#but I can't shrink my sims?
toast-tales · 1 year
Me: ah yes, time to do some research and worldbuilding for the next part of my story
*opens Sims 4*
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celestialspritz · 7 months
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🌴Lowedeus' Neighbourhood Skies optimised (reduced texture sizes)🌴
(cleaning my desktop up and want to post this, sorry for the lame preview but i cba lol)
so this is an optimisation of those hood skies by lowedeus. if you encounter pink flashing, then these are for you! these skies are often listed in sims 2 starter packs and not many people realise how much of a toll it has on your game, being at 4k texture sizes. they are a staple for the game tho so thats why i optimised it
a general disclaimer is that if you use custom skies and horizon mods, they are one of the biggest offenders of pink flashing as those use HUGE texture sizes!!
all i did here was shrink the textures to some better sizes, like 1024x512 and 512x512 (the texture sizes here were different so thats why they're not the same)
it will overwrite the original files (these wont work with the others)
eta: these are not for simnopke's skies, but the originals are tagged above
another not eta: the original maxis sky is 512px only, that's what inspired me to do this as there's no reason why other textures can't be that size too
credits - lowedeus for original files
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papermint-airplane · 1 month
As per the request from @nectar-cellar:
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Oh boy prepare yourself for a foul-mouthed rant because I am MAD!!!! 😠😠😠😠 Not at you, NC. I love you. You can do no wrong in my eyes. 😘
No I am mad at this STUPID FUCKING SIM holy shit
He started life like THIS
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What I can only describe as "Disney's Aladdin visits a dude ranch". Yes, I know I have used that exact outfit (minus the boots) for Roman before, shut up, you're not here to expose my hypocrisy, you're here to suffer with me because OH BOY DID I SUFFER.
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Ok so he turned out like this. Not bad, you say? No. Bad. Very bad.
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Yeah so I got him in Live Mode and there is just something about him that is pissing me right the fuck off and I don't know what it is. Is it the eyes? Are the eyes too big? Jaw too square? I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS AND IT'S PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like the eyes are too big but I kept shrinking his eyes until he literally looked like this .👄. and it still didn't help.
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I went in and out of CAS at least 7 times and I can't figure out what's off and I can't fix it and I HATE HIMMMMMMMMMM
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"Who's made of pixels and sucks ass? This guy!"
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"Don't you just love me?"
I know that making masc men is a challenge for me. This is not new information. It's been a problem for 20 years, it'll be a problem for 20 more. I know what I find attractive in a man, I just don't know what looks good on a Sim. Know what I mean? No? Stop being difficult, you know exactly what I mean.
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I also tried using NC's new torso and oh boy that was an adventure because the torso is fire and his face is A FUCKING DISASTER. There is something about his head and his torso that are incongruous with each other and I don't. know. what. it. is. It's driving me crazy. No correction, it has DRIVEN me crazy, past tense. I am crazy now and this fucker is why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I even expanded my slider multiples so I could fine tune things thinking that would help but no I think it made everything worse ESPECIALLY MY MENTAL HEALTH
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So by now you're like "Laura there's nothing wrong with him, Laura you're taking this too seriously, Laura he's fine" and I know. I KNOW! I STILL HATE HIM
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And you're god dang right I put that fucker on a pole. If I get community labeled because of this shit heap, I'm gonna lose my shitting mind.
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Literally fuck you, I hate you so much. I didn't even give you a name. Do you know what your name is? "Stupid asshole who won't behave" that's what your name is.
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I even threw Monica the Devil Girl in there hoping that would help. It didn't.
Know what the worst part is?
I enjoyed this. I mean yeah sure I hated the whole process and I hate the result and I hate this Sim and in a minute, I'm going to have an alien Sim land a meteor on top of his head, but there's something really cathartic about just unloading all of your vitriol on a Sim, you know? And it was definitely a challenge and definitely out of my comfort zone. I'll have to keep trying until I make a male Sim (other than Roman and Aiden) that I'm happy with.
This was a learning experience for sure.
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Piece of shit.
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joojconverts · 9 months
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4t3 Conversion of SFTP's Medieval Hennin & Necklace
A 4t3 conversion of a medieval accessories mini-set for all your ladies! Hope you like it! Enjoy! <3
The original set has a dress, but I didn't convert it because it's very problematic! The creator warned about it on the post, but I thought it wasn't going to interfere on my conversion of it, turns out it did lol, so I decided not to include it! Sorry if you wanted it!
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Known Problems:
The hennin gets a bit blurry when the necklace is used along with it, but I can't really do anything about it other than shrinking the texture's resolutions, which I already did. It's a ts3 thing. Sorry!
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The hennin is unissex and hat-slider compatible, as always! (The little piece of fabric stays beside the shoulder when moving)
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SimsFromThePast - Original post
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antlerqueer · 5 months
Who are your favorite Yellowjackets and why?
I have so much to sayyyyyy! Sorry this took me so long to answer, anon, I was using my laptop to play The Sims and any reply I do longer than a sentence I prefer to do on my laptop.
Shauna & Taissa. My favorite normal women ever!! I love that they are both very selfish in ways that harm their families for the sake of Normal Woman Performance. (Btw, neither of them are getting awards for their performances.) Shauna and Tai both have equal and opposite expressions of their behaviors, with Shauna shrinking herself so much to be invisible and Taissa making herself so visible even to the detriment of herself, her family, and her former teammates. Where Shauna must have felt small coming back from the Wilderness and showed it by truly fitting herself into the life she expected from Jackie, Taissa felt like she had to push forward and fit herself into the life she expected of herself. And after what happened to them... those were tough squeezes. As teens, they also are so similar and lean on each other which I love to see.
They're both dependable, they're both strong, and they both want the best for the people they love. However, they both have very determined inner selves that they're fighting. Shauna's impulses that shift from fucking Jeff to eating slices of Jackie to taking a lover and then whoops killing him, and Taissa's Other Tai situation are gnawing at them. These are turmoils they fear telling anyone about not just because of the wilderness but because they expose their raw nerves.
Adult Misty. I prefer adult!Misty to teen!Misty because I think adult!Misty has honed her skills. teen!Misty cleans up her accidents, adult!Misty isn't leaving any mess behind. She's got a lot more confidence as an adult, and she seems proud of what happened out there. Like when she's talking in their circle "remember that first summer..." and Van's like what is this, fucking summer camp? That's so interesting to me!! teen!Misty we're seeing process everything in real time, which while I understand her motivations/etc and know she's a silly teenager I get frustrated with sometimes. Like part of me is like damn, Crystal/Kristen literally would have forgiven you, but I get your situation.
Teen Natalie. Love to watch her unravel. Love to see it. Love to see her go from being a level-headed person who was already on high alert before the crash so she's operating Par For Course to not being able to handle it anymore. She's so Good, and the wilderness/their situation is truly dragging her for a test run. Ironically, her being so Good is what frustrates me about adult!Natalie. She feels bad when she's supposed to, she's careful when she needs to be, she's saved when she does 3 whole reckless things, and the only thing fighting her is her reputation/people's perception of her. Which, I mean, she could just... not associate with Shauna and Tai who are judgmental of her. Well, that and the trauma, which she was even starting to address and work on as she maintained sobriety. That just wasn't interesting to me.
Van. The unkillable lesbian. The fireproof butch. Lottie's first acolyte. My beloved. Trapped in the 90s, can't wait to see more about adult!Van because we know she had to be some sort of adultified as a teen (we see her having to "parent" her mother in the pilot, so that's one of the things established early on) and now she's stunted due to the plane crash trauma.
Anyway this was probably much longer than necessary but!! ENJOY.
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literalite · 8 months
hi seph! I hope you're doing well! I have a question. How do you get the lighting in your edits to be so damn good? I mean, before you edit them. I always want to take in-game pics for edits, but the lighting is always so abysmal. Do you have any tips or tricks for getting a good lighting set up? Thanks for answering!!
(P.S. - I think you were sick at the time, so idk if you saw it, but I did your telephone cas challenge a bit ago. If you haven't seen it.)
HI sorry that this has been sitting in my ask box for like two months i just never had the opportunity/memory to actually address it fghjk but ok here goes it's really simple imo?
im presuming we're talking about plain background edits for this, although the general uh method for this is the same regardless of having a "set" or not. firstly i use these backgrounds, i've used them in most of my ingame edits here here and here, combined with the lights in this set which i use in all my ingame edits pretty much
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make a big empty room, and line the walls that will be in the direction of the camera with the backdrops. i usually use only one or two of the lights (and shrink them down so the mesh itself is less intrusive) to light the scene because underexposed images are wayyy easier to edit then over exposed images. less is more- in this case i literally only used the one. not too close to the sim either or you're liable to wash them out entirely
i think an important thing to keep in mind is where the angle of light is coming from? straight on can make your images look flat, from directly behind and you can't see a thing. i usually do one to the side of the sim and (if i want more light) one slightly behind but sort of far away. u can change the colours of the lights themselves too to make it more expressive i tend to stay away from greens and oranges because i find those more difficult to edit
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i went hunting in my screenshots folder for examples of this general idea, sorry you really can't see the lighting i used but its pretty much what i just said hgjkl again its better underexposed then overexposed. also zoom in the camera by the scrollwheel and use the keys to back away from the shot to make them look nicer too
i really didn't know how to explain this adequately sorry FDGHJKl ur welcome to keep sending me more specific questions if you have any more
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rockethorse · 1 year
Do you have any tips or resources for improving at texturing? The stuff you’ve been sharing is brilliant— you capture the maxis feel so well!
Oh, thank you for asking, I'm quite flattered you think so! I have mostly been figuring stuff out through trial and error, so I'm hardly a texturing expert, but I can try and share what I've found works for me.
Firstly, wherever possible/practical I just steal from existing Maxis textures, LOL. Makes sense since we want to recreate that Maxis feel, right? If I can remember an existing texture that could be tweaked to work, then I go grab it at least as a reference. For example with the retextures of Alexander's little shorts-suit that I shared for the GoS challenge, I knew I wanted an oversized, hand-me-down denim jacket vibe... so why not go straight to the source and just grab a denim jacket texture from an adult mesh? Then it's just a matter of figuring out the "gaps" in the mapping and filling them in with airbrushing, clone tools, etc. Sometimes the final texture is completely different, but having the reference helped a lot. I'll also take or reference textures from TS3 and TS4 conversions.
On that note, I think it's immensely helpful for anyone working from a Maxis mesh to grab a UV map if possible. This thread of Maxis UV maps is great, but unfortunately not comprehensive - I can't find elder UV maps anywhere :( But still a great resource! It's especially helpful when you're changing something like necklines and shoes, which are often mapped awkwardly and make it really obvious when seams aren't aligned.
Full disclosure, I was already a digital artist, so I had a leg-up on certain aspects of learning to texture. But I still struggled a lot with hand-painting textures and would often get frustrated because what worked for my art didn't work with The Sims. Eventually I found brushes that worked best for me - this might differ from artist to artist, but I found that scaling airbrush tools down gave me the best balance of softness even for "hard" lines like seams, trim, etc. Using a harder brush stood out as looking too "digital" in-game.
Whenever I'm hand painting something from scratch, I first make sure my idea is possible by editing the alpha. I'll make the texture a bright floodfill like yellow, flatten any bump map, and then tweak the alpha how I'm imagining to see what parts are "meshed on" and where. This helps me figure out the boundaries of collars, necklines, hems, etc. in ways that aren't always obvious on a UV map. If the alpha can be edited the way I'm imagining, then I move on to adding small details like hems, buttons, etc.
Once I have these rough details, I start by adding "shape" to a flat colour with the airbrush tool. This means gradually building up shadows to give a sense of 3D. I often start from the sides to make sure the seams will be the same colour, though I do think it's best to go in afterwards with your UV maps to lighten up certain patches. Then I'll add highlights with the same technique, and start carving areas away to make folds and creases, etc. I do this before I add any texture. Often I'll start with a grey colour, to make recolouring easier later, but if I have a very specific colour in mind I'll do that one first and then make a desaturated version for recolouring later. Since I work with Maxis Match textures, it doesn't matter as much if you lose some detail with this process.
This process of building up a sense of 3D gradually and softly with the airbrush tool and shrinking the airbrush tool down to make finer lines instead of choosing an actual fine-line brush are the two biggest tips that I think improved my handpainted textures!
Also, and I mean this sincerely, but I make it look a bit crummy on purpose. EAxis textures are a wonderful blend of genuinely beautiful hand-painting and abhorrent photoskinning, all of which are flattened and smeared to squeeze onto 2000s hardware. Sometimes stretching or upscaling a texture is exactly what a recolour needs to achieve the "Maxis feel", you know? So don't stress too much about it. I always kind of laugh when I find myself obsessing over a tiny stray pixel or a mis-matched seam in my own content and then find the tackiest suit on MTS from 2004 like "looks great, unzip it". It's probably never gonna look as good in-game as it does in your graphics program anyway. Hair textures are where I truly embrace the fug because I know anyone who wants them is coming for exactly that. If people don't want smeary, slightly-dirty, mismatched-colour-groups hair textures, then they've probably found a different hair system that works for them, lol.
Oh, speaking of graphics programs, I use Krita for all my digital art and retexturing. If anyone is looking to get into making textures and doesn't have access to an art program, I highly recommend it for being free, open-source and powerful. If you're a beginner, then remember also that BodyShop crunches textures, especially for darker colours, so if your textures look pixellated in-game try using SimPE to build the DXTs instead for slightly different compression.
If it's an object I'm retexturing, I'll often clone the object in SimPE and then recolour the clone so that I can preview how it will look in SimPE without having to load the game. This isn't perfect, since there's no lighting in SimPE, so sometimes you won't notice little details that are meshed-on, but it's certainly faster than having to load the game every time, especially if you're making lots of little tweaks or stretching the object's mapping to its limits. I had to do this with the blackboards, the City Living toilets, and the bear chairs.
I think that's about it! If anyone has any more specific questions I can try and answer, and I'll try and add pictures that explain what I'm talking about a bit better the next time I go texture something. But in the end, I think "trial and error to find what works for you" is the best advice, along with "steal from other textures A LOT".
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iiratix · 2 years
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Author note : To begin with, I never planned on making this kind of note in the near future. However, here I am, making a mistake and accidentally posted it without further scenario. Anon whoever you are, I do hope you still got this. I'll be even more thankful if you're turn out to be my follower so it'll lessen the guilt in my heart
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Where Ortho got fed up by his brother timidness
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"Your brother."
"Ah, I understand the situatio— Huh?"
Ortho pupils dilated, shrinking upon the news. He watched at Y/n, who's cheeks rising up in vermilion red, awkwardly looking down at the ground. Ortho scanned her action from his perspective point of view, he even did further check on her heartbeat, professionally taking careful procedure to come up with a satisfying, absolute result.
"Your heart rate has accelerated up, surpassing the normal beat of pulse. My analyzation conclude, Y/n L/n had accommodate romantic feelings towar—"
"Yes, yes! So, please don't say it out loud, Ortho!" Y/n freak out, trying to silence the younger Shroud from spilling in any unnecessary information. Ortho take a moment to comprehend this entire flow of information and conversation, it was a sudden confession. Out of all days she could be honest to him, she picked this day, this time and this second.
"But… Please do me a favor!" Y/n clasps her hand together, connecting both of her palm, hand in a praying gesture. Ortho tilted his head, flaming hair dissipating by the edge into carbon oxygen. "It depends on the difficulties. However, I'm sure I can do everything when it comes to assistance!" The face that shows doubt and discomfort was evident by daylight, even Ortho didn't need to do a specific procedure to recapitulate it all.
"Ortho, I love you. I really do. You are like a sibling of mine that I cannot help but adore. So, please… On behalf of my distinguished pride… Please don't tell Idia!" Ortho could've sworn he feels his disk and circuit completely fried out. If it weren't for the fan by his system, he would've been broken by the spot.
"Eh? But, why? My calculation predicted that your confession has a 100% success rate." Y/n nip the lower of her lips, showing the sign of anxiety. There is no need to comfort her or even sweet talk her way out of this, not when her mind is preoccupied with plentiful daily scenarios.
"Well, he might not be interested… Especially since… This is me, we're talking about. Unlike others, I know how much he likes his solitude. I just can't… I can't picture him being interested in this kind of…Things you know?"
There's a saying, ignorance is bliss. Well, that is when that idiom did not fit right in this situation. And how wrong Y/n was, especially when it comes to this sort of situation.
"O, Ortho, what are you saying?! Don't tell me your disk went fried up?!"
"Brother, I'm absolutely fine I told you! And I said, ``You need to confess to Y/n nee-san by now!``"
Idia pulled the string of his hood hiding his best red pale complexity. "No, no, no! Unlike dating sims, this is real life, I cannot reload everything when I mess up—!! What if I make a fool out of myself instead?! What if she rejected me?! What then?!" Ortho sighs, finding the two similar in certain ways. Perhaps it is true, from the information he gathered, he found out that love makes someone into an utter fool. And it proves to be right.
"Again, must I remind you of your success rate? It's 100% perfect!"
"100 out of infinite!"
The young Shroud sighs once again, finding his brother rather helpless. He cannot let this slide, not when his best friend and brother had feelings for one another. He must find a way to be the one bridge that connects the two relationships. If his brother persisted on howling up in his room, avoiding Y/n for his own sake. Very well, he'll be the one to invite her over.
"Connecting… Calling Y/n L/n…" Idia freaked out, hearing that command escape Ortho voice box. "Orth—"
"HIEEKK—!!!" It's over, it is absolutely over for Idia. He wishes to dig a hole for himself, digging up his own grave to the core of the earth. Perishing, annihilated, disappearing from the face of the earth, more than willingly to let the ground devour him to their satisfaction.
"Y/n nee-san! Would you mind coming over to Ignihyde dorm? My brother wants to play with you again!!" Idia shakes his head aggressively, trying to tell Ortho that is not the case at all. But, his little brother ignored his silent pleading, smiling brightly at him. On that moment, Idia know he should've been afraid of his own brother more than anything.
The sibling betrayal was real, it was a traumatic event.
Idia did? Well… I mean… Of course I'll be there! Give me a minute!
Hey, henchman! Where do you think you're going?! Hey!!
I'll be there in a few minutes! See you then!
The call ended up with a click, the last thing the two ever heard was the rushing footsteps. Idia and Ortho stand in the middle of the room, the intoxicant silence that devours the two forms away. Ortho has always been a gutsy individual, or Android for his matter. And that personality of his, feared by Idia to a certain level degree, the highest one possible.
"....You're welcome, big brother!!"
"No, no, no! What do you mean you're welcome!?"
There's no need to explain any further than this. How Ortho wasted every single time, coming up with different kinds of scenarios, excuses or even sessions for each of the two interactions. There's no lying that Idia and Y/n have been wasting an awful amount of unhealthy hang outs. It was all thanks to Ortho himself, who has planned everything up ahead. 
Ignoring the complaint and lament that comes from Grim and her two best friends. Saying how much the two Shroud siblings have hogged out Y/n attention all by themselves. Especially the small monster. 
"No! You can't bribe me with tuna cans anymore! I want my henchman back!!" Grim was fuming in anger, stomping on his feet while looking at Ortho who was hovering from the ground. 
"I'm sorry, Grim-san. But I won't allow you to interrupt her moment with my brother!"
It is adorable, how the two fight over Y/n. Knowing how she herself came voluntarily on her own and not because Ortho persuaded and pleaded at her at all. No, absolutely not. There's no such thing as him doing the puppy dog eyes, playing the card of getting upset or any of those. He absolutely did not do that. At. All. 
That's a lie, but hey he needs to convince himself that is the case. For the sake of his own ship to sail and big brother's bright future. If it means he must fight with one petty and angry cat, he'll be more than willing to do so. The risk he must take for the sake of world peace he assumes himself. 
On the other hand, Idia and Y/n grew much closer than before. It was all thanks to Ortho and soon he will see the end of his hard work. He'll do more investigation and search for a place to confess, the gift and everything. He'll search it all down despite knowing his brother won't like what he's doing and once threatened to take the internet search privilege away from him. Absurd, but Idia cannot bring himself to do it by the end. So, it's likely enough an empty threat. 
"...tuna cans… cuddle… hey… Ortho!!" The young Shroud snapped out from his short train of thoughts, returning his attention to Grim, who remained angry up until now. 
"What is it, Grim-san?"
And with that, Ortho plan will continue on. Until the two come into an established relationship, far from platonic itself.
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cxndyfxre · 1 month
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Did You Check The Lock?
[TMA Oneshot]
This was gonna be a comic but comics hard
+1.3k words+
"Statement of Simone Carlyle pertaining.. cycles?"
It was some day during some month in some year. They don't remember, all the time has blurred together since that night. That's why they're here, that's why they fought their way out the house to come to this place. They found an opening and fled.
Realizing they were being looked at for clarification, Simone cleared their throat, speaking. "Well, circles but yes.. you see, I tend to procrastinate even when I try my best not to, especially when I know I have something to do.
I'll tell myself I have something to do, start that, but procrastinate by doing another task and then lose motivation for that one, going back to the first one and just- running circles of trying to finish one task but now having 12 unfinished tasks. Hah, I guess it would be cycles then.. a neverending cycle of working but not finishing.
It's actually gotten so bad tha-"
They get cut off by an exasperated sigh, shrinking into their chair.
"Mr. Carlyle, the Institute and, by connection, the Archives, are for statements and documentation of the supernatural or unseen."
Jonathan Sims, the Archivist at The Magnus Institute. He was suggested to them, and the Institute as a whole, via word of mouth. Well.. more like word of ear. Someone said something about an Institute and weird happenings, those words drifted through their window, and here they were. Though it wasn't going very well. Maybe they should've stayed locked in their work.
"We can print some resources for procrastination habits but.. this is not what the archive is for." He clasps his hands together with a stoic expression, Simone grasping for words.
"I- well- it's not- it is weird! I've, I've been stuck in my flat for days, months even!! I don't.. I don't know what day it is, I stopped checking, I don't even know if I'm still enrolled in university, but the work keeps piling somehow??"
Jonathan goes to speak before Simone glances at the door, becoming wide eyed. "And- and the doors!! The doors they- they lock!! They keep me inside and I can't do anything and no matter how much I unlock them, they stay shut. This is the one time I've left my place sir, and it is not depression you can check the door right now."
There's a silence as their words permeate, nothing filling the air except heavy breathing. Eventually Jon bites, going to the door and, what do you know, it's locked. But surely Simone could have done that when they entered so he unlocks it and attempts to open the door.
It stays shut.
He locks it and unlocks it but, again, it stays shut. Jon sighs, turning to Simone. Likely if he takes their statement, the door will open so what other choice does he have? He comes back to the table and sits down, starting over.
"Statement of Simone Carlyle regarding locks, procrastination and loss of time. May 1st, 2024-"
"It's May 1st? Its 2024?? Oh my god.."
"Do you need a moment?"
Simone shakes their head, exhaling. "No no I.. let's just do this.."
"Do you recall what you were doing when you first noticed something was off?"
"Uh.. maybe? Yeah.. yeah! I had just got done finishing a lot of overdue work when I had entered a study room to start current work. It was your average.. normal study session but when I went to exit, the door wouldn't budge. I'm not,, I'm not claustrophobic or anything like that but it was odd as I didn't recall locking the door. Eventually it opened and I went to my flat to do some work and wind down.
The entire walk home I felt as if I was being pulled towards the Earth? It was an all around heavy and anxious feeling. Like I was forgetting something, I didn't do some assignment. Which didn't make any sense cause I just got done doing assignments.
But whatever. I get home, plug in my laptop, open it and.. nothing gets done. It was as if my body wasn't my own, I didn't do my work and insisted on cleaning the apartment and watering my plants. I went to bed with no work done. Maybe I was just in a funk.
Then I woke up the next day and the sinking feeling of dread continued to weigh on my chest. I checked the clock and not only had I missed my late morning class but also 2 weeks had gone by?? I remember scrambling to get my things together before just standing at the door to my flat. I wanted to step out but I wouldn't. I couldn't. So I didn't.
I told my professors I'd have to learn from home from now on, but really I should've asked for help. Work was always half finished, assignments continued to pile up, I felt like I was sinking. My plants dried up and died, my skin became coarse and rough despite lotion and showering.. a heavy shadow fell upon that little flat in Edinburgh.
I didn't know how I was still a tenant, surely I should've been kicked out by now since I wasn't paying rent and had been locked in there for who knows how long. But you wanna know what I saw when I finally got out? It was my flat. Not the building, just my lone place, halfway in the ground like some wooden block shoved in the sand."
They picked at their fingernails, tugging at their collar.
"Are you warm?" Jon inquired, gaining a quick response.
"Yah, I am.. but I can't take em off. The weight is unbearable the less I have on. I feel as if I'm walking with cinders tied to my feet when it comes to hygiene. But I manage.. somehow.. the sun is blinding and burns, I use a parasol to cover up. It's.. weird. Unnatural. But I guess I've gotten used to it? I don't know..
The work never stops, and yet it's never finished either. I keep sayin' that but I just- " Simone throws their hands up, uncertain.
Jon nods, taking a breath. "Well, that is certainly a cumbersome situation you've found yourself in, definitely not.. mere procrastination as you described it. At this very moment my best suggestion would be to find another place to stay, preferably with someone else to keep you from holing away like before.
We'll investigate your "home in the ground" situation and keep in touch with further findings."
Simone gasps and sighs exuberantly, standing up quickly. "Oh thank you, thank you you don't know how much I've been tryna yell someone but I just couldn't get out my place and no one online would believe and.. it means so much you listened."
"Of course. Now, allow me to show you out."
~ • ~
"Statement ends.
Following up on Mr. Carlyle's statement proved fruitful in some places and not in others. There was, indeed, a tenant named Simone Carlyle living in a small rented flat near the Leith School of Art, Edinburgh as well as there was an undergraduate of the same name. But that's just it, there was a tenant and student.
Simone Carlyle dropped out of Leith School of Art and retired from the tenancy in October of 2021 and their whereabouts remained unknown since then. That being said, a lone flat was found half buried in a hill around 4 kilometres down in Holyrood Park. How it got there is unknown.
Simone Carlyle has found themselves a place here in London to make communications quicker, finding a flatmate and living with them. Hopefully, they'll be less inclined to fall back on the pull of whatever Entity is trying to claim them as its Avatar.
Recording Ends."
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dunne-ias · 1 month
Is there a newer SimPE version than
I'm having issues with the lot adjuster and the error code I'm getting refers to SimPE, so I was thinking maybe it wasn't updated, or had updated against my will or something.
Is anyone else having any issues with the lot adjuster. I haven't played sims in a while and it's probably been two years since I used the lot adjuster and Windows has updated a few times since then.
If one of you doesn't have any issues and if I can't solve whatever issue this is, may I be so bold as to ask someone to shrink a lot for me?
Update: The issue was the lot adjuster, for some reason, but I redownloaded and reinstalled and that fixed it.
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creesims · 2 years
Hi CreeSims. Can you explain me what the gameplay is in Paradise Falls? I'm very curious!
Sure, and I'm happy to answer any questions if there's something I don't cover here
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Vault 88 is a 3-story, 18tile by 18tile building on a 2x2 lot. I had to start building on a 3x3 lot then use lot adjuster to shrink it, that little bit of extra space really does make a difference. It let me build rooms that feel like tight quarters without having routing issues
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First floor is workrooms. They are, starting on the lower left: Clinic with Biotech station and a few Sun & Moon herb plants. Gym. Food Production with compost bin and Midge's 3t2 indoor garden plots. Ichthyology lab (big fish tank). Geology lab with Sun & Mon Refine & Shine equipment, an invisible mining rook on top of the hole in the ground, and @nixedsims blacksmith station. The middle room is Vault Maintenance with woodcarving, robot, and toymaking benches. Front right room is the quartermaster department with gnome making, flower arranging, sewing, and candle making craft stations.
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Second floor is recreation. Music room with a wine bar. Cafe with MajorJeff's Chocolate Factory and a Uni stove. There's an invisible pond on the floor by the balcony so Sims can fish into the big tank below. Games room. Hot tub room. Media room. The middle is the Overseer's Office with a computer Sims can use
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Top floor is living quarters. Each apartment is 2 rooms with a bed and dresser. Communal bathroom in the middle with 3 stalls, 3 Uni showers, and a potty trainer for toddlers. The room at the end has stuff for toddlers to play with and build skills. The hall on the right has a washer and dryer for Sims who want to build cleaning skill, the other hall has a 1-tile changing table and a Supa Fridge so Sims can get baby bottles
Each apartment starts with 2 adult Sims, plus there will be landlord, postal worker, and cafeteria worker NPCs visiting the Vault which makes the place feel nice and full. After Sims rent their apartments I use the Insiminator to take away all their money
Sims can't work careers because they can't leave the vault but they are assigned duties based on their LTW, One True Hobby, and 3t2 traits. All of those are randomized using the AnyLTWforallaspirationsAL mod (I think it's by Pescado), @midgethetree's Randomizer, and the Traits randomizer. Some vault jobs are obvious, my Sim with the Cuisine hobby and Professional Party Guest LTW makes money by working in the cafe or playing guitar for tips. One of my Science enthusiasts is the medic who harvests herbs and makes medicine at the Biotech station. But for some of the jobs you'll need to get creative with the crafting stations, which is why I recommend having a nice variety. One of my science Sims is in charge of making sure the Vault infrastructure is in good repair, she makes robots to simulate doing this. One Sim uses novel writing to simulate doing paperwork, another is using it to write a cookbook
I sell everything they make right from the inventory because they can't own businesses yet and I want them to have enough cash that it influence's Cyjon's Bigger Bills mod. I keep track of how much they spend on rent and bills so that later, when they start leaving the vault, I can incorporate a little bit of BACC play and have that money go into buying things for the hood. They can use their money to buy kids stuff when they have a family, or deco stuff from the Buy Catalog to spruce up their rooms, or just save it for when someone in that apartment chooses to leave the vault
My Sims usually work on their Vault jobs until about 5 or 6 pm, then they socialize and canoodle with their roommate or other Vault dwellers. I'm about to start round 2 and will be focusing on moving Sims around if they'd be a better fit with a different roommate and getting them to start having babies (limit of 2 kids per apartment). The plan right now is to keep everyone in the vault until the first kid is University age. By then the Vault will be feeling crowded and the kids will be wanting to know what else is out there
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averyauthorship · 11 months
15 questions tag!!
I saw people posting this, and most everybody said to treat it as an open tag, so I decided to do it too! Tagging (with no pressure at all!!) @mjparkerwriting @kainablue @karimac @melusinewrites @mayonnaisepudding and also ANYONE who wants to do it!
The concept for this is to write responses to the following questions as if you are your original character answering, or just as yourself. I haven't talked about myself much outside of my writing on here, so might as well do it now, right? So! Answering as me!
1 - Are you named after anyone?
My first name (Avery) was just a name my parents liked. My middle name is actually my grandmom's and my great grandmother's name. My mom didn't want to name me that as my first name because she thought it was better as a middle name. So that's my name!
2 - When was the last time you cried?
I cry A LOT. Over songs, commercials, movies, shows. I make myself cry sometimes because I think it's healthy to let it flow. I literally started tearing up at a book I was reading today. The last time I cried cried though (for real, not because of content or something) was when I had a super bad panic attack. I have OCD, and sometimes you get so panicked you just melt :(
3 - Do you have any kids?
Nope! I would like to have a couple in the future, though.
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
Ehh, I have tried. But I am not sarcastic. I'll do it as a joke sometimes when someone says something obvious about me (i.e. Whaaat? Me? Liking books? That's crazy!) but not in any real way.
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
Definitely the way they carry a conversation. If they interrupt people, seem rude or ill engaged. I like talking, but I realize that conversations involve two people. It's a big red flag when someone can't share a conversation.
6 - What is your eye color?
Brown! Lovely, if I do say so myself.
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, no doubt. I can't actually handle scary movies (because of my OCD. Hate to blame everything on it, but it's definitely true. I ruminate way too hard on scary, violent things). I'm a sucker for a happily ever after! It's what I hope I can have one day, so I like seeing it in my media.
8 - Any special talents?
Besides writing (which I am learning to accept as a talent), I craft and sew for cosplay. I sing too, and I think I have a nice voice. I have a lot of hobbies, but I don't think most of those qualify as a "talent." I'm pretty dang good at building houses in the Sims. I think that's an underrated talent.
9 - Where were you born?
Maryland, USA
10 - What are your hobbies?
Ah, yes. I mentioned them before but let's list them: Cosplay (sewing and crafting and all that), reading, writing, drawing, painting, playing video games, baking, collecting items (is that a hobby? I do it so much I think it must be), jewelry making (it sounds so fancy but I just make little bracelets and earrings with shrink plastic sometimes).
11 - Do you have any pets?
My family does! We have four cats: Ash, Whistler, Taffy, and Pike. I grew up with cats, and I miss the ones we've lost every day. (RIP Rainier, Nauset, Odell, Asia, and Ebony.)
12 - What sports do you or have you played?
I am not a sports girly. Like AT ALL. But I did run cross country for a semester back in my freshman year of high school. I absolutely hated it. Instead, I picked up musical and children's theatre. That's almost a sport...? Generally, I like to swim and dance (I'm not good), but it's not like a "sport" really. Just for fun to move my body when I feel like it.
13 - How tall are you?
Honestly? No clue. Haven't measured in many years. Somewhere between 5'8" and 5'10" I would guess?
14 - Favorite subject in school?
I've always been really into English. (My dad was an English teacher so it was only natural.) Also, any English extracurricular like journalism and creative writing. I was actually a journalism major until halfway through college. I switched to focus on English and picked up minors in journalism and linguistics instead.
15 - Dream job?
I'm about to ship off to grad school to get my masters in library sciences, so the hope is to become a librarian. It's realistic, so I'm excited to do that someday! On the side, I really hope to be a published author. I don't expect to make much money (if any) but I just want to get my work out there for people to find if they need it.
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nymphdiariesdotcom · 1 year
ello indie !! any tips on having the eye presets turn up nicely on sims? whenever i put cc eye presets (ie: obscurus eye genetic etc) they always look deformed and lowkey scary and it's driving me !!!! insane !!! 🙃 i saw ur dirkio post and his deep set eyes is just so *breathes in* CHEF'S KISS and his hair ???????amazing wow beautiful boy 10/10
anw sorry for rambling and tyiaaaaa <33
hey there! <3
first off wanna say TYSM LOVELY!! i do my best with my lil simmies (❁´◡`❁) !! and as for tips!:
the thing is, genetic presets in general [more emphatically, custom presets] are usually used as a base hence the term pre-set being operative, with you having to adjust them to your desired outcome and not made to just slap them on the sims' face lol !! obscurus' genetic presets are a prime example of this. also, a thing to consider is based on the model shown to display said genetic presets, custom slider and skin overlays were probably- no scratch that, most definitely used for the eye/nose/body preset to be showcased at its best. what i do is:
shrink the eyes to the smallest it can get, then begin to play around with the inner and outer corners of the eye, with a plan of how i would like the end result to be.
i mainly search for presets that challenge my skills and "sim style" [no i do not believe i have a sim style i can't see what you guys see i'm sorry. i rlly wish i did have a sim style tho] , and give me insight on how i can make my sims differ from each other. works like a charm.
surprisingly enough i do not have that many custom sliders, especially for eyes. i kinda just raw-dog everything with ea sliders smh LMAO but i can say the brow sliders by miiko-cc is uh-may-zing!
all in all, this is the best way to which i can help you work around genetic presets/sliders that seem intimidating, at first. another thing to consider is, these statements above are what worked for ME. this is not an end-all-be-all post where i am the messiah of simblr and giving u the answer to worldly problems. modders aren't perfect, they are simmers like us. i am shit at explaining things so you bet this took a lot of brain power to come up with a clear, concise answer for you. now i will go explode somewhere
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grabowskibeepboop · 3 months
Alr this is pissing me off so much and google doesn't help at all, so y'all are my last hope
In sims 4 build mode, I cannot for the love of me enlarge or shrink objects with any brackets, and also I can't change the direction of the flooring. Things like turning the flooring 1/4 of a tile works fine, but I want to build crazier things in the game and I can't! Can someone help?
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goldenboisimsauce · 6 years
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gimme that drink u chad passin incel cos im thirs
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softerhaze · 3 years
to the anon who asked about sims' jaws/chins shrinking when aging up: Shimrod101 has a mod called CaS Modifiers bugfix: Aging & Randomization which i think is supposed to fix this issue? i've had that mod in my game forever and i think i did notice a difference when i started using it... but now i can't remember what sims would look without the mod vs. with the mod so i can't promise it still works, i'm just keeping it in my mods folder in case it does lol
^ thank you so much omg, this is probably it! I’ve had this mod in my game for years at this point, so that would explain why I’ve never seen the chin thing. @ anon: give this a shot! The mod is really old, but not broken as far as I know. you can grab it here.
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