#but im trying to put that from my mind and focus on doing what i can/am doing and committing to that
broodsys · 8 months
every damn day
me, actively writing: ooh i like this!
me, having stepped away: wow that was SO bad. the wor s t. why am i writing :c
me, returning and rereading what i wrote: ....okay nvm i actually like this
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 month
Hiii i just saw your post prision Spencer post with sunshine reader and im soooo in love with it (and in love with him too tbh) could you please do a pt2? Have a nice day💕
spencer and sunshine!reader have set routines on office days and spencer likes flirting pt 1 of their story 🤭
“Spencer Reid, prepare to have your mind blown!” You announce as you walk into the bullpen, your Mary Janes clacking against the tiles. You’re in a skirt today, Spencer supposes it’s because it’s a designated office day- there’s only three a month, but every time there is one, you come in an outfit Spencer would never even dream of. 
Today you’re channelling your inner Elle Woods. He knows about her from Resse Witherspoon, but also from your innate love of the film and the fact that you forced him to watch it on the jet once. 
You’re wearing a pretty black skirt, a grey top and a baby pink blazer that matches the pink socks you’re wearing and your eyeshadow that he just about makes out behind your glasses. 
“With what?” He’s on his way back from the kitchen, your prized orca mug in one hand and his mug in the other.
This is your new routine; you and Spencer have coffee in the morning while you both work through your crosswords and then get started on filing away reports for the many serial killers you’ve either interviewed with Tara or put away with the team. It’s fun, and it’s always something to look forward to, especially on designated office days. 
These specific mornings, you have time for a game you’ve fondly named, ‘Making Spencer Try International Desserts.’
Spencer can smell your perfume, you smell like you always do- orange blossom, coffee and lavender. It’s intoxicating, the way the scent just floats into him with every move you make. 
“The season calls for it, so  I got pavlova. It’s a New Zealand dessert and I got it with raspberries, strawberries and a passion fruit syrup situation to go on top.” 
Spencer knows the informational side to everything in the world but he’s never tried some of it out, as you’d learnt on a night out for drinks, so you’d started the game as a way to help him get real world knowledge of fun things- the operative word being up for debate but he hadn’t objected yet. 
He clears his desk, making space for the two little boxes you have in your hand. “They’re a little sweet for breakfast, but you only live once.” You open up the boxes and Spencer is shocked to see the mini pavlovas and the fruit sitting beside it in a clear container. 
“Do you like these?” He asks, handing over your coffee to you and pulling his box towards him. 
“I do, but they’re more of a picnic food to share in my opinion. Like you need to be having a bar-b-que or a garden party to have the full effect of these.” Spencer isn’t surprised by your enthusiasm for the dessert- your little stories about every one you’ve shared with him is enthusiastic for how and when to eat them. 
You sneak into the kitchen and return with two spoons. “Okay, try to get a bit of everything on your spoon.” 
Spencer does as you say, a bit of the berries, the passion fruit and the shell of the pavlova on his spoon as he takes his first bite. You sit in anticipation, watching him chew and swallow like it’s the most fascinating thing a person could do. 
You try not to focus on the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows or the way his tongue pokes out to lick away some of the meringue at the corner of his mouth. Spencer catches the way your eyes widen at the action and suppresses a smile. 
“What do you think?” You busy yourself with setting up your own perfect bite, willing your body not to give away any of your fluster at being caught looking at him. 
“It was really nice, I like the different textures.” Spencer compliments, watching you take your own bite and letting himself smile when some of the passion fruit syrup and meringue stain your bottom lip. 
Without really thinking, his thumb comes to your face, wiping away the stain easily. Your breath hitches and Spencer feels it, his smile widening even more. There’s a moment where you both just stare at each other, your breathing filling the silence- you’re fighting the urge to lean in and kiss Spencer and he’s fighting the urge to lick his thumb. 
“You only pretend to be this coy man, don’t you Doctor Reid?” you ask finally, leaning back in the chair you’re in and crossing your legs. Spencer’s sure his brain short circuits for a moment, your thighs have been a source of his torture for months now, especially when you wear skirts and dresses. 
“You know you only call me ‘Doctor Reid’ when you’re flustered?” he tries changing the subject, leaning forward a bit to get a little closer to you. 
“You have a knack for topic evasion, Spencer.” he laughs, a soft, sweet sound and he shakes his head. 
“I have a knack for you,” you can feel your heart pounding in your ears, more so when Spencer’s fingers wrap around the arm of your chair and pull you closer to his desk. “Where’s your crossword?”
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euaphora · 10 months
✎ᝰ subby!needy!bf!dave x reader
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sitting on dave’s lap, while he reads a marvel comic, you facing him and give him quick kisses all over his face.
“I can’t focus babe..” he murmurs out as his breath sounds heavier than before. “Oh, should I get off then?” you suggested as you start hoping off him, he quickly wraps his large hands around your hips and holds you by your hips as he looks up at you. When you sit back down on his lap and move around to get comfortable again, you feel something poke under you.
It felt very rough and felt like it slipped through your panties—rubbing off on you— wrong day to wear a mini golf skirt.
“What’s this?” You ask, looking down to his shaft. “Are you-?”
“No, no! Not like that, its just im-“ he stutters out trying to find the right words without sounding weird about it, “Hard?” You question him as you tilt your head to the side. You loved teasing him, watching the way his cheeks turned a darker shade of pink each time you even so much as breathe.
God you made him harder, if it was even possible since his cock felt like a brick when massaged it through his clothed pants.
“Would you mind waiting for me outside? I’ll be quick…promise.” He nervously asked, giving you a awkward smile. “Can..i help you?” You ask him, clearly giving him a hint that you would if he was comfortable with it. He body stiffens when you say that and opens his mouth ready to say something just to close it.
“You don’t think I’d do a good job?” You question, messing around with him while you slowly rock you hips. He quickly shakes his head side to side and puts his hands up in defense. “No! Of course not baby it’s just-” he hesitated “would you even want to? I don’t want to make you feel like you have to just cause your my girlfriend.”
You don’t say anything as you pull him in by the back of his neck for a kiss as you start rocking your hips back and forth a little harder than before. He places his hands on waist, hands trembling, and pulls you in closer leaving no space between you both. You rock your hips deeper now, “god! I’ll cum inside my pants if you keep this up, sweetheart…fuck!” He cries out while gripping onto the plush parts of your thighs for support.
He can’t hold back any longer, not even realizing what he was doing when he pulls off your crop top over your head and and clips off your bra. You do the same with his oversized t-shirt and zip down his pants.
You pull out his cock from his breifs now on your knees kissing his tip, kitten licking it while keeping eye contact with him the entire time. “Don’t tease me…” he whimpers, breaking the eye contact by looking down at your hands wrapping themselves around his tip, looking like he’s ready to cry.
“My poor baby boy, why didn’t you just tell me how mad your cock was? I could have helped you hours ago.” You coo while you play with his balls, grabbing at them as he lets out a loud groan, rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
“Momma, please! h-hurts so bad…” he starts taking off his glasses from fog in his glasses, not being able to see anything.
You stop your movements and lightly pull at him, “put them back on.” You scold him, giving him a warning look. “B-but I can’t see, I just wanna watch you, please baby..” he whines out as he pleads out a cry. You just shake you head and wait for him, your mouth ready to be used. “Okay! Okay! Just don’t stop!” He exclaimed, just wanting for you to not stop, almost reaching his climax, while you go back to going faster than before. “Good boy. So good for me, aren’t you?” You smile looking up at him while kissing at his tip. He nods rapidly while he watches you make him feel so so good.
“This is this stuff you get when you behave and do as your told.”
“Cumming…i-im cumming!” He moans out, thrusting his hips forwards trying to find more friction to your hands. You feel a warm seed pop inside your agape mouth as you look up at his tired body, sticking out your tongue full of his seed.
He half-smiles as he watches you swallow it all and stick your tounge out again. You straddle him and give a kiss on the lips making him taste himself. You pull away, him following you with his lips.
“How was it, baby boy?” You ask him with cum slipping out your mouth, quickly lick it it up from the sides. He looks at your lips than you with no words in his head. You giggle at him, and slip inside him, cockwarming him.
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mr-ribbit · 4 months
gonna rant again bc im seeing a lot of trans women on my dash having to carry the heavy lifting to argue for their basic respect and a lot of other queer people who want to ??? get mad about that apparently. for the record as usual: im tme, im not speaking for anyone besides myself and my perspectives, but I am trying to reach out to fellow tme people to level with y'all from inside the house.
i thought we all got past the 'calling people gendered terms when theyve asked you to stop' thing in like. 2012. i swear we were allllll on board with not calling women dude anymore, nerfing sir and ma'am, neutralizing collective terms for groups, and all of that was like, during the onceler era. that's how we got off-putting shit like folx into the mix - remember???? why are we here again.
to those who I've seen claiming that they REALLY genuinely don't want to offend anyone, and that theyre trying to understand the dude thing, and they don't want to be seen as transmisogynistic when they aren't: ok. let's talk about it. step one, stop sending that really loaded anon to a trans woman you don't know, and close that in-group hatepost with 100 replies from people name-dropping trans bloggers they don't like. try to open your mind and assume for the duration of this post that I am not cynically trying manipulate thousands of tumblr users into making Bro the next big swear word, but a fellow queer human being who thinks you're all being pretty intentionally obtuse about an upsetting trend in our community
to be clear: this post is about the issue of trans women being called bro, dude, man, etc., particularly in recent tumblr discourse about transmisogyny, and the backlash they face if they get upset about it. this is also maybe moreso about the shitty ass excuses I see tme people make for why they supposedly can't stop doing this.
so let's go through some of the things I've been seeing people say they don't understand, supposedly in earnest, about this issue
I'm not actually going to exhaust my list of reasons why dude/bro/man are not strictly neutral, but you should be pretty aware that all words have context. Dude might be seen as neutral in many contexts, sure, but 'woman who is frequently called a man by others' is a situation where the context adds extra meaning to your words, just like calling someone "sweetie" might be neutral in some cases, but if you've got the context of knowing that's your coworker who's half your age, it's a bit less neutral. If you're not capable of reading that context and being tasteful about when you say dude, then you need to at least be ready to respond gracefully when someone asks you to stop. This is the part I'd rather focus on.
I think you should consider broadening your perspective *beyond* your intention behind the word. people may already understand that you meant the word neutrally and therefore didn't have transmisogynistic intent, but that's not really the entire scope of what people are saying. if that's your only concern, you're just trying to clear your record, not actually listen to what they're saying.
there are lots of words people don't enjoy being called, and in most cases, when they say 'pls don't call me that', people respect that and move on. even if the word isn't a slur, if it hurts someone's feelings, we all as a society have agreed that it's pretty shitty to keep calling them that. if your friend asked you not to call them 'buddy' anymore because their dead grandparent called them that, or something equivalently personal, you'd probably respect that instead of telling them 'but I call everyone buddy!!' right? even if you didn't really understand why it bothered them so much?
there is a prominent tendency for trans women to be denied this privilege, and when they ask not to be called dude or bro, people don't seem to respect this request as much as they would in other situations. when I accidentally use a gendered word and someone tells me they don't like it, I try to respond with something like "my bad, I didn't mean it as misgendering but I can see you were still bothered by it, so I'll try not to keep saying it. sorry!" and most people are willing to accept that. when trans women ask people this favor, a lot of people get VERY defensive, and treat the request as inane or unfair, instead of just apologizing and moving on. this is why people are upset when this happens, and it's why people are calling your actions transmisogynistic
also like you might not be doing this, but a lot of people DO use dude and bro in an intentionally gendered way to make trans women uncomfortable. it's a power play bigots use to talk down to them or otherwise maliciously harass them. do you know what arguments they use to defend that behavior when called out on it? 'oh I call everyone that' 'dude is gender neutral calm down' 'dont overreact its just a word'. by acting like this, youre all just giving credence to those same arguments.
they can get as mad as they want!! also, are you sure they're 'mad'? or are they just expressing their feelings about a negative topic to you, and it makes you feel bad, so you have to make them out to be unreasonably emotional? how do you think they should have phrased 'dont call me that' to better spare *your* feelings?
also like, in most cases, these women do not knowww you. if your main response to someone saying you disrespected them is to say "I didnt mean it that way, I meant it in a friendly neutral way", well that's NOT YOUR FRIEND! she has no idea what your opinions are or what you think of her!!! she has no reason to assume you only upset her in a friendly way and not a bad unfriendly way! but she did get upset, and she did the one thing she can do which is *tell you what upset her* and your response is to say "well actually you shouldn't be upset at all"??????
and another thing:
it's not just the issue of using the word 'dude', it's because you're coming off extremely dismissive of women who have asked you to stop doing something that harms them, and because your argument is basically that they just shouldn't be so bothered by it. or that they're stupid, irrational, or otherwise crazy for telling you that it bothered them at all, just because you Technically used a gender neutral word according to Your Rules. be honest, does that seem fair? If people were calling you something that bothered you enough to ask them to stop, and they responded like this, how would it make you feel?
focusing solely on your intent and what the words mean when you use them is the same thing as saying "just get over it". no woman should need to Prove to you that 'dude' is gendered for you to care about what she's saying. the fact that you're asking people to do that sucks and makes you look bad, which is why people are arguing with you and calling you a misogynist.
especially those of you who are only doing this with trans women who are actively arguing with. you're wielding misgendering as a cudgel and we can all see it, grow up please.
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enbesbians · 6 months
anon had requested:
this is a repost.
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if there's anything you want to request in regards to headcannons, send them my way and ill try my best to appease.
as always, i can't fucking type for my life and i don't proofread... so if there's fuck ups and im pretty sure there's a lot... pay no mind to them.
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• one thing i want to talk about is the first time abby would make you squirt. it was purely accidental. you already love her fingers and how they stretch you out better than your own. she's the type of girl who has a specific way of doing things while also trying something new - so when she'd curl her fingers inside of you, she'll twist them in different ways to find that spot feels the absolute best. while doing so, you had thought you had a few more moments until you'd react your orgasm, you felt it build slowly and you announced that you were almost there but abruptly it all hit you at once, your cunt clenching so tightly her fingers slip out and there you were, squirting all over her lap. she'd be so dumbfounded to even react, watching your cunt beat at every orgasm pulse, feeling her pants just expand in wetness.
• when giving head, i can see abby as a tongue fucker. her two fingers rolling against your clit rhythmically, bobbing her head to get you there. she'd hum 'uh huh' against your pussy, hearing that you were close. as you'd squirt, she'd latch her lips over your opening, letting it fill her mouth with some running from the small opening on the sides of her mouth, running down her chin, drinking you up, not stopping her stimulating movements on your clit.
• while using a strap, as you're squirting, she'd use the tip of the silicone, slapping it against your pussy, hearing how nasty and wet you are. she'd watch you erupt and shake, saying, "squirt on my cock baby." and, “fuck this pussy is so sexy... look at it squirt."
• while fucking you with your strap and you've already came and squirted who knows how many times, abby, at this point, would be so lost in the way your body reacts when overstimulated that she doesn't think twice of what she wants to do next, she acts on pure impulsivity. you'd start to squirt, pushing her strap out and she'd immediately put it back inside of you, hard, long pounds she'd give, with your squirt erupting each time her hips thrust outward. she'd say, "take my fucking dick... you nasty little slut.” through every thrust, eyes glued at your pussy.
• when she'd finger you, both sitting up with her leaned against the arm of the couch, legs open with you in between them, thighs spread on top of hers. her fingers lodged inside of you with her palm facing upwards, wrist tightening showing how strong her focus is being. her other hand would be placed on the back of your neck, making you watch yourself puddle all over the couch and hand. "watch that pussy squirt." and "listen to that wet fucking pussy...
• another is when you're laying on your back in bed, legs spread with her laying on her side. she has a vibrator on your clit, switching the speed settings whenever she'd notice your chest heave from quickening breaths. she'd edge you, not taking the toy off the bundle of nerves just to see you suffer. you'd ask her to cum over and over and she'd just straight up tell you no. "no... hold it baby" and you'd plead, telling her you can't take it and she'd just say, "im not stopping, show me that you can take it" and after some time, you'd be creaming on yourself, your legs unable to stay still a they violently shake. you'd squirt and she'd put the setting all the way to its highest setting- your back arching as your squirt spurts out, raining all over your body. she'd laugh at how big your orgasm was saying, “that’s my pretty girl."
• imagine tribbing with her. she'd let you go on top, pathetically rutting into her pussy, her egging you on and telling you how good you were making her feel. all those words when straight towards your orgasm and as you slam your pussy against yours, you'd see yourself squirting against her pussy, the droplets of your squirt falling everywhere. abby would be so overwhelmed and turned on that her hips would be fucking up into you saying, "oh my fucking god." over and over, practically yelling, "yes!"
bonus: abby squirting.
• she'd stand, you on your knees as she looks down on you, making you not touch her for something she didn't approve in which she's now punishing you for. she'd finger fuck herself, a white ring wrapping around her two fingers, creaming. as she finds herself needing to squirt, she'll push her hips towards you, leaning the top half of her body up and rapidly rub her clit as she squirts herself right on you.
all in all, i think abby is overly into squirting and the idea of it. that and creaming all over her lips, fingers and strap. she'd absolutely love seeing your cream just slide out from your cunt or your squirt erupt right in front of her. abby seems like she's just that dirty of a girl.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
just not home
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words: 1k
warnings: rafe gets kicked out of his house, mentions of hooking up/friends with benefits but not explicit
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450
you groan and mentally curse whoever it is that is causing your phone to ring, waking you up from a pleasant dream. 
you grab it off the nightstand, briefly glancing at the contact name before answering, keeping your eyes partly closed as the screen causes you to squint, not adjusted to the light yet.
“rafe, it's late.” you say, not greeting him. “if you're calling to fuck, the answer is no. im too tired.”
rafe has a habit of hitting you up whenever he needs to release some tension. you were sort of friends, at least at first, but it all changed when you slept together once when drunk at a party, then repeatedly ended up in each other's beds until it became a regular thing.
“it's not that um… can i come over though?” rafes voice is softer than you're used to, and it causes you to shake off a bit more of the fog that the sleep has over your mind.
“what's wrong?” you question.
“nothing.” rafe says. you don't respond, waiting to see if he will volunteer more information, but it doesn't come.
“where are you?” you try instead.
“walking over to your house.” rafe says, and your ears then pick up the background noises, the cicadas and frogs in the distance. 
“why are you walking?” 
“my dad took the keys to my truck.” rafe explains. you sigh and switch the phone to speaker as you get out of bed, shivering when you throw back the covers and are exposed to the air. “he kicked me out.”
“ward did what?” you question, putting on a pair of crocs and heading out your bedroom door to find your purse and car keys.
“fuck.” rafe groans. “im sorry, y/n. i shouldn't have called, just go back to sleep.”
“hey, stop that.” you say, heading out the door once you have everything you need to drive. “im coming to pick you up right now, where are you?”
rafe responds with his location. you remain on the line as you drive, but stay quiet to focus on the road. even though there's no cars, you're not fully awake yet and need all of your brain power to focus on getting to rafe safely.
your heart breaks a little when you spot him, head hung low as he walks down the sidewalk. you pull your car to the side of the road, getting out and immediately pulling rafe into your arms, holding him close until he hugs you back.
“i didn't have anywhere else to go.” rafe whispers into your hair.
“it's okay.” you say, rubbing your hand over his back. “im glad you called.”
you pull away from the hug, seeing the look in rafes eye. above everything else, he looks tired, completely exhausted. you have never shared an kiss that didn't lead to or happen during sex, but you can't resist pressing your mouth against his pouty lips. rafe kisses back gently, and you can feel a bit of the tension leave his body as he does.
“come on, it's cold out here.” you tug at rafes hand, watching him sit down in your passenger seat as you round the car to drive you home.
you reach across the center console, linking your hands together. “do you wanna talk about what happened?” you ask.
rafe is quiet for a moment before he squeezes your hand, keeping his eyes on the road out the front windscreen instead of looking at you. “can we talk in the morning? im just so tired right now.”
“yeah.” you nod. “thats fine, rafey.”
you fall into comfortable silence on the way back home, keeping your hand in rafes, your fingers intertwined. it dawns on you that this is probably the most intimate moment you've had with rafe, despite having sex with him multiple times, it's this moment of innocently holding hands, no build up to anything more, just rafe needing you, and you giving him a physical connection.
you pull right up to your door, not bothering to care about your shitty parking job as one of your tires sits off your driveway and in the grass. you just want to get back in bed.
“ill leave first thing in the morning, i just needed a place to sleep.” rafe says as you head inside, making you turn to look at him.
“rafe, don't be ridiculous.” you sigh, feeling sad that he ever thought you would kick him out. “you can stay as long as you need.”
“thank you, baby.” rafe says, following you up the stairs. he pauses at the top, looking at the multiple bedroom doors.
“i can sleep in one of the guest bedrooms if you want.” he offers, and you scoff.
“we've shared a bed before.”
“after we've had sex, yeah.” rafe shrugs. “i just don't want you to be uncomfortable.”
“i think you owe me some cuddles after waking me up in the middle of the night.” you say, and rafe nods with a small grin, glad that you agreed, not wanting to be alone tonight.
you head towards your bedroom, shutting the door behind you after rafe enters. you climb into bed, your legs giving out the second you're back on your mattress.
“i don't have… any pajamas.” rafe sighs, looking down at his jeans and polo shirt.
“just wear your underwear. i don't care, just get over here.” you pat the open spot on your bed, managing to keep your eyes open and on rafe as he strips down to his boxers before getting into bed with you.
you cement yourself to his side, sighing softly when he wraps an arm around you, letting you rest on his chest.
“thank you.” he whispers.
“of course, rafe.” you press your lips against his bare skin, the best kiss that he's going to get out of you as you struggle to keep your eyes open. you fall back into a deep slumber as rafe gently strokes over your back, feeling comfortable and safe with your legs tangled together with his.
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b1mbodoll · 20 days
pairings: sim jaeyun x f! reader
warnings: heavy noncon / r*pe + drugs + stepcest + anal + manipulation kinda + somnophilia + breath play
💌: sorry if this is too dark but im DRUNK ans this thought is swimmin in my lil head
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stepdad! jake sneaking into your room at night while your mother is asleep, he slipped something in your drink at dinner and has been waiting for you to fall asleep, knowing the drugs will keep you pliant and make it easy for him to take advantage of his cute little stepdaughter.
he locks the door behind him before propping his phone up on your dresser to get a clear view of your bed, afterwards making his way to you and taking his time groping your unconscious body, grinding his thick cock against your ass as his big hands knead the soft skin of your tits, taking your hardened nipples between his fingers to pinch and pull them, quiet grunts escaping him as he humps you faster.
perhaps he didnt do a high enough dose, because your sweet little eyes flutter open and your stepdaddy has to place a heavy hand over your mouth before you’re able to process what’s happening, tears filling your lashline as he cums and the sticky semen makes a mess of your cute panties.
you wrap your smaller hands around his wrist and tug, struggling against jake. “shh, princess ‘s okay. i’ll let you go but you hafta promise to be quiet, alright? can you do that for daddy?”
you nod your head and he releases you, on edge and ready to shut you up if you scream. “daddy we can’t do this, i don’t want to.. ‘s not right.” you whine, trying to put space between the two of you.
“you’re breakin’ my heart, baby, ‘course we can do this. i make the decisions here, not you, little girl.” he chastises, a stupidly attractive smirk on his lips. you tilt your head and think his words over; you’ve always wanted to fuck him but now that he’s done this, you’re not so sure you want to anymore, feeling icky and used.
jake flips you on your tummy before you can voice your denial again, ripping your shorts off and groaning at the sight of your bare pussy. “no panties, huh? you must’ve wanted this, sweetheart. don’t fight this and i promise to be gentle.”
he’s so much stronger than you, using his full weight to pin you down and it makes your cunt clench, arousal causing you to grow wetter despite how you shake your head no and sob softly. he teases your hole with his cockhead, coating his entire length in your juices. you prepare for the intrusion, shaking as you wait for him to fuck your pussy but he pulls his cock away and before you can sigh in relief he pushes past the tight rim of your asshole, the pain making you squeal and squirm.
jake grits his teeth and fucks into you, inch after inch of his thick cock pressing deep inside. “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, princess. daddy couldn’t help it, ‘m so sorry.” it hurts so bad you feel like you could pass out any minute now, jake’s voice sounding distant as you try to focus on anything but how much he’s stretching your hole open. “fuck, it’ll be over soon sweet girl, you’re doing so good for me.”
your stepdad leans over, pressing kisses to your nape and whispering apologies as he violates you, wrapping a hand around your throat to ground himself, not wanting to cum just yet. he can feel your tears as they stream down your cheeks and fall onto his wrist, guilt flooding his mind as his cock twitches inside of his little stepdaughter’s ass.
“please stop, jakey, i don’t want this.” you whimper, voice raspy as you struggle to speak from the pressure applied to your neck. “if you love me you’ll stop.”
he lets out a guttural moan at your words, thrusting into you faster as his guilt is washed away and pleasure clouds his mind. “i do love you, baby, that’s why ‘m doin’ this.. you feel too good t’stop now, just take it, angel. be a good girl for me.”
his words cause something within you to stir, eyes unfocused as you lay limp, allowing your stepfather to continue using you like a fuckdoll and allowing yourself to succumb to the pleasure as well, mouth falling open in a silent scream when he pulls out to the tip, fucking into you in one go before his hips still, hot and thick ropes of cum spilling deep within you.
you hope jake doesn’t realize that his orgasm triggered your own, empty cunt clenching around nothing.
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awrkive · 8 months
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you were used to jungkook making the first move every single time but this particular night, you couldn't help but change things up a little bit.
PAIRING jungkook x (fem) reader
GENRE r18+ (minors dni pls)
WORD COUNT 4.1k (this is def not a drabble anymore but its like 70% smut anyway saur 🤷🏼‍♀️)
WARNINGS/MISC jk in grey tracksuit 😢 oc is not a procrastinator everybody booed. kinda domestic vibes everyone wants to have what they have including ms delusional me !! this is my literally me fic kinda (this is literally just oc thirsting over jungkook OEBDIDHSJEB) also imagine 3D jungkook guys.... 🙏🏼 smut warnings: oral s*x (m&f receiving, 69 position), penetrative s*x, multiple positions, overst*mulation, creampies, unprotected s*x (dont fls 🙏🏼)
NOTES heyyy so i reread cnbl last night and scrolled thru unanswered messages on my inbox and found these 2 (amongst many IEBDIDHSHD) drabble reqs for cnbl and decided to write it bcs i love and miss them!! unfortunately i lost my ao3 password and i have nowhere to post this so whatever im gonna start posting here again LMFAOOOO. anyway, i hope u guys enjoy this 💗 this is most esp dedicated to the second anon i hate college as well i hope this drabble brings you joy ☺️
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You missed who you were thirty minutes ago.
Before Jungkook arrived, you were extremely focused on the essay you've been stalling to get done since last week.
You were set on finishing the paper tonight, determined to submit it a day prior to the deadline – which is two days from now. You've never been a procrastinator and you wouldn't dare start now. But ever since Jungkook called, arriving a little over five minutes after your conversation on the phone and entering your dorm room, you have never been the same. Gone was your will to finish your essay; it yeeted out the window the moment he came in.
It wasn't that he was doing anything wrong, per se. He wasn't pestering you or doing anything to distract you from doing whatever it was you were doing. During the phone call, Jungkook told you he just wanted to hang around and you were in on it. "As long as I finish this essay without you doing anything funny" – that, was what you said. Joking, a little pointed, when he came barging in your door, socks on and hair still slightly wet from the shower he most probably had at his own apartment.
When you said those words, the goof just wiggled his brows, smirking with a look of mischief written all over his face, and then kissed you in such an unnecessarily passionate way that had you internally keening when he broke away. That gave you an initial idea that he would, indeed, do some funny business. If you were honest to yourself, you wouldn't have really minded that at all.
That was thirty minutes ago. Jungkook surprisingly hasn't tried to touch you at all for the past thirty minutes. In the present, he is just sprawled on your bed watching something on your stupid iPad, airpods plugged in both ears, letting you work in peace on your laptop.
Thirty minutes ago, that would've been fine. Because ultimately, you could focus on your essay and finish it then pass it way before the deadline but no, your problem right this moment does not lie on phonology, it lies on why does Jungkook have to lean his back on the headboard, thick eyebrows meeting each other every now and then as he watched his movies, and put that white t-shirt and grey sweatpants on himself?
You've been having an internal battle with yourself trying to fight the urge to look over your shoulders for him every three damn minutes, groaning quietly as you thought about how Jungkook looked so ridiculously hot doing the bare minimum. Literally nothing. He was doing absolutely nothing. And he was making you feel weird in your belly!
Wait. Is it your period? It ended two weeks ago, though, so that is definitely not that. Maybe you are ovulating? You'd have to check your flow app.
Absent-mindedly, you let out the begrudging moan you've been trying to hide.
As if alarmed, Jungkook suddenly shoots up and speaks after what felt like centuries.
"You okay? Am I bothering you here?" He said, voice dripping with honey and face full of concern. You got even hornier.
Oh my god. You wanted to cry.
You send him a tight-lipped smile. "I'm fine. And uh, no. You're good."
Jungkook doesn't pry further and goes back to his binge. Meanwhile, you force yourself to think of something.
Another long five minutes later, and you are still halfway done with your essay. The unfinished document only seems to taunt you. So, you let out another sigh, quite quiet this time so you don't make Jungkook think he was being an inconvenience. You made up your mind and just decided to give in to your urges.
You shut your laptop down instead of pressing sleep as you are sure there is no way you can do any more work tonight.
Standing up from your seat, you approach Jungkook on your bed.
He looks up at you the moment you hovered over him, taking his eyes off the iPad. When the mattress dips from your weight, Jungkook's lips stretch into a cute smile.
Your horniness dissipates a little over his adorable face.
"Done?" He asks, lifting a hand over your face to tuck a strand of hair away that you didn't even notice. You shake your head. Jungkook leans down to kiss your cheek. "So, tired?"
You scrunch your nose. "Kinda."
He kisses your mouth when a pout forms there.
"Eaten anything yet?" Jungkook scoots over to the side to make room on the bed for you. You fit yourself in the space, albeit tight (this was a dorm room, alright), and Jungkook is quick to slide his arm under your neck while he still holds the iPad on the other.
"Just reheated some leftover pasta from last night." You cringe over your last meal. It didn't taste good at all but you were way too hungry and delivery took forever to your dorm.
Jungkook seems to know that that pasta was shit, but he doesn't comment on that. Just hums and kisses the side of your head.
"Wanna order something in? Thai?" He suggests, looking at you.
But right now, eating Thai or whatever is the last thing on your mind. Though you would like to eat something else.
You tell him so. Except the last part, of course. Please. You have decorum.
"Uhm, no. I think I'll pass on that. Unless you haven't eaten." you say, playfully pointing a finger to his chest.
"Nah, Taehyung cooked dinner. I'm pretty full." Jungkook says, chuckling.
You had a smart remark on your tongue, something along the lines of, "Then why'd you offer to eat if you already have, weirdo" but to be honest with yourself, you already knew why. Jungkook liked seeing you eat. Dude practically buys most of your meals, now that you think about it.
But your still horny-adled brain went to go and tell your hand to search for his bare stomach under his shirt. And so it did. Forget about having decorum, shame is out the door when you press your palm to the flat surface of his stomach.
"Doesn't feel full at all." You commented, feeling the hard ridges of his abs. You hate them right now. But you would also really, really, like to see them.
Jungkook only chuckles at that. Before he can say anything, you ask him, "Hey, quick question."
"Can I suck your dick?"
"Huh?" Jungkook, ever the man he is, put the iPad away for the first time since he's been here. Confused, but still, you could not have mistaken the look of pure interest in his face the moment you asked him that.
"I want to suck your dick, if you let me." You say, clearing yourself up. You are putting on a brave face, but internally, you are screaming.
So what if this thing between you has been happening for like… ten months now, almost a year? Jungkook was usually the one to always initiate sex and blowjobs were almost a rare occurrence in your sex life because you told him it hurt your knees but the real reason was because you didn't think you were very good at it. Jungkook never asks for it either, and sometimes you feel bad for only reciprocating handjobs during oral sex quickies but! He never says anything about it so maybe that was fine? Anyway, it's not like this is gonna be your first time sucking him. It's just the first time you initiated with your own words.
"Oh, you're serious?" Jungkook scoots over to his side and lays sideways to prop himself up. "Really?" He has an excited smile on, and you know that because of the way his eyes crinkle.
"Don't make me repeat it." You say pointedly, pushing him a little bit. Jungkook doesn't even budge at the slight attack, only holds your hands in his.
"No, I just… I thought you said no fooling around tonight." He says.
You shrug. "Yeah, well."
You don't expect him to tug you closer to him using his hold on you, and you were thankful you managed to suppress a loud squeal when he laid on his back and caught your whole body on top of his.
"I guess you can't resist my charm, after all." Jungkook says, grabbing a handful of your ass.
"Jungkook, please, you're scaring my lady boner off." You roll your eyes as you adjust yourself on top of him to get more comfortable.
"Take care of my gentleman boner then, baby." He counters and just because of that you avoid the kiss he was about to give you.
"Don't ever say gentleman boner ever again." You pinch his nipple and he let out a laugh at your petty retort. You knew he was sensitive there. But even then, you were starting to feel the growing need concealed under his sweats, and you were set on giving him the blowjob of his life tonight for some reason.
"I have a suggestion to make," Jungkook says suddenly, stopping you from crawling down to his body. You arch your brow at him, he continues, "I don't think we've ever tried sixty-nine, yet, haven't we? Because I also really want to eat you out right now."
"Oh, well, yeah…" you nod. You find yourself heating up at the way he casually tells you the last part.
You haven't really tried that either, and not just with him, but also with your other sex partners that only really summed up to less than four people, and that's including Jungkook. Anyway, the sixty-nine position sounded interesting.
"Okay, sure." You shrug.
"Fuck, you're the best."
This time, you give in to the kiss he gives you and pretty much after that it turns into a heavy make-out session with Jungkook fondling your boobs underneath your overused highschool PE shirt while you ground down against his erection that only kept growing harder as seconds passed.
You are panting when you break away, a string of saliva in between your lips, breathing for some air. Jungkook kisses his way down your neck, suckling on your skin and soothing it with his tongue.
"Take your shirt off," you say, already impatiently tugging at the hem of his clothing.
Without a word, Jungkook frees himself from the fabric. "You too, and your panties. Please."
You chuckle at the "please" but nonetheless straddle him to take your shirt off. Jungkook looks up at you with hooded eyes, massaging the bare skin of your waist as you wriggle your hair out of the neckline. He grips your waist as you lift your bum off his stomach, pulling your panties and shorts down in one go one leg to another.
"Shit," Jungkook hissed at the sight of your glistening pussy that has gotten wet overtime, hands roaming all over your body like he doesn't really know where to touch. Always fascinated and in awe with what you show him, always so eager, so touchy. And you always love his undivided attention. Makes you feel like a princess for some reason. Doesn't help that he calls you that sometimes, too.
"Oh, fuuck," he groaned when you sat on his stomach. You couldn't help but let out a quiet moan, too, feeling his hot skin and your cold pussy touching together. "Angel, fuck, come here, let me kiss you."
You lean down to kiss him and he quickly reciprocates, his tongue entering your parted mouth, swirling and licking inside, taking your breath away. You could feel yourself smearing your wet mess on his abs but you couldn't really care less, not when Jungkook looked like he couldn't, too, squeezing every inch of you he could get his hands on. And they were everywhere, alright. Your breasts, your waist, hips, ass, his thumb on the inside of your thighs, all the while kissing you like he was hungry for it.
Jungkook jostles you a little when he lifts himself up a little to slide down the grey sweatpants you have a love and hate relationship with, his dick shooting up his abdomen and touching your ass as a result.
He stops kissing you.
"Alright, one more minute of you grinding against me will make me nut. Sit on my face now, baby."
Blood shoots up your cheeks, making you feel hot. A little funny, given what you are doing right now. But he can't just be so casual about it! He was asking you to sit on his face like he was telling you the grass is green. Regardless, you kiss him one last time.
"Don't suffocate." You warned him, already reversing your position as easily as you can so that your back is facing him.
You hear Jungkook chuckling from behind. "Please, I'll die happily suffocating in this pussy."
"Please don't talk about dying." You deflect, already feeling so shy about the whole thing. Indeed it was your first time to try this position, and you quite didn't know how to act. You wonder if he's done this already in the past, but found yourself irritated at the thought of him doing this with anybody else. You'd have to assess what that feeling of irritation means later.
"Hmm," Jungkook hums, grabbing the globes of your ass and fondling them before you could even properly place your knees on both sides of his head. With his hold on the flesh, he pulls you closer to him until you feel his breath on your core. "Ah, shit, will never get tired of this pussy, baby. Fuck, you're so wet."
You try to focus your attention on his hard dick against his stomach, veiny and rigid, red at the tip and shining with pre-cum. Wrapping your fingers around the base, you lean down a little more so that you can begin teasing him.
But Jungkook beats you down to it as he licks a long stripe across your pussy. It has you keening and stumbling a little over, feeling so good at the contact of his tongue against your sex. You hear him hiss before he says, "Come on, pretty, sit on my face, don't hover."
You hesitate before giving in, and Jungkook is quick to continue the ministrations of his tongue on your pussy. The position was so new to you but you couldn't help but think it was so good, feeling him this way, albeit still a little conscious about cutting off his air supply. But as Jungkook starts licking and sucking, you remember his cock in your hand and it prompts you to stroke him up and down; slow, because your mind is cloudy from the way you could hear the slick of your pussy from Jungkook's licking.
Leaning down, you kiss the head of his cock, licking his pre-cum off the top. There was Jungkook's groan again, and you thought that was a good sign, then continued to suck his tip a little just to see it getting even redder.
Jungkook suddenly gets more aggressive in the ministrations of his tongue, from his slow yet precise strokes, he starts increasing speed, fingers getting tighter on your asscheeks, the tip of his tongue prodding at your entrance giving you a taste of being full.
It prompted you to whimper, Jungkook only humming, seemingly pleased with himself. Letting out a shaky breath, you resume stroking his cock, twisting your fingers around the base. Soon, you lean even closer so that you can wrap your lips around the head.
Jungkook's groan was a pure sinful sound of pleasure as you did so. Nevermind that he was having his own feast on your pussy, you were determined to make him cum. And to do that was to suck on the tip gently at first, swirling your tongue on the cum that's building up on it. You joined the motion of it with your hand stroking the shaft up and down, cheeks hollowed and sucking the air in your mouth to create a suction that has Jungkook slightly jolting in his position.
"Oh, fuck yeah, baby, that's it, you're so good at this… shit," He says behind you, moving his mouth off your pussy and replacing it with two fingers. Jungkook slides them in easily, the squelching sound so apparent it cannot be mistaken for anything else if there was anybody but you two in the room. "You like this, baby? Hm? You're taking my fingers and my cock so well."
You moaned around his cock, heat starting to spread all over your body as Jungkook began to join his digits with his own mouth, devouring your pussy like he always does when he goes down. You start losing your rhythm on his cock, choking on it a third time now as you haven't really managed to fit it all in your mouth. You've always tried to, but he's always been a little too big for you. If it was a skill issue, you didn't care, Jungkook enjoys it just as much as you do.
When Jungkook rubs your clit, that's when you start shaking on your knees, threatening to crumble down.
As if he knew what was coming, Jungkook suddenly says, "Don't come yet, baby, not now." and you swear you would have actually cried.
What you didn't expect is Jungkook suddenly sitting up, his hands gripping your hips so that you don't jostle on top of him. You let go of his dick as he slides you off his body, and you let him manhandle you into sitting on his cock that slides in too easily like your pussy was fine silk. You now sit on top of him in what seems to be like a reverse cowgirl position, except that you aren't the one in control of your own movements.
"Oh, K-kook – Jungkook!" you yelped as he bounced you on his rigid dick, your body melting against his.
"Shh, take my cock, angel. You can do that for me, right? You're so pretty right now, I wish you could see yourself." Jungkook whispers against your hair, and you pathetically nod, craning your neck up at him to seek for his mouth. He smiles at you, the gentle nature of it so contrasting to the way he was controlling your hips, bouncing you in and out of his cock. "My pretty little angel."
He kisses you passionately, and as seconds passed his hands began to travel upwards to cup your breast, fondling it in his hand and pinching your nipple. You also started to initiate your pwn movements, meeting Jungkook's thrusts from below you, all the whole moaning in his mouth at the pleasure of his cock touching every crevice of your pussy.
The feeling of this never gets old even if you've done it exclusively and quite constantly with each other for the past ten months. Sex with Jungkook is always just so intense it always keeps you on your toes.
"K-kook, I'm cumming," you gasped in his mouth, feeling that build up in your belly
"Hm," Jungkook leaves your boob in favor of your pussy. Kissing you one last time on the mouth, he leans against your shoulder to watch as he spreads your nether lips. You look down to his hand there, fingers spreading the lips apart witnessing your own hole getting split open by his engorged cock. The sight was so lewd and obscene you couldn't help your moan. Then, Jungkook begins rubbing your clit again, fast and with a purpose, this time to make you finish. And he finally gives you the green light to do so. "You can cum now, baby."
And as if prompted by his simple words, you came, feeling a gush of wetness coming out of your pussy. You watch the way Jungkook kept his fingers in there, massaging your hole and kissing your neck.
"Jungkook…" you bury your face into the crook of his neck as you come down from your high, pussy throbbing and spasming from the intense feeling of cumming. He did edge you from when he ate you out.
"Good girl."
And again, Jungkook changes your position. From sitting up, you are now laid against the bed again, with him switching your positions so now he's the one hovering and you underneath him. He grabs your hips up and enters your pussy once again, sliding his cock in and out to chase his own orgasm. Your moans only encourage him to go faster, his grunts filling the room.
"Oh, that's it, Kook, you come for me too." You say, reaching for his stomach with one hand and fondling your own boob with other for his own consumption. Jungkook always liked seeing you play with them.
"Yeah, you're so sexy like that," he says, even picking up his speed higher.
Soon, he was cumming with a pained groan, and you didn't expect to cum a second time the same time he did.
Another gush of slickness slides down your pussy while Jungkook pulled out completely. But he was putting it in again a second later, rubbing his dick against your core. You sigh, partly at the sensitivity but also how pleasurable it all still felt even though you've come twice now in the span of almost what? – thirty minutes? Maybe an hour?
"Pretty fucking pussy you've got here, baby," Jungkook says before pushing his cum back into you, making you cry out. "Never gonna get enough of this. Of you."
You whimpered, clinging to his forearms as he continued his actions.
"Cum for me one more time?" He asks, staring deeply into your eyes.
And you couldn't possibly do that. Coming twice was not at all what you envisioned your night to be, thrice was a heart attack. But at the same time, you couldn't really resist his pleading eyes and his deep voice and his still hard cock pushing his creampie deeper into you.
So you nod your head, and Jungkook leans down to swipe the strand of hairs that sprouted all over your face overtime, wet on the hairline from your sweat, just before he slides his cock all the way in again, repeating that in and out routine, the slamming and the bottoming out, the quickening oh his pace and your toes curling once again that impeded your orgasm for the third time that night.
When you finished, exhausted and spent the fuck out, Jungkook laid on your boobs and kissed all over, playing with one of your nipples in his other hand. You were flat on the bed, dead weight, looking up at the ceiling and closing your eyes to cool yourself from what had just happened.
"Okay, that's enough, Kook, we gotta clean up." You say, massaging the soft curls on the top of his head.
He only let out a non-committal hum.
"Yes, baby?"
"Enough sex. I'm fried." You say, pulling his hair slightly to make him look up at you. But that was a bad decision of course 'cause he only seemed to enjoy the teasing.
"Just saying hello to these amazing boobs of yours." You rolled your eyes at his retort, nonetheless accepting it.
"Thanks, I guess."
Eventually, Jungkook stopped being clingy and finally found the will to fetch a wet rag from the bathroom. He cleaned you up and and you didn't bother dressing up except the panties you asked him to get for you. Soon after that, you cuddle together in bed.
"Hey," Jungkook suddenly whispers behind you, fingers massaging your hip, mouth press to your head. You hum. "I think we should do that more."
You try to look over your shoulder. "What? The sex?" you say, chuckling.
Jungkook pinches your hip. "Yeah, I told you we should have sex everyday. But that's not the point, I meant the sixty-nine."
"Well, first of all, having sex everyday is physically not possible," you roll your eyes though he couldn't see. "Second, I enjoyed that position, too. A little bit distracting, but definitely really enjoyable."
Jungkook agrees. "I think you just gave me the best blowjob of my life, if you wanna know."
"Really?" you confirmed, smiling up at him.
"Almost nutted when you sucked my head."
You chuckle, slapping his chest and roll your eyes again for how many times now?
"No but seriously…" Jungkook suddenly turns, indeed, serious. But he's still smiling, though, just a little less playful with his tone. "What was with you tonight? Did you finish that essay?"
Oh god, your essay. Right.
You feel your cheeks heat up a little remembering how you were basically thirsting over him him a while ago. And for no reason too.
Despite cringing internally, you shrug. "No, not really, but submission's two days from now and I just wanted to kiss you, I guess."
That made Jungkook's smile even bigger. He doesn't say anything more but only scoots even closer to your neck, kissing your hair.
"Hm, I always wanna kiss you too, and I do. But I love it when you ask for it."
You think you'll start doing it more, too.
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all rights reserved © AWRKIVE , 2023
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
valentines day with lucifer pleaseee
YAASSS IM SUCH A LUCIFER SIMP *bangs on table* I love him so much, it’s a problem. Like look at him… 🥹 thanks for the request and ENJOY!
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(I don’t own this picture)
Lucifer x reader- Valentine’s Day 🤍
Whether you two have been together for 3 weeks or 3 centuries, he will ask you to be his valentine every. single. year.
Baby boy is such a hopeless romantic I stg
Goes all out too! Would never just get you flowers and chocolates. From the king of hell?! No way. Only the absolute best for his love.
In this case, this is your very first Valentine’s Day together!!! D’AAAWWWWW
You come home/back to the hotel the day before valentines and there’s red and pink balloons every where, rose petals all over the ground, the lights are dim and soft. Very much a romantic movie scene type thing.
“(Y/N)~” Lucifer calls out to you sweetly, softly as he watches you look around at all the new decor.
When he finally has your attention, he holds his gloved hand out to you, beckoning you to come to him.
You can’t help but smile as you run to hug him. He laughs softly against you before he pops the question, his arms gently squeezing you against him.
“(Y/N)? Will you be my valentine, sweetheart?” And all you can do is laugh and hold him even closer.
“Oh, Luci~ Of course I will!”
OBVIOUSLY this dork makes you a cool ass duck as a gift. It’s one that really relates to you, has something to do with your looks or personality or an inside joke between the two of you. It’s special just for you 🥹
Def wants to take you on a nice date somewhere. Maybe a fancy restaurant, maybe to a bar, maybe a coffee shop for some caffeine and sweets.
Def asks you what you want to do and leaves the choice to you. He’s fine with whatever as long as he can hold your hand and give you kisses every 2 seconds so often.
DEFINITELY picks you up in a fancy ass car with a chauffeur and champagne and everything!
Whatever you decide to do, he’s sooooo distracted the whole time. There’s so much on his mind rn and it’s all different thoughts about you, most of them innocent 😈
I mean how is he supposed to keep his thoughts 100% clean and innocent when you dressed so nicely for your valentines date and you keep laughing extra loud at his jokes and blushing bright red at every compliment he shoots your way.
Of course he dresses to the nines as well. He looks great in white, don’t get me wrong. But him in a deep red suit with pink accents for valentines?!,!!??!,? PLZ 😍
He also loves the way people stare when you two go out together. Sure, it’s not totally conventional for the king of hell, Lucifer himself, to be so deeply in love with someone of your status but that’s what really bonds you two. It’s not some arrangement or a deal made for your soul or anything besides true love and attraction for each other.
He loves and trusts you so much, you’re so different from everyone else who fights for his attention.
And you’re just thanking your lucky stars, wondering how the hell you pulled him. He’s so perfect omfgggg
He is sure to ask you if everything is to your liking, how you’re feeling, what you want to do next. He’s very observant and considerate.
It’s hard to even eat or drink or whatever you’re trying to focus on bc he keeps staring at you and holding your hand and winking at you Everytime you guys make eye contact.
Don’t get me wrong! He’s lovey dovey and super sweet all the time but on this holiday of romance and love, he’s going 1000 times harder!
He would totally take you back to his house to finish off your romantic evening.
Probably puts on some music and takes off his coat to get more comfy.
Offers you a drink and goes to make it himself, adding some cute little garnish to it just to be fancy for you.
Sits on the couch in the living room with you and keeps his hands on you in some way. Touching your thigh, holding your hand, rubbing your arm or your back.
Proceeds to talk your ear off about everything and anything as his hands roam your body subconsciously.
Luci definitely talks a lot, rambles on and on to you all the time. Hope you’re a good listener ;) he doesnt have many other loved ones to talk to you so you get to hear it all
He talks so much he probably often tells you the same story over and over again. You tell him “Yes, Luci. You told me this already.” with a sweet smile at least once a day.
Tries to kiss you but accidentally bumps his head into yours instead.
Now you’re both laughing so loud, blushing so bright red and can’t maintain eye contact for more than a second or two.
He probably cracks a joke to ease the tension in the room too. And even worse, it’s some lame dad joke or a pun lmaoooo
Leans in again, much slower this time. His eyes flutter shut and he purses his lips as he approaches.
His kiss is scorching hot but so so soft.
Maybe you guys have kissed before, maybe not. But this kiss hits different. Maybe it’s the Valentine’s Day sweetness in the air, maybe it’s because he’s so goofy and silly and comfortable with you all the time, maybe it’s the drinks you’ve had tonight, maybe all three?
But this kiss…is the most passionate you’ve ever shared with him.
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dixonsdolls · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS ❥ On the road, you can’t seem to focus on anything other than wanting Daryl to fuck you senseless. Because he’s such a good boyfriend, you get what you want.
Pairing ❥ Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Content warnings ❥ 18+ content (MDNI), porn without plot, creampie, unprotected p in v, oral (daryl receiving!), dirty talk, car sex, basically reader being feral (like we all are)
Word Count ❥ 2.3k
A/N ❥ hi my loves!! long time no see, i know </3 been busy with stuff irl but i wanted to get this piece out for you all as a thank you for hitting 100 followers! it means the world to me <3 hope y’all enjoy this, im squeezing my legs as we speak bc whew. and also, the picture is purely there to generate imagery, there are no descriptions of the reader! xoxo, sammy
— ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆
“You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you
I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal”
Closer by Nine Inch Nails
— ☾ ゚。⋆
His gruff voice spooked you from your lustful haze, where you’d been glancing over at Daryl every couple seconds. You shook your head in a fruitless attempt to clear your sinful thoughts, before meeting his eyes.
“Hmm?” You spoke softly, it was all you could do in your state. Oh, how you wanted him to pull over and let you have your way with him.
“Been starin’ at me since we got in the car. Do I got somethin’ on my face or what?” Daryl sounded annoyed, but you knew him better to just be deeply confused by your actions. You couldn’t exactly blame him, it’d been over twenty minutes and you’d barely spoken since you both had left for a supply run.
But you couldn’t help it. With your panties soaked, slit slippery and clit throbbing in neglect, you were desperately trying to act normal.
Clearly, you’d failed.
It was Daryl’s fault; you’d been fine until you saw him leant against a porch pillar, lighting up a cigarette. You couldn’t explain it because you’d seen him smoke before, but something about the way he looked then had your thighs squeezing, breath catching.
He was busy talking to Rick, blowing smoke as he spoke intently. His arms were bulging, muscles on full display as they moved to further prove his words. The vest did nothing to offer cover and with his pretty lips wrapped around the cigarette, you felt faint. His brown locks were shaggy, covering his eyes in a way that made you wanna tug them as you kissed.
Simply put, you’d wanted him to ruin you.
“No, baby. Jus’ look pretty today is all.” You sighed, now staring at him shamelessly as you leant against the car door to have him in your full view.
“Pretty?!” Daryl scoffed, affronted at the very suggestion. Even so, his ears heated up and his cheeks tinged the slightest shade of pink. “Can’ say I've heard that one before.”
“You are,” You promised, voice filled to the brim with adoration for him because yeah, your archer was fuckin’ pretty and deserved to be told. “Look super handsome today.”
“Shut up.” His gruff voice sounded, rolling his eyes at you as you’d made him flush again.
“I’m serious! Got me all flustered, ever since this mornin’!” You huffed, voice whiny and light, throwing your head back against the window for relief on your heated skin.
With your admission, he averted his gaze from the road to you, silently groaning at your blown out pupils, the pink flush dancing across your cheeks and down your chest.
Jesus, you were serious. How the fuck was he supposed to continue on driving when he had his girl next to him, needy for him?
“Fuck.” He spoke, noting that you had now taken your seatbelt off and were shuffling closer to him. “What’re you doin?”
You’d opted to take an old pickup truck and there wasn’t any middle console, just a continuation of the bench. For what you had in mind, you silently thanked whoever came up with that design.
“Pull over, Daryl.” With a breathy voice, you pressed a wet kiss onto his neck. Hearing a hitch in his breath, you licked up his neck until you reached his scruffy cheek, moaning as you did so. “Please, need you so bad.”
The car jerked suddenly as you palmed his strong thigh, teeth nibbling on his earlobe. He felt himself harden in his pants at the feel of your dainty hands touching him, of your plushy lips soothing the sting your teeth had left behind.
“Can’t, sunshine. It’s not safe to be sittin’ in the road bein’ distracted.” He spoke with regret, especially as your hand palmed his dick over the material. He wanted you safe though, and he wasn’t lying when he thought it was dangerous to pull over in the middle of nowhere. “Just wait til we get— fuck.”
His words muddled into a string of curses, car wobbling again as you’d released him before pulling his cock from his pants, zipper undone.
“Wanna suck you off.”
And shit, with the way you were looking at him, with the way you wet your lips as you looked at his dick, he wanted to stuff your mouth full.
“Dammit, you’re such a fuckin’ brat.” You bent down, level with his crotch as you gawked at his exposed dick, precum now bubbling at the tip.
You licked your lips at the sight of white, pearly beads and before he could process it, his engorged tip was in the warm confines of your mouth, suckling soft and slow.
“Cant ever behave, can you? Jesus, baby.” He looked down at you, grunting as your eyes met his just as you swirled your tongue over him, dipping into his drippy slit. You hummed at the salty flavor of him, giving a few more sucks to his tip, before releasing it with a ‘pop’, a string of saliva connecting your puffy lips to him.
You’d only stopped because you noticed he’d let off the gas, the car barely even moving down the deserted street.
“Drive.” You demanded, gripping his base and jerking at a teasingly slow pace, eyes piercing his pretty blue ones. You leaned in to his face, licking his bottom lip before sucking the soft skin into your mouth. Daryl was so unbelievably turned on from your behavior that your voice barely registered. You released his lip, planting a wet kiss onto him before looking at him again. “Drive the car, or I’m stopping. It’s not safe to stop, remember?”
And from the snarl that appeared on his spit-slick mouth, you knew you’d pay for saying that.
“Nah, I can’t focus when your mouth is o—“
Your command surged him into action, partially because your bratty attitude was making him throb and partially because he needed his dick down your throat, now.
The engine roared as he pressed down on the gas. Then, he gripped your hair tightly, scalp tingling as he made you look at him.
“Suck.” When you made no move, because you’d been too fucking entranced by how hot Daryl was, especially as he yanked your hair roughly, he grunted. “Now, your pissin’ me off with your little fuckin’ angel eyes.”
His words, along with his grip on your hair, had you parting your lips and sucking him down.
The car was filled with the filthy noises your mouth made as you switched between licking him from base to tip and then wrapping swollen lips around him. His taste was overwhelming your senses and your cunt ached to be filled. The rumble of the car kept jiggling your body and you gagged around him as you slid lower onto him.
Tears pooled your lash line but instead of letting up, you bobbed your head up and down to hear more of his groans. The only time Daryl was truly vocal was when you sucked him off and shit, if it didn’t make you wet.
You snuck a hand around to pet your pussy, the throb becoming too much to ignore, when Daryl suddenly pulled you off him. And the sight of you had him bucking into the air; a mix of spit and his precum coated your lips, your eyes wet from crying on his cock, hair messy around your face.
You looked so pretty like this, all cock-drunk.
“Don’t get to touch yourself, not with your fuckin’ attitude.” His tone was so gravely, so assertive that instead of being annoyed, you whimpered. “Now, get your pants off and c’mere.”
It was only then you’d noticed that he’d stopped the car, trees surrounded the vehicle as nothing was in sight for miles.
Your demanding act was far gone; you needed Daryl inside you.
Without another thought, you clambered from your kneeling spot and wiggled out of your pants as best as you could, though your movements were jittery as Daryl watched you the entire time, eyes nearly black with need.
Finally free, you swung yourself onto his lap and moaned loudly; his cock, hard and still coated in your spit, rubbed at your thinly covered cunt as you sat atop him. The buckle of his pants was cold and you jolted as its coolness hit your puffy clit.
“Fuck, Daryl.” You gripped his long strands, yanking as you humped him. The sight of you all whiny and pathetic for him made him grunt lowly before catching your parted lips in a kiss. “Mmph.”
Immediately, the kiss was obscene. Daryl rubbed his tongue with yours, swallowing your whines as the muscles danced with one another. Spit was pooling at the corner of your mouth and as he pulled away, a string of saliva connected you both.
Breathing heavily, Daryl reached between you both and pulled your underwear to the side, swearing as he did so.
“So fuckin’ wet, honey. All this for me?” His eyes flickered across your face as you stared back, lust drenching your features as you huffed.
“All for you,” you gasped, lips bumping his and fingers pulling his hair. His fingers found your entrance, marveling at how fucking soaked you were. Daryl leaned into you, capturing your mouth with his as you whimpered into him as he shoved two fingers in at once.
For a bit, thats all it was and it was a fucking sight. You, clinging to Daryl as you greedily kissed him, moans spilling from you as his fingers filled you. Him, fucking you with one hand whilst the other gripped your ass harshly, pulling the flesh as he rocked you against his fingers inside you.
You would’ve come like that, if he hadn’t then removed them just as your orgasm tickled your gut.
“What the fu—“ you were cut off by Daryl as he shoved his fingers, the ones that were just inside you and therefore covered in slick, inside your parted mouth.
“Shh, thats it.” He marveled as you sucked and cleaned his fingers like the good girl he knew you were.
Pulling them from your lips, he dragged the wetness across your cheek before crashing his lips to yours. You both made noises because the musky and sweetness of you lingered on your tongue. With your taste coating his tastebuds, he snapped.
Daryl parted from you before one hand gripped you and the other grabbed his cock, moving until you were sinking down onto him.
Your cries mingled with his groans; your tight, wet heat sucked him down and finally, he was inside you and filling you up, just like you’d wanted.
“Fuck, Daryl.” You whined, hips swiveling to get used to his size. You were torn between the relief of being filled to the brim and the discomfort because of how big he was.
“This what you wanted, huh? Just so fuckin’ needy you had to stop us in the fuckin’ road?” He grunted, a calloused hand coming to grip your throat, the tightness steadying you. “My filthy girl.”
Then, he thrusted up into you and the sound you made was like a symphony of music to his ears. Spurred on, he kept thrusting into your pussy, groaning at the wet, slippery sounds filling the car. You were so overwhelmed with pleasure and the feel of him that you just clung to him, rolling your hips and humping your clit against him as you took each thrust he gave you.
Though, one particular move was so fucking deep it had you mewl, fingernails digging into the soft skin of Daryl’s neck.
“Daryl,” you gasped, euphoria pumping through every crevice of your body. The buckle of his belt was now slick as your clit continued to hump. “So big— uh, uh— so big.”
His hand gripped your throat firmly, fastening his pace as helped you move with him by lifting your ass in tandem with his hips.
You were a mess; blubbering nonsense to him as your cunt repeatedly clenched down on him as you grew closer to your peak. Daryl was so high on you, your pretty sounds, and suddenly, he needed to see more of your skin.
He removed his grip from your ass to yank your shirt up and he let out a grunt as he saw your absence of a bra. Then, without any other preamble, his lips wrapped around a peaked nipple, sucking wetly.
The mix of his mouth making out with your chest and his cock filling you up at such a haste pace had you crying out, tears spilling down your cheeks as you shuddered on his lap.
Your orgasm had triggered his own; the feel of your sopping pussy squeezing him and your cry of pleasure sent him over the edge.
His moans were animalistic as he filled you to the brim, thrusts losing their rhythm as he pumped his spend into you.
“Daryl—“ you whispered, suddenly exhausted and wanting him closer to you, despite your limbs being intertwined with one another tightly. “Baby.”
“Such a good girl,” he spoke into your neck, making no move to remove his softening cock from you. Even if he did try, you wouldn’t let him. The crazed feeling you’d felt was finally soothed, his cock inside you released relief throughout your body.
Daryl brought a finger between your thighs and his cock twitched inside you as he collected both your orgasms. “Open.”
Because you’d do anything he told you, you wordlessly opened your mouth and moaned as he stuck come covered fingers between your lips. He watched you as you sucked his fingers clean, eyes hooded with tiredness.
“C’mon, gotta get home.” He patted your waist, adoration swirling in his chest as you made no move to return to your seat. In fact, you just scooted closer until your nose grazed his sweaty neck.
“Thought we needed to get stuff.”
“Nah, we’ll just say we couldn’ find anythin’” Daryl brought a hand to your hair, gently brushing your head as you pressed kisses to his collarbone.
You both stayed connected for awhile; maybe two minutes, maybe two hours. Being close with Daryl was exactly what you’d needed to feel a little less feral.
Though, as you both finally rolled through the gates with messy hair and flushed faces, everyone looked at you both knowingly.
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huskersbooze · 2 months
Helloo! Can i Request an alastor x reader angst? (I love angst im sorry😭) where reader n alastor are good friends, but soon alastor starts catching feelings, he didn’t like that so he starts ignoring reader hoping it’ll go away, but when alastor realizes it doesn’t, he wanted to apologize for ignoring reader and maybe confessing, but he couldn’t cause he found out reader got redeemed into heaven? Please and thank you!!
A/N : Oh fuck yes I'm a sucker for angst. This is actually a really interesting concept! Completely opposite to my other fic where Reader ignores Al. Thank you for the ask <3
Alastor Doesn't Do Feelings
Alastor x Reader
Pairing : Alastor x F!Reader (M!Reader here, Gn!Reader here)
Warnings : Cusing(what do you expect? It's Hazbin Hotel)
Additional Tags : Angst, no use of (Y/n), use of dear/darling
Word count : 1.25k
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It was never supposed to turn out this way. Alastor, the fucking Radio Demon, doesn't do feelings.
But here he was, finding himself getting flustered, his cheeks red, ears pinned back and his smile faltering.
And it was all because of you.
"-and so I told him to back the heck away, but I swear his brain can't seem to comprehend simple words! He-"
You went on and on about your day, but Alastor could only focus on the close proximity between the two of you and your hand came so close to brushing his every minute or so.
"Alastor! Freaking hell!" He snapped out of his trance when he heard you yell his name.
He cleared his throat, quickly gathering himself once more, "Yes, darling?"
"Were you even listening to me?"
"Of course, I was." Which, frankly, was a lie.
"Just go to bed, dipshit."
"I don't need sleep."
"Your brain is hijacked, Al." You try to give his ears a scratch. Alastor attempts a dodge but fails. "See? You can't even dodge a simple pet on the head."
"I let you do that."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"Darling, you know I don't sleep."
"It was an expression, babe."
He knew you meant it as a joke, a light-humoured name you called him; like how he called you "dear" or "darling".
But he couldn't help the blush that found a way to his face.
"Alastor! You're doing it again!"
"I beg your pardon?" He snaps out from his trance.
"You're dozing off again. Are your radio parts radio-ing properly?"
"I'm not an actual radio, my dear."
"Well, you sure act like a broken down machine." You let out a giggle, him doing the same, but it ultimately sounded like he was buffering.
"You need help." You get up and give him another ruffle behind the ears, catching him off guard. "G'night, Al."
He doesn't respond.
He's too busy screaming internally.
Alastor doesn't do feelings. Yet, here he was a broken mess because of you.
No, this was unacceptable. All he'd work for. His reputation. The danger it'd put you in.
He couldn't afford any of that gone — especially not you.
How was he to get rid of this weird churning he gets in his stomach when you near, though? How was he to stop loving you?
Alastor doesn’t do feelings. He nearly did, once, because of you. But he’d found a way to stop it.
Or so, he thought.
“Good morning, Al.”
Out of everyone in the hotel, you were the one person he could tolerate. Despite your polar interests and behaviour, Alastor actually found it quite enjoyable to be by your side.
Sure, you rarely cursed, was so sweet and couldn’t bare the thought of killing, but Alastor never minded. You were the one person he looked forward to seeing everyday. He would usually only talk to you.
“Husker, may I have a word?” Yet, here Alastor was, completely ignoring your existence like you were some irrelevant imp a few rings down.
“Uh, sure, boss.” Husk sends you a questioning stare as you return the favour.
He didn’t actually have anything to say to him; it just hurt to see you. The feelings still lingered and he couldn’t do jackshit about it. 
Staying away from you was only supposed to get rid of his feelings, not intensify them.
“Alastor?” Yet, your voice captivated him in every way possible and his desire to be yours increased.
He simply left the room, and the two of you never spoke after that.
“Alastor doesn’t do feelings, honey.”
“I know, Rosie! But we’re just friends and he knows that.” You take a sip from the tea Rosie prepared for you. “Though, lately, he’s been completely disregarding my presence like I’m the bane of his existence.”
“Don’t look too much into it! I’m sure it’s nothing. It’s just Alastor being Alastor.”
“But it’s not.” You sigh. “Something’s changed between us and I’m not sure what it is.”
“Well, did anything specific happen?”
“I.. I don’t know.” Your voice cracks at the agony. “I just.. Everything was fine that night. I just told him to sleep and the next morning it’s like I never existed.”
“Hm. That does sound odd.”
“Exactly! And I’m not sure what to do or if- if I’ve angered him- or- or maybe he’s sick of me-”
“Honey, breathe.” Rosie’s hand finds yours across the table as she rubs soothing circles on the back of your palm. “It’s in his nature to be sending mixed signals. Just give him time. He’ll come to terms with you eventually.”
“Are.. Are you sure?”
“You came to me for a reason.” She jokes, though her warm smile never left her face.
“Thank you, Rosie.”
Alastor, your beloved strawberry pimp, doesn’t do feelings. He didn’t, he doesn’t and he won’t.
At least, that was before he realised he was catching feelings for you.
He’s tried so hard to ignore it. He’s done everything he could to ignore you, but despite his best efforts, you still found a way to float straight back into his mind.
“Yes, darling?” It took him a while to comprehend the fact he accidentally called Husk “darling”. His mind was just filled with thoughts of you.
“Uh.. anyways.” Husk cleared his throat. “You were close with the kid, right?”
“I suppose.” He shrugs, saying it as a matter of fact-ly. “Nothing serious.”
Alastor nearly flinched as he said it himself. 
Nothing serious.
But in fact, it was starting to get serious. He was in love with you, head-over-heels obsessed, but he couldn’t come to terms with the fact and decided to push you away.
Fuck. What was he thinking?
“Yes, well I just.. wanted to let ya’ know she’s-”
“In a minute, Husker.” He says, taking off and trying to find you. He had to apologize. He had to talk to you and explain himself. But then, that would mean he had to confess.
Confess. Alastor’s smile widened as he thought of the idea. Blush crept from his face all the way down to his neck and his tail was uncontrollably wagging under his coat.
He loved you.
Turns out, Alastor does, and will do feelings.
“Husker, have you seen her?” After a whole day of looking around the hotel, he couldn’t seem to find you anywhere. 
“Her?” He asks, then immediately realising there could only be one her. “I was trying to tell you, boss. The kid.. The kid passed.”
“What?” His smile falters, eyes twitching, but still keeping his composure.
“Some drunk ass dude got hold of an angelic weapon from the last extermination. She was stabbed on her way back from cannibal town.”
The static in his ears were ringing louder by the second. This wasn’t supposed to happen. No, it wasn’t supposed to end like this. He was only supposed to get rid of his feelings, not you.
This whole plan backfired. It was a mistake. He kept what he hadn’t wanted, and lost what he desired.
Alastor doesn’t do feelings.
He does, but only for you. He keeps his heart closed in hopes you’re still somewhere out there.
Any other demon who tries to get with him, ultimately gets turned down.
Alastor doesn’t do feelings, no; but he does feelings. He saves the romantic kind for you. The platonic ones, however, are open doors now because of you.
Alastor didn’t do feelings, but he does now — in hopes he gets redeemed and can find you in heaven.
———[ End. ]———
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Hi again first you're a teacher?? Me too soon 😂
Anyway I thought of another weird idea
A child that can see dead people 🏃‍♀️ and he sees corazon when he's with law
Or any other character
I will write a lot of ideas sorry if it's annoying 😅
A/N:I am a teacher! Im a preschool teacher, that is why writing this in that aspect is really easy because I see their behaviors and shenanigans everyday. What grade will you be teaching??
Also, absolutely not! I love your ideas they are incredible, it will never be annoying trust me, receiving these makes me giggle and kick my feet like a little girl
Dividers by @/saradika
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Clumsy Ghostly Guardians ( Law x gn!child!reader x Corazon)
“Dad, Dad!” The child could be seen once again running through the hallways of the submarine, their screams bouncing off the walls as they ran towards their father
Law looks up from his reading as the familiar sound of his child's footsteps approaches him. He sighs, returning his attention back to the medical journal in his hands.
“What is it?”
“Dad, who is the tall ghost who always follows you around?”
“Tall ghost who always follows me around?”
Law puts down his book to give his child his full attention
“What do they look like?”
He watches as the child changes their focus from him to next to him, attentively staring at something
“He’s really tall, he has funny lips, he has a big coat, and he falls a lot too.”
Law's brows furrow as he is genuinely confused by his child's words. However, Law gets a strange feeling in his gut that what they are seeing is none other than Corazon
“…Did they tell you their name?”
“He said his name was Rosinante, but he said you call him Corazon.”
Law's jaw hangs open as he stares at his child. Law never told his child about Corazón, and the fact that reader knows his real name and even his alias...
When the child had eaten the yuta-yuta fruit, the possibility was always at the back of his mind, but he had always brushed it off, thinking that Corazon was either following Doflamingo or Sengoku.
“...how long have you seen him?”
“Since I ate yuta-yuta”
“Since you ate the....”
Law's face goes pale with shock. He has a look of disbelief on his face
“...did he talk to you?”
“Mmhm, he said dad was the cutest when small, said you still have a gloomy expression now.”
Law's expression softens, and he sits down next to his child, trying to process everything that has occurred. He puts a hand on their head, ruffling their hair
“...what else did he say?”
“He said he’s glad you’re safe, what does that mean dad?”
Law shakes his head, trying to keep his emotions under control. He did not expect to encounter such profound news today. Law turns his attention back to his child and gives them a tight smile.
“...he means that he is happy we are safe. Did he say anything else?”
Law strokes their hair with his thumb
“He said that he is proud of you
Law's cheeks blush as tears stream down his face.
“Ah! Dad, why are you crying? Corazon, do something! You made Dad cry, meanie!”
Law covers his face with his sleeve; he struggles to regain his composure. Eventually, his heart starts to slow, and the tears stop
“Don’t worry about it; I’m just happy, Reader-ya.”
“Ah, Corazon fell again”
“Seriusly?!” He groans
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So I did made this gender neutral but in Japan a Yuta is a female spirit medium and I couldn’t find a word for medium that would fall within that 4 or 3 alliteration format that the fruits have other than with yuta, and even that was stretching it but yeah, just wanted to let you guys know 😂.
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l0tt1emy · 2 months
i can request Meangirl!lottie? I think she would be sooo mean, I think she would love overstimulation! I love your posts!!!
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Lottie Matthews x F!reader
Warnings: oral, desagration kink, strap referred to as dick, DUBCON, no aftercare, corruption kink? lottie blackmails you about your videos! recorded sex
A/n:I wrote this while eating a whole oreo egg, and I was listening gee , sorry anon I forgot about overstimulation:((( this has been rotting for months...
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Lottie didn't know what it was about you...but you were different from the others, she doesn't know if it was because your eyes didn't shine when she passed in the hallway or if it was because you looked hotter than she would like to admit
at first it was just a "revolt" because when she "accidentally" dropped her food during break time and she got suspended, it was the first time that a stupid, nerdy person wasn't intimidated by the rich, intelligent queen bee of the school.
I mean, not that smart, otherwise she wouldn't need to be talking to the director for the 10th time, and this time it wasn't because she was caught intimidating the newbies
" Charlotte, you know that your father pays a lot for this tuition, I'm going to give you extra classes, But that's not enough, you'll have help from someone in your class. and I know the right person for that."
when lottie saw you she could feel all her blood boiling, she didn't know, you were too stupid and you were a bitch to her, she could shut you up with anything, if it would make you stop talking back to her criticisms
and she knew what she was going to do when she called you to her house on the weekend, apologizing via text about all the unrepentant threats (she didn't regret it )and saying he was going to make it a girls' night, when her parents were working all week and you even brought pajamas in your backpack, the stupid one was you who really thought that jackie and natalie were going to a slumber party, you were automatically forgiven when lottie saw how your breasts showed and she knew the water with medicine had worked , she saw how your face turned red, how you rubbed your thighs together as you tried to focus on duty
lottie comes close to you and places a hand on your thigh and leaves it there, she can feel yours eyes narrow, she feels you look visibly tense while look at the notebook, but you continues trying to speak "so you divide what m-multiplied...and"
"you seem tense darling...are you a virgin or something?." she says in a visibly mocking tone and continues "sorry, it must be embarrassing" lottie can feel you visibly trying to leave as your body say you to continue.
lottie lowers her hand to your clothed pussy and feels you moving away "w-what are you doing!"
" Shut your fucking mouth and enjoy, I know you want this.." she murmurs without looking into your eyes and rubs her pussy while putting her face on your neck and bites " you are very ungrateful...I know your nerdy friends want this...that's why you were staring at my ass while I was training, right?..." she asks a rhetorical question
and you weren't looking at her ass...god you have respect! "w-what?...n-no...never" you let out a shaky sentence as you feel her roll her eyes "liar" she drops her hand down your panties "jesus...you're really wet" she lets out a loud laugh as she feels you squeeze the nothing "fucking whore" she growls without pity at you as she collects your wetness from your entrance to your clit
she feels you moving away and bites your neck "if you leave..I'll tell everyone that you're a pervert" Your friends will love seeing this...you know.." Tears well up in your eyes, wide with fear as you feel Lottie try to stick a finger inside you. she raises an eyebrow "oh...you're a virgin!" she laughs as she sticks her finger faster than she should, in your little hole "stop...lottie...i-im..." you stumble over your words as you feel your damn legs shake unconsciously with pleasure..betraying your mind “I’m s-sorry...Sorry" You mutter pleas of pain as you try to move away from her and she simply ignores while sinking her fingers deeper inside your sticky walls
You like this right? to be used...who knew..." then as if gods had heard you she finally removes her fingers with the excuse that it was her turn to gain pleasure and I put her fingers with your excitement in your mouth and make you suck
she looks at you and forces you to kneel in front of her, while she not-so-subtly points her phone camera at you " you know what to do, little bitch" and without waiting her put your face in her pussy, god her smell was so good and in a minute you were smearing yourself, alternating between sucking her clit and her entrance, You didn't know why you were doing this, your mind was hazy with pleasure without your permission and she was more vocal than you thought, she puts her hand on the back of your neck, you couldn't breathe as she smothered you with her pussy "oh shit..yes..." she moans as she raises her hips to your mouth, trying impossibly to have more pleasure
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes as you struggled to breathe, and you could feel the burning in the back of your neck, from Lottie's nails.
how much more you alternated between sucking on her entrance and her clit you could feel her body getting tense and her moans getting louder with each movement of her hips and then you are trapped between her thighs, your ears ringing with the force that She squeezes your head and you can taste her on your tongue, pulling away from her you feel filthy when you see the phone still recording you, and Lottie with messy hair, panting and looking at you
she licks the drool that was dripping and an arrogant smile drips on her lips "I've never seen a virgin like you..." she murmurs then realizes that she was too kind "you're a whore" she stands up and looks at You "take off your clothes" and you can feel the shame rising in your veins, would this really be your first time? what a shame, you think when you say it before you think "no" you blurt it out accidentally
Lottie's eyes narrow, her smile fading. "Don't push me," she warns, her voice low and dangerous. "You know what will happen if you do." She steps closer, her breath hot against your face. "I'm not a woman you want to make an enemy of."
She grabs your chin, forcing you to look into her eyes. "You have two choices," she says coldly. "You can either do what I say and keep your mouth shut, or I can make your life a living hell. It's really up to you."
You feel a lump forming in your throat, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You don't want to do this, but you also don't want to face the consequences of defying her. Lottie releases your chin, stepping back. "Make up your mind," she says, her voice hard. "The clock is ticking."
You swallow hard, looking away. You know what you have to do. You can't afford to make her angry.
With a heavy heart, you nod reluctantly. There's no other choice. And so, you allow Lottie to take control once more, submitting to her demands in fear and desperation. She smiles wickedly, her eyes gleaming with victory. She pulls you into her arms, kissing you fiercely
she undresses you, her touch rough and demanding. You try to pull away, but she only grips tighter, reminding you of her threats. The guilt and shame consume you, but her promises of revenge hang over you
lottie tilts her head forward and sees how transparent your panties are with excitement
Lottie chuckles, her fingers teasing the damp fabric before slowly pulling it aside. Her gaze lingers on your wet slit, a satisfied hum escaping her lips. "You're already ready for me," she says, letting her fingertips trace along your folds gently, causing you to tremble underneath her touch. "But I want more than just that." She reaches down and grabs a bottle of lube from the nightstand, squirting some onto her fingers before guiding them inside you.
Her movements are slow and deliberate, stretching you open as she adds another finger, then another. Your breath hitches with each thrust, your body responding eagerly to her command " I thought you didn't want this..." she murmurs teasingly, while inevitably groan when see how much you squeeze her fingers " I think that shouldn't be enough for a greedy little slut like you"
Lottie smirks, spreading her fingers wide within you. The sensation sends a jolt of pleasure through your core, your hips rocking up into her hand. "That's right, let me have you." She whispers, increasing her pace until you're moaning softly, your nails digging into her shoulders.
As she continues to finger you, she pulls out her strap-on, slicking it generously with lube. "Are you ready for this?" She asks, her voice thick with desire as she positions herself above you."w-wait.." you mumble when you see it was bigger than you thought, it wouldn't fit. With one smooth motion, she slides into you, filling you completely. You cry out, your legs wrapping around her waist as she begins to move, setting a steady rhythm.
The camera captures every moan, every thrust, every moment of pure bliss. "Look at yourself, so perfect and wet for me." Lottie murmurs, reaching up to pinch your nipples, you could feel yourself squeezing her without your will, your stomach was burning and you felt so full it was strange, you shouldn't be enjoying this, it was wrong, you raise both your arms and try to pull her away from you
No, don't hold back," Lottie growls, her pace picking up as she feels your inner walls gripping her cock. "Let go, bitch. Let me hear you scream my name." Each thrust is harder now, your cries becoming louder and more desperate. The camera captures every twitch, every shiver that races through your body.
And then, just as you're about to reach your breaking point, Lottie changes tactics. She pulls out abruptly, causing you to whine in protest. But there's no time to complain as she quickly flips you onto your knees, guiding you onto her cock once again. "Come on," she orders, slapping your ass gently. "Show them what they came for."
You obey, bouncing on her cock while still gasping for air. The new angle hits nerves you didn't know existed "f-fuck...s-shit!" you murmur shakily feeling your walls burning.
Yeah, that's it, scream for me, babe!" Lottie encourages, thrusting deeper into you. "Let everyone know how fucked I've made you, how hard I'm stretching that tight little pussy of yours." She grips your hips tightly, fucking you relentlessly. Each thrust causes your body to rock on the bed as she takes full control. "You're mine now, aren't you? My virgin whore who loves nothing more than my big cock shoved inside her."
She takes a look at your red and swollen clit "There we go," she coos, rubbing circles around your sensitive nub. Your hips buck wildly beneath her, your moans muffled by their kiss. She picks up the pace, keeping one eye on the camera even as she focuses on pleasuring you.
"Oh fuck! Stop...stop stop..." You cry out, your climax crashin over you like a tidal wave. Lottie continues to play with your clit, milking every last drop of pleasure from your bod, You close your legs unconsciously when it becomes too sensitive and she immediately moves away, slapping your thigh for you to open it again.
"Keep those legs spread," she instructs, rubbing the head of her toy against your entrance. "We're not quite done yet." You nod, trying to catch your breath as she enters you once more, this time at a slower pace. Her free hand finds its way to your clit, rubbing it slowly at first, then picking up speed as you beg for more.
Every movement is captured on camera, the sound of your gasps echoing in the room. Lottie thrusts harder
Lottie's breath catches at your enthusiasm, her cock twitching within you. "Like that, baby?" She says, thrusting harder, faster. "You love being taken like this, don't you? Wanting more of my cock?"
The sound of flesh hitting flesh fills the room as she pounds into you, her body moving in perfect synchronization with yours. She can feel you getting closer to climax, and it spurs her on.
"Cry for me, baby," She hisses, her voice thick with lust. "Tell me you love my cock, that you can't live without it inside you."
Soon enough, your entire body is shaking under her, your cries growing louder. She knows your climax is near; she can feel it in the way you grip the sheets, your inner muscles clenching around her cock. And then, just as she predicted, you explode, crying out her name.
Lottie feels her own release building up, her clit slapping with just the right pressure against the strap, and her old orgasm only helping her more
your walls milking her cock mercilessly. "God, you're tight," She moans, burying herself deeper inside you. "Take it, take all of it!"
Your hips jerk wildly, your back arching off the bed as you reach your climax. Lottie keeps up the pace, drawing out every last drop of pleasure from you. The room is filled with the sounds of your moans and the clicking of the camera, capturing every twitch and spasm.
lottie walks away from you, panting and you feel an emptiness inside you, you hear another click from the camera then she stops the video and throws her phone on the floor, taking off her strap and placing it anywhere in the room, leaving you destroyed on the bed
"I'm already done with you, I hope you don't tell anyone this...or you already know"
321 notes · View notes
hearts4golbach · 2 months
Peanut-Butter and Pickles.
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Colby Brock x Pregnant!Reader.
The early morning sun seeped in through the mostly closed blinds. i rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes before resting a hand on my stomach with the other reaching for my phone. i heard the shower sputter to a start. the walls were so thin in this house, i thought to myself as i shakily stood up. i trotted into the bathroom, knocking twice before entering.
colby peeked out from behind the curtain. "Hey, baby. how are you feeling?" his soft tone slightly echoed throughout the bathroom.
"im good," i placed a kiss on his cheek. "Mind if i join you?"
"Anything to save water." he joked, "of course."
i laughed quietly before stripping and getting in with him. one hand laid gently on my stomach. he ran his thumb in circles soothingly. "She's due in about a month." i said, placing my hand over his.
"Oh, i know." he replied matter-of-factly. "i can't wait."
i hummed, my hands intertwining with his. "me either."
colby washed my body, his calloused hands running over every part of my body gently. he took extra care of my stomach, peppering it in kisses and whispering sweet things to our unborn little girl. he kissed my lips passionately, whispering 'i love you's against my lips. i couldnt help but smile, wrapping my arms around his neck as he hugged me.
i got out, letting his finish washing himself, as he insisted. i stayed in the bathroom, doing my skincare while waiting for him to finish up. a twinge of hunger hit me, but not quite what i was expecting. "colbs, do we have peanut butter and pickles?"
he hesitated, "uh, im not too sure. we havent gone grocery shopping in a while."
"shit," i mumbled.
"why, whats up?" he turned off the water and stepped out, "cravings?"
i sighed, "yeah. honestly, i find them annoying."
"Then, let's go to the store." he offered. "it should be open by now."
"really? this early?" i paused, "and, dont you have to focus on editing today?"
his hand met my waist as he kissed my cheek, "That can wait. I'll just stay up later."
"If you're sure," i smiled.
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we walked down the aisles, getting our usual items for the house, as well as looking for new things to try.
whenever we had turned the corner and saw peanut butter sitting on the shelf, i felt as if i could start drooling.
i walked my happy ass over to the shelf and grabbed our favorite brand. "is this one okay?"
"Of course," colby laughed, "that's the one we always get, anyway." he pushed the cart closer to me before i tossed it in.
he picked out a couple more things before we went to the cold section. we chose 2 different types of pickles, the dill pickles, and we decided to try the sweet and spicy ones, too.
i rushed him out of the store, far too excited to get home. colby held a small smile on his face the whole time.
walking into the kitchen, colby asked me, "So, what exactly are you thinking?"
"Well, it's just a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. but instead of jelly, it's pickles." i explained as i put up groceries.
"Easy, I'll make it for you." he rubbed my arms, "Go sit down. I'll get the groceries."
"no, oh my god. i dont want you doing all the work." i leaned against the counter, protesting his request.
"y/n, you're carrying my baby that's due in a month. im gonna take away as much stress as i can." his eyebrows furrowed together.
"It's not that big of a deal, babe." i shrugged, "but I'll go sit."
he thanked me before getting to work on the sandwich. i turned on our favorite tv show and patiently waited for him to come join me in the living room. only moments later, Colby walked into the room with two plates. one containing a normal peanut butter and jelly while the other had peanut butter and pickles.
i was extra emotional, seeing as my hormones were going crazy. “oh my god, i love you so much.” i said, nearly choking back tears.
he kissed my forehead, placing the plate in my lap. “i love you so much more.”
286 notes · View notes
mattscoquette · 2 months
“ 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 , 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝜗𝜚 “
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: popular!mean!matt x quiet!introverted!fem!oc
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a story in which a quiet introverted girl attempts to befriend her popular neighbor
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut (p in v, slight praise kink, use of pet names), cursing, arguing, kissing
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6.1k
introduction 1 2 3 4 5 6
𝐚/𝐧: first off thank u sm for 340 followers 😭😭😭 i love each and every single person who’s ever came across my account thank u sm for taking time to read my stuff. also thank u to everyone who’s shown love to this series!!!! i loved writing it so much im so sad it’s over now :( i plan to do another series at some point so stay tuned for that! i hope u all enjoy the final part <3333 i love u all sm! 💕💕
xoxo ₊˚⊹ ୨ৎ
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addilyn richardson,
was currently standing in front of her torn apart closet on a monday morning, contemplating what to wear. normally she would just throw on something comfortable, but today was the day her and matt had their science project to present. she woke up with a sick feeling in her stomach, presumably from nervousness. the nervousness from presenting, and from seeing matt for the first time in days. she stood there, seriously considering playing hooky today and going back to sleep. it was so cold, and the warmth of her bed was calling out to her. she shook her head. she couldn’t do that to matt, though, not after she treated him this weekend. she texted him early saturday morning that she was still “feeling under the weather” and that it was best if they wrapped up the project on their own. all they had left was the worksheet, so it wasn’t a lot of work to do, but deciding to work alone and then submit it was risky. she had ignored his questions of how the project was coming along, and she even declined nicks request to hang out at his house. although he was weary, matt trusted addilyn, though, he knew she was a smart girl and she could pass them with ease.
addilyn sighed, settling on a her favorite pair of jeans. she rummaged through the clothes on the hangers, trying to find something that paired well with the pants. she found a small blue lacy tank top, close to the blue of matt’s eyes, and decided on that. she shook her head, trying to push thoughts of the brunette haired boy to the back of her mind. she had to focus today, no more matt, she could not mess up her presentation in front of her class. she looked in her mirror quickly, before opting to put a silky white headband in her hair, attempting to make her curls look a little neater. she tugged a sweater on over her shoulders, grabbing her backpack, before heading out the door.
she hasn’t gotten a ride from matt for the last couple days, not since the day they came so close to kissing. granted, matt would have driven her if she asked, but she grew distant with him, not wanting to embarrass herself anymore than she already had. that moment kept replaying in her head all weekend. how she felt him nearly pressed against her body, the feeling of their noses brushing against one another, how close their lips were to touching one another. she thought about what it would feel like to kiss matt. if it would be gentle, their lips barely grazing one another, or if it’d be the rough, messy kind, where it was a clash of teeth together. she wouldn’t have minded either one, as long as she was kissing matt.
addilyn. she told herself. get a hold of yourself. you need to present well today.
making her way to the bus stop, she saw matt’s van drive past her, nick sitting in the back. addilyn sighed, putting her earbuds in as she waited for the bus alone in the cold. a part of her hoped matt would’ve pulled over, jumping out of the van, and ushering her in quickly, telling her that she did nothing wrong and he liked her back. they would drive to school together, walking in hand in hand, until they had to go separate ways. but he didn’t, he simply kept on driving.
₊˚ 𓂃✧
“i hope you all are ready to present today,” the physics teacher announced as the bell rang, watching a few stragglers shuffle in. addilyn held her breath, looking over to matt. he didn’t turn around to meet her gaze. “maria and joey already offered to go first, but before each group goes up, i’ll allow you guys to prepare yourselves in the hallway.”
addilyn sighed of relief. she only briefly met with matt before class to go over their assignment quickly, barely having enough time to make sure they did it right. although she was confident in her part of the work, she couldn’t help but feel worried it was wrong. she was so out of it this weekend, picking up her phone every five minutes to see if matt would reach out her, and ignoring him when he did. she partly felt bad, but that feeling would instantly be washed over with embarrassment. he texted her a few times in the span of the two days, but addilyn just kept on ignoring matt, praying he would just forget about it and let her work. by sunday, though, matt stopped reaching out to her. she couldn’t help but feel disappointed, but she knew ignoring him would get the boy to leave her alone. but deep down she hoped that if she pushed him away enough he would come back around.
the class watched as each group went up, sitting in anticipation waiting for their turn. about four groups in, addilyn and matt were on deck to go.
“gianna and kian, you’re up now. addilyn and matthew are after if you guys want to go to the hallway.” the teacher told them.
the two of them glanced at one another, slowly getting up and going into the hallway with their project. taking in a deep breath, addilyn looked at matt up and down. he wore dark blue baggy jeans with his car keys clipped onto the belt loop, accompanied with a black and red t-shirt that read ransom across the front. he wore a black zip up over his clothes, where his hands were currently engulfed by the sleeves. her stomach was instantly in knots as matt smiled at her and sat the experiment down delicately on the linoleum floor. he pulled out a bag of marbles from his zip up’s pockets. “you ready?”
addilyn nodded quietly, watching as he bent down, setting the marble on the top part of the slope. he let it go, watching it go down and run its course. it raced down all the slopes, speeded through all the sharp turns, evening spinning around and around the funnel they added. it was flawless. matt and addilyn smiled at one another, both of their chests feeling tight.
“you finished the packet, right?” matt asked, looking at the paper she held in her hands. “can i see it?”
she nodded slowly, a soft blush creeping onto her cheek, handing the pile of paper to the boy in front of her. she hadn’t seen him in person since friday afternoon when he bumped into her, when he saw her crying. she had been so embarrassed. she had a crush on the kid for barely a week and she’d been a crying wreck over him. how pathetic of her. she wanted to explain to matt that afternoon she was upset about something that happened earlier in school, but she couldn’t bring herself to look in his eyes without bursting into tears. instead, she ran away and ignored him all weekend. she watched matt intently as he looked through the packet, seeing the mix of both of their handwriting as they had both taken turns working on it. he paused as he got to one section addilyn did over the weekend by herself.
she watched as his eyebrows furrowed. “are you sure you calculated this right?” he asked, showing her the paper as she leaned into him to look. she could smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne. she flashed back to last week, when his face was inches from her and the only thing she could smell was him. his scent stayed in her room all night. matt’s voice snapped her back to reality. “i think you used the wrong formula.”
“no i didn’t, matt.” she told him confidently, looking up to meet his eyes. she looked back down at the work, going over it carefully. she was certain she did it correctly.
“no, you used the formula for potential energy, not kinetic.” matt pressed back, showing her the paper and pointing. “look.” she directed her gaze back down at the equation in front of her, then back at him absolutely dumbfounded.
“i didn’t.”
“you did.”
“matt, i know what i’m doing,” she told him, her voice starting to grow louder. “i know i did it right.”
“addy, you did it wrong.” matt shot back at her, also starting to become frustrated.
she didn’t even realize she was yelling. it’s as if all the flirting and joking they shared with each other over the last week was gone, and it was the first day all over again. “who’s the straight a student here, matt? i know i did my work right. you just don’t want to admit you’re wrong!”
he shook his head, opening his mouth to speak, before addilyn interrupted him. “i know how to do this shit matt, you don’t, so don’t come out here questioning my work that i know is ri-”
he cut her off by pulling her by the arm into an empty classroom, dropping the papers to the floor and shutting the door behind them. her back was flush to the door, matt standing over her with his arms extended on either side of her head. the space between them was so small, it was dizzying. she looked up at him, trying not to let it falter her confidence.
“what is your issue?” she spat, “we need to go over our project.”
“my issue?” matt yelled, “what’s my issue? you’re the one who’s been acting weird the last four days! we wouldn’t be in this situation right now if you just did the project with me over the weekend instead of avoiding me.”
if looks could kill, matt would be six feet under the ground. addilyn glared up at him. “i wasn’t avoiding you, asshole, i was sick.”
“sick, my ass,” he argued, “you were avoiding me! i know you were!”
“was not.”
“were too”
“matt,” she whisper-shouted. he still had her against the door. “stop it.”
he looked down at her sighing, trying to cool himself down. she continued to look up at him with daggers in her eyes. all the emotions the two felt in the past couple of weeks, they were getting it all out now, only in the form of an argument. how typical of addilyn and matt. she spoke up again. “i knew working on this project with you would go to shit.”
“you don’t mean that.” he told her, looking back just as angrily, standing even closer to her than before.
she stood her ground, trying her best not to feel small underneath matt. he’d always been a few inches taller, but with the position they were in now, he towered over her small frame. she yelled back at him. “yes, i do mean it! if we never worked on this assignment together, everything would’ve worked out so much easier! i would have been fine doing it alone, and you wouldn’t have been bothering me and ruining my-“
matt couldn’t handle the sound of her voice yelling at him anymore, it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. in the heat of the moment, not even thinking, he took his hands off the door from behind her and grabbed her shoulders, pressing his lips to hers. she blinked, kissing him back after a moment. he pulled away from the girl, eyes wide as he met addilyn’s shocked expression that was plastered all across her face.
what the fuck did he just do.
matt didn’t even have the chance to speak, hell, he couldn’t even move, all of his words left his mouth. addilyn blinked up at him, pausing for moment, before wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling the boy into her. she titled her head to the side, deepening the kiss as she kept one arm wrapped around him, her other hand moving to hold his face close to hers. matt’s hands moved down and gripped her hips, pressing them against his. he kissed her back hard, like she would slip out of his grasp if he didn’t. addilyn cupped his jaw, pulling him impossibly closer to her as she felt him smirk against her lips slightly. she broke away momentarily to look at matt, flashing him a soft smile, his favorite smile. before she could fully pull back, matt was already connecting his lips back with hers. he ran his hands up and down her sides as he kissed her with all the feelings he couldn’t convey over the last couple weeks. addilyn sighed against the boy’s lips, moving her hands from his face up into his hair. she tugged lightly at the brown locks while she felt matt’s teeth graze against her lip. addilyn pulled back slightly, placing a few small pecks on matt’s grinning lips before pulling away fully.
they two of them giggled, still holding on to one another. matt spoke up first. “i still think you did the equation wrong.”
“shut up” addilyn laughed, pressing her lips to matt’s once more.
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“and that’s how kinetic energy works.” matt concluded, taking the marble off of the track and placing it back into his pocket. the class burst into applause, a few kids even obnoxiously whistling to really add to it. addilyn beamed next to matt, looking at him for a moment before returning her gaze back to the rest of the class. the pair returned to their respective seats, glancing at one another as their teacher praised the work. they sat through a few more presentations, before the bell dismissed the students, matt finding his way to addilyn rather quickly. they walked together out of the classroom, not long before the girl pulled matt by the arm into a lesser crowded hallway.
“hi.” she grinned up at him, arms hugging around his waist. he brushed a curl behind her ear, retuning the smile.
“do you wanna skip the rest of the day?” he asked, watching addilyn’s face widen. it was only the middle of the day, they still had at least four more classes before they had to go home. she instantly shook her head no. “come on addy, live a little.” he laughed, watching her contemplate her choices. stay in school like you’re supposed to, or spend the day with matt.
“i’ll buy you lunch.” he bribed in a sing-songy voice, his hands still playing with the hair behind her ears. he brought his lips to her cheek, kissing it softly a few times. he pulled back. “please?”
she sighed, giving in. matt cheered, lacing his hand with hers as he pulled her out of the double doors leading outside. she instantly felt a chill run down her spine as they were met with the cold winter air. matt took notice, slipping off his puffer jacket he was wearing and giving it to her. she smiled sweetly at him as he opened the passenger side of his van, letting her in. he climbed in next to her, starting the car and immediately turning on the heat on full blast. he plugged his phone in, queuing up a few songs, before kicking the car into reverse.
“where to?” he asked addilyn, backing out of the parking space, putting his hand on her knee as he began to drive. she felt her face redden at the action, shifting her legs closer to the center console as matt rubbed his thumb back and forth.
the girl shrugged. “wherever you want to take me.” matt smirked, an idea popping into his head.
they drove comfortably, making small talk about whatever came across their minds. after about fifteen minutes, matt pulled into the parking lot, turning off the car and looking over at addilyn. he found that she was already staring at him, leaning across the middle to place a quick peck on her smiling lips. “let me get the door for you.” he said quietly, quickly getting out of the van and opening her side of the door, offering a hand out.
“such a gentleman.” she laughed, taking his hand in hers. she still was wearing his puffer jacket, only a thin zip up keeping matt’s body from being met with the brisk january air around them.
“are you sure you’re not cold, matt?” she asked the boy as they began to walk, hands still held together.
“i’m fine.” he promised, leaning down to kiss her rosy cheek. they walked through the parking lot, before the park came into view. the large bare trees that surrounded the vicinity became separated by a walkway that lead into the grassy area, where the playground and baseball field resided. she gasped, turning to look at matt.
“i love this park!” she gushed, leading matt though the gate. they started down the walkway, making their way around the track that stretched a mile around the perimeter of the park. they lost count of how many laps they took, walking with their hands together the whole time. they talked about whatever crossed their minds.
“tell me about the book you’re reading right now, adds.” matt asked her, turning to look over at the girl as they walked. her cheeks were all pink from the cold, her lips glossy. she looked back at him, the widest smile spread across her face. nobody’s ever asked her that. she talked to him about the book, her favorite characters, favorite quotes, all of it. she talked of the book she read previously to the one now, and how it was all connected. matt just listened and smiled at her as she talked, loving the way her eyes lit up while she spoke.
they continued walking around as matt told addilyn about his love for nature and the comfort it brought to him, especially in the colder months.
“i just love the trees and shit,” matt told her, taking in the surrounding around them. the trees were dead and bare from the cold of the winter, but matt continued to admire them anyway. “my favorite season is fall because of the leaves. i think they look super pretty and i love the colors of everything.” addilyn beamed up at him listening to him talk about his other favorite things about fall. he talked about how he loved to wear fuzzy sweaters as the weather grew colder, and found peace for himself being surrounded by the outdoors.
they’d been in the park for a good hour and a half, just talking about everything and nothing all at once. they were currently sat on a bench that was located across from a small pond, abandoned from the small animals that typically lived there due to the freezing winter weather. addilyn was resting her head on matt’s shoulder as they still held hands, simply enjoying the moment in silence. she was tracing small patterns on his hand when she broke away and sat up for a moment to look up at him.
“what?” matt smiled, looking back at addilyn. she shook her head, muttering a small nothing, leaning up slightly to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. it felt just like the dream he’d been having all week.
the air around them was cold, but addilyn felt so warm against him. she removed their intertwined hands and wrapped both her arms around his neck, pulling him back down into her as she leaned her back against the bench. matt turned his body to match hers, arms instinctively wrapped around her waist as she sighed contently into the kiss.
“do you want to go back to my house?” he whispered against her lips.
she pulled back, glancing up at matt. “yes please,” she said, leaning back into him. the pair shared a few more quick pecks before they got up, walking back to matt’s car with their hands together once more
₊˚ 𓂃✧
when addilyn and matt got back to his house, they were the only two home seeing as it was still the middle of the day. they were currently up in matt’s bedroom, sitting together on his bed watching a movie. despite the fact the two had already kissed, both of the teenagers were terrified to make another move. they were both sat upright, matt’s arms crossed while addy’s sat her in her lap, their legs barely touching one another. they both wanted more but neither would act on it. addilyn kept feeling matt’s not-so-subtle glances at her, only looking back at him when his focus returned to the t.v.
this was about the fifth time addilyn addilyn looked over at matt in the span of thirty minutes, and she was ready to give everything up right then and there. upon arriving home, matt pulled a grey hoodie over his t-shirt, trying to warm himself after spending nearly two hours in the cold outside. brown hair flopped over his blue eyes and scrunched eyebrows as he tried his best to focus on the movie and ignore the twitching feeling in his jeans. his cheeks stayed a pink rosy color, his lips slightly parted while he breathed heavily. addilyn felt her stomach flutter as matt repositioned himself so he was now laying down as opposed to having his back against the headboard. his arms moved to lay behind his head, his sweatshirt riding up just enough to reveal the waistline of his boxers. matt could feel her eyes digging in to him, looking up and smirking to meet her gaze.
“take a picture, addy, it’ll last longer.” he said in the most flirtatious way, the words immediately making her panties soaked. two hours ago she’d kissed a boy for the first time ever, and here she was now wondering what he’d feel like insider of her. her eyes stayed wide looking at matt as she felt a blush creep up onto her cheeks and the back of her neck.
“sorry, i just-” she started, being cut off by matt’s arms pulling her on top of him following his sudden and bold change in attitide. “matt!” she yelped, half giggling.
“hi pretty girl,” he smiled up at her, his face getting red and his dick starting to get hard as his hands made home on her hips, rubbing them back and forth. her hands traveled up his chest to play with the strings of his hoodie
“hi” she whispered back, unable to stop herself from trailing her eyes all over his body. he looked so good underneath her, it was driving her insane. matt’s hands moved to her back, bringing her down to meet his lips in a passionate and hot kiss. the two lazily kissed as addilyn felt matt’s tongue swipe against her bottom lip, granting him access by opening her mouth more. they both explored the inside of each other’s mouth as their tongues clashed against one another. matt slid his hand beneath the bottom of her tank top, lightly tracing tiny shapes into the small of her back. she whined quietly at the boy’s touch, matt swallowing her sounds as their lips moved together perfectly in sync as they continued to exchange slow, sloppy kisses.
“matt,” she breathed out, pulling away to catch her breath as he began to kiss down her neck. he stopped when he got to where her neck met her shoulder, peppering kisses all along the base and across her collarbone. she gasped when she felt him going back to leave marks all along where he had previously kissed her. he slowly worked his way back up her neck, sucking and biting at the sweet spot beneath her ear. she let her hands dance in his brown locks, pushing him closer into her neck as he continued to leave small kisses over the purple bruises he was leaving.
he pulled away from her neck, looking up to meet her eyes. her one hand still stayed twisted in his hair, the other moving down to rest on his chest, while she breathed heavily and looked back at him intensely, smiling at the boy beneath her. he felt his mouth curl up into a big grin pressing his lips to hers again. he left small quick pecks on her lips while addilyn was giggling softly in between them, trying to kiss him back and laugh at the same time. matt removed his hands from her waist, holding her face still while he began give her dozens of small kisses across her cheeks, forehead, nose, closed eyelids, and all over the rest of her face. he made his way back around to her mouth, pressing it against his firmly. “i want you so bad addilyn,” he mumbled against her lips, “please.”
she retreated from his lips, looking down at him with wide eyes. she’d be fantasizing about this moment more than she’d like to admit for the past week, and now it was finally happening. it all seemed to have worked out perfectly, there only being one issue.
“i’m a virgin” she blurted out, her mouth going up to cover her mouth. she hid her face in the crook of matt’s neck in immediate embarrassment, him just giggling softly and running his hands up and down her back.
“it’s fine, addy,” he told her softly, whispering in her ear, “i just want to make you mine.”
she whined quietly in his neck, rocking her hips back and forth slightly against his now noticeable boner. “what if i’m bad?” she asked, drawing away from his neck.
he peered up at her, moving his hand up to cup her jaw, running his slender thumb across her cheek. “listen to me sweet girl, we don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.” he examined her face, looking for any signs of discomfort before he pulled her down into an endearing kiss.
“i want you too, matt.” she sighed into his lips, getting a little more comfortable and planting kisses down his neck. matt smiled, flipping the two around so he was now on top of her, holding himself up with his two hands. his lips met her in hungry and ravaging kiss, very different from the one they had just shared previously. it was a mess of teeth and tongue, their lips barely even catching each others.
matt kissed all the way down her neck, stopping when he got to where her breasts were revealed in the tank top she wore. he began to suck and leave a mark at the top of her left tit, his hand reaching up and underneath her shirt to cup the right over her bra. she curled his fingers in his hair, pushing the brunette boy further into her chest.
“can i take your shirt off?” he asked addilyn, looking up at her through hooded eyelids, his once blue eyes now getting darker with lust. she nodded slowly, gaping downwards at the boy. “use your words, addy, tell me it’s okay.”
“i-it’s okay, please take it off.” she told the boy, holding his face and meeting his gaze.
he leaned up slightly, gifting her pink cheek with a soft peck. “tell me if you want to stop at any point, okay?”
“okay.” she whispered.
he instantly was yanking the tank top off of her body, throwing it behind him onto his floor and he attacked her tits with his mouth, his quick contrast in attitude turning her on even more. he kissed and licked all around the valley of her breasts where it was exposed from the white lace of her bra, leaving soft kisses in the wake of the purple marks he left all across her chest. his one arm was wrapped around her waist as his head stayed buried in the girl’s chest, his other arm reaching around her to play with the clasp of her bra. the girl impatiently moaned, moving her arm behind her to take it off for matt. he pulled away for a second, admiring the girl beneath him. addilyn looked up at him, suddenly feeling insecure.
“you’re so fucking pretty addilyn” he breathed, tossing her bra to the side as he took her right nipple into his mouth, sucking gently while his hand reached up to massage her left. she moaned loudly, holding the brunette boy closer to her chest as she felt his tongue flick across the sensitive bud. he did this repedealty, sucking and licking her one tit until he brought his attention to the other, giving it the same treatment.
the girl grew more and more restless, wanting nothing more than to just feel matt inside of her. she groped at his hoodie while he was leaving a hickey underneath her boob, signaling she wanted it off. he laughed to himself at her actions, lifting his head from her so she could take off both his sweatshirt and t-shirt at the same time. the two took a moment to pause, looking at each other intently, both of their chests bare and heaving. “matt i need you, please.” addilyn murmured, her voice laced with desire.
“i know, baby, i do too.” the brunette boy moaned out, grinding his hips down on her, the friction driving him insane as he buried his face into her neck, sucking a dark bruise into her skin. his hands reached down, toying with the hem of her washed out jeans. “can i take these off of you, beautiful?”
“yes, just do something please,” addilyn sighed, running her nails up and down matt’s bare back, scratching at it slightly. he nodded, moving up from her neck as he swiftly removed her pants, the girl reaching up to fiddle with his belt to do the same. matt, also growing just as needy as her, reached down to help addilyn undo his belt and take his jeans off too, leaving the both of them almost fully naked.
upon the removal of his jeans, matt met addilyn with an aggressive kiss, rubbing his clothed dick to her soaked underwear. they both moaned at the new feeling of only a thin piece of fabric separating them, both moving their hips against one another’s. addilyn felt matt slip his hand down beneath her panties, teasingly playing with her clit, rubbing it in soft circles with his thumb. “that feel good, pretty girl?”
unable to talk, addilyn only nodded as she gasped, feeling matt’s fingers move down to her folds, running them lightly across the entrance, before inserting the middle one and curling it up. “fuck, matt” she panted, her eyes rolling back in pleasure, “don’t stop please.”
“trust me, adds, i wont.” the brunette hair boy replied, adding another finger as he thrusted them in and out of her, looking down at the mess of the girl he’s made. “you’re doing so good for me.” she only moaned in response, feeling her stomach grow tighter as her face contorted.
right before she was about to release, she felt matt suddenly pull out, opening her eyes as she watched him suck on his fingers that were drenched in her arousal. her jaw slack, she reached up to trifle with his boxers, dipping her fingers beneath the band and running them along the tip of his dick.
“please matt,” she began, her voice hoarse, “fuck me.”
that was enough for matt to tear her underwear off of her, ripping it slightly as it was discarded into the messy pile of clothes on the floor next to them. he leaned over her, opening his bedside drawer to search for a condom as he felt the girl sucking and biting at his neck. he met her lips to messily make out with her for a moment, before pulling his boxers down, his erection springing free. he felt her soft fingers wrap around his dick, pumping it as he dropped his head into her neck, moaning. impatient, she snatched the condom wrapper from him, tearing it open with her teeth as she grabbed his cock to slide the rubber on.
“that was really hot,” the boy laughed, stroking his dick that was poking into the girl’s stomach, moving it to line up at her entrance. he looked up to her eyes, his facial expression changing to more serious. “tell me if i hurt you at all, okay?” he told her, stroking her inner thigh lightly with his hand.
she shuddered at his touch, replying with a meek “okay.”
“you ready?” matt asked, taking his hand from her thigh and moving it to her hip to hold her. she gave him a small nod, quietly saying yes before he began pushing in.
her face scrunched up as she felt him insert his dick, gasping at the new sensation. “matt,” she breathed, her voice undeniably having a discomforting undertone.
“i know, pretty, i know.” he soothed her, running his hand along her hipbone and tracing soft patterns on it, pausing for a moment before pushing in any deeper. “tell me when i can go again.”
she took a deep breath, reaching for his hand that was playing at her waist, grabbing it tightly. “go ahead.”
matt nodded, continuing to push deeper and deeper until he bottomed out, feeling addilyn squeeze his hand. “tell me when to move.” he groaned, peppering her face with light kisses as he tried to distract her from the pain. she grabbed his jaw, pulling his lips to hers, whispering a soft you can go into the kiss as he began to thrust in and out of her as slowly as he could, trying not to hurt her. he kept on kissing all around her face, diverting her from the uncomfortable feeling as best he could, until she brought his mouth back hers as she moaned, the once pain subsiding to pleasure. her hands tangled in his hair and his around her waist, the two messily kissed one another as matt continuously fucked her, the two finding a rhythm as they rocked their hips back and forth together.
“faster, please,” she begged, her mouth still against his as he simply groaned in response, snapping his hips up into her at a quickened pace. trying to focus on something other than cumming right away, matt pressed hard kisses to her lips, each one growing sloppier, their tongues hastily moving around each other.
“addy,” he whispered in between the kisses, “i’m so sorry-” he was cut off by a long kiss from addilyn, her arms tightening around his neck and she ran her tongue along his lips, catching some of his teeth as he opened his mouth. “i’m so sorry i was mean to you.”
“i forgive you,” she told him, pulling the boy down into her boobs as he began to kiss and leave marks, moving his hand down to play with her clit as he kept up his pace of thrusting. “fuck.”
between the stimulation from her clit, matt’s dick ramming inside her, and him sucking at her tits, she was absolutely spent. “matt” she whined, trying to let him know she was close, unable to form coherent sentences.
“i know, beautiful, let go for me.” he groaned into her tits, rubbing her hands up and down her sides as she came all over his dick, a loud moan escaping her lips. he continued to fuck addilyn through her orgasm, his hips sputtering and bucking against hers as he came too, whimpering slightly at the sensitivity. she breathed heavily, holding the boy against her breasts while he pressed light kisses to them. he looked up at her, stroking her chin as he watched the her regain her breath. “you okay, adds?”
she nodded rapidly, closing her eyes for a moment. “yeah.” she breathed. matt smiled, planting a quick kiss on her jaw as he pulled away from her embrace, pulling out and cleaning her up quickly with a tissue, discarding of the condom. he returned after a second, moving so he could hold addilyn against his chest , resting his head atop hers and their legs tangled together.
she looked up matt, smiling widely as she pressed a loving kiss to his lips. he smiled at the feeling, tilting her chin up as he held her face gently in his hand. “matt?” she breathed, pulling away for a second, “can i tell you something?”
“yeah,” he muttered, brining his mouth back to hers.
“i never hated you, not even in the beginning.”
matt broke apart from her, looking at the girl in his bed with wide eyes. his hand stayed on her face, rubbing his thumb across her lip gently, examining every little detail of her face. his gaze flicked between her two eyes, then down to her smiling lips, before pulling her in for another sweet kiss.
“me either.”
the end
@alorsxsturn @sturniolossss @cammie4298 @bussybandit1 @amorttentia @franticroads @sturnsssbow @cams5sos @strombolilovr @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @mattscurlygirly @simply-a-simper @sturnrc @sturnifyed @freshlovie @imwetforyourmom @dlyansworld
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳  pairing(s) : various hsr men x gender neutral reader
↳  synopsis : you never realized how pretty your boyfriend was when he was covered in your lipstick kisses.
↳  authors note : THAT TIKTOK TREND DRIVES ME MAD MOSTLY BECAUSE IM JEALOUS !!! i will confess to my sins i wish i could do this with someone pls,, also this is a really cute idea 
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DAN HENG stands next to you as you do your makeup, staring at your various little brands of makeup that sit on your desk. As you do your eyeliner, he picks up one of your various colors of lipstick and stares at it. “Pretty shade..” He thought, resisting the urge to put some on his own lips as it was yours and really didn’t wanna possibly ruin it (or look like a fool if he did it wrong.)
You notice this, and a small light bulb pops over your head. “Do you wanna try it?” And you smile as he shyly nods, but there’s a quiet confusion when you take it from his hands and began to apply it to your own lips. 
He’s not given a second to process before you begin to kiss his lips, then his cheeks, then his neck and eventually all over his face. You’re giggling to yourself as he stands there and takes it, not complaining but there’s a fluster and red blush all over his cheeks and a tint of it on his ears. 
“It’s a perfect shade!” You exclaim, laughing at how red your boyfriend had gotten after that small interaction. 
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“JING YUAAAN.” You call for him, the General walking into your room not long after as he sees you, chair facing the door and sitting in front of your mirror with two different lipstick brands in your hand. “I don’t know which one to use..” You frowned, but all he could focus on was the slight smudge of lipstick at the end of your lips.
He falls to his knees due to his height, and you can’t help but notice how pretty he looks from that angle. His golden eyes looking up at you with utter adoration, as a hand reaches out to the corner of your lips to cleanly clean it off with his thumb. “You’ll look pretty with either one, my dear.” He chuckles.
You have no idea what came over you, but you grab his face and just kiss him. Going from his lips to his cheek and to all over his face until you were decorating his soft skin with your lips. Jing Yuan doesn’t protest, in fact he’s laughing in amusement while you do so.
“Guess it was prettier on me if you were so insistent to kiss me.” He hums, pulling you close.
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Your boyfriend was such a pretty sleeper, you loved to lay on top of him as he slept somewhere like the couch and just smile at how peaceful he looked as he slept. One of your favorite activities is softly kissing all over his face. he would always tell you how it brought him peace as he would rest and it was something you were happy to do for him.
One night, after a party, you two were exhausted and wanted to rest. As per usual, the blonde asked if you could kiss him to sleep.
You, completely forgetting you had the smallest bit of lipstick on your lips, was surprised at the lipstick marks all over GEPARD’s face after you sleepily kissed him. “Oops.” You’d softly chuckle, but it didn’t really have you stop. Continuing to use your boyfriend as a canvas for the art of painting his face with your pretty kisses.
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This once, BLADE let you use his lap as a seat as you do your make-up. He’s on his phone as you apply your concealer, humming happily as he doesn’t really mind having you sit on him. He just doesn’t usually do it because he’s a busy man, but for once Kafka let him have a free day since she and Silverwolf were on a side mission that didn’t require his assistance.
“Blade?” You catch his attention, having him look up from his phone as you’re wearing a shade of lipstick he was unfamiliar with. “Did you buy a new one?” He asks, and you nod in response. “Mhm.” You answered, but he steals a kiss before you could even form a coherent response after that. “Ah-”
You stare at the small smudge that got on his lips, seeing him chuckle and your heart racing at the sight. “You should kiss me again. You picked a good color.” He says with a smirk, pulling you closer to him by the waist as you were never really one to refuse your boyfriend.
He doesn’t care about the potential embarrassment that could come from going to meet Kafka with all your marks all over him, he simply shrugs off the laughter coming from her as Silverwolf was simply disgusted. 
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