ambeauty · 6 months
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Without You, I Got Nothing to Lose
Chapter 9 Tamaran
Well what do you think?” Kory smiles at him expectantly.
“Beautiful, breathtaking, peaceful, enchanting.” His finger slid across her cheeks as he spoke. She leaned her face against his soft touch.
“I meant of Tamaran silly.” She blushed under his touch.
“Well you are Tamaran. I understand now. Why you did it.” His soft realization blew across her skin.
“I’m glad you do. What I can’t seem to understand why you did it?”
“I guess it just boils down to you. You seem to have that effect, but it’s on everyone. Not just me. I’m just grateful you are sharing all of this with me.” He looked deep into her eyes as he spoke. He meant every word.
“I’m glad you’re here. I’m sorry we have to hide. Stupid royal rituals and shit. But one day, I’ll tell them. They know I won’t stay. It’s not because I don’t love it here. I do. I just know there are many things about me that don’t belong.” Her voice filled with longing as she shared his glance.
“I belong wherever you are, Kory.”
Kory takes Dick home.
OTR Stans: @graysonfamfan2021 HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY BESTIE!!!!
@escapism-through-imagination @not-so-mundane-after-all @jonskory @koryvndr @lyanaalvarado @songbee @selinascatnip @justabovewater20 @meetmeunderthestarrynight
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blood-mocha-latte · 7 months
to the millionth degree
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The metal of the jailhouse bars was cool against his lips. 
Their hands, clasped together and resting on the steel, seemed to generate the only warmth in the open, echoing room.
“Carwood,” He said, voice strained and shaking, hands warm and rough. “It’s not too late—”
“Of course it is,” Carwood cut him off. It was almost like they’d switched positions, in two years. Neither hunted nor hunter, neither loved nor lover, the same in the most opposite way. “It’s always been too late. Since… since the day I first saw you, it was too late.”
Dark eyes bore into his and barely wavered. Slender, calloused fingers tightened around his own before releasing them.
“Go.” Ronald Speirs said, and stepped further back into the cell. “Before I won’t let you.”
19.4k - Rated E - Read on Ao3
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the-heartlines · 9 months
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helaemond as bonnie and clyde
'cause I shoot the gun any chance i get with blood on my clothes and my hands i've done it again, i've done it again
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rodotxmora · 1 year
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Ch 1. Pt 1/2
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sstvar · 1 year
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my favourite partners in crime @kkolg 😈🙏 inspired by this post! a lil surprise mayhaps bc I’M IN LOVE WITH THEIR DYNAMIC AND JUST THEM IN GENERAL GRISHSJEJWJEJEJ
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Oooh, I love the cowboy version of Pedro and Alma. How about drawing them as Bonnie and Clyde to keep the Pedro and Alma art going?
Or a drawing featuring Alma sharing a moment with her children or grandchildren of your choice.
My personal headcanon is that Alma was a good mother and grandmother to all her children before the pressure and fear started to wear her down and spill over onto her family.
No pressure on drawing anything. I am glad this club exists and eagerly await the new art featuring Alma. Take care!
I like the Bonnie and Clyde idea‼️‼️ I used the original photos as a reference rather than the movie from the 60s, I just think it looks cooler <333 I forgot about Bonnie and Clyde, I remember hearing about them yearsssss ago, I think in a social studies class, but that’s it. REGARDLESS. Such a cool Idea 🫨
And I’m glad you like the club! You already know I gotta give Alma (and Pedro) all the love, too many times has she been antagonized. Like I want Alma LOVE‼️‼️‼️ also I very biased. So. (Headcannonisvery cool and makes a lot of sense. Might adopt it ngl 😭)
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I think I’ll do the other idea as well, just in a different post, cuz it’ll probs take me longer 🫡🫡 BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE⁉️⁉️⁉️
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drug-bunnyboo · 11 days
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Clyde’s smoke break
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
okay guys hear me out bc i woke up like half an hour ago but it was with a song in my heart and a vision in my mind so: sweeney todd au.
barty is sweeney, demon barber of fleet street, he never forgives and he never forgets etc etc, just got back to london after being shipped off the australia on jumped-up charges and he’s out for revenge on the judge, who’s obviously his father….. haven’t figured out how the whole johanna thing is gonna work yet but lucy (his wife) is obvs either evan or reg hmmm will have to ponder this further but. and this is where the major hear me out comes in. sybill as mrs. lovett. as in sybill trelawney, as in ‘let’s put the dead bodies in pies!’ …… anyway these are preliminary thoughts. if i start thinking too much about them it might collapse around my ears so im gonna leave it there. but. there’s a little something there in my mind. so.
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fireylesbianhell · 1 year
This World Won't Ever Forget Us
Javid Bonnie & Clyde Au? tumblr made me do it. woo!
Based on the fic "Bite The Bullet" by and Orphan Account and a post made by @/spacestamps!
For Jack Kelly, it simply started as a way out.
He didn’t mean for anything more significant; he figured all he had to do was get a job or two done and hightail it way out west; away from ugly old Oklahoma to somewhere, oh good god, somewhere better than here.
He had his eyes set on a little place called Santa Fe. Seemed endearing, and god knows New Mexico was far enough away from here.
Jack Kelly wasn’t a wise man - hell, he was a little orphaned 21-year-old with no money, barely a plan, the clothes on his back, and a hijacked car.
Ah, speaking of that hijacked car, the sirens behind him got more worrying as they got louder.
Revving slightly and pushing the pedal almost as far as he could go, breaking several traffic laws without even trying he blasted off down the dusty old roads, tattered shirt rippling in the pushing force of wind trying to slow him down. He saw a parting in the roads and smiled traffic coming up, and the good thing about the car manufacturers out here today was almost all these damn cars looked about the same.
He turned into the trafficked area and did his best to blend as he weaved through the exits and cut off a few now very angry civilians. He found a tail in a near-identical car that suddenly left him and the police were none the wiser as they sped off when he slowed;
Time to figure out where the fuck he was.
Jack cruised a bit, the adrenaline not gone but not as rampant as before. He passed apartments, bars, dusty old hair salons, and-
A quaint-looking diner called ‘The World’, with a bright peeling paint emphasizing the dreadful rundown look of the place.
He pulled in with a casual tumble, grabbing his ragged worn-out trench coat from behind him, and a simple little newsboy cap he found pawned from manhattan. Something about history or whatever, he turned out pretty quickly when he heard the cheap ass price.
Strolling in, the first thing that caught his eye- or, well, his ear first, then his eye- was the berating of some poor waitstaff.
“David! Getcha’ sorry ass over here!” sneered some sorry ugly-faced man in an even uglier bowler hat and- No, jack was sure he wasn’t seeing doubles- the wonder twins of ugly old' lane were harassing’ some unfortunate soul named ‘David’
Speak of the devil, some poor guy about his age skimped out with a poor look on his face, about the likes of a kicked kitten trudged his way out, a similar looking cap and a neat little blue shirt and vest combo- he wasn’t poor, by the looks of it, and held a clean air to him.
Jack found himself a seat, trying to law low of course in case Lucy Law strolled their way in after snuffing the dead end, but keeping a keen eye upon the waitstaff, who looked about in for a hard time with the look the disgustin’ doubles were sharin between themselves.
“Hey David, didn't we tell ya to keep these counters clean?” the one on the left scowled
“Yes, Morris.”
“And,” butted in the other one with a snarl, “What do we have here?”
Morris and wonder twin two pointed to a small splotch of a coffee stain, which looked pretty fresh. David sighed, grabbing a rag nearby and starting to soak it before-
“Hey! We’s ain't finished, kid.” Butted in Morris again. Smiling a sinister smile, he nabbed the rag from David’s grasp as the other twin corned him from the back.
David, God bless his soul, looked like he was trying to decide whether to soak the two in and out, or take a nap on the floor for a good century. His remarkably blue eyes looked dampened, and his hands were fidgeting and fleeting with emotions trying to grasp for control in the shit of a situation he was in.
Jack decided to choose a new spot at the bar, taking a seat two empty from a properly dazed lookin old fellow who was drooling into his eggs and potatoes.
“Excuse me, fellas-” he cut in as the twins were about to go on a spiel. The two looked at him with disgust while David looked with the relief of a man who just found a spring in the desert.
That paused him, letting out a fumbled smile before continuing
“I, ahem, just would like a coffee please.” nothing he intended on paying, mind you. He needed his money to go elsewhere, then a flirtin’ with the poor, pretty boy also stuck planted into Oklahoma to get away dime free wouldn't hurt nothing.
The other twin - Oscar, he gathered from the peachy little pin fallin' off his apron - sneered again, looking sad he didn't get to berate his poor employee anymore
‘Yeah, whateva. David! Get on it, and I better see that man served, this counter cleaned and this floor spotless when I get back or Snyder’s gonna be getting a really bad report.” he called behind him and trailed off after his brother.
Sighing once more, David looked up and met Jack’s eyes. he gave a pitiful smile to jack. 
“Thank you, sir. Now what would you like?” he said formally, that twinge of tired defiance laced his voice as it turned into an artificial customer-service mode. 
“No problem, at all. Were the wonder twins givin ya problems?” he leaned over the counter slightly. Hints of genuine concern laced Jack’s voice, which not only surprised David but himself as well. He was a romantic, yeah, but he never thought he was This bad.
The waiter paused, a bit taken aback before sighing yet again- he was on a roll now, - and letting down his coffee pitcher slightly. Grabbing a cup and pouring out the coffee he continued,
“Yeah, it’s my first day on the job here. And Oscar and Morris are…very strict. I’m already miserable but, money’s money, at least I get to see more than two places in this dead state. It’s up to three now.” he joked dryly, meeting Jack’s eyes as he placed the coffee down in his hands. 
He grabbed a towel, turning but keeping a side towards jack as he started to clean. Jack took a slow draw of a slip. Wow, what a guy. Surprisingly similar too. He placed the cup down, giving a chuckle and flashing his winning smile out to him. 
“Yeah, well, I feel ya. I’m gettin’ outta this hellhole though, mark my words.” 
David smiled back shyly, turning more. “Oh, I will. Say, I’ve never seen you round here much. New in town?” 
Jack chuckled again, “no, oh do I wish. But I got a car and a plan, how hard can it be?” 
David’s head slowly turned up, like gears were calculating in his head. His mouth set to open like he was about to say something before- 
“Dave! What did I say bout’ these counters!” Morris snarled out, stomping over to the two. He gave jack a downright nasty look before David grumbled and suddenly cut through the noise of the twins speaking over eachother 
“I’m taking a smoke break. When I get back in I’ll do it.” David said with a surprising edge of sass in his voice, despite how ready he seemed to pass out. 
He tossed the towel over his shoulder and grabbed a small pack of cigars from his pocket, leaving through the front of the diner, and back out toward the opposite parking lot. 
Jack fumbled, seeing Morris steam in his spot until he shot a look at his brother. Oscar nodded and followed him out. 
That can’t be good. 
Jack waited for a moment, hearing the yelling rise. Yeah, definetly can't be good-
He shot from his seat toward the exit as the old man beside him seemed to wake up a bit, (the bastard was even eyeing his coffee up)
he sharply turned the corner and what jack Jack found was a bloody-nosed David with a look in his eyes that could have knocked Jack out.
It was so cooly fierce, determined but not in a stupid way. This kid may not have the brawns but, those eyes were dangerous, and Jack loved it. 
But when David spotted Jack, he looks fleeted away for one of relief, followed by fear as he ducked away from another fly-by of Oscar’s fist. 
Jack ran up and clocked the guy behind the neck, gettin' him real good before flying in front of Dave and landing a kick in Oscar’s left thigh again. 
He reeled back and swing wildly, catching Jack’s cheekbone and giving it a bruiser. Jack cried out a yell and turned to see Dave on the other side that Oscar wasn’t looking from and got him in his bottom back, completely knocking the wind out of the guy from his side, probably achin his ribs for good measure too.
Oscar doubled over in a wheeze and Jack took this as an opportunity to grab Dave’s hand and bolt away. 
They got a good way to Jack’s car before he paused and said 
“Wait, wait- where are we going?!” he blurted, looking David in his furiously blue eyes. 
“Don’t know, don’t care, get me out of here. Far out of here. I don't care, you have your car and your plan- well I want in on that too. Please.” he grabbed and pulled forward both of Jack’s hands, eyes pleading yet forceful. 
“Wh-woah there, hold on- I can't just let ya- do you- how- don’t you have a home? A family?” he blurted again, quickly as he heard more yells from inside the diner, likely the boys of satan troubling up again. 
“I…they won’t care, it’ll be easier on them with one less person to care for. They don’t need my money if they don’t need to spend it on me.” he reasoned. his conflict was evident yet his drive to get the hell out of dodge was clearly winning out. 
Jack paused again- he felt for him, he really did, and good god did he want to run away with this boy. But, he had to be reasonable. he wasn’t exactly just planning on taking a drive mind you.
Dave must've seen this look before cautiously saying “if it makes you feel better, ill leave some money and a note saying Im safe’n all.”
Jack nodded before slowly starting “I don’t exactly have a very safe plan, though-“
Hearing a door open and a subsequent yell, Jack was cut off and panicked. David took this to jump in the car and shove jack in beside him. he got the memo pretty quick and backed out if there like a madman on wheels.
Hightaling it once more, this time he just happened to have a cute boy in his car. 
that had no idea he was a criminal.
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sparklepoint · 1 year
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akekita disdainful of you .png
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theangrypomeranian · 9 months
*remembers my Roudise reincarnation au*
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ambeauty · 5 months
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Without You I Got Nothing to Lose
Chapter 10 Finale
...the sweltering heat won’t allow them to fully relax.
In the distance the sound of helicopters trigger Dick’s senses. “Did you hear that?”
Kory sits up. “Yeah I think we need to get back.”
“Me too.”
They walk briskly back to the suv and Dick hops in the passenger as Kory expertly shifts the gears as she reverses kicking up dust as they speed back to the compound.
The closer they get the louder the helicopters roar, hovering above the front garden. To Dick’s surprise Donna is waiting with Rachel, tears streaming down her face, as the approach. Gar is not far away. Him, Kom, and Conner on the other side.
“Dick, we have to go now.” She wastes no time for pleasantries. She smiles at Kory sympathetically. “They were launching boats off the coast, Dick. Right before I took off. They know about her. They know.”
We've Reach The End Besties! Cheers if you made it this far! Let's all have a shot of tequila to celebrate! @escapism-through-imagination @not-so-mundane-after-all @graysonfamfan2021 @lyanaalvarado @jonskory @koryvndr @justabovewater20 @meetmeunderthestarrynight @selinascatnip
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blood-mocha-latte · 6 months
there are too many. but this worked last time so. yeah
oh and i ran out of space but the last one is a leckie/hoosier fix that follows them through the war and then afterwards. a prequel to this fic i wrote from hoosiers point of view that is. longer. so if you want that lemme know in the tags i guess
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jhdanes · 10 months
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Day 24–> Crime: When the only reason you are criminals is cuz your boyfriend dresses like a girl, and your from a wealthy family who don’t get your love or significant other, and want him jailed cuz they think he’s a bad influence on you when he really isn’t, and all you wanna do is change the stupid rules society put on you, but for it to change you gotta break a few eggs-hence criminals. Inspired by the picture of Bonnie and Clyde. @augustwritingchallenge for #AU_gust_2023 my contribution for day 24!
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vinum-solis · 1 year
Would anyone be interested in a nischa(noel x mischa) bonnie and clyde au?! Particularly a transfem! Noel (starts going by Monique)????
i would really want to lean into a southern gothic feel
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 month
God I have Such Zoomies
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