#but if they don't help on my side it then they were complicit to the other and I don't want my sibling to be caught on that crossfire
bibiana112 · 1 month
I too wish that the medical hack that made me grow up in a purgatory like state of existence would rot in prison Akane was so real for this
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necronomeconomicism · 1 month
Ok gotta talk about it.
As a Jewish historian, I fucking hate Israel in ways most probably will never be able to comprehend. I'm going to try and explain it anyways. The central creation myth of Israel is that it is Jewish, and then consequently, that Israel is a part of Jewishness. Its easy to simply state this is false, but fully comprehending this and putting it into practice in thought and deed seems rare to me.
The evil at the heart of this violence predates the recent acceleration of genocide. Israel is a colony, and more than that, an antisemitic fraud itself. After WW2, when Israel was being founded, the Jews of Europe generally did not wave goodbye to their neighbors and head to the promised land. Many were expelled from their homes. Zionism itself, as an action, was a false choice at the time. A mere excuse to place an ally in the middle east, and an excuse to complete the expulsion and destruction of the European Jew. The Zionist Jew is more than complicit in this, they actively seek the destruction and assimilation of all other Jews.
Many fail to realize, and largely because of Israel, that Jews are not inherently white, Ashkenazi, European-descended people. Our faith and culture has an immense variety that is spread all across the globe. Jewishness, in population and volume of culture, exists more so outside of Israel than within it. Israel is for a very specific kind of Jew. The kind that lets Yiddish die, that attaches themselves to European things, that makes themselves and their practices as white as possible.
And they have the nerve, the fucking belligerent GALL, to frame themselves as the necessary saviors of our people. To the Zionist, questioning Israel is to question Jewishness itself. They bake adoration for the colonial machine into their very prayers, and push them on us even as children. To *not* oppress, to *not* kill, to *not* genocide, is to invite death. This is the core of fascistic thought, of course. "Kill them before they kill us." And they KNOW this too, they really do. The truth of that irony does not matter, because as is true for all fascists, the truth itself does not matter to them. They wanted this, they wanted this even before the British saw it in their best interest to give them the land. Any excuse to RETVRN, as the neo-nazis say of Rome, or the German Empire, or whatever the fuck stupid country they want to poorly animate the corpse of. Some select Zionists even *sided with the fucking Nazis* in agreement they should abandon Europe to colonize Palestine. (Haavara Agreement)
My people have proved time and time and time again you don't need a nation state to have an enduring culture. We have protected ourselves for thousands of years without the help of these spiteful, doom-saying maniacs. I was going to post something like this on Passover, but that would be hypocritical. The state of Israel doesn't actually have shit to do with Jewishness. שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְה Vi tsu derleb ikh im shoyn tsu bagrobn. [my best translation] Hear Israel (beginning of a prayer in Hebrew) I should outlive him long enough to bury him. (an old Yiddish curse)
Free Palestine. Donate what you can, they need it right now.
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mari-the-bimbo · 4 months
First things first. I love your writings. Especially the ex-husband ones❤
Two I hope you don't mind me requesting a ex-husband geto?
Ex husband Geto
A/N: Ohhh you ATE with this idea I’m getting butterflies just thinking about it 😫 Happy late valentines my loves!! 🫶🏽💗
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Ex husband Geto is a terrifying blend of ex husband Gojo and Nanami’s worst traits. He is extremely unhinged like his white haired best friend but good at playing nice guy like Nanami.
He’s ‘respectful’. Always paying a sum of money to spend on yourself as well as child support, always bringing chocolates when visiting, always insisting to stay over and help out with your daughter when you’re on your period (he knows your cycle because he refuses to log out of your Flo partners account from back when you were married hehe), and he does it all with a small smile on his face.
He loves his precious baby daughter so much! She inherited his dark hair but your enchanting eyes and smile. His eyes soften at the way she giggles just like you when he presses kisses to her rosy cheeks. His little girl loves playing with her dad’s long black hair. He was born to be a girl dad.
However Geto still struggles with boundaries. You try to shake it off when his fingers touch your waist or when he ‘accidentally’ still calls you sweetheart. “sorry bad habits” he dry chuckles. He’s admitted he’s struggling to get over his feelings for you so you try to be nice about it.
But what you can’t shake off is the way he always happens to know where you are, or he always happens to turn up just before a date, or the way he always whispers a question to your daughter when you leave the room.
Geto’s fixation with you definitely makes his own mental wellbeing spiral, but this man is self aware, this man knows the effect you have on him since the day you left.
So if you ever had the audacity to break his heart and see another man behind his back, it’s over for you.
You’ll be confused when you hear the doorbell ring at 11 in the night. Once you spot the familiar black Bugatti, you open the door, “Geto? The kids are at my moms so-“
“And why’s that y/n?” he cuts you off, his chilling voice suddenly calling you by your actual name rather than sweetheart, as he barges into the house and towers over you, black stands of his hair falling forward.
“You just throw your daughter away to go on dates?” He accuses you and the change from his usual gentleman demeanour unsettles you as his dark eyes burn into you.
“W- what are you talking about? I’m allowed to go on dates and take my daughter to her nans Geto! And how did you know I-“
“You knew-“ he seethes as he inches closer to your face. “You knew I’m struggling to get over you but I’ve been so nice to you and this is how you thank me?”
Some part of your subconscious knows you don’t owe him anything but the rest of you wants to give in. You gulp down your nerves but it was futile in front of a man who could easily have his way with you.
You take a deep breath before beginning, “listen Geto, I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean to hurt you, that’s the last thing I want.” Is it?
“Don’t let it happen again” he says in a voice that is so soft, contradicting his threatening words. But you know best not to take it lightly.
See that’s the thing with ex husband Geto, he lures you in with his sweetness so well, you become too scared to get on his bad side, you always want the good side.
You watch him place a bouquet of Japanese pink camelia flowers on the table, making your eyes widen. “Geto-“
“I came here to give you some flowers for valentines” he explains quietly, “all I wanted was to show you my feelings are sincere whether we’re married or not” he guilt trips you and you know you’re falling for it when he towers over you and holds your face in his large hands. You always do when it came to your beloved ex husband.
So you’re complicit when you picks you up and places you on the sofa, his large hands move to your thighs, groping and kissing them, chuckling when you gasp at his fingers fiddling with the lining of your underwear.
“I know you just needed some love sweetheart, but you don’t have to go to other men, that’s what I’m here for” he convinced you as he ties up his long black hair but his eyes are still interlocked with yours.
And that’s how you always end up getting fucked by your psycho ex husband. Legs dangling in the air as you scream while he gets all the right spots with that skilful tongue of this.
Pink camellia flowers (aka/ tsubaki) are known to express a deep romantic longing and persistent desire.
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2smolbeans · 8 months
"Nearly breaking down as you saw Marco softly smile at you. A smile you haven't seen ever since he found his 'darling'."
Part 2 Part 2.5 character info
Love Me, Love Me Not
Yandere Best Friend x Obstacle Reader
Tags: kidnapping, complicit murder, guilt, suggestive tones, mixed signals, eventual smut, oneshot, reader is going through mixed feelings, one sided crush, yandere is in love with someone else, imprisonment, will they won't they vibes.
Disclaimer: This is just a scenario I thought of with an Oc! So nothing is really 'official' or canon-
One too many times, you should've called the police. Why didn't you though? Now you sit there on the shower floor, hot water burning your back as you try to warm up the chill that goes down your spine. Their eyes, oh god they were open and staring at you dead in fear. Why did you cover for him?
You felt the sob trapped in your throat rip out of you as you remembered all the horrible things you were complicit in. There was nothing you could do now but accept the reality. You wouldn't get caught. The two of you burned all the evidence, and sadly, the victims were easy to dispose of. Did anyone look for them? Was anyone curious about them going missing?
The guilt was heavy, and it didn't help that the person you did it for- couldn't give two shits about you.
Marco, your happy go lucky best friend. You remembered that night when he called you, in a panic, begging you to rush to where he was. Of course you went, you were so worried for him. Upon arrival, you saw the large bag and tools. The look on his face warning you to do as he says before he decides to have another matching body bag beside him.
"You trust me don't you? I just need help with this, and then we can be over with it!"
You should've ran, screamed, called for help. But instead, you just grabbed the lower half of the bag, feeling the dreadful sensation of its limbs. You heard a shocked hum across you before the bag lifted off the ground.
"This is why you're always my number one go to. I apperciate this, I mean it. I won't ever forget this. Now follow me 'kay?"
What a joke. It was all a lie, wasn't it? All of that just for some sick obsession. Just for his "girlfriend" to focus on him and him only. If Marco just pursued her normally like a decent fucking human being, nobody would've been hurt, lies wouldn't have been told, your friendship would've been intact..
He could've just told those once alive victims that he wanted to ask her out. If Marco just smiled at her like he used to smile towards you- you're damn sure she would've fallen for him.
It worked for you afterall..
Maybe you should've let go when you had the chance. Cause now here you are, fending for your life as the killer you once called a friend claims you're the very obstacle of their relationship.
What? But you helped him?
You're staring at her in the wrong way.
Are you fucking kidding me? Does he know how many times you cried. The nights you spent mourning for the dead and the friendship that once was?
He still cares about you. But you forced him to get rid of you.
That's funny since you're currently showering at his apartment. You can't leave, though. He's locked the doors and windows. He even went as far as locking the knife cabniet and potential weapons. Still with the shower running, you didn't flinch at the sound of the bathroom door opening.
Curled up in a ball as you sat in the shower, you finally saw the eyes staring down at your naked form. You couldn't read his face, understand his expression, or even tell what he was thinking. It was foreign, new.
"Hey. Are you done? You're taking up the water bill y'know?"
Oh right, how long were you there for? Awkardly, you tried standing up while covering yourself with what little your hands could hide. You hoped he would at least save you some dignity, but he just kept staring with a blank expression.
"Here's a towel. Dry up and come to the kitchen. I made us something to eat"
You thanked Marco as you were quick to wrap your body with the towel. Looking again at Marco, you saw a hint of dissapointnent splay upon his eyes.
"Okay..Well just-Just..do whatever. Don't take too long or else I'll drag you out myself."
Rolling your eyes, you pushed Marco out of the bathroom as you closed the door. Locking - Oh right, he removed all the locks to each room..Drying off your body, you put on the clothes he left for you. Eventually, you made it to the kitchen, sitting down on the chair as you watched him cook.
He looked so calm, so soft as he focused on flipping the meat. You almost smiled when you heard him mutter about how he spilled some oil on his shirt.
Eventually sitting down to join you, Marco gave you your food as he offered you a drink. You declined of course, not feeling thirsty and paranoid of whatever poison he might spike it with. Smelling the aroma of the food, you felt your mouth water. He was always a good cook, hell you remembered the first time you visited his place.
How he made you a nice cooked lamb with mash potatoes. You recalled it being the first time you've ever seen Marco so particular about a certain thing - even though he's always been a speradic and chaotic individual. Though, the quick realization of your perdicment made the food cold and unappetizing.
Biting your lip, you turn your head away as you felt your eyes burn.
Don't cry, don't cry.
You sucked it up. Inhaled the air that surrounded you and forced a bite into your mouth. The food was good, you couldn't deny it. But it didn't taste as good as it did before. It's good, you say. Nearly breaking down as you saw Marco softly smile at you. A smile you haven't seen ever since he found his 'darling'. You want to run away and cry, to start fresh and new.
"I'm actually glad you moved in with me, it feels nice talking to someone who's helped me"
With the murders?
"Hey, we finally reached one of our bucket lists! To be roomates! Huh, well isn't that kind of funny? And we didn't even plan it out- kinda just happened huh!"
He was just rubbing the salt in the wound at this point. Forcing a smile, you just continued eating, chewing your food as a distraction as he kept on staring at you. Where's his girlfriend? Why didn’t he just make her move into his apartment if you're in the way?
"Oh her? She's at work, don't worry about it"
You stop eating, finishing your plate as you push it towards Marco.
"All done? I'm glad you enjoyed it! Just sit right there while I put everything away"
Is there any way for you to escape? There has to be a way, right? What are you doing here? How long is Marco planning on keeping you alive?
"Hey, your not thinking of doing anything weird right?"
You nod your head no profusely, trying to get his suspicion off of you. Patting your shoulder, Marco motions you to the couch. Sitting down before you as he drags you along with him. Placing you on his lap, he turns on the TV- switching through channels while you freeze on the spot.
"Is there anything you want to tell me?"
Out of nowhere, his hands slowly begin to play with your shirt. His fingers rubbing up and down your sides, his crouch nearly pressing against you. Confused, you just sit there, your hands on your knees as you glued your eyes to the screen.
"You're not lying to me, are you?"
His voice is so sweet, so much closer than you anticapted. You nearly buck against his touch just as his palm brushes a certain spot ever so subtly. Why was he doing this? You had a slight speculation why - or at least a hopeful stupid thought that would fufill your old wishes.
"...If you say so"
You find yourself now sitting beside him, pushed off of his lap. Feeling the weight shift on the couch, Marco stood up and walked away for what seemed like forever.
"I just remembered I have to quickly run by to get some things. I'll be back.."
If like nothing happened, you were alone. Confused, you wave your hands around as you scrunch up your face. Talking to yourself as you pace around the room. Calming down, you walk towards the door. Examining it as you realised that Marco had left one of the security laches loose. Should you risk it? You could grab the butterknife he gave you for the meal to loosen the door..
Oh fuck.
You could perhaps finally leave.
Part 2 coming up soon!
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zepskies · 1 month
Imagine: Soldier Boy Getting Jealous...
Pairing: Soldier Boy (Ben) x F. Reader || (past Frenchie x F. Reader)
Request: Soldier Boy finding out you had something with Frenchie, years before meeting him.
Word Count: 1K
Tags/Warnings: Jealousy lol (With a hint of spice.~)
Imagine: Ben getting jealous over your past relationship with Frenchie.
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He doesn't care.
Because he doesn't care...
When you sit him down in the living room of your apartment and tell him you used to date Frenchie, Ben's reaction is mild at best. To the point where it kind of concerns you.
Ben raises a brow and gives a deep hum.
"Oh, really? That limey bastard?" he remarks. He takes a sip from his tumbler of whiskey. You give him a weary sigh.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't call him that," you reply. You and Frenchie are still friends. Your "entanglement" was years ago, before he even started hooking up with Cherie.
But you still want to be honest with Ben. You two have been dating for a few months now, and it's actually serious. No one's more surprised than you by that fact, but...you're happy. You think he is too.
At your response, however, Ben rolls his eyes and continues drinking. You tilt your head in suspicion.
"So you're chill?" you ask.
"Chill?" he quirks a brow at you. Your lips form a smile.
"You're okay with this," you amend.
Ben shrugs and turns on the TV, trying to navigate the streaming apps. You’d put him on to Game of Thrones. Even three seasons into his binge-watching, he doesn’t want to admit that he’s hooked.
"You're fucking a real man now, sweetheart. No skin off my nose," he says.
It's your turn to roll your eyes, despite a warm blush stinging your cheeks.
But the next time you all go out together to a club in the city, Ben watches you leave his side to say hello to your friends: Annie, Hughie, Frenchie and Kimiko. Frenchie takes your hands and makes a show of looking you up and down.
"Well, well. She shoots to kill tonight, eh?" Frenchie says. When he leans in to kiss your cheek, he whispers, "Ah, black leather. My old favorite."
"Stop," you warn with a smile, hitting his shoulder. He's absolutely shameless. "You're too much."
"And you are just enough," Frenchie returns. He whistles playfully as he raises your hand to twirl you around, showing you off in your little black dress and red-bottom heels.
You laugh, but you bump into Ben when you twirl for the second time. Your laughter cuts off abruptly when you see the flinty look on his face, though he's clinging to stoicism.
Frenchie’s eyes widen as he seems to realize the very real danger he's put himself in. He wisely lets go of your hand, pivots on his heel and goes with Kimiko over to the dance floor.
Meanwhile, you move back to Ben's side and try to placate him by looping your arm through his. He responds by wrapping a strong arm around your waist. His eyes bore into the back of Frenchie's head so hard, you almost expect laser beams to come out of them.
"Come on, let's get a drink," you suggest, patting a hand on Ben's chest. He looks good tonight in a burgundy button-down shirt tucked into his slacks.
Ben wordlessly agrees to your suggestion, but he grabs a stool and drags it close to his own seat. He does help you by the hand onto the stool, but then his arm wraps back around your waist, pulling you in snugly, possessively to his side.
You try not to smile in amusement. It's a caveman's display, but at least you know the root cause this time.
...Okay, maybe you feel the tiniest bit complicit, but really, you think Ben's overreacting.
After he flags down the bartender and orders his bourbon and your martini, you tap against his bearded cheek, earning his green-eyed attention.
"You okay?" you ask knowingly.
"Just fine," he deadpans.
"Oh, well that's convincing," you say with a smile. "Do I need to remind you that I'm here with you?"
Ben's gaze hardens. "I don't know. You were pretty happy to let that French whore put his fucking hands all over you—"
"All right. Calm down, Rambo," you say, trying not to laugh as you rub his arm. "Sorry, baby. That's just how we've always cut up. It doesn't mean anything."
Ben scoffs in derision. "Yeah? Fuck if I care."
You frown at that, sparking with annoyance. Somehow, now you actually do feel guilty. You and Frenchie have bounced off each other like Derek and Garcia for so long, you didn't even realize how it might look...or how it might make your boyfriend feel.
Because even with all that ego and injured pride, you have a feeling there's a real sting of hurt under there.
"Hey," you say, squeezing Ben's wrist. His gaze remains stubbornly on the bartender making your drinks.
You decide to take matters more firmly into your hands.
Reaching up for his chin, you guide Ben's face toward yours and press a kiss to his lips. It's slow at first, but it soon gains in passion. His teeth graze your bottom lip, before his tongue demands entrance into your mouth with claiming purpose.
It elicits a hint of a moan from you, your fingers clenching in his hair. Your nails drag against his scalp, almost making him shudder.
Your supple lips eventually pull away from his, nice and slow.
"Your hands are the only hands I care about touching me," you say. Your expression twinkles with mischief as you toy with the zipper on the side of your dress.
"As a matter of fact, I need your help," you add. "This zipper keeps catching on something. I think it's stuck."
Quite possibly because someone got a little handsy in the cab on the way here.
Ben smirks, though he claims your lips in one more slightly rough kiss before he answers.
"Well that is a problem," he says. His eyes roam down your face, taking in your thoroughly kissed lips, and the cleavage peeking out at him from the neckline of your dress.
"Think I can give you a hand," he says, as his actual hand slips down your leg. His fingers brush along the inside of your thigh, tingling across your skin. His half-lidded gaze once again meeting yours. "Better take you out back and fix you up."
You laugh, despite the return of your blush. You cling to his shoulders, while his fingers burn a tantalizing trail upwards.
"Oh, yeah. Save me, Soldier Boy!" you tease.
He snorts in response, but he helps guide you out of your seat.
Moments later, all your friends find at the bar are two forgotten drinks and a couple of empty stools.
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AN: Ah, jealous Ben. It's fun to imagine. 😂
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
SB Tag List (Part 1):
@melancholictearz @spnwoman @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions
@samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @anticxrrupt @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky
@teehxk @midnightmadwoman @iprobablyshipit91 @agalliasi @venicesem
@deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees
@xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @mimaria420 @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley
@sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @skyesthebomb @this-is-me19
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007
@wincastifer @emily-winchester @tearsfortheyouth @solo-pitstop-vibes @dope-trope-105
@liuope @beautyvaliant @xxlaynaxx @chernayawidow @tmb510
@iamsapphine @roseblue373 @lacilou @fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like @waynes-multiverse
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pommedepersephone · 8 months
Buck up, Hamlet! or how Aziraphale and Crowley's blocking helps communicate the evolution of their relationship
Can we talk about the blocking?
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Specifically, I have been rewatching S1E3, one of my favorites. I love how the development of the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley is shown through these little vignettes. There have been some great explorations of the costuming and dialogue, but what always strikes me is the BLOCKING. The way their placement and movements add such depth and tell the story of living as a queer person, having to communicate in coded language.
Through the episode, we get 4500 years of history - Eden, Mesopotamia, Golgatha, Rome and Wessex - to see Aziraphale and Crowley standing on their opposite sides. Aziraphale always on the right, Crowley always on the left. But after the Arrangement, their blocking changes drastically and becomes much more fluid and nuanced. Each scene after this is distinct but the scenes in at the Globe and the Bastille have the most development, and I find myself rewatching them A LOT. Here is what I see. 
All the World's a Stage
This is the first meeting we see that isn’t a chance encounter, though the two try to stage it as such. It takes place in a theatre - and they are acting, playing their roles as demon and angel. Even the humans are complicit in this performance, with Shakespeare stepping in to address the two "in your roles as the audience." Oh, delicious.
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But once it's been firmly established for anyone watching that they AREN'T friends, they DON'T know each other (cough cough) the following moves are clearly choreographed and have been played out many times before. Crowley sashays to the right, opening the dance, and Aziraphale accepts the invitation to dance with: “What do you want?” 
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“Why ever would you insinuate that I might possibly want something?” Crowley is just playing his role as cheeky demon offering up a temptation - but his position to the right of Aziraphale speaks to the fact that they are both very complicit in this performance.
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“You are up to no good.”  “Obviously. And you are up to good, I take it? Lots of good deeds?” Just standard character establishment, here.
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“No rest for the, well, good." Ah, this line, the inversion of the well known idiom. Because the line between good and evil (and between angel and demon) maybe aren't so distinct, and Aziraphale acknowledges this with his words. We are moving into negotiations now. "I have to be in Edinburgh at the end of the week. A couple of blessings to do, and a minor miracle to perform. Apparently, I have to ride a horse.”
“Ah hard on the buttocks, horses. Major design flaw, if you ask me. I’m meant to be headed to Edinburgh too this week. Tempting a clan leader to steal some cattle.” The way Crowley moves AROUND Aziraphale here, intimate but also careful, watching for his reactions.
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“Doesn’t sound like hard work.” Said with a little sideways look, because Aziraphale can see where this is going. And he's open to suggestion temptation.
“That was why I thought we should… well, bit of a waste of effort. Both of us going all the way to Scotland.”
“You cannot actually be suggesting what I infer you are implying?” A little bit of pretense, because Aziraphale has to pretend to be tempted, right?
Crowley presses. “Which is?” Because he is willing to play the part of tempting demon, but only if it is clear this is a farce, that this is indeed mutually agreeable. He is making sure they are doing the same dance.
"That one of us goes to Edinburgh and does... both. The blessing and the tempting."
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Yes, they are doing the same dance, and what is left is the formality of concluding the dance - a moment of Aziraphale expressing his concern for Crowley, the coin toss - they both know how it ends. It's a ritual, an act of give and take.
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But if it were ONLY the Arrangement, a simple quid pro quo, it would have ended there. It doesn't. Instead, the two offer each other a more intimate exchange - "It'd take a miracle to get people to come and see Hamlet."
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Aziraphale doesn't even have to ask with words, just a look, and Crowley happily agrees. That is the final part of the dance, a small acknowledgement that this isn't just about making their jobs easier.
A Free Man in Paris
Paris is something else. This is a HUGE step beyond making sure that audiences like a show your angel is particularly fond of. This is a stolen dangerous moment, an OUTRAGEOUS flirtation that takes place outside of time, conducted in clear view of others but beyond their understanding. Isn’t that how their entire relationship is now conducted, hidden in plain view and so clearly affectionate? 
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And look, Aziraphale is BITCHY in this scene. Peak That Bitch. He's just purchased a bookshop, he's creating a very permanent place for himself here on earth - Aziraphale is feeling quite proud of himself. In fact, he's preening a bit that he has figured out how to exist, even in some small limited way, as himself within the confines of the system of Heaven. Buuuut he may have gone just a bit too far, and gotten himself in a spot of trouble. He has landed in a prison, threatened with "death" and stuck because he's already gotten a warning about being frivolous with his miracles. Oh jolly good that Crowley is here to save the day!
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There is something raw being communicated here here, where both Aziraphale and Crowley are presenting themselves to the world in ways that are dangerous. Aziraphale's reaction tells us that Crowley's look is doing things to him, but also in a way that it is NOT socially appropriate. Aziraphale may have showed up in all the trappings of an English aristocrat, but here is Crowley as a French royal sympathizer. NEITHER of these are safe choices in the middle of a revolution. The costuming is so critical to fully appreciating this scene, so check out the amazing clothing overview with @cobragardens.
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When Crowley arrives and stops time, he and Aziraphale find themselves situated facing one another, but angled so they aren’t facing straight on. Interestingly, from Crowley’s perspective, he is where he is supposed to be - the left of Aziraphale. But Aziraphale, from his perspective, is also to the left of Crowley. It was Aziraphale after all who initiated this situation, who put himself in danger by being too… Aziraphale. It’s dangerous to be yourself when you don’t fit into heteronormative social expectations, isn’t it? Still, the two keep up a very flirtatious banter as they discuss the situation, and Crowley maintains his very-intentionally-unbothered sitting position up until Aziraphale goes too far and thanks him for coming to his rescue.
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While Crowley is also flirting with danger in the way he is dressed, he also didn't just pop over for a nibble dressed this way. And whatever he might have been up to was interrupted so he could rescue Aziraphale from the consequences of his own reckless authenticity. After removing the chains, Crowley pushes Aziraphale to reconsider his honest expression of himself in this exact place and time - for the sake of survival.
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Aziraphale, willing to risk himself alone, rather quickly adopts a more acceptable appearance when it might impact Crowley. It is only after Aziraphale is safely disguised and returned to his proper place to the right of Crowley, ONLY then does Crowley restart time. They can go enjoy lunch now, with the proper precautions and masks in place.
For these two particular human-coded occult beings, this is also such an honest moment. They both showed up damn authentically - Aziraphale so fabulously ostentatious, focused on chasing down some pleasure (in this crepes) and Crowley wrapped in a clear protest against the current violence. Just as Aziraphale indicated with his "Oh good LORD" as he looked the demon up and down with obvious thirst, Crowley's request to Aziraphale to change his appearance and mask better is done in such a way that affirms that Crowley LIKES who Aziraphale is without the mask.
The scene is so playful on the surface, the body language and dialogue flirtatious. It's something so familiar to the queer experience, making light of the absolute danger that we must sometimes navigate just to exist. The more I watch it, the more obsessed I become.
A Spot of Bodysnatchin'
It is worth remembering that we didn't get this scene in S1.
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I am going to go through it soon, because again they dance back and forth beautifully in this minisode, but suffice to say we all know... it didn't end well for Crowley.
No Walk in the Park
The moment in St. James Park is brief, and it wasn't until S2 and the meeting at Edinburgh that we got the full context for this meeting. But even without this, we can clearly see that things are weighing heavily on Crowley. The scene in the Bastille took place in a prison, with the threat of execution over their heads. The juxtaposition of this conversation taking place in a park - a place that is not only NOT inherently dangerous but looks lovely and welcoming - only highlights the change in Crowley's attitude. He still attempts to be playful, but he's afraid. Look at that paper, it's a bit crumpled, he's been carrying it around for a while.
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They are firmly entrenched on their assigned sides for the entire conversation, both very stiff. It feels uncomfortable to watch. When Aziraphale refuses his request, and indicates whatever is between them is just "fraternizing" with the enemy, we get a glimpse of how fearful Crowley really is. In none of these flashbacks has Crowley ever spoken to Aziraphale with the anger we see here. When they part in anger, it feels wrong.
Take Me to Church
So there is a long break between meetings now. But then, ah, the church. The place Aziraphale realizes his feelings. (Look, if Michael says this is where Aziraphale realized he'd fallen in love, I am not here to argue.) What I love is that again we see Crowley and Aziraphale swapping sides. Crowley is here to save his wayward angel, AGAIN. Despite feeling the ill effects of walking on consecrated ground, Crowley is here to save his angel and defeat Nazis. It's definitely not remotely evil intentions.
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It isn't like the Bastille, but some of the parallels exist - Aziraphale failing to grasp the risks of his actions. And the silliness of his little dance coupled with just how deadly serious this situation is harks back to their flirtations in the prison.
Crowley is to the right of Aziraphale from the time he arrives until the bomb drops. Then in the rubble, with the danger past, we see them on their assigned sides again. UNTIL Crowley hands Aziraphale the books he saved with a "little demonic miracle of my own." He then crosses Aziraphale, and we see the look of absolute adoration as the angel watches him walk away to the right.
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Sweeeeeet baby Jesus, baby girl has it BAD.
Always Crashing in the Same Car
This extremely heartbreaking scene has been dissected, chewed over, breaking our little hearts with it's sharp pieces.
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But it is purposeful that this scene took place in the Bentley. Being in the car is symbolic because Aziraphale is here making an offering to Crowley, in his space, something that he Aziraphale feels is WRONG which is highlighted by his placement to the left of Crowley. He is scared, acting against all his own desires, but he does it anyway because he cares for Crowley. It's simple, powerful placement. Need to hurt more? Yeah, thought so. Take a deeper look at the dialogue with @zionworkzs.
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matan4il · 4 days
what do you, as an Israeli, think of Standing Together? asking entirely in good faith because I see things supporting them a lot, but it's always from American Jews and (no offense to us), I don't totally trust that we're informed enough to know what we're talking about and what their perspective and usefulness truly is in the way that someone who actually lives there would. so many orgs are untrustworthy or covertly antisemitic and it made me curious for your perspective. thank you for everything. <3
Hi Nonnie!
Sorry it took me a moment to reply, but I hope my answer can still help you!
As an idea, Standing Together is a movement that I should have been all for. They are pro-coexistence, and so am I. There's no doubt in my mind that Jews aren't going anywhere, and neither are Arabs, and we are all better off working together for a good future for all. Supposedly, that's ST's message, so they absolutely should be an organization that I would be all for.
BUT from everything I've experienced, the narrative that they adopted is way more one-sided than their official stance, they're closer to being anti-Israel than balanced, which makes them problematic for me. Especially when you look at the individual actions and statements of many of this movement's leaders, it's evident that coexistence to them comes at the expense of historical facts, as well as certain Jewish rights. Obviously, the leaders' personal positions influence the movement's stance and actions.
For example, in this interview from Nov 2023, a Jewish leader of the movement falsely calls Israel's 2014 operation in Gaza against Hamas, "a war against Gaza and its people" (brief summary: Hamas kidnapped and murdered three Jewish teenagers in Judea and Samaria, Israel launched Operation Brother's Keeper during which it arrested some of Hamas' terrorists in that area looking for intel on where those 3 kids were and what happened to them, Hamas fired rockets from Gaza at Israel to get its terrorists released and used terror tunnels, including ones that crossed the border from Gaza into Israel, to kill and kidnap our people. That's what Israel ended up fighting against in Operation Protective Edge), while an Arab leader of ST defines their way as one which rejects "maintaining violent military control over millions of people," but says nothing against the terrorism that's used against millions of Israelis and Jews.
In terms of the recent war, since Oct 7 they have come out calling for a ceasefire now very early on in the war (I can't remember when they started it, but I know by Dec 7, 2023 they'd already put out a vid calling to stop the war, when really the ground operation only started about a month earlier, before it could possibly achieve anything), meaning this call was undermining Israel's right (and duty!) to defend its citizens, and asking us to surrender our goals of returning all the hostages and destroying Hamas' rule (only the latter can prevent Hamas from fulfilling its promise to carry out more massacres of the type that started this war, and has claimed so many lives on both sides). Another thing you can see in that vid is ST participating in spreading the false narrative that Israel is intentionally starving the Gazans (you can see the same thing in this poster, which says in Hebrew, "Thou shalt not starve." It's a poster for humanitarian aid they were supposedly bringing into Gaza, as if the IDF would ever let anyone bring anything they want unchecked into a war zone, or as if the amount of aid a few Israeli cars could bring is more than the hundreds of trucks Israel has been allowing in, checked. ST's just posturing and spreading an anti-Israel libel). Helping to spread a libel against one side is NOT being pro-coexistence. Imagine if they were spreading a libel that all Gazans are Hamas terrorists, and took part in the massacre! I think it's clear that, even if it's not simple to tell them apart, there are people in Gaza who are complicit, and people who are uninvolved and innocent. So if ST were spreading such a libel against Gazans, I'd oppose them. I am not going to do less when ST is spreading a libel against my own people.
I hope one day they correct course, but I can't currently support them. Give me REAL solidarity between Jews and Arabs, which sees and recognizes the humanity of both, not a repeat of the de-humanization of Jews, and a surrender of Jewish rights to an anti-Jewish narrative. That's not real peace, it's not real coexistence, it's a return to the way that we Jews have had to live for centuries in exile: always dependent on the good will (or lack of it) of the majority under whose will we lived, forced to bend ourselves, our rights, our dignity, too often even our very lives, to our subjugators, in the hope (and without any guarantees) that they will show us some kindness.
Many of the movement's leaders have not only expressed themselves in a way that reflects an acceptance of the anti-Israeli narrative, and took one-sided positions I can't agree with, they also acted in ways that have left me feeling quite unsafe.
For example, one of ST's founders, Yeela Raanan, joined and supported the violent Palestinian riots on Israel's border with Gaza, organized by Hamas, meant to breach the border fence, which started in 2018. Today we know these riots were a part of Hamas' preparations for the Oct 7, 2023 massacre, as they were getting the IDF used to them coming closer and closer to the fence. TBH, those of us listening to the statements of Hamas' leaders, we didn't need to wait for the border to be breached in order to know that it would be a bloodbath if they succeed. Sinwar's promise that they will reap out the hearts of Israelis with spoons from our chests was enough. Also, the repeated use during these riots of flags and kites with swastikas was pretty telling. So yeah, I can't trust anyone who supported that.
The movement is also financially supported in part by funds, such as the New Israel Fund, which finances a lot of good causes, but also many anti-Israel ones, and the German fund Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, which supports the antisemitic BDS movement (it's antisemitic first of all because one of its stated goals is to put an end to Israel as a Jewish state, another reason is their use of antisemitic tropes in characterizing the Jewish state).
The ironic thing is that, despite how imbalanced against Israel ST is, it was still the so-called pro-Palestinians who actually started a campaign to boycott the organization. Not because of anything specific ST said or did. It was simply for being an Israeli organization, showing the diversity of Israeli society, which is apparently bad 'coz it "normalizes" Israel's existence. That shows you the anti-Israel nature of this opposition, that no amount of willingness to cooperate with the de-humanization of Jews and erasure of our rights will ever be enough for people whose real motivation is antisemitism, that wishes to see an end to the Jewish state.
I hope this helps, Nonnie! Once more, my apologies for how long it's taken me to reply. Be well!
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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sukifoof-art · 7 months
Hi, I really liked your art and all and was a fan of you, until you started posting things about supporting a state which is controlled by a terrorist organization that doesn’t care about their own civilians and when any donations come there it doesn’t go to the people who need it but to Hamas, and by donating to Gaza not only do you not help the people in Gaza ,but you also help a terrorist organization who doesn’t care who it needs to kill in order to achieve its goal.
Also when I saw you reposted a post who supported the people in the picture’s with all PLO flags (which weren’t the main problem there) ,it seriously hurt me to see that one picture where people were stepping on USA flags and Israel flags. like….why would you support someone who obviously hate you(assuming you’re from the USA) but even if you aren’t from the USA then think about the fact that you’re LGBTQ, these people HATE people who are Queer and kills them ,so I really can’t understand how are you supporting people who want you dead and are against feminism.
I really hope that what I wrote helped you see this complex situation more clearly and I beg you to look at the situation from both sides.
so this means everyone there deserves to die? this means that a whole school year of children needs to be wiped out? that hospitals must be bombed and millions displaced and communication be cut off? that every palestinian must pay with their lives? that every closeted queer palestinian should die? are you seriously that dense. i made it clear i do not want people who support a genocide following me. have you bothered reading palestinian voices from queering the map? those who regret not saying they were in love and dont even have the chance anymore because thousands are dying? i genuinely don't know what to say to you to make you realize these are real, actual people who are dead. you speak of palestinians as if they're a monolith and not real individual people who had thoughts and dreams. none of these people deserved to die, even if they hate people like me. people can change and learn and grow and they weren't even given the chance. i am so sick of seeing fellow queer people SUPPORT GENOCIDE because they can't be bothered to think about others and their experiences for more than two seconds. of all the queer experiences i've read this is one of the most heartbreaking, and it's from gaza.
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do NOT act like queer people and their families aren't being harmed and DO NOT come into my ask box supporting ethnic cleansing. there is never any reason for thousands of people to live in fear of airstrikes and white phosphorous, or to be stuck beneath rubble and in hospitals that don't even have power. if the idea of THOUSANDS DYING wasn't enough to upset you, there are so many videos of parents mourning their children, children mourning their parents, children and pets shaking in fear for me to not have explain to you that genocide is bad. there is NEVER any reason to JUSTIFY GENOCIDE. that should be clear enough. again, if you are complicit or try to justify genocide, do not follow me and DO NOT try to make me "see the situation from both sides". to be so privileged that you can sit here and write out paragraphs supporting genocide says enough about you.
if you see this i am begging you to contact your government, just do anything you can. even just spreading the word helps because palestine can't. the most important thing is to not give up hope. mourn the dead, and fight like hell for the living.
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compact-turtle · 1 year
I love your farmer so much, you and Wordsbymae have been my absolute go-tos for these mentally unstable men!
I was wondering though, what if darling actually confessed to liking him to? Or weirdly did something for him to express some sort of love to him, idk i think it would be interesting to have his brain sort circuit because shes confessing. Or maybe shes obsessed too?
Another i was wondering is if you could five us a small sneak peak of what it would be like being his darlinf after he murdered all her friends, in front of her, and what he would want daily life to be like? Darling can be complicit or defiant im just so curious!
Thank you and is it alright if i become a emoji anon? If so may i have 🌊?
If not its all good! Also keep up the fantastic work i love it all!
Thank you for taking time to check out my work! Ofc you can be that anon!
I think darling would have to confess directly with words. All your actions would be revised as "My darling is so love with me" under Atticus's delusional brain lol. However, he would still be a bit insecure of the relationship until you specifically say the words.
He would short circuit then celebrate internally. You couldn't tell from the look on his face at first. Only his actions would give you any indication of his happiness.
Atticus moves fast, your spot at night would be next to him immediately. He's marking the day on the calendar as anniversary already. Taking out to flaunt around town at least once. (Doesn't like going to town but is just so happy that he just HAS to show everyone)
"Atticus, I think I really like you. Would you want to be with me?"
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Sorry life sucks for you and your friends lol.
Atticus would hate to traumatize you. He doesn't want you to end up hating him. Still, if you accidentally stumble upon him murdering your friends then he'd have to take drastic action.
Atticus has a drug that calms the farm animals down. He'd use a small dose on you to keep you happy and complacent. A small side effect also causes some memory loses in humans. You'd never be truly lucid to understand what's happening. He'd gaslight you into thinking that you were always his spouse.
Sometimes you have strange dreams about some so-called friends. They're all screaming and begging you to run away. The dreams terrify you but on the bright side, Atticus is always there to comfort you. He reassures you that it's only a nightmare.
-Daily life!
It wouldn't be too different from your current life on the farm. Only downside, you have to work a bit harder since you don't have any friends to help :(
Also, when you start having your weird dreams, Atticus gives you some shots. He tells you that it's to make you feel better and to keep the nightmares away. Thankfully, it does make the nightmares go away!!!!! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
Oh! Also, assuming he gaslight you into being his spouse, Atticus is also much more handsy. He's kissing you when you make breakfast, taking baths with you and wrapping his arms around your waist.
-His arms are so heavy when he snuggles with you in bed. It's a struggle to get up in the morning. You'll try to escape but he'll just pull you back into bed.
It'd be very difficult for you to escape if you ever regain your memories properly.
-The drug has weakened and altered your body so much. You can't run far without being exhausted.
-There's acres and acres of only farmland.
-Also as much as you love the puppies, they are ratting you out. You'll try to leave, and they'll bark after you. They just assume that you're playing a game with them. They'll happily chase you which in turns leads Atticus to find you.
-Atticus won't punish you. He'll be so angry and upset but blames himself.
-He should've taken care of you more
-He should've noticed you were unhappy
-He failed his duty as a husband to keep you satisfied.
-Atticus will gaslight you and manipulate you into believing that the police would arrest you. He'd convince you that you witnessed the murder and did nothing to stop him so you're an accomplice.
-Logically, you know that this isn't true. However, his words creep into your mind. They influence your subconscious more than you can admit.
-Drugs you more until you forget about it all :/
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utilitycaster · 2 months
I haven't seen WBN, so I can't comment on the comparison, but on the subject of Liliana, one of my favorite parts of last night was how Matt anwsered Fearne's question about how Liliana got involved with Ludinus. The whole scene with Liliana was stellar, but that answer made it so clear that is she is in a cult. The way Ludinus found her while she was unsure and looking for answers, mentored her, and showed her the "truth" about Predathos is a classic cult recruitment story. And her reasonings for staying in the cult after having recognizing some of its faults also rang true. She needs to "protect the children", the methods are wrong but the "truth" at the heart of their mission is right, the us vs. them mentality and fear of the exandrian authorities, etc. And I can see how that can make her sympathetic. She was taken in and conditioned by a charismatic, powerful leader. But Matt and the others have also made it clear, including in that scene, that she is complicit, and that the pcs at least recognize that her guilt does not absolve her. The members of the Manson Family who committed the Tate Murders may have been indoctrinated by Charles Manson, but they still killed 5 people in an incredibly grusome manner. The fact that they were following orders doesn't absolve them of their crime. And historically, cult leadership (which Liliana seems to be) who attempt to "fix" a cult either don't make any meanful change, or actually make it worse. I, at least, am very curious to see what will have happened in that regard when she next shows up. In short, people need to learn about nuance, and maybe sociology, and the Liliana scene was fantastic.
Hello anon. Are you spying on my Discord messages. This is not an accusation but I literally brought up the Manson Family there in discussion of how a lot of the WBN fandom in that like, people see wizards of the citadel (rightfully) as The War-Mongering Establishment, but forget that actually, there exist plenty of counterculture groups that also suck and just bc the US Government does horrible things doesn't mean the Manson Family doesn't. What if the Citadel AND a lot of Witches fucking sucked.*
To get back to Critical Role though, YEAH the Vanguard has been hitting every single aspect of a cult, and look. I get that the best way to get people irl out of a cult is to just be present for them when they decide to leave and not cut them off (the same is true for how to help people in abusive relationships) but also once they start murdering I feel that is no longer the move. The Liliana scene made me deeply uncomfortable and unsettled in the best way, namely, I knew they were talking to a cult member who is in too deep for them to get her out right now, and who has done terrible things to innocent people in service to that cult. Which brings me back to the first paragraph: a very true twist on "what if both sides of a conflict sucked" is "what if the victim of a system can still perpetuate the harm of a system onto others". (Also, if we want to throw Midst into the list of things where people have no-nuance no-sociology takes, and talk more about Steel? "what if someone with power within a system can still be a victim thereof."
Like, that is a really consistent set of issues in media analysis, actually. There's a lot of "this is the good side, and this is the bad side," and "this is a victim, and this is a perpetrator" and no understanding of "both sides are bad (or even complicated)" and "wow it's almost like the way systems and especially cults keep running is because everyone except the very top is to an extent a victim, but also everyone is a perpetrator." Very few people are unfettered evildoers doing it just for kicks. You can have sympathy for Liliana and also acknowledge that it's pretty valid for Orym to have no room for that sympathy. Traumatized and manipulated people can still be shitty people.
*I'm neutral-to-faint-positive on Suvi/Ame as a ship but actually "wow both our establishments really suck, how can we make something better together" is a great basis for a ship and "oh my god no witches are perfect and right and wizards are Bad and Wrong you're so correct about everything" is a dogshit basis for a ship which I think is worth highlighting given that we are in fandom spaces here although I may come to regret this when I'm sober.
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jyndor · 3 months
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oh my god
a show written by white us americans for us american kids, while often spot on with its anti-imperialism, is not actually the end all be all for how occupied and marginalized peoples can respond to their oppression and genocide. weirdo.
full disclosure I have my problems with the portrayals of jet and hama for this exact reason that i have previously written about here. because ultimately the gaang represent "good" resistance - mostly defensive/nonviolent. jet represents "bad" resistance, namely violent property damage that would have caused civilian casualties if sokka hadn't warned them. and hama, who thanking this op didn't bring up, is supposed to show how trauma can make a person do terrible things but really it just feels like a racist, misogynistic way to both sides colonialism and imperialism.
now unless I'm misremembering the story (I am not) that episode took place in the earth kingdom. why were those innocent fire nation civilians so close to the valley that jet was trying to protect? why was he worried about them encroaching on that valley enough to destroy the dam?
because they were settlers. the fire nation was trying to defeat and occupy the entire world, of course their settlers weren't just innocent civilians, they played a role like all settlers do in all conflicts. and jet and his freedom fighters were all displaced by the fire nation. they were refugees.
in the end, the gaang may have their problems with jet's tactics but they still mourn him and understand that he is RESISTING oppression, and not that he is the same as his oppressor.
katara is UNIQUELY empathetic and decent at times. during the painted lady, she makes it clear that she wants the liberation of ALL - including her oppressors who are also victimized by fire nation imperialism (and capitalism lbr). she sees the class dynamics in the fire nation, sees how they harm the villagers of jang hui. how the military industrial complex poisons fire nation citizens - literally. the problem is that they are happy to take her help when they think she is one of them, but when she reveals herself to be a waterbender, they turn away from her in their racist, xenophobic disgust.
the truth is that katara's form of universal liberatory politics is just one form of resistance against oppression. sometimes atla veers into making it seem like the only acceptable form of resistance, which is quite convenient for the white us americans who wrote the show.
one of atla's main ideas is that imperialism harms everyone, including the beneficiaries of imperialism. it was also written in the early to mid 2000s during the so-called war on terrorism, and with a us american audience in mind. so no I am not surprised that jet isn't seen in a totally positive light, nor am I surprised that the fire nation is occasionally presented in a "not all fire nation" way. it still posits that those innocent civilians are racist/colonizers and frankly complicit in many ways for what the fire nation is doing abroad.
this is why jet isn't a villain, he's just a complicated character. why he is made a martyr. why katara mourns him even if she's angry with him.
as for whether or not katara would condemn hamas... I'm not sure it matters. movements regularly have infighting and disagreements on tactics. even so, atla is a TV show. palestine is a real place with real people who have tried all kinds of forms of resistance. nothing is ever good enough for supporters of the settler colonial project of israel because the point is never, ever to live together in peace. two state solution? where do you see that in atla? if ANYTHING the show calls for pluralism and freedom of movement for all. for an end to nation states and nationalism, as well as preservation of all cultures. liberation for all.
I can't speak to the mess of the comics or lok because I don't care about those but if we're just talking about atla... come on. it's free palestine.
also nice false equivalency between the free palestine movement as a whole and hamas, which is just one part of the movement. racist dipshit genocide apologist.
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radioactivepeasant · 6 months
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
Adopted Dadmas universe, set a few weeks after Damas called Samos out for harassing Jak. Keira has started questioning her upbringing for the first time, and is seeing some of her past interactions with Jak in a way she doesn't like. Warnings for past Samos being, well, typical game-characterization-Samos and being nasty to children.
"You're awful quiet," Tess observed. She put down her angle grinder for a moment and observed the younger girl seated at her workbench.
"Hey. You okay, sugar?"
Keira stared off into space for several seconds before remembering to inhale. She turned a guilty face to Tess and said, "I think I'm a bad person."
Tess’s hands stilled on the prototype.
"Oh," she sighed, "this is about y'all's messed-up childhood again, right?"
"He made Daxter sleep outside! He would pretend he couldn't understand Jak until Jak did exactly what he wanted!" Keira burst out, "How could I have ever thought that was normal?!"
Tess’s lips narrowed, and she imagined the bolt she was twisting was the sage's neck. "Well, because people like that work hard to convince kids that their behavior is normal when they're too young to know better. Gives 'em the control they're so desperate for. It wasn't your fault, Kiki."
"But I knew he was being mean!" Keira cried, throwing down her blueprint. "I knew everyone treated Daxter like dirt. I knew they made Jak and Daxter do too many of their chores! But they were so nice to me and I- I- argh!"
She shoved her bench back and paced the room angrily.
"Was I weak? Or just a- a brat!? A spoiled, selfish, mean little brat!"
Tess left the table to grab Keira by the shoulders. "Hey, whoa! Whoa whoa whoa! That's my friend you're talking about, there!"
Keira tried to shove Tess away, but Tess had an uncanny strength that belied her appearance.
"Hey. Look at me, sugar. I get it. Feels like revenge, right? Revenge on yourself? Like "how dare you feel good about yourself when your friends were so badly abused right under your nose". But baby, what does that accomplish, really? No, look at me. How does you calling yourself names help Daxter and Jak now?"
Keira dashed a hand across her eyes and shrugged sullenly. "Maybe it doesn't. Maybe it only helps me."
Tess scowled. "So Samos chooses to hurt those boys again and again and instead of holding him accountable the reasonable thing to do is hurt you? Put yourself down so you can feel as bad as they did? Girl, I love you, but how does that help?"
Keira didn't have an answer.
"I'm...I'm not trying to have a pity party," she finally admitted. "I'm not the victim here. I know I'm not- I'm like, the opposite of the victim. I'm complicit, Tess! How do we come back from that? How do I fix this? I can fix everything else? Why can't I just..."
She made a frustrated groan and let Tess pull her into a tight hug. "I'm so mad, Tess. At Daddy, at myself, at this whole stupid city. And I don't know where to put that anger."
Tess grimaced, but squeezed her friend tight. "Well. That puts you a little closer to understanding how Jak feels a lot, doesn't it?"
"I've been like. The worst friend."
"Doesn't mean you can't start being a better one," Tess countered.
For a few breaths, Keira was silent. It was hard not to give in to the recriminating thoughts. She had been the unwitting accomplice to so much harm, kept sheltered with blinders on as a tool to enforce a sense of normality on a "hero" who should've had the same childhood she did. And then even when free from Samos's influence for two years, she'd found herself gravitating towards people who manipulated her in the exact same way. And she'd taken Errol's side in a fight. The side of the very man who had caused all the traits she'd criticized in Jak. Thinking about it now made her want to vomit. How had she fallen under the sway of such people for so long? And how could she ensure it would never happen again?
"Tess," Keira sniffled, pulling back from the hug, "Can...can I ask a favor?"
"Of course, Kiki," Tess answered warmly, "What's up?"
A feeling of resolve hardened in Keira's chest as she took a deep breath. "You're a spy. You know how to read people like a book. Can...could you maybe teach me? How to tell when people are, are lying, or being manipulative? Stuff like that?"
She looked away. "I want to help the guys. And if I want to do that...I need to help me, too."
Tess’s sympathetic expression stretched into a wide grin. To anyone who knew her well, it would have been an ominous sight.
"Sugar, I thought you'd never ask."
And meanwhile, the absolute Mood Whiplash of what's happening just outside the city, in the mountains
"I miss our dog."
"Your dog," Daxter corrected, without bothering to open his eyes.
"That's cold, Dax," Jak whispered, "How can you just disown our boy like that?!"
"Remember when he pooped in my kitchen??" Daxter asked incredulously.
"He's just a baby! He can't help it!" Jak hissed back. He rolled over on his cot to poke at Daxter's hammock. "C'mon. Don't tell me you and Tess aren't gonna have pets when all this is over. You aren't fooling anyone."
Daxter leaned out of the hammock to swat at Jak's hand. "Oy! Decent folks is tryin ta sleep, here! And for your information, we're gonna have a cabbit hutch! And a butterfly garden! And Chopper is not allowed to eat my butterflies!"
"You don't know that he would!"
Jak sat up, about to further argue the merits of the dog he'd left with Tess, when a sound akin to a growl rose from the other side of the tent. Both boys quailed and settled back into their beds.
"Jak started it!" Daxter tattled, then pulled his blankets up to his nose.
"Sorry, Pa." Jak smirked and ducked under his own woven blanket.
Damas flung his arm over his eyes and grunted disapprovingly.
"We're on the move at dawn," he reminded them, "I suggest you use the remaining hours wisely. The clan rendezvous point is a four hour hike, so for the record, depriving your father of sleep is not a wise choice."
The little scoff of laughter he heard on the other side of the tent did not sound particularly like a pair of teenagers about to heed common sense. But as it could just as easily have been Jak still delighting in the novelty of someone deliberately claiming the title of his father, Damas could let it go. For now. If they didn't quiet down, though, they were both going to be walking down the mountain while he rode in the commandeered hellcat.
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ga-yuu · 6 months
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WARNING! The story contains violence and child abuse
-----Part 1-----
Sueharu: "After I broke up with Morinaga and left town, I just couldn't help but feel miserable."
Sueharu: "Without money, you can't even be equal with a friend. I had to learn that the hard way."
Sueharu: "So I took the chance getting into a get-rich-quick scheme that just happened to come along."
Yoshino: "Get-rich-quick scheme?"
Sueharu: "I joined a group of thugs who's job was to attack rich people and rob from them."
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Sueharu: "They ambush passing oxcarts on deserted and unsightly roads and rob them of their money and goods."
Sueharu: "That's what they hired me for."
Yoshino: "That's...!"
(Of course it is wrong to be complicit in wrongdoings, but)
I couldn't even blame the young orphan who was trapped with no other choice.
Yoshino: "...Did you succeed?"
Sueharu: "At first, yes."
Sueharu: "But then one night, we attacked a big merchant's oxcart, and got our asses kicked."
Sueharu: "While most of the thugs were killed by the bodyguards of the merchant, I, a child was kept alive as a slave."
Yoshino: "...! Slave!?"
Sueharu: "Or to be exactly, a 'chicken'."
Blood drained from my face, as I realised he was referring to the cruel bet called cockfighting.
Yoshino: "That big merchant forced Sueharu-san to take part in a cockfight?"
Sueharu: "Yeah. And----"
Sueharu-san's eyes became dark and cloudy as if he was sinking into the memories of his past.
----The enslaved young Sueharu was taken to a 'gambling den' with other children.
In that place, killing and entertainment mean the same thing and life is far lighter than money.
Orphan 1: "Ngh. No. I don't want to..."
Orphan 2: "Please...please let me go..I'm scared..."
Kidnapper: "These brats are crying again. If it wasn't for tonight's show, I would have beaten them up."
The kidnapper who dragged the orphans out of the cell, clicked his tongue in annoyance.
Then the child who was sitting in the back of the cell with his head down reacted to the voice and looked up.
Sueharu: "....What are you going to make us do?"
Kidnapper: "Huh? What's up with that one?"
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The child Sueharu, was the smallest and thinnest child out of all the kidnapped orphans.
However, his eyes were shining strangely in the darkness.
Kidnapper: "Whatever. Can't you guess by looking? These people are going to put their money on you."
Sueharu: ".........."
Beyond the kidnapper, there was a huge stage surrounded by a fence.
Two large men face each other with weapons in their hands.
Commentator: "Come on, come on everyone. All of these men you see here are thugs who have caused quite a stir in the city."
Commentator: "Only one person will survive tonight. It's up to you which one you want to bet on!"
Outside the fence, the audience on the couches shouted enthusiastically.
Sueharu: "...That's."
Kidnapper: "Those men were supposed to be executed of murdering people, but they were secretly enslaved and made to fight."
Kidnapper: "The nobles have bad taste, don't they? This is the only way we can make money."
Sueharu: "....So are we going to kill each other too?"
Sueharu held his breathe and glared at the kidnapper, who simply shrugged.
Kidnapper: "You're out of luck. This cockfighting is supposed to be a spectacle of one-sided slaughter."
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Kidnapper: "Tonight, you will be fighting prisoners who have won previous fights."
Sueharu: "Ngh...."
----Part 2-----
Kidnapper: "Tonight, you will be fighting prisoners who have won previous fights."
Sueharu: "Ngh...."
Kidnapper: "Well, it's not something a kid a can win anyways. I'm here waiting for the time you brats die."
The orphans' faces gradually turn pale.
Commentator: "First game begins!"
The men's angry shouts and the sound of deadly blades striking each other echoed in the night.
The orphans clenched their eyes shut and cried out in horror.
Sueharu: "I don't..."
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Sueharu: "I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die..."
Only one person...Sueharu, trembling at the sight of cruel wager without blinking.
Sueharu: "....That was the start of my nightmare."
(How cruel....)
I let out a long breath that I have been holding in.
My nails dug into my clenched fists, causing a dull pain.
Why did Sueharu-san have to go through all that...
I still can't forgive them.
Normally, I'd be scared....
Yoshino: "Why did Sueharu-san have to go through all of that?"
Sueharu: "Fate is often like that. Those who are not born with luck, will never taste it anyways."
Sueharu: "I still remember the ugly faces of the rich people who reveled in the death of others."
Sueharu: "I knew then, from the bottom of my heart."
Sueharu: "The true terrible darkness is within us, humans."
Yoshino: "Sueharu-san...."
Unable to find words to say, I bit my lip and fall silent for a while.
Sueharu: "Don't look like that, Yoshino."
Sueharu: "Look. I survived the cockfighting---except I had to sacrifice my eye."
Yoshino: "How did it...?"
Sueharu: "It was because of my selfishness. I didn't want to die, even though I knew I would be living a shitty life..."
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Sueharu: "So while the other children closed their eyes....I kept mine open."
Yoshino: "Open?"
Sueharu: "To examine how the prisoners fought, what weapons they use, their movements...."
Sueharu: "It was the only thing a helpless kid could do, at that time."
(Even adults cannot think calmly in that situation)
(How scary it must have been and yet, the young Sueharu-san was...)
Sueharu: "Then, when my turn came to fight the chickens...."
Kidnapper: "Hey kid! It's time to go. Right....let's get that cheeky brat to die first."
Sueharu: "....!"
The kidnapper forces Sueharu to stand on his feet and take the stage.
Kidnapper: "I'll let you have whatever you want, just in case. You can resist at your own leisure and entertain our customers."
Sueharu gripped the rusty little sword that was pressed against his chest tightly in his trembling hands.
Prisoner: "Hehehe....Come on now, I just have to kill this kid? That's easy."
Kidnapper: "Don't kill him so easily otherwise it won't be exciting."
Audience: "Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"
The voices of the audience filled with ferocious excitement surrounded Sueharu and the prisoner.
Kidnapper: "Poor thing. There is no one here taking your side."
Sueharu: "............."
Gritting his teeth, Sueharu murmurs softly.
Sueharu: "Ever since I was born, I was alone."
Kidnapper: "Huh? Did you say something?"
Without saying anything, Sueharu slowly walked towards the centre of the stage.
His thin legs were trembling with the fear of death.
Commentator: "Betting starts now!"
One after another, the biggest sums of money Sueharu had ever seen were deposited into the box.
Sueharu: ".....Tch."
-----Part 3-----
Sueharu: ".....Tch."
Soon after, he swears.
Commentator: "Let the show begin!"
The vicious-looking prisoner brandishes his sword.
Prisoner: "Well, I'm going to kill you, you fucking brat."
Sueharu: "Ngh.."
Barely avoiding a slash, Sueharu rolled over and ran.
Prisoner: "Tsk! You little!"
Sueharu: "...I'll live no matter what!"
He pushes himself breathlessly into the prisoner's bosom and raises his small sword.
Prisoner: "Gahh!? Ngh.."
It was difficult for a skinny child to stab deep enough....
The prisoner punches Sueharu away.
Prisoner: "Die!"
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Sueharu did not avoid the sword as it slashed at him again this time.
Sueharu: "AAAAAHHHHH...!!"
He screams in intense pain and one side of his vision is clouded with red.
Sueharu's small sword pierced the prisoner's chest this time without stopping.
Prisoner: "Ah!? ARGHH...!"
With a thud, the prisoner's body falls to the ground.
Sueharu: "Haa....Haa...."
Covered in blood, Sueharu was standing on his two legs unsteadily, trying not to fall.
Commentator: "Y-You..."
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Sueharu: "Did you see that....you shits?"
The audience which should have been noisy, fell silent.
Sueharu's consciousness stopped there,
Yoshino: "The injuries sustained during the incident left Sueharu-san with one eye injury..."
Sueharu: "Well, yeah. I was treated minimally, but my left eye never saw the light again."
(....I didn't know. I didn't realise that Sueharu-san's past was this violent...)
In the twilight-tinted room, Sueharu-san's lips twisted into a shape of smile.
Sueharu: "Yoshino. Don't get me wrong. They didn't take my eyes from me."
Sueharu: "I won the bet of a lifetime. I gave up my left eye myself so that I could win."
Yoshino: "Sueharu-san..."
The intensity of the light emitted from one eye pierced my heart.
Sueharu-san playfully brushed my hair as I lost my voice.
Sueharu: "Do you want to continue?"
Yoshino: "....Please."
Sueharu: "The big merchant who enslaved me, liked me so much that he took me under his wing after I had caused a frenzy at the cockfight stadium."
Yoshino: "You mean, as his subordinate?"
Sueharu: "I was forced to do all sorts of dirty work, from spying on people to killing them."
Sueharu: "And of course, I had no right to refuse."
(From such a young age)
Yoshino: "...Did you ever thought of running away?"
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Sueharu: "If I did, there still wasn't a place for me to go. I will end up dying of hunger."
Sueharu: "On the other hand, working for a big merchant means I can steal his knowledge of trade."
Sueharu: "So I decided to learn how to make money, even if I had to hang on to him."
(That takes a lot of determination...)
Yoshino: "But he was a merchant who was complicit in dangerous betting involving children, right?"
Yoshino: "It must have been tough working under him."
Sueharu: "Yeah. He wasn't a good person to begin with."
Sueharu: "I wasn't allowed to fail at work, and there were plenty of times when I was punished until morning that I couldn't sleep."
Sueharu-san talked about it as if it was nothing, which made it even more painful.
Sueharu: "But I persevered nonetheless and in a few years I had grown to the point where I was known as the right-hand man of a great merchant."
(Sueharu-san's natural ability must have been so high, but it was also the fruit of his blood-soaked effort)
Sueharu: "So one day, when I turned fifteen..."
Sueharu: "I brought him down and gutted him of his business."
----Part 4----
Sueharu: "So one day, when I turned fifteen..."
Sueharu: "I brought him down and gutted him of his business."
Yoshino: "Eh...."
Sueharu: "Now that I think about it, that was long time ago."
Sueharu: "And that's how I won my second bet and won a lot of money, I'd never....won before."
The darkness hidden in Sueharu-san narrow-eyed smile sends shivers down my spine.
Yoshino: "And....after that?"
Sueharu: "With that money, I was able to expand my business in all sorts of direction."
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Sueharu: "The more money I have, the better. So that I would never be trampled on by anyone ever again."
(That's why Sueharu is)
The night we met again in Kamakura.
I recall the conversation we had that time.
Yoshino: "Now Sueharu-san is going to run a trafficking business on behalf of those people?"
Sueharu: "What if I am?"
Yoshino: "....I can't allow it. No one deserves to be bought unreasonably by money."
Sueharu: "Is that so? But the reality is different."
Sueharu: "Everything in this world depends on money. If you don't want to be miserable, money is the most powerful weapon you can have."
(I wonder how Sueharu-san felt when I said those words)
I am now touching the contours of Sueharu-san's heart in the darkness, which I could not understand at the time.
Sueharu: "To tell you the truth, Yoshino."
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Sueharu: "As I endured my days as a slave....I often thought about Morinaga."
Yoshino: "....! Morinaga-san...!?"
Sueharu: "To keep myself from going insane in the darkest places..."
Sueharu: "I clung to the presence of Morinaga, who glowed annoyingly in my memory."
(That's how much Sueharu-san's time with Morinaga-san meant to him)
Sueharu: "That's why I hate him."
Sueharu: "Even as an adult, every time I see that intense glare, I think back to those miserable days."
Yoshino: "That's how you think...."
Sueharu: "I can't help it. Memories always haunt you. No matter how much you think you've thrown it away."
Sueharu-san changed his sitting posture and leaned to one-side.
Sueharu: "So, as soon as I'm in a new place, I get restless."
Sueharu: "I do business, sell, play etc etc ....and finally when I empty myself, I come back to this mansion."
(How can I....make Sueharu-san feel at ease?)
Questions I can't answer stick in my mind like thorns and I can't get rid of them.
Sueharu: "All I believe in is myself and money. That's not compatible with your way of life, right?"
Sueharu: "For you, who became a pharmacist to help others, and believed in love and lived your life..."
Sueharu: "You don't really know how I feel..."
Yoshino: "....Nn."
(Even so, I)
The image of Sueharu-san surrounded by orphans he had protected came to mind.
(I want to think that the face smiling under the light is also Sueharu-san's real face)
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Yoshino: "Can't we just believe that, even if we're not compatible we can still be together....?"
Sueharu: "...Yoshino?"
-----Part 5-----
Sueharu: "...Yoshino?"
----I was so moved by emotions that words just fell out of my mouth.
(I don't want to trample on Sueharu-san's heart unkindly)
Yoshino: "This thought is my selfishness."
Yoshino: "So if it's uncomfortable for Sueharu-san to be approached by me, who doesn't know how you feel, then...."
Yoshino: "I'm giving up on getting to know you any further."
Sueharu: ".........."
Sueharu: "You've jumped over all the lines I've drawn so far without any difficulty. How do you do that?"
Yoshino: "What?"
(At first, I wanted to understand him because he was my enemy. That wasn't a lie, but...)
(Since when did I want to know Sueharu-san's true nature, regardless of whether he was friend or a foe?)
Sueharu: "Your unwitting tactics."
Yoshino: "Hm?"
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Sueharu: "It's not fair when you suddenly try to walk away with a lonely look on your face. It makes me want to hold you back even more."
(....Are you teasing me again?)
But unexpectedly, the eyes that looked at me were serious.
Sueharu: "When I get close to you-----"
Sueharu: "Sometimes, I feel like I'm being slowly traced over by an old scar."
Sueharu: "I feel uncomfortable, but somehow I can't shake it off."
Sueharu-san extended his hands towards me...
Yoshino: "Ah."
He grabs my wrist and pulls me closer.
The distance between our breath and our eyes were so short that it made my heart pound.
Sueharu: "I'm confused. I don't know what to do with you now."
Sueharu: "Hey, Yoshino, you tell me."
Sueharu: "What do you want me to do?"
I took a deep breathe and decided.
I made a wish with an unknown impulse that was rising in my heart and opened my mouth.
Yoshino: "Can I take off your eye patch?"
Sueharu: "........."
Sueharu: "Of course. If you want to."
Yoshino: "...Thank you."
I gently put my hand on Sueharu-san's eyepatch and untied it.
I was exposed to his torn scars.
Sueharu: "It's ugly, isn't it? I don't know why you want to look at it all the time."
(Don't say it like that)
The suppressed sadness overflowed in an uncontrollable gush.
I bit my lip to force it down and swallowed again.
Yoshino: "....There's nothing ugly about it."
Sueharu: "Yoshino?"
My body is hot with a jumble of frustration and sadness at my inability to communicate well.
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I kissed the scar over his left eye, wishing my warmth would be transferred onto him.
Sueharu: "...Mm."
I could feel Sueharu-san's shoulders shaking just slightly.
The back of my eyes became heavy and my vision blurs.
Sueharu: "...Why?"
In a somewhat sad voice, Sueharu-san muttered.
Yoshino: "This is a proof of Sueharu-san's strength to survive."
Yoshino: "It's the most beautiful scar in the whole world. That's how I see it."
I reply with a poor answer in a voice that is almost snuffed out by emotion.
(Please, don't deny yourself of this)
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Yoshino: "No one can take away Sueharu-san's pride."
Sueharu: "............"
Sueharu-san slowly cupped my cheeks in his hands.
Sueharu: "What have you done to me?"
Sueharu: "The past can never be changed. Even you, a pharmacist, can't erase these scars. And yet...."
Sueharu: "I wonder why, seeing your tears right now, feels like something is being forgiven?"
Chapter 20
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veryintricaterituals · 7 months
Israel IS a fascist, genocidal, colonizer. Zionism is fascism. It’s a country that was built on the same principles of nazism. That’s what the entire country is built on. You cant separate the two. Your defense of Israel makes you complicit, and disgusting as a human being.
Well look, an anon coming mask off and full antisemitism in my ask... It was just a matter of time. Very original with your false equivalence of zionism and nazism, I am so surprised 🙀. Yes, of course, let's go and harass a random Jewish person online who is on the other side of the world and can't do jack shit about the conflict... That helps the cause and it's not antisemitic at all.
I'm not going to go into a tangent on my opinion of the Israel/Palestine conflict because firstly I don't owe it to you or to anyone (no Jewish person does), secondly it is WAY too complicated and intricate to even begin to parse it in a little blog post and thirdly it wouldn't in anyway help the people who are actually dying right now which is what we should all be doing, not sending antisemitic hateful messages to random Jews online.
But before I block and report you anon let me make a couple of things clear, which all were written in the post about my family history that I'm sure sent you my way: I don't support the current Israeli government and I've actually taken action against it which I'm pretty sure YOU anon have not. I've been to protests, I've VOTED against it and I've supported the Israeli Left and the Palestinian people with ACTIONS which most people in this website with their fucking virtue signaling that cannot say. This is just plain old antisemitism just waiting in the wings and calling people good or bad jews...
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dimonds456-art · 4 months
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The main Follychromatic 6 as Poppy Playtime monsters!
I had this idea for what their section could be. It'd be between Huggy's chapter and Mommy's, taking place in an arcade-like area that would have been just casual recreation for kids who weren't actively testing. I think it'd make more sense map-wise if it was between Mommy's and CatNap's chapters, but the story would be less impactful that way, so.
My thoughts on what could happen to them below the cut. Mind the tags!
Here's what I think happened:
The toys would talk at night to each other about what they were witnessing/going through
The FC gang was pretty close to the Smiling Critters, so whatever drama was happening with them, the FC gang was well aware
Fauna sympathized with CatNap's situation, but couldn't bring themself to visit for fear of punishment. Same to the others
Emma was the one to visit him, and he told her about the Hour of Joy
Only adults would be targeted, the children would be spared
Emma thought the idea was good, but the execution was terrible. No one should have to die.
She told the others about what they'd discussed later
The FC gang were in charge of an arcade-like area, so they didn't witness too much horror unless it was happening to them. They were punished pretty frequently for stupid shit
But they knew about what the others were going through. They knew about what was really happening to the kids, too
Cassy speaks in favor of the Hour of Joy. She takes the side that at least the kids would be okay, and that was what mattered. The employees were complicit in torture, that makes them just as bad as the guys on top
Momo disagrees, saying that the employees were just doing their jobs and were probably scared themselves. They didn't deserve to die
Emma takes a stand in favor of the HoJ. She changed her mind; after thinking it over, no one should be COMPLICIT in torture
Dante brings up that they would be torturing people if this went through. And on a far more massive scale.
Rose, who had grown close to one of the kids who went on to become a toy, stands in favor. Who CARES. Everyone here KNOWS what happens to those kids, so if they truly cared, they'd quit or try to help.
Fauna is quiet throughout this conversation. Her stance on it is that she doesn't wanna kill the employees, as she knew a couple of them and they seemed like good people, but she could also see both sides. She agreed with both. But she couldn't be in a grey area on this one, it was either you support the Hour of Joy or you don't. And when confronted with this binary, she bends and decides that it's better that the kids stop suffering. She supports it.
Dante and Momo are disgusted with them, and refuse to talk to them. They run off to the Smiling Critters to tell them what happened, but get caught on the way there and sent off to be punished. They try to tell the employees about what they heard, to warn them, but they don't take it seriously. The Hour of Joy
It happens that same week.
Of the FC gang, Cassy was the first to attack an employee, spurring on the others
Fauna cannot bring herself to hurt the employees, so she instead runs off somewhere else. She self-harms out of stress, which generates blood and makes it look like she participated, but she herself did not get her claws dirty. She only realizes afterward though.
Her cover story is that one of the employees had found a metal shovel in storage, and she got ganged up on. Got them, though.
Dante and Momo and kept locked up, and the other toys refuse to let them out, despite the FC gang's insistence.
They're saved on the way out by the other Smiling Critters, specifically Bubba.
The Smiling Critters are scattered, though, and Dante and Momo are cornered by some of the other toys. They're killed.
When the Prototype comes by to survey the damage, the remaining FC gang are horrified by what they saw. Rose and Emma are regretting everything, but at least they have each other?
The Prototype is suspicious of Fauna, since she never struck him as the type to kill, but her cover story works for now
CatNap can see right through her, Mommy saw her not killing and is using that to blackmail Fauna, and I don't think Huggy cares gfhdsjk
Ten Years
Rose is killed when she tries to find the children. She's not allowed to see them. None of them are.
Emma tries to free DogDay. CatNap gets to her first.
Cassy starts to loose it. She loves hunting now, but there's never anything to hunt anymore! She and Fauna are rivals now, and Cassy WILL attack her if she sees her. She also thinks Fauna is a coward now, and…
Fauna, too, has been feeling it. The horror, the regret, all of it. Lies are the only thing keeping her alive now, and she knows it. Lies and cowardice. This takes a MASSIVE toll on her mental state. She starts deeming herself a monster and tries to just comply with whatever the Prototype wants of her out of fear of being found out. The Player
The Prototype recruits Fauna to help out for two reasons: One, Cassy is not mentally stable enough to keep a clear head about this, and two, he's testing her. The clear better choice is Cassy, but he wants to know what ACTUALLY HAPPENED during the Hour of Joy.
Something else too is that the toys need to eat. They're organic, and without food, they either die or live in torment and pain.
Fauna has been starving. So she lets her hunger drive her to kill the player at first
In the arcade she lives in, there are burn marks everywhere from when she set things on fire to try and keep her sanity. This is foreshadowing.
As a monster, she can send others after you. She does this most of the chapter, calling upon smaller toys to fucking GET you
They're easy to outrun but the DO swarm so.
You get a yellow hand that is used to pick things up and THROW them. You can launch little shits now, and that's how you defend yourself for most of the chapter. You just fucking yeet toys around
This all culminates in the final confrontation- a maze-like area where Fauna is actively following you. If you take a wrong turn, you only have a few seconds to get back on track before she gets you
If you make it to the ending, Fauna drops down in front of you. She throws fire over your shoulder, cutting off your escape. There's nowhere to go, nothing to do.
You can see it in her eyes. She doesn't want to kill you. She can't bring herself to.
Instead, she rips off her own tail, then lunges in a direction similar to you, but DEFINITELY missing on purpose. She uses her own blood to make it look like she killed something and ate it, shouting about how she has you now, you'll never get away- all while leaving your exit wide open. You run out and to safety
In the distance, we hear her voice grow shaky. She greets someone, says "look, I did it, see? They're dead."
On to the GameStation…
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the-world-annealing · 8 months
Communism, Anti-Colonialism, and Palestine
The state of Israel is deeply unjust for denying millions of people basic rights, ranging from democratic representation to energy to food and water. Violent resistance against this domination is justified insofar it helps these people throw off their shackles.
I consider the above incredibly straightforward, and it's genuinely worrying for me to see people come up with justifications for why it's best if the occupation continues indefinitely in its current form. I genuinely don't get why someone who views all human life as valuable could even believe this.
But at the same time please consider what 'there is no two-state solution, it's all Palestine' would imply if you tried to like, actually implement it. The region contains fifteen million people, who are about 50/50 split Israeli/Palestinian, clearly your solution isn't to set up a representative government and let democracy save the day, so do you just want to ship seven million people off to wherever their grandmothers were born?
"I mean, it worked for the pied-noirs..." the pied-noirs totaled less than a million, made up only 10% of Algeria's total population, and had an imperial metropole eager to take them back. Do you know what situation is actually analoguous to the pied-noirs'? Returning only those Israelis who settled across the 1967 borders.
"Dang I guess we just can't let them be full citizens then", look, if your definition of 'anti-imperialist action' is to replace one legally enshrined ethnic underclass with another then I think you've gone and replaced any concern for human wellbeing with crude geopolitics.
"Oh no those poor colonizers lmao" look, even if you think every single Israeli currently alive is complicit enough in the crime of occupation to lose fundamental rights (what's your thoughts on people complicit in more traditional crimes btw? just curious), what's your plan for all the ones born after them?
The presence of the Israelis is not inherently a problem; the problem is the gross economical and political disparity between them and the Palestinians (which really is the root cause of all the sectarian conflict; look up the timeline on the Jewish National Fund and 1936 revolt and suddenly things make a lot more sense).
(the above is also my response to any right-winger trying to suggest multiculturalism is doomed so either side should hurry up and genocide the other already - you are mistaking economical conflicts for ethnic ones as you literally always do, but this started as an economical conflict and it can be solved by economical means)
Any kind of just resolution to the conflict would involve enormous redistribution of capital, and in any moral one-state solution that state would be very unlike Israel, but guess what? Fixing wealth disparities and unjust political structures is the mandate of communism already, and if those inequalities exist along racial lines then that's a symptom but does not require an exceptional new treatment.
tldr: It would be incredibly difficult for a variety of reasons to create an Arab-only state where Israel currently exists, fortunately attaining economic and political justice does not actually require demographic change, so maybe make that clear somewhere and stop giving ammunition to the people who're accusing you of clamoring for genocide.
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