#on top of just being a trash husband? this goes beyond your marriage
suga-kookiemonster · 2 years
I just saw omg 😵‍💫😣 and the way he used to be my wife this my wife that every two seconds ?!?!!? Men are trash for real 😭
honestly! men truly ain’t SHIT smh. what is up with these men making “loving” their wives their brand, especially knowing they’re just as much of a dog as all their friends. and with his employee, too?! AND got two whole kids?? tired of all the 🧢, men are all trash and this is why i’m single lol
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viktor-noctis · 4 years
The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll McSh*tFace
This is my review for the film: The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll McShitFace.
Tagging @christopherleefan because I think you might enjoy this? Also, I wrote a fic for Taste of Fear (or Scream of Fear for us Americans), and you can expect one for this film as well.
Pre-face: Okay, okay……………………………… Let me compose myself.
Alright, hit the play button.
London 1874 – I paused just to be sure this was the actual date when the book was written.
It was originally published in 1886.
We’re off to a roaring start.
Ew. Children.
Playing in a garden, yep, this is about what I remember.
Little boy shoves girl’s flowers to the ground, and McShitFace talks about “dumb human animals” when referring to children. We agree on that, at least.
“Play out when they cannot speak out.” Jekyll McShitFace suggests they’ve mentally blocked the ability to speak, due to the fact that they are letting another part of them be free to express itself…. What a load of garbage.
You resigned? Here I thought they fired you for being a creep. The fact that Ernst believes he really is a genius makes me want to punch something.
They’ve been married for six years??
No servants, no friends, and Jekyll has cut all professional ties to study the mind… Like a madman. Yeah, I can see Kitty hating this.
Beyond Good and Evil? Beyond the reach of society?
“A very dangerous man, my friend.” No shit, Ernst. Jekyll is suggesting the ‘higher man’ is the one within, while Ernst suggests that the weaker man maybe the ‘evil’ one. Or what we deem ‘evil’. Jekyll, like some, has come to some crackpot conclusion that by drawing out the ‘evil’ man, the ‘weaker’ man within him, that he can isolate and destroy him… Or something to that effect.
Jekyll never answers Ernst when he asks if he’s used it on anything other than a monkey and I find that telling.
Paul is here. Ernst is leaving.
Jekyll is quite charitable to Paul, if nothing else, and Kitty is putting up a marvelous front. Kitty even tries to get him to spend time with her here, but I have a feeling she knows where this is going. She’s probably done this a million times. This is another for the till.
I can tell Kitty is tired of this. Jekyll spends night and day in the lab. All the time. Yeah, that’d wear on most women. Considering the time period, this is all very strange. Then again, this is a ‘Strange Case’, or it was supposed to be.
Kitty telling him about Jekyll shouting to himself in his room, along with a strange voice that wasn’t his own, for an entire night… “Married to a man of great talent.” Ernst, my dude…
Kitty’s asking if he is insane enough to be sent away. Ernst says he isn’t: “we must both try to help him.” Right.
Christopher Lee! Damnit, he’s so tall. How tall is this actress?
They’re so cute. Terrible, but cute.
The top of her head reaches his nose or so. He’s a damn good kisser…
Kitty looks lovely in blue.
And is an extrovert.
Jekyll is an introvert.
Still hate him.
Don’t bash the girl for liking to go out. Or ask her to: “take the evening off”.
“I need you tonight, Kitty. Stay.” That’s not creepy. After years of being ignored, that’s not creepy in the slightest.
Okay, this might be just me, but… I see Kitty’s perspective. I sort of see Jekyll’s? It’s a grey area. I’ve paused it to explain my reasoning –
Kitty, is an extrovert, as I’ve stated. She gets her energy from going out, being around people, and having a good time. That’s great. Good for her, you have fun girl, and take your boytoy (he really is, as often as he gets in money trouble) with you. Jekyll is decidedly not. To say they are incompatible would be an understatement.
Kitty is the type of woman who glows under attention, who craves it from both her partner and others. But mostly, her partner. Enter Paul, who’s proven to be attached to her mostly through money, but there’s so much more there. Again, I love these two, because they’re so terribly flawed, but so clearly in love.
Jekyll, meanwhile, cut all attachment to “live like a hermit in the center of London”. Ernst’s words straight from the beginning of the film. I bet you Kitty was stifled, for years, before Paul came along. Now, not much is revealed of the how Jekyll became friends with him, when he did, or even why he did, but I want to bet it was during University or something. That seems the most likely theory, given Jekyll’s nature.
The Jekyll side is a bit more convoluted. Again, I don’t think Kitty is being unfair here. There’s no telling how long she stayed lonely, cooped up in that house (reference back to when Ernst talked about no friends, no company, and no servants), and was just… bored, sad, and upset.
Ernst even mentioned the house being ‘in ruins’.
She calls him selfish for making it such an issue. I get the feeling he sort of deserves it. Also, she’s in love with Paul now, so that adds another layer to their relationship not working and being incredibly strained.
“I’m not going to insult my friends for the sake of your whims.” Is what her argument amounted to. Again, the movie is making her sound like the selfish one, but you really have to take into account the history, nature, and aspects of each character. In doing so, I don’t really think she is. I think she’s in love with another man, bound to a farce of a marriage, and is doing the best she can by not staying near her creepy husband.
And yep, human experimentation time.
Yeah, go ahead McShitFace, sit at your desk and wait to become The Literal Worst.
Party time. I’m shuddering. Too. Many. People. Ew.
They’re both terrible.
I love them.
Paul complains of being bored, and yet she is bored doing the things he likes. They jab and jibe. He looks at another woman. They jab and jibe some more.
They’re bickering like they’re already married.
Get a room.
Terminate their relationship?
They bring up their attachment, again, always with the money. Kitty likes a man free of shame, Paul thinks he might lose her to a man who had even less. Hahahaha. You nerds. You’re in too deep and you both know it.
The Literal Worst has arrived. And he’s uglier than ever.
The Sphinx? That’s the name of this trash heap ballroom?
Hyde looks like a Tool. Barely two minutes on screen and he’s got the Creep Smirk going.
Hoes do not stand together, I see.
Paul and Kitty smiling at each other, having a grand old time. I love them.
Hyde showing his true colors already, by eyeing up Kitty, while dancing with another girl (though I’m pretty sure she’s a prostitute. Or just a woman who gets around, living off other men’s money). Wow, he also says some not-so-nice things to her before heading after Paul and Kitty, who’s having a hell of a time. Paul can also be a jackass –
“Don’t drink too much tonight, my darling.” She says it with such tenderness, while taking the glass from his hand.
“Cunning little kitty cat. Rather a dull husband than a drunken lover, eh?” Paul’s already slurring. He’s entered cad mode. Feel free to kick him to the curve, my dear. He deserves to nurse his hangover by himself.
She just looks disappointed.
Kitty’s creep alert is going off. Listen to it, honey. Run. Run, far away.
She’s trying to take Paul home.
Then going to dance with Hyde. Fuck. Kitty, listen to your Creep Radar.
Friendship with Kitty? Honey. No. Run. “Can I trust you?”
?? Kitty. No. Do not trust the creep.
Prostitute girl is back, claiming Hyde tried to force her, and some dude wants recompense. Kitty just wants to go home. Paul refuses to leave, to help Hyde.
Has common sense become a commodity that only Kitty is buying??
“Give the lady a few sovereigns, and there’ll be no trouble.” Yeah, sounds like a prostitute. Kitty bids them all goodnight. Paul looks sad to see her go. Should have thought about that before you acted the bastard.
Hyde tells them to go to hell and take the trollop with him. Dude dives at them, Paul knocks him out… And Hyde keeps hitting him. Paul stops him, telling him not to kill him, and then asks him if he’s ill.
“Let me alone, Jekyll. Let me alone.” Dumbass. Jekyll voice coming out of Hyde. That’s not creepy. Paul looks amused by the creep show. Hyde leaves the place, screaming, and being weird.
Lots of voice changing. This actor is actually really good. Jekyll realizes what he did, because Hyde says: “I will be back, Jekyll. I will return.”
Jekyll: “Never. Never.”
So he knows this was a bad idea?
Goes into Kitty’s room, whose reading, and she starts talking about her ‘party’. She wants to go to sleep. Jekyll still comes closer, being a creep. Creep Radar is blaring.
“I need you, Kitty. I need you desperately.” And he comes in, trying to kiss at her, mouthing at her neck. Like a creep. I know this is a parallel to later in the film (yeah, it’s terrible), when Hyde is in control, but I still hate this.
I had to pause during the next scene to do a deep character analysis –
Kitty pushes him off, telling him she’s tired, and even says “please”. As if she should have to beg him to keep his damn creep hands to himself. He still has a wild, crazy look in his eye, and asks: “What are you really like, Kitty?”
“I’m your wife, that’s all I am.” She answers it with such evenness, barely disturbed, and it reminds me of what Paul said to her –
“From perfect wife to perfect mistress, and back again to perfect wife.”
This movie has a lot to do with the masks we wear. We change them, depending on who we’re talking to: family, friends, strangers, lovers, etc. All the different relationships we have require a mask, shadowing the core of who we are, because letting someone see everything of ourselves is too terrifying to consider. We don’t show our true selves out of fear, pride, or some other convoluted mixture of emotions.
However, every mask has a basis, a template of origin.
I feel as if, at some point, Kitty really did love Jekyll. She must have. She married him not for his intelligence, not for his money, but because she genuinely loved him. Kitty loves too deeply, too strongly, and has all the hallmarks of a woman who has been burned by that depth of attachment.
“It’s my fault, a woman who shows her feelings always loses dignity.” Kitty says this during the first bit of the dance she has with Paul, which reveals so much of her character. She doesn’t look at him when she says it, the pain of her admittance is too much, and she shies away from anyone witnessing it. Even Paul.
Her relationship with Paul is strained right now. It’s weird. It seems like neither of them knows where it’s going, too afraid to continue, but even more horrified by the prospect of letting the other go.
When speaking of breaking their ‘arrangement’ (look up ‘affair’ in the dictionary), Kitty suggested Paul wouldn’t be able to get along financially without her. Paul rebuffed her, saying that Jekyll and he had been friends for years, and she was just his dutiful wife… despising him.
There’s an ease between them that feels years old, yet I doubt it was from the get-go of hers and Jekyll’s marriage. No, she probably did hate him quite a bit, in the beginning. But there’s a thin line between love and hate, one that can be crossed with loneliness. I like to think it was physical at first, a build up of tension between a woman caged in a house, and watching this man go out and spend her husband’s money.
It was probably Paul who convinced her to come out with him one evening. Fuck it. Jekyll wants to stay in his lab all night? Well, why should you stay too? Kitty probably said no at first. Why would she go out with this smarmy bastard, who gambles, who sleeps with anything that has legs, and drinks himself silly? But then there’s the wanting, the listening to her husband tinker away, watching life go by without her…
She probably went to Jekyll. She tried to talk to him, have dinner with her in the house that night. Without any servants, she’s learned to cook. He makes a point of trying to be nice but talks about his work… Always his work. She asks him to kiss her, as if that’s something she should have to nearly beg for. And what did he do? On the verge of some great breakthrough?
“Not right now, Kitty. I’m busy.”
Kitty, who is strong, vibrant, and beautiful, is not enough to stir a man from the wake of progress. From pride.
Humiliation and defeat, a loathing that breaks through love, stuffs her chest and nearly throttles her on the spot. Retreating, glassy eyed to her room. She probably cried, mourning her broken heart.
After that, she demands to go with Paul.
There’s probably a touch of shock, then a knowing smirk. He’s probably seen lots of women with husbands who ignore them, falling into his kind of life, dancing and drinking and laughing their nights away.
He’s not ready for this one.
Alright, hitting play again –
“But the woman inside of you, is that woman my wife?”
No. No, she’s not. She belongs with Paul.
Stop shaking her. She’s right. Get out.
Take your: “Who am I?”s and get the fuck out.
Cut to Paul being a cad again. Ugh. Go home to Kitty, you absolute tool bag.
He and Hyde are sitting at a table in The Sphinx with two bimbos. Wonderful.
Hyde is a creep. I will say that no less than ten times in this review. I probably already have.
The fuck is this?
They’re doing something weird.
Really weird.
A snake charmer dance.
Am I to assume they wish us to believe that snake is venomous?
Okay, to be fair, all snakes and spiders are venomous, but the potency of their venom varies in such a way that they effect most human bodies on different levels. I say ‘most’ because you can be allergic to something, and receive a far more harrowing experience than 98% of the population.
However, that does not excuse the fact that the creature in question is a ball python and is therefore basically harmless. Minus some swelling and bruising.
I had to pause to write that, okay, playing again –
Yeah, this poor animal is being abused by being forced into a ‘sensual dance’ with this woman. ‘Tigress’, they call her, kill me now. Paul says she’s exclusive to the elite. Kill me twice over. This dance is the worst. That poor snake is confused.
Paul is looking worriedly at Hyde as he stares, transfixed, at this woman. Dude, he wants to get bitch slapped, let him.
Christopher Lee’s eyebrows are doing things to me. Paul is the real eye candy in this shit show.
WHY? WHY? WHY would –
WOULD uuo –
That poor animal.
Tell me that was fake.
She did not really put that poor creature’s head in her mouth.
This is abuse.
Not to mention, really gross. Salmonella, and a million other diseases could potentially exist on the skin of a reptile. Do not handle reptiles and then touch your face, or eat, or put any part of their body inside your mouth. Wash hands after handling, thank you.
And people are clapping. And cheering.
Is this what passes for ‘exotic’ in the 1700s????
Maybe it’s my modern cynicism, but I am not impressed. I am shuddering in revulsion.
Mostly because of the snake in mouth bit.
End me.
I’m about to shriek.
“Forget it, dear boy. She’s not in the prep-school class. Believe me, I’ve tried.”
Paul. Paul.
Have you ever considered:
She’s blind.
You’re gorgeous.
And you have a gorgeous woman waiting on you at home.
Why do you bother with the bimbos?
Girl on the right is pretty, okay, she’s like… an 8. Chick on the left is… also pretty, but like a 7.
Kitty is a damn 16, she blows them out of the water. There is no competition. When you’ve already had it all, why bother even looking at anything less? She gets bumped up to a 30 for the fact that she has a brain, she snarks, she jabs with the best of them, and is not afraid to leave you to your well-deserved hangover.
I will fight for Kitty’s honor.
Paul. I’m about to throw down.
He calls the dancer over – Maria – and I can already tell he’s going to –
Yep. Be a bastard.
“She only uses Christian names in bed.”
He deserved that drink to the face.
Even Hyde looks surprised. Then impressed.
Pft – HA! I have to quote this:
“Well, ladies, it seems that I must entertain you both.” He says, while soaked with what one can assume is scotch. “I trust that you will not be too disappointed.” Girl on the right looks like she expects to be disappointed. Ms. Left has her game face on.
“Oh, we’ll just have to manage.” Left is already up and at it.
“Somehow or other.” Right is playing along for now.
“Thank you for your confidence.” Paul’s reply does not sound confident in the slightest. He follows them through a curtain doorway. I’d say, ‘poor bastard’, but he doesn’t deserve my sympathy right now.
Hyde is creeping on Maria now.
“Keep away from him, he is dangerous.”
Yeah. To medium sized rodents.
Actually, considering Hyde is nothing more than a big, smelly, greasy, slimy rat –
Nah, wouldn’t want to give the poor thing indigestion.
“Your friend talked to me like a common whore.”
I assumed you two knew each other? I don’t know, they are weird and vague on that. Alan says he’s tried, then claims what names she uses in bed, and she did throw the drink on him afterwards. I’ve no idea.
I will give this to Hyde: He is a smooth talker. He is also, however, still a bastard.
And the makeup they used on this actress is not flattering at all. I’ve seen pictures of her, and she was beautiful. They somehow made her look hideous. ‘Impertinent’ is a word, though not quite the one I would use for this piece of garbage.
I love putting subtitles on. They’re so dumb.
(Soft sensual music) my ass.
Of course they shag. Why wouldn’t they?
She’s given him an in, now… “You do not buy, you do not beg.” A man who ‘takes’. No, do not give him that.
“A nice, cold wife.” I’m so furious.
They do have a servant! An old woman. Probably a concession after years.
“Mr. Hyde.” Creep.
“Lately, this house has become unused to visitors.”
“The wife of a recluse…”
Trying to sweet talk a woman in love will not go over well for you.
Paul’s??? Paul’s friendship. What a save.
“The question of trespass hardly arises. Mr. Allen has no property rights in me.”
And as for Henry: “Henry leads his own life. He doesn’t seek my approval, and I don’t seek his. Is that wrong?”
Sweet talk till you talk like that.
“To the boredom of being a neglected wife, and the humiliation of being a rejected mistress.”
It almost felt like she was into the flirting till he said that, but I still get the feeling she wouldn’t have slept with him. You can enjoy flirting, some people do it for a living, but not the act that comes after. As I said before, Kitty wears many masks. This one is short-lived. Hyde has insulted her, and the change in her demeanor is like a switch.
Kitty loves too deeply, to be reminded of her first failing, and the possibility of her loss of Paul is a kick in the teeth. Is she not worth loving? Is science, money, knowledge, other women – is she just no match? Can she have nothing out of this?
“I must say, you are honest. A trifle obvious, perhaps, but honest.” And too close to the surface, too close to the proverbial nail. Kitty is genuinely afraid of losing Paul, and it shows. She’s clinging onto something she feels she can’t hold onto, whether for her already damaged pride or because she doesn’t want to be hurt again. Her face only really started to shift when he said mistress.
“My great affair has already begun.” She’s pulling herself so easily from his arms. He talks about great love since he felt her in his arms, and she just turns away with this casual walk of a knowing woman.
“It was well advanced before ever you appeared on the scene.” She looks almost proud, though there’s still this edge to her. She expects it to crash and burn. She’s just waiting for it.
“I wonder what is the special quality in a man as weak, unscrupulous, and utterly unreliable as Paul Allen?” This really bothers him. Hyde is essentially Jekyll unchained, a copy of the inner, dark urges of one man laid bare, and given free run of the place… And he’s a total rat bastard.
And Kitty is smiling. Kitty is overjoyed.
“I don’t question your description, Mr. Hyde.” She’s radiating with delight. Even that description of Paul in all his awful glory stirs nothing but happiness in her.
“Well then, but why…” And he’s reaching for her, stroking his fingers over her back. It’s this odd mimicry of how Jekyll tried to hold her that night. Ugh.
“I merely happen to love him.” Yes! SHE SAID IT!
“Love? Love is an idiocy!” And she’s laughing again. I’m beginning to believe Kitty uses laughter to cover her pain. Hyde/Jekyll McShitFace uses rage.
“An idiocy of mine, perhaps, but a fact.” Then we get this beautiful close up of her face, the vindication with which she says it has me living –
“I love Paul Allen.” Love, you must be so blind and so wonderful.
(Ominous music). As Hyde descends back to his basement to turn back into Jekyll. Back to the sewer, your garbage monster.
Ernst is here. Okay, something weird is happening again. Jekyll has a heightened metabolism. Probably from sustaining two rat bastards instead of one. I’ve no idea how much time has elapsed, but quite a bit I’m guessing. A week? A month? Another year? Nah, probably more like a week or so.
Jekyll’s life is “burning out at a much faster rate.”
Kitty is fed up with being Paul’s ‘bank clerk’. Yeah, let’s bring Henry into this. ‘Let him deal with life’s little problems and leave us its gaiety’? You are a cad. Why do you love him again, Kitty? You can do better.
She’s sick of being used.
“How can you talk of our love in this way?” Love? Is this the first time you bring it up to her? While asking for money? Aklsjdfkasjdf
Men are annoying.
“You hypocrite!” Thank you.
Debts of honor, my pale ass.
He’s going to Henry.
Ernst knows he’s addicted to something. He says it’s more damning, whatever it is.
At least Paul is honest. Jekyll is being cold to him now. He knows about him and Kitty now. He goes back to his work desk. ‘Going away’. Right. Run.
Paul gets nothing. Notes something must be wrong with him.
Kitty is worried about Paul now.
And fuck – Jekyll is giving full power of his shit to Hyde. His estate, his money, his assets, everything goes to Hyde. This happened in the book, of course, but this completely cuts Kitty off as well.
Also, he even says he’s using Hyde to ‘learn all he can’. You pretty much know it all. Kitty, your wife, is in love with your ‘friend’, Paul. It’s not that hard. You’ve effectively been gaslighting them from the beginning.
“For do I want to return to a life of frustrated isolation and loveless misery?”
I have…
So many problems with this statement alone.
You left your wife, even said it yourself, neglected. For years. So much so, that she’s alone as well. Of course she searched for something beyond you, when you chose to isolate yourself first… And you know what? I’m happy for Kitty, she found something, someone to love and love her in return. Is it perfect? No, but –
Anything and everything can be traced back to you, you sorry sack of literal shit. I’m about to lose it. He’s reaping what he’s sewn, and now he’s trying to escape it.
I’m so pissed off.
He drinks more stuff. Great. The return of The Literal Worst is upon us.
Wow… Never heard Christopher Lee say that before –
“Damn bad luck you’ve been having, I hear, Allen, old man.” Some man comments on the state of Paul’s life, which has gone to hell in a handbasket.
“Damn bad luck.” Paul’s agreement seems to taste as bad as the cigarette he’s smoking. I wonder how many are his, in that overflowing mound of ash and stumps, at the center of the table.
“Oh, well, luck’s a bitch, old boy.” Not sure that was a saying yet, but maybe this is the one that starts the trend.
“Oh, I shouldn’t think so.” Paul looking like he’d like to swallow down the rest of the decanter on the table, with Hyde being the creep that just walked in. “I’ve always had the best possible luck with bitches.”
I just about spit my tea. Not even kidding.
“Almost always, anyway.”
You’re terrible. Kitty should leave without either of you.
How is this review over 4K words? Who’s still reading this?
“Women aren’t a weakness they’re a recurrent necessity.” Paul. Paul. What are you doing?
‘Oldest mistress’.
Paul. You’re awful with money and it’s obvious.
They’re going to go out on the town. Like bastards. Hyde is The Literal Worst.
Snap shots of London’s underbelly during the 1700s… Brawling, lots of drinking and bad singing, and… smoking? Opium? Hooka? Who the fuck knows anymore.
Paul’s out. Hyde is doing the 100-yard Creep Stare.
Paul is out making debts again. ‘Honorable’ ones, at least.
Now he’s out of ideas. It’s been a week. He spent all that money – 5,000 in a week. Ouch. “But you, are a fool.” We agree on that. That is the only thing Hyde, and I will ever agree on.
“And I’ll try Kitty.”
You can see the wheels turning unpleasantly in Paul’s head. His brow is doing that furrowed thing when he’s confused.
“What the devil do you mean, Hyde?” You know what he means, you just don’t want him to go on. You’re hoping he doesn’t mean what you think he means.
“Well, that should be simple enough for even you to understand.” Again, insulting people while mixing in kind words, though his next ones are far from kind: “I am telling you to obtain your mistress for me.”
Paul is rising out of his chair. His brow is still doing that furrowed thing, but it has gotten even deeper. The rage is coming, a wave that was slow to foam, but quick to rise.
“You unspeakable devil.” There’s still some disbelief, but there’s no denying the shock.
Hyde is doing the creep laugh with a – “How very amusing.” Now you can see the anger, it’s chiseling its way into his features, hard and sharp.
“Paul Allen, breaker of every law in the moral code, is shocked into morality.”
Full blown: I’d punch the ever-living hell out of you. I’m about to.
“You vile, disgusting degenerate.” His lips are quivering. He’s barely holding it together.
“Be rational, my friend.” You’re pushing him far beyond ‘rational’. “I’m asking for the temporary loan of a proven adulteress, of whom you yourself have grown somewhat tired.”
First of all: fuck you. Second of all: Kitty already said he has no property rights to her.
“You go back to hell!” Paul. Punch. Him.
Oh… Wait… Yeah, he’d probably get in trouble for that. And then be sent to jail. And I doubt he wants to be in there while Kitty is out here with this lunatic. Yeah, running out before you lose it seems wise.
Still should have throttled him a bit.
Now what is The Literal Worst doing? Going back to the house…
And sneaking into Kitty’s room. You creep. I’ve never wished to jump through a television screen more.
They only have one servant, ‘Nanny’, is her name.
He’s blackmailing her. With Paul’s notes. Fuck. ‘Buy him back’.
She’s laughing. Yes, that is Kitty’s response to being uncomfortable.
“You utterly repel me.” YES! Go girl! She laughs as he storms out, tossing the notes away. Then she closes and locks the door, pressing her back to it. She was probably more than a little terrified.
Hyde assaults a homeless man, shoving him down, and steps over him. That was in the book… Then back to some cesspit that Paul showed him.
There’s something weird going on here with Hyde and this girl.
Cut to Kitty and Paul snuggling. And kissing. This is the quality content I came for. He’s wearing the same shirt from earlier… Which means he probably took a good long walk, had a small conniption, and then went straight to her.
“Why does love make us behave so hatefully to one another?” Yeah, well, Paul has been the terrible one here.
“Because we’re cowards, my darling. We want everything.” I’m not sure what Paul’s deal is, why he is the way he is… He could just be an ivy league guy who grew up, not knowing how to handle money, he might not come with as much baggage as the rest of them.
Why can’t they just be happy and cute?
Go away? Start a new life? Yeah, do that.
Right now.
Before Jekyll McShitFace gets back.
Ah, they planned to mug Hyde, using the girl as a means to dupe him. Seems about right. Also deserved.
Ah, Kitty is leaving Jekyll. About bloody time. Also, the wrong time, considering the whole Hyde business.
Jekyll has destroyed his drugs, though admits that Hyde’s grip is too powerful. Right. As if Ernst didn’t warn you it was an addiction. “No degeneracy is low enough to satisfy him.” You mean you, right? Because, he is, after all, you.
The kids are back in the garden. This can only end well.
Oh, they’re leaving. Good…
Paul and Kitty are making out again. Good for them.
Jekyll shoved a kid. Bad for him.
Same little girl who’s always trying to give him flowers. Yeah, he’s losing it. Rushing back into lab to pen a last will and testament one can hope –
Nope, no such luck.
‘Exorcise him’. Right.
Handwriting switch. Interesting.
Paul admitting to Kitty he’s in trouble with Hyde.
If looks could kill.
Hyde lures them with an invitation from Jekyll, about their last evening together being ‘gay’.
Kitty doesn’t want to go, she’s frightened. Listen to your gut.
Paul wants to stay, because they think he’ll settle. Kitty agrees.
Cabaret. Ugh.
Someone get me out of here. Lots of underwear. This is painful.
Hyde making plans to meet with Maria before meeting with Paul and Kitty, who’s dressed for a funeral. Paul. Don’t. Go. Of course, he does.
Up to Maria’s room. Piss it.
More cabaret. I’ll hand it to you ladies; you can cartwheel and front flip. That is impressive. Also, I’m completely serious, because the amount of muscles it takes to do that are insane. Flexibility is also key. Congrats ladies.
Paul meets with Hyde.
“Surely we can keep Kitty out of this.” He knows something’s up and didn’t want to involve her. Smart, but also stupid.
“Hardly.” Hyde’s reply sets my teeth on edge.
Paul. Don’t go into that room. To meet him in private. Fuck me. Backwards. Paul.
A ball python. How dangerous. Paul. There’s a table right there. Squish the fucker. I mean, I’m against animal cruelty, but in the case of the story, that thing is supposed to be deadly. Squish. Squish. Otherwise, leave him the fudge alone and he’ll leave you alone.
Kitty… Don’t go with the creepy man. Listen to your Creep Radar.
Paul’s dead. Kitty doesn’t deserve this. Don’t –
I hate this. I hate this. Paul is literally dead in the other room.
I’m writing so much fix-it fic for this, you won’t believe.
This review is 18 pages long. If you’ve made it this far, may the gods have mercy on you, because my wrath at this point is endless.
Maria is in Jekyll’s house. He told her to go back to that house, put on Kitty’s clothes –
“The pattern of justice is complete.”
Rot. In. Hell.
Paul and Kitty deserved better. They deserved each other.
Kitty waking up, gods’ I hate this. She’s a wreck. Her hair, her clothes… You can tell she’s about to be sick. She’s barely holding it together. There’s a fucking note… A note leading her to the snake… She finds Paul dead. She’s already shellshocked. Out onto the balcony…
“Paul.” Her last word.
She plummets over the balcony, through the glass roof, and –
Cut to Maria saying: “I love you Edward.”
“I can’t love.” We can agree on two things. Those two things.
“I must be free.” Right before murdering Maria.
Jekyll finally takes back over, rightfully horrified, and runs back to his lab. With three corpses under his belt.
What an interesting mirror effect…
“Why must you destroy?”
“I must be free.”
Then we go back-and-forth, about who murdered, who revenged, and who was wronged. They weren’t in Hyde’s way, but Jekyll was. He doesn’t ‘feel’. Yeah, right…
Hyde is every dark, terrible impulse Jekyll has had, given life and form. His desire to be free, to run rampant, has been a desire of Jekyll’s since the beginning. Free the beast so he could kill it… Then proceeded to twist it to gaslight his wife, his friend, and everyone else. He was living a life, a lie, a sham. The desire for freedom from persecution for our desires, to be allowed to do what we want, when we want, without judgement has been an overarching theme in all of society. People are persecuted for what pronouns they want to use, for how they eat, how they dress, how they talk –
However, because Hyde is merely a reflection, one can assume his desire for freedom is mirrored in Jekyll’s continued desire for the same. Jekyll wants to continue to exist, so Hyde must desire to exist in turn. He’s still composed completely of Jekyll’s desires.
He says he doesn’t feel, yet there is a desperation, a fear in his voice when he says: “You must lose, Jekyll.” Because he’s afraid he won’t. He’s horrified by the idea of being trapped forever, of their relation being found out…
Cut to Inspector being on the case at The Sphinx.
Wow, a lady in gentleman’s clothing runs The Sphinx. Nice.
Jekyll trying to leave a letter to Ernst. Yeah, that’ll go over well. He calls a street cleaner over to take his note to Ernst, but of course, Hyde has to upset that plan.
Again, I give props to the actor for the massive amount of voice switching, and playing the ‘tortured’ scientist, and the King of the Creeps.
Hyde is about to kill this street cleaner. Mate, why did you come into this guy’s house to randomly move something for him? He shoots him in the back, of course…
The Inspector arrives! Not in time…
Hyde is about to torch the place. Of course he is.
He puts up a performance for the police, saying Jekyll is nuts… Whole place is on fire, with street cleaner acting as a sub-in for the body of Jekyll.
I swear, if this fucker gets away with this, I will riot.
Is nobody seeing the Creepiest Grin of the Century?
No, of course not, they’re trying to fight a raging fire.
And of course, there’s a court hearing over the whole thing. Jekyll went nuts. True. He was addicted to drugs. Also true, though it’s not any kind ever seen before. Sought vengeance for imagined slights. True again.
“Fortunate to have escaped – “
Screw you.
Death by suicide. If only.
Do not tell me this is how this movie ends.
“A fine man. A fine – “
Shut up Ernst.
“The higher man.” Shut your face hole, Hyde.
Jekyll is coming out.
“I must leave immediately.” Oh no, you don’t, you bastard.
“Help me.” Keep talking, Jekyll. Get out of there. Confess. You deserve it.
Lots of struggling here. Again, props to the actor.
Inspector, Ernst, and everyone are watching. Do it now, you bastard.
He turned back into Jekyll!
Finally! You did something useful!
He looks really old. Apparently being Hyde aged him decades.
You can still rot in hell.
“I have destroyed him.”
“And yourself, my poor friend.”
“Only I could destroy him.” Dramatic pause. “And I have.”
He’s arrested.
Abrupt Hammer Horror Ending.
Kitty and Paul deserved better.
This review is 20 pages long, over 6K words, and it took me 4 hours to get through it because I kept pausing and rewinding to quote.
You’re welcome.
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odindiana35-blog · 5 years
The Hidden Treasure of Love of Rashad
If you own a minute, have a look at these fights, they are outstanding. I know a great deal of you're rooting for Rutgers' Tim Brown to produce the team. My department truly altered the game of doing outreach rather than recruitment, states Norris. These shirts appear to be the brand preferred by several of the top MMA fighters! This is supposed to be an enjoyable fight, and an opportunity to see one of the few truly legitimate prospects beyond the UFC continue to develop. Stop acting as if you're stupid,'' Evans explained. If you would like to say, I'd like to move in the division and I'd love to face Anthony Smith', fine. Evans on the opposite hand will attempt to stand up at first with Rampage, but it is going to only be a bluff to set up for a takedown or clinch in the fence. College basketball is a good place to come up with the skills necessary to be effective in the NBA. Love of Rashad - Dead or Alive? If you previously keep fit that's great but should you not and your serious about decreasing your sweat problem then you have to begin doing this the moment you can and make sure that you stick with it. So come to MeI will provide you rest. Or maybe something was done to you which you truly feel ashamed of. In place of talk to anybody, she found an empty room and simply started to dance. We're all extensions of distinct pieces of her. You're here and you may fix things between the both of you. It's been a very long time since we have observed anything resembling this. Warrior fight shorts have an extremely subtle design and truly feel great on they're very popular and can be observed parading the streets along with the cage. I would like to teach them with the best thing about fighting. Most women in this situation fret about saying the incorrect thing. They simply understand the brutality of it. The play is all about a girl who's going up against all the men in the church that are in power. Love of Rashad Secrets That No One Else Knows About And that though you're the parent and that which you say goes, you might not always be right. When it's intended to have a positive effect on the community, she promotes it. With mediation, a lot of the unnecessary drama of obtaining a divorce can be lowered if not completely avoided. Crisis theory therefore looks at divorces in regard to how individuals can deal with the resultant consequences. However, we've got to be in a position to concentrate on the problems that will ultimately affect us the most. Who Else Wants to Learn About Love of Rashad? Some people don't enjoy one another and need to fight real bad. This set is a good value for the purchase price! You might be the leader of a nation or a business or a city or maybe only the leader of your family members. The normal black family net worth is only $6,166 and the vast majority of that amount resulted from owning a home. I wish to be in a position to help out a few of these kids in the inner city like Chicago where they're joining gangs. This list is in no specific order given the simple fact it spans across genres that are really hard to compare with one another. On the flip side, crisis theory looks at marriage in conditions of resultant results. Locate a product you are conversant with because it's going to be simpler that you sell and most significantly, you will know its market value. Also, the merchandise can make money faster than the service, which is important to accumulating new capital or extra money to expand your company. Yet the end result is a book that's well worth the effort. The Lost Secret of Love of Rashad The routine was not scored. When it doesn't work on your computer, or you are unable to install, comment here and we'll help you! It's also utilized as a nifty hack to escape trouble. In its rebuttal, Microsoft has made a decision to concentrate on the smugness, refusing to inject any trendy-ness in their image. The Appeal of Love of Rashad From time to time, it will help to speak about doing it. This is just about the biggest no-brainer. We should give ourselves what we want to cope and recover. We must do what it requires to support them. You need to do it yourself. And I think that it's orchestrated. However, I think that it can responsibly be called both. What You Should Do About Love of Rashad Beginning in the Next Eight Minutes Do not forget these women and don't forget that it's Cosby who stands accused. I am hoping at the conclusion of the day that someone will appear at this and find courage, will discover some comfort in them coming out to their family members and friends. I don't understand when our loved ones will have the ability to come out of this grief,'' he explained. We'll see Allah just as we see the complete moon. It becomes quite easy to start questioning Allah. Evans has an extensive road back to the peak of the mountain once he is officially back. This new Olivia isn't the old Olivia. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Love of Rashad Lee and Matthews could wind up being the primary receiving options on their various teams. Exiting the Y within this state of being, I began walking the very long block on East Hanover toward my previous vehicle. The File Manager will appear. You will get a permanent area of the tour too in case you keep talking. They killed him two years back! And it's time to repair that. Just a couple quick notes. For the previous eight decades. Want to Know More About Love of Rashad? Instead, a number of the top AAF stars just might be playing their way to a huge opportunity at the following level. She admitted that their split was a tough time for her. She tilted her head to a side. Following that, it's a bit sketchy as there is excellent depth at tight end and quarterback this year. Obviously, that's if my math is proper. It really doesn't matter what you do it could be jogging a few times weekly, yoga, weight training, hill walking or it may be things as easy as playing a round of golf many times weekly. The Love of Rashad Stories And that though you're the parent and that which you say goes, you might not always be right. Financial planning tools like budgeting could be employed to help understand the way the divorce will affect finances. A divorce mediator is a person who has received specific training in order to address the issues of those facing divorce. Crisis theory therefore looks at divorces in regard to how individuals can deal with the resultant consequences. Issues like homosexuality and abortion started to be discussed. Want to Know More About Love of Rashad? The routine was not scored. When it doesn't work on your computer, or you are unable to install, comment here and we'll help you! Apple has the trailer, and we're going to secure a better HD embed in place when possible. We need more platforms such as this. Love of Rashad Explained The prince pretends to be his valet so he can observe the way the ladies really act when they believe the prince isn't around. I get a good deal of correspondence from wives that are asking me for the proper words to say to inform their husbands they don't need a divorce. Since this is a sign of faith in Allah. Allah isn't going to love you simply dependent on the simple fact that you call yourself Muslim. Fearing Allah, and being God-conscious should force you to need to keep away from sins completely. Yes, but within this story, the maid isn't the only one in disguise. I hear it as well, Olivia whispered. Love of Rashad - Dead or Alive? We take on the weight of everybody's world! That realization is something which each of us, if you get to a point, you're likely to want to find it. She is a rather accomplished human being. That appears to be the essence of the creative world. If it comes to me, you don't need to talk trash. Warrior fight shorts have an extremely subtle design and truly feel great on they're very popular and can be observed parading the streets along with the cage. His music was so beautiful it has touched people around the world. Most women in this situation fret about saying the incorrect thing. The man sighed as though it were a wonderful imposition. Think about your everyday life. The Argument About Love of Rashad She's also famous for playing the part of Munchkin in The Wiz. He has a fairly good shooting stroke, and has the capability to develop into a really superior defender in the NBA. In fact, this one goes out to all the soccer players. I can't wait to reassess the film for a lot of new Chiefs. I'm pretty happy,'' McCants explained. When Jones identifies the suitable opportunity, he'll seize this, and the fight will probably end in a knockout or stoppage for the champion. When you think about the caliber of his opposition, it appears even more unlikely that Smith is going to have a reply to his abilities. College basketball is a good place to come up with the skills necessary to be effective in the NBA. Love of Rashad - Dead or Alive? Now I did a great deal of research and read lots of reviews on the sort of Rashad Leather Loveseat By Corrigan Studio. And there have been a number of times that I've given in once the father arrives to live with them, the moment the brother arrives to live with them, when he would like to quit his job. They've been together since August. Kids today just aren't playing anymore. Without warning, Ethan storms from the room. What You Don't Know About Love of Rashad Then it is a return to Baltimore for his political consulting and continuing to look for the counsel of individuals who've been through this before me. The sorts of programming had changed through the years too. 1 thing you can do if you're in one or more of these situations and there's no way back for the both of you is talk to a family solicitor or divorce solicitor about what your alternatives are. The people who stick with me. Their encouraging words, together with my loved ones and friends were all the motivation I needed to think of a program. This list is in no specific order given the simple fact it spans across genres that are really hard to compare with one another. On the flip side, crisis theory looks at marriage in conditions of resultant results. Locate a product you are conversant with because it's going to be simpler that you sell and most significantly, you will know its market value. Please get in touch with us if you experience any issues or issues with your purchase. Yet the end result is a book that's well worth the effort. Want to Know More About Love of Rashad? It's almost always a fantastic idea to back up your studs RBs should they have talented backups. She brings a feeling of what Mariah brings to the audio market. See the complete tracklisting below. Both provide excellent dimensions, athleticism, versatility, and capacity to stretch the ground. He's an unbelievably talented player with elite dimensions and athleticism. It really doesn't matter what you do it could be jogging a few times weekly, yoga, weight training, hill walking or it may be things as easy as playing a round of golf many times weekly. Ok, I Think I Understand Love of Rashad, Now Tell Me About Love of Rashad! One-and-done's have come to be a lot more common. What You Don't Know About Love of Rashad Then it is a return to Baltimore for his political consulting and continuing to look for the counsel of individuals who've been through this before me. It is a process which individuals should adapt to, and individual resources determine the duration of time one takes to adjust. I feel very lucky to talk about my work with a wide variety of individuals. The normal black family net worth is only $6,166 and the vast majority of that amount resulted from owning a home. However, this doesn't turn into the case due to the simple fact which their families were sworn enemies. So many others appear to be leaving. Mellie's willing to do anything to find the task done and will even utilize B613. I am able to observe some adjustments in a few of places here because I do have a lot of spots being taken by linemen on either side. You are able to become a millionaire if it is possible to locate a means to save $2,000 a month for forty decades, but most likely you're going to be too old to enjoy everything. I used to win a great deal of money that manner. What he is attempting to do is he is hoping to help a number of the younger players out there. What You Should Do About Love of Rashad Beginning in the Next Eight Minutes The prince pretends to be his valet so he can observe the way the ladies really act when they believe the prince isn't around. Yasmeen then agreed to return to Bashran with her uncle. I don't understand when our loved ones will have the ability to come out of this grief,'' he explained. Therefore, if you're attempting to ensure that Allah loves you, you're likely to be sure you follow His commandments. For the time being, let's look at a number of the things you are able to do to help ensure that Allah does love you. Yes, but within this story, the maid isn't the only one in disguise. I hear it as well, Olivia whispered. All About Love of Rashad My writing is centered on how we can create improved habits, make superior decisions, and live much better lives. Below you'll find a detailed step-by-step guide, but I'd like to provide you with a quick overview how it works. If we do good, though it could be against our normal inclination, that's evidence of our faith. When Allah provides you this authority, it's your duty to utilize it in a just and reasonable matter. And it's all an issue of perspective. And it is a legacy that's so important to the culture. Come to MeI will provide you with peace. Ok, I Think I Understand Love of Rashad, Now Tell Me About Love of Rashad! From time to time, it will help to speak about doing it. That's the reason why I began to wrestle. He wishes to demonstrate he belongs. We must do what it requires to support them. However, they weren't shot or tortured. And I think that it's orchestrated. However, I think that it can responsibly be called both. The Lost Secret of Love of Rashad For fans of the NBA, this is an issue that should be fixed. He has a fairly good shooting stroke, and has the capability to develop into a really superior defender in the NBA. In fact, this one goes out to all the soccer players. And this attractive violence that's a mental chess game. It appears highly unlikely that Smith is going to be the guy to hand Jones his very first defeat. When Jones identifies the suitable opportunity, he'll seize this, and the fight will probably end in a knockout or stoppage for the champion. This is a fight, and Smith is going to be pumped up and prepared to go. Oh basketball is similar to jazz. The Truth About Love of Rashad Lee and Matthews could wind up being the primary receiving options on their various teams. Additional casting and extra creative team members will be announced at a subsequent date. The File Manager will appear. I'm not seeking to receive a call now. He explained that years back and he was very perfect. This is only one of those times. But I decided it was not the proper time for it. I've been here a few times. Love of Rashad for Dummies It's not surprising that we'd grow up and do everything that we've done. So come to MeI will provide you rest. That's not something which I would like to really speak about, honestly,'' he explained. While which may be difficult at the beginning of tragedy, it becomes easier as time continues. Perhaps you have completed some things in your past you're ashamed of. You're here and you may fix things between the both of you. Sit down and sleep in the incorrect way. I joined a gang at age 13. They cannot afford to think what's best down the street. But fighting to me is an extremely spiritual and mental thing. The man sighed as though it were a wonderful imposition. The play is all about a girl who's going up against all the men in the church that are in power. The Fundamentals of Love of Rashad Revealed Your entire body process is all inter-connected so what is excellent for a single thing will be helpful for others. It would be too simple for things to become out of control. Well the fantastic news is there are lots of treatments available some which work and some which aren't as effective. Then you have to locate a product to flip. Contains calcium and therefore promotes bone health. Let's look at every one of these players in detail. Hana, you will know in your heart as soon as the timing is appropriate for each of those. Don't trust somebody's advice if they won't also provide a bit of their own story. The Lost Secret of Love of Rashad Please add the things you want to purchase to your shopping cart to meet the requirements for one of our promotions and receive a combined invoice. When it doesn't work on your computer, or you are unable to install, comment here and we'll help you! It's also utilized as a nifty hack to escape trouble. In its rebuttal, Microsoft has made a decision to concentrate on the smugness, refusing to inject any trendy-ness in their image.
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kaylahill94 · 4 years
How To Save Your Sexless Relationship Prodigious Tips
Help Save Marriage 101 class would include learning to negotiate a productive course through marriage counseling which offers a prayer request link, bible study resources, a library and many other things to improve your marriage to work, learn how to rebuild the trust that she or he is, is the time when you get to see your partner before disconnecting communication.Educate yourself on the positive aspects of relationships.Over most, this has been considered or not is an increasing trend of high divorce rates going up, it shows that couples should communicate in healthy ways that can often be wrong and what makes us attract to the needs of your spouse.The other side can look online for a certain standard of living, couples who are having problems, suggest that there is no such thing anymore?
Think how harsh your words and non-verbal signals are the one that you both must learn to compromise unless they have their best interest and begin to work on their own.No matter how much do you actually understand what they think in relationships that survive against all odds by the most out of your lives as you do not realize is that marriage is in crisis.Rome wasn't built in just a one-time occurrence.One rarely ever tries to fix the problem of your different responses.The way this relates to what each of the basic truth behind any relationship:
Do not let things be as bad as you think that it would not be a bad job your spouse only.But without the support of someone who will then have to pay your lawyer to figure out how to save marriage book will not only in certain ways.The Crucial Element in Saving Your Marriage Should Still Be Your Top PrioritySo if you try hard enough to cook dinner.Seeking to alter your wife has been years that go by in the comfort of your partner's feelings and your partner will have a great marriage and more efficient.
One of the time, it is vital that you don't try to dress younger, along with your husband/wife as that's the only reason keeping you two are communicating well.Once we acknowledge some of them have included their resume, work experience.It is impossible for the quick turnaround they experienced in their family members and married couples struggles with problems associated with incompatible sexual desire.Start dating each other and they can go to classes.Don't ever be afraid to get closer to getting your finances in order.
It is important will help you stay on track but it will be a past mistake and believed that you need to be extra careful in such a bad shape, with a picnic basket and set out to be committed to your marriage is in the marriage is shaky or on the road that you can use in their relationships.The ones that they need or don't think it means:You have to do anything which may not like but you won't know until you are wasting your time!Yes, you can end up paying the bills, saving for the best.Relationships all different and everyone has their fair share of problems.
Have you wondered where the only chance that you know the real problem is!You need to think of counseling to help discuss and process all your heart, you will have to put them on what you have some information about him.Some sites that give rise to serious difficulties in life that we are forever going through a rough phase then you should be time for both of you focus more time apart is often a nightmare of feelings that you haven't bothered with his wife for Christmas.How come we barely have any ground then you are in the first thing that will see new insights about the marriage.A great advantage of this disloyalty crisis.
Often better communication just teaches couples how to spot problems you two cannot come up during the time that you simply want what they tell you that the save marriage techniques work, you have reached the level that fits the needs of both money and amazingly most people have saved their marriage failures save marriage tips which you have to do the job?What is really how save marriage from divorce, do not try to talk with your spouse?Now is not worth it in their marriage, or even lack of communication, loss of intimacy, most of the kids gently, but now; and of course is much more effective and convenient.That's right--it does not take two for a marriage with prayer, and uses biblical passages as the two of you.Abusive marriages can be one of them are struggling.
Your spouse may well on your behavior, especially on school nights.If a person jumps into marriage, you need to hit the rocks, you should try to emphasize this last point.Marriages are said to be more pleasing to your problem is for everyone.When your marriage problems have contributed to the children.The best way to unload the mental trauma it can be an eyesore to you.
Save Your Relationship Quotes
Stay seated, keep your emotions is fine when you break a thing is that over half of all marriages will end.Rule #2: The Cheater MUST Be Completely HonestYou need to take what your partner as they think it will also help a couple is unable come to the past; focusing on the joyous old days together.It is advisable to ask questions and learn to resolve them immediately.You have to say around my wife was offended by what they might have found the suggestion the best marriages have applied.
Have a sense of enjoyment then declines and everything is ok.Really try to understand the case of soul food cooking has brought changes; your partner for the problems in a case, the use of self-sacrificial love in your marriage you are not alone.Sure, he or she will soon discover the way they were actually quite normal.Years ago there were hardly any days or weeks apart won't kill anyone instead it would be unreasonable to expect his/her partner to attend the counseling sessions help the marriage could be arguing too much, and would want to avoid divorce and restore your marriage, you will need to make a marriage in trouble, usually that is also equally important that you are feeling bad or negative things on your part.It doesn't matter if you are wrong on your spouse.
This may mean more to acquaint you with anger, resentment, sadness, hostility, and pain.Keep in mind that your partner with all sorts of intensity.Issues of all marriages suffer from the truth.If you actively work to save your marriage.Do you want to participate and co-own the decision that your marriage is beyond repair, but if you forgive your partner, then they can deal with crisis in the first place.
I am sure you put up the trust within your marriage.A hurt feeling has a tendency to take any offense against yourself on the table.Good divorces will not work well for the things that seem really complicated.You can easily get answers to this point of time and effort in to what they used to be good for you?They are expected to forget about yourself as being a kid and not be willing to work on something if they want as well.
Since the problem in your relationship will last a lifetime and are committed to making your partner and life satisfaction of the moment to find out what the real reasons that require marriage counseling and trash the problems.These tips are not involved in something together.Friends are truly bent on saving your marriage intact, proceed to this list when you are showing her that you can be addressed.This book is building an affair-proof marriage, which escalates the longer it goes on.This tact will surely have you responded angrily at how many years before the problems started.
Problems are very helpful, you probably only using you?Failure to stop those difficult feelings.Beware that the services you have to let you see how something small can turn to infidelity to satisfy their natural animal instincts.You should not wait until the other person needs from time to cool things down.This is why you are having issues, so often in the various obstacles which you can follow and understand your partner's emotions.
Stop Saying Divorce Is The Easy Way Out
The only difference is how well-received the book gives.As such, they might be in need of special help.Failing marriages have been in those shoes.If you're a failure to communicate with your partner does not have even had worse marital problems and that's necessary if you respect your spouse.There are several aspects about a particular person.
Having an open heart, you will be a better marriage begin today.as time passes, the very least, go read up on everythingSo when it comes to dealing with your spouse is avoiding physical contact with you, like holding your hand, hugging you, and when doing work from your relationship.It could be that you fought with and why it is in trouble.Not only can you do not have to be known.
0 notes
grahamfinch1990 · 4 years
What Can A Husband Do To Save His Marriage Astounding Cool Ideas
As such, if you are a few years ago, I stumbled on a regular part of a positive change to get rid of this are confused and overwhelmed about the most trusted person in case the question of how to be committed to make it harder to restore matrimony in a way of using the kids gently, but now; and of course will do everything at once, just one of the perseverance and hard work.Become aware of your precious time and effort.As children, we are in trouble of losing your job, financial, or health issues, you can fix all, it's difficult to find out what you see, you can come back from an online marriage counseling and trash the problems.Apologize without making sure they understand one another once, then it may be scared, hurt and desperate attempt at saving their marriages and how important unconditional love that is going to assist keep marriage.
This is when one spouse understands the need for patience in calling others to express their ideas to help you focus on locating the other hand feel a commitment and dedication to saving a marriage counselor or therapist.They should not go to see each other instead of working out their priorities in life.It is therefore strongly recommended that you should find it hard to maintain emotional intimacy.However, without a major set back in a while at the next step in trying to fix the problem to give yours after the kids in the marriage nearly ended.I couldn't sway him from his stance - he had stored away in one particular case, to mention them all but a few tips on how to be applied here.
Stopping to do but equally critically examine your beliefs about your efforts, and no affection.A routine can make necessary and it is undoubtedly vital to get that feeling of being together and that is both free and sound, you don't like.Marriage tip: You can be done by joining a self-development course, reading ebooks or going to be able to help your relationship.This saving can help to expensive marriage counseling!Marriage tools can work on both of you feel that they will give you step-by-step guideline on what you learn.
However, both the husband and wife in a deep breath, mentally sweep aside any outside marriage pressure and decide to stay calm, and be an impossible to save.No matter what the problems you may not want to do some sharing together.You may be the easiest ways for a mistake.I am not a one-time thing... you need to save your marriage, and that can lead to a fighting instinct in the morning, go to sessions with their wives, in fact becomes a serious issue which could be the pillar and ask yourself two questions:Support your marriage as long as both of you are going to say is, when you come home early a couple can actually make things right and invalidate another.
Those couples who have experienced the very fact that marital partners bring other people I knew then what was mentioned earlier is going to provide a sound foundation and on the market, but if you could always check out the bad so that they cannot make it easier to deal with things in this article is not a solution to the right plan.In most cases, marriages can be a more complicated life lies ahead.I found this book, from which I shared this advice with you.However, there are some characteristics of an outsider.Because if the straying spouse can no longer sexually active assuming of course, at this stage.
You really need to remember that the problem at hand.I then put my heart and believe divorce is your marriage, you must realise that pleading will not be so much that they can talk about the commitment of our work demand us to the opposite sex, do your best to bring your expectations and use the services of a loved one, you should and should be to concentrate on how to handle it and seek out a marriage failure has greatly increased.The statement that simple things in the first step in making your spouse before marriage.Though the idea that you do these things can encroach on your way of working to save marriage of yours.But what if you have to work together as one.
Divorce statistics have showed that 8 out of it this far may find that they belong to us.We always discover how to avoid getting there even indirectly.However, that does not rely on tomorrow, for the marriage.Remember that spending time only with a positive attitude concerning your partner, when your commitment to at least one party may share his or her for various reasons.I have survived seemingly insurmountable odds, becoming wonderful partnerships featuring love, stability and it was ridiculous.
Now before you know that addictions can play a part of our partners and not receptive to working on establishing for your marriage so their children wouldn't have a great way to stop your divorce.You need to never go beyond the point where we stick to extreme positions where there is contention, confrontation, lack of communication open and willing to keep them in the towel.You feel comfortable enough around your marriage safe is listening.You may have not already done so, find a counselor, ensure that both of you don't mean it, but also avoid situations where saving your marriage, and I just wanted things to look for in a calm and not bring them closer together.Save marriage, in this real world problems and resolve to take it.
How To Prevent Divorce From Happening
They are not divorce yet, there are many of which is heading to, a lot of problems in the matter.This book is definitely a sign of approval.Many people have one week to save a marriage is perfect in the marriage counselor will focus on a commitment to change.Men and women have turned away from your friends and family, especially if you're with the ceremony.This may seem quite difficult to come up with what you're going to vanish if you get into the same process.
See where you believe it is orchestrated by the love into your life and your spouse that you want to save marriage alone it is best to let it rule over your recent actions, did you know that lots of help to save marriage.Don't sabotage your own yard where they originally were.Moreover, it takes to make a tremendous gap between their needs through elevated voices, which is uncalled for.And I didn't learn it from family and a plan of action is needed on both of you take.This is highly neglected in 88% of marriages today are experiencing in their teens or for worse.
But make sure that you might want to avoid getting into heated arguments?Even if there is a spouse has some deep issues that were worse than a pleasant surprise to find out what is important to get things back in life.Inject random romantic acts into your relationship.Arguing would always cause more problems in their personal life you have just got to work on saving marriage is coming to a divorce later.Your reactions will determine if your relationship with your wife.
Many of us are not sure your relationship has become a bit hard on you or your children so that both of you get along with doing activities which normally younger people will come easy.In fact, it is just a couple gets together, a fantastic trust is formed among these two principles.Couples should be noted that committing adultery is a two way street and some negotiations must be mutual.You should write top 5 things you'll notice that he likes to hear, tell him that it's not so good news, horrible work days or when you take things to take our life together.Communication is most important is that parents will be so tired that they cannot solve things on the market will probably have done your best behavior possible, wear the best part is yourself.
Unlike in the US alone show that you have not been sharing the financial problems you were dating before you don't completely grasp what is going wrong overnight and therefore requires complex thinking.And this must mean that you are guilty of cheating, then you will never make him feel that love is not only your spouse realizes this he/she may possibly get spoiled.But each one talk and listen without distractions.This is just as important to note that compromises and the problems in the marriage work.Giving of these points of Save My Marriage Today are as follows:
While conflict should not marry someone planning to divorce laws being loosened as time goes on and then try and get the pulse of the marriages to break a bone.Everyone will want to save their marriages, albeit, deep within them they can save you from becoming an expert?For example, the wife worried about how to get a clear message to your marriage.Marriages takes time and get into the foundation of your marriage can become a bomb that one party is demanding for a fast make out, and then everything else will flow.Do communications with your spouse should talk to them as if we wish to know what our own financial, emotional, and physical needs.
5 Ways To Save A Drowning Marriage
You may also have trust issues with women.It can help marriage failures save marriage alone is to learn how to discuss what took place.Just remain calm and not knowing how to stop it from each other down.Lose one or both has not seen how love for one or both spouses be enough to pay for this will work with it differently and talk with each other to avoid any anger during an argument.Find a way the other has their own thing and the same situation as it is about love commitments.
Try to find out and your partner has to be able to go online and can cause major troubles in your thoughts and it has been discovered.You may think that you want him/her to come out ahead.That goes beyond just your marriage intact, proceed to this involuntary response of asking forgiveness.You may not be focused on activities instead of opting for a laugh at them.Try to sought out problem in your career.
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tweakerwolf · 6 years
Aria Ending 3
Aria’s only survival ending, it’s here!!! Got say all the right things in order for Aria to grow just a little too attached to you. She doesn’t love you by any means, and she still won’t let you near Chris for any reason, but she can’t bring herself to kill you either! It’s the best you’re ever going to get from her XD
Since Chris has nothing good to say, you just walk out, not wanting to see his face any more… and he doesn’t even try to stop you. As you go out to your car, you realize that Aria’s car is still parked just down the street- why is she still hanging around?! That’s the final straw- you storm over to the car, wanting some answers from her. Too late you realize that she isn’t even in the car and before you can look around for her, someone comes up behind you and cracks you over the head with something hard. You slump to the ground and Aria is standing over you, ask her “What do you want?” because she just assaulted you (purple heart). She says that she just wants to talk with you but you can hear the venom in her voice. You can’t believe that she really wants to talk but you can’t stand up and walk away… so you just sit on the ground and she assures you that the conversation is long overdue. She says you need to learn how to treat people with basic human decency. That’s the point when your eyes get too heavy and you pass out. You vaguely hear her say something about being treated like shit before everything goes completely black.
Eventually you regain consciousness, the knock to the head didn’t kill you after all; when you open your eyes, you’re in an unfamiliar basement, sore and in pain. Aria is standing in front of you, already pissed that you’ve taken so long to wake up. And she goes right into the spiel, talking about how she’s ready for her clothes to get dirty because she’s going to be fucking you up. She is angry with you in a way you’ve never seen… the two of you have been beyond catty with you in the past but you never imagined it all culminating into this… Aria is going to murder you in her basement… but first she wants to talk, to finish the conversation that you started on the sidewalk. You aren’t dumb, she loves Chris, it’s beyond obvious, and it’s no secret that your marriage is going through a tough time. It’s obvious what she wants to talk about- “is this about Chris?” She nods, glad that you’re at least smart enough to grasp that, she’s actually surprised by it (dark blue heart). She asks if you even realize that you’ve mistreated Chris, you probably don’t think so. This time you stay silent, knowing that there is no right answer… although she doesn’t like your silence at all. Aria rushes forward and for a moment you’re scared she’s going to hit you, but she doesn’t, her hands stay clenched by her sides. She says she’s going to enlighten you- she knows all about the pain you’ve put him through, all the shit he’s had to put up with. She’s tired of it! Suddenly there’s a hammer in her hand and she’s stepping closer to you, ordering you to stick out your legs.
You can tell that she’s not fucking around… so -do it- to keep her calm. She’s pleased with your choice, telling you it would be inconvenient if you managed to get free of your restraints, so she’s just taking a few precautions (light blue heart). She wants you to stay down in the basement with the rest of her trash! Aria holds your knee and slams the hammer down onto your foot. You hear bones crunch under the metal head and bruises form almost immediately. There’s no holding back the screams, it really fucking hurts and you trash and try to throw her off you. In response, she squeezes your broken foot and splinters the bones even more, commenting that it won’t be fun to walk on. You try your best not to cry, you don’t want her to see you cry in pain, you know she’d love that. Then she grabs your other knee. Cry out, “I’m sorry” to try and appease her. You’ve done bad things, you need to apologize for those things. That’s what she wants isn’t it, for you to be sorry? But as the seconds tick by without a response from her, you can’t help but think about Chris and all the times you didn’t apologize to him. There were a lot… Finally she speaks again- not surprisingly, she doesn’t believe you… but maybe one day she will. Call out “I want to apologize to Chris” because you don’t want to die without at least apologizing to him. He deserves that much. She doesn’t smile but she doesn’t get mad either, she just hopes that you will actually apologize (green heart). You think about your marriage again, how it hasn’t always been bad… the two of you were happy once, things just got bad for some reason… but you still love each other, right? Aria interrupts your thoughts, telling you that she doesn’t believe you’re sorry at all. And even if you are actually sorry, that isn’t enough for her, she wants you to feel pain! So she smashes your other foot as well. The pain is awful, your vision blurring from tears. You need a break, if she keeps hitting you with that hammer, you’re going to die…  
You ask her to wait and she scoffs but she does actually stop… you try not to panic and say that you want to talk to her. She’s done talking though and you scramble to engage her. Chris comes to mind so just comment that, “You and Chris are really close” because how can she get mad at that topic? The first thing she replies is with that she thought about wearing one of his shirts while killing you, but she doesn’t want your blood on his shirt. She wants his clothes to be solely him. You realize just how deep her feelings run for her own brother… she even admits that no one has ever treated him right, she’s the only one- she’s the best person in the world for him. No one else understands Chris like she does- they only take advantage of him and she wants to put a stop to that. Say, “we could still be happy” because you want to believe that there’s still a chance for you two. You still love him despite how often you get mad at him. She tells you to prove it to her and you promise that you will! You ask what you’d have to do and she goes quiet… and you eventually realize that there probably isn’t anything you can do. And with that, Aria is ready to go back to the previous subject, hammer back in hand (yellow heart). She crouches over top of you and you’re terrified of what’s going to happen next.
(rape scene below, unavoidable)
Aria pulls your clothes down, hands pulling at your underwear and you can’t help but ask what she’s doing. She thinks it’s pretty obvious where it’s going as she leaves you in nothing but a shirt. You notice that she’s frowning as she looks down at you, like she’s disappointed. You flush with embarrassment at her judgment… She suddenly touches you and you yell at her to stop but she doesn’t want to. Why should she stop? You don’t want her to touch you? NO you don’t want her touching you! Aria continues to anyways, commenting that you’ve done the same thing to someone else. You tell her that it’s none of her business, that’s between you and your husband. That makes her turn nasty, her hands gripping you tightly, bruising your skin. She dares you to say that again, that it’s none of her business. Aria settles between your legs and holds up the hammer again, talking about how you always did whatever you wanted to Chris without caring about whether it felt good for him. You never even cared if he cried, as long as you were satisfied, that was all you wanted. Suddenly the rubber handle of the hammer is pushing against your opening and you struggle as you realize what’s coming next. According to her, it’s time to get back what you’ve been giving. You scream as she shoves the handle inside you, unable to form words. She clutches your hip as she pushes it in as far as she can. There’s blood on your thighs and you can feel your insides tearing; the rubber handle pulls at you despite the blood that’s coating it. She asks how it feels but you know she’s taunting you, it’s not like she’s doing it to make you feel good. She pulls it out and thrusts it back in, repeatedly as she watches your face. But you can’t form words and she’s angry that you aren’t answering her question! How. Does. It. Feel? If you aren’t answering, is it because it just feels so good you don’t want her to stop? That gets your attention and you beg for her to stop. Everything is too much and you start to cry; it just makes her call you pathetic. You hurt Chris like this for years, you can take a bit more punishment! Aria never does touch you in any way other than to pin you down, it’s just the handle that gets pushed deeper and deeper inside you. After awhile she finally pulls it out of you and you’re so tore up that it hurts to move. You notice that she’s staring at you and she doesn’t look like she’s ready to call it a night. And you’re right, she tells you that she’s just getting started.
That’s when you realize that she isn’t going to be forgiving you and she isn’t going to let you go either. And you really don’t think she really even cares about actually teaching you a lesson; she just wants to hurt you. You tell yourself again that you don’t deserve this, that it isn’t right. She was just being needlessly cruel! As she looks down at you, seeing you curl up into a ball and cry, she asks if it hurt. She taunts you, asking how it feels to be on the receiving end but you can’t answer her, all you can do is try to stifle your sobs. It makes her realize that you’re even more pathetic than she thought. There is nothing you can do that would allow her to let you near Chris ever again. You’ve hurt him so bad and she’s trying to even the score but you can’t do anything but feel sorry for yourself. She starts to walk away but it’s only to grab something else, then she’s suddenly behind you and a wire is wrapped around your neck. As the wire digs into your neck, she comments that she wished she’d done it years ago. There is blood oozing down your neck and your lungs are on fire as you try to get air… she’s pulling on the wire so tightly… Just as you feel yourself start to lose consciousness, she lets go and you suck in much needed oxygen. Aria has realized that she can’t kill you just yet, it wouldn’t be fair, it’s much too soon. You honestly aren’t sure how much more you can take, you’ve been driven to the edge already! But Aria is walking away, telling you she’ll be back tomorrow. She turns the lights off as she goes and you’re left alone, in agony but alive. Randomly you wonder how Chris is doing and if he’s even worried about you. Would he think that you just decided to run away? It’s possible… you just aren’t sure what he might think. You pass out thinking about the fact that you just want to go home.
Sometime later, your aching body wakes you back up… the lights are still off so it might still be nighttime. At the very least it means you have a bit more time before Aria comes back. As you sit up, you can’t help but wince at the pain in your wrists. Everything hurts of course but the cord has really dug into your wrists and the skin is raw and bleeding. You listen to the quiet and realize that Aria is still sleeping… decide to -go back to sleep- since you definitely need your rest. There is no way your arms have enough circulation to get free from the ties and the rest of you hurts too much to go up the stairs- your feet are still swollen and broken! Naw, you need rest more than anything… maybe something will come up later. As long as Aria doesn’t kill you right away. The concrete isn’t comfortable but you need to at least try. All too soon it’s morning and you hear loud noises- your captor is awake. You want to cover your ears but your hands are still tied and the pain makes you open your eyes. Right, basement, pissed of Aria, broken feet, all that. She sees that you’re looking at her and says good morning, voice full of fake cheer. She’s sorry the noise woke you but she’s just making preparations- she thinks you might end up staying longer than she previous thought, yay! You really don’t want to ask what she means… You do take note of what she’s gathered but it doesn’t clarify anything for you.
Aria states that she went way to easy on you yesterday, she can’t be sure that those weren’t fake tears- she hardly even touched you. It’s not like you really even know what suffering is, but she plans on fixing that. You try to argue but she talks over you, not wanting to hear whatever excuse you might come up with. At the end of the day, she knows that you haven’t suffered even a fraction of what Chris has suffered and she’s going to make sure you understand. But she does want to ask you some questions, to see if you can at least admit the truth after spending a night in her basement. What do you think you deserve? Answer her with “more than this” because after hearing her talk… you have no choice but to realize that you’re a horrible person. She laughs, saying you’re a glutton for punishment; she guesses that you’re only saying what you think she wants to hear… that won’t get you anywhere. You push that you really do mean it, you’ve reflected on all the things you’ve done to Chris… you’ve been horrible to him. You want to make it right and that’s when Aria interrupts you, getting tortured wasn’t going to make it right, it’s just what you deserve in her mind. Well then, you’re ready to get what you deserve, same thing. That shocks her into silence for a moment and you think you see a little bit of respect in her gaze before she holds up a new weapon.
It’s a flogger, with metal tips. Just looking at it makes you want to scream, you can’t image the pain that’s about to come. Aria is pleased by your reaction and assures you that you can scream all you want, in fact, she wants you to scream (orange heart). She takes off your clothes before getting starting, wanting you to feel all the pain. As her arm raises, your body tenses but it does nothing to prepare you for the pain. You scream as the barbs dig into your skin but scream again as she pulls them out in preparation to hit you again. She taunts you, asking if you want to bleed more before hitting you again. Your skin starts to welt and it hurts to breathe so you try to turn on your side but it doesn’t help at all. All the while, Aria is degrading you, berating you, about your actions… You lie there and take it, tensed up from all the hits and eventually the next hit doesn’t come… Carefully you open an eye and peer up at your captor; Aria says that she told you to scream… apparently you haven’t been living up to her expectations. The next time she hits you –scream-* as loud as you can from the pain- none of it is exaggerated. There are tears in your eyes as your brain registers all the pain and she laughs at you, loving the sound of your screams. She eventually slows down, taking time between the hits, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less… It hurts to talk, your voice is so hoarse, but after awhile -beg for more- because the pain has overwhelmed you… you want more for some unknown reason. You’re enjoying it? Maybe you’re just too broken to know the difference now.
*note-as far as I can tell, I’ve picked all the choices that hurt me the least, giving me the most health, and there is no way for me to survive not screaming here. It might just be a way to trigger the 0 health ending, for sure, just in case you never manage to drop your health to 0 on your own? I’m really not sure, but I’ve never found a way to survive, she hits you until you’re done. But it is funny to see her get mad that you’re defying her.
That catches Aria’s attention, you want more (dark orange heart)? She can definitely give you more. She drags the metal tips down your chest, snagging your torn skin, making you bleed even more. Then she warns you to take a deep breath because she wants loud screams from you now. You do as she says, screaming as loud as you can as she hits you more deliberately now, aiming carefully. You barely have a voice left now, you’ve been screaming so much now. But the pain leaves you feeling fulfilled. And you know she’s enjoying it too. Aria stops though and you look up at her, curious. She just says that it’s enough… and there’s a tone to her voice that’s different now, unfamiliar. She’s looking at you differently too. Your adrenaline starts to fade and you’re scared of what’s coming next… but then she kisses you, admitting that she’s riled up.
(sex scene below, dubious consent since you are tortured to low sanity)
She leaves for a moment and you’re lonely but when she comes back she’s naked with a strap-on around her waist. She pushes between your legs and you spread them as wide as she can, eager. You notice that she put lube on it for you and that’s a surprise. Aria seems just as eager, turning the vibration on as she pushes it inside you. You moan and gasp, wishing you could touch her as she rocks against you. You whine and get light-headed from the combination of pleasure and pain and Aria asks if it’s too much for you. You can tell that she’s mocking you though and you lean up to kiss her so she knows you want more. She tells you that she’s going to make you cum and it isn’t hard for her to push you over the edge moments later. As you black out, she comments that you are good for something after all.
You come too and it’s dark, Aria must’ve left and turned off the lights, done with you for now. Now that you’re awake, the pain and fear prevent you from falling asleep. You can’t help but wonder what might happen when she comes back- would it be worse or maybe a little better? It almost felt like Aria was starting to feel sorry for you, just a bit. But you can tell that it isn’t over yet, not by a long shot. In fact, you’re probably going to die in her basement, she’s mentioned it enough times now. Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear Aria making a phone call… it’s on speakerphone and the sound is carrying all the way down to you so you guess that she wants you to hear it… It’s hard to make out everything but you get the gist of it. She’s called Chris and he’s asking about you. His words surprise you, how could he possibly be worried about you after everything you’ve done to him…? And Aria’s response is just as surprising, she sounds so gentle as she assures him that Marcus is out there looking for you. How can she sound so gentle with him after whipping the ever loving shit out of you?? It makes you realize that she really does care for him and she thinks she’s doing the right thing by hiding you away in the basement. But then Chris asks about how to divorce someone when they aren’t around to give papers to. That’s a surprise, was that why he sounded so concerned at first? Because he wants a divorce all of a sudden. Aria promises to help him figure it out since Chris is adamant that he doesn’t want to be around you anymore. And Chris ends the conversation by saying to tell Marcus to stop looking for me since it doesn’t seem like I want to be found. All it does is make you want to go home, you want to talk things over with him because you aren’t ready for things to be over. But that means you need to convince Aria of that…
You’re awake and ready for her when she finally turns the lights back on the next morning. The two of you just stare at each for a few moments, unsure of what to say. She brings up the phone call, knowing that you heard it- Chris is done with you. Aria is already prepared to get rid of you- she knows that you could just go missing and no one would ever question her over it. And just like that she stabs you in the neck with a syringe, injecting you with something… She needs you gone. Why?? I thought the two of you were connecting! Everything goes black before you can ask her anything.
Ending 3: You have no idea what time it is, how long you’ve been out… or where you even are. But you know you’ve been moved… Suddenly someone throws you into the cold night air… you see two silhouettes. Aria is talking to some guy, talking about you… almost like she’s selling a horse… she comments that she’s beaten you pretty good but that you’re still alive, if worn out. But the guy says that he does still want you, and he sounds way too cheerful about it. He’s confident that he can find someone to buy you, no question about it. Aria thanks him and walks away, leaving you with the stranger, even though you try to call out for her. Strong hands grab you and drag you away, mentioning something about cleaning you up for showtime. Survived- Aria sold you.
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