#but im like the second we get off this bus he's gonna get on one knee and propose
whynotimtired · 2 years
Thinking about how there was like half a day where mike knew it was requited....
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mikalame · 10 months
Can she come, please
This is gonna be a bout little tom and TH going on their first tour and he's wanting you to come a long with the band ( young love relationship)
taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley @saumspam
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"Please let her come sir i promise nothing bad will happen to her, please..." Tom childish voice bounces of the wall in the living room. His pleading feel on the deaf ears of his girlfriends dad.
It was currently 11:30 pm at night the tour bus was leaving in an hour Tom was already running late. He just wanted his lovely girlfriend to come along on on their first tour what was so bad about it.
"Boy, do you know how stupid you sound right now, do you really think that i would let my little girl go in a bus with people i dont know-" "but you know me! " Tom argues back
"Dont interrupt me, i may know you but i don't trust you little boy" The older man snaps at the young boy "____ calm down let Tom speak" ___ mum asks with a hushed voice the only person that on his side with letting her come along
"Please sir, this is a very big achievement and shes been there since the beginning pleas-" "dad whats going on, why are you yelling" a girls voice echos through the halls before a body pops out from the hallway.
Looking in the girl is very confused seeing her dad angry looking at her boyfriend and her mother trying to calm down her dad. "Go back to bed ___ this has nothing to do with you" The man says not using the same tone of voice as a couple seconds ago "well if my boyfriends involved i think i does, hi Tom" The girl says kissing the boys cheek before sitting down.
"Wait aren't you supposed to be on tour right now" The girl questions "yes i am, and i was asking your dad if you could come along but he's not agreeing" Tom says frustrated rubbing his hand over his face "Oh you little-" "okay, you two go up to ___ room ill be there in a second i need to talk to your dad first" ___ mother says calm and collected, very over this discussion.
Before her dad could argue against it they bolt down the hall and close the door shut. They talk for a while saying things about how they would text and call whenever they can before Tom had a great idea.
"Why dont you just run away and come we could leave right now" Tom says chipper thinking is was one of the best ideas in the world "No Tom, thats a stupid idea my dad will kill you and then me for even going along with that plan" ___ whines back.
"My dad already doesn't like you why do you think that wold be a good idea" ___ pleads not wanting her boyfriend to not get even more hate then he already gets from her dad.
Just then her dad opens the door, Tom stands up ready to defend himself again. "Sit down down Tom, i dont trust, like or even want you in my house right now, ...but my daughter seems to really like you a lot so i suppose you can go" The kids start cheering only for it to be cut off "BUT, i need you to answer my questions okay" The boy nods dreads to short to tie up yet bouncing with his head.
"Will there be adult supervision?" the man questions "yes every bosy but from us will be adults" the boy very happy that she is able to come along.
"No alcohol, drugs or anything of the sorts on the bus" The man says eyebrow lifting, eyes squiting looking for any detail that could say that the boy was lying to him. "Nope sir, the only people what would have alcohol would be the adults, they wont give anything to us dont worry" they young boy adds trying to better his chances at getting her dad to like him.
The older man huffs "fine but i want you to know Tom im not fully agreeing to this, ___ mum is the only reason why ___ coming with you dont think i like you right now" "i understand sir" Tom nods
"___ pack your things you need to leave in like an hour, hurry up" the man says nonchalantly over his shoulder.
Time skip
"Thank you so much mum and dad i love you see you in a couple weeks" The young girls says the excitement bubbling in her voice " Thank you ma'am and sir promise shes in good hands" The boy says "yeah she better be" the man huffs "you two be safe and careful, wish you good luck to you and your band Tom" ___ mother says with a warm smile on her face " Thank you, hope we do good aswell" the pair wave as they close the door behind them.
"He called me Tom not boy, Ahhh i think im warming up to him" the girl giggles at what the young boy says walking to the tour bus hand in hand.
Hope yall like, sorry i havent done TH in a while most of my request are Manzini its a bit hard to write for him tho but i try my best
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 5 months
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You rushed to get off the bus and quickly walk home. You didn’t want to make him wait and you wanted to know if he really meant it all…
You arrived at your apartment and quickly put away your stuff and changed out of your clothes into some more comfortable ones.
You texted Bin that he can call you now and he didn’t waste a second, so you tapped the green button as soon as it popped up.
“Hi y/n!” You could hear how nervous he was.
“Hi Binnie!” You greeted him sweetly to let him know that everything’s gonna be okay.
“Y/nah before you say anything i want to say that i'm incredibly sorry for how i acted and it was very stupid of me and i hope you're not mad at me and we can stay friends…” His voice was full of regret and even if it was through the phone, you could hear how sincere he was.
“Oh Binnie, there’s nothing to be sorry about because I really like you too and I miss you a lot actually…but even if this wasn’t the confession you had in mind i don't mind that it happened like this over text. I’m just glad that you like me and that I don’t have to pretend like I'm not head over heels for you anymore.” You chuckled a bit and smiled to yourself.
However the other end was completely silent…there was an awkward silence and you started to think that Changbin didn’t mean what he wrote last night, but then his loud booming voice scared you.
“WOOOO Y/NAH I'M SO HAPPY YOU CAN'T IMAGINE OH MY GOSH! I HAD TO MUTE THE PHONES SO YOUR EARS WON'T BLEED BECAUSE OF MY CHEERING!” You heard and this instantly made you smile so big it hurt your cheeks.
“Will you be mine please?” He said in a signature cute changbin voice. You could basically see him infront of you.
“Of course I’ll be Changbinah!! Gosh I can't wait for you to get home!” You said and your brain already started creating the scenarios and you already felt like you’re going to explode if you don’t see him soon.
“Seriously thank you Y/nah im so so happy that you like me too!”
“Believe me Binnie i'm just as much happy to be with you!” You told him honestly.
“I have to go to rehearsal, love, but I’ll text you after yeah? You’ll probably be asleep so it’s okay if you won’t answer.” Binnie said with a bit of a sad tone but he was still so so happy.
“It’s alright Bin you’re an idol after all!” You tried to let him know that it’s totally understandable.
“Okay lovely sleep well please and thank you again!” He said and made kissing noises. You chuckled at his antics.
“And you have a good rehearsal Binnie! Bye bye talk to you later!” You made the kissing noises too and got very flustered. You were glad he couldn’t see your face right now.
“Bye byee” he said and hung up the phone.
After you just realised that you’re now dating THE Seo Changbin plus he called you love and lovely(!!) you screamed into the pillow next to you and you were just so unbelievably happy.
Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this one too!! And if you have any suggestions/questions/requests feel free to tell me!<3
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leaentries · 9 months
too young for this | mark estapa
summary: when one night guarantees forever.
warnings: accidental pregnancy, swearing, angsty themes, smut, p in v, unprotected sex
wc: 3.1k
masterlist - next
One time. That's all it took.
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You had never been one to go to parties, but your friends decided that you just needed to go. Having been cooped up for the past week after your complete douchebag of an ex dumped you over text.
What an ass. 
You and Richie had been together for two years. Two fucking years and all it took was a quick swipe of his thumbs to end it. It happened on a random tuesday, you had just left your anatomy lab when you felt your phone ding. You looked down smiling as you saw his familiar name pop up. Your smile fell immediately as tears began to make your vision blurry. Even with slightly impaired sight, you could still make out the three words he amounted to in your relationship.
Rich<3: we are done. 
So it's safe to say you haven't been the jolliest the past week. Maybe a party is what you need to bounce back. Staring at the ceiling of your dorm, you contemplated your options. Ultimately, you decided to give in to the relentless begging of your best friends. Besides, your slutty outfits were practically screaming at you to put them on. Afterall, Richie never showed you off, so you might as well do it yourself. 
Peeling on the familiar top and bottoms, you couldn't help but smirk as you passed your bathroom mirror. For the first time in over a week, you actually felt like yourself. The you before Richie. Overcome with newfound confidence, you quickly sent a text to your groupchat.
You: im ready babes! meet me outside?
Jamie: oooo yesss girl! me and alice are walking out now! 
Lydia: yall wait for me! i'm just touching up my hair. i'll be out in 5
Alice: btw we are so getting you dicked down tn y/n/n
Rolling your eyes at the last text, you grabbed your bag and headed out to meet your friends. Lydia ended up taking longer than 5 minutes, causing you and your friends to have to sprint to catch the last campus bus. Living across campus really sucked sometimes. 
As you searched for empty seats on the bus, you felt your phone vibrate from your bag. 
Mark: hey y/n! alice told me youre coming to the party tonight?
You: hi marky
You: yes i am! im on my way with the girls now
Mark: great
Mark: ill be waiting for you 🫣
Mark had always been one of your closest friends. You two met in your mutual college management class freshman year. Alice sat next to you and the three of you quickly became very close. Richie seemed to have a major problem with Mark early on in your relationship. Of course Mark being Mark, he didn't give a shit what your bitchy boyfriend thought of him. To be honest, Mark never liked Richie. So when you called him in tears that dreary tuesday afternoon, Mark was ready to practically murder him. 
The squealing of the bus breaks snapped you out of your phone. You put your bag over your shoulder, grabbing onto Jamie as she passed you. You and your friends made a short walk from the bus to the house. The music was blaring loudly, as people were spread far and wide around the property. A few different games were scattered about, a group of guys yelling in distress as they were clearly losing their cornhole game. 
You pulled out your phone, sending a text to Mark letting him know you were there. Within seconds, you saw the large boy make his way out onto the front porch. His arms immediately wrapped around you as you ascended the steps. 
“ ‘m so glad you’re here y/n/n” his voice was muffled in your hair. 
You smiled at the feeling of your full body being engulfed by him. Letting you go, Mark’s hand slipped down into your own.
“I am so so sorry girls, but I’m gonna have to take y/n with me.” Your friends giggled amongst themselves, causing you to send a confused look their way. 
“Oh no worries, Mark! I hope you have a fun time!” Alice replied, overly excited. 
Fun time? Deciding not to think much about it, you let yourself be guided by Mark’s muscular frame. Even in just a plain t-shirt his tense, thick muscles never failed to show through. Mark turned his head slightly, looking over his shoulder to check on you. You sent him a quick smile in return. He managed to weave his way through the dense crowd and into the kitchen, where a few of his roommates were. He entered the kitchen, never letting go of your hand.
Luke and Ethan greeted Mark quickly, enthralled by the view of the football game from the tv. Upon noticing you by Mark’s side, they both sent suggestive smirks towards the two of you. Confused by this for the second time, you turned to Mark. Tilting your head up to meet his eyes, not failing to notice the light blush that took over his feature.
“Why are all our friends acting weird?” You said in a low voice, so only Mark could hear you.
“W-What do you mean?” He chuckled nervously, “I think they are acting just fine.” Giving him a slight glare, you rolled your eyes, turning away from him slightly. Your gaze fell on the crowd, seeing many familiar faces in the dancing group. Although, your cheerful attitude quickly diminished as you caught sight of a certain brunette. Mark noticed the change almost immediately, turning to follow your stare. Richie was just off to the side of the main group. Typically, it wasn’t new to find him at these parties, but what was new was the blonde he had his tongue shoved in. 
A lump formed in your throat. You forced yourself to look away, the pain from the past week hitting you like a freight train. 
Mark's jaw ticked, his hand gripped yours tighter. He looked down at you “Do you want to leave, pretty girl?” His voice was soft, a stark contrast from his burning eyes. Taking a deep breath, you shook your head no. You were not gonna let Richie control you, he doesn’t deserve that power anymore. 
“I want to dance. Come dance with me, Marky.” Mark was surprised by your request, but led you to the dance floor regardless. 
Heat gripped your body like a vice, making you aware of how little clothes you were wearing. You let your body press up against Mark, arms reaching to wrap around his neck. Mark found his hand gripping your full hips, pulling them to meet his own. You leaned your face up, only to practically be touching noses with Mark.
The air felt thick around you two. Moving your hips against his, Mark held back a groan. 
“Got to be careful, pretty girl. Don’t want you to start something you’ll regret.” Mark’s chest pressed closer into your round breasts. Mark could feel himself grow stiff in his shorts at the feeling. Swallowing harshly, you met his gaze. You gently pulled his ear down to your lips.
“I could never regret you, Mark.” 
Richie was long forgotten as Mark gripped your wrist tightly, dragging you up the stairs. He took you to his room, closing the door forcefully, not forgetting to lock it. Mark’s chest heaved, almost like he was out of breath. He pinned you to the back of the door, bringing his forehead to rest on yours.
“You gotta tell me to stop, baby.” He whimpered into your lips. Throwing all caution to the wind, you pressed your lips against his, hard. A moan escaped your lips at the force of the kiss. Mark’s hands began to grip every part of your body he could reach. He wanted you, all of you. He cradled your face, turning your body before walking you towards the bed. The back of your legs hit the mattress, as Mark reached down to grip your plushy thighs. He sat you on the bed, beginning to trail kisses down your jaw.
His right hand traced from your thigh, over the expanse of your torso, taking time to tease the valley between your breasts. His calloused fingers took place around your throat, squeezing slightly. The lack of oxygen sent your brain into a frenzy. Your hips bucked up into his, grinding against his thick cock. He placed his other hand on your hip to keep you in place. 
“You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted this, pretty girl.” He mumbled into your neck. “How bad I need you.” 
He smashed his lips into yours once again. The kiss was desperate and sloppy, showing the amount of pure need and want between you two. Mark shoved his tongue into your welcoming mouth, seeking its warmth.
You were becoming restless, the ache in your core increasing with every push and pull of Mark’s hips. 
“Please Marky,” you whined, “Want you, fuck, want you so bad.” Your breath hitched as Mark changed the angle of his hips. His cock was pressing deliciously into your throbbing clit. 
“Okay, okay, pretty girl.” Mark pulled away, taking his warm body with him. A small whine began to leave your mouth, but was cut short when he hooked his finger around your shorts. 
He dragged your panties and shorts down in one go, too impatient to wait. Your hands traced down his toned front, tugging on his own shorts. Once the both of you had eagerly removed the remaining clothing, Mark had begun to line up his cock with your entrance, teasingly dragging his tip along your slit. “Oh fuck, Mark please don’t tease.”
Mark smirked at your pathetic voice. 
He began to ease his heavy cock into your core. You moaned loudly at the stretch. “Fuck me!” You bit your lip in an attempt to keep your voice down. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I plan to.” Mark pushed the rest of the way in, releasing a breathy moan at the feeling. He dropped his forehead on yours, giving you a moment to adjust to his size.
Mark was admittedly the biggest you’ve had, much bigger than Richie. Reaching spots you never knew existed.  “I won’t move until you tell me, baby.” The notion was small but you couldn’t help the warmth that spread through your chest.
Nodding your head, “I’m good, Marky. You can move.” At this, Mark began to slowly drag his cock out of your pussy, till just his tip remained inside. He paused for a moment before plunging back in, setting a ruthless pace.
Your moans echoed through the room, Mark’s headboard slamming against the wall. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Mark groaned. "I could be a better boyfriend than he ever was." His hands gripped your hips hard enough to leave bruises the next morning. You threw your arms around his body, nails scraping down the wide plain of his back. Angry red trails lined the hard muscle. You dug your teeth into Mark’s shoulder as his pace increased ever so slightly. 
“ ‘m not gonna last, pretty girl.” Mark squeezed his eyes shut, in an attempt to hold off his orgasm. The sound of your moans in his ears made it almost impossible. He brought one of his hands from your hip to rub harsh circles on your clit. 
 With the added stimulation, you felt your core tighten impossibly fast. “Shit, Mark. ‘m gonna cum,” you panted, “fuck, gonna cum all over your big cock.” Your orgasm hit like a tidal wave. 
Searing pleasure overcame your senses, your walls pulsating rapidly around Mark’s dick. Mark felt himself lose all control, releasing into your warm pussy. His body stilled as he came, a loud groan ripping through his throat. He collapsed on top of you. You laid with Mark’s head in the crook of your neck and your hand playing with his hair. As the two of you basked in post-orgam bliss, you felt a wave of drowsiness hit you. A loud yawn escapes your mouth.
Mark lifted his head to look into your eyes, “You tired, pretty girl?” You nodded slightly. He felt his heart soften at your droopy eyelids and pouty, swollen lips. “You are so fucking beautiful.” Your eyes widened at his sudden confession. You hid your face behind your hands, becoming bashful like he wasn’t just balls deep inside of you.
Mark chuckled, placing a gentle kiss to the back of both hands. “C’mon lets get cleaned up, baby.” He slowly pulled his, now softening, cock out and pulled on some boxers. He walked into his bathroom, returning with a warm washcloth. Mark gently began to clean around your sore opening. Once he finished and put away the cloth, he gave you one of his t-shirts to wear.
One of the things you loved about Mark was how big he is. Even if people consider you “bigger,” his shirts still fit you oversized. You took the shirt from his hands, pulling it over your head. Mark motioned for you to scoot over, allowing him to lay down. He pulled your body on top of his, almost immediately closing his eyes. 
“Goodnight, pretty girl.” You smiled as you laid your head on his chest, “Goodnight, Marky.” 
The following week went by in a blur. You were able to hide the fact that you and Mark hooked up from most of your friends, other than Ethan. That little shit did not hesitate to chirp you both the next morning. Although you and Mark are “seeing” each other, you haven't made anything official. But you didn’t feel pressured either. Everything had been going smoothly, you continued with your normal everyday routines, except for the part where you have been staying with Mark every night.
Your roommate, luckily, has been out of town for the past two weeks. So you have been able to remain inconspicuous thus far. Being with Mark was so easy, so genuine. You wondered how you ever even ended up with your ex when Mark was there the whole time. But alas, everything good always comes to an end. 
Your alarm went off as per usual, Mark’s arm gripped your body tighter to his, “Don’t go.” He whined. You turned your body to face him, taking time to study his tired features. Even with sleep clouding his eyes, he still managed to look as handsome as ever. You hit snooze on your alarm, deciding that your writing class can suck it. 
You closed your eyes, basking in the morning bliss with Mark, but before long, you found yourself pushing out of bed making a b-line for the bathroom. You kneeled down in front of the toilet, before emptying the contents of your stomach. You heard footsteps hurriedly follow behind you, as a hand came to hold back your hair. 
“That’s it, pretty girl. Let it out.” Mark soothed, using his other hand to rub your back. 
Once you had finished, you slouched back. Your body became overly weak after the energy it took to expel your dinner. Mark sat next to you, letting you lean up against him. He brought a hand to your forehead, feeling for a temperature. His eyebrow furrowed, “You don’t feel hot.” He looked down at your face, to find your eyes closed. His chest hurt at the sight of you so weak. He gently helped you up, putting you back in bed. “I’m gonna skip class to take care of you. okay, baby?” He pulled the comforter over your shaking body. You shook your head in protest. Although in your state, it wasn’t as much of an effort as you thought. 
Mark went downstairs quietly, as most of the house was still asleep. When he returned he brought a glass of water and a cold rag. “Apparently, we do not have any medicine. I guess Luke used the rest of it last time he was sick. I am gonna go and pick up some more, will you be okay here?” Mark couldn’t hide the worry laced in his tone. You gave him a weak smile and a small “thank you.” He leaned down to place a soft kiss on your forehead, before slipping on a hoodie and making his way to the store.
Laying in the peaceful room, your slumber was interrupted by the sound of your alarm. Hitting snooze became your worst enemy. As you turned on your phone to exit the alarm, you saw a notification from your period app. You tapped it, opening the calendar. Panic took over your body. 
Period late for 8 days
You quickly sat up, thinking of what to do. There was no way you could be pregnant. It was impossible. Denial flooded your mind, until flashbacks to the night of the party tore through the facade. You needed to take a test, asap. Knowing you couldn’t go to the store, since Mark was there, you did the next best thing. You called Jamie. 
You knew for a fact Jamie kept emergency pregnancy tests in her dorm. Girl has her priorities. Jamie raced to the house as fast as she could, not believing what you said over the phone. You told her just to walk in and come to Mark’s room since everyone was still sleeping. 
You sat on the bed, stressing out, when the bedroom door opened. Your eyes darted up and your breath hitched. Jamie's head poked around, your body relaxed. Jamie looked at you expectedly. You let out a sigh, ‘Look, it just happened.” She rolled her eyes, “You just happened to fall on Mark’s dick?” 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you, it just all happened so fast and we didn’t want to ruin anything. But it might not even matter at this point, because I might be fucking pregant.” Your eyes began to well, the thought of losing Mark was too much to bear. Jamie came up and wrapped her arms around you. “Don’t apologize, here,” She handed you the test, “Go take it and we can go from there,” Taking the test in your hand, you walked into the bathroom. 
After doing your business and peeing on the stick, you put the cap back on and set it on the counter. You set a timer for 3 minutes. You slowly sank to the floor. Never in your life has three minutes seemed so slow. Your phone finally went off, causing you to abruptly stand up, slightly losing your balance in the process.
You stared at the test, “Well? What does it say?” Jamies asked through the door. Your eyes remained on the test. 
Pregnant 1-2 weeks
Well, fuck. 
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ochoashusband · 9 months
Hii there! I saw this post and it’s really cool! and also your writing is very cool (since I think your posting writing content for a first time?) anyways, I’m here to request something and would you care if I sent in a matchup? Anyways, here I go!
Could I request (platonic) Class 1A with a Male! Reader who came from Iraq? And they also have Alastor’s Personality from Hazbin Hotel? And maybe the reason why his family moved from Iraq was because it was very dangerous to stay there because of his hometown?
Thank you and have a good day!
I haven’t watched Hazbin Hotel, so I might not give you exactly what your looking for 😭 I read his personality description and he kinda reminds me of Monoma LOL
i’m also gonna do this in headcannon form!
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okay, starting off i lowkey think some of the students would probably find you creepy 😭
since you’re always smiling and trying to act polite, I feel like Denki, or maybe Mineta would try to break your act
Once Mineta tried to break your act and he got his arm broken instead and nobody minded it because well.. it’s Mineta LMFAOO
After that nobody really messed with you, except for Monoma, I feel like Monoma and you would get along pretty well
Monoma and you would probably mess with other people and most likely bully one of the students 😭
I feel like halloween would be perfect for you, you can play all sorts of tricks on your class
Also the day of the sports festival, i feel like you would be laughing your ass off at the other students who lost LOL
You would probably point at them and laugh 😭
since you’re also from Iraq, Midoriya (also everyone else) would be pretty curious about you.
They would probably ask about your customs, and what language you speak
I feel like Mineta would probably say something like “Can you speak iraq?” because he doesn’t know what languages there are LMFAO
You would correct him by saying that it’s Mesopotamian Arabic (since it’s the most commonly spoken language in Iraq)
They would ask you about your hometown and why you chose to come to Japan, you would respond with the story of what happened in your hometown
Uraraka, jirou, iida, & Koda would try to comfort you about your hometown
Mineta, Denki, Kirishima would probably compliment you because you were brave to leave your hometown
Short story!!:
You where walking into the big gates of UA, after you finished the entrance exam you where lucky enough to have racked up a whole bunch of villain points! After a while you finally received a letter from UA stating that you got in to the hero course! The first day of school rolls around, You finally got your uniform on and was heading out the door. After a high walk and a bus ride you finally got to UA, where only the top get to be. If you remembered correctly, it stated that you where in class 1A, so you found your way there. You opened the large door, only to reveal a boy with green hair standing frozen in the doorway, a blond boy with his feet up on the desk, a boy with blue hair yelling at him, and the rest of the students watching. “Oh, now this won’t do!” You say as soon as you step in, “Why don’t you settle down now?” You asked the blue haired boy. “I will not! This kid is blatantly disrespecting UA by putting his feet up on the desk! We are in the top school of Japan! Show some respect!” The blue haired boy yelled out. “Now, now, no need to get all feisty with me,” You said as you grabbed him by his waist and twirled him around and pushed him onto a seat, “No need for all this wacky nonsense.” You say to the blue haired boy with an eerily smile. Everyone just stayed quiet, not saying a word as they stated at what was going on in their classroom. You heard the bell ring and the boy who was at the doorway finally sat down along with some other students, the day was ready to commence!
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I hope this is okay!! Like i said, i haven’t watched hazbin hotel, so im not sure if i have you exactly what you hoped for, but i tried my best into making him with alastor’s personality!!
Also, thank you so much for requesting!!
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flying-bear-tv · 8 months
Some stuff i noticed in the fionna and cake finale + betty theroy
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# 1 Prismo's face glitch
This one is pretty self explanatory. for a frame prismos face glitches for no reason. I cant think of something we have seen that would explain this.
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#2 After credits apple
After the credits there is a short animation of two shapes morphing into an apple. I thought this was a logo or something unrelated at first so I reversed image searched the apple but I couldn't find anything. So if its not related to a company it should be related to the show right? The shapes and bow for sure remind me of golbetty and apples have appeared multiple times (mostly use to shrink in size) This probably is important.
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#3 Season One
The image on the left is a promotional poster for the show. On the bottom it gives the date episodes will start airing. Notice the lack of "Season One" near the top. The image on the right Is for the show's soundtrack which was released yesterday. All im gonna say is if I were producing a 10 episode miniseries I wouldn't want to specifically label it as season one if there was only one season.. And I definitely wouldn't only put that on promotional materials AFTER the season was done airing. I bet $72 there will be a season 2.
OKEY GUYS IT TIME TO TALK ABOUT BETTY1!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!! :]
Adventure time season 6 episode 43. The Comet. yea im bringing this up.
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I saw a post saying this means "comet". It has the same number of characters as the bus sign but I no idea where they found how to read this. I think it makes sense though and I'll tell you why
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As Simon is flying away from golbetty he sees her do this .. Notice the color of the light (electricity?? fire?) I also think she changes shape a bit. the image on the left is her when she first electricitys herself and the image one the right is a few seconds later. I'm not gonna draw any conclusions on why this is right now.
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Now back to Adventure Time ;]
In The Comet finn witnesses several of his reincarnations. The two shown are a comet and a butterfly.
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Now IF the bus is saying golbettys destination is "comet" this HEAVILY implies reincarnation as comets are directly tied to this in adventure time. Also notice how the electricity golbetty is using is THE EXACT SAME FUCKING COLOR AS THE COMET. And what does simon wake up to after seeing golbetty do that.
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I think what happened is by Simon and Betty both moving on from their toxic yuri relationship Betty's wish to keep simon safe was realized. Because tbh the thing that was mostly likely to hurt Simon was his own indifference to life and tendency to self sacrifice. I mean, he was completely ready to say goodbye to his sanity multiple times JUST that episode.
This allowed Betty to separate from golb because she no longer needed its power. She gave simon and kiss, and then fucked off to do butterfly shit.
Even if im wrong this show was so beautiful TvT I really needed it. I totally understand if yall are disappointed because simon and betty didn't get a happy ending together but. They really needed to move on. And who knows.. maybe we'll get a season two ;) bye
Oh and the scarab fight scene was way too long and bringing jay and little destiny back was weird and forced.
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mbappeward · 8 months
arguing with your boyfriend while you're on your period - kylian mbappe imagine
umm hi... ig im back?? the past months were a rollercoaster for me, i graduated high school and im now in uni studying biomedical sciences which is kinda hard but yeah at least its fun. however the main reason i couldnt post was bcs i was focusing on my mental and phsyical state, i got diagnosed with different anxiety disorders and its been really hard for me. but writing distracts me and brings me peace, so ig i should write more loll. anyways enjoyy :)
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on and on with your boyfriend, it had been five minutes with the both of you just yelling back and forth. Actually, you were the one doing most of the yelling, he just sat there annoying every part of you.
"kylian just because you don't want to talk about it does not mean you get to walk out of the room." You yelled. The both of you were talking casually until he said something along the lines of going out with his friends tomorrow, and all you replied with was how he wasn't spending much time with you lately, and how lonely you felt. What did he do? Walk out the door. "I don't want to argue right now, i'm sick of it. I'm leaving." He spat out, letting a mocking sigh of frustration as he walked out the door. The fact that he walked away without letting you talk about your feelings angered you, so you followed him out.
"listen to me, you're making a big deal right now. nothing happened. I don't get why your yelling, you know everytime you accuse me of something it turns into an argument, and I'm honestly just not in the mood right now." He mumbled while looking at his phone. His response was so hurtful towards you, thinking back to all the times you were there for him and would listen to him.
"You think I'm being overdramatic?" You asked, your calm just as irritatingly calm as his. He nodded his head, face still looking towards his phone, his eyes were never on you, and you just wanted some respect.
You felt the pain in your abdomen worsen as you yelled through the pain. "Y-your not even looking at me. Why is it so hard for you to listen to me??" You scream out, a small lump forming on your throat. He threw his phone next to him, stood up and looked up at you for a quick second before looking away. He then turned back to you. 
"Y/n, I'm not trying to hurt you, I was only trying to avoid an argument." He whispered. "I wasn't trying to argue, I was trying to speak my side. I just wanted to tell you how I feel so empty without you here. You're most of the time at training and by the time you get back you're so tired to spend time with me. These free days are when we can actually spend time together." You mumbled. He gave you a look before looking up.
"But what about me? I never have breaks so when would I ever go out with my friends and do something I enjoy?" He spoke. His words felt like a stab to your heart.
"Do something you actually enjoy? Fuck off Kylian, you could have just broken up with me if being with me is something you don't actually enjoy. You know what? Do whatever the hell you want, I'm gonna be the one to leave now." You spat, walking out the door. 
The moment you walked outside, a rush of cold wind hit your face, your body automatically starting to shiver. You blamed yourself for not bringing a jacket, but just thought of going back soon. You found an empty bus stop to sit at, and decided it would be a good place to think about something to distract you, but that's when the pain started getting worse. Your hands grabbed onto your lower stomach and you squeezed your eyes shut, hoping it would make the pain subside. All you wanted to do was to be in your boyfriends embrace, for him to cuddle you, kiss you, cook for you, take care of you, and just love you. But right now, from his words, it seems like he didn't enjoy being with you, which one made you feel worse.
It got to the point where you didn't know if you were crying over kylian or the pain, but you decided it was both. You were never good with cramps, and you were extremely sensitive. Kylian was always aware, but this time it seemed to slip his mind that you needed him.
He was at home, thinking back at everything to see where he had made a mistake, his hands were fisted up as his heart began to ache out of fear. The moment he laid his eyes on the jacket he knew you were outside freezing. It was extremely late and it was freezing outside, and you didn't even take a jacket with you. Forgetting about the argument, he rapidly stood up, deciding to look for you. As he was taking his jacket out the coat rack, he noticed the chocolate wrappers littered in the counter and the painkillers you used for your period left there. It was then when he realized, you were on your period. You did not like sweet things, and if you were eating this much chocolate, it could only be one
"Fuck." He mumbled, grabbing the car keys and running out the door. His footsteps echoed around the streets as he got to the car. He hoped that you were okay. As he looked around while driving, you were nowhere to be found, and he only started panicking. He took out his phone, hands barely being able to hold the phone from how much he was panicking.
Finally, after getting a hold of himself, he pressed on your contact, praying that you would pick up, but to his luck, it went straight to voicemail. If anything happened to you, he would not be able to forgive himself. He cursed under his breath, his vision becoming blurry as he thought about the worst case scenarios. He should have never been so hard on you when you were only trying to spend time with him. Guilt filled his body as the only thing he wanted was for you to be in his arms.
He kept looking around the neighborhood and that's when he found a figure sitting in an empty bus-stop. His heart almost beat out of his chest as he found you. After making sure it was you, he parked the car nearby and sprinted, glad to see that you were okay.
"You idiot." He mumbled as his voice wavered. It was laced with fear. "If you're just here to insult me then you can leave." You mumbled, looking away. Kylian immediately took off his jacket, wrapping it around your form as he gently held your face, bringing it close to his so that he could kiss you. You flinched from how warm his lips felt against yours, but slowly melting into him. No matter how upset at him you were, you were always his, and you could never resist him. As you were kissing, you began to feel droplets of what you thought was rain falling on you. Breaking away from the kiss, you saw the first snowfall. You've heard of couples kissing on the first snowfall, but never about it snowing as you were kissing.
Kylian pulled you into a hug, as you shivered and hugged him back. The cramps started getting worse and worse by the moment, and before you knew it, you started crying again. Taken aback, Kylian stared at you with fear, examining you to see what was wrong. You held onto him tightly, telling him your stomach was hurting, another pang of guilt hitting him for not taking good care of you. "Aw my baby...I'm so sorry, it'll be okay, I promise. Come let me carry you and get to the car." He kissed your head. You were too in pain to reject him, so you let him carry you to the car. You felt calm and though the pain was still there, it wasn't as bad as it was before. He put you in the front seat next to him and adjusted the seat so you were laying down instead of sitting. The cramps were getting worse. He hated seeing you in pain. He covered you with a blanket he had stored in the back seats. You were still sniffing here and there as your mood swings and cramps were getting the best of you, and that you really felt uncared for through his words, though he probably didn't even mean it. During the car ride home he put on calm music. After you got home, Kylian carried you carefully bridal style. He opened the door and softly laid you down on the couch and you looked up with half lidded eyes. You had almost fallen asleep on the ride back. The lights started to wake you up as you whined, wanting to go back to sleep. You wanted to make everything okay again.
Kylian was about to head to the bedroom to go get something until you held his hand. "D-did you mean it? When you said you wanted to do something you actually enjoy and that was to go out? Am I too boring?" You mumbled. He sighed before sitting right by you. He leaned down towards you as he placed a kiss on your forehead, and then your nose, and then your lips.
"N-no. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have walked away when you were talking to me like that. I should have listened to what you were going to say. I'm sorry I didn't take care of you, I'm sorry you had to go through this because I'd me. I do love you, so much.
And I promise we'll solve our conflicts together. Okay? we'll talk the rest out tomorrow, rest and sleep now okay?"
You nodded, trusting his words. He was never one to disrespect you and you know he wouldn't say anything like that and mean it. You decided you'd just talk to him tomorrow and that you'd go to bed for now. He made you mean to eat and put a heat pack on your stomach as he peppered your face with kisses and rubbed your belly so that you could go to sleep. You cuddled against his chest as he hummed a tune that you could sleep too. He cooed at your sleeping figure. He pressed a last kiss against your head after passing out right next to you.
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gelloonnery · 8 months
This is rant btw
I feel. Like. the Ending WAS what we wanted. It was kind offthe ending we thought we were gonna get, Fionna learns to appreciate her old world, Simon learns self worth and realises his flaws in his relationship with Betty and learns to live as himself and break the cycle of sacrifice
I just didn't expect it to be so. Straightforward and Spoonfed?? like simon just fully just TALKED about the narrative of his story. No visuals no nothing no nuances, like he just sits down and talks its like the writers went to tumblr and just read off one of the character analysis on here and just used it as dialougue??
Like what exactly made him realise his life was worth while, he was jsut about to commit mental suicide SECONDS ago and the only thing he realised was that he shouldve been more thoughtful in his relationship with betty, how does that correlate with him finding worth in his life?
Like i think it wouldnt have felt so out of no where if the last few episodes where they were going to diff worlds that showed that simon was valued as a catalyst of certain events in the AT timeline, were coupled with simon actually learning from those worlds, instead of him just being oblivious and still wanting to go after the crown
And the nova and casper thing was cute and i like the exploration of a new artstyle but did the story have to be presented that way?? Like it just told us what we already knew and in the end it wasn't even simon himself coming to the realization that his realtionship with betty is flawed, beth had to partially spell it out for him
Like did we need to go to shermy and beth's universe?? For Simon and betty's conclusion?? What was the point of going to that dimension it has nothing to do with their relationship
(I did like that alternate version of simon letting betty go onto the bus and even offering to join her on her trip that was cute.)
And all the universes they affected are just fine now?? Is farmworld finn dead or alive?? ARE FINN'S KIDS JUST ORPHANS NOW????
What was the point of it being set in Shermy and Beth's universe?? And simon just hacked out Fionna world like a hairball because he finally acknowleges that its not his responsibility?
I get the story their trying to tell I get what the narrative that their trying to say, and it IS the narrative that was what drew me into these stories in the first place. But the way it was presented was just ultimately so unsatisfying and weirdly complicated but also simple im just-
NOT TO MENTION, WHAT IS UP WITH BETTY DOES THE BETTY IN THE BUSSTOP FLASHBACK TURNING INTO GOLB IN THE LAST SECOND HINT THAT SHE'S JUST COOL WITH BEING GOLB NOW LIKE THATS HER NEW 9 TO 5 I GUESS I MEAN. COOL GOOD FOR YOU GIRL?? LIke her fucking teleporting her fiance into her new apartment in the VOID and teaching him about the wonders of not dying is just a regular tuesday night i guess i MEAN SURE. THATS FUNNY.
did we overanalyze everything??? or did they just fumble the bag like i left those episode feeling like i shouldve been vindicated but i WASNT
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websterss · 1 year
julie i was the one to ask about blurbs for dad!ethan world. IM SORRY I DIPPED I GOT SCARED!!! also i couldn’t think of anything and didn’t think you wanted blurbs right away.
but i have just a simple one that came to my mind at 5am (pst). just a simple day in their lives. like maybe ethan had been back for about six months and everyone is slowly opening up to him, but chad is still wary (fully understandable) and he’s like “there needs to be someone in the house when ethan’s here” or “make sure you stick to crowded and lighted areas, don’t let him take you to a second unknown location.” just chad being very protective and keeping watchful eyes and tabs on ethan.
you know? cause chad was so real for his reaction honestly. YOU ALMOST GOT KILLED!!!!
Erin that was you?!🤣💀lmfao honestly you were right tho. I wasn’t ready for them yet😄🤷🏻‍♀️ you know me so well.
Seol sent me a blurb about going on a first date again with Ethan, so the ending of this one will start the blurb she sent okay!
"Where are you going?"
"Chad, I already had a run down with Sam and Tara...and Mindy." You fix your black long-sleeve a couple times. Your jitters riling you up. You were nervous. You meet Chad's eyes in the mirror. Him leaning against the wall behind you, his arms crossed as his head tilts. "I'm going on a date with Ethan."
"Yeah, but where?" He asks.
"I don't know Chad. We're just going out. Maybe to catch a movie, or grab something to eat. We're just going out okay!" You sigh and let your shoulders fall.
"You can't just still be fine with all this. I mean you let him back into our-"
"It's been a year Chad! A year. You just...you need to get over it already." You look down at your bag, fiddling, and making sure that your stuff was all there.
"Getting stabbed 12 times isn't something I can just get over, Y/n." Chad straightens up. You look up, meeting his eyes again through the reflection. Guilt raids your eyes as you turn to slowly face him.
"I'm sorry-"
"No. I'm sorry. I still hover over you and Samara."
"We know you mean well..." You reach out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"But..." He nodded waiting to hear your rebuttal.
"Ethan picked our side. That's got to count for something. Samara has her dad in her life. Most kids can't say they do. I just feel...I feel like I got lucky with him, coming back and all. This is my do-over Chad. His do-over. It's all I wanted and waited for during those nine months. Now a year has passed, and the world makes sense again." You beam, your waterline brimming with water. You reach forward and cup his face. "I love and appreciate how much you've taken care of us, all of us. But have you stopped to think that maybe we're okay now..." You tilt your head, tears brimming his waterline now.
"We don't know that-"
"I-I know we don't." You reassure him. "But he hasn't tried anything. I truly believe that he's changed for the good of it all. That he doesn't pose a threat to any of us. That somewhere deep down, you'll find your dorky roommate again." You nudge his shoulder playfully. "He's still that guy."
"Until he wasn't anymore..." Chad scoffs. You close your eyes, sighing in defeat. Chad would still hold a grudge over him, and you didn't blame him for it one bit. Silence fell over the two of you comfortably. He looked at you through his lashes, his cheeky smile plastering back onto his face. "You look beautiful. He's not gonna know what hit 'em." He took your hand and twirled you around. You slowly shimmy your shoulders playfully as you duck under his arm.
"Yeah?" You pose dramatically. "Not too much for a first date?" You look down at yourself.
"You look great, but if you wanna really knock his socks off-" He reaches forward, asking you silently with his eyes if he can adjust your outfit. He pulled at the collar of your shirt down past your shoulders so they rest on your upper arms. A Regina George flair before she got hit by the bus, if you will. He turns you towards the mirror. Your smiles replicating one another.
"Look at you. You're glowing momma!" He leans and pecks your cheek sweetly.
"Thanks..." You let out a faint laugh.
"Should I tell the girls to leave it unlocked tonight or are you-" He pauses when you give him a quirk of your brow. The indication and slight smirk let him know otherwise. "Oh. So you're not coming home." Chad's eyes widened. "Okay momma bear, just don't come back pregnant again. Samara doesn't need a brother or sister right now." He gestures to the hall where your daughter was currently sound asleep in your shared bedroom. "Wear a condom." Chad bluntly says.
"Oh my god, stop please!" You scoff out a laugh. "We did last time, look what happened!" You exclaim with a smile, gesturing to the child two rooms down.
"Then...tell him to pull-"
Luckily you were saved by the doorbell.
"Oh thank god!" You push past him and compose yourself before swinging it open. Ethan had been looking down before he trailed his eyes up and down your form. His socks were definitely rocked. It made you feel a little more confident seeing him so flustered.
"W-Wow...You look gorgeous." He breathes out.
"Not so bad yourself." You emit a nervous laugh. Who knew re-first dates were anxiety filled. You two stayed still at the door. Eyes unashamedly raking the other. It would have lasted longer had it not been for Chad, pushing the door open wider, revealing himself to Ethan, and leaning against it. Hand touching the top of it. Ethan fell back into a timid state as he greeted Chad with a nod of his chin. Though Chad didn't reciprocate the gesture, making the whole interaction awkward. You turn to look back at him with an annoyed expression. You could practically feel his ego radiate from his body. The smug smirk on his face was one you wanted to slap off him.
"Not a scratch...On her head of her hair." Chad smiled, tilting his head. His tone was falsely sweet. "Not one. Can I see your pockets?" Chad stood up and gestured to Ethan's tucked hands. What the fuck?
"Chad!" You exclaim.
"What?" He defends. "No seriously what's in 'em?" Chad motioned a gimme gesture.
"Just my phone, keys, and wallet...some change." You gape at Ethan who took out his stuff to show.
"Ethan you don't need to-" You begin.
"Okay, now the back." Chad motioned for him to turn around. "Actually, can I pat you down...for a precaution ya know?" Chad goes to move out of the apartment, but you push him back inside, and quickly grab your purse.
"You're insane. We're leaving. Take care of our daughter, please." You press a kiss to his cheek hastily and practically drag Ethan down the hall. "Kay, bye love you." You call over your shoulder.
"Make him order something where he doesn't have to use a knife...Y/n, make him order soup or something!" He steps out of the apartment, shouting after you. "Go somewhere crowded and public!"
"Bye!" You and Ethan laugh as you ran away.
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Welcome to SunnyVale Oneshot
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(Guyyyyysss Im literally just writing and posting whatever pops in my head at this point My Alpha is about two paragraphs from being done :P Be watching for it!! Cruel Summer Ch. 2 should be finished by the weekend too annnd im gonna work on Midnight Rain Ch. 2! So lots goin on! :D anywho, I love Trailer Park Boys and have been watching it on repeat for WEEKS. So I just had this cute idea and figured I'd write it since I cant sleep! :P )
“Come on Bubs! Hurry up! We’re going to be late!” Julian yelled as Bubbles said goodbye to his kitties. “Boys, boys, boys!” J-Roc ran over across the road toward them. “Yall aint never gonna believe this! We got a reunion comin!!!” J-Roc grinned as Ricky looked at him, “what in the fuck are you talkin about J-Roc?” 
Julian took a sip of his drink as a large black bus pulled into Sunnyvale Trailer park.”So listen I heard from a friend of a friend that Y/N was in town. Rumor has it, she's gonna come do a tour of the park.” J-Roc said looking from Bubbles and Ricky, to which they all glanced at Julian. “What?” he snapped at them. “Well Julian…last time you and Y/N saw each other…she was tellin you she was leavin and you were ...well you were gonna ask her to marry you, until she……said……that….and you…..well…you know….broke her heart,” Bubbles said as an awkward silence filled the air. Julian sighed loudly and took a bigger drink of his drink as the large black bus drove slowly and carefully down the road, before coming to a stop. 
The air brake let out and the door opened, a few moments passed and suddenly, Julian felt like his heart had stopped and dropped into his stomach. Everything seemed to move in slow motion for him as you stepped off the bus. You wore a pair of suede thigh high heeled boots, a pair of black tights, they were the sheer kind that made Julian’s knees weak, you had on a burnt orange tight mini skirt on, and a black long sleeved shirt. When you looked up, your hair was curled in loose big curls, the wind lightly blowing your hair. You suddenly got the biggest grin on your face and darted toward the group of guys standing there. “Oh my gosh!!!” 
You laughed as you jumped hugging Ricky, the guy who was like the dumb, protective big brother you never got to have. You don’t know how many times Ricky saved your ass from getting into trouble either with Jim Lahey, the trailer park supervisor, or the cops whenever Julian and Ricky came up with some stupid plan. “Hey bugz!” Ricky had started calling you bugz when you guys were just kids, because you always had a ladybug or butterfly landing on you. He said you attracted bugs and teased you about it alot. 
Next to whisk you into a bear hug was your very bestest friend Bubbles; which the guys didn’t know but you still talked to regularly. “I’ve missed you bubs!” you laughed as he pinched at your belly “Whos got your belly?” “Don’t touch my fuckin belly bubs!” you both laughed again as he hugged you one more time. “I’ve missed you around here Y/N, we all have.” Bubbles said as you both pulled apart. You smiled and looked at Julian, “Hey Julian,” you said, willing to step up and hug him, but the longer the silence went on, the more awkward it got. “Hey fucktard, are you gonna speak or did your brain not get enough words movin arounds in there?” Ricky smacked his arm as you laughed softly. You’d forgotten just how Ricky talked, sometimes you really missed living here, other times, you wish you could have brought them with you, but you knew they would never leave their beloved trailer park. 
Julian let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d held since you turned and stared at him. “Wow,” he whispered to himself, but it was loud enough that all of you heard him. You felt a small blush creep up your cheeks, “Still drinking rum huh?” you asked him, smiling some as he cleared his throat, taking a large drink, and not the usual sip. “Oh, I brought presents! Give me one second!” You turned your hair flipping around, wafting the smell of your shampoo, mixed with your perfume all around. “Hey Mike!” You hollered while walking toward the bus, “Can you grab that blue duffle bag in the back for me?” you asked as you stood just a few feet from the guys. 
That smell hit Julian like a brick house as he closed his eyes, “I can’t do this.” he mumbled to Bubbles and Ricky before he turned and stormed back to his trailer, slamming the front door shut. He leaned back against it before flinging his glass at the opposite wall, letting it shatter and liquor spill to the ground. 
You turned at the sound of the door slamming and frowned. “Why’d he leave? I have a gift for him too.” you smiled a little awkwardly at Ricky and Bubbles. “Uh, I think he had to um, go, look at a book or something, anyways what’d you bring us Y/N?” Bubbles asked as you gave him a soft smile. It wasn’t easy for you either to see Julian, that night before you left played over in your mind a lot. 
15 years ago
You rode your bike down the street, the sun setting on your last few days of summer, you couldn’t wait to tell Julian, he was going to be so proud of you. You rode up to the stairs of his trailer and put on the kick stand before jogging up the stairs and letting yourself inside. “Jules? You home?” you called out, but not hearing a word. You pushed out your lips and walked toward the back where his bedroom was, “Yeah Ricky. I fuckin know. I'm nervous as hell the way it is. Dont you think I know that you fucking idiot?” He was on the phone in his bedroom. “Listen I’m busy tonight but I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Just don’t fuck up,” he hung up the phone and turned around to see you leaning on the doorway smiling softly. “Hey-how long you been standin there?” he asked as you smiled and shrugged. “Long enough to know you’re nervous about something...you two boys doin another deal?” you asked as he sat down on the bed, pulling you to straddle his lap. “Don’t worry about it sweetheart, what are you doin here this late?” you smiled, kissing him softly. “I have something to tell you,” you whispered against his lips. 
You’d given the boys their gifts, Bubbles got a rocket ship, directly from NASA with his own spacesuit and a couple of real moon rocks and Ricky had gotten a customized glass bong. “Take care of that Ricky…..I figured you’d like it.” you laughed as they ran off starting to play with Bubbles rocket. You took this chance to slip away and go to Julians, knocking softly on the door. 
A few moments later the door opened and Julian stood there, hair wet from a shower, slicked back by the water, sweatpants hanging low on his hips with a towel around his shoulders. “Y/N. Hey, uh, what are you doin here?” he asked as you forced a smile. “Uh, I have a gift for you.” you said patting the duffle bag that hung off your shoulder. “Oh, you didn’t need to get me anything.” he said as he stepped aside and let you come in. 
Walking in, you stood awkwardly as he closed the door and moved toward the couch. “You can come sit down ya know?” he said, looking at you. You nodded and walked over sitting next to him. “Um,” you cleared your throat and dug around in the duffle bag. “Sorry, I would have wrapped it better, but I made a special stop for it.” you handed the box to him, watching him look confused, you smiled as he opened it. 
Inside, laid a very old and special bottle of Rum, Harewood Barbados 1780, to be exact. “Holy…fucking…shit.” he looked at you, a look of shock on his face. “Oh! It wasn’t a big deal….I know a guy who knows a guy,” you laughed softly. “You know someone who owns a $29,000 bottle of Rum?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as you smiled bashfully. “I know two guys now who own a bottle of $29,000 Rum.” you said as he smiled watching you grab another box. “Can’t drink expensive rum without new glasses.” you said handing him the black box. 
Julian smiled down at the gifts in his lap, before the memories came rushing back. “Listen…Y/N….I meant to write back…when you wrote me that letter….I just…got busy…and I didn’t…know exactly what to say.” You shook your head waving a hand. “Not a big deal….I moved on, I’m sure you did too. We’re adults now and that was 15 years ago so, you know, what's in the past,” you said looking down. 
Julian put his gifts aside and moved closer to you. “I’ve followed your career,” he said smiling as you looked at him. “What?” you tried not to laugh. “I doubt I sing the kinda music you like,” you laughed as he did, “While that’s true, I do listen to your music. You’re talented. You always have been…” he said softly as you stared at him, “Julian…I’m sorry I left. But tomorrow I’m going to show everyone where I was raised and where I lived with my parents. And I want you and the guys to be in the video.” you smiled as he chuckled “I’m sure we can make that happen.” 
Julian got you both a drink, and you began to get caught up on each other’s lives. “See Ricky…I’m tellin you that was a genius idea.” Bubbles whispered as they peaked in Julians windows. “He’ll finally tell her after all these years.” 
You were trying to catch your breath from laughing so hard when Julian put a hand on your leg. You looked at him as he stared at you, smiling softly. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered as you nodded. “I’ve missed you too.” A few more moments of staring at each other passed before he grabbed you and pulled you in close, kissing you deeply. 
After a few moments, Julian pulled away and sighed, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” he got up running a hand through his hair. “Fuck!” he yelled causing you to jump. “I should go.” you said quietly as you gathered your stuff and stood up. “No, please don’t go,” he sighed “just…..wait here.” he walked back to his bedroom, returning a few moments later, his signature black t-shirt clinging to the muscles that ran through his chest and stomach. “You weren’t the only one keeping a secret….” he pulled his hand out of his pocket, a black velvet box resting in his hands. “It’s nothing fancy…..I got it from Mrs. Peterson. When she died, she willed it to me, along with some money and other stuff…but….” he opened it, revealing the small, beautiful gold ring inside. The tiny cluster of diamonds sat directly in the middle. You stared down at it, unsure of what was going to happen, or what would have. “.....you….you wanted to marry me?” you whispered as he nodded. “But…then you said everything you said….and….” you looked at him, your brows pulling down together as confusion took over your face. “You lied to me didn't you?” you asked as he sighed. “I panicked, I didn't know what else to do…” you scuffed, shaking your head as you backed away and grabbed your stuff. “I can’t believe you Julian…you lied to me…you swore you never would.” you shook your head. “Whoa, you lied to me too.” Julian said as you looked appalled at him. “Are you kidding me? I didn’t lie to you, Julian. I WAS pregnant when I left. I took the damn test. And guess what? I rehearsed through the miscarriage, I performed when and where I needed to, so now I can go around and buy $30,000 bottles of Rum to impress someone I was head over heels in love with, in the hopes that I might get a tiny taste of what I used to have in life before I lost it all!” you yelled before you stormed out.
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jonphaedrus · 2 years
why i hate bowling (and how this resulted in me suplexing a child into a trash bin full of water)
i wasn’t going to tell a story tonight but then i rediscovered a draft of storify tweets from my since-deleted for threatening my friends with crimes so i will instead tell the story about why i absolutely hate bowling, with my entire heart and soul, to a degree that is both irrational and probably unhealthy.
first of all, i love sock puppets. so jot that down. sock puppets are fucking rad. there is something about putting your hand in a sock and pretending to talk with it that is just so...so soothing. like making a little clay dude. 
second of all, i have a junior black belt in karate. as a child i was small, fast, angry, and just full of seething, roiling violence and rage.
third of all, i was not informed i was neurodivergent until i was 16. thanks, court mandated medical care!
so once upon a time in the tender grasp of 6th grade (age 12) before i did stupid things like “skiing accident” and “put my foot through a wall slip on a dog bed give myself a quite significant head injury by levering backwards without a counterbalance headfirst into a wooden floor like one of those drinky birds but in reverse and with exponential force compressed onto it” i was informed we were going to go on a field trip.
look, i’m from austin, texas. there are three field trips in austin, texas. you go to the alamo, you go to nasa, or you go to the bob bullock museum of texas history. sometimes, if you’re really lucky you go to galveston or something, but that’s almost never going to happen. it’s just alamo/nasa/bob bullock/alamo on repeat. you don’t just remember the alamo, you’ve got rocks stuck in your shoes from the alamo and you horrify your friends and get in trouble with the teachers by being a child with a hyperfixation special interest in davy crocket and giving graphic details about jim bowie’s death that, frankly, 5th graders should probably not be exposed to.
in 6th grade, we were told we were getting a very special reward: a NEW FIELD TRIP DESTINATION. and not just ANY field trip destionation—no! we were going to go to one of the best art museums in the city to make SOCK PUPPETS as a part of an art installation. WHO DOESNT WANT TO DO THIS? THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL.
6th grade cisboys obviously do not want to do this. art museums are for girls or weird kids and sock puppets are for babies.
well, fuck that: i wanted to make sock puppets. i got so excited. i picked my favorite pair of turtle socks to turn into puppets and brought them along on our hour-long bus ride, practically vibrating in my seat like oh yeah oh fuck oh yeah oh fuck im gonna get to make TURTLE SOCK PUPPETS it was going to be the highlight of my LIFE
so our bus finally parks and im like “wait. this isnt...the museum” and then my 6th grade english teacher, whom i loathed for so many good reasons but mostly that he was one of Those english teachers who would reply “i don’t know, CAN you?” if you asked him if you could go to the bathroom, etc, popped out on the front of the bus
“surprise!” he announced, practically radiating sunshine rainbows and like whatever it is that makes annoying grammar nerds decide that they need to grow up and become a heinous 6th grade english teacher that bullies neurodivergent kids with trauma, “i was KIDDING! we were never going to go make SOCK PUPPETS at that stupid ART MUSEUM! that’s KID STUFF. we’re going BOWLING with a PIZZA PARTY!!!”
like any neurodivergent child who has just had their entire day’s plan and all their hopes and dreams ripped from them, i immediately tackled him and gnawed his hands and feet off, stuck them on pikes, and paraded them around the bowling alley as a lesson to all those who should cross me.
no i didn’t do that: i cried for a while and then sucked it up and determined that i was going to have a good time anyway. despite the fact that a) i already hated bowling and was demonstrably bad at it b) couldn’t wear bowling shoes because of my orthodics c) couldn’t eat any of the pizza party pizza anyway because my mother is chabadnik and kept strict kosher d) as a chabadnik kid i was wearing a floor-length skirt which really isn’t conducive to bowling and e) I HAD FUCKING WANTED TO MAKE FUCKING SOCK PUPPETS.
anyway. there was this guy. who i had a crush on. and everyone knew i had a crush on him, including him. his name was grey (not some 50 shades of grey thing, really) and he got someone to come get me and was like hey grey wants to talk to youuuuu~~~~~~ and i was like oh (gasp) (blush) (sputter) he does???
so i went over to talk to him like hee hee hi grey hee hee and it turned out he’d just wanted to ask me some inane question and i was understandably let down and went back to my friends like w/e it’s just stupid boys shit™
when i arrived back at my friends
everyone was laughing at me.
which was like. not an entirely unexpected turn of events. i broke my nose twice that year. i kicked over an entire jar of soy wax candle onto my ankle and got a 2nd degree burn. i was, in general, a very weird, unmedicated, undiagnosed, orthodox jewish child with too much energy and a penchant for starting fights. getting laughed at was kind of par for the course.
only people kept laughing at me until one of my friends realized as i turned around what they’d done to me, because one of his friends had taped a sign to my back that said “I AM A STUPID BITCH”
texas public school says “we didn’t see this happen, we can’t do anything about it, not our problem!” so of course i hate bowling now. but this is not where this ended, oh no. because i had been tried. i had been bullied by this same kid all year and nobody would do shit about it. i could not stop him. i could not get teachers to intervene.
which is fine.
because, you see, if you give a furious small child with a black belt in karate and an unusually early growth spurt four months to plan, that small child with a black belt in karate and an unusually early growth spurt will bide their time, and wait, patiently, for the stars to align and the ultimate moment of vengeance to arrive.
you see, texas schools do this thing. at the end of may for the end of the school year, they have a track and field day. it’s different for every school—some of them do races, some of them have big tug of war and different sports for different grades. some are organized. some are chaotic nightmares.
my school was a chaotic nightmare of a place. they simply booted all of us outside in a normal 100f/37c day to get our energy out by running about, playing minimally policed “sports” and generally make a nuisance of ourselves outside, rather than indoors.
that year it was particularly hot, probably closer to 110f/40c than not, so they left out these big trash bins of water for people to stick their heads in or get buckets to pour over them to cool off. i had no sports i could play (see: floor length skirt, and also, you know, the eds kinds of makes it difficult to do shit) so rather than get involved in something to burn out my energy...i waited.
i waited through the semi-organized sports of the morning. i waited through our indoors luncheon. i waited until the free for all of the afternoon, when teachers were not paying attention.
i waited until the kid who had decided that it would be sooooo funny to tape a sign about how much of a bitch i was because i had a harmless crush on his friend to my back was playing volleyball. invested. entranced.
i went and got a trash bin of water, probably taller than i was, weighing at least triple what i did (i was a pound per inch until i was 13, so i was 63in tall and 63lbs at that time) and i dragged it down the hill. i dragged it over to the volleyball court. i opened the lid. i placed it, strategically, behind me.
there sat the subject of my ire. playing volleyball. he had not noticed me. every other kid had noticed me. his friends did not take me seriously. i was two twigs stuck together with sticky tac. what was i going to do to him?
well, see, they didn’t know i did karate.
i walked up behind the kid, calmly, cool as you please, grabbed him around the waist—
—and suplexed him backwards upside-down headfirst into the trash bin full of water and dropped him into it. and then i shut the lid on him as he tried to get turned around and spluttering, dusted my hands off, and walked away.
we ended up going to the same high school, and he saw me literally one time in the hallways and ran away so fast i would’ve thought he’d just been recognized by his unfinished homework or the three girls he was cheating on because he was football team quarterback. he did that for two years. literally never came within 20ft of me. fucking terrified of me.
anyway, that’s why i hate bowling. and is also the story of the time i suplexed a kid backwards into a trashcan full of water.
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skinnywalker · 2 years
Ok so you wanted more mlm requests so I have one if you want to do it.
Will Byers x Male reader where the reader is cursed by Vecna and instead of Max dying he dies like in a similar situation in Episode 9, with the reader being in Max’s position and Will being In Lucas’s position?
I understand if you don’t have time for this lmao it’s just a suggestion :)
The days I don't remember (will byers x cursed! Male reader)
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The world had gone dark. The only noise he could hear was a soft buzz of Will's screams.
All he could taste was blood. It's thick metallic taste filling his mouth and nose. Before he stop fighting and closed his eyes. Will noticed the moment he went limp. He couldn't take the pain of just sitting there anymore. He tore off towards the bus screaming at anyone who'd listen that they needed to go to the hospital. He could feel the weight of unbarely misery pulling him down with each second. Finally Argyle had managed to get the van moving towards the general hospital. Will couldn't feel his legs. The thing felt feverish. The doctor had made a very quick diagnosis.
"He's in a coma. He's was brain dead but somehow he's gonna into a strange catatonic like state."
Will looked up with aching red eyes.
"Will he wake up soon?"
The doctor hesitated.
"We just hope he'll wake up period. I doubt he'll ever be able to see or walk probably if he does."
"Will we need to-"
He broke down. Laying on the boys barely moving chest.
"Please wake up for me."
He sobbed as Johnathan rubbed his back gently. How was Will ever going to recover.
Might make a second part
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Bucky Barnes x (Y/N) Reader (Gender non-specified but reader has shoulder length or longer hair) 
TW: Sick reader, headache, throwing up/gagging (slight fear of doing so), crying, self-consciousness, use of pet names, ITS SO FLUFFY IM GONNA DIEEEEE, if I forgot any let me know lol 
You get sick but your boyfriend Bucky takes care of you and cheers you up ♥
You cough helplessly into the toilet, feeling as though your head is about to explode. Your stomach lurches forward once again, causing you to tighten your grip on the sides of the toilet bowl. At this point your stomach is completely empty, so instead of throwing up you are gagging, your body trying to get rid of whatever stomach bug you caught. You start to cry, the fear of not being able to breathe taking over you as you gag once more.  
You hear the front door open followed by a sing songy “Honey I’m hoooome.” James Buchanan Barnes, or as most people know him, Bucky. Your 107-year-old looks like he wants to kill everyone but is a cinnamon roll when he is alone with you boyfriend.  
“Hey James!” You holler back at him, trying to sound normal, “How was your d-” you are cut off by another lurch of your stomach. Oh great, your stomach wasn’t empty after all. 
“You okay Doll?” He says walking into your room and knocking on the bathroom door. “Can I come in?” 
“No, I’m ok Bu-” You gag once more, causing you to let out a quiet sob. 
“I am coming in.” Bucky says 
“No please- I don’t want to get you sick.” Yes, you know, he can’t get sick. He is a Super Soldier, it's impossible, but you look like a mess, only in an old ratty t-shirt and a pair of Bucky’s boxers. Your hair is greasy and dirty. We won't talk about the fact that you have thrown up all over yourself, including in your hair.  
“Thats physically impossible.” He says gruffly, opening the door. You begin to protest but are interrupted by another lurch of your stomach, causing you to gag. “Oh doll-” he says, his steel blue eyes softening into an expression of concern. He quickly kneels onto the ground next to you, gathering your hair to move it out of your face as you gag. He rubs your back with his prosthetic hand, the cool metal sharply contrasting with your burning fever. You let go of the toilet and lean against Bucky. 
“You are so lucky you can’t get sick.” You grumble into his shirt. 
“It means I can take care of you.” He says kissing your sweaty forehead. “I’ll be back.” He says standing up and walking out of the bathroom. You lean your back against the wall and rest your head between your knees.  
The next thing you know you are in your bed and Bucky is sitting on the bed next to you, dabbing your face with a cold and damp washcloth. “Welcome back.” He says softly, “I know you probably aren’t ready yet, but I got you some saltine crackers and some apple juice. You need to get something into your system, your blood sugar is probably low.” 
“Thank you.” You mumble sleepily. “I just want to go to sleep.” You grab his hand, pulling him towards you.  
“Okay- okay- one second.” He says pulling away to place the cloth next a small cup with a straw and plate of crackers, along with a large bowl on your bedside table. “I am setting a timer for three hours and then you need to eat and drink a little, okay?” 
“Mmph” you say in agreement, or at least, that’s how Bucky takes it, climbing under the covers next to you and pulling you close. You lay your head down on his warm chest, falling asleep almost immediately.  
The next thing you know you are startled awake by an alarm. “Time to get something into your system.” Bucky says sitting up to grab the small plate of crackers and cup of apple juice. 
You cover your face with your pillow, your voice becoming muffled “Let me sleeeeep!” You whine childishly. 
“You said you would eat something after you slept for three hours” 
You pick up your pillow and put it behind your back so you can sit up “You can’t hold me accountable to anything I say when I am sick. It’s like I am drunk.” 
“Well, you are certainly getting better.” Bucky says feeling your forhead for a fever, which you no longer have chuckling. “Here, drink.” He says bringing a cup to you and angling the straw so you can take a sip. The sweet taste of apple juice spreads across your tongue and you quickly start to drain the cup, realizing how dehydrated you are. “Woah- slow down there. You don’t want to make yourself throw up again.” he says pulling straw out of your mouth. “I’ll get you some water, in the meantime eat some crackers.” He hands you a small plate of crackers and rises from the bed, walking into the kitchen. 
You aren’t hungry, but you know you need to eat something. You begin to eat the crackers slowly but when your appetite comes back in full swing you make short work of them.  
Bucky comes back in with a glass of water with another straw and sits on the side of the bed. “Oh, good you ate the crackers! I didn’t want to have to force feed you them.” He holds out the water glass, once again with the straw tilted towards you. You raise your hand to grab the glass from Bucky but he swats your hand away lightly. 
“Hey!” you say furrowing your eyebrows “what was that for?” 
“Let me take care of you.” he says glaring... or was that just his resting face? You can never tell with him. 
“I know how to drink water out of a cup James.” 
“Obviously you know how to. You also know how to drink from a straw. So, drink.” He says mockingly holding out the cup with the straw again. 
You huff but then drink around half of the water before pulling away. Bucky puts down the cup onto the bedside table and just looks at you for a second. “Thank you.” You say giving him a soft smile. 
“For what?” he asks, looking genuinely confused. 
“For being here, for making me better, for helping me even though I smell horrible, look like crap, and am a pain in the neck patient.” You laugh. 
“Ok as your amazing boyfriend, it is my job to take care of you always, especially when you are sick. You also are nowhere close to being a pain in my neck. I used to have to take care of Steve whenever he got sick. The kid was as stubborn as a mule. Wouldn’t listen to a word I sai-” He pauses, seeing you trying to hold back a laugh, “What?” 
You start giggling “I’m sorry I don’t mean to-” you glance at his perplexed expression and start laughing harder, “I’m sorry but you just sound so old- As stubborn as a mule? Really?” 
Bucky’s face gains a red tint to it, but he is smiling. “It's an expression!” 
“I know it is! I just don’t hear people say that unless they are older than 60...” 
“I’m 107.” 
“My point exactly.” 
Bucky rolls his eyes and sighs “Just let me finish my romantic speech. I am trying to be one of those boyfriends in those cheesy rom coms you love watching.” 
You smile at him “Go ahead.” 
“I love taking care of you because I love you. I know you would do the same to me if I got sick. Also, you are absolutely gorgeous, and you can’t convince me otherwise.” 
“Ok now you are just lying to my face.” You say giving him a quizzical look. 
“I am not. You are the most beautiful thing to ever exist. But... you do need a shower or bath...” 
“James Buchanan Barnes!” You say slapping his chest, “Rude!” 
Bucky starts laughing “you said it yourself doll. I won't lie to you and say you smell like heaven like you normally do-” He says giving you a wink “when you smell like throw up.” 
You start to get off the bed, but Bucky stops you. “I’m taking a shower jerk!” You say going under his arm and running, or at least walking as fast as you can, to the bathroom. 
“No, you're not. You are going to bed.” He hollers. “Get back in bed.” 
“No, I stink like you said, let me shower.” You say looking in the mirror at your disheveled self. 
“I am coming to get you then!” Bucky says running up behind you and lifting you up in his arms bridal style and walking back into your room. 
“James!” You shriek “No let me shower!”  
“You will shower in the morning you need to sleep. I don’t want you passing out in the shower. I would rather not get my shirt wet.” He chuckles. 
You scowl at him causing him to laugh. “It’s not funny.” 
His face turns serious “You are right. This is a very serious matter. I apologize ma’am.” He says before throwing you onto the bed. “Go to bed.” 
“Okay, okay I will. At least snuggle with me until I fall asleep.” You say yawning and pulling the covers up to your chin.  
“Well... if you insist...” He says jokingly, laying down under the covers next to you and wrapping his metal arm around your waist and his other combing through your hair softly.  
“I love you.” You say closing your eyes, feeling at home in his arms. 
“Even though I am a jerk who acts like I’m a grandpa?” 
“Even though you are a jerk who acts like a grandpa.” You agree jokingly. 
“I love you too doll.” 
“Even though I smell like throw up?” You giggle 
“Even though you smell like throw up.” He says grimly.  
“I am taking a shower in the morning though.” 
“I know.” Bucky says sleepily kissing your temple. “Go to bed.” 
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weixuldo · 2 years
unconditionally // ch 2
anakin x reader
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(a/n: so these chapters r gonna b longer cause i have way too much to say abt this heheh, im also posting on ao3 now if you like that format better :/ it’s linked on my master list :)
you unexpectedly watch the kids for the night
warnings: cursing, asshole behavior
You woke up the next morning to a text from “Anakin”. You yawned and squinted at your phone. Basically every day, come over at 3:00 and leave when Anakin shows up. Except Friday, you had that day off.  Easy enough. Hopefully he wouldn’t come back too late, you still had school after all. 
You stretched and got out of your bed. As you finished your morning routine you began to plan out your week. 
Breakfast, class one, study in the library, class two, lunch, go over to Anakin’s,  entertain the kids, back to the dorms, homework, sleep.
Your weekend really just consisted of your friends dragging you out to the mall to shop for “party clothes”. That really just meant trying on skimpy dresses that cost way too much. However this weekend you actually had money to spend. 
You were all trying on outfits for this new fancy bar that recently opened. They were practically bursting with excitement to go to it on opening night next month. The bar was high profile and you had to “know people” to even get on a waitlist. Kind of a hassle you thought. But you didn't mind treating yourself to some new fashion. 
You found a unique sage green dress, it wasn’t too revealing but it wasn’t quite modest either. It cascaded off of your shoulders, really highlighting your collarbone, the silky material clung to your hips perfectly. You looked damn good. 
You decided to splurge and buy the dress. Your friends were astonished you actually bought something for yourself, usually you never made personal purchases for pleasure. 
Monday rolled around and you drove to the house one more. Once you got there you realized he never gave you a key. Shit.
You debated calling him, what if he was in a meeting? But what if he didn’t get your text. You began to worry, it was only your second day. 
Soon you felt a small hand tug on your shirt. You looked down to see two little pigtails. 
“You’re back!!” Leia exclaimed, hugging your leg. Luke followed soon after clinging to your other. 
“Hiii, guys!” you exclaimed, hugging them back. 
“I’m sorry i’m just standing here, I forgot to ask your dad for a key” you admitted, sheepishly.
Luke smiled and pulled out a key from his pocket. It was a small brass key with a temporary tag that had your name on it. You gladly received the key and Leia spoke.
“Daddy said he’s really sorry he forgot”
“Oh no worries!” you said thanking the twins. 
You unlocked the door and the kids bounced right on in. 
“How was school? Was the bus ride nice?” you asked them as you placed your things on the marble countertop.
“It was so cool! We learned about volcanoes, they explode!! Like boom-pew-pssh” Luke exclaimed enthusiastically as he made motions with his hands. 
Leia giggled then said “Well I learned about long division! We divided seven digit numbers!”
“That’s awesome you guys! I’m really proud of you!” you said encouragingly.
Leia pointed to your bag, “Do you have homework too?”.
You nodded, “Want to do our homework together?”.
“Yes! Yes, please!” she exclaimed, grabbing her bag.
The three of you sat at the counter for a while doing your respective work. Every now and then Leia would tease Luke about his handwriting and you had to assure him it was very good for kids his age. You sliced up some fruits for them to snack on while they finished up. 
Around 5:45 the front door clicked open. Anakin walked in with an empty coffee cup in hand. 
“Daddy!!” the kids exclaimed, hopping off their stools to greet their father.
He dropped his bag and held his arms out to embrace them.
“Hey guys! How was your day?”
“I learned about volcanoes!”
“That's great, bud!” Anakin exclaimed.
“I did long division!” Leia said proudly.
Anakin kissed her on the cheek, “That’s wonderful, Princess”.
He rose from his position near the floor and made eye contact with you. His eyes seemed to subtly change. They were colder. 
“Hello, F/N”
“Hi” you said back, shyly.
“I see you got the key. That was my mistake.” he said stiffly.
You began to shake your head, “no, don't worry about it! I should have remembered to ask” you offered.
He looked at you for a moment before curtly nodding. 
You began to gather your things and say goodbye to the kids. Anakin , on the other hand, had already retreated to his room upstairs. You figured that was your cue to leave. 
The next two weeks went by rather quickly, Anakin sent out the same scheduled times to you and you went. Each day was filled with quality time with the twins. Luke seemed to be developing a small crush on you. It was amusing, but you made sure to remind him of the kids his age.  You grew accustomed to their banter, Leia usually the one coming out on top. 
You also learned that their mother had died shortly after giving birth to them, and it seemed their dad was still sensitive to the topic. As for Anakin himself he hardly spoke to you at all, mostly he just glared at you from a distance. But he was paying your bills, so you didn’t complain. 
Today was Thursday and you were making crafts with the twins, once again, on the marble counter. They originally wanted to go to the park, but a big thunderstorm decided to pass through. So now you were watching  Leia make a “magical butterfly community” while Luke did a “robot-dinosaur mega-world”. You aided them only with the glitter and glue, Anakin would be pissed if it got everywhere. 
”Daddy seemed annoyed yesterday,” Leia said to Luke while she stamped blue butterflies on the paper. 
“Yeah” Luke agreed, not really paying attention.
She rolled her eyes and you offered your opinion.
“He seemed irritated, yes. But he seems like he acts like that alot” 
“Yeah but he usually isn’t rude like that, I’m sorry.” she said, taking some stickers from the sheet in front of her. 
Yesterday was rude? Anakin was normally rude, yesterday was downright disrespectful. You had gone to the bathroom and were not in your normal spot at the counter when he walked in. He kind of flipped out on you for not “watching the kids” and threatened to fire you. Honestly, once you got in your car you began to cry. But you told yourself he probably just had a bad day or something. Plus you needed the money. 
“I think your dad doesn’t like me” you half laughed, playing with the glitter cap.
Leia shook her head, little brown braids swaying. “No, he does. He would have made you quit if he didn’t”.
You were curious, “what do you mean by that?”. 
“He’s nicer to you than he was to any of the other nannies. He doesn’t yell at you”
He was usually more of an asshole? You couldn’t even imagine the damage he caused the other poor nannies. Though you still had a hard time believing he liked you. 
Soon enough you heard the door open and a familiar set of footsteps enter the house. Your heart began to quicken, was he still mad at you?
He sighed loudly as he shook off his raincoat. You heard mutter a curse under his breath. Once he stepped into the kitchen he smiled at his kids. As they greeted each other you studied him. He was tall, slimfit, and had great muscle definition on his arms. His hair looked particularly enchanting with raindrops adorning his curls. He was a beautiful man. 
He looked at you with less disdain than you expected. “It’s raining pretty hard, huh?” you offered, expecting him to say “obviously” or something else to make you feel stupid.
Instead he responded truthfully, “yeah, I hate rain almost as much as I hate the beach”.
“The beach?” you laughed.
He rose to his full height and gave a small smile, “Mhm, it’s hot and there’s sand everywhere, not to mention all the little shells you step on trying to get to the ocean”.
You giggled again, that was the most he’d said to you without being cold or sarcastic. 
“I guess we’ll never do a beach day then” you smiled at the kids. 
After cleaning up you said your goodbyes and headed towards the door. But before you made it into the rain Anakin called your name. 
“Yes?” you asked, confused. 
He walked over to you and grabbed an umbrella out of the holder by the door. He opened it on the porch and motioned for you to join him. 
He walked you out to your car, holding the umbrella over you as you put your bag in the backseat. 
“Thank you,” you said to him. You were honestly confused as to why he was being oddly nice to you after being so rude yesterday. 
“Don’t want you to catch a cold and give it to my kids,” he said.
Aaand there it was. 
“Of course, thank you anyways though” you smiled. 
You were focused on getting in your car, but you missed the small smile that tugged at the corners of his lips.
The school day ended with buzzing excitement. That new bar was finally opening tonight and campus was in a frenzy. Everyone was seeing if they knew someone who knew someone that could get them in. Your friends paraded around the fact they were already on the list, while you could honestly care less. But, alas here you were doing your makeup and sporting the sage green dress you bought a while ago. 
Once you were finished you took a minute to check yourself out in the mirror. Damn, ok… you looked hot.
You smiled at your new found confidence and began to put on your heels. You grabbed your keys and began driving off campus. Soon your phone began to ring, you looked down and it was Anakin. Confused, you answered the call.
“Hey, I’m really sorry, but do you think you could watch the twins tonight? My department is having an impromptu dinner. I’m sorry, I’ll pay you double-”
He sounded genuinely sorry.
“You don’t have to pay me extra Anakin, I’d be happy to” you smiled, the bar could wait.
“Ok, thank you so much F/N” he said.
“Oh! I was going out with some people, so I’m still in my outfit. It's not inappropriate, is that ok?” you asked, thinking about the kids.
“That's fine,” he said before promptly hanging up. 
You shook your head and took a deep breath as you got ready to call your friends… they were not going to be happy.
You arrived at the grand mansion in record time. You really didn’t want to make him have to wait for you to get there, he might get mad at you. You knocked on the door since you knew he was home, you didn’t want to just barge in. The door opened slowly but Anakin wasn’t the one standing there. Instead there was a man with a clean beard and nice sandy brown hair.
“Hello there” he said in a jovial tone. 
You blushed, not expecting some random guy to open the door. “Hi”.
“You must be F/N, I’ve heard alot about you” he said stepping aside so you could enter the house.
Before you could respond Anakin interjected from the top of the stairs.
“From the kids, they won't shut up about you”.
He was walking down the stairs buttoning up his suit. Both men were dressed in formal attire. The bearded man had a gray suit while Anakin wore a black one. 
“You two look very nice” you offered. The bearded man gave a sweet smile while anakin just kind of stared at you.
“Oh, by the way you can call me Ben” the bearded man extended his hand to you.
You shook it firmly and smiled. 
In your peripheral vision you saw Anakin’s gaze traveling up and down your body. 
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry Anakin, I didn’t have time to change… Do you have anything I can change into by chance?” all of a sudden you didn’t feel so confident under his watchful gaze. 
He handed Ben the car keys and asked him to bring it around as he asked you to follow him upstairs. 
This was the first time you had been in Anakin’s room. The interior was mostly black and white with an occasional splash of color. He sighed before opening the closet. Far in the back there was a box with some clothing. 
“It’s not fancy, but it's better than what you’re wearing,” he huffed. He must really think you’re revolting…. You just felt awful now, what if he made assumptions about you? Would he not let you work for him anymore?
You were pulled out of your thoughts as he tossed a baggy t-shirt and some sweats at you. They smelled different than him, they had a lingering scent of perfume. 
“I have to leave now, once you put them on leave my room and close the door, the kids are in the playroom” with that he left.
You took off your green dress, maybe you wouldn’t wear it anymore… you felt embarrassed. You put on the other clothes he gave you, they were obviously women’s clothes, they fit you well and the sweat pants hung off of your hips nicely. You sighed and went to find the kids. 
You found them playing connect four on the floor of the playroom. When they saw you their eyes lit up and they ran to greet you.
“I thought you weren’t coming back til monday!!” Luke exclaimed.
You laughed, “surprise!”. 
Leia pulled back to look at you for a moment, “wait did daddy give you that?” she asked, pointing to the clothes.
“Oh! He let me borrow them” you explained. 
“Wait, aren't those mom’s old clothes?” Luke said.
“Yeah, that’s why I was asking,” Leia said back to her brother.
Let you wear his wife’s clothes?
The kids showed you a picture of their mother wearing the exact same outfit, lying on the sofa downstairs. She was beautiful. 
Leia looked so much like her, the resemblance was uncanny. 
While you were having an internal crisis as to why Anakin let you borrow those clothes, the twins couldn’t be less bothered. They had never met their mom, and to them she was no more than a fairy tale character. It was kind of sad, but maybe it was better that they weren’t stuck mourning her death.
The rest of the night you continued to make dinner for them and ended up on the sofa watching 101 Dalmatians, once again. Around the halfway mark both twins were fast asleep on each side of you. You smiled, you felt a sense of family amongst the kids. You weren't really as close with your friends recently, and your love life was a fucking joke. But at least you had two people who were always excited to see you.
You too began to doze off at some point. You dreamed of the early stages of spring, the baby animals, fresh dew drops on petals in the morning, the fresh air, the love. You must have been deep asleep because when you woke up the twins were nowhere to be seen. 
You shot up in a panic before you heard a strong voice behind you.
“Don’t worry, Ben and I put them to bed” Anakin was sitting at the kitchen counter, a glass of wine sitting beside him. 
You exhaled and walked towards him. “Why didn’t you wake me? I could have put them to sleep.” 
He took a sip of the maroon beverage as he looked at the wall in front of him. “You looked peaceful”.
You rubbed the rest of the sleep from your eyes and took the seat beside him. “How was the dinner?”.
He slowly turned to face you, “It was well, Ben and I had a few drinks”.
You smiled, you could smell the liquor on his lips. “By the way, thank you”.
“For what?”
“The clothes, Leia told me…You know you didn’t hav-”
“It’s fine.” he took another sip of the drink in his hand. 
You looked down at your hands, what now?
He stole another glance at you, “They’re just clothes F/N”, after that he tipped the glass towards you and arched his brow.
You gave a small smile and took a sip from the opposite side as him, the wine went down nicely, it tasted expensive. You scrunched your nose as the alcoholic burn traveled down your throat.
He huffed out a laugh before looking forward again.
“I see you watched that damn dog movie again.”
“I’m sorry, I can tell them no when they ask next time”
Maybe it was his buzz or maybe it was truly just him. But he faced you with a look you had never seen on his face before. It was sincere, adoring and somber all at the same time, “No, I enjoyed seeing my kids with you on the couch watching that movie.”
In a way you felt guilty, you were in his wife’s spot, in her clothes, with her kids, watching her favorite movie… He only said that because he was replacing you with her. 
With that you took another swig on the wine. 
(a/n: Ok soo im in love with this fic..Yall dont even understand, there are already 54 pages on my doc and ive only written 6 chapters)
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taglist: @katsukiswrld , @wtf-andys , @angeelcoree , @jetiikote , @khaleesihavilliard, @sxoulchvn
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minquiec · 5 months
A brief intermission as we cut to a bus that has crashed into my life: the bus also known as choso from the Hit Anime And Manga Jujutsu Kaisen
Yknow the fixation is fixating when you start making ocxccs about it
Off topic but I've actually only ever made two proper ocxcc ships with lore and planning in them (the first being my genshin one and the second being jipunk which was THIS year (had my genshin one for TWO YEARS which is crazy) so the fact I'm making another shows how much this man is affecting my mental state rn
But it also means I still love my other ships very much so 🎉🎉🎉 even if I don't draw it as much cause I can't focus on two things LOLOL
I said this on my story but the concept was like, a seperate setting bc I'm toooo dumb to understand jjk lore
but yeah bc of that their dynamic is like
aloof and reserved individual who doesn't quite understand the concept of love outside of the familial one and is actually quite hesitant and shy abt it x a strange but kind person who slowly teaches him the aforementioned concept
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Ok so the idea of how it goes is like choso randomly wakes up in a place
And this is highkey spoilers for like the 'endgame' of this but I'm never gonna make an actual plot sooo (plus I need to explain this before I sound insane)
The inspiration is like Elysian Fields (bit obsessed w this recently, I drew a jipunk piece abt this too) and ITS ALL CAUSE OF CHOSOS NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE IN THE MANGA AND WE'RE ALL FREAKING OUT ABT IT
But yes he wakes up in an unfamiliar field in an unfamiliar place but he's strangely calm about it (dunno why he is but I'll get back to thinking abt it later) but he spots this house in the distance and naturally he goes to it
And so he would meet haruko who's a little strange because she has no last name and isn't bothered by the fact that one. She lives in the middle of absolutely nowhere, and two. That he just shows up
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She's even like "oh I haven't had visitors in a long while ☺️"
Aaannnd then cue a slow burn slice of life romance im gonna force them to have bc ASHBBENBKKKRMENJ SLOWBURN AGAGG cause there's no way someone like him is falling at first sight (imo anyways)
(Just a fun fact I fell asleep after writing this part and then woke up again HAHDHS it was 2 am.)
But yeah the situation is literally just the forced proximity trope where it's "oh I have to live with this stranger while I try to understand wtf is going but oh no I appear to have slowly fallen in love"
I just want someone to be nice :(( and kind :(( to him :((((( hold his hand pls and be so nice and gentle w his heart cause he's new at this :((((((((
Thinking abt how it's a slow burn is making me crazy rn cause it means we have a lot of stolen glances AHEGGEFGGG and like getting nervous HHHRGGGGRHH and shyness YYYRYYHGGRHHH and it's mostly all from choso cause I love it when a man falls harder 🔥🔥
Anyways I think that's mostly it for now cause I can't remember what else I wanted to say 🧚
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
aita for treating my friend like my sidekick
so long storys short i [OOC: These characters have no canon ages, but the one speaking and “Marshmellow” are both female] have this rival whos had it out for me ever since the beginning. well call her “marshmellow” since thats what she looks like
ever since she started going to my old school she’d always been showin’ off just how much better than me she is at everything. everyone always completely ignored me and flocked to her whenever she entered the room, and sometimes she even had the AUDACITY to make her spite extra obvious like that one time where she stole my pickled onion off my lunch tray or psyched me out and made me miss the round-winning kick in some big soccer tournament. or when we were competing in a bread race and she fucmking SNEEZED on the side of the bread that i was supposed to eat. and then was all “kUrOmI~cHaN aReN’t YoU gOnNa EaT tHe BrEaD. Go On KuRoMi EaT tHe MeLo BuGgErS”. or when she got lost on a field trip so i got off the bus to go look for her and when she found her way baxk without my help she LET THEM LEAVE WITHOUT ME
and our rivalry led me to start this cool biker gang of ppl like me and meet my sidekick (17M) who well call eggplant for funsies. and eggplamrs family is DIRT POOR and one day i stole some bread from the market for them and got caught and thrown in the dungeon and had to lie about why to make sure they didn’t get in trouble too (for what? STARVING?? BECAUSE YOU DIDTN FEED THEM???). and nobody i knew visited me because they were too busy SIMPING FOR MARHSMELLOW. and to this day they all owe me 8 birthday parties (except my homies theyre cpol)
but one day i escaped and me and eggplant found a cool magical artifact in the same castles treasure room that could help me cast spells on humans that would bring their dreams to reality in rlly fucked up ways and if they enjoy it i get a black note and if i get a humdred of them i can play this special song that will summon this ancient evil to KICK MARSHMELLOWS ASS
and i went to the human wrld to enact my plan and ended up scoring a room in the most AWESOME house with djffjdjfhshfsh the most handsome most awesome most loving human EVR!!! youve prolly already heard of him since litrrally everyone has. and me and eggplant share a room
and ever since we started this journey hes been my sidekick, doing all the housework, going out adn fetching me stuff when i ask for it, paying the remt for our room, and letting me use him as a punching bag to vent my anger. and we fly around the human world together in search of black notes and he sniffs out humans dreams. and i dont say it often but im glad hes so willing to just sit there and take it all. is what i WOULD say if he he didnt suddenly decided he had enough of it and LEAVE. TO GO STAY WITH MARSHMELLOW (oh yeah marshmellow followed me to the human world and made friends there who shes also staying with. theyre collexting pink notes which dont really do anything but stop me from getting blsck ones)
and he says hes happier living there than he is living wiht ME. and i had to work my ASS off to get him back but its all cool cuz i punished him accordingly later <3
but while i was still tryna get him back i thought of how good our friendship was before then and realized i never treated him like that before coming to the human world and thought for a split second that i might not be being the best friend
prolly gonna keep doing it anyway bc thats just how this cruel world works lol. but i cant get ot outta my head so i might as well ask. aita?
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