#but by the time I made it back it was already dead
rxmye · 3 days
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𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍!𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 — he let his dove soar a little too high for comfort, and now they pay the price . .
nsfw(?) / sixteen + content / gender neutral reader / dead dove do not eat / yandere content / age gap (Soleus is reader's caregiver since they were young, reader is currently an adult) / possessive yandere / body mutilation / caregiver x reader / huge size difference (like his wings are already like 2-3x yours, let that sink in) / manipulation . . . you've been warned.
masterlist | requesting rules | character info . . . a/n: read the warnings, half completed his intro but I might redo it . . dead dove do not eat, he will only get worse from here !!!
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It was cruel, he knew it was cruel . . His fingers touch your featherless wings, now only bone and flesh, he reached out plucking a stray feather off, as he watches you wince in pain . . He hopes that you know, that he didn't intend to do this . .
He loved watching you fly, his little dove . . watching you soar up in the perfect blue sky, that smile that had him enamored . . He loved watching you, he let you be free. You were an uncaged bird, a perfect angel.
Everything about you was perfect, after all, he raised you to be perfect.
He lets out a heavy sigh, his eyes trailing over you, as you cling to him—a voice in the back of your head screamed at you for doing so, yet he was warm, comforting, despite his actions . . he was all you knew, you deserved this and he'd never hurt you without reason . . he surely wouldn't . .—sobs left your throat—he couldn't tell if it was of pain or the feeling of loss—his wings wrapping around you protectively, trapping you in a cocoon, a sweet embrace.
He wrapped his large arms around you, his hand reaching to rub small comforting circles on the small of your back, a chorus of "i'm sorry" 's left your mouth, a plethora of pleas for forgiveness leaving your lips in harmony.
He gently lifts your chin, watching as the wingless bones of your wings twitch nervously at his actions—he didn't pick the act apart though—instead he shushed you, his voice soft, nurturing as he spoke, "shh . . my lovely dove, it'll be fine, we'll work this through together . . ", his voice numbed the pain, the agony, the feeling of loss, he caused you for a brief moment, and you listened . . your words melting in your throat.
"It's okay . . I'm sorry, you know I'd never hurt you without a reason right?", his words laced with honey, as he plucked the last feather from what's left of your wings, this time, you didn't feel the pain, only a etching feeling of numbness . . as a burning sensation grew in the lower pit of your stomach, any thoughts of protest, bargaining, or running away melting upon hearing his honeyed tone.
"We'll get through this together, my dear . . You made a mistake, mistakes can be corrected, just as flaws can be fixed . . Right?", he asks, and you mumble out a soft 'yes' almost instantly, as he presses your head to his chest, you could feel the soft thumps of his heartbeat, as he kissed your forehead, "Sleep now my dove, we'll fix everything in the morning, like we've always done . . "
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@ rxmye , do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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babymochibeargyu · 2 days
Game On, Gyu
pairing: jealous gamerbf!gyu x gamer!reader(reader is really down bad in love w gyu)
requested by :✏️anon
prompt: Can u do a crybaby jealous beomgyu getting jealous at reader and reader comforts him, beomgyu cries on readers shoulders while cuddling? 🥹 just pure fluff ( a bit Angst ) 🥹
warnings: mention of kills in game sense, other than that nothing!!
a/n: btw I was wrecking my brain a bit when you said “getting jealous at reader”, my mind pretty much went blank on what Gyu could get jealous of reader(bcos it seemed like he has everything in life😭), and was playing around with the idea of maybe having a member involved which would make Gyu jealous instead(maybe a fic for another time hehe)
either way, I hope you enjoy this!!
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You frequently visited the PC cafe near your house as you couldn’t stand your mother’s nagging about you being too loud whenever you were playing games, hence it became your second home.
What made it even better was the in-house food ordering service; you could simply place an order and have it delivered right to your seat. It was like having everything you needed at your fingertips.
You weren’t sure what happened that particular day, maybe the worker was having a bad day and so it was probably an accident.
But the server who served your food had mixed it up with the person who was seated beside you.
Let’s just say you were the type of person who didn’t care for relationships, but after you laid eyes on the guy seated beside you, something went off in your brain.
As the screen light shined against his face, you thought that there was no way he could be real. How could he be so effortlessly handsome? Needless to say, you were in awe. And this was only his side profile?
With the mix-up of getting the wrong food, you guys had no choice but to interact and look at each other(which you were silently thanking the server for).
Now you can say that you finally fell in love at first sight.
There was no way a guy could be this handsome and cute at the same time.
The way his boba-like eyes met yours with that clueless yet endearing expression, accompanied by a slight head tilt.
Oh, bless your fucking heart.
When he received his food from you, he offered a shy yet charming smile, his eyes resembling crescent moons.
It took all your willpower to resist the urge to pinch his adorable cheeks as he turned back to his computer monitor.
Please you were so ready for him to be yours.
A gamer boyfriend? Yes, please.
Call it what you will, but you’re calling it fate.
You’ve been to this PC cafe more than your fingers can count and you’ve never seen him around before, maybe he was new.
And in your mind, you had already come up with scenarios of you and this hot, cute random stranger.
And while you guys were switching your food, you couldn’t help but look over at the guy’s screen, which you noticed was the same game you were playing.
And well the rest was history.
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Ever since then you and Gyu never had a day where you guys didn’t play computer games without each other.
You had a competitive spirit and so did Gyu. You can't recall who brought it up but you guys decided to compete for the title of the better gamer by playing PubG.
There was no other reward for it, just a title but oh you guys were dead serious about it.
You guys never had any serious fights, only teasing ones which in your relationship was how you both showed your love for each other.
There wasn’t a day that was filled with silence between you two and you loved it. All the playful banter being thrown around.
Oh how you adored this man.
“Baby… I’m sorry to say this but you’re going down. No hard feelings. You are still the no.1 female gamer in my heart even if you don’t win okay?” Gyu said confidently while still reassuring you.
“Pfft…Please if anyone is going down, it’s gonna be you my Gyutie patootie, I’m winning this.”
In all honesty, you were the better gamer(from the way of how Gyu’s friends act).
But of course you’ve never said it out loud in front of Gyu.
You would notice when his friends came over for game nights(to play Switch), they would always be fighting against one another just so that they can be on your team.
And since Gyu is the better player among his friends(excluding you)by default, he would end up becoming the other team’s captain, even though he always wanted to team up with you. And he would always give in to them because he loves his friends so much and wants them to have fun.
But you would always see your baby pouting when it happens. He was a literal angel.
Oh how you would literally just drop everything and give him all the love, showering him with kisses if his friends weren’t there. (Which you always end up doing anyways after his friends leave because you can’t help yourself)
He got you wrapped around his little finger.
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For those who are not familiar with how Pubg goes:
Basically, the objective is to be the last man standing(in this case with your team of 4 players).
While trying not to get killed, you need to equip yourself with weapons that are best suited to your ability.
You would also have to occasionally check the map, making sure you are within the safe zone at all times. Failure to do so will result in your health bar decreasing, causing your character to die outside the safe zone.
In the event of being shot, but not fully hurt until your teammate have to press the recover button, you are able to heal yourself with items like bandages, health aid kids, painkillers and drinks you find when you loot(search) the houses.(based on the actual game as i actually play it🤭)
with that let the games begin~
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Whoever has the most kills wins, bonus if they are the last man standing and kill the other in the game.
Y’all were playing in a team (against each other)with three other random queues that the game had assigned for you, so you weren’t sure how your team would fair.
But you didn’t worry that much because you knew that you were bout to eat this shit up.
When a character kills in the game, their user ID will be shown on the screen. And yours showed up mostly on both your screens throughout the game.
‘_________🔫 by ScarletShooter’ your ID appeared multiple times.
Your team was literally so impressed that they typed into the world chat for all the other players to see.
“Dang Scarlet let’s goooo🤙🏻”
“We bout to win this match.”
“How are you so good?”
What could you say? You were the jack of all trades.
If you thought you were great at close combat shooting, you were even better at sniping.
Once you find a Sniper 🤝🏻 4x/8x scope, that was it for your enemies. No one could escape your sight.
Gyu on the other hand was reading all these messages appearing on his screen and started to get even more fired up.
When the game first started he was being laid back, thinking that he had a lot of time to catch up and get more kills in the middle of the game.
But with every passing moment he delayed, the number for the survivor count was going down quickly…
You were taking everyone out 🤙🏻
Now the survivor count was at 45, meaning that there were 41 left for him to kill(excluding him and his teammates)
He wanted to win you in the game so badly, wanting the title of better gamer between you both.
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Honestly, he was doing better than expected(it must be thanks to you that he was feeling motivated.)
‘________🔫 by ScarletGyu’ yes… yall matched your IDs. Scarlet was the clan name because yall’s favourite Marvel character was Scarlet Witch.
You couldn’t help but feel proud when you saw his name on screen but had to occasionally remind yourself that you guys were currently fighting for the title of the better gamer.
Honestly you didn’t even want the title, you just wanted to see Gyu work hard for something he was passionate about.
But what fun would it be if he win so easily? Plus you would rather see a pouty Gyu. He was literally the cutest when he pouted. So that was your driving force now.
Title literally meant nothing.
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Total number of survivors: 7
You were now at 20 kills while Gyu had 15. There were 3 left on your team(including you) and Gyu had one more teammate alive(you guys didn’t know how many players each other had left).
In Gyu’s mind, he was assuming that you still had all 4 players alive and 1 single player who was roaming out there. Which he thought was enough to beat you if he were to take down all 5 of you(not knowing how many you have already killed).
While for you, you just wanted the game to end already. It has been about 30 minutes. You could say it was a slow game.
And it’s like your prayers were answered. One of your teammates had taken out two of the roaming enemies, not knowing that they weren’t from Gyu’s team.
But it finally seemed that the game would end.
With that, you took out your sniper and started scanning through the field. And there you saw someone familiar(you knew how Gyu’s character look like) peeking out from behind the tree (literally 2 kilometers away from you but you could see him clearly thanks to your scope).
You were thinking of teasing him a little. So you typed in your team chat to ask one of them to look for the other enemy to see whether the last two enemies were on the same team.
And well, your team was quick. They found the other enemy and knocked him out. You suddenly saw Gyu’s character running towards where the enemy got shot and that was it.
As Gyu tried to revive his teammate, you took the final shot. Claiming the chicken dinner and winning the title.
When Gyu died in game, he turned and looked at you with a sad pout. Stop he literally was about to cry.
He rose from his gaming station and made his way to the shared bed, where he sat down, pulling his knees to his chest and burying his face into his folded arms.
Without hesitation, you rushed to the bed, dropping to your knees in front of him as if pleading for forgiveness. Your arms reached out, gently touching his shoulders, ready to pull him into a comforting embrace.
Initially, he remained motionless, unmoved from his stance. However, as you tenderly began to give him head pats and apologize for causing his tears, he relented, surrendering to your embrace. Nuzzling his face into the curve of your neck, he enveloped you in a hug, holding on tightly as if he were a koala clinging to a tree.
Feeling uncomfortable with the current setup(you were literally still in the kneeling position), you decided to shift. You gently pulled Gyu down, maneuvering into a more comfortable arrangement where you could cuddle together. As he snuggled even closer to you, seeking warmth and comfort in your embrace.
As his sniffles softened, you debated whether to stop the gentle head pats. But when he didn't feel the next one, he pulled back slightly from the cuddle position, his teary eyes meeting yours.
"No stopping," he insisted, his voice tender.
"Gyu still wants head pwats." How could you refuse your baby?
You couldn't resist, he was too adorable. Your heart was melting. So you resumed giving him those comforting head pats.
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In the quiet stillness that enveloped you both, time seemed to stretch on for what felt like a good five minutes. It was a rare occurrence, considering that when the two of you were together, silence was usually a stranger.
As the last sniffles from Gyu faded away, his arms still wrapped around your waist, you gently pulled him back so that now, you were face to face.
With a soft smile, you planted a kiss on his lips, causing him to jump a bit in surprise, clearly not expecting the affectionate gesture.
"So, can we talk about why you cried?" you asked Gyu gently, your voice filled with concern.
He hesitated for a moment before finally admitting“Gyu was jeawous."
Fuck why he gotta be so cute.
"Oh, my baby, what were you jealous about?" you cooed.
"You were playing so well, weren't you? I noticed your name popping up so many times during our game," your voice was gentle and reassuring, aiming to comfort him and prompt him to open up about his feelings.
“B…but your name appeared more, and you even killed me. Now you got the title of the better gamer between us,” he said, his voice tinged with sadness.
Your heart sank at the sight of your baby's sadness; you initially thought it would just end with him being pouty, but it seemed that winning to earn the title meant a lot more to him.
"I don't even care about the title, Gyu. I just wanted to see you play with passion. If it would make you happy, you can have the title," you said, sincerely hoping to lift his spirits.
"I didn't mean for you to cry, you know? I'm sorry," you said softly, genuine remorse evident in your tone.
Gyu looked up, meeting your gaze with understanding eyes. "I know," he replied softly, his hands now gently cupping your cheeks, his touch warm and reassuring.
"So..., to make it up to me for making me cry, the next time the guys come over, I'm on your team. I'm never on your team when they're here." He said shyly while looking at you with his boba eyes.
"Aww is that all my baby wanted? Sure we can do that. Anything for my Gyutie patootie, bugaboo,snoogums." you replied with a chuckle, adding some playful pet names to lighten the mood.
"God, you know I love you so much? My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my chest. I just needed to let you know how much I love you, Gyu," you whispered, your voice filled with tenderness and affection.
Gyu's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as he gazed at you lovingly. "I love you too, more than words can express," he replied softly, his heart overflowing with warmth and adoration for you.
"Thank you for loving me, Gyu," you whispered, pulling him close as you both drifted into a peaceful slumber, wrapped in the warmth of each other's embrace.
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Please tell me I did good(I want some praises pwease🥹), I hope I did >_< and I hope this is up to your expectations. I had such a fun time writing this ahh, was super cute to write too. Missed writing fluff content so much😭.
Once again if you enjoyed this please give it a like/reblog/follow if you wanna see more fluff content from me. See you in the next one lovelies🥹🫶🏻🤍
taglist - @moagyuu @heyanonymous123 @yelshin @inkigayocamman
wanna know whenever I post a fic, comment here!!
💌inbox is open so send some request here!!
© babymochibeargyu - all rights reserved. please do not copy/repost/translate
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britcision · 2 days
So one thing I keep thinking about with the dungeon is the immortality spell
Here thar be spoilers
Cuz there’s this general assumption being made in and out of world that that’s just a thing that all the dungeons have (because that’s how dungeon crawler games work; you can save and come back and revive party members and things)
And from how the adventuring party culture is shown, it’s easy to assume that it’s just a general thing the demon sets up every time to keep adventurers coming back
After all, Chilchuck’s our only full time cast member who’s ever seen another dungeon, and he’s died a lot in his early career; makes sense he just got revived, all the dungeons work like that
And Marcille, who’s studied dungeons in general, gives us an overview of how it happens… but. She came to this dungeon specifically to study the immortality spell. For reasons
And Mr Tance gives us this description, which blatantly states that this dungeon is different
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Now, other dungeons might have different immortality spells, and the Canaries definitely talk about dying like it’s something they do on the job just, on the regular
Like when Lycion explains they’re just gonna kill Fleki and revive her because neurological damage is harder
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(Although somehow Mithrun’s fellow wardens are staying dead?)
So at the very least, there is something on some other dungeons that allows people to be revived, because the Canaries are at the Island for the first time in the 6 years since the dungeon existed
And yet, during the upheaval of the dungeon, Flamela says this
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And holy shit gang, this tells us a lotta things
1) like everything else, the dungeon lord gets to decide if people can be revived on a per dungeon basis
2) it can be turned off. If you die in the dungeon suddenly you die in real life too, on a dime. As in, you revive the tank before the mage, and suddenly the mage is just dead-dead. The dungeon lord decides you stay dead on Thursdays? You stay dead on Thursdays
3) You’ve just gotta accept that any time the dungeon lord changes they may or may not do a reset to factory settings and wipe the whole dungeon, which is already super dangerous and likely to kill a lotta people
4) this is a regular fucking concern for the Canaries, who explicitly go in to fuck around when the dungeon (and associated lord) are too powerful
5) Flamela’s probably seen this before, it’s been a while and she lays it out in a very matter of fact way (and she’s. Dramatic. Cranky even.)
6) if Mithrun didn’t purchase Dungeon Immortality Insurance that dead Canary buddy in his flashback is dead-dead… and we don’t know if a single other member made it out of his dungeon soooo
7) Thistle is even more extra than we thought, since generic immortality is common enough to be taken for granted, but he specifically made dying illegal, which Mr Tance says is weird and he’s been doing this long enough to be an expert advisor
8) there is at least one other way to make resurrection work within dungeons. He didn’t even have to be like this. But he’s been doing it 1000 years and the demon may have gotten the idea from him
9) there have DEFINITELY 100% been adventurers who were used to the resurrection dungeons who bulled head first into a non-resurrection dungeon and are dead
10) Kabru is so fucking lucky he ended up at the Island if he coulda stayed dead he wouldn’t have hit 21. Milsiril probably steered him here on purpose as a baby dungeon
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the-kr8tor · 7 hours
Hai bestie! I'm here to request a coffee shop r x ghost story! Him coming in and looking like he'd order just a black coffee or tea and actually getting some of the sweetest drinks that actually sound and taste really good(you had to try after his 2 or 3 time coming in).
He's a regular now and you happen to be growing a crush that isn't totally obvious. I'd say you get caught gushing about him being the morally Grey man of your dreams to your coworker (r is on register today) when he came up to ask for a remake because only you seem to make his drinks right 🤭
Hi bestie!! Sorry this took ages, hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x gn! Reader
Tags: Use of Y/N sparsely, No specific physical description of the reader, CW food mention, FLUFF
Simon walks towards the familiar streets towards the cute hole in the wall coffee shop. Black face mask snug on his face, hood up to hide the rest of his skin. His glare, huge form and large heavy strides make people steer away from him on the street, some stumble out of his way. He smiles under his mask when a man almost trips over himself after seeing him stride in his direction.
With the simple face mask and comfortable civilian clothes, he's just Simon, not Ghost or Lieutenant Riley, just Simon, and as he enters the doors to the coffee shop, he's now ‘the’ Simon who orders the most complicated and sweetest drink you've ever made.
“Why this place, LT?” Soap once asked him when he noticed that he always has the same cup carrying the cafe's logo on it every morning. Simon answers back gruffly, “none of your business, Johnny.” Truthfully, it's the only place that could get his drink right, and it's the only place that has you.
No one in your small café knows Simon, not even you who he always asks for to make his order. But you would love to know him despite his intimidating gaze and deep voice that could split mountains. You would like to know him more, more than the casual talk and more than the lingering touches when you give him his awfully sweet drink. You would love to know Simon who always drops something in the tip jar. He enters the establishment quietly, not stalking, no, it's just a habit of his that he can't shake. Your back is turned away from the counter and the door, a smile evident on your face based on your excited tone of voice. While Simon walks over to you, none the wiser to your awful crush on him.
And while he listens to you gush to your coworker that he refuses to believe that he's the current subject of, (refuses because compared to him, you're sweeter than his usual order of drink) His name rolls off your tongue like the honey you put in his saccharine coffee. Simon still thinks it's a different Simon even after you described him in detail, words flowery and affectionate.
“He's so mysterious, I think he's one of those guys who have so much lore in them y’know? Someone who's full of stories to tell. I think I'd like to know him.”
Your back is still turned away from the register, he thinks you'd be dead already if you're one of the unfortunate ones who he happens to run into the battlefield. Simon shakes the thought away. It's a slow day, customers sparse and tip jar lacking, so Simon lets you chat away to your friend. Not because he's too embarrassed to interrupt you, nope, not all.
Simon’s palms are uncharacteristically sweaty, breath shuddering with every compliment you unknowingly throw at him. He would like to get to know you too if you would permit him. He gives himself a mission, ‘operation: get to know the cute barista before the end of the day.’
“He's so nice too! And those eyes— oh I could get lost in them.” You don't notice your friend signaling to you about said man waiting patiently behind you. Her face suddenly turns flat, smile disappearing and her eyes flitting between you and something behind the other side of the counter. You think it's another customer so you end your story while you turn around. “Him being fit helps too. Sorry, what can I do for you—” Caught red handed, you turn into stone, eyes widening at the large form staring intensely at you. You're dead, oh so dead. “Shit balls.” You say under your breath.
“Is that a new pastry on the menu?” Simon asks flatly, the dry joke making you nervously chuckle. You think it's hilarious though, if not for the world shattering embarrassment you're currently in.
“No, but I can make it happen if you want.” You try to save face with your equally dry joke. Snorting at your own jape, you cringe at yourself, embarrassment blankets your entire being, insides turning all over. You expect him to roll his eyes, instead he chuckles lowly, a deep laugh that rumbles his chest. You smile nervously, noticing the slight crinkle of his brown eyes brings you at ease. “Sorry, what can I do for you?”
Simon takes his hood off, blonde tufts of hair in full display. That's when you notice the blush on the shell of his ears and you swear your simple crush on the man has increased tenfold. He leans on the glass counter, putting on his best charm. As Soap once told him, “shame that you don't use what god has blessed you with.” Simon still has no idea if he meant showing off his ‘assets’ or to use his charm, albeit that charm is as dry as his humour.
“The usual,” He says it without stuttering despite the deep crimson on his ears. Your eyes are glued to the red hue on the shell of his ears, with every second that passes, the shade seems to turn darker.
Simon's been around the cafe so many times (definitely not because of you) that you have his order memorized and perfected just like how he likes it. You don't mind how complicated it is or how much sugar is in it, just seeing his satisfied face after he takes a sip makes it all worth it. His generous tips are an added bonus too.
You beam up at him genuinely, not your polite customer service smile, but your smile that you only reserve for people you actually like.
Composing yourself, you joke like usual. “So no on the shit balls?” ringing him up, he gives you the exact amount you need, warm calloused hands brushing along your palms briefly. It's enough to deepen the blush on his ears. If that was even possible considering that he looks like he's about to detonate on the spot.
“Maybe next time, ‘m on a diet.”
You giggle, the sound making him smile, he's glad he's wearing a mask.
“I'll keep that in mind.” He gazes softly at you, hands balling into fists in an attempt to keep his composure. “I saved your usual seat,” You glance at the table in the corner, the ‘reserved’ sign written in your own handwriting is placed on top of it. “as always.”
“Good, thank you.” He might as well marry you on the spot.
“Enjoy your coffee, Simon.” Your smile seems to single handedly brighten the entire store.
Sitting down, he slyly watches you in the corner of his eyes. ‘you're bein’ a fuckin' creep’ he thinks to himself, so he watches the pedestrians outside instead. If he didn't look away he would've seen you gaze at him back. And he would've seen you spilling milk on your apron. You're glad he's looking away or you'd drown yourself in milk.
After making his honeyed drink, (and cleaning yourself up) you personally deliver it to him. He notices your smaller strides, and how your hands slightly tremble while holding his coffee cup. You swallow thickly, placing his order gingerly on the table.
“Three pumps of caramel right?” You try to make conversation even though you already know the answer to your question like it's the back of your hand. Simon sees you flick your eyes towards his cup, his mind tells him of danger. But knowing you, you wouldn't hurt him, right?
“Yes, thank you.”
You nod, a shy smile creeping up on your lips. “Of course, Simon. Anything else?” Stretching your time, you avoid eye contact, eyes once again moving to the steaming cup.
“Nothin' else, for now.” Simon feels the awkwardness in the air. He curses himself at how you could make him nervous just by standing in his proximity.
“Okie dokie.” You crumble away the second you let out your words. Turning around, you beat yourself up for being too nervous to tell him about your number carefully written on his cup, right beside his name. You hope you're not being too straightforward, hell, you only got the courage to write it because of your co-worker who keeps telling you to bite the bullet.
“Wait,” Simon's voice cuts through the quiet and the classic music softly playing in the store speakers. You turn around, anxious of what he's going to say to you. Did he finally see the numbers? “I—” Simon starts but he gets sidetracked by the loud ringing of his phone. He curses under his breath while you wait.
Taking the phone from his pocket, he sees Price's name in the caller ID. It rings twice before cutting off on his superior's side. A signal that he should immediately go back to base. ‘Operation: get to know the cute barista before the end of the day’ has to wait, for now. This is why he always asks you to put his drink in a to-go cup even though he's going to have it inside, he never knows when he'll be called.
“Duty calls?” You read the room and how his eyebrows knit together in frustration. Nodding, you give him extra napkins to hold his hot coffee with. “Here, take care, Simon.”
Simon stands up, eyes searching for something, anything on your face that would indicate that he should stay, or at least fancy him back. You turn around before he could get a good reading on you, “right, thank you, Y/N.”
“No problem, as always.” You look over your shoulder, just as he was about to leave. Coffee cup in his large hands. Ears no longer red. You give one last small smile, and he smiles back unbeknownst to you.
You hear the door open and close, your co-worker looks at you with an apologetic face. “Maybe next time?”
“Sure, maybe.”
A few minutes tick by, you tend to a new customer, taking her order when the door opens with a bang. The sound was so loud that everyone in the café jumped in their skin. You thought the hinges were broken from the harshness. You don't expect the person on the other side though.
Simon heaves in the doorway, hands bracing on the side, sweat dribbling on his brows. Even his mask is lopsided.
“Simon?” You ask, concerned. “What happened? Are you okay?” The other patrons looked on, weirded out, some were worried.
He inhales loudly, straightening up, he opens his fist to reveal a crumpled piece of the cup. Your number is still written on the paper.
“Is this your number?”
“Yeah?” You think you're fucked, absolutely, royally, fucked. You've made a mistake, that you read all your friendly interactions as something more when it was just that, friendly. You think he's going to your manager to complain, and that you're going to be fired all because you decided to take a leap—
“Can I keep it?” Simon's voice puts a stop to your frantic thoughts.
“What?” You blink, trying to decipher what he meant even though it's as straightforward as pouring coffee into a cup.
“It's for me, innit?” Now he's the one who thinks it was all a mistake, that maybe, just maybe that you've given him the wrong order, that another customer ordered his exact drink.
“Yeah, d-do you want it?”
Simon raises a brow in understanding, finally, you're both on the same page. “Yeah, can I text you?”
You would have laughed if not for the door hinges creaking weirdly. “Of course, Simon.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” Simon clears his throat, eyes roaming around the people's faces. “I'll pay for the door.” He says before nodding at you, the second he turns around, a wind blows right at his face, taking his hoodie off. His entire neck and ears are as bright as a tomato.
You tamp down a chuckle whilst he desperately tries to fix his hoodie back on.
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vodika-vibes · 1 day
Hey idk if this has already been done but an Echo x reader enemies to lovers like reader is a separatist.
First Burn
Summary: The Separatists have won the war. The Republic lies in tatters, and the Clone Army has been repurposed for use for the Separatist Army. You are a member of Serrano’s Intelligence Department, and you just found out that you’re being gifted a clone to help you with your work. Needless to say, no one is thrilled about this.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 2484
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright, sorry that this took so long, but I've been working on it since I got it, basically, and I only managed to think of an ending that made me happy today. I hope you like it! The title comes from a Hamilton song, I think. It doesn't have anything to do with the story, but it's what I was listening to when I started writing. And, for all that this is an AU, it is not part of my AU event.
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“I’m not sure I understand,” You say blankly as you look from the irate-looking man, clapped in chains, over to your direct supervisor, “Has my work been less than satisfactory?”
“Not at all.” Your Supervisor, who also happens to be your uncle and your warden, replies as he roughly claps you on the shoulder, “Count Dooku is very happy with your work. Which is why you’re getting a clone.”
The clone in question glowers at your uncle, and you’re not sure you blame him.
“You want someone who, up until a month ago, was an enemy against us to work in intelligence? Does this seem...wise?”
“It’s fine. It’s hardly clever enough to interfere.”
You’d be stunned by your uncle’s casual racism if you weren’t used to it. So you sigh and rub the back of your head, “Alright. But when this goes terribly, I reserve the right to say, ‘I told you so’.”
“Ha! You won’t have to.” He claps your shoulder one more time, “Have fun!” And then he’s gone, leaving you alone with a man who, you’re sure, would sooner put a blade in your throat than anything else.
“Right, well...what should I call you?” You finally ask.
“...right. I’m not calling you by a number.” You can’t help but wonder if the Republic ever gave him a name. It would be awful if they hadn’t.
You’re surprised when he looks surprised. What kind of awful stories must the Republic have spread about your people for him to be surprised at your statement?
“...My brothers call me Echo.”
“Echo,” You nod once, committing his name to memory. And then, almost carelessly, “Nice to meet you, Echo.” You absolutely need him to see you as a person, rather than a Separatist. Because if he wanted to hurt you, no one would come to save you.
He shoots you a look, “Where are my brothers?”
“No idea. But I can look into it if you want.” You turn and head deeper into your domain, “Follow me please, there are some safety things we need to cover.”
“Like what?” Echo sounds sarcastic, though he is following you, so you’ll accept the small win.
“Well, primarily, this facility is located deep underground. Most of the machines down here are dedicated to life support. If any of them stop working, we die before anyone even realizes that there’s something wrong.” You reply.
“It would take time to run out of air.” He argues back, logically.
You pause and look at him, “You misunderstand. If any of these machines break down, this entire facility will be filled with toxic gas. We’d be dead before we even knew what was happening.”
Echo stares at you, “What.” It doesn’t sound like a question.
“Toxic gas. Dead instantly. I’m not sure what wasn’t clear about that.”
“I’m more confused by the fact that this sounds like a prison rather than a place spies hang out.”
Well. He’s not wrong.
You shrug but continue, “We have a small army of maintenance droids whose sole function is to keep the machines working. Please don’t mess with the droids.”
“Noted.” He follows you further into the facility and then stops, “Aside from the droids, I haven’t seen any other people.”
“Yeah, well. That’s because there aren’t.”
“So, what,” Wow, his sarcasm could be used as a weapon with how skillfully he wields it, “You work alone in intelligence?”
You shake your head, “There are plenty of people who work in intelligence, but I’m the only one who works here. I’m the best analyst that Serrano has.”
“So you work alone.”
“Well, it’s not like I can leave, now is it?” You start walking again, “Keep up, Echo.”
He falls into step next to you, though he doesn’t say anything as you show him around the facility. It’s not large, all things considered.
The majority of the space is filled with all of the machines and computers needed to run the life support. Your working area is a decently sized room that could probably fit ten people comfortably, for all that you use it alone.
The living space, though, is much more homey.
“So, this is where we sleep. And eat.” you pause, “And basically do everything that isn’t work.”
It’s not tiny. There are two distinct bedrooms, on opposite sides of the living room, and each bedroom has a fresher attached to it. The kitchen is decently sized and has all of the appliances that you might need to survive.
“My room is the one closest to the door,” You motion to the door, and then you motion to the other one, “That one’s been empty since I was moved in, but I air it out and clean it weekly so you don’t have to worry about dust or mold.”
“Moved in—”
Echo glances at you, “You said you were moved in, not that you moved in.”
You don’t say anything for a moment, taking your time to consider your words carefully, “Once, there was a group of people who felt, strongly, that the way that Dooku was doing things was not beneficial to Serrano as a whole.” You finally say, “Unfortunately, being a former Jedi is like having a cheat code for life, so—”
“So this is actually a prison then.”
You smile bitterly and hold your hands to the side, “And we both have life sentences.”
Something softens in his hard gaze, “I’m sorry.”
You shrug, “Don’t be. I made my choice, and I made it knowing what the consequences might be.”
You laugh, “Well, you’d be the only one who thinks that.” You head into your kitchen and wave your hand over the holo-computer to wake it up from its sleep, “Anyway, this is where we order food, clothes, and personal things that we might need.” You explain, “Orders need to be submitted by 6 pm on the last day of the work week, and everything we order will be delivered by noon the next day.”
You move one of the holograms, showing a half-formed grocery list.
“And it’s delivered accurately?”
“Yep. If we can’t get a specific item, a message will arrive to my personal comm.” You explain, “I’ll add you to the contact list so you can get those comms too.” You fold your arms, “What else—”
Echo leans in and adds a couple of food items to the list, looking impressed when the list shifts and adjusts itself so it remains sorted logically.
“Ah! Laundry!” You walk over to a sliding wood door and pull it open, “Washer, dryer,” You point to each object individually, “We’ll probably want to work out a chore schedule, but I don’t have a problem doing all of the laundry.” You point to three baskets, “Darks, lights, towels. Our dryer isn’t the best, so towels need to be dried on their own or nothing will get dry.”
Echo stares at you, and then his gaze slides around the room. “How long have you been down here?” He finally asks.
“I was thrown down here 6 months after the war started.” You reply honestly.
Echo turns his gaze back to you, “You’ve been down here for almost two years? Alone?”
“Well, it’s not so bad.” You lie with a shrug, “Nothing was stopping me from enrolling in the local University so I got another degree. In Communications. And I learned how to cook.”
“You had to have been lonely though.”
“Well. Loneliness is relative. Better here than dead, right?”
“I guess.” Echo looks around for a moment, “You never tried to escape?”
“Yeah, I did mention the toxic gas, right? Kill us instantly?” You shrug, “Besides, where would I go? My uncle is the warden.”
“Yeah. Anyway, you should probably go and put in an order for clothes and hygiene stuff. There’s enough clothes in storage that you’ll be fine for a bit, but they’re old.”
“Yeah. Good idea.” He murmurs.
“And you wanted me to look in on your brothers, right? Got any names?”
“My twin brother, Fives. And a couple of others. Jesse, Rex, Kix—”
You pass him a pad of paper and pen, “Here, write them down. And I’ll see what I can dig up.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank me after I find you answers, and not a moment sooner.” You flash a small smile at him and then turn to head back to the storage room. Echo needs the spare clothes from previous prisoners, and he’s going to need time to write down names.
Still, it is nice to have someone to talk to after all these years.
You hope that he warms up to you eventually. Or this is going to be a very long life sentence.
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Eight months into his life sentence, Echo has to admit that it’s not terrible.
Oh, it’s not great by any definition of the word either. But it could be worse.
His cellmate is a stellar chef, a talent created through years of experimentation. Not to mention she’s quick-witted and clever, able to exchange quips and barbs with him without stumbling over her tongue.
She does talk a lot, though. Non-stop, almost. 
He’s not dumb, he knows that it’s a habit that she developed over two years of isolation to keep herself sane. Honestly, she talks almost as much as Fives does. Luckily, he’s used to that.
And, begrudgingly, he likes her. Likes her enough that he gives her a nickname, Firefly.
Likes her enough that, four months ago, his plans for an escape morphed into plans for the both of them to escape. He just has to work out a couple of bugs. 
Like how to keep them from dying when the poison gas fills the prison to kill them.
He frowns at the pad of paper, absently tapping his pencil against the diagram that he’s painstakingly mapped out. Echo never uses a datapad, if he can help it.
Fortunately, firefly keeps a bunch of notebooks on hand, and she doesn’t question him when he asks her to destroy a sheet of paper…or twenty.
“Whatcha working on?”
Echo glances up at her, “You really want to know?”
“Well, yeah.” She waves her pen at him, “You’ve been working on… whatever it is for the last eight months, and I’m curious.”
Echo leans back, “It’s an escape plan.”
“You’d leave me?” She asks immediately.
Echo rolls his eyes, “And escape plan for the both of us.”
Surprise flashes across her face, “You’d take me with you?”
“Would you prefer that I left you behind?”
“Ah, no.” She grins at him, “Honestly, I thought you hated me and were just being polite.”
Echo stares at her, “I gave you a nickname.” He says, exasperated.
“True, but as a friend or foe, you were very unclear.”
He laughs, “Who gives foe nicknames?”
“You clearly never met my friends.” She replies, “My bff had a nemesis who she called Furnace.”
“Do people have nemeses?”
“Uh, they do if they’re dramatic.”
He laughs again, “Well, I don’t do foe nicknames.”
She hops to her feet and crosses the living room to drop on the couch next to him and she flings her arms around his neck, “You loooove me~”
Echo presses his hand over her face and pushes her off of him, “Stop being silly.”
He rolls his eyes, “Anyway, this is what I have, but I’m stuck on how to deal with the poison gas.”
She ducks under his hand and leans against his shoulder, scanning the map. A thoughtful escapes her, and then she taps a spot on the map, “The Maintenence tunnels.”
“No, I considered that. They get too hot for a human to survive.”
“Yes, they do.” She agrees, “But if we alter a maintenance droid, the maintenance tunnels will stay cool enough for someone to survive the tunnel.”
“But the poison gas—”
“Is light.”
“The gas is very toxic, but it’s also a very light gas. It rises.”
“So, if we’re already in the maintenance tunnels—”
“And the temperature is high enough to hide our heat signatures—”
“Then by the time the gas fills the entire prison, we’ll already be gone.” Echo finishes, and then he pauses, “I thought you never tried to escape?”
“Doesn’t mean I didn’t make plans. Hundreds of plans, each more impossible than the last.”
“Why didn’t you try to escape?”
“Escaping the prison is the easy part, Echo. Where would I go? I was a Separatist, the Republic never would have taken me in. It was just safer to stay here.”
“And now?”
“The Republic is no more, and the average person is finally starting to take off their rose-color glasses.” She shrugs, “We might actually be able to steal a ship.”
“Steal, huh?”
“Yeah, well. No one is going to just give us a ship, Echo.”
He laughs softly, “You ever hotwire a ship before?”
“You haven’t?”
“Oh? Where does a nice girl like you learn how to hotwire vehicles?”
“I had a very formative childhood.”
Echo leans in so that his face is only an inch away from hers. “You know, I changed my mind. Maybe I do love you.”
“You only love my ideas.”
“Your body isn’t that bad.”
His grin widens, “So, when can we make this happen?”
“Mm…a week? Maybe two.”
“That soon, huh?”
“That soon.” She agrees.
They fall into a comfortable silence, and then Echo smirks, “So, how do we keep them from getting suspicious?”
“Well, we have to act normal.”
“And when we start spending all of our time together?”
“I dunno, I’m sure we can come up with something.” She says with a sigh.
A slow smirk crosses his face, “I think I have an idea.”
“Oh? Wha—” She squeaks when his lips land against hers, coaxing her into a deep kiss. His tongue slides against her lower lip, as he presses her back so that she’s half lying under him.
“Like that.” Echo breathes out as he supports his weight over her.
She blinks at him, wide-eyed, and deeply flustered, “Yeah. That’ll work.”
“Great, I’ll move into your room, cyare.”
“Um…okay. But the beds aren’t that big.”
Echo leans in and kisses the tip of her nose, “You let me worry about that.”
“And later? When we’re free from Serrano?”
“We stick together. After all, I can’t just abandon my girlfriend, right?”
“Girlfriend?” She asks softly.
“Girlfriend.” Echo agrees, “Unless you’d rather not?”
“Well, I’m not opposed.”
He grins at her, wide and boyish before he leans in and kisses her one more time, “Alright. I need to move my bed into your room. Wanna help?”
“I suppose I’d better.”
Echo rolls off of her, and offers her his hands to pull her to her feet. Fives is going to find this hilarious. He goes to prison and comes out on the other side with a girlfriend.
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mayashesfly · 3 days
A follow up/expansion on the Robot replaces Dead Vox scenario au
For simplicity's sake I'll refer to Vox's robot replacement as the Proxy. And any possible future posts about this au will be tagged under "The Proxy AU"
(Do take note that some of these things may be subject to change as I expand on this au in time)
Thank you @theautotrophic for your questions! ^w^
Vox made the Proxy at first after his fallout with Alastor as a way to let out his self loathing. So Alastor didn't know about it.
The Proxy is almost direct reconstruction of his body but improved to better at handling overheating amongst other things while also having the chest area be more… masculine. (If you headcanon Vox as Trans ontop of my headcanon that he can't exactly have permanent top surgery because sinner regeneration is a bitch)
The biggest difference between Vox and the Proxy is that the Proxy doesn't have alot of shark-like qualities unlike Vox since Vox was still terrified of sharks when he made the Proxy.
So the Proxy doesn't have any dorsal like fins and his tail is a retractable cord tail instead of a retractable shark tail. But it still does have the gills as its vents.
There's also details on his backside specifically that he couldn't replicate because well… It's not like he can see his back.
The Proxy was meant to be Vox's attempt to upgrade his body as a way to cope with his fallout with Alastor. After all, if he can upgrade his head, why can't he upgrade his body?
Unfortunately, he couldn't actually replace his body with the Proxy. And the idea of completely getting rid of it didn't sit right with him since he wasted alot of materials and time into making it.
It'll be a waste to scrap it but it's not like he could admit that he made the Proxy in a state of weakness to his only business partner friend left.
After some time of calming down, he realized that he could use the Proxy as a back up plan if things go south with him.
At this point, he still didn't know he could transfer parts of his memories into flashdrives to download them somewhere else. But he reasoned that he could theoretically make a head for the Proxy and program it to act like him.
So knowing that there's a chance Valentino would see the Proxy because you can't exactly hide a life-sized "improved" replica of your body, he told Valentino that the Proxy could be a backup plan for him if things go south before Valentino could find out about it through other means.
At the time, Valentino was utterly confused and pretty disturbed at the information.
But it was something they never really brought up again since they both wanted to forget it.
Velvette didn't actually know about the Proxy until it happened.
After his close fight with Alastor wherein Valentino intervened before Alastor disappeared, his thoughts went back to the Proxy as he realized that he could actually die.
His media empire with Valentino and Velvette was already growing and if anything happened to him, the technological and broadcasting aspect of their business would fall over without him acting as the head.
And their reputation would take a hit if Valentino and Velvette was forced to rebrand Voxtek in the case of his death. Especially if their competitors sees his death as something that'll weaken the Vees.
He couldn't bare letting the Vees go without an actual backup plan in case something happened to him.
So while he and Valentino healed from the battle with Alastor, he took some time upgrading the Proxy to be up to date and actually modifying and programming it so that it could actually act like him in case something happened.
He didn't bother making the Proxy a head of its own since he knew he always upgraded his head and it would just be a waste of time.
But he did set up a machine that can automatically give the Proxy a head after the head that'll be installed has the proper programming and necessary memories installed inside.
The Proxy doesn't actually have any personality of its own unlike Kitty wherein Vox put in the extra effort to give it some personality thay he knows Valentino would like since it was a gift for him (just like how Vark was a gift for Vox from Val which helped him embraced his shark-like qualities)
The Proxy is programmed to handle broadcasting, interviews, and public meetings. Pretty much every public appearance Vox had to make.
The memories downloaded into the Proxy mostly isn't personal at all, and they mostly only pertain to the business and important aspects of their business. (So it doesn't have any personal memories of Alastor)
Though there are also programmed codes and memories on how to handle Valentino and Velvette to make sure they don't fly off the handle based on Vox's previous interactions. With more emphasis on how to specifically handle a Valentino who's having a fit just in case.
Though when the two of them goes against the programmed interaction the Proxy has on them, then it has some difficulty.
After all, it wasn't like it has anything to work off on on how to handle a grieving Valentino and Velvette.
It takes alot of energy from the Proxy to handle its daily public appearances. And it's unable to do surveillance unlike Vox as any attempts to do so would overload its systems and it'll just crash.
When its not on "public appearance" mode, the Proxy is on a "low power savings" mode around the Vees as it tries to keep up the appearance of a businessman for the other employees. Though it visibly buffers and pauses at times, causing its face to disappear.
Sometimes Valentino and Velvette would manually power it off to be hidden somewhere out of plain sight.
It's a miracle if they could remember to plug it in through its tail cord or its actual charger or another charger so it could recharge.
Something that Vox's assistant has to keep up on consistently unless he wants to reschedule the entire day so that the people who are none the wiser won't be confused or upset that Vox had to reschedule their meetings and other public appearances. (Poor Eelliot)
As for Vox's death well… I'll keep that to your imaginations for now :D
But I will say that one of the reasons Alastor knows Vox is dead is because of how their shared frequency went completely silent.
Meanwhile, the Vees have a contract to ensure that everything the deceased Vee has under their possession would be transferred to the other Vees in the event of their death so that they won't lose any power, souls, properties, and ect that the other Overlords and Kingpins could steal.
Even when Valentino and Velvette didn't know where Vox was or how he died, the both of them physically felt Vox's powers and possessions going to them after he died, confirming his death.
Valentino quickly went to Vox's surveillance and control room to desperately search for him while there was an Extermination going on outside.
It took everything from Velvette to convince him not to go outside when he could also be killed and then Vox would be fucking upset with them.
(Neither of them said a word that there was no more Vox to be upset with them ever again)
When they finally located his body, they quickly collected him discreetly so that noone else would know that the Vees lost its eldest member.
Neither of them said a word as they hugged the cold, lifeless corpse.
A stark contrast to the warmth Vox constantly radiated despite his calm and collected persona.
It took some time for Valentino to finally put Proxy to use.
Some of Vox's shows having a few reruns while he gathers the courage to face the machine.
He had half the mind to completely destroy it beyond repair.
To tear everything down to pieces after he had lost his longest business partner.
But Kitty and Proxy was the only things left that Vox made with his two very own hands.
To have them repaired by someone else other than Vox…..
Well, while Vox may still be the same despite how much he changed…
The same could not be said about the robots he made.
It wouldn't be the same.
When metal and wires could easily be replaced but the soul cannot.
It wouldn't be the same.
Still, he couldn't stop himself as he shattered the screen that showcased it buffering instead of the exasperated but still fond sneer he had gotten used to.
Velvette was absolutely devastated and livid when she found out about Vox's replacement.
She screamed at Valentino, asking him what the fuck he was even thinking and HOW THE FUCK DID HE EVEN ACQUIRE SUCH A THING
Vox never told her about the Proxy and while Velvette could care less about the roofies she makes and the Fizzibot Val has and every worse thing she's done under existence, she couldn't fathom replacing Vox with a mere husk of a pathetic disgusting thing.
She only stopped her shouting when Valentino quietly said it was Vox's idea.
And they both promised that they'll kill whoever decided to hurt the Vees and avenge Vox.
For now it was something both of them could focus on, even if it was a lie.
Valentino will hunt them down no matter what other people may say.
When Alastor saw Vox alive and well after the dead silence in their shared frequency, he first thought it must be a bad dream.
But he knows it was real.
That it happened.
After the confusing feelings he felt upon seeing that familiar face alive and well passed by, anger gripped his soul.
He had half the mind to ruin and destroy that pretender.
Vox was well and truly gone and it'll stay that way if Alastor could help it.
But when he realized what truly happened, he could only laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at the situation.
And when he calmed down, he deigned to not interact even further at what happened.
Except for mocking the remaining Vees at what had happened to make himself feel better.
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Across the Universe-ch.4 (Fenrys x Reader)
Summary: Y/n has everything she needs in life. A family, friends, a safe place she calls home and most importantly a male whom she loves. What happens when it all changes when Y/n finds out about the betrayal of her lover and her so called family? Well, ending up in Terrasen and in queen Aelin's court was not what she expected but what she will need to start her new journey full of surprises.
Warnings: mentions of trauma, abuse, suggestive themes but no smut yet
See masterlist
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She was 13.
He came home furious. Shaking his wings from the ice and snow stuck to them. Today was the Winter Solstice. Y/n always liked to imagine how normal families, normal faelings celebrated this magical day. Presents, delicious food, games, dancing, laughing and singing all night long. How warm, loved and happy they are. Then she turned her head from the window and came back to reality as she saw his angry face staring right at her.
But, as if the Mother took pity on her for just this special day, he walked past her to his room. Maybe, she could ask him then. Maybe, this time he will listen.
"Today is Winter solstice."
He froze midway, turned around and looked at her, his scarred and bearded face forming a scowl as he said, "And?"
She took a deep breath. It was now or never. "Maybe...maybe we could celebrate it. Like a normal family."
"Like a normal family."
"Y-yes. You could buy me a present and if you give me money, I could buy you one too. Maybe you could help me coo-"
A harsh slap right across her left cheek.
He grabbed her jaw and squeezed it harshly as he spat at her face, "You idiot! Why should I waste my money on a useless whore? And how dare you suggest that I, a respected Illyrian warrior, a captain for fuck's sake, stoop so low as to help you cook?"
She simply stared at him with emotionless, dead eyes. Begging, cring and pleading would do her no good. She learnt it the hard way.
He smirked, "On second thought, if you love this foolish day so much, why shouln't I give you your gift."
The next thing she knew, he was stripping her bare and throwing her out into the freezing, unforgiving cold of the Illyrian mountains. He laughed as he said, "Happy Winter Solstice you pig." and with that, he shut the door to her face, leaving her to freeze to death.
Two hours and fifteen minutes. She knew it because as she knelt with her knees to her naked chest, she counted every second, every minute that passed by. Not once did she cry. She only prayed for the Mother to make her death as painless as possible. By the time her feet and fingers were getting blue, she had already collapsed and got covered in snow.
When she awoke, he was in the room, standing next to her bed, acting concerned, "Sweetness, forgive me, I did not know what came over me. But you had to somehow understand that Winter Solstice is only celebrated by fools and although you ARE an idiot, I can not allow you to still be manipulated by all that high fae bullshit."
She could not breathe. Everything became too tight. She was drowning. She could no-
A hand. A hand was stroking her head. There was a voice...so distant now. A male voice but...who? The hand was rubbing calming circles all over her back. Everything was foggy, so blurry. The comforting touch made her feel so light...like a feather and so free. She felt like she was lying in a field of flowers now. She felt the storms within her quiet.
Calm. Tranquilent.
Then, the soft touch was gone and y/n awoke immediately. But there was no one in the room. Only the light coming from the moon, illuminating the room through the curtains and the absolute silence of the place were there to keep her company.
By the early signs of sunrise, y/n was already awake and ready to fight some of this stress and pressure out. She found some training gear in the wardrobe which consisted of black, tight pants and a long sleeved tight shirt that was custom made to accomodate her wings. How Aelin managed to get such a shirt for her in a matter of hours, was a question to which she had no answer. With a final touch to her hair, y/n exited her room in search of a tarining area.
This palace was enormous. The walls were covered in white and gold. She passed room after room, went down stairs after stairs. How rich are they? For a queen that fought in a war 3 years ago, Aelin has done very well in improving her courts living standards. Y/n only hoped that the same applied to the rest of Terrasen. To the common people living within villages.
After reaching the ground floor and taking a couple of turns after asking some servants and taking a 3 minute walk outside the West wing, y/n managed to find the the training area. It was an open, medium sized, circular ring, surrounded by grassy mainlands and small hills. In the distance, you could see the forest. On the left side, there were rows and rows stacked with weapons and other training equipment while on the left side, there was a table with a pitcher, probably with water inside, on it and some chairs and lying mats. Opposite to her on the other side of the ring, was a dummy strapped to a wooden holder.
With a quick stretching out, y/n took some binds for her hands and then walked towards the dummy. She hoped that starting out with punches and kicks would somehow sedate her growing anger. Besides, it has been 3 whole days since she last trained. As she began punching, her anger seemed to only increase. Anger at Azriel? At the rest of her family? At the Book of Breathings? At Aelin and her court? No, she was angry at herself. How weak could she be? She was pathetic really. First she let that monster dictate her life for 20 years, then she was stupid enough to fall in love with a male who played her, and now she is weak enough for letting those horrible past days come to her as nightmares.
She killed him. He was gone. She was trained to be better than this. Stronger. But...he was still winning. Even in death, he was haunting her. And Azriel...how foolish could she be to open up to him about everything, show him her raw and vulnerable side, trust him, only to be betrayed by him. What a joke she was for thinking that she got a happy end. Never again. Never again will she ever be foolish enough to be with a male, let alone trust him. Such a coward, so-
"What are you doing here?"
She knows that voice. How could she not after it has been the most aggravating thing that she has ever heard. So infuriating and yet...so hypnotizing. As much as she hated him and his voice, she would also find herself yearning to hear i- No. Stop. He is rude and unapologetic and thinks only of himself. Now her anger shifted again. This time to the male standing behind her, waiting for a reply.
Y/n turned around with a glare but felt herself foam at the mouth as she took in the sight in front of her.
Fenrys was standing in the center of the ring, half naked. His soft, shining hair was put up in a half bun, his broad, extremely muscled and scarred chest and arms were put on display as she devoured the view starting from his throat going down to his v line and then...he was wearing loose black pants and some combat boots.
She must have been staring at him for who knows how long because he said, "Did you enjoy slithering your way into my queens embrace?"
All the growing lust she felt suddenly got washed away as she felt like a cold water was dumped over her. Does he truly think so lowly of her? How dare he. How dare he assume such things about her.
"Seems like you are really pissed about me being here. Mind telling me why on earth you were so rude to me yesterday?"
He turned around towards the weapons as he said, "I meant what I said. You may think you have everyone fooled with your games but not me. I watch your every move."
She smirked as she said, "So obsessed. Might as well create a whole devoted circle in my honor. You and Lorcan could be it's representatives or leaders."
At that, he turned around and slowly started stalking towards her as he said, "You should start praying to whatever being you believe in to help you find your way home quicker because if you don't leave this place soon, I am afraid it won't be nice for you."
He was around two meters away from her now. Not close but also not far.
"Oh really? And what will happen to me, I wonder? Are you going to turn into your big bad wolf form and eat me?"
At that, Fenrys smirked as he said, "Trust me, many ladies would agree that I do not need my wolf form to eat someone."
Y/n slightly blushed but still held her ground as she said, "Those ladies must surely be blind if you are their type."
They were close now. So close she could feel his breath hitting her skin. His woodsy and vanilla scent was hitting her nose now. His nostrils flared slightly and his pupils dilated. He stared right into her eyes as he slowly said, "You want to let your frustration out? Come fight me."
Y/n, still in a haze, only asked, "W-what?"
He smirked slightly and stalked back "Let us see the infamous Y/n who is so legendary in her world."
She shook her head as if forcing her body to wake up from the haze she was in as she scoffed and said, "I do not train with uncultured animals."
He only stared at her from the center again as he said, "Scared, princess?"
It seems like that was the push she needed because at that moment she wanted nothing more than to punch his infuriatingly handsome face. She started stalking closer towards the center of the ring as she said, "Alright. But only to prove to you how weak you are compared to me."
He smirked but said nothing as they both took their positions, opposite to one another. Before they could start, she gave him a slightly puzzled look "Aren't you going to put binds on your hands?"
"I do not need protection for my knuckles."
Y/n rolled her eyes "How impressive of you."
"I know what you are doing."
"Really? and what exactly am I doing."
"Trying to get me to talk so you could get the first pu-"
Fenrys did not get to finish his sentence as y/n lunged for him. But he quickly sidestepped her, his movements fluid and precise, as he threw a quick kick to her shin that sent y/n staggering backwards. In a skilled move, y/n lunged forward, aiming a powerful uppercut at Fenry's jaw. He managed to deflect the blow, but it left him momentarily off balance. Seizing the opportunity, y/n delivered a swift kick to his abdomen, sending him staggering backward.
As Fenrys stumbled, y/n launched herself forward, tackling him to the ground with a resounding thud. They grappled fiercely, rolling across the pavement in a tangled heap of limbs and adrenaline.
Despite Fenry's strength, y/n's agility gave her the upper hand. With a deft twist, she managed to pin him beneath her, straddling his chest as she pressed his arms firmly to the ground.
Their breaths came in ragged gasps, the heat of their exertion mingling with the chilly air of an early morning. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they gazed into each other's eyes, the intensity of their connection sparking something deeper than mere anger or frustration.
He was always breathtaking. As if he was sculptured from marble. But now, as she lied there, chest to chest with him, she could see how absolutely marvelous he was. Such sharp and defined facial features, slight golden freckles, and those tempting lips. Cauldron boil her she really should get up if she did not want him smelling any of her arousal that was surely starting to grow. But...he felt so warm and his abs that were right beneath her....and then lower, she felt his-
"So this is y/n?"
Y/n immediately pushed herself off of him as Fenrys quickly sat up. They both looked to their left to see the source of the voice. It was a girl with red-gold hair and seemingly golden eyes. She did not look too small, more like just hitting puberty. She has deep scars on both of her cheeks but despite that, she was still very beautiful.
"Eva, what are you doing here?" Fenrys said as he got up and went towards the girl.
She ignored him as her curious eyes stayed trained on y/n "When I first heard of your arrival, I really really wanted to meet you but then Lysandra said no and then you fell unconscious and thennnn you were brought to Aelin again and I really really begged her to let me also see you but Aelin said no. That you may be dangerous- Oh sorry I should not have said that." she clearly was embarassed because she looked down.
Y/n giggled as she said, "Do not worry. What is your name?"
The girl seemed to quickly forget her moment of embarrassment as she smiled brightly and jogged towards y/n "Evangeline! But everyone calls me Eva. Lysandra and Aedion are my parents- well not real parents because they adopted me- Oh wow! you do have wings! may I touch them? Please please please"
She smiled as she looked at Eva and said, "Nice to meet you Eva, my name is y/n. You are very sweet but unfortunately I do not like when my wings are touched."
A frown appeared on her small face as she asked, "Why?"
"Because they are quite sensitive so if someone touches them without my permission, I will punch first then ask the questions. For those like me, wings are our most cherished possession." and with that, y/n's finger's booped Eva's nose as the little girl smiled and said, "I understand! I also get angry when someone touches my things without permisson."
Then, suddenly, Fenrys came closer as he sweetly said to Eva, "Is there something you needed sweetheart?"
"Breakfast is being set up, Lysandra allowed me to come and call you guys."
"That is very nice of you Eva, but I need to train some more-"
"We will be there in a minute, sweetheart" Fenrys cut y/n off to which, she gave him a glare.
Eva nodded before turning around and running to the palace.
"I am not hung-"
"You have been here since Gods know when. Your body needs food to stabilize it after all the energy it generates. Thought you knew that."
She scoffed "I do know that I am just not feeling-"
"Well, that is too bad because you are still coming to eat."
The way he said it left room for no questions as she sighed and followed him. As they were walking, y/n smiled a little as she said, "Is Eva always this talkative?"
At the mention of the little girl's name, Fenrys also smiled as he said, "On the contrary. She is very quiet and observant. She only gets like this when she is around us. And seemingly you. But who can blame her, the things that child went though..."
Fenrys quickly shut himself up before saying any more private things that he had no right saying. Not unless Lysandra or Eva felt comfortable sharing it with y/n. She did not ask him anything else as she understood and respected his silence.
By the time they reached the dining room, everyone was there. This room was less formal but luxurious enough nonetheless. The ceiling and the ground were both pale gray. To her right, there was a large floor to ceiling window with green drapes over it. The walls were pale green but they had silver floral designs over them. There were also candles in silver holders attaged to the walls. Finally, at the center of the room was a table which had multiple delicious-looking meals on it. Around the table were pale green chairs with silver legs. And on the chairs, were Aelin and the rest of her court.
"Y/n! Fenrys! come you two. Since you arrived last, you get those last two seats. Try not to kill one another." Aelin said while smiling as Aedion let out a snort and Lysandra cackeled.
Indeed, there were only two empty seats left at the end of the table. Y/n knew luck was never on her side but atleast now would be agood time for someone to switch places with her. Fenrys tensed beside her but quickly regained his calm before moving to sit on the chair.
When she also sat down, she noticed that there were 2 more children around. One looked like he could be 3, sitting on Lorcans lap while the other was a complete newborn snuggling in Elide's arms. When she saw y/n's look, Elide smiled as she said to her, "Y/n, these are our sons, that is Blaise, he is 2 and this...this newborn angel is Theon."
"They are adorable" she said with a smile
As they began eating, Aelin said to her, "I have made sure that you are granted acess to all the royal libraries here as you begin your search. Parallel with that, we will also be looking into the matter of the Wyrdgates because we think that now there is a possibility that one of them has ripped open. If that is the case, we must search for a way to close it again."
"Ugh not this again. We went through enough trouble the first time around, I can barely stand dealing with it the second time." Lysandra said with a sigh that had Aedion putting his hand behind her back to caress it.
"Well, I was too young back then to help you guys but I am old enough to do so now!" Eva said with a big and proud smile.
"You were 11 then, you are 14 now. Still too young. Not a chance." Aedion said with a teasing smirk before sticking his tounge out at her.
She huffed as they started their bickering session that had Lysandra rolling her eyes but still smiling.
Through her peripheral view, y/n saw how Fenrys was full on smiling. Not the teasing, annoying smirks he would give her, but a full, big genuine smile. Of course he would be at peace here. It seems like they all endured a lot and only had each other to protect and lean on. But, she knew, somehow felt it that he was sometimes putting on a mask. How no one noticed it as well was beyon her grasp. He had secrets. Nightmares. Ones he probably has not shared with anyone. That is understandable. After all, this could possibly be the only thing in which y/n can relate to him. They all had their dark secrets, past memories they tried to bury long ago.
Once breakfast was over, she joined Aelin and Lysandra on their trip to the library while Elide, together with Eva, took her newborn to sleep.
Fenrys had to go for his daily run as a wolf. It was something he has been doing a lot recently. It would help ease his visions of Connall's and Gavriel's death, his times with Maeve and the war. It has been 3 years already, they won the war, Maeve is dead, Erawan is dead, no more Valgs, everything is getting better. By now he should have moved on, felt less guilty and more happy. But he has not. Gavriel is dead while he is alive, his own brother is dead while he is alive. He was there when Maeve killed Conall, he could have done something to stop her. But, instead, he watched like a fucking coward. So now, as he left Lorcan and Rowan in the latters office, he shifted to his wolf form and headed towards the forest to once again, temporarily get rid of the growing shadows that surround him. He has been getting so aggressive lately.
It did not help that Aelin gave y/n a room that was right next to his in the West wing. Annoyed would be an understatement to describe his emotions. But, maybe it was because of the thin wall seperating them that he heard her moans of anguish, her nonstop chants of 'pleasepleaseplease' or maybe it was because he felt this sudden tug within him, urging him to go to her. Her energy and emotions were mixing with his own, he felt like he was suffocating too. He felt her pain. Even though he had promised himself to ignore her, to hate her with the hopes that whatever this feeling was would pass, he could not ignore her anguish. And so, he winnowed himself to her.
She was struggling, tears were staining her red cheeks, hair was all over the place, as she tossed and turned while still pleading to whoever or whatever it was she was seeing. It made his heart physically hurt to see her in so much discomfort. He quickly but carefully sat down next to her and put his hand on her back, rubbing calm circles over it.
She did not hear him. Did not wake up. Did not stop her panick.
He tried again, with a more gentle voice, "Y/n, please."
She did not wake up but it seems like she heard him as her movements slowed slightly.
Taking it as a chance, Fenrys slipped his hands through her hair and barely managed to hold back his moan. Her silky hair was the softest thing he has ever touched. He started caressing it while saying very gently, "Princess please come back." "Come to me y/n, follow my voice." "I know you can come out of it. You are not weak."
At that, she calmed down completely as her tears stopped and her heart rate went back to normal. She was deep asleep again. That was his cue to leave but, he did not want to. She was beautiful. The moonlight only added to her serene state. He felt himself smile. Maybe he should not be so rude to her, maybe they could get along- What was wrong with him? She is a stranger, a possible enemy from another world and even if his queen welcomed her, he would keep his eyes on her constantly until the moment she left this place and he would be finally freed of her. And so, with a final look at her, he winnowed himself out.
Then, just this morning when he came to the training grounds to clear his mind, imagine the shock on his face when he saw the feisty little fireball furiously punching the dummy.
He was trying to get rid of her and yet, there she was, glaring at him from the other side of the ring. Not to mention how her tight little training gear brought really filthy images to his mind.
And then, when he walked closer to her, he saw how every thought emptied from her mind as she took him in. As if that was not enough, her sweet arousal hit his nose which had him witholding a groan and staggering backwards before he did something stupid.
When she pinned him down to the ground, he could only think about her warm, plush body on top of his. How perfectly they fit together, like 2 missing pieces of a puzzle. He was about to give in to his lust when Eva saved him by interrupting their little moment He would have to buy a new fantasy book for her as a sign of gratitude.
She is everything that he hates. Annoying, too curious, aggressive, so self centered. He should really help his family on finding a way to get her out of here immediately. Or else...or else Fenrys is afraid of what may come next.
The library was huge. Tall shelves with rows and rows of books, massive windows that displayed the waterfalls and the green lands of Terrasen, marble floors that shined with the light streaming in from the sun and finally, couches, lounge chair, low tables were at every corner you turned. Gold and white was all around her.
At y/n's mesmerized face, Aelin says, "This library is the most valuable one of all the rest. It was destroyed during the conquest so what you see now is the renovated version, but I did try my best to make it look like how I remembered it."
Y/N gazed around in awe, absorbing every detail of the magnificent library. The sunlight filtering through the tall windows cast a warm glow over the room, illuminating the intricate carvings on the shelves.
"It's breathtaking," she breathed, turning to look at Aelin.
Aelin smiled, her eyes sparkling with memories of the past. "It's my pleasure," she replied, her voice soft yet filled with pride. "This library holds centuries of knowledge, wisdom, and history. It's a sanctuary, a place where one can lose themselves in the pages of a book and find solace in the words written by those who came before us."
"I can see why it's so important to you," Y/N said softly, reaching out to trace her fingers along the spine of a particularly ancient-looking tome. "It's more than just a library, isn't it? It's a symbol of everything you've fought for, everything you've lost, and everything you hope to achieve."
Aelin's smile faltered slightly, a shadow passing over her features before she nodded. "Yes, it is," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. 
Lysandra, who was watching the interaction with sharp eyes, came closer as she said, "It is also our best chance at finding something related to the issue at hand sooo...let us start. Where is Marcus or any of the other librarians?"
Aelin shrugged as she said, "I did not want any word getting out and causing everyone stress which is why I gave them a day off so we can search for it on our own."
Y/n nodded as she said, "Alright then, I think it would be more efficient if we seperate. I will go to the back rows."
After receiveng a nod from them, she stalked towards the far end. But what they failed to note is that Illyrians were always favored for their keen hearing. Which is why, when they thought y/n was a safe distance away they exchanged quick words that had her feeling lucky for her small asset.
"Anything suspicious?"
"No, she truly seems genuine in her actions."
"Maybe, but let us still keep our eyes on her."
And with that, they moved in different directions, going to search for books.
Y/n should have known that they would have their eyes on her. Well, it is not like she trusted them either so if spying on her made them feel better, then so be it.
One hour had already passed before y/n managed to find a very promising book that looked quite recent, but something within her drew her to pick it. Which led to her, Aelin and Lysandra to gather around one of the tables to see what the book held.
"Are we sure that this one will hold the answers to what we need? It looks quite new." Lysandra said with a curious glance at the book.
"I am not sure. But my feelings have never betrayed me. I feel like this book has something important in it."
Aelin sighed as she said, "Well, there is only one way to find out."
With a hopeful heart, y/n opened the unharmed, clean book. But despite its fresh covering, its pages were old, archaic, so yellow that it was almost brown-gold. It was as if this book was made in this way to steer everyone away by fooling them with its modern covering.
The first few pages were all talking of things that were of no interest to them. But it was a certain page that stood out to her after a couple of minutes of flipping through them.
"It's about the Valg," Y/N murmured, her voice barely audible above the hushed rustle of pages. "But it goes deeper than that. It speaks of gates, of worlds beyond our own, and the mysteries of the Book of Breathings."
Aelin's eyes widened with intrigue, her lips parting in silent wonder as she absorbed Y/N's words.
"The Book of Breathings? the one you have in your world? the one that sent you here in the first place?" Lysandra asked, now leaning over the table to read the pages.
Y/N nodded, her gaze fixed on the ancient text before her. "According to this," she continued, her voice trembling with awe, "the Book of Breathings is more than just a relic. It's a key, a gateway to other realms beyond our own. Just like the Wyrdkeys. In fact, what if there is a 4th Wyrdkey and that book is the one? And the Valg... "
Both Aelin and Lysandra were peering over her shoulders now, as Aelin quickly said, "What? The Valg what?"
"I-i don't know. I can not tell. The rest of the pages are in a language I do not understand."
All three females stared dumbfounded at the book, none of them knowing the ancient language written within.
"Look, there is something else in our language." Lysandra said as she pointed to the corner of the page.
There, a small writing that said:
“When shadows loom and darkness reigns,
The gates will open, breaking chains.
In fire and blood, they'll rise anew,
But only a chosen few can undo.
In the heart of a queen, strength resides,
To close the gates and stem the tides.
Yet fate may twist, the cycle's rhyme,
And darkness may reopen the gates in time."
"A prophecy..." Aelin said, still in deep thought as she re read the lines.
Lysandra sighed "This is very confusing."
"I don't understand, this prophecy seems to be talking about what needs to happen for the gates to open but darkness? shadows? you won the war though."
Lysandra nodded as she continued, "And this specific line that says 'in the heart of a queen, strength resides' makes no sense if this prophecy talks about how the gates may open after they were closed. Aelin is strong, but not when it comes to her powers, not anymore. So how is she supposed to close the gate when her magical strength has already been depleted?"
"And how is it connected to the Book of Breathings? Why did it send you to our world?" Aelin said, a serious look overtaking her face. The Aelin from a few hours ago was gone, in her place stood a true warrior queen who was worried for the safety of her people, of her world, who would do anything to keep the balance and peace.
Y/n sighed as she said, "We won't get any answers until we manage to decipher this ancient and foreign language."
Aelin and Lysandra nodded as the latter said, "But how? I do not think any of us know of this language and Aelin said we can not involve external sources so what do we do?"
Y/n said, "I have- had a close friend back at home. She could always decipher these kinds of things. I always admired her patience to sit, locked up in her house for days, not leaving until she figured it out."
Y/n had a sorrowful, nostalgic look on her face as she gazed through the large window to the outer world, remembering Amren. Her closest companion. Did she even care for y/n? What was she doing now?
Unbeknownst to her, Aelin and Lysandra were both staring at her, with a pitiful look on their faces. A look that conveyed how they felt for her, so lost and away from home.
Aelin put a gentle hand on her shoulder to bring her back to reality as she softly said, "I am sure we shall find a way. Come now, let us take the book and leave. We got what we needed."
Once they left the library with the book in y/n's hands, a servant came running towards them as she bowed at Aelin and said, "My queen, the Hand of the King Chaol Westfall and his wife lady Yrene Westfall have arrived at last."
A/n: Over 5k words! It seems like this number will only go higher as the plot thickens which, believe me it will. So much is coming you guys, but for now, I thank you for taking the time to read this and see you in the next chapter <3
Taglist: @ladespedidas @mis-lil-red @going-through-shit @kaitttttttt @blackgirlmagicforever
@acotar-writing @paleidiot @snoopyspace @stained-glass-eyes0708 @saltedcoffeescotch
@wallacewillow0773638 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @bunnyredgirl
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dearheartdont · 2 days
For the DBD ask game: 12, 15, 20 and any others you fancy!
12. uncommon lgbtq+ headcanon for a character /[character]
For the Charles/Edwin dynamic: Hmm, not sure if this is uncommon but Edwin wouldn't neccesarily be a shrinking violet when it comes to physical affection etc with Charles. Charles would need to kiss him first, but I think as soon as Edwin knew his feelings were reciprocated all bets would be off. Yes, he grew up in a time where the risk of showing his interest in men was high - and therefore something to be pushed down and not looked at because there wasn't anyone worth examining it for - but he's sure of what he wants now and who he wants it with, and I think that certainty (and the love) would make a difference.
(I have this image of Charles giving Edwin a formal declaration of love and the lightest peck on the cheek, and Edwin just being like, "Good to know, I'm going to ravish you now." And yeah, he may not be the best kisser. But Edwin is nothing if not thorough and a quick learner. And Charles is shocked then delighted, because after all this time they can still surprise each other.
The ghost postman turns up at the worst possible time.
Charles is mortified.
Edwin says, "Well, perhaps that will teach him to knock at the door like everyone else.").
15. A character you want brought in from the comics
I haven't read the DBD comics (yet!). From the wider Sandman comics/universe Charles meeting Desire would be interesting. Charles is someone who hides what he wants and is so used to doing things to please others. Having Charles interact with someone who will make him think about what he truly wants/needs would be so good. Also, good potential for contrast against Edwin's link with Despair.
20. something in the show that made you laugh
Esther Finch in general, but this in particular. God, she’s such a good villain.
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Also, this interaction between Charles and Edwin.
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This is pretty long already, but I may come back at a later point for the 'any other questions I fancy'. Thank you!
Dead Boy Detectives Ask Game (leaving the link here for anyone else who wants to reblog/send an ask).
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 days
Hiiyaa any updates on Hand her over II part 4?
Well, well, well. A year later and I resurface from the dead to revive this series. Maybe I just needed this break to remind me that I love writing more than I love being a recluse. Let's see if I've still got the magic in me!
Hand Her Over II (Part 4): Kanji Mochizuki/ Kokonoi Hajime x Fem!Reader
wc: 1.6k
tw: drugs, alcohol, angst
Hand Her Over Megapost Link
Kanji Mochizuki
The air in Mochi's lungs hisses out of him as he swings the axe down on the stump. "I don't want this baby anymore!" He lifts the axe once more, focusing on the whistling of the air and not the memories that keep him awake at night.
The stump is almost split in two. Almost ready for the fire he'll build inside the fireplace. Almost... ready...
Crack! Mochi's breath escapes in puffs, clouding the air around him briefly before clearing up. He's cold. His nose burns while his fingers - exposed through the enlarged crochet holes - sing with energy. There was a time that he would use this energy to fight... but these days, all he can manage is to keep you alive for one more hour, one more minute, one more second.
"The child is mine, too." Mochi gingerly lifts the pile of split wood and mindlessly traces his way back to the house. It looms in the distance like a sullen, sulking pedestrian hunched over in the snow, covered in the white drifts of the night before. Mochi stops. His breath comes evenly, but his heart sags. Inside, nothing awaited him but your tear-stained face and shrinking figure. It was hard, observing as you became a shadow of yourself, and even if the baby was his... he couldn't bear to watch you waste away any further.
"I have firewood," Mochi calls out and - not for the first time - silence greets him. But he proceeds into the living room anyways, dropping the wood into the metal holder before placing some into the fireplace. Paper crumples between his massive hands before he tosses it in with the wood. A match is struck. And Mochi tosses it into the pile of soon-to-be ash, staring at the infant flames.
You're nowhere to be found, Mochi discovers after searching for you on the first floor. But that's not bothering him now. He knows where you are and what you're doing. So instead of worrying himself to death, he sits on the couch and cracks open a well-worn novel.
You come shuffling down the stairs of the cabin as he's reaching the climax of his story, one he knows well. It's the middle of the day, and you've just woken up from a very long slumber. "You might as well be a bear," he said once, smiling at you. But you gave him an empty-eyed stare before retreating to somewhere Mochi couldn't be. Somewhere where he couldn't fuck up anymore because that's what made you happy. That's what satisfied you.
"A fire," you murmur, gazing at the growing flames with a blank stare.
"Went outside to get us some more wood." Mochi doesn't even bother to look up from his paperback, but fear courses down his back. What if he made the fire too big? Would you be upset and cry? Would you hate him even more than you already do? He knows you stayed with him in this marriage because there was no other option but--
"Thanks." Out of the corner of his eye, Mochi watches as you sit in front of the fire carefully, putting your hands out to warm them. For a second, he swears he hallucinated the appreciation, but then you turn your head towards him. "We should talk."
Mochi puts his book down in his lap and give you the courtesy to speak freely by saying nothing. Your stomach partially protrudes out of your robe, and for a moment, Mochi can see your flesh stretch to accommodate the heel of a foot. His heart leaps (though this isn't the first time he's seen this), but he hides his joy behind a mask of stoicism.
"I've been thinking..." Another flutter of energy. Mochi feels his fingers - the ones that held so much energy just an hour ago - ache to reach out and smooth against your stomach like he secretly does at night. "I want to keep the baby." An elbow presses against your navel. Mochi's eyes follow the child's every move; every atom whimpers to reach out, to connect with the child he's loved for so long...
"Mochi?" He finally looks away and into your eyes. They're waiting for an answer, for something more than just a blank stare.
"I'm sorry." The whispered apology lands without a response, and Mochi tenses, preparing for the inevitable flood of emotions. For the inevitable sign that he's fucked up. Again. You notice where he was staring, looking from him, to your stomach, and back again. After a moment's hesitation, you stand and walk over to where he is on the couch. "Give me your hand." You reach down for his arm with care, then tug it away from his book easily. With your guidance, his hand smooths over your belly, feeling every inch of your flesh tenderly.
"It's a little late to decide," you muse. "But I should... We should... keep the baby." A sob hitches in your throat, and Mochi tosses the book aside as he stands to envelop you in a hug. "I'm just so afraid." It's awkward, hugging a pregnant woman, Mochi thinks as he tries to pull you as close as possible. This is his first hug in months, but he'd be damned if he didn't try his best to love you.
"I'm afraid, too," Mochi murmurs. You lean into him, tears soaking his shirt. Crocodile tears. "That doesn't mean we shouldn't try, though."
You nod, sniffing loudly. "I'm sorry... I-- I've been so afraid and it's made things--"
"Shhh." He smooths your hair and kisses the top of your head. "It's all in the past. We don't have to go back there anymore."
Kokonoi Hajime
Koko looks at his reflection in the mirror, turning this way and that before deciding he looks good enough to go out. He places his phone in his pocket, then his keys, and finally his--
Bzzt, bzzt.
Koko pulls out his phone. Another text message from Inupi. Another apology. Another excuse. He places it back in his pocket, then reaches for the shot glass on the corner of his dresser. It's half full of something clear and sharp and tangy, but he doesn't care. He's gotten used to the taste of sharp, bitter things.
Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt.
Koko's jaw clenches, and he pulls out his phone one more time. It's you this time. You'd barely sent him any messages or dared to call him, but each time you texted, you would send the message, then delete it.
Koko, I don't know what to say other than
This message has been deleted.
Almost instantly. Before he could even read the damned thing. Koko slings the phone over to the bed, scowling at the empty screen, save four repetitions of "this message has been deleted". He storms out of the house, leaving both Inui and you behind, just like you left him behind.
This is his third week outside, out at the clubs, out doing things he knows are wrong and bad for his health and only driven by anger and loneliness. Koko leans over a bathroom toilet seat - the lowest he's ever gotten in the past year - and sniffs hard and long at the powder lined up on the paper seat liner.
"You should have a fingernail for that."
The voice behind him is well-known. Koko swipes the seat cover into the toilet and flushes before plastering a fake smile on his face and turning to Manjiro Sano. "They told me I could find you here." Koko looks at his boss while trying so hard to avoid looking displeased.
"How can I help?" Koko wonders, placing his hands in his pockets and touching the remainder of the bag of powder.
Manjiro sighs, picking his teeth while his eyes wander aimlessly around the room. "I don't need help," he finally answers. And that's when Koko realizes he's alone. There's no one else in the bathroom but him and Mikey. The silence is deafening. "Where's y/n?"
"So, you do need my help."
"Where is Inui?" Koko shrugs. Manjiro stares back.
"You got them away from me." You could give them up right now for betraying you. "How?"
"I don't know what you mean. They disappeared on me and everyone else."
"So you're in a bathroom, snorting...? Hoping that their location will just come to you out of the ether?" Kokonoi feels the singular most terrifying emotion course through his system, but he's too slow to react. Within an instant, he's against the toilet seat, and his ribs are on fire. "I don't believe a word you say, Hajime."
Mikey coldly stoops over him, knowing the single kick delivered to his body is enough to make Kokonoi squeal. Or at least... it was.
"If you lie again, you're going to wish you had more than just cocaine to ease your little love-triangle problem." Kokonoi looks up at Mikey defiantly, feeling his life trickle through his fingers. He could go out tight-lipped, or he could survive, but die a thousand deaths. "You owe me the truth. I made you who you are."
"You won't find them," Kokonoi spits, blood spraying across Mikey's face as he laughs. "You're a fucking bully, Mikey. I don't owe you shit. So, what? So you can prove you're more than a gang lead--" Kokonoi feels his fingers bending back so far that they touch his arm.
He's not sure of anything other than pain anymore. I can't wait until this is over, Kokonoi thinks to himself, feeling a tooth pass between his lips as he slumps onto the dirty tile floor.
Ever since they left, I've been in so much pain.
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murfeelee · 3 days
TS3 vs TS4 Features - Supernatural
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I saw @moonbiscuitsims' comment here about how EA added "way more features" in their TS4 occult packs, and I wanted to talk about it in depth, cuz that's a misleading statement. Y'all know TS4's my trigger.
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Cuz yes, on paper, EA offers a LOT of stuff in TS4 packs. But the saying goes: as broad as an ocean and as deep as a puddle. 😬 QUALITY, versus QUANTITY, which is crucial for replayability, customization, variability, and ultimate longevity. And another thing is the TIMEFRAME that that content was released. Sure, if it takes you 10 years to develop/dripfeed your frikkin game, ofc you can add more content over more packs; than if you'd just stuck to ONE dedicated pack, developed it in 1-2 years, and given people arguably BETTER, if not MORE content.
My gut reaction's to say EA had BETTER be offering more content! 😤 Not even to justify the ridiculous pricetag or anything, but for the simple fact that TS4's supposed to be NEXT GEN. It's SUPPOSED to be bigger & better than everything that came before it. Why are we sitting here for 10 years with TS4 if it ain't gonna increase ANYTHING but my rising blood pressure & trust issues?!
So Imma just examine TS3 SN in comparison with TS4's packs, and give my take on what's been going on, from 2012 (SN EP) to now.
Missing Features: TS4 Fairies
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A fairy was the very first sim I ever made in TS3 back in 2009 (my avatar sim, Sakura). Watching the SN announcement trailer for the first time dang near made me cry. TS4 could never; moving on.
Missing Features: TS4 Zombies & Toadsims
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TS4 Tragic Clowns are a W for the apple juggling & costume. I think EA was lazy by slacking on the clown just cuz he's already dead in Sunset Valley; and I guess they don't expect players to resurrect his ghost. SN EP did nothing to actually improve/expand him, just creating the alchemy Clown Potion; I guess to better integrate fishing the Clownfish into the lore.
TS4 Vampires GP (2017)
This is an easy one. I've said since TS3 Late Night EP (2010) that TS3's vampires are utter dogtrash, and the SN EP did eff all to patch/improve them, and I will die on that hill (until someone figures out how to give convert TS4's functional coffins & vampire fights & special FX). Compared to every other occult, I have more mods installed just to try to fix how effing busted & stupid vamps are; and these sparkling Twilight dumb AF bloodsuckers STILL get on my dang nerves.
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IMO, TS4 Vampires is hands down the best pack EA ever made for TS4. 10/10, the attention they put in that pack outclasses darn near everything else they did until TS4 Seasons. Undisputed W, yes. 👏
TS4 Realm of Magic GP (2019)
Disputed W. I gave it an 8/10 at BEST, cuz magic/fantasy's a win, but I am disappointed. If this had been a home run for EA, I'd've shut my dang mouth, ISTG. But alas. I went on a long AF tirade against RoM when I realized that a lot of its so-called "new" features were things we could already do in TS4, with a flashy coat of paint--let alone things TS3 & the SN EP did, and better. Some things I didn't mention though:
Muggles who ask spellcasters how to do magic are sent on a fetch quest for Magic Motes, which is EXACTLY what the ITF EP Time Traveler occult Emit Revelart makes normies do to, finding Power Cells to learn how to use the Time Portal.
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The Witch's perks/ranks system works just like the Vampires one, so kudos to EA for not fixing something that ain't broke I guess.
The Spells: At MTS I actually broke down what each of TS4's spellcasters do that's largely nothing sims couldn't do in TS3, even before SN came out (via SHT Genies or SSNS Aliens, or the Store).
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TS3 Witches (let alone other lifestates) can do most of this either through alchemy or inherited features from older TS3 packs. This was a huge RoM dealbreaker for me, as I'd been hoping for WAY more innovative features in TS4's spells--the whole point of Spellcasters--than just an elaborate set of cheats. TS3's Witch's main features are fewer, but far more cohesive, IMO. (Granted, NONE of the packs holds a single candle to the GOAT that is TS1's Makin Magic, which had WAY more features than TS2, TS3 & TS4; and was CHEAPER. But I digress.)
There's no unique features with TS3/TS4 wands; they act the same way; the effects are just different, and TBH I'm not a fan of either--I wish wand/magic FXs could be modded in different colors at least (like BLACK 😈). But I DO like that in TS4 they can duel for rewards.
TS4 brooms do EFF ALL in a closed world; EA made them exactly they way they were in TS2, with zero innovation. (IIRC kids can't even use them--EA's hatred for kids & elders ALMOST matches MY hatred of EA.)
IMO beekeeping doesn't count, cuz TS3 included it as a small feature for alchemy ingredients in the SN EP, while TS4 integrated it far better in SSNS to work with gardening, which is genius.
Speaking of SSNS, there's the Weather Stone that only appears if you have both SN & SSNS, so occults can conjure magical weather effects over the whole world. (I'll talk about the best perk under Crystals SP.)
Familiars are the certified W for me with RoM. They're the best & most unique & most well-thought out & feature of the GP, IMO. ❤️
Extra TS4 features I think are supremely cool are spellcasters' books floating whenever they read anything. And their cauldrons have much cooler animations, and I'm so jealous that y'all can cook food in them; EA should've added that to the Store Cauldron, although I guess I understand why they didn't in the SN EP Alchemy Cauldron.
A lot of RoM's features are wrapped around Glimmerbrook. Access to Glimmerbrook comes with the Glimmer Stone key--and I WOULD use that as a segue into the Crystals SP, but I'll hold off. I already vented about Glimmerbrook in my Werewolves GP rant--but I'll get to that in a minute, too. The bigger issue is what even constitutes a TS4 "world"--those non-customizeable tiny AF clusters of tiny AF lots and huge swaths of decorative set dressing--let alone the Diagon Alley ripoff EA loves promoting like I was born yesterday and never saw Harry Potter. GORGEOUS realm, of course, like many EA worlds are. But they're largely just set-dressing, which irritates me to no end.
TS4 Paranormal SP (2021)
I've ranted & raved about Paranormal before: 7/10 at best.
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TS4 Seances with the crystal ball work very differently from TS3's Soothsayer's Crystal Ball, which wasn't about banishing ghosts, but improving progression for SN's Witches & Fortune Telling (career). Fortune Telling's NOT a ghostly job, although the boho aesthetic carried over to TS4 Paranormal. (On top of the fact that they promised this whole NOLA Voodoo vibe, but delivered ZERO cultural accurate features reflecting ANYTHING from Haitian Voodoo, wtf? It's all hippie boho New Age BS--why TF does the tutorial ghost look more like Johnny Depp and less like Dr. Facilier, I ask you, EA.) Granted, some of the interactive objects are nice, like the calming dollbaby & magic candles to purify lots--kinda like TS3 incense. But again: 1-trick ponies. Yes, the animations look great, but crystal balls are typically for divination, asking spirits about the past/present/future, not removing haunting poltergeists, so I don't really get it. Stylish & gorgeous! But GENERIC AF substance-wise.
IMO, TS4's Ghosts are an L across the board; all the way from the base game--that bafflingly launched in 2014 WITHOUT ghosts until they were patched in a whole month later after everyone rose a stink (IIRC TS4 kids can't be ghosts!?)--to present. EA's been over/course-correcting from that gaffe ever since, with like double the amount of Death types than TS3. I DO NOT like how TS4 ghosts colors are tied to Eeemotionnsss~! (more like they're a sentient Plumbbob). TBF, kudos to TS4's smoky cloudy effect when ghosts appear. But the lack of unique deaths & ghost types in RoM (aside from Spellcaster Overload & the Night Wraith) made me roll my eyes, as SN EP's ghost types are some of my faves (ITF & SHT are also my top 3).
IIRC it was the SN patch that unlocked all types in (basegame?) CAS to make playable Ghosts. SN's Philosopher's Stone allows sims to summon new playable Ghosts (and ofc allows for transmutating cheap objects into gold ingots--more on that later), or it can just kill you and make YOU the new ghost, LOL.
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But as for features, sure, TS4 ghosts have more interactions--though they're all pretty, rather than scary (vs TS2 ghosts, which were SCARY). TS4 ghosts lost the HORROR to just be silly/goofy or just CUTESY--especially the little spectres from Paranormal.
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Speaking of horror, I can't talk about ghosts w/out bringing up TS3's AMB EP, cuz the Ghost Hunter (profession) is the real parallel with TS4's Paranormal Investigator (freelancer). In TS3, they actually stuck to their promised main premise (Ghostbusters). Overall, TS4 Seances are nowhere near as fluid as TS3 ghostbusting. In TS3 you can run all over the world using gidgets-gadgets to detect/fight ghosts & sprites, not just inside haunted houses, but anywhere they happen to spawn (ofc inc. graveyards). You're not just locked to a lot/house the player already knows is haunted (cuz you just toggle Haunted Lot to trigger the feature--SN's Ghost Gnome object isn't exactly the same, but it does spawn hauntings on the lots you put them in). ANY TS3 indoor/outdoor residential/community lot can randomly get haunted during a Ghost Hunter's shift; and you never know which one it'll be, or what kind of shenanigans will happen--EVIL ghost or just some sprites--which skyrockets replayability & keeps things fresh & interesting.
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Functionally, Paranormal had no right to be that dang good for a Stuff Pack. That was a Game Pack; IDKY EA insists otherwise; esp. when it offered more & better things than some actual GPs. I'm confused. However, a serious problem TS4 has is that it gameifies everything to the point that TS4's numerous features lose their spontaneity, and just become rote--BORING. The ectoplasm everywhere just becomes another mess in your (haunted) house you have to clean--CHORES. On top of me not liking TS4 ghosts' look & vibe (and I HATE TS4's Bonehilda). Quality over quantity, EA!
TS4 Werewolves GP (2022)
Speaking of ghosts, waaaay back in 2020 I told the spirits precisely what I wanted from a potential Werewolf dedicated TS4 pack. Did they listen? HAYUL NAW. So in 2022 I said everything I had to say about the Werewolves GP, and accepted the fact that EA's INEPT.
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Do TS4's wolves have MORE features than TS3? YES ofc (even in 2012 everyone complained that Witches & Faeries got the lion's share & Werewolves got shafted--they're basically glorified Familiars for Witches/Alchemist to find collectibles--more on that below). But was most of it GOOD features though? Debatable! I LOATHE the 2 wolf packs, which was what I'd most looked forward to; plus the whole world's aesthetic was ugly homeless-grunge, without a single bit of creativity or originality--only EA could make monsters as terrifying as werewolves effing cartoony hipster squatters. 🤦 7/10 at best.
TS4 Crystals SP (2024)
These crystals are ugly, EA. Which is weird, cuz the basegame TS4 gems & esp. space rocks are GORGEOUS. I have no idea which vision-impaired dev at EAxis thought these nasty looking opaque poorly-painted rocks were pretty.
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Features-wise, granted, having TS4's bonafide Gemology skill from the Crystals SP's nice, instead of TS3's basegame hidden Collector skill. But the functioanlity's largely the same: cut more, unlock more (which I prefer to cheat my way through--TS3 thinks I have time for all this gameplay, LOL). (Not to mention all the extra features TS3's Aliens, Simbots & Plumbbots have when interacting with gems, space rocks, or metals.) TS4 only got 10 gem cuts for 27 crystals (=270), (+25 metals); compared to TS3's 16 gem cuts for 28 gems (=448), (+16 metals with their own separate ingots). Of TS4's 10 cuts, the Skull Cut is the ONLY one I think looks better (ignoring the atrociously flat textures ofc) than TS3's (which TS4 copy/pasted--no agates, no crystal ball, wtf).
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The Garden Gnome cut isn't unique to TS4, as TS3 has several craftable (glass-only) Garden Gnome cut from the Glassblowing Machine (more on that soon).
The only TS3 gem that genuinely affects sims is radioactive Tiberium from the WA EP, so more features is definitely a plus. The best addition is TS4's Charging Grid feature--I LOVE that TS4 crystals can be imbued with magic energy--it's like TS3's Store Crystal Tree, ITF EP's magic crystal plants & the SN EP Mood Lamp all rolled into one. @greenplumbboblover's WIP Interests & Hobbies mod brainstormed integrating that functionality that back in 2020.
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The functionality of the TS3 SN EP Gem Cutter & the TS4 Crystal Tree are similar, though ofc the tree's wallet & eco-friendly; and it's a plant, not a hunk of machinery, so it naturally has that going for it.
There's also the SN-SSNS Weather Stone, which gives werewolves the ability to summon a Hunter's Storm, raining a hail of gems, rocks & metals over the whole world for easy loot farming. (The best perk, though my fave is the Faeries' Reviving Sprinkle for gardening.)
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Aside from SN, TS3's real equivalent is actually the Prism Art Studio Venue's Artisan skill. Cuz the REAL seller's the jewellery-making. There's ~100 CAS items in Crystals SP (plus 30+ regular Build/Buy mode objects). At $10, the Crystals SP is a steal, at least when compared to the BONKERS $20 tag on TS3's Prism Art Studio at the Store (2014). IIRC the Glassblowing Machine newly added 16 craftable CAS items & 13 craftable glass objects (as SN already gave us the Gem-Cutting Machine & AMB already gave us the Widgets work station); and 8 Build/Buy objects (inc. the goated L-shaped "spiral" stairs). It also added 5 craftable Perfumes for sims to use.
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So while the Crystals SP added NICE features, I wouldn't say they added MORE features. Rather, they added more content: Quantity. But as for Quality, I think TS3 beats it out--the Prism Studio's a effing ripoff, but AFAIK it added features TS4 still doesn't have yet (craftable glassblowing & perfumes, spiral stairs); and the objects it did add are pretty nifty.
Timeframe-wise, we got the 2014 Prism Art Studio's Glassblower 2 years after the SN EP's Gem-Cutter; 5 years after the 2009 basegame. Compared to TS4's wait for the Crystals SP 2 years after Werewolves, 3 after Paranormal, 5 after RoM; and a whopping DECADE after the basegame launched in 2014. Wtf, EA?
Still, I'd say the Crystal SP's a 7/10 (there's not enough gem cuts, the gems textures are ugly, and most of the features were lifted from things TS3 had innovated 10+ years earlier).
Quantity =/= Quality.
EA's been taking way too long releasing packs to have the nerve to present debatable content--it should be goated releases EVERY time; esp. since everyone agrees TS4 is easier to create content for, so much smaller in scale/scope, and with an infinitely larger budget & fanbase than The Sims franchise ever had. There's zero excuse for EAxis' mediocrity, when TS3 was churning out EPs like it's life depended on it: SHT, SN, and SSNS all came out the SAME EFFING YEAR. 2012 was LIT.
EA, you suck.
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 days
Yandere Miles with a darling that knows his secret and doesn't know how to further proceed their relationship afterwards. Maybe they found out in one of the worst ways by finding him banged up from his encounter with a villain and decided to heal him, but in the process of this finds out who Miles is. But here is the thing, there was a strain happening in him and his Darling's relationship because of the lying ( and manipulation ) Miles would do when he tried to cover up the concerning behavior he was exhibiting. However the darling is smart enough to see through it and does not like it at all. So finding out he's Spider-Man was final block that put their relationship on hold. So what would Miles do on this hiatus that he and his darling his under? How would he react to it?
Are You Ever Truly Sorry?
Out of all times that he decided to show up at, it's when you're feeling like shit. And even then, he found a way to make it worse. You can't even brood on the edge of your bed in peace. You couldn't think about feeling like he was lying to you the entire time without him showing up, staining your mom's carpet with his blood. You couldn't sit here and cry when you felt most vulnerable when he drags himself through your winder in the cold dead silence of night, damn near looking like he's dying. You wished you could hate him.
Miles wants to leave. He doesn't like the look you're giving him. He has a million and one excuses on his tongue, but none would solve this issue like the truth would. Even when he shakes his head, when he groans in pain, unable to formulate words, you don't move. You just stare at him like he was the biggest mistake you've ever made. And he loves you too much to ask you why you could possibly feel that way, and crush his own heart.
Your name is on his tongue, his fingers reach out to you when you silently get up to find your medical kit, but no efforts reach you.
When you return, you take off all of his gear. His mask. His stained claws. His clothes. You drag his duffle bags into your room before closing your window to conserve heat.
You rip off what was stained to find the source and patch what you can to the best of your abilities. Your touches are soft and thoughtful, but he can't help but feel like he's ruined everything between the two of you. You can't even look him in the eye.
The tension was killing him and he had to break it. His cold fingers brush against your unharmed and warm cheek, softly brushing against it. "Mi todo,"(my everything) You slowly move away from his hand and shake your head, packing the stuff up that you took out.
Your face hardens, he can see you're deep in thought and wishes his burning body would do what he wants and cradle you in his arms. With a strained voice, attempting to stay silent, you calmly state, "I can't keep doing this with you."
Miles finally sits up and attempts to disagree with what you say, not wanting to know where you're going with that statement, but your hands are already shaking, your mind made up. You begin whisper yelling to him, praying your mom doesn't wake up. "Every day, you lie to my face, you tell me we gon' do shit to fix it, and it never happens. You try so fucking hard to make it seem like it's alright, but fucking look at this!!"
You storm back over to him and show him his own weapon. "Two years! Two fucking years of you just for yo ass to show up at my window dying." You drop his claw and wipe your face of the stray tears. Miles arms and legs scream at him as he attempts to stand, moving at a turtles pace. You've begin pacing back and forth, not knowing how to regulate your emotions. Your boyfriend is the Prowler, he's been lying to you like it's second nature, and your head hurts so damn bad.
Once Miles is on his feet, you're already in front of him. It's almost like a debate, the way you two go back and forth. "I can't date a fucking liar, Miles," You calmly whisper.
"I know, baby. But you gotta let me explain," He whispers back.
"I've heard enough. You've been lying through yo teeth on some gangster shit, and I don't want any part of it, okay?"
"It's not like that, mami, please-"
"Don't fucking do this right now, Miles. I saw what's in the bag, and I'm scared, okay?? I don't even know what the hell think of you right now."
You could see Miles begin to shake as well, but you damn well didn't expect his sputtering and the tears in his eyes. He aggressively wipes his face of the tears and a single harsh sob leaves his lips. "Y/n, please. Just- fuck, just let me stay, okay?" He takes a moment to swallow the ball of stress in his throat. "You ain't got shit to do with the bag or nothin I'm doing, baby. I wouldn't ever hurt you, ight? Shit. I just don't wanna lose you, too."
And it breaks your heart. Because you love Miles. And seeing him like this is the last thing you want for him. But you just....can't lie to yourself or let him lie to you anymore. At least, not until he gets himself together. Because whatever he's doing in those streets is tearing the both of you apart.
You don't look him in the eye and feel your own tears coming along. You hate how you let him wipe them away softly, you hate how you let him hug you, knowing he's in pain. You hate all of this.
"You not gon' lose me, Miles. I just...I want a break."
You said you needed a few months. He couldn't get you to specify how long that would be. Now he's almost always on edge.
He's trying to find a way to take at least a month off of his nightly crusades without leaving his city in shambles, but even Uncle Aaron is having trouble finding a reason for that to even happen. He can't know about you. So, he decides to keep his mouth shut and continue doing his job.
Miles decides to also stalk you after school since you two aren't together during that free time period anymore. And every day, he sees your features softening more and more. Was he really putting that much weight on your shoulders?
All this does for him is continue to make him feel like shit. He's done too much to you and doesn't deserve any of it. He has to make it up to you. Even though you two are apart, he knows that you know that you're his still at the end of the day. And that he's yours.
He tried not to get back in the habit of kidnapping the boys infesting your personal space at school, but once he noticed them piling back up at your locker like when you first started dating him, he knew he had to step in.
The good morning letters he used to slip in your lockers came back, but now you don't respond. He doesn't need you to, not when he sees that smile on your face when it falls into your hands.
The shy glances from across the hallway came back, and it's like freshman year all over again. You look better and better each day. If this break meant it will heal you, it will help him, too.
He will find a way to have you in his arms again, he's sure of it.
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Day 2 - DBDA Week
Day 2 of Dead Boy Detectives Appreciation Week: 10th-16th June by @dbdcentral
Prompt: Alternate Universe
Relationships: Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland
Tags: Alternative Universe - Magic, Star-crossed lovers
TW: None
Charles would always remember the day Edwin had to leave for the Academy. They had always known it would come, he wasn’t sure if they had been pretending not to, or if they just never realised completely what it meant. Edwin had kissed him with lips wet and salty from his tears, and Charles had watched until the car disappeared completely beyond his sight.
He felt empty, purposeless. His mind kept going back to all those happy moments they had shared growing up, first playing together in the woods, then the first time they held hands, the first shy kisses. The memories seemed more real than his present life.
He couldn’t deny that he had thought about following him to the city, but Wizards were rare, and precious to the society, and they weren’t allowed to mix with ordinary people like himself.
He moved his fingers to his wrist, to trace the shape of the bracelet Edwin had given him before he left. The feeling grounded him. He said the rune on the pendant would change colour when Edwin thought of him, it was pulsing a warm green now.
Six years after the dreadful day when he said goodbye to Charles, the memories of him still haunted Edwin every moment of every day. He wondered what the other boy looked like, if he had grown taller than him, if he still had that blinding smile that made the sun look pale in comparison. It had been torture to be separated for so long. Even now that he was finally about to graduate, he still wasn’t free. His path had been written for him long before he was even born, like every other child of one of the wizarding families, he was supposed to take its place among the Wizard’s High Council who protected the country.
He knew he should just give up hope to ever see Charles again since they were destined for different places. Surely, Charles would have become a Fighter by now, and an amazing one at that. But he held onto hope that one day, they could find a way back to each other.
He concentrated all his powers on the bracelet he had given him that day, hoping that the incantation was strong enough to still be working. 
The city buzzed with excitement, the annual parade celebrating the country’s independence had brought everyone out in the streets. There were flags waving, music, food stalls and happiness all around him, but Charles didn’t spare a second look at any of those. He had only one goal. He pursed his lips, his gaze determined, focused on the tall building of the Academy, standing majestically at the other side of the square.
He knew he would find Edwin there, ever since he arrived, his bracelet had been pulsing a deep red, the strongest colour he had seen in it yet. It was the thing that made him certain that his feelings were still reciprocated, that Edwin expected him.
Hiding among the crowd, he made his way closer to the entrance. He just had to wait for the fireworks to start, so that the guards would be distracted.
The moment he saw the first burst of lights and colours from the corner of his eye, he slipped inside, trying to remain in the shadows. He ran through the corridors, in the direction of the rooftop, where he knew all the students gathered every year to watch the show.
When he peered inside, he found his favourite emerald eyes already fixed on the door. So many years, and their minds still worked in perfect harmony, understanding each other without the need for words.
He saw Edwin excuse himself and move towards the door, Charles felt like his heart was about to explode in his chest.
“I was hoping you would come,” Edwin whispered in his ear. It made a shiver run down his spine.
He thought about replying, there were at least a thousand things he wanted to say, to ask, but there were more pressing matters. He all but launched himself at him, hugging him close, his lips rushing to Edwin’s like a drowning man resurfacing and finding the first breath of air. The kiss didn’t taste like salt this time, it tasted like desperation, and need, and in one moment it managed to make six years look like a snap of fingers.
Edwin guided him by the hand along the corridor to a room, and locked the door behind him. Finally safe from prying eyes, they dared to look at each other more thoroughly. Edwin was even more beautiful than he remembered him, his shoulders had broadened, his eyes were shining with happiness and he wanted nothing more than to kiss his smile again.
“I was afraid you wouldn’t come,” Edwin said, breathless. “I kept looking at the door but I thought that maybe you had moved on, or you forgot about me.”
Charles shook his head in disbelief. “I thought about nothing else since the day you left.”
He entwined their fingers together, leaning his head on Edwin’s shoulder. They would have to separate again soon, or people would start looking for them, but at least they had this one day they could steal for themselves. And Charles would never give up hope.
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How did Olivia and Fabien’s interview- where they’re clearly talking about a scene that got scrapped this season, snowball into Team Black and Alicent haters believing that they meant season one?
Now they’re stating it as a fact that when Aemond got his eye sliced out, Alicent was sleeping with Criston. She is therefore a bad Mother and an even worse Mother if they’re having sex during blood and cheese (because she and Criston totally knew it was happening that night and said fuck Helaena and the twins).
It’s even become a fact to them that Alicent and Criston have been sleeping together before Rhaenyra even slept with Criston 😂😂 They’re saying it’s a 16 year affair and Daeron is definitely Criston’s son and I’m like “What about Aemond??” Would he not be their son too?
They seem to have forgotten that someone has been posting season 1’s script and some of Alicole’s interactions definitely show a mutual attraction and devotion- but they’re also all PG…. There was no “beautiful, messy, scrappy” sex scene anywhere in the scripts amongst the deleted scenes. There is nothing to allude to them having a sexual relationship. An inappropriately close relationship that blurs the lines between the Queen and her Guard, yeah that’s there but we already knew that from the scenes that did make it to the screen.
They’re holding “Hiding under your cloak of righteousness” and “Now they see you as you are” close to their chests right now.
Desperately grasping at straws to make Alicent sleeping with Criston after her husband is cold and dead, comparable and worse to Rhaenyra having 3 bastards with Harwin’s skin coloring, hair color, hair texture AND face while being married to A biracial Valyrian man, claiming they’re trueborn. Placing them in the line of succession for the IT and DWT, gaslighting and lying through her teeth about it. Something that causes Vaemond Velaryon to be murdered fighting for it to remain in his family. Let’s also not forget that Rhaenyra is seen on screen having sex with her uncle at on the night of his dead wives funeral, on her ancestral lands. While her parents and her daughters grieve.
It can’t be compared. Alicent went to her marriage bed a maiden, she took care of a man who didn’t care for his own children while Rhaenyra abandoned him for years. She was faithful to him and gave him 4 Targaryens. He’s now dead now and her job is done. Her son is on the Iron throne and she crowned her Daughter, Queen. She even gave up her rooms to her. If there wasn’t a war going on and if she hadn’t been scared for them their entire lives, her duties would be passing the reigns to Helaena. Mentoring her but mostly just living a life of leisure and comfort as the Queen Mother. She could even go back to Oldtown if she wanted or anywhere else. She could marry again if she wanted. She is a young woman still, in childbearing age.
Apart from it being out of wedlock, which is hypocritical but we already know her to be a hypocrite, just like we know Rhaenyra to be a hypocrite- it’s their thing that they do. It’s still not the same and definitely not comparable to Rhaenyra’s great big screw up.
I've honestly concluded that some of the TB stans lack media literacy, are eager to jump to conclusions, do not have the patience or willingness to discuss matters peacefully or educate themselves about the other person's POV, are content with stirring up drama and spreading misinformation, and take things out of context. This time is no exception.
I watched the whole interview of Olivia Cooke and Fabien Frankel with Jonatan Blomberg from MovieZine (he is a Swedish interviewer) before he made it private on his YouTube channel, and it is clear that they are talking about S2. Before he asked them about the experience of filming intimate scenes together, they had been talking about S2 for quite some time and how their characters' dynamics changed this season. Then, Jonatan (knowing about the leaks obviously) asked them about the experience of filming intimate scenes and how they approached it.
So there clearly was NO MENTION OF S1, and neither did Fabien nor Olivia talk about the experience as something that occurred in the previous season. Olivia literally says: "We know each other so well at this point," meaning the time they started filming scenes for S2, and Fabien adds: "We have this sort of added bonus of having worked together for a year and having developed a friendship and a trusting relationship."
So they are clearly talking about S2, for which they shot a "beautiful, messy, scrappy sex scene" but which did not make the cut for reasons known to the producers. They did make it sound as if they filmed other sex scenes though, which we will again see this season.
For my take on why Alicent and Criston could have started sleeping together in S1 only after Viserys' death, and why the "Daeron is their love-child" theory holds no ground, see here.
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storiesbyjes2g · 10 hours
3.130 Whoop that trick
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At dawn, Sophia got up to pee, so I pulled myself out of bed to make breakfast because I knew she'd be hungry and head for the kitchen next. I felt like trying my French toast recipe again, as I hadn't perfected it yet. Cooking for Sophia had proven to be even more frustrating than cooking for Dad, because nearly everything contained dairy in some form. Scouring the internet every day for something new to try had gotten really old, so I started buying plant-based milk for my sanity. I think she appreciated it too because sometimes the temptation to eat dairy was so strong she gave in, damning the discomfort of bubble guts. How anyone could live life without cheese, I didn't know.
"Mmmmm, that smells so good," Sophia cooed.
"Thanks. I think I got it right this time."
The plant-based milk worked well for most things, but I needed to make adjustments to my custard. In my initial trials, either the bread came out too soggy, or it developed an eggy crust while it cooked. Everything looked perfect this time, so I hoped to remember what I did for next time.
"Okay, so hear me out," she started.
I had no idea what she was about to suggest, but I knew it would involve her not resting at home.
"It's Night Out on the Town tonight! We should go."
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"Is that a good idea? You're due literally at any moment now."
"Okay, yeah, but this might be our last night as a child-free couple! We should spend some time together before we have to start scheduling it."
I wanted to come up with an irrefutable rebuttal, but I had none. Her logic was sound, as always. She'd been cooped up inside a lot lately, anyway. It wouldn't hurt to leave the house for a little while. It's not like we were going jogging around the lake or anything.
"Okay. But we're going to stay in town. There's a nice restaurant in Anchorpoint Wharf I've been wanting to take you to."
She clapped and did a little happy jig in her chair. I loved that woman.
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Kooper and Rosie were getting old. Their coats turned gray, they slept a lot, and they walked a little slower. None of that seemed to stop them from running around the house like a pair of puppies, though. Rosie still demanded that Kooper play with her and dashed around the house and yard like she was training for a marathon. I loved that their age didn't stop them from having a good time. I was playing with Kooper when I realized something that stopped me dead in my tracks.
"Oh my Watcher," I shouted.
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Sophia was behind me, asking what was the matter. I didn't mean to startle her, but it just occurred to me that Alessia might have her babies today!
"We need to get to Mama's house!"
She started to ask why, but I had already dialed Dad's number to see if he would come. Once she overheard my end of the conversation, she went upstairs immediately and got dressed. Dad said he was already on his way and would meet us there.
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When we arrived, Mama wasted no time checking up on Sophia and loving on her youngest grandchild. She hammered her with a bunch of questions, like if she was getting enough rest and if she had experienced early contractions. All moms were lay doctors, I guess. Just as I had begun to think it was nice to have the whole family together again, loud forbidden words and angry screams rang out from upstairs, followed by rapid stomps heading in our direction.
"I'M GOING TO MURDER HIM," Alessia yelled.
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"Whoa, Less," I said. "What in the world happened?"
Her face was as red as a strawberry, and her eyebrows scowled, just like an angry cartoon character. The lasers shooting from her eyes made me want to stay out of her way, but I needed to know what and who upset her so.
"JACE happened!! He's a PUNK!! Ol' llama-faced liar!!! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!"
"What did he do, Less?"
"He went back to his ex! IN MT. KOMOREBI!! And he married her!! He f#@$ing MARRIED her!!! HE SAID HE LOVED ME!! Ever since we found out it was triplets he's been weird!! HE IS DEAD TO ME!!!"
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Mama had previously gone to the kitchen, no doubt to be near Dad when she noticed him taking out the trash, leaving only me to diffuse the situation. Alessia's anger was palpable, like an electric current coursing through the room. I had never seen her like that before, and it both scared and fueled me. I tried balling my fists and breathing extra slow and deep to keep myself from going off, but thoughts of confronting that piece of shit and laying hands on him stirred a fire inside me. There was no kind, gentle way to deal with this, and if I ever saw that cowplant turd in the street, it would be on sight! Nobody betrayed my sister and got away with it. I should have known something was up when he bailed at the baby shower. I saw him when we arrived, but after that, he was nowhere to be found. How could he weasel his way into my sister's fortified heart, knock her up, and leave her with THREE babies??? Did he really think running away to the mountain would absolve him of fatherhood? Like, did he not know child support was a thing? And he had THREE to support?? What an idiot! COWARD!! I hoped his wife had a real job because I knew Alessia would try to milk him dry. He'll be sorry he even met her! The sheer audacity of it all made my blood boil.
I was concerned about my niece and nephews and finally got Less to sit down. She didn't exactly calm down, because how could she? But she and I had a great time plotting and scheming against ol' Jace, planning what we'd do to him the next time we saw him. True, that wasn't healthy either, but it sure was fun. Revenge wasn't really Sophia's style, and she remained quiet. She also didn't have a sibling she would take up for at any moment, so she didn't understand why I acted like that and occasionally tried to talk sense into us.
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But just like when she was a kid, Less found it hard to sit still and be calm, so she jumped up and paced the room, fuming like a teakettle. Even though he would eventually find out, I hoped Dad was still outside during Alessia's initial rant. Her situation was way too close to home, and I feared it might trigger him, especially being in Mama's house with all of us. But like I said, he would eventually find out. He and Mama came out from wherever they were, asking what all the yelling was about. I guess Mama had enough of Less' pregnant mood swings to come find out immediately. Less filled them in, and I saw a quiet rage growing within my dad. He looked just like how I felt. Maybe we could take another family trip to Mt. Komorebi and murder him together, heh.
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I saw Mama eyeing me, as if to silently ask what we should do as the expert on all things mind, body, and soul. But I had no answers for her. My mind was set on destroying Jace, and my body was ready for it. I felt that in my soul, ha!
"I think we all need a dip in the pool," she said. "That should relax these tense mommies, right buddy?"
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I sensed both sincerity and sarcasm in her tone, as she seemed disappointed that I provoked instead of diffusing the situation. Either way, she was right. Less definitely needed to calm down, but the rest of us did too, so we got changed and hopped into the pool.
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xesiarah · 2 days
“ ˚₊‧ OPEN WIDE ‧₊˚ ”
→ Yan!Demon oc x F!Reader
→ A Part Two No One Asked For [SEALED TIGHT]
→ NSFW :3 (Probably Lots Of Grammatical Errors, English Isn't My First Language :'p + Didn't Proofread) + this is my first time writing smut idk what I'm doing brah.
→ Made with @xiaosfiance
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"I missed you."
He wraps both arms around your waist sensually — he breathes in your scent, making your hairs stand on end.
"So much."
You swallow, your nails have been unknowingly digging through your palms, making it sting, and snapping you back to reality. You realize you've been holding in your breath, as if his presence felt suffocating. The air felt thick and the way he looks at you somehow feels nostalgic.
"W-Who-?" You blinked, your voice faltering as the shock finally reeled in. "What- where did you come from, Azazel?"
He paused momentarily at your statement, then, as if he was relieved— his grip on your waist tightened. He pulled away slightly to look down at you, revealing his sharp teeth as he grinned devilishly. "So you do remember after all."
Your brows knit together in confusion, a thousand questions running through your mind and coming out your mouth all at once. "Huh? What the hell- what? What do you mean? Who the fuck are you-"
"Don't you already know the answer to that question?" He cocked his head to the side as his grin widened.
"You just said my name."
The confusion must have been etched on your face, because his expression shifted into one of amusement as he uttered the next words.
"Azazel." He drew out, and it made you realize that it was his name that just rolled off your tongue just now as if you've known him since forever.
"I-it's okay Mr. Sparrow, just hang in there." Your voice trembles, holding in tears as your tiny hands lift up a wounded sparrow you found under an oak tree. You place the sparrow down and, in an attempt to 'patch' him up with dried leaves. "Please wake up." You murmur to yourself.
"It's dead." A young boy about your age yells out, he's leaning on a tall tree. — startling you and making you turn your head around. "N-no! It's still breathing, see!!" You press it's body close to an ear, attempting to find it's heartbeat. Upon realizing that, Mr. Sparrow was infact dead, tears start welling up your eyes.
The boy sighs and comes closer, patting your left shoulder in an attempt to provide comfort. "I-i promised," you turn around to face him — "I'd save him.." You sniffle.. and, immediately burst into tears.
The boy's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, he speaks. "Stop crying." You began crying even louder. He sighs, "Come closer." holding out his arms, and inviting you to an embrace — which you accepted almost immediately, "H-he had a good life..!" You cried out, leaning your head on his shoulder, and getting snot all over it.
Thirty minutes pass by, your eyes are all swollen as you both sit together under the oak tree. He raises an eyebrow. "Are you done crying now?" You pout, adjusting yourself. "Y-yeah.. thanks for comforting me." You scoot over next to him. "Uhm, what's your name by the way?"
He makes eye contact, grinning smugly, "Azazel."
You snap back to the present, what was that..? You mutter his name. "Azazel," — as if trying to grasp onto the fact that he's real and now standing right Infront of you. how could you forget him..? "Azazel..!" You repeat. — He smiles, His gaze filled with longing. His palms cup both sides of your cheeks. "Yes, love?"
He pulls you into a warm embrace, yes, just like when you were kids — it's as comforting as ever, as if time has stopped and, all your worries had disappeared.
Although, you do pretend to not notice his fleeting fingers traveling down the hem of your shirt, and.. something hardening down there. He's aroused. — and so are you. You've grown damped, soaked even. The tension almost feels aphrodisiac. You want his hands all over you, cupping, gripping, rotating. You want him doing all of it. — The crotch of his pants outline a bulge at an angle. Your eyes widen at the sight. God, he's huge.
"Azazel.." you whisper, glancing back at him. He's breathing heavily, "Can I?" You pull him closer, kissing him softly, he kisses back, matching your pace for a moment, until his kiss slowly grows hungry, greedy and desperate for more. — he slips his tongue inside, stroking it against yours. It feels, so, so, good. The way his tongue feels inside you makes you feel alive, the sexual desires you've kept hidden finally being satiated. The kiss starts going deeper, his pace filled with urgency. You sling both legs around his hips as he presses your upper body against the wall. you're starting to feel delirious, his weight is pressed onto you, barely giving you any time to take a breather. — finally, you take hold of his hair, having to pull his head back to tear this rabid demon off of you.
You're panting heavily, He whimpers, almost looking like he'd drop down to his knees and start begging for a little more. — you gulp, your thighs are trembling. your now aroused womanhood drenching your underwear. — It's yearning for his touch.
"Take me to bed."
As soon as those words grace his ears, his large hands rip you off the wall, holding onto you tightly. He carries you to bed with ease as if you're light as a feather. — he lays you down, he's gentle with it unlike his hold on you awhile ago. He finally has you under him. — His eyes blaze over you, admiring you, taking every fiber of your existence in. The corner of his mouth ticks up into a toothy grin. "Hah.. I might cum right away." His grin widens, he runs a hand through his hair. — it's evident that he's barely holding in his composure.
He positions his hips in between your legs, planting an arm beside your head, leaning in for another kiss, just a bit more tender, as if preparing you for something more, much more intense. — whilst his mouth is engulfed with yours, a hand feels up every inch of your body, groping your breasts from beneath your shirt. — and soon, he grows impatient, his hands lifts up your shirt, getting it off of you completely. even so, you can barely concentrate on anything with this absolute Goddess of a man right Infront of you. — The moonlight is reflecting beautifully onto his blonde highlights, making it shimmer like Gold.
His red orbs bore onto you, flickering with lust. Savoring the now clearer view of your bare upper body. He licks his lips, dipping down to suck on your left nipple. he's sucking so intensely, in an overwhelmingly increasing pace. You visibly squirm under him, your cheeks flushed red. "You're doing good sweetheart." He coos, his other hand works on your right, pinching and twisting with his thumb and index finger.
His breathing grows erratic, his fingers race downward, down to the band of your pajama pants, shucking them down, he does the same to your underwear. At this point he almost salivates at the sight of your exposed sex. — he drops down to his stomach, spreading your folds wide and tracing the seam of your moist cunt with his thumb. You heave, you could feel him inhaling in your scent. his touch mentally indulging you to your very own succulent paradise, you don't think anyone else could ever replicate this high you're chasing.
He gives your fiery cunt a kiss, focusing on your clit for a moment, accelerating in long, harsh licks, Oh God.. you exclaim. His long hot tongue looked almost inhumane as he stuck it out— showing it off, along with his sharp fangs in full display with strings of saliva connected to the roof of his mouth and dripping down. "W-what is this!?" You yelp. He quickly shuts you up as his wet tongue seeps in easily, reaching your cervix, you can feel your inner walls convulsing to this newfound pleasure. your arms are wrapped around his neck, fingernails digging in the flesh of his back,— he groans, he's feasting as if he's a man starved, like a cat with catnip. The way his tongue drags through your sex, such intensity drives you near the edge. "F-fuck..!" You whimper, pleasure bubbling up your chest, your back arches, toes curled, finger nails clawing in hard, drawing crimson streaks of blood.— and finally, you reach your limit, climaxing all over his face, you're trembling in ecstasy, experiencing sweet release for the first time.
He lifts his head, Your luscious juices streaming down his face beautifully, he closes an eye as he lets your fluid drip down to his lips. — your eyes wander to stare, watching his long tongue lick it all off.
He pulls his pants down to his ankles, taking his hard, hot, throbbing member out. You swallow in a shriek, hurriedly clasping your mouth shut and closing your thighs instinctively, or atleast you tried. His hips hold you in place, blocking any excess movement, or any attempt to rob him of sweet pussy. He positions himself Infront of your entrance. laughing out loud when he sets sights of your flustered expression. "Aww, Look who's scared." Sarcasm drips off his tone as he teases, flustering you further more. "T-that won't fit!" You exclaim, just making him laugh harder. (Goodness this man is so devilishly alluring.) — "T-t-then I'll make it fit!" He mocks your stutter as he laughs to himself once more. He holds out an arm, reaching in to wipe sweat off your forehead, as if this equals to him apologizing. "Do it for me, sweetheart." He smirks. The intensity of his stare enchants you, as if he casted a spell over you, you bite your lip, slowly giving yourself in his domination, welcoming it even. He smiles with his tongue, stroking his twitching member in a clenched fist. He leans in and captures your mouth in a wet, sloppy kiss, pressing his huge appendage onto you. You moan onto his mouth, inspiring him to go further, he slowly pushes forward, stretching in your entrance as he openly distracts you from the pain rippling off the vicinity of your womb. numbing the pain by his hungry, frantic kisses. — and it works. The pain subdues and pleasure rocks in.
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cyanidedrinkers · 3 days
But, I'm right here??
This is about Achilles, My OC that i made as Graves younger brother. Concept: Achilles and Graves used to be really close when they where younger, Always playing fighting and sneaking off to go grab snacks from the local convenience store when they where bored and couldn't sleep. Achilles always strived to be someone Graves was proud of. He was never truly close with his father as he did bad in school and got in trouble a decent amount. He wasn't bad or disruptive at home just closed off and never really understood the love for the south. He wanted to explore and be free. So, Instead of looking up to his father he looked up to his older brother. But, When Graves went off and did his own thing they weren't in touch anymore. Achilles was hurt and upset that his brother just up and left with no contact. He still thought highly of his brother though and used to where the name Graves with passion. Intel he heard about his brother betrayal. His entire world crumbled and hearing what his brother had done shattered his view on him. Achilles then began to only go by Achilles. The name Graves was erased from his files. Through out the years though Achilles has craved a brother figure. He'd cling to the oldest male that'd pat him on the back or tell him he did good. He wanted that validation and he told himself he just needed someone to tell him they were proud of him. In all reality he missed Graves, He missed their talks. He missed their bickering, he missed how he'd run to his brothers room when he was younger and Graves would stay up intel he fell asleep. One day, Achilles and his team have to work with the Shadows. Achilles watches as Graves treats them with pats on the backs and a fatherly love in his eyes and he hates it. Why couldn't he have that? Why must they get what he so badly wanted. He knew it was childish to be bitter towards them but he was jealous, Jealous of the brother he lost but the father they gained. All for Graves to never recognize him. To not remember his voice, and to snap at him when he'd call him Philly. "No ones allowed to call me that." Graves would snap anytime Achilles used the name. Graves was upset, And Achilles got a twisted sense of pride once more. He was annoying his brother like old times so he continued to use it. Did this make the Shadows annoyed? Yes. Did he care? No, He was finally being seen by his brother again, Even if the only reason Graves knew his name was because he hated him.
It wasn't intel one day when Graves was tired and already annoyed by Achilles did he snap. They were alone and going over the debrief he wrote that Graves snapped at him to shut up and stop using that name. He wasn't allowed to speak it, After a little push Graves gave up why. He yelled that it was reserved for his younger brother. Who died in battle years ago. But.... Achilles wasn't dead. He was right there- So why would Graves assume he had died?
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