#stp the contrarian
lipstickchainsaw · 6 months
what are your thoughts on contrarian? not my fav voice exactly, but i thought he was interesting in the ending where you leave with the stranger
Woo, it's been almost two weeks, but I've been thinking about this one.
I think the Contrarian is a very interesting voice, because he's just very much enjoying getting to annoy the fuck out of the narrator, but at the same time, he raises so many goddamn questions.
I first came across him during the Razor, where he (alongside the Broken, but who cares about the Broken) joins the Cheated in Chapter 3, and let me tell you, the Cheated and the Contrarian are an amazing combo, and they played off of each other well, although the Cheated is obviously more emotionally invested in beating the system than the Contrarian.
It was only when I got the Contrarian on his own that, uh, some things stopped making sense to me.
To get the Contrarian as a voice, you have to avoid the cabin as much as you possibly can, which means you don't even meet the Princess in Chapter 1. To the Contrarian, then, the Princess doesn't even exist as a real being; the only person existing outside of you (the protagonist) is the Narrator, and so he makes poking at the Narrator his entire existence.
When he does meet the Princess, he still doesn't see her as a real person, just as a vessel to annoy the Narrator, and this even makes some degree of sense! With every choice you make down there, you break reality a bit and create another Princess! So of course he doesn't think the Princess is real.
It's only when the various Strangers mix into one messy whole, where he realises this was an actual person, and his empathy rushes in to go 'oh shit, what did we do?'
'I didn't think our actions would have consequences.'
And this is really compelling, story-wise! I like it a lot!
It just doesn't make any goddamn sense!
Because the common theory is that you influence the Princess through your perception and belief of her (and your refusal to see her turns the Stranger into a Schrödinger's Princess, so this makes sense), and how the Princess sees you influences what voice you get.
Except you haven't met the Princess.
So where the fuck does the Contrarian come from? What is he? We have good reason to believe the Voices are the result of the messy split between Shifting Mound and Long Quiet, right? But clearly it's not the Princess causing the Contrarian to arrive. There's only one person outside of you who knows how you behaved in Chapter 1, and that's the Narrator, except the instance of the Narrator dies at the end of every Chapter 1!
And anyway, why isn't the Narrator ever confused about the presence of other Voices? He doesn't ever seem to be surprised when they show up, even if he might be shocked at their abilities, but at the same time, he doesn't know what it means for there to be multiple of them, either?
So what the fuck is going on here? Is it really the Narrator's final impression of you that spawns the Voice in the next chapter, and not the Princess?
But even then, the Contrarian is special, isn't he?
He's the only non-Hero voice that can show up in the Cabin at the end, if you started with the Stranger route, and you know what he says?
He says he's 'right where you left [him]'. What the fuck does that mean? Presumably it's similar to what happens when you kill the Shifting Mound and the other Voices show up to join you in the new world, but the Contrarian still plays a different role.
I feel like there's answers to be had here, but I'm clearly not big-brained enough to figure them out just yet!
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beartitled · 4 months
STP voices x princesses
Because I wanted a reason to draw them all >:D
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Also lil bonus ✨
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toon-topaz · 2 months
Finally finished an animation I've spent around 2 months on
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olegianote · 6 months
I love your stp narrator! And I'm 100% sure you already know this, but secretary birds are also called killer queen! So does this mean the narrator gets called the killer king/queen sometimes by the other voices to annoy the narrator? :]
OH THAT WOULD BE SOOO FUN! I like when Narrator gets annoyed! Which is why this ask inspired me to do this little comic:
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bubblybloob · 4 months
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Skeptic wants no part in this.
I don’t know if this meme has a name, but I felt like doing it with the voices. I think it’s funny how you can literally see how I draw them change slightly over the course of the drawings, the hands especially.
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mcnotok · 14 days
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All my fellas <3
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ivydbomb · 4 months
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Slay the princess how I love you so.
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dr-awkkward · 19 days
Slay the Princess text posts, part 2
[part 1] [part 3]
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lovelylittlewordsmith · 2 months
I don't think we can heart lungs liver nerves our way out of this one boys
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voiceofthesilly · 6 months
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So we played the fury
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artificial-radiance · 2 months
Path Through the Woods: The Discordant
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The Discordant is more than willing to let you leave, though his guidance and demands lead you to go in circles. He seems to be playing up a character, though his mask has cracks beneath the surface.
The Discordant represents the Voice of the Contrarian in Path Through the Woods. His foil is the Voice of the Splintered.
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juoreze · 7 months
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some designs for the sillies + princess and player doodles
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beartitled · 5 months
❗️Potential spoilers for Slay the princess?
Slay the princess characters ✨
Anyway I liked the game a lot and decided to draw da characters
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proceeds to make the most stereotypical version of a crow person with a British voice
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Also my spin on the voices✨
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toon-topaz · 4 months
Very rough outline for an animatic lol
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mrpristineblade · 3 months
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Voice of the Smitten
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Voice of the Contrarian
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the Long Quiet to the Shifting Mound
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the Narrator
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the Witch
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Voice of the Opportunist
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the Prisoner
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themossycauldron · 3 months
My personal take on The Hero's design, as well as a few of the voices
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I always liked to imagine the voices were represented by little necklaces/charms that they would use as a vessel to speak through-mainly just because I like designing accessories. I might do more in the future, but for now here are my favorites!
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