#but i feel real tired rn so eh
pyrobuyo · 7 months
Rocktober: Day 4 - Opposite !!
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prettyboykatsuki · 10 days
I want to tell you a story about my first (and only) time with edibles.
For a little background, I smoked a lot when I was younger and a little bit when my husband and I first met (12 years ago) but I have no experience with any sort of edibles. One evening at my part-time job, the cook and I were talking about it, and he offered me a gummy. Again, no experience whatsoever. I'd been really stressed lately and I thought, eh, what can it hurt? He said it would take a while to kick in, and I was at the end of my shift anyway, so I took him up on the offer and ate. The whole thing.
I didn't know you weren't supposed to eat the whole thing unless you wanted to be blitzed out of your mind.
He came back to check on me a few minutes later. "How much of that did you eat, by the way?"
"All of it," I said, and he laughed.
"How's your tolerance?"
"Nonexistent. I haven't smoked in years."
He said I'd probably be alright, but didn't really elaborate further. And I truly don't think he meant any harm in not telling me to only eat a portion of it. I shrugged and we closed up and went out to the parking lot, said goodbye, and then I started my car.
I live five minutes from work, and I swear it took me three hours to get there. I got home and tried so hard to act normal, so my husband wouldn't suspect anything. I told him I was tired; he took the kids out for ice cream and I sat in my kitchen and stared out the window trying so hard not to be high.
When my family returned, I laid on the couch and watched Power Rangers with my son. I was REALLY invested, and kept asking him questions, but there's one part of that conversation that I remember vividly.
"See that guy, mom? He's like a ghost. He's not real."
"You're not real!" I cried, and my son thought it was THE funniest thing I've ever said.
So anyway, if I ever do have an edible again, I'll only eat like a quarter of it, and I'll do it at home while my kids aren't there.
(you don't have to post this, it's SO LONG. but I hope you have a much more enjoyable high than I did.)
lin i cant stop laughing at this ask FDKJHGSDKFJLGF. I FEEL BAD AS IF IT HAPPENED TO ME
I DONT BLAME YOU THOUGH.... it's like. even with experienced weed smokers i think taking the edible is just a completely different THING lmao. i've been smoking on and off for years and years (even though im total dogshit at it even now... don't know how that happened). i smoked and got high basically everyday of my sophmore year of hs and had done other drugs, but i still remember my first edible experience it was the wild LMAOOO
i have an okay tolerance to it now but before........my goodness......it is quite the experience to get that like... long-term bone deep kind of high that is so frightening. especially the first time.
i started taking edibles after smoking a lot and i found i preferred it but the first time i took it i took like. 3 entire ones and almost died and i have not made the mistake since
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Thanks @kemvee for the tag!!!! 
Relationship status: Yesterday I got accosted with this question and I have never appreciated it as the local chronic single lady LOL.
Favourite colour: alternates between pink and purple. To wear though? Lately it’s been green and navy. 
Favourite food: depends on my mood. Lately though it’s thai red curry. 
Song stuck in your head: This morning it was “fireflies” by Owl City for whatever reason.
Last thing you googled: Contiki Tours. I decided on EF for my trip next year because I have experience with them and it was a good choice because I like the places we’re visiting there in the big Europe package over Contiki’s spread.
Time:  1:11 CST
Dream trip: I’M DOING IT IN JUNE BABY. UTLIMATE TOUR OF EUROPE! I’m looking forward to being able to spend more leisurely time there as well in the future, perhaps the Amalfi Coast and Provence. 
Last book you read: Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Started promising, but it kind of fell off for me. I also have a problem in historical fiction where the main character is incredibly modern feeling and forward thinking while everyone else is like a complete stereotype of the  time period. Real life is more black and white than that but eh whatever still a solid read. 
Last book you enjoyed reading: So many good books this year, but I loved A Novel Obsession by Caitlin Barasch for making me feel seen. (Except the stalking part, promise I’ve never done that LOL)  Migrations was also great (Charlotte McConaghy) 
Last book you hated reading: My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante. I was...very underwhelmed and the only reason I (barely) finished was because of how much hype the book gets
Bonus: I’m really tired and stressed rn but hey c’est la vie.
Favourite thing to cook/bake: Stir fry, favorite is one with the peanut sauce I make. Why? Easy and i don’t have to measure, lol. I also like making homemade bread.
Favourite craft to do in your spare time: Love to crochet of course <3 Making cardigans is down to a science for me, though I would like to make a granny square scarf in the near future like one I saw on etsy.
Most niche dislike: just saw it on twitter again and was reminded: “you don’t want a boyfriend, you want a fictional man written by a woman” honey some of us can make informed decisions about what we want in life. 
Opinion on circus(es) now and in history: Never been my thing. Don’t like the aesthetic, went to one as a kid and wasn’t really entertained, and thinking about Barnum...it’s a no from me. 
Do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: Somewhat? And not me but in college a friend was driving me and another friend home and we somehow ended up in s cornfield. We lived by the beach. 
tagging @thevikingwoman @galadrieljones  @starsandskies @alyssalenko @a11sha11fade
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Unfortunately I'll have to wake up in 4 hours but I'll manage. I don't know, I think being prone to hyperfixation is why can't get addicted to caffeine or tobacco, because it doesn't compare to the sudden flood of endorphins or whatever those happy chemicals are called that enters my body once a fixation starts. I guess I'm just mad people downplay this shit. At the peak of a fixation you're vibrating at the speed of light unable to focus or think straight but then it fades a little and yours fine but then you crash and fall into a bad depressive slump till another fixation strikes.
Like not every post-fixation depressive episode is super bad but they can get REAL bad sometimes, like dangerous levels of bad.
This ain't no cutsey "I know a lot about bugs :)" fixation, hyperfixations are like "if I don't inject bug facts straight into my veins I'm gonna die"
Aaaaaa I dunno I might just bipolar? My mom has it but I read about bipolar and it doesn't sound similar at all .
Eh who cares, hyperfixation is not a medical term anyways, it's a community made term based on the medical term hyperfocus which is used to describe short periods of fixation rather than the long form of fixation that hyperfixation is known for. So if anyone is like "you don't have ADHD you can't use that word" shut up I researched this shit for a whole day the term hyperfixation does not show it self in any medical journal/ documention, at least the ones I found online.
Anyways I don't think I can talk much my head isn't screwed on straight right now I think if I say anything more I'll start rambling about how I feel watched and that seeing spiders is normal actually how come no one else sees spiders when they're tired (this isn't me making fun of people who hallucinate I'm just making fun of myself)
yknow i didnt actually know that hyperfixation was a community made term. learn something new every day! my heads not really on right either and i think id start saying a bunch of nonsense if i tried to have a conversation rn, and then get frustrated that people dont understand me. but i like to just listen too.
one thing im grateful for is that my hyperfixations arent so terribly depressive when they stop. sometimes i feel awful cause i want to feel GOOD again but for the most part they just kind of sadly peter out. it's typically a really long time between them too, at least for me. i know i got fixated on hunter the owl house, and he was like a bright light throughout the misery that was working at mcdonalds and my freshman year of college.
and there was an intense stunt over the summer with lego monkie kid/jttw/sun wukong, where I would draw him every day. it was so easy to fall into that story because of all the different iterations.
It's kinda funny though, because despite there being others, i still remember the joker hyperfixation being particularly intense.
anyway! point is this: we're both sooo tired but i wish you well
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why is it embarrassing to check in on you even if it’s concerning? I’m just simply checking in dear. I’m sorry about your coworkers by the way, they seem absolutely awful and dreadful to clean up after. just a reminder it’s their responsibility and not yours to do their job. now i don’t know how much you get paid- but I’m sure it’s not enough to deal with their bullshit, ok? i want you to take it slow, one day at a time, be kind to yourself, drink water, eat heartily, and sleep well.
as for me, i have bullshit coworkers but I’m starting college soon and today was my last day of work for the summer before school. I’m doing good, I’m just very tired and need to eat something tbh.
Ah i would just be really embarrassed if something i said made you worried bc im actually doing pretty well. Like obviously im not perfect but i don't have any complaints rn so if i said something that made ppl think i was having a bad time then I'd be really embarrassed yk? Like are ppl concerned about me even tho im doing quite well?? Makes me 👁👄👁 nervous sksksk
Eh, it's kind of a tricky situation in my job. I'm the one and only person in charge of the lab so im responsible for making sure things are clean and organized and whatnot. It's frustrating when ppl don't always clean up after themselves, but at the same time, i was hired to keep this part of the clinic in tiptop shape so it's not like i can be super pissed that they don't do what's supposed to be my job. It's not the end of the world, i just wanna complain every once in a while. Tbh im ecstatic about my job and i genuinely love it. It's in my preferred field, i get paid $17/hr, i get to see animals every day. It's honestly a dream 😊
Ahh i used to work during college breaks too. I worked at a Starbucks and came back home to work during breaks. It's hard bc it feels like you don't get a real break but just make sure to take care of yourself and put your needs first. You can always makeup work, you can always retake a class, but you have to live with the same body all your life so u gotta take care of it!! I hope the semester goes well for you :)
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wiishopchanelboots · 23 days
3, 18, 38!
@sammy431 3) 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of? Ooooh this is tricky, I'm assuming this is like a "youre trapped on an island and only get 3" kinda question. okay okay okay. I would want something meaty for sure, so probably like, Fellowship of the Ring (Two Towers is my favorite but if I only get 3 movies ever I dont want to linger on such a somber note lol). Then I'd have to do a Guillermo Del Toro, to nourish my heart and lust love for monsters, probably Shape of Water honestly. And then I gotta do Atlantis the Lost Empire. I would *have* to have at least one animated movie, and there's so much to love and explore in that one I wouldn't (and still haven't) get tired of it. 18) do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens? Absolutely 100% believe in aliens. It's like, unfathomable to me that there could not be any other arrangement of molecules in the cosmos that could be a form of life. Our own definition of life is also confined by our understanding of it, and I don't doubt that there are forms of life out there that fall outside of that current understanding. Ghosts I'm a little iffy on. I think the idea of a soul is real, and the idea of like... feeling a passed person in the memory of something is real. The semi-physical manifestation of ghosts though? Eh, I struggle to believe that. 38) fave song at the moment? I've been rotating a few rn, but I really like Promise by LAufey
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tiny-tigers · 6 months
✨ That is difficult but I think you're right, keeping busy is the key! Have you every thought about expanding your language skills even more? That would take up lots of time! Learning a new art form? A new sport? Pottery? Writing a book?
I remember reading about an ex alcoholic who said that their addicted/obsessive behaviour had to be switched to a 'healthy obsession' and they went with fitness - so the obsession part is still there, which can be tiring still, but it's directed at something positive instead! 💖
[rewiring those pathways takes time though so be patient with yourself!] ✨
I'd rather not give specific bday details if that's okay but it's in Spring so a way off yet..! 🥰
Yeh they do seem to be loving London a lot recently! I think for 🦒 it's more to do with Charlie L living there - they seem extra close rn - (which I kinda love cos I just get good vibes from Charlie)
Can't get a read on Jacky rn tho because he goes from sometimes being, literally the shyest person ever, to being the only one in their group who can actually talk to girls on a night out...?
*I'm so confused*
Does that make it even more pathetic that it hurts even more because he and his mates are ruining for me the vision I have/had of pure and simple love? Because it looks like this body count is part bragging / part inconsistent. Why on earth am I the only one hurting when people who slept with him don't even care that he slips from one to another and they still follow/fancy him. By their actions, I just see a sad generation of no strings attached but craving for deep connections at the same time and it's so frickin sad that each time it's a shard in the heart. Why do I feel all so deeply, even with strangers?
They don't care and are just inconsequent because they have the age to be and that's alright but I am starting to realize how seriously I always have linearly lived my life and that all had to be serious otherwise there would have some consequences and it doesn't align with how this world emotionally evolve currently. I feel behind in all aspects of my life right now.
I don't know how I do those connections as it is not that deep he is just shagging all that he can reach and going from flower to flowers like a drunk bumblebee. And yet.
it hurts.
8* now.
I did think about it , I am sad I am not practicing Italian as I should have and so I'm going backward in all my languages - Still haven't found a Japanese lesson, I would have loved to add Danish or Finnish
I suck with needle but do you have ideas for me ?
sport I have plenty on my plate with fencing already and like you told me a bit about your problem with not being good at something directly, my problem lies somewhere else. I feel like I suck or I'm average at everything and it kills me a bit to never had a real talent. I love competition on some aspects, I can understand players and their will to be the very best in their domain.
That's it I'm seen like an addict now ? *cries while wearing his damn comfy tracksuit as a pajama*
It made me creative tho I have created a mini-playlist
I don't know kevin or Charlie but they do seem better than Jake William and Fergus
eh welcome to the club take a ticket and get in the line because I hate him as much as I love him. His last interviews were terrible like I felt the hurt and tears but it made me even more sad that I went to find him at the match.
Technically he is one of the only ones who can because he is single. Charlie has Erin , Phil with Hannah , ...
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melissa-s23 · 6 months
1. Job markets ass, when using 3rd party job sites like indeed never apply on the app itself! Go to the source, find the actual job posting. Write a cover letter….. yea I know it’s tragic but it’s a good boost. There’s templates on google but I think the general formula is one paragraph expressing interest, body about your qualifications (basically regurgitate your resume, squeeze in key terms specific to the job) final paragraph can be a quick little personal tid bit but usually it’s a send off. Make sure everything is a live file!!! No! Jpegs!!!!!
If you’re still in school, network. I did not do this and I probably should have
2. Girlie pop if you go out to eat at all highly recommend taking as many left overs as possible and repurposing them. For now, bread, butter, cinnamon, sugar. Toast the bread till gold, spread butter, add sugar and cinnamon,A treat. (Separate)Fry an egg on the bread. Add avocado to be basic for fun!pepper flakes for spice. When I was in college I used to eat dried cereal and watch fancy YouTube food video so I could trick my brain into thinking I was eating something real lol.
3. :-( your relationship post made me sad. I’m sorry. You need more media that frames the woman as a person rather than a prop! I know the feeling 😩 being ace puts you in a weird spot sometimes….but remember you are more than the media you and others consume! Also that last part……girlie watch the the soccer cannibalism show get on that RN!!!!! (Yellowjackets go watch Yellowjackets it’s flawed but it’s about flawed women outside the male gaze)
It’ll be ok lol, most things are temporary.
-ghost anon
Hey, thank you for this very kind message! I didn't expect such a quick and constructive response, thank you!
1: I don't know how you figured out I am looking for a job, but as of last week you are absolutely correct! The telepath allegations are not beaten today fjzkrkv
Thanks for the advice! And yeah, I need to send mails and phone calls and it's TIRING but eh, we roll.
2: This is very clever, and that cinamon one I'll definitetly keep in mind. Cooking is definitely an area im lacking in and improvising meal is not something I do easily, so having 3 to 4 'meals' for when you have 0 spoons for cooking is deffo something that will be useful to me. Cinammon toast!
3: yeah, i wrote this post while tired and frustrated. Thankfully the tides are changing at least a bit in that regard and we are seeing more variety. Still, I hope we get more shows where the friendship is front and center and challenged and explored a- I LIKE FRIENDSHIPS!! I LOVE WHEN PEOPLE ARE FRIEND AND FIND MEANING IN THAT TITLE!! Anyway yeah, It's good to remember real life very much isn't like medias. People are good, and we gotta believe in that.
(And ooh, I might check it out then! Thanks for the rec!)
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waaaaaoooohhhhhme · 7 months
My Queer SCREAM character HCs.....(just the ones I care about)
(I'm like so tired rn but the I was just thinking about it and I just had to let it be known on my account!)
(BTW, this are just my opinions, none of these are fact or whatever, my sources are literally just the loud ass voice in my head. But, a few of these things could be true. It doesn't matter none of these people are real anyway 😭)
Sidney would be cis and a Bisexual, however, the HC of her being non-binary or not cis is also applicable. I feel like Sidney would present as a woman and would say she's a woman, but she doesn't really care all that much. She definitely gives me She/They.
Tatums giving me cis Bisexual too.... actually no, Pansexual. Tatums Pansexual. She/Her.
Randy.... hmm. Also Pansexual. He/They. He's kinda giving transmasc for me actually too.
Hallie, Lesbian. I'd say, transfem too. I'm seeing that for her..... She/Her.
Billy, cis bisexual. Yeah, and He/Him.
Stu, he kinda gave transmasc to me. Probably Pansexual. He/They.
Mickey, eh, cis straight. He/Him. Maybe even add a it/its in there too.
Roman definitely giving me cis Bisexual. He/They. I'm seeing aromantic too. Definitely ace of some kind.
Dewey, cis straight, He/Him, giving him asexual actually.
Gale (idk why I didn't put her with Sidney but oh well) cis bisexual. She/Her. Yeah. Could be transfem though.
Jill, bisexual. Cis, probably. She/Her.
Kirby also bisexual, will make her a demigirl just because. Hmmm, She/Her.
Charlie, transmasc bisexual. He/They/It's. Idk I just REALLY saw this for him. I can see him using neos though.
Tara's bisexual OF COURSE. I'm sticking with what they wrote in the casting thing that was like spot on for her. Cis, She...../They.
Amber, lmao.... Lesbian. Could see her being transfem. She/They, maybe even neos. I'm seeing aromantic for her. She's such an interesting case personally.
Chad bisexual. No doubt. Would like for him to be transmasc. He/Him.
Mindys a lesbian, no doubt. Could see her being non-binary too. That'd be cute. All/Any pronouns would be cute for her.
Anika's also a lesbian, l4l is just soo amazing that's why. She/Her and cis.
Sam...... Sam..... Bisexual. She's so, bisexual. She's the complete embodiment of that one "I'm probably non-binary but I have a job so idrc about that" tweet. So, she doesn't care. I can see her being transfem though. She/They.
*edit* FORGOT DANNY. Danny's Pansexual, him being transmasc would be NICE. So both cis OR transmasc are fine for him. He/They, actually.
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makotokinoo · 1 year
i am so confused rn ,  ewan k ik he’s telling me i give mixed signals pag like napag uusapan namin abt un pero he is giving me ren kasi eh like lagi. i dont wanna tell him that tho kasi i rlly like him and kapag binibigay ko ung real thoughts k it will alw ruin somethimg between us. he’s alw making me doubt if he rlly likes me or not pero i would rather stfu than tell him everything kasi ik where it’ll lead. m just grateful nalang sa nangyayari samin kahit most of the time it feels rlly complicated and heavy. ewan k pag sinasabi k kasi s mga friends k they will say na i should confront him pero i dont have the guts and baka it’ll lead pa somewhere and im tired of feeling that kaya i guess sometimes tngina dapat kinikimkim k nalang for the better kasi ik he’s a good person naman 
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
Oh no, he was harmless and probably very lovely, it’s just that he was so tall and thin that it was giving a bit of slender man. Town was really quiet so I don’t think that helped (also I am 5 foot 1, so he seemed a lot taller 💀)
Today me and my friends went out and did some mini golf and watched Minions Rise of Gru and I fell asleep for a bit near the end 👀👀. There was a seven year old boy behind us in golf and he was so much better than me. My friends got 50-56 in their scores and I got 71 :/
(We went into the shops and I bought a fluffy pink blanket because I find cinemas SO cold ❄️❄️)
I’m in bed rn and I’m so tired 😴
(ALSO I GOT BACK FROM MY DADS YESTERDAY AND IVE BEEN AN EMOTIONAL WRECK - he bought me a fan that was like 100 quid and it arrived today and now I feel horrid because I don’t want to see him until like Xmas. (He didn’t tell me he bought it or I would have stopped him))
How are you? Are you ready for school? I think you’re starting soon aren’t you?
all of that is great!
I saw the same movie a few days ago or like a week ago but it was great! I guessed some of the scenes a few times and I told my sister next to me and she was like ‘goddamn. why you got to predict everything.’ but I loved the movie!!
you did way better than them on the mini golf..? cuz you got 71.. or no cuz you put :/ that face. I haven’t played mini golf in so long tho
we have this pink fluffy blanket on this beanbag that we have and the beanbag is actually purple but the whole blanket is just covering it. it’s not that soft tho :( is yours soft? and cinemas are so cold I always bring a blanket :)
are you glad you’re back from your dads? are you at your moms now? cuz he bought it for you, do you think he means good..? or was it just a thing you needed.? or did he buy it just to buy your affection? like yk when a parent does something shitty and they just buy you something to make up for it.. ig. idrk.. I hope it’s a good fan and i hope you enjoy it too! and be happy :)
I don’t really know what to say about the parent stuff because eh parents. I have a good relationship with one (kinda, getting there) while I don’t with the other. (I mean I do but with the way things are going I don’t) && honestly, I just let go of all the anger that I’ve held toward both of them, mostly ‘cause some of it was unnecessary and I know some things will never change, and I said im done, and now im living my life. not saying you have to let go of the anger because somethings cannot be forgiven… but I kind of just accepted that they are them while I am me and I don’t wanna live my life like them or be like them and also live my life in complete anger and just make everything about life down and miserable… so I’d rather be happy then make everything negative.
I am ready for school!! I went clothes shopping two times now and show shopping too! I might go again but I don’t know.. and for my backpack this year its a satchel!! I really can’t wait to use it <3  i start on the 8th with my sister and its also a new school! for both of us, she’s a 9th grader while im a 10th grader so we might not have classes together but I’m also taking drama this year and I can’t wait!!! oh I hope this year is really good <3
as for just me doing I am doing really well! though I have a lot of writers block right now.. i’m still doing like amazing!! ;)) how are you doing?? I send you love 💞💞 and also I want to make a tag for you so can I call you pearl or do you have a name I can call you.. (it does not have to be your real name)
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Some oral headcanons for Riddle, Idia and Epel (if you write smut for him). Both giving and receiving please 🔥🔥
Woohoo!!!! First ask EVER!!!! I hope u enjoy it aaaah, the reader in this scenario has no specific pronouns but fem body parts, since that’s what I’m most comfy writing with rn ;v; i will try to keep getting better the more i write!
A/N: This piece of writing is purely 18+ only. Minors do not interact.
Riddle Rosehearts x Reader
Riddle has never given oral, but he is fueled by his desire to please you!!
He offers it as some kind of reward for doing so well on an exam he helped you study for
Now, Riddle has certainly passed by the human anatomy images in textbooks and read about each person’s sexual body parts, learning about it in a very educational way. He usually blushed when he looked at the detailed images and quickly turns the pages.
Riddle would have researched different ways on how to please you before actually initiating anything; he wouldn’t want to completely blow it (pun intended) with you.
But learning about things in a book and actually practicing it would be completely different, he’ll come to find out!
He lets you sit on the edge of his bed while he kneels down in front of you, looking up at your face as he pulls your pants and underwear off
Riddle turns almost as red as his hair when he finally sees your leaking cunt, excited that he made you feel this way!
He watches your face intently as he listens to the noises you make, taking your body language into great consideration.
He focuses his energy on your clit and spends time building you up to your release
Riddle moans lightly as you cum, still licking you as you ride out your high
He wipes his mouth as he comes up to kiss you sweetly, teasingly asking you how it was, the smug bastard KNOWS he made you feel so good
Secretly plans on doing it more often because he wants to watch your face twist in pleasure because of him.
“Ah, my rose... did you enjoy that?” The redhead asked smugly, smirking at your form as he raises his head up. “I believe you really did, by the way you made such a mess on me...”
Surprise surprise, Riddle ALSO has never received head!
Is a blushing mess when you offer it so casually during a heated makeout session!! But he can’t deny his beautiful rose, can he?
He remains seated on his chair as you knelt down on the floor, undoing his belt and pulling his bottoms down.
He’s extremely embarrassed because, he’s a bit average if not less than the average. Riddle’s worried you would judge him in that department, but when you stroke the precum leaking out of him with your finger he lets go of all of those doubts!
He can’t help but let out a groan and throw his head back when you give his cock a kitten lick from the base to the tip and then engulf him in your mouth.
Riddle tries to be quiet but you can hear his little gasps and you look up to see his eyes glazed in pleasure.
You also can’t help but let your hands explore his body,
He feels like he can’t control himself and grips your hair in his fingers, releasing in your mouth
If you swallow his cum, expect Riddle to freak out the first time, him completely flustered !! But also secretly turned on 😏
“Mmh,! S-so good...” Riddle’s panting as he finished. “E-eh?! You swallowed?! Why?!!” His face is burning by now. “My rose, let’s wash down that flavor with a sweet tart now, hm?”
Idia Shroud x Reader
It starts out with the two of you by yourselves in his room, sitting on the floor and playing games
Idia notices the way your thighs look thicker when you are sitting in a certain position, reminding him of a certain set of lewd doujinshi images he has masturbated to a few times
You catch Idia staring, fixated at your thighs and quickly catch on
You have to be the one to initiate anything since you know Idia is not the type to!
When you get up to lay down on his bed, Idia actually manages, somehow, to ask you to sit on his face! You’re surprised he would even initiate anything at all!
You’re embarrassed but seeing the way his eyes look so lustful when you lower your hips to meet his mouth, it spurs you on and gives you some confidence!
He lowkey wants you to suffocate him with your thighs..... he won’t tell you that in person though!
Idia hasn’t done this before, but he has watched a lot of hentai scenes of eating out, so he tries to mimic the same actions and is met with your high pitch moans!
When he feels you squeezing his head when you’re close to cumming he uses his hands to keep you in place, not letting you pull away
When he sees and hears you orgasm he swears he could just die a happy man right then and there!!
“A-ah.. this was so much better than my fantasies.... Y/N, you truly are my SSR character...” you heard Idia muttering into your thighs as he lays there, looking even more happy than you were at the moment! You had to wonder, “was this for my enjoyment or his?”
Idia would definitely want you to give him head while he is gaming or coding 👀
Personally I see him as really horny but never brave enough to really initiate things verbally
Idia would have a pink flush on his face as he asks if you could suck him off
He makes sure that he was able to tell Ortho to go out and run some errands for the dorm which he knew would take a little while
He would probably be on his gaming chair, with you on your knees in front of him
Idia would bite his shirt or the sleeve of it while feeling you lick at his cock, sighing heavily once you start to pick up your speed
If he is gaming though, he turns off his mic and releases short gasps and sighs of pleasure, trying to prove he is great at what he’s doing by being distracted but still winning
He would definitely tell you when he was close to cumming, planning to pull out. Depending on if you decide to swallow or have him pull out, either scenario would be a win for him.
The idea of having his seed in your mouth or painting your pretty face only serves to turn him on more :)
By the way DEFINITELY don’t tease him by saying you’ll wear kitten ears the next time you blow him, he will be adding them to his online shopping cart within the next .5 seconds
“Oh- Oh Great Seven- That was close..!” Idia groans, accompanied by the sounds of his rapid movement on his controllers. Once he notices you swallow his cum, he instantly turns pink and you swore his hair flashes red for a moment! “I-..... you didn’t need to... do that..” he turns away from your gaze.
Epel Felmier x Reader
Epel definitely wants to prove he’s a man who can provide to his partner!!
He would not be forceful, but offer to treat you and take an initiative! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Epel gives you plush pillows to lay down on his bed and makes sure to have his apple scented candles on to set the mood~
He secretly asked Rook for advice but you don’t need to know that LOL
Epel is definitely the type to be shy internally but tries to cover up that fact by trying to be dominant, but not too over the top. He wants to be respectful of your boundaries
Epel will try to use his fingers as well - using them to tease your nipples or play with your dripping hole~
Rook told him to do that LOL
When you look down you’re met with the lavender haired boy looking up into your eyes with a determined yet lustful gaze, cheeks tinged with pink ❤️
When he finally brings you close to your release, he works his pink tongue more aggressively as he watches you come undone~
What a hardworking farm boy! We love :)
“Well, how was that? Wasn’t that something a real man would do for his woman?” He asked you, a big grin on his face when you nod your head and smile at him.
You totally catch Epel off guard when you ask to give him a blowjob!!
He became a blushing mess and was shy, at first.
However, you sorta made him a bit mad and told him his dick was cute, no matter how big it was, describing HOW it was cute in great detail!
Epel tried to conceal his feelings but once he felt you wrap your lips around the tip of his dick, he lost himself.
He grabbed your head a bit roughly, “I’ll show you how cute I can be...” as he fucked your face (with your consent!)
Hey, you know the repercussions of calling him cute, and how much he hates it!
If he notices you don’t like how rough he’s being, he will stop being rough once he notices your body language and if there are tears pricking your eyes he gets pretty worried!
However if you DO like it, Epel will definitely keep going at it, and fuck your face faster once he feels his release coming.
You look up at his face while he released inside your mouth and you see his eyes rolled back and mouth agape. Epel’s releasing moans that are throaty and similar to his “real” voice he hides from everyone.
He’s a blushing, panting mess once you’re through with him!
“Sh-shit!!” Epel grips your hair tightly as he shoves his cock to the back of your throat, simultaneously releasing his seed and showing his dominance. “You... were amazing...” he pants, too tired out to even care about how he sounded at the moment.
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xgryffinwhore · 3 years
september nights
request:  i was wondering if you could write another soft bill smut? i don’t really have a specific plot in mind, we’re just really lacking content on tumblr rn :( in some really precarious place where they don’t want to get caught
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warnings: soft smut, like i mean very soft.
word count: 2118
before your lips met bill denbrough’s, love was always, to say the least, a conundrum. lets be real for second, boys wasted your time, and you let them. only the cute ones of course. you are a hopeless romantic, drunk off of molly ringwald and john travolta films. you wanted any relationship you had to be just like the movies.
through your heart breaks, your best friends stood by you, your losers. eddie, richie, bev, stan, ben, and bill. for each tear you shed a punch was thrown to the man who caused it, they were protective over you. bill the most though, he always got so defensive when you were in the mix. all throughout middle & high school, bill has had to deal with every guy who even dares to think about breaking your heart.
“its not fair bill” you wailed into your pillow. he stroked your back and hushed you, his eyes welling with tears. “im never fucking good enough for any guy and its so fucking sad!” your complaints being cut off mid sentence by a choked out cry. “y-y/n. all of y-your boyfriend are i-idiots. anyone w-who would d-d-do this to you isnt w-worth your t-time. anyone w-would be the luckiest in the w-world to have y-you in their life” you picked your head up and looked at him with swollen lips and blood shot eyes “there no one out there for me bill, no one.” 
he bit his lip, fighting back any tears dripping from his eyes “they j-just dont see how p-pretty you are. how g-gentle and caring and s-s-sweet, and h-how your face c-can light up any room. theyre f-fucking idiots, and you d-deserve m-more.” you clearly thought he was being nice, because you could take a MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN hint, so you replied “i wish there was someone out there like you, for me, that thinks of me the way you do.” 
he furrowed his brows, tossing his head back and running his fingers furiously through his hair. “d-dammit y/n!” he cursed “cant you s-see what ive b-been trying to say? w-w-what ive been t-trying to say f-for the last f-five years!?!” your expression was bewildered, your brain was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he meant. his frustration got the best of him, he got up and stormed out the door,  feeling embarrassed and stupid for trying to make you understand how he felt.
he was half way out your front door, fuming for his keys lodged deep into his front pocket; when suddenly:
his head turned at the call of his name, “y-y/n please i d-”
your lips locked with his, he rain pouring heavily outside. bills lips stilled at the contact, but this lasted briefly, he deepened this kiss by pulling you in to his abdomen by your mid back. your bunched the front of his base ball t shirt with your fists, and he did the same but with your hair.
the rest is basically history.
now six months later, and you couldnt have been happier. bill knew how to treat you, nights out twice a week (you always wanted to pay but bill insisted,) holding your hand to and from classes, he let you borrow have his varsity baseball jacket, which smelt just like him and was a little too big for you. 
when he would drop you off and your classes, he would always grab your hand and transfer a tiny piece of paper into your palm. when you got into class to unfold it, it was always a cute little message about his love for you. 
bill had it bad for you, everyone knew that, and you loved every minute of it. he met every and any standard you had, and exceeded your expectations. 
it was september, still warm enough in derry to wear shorts, so you and your friends thought of a last hurrah for the ending of the summery weather.
“camp out, its nearly perfect” Richie exclaimed. eddie rolled his eyes “like youve ever been near anything perfect toizer, do you even know what perfect means?” richie shoved eddie “yeah eddie i actually have. have you seen amanda’s tits?”
 you tuned out richie and eddies bickering as you’re boyfriend cleared his throat. “you g-gonna go?” he said into your ear, “only if you promise to wear bug spray bill, you know how bad-” he cut you off with a kiss, his mouth forming a small smile at how cute you were. “get a room, honestly” stan poked, pda wasn’t his favorite... “at least i h-have something to k-kiss aye s-stannie”
you arrived at the edge of the forest, parking your car at the last parking ish space. you walked toward the sounds of ben and richie fighting, and came to see that richie really went all out. three tents, sticks for a fire, and more snacks than anyone needed. 
you all spent the remanence of the daylight dancing in the light sky, sharing stories, and eating waaaay too many chips. it was dark now, you all huddled in a circle near the fire; making small talk and trying not to admit you were all very tired.
“ok folks, im off to bed” richie yawned “me stan eddie n’ mike will take the green tent, bev and ben in the red.” richie paused and smirked over at you and bill, you were tangled in his limbs, golfed in his navy blue pull over. “and uh- heh- billy boy and y/n in the yellow tent eh?” you could practically feel bills eye roll, god richie was so immature.
“w-we dont have to s-sleep in the s-s-same tent, i c-can ask ben if he’d s-switch” you look up at bill and reassure him “bill no- its not a big deal, right?” he tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses the side of your temple “c-course not.”
you both went into the tent, bill began to unroll the blankets you both had packed tightly into your bags. You both set up your makeshift bed, bill leaned against a pile of pillows while you hugged his side, your face buried in his neck. his smell was absolutely intoxicating; his skin had remanence of his milk and honey body wash, but it was slightly overpowered by wintergreen, clove, and his bourbon cologne. 
you were like this for around an hour, the orange crank-powered lantern being the only source of light. you switch positions though, you now laid your head on his lap, reading a magazine you stole from the hair salon. he watched your eyes scan every letter, when you read something funny you’d huff to yourself, and when something was intresting you stuck your tongue out from between your teeth. he adored you.
“d-dont stay up t-too late” he stroked your hair off your shoulder “we have t-to have you w-well r-r-rested.” you sat up from beside him, as he adjusted the pillows and took off his pull over, then his pants. he got under the covers and waited for you.
“nice donut boxers” you laughed. “s-shut up” he blushed and regreted not changing them when he had the chance. you turned around took off your shirt, you were shy about how you looked, but it was just bill. it was just bill. you heard his breath hitch, his eagerness radiating off his body onto yours. the air became tense as you unzipped your pants and threw them to the corner. you turned around, bills pupils growing until you were completely facing him.
“yeah i know. mine are boring” you laugh nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear and getting under the covers next to him. he didnt respond, he couldnt take his eyes off of you.you began to sit up again “i can go put back on-” “n-no!” he interrupts, his blush taking up his entire face.
“i j-j-just cant b-believe i g-get to see something s-so special” he gulped “s-so b-b-b-beautiful.”
you grabbed him by his shoulders and kissed him, hard. youve been with boys before, i mean youve dated plenty of people. but no one ever called your body special. hot, yeah. nice, yeah. beautiful, sure. but no one ever thought that it was special. 
bill was a kind boy, the most you two have ever done is get each other off with your hands, always clothed. bill never asked to see more, he felt lucky enough just to make you feel good, and that was enough for him. so when you felt the heat of his hands hovering over your body but not touching it, you new you’d have to call the shots tonight.
“bill,” you laid down “just touch me everywhere, please.” he crawled in between your legs, kneeling so that he could lean over your face “m-my pleasure.”
he traced your collar, leaving small, delicate, kisses to make up for what his fingers left behind as they trailed. he kissed the valley between your breasts, licking slow striped down your skin. he picked up your upper back a little and cocked his head to the side, you nodded and he unclipped your bra. he sat their with his mouth open, taking in the view. you blushed and muttered “hey, keep that mouth to good use.” he dipped down and sucked on your nipples, his mouth felt so good against your skin grazed with goosebumps. he was gingerly with his tongue, it was sexy, it was romantic. he kissed down your stomach, his fingers sweeping down your sides. you could see his member pressing against his boxers, the pressure made him wince every once in a while. his fingers met your panties and he hooked them. again, he looked up for permission, you nodded once again. 
he brought your underwear down your legs and off, looking back to see what he had relieved. he licked his lips, getting ready to please you more than he already did. but you felt bad, bill always gave gave and gave. “its ok, im ready right now.” bill looked up at you in shock, he wasnt expecting you’d want to go all the way. “y/n, y-youre sure?” you lean up and kiss his lips, swiping your tongue against his bottom lip “please.”
he pulled down his boxers eagerly, his member sprung out to hit his stomach. he lined up with you, checking once more that it was ok. then he pushed in, bottoming out. he felt bigger than you thought, of course he was well endowed, but he filled you up so well. you mewled, the pain and pleasure making a delicious feeling that made your toes curl.
he waited, but began slowly moving after a bit. he grunted, feeling you wrapped around him was something he’d never be able to get out of his head he thought to himself. he grunted “f-fuck this feels g-good’ he grunted, his breath becoming heavy and full of lust. with every stroke, you felt yourself get more and more lost in the bliss he made you feel. “youre making me feel so good  bill” you moan, the sound of his name coming out of your mouth driving him absolutely crazy. he speeds up, loving the view of your face contorting in pleasure and your body moving with his. 
he couldnt help but feel admiration to you, your hair formed a halo around your head, and the sweat that coated your skin made you glisten in the orange light. “im t-the luckiest in the world” he husks, holding your cheek. 
you felt the knot in your core coming undone, “bill im close” you strain, trying not to be too loud so you dont wake your friends. he moved your leg up to his shoulder, hitting you from a different, deeper angle. his fingers went to your clit, making you bite your had to stop you from screaming. “you l-look so p-pretty y/n, t-taking me s-so well. making y-you feel so good.” “so good bill” you repeat, drunken off his cock and fingers. 
without warning, you came came, your legs spazzing as you moaned “fuck bill” he followed, his hips stuttering, as he cried out into your shoulder. he pulled out and laid next to you, both of you breathing heavily and coming off your highs. 
“y/n” he looked at you “t-that was really j-just wow- thank y-you.” you kissed him, chaste and sweet “that was great yeah?” “it w-was perfect babe. t-thank you f-for t-that. i love you y-y/n.”
“i love you too bill.”
he sat up, his fingers dancing on your inner thigh.
“c-can we p-please do t-that again?”
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: borderline nsfw like I thought real hard about it, weapons, talks of murder, slight spoilers for resident evil 8
Author’s Note: just impulsively wrote this and am posting it promptly after writing so it has not been edited. Besties im down bad about this sarcastic basterd (also if anyone wants a nsfw part 2...i am willing to provide) (or any other requests for him and Alcina, my favorite bi panic people rn)
Summary: You run into Ethan in Castle Dimitrescu on your way back to the factory.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director
(not my gif)
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Ethan Winters genuinely just wanted his daughter back. He was so sick and tired of going through this village in an attempt to save her, running into every possible inconvenience he could find and knowing that he would probably lose fingers fighting them.
Castle Dimitrescu was vast and regal. He might have liked it if he wasn’t running for his and his daughters' lives from the four vampires that lived there.
He was crouched down, holding a gun up as he walked very quietly and carefully throughout the house so as to not alert any of the Dimitrescu daughters. He opened one of the unlocked doors carefully and immediately stopped moving at the sight of someone.
You wore no cloak, to signify that you were a daughter and you were much shorter than the lady of the house. You grabbed one of the lipsticks that Alicna had plenty of and leaned over the vanity to see how it looked on you.
Ethan stood up and held the gun up to your head. You raised an eyebrow, looking at him from the mirror reflection.
“Who are you?” he asked, voice rough. Rougher than his face looked. You put on the lipstick and then rubbed your lips together.
“Do you think this is my color?” He shoved the gun further into your head and you scoffed. “Fine fine. Not one for makeup eh?” You put your hands up and turned around. He let you sit down on the vanity but not without his gun still pointing at your skull. You seemed unphased which would have been weird if Ethan wasn’t incredibly desensitized to everything ever.
“Who are you? Are you one of the vampires? One of the other family members? Who are you?!” You put your hands slowly down on your lap. He let you, but you were testing his patience.
“Not quite.” You gestured to him. “I’m human. Like you. Well not like you, I’m completely human, no mutations or anything done.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he hissed. You waved him off.
“If you hurt me, you will have Karl on your head and I imagine it won’t be pretty. It’s the only way I can get from Castle to Castle unharmed,” you told him.
“You know, fun hat, frizzy hair, has that big hammer thing. Karl.”
“Heisenberg?” You nodded.
“Yes Ethan, I thought you were smarter than this.” Ethan shook his head quickly and then regained focus, his hand holding the gun shaking a bit.
“Where’s Rose?” You shrugged.
“Fuck if I know Ethan Winters. I’m just the person who lives in a factory and becomes a nuisance for each and every Lord.” He jabbed the gun at your head and you didn’t even flinch.
“You’re lying.”
“Truthfully, I am not. If I knew where Rose was I would at least give you a hint, just to make it interesting.”
“What is Heisenberg to you?” he asked. You smiled a bit, crossing your legs.
“I’m Heisenberg's...girlfriend for lack of a better word. Whatever Mia was to you.” His mind flashed back to Mia. He had barely been able to mourn her. He shook the thought out of his head.
“You know how to get out of here and get Rose yes?”
“I know how to get out of here. How to get Rose, I have no idea. We’ve been over this.”
“But Heisenberg knows and if I can bring you to him, he can tell me.” You shook your head gently.
“Ethan sweetie...I could call for Alcina or the girls at any time and they would be in here in seconds to tear you to pieces.”
“Not before I could pull this trigger.”
“Again, if you so much as scratch me, you’ll never breath non metal infused air again.” Ethan shook his head gently and took a deep breath. He grabbed the gun at you again. He was silent and then he lowered it.
“I’ll just be going then,” he muttered, defeated. You nodded pleasantly and stood up from sitting on the vanity. You put the lipstick back on it. You walked forward and put your hand on Ethan’s shoulder. He looked you in the eyes.
“Good luck Ethan Winters.” You started to leave but turned to him. “I do suggest that in order to save your daughter you don’t kill Alicna’s in the process.”
“Any bits of advice then?” You put your hand on the doorknob and turned it, opening it just a tad.
“Grab the masks for the main room. Do you have a map?” He handed it to you, a tattered old piece of paper. You grabbed the lipstick again and marked some places. “Avoid hurting them as much as you can.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“I don’t like Mother Miranda. I don’t trust Mother Miranda. She is the one who has your daughter I’m sure or she must know where she is. But the Dimitrescus and Karl...even Donna for that matter, are people I like and trust.”
You stepped back outside the room.
“If I hear you’ve killed any of the daughters, I’ll tell them what I know of you. If you think the Dimitrescus are scary, just wait until you meet Donna.”
You shut the door in his face. Ethan shivered.
You walked up the stairs to the second floor. You knocked on the door of Alcinas room and she swang it open. She took a sigh of relief.
“Thank God. I thought you were Ethan Winters.”
“You think Ethan would knock before coming in?” She scoffed. You held her the lipstick you were wearing.
“Where did you find that?”
“Downstairs where I ran into Ethan,” you said honestly. Her eyes went wide and her lips pursed in annoyance.
“Did you see the girls?”
“No but I’m sure one of them ran into him as he left the room. He was only there a couple of minutes ago, it shouldn't be that hard to find him.” She walked past you without saying goodbye. You huffed. “You’re welcome!”
You made it back to the factory in just a couple of minutes. You had gotten so used to the walk that you were on autopilot the whole time before you were back to your room. Karl was already there, clearly taking a quick break before returning to his never ending work day.
“Where did you go?!” he asked, walking up to you from the bathroom. He put his hand on your arm and you grabbed his glasses which were hanging from his shirt. He had shed the jacket and hat, clearly about to shower.
“Relax, I was just at Alcinas castle,” you told him gently. He let out an annoyed exaggerated sigh that you knew all too well.
“How is my sister?” he asked. You took the lipstick out of your pocket. Alcina hadn’t actually taken it in her fit of rage to go and get Ethan. Now you had something extra for your own personal vanity back at the factory.
“Shy of one more lipstick.” You walked past him into the bathroom. He followed you as you placed it carefully on your vanity. You admired it for a second with a smile on your face. You wrapped an arm around yourself and turned back to him. You hoisted yourself onto the bathroom counter. “I ran into Ethan Winters.”
His face, which had been admiring your new addition to the vanity which was full of stolen things and things he had acquired for you, turned sour. Karl put his hand on your arm and raised it, checking your side and arm for injuries.
“I told you not to leave the room until he was caught,” he grumbled. He was trying to act like he hadn’t been worried about you from the second he realized you were gone. He was trying to ignore the fact that he himself almost stomped to each of the Lord’s castles to make sure you were alright. He didn’t want you to run into Ethan Winters, that was his worst nightmare. Ethan didn’t have any regard for you. Ethan just wanted Rose. “Are you hurt?” You shook your head.
“No. He asked me if I knew where Rose was and held a gun to my head but in the end we parted ways peacefully.”
“You could have brought him back here,” he muttered.
“I told Alcina where he was. I figured she could take care of him. You already had your shot.” He rolled his eyes and his grip on your arm tightened.
“You could have been seriously hurt. The Lord’s won’t hurt you but Mother Miranda might, Ethan might have.” You brought your free hand up to his cheek and leaned forward so your lips were just barely brushing over his.
“I can take care of myself.” He pressed a harsh kiss against your lips and made a low groaning noise. He let go of your arm to grab your leg and part them so that he could stand between your thighs. He dipped his head to kiss you and you pressed your body against him, feeling every inch of his breathing.
There was a harsh rasp at the door and he pulled away. You grabbed his neck and shook his head, kissing his jaw and peppering kisses down his neck.
“Come on, Mother Miranda doesn’t need you that bad,” you whispered. You pressed a long kiss to his jaw again and he had to physically tear himself away, however much it pained him.
“She might,” he grumbled. You held him until he moved too far away for you to. You groaned and put your head against the wall beside the mirror.
“Maybe I should go and find Ethan Winters again to finish the job. I mean he may only have eight fingers but he’s stayed alive this long and-” He grabbed your arm that was waving around as you spoke and looked you dead in the eyes.
“I will finish the job. You just sit tight kitten.” You kissed his knuckles and then let him go.
“Better be quick Karl. I get very restless very easily.”
He put on his hat and coat (the opposite of either of you wanted in the moment) and slammed the door in frustration against Mother Miranda behind him.
You took a deep breath and hoped he wouldn’t be gone too long.
NSFW Part 2
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girl help the Ray brainrot is so real rn (or should I say, bRAYnrot? eh??) I just wanna hold his hand and gently touch his cheek and play with his hair and hug him and convince him to lie down and sleep for a while and and-
Help is on the way >:) go get that man!
“Ray?”, you gently whispered into the silence of the empty hall. “Please don’t go just yet…”
He was half way out the door now, practically running to get back to his work after taking exactly thirty minutes on the clock off for a garden walk with you. But now, he felt your hand take ahold of his as you asked him to stay. He turned his head to look at you, and the pleading look in your eyes was just too much for him to deny such a simple request. He could spare a few more minutes…couldn’t he? You wanted him to be with you…you wanted it. His heart couldn’t help but swell.
“Of course…I’m sorry I must always leave so soon..I’m sure you’re tired of it.”
You shook your head.
“I understand you’re busy, but…you also seem like you need to unwind. Take just a little more time and come sit with me.”
You led him to sit beside you on princess bed, his hand clasped in yours on your lap. Slowly, you reached up to brush the back of your hand against his cheek, receiving a gentle huff from his parted lips. After introducing him to your tender touch, you cupped his cheek next.
He shut his eyes and untensed for a minute before opening them again to give you an anxious look.
“Ray…do you think you can take a little rest with me for a bit?”
Was he dreaming? Would it be selfish of him to indulge in this instead of working like the dutiful agent of paradise he was?
He undeniably yearned to give in to his greed for you. Just a few minutes as promised. Just a few.
“If you’re truly alright with that, that is…for just a little. You can’t work at your best if you’re tired.”
You smiled at him, beaming with such a light he felt he might burn up under it. He fidgeted, and you found his awkwardness adorable.
“Ok…I’d like too..”
You never let go of his hand, leading him to move back to lay down on your sides amongst the mountain of pillows. A crimson color crept its way all the way up to the tips of his ears as he settled in to join you with hesitation, watching and waiting for the moment you’d find his closeness too revolting and push him away. But of course, you never did. Instead, you pulled him into a little hug against your chest, that one hand still intertwined with his as the other began running through his fluffy hair. It was dry and corse from the bleaching, which was no deterrent for you.
Oh his heart could pound right out of his ribcage. You could feel his gloved fingers tremble in yours, so you kissed the top of his head and pulled back to look at him.
“Ray are you ok?”
“I-I think so. I’m sorry…”
He constantly apologizes when he does nothing wrong, and you gently hushed him before he could spew more.
“You don’t have to lay with me if you’re uncomfortable-”
He cut you off.
“No…I’d like to..”
You didn’t want to push more from him, so you just wrapped back around his slender frame, hearing him sigh comfortably. It took no more than five minutes for him to fall asleep fully. Poor guy was very tired.
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stark-strange-love2 · 3 years
A Day at the Fair
My submission for the ironstrange fanfic challenge!
Tony drags Stephen out on a date to the fair, despite Stephen insisting he doesn’t want to go. Tony spends the whole day trying to show Stephen how much fun it is until finally, Stephen breaks down and confesses the real reason he didn’t want to come today. 
Omega Stephen Strange, Alpha Tony Stark, high school au
Tony grinned, practically vibrating with excitement as he rolled out of bed. Every year he and Stephen went to the fair, the closest thing their tiny town had to offer for fun. He grabbed his phone from his nightstand.
T: Heeeeeey Steph~
S: Tony? What is it?
T: Well I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the fair this fine day, as per our usual tradition
Stephen took a few minutes to reply. Tony set down his phone, brushed his teeth, dressed, and sat down for breakfast. Stephen still hadn’t replied. Then, as he was pouring cereal, his phone dinged.
S: Idk. I’m not feeling up to it rn
T: Okay… do you wanna come over and hang out then? My parents are out of town… I could even sneak a bottle of wine for us
S: Eh… let’s just go to the fair.
Tony smiled.
T: Great! I’ll pick you up in an hour?
S: Sure
The fair was loud and hot and crowded. It reminded Tony of every fantastic summer with Stephen he could think of. Tony squeezed Stephen’s hand, but Stephen didn’t squeeze back.
“Hey, Steph, are you okay? You seem a little off-color.”
Stephen bit his lip.
“Just tired I guess. I have a bit of a headache.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Tony leaned up and kissed Stephen’s cheek, then down to his unmarked scent gland. “Maybe we can sit down near the back? Have some lunch? I have Asperin too if you need it. We can even go back home if you’d like. Anything for you,” Tony said.
Stephen smiled softly.
“Lunch sounds good.”
He finally squeezed Tony’s hand back.
“Ugh, don’t they have anything remotely healthy?” Stephen bitched, scrunching up his face at the third deep-fried Oreo stand they passed.
“Oh? Are you doing another vegan kick or something?”
Stephen shook his head, cheeks pink.
“Uh- no. No, just trying to eat a little healthier, that’s all.”
“Can you take a break for today?” Tony asked. God knew he wasn’t planning on eating well today.
“Well… I mean…” Stephen worried his lip between his teeth. “I’d just feel better if I ate healthily, that’s it.” He didn’t meet Tony’s eyes.
They finally found something reasonably healthy- chicken tenders and lemonade- and sat down at a table under a large tree. Somewhere in the background, a band was playing. Stephen picked at his food while Tony happily munched away.
“After this do you want to go on a ride?” tony asked.
Stephen shook his head.
“No rides.”
“Why? Are you still not feeling well?”
Stephen didn’t meet Tony’s eyes, electing instead to look off into the never-ending distance, hazy with the feeling of the fair, a haziness that stayed in Stephen’s mind and mulled like a roiling, humid cloud of every problem that had ever graced him. The heat clung to his skin. His stomach turned and he looked down, his arms folded over his abdomen. Tony could smell the scent of unhappy omega from across the table.
“Yeah. Not feeling great,” he lied.
Tony’s eyes were so warm and comforting that Stephen’s stomach couldn’t help but crawling higher into his throat and nestling there like some sort of weak and defenseless baby bird. Stephen’s cheeks were hot with shame.
“Are you sure that’s everything? Please tell me if something’s bothering you, Stephen. I love you. I want to help.”
Stephen’s stomach churned and he ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up. Tony leaped to his feet and rushed over but Stephen waved him away.
“Oh God- oh God Stephen!” Tony cried.
“I’m- I’m fine,” Stephen coughed. He wiped his mouth and downed his lemonade, popping a few breath mints into his mouth. He let out a low groan and took a deep breath.
“Jesus Stephen, let’s go home. You’re sick. You need to rest.” “No. You brought me here on a date. We’re staying.” The resolution in Stephen’s voice felt strong and clear and hard and unwavering, the same way a freshly poured asphalt highway stretches on and on and on until it dissolves into a dazzling mirage. Endless and resolute in a way that made Tony feel tiny in comparison.
“Are you sure?”
Stephen ate his last chicken tender and tossed the tray.
“Maybe we can try at one of those fair games,” Stephen offered.
“Aren’t they all rigged?”
“Well that makes winning more impressive,” Stephen said with a grin.
Stephen took Tony’s hand and they walked through the fair before stopping at a booth: balloons and darts. Stephen bent over, looking at the booth. Then there was a loud whistle and a squeak from Stephen that had Tony’s alpha growling in his chest. Tony turned and snapped at the fuck boy alpha that currently had his hand on his omega’s ass. Stephen turned and slapped the guy’s hand away, face red and furious. His blue-green eyes burned like two twin stars hovering above the ocean horizon.
“Hey sweet-cheeks, what’s a pretty little omega like you doing with a boring alpha like him?” the guy said with a thousand-watt smile.
“Not interested.”
“Aw, come on baby, don’t be like that.”
“He said he’s not interested,” Tony growled.
The guy rolled his eyes.
“Fine, tightass.”
He stalked away and Stephen’s resolve broke. His entire body drooped and he sank into his seat, the smell of pure displeasure and unhappiness radiating from him like a morning fog over a valley. Tony sighed and pulled Stephen to his chest, holding him tight.
“Fuck Stephen- I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault,” Stephen mumbled.
But there was a flat sort of grey hanging in his eyes and Tony knew it wasn’t okay, but he also knew there was nothing he could ever do. Tony held him close, whispering gentle things into Stephen’s ears.
“Hey, I saw what happened.” Tony looked up to see the carnival stand girl looking apologetic at the two of them. “I don’t know if this would make you feel better, but would you like to play a few rounds for free? It’s on the house.”
Tony smiled and looked to Stephen.
“Does that sound fun?”
Stephen shrugged, laying his chin on the counter.
“You play. I’ll watch.”
Tony nodded, a plan in mind. He missed the first shot but nailed the next four. Then he aimed for the bright yellow balloon titled ‘10,000 points.’ It was tiny, underinflated, and unlikely to pop from elasticity tension. Tony ran a few trajectory equations through his head, nibbling at his lip. He had two darts left. Gravity was his best bet, if he could arc the dart so it landed into the balloon, he might stand a chance. All the other balloons were one point, and by now, he could maybe get Stephen one of those cute little teddy bears, but he wanted to get Stephen something bigger. Like that giant fluffy round hamster plushy the size of Tony’s body.
The first dart missed, bouncing off the board and falling to the ground. Tony took a deep breath and tossed the last dart in a high arc, watching as it fell and fell and fell and gained velocity until it popped the yellow balloon with a loud snap.
Stephen grinned and clapped and Tony did a little dance. The girl grinned.
“Congratulations! What prize would you like?”
Tony grinned and pointed up at the massive hamster. The girl pulled down the hamster and passed it to Tony who promptly passed it to Stephen.
“Hey, I know today hasn’t been great, but I’m really glad I got to spend time with you today. You never fail to make me happy, even when the whole world feels bad, and I want you to know I want to be there for you, on all the good days and bad.”
Stephen looked at the hamster, then back at Tony. He sniffled and broke down in tears.
“Oh God- Stephen? Was it something I said? Are you okay? Oh God, I’m so sorry!” Tony stammered.
Stephen whimpered, tears pouring down his face. Then he turned and ran, the hamster in his arms as he wove through the crowd and through carnival stands. Tony stared after him, heart sinking. He stood there for a second before taking off after Stephen.
It took him twenty minutes to find Stephen in one of the animal shows, surrounded by cages of fluffy baby bunnies. He was crying silently into the hamster, squeezed tight in his arms. Tony knelt beside him.
“Stephen?” His voice was soft. Something was very wrong. “Please… please just tell me what’s wrong. I want to help you.”
Stephen looked away. His chest was so full of lead he couldn’t bring himself to speak. He felt heavy and dense, like an ancient tree rooted to the ground, bark worn by the elements but still there. Unmoving. Unable to move.
Stephen let out a choked whimper.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to tell you.” His voice was cracking and frail. So weak. But it was the truth.
“That’s okay. I just want to make sure you’re safe… are you safe?” Tony asked, taking Stephen’s hands in his.
Stephen nodded.
“It’s just… I don’t know.” Stephen hung his head.
“It’s okay not to know,” Tony whispered. “Do you want to go home now?”
Stephen shook his head.
“I want to ride the Ferris Wheel. Like we do every year.”
Tony smiled softly and hugged Stephen, staying there for a second, the way a curling vine of ivy finds comfort in cracked bark, grey with exhaustion. They stayed there for a bit, nestled amongst the animal cages and beneath the flair of the crowded festival like the world was fog and they were the grass, rooted in place.
Stephen moved first, reaching up and pulling himself to his feet and then reaching for Tony to help him up.
“You know, you’re the best alpha I could have ever wished for,” Stephen said with a small, bittersweet smile.
“Well… I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to fall in love with,” Tony responded.
“Do you promise you’ll always be with me? Through everything?” Stephen asked, squeezing Tony’s hand.
“Of course. I love you, Stephen. And nothing can ever make me stop.”
Tony leaned up and kissed Stephen softly, sweetly. Stephen let his eyes drift closed and he savored every single saccharine second.
They found the Ferris Wheel easily. It was the center of the fair, after all. And one long line later they were sitting in a car going up and up and up. Stephen fidgeted quietly. It was funny how the second all you needed was time it seemed to twist and turn and go faster and faster so blindingly fast you can barely even remembered what you prepared to say. When the carriage got halfway up its arc Stephen bit his lip, letting out a little, tightly-wound sigh.
“Tony… I need to tell you what’s wrong. I’ve been avoiding it all day, but… I just wanted one last good day with you before it all changed.” Stephen looked over the edge of the carriage and let out a dry chuckle. “Although I suppose I ruined my chance at that, too.”
“What- what are you talking about?” Tony’s voice was on edge.
“I-I’m pregnant.”
Stephen stared at Tony full-on. He kept searching for something other than shock but it was like combing a beach for something that just wasn’t there. Stephen’s hands started to shake.
“T-Tony? Please say something.”
Stephen’s voice sounded so small. He felt so small.
“Am I- Am I the dad?” Tony finally asked.
Anger flared deep in Stephen’s gut and for a moment he wanted to slap Tony off of the stupid Ferris Wheel.
“Of course you’re the father!” Stephen snapped. “You fucking idiot- you really think I’m screwing a dozen alphas behind your back?”
His scent soured and he turned away, glaring. Tony stayed quiet.
“Whatever. You probably want to break up with me now anyways. Just do it. I don’t want to have you pretend to care about this. I’ll just… forget about my full-ride to Columbia. I doubt my parents will even let me go. They want me to stay on the farm and become a good obedient little housespouse omega.” Stephen let out an involuntary whimper. Tears were pouring down his cheeks and he hugged himself. “I thought I was going to be happy… I thought I was going to have a future, but I- I don’t know anymore!”
The whole world felt like it was collapsing, folding in an compressing into one invincible singularity stuck in Stephen’s windpipe. Everything was spinning and hot and his head hurt so so much… Stephen closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands, sobbing.
Then, Tony gently wrapped his arms around Stephen, pulling the crying omega to his chest.
“Shh… it’s okay. I’m sorry, I just… I’m a father…” A small smile appeared on Tony’s face. “I couldn’t believe it. But Stephen, whatever you choose to do, this is your choice, and I will back you up 1,000%. I love you, and I meant it when I said I would stay with you no matter what. I know how much medical school means to you, and I swear that I can help you take care of our child so you can study if you choose to keep it. You don’t need to give up your dream, your dream can always stay. If you choose not to keep it, then I’ll be there for you too. No matter what you choose, we’re in this together.”
Stephen let his hands fall away from his face and his head plop on Tony’s shoulder. He was still crying and shaking, but this time from happiness. Tony wasn’t leaving him. He wasn’t going to be stuck alone on a farm his whole life. He would be okay. They would be okay.
He turned and tackled Tony in a hug, enough to rattle their cart. Tony laughed and held them as they reached the top of the Ferris Wheel, watching as the sun set over the fair and the town and everything surrounding it and turned it all to gold.
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