#but like. while yes there are a LOT of anti-abortion people here
sangfielle · 2 years
i think the point i was originally trying to make before i got mad was that amendment 2, if passed, would have set a very dangerous precedent, and i think probably was actually one of the most important singular voter choices this voting day nationally. and i think pretty much everyone outside of ky who is invested in politics was expecting it to pass. but it didn't. because the people here are not quite as cruel and stupid and self-sabotaging as everyone wants to think we are
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gryficowa · 27 days
Leftists have been trumpeting the return of fascism for years, but people ignored it and called it "What you can have in your own opinion" or told us that we are the problem
It started with trans people, and all the way to entire LGBT+ groups, feminists also got hit and there was no reaction because "They could have stayed quiet and not done it" (When they were on strike)
In addition, using September 11 as an excuse to harass people of Arab origin all over the world (although they live in my country and it's more white people who do shit here), dehumanized people, but it's the Arabs' fault that one crazy person flew a plane into two towers , True?
Fascism was reborn at the beginning of this century, but with Trump and Rowling it became more and more visible, but people thought it was nothing bad
2020 was also the point where fascism became acceptable (In my country, there was a campaign against LGBT+ people and women on strike after the ban on abortion on a damaged fetus, and then the dehumanization of people at the border who were deceived by Lukashenko, but as you said, it was was, then they called you under the propaganda of Lukashenko or Putin, yes, being a good person means being a traitor, I'd rather be a traitor than their "Hero")
It's no better abroad either, tik tok has become the only place, which has caused a lot of damage, including the resurgence of pro-ana, the destruction of the postivi body and the acceptance of autism
In 2024, many people's eyes have been opened, when anti-genocide strikes are attacked and people fighting for a free Palestine are called anti-Semites (Even if they are Jews), unfortunately, as before, people woke up to the genocide and the awareness that it is taking place, the holocaust was not stopped either and people were terrified only when it all came to light, now we can try to stop it, but there might not have been a genocide if we had reacted earlier when Israel used segregation to separate them from the Israelis
I'm born in 01, i.e. a zoomer, I used the Internet only for flash games, although I preferred DVD games (I watched as many cartoons from CDs, I watched them on TV when they were on, but that didn't mean I liked them as much as the DVD ones)
I watched Mini Mini while others were watching CN, hence I was considered immature by people in my class (10-14 years old)
It is possible that it was cartoons that helped me develop empathy (I have ASD, and it is a myth that autism does not have empathy), although I was never able to show it, and being a scapegoat did not help me much
I encountered LGBT+ at the age of 13, but thanks to the propaganda from religion classes you can guess what my approach was (Howrse, forum, censoring the word "Gay" as if it was a curse, WTF)
I don't remember when I realized that I was an aroace, because I was always an aroace, but I didn't know, for me the word "Love" didn't mean what cis hetero people consider love, for me it meant relationships where someone is close to you (Family, your pet, friendship etc…)
The first glimpses that something was wrong, I saw a certain Polish YouTuber explaining his transphobia (This was the moment when young and stupid me got a warning light, because if knowing being trans was an option for me, it doesn't change the fact that there was something wrong here yes, cognitive dissonance from cartoons I watched as a kid about that the most important thing is to be yourself and accept yourself, that others should also accept you, and then you come across this, even if you don't understand, you know that this creator's thinking is bad)
I became more interested in politics in 2020, when President Andrzej Duda (Rapper of the Year) said "LGBT+ is not people, it's an ideology", then I already knew that I was LGBT+ (I didn't use "Aroace" then, but "Asexual" and "Aromatic" )
Then I realized how many bad people there are and how they hate someone for their very existence. I can't blame myself for not being interested in politics before, because I was a child (Although pedophiles will probably say that "You weren't a child, you were a teenager", shut up!)
I had Twitter for a year because they blocked it, classic for "Inciting suicide" (But pedophiles and fascists can go unpunished, Twitter standards, they complain that Elon Musk destroyed it, no, he didn't destroy it, he was always fucked up)
I feel like I've grown up too quickly, and I've come so far in my development that it turned out that many people I trusted turned out to be bad, well, maybe loneliness isn't so bad, I have a cat, a dog and my own third party liability insurance, maybe not people (Or real ones…), but it's better than fake friendships, right?
2020 was a turning point for everything, entering politics and discovering how many people were actually mocking you and weren't your friends (Wasted years, even when they started a separate group to mock me and made a remake of my photo from 2013, where they stuck my face into a drawing of a penis… And yet I forgave them + I blamed it on myself, that I reacted badly to everything, when they pointed it out to me, that I was "exaggerating", I left groups, they added me again and so on endlessly)
It doesn't make it easier that in high school I had a toxic support teacher who controlled and criticized me (and laughed at me) at every step, and called my "meltdowns" aggressive and turned them into a note for the diary
So I've been in toxic relationships in real life and online, and this realization is killing me...
But coming back, we had the return of fascism and now people were hit with the realization that "Not an opinion" is "Fascism", the question is how long this approach will last and everything will not return to the status quo
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wishcamper · 4 months
Gone Baby Gone: birth control and the ethics of risky sex
CW: abortion, sexual violence.
Creds: licensed counselor with expertise in addiction, trauma, and gay stuff. Experience with tx exclusively for pregnant people and young parents with addictions.
Okay class! Today we’ll be talking about abortion oh my god don’t run away I’ll make it worth your while I promise.
Firstly, a disclaimer: I’m not interested in debating whether abortion should be legal/allowed/is moral or immoral. The research bears out, unequivocally, that access to comprehensive reproductive and family planning options improves everyone’s lives (1). And again, not actively anti-SJM or any characters, just exploring themes and what they say about us.
It’s so funny to me that NO one liked the pregnancy plot line in ACOSF, whether they love or hate or are indifferent (me) to Rhysand. And I think that’s because we, the largely femme audience engaging with the material, recognize the strings of violence weaved into it, possibly not even consciously but on a deep, bodily, instinctual level.
The 2007 crime drama Gone Baby Gone centers on a conversation about motherhood, parenting fitness, and what society owes to children. Beneath that though, and I believe unintentionally, is another story about pregnancy-capable people’s autonomy and the cycle of oppression around reproductive rights.
I’m going to spoil the movie for you - I don’t want you to watch it because Casey Affleck is a creep, and it’s not that good anyway. There’s a whole mystery plot, but the basics are: drug addict Helene’s daughter Amanda is kidnapped, then later thought to be killed but they never find her body. Casey Affleck, Boy Detective uncovers a scheme by two rogue cops to fake Amanda’s death and kidnap her because they think Helene isn’t a good mom. And they’re kind of right; once Amanda comes home, Helene is an incredibly neglectful mother, and the movie wants you to go woahhh, maybe those murdering unethical cops were right after all!
Sure, Jan.
The movie ends with the lead character wondering if Helene, for whom he’s literally killed people to bring her child back, is even fit to raise Amanda in the first place, even interested. And here’s where I feel complicated, because on one hand - yes, this is your child, and she’s completely innocent in all this and doesn’t deserve abuse and neglect. AND what were this women’s other options? Does anyone ask? Living in deeply Catholic working class Boston, did she have access to birth control? Could she have gotten an abortion? Would her culture (and her internalization of it) even allow her to entertain that option? Could she perhaps be using substances because of the circumstances of her life over which she has no control? (See Nesta, Interrupted for more on that.)
So I ask myself: what does it mean in our culture, as a person who can become pregnant, to have sex with someone who can impregnate you? What happens when your body becomes the battlefield on which larger conflicts are played out?
I’ve been thinking on these question a lot recently because my IUD is about to expire and my doctor recommended a back up method while I wait to get a new one. This has prompted my husband and me go farther into the kids conversation and consider not just what it would mean for me to get pregnant on purpose or accidentally, but what it would mean for me to get pregnant here. Where we live, abortion is technically legal but functionally impossible to find. Even for a wanted pregnancy, if it became life-threatening I might have extremely limited options.
This makes any sex inherently risky for me. IUDs failure rates range from 0.3% to 2.3%, but that still means as few as 3 in 1000 and as many as 2-3 in 100 users still get pregnant. And IUDs significantly raise the likelihood of medically dangerous pregnancies if a fetus is conceived (2). The long odds are somewhat comforting, but if I were to have an ectopic or other life-threatening pregnancy complication, I can’t trust that my local doctors would be able to save my life, legally. 
And we have talked about how we both feel strongly: it’s my life first. My husband says he would rather have me, and he would rather any children of ours have me, too. And there’s this sort of sick sense of gratitude I feel, because that is, to me, the only answer, but it feels like such a kindness nonetheless.
So we get to ACOSF (you forgot this was about ACOTAR, right? Me too.). When they decided to start trying to get pregnant, Rhys had to know the risk was there. My boy, you are half Illyrian. Even without Feyre being Mystique, get out your punnet square and do the math. Your baby always had a 25% chance of having wings. Conception was always risky. I refuse to believe he didn’t know that, and it was irresponsible of him to not inform her, a person who only entered his world like two years ago.
Then they conceive a baby with wings that, as far as they know, she has no way of safely delivering. If that’s true, why couldn’t Feyre have an abortion? I’m serious. They found out very early the baby had wings. It’s not unlike an ectopic pregnancy, or even a very small person becoming pregnant. Adolescent mothers (age 10-19) (god it feels gross to type that) are at much higher risk for conditions like eclampsia, endometritis, and systemic infections, not to mention fetal complications (3). Regardless of the details, Feyre’s body is not equipped to handle this pregnancy, and yet they never seem to explore the option of terminating it.
Which begs the question: did Feyre even know abortion was an option? Is it an option in Prythian?
In my opinion, probably. If the fae have contraception (let’s not even get into STDs and the ’they have magical healing’ BS), they must have abortion. The first record of an induced abortion was on an Egyption Papyrus around 1600BC, though the practice likely well predates that. The Ancient Greeks drove a plant to extinction for its abortifacient properties (4). And even when banned, people find ways, because they have to. Reproductive health has long been of importance to pregnancy-capable people for reasons of safety, resources, and survival. 
At the end of the day, Feyre is allowed to carry a pregnancy to term that she knows will kill her. That’s her right to bodily autonomy being exercised freely, and I will never begrudge her that. But imagine if abortion were an open option for her, and she knew the birth would kill her, and then Rhys. Knowing that, what do you think she’d choose? To die, bringing her mate along with her, and leave her child parentless, if they even survive? I really struggle to see that. Feyre loves hard, and knows what it’s like to grow up with extreme neglect. I cannot imagine her condemning a child to the same circumstance she found so damaging. But Rhys doesn’t tell her, forbids anyone else to, and possibly robs her of the ability to terminate the pregnancy. And also Madja, I don’t forgive her either for glossing over it. Girl needs to retake her boards.
In the beginning of my career, I worked at an inpatient substance use treatment center that was specifically for pregnant people and mothers with young children. They were allowed to bring two kids under the age of 5. I could write a million words about the flaws in that place, but it was at least something. In working with these people, the same themes came up over and over:
They wanted to get jobs but couldn’t afford childcare. 
Caring for children kept them isolated from support networks and financially strapped.
The daily maintenance and self-focus of sobriety felt at odds with being responsible for children. Ironically, that neglect of self often created the perfect conditions for relapse.
Children kept them tethered, legally and/or personally to abusive partners.
They received extreme judgment, even while seeking help, for “doing this to their children”.
They did not have adequate access to reproductive autonomy, whether financially, from religious beliefs, or otherwise.
This evidence is purely anecdotal, but I do think it speaks to the larger cycle of covert violence and policing of women and pregnancy-capable people’s bodies. It is well-documented that lack of reproductive freedom has a direct negative effect on mental health and wellbeing of people of child -bearing age (5). There is also a much larger intersection to this conversation when it comes to race, class, and the systemic oppression of people of color via reproductive restriction, but Feyre is privileged in the ACOTAR world for the most part so this doesn’t touch her. She doesn’t have to wonder if she can afford a baby, or if her husband is going to be racially profiled and taken to jail or just straight up murdered by law enforcement. (and this is not to downplay the experiences Rhysand have, that Sarah doesn’t give us, being a mixed race man, more so that he is in an extreme position of power.)
I think it’s a shame we didn’t get to explore this in ACOSF with Cassian and Nesta. They jump in the sack even after learning Nesta’s body could not handle an Illyrian baby. No amount of ‘the monthly aid’ justifies not having an honest and thorough conversation about what having sex means before they sleep together. Cassian must feel real confident in the birth control options of Prythian to be spreading his soldiers around so willy nilly. And I just hope, for all their sakes, that he’s right.
Ibis Reproductive Health and Center for Reproductive Rights, “Evaluating Priorities: Measuring Women’s and Children’s Health and Well-being against Abortion Restrictions in the States,” (2017).
Kim SK, Romero R, Kusanovic JP, Erez O, Vaisbuch E, Mazaki-Tovi S, Gotsch F, Mittal P, Chaiworapongsa T, Pacora P, Oggé G, Gomez R, Yoon BH, Yeo L, Lamont RF, Hassan SS. The prognosis of pregnancy conceived despite the presence of an intrauterine device (IUD). J Perinat Med. 2010;38(1):45-53. doi: 10.1515/jpm.2009.133. PMID: 19650756; PMCID: PMC3418877.
World Health Organization: WHO. (2023, June 2). Adolescent pregnancy. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/adolescent-pregnancy#:~:text=Adolescent%20mothers%20(aged%2010%E2%80%9319,birth%20and%20severe%20neonatal%20condition.
Muvs - Abtreibung in der Antike. (n.d.). https://muvs.org/en/topics/termination-of-pregnancy/abortion-in-antiquity-en/
Liu SY, Benny C, Grinshteyn E, Ehntholt A, Cook D, Pabayo R. The association between reproductive rights and access to abortion services and mental health among US women. SSM Popul Health. 2023 May 12;23:101428. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101428. PMID: 37215399; PMCID: PMC10199416.
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adarkrainbow · 8 months
Given I haven't seen people talk about this, here is the simple thing you need to know about the "Snow-White live action battle".
Everybody heard and talked of the upcoming live-action remake of Disney's Snow-White. Everybody had a part in the never-ending debate this caused. This seemed to be all rounded up, and we were awaiting for the movie to be released to be finally able to speak about it...
And then, something came up. This to be precise:
A trailer for an upcoming movie called "Snow-White and the Evil Queen". This is set to be released on Bentkey, a new streaming platform part of the DailyWire+ group - basically DailyWire has recently decided to create a whole branch dedicated to the making of kid content. Children-aimed movies, children tv shows and cartoons, all that. And what everybody has been talking about is how this movie was made with one specific design: to oppose and contrast Disney's own Snow-White release.
The people behind this movie, openly dismissing and disdaining the live-action remake project of Disney, decided to create their own movie adaptation of the fairytale, which would be more traditional and closer the folktale, and thus show what an "actual" live-action remake of the Disney cartoon might look like. A lot of people have been chering and celebrating at this "anti-woke" and "anti-Disney" move, and they're all amused and all that...
And if you don't know who or what is behind Daily Wire and Bentkey, you might be tempted to support this movie. Well, please, DO NOT. Because I personally did not even know what DailyWire was - but I went searching for Bentkey, this "brand new streaming platform". And I found the Youtube video posted on the DailyWire channel introducing Bentkey, where the platform's creator explains why they launched this project and... And this is vile and frightening. You can see it down there but if you don't want to give more views to this I'll give you a little breakdown below:
I only watched one minute and a half of this nauseating thing, and it was already enough to make me identify this whole project as just pure evil. Under the pretense of fighting against "woke extremes" and "far-left politics", the creator of Bentkey and its team explain very clearly their homophobic, racist and misogynistic views. The guy literaly opens up by saying that Disney is pushing a "queer agenda" to "brainwash" and "indoctrinate" children into the "LGBT cult". He also criticizes some of the things the Disney company does such as "paying for abortions" as dangerous political extremes ; and to add a cherry on top, he accuses the fact of Disney making shows acknowledging the existence of racism and discrimination in the USA as being "anti-American" and against everything Walt Disney stood for.
So, funnily enough, while we all mocked and insulted and accused Disney of being an homophobic, racist company... Turns out THIS, DailyWire and Bentkey, is the actual "evil Disney" people have been denouncing and criticizing all along. As in... Our fear of a massive corporation making tons of kids' shows and movies while pushing forward homophobic, racist and far-right agendas is now real. These guys do not even hide their intentions, they blatantly say "We will make kids movie so that they will grow up straight and only straight, we will make kids show that will not mention anything about racism or discrimination, and we will certainly not allow any of our employees to have any abortion".
So yes if you see people cheer for this "Snow-White and the Evil Queen" movie, make sure to check if they are aware of Bentkey's socio-political goals and intentions. And if they are... well I don't need to say anymore, do I?
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I've been seeing a lot of posts talking about the upcoming election, and that because of the atrocities happening in Palestine, which are genuinely horrific and need to stop, that voting for Biden is the same as voting for Trump, because they're both terrible people, Biden doubly worse because he's put the US on Israel's side. I'm not Palestinian, I can't even imagine the horrors they're going through and do not deserve. Palestine deserves to be free, full stop.
And to be supportive of a free Palestine may mean not siding with either Trump or Biden, but for me, yes, Biden is no better on this policy than Trump would be, I honestly think if you're the president of the US, no matter who it's been, there's never been a policy that I can remember that's made the middle east a better place, or hasn't been selfish in nature. The US's policy towards Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, for instance, has never been a policy of peace or support for the people who have to live under oppressive/muderous regimes. So I don't care if it's been Carter, Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump, or Biden, the innocent civilians in those countries will always be canon fodder and unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
But as someone who is a citizen of the US, while I can hate what my country is doing with their foreign policy, I also have to worry about what happens HERE. With women's rights, lgbtq rights, minority rights, voting rights, the list goes on.
If Republicans gain control of the White House again, if they gain control of congress, we are done. That's it, game over. Trump and his cohorts have made it abundantly clear that if they get it back, they will do everything they can to never give up that power up again. And if you don't think they' have the balls to do it, just remember January 6th.
If you think roe v wade repeal was bad, just look at what else they've done to reproductive rights on the state level, imagine if they could ban abortion or other reproductive services on a federal level! Don't forget the book banning here, anti lgbtq laws there, and it can't be missed that the Supreme Court, which is full of Trump appointees, have shown that they're not afraid to throw the constitution or precedent under the bus and rule according to their own, and right wing MAGA, whims!
So yes, it may seem contradictory on my part, to say I'm pro Palestine but still voting blue across the board, and I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for saying any of this, but for me, and this is partly selfish and partly for the future of so many different communities in the US, if there is no difference in foreign policy between Trump and Biden, there at least is an EXTREMELY BIG DIFFERENCE in domestic policy when it comes to rights for the people who live here too.
If anyone really thinks those with a MAGA mindset are no different than the party that doesn't actively want to take away reproductive rights or want to protect our right to vote or don't want to make trans people disappear, then I'm sorry, your rightful indignation at what's happening to the Palestinian people is making you forget what can happen to you, your family, your friends, and strangers across this country if Trump and his cohorts win this upcoming election. And I understand why, because the genocide that's happening is beyond atrocious, and the country I live in is playing a part in it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel that you can want the atrocities to stop, to care about what's happening, but also care about what's happening in your own backyard, in your own country too.
Remember, no one thought Trump could win, and he did. And he did what we all feared. He pushed through like-minded people into one of the most powerful institutions in this country, and they reversed a nearly 50 year old ruling protecting the right to choose. Then they took Affirmative Action. And even though state law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, they ruled in favor of homophobes who don't want to create sites for same-sex weddings. And as of now, they'll be hearing cases on access to medication for abortions, and emergency abortion care at hospitals. Who knows what else will land at their feet next, and who else they may try to appoint if an opportunity comes to get another one of his people in there.
This got way too long, but I wanted to get out my feelings on this. I know this is not a both sides issue, just like reproductive rights are not a both sides issue, or racism isn't a both sides issue.
Palestine deserves to be free. Palestinians deserve to live a life without fear of death and persecution. They deserve to live, period.
I also can't ignore what happens here either. So I will continue to vote blue no matter who, because that's what I can do right now, and that's the only choice I feel I can make with the shitty cards we've been dealt.
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americanphysco · 1 year
yk when you think about it an omegaverse fanfic is actually the world's craziest piece of dystopian literature. in the omegaverse universe gender as we know it likely wouldn't exist and instead would be determined by whether you were an alpha, beta, or omega, and I think omegas would be reduced to something akin to housewives since socially their entire purpose centers around reproduction. so while yes, traditional misogyny wouldn't exist, I think the oppression of omegas would be somehow even worse than our current form of sexism. not to mention the fact that rape culture would likely be horrifically normalized and anti-abortion legislation would also likely be the norm due to the societal expectations for reproduction. omega/omega and alpha/alpha relations would probably be shunned and there'd 100% be omegas undergoing medical procedures to be able to pass as alphas in day to day life. and there is likely a lot of judgement against infertile people as well as vitriol for those who choose not to have kids, especially asexuals. are strap-ons allowed? are sex toys in general allowed? what would the condom market look like in a world like this? what would sex ed look like in a world like this? and, circling back to my initial point about omega specific sexism, how far does that sexism go? could omegas hold positions of political power throughout history? could they vote? how do the historical events that we know and study look different in a society like this? yes I understand this is a fanfic trope for people with pregnancy/mpreg fetishes but like. it's fascinating. what are the morals of omegaverse? the ethics? are arranged marriages more pervasive than they are here? what does being an activist look like in that universe? I need to sit down with one of those published omegaverse erotica authors and have a discussion about their thoughts on this like asap....
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So shit like this, shows me how inept people that vote blue are. You all think, "Well this thing is called "x" so it must be so". It's literally this meme in a nutshell:
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Then there was the, "Inflation Reduction Act" which itself did almost nothing to reduce inflation and the only projected loss of inflation would be by a % and only by 2027. Trump was a New York Democrat. And he explained why he didn't run as one several times. And the reasoning was because the Dems would not have let him win. The same way they didn't let Bernie win. And policy wise, Trump and Bernie were not super far off. It's why when Bernie got gutted during the primaries, a lot of Bernie voters went Trump.
And just because Trump doesn't align with the new socialists doesn't mean he's not still a Dem at heart. Just means the modern Dem party keeps moving further and further left. Which if you want tyranny then keep voting for them. You'll get it soon enough. Oh and the prospect that I am "Only critical of Dems" and I "Promote Reps" is fucking stupid. I'm far less critical of Reps because I KNOW they are mostly stupid. But I will let the right criticize their own, and when Reps do something I'm very much slighted by I talk about it. Like when I complain about Abbott. And the only Reps that I promote are more libertarian party members while only being republican in name. And that's both Rand Paul and Ron Paul. Also Tulsi is a Dem I like. But I guess she's not Commie enough for your tastes. Because she's anti war and the modern dem party is extremely pro war.
Fact is. I only like Trump in so far as he protected our borders, pushed the Abraham Accords, and did his best with LYING generals at his side to pull us out of wars and bring our troops home. Of which I am ALL for because I'm a prior. Get my brothers and sisters out of these pointless wars. And out of these dangerous war torn countries that never stop fighting. Trump is a crass man who's self important to a fault. I'd never deny that. He has done some not great things in his past. But did he fly to Epstein's island dozens of times? Not according to flight logs. Bill Clinton on the other hand took several trips to said island. Bill Gates took several trips to his properties and I believe the island once or twice.
If you are going to come at me saying, "TRUMP'S RUNNING AS A REPUBLICAN SO HE"S NEVER BEEN A DEMOCRAT!", Well sorry just proves you can't parse words. Just because you don't see him as one doesn't mean he isn't one. He's not currently threatening to ban abortion. Most Reps would be. He's not threatening to ban Gay Marriage. Some Reps would be. Hence you miss the point. IE: You miss the forest for the trees. Reps are voting for Trump because the economy was good under him and he didn't want communism or socialism. And if you believe that there was no election meddling going on, you clearly didn't read Time Magazines, "The shadow campaign to save the election". In which they outline a number of things they did behind the scenes to make sure Trump could not win.
Many of which would be LEGALLY considered election meddling. Like IDK. Hiding the Biden laptop under "Misinformation". Which is funny because most modern "Misinformation" as reported by Dems and Mainstream Media just means, "4-6 months until proven true". Like the machines that DID flip votes. But the "Fact check" websites will tell you, "Well yes it did happen but we caught it and fixed it". Ok.......so it happened, meaning it could have happened to other machines, and no investigation was allowed to happen on those machines beyond, "Here you can look at it physically sitting on a pallet in shrink wrap and that's it". Yeah that's "Investigating" surely.
Yeah, if that had happened to Dems you'd still be shrieking to this day about a stolen election. But because you won, any and all funny business is reasonable and fine and shouldn't be investigated. Which tells me you don't care about fair elections you care about power. Because if you did care about fair elections, you'd have voted against policy changes that were against constitutional law. But unlike me (not a rep) you don't have morals. So long as you win and wield power like a weapon you don't care how you get there. And if that's the Democrat party I want nothing to do with it ever. Real things happened in 2020 that never got investigated. You don't give a fuck. Trumps voted blue most of his life. But in no true scotsman fashion, he's "Not a Democrat because he's not aligned with my idea of modern Dems". Spare me.
All communists should be purged. You aren't people so much as I'm concerned. You're a cancer on this earth. And modern Dems are basically Communists. Certainly not all. But far too many.
Oh and "Our enemies are trying to get Reps elected. Oh so Reps like Bernie Sander and Jill Stein?
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And this is only one report. Several others actually claim that Hillary was in fact aided by Russia herself. Sadly the MSM doesn't care about it and buries it because it's damaging to their narrative of "Trump is Super Hitler". Get over yourselves. Your party is currently flooding the US with illegals and putting US citizens on the back burner.
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tra-archive · 2 days
I know you’ve already blocked sincerelyyellingback but someone asked her if she was an antivaxxer today (presumably wanting proof for the anon message you got earlier today) and she replied “hell yeah” - so not only is she ignorant, she’s proud of her ignorance. And also now she has a “both sides are the same coin” post pinned to her blog due to the criticism she’s receiving for voting trump. I’m so sick of people in this community outing themselves as the dumbest, most bigoted people alive smh.
I decided to check that out to verify. I had to use my simblr😩
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I never claimed she wasn’t a feminist. I asked how she could call herself a radical feminist while knowingly voting for a man who has several anti-woman positions, anti-abortion being a huge one. Do you really think Trump won’t get into office and take that choice away? If you think it’s bad now, just wait.
Also I’m sorry but you can’t claim both sides are the exact same. Both are full of misogynists, yes, but one side wants women, gay people, and POC to lose all their rights. “Repeal the 19th” is a huge thing among conservatives right now. Florida has been attempting to stop gay/bi teachers such as myself from being allowed to even mention our same-sex partners or even say the word gay to our students. Abortion bans are going to kill women and children.
Dems need to fix a lot of their priorities and there are more than enough sexist liberal men, but you can’t claim both sides are the same when one actively wants you back in the kitchen as your husband’s slave.
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I’m begging GCs to realize that conservatives don’t care about single-sex spaces because they care about women. Conservatives don’t even criticize trans ideology for the same reasons we do, they hate trans people because they’re homophobic and hate the idea of a feminine man or masculine woman- notice how they only care about “men in dresses” and not the inherent sexism of gender ideology. They don’t care about women getting our own safe spaces. Trump is the same one who said “grab them by the pussy,” he doesn’t care about women being and feeling safe.
Also as much as I’m against what’s going on in the Middle East and just want peace, things really won’t change with a Trump presidency. I don’t think either one of the two old fucks really cares about the innocent people being killed, if we’re being honest. Radfems are known for being anti-war so idk why she thinks we’re out here cheering on Biden for his part in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
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She’s trolling here, still weird though. Also a lot of people think only being against the covid vaccine is different than being “anti-vax,” but it’s the same thing. Not saying that’s what she believes but it’s what I’ve seen many say.
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I haven’t trashed you. You shared an opinion on a public social media platform and I shared my thoughts on that. I was not hateful towards you- I expressed my frustration with your choice to vote for Trump, but nowhere did I insult you or call for anyone to hate on you. It’s your choice to vote for who you want and it’s also my choice to talk about it.
Trust me, I know how to trash people- ask any of the TRAs who have sent me threats- and that is not what I did here. 😂
I’m so fucking tired bc it seems like every week someone on radblr shares an opinion that’s bigoted or privileged (revived-frogs being pro-forced birth, redberry being racist, etc) and then gets mad when the rest of us call it out.
Don’t post things publicly if you can’t handle it. Maybe it’s because I’m a rudefem but I won’t hesitate to call out opinions I think are hateful, and that goes for radfems too.
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khaleesiofalicante · 17 days
Filler chapter you say? Max Max Max The emotions he expresses, the emotions he suppresses, his thoughts, the rawness in his thoughts, they always make me cry. I think I feel my heart grow bigger every time I read a chapter like this. Also, I know you have said in the past that somewhere you relate to Rafael/Anjali more. Is it hard to write a character like David/ Max /Alec then knowing that maybe their flaws are something you would get annoyed by in real life? How do you write a character (who you might not tolerate in life) without making them a villain? Writers/Actors in my opinion tend to make characters that resembles some or different parts of them or who they want, at least when they start because I guess it's very hard to get perspective here. One needs to have a really strong sense of their own identity right? to know exactly who they are/what they like and not lose it along the way of their art? I just think from the way you write Max and Alec shows real maturity in your writing
This is SUCH a great question (the questions we ask reveal a lot about us, so I'm appreciating you a lot for this)
Writers, of course, use their art to express (and even promote) their values - or values that are important to them. Many do this. I do this. A lot. If you read my stories, you know I get preachy sometimes hehe.
But we cannot only pass on the values we appreciate to the main characters. Similarly, we cannot give values we disapprove of to the villain characters. It doesn't work that way. At all.
This is not a value per se. But some of you know I'm not a huge fan of Taylor Swift, but I have a character who is obsessed with her. Now I can easily make all my characters like the same kind of music I do. But that doesn't make sense. Then my characters will all be like me. That sounds boring. Very unrealistic too.
For example, let's say one of the characters is pro-life/anti-abortion. I don't have to give this trait to a villain character. It could easily be Alec (or any of the Lightwoods/shadowhunters in a modern au - especially if they are traditional/religious). It doesn't have to be Zara or someone else. The same goes with things like cheating or whatever.
Having a flaw (sure depends on what kind of flaw it is), doesn't make your (main) character a bad person. That's important to understand.
All characters have flaws. Character flaws are pivotal to a character's journey. Some of these flaws are going to be things that piss me off or things I don't agree with. But I can't help it. I can't take it personally. I should also be wary of trying to 'fix it'. Because not all flaws are always fixable.
I think it's really about understanding the difference between fiction and reality. While I will not tolerate some of these values/habits among people I know IRL, I can be flexible with fictional characters (whether they're my own characters or not). Think of all the villains we stan in some of these popular movies (Anakin, baby, I'm looking at you). It doesn't we condone these actions in real life, do we? Nope. It's just like that. It's about knowing how to differentiate and not take it personally.
And yes, I agree, a strong sense of identity definitely helps along the way.
Once again. Very nuanced question. Loved it.
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rgr-pop · 29 days
Wait. Lansing, MI?? I feel silly I didn’t even know about the anti-abortion stuff here or even that there are fake clinics?? I’m like an hour away by car but go there abt once a year.
Yes! There are three CPCs (crisis pregnancy centers) in Lansing/East Lansing—they recently combined into one entity at three locations, called SP Women’s Center. They’ve been kicking around since the eighties or maybe late seventies. The location on Grand River in East Lansing has been operating as a CPC since the late eighties or early nineties as far as I can tell continuously. Lansing’s just now retiring city attorney Jim Smiertka was on the board of one of them, and he and his wife were anti-abortion activists in Lansing as far back as the nineties at least.
Fun MI background: Some of the figures in this story were involved in the campaign against Proposal B in 1972 (which would have legalized abortion in Michigan before Roe), and historian Gillian Frank has written about this campaign’s ties to anti-busing and segregationism (I recommend his article “The Color of the Unborn.”) A lot of connections in Lansing go back to specifically the late sixties and 1970 parochaid initiative (state funding for catholic schools), with a lot going on around the segregated East Side and Church of the Resurrection. Which is of course not where CPCs were mostly built—they put those in black neighborhoods and as close as possible to real abortion clinics in college towns.
Anywho I have to make our first flyer on this before next week, happy to share once we’re done, check this space. Also happy to coordinate or help you research wherever you are. The people on the boards of these things loooove to live/fundraise outside the city (st johns, grand ledge, you get it) while terrorizing us! But I want them out of those places too!!
exposefakeclinics.com !
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ankles-be-bitten · 4 months
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i live in florida. pretty much everyone who lives here makes jokes like this--including myself--but most of the time it's just that: a joke. there are so many people up north who believe that all of florida is either the meth-head, backwater swamp hillbillies who have a pet gator in their airstream camper and eat crawdads raw out of the everglades OR the disney obsessed snowbird population who winter here and live in new england the rest of the year.
and the truth is? while these people do *technically* exist, they are by no means the majority. florida is a pretty ordinary state, 99% of the time, and i'm actually getting weary of the "[insert southern state] is hell on earth" rhetoric, a sentiment i've seen spreading pretty quickly amongst gen z, and i think part of the reason is that this presumed horror state we live in is used to invalidate our desire for a better future. don't like your governor because he wants to make it illegal for you to receive the support and healthcare you need? well shit! you live in florida, or you live in texas, no wonder you're miserable!! move to a blue state. so easy. shouldn't have been born in a red state, silly! everyone knows it's homophobic there :)
but my friends are here. up until recently, my whole extended family was here--and the family who don't live here anymore live in tennessee (where i was actually born), which is definitely more volatile than florida. i actually don't know why northerners think this about florida--is it our beautiful, diverse, and ANCIENT wildlife and native flora? is it our bloody, messy, and intricate cultural and social history? is it the anti-lgbtq+ legislature? we live in a region so geographically unique, the southernmost tip of the peninsula is the only place in the world where the alligator and the crocodile coexist naturally in the wild. is that hell on earth?
i used to hate my state. i used to hate where i live. i still fantasize about leaving, moving to some northern, walkable city, with accessible abortion care and a less volatile healthcare system to trans people. but i'm done feeling ashamed of where i live, where i grew up; i grew up in the town zora neale hurston grew up in, and one of my favorite books as a child, the yearling, was written by marjorie kinnan rawlings, who was FROM that rural florida that's apparently full of meth heads and rednecks. yes, it's overly urbanized in many places, including where i currently live; yes, it's incredibly difficult to navigate life here as a queer student; yes, there is a vast class disparity between the richest and poorest amongst us. but everyone i love lives here, and underneath the 5-lane highways is an intricate and valuable and one-of-a-kind ecosystem worth loving and cherishing.
i'm not going to condemn the place i live because it gets hot in the summer, or there's bigoted legislature, or the cities are unwelcoming to pedestrians. i'm not going to condemn my state because of the podunk, buttfuck, inbred hillbilly stereotype that originates from classism and the demonization of those who live in poverty or rural areas. remember: drugs are only morally reprehensible if it's a poor person making, distributing, or using them. when rich people do drugs, it's cool. so yeah, maybe putnam county is "full of meth heads," but have you considered why that is?
i love florida at it's worst, and i want to see it get better. i won't characterize the midwest as one-dimensional and barren; i won't call northerners self-absorbed, self-obsessed, and self-interested. please don't tell southerners that we live in "hell on earth." doing so erases all our history, natural and cultural, and boils us down to only the most classist of the stereotypes that apply to us.
the funniest thing to me is that florida is hardly even a "southern" state, technically it's a northern transplant. we're a whole lot more like you than you think--and you know what? so is everyone else.
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marie1-kersaint · 2 months
K1.0 yanked mom’s picture away
https://www.facebook.com/share/JAKs37VGzkXzWViG/?mibextid=WC7FNe (https://www.facebook.com/share/JAKs37VGzkXzWViG/?mibextid=WC7FNe)
Sent from my iPhone
Even roaches 🪳 little ants 🐜 don't stand still and be bullied 🐂, 🦵 away and killed WITHOUT TRYING
GOD PUT THAT desperate survival mode inside us
A live dog is better than a dead lion 🦁
GOOD JOB 👏 ON SENDING K1.0, nice concise to the point respectful (by yanking MOM’s picture out and telling me she doesn’t like that and don’t put it back out) Possibly The first time in years she'd ever talked to me. You say hello 👋 no one hears. The F words almost always
https://kjbo.org/Matthew-22-15/ (https://kjbo.org/Matthew-22-15/)
Please 🙏 if someone from the school text me or sent me a note that Mom’s picture outside may hurt K1.0   or her grades. i will not take it out anymore.   While cleaning 🧼 Mom's room one day she'd gone to chiropractor, i noticed and thought k1.0 loves mirrors BUT WHERE TO PLACE IT?
BUT last Wednesday or Tuesday i thought near tv 📺 by front door and i picked it up and it was this latest battle in this war.
it could be another power 💪 play like the rehearsal Thursday 031424 8:43 WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME even if one of them assaults and i defend myself
Or chiding me for glittering the place NOW HOPEFULLY INSTEAD OF LATE ⏰ FOOD or bishop pastor serge jerome had a more important funeral✝️the storm✝️business ✝️Easter and Christmas 🎅 are the biggest draw 💰
They can complain about glitter on their clothes
2014 “well, she gave you a place to stay” Saturday “well it’s been 9 years,  GO”
Which scares me 😱 to no end when feeds 🆎 how a guy kept slipping his brother's pregnant girlfriend abortion pills 💊 until the baby died and "DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO KILL SOMEONE"
WHICH OF THE 3 CHIPMUNKS WILL GET A BETTER "head" bad words. galore
The list goes on and the bad words and i know that i am likely to call the regulations KGB
Can't @PBCSHERRIF or @FBI @FCC can regulate YouTube, TikTok feeds, contents, age
@highlightPBSO - Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office
FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Communications help us investigate what our kids are watching
Like i said i am exposed here, my food, my water they are of great size and many. That kind of stress wears the heart out.
To be 🆙 watching people whose not in your corner 👀 @4u
Yesterday 1:37 am lights, doors opened,closed
i don’t know who coached K3.0 to sniff and sniff and sitting close to me sniffing UNTIL afternoon the cure come and sniffing stopped and kicking kersaint out did not work. (i briefly passed by library 📚 Planet Fitness 💪
i am impervious to her sniffing now. i have been played too long
One Friday i kept going to car changing skirts because the top that i changed into i think was 1 of K2.0 's old Tshirts
My heart was breaking, and i knew i took a shower the morning
When i came in after Mom’s October Hospital @wellingtonRegionalmedicalCenter 🏥 stay, i WAS AMAZING 1 of GINA’s kids showed feelings. i said ‘you’re giving me a big head’
“'Anti' kersaint is here” i prefer just Kersaint🙏
It turned out you wanted me to go against my beliefs. I WANTED MOM TO GO TO PLANETFITNESS.com 🌎 💪. TO TRY TO DO THINGS FOR HERSELF. I DON’T WANT HER IN BED UNTIL 1 or 3 PM
Wellington Fl to clean 🧼 🧽 mom up
i set up doctors appointments and rides BUT THEY WERE CANCELLED
i want Mom to drive in salem community church of God in their vans 🚐 so she can find newly come Haitian to talk to
Sent from my iPhone 📲
Yes, every good move is full of regrets, and possible infections and lots of other meds BUT she knew how she felt and the cost and losses BUT SHE LIKED AND WAS COMFORTABLE WITH THAT BODY
SUZIE just has to find a safer, better alternative (after all these years there must be something safer, fewer side effects)
i believe this verse even before i read it
https://kjbo.org/Ecclesiastes-9-4/ (https://kjbo.org/Ecclesiastes-9-4/)
Since DOROTHY and KATHY are associated with PBC schools 🏫 & programs, if you send me text or email stating remembering her grandmother may "hurt her school work" and she goes to church ⛪️ with her mom until at least the first day of summer 2024... OFF COURSE I WILL GET RID OF MOM's PICTURE LIKE YOU WANT IT
i thought of keeping it until the🆕 owner, realtor or sheriff threatening fines that i cannot pay 💰 or the neighbors complain (not being laminat
ed 😢it looks shabby, messy, and ugly ) YOU TOOK CARE OF MOM in life and THROUGH DEATH. i cannot cry for #MICHAELJACKSON
#MARIEELIARINTUSSDEMOSTHENES who’s going to MEANINGFULLY comfort me and make me stop 🛑 crying 😭 and not go 👎 into depression (forgetting that a live dog is better than a dead lion 🦁) then forget to just keep going keep fighting
i cannot have “a shrine” (it might become idolatrous) BUT i don't want to forget her too like LINDA
0 notes
thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Here's the important thing in my opinion. No, I don't disagree with you about the importance of right-wing transphobes compared to TERFs. But, let's use a real example. I have an actual work colleague in my actual real life (not someone "being loud on the internet", but a person who I have to see daily and be professional with, in an office environment) who is not right-wing at all. She is not a legislator, she has no political power, but she is a by the numbers TERF. While on a society-wide level, living as a trans person while right-wing politicians are trying to push anti-trans lesiglation like limiting my access to healthcare is going to affect my life more long-term, working alongside this person day after day causes me a lot of strife. It probably affects me more some days than the legislation. So then maybe after a day at work I hop on social media to mindlessly browse and I see even more people sharing that same misinformation, and I go, "ah, fucking TERFs". And then a cis person climbs out of the woodwork to say well! Actually! Why don't you remember the people living in humanitarian crisis in Republican controlled states before you say that a TERF is affecting your life! It's just people being loud online!
And before you say it - yes, I know that's not what you were trying to say. But again, consider an example that might feel closer to home. Imagine if you came home from a day of fending off catcalls and inappropriate advances and microaggressions by male colleagues and you came home and saw more men online and you complained about the particular kind of PUA you were dealing with, and some man asked you why you're complaining about pick up artists instead of campaigning for abortion rights? Like you care about both things, but the day to day weariness of one thing needs to be vented sometimes too, not just the societal impact of the other.
But I didn’t reply to anyone’s post. I made my own post about my observation of the general state of the discourse. If I logged on and saw a general post saying “abortion rights are more important than your male colleagues being sexist” I would simply think yeah that’s true no matter what kind of day I’d had.
If I had responded to an individual person I’d understand where you were coming from, but I didn’t do that because there is no reason I would do something so rude!
It sounds like my post unintentionally made you feel invalidated in venting your frustrations and I’m sorry for that but it doesn’t mean I did anything wrong. I support venting your frustration.
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morlock-holmes · 2 years
A while ago @cop-disliker69 posted this image, and it is still bothering me:
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Because, like, okay, yes it's very reasonable to be alarmed by people who have power over your livelihood having noxious, nonsensical and constantly shifting rules that they expect you to abide by, but that doesn't mean that they run the country.
Like, imagine that your boss really hates people from Luxembourg. Like, constantly calling them slurs, discriminating against them as customers and employees. And you're from Luxembourg.
That's pretty bad, right?
So imagine that you start saying, "Prejudice against people from Luxembourg is the biggest danger to the continued existence of the United States, a danger so big that there is literally no cost too large to pay for it. Trump once said he liked the people of Luxembourg. If Trump and the Republicans overturn Roe V. Wade I agree that it will end up killing a lot of women. Trying to overturn the election was bad too. But these things are small potatoes compared to the imminent destruction of the commonwealth that will be caused by prejudice against people from Luxembourg, the most dangerous and deadly political tendency at work in the US today."
It sounds absurd but I know, like, five people who keep coming up on my dash and saying exactly that thing about woke politics, that it's so deadly and corrosive that literally any other kind of corruption, violence and danger is preferable as long as it is against wokeness.
And the way Tumblr blocking works I keep seeing them every so often and I'm pretty fucking sick of it.
If your boss is a bigot and an asshole, that's bad, but that doesn't mean it's reasonable to decide that, therefore, people like him run the entire country and must be stopped by any means necessary.
I react to those tweets the same way I reacted years ago to this Garry Trudeau tweet after the Charlie Hebdo shooting about how the Magazine "punched down" and I just went, "Wait a minute, who the fuck shot whom here?"
Like, there's this tendency I see more and more in modern politics to make everything a kind of narrative drama, to ignore the actual power dynamics in any situation and replace them with a kind of idealized power dynamics. Woke people do it and so do Anti-Woke people.
Like, I talk to folks on here who are pretty sure that there are going to be pograms against white land-owners any time now, to which I respond, "With what army?"
"Teachers are going to convince everyone that white people are invaders and it's okay to drive them off their land and the only people opposing it will be every branch of the US government along with the National Guard, Military, Intelligence Services and every Police Force in the country!"
Like, there's this strong and growing belief that the localized power of woke politics must be totally just about to explode into a violent mass movement, despite the absence of any actual mechanism by which that could occur. They don't have mass support or institutional support.
That's why I keep bringing up legislation. Whenever I do that the cynics say, "Oh, it doesn't mean anything that the Woke left has no legislative achievements, because nobody does!"
And I'm sorry, but fucking none of y'all get to come in here and say that to me anymore with Roe V. Wade being overturned.
The Anti-Abortion groups have significant legislative power. Enough power to spend decades passing law after law that blatantly flies in the face of Roe V. Wade, in the hopes of overturning that decision.
The woke types don't have that kind of power. We don't see a country where woke types pass law after law requiring Harvard to use overt racial quotas in hopes of overturning the Supreme Court decisions that make such quotas illegal, we see them struggle and fail to even do as much affirmative action as the Supreme Court allows, let alone passing crazy super far-left laws just to provoke court cases.
And maybe this all seems like ridiculous hair splitting, but, again, I see a lot of people out there who are convinced that the US is one step away from anti-white lynch mobs roaming the streets with impunity, and their entire politics is based on that fear.
And it is so detached from reality that it scares the shit out of me, watching it get more and more popular in this country.
Because the anti-woke people do pass legislation.
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tyrannuspitch · 3 years
Jumping off @kidrat​ ’s recent post on JKR, British transphobia, and transphobia against transmasculine people, after getting a bit carried away and too long to add as a comment:
A major, relatively undiscussed event in JKR’s descent into full terfery was this tweet:
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[image id: a screenshot of a tweet from JK Rowling reading: “’People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”
Rowling attaches a link to an article titled: “Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate” /end id]
This can seem like a pretty mundane TERF talking point, just quibbling over language for the sake of it, but I think it’s worth discussing, especially in combination with the idea that cis women like JKR see transmasculine transition as a threat to their womanhood. (Recite it with horror: ”If I were young now, I might’ve transitioned...”)
A lot of people, pro- or anti-transphobe, will make this discussion about whether the term “woman” should include trans women or not, and how cis women are hostile to the inclusion of trans women. And that’s absolutely true. But the actual language cis women target is very frequently being changed for the benefit of trans men, not trans women, and most of them know this.
Cis people are used to having their identities constantly reaffirmed and grounded in their bodies. A lot of cis women, specifically, understand their social and physical identities as women as being defined by pain: misogynistic oppression is equated to the pains of menstruation or childbirth, and both are seen as the domain of cis women. They’re something cis women can bond over and build a “sisterhood” around, and the more socially aware among them can recognise that cis women’s pain being taken less seriously by medicine is not unrelated to their oppression. However, in the absence of any trans perspectives, these conversations can also easily become very territorial and very bioessentialist.
Therefore... for many cis women, seeing “female bodies” described in gender neutral language feels like stripping their pain of its meaning, and they can become very defensive and angry.
And the consequences for transmasculine people can be extremely dangerous.
Not only do transmasculine people have an equal right to cis women to define our bodies as our own... Using inclusive language in healthcare is about more than just emotional validation.
The status quo in healthcare is already non-inclusive. When seeking medical help, trans people can expect to be misgendered and to have to explain how our bodies work to the doctors. We risk harassment, pressure to detransition, pressure to sterilise ourselves, or just being outright turned away. And the conversation around pregnancy and abortion in particular is heaving with cisnormativity - both feminist and anti-feminist cis women constantly talk about pregnancy as a quintessentially female experience which men could never understand.
Using gender-neutral language is the most basic step possible to try and make transmasculine people safer in healthcare, by removing the idea that these are “women’s spaces”, that men needing these services is impossible, and that safety depends on ideas like “we’re all women here”. Not institutionally subjecting us to misgendering and removing the excuse to outright deny us treatment is, again, one of the most basic steps that can be taken. It doesn’t mean we’re allowed comfort, dignity or full autonomy, just that one major threat is being addressed. The backlash against this from cis women is defending their poorly developed senses of self... at the cost of most basic dignity and safety for transmasculine people.
Ironically, though transphobic cis women feel like decoupling “women’s experiences” from womanhood is decoupling them from gendered oppression, transmasculine people experience even more marginalisation than cis women. Our rates of suicide and assault are even higher. Our health is even less researched than cis women’s. Our bodies are even more strictly controlled. Cis women wanting to define our bodies on their terms is a significant part of that. They hold the things we need hostage as “women’s rights”, “women’s health”, “women’s discussions” and “support for violence against women”, and demand we (re-)closet ourselves or lose all of their solidarity.
Fundamentally, the problem is that transphobic cis women are possessive over their experiences and anyone who shares them. Because of their binary understanding of gender, they’re uncomfortable with another group sharing many of their experiences but defining themselves differently. They’re uncomfortable with transmasculine people identifying “with the enemy” instead of “with their sisters”, and they’re even more uncomfortable with the idea that there are men in the world who they oppress, and not the other way around. “Oppression is for women; you can’t call yourself a man and still claim women’s experiences. Pregnancy is for women; if you want to be a man so badly why haven’t already you done something about having a woman’s body? How dare you abandon the sisterhood while inhabiting one of our bodies?”
Which brings me back to the TERF line about how “If I were young now, I might have transitioned.”
I’m not saying Rowling doesn’t actually feel any personal connection to that narrative - but it is a standard line, and it’s standard for a reason. Transphobic cis women really believe that there is nothing trans men go through that cis women don’t. They equate our dysphoria to internalised misogyny, eating disorders, sexual abuse or other things they see as “female trauma”. They equate our desire to transition to a desire to escape. They want to “help us accept ourselves” and “save us” from threats to their sense of identity. The fact is, this is all projection. They refuse to consider that we really have a different internal experience from them.
There’s also a marked tendency among less overtly transphobic cis women, even self-proclaimed trans allies, to make transphobia towards trans men about cis women.
Violence against trans men is chronically misreported and redefined as “violence against women”. In activist spaces, we’re frequently told that any trauma we have with misogyny is “misdirected” and therefore ���not really about us”. If we were women, we would’ve been “experiencing misogyny”, but men can’t do that, so we should shut up and stop “talking over women”. (Despite the surface difference of whether they claim to affirm our gender, this is extremely similar to how TERFs tell us that everything we experience is “just misogyny”, but that transmasculine identity is a delusion that strips us of the ability to understand gender or the right to talk about it.)
I have personally witnessed an actual N*zi writing an article about how trans men are “destroying the white race” by transitioning and therefore becoming unfit to carry children, and because the N*zi had misgendered trans men in his article, every response I saw to it was about “men controlling women’s bodies”.
All a transphobe has to do is misgender us, and the conversation about our own oppression is once again about someone else.
Transphobes will misgender us as a form of violence, and cis feminist “allies” will perpetuate our misgendering for rhetorical convenience. Yes, there is room to analyse how trans men are treated by people who see us as women - but applying a simple “men oppressing women” dynamic that erases our maleness while refusing to even name transphobia or cissexism is not that. Trans men’s oppression is not identical to cis women’s, and forcing us to articulate it in ways that would include cis women in it means we cannot discuss the differences.
It may seem like I’ve strayed a long way from the original topic, and I kind of have, but the central reason for all of these things is the same:
Trans men challenge cis women’s self-concept. We force them to actually consider what manhood and womanhood are and to re-analyse their relationship to oppression, beyond a simple binary patriarchy. 
TERFs will tell you themselves that the acknowledgement of trans people, including trans men, is an “existential threat” that is “erasing womanhood” - not just our own, but cis women’s too. They hate the idea that biology doesn’t determine gender, and that gender does not have a strict binary relationship to oppression. They’re resentful of the idea that they could just “become men”, threatened by the assertion that doing so is not an escape, and completely indignant at the idea that their cis womanhood could give them any kind of power. They are, fundamentally, desperate not to have to face the questions we force them to consider, so they erase us, deflect from us, and talk over us at every opportunity.
Trans men are constantly redefined against our wills for the benefit of cis womanhood.
Cis women find transmasculine identity threatening, because we share experiences that they see as foundational to their womanhood
The fact that transphobes target inclusive language in healthcare specifically is not a mistake - They do not want us to be able to transition safely
Cis women are uncomfortable acknowledging transphobia, so they make discussion of trans men’s oppression about “womanhood” instead
This can manifest as fully denying that trans men experience our own oppression, or as pretending trans men’s experiences are identical to cis women’s in every way
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mariacallous · 2 years
Might be a shot in the dark here but I'm pretty sure I've seen you posting (when called out for following @/kendallroy back then) about oppression based on sex and how abortion is an issue of misogyny instead of something that affects "all genders" so by admitting that as a trans woman you clearly acknowledge there's a physical difference between trans and cis women and that misogyny affects people according to what sex (as opposed to gender) they are or are perceived as. So, I ask you, how is your stance in any way different from that of a terf or what jkr and similar types have been saying? Why is acknowledging sexed reality sometimes apparently "dangerous" for trans women but then okay with you when talking about abortion? Because that same stance on abortion has been considered a terf dogwhistle, you know that right?
I have never denied that abortion is an issue that affects "all genders", first of all.
What I have said is that it is an issue that primarily affects women, and I've spoken before about proportionality of impact and equality of harm.
Cis women are the primary group targeted and affected by abortion restrictions. Individuals other than cis women are just as affected but they are not what the anti-abortion crowd are thinking about or focusing on.
Because of that, restricting abortion is primarily but not exclusively an issue of misogyny.
The issue is when you remove or minimize that aspect, because while yes, abortion restriction absolutely affects people of color and poor people and disabled people, racism and classism and ableism are not the primary motivators behind it. They are all factors, obviously, but they exacerbate the main one.
Additionally, I've pointed out that restricting abortion goes hand-in-hand with restricting trans-affirming care, and that it's the same people doing both.
I'd also point out that a lot of the issues trans individuals, both men and women, face is due to transmisogyny and the relationship they both have to how they identify.
I've been pretty consistent about all of this, or at least I would like to think I have been.
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