#but i guess they can go to build a bear more than once......probably not too close together because Money but y'know ahlkgjdslg
marshmellowtea · 2 years
as a agere date, y/n and Actor go to build a bear then get some coffee/hot chocolate.
okay first of all i left this in my askbox for far too long given how much this appeals to me how did you know that build a bear is my weakness hgilaskdgji /j
second of all YES that's so cute......in my head actor tends to be really shy when he's regressed in public (at least when he's aware he's little, i think he regresses unknowingly sometimes and he tends to be less self unconscious in those cases dhglksdj) so i'm imagining him cuddling in to y/n's side as they enter the store, hiding his face in their side and getting all flustered when the employee says hi to him waaaa 😭
he's so thorough when he looks through each of the stuffed animals, considering each of them very seriously (he's choosing a new friend both for him and his other stuffies, after all!!) and once he finds one he connects with he lets y/n lead him to the stuffing machine, letting them talk to the employee and whispering his answers into their ear about what he wants.......it's so sweet he's not usually this shy at home or when he's out when he's big and it just MELTS them (also thinking about y/n putting a personalized audio message in.......hhh)
if y/n is REALLY planning on spoiling him they let him dress his friend up too and he takes that just as seriously (his new friend has to look just as good as he does ofc), and he's so proud of his work.......he keeps smiling at his stuffy as they're checking out and mumbling to y/n about their backstory because of course he's already writing one in his head, he's a storyteller at heart! and y/n keeps smiling back at him as they pay, shooting the fondest looks at their baby because he's so excited and happy about their new friend and they did that for him! they gave him something that's making him smile so big and so sweetly and they also can't stop smiling like an idiot because god he's so cute he's so happy this is all they wanted out of this trip :')))
and yessss......build a bears are often in malls so i can see them stopping by a starbucks or a little coffee shop they have in there, or maybe they decide to go somewhere a little more fancy and indie (i certainly love me a an indie coffee shop lol). normally, mark is a certified caffeine fiend but i think when he's little he jumps for sweetness first over that and honestly, he gets a little hyperactive on caffeine when he's small anyway so y/n probably steers him away from it as best they can XD but i'm also sure y/n gets a sweet coffee drink of their own though and lets him have a sip because he's spooooiiileeed let him have the best of both worlds hgldksajgklasdf
uhhh sorry i let this get long but this is just......this is perfect omfg i'm obsessed with this idea 🥺
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junowritings · 1 month
Raphael being infatuated with a mortal and the interest seems to be mutual (maybe with the mortal bantering with the devil about how he doesn't need to bribe them to get them to spend time with him), but then another person pulls the—probably in human form—cambion aside and tells the him to not try to flirt with the mortal he's infatuated with because, "Them and I are already together." However, this person is just delusional and decided that the object of Raphael's affections interests being polite meant they were dating. The mortal verbally tears the delusional person a new one when this comes to light and lets it slip during the tirade that Raphael's infatuation is indeed reciprocated.
First time writing for Raphael! Definitely gotta brush up more on his character but this was an interesting concept to work with!
You'll have to forgive me for getting a lil carried away with the build up for this one but I do hope that it's to your liking hun~!
♡ The work of a devil means to surround yourself with fools. Fools who put their lives, and their souls, and all that they hold dear on the line in an attempt to vie for the chance to gain something better. Something greater than them - however temporary. And who was Raphael to deny them the opportunity? He is oh so generous, after all.
♡ Raphael makes no attempt to hide how much he enjoys the back and forth - the game of cat and mouse with stubborn souls who have yet to realize that they had been doomed from the moment the cambion had set his sights on his latest mark. They all come crawling back eventually of their own accord; pushed into the corner with nowhere else to turn just as he always warned them. So Raphael is more than content to wait however long that takes. Weeks. Month. Years. He has all the means to bide his time. Raphael can afford the wait; his clients can’t.
♡ But of course he has to find some way to pass that time - to entertain himself while the proverbial counter whittles down.
♡ That is where you come in.
♡ How he found you was anyone’s guess. Maybe you caught his eye, a momentary fancy in the vicinity of his latest client, going about your meager days in a relative peace he was all too happy to break. Or perhaps you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time; strayed too long in his presence or looked too close at the devil in mortal’s clothing till you realized you knew too much. Whatever the details of your first encounter, once Raphael has set his sights on something that he wants, your days of peace without him are long gone.
♡ Such a pesky little mortal you are. A sharper wit and even sharper tongue than some of the suckers who come clamoring to him for their own gain. One who acts as though the sight of the devil at your doorstep every few days is another routine to grow accustomed to. Maybe it is, but don’t tell him that. He’d almost be offended by the lukewarm reception; but luckily for you he finds it humorous, enough so that he sticks around, appearing like a surprise guest at your local haunts, feigning pleasant surprise to have ‘coincidentally crossed paths’ with you when you’re least expecting him.
♡In the beginning Raphael tolerates you - sees you as an amusing way to pass the time when his other prospects aren’t bearing fruit and his creature comforts are proving too lackluster for an appropriate distraction. But the more he visits, the more your life seems to shift to accommodate the devil.
♡ You aren’t the exception to his offers either. He’s produced the idea of a contract on more than one occasion, noting all of the time he took on the details of that little scroll of paper, tucked neatly away at the house of hope for the day that you agree to strike a deal. He says it as though it's fact, and you have no illusions he believes that entirely. But for now it stays as a playful banter, rolling off his offer with a sarcastic rebuttal that he’s better off saving that contract for the next poor soul he latches onto.
♡ It becomes a funny little routine, and the cambion makes no hesitation to make himself at home in your home as though he owns the place. Hells it’s as though he’s claimed the house - and it’s occupants - as an abode away from the house of hope. Knowing Raphael, he probably has. 
♡ You find decorations that weren’t there before; alterations to your wardrobe and home with no room for doubt of who they’re from. Your comment that he doesn’t need to bribe you to get you to spend time with him is only met with a grin that’s all teeth and snark, as Raphael quickly corrects you that these are merely ‘investments’. You never get the chance to find out what these ‘investments’ are for.
♡ In return you listen to his waxing poetics, prodding and poking at the lines he recites as though ribbing an old friend. You know very well that on the wrong day, the wrong word would earn you his ire, but the fear of that being death and not a thinly veiled glare ebbs with each passing day. So you find yourself relaxing, daresay, even enjoying the devil’s company. And Raphael is reveling in the attention, more so than you will likely ever get him to admit aloud.
♡ Raphael will never call it infatuation. Fondness? Maybe; said once or twice with just enough of a casual tone to pass it off as his usual antics. Love is not to be found in his honeyed words and literature. But an appreciation and desire for what he wants? That he can work with, if you’re ever brave enough to ask.
♡ Not that you get to, before someone else gets involved on this little one on one. Really, do none of these mortals value their lives? 
♡ Clearly the fool is nowhere near as sharp as the average mortal, as even the lingering scent of sulfur from Raphael’s latest appearance doesn’t deter them from pulling him aside. It’s a good thing they removed their hands before the devil decided to pry each finger off for the blatant disrespect, scowl already setting deep lines on his face as the being before him rattles on. Something about ‘flirting’ this, ‘don’t try anything that. Boring drivel as far as Raphael is concerned, until it clicks that this person is warding him off from you with claims that they got to you first. 
♡ There are two ways that this encounter would pan out, depending on the mood that this poor sod catches the cambion in. 
♡ IF (and this is a big if) they somehow manage to catch him in a tolerable moment, Raphael will be generous enough to divulge their ramblings for a second. Of course he doesn’t take this seriously. Since when did such feeble reasons as ‘we’re already together’ or declarations of their love for you ever matter? The grin on his face is mocking, downright taunting to the point this ‘suitor’ of yours grows too unnerved to continue this intervention’. 
♡ Otherwise the disgust is palpable. Does this prat think for a second that whatever drabble comes out of their mouth is worth the man’s time? You, he likes. The others, he can tolerate. This little fidgeting pound of flesh? They’re lucky he hasn’t asked one of the pawns at his disposal to get rid of them yet. The only thing that keeps them alive is that they’re simply not worth the hassle. Even though his expression sours and the scowl on his face deepens as his gaze sharpens, dark eyes regarding them as a cat would regard an insect - enough to mess with, but hardly worth the meal to waste energy on.
♡ Raphael is at his core a meddler (to put it in nicer terms), so it is quite frankly a miracle that you don’t hear it from the mouth of the cambion himself after your ‘partner’s confrontation. He pays no mind to baseless warnings, honestly getting a kick out of doing anything but what they asked. Raphael doesn’t just want to wound their pride - he will rub salt, and dirt, and filth into that wound and let it fester for good measure for the insult. And you become the weapon for his self perceived revenge.
♡ The change is unmissable, and Raphael lays it on thick. Your days out in the city never come without the cambion’s company, a hand steadfast upon your lower back to guide you as you go about your errands. He even makes a show of walking you home after every excursion, when before he would leave you to your devices whatever time suited him. If only you knew the smug satisfaction it gave him imagining how your ‘partner’s blood must boil at the very sight. The message is clear: he’s not sharing this one.
♡ The gifts are more blatant as well - with statement pieces too big and too rich for any rational person to afford and yet you find them at your bedside damn near every other morning. Not knowing better you’re wary of his intentions, even though the devil donning his human guise insists that there’s no strings attached to this small transaction. “It’s only fitting that you’re donned in something opulent to match your company, isn’t it?” yet with the way he words it you know that wearing them is more than a request. Especially once you put them on, and catch his smirk of pride. Clearly going along with his ‘requests’ strokes his ego.
♡ This game is dead in the water by a few days, as Raphael’s attempt to rile up that lover of yours has them bursting at the seams in rage. That fool makes another attempt to pull him aside right outside of your door nonetheless, but this time Raphael is far less inclined to give them the mercy of this charade. They’d outlived their welcome the first encounter, and Raphael is in no mood to waste anymore time on them. Even in a human guise he’s more than capable of removing this bore, and only pauses to mull over how long it will take you to scrub whatever gristle is left of this person from your homestead by the time he’s done with them. Doesn’t even bother listening to the same spiel, casting a cursory glance to your front door behind the mortal debating if frying them to a crisp would damage the new decorations. No matter; he could always buy you better ones. 
♡ That line of thought pauses at the sight of you at the door, only catching the briefest look of horror on your face before it scrunches up in anger. You cross the space in seconds - and Raphael is almost impressed by how fast your hands shoot out to wind into the collar of this mortal practically dragging them back and away from the cambion. It looks as though he doesn’t have to lift a finger to solve this little issue this time, if the way your face is alight with rage as you scream at this so-called ‘partner’ about their delusions is any indication. 
♡ Oh, this is too good not to watch, and he is going to stand there and enjoy every second of it. Were Raphael not thoroughly enjoying the show he may have conjured a glass of wine to go along with the entertainment unfolding before him. Instead he will settle for watching the scene play out, far too happy in the knowledge that the pieces fall into place without him even moving the board in this confrontation. He’s seen you exasperated, seeing you upset and angry. But this? You’re pissed; to the point where your mouth appears to run faster than your brain, as in the middle of your shouting you jab a finger in Raphael’s direction, not even sparing him a glance as you snap.
♡ “- And I would take him over you any day! At least I actually like him!”
♡ Ah, there it is. His lip curls in triumph as his eyes blaze holes into the person shrinking and humiliated by your biting verbal assault. They make the mistake of glancing over at him at the wrong time, and for a second they swear they see shapes in Raphael's shadows, a smoldering hellfire behind dark eyes as his lips part, revealing a flash of sharp teeth as he mouths wordlessly to the mortal.
♡ 'I win.' 
♡ They can’t get away fast enough, tripping over cobble and their own feet as they scarper away like a frightened animal. You’re spitting out curses as they go, a final shout to get lost breaking into a breathless huff as you watch them till they disappear from view. It isn’t until they’re long gone that you finally seem to ease, running a hand through your hair with a groan as you bemoan the headache this whole event has no doubt caused you.
♡ It seems for a second that you’ve forgotten your present company; that just won’t do. He sees you calm, watches the anger and tension as it seeps from your body with each haggard breath in the wake of your tirade attempting to recollect yourself. Then he watches you freeze, the tension winding up once again like a coil as the sound of slow, methodical clapping reaches your ears. Raphael waits till you’ve turned, mustering the courage to look the devil in the face before his hands clap together the last time, praising you for the impromptu show. 
♡ You’ve never looked quite so shaken in his presence. You usually shoot back his banter so casually, and now you can’t quite look him in the eye - whatever could have caused that change, hm~? Finally realized the words you’d let slip?
♡ You can’t begrudge him for enjoying the moment, can you? It’s in his nature after all to see opportunity in all circumstances as you’ve seen firsthand. There’s a glint you can’t quite place in his eye as he remarks that he’s impressed; for just a mortal you sure managed to put the fear of the hells into the poor soul - send them running as though their lives depended on it. He knew you were brazen, but this was certainly something to witness. See, this is why you’re one of his favorite mortals, as he’s quick to remind you. 
♡ A kinder soul would broach your feelings, fulfill or ease your fears at having blurted out such a thing. But that’s not a mercy you’re provided this time. It’s not brought up just yet - not here. No, instead Raphael will tuck that little bit of information away for later use at a more opportune time. Another card up the sleeve, though the knowledge stirs up a fire within his infernal soul now that he knows he’s drawn you in after such a tumultuous chase. It appears that this arrangement just became a bit more interesting~
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princescribbler · 1 year
5 PROFOUNDLY Underrated AB/DL and/or Ageplay Experiences!
These are ENTIRELY based on my own experience with @giggle-byte and may not match your own experiences or capacity. That said, if the ideas below worked for us, repeatedly and well, maybe you'll enjoy too!
BUILD A BEAR! Seriously, I had never gone or ever really wanted to until momma and I were together this year and suddenly we HAD to. In fact I was feeling pretty big and switch-y with my cute princess, so we both kinda ended up having little time... and her adorable new set rabbit friend, and my new cute eevee (with a ravenclaw scarf and sorting hat, I couldn't resist) made us both feel miniscule!!! SO FUN.
Going to a zoo, aquarium, or nature park. Now, I've done this multiple times with momma now, both in the States and in upside-down-backwards-land, which is what I call Australia when I'm feeling cute and little. It's sublime. Childish wonder, public without feeling exposed, often able to discretely change a pull up or diaper if needed, with the chance to see cool animals and learn and feel wonder?????? YES PLEASE!!!
SNUGGLE CENTRAL MORNINGS! This is a criminally underrated experience... when you wake up, and don't even have to get out of bed to get cuddles. Now, some cg/l dynamics are long distance or don't share a bedroom. Well guess what? You just need to call! Seriously, a SUPER underrated cg/l experience is being able to get really morning cuddles and affection without even having to get out of bed. If you can be the little spoon, even better. Little spoon WITH stuffies, and maybe even being so cozy you both fall back asleep? It'll be like waking in a cloud made of coziness. YOU NEED TO TRY THIS ONE!!!! THE BEST way to wake up is, in fact, extended sleepy time snuggles.
SEX SHOP(PE)! NO, I'm sincere here! They were knowledgeable and kink aware, they clearly had no idea what me and momma were up to, and it was immediately apparent that they thought anything beyond fluffy handcuffs was probably a bit too kinky for their shop... but momma still got a lovely light mini crop with feathers on one end (more for the sensory play than impact of any kind!) And she got me a glans ring to try. I guess just being able to publicly go somewhere kink aware and safe made us both feel very seen and kinky and fun! Would strongly recommend for those who can safely go!
Being given a shower or bath, while your caregiver stays mostly clothed or even JOINS you. Truly you'll never feel as adorably little as when your mommy or daddy make you bend over to get between your butt cheeks, or tells you to shut your eyes tight while they wash your hair, or give you a bath toy to keep you occupied. You think that's good? Try the towel-drying and teasing and giggling, all at once... it's indecent how adorably little and cute you'll feel! If they make you dry extra thoroughly to get you re-padded you'll lie down feeling about an inch tall at biggest!
And as always, Stay happy, stay healthy, and stay kinky! -Scribbler
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squadrah · 11 months
got inspired by the awesome dilf post, so please: la squadra as milfs???
I'M SOBBING, here we go I guess!! I'm dialing this one to eleven!!
Risotto: She's giant in every way so everyone else appears quite small next to her. She's usually in the kitchen or her kitchen garden, picking fruit from her trees without needing so much as a stool to reach most of them. Rumor has it she once slapped a wild bear in the face with her chancla to defend her family, and if asked about it, she will modestly look away and murmur, "Anyone else would have done the same." (The bear never came back, by the way.)
Formaggio: You can tell she used to be a hardcore punk: she still sports a buzz cut, with red lipstick and golden hoop earrings to add some bright colors. She's top heavy and proud of it, so she makes sure to show ample cleavage and likes to wear leather jackets. She loves to go out and constantly organizes outings for her friends and family; has never missed an event, and has never left an event without drinking something. A dangerous flirt.
Prosciutto: She's extremely overcommitted, and how she hasn't gone insane yet from micromanaging everything from work to her entire family's smallest concerns is a mystery. Her children are still affected by her leaning in and papping their cheeks, and the impression is even stronger on covetous strangers. Only ever lets her curly hair down for evening parties, at which point she basically transforms into into a femme fatale. Pegs like a battering ram.
Pesci: Always overcome by severe gender dysphoria whenever she compares herself to her more feminine peers, but she makes do with cute and novel ways of styling her scant hair, nice patterned tops and trouser skirts. She's often shy, but sometimes has her bold moments that suggest she could be a real firecracker if properly encouraged. Does a lot of heavy lifting that reveals ridiculous core strength and flexibility. Loves dancing and rhythm games.
Ghiaccio: The only one in yoga class who wishes you were allowed to scream out loud, and the only parent who, if their child takes up a sport, will take up that sport herself both as a form of support and as a means of bonding with her child and people her age. Is a health freak and makes kale smoothies, but since her legs look great in tight pants and her tits are rock hard, she's clearly winning. Has probably never had an orgasm, so there's a good challenge.
Melone: How is she still alive, and why does she still look like a barely aged scene girl? Nobody knows, not even her, but she's happy to lounge on her designated bean bag chair in cute pajamas and her laptop always on. Be careful around her: her brain is oversaturated with niche Wikipedia articles and she'll tell you all about them as soon as you're near enough to hear, and you might in ten minutes find yourself painting her toenails while she's reading your horoscope.
Illuso: Oh, she is the ultimate Karen. Luscious hair styles, immaculate manicures, the latest mom fashions, and a holier-than-thou smirk that instantly makes the manager homicidal. Knows her coupons and discounts more than the Bible but she's dressed to the nines every Sunday flashing that mass stipend to let everyone know she's more generous of heart than they could ever be, then whines at the barista about her order. Teases her children mercilessly.
Sorbet: That one esoteric plant witch who loves her orchids more than her own children, and would become a certified hermit if she could. Since she's stuck with her family, however, she stalks around her home like she's embodying Morticia Addams, and talks to everyone in a dry and ominous tone. Watches too many murder mysteries and cooks mushroom stew right after. You are welcome to indulge her obscure opera obsession, but watch out.
Gelato: The whimsical happy-go lucky mom that every fanciful child dreams of, the type who builds blanket forts in the living room, thinks that everyone deserves a little treat always, and actively assists whenever anyone around her wants to try something new and possibly dangerous. Has nearly burned down her house a dozen times but she keeps toasting marshmallows in bed with a blowtorch. Hope you have insurance if you decide to engage.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
So I though of something... hang with me.
Bucky Barnes x assassin!reader? But current Bucky who's sort of retired and not killing people anymore but he's a target of hers and she's sort of flirty with him and after a conversation with him, she realizes that he doesn't deserve what her employer claims he deserves (cuz he's a changed man, duh).
I just like to think of the conversation between Natasha and Bruce in that first Avengers movie where she came to bring him in. I think it would be interesting with Bucky x reader!
Love you and your work!!
Hold on, you're onto something here. I love this idea! I like the teasing sort of back and forth too so that scene with Natasha and Bruce is great inspiration!
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"You have to be a serious level of messed up to want to harm an ancient veteran, ya know?" Bucky sighs, head tilting to look over at me as I sneak across his livingroom, shoulders deflating at the realization that he knew I was here minutes ago and just didn't say anything.
Once an assassin, always an assassin I guess.
"Sorry, Barnes. You got a hefty bounty on your head." I huff, resting my hands on my hips, sore after just scaling the side of his building in the hopes of having the element of surprise but I see that my efforts were wasted.
"I was retired." Bucky groans, running his fingers through his hair and I watch the sheets of metal on his bicep whirr as he leans forward on the couch, watching me carefully as I step between him and the TV. "I was living my life."
"You literally left the house once in the last week and it was to get Chinese food." I tease, watching his brows furrow in confusion, back straightening at the realization that I'm well aware of his schedule.
"You're stalking me?!" He bellow, head tilting in annoyance.
"You're very boring." I shrug with a sigh, slipping my hands into my pockets as he recoils, raising a hand to his chest, feigning offense.
"Ouch. I used to be pretty damn cool." He chuckles, reaching over to grab his beer from his side table, raising the bottle to his lips as he relaxes back into the couch. He's awfully comfortable for someone who's about to be knocked out and dragged out of his comfortable, yet empty apartment- maybe too calm.
"Oh yeah, I heard how much of a manwhore you used to be." My mind flips back to the pages upon pages of relationships he was in before going into the army and he pales, eyes widening as he stares up at me.
"Manwho- really?" He scoffs, eyes turning to slits as his bionic hand twists into an angry fist. Don't poke the bear, Y/n.
"You probably have little bionic little ones running around there- granted, they're probably older than you are." I giggle, stepping up to him as his spine straightens one more, hand rising to hold a hand up to me, silently asking me to stay where I am.
"You're mean, Jesus."
"Are you gonna come willingly or do I have to figure out a way to drop your geriatric ass." He laughs at that one, shoulders rolling as he grumbles under his breath, finally rising to his feet with a huff.
"Seriously, who's your employer because I guarantee I can double what he's paying you just to leave me the hell alone." His voice hints with slight desperation and the corner of his lip tugs upwards in a disappointed smile. I contemplate for a moment, wondering for a moment why my employer would want me to bring him in, especially because he's been living a quiet life like he claims.
Why didn't I think of that before? Why do they want him?
"Seriously?" I ask, watching a look of realization pass across his expression as he watches me weigh the pros and cons. "I'm literally just a contractor, I was hired to bring you in." He nods, reaching up to rub that back of his neck with a tired yawn. "You do seem really comfortable." I mutter, suddenly feeling a little bad for disturbing him.
"So, how about I get you a drink and you tell me who wants me and how much I have to pay you to leave me alone." His offer makes me pause, swaying back and forth on my feet before I give him a stern nod, slipping past him to plot down onto his couch.
"Beer sounds nice. You got movies on that thing or does it just play really old black and white films?" I motion to his TV that has an old film playing and Bucky groans as he makes his way into his kitchen.
"You're the worst."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent @revesephemeres @bungunz
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writing-oof · 10 months
I Don’t Care What the Voices Say; I Do Not Trust You
This is my submission for Day 1 of the First Try Technoblade Challenge! Because Tumblr formatting sucks, it’s taken like 20 mins to actually post, but I finished this at 11:59 PM, starting at 11:30 lol
It’s RivalsDuo (Dream and Technoblade)
This story has some blood and mostly implied gore. Don’t worry, though, cause it ends nice :]
Technoblade breathes into his hands, the air seeping out of his hands chilled into a fog in the mid-Winter freeze.
Something crunches, snapping sickly like sinew and bone, and Technoblade presses back against the wood of the barn.
Blood is thick in the air.
At least someone's happy, even if it's probably never going to be him.
The horses seem unbothered, barely sparing a glance to the massacre or to Technoblade's presence in their shared stall.
He's pretty sure horses are meant to have their own stalls, but he supposes that's only for normal horses and not whatever sorts of horses the fae keep.
They look like normal horses, but the four-legged fae now feasting together on Technoblade's Elders had looked normal at first too.
good idea
ew gross
Technoblade scans the bit of barn he can see again, but like the first few times it's clear that there's nowhere for him to run.
Bootsteps squelch on bloodied mud, the four-legged fae sniffing as they creep deeper into the barn, all moving in the same direction like a pack of wild wolves descending on a lone deer. The claws on their hands drag on the wall, a soft scraping sound that sends shivers down Techno's spine.
He tightens his grip, nails biting into his cheek as he holds his own mouth closed.
His heart hammers in his chest.
dont be a baby
fight fight fight
monster pog
youre so annoying
He doesn't have time to be distracted. He can hear them closing in, the creatures passing by the stall with the sheep as if they can smell him cowering among the horses.
The doors to the stable stall creak on their hinges as something hisses and rasps, a thousand tongues flicking the air.
popsicle gone in one lick :(
i hate you guys
Be Quiet. We're about to die.
Something clangs from the entryway, metal on metal shaking the air. The fae hiss and, in an instant, whatever was coming to bother them is gone, swarmed with facefulls of teeth.
Chat laughs in time with the screaming, a sick sort of harmony to it.
you never die
you wont die
you cant die
technoblade never dies
They're going to eat us, Techno hisses, his eyes burning, What blood will you get then?
Chat stutters to a halt.
Then, all at once, they return.
no non no no blood?
blood? no more blood?
not very pog
blood need blood
It's whisper after whisper of the same sentiment, all equally unhelpful. Until--
sneak out the back
Technoblade moves before he can second-guess himself.
He can't fight the fae, they're twice his size at least and more than ten times him in numbers. So, running it is.
The wood creaks quietly beneath him, but the swarm is distracted enough that they only twitch. Nothing sees him as he slinks out of the horse's stall and into the cows.
There, in the furthest corner of the stall, is a gap. It's nearly too small for him, and no one else in the village would have had a chance in hell at slipping through it.
Technoblade barely makes it through, pulling himself as small as he can.
He creeps away from the building and toward the treeline, step by careful step.
be careful
He is.
He's so careful that he barely realizes he's made it into the forest until trees are around him on all sides.
Techno lets out a breath. Still, the night isn't over.
And neither, it seems, is the hunt.
A fae howls, loud and dizzying, and Technoblade holds his breath.
Chat doesn't waste a second though, screaming in tandem.
Technoblade knows better than to wait and he doesn't hesitate. Before he can even get his bearings, he's off like a shot, following the directions of the choir of whispers deeper into the trees.
He can hear the trees bending behind him, branches twice his width snapping as the swarm gains on him.
Trees rush past him in a blur until he stops, boots skidding in the dirt as he stares at a figure directly in his path.
"Run!" Technoblade shouts, trying to urge them on, "There's fae coming!"
The figure, a boy about his size, blinks. He stammers for a second before shrugging helpless and turning to the creatures that have made their way back into Techno's sight. He narrows his eyes and demands, "Go away!"
Techno's heart drops, sure that this is how it ends, but miraculously--as if puppets pulled by strings--the fae turn around and thud back from whence they came.
Techno stops, eyes wide and lungs still heaving. "How the hell did you get them to go away?"
The boy just smiles and waves awkwardly. "Uh…hi?"
He glances down at Technoblade's feet.
Suddenly, all of the breath rushes out of Techno's lungs.
There, underneath his heel, a mushroom bends, one in a ring of dozens.
On the grass, just a few feet from the boy, is a smiling porcelain mask that shimmers even in the shade.
When he looks, rows of needle-point teeth glimmer behind the fae's lips.
fae friend?
Technoblade, not exactly sharing the sentiment, scrambles back with a scream.
(So the idea here was like evil cannibal fae? but not all of them just the ones techno runs into and then dream buddy now bound by souls cause baby man stepped on a shroom its all good though theyre buddies)
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mrepstein · 1 year
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The Sunday Mail (Glasgow) - December 20, 1964
RAY JONES, former member of The Dakotas, continues ‘My Wild Life With The Pop Groups’
On his way up, somebody christened Brian Epstein the ‘Nemperor,’ after his music firm, NEMS Enterprises. It stuck.
And with his kingly success came kingly trappings - a chauffeured Rolls, a Maserati, a big Belgravia apartment, a listing as one of the ‘Ten Best Dressed Men,’ etc.
Nobody on the inside now calls Epstein’s business NEMS. It’s ‘The Organisation’ - a thing bigger than all of us.
Brian sits at the centre of it all - rich and powerful.
And though his success becomes greater he is still much the same young man whom we first knew in Liverpool, and labelled ‘Mister Elegance.’
Brian hates reprimanding people - and as far as his top earners, the Beatles, go I think he gave up trying long ago!
Even when, last July 20, he had me in his office near the London Palladium and told me I had to go I could see he was actually embarrassed by the whole bit.
I almost felt sorry for him - though, as a young married man being sacked from a £120 a week job, I suppose I should have felt sorry for myself.
The Beatles were the only people in the organisation who dared call him ‘Eppie,’ probably because he didn’t like it.
He was Brian or Mr. Epstein to everybody else.
John Lennon, whom I think of as the most original personality in the Beatles, would say to him: ‘You’re only our agent’ - in that deadpan way of his.
He could always depend on this riling Brian. ‘I am not your agent,’ he would say emphatically, ‘I am your personal representative’ - which he really was.
‘Oh, ah!’ John would say.
John is a real character - with no flies on him. I always had the feeling that he was a good friend to have, but not a man to cross.
He can be scathing to people, but when he takes the mickey its usually good-humoured.
And shrewd! This year, trying to get rid of his old car, John got Brian to contact their New York agent, to see if they’d get more money for the car there - as a car ridden by a Beatle!
Having a drink with him one day I noticed his cuff-link had the name ‘Ron’ on it in big letters.
‘Who’s Ron?’ I asked.
‘Cousin of Jim,’ said John smartly - and flashed the other cuff-link, which did indeed bear the name ‘Jim.’
It was John who came up with the original idea for the Beatles’ Jacket, which swept the country. He had seen something similar in Paris some time before, and liked the idea.
But Epstein and Paul McCartney are the really clothes-conscious members of the outfit.
I always found Paul a nice guy - and the girls’ favourite, of course!
I was in their dressing-room one day when an argument flared up between John and Paul.
They are the driving force of the group and it’s not unnatural - as I well know! for tensions to build up in a group, even the Beatles.
John was picking up steam when he suddenly stopped, and I noticed that Paul was jabbing a finger in my direction and looking at John significantly.
The row ended right there.
Even though I was a fellow NEMS artist, they were taking no chances - following to the letter a Brian Epstein instruction that his groups should never be seen arguing publicly.
I don’t think George Harrison and Ringo Starr ever get much involved in the temperamental clashes of John and Paul.
By show business standards George is a reserved sort of fellow - though in ordinary life I guess he’d be rated a wild-oh!
Somebody once accused George of being ‘anonymous,’ and he retorted: ‘So long as I’m giving my best and getting an equal share of the take I couldn’t care less.’
That’s his attitude, and there’s a lot to be said for it.
Ringo, by contrast, is too busy enjoying the life he lives to have time for rows!
Where his energy comes from, nobody knows - but he loves dancing and being out till all hours. I think he enjoys being a Beatle more than the other three put together!
I suppose when I first heard the Beatles I was about as wrong in my judgement of them as Brian Epstein was right.
The Dakotas, at that time, had a polished sound along the same lines as the Shadows, whom we greatly admired.
We thought ourselves the most professional group around in the North country and scoffed when people told us: ‘Wait till you hear the Beatles…’
The Beatles were in Hamburg when we heard that, but the week they came home we had the chance of working with them in the Cavern in Liverpool.
Capacity of that famous cellar was around five hundred, but we quickly found there must have been twice that number when the Beatles were appearing.
I don’t know what I expected from them - just another imitation of Cliff Richard and the Shadows, I suppose, because they were all the rage at the time.
When I heard them, I thought there were out of this world - maybe too much out of this world.
No group, not even the Shadows made the same initial impression on me.
I remember thinking: ‘Here’s something completely new and fresh, it’ll be great if they can get it off the ground.’
But I didn’t think their sound was really commercial! I thought they were more of a musicians’ group FOR musicians.
Mind you, they had a rougher, original style then - like all the original Liverpool groups.
They played as they wanted, and sang a much wider range of material - including numbers which Manfred Mann and Freddie and the Dreamers later made big hits.
Soon after, the Beatles played Manchester’s ‘Oasis’ beat club, and my judgment seemed to be right.
People forget that the Beatles had to overcome a lot of sales-resistance before they were a success.
Their first big national disc hit, ‘Love Me Do,’ only really made it because of the fantastic support given by their Liverpool fans.
In a few months, they were to come back to that same ‘Oasis,’ and take the place by storm.
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whenthechickencry · 6 months
Umineko EP4. Replay Part 1
Certainly not her genes, Kryie, also Rudolf sees through Kyrie in that even when she's talking friendly about Asumu she's burning with jealousy. Certainly was never a healthy dynamic in any case.
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The talk of miracles here is so interesting and I will probably talk about it in more detail later. Rika's belief in a miracle is what allowed her to break through her dead-end fate. Ange's belief in a miracle is what is slowly destroying her life. I don't think either framing is entirely right or wrong, and unlike others, I don't see Umineko as a sort of response/rebuttal to Higurashi as much as something that expands on its themes, but still... it's really interesting to think about.
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You can tell that R07 has been in kind of damage control mode for Beatrice since the end of ep3 lol. He really needs to hammer it isn't as black and white as you might think and she isn't just an evil monster who tricked Battler for fun.
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This is a really funny scene too, by the way.
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Battler's is, as Beato says, in a lot better state than last time shit like this happened. I think he got the general gist that Beato wasn't acting 100% and that there is more to what is going on than meets the eye.
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Ange's right. Battler is starting to try and seriously understand Beatrice's heart but that's opposed to Ange's purposes, which are for him to completely trample on her heart as soon as possible so she can get Battler back.
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You can tell Ane's view of others is really warped by now, it's basically a less over-the-top version of Erika. Sure if you never trust anyone you will never get tricked but you will never build genuine relations either...
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This is in complete opposition to how Satoko entered the school in GouSotsu, so I guess the schools work differently across... universes or whatever it is you would call this.
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Well... considering the events of this chapter where she continuously gets attempted to get murdered by her family I can't really blame her for strongarming Ange's family....
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The game is pretty clear the abuse didn't take long to start.... it's easy to take a more sympathetic reading of Eva later but it is clear she bears responsibility for attempting to take care of a child she was in no way emotionally capable of doing at the time.
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Ha.... the way Maria got mocked at her school but she didn't get it and saw it as genuine praise really makes me think she has autism... I remember at school laughing along at jokes I didn't get until I finally got that the joke was disparaging me. The game doesn't show this as an entirely negative thing, though... after all she is able to create 1s from 0s. Also, I am not disparaging Ange in any way but it shows the level of her isolation that the closest image to best friend she can conjure in her head is the girl she hung out with once a year on a family conference.
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I have never heard of enchilada cheesecakes before and now I want to try them out.
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....uh huh Rosa....
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It's no surprise Ange latched on to the diary.... she does the same magic Maria does towards Rosa to Rudolf. "He sometimes came home at my birthday so he loved me a lot" aka he couldn't be bothered to even be at my birthday usually.
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Haha.... this scene is so sad to read.... Rosa is constantly embarrassed of Maria even in his idealized version of the scene.
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Huh... I wonder if this kind of bullying is common for autistic children? This is exactly word for word what was done to me in school.
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This is also a common thing for abused people to think, I used to think I had to stay in abusive relationships because if I didn't someone else would get abused. I am sometimes kind of in awe about how R07 can accurately represent many kinds of situations.
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It's not really sustainable in the long term for Maria, though. She can pretend she isn't sad and that she's fine all she wants but in the end, she chose the Golden Land over living. You can't exactly blame Maria for her thinking like this, though, she's just a 9-year-old making the best of an awful situation.
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In other words, "I am glad I can neglect my daughter now that she has a stuffed toy I bought at a supermarket to keep her company instead of me"
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Rosa, you set way too many fucking rules for someone that can't even be bothered to get home.
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Maria knows perfectly that her mom considers her an embarrassment, huh.....
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Man, Ange is so fucking depressed.... almost every line she says has a hint of extreme sadness behind it....
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He uh.... didn't ask that Maria.... you can really tell she's extremely lonely.
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Okonogi shows up and immediately wants Ange to do something that would kill her, lmfao.
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Okonogi hits the mark right on the head but mixes up "Yasu" and "Eva" which is pretty interesting!
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Of course, the one who actually had that ring was Yasu and not Kinzo at the time, so Okonogi's theory came from false assumptions.
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I had.... completely forgotten that Okonogi of all people was the one to introduce the concept that without love, it can't be seen... haha I was very shocked here. Okonogi is also pretty much 100% right here, esp wrt Ange being unequipped to find the truth as she is.
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An impressive resume would be a shame if you would get beaten and tortured by a nine-year-old girl.
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Ange's already making hints about the fact it's really a suicide plan more than anything, Beatrice and Ange parallels are bigger later on but the fact they both had elaborate suicide plans with Rokkenjima is interesting to me...
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almost-a-class-act · 1 year
Happy Pacific appreciation week!
Prompt: Day 1 (February 6th) - Home Pairing: Leckie/Hoosier Author's note: I live in postwar reunion-ville lately so you might get more than one this week. I'm dashing these out on the daily so I will probably polish (some of) them up and post them on AO3 after the week is over. In the meantime please bear with me if in my haste I skipped words or swapped the very extremely similar first names of these two men which may or may not have happened several times while I was writing it.
The fact that Bob has to find out through the grapevine that Bill is, in fact, still kicking, is such Bill-like behaviour that Bob can’t really hold it against him. He gets the news while he’s still in the hospital, stateside, from one of the nurses who had heard it from another marine. He gathers that he has apparently asked around about it enough that hearing that a surly blond asshole named Bill Smith had gotten out of the hospital rings a bell for someone, who makes sure it gets back to him.
Guess you were annoying enough, Runner says cheerfully, when Bob tells him.
I prefer tenacious, Bob replies.
Well, yeah. Runner grins. You would.
It seems pretty clear that his homecoming in Philadelphia is going to be underwhelming and lukewarm, whenever it happens, so he doesn’t bother telling his parents when to expect him and changes trains halfway to the coast.
He’s never been to Indiana before. It’s pretty underwhelming, too.
The town where Bill grew up is a hundred miles outside of Indianapolis; there’s a bus that goes out that way, but only once a day, and when Bob finally gets out there as night is falling, he can see why. It seems to consist primarily of a scattering of squat, economical buildings, as if the people who live there would prefer not to kick up too much of a fuss against the encroaching wilderness. There is a church, a gas station, and a general store, and Bob gets a serious case of side-eye from the gas station attendant when he asks where he can find Bill Smith.
“We were in the marines together,” he says, as if this might be the magic set of words necessary to render him trustworthy.
The clerk’s expression does not shift one iota. “Where you from?”
“Me?” She might be expecting him to say the moon, based on her deep level of suspicion. “Philadelphia.”
“Big city,” she remarks, an odd note of a challenge in it.
“I – ” Bob thinks the better of the borderline snarky remark he was going to make – he’s been on the road for a couple of days, and it makes him, if possible, even less amenable to inanity from strangers – and aims instead for a smile that he’s been told is occasionally charming. “Yes, it is.”
The clerk sizes him up again. “You say you were in the marines?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“One of them boys on Guadalcanal?”
Bob wonders if she knows someone who was there, or if like everyone else, she read about it in the papers. “Yes.”
The clerk susses him out for one moment further, and then she moves for the first time, jerking her thumb toward the window. “Bill’s granddaddy had a farmhouse out on the highway. Back the way you came. Got a pickup that don’t run sitting in the front yard. That’s where he’s staying these days, or so I heard.”
Bob takes that in. It’s a not a house number, but maybe that’s too much to ask, this far out of the city. He gives his thanks, and heads for the door.
“It’s a fair walk,” the clerk calls after him. “He know you’re coming?”
“No,” Bob admits. He considers whether he would have called ahead if he’d known what number to call. He doesn’t think he would have. Some things need to be done face to face. “Are you going to tell him?”
“Can’t,” she replies. “Got no phone out there.”
Huh. It’s a strange encounter, certainly; Bob is starting to wonder if there is something specifically about him that makes people from Indiana immediately chippy with him. “Thanks for your time,” he repeats.
She says nothing else, but Bob can feel her eyes on him through the window until he’s out of sight.
She’s not wrong about the distance; it takes him an hour to make it to the white clapboard farmhouse with the rusted-out pickup truck in the yard. The full moon hangs low in the sky, illuminating the overgrown path to the front door well enough, although it casts strange shadows in the trees that crowd around the house. There is a light on in one of the windows on the first floor.
Bob gains the porch, and he can immediately tell that his presence has already been noted as a shadow moves across the light, behind the curtain. He reaches out and knocks anyway, as the porch light comes on.
The door opens wide enough that a pair of mistrustful blue eyes can fix upon him through the gap.
Bob releases a breath that he hadn’t known he’d been holding. He’s known Bill is alive for some time now, but hearing it and seeing it are two different things. Perhaps a small, quiet part of him had wondered if it could really be, that Bill was here in Indiana when he had bled so very much on Peleliu. “Hi, Bill.”
Bill does not move to pull the door open any wider. “Lucky.”
Undaunted, Bob offers up a half-smile. “You’re alive.”
Bill can’t have known that Bob knew he was alive. He does not seem to feel guilty about it. “For my sins,” he agrees.
“You could’ve written,” Bob says.
“You’re the writer.” He eyes Bob for a moment. “Well, you might as well come in.”
When he opens the door wider and steps back, there is a hint of a limp in his walk. Otherwise, everything about him is the same, and Bob experiences a moment of missing him something powerful, in a way he hasn’t since he found out that Bill was going to be okay and he had resolved that it was only a matter of time before he would see him again.
“You okay to take the stairs?” Bill asks.
“Stairs?” Bob echoes.
“I know you were wounded,” Bill says. Those eyes are fixed on him again, intense and inscrutable. “On Peleliu.”
How does he know that? Had he known Bob was back in California, too, and hadn’t so much as said a how do you do before hightailing it back to Indiana? “Good as new now,” he promises, instead of asking.
Bill nods, and turns away, heading for the room with the light on. “Then leave your bag at the bottom of the stairs,” he says. “You can take it up later.”
Bob does as he’s told, and follows him into a dated but clean living room. The squat radio on top of the cabinet by the window is the only item that looks like it might be from this century. Bill waves his hand at the couch. “Sit,” he says. “You want coffee?”
“You got anything stronger?” Bob asks, obligingly taking up a position on the edge of the couch. The cushion has lost some of its structural integrity; he has the feeling that if he sits back any further, he will sink into the dip worn in by at least a couple generations of Smiths.
Bill doesn’t say anything, but he crosses to the cabinet and retrieves a bottle of some kind of dark liquor and two glasses. He meticulously pours them each a healthy double, and then collects his off the coffee table and takes it to sit in the wingback chair by the empty fireplace, as if that is where he is accustomed to presiding.  
They each take a drink.
Bill is the first to light a cigarette, the flame backlighting his face in orange and blue in the dim light cast by two table lamps. Bob mirrors him almost immediately, an echo of something they’ve done a million times since they met. He’s been trying to cut back on smoking, since he got back from the islands and thinking about the future is a thing he’s trying to teach himself to do again, but some days he fares better than others.
“How did you know I was wounded?” he asks.
Bill, leaned back in his chair with one leg stretched out, eyes him through the slowly twisting smoke from his cigarette. “You think you’re the only guy who knows how to ask around?”
“You could have come to see me,” Bob points out, less exasperated than bemused. “I was in California.”
Bill gives a half shake of his head, and for the first time, his gaze dips. He has something to say, of that Bob is certain; Bill is seldom at a loss for words.
“Did you mean what you said?” he asks the edge of the threadbare rug.
Bob suspects he knows what he’s talking about, but this is one of those times when it would very much do to confirm. “When?”
Bill is immediately back to watching him again, with narrowed eyes. Uncertainty never suits him for long. “You know when.”
That afternoon on Peleliu, hot enough that the sweat ran in your eyes but Bill’s blood on his hands was hotter still, coming up and coming up in a terrifying gush like a spring from the ground while the corpsman hadn’t come and Bob had thought, panicking, I’m going to watch him die. It had made him loose-tongued, candor brought on by the realization that had made everything inside of him collapse in a sickening lurch – that the two of them had always danced around each other, making snide remarks and sarcastic jokes, anything but honesty because honesty was only for the dead and dying out here.
He had been out of time for anything else. He had tried anyway. “I meant it,” he says firmly, resolute.
Bill’s expression is careful. “I thought maybe you didn’t.”
Bob hesitates. He can predict, probably, why Bill might second-guess it, but he can’t navigate his way here without knowing for sure. He’s well-aware honesty was never their strong suit, but he also wants to believe that Bill knows he wouldn’t lie to him – not about this. “Why would you think that?”
Bill eyes the cherry on his cigarette, his hand resting on the arm of the chair. “I thought maybe you said it because you thought I was dying.”
“I knew you weren’t dying.” When Bill gives him a look, Bob adds, “I just knew you were probably going to fuck off back to the middle of nowhere without leaving a forwarding address, and I was right.”
Bill tilts his head, the same faintly challenging jut of his chin that Bob has seen a thousand times, and oh, it really fucking pulls at the part of him that’s always been reckless with his heart. “You figured out where to find me.”
“Do you know I had to ask the scary gas station woman for directions?” Bob’s smile winds up half of his face. “I thought she was going to sell me to the hill people.”
Bill snorts. “You ain’t worth the clothes on your back to the hill people. Too skinny.”
Bob hides the smile that wants to widen further in the rim of his glass. When he tops his own drink off, Bill mutely offers up his own glass for the same. Now they are back where they were, and Bill hasn’t really given him an answer.
“Well,” he says, after the silence settles in not-uncomfortably around them. “I meant what I said.”
Bill nods. “I heard you.”
“And,” Bob gives his glass a swirl that almost upsets its contents, “I came all the way out here.”
“I can see that.”
Bob is better at being patient than people give him credit for. He is very good at being the pursuer, when the situation calls for it. “Then I think the ball is in your court, Bill.”
Bill gives a huff that isn’t quite a laugh, with no humour in it. It is the only warning for what comes next. “You know I spent weeks in the hospital sure you were dead?”
Bob blinks. He hadn’t known. He had never thought about it. “Me?”
“Yeah, you.” Bill leans forward, his cigarette burnt all the way down, though he does not appear to notice. There is a shadow in his eyes that reminds Bob of all the small, individual rock bottoms they hit, on Guadalcanal and Gloucester, when Bill had forgotten or been too tired to look irritable and had looked hunted instead. “I thought there was no way anybody was getting off that island. You should’ve seen the wounded they kept bringing in. Too many to count. Tons of guys from our division. No one knew shit about you, or the other guys.” Bill’s mouth twists. “I was pretty damn pissed off that you said that shit to me right as I was leaving.”
“You were mad?” Bob asks. After all that?
“Hell yeah, I was mad.” Bill’s eyebrows draw together, and he points at Bob with the hand that has his glass in it. “If you had kept your damn mouth shut, I would have gone home not knowing if it was what it was. Enough time goes by, that’s the kind of thing a person can live with. You can put it behind you. But you didn’t keep your damn mouth shut, and that made me the idiot not knowing what the fuck I had until I lost it.”
Ah. As usual, Bob is discovering that he is only about half as smart as he thinks he is. Maybe this time it will be humbling enough to sink in. He says the only thing he can say: “Bill, I’m sorry.”
“You should be, asshole.” That’s about as close to accepting an apology as Bill is likely to come. “And you should also be sorry that you came here, because I’m not nearly as pissed off about that as I should be, either.”
Bob smiles slowly. “You’re not, huh.”
“Do not pull that charming shit with me,” Bill warns. “You’re on thin fucking ice.”
He downs the rest of his drink, tossing the remains of his cigarette into the fireplace as he gets up. Bob watches him circle the table with open amusement; when he tries to lean forward, Bill winds a hand in the fabric of his shirt and pushes him right back against the couch, leaning down to get right in his face.
“You said the ball was in my court,” he hisses.
Bob can’t help his grin. “Did I hear you say you think I'm charming?”
Bill rolls his eyes. “Of course that’s what you heard.”
His hand flattens under Bob’s collarbone, bracing rather than gripping, and he fits his mouth against Bob’s, kissing him hard, a flash of teeth against his lower lip. Bob tries to pull him into his lap, but Bill pulls back. “The first time we do this not in the jungle is not going to be on my grandmama’s fifty-year-old couch.”
Bob, delighted by everything about this, lets Bill pull him to his feet and lead the way to the bottom of the stairs. He collects up his bag, which he had left there earlier, and follows him up to a loft bedroom.
“Is this the only bedroom?” he asks, as something occurs to him.
“There’s a guest room by the kitchen,” Bill says, taking the bag from him and stowing it in a gap between the dresser and the wall.
Bob knows he looks soft, and can’t help it. “So you just figured I was going to play my cards right?”
Bill shakes his head as he straightens. “Wasn’t about cards. If a guy tells you loves you while you’re dying in a hole in the ground on some godforsaken island in the Pacific and then he goes right back home after the war, then you know he only said it because you were dying.” He fixes Bob with that gaze again, serious. It might make him feel vulnerable to admit it, but the only tell is in the tightening of his jaw before he does it anyway. “I’ve been waiting for you since Peleliu, Lucky. I figured if you came here, you meant it.”
Bob comes to him this time, and Bill waits for him, very still. Bob reaches up and smooths his thumb over that jaw, and almost like Bill hadn’t realized he was doing it, something in his face relaxes infinitesimally.
“Then I’m glad I came." I was always going to come.
Bill studies him, as if making sure that there is no trace of a joke in it. “Yeah? That mean you’re gonna stay for a while?”
Bob thinks about the distant way his parents have always loved him, their last and least planned for son, and the siblings that have gone away and started lives without him, and all the people in the city where he grew up that have loved him sidelong or at arm’s length but never head-on. And he thinks about what going home is meant to mean.
“Yeah,” he says, and when Bill’s answering smile, small and reluctant and relieved, is immediate, Bob wants to give him everything, softness be damned. “I think I might.”
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electrasev5nwrites · 10 months
Ninja Daily: AIC 18
"So, this is what you've been doing for the last month?" Raidou rubbed the back of his neck. "Gotta admit, I was expecting more thumbscrews. And less…" He squinted at the compass Yamato was using to change a detail on his plans- they were adding lateral braces to increase the likelihood of the building making it through a tsunami intact. "Less whatever that is."
Yamato's brow furrowed. "Me too," he admitted, drawing the addition carefully and scratching out a bit of math to figure out what that would do to the load-bearing wall adjacent. He glanced at Terumi, who was probably close enough to hear. "I think that was on the schedule, but there was a change of strategy. Welcome to your indefinite working vacation. Today we're making the first foundation. Are you helping me? I've not been assigned a lot of assistance for some reason. Almost like they don't trust their genin around me."
"That would be hurtful. You're a very trustworthy guy." The older man shook his head. "So, our working vacation, huh?" Raidou's mouth twisted. "That sounds familiar. You spoke to the…." He glanced at their Kiri escort and clearly decided against whatever he had wanted to call Uzumaki-san. "The Godaime Mizukage?"
If Yamato had to venture a guess, he'd say that Raidou had been leaning more towards 'the slightly crazy person' than the term of respect. Or maybe he was projecting. Maybe Raidou had had a perfectly reasonable interaction and she hadn't done anything creepy or abruptly nonsensical in the time they'd spent together. He did notice that the Kiri ninja didn't seem to know Raidou's name yet, so probably not.
"Yes," he answered belatedly. "That's the one. You know, she's been bringing me books." He paused. "From a library in Grass. I'm not sure what to think about that. I didn't know they had an architectural college, to be honest. That seems like a thing that I would know. I'm a little embarrassed that she knew and I didn't."
Raidou paused, probably wondering the same things. How was this person apparently all over the continent? Could that woman actually be the Mizukage, kami, who would have voted for a person like that to rule their country? When had that happened, anyway? Why had she chosen to fight the Yondaime Mizukage in her city and cause so much damage? Why was she pretending to be in Konoha?
Or… the other way around, maybe the one in Kirigakure was the body double or whatever was going on?
He didn't see her frequently enough to say definitively. And one would think that long-term visitors to Konoha would enjoy at least half the scrutiny that long-term visitors to Kirigakure did. Someone should have noticed whatever was going on if it wasn't more convincing in Konoha.
"When I was enjoying the city," Raidou said, dryly side-stepping around the espionage-y truth that all of them knew, "I did hear rumors that the new Mizukage defeated the fourth in battle and sealed away the Sanbi. It all sounded rather heroic. She's pretty directly credited with saving a lot of lives. People get a bit poetic about it."
Well. Actually, that was a pretty good reason to approve of someone's nomination to kage.
But was it true or just propaganda? Terumi's posture didn't change at all, making it impossible to gather any information from a reaction.
"Sealed the Sanbi?" Yamato wondered. "I hadn't heard that bit. You would think that we would know about a seal master of that caliber."
'Jiraiya-sama would, for certain. That could be very useful information. If I can get it out. If they don't kill me once I've outlived my use.'
If she was a seal master, that was probably how she was doing… whatever it was she was doing that allowed her to practically be in two places at once. Was it some type of clone sustained through seals that allowed her to continually feed chakra to it? Or.. Well. The only other explanation he could think of would be some kind of transportation technique. He wasn't an expert, but it was difficult to see how sealing could work to overpower a shunshin or anything like that safely. How had the fourth Hokage's transportation technique worked? There must be some way to do it if he'd done it, but…
Yamato had a horrible, sinking feeling.
It was just… The Uzumaki were supposed to be legendary seal masters, right? And if both the Nidaime and Yondaime Hokage could come up with hiraishin, then maybe it wasn't so crazy to think that a determined Uzumaki could be inspired by them and replicate it, or come up with something similar.
It wasn't- it didn't seem likely, but none of the options he could think of did. If she truly did have an instantaneous travel technique, that would account for the few and odd hours that she seemed to keep in Kirigakure, as well as the surprising amount of autonomy that Terumi seemed to have.
Working with that theory, the most compelling question was why she wanted to be in Konoha so badly that she would delegate reconstruction that she was obviously invested in. That… couldn't possibly be good.
"That's enough gossip." Terumi's voice was hard, but she wasn't looking at them. Was that- was that Kirigakure's rogue jinchuuriki approaching?
Yamato blinked hard, but the well-coiffed man really did appear to match up with his memories.
"Terumi-san," Utakata said, voice cold. "Good morning."
The smile she gave him was equally icy. "You must be very pleased that Mizukage-sama has decided you are fit to assist with something that matters." She indicated Raidou. "Try not to lose track of him, or banish him to the borders while he is in your care."
'That is incredibly unfortunate.' Yamato kept his expression blank throughout the sniping. 'If I'd been the one assigned to Utakata, I would have been out of here weeks ago, and Raidou wouldn't have had to stay and get captured himself. Bad luck.'
The blue-haired young man at Utakata's shoulder shifted uncomfortably, not looking directly at Terumi. Yamato could sympathize a bit. He wouldn't like standing between, say, Kakashi-senpai and Nara Shikaku, if they were acting like this.
Why was Utakata even here? He wasn't a recent deserter- he appeared to have left for personal reasons, not Kirigakure's political maneuverings. So there was no reason that the death of the Fourth would have brought him back into the fold, as far as Yamato could tell.
'Which means that there's something I don't know.'
Well. That was nothing new. Glumly, he watched Raidou leave with the jinchuuriki. They hadn't gone very far before Raidou obviously tried to strike up a conversation, body language friendly and open. He was rebuffed.
'Maybe he'll be able to get something out of Utakata.' Yamato turned his attention back to his work, making sure everything was in order before he would begin actually working with his jutsu. He didn't like the idea of using it for Kirigakure, but they couldn't seal away his chakra if they wanted him to use it. 'Terumi is far too clever for me to learn anything useful from her. But Utakata is younger, and seems less experienced.'
To be honest, one of the most intimidating things about the Godaime Mizukage was the fact that Terumi Mei seemed to take orders from her. He'd never seen Uzumaki-san in a fight, but he knew enough about Terumi to be very, very nervous. What that implied about the holes in his knowledge was concerning.
Really, in this line of work, it was what you didn't know that would make you miserable down the line. For example, what the Kirigakure shinobi didn't seem to know. He hadn't dared ask Raidou what had happened to their third, but he could guess. A guy like that would be halfway to Konoha by now, since the mission had ended with both of the senior members captured.
He couldn't be too smug, or relieved that things would work out. The thing that Yamato didn't know, sadly, was whether their junior member would be reporting to the Sandaime or to Danzo.
Gai stopped with the chopsticks halfway to his mouth, caught in a rare moment of open calculation. Kakashi glanced over to see what had caught his interest when food was on the line.
He leaned over and stole some of Gai's soba on principle. Genma was staring shamelessly through the windows, and it was starting to become incredibly unsubtle. Didn't matter. She wouldn't be able to see in, anyway.
"Oh look, it's your incredibly shifty friend," Asuma said, noting what they were looking at. "The children-hating one."
Kakashi considered expressing his derision for that. "Whose friend?" he asked, legs tense under the table. "She seems to respect Gai a lot more than Genma."
Genma's nose crinkled, but he didn't actually disagree.
Gai practically beamed. "I am pleased to hear of the assessment you overheard! It was quite flattering." But he went back to polishing off his food, giving only a momentary frown when he noticed that he was missing noodles.
"It was suspiciously flattering," He ignored the wounded look Gai shot him. That wasn't what he meant, and Gai knew it.
"It's not exactly a secret that Gai's exceptional with taijutsu, but it's a little odd that some random Kiri-nin would know it off hand," Asuma agreed. His eyes were narrowed in dislike, even though Uzumaki had disappeared into the crowd. "They're isolationists. I know she could have investigated him after her initial confrontation, but the way she acted that first time is… concerning."
"By her behavior, it would not surprise me if she had heard of me before," Gai agreed. His brows were drawn low. "It was done so casually that I did not think to be suspicious when she redirected me from a fight to a race. In retrospect, this does fit very well with her recent admission that she would not like to fight me. It was cleverly done. She reminds me of my very excellent Eternal Rival, in fact."
Kakashi felt his back stiffen.
Asuma choked. Genma threw his head back and actually laughed.
"It's true," Gai protested, enjoying it just a little. "She is not as Cool and Hip-"
Asuma started laughing too.
"but she took similar postures, and she certainly feels the fire of a competitive spirit!"
"I can see it." Kurenai sat down, back from the restroom. "She does act like Kakashi-san on the clock. Maybe more when he was a little younger- a bit cocky, on edge. Before he mellowed a bit with age."
None of that was at all flattering. He glowered, feeling his shoulders creep upwards.
Kurenai was entirely unaffected. "She uses similar misdirection in conversation, although I think her general attitude may actually be worse than Kakashi-san's."
Asuma stopped laughing long enough to posit, "So, she's the female version of Hatake. Only she threatens her genin a lot instead of ignoring them to read when they irritate her."
Genma made a speculative face. "I really wouldn't be surprised if she was into Icha Icha. She just seems like the type, you know?"
That set Asuma off again.
Kakashi kicked him under the table. When Asuma made a wounded sound and looked over, he was already hiding his face behind a book. "Fascinating," he said, in his least interested tone.
"Do you think it's time to try again?" Genma fiddled with his senbon, picking at his teeth. "For Gai, I mean."
"I don't think there's any reason to wait longer. Our window isn't unlimited." Kurenai casually reached over Asuma and took his tea. "If Genma can't convince her to stay in Konoha, we should gather as much information as possible while we have her in the city. She is a figure of some concern. We should know about anyone who could compete with Gai or Kakashi."
"So, don't challenge her to a spar," Asuma said sensibly, taking Kurenai's cake in retribution. "She'll turn that down. But if you try smaller things- things that she thinks are harmless- you might be able to work her towards something more telling. And you could still learn about her personality and problem-solving to construct a profile."
"I had been thinking the very same thing," Gai said gravely. "I will try in the afternoon, once she has eaten with her team. Is it not noble that she spends so much time with them? It is inspiring."
"Is that what it is?" Kurenai asked under her breath. She didn't exactly approve of pushing your genin into a river. It had appeared to be completely unprovoked.
In Uzumaki's defense, Kakashi had contemplated the same thing many times. And the kid was fine, anyway. His teammates had laughed themselves nearly to hysterics when Uzumaki leaned over the bridge railing and made a rude gesture. It had seemed to help the team dynamic, actually. He was leaving town with Sasuke tonight for concentrated training, but perhaps once they were all together again he could give that a try.
The only hard part would be deciding which genin to dunk. Water might improve any one of them.
"She's got quite the routine planned for them," Asuma pointed out fairly. "She's clearly thought towards advancing their skillsets in a complementary way that plays to each of their strengths. I know she doesn't seem like she's been their sensei for a long time, but-"
"She's an experienced teacher," Kakashi agreed absently, drawn from considering the benefits of pushing each genin in a river. Maybe he'd just soak all three of them. It'd be satisfying. But would it serve the same purpose? Probably not.
Kurenai nodded, conceding the point. "And she's invested, in a way she wasn't just two weeks ago when she came here. That speaks to responsibility, doesn't it?"
"Like she's so used to being in charge that she couldn't help it." Genma leaned back, tipping his chair off the floor. "Maybe I've been trying the wrong tactic by trying to romance her."
"She does seem more interested when you're not acting invested," Asuma agreed. "Casual."
Genma shook his head. "No, not that. I meant that if she's really the type of person who accumulates responsibility wherever she goes, she's gotta be incredibly stressed. She doesn't confide in people- at least, no one here. So what she's been doing with me was just letting pressure out of that toxicity when she's about to boil over. That's why she wasn't interested in the dinner- romance isn't in the cards." He grinned, like a shark. "What she needs is a friend. A controlled release of that stress, by someone close enough to sense when she's weak and prod it out."
"Kami wept," Kurenai said under her breath. She might have rolled her eyes, if she was a less controlled person. "I never want to hear you talk about making friends in that tone again. You sound very strange, Genma-san."
He shrugged. "I think I'm right," he said. "I made romantic gestures, and I tried implying that I could help her by feeding her students and empathizing with them. She doesn't want or need a partner in that, or a love interest. She won't want my help. I think I'd be better off trying something that distracts from all that instead of convincing her that she'd have a support system in Konoha. Or if I let her think that I would take orders from her, but I don't think I'm that good of an actor. It's hard to imagine that she gave up independent work for a village- she's controlling. I'm not sure what Kirigakure offered her, but I hope we can match it."
Kurenai sighed. "I'm choosing to believe that you are not quite this calculating about your interactions with that lovely chuunin in Intelligence. Michiko?"
Genma made a noncommittal sound.
This wasn't a productive area of discussion, so Kakashi laid his chopsticks down. "Come on, Gai." He dug in his back pocket for enough to pay the bill and began meandering to the counter. "Try challenging her again, while I can watch. I've got to leave soon."
"YES!" Gai shot to his feet, and then actually jumped over the table to beat Kakashi to the counter. "That is an excellent suggestion. Surely this time she will accept."
Asuma reached for a smoke, shaking his head. "I know you're not going to let her see you, but that might be interesting," he said amiably. "She was twitchy about your team, and she deliberately spent that time with you in Wave. She wants something from you."
Kakashi gave him a bored look. "Surely you're not implying there's some reason that no woman would spend time with me without an ulterior motive. That would hurt my delicate feelings."
"I'm straight-out saying that," Asuma agreed. "I imply nothing." Then he winced, which was probably Kurenai digging her heel into his foot.
She gave the two leaving a polite smile, resting her chin on her palm. "Good luck."
Kakashi let Gai go ahead once again, being the flashy one drawing attention while he came in a moment later from another direction. Uzumaki had made it back to her training area and was sprawled on the grass. She was clearly in the process of picking up papers to keep them out of view, her attention focused on Gai as if she'd predicted his arrival.
'Is she a sensor? Or did she just react quickly enough that it looked like she knew ahead of time that he was approaching?'
Kakashi tuned out Gai's bellowing in favor of watching the Kiri-nin. The genin were watching Gai with more interest and less incredulity than before, so they weren't entirely hopeless. The pointy-faced one was actually looking a bit unfriendly.
It was Uzumaki's body language that was odd. She seemed comfortable enough around Gai. If he hadn't heard her admit that she was wary of him, he wouldn't know that she considered him anything other than a mildly pleasant acquaintance.
'She didn't categorically deny that she was stronger than Gai when her genin claimed that,' he considered, thinking over what that might mean. 'She just said that he was better than she was at taijutsu and that she doesn't want to fight him. That doesn't mean she thinks she would lose in a fight with Gai. Was she boasting? Or downplaying her abilities to teach her students the lesson about underestimating enemies?'
To be fair to everyone involved, her taijutsu was sharp. He'd not been at his best when they'd fought, but it was still clear to him that she was formidable in that regard. She considered herself a taijutsu specialist- but did that mean it was her only advanced skillset?
"an invigorating test of strength and perseverance!" Gai finished bellowing.
There was a moment of shocked silence, as the genin worked to process the fullness of Gai's enthusiasm. Uzumaki's face was calm, professional, distant.
Until it wasn't. She broke out into an incredulous smile, though her body language didn't warm. "Konoha-san. Do these look like the arms of someone who does more than a hundred push-ups for any reason other than direst necessity?" She pushed up her loose sleeves, revealing the outline of a muscled but slim bicep. Kakashi had seen less muscle on shinobi before- genjutsu and ninjutsu specialists, mostly.
But she absolutely did not look like she could perform exceptional feats of upper body strength.
"I would not presume strength by such a thing!" Gai put his hands on his hips. "I am well aware that the most graceful form can conceal strength. You need not think further than the emitable Tsunade-sama, or indeed, many of my lither coworkers and peers!"
Uzumaki's eyebrows moved up as she made a little pout, seeming to concede that he had a fair point. "Still, I prefer not to."
Gai hummed, which was the first time that Kakashi realized that he had suggested that competition fully expecting it to be rejected. "Then let us do glorious battle with cartwheels! I can do them with perfect form, until-"
"No, thank you," she interrupted, almost sounding bored.
"Jumping jacks! Tic-tac-toe! Janken! Or perhaps we will race-"
Her mouth opened-
"in the trees," Gai finished mischievously, which was a competition hilariously biased towards a Konoha nin. He was hoping she'd pick one of the games, then, and begin to relax.
Uzumaki made a considering sound and tilted her head. "Can't touch the ground, three times 'round?" she asked casually. "I think that the full village circuit would be an enjoyable run. And I've been sitting a lot today."
Kakashi frowned. Was she truly so cocky about her speed that she would agree to a race in an environment where her opponent had such a large advantage? Did she think she could win?
Gai was similarly surprised that she took him up on it, taking a minute to nod in furious agreement. "As you say!" He began stretching. "From the gates."
"Why don't we add a friendly wager," Uzumaki said genially. "Loser brings the others' team lunch tomorrow. I think it's fitting, since you're interrupting mine."
Gai actually flushed, because it was entirely possible that he had failed to notice that Uzumaki was in the middle of eating. He rallied quickly. "Acceptable!"
"We eat a lot," Uzumaki said, and for the first time, Kakashi realized that, actually, she was not being pleasant. This was her retributive streak."And I think that we'd like steak."
Her genin had developed concerning shark-like grins with the crudely sharpened teeth you could expect from Kiri-nin.
She was intending to wreak revenge for being interrupted, possibly because she was well-aware that Gai would continue to return unless she truly put him off.
'She absolutely believes that she will win,' Kakashi realized. His jaw clenched. 'That's… is it arrogant?'
It was not. It was not arrogant, because he knew she would win by the second lap. He wasn't sure how she did it, because he couldn't expend the chakra necessary to keep up in the race without being noticed. But she definitely did something.
He saw it once- she was running neck and neck with Gai, teeth gritted and limbs flying. Then she was simply ahead- no handsign, no chakra rising. She was keeping pace with him and then she was four inches ahead. Gai roared, gained speed, and gradually began to gain ground again, feet pounding.
It wasn't that it was an effortless victory- she was clearly working hard, and he would have said she was exceptionally fast even without…. whatever she was doing.
'And when he catches up, she'll do it again. She's doing that again and again to rub it in. Or maybe so that he can't say she cheated by leaving the route. She'd lose without it, but not by much. I think Gai's setting a personal best right now.'
He waited by the gate, leaning in clear sight with his book up as if he was waiting for Sasuke already. So he was in good position to see the finish. Uzumaki went a good ten meters past the finish line before dropping out of the trees and swinging in a slightly wavered walk towards the city line. Her fingers were trembling, a bit, when she lifted the hem of her shirt to mop at her face. He looked away so she didn't catch him staring.
Gai had barreled a good forty meters past the line in his failed charge to regain the lead, so it took him a moment to make it to the gate.
"Gai-san?" She cut him off before he could begin a speech about the nature of defeat and how he would learn from this experience. "I'm not changing my mind about the steak, but I want ice cream tomorrow, too."
"Are you certain you wouldn't like bath salts instead?" Kotetsu said under his breath inside the gatehouse.
His partner huffed. "Or a hospital stay," he muttered back.
"Those would be good too," Uzumaki allowed. She was too busy trembling and trying to breathe to notice them startle at the fact that they had been overheard at that distance.
Kakashi felt his mouth curve into a humorless smile. That was an interesting piece of information. They'd learned a lot from this.
'And it lends credence to what Genma said earlier- that it seemed like she could hear us on his headset. That means that we can't trust her reactions were as real as they seemed. She could have been feeding us information. And she's almost certainly realized she's under surveillance.'
She'd noticed him, and her expression was calculating enough that she'd probably guessed it wasn't a coincidence he was there.
He rallied by waving his book at her. "Afternoon," Kakashi said lazily. "Waiting on a student. So lazy. Late. Very inconsiderate to his poor sensei." Then he went back to his book as if he didn't care in the slightest.
There was a slightly hysterical giggle from one of the gate chuunin.
She felt like hell. That was the best run she'd ever had, and she apologized to Hoseki in her mind for even thinking it. But it was true, she'd never ran that hard in her life. By the time she'd started to need that kind of speed, she'd been able to compensate with hiraishin. And she'd done that just a bit today, but only just a little. Just enough to be sure that she'd win.
Aiko stretched again, putting her forehead directly on the cool grass between her spread feet, arms sprawled over head. She pretended not to hear Yuusaku asking Keisuke if they should find a doctor.
Oh, wait. That required a response.
"I'm fine." She turned her head just enough to make the words clear. "I'm going to be recovering for the next two days, but I'm fine. Go back to work. You should be inspired. That's the kind of speed I want you to aim for."
"I would die," Yuusaku said matter-of-factly. "I would rather die. People aren't supposed to do that."
"Work, child."
They went back to working. Or at least they stopped chatting, which, whatever.
"I think I bought us a few days without Gai-san," Aiko said to the grass. "He's only a human, too." That wasn't said with quite as much confidence as she'd like. "He'll take some time to reevaluate and think of a new challenge. If he comes back. Maybe he's done."
She paused.
"Or maybe he'll propose a new challenge when he brings lunch tomorrow," she allowed. It was hard to tell with him. "Anyway, be proud of sensei. I got you a great lunch, I bet. A Konoha nin would know the best places to go, and he seems like he'd be generous in defeat."
She considered getting up. Briefly, she considered dying instead, because it would take less effort. But somehow she managed to pry herself to a sitting position, and then to standing. Aiko surveyed her team. "How is that jutsu coming, Yuusaku?"
"I think I'm going to get it today."
Aiko nodded weary approval. "Good, good." Before he could get too proud, she continued, "That's the first part of the technique I want to teach you. The easy part. The part that when I learned it, I spent about an hour on. I'm a little concerned," she said, words spilling out easily. "Once you're done, I want you to practice your control. I was thinking that running in the trees would be good practice for all of you, actually. It's a good control exercise, and faster travel in this environs. Plus, when else will you get the chance to practice it? If you need to fight a Konoha nin in the trees, you're not in a good place to stop and ask for tips."
"Oh my god," Keisuke said quietly. But no one actually argued, so she considered it good enough.
"Do that after I leave." She somehow picked up her knapsack. Her back was aching. "Until six. Once you all finish your current exercises. I'm going to go shower."
"And collapse?" Ryuusei asked.
Aiko nodded. "That too."
She didn't really remember the walk back to her hotel. It was a little embarrassing, but she was actually tired enough that she couldn't sense her observers. She was definitely not going to finish reading the last of those reports before five. Some of them were just going to have to wait.
A shower helped, a bit. She might have fallen asleep standing there if someone hadn't knocked at the door.
"No," Aiko said mournfully.
The knock came again, a cheery little tap-tapa-tap.
She sighed and turned off the water. She wrung her hair out, and wrapped herself in a towel without actually toweling off. When she opened the door, she immediately realized that she should have expected this.
"Heard you raced Gai." Genma seemed spectacularly amused. "Thought you could use some painkillers, dinner." He held up a brown box, spinning lazily from twine. "Maybe company."
Aiko considered it.
"That's…really thoughtful," she said slowly. It was suspiciously thoughtful. She knew perfectly well that he had ulterior motives for spending time with her, but it was still… too nice. She didn't trust it.
His face started to lighten, tension she hadn't noticed lifting.
She reached out, snatched the box, and slammed the door shut. Just to see what he'd do.
Genma coughed. "That's how it is?"
She narrowed her eyes. He sounded like he wasn't really that phased.
His sigh was heavy, but resigned through the door as she opened the box to see if it had what he said it did. By the heft and smell, it was probably dinner- for two people. "You know, I'm really not sure I deserve this kind of disregard. If you don't want me around, say so."
"I don't want you around," Aiko said absently, leaning back and beginning to untie the twine. "You're spying on me."
"Am not." Genma actually managed to sound indignant, though he kept his voice low. "My job is to convince you to stay in Konoha, not to report on your activities. I certainly haven't said anything about all that paperwork you're getting from nowhere, or the fact that you weren't in your hotel room when I tried last night. The ANBU probably think we had sex last night, by the way. It would have been pretty suspicious if I'd left instantly."
Was he telling the truth? Aiko felt her jaw grit and she set the box aside without getting the flaps open. "That's ridiculous."
"Which part of it?"
"All of it," she lied, but she opened the door and gestured for him to enter. "I think that someone would know if I was leaving my hotel room. Unless Konoha shinobi don't watch all the exits. Or you think I've dug a tunnel out underneath the bed?"
"I don't think that," Genma agreed genially. He reached into a pocket as he stepped in, bringing out a little bottle of pills with a clatter. "I don't know what I think, other than that you'd spook and my mission would be a bust if I came clean to Konoha about what I think I know."
She felt her lips twist into a smile that lacked humor. "You're terribly candid."
"I think it's been proven that you're a valuable resource," Genma corrected. He tapped the bottle against his palm twice, letting it rattle. "Too valuable for me to alienate over standard chuunin-exam espionage. You said you were a free agent just months ago." He raised an eyebrow. "And here you are, wearing a Kirigakure uniform. I think you're flexible."
"I'm wearing a towel," Aiko pointed out, but it was obvious that she was on the defensive.
"That's a pretty weird way of answering the door," Genma acknowledged, tone light. "Would you like to take a moment to get dressed?"
She considered it. Honestly… she was so sore that the thought of dressing was miserable. And it wasn't that she felt threatened by Genma. If she needed to fight him, weaponless, in a towel- well. She'd come out on top, or at least be able to leave.
Besides, he'd seen more. So had half of Kirigakure. Whatever.
"Too much effort," Aiko said bluntly. "I was hoping that nudity would make whoever was at the door uncomfortable enough to leave."
"Plus you're sore as hell?" he asked bluntly.
She didn't want to admit weakness. But yes, obviously.
Genma made a tsk sound. "I'd offer a massage, but I imagine that you're not in the habit of letting near strangers sit on your back and do things you can't see."
Her expression must have been answer enough.
"Why Kirigakure?" Genma opened. He leaned against the wall. "Any of the five great nations would provide more security than a smaller one, or none at all. But Kirigakure- they're isolationists, they're in political turmoil, and they're not friendly to bloodlines. Not very friendly at all."
"I'm not worried about that." Aiko took a few steps away, considering doing something about her dripping hair.
He smiled. "And that's interesting, because it really wasn't that long ago that Kirigakure came to Uzushiogakure and killed nearly all your clan." There wasn't anything kind about the way he said that unfortunate truth. "Even if you're not holding a grudge, they can't possibly trust you."
Aiko remained silent. No, they didn't trust her, exactly. But they were in too desperate straits to protest against semi-competent leadership. If she was going to have problems with dissidence and sabotage, it would come after the worst had settled down.
"Konoha is traditional allies with the Uzumaki." He tapped the pills again. "And you'd know that we weren't just hoping to stick a bijuu in you- we've only got one of those. And as I'm sure you're guessed, it's nicely sealed away in an incredibly appropriate host." Genma raised his eyebrows. "A host who you're interested in. You have family in Konoha. Do you have family in Kirigakure?"
No. Aiko felt her lips thin, because that was a low blow. "It's pretty of you to say that Konoha is preferable based on old treaties with a country I'm obviously too young to have lived in," she parried. "Tell me again of what good friendship with Konoha did for Uzumaki in the last hundred years?"
He looked uncomfortable enough at the hostility that she had a thrill of victory. He'd made it personal, but he hadn't been ready for her to take it personally?
"Poor Kushina-san met a sticky end in Konoha," Aiko said, knowing she was going too far even as she did. But this was an old bitterness, something she'd been choking on since her cradle. "She made a sacrifice purely for Konoha's benefit, and what did that loyalty get her? Had she stopped breathing yet when someone made the decision to put that bijuu in her infant? Kushina-san consented to a terrible burden, but that child never did. He was just convenient, a subhuman vessel for Konoha's burdens and bitterness. Why would any Uzumaki want to live here, seeing how that boy is treated? I knew he was malnourished and unloved the moment I saw him. Do you ever wonder what Kushina-san would say?"
Genma was pale.
It felt like she should be shaking with fury, but her tone was low and cold and perfectly steady. "Keep that forked tongue behind your teeth, Konoha. Don't talk to me about how Konoha loves the Uzumaki."
'He looks like he's never considered that an Uzumaki might be bitter about the jinchuuriki business,' Aiko thought incredulously. 'Like he's never empathized with Naruto long enough to realize how monstrous it is to make that decision for an infant.'
And that, more than anything, was the final straw.
"None of you deserve to wear that." She nodded at the shoulder spiral standard to the Jounin uniform of Konoha, Uzushio's mark proudly displayed on people who callously used her family. "Get out."
His jaw clenched. She could hear the metal senbon click against his teeth. Slowly, Genma set the pills down on her bedside table and put his hands in his pockets. "Alright, then. I'll leave. I'm sorry that I took the conversation there."
She watched him, dislike heavy in her chest.
He waited a moment or two for a response. When he didn't get one, he gave her an awkward little nod and let himself out.
Aiko stood, simmering for a time. She could feel the Sanbi paying attention, rising to the upper limits of her consciousness in a way that he hadn't deigned to for weeks. He was angry too, he was the tempest and the fury and he was darkly satisfied just as she was to have lashed out at someone representing the hellhole where her kind had first been imprisoned, bound to this path by the actions of someone who hadn't the right to make that decision for so many, no right to set that precedent.
She blinked. She took a moment to sort through that feeling, not entirely certain if it was hers or if it was the Sanbi's. It…
'It applies to both of us,' Sanbi said definitively.
Aiko couldn't disagree.
In that moment, with fury giving her energy, it was clear that she couldn't sit around for the rest of the day. She considered her options. It wasn't terribly difficult as a choice- she got dressed in a cold, precise anger. She put on full makeup, she put her hair up, she pulled on the dress uniform and took a moment to check the full effect. Professional, polished, impressive enough for what she needed to do today. It ought to strike the right first impression.
There was actually very little chance that Konoha would think she had any energy to go sneaking out today. Not with the way she— she didn't hurt, actually. She didn't hurt at all.
Aiko paused, straightening her back just a bit.
'Don't get too used to it.' Sanbi wasn't friendly, exactly, but the old hostility wasn't there. 'It costs me nothing to help you heal. This doesn't mean I'll be giving you my blood and bones for your jutsu.'
Slowly, she nodded. "Thank you." Her voice struck the still air more loudly than it really should be.
He made a low sound that might have been a grumble, a deflection of the generosity he'd displayed. 'Don't you have a village to visit?'
"I do," Aiko said under her breath. "I think it'd be politer to deliver this letter in person, don't you?"
Fuck Konoha. They were slow, and she couldn't afford to wait on them and choke on their hypocrisy. Kirigakure was going to be leaner and meaner and they were going to get that way with or without Konoha's help.
When they got into the office, Sandaime already looked tired.
Genma slightly regretted that.
"Is she gone again?" the Sandaime asked, sounding like he expected very little.
He nodded. "Probably. And no, we don't know how yet," he added deprecatingly, before that could be asked. "We did, however, get an outpouring of information."
"Oh?" The old man was giving his full attention, eyes brighter. "What kind of information?"
"Our first emotional response," Hatake butted in. He looked and sounded about a hundred times calmer than he must be, because that was how he reacted to stress.
Genma didn't sigh, but it was close. "I got her angry," he admitted. "That wasn't my intention, but it was a significant break from the public face she's been presenting. I believe it was legitimate. I also believe that we now know why she went to Kirigakure, and that it was largely that it was the first opportunity she had to ally with a village she had no grudge against."
The caveat there was obvious. The Sandaime's gaze flicked to Kakashi, who had encountered Uzumaki before she'd joined Kirigakure.
Hatake shoved his hands in his pockets, apparent disregard rising in proportion with how uncomfortable the topic made him. "Uzumaki-san has comments about how we might improve our treatment of Uzumaki in general and Naruto in specific."
Lines slowly deepened on the Hokage's face.
"She was rather familiar and well-informed," Genma added. "Referred to Kushina-san by first name. She appears to have strong opinions about the relative morality of an adult choosing to become a jinchuuriki and an adult making that choice for an infant." His lips twisted, remembering the tongue-lashing. "Her feeling about the latter is 'no'."
"With a side of 'fuck Konoha,'" Hatake mused. "Her strong feelings cannot be emphasized enough."
"But she knew enough about the situation that I can only conclude she investigated." Genma steered the conversation back on track. "She was interested in Konoha. What she found made her angry and disillusioned, but she wants to be here." He paused, because this bit was risky. "If only for Naruto. She only lost her temper once I brought up the fact that she has no family in Kirigakure. She's very aware of that. I think that she could be convinced to tie herself to Konoha, if we allay her fears."
Her discomfittingly accurate fears, unfortunately. The track record between Konoha and Uzumaki that she rattled off had been well-considered.
Hatake sighed. "Well, I'd better be off."
The Sandaime eyed him incredulously, and Genma felt himself doing the same. Dismissing yourself from a meeting with the Hokage was rather impudent.
"Oh, it's nothing important." Hatake fluffed up his hair. "Sasuke-kun can wait a little longer if you prefer. He's a the gates, waiting to leave for training." He paused. "Probably. It's only been an hour."
It took some doing to get herself into a meeting with Nadeshiko's leader. They were small, and didn't have the large administration or -apparently- an especially busy day.
It was still, however, rather ballsy on her part to even hope to meet with the country's leader on the first day that she made contact. So Aiko was entirely blasé about being asked to wait four hours, shuffled from building to building and taken on one flustered tour of a historical landmark just to kill time.
She didn't have anything better to do in Konoha. And so what if they dared open the door and discovered she wasn't in there- were they going to accuse her of something? What grounds did they have?
'When we attempted to invade the privacy of a foreign delegation that we allowed in under strict treaty conditions, we couldn't locate them or any proof that they were engaged in any activities counter to our interests. We cannot speculate about how they escaped our notice, but we can't outright disagree if they say we must just have not noticed them walking out the door.'
Mm. That's the kind of statement every country wants to issue. Everyone else who caught wind of that would laugh themselves sick. The only thing that would accomplish would be making Konoha's security look weak.
The thought that the ANBU might have dared check in by now and that Konoha would be running the same calculations she had kept Aiko in a fairly good mood.
The meeting went well.
"I would not call you a liar, but I would need some assurance." Shizuka was hiding her nervousness, but not quite well enough. "It is… rather fantastical to think that Kirigakure's administration has changed so much in such a period of time. One of the great nations has never had a female leader. Among the smaller nations, Nadeshiko still stands alone. Have the times changed so much?"
Aiko didn't let her irritation show, because the other woman was being perfectly reasonable in thinking she was possibly an opportunist. "I understand your caution," she said. "I'm afraid that for a variety of reasons, we are not yet ready to publicly announce the change in leadership."
Shizuka eyed Aiko in a way that implied she could think of a reason or two that might be true. She probably didn't know that Aiko was pretending to be a jounin in Konohagakure in hopes of taking advantage of the chaos Orochimaru's invasion would cause. So she probably was not thinking of the correct reason. Still, she could think what she liked.
"We could, however," Aiko shifted on her zabuton, "make public that the Yondaime Mizukage has perished and that the Godaime has been decided. Would that be enough reassurance?"
The other woman took a moment to think it over, swallowing.
Nadeshiko wanted an alliance with one of the great nations. She was wavering. But she was suspicious of Kirigakure's motivations and honesty. It would not be the first time that a great nation used and discarded a smaller country.
"You are suspicious," Aiko said, ignoring the polite deflection that came. "That is reasonable. Without transparency in our agreement, you lack the protection of the international community's awareness of Kirigakure's proposed responsibility to Nadeshiko." She smiled, and it was a pleasant one, because she actually wanted a respectful, mutually beneficial relationship. "I propose a bonder. The nation of Iron is honorable, powerful, and removed from shinobi politics. Together, you and I, or our representatives, will deliver a copy of our agreement to the great samurai lord of Iron. He will keep it in trust, and know if Kirigakure is remiss in our duty."
Shizuka was still, calculations flickering behind her eyes. "Iron." She flexed her fingers slightly. "Iron is acceptable. I understand that this is a matter of some haste? We could draft up a preliminary agreement today and begin the exchange of humanitarian relief as soon as Mifune-sama has the papers."
"We can do that tomorrow, if the draft is made satisfactory in time," Aiko said, because keeping hiraishin a secret was not worth the human cost that would be lost by delivering the communication by foot. "I possess some small skill at crossing great distances quickly."
From the look on her face, Shizuka might not believe it. But she would when it was demonstrated. And she would see the benefit of tying herself to Kirigakure even more.
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
Puck’s Saga (Oh, what fools these Gargoyles be) [Part 2: The Gathering]
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[All images are owned by Disney. Please don’t sue me]
In my last review, I showed Puck’s first appearance, as well as his attempts to circumvent King Oberon’s edict to return to Avalon. While this is not his final appearance, it is his most important. We get a glimpse as to what Puck is up to when he’s not transforming Gargoyles into humans.
This is also a two-part episode that takes place immediately following Future Tense. If you would like to see part one, it’s available on Disney+.
Goliath, Elisa, and Bronx have been brought to the mystic island of Avalon (where time moves much more slowly than in the mortal world), where they discover the Gargoyle eggs from 1,000 years ago have hatched and grown up, including Angela (Goliath's daughter. Three guesses who her mother is) Upon leaving Avalon, the group (along with Angela) are taken on a journey via the Mists of Avalon to wherever the island thinks they are needed.
For 19 episodes, the four are brought through the Mists to locations that are definitely not Manhattan. Along the way, they discover that Gargoyles have survived not only in Manhattan and Avalon, but England, Japan, and Guatemala as well!
After returning to Avalon to keep the King and Queen of the Fair Folk (Oberon and Titania (voiced by Star Trek: Voyager alum Kate Mulgrew)) from destroying the Avalon Clan and the survivors of Castle Wyvern, Oberon makes peace with the mortals and decides to call the Fae home and the travelers continue their journey.
On the mortal side, David Xanatos and his wife Fox are expecting their first child. (Who knows, maybe fatherhood will mellow Xanatos’s more wicked ways. I mean, probably not if the events of Future Tense are more than Puck’s manipulations...but we can hope!)
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We open on Avalon where Oberon is welcoming his children home.
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Unfortunately, not all came willingly, as the Weird Sisters drag the Banshee (voiced by 80s pop singer Sheena Easton) home. The Banshee lashes out at Odin (yeah, he’s Faerie too) and the two scuffle until Oberon has had enough entertainment for now and puts a stop to it.
(Thanks to Igneous Abercromby)
The Weird Sisters report that all of Oberon’s children have returned, save Titania and Puck. Oberon excuses Titania (she is royalty, after all), but decides to go looking for Puck, borrowing Boudicca (a Gargoyle hound similar to Bronx) from the Avalon Clan to assist.
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Oberon holds a flute that was made by Puck as a basis for Boudicca to track him down. Once Boudicca has the scent, Oberon uses Titania’s Mirror to journey to the mortal realm (three guess as to what city the trail leads)
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Meanwhile at Xanatos’s building, Fox’s family (Halcyon Reynard (voiced by I Spy and The Greatest American Hero alum Robert Culp), his ex-wife Anastasia (also voiced by Kate Mulgrew...hmmm) and Reynard’s assistant Preson Vogel (who bears more than a passing resemblance to Xanatos’s assistant Owen Burnett)) are waiting for word regarding Fox’s labor.
Owen then brings in Xanatos’s father Petros, who notices the similarities between Owen and Preston as asks if they’re related.
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When Owen introduces Anastasia, she mentions she had reunited with her first husband.
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Now there’s an “Oh shit!” face if ever there was one!
Suddenly, Owen excuses himself and hurries away. At that point...
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...Xanatos introduces everyone to his newborn son, Alexander Fox Xanatos.
Eventually, the sun sets, awakening the Clan from their stone slumber.
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Nice that the Clan is looking after Elisa’s cat Cagney while she, Goliath, and Bronx are away.
Meanwhile in Central Park...
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Oh, you knew he’d be coming to Manhattan! Quickly slapping on a mortal disguise, Oberon continues the search for Puck.
As the family coos over mother and son in Fox’s bedroom, Owen enters and tells Xanatos that Anastasia should not be left alone with either Fox or Alexander.
In the lobby of Xanatos’s building, Oberon charms the guard into letting him pass. Oberon takes the elevator to Castle Wyvern. Boudicca signals he’s caught Puck’s scent (in Xanatos’s inner sanctum? That can’t be good...), but Oberon catches the scent of Titania nearby and apparently that takes precedent.
In Fox’s bedroom, Anastasia shoos the elder men out as she holds the baby and offers to watch Alexander while Fox rests.
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...but Xanatos insists on watching Alexander himself. Fox wonders what is happening.
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Oberon would like to know as well...Titania!
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When I first watched Gargoyles many years ago, I wondered why Kate Mulgrew was doing double duty on voices. Now I know!
Titania admits she’s here to claim Alexander to train him in magic (however thin his bloodline may be, given Fox never showed any magical aptitude), however...
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...Xanatos respectfully refuses (never thought I’d see the day I was rooting for Xanatos!) However, Xanatos’s weapon is no match for Oberon’s magic, so he decides to get physical.
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Yeah, you knew that wasn’t gonna work. Oberon shows a touch of mercy in allowing Fox and Xanatos an hour to say their goodbyes to Alexander.
At the clock tower, the Clan hears about Alexander’s birth on the news as they hear someone enter the tower and prepare for battle.
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Well, I suppose Bronx could lick Hudson to death...
Yes, the Clan has finally been reunited as the travelers have come home!
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Goliath introduces Angela to the Clan and tell the Clan of their journey.
Meanwhile, Xanatos and Owen have much to discuss. It turns out Owen knew about Titania’s secret and had been preparing for the possibility of the Fae having an interest in Alexander as soon as she became pregnant. After briefing Xanatos on his best chance to defeat Oberon, Owen removes himself from the coming battle.
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(yes, Owen has a stone hand; no, I don’t remember the events that caused it)
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At Elisa’s apartment, Goliath drops Elisa and Cagney off and once again the pair lament that biology is against them (seriously? I seriously doubt anyone who knows either of you will care about an inter-species relationship)
As a storm begins, the fire alarm chimes at Xanatos’s building and everyone evacuates (except Xanatos and his family) Goliath comes home before the worst of the storm starts when...
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Titania asks for the Clan’s help in the coming battle to claim Alexander, but Goliath refuses to be involved in taking a child from his parents (even if that parent is Xanatos) Therefore, Titania warns Goliath to stay neutral...or else!
Yeah, like that’s gonna happen! The Clan takes flight to Xanatos’s building.
Speaking of...
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Xanatos activates Owen’s defenses, placing the building under a force field.
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Looks like it effective (at least for the time being, but I do not wanna see his electric bill when this is all over) Oberon is through playing games. After putting all of the humans in the city to sleep (except those in Xanatos’s building...at least I hope it was just the humans or else the Clan’s gonna be in for a rough landing!), Oberon grows to the size of Xanatos’s building!
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That is one hell of a cliffhanger! If you would like to see part 2, it’s (obviously) also on Disney+.
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We open to find that Oberon did indeed only include the humans in his spell (of course, that means Elisa’s out of the fight)
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...as the Clan approaches Xanatos’s building. Brooklyn notes that if Oberon is powerful enough to put an entire city to sleep, why is the Clan risking themselves to defend their enemy? Goliath explains that he doesn’t wish to see any family separated...not even Xanatos’s.
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At the building, Oberon is hammering the force field, attempting to break through, as the Clan approaches. Oberon then bear hugs the force field, overloading the building’s generators. However...
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...Oberon begins shrinking as his energy begins to fade. Xanatos remembers Oberon’s weakness...
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...iron. Xanatos’s “Steel Clan” attacks Oberon, further weakening him, as the Clan joins the fray.
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...and fare about as well as could be expected.
Angela and Brooklyn grab shards from a wrecked steel gargoyle and attack Oberon’s hair, freeing Goliath (yes, that’s his hair binding Goliath in the picture above)
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From the skies, Reynard’s flying fortress (how is he not affected by Oberon’s spell?) joins the fray (despite Preston questioning his boss’s actions, since Reynard hates Xanatos)
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Couldn’t have a better answer than that! Reynard launches his own drones to engage with Oberon (you certainly can’t say they aren’t throwing everything they have at Oberon!) Unfortunately, Oberon can control the wind, meaning Reynard is vulnerable...but keeps fighting on to save Alexander!
Goliath sees Reynard’s fortress under attack...
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...and distracts Oberon to give Reynard a chance to regroup. Oberon tires of the Gargoyles...
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...so animates nearby statues to deal with them...
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...while he deals with Goliath!
Fortunately, Reynard has regrouped and sends another wave of drones to attack Oberon. Additionally...
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...it seems as though Xanatos is willing to aid the Clan (as long as they’re on the same side)
As the drones approach, they don’t immediately attack...
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...but try a different tactic as they form an energy cage around Oberon. The cage further leeches Oberon’s energy, causing him to shrink further until he’s small enough to pass through the cage.
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He then summons sheets to freezing rain, icing up the drones, as well as the Clan and Reynard’s fortress (forcing it to crash land in Central Park...hope no one fell asleep there!) Then Oberon sinks beneath the surface...below the force field!
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Oberon has breached the building!
Xanatos, Petros, and the Clan prepare for a final stand. Petros fires an iron harpoon at Oberon...
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...injuring Oberon, but also pissing him off!
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All too soon, the defenders fall, giving Oberon a clear path to Alexander.
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...except for one small detail. Oberon laughs that one man with a stone fist could stop him...until Owen starts spinning faster than any human could...
(Thanks to dtaina)
Oh, you knew he’d have to show up eventually! And yes, Puck has been Owen the entire time! But you ask how this could be. Allow Puck to tell the tale (Fae love their stories, after all) while fending/pissing off Oberon (who, if you recall, was looking for Puck when this episode began)...
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Puck spotted Titania posing as Anastasia courting Reynard. Curious, he also donned a human disguise to see the appeal.
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As a model, Puck used Preston Vogel, a more (heh) wooden man you’ll never find. Puck decided to play a role he never played (a straight man) and became...
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...Owen Burnett. However much fun he was having out-Vogeling Vogel, he found working for Reynard boring, and then he fell into the orbit of...
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...Reynard’s daughter Fox and her then-boyfriend David Xanatos. He enjoyed working for Xanatos so much that he revealed himself to Xanatos, offering either a single wish from Puck or a lifetime of service from Owen. I’m sure you know which he chose (and given how well Demona’s wishes turned out, I think it was the right choice)
With his tale concluded, Puck implores Oberon to give his leave to stay with Xanatos and work with Alexander.
I’m sure you can guess how well that goes over...
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With that he teleports into Alexander’s nursery, swatting Fox aside. Xanatos and his allies (insofar as you can call Goliath an “ally” in this case) burst in to defend mother and child...
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...but Titania stops them cold. Just as Oberon reaches for Alexander...
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Remember how I said earlier that Fox didn’t show magical aptitude? I think she just tapped that potential! With that, Goliath sees an opening. He pleads with Oberon that if Fox could use her untapped abilities, surely Alexander could learn to use his in the mortal realm...with the right teacher (to which he volunteers Puck) Oberon agrees on one condition...
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Puck may only use his abilities to train or defend Alexander. Otherwise, he shall be...
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With that, Oberon is more than ready to return to Avalon (don’t forget Boudicca!), releasing the spell of slumber over the city. But first Titania would like to say goodbye to her daughter and grandson...
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...and lays some pretty heavy hints that this was her plan all along.
With that, Goliath gathers the Clan to head home, but is stopped by Xanatos.
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While Goliath is skeptical, he is hopeful that this experience has changed Xanatos.
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Thanks for reading, and as always let me know if there are any other minor characters that deserve the spotlight.
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xxruinaxxmcu · 2 years
Jack Thompson X Reader
What Lies Before Us
Masterlist (book 1 and previous chapters)
Chapter 11
“Thompson, how can I help?”
“Jack?”, he could practically see the surprise in her face, “Why are you calling me with an English number? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, all good”, he said quickly to make her stop worrying, “We, uh, we had a friend’s wedding here.”
“They were work-friends”, he specified, “Y/N’s here, too.”
“Alright?”, despite being half-way across the globe, Jack could see his mother’s inquisitive gaze upon him, “Is this about what I had asked your father to give to you?”
“Jack?”, his mother inquired, “Don’t you lie to me, you know I can’t stand that! She’s more than a work-friend, isn’t she?”
“If you let me talk, Ma, you’ll nothing but the truth”, he said with a grin given his mother’s impatience.
“Go on, then.”
“I never said that she was just a work-friend. I said that she was my co-worker, and that’s actually factual”, he put forward, just to get the record straight and to tell his mother that, in fact, he didn’t lie to her, “and, well, your ring now has a new owner.”
“Jack, son!”, she exclaimed, “Congratulations!”
Shifting on the spot, still not sure how to respond to these kinds of things, he just replied with: “Thanks, ma.”
“You’ll have to tell me all about it, I better hope you did it properly!”
“You can ask her if she found it appropriate”, he replied with a smile.
He heard his mother laugh: “You bet I will! Oh, dear, I will have to call your father right away. And Gam-Gam. She’ll be over the moon! Though it is unfortunate that your godfather can’t bear witness to this.”
The mention of Vernon almost made him choke. Even the thought of him being at their wedding – he was quite certain that Y/N would’ve left him standing alone by the altar to not spend time in the same building as that man.
“Yes, it is”, he replied hollowly, “Sorry, ma, I gotta go now. Duty calls. I’ll call when we’re in New York, alright?”
“Call?”, she asked, “You better come visit!” After ending the call, Jack couldn’t help but grin at the situation he found himself in. For once, it felt like it all fell together. Like things were finally taking a turn for the better. Like he had finally found the light at the end of the tunnel.
Their return to New York was fairly unspectacular, which both of them were more than grateful for.
“Thank God I didn’t tell ma when our plane landed”, Jack said whilst retrieving their bags, “she probably would’ve ambushed right here and now to ask you if I proposed properly enough.”
“How does one propose properly?”, Y/N asked, eyebrows raised.
He only shrugged: “I dunno. Should’ve asked Sousa, I’m sure he did it with much more falderal than me.”
“To be fair, you did choose the busiest park of the entire country to do it”, Y/N retorted, “that I would classify as quite the fuss.”
“Our lives don’t really give me that many opportunities, don’t they? Wouldn’t have been exactly fitting after DC, either, right? ‘Hey, we’ve just killed a bunch of people together, you want to marry me?’ didn’t seem like a classy option.”
Y/N snorted at the idea. “Yeah, well. I guess you’re right.” She smiled: “No, really. Don’t know what your mother would’ve wanted, but it was perfect. I haven’t really imagined how it could be, but I couldn’t have come up with anything better.”
They stopped over at Y/N’s apartment to drop their bags before heading to the SSR to relieve McKinley. Whilst Y/N went to the post box to which Lorenzo could’ve posted something during her absence.
“Chief”, his deputy exclaimed when he saw Thompson, “we’ve got some news on the Arena Club. We’ve tracked down their donations – unlike other millionaires, they seem to only pick one candidate to support. We’ve collected the names of those that have received substantial funds.” He handed him the file.
“Thanks, McKinley”, Thompson began to flip through the pages, recognising some, but not all of the names listed, which was to be expected. Some were established politicians, others complete newcomers.
Whilst he was going through the files, the office door opened again and Y/N entered. Though he only looked briefly, he could tell that she had found something.
Y/N had indeed found something – but she wasn’t really sure what to make of it. A picture of a group of men, most of which she could identify as members of the Arena Club, though some were faces she hadn’t seen before as having been members.
She looked at each and everyone of the men on the picture. But nothing appeared to be an obvious red flag.
She brought the picture to Thompson’s desk: “Do you know anyone on there that should ring a bell?”
He looked over the picture: “Arena Club, that’s for sure.”
“That’s as far as I got”, she sighed, picking the photograph up, accidentally flipping it in the process. On the back, a faint number was written, in the right-hand corner, rather inconspicuously looking.
But when she read the number, her heart sank. She recognised it to be Lorenzo’s handwriting. It was a hint.
“88”, she said quietly, looking up at Thompson. Her eyes were darkened, cold, even.
“88?”, he asked, “Serial number, maybe?”
“No, it’s, well, it’s a shorthand.” She pressed her lips together: “Refers to the 8th letter in the alphabet. H-H, or the initials of the Nazi salute. Or HYDRA’s.” Despite having had to say the salute herself many times, she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud now, on American soil.
“You think we’re dealing with a sleeper Nazi in the Arena Club?”, Jack asked, taking another look at the picture.
Y/N shrugged: “Many industrialists came over after the war. Theoretically, ideal Arena Club material. Rich, white, arrogant, and ruthless.”
“But HYDRA was destroyed by the SSR”, Jack frowned, “And the Howling Commandos.”
Y/N paced around in the room: “Do you really believe that? That they got every last one of them, I mean. Call me crazy, but I don’t. Hell, we didn’t even succeed in securing high-profile Nazis such as Mengele. Why would we have done such a more thorough job with HYDRA?”
She pondered about what this would entail. And why in God’s name the Arena Club would team up with a Nazi. But then, she remembered something. If there is one thing Nazis and Westerners could agree on, it was their hate for Communism. Maybe that’s what brought them together – a common enemy. Maybe, HYDRA had something the Arena Club wanted for their plans within America.
“I’ll contact the Office of Immigration”, Jack interrupted her thoughts, “If a German immigrant made it into the Arena Club, he must be loaded. Must cut down the possible candidates.”
“I’ll call L.A.”, Y/N sighed, “Peggy would kill us if she knew we didn’t inform her about a possible HYDRA re-emergence.”
Y/N had seen Peggy distraught in the past, but she hadn’t heard her like this – granted, she was rather personally involved with the entire taking-down-HYDRA-operation. The thought of the parasite still festering must have stung. Y/N didn’t fault her for reacting rather explosively. But Peggy wasn’t alone in her hurt – though Y/N hadn’t been tasked with going after HYDRA, she was ordered to take down military targets mostly, the thought of there still being a threat in the form of Nazis was a blow to her morale, too. She had spent years of her life fighting them, and now, multiple years after VE-day, it should still continue?
She felt that it was more likely that the man in question was affiliated with HYDRA than the regular party for a multitude of reasons – first, there was the matter of obscurity around that organisation that made it more likely for someone to slip through the system of the Americans. Second, it would fit the profile of the members of the Arena Club just about right – after all, their interest in new types of weaponry wasn’t that far off Jones’s interest, as well as Frost’s. But most importantly, there was that blueprint that they had stored away in DC – the one that the communists wanted to steal. Jack and Y/N had wondered what they wanted with it – because, even if they wanted to assassinate someone, no one needs such an intricate bomb for that. However, if they were working with – or even worse, for – HYDRA, obviously these weapons became more significant.
It took Jack way too long for his own taste to get a hold of someone in the Office of Immigration to get a lead regarding their mystery man. It seemed like, with all the chaos in the SSR filing system, they were still ahead of most other government facilities. That fact made him more concerned than proud, though, as he knew their filing was still a mess.
However, eventually he got a name. Richard Keller, who was the head of a mining company in Austria.
There wasn’t much on him in the records they had, his job and approximate wealth aside. And, naturally, that he was once affiliated with the Nazi Party – then again, what industrialist during the 1940s wasn’t?
All in all, it meant they had nothing but a name.
He knew he should inform both Peggy and Y/N, but given that Y/N didn’t recognise the man on the picture of the Arena Club members – where, as he now figured out, he was actually visible – he took it that she hadn’t known of him. And from what Y/N had told him, Peggy’s reaction on the phone didn’t speak to the effect of her knowing many wealthy German – or Austrian – business men, either. So why didn’t he? Possibly because he knew that the next course of action was to send someone to get intel on the guy. And both of them would’ve volunteered. He was aware of their records, of their strengths. But he had worked with Carter enough to know that as brilliant as she was, often, things went sideways, still. Roxxon Refinery blew up. The truck with the explosives she hijacked blew up. The Zero Matter blew up. Underwood escaped. Ana Jarvis was shot. None of these were directly her mistakes, but it was, in a sense, her actions that enabled the chain to unfurl. And in this case, where the stakes were so high, the mafia, the high-society of politics and quite possibly some remnant of HYDRA were involved, he really didn’t want to know what ‘sideways’ looked like.
And Y/N?
Well. He had seen her face when she realised what the number on the photo meant. He really didn’t want her to do it.
“You have a habit to call at the least convenient times, Thompson.”
“Why, I try not to hit your private hours where you could be doing God-knows-what with Carter”, Jack shot back sarcastically.
“You seem to be in a terrific mood. What’s up?”, Daniel asked, noticing the rather tense tone from his NYC counterpart.
“That German guy, in the Arena Club. Peggy tell you about that?”
“Yeah, HYDRA, possibly, correct?”
“Yeah”, Thompson rubbed his chin, “that’s what we’re still to figure out. Came here in 46. Got his file pulled from the Office of Immigration, but not much in it. Except that he’s the head of some mining company. And apparently, he’s Austrian, not German. Seems to be the trade mark of top Nazis.”
“Do we know where he lives now? Then we could send a team to shadow him.”
“That’s what I’m calling for”, Thompson pressed his lips together before continuing, “I do have an address. Lives in Boston.”
For a while, Daniel didn’t say anything. “And why are you calling me, exactly?”
“Because”, Jack flicked his hand in annoyance – annoyance that apparently Daniel couldn’t read his thoughts through the phone line, “you tell me. Should I send Peggy to do it? Or Y/N? On paper, they might be the most qualified, but they’re also both incredibly personally attached to this.”
“You feel like they’re not going to be objective?”, Daniel asked, rather surprised.
“No, that’s not it.” Jack sighed: “I just think that if they figure it is HYDRA, they wouldn’t care to call for backup, or wait for someone else to lend them a hand, no, they’d just kick down the door to take that shot. Even if there’s a live grenade behind that door.”
Daniel huffed silently: “Why’d you think that?”
“I’ve seen them both in action, Sousa. Hell, Y/N charged Underwood with a freaking knife. Wouldn’t really want her doing that with some guy we hardly have a read on!”, Jack replied curtly, “and I know how I’d react if it weren’t Nazis, but some Japs. I’m like the only one in this office who’s got no past experience with them, so I’m planning on doing it myself.”
“You’re an idiot, Thompson, you don’t even speak or read the language.”
“Goldberg speaks German, guess I’ll bring him along.”
“He’s been in the field how many times?”, Daniel asked rhetorically, knowing the answer was about zero, given he was their best analyst.
“Do you want Carter to take the mission?”, Jack asked back harshly, tapping his fingers as he waited for a response. “Sousa?”
“No, theoretically not.”
“And practically??”
“Practically”, Sousa himself was now audibly becoming frustrated, “It’s dumb for you to go in there with some rookie. I speak the language, I come with you.”
“Sousa, we can’t put two SSR Chiefs on a mission! What if we die?”
“We just won’t die”, Sousa replied with a huff, “As simple as that.”
“Brilliant plan. Why didn’t MacArthur think of that in 1945?”
“You got a better one?”
Thompson didn’t say anything. He didn’t, but he also didn’t like the idea of going in there with Sousa. Though he knew that the L.A. Chief was more than capable – he had seen that first-hand when they took down Johann Fennhoff. Or, well, Sousa did. As he was taken down by the man, himself.
“No. Unfortunately, not.”
“We will have to tell them, though. I’m not gonna lie to my wife.”
His initial reaction was to vehemently object – like hell Carter would let them do this if she knew what they were up to! But the thought of lying to Y/N didn’t really sit well with him, either.
“Do you think they’ll just stay behind brewing coffee?”, Thompson asked sarcastically.
“I dunno. Guess I see it as a two-way street – I’d trust her to do a mission herself, too. It’s only fair she trusts me, too.”
Thompson pressed his lips together, rubbing the bridge of his nose. That will be a talk he was not looking forward to. “Alright, Sousa. We’ll meet in Boston.”
Y/N stood across from Jack in his living room, arms crossed.
“Say something”, he said when her only response to his plan was silence, a stern look, and crossing her arms. “Anything. Yell, if you want to.”
“I don’t want to yell at you, Jack”, she eventually said, sitting down on the sofa, staring at the floor in front of her. “I just don’t want you to go there with Sousa. You know I could be of use.”
“Yeah, you could probably do the entire surveillance yourself”, he agreed quietly, awkwardly still standing in front of her, “but I don’t want you… I don’t want you to go through this again.”
She clenched her jaw. She knew it was already massive progress that he didn’t just take off, did it without saying something before – like he had done with Masters – or lying to her. Though that didn’t make her happier with his decision. Even if it was made out of love.
“If it were you… if it were the Japanese”, she said quietly, “then I would want to do the same. You do well to remember that if it ever comes to it, Jack Thompson.” She stood up, standing right in front of him.
“Yes, ma’am.” He was dead-serious.
“Well then”, Y/N gave him a quick peck on the lips, “You better be careful, Jack. I don’t want to become a widow before getting married.”
Thompson sat behind the steering wheel, parked on the side of a sideroad, whilst Sousa tried to get a clearer picture of the huge building that they identified to be Keller’s. They had observed the building for multiple days in a row now, getting a clearer picture of who lived in it. Keller aside, it was just a housemaid that would show up occasionally, Monday and Friday. They had followed her car to call her agency to confirm that, under the cover of being police chiefs tracking down a speeding offense. Keller didn’t spend much time in his gigantic house during the week, mostly leaving before nine, and returning after six. He’d drive downtown to an office building that was rented under the name of Mortimer Hayes, though it had belonged to Hugh Jones until just some weeks ago. In the public records, it didn’t say much about the purpose of the building, and by seeing through the windows, they didn’t figure out much. Only that even during the night, once Keller had left, there were people roaming about. Mostly, in some sort of overcoats, similar to lab coats.
“He’s leaving now”, Sousa commented, “if we want to have a look inside, we should get moving.”
“Let’s hope he doesn’t have Stark’s surveillance outfit”, Jack remarked whilst turning on the engine and reviving the coupler, “otherwise we either get a bullet in the brain or a flamingo after our asses.”
Sousa huffed: “Neither particularly inviting.”
They abandoned the car behind some bushes just up the road from the house. The rest of the way, they walked. They approached the house from the side, starting by looking through the windows. They could see the different rooms on the ground floor – a kitchen that looked like it had never been used, a living room that didn’t look particularly lived in, all in all, a rather over-neatly kept house.
“Doesn’t scream high-profile Nazi”, Sousa muttered, but Thompson was already fiddling with one of the doors to get inside.
“I doubt he’d have it on a poster, Sousa”, he remarked whilst working on the lock, “Step back. In case there’s some booby-trap.”
The lock sprung open – he cautiously opened the door, waiting for an alarm, fire – something. But they were greeted with nothing but silence. He looked over his shoulder, at Sousa. The two nodded. Guns drawn, they slowly entered the building.
Thompson was the first to head upstairs. Bedroom and bathroom to the left, office to the right. So he turned right. The office was, arguably, the only room that looked actually used. There was a large desk at the room’s centre, two large bookshelves at the walls, and some sort of cupboard next to one of the shelves. It had a lock.
He first skimmed some of the documents that were stored in the bookshelves.
“Hot damn”, he whispered, seeing its contents. He was no scientists, and as a matter of fact, had found chemistry one of the tougher subjects to get a hold on, so the equations on the papers meant rather little to him. The insignia on them was what caught his eye. An eagle, and not just an eagle. The eagle of the Third Reich. Which could’ve just been the documents produced during the war, which possibly were still of use given their scientific contents, but the dates didn’t match. Some of them were dated for September 1945. Months after the war had ended – months after the eagle was no longer in use.
He turned to the locked closet.
“Imma open it”, he whispered to Sousa, “you cover me.” He fiddled with the lock, and it took a good minute until the mechanism gave in. Inside, there was a single folder. He had hoped that possibly, it just said HYDRA on it and they’d know for certain what they were dealing with, but it was an unnamed file.
He took it out, flicking it open – and couldn’t believe his eyes. “What the h-“
“Get down!”
Those words – they had haunted him since 1945. ‘Get down’ is what his buddies had yelled every time there was a machine gun attack commencing, or mortar fire incoming, or grenades flying in their direction. ‘Get down’ is a shorthand for ‘pray you’ll still breathe in five seconds’ time’. ‘Get down’ mostly meant that for some substantial part of your group, it would be the last moment they were alive.
But they also triggered that deep instinct that was instilled into everyone who fought beside him during the two operations he was an active part of. You didn’t ask back. You didn’t look around. You didn’t second guess it. You drop. You drop immediately.
He heard the shots ring out. They were incredibly close. Point blank. But he didn’t feel anything. He hadn’t been hit, that much was for sure.
There was nothing. No more fire. No more shots. But there was also no response.
Jack didn’t ask a second time. He knew that now, he had to run. For a fraction of a second, he thought about Y/N, and her telling him to be careful. He didn’t get to be careful right now. He didn’t have the luxury of time to make sure that the perimeter was secure. He jumped up, seeing no one, no attacker. He saw an automatised firing contraption dangling from the ceiling, probably triggered by him breaking the lock of the cabin. But now, it had fallen silent.
Then he saw Sousa, unconscious. He just told himself that he was, he didn’t even entertain the thought that he could be dead. He was hit in the side, twice. He was bleeding heavily. First course of action, you contain the blood loss. He did that with Sousa’s shirt, which now functioned as a bandage. He knew that theoretically, the bullets would have to be removed, but neither did he have the tools to do that right now, nor was it absolutely fundamental to happen right now. Stopping the bleeding and getting to a hospital were more important. So he picked the brunet up, running towards their car. It was a move he had practised for hours back in basic, and a move he had done too many times in the field. He didn’t even notice the weight of the other man, he didn’t have the time to notice. Before he knew it, Jack was speeding down the highway, praying that he didn’t just make someone a widow. He had told Sousa to cover him. And that, he did. That bullet hadn’t meant to hit Daniel – the contraption was set out to hit whoever opened the cupboard. Daniel took it voluntarily.
A/N: And it started out sooooo promising!! I’m not sure how well-known the symbolism of 88 is, but it is still in use in some circles today as a “hidden” extremist symbol. Though, in my opinion, it’s so obvious that you might as well spell it out. For me, I always found it rather naïve that anyone from the MCU truly believed that HYDRA had been defeated in the war, and were stunned when they reappeared - because, like mentioned in the story - not even the actual Nazis were all gone after the war. Hope you enjoyed this up-and-down chapter, and I promise, the next one is a good one. Or a terrible one. Depends on your point of view! Any feedback is appreciated, and thanks so much for reading!
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diaphragmjellyfish · 3 years
Finally wrote something again! Sorry it took so long. 
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How exactly do you get a dog to lose your scent? Because avoiding your werewolf boyfriend Embry was proving a lot harder than you had anticipated. Last weekend was… eventful. You guys had finally done it. Gone all the way. After 6 months of dating and an imprint bond, you both finally decided you were ready to take that next step. And you’ve only had one thought since that night. 
That shit hurted. 
It was borderline unbearable. The pain was searing. You lied there until Embry was done, faking moans and even faking the Big O, and you were less than eager to do it again. Were you broken? He seemed to enjoy it, so obviously you were to blame. He’d been super clingy and lovey since that night, even more so than usual, and you didn’t have the heart to be around him knowing you had faked it like that. What if he found out? He’d be crushed. What if he wanted to do it again? You couldn’t take that pain another night. What if he faked it too and was going to break up with you the next time he saw you? Yeah, no. Avoidance was the way to go. 
He wanted to take you out to see a movie. You mysteriously came down with a case of allergies in the middle of winter. 
He wanted to pick you up after school and give you a ride home. You had the sudden urge to join a club that was meeting after school that day. 
He called, your phone was on silent. 
He texted, you suddenly became illiterate. 
But he kept trying. God, why was he making this so difficult?! Thoughts like this swirled through your head as you walked the long way home from school. He knew your usual route, so obviously that was out of the question. You took a path through the woods that would eventually spit you out right by the beach where you could sit and think. The forest had always felt like a second home to you. Peaceful, comfortable, private. You walked for some time before hearing twigs snapping in the distance. Probably a rabbit or something. Louder snapping. Bigger sticks. Definitely not a rabbit. You halted, waiting for the creature to pass, when a large gray wolf stalked out of the trees. 
He was wearing the softest, cutest, most “kicked puppy” look on his face that you had ever seen. Head bowed, he walked up to you slowly, whining. So he had noticed your avoidance. You held your hand out to him, petting the thick fur between his ears. He sniffed your hand, giving it a soft lick. 
“Hi,” you whispered. He whined louder at this. “Embry…” you started, before he crouched down, a silent cue for you to get on his back. He waited. 
Guess this was inevitable. And at least him showing up in wolf form gave you some time to think about how exactly you would explain what had happened. With another soft sigh, you climbed up on his back, holding the fur tightly as he trotted off into the trees. After about 5 minutes, you realized that he was taking you to Sam and Emily’s house. You weren’t in the mood to be around the rest of the pack right now. 
“Embry, I’m kind of busy today. I don’t really have time to hang out with the pack.” 
He ignored you, trotting along as if your statement was the buzz of a mosquito in his ear. When you reached the house, however, you quickly realized that no one else was there. They must all be out. It was a Friday afternoon, after all. 
When you reached the lawn, Embry stopped and crouched once more so you could dismount. When you did, he ran off behind the house, walking back out several minutes later as the inky-haired boy you had grown to love. His face was full of sadness, yours full of anxiety. 
“Let’s go for a walk,” he said. 
You silently followed him down the path that led to the cliffs, waiting for him to say something else. He never did, only kept walking. You struggled to keep up, but were too stubborn in your silence to ask him to slow down. You both finally reached the rocky cliffs jutting out over the frigid ocean. He stopped, staring out at the horizon. You paused next to him, waiting. After another several minutes of silence, you grew impatient. 
“It’s supposed to snow Monday,” you said. 
You waited. Silence. 
“The news said they might even cancel school.” 
A pause. Nothing. 
“I don’t know about you, but I could definitely use a three day weeken-”
“Is there something you want to tell me?” he cut you off, seeming agitated. For as long as you’d known Embry, he was never in a bad mood. Never anything but happy. Maybe sad on a few occasions, but never angry. Never frustrated. And it was making you nervous. 
And now it was your turn to be silent. Yes! You wanted to say. You hurt me! But you couldn’t. Wouldn’t. He didn’t do it on purpose, so why would you make him feel guilty about something that was your problem and your problem alone? 
“Because, if I’m counting correctly, it’s been 5 days since I’ve so much as heard from you. Barely a text back. Not a call, not a ‘hey! I’m super busy this week.’ Why are you avoiding me? I thought… after last weekend, we should be more in love than ever right?! Did it not mean anything to you?” 
You remained quiet, tears pooling in your eyes. You gave no sign that you were going to respond, so he kept going. 
“Just tell me where your fucking head is at, Y/N. You can’t keep brushing me off like this. Did I do something wrong? Do you regret what we did? Am I, like… not ripped enough for you or something?” 
“Embry, no,” you pleaded. You could see the insecurity behind his eyes. You had to tell him what was going on, but you knew it would crush him. “It’s not that at all.” 
He waited. “Then what?” 
You closed your eyes, a tear slipping down your face. You wiped it away quickly before taking a deep breath. “I have been avoiding you.” You looked up at his face at this, finding tears building up in his own eyes. “I love you, Embry. But last weekend, just… I can’t do that again.” 
He clenched his jaw, looking anywhere but your face and nodded. He was hurt. You definitely could have worded that better. 
“Let me explain,” you pleaded. He wouldn’t look at you still, but didn’t walk away, so you kept going. “I think I might be broken or something, because that… It didn’t feel right.” 
At this, he looked back at your face, switching from hurt to concerned almost immediately. 
“Why would you think you’re broken?” 
Another pause. “I know you would never hurt me on purpose…”
“You were in pain?” he panicked, fresh tears pricking in his eyes. 
“It’s not your fault,” you hurried. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that? Why would you let me keep going?!” 
“I’m sorry!” you cried, causing him to walk up and embrace you. You sobbed into his chest as he pet your hair, all signs of anger gone. “You were having a good time, and I didn’t wanna ruin it, but it hurt so bad…” 
“Shhhhh,” he cooed as he rocked you from side to side, letting you calm down. “It’s okay.” 
After several minutes, you finally stopped crying. He didn’t falter in his embrace, only left light kisses on your forehead and cheek. 
“Y/N, I am so sorry,” he whispered into your hair. 
“It’s not your fault,” you replied. 
“Yes, it is. I’m supposed to take care of you. It was my job to make you feel good, and you were hurting that bad and I didn’t even notice.” You sniffled, just enjoying being in his arms. A few more minutes passed as you both calmed down. 
“To be fair, I did take a drama class last semester. I’d say I put on a pretty convincing performance,” you added weakly, an attempt to lighten the mood. 
He huffed a laugh, if for no other reason than to make you feel better. “Had me fooled,” he added. 
You smiled, looking up at him. “I’m sorry for avoiding you.” 
“It’s okay. I just wish you would have told me as soon as it started to hurt that you wanted to stop.” 
“I know. I should have, I just got all in my head about it.” 
“And I’m sorry for hurting you. I’ll never forgive myself, and I understand if you don’t want to be with me anymore,” he answered, nervously awaiting your response. 
“I forgive you. And of course I still want to be with you, Embry. I love you. We just need to work on our communication skills a little bit,” you laughed. 
“We do. And I’ll start. I would really love another chance to make you feel good. If you promise to be honest about how you’re feeling, I know I can do a way better job. But I understand completely if you wanna wait a while… or if you never wanna do it again. You’re in charge here.” 
His words had your heart melting. He really did care about you, and you knew that if you had told him in the moment that you were in pain, he would have done anything to get you feeling good. You were always his first priority. 
“I’d be willing to try again, but what we did last time didn’t work. I think we need to think of some new techniques or something,” you mumbled shyly. 
“Tell you what. I’ll do some research, get some stuff, and you can come over tonight… if you want to. And we can maybe try again? And if you get there and aren’t feeling up to it, we can just watch a movie and cuddle. No pressure… I just miss you.” 
You thought for a second. Worst case scenario, you’d cuddle on the couch and eat junk food. You trusted Embry completely, and if you said stop, you knew he would. 
“Okay,” you replied. 
After a long shower, some fresh makeup, and a cute-yet-comfortable outfit, you were ready to go over to Embry’s. Sure, the nerves were kicking in, but you trusted him when he said he would do some research. When you pulled up, he was already standing in the doorway smiling. You ran out and gave him a giant bear hug (or wolf hug), and he picked you up and carried you into his room, kicking the door closed with his foot. 
“I missed you,” he said, face buried in your hair. 
“You saw me like 3 hours ago,” you giggled in response. 
“Yeah, but I haven’t seen you all week! Gotta get my Y/N fill or I might die!” 
You laughed loudly, hands threading up into his hair as he sat down on the bed with you seated in his lap. 
“Yeah, yeah, just try not to crowd me,” you cheekily replied. 
He raised an eyebrow before tackling you back onto the bed, tickling you like a maniac and placing playful kisses all over your face and neck. 
“Like this?! Don’t crowd you like this?” 
“Embry stop!” you laughed, trying to suck in a breath between his manic tickles. When he finally stopped, he was lying between your legs, one hand grasping both your wrists above your head, the other propped beside you so as to not crush you. He stared lovingly at your face before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your lips. His grip on your arms loosened, as if to say You can stop me anytime, but you didn’t. You kissed him back, arms staying in place to tell him that you were okay. 
The kisses grew slightly more heated, but Embry kept them gentle. And every time you thought he was about to take things to the next step, he’d just kiss you some more. You were growing slightly impatient, breath labored and blood pumping fast. Your stomach became slightly warm, and every time you leaned up, he’d pull away. 
“You’re being mean,” you whimpered. 
He just looked at you and smirked before leaning down and capturing your lips once more. You could feel your blood heat in every part of your body. From your head to your toes, you felt warm and fuzzy, yet desperate for more,,, more touch, more pressure, more Embry. Growing frustrated, you hooked your legs around his waist and tried your best to pull him closer, unintentionally grinding your hips into his. When he brushed up against your core, you let out an involuntary sigh. It actually felt nice. He smiled into the kiss, pulling his lips away from yours and dragging them down to your jaw, and then your neck, suckling and sucking and leaving light red marks that made your head spin. The hand that was holding your wrists came down behind your back and up into your hair, firmly pulling your head back to give him better access to your neck. 
This movement made your entire back arch up into his body. His grip in your hair tightened slightly, lips sucking your skin up into his mouth as he nibbled, before soothing with his tongue. Your toes curled, legs pulling him impossibly closer. When he felt this, he ground his hips down into yours. The combination of his hands, lips, and weight on top of you made you let out a gasp. Your hands held onto his shoulders for dear life, pulling his shirt up in an attempt to take it off. He got the hint and sat up to remove it, being away from your body for far too long for your taste. He didn’t lower fully back down, however, instead sliding his warm hands under your shirt and onto your stomach. You sat up, taking your sweatshirt off and throwing it violently across the room. His eyes widened as they looked down at your bare chest in an almost feral fashion. He gripped your thighs, tugging you down the bed with ease, and resuming his position on top of you, hands roaming all over your torso. He cupped your breasts gently, rolling your nipples softly between his fingers. You shut your eyes and threw your head back, enjoying the sensations. His kisses trailed from your neck and down to your chest, softly. Lovingly. When he reached your nipples, his tongue poked out and licked around each of them, before taking them into his mouth and sucking. His hands continued to caress your back, and he took his sweet time switching from one breast to the other, and back again, until he felt your skin grow almost as hot as his. You were writhing underneath him, panting as your mind tried to comprehend the sensations. And his mouth, God it was so warm. You felt him kiss the undersides of your breasts, and then your stomach, and then lower… 
When he reached the waistband of your leggings, he brought his hands up as if to pull them off of you. He stopped, looking up at you for permission. You gave a lazy nod Yes, and lifted your hips to help him. He pulled your underwear off as well, spreading your legs and almost salivating at the sight of your soaking pussy. Not wanting to waste another second, he once again began placing kisses on your lower stomach, and then down to your hip bones, scraping his teeth lightly against the skin, which had you shuddering. He trailed lower, to where your thighs met your core, and began to suck lightly and the soft skin there. Your clit was throbbing by now, desperate for any sort of attention. You thrust your hips up, desperate for his mouth on the place you needed him, but he only pulled your legs over his shoulders and brought his arms across your stomach to hold you in place. Your hands went to his hair in an effort to control any aspect of this situation, but the boy was strong. He teased and teased and teased, until you thought you might very well crawl out of your own skin if he didn’t properly touch you soon. Embry brought his face right up to your center and licked into your entrance, making your toes curl once more. His hands gripped your hips as he brought you as far onto his tongue as he could, nose not quite brushing where you still needed him. 
“Embry…” you whimpered, about to tell him what you needed. 
“I know, baby. I got you,” he spoke, as he finally brought his warm tongue to lick a firm stripe up to your clit, swirling it around and sucking the swollen nub into his mouth. 
You let out a moan. A real one. Your first real one. And it only encouraged Embry, as he began to suck and lick with a steady rhythm that caused your legs to shake. You felt your stomach start to coil after several minutes of this, hands fisting Embry’s hair even tighter. It felt amazing, but that coil wouldn’t snap. He started to notice you coming down slightly, orgasm fading away, when he brought his index finger into your mouth. You sucked on instinct, before he pulled it out and brought it down to your entrance. He swirled the digit around a few times and began to push in slowly. One knuckle. Then two. And then he was fully in you. Sucking your clit into his mouth yet again, he rubbed his finger up into your front wall, massaging the ridges there. 
“Oh… Embry, oh my God,” you moaned. He used more pressure, and then brought his finger out and added another, slowly pushing them in together and resuming the ‘come-hither’ motion. You felt your muscles shake, losing all control, and the coil in your stomach tightened rapidly once again, only this time, it broke. Your back arched, eyes shut tight, mouth open in a silent scream as you came hard. Waves of pleasure drove through you, hands holding his head firmly onto your center. When you came down and opened your eyes, you looked down at his face to see an excited grin. 
“If you tell me that was fake, I think I’ll cry,” he chirped. 
You calmed your hard breathing enough to mutter a “That was real.” 
“Do you wanna keep going?” he asked. 
You nodded, taking note of the obvious tent in his shorts. You reached a hand down to grasp him, when he grabbed your wrist and said “Nuh-uh, I’m still making it up to you.” 
He stood up off the bed and went over to a plastic shopping bag on his desk. He opened it and pulled out a condom, some lube, and a small pink toy. Your eyes widened, and he cockily stated, “told you I’d do some research. Come here Sweetheart.” He held a hand out to help you up, and moved you so that you were on your hands and knees, bum facing him as he stood at the edge of the bed. He tore the condom packet open with his teeth and rolled it on, and then opened the bottle of lube and slathered it all over himself. He then brought what was left on his hand up to your sensitive core, distributing the substance gently. Throwing the bottle onto the floor, he lined himself up with your entrance. 
“You sure you wanna keep going?” he asked. You nodded in response. “I need you to say it, babe.” 
“Yes, I want to keep going, Em,” you almost cried. 
“Okay, but I need you to tell me if it hurts even a little. Promise?” 
He grasped your hip with one hand, guiding himself in with the other. Slowly, carefully, he became fully seated inside you, giving you a moment to adjust. You felt no pain, just a delicious stretch inside your walls. When Embry saw that you were relaxed, he pulled himself out a couple of inches and softly thrusted back in, looking for any signs of discomfort. He found none, and continued. He dragged himself in and out of you at a torturous pace that made your breathing pick up yet again. You needed more. You began rocking yourself back onto him, begging for a faster pace, and he complied. He pulled out several inches more this time, shoving back in at a quicker pace that had your toes curling and your moans going up in pitch. At this, he stopped holding back. Embry began pounding into you, hands gripping your hips tight enough to leave the good kind of bruise. You were moaning loudly, brain turning to mush. This is what sex was supposed to be like. What you’d always imagined it would be like. Passionate, loving, amazing. 
Embry found himself reaching the edge, but would not allow himself to finish before you. He reached down onto the bed for the small pink toy that you had forgotten about. He flicked it on, brought his other hand down and around your throat to pull you up against him, and held the small vibrator right onto your clit. The pounding pressure of his dick paired with the fervent vibrations had you seeing stars. You came. Hard. You didn’t know how long the orgasm had lasted. When you came to, you were lying on your back on the bed, breathing still labored, as Embry cleaned your thighs off with a damp towel. He noticed you looking up at him. 
“Hey, Sweetheart,” he cooed.
“Hey,” you responded weakly. 
“How ya doing?” 
“Really good,” you laughed. 
“Yeah?” he beamed at you as you nodded in response. “Good. I’m gonna get you some water and then we can cuddle, okay?” You only smiled in contentment as he walked off into the hallway, returning shortly with a cup of cold water. “Sit up for me?” 
“Can’t,” you answered, eliciting a laugh from him. 
“C’mon, I’ll help you,” he spoke as he gently held the back of your head, supporting you as you leaned up to drink from the cup he was holding up to your mouth. After you took a few sips, he seemed satisfied and placed the cup on the floor, lying down next to you and pulling you close. “If you start ignoring me after that, I might have to kill you,” he teased. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t ever ignore you again.” You sighed in contentment, listening to Embry’s soothing heartbeat, before you began to wonder. “By the way, what the heck kind of research did you do?” 
He huffed a laugh before responding, “Some guy on the internet called Owen Grey.” 
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luvyanfei · 3 years
anon said. ooo a new blog! can you do confession headcanons where xiao, childe, and scaramouche react to reader confessing to them and the aftermath of it? thank you!  
a/n. xiao’s is kind of terrible ;; ue ue gomenasai
“i love you, [character’s name].”
huh? is this some kind of a joke? if so, it’s definitely not a good idea to mess with his feelings like this, especially when he also shares the same sentiment. scaramouche is almost impressed by your boldness. not everyone has the nerve to confess their love for a harbinger in front of their own faces, after all. when he’s hit with the realization that you’re serious, he secretly pinches himself to make sure he’s not in a dream.
the sharp pain that comes with his nails making contact with his flesh affirms that this is real. he stifles back a genuine smile, choosing to stay calm despite the bliss he’s currently feeling. “i guess it can’t be helped. hmph, you should be lucky i’m rather fond of you as well, [name].” he says that, but he’s the fortunate one to have successfully stolen your heart before others can claim you for themselves.
unfortunately, his time with you is quite limited due to his affiliation with the fatui, so any fleeting moments are captured in photos from the kamera to look back on. he secretly carries a picture of you while he’s out of town on important missions so that he won’t miss you too badly. he fondly looks at your still, yet smiling face to cheer him up after a tough work while everyone else is asleep. well, almost everyone.  
“hmm, who’s that in your hands, scaramouche?” childe asks, gesturing to the photo the harbinger is admiring fondly. scaramouche rolls his eyes to hide his slight embarrassment and hesitates a bit before he answers.  
“oh them? their name is [name], my... sibling.” childe almost gapes in disbelief as he looks at the blue-haired man in shock. 
“you have a sibling? why didn’t you tell me? they’re so cute!” the 11th harbinger squeals in delight, which honestly irks poor scaramouche. he scoots away to give himself some space as he tucks the picture in his pocket for safe-keeping. 
“you didn’t bother to,” he explains matter-of-factly. “now if you’ll excuse me,” he stands up from his crouched position and dusts himself, “i’m going to take a walk, alone.” 
he wanders through a dark forest and grassy fields, until he finds himself standing on top of a cliff, the moon glowing brightly above. he peers up at the twinkling stars in the sky and imagines you beside him, watching the breathtaking view together. humming an unfamiliar tune to himself, scaramouche muses over the past and replays your confession over and over again. if he could, he would respond differently than he did before. 
‘i love you.’ those three letter words echo in his ears like a melody and he allows himself to smile. 
“i love you too, [name].” 
he automatically perks up an eyebrow in confusion. what? is it just him or did you seriously admitted you love him? xiao stammers for a brief second, no words spilling out from his partially open mouth. what is he supposed to say? “thank you?” “i love you too?” 
when he pulls himself together, xiao shakes his head and frowns. his answer is clear and simple: no. you mortals don’t understand just how dangerous it is to get close with someone like him - a yaksha. drowning in the brink of debt and despair, he doesn’t need you to suffer all the same. the dejected expression on your face pains him to a considerable degree, yet he convinces himself, this is for your own good. 
since then, he avoids you like the plague in hopes that your feelings for him will disperse into flames. you deserve someone better, someone who won’t place you in harm’s way, someone unlike him. out of kindness, you still visit him from time to time while you go and do your daily commissions, but your interaction is heavily tense and an air of discomfort seeps through your gaze. why does his chest hurt as if he was impaled with a knife and so much more when you look at him like that? the thought of breaking down and revealing the truth that he’s also in love with you tempts him eagerly, but his pride and anxiety tides over his desires. 
you, on the other hand, is aware that xiao harbors feelings for you. you discovered this secret of his when you climbed the stairs to the spot on the balcony where he was to surprise him with a greeting, but your ears captured a faint voice in the night breeze and you couldn’t stop yourself from eavesdropping on the little conversation xiao was having with himself. he muttered about “rex lapis”, the fate of liyue, and etc. you were about to leave him to his own devices, but the next words he said stopped you in your tracks. 
“will [name] accept me if i say i love them? probably not, i suppose.” you left before he could spare a glance in your direction and a smile graced your features as you happily walked away. and being the persistent individual that you are, you inquire verr on why he’s acting so cold towards you, desperate to seek the answer you need. “xiao is, as you’re well aware, a yaksha who’s experienced hardships throughout his life, and probably lost loved ones along the way. i’m sure,” she turns to look at the setting sun in melancholy, “he doesn’t want to hurt anyone important to him again.”
you plan ahead of time for the best way to approach him without giving him any chance to escape. unfortunately, this is the only thing you can think of as you place a hand on either side of his head, trapping him between you and the wall. xiao looks at you curiously, devoid of amusement. he crosses his arms and frowns. 
“what are you doing?” your hands twitch and you chew on your bottom lip nervously before you explain yourself.
“i heard from verr why you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder, that you don’t want to hurt anyone important to you, but...” you trail off to blink back the tears threatening to burst. 
“it hurts, when you ignore me like this.” your voice is quiet enough that he needs to step closer to hear you. “it hurts how selfless you are. can’t you be selfish just once? i meant what i said and i’ll say it again. i love you.” 
xiao stammers, at a loss for words, before he starts sniffling and buries himself in your arms, crying out apologies as you stroke the back of his hair and gives a closed-eye smile. “it’s okay, xiao. i’m sorry too, for not realizing how much you’ve been suffering by yourself. you don’t have to carry the burden alone anymore,” you say, looking into his tear-filled eyes, “i will always be here with you, no matter what path you choose to take.” 
“even if that path may eventually hurt you?” he whispers in a cracked voice, fingers curling around your sleeves. you nod. 
“it’s worth the pain as long as i can hold you in my arms, like this.” he chokes out a bitter chuckle and wipes away the glistening tears. 
“i love you too, [name].” 
the harbinger blinks his cerulean eyes once, then twice, and... you find yourself pulled into his arms, as his lips uplift into a jovial smile. “really? you love me? [name], i had no idea you held such deep admiration for me.” you playfully roll your eyes and chuckle as you wrap your own arms around his body, fondly reciprocating his affection.
he’s the fastest to accept your confession than the other two men. you’d bet he would scamper to where he’s staying at to tell every grain of detail to his adoring relatives. 
he writes letters to his siblings about your daily dates and the progress you two are making in your relationship. they tease him for the most part, but they’re happy that he’s found the love of his life and requests that he bring you along with him on his next visit. childe smiles in relief, content that they accept you already despite never meeting you and he asks you if you’d like to come with him to his home country where you can introduce yourself to his family. without hesitation, you agree instantly, eager to meet the siblings he gushes about. 
snezhnaya is colder than you thought, as you hug yourself to preserve your warmth, even with the layers of clothing wrapped around you. “we’re almost there, [name].” childe notices your trembling and rubs his gloved hands against your back. “sorry, it’s a bit chilly here, but please bear with me.” 
you nod and continue on. when a building enters your field of sight, childe stops and grins shyly at you. “this is the place.” breath materializes in front of you as he gestures for you to head on in. almost immediately are you greeted with a little embrace as a young boy wraps his fingers around your waist and grins up at you. 
“so you’re the one who big brother said he’s in love with? have you kissed before? when is your wedding?” the child bombards you with questions excitedly and a girl has to pull him away from you, tonia, you guess. 
“teucer,” childe scolds gently, a light blush colouring his cheeks, which does not go unnoticed in his siblings’ eyes, unfortunately for him. 
a wedding, huh? seeing the sparkle in your eyes, the laughter in your voice, and the warmth of your touch as you idly chat with his siblings makes him hope, that maybe in the distant future, he’ll brave himself to take the next step to further deepen your relationship, for he wants to be with you always. 
as he tucks away the last sleeping child, childe wanders in to your shared bedroom, surprised you’re still awake. “you really love them a lot, huh childe?” he nods seriously, as you pull him to lie down comfortably into bed. 
“but do you know something else?” his breath tickles your ear as he intertwines his fingers with yours, offering a meek smile. you shake your head and nuzzle closer to him. 
“i love you too, [name].” 
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Let Me Love You (Jeong Yunho and Song Mingi)
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Pairing: Jeong Yunho × Plus sized! Reader (Female) × Song Mingi
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Summary: After finding out their girlfriend has been feeling insecure about her body, Mingi and Yunho take matters into their own hands to remind her that she is beautiful.
Word Count: 4.5+K
Warnings: Body insecurities (remember you are beautiful just the way you are), poly relationship, oral (female receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms (female receiving), unprotected sex (always use protection). (This was utter trash)
Taglist: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @galaxteez @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @brie02 @deja-vux @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @nanamarkie @minhyukmyluv @yunsangoveryonder
Special requested by @monbaebes
Watching her favorite boys play around on the seashore, Y/N chuckled softly as she returned her gaze on the fruit in front of her. Picking up a small knife, she carefully began peeling some of the mangoes, apples and other of the juicy produce they had brought with them. Meanwhile she focused on making sure they had something to replenish their energy with, one of her lovers was concentrated on building a rather complicated architecture with the sand under his feet. Slowly but surely, the castle was beginning to take form and the man couldn't be much happier or pleased than seeing his masterpiece come to life.
"Mingi, think fast!" The other tall male shouted as he tossed the beach ball he was holding in the other's direction.
Mingi's naturally small eyes widened significantly as he witnessed his creation crumble down due to the impact of the beach ball colliding on top of it.
"Oops! Sorry bud!" The culprit grimaced as he saw the result of his little trick.
Immediately standing up, Mingi began chasing after his friend.
"I'm going to kill you Yunho!" He threatened, Yunho running and taking cover behind the oblivious girl who saw nothing that took place.
"What in the world?" She looked back and forth between the two guys.
Pointing an accusatory finger at him, Mingi let out a huff.
"He destroyed my sand castle that I was working so hard on!" He exclaimed.
"I didn't mean to." Yunho defended himself.
Not wanting them to get into a silly fight during their vacation, Y/N began to calm them both down.
"Come on you guys, you're making a scene over things kids would argue over. Seriously, this is why we hardly go out."
Hearing her displeased tone, the boys quickly straightened up their act and decided to just let it go. Seeing the delicious fruit in front of them, the young men sat at opposite sides of Y/N and dug into the food. She was grateful she opted for packing plenty of fruit given how much her boyfriends ate. She sometimes wondered if it was because they were so tall or because their stomachs were a bottomless pit. She decided a long time ago that it was probably a combination of the two.
As they enjoyed their snacks while enjoying the view in front of them, Y/N's wandering eyes soon locked themselves on the two women sitting not far from them. Although she wanted to look away before any negative thoughts clouded her mind, she couldn't help but admire their long, slim legs, their small waists and flat tummies. She envied their shape that they confidently showed off in their revealing and sensual bikinis, making more than a few heads turn in their direction to rake their eyes on their glamorous bodies. And there she was, feeling too big in her cami top and shorts.
Looking away with eyes falling on the strawberry she was holding, Y/N suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Losing her appetite, she tossed the fruit back in the container and just sat back, unable to hide her uncomfortable face which Yunho noticed right away.
"Honey, is something wrong? Do you not feel well?" He asked which immediately sparked the attention of the other male.
Although she didn't feel well indeed, Y/N didn't want to cause any alarm or have them fret over her behavior and decided to make up an excuse.
"I guess maybe I'm just exhausted after spending so much time out in the sun. I think I'm just going to go back to the hotel room. You guys stay here if you want."
Plastering on a reassuring smile, she gave them no chance to argue or say anything else as she quickly got off the beach towel and started heading back towards the hotel that was just in front of the beach. Her arms were crossed protectively in front of her chest, head lowered to avoid eye contact with the young men who were heading in the opposite direction. She shut her eyes when she heard them snicker behind her, no doubt making fun of her figure. She just wanted to lock herself in the room and crawl under the covers of the bed, just her alone with nobody else.
But the sudden calls for her from behind let her know that it wasn't going to be the case.
"Geez, couldn't you at least wait for us baby?" Mingi pouted as he linked an arm around her.
"Sorry, didn't want to cut your playtime at the beach short." She felt even more bad knowing they decided to follow her back.
"It's fine darling. It was getting too hot anyways. Besides we can have just as much fun in the hotel room as we do in the beach." Yunho added, leaning his face so he could whisper in her ear.
"Or maybe even more fun." He snickered suggestively, which made her blush and cling closer to the male on her right, who simply let out a small snort.
"Don't tease her Yunho. You know how shy she gets with these things." Unable to hold back from making her even more flustered, Mingi's hand that was on her waist dropping to slightly pinch her butt cheek.
"And it makes me want to eat her up even more."
With a soft huff, she shoved his hand away from him and simply walked faster to hide from their vulgar teasing that had her cheeks burning bright red.
"She's so adorable." Yunho chuckled, to which Mingi agreed with. Taking advantage of the fact she couldn't hear them, both of them started whispering a few things amongst themselves, huge grins plastering on their faces as they planned out how they were going to spend their night with their lovely girlfriend.
Staring at her reflection in the long body mirror, Y/N cringed at the sight. She knew the guys were waiting outside in the hot tub for her, no doubt aching to see her in the dark blue bikini they had picked out for her, a color Mingi aggressively shoved into Yunho who wanted to go instead for a more baby pink choice, but eventually caved into the other's choice. She didn't feel up to going out in it though, she felt it unflattering and unsuitable for someone her size. Stripping out of it, she tossed on a tank top and shorts once more, wanting to be as covered up as much as possible. Feeling satisfied with that, she quickly came out of the bathroom, not wanting to make the boys wait any longer.
Hearing the glass door of the room slide open, the young men excitedly looked over hoping to see their gorgeous girlfriend in a swimsuit they bought her, but their faces fell flat when they saw her clothing choice.
"What happened to the bikini we bought you? Oh god! Please don't tell me we got the wrong size." Mingi groaned, already beating himself up for an imaginary mistake.
"No it fit fine, I just.... I just prefer being like this." She replied as she slipped her body inside the hot water, setting herself in between both of the men, who wasted no time in drawing their bodies closer to her, effectively trapping her.
Looking up from one and then to the other, Y/N knew by the smiles on their face that they were up to something else and it wasn't particularly pure. Taking the lead as he usually did, Yunho brought a hand up to trace the outline of her jaw.
"So pretty..." He muttered as he bent his face down to hers.
Starting off with small pecks, Yunho eventually pressed his lips deeper into hers, hand still cupping her jaw so his thumb could draw circles around her cheek. Y/N moaned when she felt his tongue dart forward and infiltrate her mouth. She gave in and allowed him absolute control, moaning louder when he pulled her tongue inside his own mouth and briefly sucking on it. For a few minutes they were lost in their little world until the third person in the relationship reminded them of his presence.
"Ok you got your turn, now let me make out with my baby."
As soon as Yunho's mouth was detached from her lips, it was quickly replaced by Mingi's, who unlike the other male, was more fervent and rougher with his kisses. Whereas Yunho preferred a lot more tongue action, Mingi enjoyed nipping at his lover's lips. Indeed he made sure to get her lips as swollen and red as possible. His teeth endlessly tugged at her bottom lip, a smirk appearing on his features each time he drew out a gasp or whine from the girl in front of him. Her sounds intensified when she felt Yunho's lips occupying themselves on her shoulder and neck, leaving small love bites on the visible patches of skin. His large hand dove underwater to clasp at the end of her top, rising it up slowly so he could take it off her.
Feeling her insecurities rise up once more, Y/N quickly withdrew his hand off her body, ending the makeout session with her other boyfriend in the process.
"Baby did we do something wrong? Did we push it too far?" Yunho immediately worried that they hurt her in any way. Mingi was also mirroring the same feeling his friend was bearing.
"No, it's not you guys...it's me."
Both of the men looked at each other in confusion.
"Are you sick? Is that it? Why didn't you say something before." Mingi brought a palm over her forehead, attempting to figure out if she had a fever or not.
Shaking her head, Y/N took a deep breath before she went any further.
"I'm not sick I just hate my body ok? I hate being chubby, it makes all the clothes I wear look ugly on me. I wish I was skinnier like some of the female idols you guys see almost on the daily. Maybe then I'd be more attractive for you guys.."
Her confession broke them to pieces. They couldn't believe she felt that way and they cursed themselves for not noticing earlier on about their girlfriend's insecurities.
"But darling, you are very attractive just the way you are." Mingi spoke up, though they could tell his words didn't have much of an effect on her.
Joining in to make sure she felt loved, Yunho tilted Y/N's face so she could clearly see his sincerity at his next words.
"Listen to me, your body is very gorgeous just the way it is. You may not believe it, but trust me when I say Mingi and I are absolutely crazy about your body. It makes you more irresistible and we wouldn't have you any other way."
His words lightened her mood just a bit, a hint of a smile starting to form on the corners of her lips.
"And we're not the only ones who think so. There were some assholes who were shamelessly checking you out while we were trying to catch up with you back on the beach." Mingi added, face frowning as he recalled the way they heard the group of men talking about their girlfriend in such a lewd manner.
"What? N-no, I'm sure you got it wrong. They were probably making fun of me." Her theory however was quickly shut down by Yunho.
"No baby, we heard them clearly as they went on and on about how hot you look....among other things that weren't exactly family friendly." Although he tried to hide it, Yunho couldn't keep his teeth from gritting against each other in a jealous manner.
"And we saw how their faces kept turning to stare at your ass." Mingi recalled rather unhappily.
Y/N felt even more embarrassed now, her hands coming up to hide her reddened face, which continued to stay hidden even when she felt both males press themselves into her.
"But if that still doesn't convince you, how about you let us demonstrate how much we adore your figure?"
Peeking out and uncovering her face, Y/N took in their hungry gazes that were awaiting for permission to devour her. Although she nodded slightly, it wasn't enough for them.
"Darling use your words please. We'd much rather hear you say how much you want us as well." Mingi deepened his voice enough to cause an effect on her.
Biting down on her lip, Y/N's voice shyly spoke out.
"Please.... touch me." She gulped before uttering her next words.
"Make love to me."
Finally hearing the magic words, both men stood up, their bodies drenched and pouring water. Taking hold of Y/N, Mingi brought her out of the hot tub as well and sat her in front of him on the wood extension of the hot tub. Reaching for her shirt, he quickly peeled it off her body and moved it somewhere else while Yunho took care of her lower half, removing her shorts and equally discarding them somewhere else.
"Fuck, she looks so damn pretty." Yunho marveled at the sight of her bare, soaked body right in front of him.
Snaking his hands down her torso, Mingi gripped the top of her thighs so he could pry them open, letting Yunho gaze into her exposed heat. He let out a chuckle at his friend's star struck expression.
"Well? Don't just stand there like an idiot. Put those long ass fingers of yours to work." Mingi told him.
Instructing Y/N to keep her legs wide open, Mingi brought his hands back up her body so they could cup her breasts. He squeezed them in between his fingers, astonished at feeling how soft and tender they were. While she was still getting adjusted to the feeling of Mingi's hands around her boobs, Yunho came up in front of her and began kissing along her collarbone, making her tilt her head back.
"God your boobs are so squishy." Mingi groaned as he pressed them against each other, thumbs tweaking at her nipples.
While Mingi's hands continued playing around with her chest, Yunho took advantage of her dazed state to brush his fingers along one of her thighs. Creeping it closer in between her legs, his thumb started slow and gentle motions on her clit. He smiled against her neck when he felt her shudder as he pressed down on her button.
"Mingi be sure to hold her steady while I finger her pretty pussy. You know how she tends to get."
Removing his hands off her breasts, Mingi proceeded to move them to her hips, knowing fully well they'd be wanting to buck into Yunho's hand. Y/N looked down and watched intently as one of Yunho's fingers slowly slipped inside her hole. She gaped with amazement as he effortlessly slid his finger out of her body and then back inside. It always amazed her how such a little action could make her so weak and pliant towards her lovers. Yunho of course knew this and loved to use it against her. Smiling ever so smugly, he inserted a second finger into her hole, his pace starting to pick up. Her breath hitched as she craned her neck back to rest her head on Mingi's shoulder, the latter taking the opportunity to plaster kisses on the side of her cheek.
"Do you like having Yunho's fingers inside of you babygirl?" He asked, lips brushing against her earlobe.
"Y-yes." She responded.
When her thighs tried to close, Mingi was quick to pry them back apart, his grip tight enough that they could leave prints on her skin.
"No babygirl, keep those pretty legs of yours open for Yunho."
Knowing exactly what to do to tip her over the edge, Yunho angled his fingers upward so they could rub at her sweet spot as he continued to wiggle his fingers inside of her. A third finger was added to the combination, which had the recipient crying out from the stretch.
"How on earth are you always so tight babygirl? It's like we don't fuck you enough." Yunho expressed, thumb circling on her nub with more detailed and faster motions.
The wet and sloppy sounds emanating from between her legs were like music to both men's ears. They enjoyed hearing how wet they could make her become, Mingi especially licked his lips as he saw how her folds started to glisten from all the arousal seeping out of her.
"Shit, her pussy looks so good. I can't wait to eat her out."
Shooting a smirk to his friend, Yunho worked his fingers deeper into his girlfriend's core, thrusting them sporadically in an effort to bring her closer to her high.
"Well just let me get her cum with my fingers and then I'll leave her in your hands..... or should I say mouth?"
Hearing them say what they were going to do to her made Y/N shudder. With eyes shut, her voice slightly broke into half cries half whimpers as she came on Yunho's fingers. Mingi's hold on her thighs prevented her from shutting her legs and thus making her orgasm feel more intense as it washed all throughout her body. Making sure to keep his fingers lodged inside until she came down from her high, Yunho gently leaned in to press a kiss on the corner of Y/N's mouth.
"Look babygirl."
Opening her eyes, she was met with the sight of Yunho's fingers pulling out of her heat. They were covered completely in her cum, leaving her surprised that she could produce that much from just his fingers. Keeping eye contact with her, he brought his fingers up to his lips and licked them clean.
"Oh Mingi, you're going to definitely enjoy eating her out." Yunho locked eyes with the other male, sending him a knowing wink.
"Then I guess I better not let her juices go to waste."
Moving her body so she could face him, Mingi layed down on his back and motioned for Y/N to move herself on top of his face, which she hesitated to do. Sensing what she was worried about, Mingi smiled at her.
"Baby, it's ok. I want to feel those thick thighs of yours on me. Now come over here and smother my face with your sweet pussy."
Getting help from Yunho who took hold of her arms, he placed her right on top of Mingi's face. Spreading her lips apart, Mingi's tongue came up to lick up the leftover arousal from Yunho's previous fingering session. Y/N couldn't help but gasp not just from the over sensitivity of her pussy, but from Mingi's warm mouth consuming her taste. Closing his eyes, Mingi lost himself in the sweetness her body had to offer. Flicking his tongue out, he made sure to pay close attention to her clit, circling the tip of his wet muscle around it. As if they had a mind of their own, Y/N's hips began to slowly grind down against Mingi's tongue movements. When she noticed what she was doing, she made an attempt to stop her motions.
"No babygirl. Show Mingi how much you enjoy having him eat you out. He told you to smother his face and that's what you're going to give him. After all, that is what he wants. Don't you Mingi?" Yunho piped up.
The man underneath Y/N responded with a muffled moan against her wetness. His hands clasped themselves on her ass, harshly slamming her down until her heat was covering the entirety of his face. Guiding her hips, he made her drag her core along his tongue over and over, slurping up every inch of tender flesh without leaving any patch dry. Y/N began panting, each stroke of Mingi's tongue making her fall deeper in that hazy state she had been in just moments ago while Yunho had his fingers knuckles deep in her. And both men knew it, they had learned and memorized each pitch of her sounds and every tick of her body to know what she liked and when she'd come crumbling down from the pleasure they gave her.
Knowing she needed a little encouragement, Yunho began peppering open mouth kisses along her neck as his fingers brushed along the sides of her waist.
"Go ahead love. Cum all over Mingi's face. Make a mess of his pretty face." He softly instructed her. A pleased grin framed Yunho's face as merely seconds later, Y/N fulfilled his command. Mingi groaned wildly as his face was smothered by her mound, her thighs trembling and clenching around his skull as another flood of her juices poured out onto his face. Making sure to lick up as much as possible, Mingi detached his mouth from her reddened folds with an audible pop, a proud smirk on his face that he was not wiping off at any moment.
Knowing she was still too worked up from her orgasm, Yunho carefully lifted her up into his arms. Gesturing for Mingi to follow, he carried her bridal style back inside their room, where he layed her down on the soft king sized bed. Stripping themselves out of their swimming trunks, the men whispered a few words amongst each other before reaching the decision of who got to have her first. The beaming look on Mingi's features answered her thoughts on who it was.
Setting himself right next to her, Mingi began stroking his already hard length.
"Come here baby. Hop your pretty self on top and ride me." He motioned for her to sit on top of him.
With hands pressed to his chest, Y/N slowly sunk herself down until his entire cock was safely nestled inside her. Hissing at the excruciatingly tight grip her tender flesh had on him, Mingi looked over to Yunho, who already had one hand wrapped tightly on his dick.
"We really should fuck her more often, she's unbelievably tight." His voice rasped out.
"Well why don't you do something about it? You're literally inside her idiot." Yunho reminded him rather agitated, anxious to get his own turn with his beloved girl.
With sharp cries, Y/N held onto the headboard in front of her as the man underneath her started pounding his hips up into her. Their moans were filling up the room, along with the slick sounds protruding from between their thighs, where they were connected. Yunho eagerly watched them, his hand working to stroke his twitching cock, making sure not to speed up in case he accidentally made himself cum. He knew he'd get his turn soon, but for the moment, he reveled at seeing the two individuals he cared about the most be so intimate with each other. He watched as their facial muscles started contorting and scrunching up with pleasure, their bodies starting to layer a thin sheen of sweat from the intensity of their love making.
Already vulnerable from the previous 2 orgasms, Y/N started to feel that familiar heat pooling in her lower abdomen, spreading under her skin and making her dizzy with lust. Mingi's pace turned slightly more rough. He loved watching as he made his girlfriend ride his cock, especially when he was blessed with the sight of her breasts bouncing right in front of him. He thought it was one of the most amazing sights to behold. Sensing that she was close given how worked out they had gotten her before and by the way her sounds grew more frantic, Mingi gripped at her sides to hold her down as he bucked his cock deep enough to have her crying out.
"That's it babygirl. Let yourself go. Cum all over me." He grunted at her, feeling himself reach his own brink from the frenetic pace he set for themselves.
With aching thighs, Y/N violently shook on top of him, vision darkening as her mind only payed attention to the sensation of her walls clamping around her lover's cock. Feeling overly constricted to the point of hurting in a most delicious grip, Mingi quickly pulled himself out of her core before any of his cum could start spilling inside her. With the help of his hand, he finished himself off by spurting drops of cum onto her thighs and stomach, some of them dripping off to land on the sheets underneath them.
"Oh my God." Mingi threw his head back onto the pillow behind him as he tried to steady his racing heart.
Finally seeing his cue to come in, Yunho fitted himself on the large king sized bed and carefully pulled Y/N off Mingi's lap to sat her on top of his own. Whereas Mingi preferred having her face him, Yunho opted to keep her facing away, pressing his chest onto her back. His voice gently shushed her whimpers as he sunk her down onto his overly endowed length. Fitting himself in her always took a little longer due to his size.
"You're doing so well baby." He cooed in her ear as he waited for her to adjust to him. Mingi was definitely right in exclaiming how tight she was, he himself was gritting his teeth at how hard her walls were squeezing at his shaft.
Knowing she was overly sensitive, clit swollen and folds puffed up, Yunho decided to go for a more slow and sensual pace. His hands gently rolled her hips to move on top of him, soft and blissful sighs being breathed out of their mouths. He made sure not to overwhelm her, and he himself wanted to enjoy the moment for as long as possible. When he heard her agitated moan, he let her relax on top of him as his hips took over. He was careful not to snap his hips too aggressively, still being gentle and precise with each thrust he shot up at her. With one hand sliding in between her legs, his fingers brushed against her pinkied clit before carefully circling around it.
"You're so beautiful my dear. Absolutely perfect." He murmured against her neck whilst his lips pressed tiny kisses on her warm skin.
Y/N gasped when she felt his pace slightly speed up, causing her body to jolt forward, which was stopped from falling when Yunho's arms held her in a tight embrace to keep her close to him. She knew she was definitely waking up sore the next morning, her thighs were already burning from cumming so much and from being bounced on top of two monster cocks that belonged to her tall boyfriends. Her 4th orgasm of the night slowly and silently crept up on her, rendering her almost numb to everything except the dull sting of her juices pouring out once more onto Yunho's cock. Even after she felt him pull out and coat her backside with his hot seed, she was still in hazy state, worn out after all the attention the two men bestowed upon them. The last thing she saw before passing out on the bed was Yunho's voice purring in her ear:
"Remember Mingi and I love you just the way you are..."
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kimthwariru · 3 years
Namjoon reaction—calling him a ‘friend’ when he clearly has a thing for you
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❀genre: smut, a bit of fluff
❀collage au
(This was originally supposed to be a quick reaction but something happened to me and I couldn’t stop writing)
“Look, Jisoo, I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong” you flash a cheeky smile at your best friend. She’s being going on and on about how this Kim Namjoon guy had a thing for you.
You can’t lie, you’ve seen him around in campus and sometimes you’d wish he would suffocate you with these thighs of his. Ugh. The perfect combo, lean yet masculine physique with a brain that actually functions for a change. You’ve seen the way these collage girls were circling him around and you can’t blame them, the guy was a catch.
But he was not your crowd of people. He was outgoing, social and had loads of what you like to call “the lad friends”. You guessed his main activities were partying and getting shitfaced every night.
You’ve talked to him a couple of times. He uses the same bench as you to read now and then. You would eventually take sneak peeks at the books he was reading, check if he had any taste or not, and the result was always better than what you expected. This guy knew books. He was not just reading what was on the best seller’s that week to look sophisticated in front of others.
When he caught you peaking he’d started having small talk with you. You swear you’ve never experienced a better conversation flow with another human being. This guy screamed comfort. He seemed genuinely curious about the things you were saying. None of that painful act of pretending to be interested just because he wanted to get laid. You had been talking with him for a month straight and aside from a few moments of some what flirty looks his actions never suggested something more.
His aura was welcoming and he always paid attention to the little things. Unlike some other shallow guys out there, he felt…different.
But how different could he really be? You’ve seen the people he hangs out with. Kim Taehyung? He had a relationship with three girls at the same time. Didn’t even apologize for being the biggest jerk in history. You’ve heard Jung Hoseok’s body count was reaching a 3 digit number AND Jeon Jungkook once fucked 4 different girls at the same night.
Just thinking about it makes you sick. It pains you to admit but there’s only one truth to this. Even if Kim Namjoon was interesting, he was definitely a person you needed to stay away from. All the data point to a big fuckboy alert!
“Come on y/n…. If he wasn’t even in the slightest interested in you then why did he tell me explicitly that he wanted you to attend the party??”
“An invitation to a party doesn’t mean anything. Besides, I’m sure I’m not his style. Have you seen the type of girls he hangs out with? Yikes.”
Jisoo smirked at you “Oh, I see you’re stalking him now?”
You shake your head “Don’t be ridiculous! We take Econ together, that’s all. What? Am I supposed to cover my eyes every time I see him?”
“Maybe you should” Jisoo came closer to you “Y/n, we’re going to that party”
“This is a big mistake, I’ll get bored within the hour” You scream at Jisoo over the loud music.
“Don’t be a whiney ass and enjoy yourself for once” she handed you a drink.
Enjoy yourself for once. You and Jisoo’s definition of enjoying one self were clearly very different. You scan the room to look for any familiar faces you could talk to. Unfortunately, not a lot of your acquaintances attended frat parties.
Your head motion immediately pauses when you meet eyes with Namjoon across the garden. Was he looking at you this whole time? You feel your cheeks burn.
Initially, you don’t know how to react but eventually you flash him a small smile and focus back on Jisoo
“Kim Namjoon just gave me the biggest stare of all time” you say as you down your drink
“What!?” Jisoo’s eyes widened “This is the time where I say I told you so.”
You think for a second that maybe Jisoo was right all along. But that just makes the whole thing more dangerous for you. You can’t lie, Namjoon is attractive, but you knew he was trouble. Maybe he liked you today and then liked another girl tomorrow.
Suddenly, you feel a hand touch your shoulder “Hey y/n, Jisoo. Glad you guys made it” Namjoon’s low voice pierced your ears.
Jisoo gave you a look before replying to him “Hey!! We couldn’t miss such a night!” She smiled “right y/n??”
“Yeah!! Totally” you cheer kind of awkwardly.
Namjoon’s eyes fixed on you. You felt his stare eat you up. His whole presence felt angelic yet overwhelming. “Do you guys maybe want to join us? We’re sitting right by the pool”
“Oh! Sure, why not!” Jisoo answered almost immediately
You were walking towards the pool, Namjoon was pacing right next to you, he was so close to the point where you could sort of smell his cologne. You swear you could get drunk off his scent.
“I have to be honest, I didn’t think you’d actually come” He chuckled
“Are you disappointed?” You teased and raised an eyebrow.
You see a dimple smile making its appearance, how can this dude be so incredibly hot and cute at the same time? “I think pleasantly surprised would be the right way to put it”
Why do you feel like you can not breath? He hasn’t said much, yet you feel yourself burn up all of a sudden. “Good to know” you smile back.
“Joon! You have to see this” was the first thing Taehyung yelled when you arrived to the place where the guys were sitting “12 o’clock, Hobi making out with Mina from 3rd year. Can you believe it? After two years of trying to get it, he finally succeeds”
Of course the main talk is girls. No surprise there.
“Jungkook bitch, you owe me 20 bucks” Taehyung eyed Jungkook
Your expression screamed disgust. Apparently, Namjoon noticed “They are not as bad as they seem” he elbowed you.
You give him and awkward laugh “I’ll take your word for it” You lie.
“Guys, this is Jisoo and y/n. Can you stop trying to head lock each other and say hello? You’re embarrassing me” Namjoon introduced the pair of you to the boys who were still arguing about the bet. 
“Oh, hey girls.” Taehyung paused to inspect Jisoo’s face. “Hey, business and shipping? Ain’t it?”
“Oh, yeah, right!” Jisoo smiled
“Hyung aren’t you taking that class for like the third time? How many times can you fail you recon?” Jungkook teased him and Taehyung answered by giving him a slap on the shoulder.
“Hey y/n, do you want to go grab a drink? I think you’ll need it if you are to tolerate these guys” Namjoon offered.
“I trust you know best” you smile and quickly follow behind him. His shoulders wide and his muscles very visible even through his airy shirt. This guy was a whole statue.
“By the way, I’ve never seen you at parties before. I think I saw you once at the December ball but that’s about it. Not really a big fan of these kind of things, are you?” He suddenly said. You can’t really decode his words. How did Kim Namjoon know you even went to the December ball? You’re pretty sure you didn’t even talk to him that night.
“Interested in me much?” You give him a cheeky smile but he was just looking at you, a couple of seconds passed without him responding “I’m only joking! It’s true I don’t really attend these sort sort of things.”
“And what do you do for fun miss y/n?” He laughs and you swear if you could bottle the sound and get drunk on it you would.
“Oh you’ll think I’m lame”
“Try me” he said in a serious tone while starring right through your eyes. Suddenly, your body felt too heavy for your legs to bear. How can he get to you like that?
“Okay…” You start, him looking at you like that didn’t help control your train of thought, but you manage to get a hold of yourself “So you know that little corner cafe on willow street? Every Friday they have these comedy music nights. A guy-“
“Park Jihoon and the little funny guitar, yeah! I used to go there every Friday during my freshman years! Do they still do that old thing? I swear the pun with the atom never failed to make my day.” He started laughing again.
“Whoah what? You’re telling me you’ve been to the shrieking shack?” That place was a little treasure you’d found earlier this year. It was an amazingly cozy place, perfect during the cold winter time. The staff were all so kind and wore these big oversized colorful ties. But the people going there were all much older than you. You’ve never heard someone your age talk about that place. Let alone a person like Namjoon.
“Careful how you talk to a veteran y/n. I’ve basically helped to build the place” he chuckled.
“Y/n is that you?” A familiar voice greeted you.
“Jimin! Oh my god, hey! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you!” You hug him.
Jimin was a great soul, he majored in contemporary dance and ballet. He had been traveling for the past couple of years enrolling in some extra ballet classes in the magical city of Paris. You envied him for his talent and admired him for his passion.
“Girl, you have to come visit me. You’ll love Europe!”
“I would also LOVE to have some money in my wallet” you laugh “Oh Jimin, this is my friend, Namjoon. We go to collage together”
Namjoon gave you a look and soon after shook Jimin’s hand “What’s up. Nice to meet you”
“Nice to meet you too! But y/n, I’m so so sorry, I have to go. I was actually on my way out just now. I sort of uhm, have a thing-you know” he coughed “I’m leaving in two weeks, can we please meet before that?”
You knew Jimin was probably off to his ex boyfriends house. They broke up before Jimin left for Paris but every time he got back he’d have a couple of hookups with him. “Oh yeah! I bet you’ve got something very important right now, you better go quickly” you teased him “I’ll text you tomorrow, ok?”
Jimin laughed so much his eyes were barely visible “definitely! text me! I’ll be off then! Bye mister Kim Namjoon” he playfully said and was out of your sight a second later.
“You two seem…close” Namjoon suddenly commented
“Yeah! We were! But he has been studying abroad for like two years now.”
Namjoon’s facial expression was quite enigmatic “Did you guys ever… you know”
“Oh no no no.” You pause to make a small chuckle “Jimin isn’t exactly interested in, well, girls like me, or to be exact, girls in general”
Namjoon’s eyes widened and he immediately bursted into laughter “oh… I see” he made a pause “So tell me then, how come the old soul that never goes to parties finally attends one?”
You feel your cheeks burn red. Partly because the reason you went was him. You don’t know why, but the past month you and Namjoon hit it off very well and you wanted to test Jisoo’s crazy theory, you wanted to make sure for yourself if Namjoon was interested in you or not. Now the problem was, even if it turned out he did like you, you didn’t know what you’d do exactly. Namjoon was a really nice guy, but he didn’t come without his red flags.
“Just wanted to try something different, I guess”
“And how’s that 'different' treating you so far?”
What could you possibly tell him? That you have enjoyed every minute you guys have been talking? That you think that just by staring at you he could make you feel things no other guy could? You barely can admit all of that to yourself. “I think pleasantly surprised is the right way to put it” you repeat his words from before.
You see him smile at that. “You know what y/n? I’m really happy you came”
How can he make your heart beat so fast with just one sentence? “Oh really? And why is that?”
“I don’t know, I guess… I just like talking to you, you know? Whenever I’m around you I feel at ease, like I can tell you anything. I feel different when I’m with you, but in a good way”
“Wow” that sound escaped your lips without your consent
Namjoon laughed “Why? Is it too weird?”
“No! Definitely not weird, more like, I don’t know, surprising?”
“In what way?”
“Well you’re… Kim Namjoon, you’re the 2021 class president and you’re like the most popular guy in the whole campus right now.” You made a pause “And I’m just..-“
“The most interesting girl I’ve ever met” he cuts you off
The way he was looking down at you made butterflies grow in your stomach “You really think so?”
He gently grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him “I know so” he leaned down, you swear his eyes had the whole galaxy painted inside of them. You couldn’t even breath properly at this point. Kim Namjoon was too close and the only thing you were thinking about was how well his kiss would feel “God, you’re so beautiful” he said and pulled you in for a soft, gentle kiss.
You couldn’t believe your senses. Kim Namjoon was kissing you and you really thought the earth had stopped spinning right then and there. You could feel his big palms traveling up and down your back.
His kiss was breathless, jubilant, filled with the joy of life, and you should stop him, he is no good to you, you know that, but his scent is delightful and his lips are so warm.
Unconsciously, your hands reach the inside of his shirt. His skin hot and soft at the touch.
"y/n" he practically moans your name, and just the sound makes your knees go week "Don't do that, I don't think I'll be able to stop"
"Who said anything about stopping?" You say and go back to kiss him even more passionately this time.
“There’s a lot of people here, my room is upstairs, would you perhaps want to-“
“Yes.” You immediately say. You don’t care about anything anymore, you’d let your future self deal with the consequences of today’s actions. The only thing that has been lingering in your mind is how good he’d feel inside of you.
The moment you’re finally alone in his room, he lifts you up, swinging you around and kissing you. It was like a dream. Namjoon was everything you wanted. Your reluctance about getting with him didn’t matter any more, the tingly feeling in your stomach overtook every single bit of hesitation you had. You needed him.
“God, you’re lovely” he exhaled
He looks at you as he sinks you down on the bed. Planting a soft kiss before his hands quickly begun to peel away clothes, yanking his belt loose, fumbling hurriedly at his trousers.
You look at his lips tracing your skin and the faint moisture left behind, you look at his muscly arms as he lifts you up and sinks you down again, you look at him looking at you, with eyes brighter than the sun itself. Was this all a dream?
When your dress was finally off he undoes your bra clasp on the way down. Slowly planting kisses on your collarbone, the tops of your breasts, your sternum, and you arched you back as you were needy for more.
His lips finally reach your nipples .Your boobs smooth under his hands, your nipple firm under his tongue, and there, that makes you squirm again, a little more insistently this time.
“Fuck, I’m so fucking wet right now, I feel it” You moan
You see him raise an eyebrow. A vivid smirk painted on his face “Let’s check, shall we?”
He splays his hand low across your belly, and the first brush of his thumb over your clit makes you breathe in sharply and him forget to breathe at all.
“I’m your friend?” He breaths in, his voice dangerously low
“Oh come on” You manage to say in between moans “what was I supposed to tell Jimin?”
His strokes and flicks are light and teasing, his thumb carefully circling around your clit. He gives you a slow, constant, unyielding pressure that makes your breath come up short, makes your toes curl in the effort not to move.
“I’m gonna fuck the word ‘friend’ right out of your pretty little mouth” he covers your mouth with an intense kiss before slipping two fingers of his free hand inside of you, and you makes a noise like triumph and want all wrapped up together. If his fingers felt like this, you can’t imagine how his dick felt like.
“Hmm?” He doesn’t look up, he keeps his eyes on his hands, on you, spread out beneath him “You like that baby?”
God, just the way the word 'baby' sounded coming from his mouth could make you come right this second. You look at him, his eyes look as hungry as his voice sounded. This dude was out of this world.
“Please Namjoon, I want it, I want you inside of me right now”
Namjoon lowered his underwear, and simply pressed his hard member on your slit. You could feel his balls softly caressing your clit as he made subtle movements while kissing you. “Such a needy little thing” he teases “Tell me how bad you want my cock inside of you”
“Oh..” you moan “I’d do anything, please…give it to me… fuck me like you own me” you whined as you used your pussy to caress his length up and down. He seemed to enjoy they way you touched him.
“Fuck y/n… that feels so good” he rests his forehead on yours.
“Imagine what my inside will feel then” you whisper in his ear “I’m such a tight good girl” you move your mouth in front of his, bitting his bottom lip as he growled when he felt your movement grow faster
“Fucking hell” he immobilized your body with his hands and pressed you down to the bed. He immediately shoves his dick inside you, filing you up to the brim before staying there for a couple of seconds and then pulling out completely. That movement made your vagina crave to be filled all the way up again.
“More” you whine, a dopey expression all over your face. You were so needy of him, but you didn’t care.
He lowered his left hand towards your thigh and gave it a big squeeze, kissing you aggressively while doing so. He quickly braced himself back into you, you felt your walls completely wrap around his member. It felt magical.
His strokes long and steady in the beginning. Every time he went in and out completely you felt the pit of your stomach burn in pleasure. Namjoon was doing everything right, you can’t lie to yourself, this is the best sex you’ve ever had. Normally with other guys you don’t even come close to coming, but now, you feel yourself trying not to do so.
“You like my dick being inside of you baby?” He plants a small kiss on your neck and goosebumps run down your spine.
‘Like’ was nowhere near good enough of a word to explain how much the sensation of him thrusting his hard member in and out of you made you feel. “I love it Namjoon… I just love it…”
Your words must’ve turned Namjoon even more on, because his pace immediately started becoming faster and sloppier. Every time your skin touched a loud sound could be heard. Namjoon was thrusting deeper and deeper into you, and every time he’d fill you up completely you’d cry out his name.
“Ah, I like my name so much better when you fucking moan it like that” he says and started shoving his dick inside of you like crazy. You could tell he was close to coming, and so were you.
It wasn’t long until you felt your walls clenching and your toes curling. The sensation overtook all of your body, it was mad… your heart beat uncontrollable. Namjoon made you feel a completely new range of emotions.
“Ah y/n, I can feel you cumming all over my dick” his voice cracky, You could see how turned on he was by all of this, by you. “Fuck” he shoved harder “You’re so” harder “fucking hot”
Namjoon stopped and pulled out immediately spreading his cum all over your tummy. The sight was breathtaking, you’ve never found a man so attractive while coming before, but then, Namjoon is no ordinary man.
He quickly grabs a couple of tissues and wipes you clean before laying on top of you again, placing another soft kiss this time. His hand playing with your hair. You were both naked and sweaty and a mess but it felt so magical. You wrapped your hands around his broad shoulders, pulling him even closer to you. You didn’t want even a centimeter of distance between you and him.
He suddenly stopped kissing you and simply stared at your eyes. After a minute or two, or maybe three, you're not really sure, time didn't exist right now, he tacked a string of hair behind your left ear.
“Y/n, let me take you on a date. Please. I know you don’t normally go out with guys like me, but I swear I’ll make it worth your while-“
“Park Jihoon and the little funny guitar. How does that sound? Or are you too good for the shrieking shack now?” You chuckled
“I’d love that” he smiled, making your heart melt a little.
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