#vellas fanfic dabbles
darkyuffie-blog · 8 months
Metalhead to the rescue
(an Eddie Munson X OC one shot.) Summary:
A new girl name Abigail at Hawkins has an anxiety attack after a run in with Jason Carver and Eddie helps to calm her down. A Stranger Things one shot. Abigail Summers 18 years old Blonde hair, green eyes 5'4 CW: Slight Violence inflicted on Abigail by Jason Carver
It was a month into senior year at Hawkins High when Abigail and her family moved here for her father's work. A new place. With no friends. No siblings...just her. She walked inside adjusting her glasses keeping her gaze on the ground. She managed to find the principal's office on her own and got her class schedule then headed straight to her first class. English. With a deep sigh she opened the door all eyes instantly on her. As was the fate of being a new student. "Ahh! Class this is Abigail Summers! She is new here. Treat her nicely and I expect you all to offer her help if she needs it." Mrs. Collens handed her a text book and nodded to the back of the class room. "Take the empty seat in front of Eddie Munson."
She nodded and headed to the back of the class keeping her eyes on the floor. She sat in the desk in front of the guy she assumed to be Eddie. Once the lecture started she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Y...Yes?" She whispered not turning her attention to the guy behind her. "Uh, just...noticed you were wearing a Metallica T-shirt. Have that same one at home. Pretty cool to meat a chick that isn't stuck up with her music choices. Just...wanted to try an make you feel welcomed. Why don't you find me and the Hellfire Club at lunch, so you aren't sitting on your own yeah?" She gave a nod so he knew she heard him and he grinned silently fist pumping beneath his desk.
Two periods later Abigail walked into the cafeteria for lunch. She scanned the room a small smile showing when she saw Eddie standing at the head of a table excitedly talking about something with three other guys who's shirts matched his. One with cute sandy brown curls, another heavier set guy with some stubble and short dark curls, and one she knew as Jeff since she sat behind him in her Algebra class. She walked over to their table and smiled as she took the spot next to Eddie between him and the guy with sandy curls and a plaid cut off vest. "Here she is guys! This is Abigail, Jeff and you have casually met. This is Gareth and Grant. We are all in Hellfire together and our sick ass band Corroded Coffin!"
"Yeah if you can even call that shit music Freaks!" Jason Carver said as he walked past their table. "That fucker is Jason Carver our NUMBER ONE FAN GIRL!" Jason glared and flipped Eddie off making him grin as he watched Jason and his lackie Andy walk off. "He is an ass, but uh, don't mind him k? No one to be afraid of. All bark no bite an all that shit." She nodded and smiled. "Y...yeah had guys like him at my old school... guess you can't escape jocks without braincells no matter where you go right?" Her comment made Gareth and Eddie chuckle. "Nice to meet ya Abi. I am a grade under you but hope that doesn't keep us from being friends. Be nice having a girl at our table for once." Eddie put his hand over his heart. "Gareth the Great your words wound me! I thought our bromance was enough for you!" His dramatics made them all laugh and soon Abi was engaged in conversation with all of the guys. Talk of favorite bands ensued and the guys told her all about Hellfire club and D&D.
Once they learned Abi actually had heard about D&D before and really wanted to play she was given her own Hellfire Shirt which she wore to school the next Friday to match theirs once again finding their table and sitting with them right between Gareth and Eddie again. "So! I was thinking, I really want to make a ranger character! I like how the class sounds. I read through the classes and races from the book Eds loaned me last week! I am seriously excited to make her guys." They all grinned at how excited she was to talk about it. A grimace from Jason as he passed by seeing the new chic roped into their hell club. "Another one lost to the freaks and their satanic little club! Probably excited to have a girl for a sacrifice..." He spat as he walked past their table him and his lackies laughing at his shit joke. Abigail looked up pushing her blonde hair from her face and stood up. "Actually Jason, you would be more fitting as a sacrifice! Last I checked they needed to be virgins right and with your attitude I can't see any smart girl wanting to bed you!" All talking at the Hellfire table stopped as they all looked at her jaws dropped even the freshmen, Eddie and Gareth wearing shit eating grins of pride.
"The fuck did you say bitch... look I know you don't know the pecking order here but you're one of the Freaks now and you don't get to talk to ME like that got it. Learn your place or I will make you learn it!" She stood up straighter narrowing her eyes. "I am sorry but I am not afraid of some trust fun JOCK with a small cock okay! So fuck right on off and leave me and my friends the fuck alone!" She sat down signaling she was done with him. Gareth and Eddie grinned squeezing her tightly between them "Shit Abi that was badass!" Gareth broke the silence first. "See told you boys she was perfect for our table! Fuck the jocks we would rather be freaks!" All the guys burst into random babbles of words about how cool Abi was standing up to Jason and it made her grin with pride. Her boys deserved to know she would protect them at all costs. These were her people now and she wouldn't back down when it came to protecting them. Though her anxiety was spiking a bit at the idea that Jason might do something.
After school she had put all her things away in her locker and walked out to go meet Eddie but was soon grabbed and slammed up against a nearby wall whimpering at the impact. Her eyes looked up to meet Jason's angry orbs glaring into her. "What you said at lunch today was real bold Abigail...real bold and real fucking stupid. Thought you would get away with that little act of yours hmm. Well your boys aren't here to protect their little whore now are they." He grabbed a fist full of her hair tugging it and causing her to let out a whine. "You're going to listen to me little freak fucker. You wanna keep from getting hurt and live out your senior year here in peace... you will apologize."
She glared at him and spit straight onto his letterman jacket. "As if I would apologize to you Jason Carver!" She tried to punch him but her first was caught and swiftly pinned beside her head roughly against the brick wall with a laugh at her attempt. "Good try bitch... fine you won't apologize... I will rough you up just a little then to prove my point because no one, will believe you over me. No one will trust the word of some new bitch causing trouble over the star basket ball player!" He shoved her hard against the brick wall before throwing her to the pavement causing her knees to get skinned open droplets of blood falling from them. He kicked her in her gut once then scoffed as he walked back around the front of the school with a shit eating grin.
Eddie heard a scream and saw Jason come around the school. He knew something was up and quickly took off around the corner of the school finding Abi against the concrete, knees bleeding and breathing hard rapid breaths clearly having an anxiety attack. He jogged over to her getting down on the ground with her and pulling her gently into his arms. "Hey, hey, woah Abi shh. I've got you okay. Just you and me here." She kept breathing hard so he picked her up taking her into the woods finally setting her on his picnic table. "Abi! Hey breath with me okay. Slow breaths yeah mimic my breathing." He showed her once and then she mimicked him finally starting to calm down. "There...it's gonna be okay... can't believe he fucking hurt you that bastard." He pulled her closely to him and ran his fingers through her soft blonde hair. He gave gentle kisses to her forehead over and over.
"I've got you okay. He ever lays a finger on you again and me and the guys will have his head alright. Don't fucking care if I get suspended and Gareth won't either k. Both of us adore you. Promise it won't happen again because I won't let you out of my sight after school. Shit I will even bring you to and from school okay. If you aren't with me Gareth will be with you. It's gonna be alright sweetheart." She nodded and finally managed to stop herself from crying any more. "God I felt so weak... I just froze. I wasn't expecting him to actually hurt me. Seriously I expected him to pussy out." She sighed and leaned against Eddie's chest wrapping her arms around him pulling him in closely to her. "Stay with me like this...just a bit longer Eddie... please."
"Of course sweetheart. I won't let go until you're good and ready. Swear." After a few more minutes being held by him and taking in the scent of his woodsy cologne and menthol cigs, she pulled back from him looking into his deep brown eyes with her soft green ones. "Eddie...can I kiss you?" She mumbled out before she could stop herself. Her eyes widened realizing she said the words aloud. To her surprise though Eddie wasn't even phased as he leaned down. "I would love to kiss you sweetheart." He said with a smile before his lips met hers in a deep kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss giving a soft bite to his lower lip that made him groan before he returned the gesture causing a cute whimper to fall from her. They parted breathily from one another's lips finally. "So, is this the part where you sacrifice me to Satan now that you have charmed me?" She said with a giggle. He grinned and picked her up causing her to wrap her legs around his waist. "No this is the part where I take this cute girl home and kiss her more." they both erupt with laughter as he carries Abi back from the woods to his van where many more kisses were exchanged before he took her home. ((Hope you guys enjoyed this small one shot, if you ever want to request a one shot with Abigail and the guys let me know your idea and I can try to make it happen. is also posted on AO3))
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darkyuffie-blog · 9 months
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(OC POV, when Jason comes to interrogate Corroded Coffin at Gareth's Hell Fire's Cleric Tessa comes to his rescue in a rage of fiery hair and flying fists.) Tessa was lied out on the grass of her lawn listening to Corroded Coffin's practice. They still kept it up even with Eds missing. She huffed and spoke to herself. "I can't heal our party if half of it is missing and scattered searching for our fearless leader!" She heard the music stop abruptly and heard Gareth's voice carry to her yard. "You guy's are a bit early, shows not till next week." She could tell whoever he was speaking with wasn't someone he was fond of. An outsider come to cause trouble. She looked up seeing Jason and his goons...and Lucas the betrayer behind them. She got up as Lucas spoke to Gareth. "We are just looking for Eddie man..." She saw the anger in Gare's eyes causing her own to start to boil up. "Well ya got eyes dont'cha? He isn't here." She saw Jason nod and ball up his fist sending her sprinting across her yard to get to him. Jason's fist made contact with Gareth's face sending him hitting the ground while the other boys held back Jeff and Grant. She shoved through Lucus who was trying to stop her. "YOU MIGHT BE A TRAITOR SINCLAIR BUT I AM THIS PARTIES CLERIC AND I AM NOT LOSING ANY MORE PARTY MEMBERS, NOT TODAY!" She shouted as she threw Lucus to the cement of the drive way leaping over him and sending her fist straight into the side of Jason's jaw causing him to lose his footing falling to the ground. The other two lackies in shock gave Jeff and Grant the time to get away from them. Jason had his hands up trying to stave off Tess's attack but she was unrelenting in her assault. Gareth looked on in awe of her as she landed a knee to his gut and another ring clad finger sent flying to his nose breaking it with a pop that made Gareth cringe as he crawled over to her his lip bleeding from Jason's connected punch from earlier. He pulled Tess into his arms running a hand through her fiery hair to sooth her. "Babe...Tess!" she was still trying to get out of his arms to get to Jason who was trying to crawl off as fast as he could away from her. So he instead decided to speak in character with her knowing it always calmed her down. "My lady cleric, Tessara of the light of Eldath, Goddess of peace, calm yourself, we have won this fight thanks to you..." He said softly to her bringing her down from her rage as her brown eyes met his blue ones. A crack from Jeff hitting one of the other boys was heard and the jocks were sent running away. She grinned as she looked on. "I can't save the whole party... but I saved you Gareth the Great." He smiled and kissed her cheek gently. "That you did my lady cleric. Our party would be lost today without you." "JUST KISS OUR CLERIC ALREADY EMERSON!" Jeff called out with Grant laughing beside him. "Maybe her lips can heal that cut Jason left on yours!" Grant teased. Tess and Gareth's eyes met again and he cupped her cheeks in his hands pulling her in closely, their lips meeting in a deep kiss that sent butterflies through them both. "My lady Tessara, Cleric of the Goddess Eldath, light of Hell Fire. Would you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" His cheeks flushed as did her own. "Gareth the Great, I would be honored to have you at my side...even to the ends of our world as we know it. May we fight and die hand in hand and go together to meet Eldath in the light at the end." She said kissing Gareth again as Grant and Jeff cheered them on in the background. A fleeting moment of happiness at the face of what was soon to be, Hellfire's biggest battle yet. (thanks for reading! I hope you guys liked it!)
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darkyuffie-blog · 8 months
Stay Away From Her Boys
Ex cheerleader turned Hellfire club member Lidia Jones goes to the woods for her weekly smoke sesh with the guys of Corroded Coffin when her plans are foiled by Jason, Tommy, Andy, and Chance attacking the guys.
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School finally let out for the day and god it was a long one. Lidia jumped up from her desk shoving her calculus book off into her back pack and quickly took off out of the class room. She stopped by her locker slinging her books inside and slamming it. Turning around only to the cruel laughter of her ex cheer mates as Tina shoved her back into the lockers and grinned like she'd won the lottery. Lidia rolled her eyes flipping her off with her painted black nails, Eddie had painted them for her saying she looked better in black than she did in that pink shit. She waited on them to get away from her before she headed off out the school doors she passed an apologetic looking Chrissy as she walked out. Chrissy was the only one from cheer who didn't bully her when she dumped the cheer team in favor of Hellfire. Chrissy understood. At least the guys of Hellfire and Corroded Coffin actually cared about her. The only one on the cheer team that ever cared was Chrissy. The rest were only interested in gossiping, trading basketball player boyfriends, and body shaming everyone to make themselves feel better and Lidia got sick of it.
She hummed to herself as she walked through the woods excited to be meeting up with her boys for a much needed smoke session. As she came close to the clearing she heard Gare yelling at someone who she quickly found out was Carver. "Fuck off Carver! The shit is wrong with you guys huh? You fucking gay for us or some shit?" Gare yelled out and then a crack of a fist sent Lidia running forward discarding her backpack as she went. Once in the clearing she was greeted with her Corroded Coffin boys in a fight with four of the basket ball guys. Andy, Jason, Chance, and Tommy. She was seething seeing Gare's lip bleeding, Eddie with a bloodied left brow, and Jeff with a slightly bloody left nostril. Grant seemed to be faring decently against Andy for the time. Once Jason got Gare onto the ground she was done watching. She ran forward launching herself off of the picnic table seat and slammed her combat boot straight into Jason's ribs the force from her launch off the table causing him to slam over onto the ground by Gare. Gare took the opportunity to jump up and slam his fist into Jason's jaw bloodying his lip.
Grant soon had Andy on the ground. Eddie and Tommy were throwing punches back and forth, Jeff sent Chance running finally after cracking a heavy left hook into his ribs knocking the air from him. Jason tried to pull himself off the ground but Gare yanked him back down throwing one more blow to his stomach before Andy and Tommy ran over pulling Jason up and away from Gare and they finally ran off. "This isn't the end of this shit! Next time your little slut won't be around to help!" Jason called back to them with an angry glare over his shoulder.
Once breaths were caught by the five of them they all burst out into giggles before Eddie spoke up. "Shit Lids did you SEE the look on Carver's face when you fucked booted his ass? PRICELESS sweetheart!" Gare laughed and grinned at her. "The launch was crazy. The way you just so gracefully threw yourself through the air and landed that hit on him fuck that was equal to a nat 20 roll babe you even stuck the landing!" "Well 6 years of cheer and gymnastics tend to make one rather athletic." She giggled as she got sandwiched between Gareth and Eddie with Jeff and Grant falling in behind them turning it into a large group bear hug with Lidia in the center giggling wildly. "So uhhh about that smoke sesh? Think we could all use it now right?" Lidia called out to the boys sandwiched around her.
"Now we are talkin. Damn Eds you did us good getting this one on our side. She kicks ass, smokes grass, AND does a badass job as a barbarian in DnD as well." Grant complimented with a shy Jeff nodding in agreement with a grin behind them. The hug dispersed and they all sat on the picnic table. Gare and Eds on one side, Jeff and Grant on the other side, and Lidia cross legged on top of the table. Eddie started rolling a joint for the bloodied party as Lidia took care of all the bloody wounds with her first aid kit. She kept one on her since she joined hellfire, since the boys often got into tussles with the basketball players. Once they were all patched up to her satisfaction Eddie lit up. It was passed around until dead and then another lit up and passed around until it was finished off as well Lidia taking the last puff and smooshing it out on the bottom of her combat boot.
"See now we are all floaty and calmed down. Seriously though fuck those guys they piss me off something awful. So happy I never fucked any of them, seriously I dunno how the cheer squad puts up with the egos and shrimp dicks!" She said waving her arms in front of herself. The guys laughed at her and Gare smiled up at her with admiration. Him and Eddie both had quite the thing for her but both were far to chicken shit to admit it to her. They didn't know she loved them both and wouldn't admit it to them either. So instead the three of them pinned over each other silently. She leaned down kissing Ed's forehead and then Gare's cheek. "Ya know you guys get battle wounds so often I am starting to think I am into them." Lidia teased the pair and they both blushed and grinned cute boyish grins. "Oh hush Lids what you did today, was way hotter." Gare said looking up at her with those sweet blue eyes. "He is right ya know sweetheart."
"Oh my god you three are gross just get together in a weird hellfire love triangle already shit it is painful at this point how oblivious you three are." Jeff said with a scoff making Grant laugh and clap him on the shoulder. "Jeffy here is right ya know. We know the three of you are smitten with one another. Plus me and Jeff are gay as shit we aren't gonna judge you three for being poly. Rest of the school might but we kicked ass today and will kick ass again if we have to." Grant grinned. The smoke an talk session was ended in cheering from Grant and Jeff as Eddie stood up being the one to break first pressing his lips softly against Lidia's until they pulled back to catch their breath then Lidia leaned down pressing her lips to Gare's as well in a deep kiss that made him groan against her lips causing her to smirk. "Welp Guess we are a happy Corroded Hellcheer triangle." She giggled. "Corroded Hellcheer, shit I like that sweetheart don't you Gare? Badass poly title if ya ask me!" Gare laughed kissing Lidia again. "Hell yeah princess. It's fucking perfect." Lidia had finally found her group and was never going to let them go. Two amazing boyfriends and so many more friends than she had ever had before. Real friends for once. Her life was truly happy, even with the fights and patching of new wounds every couple of weeks.
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darkyuffie-blog · 8 months
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18+ One Shot. Billy Hargrove (stranger Things) X OC Rubie. Minors do not read, k thanks. CHEERS TO US Rubie normally wasn't one for parties, but she had just caught her boyfriend cheating on her last week and needed something interesting to take her mind off the bullshit of a wasted two-year relationship. She walked in dressed in a above the knee blue and black plaid skirt, black fishnets, her black and white doc marten boots, and a tight fitting Metalica T-shirt. Her eyes were a lovely grey blue color, a smokey black eyeshadow and some mascara was the only makeup she wore. Her long black hair was pulled into a ponytail with a strand lose on each side to frame her pale face. She had a small blue metallic hoop in her lower lip right in the center and a tattoo on her thigh of a crescent moon with a black raven standing on it. A nod to Edgar Allan Poe who she had always been fond of reading.
She quickly found her a spot out of the way in the dining room. She leaned up against the wall by the back door, beer in hand sipping at it as she watched the other people around her mingle. Some girls were dancing in front of the entrance to the dining area, lewdly grinding on one another, drinks in hand, with some guys watching on in dumb struck awe. She rolled her eyes and slipping out the back door sitting on a soft lawn chair and pulling a book out of her bag. A collection of some of Edgar's best works, by the condition of the spine of the book, it was well loved. When she was done with her beer a guy came out and handed her another with a wink like he knew she needed the alcohol. She looked up at him and knew who he was though they never really spoke, had one class together in College this semester. She knew he was a bit older than her. Billy…that was his name. She nodded and mumbled a thank you before cracking it open drinking down half of it then went back to her book. "Need another come find me and let me know baby girl." She nodded and Billy went back inside.
She remembers him having anger issues back in high school but again, she never really spoke to him then either being a grade under him. She finished the beer he had brought her bringing her total to four now. She felt a little better, thoughts of her cheat of an ex Tyler completely fading from memory. She leaned her head back against the cool brick of the house and sighed. She heard someone sit in the chair beside her, assuming Billy had come back out to find her. Her eyes stayed closed as she talked. "Come to bring me more alcohol stud?" The laugh in response had her eyes popping open. That was NOT his laugh. She felt a warm hand against her thigh and shot daggers into the man beside her. Carver… smug bastard was one of Tyler's friends from basketball. "What do you want Carver…" he squeezed her thigh with a dark smile. "Well, Ty told me his goth bitch of a woman dumped him. Something about you catching him with Carol? Surprised ya didn't catch him sooner. He was cheating on you for an entire year babe. Ya know, I could take your mind off of him."
"The drinks are doing plenty to take my mind off him. You being here only makes it worse actually because you knew he was stepping out on me Carver." She rolled her eyes at the man beside her. His hand slid beneath her skirt and she jumped up slapping him across his face with a loud SMACK. "You have a girl Jason! Chrissy is a good chick and deserves better than your dirt bag ass!" She stomped away to go inside but he yanked her back with a tight grip on her wrist and an angry scowl. She looked at him realizing she had cut his chick with one of her black painted nails. "shit…" He grinned down at her darkly. "Yeah shit! You fucking made me bleed cunt… no one makes me bleed without consequences." He rose up a fist to hit her but then there was a crack to the side of his head and he went down with a loud groan. Rubie swung around seeing a rage filled Billy Hargrove standing there. He shoved her behind himself to block her from Jason. "Best for you to stay on the fucking concrete if you know what's good for you Carver. I will break your fucking face…"
Jason spit blood on Bill's boot and went to stand up, unsuccessful as Billy kicked him in his chest making him fall back over with a grunt and a gasp for air. Rubie pulled on Billy's arm and he turned to her his rage filled blue grey eyes looking down on her, they softened when he looked at her grey eyes seeing her sadness there. "Billy…can we just…get out of here please. I don't want to be here anymore." He looked back at Jason on the ground and nodded once he saw he wasn't going to cause more issues. He took Rubie's hand and led her back through the house and the crowd of people and then out the front door and down the block to his Camaro. "Him or one of those other cocks ever give you issues again…you come fucking get me. Got it." She nodded and he continued to look at her expectantly. "Y…yes sir, come get you, understood." He smiled and leaned down kissing her cheek. "Good girl. Now get in the car. I'm getting you the fuck away from here." She nodded and slid into the passenger seat when he opened her door. He shut it behind her and she buckled in, putting her book back into her purse and setting it in the floor.
Once he was settled in he turned on the radio "Rock You Like A Hurricane" by the Scorpions came through it. He drummed his fingers on his steering wheel to the beat of the music. His other hand rested on her thigh unless he was shifting gears. She looked over to him, he was smiling to himself and she blushed a bit. He looked even more perfect when he smiled. His blonde curls framed his face perfect and he had a dagger shaped earring hanging down from his ear. He looked like a damned model. How can one man look so damn flawless. The small scar through his brow somehow just added to his looks. She knew enough about Billy to know that he knew he looked good to. In high school he had a different girl hanging off his arm every week. She bit her lower lip a bit, teeth clicking against her lip ring. He smirked to her and gave her a wink flashing her his gorgeous teeth then turned his focus back to the road.
A lake came into view, Lover's Lake to be precise. She hadn't been here since her first date with fucking Tyler where he got handsy with her in his truck. The night ended in nothing for her and him cumming in her mouth, ugh… he never focused on her during sexual encounters now that she thought about it. Which made her even more pissed now because when she had walked in on him and Carol she had been sitting on his face. Fucker. She balled a hand in a fist and huffed as Billy parked in between three rather large tress and killed the engine. "Hey, you are here with me baby girl, not fucking Tyler. You deserve better than that anyway. Don't bother thinking on him anymore. He threw away something really good for a whore who has slept with most of Hawkins at this point. She isn't shit in bed either."
"Well they are fucking perfect for each other then because neither is he. Never was good in bed at least not with me. Holding the good shit out for her I fucking guess." She rolled her eyes and winced as she felt something wet in her palm. "Shit…" She mumbled. Billy took her hand in his forcing her hand to lay out flat pulling her fingers away from her palm seeing the blood dripping from two small nail cuts. He leaned down and licked slowly up her palm chuckling when she gasped. "Didn't think you were the type of guy into blood play there Hargrove?" He looked up at her. licking the blood off his lower lip. "I'm not generally but, I found I kinda liked the taste after getting my ass kicked so many times growing up. Yours is better than my own though." He smirked at her wide-eyed look at him. "Wanna get in the back baby girl?" He gestured to the back seat with his chin and she nodded as she quickly climbed over the center console into the back seat gasping when she felt a hard smack against her left ass cheek hearing Billy chuckle behind her.
He got back in the back with her and pulled her into his lap. "Fuck you're so pretty. Goth chicks are always so damn hot." She looked into his blue eyes seeing a cloud of lust behind them. "Oh yeah Hargrove? My type get your rocks off huh? Never seen you with anything but preppy bitches." He grabbed her ass with both hands. "Yeah I looked at you all the time in school though. I got with them because they were easy baby. You though, you are that sweet treat I have been aiming for. For years in fact." Billy pressed his lips against hers roughly making her moan a bit into it, him grinding his hips into her in response with a low growl. She bit his lower lip almost hard enough to bring blood but not quite. He leaned down pushing her hair off her shoulder and tilted her chin up with his thumb to expose her neck to him. He bit in with a growl the mix of pain and pleasure made her whimper and grind down against him. He chuckled at her again flashing those gorgeous whites at her. "What is it baby girl? Am I getting you needy? I have pictured you in this position on my lap more times than I can fucking count Rubie." She squeaked in response unable to form words. Instead she just roughly pressed her lips against his again and shoved her black painted nails into his hair pulling at those perfect blonde curls softly. He groaned into the kiss and bucked his hips lightly against her.
He shifted their positions putting her on her back and lifting her skirt. Putting one leg over each of his broad shoulders. He quickly undid the buttons of his silky red button up exposing his chest to her. He looked down at her fishnets with a devilish grin and made intense eye contact with her as he tore them open with barely any effort at all. He hooked a finger on the edge of her panties and yanked them to the side swiftly. "My my, look at you baby girl. Already glistening with excitement for me huh?" She nodded and bit her lower lip again sucking in a gasp of air as he shoved his index finger knuckle deep inside of her and started to thrust it in and out, curling it just right to hit the spongy g-spot inside her. She arched her back and moaned out for him. "Fuck you sound so pretty making those noises for me baby. Tell me, how longs it been since a man made you cum huh?"
"There is a first for everything right? Always h…fuck…had to get myself off with my exs." She groaned as he shoved in his middle finger now as well thrusting and curling both fingers inside of her, wet noises of her excitement ringing out in the small space around them. "Fucking shame. Well, that won't ever be a fucking problem again baby girl cause I am going to make this pussy mine. Anytime we fuck I am gonna take really good care of ya."
He leaned in and ran his tongue through her folds finding her clit quickly. He started tracing numbers and letters over her clit making her moan out his name and grab a fistful of his hair. He scissored his fingers inside her to stretch her a bit to ready her for him knowing she had never had a guy his size before if they couldn't even be bothered to make her cum. He captured her clit between his lips sucking roughly at the bundle of nerves. "F..fuck! B…Billy so good.. oh god!" He chuckled and looked up at her as he worked his fingers in and out of her. "Oh baby girl, God isn't here and if he is we are going straight to hell. When I am done you will be calling me your god sweet thing." He captured the bundle of nerves again and sucked harshly at it making her buck her hips against his lips more. "D…Don't stop Billy I am so so c…close oh shit!"
He started thrusting his fingers in and curling them more in a punishing pace as he suckled and licked at her clit even giving a few nibbles to it that made her make the most gorgeous pornographic noises he had ever heard. One more thrust and a curl of his fingers pressing on her G-spot and she was done for. She arched her back her core snapping and bursting with heat as her orgasm ripped through her. "Billy! fuckfuckfuck!" She screamed out as she roughly pulled his hair. He fingered her through the harsh waves of her orgasm and finally stopped when she shoved at his hand nearly crying from over stimulation. "How was that baby girl? Good for you?"
"Oh gods yes Billy… fuck I have never came like that before in my fucking life." She laughed still feeling the after effects of it all. He sucked her cum from his fingers and released them from his mouth with a pop. "Need….ugh….Billy." He smirked at her and licked her thigh. "Need what baby girl? You're gonna have to tell me or you won't get what ya want." She whimpered and looked up at him with a pout. "You Billy, need you! Deep inside me. Cumming inside me. Filling me up. Need all of you pleaseplease." He chuckled and nodded as he undid his belt, zipper, and button of his jeans yanking them and his boxers down releasing his hardened cock with a slap as it landed against his stomach. "Oh fuck Billy you're gonne break me in half…" She gasped as she looked at him. Her mouthwatering at the sight. He smirked down at her. "Don't worry baby you will love it, promise." He lined himself up with her. "Sure you don't want me to get a condom babe?"
She nodded. "No condom. Wanna feel all of you. I have never fucked without a rubber before but I don't want anything keeping me from the full experience of this Billy." She blushed and that was all the approval he needed as he pushed his drooling cock head into her, stretching her around him. It stung and she hissed a breath out wincing as he shoved a bit deeper. "Gonna put the rest in now baby, ready?" She nodded and he shoved in sinking his full length into her. Stopping for her to adjust to him. It stung in the best way possible for her. Tears stung her eyes as she breathed and adjusted. A couple of minutes passed and she nodded. "Okay y..you can move now I can take it." He smiled and pulled out almost completely and then slammed back into her. He started slow at first then pushed her legs up, holding them in place with his hands with a grip that was sure to leave some beautiful bruises on her thighs tomorrow. He started slamming in at a punishing pace after a few more slow thrusts. The change from sort of gentle to rough made her scream out for him. "FUCK Billy! Oh gods Baby yes!" He growled and leaned down biting her breast leaving teeth marks. "Taking me so well baby girl. Sooo fucking well." She clenched more around him nearing her second orgasm now.
"Hmmm that's it baby girl. Ohh sweet girl, need you to cum with me baby." He whispered into her ear as he fucked her so hard the car rocked heavily. Leaving nothing to the imagination of any unfortunate passerby. A mix of skin slapping together, and moans and low growls filled the inside of the car. He continued to slam his cock deep into her. Hitting all the right places. He shoved his hand between them rubbing at her sensitive bundle of nerves making her scream out. "That's it baby, let go, cum with me." His words sent her hurdling over her edge. The snap happened again as her orgasm flooded through her even harder than the last making her see fucking stars. "Fuck Billy!!! oh god fuckfuck!" He moaned out for her as his own orgasm shot through him, painting her inner walls with his thick ropes of cum. "Fuck yes Rubie! Fuck been wanting to fill you up like this for so long!"
He collapses ontop of her both of them breathing hard panting breaths as they came down from their sexual highs together. After awhile he grabbed some tissues from the center console and cleaned her up as best he could discarding the cum coated pieces of cloth into an empty bag he had in his back seat floor. She fixed her clothes and opted to just take off her torn apart fishnets. They were a lost cause. "I will uh… buy you some new ones baby. Sorry bout that." She chuckled and kissed his cheek. "No worries baby, I am sure we are gonna have a heavy hit to our wallets over fishnets if I wear them more."
"Eh, I can afford it baby. No big deal." He kissed her again then pulled two shot glasses and a small bottle of vodka from his center console. Pouring them both a shot handing her a purple shot glass holding his own black one. "Seal the deal with a toast baby. You're my girl now. Tyler n Carol can eat their fucking hearts out when they see you on my fucking arm come Monday at college." She chuckled and kissed him softly. "Your girl. Yeah I like how that sounds. Billy Hargrove and Rubie Matthews. What a fucking pair." She grinned and clinked her shot glass to his. "Well, Cheers to us!" She said excitedly as they both threw back their shots before heading back to her apartment that was right next to Tylers for round two.
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