#but a million doodles is fine. Sometimes
solargeist · 2 months
I genuinely can’t do full painted pieces anymore I start tweaking out get me away from the tablet
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 6 months
Daily fish fact #4 062 993
General fish fact!
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Fish have gills maybe. Sometimes, I think? Uhh....
#fish #fishfact #fish facts #marine biology #biology #zoology #general fish fact
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🧊 grønland-citizen follow
Only 100 years old... he shouldve been at the blub :(
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🖤 pandawhale follow
Liveblogging my migration! ;)
🖤 pandawhale follow
🖤 pandawhale follow
🖤 pandawhale follow
🖤 pandawhale follow
Found a fish! Ate it >:)
🖤 pandawhale follow
🖤 pandawhale follow
🖤 pandawhale follow
My sister and I bullied this humpback for a lil before our ma told us to stop. What a party pooper..
🖤 pandawhale follow
Swimming and balancing a fish on my head B)
🖤 pandawhale follow
🖤 pandawhale follow
Sorry forgot to update. Swimming!
🖤 pandawhale follow
Swimming..... still swimming....
🖤 pandawhale follow
Cod why did I think this was a good idea we're just swimming a dozen million miles and that's it
🎣 murican-shad follow
So, um... what was that about the fish?
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💤 manatee-ing-just-fine follow
"Hey, did you hear about the recent-"
No, I didn't. I'm literally so unbothered by fishcourse I couldn't care less. I'm just goin with the flow. Riding the waves. Chilling. Moisturised and in my lane. Do you think the moss on my back signifies anything other than my peaceful adn pacifist nature. I'm just a Guy
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🐟 migrating-gal follow
OOOHHHH MY COD YOU FRYS!!! You have no idea holy carp holy carp theres this one atlantic salmon migrating at the same time as me,,,, says we're going to the same river,,, her sides are such a gorgeous rich chestnut colour and shes so large compared to me and her belly accentuates her curves and shape in the best way! Her scales are so shiny too? Shes practically glowing!!! UGH every time we swim next to each other i wish there was a small creek so that she'd be forced to swim over me and crush me with her whole body weight
🧦 s0ckk-eye follow
Horny on main again?
🐟 migrating-gal follow
Oh, when I post about MY crushes its suddenly soo strange and unusual? Sure mr. "where can i find a salmon who will bite me right". sure. It's literally the season!
🧦 s0ckk-eye follow
You cannot prove I said that.
#/hj #hush hush #lets just pretend neither of us said anything thanks ;))
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🐡 puffering follow
Felt bored. Doodled this.
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🐠 damselfish-in-distress follow
Ngl I really hate how barren fish representation actually is :( There's two types of fish ever. Fish and shark and sometimes ray. They always show generic fishes only, like nonspecific fishes with one or two primary colours plastered on the side. Where are the pipefishes? The anemonefishes? The anglerfishes? The damselfishes? The morays? The hogfishes? The groupers? The marlins, the tunas? Even the wrasses???? There are never any specific species, just red fish, blue fish, that's it!
🌠 stargazing-in-antarctica follow
I would also like to bring up unflattering fishes. It's always reef fishes that get their spotlight to shine, but I've never even seen another stargazer portrayed in a good light on TV
🐠 damselfish-in-distress follow
!!!! This is so true! There's so many of us who never get our chance to be seen anywhere and it makes me so sad :( No diversity at all in the casts of recent underwater movies.
🦈 zzz-in-pyjamas-zzz follow
even the representation that does exist for specific fishes sucks. sharks like myself never see ourselves be shown as anything other than bloodthirsty killers :( we get generalised into a single stereotype of a big gray murderbeast
🔲 among-the-sea-weeds-deactivated follow
Anemonefishes are underrepresented?? umm okay. so we're just gonna pretend like a clownfish didn't star in the single biggest fish movie of all time? Where the sharks are portrayed as nice people mind you so why are you even whining. okay. sure. cool. Really need more clownfish movies out there!!!!
🪸 acidicanemone follow
No need to be passive aggressive @among-the-seaweeds-deactivated. You say anemonefishes are oversaturated in the media? In that case, point me to the seemingly abundant movies where two-band anemonefishes are the main character? How about the ones with only Mauritian and orange-fin anemonefish leads? Red saddlebacks, tomato anemonefish, orange anemonefish, skunk anemonefish, wide-band anemonefish, I could go on. Just because one species of anemonefish, the clown anemonefish, starred in one movie doesn't mean that the rest have it super nice and cozy.
Finding Nemo wasn't even too good for clown anemonefishes either. It's the only movie many have seen that even features a clownfish in a speaking role. My anemonefish roommate has often had people calling her Nemo or asking her to tell a joke because it's a "funny gag" from the movie. It's the first thing people tell her when they meet her a lot of the time. Trust me, the only person who has a problem with better fish species representation is you.
🐬 the-spinnerrrrrr follow
Did you also miss the part where the shark goes on a massive murder rampage over two (2) tiny fishes because he smelled A Blood
🐠 damselfish-in-distress follow
This person had a ton of anti-dolphin posts on their account too, why am I not surprised 😭😭😭 We need to pull each other up, not put a whole subfamily down for cod's sake. Anemonefishes are called "Nemofish" to this day and age still
🦑 strawberry-squid follow
"We need to pull each other up, not put a whole subfamily down."
Beautifully said.
#deep sea talks #long post #fishcourse
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🐚 gob-y-lin-cave follow
Just moved into my new place! It's this wonderful sandy crevice with a beautiful view of the kelp and a good nice rocky back wall for support. Hope the neighbours are nice and don't throw their sand into my hole like at my last neighbourhood
😎 the-goby-living-next-to-your-cave follow
🐚 gob-y-lin-cave follow
what the fuck
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🌟 bioluminescent-girlboss follow
can someone please come hang out with me in the deep sea? :( it's so boring here...
🦐 shrimpy-wimpy follow
I can! :)
🌟 bioluminescent-girlboss follow
wonderful! Come Closer please. to the Light.
🌑 tunicate-tunes-527 follow
RIP @shrimpy-wimpy it's been more than 3 hours 💀💀💀💀
🦐 shrimpy-wimpy follow
🌑 tunicate-tunes-527 follow
SHE LIVED!!!????????
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🐉 autistic-rhinomuraena follow
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Pictures of my transition journey :}
🪶 pelicans-we follow
Oh look at you !!!!! You look so much happier and more comfortable in your latest picture! So happy for you!!
🌔 look-to-the-moon-wrasse follow
I can't wait to go through my transition myself :]c
#only i'll vbe transitioning in the opposite direction haha #*be
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🐢 xxleatherbackxx follow
New drawing of a terramaid!! 👩👩🐟🐟
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🐙 magnapining follow
Okay but imagine if terramaids we're actually real. To live on land there scales would probably be all dry and rough-textured! Brushing against them would immediately ruin your slimecooat, probably
☀️ molamolamolamolamola follow
Ah, thanks. I hate it.
🐳 left-whale follow
Since they're half human and humans have hair, what if they had
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☀️ molamolamolamolamola follow
🐋 big-blue-offishial follow
There's more. With a human lower half, they most likely give birth to live young as well. And with mammalian reproduction habits comes the, well....
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☀️ molamolamolamolamola follow
🌊 pull-the-triggerfish follow
Since they have a human lower half with a human digestive system that means they have a human diet too, right?
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☀️ molamolamolamolamola follow
🐋 big-blue-offishial follow
Too much time in our flippers, dear.
Oh, and a need to make everything cursed. Of course.
🐢 xxleatherbackxx follow
Please stop reblogging this 😭😭😭 I just wanted to show off my art
#not my art #im so tired i keep getting notifs for this post #let me rest
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🐌 hadal-snailfish follow
*moves one inch*
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moodymisty · 2 years
✨Clones and how they act with a crush; A Guide✨
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙| 𝕬𝖔3]
Authors note: I'm stuck in a hotel for the weekend, so enjoy my cabin fever musings
Relationships: Hunter/Fem!Reader, Tech/Fem!Reader, Echo/Fem!Reader, Wrecker/Fem!Reader, Crosshair/Fem!Reader
Warnings: None, other than Cross being a little twit
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✦ Hunter ✦
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Hunter finds himself trying to change his tone of voice around you; Coughing nervously far too often.
He doesn't like using the 'stalwart sergeant' tone when speaking to you; It makes him feel like you're just another soldier he needs to give orders to. Instead he's softer, his head tilted slightly forward like he's perpetually telling you a secret.
He's just trying to be gentler, softly laying a hand on your shoulder; Which makes him incredibly out of his element.
But he's doing his best, trying to soften sharp edges to dull corners so they don't cut you. One day he's going to tell you, he just keeps trying to find the right time.
✦ Echo ✦
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Echo pre-Citadel would’ve probably asked you out, even if he stuttered a mess while doing it.
Post-citadel? Echo finds it hard to believe that this type of love was in the cards for him. He's all hard edges and pale skin and metal now, with a face like a million others.
So he just, pushes it down so deep he almost forgets about it; Until you smile at him, really smile, and they come up faster than water from a burst pipe.
Echo is nervous; He knows you don’t mind him at all, friends he'd dare say, but what if that’s as far as you’ll go? What if he mucks up something that's working just fine?
To compensate he goes distant; Quiet and immersed in tasks to try and stop seeing signs he thinks aren't there. He hates that it makes you think you did something wrong, but he finds It better than having his tongue constantly tied, thinking about what he thinks he can't have.
✦ Tech ✦
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Tech doesn’t change. But he also very much does.
Provided you don’t wreck anything, you can largely get away with things his brothers can't.
Want to put your feet up? Sure. Decide to decorate your bunk with stickers and doodles? Tech might lament how hard they're going to be to get off, but he bites his tongue.
Tech sees his worth in helping others(as much as it might become a problem) and he's fixed up most of the things you own; Just shrugging you off when you profusely thank him.
Crosshair however finds it hilarious how much of a pushover Tech becomes whenever you're around, and even the rest of them have to admit it is kinda funny to watch.
The worst thing is now the Batch keeps relaying random tasks through you, joking about how 'he'll only do it if you ask'.
Tech really needs to figure out how to talk to you, before one of these dolts ends up doing it for him.
✦ Crosshair ✦
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Crosshair is like a playground bully. He gets ruder, more standoffish, trying to get on your nerves. It's infuriating, and almost not worth dealing with, until you realize the game he's playing.
Crosshair wants to be chased; He wants you to come to him, to stomp your foot and demand he listen to you and whatever, he might as well. He doesn't want to be the one to open up emotionally.
Though he may be even more of a jerk to you than others, he gives in easier too, smirking at your expression as you tell him to shut his trap.
It starts being more entertaining when you realize he doesn't mean most of what he says, and you can just roll your eyes.
✦ Wrecker ✦
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Wrecker is largely the same; He's just as playful, just as outgoing, his laughs are just as loud as ever.
Though they now trail off softer, and more shy; As he looks at you expectedly. He wants to make you laugh just as hard, to see you smile just as wide.
As making people happy is the way Wrecker shows he loves them, and he loves you so much already- he wants nothing more than to make you feel a fraction of how he does.
It ends up making him sometimes stumble over his own feet, both literally and figuratively, becoming your lumbering shadow. A giant shadow, one that might be a bit suffocating if he wasn't so obviously keen; Handing you yet another sweet little thing that had made him think of you.
✦ Rex ✦
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Bonus!(*spills pictures of Rex* Oh no I mean-oh god, my simping-oh jesus *frantically cleaning them up* it's everywhere-)
Rex is a valiant and headstrong Captain, with a great mind for both strategy and actual combat alike.
Rex is also GAR's worst liar; And the very moment Rex has a crush, everyone who knows him even a little bit is aware that something's up.
He's distracted when not on an immediately important task, the busybody is now suddenly taking full use of his shore leave, and he has a bracelet hidden under his wrist armor that he can never quite explain where it's from.
The secret lasts a grand total of maybe two months at most before he's caught sending a voice message or 'sneaking off' (how could someone as smart as Rex be so obvious while trying to be sneaky) and the entire jig is up.
Once it is, he gains enough wingmen to form a flock; And he has to threaten each and every one of them to not ask you out on a date for him.
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starpoof · 4 months
Ugh fine 🙄
I’ll show y’all my Colorquest ocs
Soooo…. This is Cloudie! They’re a mime who uses They/them pronouns. They represent the color sky blue!
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And this is Didi, another mime that uses He/him and represents Diamond Blue (Which is a color, I looked it up)
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I made these guys at the beginning of February and changed their hair a lot, but the first image is Cloudie’s current hair style.
This is the first drawing I ever made of Cloudie (And their host form!)
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I also made Didi a host, but I’m not gonna post it yet, bc I don’t like my original design.
Here’s some more doodles from when I first made Cloudie:
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Any way, these two’s story is basically when they first meet, they absolutely hate each other, with Didi mainly being the one starting the rivalry, but they become closer overtime and go through the “enemies to lovers trope.” I haven’t gone through all the details yet, but the Bristly incident does play a big part in pushing their relationship forward.
Anyway, I hope you like them! I’m definitely gonna color them sometime soon.
Colorquest made by @creaturefeaster/@chickenstab! (If you’re seeing this, I have a million doodles of these guys and I will be tagging you. I apologize in advance for all the notifications)
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hawkinsharlot · 2 years
argyle headcanons !!!
this man is so fine, i’m genuinely surprised there isn’t more content about him out there
general hcs;
he doodles and draws a lot! mostly when he’s high as shit. give him a couple of pens and some paper and he’ll be entertained for hours
he gives such good hugs you don’t even KNOW!!! seriously, he’s so good at comforting people and he doesn’t even know it
he loves taking those quizzes in magazines and often makes jonathan take them with him as well
he’s an animal lover. any kind of animal tbh, more than just cats or dogs!! bugs freak him out tho
he’s one of those people who sleep with like no blankets, but a MILLION pillows
speaking of sleeping, he tends to sleep on his front or on his side. he likes to hug stuff at the same time too
this is barely a headcanon, but he speaks spanish! grew up speaking it and speaks it at home a lot
relationship headcanons (sfw)
he’s basically a huge teddy bear when it comes to cuddling. especially if you’ve had a hard day, he just pulls you into his lap and tries to comfort you to the best of his abilities
he calls you dude and bro a lot. sure he has some nicknames for you too, but it’s still “dude” and “bro” out of habit.
when he does call you pet names tho, it’s mainly things like babe or baby, sometimes even honey if he’s real sappy. that’s only when you’re alone tho
he’s a fan of sleeping in just to cuddle and talk when you first wake up. when you nap together or spend the night at each other’s place, the mornings are filled with cuddling and kisses
oh speaking of kisses, he loves shoulder and neck kisses! giving them mostly. he’ll often come up and hug you from behind and plant a little kiss on the crook of your shoulder or right on your neck. he’s always gentle when he kisses too
he’s 10000% let you braid his hair!!! he’s all for people playing with his hair
he’s also a big fan of laying on your chest or tummy when cuddling. anywhere soft? he’s laying. chest? lay. thighs? lay. tummy? lay. and yes, you’re getting kisses wherever he decides to lay too
relationship hcs (nsfw)
oh he’s for sure an ass guy. any ass is a good ass. he’ll usually rest his hands on your butt when you two cuddle. and if he’s in the mood, he’ll press your hips to his to show you that
he likes thighs too. whenever he goes down on you, he makes sure to leave marks all on your inner thighs before eating you out. he definitely likes to take his time with you
speaking of going down on you, a lot of the time he’ll kiss down your tummy before putting his head between your thighs. he likes taking it slow and seeing how much he can wind you up before you finally cum
he’s not a fan of quickies
again, he likes taking his time
his favorite position is having you sit in his lap and ride him while you two make out
he’s definitely not quiet either. he’s not super super vocal, but he doesn’t hold back his moans and groans at all.
sex while high is the norm tbh, it’s rare when you’re both sober
he’s actually really skilled with his hands. he definitely likes watching you squirm under his touch as he gently rubs your sweet spot before he finger fucks you
oral fixation is strong with this man
his mouth needs to be on something at all times during sex.
boobs? always in his mf mouth. there’s never a time where you don’t have at least 3 hickeys on them
when it comes to actual sex, he tends to take it slow but deep. gripping onto your hips as he goes as deep as he can into you, trying to find the magic rhythm you seem to love so much.
he prefers finishing on your stomach or on your back. never inside, honestly.
“i’m too young to be a father, man. i’m not ready to grow up just yet!”
he’s over all very careful when it comes to sex. he’d never wanna hurt you, so whenever you blow him, he doesn’t push down your head too much unless you say he can. he mainly keeps your hair out of your face
with blowjobs too, he really likes finishing on your face. there’s something about seeing you covered in his cum that he finds super hot
mutual masturbation is definitely on the table too
he likes to see how long either of you can go without helping out the other
spoiler! it’s not long
he likes watching you play with yourself more than he admits. sometimes he’ll even ask for you to put yourself on display for him. slip off your shirt, or completely get nude too.
he does it himself too. let’s you get a nice long look at him while he jerks off
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hypherr · 2 years
Hi, I am contacting you because I saw you mentioned somewhere that you have adhd, and I was wondering how did you still reached such incredible level. I have adhd too, and drawing has always been my passion also. But despite a whole life of practice, and doodling almost all the time, I always had a very hard time to understand anatomy and other technics, and because of adhd, I can’t focus neither motivate myself consistently to learn technics. I am also very inconsistent to draw proper illustrations, and also struggle to get things finished. Because of this, I have the feeling that I will never improve, and I gave up my life dream to become an illustrator. So, I was wondering how did you reached such incredible level despite of adhd difficulties, and if you had some helpful tips. Best regards.
Hey dude! Yeah, I can totally give you some tips that worked for me up until I got medicated :D I know a LOT of folks have to deal with ADHD, so I’m more than happy to try and give you some advice. 
I will preface that I tend to hyperfixate on things like drawing, so I put 200% effort into learning about it and I enjoy trying new methods of painting/drawing/whatever else. It’s still moreso reliant on the individual artist, but the below list is what I do and have done that kept me going:
Make studying into something that is interesting. By that I mean you don’t have to simply draw/study a pose for life drawing, you can make it interesting by drawing a character in that pose/doing that action so that it becomes something you’re more invested in instead of something you’re doing to just get better. I usually draw my OCs in the poses that I’m studying from pinterest or whatever, and it makes the process a lot more fun -
Do what YOU want, not what others say you should do. Not every style or process is for everyone. Stick with what interests you and it’ll make your ADHD brain happier. Getting trapped into the idea of “Oh, I should be good at line art” or “Oh, I should be really good at drawing in X style” when you’re not really interested in either of those things will bore you to no end. Personally, I settled with the fact that I don’t have patience for line art, I loathe using opaque brushes, and I despise having a million layers on my paintings. SO, I don’t do a line art pass; I just clean up my sketch layer which becomes my line art, I don’t use opaque brushes, and I keep my layers really limited. My way of drawing and painting is kinda unorthodox and I always have to explain it to clients when I send WIPs (I’m srs the way I work confuses ppl, especially non-artists lol), but the end result is always what they hired me for, so there are no complaints. Plus, I am MUCH comfier drawing and painting in my own “unique” way, and they’re cool with that. **NOTE: I still recommend checking out tutorials and such, but don’t feel like the artist who created the tutorial is god and that you must follow their teachings to a T. Ex. I love the artist kawanocy, and I have some Patreon stuff from him. His art process is too slow and clinical for me personally, but I still take bits and pieces from his teachings to incorporate them into my own workflow/my own art hacks. -
Only study when you want to. Naturally this doesn’t apply to you being in school for art (sometimes u gotta cry and just study away for an assignment), but if you’re not in the mood for drawing/studying, just don’t do it. It’s fine to take some time off!! I’ve had periods of months w/o drawing, especially during summer when I was in Uni. Sometimes you need to wait for inspiration to find u again -
Study from artists you admire and it won’t feel like studying.  FIRSTLY do not steal from artists you admire, just study their work. It is fine to trace AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT POST IT AND/OR CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN WORK. DO NOT DO THAT. I REPEAT, DO NOT CLAIM TRACED WORK AS YOUR OWN WORK. IT IS NOT YOUR OWN WORK. IF YOU POST TRACED WORK, YOU ARE STEALING ARTWORK AND BEING DISGRACEFUL AND DISRESPECTFUL TO THE ARTIST. Tracing is fine for STUDYING ONLY because your hand follows the path of the original artist’s hand and you get a literal feel for how they work and where their pen goes. I don’t rlly do this anymore, but I used to, esp when I wanted to do some low-brainpower studying.  The main point of #4 tho is to not be shy abt taking bits of ppl’s style and using it for yourself. Ex: I really really REALLY admire the art of  @/xafeelgood on instagram. I am particularly in love with the way they draw bodies and faces. @/chenbearpig on insta has an amazing style too, and I love love LOVE the way he paints. @/kawanocy has a very beautiful rendering style, and his lighting is v dramatic and impactful.  Obvi there are more ppl I admire than just those 3, but those were a lot of my inspirations with art when I was in uni, and they helped shape my style and made me excited to keep pursuing art and trying their styles/painting methods. You have to find artists who make you excited to keep going, and just study their art a bit, or watch a speedpaint to see how they make such glorious art. It is really fun and I always enjoy trying to breakdown how they do their art stuffs so that I can try and do smth similar!! -
Don’t give a fuck about how fast other people draw, how good other people are compared to you, or your follower count. The most helpful thing I told myself this year that has sent my career and drawing/painting ability into the next level is, “I don’t care.” So what if other people are better than me? So what if I’m not the greatest artist ever? I’m still good. I’m still getting paid. I’m loving art again. I’m still trying hard. I’m just not getting that worked up abt art anymore. It’s HARD to not give a fuck, I know that, but it’s only art. It’s really not that serious. It’s not life or death. You’re just here to have a good time and work towards getting better at illustration/drawing/whatever, yeah? It’s so cheesy, but we all have our own paths to take to get to where we want to go. I have died inside realizing that people who are like 16 are 100x better than me already. I used to feel like shit and like my progress didn’t mean anything compared to how amazing other people are, but now? I just don’t care. I’m doing my own thing and I’m vibing and enjoying my drawing time, and that is all I can hope for!!
That is all I can think of right now u3u I guess a final note to leave off on is that all of these tips probably won’t 100% work for you, and that’s totally cool. Again, it’s highly dependent on the individual, but I still hope some of these thoughts and suggestions can help you find ways to make drawing fun and interesting for you. 
I hope you keep drawing and illustrating, my dude u7u that is the best way to keep getting better
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agent-robin · 8 months
agent robin's intro!
this is an I Expect You to Die (VR videogame) oc askblog run by @frenchtoastfive.
please read all (excluding under the cut) before sending an ask.
Say hello to Agent Robin, a young low-ranking agent of the Enhanced Operatives Division!
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ALIAS: Agent Robin
NAME: X■■■ ■■■■
AGE: 1■
HEIGHT: 159cm
PRONOUNS: he/she/they
INTERESTS: art, writing, acting, photography, sudoku (yet she rage quits after 2 minutes)
FAVOURITE FOOD/DRINK: white grape juice :D
BIRTHDAY: October 13th 200■
SEXUALITY: aroace!
You can send asks at any time, but your ask will probably have to wait, because Agent Robin is active in her office from:
(GMT +8, timing is an approximation)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 3:30pm to 7:30pm
Wednesday, Friday - 6pm to 7:30pm
Weekends - 11am to 9:30pm
if you want, you can ask for free SFW IEYTD doodles (canon and oc characters allowed). agent robin would love to draw them! only uncoloured doodles for now, though. also, remember that robin's busy with missions sometimes, your ask won't be answered immediately, especially if it's a doodle ask.
-no NSFW. RP flirting is allowed to an extent. Robin's a minor and so am I, so please be respectful. Also, be warned that if you flirt with him, it'll probably fly way over his head, haha.
-don't be weird! You can be the nice kind of weird like giving cheese donuts tho
-no hate. RP hate to Robin is okay, I guess, but please keep it to a minimum, and make it clear that it is roleplay. I'm really bad at reading in between the lines :D
-if you have an ieytd askblog as well, feel free to ask in character!
-dinosaurs are cool, homophobia and transphobia are not :)
-in this post i'm using she/her for Robin only to avoid confusion, but in other posts i will use her other pronouns.
some random fun facts under the cut!
fun facts :D
-agent Robin is pretty young, and one of the few reasons she's an agent is because she can cry on command, which helps in certain missions that need someone to act as a child. other than that, she can't really climb up the ranks of the EOD, because of her inexperience and her unwillingness to step out of her comfort zone.
-she likes croissants
-Robin's never met Agent Phoenix before, of course, but she looks up to them a lot.
-she uh she likes macarons
-she has a million plushies in her office/room. to the point that you can fling yourself onto the floor and be cushioned by the plushies. this is partly because robin sleeps in her office, and partly because plushies go brr.
-following the plushie thing: every day, without robin noticing, people add one plushie to the pile. robin realised this only after a few weeks.
-the plushies have a monarchy and a status ranking amongst themselves. only the high status plushies get to kneel before the king of the plushies and-
-ahem the plushie thing got a bit out of hand
-yeah this is how agent robin entertains herself while locked in her office on slow days
-she's left handed (and so am i!)
-backstory (WIP): when robin was really young, she got caught in one of the EOD's missions, and the agent sent to diffuse the problem failed, inadvertently ending the lives of thousands of people, robin's parents among them. tainted by guilt, that agent took robin back to agency headquarters and the EOD basically adopted her. the agent later had to switch jobs to being a handler because of his actions, but everything's fine now haha
-everyone at the EOD treats robin like a baby heh
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faiirytalcs · 9 months
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DOROTEA HERNANDEZ is based on TOOTIE from Fairly Odd Parents. She is a 21 year old HUMAN, THEATRE STUDENT, and uses she/her pronouns. She has NO POWERS.
Important History
where to start with tootie? maybe with the fact that she chooses to be called a weird nickname instead of her actual name because it feels like something that is so inherently hers
there wasn't much in her life growing up that felt like it hadn't been tainted in some way by vicky or fully destroyed simply because her older sister didn't want her to have it. but that was fine. there were ways she found to cope with her home life being less than stellar
evermore wasn't exactly the kind of place that made sense for someone like tootie - it was much too small for her much too large personality
not that she thought there was anything wrong with herself, on the contrary she was convinced that she was the best thing after sliced bread ( and whichever celebrity she had decided to dedicate herself to that month )
dramatic doesn't even begin to cover tootie hernandez. drama and passion are the blood that runs through her veins and it's no surprise that she feels everything so much, that she can be over the top and obsessive but if you don't have things that make you want to get out of bed in the morning, what's the point??
there are some people who claim that she needs to calm down, not to come on so strongly, but tootie never listened to such horrible advice. in her mind, they were just scared that she was so upfront with her intentions and her drive to get what she wanted but that was their problem, not hers!
family has always been a sore spot for her - her parents were less than absent and her sister was a nightmare. spending time away from home has been so engrained in her that she's often out until the wee hours of the morning to avoid seeing them at all
tootie fully believes she was meant for more in this world - either with an epic love or her face on the silver screen. she is in fact the main character!!
one day, someone will realize that tootie being in love with them is a gift and they will respond to her intensity at an equal level....one day
sometimes obsession comes in handy when it comes to uncovering information. could she be a private detective? sure but the only people she cares about digging into are the ones on posters covering her walls
falls in love a little too easily and sometimes ( most of the time ) that love is very much verging on mania but to be fair, it can only last a night. she's fickle with most of her love affairs.
real love is reserved for only a select few people who might not reciprocate it but she doesn't mind spending her time with people she knows she might not call again
the theatre is practically her second home. life in the hernandez household has never been that great and the community theatre has always been a place of comfort and safety for her, a place where people understood her and didn't judge her
has never set her mind on something that she hasn't been able to accomplish ( besides the whole timmy thing ). she has a scary sense of determination and once she's decided she wants to do something, there isn't much out there that can stop her
Face Claim: martina cariddi
Height: 5'1
Build: petite
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: dark brown
Piercings: ears, nose
Positive Traits: creative, passionate, open-minded, determined
Negative Traits: impulsive, quixotic, obsessive, insecure
Likes: plaid skirts, mixing patterns that somehow work, statement glasses, doodling hearts on every surface, community theatre, spending time in the greenroom, the spotlight
Dislikes: being ignored, forgetting lines, having to spend any time with her sister, parsley, someone getting more attention, being told she can't do something, the love of her life ( whoever she's into at the moment ) choosing someone else
Phobias: ecophobia
Hobbies: fantasizing, writing, researching
Aesthetic: living a million lives that will never come to fruition, falling in love with every person you meet, parasocial relationships, the second sister destined to be forgotten, the feeling of velvet theatre curtains, fighting tooth and claw to make a name for yourself, daydreaming at the most inopportune time, the smell of fresh roses
Mother: nicola 'nicky' hernandez
Father: diego hernandez
Sibling(s): victoria 'vicky' hernandez ( older sister )
Pet(s): chipper ( orange tabby cat )
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ram-de · 2 years
i skipped class
it's offline class and i don't feel like it. imagining i'm arriving there and be miserable listening to crowds of people already knowing each other like talking and stuff. knowing there's going to be a recording of it later anyway. it's the first time. and i don't like this feeling.
cause i know it's wrong, and it may lead to something even worse. like, oh i skipped this and i turned out fine? maybe i can skip other things too. like.
i'm scared. of stuff.
i wanted to be normal. but i know there's a lot to fix. i know. it's back to being sad and lonely and stuff. the letter penpal thing? i don't know. i feel like most doesn't really like talking to me. they talk about themselves and never ask question back.
i feel like i expected more. maybe that's how it supposed to be? like i went all desperate and maybe wait until they feel like friends or something. i got jealous when they told me about how fun and exciting their day with their friends were. other times i wrote lengthy letters because i'm excited, but i went overboard.
i'm just. lost. maybe i'm not made for writing letters. maybe i'm not made for laughs. maybe i'm not made for friends. maybe... i'm not made for life? perhaps it's a coincidence that i'm here. just a one in a million chance that something happen. yes. i write just to write. without any meaning. letting the stream of my mind flows through. it's. it's pathetic. being in this kind of state. being me.
but even i. just use the app to fill the void. and sometime it did. sometime i feel fulfilled and happy as if i forged an interaction. sure i did. but at the end of the day, what meaning does it carve? sooner or later the void will be void again. and then by that time i'll look for other desperate things to distract myself. to make me forget my responsibility. to run away from scary things.
games. books. writing. making doodles. listening to music for hours. watching movies. folding origamis. eating. walking around without any meaning.
sooner or later, i'll be that. like a mindless zombie. walking for the sake of walk. no thoughts. no goals. just living the day without knowing what happens. what a miserable life to live. isn't it?
sure one day it'll get better, but then maybe it'll get worse too. what the hell happened..
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ladybuvelle · 6 years
Clasping her hands together at an angle, as if in prayer, the Muse had a... certain wide-eyed tiredness about her smiling expression. A pained look.
<There are millions upon millions of people in this world, you know. And I serve as inspiration to almost all of them.>
<Do you understand how many drawings of dicks I have seen?>
Not even good drawings most of the time. She’s tired.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
requested by @a-simp-for-block-people ">:) You have unleashed a monster (/j) I have so, so many ideas lmao. If you ever need requests, i will be here (/hj) For this round tho, I have two that you can choose from, or, ofc, you can do neither, that's perfectly fine! Anyway. 1) Dreamnotfound x reader? Like maybe the king and his spouse is George and Reader. Do what you will with this. 2) Perhaps a chaotic soulmate au between karlnap or smthn---Sorry for the long message, I rant a lot 😓 Obviosule, feel free to ignore this message. Irdm!"
Sapnap x Karl x reader
trigger warnings: some swearing
premise: hcs for soulmate karlnap au, where any drawing or mark or whatever shows up on your soulmates skin.
{I was gonna do a full scenario but I had too many ideas so its just hcs}
So, obviously in this world, ever since you were young you'd been able to talk to your soulmates by drawing or writing on your skin
you'd never thought much of it at first, because obviously as a kid you don't really understand the concept of soulmates
so you don't pay attention that much for a while, generally not caring all too much because you were still just a kid, that wasn't a huge thing you know?
but then junior high, high school ish age, your sitting in your history class one day, and you watch as a flower just sort of starts appearing on your hand.
sudenly your interested, so you draw a smiley face next to it, and then a heart apears
this goes back and forth for a long time, just doodles back and forth, because words have never appeared and your too scared to be the first to actually say something
but one day you look down to find a tiny, 'hi' written on your ankle
so naturally you write back 'hello!'
and a mini conversation is struck up and you learn your soulmates name is karl
you figure thats all and continue on vibing
but across the world or whatever, sapnap gets back from football practice to find a whole conversation written across his skin
and for some unknown reason, things like this contiue where the only one to fully put together that theirs three of you is sapnap
but then one day one of your friends looks down and writing on your wrist and goes, 'hey, how come you have two different handwritings?'
and you blink, look at them, then down at your wrist, and then back at them and go 'holy shit'
que frantically scrambling for a pen and you write all the way across your arm, 'HOLD UP THERES THREE OF US????????'
'yeah? you, karl, me'
after that its a rush of writing down your phone number, and gettting into contact other ways and planning meet ups and things
generally, when you met karl and sapnap for the first time, it was like everything felt right, cause you like ran at them in the airport and they were hugging you and :') it was so sweet
but then you also have to half scold them for drawing dicks on your arms
after that, you all finish school, sending each other doodles of encouragement
(it was decided that words got too complicated, and someone could be left out so they stopped)
i feel like karl would be the one to always draw flowers or cats or something like that, and sapnap would just like, doodle random things as he thought of them
there was defintly a time where you woke up on valentines day to find your arms covered in millions of little hearts
i also feel like instead of getting properly matching tattoos the way normal people do, you each got one that represented yourself, and then becuase of the connection, the others would apear along side it
so like a little flame, a little swirl, and maybe a star or something for yourself
doodles all the time at all hours of the day
sometimes you like blink and suddenly there will be more somewhere
thats all I've got
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forever-rogue · 3 years
hi babes! could u do a javier peña x reader where the girl works w javi & steve and she and javi have been the closest friends ever but javi develops feelings for her and after he sees her back home from a date all happy he gets super jealous and finally decides to tell her he loves her and she says it back, something like that xx
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I love this so much 🥺 Enjoy 🥰💕
Javier x Fem!Reader; warnings: language
Javier Masterlist 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Its Friday night and Javi is bored. Not bored bored...but bored. The excitement of the week has left him buzzing with energy and he's not quite sure how to get it out. He's decidedly not going to the bar or to spend the evening with temporary company. No - that hadn't been his deal in some time...not since you. But he'd never admit that. Despite the fact that you knew - everyone knew. 
Instead, he comes up with the plan to do what the two of you often end up doing at the end of a hectic week - unwind with some bad television, cheap beer, and even cheaper pizza. Its become a bit of an unspoken tradition and you relish in it - both of you. Its a thing that's so easy, so effortless but fun for the both of you. 
So, he's at your door, pizza in hand and a six pack tucked under his arm knocking loudly. He's eagerly waiting, humming with nervous energy just at the mere thought seeing you. Javier wasn't sure when he'd turned from an experienced grown man to a nervous boy, but you always had that effect on him….and he didn't mind.
When you opened the door a few moments later, his jaw almost dropped as he took in the sight of you, looking more beautiful than anyone should be allowed to. You offered him a big smile, the one he most definitely fell in love with, when you looked him over. Your hair and makeup was done and your dress was enough to make him weak on the knees.
And then, as you put in your earrings, you realized you'd completely spaced on telling him that your weekly plan wasn't going to work tonight.
"Wow, you look beautiful-"
"Javi, tonight's not going to work-"
You both started at the same time. As soon as his words you hit your ears, a flush of warmth rose up in your face. Sure, he'd told you that you've looked nice before, but something about how he had just said it was...different. 
"Yeah," you offered him an apologetic look, "I'm so sorry, Javi. I completely forgot to tell you - it just happened so fast." 
"You...you have plans?" his face dropped slightly as you nodded, an odd wash of disappointment clouded over you. 
"I...I have a date," you were staring at your feet as he cleared his throat. Gods, you were already regretting this. But...but Javier had never asked and you weren't sure if he ever would and oh gods, the idea of asking him seemed impossible and this had seemed like a good distraction at the time. The almost painful look on Javier's face, quickly concealed into an emotionless mask was enough to make you regret your decision, "umm...Eric. He asked me out today."
"And you said yes."
"I said yes," you agreed with the accusation, "I wasn't thinking...I completely forgot its Friday and if I would have realized I wouldn't have said yes."
"No, don't worry about it. It's fine," the tone of his voice suggested that it was anything but fine. You were tempted to just stay in with Javi and cancel your plans. Maybe if either of you would finally just say something - anything, "you should definitely go out with Eric. It'll make his whole year. Have fun, Dulzura…"
"Javi," you tried to grab his free hand but he quickly pulled out of your grasp, the gesture harsh and biting, "Javier! I don't have to go…I can stay."
"And why would you do that?" he turned around, his eyes narrowed as he tried to get a read on you. It was a challenge - to see if either of you would willingly break. 
"You know why," you insisted firmly, wishing you could just say the words. But both of you were too steadfast and stubborn to give in, "say it and I'll stay. But I need you to say it."
"There's nothing to say," he said sharply, the slightest bit of crack to his voice, "have a good time. With Eric."
"Javi," you called after him, eyes stinging and threatening to spill over with unshed tears as he refused to turn back around and walked back to his own apartment. He couldn't have meant it...right? Surely he didn't… "Javier!"
He heard you. Of course he did. The whole building easily could have.
But he didn't stop. And you didn't go after him.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Eric was...nice. Kind, funny, charming, and handsome. He was everything a woman could dream of; you'd known him for a while and it was easy to see why someone would fall for him. When you got to the restaurant, he pulled out your chair, and ordered a nice bottle of wine. 
Conversation was polite - funny and flirtatious. Everything you'd expect on a date.
And yet...the whole time, your mind was absent. You were there, smiling and laughing at the appropriate times, but your mind kept wandering. No matter how much you wanted to like him….it all went back to Javier.
You didn't want Eric - you didn't want anything like him.
You wanted Javier. Him and only him. 
Even if he didn't want you, you were going to tell him. You couldn't keep up this silly little dance, skirting around the issue and never talking about it. You had to do this.
That's why you left the date early, making up a shitty excuse you were sure he could see through. You felt bad - he was nice, but you had to do this. 
As you ran into your apartment building, heels in hand, you were making a beeline for Javier's apartment. But instead of making it to his palce, you stopped when you spied a figure in front of your own door.
"Javier," you were breathless as you stared into this soft brown eyes. His gaze was locked onto yours as his chest and rose fell heavily.
"Dulzura," he reached for your hand and pulled you tightly against him, "fuck what I said earlier. Fuck Eric and whatever we've been doing. I-"
"I'm in love with you," you quickly cut him off, watching as a look of surprise crossed his features before a small tugged on the corners of his mouth, "you're a jerk and an asshole sometimes, but damn - I'm in love with you."
A hand tenderly went to your cheek as he watched you closely, his eyes searching yours as you just gently nodded at him. He slowly raised his other hand to your face, cradling it gently before crashing his lips onto yours. 
Finally. Finally. Finally.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him close, carding a hand through his dark locks. The way he kissed you and you eagerly kissed back was like the two of you had done this a million times before. There was no awkwardness, no tension, no hassle - it just was. And it was utterly perfect.
Kissing Javier Peña was better than you could have ever dreamed. And after all this time it was finally a reality.
Your hand went to his shoulders and onto his chest as you slowly broke apart for a breath of air. He was looking at you in such a reverent manner, but his eyes were nervous - a quality you almost never saw in them. His warm, large hands found purchase on your waist as you leaned in for another kiss, this was soft and gentle before he chased your lips with a few of his own. You drank in the moment, nuzzling your nose against his as you felt him smile against your lips.
"Me too," he whispered softly, but paused when he realized this wasn't enough - he needed to do this properly, "I love you - I'm in love with you."
"Good," you beamed at him, making his heart melt. Gods, that how he knew this was right - no one had ever had this effect on him, not even his former fiancé, "this would have been awkward otherwise."
"Sorry for being such an asshole earlier," he grimaced at the thought of what could have happened if the two of you hadn't both suddenly hit a revelation, "I just…"
"I know," you shushed him by putting a finger to his lips, "I know. Maybe this is exactly what we needed - a push in the right direction."
"Yeah," he agreed, grinning gently at you, "I just...the thought of you with him made me...I hated it."
"I know," you nodded towards, "do you...do you want to come inside? Its Friday night after all."
"Hmm," he kissed your forehead, a knowing grin exchanged between the two of you, "I'd like that a lot, Dulzura."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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starcrossedkaiju · 3 years
Kingslayer AU: Chapter One
Finally! I’m sorry this took so long, I’m a nervous wreck.
Notes: this was originally a warmup for character interactions/setting. It is very dialogue heavy.
\\ Warnings: alcohol //
A single tumbleweed was all that crossed Scott’s path when he arrived in the Red Desert. It was rather comical, he stood and watched it roll away until he couldn’t see it through the sheets of sand blowing over the ground.
In the distance, the only mountain located in the desert biome loomed over the horizon. Imposingly backlit by the red, swirling, tendrils of the world border. Most residents kept away from the thing, as it was meant to give off an unsettling aura. Although Scott never minded it. The wall of his room was almost right up against it after all.
On top of the mountain was a barely visible “castle”, which looked as if it was built by someone wearing a blindfold. The inhabitants of the castle, and the aptly named “Monopoly Mountain” could be accurately described as menaces.
Clumsy when it came to forward thinking, and leaving hidden traps around so frequently that traveling through any wooded area required either a very long stick, or someone willing to take the business end of a TNT trap for the team.
They also happened to be Scott’s nearest allies. It hadn’t always been pleasant between them, but circumstance led to circumstance, and now Scott was making his semi-weekly visit to Monopoly Mountain to shoot the breeze.
Typically the only person at the base would be Grian. Scar liked to make himself elusive by causing problems elsewhere and returning late into the evening with a story to tell over dinner.
The base of the mountain was void of a bubble-elevator. To reach the top one must climb an absurd amount of stairs. Scott huffed and resigned himself to the task in front of him.
As his perspective grew higher and higher the rest of the map revealed itself. The roof of Joel’s house peeked over a swathe of trees, and the tall barricades of Dogwarts stood out as a stark silhouette against the sky. Scott took a few minutes to regain his purchase, shielding his eyes from the whipping wind.
The season was gradually descending into winter. Made obvious by the deciduous trees’ leaves choking out the last of their green pigment for fiery shades of red and orange. The weather was far less pleasant to endure. Everywhere outside of the Red Desert had to deal with bitterly cold conditions, although there hadn’t been snow yet, the sky churned with a constant overcast. Threatening to storm at the drop of a coin.
Scott rubbed his arms to fight off the oncoming chill and continued his ascent, hoping someone had installed a fireplace since the last time he visited.
Finally he rounded the last of the stairs and gazed up at the tall, thin roof of the Sand Castle. The Red Desert flag strung on the tallest rooftop flapped around in the wind. Pizza, the pet lama, grunted in Scott’s direction when he approached the front door. He hesitantly reached out to pet her (she bit him once and he’d never fully gotten over it) from over the fence of her pen, and she let him rub her fluffy bangs.
Scott knocked on the door three times and gave Pizza one last pat, anticipating someone to open the door. It would be a shame if he’d hiked all the way out only for nobody to be home.
Thankfully, the door swung open with a welcoming screech of it’s hinges.
“Hey dude,” Grian welcomed him from the front steps.
“Hey,” Scott greeted in return, “may I come in?” he asked.
“Of course! It’s freezing out here,” Grian replied and stepped away from the door, which slammed with a squeak behind the two of them.
Scott closed his eyes and waved to the resident enderman, who greeted him with a friendly, distorted “hello”. A furnace was running to warm the living room.
Scott took his coat and hat off. He draped them over the arm of the couch before swatting a layer of sand from the cushion and sitting down, observing the scene in front of him. There was always something going on in there.
This time, a myriad of blueprints were strewn across the floor. Each of them depicting heavily annotated structures and what looked like plans for redstone. Grian had planted himself on the floor with a pencil, and was furiously erasing a line of text.
“What’s that?” Scott pointed over his shoulder.
“These,” Grian held one of the outlines up to the other’s face, “are the blueprints for our secret bunker,” he explained.
“You hear that? Secret Bunker, so don’t go telling anyone about it m’kay?” He tapped the paper with the end of his pencil.
“Okay, fair enough. Is that redstone?” Scott slid another sheet of paper towards them with his shoe.
“Yup. I’m gonna equip it with a lava trap,” Grian said proudly.
“And this one will work?” Scott teased.
“Hilarious,” Grian pushed the other’s shoulder, “yes it will work, it’s going to be my best yet,” he assured.
“Oh good! That’s not a very high standard to meet then,” Scott congratulated.
“Blah, blah, blah,” Grian mocked back, “you better be careful what you say with twenty five reputation points,” he said.
Scott threw his hands up in surrender, still laughing at how the other man’s ears turned red.
The house fell into a comfortable silence after that. The sound of scribbling and wind served as a calming ambience. Scott intermittently shared a few words with the enderman, who seemed to understand more of what Scott said to him than the other way around.
“Hey, Grian?” Scott turned over on the couch to face his friend.
“Yeah?” The other said without looking away from his work.
“Do you think you would have still been friends with Scar if he hadn’t died from that creeper?” Scott asked.
There was a pregnant pause, then Grian said, “I don’t know. I never thought about it,” he doodled absently on the margin of his paper.
“Hm,” Scott replied halfheartedly. He mainly asked because whenever he visited Grian was alone. If they were even home at all. Other than that him and Scar were always attached at the hip.
“Why?” Grian asked in return.
“I don’t know, forget it,” Scott waved him off. Not wanting to get into it.
“When’s he gonna be back?” he asked instead.
Grian sat up and stretched his back, “uh, I don’t know actually. He said he went to gather resources but you can never really count on him doing what he says he will,” he explained.
“You didn’t go with him?” Scott asked.
“I don’t want to babysit him anymore. If he gets in trouble that’s not my problem,” Grian said. He stood up and wandered over the the kitchen, carefully avoiding the blueprints on the floor.
“Ha! I would drink to that one, Jimmy is the same way sometimes,” Scott replied and watched as Grian contemplated the contents of their cooler, reaching in and pulling out a bottle of red wine.
“Well then, let’s drink to it,” he held the bottle up with a grin.
“Where did you get that?” Scott vacated the couch and made his way over to his friend, taking the bottle and studying it, “I haven’t seen the fruit of the vine in years!” he recalled.
The bottle had clearly been tapped into before, although not much was absent from its contents.
“I have my ways,” Grian rummaged around in a cabinet and pulled out two glasses.
“I would say it’s too early for this, but for once, it’s five o’clock somewhere,” Scott uncorked the bottle with a satisfying pop and poured each glass a third of the way.
Grian cleared his throat, “To the safety of our stupid partners,” he raised his glass.
Scott nodded in return and connected their drinks with a polite clink, then they drank to the sentiment.
The conversation traveled to the dining table, which was more of a booth. Talking points ranged from preparing for winter to future plans to expand their bases.
“I’m not going to get anything done with the weather coming on,” Scott complained over his drink, “I don’t handle the cold very well,” he downed the last of it.
“Well you can always move in with us for the season, the attic is vacant,” Grian offered.
“Never in a million years. I’d rather be sick at home than spend a week living with barbarians,” Scott refused the offer.
Grian rolled his eyes, “it is not that bad,” he defended himself.
Scott raised an eyebrow and shoved his hand in between the cushions of the booth. Pulling up a handful of sand, which he deposited on the table.
“We live in a desert! What do you want us to do about it, of course there’s some sand in here,” Grian threw his hands up.
“Some?” Scott repeated.
“Okay,” Grian glanced under the table and shuffled his foot around, which scraped across a layer of sand, “a lot of sand,” he corrected himself.
“Get a vacuum. For the hundredth time, get a vacuum,” Scott demanded.
“We have a broom that works perfectly fine,” Grian stood up and opened a linen closet to reveal a single broom leaned up against the wall.
Scott didn’t comment on it, but he had a feeling that broom never left the closet.
The conversation was effectively halted when the front door screeched open, letting in a gust of wind and sand. It blew a few papers off the floor and scattered them around the living area.
“Hey,” Grian called out, “Scar? You back?” he asked.
“Yeah,” came from the front of the Sand Castle.
“Okay! We have company by the way,” Grian prefaced.
Scar’s head poked around the doorframe, he waved at Scott who returned the gesture.
“What have you guys been up to?” He inquired at the sight of the wine on the counter.
“Just hanging out. It gets a bit lonely up here you know,” Grian closed the linen closet and took Scar’s backpack from him. He opened it and looked at the contents.
“Oh, you actually did what you went out to do,” Grian revealed a bundle of wood from the bag.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Scar crossed his arms.
“Never mind, go wash up. I assume you’re hungry,” Grian opened a pantry and took some spices out, “are you staying for dinner Scott?” he asked.
Scott leaned out of the booth to check the time on the clock above the door, “mmm, yeah why not. I’m already here,” he decided.
“Let me just page Jimmy and tell him I’m gonna be home late,” Scott patted all his pockets but found no sign of his communication device.
“Hey Grian? Can I use your pager?” he requested.
Grian fished around in his back pockets and pulled out his pager, tossing it towards the other who caught it with both hands. Scott thanked him and flipped the screen up, selected the address he needed to contact, and typed out a short message. Making sure to say it was from him and not Grian before sending it to Jimmy.
“What’re we making?” Scott asked once he finished, intent on trying to help in the kitchen.
“Well, it’s Spaghetti Friday,” Grian declared and revealed a bag of Rigatoni pasta.
“That’s a thing?” Scott inquired, taking the bag and examining the packaging. It was pretty simple, mostly cardboard with a plastic window. Presumably from the village on the other side of the map.
“We’ve gotta have some fun around here, come on now Scott,” Grian said.
“You’re right, how can I help?” Scott said. Grian side eyed him.
“You can add the salt when I say you can add the salt,” he offered. Scott crossed his arms.
He wasn’t that bad at cooking. He’d only burned a few things, smoked the house out for three days once, and set scrambled eggs on fire.
“That one time was just a rookie mistake,” Scott retorted. It’s not like he did it on purpose.
“A rookie mistake that almost burned your flower forest down. I wouldn’t let you near the kitchen if I was Jimmy either,” Grian set a pot down on the stove.
Scar came back in the kitchen then, and was pulled into it almost immediately.
“A man can’t even sit down in his own house without his culinary skills being put up for debate?”
Grian laughed at him, sliding the pot under the water pump.
“That’s not an answer at all! Can you or can’t you?” Scott demanded to know, holding a salt shaker.
“I can cook,” Scar’s gaze wandered into thought, he started counting on his fingers, “pasta, assorted vegetables, mac and cheese, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and I can bake a half decent carrot cake,” he recited.
“I worked in a supermarket before the borders. We made some of our own stuff for the bakery and the buffet,” Scar said. It was the first mention he made of what he did back when things were normal. At least to Scott.
Scott was pleasantly surprised. He nodded, seeing as he’d been given a satisfying answer.
The spaghetti went off without a hitch, Grian was surprisingly good at making it. Scott had the sense that he’d done it many times before.
“Remember, you can put the salt in but you can’t take it out. Here taste the sauce and tell me if it’s alright,” Grian fished a spoon from a drawer and handed it to Scott.
“Hmm,” the other pondered after trying a spoonful, “maybe a bit more salt?” he suggested.
A window was propped open to let the steam and heat out. It was getting dark now, and the world border stood out against the purple hues of night falling over the server. The brightest stars made themselves known to the east as the sun set to the west. It was peaceful, the wind had died down. Scott wondered if anyone else was watching.
Personally, he enjoyed stargazing a lot more. His servermates knew next to nothing about the cosmos, which made him wonder who was teaching them about the greater universe. Clearly they’d never been out there.
“Yo,” Scar called him out of his trance. He handed the other a ceramic bowl.
“Thank you,” Scott said and waited to serve himself.
The spaghetti was pretty good. Decent meals were hard to come by, especially with the limited resources outside of villages.
Over the course of dinner, Scar explained his excursion of the day. He had been gathering wood to stockpile for the winter months (no wood in the desert, better to have a source available and not have to hike out and get more constantly) when he came upon Etho’s base.
“It’s entirely made of wool,” he recounted.
Grian raised an eyebrow in confusion, “All of it? Why?” he mused.
“Dunno. There was nobody around,” Scar replied.
“You didn’t steal from them did you?” Scott interjected.
“Not this time,” he said, which earned him a jab in the ribs from Grian.
The three laughed it off and switched the subject to current server affairs. Who had the best gear, everyone’s respective allies, the phantom problem, and the pros and cons of a vacuum.
“Well, I would say this is a fine work of spaghetti,” Scar complimented when he was finished.
“Indeed, couldn’t have done it without Scott. The best salt dispenser among us,” Grian agreed.
Scott tried to look offended but couldn’t repress a smile. He stood up, about to take his bowl to the sink; but Scar insisted that he was the guest, so he handed over his dish and sat back down. Preparing his “i’m out of here” pleasantries.
He settled on, “Well, I’m out of here,” after a few more minutes of banter.
“Okay! Thanks for keeping me company dude,” Grian gave Scott a hug as thanks.
“My pleasure,” Scott replied.
Scar offered to accompany Scott back to the Hobbit territory, but he refused.
“No need Scar, you’ve been out all day. I’ll be fine,” he assured as he adjusted his hat and jacket for the chilly walk home.
“Alright then, let me walk you out,” Scar proposed instead.
Final waves and good wishes were exchanged and Scott started back down all those stairs. It was quiet, save for the gentle buzz of the world border which sat right against the Red Desert.
Lost in thought for most of the journey, Scott traveled into the dark canopy of leaves. There weren’t many mobs out due to the moon being in its Waning Crescent phase. Scott rubbed his hands together and shoved them in his pockets, wishing he’d brought his mittens.
As he crossed over a clearing, an arrow whizzed over his shoulder. Scott ducked down in surprise, turning around and expecting to see a skeleton, but there was nothing there except a dreadfully dark bank of trees and a vacant plot of land.
Scott squinted into the darkness.
Then the handle of a weapon was brought down on the side of his face, and all the lights went out.
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xyixxesx · 3 years
Tattoos Together | i.y.
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pairing: yuji itadori x reader
Summary: you and yuji make a slightly impulsive decision. 
word count: 765
There wasn’t anything in Yuji’s life that compared to downtime with one of his favorite people. The two of you were cuddled up in bed together, sharing a set of headphones and introducing one another to different kinds of music that the other had never heard before. 
When your turn was up and you played Tattoos Together for him, not only did he really enjoy the song, it also inspired one of the most impulsive decisions that the two of you had ever made, together and individually. 
“Hey,” he spoke up in the middle of the next song with a smile that was gradually getting bigger by the second. You looked up from the cover of your journal that you were casually doodling and he finished out the thought. “what if you and I got tattoos together? Wouldn’t that be incredible?”
His smile was huge and extremely contagious, much like his happiness normally was, so it was with an equally broad smile that you returned, “Really?”
“Sure! Why not? I’ve already got a million ideas!”
Your eyes narrowed as you tried to gage how serious he was about this impetuous idea. There wasn’t a single sign in sight that led you to believe that he was joking, but just in case he was, you decided to run with it and see how far you got.
You opened the notebook and flipped to a new sheet before handing it over to him as well as the black ink pen. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
When the two of you slipped some shoes on the next day to head to the tattoo parlor that you handpicked for it’s stellar reviews, Nobara and Megumi packed themselves in the car right along with the two of you. They caught wind of the brilliant idea the two of you had and wanted to see if the plan would actually be seen through. 
Nobara had a couple of bills in her pocket that said that Yuji wasn’t that stupid and that the two of you would back out as soon as the artists pulled out their needles.
Megumi was already thinking about what he would spend Nobara’s money on because he knew very good and well that Yuji was stupid enough to follow through with something so impulsive and rash. That didn’t stop him, though, from trying to be the responsible voice of reason once the two of you were sitting in the chairs. 
“Aren’t you two being sort of hasty?” He asked. Whether the two of you got tattoos or not really didn’t matter to him, it wasn’t his body and no one was asking him to get any ink, but what if things didn’t end up working up? What if you split and had nothing to do with one another besides the permanent reminder of each other etched into your skin? He imagined it would be burdensome and he wouldn’t be the one to listen to Yuji’s incessant crying and whining if the two of you did split and the tattoo served as a painful reminder of what the two fo you once had. For Christ’s sake, he’d end up punching him.
“Seriously,” Nobara added on. She was unsure of why Megumi was saying something that wouldn’t help him win the bet, but she definitely wasn’t complaining. The greater her odds looked, the better. “I mean I definitely wouldn’t follow through with it. What if the two of you don’t even make it that far together?”
Realistically, it should have been something that you considered beforehand, but the idea of you and Yuji not making it wasn’t a thought that lived anywhere near your mind. A life without Yuji? how would that even come about? The two of you cared an unbelievable amount for one another, the loyalty was undying on both ends, and the two of you had unspoken vows to always take care of and protect one another. A life without the other just wasn’t in the cards, it was never considered, and yeah, life happened sometimes, but the two of you were just different. 
You didn’t know how to answer the question so you looked her in her eyes, shrugged, and simply said, “Meh, it’s fine.” 
Yuji misinterpreted your response and was about to send himself into a downward spiraling panic. “Uh...” he offered you a nervous smile and scratched at the back of his neck. “we are gonna make it, though... aren’t we?”
You gave him a reassuring smile that melted his heart and warmed his insides. “Of course we are. Hand me the journal.”
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little things I associate with the Mercury signs.
Little dreamy, abstract things I associate with the Mercury signs in Astrology.
Aries Mercury
Authoritative. When I want something, I make it clear. Crystal clear. No beating around the bush. A forceful way of speaking. Don’t talk about it, be about it. Short sentences. A hint of arrogance. Competitive edge seeping through my words. What can I say, I like to be a winner? At all times. A raspy voice. Adopting a youthful charm when it suits me. Attuned to perceiving danger in my environment. Disliking an over-emphasis of niceties in conversation. Keeping it real. Exercising to clear the mind. Pep - talks. The rev of an engine. Pedal to the metal. Talking to me, I need you to bring your A Game and something new. Conversation needs to be stimulating. 
Taurus Mercury
Savouring. Words need to be savoured. Like beauty, they only get better with age. Listen carefully and hear what I stand for. Slowing down. Something about the handwriting. Cursive. An even tone. Words flow out of my mouth like maple syrup oozes down the height of a stack of fluffy, warm pancakes. Stubbornness. When am I ever wrong? Pictures, or it’s not real. Proof being recognised from what my base senses pick up. Inspiration from nature. A level-head. Choosing to see the beauty in my environment. For better or for worse. Don’t be fooled by my lack of conversation, I peep everything. 
Gemini Mercury
Riddles. I’m not going to tell you the answer but the curve of my lip might reveal itself when you’re getting close. Starting one conversation with one subject. Finishing the conversation with a completely different one. Playfulness. Humour as a tool of deflection. Quick texts. Leading conversations. Making a best friend in the supermarket. Another one, on the bus.  Seeing the duality of things in my environment. Information is like crack. I can’t get enough. Multiple tabs, open. Nervous energy. Fiddling. Mimicking your mannerisms if I like you, verbally ripping you apart if it tickles my fancy. Or not, I get distracted quite easily so you may be let off the hook.
Cancer Mercury
Introspective. Thinking about the past. Sometimes not finding my way back to the present. Emotions filtering through my words. Perceptions are protective. A vintage film, the introduction devoid of colour. An interest in knowing where one comes from, what comforts someone. Needing to cleanse myself of everybody’s emotional baggage. Again. Pathetic fallacy. Finishing your sentences. Promise its not on purpose. Wanting security from my environment. A psychological slant to conversations. A rich inner imagination. A diary, signed, sealed and under my pillow. Withdrawing into the cocoon of my thoughts when I feel threatened. 
Leo Mercury 
Commanding. A leadership position sounds good to me. Confidence in my thoughts. Words that can brighten up your life. Disney movies. Teasing conversations. Class clown. My thoughts are copyrighted. Bluffing. The curve a chest, puffed out to its maximum, makes. Talking loudly so I’m sure you hear me. Describing something in such detail, so you can feel as if you were there. Piping hot tea. Intellect and ego tied together.  Creativity expressed through speech. Seeing my immediate environment as a stage. Conversations in the mirror. The little grooves formed at the corner of the eyes when the smile is genuine. Blowing my own trumpet because if I don’t, who will?
Virgo Mercury
Organised. Seeing flaws in my environment. A to-do list, covered on both sides. Polite but not foolish. The spine of a book, crease free. Stepping back in conversation. The few creases that appear on the skin when a nose is wrinkled. Monotone. Advice given freely. Or withdrawing all help if I see it going through one ear and out the other. Discernment in conversation. Sticky notes. Attuned to see the bullshit in conversation. In life. Helpful suggestions. Take it or leave it. Mind feels like a hamster wheel. How do you turn this thing off?  An upward line of a tick, in red. Not an excuse, but know that the harder I am on you, the harder I am on myself really. 
Libra Mercury
Flirting. Feels as natural as breathing does. A sweet talker. The stem of cherry. A gentle lilt that comes alive in conversation. A fickle mind. Forever weighing up the pro’s and cons. Birdsong, cutting through morning dew. Wanting peace from my environment. Trying to maintain peace in my environment. A white flag fluttering in the wind, atop a hill. Indecision feels paralysing. Waiting for you to finish speaking before I provide an opposing point of view. Feigning innocence. Learning about myself through conversations with others. Sometimes not liking what I see. 3 sides to a story. I am capable of a decision, I just feel better when the internal scales of my thoughts are balanced. 
Scorpio Mercury
Power. Power plays in conversation. Checkmate. Words are comparable to pieces on a chessboard. Not a fan of small talk. Unless it’s for my benefit. Intuition on point. And then some. Probing. Trust issues. Talking to someone for a minute but deducing years of their life from a single meeting. Burner phones in a drawer. The eerie silence that comes around, say 4 AM. Secrets, mine and yours, help me fall asleep at night. Receipts for weeks, days and months. I’ve got it all. Past hurts cut deep in my psyche. Eyebrows pulled together. Pretending to be deaf when convenient. Subject changes. A full stop. Knowledge is power. I am capable of sharing intimate details of myself…..you first though. 
Sagittarius Mercury
YOLO. Sending those kinda texts to the wrong group chat by mistake. Saying what we were all thinking, even if it’s not the ‘right’ time, ‘cos fuck it. Slidin’ in the DM’s. Popping up like it’s nothing. You know me. Is time even real? The underside of a desk, covered with tags, love notes, and condom wrappers. Going off on social media. For a good cause, most of the time. Falling back on spirituality when life gets tough. Thought patterns are expansive and influenced by cultures and theories different than mine. Appreciating the differences in life. In people. Gift of the gab. That person who’s laughing when no one else is. Believing in abundance because that's what my environment reflects back to me. Stretching the fine line between truth and fantasy…….’cos fuck it.
Capricorn Mercury
Blue ticks. Time is of the essence. Thoughts are disciplined. A 3 tier desk organiser, stuffed to the brim with documents. Elocution lessons. Did you know I used to stutter? Deadpan jokes. A raised eyebrow. Judging people. We all do it, it’s innate to us. Keep your friends close. Enemies closer. Voicemail. I don’t need people to like me, but respect me is all I ask. A calculating mind. Always planning ahead. Sudoku puzzles. People give themselves away all the time, you just need to listen. Believing people’s actions over words. Thoughts focused on external recognition became a burden I often didn’t ask for, weighs me down.
Aquarius Mercury
Observant. Seeing the subtle layers that make up human behaviour. People are fascinating. A 360 way of looking at things. Reverb on an electric guitar. Solution-focused. A finger on the pulse of undiscovered knowledge. Static from a radio dial. I’m not afraid to question everything. An outdated statue, tipped. A love and hate relationship with time. Flashes of intuition. Needing time to process thoughts. A cool perspective. Shades of sunglasses, tinted yellow. Including people I’ve never met in my thoughts. In my dreams. My wishes. A Brave New World? I’m still waiting for people to step up and take responsibility.
Pisces Mercury
The red and white swirls of a helter-skelter ride. The path connecting my thoughts and my words is a little beaten. But not many people have bothered to venture this way. Pillow talk during the day. Drifting off in conversation. Overspilling in conversations. Or people, overspilling details of their life onto me. Missing appointments. Two circles merging into one if you stare long enough. Tapped into Source. Weaving you a dream with my words so good, I start to believe it. The afterword in a novel. Doodles in a margin. Sensitivity in conversation. Picking up a million and one signals from my environment. Using music to lose myself and ironically, find myself in the end.
| little thoughts about venus placements
| little thoughts about the mars placements
| little thoughts about the saturn placements
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sibling drama-
Penny: oh, I just want to keep you safe Bea! Surly you understand that!
Beatrice: I don't want to be safe Penny. I want to be prepared. Wouldn't you rather me be able to defend myself when this whole school goes to hell than cower down and depend on someone else to 'save' me!
Penny: But Bea I care-
Beatrice: If you really cared you would let me do this!
Fred: Oh Oh!
George: There you are!!
MC: Hey Fred! Hey George!
Fred: MC we gotta tell you something-
George: We think Charlie has a crush on you!
Charlie: ...oh god...
MC: And why's that?
Fred: Because he never shuts up about you!
George: Ever! and everytime someone says your name his face gets all red!
Fred: And sometimes he talks about you in his sleep!
George: And he has like a million doodles of you! And a polaroid of you next to his posters on the wall!
Charlie: Shut up!! they don't need to know all that!!
Percy: Charles! There you are! I'm here to tell you you need to take your Prefect duties a bit more seriously! I shouldn't have to be the one disciplining my Prefect older brother. And you need to stop using what happened to you and Bill last year as an excuse. Yes it was horrible but it does not excuse you from your responsibilities. How would Bill feel if he saw you behaving like this? He's handling everything just fine at Gringotts.
Charlie: Aye shut the fuck up and never talk to me again!
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