#but hes also a fucking amazing human being goddamn
the-kipsabian · 2 years
that being said, i fucking adore ace austin good fucking day
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coolauntlilith · 9 months
So I finally watched Sense8. I regret not watching it sooner for a couple reasons. But I'm so glad I finally watched it.
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surely-sims · 7 months
AKA an excuse for me to yell about how much I love these incredible free CC creators and throw flowers at them.
@lumenniveus - LxN CC 🌹
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LxN makes some of the most interesting, whimsical, and creative CC that i think the community at large is so lacking. Every time I load up his CC In my game I find myself smiling and laughing at all the love and little jokes he includes. Please Please Check out his stuff if you haven't already. I think he might be the most tragically slept on BB creators.
▶ Check out LxN Here!
@hamsterbellbelle 🌸
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HamsterBelle is one of the most brilliant creators I've come across in this community. Not only is she crazy smart and makes some of the coolest cyberpunk CC I've ever seen, she is also a mind blowing builder and takes the time to write out some incredibly helpful tutorials. I've learned so much from her whether she knows or not haha. 🐹💖
▶ Check out HamsterBellBelle here!
@nolan-sims 🌼
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Not only is Nolan a goddamn pillar of this community for many years but she's also an incredible, sweet, and wonderfully talented creator and friend. Her CC is always so well thought through, completely original, and lovingly detailed. We definitely don't deserve her. 😭💗
▶ Check out Nolan here!
All these creators are amazing and I would carve their names into the stars but ya'll would shoot me if this post kept going and going down your dash that long.
⭐ @gilded-ghosts Amazing amazing vintage CC, thoughtful, beautiful original meshes and textures. ( X ) ⭐ @myshunosun Myshuno deserves all the hype and praise her CC gets. She's an absolutely lovely human and has saved my ass once or twice too. ( X ) ⭐ @dallasgirl79 DallasGirl makes the best heels your sims will ever wear. Hard stop. I will not be taking questions at this time. ( X ) ⭐ @doctorsimcraft A dear friend, an amazing writer, builder and maker of delightful vintage Build/Buy CC too. ( X ) ⭐ @vyxated HOLY FUCK. Vxyated is crazy intelligent. Their work with CAS rooms and now the new Rig Plus Helper is mind blowing. ( X ) ⭐ @adjusted-karma ( X ), @simmireen ( X ), @herecirm-warcry ( X ), @rebouks ( X ), @madebycoffee ( X ) Beautiful people, beautiful poses. Also Ireen runs @ts4-poses which is a goddamn godsend to this community. ⭐ @twentiethcenturysims ( X ), @chere-indolente ( X ) Fantastic Historical CC from two very good eggs. ⭐ @jellymoo ( X ), @laeska ( X ), @xldkx-cc ( X ) Three lovely and fantastically talented CAS creators that put a ton of thought and effort in going the extra mile with their CC and it absolutely shows. ⭐ @awingedllama Anna is smart, skilled, and deserves all the flowers she's gotten this year. We really do love to see it. ( X ) ⭐ @kamiiri Some of the best hairs that have ever graced my game. I am actually obsessed. ( X )
If I missed anyone I apologize, but please know every single free CC creator makes my heart grow a little bigger every day. 💖 And to my fellow Creators, Storytellers, Simmers - Go make weird shit, make something that makes you laugh, make something that brings you joy. Cause y'know what? That joy bleeds into your work and we can all see it and feel it. That joy is infectious and special and THAT is what makes this community worth being a part of.
xo, Anne 🦐
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ceilingfan5 · 10 months
🔒 blupjeans? :) 
🔒I broke into your car to impress you when you locked your keys in and now I have to construct an elaborate lie to explain myself 
“Huh,” Barry says, after Lup breaks into his fucking car. “Thank you, so much, honestly, I mean, I was going to be fucked, the locksmith quoted me like $300-”
“Yeah, no prob,” Lup says, so forcedly casual that she thinks she hears something important pop in her jaw. 
“But uh,” Barry looks at his car, a very, very sad blue Honda Civic belovedly named Crunch, and then at Lup, who is struggling with the knowledge that she is blushing hard enough to burn herself at the stake here. “That’s a pretty impressive skill you’ve got there?”
The how the fuck do you know that, and for why, specifically, is implied. 
“Thanks,” Lup says, opening her gumball machine mouth and letting a tasty, shiny lie ricochet through the spirals and tubes of her fucking idiot central and right out into the air, where she will now be responsible for it. “I learned it in the circus.”
“The circus?” Barry is wearing his stupid sexy strap on sunglasses, which are tentatively attached to his regular glasses, and thus make his eyes a little harder to see. He is, however, obviously having some kind of reaction to this information. Lup grimaces. 
“Yeeep. The circus. You know, the uh, the giraffes loved to steal keys.” 
“Giraffes?” Barry is incredulous. “That’s amazing. What for?”
“Oh, they’re mischievous fuckers,” Lup is just fully in it now. “Never trust a giraffe, I’m telling you. Elephants either, they’ll throw your keys right down a storm drain just to get your attention.”
“Golly,” Barry says. With his human fucking mouth. Lup wants to kill him and keep his soul in a jar. She promises she’ll poke holes in the lid. “I have to imagine you’d hide your keys after that happened once or twice, though?”
“The problem is, you see,” Lup is ascending, to live with the angels. Shame they’ll evict her as soon as possible, for all the lust and gluttony and wrath and so on. She can have another thing lined up. It’s fine. “Circus outfits never have pockets.”
“Really? Never?”
“Total design flaw,” Lup says, nodding, and also sweating so hard she’s afraid it might be audible. “Pockets would pull them down. And when you’re just wearing a leotard, you don’t want it gettin’ pulled down, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Barry agrees, looking dreadfully impressed at all this. “But then what about the keys, did you just hold them?” Him and his goddamn followup questions. Lup could grind him into a paste and study him under a microscope. 
“Yeah, or put them on a chain around our necks. But mostly we had a key boy.”
“A keyboy?” Barry’s eyes go way up. “One keyboy, to hold all the keys in the circus?”
“It was an illustrious job,” Lup says, with her lying, lying ass. “Everyone wanted to fuck the key boy.” 
“Wow,” Barry says. “Because of his access?”
“Because of the jingles, Barr, keep up!” Lup folds her arms. “Also, he was a pretty good juggler. Not as good as me, though.”
“You can juggle?” Barry grins at her. “I’d love to see that.” 
“I’ve been banned from juggling forever,” Lup says solemnly. “Because of the incident.” 
“The incident?” Jesus, can he just do this all day? Doesn’t he get tired?
“Yeah,” Lup says, and winks, and smacks him congenially on the back. “It’s a curse. Shame, cause I love juggling.” And before Barry can ask her another fucking question, she heads back in to work. 
God. It’s been years since she juggled. She cannot fucking believe she’s backed herself into a corner again about this shit. She should have just admitted to being obsessed with lockpicking youtube. 
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reinanova · 22 days
dead boy detectives ep 8 live blogging reactions
last episode 👀👀 low key scared of how it’s gonna end
hey hey edwin i have a great idea—you should tell niko about your love for charles. she would totally ship it
niko and edwin have such a lovely friendship
ah HELL YEAH jenny can see ghosts now!!!
the cat king is such a drama queen. now that edwin isn’t trapped by him, he’s starting to grow on me
mick so wants them to kill the witch (he was ready and waiting with that black salt)
damn holy shit edwin is taking immense torture without a sound. he really has been through some shit in hell
seriously crystal? you couldn’t slide the backpack any closer to charles?
monty!! also charles being fully aware of tropes. monty so deserves a redemption arc
i love that the cricket bat is charles’s weapon of choice—ope it got destroyed as i was typing
what a fucking flip charles
is jenny gonna join the gang?? she totally should
also i’m fully expecting niko to still be around. bcuz she had a good luck charm, that has to mean something right?? please let that mean something. she can’t be dead dead
oh? OH?? is the supervisor person gonna let them stay on earth solving cases??? PLEASE???
goddamn rowena the night nurse has been taking credit for the dead boy detectives cases?? that bitch (affectionate)
hug it out hug it out. now KISS
okay this show was seriously amazing i understand the hype completely
netflix you better fucking renew this show for season 2. otherwise when i catch you netflix. netflix WHEN I CATCH YOU
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cuddles-with-dragons · 10 months
Wrecker: Today at 7 am, Crosshair poured a Monster energy drink into his coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing. Hunter: I watched Crosshair brew his coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think he ascended into the astral realm. Tech: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
Tech: Where the devil is Hunter? Wrecker: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted? Crosshair: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Hunter: Yesterday, I watched Wrecker try to eat a decorative rock from Crosshair's potted plant. Tech caught him, and told him he can't eat rocks. Wrecker started whining something about no food being in the house before walking away. The stupidity of my squad amazes me.
*The gang when they drop food on the floor* Tech: Aw man. *Throws it away* Hunter: Five second rule! Crosshair: Foolish germs, thinking they can stop me!? *Eats it off the floor* Wrecker: *Sobs on the floor*
Wrecker: So, what, now I'm just supposed to do anything Tech does? I mean, what if he jumps off a cliff? Crosshair: If Tech were to jump off a cliff, he would've done his due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Tech jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Hunter: You jump off a cliff! Crosshair: Gladly, provided Tech did first.
Wrecker, Crosshair & Tech: *screaming* Hunter: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Tech?! Wrecker: Wait, why are you asking Tech that when Crosshair and I are also here? Hunter: Because Tech wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
Hunter: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Crosshair: Oh my god he censored it Echo: Say fuck, Hunter. Crosshair: Do it, Hunter. Say fuck.
*The Squad is at Home Depot* Wrecker: *Fell in the cacti display while wandering around the garden section* Crosshair: *Shitting in the display toilets* Hunter: *Tokyo Drifting one of those flatbed carts down the aisles* Echo: *Stealing paint chips for aesthetic purposes* Tech: *Just wanted some goddamn lightbulbs and everyone ruined it* Omega: *In the car sleeping*
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vampire!Eddie able to smell your blood pumping, after working out or just doing a lot of house/yard work, coming in from outside smelling like an absolute treat. or maybe you're both outside after dark, fooling around by the lake, getting out of breath and he just looks at you like oh, I gotta have a taste right this second, even if there's other people on the lake right now.
eddie always making you wait to do chores and/or your workouts after dark, just so he can smell your blood pumping as you do it. you really don’t understand him—but then again, how could you? you were human, after all, this fragile little being compared to the pillar of absolute god-like strength that was now eddie. but you love him so much that you humor him, and it becomes a habit for you. after all, your life is mostly lived at night now, anyway, right? why not just put it off until then, and spend your days resting instead?
one night, you guys go out to lover’s lake. it’s an absolutely beautiful summer evening, with the smell of sun still hanging in the air, the faint scent of campfires blowing in across the water, and the smell of july humidity hanging on the lake. there are people all around, either doing some night swimming or boating, and you & eddie decide to swim, too. you stick close to the shore, away from the boats so that you don’t accidentally get run over or hurt somehow. obviously, swimming is a form of exercise, and as you swim around your area of the water, eddie can smell your blood working through your body. that, combined with the other scents all around the two of you, sends his bloodlust into overdrive.
what does he do about it? he grabs you, kissing you hard and deep, biting at your lower lip and licking up the blood from where his fangs nicked you. he’s moving down your body, slipping further into the water, his mouth all over your breasts and your stomach as he goes lower and lower. he’s eating you out beneath the water, and you’re holding onto the pillar of the dock behind you to keep yourself afloat. he’s technically dead, so he doesn’t have to breathe, and he uses it to his advantage for sure. you can also feel him biting at your groin, your inner thighs, hell, even your lower belly. none of those bites penetrate deeply—they’re shallow and just enough to tease you & draw the smallest amount of blood—but they feel good just the same.
and when you cum, he swims back up to kiss you. you’re breathless, your blood is pumping even more quickly now because of your orgasm, and that’s when you’ve never smelled sweeter. eddie can’t take it; his head is absolutely spinning with your scent, and it’s all he can think about. he just looks at you, taking in your blissed-out expression and your heaving chest, and draws you close to his body. he fucks into you upon your consent, holding you tightly so that you stay above water, his teeth at your throat as your head falls back with relentless moans as he rails into sopping cunt. you’re both aware that you could be heard, or even seen, but you don’t give a shit. eddie is too consumed with lust of all sorts to care, and all you can focus on is how good his long, thick cock feels thrusting into you at inhuman speed. he’s both blood & pussy drunk, and you’re absolutely dumb on his cock, your nails drawing blood down his back as you scratch him hard from how fucking amazing it feels.
you beg him to bite you. you need it so goddamn bad, and so does he. it’s all he could think about the minute you started swimming, and only intensified as he went down on you. he sinks his fangs into your skin, right where the shoulder & neck meet, and you moan loudly as you claw at him while you cum yet again. it was probably the fastest you ever came in your life, but is eddie finished with you? nope! he’s going to drink his fill as safely as possible, and he’s going to fuck you until he says you’re finished. which is a fact that you definitely don’t complain about, not one damn bit.
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cdragons · 1 year
Truce Part 1
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Pairing(s): Ikaris x Persephone!Reader ft. Druig x Hecate!Reader Word Count: 2.7k Prompt/Summary: Ikaris and Druig have a discussion about the women in their lives (AKA: Ikaris is an idiot who thinks your best friend is a demon, and Druig is super in love with said demon). Warning: Slight mentions of death (no major characters tho), neurodivergent reader is neurodivergent, Hecate!Reader bestie is her own warning Note: Thank you to everyone who takes the times to read my writing even through it is likely way too self-indulgent to be considered in-character! Special thank you to the most amazing and incredible beta editor in the world, @valeskafics! If you have not, please go check her works! She mostly does HOTD, GOT, anything Ewan Mitchell, and literally EVERYTHING she writes is incredible!
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It was safe to say that Ikaris was a confident individual.
This was a fact that applied to many aspects of his life.
He was confident in his abilities as an Eternal. He was confident in his faith in both his leader Ajak, and the Celestial that created him and his team members, Arishem. He was especially confident in his capability as a leader. This included carrying out missions, eliminating Deviants, and saving and “caring” about the fragile humans’ lives.
No matter what Druig implied.
But the one thing he could not say he was completely 100% confident about… was… understanding how he placed amongst the rest of the Eternals.
That wasn’t to say he wasn’t well-liked or even appreciated… but… he didn’t exactly know how some members “felt” about him.
He was more than well-received by certain members – Kingo and Sprite are the first Eternals that come to mind. He had earned the respect and trust of most of the group – as was shown by the trust Ajak put on him, along with the close bond he shared with Sersi. Thena and Gilgamesh certainly respected him as a fighter – but they never idolized him. In their eyes, he was more of a younger brother that they could share a drink and trade banter. He was on amicable terms with Makkari. Phastos and him never particularly bonded with each other, but the latter still trusted Ikaris’ judgement.
With Druig and Katelyn, both outright dismissing him most of the time –
No…that was putting it lightly…
Take the words “outright dismissed him,” and replaced them with “liked to act like bratty little shits and make him look like a fucking idiot;” along with the words “most of the time,” and replace them with “since they all left the goddamn Domo.”
…But he had no idea where he stood with you.
Sephia, the Eternal blessed by Arishem with the ability of absolute control of plants and the Earth. While Sersi made efforts to connect with the humans, you almost did everything in your power to avoid them. But no matter how you tried to avoid them, humans always adored you. They longed to catch a quick glimpse of the beautiful being that brought them aid whenever their crops were unable to bear fruit.
It was not only your powers that attracted them to you, but also the image you presented yourself to them. You were…heaven-sent – is how the humans saw you. Although fairly quiet, it was obvious to him that you were brilliant. Not only that, but you were fairly regimented in your diligence to your duties- something Ikaris greatly appreciated in a team member. You and Sersi worked together to only present them with their new crops, explain the various uses that would fit their lifestyle, show them how to properly harvest the crops and take a section of the seeds to replant, and then demonstrate how to properly plant them in a way that would yield the best results.
…It also helped how the sun would bring out that lovely flush to your skin in your demonstrations.
To them, your kindness and shy demeanor… along with your overwhelming beauty that was only further brought out from your flowing pink tunic with green twining and brass patterns… presented the very image of a Springtime Maiden.
You carried out your duties flawlessly, and always with so much efficiency that you always managed to have more than enough free time to go off on your little adventures to study the wildlife you had not created. You were curious as to how certain natural environments resulted in different lifestyle choices. You insisted that in studying the world around them, you would be able to better understand the humans’ lifestyle. A thought that was supported by Ajak whole-heartedly.
And it wasn’t only your duties to the humans that you carried out well – you even used your ability to control the plants that surrounded you to attack Deviants in desperate times. Sprite would spin tales of how the Sweet Spring Maiden Sephia could turn a little flower into a giant vine that could pierce through the skull of any deviant that came your way.
You were…different. That wasn’t to say you were strange…if anything…your differences made you…charming. Admittedly, he hadn’t paid much attention towards you at the beginning as he was initially attracted to Sersi’s kind demeanor. But he would always see you with her, and she would always insist on the two of you bonding. Your encounters with one another were awkward to say the least. But soon, he genuinely bonded with you…
Now, you were just the most fucking adorable being in the universe; which brought up the dire need to know where he stood in your life.
He just hoped that your “guardian angel” wasn’t with you at the moment.
“Well,” thought Ikaris, “demon would be a more accurate term in describing her.”
Kaetlyn was a different topic of conversation to say the least. Simply put, her abilities allow her to manipulate shadows and darkness. In battle, she would first scope out any areas that had Deviants to gain any information that would be an advantage. She would do this by either sending her shadows out, or just traveling through any shadows herself. Ikaris loathed to admit it, but her affinity for intelligence-gathering was far superior than the rest of them. Not only that, but she was a more than capable fighter. She would aim her dark arrows to the Deviant’s weakest point, and let the shadows embedded in it sink into their bodies to tear them from the inside out.
After its confirmed death, she would use her shadow portals to transport them to her personal laboratory at the Domo to “study” their anatomy and physiology. And if that wasn’t enough, Ajak just- just- ALLOWS IT! Even going so far as to ask for your assistance at certain times!
Ajak was one matter – after all, the Prime Eternal served as a maternal figure to everyone, including him – but he was more shocked at your eager involvement in the dark assassin’s hobbies. He could never forget how brightly you smiled when you ran towards him in excitement at your realization that encasing the decaying specimens in a mixture of various alcohol solutions and formaldehyde created a much more effective embalming methods than encasing it in an alcohol solution with herbs and spices.
You went on for hours about how you discovered the gas during one of the fires that nearly destroyed the village a few months back. Luckily very few of the villagers died, but you noticed how the victims who only died through exposure to the smoke decomposed much slower than normal. You then ended up trying to explain the process of precipitating the gas into a liquid solution, along with how to properly categorize it so that it wouldn’t be accidentally ingested. You and he ended up talking for so long that you ended up completely missing the feast held in celebration of the harvest that year. Ajak was quite cross with the both of you – Ikaris especially since he is usually so punctual with social engagements – but how could he be upset after having hours of your sole attention? You too were not put off by your leader’s slight scolding. On the contrary, you were more than relieved considering how much you hated these events.
You were kind and thoughtful; she was argumentative and crass. You were radiant brilliance; she was unhinged madness. You brought light and its hopeful beginnings; she oozed out darkness and all its mad chaos. You were life; she was death. So why did you latch onto her as if she was your only tether to the ground?
…You were being controlled by her- that had to have been it. Ikaris refused to believe that someone as wonderful and kind as yourself would willingly subject themselves to that-that-that- hell spawn!
“Y’know,” an annoyed voice broke his thoughts, “I’d really appreciate it if you’d didn’t call the love of my life a ‘hell spawn’.”
“For the love of Arishem,” thought Ikaris, “anyone but him.”
Taking a deep breath, he turned to find Druig.
“And I’m more than certain that our sweet Sephia wouldn’t exactly be ecstatic in knowing how you referred her very favorite person in the world that particular term either.” The mind controlling Eternal finished off with that damned trademark smirk of his.
Gods, Ikaris wanted nothing more than to shove that face a thousand feet in the ground right now. But he didn’t want to afford to lose his temper now. Not when he still hoped to find you.
“Pretty sure Ajak made it a rule for you not to use your powers on your fellow Eternals,” he snapped, “considering your habit of using it on the humans already.”
“Please,” he quipped back, “you’re the one pacing and muttering like a mad man in the middle of the courtyard.” He slightly cocked his head to the side in a facetious manner, “Anything I could help with?”
Ikaris didn’t want to tell Druig his plans…he wanted less for Druig to know about his plans with you. But Druig was close to you…even only through mutual association by Kaetlyn.
“Why are Sephia and Kaetlyn friends?” He blurted out.
“…Seriously?” Druig asked, “that’s what making act so crazy?”
“Just answer the damn question Druig.”
“…Why do you want to know?” The mind controller asked, very sure he wasn’t going to like Golden Boy’s response, but felt it necessary for his own peace of mind.
“…It doesn’t make any sense to me.”
“Excuse me?” His tone was growing colder with each passing second.
“Druig, I understand that you are incapable of being objective towards your… lover,” Ikaris started, “but even you have to admit you found their friendship to be unusual?”
“I can’t say that I have,” Druig answered, “I happen to think my angel as a lovely individual. A sentiment also agreed on by most members of the team- even your biggest fan Kingo adores her. Unconventional views? Maybe. Relentless tenacity? Absolutely. But that is exactly the foundation my beautiful Kaet’s adoration of Sephia, and vice versa.”
“I don’t- wait- I don’t understand?” Ikaris interrogated the besotted Eternal, “All she does is question Ajak’s authority, and commit senseless acts of childish rebellion! How does that lead to her being close with someone -”
Druig’s blank stare was almost terrifying.
“What Ikaris?” he asked, “Someone like Sephia? And how do you see our Sephia? Someone dutiful? Beautiful? Kind? Sweet? Perfect? How wretchedly mundane and so very one-dimensional- even for you.”
“That’s not it,” Ikaris was getting angry, “stop putting words in my mouth-”
“It’s not exactly a hard thing to do with you, my friend. But you and Sephia aren’t particularly close. She may be cordial with you, but she’s like that with everyone. So why the interest?”
“…I know that…Sephia is considered…different,” Ikaris began, “from a behavioral standpoint – but- tha- that’s not- I don’t think of her any less because of it.” This was much harder than he expected.
Druig lifted one of his eyebrows, signaling for the taller Eternal to continue.
“I like her ‘quirks’ – I can’t say I understand what they are, but – I know that-that they are a part of her, and not in a way that her powers are hers. But I also know that, that they don’t make up who she is as a whole.” Why was his throat closing up? “And…I like that she sees me.”
“…Yeah, no shit genius, it’s not like you can turn invisible. Believe me, not seeing your face would be a great improvement to my life.”
Ikaris scowled while turning so he could fly far from the black-clad armored telepath, “Forget it, I don’t know why I thought to share this with you of all people-”
“You don’t feel judged around her, is that it?”
Ikaris stopped, and once more faced Druig. The shock on his face was almost hilarious…if only Druig wasn’t about to completely expose himself at the moment, then he could at least properly enjoy the dumbfounded look on Ikaris’ face.
“Do you feel like you can talk to her about anything? That you could trust someone with something so humiliating? And then you’re angry because once you actually said those, you’ve realized that you’ve given someone full ammunition of yourself for them to use against you?”
The silence between the two powerful immortals was stifling.
“But then time passes,” Druig continues on, “and even after you pushed them away, they still accept you. Because they saw you, not an image other people projected on to you. And despite all reason, they decided to stand beside you.”
Ikaris’ eyes were bulging out of his head, “How- how did you know-?”
“I know, because I’ve been there,” Druig’s eyes softened just a tad, “with Kaety.”
“…Well, if you’re so curious about their companionship, I suppose the best way would be to ask directly from the source.” Druig reasoned as he pointed his head to two figures walking towards them.
You, in a soft white tunic with a long pink skirt with some brass jewelry. Today, you decided to let your hair loose with a few braids. Ikaris thought it was a bit curious on how you detested the humans’ worship of you, yet you still preferred their clothing options as opposed to your armor that showed your Olympian origins. However, armor or not, you still glowed a soft and heavenly aura unique only to you. You were in deep conversation with Kaetlyn, who wore a simple white linen dress with a patterned dark blue border skirt and a silver chained belt, and styled her hair in a loose braid.
Noticing the figures in front of them, Kaetlyn immediately pulled a look of just absolute disgust at the realization that Ikaris of all people was interrupting her peaceful day. Curious to your friend’s strange reaction, you turned your head and let out a warm smile and waved enthusiastically to the two men. You were well-aware of your friend’s distaste of the taller Eternal, but he was always kind with you. Besides, if you could occasionally put up with Kingo’s hubris, Kaety could certainly tolerate Ikaris’ company for a few moments.
Druig stepped in view, and Ikaris saw how quickly your feral companion’s expression changed at the sight of her lover. She lightly jogged to meet him in the middle as she threw her arms around his neck. Looking the strange sight, Ikaris noted that when she genuinely smiled, she looked almost…approachable? Druig took Kaetlyn in his arms, and the two pressed their lips together in a tender kiss. And just like that, the spell was broken and Ikaris was inwardly cringing from disgust as he turned his head away from the sight.
As a result, he was unable to see Druig lean forward and softly whisper to her ear of the plight that their mutual grey-streaked hair irritation was experiencing. Wanting to dismiss it immediately, Kaetlyn recalls all the times your cheeks lightly flushed in Ikaris’ company. And despite her obvious distaste for the man, she could tell that he at least wanted to genuinely understand her best friend. And she was more than positive that you were feeling “something” for him; however unaware you were of it yourself. Taking pity on the man, she walked over to you and explained how Druig wanted to explore the area for hidden caves. As a result, you and her would have to continue your discussions of how to properly develop the Punica granatum and its nutritional benefits for expectant mothers at another time. But luckily, Ikaris would be more than happy to escort you back to the Domo.
Before walking away, Ikaris felt a sharp pinch to his side, and looked down to find Kaetlyn’s shadow pinching his? Annoyed, he looked up to reprimand her, but his blood ran cold meeting the shadow Eternal’s gaze.
“Do anything that causes her discomfort,” her eyes seemed to shout, “and I will make your own shadow tear you apart bit by bit.” Quickly turning her head, the dark wisps quickly reattached themselves to their mistress. And the two Eternals were left alone with only themselves for company.
Looking back at you as you basked in the daylight, its golden light only enhancing the glow from your softness. Ikaris had only one thought in his head as he tries his damnedest to not reach out and press your suppleness against his hard frame.
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Tagging: @its-actually-minicika, @spacetalbot, @siempre-bucky, @beananacake, @ethereal-athalia
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batfamfucker · 1 year
Episode Three things I loved:
Bill and Frank. Obviously.
Old gays in general. Two gay men who get to grow old together and die together happily (As happy as you can be in the apocalypse).
Secret basement below the basement.
Bill's bunker. It's awesome.
Bill being Autistic for his entire screen time. Tell me that man isn't neurodivergent. I love him.
The fact Bill and Frank died together and it was lovely and they were happy instead of Bill finding Frank hanging like in the game. I'm glad they got to go together peacefully.
The gay coding with their words. 'A man who knows which wine to put with rabbit' 'I know I don't seem like the type' 'No, you do.' He read that motherfucker. 'Who's the girl' 'There is no girl' 'I know'
The piano scene. The fucking song throughout the ep. And the end as Joel and Ellie drive away. The open window. The message within the lyrics.
The cute little town.
Them bickering and being a married couple.
The meme-ability of Bill. 'The government ARE Nazis!' And 'You WHAT?' I need them as meme templates thanks.
Honestly that whole scene 'They ARE' 'They are NOW but they weren't THEN'
Bill's fucking Illuminati stuff. The hilarity of him staying alive because of his conspiracy theories.
Bill being a fucking badass tbh. The minute FEDRA leaves, just breaking into everywherr. Seeing him set up that town, having a full blown plan, setting up traps and building a goddamn generator, relaxing as he lets his traps take care of infected, just enjoying his steak and laughing. Knowing he does that a lot 'Gets me everytime'. Man's was made for this. He slayed tbh. That whole scene was so satisfying.
I was scared Frank was gonna use Bill, and he did at first, but then seeing him genuinely begin to love and care for him. Refusing to let Bill die when he got shot even though Bill told him Joel could care of him, wanting to marry Bill on his last day.
Honestly Frank just being sassy and dragging Bill lmao. 'We need friends babe. Sweetheart please you just sit in the basement all the time. You need a social life other than me, and for my own sanity, I need one too. So I've made a friend over the radio and you can't do anything about it. Now get me my paint'.
Tess being an AllyTM. Her and Frank being besties whilst their paranoid husbands scowl at each other.
Joel unable to say the word 'partner' for Bill and Frank lmao. You just adopted a lesbian. Honey, you've got a big storm coming.
I was hoping Ellie would get to meet Bill and he would tell her about Frank (Before going into the ep, based on the game) so she would have a nice little internal 'I'm not the only gay in the world thank god' moment. But I didn't mind since the whole episode was amazing.
The strawberry scene.
Bill apologising for getting older quicker but then it's Frank that needs the help later. My heart.
Frank and his paintings and beautiques.
Frank knowing Bill poured the pills into the wine bottle so he'd die too.
The marriage scene. Them exchanging rings. Having the same last meal and wine they had for their first meal together. Sitting next to each rather than across the table. A shot of the hole that Frank fell into, where they met. Sobbing. I love them.
They are the definition of 'In sickness and in health, till death do us part' and it hurt but it was some beautifully.
Knowing any Homophobic Gamer BoysTM were ripping their hair out at this episode.
It ripped my heart out but the fucking skeletons. The baby blanket and transition to seeing that baby and the mother. Knowing what happens. Hearing a mother comfort her kids and seeing a old lady and a whole community of families and knowing what happens to them.
All the fuck the government stuff. It feels like all the fucked up shit they did is so realistic and would happen.
The letter for Joel. 'Keep Tess safe'. And the symbolism of knowing there's at least one person (Ellie) worth saving. Worth living for. My heart.
Also, though. 'Hehehehe'
Ellie reading 'hehehehe'
The casualness of human bodies in the apocalypse. Periods actually referenced in an apocalypse show! Joel tossing Ellie some deodorant! Him being prepared to take care of a teenage daughger again! Ellie telling him he needs to shower (Also their banter). Ellie stocking her bag with toilet paper.
Joel making a small gravestone for Tess out of rocks from the river. That hurt.
Dad Joel coming out more and more each episode.
The forest scene. Joel giving his jacket to Ellie to sleep in so she wouldn't be cold. Him making sure she eats even if he doesn't.
Ellie roasting Joel. Joel roasting Ellie. 'Shit at shooting or life in general' Joel's continous 'offended but mostly confused I just got dragged by a 14 year old' face.
The arcade machine.
The repeat of the 'Anything bad?' 'Just you' joke.
Ellie being lowkey a psychopath again? The basement scene and her seeming to enjoy killing the infected dude.
Ellie being upset he stashes the massive gun. Because same.
The plane scene. Ellie's excitement all episode. Every question she asks. That's my Ellie.
Joel's dark humour. 'So did they'.
History Lesson With Joel.
Flour Zombies Confirmed. It's no longer Plants Vs Zombies, it's Plant Zombies.
The way he said the date of the outbreak, the subtle pain, and you can tell it's engraved because of that reason, as well as Sarah's death, and his birthday. I can't wait until Ellie finds out it was his birthday. And/Or about Sarah.
Contractor (?) Joel dragging Bill about his fences and using his KnowledgeTM to bait him into trading. Him being right.
Ellie's first time in a car. 'It's a spaceship'
'Women's shirts'. Joel really is thinking of her and it's nice to see he's used to taking care of a teenage girl and how he goes back into that role with ease. Him getting used to that again, even if begrudgingly at first.
Everytime Joel tells Ellie off. Dad Mode Joel Activated.
The fucking seat belt scene. Joel telling her to put her seatbelt on. The parallel of him saying that to Ellie like he did with Sarah. Him leaning over her and Ellie being completely comfortable with him doing so. Her not knowing what a seatbelt is.
Joel trying to get Ellie not to play music but then not letting her turn it off when he realises it's a song/artist he likes.
Joel warming up in the final shot when he likes the music. Ellie hating it. It's giving Dad Who Listens To Smooth Radio Whilst You Die Inside. I know because I've been there.
No school scene. Not introducing the bloater so soon. I'm glad we're building to that. Makes it seem much more impactful.
Basically the entire episode.
All I 'didn't like' (/Joking) was that they didn't hide literally everything in that house in the secret basement below the basement so raiders won't find anything when they come, so it'd still be there if they ever need to go back there. But that's just because I wouldn't be able to deal with it if that were me. I'd be making sure no one finds that shit. It's mine, and I'd go back for it when possible. Maybe. At some point. Hopefully. Or live there myself if I wasn't in Joel and Ellie's situation. I also wanna see Joel swinging upside-down from a chain at some point.
Joking aside, this episode is great. The show continues to not only meet my expectations, but exceed them. I can't take the fact that there's only nine episodes this season because I don't want it to end and I hope season two isn't about the second game, but for the show's later seasons to be about the years and adventures Joel and Ellie have together after the events of the first game, if season one meets the end of the first game. Because I love them and need more of this.
I'm so excited to see where this show goes. It has the perfect balance of sticking to the source material yet also doing new stuff that also surprises people who have played the game. I adore it.
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evelynpr · 5 months
do you have a favorite fontaine character? 👀
Ok so like, multiple reasons I do not have a clear cut answer for this:
The thing about Fontaine is that they genuinely have such an incredible cast I legitimately cannot pick a favorite character. Like seriously this is such a hard question because so many of them are just AWESOME!!! Many are just well written, beautiful, so interesting, tragic, all of it
I am waiting for Clorinde's story quest...I have been waiting for more Clorinde content since Fontaine P1. Since her cutscenes with Navia and Wrio. I HAVE BEEN WAITING!!! I WANT MORE OF HER SO BADDDDDD BECAUSE!!! OMG!!! So far, she's had both such a serious and dutiful persona, but also she's so sweet and kinda awkward??? she also may or may not have family baggage because of her family heritage... If they do her character justice (haha) she might be one of my favorites
Ok currently the actual contenders for favorite are, like, Neuvillette and Furina. My stance on neuvifuri as a ship tho is a whole other mixed bag, but both of them individually are just so!!! YO!!! THEYRE JUST SO CHARACTER!!! Neuvillette, this beautiful, gentle, and truly dutiful dragon who learned to love humanity. Furina who's madness and goodness are what allowed her to fulfill her own duty. Man. They're both just so interesting and SILLY EVEN. Just wonderful little bbgs to mess around with.
Not to say I don't love Fontaine's other characters either. Far from it. I have not liked a character this fast ever (?) like I liked Chevreuse in just one event. Chevy is so goofy and passionate and genuine I like her a lot!!! Wrios is just. Such a cool fucking guy idk what to tell u man. He's both so chill but also godDAMN you do not mess with him. Navia!!! Such a lovely lady who's so strong, after all that she has gone through and all the responsibility she now carries!!! Truly girlidol girlslay girlboss she's incredible!!! AND OF COURSE THE TWINS AND FREMINET!!! Lyney and Lynette are such an amazing duo in their magic tricks, their agent duties, their siblinghood. Freminet is such a precious boy, please protect him he just wants to swim with the ocean creatures :<<<
Not to shade on the rest of the cast of course. Arlecchino (aside from being sexy as fuck) I'm also just waiting to see what else she actually has under her sleeve. Sigewinne and Charlotte are both nice and cute! By no means are they boring or uninteresting, just not my type, Chiori as well.
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ghostboy-art · 4 months
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
By: Queen
anytime i refer to them as gay I mean that with our silly human terms. obviously. an angel and a demon dont apply to our silly little terms.
im so gay :>
this is filled with typos and ramblings. i wrote this at 2:00am. apologies.
this is a surface level rant on my part. honestly if i had the time and research skills id look up the context of why this was written and how its been used in media up till this point. honestly i might. either way its fairly surface level.
This song is heard when Crowley is going back to Aziraphale in season 2 after he found out about the book of life erasing thing. After listening to this song I have to say. THIS IS AMAZING. obviously the song is good its queen.
Crowley's songs are always queen songs and given the title and given Aziraphales regular dress and general pop culture knowledge i think we know who the “good old fashioned lover boy” is.
This is obviously a romance song but similarly to “A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square.” the lyrics fit their relationship so nicely!!! (as well as being an absolute bop. LISTEN TO THIS GODDAMN SONG. i like the part at 1:44. so cheery!!!)(also this is why Neil Gaimen is AWESOME such small details in the fucking SONG a fucking BENTLEY plays.)(its like 1:09am and im still up after not getting sleep last night and prob none today so ima go on tangents like this hehe)
“Dining at the Ritz, we'll meet at nine
(One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine o'clock) precisely
I will pay the bill, you taste the wine
Driving back in style, in my saloon, will do quite nicely
Just take me back to yours, that will be fine
Come on and get it”
like come on man. “Dining at the Ritz” its Aziracrows THING. their whole routine is dine at the ritz, Aziraphale eats and crowley drinks copious amounts of alcohol, Crowley is always seen paying the bill (or doing something of the sort), they drive in a cool fucking bentley (with a James Bond bullet hole window screen insert), and they go back to Aziraphales bookshop. and the “that'd be fine” matches Aziraphales general attitude when inviting Crowley back to his place in the 1st season and in older flashbacks. Now thats the most obvious. there are many other examples of lyrics that very conveniently match to them.
“Say the word, your wish is my command”
throughout history when Aziraphale and Crowley met up they did favors. whether it be making Hamlet successful, performing magic on the west end stage, getting holy water (“You go too fast for me Crowley.”YOU MF AZIRAPHALE WHYYYY) or magicing away some paint on a very old well kept jacket. they always do things like this for each other. focusing solely on Crowley's perspective he, throughout history, has always been the one to accept Aziraphales requests with little to no complaints. (until Armageddon i suppose)
even in season 2 he lets Aziraphale use his bentley. Although there is some bickering there, he still lets it happen. He doesn't sell books while Aziraphale is away and he even carries them around (the sleeve garters are a whole other thing in this scene)
now realistically the “good old fashioned lover boy” is, im sure, referring to both of them. also the song just feels gay. just listen to it. its gay. i swear.
Now. not saying it matches perfectly. obviously it doesn't but even the GO fandom links the two pieces of media on occasion(see second link). they are inexplicably connected, whether its false pattern recognition (i have currently forgotten the proper term for that. T-T) or intended by mr gaiman i think its so intriguing that the songs picked to play fit so nicely into the deeper narrative. this. is good media
“Write my letter, feel much better
I'll use my fancy patter on the telephone”
Essentially means smooth talking on the phone. Which you have to admit Crowley does to Aziraphale quite often. And Aziraphale writes letters. honestly its cute. specially im thinking of season 1 when Aziraphale is writing a note to Crowley while they are on the phone. its later in the season in the last ditch rush to stop the antichrist.
I used the bit of lyrics that fit them the best in the beginning of the rant. and time for my least convincing point. the vibe just fits them so well. the slightly old school beat with simple romantic lyrics. Its not anything overtly sexual. just the simplicities of romance. IT FUCKING FITTSSS!!!!
There is so much more but i dont want to make this 10000000000000000000 paragraphs long and i have other good omens stuff i want to rant about:>
just my opinion on a silly song that appears for like a minute in the show!
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hopefulcanary · 11 months
I'm seeing a lot more "McCoy is racist [against Vulcans]" crossing my dash which... is sure an opinion.
A shit one, for sure.
Especially when Disco & SNW have leaned pretty hard into that "humans are lesser because ew emotional cooties" nugget (hm, what's a word for that), without the softness they've shown in previous iterations. When a Vulcan Fleet admiral shows zero empathy for a literal refugee, and y'know, actually seems to delight in targeting Una for being an Illyrian.
Especially when Amanda Grayson herself acknowledges to her own son how hard it's been for her as a human, living in Vulcan society. When Michael dealt with her own shit as an adoptee. When Spock is shown to bridle against this society who's fucked him up for being different.
When the argument hinges on treating Spock like he's a fragile baby boy somehow at the mercy of this supposed racist af human doctor, when the reality is he's a senior officer who sure spends some time being obviously hostile to a subordinate, sometimes without cause, but always with that rank behind him while he implies or outright states how unskilled he believes the CMO of the fucking fleet flagship is. In front of other officers too, just for some fun undermining action? Yep!
I love Spock, I think he's fucking amazing and I love how much depth we're getting, but ffs denying that in TOS he has both the power in this dynamic, and that he's from a planet of equal power to Earth's in the Federation (sorry fans who also think Vulcan is some backwater world that Earth somehow subjugates) which is shown to have really mercilessly racist opinions of humans all the way up to the highest echelons, is just...
Like do y'all realize how much The Galileo Seven in a post-SNW context makes Spock actually look pretty dang cruel and monstrous?
McCoy is obviously a complex character with an attitude, who has no qualms in clapping back to authority himself and obviously has an issue with Spock, solo. He's also a man shown to be pretty damn respectful of Vulcans as a whole, and in cases where he isn't, it's because he thinks the cultural aspect he's critiquing is harmful and shitty.
Which I wish the parts of fandom taking an issue with that a big sarcastic Welcome to Dr McCoy, because that's a huge part of his characterization. He does that to everyone. He's the goddamn emotional heart of the Triumvirate, and he reacts emotionally to horrible shit. He and Spock are stellar foils for that.
This got away from me and I could add so much more (who did Spock ask to be there for his nuptials? who did he entrust with his Katra?) lmfao but just, in closing...
Vulcan cultural norms ought to be critiqued if they're relying on acting like weirdo supremacists because they don't grossly emote like nasty humans.
For fuck's sake. 🙄
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s0up1ta · 5 months
not to be the chip guy but of course he comes first. chibos little beanie instead of the captains hat is SUCH a great touch !! the fact he still has his necklace and his long coat in a different more cover-up-slut approach makes me insaneeeee god he's so. Just like me frfr. you just drew me but if i had long hair and more bastard swagger that's so coolio bro what the freaksauce... ALSO keeping his belt and piercings make me to happy forever and ever but swagever ! Im normal ^_^ WAITTT also the "coverupslut" tits thing is really funny to me obviously he couldn't be walking around like that in the Real World because it's lame and doesn't support his transgender swagger but I really love how you kept his midriff and the teensiest tiniest little bit of a happy trail because he fucking WOULD wouldn't he. he WOULD fucking look like that. and !! speaking of speaking of that his black crop top thing works really well with both his style and his style of dancing which I think is so awesome sauce broski AND THE BLACK NAILS. THATS IMPORTANT can i get you to make something canon for me from one guy to another you're such a good friend and this isn't me buttering you up at all but on a totally separate note did you know you're hot and cool and all your art is amazing and you're talented and smart. could you make it so jay was the one to paint his nails and he complained forever and ever about it he wad so annoyed but he only complained more when the paint started chipping and he forced her to fix it. staring at you with autism eyes Btw
gillion design is so real forever and ever and I'm totally okay about it bro trust. absolutely LOVE the fact he kept his necklace too but instead it's framed as a gift from pretzel and made as a Kandi necklace :〕 it's so sick ANDDD THE WAY HE DRESSES !!! his baggy black tank-top and belt with the pants bro you Get It he fucking. Would look like that humanized wouldn't he. the bracelets and the also black nails (that. And Again, looking at you with begging and pleading autism eyes. jay probably had to act like she was just SO down to do and felt like it for funsies so she could teach pretzel when in reality chibo just begged her because he's a little bitch and really wanted to bond with gillion because he's an idiot and couldn't think of a better way. Also his paint was chipping and he was mildly annoyed) AND !! THE HAIRRRRR holy shit my friend tumblr user and mutual soup s0up1ta im losing my actual goddamn ever-loving mind over the way you drew his dyed hair it's so fucking pretty dude THE COLORRRRSSSSSS THE COLORS IM BEING POSSESED AND TAKEN AWAY. THE VIBRANCY SNATCHED MY SOUL AND GOT ME VAPORIZED LIKE IT WAS DAYBRINGER SOLOMON SAVE THE WORLD AND SUCK EACH OTHER VAMP4VAMP STYLE MY FINAL MESSAGE
Oh my god. And pretzel. soup im losing my fucking MINDDDDD over pretzel i know when you showed me the (theses aren't posted yet. i get to be in the Cool Exclusive Friend Club for. Asecond >:DDD) drawings of her with the biker helmet i lost my shit then but I need to lose it again. i lose that very frequently. The little patches in her jeans and clips in her messy hair and home-made bracelets covering every part of her body that they can and her big fluffy skirts that mimic her frogtopus arms that spread out and her overalls QND THAT ONE DRAWING. WHERE AHE IS PAINTING GILLIONS EYELINER ON IM. SOUP IM SHAKING YOU IM LOSING OT and also. Of course she would like bluey <3
Now onto the actual writing for just a second because I need to ramble on how well you fucking Captured the way it was written so perfectly because like. Holy fuck dude
Tigers being paired with you Definitely is the best possible outcome because you have created something for me to be Insane about. I could picture everything so vividly and i heard that one line where it was him going "I want you. I want you baby" and i just completely saw your drawing of them arms linked and extended and I lost my MINDD soup. spinning in circles and shimmying like a deep sea isopod ruffling up dirt on the seafloor look at me in my dead ass eye holes because i cannot express enough how much I love that. everything in this fic was pictured entirely in your style and I'm so fucking normal about that I promise. i LOVE seeing the little details you move from both cannon jrwi and your designs into the way they're drawing because, and I cannot stress this enough that this is a good thing, they all look like Them. normally with au's it's them slightly off or that's Them just in a different outfit but NOOO dude you got it so perfect. yeah that IS what they would look like that IS how they would dress and act and look and fucking DANCE bro 🗣🗣‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
and finally just wanted to say the writing is sosososo good forever and ever but that's exactly what I would expect from Tigers101 the fnc guy and chip kisser themself alright not surprised in the least. and with the art being as amazing at going with it not nearly surprised it's sof uckign awesome seeing you grow and get more talented as an artist because DUDE !!!!!! HOLY SHIT YOU HAVE GROWNNNN its so awesome man
anyway leave you with this image
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because i saw the part where chibo blushed and I pictured him in your style and i nearly whisper-screamed faggot out loud before catching myself because I'm tired <3 thank you for being you and so rad and sweet forever and ever and making the sick ass cool ass shit that you do im sohyped and so happy everytime I get. A message or a tag from you because I KNOWWWWW it means I get something to feast apon and i love it so much. already said it once but it's so nice i say it twice suck each other vamp4vamp style and save da world. my final message
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sapphire-mage · 3 months
Glasgow Wonka Thoughts
I'll admit that I have been having moments of dismay as I look at fan art of the characters from the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience thing. Cause a part of me keeps looking at it and going 'We're making fan art of characters made by AI... It's fucking over...'
But then I kinda thought about it for a while. And I saw people's takes. And I saw interviews with the actors playing the lady Oompa Loompa and The Unkown.
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Like, we all saw this picture.
We all saw the jokes in the realm of 'drug addict Oompa Loompa' stuff. And it sucks, cause the actress didn't think this would lead to this hell. She was just doing a job.
But then other pictures of her started being posted.
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And people started realizing: "Wait... She's TRYING to make this work. She's trying to do her job, and she's trying to make these people happy despite how awful everything is."
And there was a turn around on her. Suddenly, she's the saving grace of the entire thing. Suddenly, she's more of a poor woman who is trying her best to do her job so she can be paid by a bunch of weasels who thought they were making something amazing with just the bare minimum.
Meanwhile, the AI script used to make these characters creates the 'nonsense' character of 'The Unknown'.
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Like, I'm well aware that Willy Wonka's story, in every version, is weird as hell. But why in god's name would the factory have a shadowy mask figure living in the walls. Why would Wonka be like, "Yeah, that's fine. They don't have to pay rent."
...But then you watch her performance as the Unknown, which she claims she built herself because the 'AI Script' barely gave her anything to work with.
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Look at her.
She's giving Babadook.
She's giving Brahms from The Boy.
She's giving one of those N64 Zelda NPCs that would get on a list of 'nightmare fuel from when we were kids' lists.
No wonder the kids are crying during that clip. She's delivering 'a being known as The Unknown that has been living in the walls'. And it's pageantry!
And I can't help but smile, cause all this does is affirm a human truth:
AI Cannot Replace or Replicate True Human Creativity
It only can through the means of the capitalistic eye that sees art as profit and nothing more.
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So yeah: Everyone is going to run in to make the same cheap jokes they can make, but then you also see great art being made in celebration of the effort these two put in. Especially in fandoms, right now.
And yeah, maybe these girls might milkshake duck themselves (the actor playing Wonka already did; he is apparently a groomer; yikes). But their performances already hit people.
Someone is already going to want to make a creature like The Unknown. Maybe they're a horror monster. Maybe they're sympathetic. That'll be different from person to person.
Somebody probably wants to already make a character like the Oompa Loompa: miserable and wants to go home, yet still trying so hard when the moments where she cares strikes. I can see so many comedies and slices of life from that.
And making good art out of inspiration is the best thing to take out of dumb things like this.
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To be clear: The higher ups who used AI to make this dumpster fire won't learn a goddamn thing from this. Cause what's new with them.
But we got to get art from people who were trying to be creative and trying to be kind, and it's led to people making more art out of it. And we get to celebrate that new art. Which is the best damn thing!
...I'll get to making my art official soon, I swear...
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tryan-a-bex · 6 months
Writing patterns meme
Rules: Share the opening of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
From this post by @dancinbutterfly https://www.tumblr.com/dancinbutterfly/735744268412534784?source=share
I'll mull about patterns here because I put the last two after the cut due to warnings. So, about half of them start with dialogue, which is how I started writing--a lot of dialogue, minimal else things. The other half start by getting inside someone's head--internal dialogue, basically, so not that different I guess. Also I try to start with something funny or at least interesting, to hook the reader? I don't know if it works.
Endless Family Trick or Treating
“It’s not a sphere!” argued Dream, swinging his jack-o’-lantern trick-or-treat bucket against the leg of his vampire costume. “It is a sphere!” insisted Desire, twirling the tail of their demon costume in their hand again. “I learned it in school and it’s round like a ball so it’s a sphere.”
2. Velma Meets the Family
Velma stared at the gently lapping water of the river, leaning her elbows on the railing. The rest of the gang was fast asleep in their motel, but she hadn’t been able to sleep so she’d come outside to think. The water sounds were restful, but her mind refused to stop whirling. 
3. Freddy the Robot Vacuum
It was amazing what a person could get used to. Hob had enjoyed his first robot vacuum. It was nice, and not a very difficult adjustment, to get used to the vacuuming being done automatically for him while he was out. The little phone app notifications were cute, and he was only human so he anthropomorphized his vacuum, naming it Freddy. Getting used to the anthropomorphic personification of dreams hanging around in his flat… took a bit more time.
4. Life is but a Dream
Rose put her head down on the desk. Why? Why would the words come in the middle of the night, and never when she had her laptop out and on? She’d even tried writing her thoughts down, but found that she actually couldn’t make out her sleepy handwriting in the morning. She looked at the tumblr icon on her desktop, sighed, and got up to get a cup of tea instead. That would be a shorter distraction. Probably.
5. Death is not easy to cheat
Unity poured tea in both cups and sat down across from Rose, pushing the plate of cookies toward her. “How are you doing, dear? You look tired.” “Oh, Unity! It’s been so stressful lately! I can’t seem to think of the right words when I sit down to work on my novel, but then they keep me awake in the middle of the night, you know? And during the day Lyta is either freaking out about Daniel being with Uncle Morpheus and Hob, or freaking out about him being so white and growing up so fast.
6. Trials of a Shapeshifter in Love
“Lucienne has been working so hard lately,” Gault explained to the Dream King’s head cook. “I’d like to do something nice for her. I was thinking a surprise romantic dinner over candlelight in the library.” “Ah, yes, I think she would appreciate that very much.” They put their heads together to plan the meal when suddenly Gault heard a familiar voice from the hallway.  “So, what have you already tried?” Lucienne asked. “Hell, all the normal plunging and clawing didn’t fucking fix the goddamned blockage, and it’s a fucking hassle taking the whole damned drain apart all the way back into the fucking wall.” 
7. Naga No-Go
“Lucienne.” Lucienne’s head popped up from the book she was studying. Lord Morpheus’ summons sounded just a little bit more… strained than usual. She turned her head, using her raven senses to triangulate the direction of the summons. His chambers??? This… could not be good.
8. Which Witch (Okay I'm cheating here because this isn't published yet. but if you want more, let me know and I'll post it on ao3 or send you a link.)
“You can’t just come in here without a warrant.” The cantankerous old witch put her hands on her hips and stood squarely in the doorway. Eldie sighed and rubbed the shaved hair at the nape of her neck. “Please let me come in, ma’am. Your daughter hired me to clean and cook and help you out, and I can’t help if you don’t let me in.” “I don’t need help, you shameless hussy! Who does she think she is, that gossiping busy-body! I’m fine here by myself. You can go now!”
Okay, under the cut are mentions of spiders, and non-con body horror. (The fic is not bad, the backstory from canon is, and that's where I started.)
9. Arachnophilia (mentions of spiders)
Zelda stared down at the cafeteria mac and cheese on her plate. The only thing appetizing about the middle school cafeteria food was that her mother wasn’t glaring at her and criticizing how she did or didn’t eat it. Instead, everyone ignored her, tucked into a corner. She would feel hurt about being shunned if she had any desire at all to interact with the other children. She didn’t. She closed her eyes and shoved a forkful into her mouth, thinking about her science project to distract herself from the taste. Spider webs were actually incredibly strong for the size of the filament, and they came in such an extraordinary variety of shapes and sizes. She couldn’t wait to get back to the library for more research. She opened her eyes as she swallowed, scooping up more food and quickly scanning the room. 
10. The Order of the Knights of the Dreaming (the actual fic I wrote is pretty sweet without much actual violence, but Alice's backstory from InCryptids is intense, so skip this next paragraph if you don't like mentions of non-con and body horror)
Alice closed her eyes and felt her memories and skin being ripped from her once again. It hadn’t actually been like that. In real life, she hadn’t figured out her memories were being adjusted for years, and she’d undergone the flensing willingly. But once she learned that her mind had been altered without her knowledge and that removing her skin had not been necessary but was done for the profit of her “uncle,” well, the nightmares about being violated had been unceasing. 
If you made it this far, congratulations, consider yourself no-pressure tagged!
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stoopid-noah · 10 months
Watching The Crowded Room and going in completely blind..
Haven't seen a trailer, no idea what it's even about lol
Here are my thoughts as I move along..
After watching Ep 1, I think:
Danny and his brother where SAed as children, maybe by the stepdad.
Ariana is a sex worker?
His brother either died due to abuse or offed himself because of it.
Ep 2:
Ariana was sexually abused too, I think.
Danny might have Multiple personalities and seems to be unaware about it.
Some charracters might actually be part of his system?
Is the "ghost house" actually his mindspace?
Ep 3:
Yup, multiple personalities!
Yitzhak is definitely one of them!
Jonny probably too & if he is, so must Mike.
Ariana might be aswell, maybe she's his sexual protector & SA trauma holder.
Did he ever have a twin brother, or was he also part of the system?
I love Yitzhak, best protected ever!!
I think Rya, the psychiatrist might suspect him having DiD, but isn't sure yet & the police has no idea.
But how did eye witnesses see Ariana?!
Ep 4:
I think Jack is also part of Danny's system.
Jack seems to be a protector aswell.
I can't tell if his brother was another alter or his actual brother?
All the drawings in his (burned) sketchbook might be of alters.
Oooooo shits 'bout to go down!!
Ep 5:
Gee, straight to the intro, no little scene before that? Is that a good sign or a bad one?
I really hope his mother didn't know what her children where going through.
I love Mario, he's cool!
I feel so sorry for his mom (Candy?)  too, she just wanted the best for her baby.. :(
I think Adam was his first protector & trauma holder, not his actual brother.
Ep 6:
I hate how the police officer is talking about poor Danny. :(
I hate the psychiatrists son, he's a brat and a nuisance lol
Hell yeah Jonny, get right outa those cuffs!!
God, I love this woman.. she's an amazing doctor and I NEED her to succeed!!
Why do I kinda like his lawyer?! He's such an asshole lmao
Oh, Danny.. My poor baby.. He's so scared :(
Ep 7:
Yayy, Yitzhak is back!!
Jack, Jonny, Mike, Yitzhak and Ariana confirmed alters, yay!!
Goddam Jonny... At least try to keep it together man >:(
These "psychologists" are so insufferable.. and so is the judge..
I love Yitzhak so much.. please don't let him be gone gone AAaAaa <3
Oh god.. please help him, poor puppy boy :(
Ep 8:
I hope Marlin rots in hell, fucking piece of shit.
I love the directive so much!!
Candy, how could you? How could she cover for that piece of shit?
Oh, I feel bad for Arianas boyfriend.. and for Ariana :(
Why should they try to "get rid of the alters"?? I know that this plays in a different time, but it's so frustrating that the alters aren't really seen as whole ass human beings by the professionals.. :(
Jerome is so sweet and kind, I cant- I want them to be friends forever AAaAaa
If that boy doesn't get the help he needs, I'm going to scream...
Ep 9:
I hate him. I hate Marlin so much.. why do I have to look at him right now?!
How can candy live with herself, protecting this pig????
I hope she fucking turns around and stands up for Danny in the end :(
Stan is such a good guy, I hope he's a great lawyer too.
I hate it.. D.I.D. is real for fucks sake.
The trial just started and  I'm already crying..
I'm starting to hate candy, she's acting like a real bitch right now, ngl..
Aaand she went home.. goddamn it..
Yay Jerome is back!!
Goddamn.. she's a really good psychologist.
I swear to God Candy, if you mess up again I'm going to scream.
Danny, baby.. no :(
How dare you end the episode like that?!
Ep 10:
Jesus Christ, please don't let my baby die.
God damnit Jack..
I hate his smug fucking grin.
I hate him. I hate him. I hate him..
Oh, If Danny can come back, so could Yitzhak, right? I miss him. :(
"Adam is me" I'm fucking crying again wtf..
I'm on the edge of me seat, please don't jail this boy!!
I can't stop crying aaaaa
If Danny can forgive Candy, I guess I should too.. but I don't wanna >:(
He looks so cute, with all the paint on his shirt. <3
Don't try and make me feel sympathy for Candy.
Hell yeah, no forgiveness for Candy!!!!
I love the friendship of Danny and Rya, they have such great chemistry!
Last thoughts, after doing some research:
They handled this whole theme so respectfully and good!
Tom also did such an amazing job portraying his roles, it's amazing!!
Especially considering that this series and the movie "Split" where apparently based on the same case.. I fucking hated how DiD was portrayed in Split.. Like it's something to fear. Like it makes people violent. And as something fucking supernatural.. I fucking hated that.. But "The Crowded Room" is so honest and respectful.. It's beautiful!
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