you finger through the pages and pages of stapled documents.
 The iPhone default ringtone splits through the office. “My apologies,” the man in the blue suit mutters as he slides his mobile out of his pocket. Reading the screen, he smiles apologetically at you. “Please excuse me, I need to take this.”
 Closing the office door firmly behind him, the man in the blue suit accepts the call.
 “Hello?… yes, she just accepted the position… no, she will move in a week… she seems anxious but as to be expected… no, but I will bring her a glass of water after this call… you want me to tell her what?”
 When the man in the blue suit returns, he sets down a thin glass of water with a coaster on your left before sitting.
 “No questions?” he asks gently, observing how you underlined and circled certain words.
 You look up from the terms of employment, eyes dazed. “Huh? No, I’m good.”
 After a tedious hour-long reading session, you had approved all the paperwork and signed every page. Although you had your suspicions, the paperwork was legitimate and you felt confident that the job was real.
 After the man in the blue suit overlooked your signatures, he shuffles the papers cheerfully, happy that he successfully hired the perfect candidate. As he nestles the papers in his briefcase, you gulp down the water that had gone lukewarm.
 “I just spoke with the clients. They’re very pleased that you have taken the position.”
 “Hmm,” you hum softly, trying to drag out a smile through the exhaustion. The last time you had focused this hard was months ago in finals week.
 “They also permitted me to tell you their identities now that you have signed their non-disclosure.”
 You straighten up in the chair. “Do you have any pictures of them?”
 “You can google them if you’d prefer. They’re called NCT Dream.”
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        Read the series
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bridgertonbabe · 6 months
In the Royal AU how was Sophie first state banquet as a part of the Royal family ?
From the second she was informed she'd be in attendance of the forthcoming state banquet, Sophie had been determined to be as prepared and polished as possible for the occasion.
For example, she had asked Mrs Crabtree to arrange for a revision lesson with the etiquette specialist so she would confidently know how to hold herself and know the difference between all of the specific cutlery in use for the state event. She also busied herself away with Duolingo in order to converse with members of the visiting foreign delegation, even if it was only on a beginner's level of translation and communication.
Benedict hadn't even picked up on Sophie's sudden interest to learn Dutch for any particular reason until he came across her making flashcards with photos and information of guests ahead of the state dinner.
"Darling, you're not seriously making revision cards about every last guest attending the dinner are you?"
"Well I don't want to be stood around like a lemon with no idea who anyone in the room is, now do I?"
"Soph, you don't seriously think we'd just let you go into the banquet completely blindfolded, right?" he fondly sighed and slipped into the chair beside her at the table. "We've literally got designated members of staff to whisper into our ears the names of every single person we're about to meet and a little fun fact about them to fulfill a moment of smalltalk with. You don't have to go to any of these lengths, I assure you." he gestured to the laptop, cards, and marker pens scattered about them.
"It's easy for you, Ben. You can charm the pants off anyone you meet with a single smile." she sighed while diligently carrying on her with task.
"And it's just as easy for you!" he argued with an adoring smile on his face. "Darling, everyone who meets you falls in love with you in an instant."
"Everyone who meets me will have probably read my own stepmother slandering me in the press." Sophie huffed.
"And nobody in their right mind would believe a word that comes out of that witch's mouth." Benedict firmly assured her and wrapped an arm around his wife. "Nobody attending this banquet is going to buy into anything that cow is trying to sell."
"You don't know that." Sophie shook her head.
"Hey; don't let her get to you like this." Benedict told her. "You don't have to prove yourself to anyone, Sophie, least of all her and anyone dumb enough to believe the venom she spews."
"It's not just that. As your wife I have to represent your family and be worthy of the privilege that comes with this position. I've got to put the work in."
"My love; you already are worthy. You've never had to prove that." he insisted and clasped her hand in his. "And you've already done way more work than I ever have for any banquet. We're in this together, okay? You never have to worry because I'm always going to be right by your side."
Sophie sighed reluctantly, dumping the pen in her hand on the desk and turning to her husband. "I know you are. I just want to be capable of attending a royal event without you having to hold my hand like I'm helpless."
"Well maybe I want to stand by your side and hold your hand because I'm the one who's helpless, you ever think about that?" he smirked and pecked her on the cheek.
"Well, now you mention it," she replied, teasingly twitching her lips.
"Hey! You weren't supposed to agree!" he laughed with her but kissed her all the same. "And look, try not to stress too much about the banquet, or even worry about what to talk with the guests about."
"Ben, I can't just wing it like you." she rolled her eyes. "I mean, what would they even have to talk to me about?"
Benedict stared and narrowed his eyes at her pointedly. "Gee, I wonder. It's not like you had a wedding five months ago or a recent pregnancy announcement for them to congratulate you on." he said sarcastically.
"Okay, you've made your point." Sophie swatted him affectionately before stroking her bump. "I just wouldn't want to be so self-important to receive congratulations from strangers without trying to make an effort to talk to them about themselves in return."
"Just try not to view it so formally, sweetheart. Just chat with them as you would anyone else you're meeting for the first time."
And as fretful as she had been in the lead up to it, the banquet ended up not being as stressful as Sophie thought it would have been. Benedict faithfully stuck to her side the entire evening and during the brief moments he wasn't, she always had Violet, Kate, or Daphne making sure she wasn't faring her first royal banquet alone.
"See, what did I tell you?" Benedict smiled, intertwining their hands in the backseat as they were driven home. "You were wonderful without trying. You didn't need those flashcards at all."
"Mhm, you're right. I might not have needed them in the end - but you certainly put them to good use." she smirked knowingly at him.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." he coyly replied.
"Oh really? So you just so happened to know that the ambassador is a Zumba enthusiast?"
"What can I say, I'm just a very perceptive person." he shrugged.
"Do you even know what Zumba is?"
"Yes." Benedict scoffed.
"Well what is it then?"
"... It's something the Dutch ambassador is an enthusiast of."
"Ben!" she snorted and shook her head.
"Hey, come on! At least your efforts weren't all in vain! Thanks to your cards I charmed the pants off of even more people than I normally do."
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sebstan2020 · 1 year
She Works For The Devil
Chapter 4
Kaylee Holmes, timid and sweet is studying accounting at NYU. To everyone around her, her life is simple, working towards her degree and living a perfect life in the city of New York. But what they don’t know is the dark secret she carries. Working for one of the most powerful men in New York, secretly involved in the Mafia underworld and forced to serve the man himself is not something you tell everyone when you first meet them. However, her life soon changes when she meets young and friendly Peter Parker, just transferred to NYU, and wonders what her life would be like if she could live it out like she tells everyone.
Warnings: Manipulation, Dominant male figures, Slavery, BDSM, Dominance, Submission, Mental abuse, Sexual themes, Dark Bucky Barnes, Possessiveness, Jealousy,
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“Alright that’s us for today class I will see you all Friday” Professor Martin waved to the class as he began to wipe the whiteboard clear of his barely readable handwriting. An eruption of students standing and shoving their books and laptops back in the bags and hurrying down the stairs of the lecture hall followed shortly, and Kaylee joined them, placing her notebook and laptop in her Longchamp bag. It fitted everything and more. It was a gift from Bucky for her birthday. She could never afford a bag like this on her own and with all the money Bucky made, he’d often splurge some of it for Kaylee. Kaylee didn’t care too much for designer brands and clothes, but it was nice to own a few luxury items. With the bag came a Chanel perfume, a tiffany bracelet, and a louis Vuitton purse. It was quite overwhelming, but she was grateful, nonetheless.
Bucky was a man of wealth and he liked to show it off, not only on himself but his gang members and his girl. They all dressed in Dior and Prada suits, gold and silver watches, the most expensive cologne, and flashy cars. They weren’t the typical thug gang dressed in ski masks, committing robberies, and holding up banks. But their image helped them steer away from cops and other suspecting people that might think they were involved in the dark mafia underworld.
Kaylee stepped down the stairs, making her way out the lecture hall with the other students. Peter was meeting her by the bench, and she felt a hint of excitement inside her. perhaps it was a thrill that she was going to meet a boy, as if she were a giddy schoolgirl going on her first date. Granted this had nothing to do with a date or anything like it but having Bucky be so controlling of who she could and couldn’t see, it sent rebellious sparks through her system, and she couldn’t help the grin on her face as she reached outside. It was a particularly hot day, and the sun warmed her arms as she carried her binder close to her chest.
Kaylee looked up ahead, finding Peter at the agreed meeting place. He shuffled on his feet, looking down to the ground and finally turned to see Kaylee walking, the grin on his face widening as he caught sight of her.
“Hey” he greeted cheerfully as Kaylee arrived.
“Hey, were you waiting long” she asked, dumping her bag down on the floor and slipping herself on the bench. There was no back to it so she crossed one leg under her, setting her binder down carefully and Peter followed.
“Nah, just like a couple of minutes, how was your lecture?” he asked, and Kaylee shrugged.
“I think I’m beginning to lose attention now that I’m so close to finishing. We’re basically just going over the same things now, refreshing our memories for finals” her past few lectures had been so boring and she wished they would just give them this time to revise.
“So, what are you plans for afterwards?” he asked, and Kaylee froze for a minute. She fiddled with a strand of her jean that had come away, picking at the small fibres and threads whilst she thought of an answer. She couldn’t very well say ‘Well I work for the mafia at the moment, and I do their accounting’.
“Um, I think I’ll just look for an accounting job or something, I don’t really know” she brushed it off, her words coming out quickly and her head shaking fast.
“Yeah, there’s probably loads of jobs out there for you, you’ll find one easily, so what made you want to do accounting”. Kaylee laughed a little nervously, brushing some of her bleach blonde hair behind her ear and took a deep breath. Another answer she couldn’t answer truthfully.
“Well, I’ve always been good at numbers, my parents recommended it and it seemed like a good career choice” she made up on the spot.
“Funny because you look more like a science girl” Peter replied, and Kaylee furrowed her brows.
“Really” she was surprised.
“That or an actress, you know the blonde hair, blue eyes, typical girl” he shrugged, and Kaylee giggled.
“What are you saying?” she raised a brow cheekily and Peter shrugged his shoulders, his lips curling downwards.
“Nothing, just you know, typical white girl” he murmured, and Kaylee scoffed, pushing his arm playfully.
“I am not” she squeaked although she probably had to agree.
“You know you look like a young Pamela Anderson” Peter smirked, and Kaylee laughed.
“Stop it right now… well you look like a nerd” she fired back, and Peter held a hand to his chest, as if he was deeply offended.
“I am not a nerd” he defended.
“Fine tell me one thing you do that’s not nerdy” she played.
“I…” Peter pretended to think, and Kaylee giggled again.
Their back-and-forth banter was natural, and Kaylee found herself laughing at his every word. His laugh was higher than most boys, but he still had that masculinity to him. He was very good looking if she had to be honest. His curly hair was that perfect brunette colour with hints of golden undertones in the sun. His smile was bright and warming and his eyes chocolate brown. Kaylee caught a whiff of his cologne, fresh and ocean scents.
“Listen, my friend Ned and I are going to have some drinks later, do you want to join?” he asked, and Kaylee was about to accept but she stopped herself quickly.
She said she would drop his laundry off to him later and he’d most likely want her to stay. There’s no way she could tell him she can’t stay because she’s going out for drinks. He’d interrogate her until he knew the whole truth.
“I would but I have plans tonight, and I’m trying to study whenever I can” Peter nodded, although he looked a little disappointed.
“Yeah, that’s okay, I get that, maybe the weekend” he offered, and Kaylee didn’t want to turn around and say she was busy.
“Yeah, I’ll see what I’m doing and let you know” that would tide her over until then. However, weekends were spent with Bucky. It was part of their deal. She’d have the week to study and focus on her schoolwork alongside doing their accounts and other jobs and the weekend she’d spend at the mansion with him. It made Kaylee wonder though when she graduates, would she move back there with him and spend the rest of her life stuck in that mansion or would she still have the ounce of freedom she has now. Only time would tell.
“Yo Peter lets go, we’ll be late for- “a smaller, larger boy walked over with floppy black hair and tanned skin, stopping dead in his tracks as he laid eyes on Kaylee. She looked a little confused to Peter who stood up, swinging his bag over his shoulder.
“Oh, this is Ned, my friends, Ned this is Kaylee” Peter introduced, and Kaylee stood up, smiling brightly at Ned who stared deadly at her.
“Sup” he nodded, and Peter groaned, shaking his head in embarrassment.
“Hi” she greeted softly.
“Sorry about him he doesn’t talk to many woman” Peter admitted with a huff and Kaylee giggled.
“No, it’s fine”.
“I’ll see you later Kaylee” Peter smiled, and Kaylee gathered her bag and binder.
“Yeah, see you Peter” she smiled and watched as they walked off, Peter hitting Ned in the shoulder.
Kaylee drove back to the city, heading to Yuri’s to pick up the laundry. On her way she couldn’t help thinking about how different Peter and Bucky were. Peter was calm, dressed in casual tees and jeans and was nerdy and smart. He was the same age as Kaylee and for one he wasn’t involved in the mafia. Bucky however was the complete opposite. He was dominant, controlling, a smart man as well but a criminal. He was older than Kaylee and he was her boss/master/lover whatever you wanted to call it.
Kaylee hadn’t been with anyone but Bucky, so she didn’t have experience dating guys or having boyfriends. Peter was nothing like Bucky and a part of Kaylee wanted to explore Peter more. he seemed like a caring and nice guy, someone that would treat a girl like a queen. Not that Bucky treated Kaylee horribly, but he liked to be the one in charge of their relationship. He set the rules, he made the decisions, he was the dominant one. Peter was far from being dominant and possessive. Kaylee sighed and shook the thoughts away, heading on to Yuri’s.
She picked up the dry cleaning, thanking Yuri as she left and headed back to her car to drop it off at Bucky's. When she arrived, the heard the TV blasting from the living room and headed straight to his bedroom. She didn’t particularly want to see the other guys, especially Steve who was the most annoying person in this gang. The others she could just about tolerate but he made her reach her wits end and she had to hold back on what she wanted to do to him. She climbed the stairs and padded to the bedroom, the shirts neatly hanging in the plastic bags which rustled as she walked, and knocked lightly on the door, hearing his voice. It sounded like he was on the phone. The door was slightly open, and she pushed it quietly, slipping inside.
Bucky was on the phone, still dressed in his suit from this morning and looking like he hadn’t been interrogating some poor soul. His hair was slightly messy as if he had constantly been running his fingers through it and he wandered back and forth, phone pressed tightly to his ear. He caught sight of Kaylee but didn’t give much attention to her as he continued to talk.
“We’ll meet you at the docks Saturday” it must be to do with the shipment coming in. Kaylee ignored the conversation, walking to the wardrobe and began to hang his shirts up. They smelt fresh and were crisp and clean, as if no blood had been spilled on them at all. Yuri must have some sort of special chemical to get rid of the blood. The shirts looked like they were brand new, had never been worn or even touched.
“Alright, bye” Bucky ended the call, throwing his phone on the bed and swaggering over to Kaylee just as she hung the last shirt, his shoes scuffing on the carpet. He came up behind her, his hands immediately circling her waist and his lips attacking her neck with a kiss. Kaylee was caught off guard, releasing a squeak and then a moan as he pressed a kiss to her sensitive spot on her neck, over her gland and sucked the skin, his teeth grazing.
In a flash, Bucky spun her around, pushing her against the wall beside the door, pinning her there whilst his hands roamed her body, his lips attacking hers in a deep and possessive kiss, as if he hadn’t drunk water for days and was dehydrated. He finally pulled away, his lips still hovering over hers and she looked up from her dark lashes, mouth parted open sucking in air as Bucky looked down at her possessively.
“Is everything okay?” she asked softly. she could tell something might have annoyed him or turned his mood sour and Bucky took a deep breath.
“Everything is fine” he answered bluntly. His hand crept up and cupped her face, his thumb grazing her cheek, the coldness of his ring stinging her as it glided over. Kaylee sucked her bottom lip in, wetting it as it had turned dry, and Bucky curled his lips into a smirk. His hand cupping her cheek slide under her chin, and he gripped her face in his one hand, fingers digging into her cheeks, turning her head to the side where we placed a kiss to her cheek and then stuck his tongue out, licking up her cheek to her ear where he whispered softly, his breath warm and sending a tingle down her body.
“I want you to get undressed and kneel by the bed” Kaylee finally let out a breath, her eyes travelling to the ground and then back up at Bucky as he slowly released his grip on her face, allowing her the freedom to look over. He had that lustful look in his eyes, that possessive dominant persona ready to jump out. Something must have pissed him off today or he was just in a kinky mood because Kaylee knew what would be coming next.
Kaylee did as she was told, slipping out of her t-shirt and jeans, and neatly piling them by one of the dresses whilst she heard rustling in the wardrobe. She knelt naked on the floor, hands flat on her thighs just as he would like and waited patiently, a tingle and knot in her stomach. A slam of a draw nearly had her jumping but she stayed in position, eyes slightly wide and mouth open, short breaths inhaling and exhaling as she waited.
Bucky soon emerged from the wardrobe, carrying a set of leather cuffs dangling from two fingers with two long pieces of rope and in the other hand a whip. Long with a leather handle and at the end a small flappy piece. Kaylee kept her eyes focused on the ground as Bucky threw the whip on the bed behind her and took the cuffs. They were black leather with silver buckles and a small silver ring to be able to tie them to furniture or together with a clip. Bucky crouched in front of Kaylee, holding out the cuff for her wrists which she held up almost immediately as it was presented. Bucky wrapped it around, the leather fitting snugly on her wrist and wasn’t too tight. The other was fitted and she felt another tingle run through her body.
Bucky took a deep breath, snatching the whip from the bed and padded over to one of the chairs in the corner, slumping down on it and looking with dark eyes at Kaylee.
“Come here” he ordered softly, nodding his head to her and Kaylee took a breath before placing her hands on the carpet and began to crawl towards him. this is what he wanted, she knew it, she had done it many times before. it made him feel more powerful, in charge, made that smirk grow on those plump pink lips and his dick harden under the tightness of his pants. Kaylee looked up with sexy eyes under her lashes as she crawled closer, seeing him smirk more.
She finally reached Bucky, waiting for further instructions and Bucky leant forwards so he was sat upright, staring down at Kaylee. Without a word, he pressed the end of the whip to the tail of his shoe, patting it lightly and Kaylee knew exactly what he was asking for. She turned sideways on, leaning over his shoe and pressed her face down, her lips pressing to the strong expensive leather covering his foot. Her lips pressed a kiss to the tip of the shoe, the strong scent filling her nose and her cheeks turning a shade of red. Worshipping, that’s what he wanted, to be worshipped as if he was a god. A tingle went through Bucky's body, and he groaned softly, running the whip over her bare back, trailing the leather across her spin, and seeing her flinch as it moved to her ass.
“Tell me who you belong to?” he whispered softly.
“You Sir” she answered and was followed by a swift crack of the whip on her ass, not too harsh for her to scream but enough to make her jump and squirm.
“Good girl” he praised, and Kaylee couldn’t help the tingle move to between her legs, the wetness in her pussy reaching the surface and spilling, her slick sticking to her folds. This was making her wet; the degradation and praise and she couldn’t help moaning into the leather. She pressed another kiss to his shoe, worshipping the Dior leather that seemed to be of a higher status than her right now which was humiliating enough.
Bucky trailed the whip over her back, patting lightly until he smacked it harder on her ass cheek, earning a squeal. Another hit and this time it was on her aching pussy. Kaylee swallowed the hard lump in her throat, focusing on kissing the leather that was slick with her saliva, but the hits of the whip were distracting her.
The whip travelled over her back to her shoulder blades, pushing her strands of hair over her shoulder and falling beside her face, revealing more of her beautiful skin. Bucky slapped the whip there, watching in pleasure as she lurched forward, over his shoe and hissed. That one was a little too harsh. His hand brought her back to position and he snapped the whip over her ass again, her cheeks turning a shade of blotchy red and heating up. Kaylee breathed over his foot, her hands gripping the carpet for support. Bucky smacked the whip once more, the hardest one so far and Kaylee hissed with an oww.
Bucky grabbed her hair to pull her up, arching her back and he pressed a hard kiss to her parted lips, his tongue sticking its way inside and twirling with hers like on a dance floor, loud kissing noises being the only sound in the room, his fingers digging into the back of her neck for the added bit of control and Kaylee took a deep breath when he pulled away, looking up with hooded eyes. The tingles spread over her legs and to her toes, her feet feeling numb from the mix of pleasure and pain and emotions.
He stood abruptly, taking her hand, and yanking her over to the bed, pushing her down and her body slamming into the mattress. He straddled her waist before she could even move and threaded the rope through the rings of the cuffs. He was quick to tie the rope, threading it through his long fingers and tied the ends to the corners of his bed, spreading them open. He smirked as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to her lips quickly and leaving her wanting more whilst he threw off his suit. Normally he’d take care to fold it neatly or place it on the chair, but he had no patience for it today. He needed Kaylee right now and his clothes weren’t going to overcome that.
He climbed on the bed, possessively growling as he pushed Kaylee’s legs up, spreading her open and wide. His fingers teased her spot, rubbing her wetness over her pussy and touching that little sensitive clit of hers, sending shocks to her core. Kaylee gasped as he pressed a thumb into her clit, fingers rubbing small little circles over her aching hole and didn’t take long to enter her, his dick filling her up, spreading her.
Kaylee let out a moan, her head falling into the pillow as Bucky began to fuck her, this time being rougher than he was before. his hands gripped her thighs tightly, so they left dents and red marks, his hips thrusting and balls slapping into her as he roughly fucked her. he was taking his anger and frustration out on her, his pent-up anger and anything else he had in his system that he needed to let go off. She was the only thing he could use to do that. She was his for him to do what he wanted and what he liked. His dick was already hard from watching her worship him, so it didn’t take him long to reach his climax.
Kaylee moaned softly, her head turning into the pillows and head pressed against hr outstretched arm as pleasure overtook her body, her legs tingling, her pussy twitching and ready to release the built-up pleasure, a coldness shivering through her body, toe curling in euphoria. It was angry sex but pleasurable nonetheless and she couldn’t ignore the feelings, the sensations taking over her body. She peeked up at Bucky who had his head back, neck exposed and teeth gritting into his lower lip.
Kaylee moaned loudly at the top of her lungs, sucking in one last breath as she felt her orgasm coming just as Bucky felt his. The two came simultaneously, Bucky filling her up with his seed, Kaylee clenching around his dick, her juices spilling over him and out of her, all sticky and hot. Normally Bucky would have her beg to cum, but he was too eager and impatient to wait. He allowed for it this once Bucky slowed his pace, calming himself down. his hair was a wild mess of strands and sweat dripping down the sides of his face, blue eyes red with lust and lips wet with saliva. Kaylee caught her breath, tilting her head to look up at Bucky as he dragged a hand through his hair, smirking down at her. His hands ran over her body, squeezing every inch of her and he leaned down, cupping her chin once again and kissed her hard.
Kaylee let out a groan into the kiss, slightly caught off guard once again but relaxed. Her hands tugged at the ropes and cuff, fingers slipping through the rope. Bucky released her lips from the kiss, a low smack sounding after, and he grinned in delight.
“Good girl” he breathed.
“You sure everything is okay?” she tried once again and Bucky grinned in delight, staring deep into her beautiful eyes.
“Everything is fine” he whispered and placed one last peck to her lips before pushing himself off her, flicking his hair to the side to get out of his eyes and padded over to the shower, turning it on. Kaylee sighed and let her head drop to the pillow, exhaustion taking over her body. She hoped he wasn’t going to leave her tied like this to the bed. But right now, she was too tired to even speak or attempt to get out the cuffs. So instead, she laid there, closing her eyes as she listened to the shower run.
Chapter 5
Hey so I hope you like it, let me know what you think in the comments and if you would like to be tagged as well
@cjand10​ @pattiemac1​ @sebastiansluts​ @charmed-asylum​
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pinkrobinontheloose · 27 days
Here's the thing. (This probably is going to be a disaster and some trauma dumping on my behalf, and with some grammatical and spelling errors 'cause English is not my first language, so be aware)(Side note: I'm from Venezuela, which will play a huge part in everything I'm about to say)
It's hard living with your parents when you're the youngest and the only one who got a college degree, out of all your siblings. And is autistic/depressed/chronically ill.
It's rough.
Recently, while I was seeing a Tik Tok about the Batman and I realized why I vibe with Tim so hard, more than any other. 'Cause I'm the same way. They were talking about the roles that children take in abusive/neglectful/dysfuctional households.
They talked about 4 roles:
- The hero (Dick): A child who takes on the role of the parents.
- The rebel (Jason): They like to go against the rules and forms of authority, as well as dynamics wich include some form of power dynamics. Also, they could, in some way or minimal form, be part of the problem.
- The lost child (Tim): The quiet, discreet one. Who's needs often are overlooked and hided.
- The mascot/brains (Damian): It uses the comedy and laughter as a way to distract the attention from the dysfunctionality of the family. As well, the brain ones, are the ones who takes any minimal chance they get to use the mistake of one member against them.
And they talked about in how this roles played a huge part in the development of this child's and their adulthood.
As soon as I ended that video I cried super hard, because I saw myself in Tim.
It feels selfish and narcissistic to say it, but I was the lost child.
My sister was the hero, my brother the goofon and I was the lost child (wich is such a dramatic title).
Our house was a weird combination of the 3. My parents were there in our childhoods, but they never where really there. Our family dinamic could range from being super happy to be supper tense and scary in just one second. My father is the center of it all. You didn't want to piss him off. He rarely is abusive physically, but God, did he have other ways to hurt you. My mother is mostly, distant, she will scream and insult him and pass it as taking care of us, but at the same time, she only did it for herself. She will tell you to just succumb for anything my father says, if that means she can keep her peace of mind.
My sister will always try to protect us and care, she was the one who tried to advocate and fighted our parents. She is this strong, protective, quick witted woman who has so much emotional damage that limits her capacity to love and feel secure with people, especially man. She is our Dick.
My brother on the other hand is an asshole. A jerk who is neglectful with his children in his own way. A big jerk to woman's. I... He did things to me which I never talk about and no one knows about, except me and him. He always tried to pass everything as a joke and made seem that everything was fine. My dad and him always had an explosive relationship, they will have screaming matches, physical figths, neglect, shaming, hatred, everything that they could do the other. But was my mother's favorite. And he became Jason of our family. Everything he does, is forgived and passed as a mistake or misjudgment.
Then there was me. The weirs, sickly child who's siblings hated for being the reason their parents no longer cared for each other and played by the rules this parents established, the one who never quite understood why people treated as if was an stupid with high grades. The one who had to take the downfall of every single one mistake the other two did. The one who had to be the fucking parent for her own parents. I'm Tim.
So, imagine my surprise when I saw that, and only I could think of all the ways I failed my "family" to be "more family like" instead of thinking about all the things they let me down for.
I just....
I remember the only therapist I saw in my life told me once "you can't always expect to make them happy, as well, you can't expect them to make you happy or being happy in your behalf. Cause to them, you are breaking the mold and expectations they set up, even the ones who wish you good, set up expectations. They conditioned you, and you conditioned your surroundings to believe that, if you make a mistake, you're not worthy of love. You are the problem"
So yeah.
I'm Tim.
I'm the problem.
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yanderelmk · 11 months
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So genuinely I think it's because LMK is a kid's show and that pedophiles flock to mediums of children shows. It's easier for them to find groups that find their behavior and tastes acceptable. The second I clicked together everything I went "YEET" OBLGATORY PSA DO NOT WITCH-HUNT/HARRASS, BE THE BIGGER PERSON Silver here would claim to "forget" character ages despite multiple in-server discussions about y'know why simping for underage characters is a bad thing.
Let me point this out: Silver also has a platform on the yanderelmk-x-reader blog. She actively has a platform where she can interact with children who frequent this kind of content! That's what has me the most disturbed. They can interact with minors who could fall prey to them and their ideology that an 18-year-old and a 12-year-old is acceptable. Oh and to a lesser red flag that can be found on Tumblr a lot of people on my Discord server, upon reviewing everything, pointed out that the blog said it was "inspired" off of mine while directly ripping off the matchmaking idea that I had. Matchmaking is not owned by me and neither is using it for LMK characters, however it comes under suspicion more so when a lot of what the account does is reblog my content. In and of itself not a bad thing, but when it piles off of things they've done in the Discord server it doesn't look good.
Silver also, as another smaller thing they did compared to the pedophilia which was super creepy, wrote a vent post and publicly published it on Quotev wherein Nezha crawled into reality to comfort her because people on the Discord server weren't constantly talking to her. TW: Written Rape, Heavily Abusive Yandere Themes, Written Suicide Attempt, Written Self-Harm, Partner Abuse, Trauma Dumping, Forced Pregnancy
Something else that was a gigantic red flag was that Silver wrote fics of her persona being kidnapped and raped by Nezha, having Stockholm Syndrome, and even being forced to birth ten of his children. What's even more disgusting is that she posted this and didn't black any of it out.
They also, upon not receiving attention, began writing fics in which their persona was bullied to the point of trying to kill herself by other server member's personas (without obviously our consent or knowledge) only to be saved by Nezha. Pretty two-faced since they'd try to play buddy-buddy otherwise with server members, and this was obviously a vent about people not paying constant attention to her (she'd post over people talking and try to yank attention away from people talking then pouted when it didn't work).
They wrote so much angst people in the server were breaking down from the sheer amount of heavily angst they would write. When told to stop and that people were upset, they only said that they'd never stop. They actively joked about how often they posted angst despite server members expressing extreme discomfort and upset at the amount of angst she posted.
Any criticism was met with pouting and Silver refusing to accept it.
That's not mentioning how she added her IRL abusive boyfriend into persona writing and only reveal it was an IRL ex to massively trauma dump unprovoked about it. Which is screwed up. That and they trauma dumped a LOT in general out of the blue. All of this was a gigantic, huge, massive red flag that ended in a well-deserved ban.
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wolf-gutz · 2 years
Max/TransM!Reader Chapter 1
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An - sorry for dissapearing again lol, i got really depressed and didnt feel like writing, but ive hotten back into a bit !! heres a four chapter Max fic because literaly no one ever writes about him, cmon people 😭
Cw: smutty vibes but no actual smut, violence and slight mention of gore
About - basically you end up joining the cult, yes, i was extremly lazy with making up a reason lmao. it follows the movie except *spoiler* Max doesnt die. Max is horn knee the whole time
Words - 1182
continue under the cut <3
Bee came in with the shots, handing one to me and one to Cole. she was our, quote unquote babysitter, even though i didn’t need one since I was almost 17. Bee was a close friend of mine though, so I didn’t mind it much.
It smelt like she had mixed vodka with Baileys, which I hated both, so when she left to go pour herself a shot, we both hurriedly dumped ours out into the nearby plant.
“Oh, you did it without me” She pouted, before taking her own. I yawned and stretched, and Cole yawned as well, for whatever reason.
“Alright Coley, time for bed, I let you stay u an extra half hour, so shoo now. Im probably gonna go to sleep soon anyways Y/N.” She said, putting her hands on his shoulders and turning him around towards the stairs.
“Thats fine, Im tired as fuck anyways.”
Bee smiled, sitting herself over on the couch as me and Cole headed upstairs.
Truthfully, I wasnt actually that tired, but I just wanted some space, it had been quite chaotic, and sometimes a guy just needs time alone to read some horny fanfiction.
A couple hours in, I heard some commotion downstairs, then Cole softly knocking on my door. I opened up it and was about to ask what he was still doing awake, before he shushed me, grabbing my hand.
He pulled me down to his level and put one finger over my lips, whispering to me.
“Bee has people over, like, a lot. Theyre all playing truth or dare and stuff, wanna cpme watch?” He said, giggling to himself.
I nodded, going along with it just out of boredom, and we sat at the top of the stair case, watching them.
There was five other people sitting in a circle with Bee.
Max, a buff jock who I had a huge crysh on for the past two years, though I doubted he was into guys. 
Allison, the head cheerleader. I didn’t know much about her other than she had a kind of bimbo, bratty personality.
Jon, who I had only talked to a few times. He was funny and pretty chill, the kind of guy to let you smoke his weed occasionally without paying him back.
Sonya, who was a sort of gothic crazy chick. I heard that she went mad and almost killed one of her exs, but honestly I could care less since she was nice to me and SUPER pretty.
And Samuel. Samuel was a surprise, since he wasnt exactly the type of person Bee would hang around. He was a huge nerd, and anxious as all hell, but he seemed to be having fun.
The bottle landed on Bee who chose dare, and Max dared her too make out with everyone in the circle.
She gave a simple kiss too Max, which I wouldve done much more in her situation but anyways. She full ass made out with Allison, licked Johns face leving him upset, and gave a kiss on Sonyas forehead, Sonya levaing a kiss on hers.
Then it came time for Samuel, but he seemed extremly nervous. When Bee crawled over to him, he stood up, Bee following suit, and they seemed to all try and convince him it would be fine, though it was hard to hear what they were saying.
He eventually gave in, the two embracing in a kiss. Bee pulled back, and Samuel looked at her with a slight smile, before she pulled out two daggers, planting them right into his skull.
What the fuck.
He let out a bloodcurdling scream, and something about a porpoise, as Bee stuck the daggers in further, stuttered chokes escaping Samuels mouth. 
Blood slowly trickled down from the wounds, as the others gathered around Bee with goblet looking cups.
“Is everyone ready?” I heard her ask, and all the members excitedly said yes, tilting their cups towards his head. 
Bee yanked the daggers out, and the blood started to flow into Sonya, Max, and Allisons cups, as Bee grabbed her own. John wasn’t getting any, and said something that seemed like he was complaining about it, before getting sprayed in the face and soaked in Samuels blood.
Jon made a grossed out sound, desparatley trying to wipe the blood from his face, Bee saying something back to him.
I left after that, I had seen enough. I tried to tell Cole to run as well, but he wouldn’t move, so I left him behind. Bee wouldnt hurt him, and I felt like I was going to puke.
After a bit, I heard Coles door shut, and only a few minutes later footsteps. They were going up the steps, most likely to one of our rooms.
“-were gonna do with Cole, but what about his brother?” I heard Max ask. He sounded right outside of my door.
“He should be knocked out, but you can do whatever if you like. Just don’t hurt him.” Bee said, walking away.
“I would never.” Max laughed, and my door started opening. I rushed to put my headphones on, and pulled out my phone, pretending I was on it.
I gave Max a shocked look when he came into my room, and he looked surprised.
“Uh, sorry, thought you were asleep, Bee just wanted me to grab something.” He said, smiling, his demeanor immediately switching.
“Uh? Your Max, right? Why are you shirtless?” My chest felt tight, but in a kind of good way.
“A friend needed it. And yeah, your Y/N, right?” He chuckled, and I nodded.
He sat down on my bed and leaned towards my face.
“Your a lot cuter up close y’know.”
I kind of just froze, I knew he was flirty wuth everyone, but it still made me feel nice.
“Damn, you shouldve joined us earlier when we were playin truth or dare, you would’ve made things funnnn.” He laughed.
“Ah- us?” I asked.
“Yeah, Bees just got some friends over Y’know, you seem like the kind of person we could hang out with. You got something that you want so badly, you’d kill for it?” He said, leaning in closer, his hand on one of my thighs.
“Uh, weird question but… yeah, kind of.” I said. I had a dream to became a world famous actor, but I wasnt exactly the best at acting, and I couldn't seem to get any teaching for the life of me, since my parents found it stupid. I would kill for that honestly. I'd kill for a lot. I was kind of selfish, but I didn't mind.
“What if I said, you could do that, with us? I’d have to ask Bee, but I think she'd be down. Plus, Id want a cute face on our side like yours. Allisons hot, but she never shuts her mouth, and Sonyas a psycho bitch, but you on the other hand….”
“Uh me? Haha.” I nervously laughed, and he suddenly pulled back.
“So what do you say?”
“S… sure I'll join I guess, I have nothing better to do.” 
“Cool, cool. Are you a virgin?”
“UHM. A little straight forward haha, but yeah.”
“Good, good. Were collecting Coles blood, but I guess we could use yours if anything goea wrong” He laughed at his own joke. 
“Haha…. maybe.” I laughed nervously.
we sat in silence for a second, me pretending to be busy, as Max eyed me up and down.
“Hey, Im already shirtless and evereyone else is busy, why dont we?” Max asked, leaning back towards me. 
“I- i uh…. why don't we what?
“Listen, I know you got a little crush on me and your cute enough.”
“I’m just surprised your uh… into me….” I stuttered a little, turning off my phone and setting it to the side, finally getting what he meant.
“Your a cute nerd, who wouldn’t?” He grabbed my fave harshly, pulling it towards his.
I made a soft whimpering sound, closing my legs, trying not to stare down at his abs.
“Ahh, th- thanks.” I barely finished my sentence before he pulled me into a kiss, grabbing at the back of my head.
He dragged one of his legs over till he was on top of me, still aggressivley making out, soft moans escaping from both of us. He reached his other hand underneath my shirt and grabbed my back, holding me tight to him.
I went for it and ran one of my hands across his abs, pulling appart from the kiss for a second so I could breath. 
As i panted, he tilted my head, licking up my neck before giving me a soft bite and sucking on my neck, leaving a huge hickey, before leaving another, and another, and another. Moans escaped my lips as I desparatley tried to hide how horny this was making me, but when I looked down I could see how hard he was through his pants.
I decided to take the chance and slid my hands towards his pants, putting my fingers around the waistband before sliding them over to the button of his pants, slowly undoing it as he continued to mark on my neck.
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darkyuffie-blog · 7 months
Stay Away From Her Boys
Ex cheerleader turned Hellfire club member Lidia Jones goes to the woods for her weekly smoke sesh with the guys of Corroded Coffin when her plans are foiled by Jason, Tommy, Andy, and Chance attacking the guys.
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School finally let out for the day and god it was a long one. Lidia jumped up from her desk shoving her calculus book off into her back pack and quickly took off out of the class room. She stopped by her locker slinging her books inside and slamming it. Turning around only to the cruel laughter of her ex cheer mates as Tina shoved her back into the lockers and grinned like she'd won the lottery. Lidia rolled her eyes flipping her off with her painted black nails, Eddie had painted them for her saying she looked better in black than she did in that pink shit. She waited on them to get away from her before she headed off out the school doors she passed an apologetic looking Chrissy as she walked out. Chrissy was the only one from cheer who didn't bully her when she dumped the cheer team in favor of Hellfire. Chrissy understood. At least the guys of Hellfire and Corroded Coffin actually cared about her. The only one on the cheer team that ever cared was Chrissy. The rest were only interested in gossiping, trading basketball player boyfriends, and body shaming everyone to make themselves feel better and Lidia got sick of it.
She hummed to herself as she walked through the woods excited to be meeting up with her boys for a much needed smoke session. As she came close to the clearing she heard Gare yelling at someone who she quickly found out was Carver. "Fuck off Carver! The shit is wrong with you guys huh? You fucking gay for us or some shit?" Gare yelled out and then a crack of a fist sent Lidia running forward discarding her backpack as she went. Once in the clearing she was greeted with her Corroded Coffin boys in a fight with four of the basket ball guys. Andy, Jason, Chance, and Tommy. She was seething seeing Gare's lip bleeding, Eddie with a bloodied left brow, and Jeff with a slightly bloody left nostril. Grant seemed to be faring decently against Andy for the time. Once Jason got Gare onto the ground she was done watching. She ran forward launching herself off of the picnic table seat and slammed her combat boot straight into Jason's ribs the force from her launch off the table causing him to slam over onto the ground by Gare. Gare took the opportunity to jump up and slam his fist into Jason's jaw bloodying his lip.
Grant soon had Andy on the ground. Eddie and Tommy were throwing punches back and forth, Jeff sent Chance running finally after cracking a heavy left hook into his ribs knocking the air from him. Jason tried to pull himself off the ground but Gare yanked him back down throwing one more blow to his stomach before Andy and Tommy ran over pulling Jason up and away from Gare and they finally ran off. "This isn't the end of this shit! Next time your little slut won't be around to help!" Jason called back to them with an angry glare over his shoulder.
Once breaths were caught by the five of them they all burst out into giggles before Eddie spoke up. "Shit Lids did you SEE the look on Carver's face when you fucked booted his ass? PRICELESS sweetheart!" Gare laughed and grinned at her. "The launch was crazy. The way you just so gracefully threw yourself through the air and landed that hit on him fuck that was equal to a nat 20 roll babe you even stuck the landing!" "Well 6 years of cheer and gymnastics tend to make one rather athletic." She giggled as she got sandwiched between Gareth and Eddie with Jeff and Grant falling in behind them turning it into a large group bear hug with Lidia in the center giggling wildly. "So uhhh about that smoke sesh? Think we could all use it now right?" Lidia called out to the boys sandwiched around her.
"Now we are talkin. Damn Eds you did us good getting this one on our side. She kicks ass, smokes grass, AND does a badass job as a barbarian in DnD as well." Grant complimented with a shy Jeff nodding in agreement with a grin behind them. The hug dispersed and they all sat on the picnic table. Gare and Eds on one side, Jeff and Grant on the other side, and Lidia cross legged on top of the table. Eddie started rolling a joint for the bloodied party as Lidia took care of all the bloody wounds with her first aid kit. She kept one on her since she joined hellfire, since the boys often got into tussles with the basketball players. Once they were all patched up to her satisfaction Eddie lit up. It was passed around until dead and then another lit up and passed around until it was finished off as well Lidia taking the last puff and smooshing it out on the bottom of her combat boot.
"See now we are all floaty and calmed down. Seriously though fuck those guys they piss me off something awful. So happy I never fucked any of them, seriously I dunno how the cheer squad puts up with the egos and shrimp dicks!" She said waving her arms in front of herself. The guys laughed at her and Gare smiled up at her with admiration. Him and Eddie both had quite the thing for her but both were far to chicken shit to admit it to her. They didn't know she loved them both and wouldn't admit it to them either. So instead the three of them pinned over each other silently. She leaned down kissing Ed's forehead and then Gare's cheek. "Ya know you guys get battle wounds so often I am starting to think I am into them." Lidia teased the pair and they both blushed and grinned cute boyish grins. "Oh hush Lids what you did today, was way hotter." Gare said looking up at her with those sweet blue eyes. "He is right ya know sweetheart."
"Oh my god you three are gross just get together in a weird hellfire love triangle already shit it is painful at this point how oblivious you three are." Jeff said with a scoff making Grant laugh and clap him on the shoulder. "Jeffy here is right ya know. We know the three of you are smitten with one another. Plus me and Jeff are gay as shit we aren't gonna judge you three for being poly. Rest of the school might but we kicked ass today and will kick ass again if we have to." Grant grinned. The smoke an talk session was ended in cheering from Grant and Jeff as Eddie stood up being the one to break first pressing his lips softly against Lidia's until they pulled back to catch their breath then Lidia leaned down pressing her lips to Gare's as well in a deep kiss that made him groan against her lips causing her to smirk. "Welp Guess we are a happy Corroded Hellcheer triangle." She giggled. "Corroded Hellcheer, shit I like that sweetheart don't you Gare? Badass poly title if ya ask me!" Gare laughed kissing Lidia again. "Hell yeah princess. It's fucking perfect." Lidia had finally found her group and was never going to let them go. Two amazing boyfriends and so many more friends than she had ever had before. Real friends for once. Her life was truly happy, even with the fights and patching of new wounds every couple of weeks.
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coldfanbou · 2 years
You and mina wake up after the crazy experience you both had the previous night. Mina takes a shaker and you take one as while in your room. You go ahead and prepare breakfast and have the members coming up to the dining table when they get a smell of the food. At this point most of the members are at the table or on the kitchen island serving their side dishes. Mina is with jihyo, feeding the babies in the living room, before joining everyone for breakfast. Tzuyu asks” where is chaeyoung?” You and mina look each other in the eyes, remembering of what occurred. Mina says “chaeyoung woke up feeling a bit unwell and doesn’t have the energy to get up. I can prepare something for her and have her eat it.” Everyone doesn’t question it and continue with their breakfast. You feel bad about what happened the night before and felt responsible for chaeyoung’s condition. You try to make her some food that she can digest easily and take it to her. You know that mina said that she wanted to prep her something but you wanted to this for her. You taker her the food you made and knock, you wait for an answer and hear chaeyoung says “mina unnie, is that you? Come in.” You open the door and see chaeyoung trying to get up. She is still naked from the night before and is trying to get up to use the restroom. She gets up but loses her balance after a couple of steps. She says “you really did a number on me, you almost broke me.” “I’m sorry chaeyoung, I didn’t mean to do it, but mina.. i mean sharon forced me” you say. “Mina does become a dom when she turns into a Sharon. But i think you went to far by shoving it deep in my ass. Didn’t you know it was my first time doing anal? You know how hard it was to take you inside in one go? Don’t even get me started when i passed out when you shoved your cock down my throat. Didn’t you see that i was fainting?” Says chaeyoung. You really didn’t have any words that you could say to chaeyoung and only said “I’m really sorry chaeyoung, how can i make this up to you?” “Well you can help me to the bathroom, i really need to pee, but my ass is really sore and im walking like a penguin” said chaeyoung. You laugh when she mentioned a penguin because you remembered how its Mina’s (Sharon’s) fault that are you in this situation. You hold on to chaeyoung and notice the dry cum stain trail that is running down her leg. Both of you walk to the bathroom and she steps in and tells you to wait outside in case she needs help. You wait on Mina’s bed and wait for chaeyoung to call you. Suddenly you hear chaeyoung whine and say “ ahh aha, there is still so much cum inside of me. What the hell y/n, who told you do dump so much in me!” “I’m sorry! Chaeyoung!” You say. After a couple of minutes she comes out and says ‘I tried to get it out but i can see feel it inside of me. I really want to take a bath.” “Want me to bring some clothes?” You asked. “It’s okay, ill just borrow some of Mina’s clothes. Come help me get in the bath” says chaeyoung. You open the door and see chaeyoung holding on to the sink for balance. You put your arm out and walk her to the bathtub. You turn on the knob and wait for the water to rise. She asks you to wash her back and you do as you are told. You keep telling yourself that you need to take responsibility. You take this opportunity to ask her about mina and who sharon really is. “Sharon is Mina’s alter ego. You know how Mina is really quiet and shy, well during our trainee day she would be forced to put herself out there and made up a persona. Sharon is the brave, daring and sexy one, while mina is the quiet, shy, and caring one.” That was something that you also have noticed before, where she would switch wherever you two would have sex with each other versus when she is with the babies. You help her until the end and watch her until she finishes her breakfast. You leave the room and see mina alone. You ask her that you would like to talk to her in private.
What do you ask mina and how is sharon?
I'd like to ask her to try and get rid of the Sharon personality or at the very least tone it down. I'd tell her something like "Mina, I like Sharon I do, but I'd like to see you at all times. I know that you made Sharon to be this brave, daring and sexy version of you, but she went too far with how she wanted to treat Chaeyoung. I need you to at the very least try and tone down the ruthlessness of Sharon. It's nice to see you when your in charge but I don't think you need Sharon anymore. I didn't and don't want to hurt you or any of your members because of Sharon. I don't want Sharon, Mina you've grown so much since your trainee days. I mean look at you now you're a mother to two beautiful girls, your the mother to our girls, I don't think you need Sharon anymore. And don't for a second think that you need Sharon to satisfy me or anything like that. I love Mina Myoui, not Sharon." My goal is to just not have to go through went happened last night again.
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biblioflyer · 1 year
Zhat Vash and the Romulan Diaspora, Picard s1e2 Rewatch.
The timeline of the Romulan separation from Vulcan becomes even more murky and shrouded in legend and propaganda. Continuity complaints abound but "canon violation" often really just means "I don't like this, it is silly and dumb."
This is part of a series of essays reevaluating Star Trek Picard and interrogating the widely held fandom criticism that Picard made the Federation into a Dystopia.
This is the episode where we learn the name Zhat Vash in an info dump by Laris and Zhabon. Intriguingly and perhaps problematically they are described as having been active for thousands upon thousands of years. 
This doesn’t line up very neatly with the hazy info we have on Romulan history. The exodus of Vulcans who rejected Surak’s teachings was only supposed to have taken place circa 470 CE when “those who marched beneath the Raptor’s wings” lost a struggle for domination of Vulcan society and left for the stars. 
However, if the people who would become the Debrune and the Romulans could leave Vulcan in the first place and feasibly make an interstellar journey, that implies that Vulcan had had at least rudimentary interstellar travel prior which does not preclude a group of explorers who would become Zhat Vash stumbling across the Admonition and bringing its anti-Synth warning back with them.
Scrutiny of Memory Alpha to refresh my memory of what has been canonically established about Romulan and Vulcan history also brought up an interesting detail: Vulcans may not actually be from Vulcan. 
In a TOS episode Spock actually speculates that a powerful telepathic species they encounter may actually have been ancestors of the Vulcans. Thus there is another possible vector for Zhat Vash to have been introduced into Vulcan and Romulan societies in that Zhat Vash may actually predate both civilizations.
At the risk of deviating into fan theory territory, I do have to wonder if this all adds extra texture to the Romulan / Vulcan split wherein Zhat Vash may have played a role in heightening tensions between the two over concerns that a rejection of emotion and the embrace of pure reason would lead the Vulcans to ultimately dismiss concerns over artificial intelligence as illogical products of anxiety over AI being hostile, uncontrollable, or a moral hazard of some sort. 
It's also possible that tales of Zhat Vash have grown across multiple retellings and they were only founded after the schism. 
I take a stance that we ought to be open to the idea that not all exposition is created equally and not all narrators are reliable. Zhabon and Laris may be our Herodotus in this scene: they’re relating what they were told, and believe up to a point, but we the audience ought not to assume their rumors about a cult operating inside or alongside the Tal’Shiar are completely accurate in every little detail.
It's worth reminding ourselves that even Picard himself does not seem to be a wholly reliable narrator either! In just the first two episodes, he repeatedly demonstrates lack of self awareness and other errors in judgment or lack of knowledge. Thus I think we ought to entertain the idea that even characters who are providing detailed exposition are stating what they believe but not necessarily providing 100% definitive facts about the setting.
At any rate, we find out that Commodore Oh, who has an ambiguous role in ensuring security from clandestine Romulan assassins operating on Earth, is herself a member of Zhat Vash. From what I can recall, even in private Oh does not “break character” which suggests to me that while it's assumed she’s Romulan, it's possible she is culturally Vulcan at least in her decision to abstain from overt displays of emotion. 
Seeing as she’s not the first deep cover Romulan impersonating a Vulcan who presumably would have to pass as Vulcan to other Vulcans, I find myself wondering if some Romulans actually did go on to develop an ascetic tradition that mirrors Surak’s teachings but is either dogmatically different enough from Surak’s tradition to be tolerated by other Romulans or is merely tolerated for its usefulness in grooming deep cover agents.
Thematically, I find that I’m kind of over the trope of secret societies with seemingly omnipotent capabilities to hide and manipulate their host civilization. The X-Files is my own personal touchstone for this trope becoming popular and the longer the show ran, the more the trope became its own problem because the more you tug on the strings of that storyline, the more answers you have to cough up as to how they do what they do and why, and the explanations often become a bit hard to believe, if not contradictory. 
Zhat Vash hiding inside of the Tal’Shiar, creating a situation where you have nesting dolls of memetically ultra effective, conspiratorial organizations just takes this to another level. 
Having said that, the trope is subverted a bit in that while Zhat Vash is feared, they’re clearly not as good as they’re mythologized as being. First off Laris and Zhabon are able to pretty accurately lay out their agenda based on scraps of hearsay. Just off of memory, while Zhat Vash’s motives will be expanded upon as the season progresses, Laris and Zhabon already have at least the broad outline completely dead on.
This represents a level of operational security that falls well below Section 31 who had managed to erase almost all evidence of their having existed sometime after the events of Discovery’s second season and most people who seemed to have had personal knowledge of Section 31 kept it quiet enough that not even the likes of Captain Picard ever apparently heard so much as a scrap of a rumor. 
Also this is a rant for another time, but I absolutely, positively despise Section 31. Absolutely nothing Star Trek Picard does corrupts the Federation thematically more than Section 31. It reeks of a refusal by the inventors of the organization to accept the core premise of the setting that a civilization that devotes itself to fairness both in equity and equality could ever endure or prosper.
Returning to Zhat Vash, as individuals Oh, Narek, and Narissa are far from perfect superspies. I remember Narissa in particular being a real problem for Oh and Narek who are far more cautious and plotting than the impulsive and rather sadistic Narissa. 
Given my biases against conspiracy within a conspiracy storylines, I do look forward to trying to rejudge Zhat Vash and whether I think it holds together better than the Syndicate of the X-Files. For now I don’t exactly hate it, but I don’t love it.
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invisibleraven · 2 years
"C'mere, you" rulie
"TMZ reporting that superstar Julie Molina has ended her relationship with rugby star Nick Danforth Evans in a very public manner. Sources claim that Danforth Evans was caught..."
"Turn that crap off," Reggie called from the kitchen as he took the casserole out of the oven.
"But isn't she your favourite?" Luke asked, lowering the volume.
"Yeah, which is why I'm not celebrating her heartbreak like those vultures," Reggie replied. "I mean, good for her from getting away from that asshole, but I'm not dancing in the street because he turned out to be a cheating pig."
"You should totally send her a DM telling her to date you instead," Luke said around a mouthful of food. "You're single, she's single."
"She's a multi Grammy winning artist who could date any movie star or model she wants. Don't think she'd have much interest in a math teacher from Silver Lake," Reggie replied.
"You don't know that! You're a catch dude and after all those high profile douchebags, maybe a normal guy is what she needs," Luke argued. "Come on, we'll send her a message and the worst she does is ignore it."
And the thing about Reggie is that Luke could talk him into things super easily, so later after they had finished their food, and the dishes were clean, Reggie found himself posing for a picture that would get sent to the celebrity crush of his dreams.
@ cmonreginald: @ JulietheDahlia you deserve better than all those guys who treat you like less than the queen you are. If you ever wanna take a chance on a math nerd who shreds on the banjo, send me a note.
Of course, immediately after he let Luke hit the send button, Reggie kind of regretted it, sure that Julie would think he was some kind of creep, hitting on her right after she got dumped. Plus, who did he think he was? But as much as his finger hovered on the delete option, it never landed, and he left it, figuring it would be something he could laugh over in the future.
Only later that evening, as he was scrolling through his feed in bed, he stopped when he saw the notification of a new message light up.
@ JulietheDahlia: I'm not the best at math, but I am intrigued to hear more about this banjo shredding. How about you fill me in tomorrow night? Flying Duck at 7, see you then.
Reggie balked. There was no way that was the real Julie Molina asking him for a date. He put money on it being Luke with a dummy account trying to lift his spirits. Well if Luke wanted to carry through wit the joke and take Reggie to one of the fanciest restaurants in LA, Reggie was going to show up in style. With that in mind, he let himself sleep.
The next evening however, when Reggie showed up at the restaurant, he didn't see Luke waiting for him with a cheeky grin on his face. No, instead when he told them the reservation was under Molina, he was lead to a back table, where none other than Julie herself was waiting. Reggie sent up a silent thanks that he had worn his nicer suit as he was sat down.
"I-I didn't think it was actually going to be you," Reggie stammered. "Am I dreaming? Is this really happening?"
Julie let out a soft little giggle at that, reaching over and sliding her hand on top of his. "Feels real enough to me, but I can pinch you if you want."
"Maybe leave that for our second date," Reggie said with a smirk. "What on earth made you say yes to this? You must get thousands of sleazy messages... why me?"
"Well your message wasn't sleazy for one," Julie said, scanning her menu. "Plus you are awful cute." She looked up at him then, appreciating the flush that took over his cheeks before sighing. "Maybe I just wanted someone normal for once."
"I don't think normal is a word anyone who knows me would use as a descriptor, but okay," Reggie commented, loving how it made her smile. "So, what's good here that won't make me default on my rent?"
It was much later that the meal drew to a close when a staff member came over and whispered in Julie's ear making her face screw up. "The paps are here, right outside the door. I wish those vultures would find someone else to harass honestly. I was having a really good time too."
"You wanna sneak out and get ice cream then?" Reggie suggested. "I... kind of don't want this date to end."
"Me either," Julie admitted. "Sneaking out it is!" Thankfully the staff were helpful getting them out the back where Julie's town car was waiting, and she directed him to drive to a parlour that was hidden away in the hills.
"You know," Reggie said from where they were sitting on a lone picnic table overlooking the valley below, "When I got up this morning, this is the last place I thought I would end up. But I am so glad my roommate made me send you that message."
"Me too," Julie replied, then giggled when she looked at him. "You have ice cream on your face."
"Where?" Reggie asked, extending his tongue in an over exaggerated fashion to get it. Julie shook her head, pointing to the exact spot it was, but Reggie kept purposefully missing it.
"Oh c'mere you," Julie finally said, pulling him in, and kissing the creamy treat away, then sliding her mouth over his in a doubly delicious kiss.
Reggie was terribly glad they managed to evade the tabloids when they did, because this was one moment that he didn't want to share with anybody.
Even if his image was all over TMZ by the time their anniversary rolled around, but given Julie was under his arm with his ring on her finger in every image, Reggie found he didn't really mind.
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rydykg · 2 years
Prompt: #2 - “Nobody warned you about me?”
Fandom: Original Work - The Gentle Herb Brewery
Warnings: None
Notes: future fic for medium roasted burn. takes place when addie is a teenager.
“I mean, kudos for researching enough to find our address,” Adelpha shrugged, as she glanced down disdainfully at the now-trapped team of mercenaries who broke in. And, she noted with a frown, was trying to kill her brother. “But, really? Nobody warned you about me?”
She felt a little hurt. The moment she was deemed old enough to start getting into her brother’s business, she immediately set on making a reputation for herself. She still hadn’t given up on her dream of becoming a hacker, but becoming a so-called ‘villain’ like her brother was good enough for now.
And her job was more like a specialist, really. Or maybe a vigilante?
Whatever. The point was: somehow, something had happened that led to a little team like these guys being able to find out their address. There had been a leak.
Adelpha wanted to reach for the phone, but she’d been trained enough to know what to do with people like these.
“How did you find us?” the person to the right questioned. All of the mercenaries were still straining against the ropes binding their bodies. Adelpha eyed the growing redness of the heat map in her vision. They weren’t going to like what was coming next.
“Heat maps, heat sources, blah blah,” she rolled her eyes. “Useless when fighting, I know. Hardly a power like yours, Dave. But, they’re very helpful for spotting little thieves that try to sneak into places they aren’t supposed to be in.”
She didn’t get a response. But from the little sounds of pain that were growing in noise and occurrence, she knew that the little ‘trap’ on the ropes had activated.
“Don’t worry, you’ll only be knocked unconscious,” Adelpha explained, and as if on cue, one of them fell over in a dead faint. There was a cry of their name that she didn’t bother remembering. “But when I pass you off to my brother… well, I don’t know what will happen. I’m just his innocent little sister.”
“We’re just trying to live!” the last conscious member blurted out, frantic and pleading.
“I know,” she smiled. “So am I.”
Hours later, when Asmodeus returned, it was to the sight of a dirty rug and a small pile of bodies, all of them still tied in ropes and slumped over.
“Ash, you’ve got a mole on your team,” Adelpha told him.
Her brother stared at her, unamused. “It’s been taken care of. Do you know what hasn’t?”
Adelpha glanced down at the unconscious bodies still on the floor, and shrugged. “I dunno.”
Asmodeus sighed. “Clean up your mess, Adelpha. Lydes is coming home tomorrow.”
“But he won’t mind anyway!”
“Ugh, fine…” Adelpha groaned, hopping off of the bed. “But they’re still alive anyway! Are you trying to say it’s fine for me to dump them on your poor intel team? Because……”
Asmodeus let her talk, deep in thought. Perhaps they should invest in a cleaning robot…
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ataritouchme · 1 year
today (12/11) would have been nina’s 24th birthday. to my friends and longtime mutuals she needs no introduction. so iykyk.
the weirdly uniquely frequent dreams about her stopped for a while after she died but they eventually came back, albeit less frequent. shes the only real person from my life that i regularly have dreams about. i dont have dreams about family members or friends or even my husband. i never have. she is the one weird exception.
i promised i’d be there when she needed me even after it was clear she hated my guts. but i was a pussy and a coward and ashamed and afraid so when she called me a week before she took her life i chose not to answer. i held my phone in my hand and timidly waited for it to stop ringing and for the call to go to voicemail. she did leave a message. i didnt call back. i should have. i had no way of knowing it would be my last chance to talk to her but even if it hadnt been it still would have been the least i could have done. i wouldnt have stopped whatever plans she already had but i should have been there and held up my end of the bargain.
through it all and long after we were broken up with zero chance of ever being in each others lives again she remained a constant presence even if it was a fucked up presence. i don’t know why i didnt ever consider things might end up the way they did. the fact that she still shows up in my dreams must mean something right? maybe thats just my ego but i sincerely believe it isn’t.
i was there to watch everyone in her life let her down and hurt her and when it came down to it i did the same thing. i was another piece of evidence that she had no one but herself even after her Self was more or less completely gone. the choices i made during our relationship that led to her rightly dumping me and exiting my life i accept fulll responsibility for and i have made peace with them. everything that came after is the shit that really hurts. i wasnt allowed or able to try and help her because she wanted nothing to do with me for so long. i really wanted to do something to help especially right after we broke up and her mental health clearly had begun to severely deteriorate, but the people around her at the time made it clear that wouldnt be possible and as frustrating as that was i did eventually accept it as like.. well, fair enough. but later when she reached out to me on her own terms i chose to let her down again.
suicide is touchy to talk about because you always want to give the victim humanity and agency and making it about yourself is a bad look especially in this specific situation given mine and nina’s history. but in the end when someone kills themselves the only people left to try and understand what happened are the people who are alive… so everyone except the victim. so some weird and maybe arrogant conclusions i think are probably unavoidable. natural even. so i will admit that for many reasons i feel responsible for her death.
and i dont mean because i didn’t answer her random phone call… at least not entirely, because like i said i know that even if i had answered or called back i wouldnt have stopped her or changed her mind about anything she planned to do. i knew that girl too well to think i could have stopped her from doing anything she’d made up her mind to do. that was probably beyond anybody’s ability.
i think many people failed her but so many things still make me believe i set her down her ultimate path to destruction and death. and i dont feel the need to like try and Not feel that way or whatever. it is one of if not the single deepest regret of my life thus far but it just feels like something so undeniably true that trying to not believe it anymore would feel like denying reality. despite the changes we both went through in the years we didnt speak or the time she was not herself despite everything i still knew her. i know she always knew i was a kind of home. thats why she would still reach out every so often even if it was to say insane things to me from prepaid phone numbers. because why else would she do that if not because for whatever reason i was on her mind sometimes? that is why im sure it was all that much worse when i did end up breaking her heart. she was a strong woman. she was self made. she really had nothing and nobody but herself and it fucked her up but she tried her best anyway always. i can’t imagine the pain she went through. if i had to guess she probably suffered that pain her entire life.
maybe this is cringe and selfcentered but ultimately the thing i regret most about not answering the phone that day is the fact she had not heard my voice in years. i heard hers many times from like voicemail messages she’d leave me and stuff but other than that i only ever communicated with her via text post-breakup. i wonder if that was something she wanted. i dont know why she called. i guess it doesn’t matter.
the day i found out she had killed herself the first person i called was my dad. he also had a formative first love kind of girlfriend kill herself so i figured he’d understand how i felt the best. i was in my car in the office depot parking lot just trying to process it all. i told my dad i wished i had been better to her. he understood but he told me that from what he saw of her and knew of her life he believed our time together was probably the brightest spot in her life. i was selfish in so many ways but i did whatever i could for her to make sure she was safe and cared for while we were together. i dont know much about her life and relationships after we broke up but i hope my dad was right about our relationship being a bright spot in her otherwise rocky life. i want to believe i did some things right when i had the power to do anything for someone i loved very much.
i hope wherever she is now she is free. i like to think so, because the dreams are infrequent now and i rarely if ever see ghosts of her anymore. i dont know what happens after we die but i hope she found peace somewhere, either in her final moments on earth or in whatever comes after.
god, even years later my feelings are so fucking complicated. she was a beautiful artist, probably the greatest and definitely truest one i’ve ever known. she was a strong person but her heart was tender. it would be insane to expect her to cope without good consistent support forever. and even if she had that, it would have been Very optimistic to have expected her to ever fully heal. i’m sorry for everything she went through… the things i am at fault for, the things her family and others were at fault for, and the things that were no ones fault.
i know she did her time in hell already so i hope wherever she is now is more like heaven even if it is just nonexistence or some kind of energy or even reincarnation as something or somebody new somewhere else. i know her spirit will haunt me forever even if its not in a literal physical sense anymore. if souls are real i feel like hers has crossed over by now. but i think i will probably be 99 years old and still have dreams about her. whatever the case, rest easy nina. and happy birthday.
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plutofromafar · 2 years
natasha's letter to yelena
Summary: Natasha addresses a letter to Yelena.
Warnings: mention of PTSD
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August 14, 2018 Hey, Yelena.
It's been a little over three weeks since Thanos snapped away 50% of all living creatures. Since Thanos snapped away you. We found him when he used the stones again, and we went to space to kill him. Unfortunately, the stones were gone by the time we got to him. We did kill him, though, so at least we have that satisfaction. We don't know how to get the stones back, though.
By the way, I've gotta take you with me to space one day-- I think you'd love it.
The Avengers, what's left of them, we're all working our very hardest to try to get the world back up and running. It's easier said than done, but the pain is still very fresh. I keep thinking back to that day, what things I could have done differently. What we all could have done differently.
The streets of Manhattan have never been more quiet. Almost everything is deserted, and I'm starting to think that every single person in New York was wiped away.
Stefaniya has been working from New York to track down the Widows that relocated before Thanos. She hasn't had any luck yet. Speaking of, the Widows left at the facility are doing okay. I check in with them once every week over the phone, and they're holding down the fort until we find a way to get you, Melina, and Alexei back. Most of the Widows have moved out, though.
A couple days ago, Tony came back from space. He's not doing okay, but we're hoping that he'll get better physically as the days go by. As for his mental health... Well, who even is mentally stable these days?
We have some new members of the team, by the way. Carol Danvers; she glows and she can fly and lift an entire spaceship with one arm. I think you would like her. We also have Rocket, who's a raccoon that talks. And Nebula, who happens to be Thanos's adopted daughter. But she's been helping us out, so I think we can trust her. A little bit.
I'm doing as okay as you can expect. Some days are harder than others, but I'm holding myself strong for the sake of the others. Someone needs to keep us up and running.
Stefaniya... She's really struggling. I think she has PTSD from the fight against Red Room. And when I let her fight with us in Wakanda, it triggered an episode. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have called her for help; she was perfectly safe working with you. She hasn't had another episode since then, but she's having very vivid nightmares. Almost every night, I wake up to hear her screaming in her room. She's isolating herself from me and the Avengers, and as much as I'm tempted to override the lock on her door and go in and hug her, I want to respect her boundaries. Even if it pains me.
When she's not in her room, she's in the gym. She's taken up ballet again, which I've done, too. That's just about the only time she lets me be in the same room as her, and we dance side by side in silence. I think that she finds somewhat of a peace in it-- reliving the controlled environment of the Red Room. I'm far more out of practice than she is, but it's nice being able to see her when we cross paths in the gym. Anywhere else, though, it seems like all she does is try to pick a fight with me. Whether it's over me walking too loud, or I'm bothering her, distracting her... It hurts. I'm used to this stuff from the Avengers, anyone else, really. But it hurts so much more from her because I think I'm in love with her.
Sorry. I'm not trying to dump all of our problems on you. I just really need to let it out somewhere.
I really miss you, so does Stefaniya. She really needs you right now. I'll bring you back, I promise.
Till we meet again.
Your sister, Natasha R.
Next chapter
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sadlittleratboy · 4 days
so music wise i think they’d be very nu-metal. think system of a down, limp bizkit, korn, ect. i also feel like there would be a lot of riffs in their music as well as drum fills (if you can’t tell i was in band so im using fancy words bc god damnit i didn’t do that shit for 5 years for nothing)
ok now lets talk voice types
i think himiko is a mezzo-soprano for no other reason than bc my friend is one (and over the course of our friendship i have heard her sing WAY too much) and it just kinda sounds like her idk
dabi is 100% a bass. like yeah his voice is hella raspy which kinda makes it sound higher pitched (but tbh thats prolly from his vocal cords being burned to shit so i think without that he would have a deeper voice) and idk it’s just like. it makes sense to me ok. (also i always imagined dabi as being that kid who’s voice dropped super early so he just had a baby face with the voice of a grown man)
my husband/mr. compress is a baritone just cus i KNOW this man has a deep buttery smooth voice that makes ppls knees weak (can you tell i love him? ik it’s not that obvious) also at this point im going off of vibes tbh
shiggy feels like a tenor to me. he’s just got a relatively normal voice and probably has good pitch control
spinner is also a tenor for the same reasons
now twice is interesting. i feel like he just has amazing range. like bro can hit rly high notes and rly low notes. like it takes some effort but he can hit em
NOW! for how they got together
i feel like it’s similar to how the league in cannon formed. a bunch of outcasts rejected by society who came together to form a family (they make me want to piss and throw up god i love the lov so much)
now lets talk details for each member
himiko’s story is similar, her running away and stuff. but here it’s because of her mental illnesses and her family having ostracized her. so she was just living on the streets until compress just picked her up like a stray cat and took her home bc his dad instincts were activated
spinner and shiggy are both orphans who grew up in the same orphanage (like pls do you see the childhood friends to lovers vision please hear me out on this) and once they aged out and were dumped on the streets they only had each other to rely on and then they kiss kiss fall in love im going insane please send help
dabi is the black sheep of his family, and he basically disappeared when he turned 18. he pretty much cut contact with his entire family and they think he’s dead. this is bc i have this amazing idea of them having thought he was dead for years and then all the sudden they find out he’s just this fucking rockstar lol
compress is basically the only one who’s relatively normal and well adjusted lol like he had a normal childhood and now he’s just an adult lmao
i feel like twice is an ex-con. like he did a few years for a string of robberies or smth idk i just feel like he’s done time. and as we all know ex-con’s are always screwed over by society.
SO!! how they started out was shiggy and spinner would run a two man show. yk dive bars, random underground concerts, shit like that.
they met dabi bc he was at one of the bars where they played and he just went up to them was like “hey i play guitar wanna hang out some time?” and boom dabi joined the band
similar story with compress. once they started getting a little bigger he approached them and offered to help manage the band bc these are all just a bunch of 20 somethings with no adult supervision
and after compress surprise adopted toga she basically forced herself into the band no matter how much shiggy protested
now i don’t have much thoughts on how twice joined in, so if you can think of any that would be totally tubuler
jesus this is so fucking long and i haven’t even gotten to the hc’s
i think im just gonna leave this as in and maybe i’ll send in my hc’s at a later date idk
anyway yapping over
I love this so much. Personally I feel like Mr. is the one with the insane range, because that man is an entertainer okay he is CLASSICALLY TRAINED IN VOCALS and the only reason the other's take any care of their voices. Shuichi has the heavy metal growls change my mind.
Anyway I feel like Shigaraki stopped caring who joined their band after Compress, because he really does just vibe and let the extroverts do the talking. The one who really protested was Dabi because he didn't want another younger sibling (too bad). Toga definitely brought in Twice. Not sure how they met but you're DEAD RIGHT about him being an ex con.
And listen Spinner and Shigs are in love love no matter how they met (which personally I think was over voice chat in a multiplayer game). They do have childhood friends vibes though, even in canon. It's like they're so perfect it feels like they've known each other their whole lives I'm RABID over them.
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