#but i know it helps that people think i'm really fucking cute so any weird or like
ditizygirl · 2 days
Editblr is a breeding ground for idolatry, ableism, racism and so much more all for a community about putting images together.
I've been here for only a year but I feel like I've seen it all, and the excuses oh my god the excuses. You are all 15-19, you should not have the mental capacity of a 8 year old. Your common sense is non existent and almost all of you guys are so fucking stupid it's pissing me off more than any god can understand. You are old enough to have logical thinking skills, you may have a disorder and it may be a reason but not an excuse.
Alot of you have forgotten the saying "Think Before You Talk" and I've sure as hell done alot of thinking. This is my deep dive into editblr. I think if you consider yourself a good person you should read under cut.
Typing quirks are a way of personal expression but why do so much of you hate to add plain text. I can understand to extent because plain text hates my head because of how long it can be but I'm not gonna act like a little bitch about it. I'm gonna add my typing quirk or even fonts itself to it.
I'm gonna ask someone to help me, or to do it for me. Stopping making excuses for ableism. Alongside with the typing quirks, your psds are ugly and eyestrainy. Psds also fall under racism because I have no idea why you guys are ignoring the fact some make dark skin characters lighter but in the case of ableism most of them are really bright and makes it hard to see.
Orange and brown? Green and yellow? Blue and brown? Why are you putting colours that can be so much eyesore together? And won't even tag as eyestrain and when someone does ask you only do it for one post.
This one is weird as fuck and I see no one mentioning it. Editblr highkey has a ddlg problem, this "little girl" aesthetic you guys have going on borderlines ddlg alot and its icky. The baby talk typing quirk is disgusting, stop it.
I'm not one to judge how someone copes with their trauma but what I DO judge is how you act when majority says its uncomfortable. Now this section I'm a bit unsure how to phrase it, gotta love dyslexia, but that isn't going to stop me.
There's alot of very uncomfortable romanticization of stalking which I've seen so much of alongside abusive relationships and the justification of these things.
Really can't escape this one unfortunately. Many of you are like kpop idols, you're too dyslexic towards the difference between appropriation and appreciation. Incase you forgot let me remind you.
You can not gift japanese names. Gifting names is a native practice therefore you can only gift native names. Also I've noticed you weirdos befriending people just to use their cultural names. I can't even say it east asian fetishization because its only Japanese.
Also for the love of God can you guys stop saying nonmem and non women especially when referring to sexualities. It's not hard to simply say "queer attraction to women" and "queer attraction to men".
Coming back to the "gifting" names thing, I think it's interesting how all of you conveniently have a Japanese friend who "gifted" you the name of a cute pink anime girl. Maybe I'll do a post later on how much of a bad liar you guys are.
Closed symbols is also another big problem you all have. No matter how much times you're told you can't use something you always cry "but my friend from xyz culture said it was ok!" One person can't speak for a whole culture. You're nothing but a coloinzer in disguise hiding behind the idea of aesthetic. If you want to know if a symbol is closed just use this site.
Goddess Personas
Yea this one is getting a whole section of its own. Like any people I am uncomfortable with goddess personas, especially being someone with biblical sources. Now the idea that a teenager on the internet is making people call them a goddess is strange isn't it?
In my opinion, they're all annoying, copy and paste, and I think not a lot of people talk about how the really bad ones get. You all love to indulge them, make them think they have power over them. You put them on a pedestal and praise them and get surprised when it all goes to their head?
Stop giving 14 years old power, stop indulging in their habits and letting it go their head. Forcing people to refer to you as their goddess? Their Lord and saviour? Their idol? Someone they must listen to? It creates a power inbalance which always leads to the weirdest of manipulation. Also all the engagekiss copiers are so obvious why would you want to copy the identity of a groomer? It says alot of about yourself if that's what you think is ideal.
Callout Posts
Now, personally, I believe that the only reason a callout post happens is because someone was affected, does it not? Very rarely would a callout post would be a fake one, especially if someone has more then one. If you defend someone who has more than one call out post that's on you and you're gonna end up making one some day I can genuine you that. People don't make them for no reason.
This is all I have to say for now. I hope you guys really consider what I have written here, or not, considering the fact you guys have shown multiple times you lack reading comprehension
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bhaalsdeepbat · 1 month
i literally walked into this space knowing NO ONE, sat off to the side and told them, "I'm sorry, I'm like a cat. I have to just watch for a second, then I'll socialize more." and like. the entire group was just like YEAH MAKES SENSE. no one took it wrong. they just let me observe until i was ready to mesh in more. and now almost two years later I am now burrowed so deeply into this troupe that i wouldn't have the friends or opportunities i have without it.
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lihhelsing · 4 months
"What do you mean you don't remember your first kiss?" Eddie asked, giving Steve that look he always got whenever he made the mistake of mentioning that piece of information about his past.
Steve shrugged, feeling uncomfortable and hoped Eddie would drop it. "I just don't remember it. Guess it wasn't memorable."
Eddie rolled his eyes, "You're telling me your first kiss wasn't memorable?"
"Yeah, man. It's whatever."
Now, both Eddie and Steve knew that was a lie. Not that Steve necessarily cared about something like a first kiss, but it bothered him that everyone seemed to have either a funny or sweet story to tell.
Like how Robin's first kiss had happened under a tree with her first girl crush, or how Nancy's first kiss only happened because the guy was kind of scared of her, or how Jonathan's first kiss only happened with Nancy.
"Do you remember yours?" Steve asked and Eddie nodded instantly.
"Of course I do."
Steve raised a brow at him and Eddie chuckled.
"It wasn't anything special, really. I kissed a guy under the bleachers and he never spoke to me again after that, the end."
Eddie was using that voice he always used whenever something bothered him.
"So it wasn't good," Steve said as he placed his hand on top of Eddie's. What was worse, not remembering your first kiss or feeling like shit about it?
"The kiss was ok. It was barely a kiss, I had no idea what to do with my hands and tongue and it was a little weird. Nothing to write home about, that's for sure. But I lost a friend that day and it really sucked. It made me think kisses are more powerful than they have any right to be."
And wasn't that the truth? Steve remembered other first kisses. Like his first kiss with Nancy, that he thought was gonna be the last first kiss of his life. He was wrong about that, of course.
"I know what you mean," Steve said. His hand was still on top of Eddie's but now Eddie was smiling.
And then he was grinning.
"I have an idea," he said, looking like a maniac. And Steve knew that couldn't be a good thing.
"Should I be scared?"
Eddie laughed. "Probably. What if..."
"We kissed."
Time seemed to stop for a second and then Steve was frowning at Eddie.
"Yeah! Think about it, Steve," Eddie said, getting up. He always got restless when his brain started to work in full power. Steve thought it was kind of cute. "You can pretend this was your first kiss, so then when people tell you you can picture it and just make up some story about it."
Steve raised a brow, "I'm pretty sure that's not how first kisses work. Plus, what's in it for you? You remember your first kiss."
Eddie shrugged, throwing himself back on the couch and landing much closer to Steve than he was before. "Sure. But then I can will my brain to understand kisses don't have to mean something. This could just be a friendly kiss between two friends. Nothing else."
For some reason that didn't seem right, but Steve nodded anyway.
Eddie's eyes widened. "Ok?"
"Yeah, ok. Let's kiss and see what happens," Steve said. "What?"
Eddie bit his lower lip, "I don't know. I just didn't think you were gonna say yes."
Steve laughed, throwing his head back. Classic Eddie. His mouth was too big for his own good. Steve fucking loved it.
"Well, that's ok. I'll help you," Steve said, leaning in close.
He could see Eddie's eyelashes and the way his cheeks were tinted red. Steve placed a hand on the nape of his neck and heard the exact moment Eddies's breath hitched in his chest.
"Is this ok?" he asked. Eddie might talk a big talk but Steve wasn't about to cross any boundaries. If he said he was just joking Steve would pull back and pretend it had never happened.
But Eddie didn't, so Steve stayed. Close to him but still not kissing him.
"Y-yeah," Eddie said, nodding slightly. Steve smiled and buried his hand on Eddie's hair before leaning in and pressing their lips together.
The kiss was slow and sweet and Eddie was pliant on Steve's hand. For all his attitude, Steve kind of liked to shut him up like that.
Steve was about to pull back when Eddie whined in the back of his throat and pulled him close by the waist. He had no idea where all that came from but before he noticed he was straddling Eddie's lap and kissing him like his life depended on it.
Eddie tasted like cigarettes and Mountain Dew and Steve thought that combination might be his new favorite. He was so responsive as he kissed Steve back, opening his mouth and letting Steve explore as much as he wanted and all that while holding on to his hips.
Steve liked how Eddie's hands curled around him. Like they belonged there.
When it was becoming clear neither of them was interested in stopping, Steve pulled back so he could look at Eddie's face. All he could see was the pure want in his eyes.
"That's a pretty nice first kiss," Steve said playfully and Eddie snorted, squeezing at his waist.
"Oh, sweetheart. I'm glad," Eddie smiled at him and it was the greatest thing ever. "I can't say the same for my part of the deal though."
Steve frowned. "What do you mean?"
Eddie let his head fall back into the couch and closed his eyes. Steve felt his heart hammering in his chest. Had Eddie hated the kiss?
When he opened his eyes there was an intensity behind them that made Steve want to get up and run.
"I can't pretend it doesn't mean anything, Stevie."
Before he knew it, Steve was leaning in and stealing another kiss from Eddie's lips. This time when they parted Steve didn't bother moving too far from him.
"Then don't."
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luveline · 9 months
Hello! Can I request cornflower blue with Aaron, where he's just really into chubby!reader and she's so sweet to him and acts kind of similar to bombshell!reader, but is surprised and ecstatic when she finally notices that he's been flirting back?
You walk into Hotch's office feeling pretty and ridiculous. You know you look cute today, hair done pristine, skin dewy, your outfit one that accentuates the slopes of you (and this is all without mentioning the frankly gorgeous pair of shoes you're wearing). 
"Hello," you say. Something about Hotch makes you feel prettier. You couldn't put your finger on it, maybe it's the way he doesn't seem bemused at your flirting ('cos, oh, there's the flirty fat girl, how funny! like being sweet on people is weird when you do it). "How are you today, handsome?" 
"I'm good," he says, with a real, authentic, sticker of approval smile. "How are you?" 
"Better now I'm seeing you," you say, neatening the edges of your papers on his desk before offering them to a big hand. 
"I could say the same thing," he murmurs, looking down at the papers you've passed him with that boss look about him. He has to check your paperwork before it's submitted, of course, and this batch is a little late, so that's probably why he's happy to see you.
"Charmer. Do you need my help with anything while I'm here? I'm free." 
"You, free?" he says, still looking at the papers, one held above the pile, grabbing for a pen blindly. "In what world?" 
"This one, if you can believe it! Hotch, you understand me like nobody else does." You put on a saccharine, movie star tone, silky and smooth as you sit in the slippery leather chair in front of his desk. Elbows on the desk, you place your chin in your hand and watch him correct things you've written with a dreamy expression that isn't even really fake.
You quite like turning Hotch's innocuous comments into flirtation, if only to see his smile, but today the smile seems different. Almost like he knows something you don't know. You press your pinky finger over your lips and try to work it out. 
… Is Hotch flirting back? There's nothing to do but test it. 
"How do you make paperwork look good?" you ask. And it's important to note that you mean what you say, even if your compliments are said in a teasing, sunny manner. "Is there anything you can't do?" 
"Careful," he says, turning a page. Well, maybe he isn't flirting– "You might get something you aren't looking for." 
Your heart is a bat out of hell, leaping from your chest. "I'm always looking for something as long as you're the one giving it, Hotch... I've been thinking I'd quite like a new moniker, if you're up to it." 
He places the paperwork down into a tidy tray and leans back just a touch in his chair (what the fuck). "What would you have me call you?" he asks quietly. 
"Any Sweetheart will do." Is this real? Is he really giving it back to you? "Puppy love, angel, valentine. You could take your pick."
"Why don't you choose one for me?" 
You stand up from your chair and shake your head at him, fizzy energy with nowhere to go. "Handsome, you're in a mood. I'm going to do a lap, okay? Before I combust. Think you can get this," —you gesture to his chest in a big circle— "under wraps, or shall I start picking out colours for our engagement party invitations?" you ask. 
Hotch laughs and opens one of his desk drawers. You consider the joking over, and while you're disappointed, you're not surprised. That is, until he says, "I like eggshell white over cream, but I'm sure you'll make the right decision, angel." 
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babybinko · 6 months
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My second batch of venture bros genderbends are finally done! :D [first set here]
PLEASE LOOK UNDER THE CUT!!! I made all these nice drawings and doodles of them and I want people to see them without this post being super long! :') [My thoughts on the designs and doodles will be under the cut as well]
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Okay NOW I'm going talk about my thought process on some of these:
Baby Rusty: I love the baby Rusty, the frilly socks and sleeves were a must. I actually drew her with the original set of genderbends but I turned off her layer and forgot about her 💀
Jonas Jr: not much to say about her, I tried to make her like Rosie the Riveter. Her little bandana has the Venture logo on it :)
Jonas Sr: I wanted her to be a hot bitch, her outfit is maybe a little scandalous for the time era they were in but I think it fits, canon Jonas is a whore. I think everybody would want her and that every celebrity, politician, and anybody with any power would chase after her so badly.
Blue Morpho: I made her so incredibly slay. I fucking love her outfit, I found the inspo for the outfit on Pinterest but I changed it up a bit. Also her gun has the bayonetta butterfly wings on it as a charm because I HAD TO.
Colonel Gentleman: Not a lot to say, I wanted to give her like horse riding esque boots and I gave her a purple flower cause she likes the ladies. I know generally WLW flowers are Violets and Lavender but I wanted to draw a rose so, Purple rose compromise <3
Dr.Boyfriend 2: With my last round Dr.Boyfriend was the only one people had complaints with. I think people wished he was more Masculine and I agree but if I switched up the design too much it wouldn't look like Dr.Girlfriend. I hope giving him armor and making him look like a knight helped him look more masc. I made the sheer wings cross over his chest to make it look like it was holding up the shoulder armor. Also his guild book is insanely high quality because I was procrastinating drawing his armor.
Goofy and Goober (Watch and Ward): I think they ended up really cute, I tried to make their hair colors close to Doc and Jacksons since I heard they are supposed to be like their "main" self inserts. With Ward I had a really specific idea for her hair, I kept thinking about this haircut from my sims and had to do it. It might be hard to see but her ponytail holders have skull charms on them. I also purposely gave them both some sort of ponytail hairstyle so they would match but be slightly different :) (They are absolutely prank calling or trolling their clients on that phone btw)
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Shoreleave: OH MY GOD I LOVE SHORELEAVE. I kept turning her folder back on just to keep looking at her when I was drawing the other characters. She is so captivating to me, she looks so soft and human. I want to take a bite out of her thigh. My biggest inspo for her was Cammy from Street Fighter, I felt like her dressing a bit skimpy works for her since canon Shoreleave kinda does. The girls out for the girls.
Alchemist: I love her design so much too. I wanted her to look like some kind of nun or priestess. She looks like if a Zelda fire temple was a person. I kinda gave her like a weird little hime cut under the hood. Also I put the Triad logo on all three of their designs (+ Triana).
Jefferson: Had a lot of fun with her, I didnt change her design much from canon though so there's not much to say. I did give her more flared pants though. Drawing her hair was a really fun change of pace, I very rarely get to draw textured hair.
College Rusty and Monarch Drawing: I love this one, Monarch turned out so hot dude. You can tell what character I like more LMFAO. I made rusty very obnoxious 80s while keeping the colors of the original college rusty outfit. Monarch kind of looks like postal dude but its fine because shes slay.
Hereditary Venture Family Dinner Drawing: This was one of the first drawings I started but the second to last one I finished. I wanted to draw the family doing something together but I think I really truly just wanted to draw Dermott again. 😭 Nobody has said anything if they noticed but I did give hatred the shirt from these edits. (I believe the one on the left is from reddit and the one on the right is by SquashFold on Twitter)
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Dermott piercing Dean's ears drawing: Even though its messy its in the top 3 favorites I did, It was also the last one I did. I just love the idea of Dermott giving goth Dean at home ear piercings. At first I didn't know if I wanted to make Dermott giving her piercings at the mall where she works or at home but the mall idea was too much work for a last minute sketch. Dermott is so mean older sister who shoplifts and works at the mall.
Drug bathroom drawing: Another one of my favorites, its based off a specific deleted scene from Invisible Hand of Fate where Pete and Rusty talk at the bar but Pete comes out of the bathroom sniffling at the start. I love the way I drew Pete pushing the hair out of her face and both of their expressions.
Bdsm 21 drawing: Okay first of all, The little devil Monarch was so cute I was screaming, crying, and throwing up while drawing her. I fucking love her, shes the smallest part of the image but my favorite. I also am quite fond of the bdsm 21.
Quizgirls Pete and Billy: I tried looking up Vanna White dresses to base Pete's outfit off of but I couldn't find one that Pete would actually wear so I just had to make shit up. Billy's design is really basic but the bow in her hair is actually from one of my rejected main Billy genderbends.
Me and The Bestie: I put a lot of effort into this one for no reason. Literally the moment I saw Jonas in the problem machine I thought he should be made of like blue slime. When I was working on this I kept thinking about Momopatchi's Hatsune Microbe drawing so this Jonas was definitely inspired by that. I gave Jonas makeup because she was having a party movie night on gargantua and I felt like she would still have makeup on thats like completely fucked up and deteriorating on her face after many many years. Vendata's outfit was partially based on Marguerite Chapman's from Flight to Mars, never seen it but I was looking up old sci-fi movie costumes to work with and I thought it would look good :)
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lostlovesoul11 · 2 years
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Pairing: Jaemin X Reader Ft Jeno
Warnings: Smut, incubus, extremely dubious/non, subliminal, a lot of manipulation, mind control, posessiveness inexperienced reader, penetration, anal, (Jeno scenes), the usual filth
18+ only! No minors. Read tags beforehand.
Word count: 8k+
My kind of Jaemin 😈 happy belated birthday! Didn't have time to finish it off. Cba with typos if you see them x
Summary: An incubus created a subliminal to feed off humans sexual energy, what happens when you become one of his victims?
I can't believe you bagged Lee Jeno!" Your friend excitedly screams, pulling you closer as she grabs on to your arms and tugs you.
"I know, me too!" You responded, of course you was surpised when that occurred. Lee Jeno has been your crush for a long time, however he was always going on and off in his relationships, having a new girl almost each month.
You was happy. Finally bagging the attention one of the hottest guys around your campus was huge. Your friends have known about your long term one sided crush about him.
"Why don't you look as happy?" She questioned narrowing her eyes as you zoned out completely.
"I am," you state, "It's just that Jeno, he's so experienced and I'm... well... not so.. much. Barely. What if he doesn't like me once he finds out?"
Your friend sighs, "I don't think that matters to him."
"But every girl he's gone out with, they're all are so pretty and experienced. Know what to do in bed and I'm.. not," Insecure thoughts already forming in your head.
Come on. Everyone knows Jeno has a huge sex drive. He fucked nearly all the popular girls around. Sometimes you feel once he finds out, he won't be interested in you anymore. And it sucks because you want to fuck him so badly.
She hums as she listens to your ramble, a slight truth in your words.
"I understand, he's a popular guy and all. But if he acts like that then he's a dick."
"Yeah, you're right," you agreed on with her.
"But you should definitely fuck him though. Hey why don't you experiment with one of our friends?"
Your nose scrunched in disgust, "Ew never!"
Rolling her eyes at your reaction, "I mean you would be comfortable with them at least. In that way you would be able to gain more experince."
"Definitely not friends."
"Is there any one you find cute then?"
"Nope. No one sexually arouses me at all, except for Jeno. I'm so screwed." You sighed in annoyance. It's tough when your stuck on one guy.
Your friend really tried suggesting you ideas but unfortunately you would never do them. You don't find any guy you feel sexually attracted too.
"Have you tried watching porn?" She asked.
"Porn doesn't do it for me. It just feels weird. It's super unrealistic anyways."
You friend nods in agreement, "That is true"
"I remember when I lacked experience I went across on so many articles on first times. Google, Yahoo, Reddit you name it. People tend to sometimes give good advice, maybe you should try it.
Maybe you might come across something interesting..." nudging your arm so you feel somewhat better.
Maybe you might find something good, you thought.
"Thanks, I'll check it out when I go home," you gave a small smile, Anyways I gotta go to class now. Later baby."
It wasn't long until you came back home, finally able to complete your work and take a nice soothing shower. It really helps relieve all aches and stress you encounter throughout the day.
Picking up your favourite pyjamas to wear for the night, your skin damp and moisturised. Grabbing on to your laptop as you join yourself in bed.
Constant thoughts of what occurred today, Lee Jeno is actually interested in you. Almost like a fever dream, never would you had thought it'll be reciprocated, considering how you rarely find people interesting enough, interested in you.
Sighing and shaking your head, you need to be prepared before anything happens, reminding yourself you're not as experienced like he is. Opening your laptop immediately on Google search, fingers typing on the keyboard.
Flicking through your mouse clicking on nearly every page there is on Google. Sighing in frustration, finding the same generic responses from these websites.
"How to drive him wild"
"How to be best at sex"
Showing little to no actual advice on how to improve oneself, placing your both hands above your head as you let out a little scream. Annoyed.
Inexperienced at so called sex but hearing everyone's great experiences around you feels like your missing out on some form of drug. You remember your first time, awkward as ever. Feeling little to no pleasure and the guy only lasted 2 minutes tops. Embarrassing.
Having a crush on Lee Jeno does not in fact help thus makes it worse. Popular guy who's been associated with the popular girls, experienced well enough to match him.
And here's you the complete opposite. Insecure thoughts mingling in your head, "Am I good enough for him?" "What if i embarrass myself, ugh!"
Nope. Fuck that. Your determined to find a way and you will. Bringing the laptop closer to you as you restart the whole search. Eyes completely fixated the white screen ahead, draining you until you scrolled further below.
Your eye brow raised at what's in front of the screen. Clicking on it almost quick, as it sends you off to a YouTube link. The title of the video was called "Be the best at sex FAST! Subliminal"
Your initial thoughts were what the hell is a subliminal? Quickly opening a second tab and entering it on Google search, you come across the meaning.
• (of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.
In simple terms, a subliminal is a bunch of positive messages. An audio being played without hearing directly what's being said. Mostly consisting positivity. Remaining in your subconscious mind as you listen to it more.
You hummed as you took in the information. Even more so curious if this works with having sex. Being able to do best at it would be perfect for you.
Clicking back on the YouTube link once again, you noticed it had thousands of likes. Popular indeed. You read through the bar as it gave more information on the specific subliminal.
Be best at giving pleasure and receiving to partner
Inducing pleasure at whoever you desire
Great foreplay
Get the best orgasms
Partners keep praising how well you do
Listen once a day however the longer you listen the more power it has. Can induce headaches so drink fluids. Make sure to drink always keep the sound low! Headphones required.
(some of the affirmations mentioned above not all, works efficiently with success one not knowing what is being said)
And the list goes on and on. Okay now this really perked your interest. How does this stuff even work? It's like your in a whole different world. Noticing bunch of comments under the video, you scroll down in curiosity.
User12: Omg i used this and we went 8 rounds last night?????
User009: My sneaky link said the sex was so so so good I legit used this a day before I met him
User22: I used this because I had a date and he said I was the best he's ever been with?!!! Guys this shit works!!!
Use43445: He said i blew his mind and his dick real good LMAO
User67677: Guys you gotta be consistent with these. I typically use it a few times a day and I've noticed so much changes. I keep getting complimented during sex this shit works I swear! Stay positive ✨
Whew. These reviews really got you questioning. There's hundreds of comments which have stated nearly the same thing, that this shit works. It's quite fascinating how many people are in this community yet you had no prior inkling of it.
You won't lie, these comments really got you feeling excitment. What if, what if this works when you use it?
And what harm can it do anyways? Reading everyone's experiences just makes you want to try this out for yourself. You're desperate, you want to be good for Jeno. Perhaps this is the thing that makes you feel more confident and grants you mind blowing sex.
Quickly plugging your headphones in as you clicked the play button. You remembered to keep the volume at the lowest.
Once the play button hit, you did not expect to hear these sounds. It's almost static noises, bunch of voices repeating sounds that are hard to figure out. Feeling like whispers inside your ears.
It was a strange experience to indulge yourself into, never thinking something like this even existed. Letting it play one more time as you got used to the first, excited to see the results upcoming soon.
Heading to one of your last classes after a very long day. Still feeling tired from last night, feelings of blurness. Making your way down the corridors before a strong hand pulls you, taking you in the corner. Just as you were about to make a noise, only to find it was Jeno.
You didn't expect your crush, Lee Jeno to be cornering you against the wall right now. His tall figure towering you over as one of his hands were on the wall, caging you inside.
You felt shy within his hold, always watching him from the sidelines or from a distance, to having him near you so close is a dream.
"I've been looking for you," Jeno mutters, his eyes stilled on your whole figure watching how uneasy you felt having him so close. Gulping slowly yet cannot form any words. It's like your a dumb statue in front of Jeno.
Youre eyes shifting below, fixed on his body. His body proportions were something else. You know how often he's hitting the gym, workouts in forms of gym and sex. How does he manage to always look so good?
You managed to move your eyes above as he's fully maintained eye contact since. Nervously you speak out, "Y-You w-was...''
Jeno loves how shy you get in front of him. Turth be told, it makes him feel like corrupting you right there. So innocent so shy.
His smile forms a sly smirk, "Of course" His gaze following down your stiff body, eyes returning back to your confused cute state.
"You're my cute girl now," rubbing your cheek with his thumb. Ain't you?" He teasingly asks.
Overwhelmed is an understatement. Not only are you facing the boy you've literally been crushing on for so long, but having him to make you feel all sorts of ways. You could just explode right now.
Simply giving a gentle nod as approval for his words because your absoute gobsmacked to answer. But that's not enough for Jeno. He enjoys seeing you get worked up, telling of how your body reacts in his presence.
He's not blind. Always observed how your longing stares remained on him each day. He loves it. To know someone innocent like you constantly sees and thinks of him. Wondering if you touch yourself thinking of him.
Noticing the distance becoming smaller, feeling your heart almost drop out when Jeno leans in further.
His breathe fanning your ear with his cool breathe. His soft lips latching on to your ear before he sends a whisper, "Say it."
The depth of his voice shook your entire being and your core. Goosebumps raised all over your body. It was a demand, one where you cannot refuse.
It's crazy how much control he has over you, just over this little thing and you're already clenching your thighs? How pathetic.
His face still leaning towards you, your heart beat is exhilarated right now. Finally being able to muster courage as you spoken up. "I'm y-your cute.. girl."
It's been days, the last incident with Jeno still sends you shivers. But what hits you more is him sending you a text to come over his house on Saturday. Screaming, crying of joy, the all sorts. Every night you made sure you were listening to the sublimal, seeing how soon enough you'd be at Jeno's.
You're going over to Jeno's on Saturday, aware of the possible things that may will occur. Nerves are kicking in as time approaches, what if you end up making a fool out of yourself?
Wait no! You shouldn't think like that as the subliminal mentions, always keep your thoughts good!
But for once having something to stay positive on, you can't let your negative thoughts override yourself. Remembering the final goal is to become good at sex, perhaps better. Seeing those comments as motivation, if it works for them, it'll work for you too.
You listened to the particular subliminal daily at night. As it states it's best to listen before you go to sleep so the affirmations sink into you subconsciously.
Tonight your switching it up, though. Clicking to add the subliminal in a new Youtube playlist, so it continues to play on for the entire duration of the night.
Being aware how beneficial doing this is than the average use, you will take advantage of it. It's not far off before you meet up with Jeno, you have got to be good for him. Also using it for a longer period creates 10x effective results! This is your chance, anything for Jeno right?
Plugging your ear phones to your phone, laying on your head as your eyelids close. The static sounds playing as usual.
Today you are tired. Already feeling your heavy eyes beginning to shut. Knowing you'd probably fall as asleep any given time.
It's probably been a good few hours since you fell asleep. Shuffling randomly as a habit, eyes drained yet still feeling awake. Hearing the music in the playing constantly
Thoughts of him appearing of that day. The way he leaned in close enough, almost feeling him on top of you. Imagining being submissive underneath his body, letting him crush you down with his full body weight and muscular thick arms.
"J-Jeno..." breathing a soft moan. Not even aware of what you're saying. Too sleep drunken out of mind.
All of a sudden a loud thund was heard across your room. Snapping back into reality as your heavy eyes struggled to open properly. Unable to see clearly but enough to see a shadow figure lingering near the window. Your eyes must be playing tricks you assumed.
But no. The dark figure walked forth, almost marching ahead of your bed. Eyes fully snapping, horrified from seeing it approach ahead. You froze. Words are trembling out of your frightened state, W-who... are you.... "
The dark figure stopped nearby the end of the bed. Light from the moon outside shined upon his face, exposing himself. His eyes were lowly watching you, briefly changing his expression as a smile came on. It's terrifying in an instant how much his expression changed to gentle smiles.
The colour of his hair was prominent, dirty ashy blonde. Until your eyes shifted and widened seeing two identical horns on each side of the head. How can someone so beautiful look so scary?
"Jaemin," He blurted out with a grin,"The incubus."
Silence following as he spoke. Who the hell is this guy and what is a incubus? Your confused yet terrified of such a being in front of you. Is this just a bad dream?
"W-what are you.. doing here?" Feeling apprehensive as you questioned moving your gaze to his. You cannot believe a whole demon is right beside your bed, one that is strikingly breath taking.
Jaemin chuckled before he responds, closing distance as he approaches closer and closer, his hand above your head giving a gentle pat. "You called for me, pretty."
Shocked. Body tensing at the feel of his touch, comforting yet electrifying felt. Unable to understand what exactly he's saying. Why and when did you call for a incubus? You don't even remember anything, lost in your thoughts before Jaemin snaps you out of it.
"The subliminal," He shoots out, "Recall anything now?"
Eyes widen at the accuracy, how does he know about that subliminal. You've never once shared it with anyone, hell not even with your own friends.
"How do you know..." Is all you could mutter from your mouth.
"Ah, well I am the creator of it." Watching the confusion lingering in your mind. Walking closer until he stops, "Do you know of my kind?" He asks.
Frankly you're not entirely aware of it, so answer with a no.
"I'm a sex demon," He speaks up whilst licking his lips. "The subliminals help me feed off from humans when I'm hungry.'
Your eyes widening at his statement,"That can be in forms of thoughts, wet dreams, or reality.."
Your lost for words. Not even realising before Jaemin snaps you out of thoughts.
"Jeno is it?" He remarks, watching how fast you reacted hearing that name. God you was so down bad for him. Smelling the desperation from a mile off.
Eyes widening at the name of Jeno. How on earth does he know who that is?! Feeling fright each second comes, fearful of what this incubus knows and wants from you.
"How d-do you know Jeno?" You spoke lowly.
Jaemin loves how cute the wrinkles on your forehead form while your confused. Poor little thing having no idea of what is occuring and how.
"Well," Clearing his throat, "You were calling out the name Jeno in your sleep. Almost like a mantra," he smirked. His voice becoming high pitched before he shouts out, "Jeno Jeno Jeno..."
Embarrassment flies above you as you try covering your face with your hands. Did he really hear you be down bad for Jeno? Gosh this is so embarrassing.
Hey," Jaemin chuckled quietly, leaning over to remove your hand off your pretty face, "It's natural. When humans like someone they tend to think/dream of the person a lot." Reassuring you and making you feel less embarrassed.
You let out a sigh. Grateful that he isn't mocking you any further. Seemingly being very thoughtful to your feelings. Gorgeous and considerate, you thought.
Licking your lips as you talk, "God this is so... okay. Jeno is a guy I have a crush on. Like a lot," Emphasising the word as Jaemin quirks a brow up.
"But i feel like I'll make a mockery out of myself ugh'' Speaking honestly.
Jaemin's face slightly falters, his hand places itself on yours as comfort, "What makes you say that?"
At this point you've embarrassed yourself enough in front of an incubus, a hot one, so why not just speak out those insecure thoughts.
"I'm not.. well experienced. At sex." Blantly confessing your issue.
It goes unnoticed how quickly the incubus's eyes almost switched, his eyes darken. Taking in your helpless phlight. You're begging for something. He smelt the desperation ever since he entered in the room. He's very aware, because he knows you.
"Why don't we make a deal?" The incubus proposes.
You looked up as your forehead lines crinkled, confused at what the incubus means by deal.
"What deal?"
He smiles as his hand shifts to your left cheek, rubbing it gently as if your some delicate flower, "That's what my subliminal is made for, I can give you the experience."
His eyes looming over yours as you watch in shock what he suggested, "And in return, I get myself a meal for the night. A win win."
How does someone, an incubus give someone experience? More so is it possible to even have sex with one, wha-
"B-but how will it feel? Won't it feel different to humans?"
Jaemin chuckled, "Well to be honest it feels the exact same. Probably even better," He whispers lowly, enough to feel arousal by his words alone.
Contemplating whether you should or not being lost in your dazed mind before Jaemin snaps you out by replying, "You don't have to. Ita totally your choice," your eyes shift back towards him as you reconsider.
"But hearing how much you like him, it would be a shame not being good enough for Jeno.."
Not good enough. Those same words creeping back to you, will you ever be good enough? You take in everything Jaemin has mentioned to consideration. Maybe this is it. Your chance to prove yourself wrong.
You're ready for whatever right now. Sighing loudly as the incubus awaits for your response with focus.
"Okay.. fine... I accept it," Your voice pulls through. Though having no inkling of what to be expected next. Truthfully, Jaemin is one hot incubus, his touch alone makes you tingle. So why not huh?
Jaemin's extremely ecstatic hearing your answer. He can already tell how you are, easily shy yet gets worked up quickly.
He wants to tease you further, "Yeah?" His voice sinks deeper, gaze darkening by each second like he's pulling you in a dark hole. His body looming over yours, sinking below the bed as he hoovers above.
Eyes stayed still with yours, breathing getting faster having a presence take over you like this. Feeling hot and bothered already, wondering if he can smell the arousal from below.
Your chest heaves up as you breathe, emphasising your firm breasts, poking out to feel a touch.
The incubus watches with his predator eyes. Thrilling him many ways you cannot think of. Seeing a pretty innocent girl laying there for him to devour, noticing the way your skin formed goosebumps all around.
Watching your dazzled face as you closed your eyes, opened while the incubus is above, watching your pity face. His nose hitting against yours as the proximity grows, watching you through his eyelashes how easily you laid for him, allowing him to take you to a path of pleasure.
Already feeling things despite him not even beginning, Jaemin made you feel ways you've never before.
Leaning in close enough that heart beats can be heard, the incubus dives right near the neck and takes a big inhale of you, your scent. He loves how fresh you smell, feeling himself growl already.
Diving in to your skin when he smoothers your shoulder with soft kisses, his lips felt almost unreal. Breathing fanning across your exposed chest, allowing sensations to form across your entire being.
Going further below, stopping at the sight of your perky breasts. "So if Jeno touched you here," His strong hand engulfing the entire breast moving it upwards and down, "Would you let him?"
He's only just touched you and already feel like you'd burst. Feeling his hands wander causing you feeling ticklish. Jaemin watches how cute you are, just a touch and already breaking? Cute.
Not even realising when your top has sunked down, Jaemin's long tongue attacks. Never seeing a tongue like such before, giving a few licks as his saliva drips to your nipple, watching you in awe as you bite down your lip at the unexpected action.
"Words pretty," He startles you with a bite for not answering his question. Too engrossed in the feelings of pleasure, you whine at the slight pain.
Jaemin watches how lost for words you are, "How else would Jeno know how you feel?"
"Yes... It f-feels.. so good..." a loud moan escapes your mouth, just thinking about having Jeno like this, do this with you. Wondering if this is how it'll feel.
He hums, trailing his long tongue further down your stomach, to the dangerous place. You gasped loudly, shutting your thighs together as immediate reaction. You could literally cum with the amount of wetness you have.
"Don't be shy," He cooed as his arms dismantle your legs widening back again, revealing the effect of the incubus.
You felt shame with not having nothing on underneath exposing whatever is below. Your face becoming flustered watching Jaemin focus on you.
His face leaning against your core, tongue swirling trying to take in your taste and wentess "Don't you want to show Jeno the creation we made?"
His dark eyes looking above you, gauging your reaction when you whine.
Legs trembling beneath him as you watch Jaemin's tongue surround your clit in circles, your eyelashes fluttering before you could even form words to speak, "Y-Yes..."
The feeling felt so surreal. It accounts to nothing compared to your first time, haven't felt nothing. Almost thinking your broken. But Jaemin, made you feel worlds, places you've never seen or been before.
Feeling your head dropping back on to your pillow, Jaemin laughs having not done much yet seeing your body jolting at his given touch. Loving how weak you are for him, letting him take over you.
His tongue dives through your wet folds, catching you offguard when it enters inside you. Gasping so loudly, it felt a weird good.
Your legs expand while your slowly thrust yourself up, allowing his tongue to get deeper.
Wanting to feel more, you could even cum from this alone. Jaemin saw how restless you began to act, moving in ways just to feel him deeply in. You want this so bad.
"J-Jaemin.. need more.." whining like a baby, not being to handle it.
The incubus was hard as ever, cock growing each second as you beg for more. He brings his clothed cock against your thigh and brushes it above, wanting you to feel how he's become, for you. Never have felt something so hard before, wandering how it would feel once its out.
Pulling his huge cock out as you admire the length and size. Excitment builds all over your body, core throbbing for it to enter inside.
He watches your reaction with a smirk, catching you offguard by grabbing firmly on to your legs, putting them above his shoulders.
The intrusion came suddenly, a push you could feel in your guts. He was large, growing more inside of you. You're melting into the pleasure, slowly losing it as he thrusts inside a few times. Eyes clenching, hand gripping on the sheets to hold yourself.
His hand gripping on your thigh, delivering much more fast paced thrusts. It's absolute silence in the room, until Jaemin speeds up more and more, filling the room up with sounds.
"Do you hear that?" His pace becoming faster, closing his eyes from the pleasure of being inside of your warmth, infiltrating your hole like your a fuck doll showing zero mercy on how your coping.
The clapping sounds as his cock hits against your core, hitting all part of your body.
He lowers his body to find his lips against your ears delivering a cold whisper, "Jeno's favourite sound."
Your hands clutch tightly on the sheets, biting down your lip at hearing that. Getting fucked to a new dimension with a incubus while imagining Jeno doing this to you.
What a dream.
It's like the incubus knows you inside out, know what tickles your brains, knows what words to say to drive you to the blink of insanity. Almost like he knows your body than you do.
He chuckles knowing how this gets you going and doesn't stop, making sure you feel him in every bone of yours.
Jaemin released an animalistic growl, shooking you completely.
"Like the way I fuck? Fuck you deep in the guts while you think about Jeno?"
His eyes turning scary yet making you feel so much pleasure, can't help but think of him destroying you fully. You love the feel of him and his cock.
"F-Fuck yeah... Jaemin... yes!" Moaning out like a crazy person, He chuckles at your reaction as he hits against your skin, slowly pulling out to deliver slower strokes.
Rolling his hips and pushing himself inside out, slowly watching your face and mouth parting in pleasure.
"Fuck, feels so..."
Watching how your eyes below see him pushing himself slowly in you, sensing how you tighten the hold against him with your thighs. You want him there, want to feel his inches expand more.
"My kind would love you," Blurting randomly making you think if they're also just as good as Jaemin.
"T-They would?" You curse internally feeling yourself cum at any second.
Jaemin sensing how you're clenching his length in, hissing at how pleasurable it feels for him.
He sends a brief smile before he pushes himself in harder, with each thrust hitting your spot inside, "Yes, pretty little human who begs to take cock.
"Loves cock, deep enough to wreck your entire being."
"Obedient human whore who fulfils the dreams of us demons..
"Fuck! Gonna cum.."
Jaemin felt yourself climax all over his length, nearing his own when he removed his cock out. Lowkey wishing he had left it in, to coat your walls up.
"Shit," He beings to curse under his breath ss he splatters his cum all over your heaving chest. The cum beginning to make it's own trail down your stomach and thighs.
"Did so well for me.."
Waking up felt like a blur. Mind to dazzled to even think straight. Was it all a dream? You don't recall properly. But whatever it was, you felt it. Almost like it was real, it had to be. unknowing your body can react in many ways.
It's been days since your encounter with the incubus, never seeing him ever again. You do tend to get thoughts of him occuring weirdly.
Taking you back to the time how well he fucked you, made you feel a whole different experience. The thought of is still makes your thighs clench.
You still carried on listening to the subliminal ensuring to gain the best results. You'd be seeing Jeno in a few hours and honestly, you're excited.
He's your crush after all. You'd be lying if you said you wasn't nervous, Jeno always had this strong hold on you.
And now finally you will be around him, all alone.
You made sure you wore your best cute fit on, the skirt definitely made your ass look plumped
And now you're here. Inside Jeno home, something you have always wanted to see. Playing on a movie in the background, he buckles up closer to you making you feel tensed already. Having Jeno at this proximity drives you insane.
"You okay?" Jeno asks.
"Yeahh, why?"
"You seem distracted," He notices, eyeing how you haven't been watching the movie much.
To be honest, all you kept thinking of is how it would be later, will you embarrass yourself infront of your crush? God you hope not.
"I'm f-fine, it's just..." your face is getting heating up already as you look down.
Fuck. That look drives Jeno insane.
"Aw, are you blushing?" Lifting your chin up to meet with his gaze.
"Don't do that, it makes me hard."
You feel like the air just got sucked out of you. Did he really just.. say that? Blinking awkwardly not knowing what to respond.
Jeno cannot take his eyes off you despite the movie on in the background, the way you strut over his home with a cute crop top and skirt, already has him going feral.
He laughed watching you react, turning to lean back to his usual spot. You felt somewhat relief he was playing. Yeah right.
He's known for being extremely flirtious which clarifies the statement once he does the following thing, "Want a snack?"
You look towards him and nod, only to see him place a popcorn directly in his mouth as you watched in awe.
"Come take it then," He smirks, putting his hands behind his head as he leans down on the couch.
Watching how flustered you seem already you can't deny how hot he looks right now. A surge of unknown confidence arises within you as you approached closer, face hitting his. Titling your head to dive in further only for Jeno to swallow the popcorn, capturing a kiss between your lips.
Grabbing you by your waist, pulling you closer as your kissing grows more. Almost like you both yearned for a taste, finally able to. Your lips felt so soft to Jeno, always admiring how plumped they've looked every time.
"Sit on my lap," He pulls away to breathe as he spoke, following up as you place yourself above him, without thought straddling him as the kissing continues.
Your skirt rid up exposing your bare ass, earning a harsh slap from Jeno's hand. "Needy girl, already wanting to cum on me?"
Keep moving back and forth letting yourself feel his thigh all up you, it feels amazing. His hands gripping on your hips as he straddles you faster with his pace.
"S-sorry..." Biting your lip hard, allowing him to move you with his pace yet trying to feel more.
"Skirts..." He groans as he looks down at the way your pretty skirt looks. Ever since you entered all that was Jeno's mind was how sexy you looked. His eyes focused below making you feel slightly shy in his hold.
Fingers grazing your thigh following near your core, a gasp running out of your mouth at the touch.
Closing your eyes only to recall the moments with Jaemin. The way his tongue went up against your wet core, intruding it's way inside of you. Fuck.
Your eyes still closed immersing the similiar feeling, already feeling in a rush for something more, bigger to come.
"You wore this skirt for me, right?" His tone turning deep, finger brushing past your with circles, "Wanted my attention that bad?" Sudden feeling of his finger entering inside your wet core, sliding in and out.
"Mmmmm..." moaning out from the pleasure being received. Thrusting yourself with the finger trying to chase the orgasm, reminding you of Jaemin.
Remembering how the incubus's reaction was seeing you chase for your pleasure, finding it cute.
"You definitely got my attention," Already clenching on his fingers about to feel yourself cum, Jeno fastens his speed watching you nearing.
He loves how incredibly wet you've become, all for him. He thought.
You look so cute to him already feeling worn out by your orgasm that rides throughout your body, cumming straight on his fingers when you released.
But you're craving more. So much more, that you begin to remove Jeno's pants like a starved animal. Surpised by your reaction, joining in as he pulls down everything, his hard cock springing out.
"I need your cock. Right now." You demanded. No idea where this sudden confidence has come from but knowing this is exactly whats needed right now.
"Fuck," Jeno groans, pushing you down on all fours on the couch. Watching you remove your panties down, skirt hitched all the way up with your ass in display.
Your needy thoughts coming, not being able to wait any longer. Your back completely arched, pulling yourself back close enough to give his cock a few rubs with your hand. Just soon after, trying to place it inside of yourself.
You backed on him as you felt himself fully insert inside of you. Jeno groans so loud, his cock finally getting inside of something, getting some action.
"You're so fucking sexy," He groans loud, watching how you back yourself up with his cock swallowing it up each time. Jeno tilts his head back, lip biting at the pleasure he's getting from you.
You felt so nice wrapped around him, he's fucked many girls but no one had the confidence like you. Normally he's the one to lead but this time it's you, begging to feel him in your hole, taking him in like a good girl.
Jeno grabbed tightly on your hips as he thrusted himself on you, both moaning together as he works his cock in, "Shit, feels so good..." you gasped.
You love Jaemin's cock
Suddenly a thought comes in to your mind. All you can think of is Jaemin, how nicely his cock penetrated your insides, fucking it all up.
You can't get rid of the thought of his burning eyes watching you take him all in with no complaints, like you're made for him. Only you can take it.
Beginning to feel this pent up frustration rise up within yourself, you shout out. "Give me more! Harder!"
Not even knowing what you even expected yourself. You just wanted to take everything, you wanted to experience Jaemin again.
"Harder?" Jeno spoke as he leaned forward, dragging you back as you felt him push you harshly against his thighs, balls smacking behind you loudly.
"More! More!" You screamed.
"Knew you shy bitches were freaks." Jeno speeding as his arms grip stronger down your hips, making sure he delivers deeper strokes.
Sweat dripping on both bodies, your wetness stirring emotions inside of him.
Your eyes are closing up, almost like feeling like your body is losing touch with itself. Everything around you felt hazy. All you can think of in this state was Jaemin.
The tip of his throbbing cock hitting your spot, the overwhelming pleasure hitting your entire body. "Walking around like a uptight virgin but fucking like a pornstar, who taught you this?" His hissed.
He seriously wonders how you are this good. Have you fucked around a lot? Just couldn't believe how the campus shy girl who barely maintains eye contact fucks like a pro.
Was you this receptive to others? Let their cocks see how nice your cunt feels, to be wrapped around you?
His hands made its way to your chest, top raised up exposing your perky breasts. Cupping them in his hands once again. The pleasure of his cock and him touching your breasts was heavenly as you moaned.
He yanks your hair back with force, a whimper escaping from your mouth escalating the pleasure.
His mouth attaching itself on your neck giving small pecks, softly before his sore body penetrates you further.
The pleasure begins to feel immense, body losing its balance as you fell. Jeno turns you around being face to face, wanting to admire your pretty face.
For a moment, you swore you saw Jaemin. His hungry eyes spreading your swollen thighs open, positioning his cock back inside.
Puppy eyes as you watch how the cock slides back and forth, moistened with your wetness. God how do you manage to look so innocent yet be so filthy, Jeno wondered.
It's what arouses him furthermore, watching him like you've never seen such a cock before. Boosting his ego knowing he gets to witness you in this way.
"Fuck I'm close," Keeping his eyes on yours as he grunts. Giving you much slower thrusts, watching your mouth part in pleasure. Already clenching around his cock.
You wrap your arms around his neck, surprising Jeno at the action. Slowly pushing him down on your body, allowing him to fully crush you below.
Your hands grazing all over his skin, remembering the feel of how Jaemin's arms pinned your thighs roughly. All you kept thinking was having his huge build tower over you.
Even if it was hard to breathe.
He looks up only to put his mouth on yours, kissing you away with his thrusts. Both groaning mixed with pleasure and pain.
You begin to bite your lips roughly as he pants out, "Want to feel my cum? Need my cum in this pussy of yours, hm? Drillng his cock with speed that's making you seeing stars.
Your cries underneath get louder, legs shaking at how desperately you need to feel cum.
Jaemin didn't cum inside of you which did make you feel a way. All you imagined was how he would be the one who's giving all his cum inside of you, pumping you full.
"Please.. want your c-cum..."  You desperately cry.
And that's exactly how you felt when Jeno coated all your walls white. The thought itself of Jaemin cumming inside of you made your toes curling up, climaxing alongside with him. A feeling of warmth hits your core, something you've never experienced.
It feels so so good. You want that feeling to stay as long as it could. Your panting to breath out, legs shaking and aching.
It hadn't even hit you yet until Jeno speaks up, "Fuck, you did so well and took me so good." Planting another kiss yet on your lips, he can feel himself get hard once again.
It's ridiculous how he's feeling weak within your hold. He's honestly so impressed, being his best sexual experience so far.
You reach home with confused thoughts. At this point, you don't even know what you wanted.
Finally fucking your long time crush, the Lee Jeno. The one who you always admired from a distance, watching him interact and play, talk to a bunch of people, extremely popular even with the girls. The same girls who you wished you could be in place with.
You should be happy now right? So why do you feel unsatisfied and conflicted.
Feeling like you was literally under some influence despite not even drinking any alcohol. Why did Jaemin's thoughts appear? Why did he have to come whilst your fucking your crush. It made no sense.
Worst of all, Jaemin was on your mind the entirety of sex. You basically used Jeno to get off about Jaemin, fuck! That's like so messed up.
How could you do this? Do this to Jeno?
Feeling a incoming headache just by finding reasonings as to what's happening with you. You have so many questions. Yet no answer. Except one person could.
But you haven't ever seen him since that day, possibly he may never return. Especially when the deal was done.
That's until you heard a particular loud thud in your room. Rushing in fear of someone possibly breaking in, only to find Jaemin, the incubus. The incubus who's been tormenting your mind.
"Hey pretty, missed me?" Plastering a pleasing grin across his face, approaching you.
Your fear subsided, letting out a deep breath as you begin to compose yourself. Your mind going back to his said question, deeply you felt a tug. You did miss him.
"Jaemin.. you scared me." You sighed, it was so unexpected to visit. Deep down you was glad to see him once again because you thought you never will.
He walks over to you as his hand makes contact with your cheek, "Sorry princess. Are you okay?" He feigned concern.
God he was so caring, always wanting the best for you.
You're not okay. All you think of is Jaemin even whilst being with Jeno. Does that mean your catching feelings...
You look so distressed yet so adorable he thinks, the way your brows furrow and eyes close as if your fighting against something.
"I don't k-know what's wrong with me.." Feeling ridiculous about what your experiencing yet humiliated to mention. You don't even realise your mumbling your words, body moving in itself.
"I-I was with Jeno and I t-thought.." You stammered your words trying to explain to him what exactly is going on.
"That's the problem," Jaemin speaks up as his hand goes above your head giving gentle strokes.
"Who told you to have thoughts, pretty?" He laughed.
His tone sounding completely condensending, like he is mocking everything you've mentioned. Your stomach begins to drop at the discomfort that's brewing inside.
His face connecting closer, darkness emitting his deep eyes, shocking you with his words with a deep tone, "You don't have thoughts, I think for you. Don't you understand?"
Your eyes widening with a tint of fear behind. What's wrong with him? He's never acted in this way, his whole demeanour changed within a split second. Terrfied.
The very look that gives the incubus such satisfaction. His hand raising as he lifts your chin up, your body jolting within his touch.
"Dumb little human. Stooping low enough to bargain your soul," Having the same grin that's always plastered across his face at this moment is sickening to see.
He's the true epitome of a demon.
"Y-You.. did.. this?" Voice shaking from the absolute reality of this incubus. The very Jaemin whom you considered to be helping you this entire time was doing the opposite.
"I did nothing." His tone refusing to acknowledge his doings, remaining composed.
The sudden sounds of multiple voices begin to erupt inside your ears, sounding exactly similiar to what you've always been listening to.
The subliminal.
Your eyes begin turning hazy, almost like you can't see a thing ahead. Trying your best to maintain open eyes as you blink, yet failing to do so. Your mouth deprived from thirst, causing dryness. The whispers escalating more and more, until you become accustomed to it, pulling you into trance.
Jaemin coos, watching the state you've become. The very thing he had always wanted. Such a poor sight to witness.
Who owns you?
What are you good for?
Being Jaemin's whore.
Your body is?
Jaemin's property.
Who fucks and uses you?
Jaemin fucks and uses all my holes voluntarily.
My favourite hole?
The ass.
"See?" His hand brushing along your face, "I taught you so well, didn't I?" You nodded.
Jaemin had those messages hidden quite well, no one could have even guessed. He managed to put those messages in reverse. Knowing no one would ever consider checking. Sneaky. Humans are fucking stupid, after all.
He's come across many willingly wanting to do things, selling their souls for person. It's ridiculous but it works.
He convinced you he was only to help. And you being the mere foolish human.. fell for it.
Targeting weaknesses was his thing. He knew how badly humans lacked affection, craved it whether it's from the right or wrong individual.
And he was right, which lead him to make the subliminal in the first place. Coming out to enter his human form, creating a perfect subliminal to make everyone his slave.
It was a shock to him also at first, but each time his hunger grew larger. His lust never settled down only expanding. To know he has the human power in his hand and the best way to use it against them?
Their minds.
And here it is, your own mind being your own enemy.
Soon after your body began acting on its own. Almost vibrator stuck inside of you throbbing continously at the highest setting. You're not used to this intensity, which makes Jaemin want to watch you suffer just a little bit.
Your nipples erecting on its own, begging to be touched. The growing need of having a cock inside of it worsens. You need something. You need Jaemin.
It's beginning to feel so painful, even when your palm hits you core you cannot take it. It's painful to touch. Your body making reactions as it gets worse, pleading eyes looking straight ahead.
"Jaemin. Touch me." You begged.
"How does it feel?" He asks, as if he can't see the ultimate mess you're becoming. Clearly telling of how your body is reacting, begging to feel a cock.
"S-so good." You breathe out.
"Oh? Doesn't seem like it." He shrugs, ignoring your reactions.
Taking a deep breath upon his words. How could he not see your struggling? The hand on your cunt is full of slick, dripping beneath your thighs.
Cries becoming louder, moving back and forth against your own palm. It's embarrassing at this point. But you cannot help it.
Your moans coming from the mouth, getting closer to a particular feel, "It's not good enough.."
Oh Jaemin is very well aware of that. From the moment he picked you all he ever thought was how much prettier you'd look begging for his touch. To the point of feeling like there's no other, only Jaemin.
The way you were oh so very innocent at the start, barely having knowledge on what you were expected to do. So naive yet compliant.
It pleasures him to see you to see you have a look of distress and begging. Licking his lips at the sight of you when he gazes you down.
Suddenly his hand roams against your thighs, causing a shiver throughout. His finger moving in circles whilst his eyes locked against yours, "Let me make it good.." He offers you despite withholding touch from before.
The throbbing escalates, your body muscles tighten at the lingering touches of him. Moving all the way up, meeting the core. You sat down, legs subconsciously opening wider as each finger grazes past your core.
Though Jaemin had no intention of ever putting those fingers inside.
"But not in this way.." He slowly teases making you think he's backtracking once again. Causing more frustration. Only to find him reach lower against you, his breath sending tingles over your core.
Your eyes rolling, awaiting to give you want you desperately needed. His tongue.
"Look at this hole," He delivered a slap causing you to whimper as you bite down your lips.
His eyes fixated above as he watches, smirking when he continues to slap. He can see how each time he does, your needy hole clenches so fast.
It's begging for intrusion, desperately wanting to swallow his finger inside.
Jaemin's mouth attaches towards your neck, giving little pecks before he moves against your lips. Your eyelashes were fluttering with the feeling itself making you feel so so good.
Moving back against the side of your neck, sending a cool whisper, "I didn't like how swollen your lips were from him." A tint of posessiveness showing from his side.
He noticed ever since you walked in how pink and swollen they were.
He drags his mouth against your jaw before he sends a quiet whisper, "So I'm going to make them bleed."
Trailing his lips further up as he reaches the place once again. This time with much more force, the kiss turning aggressive.
He kissed you like you're his first ever meal, hungrily. Tongues moving against each another's before he bites, causing you to moan straight inside his mouth.
It hurt so good. You didn't realise when you gasped, Jaemin pulled away slowly before licking the remains on the blood formed on your lower lip, "Better."
God did he look strikingly with bloody lips, watching him lick his entire lip, tasting you.
Not even having a chance to react, he turns you around hastily. Excitement stirring throughout your body.
Your holes are begging for some kind of action. You're a mess. Looking back at him with teary eyes, "J-Jaemin, it's moving.."
Instead, ripping away your skirt he exposes your ass. Specifically the hole. His eyes widen full of lust. Your hole was pulsating away like it had it's own heart beat.
"Fuck.. you're begging for me.." Justifying at the action in front. It's you that wants this to happen, to let him do whatever he can.
The fascination as he watches how quickly your hole opens itself and shuts. You're seriously asking for it, for him to lose all control.
You pressed yourself against his ingrowing cock, moving it slowly all around only to hear the incubus's big growl. He knows what your doing.
Only to feed his wet lips attach itself against your hole, salivating all the wetness that's been present since.
He breathed against them as his tongue took a long lick all the way, "Bet Jeno didn't touch these lips."
You could feel his smirk behind you as he plants kisses above.
Naturally rocking your body back and forth, thinking when his long tongue will finally intrude it's self in.
"Humans. So pathetic." He laughed, undressing himself with his cock shooting out. The tip looking so red, the prominent veins showcasing above it, ready to erupt any given time.
His cock surrounds all over your throbbing hole, trying to take him in. He teases his tip all around allowing your wetness to coat him.
"Remember I said I'd make it good?"
Jaemin is hoovering above you, as you watched back only to see his huge thick cock growing expendiosly. You licked your lips in sight, yearning for it to enter behind.
His body falling over yours, giving small little licks all the way to your spine and above. Your arching your back completely as you bite down the whimpers falling from your mouth.
"Y-Your so nice to me.." It's like you don't even remember anything thats occurred. Being so fucking deprived, your complimenting the incubus when he makes you feel good.
The same who put you in this form of hell.
He laughs lowly against your skin, "Humans.. ah, my weakness. Thanking me even during my most selfish moments, do you not know my kind, yet?"
Just as you leaned back again, he thrusted himself inside. Both pushing yourself further as Jaemin slides through, you make it so easy for him.
You could feel Jaemin's entire body hurdled against your back, his tongue sending small licks around your earlobe before he bites it down. You're faltering already at his actions, coating his cock with more wetness you've produced.
Jeno was nothing compared to Jaemin. Jaemin had such a bigger cock no doubt, but it's almost as if it keeps growing once it's inside. Feeling like it'll pierce through your brain, making you literally fucked out of thoughts.
Your legs were shivering, not used to this kind of thing, not used to such a huge cock.
You'd never think an Incubus could be the one who destroys you, from mind body and soul. Doubting that anyone could even compare to this, Jaemin already making sure your completely ruined to even be used by others. Even his own kind.
"My perfect little human. Always complying to take my cock, right?" He pushes himself further, penentrating your hole like its nothing.
"Yes.. want your cock, want it so badly, want to be filled.. please.." Moaning away as you take it all, like you should. You're here to please after all.
He brings his huge hand as it cups your face, making you turn around to watch your desperate state, "What happened to the innocent girl who barely knew how to take cock, now begging to get filled?"
Enjoying the state you've become but that's purely because you sold your soul off to him. His inches becoming deeper inside as he thinks back to your stupidity.
"Dumb fucking whore, good for nothing but just another hole for me to slide my cock in. You should be grateful you were the chosen one," He snarls, gripping on to your hips with force enough to cause bruises.
Your thighs shaking frantically, your hole feeling swollen from his constant deep thrusting.
Getting pulled behind, slamming his cock with much force. Your cries are filling the silence of the room, wandering how much more deep can he get.
"See?" He whispers behind your ears, "You were never meant for Jeno."
He penetrates faster, as sweat is dripping from his forehead down to your body.
"Even when you fucked him, who was you thinking of during the time?" He asked cockily already knowing the answer yet wanting to stroke his high ego.
"You! Jaemin!" You shouted out, getting fucked out completely.
Jaemin's eyes close up brewing feelings of extreme lust, knowing he's the better option to cease. He opens his eyes before he laughs, "Exactly it shows your just made for me, pretty."
Your mouth is drooling as he begins to roll his hips, the urge to cum getting stronger as he continues. Only for him to stop.
"Fuck.. want to remain here for entirnity." He continued licking every inch of your body, goosebumps raised by his touch.
Your breath hikes up as he knibbles away in your much weaker spots.
"Jaemin, please fuck me." Whining at the loss of his cock.
"I am," He lazily thrusts to get you geared up. Only to catch you offguard completely.
His burning eyes making their way back to yours, turning you around as both your faces touch. A whisper escaping from your lip, seeing Jaemin this close brings shivers.
He's admiring your state of utter desperation. The weakness your portraying, almost like giving up. Like a child being starved from food.
Tears glistening your entire face, Jaemin thinks you look the prettiest this way. The wrecked up way.
Too stilled with each other eyes, a hand makes it's way down your core. Rubbing the the clit furiously. It's so fucking intense, not only what he's doing but his eyes piercing in your soul.
He's enjoying watching you wither infront of his hold. Only he can the power to do this. His speed increasingly getting faster, your thighs clenching unable to control the pleasure. It's a completely overwhelming state to be in.
Not only that, Jaemin's lazy speed grew back to his usual. Intense and overbearing.
Your thighs getting hit against one another with an ache, "Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I want to ruin you so much. Wreck each and every human part of you.." He sighs, angrily thrusting in and out of you.
"Want to make you mine, welcome you into my Hell." His fingers attached deeply on to your hips as he speeds up. You feel bruised already but hearing his words is making you clench around his entire length.
"F-Fuck.. I'mma cum.."
"Cum for me pretty." His thrusts gaining more strength, hands above your clit whilst he flickers it with his fingers.
You cummed all over his cock, eyes squeezed as you saw stars. Your legs trembling, burning with severe ache. Moans still leave through your mouth at how well you were getting fucked and still are as Jaemin continues.
His cock growing harder as ever inside of your hole knowing his about to finish off. "Want to be filled? Be my cumdump? Let me fill up your needy hole?" He groans deeply, lips attached near your shoulders.
You turn back with pupply like eyes, begging to feel him inside of you already. "Please  Jaemin, Please cum, cum in me Please.." Rocking back and forth with his cock giving it a final push.
Your begging is music to his ears. Your soft pleas, he can't take it any longer. His face dipped back on your shoulder releasing an animalistic growl. It was so loud, your certain everyone could hear. Never knowing how deeper his voice could become.
"Come on," Breathing becoming faster, take it for me.Take it all inside."
His cum splatters all inside of your hole, coating your entire inside. Some of the cum dripping below your thighs. Watching your ass becoming needy and sucking in the rest of his cum.
"Fuck...." He licked his lip whilst his cock remained in your ass, watching you yet clench against him.
Your eyes fluttering at another intense orgasm, body jolting all around. You both were exhausted completely.
"You're perfect for me."
Your phone on your bed literally vibrated right after, Jaemin being the one to turn it on.
Jeno♡♡ [01.00am] i miss ur pussy
Jeno♡♡ [01.01am] can we meet up tommrow???
Jaemin let out a huge scoff. Jeno definitely was out of the picture now, you've chosen who you wanted.
He deleted the message and tossed your phone away. He got closer to you as he whispered slowly, "All mine now.."
©2022 lostlovesoul11 all rights reserved.
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singmyaubade · 1 year
totally just friends
warning : mentions of smut and cursing
sypnosis : what's weird? we are just friends
james potter x female!reader
part 1 / part 2/ part 3
two weeks.
two weeks since james kissing you, two weeks since your entire friend group resented you, and two weeks since you made one of the hugest mistakes you could've made.
time felt so slow and agonizing.
you could deal with claire not liking you but your entire friend group? that was hell.
you knew that what you had did was awful but not being able to explain yourself or to help people realize how guilty you felt was the hardest and most frustrating part of it all.
james was trying to talk to you, you were trying to talk to anyone in your friend group, and they were ignoring you to comfort claire.
you did try talking to claire as well but she would either get really pissed or walk away from you.
this situation was more dramatic than you could've imagined.
now you were currently trying to talk to lily,
"lily please, let me at least explain myself." you begged, trying to talk to her during potions.
she scoffed, "what is there to explain?" she continued to examine her potion, "you betrayed our closest friend and couldn't be honest with her, that's fucked up."
you frowned, "i never meant to hurt her, i didn't even know it would be a dare, i love claire and i never wanted to make her upset." you explained.
she looked at you, "did you love her while you were kissing james?" she sarcastically asked.
"this is fucking ridiculous." you laughed crazily, "you know i would've never done anything to intentionally hurt claire and yes, i made a mistake but-"
lily cut you off, "there is no but, you made a mistake and as much as i want to sympathize with you in the best way i can, you know claire is in the right and didn't deserve that so stop trying to act innocent." she spat.
you had never seen lily so furious, well at you.
proving to claire that you wouldn't do that her again seemed damn near impossible and the resentment and hate towards you was something you couldn't fight.
you wished you could disappear.
but unfortunately, that was not going to be an option.
the class dismissed as you rushed out the door, not wanting to even wait for the dirty looks or snark remarks from claire.
having most of your classes with your friends was actually not the best thing considering the situation.
you spent most of your time on the bench outside during the ten minute break, thinking. thinking about what you could do or what to even say to claire. even if she did slap you and not be the kindest, she still was your best friend at the end of the day.
you were a little pissed at claire for how she was handling the situation but you couldn't blame how she was acting, she was clearly hurt by your actions.
the bell chimed, noting you to start walking to class, holding your books in your hands.
you were lost in thought when someone bumped into your shoulder aggressively, making you drop the books in your hand.
you looked behind you to see who did it and to no surprise it was claire.
"claire, what the fuck?" you angrily said.
she turned around with a smirk, "oh i'm sorry, did you drop your books?" she sarcastically said, pouting.
"this mean girl look is not cute and you know it, you are just being a bitch." you spat.
she inched closer to you, "maybe i wouldn't have to be a bitch if it wasn't for the fact that you couldn't keep your legs closed for the a hundreth time this year." she berated, earning a couple of 'oooh's' from different students.
you scoffed, "do yourself a bloody favor and just walk away, you are only doing this because you are angry which i will excuse this one time." you snapped.
more students from different houses started to gather around.
"oh thank you for permission y/n!" she sarcastically cheered, "that is so mature of you considering all you do is act like a slut for any boy who gives you an inch of attention," she was now face to face with you, "and just for clarification, james didn't kiss you because you had any personality, he only kissed you because you were easy and was hoping to score some." she scowled.
"fuck you." you spat.
"i'm sure you would love to do that considering you have fucked at least everyone in the school." she smirked.
that comment really got you, causing you to punch claire square in her face which made her fall on the floor.
you angrily looked down on her as she had a surprised look on her face from you hitting her.
you realized quickly what you had just done, "claire, i'm so sorry." you extended your hand to help her which she accepted, "my anger got the best of m-" you started.
you were cut off but the impact of her punching you as you feel to the ground and she rose on top of your waist, "you fucking cunt!" she yelled.
she started clawing your face which caused you to scream to which you punched her in the stomach, trying to get her off of you.
you punched her square in the nose, maybe even breaking it.
she yelped in agony, hitting you harder as you pushed her to which she fell opposite of you and you got on top of her. you began hitting her hardly as she reached and pulled at your hair roughly.
you yelled, punching her harder to which she covered her face as you felt someone grab you.
"you fucking whore!" claire yelled from the ground as you looked to see remus trying to pick her up.
you tried to break out of the persons hold but they weren't budging, "fuck you claire." you spat, blood coming out of your mouth.
"calm down." james whispered in your ear, your body relaxing.
as you became unfocused, claire broke out of remus's hold and began lunging towards you.
she punched you in the jaw so hard that you heard a crack. you yelled louder in pain as multiple students began grabbing claire to hold her back.
you grabbed onto your jaw in pain as james began blocking you with his body.
you felt unable to focus, the pain was indescribable. you felt as if your entire jaw was misplaced, you couldn’t believe claire actually had it in her.
james urgently rushed you to the infirmary where pomfrey took a look at you, “merlin!” she said, “excuse my language but your jaw is entirely misplaced.” she touched your jaw as you groaned in pain.
james was holding your hand as you squeezed his hand when you felt pain.
pomfrey went away for a second, grabbing her wand, “this will only hurt for a second.” she said.
before you realized what she was doing, a simple charm placed your jaw back into place which hurt like a bitch.
you yelled loudly, squeezing james’s hand as tightly as you could.
you calmed down after a minute, not feeling as much pain due to a numbing charm.
pomfrey healed most of your bruises and cuts although the claw marks were going to take time to heal.
after a few healing potions and some fixing of your jaw, you had to talk to headmaster dumbledore.
“can you convince him i’m still sick?” you pleaded with promfrey.
she shook her head in dismissal as you sighed. you looked at james next to you who gave you a comforting smile.
“don’t worry, you know dumbledore won’t be so harsh.” he comforted.
you smiled, calming down, “thanks james.” you said, “and thank you for staying with me the entire time.”
he shrugged, “it’s whatever i guess.” he joked as you pushed him a little bit.
“if i’m not expelled, I’ll see you after?” you said, sounding a bit more like a question.
“of course, would die without ya.” he said, embracing you in a hug then holding your cheeks with both of his hands on either side, “i’m sorry you broke your jaw because of something i did.” he sounded genuine which made your heart flutter and due to his hands heating up your cheeks.
you laughed, “it’s okay, i think the kiss was worth it.” you winked, leaving him grinning from ear to ear.
“between you and me,” he whispered, “me too.”
you smiled, “i should get going.”
“yeah, ill see you soon eh?” he said.
“yep.” you replied before heading off.
you went up to dumbledore's office with nerves radiating your entire body. you couldn't believe this is where you were and you couldn't believe that you and claire actually fought.
none of it seemed real.
you took a deep breath as you entered his office, claire sitting on the left side with a scowl on her face.
"come in miss l/n." dumbledore greeted you with a friendly face.
you stepped inside, sitting down on the right side, about five inches away from claire.
"i have heard from many other students and they have claimed to have witnessed that you started the fight." he said, looking at you, "is that true?"
you swallowed, "it is, i was hurt by something claire had said which is no excuse and i got violent." you admitted, looking into your lap, "i apologize."
he nodded, "is there anything you would like to say miss brown?" he asked.
"i apologize too, i reacted out of anger and should've never called y/n such horrible names." she said, "she's my best friend and didn't deserve that."
this caused you to look at her, you were still her best friend.
"hogwarts forbids any sort of violence and you are both mature enough to talk about your issues instead of resorting to that. usually, this would result in expulsion," he said, causing you to widen your eyes, "but i was a teenager once and know that mistakes are not in the list of characteristics nor do they define you and due to that understanding, your punishment will be detention for two months."
a wave of relief hit you so harshly, you wondered if dumbledore could've seen it.
"i appreciate that, nothing like that will ever happen again." you stated.
"agreed." claire nodded.
"i hope so." he said, "and i hope you both realize that friendship is more important than a teenage boy." you both looked at each other in surprise, "with that being said, you may go off to dinner." he dismissed.
you both thanked him, walking out of the room.
you chose to speak first once you both were otuside, "i'm really sorry claire, i should've never done that to you and i was being selfish, i love you so much and you matter more than any boy ever could." you heartfully spoke.
claire was glossy-eyed, "same with me, i'm sorry for ignoring you and well being a bitch," you both laughed, "and for hitting you, i never should've gotten physical."
you smiled, "i completely agree, i should've never hit you, i just want to be best friends again." you said.
"and that we are." she held your hand, "honestly, i think you know how to throw a punch." she joked.
"me? did you see the punch you gave me, knocked my bloody jaw out of place." you both started laughing loudly.
"i didn't think it was hard!" she giggled.
"i swear my jaw will never be the same." you frowned jokingly.
she kissed your cheek, "there, it's fixed, trust me."
"actually, it is feeling a little better now." you agreed.
"and about james, if you want him, you can-"
she cut you off, "trust me, i do not want james anymore, i have realized i like the idea of him and not truly him. plus, pettigrew is actually very kind and hilarious." she said.
relief washed over you, "i always thought you two would be cute." you admitted.
"really? good to know." she winked, "and we both know you and james are meant to be." she added.
you scoffed, "yeah right."
"you should admit it before it's too late." she sent you a smug look, "the way he looks at you is as if you he could look at you for an eternity." she said, looking ahead.
a grin plastered on your face, "really?" you asked.
"yep." she simply said.
it was silent after that, you were too lost in your thoughts. in that moment, you knew that you wanted to be with james potter.
not because it made sense but because he was always there, he always cared.
james felt like an adrenaline rush that never faded or when you are floating on water with your eyes closed.
he made you feel golden.
and i guess you could say that james potter himself was golden.
you both made it to the dining hall, sitting down with the group as they looked at you both totally confused.
"are you guys going to kill eachother again?" dorcas asked.
"yeah because i can totally record." marlene added.
you and claire both started laughing, "i'm afraid there will be no more killing eachother." claire said.
you agreed, "yeah, i think we will stick to being best friends."
"thank the lord, i was really starting to miss you." mary said, looking at you.
"agreed." dorcas said.
"missed you a lot." lily said.
"missed you too lils." you smiled.
"i'm sorry for what i said." lily said.
you squeezed her hand, "i understand why you said it and i love you for sticking with claire." you said, kissing her on the cheek, "i'll be back guys, i have to go do something." you excused yourself as they all nodded, continuing their conversations.
you went up to james and tapped his shoulder, "may i talk to you?" you asked as he looked behind to see you.
"y-yeah of course." he said, getting up.
you both went outside of the hall, "claire and i cleared everything up."
he nodded, hands inside his pockets, "good good, i'm glad."
"yeah and i obviously didn't even get expelled." you laughed.
he chuckled, "amazing news." he said, looking at the ground.
"and i also realized that i kinda like you." you said as he looked at you in shock, "just a little bit." you joked.
"i think i kinda like you too." he cheesily said.
"so potter, will you give the most extraordinary time of my life by letting me take you on a date?" you asked.
he hummed, tapping his chin with his pointer finger, "i meann,"
he suddenly picked you up as you yelped and carried you in the air, "of course i will!" he yelled.
"okay okay! bloody put me down!" you giggled.
"wait does that mean i can finally fuck you?" he asked, jokingly.
"maybe after thirty dates." you said.
he pouted, "thirty?"
you rolled your eyes, "i'm kidding with you, if you take me to a nice place, you can fuck me." you said.
he cheered loudly as you shushed him, "can i kiss you?" he asked.
you mimicked his pretend thinking earlier, "no shit sherlock."
he smiled, placing his hand on you cheeks and kissing you.
and now, you guys weren't totally just friends.
thank you guys for following in on this little series ! i am sorry it took so long, so many holidays. if this wasn't the best ending/ last little part, i apologize. anyways, i hope you enjoyed, love u all sm.
tags : @inluvwfbzarry @bunnyrose01 @fanfictioniseverything @fairysluna @maylaysia109 @margaritasrosadas @slay-and-gay @altyx @axa-00 @mata0-0mata @samihatasmim167890 @yourfairygoodwriter @arac3ly @b-barnes04 @let-love-bleeds-red @malfoylaufeysonweasleybarnes @adrienette715 @greeniegreengreen @siriuslysmoking @swag696942069 @evanpetersrightbigtoe @vpiange @eviesmith1810 @melllinaa @okkulta @mystarlightswiftt @mxm47max @robinbuckleysgfreall
@strangeanndunusual @girl-frm-mars @hfduudus @noob-master-6-9 @tobesolovelysstuff
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hyunfilms · 8 months
blue side of the sky (lmh) | twelve.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
—word count: 4.5k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing, more of a lighthearted chapter hehe but a very oc x minho centered chapter! JJ & chan share some words with minho, hanging out and spending time together, cute lil flashback, small sweet kisses, lots of thoughts about recent events lol, holding hands, feelings being aired out, quickly edited so pls excuse any errors! also pls trust that things will fall into place as they should 😩
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"Dude, what the fuck are you doing? I got this. Just goooo." JJ whines and tries to shove Minho out of the back area of the café. "You're hanging out with Y/N today and the first thing you think about is coming to the café? Weirdo."
"Shut up, okay? I wanted to bake something really quickly."
"Where are you guys hanging out at now? Is it just you two this time?" Minho nods. 
"Yeah. She said she's been wanting to go to the Conservatory of Flowers, but hasn't since it's kinda far. I offered to take her."
"Hm." JJ hums. "What did Jisung say about this?" Minho shrugs.
"Nothing. We haven't been talking too much. I know he's still mad, but I'm sure we'll talk about it soon."
"I mean truthfully, it's valid. Cause you fucked up." Minho glares at him before shaking his head. "But, I know you're trying to not make things weird. I just hope you both don't fuck this up."
"Yup." Minho pops the 'p' in his response, tired of people associating him and Jisung with 'fucking things up.' Him, mainly. He gets it, though.
"No, but on a serious note. Are you going to tell her?" Minho pauses.
"I will. I will eventually." He looks at JJ.
"As long as you do it and it comes from you. Nobody else." JJ looks at him worriedly. "Promise me that, please? It's the least you can do for Y/N." Minho continues to keep eye contact with his cousin, pursing his lips before letting out a sigh.
"Yeah, I know." Is all he can respond with before swallowing the lump in his throat. It has to come from him. It wouldn't make sense for Jisung to do it, and even if they were fighting about it now, he'd never let Jisung take the blame for this.
It needed to come from him.
"Alright." JJ says. "So, what are you baking exactly?"
"Nothing for you, if that's what you're asking." Minho chuckles. "Kidding. I did get a head start on these brownies for you, though." He sets the timer aside, peeking into the oven at his special for the day. "7 mins left." Minho washes his hands and sets the hand towel aside.
"Didn't you make these already?"
"Yeah." Minho purses his lips together before heading towards the back door of the café. "They're Y/N's favorite."
"This dude." JJ mutters to himself as he watches his cousin hop into his car and drive off. He has to stop by home really quickly to get a few things together [esp himself] before swinging by to pick you up.
"Where are you going?" Chan asks as Minho steps through the door and hurriedly heads up to his room.
"I need to take Y/N to the conservatory."
"For what?" Chan chuckles.
"Just cause. She wants to go." Chan hums.
"I'm assuming Jisung doesn't know about this?"
"He does."
"No, that's not what I'm saying." Minho stops in front of the bathroom to look at him.
"Then, what are you saying?"
"You. Your feelings for her."
"He's aware, I guess." Chan shakes his head and shrugs.
"We can't keep hiding this from her, you know? Especially if you're starting to have feelings again."
"Yeah, I know." Minho sighs. "But Jisung just doesn't wanna talk to me about it. He doesn't wanna talk about any of this. Wants to play things safe."
"It's not going to be safe forever. We're going to end up hurting her more." Chan looks at him worriedly. "Besides, you've called it quits with Kat, right? Officially? No more back and forth shit. You— that—" Chan pauses. "That whole thing was fucked up." Minho's eyes soften and all he can do is respond with a small, subtle nod. "When you say you're done, please mean it. For both their sakes, especially Y/N."
"I know. I.. I mean it. That's done with."
"I get it. The whole accident was hard to process but falling onto Kat shouldn't have been the first thing you thought about while Y/N was in there. But, you should know that's why we're equally scared about the outcome of this, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
"Alright then." Chan shrugs it off as if he didn't know what else to say. Of course, he couldn't continue to lecture the guy— he's aware Minho has heard it time and time again. "Well, enjoy the conservatory." 
"Mm, yeah. I will." Minho rushes into the bathroom to end the conversation and finish getting ready. The topic has started to dwindle on him and it's been messing with his mood a bit. He knows JJ and his friends come from a good place, and he knows he has to tell you.
It just never feels like the right time.
Or, he's just afraid of ripping that bandaid. He tells himself it's never the right time because he wants to avoid re-opening the wound.
Inevitably, it will re-open and he has to understand that.
By the time Minho is finished getting ready, Chan is also on his way out to head to the studio. They bid their farewells and go their separate ways, Minho brushing off the talks that just happened to put himself in a better place before having you in the car.
Uncle Adrian is just about to get into his truck when Minho pulls up to the curb. He gives him a small smile and wave before hopping in. Minho waits until he pulls out of the driveway with one final goodbye before stepping out and heading to the backyard. As he approaches your cottage, he can hear the soft music playing in your living room area while you hum along. 
"Y/N?" He knocks and calls your name.
"Door's open! I'm almost done." He hears you say before twisting the door knob and entering your space. A gentle, calming smell of lavender fills the room, and it fills Minho with nostalgia.
You brought home some fresh lavender. Like you used to.
He plops on the couch and manspreads, catching up to the group chat with his roommates. He chuckles to himself when he finds Seungmin and Jisung going at it over a certain video game, with Chan trying to change the subject and prevent it from going on. 
seungmin: dude you're full of shit, that game is sooo bad
seungmin: i've seen better
chan: what time is everyone getting back home?
jisung: maybe you're the one who's bad at playing it?! i highly enjoyed it
jisung: the complexity, graphics, story line? chef's kiss
minho: both of you could greatly benefit from being quiet
jisung: all of a sudden
jisung: go pay attention to y/n
jisung: since you wanna be all knight and shining armor now
chan: ooooookay lets relax lmao
chan: so, what's for dinner tonight?
Minho lets out a small, dry chuckle at Jisung's continued passive aggressiveness, but he knows he also just needs a moment to talk to him more about this; to let him know that he acknowledges he was wrong first and foremost, but he truly means it when he'll do better this time around—
"Hi." You pop out of your room in a cute little sundress and your sneakers.
"Hey." He smiles at you and stands. "You look cute." 
"Thank you." You giggle.
"Are you ready? Do you need anything before we go?"
"Mm, no." You grab your bag and phone before looking back at him. "Thank you for taking me. I know it's probably going to be so boring for you. I really would have been okay taking a cab and going by myself."
"No, I don't mind it. I'm happy to take you." He chuckles as he steps out and waits for you to lock your door. You walk alongside of him and scrunch your nose when you look up to meet his eyes.
"You sure?"
"Of course." Minho laughs, letting you settle into the passenger seat before he hops in. This really wasn't unusual for him, anyway. You used to drag him and Jisung to the monthly free admission days that a few museums participated in. He'd go, he loved spending time with you. With his bestfriend. It was always good times.
"Wake up!" You yell as you run into Jisung's room, letting the door hit the wall harshly.
"Cielo, what the actual fuck?" He mumbles sleepily, bed head poking out of his covers. "It's so early."
"It's literally almost 11am and time to start the day." You smack the covers. "Get ready! We're going to the science museum!"
"Have you lost your mind? On a Saturday?" Jisung tries to bring the covers over his head, but you tug on it and pull it back. 
"Nope! It's free admissions day! Minho's already getting ready." Jisung groans. 
"Yeah, because he's your boyfriend! Just take him!
"Nope, you're coming along too.
"I swear to god."
"I'll buy you food later." He groans even louder before tossing the sheets off of him and waddling over to his closet.
"Fine." He mumbles, shooing you out of his room so he can pick his clothes out and get ready in peace. 
Once the two are finally up and ready, you take them to the science museum downtown. It takes about a good 25 minutes to get there with the daytime traffic already beginning, plus finding parking in the garage proves to be even more difficult until you hit the lower levels. The admissions line is a bit lengthy, but it moves quickly, finally allowing you, your boyfriend and your bestfriend to enjoy the museum. 
"What exactly are we doing here?" Jisung's bitter ass wonders as he adjusts his hat.
"To learn new things." You face him just as you slip your hand into Minho's. 
"Okay then, lead the way princess." Minho gives you a toothless smile before letting you begin the journey around the museum. Eventually, Jisung slips out of his exhaustion and begins to enjoy the visit— now also joining in and excitedly pointing at the huge dinosaur exhibit and the aquarium right past it.
As Jisung settles to watch the divers swim around the coral reef exhibit, Minho lags behind you to snap a few candid photos before slipping his arms around your waist and planting a soft kiss against your head.
"Enjoying yourself?" You giggle as he continues to hug you from behind, the both of you a few steps away from Jisung [who is nearly pressed against the front and center with the kids]. 
"Yeah, told you it'd be fun."
"Baby, I never even had a problem with it." He laughs a bit. "At least he's enjoying himself now." You both chuckle at Jisung joining the kids and pointing at different fish.
"I know, grumpy pants." 
"Hey." He gently taps your waist. "Face me."
"Why?" You look at him slyly before turning in his hold to face him.
"Just cause." He smiles before kissing the tip of your nose, down to your lips. "Glad you're having fun."
"Are you having fun?"
"Course. Nothing beats spending time with my girlfriend and the child." You laugh. "Look." He pulls out his phone to show you the pictures he's taken of you. "Like 'em?"
"They're cute! May I have permission to post these?" You ask cutely and Minho laughs.
"Yeah, but. I need a little tip." He puckers his lips, and you give him what he asks for— slightly tiptoeing to kiss him on the lips again. 
"Thank you."
"Mhm." He boops your nose.
"Yo, lovebirds! Let's go check out the insects please." Jisung pleads.
"Why? All you're gonna do is cry about it when you actually see one." Minho furrows his brows and laces his fingers with yours as he follows him to the insects section.
"Oh yeah, so funny." Jisung says sarcastically. "And what about you, funny guy? Like you're any better!"
"At least I don't scream and make a scene when they move!" They continue to bicker as you silently follow along and make your way into the insect section—
Where, as expected, Jisung flinches and nearly knocks a child out after seeing the tarantula on display.
☁︎ END 
"This is for you, by the way." He hands you a small pastry bag with a brownie inside.
"My favorite!" You let out a small gasp before taking it out to begin munching on it. "You wanna share?"
"I have it too many times, Y/N." You chuckle at the small head tilt he does.
"Did you eat or have some coffee?"
"I did. I'm good, promise."
"Okay." You happily eat away at the brownie. "I hope there aren't too many people since it's still early."
"We'll be fine."
"I felt bad for leaving Mrs. Pak alone today, but she said I should go. She went recently and said they have new plants and flowers decorating the place." You look at him. "I think I'm gonna take a few pictures and try to paint some."
"That sounds like a good plan. Did you ever draw the beach from the wedding?"
"I did. Rough draft. I wasn't too happy with it. Maybe I'll work on it a bit more later."
"I'm sure it looks great."
"I'm rusty." You shrug it off. "I asked Jisung if he wanted to come but he said he's seeing his parents today."
"Yeah, he left really early this morning. But, I think he'll be back for dinner. The guys were trying to figure out what to make for tonight. Which, good for me. Gives me a break from feeding their asses." You laugh at the way he slightly huffs after the response.
Sooner or later, Minho pulls into a spot along the curb since the conservatory sits within a bigger central park. The both of you walk towards admissions to buy tickets for the day and walk in, feeling the warmth increase a teeny bit. You pause in your tracks to take in the view, admiring the colorful blends of all the exotic plants and flowers decorating the place. 
Mrs. Pak was right.
Minho does the same with his hands tucked into his pockets, following closely behind you as you take the time to stop in front of all the exhibits so far. You happily read out the facts to Minho as he stands next to you and takes all of this in.
You gently place your palm under some of the flowers to admire them closely, and Minho takes this as his opportunity to start snapping photos of you— just like before. Most of the time, you don't say much to him because you're so engrossed in the plants, the flowers.
And that's okay, as long as you're enjoying yourself. He wants to see you happy.
"Minho, look!" You smile at the huge monstera leaf, holding it in your hands to show him how big it's gotten.
"Hey, that's cute." He says, holding up his phone to take a picture and showing it to you shortly afterwards. "Here." Your eyes glow at the picture, the shyest smile creeping at the corner of your lips once you meet his eyes again.
"I love it. Thank you, Minho. Did you.. take more?"
"I did. I like 'em all. But— " The two of you continue to walk alongside of each other as he scrolls through the pictures he took of you. "This is my favorite. Besides the one I just took." He chuckles a bit, showing you a picture of you tipping the Medinilla flower close to your nose with a cute smile on your face. 
"You actually took photos of me?" You giggle.
"Why not? Gotta capture the moments, right?" He chuckles. 
"I'm shy."
"Why? It's just me, Y/N."
"Cause. It's weird to see myself in photos. I can't really explain it." You giggle and shake your head, subconsciously holding onto his arm as you continue to walk through the conservatory.
"Hm." He hums. "You look beautiful to me." He looks at you with the softest, sweetest eyes.
"You're sweet." You look down at your feet, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. Minho is your bestfriend, but he feels more to you. You crave for him, his comfort.
He feels special, feels like something deeper— to you.
"Did you like it? Do you wanna stay around for a little more?" Minho asks when you finally hit the end of the conservatory. He watches as you glance around before shaking your head, smiling up at him with your phone in hand.
"I did like it, but I think I'm good. I took photos of all the plants I want to attempt to paint." 
"Cool." He holds his arm back for you to hold onto. "Wanna go on a walk?"
"Where to?"
"I don't know honestly, let's see where it takes us." 
"Okay." You chuckle.
Minho leads the way down a random path that goes around the central park and into the residential neighborhood that has a few small shops lining the streets.
The sun is still up, and the streets are busier now that it's hitting the early afternoon. Minho gently moves you to the side and away from the street, taking the busier side to keep you safe. The both of you talk a bit about the café and JJ, which then reminds you about San.
"I hung out with Sannie the other day."
"Yeah?" Minho says, kicking the rocks beneath his feet as you continue to walk around in the surrounding area. "How was that?" He's trying his best to not give away the fact that he saw you two happily walking into the theater together. With the way it was going, it was easy to tell you had a good night. He's assuming you'll tell him he made you happy, and he asked you out. This is how the news will be broken to him. He hates thinking about it, but he needs to be here for you first and foremost. If you were happy with San, then he needs to hear it and he needs to be happy for you. He will be happy for you. You are his bestfriend before anything, and you are important.
"Good. We had dinner at that fancy unagi place. Then we ate dessert at Peace Piece before catching Spirited Away at the theater."
"Oh, for the Studio Ghibli event?" Impressive, Minho thinks. He honestly thought San was going to take you to see something else. "That sounded like fun."
"I know, I kinda missed you guys while sitting in the theater. Not that San isn't good company, but it would've been nice to see it with you guys, too." You chuckle. "Hopefully, they do it again."
"Yeah, I'd be down." He responds. "What else did you guys do?"
"Hm, nothing really. He took me to the beach and we talked about some things." Minho looks at you with a brow cocked up— definitely his way of prying for more info. "He.. kinda confessed that he liked me? Not kinda, but.. you know what I mean." You feel the heat rise to your cheeks again, and you suddenly feel shy, maybe a bit embarrassed, to be telling Minho this like it's some silly elementary school crush. 
"Mm. Can't say I didn't see that coming." Minho responds with a drip of sarcasm, making you gently push him with a giggle.
"What do you mean?"
"It's obvious he likes you."
"I guess? We just clicked easily." You sigh. "To be honest, I thought I'd have some genuine feelings for him. But, I realized I felt like I was forcing myself to feel a certain way just cause he was there and we've spent time together." You pout a bit as you look back down at your feet. "Anyway, I told him I wanted to stay friends. I don't wanna ruin what we've built. We just seem.. good this way. I think that's what my mind was trying to tell me and I feel content saying that out loud."
"I'm sorry. I know that's tough, though."
"Hm, it's okay." It falls quiet for a bit before Minho's head shoots up and slows his pace a bit. You almost bump into him with the way your head hangs low, unsure of what is stopping him from moving forward.
"Ice cream?" He points towards the ice cream shop.
"Before dinner?" He laughs.
"It's the only way to do it. Plus, it's a nice little picker-upper." You giggle, letting him lead the way into the ice cream parlor. You two stand off to the side, eyeing the menu before stepping forward to order your ice cream. Minho settles for his to be in a cup, while you fully indulge in a waffle cone. He pays for your ice cream shortly after, with you savoring the flavors on your way back to the car.
As you continue the trek back, you hear sounds coming from nearby. You gently tug Minho in the direction, loosely lacing your hand with his to figure out what's happening at this time of day. To your surprise, there's an event happening in one part of the park nearby, with people laid out on their blankets. It seems to be a family friendly movie event, being that there are a ton of kids running around if not seated with their family. 
Minho takes a seat at an open bench facing the screen and shaded lawn area, leaning onto his knees as he eats away at the ice cream scoops sitting in the cup. You sit as close as possible to him, with your legs brushing against his. He likes the feeling, he likes being close to you. It brings him comfort. 
"Oh, look! They're playing a Disney movie."
"Toy Story." Minho responds. "Such a classic."
"Did you plan this?" You look at him slyly before he chuckles and shakes his head.
"If I say yes, does that give me more brownie points?" You giggle and shake your head, chomping onto your waffle cone. 
"I can say that grabbing ice cream before dinner was the right idea."
"See." He looks at you and smirks.
"Good thing it isn't super cold."
"You're not too cold now though, are you?"
"No. I'm okay." The movie starts and the both of you actually start to watch even though this wasn't really included in the original plan. Minho finishes his cup of ice cream first, tossing it into the trash can nearby before plopping back down next to you. He sits back against the bench, lazily throwing an arm onto the ledge and behind your back. You silently giggle to yourself, assuming Minho was probably trying to be slick about his actions. You don't mind it though, and it makes you settle into your seat a little more— back pressed against the bench, bodies close enough to exchange warmth.
"You sure you're okay?" You look at Minho when he suddenly pops the question, wiping at your mouth once you've finished the cone entirely. You let it marinate for a minute, wondering what he could possibly be hinting at. 
"Of course, why?" You ask him, stuck on what could possibly be bothering you.
"I don't know. The whole thing with San?" Minho hates to ask, but he wants to be sure you're okay. You make an 'o' shape with your mouth before nodding.
"Oh, yeah. I'm okay. I think." You shrug. "I just hope we can continue to be the same as friends. We've built a really good friendship in such a short amount of time, I'd hate to lose that." You look at Minho. "I'm just getting used the world again. You know? Exploring everything, making friends. It'll be terrible to lose a friend already."
"I know, but you won't, Y/N. I'm sure it'll be okay. He seems to feel the same way, and I'm sure he understands."
"I—" You look at Minho worriedly, and he slightly furrows his brows in response.
"Hm?" He hums.
"I think it's my turn to sort out my feelings." You chuckle a bit. "I'm not really sure how to explain it."
"That's okay, Y/N. Take your time." You pause, fiddling with your fingers as your feet sway over the edge.
"Would you find it weird if I said I feel attached to you?" He chuckles a bit. "I feel comfortable and safe with you. Like you've always taken care of me. It's nice."
"No. I wouldn't be surprised." He looks at you again with a small smirk. "I've always been the fun one compared to Jisung, anyway." You laugh and playfully push him. "Kidding."
"Seriously. It's not weird? I can't explain it."
"No." He says softly. "We've.. always been—" He pauses as if he's trying to choose his wording. "Really close." He purses his lips. "We've gone through a lot together." He sighs. 
"I see." You respond because you're not sure if you should continue to ask. Perhaps, this was what he wanted to talk more about. But, he wasn't ready. It's obvious he wasn't ready. He knows he should tell you. He's just afraid. Of course, he doesn't wanna be selfish— though, at the same time, he looks at you and realizes he just can't lose you again.
This is the first time Minho has been able to look at you for long. 
"I've really.. missed this." There's a slight pause in between his words, and part of you has to prevent yourself from prying more. You won't out of respect to him, but you also aren't sure what to make of this feeling when you look at him.
Like you love him, adore him— like he means much more to you than you think, than you know.
"We're here now, right?" You smile at him. Minho looks at you, really looks at you— adoration twinkling in his eyes as he softly smiles back. He doesn't say anything, even as he throws his arm around you and pulls you close, planting a sweet kiss on your temple. You lay your head on his shoulder as you two continue to sit there, admiring the surroundings, casually watching the movie.
Sadly, part of you is also overthinking. You can't help but wonder why he wasn't in photos with you. Or, why he was so distant in the beginning. It couldn't just be that he hated taking pictures, or that he was learning how to cope. You were surely missing something to the puzzle. Something that didn't end well, something that happened? Kat? Maybe two young lovebirds who didn't expect their turns in the relationship? But, you trust in Minho to tell you when he's ready.
And who knows, maybe you won't be ready to hear what he has to say. Or, maybe you won't understand what this is all about. Maybe, it'll give you the time that you need. You just hope it isn't entirely heartbreaking.
Whenever it comes.
You trust him.
That's probably what sucks the most because Minho knows you trust him, but you won't after he tells you. He doesn't wanna ruin that today, not just yet— he'll just need to find another day where he can tell you before he gets too wrapped up into this, into you. 
But he will tell you, he will rip that bandaid. And when that day comes, he'll only hope that you will let him show you that he's better— that he's acknowledged his mistakes and that he is learning from them. Hopefully, you'll still be able to trust him no matter how long it takes.
Hopefully, you'll still look at him with the same love, the same twinkle in your eye.
Hopefully, you'll still smile at him the same way you smile at the blue sky— the sky that makes room for everchanging weather, like dark clouds or thunderstorms. But, the blue sky has always waited behind every dark cloud, or every thunderstorm just to shine again.
Hopefully, you'll see that what you've longed for has always been here, just like the blue sky. 
Minho is your blue sky.
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⇢ 12.5 [cloud days]: here
♡ taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @asjkdk @hoes4lino @skzddicted @skzho @edgaralienpoe @harui-zen @bestleeknowstan @havenwithleeknow @septicrebel @heesdazed @borahae-reads @yoontaethings @pearbunny @bintific @lukeys-giggle @ajxreads @everglowdaisies @allaboutsan @endzii23 @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000 @morningstardada @mal-lunar-28 @downbadreading @lilysophie @feelikecinderella @urmomma0324 @ddazed-lhs @djeniryuu @melanctton @i8rsie @maru-matt @sleepyleeji @taerifin @nattisbored @jisunglyricist @m111nho @drhsthl @nixtape-foryou @arminseas @guiltycoco @syuuji @sulkygyu @cadihyo @reianagarcia @leeknowyah @smndjdufuehr @dprkbyn @xxibreinaxx @mxnsxngie [bold = can’t tag 😭]
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etherealily · 1 month
𝕓𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕤 // 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗿.
Finnick Odair + fem!reader, brother's best friend (ahhh!), you don't get it, i love this man
Warning: Cuss words .
You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
Desc. : Finnick makes quite an impression.
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"Hey, what's up, man, if you could just pack up- oh."
You don't even have to turn to know just who in the hell was standing in front of the window of your family's bakery. And this is the one day you decide not to care about how frosting-splattered your apron is, how flour-smeared your hands are. So your brother wasn't lying. He really was all buddy-buddy with Finnick fucking Odair. And this was the one Thursday you decide to actually fill in for him.
"Uh, be right out, sir."
Sir? Sir? Did you really just call him Sir? Well, I mean, yeah, he's a customer, but still... sir? That's too fake. He's going to wig out, he's going to-
"Of course. Take your time. I'm in no rush."
-Be uncharacteristically patient. Hm. Weird. Odd.
Quickly patting off the flour on your hands and watching the flakes fall onto the counter, you wipe your palms roughly on your apron, turning around.
His eyes are fucking ethereal. It's everything you can do to not immediately think of how you would go about replicating the sea-green of them into a frosting colour, or something. However, you decide, it'd be very hard, seeing as there were a kaleidoscope of other hues in there, a tinge of gold, here and there, like flecks of stardust, for one.
The muscles at the front of his arms - across his chest, as he stands - clench, as though he's tightening them. And then you realise : he's waiting.
"So sorry for the wait. How can I help you?"
"Who are you?"
What ?
"Excuse me?"
"Not interrogating you.", he informs you, raising a hand to cut you short. The fucking audacity . "Never seen you before."
"Well, you're seeing me now."
"How do I know you're not just someone stealing from the store?", he inquires, in mock concern. His eyebrows raise just slightly, playfully, even, as he trains his eyes on yours.
Does he also think about how he can replicate the colours in other people's eyes, or is he normal?
"Uh, I've got a key , for one.", you retort, jiggling the keys that you've shoved deep into your apron's pocket.
He shrugs, interlocking his fingers tightly as he cracks his knuckles, tilting his head. "Could be stolen."
"I'm the owner's daughter, Y/N ?"
"Insufficient proof of that.", he shoots back, teeth grazing ever so slightly on his bottom lip as he battles a smirk. "C'mon, do better than that. I'm this close to calling the Peacekeepers, y'know?"
"I can bake a cake?", you suggest, unsure why you're even going along with this.
Oh right, because he's Finnick Odair.
"So can I.", he replies, now resting his elbow down on the windowsill of that godforsaken window your family sold their goods from. You'd always thought it was cute, but now, with the lack of a counter between the two of you, like the normal bakeries, you were resenting the idea. "You're not really selling your identity, you know?"
"I'm literally baking a cake right now.", you exclaim, pointing at your clothes and the oven in which a hopefully delicious cake was rising. "What kind of pathetic thief would help the store they're stealing from?"
"You could be trying to blend in."
"Okay, look, I don't care what you think, Sir. I'm the owner of this place, so you either get your goods or go."
"Good.", he chuckles, softly, although his tone turns slightly, seamlessly more serious. "That's good. That's the response you give, you got that?"
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What?"
"If someone ever makes you doubt who you are, if someone ever...", he swallows, licking his lips for a moment, looking away before continuing, "... ever forces an identity on you. I don't care what you think, I know who I am . That's what you say."
"You came all the way here, did all that, just to... teach me a life lesson?"
"You don't like it? Come on, that was a cool segue, you gotta admit.", he asks, clearly shoving whatever else he was feeling into the back burner as he snickers.
"Threatening to call the Peacekeepers on me? Oh, yeah, that's very cool ."
"Hey, I managed to get your name, didn't I? Doubt you'd have let me get that far any other way."
Not true. You'd have given him your name. Hell, you'd have given up your last name for him, had he asked normally.
"And what do you need my name for?"
"I don't know.", he shrugs, palpably pushing any dirty responses he might've had away. "Maybe I just want to know?"
"You must have a reason."
"You know what, yeah, usually, I have a reason for everything.", he replies, giving you the charming smile you've seen on television almost a thousand times. "But this time, I don't."
That was so infuriatingly expected. Of course Finnick Odair couldn't have just fucking asked for your name like a normal person.
"Do you at least have a reason as to why you're at my store?"
"Your family's store, sweetie, and yeah, I do.", he says, pointing at a tray of half-a-dozen shimmery blue cupcakes with the number '4' frosted boastfully onto them. "Pack those up for me, will you? My order."
"Insufficient proof of that.", you reply, crossing your arms and mirroring his position from when he'd said those words. "Unless you've got a receipt, which we don't give to urgent orders so there's no chance you could have one , I don't see how you're walking away from here with them."
He laughs, heartily, nodding as though impressed. "Funny. Look, let's not make this more complicated than it should be, yeah? You're a pissed off, whiny little girl who can't take a joke, and I'm Finnick Odair. Just give me the cupcakes."
You scoff, audibly scoff at that. The nerve of him. "I'm not a little girl."
"Your brother tells me you cry when you see butterflies? Like... full-on bawl?"
You'd fucking murder your brother the next time you saw him, that was for sure.
"They're ethereal, and very rare."
"They're insects.", he reasons, shaking his head as he rests his head on his palm, tilting his head and gazing at you condescendingly, like you really were a child.
"Shut up."
He snorts, softly. "Give me the damn cupcakes, sweetie."
"Or what, you'll seduce me into giving them to you?"
His face falls, for a moment, his grin faltering. Then, with a sigh that was an infuriating mix of amused, disappointed and enigmatic, he nods. "That's what I'm known for, right? I could do it, you know? Really effectively, too."
"That wouldn't work on me."
"Give me the damn cupcakes, Y/N."
"How do I know you've paid for them?"
"You'll have to take my word for it. It's called trust, ever heard of it?"
"It's called not being a pompous asshole, ever heard of it?"
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
You scoff, rolling your eyes as you turn your back to him, bringing the tray over to the window sill. "Brought your own bag?"
He nods, a slightly triumphant smile - that you choose to ignore, thank you very much - on his face as he hands it to you, then nodding to the bag. "It's all the rage in the Capitol, you know?"
"Oh, I know. I see the Capitol freaks with it all the time on TV.", you mutter, gently bringing out each cupcake and placing them in each indent in the box you'd brought out. "Any embellishments you want before I put them in the bag?"
"Like a bow or something?"
"Yeah, like a bow, a card, some extra sprinkles taped to the box.", you shrug, feigning nonchalance. The urge to draw him was getting way too strong, and it was the most peculiar feeling ever - one you'd never felt before. Capturing him, in a way the cameras he was always swarmed by never could, that would be perfect.
"Yeah, card would be nice."
"What would you like on it?", you ask, sliding a card over from the cardboard box overflowing with them, as you click open a pen.
He raises a brow. "Do you have good handwriting?"
You tsk, shoving the pen in his face. "Here, you do it, then."
He giggles, mischief swirling in his eyes as he takes the pen from you. "Probably best." He clears his throat, dramatically, giving you a matter-of-fact look before he begins writing. "Dear President Snow, wishing you a Happy Reaping Day, with a delicacy from District Four- uh, what do you call these, sweetie?"
"Something cooler." He narrows his eyes at you, tapping the pen on the counter.
"Cupcakes from the Bakery Around The Corner? Seriously, this is District Four, we're not the Capitol - we don't have fancy icing and a quirky little name for each of our orders."
"Yeah, but he does this thing where each year, you have to bring a new delicacy from your District.", he mutters, a slight scoff present in his voice. "Reaping Day special. So I need a cool name."
Interesting. That almost sounded like resentment, from the Golden Boy to the President.
"I'm flattered you consider my cupcakes delicacies."
"Okay, look, your cupcakes are good, delicious, even, but they're not delicacies.", he reminds, keeping the stream of insults you were throwing at each other going. "I just need to give him something other than seafood this year, apparently."
"Well, that's stupid. We're the fishing district."
"Like he gives a flying fuck. What Coriolanus Snow wants, Coriolanus Snow gets."
You snort, covering your mouth. "That's his name?"
"What, did you think it was President ?", he asks, still not looking up from the card as he spins the pen around between his fingers - both calloused and delicate, preserved and wild.
"No, I thought it'd be something more normal."
He tsks. "Seriously, come up with a name for these things."
"They're for you , so call them Odairs, or something, I don't know. Should stroke your ego, too, so it's a win-win."
"These are supposed to be delicacies. Like, a form of pride among our people. I can't name them after me, no matter how awesome that would be.", he adds, with a slight grin.
"Whores from District Four.", you chuckle, shaking your head. "Call them that."
"Why, 'cause I'm the 'Whore from Four' ?", he asks, smirking. "That's a no-no word, you know?"
"Yeah, well, my patience is thinning with you, Odair."
He snickers, softly, chewing the inside of his cheek, still staring at the card. "You know what, fuck it. Whores it is."
"Really? Just go with no card."
He groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. "No, a card is expected.", he sighs, spinning the pen around. "I should just call them whores. But, you know, spelt with an 'h'. What's he gonna do, ask around the District 4 marketplace for 'hores'?"
You laugh. "Hey, if that works...", you salute him, nodding. He writes with soft, almost enchanting strokes, and then signs his name.
"Thanks, Y/N.", he adds, after you finish taping the note precisely to the centre of the box's lid, before gently lowering it into his Capitol bag. "If this works, I'm paying you extra."
"If President Snow comes around asking for my District-famous 'hores', I'll pay you extra."
══════════════════ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ══════════════════
The muffled rush of the waterfall, and the feathery tufts of grass you were laying on almost help you enjoy life , for once, and help you forget that Reaping Day is tomorrow. Almost.
"You know you're not supposed to be out here, right, sugar?"
And then suddenly, the 4 o'clock sun isn't the thing that's blinding your senses.
It's him, instead.
Towering over you, almost gleaming hair threatening to spill over and disrupt the calm in the pool of his eyes, he tilts his head mockingly.
"I know."
He gapes in mock scandal. "Aren't you the little rebel?", he muses, raising a brow in amusement before offering you his hand.
You grab it, and he hauls you up with admirable ease. "Your cupcakes were a hit, sweetie. Absolute hit.", he informs, with the twinkly grin that comes with being Finnick Odair.
His mildly calloused hand still grips yours tightly.
"I see. You're welcome."
He shrugs, nodding. "Yeah, I suppose you deserve the thanks."
The silence sweeps past you, the only sounds embossed in both of your hushed breaths, in the gentle songs of birds, the faint roar of the waterfall, and suddenly, his voice, smooth as a wave embracing the shore.
"Come on."
"Trust me."
When Finnick Odair asks you to trust him, you do. Rule number one of the rule book of... well, life.
"If you take me to some Capitol party-"
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I promise, the last place I'm ever taking you is the Capitol. In fact, it can be said I'm doing the exact opposite."
You raise a brow. "What, you're taking me in the opposite direction? As far away from the Capitol as possible?"
His eyes dart around, above, behind and beside you, before they finally land on yours, and he nods, slowly, hesitantly. "Yeah, exactly.", he muses, his words drawn out as if he was unsure of them, too.
Bad sign.
"You're taking me out the borders?", you hiss, lowering your voice and glaring sharply at him. "That's illegal, Golden Boy."
"Don't call me that. Not here, in District 4."
You scoff. The audacity running through his veins was insufferable. "I'll call you whatever I damn want to. You trying to get me killed or turned into an Avox?"
"I'm trying to show you something!", he snaps, using his tense grasp on your hand to draw you closer, so that your foreheads were borderline touching. See, this was bad, this was bad, this was-
"Just let me!", he continues, his voice almost pleading. "You think I don't know it's Reaping Day tomorrow? That you could get picked to go die in the Games?"
"No, you're just the one helping us go die."
"You shut up.", he hisses, a finger in your face. "Don't say things you know nothing about. I'm a mentor."
"Did you even try with the tributes from last year? Or the year before that? Because I heard that-"
"What you heard is fucking-", he cuts himself short, taking a deep breath. "Please. Just follow me. For the love of God.", he orders, gently tugging you along.
Not like you even wanted to pull away - this was Finnick Odair.
"What is it you love most about District 4?"
"District 4. What is it you love most about it?"
"It's home.", you shrug. "What else is there?"
"Yeah, but I mean, with time, any place is home. Have you never wanted to leave, to explore?"
It's times like these you realize your parents' bakery isn't that important- you'd sell the whole thing to figure out what was going on in that angelic head of his. His words lilting through your senses like sea-breeze.
"I'm exploring as much as I can right now."
He pauses for a moment, turning around. Dimples. "I'm glad I can be your guide, then."
Shut the fuck up, freak of nature. Stop with your beautiful words.
You almost say that. You don't, though.
"Okay, can you jump for me?"
"Jump?", you ask, looking over his shoulder at the huge gap between the part of the rock you were on, and the one you were supposed to go to. "No way."
"Come on, you can do it.", he says, leaping over the humongous gap as if he were playing hopscotch. "I'll catch you."
That's not the part you're worried about. The part you're worried about is you chickening out in front of the Finnick Odair. The interviews he would go through.
'Oh, yes, Hunger Games or not, tragic deaths have always been part of my everyday. Just the other week, a girl I knew slipped near a waterfall and plummeted to her death. Tragic. But I got over it because I'm Finnick Odair. I'm hot. And rich. And did I mention, hot?'
The entire nation wouldn't mourn you. It'd mourn the fact that poor Darling Finnick Odair had to watch you die.
"I don't know about this, Odair."
"Trust me."
That's the second time this man had asked you to trust him tonight. Rule of life.
"I swear, it'll be worth it. Take a leap of faith. Literally."
You grimace, pursing your lips. Your eyes move-
"Don't!", he yells, suddenly, waving his hand from across the abyss so your eyes land on it. "DON'T look down. Just look at me. Leap to me."
Reach for his eyes. Those pools of moss green and cerulean blue that make you want to embrace and destroy the planet for being able to create something so perfect.
It takes a couple of seconds for you to convince yourself he'll catch you. It's an excuse to look at his muscles, yeah, but still, he's strong enough. He'll catch you.
I won't die in front of Finnick Odair.
And you leap.
Instantly, your feet slip on the wet rock on the other side, and you grip onto Finnick's shoulders as he wraps his arms around you.
"Shut up. I almost died."
"So dramatic.", he chuckles, gently letting go of you as he leads you further behind the waterfall, the tufts of grass on which you lay now faintly visible through the gushing water between you and them.
"There's a tiny cave kind of thing here. Look."
You squint, kneeling down in front of the entrance.
"Don't be shy. Come in."
You crouch down, taking his hand as he leads you further into the cave, walking gingerly until you see a tiny pool, illuminated by a golden ray of sunlight spilling through from a crack in the stone above.
Good god.
And around it, as though crafted for you, placed for your perusal, were hordes of glass-blue butterflies, fragile, delicate, and oh-so-ethereal, twirling around each other, bathed in all directions by the beam of light, which flowed through their transparent wings.
Finnick Odair, marry me.
"So?", he asks, breath gently brushing your ear. "What do you think?" The eagerness in his eyes was obvious, as though he were a child showing you the scribbles he'd just made.
"I thought, y'know, I mean, I get excited about the ocean, so there's no reason for you not to get excited about butterflies."
"How did you find this place?", you ask, breathless.
"That's a secret."
Your eyes are transfixed onto the flapping of wings, the distribution of gold, the surreality of it all. It's almost godly. It's so breathtaking, you genuinely need to sit down. He sits with you.
"Are you scared for tomorrow?"
"That's a secret."
He smiles, softly, though the sadness in his expression is palpable and inevitable. It irks you. The way he is supposed to be, according to you, is spinning around the shoreline, laughing as he dances with the waves, sand on his hands and knees, a tan kissing his skin. That's how he must remain, and that is how you will draw him, if you ever get to.
After a tiny while, though, he leans back, against the rock behind him, eyes still trained on your awe as you watch the butterflies glide around blissfully, before looking out, at the curtain of water flowing and concealing the entrance of this little slice of paradise he'd found for you.
"You know, you could just stay here till tomorrow. You don't even have to go to Reaping Day."
"Oh, yeah, because that's smart. I'll be arrested."
"Then just don't go back."
"Leave my family to get punished?"
"Please tell me you didn't need tesserae."
"Well, before you, barely anyone from our District won, and if they did, they most definitely didn't share."
He groans, running his hands over his face. "So it's not even a fair chance."
You shake your head. "It's fine, though." Has been for five years.
He scoffs, borderline laughing at you, derisively. "Please elaborate."
"If you managed to find the one tiny place on earth where butterflies still thrive, and it happened to be here, by the waterfall I spent my whole life admiring, then, there's a chance I won't be reaped."
"You're extraordinary. Genuinely. Phenomenal. Splendid. Fabulous. Amazing." Was that awe in his voice? Awe at... you? What you just said?
"Are you buttering me up because I might be picked to die tomorrow?"
"I'm buttering you up because you're incredible."
Drawing him isn't enough.
Sonnets, prose, stories, love songs, ballads.
Those would be enough.
"If I get reaped, you better mentor me good."
"If you get reaped, you'll win. I'll get you sponsors, I'll train you so that you'll be an absolute force to reckon with."
The promises are beautiful and fragile and absolutely ludicrous. But that would be the name of his biography.
"If I survive, we're coming here every day."
It's like you've already resigned yourself to the fact that you were going to get chosen.
"You're a Career. You'll be fine."
"Who are you trying to convince?"
Silence suddenly enters the cave.
"We should go."
Both of you say it, both of you agree, and both of you get up.
"Thank you, Finnick."
His name tastes oddly sweet coming out of your mouth. However, the next moment shows that his lips taste even sweeter.
His fucking dimples.
"C'mon. I think this time, leaping will be easier."
What he means by that, you don't know.
Not like you want to, not immediately. Spending your whole life trying to figure him out seemed like a solid career plan.
You leap again.
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captain-mj · 5 months
Superhero au
Part 1
I really liked this idea so I'm making more of it! Sorry to disappoint
Ghost tried to get up and blood slipped through the shadows, spilling on the floor. His face had turned extremely pale and his lips had even gained a blue tint. 
Soap quickly pushed him back down, not missing the groan it got out of Ghost. “No. No. Stay.” He felt the flesh under his hands and it felt… strangely human. 
Soap had been born from a test tube and was then given to a nice family that they thought could raise him with the right morals. They succeeded. But Soap wasn’t human. Not at all. 
Ghost was. He could tell when they touched. Warmth and blood and his heartbeat filled Soap’s sense and he yanked away. 
“You’re human? Just a human? You do all of this. Fight all of these people, me and my team included and you’re just human?”
Ghost stared at him blankly. “You’re not?”
“No! Of fucking course not! I was made to fight off the fucking robots and aliens and weird shit that comes to butcher humanity and you’re telling me you’re just some guy?”
“Fucking hell. Yeah. I’m just human with basically a pet of shadows. That upset about it?”
Soap gaped at him for a minute before shaking his head. “You know Gaz? In my league?? He’s half human and therefore he gets priority over everything! We protect him first because he’s potentially fucking mortal. What your mother think if she knew you were out here killing yourself?”
“My mom’s dead.”
“Any siblings?”
Ghost slumped into the couch and his head was hanging oddly since he couldn’t be bothered holding it up. “Johnny, I wasn’t lying when I said you were the only person I could go to… A bit pathetic, isn’t it? You guys think I’m some monster skulking in the shadows, huh?” His eyes were fluttering and Soap could actually hear Ghost’s heartbeat slowing. 
Soap rushed into action, quickly getting him…
What could he get him? He didn’t keep medical supplies on hand!
Soap used a tiny bit of reality bending powers to zap to a store and zap back. He pulled Ghost up, feeling how deadweight he was and feeling slightly panicked about it. Even the shadows were tugging and pulling at Ghost to try to wake him up. 
Honestly, they were… kinda cute. Just little guys that swarmed around Ghost to try to get attention. Soap managed to bandage the large slash across Ghost’s stomach and he fixed him so he was more comfortable on his couch. 
He understood enough about human biology to know what to do from here, but the waiting was horrible. 
After a while, he started cooking soup. It was just a simple vegetable soup. Tasted pretty bland but he was worried of putting too much spice into it. What if it killed him? Aren’t British people sensitive to seasoning?
Ghost’s breathing hitched for just a moment and Soap was by his side, watching him. He groaned when he saw him. “Too bright. Turn the lights down.” 
Soap dimmed himself considerably. “Sorry. I’ve made you food.” 
Ghost looked distrustful before relaxing again. He supposed he didn’t kill him in his sleep and that was enough. His mask was only lifted a little though so he could eat the soup. 
Soap noticed his hands shaking and he fought the urge to help him. Ghost ate like a starved man, wiping his face once it was done. “That was really good.” He swallowed it down and  Soap found himself fascinated by the bounce of his adam’s apple 
Soap dragged his gaze away. He knew his… quickness to get obsessed was rather creepy. His family tried hard to break him of it, but he just… couldn’t help it. A nasty habit. Even worse when it included people. 
Ghost put the bowl down and laid back. He didn’t fix his mask and his head lolled back, leaving tons of skin exposed. The shadows wrapped around Ghost and they… eyed Soap, clearly judging him. 
Soap quickly looked away, embarrassed. “You can stay as long as you need.”
“I won’t be long.”
“As long as you want then.” 
“I’ll be here even less.” Ghost smiled but he was already looking tired again. All the blood loss seemed to get to him. Soap slowly pulled him down to lay down the couch, surprised by how… pliable Ghost felt. He went to pull the blanket up for him but the shadows stopped him. Their grip was impossibly strong, to the point that Soap couldn’t fight against them at all. He frowned and yanked himself back but they didn’t budge. Only when Ghost opened his eyes did they retreat. “Why do you keep standing over me?”
Soap wasn’t sure how he could explain what just happened so he simply backed up quickly. “Goodnight!” He turned tail and retreated. 
Ghost was gone in the morning. Soap checked on him and found him laying in his bath at home, clearly trying to deal with his own wounds. He felt a rush of irritation but let it go. 
Gaz had sent him a few messages, one of them explaining that something had happened with Ghost and The Russian last night. Apparently the fight caused a lot of damage to other people. It seemed he had been asking for help with the situation before eventually texting him back that they have it under control but to talk to Price ASAP. Chances are the old man was mad at him for being so unreachable, but he didn’t really care at the moment. He had been busy with something more important. 
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padscomm · 4 months
part 3
tara carpenter x f!reader
warnings: grammatical errors, so yea
a/n: I didn't expect this to blow up, but thanks alot!!
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Anika · nikayoko
; anika
hey, are you okay?
you stormed out w/o hearing us say anything
I'm worried
; y/n
I'm okay
nothing happened, it's just my tita auntie
was finding me because it was late
; anika
y/n, I thought you didn't have curfew?
; y/n
tita auntie made new rules ig
; anika
c'mon, stop lying to me y/n
I know that you're lying
you can tell me everything
if your not comfortable, just tell me okay?
I'll give you some space
; y/n
I'm not comfortable of talking about it
sorry anika, I promise I'll tell you when
I finally feel comfortable
; anika
take your time, don't rush.
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liked by carpensam , nikayoko , lndry and 130 others
ynartist nobody knows my real birthday lol, do you even know me?
Ethan · @ lndry
when’s your birthday anyways?
· replying to @ lndry
Y/N · @ ynartist
i am not telling you that
Anika · @ nikayoko
I guess nobody know's you that well, even if your a talkative person
· replying to @ nikayoko
Y/N · @ ynartist
I don't tell info about me, unless your willing to know about me:))
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liked by nikayoko , vcchad , tarafilms and 560 others
mindymarts my roman empire
tara · @ tarafilms
delete this right now!!
· replying to @ tarafilms
chad · @vcchad
but we look cute there
Mindy don't delete it
sam · @carpensam
r u fucking my sister?
· replying to @carpensam
mindy · @ mindymarts
probably he is
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liked by lndry , tarafilms , mindymarts and 1000 others
ynartist I'm gonna deactivate my account since i need to get away from shit, lol.
Anika · @ nikayoko
; Anika
have you been seeing how
y/n has been acting?
; mindy
oh yea
it's very weird
do you think it's about chad & Tara?
; anika
I think so
; mindy
does she like Chad?
; anika
she said that she see's Chad as a brother figure
come to my apartment like right now
; mindy
after a few minutes, Mindy arrived at anika's apartment. “hey, baby.” anika pulled her in for a kiss, “lets talk about y/n. because I'm actually worried for her.” mindy didn't understand why anika was so worried for you, when she knew that you can take care of yourself.
“why are you so invested in y/n?”
“because, I care for her. I don't really see how you guys care for her.” anika said. mindy didn't say anymore, and just listened to anika yapping about y/n.
the both of them were on the couch, Mindy laying on anika's lap. “let’s go to her apartment.” Mindy suggested, and anika said yes.
and the both of them did, they went to your apartment, sharing with ethan. mindy didn't like ethan that much, but anika, ethan and you were the most closest people on earth. but anika alway's felt, that you and ethan had something together.
anika knocked on the door, and anika saw ethan’s tall figure Infront of her. “can i help you anika and mindy?” ethan asked politely, while mindy frowned, and wasn't buying it. mindy barged in the apartment, and knocked on your door.
“y/n? it's me mindy! can we talk?” you heard mindy knocking on your door, loudly. you didn't have any choice, and you just opened it.
“hi mindy, and anika. what are you two doing here?” mindy looked at you with disgust, “you were definitely been crying all night, judging by the looks of yours.” you were offended at the words of mindy.
“so? why do you care.”
“y/n, let's talk.” anika says, you agreed because you trusted anika, but not mindy. so you guys let her out for a bit, she didn't care.
Mindy was going to their place, of course McDonald's! and the core four was there, so she was excited since she was about to get food.
she arrived at McDonald's, and saw chad hooking his hand on tara’s shoulder. “whats up!!” Mindy says loudly. “ohh hey mindy, where have you been?” tara asked, “at y/n’s place, anika and ethan are there right now, they're having a deep talk.”
“ethan?” tara looked at mindy, “why is he hanging out with that douchebag?” tara frown’s, “well they are like something, that's what anika said to me.” mindy sense’s jealousy in the room.
“i can sense jealously in the room..” mindy jokes, and tara doesn't like it. “i need to use the restroom.” she goes directly to the bathroom, slamming the door.
“why does she trust Ethan more than me! I'm supposed to be the one for y/n.” tara thought to herself.
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chansbabygirlsstuff · 2 months
Just a bet Chapter 7
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HII lovelies here is chapter 7 please enjoy it!
warnings: fluff really cute
Words: 1k
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"Are you avoiding me?"  he tells me 
"What? no, I'm not" I shift uncomfortably trying to hide the unexpected news I just got told about him
"Then why are you canceling all our plans and not even looking at me? did I do something wrong?" he asked now stopping walking and turning to face me, so I turned to him 
"Look, I just have a terrible eye infection and I just don't feel comfortable with people seeing it, and it hurts awful, I don't want to seem weird being around you with big ass sunglasses on right?" you try defending yourself 
"ok, come with me" he grabs your hand and pulls you toward the parking lot to his car, I get in with no context thinking how easily I can get kidnaped in life
"where are we going?" he starts the car and gets out of the uni "You'll see" he sighs frustrated 
he parks in a mini station mall where I can see restaurants, boutiques, ice cream shops, and more, I get excited as  I see the ice cream shop going straight to it, but before I enter it Chan grabs my arm and pulls me to the right, "here, we can go there later" he pulls me to a pharmacy
"hello what can I help you with?" the kind lady says  "Hi can we get a cream for an eye infection, please," he says kindly as  I freeze,  I didn't know this was coming. "of course, I will need to see how infected it is soi can refer you to an antibiotic" she smiles looking at him 
I look down as I would not like him to see my bruised eye, I look at him and he pressures me "Don't worry I won't say anything to anyone" he smiles. I take my glasses off and look at the woman. She nodded "Sweetie that is not an infection, that is a bruise caused by a hit" Chan didn't look at me respecting my decisions. Still, when she said it was a bruise he grabbed my face and started examining it, his eyes widened when he saw my eye "But we do have some cream for the swollen area and the pain" she typed something in the computer "We have x product for the swollen area and for the pain..." she searches in the computer "do you have any pain in your eye?" she looks at me "yes I do have lots of pain" I nod and look down feeling guilty about lying to him.
"we will take both, please," he says taking out his wallet "Oh, don't worry Chan I will pay for it," you said putting your glasses back on and taking out your wallet "Don't, I come here to buy you something for your eye so let me" he places your wallet down and he takes out his card to pay
"Thank you have a nice day " She smiles and we leave towards the car, when we both shut the door only silence can be heard 
"Who did this to you?" he tries to say calmly way trying to concentrate looking directly into the road while the car is still parked 
"I -umm" you have trouble telling the truth 
"When did this happen? and why didn't you tell me anything?" 
"I- uh it happened on Saturday" You feel scared not knowing what he is going to do 
"Who did this to you Y/n? I need to know" his worried eyes look back at you 
"my dad" you murmur to him looking down, you never had someone who truly worried about you when this used to happen 
"why the fuck would he hit you?" he looked at you with an unbelievable expression on his face
"Because I came home late last Friday" you murmur not wanting him to feel that this was his fault 
"he hit you becuase you were out late, but aren't you 23?" he looks more shocked and angry than ever
"I'm used to it, ever since my mom died he has been hitting me for any excuse he can find, so don't worry about me," I say looking out the window
"We need to do something about it Y/n I can't let this happen again what the actual fuck is wrong with him?" he starts the car
"I already tried everything and I have nowhere to go, the police won't do anything about it"
"Why don't you move out?" he asks you "My job doesn't allow me with my low income, and trust me if I could I would"
"mhm let me think..." he stays quiet
"don't worry about me Chan I swear it's fine, actually thank you for worrying about me" I express my gratitude towards him  
"look my sister is looking for a roommate, how about you pay the 20% each month and I will pay for the rest and I will talk to her ok?"
"no Chan please, it's fine, that's practically living for free" you saw feeling flustered about his request 
"Another option is living with me, but I don't know how you are going to feel about that" he looks at me
"Chan don't worry about me, I don't want to be a burden to you" 
"ok... just... please call me if he ever does the same thing again" I nod and he smiles at me 
he drives me home and says goodbye to me "Please know that I'm here if you need me ok?"
I nod and wave "Thank you for everything again" he smiles and waves back 
I get inside the house and run towards my room and lock the door, throwing myself in the bed I cover my face in my pillow kicking my feet "Oh my God he is such a bitch" you said giggling and kicking your feet  for making you feel butterflies in your tummy
You get up take a shower, do your skincare, and apply both creams around your eye
you lay back down grabbing a bag of chips in your top drawer and keeping snacks there so you don't have to get out of your room 
you grab your phone and open your contact to Chris's phone number 
                             -Thank you for the cream Chris it helped calm the pain around my eye 
 -ofc Y/nie text me if you need anything else:) 
                                                   - I will thank you again, Chris, good night 
-goodnight Y/n 
you put your phone back down feeling that crazy feeling on your stomach smiling to yourself, but then remember what Mina said about Sana and Chris last time, oh great there goes one of the best days ever.
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hey lovelies I hope you enjoyed chapter 7 remember that i post every Friday at 6pm CTS and if you want to be on the tag list please tell me
Taglist: @stayceebs97 @foivestarrsketchez @salfetkablog @strayywayy
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dontforgetoctober3rd · 7 months
Come Go With Me
A Michael Gavey fic.
EDIT: Now with art! (just a sketch tho)
Summary: It's the spring of 2007 and Michael Gavey has so far kept to the vow he made to never socialize again after Oliver ditched him. Then he meets a cute girl at a coffee shop. Will the vow stand strong or immediately go down the drain?
Word Count: 3986
Rating: T (plenty of swearing, instances of misogyny, objectification of the female body, atrociously incorrect bagel eating, New York City slander, etc.)
Author's Note: yes, the title is the song by Expose. Also, I'm a corny writer.
Divider by @cafekitsune
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“I don’t know or care what Oliver Quick is doing this summer,” Michael said, continuing to type on his laptop, not even making eye contact with whoever asked the question.  The guy who asked left without saying anything further.
Some random guy in the library asked Michael if it was true that Oliver was going to be spending the summer with Felix on his family’s estate.  It was more about prying into Felix’s business than him wanting to know anything about Oliver, Michael thought.  Oliver was not on the same level of being interesting (in the eyes of the general student populace) that the Cattons were.  
Michael didn’t give a shit that Oliver was going to fancy fucking Saltburn with his new, snobby, loser, nepo baby friends for the summer.  Really, he didn’t.  When Oliver humiliated him at the bar, he made the decision then to swear off any further socializing at the university.  It was the best thing he ever did.
Already, he felt less anxious.  He had more time to focus on his coursework.  More time to read new books, attend off campus lectures.  Walks in the park by himself were quite relaxing when he didn’t have to think about topics to keep a stilted, dying conversation going.  He even went so far as to set aside time to play video games again.  Every weekend, for one hour and a half, he lost himself in Fable on his Xbox.  
Michael still felt the sting of the bar betrayal from time to time, as he thought he had finally found a true friend in Oliver (or at least, the potential for him to become one).  The new, lone path taken had helped him realize that he was not the problem.  Oliver was just an asshole, like the majority of those who went to Oxford.  
Sometimes Michael wondered why people didn’t like him.  Must be how smart he was.   There was nothing weird about being good at math.  What was so awful about being good at math, anyway?  He guessed that most peoples’ biggest issue with his smarts was that it reminded them they were stupid. Oh well!  Plenty of time for activities by himself now.
One of those activities was fast became his favorite, after only his fourth visit.  Visiting a little coffee shop he had discovered near the river, he was able to “mingle” among people without having to talk to anyone. No one would bother him here and he would still get his dose of human contact which, after all, was vital to the psychological constitution of a person.  As rigid as he intended on being with his new No Socializing At Oxford vows, Michael did not intend on becoming a psychopath.  Besides, the baristas never got his order wrong. They never talked to him beyond the perfunctory taking of his order but after the third time, when he walked in, instead of asking what he would like the person at the register had asked “The usual?” and Michael would just say yes, thank you, and then pay.
Michael packed up his laptop, shoving it and the charger into his reusable Tescoe bag along with his notebooks. He stood and adjusted his sweater, checked all his pant pockets were buttoned up and zipped closed.  He kept his visits only to every other day so as to not have the monotony grate on his nerves. The coffee shop made fresh bagels every day, however, and he had been looking forward to enjoying one all morning (his favorite was blueberry).  He liked to eat his a certain way, scooping out the insides of each slice before finally eating the hollowed out crusts.  Someone at school would surely have an opinion about his bagel-eating method (not that he cared) but at the coffee shop, Michael was left in peace.
 Walking briskly through the library doors and outside in the crisp spring air, he didn’t even look in direction of Oliver walking up the steps into the library with Felix.  They were laughing about something but Michael didn’t even breathe in their direction.
The delicious smell of bread baking hit him in a wave as he stepped into the coffee shop.  It looked like a rush had just hit, the baristas busy cleaning and restocking various items.  
“Hi! I’ll take your order right over here.” came the chipper voice.  Michael turned.
Oh god, a new hire. An American one (he was pretty sure the accent he heard was American) Maybe he wasn’t entitled to feel irritated about changes in the store, it's not like he owned the damn thing, but Michael felt irritated just the same.  This was HIS spot and someone new had just invaded it.
The new girl had long hair parted in the middle, tied back in a bun.  The hair was turquoise. A very bright turquoise, almost neon, he would say.  It pissed him off even more. Dyed hair was so fucking tacky.
He trudged to the register, hating every second of anticipating having to deal with someone new, someone chatty, even for something as impersonal as coffee.  
The girl was almost as tall as he was, eye-level to him, smiling the fakest fucking smile he had ever seen.  I mean, it had to be fake.  Who looked this happy to be taking a stranger’s order? He didn’t even bother attempting to smile back.  Whatever.  Get my coffee, bitch Michael though.
“I’ll have a large vanilla coffee, sugar free, with a blueberry bagel.” 
“Ah, so just cutting back on the sugar but can’t quite quit it altogether, eh?” the girl said with a wink and another smile, totally unperturbed by his attitude.
Michael pursed his lips and said nothing.  The girl, still unbothered, looked down and clacked away on the touch screen.  He quickly looked over her in the few seconds she imputed his order.  
She had long, acrylic nails, painted a pastel kind of purple.  Her name tag said Cat, which he guessed was short for Catherine.  Maybe.  Also her boobs were big.  Not normal big, but stripper big.  Not that he would know, but still.  Too big for the word “boobs”, for sure.  Tits seemed like a more appropriate word.  If he had ever been to a strip club he was pretty damn sure stripper tits would look exactly like hers.  And she had tattoos covering the entirety of her left arm.  Classy, he thought condescendingly. No wonder she was working here instead of somewhere like a bank.
Michael wondered if she had tattoos on her chest as well…he was so sure he could avert his gaze before she noticed but suddenly her fingers snapped and her head lowered into his line of vision, a smug look on her face.  Small wisps of hair hung in front of her ears, he noticed.
“You lose something. buddy?” she asked.  
“I didn’t mean-I was just looking at your name tag.” he sputtered, fidgeting with a cuff of his sweater.  
“Look, it's fine. They’re tits.” 
Michael flinched slightly at her casual use of the word.  It was one thing to talk like that with other guys, but girls? What was she trying to prove?  Tits tits tits. He made a point to stare straight into her eyes and not look away while she continued to speak. “Its not a big deal, I promise,” she said, finishing up his order on the register and offering her hand to take payment. 
Choosing not to respond, Michael set his Tesco bag on the counter so he could unzip one of his pockets to get at his credit card.  The pocket it was in was hard to open and the zipper always caught, so two hands were needed.  
“You can look, you know,  just don’t be creepy about it.” she continued, as he struggled slightly with the pocket.  
Michael did not look at her as he handed over the card. 
Being branded a “creep” was the last thing Michael needed.  He was already the Lonely Nerd at university, he really did not want to become the Creepy Lonely Nerd (that ogles stranger’s tits).  Not that he would give a shit what people thought, but one less socially crippling label was better than one more.
“I mean, it’s not like I can leave them at home, right?  I don’t mind a little look here and there!” she said with a laugh, handing back his card. Unbelievable.  She was still talking about her tits! 
“Can I get that to go?” Michael answered more than asked.  
“Sure thing. Uh, what’s your name?”
“I’m Michael.” He was not staying here. He was not going to stay and become the Creepy Tit Guy.  Given her outgoing nature, Cat would probably have something to say about the way he ate his bagel, too, he was sure of it.  He would become Creepy Tit And Weirdo Bagel Eating Method Guy if he stayed. Maybe dealing with this at university would have been easier but this was supposed to be his relaxation spot. The coffee shop was ruined for him now, he would never come back.  Ever.  Fuck this place and fuck her.
“Alrighty, dude. Be right back!” 
“My name is not…dude..” Michael stepped away from the register, his voice fading away to nothing as Cat got his order ready, unable to hear him.  There was no one else coming in right now, it seemed he came during a lull. The other employees were still cleaning and restocking. 
“Here you go!” Cat said with a smile, handing him his bagel in a paper wrap and his coffee. 
Still not looking at her, he took his bagel and his coffee and got the fuck out of there, practically powerwalking away. 
 It was only until he made it to a nearby park bench that he finally saw what Cat had written on the other side of his bagel wrapper.  A whole paragraph, practically.  Michael, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I was just trying to be funny, I swear.  Enjoy your coffee.  Hope you come back! 
Michael felt relief for a moment, before loudly groaning and spilling some of his coffee as he made to slap his forehead with that same hand.  He had left his fucking Tescoe bag at the coffee shop.  His bag that had his computer, his notebooks, his finished papers for a couple of classes. 
He had to go back.  Fuck.
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“Yeah, sorry, but she said she knew you.”
Michael swore. The cashier informed him that Cat had just left, her shift was over.  She had taken the bag with her to the Oxford library.  Apparently, she was a student there?  Who fucking knew!?
“You need me to call the police?”
“No, that’s all right, I do know her.”  Michael lied.  “I told her earlier I’d be headed to the library later.  She probably figures she can catch me there.”  Without a single, civil ‘thank you’, Michael practically fled the shop.
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He didn’t care how dumb it looked that he was frantically looking everywhere in the library for the familiar, turquoise hair.  People always looked at him funny.  It’s not like he could go to each of them individually and ask them hey could you please stop snidely whispering every time you look in my direction? Old Michael would go back to his dorm, have a cry, wonder why no one liked him and then quickly finish his homework in his dungeon of a bedroom before crying some more and then going to sleep.
New Michael didn’t give a shit.  New Michael was focused 100 percent on his academics and self-care, and right now his academics were in jeopardy because that Tesco bag held papers he had yet to type (Michael liked to hand write his work first, he felt it was more thorough). Also, maybe New Michael should better remember to not forget his shit at random shops.  Old Michael wouldn’t have forgotten. Whatever. 
After scanning the entire first floor of the library, he stomped to the second floor.  If she was a student here, how had he never seen her?  The hair would have been hard to miss.  Of course, it's not like he made it a habit to people watch anymore, especially in the library. 
Suddenly, he saw her.  Way in the corner, at a table right under a huge window, he saw her returning with her nose in a book from the shelves.  On the table, his bag.  
“Give it here.” Michael said, approaching the table.  Cat looked up from her book.
God, she was pretty.  He felt like a troll next to her.  It was so fucking unfair. More importantly though…why was he telling her to hand the bag back?  It was HIS.  He should just take it and go, without a word.  She had basically stolen it.  The girl was a thief and took it to give him a hard time because she was a bitch, like every other pretty girl he had ever interacted with and been cut down by. Maybe he could like her if he gave it a try…but the days of trying to get people to think he was cool or amazing were over.  She was a bitch and he knew it.
Mmm not what the note on your bagel showed, an annoying voice in his head began. That note could only have been written if she liked you because who would write that for a random customer?  You should talk to her an-  
Oh, fucking christ.  Old Michael.  Desperate-to-be-liked-by-someone-ANYONE Michael.  Shut the fuck up, Old Michael. You are dead.
“Yeah, no problem, I mean it is your bag!” Cat said cheerfully, closing her book and holding the bag out to him. “Sorry you had to run all this way to get it, Michael.”
“Um, it’s ok.  I run fast.” Michael said, immediately regretting it. God, that sounded so fucking stupid. He reached out for his bag.
Oh, so we’re no longer on that socializing ban, huh, Mr. Comedian?  I mean, what was THAT?!  Old Michael thought slyly. Shut up shut up shut up shut up!!!!! And, look!  She remembers your name! SHUT UP.
“-couldn’t just leave it there, you know?” Cat had finished saying.
Michael froze. “Huh?” 
What had she been talking about?  Shit. “Uh, why not?” Please let that be the right response.  Please let that be relevant to what she was fucking saying, Michael thought desperately. 
Cat rolled her eyes, but still sounded…not like a bitch?  “The laptop would definitely have been long gone if I hadn’t taken the bag.  I couldn’t just leave it there.”
Oh.  That was it.  That had been all she had said. Michael nodded and mumbled his thanks, ready to go…except Cat still held onto the bag. And stopped him with her next words.
“You play Fable a lot?”she asked.
It’s a trap.  She is going to make fun of you, he thought to himself.  Just get your shit and go. His hand was also still on HIS bag.  That she was not letting go of, for some reason.
“Yeah, I like it a lot.” 
Oh, how riveting.  That will make her swoon! Old Michael chimed in. 
“Really?” Cat responded.  Her tone wasn’t mocking.  It was…interested?  “I like it too but it feels unfinished, somehow.  I wish they would release Fallout 3 for these new consoles already, I bet it would be 1000 times better than this crap that Lionhead put out.”
Michael nodded.  She liked Fallout? She was impatient for the release?? Ask her to go with you to the midnight release next year!!! Ask her ask her ask her ask- No.  Shut up.  Be normal, for once in your life, be normal and chill about something. 
“-able doesn’t feel like it’s TRULY a good rpg, where you can do whatever you want, you know?  You can only go in one direction and can’t put off the main quest at all.”
She was still talking about Fable.  She was still talking about video games, something they both liked, something they had in common.
This is your chance, you know. Old Michael piped in.  Did any of those other people ever show even the slightest interest in the stuff you were into?  Ever? Ask her out!
“Ok,” Michael began. “I see your point, but the mechanics of the game aren’t the star so much as the incredible story and character designs-” 
While he continued to go on a tangent of Fable’s good qualities to Cat, trying his best not to sound too rant-y, Michael frantically gave the idea of asking her out some thought…
What if she said no? Hm what if she says yes? 
It’s stupid. The release for Fallout 3 is next year.  No, not even.  It’s October of that year, so…over a year away!  Almost two fucking years! What kind of weirdo would ask someone on a date almost two years from now?! Plus, she isn’t even into me.  She just likes video games, like any other person.  
Why is she still holding onto your bag, then? Old Michael thought smugly.  Why did she write that little note on your bagel? Why did she remember your name? Why-
All right, all right.  
“Right, so…want to come? To the midnight release for it?  For Fallout 3?” Michael asked, throwing all caution to the wind and swallowing his preemptive rejection rage that already was bubbling up.
“For Fallout?” Cat said, still holding onto the bag. “Which store you going to?” 
“Target.” Please say yes.  I don’t even know you and I know it’s weird to ask you somewhere practically two years from now but PLEASE SAy YES, Michael thought.
“Mm, nah.” Cat, said, letting go of the bag to dig in her bookbag.
Michael’s chest began to hurt, the hand holding his bag falling limply to his side.  He could feel his eyes begin to water.  She was just like the rest of them. Pathetic.  So pathe-
“You should come with me to Game on Queen Street, they always price cut!” Cat said, whipping out her blackberry. “Whatever price we show them for the game, they’ll shave 5 off it!  I mean, it’s not much but I’ll take what I can get! Here, put your number in.”
On sheer autopilot, Michael put his number in.  He felt ashamed the entire time, having choked back a scathing insult at the last minute before Cat had shoved her phone at him.
“Are you ok?” Cat took her phone back, eyeing him with a concerned look.
“I’m fine! It’s just-probably something I caught the other day, I can already feel the sniffles coming on and whatnot.  It’s nothing!” Michael babbled.
It cannot be this easy, Michael thought.  It’s been this easy the entire time?  Hanging out with a girl?  Talking to her?  Making plans?  Why did Oliver never like him when they had so much in common?
Holy shit, forget about fucking Oliver! You have a date with your future wife! Old Michael practically screeched. Jesus fucking Christ, you are desperate. Shut the fuck up!! Be Normal!
“You wanna go back to the shop and get another bagel?” Cat asked, putting her books away and sliding on her bookbag. “ We could use my discount, that way-”
“Yeah, let's go.” Michael cut in.  Grabbing her wrist and not waiting for her answer, he turned and began to swiftly move through the library.  He tried not to get excited as Cat uttered a quick ‘cool’ and kept pace with him.  
He also tried not to think about how awkwardly he was holding her hand. Everyone in the library was staring, he saw it in his peripheral.   It had looked so cool in his brain but now everyone could see how his stupid hand around her wrist slightly resembled him holding his limp-no no no no noooo shut up shut up SHUT UP. 
“Blueberry runs out quick.” Michael said, as they both briskly walked.   “I went one time at around this hour instead of my usual time and I had to settle for onion, which is gross as shit.” You’re rambling, Old Michael chided.  She fucking works there, she doesn’t need a play-by-play of bagel supply issues. Let her say something, idiot!  The reason he never noticed her before, it turned out, was that she hadn’t dyed her hair yet.  Cat also began to tell him about her history degree.  Something about the American Gilded age and how she was deep into research of the British Astors or something.  Michael surprisingly found himself not bored.  Were her eyes fucking green?  Oh, fuck, they were green!
They finally saw the shop in the distance.  Right after his anti-onion bagel tirade and her talk of her studies, he set straight into a long-winded verbal onslaught on the statistics of how rare green eyes were.  Micheal thought his heart would fall out of his asshole when Cat adjusted their hands so her fingers were laced with his.  About halfway through the distance, he had cut in when she mentioned her favorite bagel flavor (pineapple) and talked her ear off the rest of the way about his bagel eating method, insisting on its practicality but really prepping her so that she wouldn’t be horrified when she saw him do it and ditch him like fucking Oliver.  She laughed. 
“That’s so L.A. of you.  New York would hate your fucking guts, though.” she said, with a grin.   “Good thing I’m a California girl!  I’d rather deal with horrible traffic and scooped bagels than having to fight rats for sidewalk space.”
Right before they got to the doors, Michael went for it.  “I’m telling people that you’re my girlfriend.”, he said seriously.  She hadn’t run off when he had taken her hand (wrist).  She had noticed the Fable stickers on his computer.  She had remembered his name after one interaction. The American thing was a slight issue but hey, no one was perfect! 
“Cool, because I already told the staff that you were my boyfriend when I took your bag!” Cat responded. “I told them you like to pretend you don’t know me when you get mad and I just play along to pacify you.  It was the only way they were comfortable letting me take your bag!”
Be cool!  Do not fucking freak out! Act fucking normal! Do NOT scare her away! Say something a fucking weirdo would never in a million years say! Old Michael reminded him.
“Let’s go back to my place after and study some calculus.  Your grades in that sound horrendous.” Fucccccck.  You just got yourself a girlfriend and this is the shit you respond with?! Old Michael panicked. 
Cat smirked. “Only if you promise to fuck me into your mattress after.”
Michael stared at her, almost daring her to say she was kidding.  When she didn’t and her gaze briefly dropped to his lips, he abandoned any doubts he had and turned to walk away from the shop, practically dragging Cat with him.  
Cat giggled and adjusted herself to clutch at his arm with both hands, her legs and his in perfect sync as they made their way to Michael’s room.
“What the fuck?” Felix said to Oliver, pointing. Both were sitting on a bench, relaxing a bit before their next class.
 “Didn’t he go fucking mental at you the first day? Not to be a dick or anything but is she safe with that guy?”  
Oliver followed Felix’s finger and froze.  
He gaped at what he saw:
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Michael fucking Gavey, math genius slash freak of nature, walking happily with the pretty American girl who had said no to their bar hopping invite just last week.  It was definitely surprising, but Oliver was now more determined than ever.  If a fucking social reject like Gavey could get what he was after, then someone like himself was sure to have the same luck if he continued to put in the effort.
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celestialulu · 5 months
oooooooo you wanna tell me about nalu kpop au oooooooooooo you wanna tell me about nalu kpop au soooo bad
I feel like this is gonna be hard to do as a lot of the things I thought of bounced off of your ideas lol,, sorry if i accidentally stole ur ideas... anyway heres my thoughts on a nalu kpop au (its gonna be a LONG post i have a LOT of thoughts my baddd):
Well first of all I make a pinterest board for most of the aus I think of, just for a general idea and aesthetic and heres the one i did for that !!
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(sorry it may not be that great I just needed some stuff to visualize it lol)
-Honestly i'm indecisive and cannot decide if I would personally put them in a group or if they would be soloists. I do think Lucy would suit being a soloist and it has a lot of potential if she were, reasons like her being from a prestigious family could be interesting with lucy feeling isolated and lonely a lot.
-Following the last point, maybe a lot of people in the industry might not really feel the need to talk to her much or have pre-existing assumptions about her and how she would act.
-Natsu (also a popular idol in the industry) first interacts with Lucy at some award show and he knows of her and loves her songs and performances but in that moment he doesn't really connect the dots and realize it's her, but he knows that she feels familiar for some reason.
-They talk a little and Lucy is surprised as she doesn't speak to many people that aren't staff or management and forced promotional stuff. She's a little awkward and she tends to talk a lot and rant because of that and Natsu thinks she's kinda weird (but in a nice way). They're cut off from that and don't see each other for the rest of the evening.
-Natsu realizes it was Lucy a few days later and no one believes that talked with her.
-They become close friends after being tasked to do a collab stage performance together.
-They practice a LOT, of course because they are hard workers but also because they enjoy spending time together and spending time together outside of work would cause rumors.
-The pure tension they have while practicing some of the moves for the performance.
-Natsu getting hit on the head of how attractive Lucy is after they go all out in one of their final practice sessions when shes sweaty, hair completely sticking out everywhere and wearing comfy baggy clothes which she wore for the purpose of practicing. (and also vice versa for Lucy)
-Natsu and Lucy looking hot (and cute) as fuck on a magazine cover photoshoot together.
-And alternatively, Natsu or Lucy looking hot as fuck for a solo magazine photoshoot and the other seeing it and having their own crisis.
-After the collab stage they aren't able to hang out or meet, even though Natsu has tried to on his on accord but his management has to make sure he doesn't, and although Lucy also misses hanging out with him she doesn't want any rumors to circulate and Natsu makes it his mission to try and find her at any event she might also be attending.
-They text and call a lot. Natsu often gets teased by others because of how much he smiles and laughs while texting Lucy.
-Natsu sends Lucy pictures of ANYTHING that has her on it in public. (posters, magazines, billboards etc etc)
-Natsu and Lucy start to hang out again after Lucy accidentally gets a little tipsy at some event and it's a casual event so Natsu is able to be the one to take Lucy home.
-Then starts the secret meetups, them dressing up in disguises and heavy clothing to even travel to somewhere private like each others home.
-Natsu has the most HIDEOUS disguises btw and Lucy tries to act peeved but she can't help but smile at the silly disguises.
-Lucy attends one of his tour concerts, she wears a bright ribbon in her hair she knows he's seen her wear before hoping he might see her in the audience. He texts her excitedly after the concert asking if she was really there.
-Natsu gifts Lucy matching friendship jewelry for her birthday (could be a necklace or bracelet but for this I like the idea of a necklace more) They both wear them 24/7.
-they hide it for a LONG time… like we're talking MONTHS and then they accidentally slip up and one day people find paparazzi pics of each where the matching jewelry is seen.
-Then they get CRAZY dating rumors like it is EVERYWHERE…
-Lucy is freakinggg the fuck out and Natsu just feels bad because Lucy is so anxious, he couldn't really care less about the public thinking Lucy is his gf but he does get it as rumors like this can damage a career and he knows that.
-They keep silent and carry on as though nothing happened and the rumors sort to die down after a while but theres still those odd few people who believe in it.
-Lucy doing a sexy cunty stage performance on a big big show, and Natsu is attending in the audience and someone slyly filmed his reaction where he is very visibly stunned and very confused about his feelings for her. It circulates social media a lot.
-Lucy sees this video but makes herself believe he isn't into her like that.
-Natsu acts completely indifferent to the video so people won't ask him about it.
-As much as most people would act like he doesn't know Lucy at all after the rumors, on tv shows he doesn't hesitate to sing or dance to her songs publicly.
-People notice how much Natsu and Lucy are very comfortable with each other, teasing and arguing endearingly with each other on a reality tv show.
-They start hanging out publicly without caring after this.
-Them writing lyrics about each other in songs, and Lucy is VERY angsty and poetic about it.
-Lucy getting drunk and asking Natsu "What would we be if we weren't this?"
-Natsu thinks she means career wise, and starts to think of what he would be if he wouldn't be an idol. She clarifies she meant them as in their relationship with each other. He can't answer.
-After that, it's a little awkward. Natsu doesn't know if she remembers. She does. But she doesn't dare act like she does.
-It gets a bit more crazy as they are asked to do another collab stage together after the success of the last one. They accept because, yknow, its like the best way for them to hang out privately without crazy disguises and the like.
-As if the last collab performance was bad enough without the choreography being an average dance this one is WAY WORSE. a lot more contact. a lot more closeness.
-The ending pose of the performance is Lucy laying on the floor and Natsu leaning over her.
-One day, they practice for HOURS straight trying to get it right and perfect the dance. After going all out, and in the ending pose Natsu is looking down at Lucy's messy hair and flushed face and her wide eyes. He kisses her.
-They ditch practicing for the evening and end up making out in the dance practice room for a while.
-Their new collab stage gets leaked when Lucy breaks her ankle and carries her down the street fast as FUCK where there's a really close hospital nearby. He feels bad as they have been practicing so much as an excuse to hangout with each other.
-They basically become "official" after that, but still try and keep it secret from the public. It kinda falls apart after pictures come out where Natsu clearly has a hastily wiped lipstick mark on his cheek and Lucy's neck is littered with hickeys.
-People connect the dots with Natsu and Lucy acting insufferable with each other in public, Natsu cheering his lungs out and supporting Lucy so loudly, and Lucy likewise but a little more restrained than him.
-Natsu once went viral for punching someone trying to get too close to Lucy.
-They never officially state they're together but they don't hide it as much after a while and then in the future one day it comes out that they're literally engaged.
-They have the cutest wedding pics ever and Lucy plays a song she wrote about him before they got together at their wedding.
-Then they're happily supporting each other's activities as a married couple, Natsu commenting and reposting everything Lucy posts and being very loud about her comebacks. Lucy is the same.
This is long as fuck and there's probably so many other things to say but this ended up basically being a whole as story instead of odd headcanons this probably makes ZERO sense. my bad. hope you enjoy anyway <3
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cult-of-the-eye · 8 months
Mag 81 A Guest for Mr Spider
Wait I need to check the timelines - this was 2 days after leitner's death
New spooky music???
My man is so fucking dramatic I love him so much "grand of sand behind my eye" love the way he speaks
Omg the greying hair is canon??
Child in the 90s makes him at most 27 GOD DAMN. I was imagining like mid 30s...can you imagine a fucking 27 yr old using words like "ilk" when talking to you
Oh shit he's an orphan poor guy
Yeah ok a lot of his personality seems to make sense if you realise he was raised by his grandma
You know those memes that are like people raised by their grandparents are exceptionally polite but in a brisk way, talk fancy and are super posh? Yeah that's him.
Getting such neurodivergent vibes
Yeah he sounds like a main character from the start Jesus Christ he's such a kid who got traumatised and then grows up to be a horror protagonist vibes
My First Leitner lol like kids had to be introduced to them at a young age like those my first toys
He's so funny I can just imagine him as an 8 yr old getting super like affronted at this like how dare my grandma think I am of subpar intelligence he's such a little bitch from the start
"The eponymous Mr spider" even talking about his childhood trauma he's busting out the vocabulary
Fuck that story actually kinda rattled me I had my hand over my mouth in shock for most of it
I think it was the bit where the horsefly brought his son and they were both crying that got me, I could definitely imagine it scaring an 8 yr old
The way it drags out as well, with the pages of the same scene it really heightens the suspense
Is his childhood bully someone we should keep track of?? Love how he says Michael probably cause he sees him as a bully lol
It's interesting how despite him bullying him (quite badly seeing as though he beat him up) he's still like yeah but he saved my life and that means he deserves to be remembered
My bro didn't save your life on purpose, he was just trying to make it worse and happened to come to a terrible fate cause of that
I guess underneath it all he was still a kid who watched someone die, knowing they'd get eaten by a fucking spider, he still held him in some regard
The way he specified the guy was his bully even after he was being eaten though lol
He was desperate to get the book back? That's a leitner thing I guess, the book makes you want to keep it so it can finish whatever it wanted to do to you
On my relisten (which I will do once I've finished the series I'm sure of it), I'll have to look out for any reaction of leitners name
I wonder why Jon didn't react more to Carlos vittery's statement, like it must've terrified him? I saw a post a while back explaining Jon's thoughts and IT WAS GENIUS it was like of course he doesn't react, he must be terrified that someone knew about his experience and somehow did this to mess with him or it was a joke and he can't let anyone know that the Head Archivist is not Good at This ugh it's so good I'll tag it if I can find it
yeah at least he's right about Elias killing leitner
Awwww he's so cute with georgie
Can he not go back to his own flat?? Did he bring all his clothes to the archive and then subsequently leave them there? Does he even have a flat??
God Georgie is so nice I would kill for her
It's so funny that an apparent supernatural cynic dated a ghost podcaster
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meircury · 3 months
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Hello everyone! I hope everyone have a nice today! I very much rarely engage in fandom directly but there's has been something nagging me for a while, and this has something to do with SOME of Grey and Gauche shippers, alongside SOME of Gauche 'fans', treated him. I'm mostly talking about English speaking side of the fandom. I feel like the need of talk about this because I really hate the way they treated canon Gauche:
(Fair warning: LONG)
I absolutely hate seeing fans turning Grey into another Marie for Gauche or a replacement of his sister and makes him simp for her just like how he acts around Marie. In the story Gauche‘s simping for Marie is called “complex” because he simps out of unhealthy familial love and attachment because of what happened to them in the past and as a result of Gauche’s trust issues. His simping is NOT normal. It’s an ISSUE. FLAW. That needs to be FIXED. Not deflected to someone else. I see a lot of shippers make Gauche shoves his problems into Grey and repeats all his complex action with her. Example, a lot of memes show Gauche being weird about Grey’s photo. Whyy? One of the charms this ship has is how it brings out a unique caring side of Gauche we rarely see, like when he told Grey to work on her magic in the seabed temple, or when she saved him with the bulls after the elf fight. Yeah. That… that side of Gauche acting tsun and shy because he’s not used to be nice or open to others. Yet a lot of fans choose to use his unhealthy simping and shove it to Grey rather than builds upon his established development.
Nosebleeding over Grey. I saw this troupe is used TONS of time by the shippers artists, specifically English/West ones, and it's bothering me A LOT. Like. This troupe is used a lot in western Grey and Gauche shippers community and it's so fucking weird because aren't the same community despise the way anime over exaggerating this troupe at the point it's destroyed gauche's characterization? (For the record, after his arc Gauche only nosebleed for 5 times in manga, while in anime? Idk 50 or smth 😂😂😂) Then why they act the same way with anime with over-using this troupe when he found Grey's cute or adorable or anything sexual? Like, I'm so sorry but this such a huge hypocrisy. Hate the way anime treated him but do the same. Do you know what's ironic? I've seen less of this troupe used in the Japanese bc ship community, where most of them didn't mind the troupe. There's more irony. Most of the nice fanarts and actually depicted their relationship right it's also from JP artists who's not even have Grey and Gauche as their main ship. They're drawing them once in awhile and that's it. It's sad because why ppl who doesn't have them as their main ship understand the ship's dynamic better more than the actual shippers?
Grey Fix Gauche. Grey will Fix Gauche. Oh my God. This is the most cringiest shit ive ever heard when it came to a ship. This is also the biggest reason why I lost all of my love I had for this ship and ended up disliking it. Like. No. Grey ain't fixing Gauche. Gauche is the one who's fixing his own problem. And if you really want to insist of using 'fixing' troupe, then Asta fixing Gauche is way more valid than her. Because, he's the one who changed Gauche's mind. If Asta didn't do this then Gauche will still not giving any shit about Grey. But yeah, I hate the fixing troupe as I'm firm believer one can and SHOULD fix their problem by their own self, not by others. This troupe is problematic and I'll stand by it. That aside, saying her fixing Gauche is literally disrespecting Gauche's own development and the others characters that help him grow up (henry, gordon, Theresa, YAMI). Like, stop. Stop thinking Grey took all of those efforts that's she's not even done. Stop being delusional. Please. Why y'all not trusting him to became a better version of himself by his own efforts? Damn.
Gauche has sister complex and I hope people especially his fans will accept that as one of his character flaws instead of being denial x') he's not some poor guy who show his love differently. I know the anime explained it like that but in my honest opinion he reads to me as a man in need of therapy help because his traumatic past of having his family killed is left untreated and resulting in him developing attachment issues to his sister, the only family he has left. (Manga - Context) Did Gauche get better at not being a full siscon? Yes. Did he enterly get over it? No. Because he will always show sister complex gags and it's the same with any other bulls with their gags (ex. Noelle's royalty tsun, Luck's fight obsessed, Vanessa's alcoholic). These are flaws that make them more humans and will need more time to smooth over. As his fan, I want Gauche to fully love Marie in the healthy way of course, and I'm happy he's not as bad as before. Some bulls already helped him with that by showing him there's others he can protect beside his sister. I'm sure Grey is also gonna help him because she's his love interest but fixing him? Nah. He’s already getting better by his and the bulls’ efforts not just Grey.
(I'm saying this again just to make sure: NOT ALL Grey and Gauche shippers act like this, there's only SOME of them (the rest are good) but the way they treated Gauche is just too much I need to make a post about it lol)
Alright that's it. I had more complains like how people keep drawing gauche with muscles (he's a twink omg y'all following anime way of drawing him 😭/hj), ignoring Gauche's canonly beautiful blue greenish eye, etc but that's my personal preferences and I believe everyone deserved to draw him in their own way x) with this vent is clear enough that I do not like and vibes with Grey and Gauche as the ship because of the shippers (also the way tabata treated them but that's a different topic lol) I know this two will eventually be canon but I don't care and I still want to give more loves for him and drawing him with others characters because he deserved to have more fanarts thats not tied to his canon ship x')
Lastly. I just wish the Grey and Gauche shippers can see more from Gauche's point of view instead of being huge biased towards Grey. Because at this point I'm convinced that the shippers is Grey fans who only cares about Gauche because he's her love interest. Please respect and adore Gauche's character as y'all do with Grey 😞
Thankyou and have a nice weekend everyone!
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