#but it rlly doesn't need to be
yn-has-insomnia · 5 months
so help me god I will write something this month and post it
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mechieonu · 6 months
i know that disney is too big to boycott effectively but that shouldn't translate to "and so we should keep buying their products like normal" but rather "at the very least we should try"
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mattodore · 5 months
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20s vs 30s
#river dipping#matthias evanoff#theodore doe#echthroi#ts4#ts4 edit#the older they get the more i need to [redacted] them...#matthias is already 26 so. not much changing going on in his face. his hair just starts receding a bit before he gets it under control#but theo’s in his early 20s so his cheeks definitely lose some baby fat in his late 30s#MIND YOU! matthias is really vain. so. he has a skincare routine and he's very serious abt it along w/ regular dermatologist visits#and injections/surgeries probably... so he is someone who will age very gracefully thanks to money lmao...#theo on the other hand is just blessed with beautiful skin <3 well that plus he rlly doesn't emote often... not many lines on his face#until he's in his mid-forties probably. but like fr... theo isn’t someone who puts a lot of work into his appearance like matthias does#and he uses and smokes like. his skin looking so good is just the result of a genetic lottery#i do think he quits both by the time he’s 30#but while he doesn’t go back to cigarettes… hm. he probably continues to relapse w/ drugs every few years#not with anything hard—he’s off the stuff for good i think past 28-ish#i think when he relapses he’s usually safe with matthias who helps him by focusing on harm reduction so. lighter ones.#…just got a bit emotional thinking about that but anyway#kisses for theo 🫂#i was going to post this last night before bed but decided that i wanted to actually edit them first so! here take this <3#i've gotta get ready to go get my novavax shot in a few hours but then i'm going to start editing again#seriously rlly enjoying my editing process rn... like it makes me so happy!! to finally really like the way i edit and how things look#but yeah........................ mattodore are so sexy as they age god.#i gotta redo that old family lineage post i made now that mattodore look different... and i need to redo their parents for sure#…anyway cross your fingers for me 🧎 i’m hoping my side effects aren’t too bad this time around
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pixiatn · 1 year
When fics try to portray Dick as a horrible sibling to Tim but make Tim have a good relationship with Jason yet they constantly bring up Jason beating the shit out of and almost killing Tim
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densitywell · 9 months
Marisha's comment about how Relvin is one of those parents who ended up with a child they didn't know what to do with really gets to the heart of it, i think, and is such a good way to tie the fantasy element of Imogen's powers into things more tangible. because there are really a lot of parents like Relvin in real life, who have a child with the person they're happily married to and never expect to be left alone with the kid. or who expect a ""normal"" (read: cisgender and heterosexual, able-bodied, relatively neurotypical and obedient, etc.) child and end up with one who's ""difficult"", who demands more or different of them than what they believe they signed up for. and that's not entirely entitlement on a parent's part- many cultures' common frameworks of parenthood and child-rearing do not include space for these children. it makes sense that Relvin was unprepared. raising any child is difficult, and raising a child whose needs you were never taught how to accommodate, who the world is so cruel to, is even more challenging.
and yet. and yet, the person who bears the brunt of the harm in these situations will always be the child. they're the ones who have to live every moment of how the world treats them, without the support that their parent is supposed to provide them. and when asked to care for his child even when she turned out to be ""difficult"", Relvin couldn't. for entirely sympathetic reasons, of course. he tried, in his own way. i don't think he's a bad guy. but he's let his own broken heart bleed onto his daughter. he hasn't been able to give her much else.
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nulltune · 7 months
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old edits _(:3」∠)_ but i like imagining hakuno in different hairstyles HNGGHH 😩😩❤️💗💓💞 would she ever style her hair tho? sadly no </3 she thinks she's too plain for that + doesn't care about her appearance outside of just enough to look neat and presentable (we do see her hair in low twintails if she needs em tied up tho! tis a very cute look 🫶)
bUT LIKE- if someone wants to play with her hair or style her up then 👀 hakuno vc i don't mind. (<- girl who tends to go along with what others' want because she has no desires of her own tbh-) (METHINKS IT HAS DA POTENTIAL TO BE SO WHOLESOME THOOO and her hair's long and silky yknow ✨️ it'd b nice 2 touch ! 😌✨️) or alternatively- let hakuno do your muse's hair! ✨️ (she brushed nero's hair in last encore and it was such a soft moment it must've been so nice 🥺❤️)
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yardsards · 4 months
my pet headcanon that has 0 evidence is that post canon emira gets music lessons from raine
both of her siblings got to have mentors and i think she could use an outlet to express herself as well as a positive adult figure to go to outside of her family
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canongf-archive · 2 years
it's rad if you decide to change up your aesthetic to match your F/O's! it's rad if you start dressing differently, doing your hair and / or makeup differently, watching new movies, listening to new music, reading new books, redecorating your room, or anything like it because you were inspired by your F/O! whether you just want to feel closer to them or they introduced you to new things that you thoroughly enjoy and identify with! or both! you don't have to remain the same person always, you can change things up however you feel like it and whenever you feel like it and express yourself in whatever way feels good!
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blitz0hno · 23 days
MY MOTHER SAID THE WILDEST THING TO ME TODAY ABOUT WORK LMAO yes I made it look like the Evil Website for kicks
> be Me(Me)
> calling my mom for mother's day like a good son
> happy casual chat
> she asks about Work
> start Ranting about how self-respect seems to be Punished in the Workplace
> gets hit with this banger quote
> "Honey, sometimes you have to get all that frustration into a bag and leave it in your car when you go to work ❤️"
> frustration.gif
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> smashing it into smaller pieces for easier bagging
> "chat what did she mean when she said this"
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thumbalinabarbie · 1 year
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working on a wax sculpture inspired by the magnus archives right now, it's the anglerfish!!
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mattodore · 11 months
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takes a bite out of them
#river dipping#ts4#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#echthroi#i'm ripping matthias's sim rn to make a quick little funny haha pose for a post so here i am while i wait...#these are the images i was using in the google docs for their questionnaires!! i figured i'd post them bc crabbey liked theo's#these aren't their latest versions tho so theo's eyes are the old ones and there are some small changes i made to matthias that're missing#but i think theo looks sooo gorgeous w/ the icarus bg and this cas lighting...#the luumia height slider doesn't work on mattodore for some reason (tho it used to?) so i haven't used height sliders in ages#but i downloaded a different one to mess w/ the other day which is why you can see matthias is taller here#still not accurate to their height difference bc i was just messing around but i'll fix it some other time#i rlly want to restart my casual oc gameplay bc they both look so different now compared to how they looked when i started it#dutchie has also changed a lot................... am i really gonna dump my months long save just bc of that? yeah probably jkngfknfn#ALSO... i have to update my game tonight bc lush made a sim for me but i FORGOR that i haven't updated since... hsy? so.#obviously i have to update now#which also means i will FINALLYYYYYYYY have infants.................................#when i tell you i will be making a baby just so i can put them in theo's hands i am being so serious#i will be in there like lightning#i need to see theo holding a baby so so sooo bad#it would cure every mental illness i have i think .
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soapgraves · 3 months
Non sexual intimacy my love. Forced proximity my love. Unresolved tension my love. Sleeping together literally my love.
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crumbleclub · 11 months
Something I think would destroy Michael when he finally got out of William's house:
At every turn, the adults who were supposed to care for him failed him. Now that he's an adult, nobody is expected to help him at all.
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dennisboobs · 11 months
im gonna let you guys in on a little secret.
the more macden shippers shit on other pairings, the more multishippers like me will move towards their secondary and/or tertiary pairings. if i can't go into the charden tag without seeing a post intentionally tagged with multiple ships and trying to spark discourse between them by saying people who ship "rarepairs" are stupid and delusional, first of all, that's an instant fucking block, but like. I'm not going to feel like talking about macdennis when it feels like there's such an obnoxious pressure on you to fall into line and accept the widely preached and accepted fanon canon.
I love macden too. and I would post about and enjoy it a lot more if y'all didn't make it feel like we had to pick a side. just because you prefer the big popular ship, that doesn't make you smarter, or more correct than anyone who ships charden or charmac, it just means you have different preferences. i think macden has the biggest chance of being an actual couple on the show, and obviously mac and dennis are both gay and queer respectively, but if i want to ship charden, why can't i do that too? fandom is supposed to be fun, and it's supposed to be enjoyable, i don't want to have to fight to prove that this ship that i personally see working and enjoy the dynamics of is a "valid ship" when i am fully aware that they're not going to be canon that's kind of the point, and why i prefer it. and for the love of god... if you hc a pairing as platonic, that is perfectly fine. that's how i see charmac myself, but that is your view and your problem, not the shippers'. just block the tag so you don't have to see it if it bothers you that much.
and i don't like several of the other common rarepairs, but have any of you ever seen me talking shit on charmac or chardee shippers? no. stay in your lane and let people live. i'm sick of seeing people acting superior over a fucking it's always sunny in philadelphia ship.
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rocicrew · 2 years
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“You are the central fact of my life,” he said. “Knowing you. Waking up next to you. It’s been the most meaningful thing I’ve done. And I am profoundly fucking grateful that I got that. I think of how easy it would have been for us to miss each other, and I can’t even imagine what that lifetime would have been.”
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dukethvmas · 2 years
So I understand why there’s people who say that Bruce should have killed the Joker, I really do, but I’ll be honest I actually understand more when he says things along the lines of “it would make me just like them” or how he wouldn’t be able to go back from that. Like just bear with me. 
 I think it makes more sense to interpret it as him not wanting to gain that power or the state of mind that would come from killing a person, even the Joker. Like it’s a slippery slope for him or something. Because not only would it be fairly difficult for Bruce to be held accountable as Batman (the whole secret identity thing) but there’s also the fact that Bruce is a literal billionaire, so with all the wealth he has also comes a certain amount of power he’d have in daily life right. It’s about the fact that someone with all that money and power shouldn’t be able to play judge, jury, and executioner with someone’s life. It doesn’t matter that it’s the Joker, it’s still a life. And even if it wouldn’t happen, Bruce wouldn’t want to reach that point of no return with the whole ‘power corrupts’ thing.
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