#bungou stray dogs atsushi x reader comfort
poeticlilies · 1 year
Dazai with a reader who’s really motherly with him? I feel like he secretly craves to be coddled but he plays it off with jokes for a while until a certain point where he just breaks :(
also I’m sorry if my request got sent more than once, tumblr is being silly ‼️
♡ My baby, my baby...
Dazai Osamu x Reader
Desc: Comforting Dazai. (fem reader)
TW/CW: mental breakdowns, joking about mental health, dark thoughts, suicide, self-harm, mentions of religion (usage of word "God"), usage of "Y/N", angst -> hurt/comfort
It hurt.
It hurt so, so much Dazai Osamu thought that God had finally pitied him and was letting him die.
He couldn't breathe; his lungs felt like they were collapsing in on themselves, and he sobbed, trying to let oxygen back into his lungs as they burned.
"Just get home," his mind repeated. "Just get home and you can see Y/N again."
A foreign corner of his heart quieted it's pounding; slowing down to consider the thought of keeping quiet long enough to see you. It agreed, happy at the thought of you; and after five minutes Dazai got up and walked out of the closet he had locked himself inside.
Kunikida stared at him, stopping mid-rant as concern flashed over his coworker's face; but before the blond could say anything, Dazai was out the door and on his way to see you again. The annoying ringing of his cellphone wasn't present; which means that Kunikida probably laid off of him and let him go home early.
He doesn't even remember going home, doesn't remember the sidewalk, the train ride, or the winding little path leading to the quaint little neighborhood; doesn't remember unlocking the front door and taking his shoes off, heart beginning to race again as it protests for the mind to uphold it's part of the deal.
"Y/N?.." he calls weakly; stumbling around your shared home. "Y/N!"
His mind begins to race, panicking; what if you had gotten kidnapped? or hurt? what if the Port Mafia took you? what if-- but his thoughts were cut off when the angel that is you, in your everlasting glory, appeared; dressed in shorts and a sweater, surprised (and a little concerned) to why he was home so early and stumbling around your shared house like a drunkard.
He barely hears the worried gasp of his name; barely processes anything before he's lunging for you, arms flying around your torso and coiling around it, tears coming to his eyes as he sobs in relief, crying and blubbering as he's finally back in your loving arms.
He feels the hand you have on his head caressing his hair gently as if he were a glass ornament that would break apart at the slightest touch, and he cries harder; burying his face into your stomach as he sinks down closer to the floor. He feels you crouching down with him; cradling his head against your chest as you murmur warm words that slither inside through his ears to his heart, comforting it as you hold him in your embrace.
You had never seen him like this; had always known the strong, brave Dazai Osamu; had always seen the confident, cocky, brave persona he put on. Whenever you tried to coddle him, he had brushed it off; but you never missed the slight twitch of his eyes, the lingering look in them as he turned away, the way his hand rested on top of yours for a second too long before he pulled away.
That's why you kept going; kept pushing at his walls, begging and pleading for him to let them down; that you weren't going to hurt him like everybody else, weren't going to be let in only to stab at everything in a frenzy like everyone else. No, you wanted to love him; to cherish him and to make him feel loved as you protected him from the world and it's miseries the way he did to countless other individuals.
And it worked; hence the events of today, as Dazai clings to your sweater and sobs.
"Shhh... Shhh.. baby, what's wrong?.." you murmur, finally; petting his hair as he begins to quiet down, obediently following your words.
"M-Missed you." he states, quietly, simply. "Missed y-you so much; c-couldn't think. Could-dn't do a-anything. Missed you so bad..." he whispers, tearing up again.
"Shh.." you whisper again; lifting his face up and kissing his cheeks. "Cmon, baby; you can tell me what's wrong. It's alright, darling."
And Dazai Osamu only falls deeper in love with you.
YAHOO!! sorry if u wanted smt else this was the way i interpreted it :(
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plsdonttakemyname · 11 months
Hey!! Sorry for being inactive. But I'm back with some Bsd twitter 😭 It's currently 2Am and I have nothing to do ps I can't sleep so uhm I hope you like it. I'll probably do Y/n in the future :)
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They're kinda ooc but it's 2 in the morning and I have to get up for work in 4 hours 😭 but if you like it you can request for more
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crowscadence · 11 days
I’ve not said anything about my fanfics in a while so… if any of y’all want some BSD fics here you go
The Hurt Stayed Even After You Left- bittersweet reunion between Dazai and Chuuya, except it wasn’t in a basement with Dazai chained to the wall, one-shot
Shin Sokouku Sleepover Shenanigans- exactly what it sounds like, mostly fluff with a bit of crack thrown in for sillies, one-shot
Mirrored Traversal- long form gn!reader-insert fic with ADA ensemble that I swear I’ll update again eventually
Unbreakable as Diamond- ftm sigma x Dazai hurt/comfort, one-shot
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moomv · 7 months
hiii!! how are you doing? if it's okay, may i ask for platonic headcanons with fukuzawa, kyoka and atsushi, in which the reader sees them as a father/brother/sister?
summer sunflowers. cherished moments between family
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-word count. 1.3k (about 400 each)
-character. nakajima atsushi, izumi kyoka, fukuzawa yukichi
-genre. platonic, light angst if you squint, fluff/comfort
-tags. fem.reader
-note. hello! i'm good! thank you for the request! this was really fun to write and i highly enjoyed doing fluff for a change! i hope you enjoy!
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nakajima atsushi 
♡ You had always thought of Atsushi as a brother, ever since he had been put into the orphanage, ever since you had nursed him back to health when he got sick, ever since you stayed to comfort his wounds and he spilled his heart out to you and ever since you spilled your heart out to him, both in a pair of comforting each other's glass hearts
♡ Atsushi was very dear to you, childishly you clung to him; just as he clung to you, both in a pair of each other, to halves of the same whole
♡ Occasionally you would read books to him, he would sit eagerly awaiting each word that you spoke with unbridled excitement that you couldn’t help but fawn over
♡ You were usually soft-spoken, quiet and someone who rarely got into trouble if at all, but whenever Atsushi was thrown under the bus by the other kids or was mistreated you would always stick up for him. You would start fights for his sake even if you were punished afterwards. Your reputation grew in the orphanage and most kids stayed away from you after that, most didn’t bother Atsushi after that out of fear you would come for them. You would have done anything to protect Atsushi even if that meant sacrificing yourself for it
♡ When Atsushi was kicked out of the orphanage you went with him, he was the only one you truly cared about, the only person in your life that you considered family
♡ You knew of Atsushi’s ability. So whenever the moon turned whole you would hide. You longed to be able to help him and you knew the tigar was haunting his every move, you longed to be able to do something 
♡ When Atsushi was offered the position in the Agency you urged him to take it, that it would be good for him, he could finally find a place where he belonged and he did. But deep down you knew that they might not let you join, but if it was for Atsushi’s sake you didn’t mind
♡ You never minded if it was for Atsushi’s sake
♡ But they did- and finally, after years, you and Atsushi had a place where you belonged, somewhere where people were alike and somewhere your heart could find home at other than Atsushi’s side 
♡ You grew close to the other members, your heart was finally full and your little family of you and Atsushi finally grew 
♡ You were still close with Atsushi even after joining the Agency, you two would often go on missions together, your fighting styles complementing each other, he would attack you would cover and the opposite, two of pair, two of a match
♡ And even after all this time, you would still read books to him and he would still listen to every word you spoke with unbridled excitement; you would still patch up his wounds, gentle fingers and a gentle scold for getting you so nervous; you would still do anything for him because he was family, because he was your brother
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izumi kyoka 
♡ You never had much of a family growing up, so when Kyoka joined the Agency you took an immediate liking to her 
♡ She was like a little sister you never had, the family you so desperately craved
♡ The two of you would often go out together, sweet milkshakes and tofu, you would talk to her while the two of you ate, she would listen, the smallest smile gracing her features. You would pat yourself on your back each time you got to see it
♡ Kyoka didn’t have much when she joined the agency, just what was on her person, so when you got the chance you went shopping with her. It felt nice to do such minimal tasks, the missions you went on and the turbulences that plagued Kyoka’s life prior were reduced to a distant cloud in face of going out with each other, being able to bask each other’s presence, the soothing sun in a thunderstorm
♡ You both found peace within each other; two souls of the same, two of kind
♡ You forgot sometimes that Kyoka was only 14, so you were brought back to reality of that when she would tug on your sleeve, hand pointing to a stuffed rabbit or new dessert she wanted to try, you remembered and always indulged in whatever she wanted
♡ The two of you grew close quickly and with it your overprotectives of her, especially in a fight. Of course, you knew of her capabilities but it always scared you, you didn’t want to lose someone, not again 
♡ When she did get hurt but wasn’t severe enough for Yosano, you were always there to patch her up. She would sit down, hand light gripping the newest rabbit plush you bought her while you cleaned her wounds
♡ Kyoka would be silent while you worked until after you were done when she would utter a single apology. You would always ask why and she would always say because she made you worry. You would always smile at her, kind and gentle and say: “But you’re okay and you came back okay, don’t feel sorry, Kyoka-chan.” 
♡ And by the time nightfall came, Kyoka would always ask for you to stay with her until she fell asleep and you would, always because she was your sister and you forever cherished her
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fukuzawa yukichi 
♡ You first met Fukuzawa many years ago. A rainy autumn night when you encountered him
♡ That day forever changed everything
♡ You were young when you met him and joined the Agency. You quickly grew close to him, for he was the closest thing you had to a family; his comfort was your firefly in the dark
♡ If Fukuzawa was somewhere, you were most definitely somewhere near, hidden behind a wall or right by his side, hand gripping the hem of his sleeve
♡ You had to learn quickly if you wanted to keep up with him in battle. You trained with the art of the sword, quickly you grew accustomed to it. Fukuzawa would train you, occasionally you would spare against him; you would always end up losing no matter how hard you tried, but in the end, you think that’s what made you push yourself harder, so one day you wouldn’t lose so completely to him 
♡ You didn’t know when you started to think of Fukuzawa as your father. Perhaps it was when he would cook with you in the little shared home you two had or perhaps it was when he comforted you when you were ill or maybe, perhaps it was when he would read you back to sleep when you had a nightmare; warm soothing words that made your head grow heavy and your heart feel full 
♡ As time went on so did the closeness you two shared, he grew from Fukuzawa-san to Fukuzawa and finally to Fuku
♡ The two of you would often go to parks in your free time. You would sit at a bench near a lake and feed bread crumbs to the ducks. It grew so often that when you went there would often be a flock of ducks awaiting the food you would bring. Being there with him, in the quiet afternoons are some of your most favourite memories with him
♡ You don’t know when Fukuzawa started to refer to you as his daughter, but all of sudden you went from someone he was taking care of to being his daughter and someone precious to him. When you heard him refer to you as his daughter for the first you felt tears prick your eyes and your heartbeat speed ever the faster, because finally after all the time you spent alone, all the crying and begging for someone to save you, for a family, you finally had one
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osaevsky · 5 months
usual pinned post
'kay so- firstly, thank you sm for this. ironically i'm not good with words in moments like this but i'm still very grateful for my first milestone to have come so quickly and to have received so much support since creating this account.
secondly, i'll be doing something rather basic so it's (hopefully) easier to participate and easier to write for me later. and obviously it will be centered around bungo stray dogs. I'll keep this going till I start classes again so: 02/12
now that I've said all of this, I can start with my event:
y'all need to pick one of the prompts below + 1 character, and I'll develop a scenario out of it. most of these are mixed between nsfw and sfw so if they're ambiguous in context please let me know which one genre would like to see.
the scenarios won't have a max of words but most surely a minimum of 500.
once the prompt and character for the scenario is taken, I'll write it down so it doesn't get repeated.
all characters are fair game except: mori, hirotsu, oda, members of the guild besides poe and fukuchi. if I can't write the character or request for whatever reason I'll let it be known.
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now, the prompts:
“why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.”  — sfw + chuuya nakahara.
"do you know you're pretty?" atsushi + nsfw
"don't! I’m ticklish —“ nsfw + dazai osamu.
“stop denying it! you need sleep” sfw + fyodor (definitely asap).
“I’m not going anywhere” — nsfw + akutagawa ryunosuke.
"can you help me reach that?
"you have frosting on your face”
"I made this one just for you!”
“you’re pretty.”  “you’re drunk.” sfw + tachihara michizo (+ chuuya, separately)
"why haven't we done this sooner?"
"i brought you flowers." "for what?" "there has to be a reason?" — angst + tachihara michizo.
“ah, there you go. safe and sound, hm?”
"don't get confused, I was only clinging to you because you stole the blanket and I had no other way to keep warm."
"can we do that again? my eyes were closed." "oh my god."
“oh god, there’s no taking it slow when it comes to you.”
"do you really think you’re in a position to give orders?"
"i'll take good care of you, i promise."
"missed my touch that much, did you?" nsfw + atsushi
"i don't know how to kiss but let me kiss you, and I'll do it just right."
“tell me what to do.”
I believe that's all. If you have any questions please let me know and I'll do my best to explain. And once again, thank you !!
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crimson0lake · 4 months
BSD fandom, I have a discussion for you:
I don't really like doing short things, but now I got all of your attention, I want to point out something which many fans overshadows:
Hirotsu could be way more important than we think.
I hope I'm not the only one curious about Hirotsu
Like it's obvious he wouldn't just decide to join a mafia in his 50s. We saw him on screen sometimes but just as a side character? Which is annoying cause, this man literally can send things and people flying away with his finger tips, he probably can do more about it (like atsushi and Akutagawa, not only using their ability in the usual way but finding good ways and improving their abilities)
He probably stayed in Mafia more, as he is in his 50s, this also can mean he get found/join a mafia in his teenage years (like Chuuya and Dazai, cause his ability probably was his times strongest and powerful ones) then stayed in Mafia side till his 50s!
No one talks about how he could see old mafia, old boss and more, to say he is older than most of the cast in BSD. Which also means he probably way more experienced and can have good connections due to his experience in mafia?
Btw, how are you guys doing? The school's back-
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lukall705 · 2 months
I'm gonna try to finish two fanfics this week 🤑🤑
One of them is a chuuya x gn! reader comfort fanfic and the other one is chuuya x m! reader smut, so if anyone wants to be tagged in them tell me
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l0v3rg1ri · 3 months
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚Welcome!⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
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I write for x reader! I'll try my best to keep it GN but with requests I'll gladly go ahead and write female or male (or any gender) when requested! :3
Bungo Stray Dogs
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Digital circus
Yu-Gi-Oh (original)
Attack On Titan
I'm okay with....
Suggestive jokes/themes (lime only)
comfort fics
any type of reader sex, gender identity, orientation, and body type
NOT okay with...
smut (I'm a minor, so I keep my own personal side for myself but lime or small sexual jokes or acts are okay as long it doesn't turn into smut. Ex: A funny prompt of reader smacking a characters ass is okay)
non-con (I'm a victim of sexual harassment so I don't like Non-con prompts when it comes to acts that can be seen as sexual)
I do write for minor characters but It's only fluff or angst, nothing to do with sexual acts or jokes. (I'm aware many minors make sexual jokes but writing a minor saying that is weird for me compared to writing it for an adult character)
About me! ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
I'm a minor just writing as a passion, so this means I'm not always going to be posting as often. But I'll try to make up for them! :) I'm into art, self insert oc's (for myself), and collecting stuff! My favorite food is pasta! Currently in my Vox era! ;3
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deonsx · 10 months
Heya! İts my first so ı hope you like it<3 English is not my main language^^
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Dazai x Reader Comfort
I was resting at my boyfriend's house after a hard day's work but he hadn't come yet, we had a really good 2 year relationship
but for a long time I felt that he was not completely open to me, as if he was always closing a part of himself on me, even though he knew how much I wouldn't judge him, he kept going
his bandages were always hiding them from me it felt like a slight coldness between us, even though I tried asking him a few times, he always avoided
While I was lying on our bed, thoughts disappeared from my mind when I heard the sound of the door lock, the sound of footsteps approached
“Bella?” I looked into your tired dark eyes "you look tired, I can fix that” “where are my hello kisses” he said grimacing and squinting his eyes mockingly
When he saw that I wasn't moving, he got serious. "What's wrong my love?" she sat next to me as I took off her trench coat "you keep avoiding me osamu" i spoke as i brought my hand to gently caress his cheek
“What do you mean? I'd rather throw myself off a bridge instead” "You know what I'm talking about, osamu, don't you trust me?" silence prevailed
"I just don't want to upset you, my beautiful bela, with me” I approached him and gave him a small kiss, his eyes closed and he took a deep breath.
when he opened his eyes, the eyes sparkled and he came close and kissed me deeply then we took off our clothes he left bites on my neck he left only those bandages on him I asked for confirmation as I took my hand to his bandages
those brown eyes smiled and slowly I took my hand to the end of the bandage and started to remove it, it was very difficult with the eyes watching me carefully
the scars were revealing themselves in the moonlight after I had opened them all I only finally felt free of the barrier between us.. I placed my kisses on his now bare neck, without bandages, and felt his breath stop
i looked up into slightly shocked eyes then they went back to normal and those old loving eyes approached me “ı love you ‘samu”
“I love you too (name) I put my hands around his neck while I was in his lap the kiss deepened
İts my first<33 I am open to all requests
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himimosa · 10 months
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Headcanons and Scenarios
° how they hug (dazai, chuuya, ranpo)
° attractive things they do pt.1 (dazai, ranpo, atsushi)
° attractive things they do pt.2 (chuuya, akutagawa, fyodor)
° attractive things they do pt.3 (jouno, tecchou)
° how they cry (atsushi, akutagawa, chuuya, dazai)
° when they are sick (fyodor, kunikida, dazai)
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poeticlilies · 11 months
Hello! It says requests are open for you, however if i misread it or you dont feel comfortable writing this feel free to ignore! I'd like to request Kunikida, Atsushi and whoever else you'd like to add comfort their s/o going through grief? My dog passed away a few days ago and it's been pretty hard for me. Again, if you don't feel comfy writing this you're more than welcome to delete! I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
♡ Kunikida and Atsushi with an S/O who's dog passed away.
Kunikida Doppo x Reader , Atsushi Nakajima x Reader
Desc: some HC of what they would do to comfort their S/O if their dog passed away (gender neutral reader)
TW/CW: animal death, angst, spoilers for Dazai's past and Odasaku
Kunikida, Doppo
oh dear,, being totally honest, he'd be kind of bad at comforting.
I mean, he's a very methodical man; a believer that if you follow the steps exactly as written that everything will be perfect.
he doesn't really.. realize.. that human emotion cannot be comforted through constrained directions.
he definitely tries !! he's a bit. wonky because he insists that [xyz] is SURELY going to help you even though you don't like it, because that's what's in the guidebook and the guidebook MUST be right... correct?
after a while, though, he definitely sees that it's not helping at all, and wills himself to change for your sake.
he's determined to make his own "y/n care guide" ; he takes notice of even the most microscopic of details and writes them down, then later researches specific methods from well-known therapists to try them out with you, then references back to see which ones worked and scribbles out the ones that didn't.
he's not good with emotions; he's not an emotion man and he knows it. if you placed a crying child in front of him, he'd be the type of person to awkwardly stare... but you're not a crying child. you're you, the love of his life; the one who will triumph over all his ideals, morals, everything each and every time. so he makes the effort for you, in his own way of showing love.
Atsushi, Nakajima
the EXACT opposite of Kunikida.
although he gets embarrassed and awkward easily, he's experienced so much pain and suffering he knows how to comfort somebody.
he'll probably try to direct your attention away ,, he knows a dog is probably constantly around you and the pain of now constantly. being alone. reminds you of your loss 24/7 and he'll try to get you as busy as possible to distract that.
trips to carnivals? check ! daily outings in cafes? check! calling you to see if you want to go to the park at.. 9pm? check!
he probably comes off as a little overbearing but he means well. he just truly wants to help <3.
a/n: .. hello ! i'm sorry i was gone for so long :(. this is so late and im so so sorry but.. here it is!
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Home [Atsushi Nakajima]
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Drabble: Maybe in another reality, things work out normal
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“I wish we could have turned back time,” you commented, staring at him while he was busy seeing people going back to their houses, home where they belong.
Kids with their family, as they held out their parent’s hands laughing and smiling as the father picked his son on his shoulder, the daughter holding her mother’s hand smiling. The sun at Yokohama port seemed to settle down, as the seagulls flew away to their home.
It was an unfamiliar world for both of you. Ability users never had a normal life. Was it supposed to be a curse? A curse making them different from others?
“I wished I led a normal life sometimes, a life where I remembered my family, a life where i could find a home and a life where everything worked fine”
“Why do you wish to search for a family when we are all a family, Atsushi? The Ada is our home, a home we belong to, everything is working fine besides, when did things not work out well?”
He could only hum in silence as you shared a hug, feeling a lit teardrop on you shirt, with a small whisper of ‘thank you’
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Masterlist Request are open I realized I never wrote about him a lot, and not going to lie but his character is the easiest to write.
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blake-elladonna · 1 year
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏𝟔𝟓
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: 𝟒𝟖 𝐬𝐞𝐜.
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Atsushi — a cursed prince — fears his aggressive impulses could one day get you hurt. A BSD twist on Beauty and the Beast.
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“Argh! Leave. me. alone.” His nails scrapped the book shelves until he hurled them, the novels pouring to the ground. “Damn it!”
“Atsushi?” Your voice whipped him around. His face was stiff, nose flared. “You shouldn’t—” You peeled from the library’s doorway and he crumbled into a growl until his eyes softened. “You shouldn’t be seeing this. Go back to your room, now my delicate flower.”
“Atsushi, it’s okay.” You picked up an intact book and placed it delicately on the desk. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” He grumbled at that and turned to his pile of book covers and torn pages, “All I do is cause pain.”
He stiffened when your hand pressed into the middle of his back. Yet he was still trembling. “That’s not true. You’ve never hurt me. You would never, right? That has to count for something.” You traced his sleeves, decorated with slashes and broken seams. “See? You’ll never be that beast. I promise.”
“Thank you — beauty.”
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← Previous Drabble Master List Next Drabble → 🥀 Tainted Dreary 🏫
⇐ Last Atsushi Drabble Next Atsushi Drabble ⇒ N/A Blue moon 🌑
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭? 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
© 2022 @blake-elladonna™ — all copyrights reserved. Please do not translate, steal, repost or claim my writing or ideas as your own. Click here for further details.
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nian-7 · 1 year
Can I request some hurt/comfort with Atsushi, where the reader sees him turn into a weretiger, but isn't scared of him, and comforts him when he's crying? Please??
sure! i didn't do specifically this but, i did try to do some hurt comfort on a similar topic!
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Atsushi Nakajima x gn!reader
✧finding out he's an ability user
✧hurt comfort (giving)
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-Atsushi tries to keep you out of the way of his job, especially if you don't have an ability. He doesn't want you to get hurt so he kept it a secret from you. To protect you, of course!
-He never mentioned his ability because he didn't want you to see him differently because of it. He knows it'd be a bit scary to see your boyfriend part tiger and he doesn't want you to have to see that.
-You do end up finding out though. Be it one way or another, you find out and he's honestly a nervous wreck while trying to explain the situation to you and apologize for keeping it from you. He really just hopes you're not mad at him for keeping it a secret.
-He'd be very glad while you're comforting him that it's not as big of a deal as he's making it out to be. You understand his reasons and aren't mad at him. He's relieved to say the least and he's a little embarrassed when you mention how you're interested in seeing his ability for yourself!
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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thesoleilla · 2 years
atsushi x reader and like uhh reader is scared of spiders and there's a big spider in their room and like reader woke up with the spider in their face ! Omg!!! What will happen?? 1? 😨
Thank you for the request again you kind soul O-O
So uh here's your request ^^:
You were slowly waking up, coming to your senses, first sound, as you heard familiar noises coming from the apartment, as Atsushi was trying to make breakfast, even though the sounds coming out of the kitchen didn't make it seem like he was succeeding...
Then you started smelling, which was heavily influenced by whatever Atsushi was making, and that was not a good smell first thing in the morning, because you didn't want to deal with a fire while being in your pajamas. But it wasn't just that smell, there was also another one, a natural one, it seemed like it was the forest's smell... eh whatever, atsushi probably just bought a new plant! Right?
However, you were also starting to feel something on your face, it felt like small little hairs trying to tickle you over and over, without any signs of stopping. Huh what could that be? You were starting to grow really curious about it actually! So you took all of the courage you had in you and let your eyes be blinded by the light to face the thing that was, well on your face.
Which made you scream; a bit loudly:
okay so the thing on your face was not exactly something you wanted on your face.
It was a spider. And a really big one! Like coming-from-another-planet level of big! No,you weren't exaggerating because of your fear of spiders.Not at all. That'd a really dumb thing to do....heh.
Yea, you were a bit scared of spiders, just a bit though! Cause you only scream really loudly when you see one to show dominance! Yea! Exactly! You just wanted to assert dominance!
But Atsushi wasn't going to let you assert dominance on the spider apparently since he was already bursting in the room with a very worried look on his face. "Y/N Are you okay?! Is something threatening you do you... uh need help? What happened?!" He was already shouting at the top of his lungs just because you did the same some seconds ago! Did he not understand your way of asserting dominance?
The spider had run off from your face to the opposite side of the room (thankfully), so you just pointed at it with your shaking hand (which clearly showed dominance) and whispered as loud as you could "Spider. Big. Scary."
Atsushis expression instantly dropped to become a less worried one but definitely more compassionate, and you thought it was so sweet that you almost forgot about the spider. Only almost because it was still standing in the corner of the room menacingly and you were starting to think that maybe you weren't the one asserting dominance and that it was actually the spider all along! What a plot twist!
"Oh I'm soo sorry Y/N, I knew you were afraid of spiders but when I saw it running around the apartment I just couldn't let it go back to the outside world without taking care of it! So I built it a little house with food in one of the kitchen counters so that you wouldn't come across it... I don't know how it escaped.... I'm sorry I'll put it outside for you now..." He spoke up with a really, really disappointed look on his face. He seemed so hurt.... He looked like he was about to tear up, but he still wanted to help you. And that was such a touching sight that you were starting to feel really bad for him, and a bit for the spider even.
"But you know it really isn't dangerous I promise and I could make sure it never escapes again and-"
"It's fine atsushi... we can keep it if you want to! I trust you with it! And it'll help me fight my fear either way so it's good! Just... make sure I don't have to wake up to the feeling of its disgusting hairs on my face." You interrupted him giggling a bit in the end... seeing him like that had definetely calmed you down and you were starting to think cohabitating with the spider wouldn't be that bad after all! Especially considering how much the thought of it leaving hurt Atsushi... you didn't want him to be hurt by your irrational fear that was disappearing anyway!
He looked so happy after hearing your sentence that you just knew you had made the right choice, after all if all it costed for him to be happy like that was a little fright, you were okay with it.
"Thank you so much Y/N. I'll make sure it doesn't come near you ever again."
"It's okay, I'm safe as long as you're closer to me than the spider is!"
You both giggled at your phrase, before you pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much for worrying about me, Atsushi."
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The End Thank you for this request! Was very fun to write haha! ^^
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sushi-ats · 2 years
Does anyone know of any good bsd x reader blogs? Most of the ones I follow either haven't updated in a couple of years or aren't currently taking request. It's fine if there inactive as long as they have bsd headcannons and/or oneshots.
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