necronomeconomicism ยท 1 hour
I used to use femboy as a term for myself before I realized and decided to transition (non-binary transfemme)
Thinking of it, I never really described myself as a femboy so much as I used the word femboying to describe crossdressing. In my head it was very much a performance I was putting on, and that performance was an action, not a character defining trait. These days when I'm not boymoding (hey another performance related action-word) I don't actually wear a lot of cloths I did when I was femboying. There's a distinct style to the femboy performance that doesn't really align with me, but at the time I conceived of it as my only valid way of expressing myself differently than just conformity.
Do you now, or have you ever, called yourself a femboy?
Curious about something. The initial craze over the exact femboy aesthetic seemed to mostly be from 2019-2023 or so, and is much calmer now. For one, it does seem like it increased the overall, casual acceptance of cis gender nonconformity, but also helped a lot of people discover their own trans identities, whether they were transfemme, nonbinary, or transmascs finding new ways to relate to femininity. Obviously femboys aren't "dead", but they're not the same level of novelty that they were a few years ago.
This is going to be a very, very loose poll, and I know it won't cover every situation. I'm also sorry for making over generalizations! It's difficult to cover every situation. But feel free to let me know your own personal relationship with the term in reblogs and replies!
If these options are confusing, let me know! For example, I would choose "binary transfemme, stopped using the term when I realized I was trans"
Obviously if your experience doesn't cleanly fit in, I would like the best approximation! Eg, if there was a period of time where you used the term post transition, but gradually grew uncomfortable with it, you could choose the same option as me.
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necronomeconomicism ยท 6 hours
Knowing this is true because its me. I'm fluffy hair and circle glasses.
that sensitive white boy trope you like so much? with the fluffy hair & circle glasses? he'd actually be so much happier as a girl. and you're hurting her. you're hurting her by making her be your boy.
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necronomeconomicism ยท 23 hours
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well well well...
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necronomeconomicism ยท 1 day
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necronomeconomicism ยท 2 days
The venn diagram of these two players is a circle btw
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The duality of lancer players
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necronomeconomicism ยท 3 days
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me when the me when I interact wit the gay lil ppl on my puter
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necronomeconomicism ยท 3 days
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[Not my recordings. This is whatโ€™s left of the dialogue in question.]
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necronomeconomicism ยท 3 days
I was making random seal noises at my girlfriend, as one does, when my brain flashed back to a hidden memory
High school, lunch with my friends Discussing which animal we are most like Friend turns to me and says "Ur kinda like a seal" Everyone immediately and wholeheartedly agrees
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necronomeconomicism ยท 3 days
My mom is a biologist and has skeletal system tattoos in spots where those bones would be. As well as mushrooms and trees she likes.
HRT isn't enough, i need to be covered in tatoos and piercings
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necronomeconomicism ยท 4 days
Knowing the actual context behind the mekkah post here makes this so much more funny.
That sprite is meant to represent this woman btw
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babytrans is like your starter class and you can prestige into stuff like tmilf, transbian chaser, girlfag, femboyโ™€๏ธ[Editor's Note: DO NOT CONFUSE WITH FEMBOYโ™‚๏ธ OR FEMMEBOY], etc. the gourmet genders we don't let the cis know about. you can even multiclass but you have to make sure your class alignment restrictions are in agreement or you risk becoming a Fallen Paladin (Fallen Paladin is also a gender)
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necronomeconomicism ยท 4 days
The commune has a bread guy that works at the bread store and brings home shitloads of bread. We got the bread drop today im so excited im gonna eat so much bread.
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necronomeconomicism ยท 4 days
hot people always have teeth that are a lil bit fucked up and it only makes them hotter
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necronomeconomicism ยท 4 days
Ok but Sacremento has a fucking RAD train museum and its right next to the Amtrak station too. I can visit and return to the bay area same day without really worrying about it. That and Cake and Death Grips are from there.
So Sacremento is very enjoyable! for those who don't live there :)
Ew you're an LA girl
- Sacramento girlie
The SoCal megacity is the closest major metro area to me, but I def don't live in it lol
I've lived in multiple areas of the state and grew up elsewhere, though. Congrats on being from the only part of CA that has all the boring parts of a Bay Area suburb and still somehow all the most boring parts of the central valley, though! Sacramento is so fascinating in the new ways it's invented to be completely bland
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necronomeconomicism ยท 4 days
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Dogsitting Lil Satan
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necronomeconomicism ยท 4 days
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Y'all should play a GOOD looter-shooter like... like uhh...
Damn I can't bring myself to pretend like Borderlands is that good either.
OohhhhhhmyGAWD fucking YEARS I've been sitting on my favorite sunsetted legacy weapons, just staring mournfully at them in my vault until Monday when I decided okay fine fuck it I need more vault space and scrapped them and WITHIN A WEEK fucking bungie announce "HURRRRRRR WE R REMOVIMG POWER CAPS FOR LEGACY GEAR" fuck you fuck you fuck you with every ounce of light I can muster -_____________-
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necronomeconomicism ยท 5 days
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Iโ€™m on my hands and knees waiting eagerly for the arrival of forcefem friday
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necronomeconomicism ยท 5 days
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probably the worst best shit I've ever written I hate it and I think it's neat
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