#but i doubt my prof would agree :(
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gojonanami · 16 days
sort of idea for prof satoru bear with me
idk if this makes sense but in prof suguru, it’s like suguru stuck in his head taking a few steps forwards then taking many back with his relationship with the reader (if that makes sense) so maybe for prof satoru maybe it can be the opposite?
satoru seems very secure/confident in his position, maybe cocky even. yes both him and suguru can command a room while their teaching but the difference between the two is while suguru’s more a suave kinda guy, satoru thrives off his more engaging and boyish charm— after all i can see satoru hating standing up all day and just lecturing he wants to make physics fun
idk if you’re still gonna go off that one idea an anon sent way back when but if it’s gonna be a semblance of shy/does not want to be perceived reader x confident hot professor who now has a hyperfixation on them it would make sense for reader to be the one stuck in their head, the one doubting because of the sudden attention and who it’s from.
i wish i knew things about physics to help in that aspect but physics was an active participant in my academic downfall lol
no I feel that!! I completely agree with this 🫣 but now reader is gonna be a department head instead of a student but I’m sure I can figure out how to incorporate some of this :)
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whatevergreen · 4 days
A 2008 (pre-election) Huff Post interview with Jewish-American author Adam Mansbach includes this:
Prof. David Browmich argues that Israel has outgrown its cultural history of victimization to become the chief oppressor of the Middle East, including a nuclear terror that might invade Iran. Do you feel this fear of a literal end to the Jews raise its head in macro or micro form in your novel?
"There's hardly a word about Israel in this novel, although certainly the past specter of an end to the Jews, and the seemingly-perpetual fear of a future one, give the title its bite, make people frown or laugh or shoot me a quizzical look when I tell them what my new book's called. Personally, my Jewish upbringing, such as it was, did not include Hebrew school, which from what I can gather is where a lot of kids first get indoctrinated with the idea that as a Jew you're supposed to love and defend (with words, if not actions) the state of Israel. My family was very secular; my parents sent me to the So You Think You Might Be Jewish Sunday School and Grill out of guilt, and I got kicked out of it for singing "Livin' On A Prayer" by Bon Jovi into a mic at an all-school assembly when I was supposed to read a prayer. This was my way of acting out my anger toward my racist Jewish History teacher, who liked to tell us kids stories about the Great Jewish Exodus. You know, the one from Roxbury in the 1950s, when the blacks moved in.
When the word got out that I was publishing this book, I started getting invited to Jewish conferences, retreats, etc - which was weird, since this is third novel and nobody had ever considered me a Jewish writer before, except for the white supremacists who tried to get all my speaking gigs for Angry Black White Boy canceled, and accused me of "masquerading as white." From what I've been able to discern in the past year or two, going to all these events, the dominant concern among the Jewish generation in power seems to be that young people aren't participating enough in Jewish life, and through apathy, intermarriage, nonobservance, the Jews are going to wither and disappear. It creeps me out to be in a room full of Jews in which racial purity seems to be an agreed-upon goal, though I certainly understand where it comes from.
What bothers me most, though, is the mix of naivete and cynicism with which the young demographic is being courted; the underlying goal seems to be Jewish marriage/procreation/participation, but it's couched in all these other terms, disguised inside all these clumsy maneuvers. It's like, "What do young Jews like these days? Pancakes? Okay, we'll have a pancake breakfast, and hopefully Isaac's hand will brush against Rachel's while they're both reaching for the maple syrup, and we'll get some babies out of this."
Where do you stand on the idea of Israel as a religious homeland for Jews, as well as its geopolitical realities, which are more bloody and less romantic?
"I don't claim to be an expert. I haven't been there. But the notion that a Jewish life is worth more than a Palestinian one seems to underwrite so much of what's happening, and so much of the conversation about Israel in America's Jewish community, and that is deeply troubling. The things I read and hear from friends who have traveled in Israel and Palestine leave me with no doubt that an apartheid-like situation is in effect, and that is unacceptable.
I think there's a lot of willing suspension of disbelief on the part of American Jews about the actions of the Israeli military. People don't want to accept that they would do the things they do, so they decide they don't do them, or that they must have their reasons and delving into them isn't necessary -- and this is among the same people who would never dream of giving a pass to Bush, people outraged about Darfur and Gitmo and every other outrageous thing happening on the world stage. To me, one of the strengths of Jewish culture is the fact that everything is constantly scrutinized and discussed and argued over. Questioning and dialogue and vigorous study are the things I connect with: the notion of a Talmud that literally has no margins because every possible inch of space was covered in a multi-century discussion of life and law. So Jewish group-think frightens me; Jewish dogma without counter-dogma frightens me. I think that the Jews should have a homeland, yes -- but I also think it's fascinating that some scholars and rabbis believe that homeland is intended to be a state of mind, that some believe the greatest sin possible is to claim that homeland by force, and that several different homelands for the Jews have been proposed in this century alone. The "if you don't love Israel you're not a good Jew" mentality really bothers me. As does, I suppose, the notion of a "good Jew."
You're steeped in black culture but Jewish. How has the relationship changed over time in your mind, and what do you think having a black president during a time of Israel's geopolitical ascendancy will do to it?
"Perhaps no two ethnic groups in America share so unique, intimate, and checkered a past, politically and artistically, as blacks and Jews. I thought it was interesting that Obama touched on the fraying of relations between the two communities in his big speech on race, but I also thought his decision to essentially elaborate on his rejection of Minister Farrakan because of Farrakhan's alleged anti-Semitism was more in line with the reasons black-Jewish relations have suffered than with any attempt to mount new dialogue. It was red meat for Jewish voters. On the Jewish side, the problem with black-Jewish relations is that a handful of ill-advised and highly objectionable statements made by a few prominent black leaders in the mid-eighties have never been forgotten. And they should be. Yes, Jesse Jackson once referred to New York City as 'Hymietown." Yes, Al Sharpton could have conducted himself better during the Crown Heights riots. But these incidents happened twenty years ago.
Not only have Sharpton, Jackson, and even Farrakhan (whose outreach to the Jewish community over the last ten years has been considerable, if seldom-reported) moved on, but so has black leadership. Obama's candidacy and the emergence of hip hop generation leaders and grassroots political organizations prove that the civil rights generation is no longer in the driver's seat. Yet, these figures remain central in the collective Jewish memory - fixed in history, reduced to their offensive comments, and treated as proof of black anti-Semitism. Why? Because it provides an excuse for Jewish disengagement -- emotionally, practically, financially -- from the continuing struggle for equality. It allows Jews to disinvest in the black community and the legacy of progressive work that blacks and Jews once shared.
One of the most fascinating stories of the 20th century, and one that I try to tell in The End of the Jews, is how both Jewish assimilation and Jewish self-identity have relied on the immutability of black Otherness. As the Jews have become whiter and richer, we've also gained the ability to engage in the same kind of complacency and hypocrisy that has long characterized the rest of white liberal America. Jews can now lament racial injustice without either fighting or acknowledging the ways in which it benefits us. The post-World War II Jewish credo has been to 'never forget,' and maintain eternal vigilance against the smallest rustling of anti-Semitism. I understand that. But I also lament that fact that whenever something does happen, regardless of whether the offensive speech or action stems from true malice or ignorance, whether it is repented for or not, the gates come crashing down, and dialogue is considered anathema. I think it's time to really rethink this, especially given the tremendous attacks that civil rights and civil liberties have taken under this president (Bush)."
Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-this-the-end-of-the-je_b_119055
(All the interesting sections are above regarding Israel, Zionism, Palestine, and race. I wouldn't bother with the full article unless you have an ad blocker, as advertising actually obscures parts of the text. Of the above sections.)
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I have yet another Fic idea that’s been bouncing around in my funny lil noggin for months! Yay! I call it my Stuck in the Middle AU (working title).
 Premise: Master of Death Harry unsatisfied with the role forced on him in the afterlife, endeavors to recruit an disembodied soul from a Universe where the entirety of HARRY POTTER is nothing more than a fictional story for children to help him destroy the 3 Hallows before they could ever come into his hands. He finds such a soul through happenstance & makes a deal, to allow that soul to return to their life they just left if they help him destroy the Hallows to which they agree.
The catch: Because Harry’s only enjoyment in the afterlife is messing with one Tom Marvolo Riddle, the vessel he chooses to house this soul is none other than the recently deceased Myrtle Warren, killed by none other TMR himself.
This entire fic is told from the soul’s pov as they struggle with being stuck in the middle of the most bizarre form of purgatory.
Snippet #1:
Abraxas Malfoy (outta breath & rushing into the Slytherin common room): SHE’S ALIVE!!!
TMR: Who’s alive?
Abraxas: WARREN!
TMR: What?!
Snippet #2:
Albus Dumbledore: Do you remember what happened to you, Myrtle?
Not Myrtle: Who the fuck is Myrtle?
Prof. Dumbledore: You are.
Not Myrtle: No I’m—(pauses suddenly seeing MOD Harry shaking his head)—Where am I?
Prof. Dumbledore: Hogwarts.
Not Myrtle (laughing): Oh sure…What’s next you’re gonna tell me you’re Albus Dumbledore?
Prof. Dumbledore: …I am.
*MOD Harry face palming*
Snippet # 3:
Not Myrtle (to themself): This a post 2020 world, yeah this might as well just happen…
Snippet # 4:
Cygnus Black (talking about Myrtle): Word is she has amnesia. Doesn’t remember who or what attacked her.
Tom: Good. Let’s ensure we keep it that way.
Cygnus: Though I’ve heard she’s been a bit off.
Tom: How so?
Cygnus: She’s been talking to herself incoherently.
Tom: Incoherently?
Cygnus: Just what Hornby tells me. They think she’s made up her own language or something. Sounds like she’s gone mad. Even if she did remember, I doubt anyone would believe her.
Tom: Prof. Dumbledore would.
Snippet #5:
MOD Harry: You do realize, you’re the only one who can see me? Everyone else thinks you’ve gone mad babbling to yourself.
Not Myrtle: What?! And you only tell me this now?! I’ve been here for days!
MOD Harry: I thought it was obvious. Do you see anyone else addressing me? And I’ll also inform you that when you speak to me, you don’t speak in English…
Not Myrtle: Then what the hell am I speaking?!
MOD Harry: The language of the dead.
Not Myrtle: Is that why people keep looking at me like I’m crazy?!
MOD Harry: Oh definitely. Most of them think you’re possessed.
Not Myrtle: …isn’t that technically true?
MOD Harry: Sort of. You’re the possessor, not the possessee.
Snippet #6:
Not Myrtle (to MOD Harry): Look I didn’t ask to be put in the middle of whatever dick measuring contest you have going on with a teenage boy!
And I think that’s all the dialogue snippets I have for now. But if I think of more I’ll post ‘em.
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snowbanshee · 7 months
Because @salternateunreality started it and then it just didn't stop.
What I mostly like about the little S/L ship is how healthily balanced their relationship seems to be. They both seem to be equally powerful, but in different ways.
Lazard is not physically strong, but when it comes to social situations, he’s an expert. The youngest Director in ShinRa, at 23 years old he is already in charge of ShinRa’s most powerful force, SOLDIER and is doing a good job when dealing with other directors, SOLDIERs, the president, etc. People like Domino and Palmer (sometimes even Reeve) do not get much respect because of how soft they are. And SOLDIERs are apparently not above talking shit about people they do not respect (and you might say duuh, well of course Sephiroth would talk badly and openly disrespect Hojo. And in real life I would agree, but in fiction I guess you can only say a character does smth if they’re portrayed doing smth? So yes, Sephiroth will let people know if he disrespects them). So despite being young, poor and unenhanced, Lazard compensates it with social expertise to gain position of power. We can see that when he predicts Genesis’ parents are lying to ShinRa. And once again, in real life one might say duuuh, but in Crisis Core it is shown that Lazard makes a prediction about people’s motives and behavior and even Zack needs an explanation why he made that guess and later it is revealed that Genesis’ parents indeed cannot be trusted as they falsified info about Genesis (that he wasn’t any special from the G cells – Sephiroth finds their falsified reports later in game). So yes, this short game about Zack takes time to point out how well Lazard can read people.
Which brings me to my point: apparently Sephiroth accepts hugs and affirmations if people interpret his needs correctly. I would have never thought Sephiroth lets people hug him when he’s in a sulky vulnerable mood, but here we go.
I think Lazard is much more protective of Sephiroth than vice versa. He is very conventional and modern when it comes to ideas about leadership – mutual respect, trust, good communication. Which had without a doubt severely clashed with everything Sephiroth believed in when he was transferred from prof Hojo to SOLDIER. Of course Lazard’s main goal in life was to end the evil ShinRa corporation and to do it by destroying SOLDIER department. But for that, he had to establish himself as a leader of SOLDIER first. And Sephiroth needed a lot of conditioning to be undone. Lazard is very hands-on leader who wants to see in person how his SOLDIERs are performing their tasks, to personally evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. So imagine Sephiroth returning from a mission where he slept outside in horrible weather for a week because he was given the wrong key, but he didn’t want to complain, because hardships made him stronger. Or being injured and not having the means to return to the base so he’d walk for miles and miles before getting any medical attention. "Pain is good for you!" After finding it out, Lazard would call him to his office and try to gently suggest that maybe instead of hiding the fact that something is wrong, he can trust him and openly discuss it. I imagine Lazard having to explain to Sephiroth such concepts as survivor’s guilt, etc, to tell Sephiroth what he is feeling and why he’s feeling that. And at first it was probably just so Lazard can have Sephiroth as a functioning team member, but in CC it appears to evolve further and Sephiroth goes to sulk in Lazard’s office when things are bad.
Lazard is portrayed to have a lot of empathy and he fights for the greater good. He sacrificed Genesis, Angeal and himself to destroy ShinRa and yes it was a scummy thing to do and he felt a lot of guilt because of it. But imagine an empathetic person who believes in making the right choices being in charge of young Sephiroth. That young man is so broken even Glenn tries to adopt him. FF7 timeline is a mess, but CC lasts for at least 7 years. So I would say S and L know one another for a decade, give or take a couple of years.
Lazard is pretty upset about his father abandoning his mother and him in the slums. For a young fatherless child, slums must have been a very scary place, especially in dystopian hellscape that is FF7. And while he is well adjusted, having someone as strong and loyal as Sephiroth must feel very nice for him.
And Sephiroth never found his mother, but there was this soft and gentle guardian who probably understood his needs better than he ever could.
This is the part where I wipe a tear and say that in another scenario they could have been perfect for one another. Both professional, respected adults, very strong in their own ways, perfectly fulfilling each other’s needs. But Lazard’s main goal was to destroy the evil corporation and Sephiroth was loyal to ShinRa until it was too late.
Genesis: I hate ShinRa, so I will desert and attack it.
Lazard: I hate ShinRa so I will join it and undo it from inside.
Sephiroth: METEOR.
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unhonestlymirror · 10 months
Geopolitics can alter not only racial taxonomies but linguistics as well - and for some reason, many linguists don't like to admit it. Maybe because it would mean their diploma isn't the licence to be always right.
For example, many OFFICIAL sources love to write "Balto-Slavic languages". Why? You might say "because they are very close to each other historically speaking" - in this case, why don't we use "Scandinavo-Slavic" then? The path from the Varangians to the Greeks, also Шлях із варягів в греки, also "Greek Way" - was the important trade path: Ruthenian merchants, who traveled from Kyiv to Constantinople in 30-40 days, brought bread, handicrafts, silver in coins, slaves, fur, honey, wax, as well as goods from Scandinavia to Byzantium. Wines, spices, fruits, expensive fabrics, jewelry, and glassware were transported from the south along the Dnipro.
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Therefore, it led to formation of Kyivan Rus AND development of Slavic languages. Some russians nowadays genuinely don't believe Olga is a Slavic variant for Helga.
If Scandinavians were economically more powerful, therefore, more influencing - why don't we use Scandinavo-Slavic?
Because the monopolist on Slavic linguistics development for at least several centuries has been... russia. Moscovia, originally. And since Moscovia day and night dreams of getting the lands of Baltics for itself - because it can never get Scandinavia and it realises it pretty much - Moscovia spreads the "Balto-Slavic" narrativ. Despite Baltic and Slavic languages having similarities mostly because of GDL, polonization and russification.
When op said to me, how can it be that hundreds of respectable linguists in America can be wrong - it made me think, "Damn... The level of education there leaves much to be desired." My prof once said, linguists don't have to know the language - and I can't agree with it. Otherwise, how can you be sure you're doing right and not just being a cog in the propaganda machine? I also don't agree that a linguist don't have to know history, politics and economics - for the same reasons.
Why don't American linguists study this topic better? The answer is simple. America, as a state, didn’t care at all that soviet russia erased cities, expropriated cultures, documents, and finds. For example, they say fragments of notes of Priscus of Panium, the one who the first mentioned Ukrainian words, are "tragically unavailable nowadays" - where do you think they are located? Moreover, it was profitable, and it was simpler to establish economic and political ties with one state than with 15 separate independent republics - different duties, different rules for import/export, yk - the headache. This is why American linguists nowadays believe in authority of classification, knowing russian language only or even not knowing any East Slavic language at all. This is why linguists all over the world believe it without any doubts - the same way they believe in "Balto-Slavic languages."
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anewkindofme · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @snowviolettwhite
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
On my current account, 34. But I have another account with 536 (spanning across a good decade).
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
On this account, 715,022.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 Lone Star
The Vampire Diaries Universe
One Tree Hill
Grey's Anatomy
I also used to write for Once Upon A Time and want to get back to that at some point.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
But I'm An Avery (661)
I'm right here (587)
Don't you cry no more (469)
Baby Vampire (459)
Starting Over (387)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely! I love thanking people who took the time to comment. Plus, I love chatting with the readers.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend to not have angsty endings. I think the closest I came was "Words I'll Never Say". Stefan is heartbroken, Damon is brooding. Even though they're comforting each other, it's still sad.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my series are on-going one shot series. I think of the stand alones, "Turkeys" or "Stef" would be the happiest. Damon and Stefan just being happy, lovable brothers.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have in the past. At this point, I just let it roll off my back. But it really doesn't happen too often. Usually just once in awhile when people don't read the tags and then are shocked that there's agere, spanking or something similar in the fic.
9. Do you write smut?
I used to. Kind of want to get back into it, but it'd be on a different pseud.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Well, I have fics that are TVD & The Originals, which is sort of a crossover but they're in the same universe. At one point, I may write a 9-1- 1 & Lone Star crossover and I do have plans to include Private Practice characters in "But I'm An Avery". But again, same universe so nothing crazy. I'm not a huge fan of crossovers from different universes. They can be interesting, but often just not my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. I have had people translate my fics without asking but given they credited me, I wasn't too upset.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Ha, see above.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A very long time ago. It's honestly not my thing. I give people who do it credit. I've found it very hard to merge ideas. My co-writer and I ran into an issue where unintentionally, we'd just take over and write against what was agreed upon. So, it's not something I'd do again.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Snow Queen from Once Upon A Time, hands down. From the fandoms I currently participate in, Haylijah and Tarlos have my entire heart. (Even though I don't write about Tarlos haha)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Most of my fics right now are one-shot series so they don't really have an ending. I have a ton from my old account I wish I had the ideas to finish. On this account, I do wish I could've finished "I've got you brother", as I liked writing about physically de-aged Stefan. But I sort of retooled that into "For a shield from the storm", so I'll likely never return to the first.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel world-building and descriptions. I know some don't like world-building but it's so much fun for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am the queen of run-on sentences. I know somewhere my creative writing prof gets a twinge every time I use one. I also know for sure that sometimes my characters are OOC.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it. I try to branch outside of Google Translate. I think it's fine, so long as you include a disclaimer, translations somewhere (usually author's notes) and are willing to have native speakers correct you. Which I always tell them to do when it comes to my fics.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Twilight. No shame in the game.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Out of the ones on this account, I've enjoyed writing "But I'm An Avery", "The Little Monkey", "For a shield from the storm", "Baby Vampire" and "Don't you cry no more" the most.
No pressure tag: @cianmars
All the other people I'd usually tag were tagged by snowvioletwhite, so open tag to anyone else who wants to partake.
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tryan-a-bex · 1 year
Halloween; or, Violence, seen from far away, is entertaining
Inspired by a comment by Moreta (ao3), @entropy-mephit, who also did the art! My version and hers are included below. Hers is the fancy one! (Read on ao3.)
Hob watched over Dream’s shoulder as he scrolled through Pinterest posts of Halloween costumes.
“Hob, I do not want to do this. Why may I not just go as myself?” he grumbled.
“No! Love! The point of a Halloween party is to get dressed up and admire each other’s costumes! Don’t worry, the faculty has a huge range of investment is costuming. Some will go all out, especially the arts profs, but plenty of us are going to keep it simpler. What do you think of that pirate costume?”
“What if I go like this?” Dream suggested, suddenly two feet taller and dripping shadows everywhere. Hob cupped his pale, amorphous cheek tenderly in his hand.
“You know I love your Nightmare form, but I think it would be a little over the top for the party.” Hob blinked and Dream was back in his accustomed form, pointing at another picture.
“This one has cat ears, and a tail.” Hob’s lap was abruptly full of a large, black Maine Coon cat.
“Silly duck! Even the non-physicists would have questions about your change in mass!”
“I want to support you in your work social functions, but this is ridiculous!” Hob sighed.
“Anya is coming over soon for babysitting, so why don’t we put it away for now? We can revisit it later, and maybe we’ll think of something in the meantime.”
“Yes, I will go and return when my duties are complete. Maybe I will find something in a dream that will work.” Dream sounded doubtful, but he still gave Hob a tender goodbye kiss before disappearing to his realm.
Hob sighed and went downstairs to greet Yor and Anya. The New Inn has been rented out for a birthday party, so he was going to babysit Anya upstairs at his place for the first time.
“Yor! Anya! Come on upstairs!” he greeted them when they arrived.
“Anya gets to see Hob’s flat!” Anya exclaimed with wonder in her voice.
“I’m sure it won’t be that exciting!” he chuckled, opening the door. Yor entered first, and he saw how thoroughly she inspected the room, while looking as though she was just glancing around. It must have passed muster, because she turned to Anya and gave her a hug.
“Have fun with Hob, Anya!” she said, leaving her with a smile and a little nod at Hob. Hob nodded back, smiling as he squatted to Anya’s level.
“Would you like to play Spy again today?” he asked. Spy was Anya’s favourite make-believe game.
“Today, Anya is an explorer! Anya wants to explore Hob’s flat!”
“Uhhh…” Hob had tidied up, of course, and child-proofed the most dangerous things (the cleaning fluids were on a high shelf in the closet instead of on the floor beside the toilet, for example), but he was sure a determined child like Anya could find something to get into. He’d have to watch her like a hawk!
“TV. Anya has a tv,” Anya began, walking around the living room. She passed the couch to stare at the bookshelves against the wall.
“Hob has a lot of books,” she declared.
“Um, yeah,” he agreed. “Some of them are quite old. Would you like to look at a book?” he hoped she would be amenable to letting him guide the choice of book. Some of his first editions weren’t really in condition for casual handling.
“What is that?” Anya pointed at the top shelf, way in the corner. Ah. Hob had gotten out his old plague doctor mask from storage, back in 2020. He hadn’t been able to help as much this time as in the past, due to licensing requirements for health care providers, but he had covered a few in-person lectures for his immunocompromised colleagues before admin got on board with the quarantine, and he’d handed out masks in the Tube before they they were required.
“Take this, it’ll save your life, mate.” It was a surreal time.
Hob handed the mask down to Anya, remembering the first time he had put it on. He’d survived the plague the first time, when most of his family died. He’d survived it again in the early 1500’s, while he was building his fortune. It had been easier that time, because the plague was always kinder to the rich than the poor. It was in 1665, while he was recovering from grief and from being drowned, that he donned the mask. If he wasn’t going to die, Hob had realized, there were so many lives he could save. Basic battlefield first aid got him started—give thirsty people water to drink. Put a blanket on them if they were chilled. Give them a damp rag if they were feverish. Clean their bodies as much as possible. So many people still died, but maybe not quite as many. Hob was grateful for each one who had recovered.
“Hob did not die for a long time,” Anya came out with, looking quizzically at him with the mask in her hands. Oh, shit. He hadn’t meant to give away that secret; he’d forgotten she was a telepath in the rush of memories. He looked her steadily in the eyes.
“Your papa has a secret, and your mama has a secret.” Anya had told him so the first time she met Dream. She hadn’t told him what the secret was, but Hob could guess, based on how extremely competent and dangerous her parents were.
“You have a secret,” she nodded in agreement, a serious look on her little face, “and I have a secret too,” Hob finished.
“Dream has a secret too,” Anya pointed out. “Franky and Uncle Yuri also.” Hob just nodded. He so did not want to open that can of worms!
“Time to explore again!” Anya suddenly announced, putting the plague mask down on the coffee table. She headed down the hall, Hob darting after her with, he had to admit, some trepidation in his heart. He hadn’t really planned on her seeing the bedroom. He’d better check it first, before she poked her nose in.
Hob stuck his nose in the bedroom, seeing with relief that it was fairly tidy and didn’t have any child-unfriendly things lying around. He turned to try to head her off anyway, only to see that it was already too late. Instead of aiming for the bedroom, she had opened the hall closet where he’d stuffed his dangerous items, and there she was, holding the hilt of his great sword, which was taller than she was. Hob winced and gently took it from her.
“How about we go explore in the park?” He suggested, determinedly turning his thoughts away from all the people he’d killed with that sword, and the times he’d nearly been killed himself, as he stowed it away again.
“Yes! Anya wants to explore the park!” She grabbed his hand enthusiastically, barely slowing down to put her shoes on as they headed outside.
Hob made sure she stopped to check for traffic before crossing the road, then sauntered after her as she dashed through the park, weaving around the few people who were also out enjoying it. She came to a halt as she spotted a raven in the grass, and crouched low to approach it, a crafty expression on her face. Ah, playing Spy again, Hob thought. The raven hopped toward the tree, then suddenly took off to caw at her from its branches.
“Anya is an explorer!” Anya proclaimed to the red-haired man sitting against the base of the tree.
“I’m a bit of an explorer too,” he confessed, patting his little bundle, which was tied to a stick like an old time hobo. Hob felt strangely at ease with him, even though he couldn’t have said why he felt familiar. Perhaps they’d met before.
“You have a secret too,” Anya disclosed. The man raised his eyebrows, glancing at Hob.
“Ah, Anya, most people do have secrets, you know. It’s generally not polite to ask about them, unless you really need to know, or if someone is not safe. In that case you should really tell a grown up…” Hob trailed off as he realized the other two were ignoring him. The stranger was being submitted to Anya’s piercing gaze, the one where it seemed she could read your soul. She didn’t break the gaze first, he did.
“You should probably ask my brother if you want to know my secrets, Hob. We have met, you know. It was very long ago. In fact, it was your memories today which drew me here.”
“You’re not the one he calls the Prodigal, are you?” Hob wondered, making connections in his head. Dream had a lot of siblings, and they were all remarkable. The man smiled brilliantly.
“I am! You can call me Joe.”
“It’s nice to meet….” Hob started, but Anya was interrupting, grabbing Joe’s hand.
“Anya wants a story! Tell me about exploring!” she demanded. Joe nodded.
“Well, there was this one day I was wandering with my dog, Barnabas,” he began.
“Anya knows Barnabas! He came here before!” Anya interrupted.
“Did he? That’s nice! So, Barnabas and I…” Hob settled in for a good story, hoping it would last until Yor returned.
Later that day, having said goodbye to Joe, Anya and Yor, Hob trudged up to his flat and flopped on the couch. His eyes fell on the plague mask, still sitting on the coffee table, and he was stuck by inspiration. Just then, Dream appeared.
“Hello, Hob,” he smiled as Hob moved to give him room on the couch.
“I met your brother today!” Hob revealed, “and I think I know what to do for your Halloween costume!”
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Two weeks later, Hob and Dream were standing outside the faculty Halloween party. Hob had recreated his plague doctor outfit, and Dream was wearing his helm and robe, toned-down a bit on Hob’s advice. Dream was having second thoughts.
“Don’t worry, Duck, it will be fine,” Hob reassured him, taking him by the hand and drawing him gently into the party room. Five minutes later, they were at the refreshments table when an elaborate Big Ben Hob didn’t know came up to them.
“Excellent plague doctor mask!” she enthused. “It looks so authentic!”
“Thank you!” Hob answered, loving how willing people were to see what they expected to see.
“And you!” she turned excitedly to Dream, “I love your mask! Where did you get it?”
“I created it from the skull and spine of my enemy, who I crushed with my own hands,” Dream intoned in his most ominous voice.
“Brilliant! Great backstory! I love how you commit to the bit!” she gushed.
“Hob?” Dream whined.
“Don’t worry, love, you’re doing excellently,” Hob consoled him as they walked further into the party, once again holding hands.
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Read previous: Butterflies
Read from the beginning: Space Buns
Read next: Secrets
Why I call Destruction Joe (or Not Joe).
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awolnationstateofmind · 8 months
I don’t think Ali and Ashlyn’s issues are related to the Esther thing at all tbh. Their work knew them both, knew how public they were and what not. I can’t possibly imagine Gotham somehow requesting them to suddenly not post together. Like at least publicly still, they are married with two kids. And Ali is about to retire. It would be super weird to me that Gotham had anything to do with it. Personally I just think maybe they’ve been growing apart since Ashlyn retired, maybe now with her not training she’s out doing more events and they just grew apart. It’s hard to say but as a fan for so so long, things are def off.
Also rumors of Ashlyn cheating, like she has in the past. And she’s clearly online, she saw the rumors when she posted ig pics, and instead of letting it die out, she went on to repost more photos of the women ppl said she looked way to close too. That’s weird behavior in my opinion. Like regardless if she cheated or not, she for sure saw the comments saying she did, and again still went on to post more photos with the women. Super weird.
I also will never comment on this on social media they see. But I appreciate others talking about it here because so many fans just get angry and say stop speculating. But they have made theirs lives and relationship so public, it’s only natural we are curious. Again I agree with not commenting to them personally but here I think it’s fine to talk about.
While I agree with the fact that it would be weird with Gotham, I don’t think it would be out of the ordinary still. Honestly this slip from Ali cost them a lot of money so without asking them not to communicate anymore they may have asked them to be more careful online and in public.
As for Ash cheating, everyone knows she never cheated and would never do it. She loves Ali too much. And her family even more.
At the time people only speculated that she cheated but they never proved it and I really doubt Ali would have stayed with her if she had.
I guess we can all say something is off, but I really hope they are not separated, and I really believe they aren’f. Things might not rainbows and butterflies, but many people said they saw them together recently just not online.
Ash posted the photo with her friend from fashion, I agree it wasn’t her smartest move considering all the shit that was going on online already, but I really can’t fathom the idea of her posting her side chick on her insta page. I mean can you imagine? + the woman in question clearly said it was complete shit.
Ali also restricted her comments on insta instead of explaining the situation.. they are both really weird on social media we can agree on that?
I just don’t imagine any kind of cheating thing… I really don’t get why people would think that. They haven’t go any real prof to go with that I don’t even know where they came from 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
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reidsconverse · 3 years
The Price of Happiness - iii
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Prof!Spencer X Fem!Student!Reader
Summary: Reader has dilemma and Spencer has a solution....
Warnings: 15 year age gap, Eventual Smut, Sexual Themes and Undertones, Bad Language (is this a warning?) flashback in italics 
Word Count: 3.9K | thank you to @spencersawkward bc this wouldnt have been written without her!
A/N: ok this was originally going to be like 8K but I split it into half so chapter 4 will be a direct continuation of the ending of this! Also thank you so much for being patient with my awful upload schedule, you guys are truly amazing!
Your week had, strangely, been going great. You'd managed to finish all of your assignments, completed all the menial household tasks you'd been too busy to, and you had even managed to binge-watch every single episode of the new series of Doctor Who.
Yeah, your week had been great...until it wasn't.
Fire alarms, your neighbours arguing and the hollow rattle of your old radiator.
You were used to the nightly noises of your apartment building, but the sound of water hitting the floor and the creaks of the leaky pipe above you drew you out of your sleep. It took you a moment to realise what was happening, but a tiny droplet of water hitting your face made you open your eyes and look frantically around your room. The first things you noticed were your clothes and belongings soaked in dirty water.
You were tempted to ignore the problem for just a few more minutes, but the incessant sounds taunted you until you finally threw off the covers and slowly knelt to the ground, visibly cringing as your knees met the awful feeling of soggy carpet. You began to sort through the mess on the floor, the heaps of clean laundry you'd been telling yourself to put away for weeks were ruined, and you swore you could hear the faint sound of your mother's voice in the back of your head, telling you that it was your fault for being lazy and letting it pile up in the first place.
It had just turned 7:30 am when your landlord showed up and began pounding on your door. You quickly got back up and walked out into the living room so you could open the door for him. You'd called him a few moments after you'd woken up, almost an hour before he'd showed up. He'd responded with a gruff, "What do you want?" you could practically hear him rolling his eyes on the other end of the line as you explained the reason behind your call.
"How did this happen?" You said, wiping your damp hands on your pyjama shorts and walking over to where he was standing. Your landlord sucked; he was an older man who always came across as slightly creepy and was notorious for being a cheapskate nearly everything in your shitty apartment was falling apart, half the appliances didn't work, and you swore you almost froze last winter because he refused to turn on the heat for the building the only reason you had agreed to rent the place was that it was rent-controlled and 5 minutes from campus.
"Pipe must've burst overnight." He said with a shrug, and maybe it was the fact that you were so sleep deprived from staying up late last night studying for the redo of your midterm for Dr Reid's class or maybe it was that stupid nonchalant look on your landlord's face, but all you wanted to do was yell at him and give him a piece of your mind. But you couldn't, so you settled for getting together your most passive-aggressive look and speaking in a manner that would no doubt show your irritation.
"You mean the leaking pipe that I told you about that you said you'd fixed?" You crossed your arms over your chest.
"I did fix it...I think. Anyhow someone will be by later to repair the damage." He said, turning around to walk back towards the door, he looked at you again, and a small smile appeared on his face before he opened his mouth. "I'll just add it to your rent this month." That bastard.
The moment he left, you began scrambling around looking for your phone, and after sifting through the piles of clothes in your, you finally found it. Your relief was short-lived, however, because when you saw the time, your heart sunk. 8:25. You only had 5 minutes to find something to wear and get to class. Because your luck was basically non-existent, one quick look at your schedule reminded you it was none other than Professor Reid's class. As much as you wanted to see him, you couldn't deny part of you hoped he was still away. But, truthfully, you didn't know if you were ready to face him.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you bent down to open the bottom drawer of your dresser, which you'd aptly named 'the junk drawer'. It was full of things that hadn't found a home elsewhere in your room, such as old clothes that you hadn't had time to donate, fancy dress costumes and old nick-nacks you'd decided you just had to bring from home because you had an awful habit of forming emotional attachments to inanimate objects. Reaching into the packed drawer, you pulled out the first two things that could pass as an outfit and put it on. Usually, you would take your time getting ready for his class, even if you were late. It wasn't that you wanted to impress him; you just liked looking put together so he wouldn't have more reason to judge you, not that you expect him to be that kind of person. Still, he always seemed to stare at you, and you couldn't help but wonder what he thought when he saw you. You just hoped it was all good things... Ok, so maybe you did want to impress him and honestly, who could blame you.
But today, with everything that had happened, you did not have the energy to care about your appearance and besides, you hadn't seen Spencer in a week, and since then, he hadn't given you any indication that he was back in town or at the college. You honestly had no reason to think that he would be there. So when you entered the stuffy classroom at exactly 8:39, wearing the old high school skirt that you had packed as a joke paired with a tiny tank top that had shrunk in the wash and you saw him standing at the front of the class with a shit-eating smirk on his face, you wished you had at least taken the time to stop in front of a mirror before leaving your apartment,
"Miss Y/L/N, nice of you to join us," He said, and you couldn't help but take notice of the way his eyes were trailing your body as you quickly moved to take a seat in the row directly in front of him. He slowly paced the floor, making his way towards where you were sat, standing straight in front of you and the look he gave you was almost intimidating. He smiled, and you noticed his attention was solely focused on you, as though the rest of the class had disappeared and it was just the two of you in the room, "I'll see you after class." He quipped, his gaze still stuck on you, and though the moment was only a few seconds long, you felt as though it lasted for hours. He gave you one last glance before turning his attention back to the class, his hands moving energetically as he continued with the topic he'd been discussing before you had walked in.
You felt someone nudge your side, and you heard them speak before you could turn to face them, "Damn he wants to see you again?" Iris, your friend, said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, she'd been suspicious of you for a while now, and you could tell she knew something was up, especially after your conversation last week...
You'd gotten home from the cafe to find Iris waiting for you outside your apartment, and you'd barely had time to get through the door before she was hurling questions at you.
"Was it a date?" She asked you as she ran to take a seat on your old beat-up couch, crossing her legs and turning to face you.
"Iris..." You sighed, taking off your jacket and placing it on the armchair before taking a seat beside her, placing a cushion on your lap so you would have something to fiddle with. You had a bad habit of having to play with something when you were nervous, and right now, your nerves were through the roof.
"What? You said you would tell me...you always tell me everything." She was right, you two had known each other since high school, and she had been the one person you knew you could run to in any situation, so keeping this secret from her was much more challenging you had expected.
"It was nothing, I saw him at the cafe and I decided to ask him about my midterm..."
"The one you failed?" She said before letting out a slight squeal as you threw the extra cushion at her playfully.
"Yes, the one I failed, thank you for reminding me." You said, jokingly rolling your eyes and laughing as she held her hands up in mock surrender, "Anyway, he's like never available when I am so I just took my opportunity."
"And?" She persisted,
"And nothing, he invited me to sit with him so we could discuss it and that's what I did. I wasn't ready to leave and I wasn't there with anyone so I didn't have any excuse." You got up to walk over to the fridge, grabbing an unopened bottle of wine and 2 glasses before making your way back to the table.
"Right..." Her tone was riddled with suspicion, and you couldn't blame her. She quickly took the glasses from your hand, pouring herself a drink before doing the same for you. As she handed you your drink, you saw something unreadable pass over her face.
"What?" You could hear the defensiveness in your voice. Truthfully you had known that whatever tale you spun wasn't going to be good enough. For a moment, you debated telling the truth. Still, you knew it would end up being too messy, mainly because, despite the talk with Spencer, you were still confused about what was going on.
"Nothing... he just seems to be very friendly with you s'all..." She lifted the drink to her lips to hide her smirk, and all you could do was roll your eyes.
"I'm not discussing this again.. he does not have a 'thing' for me." Your fingers formed quotations around the word to emphasise the ridiculousness of the situation. However, you had to admit you'd been wondering if that had been the real reason behind his sudden and less than expected offer.
"Whatever you say..." Her teasing tone made you throw your head back in frustration, and you quickly finished the drink in your hand. "It wouldn't be all bad though, I mean he's really att-..."
"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Is." You said, but the look on your face told her you weren't about to disagree with what she was about to say. She just shook her head with a laugh and thankfully changed the topic to talk about her awful boss. Though you tried to listen, your mind wandered to your conversation with Spencer and when you would speak to him next...
"Hello... Earth to Y/N.." Iris's voice made you jump in your seat, and she laughed as she watched you turn to glare at her, "Wow, someone caught your eye huh?" She teased, and you couldn't stop a flustered look taking over your face.
"What? I don't-." You stammered out; the heat began rising to your cheeks in embarrassment as she gestured her head towards something, and as your eyes followed her gaze, you realised you had been staring at Dr Reid. He was deep in a conversation with someone about... well, you didn't really have a clue given that you hadn't been paying attention to anything he'd been saying. Still, you couldn't stop the small smile that crept onto your face when you saw how enthusiastic he seemed about the discussion.
"Oh my god, not again... Y/N!" She lightly smacked your arm to bring you out of your daze. You inadvertently let out a tiny whine which, unfortunately, attracted the attention of the one person you had been hoping to avoid for as long as you could.
"Is everything ok?" He asked, looking away from the student, who looked less than pleased with the loss of attention from him, to face your direction. He had his ridiculously attractive smirk on his ridiculously attractive face and a slight hint of amusement in his tone. It's weird, you thought to yourself, the way a simple action could make you dizzy and how when he spoke, it was like it was the only sound in the room, as though his voice encompassed your entire being.
"Just peachy Dr Reid." Iris shot him a quick smile, ignoring the obvious glare you were subtly throwing at her. You heard him let out a hum, one that told you he didn't believe what he had been told, but he brushed it off and began turning back to what he was doing, but not before glancing at you again and shooting you a quick wink. Your eyes widened at the gesture, and if it hadn't been for the slight smirk still placed on his face, you would've thought you were making it up.
"Anyway," Iris began speaking, and you turned to face her, making sure this time your attention didn't stray elsewhere, "I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight, we could watch New Girl and drink wine and I can tell you about how I'm pretty sure I met the love of my life last night."
"Tonight?" You asked. She nodded as you began racking your brain to remember if you had any previous plans, "Sure, I'll be by at 8?"
"Great! Mind picking up Chinese from the place by your apartment? I'd do it but the guy always gives you spring rolls and I could really use the free food." She giggled at her own comment, and you didn't hesitate to stick your tongue out at her jokingly before nodding to confirm that you would do as she requested.
You suddenly became very aware of everyone around you shuffling and packing away. After taking a glance at your phone, you realised the class was over. Shit. Iris had clearly also realised the time given that she quickly gathered her belongings before getting up as she looked at you with a teasing smile, "Enjoy your talk with Dr Reid...." She said before walking away, and before you could respond with a sarcastic remark, she'd walked away. You sighed as you slouched back in your seat, waiting for the classroom to empty so Dr Reid could talk to you. You weren't sure if this was about your conversation last week or if he was genuinely mad at you for being late, it didn't seem like the latter based on that wink, but if there was one thing you'd learnt in this class, it was that human beings were confusing. Dr Spencer Reid was no exception to that fact.
It took a few moments for the room to empty, and it somehow felt smaller with fewer people in it. Your eyes followed Spencer as he moved around the room, collecting his belongings and packing up. He closed his bag and slung it across his shoulder, all without even glancing up at you. You were getting antsy, the suspense of simply speaking to him was overwhelming, and you subconsciously began tapping your fingers against the desk in front of you. It seemed like hours before he called your name to get your attention.
"Y/N?" He spoke softly, still not looking at you as he began walking towards the door, "Walk with me." It wasn't a question or an option; it was a demand. So without even thinking, you picked up your bag and rushed out of the class to where he was standing in the hallway. You once again found yourself walking side by side with him. It was silent, but you were grateful; you were so overflowed with nerves you weren't sure you were capable of formulating a sentence.
After what seemed to be the longest 5 minutes of your life, the two of you reached his office, and he wordlessly opened the door and gestured for you to follow him. He walked over to his desk and placed his bag on his chair before turning back to face you. His eyes trailed down your body again, and whilst his undivided attention didn't make you uncomfortable, you were becoming more aware of how revealing your outfit was. Instinctively your hands moved to pull your skirt down, so it covered more of your legs, and the action snapped Spencer from his almost trance like state. He let out a small cough and smiled at you.
"Would you care to explain why you were late...again?" He said, crossing his arms and leaning back against the desk. His question came from a place of concern more than an annoyance. Despite everything that was happening between the two of you, he was still your professor. It was his responsibility to make sure you were following the rules.
You paused for a moment, and you were unsure why you were so hesitant to explain your situation. It wasn't your fault that everything had gone to shit. The whole situation was taking an emotional toll on you, the leaky pipe, the added stress from your landlord, and how up in the air your 'arrangement' with Spencer was..everything was piling up. You felt like you were close to completely losing it. Instead, you found a new interest in your beat-up converse, slowly analysing each scuff and stain on them as you tried to find a way to answer his question without choking up. You took in a deep breath before answering, "My apartment is...well it's falling apart and that leaky pipe I was telling you about? Yeah, that burst... all over my clothes and might I add this isn't my usual attire it's just all that I had left. Anyway, I had an argument with my landlord about the whole thing and I lost track of time, I'm sorry."
As you finished your rant, you saw his face soften. He sighed before turning around to bring his bag in front of him. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so hard on you." You watched in confusion as he pulled his wallet out of the bag and took out a single black card. "Here." He said as he handed it to you, so casually...as though it was normal as if he didn't need to think about it.
"What...what is that for?" Your hands stayed glued to your sides as your eyes darted from the card in his hand to his face as you searched for even a hint of humour in them.
"You said your clothes were ruined?" He questioned, watching your expressions closely, and when you hesitantly nodded your head to confirm what he'd asked, he began walking towards you. "Buy yourself some new ones."
"But I thought you said-" You started to say, you were more than confused at this point. When the terms of your agreement had been made, he'd been unequivocal that the money he would give you was only for things that would help your education. He'd written you a check for your tuition and reimbursed you for the books you'd had to buy. You'd been able to use the money saved on education to pay your rent this month and pay off some bills, which had been amazing. You were so grateful, but this...him giving you money for clothes was too much. You were about to enter a different territory of this agreement, one which you hadn't discussed, and it made you nervous. "I can't do that."
"Yes you can, I choose how I want you to spend my money y/n." His words came out so nonchalantly, and he took another step towards you. He was so close you could smell his cologne and the slight hint of coffee on his breath, something which ordinarily you would've found unappealing. Still, it seemed as though everything about Dr Reid was enticing to you. His hand was slightly shaking as he lifted it to once again hand you his card, "Buy yourself a few things."
"Dr Reid... I don't... we didn't agree on this." You wanted to say more, you wanted to protest more, tell him he was ridiculous, and there was no way you would take his money to go on a shopping spree, but you couldn't.
Because the moment he saw you open your mouth to speak again, his hand hesitantly reached out to wrap around your wrist. He lifted it slowly before turning it over, so your palm was laying flat in front of him. His touch was soft, almost featherlike, as though you were made of glass and the simplest of motions would shatter you. He gently placed the card into your hand and instantly took a step back, so you had no other choice than to hold onto it. Your skin from where his hold had been felt like it was tingling, and you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks from how overwhelmed you were.
"Look you can't come to class without clothes right?" He said, and you bit back a slight smirk. You were eternally grateful for the nerves that were allowing you to keep your mouth shut because the crude comments that were flying through your head would have turned this conversation really awkward, really fast. You nodded in agreement with him, and he continued, "And if you can't come to class you'll fall behind...correct?" Once again, you nodded. "So technically... doesn't this count as helping with your education?" A smirk took over his face as he saw your face fall in defeat, Cheeky bastard. He'd cornered you, and he knew it. His stupid smart brain and his ability to have an explanation for everything was something you both hated and admired about him.
"Come with me." It was his turn to look surprised, his face dropped for a moment, and you almost kicked yourself for letting the words fall out of your mouth. "I'd just... I'd feel more comfortable if you were there."
He was silent for a moment as he took in your words. He wanted to say yes, he wanted to spend time with you, he always did, but truthfully he didn't know if he could handle it, handle you. "Y/N..." He said; his voice was low, and his hands moved across his face, hesitant.
"Please?" Your eyes grew wide, and your mouth formed a slight pout, you looked adorable, and at that moment, Spencer knew he was trapped. There was no escaping the hold you had on him, and he wouldn't have it any other way. His hands brushed through his hair, and he let out a sigh before answering.
"Meet me in the parking lot at 3, I'll be waiting outside my car." He said quietly as if he didn't want to hear the words he was saying. His stomach was fluttering, and he couldn't tell if they were from excitement or worry. Either way, his decision had been made, and once he saw the smile that beamed across your face, he knew he'd made the right choice.
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tpoh taglist: @seasonfivereid @mcntsee @fueled-by-fanfic @reidsbbg @shamelessfangirl-3 @diabeticlichen-thropy @idgafayiowf @teaspoonsandpearls @gubleryum @classyunknownlover @elitereid @willowrose99 @spencerreidsimp @agentcarterisgay @piggyinthesea @halseysunset @cxnceled @biafbunny @akkusdnz @voidsfilm @spencersawkward @rexorangecouny @mellowalieneggsknight @x2moonlight2x-blog @deadpoetat3am @reidabookforonce @onlyhereforthefanfics @dr-spencerr-reidd
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nix-the-cryptid · 3 years
Actions Have Consequences
Professor AU! Heisenberg x Gender Neutral! AFAB! Reader
Part three of my series
Tags: Punishment, misuse of rulers, praise, on top of a desk, minor overstimulation, minor orgasm denial
Summary: Y/n ends up getting punished for some avoidable mistakes. But, it may or may not end up working out in the end.  
During class, Y/n’s mind kept going back to what Mr. Heisenberg had said about “disciplinary actions” and having to work on Y/n’s “listening skills.” If they were honest, y/n was a little nervous. Heisenberg was known for being harsh on students who didn’t follow the rules or do their work properly. Getting yelled at by him was not something you admitted to freely. But, with how their relationship was working out, y/n realized that their “punishment” may end up being a bit different.
Thinking on their relationship over the past little while had y/n thinking about a lot of stuff. Ever since that first time together, almost two weeks ago, they almost always ended up having sex after class. Not that y/n minded, of course. But was that all there was between them? What would happen when classes were done for the year? Y/n graduated this year, too, so then what? The thought of never getting to spend time with Mr. Heisenberg like that made y/n’s heart sink harder than they realized. They enjoyed Professor Heisenberg’s company and it was becoming obvious they wanted more out of the relationship. But they doubted it would go over well if they brought this up with him. Y/n doubted that Mr. Heisenberg would want to commit himself to such a relationship with a student. The pain in y/n’s gut deepened at this thought, a lump catching in their throat as they felt like wanting to cry. Y/n quickly shook their head of the thought, coming back to reality.
Apparently, the class was meant to take some notes on whatever Mr. Heisenberg had presented but, just as y/n came to, it was over, and they hadn’t written down a single thing. Chances were Mr. Heisenberg most likely noticed at some point but didn’t say anything.
“Alright, now that we’ve gotten through that,” He exclaimed, grabbed his things from the desk. “Let’s head to the shop and work on those practical assignments. Maybe get them done today, yeah?” Y/n groaned as they began packing their things, noticing that there was still a whole 50 minutes left of class.  2pm simply could not come fast enough. They soon followed Mr. Heisenberg out the door and down to the lab, almost wanting to walk beside him but deciding against so as to not draw too much attention to themselves. Mr. Heisenberg was wearing a black t-shirt today, but like always, it was just a bit too tight on him. Y/n saw, just at the base of Heisenberg’s neck were some faint red marks. Squinting a bit to get a closer look, y/n soon realized that they had left those marks a couple days ago. They blushed furiously at this thought, wondering how many of the others might have noticed those marks at any point and if anyone had asked about them.
 “Hey, y/n!” One of the other students, Leon, called out. He was one of the better students in the class and was nice enough. His voice startled y/n out of their staring at Mr. Heisenberg. He and Y/n had been working together on the current assignment. “Do anything fun last night?” Y/n had to suppress a small noise at this question, a small blush forming on their face. ‘yeah, totally! I got railed by Professor Heisenberg in the shop after class!’ they thought to themselves.
 “Uh, no,” They laughed awkwardly, rubbing their neck. Leon’s face sank a bit at this. “Not really. I just went home and did some studying.” Leon just nodded. “I don’t go out much. And of course, by the time I get home and finish any work, I’m just too tired to really do anything.”
“Yeah, that’s fair.” Leon agreed. He then glanced at Professor Heisenberg for a bit before smirking. “Ya know, whoever left those scratch marks on his neck there,” He whispered to y/n making them blush deeply. “They’re one lucky fuckin bitch.”
 “Well, I’ll be sure to let them know, Leon.” Heisenberg smirked, making Leon let out a squeak of embarrassment. Y/n did their best to stifle their laughter as Heisenberg unlocked the doors to the shop, letting everyone else enter.
 “Well,” Leon exclaimed. “I can never look our Prof in the eye ever again!” y/n chuckled at this before blushing a bit more. ‘If only you knew,’ they thought. ‘If only you fucking knew.’
  “Yo, Sir!!” Another student exclaimed. “Whose car is that?!!” Y/n furrowed their brow before noticing the Cadillac at the back of the shop. ‘funny, wonder who’s that is. It kinda looks like- OH NO!’ y/n’s brows shot up and their eyes widened. That was Professor Heisenberg Series 62, uncovered meaning y/n had forgot to cover it the night before like they were supposed to. ‘shitshitshit’ They looked over to Mr. Heisenberg, who had also gone wide eyed at the sight. ‘Now I’m really in for it after class.’ Heisenberg shot them a hard glare, signaling his disappointment at the scene. However, he quickly masked it before turning to the student who had noticed it.
“Ah, that beauty?” Heisenberg sighed. “She’s all mine! Brought her to get her working again. Didn’t have the equipment needed back home.” Professor Heisenberg explained. “Bitch needed a whole new engine, practically.” Y/n could feel the jealousy building with each word. Heisenberg looked at them and must’ve noticed as his expression softened a little. Y/n then watched a number of students rush over. ‘They’re gonna ruin the paint!’ Now y/n was angry. Not just with their classmates but with themselves for not putting the cover back on. 
 “Uh sir,” A female student piped up. “There’s a dent in the hood…” y/n’s eyes went wide. They knew exactly what that dent was from. Seeing Heisenberg’s face showed that he also realized what it was from. 
 “I must’ve been so busy repairing the engine, I must not have fucking noticed!” He laughed nervously. Y/n watched as Heisenberg blushed at this, their own blush forming as they tried not to laugh.
  “Well, do you need any help with it, sir?” Leon asked.
“NO!” Heisenberg blurted out, rather fast and loud. Y/n let out a chuckle at this. “No, I’m close to being done. But you all could do better on your tests, I wouldn’t spend as much time having to mark them!” The class let out a collective groan, except for y/n. The pang of jealousy still sat heavy in their gut. And meeting Heisenberg’s gaze showed that they weren’t doing too well at hiding it. His stare was intense and dominating. Y/n lessened their pout a bit, but they were still upset with themselves over not covering the car and having everyone see it.
 “Alright see you Monday, everyone!” Mr. Heisenberg called out as everyone got up to leave. Y/n hung back, taking their time to clean up. 
 “Hey, y/n!” Leon called out, as he threw his bag over his shoulder. “I was meant to ask you if you wanted to hang out. A few of us are getting together at my place for the afternoon.”  Y/n stammered a little, watching Professor Heisenberg pack up his own things. He glanced up, waiting for y/n’s answer. “I can give you a ride if you need. I know you walk to school and all so… It wouldn’t be any trouble.” As much as y/n knew they should socialize with their classmates, today was the absolute worst day to have been asked. They would’ve said yes but, they also didn’t want to be in anymore trouble with Mr. Heisenberg, no matter how enjoyable the punishment really would be.
        “Uh, actually,” y/n started. “I’ve got another class today, so I’ll pass.” They looked back to Heisenberg to see him give another glance before continuing packing his things. Leon must’ve noticed this because he cocked a brow at y/n.
      “I thought this was your last class,” He pondered.
        “One of my other classes had to be moved to the afternoons recently.” Y/n lied. Leon’s expression neutralized at this, meaning he accepted it.
“Oh, okay. Maybe next time.” The other student shrugged. He then headed out of the class. Y/n let out a shaky breath before they turned back to their things and finished packing, hearing Mr. Heisenberg approach. They stiffened a bit but continued what they were doing.
 “I’m disappointed, y/n,” he stated, coming to lean against y/n’s station. “First, you don’t listen before class. Then, I found out you didn’t cover the convertible?” Y/n hung their head in shame. 
“I’m sorry, sir.” They replied, keeping their head bowed but peeking up at their professor. “I completely forgot to cover the car last night.” They heard Heisenberg scoff.
“You know I was going to wait until we got back to the classroom but after this, well, shit.” Heisenberg grabbed a hold of y/n’s chin, forcing them to look at him, smirking. “It looks like we’ll just have to settle things right. Fucking. Here.” Y/n gulped, slightly nervous about what was coming. “Get in my office. Now.” Heisenberg let go y/n’s face roughly and pointed to the office. “Go on.” With that, Y/n quickly headed to the small room, Professor Heisenberg close behind. “You’re normally such a good student, too. I’m shocked that you’d let yourself slip like this.”
  “It won’t happen again, Mr. Heisenberg,” Y/n whined.
 “Apologies aren’t gonna get you out of trouble that fucking easily, y/n.” Heisenberg growled as they entered the office. He made a show of slamming the office door shut and locking it. He also closed the blinds to the door but not the other windows. “So, we need to work on those listening skills of yours.”
“How?” Y/n asked sheepishly. Heisenberg just grinned as he took a seat in his office chair and began piling the rest of his papers together on the desk.
“Well, first, you’re gonna strip.” He ordered. Y/n made quick work of their clothes, watching Professor Heisenberg clear everything off the desk. They hadn’t noticed before, but the desk was metal, which meant the cold air from the AC in the shop had chilled it, even with everything on top of it. When Heisenberg finished, he turned to y/n and simply stared for a moment, taking in their naked body. Y/n shifted slightly, keeping eye contact with their professor. “Eager to please, as always.” Mr. Heisenberg chuckled. “Bend over the desk. Now. And pass me that ruler while you’re at it.” Y/n looked to the wooden ruler hanging next to the desk. Their eyes went wide when they realized what Heisenberg was planning on doing. Y/n simply passed the ruler to the professor and slowly leaned themselves over the desk. They winced a bit at the cold metal against their skin. However, the shiver that down their spine was not from the cold. Heisenberg chuckled at this, bringing a hand to their ass and began massaging it a bit. “You know what, hands behind your back. C’mon.” Y/n complied with haste. As they did this, Heisenberg’s hand left their ass. But before y/n could make any sound to protest, they heard the sound of Heisenberg undoing his belt. Turning to see just what he was doing, Y/n watched as Mr. Heisenberg stood up, took the ruler in his teeth, and used his belt to tie y/n’s wrists together. The leather of the belt bit into their skin just a bit, making y/n hiss a bit. They then looked up at Heisenberg to see him take hold of the ruler again, smirking. “You look so fucking nice like this, y/n! Now, I want to hear you count, got it?” Y/n nodded, gulping.
“Understood, sir!” Y/n blurted out. SMACK! “AHH! ONE!!” Y/n cried out, both in pleasure and pain. The force was brutal and sent them forward a bit, which made their nipples rub against the cold metal of the desk. This intensified the pool of arousal in their gut. SMACK! “TWO!!” Y/n sobbed.
 “Ya know, maybe I should’ve let some of the other students help with the car,” Heisenberg mused, letting the ruler rest against the sore cheek. “Would’ve saved you some trouble.” He lifted the ruler up, waiting a bit.
 “But sir-“ SMACK! SMACK! “AAAHH! THREEEEEFFFFOUR!” Y/n felt tears stinging their eyes. The arousal building up from this was growing fast. SMACK! “FIVE! Fuuuccckkk!” They heard Heisenberg laugh behind them. He then grabbed their tied hands and bent over them.
 “Or would that have just pissed you off, kitten?” He growled in their ear. They whimpered as Professor Heisenberg pressed against their back, his hard cock rubbing up along their back. y/n let out a whine at the feeling. “All those students messing with your hard work, putting their fucking fingers all over the paint? I saw your face when everyone rushed over to it.” Heisenberg lifted himself back off of y/n, who groaned at the loss of contact. Suddenly, Heisenberg was rubbing the cheek slowly, as if trying to soothe the pain. “Ready to continue?” He asked, his voice somewhat gentle.
         “Yes Mr-“ SMACK! “HEISENBERG!! FUCK, SIX!!” Now he was focusing on the left cheek. The tears that had welled in y/n’s eyes fell, finally as they lurched forward from the force of the hit. SMACK! “JESUS!! SE-“ SMACK! “-VENNNNEIGHT!!!” Y/n was full on crying, the pained pleasure causing the arousal in their gut to become a bit too much. Y/n felt themselves clench around nothing, their slick just soaking their folds and the insides of their thighs. SMACK! “NINE! FFFUUUCCKK MEEEEE!!!” Y/n sobbed, feeling themselves right on the edge of their orgasm.
 “Oh?” Heisenberg purred, resting the ruler against their ass. “Is something wrong, Y/n?” Heisenberg knew exactly what was wrong. But watching y/n squirm and try to choke out an answer was too fun.
“Please sir, I’m so-“ SMACK!!! “CLLLOOSEEEFUCK!” Heisenberg slammed the ruler hard against both cheeks, with more force than the last ones. They screamed at this, so close to finishing and yet not close enough. It was almost torture. “TENNNNNNNN” Y/n sobbed, tears streaming down their face. They then heard the ruler be tossed to the side somewhere. Y/n then moved to push themselves off the desk as best they could when Mr. Heisenberg pushed their head back down. He then shoved his hand in between their legs, landing on y/n’s clit. “SIRRRRR” The screamed as he began to harshly rub the oversensitive bud. However, this only lasted a little bit, before Heisenberg pulled away. Y/n sobbed, merely wanting to come now.
 “Shit, you really did enjoy that, huh?”  Y/n could only whine in response “You did good, kitten.” He mused, untying their hands. “But we’re not done yet.” Y/n let out another whimper. “Sit up and face me.”  Y/n then braced themselves and pushed up off the desk, their legs barely able to keep them upright. They then shifted themselves around to face Professor Heisenberg. As they went to sit, the cold metal against their raw cheeks stung fiercely. They shrieked at the feeling, which then turned in to a pained whimper. “Aww, is it cold against your bruised ass? Well, you’ll just have to endure it for a bit longer.” With that, Y/n watched as Professor Heisenberg began stripping, his pace slow. It was like he was putting on a show for y/n, who could only squirm against the cold desk. “Damn, what a fucking sight you are.” He growled as he slowly removed his shirt. “I’m still reeling from Leon’s comment earlier too.” He joked. Y/n blushed as they remembering what their classmate had noticed. “Part of me, a very evil part me, wanted to implicate that it wasn’t just anyone who left those marks.” Y/n whined, squirming more. “Bet that would’ve been quite the punishment on its own.” Heisenberg slipped off his boxers, stepping out of them and approaching y/n. “Oh, you know I would never do that to you, Kitten.” He purred, moving close to y/n, leaning over them to kiss them. His hand then made its way down to y/n’s pubic mound, his fingers slipping between their folds. Y/n moaned loudly at this, bracing themselves against Mr. Heisenberg as he began to run his fingers up and down their cunt, just missing their clit. They were extremely sensitive down there, as they had yet to come still. Heisenberg made quick work of their folds and clit, rubbing fiercely. “Come for me y/n.” With that, Y/n screamed out in pure pleasure, coming hard and drenching Heisenberg’s hand in their juices. Once they had started to come down, Heisenberg gently grabbed their waist and brought them both over to the chair taking a seat, placing y/n in his lap facing him. Once they did, he gently grabbed their ass and began massaging them. “How do you feel, y/n?” He purred as y/n wrapped their arms around his neck and rested their head against his chest.
 “A bit sore,” Y/n whined slightly. "But, you seem to be in need of some relief.” Y/n purred as they attempted to push back against Heisenberg’s dick. The man groaned at this feeling, squeezing y/n’s ass a bit to keep them still. Heisenberg could see the exhaustion starting to take a hold of y/n but the feeling of their drenched cunt against his dick was hard to resist. 
 “I don’t want you to overexert yourself, Buttercup.” Heisenberg’s voice was soft as he went into kiss y/n’s neck. This made y/n hum in pleasure. “I was pretty fucking hard on you.”
 “I want to, sir.” Y/n repositioned themselves over top of him, taking a hold of his dick. They slowly lowered themselves, the slow push hitting every nerve in their cunt. Both y/n and Heisenberg. let out a long and loud moan as they sat themselves down, taking in his full length.
 “God, you feel so good, y/n” Heisenberg hissed, grabbing their waist, and gently lifting them up before pulling them back down, thrusting up a bit. Y/n gasped at the feeling, quickly wrapping their arms around Heisenberg’s neck again. Y/n then matched Heisenberg’s movements, lifting themselves up and coming back down. They felt themselves clench around his member, drawing a moan from his lips. “Fuck!” Suddenly, He grabbed Y/n’s legs and stood up. Y/n shrieked, tightening their hold on Mr. Heisenberg. He placed them back down on the desk, which was still cold, making y/n arch their back from the feeling. “Cold still?” Heisenberg joked, kissing their neck again.
 “Yesss,” Y/n hissed, trying to grind down on Heisenberg’s dick since he wasn’t moving. “Please, sir.” They whined. Heisenberg lifted his head from y/n neck and looked them in the eye before standing up and pulling y/n’s arm off. “Please fuck me.” They begged. Heisenberg smiled as he grabbed onto y/n thighs before pulling almost all the way out and thrusting back in hard. Y/n let out a small scream that quickly turned into a moan as Heisenberg continued slamming into them.
“Always so perfect like this,” Heisenberg grunted, squeezing y/n’s thighs tight enough where there was a slight sting. Y/n whined at the sensation, tossing their head to the side. “Oh no, look at me.” Mr. Heisenberg growled, grabbing a hold of y/n’s chin, and yanking it so they were facing him. This caused y/n to gasp, grabbing onto his wrist. “I want to see those beautiful eyes of yours while I fuck you senseless.” Y/n moaned again, quickly locking their legs around Heisenberg and bringing him closer. As they did this, he took a hold of their waist with his other hand and lifted them up, shifting the angle. This caused his thrusts to hit deeper into y/n, making the pleasure increase. “You love this, don’t you? When I fuck you like this?” He growled, leaning forward a bit and pulling y/n’s face closer.
 “Yes, sir!” Y/n moaned. Heisenberg gave a couple hard thrusts at this answer, drawing the moan out. “I love it when you fuck me, Sir!”
“That’s a good girl,” Heisenberg purred, letting out of y/n’s neck, and moving his hand down their side. “My good little kitten.” This drew another moan from Y/n, enjoying the praise. The hand that had snaked down y/n’s soon made itself known again as Heisenberg began rubbing their clit. The sudden feeling of his hand on their nub drew an incredibly loud gasp from them that then devolved into a whine, seeing as they were still somewhat sensitive there. “All the noises you make are. Just. Fucking. Perfect.” Heisenberg emphasized each of those words with a hard thrust. Y/n’s cunt then clenched hard around his length, making him moan as well, which turned into a small chuckle. “Do you like it when I praise you, Buttercup?” Y/n just nodded, unable to form a coherent enough thought to actually respond. Heisenberg just chuckled before leaning in for another kiss and picking up speed. Y/n mewled into the kiss, the sensation sending them right to the edge again. “Are you about to cum again, y/n?” Heisenberg asked softly, breaking the kiss. Y/n could only moan in response. “Well, then. Go on. Cum. But. Scream. My real name when. You do.” His hips stuttered as he spoke, making the words come out in moans. He then began thrusting even faster, bringing y/n over the edge.
“KAAAARLLL!” Y/n screamed, arching their back as they came. Heisenberg also came at this, thrusting as deep as he could and filling y/n. The warmth of his seed flooding y/n’s insides, making them moan even more. The two remained like that for several minutes as they came down and caught their breath.
“God, that was… shit” Heisenberg said, still somewhat breathless. He slowly pulled out and let go of y/n, pulling a whine from them at the loss. “Think you can stand, Buttercup?” He asked. Y/n lifted their head to look at him, nodding slightly. Heisenberg  offered his hands for them to take and use him as leverage. Y/n sat up with a groan, the feeling of Heisenberg’s seed dripping out being an odd sensation. Professor Heisenberg opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out a small rag, which he then used to wipe up any cum dripping down y/n’s legs. They moaned softly at the feeling, biting their lip, and crossing their arms over their chest. Once he was done, Heisenberg  sat down in the office chair, beaming at y/n. “Come ‘ere, kitten.” Y/n pushed themselves off the desk and wobbled over into Heisenberg’s lap. “You did so well. Listened to everything I asked. A+ performance.” He purred, pulling y/n close to his chest, and stroking their hair.
“Thank you, sir.” They yawned, exhaustion filling their muscles now that the adrenaline from their arousal has subsided. Heisenberg let out a small chuckle, moving his hand down y/n’s back.
 “I told you,” He started, his voice low. “Use my name.” Suddenly, y/n was wide awake. They lifted themselves off of Heisenberg’s chest to look right at him. They were wide eyed, furrowing their brow at his comment. “What’s that fuckin look for, y/n?”
 “Sir, I-“ Y/n stammered. Heisenberg just hushed them, pulling them back to his chest.
 “Shhhh,” He hummed. “Just relax.” The two of them were silent for a good bit after this. It wasn’t tense, however. Simply reveling in each other’s presence. But this time felt different. Their relationship had shifted. Whether it was a good thing or not, only time would tell. Y/n felt the full extent of the exhaustion that had been piling on them, their eyelids growing too heavy to keep open. Another yawn slipped out of them as they snuggled into Heisenberg. He placed another kiss to the top of y/n head and muttered something else they couldn’t quite catch before y/n drifted off.
And there ya have it!! Again, if you have any requests for future chapters, feel free to leave it in my inbox!! And if you wanna be tagged for future fics, just lemme know!!
@stararch4ngell4dy @fredyria @kuronekopirate @weathur @1800shootmeplease
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Hey! May I request a Loki x reader fic Hogwarts AU pleaseee. Student Loki and reader being frenemies, always fighting and playing pranks. On a particular day they cause chaos in potions class, so Prof Snape chew them out and gives them detention. Some detention fun. Eventual smut is highly appreciated 😁 I really hope you will write Hogwarts au and is okay with this request 💜💜💜
A/N: I am so okay with this request, are you kidding?! I’ve been so nervous to write AUs for some reason so I needed this push, haha. This is going to be a three part story so I’ll post part two tomorrow and part three the next day. This one is a little short, but the other will be longer. I hope you like it!
Never Meant It Pt. 1
Summary: Loki Laufeyson and Y/N has never gotten along in school, that is until Prof. Snape sends this to detention and they have to face their differences.
Pairing: Slytherin!Loki x reader
Word count: 1467
Warnings: Hogwarts AU, frenemies, angst, language (lots of language)
Forever Tags: @mm2305
Loki Laufeyson is a pain in my ass. Somehow, this year the world decided to screw me over and put me in every class with him. It could be worse, though. We have our moments where we hate each other, but he is funny and kind. I can’t lie, but moments like this make me so mad at him. I hate detention and the only reason I’m here is that idiot.
Loki comes from this big powerful family, kind of like the Malfoys. My uncle would tell me about that family and the terror they’d reign because of their power and control and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think the Odinsons are some relatives. Loki is the only one I can stand in that family and I think it’s because he’s adopted. His brother Thor and sister Hela are irritable, constantly trying to prove themselves better than the others. Fortunately for us, the prankster brother Loki gave up that competition our first year at Hogwarts. I think he fears Snape and Dumbledore more than his siblings.
So instead of reigning terror on others, Loki decided to reign terror on me. Why? I’m not sure. The other girls in my house say it’s because he likes me, but I highly doubt it. They overheard him talking about some girl he likes, but they didn’t catch a name. I think they just filled in my name because they have a crush on him and him liking me is the closest they’ll ever get to him liking them back.
I’ve never talked to Loki about that conversation because I don’t want to look like a freak, but I am curious. He’s talked to me from time to time until last year when he decided he wanted to be my best friend, but quite the contrary, we became frenemies. He’ll prank me or tease me, I’ll get mad and yell at him, then he’ll apologize. Sometimes he’ll trip me in the hallways in front of his friends, but then buy me a butterbeer whenever we go to Hogsmeade.
A couple of days ago, Loki must have woken up on the wrong side of his bed because all day he had been in a mood. His raven black hair wasn’t styled like how it always is and he didn’t bother putting on his uniform except for his robe. He was sleeping during classes and skipping lunch.
As I wandered my way to potions, I spotted Loki walking up the stairs with a somber look on his face. I’ve never seen him so sad before. He’s usually so full of energy and mystery. It almost hurts to see him this way even if he bothers me so much. His friends are nowhere to be seen so I kept walking to potions.
I sat down in my seat and waited for Loki’s arrival. Professor Snape wasn’t in the classroom yet and some of the students started to get restless. They were excited that class might be cancelled but my mind was stuck on Loki. He finally entered and sat down next to me, resting his head on his arms. I looked at him for a while, waiting for a jest or insult, but nothing came.
“Shut up.”
I furrowed my eyebrows and kept staring at him. He’s never been so direct with me before. There was no humor or a joking tone in his voice.
“Is everything okay?” “I said shut up.”
“No, I’m not going to. You’re not okay and I’m concerned.”
“Don’t be. Don’t pretend like you care, you mewl.”
Rage flowed through my body. He’s never been like that. We make fun of each other, but it’s always a joke. We never really meant it and here he was an ass. I readjusted myself in my seat and looked forward at the other students who are now throwing paper airplanes and making things levitate.
A loud slam flowed through the classroom as Professor Snape walked in. He must have had a rough morning too because he seemed more stoic and irritated than normal (which says a lot because he always looks highly annoyed).
“Stop the shenanigans and open your books. We will be learning the Draught of Peace potion today. Gather your materials.”
The students opened their books and ran around for their ingredients. I noticed that Loki didn’t move from his seat, but instead held up his head with his hand. Feeling bad for him, I gather two of each item for him. I placed them down on his portion of the desk. I didn’t expect a thank you, but he didn’t even acknowledge the act which made me even more mad.
“Now, start following the instructions.”
Professor Snape isn’t my favorite professor because I think half the time he doesn’t care about us learning something, but instead just wants to see us fail and then yell at us for it. He just likes us drinking potions and getting injured. I think he's a masochist.
I turned to see Loki sheepishly making his potion. His hands were shaking and his eyes were dashing all over the place. He was a wreck. About ten minutes go by and the whole class had finished their potions. Loki put in his last ingredient and Professor Snape looks relieved. He’s equally annoyed by Loki’s attitude.
“Wonderful, now, find a partner and have each other drink the potions. We will discuss the effects, history, and use after you embrace the effects.”
I don’t agree with Professor Snape's hands-on take in the classroom, especially since these are potions and anything can go wrong. I watched as the other students eagerly drank the potions and they seemed to react alright. They were giggling and happy. Looking over to Loki, he stared down at his desk, not asking anyone to drink his or bullying one of his friends into doing so.
“I can try yours if you want,” I offered.
Loki just grunted under his breath so I swapped our drinks. He took a sip of mine and sat up. His eyes woke up as if nothing had happened and he was his usual self. Loki looked at me and smiled, waiting for me to drink mine. Based on the name, the potion must be some kind of peace or calming drink which is probably why he perked up so quickly. Confidently, I took a drink of his potion.
I had never felt such pain in my stomach before. It felt as if someone took a knife and jabbed it in there, twisting it at a rapid speed. I fell over clutching my stomach. Loki quickly stood up in panic and stared at me before kneeling down to my side. The other students stared at me in shock, rushing to my side in fear. Professor Snape pushed past the kids and looked into my eyes before frantically turning to Loki.
“What did you do?”
“I- I don’t”
“You idiot children. Thinking with emotions.”
Snape ran around the room and quickly made up a potion we didn’t know. Rushing to my side again, he made me drink it. Slowly the pain in my stomach went away but my anger at Loki didn’t. With the help of the students, I stood up and turned to him.
“You fucking dickbag! I’m sorry you’re having a bad day but that does not give you the right to make my day bad either!” I screamed.
Everyone gasped at my sudden outburst and Professor Snape stood by. Loki’s eyes went wide and started tearing up. I quickly second guessed my words at his reaction. He looked sorry.
“Y/N that is no way to talk to a fellow classmate, no matter the wrong they did to you,” Professor Snape scolded.
“But he-”
“I know and he will get what he deserves. Both of you detention Thursday.”
“WHAT?!” Professor Snape shot me a look of anger which sent me back in my seat with my arms crossed. I did nothing but yell at Loki for being a jerk all day, but here I am in trouble. At least Loki got in trouble as well.
Loki sat back down in his seat and didn’t say a word to me for a couple of days, no matter how awkward it was during class. Now, I’m sitting in detention with a silent moping Loki. He hasn’t talked or even looked at me the whole time. It’s been twenty minutes since we sat down and Snape locked us in for the hour.
“Y/N, I-”
“Don’t even try,” you sigh.
“Can I at least explain myself?”
You look over to him. His eyes are full of that pity look again, the one he had when he made the potion wrong.
“Fine, you have a half hour.”
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Title: Sleepover
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Continuation from previous chapter. After getting Peter back to his house in D.C., he asks you to spend the night. You want to, but you’re also worried about what his mother and his twin sister Wanda may really think of you. As you and Peter get a little more time alone, you also wonder how far you’re ready to go yourself.
Warnings: Nothing more than kissing really in this chapter. Bit of awkwardness from Reader though not knowing what they really want or how to go about it yet.
Chapters: Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Taglist: @drikawinchester , @n0obmaster69 , @alexloveskili , @bluesprings18 , @weakmoony-stuff , @slytherinsi-mp , @wintwrsoldiwr , @tommy-braccoli , @amourtentiaa , @cringingmemeries , @bi-panicatthe-disco , @himbos-are-my-lifeblood , @simp4mcuwomen , @ikkleroniekins , @cowboyenorgy , @the-chaotic-cow
My Masterlist
“Anyway, can we argue inside at least? (Y/N) promised to call Xavier when we got here.” Peter piped up, trying to shuffle away from his mother at last.
At the sudden sound of your name though, you felt an added bit of nervousness. You also made eye contact with Peter’s mother for the very first time then, as if she’d only just realized you were there.
Peter’s sister Wanda was also looking back at you with question in her face as well at the reveal of your name. But you said nothing yet, just walking up to hand Peter his crutches.
You purposefully busied yourself turning right back around too, getting that jacket he’d stolen on the plane out from the back of the car as well for him. The sunglasses he already had still on top of his head.
So then, the only other things left in the car were the meager amount of clothes you’d bought for yourself. Which you didn’t need right now as you walked back to the others, carrying his jacket. But really pretty unsure yourself if you were even going to be invited inside for long at all.
“Come on, I’ll show you where the phone is,” Peter spoke again though, either oblivious to the increasing awkwardness for everyone else or just ignoring it entirely as he motioned for you to follow him back up the steps and through the still open front door.
As you were unfolding the little piece of paper with the motel address and phone number from out of your pocket, you tried to concentrate on the task at hand. The corded phone was propped against your shoulder to rest against your ear, you now standing there in the Maximoffs’ small kitchen. But even as you started to dial the numbers, half your attention was still on whatever Peter was now rapidly saying to his family.
“Yeah, (Y/N) goes to that school. You know I just went there to go ask about Dad since they know him. But then there’s this explosion, and I had to pull everybody out. And all the sudden this mutant god is apparently attacking the world and he took Xavier. But then the government shows up like dolts thinking Xavier’s doing it instead. And they take us to question us, but they’ve got some evil experiment shit going on in there too-”
He only took the smallest breath, continuing at that accelerated pace. “And they had that other guy, remember him, Mom? Logan? Anyway, so he breaks out and wrecks the place, so we get out and I get (Y/N), then we find out where Xavier is so we go to get him. We’re in Egypt and we all fight and that god dude breaks my leg. But he’s trying to make Dad help him, but Dad turns on him and-”
“Hello?” You heard someone on the other end of the line finally answer at the motel. You could still hear Peter rattling on excitedly behind you though, your name peppered into his story several more times as you just answered back on the phone.
“Hi, is there a Charles Xavier checked in there? I need to ring his room please.”
There was a long pause where you could only keep standing there, just looking at the kitchen wall and the bit of older panelling that covered it before the phone finally started ringing again.
Peter was now already talking about the aircraft carrier and your stay there by the time you heard the receiver pick up again.
“This is Charles.”
“Hi…hey, it’s me.” You answered with some relief.
You could hear the quick recognition in the Professor’s own voice as you didn’t have to say your name before he gladly responded. “Ah, good. You made it with no trouble then? We checked in here a while ago. I’m in room 104 if you’d need to call back. Are you leaving now to drive back?”
You tried to commit the room number to memory even as you were already replying. “Yeah, it wasn’t a bad drive. We just got here a minute ago. I-”
“Yo, Prof.!” Peter interjected, surprisingly at your side abruptly, also speaking into the phone then. “We’re barely in the door. I was going to show (Y/N) around a bit. That cool? Pretty jet lagged anyway. Probably be safer to crash on the couch tonight and have (Y/N) head your way in the morning, right?”
You blinked, for one thing not even having heard Peter stop talking to his family. But two, he was really saying you should sleep here? Not just joking around anymore? Could he even decide that on his own?
You felt frozen in that moment, not wanting to look back towards the kitchen at all and whatever surprised expressions his mother and sister may now also have on their faces.
The pause on the other end of the line was very noticeable as well before Xavier eventually continued. Peter shimmied even closer to you so he could also put his ear almost against the phone as you turned it slightly for him.
“Peter, I appreciate you looking out for everyone’s best interests and safety,” The Professor answered then, but with that tone which said he clearly doubted that was the speedster’s true or only reasoning. “But I would think that’d be more for your mother to-”
“Mom!” Peter turned his head back, rather loud in your ear as you flinched a little. “Can (Y/N) sleep on the couch? I mean you hate it when Wanda drives late by herself. Same thing right? It’s a long drive back to New York. What self respecting mom is just going to throw anybody’s kid out into the night like that, huh?”
You were tired, yes. It’d already been a very long day of traveling. But you weren’t that helpless. You were pretty sure you’d be fine. This was so weird though. Standing here in silence while someone else bargained for you. Was he really just trying to extend your time together however he could?
“I don’t care, Peter.” You just heard a rather exasperated answer though from Magda after another moment. “You’re going to do whatever you want anyway. Why even ask me anymore?”
The tension from their argument in the driveway clearly remained, or maybe this was how it always was between them? You couldn’t know yet, just caught in the middle it seemed as Peter only took that as good enough, talking back into the phone quickly, “Mom says it’s cool.”
You heard a sigh on the other end, and Xavier replied, “You’re old enough, I don’t have much say myself. But do call me again when you are leaving so we know when you’re back on the road, agreed?”
“Yes.” You said, pulling the phone more back to you then. “I’ll definitely let you know. Please tell the others I’m okay. I’ll see you all soon.”
After that, you and the Professor both told each other goodnight, and that was it. You hung the phone back up, but not yet sure what you’d really gotten yourself into as you glanced back at Peter. Peter who was now outright grinning from ear to ear.
“So…Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee? Movie night?” He asked you.
But what else could you do? You didn’t mind getting the chance at a little more time together of course. You just weren’t sure about how much anyone else actually wanted you here in this house tonight.
Not long after, whatever deeper discussions still loomed in the air about Peter’s choices of chasing his estranged father straight into a near death experience with a genocidal mutant god appeared shelved. At least for now anyway.
You’d seen Magda grab some sort of drink. Resigning herself to an armchair and the living room television as she seemed to ignore you all then, even as Peter remained almost bubbly while the two of you started down the basement stairs to his room.
You really hadn’t seen where Wanda had gone, but Peter just kept talking. So your focus only returned to him as you both cleared the last step at the bottom of the staircase. You behind him as you carried his crutches, then handing them back to him as you entered the room.
“And voila, man cave de Pietro!” He announced, waving an arm out towards the space.
You weren’t sure why you’d expected something smaller either. Of course most basements sprawled out to take up near the whole bottom footprint of a house. But this was still large to you, and clearly well used.
There were things everywhere. More than just a room obviously. No, this was his life, his hideaway. The more you looked, the more things you saw. Bicycles, guitars, comic books, band posters, all pieces of his hobbies and likes scattered about.
But there was furniture as well. A little table, some chairs, was this always where he ate too? There was a big sectional couch, the cushions indented a little like he may have a favorite spot there.
You didn’t miss the expensive looking television as well, and the VHS player. All the tapes, and the nintendo and the atari, the record player, a stereo, and boxes of games, cassettes, and music records.
And his bed was near in the center of it all, much wider than one person should need and almost right on the ground as he just fell back onto it sending a noticeable wave across the sheets. A waterbed clearly. But you just laughed a little, still a bit amazed. “You really do live here in the true sense of the word don’t you?”
“Hey, I make do. Home sweet home.” He smirked, but also raised an eyebrow at you not long after. “So you didn’t even notice the table back there did you?”
At his words you did look back over your shoulder with a little confusion. But you started to smile as soon as you realized what he was talking about. An air hockey table back around the corner. Some clutter on top of it like it hadn’t been used in a while, but it was clear he remembered your arcade favorites to point it out like he was.
“I figured I’d try to keep that a surprise until now…you know, since our arcade date might be a little postponed for the moment. So uh, surprise?” He said, laying back on his bed as he put his arms behind his head, still watching you.
“I did see the Ms. Pac-Man.” You replied, motioning to the more obvious machine right against the wall. No wonder he’d said he was pretty good at that one.
“Yeah, I used to have Pong too. Wore it out though. And got tired of trying to find parts to fix it.”
“Oh, I could see that happening.” Sure, he probably played everything with a little super speed. Though imagining him somehow ‘shoplifting’ a whole arcade machine whenever he needed another one was a bit interesting. How did that even work?
“So, uh…you want me to put a movie on for real? I was trying to get us out of that kitchen before Mom went off again. But we can do whatever. You know…whatever you want?” He spoke, albeit maybe a little oddly as you glanced to him again.
He almost sounded a touch nervous with those last words? The slight change in tone was enough for you to catch anyway as you did walk over to the bed regardless before sitting down on the edge of it beside him.
But it was strange here, the more you considered everything. It was hard to explain really. Because how many countless times had you sat in your friends’ rooms at the mansion? Guys or girls, just talking or playing games or whatever. Just hanging out as you supposed most all people your age did. But there was never anything weird, never anything uncomfortable.
It could even be late at night sometimes, some of you only half dressed in your sleep shirts or pajamas and no one thought anything about it. Because you just knew back then that no one thought of you as anything but a friend too.
But with Peter…being here now, you were suddenly acutely aware that you were sitting on his bed. In his room, as he seemed to be waiting for some sort of guidance from you as well. Was that why he sounded nervous?
Yet had Crystal ever been here too you wondered. Sitting just where you were sitting now? And why would you think of such a stupid thing in this very moment?
“Hey.” Peter said gently, causing you to look down as you felt his fingers graze your wrist after he moved his arm to reach out.
You smiled a little at the contact, but still felt kind of foolish. There was no point in trying to play it cool though as you confessed the current reason for your own awkwardness at least. “I guess I just didn’t expect to be in anybody’s room like this. It’s not bad, it’s just…”
“Different?” He asked, helping you out a little to your surprise.
“Yeah.” You answered simply. But you could see as another emotion seemed to pass briefly through his expression, furthering your bit of confusion.
Was that guilt on his face?
And he spoke a little abruptly, with that rarer more serious tone emerging even though the words came fairly quick. “You know I was still just giving you a hard time right? I’m cool going as slow as we need. Despite being the fastest dude alive and all, I don’t have to be the fastest guy in bed. That’d royally suck actually. For both of us. So don’t feel like there are some sort of rules here. Like, you do not have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
You blinked, those words not what you were expecting. But it wasn’t bad at all the more you got to consider them. Was he really so worried that you may think he was trying to get something from you here that you weren’t yet ready to give?
Honestly, you didn’t even know yourself what you were ready for though. “Really, it’s okay.” You replied truthfully. “I’m not uncomfortable. I think I’m still in disbelief is all. I never would have thought this is how my summer would start this year. Never in a million years.”
He sat up, smiling again then with his normal tone bouncing back fairly easily. “And I am totally coming over for a pool party, as soon as this damned cast is off. I mean I’m white as shit so people may have to avert their eyes. But we would totally wreck the others in some volleyball or something. I know we would. As long as Jean doesn’t cheat with the telekinesis crap. I could do some whirlpools too you know, knock ‘em off their feet.”
“Sounds safe.” You said, laughing at the image. Maybe living in some random motel for the foreseeable future wouldn’t be so bad after all?
He chuckled in return, but was cut off by another voice just before he started to speak again.
“Knock knock.”
You both looked up toward the stairs as you first saw a pair of black boots coming down them. Black boots, old jeans, and a dark red t-shirt.
Peter called back, straightening up a little more at the sight. “Hey, sis. Fun run out upstairs with Mom and Dynasty on the tube or what?”
“Well, it was an Alexis and Dominique Deveraux battle episode, actually.” Wanda answered a little regretfully.
“Aw, your favorite catfight duo! Why the exit then?” Peter questioned in return.
She gave Peter a slight accusatory look. “Well, you got Mom in a mood and she wanted to talk about my school next. She wanted to and I didn’t. Simple as that.”
“Well…actually I thought you’d still be at your dorm too really. Not that I’m complaining. Haven’t seen you in forever. Your classes get cancelled?” He asked.
“Well, when the metal roof got pulled off the main assembly hall, I think they decided to err on the side of caution.” She responded, rather deadpan.
“Understandable. You think you’ll still go back in the fall?” Peter questioned anyway.
“Don’t know. I haven’t really liked anything about that college yet. But I said I didn’t want to talk about it remember?” Her tone wasn’t cold to him, but still rather final.
He clearly wasn’t as intimidated by her as you were though as he didn’t miss a beat. “Well how about a movie with us? Me and (Y/N) were about to pick something.”
How true that statement was on Peter’s part, you weren’t really sure. But you still said nothing as Wanda just moved to sit on the other edge of the bed, almost as far from you as could be you noted. But Peter still between the both of you as she looked unimpressed. “Can it be something a little less bloody than your usual at least?”
He scoffed, teasing back. “Well I don’t keep your Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie box sets down here you know.”
“Oh shut up.” Wanda retorted, but it was the first time you’d seen her really smirk. Though the siblings were clearly very different, that expression was also a brief resemblance you couldn’t miss.
“Wanda’s a bit of a sitcom connoisseur.” Peter commented for your benefit.
You took the chance to make eye contact with her at that, thinking that might be your in to finally start a real conversation. But she only looked away. If Wanda was unfriendly with strangers period, or actually just disliked you specifically, it was hard to know yet.
“Just pick something.” She finally replied to Peter though. “If I go back through the living room to try to go to my room right now, Mom’s just going to try and start an interrogation again.”
Hours later
“Hey, you keep moving around. Do you want a pillow?” Peter’s voice drifted from above.
You were pretty disoriented, for one strange moment just staring up at him and clueless to where you even were before your senses returned a little.
The sunlight was gone then. The only real light flickering from the television nearby that was now on some movie you didn’t remember the name of as you sat back up a little on his bed. Was this the third movie he’d put in? You hadn’t lasted very long at all had you?
“I can get on the couch,” You offered, awake enough then to at least remember his mother and sister were still around here somewhere. Though, when had Wanda left? You didn’t see her anymore and you didn’t even know what time it was.
“Seems kind of unnecessary,” Peter replied, in a quieter tone that caught your attention as you paused.
Was he inferring that you should just get under the blankets right here? With him? But sharing the bunk on the aircraft carrier wasn’t the same as being in his literal bed. Here in his family’s home where they already seemed to be rather distant with you at best.
They didn’t know you here. You had to remind yourself of that. They couldn’t know you didn’t spend the night at boys’ houses as habit. You didn’t get in their beds with them upon just meeting. Honestly, you couldn’t even remember the last time you’d slept somewhere besides the now destroyed mansion.
“Peter…” You didn’t know how to convey that concern really. You did want Magda and Wanda to like you eventually if you were being honest. You wanted them to understand. But you wanted Peter to understand too. Even though he’d said he was fine taking things as slow as you wanted, you felt it would still be all too easy to make him feel rejected without meaning to if you weren’t careful.
“I mean, we could both fit on my couch down here too,” He added, so close then that you were sure he was waiting for you to cross the rest of the small distance and kiss him.
And how could staring at each other in the dark, with the muffled sounds of some badly dubbed kung fu movie in the background now be bordering on romantic for you? Somewhere in the back of your mind you did think of all those stereotypical movie scenes all of the sudden. Two young people just in their own world, oblivious to all else.
“I don’t know if I’ve made the best impression on your family yet.” You tried to explain. “If I’m still in this bed with you the next time one of them comes down here…there is no way they’re going to believe we only watched movies and slept tonight.”
He tilted his head a little, yet already smiling. “And you assume they think someone like you would be that physically attracted to someone that looks and acts like me?”
“I do…and I am.” You answered though. Not trying to lead him on, but unable to help yourself either then as you did close that small distance to kiss him. You still disliked anytime he made those comments about somehow being underserving. He was far from it.
The little bit of tension you felt in return told you he was surprised too, but that quickly faded of course as he only pressed into it to kiss you back.
You had no intention of going too far or taking advantage of his family’s allowing you to stay here tonight however. It wouldn’t be right.
But you were still young as well, and it’d be a lie to say it didn’t feel good as he touched your face and your own hand moved onto his chest. It was something too how quickly the heat rose inside you. You could feel the outline of his body through his shirt as your hand trailed down.
He was warm, his abdomen firm against your moving hand. You kissed him harder actually as his own hand moved back behind your neck. But you needed to stop soon, either that or he needed to wear thicker clothing as your hand wandered further.
It was him that surprised you to finally pull back first though. Yet smiling at you again as he kept his face close.
Your breathing had already changed a little as you looked back to him before he glanced down. He raised an eyebrow at your hand now resting on the waistband of his shorts.
Realizing what he was looking at, you pulled your hand away, apologizing reflexively. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to…” Your mind fumbled a little. Your hand had just been running down. There was no real intent behind it, despite how it looked.
“You’re so funny. Seriously.” He said in that slight tone of amusement though. “Jumping out a plane one day, ready to sacrifice yourself samurai warrior style for your buddies, brave as shit.” He tilted his head, before then enclosing his hand around yours that you’d just pulled back. “But here you get flustered? I’m just a guy, (Y/N). Total nobody. There’s nothing to apologize for. Though I still don’t get it at all. I mean, why you like me like you do.”
“But you admit it then at least?” You tried to counter back, instead of arguing against his very real point that a new relationship could be more intimidating to you than a battlefield. “You admit that I like you. Instead of just telling me I’m making a mistake?”
“Yeah, I mean I guess even I can’t really make up a story of why you’d choose to drive all the way back to New York by yourself instead of bringing one of your friends here with you…unless you really wanted to be one on one with me.” But he just smirked once more, leaning in again to steal a quick additional kiss before pulling back away. “Guess you’re just that nuts.”
“Thanks.” You joked back.
“Takes one to know one.” He answered tauntingly, then sliding off the bed a little awkwardly as he put his feet back on the floor, albeit trying to only put weight on his good leg.
He didn’t have to go far though to reach a nearby closet, pulling a large blanket from it. He wadded it up a little, then tossing it to you. “Since you’re being modest though, you can sleep with Optimus Prime and Megatron tonight. But here, take one of my pillows too.”
In the dark, you couldn’t really make out what was on the blanket. Some sort of characters. You’d just have to take his word on it being Transformers before you caught the pillow that he threw to you next.
“As far as which couch you sleep on, your call. But Wanda always gets up, classic insomniac. I don’t think you want to tempt her with the opportunity to peek into your head if you stay in the living room. She hasn’t met you for real yet and probably still wants the background deets on you.”
“She’s another psychic?” At first you couldn’t remember if he’d already told you that or not. But no, you definitely would have recalled that. Yet maybe this was better? You wouldn’t have to prove anything if she could just see the truth in your mind of how you felt for her brother.
But Peter waved his hand in a ‘so-so’ type gesture. “I don’t think labels really work well with my sister. Yeah, she can get in people’s heads. But she’s not like your friends. She’s her own deal. It’s different. There’s a lot more that she can do. I’m just saying I wouldn’t advise messing with her is all.”
Whatever concerned look you must have given then was enough for him to quickly continue though, “But I’ll work on her the whole time while you’re back in New York. She just doesn’t know you yet. It’ll be fine!”
“Uh huh.” You said, not so confidently. “Guess I’m sleeping on this couch then.”
“A wise choice I think.”
“Of course, you could just be saying all this to get me scared enough to stay down here.”
“Oh, it’s both of course.” He smiled, watching you lay down on the couch even as he got into his bed. “And if you get cold, babe. I’m just a few feet away you know.”
Even from here, you were pretty sure he winked at you as you wrapped yourself up in that blanket he’d given you and stretched out on his couch. “If I go over there, I’m not coming back over here and I know it.”
“Or I could come over there,” he offered, only half jokingly of course.
But you just laid your head on the pillow, knowing you were trying to do the right thing at least. “Not enough room for your leg. You’d be uncomfortable.”
“If you say so, killjoy.”
You only smiled. “Goodnight, Peter.”
“Night, Glo-Worm.” He responded happily.
“Ugh,” You’d hoped he’d forgotten that by now, but apparently not. “Really have to fix that. There’s got to be a better codename for me.”
“Well we can’t all be Quicksilver. Sorry, I called dibs.”
“And we can’t all choose our nicknames out of a department store display case either.” You retorted.
“Ouch. Touché.”
He didn’t tease you anymore after that, but you could still feel his gaze on you as you closed your eyes again not long after. He was close enough that you also felt safe, even here in this new environment.
It was going to be hard to leave tomorrow, that much was certain. But at least you’d also know what you’d have to look forward to as soon as his cast was off again.
Maybe the next time you two fell asleep under the same roof, it’d be in a more neutral territory where you wouldn’t have to worry about his mother or sister’s judgement. Then you could hold him just like you wanted to. And it would be well worth the wait.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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daredevil-1910 · 3 years
To give you a little background to this, Ben wanted to ask Hermione to the Yule Ball but, unfortunately when he was making his way towards her Viktor Krum asked her and she agreed, but she didn't see Ben there, as devastated as he was he almost didn't go to the ball but a girl asked him and he agreed to go. Ok now to the piece i wrote, also I know its all out or order but I'm literally just writing what comes to mind, if there's anything specific you want to know about them well, let's me know!
The Yule Ball
"Aren't you supposed to be here with Monica?" Harry asked curiously
"Yes, she should be here any minute now." I shrugged. Behind Harry people were looking and pointing to the stairs behind me.
I turned around and Hermione was walking down the stairs in a stunning dress. It absolutely took my breath away.
"Close your mouth you idiot" Ron says with a chuckle.
But of course, reality once again hit me in the face, this time with Victor Krum walking her down the stairs.
“Hey, you ready!” Monica came up to me from behind.
“Hi, yes, god, you look beautiful” she did, no doubt about it she was amazing, but she wasn’t Hermione.
Finally, it was time for the tri-wizard competitors to have their dance.
“Go on Harry, try not to look like a lost puppy in there though” I joked, and Monica laughed. She put her arm in mine and we walked together to the ballroom and waited for our turn to dance.
“So, are you going to take me out to dance?” she said confidently.
“Of course, after you” we joined the dance floor with the others, and I put my hand on her waist like Prof. McGonagall showed us and held her other hand in mine.
“I know how you feel about Hermione” she comments getting close to me, so no one hears.
“What? I have no idea what you are talking about.” I just kept on dancing trying to play off that she is insane, and I don’t know what she is talking about.
“Oh, don’t play coy, all the girls and most of the boys have noticed, except Hermione.” I personally don’t believe she is actually that dense.
“I just mean, I know how you feel.” I looked at her with surprise in my eyes.
“How did you get over it.”
“Well, I saw it as it was, it was never going to be more than friendship, so I treated him as such” what she said makes sense, but I don’t think I treat Hermione any different than I would treat a friend.
“look, all I’m saying is, best way to get over it is accepting that she just sees you as her friend.”
“Wow, that sounds like great advice Mon, thank you, but enough about this topic, tonight is about the Yule Ball, and my date is you” I spun her around and kept dancing. Finding myself actually having a good time with her the rest of the night went pleasantly smooth.
“Well, it’s getting late Ben but thank you for tonight, and remember what I told you.” I nodded and watched her leave.
I came back into the ballroom and took a seat next to the boys.
“Looks like you had a great night!” Harry pointed out after looking at me. I had completely forgotten about Hermione right up until she walked right in front of me, apparently Viktor was leaving for the night which meant she was going to come up to us. And everything came flooding back.
"Looks like your date was a runaway." She commented and sat down next to me.
"what exactly do you mean, yours just left too." She looked at me a little confused.
“Yes, and I told him the exact same thing” I nodded without saying much
“What’s wrong Ben” so many things are wrong.
“I don’t know Granger, Maybe you do, considering you got your fair share of smarts, unlike your date” she scoffed and looked at me offended.
“So that’s what this is about, your mad that I came with Viktor, well what did you expect he had the guts to ask me unlike other people” Of course she went there.
“Really, the only guy with the gusts to ask you, that’s awesome Hermione.”
“If you have a problem with Viktor taking me to the ball you should have taken me yourself, but you didn’t even have the balls to ask me.”
“You are definitely correct, forgive me for taking my time to ask you, forgive me for believing our friendship was strong enough to allow me to take a few days to plan it. FORGIVE ME, for thinking that you felt about me the same way I felt about you, but you know what, it wont happen again, so now I thank you for opening my eyes to reality, I was going to ask you Hermione, in fact It was at the very moment that you said yes to Viktor, I was there when you were so excited you jumped up and down because he asked you, so don’t say I didn’t have the guts to ask when you didn’t even give me the chance.” My heart was racing and I’m almost 100% sure she could hear it
I almost ran out of the Ball Room; I didn’t want to wait for her to answer so I just left.
“Hey Benny, what’s wrong” Ginny tried to stop me, but I kept walking and ignored her, I couldn’t handle a conversation right now
“What’s wrong Doyle did little miss mud blood finally see you for what you are worth?” that’s it the final drop that made the cup spill.
I threw all my weight into him and slammed him into the nearest wall, I wrapped my hand in his collar and picked him up.
“You really need to work on your timing before deciding to fuck with me Draco, or else you might end up with a bloody nose” I said grinding my teeth.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Crabbe about to grab me, so I dropped Draco and quickly turned towards Crabbe, getting right in his face.
I squared my shoulders preparing for a fight.
“You don’t want this fight Ben, there’s three of us and only one of you.” Goyle pointed out.
“I reckon I like my odds” I balled my fists and prepared for a fight.
“ok, break it up boys” Prof. McGonagall stepped between us, separating us in the process.
The three of them left and so did the professor so I sat down and my rested my head on my knees.
“You definitely have a funny way to deal with anger Benny”
“Ginny I’m not in the mood for a life lesson right now ok.
“I know” she sat down next to me
“Shouldn’t you be with Neville”
“He left, its actually getting quite late, I was on my way to the dorms as well” As she said that Hermione walked right in front of me, her face suggested that she was trying to work out something she didn’t quite understand. I don’t know if she didn’t see me or if she just decided to ignore me.
“Hey, look at me” she grabbed my chin and pulled it to her direction.
“It will all work out, trust me.”
“I don’t know Ginny, maybe, maybe I should just accept that she doesn’t see me the way I do. She just wants to be friends”
“What the hell are you talking about, who told you that?”
“Well, I was talking to Monica and- “
“OH, that makes a lot of sense, you know she has a major crush for you right.”
“Excuse me”
“Of course, you don’t, look I’m sure what she said may have sounded like great advice, but she was just trying to get you off Hermione ok, but you, you need to fight for her.”
“But is fighting for this actually worth it, I don’t know how she feels Ginny, it’s like she unintentionally plays with my mind, one moment it seems like she is flirting and the next she is insulting me.
“What you have with Hermione is rare Ben, something most people only hope to find, so yeas its definitely worth fighting for” she stands up and helps me up too.
“Now come on, walk me to the dorms” she hooks her arm in mine and pulled me forward.
“Thanks, ginny, really”
“Anytime, you dumbass” we both laughed and kept walking making fun of some people that were in the ball today and listing the most awkward dresses in suits of course Ron’s made it to the top of the list but that was obvious.
I finally dropped her off and walked I quickly walked to my room, where Harry and Ron where waiting.
“So, what happened with you guys, you rushed off right after Hermione sat down”
“We could sense the tension, and just decided to leave before things got ugly” Ron said plainly
“Oh, makes sense” I commented, I quickly changed out of my suit and into something comfortable to sleep in.
“A tank top and shorts, aren’t you cold”
“Well yeah but, I can’t sleep when I’m hot, so I balance it out between these types of clothes and the covers, don’t judge me you talk in your sleep.”
I proceeded to ignore what had happened tonight and spent the rest of it joking with Ron and Harry.
And that's it, don't forget to like and comment.
I've tagged you so much in these🤣🤣
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witchyfrankincense · 3 years
La Méprise (part three)
Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary: You start history with Spencer Reid in your university auditorium.
Warnings: violence, fight, reminding of trauma, season 13 spoilers, prof!Spencer, student!Reader, suggestive.
Like clockwork, Spencer had turned around faster than you realized no one was following your steps next to you. Your heart dropped more than it already had as you understood that there was something, some nick, that you had failed to catch. But maybe you were the lost one here?
It seemed like Spencer had no doubts about his forthcoming actions – you watched him take quick, aggressive strides towards Mike. Seconds later, his tensed fist made contact with Mike's face. Spencer's act made you jump. Your usual first instinct would have been to yell, to interfere. But this time you didn't.
Right after the action, Mike was angrily pushed against the wall.
"You should stop talking," Spencer mumbled, angrily shoving him at the wall for the second time, pulling the man by his bunched-up jacket. Mike let out a pained groan and scoffed, later inhaling a deep breath of air. "Okay," he spat out. "Okay. Man."
"If you ever even look at me again," Spencer spoke, a harsher than usual undertone in his voice. However, soon after, he just went silent, staring at Mike for a few more moments before releasing him from his grip. You breathed out, shoulders dropping. You felt tiredness wash over you, obvious from all the stupidly scary events that had just happened.
After seeing Spencer turn back around and start walking towards you, you nodded and turned away from the sight of Mike silently chuckling and wiping his bloody nose. You opened the door. The fresh breeze of the outside air lifted your mood and you took a wide step outside.
"Can you still walk with me?" your voice reached both of yours' ears after you closed the door. "Oh, yeah. I'll join the team later," he replied, glancing in your direction. You both went quiet, still walking, Spencer seemingly following your lead of way. "Thank you," you suddenly muttered, placing your hands into your jacket pockets.
"Hm?" Spencer replied to your unexpected gratitude. You let out a small sigh, looking down at your synced-up footsteps. "Thank you for doing that. I would've punched the bitch myself, but, you know," you softly spoke. He smiled. "I'm not...usually a puncher," he weakly mumbled, shoving his hands into his pant pockets.
"I could've guessed," you joked, instantly frowning on yourself. "It's, not like you, you know, look like you wouldn't be able to, uh, punch someone, I was just—,"
"Joking. Yeah. To be fair, I agree," Spencer finished for you, making your shoulders drop in relief. You both let out chuckles. Continuing to walk down the asphalt path, you looked around the university campus. "Yeah, I usually take the bus to university. Quicker that way. I don't have the ability, nor want to sprint here at 8 a.m. Though, I enjoy a walk sometimes," you craned your neck to his side, sharing a random daily life thought. He nodded, straightening his shoulders.
"That is very true, actually, did you know that walks are extremely good for your well-being? Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as, uh, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. Unlike some other forms of exercise, walking is, you know, free and doesn't require any special equipment or training," he finished talking, glancing at you brightly. You raised your eyebrows in shock and cheered.
"Wow! Spencer—,' you stopped, realizing your lack of knowledge about his last name. "Reid," he mumbled back, continuing to walk. "—Spencer Reid, the fact machine! Hey, buddy, does that head ever get too heavy for you?" you laughed out, crossing your arms and raising your head. "Hey," he mocked your tone, "That, is downright mean," he raised his voice playfully, his eyebrows furrowing.
You both bickered as you rounded the corner. And, you continued talking while walking down the lonely road. And while you pointed out the apartment building you were staying at.
And when you both said goodbyes after he had led you to the building door, a creeping feeling of awe kept trying to make you fall – to slip down the very stairs you built.
Five days later
Three mornings. After the boringly passed weekend, you had spent the last three mornings walking into the auditorium and longingly glancing at the seats – hoping to see the familiar curly-haired persona. But you never did, as each time you looked up, the seat was empty. Had you scared him off? Or maybe he thought you were weird? Many questions swarmed your mind constantly, and, well, there was really no hope of distracting it. Because the only person who could, wasn't showing up.
On the blessed fourth day, you walked into campus, sipping your new-bought iced latte with caramel, dressed in dashing black baggy jeans and 90's-esque top with a bunch of shiny silver jewelry all over your neck and hands, not expecting anything to be different. Because you got it, you understood – obviously he had a job to do, a terrifyingly important one, at that, and going to these lectures and meeting you was just a side mission – a pastime.
However, as you were making your way to the door, you noticed him – Spencer, standing near the entrance.
"Spencer? Hey, you're back," you exclaimed, quickly swallowing your sip of coffee and smiling. He returned the smile, nodding. "I am, uh, I had a bunch of cases, so, didn't really have time," he spoke, joining your stride to the door. "No, it's all good, Spence. I get it. Your job is extremely important, and I definitely don't expect you to, you know, always be here." Seconds later, you mentally cursed at yourself after realizing your accidental use of a nickname instead of his full name. "Shit—, sorry, I called you Spence," you pointed out quietly, glancing at him to watch his reaction. He, however, gave none.
"It's okay—you know, this teammate of mine, JJ, she's my best friend—, she also calls me Spence, so, yeah, you can, if you want," he mumbled out, a smile playing on his lips. "Wow, didn't know you had a girl best friend! I bet she's super cool," your voice rose in slight excitement.
You realized that you both had stopped walking.
"She is," Spencer replied wholeheartedly, smiling. His eyes then dropped down to your outfit. "You look pretty today, by the way," he pointed out, seconds later turning back to face the entrance and beginning to walk forward. Your mouth hung open in slight shock and it took you a good second to catch your expression, shake your head and speed walk towards Spencer.
He complimented you.
"Thank you," you mumbled after catching up to him, flashing him a grateful smile. He nodded. "You know, there's something I want to tell you," he suddenly spoke up, his lowered tone making your heart drop for no other reason than worry. "What is it?" you instantly asked, grasping the handle of your bag.
"Oh," Spencer lightly laughed, glancing at your direction. "It's nothing bad, I promise. I mean—I'll just tell you. I'll be in temporary teaching at this university," he mumbled. You raised your eyebrows, aiming your gaze at the ground. "Really? That's cool," you answered, smiling through your words. "So, you'll be my professor?" you blurted out a thought, regretting it a moment later.
"Yeah," Spencer chuckled back, looking at you. "Guess I will."
Butterflies suddenly erupted in your stomach, and your expression changed as you realized that. Shut up, you softies. You had no idea why you felt so warm out of the sudden, as all you did was think about Spencer being your professor.
Spencer being your professor? Did you have some weird professor and student fantasy?
You subconsciously shook your head and continued walking in silence alongside Spencer, deep in thought. However, a moment later your inner mind light bulb lit up and you lifted your head up, straightening your posture. "Wait, what trained FBI team member takes up temporary teaching for some inexperienced students?" you asked, shooting him a quick look. You saw him tense up, visibly sighing. He looked at you and weakly smiled.
"I really wished you hadn't asked me that," he muttered and you frowned. "Oh—I'm sorry, I didn't—,"
"It's okay. You have the right to know. I've—uh, I've been to prison. Falsely accused," he began, nervously correcting himself after noticing your intense stare. The both of you blinked in shock – you because of Spencer's sudden confession, him – probably because of the same thing.
"Of what?" you asked carefully. Spencer swallowed. "Multiple drug possession. Suspicion of drug distribution. Murder of Nadie Ramos," he muttered quietly. You felt your eyebrows furrow, mind running through all possibilities. "Oh."
"I was framed. But I still spent almost three months there. It was, uh, bad," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm sorry," you replied, feeling at a loss of appropriate words. Spencer quickly shook his head, smiling. "You don't have to be. That's why I'm teaching. I was recommended to do it. It's like a...break, I guess."
You returned his smile, looking back at the ground. "You start today?"
You began walking through the corridors, making your way to the auditorium. "I bet you'll make a great professor," you quietly exclaimed, watching his somewhat anxious expression shift into a softer one. He chuckled. "Thank you. I hope I'll live up to your expectations." "You will," you muttered almost instantly, voice higher. Once again, seconds later regretting even opening your mouth. Spencer laughed again. Walking through, Spencer pushed the already open door further, stopping so you'd walk first. You thankfully nodded back to him and smiled. "Go sit," he suddenly mumbled behind you and you felt him place his warm hand on your bare lower back, softly pushing you towards the seats.
You inhaled harshly, barely containing the need to arch beneath his hand, and quickly nodded, hurrying to the stairs. Spencer visibly grinned behind you.
Hopelessly ignoring your previous spot, you hurried to the second aisle, quietly hoping that the seat you chose wasn't taken. After all, you were fully ready to support Spencer on his new-found teaching, you obviously knew him more than the other students.
"Hello, uh, my name is Spencer Reid," he started, voice raising on his last name. The others quickly settled down, slightly interested in their new professor. He was easy on the eyes. You grinned to yourself, still gazing at him. Apparently, Spencer did indeed feel your stare at him, so he looked back, a smile beginning to play on his lips as he breathed in. Moments after, he began going on about a whole cluster of themes and subjects he had decided to teach you all. You failed to take your eyes of him.
"Yes! So, this'll be it for today, don't forget to buy or get that book from somewhere else because it shares extremely good opinions and is very important for your understanding of what we're going through! And have a great day!" Spencer raised his voice to express his last thoughts to majority of the students who were already getting up from their seats and heading towards the exit door. You stayed, a wide smile on your lips as you noticed him glance at the leaving students with brighter than usual eyes. You stood up, fetching your bag and dropping it on your seat. You slowly walked towards Spencer, him finally looking back at you.
"See, you were great, Professor Reid," you jokingly exclaimed, seeing him laugh while packing his belongings behind the desk. "Thank you, Y/N, guess I am pretty great at teaching. I just, I don't know, felt as if you were all so interested in what I was speaking about, so, yeah, that was pretty great," he expressed, running his hand through his fluffy hair.
Your eyes subconsciously traced his hand, cheeks somewhat heating up, and you smiled. "Yeah, we were all pretty into your teaching. It's cool, your way of talking, I mean. But I think that wasn't the only reason why they were so immersed in you," you spoke, not realizing your accidental change of view. You both chuckled, Spencer seemingly deepening his gaze at you. "I wonder what that is," he teasingly replied, leaning down to get his case full of books and teaching material, however not turning his eyes away from yours.
You broke the eye contact, deciding that the conversation was way  too teasing for your liking, and laughed quietly to yourself.
Oh, shut up, Ms. I-might-have-a-professor-kink, I know you'd love for this mood to go on for the rest of your pitiful life.
"I wonder, too," you mumbled, feeling warmer. Spencer returned a light scoff. "Well, you seemed to know it when you first brought up the fact, so, tell me. I'm clueless, Y/N," he replied again with a tiny bit of a smooth velvet tone in his voice and your heart almost dropped in fear of his words. Why was he so confident? "Well, I think we're both kinda', you know, aware?" you hesitated, looking back at Spencer. His tongue darted out of his mouth, wetting his lips and he stood back, sliding his chair under the desk.
"Are we? Am I?"
You swallowed, trying to regain your usual snarky mood, while also moving back to your seat and snatching your bag from it. "I think so, yes," you exclaimed, sighing and joining his stride to the door. You both walked beside each other, Spencer sheepishly smiling and looking straight ahead. He didn't say a word until you reached the door.
"Well, why don't you think about that like a good student and tell me tomorrow, hm?" Spencer suddenly spoke up, making you freeze in your step. You widened your eyes at his words and looked up at him. His eyes were shimmering. You both stopped walking and you nodded, feeling awfully hot at his title for you. He smiled and unexpectedly raised his hand, leaning in closer and brushing a strand of hair out of your face, pushing it behind your ear. You continued to stare at him, wide-eyed, and he seemed to enjoy your confusion.
"Goodbye, Y/N," he muttered and lowered his hand near his side, opening the door and closing it behind him. You began feeling weak, reaching behind blindly in search of the wall. After you had found it, you leaned against it, trying to regain your breathing.
What just happened and why did you like it?
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pokefanclaire · 3 years
London Tourist
Hello! I’m so new to this but I have another Lucifendi ship fanfic (don’t judge me too harshly) Also I don’t own any rights to the game, or characters its purely my weird thoughts. So this one is about a visiter that will come to London, and the Commissioner has asked Lucy to be his tour guide but Alfendi gets jealous and mutual pining happens. Pretty tame but please let me know what I'm doing as its all so new! Any advice would be greatly recieved.
London Tourist:
Lucy quietly knocked onto the commissioners office door startling him from an unexpected evening nap.
“Ah Lucy my dear, take a seat. Thank you for coming to see me at such short notice. The matter I want to share with you is of a personal nature. So please excuse that I have chosen you specifically”
Lucy suddenly felt uneasy.
“I have a friend, a very dear friend of mine who’s son will be coming to London for a few days and I was hoping you would be kind enough to show him around London. Inspector Layton will be able to maintain the cases for you while you’re away. I would like you to do this as a favour to me personally so all expenses will be covered by me. Is that clear my dear. I have had my assistant book tickets for some interesting plays, tours and visits that I believe will interest a couple of like minded youths as yourselves?”
“sounds grand sir”
she beamed at the commissioner thankful her unease was unwarranted.
“His name is Eric, he is your age I believe possibly a year older. I’m certain you’ll get along very well. He will be a calm and welcome change from your changeable mentor.”
“I look forward to meeting ‘im”
Lucy felt very proud that out of all her colleagues she had been chosen to show the commissioners dear friend’s son around London.
“thank you Lucy, that will be everything. And I thank you for rising to the challenge of tour guide” He chuckled as Lucy skipped toward to door. ‘What a sweet and generous girl’.
“Night Commissioner! Thanks agai’”
“Good night.”
Lucy ran back to the Mystery room hoping her mentor would still be around to hear her ‘mission’. Opening the door Lucy was greeted by an exhausted placid Prof stretched out on the sofa with case files scattering the dimly lit room
“Lucy dear! You’re still here.”
“I’ve jus’ finished speaking with th’ commissioner”
“ah yes, of course. Sorry Lucy I momentarily lost track of myself. Are you about to embark on a solo mission? Can you tell me any details or is it on a need to know basis?”
Alfendi chuckled toward Lucy, adoring the pride on her face.
“oh it’s nowt like that Prof, its a personal favour the commissioner would like me to do for his good friend. He wants me to take care of his friend’s son while he visits London”
Alfendis eyes shot up to meet hers “He?”
“yea, some lad a similar age to me. Eric I think it wer’”
“…and…. you said yes?”
“’course Prof, I cant let him down. Besides I don’ have no reason to turn him down”
“……. oh”
“you can ‘elp if you like? You know London better than anyone ‘ere at Scotland yard. I still feel like a tourist”
“...doubt he’ll want to see the London eye once he sets eyes on you dear Lucy...” his voice suddenly sounded bitter as a streak of crimson hair washed over his head.
“Um hi Potty, I wasn’t expecting you this late in the evening”
Alfendi’s eyes were hidden under crimson dishevelled hair making it hard to read his expression but a smirk pulled at the edge of his smile.
“Just fine my dear Lucy, and yes I would be thrilled to guide you when my schedule allows. In fact i’m quite free now”
“We can wait for Eric. He will arrive tomorrow afternoon some time, and I have ‘is number here”
Potty Prof strode toward Lucy unexpectedly grabbing her wrists.
“In that case, now is the very best time to show you the city before any corruption. Don’t you agree dear Baker?”
His grip worsened on her now pink wrists. Before she could register the twinge of pain, Alfendi had pulled her forward sending her tumbling into his chest.
“Clumsy girl” he sneered. “falling for me are you my dear Lucy?”
Lucy looked up, unable to process the last few exchange of words.
“sto’ messin’ with me Potty”
Alfendi towered over her, a streak of red flashed across his cheeks as he crouched to meet her eyes.
“I haven't started yet my dear, now please collect your belongings. I really must show you what London can do to you before Eric has the chance”
‘Did I hear that ‘ight? Is he jealous of some lad I haven't even met seeing London wi’ me?’ Lucy had never seen her mentor like this. Lucy had regular run ins with Potty Prof, that wasn't new. But she was sure he had some new found venom in his voice while pronouncing his name too...
Lucy struggled to keep up with Alfendi’s new speed and determination to leave the mystery room.
“Baker! Come on!”
a desperate sounding Alfendi held his hand out to take Lucy’s. Pulling her from the room he fumbled with keys, hastily locking the Mystery room.
“I’ll get the commissioner for this.. I swear….” he snarled under her breath to no one in particular.
Alfendi took a deep breath “Lucy dear….” He held out a slightly trembling hand to her “….please allow me to…show you….what i’ve longed to… for some time… but if I can just....” He stumbled as flashes of burgundy replaced the crimson red of his hair “.. accompany you this evening” he finished by kissing the back of her hand.
“Prof? Are ya ok?”
“Yes dear, I just wish I had more time than fate has decided to grant me, more time so that… I could show you both sides.. and how… he is all bark.. he wouldn't hurt her....”
Alfendi’s train of conversation trailed off as he began muttering to himself. Or his other side she thought.
“prof if ya sure its not an inconvenience. Then lets go! Where first?”
Splashes of red and dishevelled hair gave Lucy a small jump.
“oh hi Potty! Where to first?”
“Baker, dear Baker...” He whispered in a sultry tone forcing her to take a step backwards.
“Why don’t we start here?”
Alfendi increased his steps toward Lucy.
Lucy instinctively stepped back matching his speed knowing how unpredictable Potty could be. Her wrists let out a twang of pain reminding her of his last practical joke on her. ‘You’re tougher than this Lucy lass’ she encouraged herself ‘He’s your Prof, he wont ‘urt you’ she glanced left and right in blind panic looking for an escape. Alfendi cupped her chin with his hand bringing her wide eyes to meet his. ‘Don’t panic’ Lucy thought as she acknowledged Pottys hand on her chin, softer and gentler than she expected. A rush of heat rose to her cheeks as she breathed in that familiar scent of her beloved Prof ‘Why now Potty? always keeping me on my toes’ an audible groaned slipped past her lips as she felt his heated breath against her lips
She took a step back to gain some distance.
Lucy’s back met with the wall.
“yes dear?….”
Alfendis hand slid down her chin, caressing the soft skin of her neck.
“you know Baker, I wanted more time… This little situation with Eric has meant I have had to adapt to time constraints” he took a final step closer to Lucy closing the distance between them
“…..will you forgive me if I act at all un-gentelmanly under these circumstances….”
He lowered his hands to meet hers, lifting them above her head in one fast and smooth motion.
“….Prof? What’ got into ya all sudden like”
Lucy’s hands struggled against Alfendi’s but he was taller, stronger and currently sporting his darker persona.
“this aint some time to joke ya kno’ Prof ya said ya were gonna show me London before Eric arrives”
Alfendi leaned into her neck, his breath uneven and franticagainst her ear.
All the hair on the back of her neck rose as waves of electricity seemed to shoot down from her now numb arms held above her head. The comforting smell of Alfendi filled her head and she bit down on her bottom lip letting out a small squeal.
“I said i’d show you what I… I mean London can do to you..”
“Please Prof my arms.. they hurt a little”
Crimson hair flashedto deep burgundy as he let go on Lucy’s arms.
“Lucy, please forgive me, are you in pain? Are you okay.. please forgive me...us?”
Alfendi nuzzled his face into her neck not wishing to meet her eyes and confirm what he already knew.. that he had blown any future chance with his sweet Lucy. he spoke softly. 
“Please Lucy, its me I wont hurt you. I’m so sorry”
Alfendi took a cautious step back and forced himself to meet with her rubyred eyes. Lucy stared into the Prof’s soft amber eyes, taking in the look of embarrassment and hurt that marked his face.
Alfendi scanned her face in a panic searching for clues to her expression was she upset? Scared? no. thats not it. A soft glow of red spread across her cheeks intensifying the ruby red of her beautiful eyes.
“Prof, my ‘ands were numb is all. Dont fret, I aint hurt”
Alfendi studied her face with desperate closeness causing Lucy to blush brighter with fresh heat flooding to her cheeks
“Prof please...”
she stifled a moan by biting down on her own lip wincing.
“Lucy dear…I cant begin to…”
“Prof’.Al......”She paused “Alfendi. I was never in any danger..not from you.”
An unfamiliar serious expression marked Lucy’s sweet face as she matched Alfendi’s closeness causing him to take a step back.
“wasn’t there something important you wanted to do to me Alfendi...?”
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