#but maybe its a matter of The Adults Who Can Do Something About Those Problems Still Dont Take Me Seriously
queenburd · 2 months
been quietly thinking a lot about how I'm getting into my later 20s, but I never really feel like I became an adult? or maybe that's not an accurate statement, because I have adult responsibilities and I deal with a lot of complexities in the world and I can take on hard issues with more maturity than I could at 19, but.
I never really feel like I'm acting like a "proper adult". like there's a respect level I give to the adults around me that I don't expect to be given to me.
maybe some of that is trauma, because I STILL joke about leaning towards fictional parental figures to take care of me, because I need that emotional comfort. another thing I've been grappling with is this weird desperate urge to have someone who I Feel Is A Proper Adult tell me that they are proud of me. That I, a kid, am doing a good job. And I don't get that, because a) that's not a thing people really actually do, it's actually weirdly rare for people to say "I'm Proud Of You" (hey uh is this just me and a result of my trauma) and b) I am not actually a kid!! "Adultier Adults" aren't really a thing?
So why do I still feel like I never achieved the milestone of "Adult"?
Yeah, yeah, we can joke about imposter syndrome all we like, but I genuinely feel like I missed something. Like I'm not worthy of the respect of the adults around me, who somehow, in my head, are "older" and "real adults", who have authority and responsibility and power.
man. this doesn't make sense, does it?
what do I know, anyway. I'm only 27. I still feel like a kid.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Can we getttt
Valeria, Soap, König and Price with a s/o who's a medic? or someone who does like navy stuff in the military with them ? pretty pleaseee
okay thank you buh bye :3
Hello again! I did the medic request! I hope it's alright!
Price, Soap, Valeria and König with a Medic!Reader
Price: Oh, poor you, you’ll likely be overrun with work. Price knows you’re competent, that you know what you do, and thus you’ll likely be assigned all of his rowdy boys. It’s not uncommon for Soap to get hurt doing who knows what, so he often needs to be patched up. Same for Gaz. Those two will likely become patrons of yours. Price does also believe that you getting along well with those two would be a good thing, though. After all, you’ll be protected and the lads will get patched up. However, if you complain about getting too many injured people, he’ll tell the boys to go somewhere else for the time being. Every time Price gets hurt, however, he will ask to see you. Yes, he is an adult and can take not being babied by you just once, but he becomes a bit grouchy when another medic takes care of him. It’s nice to simply have your loved one take care of you. He won’t go out of his way to get hurt to see you, but if you’re working nearby he might ask you if you’d like to grab some tea or coffee with him before you both go back to doing what you do. You, too, are always welcome to knock on his office and ask to see him, he’ll try his best to make time for you. You always work so hard, you’ve earned a nice little break. If such a thing even is possible, and you wanna come along for a mission, he’d be hesitant. Don’t get me wrong, Price loves you and he knows he and his boys are in good hands with you, but he’ll make the world stop turning entirely if something were to happen to you. Thus, even if you insist on coming along, he’ll simply give you a kiss on your forehead and sternly tell you to stay. Don’t argue with him, he’ll always find ways to get you to stay. In the end, you’ll both just end up worried for each other, no matter what.
Soap: He’s kind of stoked to find out you’re a medic for his Task Force. Soap is a diligent guy, but he can also be a bit reckless at times, ergo it’s not so uncommon for him to get hurt. Sometimes the rookies just need to be shown who’s boss, other times Ghost needs to finally realize that Soap is stronger than he looks. Sometimes Soap will hurt himself for no other reason than wanting to see you. It’s nothing severe, sometimes he’ll come see you for a cut on his finger and joke about how he’s bleeding to death, consciousness fading already. Give him a bandaid and a kiss to his forehead and he’ll be on his merry way, claiming to have found a miracle healer every time. He’s so in love with you, he makes it everyone’s problem. His, yours, Ghost’s, even Gaz keeps hearing about your “magic spells” (a kiss on his wound). You and Gaz will also become good friends throughout your career, Soap and him always spar with each other, go overboard and end up hurt. Please scold the both of them, they won’t listen to a word you said, but they’re more inclined to be careful than if Ghost were to say something. Sometimes Soap likes to compare you to fictional medics he’s heard of. And yes, he has asked you to speak in a silly German accent before. It cracks him up every time you make a reference to Medic from TF2. If you ever were to join him on a mission he would be as stoked as he’d be horrified. On the one hand, everyone gets to see how cool you are, on the other you might get shot and not survive. That’s a risk he’s not particularly willing to take. Yes, he would consult Price about it and maybe tip the scales in his favor so you won’t have to join him after all. He’d rather die himself than have you die on the battlefield. You can argue with him all you want, he’ll always say Captain’s orders if you ever wanna come along. Losing you is the worst thing that could happen to him, so he’ll do what he can to keep you alive.
Valeria: Once she figured out you’re a medic, which was likely very early on, you’ll be the only one to ever treat her wounds. She’ll likely also be the only patient you’ll ever see. Her goons can have someone else, someone less guarded who she couldn’t actually care less about. You’re all hers, you’re safe and sound with her, kinda, and you’ll make sure she does well in return. It’s a constant give and take with her. You can chat with the others if you so please, but you’re not supposed to say that you’re a medic, no matter how badly you want to help someone. Some dick could plot revenge against Valeria by taking you out first, and she will not have that happen. At best, you don’t work for her at all and work somewhere else, even if that would make seeing each other a bit more difficult. As long as you’re not working for the Mexican Special Forces, she’s content with you working just about anywhere. However, please do help her whenever you can. You’ll be the only one she trusts with just about anything medical. She has some knowledge about it herself, but yours surpasses hers. You can stitch her up all you want, as long as she’s able to walk again after a while, she’s happy. While she won’t ask and whine for one, she would appreciate it as well if you gave her a small kiss on her (not severe) wound. But only if the two of you are alone, no one needs to know you’re together. You can insist on coming along all you want, you won’t. Valeria will chuckle a bit, put your face in her hands, and tell you all the good reasons why you won’t be coming along. Absolutely no one needs to know who you are, no one needs to know in which way you’re affiliated with her. If Valeria dies on the battlefield, that’s one thing, but they won’t take you along with her, dead or alive. Your chances of coming along are zero because she’s the boss and she gets to decide who lives and who dies. You’ll live for as long as possible.
König: He’d probably be a bit surprised to see you on a KorTac base just like that, helping out. But he wouldn’t mind you being there. Like Soap and Price, if he gets injured he’ll ask to see you, even if he won’t exactly disclose what your relationship is either. You know each other, that’s all everyone else needs to know. He’d use this time to catch up with you, chat with you about anything and everything. More often than not, König is on the battlefield, risking his life for money, so it’s nice to get some downtime for once and not have to worry about getting shot. Although he knows you’re likely busy, he will try to stall for some time whenever he can, he doesn’t get to see you that often, after all. König doesn’t get hurt very often, but whenever he does, it’s usually something pretty bad. He doesn’t complain about the pain, he doesn’t whine about it either, he simply gets it treated after the mission is over. He’s broken a lot of his bones already, but they’ve healed every time. He’s not reckless per se, just not always very lucky. Most of his injuries come from his surroundings rather than his enemies. He’ll never forget the panicked look on your face when he came to you almost nonchalantly, hiding his pain as some shrapnel was stuck in his shoulder. This man’s body is littered with scars. Just take good care of him, and you’ll have yourself a happy little soldier, though. Unlike the other three, he doesn’t really see the problem with you tagging along for a mission. A good medic is always needed, no matter where you are. Sure, he’s well aware you could die, but he’s confident enough in himself to be able to protect you. Besides, you’re trustworthy and good at what you do, they’ll always need you. Just be prepared for König to be a bit clingier with you than he usually is. While he isn’t as worried about you dying, he is aware of the risks. Stays with you until the mission is over, or until another soldier he knows he can trust, such as Horangi, has come to cover you.
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
can i talk my shit for a moment?
i've been thinking about enhypen a lot, i actually do on a daily because i have a problem but that's a story for another time, and every time i think about certain types of "engenes" i get so, so mad and just as sad and frustrated because we're literally witnessing the way enha as a whole are slowly losing the recognition and attention for their talent because the focus is slowly shifting towards their visuals and their fan service.
i can't even explain why this makes me so mad and maybe i'm just a baby engene who's a little sensitive and protective but it's just so frustrating to see people praise enha for their visuals and fan service only when they're so, so much more.
don't get me wrong, PLEASE praise your fave for their visuals, they're the hardest on themselves and the kpop industry is so visual focused, it'll do wonders to their self confidence and esteem to hear how much their fans love their looks and styles and visuals.
it's the fact that at this point i barely ever see anyone praise any member for their actual talent. maybe i'm on the wrong side of the fandom but whenever the boys are done with a performance, they go viral for their visuals and not the actual effort, energy, time and attention they put into that performance.
seeing the comments being full of people who only praise one thing about the members is just so..heartbreaking considering just HOW hard they've worked to be where they are.
they have received titles during i-land and are still standing up to those and the high standards everyone has set for them, so seeing their fan service being what gets people into the fandom makes me so sad.
heeseung is a fucking ace, mans can sing, dance, produce, rap – he's literally known for his immense talent yet his biggest headlines somehow always included his visuals, especially with the whole nose implant shit. yes, his fan service is top tier but he's more than that short flirty moment and i hate seeing people praise him for it.
jungwon keeps on showing everyone what a good lsader he is, that he actually deserves his title as the hidden ace but people never ever give him credit for what matters. that guy loves his fans so, so much he spends hours on weverse to chat and respond and always updates us on what's going on. he's so csring and sweet and yet ever since he's become an adult its yet again, just about his looks.
i don't even wanna talk about sunoo because his situation makes me SO mad in a way i can't explain at all. that fucker is so fucking talented and so gifted, he's literally worked his ass off all these years just for people to go around and go omg he's so pretty!!! and that's it. he's not just your little mlm projection since most engenes love to label him as such, he's so much more and deserves to be treated like the talented idol he is.
sunghoon is also of that category because tell me why people have made his visuals hs only personality when he literally was told he was born to be on stage. every single performance, every single song, every single tour night he gives his everything because he knows he's good but he wants to show the world that he's more than a pretty face. i wish people would just see his talent and dedication for once instead of his eyebrows.
jay is also a topic i dont even wanna talk about anymore because the treatment he's been receiving all these years from his own "FANS" is so embarrassing and heartbreaking. i have never, ever watched a performance where that fucker didn't give 150% of his energy and power, his dedication is so impressive and something to admire. he's not just your fashion icon with a pretty face and a sharp jawline, i might upset some of y'all, but he's just as much of an ace as heeseung to me and i wish people saw that.
riki literally left his home country when he was a child and was called the dance prodigy, became a member in the official line up at the age of 14 and yet people will literally do nothing but praise his visuals. that fucker came okt of his mama dancing and people dare to argue whether or not he's as good as engenes make him to be what the FUCK? ppl need to stop focusing on his face and actually look at him as a whole when they watch him bc how could we ever argue about his talent???
jake had a dream and an opportunity and that fucker took. it. he literally only trained for six months and now his dance challenges with other idols are some of the most viewed ones on social media. he's a pretty face and the biggest flirt ever, he loves his dans and doesnt hesitate to show it but i wish people would actually see how hard he works and how far he's come. he was never bad but he's literally at such a high level right now when it comes to his skills and stage performances, i feel like people just love to ignore that aspect of him bc of his intense fan service.
i can't believe i spent 10 minutes writing this but its been on my mind for so long and i really hope we as engenes can actually sit our asses the fuck down and start showing those boys and their talent the love and appreciation they deserve. they are a group of visuals, yes. no doubt. but they were also chosen to be in this group bc of their talent and their skills.
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ninanly · 1 month
“it is what it is”
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pairings: adult! gojo x reader tw: angst a/n: mb its a lil rusty, wasn’t really planning on making another one part one → here
divider: @cafekitsune
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and there you were, dressed so beautifully and delicately, with the person you now loved most, sugurus best friend.. gojo. suguru notices the little details, he knows how you used to blush at anything gojo said towards you, how your eyes sparkled when gojo came nearby, the soft smile that forms on your face when gojo speaks. oh please, suguru wasn't stupid nor blind, he noticed how you acted around someone whom you loved, why didn’t he notice how you acted with him at the time? 
sugurus gaze follows your every movement. the way you currently smiled at gojo. how your expression melted into shyness when he looked your way as you walked down the aisle, suguru had seen those reactions from you before, but never paid it any mind. he had taken your closeness for granted, assuming that your affection was something you showed to anyone
it wasn't until now that the truth came through. watching you so wrapped up in someone else opened his eyes to realization.
his throat tightened, fingers digging into his palms.
he was a fool.
gojo was all that you could ask for and more. he made you laugh, kept you grounded, and above all, he never gave up on you. suguru was no match for him—the two friends shared a deep understanding that came with their 10+ years of friendship.
you were happy, truly happy, and that alone made suguru happy. but sometimes, in your quiet moments, you thought of the ‘what ifs?’ and you always wondered if suguru ever thought the same.
suguru was used to gojo beating him in many things, after all he was the strongest, the honored one, and suguru on the other hand was just.. there.
he never showed it, but the feelings of jealousy had been eating him up inside. watching gojo effortlessly make you smile, knowing he himself would never have the privilege again, was like a dagger through the heart.
he told himself a thousand times that this was the reality. the two of you could never be together. it didn't matter how much he loved you. nothing would ever change the fact that he was the one who screwed it all up.
suguru has done some regretful things in his life, from ignoring a homeless person pleading for food, or even saying hurtful words to his loved ones. but goodness.. his biggest regret had to be not taking his chance with you. but oh well.. “it is what it is” he always says.
it pained him to see you so happy, to see you so happy with someone that wasn’t him. he wished he could go back in time and cherish the small gestures you did for him, and maybe.. just maybe, would things be different. maybe the universe would bring you both together, in another life of course. but that's the problem, there is no other life, he only had this one.. and he already messed it up.
either way a guilt fills him like never before, why is this happening? what did he do wrong for the universe to treat him like this? why can't he just.. let go? 
the situation with you and him has been long gone, you recovered and found someone for you, someone that wasn’t suguru.. just like you promised. he was the first to know about the relationship with you and gojo, the first to know about the wedding, and now is gojos best man. because after all, none of this would’ve happened if suguru hadn’t rejected you.
but begging for another chance is pathetic, so now he’s the one fighting his feelings between what's right, and what he wants—no needs.
but it's too late, because now your finger is occupied with a ring, your last name now being mrs. gojo, your heart has finally found someone else to call home. 
if suguru had another chance, another wish, another shot, he would fix how he ended things with you. if he could go back in time and talk to you once more maybe it could be him putting a ring on your finger. but he can’t, and theres nothing he can do about it. 
standing by gojo’s side, as his best man, was one of the hardest nights of his life. the ring-exchange, the kiss, watching his best friend tie the knot with the person he loved—it tore him inside apart.
still, it wasn’t his wedding day. he wasn’t the one getting married. no number of tears or heartfelt speeches would’ve changed the present.
no amount of pleading or begging could take away the pain he felt. nothing could bring back the happiness he once had. this reality and he was stuck with these feelings and thoughts. it was only fair.
the universe never responded to his wishes, nor did it answer his prayers. the only thing that had changed was the realization that he would live and die in endless despair, forever yearning for something he could never possess.
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goodluckclove · 2 months
How I Critique Writing (A Loose Collection of Tips)
Someone asked me for insights into my methodology when it comes to giving feedback on writing and I realized I had way more than I could say in a reasonable amount of private messages. Are you someone who I've spoken to about their writing? Did someone send you their work and you don't know how to respond? Maybe this will help? Based on how people react I feel like it might be controversial but it seems to work.
When someone sends me their writing, no matter the size, subject or genre, I:
Take it seriously. It's a generational epic about the Vietnam war and its effects. It's a cute, young adult romance. It's Zim and Dib from Invader Zim realizing they've always been in love with each other. All of these things can be written with earnestness, strength, honesty and skill. It's fucking hard to write and if someone writes a single sentence that wouldn't otherwise exist its worth holding in your hands and examining with the same eye as if you were taking an interesting book off the shelf.
Respond with curiosity. It's common for critiques to follow a theme of ambiguous disdain. This doesn't work. Delete this. Bad. No. Gross. Guess what? That's not helpful. If you got that feedback, even if you followed it, you wouldn't be thrilled about it. Oftentimes you can take a line that makes you want to say Bad and ask something else. What is this supposed to express? What were you trying to do here? Am I supposed to feel happy/sad/uncertain when I read this? Curiosity can reframe something that you don't think works as a reader and turn it into an opportunity for the writer to look inward and solve their own problem. They might explain what they were trying to do, and if you were to say that it didn't pan out for you they're way more likely to tweak things themselves and feel like they still have control over their project.
Give comments. I've started giving more in-depth comments on the writing people give me depending on how anxious they are about it. If you're a pretty confident writer I'll give a summary of what I gained and what I was left wondering, what I thought and what I felt, what associations it made me think of in terms of tone and other forms of media - stuff like that. For newer writers, especially those who are far more doubting of their own abilities, I go buck wild. And in my opinion notes should be less like Good! I like this! Wow! Nice! (What are you, grading my book report? No thanks), and more like what you think when you're reading a book you're truly invested in. Make jokes about the characters (Not mean ones. I will send bugs to you in the mail.), chart exact lines that provoke physical reactions, even a small one. Can you imagine reading someone treat your work like it has its own fandom on Tumblr? You can do that for someone else.
Fucking have some fucking awareness of the fact that it might not be for you and that doesn't mean it's bad. I'm angry about this one considering the novel a friend sent me last night that they've been too terrified to try and post online, despite it being fucking brilliant. I'll try and calm down. Listen - you read what you like. I mainly read literary and experimental fiction, some poetry, horror and some sci-fi. Not a lot of genre fiction. But I will always be down to read someone's high fantasy story, because even though I don't really like fantasy I know what the good ones sound like. I've forced myself to gain a sense of what someone else would like, even if I don't like it. And I can still critique it. If I'm a builder and I see a house that's painted a shade of green I find sinful for a home (i.e. mint), I can look past that and focus on the state of the walls and the stability of the foundation. You aren't a reviewer, man. You are neither Siskel, nor Ebert. They write for readers, you write for writers. So you don't like historical fiction? Cool, man. Congrats. If someone trusts you enough to give you some to read and critique, you should still do so objectively. If you give it an automatic F because you wouldn't buy it, then you are legally a stinky little trash man. That's just the law.
Ask them what they liked to write and what was the hardest. There's apparently a weird trend on online writer communities that say there are specific rules that all writers need to follow. This is not true. It just isn't. If the dialogue in a story you read is weak, and the writer says they hate writing dialogue and really struggle with it, maybe tell them they don't have to use it. You might change their entire life.
RESPOND WITH CURIOSITY. You see the Ask games where people try and get more detail on the WIP of certain authors. If you have a WIP and I ask you a worldbuilding question that doesn't relate to the direct plot of the story as it exists now, I bet you'd like to talk about it. If I ask if you were inspired by a certain tone or movie, you might know the work I was talking about and feel happy. Or you might not know it, look it up, and feel inspired. I don't think people realize that a critique of new/unfinished writing is not a one-and-done exchange. You are taking part in an isolated process in a way few other people on the planet will. It's not homework. It's. Not. Homework. We spend so much of our time alone just fiddling our hands and making our magic, and in instances like these we share something in one of the ultimate forms of artistic trust. They're taking you into a world that hasn't fully formed yet. Is it cool? Can you tell me about it? Can they?
Be nice. Storytime, friends. In the way early 2010s, there was something on the internet called sporking. It was pretty much a line by line roast of someone's writing - typically fanfic. And I hate to say this, but I read a lot of it. I was 13, somehow untreated and overmedicated, and I was miserable constantly. Just cold in my chest. At one point I had the chance to critique a stranger's story - probably another child - and I essentially mocked the whole thing. They ended up deleting the story off the website. I cannot begin to describe to you the shame I feel about doing this, even ten years later. It burns in my heart and makes me sick to my stomach. If you are a serious writer, especially a young writer, and you insult another writer's craft to their face just as they're getting started - you will regret it. I promise you that. You will think about holding something alive and full of potential in your hands and squeezing your fists until it is just flecks of meat and crushed bone. It will haunt you. Maybe only a little, but constantly and for the rest of your life. So don't do it.
Wow what a grim note to leave on! That's essentially my philosophy on writing critique, do with it what you will. Want to send me some writing to receive this kind of excessive treatment? Cool! I have an email in my pinned post and I'll do that! I'm also down to chat if anyone wants to send me asks or DMs on writing/writing struggles/publishing tips.
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stewykablooey · 11 months
what do you think stewy's reaction was when kendall went to rehab? I definitely don't think it was kendall voluntarily going, but I also don't think stewy would've went to any intervention for kendall, even if he does recognize kendall actually has problems with drugs 🤔
hmmmmmmmm i actually Do think kendall went voluntarily, mostly because i genuinely can’t imagine anyone in his life who would care enough to force him to go (or have the emotional capacity to show that they care because i Do think the sibs cared/were concerned about his substance abuse but they definitely wouldnt intervene) except maybe rava, but a) i dont think kendall would listen to her and b) if she did it was part of an ultimatum that eventually pushed kendall to check himself in. unless you’re thinking about like, a court-mandated order but idk about the logistics of that, but then yeah, i do think that could be a way that kendall ended up in rehab. (i could also see connor trying to talk to kendall about going but kendall wouldn’t listen to him either and connor wouldn’t push) but Also, i think kendall really would go voluntarily as some kind of attempt to better himself, but not really in a healthy way, more in an all-or-nothing side quest before he got himself caught into logans orbit again, or in some complete toxic mind-shift of like ‘drugs are for the weak my body is a temple’ type bullshit.
anyway back to stewy: Yes, u are so right that he would not intervene, just like the sibs he obviously cares but he would never take it upon himself to get kendall to seek help because he feels that a) thats not his responsibility and b) its not his business. as close as they are and as intertwined as their lives and business becomes, i think stewy very much draws a boundary between him and kendall that they each are granted autonomy as an adult. whatever kendall does is his business and whatever stewy does is stewys business and they can meet in the middle wherever those things might cross, or just enjoy their friendship outside whatever those things may be. and this is for specific things, like rehab or kendalls marriage, which is also something im sure stewy wouldnt touch with a 100 foot pole. obviously the bigger picture stuff, stewy Does get himself involved in, like kendalls vendatta against logan, or trying to get kendall out of the company. but i think in a way stewy sees that big picture as much more viable, if he can fix the root of this, then all the things about kendall that he cant and wont touch will be better for it by proxy. if kendall could just be a normal billionaire without the roy family sickness then he could be normal about drugs, like stewy is.
so to finally answer your question lol: i think ultimately stewy saw as that, none of his business but also thought of it as pointless. i dont think he saw it as a bad thing and i think maybe he did hope something good would come out of it for kendall, but i think stewy never saw kendalls drug problem as a drug problem, i think he saw it as a logan problem, as a Roy problem, so he wouldn’t have had high hopes for this making any significant impact on kendall.
bonus: idk if anyone has even said this but i wanna get in front of it before anyone does, theres also no Goddamn Way that kendall going to rehab or kendall overdosing or kendalls substance abuse would e v e r make stewy think twice about his own drug use. i think stewy fully believes he is the smartest most perfect most balanced drug user in all of new york city and that whatever kendalls relationship to drugs is, no matter how sad or scary, doesn’t apply to him because he has the most perfect relationship to drugs ever (whether that is true or not)
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The biggest thing I find disappointing about any of the "official" sequels to Homestuck, is that... They don't really expand on Homestuck.
They simply add problems, that weren't needed, and are churning out solutions, that didn't matter--because the problems in the first place weren't needed.
My idea of a Homestuck sequel would be to have the world-build, because now we have that idea of the "world" and how it "works", but start from scratch (haha).
Make new characters in classes and aspects we haven't seen yet, or didn't see enough of (Mages and Thieves and Sylphs, oh my, Dooms and Rages and Blood, oh my!). Make new characters that have new remixes of classes and aspects we already know of.
Make new inner memes and repetitions, Homestuck is nothing if not repetitious. Have some actual fun with your sequel. I can't imagine the current stuff being Fun, not with what's its building from.
Say something new in the story, or say something old in a different way. HS is all about ridiculous bullshit all the time anyway, just as much so as its about serious shit all the time always.
Personally, I'd rather not go through SBURB again, I'd want to see how HS works without SBURB being the main focus--or maybe have a SBURB that is completely off its knocker and is impossible to play, as its background.
( Earth C is a perfect place for that )
There are, of course, several things that can be expanded and thoroughly explored that HS leaves open.
Throughout your life, you are going to have more than one class or aspect. I know huh? Its a thing we've seen out of the Adults that pop up in HS--they always have at least one more class and aspect, and are capable of performing those classes and aspects successfully. And this even falls in line with typical character dynamics on writing and comprehension. A 3D character changes depending on what situation they're in and who they're with. And with such, we can assume that HS is about your Core unchangable Classpect--Who are you that is you?-- But now, let's have another!
All your Lives are Connected Yeah yeah sounds like Utilma-Self horseshit. But there is clearly a thing to explore here; you are connected to yourself, throughout time and space. So even if one of yourself dies, it'll still live on as long as you exist.
The Afterlife Okay, we've seen hints, maybe, but now I kinda want to know how this works without Dream Bubbles. Dream Bubbles are a SBURB thing, and even then, its only sessions that touch on the Troll Session (Like the human one), who get access. And even then... its only for Players. Everything else is a recorded memory.
What's a universe like when it has its Gods? Its clear that when SBURB makes a universe, its generally intended that its players become its gods of that universe. So... what happens when that does actually happen, and not some tomfuckery coming along.
And of course, this is just the HOmestuck World-Build stuff.
You can tell so many different stories from this, from any variety, from silly to serious (And in HS's case--both). Hell, take someone off the street, throw them randomly at this, see how they react, that sort of deal.
And it can be done, without slogging HS's characters through the murk.
If the intention of the current "sequels" were to make things tired, dragged out, and not even fun anymore... Yeah congrats. The story worked as intended. So much so that I'm not even going to keep up with it.
That's how tired its made me.
A lot of people, found comfort, relation, and personal importance, in HS's characters.
And what was done to several character, was a horrible, disgusting, and terrible thing to do, to characters that people found comfortable, relatable and personally important.
And How it was handled afterwards, whether it was staged or not, was A Shit Way to Handle It.
Occurring at a time and place in history where you Should Not Have Fucked That Up.
Because of this, I am not going to accept the "Sequels". I'm not going to accept any justification for the "Sequels".
As far as I'm concerned, Homestuck ended with Homestuck, a silly ridiculous serious webcomic that lasted a very long time and long after the time period it was in (To a point where nobody remembers what early '10s / late 00's internet was like), no publication attached.
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squeiky · 4 months
Go tired of seeing "old hedgehog" designs of sonic and shadow with them just having greyed out quills and decided to do something about it
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So yeah qpr sonadow (yeah shadow is 50+ fucking finally. Im considering giving him a cane. An asthetic or an actual one idk. Maybe both?)
Sonic grew his quills out (wanted a kind of longhair rockstar kinda hair thing idk if i achiebed i though. Also still unsure on what he'd wear so i just slapped on his sa2 beach costume and added sandals (and possibly socks).
(Oh and there a scar from the Mephiles blast on his stomach- as well as top surgery scars because of course he had top surgery its sonic)
(Oh and also the "old lady swagger" sonic is just him crossdessing/going lady mode because he always rocks the look )
Shadow styled/shortend his quills and i put him in a nice black collared sweater. He wears glasses because my guy has eye problems
(Btw. Im horrible at telling ppls ages so if they dont feel old then idk what to tell you guys i have no idea what aging is at this point)
Then, instead of simply making old yaoi i ended up getting obbessed (and happy) and started making everyone old
So next up was amy and Blaze. (Silver is here too)
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I think theyre a little bit on the younger side of the old yaoi? I did consider the fact that some people age differently (some look older whilst others look younger) so Amy and Silver got the more "youthful-ish" complexion whilst Blaze and Espio got the more older one.
Thoughhh im still working on their design. I can always make older old lady Amy (now that i think about it i should 100% make Amy a granny looking buff woman because i feel like thats beautiful)
Either way amy and Blaze kept their uh.. "hair" short. Amy still wears supergirly clothes and Blaze wears more masculine type clothes nothing else.
Next is espilver
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You cant sue me for making Silver a short king menace to society.
Not really much on design so far other than Silver is way more plump (pearshaped) now because life got better, and Espio is taller because what is he if not a tree?
Ask them how they met? It was at bowling. Why bowling? Its because thats less weird then "was investigating the multiple crimes husbando commited and ended up getting said yet-to-be husbando arrested, but after he got out we totally fucked"
Oh, and because i couldnt choose, Espio is trans AND intersex! Yeah!
Also Amy is silvers ex (Silver has like.. 2 exes... Possibly more?)
And then theres everyone else who arent a "ship" persay:
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So i call this the moreso young adult group with Tails, Charmy, Ray and Cream.
Tails (in college) and Charmy (not in college) obviously hang out and play videogames.
Cream, because when she was little she didnt get invited to fight deadlt monsters, grew up, and decided shes going to fight deadlt monsters. So i tried to make her a cool suit but idk.. it needs reworking cause the whole "secret agent" vibe works! But not the way i like.
Rouge is forever foxynand will continue to be the most attractive woman on planet earth no matter what age. Shes also still a meance to socitey and we will forever love the jewel thief (old) woman.
Knuckles doesnt cut his quills so those shits are LONG hes also old as well but idk what he'd wear
And yes Metal (also Chaos) is here too. Metal is a bit rusty (literally) but overall well kept and fancy. I think eggman would be dead by now, so i gave it a crown on its ears to symbolize how it took over i guess.
Blaze x Amy ( bio kid): Flare (was thinking "Spark" because of the love idea but idk yet)
Espio x Silver (bio-kid): Greybell
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And then heres the fun part:
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So Sonic and Shadow dont function like the others here, in that- while saving the world and whatnot, every so often they'd either find a kid following them (similarly to Amy and Tails back in the days) or save a kid during their whole adventure.
The first time this happened was just Luca (a black jaguar) who followed Sonic during one his little solo adventures and Sonic was like "do you have parents i can take u back too" and she was like "nah" so of course, after seriously looking for her parents through ppl with database accesses like tails and rouge, he was like "u wanna stay with me?" And Luca was like "YEAH!"
And then Sonic called Shadow like "Shadow do u want kids" and which he replied "what?" And then suddenly they adopted Luca. This is how it began.
Eventually, as one grew up, theyd find another, and then another and then well now they have like 11 kids in total.
Now, after ALL of this, they took a break and after that years worth of a break were like "wanna make a kid? Like for the challenge of having to that from scratch"
And sonic was like "what?"
So they hit up the labs and made a bio kid who is 2 months old and is the most hectic fucking thing theyve ever had to deal with so thanks for the prior 10 experinces (alas they do not compare to the mega menace)
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nogenderbee · 1 year
REQUESTS ARE OPEN AGAIN??! YIPPEE OKAY LETS SEE!! Also its none other than 💫anon hehe
Okay so i had this idea, can you maybe do Tsukasa (and maybe Mizuki but like seperately) x reader and like the reader identifies as non-binary but they have a feminine appearance and they are comfortable looking that way but they're sometimes worried that their identity wont be validated unless they look the park?? If that makes any sense. I know this is oddly specific but its just like a thing i have going on💀
Also as always, bonus points for physical affection like lots of it because istg you cant look at Tsukasa and tell me he's not huggable and kissable bro (same goes for Mizuki i love them but like T S U K A S A)
You'll definitely see me again when i come up with more request ideas hehe >:DD
Anyways no rush take your time and maybe like a fic format if that works for you
Omg, hello 💫 anon again! I hear you and I think I could got that, plus fic format is not a problem for me! Also Tsukasa and Mizuki are both so so SOOOO huggable and all!! I made sure to contain there some physical affection for you so I hope you enjoy~
Tsukasa, Mizuki comfort non-binary!reader
TagList: @alicewinterway18 @bleachtheidiot - come get your future star!
@no1mizukifan - come get your cute animator~
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Today was one of those days when you were insecure about your appearance again... but not in like a way you'd hate your appearance, in fact you were really comfortable with it. It's just that many people used to "forget" about your true identity because of how feminine you look.
Today many classmates mixed up your pronouns even after you corrected them so no wonder you've been in worse spirits, which your boyfriend immediately picked on and decided to ask you about it.
"My star, are you alright? You seem to shine a little less today. Did something happened?"
At first you weren't sure if you should tell him about what was troubling you but after he started to rub back of your hand in comforting way, you kind of let it all out. You didn't even noticed when his arms wrapped around you.
"My star, please listen to what I want to say... If you're comfortable the way you are, you shouldn't change it. It doesn't matter if you look that way or another because your identity still will be the same and if someone doesn't get it, I'll be there to help you out! You just have to call me and I promise I'll run there!"
After that you stayed in that position for a while. Tsukasa had his both arms wrapped around you and one slowly rubs your back. Even if you started crying he let you his shoulder while still saying comfort words.
And he kept his promise, he was always there to remind anyone your true pronouns and identity, it doesn't matter if someone your age or adult made that mistake, he always was ready to jump into conversation and remind the other person that they should use correct pronouns for you and he'll even fight over your honor if needed but not in like physical way, he simply had a conversation with them and wouldn't stop unless they realize their mistake.
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"Why can't people understand that appearance≠identity?" That's the question you were constantly asking yourself today. Everyone, even people who knew well about your real identity seemed to have forgotten who you really are, so no wonder you've been in worse spirits lately this day. Sure, you may have tried to mask it but your partner noticed it either way.
That's why, when the two of you were hanging out, they asked you if you had worse day today and if something happened.
"Hey YN, are you feeling alright today? Did something happened or are you just tired? Don't tell me you pulled an all nighter..."
They looked at you with their worried look and that's when you felt you can't hide it from them so you explained everything. And once you started, they immediately put their arm around you while gently rubbing your back.
"Ah, those people! Hey, it doesn't matter if you look feminine or not because you're still you! And if you feel comfortable the way you are then you shouldn't change anything. It's their problem if they can't appreciate amazing person like you! But if you need, I can always talk with them?"
If you agree on them talking to your friends then they won't give up untill they'll make their point but it's really up to your friends if this will work or not since they will go as far as they can't but they won't threaten someone to use the right pronouns.
But after your confession, Mizuki keeps rubbing your back and even starts gently rubbing your cheek with their thumb while saying comforting words. They also suggest you have a gallery date to try some clothes and maybe get your mind off this day.
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morkofday · 11 months
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
thanks for the tag vi @feralmuskyscentedhoepran​ ♥ tho i still hate you for forcing me to choose between my children smh 
(most of these shows are ones i’ve watched quite recently. i also tried choosing different shows and making this diverse but well, i have my brainrot so. excuse me.) 
favourite bl: vice versa
i know i am very biased when it comes to this but i don’t care. vice versa was the perfect show for me. it’s silly and fun and absolutely bonkers at times. but it’s also sweet and gentle and comforting and so full of meaning i don’t know where to begin. i know it has its flaws but despite them, all i feel is warm while watching it ♥
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favourite pairing: patpran
despite failing to separate all the actor/fandom drama from this show and now always feeling this bitter sadness bc of it while watching bb, pat and pran remain one of my forever favourite bl couples. they are perfect in many ways and watching their story filled me with love and joy. i am happy someone like pran has someone like pat to stay beside him. i am happy someone like pat has someone like pran to adore. i am simply happy to know these two fools are together, forever ♥
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most underrated actor: sea tawinan
i think both vice versa and 55:15 have shown us how good this boy is at acting. he’s brilliant and will come far once gmm lets him out of the basement. really hoping 2024 gives a lot of new projects for sea so he can test his wings some more. 
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favourite character: nuengdiao in never let me go
i know some ppl hated on nuengdiao for acting like he did. and i’m not saying i wasn’t frustrated at times bc of how bratty or impulsive he is, but i also understand why. first of all, he’s horribly young. and secondly, he’s so afraid of love for what it can do. it’s the dilemma in him: to want love so desperately but to fear it bc it can cause pain. watching him overcome this fear and to gain confidence in himself throughout the show filled me with pride. in some sense, he is me, i am him, and we grew up together like this ♥
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favourite side character: kan in the eclipse
for what it’s worth, i truly loved the eclipse for its characters. the show might have disappointed me, but it left me with a collection of characters and dynamics i absolutely adore. kan is one of them, probably the most important one. his journey to self acceptance felt personal to me. his pain was my own and his happiness felt ours to share. 
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favourite scene: liming with uncle jim
i know this isn’t really a scene related to a bl plot aka this is not a scene between a bl couple. but this one scene is so, so important to me. throughout moonlight chicken, i could relate to liming’s pain a lot. he was struggling to be an independent person while living in the world of adults. he was struggling in a society treating him and others around him as someone different, someone less worthy. he was struggling with his feelings towards his mother who left him but claimed to love him. and he had horrible fights with uncle jim, but then he says it’s easy for him to know he loves him. it’s simple as that. and sometimes i wish it was as simple. maybe one day it will be. maybe one day the love will not feel like a burden. 
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favourite line: 
“Something that doesn’t bother me could be someone else’s huge burden. About pain... It’s an absolute thing for a person. It’s not something you can compare. If I feel pain, then it’s pain.” – something i try to tell ppl around me who are struggling and are scared to seek help. something i try to tell myself when i feel like my feelings don’t matter bc someone else has bigger problems. 
“I don’t get why you like me.” – cha siwon is one of those characters i relate to a lot and this question absolutely broke me. i feel it in my soul. it’s something i asked my ex once back when we were still together. what would be the reason for anyone to feel like that about me?
both these lines are from blueming. i cannot choose between them. watching that show is like looking into my own head and that’s why i love many of the lines and dialogues in it. 
most anticipated bl and why: last twilight
everyone and their mother probably knows how insane i am about this show. it’s just so perfect, in so many ways. the setting is interesting, the story seems angsty af while also being extremely gentle, it’s directed by p’aof, it’s jimmysea. it was made for me. i am both overjoyed and terrified to know it will air this year. 
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healthiest relationship in a bl: puentalay
listen. i know some ppl keep giving shit to puen for being “manipulative” which absolutely baffles me. but i won’t even try to understand. for me, the relationship between puen and talay is one of the most mature ones i’ve seen in a bl. idk if it’s how the characters are written or if it’s, at least partly, jimmysea’s influence. but either way, there’s this aura of absolute understanding and acceptance in them. their healthiness peaked in their our skyy 2 eps, and the scene where they talk about their love and how it will change as they go on in life is my evidence of this. i want this type of love. i want the love to remain, out of mutual choice. not as something that restricts you but as something that allows you to begin. 
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most toxic relationship in a bl: tharntype
i will not talk about this show or pairing but every day i question why i watched any of this and hope i hadn’t, i remain traumatized  
guilty pleasure series: 2moons2
one of my very first bl loves, mostly bc of mingkit played by joong and nine. in some sense, this was my first touch to the world of bl actors too as i followed these two for a while. and now that i see joong again, i always return to this series in my mind. sometimes i go to watch the mingkit focused episode all over again, only to cry at the softness of it once more ♥
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bonus! most underrated series: sky in your heart
i still do not understand why this series never gained as much popularity as its sister show did. i think the story was sweet and meaningful, and despite it being similar to the story of 1000 stars, it had its own charm. fah and prince were, comparatively, a very mature couple and their relationship developed accordingly. i wasn’t the biggest fan of the ending and i would’ve loved to see them give prince a bit more as a character, but overall, this show meant a lot to me. it had the same message in it as the vv our skyy 2 eps: love is a place where you can return to by the end of the day, without any demands or conditions. 
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thank you for reading this if you did and sorry for taking so much space on your dash :’D i never tire of talking about some of these shows. there would be a lot of other ones to talk about too. but well, maybe next time. 
tagging: @dimpledpran​ @leonpob​ @wanderlust-in-my-soul​ @patspran​ @oswlld​ @namchyoon​ @gabrielokun​ @stormyoceans​ @seanwhites​ @nanons​ @seatawinans​ ♥ no pressure!
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crush-zombie · 8 months
Where I am in life? Things that have happened. The continuing circus of the wild west of my existence. It's a long post ;
I lived in Ontario for three years, from 2018 to 2022, in a couple of places.
The friend I was supposed to move in with, to ease my spiralling depression, backed out at the last moment with threats. The "you're lucky I'm not around or I'd beat your ass" kind of threats, because I refused to give up and let despair engulf me.
I ended up in the basement of a friend of my mother's for a year. For apartment-finding (and legal) reasons I had my sister (and her partner) come as well, and after a year of searching and filling out applications the three of us got kicked out. We stayed in the woods by a highway for a week before getting sent to a homeless shelter.
2 months there was bad. The details probably aren't necessary, but it was dehumanizing.
After that we ended up in one of Canada's "hot spots" for Covid when the pandemic broke out. It took about a month there before my sister's partner started (continuing to) abuse me. My sister didn't care. My illness(es) had been intensifying all throughout those years, but they really hit a fever pitch at this time. I spent a lot of time gasping on the floor.
Along with my illness(es), during all this time I was struggling with suicidal feelings and urges. That's why I moved to Ontario to begin with-- I hoped things would be better there somehow, like a complete idiot ;
After threats from my sister and her partner a friend back in Newfoundland offered me an out. I returned, tail between my legs and my dog, who I dragged through all this chaos, was getting so old he can barely walk. My energy was so, so low and I put just about all of it into caring for him.
About 6 months into living with my friend she unloaded all her issues with me (that I studied like a motherfucker, because I am and always am convinced that I'm the problem in everything)-- that I eat too much, I don't clean the house enough, I'm "disrespectful" (conversely another friend often tells me I'm "too polite"), I "over parent" her daughter (this still confuses me), that she didn't believe I was disabled, that covering for my old, sickly dog was disgusting. I spiralled very hard, and got brought out to the dining room table to be told all the things I should be doing and what I was doing wrong. Immediately afterwards I started planning my suicide. My dearest (internet) friend kept me from death, but in its place I started developing an eating disorder, eating nothing but one meal a day (which sometimes didn't happen) and being nearly bedbound with hunger and exhaustion every day. I started cleaning the house, sweeping, tidying, doing the dishes and folding laundry for the two other adults and one child in the house. No-one complained. I'm convinced everyone in the world would be flattered to have someone bend to their neuroses.
When I forced myself to stop believing I was disabled I lost the language to describe my experiences. I ended up with a counselor in a matter of a week because of my mental state, and he had the unfortunate and arduous job of piecing my shattered mind back together. It's still missing bits... rough in a lot of places.
April of last year, I had to put my dog down. I was spending all my time taking care of him because he couldn't even stand anymore, and the vet really laid it down for me: this was it. So... Even just writing about it puts a lump in my throat and hot tears in my eyes. Grief is hellish agony, maybe the worst I've ever experienced. "I wouldn't be surprised," my counselor said, "you loved that dog more than most people love their own children."
In June I moved again. Currently I'm renting a room with a bunch of dirty 20-something-year-olds who do nothing but smoke weed all day every day and spend 8 AM every morning coughing until they urge, so I roll over and stuff ear plugs in my ears. At least they seem to be good people, and they know to keep their noses out of my business. And $600 for a single room and access to a (disgusting) bathroom, a (disgusting) kitchen and a (disgusting) laundry room with everything included is far, far from the worst I've had. I'm poor, but... it's something, and something isn't nothing.
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landofzero-archive · 24 days
Absolute - To Abhor the Impure World 10
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(Location: Michigan Townscape)
(An hour later. Near the Absolute venue in the center of the WNW district)
Jun: Ohiisa~n! NEGI-sa~n!
There was a hot dog stand, so I bought us some food. Come to think of it, we’ve had a lot going on since this morning, so we haven’t eaten anything.
No matter what we do, we need to stay healthy.
NEGI: “Thank you. You’re a kind and good kid.”
Hiyori: Fufun, he’s an attentive kid, don’t you think? I trained him myself! (1)
Jun: In reality, I can’t think of any word for it other than “training”…… Ahh, my whole body is being haunted by the spirits of errand boys.
NEGI: “Ahaha. It’s not a bad thing, attentive kids like you can be well-liked.
Like Anzu. Hey, is Anzu doing well? I heard she was having a rough time during SS, but is she feeling depressed or anything?”
Jun: I think she’s fine but y’know~, that person is a lot tougher than me.
Hiyori: Indeed. But the problem is that everyone thinks that way, and doesn’t pay enough attention to that child as a result.
It may be an old-fashioned thing to say, but she’s still an underage girl. She needs support from those around her.
NEGI: “That’s how it is. This world is ruled by adults, and when children try to defy them they’ll just be crushed.”
Jun: Really, is there anything we can do~? I got caught up in Ohiisan’s energy and ran out of the safety of the hotel, and?
We’re supposed to search for Nagi-senpai and Shaka-san, but we don’t have any clues right now—
Hiyori: Yeah, it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but I can’t just sit still and do nothing.
NEGI: “I can’t say I have a clue, but I do have a bit of an idea.
That’s why we came to the Absolute venue like this.”
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Hiyori: Surprisingly, it’s already bustling with people.
The Absolute event starts tomorrow, but in preparation the staff are building something like a tent village.
There’s a lot of attendees who can’t wait for the opening day, huh. There’s even food stalls for them, they’re already making merry.  
Fufu. I don’t dislike this kind of atmosphere. What fine weather♪
Jun: Umm, we didn’t have anything else to do, so we came with you like you asked us to. What kind of clues are supposed to be here~?
NEGI: “Before getting into that, how much do you two know about Absolute?”
Jun: Uh. I only know whatever I can look up about it online~, it’s an event people in Japan aren’t really familiar with, though.
Just in case, I did a bit of research before taking this job, but I don’t know much about it.
Hiyori: Last time, we were just guests and enjoyed the event. Generally, our knowledge is more or less the same as that of the average person.
Absolute is the world’s biggest idol festival, held in the WNW district of Detroit, Michigan three times a year.
Its catchphrase was, and still is, “Fanatic Festival.”
Jun: Haha. That unsettling slogan is the same as always~.
NEGI: “Yes. I’m not sure why it’s described like that.
But you see, from the general public, who only know respectable music’s, point of view, Absolute’s music is—
Maybe the so-called idols look fanatic to them?
I feel like the performers are competing for the sake of how much money they can make from flashy performances rather than for the music itself.
Perhaps it feels more like a circus than a concert?”
Jun: It was cool when we watched the performances as guests too~. A performer was shot by a machine gun out of nowhere, fell to the ground, and then rose from the dead like a zombie.
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NEGI: “Ahaha.”
Hiyori: Ahh, that also happened…… Also, you mentioned that Shaka-san is religious, so maybe that’s why he was acting like a scene ripped right out of a myth.
Suddenly, without any warning, a crack appeared on the floor of the venue, and a shining Shaka-san rose up from the depths. It was super surprising, y’know.
Just like that, Shaka-san was floating in the air, shining like the sun, and singing something that sounded like an up-beat hymn.
NEGI: “With a group of angels. By the way, I don’t know which concert you all saw, but in the last performance, I also got to silently play the role of one of those angels.
Since I had become personal friends with Shaka-san, he asked me to appear in something.
I also had some free time and wanted to sing, so I decided to appear, but, honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever do it again.
I don’t know why, but it was scary because I was floating, not because I was suspended by wires. It felt like I was weightless, and it was hard for me to control my posture.”
Jun: I was more concerned about the cracks in the ground. That kind of thing is a natural phenomenon, so how did they cause that kind of situation~?
NEGI: “I’m not sure, but if you save up enough money, you can do most anything, right?”
Jun: It cost an absurd amount of money, huh~…… Is that kind of thing profitable?
NEGI: “Maybe so. You probably know this, but in Absolute, unlike the ES drefes system, the winners and losers are determined solely by how much money they receive from the attendees.
It’s what you would call tipping. People who watch the performance either live or through broadcasting can spend as much money as they’d like on their favorite performers.”
Hiyori: And so, it feels like the performer who made the most money was the winner.
NEGI: “Yes. And the money earned from doing so goes directly to the performer’s bank account.
No matter how much you spend on production, if the results are good then you can make a decent profit, right?
But in recent years, the productions have become increasingly flashy, so it probably costs a lot more money. So, most of the performers are probably in debt.
I heard that every year, a number of people ruin their lives because of this. 
No matter if you win or lose, it’ll lead to your own destruction. But even so, every year, idiots will gather and do stupid things.
That’s why it’s called the ‘Fanatic Festival.’”
TL Notes:
Hiyori uses the word “調教” (choukyou) here, which refers to training an animal.
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simlit · 1 year
All of them for Zeh
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If your OC were to live in some other time period, which era would they be best suited for?
contemporary; mostly for aesthetic reasons. I think he fits poorly into any other timeline.
Who is your muse’s muse? 
He takes most of his inspiration in life from his parents. He admires them for their different strengths, and tries to emulate them in a lot of ways, but feels he constantly falls short. The problem lay in that he has a very romantic idea of his parents, where his idolization of them overwrites the reality, leaving him chasing impossible goals. However, they aren’t his driving force. He doesn’t discover that until later.
What is their character theme song and why? If it has lyrics, which line best fits them?
"Sometimes, I hate the life I've made. Everything's wrong every time. Pushing on, I can't escape everything that comes my way is haunting me taking its sweet time." “Narcissistic Cannibal” - Korn
Is your character bilingual or multilingual? Which language are they most comfortable in or prefer using? How did they come to learn them?
He’s multilingual. He can speak as a dragon, as well as being fluent in elvish and the languages of men. He’s most comfortable speaking in elvish, simply because it was his main mode of communication as a child. It’s what he learned first, and obviously, it’s his tie to Yehl. Despite his disconnectedness as an adult, growing up, Zehel was entirely fixed to his mother, so it’s his natural response. Often he will answer first in Lorrainian. In moments of internal dialogue, its almost exclusively elvish. 
Do they have an accent? How do they or others think of it?
He adopted Yehl’s accent, but speaks with Taryn’s cadence. Still, his voice is recognizable as distinctly elven. He would sound native to Kehl’Lorrania, but most elven men have lighter, higher-pitched voices than do dragons. When in the northern regions, he’s visually all dragon, but is often identified by his accent alone, because its so particular. 
What is a common misconception about your OC? (Alternatively, what do people assume about them which is either incorrect or misconstrued?)
That he is kind-hearted and noble. Noble, maybe, but only circumstantially. Legends told about him often depict him as the perfect prince, graciously helping the people as if he were this bleeding heart valiantly taking on the struggle of the common man. Of course none of that is true and he really just fucking hates mankind with every fiber of his being.
What sort of role do they take on in relationships, either familial, romantic or platonic. i.e. are they a defender, protector, nurturer, etc.
He has no idea what relationships are and sucks at literally all of them, so I would say he takes on the role of the moron.
Is mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing more important to them?
I don’t think any of them? It’s more like he struggles with the concept of his own wellbeing. He doesn’t really know how to take care of himself in those capacities. He’s very one-track minded, extremely goal-oriented, and nothing matters to him outside of that. He can overlook any kind of pain when he’s focused on something. Which is obviously... destructive, on a multitude of levels. I think these are all things he still needs to learn. 
If they were to lose the person closest to them, how would they mourn them and how would they handle their grief?
My initial instinct was to say “badly”, but honestly, I don’t think that’s true. I don’t know that he’d know how to deal with his grief, but he sees death as an expected part of life. It’d be a different story if that death were untimely or unfair; if he felt that person was taken from him unnaturally. The most difficult part, for him, would be continuing on and shouldering trying to live the life that person would have wanted him to. It would just add to a long list of failings, and what progress he made on that front would probably regress. 
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rose-riot-johnson · 1 year
Alongside Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia), Rumi Usagiyama (aka, Mirko), and Kurama (Human name, Shuichi Minamino) (Yu Hakusho) for the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th place (in a 4 way) tie according to the poll I originally posted:
Raphael, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Any Version)
Raphael is definitely one of those characters I have been thinking about writing about for a long time, since after I started on writing and posting fanfics atleast a couple years ago🐢So today I plan to make writing about him a reality🐢 Since every1 does have their own preferences about which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series they like best, I will let the reader decide to their imagination which version of Raphael (and/or anything pertaining to any version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, regardless if it's movie and/or show and/or cartoon version) is in this fic (this gif of Raph is just something I picked out😅)🐢 I just figured it would be more fun for the reader to imagine which version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series they think of while reading this fanfic with Raphael in it🐢🐢🐢🐢
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Seeing Raphael's Caring Side ((Adult) Raphael (aka, Raph) (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Any Version)) x Female Reader)
Genres: Head Cannon(?), Comfort, Fluff (Warning ⚠️: One of the paragraphs and/or parts of this fanfic mentions harassment)
*When Raphael (Leonardo, Donatello, and Michaelangelo) first meet you, he will be surprised that you're not frightened of him (nor the other turtles). However, Raphael did end up taking a liking to you in first sight. The thing is he doesn't want the other turtles to find out. You can't blame him, because there's a chance the other turtles could tease him about you, if they find out right away.
*After a couple months passed by, Raphael decided to confess that he has a crush on you. To his surprise, it turned out you take a liking to him as well. He madesure that none of the other turtles (Leonardo, Donatello, and Michaelangelo), to find out obviously. Or so he thought. Leonardo, Donatello, and Michaelangelo, madesure to watch Raph's every move due to the fact that they have their suspicions that Raph wanted to confess to you.
*Raph maybe a tough guy during his training, missions (especially with the other turtles), working out, and other stuff he does (depending on the series the reader enjoys watching and/or to the reader's imagination), he's also secretly a big softie when it comes to you and he makesure no one else (Leonardo, Donatello, and Michaelangelo included). While he's an affectionate guy, because he's low-key a hugger, a cuddler, and a kisser when it comes to his relationships, he's also okay regardless if you feel like hugging, kissing, and cuddling, or not. He prefers not to overstep your boundaries and he's willing to accept you for who you are.
*If he notices anyone harrass you, including stalkers, he will makesure to they wish they never did and teach them not to harrass you anymore. It gets under his skin when he finds out in anyway, if anyone was to harrass you, no matter how they harrass you. He wants what it's best for you, especially when it comes to your safety and self-esteem. He will even makesure to find anyway possible to make them stop harassing you, even if he has to do so without you knowing it.
*When you're having a bad day and/or depressed and/or sad and/or having any other problems that can be solved through comfort, well then Raphael is definitely is definitely someone who will comfort you the best as he is able to. Being a softie isn't the only thing that he shows to you, however he also will comfort you, regardless if its work or at home or family issues, he will still do his best to comfort you and try to cheer you up. You're his pride and joy, so he wants to make you happy, while also making sure that you are happy, as well.
*Everytime you decide on spending atleast one night with Raphael, he always looks forward to it. He does look forward to seeing you generally and he enjoys hanging out with you, however it's not often you spend the night with him, which is one of these occasions that gets him really, low-key, excited. So, he always surprises you with something everytime you do show up to spend atleast one night with him, which everytime he surprises you with something, you actually appreciate what he does for you and you actually find it romantic that he does different surprises everytime you spend atleast one night at his place.
The End
I will admit, working on this fanfic with Raphael, was (and is) definitely fun working on🐢😃👍 So, no matter which version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series you enjoy best, I still hope you enjoy this fanfic of Raphael🐢 Despite of the gif I used of Raphael (2003 version) in this post for this fanfic, it's still up to the reader's imagination which version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Raphael alike due to every fan of any of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series having different preferences which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series they like and/or having a favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series (show, cartoon, and movie versions alike)🐢🐢🐢🐢😁👍
*Note: When I was little, my first time seeing anything of any Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series was watching the 80's version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series episode where it pertains the Turtles having to chase a bunny, if I remember correctly🐰🐢🐢🐢🐢
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sun-in-retrograde · 2 months
Eris Conjunct Sun - The Grotesque Chaos of an Immovable Object
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Eris reaches its exact conjunction with the Sun at 6:24 AM UK time on 14 April. It will be exact at 24°48 of Aries. This is happening with Venus, the North Node and Mercury also in Aries. Along with Chiron, and Salacia. It’s a busy time for astrology and especially astrology in Aries. But Eris will still be in Aries after all those other planets have left. Even Salacia will only be in Aries until 2041. Eris is there until 2044 and has been there far longer. 
When you think about Eris in myth - she’s fast, tricky, quick to anger, unpredictable. Eris in the sky is very much not that. Eris the planet is slow, practically stationary. It’s predictable. But these two things aren’t contradictions. 
Actually - a good illustration of this is current UK news. The government has commissioned a report into what they see as a social problem - trans children grow up to be trans adults. The government would like transness in childhood to be something that people grow out of. The vast amount of evidence says this doesn’t happen and even if you can force people to detransition it doesn’t actually help them. The government has opted to ignore 98% of all research on this matter. They’ve also decided to ignore all testimonies on the matter from young trans people because they give a biased view - that trans children grow up to be trans adults. 
The stage is set for chaos, confusion, and conflict. Having carefully crafted an idea of how trans children should act by ignoring all contradictory evidence, the government is setting itself up to be shocked at how people act in reality. Eris is stationary and certain and predictable. Humans are used to being able to shift anything. When humans find something that can’t easily be changed it feels unpredictable, sudden, chaotic, shocking. Humans are very good at resistance, when they need to be.
The Eris - Sun Conjunction feels very real, to me, this year. It’s going to be exact on my birthday. To be honest, I generally don’t see Eris as a chaotic force. I’d prepared to talk about the Eris Sun conjunction with the language of “the Sun shining a light on our true selves”. But maybe because we’ve just come out of the Mars-Saturn conjunction things feel especially frustrated this time. The situation I’m seeing a lot of is people fighting to stand their ground in situations that are frustrating, difficult, and hostile.
Eris conjunct the Sun puts who we are into a stark light. It can be a call to fight for self-determination and our own very core self. But that’s not an easy thing. Standing your ground and holding your truth can be the most difficult thing. Eris conjunct Sun is the wall a car crashes into. However chaotic and unpredictable it may seem it’s probable that the wall didn’t swerve into the car. 
May you stand your ground and stand on the right ground. That’s all you can really ever do.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
day 2 event, Prompt 29 with Fenrir from IkeRev plss. You can choose the numbers since it’s too many. I didn’t know there are people here who likes ikerev and i’m glad that you’re writing for my fave otome game
Of course, anon dear! Thank you so much for the request! I love IkeRev, though the fandom for it seems to be slowly dying, so it’s really so nice to receive asks for it! And it’s not too many! Other than one or two, I have no problems with answering all of these for our gorgeous boy Fenrir!
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
I have this headcanon that, when he was really young, Fenrir was absolutely terrified of the monsters in the closet to the point that his father took the door off the closet and put lights in the closet so that, no matter what, Fenrir could wake up and see a well-lit, monster free closet. And it’s something he ends up doing in every new place he moves, even though he doesn’t really tell people the reason why and it’s not like he truly believes in the monster in the closet anymore…None of his closets have doors because he just ends up taking them off and some of the soldiers who idolize him ended up doing the same thing just so that they could try to be like him. So, the Black Army has a room somewhere where there’s just a bunch of closet doors leaning up against the wall, like it’s completely normal.
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels?
I feel like Fenrir would. There’s obviously put there for the guest to use and he’s going to use them. Maybe not right then but he will use them! So isn’t it just part and parcel of what he paid for the room then?
Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
I feel like, before joining the Black Army and living in the headquarters, Fenrir really didn’t care about the state of his sheets and he normally wouldn’t make his bed. He really did grow up having people who did that for him and even if he didn’t…an unmade bed is not the end of the world…But things are different in the Black Army and there are rules on how your room is supposed to look and the general tidiness of everything and after getting dinged on quite a few inspections, Fenrir has just gotten into the habit of making his bed the proper way, with the corners all neatly (if obviously hastily) tucked in.
Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
If Cradle had street and traffic signs, I do feel like teenaged Fenrir and Ray stole a STOP sign to decorate their little clubhouse together. It seems like the kind of teenaged shenanigans that they would have really been into, and he would probably tell the story with a lot of laughter and it would be a funny memory to him, even though he wouldn’t quite steal street signs as an adult.
Do you like to use Post-It notes?
No, Fenrir actually really hates Post It notes. Though he can be a little forgetful about certain things, he’d find some other work-around to it than using those goddamn hateful little yellow sheets (I have this headcanon that, if Cradle had Post-It notes and headcanoning young Fenrir as being a scatterbrain, the servants and his mother would have left Post-Its all over the place reminding him to do things and now he’s grown to have this weird grudge for an inanimate object.)
Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
Cutting out coupons isn’t something Fenrir even thinks about. He honestly did have a well-off upbringing and he’s never really known what it’s like to be without money. While he’s generally smart with his money, he doesn’t think of new ways to save it.
Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
He’d rather take the big bear. Not only would it be a more enjoyable fight, but it would be theoretically easier to take down one big opponent than a group of tiny ones…plus, bee stings freaking hurt and he’s not looking to get a whole nest all riled up and after him.
Do you have freckles?
Oh my god, yes!!! This is such a strong appearance headcanon I actually have for Fenrir. He has these really splotchy but faint freckles, just a couple along his cheeks and forehead, but more along his shoulders and collarbones and some here and there along his forearms or waist. Like, wherever sees a lot of sun, he gets them.
Do you always smile for pictures?
Oh god, no! It’s actually a little bit of a challenge to get Fenrir to sit and smile pretty for the camera, though he will when he knows it’s important to others. Most of the time he’s pulling silly faces or goofing around, mugging it up for the camera and being his usual, slightly crazy, but completely fun self.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Rudeness. He can tolerate Oliver’s rudeness because he knows there’s really no bite behind the bark but he’s not okay with people who are intentionally rude and mean purposefully and for no legitimate reason.
Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
He can’t say that he ever has, no.
Have you ever peed in the woods?
He most definitely has peed in the woods. I do think he likes camping whenever possible and has been camping in some form (even if it was initially just a little tent in the boundaries of his parents estate) since he was young, so I think he’s used to having to pee in the woods.
What about pooped in the woods?
Again, I think he definitely has. I mean, when you gotta go, you gotta go, especially if there’s no other option available to you.
Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
He does! But it’s normally when he’s cleaning. He’ll get to doing something mindless like sweeping and he’ll be humming whatever tune came into his head and his head will start bobbing along to the music and he starts dancing without even really thinking about what he’s doing and then he’s really rocking out and using the broom as a wicked sweet imaginary guitar and it’s just…it amuses him and makes him happy, so that’s really all that matters.
Do you chew your pens and pencils?
I don’t think he chews them but I do think he has a fidgeting habit with them. He’ll flip them over and over in his fingers or taps them against the tabletop or his chin.
What size is your bed?
I think, while all the lower-ranked soldiers are stuck in their single beds, the higher-ups in the Army all have Queen sized beds at the very least.
What is your song of the week?
While I don’t believe Cradle will have the same music as we do, setting it in a space where they do, I think his song of this week would have been an oldie but goodie that Seth had been blasting all week that just ended up getting stuck in Fenrir’s mind and that makes him tap his feet – Lizzo’s ‘Good as Hell’. He’s just into how fierce it sounds and positive and almost motivational while having a beat that makes him wanna dance.
Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Of course it is. He really wouldn’t even understand why it wouldn’t be.
Do you still watch cartoons?
Now, again, I don’t think Cradle has television at all but, this is going on the assumption that they did. I do think Fenrir would actually watch a lot more cartoons than he watched live-action television shows. He watches more live-action movies (though he definitely would have a soft spot for some of Disney’s or Pixar’s movies), but I think he enjoys a lot of cartoons, from old school ones like Scooby Doo, Biker Mice from Mars, Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Recess, and Codename: Kids Next Door to newer ones like Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, and Regular Show.
What’s your favourite movie?
Okay, but I have this crazy headcanon that him and Ray love watching Top Gun together and for a good month or two after watching it, they totally called each other Maverick and Goose. They still occasionally rewatch it together, in the universe where Cradle has television.
Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
If he was to bury hidden treasure, it would only be so that he could hold a treasure hunt because honestly, if he has treasure, he’s going to naturally share it instead of hoarding it. When organizing a treasure hunt though, I think he’d end up ‘burying’ it in Black Army headquarters’ yard and the treasure would totally be the makings for a great big party.
If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
Fenrir’s pants are 30x34, in case you’re wondering.
What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
In Fenrir’s mind, there’s only one right answer and it’s BBQ sauce, Sweet Baby Ray’s sweet and spicy, to be exact.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
I think that, if movies did exist in Cradle, Fenrir would be a huge action movie fan. He’d also really enjoy any movies with adventure and either a strong family or found family storyline, either animated or live-action, and I could see him being a big fan of kid’s movies like The Goonies or The Never-ending Story.
Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
I don’t think he ever was, mostly because it just wasn’t something his parents thought to put him in, considering he was receiving proper etiquette and combat training already, being from a well-to-do family in Cradle.
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
I don’t think he would consider it most of the time, but if there were those ‘Men of Cradle’  calendars done for a charity he thought was worth the time, he’d totally be done for posing for it and having his picture taken, since those things are never full-frontal nudity.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
I think he writes most of his correspondence on paper because that’s just the way Cradle is set up, but he doesn’t write to many people. He does occasionally write to his parents but he’s terrible in keeping up with letter-writing and it’s one of the first things he sets aside if anything else comes along that interests him.
Can you change the oil on a car?
If Cradle did have vehicles, I could see Fenrir being really interested in them, honestly and I do think he’d want to learn basic automotive maintenance and basic mechanic work.
Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
I’ve mentioned this in another headcanon post, but Fenrir would definitely have a lead foot and love going fast and, if Cradle had vehicles, he would have lots of speeding tickets.
Ever run out of gas?
Now that is not something that I figure he honestly would do. Like I said, I think he’d be one of those guys who would get into automotive maintenance and would be careful about oil changes, making sure the gas tank is full, and his car is normally spotless and shined.
Favourite kind of sandwich?
Fenrir loves a good bacon sandwich, especially for breakfast. It’s his go-to breakfast, honestly, sometimes with an apple or banana to go with it.
What is your usual bedtime?
I don’t see Fenrir as a huge night-owl, someone whose up all hours of the night and sleeps all through the day. He’s definitely capable of staying up late if there’s a special occasion, but I do see him as someone who is normally in bed before midnight or around then.
Are you lazy?
While he’s not physically lazy and is rather energetic, I do see Fenrir as lazy in a different way. If something doesn’t really grab his attention or if he doesn’t enjoy doing it, I do see him procrastinating hard on doing it and then kind of half-assing it if he knows he can get away with it.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I think Fenrir dressed up as dashing princes, brave adventurers, and things along that line. He definitely had quite a few pirate captain costumes as well. He didn’t really like the really scary looking costumes and wanted no part of anything ghostly or monster-like, but he still wanted to look cool!
What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Fenrir was born in the year of the monkey, more specifically a water monkey. A lot of people do say that it does fit him but he’s not really into the whole thing and doesn’t put much credence in it.
Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
I don’t see Cradle as having magazine subscriptions, but if they did, I do think Fenrir would have a couple. They’d all be either publications that friends of his put out, because he enjoys supporting his friends, or they would be for hobbies or interests of his.
Which are better – Legos or Lincoln Logs?
Fenrir is actually in the wrong group of people who think Lincoln Logs are superior.
Are you stubborn?
Yes. Fenrir is a very stubborn man and he can get really pig-headed at times, though he will always admit that he was wrong eventually if he was and he will apologize. Overall though, he’s likely to dig his heels in on things, especially if he believes firmly that he is right.
Who is better – Leno or Letterman?
I really don’t think Fenrir would watch late-night tv along those lines and probably wouldn’t know who either man is.
Ever watch soap operas?
I don’t think that Fenrir would really admit that he did but they are a strong guilty pleasure of his. He only caught one, (again, assuming in this headcanon that Cradle has television) because Seth and Luka were glued to one and he wanted to know what they were watching and it’s so dumb, but he can’t seem to look away and he just has to know what is going to happen next. Like, this might be the weirdest, most unrealistic shit he’s ever seen in his life, but he is low-key living for that drama and he’ll often talk to the other two with wild guesses about what’s going to happen next or about what’s going on in the show.
Are you afraid of heights?
Nope. Fenrir actually doesn’t get too scared of a lot of physical stuff and he’s really more excited for whatever adventure has him scaling up to those heights.
Do you sing in the car?
I do headcanon Fenrir as someone who does sing along to the radio. If he really likes a song, he’s singing full blast, just rocking out, but otherwise it’s more quiet and just kind of mumbling along, dancing a little in his seat or tapping his hands to the steering wheel along with the music.
Do you sing in the shower?
This one I actually don’t see him doing. He’s not really listening to music in the shower and he’s either in and out or he’s in there for a long time but just because he’s spaced out and has really serious thoughts in his head he’s grappling with.
Ever used a gun?
I don’t think I even need to say it but yes, yes, he has.
Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
I have this really cute idea that the Black Army gets their photo taken together every year at Christmas, but it’s not usually by a professional photographer but through someone one of the soldiers knows or a family member. Either way, they get a couple photos taken during the Christmas celebrations and there’s definitely at least one photo a year that Fenrir keeps, just to remember the happy memories.
Do you think musicals are cheesy?
I don’t think he’d so much dismiss them as cheesy so much as simply not really his thing. He hasn’t heard of a lot of musicals that really have a lot of action or adventure storylines to them and he would assume a lot of them are just romantic nonsense. If someone wanted to introduce him to a musical that did have some of those elements he loved, I do think Fenrir would be willing to give them a try.
Is Christmas stressful?
No! Of course not! Fenrir does enjoy Christmas and he finds it really fun and a lively time of the year, but he also doesn’t tend to stress out easily about things.
Ever eat a pierogi?
I don’t think he has ever tried a pierogi and where he can’t even pronounce the word, he might be a little hesitant to try it.
Favourite type of fruit pie?
I personally think he likes blueberry or apple pie the best, both of them with huge scoops of vanilla ice cream on top, especially if the pie is still warm and the ice cream kind of melts on top of it.
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Young Fenrir firmly believed that he would someday grow up to become a daring, wild pirate captain of a famous band of pirates…while it’s not quite pirates and he’s the second instead of a captain, he kind of did get his wish in a roundabout way.
Do you believe in ghosts?
He will pretend at times he doesn’t or that, even if he does, it doesn’t matter because he is totally not afraid of them…and logically, he does know that ghosts probably don’t exist…but yes, yes, he really does believe and they scare the shit out of him.
Ever have a deja-vu feeling?
Fenrir has felt that deja-vu feeling once or twice but he’s not particularly prone to it.
Take a vitamin daily?
Nope. He would never really even think to and he’d forget it a lot even if he did get tempted to take them, so it would be a ‘once a week’ daily vitamin.
Wear slippers?
He doesn’t like slippers. He goes around in his socks or his bare feet. Slippers never seem like they fit him quite right. They’re always just a little too loose width wise and a little too short length-wise.
Wear a bath robe?
Nope to that, too. Fenrir doesn’t get cold easily and he’s not really all that shy about his body, so he’s completely okay walking around in a towel after a bath or just in his pajama pants when he’s turned in for the night.
What do you wear to bed?
Fenrir hates wearing a top to bed, so he sleeps shirtless whenever possible. He does wear pajama pants, sans boxers, usually loose cotton ones, in all but the warmest months, when he just wears boxers.
First concert?
I think the first thing approaching a concert was when he was out shopping with his mother, and they stopped to watch a street performance of a couple of fiddlers. The music was so bright and happy, and he remembers getting to dance with his mother and there just being this energy and happiness to the crowd that came from this music.
Wal-Mart, Target, or Kmart?
While Cradle has, of course, none of these, I do feel like if they did, Fenrir would be a Toys R’ Us guy above all else and then a Wal-Mart guy out of the three.
Nike or Adidas?
Fenrir would probably go with Adidas for clothing, Nike for sneakers.
Cheetos or Fritos?
Cheetos all the way, baby! And Fenrir definitely is does the whole thing where you lick the Cheeto dust off your fingers in between eating them and then wonders why nobody else wants any when he offers.
Peanuts or sunflower seeds?
I don’t think he’d like either unless they’re pre-shelled. He doesn’t want to go through that much trouble just for a snack. If they were pre-shelled, he goes for peanuts every time, especially bbq-roasted peanuts.
Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
Nope, he can’t say that he has but he’d be interested. He’s pretty up for trying new things unless they’re food related.
Ever take dance lessons?
Being from the kind of family he is from, I do feel like Fenrir was required as a child to take dance lessons, though he skipped them often because they were boring and he didn’t get along with his dance teacher.
Can you curl your tongue?
He can, yes! He can actually double-curl it to make that weird shape with his tongue too and it’s one of his weird body related tricks he pulls out to amuse people pretty often.
Ever won a spelling bee?
Not on your life. While Fenrir isn’t dumb, he’s not the best when it comes to spelling and there are words he still can never spell right, no matter how much he tries, like refrigerator, which he swears has a ‘d’ in it.
Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
I don’t think he normally does, except in one specific circumstance. Fenrir definitely tears up at weddings, though he swears he’s not crying. There’s just something about the joy of a wedding and the coming together of two people that just touches him and gets to his heart.
Own any record albums?
I do think Fenrir would be really into music and, if Cradle has record players, he definitely owns a record player, probably a top of the line one, and has a pretty eclectic but small group of records that he listens to over and over and over.
Regularly burn incense?
Nope. The smell actually makes his head hurt and he hates being around when someone’s burning it.
Ever been in love?
He has been both in puppy love and he has had his first teenage, real-feeling love. But he hasn’t found that lasting, forever love quite yet.
Who would you like to see in concert?
I think Fenrir just likes attending any concerts, just because everyone always looks so happy and there’s just that energy in the air of excitement and joy. That being said, I could definitely see him liking rock or metal concerts, something really high-energy, with awesome stage effects and he’d want to try being in a mosh-pit at least once.
Sugar or snickerdoodles?
I think he likes snickerdoodles better to eat, but sugar cookies are things he’d want to make more just because of all the fun you have decorating them.
Can you swim well?
He’s a fairly strong swimmer, I feel. He’s not ‘lifeguard level’ in terms of his swimming abilities but he can hold himself afloat and get across to where he needs to go in most bodies of water, unless the current is really strong (or there’s a lot of fish in there because yep, he’s coming the fuck out of that water like a rocket the first time he feels a fish nibbling on his toes).
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yes he can, and he doesn’t quite understand why other people can’t do that. To him, it’s as easy as actually breathing.
Are you patient?
It depends, honestly. If it’s something he wants bad enough and that he’s completely sure is worth the effort of waiting, he’ll have the patience of a saint. But otherwise, he’s generally not a patient person at all.
DJ or band, at a wedding?
He’ll be happy with whatever the couple getting married wants but at his own wedding, he’d probably go with a DJ, just because of the wider variety of music you could hear that way.
Ever won a contest?
He actually won a raffle for a Christmas ham from a local butcher in high school, which he gave away to a family in need.
Ever have plastic surgery?
Fenrir has never had work done and he’d never even consider it. He’s not a vain person, not really, and he’ll work with what he has.
Can you knit or crochet?
I think, because of visits to his grandmother as a child, Fenrir learned to knit. It was his grandmother’s favourite hobby and she didn’t have any grand-daughters who were willing to learn and Fenrir wanted to make her happy so he let her teach him. His hand-knitted woolen socks are a much-looked forward to Christmas gift in the Black Army.
Best room for a fireplace?
It’s the living room, obviously. You can get all your precious friends and family around it to talk and laugh and enjoy each other’s company and when they’re all gone, you and your partner can enjoy sex in front of the fire so there’s win-wins on all sides, right?
Do you want to get married?
I do think that, someday, it is something Fenrir would want but it’s nothing he’s rushing into or needs to happen right away.
Who was your HS crush?
His crush in high-school was actually his crush throughout all his school years. Suzie Stottlemeyer…man, he can still remember her right-hook to this day. Nice girl, married with kids now, and they still say hello to each other when they see each other in Cradle.
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
No. Even as a child, this was never Fenrir’s MO. He’s not going to get his way through temper tantrums, though he will pout and can be a little grumpy. Overall though, he’s going to find ways to get what he wants or convince whoever is standing in his way that he deserves what it is that he’s after.
Do you have kids?
I do think there’s very, very, very little chance that Fenrir has children. It’s actually a little bit of a fear of his and so he is very safe sexually.
Do you want kids?
Again, that is something he wants…someday. Not right now, by any means, because he’s really not ready to be a father yet, but it is something he would like to have in his future, when he’s ready for a quieter life.
What’s your favourite colour?
I think he really likes brighter colours, lime or apple greens, periwinkle blues, electric purples…anything that draws your eye to it and makes you smile, Fenrir is guaranteed to like.
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