#i was emotionally goddamn fucking invested
the-kipsabian · 2 years
that being said, i fucking adore ace austin good fucking day
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galexibrain · 21 days
Something, something ... parallels. When I was 10yo and watching DBZ for the first time, when it was first aired in Germany, this was my favourite scene in the entirety of DBZ, and it still is to this day:
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When the people of Earth all give their energy for the final genkidama that's supposed to finish off Buu.
Linking the German version so you can experience the original soundtrack (I'm sorry, the US dub soundtrack (and the Kai soundtrack for the Buu Saga) can NOT measure up the glory of the original one, and I'm so grateful the German dub kept it):
I was (and am to this day) utterly in love with this particular track, so much that I simply needed to have it with me, at all times.
And here's how I got it in ye olden days before Youtube (well, before I had internet access and knew about YT to MP3 converting lmao):
I had this particular episode taped on VHS (I'm That Old)
I took my phone (Nokia that had the luxury of a COLOR display) and recorded the track. You could literally hear the people cheer on the recording
I put this recording on my phone and listened to it
Yes the quality was crappy. I didn't care
Now, I have it on my MP3 player lol. Still randomly listen to it sometimes <3
So, the things about DBZ that were the most formative to me are: this scene, and Vegeta (who started my love for reformed villains and redemption arcs).
Ok, this has nothing to do with the point I'm trying to make, I just needed to clarify just how emotionally invested I am here.
Now, two decades later, Super gives me this:
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Moro Arc, DBS chapter 61
Do y'all understand what this did to me?! Do you even have the slightest idea what I am going through here?
They probably thought nothing of it, but back in the Buu Saga it was Vegeta who came up with the genkidama plan: to take the energy of everyone on Earth, and other planets too, to defeat an enemy too strong for any single person to handle.
Vegeta, the guy who's perpetually allergic to ask for help.
Now, it's Vegeta who does the opposite, and yet, the same: he takes energy that was stolen, and returns it to where it belongs, literally giving people their lives back in some cases. (The symbolism of the Namekians being the ones revived by him is CRAZY.)
And the imagery is so similar? I just. ??!?!?!?! HOW AM I TO DEAL.
DB ch. 515 & 516:
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Goku receiving the energy from Earth, perfecting the genkidama, and he throws it.
And now:
Super, ch. 66:
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That's the god ki Uub sent, and Vegeta is the one to throw it to Goku to give him the power he needs to end Moro.
And that power literally comes from the reincarnation of the very being they destroyed last time? OH WOW.
(Initially I wasn't so sure what to think about this particular point but hey, the D in Dragon Ball stands for Deus Ex Machina, so ... whatever.)
I'm like. Did they do this on purpose? Is this coincidence?
How am I supposed to be normal about any of this?
Also funny how Buu Saga was the whackiest in DBZ while Moro Saga in DBS is a goddamn fucking masterpiece.
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amarguerite · 6 months
What’s the Darcy myth book?
Oh God. Um. Basically, it’s a book called The Darcy Myth, which has the meanest, most asinine, most bewildering misreading of Pride and Prejudice with the thesis that characters like Darcy have made generations of silly female novel readers stupidly love mean, moody, distant men and long for emotionally abusive relationships. I’ve only read reviews of it because the reviews have made me foaming at the mouth angry about the whole flawed premise— Espeically the fact that in the WaPo review of the book the author said that the Darcy myth props up a Gothic and patriarchal universe that trains women from childhood to invest in men who treat them poorly.
It’s also insultingly victim-Blamey and very 18th century in its puritanical idea of the corrupting force of novels on the weak and silly female brain, because OBVIOUSLY women are incapable of critical thinking. You can only shield yourself from abuse and evil by consuming the RIGHT kind of media. Sorry, I didn’t realize that if I just fucking jettison the inventor and refiner of free indirect discourse and one of the most brilliant users of dramatic irony my life will be completely free from the shackles of patriarchy!! WOW WHO KNEW THAT IF I STOPPED READING JANE AUSTEN ROE V WADE WOULD BECOME PART OF THE FUCKING CONSTITUION
The author also flat out ignores the text by insisting that Darcy forced Lydia to marry Wickham when
a) Lydia WANTED to marry Wickham
B) Darcy is LITERALLY THE ONLY CHARACTER who told Lydia, “I know you ran off with this guy but I’ll help you leave him and go back to your family. You don’t have to marry him even if you slept with him.”
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lipstickchainsaw · 6 months
what are your thoughts on contrarian? not my fav voice exactly, but i thought he was interesting in the ending where you leave with the stranger
Woo, it's been almost two weeks, but I've been thinking about this one.
I think the Contrarian is a very interesting voice, because he's just very much enjoying getting to annoy the fuck out of the narrator, but at the same time, he raises so many goddamn questions.
I first came across him during the Razor, where he (alongside the Broken, but who cares about the Broken) joins the Cheated in Chapter 3, and let me tell you, the Cheated and the Contrarian are an amazing combo, and they played off of each other well, although the Cheated is obviously more emotionally invested in beating the system than the Contrarian.
It was only when I got the Contrarian on his own that, uh, some things stopped making sense to me.
To get the Contrarian as a voice, you have to avoid the cabin as much as you possibly can, which means you don't even meet the Princess in Chapter 1. To the Contrarian, then, the Princess doesn't even exist as a real being; the only person existing outside of you (the protagonist) is the Narrator, and so he makes poking at the Narrator his entire existence.
When he does meet the Princess, he still doesn't see her as a real person, just as a vessel to annoy the Narrator, and this even makes some degree of sense! With every choice you make down there, you break reality a bit and create another Princess! So of course he doesn't think the Princess is real.
It's only when the various Strangers mix into one messy whole, where he realises this was an actual person, and his empathy rushes in to go 'oh shit, what did we do?'
'I didn't think our actions would have consequences.'
And this is really compelling, story-wise! I like it a lot!
It just doesn't make any goddamn sense!
Because the common theory is that you influence the Princess through your perception and belief of her (and your refusal to see her turns the Stranger into a Schrödinger's Princess, so this makes sense), and how the Princess sees you influences what voice you get.
Except you haven't met the Princess.
So where the fuck does the Contrarian come from? What is he? We have good reason to believe the Voices are the result of the messy split between Shifting Mound and Long Quiet, right? But clearly it's not the Princess causing the Contrarian to arrive. There's only one person outside of you who knows how you behaved in Chapter 1, and that's the Narrator, except the instance of the Narrator dies at the end of every Chapter 1!
And anyway, why isn't the Narrator ever confused about the presence of other Voices? He doesn't ever seem to be surprised when they show up, even if he might be shocked at their abilities, but at the same time, he doesn't know what it means for there to be multiple of them, either?
So what the fuck is going on here? Is it really the Narrator's final impression of you that spawns the Voice in the next chapter, and not the Princess?
But even then, the Contrarian is special, isn't he?
He's the only non-Hero voice that can show up in the Cabin at the end, if you started with the Stranger route, and you know what he says?
He says he's 'right where you left [him]'. What the fuck does that mean? Presumably it's similar to what happens when you kill the Shifting Mound and the other Voices show up to join you in the new world, but the Contrarian still plays a different role.
I feel like there's answers to be had here, but I'm clearly not big-brained enough to figure them out just yet!
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kaondecay · 10 months
a couple little vol 7 thoughts featuring vashwood brainrot 😎✌️
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man this scene makes my brain itch on so many different levels lmao, like on the surface level wtf wolfwood!! we’ve just had all these chapters explicitly digging into how vash has a Problem where he tries to hide his pain under empty smiles- and in fact wolfwood clocked that about him pretty much instantly back when they first met! so of course badgering him about ~looking sad~ (especially when he started the page with a neutral to mildly glum expression) is just gonna make him try harder to cover it up, and that’s exactly what he does with that stupid little smile on the second page 😔
but wolfwood’s whole point here is that that shit isn’t gonna work on him no matter how hard vash tries! unfortunately wolfwood is also emotionally constipated as hell, so it comes out as aggression and teasing rather than anything genuine.
actually i just gotta revisit that earlier moment here because the contrast is just fascinating lmao
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like goddamn wolfwood really came in hot with the sincerity in that first meeting, how did we go from that to this?? was it just because they were strangers then, and wolfwood thought he could get away with saying shit like that because their paths might never cross again? this was also before ww got his assignment from Knives- did he not know this was the boss’s brother? he probably didn’t realize the twins’ inhumanity at that point either… he’s had a lot to grapple with over the course of this assignment, both re: the twins’ apocalyptic power, and the fact that he has to betray vash at the end of it, that would naturally create a need for emotional distance. allowing honesty and attachment with vash puts too much at risk.
so really, given that very high-stakes need for distance, it’s telling that wolfwood still can’t help expressing his awareness of vash’s suffering & investment in cheering him up, even if it comes out in such a ridiculous way lol
it also seems like a clumsy/oblique way of trying to reassure vash that he’s still a person? vash’s inhuman nature has come more to the forefront lately- losing control in the dragon’s nest, regaining the memory of all the death he caused in july, catching that bullet with a feather only for the whole town to turn against him for it- and it’s clearly been weighing on him. so wolfwood acknowledges that angle by calling him all those awful things- “the legendary devil gunman, the humanoid typhoon”- but immediately discredits them by pointing out vash’s softheartedness.
idk i also have one more little bit of brainrot about the moment they share leaving the bar, acknowledging that things are about to get serious with Knives
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like goddamn there’s so much meaning packed into that exchange!! it’s the closest they really come to acknowledging their whole “you know i know you know” deal around wolfwood’s assignment. (hah, “i told you from the start…”, fuck. ) like, openly telling vash that knives sent him would break the plausible deniability that wolfwood is simply fulfilling his mission, and that would put the orphanage in danger. at the same time, he has been 0% subtle and never actually *lied* to vash about it either- the few times vash has asked direct questions, wolfwood has given him vague answers or conspicuous silence and allowed him to draw his own conclusions.
so this seems like their weird twisty way of setting mutual expectations for what’s going to happen next. wolfwood is vash’s “guide”, no more and no less- he has enough insider information to bring vash safely to his brother’s door, but past that point wolfwood will stay out of the confrontation. it’s the one thing wolfwood and both brothers all agree is best, whether they like it or not. god wolfwood’s face in that last panel kills me
i am absolutely normal about this
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years
So it’s come to my attention.....
Apparently there are elements of the Eremika fandom out there that really cannot stand to see their favorite ship called out for the flagrantly toxic pairing that it has slowly devolved into. For one stubborn faction out there in the AOT fandom, Eremika still reigns supreme. 
You know, even after.......
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Yeah. Even after this, there are fans out there who still want these two together. Fans who refuse to hear out that these two truly never had a chance due to their clashing priorities and personalities.......And the fact that Eren was revealed to be a sociopathic POS the entire time (That’s still a fucked up twist, I don’t care how you try to rationalize the ending). 
In light of a recent incident where I came under attack for expressing my growing distaste for this “couple”, I just want to set one thing straight. 
This is most definitely NOT a Pro-Eremika blog. This is NOT a place where you’ll find me empathizing with this idea any more than you’ve ever seen me take pity on that bitch Gabi Braun. That is simply not the case here. 
It should not be news to anybody that Eremika in more recent time is blamed for holding back Mikasa’s character growth, and I am in the crowd that firmly believes it stunted her badly as a character who truly could exist on her own without Eren as a crutch. And it pisses me off to say that because Mikasa was my initial favorite of the series. 
This ship is emotionally abusive. Eren never regarded Mikasa with much more than passing acknowledgement and any time where she voiced her affection for him, it left negligible impact on him. They may have been heavily reliant on each other in battle but the relationship is entirely from Mikasa’s side, NOT Eren’s. And the fact that he manipulated her and all his allies to kill billions is somehow not a dealbreaker for either herself OR the fans who stand by it.....
Wow, why not we go back to that forgotten time where we shipped Mikasa with Levi? (Thankfully I was too late to the game for that one) Next I suppose someone will suggest I invest myself in Fucking Falco and Garbage Braun. And yes, I will get back to my actual opinions on Falco later, as I earlier hinted....
A lot of people think I’m harsh in my opinions and my attitude......
And, you’re not wrong. 
But that doesn’t mean I can’t freely express my opinions, and the most recent time I expressed my opposition to Eremika, I think I was being fairly tame in my comments. 
So if someone wants to give my shit because I spoke ill of their favorite pairing, to you I say this.....
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Yeah I don’t care if you disapprove, and I don’t like fans who try to control what I say because I simply expressed disagreement, and certainly not with anybody on a personal level in this instance until they tried to order me around. 
Over a bloody anime pairing, and certainly not one that should be taken as a case of a healthy relationship. 
This place is most definitely not one you’re gonna like if you’re a hardcore Eremika fan. Sorry, but if you wanna be salty with me over that, you’re wasting your time. This is why I don’t involve myself with shipping, it makes fans CRAZY. And I hate to see what kind of relationships these fans want in life if Eremika is their OTP. 
So no, there’s no haven for Eremika around here, don’t like it? Look another direction. I’m not an Eremika shipper. By now anyone who’s been here for five minutes should understand I ain’t a fucking Eren fan any more than I am a fan of Gabi or that goddamn ending. And right now I can only can Mikasa a pitiful waste of potential. Because of Eremika. 
Not looking for trouble with Eremika fans, but you keep it to yourself, I want no part of it. This is not a blog for Eremika, and if you see the occasional Eremika criticism, not the end of the fucking world. 
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drop-drop · 4 months
i've seen nobody talk about it yet, but i'm genuinely so sad they seem to just... put husk's fucked up relationship with alastor aside when there's 'more important' things to focus on.
episode seven:
husk sees the after effect of charlie's deal with alastor and reacts exactly the same way everyone else does
vaggie tells them to leave if they want, neither husk nor nifty mention that they. can't. actually leave?
vaggie comes back and there's something about getting to like the people there or whatever, still no mention of half the people here not having a goddamn choice
episode eight:
husk nodding when charlie says everyone tried to get better, when he's very much not a resident
no mention of him knowing alastor's still alive when al disappears (though i guess i am assuming that husk would know. i don't think i'm wrong on that point but whatever)
only frowns when alastor comes back, doesn't even pull away or react outwardly in any other way
we see the both of them singing smiling a bit later, sharing a frame like they're friends or something
i do want to say that i'm happy he's evolving as a character, learning to care about other people again, learning to emotionally invest himself in projects and stuff... it's good! i'm glad he's not staying so apathetic, the whole point of this show is that people change and i feel like husk is a really visible example of that
but there is no reason for his relationship with alastor to have changed. i know they didn't get much episode time, and fitting everything in was difficult and sacrifices had to be made. i know that. but they've shown they were capable of putting little interactions in the background (like when charlie encourages sir pentious to go ask cherry out) and i don't feel like it'd have been that complicated to make husk recoil from alastor, have him throw a line like "i didn't chose to be here, but i guess there's worse things" and a little "fuck" when charlie strikes a deal...
maybe there are reasons for all of those things. it still made me sad. is husk's situation only there as a prop to further his and angel's relationship, plus some spice on the side when we want some alastor exposition?
anyway. i still really enjoyed the finale, but yeah... this whole thing felt really awkward and wrong to me.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
ok across the spiderverse spoilers and tw for miscarriage stuff but, more idea bullshit let's go
yandere Miguel who lost his family and traveled to another universe to replace his wife and child 🤝 his new spider society obsession from another universe where you were Spiderwoman 2099 and you lost your fiance Miguel and had a miscarriage of your son Gabriel and tried to travel to another universe to replace them, and now you're both fucking emotionally damaged husks who stumble upon each other doing multiverse shit
Just a fucked up traumatized possessive genius control freak who wants his family back and has a desperate need to do good and save people x his equally as traumatized victim who never got to have her fairytale love and is exhausted from loss and being a hero, missing her lover and a baby she never got to meet, who is also so fucking burnt out and depressed she could legitimately just accept being kept prisoner because she's basically too tired to take care of herself or resist, just apathetic with the weight of it all
Like THE most toxic codependent ass relationship, "i want to take care of you vs i probably need someone to take care of me", where there's some sort of mutual affection but like he's Obviously So Fucking Bad For You but. You're getting attached to your captor now and when he cuddles you he smells like your former lover and you're just like a walking ghost and since you're an anomaly anchored to his universe anyways, and he's already had his canon event of losing his family and is in his own universe, surely, potentially, things would be ok if... he tried again, since its new events, new people, not changing anything, simply moving forward? Peter B was able to change his mind on his decision and have a kid safely, even though that was influenced by an anomaly, so, perhaps... test the theory?
Like imagine you're just like normal spidey coworkers for a little while after meeting during, anomaly bullshit, and if anything he's indifferent to you but, even though you force yourself to keep going and you do decent enough work Miguel can tell you're like, Still Going Through Some Shit, and when you eventually spill on what you went through, there's like, obviously the intimacy that you were married to one of him is obvious and he may even feel flustered right away, but also the elevated kinship in going through even more of the same similar things than just the typicals that all Spiders go through, not just losing an uncle or a captain, that you can relate to him so deeply on the loss of a partner and child, the pain of the Rapture addiction and his exsct backstory, the mistakes made in grief, that moment is when, you know, The Switch Is Flipped, and he's 2099% invested in your life and wellbeing from that moment forth (and yes I WILL keep using that percentage joke)
Also the more I read on his lore and facts about him the more I realize how absolutely terrifying he would be as an enemy or jailer/pursuer. He was genius enough to develop multiverse tech, he's inhumanly strong capable of lifting several tons, he shoots organic webs, he has claws to help him climb shit and also fight, his suit is capable of gliding and is extremely durable, he's got paralyzing venom, and I mean. He's 6'9" in the movie. I'm pretty sure he could just legitimately stalk up and stand really close to you physically towering over you with a vaguely threatening body posture as he looks down at you like he'll do something absolutely insane if you don't do what he says and that alone would be pretty effective in reigning you in besides physical forces or tech tricks. I feel like this man is the kind of guy where, yeah he wants to save people, he's still Spiderman, he's still a good guy and can still be funny and charming and care about people, but goddamn it if he hasnt been through so much shit and he's lost so much and he's doing everything to hold it all together so for the love of God don't fucking push him on the things he cares about or he blows up quickly because he just has so little mental and emotional energy left to still divide up between the 50 other things constantly occupying his mind
You go into his captivity you're basically never coming out as long as he still lives and breathes so you might as well let him take care of you like a good husband while you two "make preparations for a new family"
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resident-gay-bitch · 3 months
OKAY PRONGSFOOT AU (that I'm totally not working on or anything):
E&F are exactly like the Black's here. Sirius is in Slytherin. His canon personality stays same. James is much more serious, almost dark!Potter. Seriously invested in social work and reforming the take on MBs and Squibs. He and Sirius aren't best friends but they run into each other in the corridors and he is one of the few Slytherins who openly respect James. So he and James have a respectful acquaintance, though aren't emotionally invested. Then, in 5th year, Snape rears up and starts openly attacking James. His future DE pals gang up against him. James is well respected among Griffindors but doesn't have many friends so he doesn't have anyone else to back him up. When they attack him he takes them all himself. BUT then Sirius finds out about a big plan of the Slytherins, they are planning to send James into the Whomping Willow on the next weekend, which just happens to be a full moon. Sirius is concerned because James alone would be no match for the ginormous tree, so he tags along to inform him. He didn't mean to personally get involved, he didn't know James well enough to risk that, but he wanted to inform him.
He arrives late. James is already locked with the tree. He joins the fray. Tumbling along, they fall into the Shreiking Shack route
It ends with them becoming friends, later best friends, befriending Remus whom they find up there and barely escape from.
In their 17th year, E&F are furious and plan to marry James off to some domineering pureblood girl, and they find Lily Black, sister of Sirius Black. Sirius is facing the same dilemma. He and James then make a deal to elope to escape their arranged marriages. There is a six month period necessary before divorce according to the wizarding world. During that time, they expect to get jobs and a stable income, so that they would be financially independent before their marriage would be ended by the Blacks and Potters, and wouldn't be financially blackmailed and coerced into an arrange marriage.
And the rest is spoilers lmao but we all know how this "deal" is gonna end. But thoughts? Would you read it?
Okay! For one, I’m so sorry for such a late reply, this got lost to my drafts and i don’t even know how it ended up in there lmao. I have so many goddamned drafts, everything gets so lost all the time.
Okay okay okay, have you written anything for this yet? Or how’s it going? I would absolutely 100% read this! It sounds so gooooood.
We all read about dark sirius but DARK JAMES?! Yum yum scrumptious. I love this idea so much so yes I would read it.
It makes me sad to think Effie and flea could be meanies but like… the plot, it’s just so juicy. I’ll allow the sacrifice for the sake of a good fic.
Anyway, please let me know if you write this! And I’m so sorry for the late response again! I hope you’re having a lovely day/night <333
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girlgerard · 2 years
sometimes i’m like damn am i too emotionally invested in mcr. and the answer is yes but them i hear the way fucking frank iero talks about his OWN GODDAMN BAND and i think yeah i’m the normal one in this picture
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anarchist-rat-swarm · 7 months
You ever try to write a character and figure out along the way that damn, I don't know enough about this character to write them?
Not like know them as a person, with hidden depths and secret wants and fears, but like, what the fuck are Finnish people like?
The context is that I have a story I'm working on, in which I decided a character should be a Finn. The city it's set in is supposed to be a kind of international hub, a Casa Blanca, a city of the world, so clearly it needs people from multiple countries. I sort of picked Finland out of a hat before realizing that I don't really know anything about it beyond perkele, saunas, and that one Sabaton song, but now I'm emotionally invested in this surly Finn who hates this city and everyone in it except for like three people, and is just trying to earn enough money to go home where people will stop thinking he's from random Scandinavian countries. He is not a Swede, goddamn it.
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amethystina · 10 months
Wait wait wait you just watched Marry My Dead Body?!?? I need to commiserate then holy shit. I watched it yesterday because I was travelling and also figured it be a fun goofy film to watch while stuck in transit for hours and then suddenly it was over and I was sitting there in goddamn TEARS. I WAS NOT EXPECTING IT TO BE SO EMOTIONAL. IT MADE ME LAUGH AND THEN ALSO STABBED ME IN THE HEART. I feel like it played me for a fool, but in the best possible way. What a good ride it is :’)
Well, except I was at home and went: "I'll watch this before going to bed, I'm sure it'll be a fun time" and, I mean, it WAS but it also wasn't. Like, after I finished it I just sat there, not knowing how to contain all the emotions I was experiencing. How the fuck was I supposed to sleep after something like that?
I genuinely had no idea what to do with myself (I still kind of don't tbh). I did NOT expect to cry as much as I did. Quite a few things can make me cry but this just hit me right where it hurts. And I didn't expect it, in any way, shape, or form. I was completely unprepared.
It was supposed to be a silly comedy!
But, like, for real? The "my husband" moment? You should have HEARD the fucking noise I made. It was guttural. I was fucking obliterated.
(and oh man, I so desperately want to make people feel that way with my writing. I am so, so inspired!)
Long story short, I'm emotionally compromised and I have absolutely no regrets. I just love, love, love becoming this invested in a story and I'm still neck-deep in feels. It's been two days already but my thoughts just keep returning to this movie, time and time again.
So I'm guessing I'm going to rewatch it in a day or two x'D
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hopeymchope · 8 months
I almost always seem to have the minority opinion on media. And I'm really sick of it now.
I've been on a Fire Emblem kick again lately. But unfortunately, as much as I love all of the Fire Emblem games on 3DS? That's approximately how much I hate Fire Emblem: Three Houses on Switch. ....which is, of course, the most popular/successful game in the series to date.
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Okay, look: In Fire Emblem, I really like the strategy-combat stuff and the storylines + support conversations. THAT'S the tasty meat. Anything else? Is irritating busywork to me. So if I spend between 2/3-3/4 of a supposed Fire Emblem game doing the other shit? You've crafted a great recipe to make me feel like I'm MOSTLY doing stuff I hate, and thusly I shall hate your game. And that's the START of the issue with Three Houses. (I must resist getting into the protagonist being a mute cipher OR how multiple side activities require blind luck or a guide to succeed OR bitching about the weak battle map design... oh shit oh SHIT I'M OUTING MYSELF, RUN FOR IT MARTY!)
By comparison, this year's Fire Emblem Engage feels like a step back in the right direction! I'm playing it a lot right now, and I'm mostly having a good time! Still more busywork than I want in these games, but it's at least back on the side of "more good than bad." So of course, if I look this game up and read any fan reviews or watch any videos... they're all about how disapppointing and sucky it is in comparison.
God. Of COURSE they are.
I really don't know why the advances they made with Fire Emblem Echoes haven't carried into the newer games. 3D dungeons you can explore for items and enemy encounters in a Persona-like fashion? Genius! Make it the template going forward! ..... What's that? Not even most fans bothered to buy or play that game??? So no one fucking cares about that feature?
.........fucking hell. Of COURSE they don't.
See, this is how it always goes for me. If I fall in love with a movie, I'll later learn it's either hated or ignored by its own fandom or by the masses at large. If I get emotionally invested in some weird game and its characters? There's a high probability that almost no one played it. And those who did? They didn't like it as much as me. If I think a game is really annoying and full of boring shit? Great reviews, huge fandom, etc.
I could make an utterly wild fucking list of things I like/love that other people hate. And the same is true in reverse. Sometimes, even when I agree with the hate on something, I don't agree with ANY of the reasons for WHY other people hate it!
Before you ask: It doesn't matter whether I know the "majority opinion" in advance of seeing/experiencing something, or I have no clue wht people think of something until I look it up later. I've gone to many midnight premieres of movies that weren't yet screened for critics, and I typically always wind up on the wrong side of the majority. I've played obscure games just because the premise sounded good, fallen in love with them, gone looking for a fandom... and found out that everybody thinks said game is utter shit.
So I'm not just being contrarian; this shit comes NATURALLY.
However, I should make some caveats about this weirdness clear:
Sometimes I feel like I'm on the wrong side of JUST the outspoken part of the audience... but there's evidence to support that my own stance maybe ISN'T so weird. For example: My family and I have always loved 2009's Avatar. We never were dressing up like the goddamn Na'vi or anything so fanatical, but we've rewatched it many times over the years. We regularly quote it to each other around the house. And the massive success of that movie (and its recent sequel) seems to back up that this admiration/enjoyment isn't THAT crazy or esoteric, RIGHT? It's just that the Internet is extremely outspoken about Avatar supposedly being lame and totally unmemorable. Remember how people in 2022 kept being like "You can't remember even three character names from that movie! Nobody quotes it!" and shit like that? I was one of the people going "I will list you NINE characters and spew DOZENS of quotes at you."
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My "minority opinion" thing only stretches so far. It's not like I thought The Room was the best movie I'd ever seen or angrily felt Tears of the Kingdom was the worst game I ever played. That would be beyond "minority" and more "MADNESS." There's a limit to this weirdness; it has to be within a certain degree of reason, you know? Some things just aren't POSSIBLE to totally flip the script on. Birdemic will always be embarrassingly terrible, and I refuse to believe anyone would legitimately feel otherwise. OK?
This isn't completely universal, either. There are always exceptions where I actually wind up on the right side of the majority. They're just... rarer than the other thing, honestly.
It gets exhausting to always feel like I'm on the defensive or at worst, utterly alone in how I think among the larger community. I don't want this anymore.
But I don't get a say, clearly. I'm just going to keep doing this. I'm going to go see a movie on opening weekend and think "Wow, what an awful piece of shit" only to find that DECADES LATER, people still cite it as one of the best movies in its genre. I'm going to adore a modern revival of a classic comic book, then I'll go online and find that it's widely considered an abomination before god. This is who I am. It's just REALLY tiring to be here.
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
FFXIV feels like a weird tv series in terms of how I feel about each expansion
1.0 is the pilot season that people agree was bad but there was charm to it. It had its moments and if given a better writing staff and perhaps more budget. It could of been something great. But the season’s cancelled now so we’ll just have to post on the forums about missing its charms.
ARR feels like the reluctant second season after they got cancelled after the first season. It airs on SciFi (or however the fuck they’re spelling it nowadays) at a 1am dead block in hopes to never see it again. Its rough around the edges, the writing has some spots to be desired, the costuming is iffy but functional and all it all it becomes a cult classic.
Post-ARR is a lost season, extra materials, some unconnected filler but a few episodes that actually link back and boy does the finale really shake things up. Causing a massive fandom to grow around it and pester executives for a third season.
Heavensward is the return of the king. Final Fantasy XIV is back, it has budget, production, and cast and man with the special effects blow you out of the fucking water. After the Post-HW you hear stories about the cast loving their time on set and with the directors and really getting invested in the “characters”.
Stormblood is the unlucky season which has big shoes to fill cause its coming up after Heavensward and like thats like being the Dark Knight Rises after the Dark Knight right? And while it comes close to Heavensward. Some studio heads got involved and wanted to change stuff up because they saw another TV show do it and thats super popular so why don’t we do that? It returns to being a bit rough around the edges but the new villains really are here to chew the scenery and be memorable as all get out.
Post-SB is uneasy, it feels like the execs aren’t happy it didn’t bring in billions like the Heavensward Season did. Some actors go on to different projects and its really up in the air where its going to go. Are we going to stay in Ala Mhigo? Are we going to stay in Doma? Going to Garlemald is on the table. And this new Solus character just seems like Lahabrea but then BAM! The Call Episode happens and everyone is fucking LOSING THEIR GODDAMN MINDS! There are leaked trailer footage online and Y’shtola is now Master Matoya, Urianger is half naked and IS THANCRED WIELDING A GUNBLADE?! WHAT THE FUCK!?
Shadowbringers hits and it is the best thing on television since sliced bread. Everyone is invested, the budget is back, the writing hits hard, the Solus character is changed and given new dimension. Everyone is up in arms about fist fighting Thancred over his initial treatment of Ryne. There’s fan art of Runar and Y’shtola even though the actors are just good friends. And that Finale? Holy shit. There is some sleeper episodes like the second Amh Araeng arc but the emotional pay off of seeing Minfilia return for a last cameo is well received.
Post-Shadowbringers is making the most of the new world sets. Tying up lose ends, here and there. Setting up the next big bad with this Fandaniel dude and Zenos being back by fandom demand. But the mid-season finale has everyone hooked, I mean after the Seat of Sacrifice arc, who can top that?
Endwalker hits, a love letter season. Some stuff feels overtly long, like was an entire half an episode necessary to show extras turning into monsters. But the baby rescue episodes has people emotionally invested, the loporitts are beloved, everyone loses their shit that Zodiark is introduce and fought only like five episodes into a 24 episode season. Speculation flies left and right and then they get the Elpis and the Ancientsona Fandom from Shadowbringers’ initial season is reignited. People are getting into fights whether to fight or protect Meteion and everyone cries at the finale of the Ultima Thule arc.
Now we’re in the after season of Endwalker, its had sort of monster of the week villains. We’ve seen some cool set design in the Thirteenth Shard and this Golbez character seems like a stand in until they figure out what to do next. But everyone is absolutely LOVING this Zero character. Nidhana’s fandom is also reignited. And there is some debate over Vrtra and his avatars but everyone is also absolutely losing their shit on whats going down in Pandaemonium and with the Twelve. Though its getting close to the end of the season and people are wondering where we’re off to next.
...if that makes any fucking sense whatsoever.
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sailorblossoms · 1 year
I’m remembering an old discussion where an interview with the author regarding the POV’s was brought up – something about writing from the POV of the person who is the most invested and/or has the more to lose? I could be misremembering, but... while that might be true in general (there are certainly POV where we’re inside the head of the character who is the most impacted by something or is having the biggest breakthrough or something specific about the scene is the most related to that character’s progress etc) suddenly I’m thinking that sometimes, the opposite happens... 
When emotions are running high, sometimes we see things from the POV of the person who is the least invested, or the person who has the most clarity because emotionally, they are the most calm – sometimes making the readers see emotional moments from an outsider’s POV. “Stepping outside” like this could help the writer advance the story in places where the character’s emotions might be so complicated the writer herself is not quite sure how to describe their feelings (or even what exactly they’re feeling). By putting the reader in the shoes of the person experiencing the most clarity, it could also help the reader to experience the scene with “more clarity.” 
For example, when Simon and Baz are “forgiving each other” they exchange a long look. It’s charged with many things, but we aren’t privy to their emotions then. It’s a moment so private even the readers are excluded – iirc we see this from Shepard’s POV, the person who knows less about the whole situations. 
We do see Simon’s POV when he murders the goat that was harassing Baz (I’ll be damned and drawn and fucking quartered etc... what a line!) but we notably don’t see it when he loses his whole fucking mind and tries to murder Lamb (seeing it from the outside makes Simon looks even more deranged – from his POV the dude is dangerous and untrustworthy and he’s seeing him “jumping his boyfriend,” he doesn’t hear that Lamb is getting so close to whisper “a warning”) (hilariously the danger Lamb is warning about is Simon). Shepard is by far the most collected (and the least “invested” emotionally while Simon and Baz are going through it – and Penny in a way). We “see” Simon screaming “I’m his boyfriend!!!” through his eyes. 
Penny is sick as hell and vomiting all over the place towards the climax in CO, and she’s not “the least invested,” but she’s by far the most collected when the mage, Simon and Baz are all sort of fighting – hence her being the one to have the clarity to come up with a way to stop it all with “Simon says.” 
I remember the rat date’s conversation being used as an example of the POV going to the person who is the most invested/cared the most, but I actually think it’s the opposite. Sure, there are things being said here that Simon might want to downplay or dismiss and/or not think about ever that Baz is going to take very seriously and want to talk about and deal with (not unlike how Simon can be dismissive over physical injuries or putting himself in danger while Baz is not fucking around with that). 
However, while this is a scene where they’re both a mess... Baz is the most collected out of the two. Yes, he’s making a mess and choking all over rat’s blood because he cannot fucking believe his ears (and not necessarily for the same reason the reader might not be able to believe their goddamn eyes –  “I thought you knew” “I did. Mostly” or something is about assumptions and expectations, Baz expected this, Simon expected Baz to expect this, Baz is not actually surprised by the fact that it happened, the real surprise is Simon saying “I wasn’t attracted” “no, it doesn’t mean I was attracted” “I didn’t feel shit” and even “nothing compares to you”). But Simon is worse: he’s self-harming, kicking walls and pulling on his hair, growing more and more frustrated (Baz externalizes his own mess by making a literal mess with the blood, but inside he maintains enough control and clarity to focus on observing Simon’s emotions and reactions, as opposed to getting caught up in anything that would distract him and render him unable to do that, he keeps himself present in the conversation, and his words give Simon something to anchor himself to process and reach answers). Simon’s head would be a far messier and more uncomfortable place to be during this conversation. Simon is the one having a big moment of processing and starting to embrace certain realizations.... and we see this from the outside. His internal process is left a mystery. Something like this invites the reader to feel in the blanks. 
(I started writing this post with the counter to the way the rat’s date example was used in mind, but now I’m also thinking that this choice in POV specifically puts the reader in a place to be challenged, because we’re in the shoes of someone with assumptions that are not entirely right or even dead wrong, that Simon is fighting)  
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transboysokka · 7 months
Glad That’s Over
(Chris Suffers Through Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 for the First and Last Time)
ok last one thank god lol
this budget looks BIG
UH OH the credits say the Vampiric Council is back yikessss
Lee Pace??? Rami Malek??? DAYUM
I actually know like zero plot points we’re gonna see in here so my mind is wide open
Wtf I didn’t know Forks had Yosemite….
oh okay wow so she’s just automatically good at everything I see
Okay yes I’m DEF gonna bd having problems w this baby, like the massive budget of this film and they can’t even cgi a normal looking kid or get a real baby for this stage
Jacob is such a mom
Lmao Edward w heart eyes like “she’s amazing right look at my wife”
Why is Rosalie so obsessed w this baby though
She oughta check in with her parents soon eh
So interested in what their vampire sex is like but also I feel like that’s not my business at all and have no desire to see it
Oh damn lol the fangirlies def went feral over this one in theatres
Lmfao Jacob just stripping in front of Charlie like same tbh but this is hilarious
I do appreciate Jacob letting the cat out of the bag though
This was a dumb conversation just tell him
Bella he’s gonna wonder in a few years why you haven’t aged at all
This goddamn baby he’s obviously gonna figure out where SHE came from
Or maybe not lol
Yeah if I was Charlie I’d be pissed after all that
What did they do wrong why are they in trouble
Immortal Child omg what is that ohhhhhh
Lol Jacob speaking logic like “just tell the volturi they got the wrong idea” and everyone’s like “nah anyway how are we gonna fight”
Alice and jasper peacing out okay???
ohhhh convenient the kid can show people her memories eh
Ok so we got rami here as a waterbender
Oh shit he’s the AVATAR
So yeah I don’t actually know what’s happening
Okay Lee pace. Still confused.
I’m just so bored by all of this the whole series should have ended after the first cutesie half hour of this movie
Anyway all this attempt at like woke international vampires is like near-Harry potter levels of lazy racism…
Alice only told Bella her message bc they love each other actually,
so WHY are they abandoning their daughter??
Are we… gonna get an explanation of how renesmee even exists?
Anyway so if Bella’s a shield that STILL doesn’t explain how she was one before she was a vampire??
Now Alice is back bc sure I guess
Like this ENTIRE last hour of the movie is just unnecessary
Oh fuck and now Carlisle’s dead like come the fuck on
Another one bites the dust
Why are they even fighting? I fucking forgot bc the stakes are really SO low
Idk who any of the dying wolves are sorry am I supposed to be able to tell them apart??
I am not emotionally invested in the outcome of this fight At All
Just fighting to break each others necks k
oh jeez are they sending renesmee to live in the Amazon or
Oh slay
This weird little walk down memory lane amv? Also unnecessary but I mean yeah I guess the fans would be into it
Cool that she can like…. Unshield?? Obvs we won’t get a real explanation for that either lol
Amazing that I’ve seen this couple for 5 whole movies and still don’t care about their relationship at all
A thousand years IS an appropriate song to end on though I’ll give it that
Okay yeah I mean I’m glad to know what happens but this whole movie kind of sucked it didn’t need to exist tbh
Glad it’s over
Overall? Interesting franchise. It was whatever but it did kind of hold my interest enough. Will I ever understand why it was such a huge fandom phenomenon? No lol let’s get teen girls crazy about HEALTHY relationship dynamics next time
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