#broad bean
mapsontheweb · 1 year
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global distribution of broad bean farms
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magazynkulinarny · 11 months
Sałatka z bobu, kalafiora, młodych ziemniaków, korniszona i halloumi
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Zrobiłam ją w ubiegłym roku, w sezonie bobowym, ale nie doczekała się publikacji. Teraz przywołuję ją do życia, bo szkoda żeby zmarniała w czarnej i bezdusznej otchłani pamięci komputera.
Za jakiś czas pewnie ta sztuczna będzie próbowała zastąpić starą, poczciwą i mądrze zawodną człowieczą, ale póki co mamy swoje, cudownie utkane przez Boga sieci neuronalne. Cieszmy się nimi póki prymitywna zachłanność i pragnienie dominacji niektórych ruszą pełną parą, zostawiając za sobą zgliszcza (jakby ludzkość nie miała dość problemów)...
A sałatka? Cóż, nie rozpychała się łokciami, nie darła japy na steka czy zupę owocową i nie uskuteczniała dramatycznych scen wyskakiwania z talerza. Cicho i cierpliwie przycupnęła - nie licząc na owacje rodem z food reality show - więc teraz dostała ode mnie swoje pięć minut. 
Jest dobra, niewyszukana i sycąca. Ucieszcie się nią i Wy.
4-5 młodych ziemniaków 1/3 główki kalafiora szklanka zielonego bobu 5-6 korniszonów 3-4 plastry halloumi szklanka gęstego jogurtu naturalnego 1-2 łyżki majonezu kilka gałązek kopru ząbek czosnku sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Kalafior podzielić na różyczki, ziemniaki wyszorować w wodzie. Bób opłukać i z kalafiorem ugotować razem na parze. Ziemniaki ugotować (w łupinach) w osolonej wodzie. Odcedzić. Ogórki pokroić w plasterki.
Halloumi pokroić na kawałki wielkości kęsa, dopasowując do reszty składników. Ziemniaki podobnie. Ziemniaki i ser usmażyć na niewielkiej ilości oliwy z oliwek. Muszą być chrupiące (uroda tej sałatki polega m.in. na różnicy konsystencji)
Koper opłukać i posiekać. Czosnek obrać i maksymalnie rozdrobnić (można zetrzeć na drobnej tarce). Połączyć z jogurtem i majonezem, wymieszać, dosmakować solą, pieprzem.
Na talerz wykładać pogrupowane porcje warzyw i sera. Do środka wlać sos. Mieszać już po wydaniu na stół.
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Plant mitochondria are usually spherical or rodlike and range from 0.5 to 1.0 μm in length (Figure 12.5). (...) The number and sizes of mitochondria in a cell can vary dynamically due to mitochondrial division and fusion (see Figure 12.5C) while keeping up with cell division. (...) The ultrastructural features of plant mitochondria are similar to those of mitochondria in other organisms (see Figure 12.5A and B).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Such an action spectrum rules out the involvement of phytochrome or chlorophylls.
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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idasecoliving · 1 year
Legume heros
Snow pea harvests back in September:
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The first harvest was so exciting! The snow peas (Snow Pea Oregon, heirloom seeds) were so crisp and sweet. I grew snow peas in the barrel I'm standing by, and broad beans in the plot under the apple tree to enrich the soil with nitrogen. Plus, once the crops die off the stems will be good for mulch! And, I'm doing some seed saving...
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Plenty of broad beans! The majority are for my friend who wants them for a cover crop, among other plants.
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tenpolegardener · 2 years
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My evening in the garden……
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onlyfangz · 10 months
the male companion bodies in bg3 make no sense at all for their classes or backgrounds, and its such cowardice to give them all broad shoulders and six packs. gale is a wizard whos been living a cushy life indoors in waterdeep, and unless he's been bench pressing tomes, give him pudge, he deserves pudge. astarion was deprived of proper nutrition for *200 years*, he should look borderline emaciated. wyll i could maybe see being a bit more built? but more in a marathoner way than action man, (but even then. Give him tummy bc. I said so).
wild that they really took a *WIZARD*, a rogue, and a warlock, and went "yeah make them shredded, that makes sense." cowards and fools. where are my gale dadbod truthers? my lanky astarion bedfellows? my wyll gut siblings-in-arms??
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buffetlicious · 2 months
Went across the street to the 24hrs coffee shop to order Singapore Fried Noodles (星洲米粉) and Hor Fun (河粉) from the tze char (煮炒) stall. The first is fried bee hoon or rice vermicelli while the latter is broad flat rice noodle.
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I took the easy way to dinner and opted for Economy Rice (菜饭) with this big piece of savoury pork chop, crispy ikan bilis & crunchy peanuts and kang kong (water spinach) stir-fry over steamed rice.
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morethansalad · 1 month
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Wild Garlic Tortellini with Broad Bean Pesto and Basil Oil (Vegan)
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dry-gold · 2 years
We are not separate from nature.
Your soil is an whole damn living thing and you should treat it like a beloved pet.
I know I work in a native plant nursery but please don't act scandalized when I give you permission to grow things that will do you and your soil net good.
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unquietspiritao3 · 7 months
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favorite pics of noel (from his instagram) 6/∞
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vitamin-zeeth · 2 months
Beginning my periodical rewatch of taskmaster season 4 I'll keep you all updated if I notice anything new the 5th time round
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An action spectrum for the green reversal of blue light-stimulated opening shows a maximum at 540 nm and two minor peaks at 490 and 580 nm (Figure 10.16).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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wiiwheel · 1 month
Please I need details on this salad. Is it homemade or store bought. What are the ingredients. Vinaigrette.
It's from a local vegan grocers who also have a café. They do like 11 different salads but u can buy a mix of 3. My faves (and the ones in the photo) are:
1. Brocoli w/ olive oil dressing (simple but I love brocolli she doesn't need anything else)
2. Green and black olives w gherkins, peppers, fennel, dill, & vinaigrette
3. Black eyed pea salad w/ red cabbage, rocket, red onions...
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bidotorg · 4 months
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🌈🎉 Happy Birthday, Abbi Jacobson! 🎉🌈
Today, we celebrate not only an incredibly talented actress and comedian but also an inspiring advocate for the LGBT community. Abbi Jacobson, you shine brightly not just as an entertainer but as a symbol of representation and inclusion.
On your special day, let's take a moment to applaud your openness about your bisexuality. Your courage to embrace and share your authentic self has made a significant impact on so many people. You've shown that love knows no boundaries, and your journey is an inspiration to all.
Abbi, your remarkable talent has graced both the comedy and animation worlds. What's even more remarkable is the way you've brought bisexuality to the forefront of your work. You've portrayed numerous bisexual characters with depth and authenticity, breaking down stereotypes and increasing awareness about the diversity of human sexuality.
From your role as the beloved Abbi Abrams in "Broad City" to Carson Shaw on "A League of Their Own" to voicing Princess Bean in "Disenchantment," you've shown that bisexuality is a valid and essential part of the human experience. Your characters have resonated with audiences around the world, giving voice to those who may have felt marginalized or invisible.
💜 https://bi.org/en/famous/abbi-jacobson
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tenpolegardener · 2 years
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My day in the garden….
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