#but i dont think romance and god mix
nicosraf · 1 year
Ok, just asking if you are open minded to it but…
What if the story goes around between God and Lucifer’s romantic story? How will they become so close and how will the other angels react to their relationship? Would you even like the relationship if they get along so well?
Hmm I’m a bit unsure what you’re asking. Do you mean, basically, what if ABM was about God x Lucifer (or, rather, what if God x Lucifer worked out) and what would happen?
To be honest, I don’t think it could have ever worked out. In ABM, their relationship is never more than predatory, though other angels don’t see it as that – why would they? Everything is good and perfect and wonderful in Heaven and God is good.
I mentioned a long time ago (?) that I was inspired by the story in Ezekiel 16 where God grooms Jerusalem (in a very literal way by making her enter puberty), marries her, then becomes wrathful when she falls in love with someone else and discovers her beauty, then assaults her in punishment.
But this is’t really the only instance where God has a weird romantic/sexual relationship with someone that is very obviously unhealthy. Mary comes to mind. Since I was young I always found the story of Mary’s pregnancy to be very odd (in Mexico, Mary is especially very very venerated.) Some people argue that Mary was too young; I haven’t seen the sources for that, so I can’t say if it’s true, but regardless of her age, I feel creating a perfect girl without sin to carry your child once she’s old enough to be uncomfortable. Some argue that it was all consensual, (Gabriel asked Mary and she said yes), but realistically, why would a young and impoverished woman say no to what could have changed her life for the better? Isn’t there a very obvious and clear power imbalance here? Mary having been born pure also leads to the conclusion that this was all pre-ordained anyway. Catholics’ obsession with her “perpetual virginity” (despite biblical lines that reference other children (Matthew 13)) and purity make it all feel borderline predatory on God’s part, in my opinion; I’m not even going to get into the fact that he’s also her Father.
On that note, there’s not a healthy way for God to have a relationship at all, is there? He can make you do anything, his safety as a partner is entirely contingent on his mercy, he knows everything about you, and he made you. He made you knowing you’d love him, he made you love him.
But the question is about Lucifer x God, and I think there’s an alternate ending where Michael doesn’t exist, Lucifer never learns any basic self respect, and he falls in love with God romantically. I think this would be a horror story. God is incapable of being a good partner, Lucifer acts like an obsessed servant, and the other angels would justify God’s actions because to say God is being, in easier terms, a creep is completely unimaginable. They don’t understand it, don’t have the language for it. And that’s it. An eternity of abuse with no one able to call it out. (Except Uriel, but Uriel would probably look away and pretend it isn’t happening).
You asked if I’m open-minded to it, and well, it’s definitely something I think about. The romantic idea of God making a most beautiful and perfect creation (like a lonely Dr. Frankenstein desperate for a lover) isn’t lost on me. I’m always struck by how Satan and God chat in the Book of Job (it feels very cute to me). But God is God and there is only one God and love can’t be unequal (in my opinion). Maybe if Lucifer indeed became a god, maybe.
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grapecaseschoices · 2 months
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UP TOP: Is the Tadpole Consumers! Sometimes being 'Power Hungry' means eating an actual worm.
Kendis Wolfcrossing (left): Bearbarian (Druid and Barbarian), She/They (nb). Romance Rolan [Maybe Minthara. Maybe Halsin. I'm just fucking around in the PT]
Kaeliana (right): aka The Dark Urge, Soradin of Kelemvor (Sorcerer and Paladin), She/her (trans). Romance Wyll.
BOTTOM DOWN: The Parental Trauma Cleric Sibs (and potentially both technically undead).
Amryl Shadowhoard (left): Ranger/War Cleric of Bahamut, They/It/She (in order; nb). Romance Wyll/Lae'zel/REDACTED [yeah that's the polyam!]. Is, technically, Isyl's younger sibling.
Isyl Shadowhoard (right): aka The Dark Urge. Cleric of Light [hhaha] of Lathander, ???? (trans and nb). Potential Romance Barcus. Is, definitely, Amryl's older sibling. Isyl remembers that fact and Isyl remembers Lathander. Everything else is secondary. Right?
#meet my tavs#grapes chars#bg3: kendis wolfcrossing#oc: kaeliana#oc: amryl shadowhoard#oc: isyl shadowhoard#bg3 tav#bg3 durge#grapecase posts#meet my ocs#the thing im most excited for isyl is tthe sibling stuff and the struggle between past and 'nature' and ofc exploring duergar shit but i#hope isyl can be a particular shit to wulbern#im more excited about the barcus 'romance' than i expected?#i need to learnmroe about him#kendis is supposed to have a scar over their black/white eye. idk if its hard to see bc of teh tadpole eating or if a mod took it off#i'll check later#this is my current [mostly] active PTs.#but i have like six others in the shadows? lol and one nebulous plan. bc i dont have a geriatric. i wanted to make an old man githyanki but#then the enbies ate my brain#also tho some people put nb as under the trans umbrella i know some people see it as a separate umbrella.#i feel isyl sees themselves as both. they transitioned but they also see themselves as nonbinary. kendis sees being nonbinary as both in#a weird way like its own seperate thing but also under the umbrella? idk a venn diagram? i just vibe for kendis#kae proudly has a girldick. and proudly is a woman. i have mixed ideaas on when she transitioned. im sure it would have been a mess. but it#HERS.#[on the one hand i dont think bhaal cares. but on the other hand idky i feel bhaalists would get very evangelical about it. like THIS IS TH#BODY BHAAL MADE. A RE YOU SAYING BHAAL ERRED???]#amryl is they/it nonbinary. trans. wte. but they're also i think one of those nonbinary unless it's 'god forbid women are allowed to do ANY#HING'#lmao#okay okay im going back to my burrow
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hannah-banana-lou · 3 months
Come back to me
So to start off with, i hate a lot of fanfics that include the (y/n) character as a barely legal, fragile, tiny thing that is oblivious to sex because that is just not me! i love alot of fanfics that have a lot of world building, real life issues and are really in depth, mixed in with some smut, steamy romance and fluff. i know this will not be for everyone but for those who do enjoy that, i hope this does it for you!
Husband William afton x Wife female reader - AU.
Planning on making this into a series if people like it!
content warning: marriage issues, smut, verbal abuse, age gap couple - william (early 50's) Reader (mid/late 20's)
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Come back to me (pt.1)
A glance. A kiss. Lips crashing down unto yours. he has you pinned against the bedroom door, panting heavily. Hands exploring places they've been so many times before. yours hurriedly unbuttoning his shirt. desperation. his hooking their way into your sweatpants, teasingly close to where you need him, where you're yearning for him. his kisses moving from your lips, slowly trailing along your jaw before reaching your neck. he bites, suckles and licks the skin there, sending tingles throughout your body, reaching to your core. you're lost in the moment, feeling his beard scratch so deliciously against your skin, his lips soft but desperate. You need this. He needs this.
"mommy!" your ears prick up. the sound of one of your twins calling for you. you ignore it, trying to focus on the present scene unfolding in front of you.
"mommy, look at me!" again. calling for you. you can feel a haze slipping over you. mind going grey, unable to feel the kisses being planted.
a snap of your husbands fingers and you jump. you're in the garden, sitting on the patio next to william. the morning sun is beaming, your two children running around the garden, screaming and giggling. you glance over at william, he is staring at you. the silence between you both brooding ... deafening.
"your children are calling for you. just gonna ignore them?" he grunts out. a dig at you, most definitely.
you shake your head in response, taking the cup filled with coffee off the table, moving it up to your lips and taking a sip, you frown. it's gone cold.
the better part of the morning is spent playing with your children, trying to forget that you have a marriage counselling appointment in the early afternoon. not the first and most definitely not the last. no doubt william will find some excuse to not attend, he thinks marriage counselling is a scam, a waste of money. he refused to even acknowledge the idea until you nagged him for weeks. he eventually gave up.
you're now sat in the car, he's driving. the silence is painful. the drive to the appointment, uncomfortable.
your in the appointment. all his responses are grunts or a few word answers, while you're pouring your heart out, begging for him to just talk to you. a usual occurrence during these appointments.
You stop crying, lost in thought. maybe he was having an affair, it would explain a lot... no. yes. wait... would he do that to you? when would he have the time? god. don't be silly, he isn't cheating on you.... right? Before your mind can trail off anymore the therapist throws a question to you both.
"what are the biggest issues within your marriage? we have discussed this before briefly, however i'm curious as to the individual answers. William, why don't you start us off? yes?"
you glance over at william. he is staring directly at the therapist, poor woman, having to endure his death stare. his eye twitches slightly. he's trying to calm himself before answering. you avert your gaze back to the floor.
"Nothing is wrong with my marriage. i dont believe there are issues" your husband spits out.
the older woman nods, accepting his answer before she turns to you and nods again, signalling for you to answer.
"well... for starters i feel like he doesn't want me around anymore. he avoids me like the plague. there is no love, no affection, no.... no intimacy anymore" you begin.
william adjusts himself in his seat. clearly annoyed at the intimacy comment. you keep your gaze focused on the therapist.
"He wont talk more than a few words to me without snapping at me, he's stopped sleeping in our bedroom, he's taken the spare room instead. i never see him anymore. i'm... i... I've just had enough. it's hard living in a space that you have known as home for many years, yet feel so unwelcome at the same time" you finish. you can feel his stare burning into the side of your head.
the older woman nods again. that's all she seems to do, just nod. it can be quite annoying. she looks between you both.
"Y/N why do you feel like William has become this way with you?"
you sigh, not knowing the answer. you could only answer with what your mind has provided as far fetched ideas over the past few months. you shrug. "i'm not sure. i have a lot of ideas, none that could be close to the truth though" you respond, voice soft, deflated. like you've given up.
"One good way to get your marriage on track is open communication. Y/n why dont you share your ideas with William. it's a good place to start"
you sigh again and look over at william. he is staring at the floor. annoyed written all over his features. he looks over at you
"William..." you start with a sigh. "i... uhm... i have begun to think that maybe... you have fallen out of love with me" his gaze softens, almost looking heartbroken that you could ever think that. he shakes his head. he goes to reach out his hand, it lifts ever so slightly but stops immediately, his fists tightened, a small noise escaping his lips. almost like the whimper of a wounded animal as he quickly avoids your gaze, looking back down at the floor.
you take a moment to process what just happened. what was that noise? sound of affirmation? or denial? maybe his reaction is something to be hopeful for?
"any other ideas you have that you would like to share?" she adds quickly.
you nod, taking a deep breath. you knew he wasn't going to like this one but you had to get it out before the thought consumes you.
"William, i have thought for a while that you are having an affair." you blurt out.
his softened gaze quickly turns to a grimace, furrowed eyebrows. followed with a scoff before he stands up, grabbing your hand "session over. thanks for your time doc, see you next month" he mumbles as he pulls you out the door. the doctor looking more so confused than ever as she watches the two of you leave abruptly.
you get back into the car. oh he's pissed. maybe he is embarrassed that you brought that up? self conscious of how he looks in front of the therapist maybe?
he drives in silence before turning into an empty parking lot near a wooded trail path, probably for dog walkers.
he parks up before turning to you, face twisted with anger "An affair? an affair? .... AN AFFAIR?" He snaps. you nod "it just makes s-" he cuts you off "NO Y/N! NO! the falling out of love i can understand but an affair? i have done nothing to make you think that way"
you look at him confused.
"you're not affectionate. you're only happy when you're around the kids, you're only affectionate in public for 'appearances', you wont sleep in the same bed as me, let alone fuck me anymore, so you must be getting it from someone else!" you angrily snap out, you knew being with an older man would have it's problems but not to this extent.
he rolls his eyes. scoffs. "you're ridiculous. i am not having an affair!"
"it makes more sense than 'i'm stressed' " you quickly respond
he scoffs again but doesn't respond. just stares out the windshield of the car into the woods adorning the outskirts of the parking lot. the forest looked peaceful, serene almost. you continue to stare at him waiting for a response. receiving nothing.
you place your hand on his thigh gently "Will... Bear. please just talk to me... let me in again" you whisper. no response from him. he smiles in his mind at the use of the old nickname for him.
he was your bear. Tall, grumpy and hairy as one. Used to have you in fits of laughter when he would groan and snore, you telling him the attributes resembled a bear when you were first dating. hence the nickname.
Something snaps inside of him.
Your argument before, playing through his mind.
He looks over at you, eyes boring into yours. he reaches his hand out, cupping your cheek. it's been too long since he last touched you.
He moves from your cheek and trails his fingers through the mids of your hair before leaning down, hand clamped on the back of your head, moving you up to meet him halfway, lips on yours. slow. tender. A sense of yearning in the kiss. you let out a small surprised noise. not complaining in the slightest. just surprised, shocked even.
he pulls away ever so slightly, lips still touching. a small protesting whine leaving your lips as you desperately try to kiss him again. he stops you. nuzzling his nose against yours. hot breaths caressing each others skin. his lips soft. as you remember them. a free hand intertwined with your left hand, fingers caressing your wedding and engagement rings.
"I've not fallen out of love with you bunny" he breaks the silence, his words barely above a whisper. desperation. yearning. sadness being carried in his voice.
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karoochui · 7 months
Oh god look at the halloween boys🥺🥺
I love them so much your design is AMAZING
Whats their au tho?
Runs up to you in a cold sweat and screams in your face
Okay so crazy thing is this AU follows directly after my original pizzaplex AU. Well okay maybe not DIRECTLY after since the sun and moon designs you see are them after like. Thousands of years. Im still working with it but the premise is the world they live in is an odd mix of ancient/modern world stuff and futuristic magic. And since its a two parted story the follow up AU is called ": ROUND 2". so i guess you could call it that if you like. Im still working on an origin AU name though. (Ill edit the tags for these posts when i get it).
And yes these guys are much more fucked up mentally because they had to get through a mutative apocalypse to get there and pretty much everything is re-evolved in some way. It happens some time after the plex burns down so up until that point the timeline is relatively the same (unless i change it, at least). Its inspired of how adventure time did their stuff except we arent doing the princess and candy stuff kinda magic. So yes humans are still a thing, just sparse.
And the reason they practically look the same after thousands of years is bc idk Rule of Cool i do what i want. The changes for them are more internal anyway. Or deeper than internal. However you wanna call it.
It includes themes of reincarnation, specifically with the reader. And yn actually dies the night of the gregory's break in to the plex. (Yeah the first part does NOT end well).
It will lean towards romantic but not until after a LOT of work. You fucking die for christs sake. Not that you remember that. However it will be mostly platonic/pining, because i like the chase more than the real thing when it comes to reading or writing, funnily enough. Im not as familiar with writing romance as i am with drawing it so that might also be a part of it.
Theres more i could say, but i dont wanna say too much. Mostly because i'm not sure yet what parts are susceptible to change. As for everything I've said here though I think it'll stay pretty solid.
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angstics · 9 days
there’s 2 nights at wwwy though so the real question is do you think both will be masc and if not what will the other be
NOW we're cooking. idk if i posted this but either way at first i thought the wwwy3 2022 outfit was randomly timed. but considering it's probably an old film star, that aligns pretty well thematically with the previous night's old ROCK star. so this year's numbers, if they happen, could be tied together. and both last time were pretty masc ? though one could argue they were both drag, since they accentuated the gendered and camp aspects of both. god it's so wonderful im smiling so hard thinking about it. forgot how much i loved my chemical romance.
anyway i cant really predict much. we dont even know what these shows will be .. it'll be 1.5 years since the last show so i cant say the vision will stay the same. however considering you can easily connect every single thing gerard way has done over the last 22 years .. im confident we will have something to say.
personally i think it'll be a mix of gendered performance. i found last tour so interesting because it wasnt pure feminine pure masculine, even pure androgyny. and i feel that was intentional. im thinking about this post on the skirt suit by callie
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
I don't even CARE about Karkat but after seeing your endgame ships I absolutely need to hear your opinion on Karezi since..Kalliope (???) is so far out there. (We don't talk about Davekat)
LOL ok good i also don't want to talk about davekat
but yeah karezi... interesting! I don't mind it, i think it could work, but I kind of can't help but feel like they deserve better, y'know? (which is incidentally how i feel about davekat too, to a greater extent).
Like, i don't think they're BAD for each other, and before Terezi met Dave, she and karkat definitely had mutual crushes - karkat's most obviously, but eridan's "whoa, did she really say that, can you copy exactly what she said" about feferi is actually an echo of terezi's line about karkat. so, mutual flushed crushes: confirmed.
i guess what i mean by deserving better is just that, like... terezi deserves someone who thinks she's fucking hilarious, and is willing to play along with her little games. as much as she likes karkat's overblown reactions, he's not exactly a good sport, and that's not even getting into his mixed signals. Despite the two having interest in each other since at least the beginning of sgrub, by the time they're talking to the kids, Terezi's surprise when John jokes that Karkat said he was in love with her indicates that he's managed to send such mixed messages that she genuinely isn't sure how he feels about her, and he later berates his own past self on the meteor for the exact same, and of wanting her in every quadrant, his "spirited platonic contention" objectively construable as pitch flirting.
Meanwhile, on Karkat's end, he fucking loves romance. Cheesy, corny, sappy romance. Soul mates and destiny. If you want to understand Karkat, watch Serendipity, one of his favorite movies. My god. If he showed that to terezi she would never let him live it down.
He laments to Vriska that nobody listens to him talk about quadrant shit, even though it's incredibly fascinating to him. This is a lie; ERIDAN listens to him. But this means that Terezi doesn't, and neither have we ever seen them discussing it, so that's kind of what i mean by both of them deserving better? Terezi deserves someone who can play along with her jokes and mind games and karkat deserves someone who is interested in his quadrant discussions; she deserves someone who can put their whole ass into saying they dig her and he deserves someone who doesn't mind his vacillatory mixed signal nonsense. idk. i dont think they're bad for each other, i just think they can do better, lmao. again these opinions are just opinions and idfc what you (general you) ship
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re-bee-key · 1 year
Im still thinking about how fucked up Willow getting canceled is.
Not just because a sapphic show got canceled. Like. That is very important. And upsetting. Tanthamore is EVERYTHING. And Kit being the first lesbian disney princess is everything.
But also like
Its a fantasy show that showcase little people going on adventures! Featuring actual little people! (No shade to LotR but yeah.)
Willow was made to show little people can go on fantastical fun adventures like anyone else.
And while s1 didnt focus on that as much as I would have liked. It was obviously setting up s2 to focus more on Willow's growth. And his daughter Mims to have her own adventure as well.
Its main 3 romances are all interracial! Like, that so important. Cause we still rarely see mixed couples in media. And the fact that all 3 are is so so special
And the main prince is Guatemalan! His character. A sad prince wrestling with the darkness inside of him. Thats usually given to white guys. And it was given to Tony! Like. Thats so special!
And the Han Solo character type is Indian!
And the story focuses on women! Its a female driven story! All of the most powerful characters are women! Thats so so cool
And it was all taken from us. Before it could even finish.
Like. How expensive could 2 more season even be?? Thats not asking much!
Why would Disney show that they dont care about these stories? Especially when they were trending and doing really well! And the fandom was growing everyday!
God Im so upset
Anways. If you havnt seen Willow. Please do. We are pushing for it to get brought back. And views help.
And if youre a Questie. Please sign petitions and mail acorns to Disney.
We're not giving up. This story is too important.
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anne-the-insomniac · 12 days
More plot bunnies by I, who hasnt succumbed to the temptation of being a writer.
There is no set limit of fandom. I just go blink and it is here.
The bunnies.. oh god.
1. Chuuya as Cale.
- rather than KRS within it is Chuuya inside of Cales Body or sharing the same body like halfsies of the time within the body.
- At day its KRS at night it is Chuuya! Maybe..
- Both likes alcohol? Yes.
- Both red heads? Absolutely
- Both rich? Verily.
- You can mix in a Dazai in there... Maybe as Alver? Or as Barrow...?
2. Percy Jackson Harry Potter
- Child of Death (Thanatos) or Child of Magic (Hecate) Harry Potter.
- Main cast of Percy Jackson in there but with the addition of Harry Potter.
- Maybe with Ron and Hermione in the story.
- Child of Athena or maybe Child of Coeus Hermione?
- As for Ron I don't wanna change anything since the weasley family is great and the fact I seemingly can't decide a God that may fit in the moment..
3. Fullmetal Alchemist & Harry Potter crossover
- Ed somehow someway gets in the harry potter universe but during the time of Tom Riddle.
- Maybe through a deal with Truth or Amestris being a some type of undiscovered country.
- Ed may help Tom by stopping him with making horcruxes with Tom having a fascination with Ed because HE CAN TECHNICALLY MAKE HIM IMMORTAL.
- Make them rivals? Friends? LOVERS? FRENEMIES??? Any of these can fit actually.
- Rivals due to Ed being able to learn anything in a couple of months so him challenging Riddle with the golden good boy spot.
- Friends with them both being research buds. Ed is still rude and Tom still just wants knowledge from Ed. ( i dont think this is even friendship but sure.)
- Lovers two intelligent bastards with one of them wanting to be a inmmortal politician and one is a military man. Lovers out of convinience or actual romance? Who knows maybe Tom is using Edward as basically a way of gaining popularity within amestris and Ed using Tom as a way to learn more about the wizarding world.
- Frenemies with them equally hating eachother and will attempt to outsmart eachother but will assist when needed. Need a giant snake to get rid of a asshole sacrifice the said asshole to the basilisk call your good great annoyance Tom. Need knowledge to make yourself a immortal politician with power? Call Edward and hope he teaches you. (He will mostly likely wont but if he does you probably wont need to split your own soul.)
- Grindelwald is also yknow still there so maybe him and Dumbeldore as the main antagonists with minor ones called wizard racism.
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theheraldsrest · 1 year
if you folks dont mind, could one of you write for an inquisitor that maybe romanced krem? i know hes not romanceable in game but man. i need more content for this ship, if possible. no pressure of course! have a wonderful day you two!
“Krem Romance Headcanons”
You got it, dude! From talking with others, I think a lot of people fell for Krem the first time he was properly introduced. Can’t blame them. This got long way too fast, oops.
-Lord Lex
-Absolutely fell hard when he first met you. He kept his cool though, only a flush on his face giving him away
-When you came to fight with them, he tried to show off a bit. Iron Bull was wondering why he kept getting hurt much more than usual
-Oh god, Bull. Chief tries to give him advice and tips on how to whoo a woman when Krem tells him about his crush. He regrets it.
-At Haven, he’ll try to strike up conversations with you more, coincidentally giving you a flower that he picked while gathering herbs
-At Skyhold, you caught him standing up on his chair looking around and, when spotting you, dropped to sit on the head of the chair. Told you it was just to keep an eye on things. 
-He really wanted to ask you to dinner or to drinks, but was a little afraid of what you might say when he told you he was trans. Of course, he eventually did tell you and was so relieved to see you had no problems with it. 
-It was actually when you got back from a mission that he asked, quite smoothly, if you’d like to get drinks with him. By smoothly I mean his hand missed the counter and he fell down to the ground.
-But you said yes. Holy shit, he’s way too excited and forgot he was on the ground. When you met back up with him at the front of the bar, he didn’t lead you inside but instead up the stairs next to it.
-On the roof of one of the towers, Krem had set up a blanket, some food, and drinks for you two. Tried to make it romantic and kept asking if this was alright. 
-He never really leaves your side unless both of you have seperate things that need to get done. Will always offer you his hand and act like such a gentleman to you
-Dating Krem also means being around the Chargers more often and learning that all of them had been giving him advice. Yes, including Grim. 
-You also learn that there are a lot more puns for Krem’s name thanks to Bull. If you use any of them when talking to Krem, you’ll see him flush before he tells you to hush.
-Whenever you're free or need to de-stress, he’ll take you up to the tower. Get you away from the hustle-bustle from down below and star gaze. Knows a lot of constellations, surprisingly.
-Great with cuddling. Finds all the pillows and blankets and makes a nest on your bed for you two to hide in. Holds you close in his lap while you two just talk or joke.
-Krem can cook and it’s pretty good. Whenever he makes something new, he tries to have you be the first to taste test it. Has also shown you his favorite recipes and how to make them.
-Every time you go on one of the major missions, Krem always gets worried for your safety but he knows you’re strong and capable. Plus, you got the Chief with you. Not sure if that makes it better or worse.
-Always finds you little trinkets when he travels so that he can give you a present when he gets back. 
-When he leaves, he always takes your hand and places a gentle kiss to your knuckles, promising to come back safe for you. When he does come back, he picks you up in a hug.
-Boy will pick a fight with any noble that looks at you wrong. Imagine the mixed reactions with Krem Aclassi as the Inquisitor’s date to the Winter Palace.
-After the battle with Coreypheus, highly debates whether to sticking with the Chargers or by your side. Eventually decides on traveling, but knows that he'll always come back to you
-When you do lose your hand, he’s by your side offering his own to help you with anything. Even suggests getting an arm made by Dagna. He trusts her…Definitely.
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OK. UM. first of all, hiiii! <3 ok lemme just gush a lil bit:
2. god, i don't even have the slightest idea of how tennis works, but this is just so????? like?????? you know. and i kinda get how the play goes?? YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER GOSH.
3. i actually remembered most of the characters?? considering there's a lot of em, this is practically a miracle. again, you're goddamn amazing. i dont know how. maybe the pace is great, but definitely THE CHARAS ALL HAVE PERSONALITY/DEPTH??? like, i actually even remembered the side charas!!! mike, thalia, diego, felix, that cool ass girl in that shooting game, etc. umh just perfecto.
4. THE TENNIS MATCHES ALL FEEL SO SATISFYING!!! <3333333 omg. i feel like WUOOOOOH u know. i feel so cool playing a cool talented mc omg im loving it (i play a i-win-everything type of mc becuz im a perfectionist with a fear of failure) the matches me on edge in my seat oh gosh <3 and when u win it somehow just go WOOOOOOOH again!!! AAAAAA<3
5. aw, and of course, my beloved rivals to lovers rayyan <3333 *sigh* the slowburn.... (hes actually my first & only one. i go: ohhh tension!?!? and make a run for it. um, if it's ok to ask, is there a lot of content in the romance area as of now or in the future? like, replayability in terms of romance? im sorry if this is rude, i didnt mean to, i suck at words & i wont ask that again.)
6. FOUND FAMILY YAY! FOUND FAMILY YAY! <33333 (we genuinely lack those in the if community pls.) soulmates w/ sam. ride or die diego. very reluctant ride or die G (imma be honest, his name is just so hard so my head for some reason just go Guacamole 😭). aww tobin u very big cinammon roll ill protect u. shenanigans. & others too many to name honestly.
7. help this is just so good i had to force myself to sleep at 3am for a 7am lecture and i sat in the front rows and i put my head on the table and the fricking professor called me out ohmygod- BUT IT WAS WORTH IT GODDAMN!! ILL DO IT AGAIN IF I HAVE TO! HA! i cant wait for the next update- i'm gonna have this fic in my head for the next week oh pls noooooo. (no pressure tho. u do u author! take ur time!!! ill be here to support u, whoo!)
8.ALL IN ALL, I LOVE IT I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYONE I LOVE YOU AUTHOR *runs over & hug you w/ consent* <333333333333
ok. um. that's not it but if i continue it's literally gonna be an essay so i'll stop.
author. i will die for this fic. ahaahahahah. if i may ask, what's ur fav IFs? (i really, really love this one so im kinda hoping maybe u have similar taste in IFs eheh. again, im sorry if this comes as rude or insensitive.) oh uh & if my long rambles bother u, i won't send it again sorry.
<333 okok. take care of urself, dont forget to eat healthy, drink water & good sleep. have a nice day :D
Wait. I think I might have missed replying to this I am so sorry!!! It gave me so so much joy. Maybe I subconsciously did not want it to leave my inbox haha.
1. And 2 -> THANK YOU!
3. Gosh this is such a great thing to hear. There are a looot of characters, and I definitely worry sometimes that it gets to be too much, but I think the IF is getting long enough for me to give enough-ish screentime to each character... though it takes me a while to cycle back to different side characters. I cant believe you remembered the cool ass girl in laser tag! :)
4. AWESOME to hear! 🥰
5. Yup, being a character driven IF, there will be a lot of romance (or friendship) beats / moments in the IF (which is already true now). The next couple of chapters will follow the same mix of sports, school and romance / hanging out, so you should already have a sense of how much romance there'll be (it'll just keep unfolding / developing for each of the RO routes!)
6. Hehe found family is my fave trope to insert in stories as well.
7. Hahaha aww oh no fictional college life is catching up to your real college life!!
8. HUG YOU BACK (with consent)!!🤗🤗
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hotgirlstiles · 10 months
been watching a lot of period romances lately and smth ab sterek in a regency era esque courtship is so special to me.........................ESPECIALLY mixed with a like werewolf courtship???????? like this is so important to me derek asking the sheriff to court stiles!! going on little chaperoned walks and dates!! theres a scene from the 2020 emma adaptation where emma and mr knightly dance and emma has taken her gloves off and their bare hands are touching and imagining sterek in that scene has me insane!! honestly i know derek is a great mr darcy and thats why theres multiple p&p fics but i NEED someone to write an emma au!! the 'if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more' speech is SO derek hale coded it makes my heart hurt!!! this ask is all over the place tbh but regency era sterek!!!
YES!!!!! YESS SYES YES OFMEOAPSJWIDJ my ultimate fav regency sterek fic is the one inspired by pride & prejudice…. ill link it later but OHGODDD THERES JUST SOMETHING ABOUT A STEREK REGENCY AU.. derek all broody and mysterious…. I especially love a good jane eyre au.. puhhh…. i lovelove thinking abt sterek as jane eyre cause it fits soooo fucking well.
i dont know much abt emma—like only the basic plof but OHGOD THAT LINEEEER I ONLY KNOW EMMA BC OF THAT LINE BUT UES GOD. SO TRUE. and it fits so so well too cause stiles always pairing his friends and being the ‘perfect matchmaker’ but struggling to find ‘the one’ for him…… sometimes i think abt tyler hoechlin saying the line “if i loved you less i might be able to talk about it more” just to feel pain. the image of derek holding tightly onto stiles’ hands and trying SO hard to put it into words. GODDDD STEREK REGENCY AU PLEASEEEE PELASEPLEAS
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understandableparadox · 4 months
Bottom of the barrel isekai review
did i say I was going to read something horrible for you? turns out it was horrible for me.
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behold a fucking pre-amble. I think the idea of loving and being loved is a concept ambiguous enough for it to be idolized by almost anyone because the ways to love are so varied and different. unconditional, unrequited, toxic, wholesome, forbidden, destined, love has more modifiers then fucking charizard and oops we gotta update that sentence because someone on book tik tok has invented a new type of love known as Squimy love. what does this mean for your children? more at 11.
regardless we yearn for a type of romance or if you are aromantic a form of intimacy in the form of the platonic. in some cases we can form such ties with people we don't see, people that Do not know that you exist.
in worse cases, sometimes the people who don't know we exist want to foster that relationship further for their own benefit. Parasocial love.
im sure you heard it from whatever drama youtuber you have decided to use to funnel useless bits of rage bait into your ears but its a tale as old as creepy guys. streamer is a little to eager to play into the fantasy of the viewers, that they love them, that they thing You, that's right, You dear viewer are special...Then they use that to groom or take advantage of a kid and they don't go to jail and someone writes a long expose piece on them and you want them to get hit by a truck but god rarely allows such lovely Closure...
anyways that defeintly has nothing to do with the work we are unraveling today, right? right???
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oh no....
god, just kill me... ok the premise is simple, the internet has been made by a reincarnated rando who has decided that anything in regards to adventuring and fighting is just not in the cards for him so he has decided to just be a streamer. The only streamer in the world...Well more of a podcaster, given his streams are soley voice. but lets not label spikes being driven into my head.
but hey, thats a intresting concept, the idea that someone has created the true information highway across a world that is fucking Eras to early for it, theres a lot of things that one can explo-
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kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me, please, im begging, im pleading, im a fucking deer on the side on the road stareing at you with blank uncomprehending eyes, my comprehension of Big Block Of Metal screaming down the road is null, dont let up on the gas and turn me into a grease smear so I may obtain something resembling an iota of peace of mind
anyways they wont talk about this for ten additional chapters and then again for the arc finally so i'm going to ignore it and move on.
they also go to a school that accommodates commoners and nobals, but its also the first school that actully does this, which is really intresting as its a mixing of classes and allowing "commoner" students acess to higher education and training for magic for a war with the demon king, meaning is this truly for public betterment or is this a method of ensureing nobel students arent drafted into war due to magic potential by haveing a healthy supply of seemingly more expenda- oh? your bored? you want me to jinkle something in your face? oh i messed up that sentance? You Meant to say jiggle? ok cool
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reaching the end of the comic we come to its inevitable Gimmick because one cannot be Fucked to try to make just one gimmick work. thats right, the streamer has developed a collection of accidental parasocial relationships with various well endowed women across the nation, each in astoundingly have posistions of power or in some way highly skilled.
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Each woman dispite not knowing who the streamer is, never seeing his face are thusly so infatuated by the mere sound of his voice and the kind words he mutters that they have their brain matter utterly rewired, becomeing true devouts for their favorite streamer...
Rinse and repeat for 20 plus chapters and you get Shitty Ecchi Slop delivered out to be consumed en masse because men cannot hope to penetrate the core of male lonliness without true introspection which in turn is stymied by a hunered or so other dude bros who loathe the word and offer a far easier view in which to dye the world. thus they seak idea of being coveted by someone in mangas in increaseingly more convluted power fantasies...
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turning down the notches this manga is funny in the fact that it pulls me back and fourth with wild abandon between utter and complete slop and genuinly funny bits and abnormally normal opinions for the genra.
"Is the underlying story, barring any other concept, good?" 
there really isnt a story, its just streamer talking and women going batshit insane.
"on a sliding scale of min to max, how much is the author using this to explore fetish" 
medium. the story has an obsession with the idea of yandere but it rarely goes into the idea of a stalker. the women are respectfull of his boundries barring one but that one is called the odd one out. aside from that, alot of scenes are just an ecuse to draw anime tits.
"How many story crutches does the author use to explore the story" 
it dosent need crutches because it has little to no intrest in telling a coherent story, it talks about what it wants and drops the rest.
 "Is the author attempting to use the story as a way to explain why he is not weird."
streamers can solve all of socitial ills as long as the women who they create parasocial relationships in are in posistions of high political power. .
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pitynostars · 5 months
ok so first things first, i loooove gatwa's doctor so much already. if nothing else, i love the masterclass in acting he's putting on, his expressiveness is so impressive. he brings a very fun energy to the role
the church on ruby road has me feeling a bit mixed as well. the plot was kind of meh, and i didn't like how in the alternate universe ruby's mum was just so mean without her. it didn't make sense. like what makes ruby so special, hm 🤨 what's this one white blond baby got that all the other babies in the world don't 🤨 i know the point was to show how much ruby meant to her mum, but like. there are other ways to do it than have a complete 180 in characterization.
i'm honestly not super interested in the mystery of ruby's parentage (which apparently seems like it will be a huge thing unless they're just making stuff up to fake us out, in which case, good on them). but i don't want it to be some big reveal i'm sorry 😩 especially not because if it is, people will bend over backwards to say how great storytelling it is when they'd never say that if moffat did a plot like this. i hadn't even considered the possibility really, when i'd first watched it, i thought it's just not that deep, but maybe i'm wrong. the people who are theorizing that ruby is rose and tentoo's daughter are sooo funny though like
ur only saying that because she's blond and we all know nobody on this show can be blond without being related to The Blond(tm) 🙄
that literally means they abandoned their kid. yes. such good parents 😫
i also feel like we didn't....really get to know ruby that well? i'll reserve judgement to give them more time obviously, and millie seems very green (not a judgement on her, and she and ncuti seem to have a lot of fun energy together) so there's still time and there's a lot of time in general for the stories to get going, and it had to do double duty as a christmas special and an intro episode for both new doctor and new companion so like, my feelings may also change with time. anyways those are my thots for now
yesss i was sold on gatwa very quickly i just hope he doesn't become 10th doctor rehash number 2345932853845 i am so tired. give him something new. also praying him and ruby don't have a romance angle there were a couple of moments in CORR i was like. GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT AGAIN.
CORR plot being meh i agreeee but also xmas specials plot is a lot of times like a wafer and as someone who watched it quite roasted ngl i kinda appreciated it 😂
YEAH omhg tho with ruby disappearing and her mum (i want to say carla??) completely changing as a person??? i get that the point was supposed to be like one little change can make such an impact etc etc as well. but also i was just like. .... ok but what about the other kids wasnt good enuf ???? maybe i'm a cynic lol. but fr have another MORE kids on the wall bc she's trying to fill a gap she doesn't know is from what !!!! IMAGINE.... especially with it being sort of set up as a doctor/companions parallel oh my god
nooo oh my god i know what you mean about rubys parents i like that theyre setting it up as a counter to 13s "it doesn't matter i'm good as i am my past doesnt define me" etc. but i really want it to not be interesting. i want her parents to just be like. normal people who had to make a hard choice lol. oh my god. i just realised. we're gonna go thru a fucking rey star wars arc with her im gonna lose it byee... imagine she ends the series like "im ruby doctor" :) i would quit watching.
but yeah 100% it's gonna be a big thing. atm i dont care but i guess we'll see and hope they do something interesting with it.... prayers she's an alien tbf
rose and tentoo would be terrible parents tbf i said what i said.
YEAH i know what you mean i feel like that about gatwa too i think its hard making the first intro for both an xmas special because it has to be kinda silly and rompy so you cant rlly get too into the grit of the characters?? still reserving judgement on them both, but its taken me a while to warm up to like. everyone in dr who since bill--- wait i take that back i loved bel in flux from like her first scene but she's not a doc or companion.
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viennacherries · 3 months
Lyrical analysis you say? 👀👀
I happen to be a bit of a musician myself (I was in my middle school choir and am lying to myself)
Would love to hear your thoughts on anything Hozier has written, but particularly Talk bc I also have thoughts on that one
okay this is nothing to do with bg3 so anyone who isn't interested feel free to skip over this. that being said i do think this song fits very well with gale when he was trying to get mystra to forgive him while he's in the tower.
if u are interested it's below the cut :)
this song is a fukin masterpiece first of all, i LOVE hozier. his lyricism is fucking incredible and never fails to sweep me completely off my feet.
this song is lyrically one of his more straight forward songs, if you know the context behind what he's referencing.
essentially, the story of orpheus and eurydice is a greek myth. orpheus finds his beloved wife eurydice dead, and sings a song so sad and beautiful that the gods take pity on him. he visits hades and hades agrees to let eurydice live again, so long as orpheus doesn't look behind him as he leaves. orpheus is nearly at the exit, only a few paces away, but he loses his faith and turns to check she's still with him. she's a few steps behind him, right where hades said she would be, but as soon as their eyes meet she's dragged back into the underworld.
now, when hozier is referencing this story he's specifically comparing himself to all of the best qualities of the characters in the myth. orpheus' devotion to his wife, the hopeful feeling he had that he could save her, the overwhelming need he felt to see her that overpowered his ability to follow hades' instruction, and eurydice in her final moments forgiving orpheus anyway because she loves him so much. this verse is hozier promising the person he's singing to endless devotion.
however, his next verse says that he's imagining all of the (presumably) indecent things they could do together. he admits that he's sweet talking them so that they dont see through to how badly he desires them.
the second verse goes back to him talking about how devoted and loving he can be. he calls true love a "lost myth" but insists that he will be the exception. he's different to others, he truly loves them. through the next few lines he's essentially selling himself as the solution to all of their issues surrounding love, he'll be the release that he believes they won't truly find in anyone except for god at the end of the world. he's bigging himself up again, he's essentially trying to sell himself to this woman.
you can view this song in a couple of ways, in my opinion. this song can be a demonstration of true devotion and love, hozier offering himself up to worship this person and telling them all of the ways he will cherish them. but i think it can also be seen as manipulative. he's sweet talking them even though all he's really thinking about is bedding them; think like a guy at a bar who knows all the stuff to say but is gone by the time you wake up in the morning. i think it can also be a mix of both, he truly loves them but feels unworthy. he thinks if they knew all the ways he thought of them they wouldn't be interested, so he peacocks and promises and parades around in the hopes of impressing them.
the songs in d minor key. by placing it in this key he's purposely evoking certain emotions/creating a specific atmosphere. d minor lends itself especially well to creating a melancholy or anxious atmosphere. a lot of songs about grief and sadness are in d minor. christian schubert, in an essay he wrote in 1784, uses the term "melancholy womanliness" to describe the key. i think that perfectly describes the atmosphere hozier creates in this song. a lot of people say that hozier is "for the lesbians" (based as hell btw) because a lot of the songs he writes are about true love and devotion to women. he's reverential in the way he talks about passion and romance, and it fits really well into the female gaze. you could view this song as him acknowledging this ("imagine being loved by me" could be him talking to the listener).
the song is 77bpm, which classifies it as 'andante' (moderately slow). it gives it a slow relaxed feeling, which really sells the whole vibe of him trying to woo someone. combined with the prominent baseline and the choral backing vocals, the song feels like worship. it feels like laying your soul bare.
it's no doubt his sexiest song. the song reeks of sex and sensuality. down to every detail this song is about seducing someone. it's romantic, sensual, and overall an absolutely beautiful piece that perfectly demonstrates hozier's prowess with lyricism. one of his main strengths is his ability to paint a vivid picture with his words.
this is quite a simple and surface level analysis of the song as i've whacked it together but in conclusion: beautiful sexy song and i am in fact imagining being loved by him.
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klonoadreams · 9 months
From what I remember mako has already met many important characters including 2 future strawhats and a powerful straw hat ally.
Assuming that not too much changes by the time the main story starts. How would these Chracters see mako as meeting her again. Like say meeting a grown up sanji and Law along with th baroque work robin? For me I would at least think sanji and law would be like big brothers to her.
Also any spoilers on who her dad is? Or who mako would be shipped with?
Not much is really different, just that Mako has been alive and in existence for like one more year, making her a year older than what she was originally, but it's also a bit of a mess since like, idk how to tell you, but Shanks is like barely 21 when he has Mako instead of 22, so oop, some things might end up changing, but also god dang, Yassop, you barely knew your own son and now you're just taking care of this rando Shark girl with the others ahahha.
No but seriously, this just means the Red Hair Pirates have Mako longer and that means further disaster because Yassop Daddy experience only goes for like a few months and Mako is half fishman, SO WHOOPS NEW TERRITORY.
So yeah, Robin and Sanji would be ecstatic to see her again, especially since the two of them went their separate ways to pursue their dreams, since Sanji won't get good experience as a cook with Shanks, and Robin, while absolutely delighted to know she is loved and considered important, knows that she has to leave the nest because she can't do what she wants with them and try as they may, they can't help coddling her a bit because Robin mcfucking did not have a good childhood, cmere, you get a hug.
Meanwhile Law would just be happy to see his friend again after so long, to the one person that taught him, alongside Robin, that even monsters deserve to live.
Seeing her thriving and also throwing a wrench in the world government's agenda by just casual exposing cover-ups in order to let the truth shine through....yeah, he’s happy to see her. Genuinely, no joke or nothing. Especially Robin and Sanji, though how the turn tables. He would've thought Mako would've been her own captain to a crew, but nah, she's content letting Luffy do it while being the resident lifeguard cuz she can swim. And also fish. :V
Her dad isn't actually anyone we know but an OC, like a rando mako shark fishman who effectively got picked out of the bunch to pair up with a Kuja Pirate who wasn't exactly considered a good wife for a Celestial Dragon (aka, dude was sterile, or at the very least got poor kid making skills), so curiosity plus pettiness and a bet equals Mako into the mix. Which is very bad.
That said, Mako's bio dad is related to some existing characters. And I will say this, Arlong won't exactly take to well to ever seeing her, because she serves as a constant reminder in a cog to a tragedy.
(Hint: it involves Koala going home - you can figure it out there, but yeah, Mako's uncle is pretty famous :V)
(He also had a hand in how Mako's mother was able to escape and while Mama was hoping to go back to Amazon Lily, she at least was in a safe place amongst Shanks crew when she gave birth to Mako)
Originally, i didn't have romance in mind, but honestly, I'm at a whatever happens, happens, because Mako's circumstances are so unique and complicated, that her situation allows her complexity, given how 17 seems to be the age at which people are considered adults or at least allowed to drink, and being a pirate just adds to it, mixed in with being someone who has a bounty.
Romance isn't off the table for her, so keep an eye out for it. Dont expect anytjing until after the time skip tho, she’s a little like Luffy in that it's the last thing on her mind lmao.
But also she's got a storm coming her way come Whole Cake Island because Big Mom wants Shanks's daughter for connections so...
Lucky son Katakuri got picked by my friends, so that's gonna be a "bruh wtf"
Aka, we got two weddings to crash. Except Mako isn't getting killed, but she still wants out of it, nope nope nope
Anyways wedding dress mako kicking ass. :V
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readersrealm · 6 months
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I'm new to this...Ive never had a blog before but I've always liked the idea of having one. Combining two of my favourite things: reading and (even tho i like it less and am fairly bad at it) writing. Its a dream! Shall I start by telling you facts about me maybe?
Alright. Since you cant answer I just will.
I'd rather not tell you my real name if I'm being honest. With the whole digital footprint and doxxing and all. I'll have to think of a username I'd like. What do you think of something with bubbles (even tho that does sound like a bunny name) or boykiller (that'll start an argument probably with all the boys that think theyre undeserving of being killed) orrr smth with silent (i like that but what? maybe silent bookworm but then again that sounds kind of weird) well... I'll think of something. For now I'll just sign with "unknown" that'll be okay.
I CAN tell you that i am a female human (i am at that point in life where you dont know if you should call me a girl or a woman).
I turned 16 in august. I'm really lucky that my birthday's in august, because its always warm and its ALWAYS in summer break at least where I'm from. We have the whole august summer break. I LOVE IT.
I WAS born in germany and both my parents are german so no english roots what-so-ever (well in the near past) but when covid started back in the beginning of 2020 and school had to stop for a while, while they had to figure out what to to do with the whole pandamic and all so my mom suggested I'd start watching my shows and films in english to learn better english so I did that and it's degenerated a little bit into reading English books. BUT i have to thank my mom for getting the ball rolling.
Im bisexual, meaning I like girls AND boys (figured THAT out finally when i was 13) and if you have anything mean to say about it to me I'll cry (especially when you start talking about the connection between being gay and god - when you say bad things because nobody can say good things about THAT relationship)
My hobbies are
dancing (jazz which is a mix of ballett and hiphop if anyone cares),
reading (fanfiction AND actual books)
and by now probably meeting my friends (I've never considered that to be a hobby...not because i didnt have any friends, no. More because I usually dont like meeting up with people)
and i should probably put "going to the gym" on that list too, but I kind of dropped the ball on that one...
My first book I remember really LOVING that really got me into reading (when i was 9) was (and now this is going to be german so just ignore it if you dont know it) "Alea Aquarius" and I read it now too sometimes. Even though its a childrens book, it became a comfort book too, thinking of all the good times I had as a child especially reading (not just that book but in general). Even young it became an escape from the world (even without screaming parents).
I usually read everything, depending on what people recommend me. But I do have genres I read more than others. Romance, Fantasy and Crime are my favourites even tho romance is getting predictable. MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE TROPE tho is unreliable narrator. It is THE best!! The genre I read the least tho is non-fiction. I just need books that transport me into a new (often better and more interesting) world. Classics too are a genre I dont really read. Doesnt mean i havent read a classic and also doesnt mean i dont own some it just means that reading classics in english as a german person is really not that easy...so i dont OR i buy the book in german too. I did that for pride and prejudice (that i bought solely because it was mentioned A LOT in a random wattpad book hehe) and I love it now and own three copies (2 german, 1 english).
I dont read my fanfiction on wattpad anymore either. Ive transferred to ao3 instead. If you dont know the platform, you ABSOLUTELY should. Its amazing what people can write and how EASILY a book can be longer than the bible is magnificent. The fanfiction on there can easily be published as actual books. No problem. And we get to read it for free! Im so grateful for that all the time.
Dont immediatly think Im weird just for reading fanfiction (be honest, who hasnt). I mightve read some dream smp once...(a bit too many because i used to be REALLY into dnf and even bought dream hoodies but lets not talk about that phase of my life. Its embarrassing) but now i love drarry and marauders (especially wolftstar and jegulus) but i also enjoy the "all for the game"-fanfictions - especially "Black as is the Raven" (which is also longer than the bible. dont worry, i checked, am not spreading false information) on ao3 (a trilogy, sooo... actual books) nowadays.
On my spotify wrapped (people who use AppleMusic are weird) it said i listened for 219,139 minutes which are 152 days so I can call myself the music queen now (which is also cringe). My favourite songs (yes i listen to music while reading) are
"NOT!" by straykids
"winterherz" by JAS, "Memories" by Leonell Cassio,
"Summertime Sadness" by Lana del Rey,
"we're all eating eachcother" by Juliet Ivy,
"I miss having sex but atleast i dont want to die anymore" by Waterparks,
"Homemade Dynamite" by Lorde,
"Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls
"Just You and I" by Tom Walker
"Why am i like this?" by Orla Gartland (thx heartstopper)
"Happy little pill" by Troye Sivan
"DLMLU" by straykids
My favourite artists are Straykids (yes I listen to (and read) KPop, so what. Im not weird -> me, trying to convince myself), NF, Halsey, Lorde, The Weeknd and probably Lana Del Rey (probably have that from my dad...).
I think that was it for now...we can do a part 2 of my introduction when i think of more to say hehe. But i think this is a nice start (and yes i know use the brackets too much, sue me.) and well get along right? Remember, dont be too harsh on me and ignore any minor grammar or spelling mistakes.
Love ya,
Unknown (told you, i need a name)
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