#but it’s just the fact that he really fucked with everybody else’s careers for some 🐱 from an engaged!!!!girl who probably slept with him
suga-kookiemonster · 2 years
I just saw omg 😵‍💫😣 and the way he used to be my wife this my wife that every two seconds ?!?!!? Men are trash for real 😭
honestly! men truly ain’t SHIT smh. what is up with these men making “loving” their wives their brand, especially knowing they’re just as much of a dog as all their friends. and with his employee, too?! AND got two whole kids?? tired of all the 🧢, men are all trash and this is why i’m single lol
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thoughtspresso · 11 months
This Tweet by Aka Akasaka:
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I always thought there was something unhealthy about Akane’s relationship with Aqua. And while I don’t think she had ill intent, personally, it’s just like a lot of people you may have met that also either had depression or have very unstable support systems -- they tend to depend heavily on people who did treat them with kindness and gave them affection. Albeit, not by their conscious effort to use people, simply a reflex driven by a personal need to feel useful and appreciated by the people they feel love for.
Spoilers after the break.
In many scenes after Akane’s attempt during the LoveNow arc, it’s shown that she’s become to give a lot of herself to whatever it is she thought Aqua would need of her. She was happy to give those things, including:
Act as his dream girl
Be his showbiz girlfriend even with her awareness that he’s using her
Help him kill somebody in the industry
Bear his emotional burdens
Kissing and sex, even during their showbiz relationship 
Listening to her romantic rival brag about their steakhouse date and be cool with it
Being in a relationship with somebody who she knows still bears feelings for somebody else
Being okay with getting bugged/GPS-tracked if only he said so
Tracking down his father for him
Confronting and possibly killing him herself so Aqua doesn’t have to
I do think that Akane genuinely believes she was being helpful. She believes doing these were all good things.
But what she doesn’t really realize is that she was, in a way, being an enabler to Aqua’s darkness, or triggering his traumatic feelings even further.
There was something consuming about their time together.
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I felt like, Akane was absorbing him somehow. Not in the literal sense. But their relationship was one where they fed into each other’s darkness. She wanted Aqua to be more dependent on her, and he was kind of glad to have someone enable his delusions--whether that he would find and kill his father, or that it was all over and he should just stay with Akane because it was the safe, scandal-free relationship to have. In Akane he found a brief respit, but also he continued to lie to himself a lot.
He gives this up when he realizes that even with Akane, being with her puts her in danger. It was the very opposite of the thing he hoped to achieve in that relationship, when he said he wanted to protect her.
In really stark contrast, Arima Kana says things like this:
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She just snaps him right out of a fucking monologue.
Whenever Aqua tries to bear everything by himself, she reminds him crudely that he never had to protect her, and that he’s supposed to learn how to communicate:
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In a way, it’s Kana’s radical honesty and her core understanding of who the true Aqua is all along that will set him towards the path of real freedom and healing.
Of everybody, she’s the one who knows what Aqua is like when he was at his best. And every time they’re together, they draw out the light from each other.
That, instead of Akane who says “I’ll go to hell with you if you ask”, Kana just says, “Wake the fuck up”.
So often, being stuck in your trauma also means that you need help getting out of it. You need good support systems to remind you that your trauma isn’t all that you are. And this all-consuming guilt you’ve borne on your shoulders isn’t really there anymore--you just believe that it is because that’s exactly what trauma does.
I think, despite Akane’s best attempts to remind him that things weren’t his fault, and that he doesn’t have to carry burdens by himself, the fact that she enjoyed being useful to him was, in some way, also keeping him there.
I know that there are a lot of great Kana moments after the baseball scene, but I’ve come to love coming back to their first time meeting each other again.
Even in her first re-appearance in the story, when Aqua was being all angsty emo sadboie about his acting career, Kana’s immediate reaction is to hire him, and believe in him.
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Kana just wants to see him shine, too.
The way he makes her shine.
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howlingday · 7 months
"The psychological effects of a strained or absence of a father figure in a relationship on a person's mental health and personal relationships."
Multi-Faceted Arena of Relationships
Ruby: So, what are you planning to do today, Weiss?
Weiss: Let's see... I have a date with Yatsuhashi later.
Ruby: Wait, I thought you were dating Sun?
Blake: I thought she was dating Neptune.
Yang: Last week, she was hanging out with that Mercury guy.
Weiss: Those didn't work out, but I'm sure that once I find some common ground with him, I'll be able to find the right one in him.
Blake: Will that be before or after you sleep with him?
Weiss: Well, who's to say it doesn't happen during?
Marrying Daddy
Weiss: So, um... Are you seeing anyone?
Ozpin: Ms. Schnee, as flattered as I am by your advances, you fail to understand the reason for your being here.
Weiss: And that is?
Ozpin: That you've been asking the faculty at Beacon, as well as those visiting our highly regarded academy that same question.
Weiss: I'm keeping ky options open!
Ozpin: And risking your career as a huntress, as well as the careers of others! I'm willing to let you off with a warning so long as you give me your word that you'll put an end to these inappropriate actions.
Weiss: ...Do you know if Ruby's uncle is single?
Ozpin: For fuck's sakes...
Avoiding Engaging Emotions
Jaune: Hey, Weiss, I was wondering if you wanted to study together later?
Weiss: And drag myself down to your level? Absolutely not.
Jaune: Oh, well, uh... Okay... (Walks away)
Ruby: Geez, Weiss! You didn't have to be so mean!
Weiss: Ruby, I am trying to focus on my career! After Professor Ozpin's "curfew," nobody's willing to get near me for any "outside academic activities" that could "jeopardize my future".
Blake: In other words, you can't sleep with half the school and have another pregnancy scare.
Yang: Yeah, and he's got a point. Besides, it doesn't mean you can't study with the rest of us.
Weiss: Actually, yes. It does. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the library. (Walks away)
Ruby: But... But movie night...
Blake: Don't worry about her, Ruby. We can still watch movies together.
Jaune: Oh! H-Hey, Weiss!
Weiss: Ugh!
Jaune: W-Wait! Hear me out! Listen, if... If you don't want me here, just say the word and I'm gone- BUT... If you let me study next to you, I'll keep quiet the entire time.
Weiss: ...Fine.
Some time later...
Jaune: ...Pfft!
Weiss: Mrrgh!
Jaune: Sorry! Sorry, it's just... I was reading about Nicholas Schnee.
Weiss: ...What's so funny about him?
Jaune: Well, it's... It's kind of stupid, but my dad's name is Nicholas, and your last name is Schnee, and... Like I said, it's pretty stupid.
Weiss: Uh-huh...
Jaune: ...
Weiss: ...What's your dad like?
Jaune: Huh? Oh, uh, y'know, like everybody else's dad.
Weiss: Somehow, I doubt that. My father was a negligent workaholic who constantly did whatever he could to belittle my successes.
Jaune: Oh, uh... Yeah, just like that.
Weiss: Huh?
Jaune: Dad was always busy, so it was just me, my mom, and my sisters. Grew up with lots of girly stuff in my childhood, and, well, Dad was never really happy about that. He'd get mad at Mom for letting me get into it and then he'd start yelling at me when I was doing that girly stuff.
Weiss: What kind of girly stuff?
Jaune: Well, when I was a lot younger, I used to sit with my legs crossed over like this. (Knee-over-knee)
Weiss: Huh. That's...
Jaune: Weird, right? But Dad set me straight, even if it was the only way he'd ever talk to me.
Weiss: My... My Dad would do the same thing, too. I had to be perfect at everything, even on my first try. And when I would do it perfect, he'd never be there to see it. In fact, I remember one day being really sick, and my father never bothered to visit me. My sister would tell me-
Jaune: "He's too busy"?
Weiss: Yes... Exactly.
Jaune: Dads, am I right?
Weiss: For once, I can actually agree with you on that.
Jaune: (Chuckles)
Weiss: (Smiles) Say... Jaune? How old are you, again?
Jaune: I'm seventeen. Why?
Weiss: What a coincidence. So am I.
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justmenoworries · 1 year
Lore Olympus Episode 247 Spoilers
Mfw Persie demands an appointment with Chiron "asap", only to then be just late enough for Demeter to get anxious.
Yeah, no, this was an obvious power-play on Persie's part to make sure Demeter didn't feel secure enough to actually defend herself. Don't tell me this isn't something current Persie would do, she 100% would.
Lmao, RS panicked because literally everybody was pointing out that hxp weren't doing any parenting, despite saying they'd be better parents than Zeus and just shoved Dionysus into the episode as a gotcha.
"I'd like to start by asking you both what you hope to achieve with this session today?"
Demeter doesn't want to achieve anything, this was literally forced on her. She had no idea Persephone was doing this until the last second.
Persephone just wants to dunk on her mom some more without consequences.
"You trapped Hades in a jar!"
Oh fuck off, Persie, your smurf-boytoy wasn't even hurt. Honestly, compared to what Hades put Demeter through, locking him in a jar was extremely minor and justified. Hades had no right to intrude on Demeter's home when she only wanted to see her daughter without her groomer present.
"We're not here to point fingers."
Yeah, but Persie's gonna do it anyway and the narrative will back her up like it always does.
The way Demeter just calls hxp's asses out on being capitalist jackasses who profit from death and the spirits who can't do anything to stand up for themselves.
"[...] You haven't even seen what I do in the Underworld."
Persie, you haven't done shit in the Underworld. You delegated work to someone else, that's not the same as working.
I really appreciate what we got to learn about Demeter and Metis' relationship. Honestly, I wasn't expecting Metis to just flat-out tell Demeter that she was created solely to help defeat Kronos. But since this is the same woman who slept with a much younger man despite knowing two of her daughters had a crush on him, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised she was a shitty parent in other ways too.
I'd enjoy all of this Demeter-lore more if the episode didn't immediately twist it to invalidate all of her concerns about Persephone's development and hxp's relationship through invoking generational trauma in a really manipulative way.
So.... Daphne did tell everybody about Apollo? Or just about the tree-part? Does that mean Apollo's political career is over? Because I think the fact that he violently assaulted a nymph should put a damper on his popularity with the populace.
Artemis finally asks a question she should have asked in season 1. Better late than never I guess. And of course we cut off before anything of substance is achieved.
We haven't gone anywhere with the therapy-session and the whole Artemis and Apollo conversation just served as another cliffhanger.
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hello-nichya-here · 7 months
Girl.... Imma need all the tea abt Michael's brothers being leaches.
I do remember that one of them said that there wouldn't be no Michael Jackson without Jackson 5. BFFR. omg.
Just look at Spotify monthly listeners. I tend to compare artists who debuted at the same time and if they are still alive or not.
Marlon Jackson: 945
Jackie Jackson: 1'180
Tito Jackson: 15'148
Jermaine Jackson: 771'648
The Jacksons: 2'862'021
The Jackson 5: 8'607'046
Michael Jackson: 43'067'506
I know Spotify listeners aren't everything in terms of success or talent. Just look how Selena Gomez supposedly has more than Beyonce. But here I mean the gap is huge.
And the fact they NEEDED him for the Victory Tour otherwise no one would have showed up.
...Anon, I'm gonna be honest here, I completely forgot Jermaine wasn't the only of MJ's brothers to try and have his own solo career. And it says a lot that even though he was the most sucessful of MJ's brothers, he was nowhere near as relevant as he wanted to be - let alone as relevant as Michael.
Also, I know that showbusiness is cruel, especially to child stars, and the music industry is super unfair and buries really talented artists while promoting others that are not even good - but lets not kid ourselves here.
Like you said, the very fact that they had to drag him into that tour to make it relevant already says a lot - but there's even more to that. Michael decided, on his own, that this was going to be the LAST tour, and announced it at the last concert, without discussing it with anyone. He didn't just quit, he essentially ended the group.
They tried to carry on without him a few years later, and it went nowhere because nobody cared about them if Michael wasn't there. Meanwhile, he had random dancers/back-up singers stand in for his brothers whenever he'd ocasionally perform "his" old songs, and nobody except their mom ever complained. I strongly suspect some people didn't even notice - first time I watched some of the performances of the Bad Era, I sure didn't.
They had a reunion in 2001 - in some concerts to celebrate MICHAEL's career, with a moment dedicated to some Jackson 5/the Jackson's hits. They tried for a reunion and their own TV show in 2009 - the same time Michael's final tour was supposed to happen. When Michael died, all the interest in the projects of his brother's died too, with their proper reunion only happening a few years later... in a tribute to Michael.
But by far the biggest evidence that Michael didn't need them was Motown 25. He performed with his brothers, and even though he was obviously the star, they were still great, truly fucking awesome, you can clearly tell they are all giving it all their talent and energy.
Then he performed Billie Jean and did the moonwalk without a breaking a sweat and it was like his brothers never existed. Their big moment was Michael's warm up, and his big moment had him on stage by himself, singing the biggest hit of his SOLO career, overshadowing everything that came before it.
The only one of his siblings that ever managed to not be in his shadow was Janet. And even then, despite being HUGE, she was not KING OF POP huge. Probably because literally nobody else, before or since, could do what Michael did.
For fuck's sake, look at "We Are The World." Pretty much every famous singer of the decade was there, every single one of them giving it their all - and Michael is still clearly the star, because he wasn't just better than his siblings, he was better than everybody.
And I think that's the reason why his brothers never fully let go of all their envy. Pretty much everyone in that family exploited Michael for his money/relevance, but since his brothers were once his bandmates, they felt full on entitled towards not just Michael's money, but his career in general - because their time as a band was the most sucess they were ever gonna achieve, but it was quickly becoming just "Michael Jackson's early years, when he was not as famous as he is right now, but was already way more famous than his brothers will ever be." They were dependent on him, and were now being told "No, he won't let you all tag along forever."
Hence them demanding to be part of "Off The Wall" and getting mad when Michael didn't let them, making him tour with them singing the band's biggest hits instead of doing a tour for Thriller, fucking raiding his house for valluable stuff, using his money to buy mansions for themselves and raise their kids/pay child support, claiming that if things had been just slightly different their own solo careers totally could have been just as big as Michael's, etc.
It wasn't just that their sibling slowly became way better than them and eventually didn't need them to be sucessful. Michael NEVER needed them. He was always the star, the one people were more interested in, the one with the most talent, and eventually he realized that, if he continued letting his family pressure him into ignoring his own goals and focused on "paying his debt to his siblings (and father)" he was at best going to be held back forever so his brother's could stay relevant at his expense, and at worst he'd ruin his own career completely just so they could all fail together and his brother's egos would be spared.
Again, see how HE basically ended the band (or at least the version the public actually cared about). To them, it wasn't Michael going solo, it was him kicking them out. Like they would have TOTALLY made Thriller with him, or could have each done it on their own. Like his solo works are theirs by extention just because they used to do things as a group, and therefore they deserve the profit and the credit for something they were not involved in.
Joseph, of course, did not fucking help make the situation any better. I already mentioned all the physical abuse he put his children through during reharsals, but there's one more thing: he'd sometimes deliberately compare his other sons to Michael when they made a mistake while dancing or singing, to make them feel worse about themselves for not being as good as their brother. OBVIOUSLY that led to a ton of misplaced resentment towards their sibling for them, and to Michael feeling guilty about something that wasn't his fault.
Joseph is also the person who taught them their very warped idea of "family." He had always said that family was the most important thing in the world - because he was one of these parents who believed that, since he was responsible for them being alive, they owed him literally EVERYTHING and thus had to put up with EVERYTHING.
He wanted to beat them with a belt whenever they did anything wrong? They should just shut up and endure it, it's just discipline, and they wouldn't be going through that if they could just do what they're told.
He wants to control their careers, have "his share" of their money, and then use said money to cheat on their mother? Doesn't matter, he is still the man of the house if he's not the one making the money, and thus they owe him respect and shouldn't meddle on what he does with his life.
Michael is clearly depressed about all the trauma he was put through and the childhood that was stolen from him? Oh please, he should be thankful that he was made to work like a dog for most of his life, it's the thing that has allowed the whole family to live not just comfortably, but luxuriously - with his money. That he totally only made because of Joseph, so they really don't owe anything to Michael.
It's really no surprise that, after being raised by that man, Michael's brothers turned out the way they did. Their complaints were "God, he told me to buy a smaller house since I can't afford a mansion instead of buying said mansion for me, the watch he gave me for my birthday is only worth ONE million dollars instead of two, and he will only let us do a medley of our Jackson 5 hits during his show, not tour with us again, how selfish!" meanwhile Michael was complaining that since everyone, including his own family, was only ever thinking of how being close to him would benefit their image/lead to them making money, he was incredibly lonely and miserable.
Nine times out of ten, Michael helped his family out of "obligation" - because that's what they turned their relationship into. A transaction, a contract. Michael "paying his debt" to people that cared about his money and fame so much that they often forgot he was a person that, even after all they did, STILL loved them.
But I guess "We are totally responsible for his sucess, and in fact could have totally been just as famous" is a much more pleasant version of the story than "We completely failed our brother, and we should thank God everyday that he never fully broke free of this AWFUL family, because otherwise we'd be broke and even more irrelevant."
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juneviews · 2 years
i LOVE your post about your favorite thai actresses, can you do one with your favorite actors?
I sure can! I also have a full video ranking every thai actor I know, though my mind has evolved a bit since then for sure :)
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off jumpol: I mean I'll try to stay brief bc everyone knows how much I adore off, but for me he's truly the one actor who has it all: he can act great, he's beautiful, has literally the best personality out of any actor, has a great fashion sense, can sing well, is hilarious af, an amazing leader & mc, a great friend & phi to literally everyone around him... like HOW can you not love him? I've been his fan for 3 years now and literally fall in love with him more every day <3
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mond tanutchai: speaking of love, here's another actor I'm literally in love with <3 so mond is objectively one of the most beautiful men on this earth, and on top of that he's an amazing actor, is very charismatic, and has the cutest personality! I just hate how underrated he is bc he deserves to be a leading man in every series, and I hope he can get to that very soon bc he only deserves the best of the best :)
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tay tawan: so "everybody loves tay" is a popular saying in the fandom for a reason. I usually think actors who are loved by everyone are overrated, but for tay it's 100000% warranted. even though he's not the greatest actor (he's a good actor don't get me wrong!), he has the best personality (infp's unite) and is just... happiness in a human being :) he's also an amazing presenter and extremely genuine & passionate about everything he ever talks about. he transpires honesty & I would trust him with my life <3
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drake laedeke: so on top of being very incredibly handsome, I feel like drake really has one of the best personalities out there in the fact that he's not afraid of being silly or "too much." a pattern you'll find in every actor I love is their genuine-ness, and drake definitely has that! he's extremely hyper & fun and while he still has some work to put in acting-wise, he's getting better every year and I'm very excited to see where he goes <3
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first kanaphan: so I always brag that I've liked first since his first role, but it's true! I've always felt like he had so much potential, especially when I saw him alongside off in wolf, or drake in blacklist. but ngl since his first role in wake up chanee that was great, I felt like he was delegated to mediocre & okay series where, even though he did shine, he didn't get to show his full potential either. then not me happened, and like everyone in that show, he fucking SLAYED and bodied yok in a way literally no one else could have, and now he's also killing it in the eclipse so I'm literally standing here like a proud mom like "FINALLY! my son gets some good material!" so yeah, I love first & his talent, as well as his silly & loving personality. he's just... pure good vibes <3
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earth pirapat: so even though I'm not a super fan of where earth's career is going, very much caged into his ship, I've loved him for a very long time. he's literally the only actor I've seen every role of (even his singaporean show), and he's had my attention since his first role in water boyy, but stole my heart as un in theory of love who's part of what was my main favorite ship, untwo, for years. that love truly culminated in 1000 stars, where he finally got a main role that made him shine like he deserves to! so yeah, I will always support earth, bc he's an amazing actor, genuinely one of the most beautiful men on earth & truly such a sweetie <3 all good vibes towards him!
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joss wayar: to complete the hottie trinity (with mond & earth), we of course have joss! so the dude is literally the most beautiful man on this earth & it's kinda rude... but I also really appreciate the fact that he's chosen a variety of roles including a bi poly icon like neo in 3 will be free. I also think he definitely has the potential to become THE male lead of thai series if he works a bit more on his acting, especially in emotional scenes, and while I don't really love the "hustle culture" part of his personality, I still love his response to someone asking him if he was gay back in 2019 that showed how open-minded he is. I'm very excited to see where his career goes :)
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gun atthaphan: so what is there to say about gun that hasn't already been said? an obvious INSANE talent for acting, an incredible fashion sense & the cutest personality... it's no coincidence why gun is so beloved. I have nothing but great things to say about him, and while his personality is very private so I wish I knew more about him, I will always support him in every endeavor & wish him the best <3
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fluke gawin: a recent addition to my faves’ list, gawin has always been on my radar since his first role as mork in dark blue kiss. while he hasn't had that many roles, he's stolen the show in pretty much all of them! mork was already my favorite part of dbk, I rooted for his character in girl next room over the male lead and he was adorable in enchanté... but of course it's his role in not me that truly sealed the deal for me, managing a super complex character with many emotional scenes & truly showing me that besides a beautiful man who can sing insanely well, there truly is an amazing actor. I'm extremely excited to see where fluke goes next, even though y'all know I'm not a fan of him starring in be my favorite, bc I truly know he has many great things ahead of him. very, very excited for what's to come <3
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non chanon: so it's funny bc non has been on my radar for a while, through his roles in bad genius the movie & project s: shoot! I love you, but I always found his roles incredibly bland & boring. then, this past year happened: he gave a twist to the boring male lead trope in 46 days, played one of the most interesting complex roles ever in one of my all-time favorite thai dramas the revenge, and once again a layered messed up rapper in wannabe... and now he's gonna be in the first historical thai bl too! so to say my opinion of him has changed would be an understatement bc he's not only a really, really, REALLY solid actor & absolutely gorgeous, but he also seems like a lovely person who loves pushing himself into new interesting roles. I'm very excited to see his future roles, especially as he seems to want to work with gmmtv more, and I'm really glad to have changed my mind about him <3
other actors I love: white nawat, jaylerr krisanapoom, arm weerayut, mek jirakit, khaotung thanawat, gunsmile chanagun, billkin putthipong & toni rakkaen <3
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kulemii · 6 months
Lover Pretend Prologue Thoughts: YUKITO
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Potential Spoilers Ahead
I AM ONCE AGAIN ON MY KNEES BECAUSE OF THE SEIYUU OF ONE OF THESE MEN! whomstever is in charge of casting over on the idea factory lover pretend team deserves THE SLOPPIEST HEAD OF ALL TIME and/or a warm hug and/or a long nap, whatever they choose because they really did the damn thing with this casting so far!!! like TATTSUN?!?!?! FUCKING SUZUKI TATSUHISA???? MY LOVE????? even if i wanted to hate this guy, i am condemned to love him by way of tattsun's line delivery! of all the characters i've meet so far, he had me grinning from ear to ear just because of the way tattsun sold this character. SUCH A FAN ALREADY! it's just the prologue, i know but dang. tattsun is so good 🥲
so, when we meet yukito, a model, he's chatting with his manager about his itinerary. the little headline that appeared when he was introduced called him a "womanizing ladies' man" and that kinda took me out because i'm like damn, yall can't say nothing else bout buddy? but i mean, they didn't waste no time in proving why they said that because girl look lmao. some woman came up inviting him to party and he was like, dope, everybody gonna be there? and she's all like, :( i was hoping it'd just be the two of us~ uwu. it doesn't have to be a club y'know. so this mf says:
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moving on-
more importantly, the manager brought some sorta proposal up to yukito and he says it's audition for That Damn Makino Film™️. and yukito's pretty ass says someting really interesting here, first he's shocked that he's even involved in something like this, citing that when he does do film/television (bc again he's a model) it's just for cameo appearances or to be comic relief. that made me think a bit.. but anyway, yukito's appearance sorta ends on that, him pondering on the audition.
overall, i gotta say, i do have a soft spot for the fictional playboy types especially in otome. love when i get to be the one to wrangle a whore in- unnf yesss, baby boy, get rid of the roster so that i can disappoint you in every way! 🤭 lmao, on a serious note, i like him too! i know i think i've said that for the last two guys but WHAT CAN I SAY! so far, they've been pretty likeable but as i keep reminding myself over and over again, it is just the prologue.
note: there was mention of an idol that had some sorta scandal or something and yukito was very firm in the fact that he takes his career very seriously and never does anything to jeopardize it. i don't know if that was just a throwaway line or if that was slid in there because something will come up later but let's put a pin in that for now just in case.
Read my thoughts on the others:
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theggning · 2 years
46 and 67?
46. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
I think "love" is a strong word but given how I feel about the rest of AA5, I'm kind of surprised how much I ended up liking Simon Blackquill. I thought the concept of him was just stupid initially, but he's actually pretty great. I enjoy what a petulant jerk he can be (I enjoy the moment when he thinks the defense's argument is so stupid, he demands to be taken on a walk outside the courtroom.) And the fact he's been localized as a weeaboo/tea-aboo is extremely funny and makes for some great jokes. Taka's great. I'm not particularly invested in his overall storyline but he's very entertaining in the moment to moment gameplay.
He's also my favorite part of 6-4, because of fucking course Simon "Twisted Samurai" Blackquill hangs out at a rakugo theater and gets special order Japanese noodles delivered there for the apparent long nights he spends there. What a nerd.
67. A character everyone else hates but you like even though you understand the hate that they get?
I'm on record for this elsewhere, but I really do have a soft spot for Lawrence "Moe" Curls, AKA Moe the Clown.
Yeah, 2-3 is everybody's least favorite case. Yeah, his jokes are awful and stupid and his testimony is a nightmare. But I really appreciate that out of the whole cast of that case, Moe ends up being the levelheaded, mature one who steps up to lead the others. Then you get the weirdly deep details about him being a divorced father and his turmoil at him being objectively terrible at the career that it's implied tore his family apart... (Reportedly, Shu Takumi was deeply invested in the tragedy of Moe and was moved to tears while writing, so sad about how bad his jokes were but how hard he was trying.)
YEAH I KNOW. I get it! It's Moe the fuckin' Clown and he's SO obnoxious, but I really do think he's one of the best characters in that godforsaken case.
(AA Ask Meme.)
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bluemoonstonesy · 2 years
Between the Bedsheets
John Stones | Part One
Between the Bedsheets Masterlist
warnings: smut from the beginning in this part
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“Fuck, you feel so good.” John holds onto your waist, large hands digging into your hips as you both set a steady rhythm. You momentarily rest your hands on his chest, trying hard to resist the urge to run them down his exposed torso that’s practically begging to be touched.
“Yeah I should hope so,” You answer back, a usual hint of sarcasm whilst trying to hold in a moan, pushing it to the back of your throat, “You know I hate driving in the pitch black.”
He smirks at your words, eyes flickering over your bare chest, lustful and darker than their usual hue of green, “Oh come on sweetheart, you never turn down a nice post match celebration - especially when you get to have my cock inside of you.”
It’s been like this for about a year now. A year of suggestive texts after a game, pulling each other into places where nobody else could find you at club events so he can pull your dress up over your waist, and driving to his house at night when you know he needs to let out some frustrations after a difficult match.
You’ve known John for four years. It wouldn’t have been so bad if you were simply friends at first, potentially making that initial drunken encounter that started everything a little easier. But at the end of the day, he’s still your colleague. A person who’s path you’re bound to cross in the workplace.
In a regular office job at a skyrise building in the city of Manchester, things may be a little easier and less risky. But that definitely isn’t the case for you. You’re the head of City’s social media, he’s one of their crucial players - and nobody else knows about your so-called arrangement. It sounds like something straight from a sit-com, yet you have the countless hickeys to prove it to be your reality.
“Someone’s feeling a bit arrogant tonight.” You tease, gasping slightly as his cock continues to stretch you out in all the right places. another smug look on his face as he thinks about your previous words.
“But we both know it’s true,” John speaks slowly as you sink back down onto him, hands wandering perfectly - it’s as if from day one he knew your body like the back of his hand, “Plus, I scored didn’t I? Think it’s well deserved.”
You lean down to kiss him, hands cupping the side of his face as he moans into your mouth, the vibrations from his throat rippling throughout your body as you silence his protests. It’s still something that’s new to you. You never usually kissed John in those first few months, feeling as if it was taking things a little too far, which was bizarre since he’d seen you completely naked dozens of times but not once had you allowed your lips to touch each other’s. Maybe you thought it’d give him the wrong idea - an idea that you were trying to hide.
You like John. And you’re certain everybody does - he’s one of the kindest people that you’ve ever met. It’s common knowledge that his smile can light up a room, familiar and contagious laughter enough to have you laughing along with him despite the fact you have no idea what triggered his giggling fit. But you’re attracted to the centre back in a way that you’re certain is unique just to you. Nobody else sees him like this, exposed skin under a dim bedside lamp as his eyes are narrowed yet still so perfect. Tattooed arms that grip your body in a way that nobody else can. You feel nothing less than comfortable around him, be it at work or between the bedsheets.
But sometimes you fear that your hard earned careers are more important than being tangled in his duvet.
It’s easier than you’d like to imagine the headlines if it got out, newspapers splashed with ‘John Stones’ secret fling with Manchester City staff member’ in every shop. Maybe you’re overthinking it. In reality, nobody would really give a shit, a few tweets before it’d become a forgotten memory. But you don’t want to lose John like that, have no choice but to let him walk away when it’s completely out of your hands. It’s unfair to put that pressure on him, so you try to keep your mouth shut and enjoy every second of your secret encounters - even if it’s becoming to mean something different to you.
You look down to try and drown out the doubts that have been erupting in your mind recently, instead trying your hardest to concentrate on the moment, gaze locking with the man underneath you. His eyes are fluttering shut, and you know he’s close. His hair sticks to his forehead as if he’s just played a match and if you weren’t on the brink of an orgasm, you’d run your hands through it and savour the touch of his curls.
After a few more seconds, you’re gasping for air as his name repeatedly leaves your lips, feeling the warmth of his own release inside of you before trickling onto the bedsheets, his hands still on your waist as your own name falls from his parted mouth. You savour the moment as you ride it out. His face slightly tenses before relaxing, eyes only opening as you gently pull yourself from his waist, body hitting the bed next to him as you both catch your breaths.
“I should go.” You say suddenly after a few minutes, a gradually growing part of you not wanting to leave his comforting touch that’s beginning to feel a little more intimate than simply two people who have casual sex. But maybe you’re just grasping onto something that doesn’t exist in the first place.
“Just stay here tonight.” John mumbles into your hair as he moves closer, his familiar, inviting cologne that hangs in the air making you want to give into his proposition. Yet you’re still doubting your every decision.
“You know I can’t do that,” You eventually reply, shifting so you can lean on your hand to face him, “I have a full day of meetings tomorrow and if I remember correctly, you have training.” You poke his chest after every word, the heat of his body radiating onto your own skin.
John sits up too, mirroring your actions, brushing a stray piece of hair away from your eyes, “I can take you home to get your things early, and then give you a lift? Just don’t want you driving home this late, that’s all.”
He mumbles the last few words. His eyes are wide and pleading, and it’s becoming hard to say no to them. He’s making it harder than it already is to hide your developing feelings.
“What about my car?”
“I can give you a lift back here and you can get your car,” He smirks, “And if you have some good meetings, there might be a reward in it for you.” He has an answer for every question you present to him.
His attempts are seemingly hopeless, but his presence is too addicting for you to even consider turning down his request. John Stones has you wrapped around his finger, and it’s slowly driving you insane.
So you don’t protest any more, not another word spoken as you give a small smile and settle yourself back into his welcoming outstretched arms, feeling his heartbeat against your cheek as your face rests on his chest.
Any time spent with John is good enough for you, whether it’s with your legs wrapped around his waist or simply shooting each other a subtle look whenever you see each other around the campus, everybody else unaware of the state of affairs between the two of you as he sends a small wink in your direction.
Soon enough, he’s drifting off next to you, breathing becoming steady and after a few more minutes, he’s completely at peace, an ink covered arm still slung around your waist and completely unaware of your racing mind that’s slowly convincing you that he’ll never feel the same.
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Summary: On her summer break from college, Y/N embarks on an affair with Lee Bodecker. But she realizes that not all that drips from his lips is honey.
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x reader
Warning: Age gap, language, angst, cheating, sexual content, unprotected sex (pls wrap it before you tap it, this work is fiction 😤), some dark Lee.
Word Count: 5.7k NOT PROOFREAD. ( Comments, tips & suggestions are greatly appreciated!)
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She waited. Body plush on the bed donning the new satin burgundy lingerie Lee had gifted her. The only light in the room was coming from the lamp on her end of the table and she was grateful for it.With the curtains drawn, the room was dim and it depicted the mood she’d been in for the past week.
She should’ve loathed him, shouldn’t even have shown up to see him. But it would be the last time she would do so and she’d put her pride aside to be engrossed in him one last time. She would cherish the moment, cling to him like she never had before because she really would miss him. She knew she’d miss him terribly. Being far away from him would crush her heart, but she hoped the distance would alleviate the guilt.
What they were doing was so wrong. A betrayal that had her aching every single time they met and the following days she would wallow in guilt. Yet she’d do it all over again that one day of the week, at times even more, come back to the same room to be at his disposal. To be taken by him, pushed into the bed by his weight and fucked into a puddy mess.
She had deceived all those around her. So seemingly innocent with the way she carried herself in a manner that would never raise questions, that would never place faults on her family. With her pretty hair, the curl of her lashes and bright eyes she was the epitome of what all the girls in the town wanted to be. The daughter of the undersheriff of Knockemstiff provided her family with admiration from those in the town, it placed her family on a pedestal. It provided her with a fine education outside of her town in a nice college.
She should have been different, should have never involved herself in such destructive behavior. Actions that could very well place her family in an uncomfortable and embarrassing situation.
Her family, friends and especially Lee’s wife, Jane—they were all victims. Y/N couldn’t believe she had let things get so far with Lee. That she could ever betray her family by sleeping with one of their closest friends, her father’s boss.
She felt despicable, skin crawling as she felt herself get hot with shame all over again. It was a never ending cycle of self-hatred. It was especially so when she thought of Lee’s two children that her eyes were brimming with tears. She huffed as she thought that her last evening with Lee seemed to already be going downhill with the inundation of thoughts drowning her, never leaving her alone.
Her and the sheriff. They were forbidden fruit—they had sinned far greater than anybody. Betrayed those around them when they succumbed to their sweet desires.
Yet even with clear awareness of what she was doing, of what her actions could mean for those she was closest to she still went about doing it. Still found herself waiting for Lee Bodecker every Friday evening in the rundown motel minutes away from their families.
She deduced that it must have been her age, still young and lacking experience in many areas of her life. Lee had given her something she had never experienced before—exhilarating excitement. A type of excitement that kept her up most nights, thinking of how their next meeting would be like. What he would do to her next. It was the sneaking around, the long glances and especially the hours spent in room 505. A week ago, she had felt utter bliss being with him. Looked forward to falling into his arms, create crescent moons on his back with her nails and press their lips together in a matter only both knew how to.
She loved the domineering way he walked into their room with his dark leather jacket and sheriff’s uniform. The badge always seemed to do it for her. She was putty in his hands. Always.
She was so young next to him and had learned too much from him in such a short time as if she was his student. She learned what it meant to have her toes curling in pure content, to have her mouth hang open with no sounds coming out because the pleasure was that good. She couldn’t be blamed for putting herself in such a sinful disposition, he had unearthed a whole different side of life for her. The intimacy she had never experienced with anybody else. It was why she kept coming back.
Lee was far older than she was. A husband, father of two children and the town’s most important asset—the sheriff. Everything about him screamed authority. The way he walked into a room and without uttering a single word he’d command everybody’s attention. It was how he’d gotten to her so easily.
She’d grown up before his very eyes; transformed into a young woman and he had taken notice. How couldn’t he? She was so pretty. He didn’t feel an ounce of guilt as he took her and not even afterwards when they both went back to their respective families. He couldn’t feel the guilt when he was so utterly engulfed in her. When all he could think of was how her hair smelled like strawberries, how her small hands grabbed tufts of his hair all the meanwhile her legs wrapped around him. He was delirious with lust, seeing her and her only.
Y/N was on break from college and had more time to visit her father at the station. She’d drop off lunch a few times a week for him and when her father was out of his office to tend to last minute duties, Y/N would knock on Lee’s office and offer him her father’s lunch. It was kind of her, the way she thought of him. It was then when those kind gestures began to build on him, a type of effect that snowballed into yearning to have her.
Maybe it had been her velvety voice or the way she seemed to carry herself with such quiet elegance and a feel of serene ambiance. The clothes she wore were perfectly stitched for her. Bright high square neckline tops and high waisted cotton shorts with drawstrings. Her choice of clothing gave a peek to the silkiness of her legs and it wasn’t much but it had him hardening every time she walked through his office door.
He didn’t really know how he’d done it. He’d just talk to her, sweet talk his way into making her want him. He’d stare longingly at her, the blue of his eyes romanticizing whatever it was that he wanted from her. Had he been fully honest with her she would have never looked at him, never let him fuck her.
Jane and I are separated, Lee had told her. Deceiving her was the only way,  Lee couldn’t have done it any other way. And she had eaten it all up. Believed him as his wife stayed at home more and more, limiting her interactions with him in public. It was a lie that had worked out until it hadn’t.
It wasn’t until a week back, Y/N had gone to the farmer’s market wanting to buy fresh produce. Upon entering the highly filled space of the market she noticed the back of Jane’s head. How couldn’t she? She was the only redhead in the whole town of Knockemstiff. She had almost turned back immediately, feeling nervous at the sight of the woman who warmed Lee’s bed every night. Jane had looked back suddenly and met her eyes within an instant and a smile formed on her lips. She turned, a moment still stuck in her head as if it happened in slow motion, and it felt like the air had been knocked out of her. The swell of her midriff was unavoidable, too obvious to tear her eyes away from it. Jane walked forward, hand on her belly.
“It’s so good to see you, Y/N.” Jane spoke, voice high pitched as always. She was always so cheery and kind, a smile on her face. And she stood ever so clueless in front of her, before someone who climbed on her husband as often as she could.
Y/N was speechless as the shock was evident on her face. Her stomach was large enough to be over six months and she was right when she was finally able to speak and ask her how far along she was and Jane had confirmed it. She had been on bedrest being a high risk pregnancy but was now feeling more herself, more able to be out and about. And it all made sense to her then.
The sweet and honeyed words that Lee had uttered to her about a separation between him and his wife. That they had drifted apart with time and were waiting for the right time to file for divorce, his excuse for not being able to do so was the upcoming election. It all made sense then. The intimacy they had shared created a blurred line for her, had clouded her thoughts when she was in his arms.
He was good at lying. Fantastic at it, she had to give it to him. He had used his wife’s ordered bed rest to his advantage, had used it to get his way with Y/N. Quench whatever thirst he felt that only she could satiate him.
It angered her, but mostly she felt a deep type of disappointment consume her. What he had done was unforgivable and she couldn’t come forward and say it. She couldn’t because she’d be burnt in the midst of it all too. But she thought of it again and again, went in circles around how he’d done such a thing. How the honey dripping from his lips had been venom in truth. It had all been lies.
It seemed as though decades of experience and a decorated career had given Lee a damned way of always getting what he wanted. Having the ability to twist the truth, to hide facts and move the pieces around to whatever was most convenient for him. He was astute that way. Giving her his absolute attention when he was alone with her, staring at her as if she was the only girl he ever wanted, as if she held the key to the world.
He whispered false promises into her ear, soft and sweet. Convenient. He would kiss her as if he had missed her, as if his day was suddenly a lot better because of her. As if she meant something. That she was more than just a distraction; an easy fuck. And she had fallen for it all, walked right into his trap.
And for Y/N, all of the sweet nothings he would say to her, the lust-induced promises he would make to her as they came down from their high always filled her with stupid hope. Clinging onto his every word, his every move. When she was in his arms, she felt the world and all its worries melt away. The blue of his eyes had hypnotized her, the bitter taste of his lips tranquilized her into believing everything he would say.
The door knob to the room began twisting loudly, breaking her from her deep trance. The sound of keys fumbling behind the door and a loud huff coming from the man that destroyed her. She swallowed thickly and wiped the end of her eyes to rid of the evidence of what she already knew. She would do this one last time with him. Succumb to him one last time before it all came to an abrupt end.
“Baby doll.” Lee grinned when he pushed past inside slamming the door shut behind him. His jacket was already on the floor and his harsh steps on their way to the bed. Y/N looked up at him, transforming her saddened look to the smirk she knew he liked so much. She pushed herself from her lying down position to her knees knowing he would love seeing her in the lingerie he had gifted her.
He did. His eyes perked up at the sight of the smooth flesh of her breasts that were almost spilling from the sheer balconette bra, the swell of them tantalizing him. The thin material of her panties, sheer and satin, too were captivating. It earned her a harsh bite of his lip.
“Look at you, doll. It fits you perfectly just like I knew it would.” He groaned as he placed a knee on the bed and grabbed hold of both her arms to pull her towards him.
He kissed her like he wanted to swallow her whole. As if he wanted to print his lips on hers, mark them for life. And she kissed him back with a ferocious need, desperate and sad all at once. Her tongue was swiping against his fighting for dominance. She knew he’d question it, the neediness of her movements. Of how her hands were already unbuckling his belt as she kissed him with seemingly all her might. It would be the last time, he just didn’t know it yet.
“What’s gotten into you baby doll?” Lee hummed as he pulled away. His lips red from her attack, the blue of his eyes gleamed as he felt the throbbing of his cock when she finally brought his pants down halfway. Her hand began palming the thick print through his boxers and she knew that even though he was questioning her, peering up at him and noticing the wild expression on his face, she knew he loved it.
“You missed me that much baby?” He swiped his tongue against his lips as she nodded all the meanwhile pulling him to lay down on the bed. His pants were a puddle on the floor with Y/N’s figure pushing him down onto the soft mattress. He was surprised at her taking the reigns of the situation, showing a dominance she never had before. He would always be the one to push her down onto the bed, attack her lips with a week’s worth of pent up frustration.
“I did miss you.” She whispered. The softness of her hands took hold of his briefs and pulled them down the extremities of his legs. He seemed needy as well, removing his tie and unbuttoning his white shirt. She felt her whole body on fire, needing to touch him and kiss him all at once; a feeling so overwhelming.
Her nimble hands grasped his cock, already hard and head swollen with pent up need. The mere feel of her hands had him groaning and when she began pumping him, his hands reached out to the swell of her breasts. Admiring them wasn’t enough anymore he needed to run his hands over them, cup them in his hands and flick the nipples under his fingers.
She was needy, he noticed from the very beginning. Her movements were eager yet well calculated, knowing what and how he liked it. He knew he would let her take control for the first half, but would make sure to take back the dominance he loved to have when he filled her up.
Her mouth came down on him, tongue flicking against the angry head of his dick before she came down halfway then came up again. Her hands were still pumping the base of his cock, never being able to take him all in her mouth. It made her slightly upset wanting nothing more than to feel him at the back of her throat.
Lee’s orbs glazed over as he watched his girth disappear inside his girl’s mouth. She was so talented that way, savoring him and trying her best to take him all. She was a fast learner. Learned to take him in such a short time, inside the crevice hidden between her thighs and the wetness of her mouth. This time, to Lee, she seemed insatiable. She was moaning, tongue sloppily swooshing at the head and the entirety of his cock. With her swollen lips, she kissed it as if he’d gifted her something entirely far too great and she was grateful for it.
He was a big man in all aspects. His soft belly had come into view as his shirt was discarded on the floor too. She had come to like it so much over the summer, love the fullness of it and the strength that characterized him. His arms were strong, shoulders broad and his piercing blue eyes were the gem she had never quite noticed before.
She never really paid much attention to him before, he was just the sheriff of Knockemstiff, a family friend and her father’s boss. That was all. Yet as the years passed and she grew up, he noticed it and when the time came he gave her the right type of attention—sweet and savory words that had her thighs squeezing together. She had fallen for a man who quite frankly was quite intimidating. Someone who was forbidden.
She took her time with him. Fingers wrapped tightly against his girth keeping a fair momentum all the meanwhile her mouth continued its exploration as if savoring him. Like it was their first time. He tasted so good, salty and just him. Her sweet assault had him groaning above her and one of his hands was still flicking her nipple, struggling to keep it there when her mouth was making everything difficult.
“Fuck baby get up here.” Lee breathed out, one of his hands pulling her hair up forcing her mouth off him. He was always rough with her and she’d grown to love it; learned to take it. To have her skin red and raw from his hands and mouth. Y/N swallowed thickly, knowing exactly what he wanted.
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand before climbing on top of him, feeling the stiffness of his cock at her clothed core. His hand tangled into her hair and brought their lips together in a sloppy kiss. He felt so good rubbing against her pussy, clothed or not, he was so hard she could every ridge and vein. Desperate to feel more of him, her hips began grinding against the place she wanted to sink down onto. She wanted him so badly but knew what he wanted from her, where he wanted to have his mouth.
When he pulled away from her, he gave her a knowing look and patted her arm. It was his signal for her to move up. She felt her cheeks becoming hot as her hands pushed the small panties down her legs and onto the edge of the bed. She climbed further up until her most private place was in complete direct contact with his face. He sighed at the heavenly sight of her pussy, her folds already glistening with her arousal and he felt even harder knowing his baby girl felt embarrassed. She was especially shy when he coaxed her into having her sit on his face. But why wouldn’t he want her thighs crushing his face, her pussy in direct contact with his mouth when she was so delicious.
The first swipe of his tongue on her folds had her moaning out loud into the silent motel room. When his tongue flicked against her clit in a torturous pace, she began panting feeling so vulnerable and overwhelmed in the position all at once. His hands were on both sides of her hips keeping her in place yet they were kneading the soft skin there, feeling the slight stretch marks that decorated her hips and ass. He was relishing the taste of her nectar on his tongue, salty and sweet all at once and he felt like he couldn’t get enough.
“Fuck baby girl you always taste so damn good.” He groaned as he gripped the sides of thighs tighter, the skin dimpling with the pressure. She looked down at him surprised, as she made sure to keep her balance by having her hands on the headboard and feet perked on the bed.
His hands grasped her hips tighter, fingernails digging into her skin. Her breathing was erratic, chest heaving harshly as his lips assaulted her folds. Sucking on the little nub that was making her toes curl. Overwhelmed with stimulation, it all came together building that familiar bubbling feeling inside her that had her gasping his name out. It spilled from her lips over and over again as he licked and sucked on her pussy lips at a pace that couldn’t have been more perfect.
With a cry, she felt her legs quaking as she reached her peak. It coiled inside her until it came loose. Her orgasm spilled onto the inside of her thighs and Lee’s tongue cleaned it all off her. The rumbling of his chest as his baritone voice worded out compliments to her. How she tasted so sweet and he couldn’t wait to fuck her.
“I need you to fuck me Lee. Right now.” Y/N commanded as soon as the filthy compliments slipped from his lips. She felt desperate to feel him inside her, to take her one last time. She just didn’t know what was waiting for her, of what he already knew. That he was simply entertaining her little game.
Her eyes were glossed over, still reeling from the overwhelming feeling her orgasm had washed over her. He looked surprised at her foul words. She was usually reserved, letting him do whatever he wanted with her and however he wanted to. Yet her taking control over the situation had him aching for her even more. The excitement bubbling and boiling over.
He patted her thighs again as her shaky legs managed to move over and sit on the bed. Confusion took over as she saw Lee scoot down and off the bed. He wiped her confusion right off as he grabbed her feet and pulled her towards the edge of the bed. He was more than ready to take her. His dick rock hard.
“Get on all fours.”
Her breathing still uneven from the remnants of her first orgasm, she pushed herself to her knees and hands both allocated on the bed. She felt his calloused hands on her ass and knew his eyes were devouring the view she was giving him. With her body perked up on the bed, ass in clear eye view to him she felt shy all over again. His hand came down onto her flesh harshly leaving behind a searing buzz. And he did it again and again until shrieks left her mouth.
His full lips kissed on the marks of her skin, leaving behind a trail of wetness before he stood upright again. Gripping his hardened cock in his hand and brought it to her core. Rubbing it on her silky folds, using the wetness from her opening to coat his cock to better prepare her for the stretch that always left her mewling.
Y/N gripped the sheets with her hands bracing herself for him and when he finally entered, her mouth fell open. He moved until she was fully filled with his cock, until his happy trail met the skin of her ass. And he began moving, not giving her time to adjust because he needed to feel more of her. To revel in the feeling of being inside her tight walls, to see her turn into nothing but moans and cries.
Her back arched as the pace of his strokes picked up. He felt deeper and deeper with each push. It felt like he was pulling her so far from herself as her eyes rolled back with the sensation he was giving her. This was her favorite position but they had never quite done it like this. Not with him standing on the floor and her body perked up on the bed. It gave him more leeway, more freedom to move at a faster pace. To roll his hips, to slam them down until her skin was red.
“You like it when I fuck you like this baby?” Lee asked as he came down and she felt the hotness of his breath on her back. A meek yes fell from her lips. His lips kissed the skin below her delicate bra, the burgundy color of it complimenting her skin tone so prettily. Lee nipped and bit on the skin leaving behind red marks in his wake. She shuddered with the fanning of his breath, hot and wet on the skin of her back and her sheets were gripped tighter on her fisted hands.
His hands suddenly left another red mark on the skin of her ass with a harsh spank before they came up and took hold of her unruly hair. He grasped the hair tightly as he stood upright again and began a relentless rhythm with his hips. She couldn’t help but be loud, crying his name out loud over and over again because he was the only man who could ever make her feel such pain and pleasure all at once. It was overwhelming how the myriad of emotions and feelings conjoined together during their acts of passion and she could still feel the searing fire bubbling inside here yet again. She was closer every time his hips snapped against her core, pushing that one familiar toe-curling feeling from her.
“I’m gonna cum Lee oh my god.” She cried out, hair still in his grasp. It was uncomfortable but she could take it. The roughness of his movements, of his cock filling her up and her hair tangled in his hands. She felt it all as her toes curled in the shockwaves of her orgasm. It ripped through her in countless curses and jolts that Lee’s hand let go of her hair and her head fell onto the mattress. She felt weak, knees wobbly with the intensity of her shattering finite.
“I want you to look at me when you cum, Lee. Please.” She whispered, voice so low she thought he wouldn’t hear the softness of it. He did.
Lee held onto the flesh of her hips and flipped her onto her back. His body joined hers on the bed again, him on top of her. Lee noticed a thin sheet of sweat had built up on her chest and forehead, breathing still erratic from the aftermath of her orgasm. She looked so beautiful to him, completely fucked and disheveled because of him. Her request had his insides churning knowing why she was being so demanding this time around, why her movements from the beginning of the night had been quick to feel him, so desperate for him as if starved of his touch.
His cock slipped inside her folds yet again and they both groaned in unison. Their eyes met for what seemed only the second time that night and the intensity of what they both felt turned into thick tension. He wanted to fuck it all away, rid himself of the reality of their situation. Of the grimy situation  they were both in, of what he had done. His lies had gotten him so far yet it all seemed to be coming to an end.
He continued his ardent stare, hips rolling against her core as if rushed. Wanting to sear their acts between her legs forever, never letting her forget that he was the only man who could make her feel this way. That despite what he had done, nobody would ever compare to him.
“I’m gonna cum baby, you’re gonna take it all?”
She nodded fervently, knowing that if she spoke her voice would break.  Tears began wetting her cheeks, sliding down as the noises in the small motel room escalated. His hips were stuttering against hers already, almost reaching his peak, but still keeping the same harsh momentum that had her mouth falling ajar.
Chasing his own end. The wetness of her arousal was driving him insane, making the movements of his dick inside her much easier. He felt the warmth of her engulfing him, wrapping him up in such a delicious way he knew he’d finish inside her in no time. She was crying out, loud and soft all at once and he felt so pleased with himself as he stared at how angelic she looked. The youth so evident on her skin, the long lashes curled and her glazed eyes still connecting with his. The look on her face had his hips bucking against hers harder, wanting her even more even though he already had her and was already fucking her the way he wanted to.
He brought his face down to meet her lips, to kiss her with a need so strong it felt as if it was crushing him. He bit her bottom lip harshly before letting it go and sucking on her tongue. His movements left her breathless and gasping. His dick was moving inside her and she could feel the veins and rough ridges of it. It was deliciously painful the way their skin slapped against each other, harsh and sensual. It felt like he had reached places inside her she never thought to be possible, the sensation of being filled to the hilt. A fullness that had her aching.
With a string of curses and grunts, Lee’s hips bucked one last time and spilled his seed inside her. He bent down to give her a sweaty kiss before he removed himself from her and collapsed back on the bed.
“You’re amazing baby doll. We’re still on for next friday right?” He breathed out, head turning to look at her. Her eyes were turned to the ceiling and she forged a smile.
Lee rolled his eyes at the way the lie rolled off her mouth so effortlessly. As if she had practiced it countless times.
“You think I wouldn’t know baby girl?”
“Know what?” Her head snapped to look at him. And as if suddenly feeling shy, her hands gripped the sheets beginning to cover the delicacy that was her body.
“Don’t play stupid with me. You think Jane wouldn’t run her big mouth to me about seeing you at the market? Or how your daddy is all sad about you wanting to leave back to college three weeks before your classes even start?”
“I-I’m sorry.” It hurt to apologize. The words were shaky and unbelievable as she had nothing to be sorry for. He had deceived her just as much as they had deceived both their families. Had lied to her about his separation from his wife in order to get her on her knees. Yet the wild look on his face and the rough tone his voice had taken left her feeling shaky. As if she was treading on broken glass.
“Don’t give me that shit.”
“You lied to me, Lee. You think it was easy for me to see Jane with a big belly? H-How shocked I was?”
“Would you even have looked my way if I told you her and I were still together?” He asked. The incredulous question came so easily, as if it wasn’t the craziest thing he had ever said.
“Of course not.” She muttered. Her voice broke as tears spilled from her eyes. It was the pressure of knowing the truth that made her body shudder. The man laying next to her wasn’t at all who she thought he was. She knew it yet still met him one last time. She wanted to show him what he would be missing when she was gone, of what he had lost out on. Yet the man had been a step ahead of her.
She scooted away to the edge of the bed ready to hurriedly put her clothes back on and leave him for good. The sudden movement had Lee in a panic and his hand yanked her back to the center of her bed. Her shriek was cut to a halt when his large hand wrapped around her throat constricting her breathing. Her glossy orbs stared into his in utter disbelief. She didn’t believe it was real. None of what was happening was registering for her because it couldn’t have been real. Lee couldn’t do that to her.
The disbelief slipped away slowly. Chipping away as the seconds passed. She shut her eyes tightly hoping that when she opened them he wouldn’t be there. Or that at least his hands wouldn’t be on her throat.
When she opened them again he was still there. Eyes wide with fury, rough hands still on her throat. The pressure was less than before as if he was realizing what he was doing.
“Fuck.” Lee griped. “You ain’t leaving yet darlin’. You got that?”
She nodded slowly, eyes still leaking with hot tears. All she wanted was to breathe. To get some air into her lungs. His hands stayed.
“You’ll come back here next friday or any other day I ask.”
It tightened.
“You got that?”
She nodded again, this time in a hurried manner. He let go. She coughed as the air began to fill her lungs once again.
She should’ve known not to mess with the sheriff.
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Hope you guys like this. Not my best work but I tried my best 😅💀 Somewhat inspired by my favorite Arctic Monkeys song, 505!
Can you guys tell I love Lee? And age gap fics?😂 it is what it isssss. Posted this at 2 am in pure anxiousness lol
@jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @iheartsebandchris @captainkitteh @gloriouspersonbanditrascal​ @sillygamingartghost​ @han-xe​ @awesomerextyphoon​ @princessofdarkwinter @kenzieam​ @lalaparker @21stcenturywitchcraft
Divider by @writeyourmindaway !
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Oh, for that AU thing. Cinder goes to Atlas Academy AU
send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story
- in getting her official registration/identification/etc., Cinder takes Rhodes as her surname, with her mentor’s blessing 
Rhodes, internally: ...eh why not, what’s the worst that could happen
- after excelling in the entrance exam, she is placed on a team with Winter, Harriet, and May
still not sure how to make a team name out of that: WRHM (Warm), maybe? 
SRBM feels like I should be able to get some color from it but I can’t figure out what
Team SCHM (Schism) because they eventually split down the middle
- Cinder gets along with Harriet and May (better than she’s ever gotten along with any of her peers, actually, but that’s not saying much), but while she and Winter eventually learn to be in sync in battle, the best her relationship with her partner ever gets is “complicated”
Cinder’s issues with the Atlas elite are still fresh, despite how hard she tries to bury them for the sake of Making This Work, and Winter is just about as Atlas Elite ™ as it gets
Winter, for her part, is puzzled but doesn’t think too hard about it: she’s used to being resented for her name by people she’s never met 
- Winter, Harriet, and May don’t really know what to make of Cinder at first: she’s obviously happy, maybe overly so, but at the same time she’s prickly and defensive and never relaxes, always keeps her neck covered, is cagey about the details of her life pre-Academy, and says things in her sleep that range from weird to horrifying. the fact that she’s the only Mistrali attending Atlas Academy also sticks out like a sore thumb.
then this happens, Cinder has to spill her whole story, and suddenly they’re just, “ohhh, everything about you makes sense now”
then five seconds later when it really sinks in: “...oh. oh, that’s so fucked up.”
Cinder is still determinedly repressing her Whole Feelings about her abuse (trying to follow Rhodes’ example of “okay, this is bad, but it’s not That Bad, not enough that anything should actually be done about it”)
Winter is more than happy to do the same: it’s unfortunate what happened to Cinder, but it’s not indicative of Atlas as a whole, and anyway the important thing is that Cinder made the right choice and put in the work to escape to the Academy, which has earned her Winter’s respect
Harriet is...deeply disturbed, but what is she going to do, throw away the career she’s worked her whole life for just because she’s upset? they’re powerless now, but when they’re Huntresses, they’ll be able to fix all of Atlas’ problems from the inside
and May is now speedrunning her turn on Atlas. like...this is an obvious legal loophole to allow trafficking and slavery. there’s a market for disguised shock collars. why is everybody pretending our kingdom doesn’t do shit like this all the time. we’re all still just going to use our training to protect this system, huh. hey, big guy, why can’t you look at us all of a sudden? Cinder was just a kid, you’re a Huntsman, are you really saying there’s nothing else you could have done?
- when they graduate and Winter and Harriet go into the military, Cinder follows May down to Mantle
she’s still hesitant at first, knowing that this is absolutely not what Rhodes got her into the Academy to do and balking at the idea of letting him down
fortunately, she only needs a bit of encouragement from her teammate:
May: Cinder you fucking moron this kingdom kept you as a literal slave for seven years, you don’t owe it a thing, now are you going to actually help people or just keep letting them suffer?
Cinder: ...yeah you’re right let’s go
before they leave, Cinder may or may not stealthily stop by the Glass Unicorn, discover that Madame replaced her almost immediately after she came of age and left, and rescue the new kid, but that’s a whole other plotline 
they meet up with Robyn, Joanna, and Fiona, and join the Happy Huntresses together
it does not take long for Cinder to let go of any remaining hang-ups and take joy in Causing Problems On Purpose for Atlas, and to fully embrace the idea of being a Huntress as a responsibility to help people in need instead of just a get out of jail free card
Rhodes when he finds out his kid jumped ship to join a girl gang: ...oh fuck my life, she’s still going around with my last name
135 notes · View notes
harry-writings · 4 years
Arrogant Son of a Bitch
- The one where Harry and Y/n are separated, but Harry gets jealous when he sees Y/n getting ready for a date with another man 
It was the last thing Harry wanted to see, really — Y/n in a tight red dress, hooking gold earrings into her ears while she rubs her lips together,  spreading the crimson lipstick upon the surface, legs ending at her black stilettos.
But that’s exactly what Harry sees when he walks into her apartment to pick up their six-month old son, and he’s never had so much of an urge to gouge his eyes out from their sockets and leave them lifeless upon the ground.
There’s someone else. Y/n’s dolling herself up, wearing her Sunday best, letting her hair down in loose curls even though she hates curling her fucking hair, for somebody else — for somebody that’s not him, for somebody that’s not her husband.
“Hey, Harry! Thank you so much for coming early. I don’t want to be late!”
She still has yet to look at him — still scrambling around her living room, gathering everything she needs — and Harry doesn’t even know if he wants her to. One glance from her when she looks like this... and he’ll be a goner, he knows it, and he can’t afford to get all jealous and possessive in front of the very woman he broke things off with not just one year ago.
It was his idea to file for divorce, at the end of it all. Y/n had tried everything she could to mend the marriage that was in constant shambles, but Harry was always too stubborn and too prideful to admit to all the things he’d done wrong. And he did everything wrong.
He didn’t treat Y/n with the kind of love he had once given her — with the kind of love she always deserved. He treated Y/n like an obligation rather than a choice, a burden rather than a need, yet she always kept her promises and lived by her vows because it wasn’t just a casual relationship that could be thrown away and forgotten about, it was marriage.
She signed them up for marriage counseling, but Harry failed to show up to half the meetings. And when he did, he’d just sit there with a scowl on his face saying that talking about their feelings wouldn’t help any because there were no feelings. She tried working around his schedule to go on getaway vacations together to respire their connection, but he always spent the portion of time he could have spent with her working on more of his music.
And when she got pregnant with his baby, Y/n was desperate and silently hoped that the little bundle of joy growing inside of her would help fix all that had been broken between them. But it was no avail. If anything, it only made them grow further apart. Perhaps it was because he felt more bound to her when he didn’t want to be with her at all.
He told her he wanted the divorce half-way through the six month mark of her pregnancy. She was big, she was struggling, and she was absolutely exhausted, yet Harry couldn’t find it in his heart to push it aside any longer. He needed to let her go.
But as Harry stands here, watching Y/n looking as gorgeous as ever for another man that isn’t even hers, makes him want to take back everything he had ever done.
And it’s not that he didn’t before — he’s wanted to take it back from the second he walked into their home with divorce papers in his hands, his pregnant wife sobbing on the kitchen counter, asking why it had to be this way — it just feels like a fresh wound on his already scarred and fragile heart, and he genuinely feels as if a part of him has died.
“You’re going on a date.” Harry says knowingly, his frown deepening in the corners of his lips. And he knows he has no right to feel the way he does — so upset and hurt, like his heart had been ripped in two — but he can’t help himself from falling apart.
At the end of the day, she’s still his wife. Sure, the divorce papers had been filed, but there was still so much that had to be done for their last final steps. But of course, just like everything else that involved Y/n, Harry didn’t make the time for it.
Y/n shrugs, her thumbs twiddling together with her head down, eyes casted at the ground beneath his feet.
It’s been a year since Harry brought the divorce papers home, and Y/n’s barely looked at him since. Sometimes he’s thankful she doesn’t, but sometimes, in times like these, he wishes she would… even if it’ll hurt.
“Yeah, I guess. Just some guy I met the other night at the grocery store. Couldn’t reach one of the cereals for Topher and saw me struggling. Guess he thought I was pretty or something and told me he wanted to take me out.”
“I didn’t ask.”
She knows she should have stopped herself from talking sooner, but being around Harry makes her head spin and her body disassociate from herself. She doesn’t ever know what to do, or what to say, whenever he’s around.
There’s a part of her that tries so desperately to act as if everything is normal — like nothing had ever happened — mainly for Topher’s sake. But the other part of her knows that that’s such an impossible thing to do no matter how hard she tries.
Y/n purses her lips, dropping her hands at her sides in defeat. “Right.”
And it’s not that Harry wants to talk to her this way — like he doesn’t care about her, like he can barely stand the sight of her anymore; it’s the farthest from the truth, really, he’s just utter shit at saying how he feels or what he’s thinking. He’ll lie, and lie, and lie — chew on the truth and spit it out if it means he doesn’t have to apologize.
And right now, that’s all he wants to do. He wants to break down and drown in his tears, hold her to him and tell her how sorry he is for everything he’s put her through. But he has this unexplainable, unsettling wall built around him that he can’t knock down no matter how hard he swings at it.
He curses his career for it, really. He wishes he could be one of the celebrities that says fame hasn’t gotten to his head, but it has. In the most selfish, most arrogant of ways, fame has made him so prideful that he never puts himself to blame for anything that happens in his life.
His mother was the first one to tell him, and still never fails to remind him now that the divorce has been put in place.
You never fight for anything in your life. She’d always say. You think you’re too good for your mistakes. Put your wife through hell, making your kid go through hell, all because you swallow the two words that could fix everything you’ve ever broken. 
But he wants to fight for Y/n. Oh, how badly does he want to, but at this point, it’s just too late. All the damage had already been done, and no woman could ever forgive a man that left her during the nine months she needed the man she loves the most.
“Didn’t mean it like that, just —“ he croaks brokenly, gulping down the cries he doesn’t deserve to weep. “Does he know you’re married?”
The question makes her feel guilty — really guilty, the kind of guilty that makes her stomach swim with bile because nothing she does is ever going to feel right, for either of them. And she knows going on a date when the divorce hasn’t been set in stone is just making everything so much harder.
But what is she to do? Wait around for Harry to finally take the time out of his music to go to the courtroom so she could finally move on? She can’t keep being legally bound to a man that no longer loves her, she can’t keep doing this dance by herself because she’ll never have the heart to find somebody else.
And she just needs somebody else.
Because she’s still so deeply in love with Harry, it hurts. Everyday feels like the world is grabbing her at her feet, sucking her into its core until she’s floating in the midst of everybody’s life except her own. She’s living day by day stuck between the confines of marriage and separation and the worst part is, she feels not only separated from Harry, but also from herself.
It was so good. Everything about them was just so good… and Y/n doesn’t know what she had done wrong to make Harry fall out of love with her.  But somewhere between their picture-perfect relationship hid an unbearable amount of blame being put onto Y/n for things that weren’t her fault, or her responsibility, or her obligations.
The stupidest, littlest of things would set Harry off — leading to heart-wrenching periods of silence, an uncomfortable amount of tension, and constant reminders that her love wasn’t enough to make him happy.
And she just can’t keep living with that anymore. She can’t stand the fact that she has to keep thinking of him because he’s still here, all the time, swimming in the same gray area she’s been drowning in.
“That’s not fair.” Y/n frowns, her eyes briefly looking up to get a glimpse of his face, which is red and as broken as ever, and she curses her wandering eyes.
“I don’t go out with other women because you’re still my wife.” Harry nearly sobs the last word, still finding it hard to speak after everything they had been through. Because really, is she his wife, or just the ghost of her? “I still love you just as much. I’d be cheating on you if I even thought of it.”
And it’s true. Harry hasn’t looked at or even thought of another woman since the moment his heart found hers. She’s the first one he sees — in a room full of people, in his daydreams, in his music — she’s the only one he sees, in everything. He couldn’t even imagine it.
Y/n flutters her eyes closed to keep her composure, wishing now more than ever to be sucked up into the earth’s core again because she doesn’t want to be here anymore — in a room so close to him, feeling his every breath, hearing his every word echo in her head.
“Harry… I’m not your wife anymore. We’re separated. You’ve made it more than clear to me that you don’t love or want me anymore. I can’t keep living my life on your time.”
Y/n’s looking up at him as if begging him to understand, but he doesn’t. He may have fucked up one too many times down the line, but at the end of the day, he’s never once told Y/n he didn’t love her anymore. And he couldn’t even dream of telling Y/n he didn’t want her anymore, he’d throw up if he so much as tried.
There isn’t a universe Harry wouldn’t want Y/n in. She’s all he’s ever wanted.
“When have I ever said that?”
He asks it like her words sucked all that was left out of him and she almost wants to take it back, but she won’t.
“You didn’t have to.”
His eyes drop to the floor and a new wave of tears begin to rise at the surface, pushing at his throat.
He has nothing to say for himself.
Y/n sighs, her eyes wandering around the room as she waits for Harry to break this deafening silence, but he doesn’t. So, she lifts her purse higher upon her shoulder before coughing awkwardly to the open air.
“Topher is in the car seat all ready to go. His binkie should be in there, too. I would love to stay and chat but I really need to get —”
“Please, don’t go.” Harry interrupts, his voice cracking as he closes his eyes, loose tears falling down his cheeks and hitting the hardwood floor below them, hand inching closer to hers. “Stay here with me.”
She’s frozen still, the feeling of her hand being this close to his knocking the breath straight out of her lungs and nearly sending her to her knees. Because how badly does she want to — how badly does Y/n want to break the laws of reality just to be with her Harry again, even for a second, but she can’t keep letting herself believe they will ever come back from this. She can’t keep going back to Harry.
She has to stop choosing Harry.
“I can’t, Harry.” She breathes out, not having the heart or the strength to look up into the very eyes that never fail to make her fall in love. “I can’t stay with you any longer. I have to go.”
And before Harry could reach for her any farther, she was already gone.
Y/n was practically dead to the world — all her apartment lights shut off, all doors and windows locked, phone turned off and buried somewhere beneath all the covers she’s been hibernating in — before she heard someone practically beating down her front door.
She rolls over to her nightstand, groaning as her eyes blink to adjust to the blue light reading 1:04AM vibrantly in the dark. She sits herself up on her elbow, huffing out a breath as her hands reach up to rub the dryness out of her eyes.
She looks around her room as her brain scrambles to process reality, but it isn’t until another series of knocks jolt her up from where she sits, nearly losing balance in the process.
“Why? Why can’t I have nice things?” Y/n whispers to herself as she makes her way out of her bedroom to her front door, way too far out of her mind to bother checking her peephole before unlocking the knob and swinging it open.
“Mitch!” Y/n shrieks, her arms held out stiffly in front of her as Harry’s body is thrown into them — not so sure if holding him up is the appropriate thing to do considering they haven’t even touched each other once since the separation. “What the fuck!”
“You don’t answer your fucking phone!” Mitch fumes, his eyes bewildered and unsteady as his body is so visibly angry he doesn’t even know what to do with himself — pinching his lips between his fingers, practically walking in circles, trying his hardest to breathe through the pit of fire burning in his chest. “Needed to get him the fuck away from me!”
Mitch knows it’s not Y/n’s fault that she wasn’t answering his calls — it is well over midnight, after all — but he has been so pushed over the edge that he doesn’t have time to think about anything else other than being as far away from Harry as humanly possible.
Y/n’s struck with confusion because in all the four years she had been with Harry, he never had any problems with Mitch. Sure, they’d bump heads about which notes sound better in certain songs, or bicker a bit after long hours at the studio, but never anything like this.
“Been pissing me off all night about your stupid date! Proper fucking idiot, he is. Files a divorce with you, for what? To get jealous at every man that makes eyes at you? Arrogant son of a bitch, had half the mind to knock him in before I decided to bring him here.”
“Shut up, Mitch!” Harry growls groggily against the skin of Y/n’s shoulder.
Mitch turns his body to face Harry’s back, one hand on his hip while the other rubs along the roots of his beard, his face scrunching with what Y/n can only consider to be a look of complete malice.
He knows he shouldn’t be throwing Harry under the bus about their private conversations, especially ones that consist of Y/n, but there’s only so much he could put up with.
It’s sickening, really — having to constantly be there for Harry when everything that’s gotten him to this point has been his own fault. Harry doesn’t deserve comforting, but Mitch has been alongside him for far too long to not care about his feelings and emotions… no matter how wrong they are.
And what’s even more sickening is seeing how badly he’s hurting his own self by avoiding the divorce entirely instead of taking responsibility for his actions. Mitch could go on and on about all the ways to make things right again, yet still in some way, somehow, it always seems to go right past Harry’s head.
Because trying to sway Harry’s mind or his decisions is practically like pulling teeth — he’ll always find a way to go against what everybody else says and it drives Mitch up the wall. He’s sick and tired of wasting his breath all because Harry’s too stubborn to take anybody else’s path but his own.
“You couldn’t just bring him home? Where the hell is Topher?”
Y/n is struggling to keep Harry up because she’s not even sure if she’s doing it right. He’s got his entire body pressed up against hers, all of his weight being held by her still half-asleep arms and he shouldn’t even be here.
“No, I couldn’t bring him home because the first three times I tried, he wouldn’t get out of my damn car.” Mitch growls through clenched teeth, the side of his fist taking one last swing at Y/n’s open door.
He takes a couple deep breaths, his elbow leaning against the doorframe and he squeezes his eyes shut to regain his composure. “Topher’s with Sarah for the night. Now, for the love of fuck, make Harry grow a pair of balls so he can finally talk to you and not me, please.”
His eyes are pleading with Y/n’s silently, and she nods her head at him in response. She can’t leave Harry like this if she wanted to, anyways.
She sighs, holding Harry against her chest now to get a proper grip on him, and she can feel him press a small kiss against the crook of her neck.
“Have a good night, Mitch. Take care of yourself.”
She smiles softly at him, and for a moment in time, she feels like everything might be okay.
Maybe she only feels this way because this is the first time she’s touched Harry in a year now and it gives her the sense of clarity she’s been missing for so long. Or, maybe she feels this way because Mitch was always the one who was rooting for them despite everything they’ve been through, and knowing he still cares enough about the both of them to bring Harry to her apartment to talk gives her the smallest bit of hope she’s been needing.
“You too, Y/n.”
Mitch gives her one last reassuring look before he shuts the door, leaving Y/n and Harry alone in the confines of her apartment with absolutely nowhere else to go.
She guides him to her couch, which was a bit more difficult than she expected considering Harry is nearly twice her height and much stronger than he realizes. It takes almost all the energy out of her to get him to take a few steps of his own until he’s finally sitting upon the cushions.
“Your date.” Harry mumbles against her shoulder while she lays him down upon the couch, his glossy eyes looking up at her with genuine hurt and concern when his head lays upon the pillow. “Did he treat you nice?”
Y/n smiles softly to herself, reaching for the blanket sprawled atop of the couch — the very blanket Harry gifted her for the first Christmas they spent together. It’s been her favorite ever since.
“I didn’t go.”
“You didn’t go?”
Harry can’t deny that he feels happy about it — happy that she didn’t spend the night with somebody else, happy that she couldn’t find it in her heart to move on from him quite yet. But another part of him — a bigger part of him — suddenly feels guilty, and empty, and like his insides have all been set on fire until they all melted to nothing.
She’s been alone all night. She’s been alone every night. And sure, she had Topher to keep her company throughout the week… but she’s lonely and she’s sad. He can see it in everything she does. And tonight was her one night to be herself again, and somehow, Harry managed to find a way to take it all away from her, just like he’s done with everything else.
She was going to go if he hadn’t guilt-tripped her and begged her not to leave. And she looked so pretty, so fucking breathtaking, for nobody to see it. And that alone is enough to make the last bit of his heart completely shatter until his chest becomes a voided pit.
Y/n nods her head, emotionless, as she pulls the blanket up to his chin. “You were right, we’re still married. It wasn’t fair of me.”
She knows it would have been fair either way, but after seeing how upset Harry looked upon the realization that she was going out with somebody else, she couldn’t stomach the thought of spending the rest of the night trying to make another man happy — one, she’s sure, wouldn’t have even made her happy.
She still didn’t choose Harry, but she didn’t choose anybody else, either, and to know that puts her head at rest. At least for a little while.
“With that being said,” Y/n coughs a bit, blinking away the tears that were mere seconds from falling, “You really need to pick a court date, Harry.”
He knows he does. He’s been draining himself out trying to think of the best time to get it all done — it has taken him twelve months, after all. But the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes he doesn’t want to be done — not with their marriage, not with her.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever want for it to all be done. And so whenever he plans to meet with his lawyer, he can only get as far as parking his car in the lot because he never has the strength to actually walk inside.
Because he knows once he does, there’s no going back, and he can’t imagine himself not going back to her.
So, he’ll cry. He’ll scream, he’ll punch at his steering wheel, he’ll hit his head against the headrest over, and over, and over again until he’s so worn out he can hardly breathe. Because he can’t do it. He doesn’t want to do it.
There have been five appointments he couldn’t bring himself to go to, and she has no idea.
“I can’t.” Harry whispers with bloodshot eyes and shaking hands — refusing to look at her because he doesn’t know what will happen if he does. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to leave you?”
Y/n’s breath hitches in her throat because of all the things she expected him to say, that surely wasn’t one of them.
Deep down, she knows he’s hurting, but she never expected it to be so hard on him. Besides, he made it seem so easy — to leave her, like she meant nothing to him after the four years they had been together. And she couldn’t count the amount of times Harry had reminded her that he didn’t have feelings for her anymore.
So that’s what she always believed — that he didn’t love her, that he didn’t want her, that he didn’t need her. But hearing Harry cry out those very words, do you have any idea how hard it is to leave you?, makes her question everything she had ever known.
Because he did leave her — has left her on her own for a year now and has never given her a reason to believe he wanted it any other way until this very moment; Harry laying drunk on her living room couch, crying over the thought of her with another man. He has barely looked at her, has barely even touched her, until now — until it’s been far too late.
“You’ve already left me.” Y/n whispers, the tears she once blinked back now falling freely and silently down her cheeks.
There’s a crack in her voice that Harry can feel down his spine, shaking him to his core and leaving him frozen still. He’s never heard her sound so hurt and broken before and he feels his chest hallowing from the inside out; he is the only one to blame.
If he could just tell her everything he hasn’t — if he could just prove to her that not a single fiber in his body has let her go — no matter the consequences, he would in a heartbeat.
But Harry really hasn’t fought for anything in his life, he wouldn’t even know where to begin — he wouldn’t even know what to say, or what to do, to pick up all these pieces. And the worst part is that he wants to, so badly, but he worries that it won’t be enough — that he won’t be enough — and he won’t be able to handle it. His entire world would collapse.
He blindly reaches for her hand because she’s the only one that can ground him and he feels like he’s falling into a never-ending abyss with no safety-net. Truthfully, he’s been feeling that way for an entire year, until now, with her hand in his.
“Not even a little bit.” He breathes out from quivering lips, eyes unblinking, staring helplessly at their intertwined fingers.
Y/n sobs behind her pursed lips, squeezing her eyes closed as she stomps her foot down upon the floor because this can’t be happening. He can’t be doing this, not now — not when she’s this far into grieving his loss, not when she was finally taking her first step away from him. He can’t.
“Harry —”
“Before you say anything please, please just listen to me.”
Both of his hands are now cradling hers in his palms, slightly tugging at her arm because he is wholeheartedly desperate to say everything she needs to hear.
If he doesn’t get it all out now, he may never have her again. And if he has to spend the rest of his goddamn life being so lonely that he begins to loathe the world for moving on when his own stopped turning, he’d rather do it knowing he at least tried.
And if there’s one person he’d try anything for — do anything for — it would be his wife.
“When I filed the divorce it — it wasn’t because of you, okay? I didn’t — fuck — I thought it was my only choice. And it wasn’t because I didn’t love you the same, or because I wanted to be with somebody else, it was because I wasn’t what you deserved.”
Y/n’s staring down at him with furrowed eyebrows and open lips, everything around her moving so quickly she can hardly keep up.
These are answers she’s been begging for for nearly two years now, yet somehow, nothing could have prepared herself for them. She’s gotten so used to wondering — so used to questioning how the universe will take control of their destiny that now, having all the answers seems to defy all forms of faith.
It’ll all be in her hands now. What they’ll be in a year from now, where they’ll be a year from now, or who they’ll be with a year from now is all up to her. Because at the end of it all, Harry wouldn’t be pulling her closer, sobbing into her hand, breaking down all his walls and boundaries if he didn’t want her to break off the divorce.
“I would be away from you for months on end, so goddamn far away that god forbid something were to happen to you, I couldn’t be the first one by your side. I couldn’t be the first one to make you smile each morning, or be the first one to keep you together whenever the world was breaking you down.
“I wasn’t your first, for anything. I couldn’t be. And it was tearing me apart, knowing you were all alone every day and every night. But then I’d come home and it would feel — it would feel so good, like time hadn’t passed between us… but it did, so, so fast, and in a blink of an eye, I’d have to leave you again.”
His mind thinks back to all the times he’s had Y/n crying on his shoulder the nights before he had to leave the country, clinging onto him and begging him to stay with her just a little while longer.
They were so in love with each other that they hardly wanted to spend any time away from one another because they had a connection that was so raw and so real, they couldn’t find it in anything or anybody else. So each time he had to wake up at the crack of dawn to travel the world, Y/n pouting on the bed watching him pack his life together, would break him in two every single time.
The world meant nothing without her.
“The hole that kept swallowing me up every time I had to walk out on you became too much. But I couldn’t tell you that. I couldn’t tell you that because — because I wanted to hold it together so badly for you. I needed to keep it together because I knew if I couldn’t, you wouldn’t be able to, either. It was already so hard on you and I knew that and I kept leaving. And if I had told you that I spent every single night away from you crying my fucking eyes out, you’d sacrifice everything else you had to come be with me… and I couldn’t do that to you.
“And the more I kept bottling it up, the more I took it out on you. I didn’t want to — didn’t even mean to — but I did, in ways that I couldn’t justify to you because I couldn’t even justify them to myself. Then there was a part of me — the worst and most selfish part of me — that couldn’t apologize for it because the world had somehow convinced me that I didn’t need to.”
By now, Y/n’s knees are pressed against the front of the couch as Harry hooks one of his arms around her legs, his forehead making a home at the front of her hip.
“I’d just get more upset with myself, more angry, more ashamed. It was this constant cycle — feeling like I wasn’t enough for you, then blaming you for all my mistakes, pushing you away even farther. Then you got pregnant.”
They both let out a sob.
“And all I could think about was… if I couldn’t be there for my wife, how could I be there for my son? How could I show him the world and give him everything he ever wished for if I couldn’t even do that for you — for the one person I would choose over anything?”
His chin rests where his forehead once did, his red and puffy eyes trying their best to stay open enough to take a good look at her.
“I loved you beyond words. I looked at you and I saw my entire life in front of me. You continuously blew me away, every single day. Being away from you was — it was dangerous. You weren’t beside me and I was just this empty pit wallowing in hotel rooms that I didn’t even want to be in. I couldn’t get enough of you no matter how much I tried. You consumed me whole, and yet I still found a way to convince you that you were the one who wasn’t enough for me.”
He lets out a laugh through his cries, trying to wrap his head around the fact that he’s capable of destroying such beautiful things — things that were eternal, things that were once unbreakable.
And here he is, praying that he can also be the man that fixes them.
“Then I thought… if she found someone else that could give her everything she deserved, maybe he could be a better father to our son, too. And I was so scared and so angry and so sad I just — I did what I thought would make you happier instead of being a fucking man and owning up to it. But I didn’t, and now look at what’s in my hands. You’re all alone because of me. You’re crying because of me. Topher has to go back and forth between his parents because of me. I’m skipping meetings with my lawyer because I decided to file for a fucking divorce I didn’t even want. I broke our family apart, I broke us apart, I tore you from the inside out and didn’t even tell you that I was sorry.”
His eyes are closed, mouth open as it chokes out sounds of sorrow and pain, sounds of collapsing lungs and a torn chest.
“And I am so fucking sorry, baby.”
He speaks between sobs, his words broken and cracked but Y/n hears them loud and clear. He’s got her hand cradled against his soaking cheek, her palm pressed against the corner of his mouth that Harry keeps kissing.
He can’t fucking breathe and he really thinks this is it — that these are his last moments on earth and the next time he blinks, he’ll never open his eyes again.
Would he even want to, if Y/n isn’t the first thing he sees?
“I’m so sorry that I wasn’t the husband you needed me to be. I’m sorry that I let you down. I’m sorry I let our son down. I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you. I’m sorry that you’ve been waiting on me and held yourself back because of me. I’m sorry that I made you feel like you weren’t loved.”
He keeps kissing at her hand, rubbing at the back of her legs, holding onto her like he’d collapse if he dared let her go. He knows he’s going to have to eventually, but he can’t think about that right now.
He needs this — to feel her, to smell her, to soak her all in before their new forever begins, spent apart and living lives so far away from one another that they couldn’t cross paths even if they wanted to.
This is his goodbye. He knows it. She’s not going to forgive him no matter how much he begs for her to understand — how could she? He can’t blame her. He hasn’t even forgiven himself and doesn’t expect anything more from her now, other than to listen to him one last time.
“I love you so much and there will never be a universe where I don’t, or won’t. I think about you… everyday, every second. To this day, I wake up reaching for you at least three times a night, wondering why you aren’t with me. Every time I come to pick Topher up I spend an hour in front of my bathroom mirror telling myself that I have to hold myself back from you. And then when I see you, I have to keep myself together and hold myself in place because you just get more and more beautiful with every day that passes and — and it breaks my heart all over again.”
Y/n reaches her hand down to his hair, gently brushing her fingers back against his scalp because he needs her — she knows he needs her and she can’t choose to be selfish now.
Right now, he doesn’t need her to be anything but his wife, and this may be the last time she’ll ever be his.
They keep each other embraced for a while, silently, unmoving and bracing themselves for the fall they’re each going to have to take.
These are their dying moments — their final moments before the casket gets shut and thrown six feet below them — and it won’t be long before the dirt from the ground gets piled up again, over their bodies, leaving them to decay in the life they once believed belonged to them.
They know it’s to come, because this is the first time that they have been so close to each other, yet feel so lonely all at once. And it’s not supposed to be this way.
“I can’t pick a date, Y/n,” Harry breaks the silence with a whisper, almost losing his voice along the way because what he’s about to say is enough to kill him, “but if you give me one I’ll — I’ll do it, okay?”
He holds her hand even tighter than before.
“If that’s what will make you happy, I’ll do it.”
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kirain · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel and VivziePop Drama
I've been hearing/seeing a lot of drama concerning Hazbin Hotel and it's creator VivziePop, and while I don't know her personally or really care what people think, I do hate slander and the spread of misinformation. Truly nothing in this world upsets me more than when people believe rumours while making no effort to fact check, and that's exactly what's happening right now. That said, I wanted to try and clear up some of the rumours going around about Vivzie and the show, because I think some of them are absolutely outrageous and need to be addressed.
1. Vivzie hired an abuser onto the show.
Now, I’m not here to burn anyone at the stake, especially since I don’t know anything about Chris Niosi (the alleged abuser), who I believe openly admitted to the allegations? Regardless, this is a moot point. He’s not credited anywhere at the end of the episode. So either he was booted before production wrapped up or he had nothing to do with the show in the first place.
2. Vivzie supports bestiality.
Admittedly I thought this one might be true, since she draws so many anthropomorphic animals. In the very least, I figured she was probably a furry, but I haven't seen any evidence supporting this accusation either. Near as I can tell, this rumour started for two reasons. One, because of her famous Zoophobia comic, which revolves around a therapist named Cameron who gets assigned to work with human-like animals. Ironically, poor Cameron suffers from crippling zoophobia, which makes for some pretty decent comedy. I didn't read the whole comic because, quite frankly, it’s not my cup of tea and I just don’t have the time. But from what I saw there are no examples of bestiality anywhere in its contents.
Two, this message, which blew up all over social media:
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To me, this just proves that people are more interested in virtue signalling than checking to see if their claims are actually true. Everything about this message is 100% false, which I’ll touch on in my next point.
3. Vivzie is a pedophile and she’s drawn child porn.
This is hands down the worst allegation and holy shit, I really wish people would stop using it to defame someone when they don't have any proof. This is a life-ruining accusation and you're disgusting if you believe it based solely on hearsay. This rumour began to spread when Vivzie allegedly shipped the two underage characters in the above photo and drew them NSFW-style. At the time, one character was 19 while the other was 14, and the relationship was a very illegal student-teacher relationship.
This is WRONG! The characters were not 14 and 19, they were actually 18 and 19, the legal age of consent! Additionally, the relationship wasn't student-teacher. One character is a student and the other is Alumni (a student teacher). This one pisses me off the most because it’s obvious the person who sent that message didn’t even bother to conduct any research. They said, “He’s a teacher, she’s a child.” Both characters are MALE!
Since then, Vivzie has apologised for any NSFW art she drew in the past and stated that it's not a reflection of her art today, and I'm inclined to believe her. Almost every artist has drawn NSFW content at some point in their career, and hers wasn't even distasteful. Other than this one example, there is no evidence anywhere that suggests she’s drawn “child porn”. In fact, she’s never even drawn explicit NSFW.
Please stop spreading this rumour. It’s dangerous and completely incorrect.
4. Vivzie said the "N" word!
No, she didn’t. It was a fabricated tweet. That is all.
5. Vivzie is copyright striking every video that criticises her!
No she isn't. YouTube’s DMCA is automatically striking people who are using full clips without permission. Vivzie has gone public several times, telling people exactly how to avoid getting a copy strike from the algorithm, which is something she absolutely does not have to do. At this point, she doesn't owe you anything. In my opinion, she should just sit back and watch these channels burn.
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6. Vivzie copies and traces other artists’ work.
This is another one I’ve seen going around, but I looked into it as thoroughly as I could and failed to find any concrete evidence to support the allegations. As of right now, there are only two examples of Vivzie “copying” or “tracing” other artists’ work, and both of them can be explained. The first is a gif she made with a character from her Zoophobia comic, which looked a lot like the girl from ME!ME!ME!:
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Damn, that’s pretty incriminating. She obviously stole-- oh, wait. This gif was part of a ME!ME!ME! MEP (multi editor’s project) and Vivzie didn’t take full credit, despite the fact that it’s not even a direct trace. It’s supposed to look like the original, which she fully cited. The second example comes from a short dance sequence from her Timber video, which seems to have been inspired by several Disney movies. As Vivzie herself stated, that was an homage to the original animations. Lots of artists and shows do this, including the beloved Stephen Universe series.
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Regardless, this doesn’t count as stealing character designs or plagiarising someone’s work. It’s meant to be respectful, an admiration of other projects. Other than these two instances, however, there is no evidence of her tracing or stealing other people’s art. From what I’ve discovered, all other designs she’s been accused of “stealing” are characters she bought and paid for. They’re quite literally HER characters.
7. Vivzie supports problematic creators.
I’m getting really tired of guilt by association. Vivzie follows and enjoys some controversial figures, but who cares? We can argue all day about whether or not the accusations against them are true, but it ultimately has nothing to do with the show or Vivzie as a person. I do the exact same thing, to be honest-- follow and listen to people on all sides so I can learn, understand, and form my own opinions. The fact that some people think this is bad, to me, is absolutely mesmerising. Vivzie doesn’t control what the people she follows post, and if they do something overly questionable she publicly criticises and denounces it.
From Vivzie:
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Now that that’s been dealt with, I’d like to address some complaints/claims about the actual show.
8. Vaggie is an angry Latina stereotype and a lesbian stereotype. Vivzie is appropriating Hispanic culture and misrepresenting the gay for profit.
First off, I see a lot of people passing around yet more misinformation regarding Vivzie's race. So many people seem to think she's white? Well, I'm here to tell you they're wrong. Very incorrect. Vivzie is in fact Latina, and Vaggie is meant to mirror some of her own personality traits.
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Second, who is Vaggie mad at? Context matters, and if we take a look at the episode, we see that Vaggie is literally only mad at two specific people: Angel Dust and Alastor. Why? Well, for starters, it's her girlfriend's dream to run a rehab hotel for sinners, and Angel Dust nearly demolishes that dream single-handedly. Vaggie has every right to be over-the-top vitriolic. Then there's Alastor, a known sadist, narcissist, and murderer who loves trapping people in his nefarious schemes. He invites himself in, effectively takes over the hotel, and pushes both her and Charlie aside. At one point he even sexually assaults her by slapping her butt during his musical number. So yeah, I think her seething ire is totally justified. Keep in mind, however, that when she's around Charlie she's calm, collected, and happy. I wouldn't call that a stereotype.
Thirdly, the lesbian stereotypes. I keep hearing this argument but I really don't see it. Both Vaggie and Charlie have so much personality and trust for each other. Maybe I'm wrong, but the stereotype I know always totes a more butch, tomboyish woman with a ditsy, innocent, naive woman. Charlie is optimistic, but she isn't stupid. She refuses to shake Alastor’s hand because she knows he’s likely trying to screw her over. She’s also not entirely innocent herself and uses words like “fuck” and “shit”. I also wouldn’t call Vaggie butch or tomboyish. She has a cute, girly presentation, complete with a pink ribbon in her hair, lace stockings, and a dress. She's protective of her girlfriend, as I think we all are with our partners, and there's nothing wrong with that. They're flawed characters, as every character is meant to be. This isn't a problem.
9. The show is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, blah, blah, blah.
I’m amazed this is even an argument. The show is supposed to be a dark comedy that takes place in HELL. You know, the place the worst of the worst end up after they die? What were you expecting? Everyone gets a shot or two fired at them, but that doesn't make them bad characters nor does it make the show itself horrible. Take, for example, Katie Killjoy, the news reporter so many people are up in arms about. She says she doesn’t “touch the gays” because she has “standards”. Well, here’s a newsflash of my own: we’re not supposed to like her! She’s an antagonist. Not to mention ten seconds later Charlie insults her and isn’t the least bit slighted by her pretentious attitude. The characters are strong and don’t take shit from anyone, because to some degree they’re all terrible people who can throw down when it’s called for.
Obviously if you don’t like the show or think it’s offensive, I’m probably not going to change your mind. That’s perfectly fine. You’re entitled to your opinions and you don’t have to watch the show. Just stop lying and stop trying to take it away from everybody else. Stop attacking Vivzie and spreading misinformation without checking the facts. I realise a lot of people probably aren’t trying to be vindictive and only want to do something good, but just remember this: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
Gotta admit, I'm a bit anti Jarpad. Just because he comes off as entitled. BUT given how he and his wife have their hands in the fans pockets EVERY SINGLE DAY, I'd have thought he was far more minted going forward than Jensen. Neither have anything to worry about.
Corollary of that is Jarpad seems to know how to spend, his wife dresses in 10 grand of clothes daily and he wears 200k of watch on his wrist. Investment watches are usually kept pristine, not worn daily. His wife wears a 1.5m engagement ring. They frequently put pictures of the house on her blog and it's stuffed full of expensive crap. I'd feel claustrophobic living there, seriously.
Please correct my points, cos I'm really interested!
1. Lol-jackles (who is a bit of an arsehole IMHO) said JP would be getting the same for Walker as for SPN and extra (cut of profits as exec), so that's around $200,000 dollars per episode. The ensemble cast of Walker looks really expensive so that surprised me. Do you think that's true?
2. He shoves his overpriced vitamins #Mantrafamily down his fans throat and they are EXPENSIVE. He's an investor, though he's changed his story on his position several times. How much do you get from them?
3. He apparently owns a lot of property, including student housing in Austin.
4. He is owner or part owner of San Jac and Stereophonic in Austin.
5. His wife shills products daily on her blog
FYI, I HATE the "family" tag. The family is the fans not the stars. My test, I know my family's phone number and they wouldn't get an injunction if I went to anyone of their houses. Apply that test to J2?
Fans are PRODUCT to actors and definitely to Jarpad "I care so much I want you to feel better so buy my yellow vitamin wee"
I mean I never said Jared would end up homeless in a box. You can be blackballed and have money in the bank, these two statements have nothing to do with each other.
I haven't checked the Walker payrole. That statement could be true, but I'd say to take it with a grain of salt until you see a receipt about his paygrade. For example, on SPN last I knew he was making about 125K per episode (Jensen was 175K, Misha was just over 100K).
Jensen's value was higher due to a mix of... well, quality, quality of his representation, and the fact he had a few other skills in his pocket on access like directing.
Jared being a producer on Walker likely is worth a paygrade boost, and he headlines the show, truly. It's a matter of how his agent negotiated his worth.
On the other hand, it would be INCREDIBLY stupid for CBS/CW to accept a pitch that high on Jared on a show that hadn't been tested for its success. If Walker was still running its 0.3X in appropriate follow-up to SPN on the same TV season, sure. I guess. But with its fairly stable 0.15 for the last bazillion episodes that is rounding it up or down to 0.1 or 0.2 depending on its thousandths, that is baaaad. The first season should have been more conservative on its paygrades, but CW isn't known for the wisest business decisions and may have highly overestimated its potential appeal, in which case--LOL.
There is some wiggle room on potential budget because at a base, Walker is not a very expensive show to shoot, as it can just drop a camera in real world locations and roll from there. Very little CGI and the like. Again, I'd have to review what the show budget is to see what's going on.
Now to clear up some other things:
Jared does not actually own Stereotype. His friend owns Stereotype. He supported them early on with a small investment but his respective share is not enough to be a decision maker or an "owner" any more than anybody else that owns some stock in a company does. San Jac he is one of the owners of. One of. He holds far larger investment in it with several friends, so he is one of a few co-owners.
Things Jared owns:
Several empty lots
His fancy ass house everybody knows about worth about 5 million (Gen's been given power of attorney)
The "student housing" is:
a 4 bed, 2.5 bath home also for families, that can be arranged like a multifamily unit if needed. If you saw it from the street, you'd go "awww, that's a cute house." (some dude nobody knows has power of attorney--he owns a building company, not gonna be more specific)
a 3 bed, 2 bath home (power of attorney guy has this too)
A funky little duplex with 4 bedrooms per unit, best I can tell. (power of attorney guy has this too)
A singlefamily 3 bed home (different power of attorney guy)
One random suite in a business building with like 200 suites granted to him by a family member
The three with matching "power of attorney" is basically the three rentable ones so Jared himself doesn't have to be your landlord. In total there's 15 bedrooms between three properties (one truly multifamily, one arrangeable-as). These properties aren't located anywhere near each other. There's another 3 bedroom home in there that may be rentable. And some office space that got passed to him and basic cross searching in the past brought up a billion bankruptcy filings so I'm pretty sure it was "quick, Jared, take this".
jared doesn't own some giant mega campus complex. Jared owns a few homes that in theory could be rented out to students. This isn't unusual nor is this something the Ackles don't have too. Jared is the equivalent of that dude you find that owns a couple of houses and rents them out, but he goes through a property management agency by proxy of a building company that does the renovations that puts it in there for him, on 3/4 homes. He's not a landlord titan. He's a guy with a fraction of side income by the time it gets to him on a few properties.
So let's get that set straight before anybody makes it sound like Jared floats the student housing business in some lucrative scooby doo real estate scheme.
Yes, Jared is a co-founder of Mantra. Which is honestly... god, don't get me started on why Jared Padalecki should not be simultaneously broadcasting for mental health and then packing nootropics down people's throats. (x for general nootropics) (x for phenibut in particular, which might explain his outburst on SM)
(That's just the one that jumps out as most problematic but the cocktails involved could really just not go over well with the wrong person, some of these things are like mixing OTC ritalin and SSRIs)
At the end of the day, regardless of the ethicality of mantra, I mean, sure, it's a business decision. It makes money. At the end of the day, though, this is not a career move.
Again, nobody ever said Jared's gonna end up living homeless in a box eating beans out of a can. The discussion is whether or not he has arranged himself a viable career forward in media.
Renting out a couple homes by proxy isn't gonna land him roles.
Selling miracle water that turns people into paranoid messes (but with great memory!!) isn't gonna land him roles.
Owning a bar isn't going to land him roles.
None of this actually adds any content to the discussion of Jared Padalecki's professional media career, which his stans keep trying to enter to the conversation to offset discussion of Ackles' business acumen in the acting field.
These are nonstarters in the conversation, at the end of the day. I just wanted to set straight some general details about them.
Jared has a future with an INCOME, but that doesn't mean he's arranged a future in MEDIA. And leave it from Jarpad stans to try to fuck up that conversation.
News flash: Rich White Man Bought Stuff To Make Money. More at 11.
The inability to see how this isn't the same as like. Owning a production company. And owning a record label. And owning a publisher (mostly for vinyls but other potential). And having establishment across multiple distributors and production hubs (WB, Amazon) as a path forward in media is B A F F L I N G.
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tsundere-selfship · 3 years
Do you have any fun Blade (or Planes Fire and Rescue) facts to share this fine day? :D I haven't finished going through his tag yet but I dig how passionate you are!!!
Yes!! Finally I can share some fun Piston Peak Gang facts! I know I rambled a bit about the Agusta Westland AW139 in a past post, but here's some other tidbits I've noticed about everybody:
Cabbie seems to have faded Air Force markings painted on him. At one point Dipper mentioned that he had been in the military, so this makes sense, but I never see it talked about.
In the scene where they're in the hangar showing Dusty various episodes of CHoPs (which Dipper mentions there are 139 episodes of, making it the same six seasons as it's this-world counterpart), everyone takes long, synchronized sips every time Blade (in the show) pulls out his hoist. This implies that they were playing a drinking game, making this a regular occurrence.
While they were doing this, we see Blade outside watching the storm. This means he was having trouble falling asleep, and that's probably very frequent for him. :(
On this similar note, I have a pretty strong theory that Maru is the only other person on the Air Attack team who actually understands Blade. It makes sense for the team to not invite Blade to the drinking games (even though it is a dick move on their part because they know he would feel super betrayed should he find out about it), they exclude him from everything else as well. Even when they attend the lodge party, everyone ends up going except him, because Blade wasn't invited.
You could say that they only exclude him because he's the chief and that might be similar to, say, hanging out with your boss, but we know for a fact that Blade isn't the person who manages or even pays them. Cad is. Blade just commands them mission-wise.
My idea started when I noticed this: When Cad comes up to complain about Dusty dropping retardant on those campers, he refers to Blade as his TV persona's name before leaving. This visibly annoys Blade, but he just leaves without saying anything. Dusty, however, is unfamiliar with this, and asks Dipper about it. Dipper tells Dusty to stop talking and not to mention it, but Dipper is known to joke around, so Dusty asks again. This is when we see Windlifter, one who's known as a very serious person, appear startled and shout at Dusty in his native language. I'm unsure exactly what he says, but it's something with great urgency that likely has the same meaning as "stop".
This implies that not only has this name that obviously bothers him been brought up to Blade before, but he's had a bad enough reaction to it that not only has it taught the rest of the team not to do it again, but it scared them. Now we already know from the hangar scene that they don't exactly know why this would bother him so much, as when Dusty asks why Blade is at Piston Peak instead of keeping up his TV career, everyone just brings up their own wild theories, including one of the smokejumpers saying they heard he "went cuckoo on the set". what the hell. Now obviously if he had just researched it enough he probably could've found out about the set's actual incident, so where did he hear this from? Or did he just make it up? Most importantly, why is he believing and/or spreading this rumor?
This implies that the team has seen this kind of "going cuckoo" behavior from Blade before. This was, when you look at the evidence, him giving an actual fucking trauma response from them teasing him. This is why they're so scared to tease him again, he got really upset and likely snapped at them. But when you put into perspective that they don't understand why it's a touchy subject, you realize that they just see Blade as a weirdo. Most PTSD or trauma-related symptoms are seen as negative traits. He shows many many signs of trauma (isolating himself, quick to anger, never does let his guard down, has trouble sleeping, quickly shows aggressive behavior when event is brought up, does everything to avoiding talking or otherwise thinking about the event *even the photo of Nick was covered up*, feeling guilty about the event, the reason he became a firefighter, everything), but Maru is the only one who actually recognizes this. Everyone else just seems to see Blade as an asshole and unstable, hence why they avoid being around him outside of work and think it's okay to talk about him behind his back.
And honestly? Blade sees them as family. If he knew they were saying these things about him, he would. Be devastated, really. Blade's mentioned close friends are Mayday and Maru, two very empathetic and friendly people, so there's no way Blade is unfriendly or just a bad guy. He's really sweet, we see this in the clips of him when he was still acting. If he found out that the people he trusts are meeting up and joking about him he'd be sad. He wouldn't blame them, but he'd be sad.
Like- they obviously teased him about something and he reacted in a way they didn't understand, he probably thought they just understood it was sensitive and left it alone. But in actuality, they didn't respect his privacy at all and just started teasing him when he wasn't there. Blade genuinely does care about his team, they're the only people we see him smile and joke around.
Either they exclude Blade because they see him as too much of an authority figure or they exclude him because they see him as too "distant" or "weird" but either way they care about him more in a work sense then in an actual well-being sense, even when Blade was almost fatally injured the most they really said was "Oh, Windlifter's in charge now!"
And after all he does for them. They're kinda jerks :/
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mrawkweird · 3 years
Top 5 favorite Male and Female Wrestlers and Why?
Edge: I think he can be responsible for officially getting me back into the world of wrestling full time back in 2004-05. His run towards becoming a champion and how psychotic and obsessed it made him was just really cool to me. The night he cashed in the MITB contract to become WWE Champion was just so special for many reasons. it solidified what that briefcase could mean for years to come, it gave the people someone that could actually topple "Super Cena" and it finally gave Edge the very thing he's burned every single bridge to get. He's the first and for a time only bad guy that ever made me actually root for them. Not to mention he had the most badass theme and entrance on the roster and today that still holds true. It is impossible for anyone to be cooler than Edge to me.
Victoria: She was and always will be not the lady to mess with. Victoria was right up there with Edge for me in the realm of psychotic badasses. Hell, I even hoped they would end up being paired together before Lita came and showed why that spot was hers. I always really enjoyed Victoria's character though and her finisher Widow's Peak is some sick shit. Best believe I had her wrecking everybody in SVR 2009.
The Miz: As far as I'm concerned anyone that can bring themselves to actually dislike The Miz and think he hasn't earned every right to achieve the things he has hasn't been paying attention. WWE themselves are even sleeping if they honestly think they shouldn't let him have a real run with THE title again. He has more than proved countless times that he can carry a show, carry a feud and carry a championship to absolute relevancy. Miz is a main event caliber star and as the music states he is in fact AWESOME. Punk's jealous-ass can kick rocks.
Mickie James: That woman has accomplished so much in the industry and for the industry that she is worthy of every single flower you could give her. And to top it all off she's not even remotely close to done. With everything that she's doing now it should cause the person that picked up that trash bag to cut their hands off out of sheer shame. She should be right up on that pedestal with Trish and Lita and so should Victoria. Not to mention she is finer than any wine you could find in a cellar 'cause GOODT LORDT.
Bray Wyatt: Truly the definition of infinite potential because you know that mind and his creativity will never stop rising. There is no such thing as a glass ceiling no matter how much WWE wanted it to be there. I look forward to seeing what he does next because from swamp cult leader to devil incarnate to demonic Mister Rogers to slasher killer Bray has hit shit out of the park every time. Everyone should be scared and excited for what comes next because that creative monster is loose and as he says; you can't kill it.
Jade Cargill: That woman is a goddamn amazon directly from Themyscira. She has not been in the game long but damn if she doesn't have my utmost attention every time she's on screen. She just captures it like she captures her opponents in the ring because she is as advertised and that is DAT BITCH. I look forward to seeing her rise in the industry and only getting better.
Roman Reigns: If star power was a person it would be Roman Reigns. He is someone that was always capable of having that very thrown around "IT" and it took WWE such a long time to actually let him utilize that to it's fullest potential. He is the "Head Of The Table" and the "Tribal Chief for a reason. People like to bring it up in discussion about who's the better champion for their company; Roman Reigns or Kenny Omega and for me that's always been a very easy question if I had to choose. Nothing at all personal against Omega but to quote Reigns himself there are levels to this. Levels that nobody else is touching right now as THE champion of their respective company. At least not to me. Honestly in the end you have to appreciate that it took WWE such a long time because now it makes his current persona all the more sweeter.
(I'm going to cheat a bit but I have to put these 2 together..) Asuka & Kairi Sane: When I tell you that these 2 became a match made in heaven the moment they turned heel to win those Tag Team Championships you have to believe me. Their initial face run was all a bit questionable. As questionable as the name "Kabuki Warriors" was itself but it was that heel run that made it all gel so perfectly. They were fucking magic together and just played off each other so well. Hell, they did so well they were the main event of TLC against Charlotte and Becky AND they fucking won. I still feel bad about Kairi in that match though. She earned every right to get to enjoy that moment and unfortunately she couldn't. Kabuki Warriors 5 Life.
LA Knight: In my head it's always going to be "E-LI DRAKE" but he is another person that just oozes the vibe that "This is your guy, this is who you should be building your brand around" and if the company he's in doesn't get that same vibe then they better not waste his time. He is honestly what got me back into watching Impact Wrestling with just how good he was every time he was on screen. He was THE reason to watch anything they were doing and I'm not saying that to be insulting; it's just a fact of life. No matter what's about to happen to NXT I hope to see him still be able to get to the level he should be there which is at the very top. His career is something I intend to follow no matter where he goes.
Hikaru Shida: She's all around just a personal favorite of mine. When it comes to her I ain't even gonna try to be unbiased. Her look and her in-ring style just had me hooked from the get go. So much so that when they introduced the AEW Women's Championship for the first time it just seemed destined for her and best believe I was ecstatic when she finally won it. I'm always going to really wish she got more TV time during her reign as champion though. And it may just be me wishful thinking but I feel like she might be up to something on Dark Elevation and the day she finally comes back to the main show I think she's going to bring something new with her.
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