#but hey anything counts
chenziee · 5 months
I might actually open commissions.. had/will have a lot of unexpected expenses lately 😭
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egophiliac · 9 months
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just thinking about hair and faces
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chemblrish · 2 months
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7 April 2024
I still don't know how I managed to power through ~200 ochem problems for the upcoming test but I have to say I'm impressed
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anewp0tat0 · 9 months
I tried but not very hard to see what the anniversary date was, and i decided to just prepare myself for the 16th or the 18th... it was the former. so, as always, but this time truly by accident... happy belated 17th birthday Black Butler!! I truly hope this year is amazing for us.
this year, I decided to use an idea I had wanted to try for a while but I never thought I would be able to pull off. and I still probably couldn't in the best way.... but regardless, here is a made up last chapter scenario.
you can also see this comic on webtoon here. whatever your fancy, if you please :>
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imthursdaysyme · 1 year
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Sleepover shenanigans
#drawing#steve harrington#stranger things#robin buckley#stobin#they were in her room arguing like old married couple#listen steve just doesn’t understand how she can’t do it bc he thinks she can do anything#he said what tf do you mean you don’t have abs and rob was like bestie I don’t work out they aren’t strong I’m a limo noodle#and he was like well girl get on that I don’t want you to die bc you didn’t keep your body healthy istg your worse than Henderson#and she was like HEY I do plenty of things such as ride my bike and he said ok then why are your thighs the size of my forearm#and he keeps yelling at her to use her core and she’s screaming at him that she’s trying#and he’s holding her leg#but we’ll rob flails and her heel whacked him in the eye so he feel back#hit the wall thought he was dead#dropped rob to the ground and shes cursing like an d man that had to get up from his chair#and she’s like why’d you drop me and he doesn’t respond so she looks over#and my man is out for the count with another black eye#she thinks she killed him and worries that after years of demogorgons and Russians the thing that kills Steve Harrington is#Robs sharp ass heel#she pushes him under the bed and covers him with blankets and then goes to sleep#except he wakes up at like 2am and she screams worse than when she saw a ud creature for the 1st time and whacks him back down and BAM#he is out again and now Robin is freaking out more bc omg she killed her platonic soulmate and he came back to life only for her to kill him#AGAIN#she wonders if she can be tried for double manslaughter on one man but how would they know? then rob realized she can’t testify bc#she’ll tell everything if she gets up on the stand and she won’t just be sentenced for life she’ll be sentence for TWO lives#but then she’s like omg I deserve two life sentences to honor Steve even though he wouldn’t be in jail she just assumes he goes with her#even her own prison sentence for his murder#the next time Steve wakes up he inches out and flips on her to tame her flailing limbs and she starts crying saying#I killed you twice but my love for you is so strong it brought you back a third time and steve is like you knocked me out shithead you didnt#murder me Jesus Christ and she’s like how do you k ow and he’s like omg how do I know
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scumtumbl · 1 year
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the way my gay ass would have the episode end
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writeouswriter · 2 years
The good news: I have written over 3000 words on a single project, which I haven't done in a startlingly long while.
The bad news: I have written it for a fanfic for a fandom I will never in a million years share.
The good news: But hey, I still wrote it, wrote something, and I still had fun writing it.
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hello, i would like to hear about the titans fantasy au O.O
Oh man, you really shouldn't enable me like this... but if you insist!!
Alright, here's the setting: We're in some weird Lord of Rings/DnD fantasy setting with various magical creatures and inconsistent technological developments. Were tunics worn at the same time as ball gowns? Were carriages used at the same time as broad swords? I don't know! And I'm not doing any historical research! It's just haphazardly medieval!
Donna, for the most part, is relatively unchanged. She fits into this setting rather well. She is the demigod daughter of Zues, warrior in training, third in line to be Queen of the Amazons. At 13 years old she is a new arrival from her island nation and she is hoping to learn monster hunting (she's hoping to learn by doing). The one condition of her joining Diana was that she was supposed to stay with Diana at all times. Both of them nodded and smiled in agreement when their mother, the Queen, said this. Both immediately parted ways once their boat hit the shores of this new and exciting world.
Speaking of new and exciting, the King of Atlantis' ward is tagging along for the first time to see the surface world. Garth is fascinated (and a little terrified) and he's hoping to learn new types of magic! The Crown Prince (his older brother) Koryak says that he will make a fearsome mage one day and he really doesn't want to let him down. Garth imagines that one day his brother will rule as King and Garth will be there at his side as the Head Mage. He really has to work on his skills to get to that point though! Hence studying abroad. He's also... maybe... looking to meet some friends. Or any friends, really. He doesn't have any and he's heard good things.
Lord Richard of Gotham is so tired of politics. His... 'father' is the Crown Prince, next in line for the throne of Gotham. Not that anyone, including Bruce, is happy about it. The Kane family has had the crown for centuries and now, because the King only had daughters and Bruce's mom had the audacity to marry a Wayne (their rival house), they stand to lose it all. Thankfully, Bruce's status as Crown Prince is only temporary. As soon as Princess Kate Kane is married off, her husband will automatically be next in line. (Although they've sure been taking their time with that. What's the hold up?) So Bruce doesn't have to ever worry about being King and Dick (as Bruce's totally legitimate love child that Bruce didn't make up to make sure Dick could inherit everything if he ever died, don't do the math on their ages) doesn't ever have to worry about the throne at all. Sure, he's technically second in line but it's as far away from reality as a nightmare and just as scary. For right now all Dick has to worry about is being a squire, going on adventures and learning how to be a great knight! What could go wrong!?
Crown Prince Elroy is fucked. Seriously fucked. The old Crown Prince Oliver saw Roy at an archery competition and decided 'Yeah, that one.' Ollie offered him a room, food and all the arrows he could ever want. When Roy found out that Ollie was taking a page out of Robin Hood's book, Roy was overjoyed. The two of them had a blast stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. It was great! And then Ollie's father, the King, found out. He disowned Ollie, not that Ollie cared, and life went on as normal with one major giant exception. The King didn't have any other children (legitimate children anyway) and Ollie was now disowned. So the King legitimized Roy as Oliver's bastard child and heir. Or, sorry, Elroy because apparently 'Roy' wasn't fancy enough. Now Elroy is the Crown Prince. Elroy is under lock and key so that Ollie can't influence him. Elroy is being forced to study. (The King promised him that this was just to make Ollie see reason but Roy isn't so sure... the King is putting a lot of effort into his training...) The only saving grace is that Roy is being sent away this summer to learn sword fighting. Archery is 'a cowards sport' apparently and Roy 'needs to expand his horizons'. Well.. they certainly agree on that last one. Roy is making a break for it and he's not coming back.
Wally is a young apprentice working for his Uncle Barry. He's learning how to make medicine and treat wounds and find useful herbs. At least, he's learning that sometimes. A lot of his time is spent being a delivery boy. Uncle Barry says that's an important part of any medical treatment, actually delivering the medicine. Wally thinks that he just wants him to burn off energy. Regardless, Wally spends most of his time delivering medicine and he does it well. It helps that he can cross the continent before most people can blink their eyes. He can't tell anyone that though. Barry has made that part extremely clear. As far as their patients are concerned, Barry is a local doctor who just lives outside of whichever town they're in. There's a lot of things Wally can't tell people. Like how his eyes glow and magic lights up on his fingertips when he's excited. Or how he doesn't really like hats, he just has to wear them to hide his slightly too pointy ears. He gets it. He does. He's heard the whispered stories of fae, the hushed talk of changelings, he's read the old cracked tomes on the Elven Folk. He knows what people will think he is. But he isn't. He really isn't. He's just... Wally. And sure, he might be a little bit odd but he's just as human as the next guy, he swears!
Donna finds herself left on the doorstep of the greatest monster hunters in this new world. Garth is accepted to shadow some of the best defense mages ever. Dick finds himself stopping in with some fellow Knights (he is soon to be one after all) on his way home after a particularly hard mission. Roy finds himself shipped off to learn sword fighting from some 'trusted experts'. Wally is on a routine delivery run to drop off some supplies for his Uncle's good friends. Whether it's fate or something far more sinister, they all find themselves at the temple of the Knights of the Emerald Flame. Sir Hal Jordan, who was not ready for the sudden onslaught of children, panics and gives them a mission to get them out of his hair.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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Be The MUSIC!, a special song for April Fools Day in 2023, was produced by Kinoshita. This makes them the 7th producer to be recommissioned.
The current list of producers who have been commissioned more than once is as follows:
DECO*27 - SEKAI, needLe, Salamander and Journey
Mitchie M. - Wah Wah World, Idol Shin’eitai and Tokugawa Cup Noodle Kinshirei
Giga - Wah Wah World and Ready Steady
PinnochioP - Sekai wa Mada Hajimatte sura Inai and Cosmospice
kemu - SEKAI and 88☆彡
sasakure.UK - TONDEMO-WONDERZ & ÅMARA (Dai Mirai Dennou)
Kinoshita - Glory Steady Go! and Be The MUSIC!
OSTER project produced Nijiiro Stories and later worked as the arranger on magic number, though she didn’t produce the latter.
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heyilike · 16 days
Ceaseless Watcher turn your gaze upon these wretched things who signed up to talk about The Magnus Archives for several hours. Feat. JJ, Ren, greatest fears, the dangers of capitalism, and none of us being the Eye's special little boy.
Find us on all your usual podcast platforms!
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farolero-posting · 11 months
The average robot in OneShot doesn't have a breakdown about paradoxes or the three laws or anything like what happened to TWM because if something is slightly out of their programming they just don't do it. Niko asks robots to do things for them throughout their journey and half of the time they're like "Oh, I cannot solve problems outside of this room, it is not in my programming" and then they move on with whatever it is they're built to do. The Second Law doesn't apply if they don't even know how to obey the order you give them.
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whats-a-reading · 6 months
other people: so how are you
me: I'm just thinking about how aziraphale's idealizing heaven like an expat who wants to come home, meanwhile crowley remembers it as an abusive home that threw him out; and this fundamental mismatch somehow went undiscussed for 6000 years, but now things have all come to a head and they can't come to an agreement because they're feeling too much too quickly and it's overwhelming and—
me: what if there was a scene where aziraphale went back to earth, but he still offered again because no one would look twice at two angels working together. they'd be safe from violence*, and wouldn't it be lovely to bring the prodigal son back home
me: I'm doing great. And you?
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soomanymoths · 6 months
CrinklyTinfoil bs
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Just a collection of receipts since krys decided to go ahead and spew such backwards bs im no longer willing to keep this to myself - i only did in the first place because crinkles spouse (nightjarteeth) asked me to keep it tucked away for a while (Night is aware of the events and supports me in the situation last i checked). Crinkle really hates the idea of their behavior backfiring & someone they hurt speaking about the experience. They will do anything to discredit people, doesnt matter if they caused the sitch in the 1st place. Its all about appearances, distorting events and grasping at straws for them. If you're their reader and you choose to believe them - remember they were comfortable pulling wool over the eyes of their spouse and someone they called a "dear friend". Ask yourself why anyone else would be exempt from this. I might update this when i have more time on my hands.
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
so good to see cetbwa back! here are some fun little memes to celebrate your return!
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thanks for the chapter!! love to see it
and i did not forget it was september i was not surprised by an update no sirree
Welcome back everyone, it's angst time!! 🎉🥳
for chapter 11 of cetbwa, thank you!!
#danny phantom#dpxdc#batman#danny phantom crossover#close enough to be whole again#cetbwa#tellmeabtspinos#hey look i actually remembered to tag you without doing anything rambly tags first!!!#this will never happen again haha#HEY HI HELLO TO YOU#i must admit it was very hard for me to sleep last night because i was too excited to see what you'd do with the chapter#and i woke up stupidly early - had to keep turning over and being like 'no get some sleep! you cant check yet!'#hey just a quick aside did you know that the comma to split up tags counts in the character limit???? isnt that fucked?#back on my bullshit with stupidly long tags haha#ANYWAY SIR YOUR MEMMEEESSSS LOOK AT THEM#my absolute favourite#that made me laugh so fucking loudly#was the pingu one (is it pingu or just a penguin? idk its funny tho)#i tell you the show is so stupid and childish on the surface level but if you actually think about what they go through#its all so fucked up#guess thats why the phandom loves it so much haha#the tom cat one - it was all going so well! there was so much laughter! and just like normal vlad comes along to ruin it haha#and the 'this is fine!' one!!!! would you believe me if i said that in the original version of this chapter (and version 2 as well!)#it was a way happier ending and everything was actually fine??? danny leaves the dining room filled with hope#and the certainty that he's going to tell damian because damian doesnt know about ghosts and danny can control the narrative you know?#like he was almost giddy with that happiness - knowing that he has a chance to be part of the family here#why would they hate ghosts?? they could accept him as he is they really could!!!#he's almost like excited to finally get it out in the open - and he plans to tell dami first and then bruce and then play a few pranks#on everyone else#oh gdi tag limit shit fuck THANK YOU FOR THE MEMES ILYSM I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER THANK YOU THANK YOU TYSM ILY
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stargazerlillian · 1 year
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(Don't tag as ship)
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rayray-razorblade · 5 months
hey fellas sorry for not posting I got mself stuck in Limbo™️ for a while and didn't find a way back out until just now. Rip in space time continuum put me in an alternative universe. Long story. (・ω<)☆
Anywho, Rick and Morty doodles to celebrate my return! Joyous day. (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚
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