#and sometimes there are issues! i feel :/ abt some of my transitions
broodsys · 8 months
every damn day
me, actively writing: ooh i like this!
me, having stepped away: wow that was SO bad. the wor s t. why am i writing :c
me, returning and rereading what i wrote: ....okay nvm i actually like this
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psiirockin · 1 month
do you have any advice for opening commissions? i feel like you have them very professionally set up, and i have pretty bad social anxiety, so it might be helpful to hear tips for communicating with customers and such, or setting up a fair tos!
hi so, maybe i do have some advice!!! <33 thank you so so much for the kindness & seeing me as professional lol i’ve been doing comms for 2-3 years and i must say.. still getting the hang of a lot of things. you go through a lot of trial + error trying to figure out what works best for you, so remember theres no truly right way to go about comms! they should all fit the needs, pace, and benefit of you and your work ethic!
what i did personally is start off at some lower prices just to test the waters and get the ball rolling. i priced rendered characters at i think, $24 per character? possibly lower, i cant quite remember. and then i gradually went up as i started to progress in my art style more + had more people coming in.
with customers, i have a lot of anxiety as well! im autistic, so i never like making a customer feel like i dont truly care abt the commission by accidentally sounding too flat or anything. i tend to RLLY overthink it lol so we make sure we are extra talkative + kind about their comm! giving them compliments on the character, showing genuine excitement so they know theyre in good hands! (we love engaging esp when the customer seems VERY excited or enthusiastic abt the commission!)
a lot of irl turmoil tends to happen in our life which can make a comm delayed sometimes. could be severe mental health problems, just being busy w/ shit in general. its important to just keep your customers up to date, especially if its going to take a realllyyy long time or the customer likes frequent updates.
i used to be able to get shit done in like a night. but, with an actual line up/queue of comm work we progressively started taking longer and longer esp as we transitioned from a teenager starting out and into a busy adult with persistent mental health issues. (plus our art becomes more complex as time goes on, so that has to be taken into account) tbhs, depending on your availability and how much effort goes into your work, and as the demand grows, you need to charge accordingly and just be honest with your clientele.
as for TOS do what makes you comfortable! make your limits known and put your foot down when a request or any topic makes you uncomfortable. dont let your customers get inappropriate with you or try to make you feel bad if they dont wanna pay for what they ask for, etc. i also recommend requesting payment after sketch/half and half when starting out just so you can get some experience under your belt + assure future clients that youre professional n wont scam them! (if you plan on switching to payment upfront in the future)
just remember that u are not a machine, you are a human being making art for someone else. putting love n effort into your craft, time and effort. take your time getting the hang of comm stuff, things dont have to be perfect in your setup at first.
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dielitttt · 2 years
Astro Observations💖 pt.12
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Bella (695) in Virgo people can usually have this down set type of eyes that look very calm, and can have some type of miniature feature to them (This can apply to Gemini in Bella as well). They can have this very tall figure or long figure to their appearance sometimes.
Lilith in 3h people may have finished school early or their education might have been very confusing/messy. They may have had issues with their phones n stuff like that too or still do?
i think when it's a 12h day(s) in transits you can start to feel very mentally and physically tired, as well as find out hidden things. You can feel deprived and I've also seen to wear lighter colors during that time. You can also get into spirituality even more. (this may be inaccurate)
Scorpio stellium men can be very impulsive and have very intense emotions. They take little things very deeply, these are the type of people who will take jokes seriously sometimes. They could also have this aggressive dominating energy to them aswell. This could be the complete opposite for some people tho
I've seen a lot of siblings to have similar placements for ex; me and my brother have mercury 9h as well as venus 8h
Neptune 4h people tend to have families or mothers that go into spirituality or very Neptune-related things, and if negatively aspected it can also have the downsides of it. Hidden family secrets, Their household can be very unusual, Insecurity in household/childhood.
4h venuses usually look back at the memories they had with past significant others, they usually stick with people who are familiar and make them feel at home. They keep who they like private sometimes, they are close with family. They try and keep things calm and avoid confrontation. They may also be very dependent on those they love or partners 😭
Cancer chiron ppl have huge wounds revolving family and maybe their mother 👀
People with Moon-Uranus negative aspects usually have these imbalance of emotions and how they feel can be very messy. They can be prone to doing impulsive things when their in their feelings, and they also can have mood swings that go around very fast. They get distracted but also bored easily, so anything new they have their attention will leave whatever they had before and forget abt it 💀.
I’ve seen dark moon Lilith in Aquarius people to feel like or have a mother that cared more about other people then them and to crave that attention or help that they didnt get from their mother.
People with a lot of masculine signs in their chart can have alot of masculine figures or energy revolving in their life
I’ve seen people with Jupiter 11h can have a lot of Sagittarius/Pisces friends or Atleast know people who have these placements.
Jupiter 3h people usually give off this big sibling energy or have alot of siblings from what I’ve seen
The stereotype that Leo moons are always self centered, have the attention all to themselves, and think the world revolves around them is untrue tbh, cause most of them either are that or the complete opposite . Not every placement anyone has that has leo is gonna make them self centered or selfish
Pisces mercury people always changing the subject so quickly and can have this nervous fast tone when their talking
people with major negative aspects to the mc can have lot of issues with what they do as a career as well as even managing one.
From what I’ve seen most 7h Neptune people attract partners who are nice at first but are completely negative and deceiving after a while, creating this illusion and mask over who they truly are to them. They dream about marriage and relationships they can not pursue. They also may like or attract people with drug problems or that do "bad" things maybe?
Venus 3h synastry are the type of pair who would laugh over anything together and Can have hour long conversions about the most stupidest things ever 😭😭
People with ceres in 9h or Sagittarius May have had a parent who was very absent either emotionally, physically, and mentally or maybe very distant with them, (sometimes the father).
Your placements or your dominant signs/placements can show how or what type of tattoos you would get for ex; My mom has prominent cancer placements and has tattoos that are soft, people with a lot of Scorpio placements might impulsively get tattoos but still has some significant meaning to them.
I've seen alot of people with venus trine asc have this pointy chin when smiling but idk if its just me who sees that
(I’ve been on a very long hiatus and might go back to it. I’ve also noticed I have 1000 followers on here!!) ☺️
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bluegumballmf · 19 days
ngl i think about adamai so much like literally almost half of the time im thinking abt him so um i just wanna talk about my personal headcanons for him bc i rlly rlly like him he’s genuinely such an easy character to relate to for me because i relate to his trauma. Anyways, forgive me if you catch any spelling or grammar errors, i’m writing this with like 4 hours of sleep and dyslexia.
um so my main mental health hcs are that he has BPD, ADD (lololol fits with the name) and minor psychosis. For ADD, it’s moreseo that from what i’ve seen, adamai struggles in social cues and has a more quiet approach to his struggles, and that he acts similarly to me, and I am autistic. For psychosis, it’s sort of a baseless headcanon, I just feel like Adamai would get auditory/ tactile hallucinations.
It’s a little hard to explain why i think he has BPD cause it’s moreso things I can relate to, such as how he latches onto people rlly quick ; ie a BPD person’s “favorite person,” who is a support system and a sort of pillar/ anchor and typically end up being someone the person w/ BPD sometimes ends up changing themself for. I personally think that adamai’s had multiple favorite people, such as; grougal, qilby, phaeris, echo and oropo, and obviously, yugo. Its kinda hard for me to like. Phrase WHY i think these people are his fps, but i think it’s mostly how he values them and prioritizes them when it comes to his actions and thoughts and feelings, i mean, just take oropo for example. Adamai changed his entire body for oropo, taking the dofus in when he was still rlly young for eliatrope/dragon standards, even assuming a body he didn’t want to survive, which even then, he only did for approval and support from his FP. This actually leads me into my next headcanon,
I headcanon adamai as transfem. Specifically a trans woman. For a few reasons, which I’ve gone over in a twitter thread (same username as on here, you should go check it out, I’m WAY more active there haha) but i’ll put it here.
1. adamai doesnt feel comfortable in his body and it’s elaborated on in the show. When he’s talking to eliatrope about his body, eliatrope states that he’s “always been unique” and iirc you can see adamai’s face drop because its not exactly something he’s proud of.
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2: going off the last point, he’s shown to say that the body he now has in wakfu s3-4 is one he had to adapt to survive and not the one he chose, which is parallel to some trans people never transitioning because they dont feel safe enough to do so. this is kind of a stretch but bear with me, it’s more subconcious connections than anything else.
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3. (More of a joke point) BUT HE LITERALLY HAS THE SAME WAIST SIZE AS JESSICA RABBIT. WHAT. YES I’VE ACTUALLY COMPARED I AM NOT JOKING. Like here are the images (see below) for comparison. In all seriousness, while i feel like adamai’s design IS iconic and it does serve the purpose it meant to acheive, it doesn’t feel like him. Which again, is what it meant to acheive!! I’ll touch on this more in a second, but not.
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4: adamai has multiple issues regarding self perception, which in a way are all similar to dysphoria. He seems to have rejection dysphoria, body dysphoria, and maybe gender dysphoria. In my view, he seems to have all three subtypes of gender dysphoria (body, mind, and social) this actually ties in to the first point, because i feel like he’d develop a sort of body dysmorphia from shifting into a body he didn’t want, rather then a body that would be more comfortable for him; the human or the dragon. Which i’m choosing to see as a representation of the two genders; with him shifting in between being a sort of safe spot, like how many trans people identify as nonbinary or bigender before transition. (Not to say that these people are any less trans then any others, i’m just going off my own perception as a trans genderfluid person!!!)
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5: he’s always being forced into roles; from being raised for yugo, to being yugo’s mentor, to being grougal’s nanny, to being possessed, etc. Ad never has chances to choose any roles by himself, and it’s similar to transphobic parents stopping their trans kid from expressing themselves imo. Again, could be a stretch, but this is how i interpreted it. It’s actually kind of similar to my parents, so maybe that’s why. Though, this COULD also just be gifted kid burnout or autistic burnout OR strict parent parallels, which i also can see correspond with adamai.
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6: His mental image and self worth.
Adamai’s character is heavily influenced by a lack of self worth. He measures it with other people’s perceptions of him such as oropo’s or grougal’s, and when his body is perceived negatively by himself/others, he also starts hating it and himself, which ties into the headcanon i had about him having body dysmorphia AND into the BPD favorite people!!!
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7: ( sounds like a joke point but bear w me) estrogen could have saved him
And honestly, no, Im not joking. Imo, if Adamai was allowed access to an actual process to be able to feel comfortable in his own skin, it might help his mental illnesses a lot in the long run. I equate that to him getting estrogen + finally looking like himself. It could help him with the body dysmorphia and self esteem by helping him get to a place where he’s comfortable to be himself and maybe even shapeshift again. (I actually wrote a fic about this on Ao3, https://archiveofourown.org/works/55070686, if you want to read it!!)
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But um yeah, thats my reasoning for the trans headcanons, onto the less mental health involved ones, more miscellaneous. (But if you’re wondering why i’m using ‘male’ pronouns on Adamai, it’s because i feel like he would still like the he/him pronouns, but would simply use she/her more post transition.)
So, i have a few, mainly for adamai during winter vs summer.
In winter,
Silverish hair to blend with the snow
hair puffs up slightly to provide more insulation
lighter pigmentation everywhere,
much sleepier, tends to nap in the snow often
And then in the summer,
Blonde hair
more pigmentation
hair is less puffy, just curly (similar to chibi’s hair!!!)
less sleepier and more energetic.
Those are the basic ones for the seasons, but i also headcanon adamai to be an ice dragon, which means his tempurature is MUCH lower then the rest of the council’s save for maybe efrim. He needs to be in the sun much more, which could be part of the reason why grougal chose oma island to raise adamai. Another headcanon is that adamai and yugo both have heterochromia!! Yugo has central heterochromia, and Adamai has sectoral heterochromia; his eyes being blue and brown. I also headcanon that he has face markings similar to his mother, but they disappear in his dragon form because he’s closer to his father then.
Um yeah, that’s kind of it for right now, i might add onto these if more come up, but i hope you enjoyed reading!! I rwally love adamai, especially in s3 and up, he’s one of the most well written traumatized character’s i’ve seen, and i ADORE the nuance behind him.
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tirfpikachu · 23 hours
Does tirf mean trans inclusive radical feminist? If so that’s me too. I wish it felt safer to openly have these kinds of conversations, but I’m already so isolated by disability and trauma among other things that I can’t really afford to be further ostracized in the ways that doing so inevitably leads to. I’m happy to see people like you trying to foster healthy dialogue though
yup i'm a trans inclusive radfem!! i'm really trying to stop the demonization of radical feminism and ease tensions between trans ppl and radfems, and analyze different issues that each group has against the other. it makes my head spin sometimes because there's soooo much conflict but i'm seeing some progress and more and more transmasc ppl are joining, and more transfems are becoming allies and learning more which is really awesome to see!
i'm gonna ramble abt my views for a sec -- so the things that drew me to radical feminism is that a) i wanted to learn more abt The Enemy to combat transphobia, and b) afab-exclusive oppression is a pretty taboo topic in trans spaces bc transfems are positioned as The Most Oppressed. anti-radfem spaces rarely embrace nuance, and it leads to many transmasc ppl belittling their own unique struggles and cis/bio women being seen as inherently more privileged for being born girls in society, which imo is batshit insane. transmisogyny is seen as worse than anti-afab misogyny. i think transphobia is a thing, and unfortunately pretty common. i've faced it when i thought i was transmasc for manyyy years, and it really did harm my mental health and impede my healing journey. but ppl yell transphobia at afab folks talking abt how ALL amab ppl benefit from anti-afab misogyny, aka sex/agab-based oppression. cis women & transmascs can be transmisogynistic, but transfems can very well be afabmisogynistic, or whatever you want to call it... ppl refuse to talk abt that!! they refuse to talk abt how amab upbringing is a privilege too, bc you avoid growing up facing misogyny... which obv is a privilege. if transfems face struggles, it's due to being seen as gnc boys in childhood & teenagehood, unless they transitioned. so yeah, these are things that shouldn't be seen as bigoted in trans & grander lgbtq spaces, but unfortunately they are... and radical feminism is seen as inherently bigoted. i don't like terfism existing bc i do have great respect for trans folks, but i also don't want to shut out terfs bc i want to hear them out and hopefully solve trans-radfem issues. i'm very much against echo chambers, even if some ppl annoy me w their takes. radical feminism tends to be waayyyy more open to peaceful disagreements and i absolutely love that. i really hope people see the good side of radical feminism and more ppl join the movement!
also i totally understand being scared of sharing those views bc you don't want to be shunned out. i'm the same way, i'm veryyyy careful about what i say around my trans friends. the grand majority of my friend group is transmasc nonbinary. though i've found that if i express explicitly trans positive radfem views, without calling it radfem, they tend to agree?? though some just totally shutdown, i think thinking abt their own oppression and agab freaks them out. which is honestly really sad to see. i want to heal afab ppl's misogyny trauma, bc it's so rampant and not talked enough!
anyways it's sooo good to find another tirf in the wild, feel free to DM me to be buddies :] ngl i'm not the best at responding quickly but i do luv making tirf friends, we're a slowly growing lil gang!
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sol1loqu1st · 1 month
i know random people on tumblr dot com aren't necessarily thinking of the Most Nuanced Takes but sometimes anti-car rhetoric grates on my nerves because you guys are absolutely right that public transit should be more accessible, more frequent, and Everywhere, but when you talk abt outright banning cars or making it prohibitively difficult or expensive to use one (as if it's not Already prohibitively difficult and expensive) i can't help but think about how many disabled people would be fully excluded from society because even in the most optimal scenario walking a couple blocks away and waiting at a bus stop is impossible for them, or sensory issues make being in crowded spaces so overwhelming it saps all their energy, etc. and i just feel like. you can encourage public transit for people that can use it while not advocating to block out the only option some people have ya know
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dulcesiabits · 5 months
heyy it's cafe enchante anon here again (incase you don't remember me😭: https://www.tumblr.com/dulcesiabits/695412570616643584/yahoo-cafe-enchante-anon-here-i-just-woke-up-and ) i see you post abt virche sometimes and i was wondering if you can talk abt it indepth?? (i dont mind slight spoilers)
ive been meaning to get a new otome game but i think it would be nice to know your thoughts on it before buying it,,, all ik it's pain but not the specifics
Oh my gosh!!!!!! Hi cafe enchante anon ^_^ it’s been a while! It’s nice to hear from you again <3
I don’t mind going more in-depth with my thoughts on Virche!! I’ll give my general opinion and also try to break it down by category and individual characters while trying to keep it as spoiler free as possible, with some vague allusions to events in each character’s route. Under the cut for length ^_^
As a caveat, Yves is locked until you finish Mathis, Lucas and Scien (can be done in any order), and La Salut (Ankou/Adolphe) is locked until you finish Yves.
Recommended route order (in terms of plot progression): Mathis -> Lucas -> Scien -> Yves -> La Salut (Ankou/Adolphe)
My personal favorite characters (ranked from favorite to least): Mathis, Lucas, Yves, Ankou, Scien, Adolphe
Overall: I actually really enjoyed my play through of Virche and I would recommend it to people if they enjoy angst/having to play bad endings first. It’s the first otome game in a while that I had so much fun with that I ended up playing it for 12 hours straight!!! I would rank it up there with games like code:realize, cxm and cafe enchante (in fact, the main scenario writer for CE is the same one for Virche… and you can really tell lmao). I had some minor complaints in regard to writing and character choices, but overall, I would rank it 8/10!
Music: The music was very gorgeous! The OP in general was so good I would listen to it every time I opened up the game, letting the opening video play in full, haha. I found myself going to the soundtrack list so I could replay some of the songs.
UI: I feel like otomate has gotten a lot better with UI. I love the “skip to unread section” feature, the flow chart, and the scene list! It made it easier to keep track of what I had to finish (bc I am a completionist), and the flow chart even tells you if a section has an unread piece of dialogue. The design of virche in general was pretty and neat, and never felt overwhelming or distracting. I wish there were afterstories, or bonus content, but that’s just a personal preference. I wanted something to soothe the angst, haha.
Voice acting: Listen. I’m one of those people who love to skip voice acting before they finish speaking because I read faster than the characters talk. However, the VAs (ignoring the fact some of my favorite actors were on there) really knocked it out of the park. I would replay some of the emotionally charged scenes just to hear the actors scream their lines!! The acting really helped to bring the characters to life!
Art: I’ll be real. I don’t think I would have liked virche quite as much if Yomi wasn’t the artist for it. Her art is gorgeous, hands down. I honestly open the game again just to stare at the CGs for Lucas and Mathis!! I was also pleasantly surprised to see that the characters blinked and their mouths moved in time to the voice acting. My only complaint is that outside of a few CGs, a lot of the ones for individual routes felt… very similar, at least in terms of the fact they always seemed to be static waist-up poses for the LIs, haha.
Plot: The mystery and suspense were extremely gripping, and I was impressed by how most things fit together. I also noticed all of the routes tended to have the fluffier and sweeter moments in the beginning of the chapter before it transitioned to angst and horror and started throwing issues at the characters as fast as it could. My only issues here were the way some of the science logic didn’t quite make sense and made me go “I don’t think it works like that…” though I was willing to suspend my disbelief because the writing was strong enough. Additionally, the good endings sometimes felt more like after thoughts, the way bad endings in most otome tend to feel, and some of them just didn’t provide enough cope for me.
Ceres: Ceres felt like her own character, with her own motivations and personality! I don’t like self-inserting into otome protagonists, so I always appreciate it when they can stand on their own. I think her motivations and development made a lot of sense considering her circumstances!
Mathis: My absolute favorite character because I adore the shy bookworm trope and he was so cute and sweet. I admit the romance felt a bit rushed, but his dynamic with Ceres was adorable. I also felt like aspects of his plot could have been changed to make it run a bit more smoothly for me. I feel like the writers didn’t like Mathis, or knew what to do with him sometimes, and his particular skill set could definitely have been more relevant/they could have made him a bit more involved in the other routes. Additionally, there was a character in his route I simply despised and I hated how the writers tried to redeem them. Some thematic elements of his route could have been elaborated on/carried through some more.
Lucas: Lucas is my other favorite, though I feel like he’s a bit more of a controversial choice in that regards due to certain… reasons. His route definitely felt the most horrific and tragic, but similar to Mathis, I felt like the romance was rushed, or at least needed more development. I didn’t get why Lucas liked Ceres, though I could see why she liked him. His route definitely could have benefitted from more time or even an extra chapter, and some scenes should have been extended instead of being left in summary. Certain thematic elements didn’t quite carry through either.
Scien: Scien is THAT bitch and he’s the most popular character for a reason. His writing was definitely the most solid out of the initial routes, with the plot and romance progressing smoothly without feeling too rushed or like it was dragging. I loved his development and his endings really tied up the thematic elements introduced in his route in a satisfying way. He’s really fun, even if he’s not my favorite!
Yves: Yves is super sweet! He has a bit of a longer route than the others, but I loved his character a lot. He’s definitely the one I think suits Ceres the most, and I loved his development and his motivations. The endings were satisfying, and the way he subverts typical tropes had me SCREAMING. It was so delightful and cunty of him, and I think when the plot kicked up, it kicked UP and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!
La Salut (Ankou/Adolphe): The beginning of the route felt liked it dragged a bit especially because it was rehashing the common route, and I admit, I wasn’t quite sold on Adolphe as a romantic interest and character until much later in the route. I did love Ankou a lot, and I cried several times when I was playing this route. It’s the final route so it ties together all of the plot points in previous routes and introduces answers to overarching mysteries in a really satisfying way, I believe. There are several tropes here that I particularly adore (and can’t mention for spoiler reasons), and I think it was a fitting end to virche!
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pansyfemme · 1 year
Omg kicks my feet. Hii hello. Umm what to talk about. I love oversharing so! Back when I first got on T, I let them take a blood sample. It wasn't needed but I was like "oh yea sure 8)!" bc it wasn't gonna cost me anything.
So, it gets done nice and quick, I get a little like gauze + tape badda bing badda boom. I went through my Whole Thing tm with insurance almost not covering my T Gel (would've literally exploded otherwise n cried).
I'm on call with my partner, to do my first dose. The T gel is drying on my arm, I'm shirtless, I get ANOTHER call. A like, restricted number/one that wasn't showing. Weird! So I tell him like, "hey I got another call?? Hold on???" I answer it, assuming it's going to be spam or a telemarketer.
A nurse from where I went to my appt. is calling. Uh oh!
"Is this so and so?"
"Umm yes!"
"Hello! I'm really sorry but your blood got left out too long in the locker and it froze. So it can't be used anymore. Can we reschedule you for an appointment?"
> blood frozen
BLOOD FROZEN????? I proceed to tell her, yea of course I can reschedule. Althemeanwhile I'm in shock over "did they forget about my blood???? How does it get left out too long????? Hello?????"
I get the new appt. set up, get back on call with my partner and then retell the story.
Originally, I was gonna go back to this place in spring, 3ish months? But now I'm gonma be going back in March to get my blood taken again. Which like, I guess it'll be a way for 'em to see how T is doing atm. And then again at what would've been my truw 2nd appointment.
My dose now has been treating me good I think! But I def wouldn't want to stay at this dose foreverrrr you know? I think I'm getting changes at a nice rate, even if it feels a little slow. I'm gonna ask next time (probably at appt. 3) about switching to shots bc like Greedy Little Guy who wants T changes a little bit faster. I'm getting them!! But like, I want more you know? I'm sure too though a lot more changes have happened but bc I check in daily since I need to apply Tgel daily, I miss the littler things.
This is a very big ramble >_<; hopefully you don't mind!
i dont mind at all i like when u ramble in my inbox TBH ^_^
but that sounds like a whole weird ordeal omg! I get bloodwork to check my t levels maybe twice a year now but when i was first starting out it was every six weeks for the first year and i hated it soooo much.. bc ive had a lot of misc health issues i get bloodwork pretty regurally and each time i would hope that my mom would be the one taking me bc she would take me out to breakfast or dunkin after and that was the only good thing abt getting bloodwork.
weird story of my own thats kinda similar was that i have like. awful veins. like awful awful ones that they can never find and i end up getting poked a LOT when i get bloodwork. but this is worse when i have to get surgery and i have to get an iv and cant drink any water beforehand. So when i was gettin my horomone blocker implant out, i had to get an iv hooked up, which im fairly used to. but they tried for like. half an hour with every method and they could not locate a single vein and had poked me multiple times in both arms so they were eventually like. ok we’re gonna grab an ultrasound for this, its the last resort. and so they did, and my Anesthesiologist for some reason was there and helping, probably bc they were taking so long and they just wanted to get me into the OR. and so the ultrasound is like a big machine and nothing is working on it. like theyre trying over and over again. and then a nurse walks by and comes into the room and is like. hey. you have to plug it in.and that made me feel great about going into surgery lmao…
blood freezing is a new one tho, ive literally never heard of that! i know they sometimes keep it warm but ive never heard of it freezing before.. it was weird bc i actually was interviewed by a few students for an article in a yale journal about my experience transitioning as a child in my city, and it was so weird going over all this stuff that happened ages ago i didnt know where to start 0_o.. im glad t seems to be working out ok, but the first few months r always kinda rocky and weird tbh!! i dont have experience with gel but i know the changes sometimes come at a different pace than injections! i hope u get to increse ur dose soon!
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lttleghost · 1 year
as someone who is transmasc and and personally also reads jesse as transmasc because I relate to his experiences of falling into the trap of performative hyper-masculinity, I think your transfem jesse analysis is very thorough and well thought out!
imo it’s just a difference of how you choose to interpret canon, and you clearly aren’t saying it just to be a contrarian. the other anon is, for whatever reason, upset by your (completely harmless) headcanon and apparently that means you’re deliberately trying to “enrage people” with your “odd” headcanons with “strange undertones?” as if a non-zero amount of fans having a headcanon makes it indisputable fact and believing otherwise is inherently contributing to some kind of secret issue 😭
GOD THANK YOU and it's like, if that ask had been directed at how I like actually had been a bit of an ass in the past about transmasc Jesse and it's popularity then like, okay fair, I let my emotions get the better of me there how ppl talk about that headcanon espec when ppl focus on Jesse’s appearance as being "obviously transmasc" hits a lot of sore spots for me irt being rejected by the transmasc community for not being transmasc in the "right" or "expected" way, but I was still being a lil bitch
but that ask was just acting like I was suspicious for... having a different headcanon than the majority? no other reason, and not even offering an actual hint of what that secret issue they might be referring to would be
cause I do think sometimes there are headcanon opinions that can contribute to an underlying issue, and there's even one with Jesse that I've mentioned before cause it's.... bad, though not everyone is necessarily trying to imply the bad part but some definitely are. when ppl see things abt Jesse's associations and connections with women and interpret it as only him being afab and therefore transmasc it feels, ya know, bioessentialist, and stuff like that is also why I do think transfem Jesse not receiving equal attention is a genuine issue in the fandom. and it'd be useful to change so the people who are doing this on accident and just have never thought of transfem Jesse before can correct themselves and recognize when people maybe aren't doing it on accident (I think much less severely the fact that transmasc overshadows other hcs does also point to some issues in larger fandom circles of preferring post-transition and "passing" headcanons as well though)
but like that isn't an issue with transmasc Jesse as a whole!! the problem is particular ways of talking about specfic reasonings for the headcanon!! and I can actually say what those reasons are instead of being vague abt "strange undertones"
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onovnii · 3 years
share your om trans hc Right Now
# obey me trans headcanons
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feat. mammon , leviathan , satan , asmodeus , beelzebub , belphegor
summary. my gender headcanons for the obey me brothers
cw. trans talk 😗 , dysphoria
author n. reqs are closed but… anon you dont know HOW excited i am to share these… ive mentioned trans levi b4 but im gonna briefly talk abt everyone !! (and THEN dive into trans levi) ALSO!! i did some research for all the identities i listed but pls lmk if i got any of them wrong 😭!!!
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disclaimer! everyone experiences gender differently, so if none of what i say relates to you in any way, that’s ok! these are based off of my OWN experiences.
i’m not sure how to categorize this so i’ll just dump this here ???
as angels, the brothers weren’t created with any specific gender in mind. (to me, all angels present masculine but they aren’t men)
in the celestial realm, since the brothers didn’t really pay attention to their gender identity, they never really got time to explore it. so maybe all of them were some form of nonbinary ?? (i think agender)
it’s only AFTER they turned to demons, the thought of gender came to mind. (some brothers even changed their physical form)
(i wish i had the time to draw these ajwjdcx)
bigender , he/she
▸ at first mammon didn’t really care 💀
▸ he was too busy trying to hold her family together.
▸  when mammon became a model, THATS when the topic of gender interested her.
▸  over the years, mammon had tested out nearly everything.
▸ a more feminine form, voice etc etc
▸ she was the first to actually transition ^^
▸ despite all the mean comments his brothers say 😒 they take it v seriously!!
▸ when mammon came to them to nervously ask them to use she/her for him sometimes, they all were v supportive :’)
▸  mammon keeps her masc form (the one in game) but time to time, mammon will change it to a more fem form on will
▸ his feminine body looks relatively similar, just shorter and slightly longer hair (think wolfcut)
leviathan (aka me projecting LMAO)
agender , she/he/they + neos
▸ *i haven’t fully decided what neos levi would use…+ i feel like he’d use multiple sets so its rlly up to ur choice lol
▸ anyway,, levi feels the MOST amount of dysphoria out of his brothers :(
▸  gender gets real confusing for them so he’s been through MULTIPLE identities in her lifetime
▸  for like the longest, levi didn’t know what to do abt his dysphoria…he hadn’t figured out how to change forms like mammon 😞
▸  mammon helped levi the most ^^ taught them how to change their body at will to help relieve any stress it might’ve brought.
▸  when levi decided they wanted a bigger chest, it worked for a little bit! …then he felt a little too feminine n the cycle repeats.
▸  they couldn’t find the right in-between for him so levi would kinda have breakdowns over it 🙁(me tbh…)
▸  mammon was right there trying to help his little bro.
▸ it wasn’t till much later, when mammon heard asmo talking about it, he learned about the existence of binders 😯
▸ offered the idea to levi, which was sort of confused by but yk, went along with it.
▸ the binder idea was great, it acted like a middle ground for him(?)
▸ he could present masc some days, while still having the body he preferred (levi does prefer fem bodies :)
▸ their bottom dysphoria is a mess, let’s not get into it 🧍🏽
▸ levi needed lots of reassurance when ‘coming out’ to his brothers. mammon was right behind him cheering him on :D
▸ every one of them all helped levi in little or big ways :’)
▸ asmo’s the brother who helped him with his physical appearance the most (buying clothes, styling hair)
▸ satan got books from the human realm that further dived into gender (i believe that the devildom doesn’t have much bc..again they dont generally care) to help levi find a label or anything else that could help :)
▸  belphie and him have some sort of solidarity between them
▸  both of them got similar issues so they’re just always there for eachother. even in silence.
▸ levi’s preferred body looks similar to how it is in game, tall lanky n kinda lean? (their weight fluctuates a lot..that’s a topic for a different post)
▸ but it’s more feminine as well! in the basic areas like the chest, hips and thighs. (more curves)
▸  but she keeps the body hair so…pretty much rivals beel when it comes to that lol
no label , they/them
▸  satan already has identity issues..feels bad
▸ did they ever use it to differentiate themselves from lucifer? absolutely.
▸  did that cause more problems for them? absolutely.
▸  satan struggles just as much as levi, but they keep quiet about it.
▸ the only one they rlly confide in is asmo.
▸ they tested out different sets of pronouns, identities etc but nothing rlly fit...
▸ until belphie just straight up told them, they could just not go by anything. 
▸  satan prefers not going by anything (honestly no pronouns is the best way to refer to satan…)
▸ less confusion, less things to worry about, they’d rather not think about it.
▸  satan’s form is still masc, they prefer it that way. (they do however, have a more feminine face i.e features. it’s really cute actually)
▸ does a lot of research to help out their brothers ^^ 
genderfluid , any prns
▸  the girlboy boygirl we all deserve AND needed!
▸  the most comfortable in his gender.
▸  asmo uses ALL pronouns and doesn’t mind what set you use !!
▸  typically their brothers will use a set that correlates to however asmo’s presenting as
▸  which changes a lot tbh…
▸ he loves to express his identity through clothes and always explores different ways to express himself.
▸  never sticks to one thing either…
▸  tbh, asmo doesn’t care for labels. she just slaps one on to make it easier for others to refer to him.
▸  prefers fem terms :]
▸  asmo’s form is a mix between feminine and masculine. at first glance, you can’t really tell (i wish i were him)
agender , he/him
▸  he just used he/him bc that’s what he’s used to and most comfortable in.
▸  still isn’t a man or fully identifies as one.
▸  beel doesn’t really care about his gender, he has more things to worry about.
▸  he cares more about his brothers though!!! always there for moral support:(
▸  specifically levi and belphie. beel knows they both struggle the most with it so he’s there with whatever they need :<
▸  his form is basically the same as canon. (his face IS more feminine tho...like satan its v v cute :)
belphegor demiboy , they/he/she
▸  like levi, struggles a lot.
▸  the worst part about it is that belphie doesn’t care enough to do anything about it.
▸  cue wallowing in your own discomfort for years… LMAO (me)
▸  nah but fr for the longest, belphie hasn’t felt truly comfortable in their own body.
▸  they were kinda in denial for a bit 😯…
▸  once the gears finally clicked, they told their brothers at like dinner and like everyone was like ?? why didnt you ?? say so ????
▸  cue all 6 of her older bros coddling him…cue belphie enjoying it bc he’s got the biggest younger sibling syndrome ever….
▸  belphie grew out their hair because it sorta helped. (and he was just lazy to cut it lol…)
▸  like mentioned before, he and levi has some sort of solidarity going on.
▸  they help eachother a lot (bc they understand eachother the most)
▸  funny, you’d think it would be beel…
▸  i mean, it IS most of the time. but it’s just nice to have someone like you yknow??
▸  his form is more feminine than masc, he probably just thinks having tits is more comfortable 😭💀
▸  their voice is relatively the same.. she was too lazy to change it hahdkcc
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keyofradiance · 2 years
👀 kiamei headcanons? Individually and together
oh im so glad you asked that im so so unnormal abt them
some base hcs for them both (copied straight from my personal discord)
mei: transfem nonbinary femme thunderuso lesbian and uses she/cloud/zek/ae/he/nova pronouns
kiana: transmasc nonbinary butch pyrofluid lesbian and uses he/fire/xe/she/moon/kit
kiana fucking loves hugs cuddles and all kinds of physical touch. mei is touch starved and very much enjoys this
they definitely did the “i wanna confess but i dont wanna ruin this” thing except they have attachment issues so its even worse. bronya locked them in a room until they confessed
after they started dating like nothing changed (bc they were practically already datin)
kiana may hate waking up early but if mei is out of bed she is following right along half asleep snuggling into him complaining about the morning
kiana will rant to mei about fires newest hyperfixation and mei will be taking notes like a diligent therapist
sometimes they bonk heads. like in a love way. rub against each other like cats
(dragon kiana) mei loves the texture of kianas scales and loves 2 run novas hands over them. kiana will happily lay like a contortionist for this to happen
if they realize the other hasnt done something fun associated with their particular childhoods (which is a lot. they lead pretty different lives) theyll usually try to recreate it for them (this how they started rooming together in himekos apartment)
some spoilery stuff (not from anything not released on global but i talk about chapter 17/28 and apho/escape from nagazora) and also talk of injury and self harm
mei feels bad abt kianas back scar (blames aeroself for it happening). often traces over it
vice versa for kiana abt meis neck scar.
mei exclusive but i think cloud was a self harmer (this goes w/ my thought that shes got clinical depression. i <3 projection)
the reunion in 28 was actually them complementing each other on how their transitions have been going
mei takes up drawing after joining world serpent to pass time and another way to remember zeks friends and family by. as a busy person she doesnt always have time for it, and eventually only draws on rare occasions, forgetting about it for the majority of the time. after kiana leaves for the moon though, nova always seems to have enough time for it.
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Okay re ur post abt feeling guilty and specifically not being the cishet daughter they think u are…I’m also latino and at this point my identity is transmasc bi/kind of gay but I’m not out. Even though my mom probably knows/ thinks I’m not straight I don’t think she expects me to not be cis despite loads of evidence from my childhood and now. I’ve been struggling eith not seeing myself as the “emotional support daughter” for my mom/family and it makes me hesitate to move out even tho it’s actually happening in a few months for school. I also like, straight up can not imagine coming out as trans like it terrifies me even tho it’s getting to the point where my dysphoria is starting to cause issues and the ways I want to transition are not things I can really hide. Even more so I cannot imagine my extended latino family knowing my gender identity. I want to go no contact because of this fear even tho nothing really warrants that….anyway sorry for a whole story in ur ask u don’t have to answer I just thought maybe You’d want to know u aren’t alone esp with regard to being seen as an hija and shit
thank you for sharing that, i truly appreciate it. i think my family suspects sometimes, but they don't say anything because i'm well past my teenage years and i didn't give any obvious 'signs' (granted i was an anxious and depressed mess due to body issues that wouldn't really be qualified as dysphoria but did make a number on my gender), so there's a sense of "safety" for them. it's also difficult because i'm not a social person, i barely go out, have little to no close friends, very scarce romantic experiences, no irl people to talk about sexuality&gender with, and i basically just hang out with my family (cats included). if i sound lame, it's because i am.
i'm still very much in the questioning stage, figuring stuff out, so my brain goes, it's not for sure yet, why even think of telling them, but it's such a big part of who i am and influences my every interest, so keeping it to myself i feel is sorta washing out my personality. and the hija thing makes me uncomfy. atm i think im nb, and i'm okayish with female pronouns (it's more difficult to go gender neutral in spanish and inclusive language gets mocked at where I'm from so i try to avoid constructing phrases that include pronouns or gendered adjectives - tough shit), but being specifically referred to as a woman/girl/daughter feels.. wrong. off. ehhh. hm, no. at least im the younger sibling who was the 'son they didn't have', since i would always be helping out my dad when i was little. it's such an alien concept to them that i bet it's never crossed their minds, or the sexuality thing.
my plan is moving to a country where queer rights are actually a thing (home country, please level up) and coming out to my fam at the last minute lol. that way we'll be far away, they can process it at their own pace, i get some peace, and if things go badly at least we won't be geographically forced to interact. i have to wait a couple years for that though, and get lucky as fuck because, yeah, higher education abroad. hello. crying in financial limitations.
anyway. i trust our plans will work out<3
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qualidude · 3 years
Hi!! I was wondering if I could talk to you abt something bc i sometimes see ppl reaching out to you but it's ok if you don't want to or if something I say is wrong or inappropriate just ignore it. but like i always had some issues w/ my body bc im afab but some older ppl in my family usually say I don't have big enough breasts or say the way I dress and am isn't very feminine and even though I think I always rejected things that are perceived as too feminine I still internalized a lot of feeling wrong about my body/ the way i am and then when I was a teen I realized I was a lesbian and i thought "oh that's it, there's that". But since then (I'm 23 now) ive been learning and realizing stuff about gender and how i feel about everything and i started feeling like i don't wanna really get put in this woman box my family taught me and "everyone" expects but im not uncomfortable with my pronouns and i also had a moment when a person questioned me about transitioning unprompted and i felt uncomfortable bc i don't wanna be perceived as a guy. And here on tumblr I learned about non binarity and stuff which makes sense to me bc i started looking at myself and instead of going like "ok I'm a woman" i just try to see myself for myself and it makes so much more sense? but i also feel somewhat wrong like I'm being disrespectful or lying bc i actually prefer using she/her and i don't really wanna ~come out to most the ppl in my life about this. And i don't care being called a girl or a boy (in my first language most words are gendered so I don't care too if someone refers to me with a masculine gendered word, depending on the tone and who says it I guess). And also i realized I don't wanna reject all feminine stuff I just don't wanna be viewed as a woman conforming to what is expected. But yea I feel wrong bc it's all more about how i wanna look like and be perceived I guess (?) Like i wanna be androgynous looking or dress like it or have like a aura idk and also i feel much more comfortable viewing myself, as I said earlier, me just like me not trying to fit the expectations of gender binarity. I guess I'm sending this ask bc i don't know who to talk to and express these feelings and also bc idk if this is a big deal or if I'm wrong in anyway bc i feel kinda like im an imposter or something and I'm resisting talk to ppl close to me about it bc of it too like i only talked to two ppl but really superficially(?) Idk and I'm sorry too if this is confusing! If this ask is ok and idk you could give me advice or some input or anything that could help and i could come off anon for it to be private I would really like it. (I'm sending this in anon bc im somewhat scared jsjsja) but again if this is too much or inappropriate I'm really sorry
sorry this took me so long to get around to answering! I’ve been mostly offline the past few days 💖
I want to start by saying you are absolutely valid in your feelings about gender and it doesn’t make you any less non-binary to prefer she/her pronouns for yourself. Gender is a very individual experience and no two people feel exactly the same! ♥️ You don’t have to change anything about your body or appearance to be trans. The only thing that makes someone trans is that they experience their assigned gender differently from cis people in that same group.
It is also totally valid for you to not want to come out to people in your life for any reason, be that safety or just for your own comfort. I still have not come out to my family, not because I’m necessarily scared of their reaction as much as they haven’t really shown me that they are deserving of that conversation because of how much emotional work I would have to do to help them understand me. Instead, I’ve been surrounding myself with people who do understand me and see me for who I am already.
My best advice to you would be to keep talking to the people you’re comfortable talking to, and to approach others in your life at your own pace and comfort. It’s okay if you never end up telling them! You might find yourself getting closer to the people you can talk about it with, and drifting away from the other people in your life, and that’s totally okay too! I have replaced many friends over the years who weren’t able to get on my level
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tirfpikachu · 3 months
another breakup vent lolz
my ex told me "yeah i was experimenting all along dating you for years and turns out i was just too shy to breakup and i felt too bad about you being disabled. we still had sex sometimes despite clearly not wanting a woman bc i wanted to please you BUT it wasn't me using you for sexual gratification and i mostly didn't let you touch me, so that's not as bad!!" and sure i wasn't (always) used as a sex toy by a hetero at least but like..... it still feels bad!!!! it was still a bad thing to do!!!
turns out i was getting naked and letting myself be touched by someone who was daydreaming abt some dude with a big dick. turns out all my insecurities and anxiety during sex bc they seemed stilted, but always reassured me, turns out those were true. i guess i sorta relate to how het ppl feel when their partner comes out as gay, it all makes sense now but it fucking hurts and feels violating to have shown ur most intimate side to someone who was just indulging you and was never into you. except i'm a dyke and my partner was hetero all along. complimenting my tits and jumping me when i teased they said was just them recreating pornos. i lived a lie for years. the romantic shit we did, they blamed their lack of romance on their autism, but it was bc i wasn't male and now they're all loveydovey crushing on some dudes. my constant insecurities and anxieties WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!! like holy fuck. a bicurious person fucked around w me and felt too meek to say no when i asked if they wanted to date that makes me feel like a fucking predatory lesbian stereotype. WE ALMOST GOT MARRIED!!! i talked abt bearing their children!!!! i stuck around even once they transitioned and we passed as straight (til now, they're off hrt and lowkey detrans, tho they had top surgery cuz they hated how their breasts looked). i stuck around bc i was (on-and-off) in love. but it was always unrequited AND I KNEW IT!!!! i was in love w a hetero. i gave myself 100%. but they were always distant. stiff. i always asked and they told me it was all in my head. they apparently had been thinking of breaking up w me for years but they were worried i wouldn't survive without them cuz i'm broke on disability aid. like FUCK OFF!!!! my disabled dyke ass woulda figured it out, much better than living a life of lies, i always gave them a way out and they never took it, under the guise of protect me.... so infantilizing.... and now i just gotta live with that. with 5 years of lies in my past. how do i even process this y'all.... like damn 😭😭 i have mega trust issues now jfc. they're very kind and have been very generous to me over the years but this betrayal almost broke me
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stinkysidebitch · 4 years
BNHA students as youtubers! Pt.1
Ft. Midoriya, Bakugou, Tenya, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Kaminari, Jiro, Shinso, and Asui
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He's all like: 😁🏃‍♂️🏋️‍♂️💪
He's not a douche abt it tho, its genuine tips and tricks to help other people 😌
Common guest in All Might's vlogs too
Generally discusses health and sometimes how to get in shape if you arent already 😋
Very helpful
Did I mention he's helpful?
Because he's helpful...
Does Dad vids with Eri sometimes 😍
Often features the Dekusquad 🤭
He was also on Present Mic's podcast but he wasn't talking about anything juicy so his airtime was cut in half 😔
Sorry my boy, but you aren't very creative with names... his channel name is just "Izuku Midoriya" 😩
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Step tf off Guy Fieri 🤬
Our boy is a youtube chef 👨‍🍳
Thinks that us "extras" need to learn from a pro
Yes, yes he actually does call his subscribers extras...
I feel VERY attacked ngl 😩
He do be kinda cooking doe 😳
Basically just bullies you into cooking properly
Has featured Kirishima a few times but after Kaminari shorted his brain AND the oven out Bakuguo swore to never let anyone BESIDES Kiri feature in his vids 😔
Kami was like: 🥴 and Bakugou was like: 😤
His channel name is definitely "Katsuki's Kitchen"
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Ah yes, the CEO of boi hands
Tenya was a pretty difficult one tbh 🧐
Personally I see him as an educational channel on youtube 🤷🏻‍♂️
But not boring education, he talks about different types of villains to watch out for..
Definitely talks about evasion tactics and fighting styles
He's also unintentionally very funny
Does this a lot: 🤚🏻
Also did a series on how to be a good class rep
Please smash like, he's trying his best y'all 😩
He let his class pick his name (of course) so now he's stuck with "1-A's Dad" 🤧
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This guy is multifaceted
Meaning he does multiple things on his channel based on his interests
I see him as someone who teaches meditation and construction
Teaches people about proper Japanese home design and how to renovate it 🥰
YES, this is SOLELY based on when he changed the flooring in his dorm 😭
We do know that he likes traditional Japanese style homes though because he basically says that
I only said meditation because he's usually so chill 🧘‍♂️
I feel like either Mina or Midoriya introduced him to it because of how angry he can get sometimes so he needed it ☝️
Channel name is probably "Icyhot's World" because I really can't see him coming up with anything better, and also it annoys Bakugou 🤭
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The moral integrity of the youtube gaming sect 🤗
He has videos addressing current event issues too like BLM when things get really serious
YES, he is very politically correct
Respects wamen ☺️
His gaming videos are commentary and he usually plays online multiplayer
Expect to hear the voices of Bakugou, Kaminari, Sero, (ocassionally Tokoyami) and Mina whenever Kiri DOES play online
If they aren't all there (because they have their own channels to upkeep) sometimes he may add Midoriya, Jiro, or Shinso fairly often🤷🏻‍♂️
Rlly just depends on whose online, but he's open to playing with anyone
Works really well as a teammate, and is super positive and funny
Says that teamwork in games is just as important as teamwork irl (it's also "SUPER MANLY!")
He also loves to fuck with Bakugou in his videos a lot
Channel name is "Shitty Hair Plays" (much to Bakugou's chagrin)
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Our goth lord and savior 🙏
Teaches us abt goth culture
He's like: ☻☠🧛‍♂️🖤
This includes goth design, history, styles of goth/alternative clothing, and also darker styles of music
Also reads his own spooky poetry
He's really good ngl 😳
Sometimes records himself gaming
Also his main feature is dark shadow so expect a lot of "ft. Dark shaow" on his page
Overall very interesting and deserves your subscription
And also his channel name is " The Dark Harvest Official"
- Kaminari
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CrAcK cHaNnEl
Comedy reaction channel
He's kinda like Jontron, except he's an idiot 🚶‍♂️
At first I thought he might not have the self awareness to do this because he would need to be able to critique, but I honestly think Denki is smarter than he lets on 🤓
Does features, so think of the videos of Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzalez, and Kurtis Connor when they all collabed (or Noel Miller and Cody Ko)
Usually features Kiri and Sero (Bakugou gets too annoyed so he's rarely in the videos at all)
Mineta would get his ad revenue taken away so hes not in the vids
Also I hate him, so... 😌💕
His channel is probably called "Mr. Electric reacts"
We STAN a shark boy and lava girl reference 👏
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I think you already know what I'm going to say
Obvs a music channel
Singing, playing instruments.. etc
Step aside Hannah Montana ✋👱‍♀️
She did do a video singing the transitions from the show as a joke though, so she isnt totally serious with her page either
Also has videos bullying poor Denki 🤧
Trys to teach you how to play but also does covers of her own
Has a few random videos of some of her classmates being morons on her page too.
I feel like her name would be "U.A's Taste" or something because sometimes it seems like no one else has any 🤷🏻‍♂️
She would def do a video explaining that
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Shinso's page can only be described as a deepdive critique channel
He makes those 30 minute long videos discussing depraved youtubers horrible behavior with receipts, but he doesn't do it for drama, he does it to put the truth out there
And no I'm not talking about the big youtubers like "Tati" or "Pewdiepie", I'm talking like really screwed up abusers like "Onision"
(AN: Sorry this got so dark 😖)
But he also games sometimes, usually horror or online games
His audience challenges him to scarier games to try to get a reaction out of him but he NEVER flinches
He thinks jump scares are cheap
After one he'll just sit there and be like: 😑 "Well, that was annoying"
Firm believer in "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" (Needless to say a few people have deleted their channels from the roasts this man can dish out)
His channel is probably called "Shinso Listens" basically to make fun of Onision speaks 😅
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This one was easyyy
Our queen is a book critiquing channel
Think of strange æons and krimson rogue if they somehow had a child 😩
Yes, she did critique Onision's books and YES the videos did feature Shinso
And yes, it was entertaining as fuck
"Woah, that's a little harsh Shinso.. even for you.."
They both ripped him a new one in that video 😅
Not that he doesn't deserve it 👏
Mina reviewed Shane Dawson's books with her after he was canceled and sis... when I tell you it was pure genius 🖐😌
She and Tokoyami reviewed Gabbie Hannah's awful poetry book and it was PHENOMENAL
Her channel name is "Call Me Tsu" 🖐😌
Truly a gem on youtube 🤧
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isolctions · 3 years
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@thvndcrstrvck​ asked: ultimate relationship tag for mars & teyani :~)
relationship tag*
*only accepting for established ships. (domo gets a pass bc i luv them <3)
who is more likely to raise their voice? — i feel like they do an equal amount of voice raising. the only real difference is that i feel like mars is more loud in tone & the type to go “i’m not yelling!!!!!” whereas teyani’s yelling takes on more of a stern tone. who threatens to leave but never actually does? — mars, prbly. who actually keeps their word and leaves? — teyani. she absolutely served him papers while he was at work. who trashes the house? — nobody, tf? they’re too old for that shit. do either of them get physical? — i...would think not. because teyani is extremely passive & if mars would’ve tried it, she would have left earlier. so no. how often do they argue / disagree? — it prbly wasn’t often in the beginning of their relationship, but one of those “when it happens it’s messy” type of arguments. now, best believe it’s an argument every two hours as their relationship is incredible strained. who is the first to apologize? — teyani.
it’s me having no idea what their sex life is like bc we haven’t plotted out this far, #help. they did the do until they no longer liked each other, now they don’t.
we also didn’t plot out this far. but i mean, teyani having her daughter is canon so she and ines were/are a package deal (like was she pregnant before this relationship??? after??? was ines already born??? chile, idk.) and i’m sure mars was cool with helping her while they were together. mmcht.
who likes to cuddle? — teyani is a big cuddler. who is the little spoon? — truthfully, mars! as much as she likes being held, she also likes to do the holding. you never know when ur partner needs that kinda comfort. who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? — while doing this, i kind of have this idea in my head that neither would like to inconvenience the other when they’re doing smthn important. but if they’re watching a movie on the couch or some shit, teyani might be the one to start sneaky touching. who struggles to keep their hands to themselves? — boffum. depends on the mood. how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? — if they’re not already asleep, maaaaaaybe an hour? hour and a half max? who gives the most kisses? — teyani. what is their favorite non-sexual activity? — teyani likes hand holding. mars might like doing smthn hands on like helping cook or some shit. where is their favorite place to cuddle? — the practical places, such as the couch while unwinding or in bed before going to sleep. who is more likely to playfully grope the other? — maybe mars. how often do they get time to themselves? — not mf often!! which is why teyani tries making the most out of it whenever they’re around each other.
who snores? — mars. do they share a bed or sleep separately? — they once shared a bed, but now they sleep separately. either in different rooms or one is in a different location all together. if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? — used to cozy up until one steals a blanket or gets hot. who talks in their sleep? — prbly teyani. what do they wear to bed? — um...pajamas? are either of your muses insomniacs? — it would more than likely be teyani. it can be hard to sleep sometimes when spirits keep bugging you at all hours. can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? — nope. do they wrap their limbs around each other or stay side by side? — it prbly was a slow transition from being wrapped around each other to laying back to back. real divorcee shit. who wakes up with bed hair? — um, mars keeps his hair short & teyani got a bonnet or a scarf on. who wakes up first? — teyani’s always been an early bird. plus she was prbly already up anyway. who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? — NO ONE!! get ur ass up to eat! like, they’ll make a PLATE for the other but you better get tf up if you wanna eat it. what is their favorite sleeping position? — teyani tends to lay on her side curled up, while i feel like mars is more of a ‘lay on the stomach sprawled out like a starfish’ kinda guy. who hogs the sheets? — mars. so selfish. do they set an alarm each night? — ya, they got jobs. can a television be found in their room? — i wanna say, like...tv’s in bedrooms are so common now...but also...i feel like no??? idk i’m making shit up who has nightmares? — mars? i mean he for the streets, so i’m sure he has nightmares? who has ridiculous dreams? — teyani has visions that mars would prbly write off as ridiculous dreams, ergnerjk. who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? — i said mars so it’s the law now what time is bed time? — uh? idk? 11pm maybe? any routines / rituals before bed? — bathing & brushing teeth. teyani does skin care and moisturizes and twists her hair. mars does...whatever he does...idk him like that who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? — depends on how much sleep they got
who is the busiest? — they both have busy work schedules, considering they both have full time careers. but whereas teyani has more of a schedule, mars has the most unpredictable hours & his lil’ hannah montana ass double life. who rakes in the highest income? — hannah marstana. are any of your muses unemployed? — nope. who takes the most sick days? — maybe teyani? i mean she has a one year old? who is more likely to turn up late to work? — i feel like neither, but again, it would likelier be teyani. who sucks up to their boss? — eye roll. i think teyani did at first. what are their jobs? — computer analyst / medium. surgeon / liar. do their muses enjoy or despise their careers? — nah, i think they both enjoy it. are your muses financially stable? — with or without mars, she good!!
who does the washing? — teyani. who takes out the trash? — boffum. who does the ironing? — teyani bc she already does laundry bc she likes it. who does the cooking? — boffum. who is more likely to burn down the house just trying? — HMMMMMMMidk. who is messier? — teyani is honestly more prone to being messy, but at least she cleans up! who leaves the toilet roll empty? ��� i feel like men always do this. so i’m choosing mars. who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? — teyani. but again, she goes back for it later. who forgets to flush the toilet? — ew, no one. who is the prankster around the house? — the spirits that follow teyani around. i’m not joking. who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? — teyani. who mows the lawn? — they pay somebody to do it, idk. who answers the phone? — whoever is near the damn phone? duh? who does the vacuuming? — they do their fair share. who does the groceries? — both? they’ll go together if it’s smthn specifically they want but it’s mostly just whoever calls the other and goes “hey what do u want” who takes longest to shower? — teyani if she’s washing her hair, but mostly mars. who spends the most time in the bathroom? — teyani! she has big hair! and glowing skin!
is money a problem? — no. teyani gets paid fairly well, mars is a surgeon, and also has...extracurricular activities. how many cars do they own? — teyani has to take a train to her job, so i guess one overall? maybe two if she has to go out somewhere? do they own their home or do they rent? — owned, but teyani now rents an apartment. do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? — closer to a coast. do they live in the city or in the country? — city, babey. do they enjoy their surroundings? — i mean, it’s what they’re used to. what’s their song? — ..........we’ll come back to this. what do they do when they’re away from each other? — teyani just works, really. she has a few hobbies that she tends to. has ines to care for. mars i feel like is the errand runner, and would spend his day like, doing Something. where did they first meet? — this is literally killing me i’m never doing this for a brand new ship again how did they first meet? — UHHHH whatever let’s go with they were set up. who spends the most money when they’re out shopping? — neither? at least, not intentionally? if so, it’d be on practical things like groceries. who’s more likely to flash their assets? — neither. who finds it amusing when the other trips over? — teyani. like mars is so serious...when he does smthn dumb, you just have to laugh! any mental issues? — i mean, teyani had a bout of postpartum once. who’s terrified of bugs? — not terrified, but teyani’s not exactly fond of them. who kills the spiders around the house? — mars, while teyani fearfully leads them outside. their favorite place? — the crib! who pays the bills? — boffum. do they have any fears for their future? — they are literally in the middle of getting divorced. maybe if one of them died or smthn? who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? — mars, when he feel like bein sweet. who uses up all the hot water? — mars. which is fine. who’s the tallest? — prbly mars. but teyani isn’t exactly short, either. she 5′7. who’s more likely to just randomly hop in the shower with the other? — teyani. who wanders around in their underwear? — neither. who sings the loudest when singing along with the radio? — teyani, but mostly to be annoying. what do they tease each other about? — teyani sneak-helps gianna make fun of mars abt literally anything. who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense sometimes? — i mean...they both dress kinda basic i think? do they have mutual friends? — shit, prbly. who crushed first? — teyani. any alcohol or substance related problems? — i don’t...think so? who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? — uh, maybe mars? who swears the most? — boffum.
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