#book: the paper menagerie
haveyoureadthispoll · 2 months
A publishing event: Bestselling author Ken Liu selects his award-winning science fiction and fantasy tales for a groundbreaking collection—including a brand-new piece exclusive to this volume. With his debut novel, The Grace of Kings, taking the literary world by storm, Ken Liu now shares his finest short fiction in The Paper Menagerie. This mesmerizing collection features all of Ken’s award-winning and award-finalist stories, including: “The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary” (Finalist for the Hugo, Nebula, and Theodore Sturgeon Awards), “Mono No Aware” (Hugo Award winner), “The Waves” (Nebula Award finalist), “The Bookmaking Habits of Select Species” (Nebula and Sturgeon award finalists), “All the Flavors” (Nebula award finalist), “The Litigation Master and the Monkey King” (Nebula Award finalist), and the most awarded story in the genre’s history, “The Paper Menagerie” (The only story to win the Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards). A must-have for every science fiction and fantasy fan, this beautiful book is an anthology to savor.
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reverie-quotes · 8 months
There are many ways to say I love you in this cold, dark, silent universe, as many as the twinkling stars.
— Ken Liu, The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories
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litandlifequotes · 2 months
Every act of communication is a miracle of translation
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories by Ken Liu
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riceballannie · 2 months
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Cried my eyes out while reading Ken Liu's #thepapermenagerie for my university's book cover project. I combined traditional inking, graphite pencils and digital colouring :3
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tinynavajoreads · 5 months
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Currently Reading: The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories by Ken Liu
I'm loving short story anthologies that are written by the same author. And this one is interesting so far, I'm enjoying the stories and I'm excited to see what story comes up next :]
What do you like about anthologies? And do you like one author anthologies or multiple author anthologies?
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lizziestudieshistory · 4 months
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05.02.2024 - I'm trying to do better about reading the 15 books I'm part way through... But I'm too deep down the Sarah J. Maas hole to address the teetering stack of books next to my bed. I am, however, being responsible and reading Ken Liu alongside because I'm supposed to be reading it with my best friend this month. So far I'm enjoying Maas more but Liu is making me think (which is very much needed with this latest development!)
Currently reading: The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories by Ken Liu; A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas; and too many other books to mention here
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lsengler · 11 months
"We are different, you and I, and the qualia of our consciousnesses are as divergent as two stars at the ends of the universe."
-Ken Liu, in his Preface to "The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories"
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I finally got through The Paper Menagerie by jhaslkfbjkdhlkfha!
Things got really hectic recently because of my schoolwork so this took a lot longer than usual, but I had a great time reading it!
Here are some of the quotes I picked out :)
The Paper Menagerie is a collection of short stories, of which each kind of tackles a contemporary issue within our society.
For me, the title story hit really deep as the child of immigrants; it was so relatable in a reinforceable manner. I definitely though some stories were weaker & stronger than others, but overall it was notable read that I would recommend!!
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scribble-dee-vee · 4 months
Love finishing a good book and feeling COMPLETELY disoriented
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frost-queen · 1 year
To return to the barrel (Reader x Kaz Brekker)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic,@merlin-dahlia , @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko , @bubblybrianna , @justanothercoco @idkwhatmyusernameis,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07
Summary: Reader left the crows due to an argument with Kaz Brekker up till the point she even fled Ketterdam. Word of your return reaches his ears, making him hasten himself to search for you. When he finds you, he corners you, telling you that he wants you. You who are still wary of how you left things with him ask how he would want you. Driven to insanity, he pushes you against the wall with a steamy hot kiss.
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Ketterdam was pouring. Rain falling down in thick droplets on the cobble stone. Puddles of dirty water scattered around. Boys running for safety as their feet made the water splash up. Murmured commotions deafened out by the sound of heavy rain. Droplets like bullets firing down. The heaviest of rain Ketterdam has seen in a few months. A wind from the bay came picking up, changing the course of the rain. Clattering against the window with loud ticking sounds. On the other side of the window was it warm.
A fire crackling in the fireplace. A few candles providing light in the dimly light room. Kaz Brekker, the boy of the barrel, dirty hands staring thoughtfully out of the window. Watching the streets empty, running away from the rain. His hand clenched firmer around the crow’s head. His eyes focused into the distance, his mind zoning out from this reality. Thinking back about a different time. Where the crows had another member before it all went down.
Midday. The sun shining highly and warm. Kaz Brekker’s cane tapping loudly against the cobble stones. His head turned to the side, smirking. You matching his pace, staring fiercely in front of you. The sudden awareness of his heart thumping loudly in chest. Kaz swallowed, moving his gaze forwards. The two of you walked past the menagerie, barely giving it a glance. You moved a bit aside when Kaz came walking closer to you. Frowning he led you to walk more towards the center of the street then the sides.
Away from the menagerie as if he feared something. Glancing upwards you saw a girl peek through the curtains of the upper level. You quickly looked away as there was nothing you could do about it. Kaz reached for his inside pocket, pulling out a paper. He held it out for you to take. You took it, opening it to read. – “This contains a list of requirements I need.” – he said, pointing subtilty with his cane into the direction of an alleyway.
You went along, moving away from the main street. – “Where do I require a frog?” – you asked him bluntly. He smirked. – “You are resourceful. You’ll find a way Y/n.” – he answered. You rolled the paper back up to hide in your clothing. – “I’ll need by the end of the day.”
“You have till the sun sets.” – he insisted making you exhale loud. He chuckled turning around as you had come to a stop. – “Watch the clock Y/n.” – he said smiling. You stared warningly at him. Kaz turned back around as he left. You went a different direction in to require the items of need for him. You first went for the easier tasks such as requiring rope, a few uniforms and knives. The difficult task laid in requiring a frog. For whatever Kaz needed a frog was a mystery to you. The sun was already lowering as the clock was ticking.
Lifting the hem of your dress up, you stepped into the mud. Where mud and water was, there would be frogs. Your shoes squeaked with each step through the mud. Finding it slightly disgusting you knelt down, knee deep in the mud. With your hands you dug through the mud in search for a frog. The icky content smearing your limbs. Not to mention the smell was anything but pleasant. The sudden click of a gun made your eyes widen.
“Look what we have here.” – a voice came through, emerging in front of you. Pekka Rollins. He whistled at you with a nod, making you lift your hands up in defense. The point of the gun pressed hard against the back of your head. Pekka motioned for you to stand as you did, slowly. – “Looking for frogs as well?” – you said jokingly. Pekka chuckled humorously before his smile dropped. – “I’m here for you, little crow.”
You were forced forwards to meet up with Pekka. Stepping out of the mud, already covered. Pekka pulled out a handkerchief to block out the smell coming from you. – “My perfume not to your liking?” – you teased, receiving a blow against your stomach from another employee. You doubled over, reaching for your stomach. Two employee’s grabbed you by the arms, holding you upright. – “I know Brekker has been poking around in my business.” – he told you. – “I’m not Brekker.” – you answered boldly.
Pekka curled up a grin. – “Indeed, but you could deliver a message.” – your eyes widened, knowing what it meant. To be fair you didn’t even know Kaz had been poking around in Pekka’s business. None of the crows knew. You heard the click of the gun getting off the safety pin behind you. Pekka truly was going to have you shot in cold blood. You had to act fast and now or your brains would be laying in the mud.
You elbowed the guy in the guts, grabbing for his gun. He wasn’t letting go as the other two grabbed you again. They started pulling you from him. With a kick, your feet knocked the gun out of his hand. Dropping into the mud. Quickly you shoved some mud over it, so it disappeared through the filth. You received a few hits while struggling to get free.
The third one pulled out a knife, cutting at you. You could avoid it, hands finally released from your capots. – “Kill her!” – Pekka ordered ruthlessly watching from a distance. Keeping a close eye on the three men, you raised your fists. The first one came your way as you elbowed him. Tackling him into the mud. The second one approached as you collected some mud in your hand. Throwing it in his eyes, you blinded him. Seeing him wave his hands desperately around.
The third one came in by surprise slicing his knife against your skin. You called it out, a cut having formed on your arm. Blood turning darker as you pressed your muddy hand against the wound. They were too many for you to take on. A right hand crashed with your jaw, making you fall down into the mud. The filth splashing up. Nearby you heard a frog croak. Seeing the little eyes in the mud. You reached for it, clenching it between your hand, just in time as one of the men pulled at your ankle. You screamed it out, grasping desperately for grip. He turned you around as you kicked him in the face.
Getting up you made an escape for it. Flinching at a gun firing your way. Pekka rollins had drawn his gun, shooting at you. – “You got no where to run girl!” – he said loudly. Panting you disappeared, avoiding getting hurt in the process. You ran through streets, wounded. The frog feeling slippery in your hand. Above you noticed the sun had almost set. Panting loud, you ran to the crow’s club. Driven with loyalty and eagerness.
The doors swung open as you were out of breath. Jesper and Inej jumping surprised up. – “Saints Y/n is that you?” – Inej asked seeing how barely recognizable you were from the mud. Jesper coughed loud, waving his hand in front of his nose. – “Is that smell coming from you Y/n?” – he questioned. You walked up to the bar, dropping the frog in an empty glass. – “Is… is that a frog?” – Jesper asked confusingly as you set something on the top so it couldn’t hop out. – “Where is Kaz?” – you wanted to know. – “The back.” – Inej told you.
You nodded, walking past them, leaving muddy prints on the flooring. You made your way to the back, pressing your hand against the wound on your arm. You found him in the storage room. He smiled upon your arrival. – “I knew I could count on you.” – he said. – “Did you poke in Pekka’s business without telling us?” – you shouted at him. Kaz got startled by your loud voice, catching him off guard. He tensed his jaw. – “What significance does it have?” – he answered. – “It has when it affects us too!” – you stepped closer.
“What do you…” – his eyes widened briefly noticing how you clutched onto your arm. A wetness dripping through your fingers. – “What did he do!” – Kaz wanted to know. – “What did you do!” – you fired right back at him. – “This is on you Kaz!” – you accused him, making him look shamefully away. – “I can’t understand your craving for vengeance with Pekka. Tell me what is going on. It is undeniable you go mental each time Pekka’s name is mentioned. Tell me why you have it out for him.”
Kaz remained silent. – “Anyone who is close to you is in constant danger!” – you moved up to him as Kaz backed away to the wall. – “You would rather burn down cities then release your demons!” – you were infuriated with him. – “The city is burning Kaz, and you are the only one who don’t seem to see it!” – you pushed your hand firmly against his side, startling him. – “Stop this madness now before you get us all killed!” – Kaz’s expression hardened. – “Never!” – he spoke ruthlessly back, gaining back his strength.
“Pekka is mine to deal!” – he made clear. – “If the crows fall it is on you!” – you shouted back. – “The crows know the risk! Just as much as you do Y/n!” – He said loudly making you stumble back. – “I’ll have Pekka burn for all of Ketterdam to see and I won’t stop till I have achieved that.” – you lowered your gaze feeling as if this is a battle you had already lost. – “At what cost? How much more lives will you destroy to have it your way… Tell me what Pekka has done to you. I am hating the secrecy between you and me. I thought we made that clear.” – you said. Kaz held his tongue only staring intensely at you. You took a deep breath, untensing your muscles. – “Then you leave me no choice.” – Kaz barely moved when you ran out. Leaving the crow’s club for good.
Kaz took a deep breath. Reflecting back on that specific day where he pushed you away. If only he had been honest with you, you would still be around. An ache in his heart he can’t deny any longer. He moved his other hand over the one holding his cane, tensing his grip around it. Heart yearning for your presence once more. A sudden strike of pain hit him in the chest, making him press his gloved hand against the window. Breathing loudly at what ached his heart. Your name burning on his lips.
In the reflection of the glass he saw the fire burning of the candles. It made his widen his eyes. Watching the reflection of it flicker on the horizon of Ketterdam. Looking quickly over his shoulder, he couldn’t watch it. He let the city burn at the cost of you. There was a knock on the door, making him straighten his posture. It was Inej taking upon briefly his character. Kaz took a deep breath, brushing his hair back. – “Yes.” – he said coldly. Inej swallowed brief sensing something was tormenting him. – “She’s been spotted in Ketterdam.” – Inej told him as his eyes widened.
“Y/n is back in Ketterdam.” – Inej barely had spoken out the words as Kaz got in motion. He pushed past her out of his office, downstairs. Jesper sat at the bar, quirking his eyebrow up. – “Boss?” – he jumped up when Kaz made his way to the front door. – “Where are you going?” – he called out. Jesper sat down when Kaz clearly wasn’t going to respond. Kaz faced the rain. Making his way through the streets of Ketterdam in search for you.
You were still at the docks, shielding under a clearance for the rain. Your first time back in Ketterdam after months of being away and the weather was already against you. Taking a deep breath you watched as the crew was unloading the last of the ship. You weren’t even sure why you were back in Ketterdam after being away for so long. Whatever madness drove you back to the barrel. From the side you heard loud tapping making you widen your eyes. Kaz Brekker emerging from around the corner standing face to face with you. If he felt gratitude or relief, he barely showed it.
You shook your head, not wanting to have a go at it again. – “No… not you.” – you said backing away. Kaz moved closer, drawing in closer. He wouldn’t let you leave, forcing you against the wall. He cornered you, pressing his hands firmly against the wall beside your head. You sucked in a breath at how close he suddenly was. Kaz staring intensely in your eyes as if devouring you whole. – “I want you!” – he said loudly hearing his heart beat out of control. Pulsating through his veins in his palms.
“And how will you have me Kaz Brekker?” – you responded keeping your stare up. – “As collateral damage?” – you whispered letting your gaze go towards his lips. – “A crow?” – you added wetting your lips. Kaz swallowed nervously, breathing shallow against your skin. His senses itching with hunger for you. – “How would you like me?” – you whispered. Kaz couldn’t hold himself back anymore, tilting his head down till he smacked his lips against yours. Your back pressed firmer against the brick wall. – “I’ll have you as mine.” – he spoke briefly having retracted his lips from yours. Grabbing you by the chin, he forced his lips on yours once more. Kissing them deeply with the burning passion inside of him.
You kissed him back, hotness on your lips. Wrapping your arms around him, you moved away from the wall. Turning around you switched places with Kaz whilst still kissing. Stepping from under the clear, getting into the rain where you immediately got cooled down. The steamy kiss was building up in warmth that took a cooling under the rain, arms moving down to his arms.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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reverie-quotes · 8 months
You know what the Chinese think is the saddest feeling in the world? It's for a child to finally grow the desire to take care of his parents, only to realize that they were long gone.
— Ken Liu, The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories
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hello-eeveev · 1 year
Beau had half a mind to march over to the Candles and kill Ludinus Da’leth herself, if only so she didn’t have to spend another day looking over the same documents, trying to find something they could use to get him out of power. She didn’t trust him—hadn’t from the start—but the more she walked in similar circles, the more she had to deal with the Assembly’s bullshit, the more she was convinced that whatever Ludinus was up to at any given moment, it couldn’t be good. But he had spent centuries navigating Dwendalian politics; of course he knew how to cover his tracks well.
She was halfway through plotting out the assassination when Caleb, who was sitting at the desk across from her, closed his book and looked up at her. “It’s five o’clock,” he said.
“Finally.” Beau sagged in her chair, taking in a deep breath. As she exhaled, she let thoughts of work fade from her mind. Once she felt suitably non-murderous, she slapped her hands onto her desk and stood. “Let’s get going then.”
She and Caleb fell into their routine as easily as they fought side-by-side. Caleb collected all the files and documents and organized them as he saw fit, while Beau stacked the books in the order that she knew would be most convenient for whoever reshelved them. Then they switched. Beau ran the papers back to her tiny office and locked them in her desk drawer, and Caleb passed off the books to the nearest archivist to be put away. When they met back up, Caleb walked Beau all the way to the teleportation circle on the other side of the Archive. Outside of going home to Yasha, this was Beau’s favorite part of the day, because regardless of what they ended up talking about, they made sure that, for at least these fifteen minutes, neither of them had to think about their country’s corrupt systems and the horrible people running them.
By the time they arrived at the teleportation circle, her half thought-out plans of murdering the Martinet had been shoved into the back of her mind by Caleb’s fond tales of the kids he tutored and the progress they were making.
She really hoped he would take the Soltryce job, if not for the good he would do there, at least for himself. He seemed so happy when he talked about teaching, almost as much as when he was nerding out about spells with Essek or Veth.
The caster in charge of the circle beckoned Beau into the center of the room, and she jogged into position as they began drawing the sigils for the Zadash Archive circle.
“Hey, so tomorrow night, Yasha’s trying out a new recipe that she got from Martina,” Beau said, turning to face Caleb who lingered at the edge of the casting space. “It’s a stir-fry sorta thing that she learned on a trip to the Menagerie Coast. I think it’ll be really good, especially if we use some of your green beans. You down?”
The invitation was more of a formality at this point. Caleb joined them for dinner almost every weekend. But Caleb shifted awkwardly, looking down at his feet.
“Ah, I would love to,” he said, “but I already have plans for tomorrow. Maybe another night.”
“Eating a boba and reading all night doesn’t count as dinner plans.”
Caleb huffed a laugh. “No, it is a, um…” He picked at some fuzz on his coat sleeve. “A date.”
“Wha—” Beau blinked. Shook her head and blinked again. “What? With who?”
Caleb caught her gaze, expression completely neutral except for a growing redness on his face. “A friend,” he said.
She furrowed her brow. “I’m gonna need a little more information than that, dude.”
He glanced down at the runes being drawn beneath her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him run his thumb over the ring on his index finger—his Ring of Telepathy, it looked like—and his voice entered her mind.
Beau’s eyes widened, but then the bastard smiled and waved like nothing happened. “Have a nice evening, Beauregard.”
Faster than she could run over and punch that smug look off his face, the chalk on the floor flashed and suddenly she was back at the Zadash Archive.
She fumbled for her Sending Stone. “Fucking piece of shit—I’m gonna—” She yanked it out of her pocket and activated it. “Caleb!” she shouted. Some poor young monk tried to greet her while an older expositor threw a stern expression her way, but Beau paid them no mind. She was already running out the door.
“The fuck kinda timing was that? What do you mean you’re going on a date with—” Shit, she couldn’t use Essek’s name in the middle of Zadash. “—with him? When did this happen? How? Who else knows?”
“You are the first, unless someone else has figured it out already,” he replied. “Unfortunately Sending is limited to twenty-five words, so I cannot say more. Goodnight, Beauregard.”
“I know for a fact that’s not how these Sending Stones work, you asshole!” She did a quick count of Caleb’s message in her head. Twenty-six words.
She could practically hear his shit-eating grin in the silence that followed.
Forget Ludinus, she had another wizard to kill.
Before long, Beau was sprinting up to her house. She waved off Martina’s sickeningly sweet hello and threw open her front door.
“Yasha!” she yelled. “Babe, you’re not gonna believe what Caleb just told me. Can you message Jester today?”
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danzaloreley · 1 year
Calm Storm
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x harpy!Reader
Summary: Secret hideouts
Warning: None
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A storm was to pass through, the sky was darkened by the second. There weren’t any chirping birds early in the morning and that pleased the pigtailed girl waking up. A silent bliss interrupted by Enid’s screaming at the top of her lungs. Wednesday sat up in alert looking for an intruder only to see her girlfriend cackling as she perched on top of the blonde’s headboard.
“What are you doing?!” Enid shrieked while throwing pillows at the harpy. “I’m just waiting for my sweetheart. We gonna have a day for just us.” “Never call me that again.” the dark hair girl grimaced and stood up to get ready. “How long have you been there? Whyyy Y/N?” “Hour and a half give or take. Thing has been tickling your foot, but all that managed to do was make you growl. And Wednesday is never fazed so” the afformentioned hand scurried off to Wednesday’s bed. “Thing, you betrayed me.” the blonde put a hand to her chest and gawked with faux indignation.
“If you’re through with Enid’s morning torment I would ask that you wait for me out by the gates, mon cher.” the harpy turned to her lover and swiftly left with a beaming smile, not before stealing a kiss from her.
Wednesday saw the growing smirk on her roommate. “Stop it.”
The howling of the wind and swaying of branches brought peace as you both walked. You had led Wednesday deep into the woods, the trees becoming thicker, large roots protruding from the ground. The canopy obscured most of the sky plunging into darkness. Both stopped infront of a giant tree before you turned around holding the girl’s hand.
“Is this where you have planned my demise, uccello rapace?” Wednesday had her usual stoic expression, but there was a soft smile on the edge of her lips.
“If I was to come up with a way, I would hope to think of something better then a murder in the woods. Pretty basic.” your hand held her by the back of the neck while the other held her close to you around her waist. A wicked grin on your face before-
Without warning you flew to the top of a strong sturdy branch. Wednesday’s hair tussled and angry look your way. “You should consider yourself lucky I’m not strangling you right now.” you walked her back carefully to the trunk with a sultry look. “You know that I’m not against it one bit. Getting down would be hard though and to think I was sharing my hideaway.” she tilted her head asking for elaboration while you put on the enchanted ring to make the wings meld and just shoved the trunk behind her forcefully.
There was a carved hole and inside lay a nest. It was arranged with hay, twigs, yarn, ribbons and on the edges vertebraes and skulls of a menagerie of small creatures adorned it. There were blankets and pillows for their comfort and scattered black feathers. Some books, and crumpled paper in a corner.
“It’s not much, but this is where I go when I’m overwhelmed. I enjoy the solitude in it.” the smaller woman sat cross legged and took it all in. Her love’s sanctum and she was sharing it so willingly. “Cozy. How long did it take to carve in?” You secured the entrance as the rain picked up.
“Hm. Well, I spent every day here last year. Safe and unaware of the going-ons of a certain little detective.” you quipped sitting down beside her.
“I’m glad that you were not involved.”
Only a few words that moved your heart immensely. The way her gaze fixated on you, the softness that was reserved for you alone. “If any harm comes to you in a such a way again, know that I will destroy Jericho without remorse.”
There were so many emotions swirling together, but the most prominent the devotion and love for one another. Wednesday slowly straddled the girl’s hips without breaking eye contact. The movements were slow, tentative as she leaned to capture your lips.
Wednesday Addams was feared for the destruction and coldness same as the storm. Wednesday Addams was not soft, vulnerable or delicate, but as the stormed raged outside, she became it all for you.
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divingtheobscure · 11 months
The Library Chapter 1
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Morning shines through Cloud Cliff mountains again. A lush land of tower mountains, where residents live at the top of their own little mountain, each one has a house of their own. Yet you wouldn’t call them neighbors, the distance is so far away from your house and other houses that it’s impossible to see each other. All they would see is a little dot house. That’s what you always see, and that’s what made living in Cloud Cliff Mountain quite lonely at times. Even though you know you’re not really alone in this land. The lights you can see in the houses at night says otherwise. Along with the smoke coming out of their indoor furnace. Still, you never really got to know any of the residents of Cloud Cliff Mountain, you’re always too busy organizing your library, tending to the garden, and reading a book that caught your interest, or maybe even a book you want to read all over again thanks to how compelling it is.
An example of this is the book you hold in your hands right now, called ‘The paper Menagerie’.
That will have to wait until tomorrow though, as clearing out the dust is a must. There’s also the fact that you must tend to the peonies in your garden. And after all of your chores are done, you finally have a chance to enjoy the serenity Cloud Cliff Mountain has to offer.
At least, that was the plan.
“Done!” You heaved out a satisfied sigh at your work, the gazebo is looking good as new! Now that the dust and dried dead leaves are gone, you can set out and enjoy a nice relaxing afternoon with some tea and mooncakes. Choosing a book to read is not even a challenge, as there’s only one book in mind that you want to read. That’s right, the paper menagerie. You already have the book in hand, all you need to do is make the tea. Luckily you stored some already dried crush tea leaves from yesterday. All you needed to do was get the water boiling. While the water boils on the kettle you placed over the stove, you take your time trying to plan out your next schedule for tomorrow. Since you haven’t had so much free time lately, it’s almost hard to think of what to do outside of reading books.
You could try new hobbies.
“Drawing? Calligraphy? Hm, what else?” There’s got to be more than that.
You made lists of hobbies you could try, using the characters in your books as a reference to what you should do. And out of all of them the first two you mentioned to yourself caught your attention the most.
Knock Knock Knock
. . .
“You’re in the wrong house!” You yelled out to the window, you felt bad for the messenger birds the fellow residents have. They always come to your house by mistake, you guys made a routine though, three knocks mean they’re there to send a message, and five knocks mean they want to stop by and rest, and that’s when you would bring them water too. But as you looked at the window where the birds usually show themselves, you found no birds. Not even the usual hawk from the resident with the red roof.
“How very odd.” You commented, flinching a bit when you heard the loud knocking again. This time, it’s coming from your front door. . .
You stood up and walked over to the door. Debating in your head if you should open it or not. It can’t be a friend, for you have none. It also couldn’t be one of the residents either, the only way they could come here is to take one of the bridges. Something no one in the village has ever done, they always use messenger birds to get around communicating in this place. Oh! You wish there was a small window on your door so you could see who it was. But it’s also rude not to let anyone in, this could just be a small mistake and you can just tell them they’re in the wrong house.
“Hello! Is anyone home? I’m kinda looking for someone named (Y/n)?”
Shoot looks like there’s no getting out of this. The voice was that of a man, they seem to pose no threat judging by the sound of it. Oh, what the heck, you reached your hand out, and you opened the door. Expecting to see the sight of one of the residents, you weren’t expecting much, just a normal man who dressed like, a farmer, a scholar, or any other normal clothing. Except, none of those expectations were met. Standing before you is someone who wore golden armor that could only have been granted by the gods, so prestige and so glorious. And standing before you, is not a man, but a monkey with golden eyes standing in his two feet.
“Ah hey! You finally answered! Do you happen to know—”
You didn’t even give the monkey a chance to finish before you slammed the door in his face. You rubbed your eyes, trying to think and process what you had just seen. You gotta be hallucinating, you just gotta. There’s no way something like that would exist. Let alone be physically possible! The monkey is taller than you! No monkey like that could ever exist! There was knocking again, and out of instinct you opened the door again and were met with the same sight.
“Hey! That was kinda rude there. Is that really how you would greet the legendary monkey king?” While the monkey. . . king? Poses in the most epic way he can, you just stood there. Confused out of your mind.
“Monkey. . . King?” After you made your confusion known, that’s when the monkey had a look of realization wash over his face.
“Wait, are you serious? Dang Guanyin wasn’t kidding when she said no one in this village knows me.” The monkey whispers the last part, but you heard it very clearly.
You froze when you heard her name, Guanyin, the bodhisattva of compassion. And the only one outside of Cloud Cliff Mountain who knew of this place “I’m sorry, but who are you?”
You finally asked, thinking about it you should’ve asked it first.
“Oh Right.” The monkey cleared his throat before bowing.
“I am Sun Wukong, the Monkey king. And I am here to ask for your help.”
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howlingday · 6 months
Good Damage
Can you do the good damage scene from Bojack please?
I’m fifteen years old. I live in Menagerie. Adam Taurus is a dick to me.
Adam: Was I, or did you deserve it?!
I deserved it.
Ghira: Your problem is you keep blaming other people, Kitten.
I know.
Jaune: Who’s a good baby~? NOT YOU!
I’m trying to focus! I just need to get to the truth!
Ruby: I think you’re scared of the truth!
Ruby: Your damage isn’t interesting and you’re unworthy of love!
No, I’m not!
Yang: Of course you are! Are you… Uh, y’know, one of those stupid set-ups I make so I can make a pun out all the time? Because you’re charming at first, but eventually, ENOUGH ALREADY!
Ruby: You think you’re a beautiful paper collage? Talk about being conceited. You’re copy and paste at best!
Ghira: You blame everyone else for all your problems, but YOU’RE THE ONE CONSTANT HERE! …Go, Team RWBY.
Blake: Mrs. Schnee! Mrs. Schnee, wait! I... I'm sorry, okay? I understand you're just trying to be helpful, in your... weird, controlling sort of way.
Willow: Thank you?
Blake: But... I don't want to write a cutesy story about animal friends playing in a make-believe forest!
Willow: See, I think you do, though. Because as I was reading, I could just tell you were having fun writing it.
Blake: Maybe, but I'm not writing to have fun! If I don't write my book of memoirs, then I never will!
Willow: Is that really an issue? If you can't, then don't.
Blake: I have to!
Willow: Why?
Blake: Because if I don't, then it means all the damage I got while growing up isn't' good damage! It's just damage! I got nothing out of it, and I was miserable for all those years for nothing. I could have been happy all along and written stories about vaguely described animals and been cheerful and popular and didn't suffer for what I am- Is that what you're saying?! What was it all for?!
Willow: I... I don't know, Blake. What I do know is that I liked reading Beasts of Remnant. It was fun and it made me feel happy there was a book out there that my grandchildren could enjoy reading. Or, if they're not interested in books, they could see a lucrative film adaptation of them.
Blake: When I was a little girl, I thought everything, all the abuse and neglect and harm I suffered would one day mean something. That it somehow made me special, and that's why I decided that one day I would write something that would make little girls like me feel less alone in this world. And if I can't...
Willow: Then... Write your other story. Maybe it can do that, too.
Blake: Really?
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neoneun-au · 9 months
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A post for my book recommendations, to be continuously updated as I read and remember more. Because without reading, I would not be writing. 
All time favourites are marked with a ☆
All are sorted by genre and will be linked (if able) to their Goodreads pages so that you can dig deeper into whatever catches your eye.
(ps if you have a Goodreads account, you can add me here)
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Anthology/Short Story Collections
Behold This Dreamer - Walter de la Mare ☆
Love Letters of Great Men - Ursula Doyle
Difficult Women - Roxane Gay
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories - Ken Liu
The Elephant Vanishes - Haruki Murakami
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Bad Feminist - Roxane Gay ☆
Bluets - Maggie Nelson ☆
On Freedom - Maggie Nelson
In Praise of Shadows - Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
Malleable Forms - Meeka Walsh ☆
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Fiction (Classic)
Persuasion - Jane Austen ☆
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
The Awakening - Kate Chopin
North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell ☆
Siddhartha - Hermen Hesse
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera ☆
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
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Fiction (Modern)
All’s Well - Mona Awad ☆
Bunny - Mona Awad
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach
The Pisces - Melissa Broder
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
For Today I Am A Boy - Kim Fu
The Vegetarian - Han Kang
The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova ☆
Fall on Your Knees - Ann-Marie MacDonald
A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing - Eimear McBride
No Country for Old Men - Cormac McCarthy
The Road - Cormac McCarthy ☆
Under the Hawthorne Tree - Ai Mi
The Song of Achilles - Madeleine Miller ☆
After Dark - Haruki Murakami ☆
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage - Haruki Murakami
1Q84 - Haruki Murakami ☆
Hamnet - Maggie O'Farrell
The English Patient - Michael Ondaatje
Boy, Snow, Bird - Helen Oyeyemi
Mr. Fox - Helen Oyeyemi ☆
A Tale for the Time Being - Ruth Ozeki
The Overstory - Richard Powers ☆
The Godfather - Mario Puzo
Blindness - José Saramago
How To Be Both - Ali Smith
The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt ☆
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
Ru - Kim Thúy
Brooklyn - Colm Tóibín
Big Fish - Daniel Wallace
Kitchen - Banana Yoshimoto
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The Exorcist - William Peter Blatty
Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton
Gerald’s Game - Stephen King
The Shining - Stephen King
Audition - Ryū Murakami
I’m Thinking of Ending Things - Iain Reid
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Manga/Graphic Novels
Basilisk - Futaro Yamada, Maseki Sagawa
Death Note - Tsugumi Ohba, Takeshi Obata
Eureka Seven - Jinsei Kataoka, Kazuma Kondou
Lore Olympus - Rachel Smythe
Nana - Ai Yazawa ☆
Paradise Kiss - Ai Yazawa
Uzumaki - Junji Ito
xxxHolic - CLAMP
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Speak, Okinawa - Elizabeth Miki Brina
Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness - Susannah Cahalan
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - Caitlin Doughty
I’m Glad My Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami
Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books - Azar Nafisi
Henry and June - Anaïs Nin ☆
The Glass Castle - Jeanette Walls ☆
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Non-Fiction (General)
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking - Susan Cain
The Red Market - Scott Carney
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern - Stephen Greenblatt
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right - Jane Mayer
The Psychopath Test - Jon Ronson
The Elements of Style - William Strunk Jr, E.B White
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Non-Fiction (Philosophy/Spiritual)
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge - Carlos Castañeda
Silence: In the Age of Noise - Erling Kagge ☆
The Kybalion - Three Initiates ☆
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: The Great Liberation Through Hearing in the Bardo - Chögyam Trungpa
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu
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Poetry Collections
I Love My Love - Reyna Biddy
Let Us Compare Mythologies - Leonard Cohen
The Prophet - Khalil Gibran
The Anatomy of Being - Shinji Moon
The Beauty of the Husband - Anne Carson ☆
Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth - Warsan Shire
Night Sky with Exit Wounds - Ocean Vuong
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Speculative Fiction
Dune - Frank Herbert
Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mandel ☆
Battle Royale - Koushun Takami
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True Crime
Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders - Vincent Bugliosi
In Cold Blood - Truman Capote ☆
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Young Adult
A Great and Terrible Beauty - Libba Bray ☆
The Diviners - Libba Bray
The Sun is Also a Star - Nicola Yoon
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