#blackblood brothers
lzsylovesanime · 6 months
Tis the season of Horror so here are some of my fav Vampire Anime (its always vampire season for me really). I've just finished #CastlevaniaNocturne and rewatching the amazing #Castlevania so looking back at my favs
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Lucas Blackblood x Raven Carter
18+ and / or 21+
Romance, Blood, Gore, Swearing, Smut
Original Story and Characters
DO NOT steal my characters or their bios.
Word Count: N/A
A Story of two Vampires who saved each other. A tale of two creatures of the night destined to be together. I’m sickness and in blood, til death do them apart.
Chapter One
Raven was in her car, getting ready to leave the party that had just abruptly ended. She started up her car, and headed towards the I-75 ramp. She had a long drive ahead of her. She drove for three hours back into the outskirts of New York. Little did she know, fate had a funny way of showing her what life was. Because, moments after exiting the ramp, she would be hit on in a collision caused by a drunk driver. On impact, she was thrown from her car, and landed twenty feet from her vehicle.
As this was happening, Lucas, a vampire, who’d been in the area, heard the crash, and could smell a human dying out. He was on the scene within seconds where he found a beautiful brunette woman laying in a pool of her own blood. He leaned down, feeling for a pulse. It was weak. She was dying and he knew it. He found the drunk driver trying to escape. Lucas grabbed the man, and snapped his neck, killing him instantly.
He found himself near the girl again, this time, slitting his wrist, and letting her drink from him. Moments after she latched onto him arm, she whispered, “Who are you?” Then passed out. Lucas lifted her up off the ground as sirens could be heard wailing in the distance. He made a getaway after grabbing her belongings and fleeing the scene with his newly turned newborn.
Lucas placed her lifeless body into a coffin in his home, closing it. He placed a rose on top. Now, all he had to do was wait for her to awaken.
50 years later,
Raven danced with Lucas at their engagement party. Her hair flowing down her back. Her beautiful dark eyes glistening under the lights. Even though she had no memory of her human family or her last life, she could say one thing. She did have a family. Lucas and his family were her family now. And she couldn’t be more happier. After they danced, Lucas took her to feed. They’d ran through the woods, hunting animals to feed from. Laughing as the wind blew her hair around. Lucas chuckled at her excitement. He stopped dead in his tracks. “Rae! Get over here! Now!” He ordered her. She came to his side, clutching his arm. “You smell that?” He whispered. “Hunters.” She said quietly. “Do as I tell you. Go, get away from here. I’ll keep them busy until I know you’re safe.”
“But Lucas-“ She started.
“No! No buts. Now go!” He ordered her again. This time, she obeyed and fled the forest. As she was running, she tripped a wire and was caught. Hanging by her feet, she let out a sharp scream.
But those screams would soon fade. When she awoke, she was chained up by her wrists in a standing position. She heard voices. “Lucas!” She cried out.
“Ah, she’s awake.” One hunter spoke, walking into the room. His hands trailed the girl’s body, stopping just above her breasts. She flinched. “Don’t fucking touch me!” She spat.
“Ooh, fiesty. I like her.” He laughed, stroking her ass. “Perfect little thing aren’t you?”
“Enough with the games, let’s torture her.” Another spoke, walking in. Her eyes widened in surprise. Her brother. Her human brother. But something told her he didn’t remember her. Then again, her family thought she’d died in the wreck seeing that her body had never been found.
Her screams echoed off the walls as they proceeded to torture her for what seemed like hours.
Lucas found her not long after, tearing apart the hunters. One by one, until they told him where she was at. He heard her screams when he approached the cabins. Anger took over him as he kicked the door in, snapping their necks as they came at him.
He kicked the door down, as the blonde hunter turned on his heels. Eyes widened in fear. “Please-“ he begged as he screamed but a angry Lucas cut his throat out with his fangs. Cutting off any sound that came out of the poor bastard.
Raven hung her head down, blood dripping down the sides of her face. Her dress torn to shreds. Lucas cupped her face. She jerked back, “No! Please-“
“Hey, baby, it’s me. It’s Lucas.” He whispered, breaking the chains, and catching her as she fell against him.
“L-Lucas?” Her eyes wide with surprise. “You found me.”
“I always do, love.” He smiled, and carried her out. He set her down outside the cabin, and then torched the place after he put all the bodies inside.
Lucas carried her home, and got her cleaned up. He stripped the torn dress off her, until she was naked in front of him. Then he proceeded to clean her wounds, despite her protests.
“You, my darling, are strong, beautiful, independent, but are as stubborn as a mule.” He chuckled. He pushed strands of hair out of her face. He chose a very revealing dress to put her in.
“I love this.” She felt the dress. Lucas smiled. “I’m glad you do. Because after the night you’ve had, I think we should do something to get our minds off of the events of tonight. Hmmm?” He pulled the dress over her bare body, zipping it up. He wrapped his arms around her, the two smiling.
Later that week, Lucas had dragged Rae into a darkly, yet somewhat lit room. It had everything he needed for her. “On your knees, darling.” He ordered her.
She smiled and did as she was told. She got down on her knees, looking up at him. He looked down at her as he grabbed both of her hands, and handcuffed her. He stood her up, placed her over the bed, and leaned over her. “Who’s my good girl?” He whispered, unzipping his pants.
“I am, daddy.” She purred like a kitten. She felt his hands travel up her dress as he pulled her silk panties down her legs, and tossed them aside, then he spread her legs open. She bit her bottom lip.
He gripped her hips, as he braved himself. She felt his cock against her thighs as he loved inside her. A small moan escaped her lips. “Oh god, Lucas!” She mumbled, as he began to thrust inside her. He gripped her hips, thrusting deeper and deeper inside of her. “Oh fuck!” He moaned.
He unzipped her dress after removing the cuffs, tossing the dress aside while still inside her. He undid her bra with one hand, letting it fall to the floor. He loved the sounds that she made.
“Ride me, babygirl.” He ordered her. She straddled his lap as she was told, and wrapped her arms around his neck as she slid down onto his considerable length. “Oooh.” She moaned as she began to rise him. He grunted as she moved up and down. He placed his hands on her hips as she moved.
Matter a long day of passionate love making, the two, the sun finally started to set, and the two were laid up in bed, under the blankets, asleep in each other’s arms.
Lucas was the first to awaken. Watching the love of his life and his fiancé, sleeping so peacefully after he made love to her. It was the first time in awhile since he saw her sleep so peacefully. She’d been suffering from nightmares and he’d been there to comfort her. But now, the dreams had died down some. She seemed more relaxed. More at peace.
To be continued……..
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dragonmartellstark · 3 years
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Sarra Stark (133 A. C-¿172 A. C?) Was a member of the Norrey Clan thanks to the influence of her father and brother, Rickon. She was famous for being an expert hunter and cook being a great help for hunger shortages. She never married, but an affair with one of the members who called herself "Blackblood" is rumored and from this relationship a son, Stark, was born.
Sarra possibly died in 172 A. C., at 39 years of age for the diseases that struck in Invernalia. She was called "Sarra the brave."
Alys Stark (134 A. C-161 A. C) was engaged to Torrhen Manderly, who was a few years older than her and already had several daughters. This marriage was not desired by Alys, but she ended up accepting Torrhen and they were married in 150 A. C., being a bittersweet union. Alys did not have a great union with her husband, but she managed to get pregnant shortly after the wedding giving birth to a boy named Theodore who was Lord of White Harbor and in 153 A. C., she gave birth to another boy, Cregon.
Alys had another childbirth in 161 she gave birth to a stillborn girl, but two days later she Alys she died unexpectedly at 27 years of age. She was buried alongside her mother and her sisters.
Raya Stark (135 A. C-218 A. C) she became a septa in the service of the Old Gods being an important figure in Winterfell. She was known for her qualities in nursing and her great devotion to the Old Gods. Raya lived for many years watching her relatives grow, live and die, including hers, her nephews, who each died without children and another brother had to succeed him. While the Septa she continued with her work curing the northern children who contracted some winter fever, this disease still latent in the Seven Kingdoms.
Raya Stark passed away in 218 A. C., at 83 years old, being buried next to her parents, sisters, stepsisters, nephews and other relatives of her.
Mariah Stark (136 A. C-188 A. C) she was very flirtatious and had many marriage proposals, but she rejected them. In 153 d. C., she had an affair with one of her butlers and it is believed that she kissed one of her guards being a scandal. In 169 A. C., she had a long-lasting romance with her nephew, Cregard Stark and it is known that they were both in love. Mariah became pregnant with Cregard, but they only had two girls, Alysanne and Lily.
Mariah Stark passed away in 188 A. C., at 52 years of age from a flu contracted after a hunting party. Cregard married a woman from the Umber house, but it is believed that he never forgot Mariah and she passed away only three years later from tuberculosis.
Sarra Stark (133 a. C.-¿172 a. C?) Fue miembro del Clan Norrey gracias a la influencia de su padre y hermano, Rickon. Fue famosa por ser una experta cazadora y cocinera siendo una gran ayuda para las escases de hambre. Nunca se caso, pero se rumorea un romance con uno de los miembros que se hacía llamar “Sangrenegra” y de esta relación nació un hijo, Stark.
Sarra posiblemente falleció en el 172 a. C., a los 39 años de edad por las enfermedades que azotaban en Invernalia. Fue llamada “Sarra la valiente”.
Alys Stark (134 a. C.-161 a. C.) Fue comprometida con Torrhen Manderly, quien era unos años mayor que ella y ya tenia varias hijas. Este matrimonio no fue deseado por Alys, pero acabo aceptando a Torrhen y se casaron en el 150 a. C., siendo una unión agridulce. Alys no tenia una gran unión con su marido, pero logro quedarse embarazada poco después de la boda dando a luz a un niño llamado Theodore que fue Lord of White Harbor y en el 153 a. C., dio a luz a otro niño, Cregon.
Alys tuvo otro parto en el 161 dando a luz a una niña muerta, pero dos días después Alys falleció inesperadamente a los 27 años edad. Fue enterrada junto a su madre y hermanas.
Raya Stark (135 a. C.-218 a. C.) Se convirtió en septa al servicio de los Antiguos Dioses siendo una figura importante en Invernalia. Fue conocida por sus cualidades en enfermería y su gran devoción hacia los Antiguos Dioses. Raya vivió durante muchos años viendo crecer, vivir y morir a sus familiares entre ellos sus sobrinos quienes cada uno moría sin descendencia y otro hermano tenia que sucederlo. Mientras la Septa siguió con su labor curando a los niños norteños que contraían alguna fiebre invernal siendo esta enfermedad todavía latente en los Siete Reinos.
Raya Stark falleció en el 218 d. C., a los 83 años de vejez siendo enterrada junto a sus padres, hermanas, hermanastras, sobrinos y demás familiares.
Mariah Stark (136 a. C.-188 a. C.) Fue muy coqueta y tuvo muchas propuestas de matrimonio, pero las rechazo. En el 153 d. C., tuvo un romance con uno de los mayordomos y se cree que beso a uno de sus guardias siendo un escandalo. En el 169 d. C., tuvo un romance duradero con su sobrino, Cregard Stark y se sabe que ambos estuvieron enamorados. Mariah quedo embarazada de Cregard, pero solo tuvieron dos niñas, Alysanne y Lily.
Mariah Stark falleció en el 188 a. C., a los 52 años de edad de una gripe contraída tras una partida de caza. Cregard se caso con una mujer de la casa Umber, pero se cree que el nunca olvido a Mariah y falleció solo tres años después de tuberculosis.
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smallest-turtle · 3 years
Getting to Know Deidre
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{ 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓼} Name:  Deidre Hunt Fortemps
Alias: Warrior of Light, Warrior of Darkness, (D.D.H) - crafting alias, The Silent Mage (Central Coerthas), Blackblood (Dark Knight Alias).
Gender: Female
Age: Just turned 18 before ARR. 21(flexible) during 5.x
Species: Midlander Hyur
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown (Oschon)
Abilities/Talents: Self Sufficient Homesteading Skills, Powerful mage in both White Magic and Dark Knight arts as well as Red Magic, Fast learner, class changing during battle, being emotionally adopted as either a little sister or daughter by male NPCs, getting lost while looking at a map
{𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵} Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Culturally/Raised Eorzean.
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Eorzean Common, anything else is through the Echo.
Family (Blood):
Parents: Johnathan and Rebecca Hunt Full Siblings: Brandon, Caelen. Half Siblings: Prudence, Martha, Rita, Verity, Jacob, Romulus (unknown to her)
Family (Adopted):
Parents: Edmont de Fortemps Siblings: Artoirel, Haurchefant, Emmanellain.
Family (Questionable): Hades (Father, actually), Lahabrea (Big Brother Energy), Hythlodaeus (Father 2)
Friends: All Class Quest NPCs, the Twins, Lyse, Yugiri, Granson, Aymeric, Estinien, Ysayle, Arenvald Friends (Questionable, sliding scale): Fordola, Yotsuyu, Zenos
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
{𝓟𝓱𝔂𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵} Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot/ above 7 foot
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars: A lot, but most plot relevant ones: The left side of her chest from Nidhogg’s claws, breast removed. Aether scars covering both palms and pads of all fingers and snaking up her wrists, thinning out around her inner elbow.
Facial Features: The bridge of her nose is wide, and she has a sharp cupids bow.
Tattoos: Two symbols of Oschon stick ‘n poke style on each of her inner ankles.
{𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓼𝓮} Dogs or Cats? Birds or Hamsters? Snakes or Spiders? Red or Blue? Yellow or Green? Black or White? Coffee or Tea? Ice Cream or Cake? Fruits or Vegetables? Sandwich or Soup? Magic or Melee? Sword or Bow? Summer or Winter? Spring or Autumn? The Past or the Future?
tagged by @lizzy-frizzle​ I tag @sixthmagic​ whichever girl or all girls, up to you.
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kissofthemuses · 3 years
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FULL NAME: Talon Redwan
SPECIES: blackblood
OCCUPATION: leader of The Coalition, leader of Gallwood Outpost, barmaid at The Nightshade Inn
FANDOM: The Outpost
FACECLAIM: Jessica Green
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 28
BIRTHDATE: November 18
HAIR: black-brown
EYES: blue
HEIGHT: 5'9″
MOTHER: Rhetila (deceased)
FATHER: Sai-vek Redwan (presumed deceased)
Siblings: Eremus (brother)
She is brave, fearless, and determined in her quests. She is jaded from years on her own and doesn't easily trust others. Talon almost always has a plan or tricks up her sleeve. This is shown most prominently when she lied about never having played Octor before, all while hustling men out of their money. She needed the money to repair her damaged window, thus, doing it for her gain. Because of her gender, many people underestimate her, which she has grown to utilize to her advantage.
MBTI: ENTJ-A / “Commander”
ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
Talon is a confident woman in every regard. She was initially rather selfish in her quest to seek revenge on the men who killed her family. She didn't have much regard for how her actions would affect the other members at the Outpost. She also wasn't very friendly toward anyone. Once she does start to learn to open up to others, Talon is seen to be a kind woman who is curious about the world and where she comes from. The only self-conscious trait she has is about her ears, as she was forced to cut the black tips off to blend in with humans. She has grown protective over that secret and even styles her hair to where they are covered. More then anything, Talon wants to protect herself and those she cares for.
Those around her tend to look towards Talon for guidance due to her selfless, brave, and courageous nature. She despises that people count on her to lead them as she has a low opinion of her leadership skills. She prefers to be a warrior over being a leader, despite often questioning the orders that come above. When Talon does lead, she is tough to her cohorts but fair, understanding when to be sensitive to their needs and when to force them forward.
POWERS: enhanced healing, enhanced agility, enhanced strength, resistance to physical harm (can take more than a human body), ability to open a portal to the demon realm, ability to speak to and command Lu-Qiri (demons)
Talon was born to Sai-vek and Rhetila Redwan  in a peaceful Blackblood colony. As a child, she was close to her father whom she believed died while protecting his family. One day, Talon was playing with her brother, Eremus, when she saw a Remmick. She was taken with the creature and approached it when it was shot by a group of young boys. She was angered by their kill, and they taunted her for being a filthy Blackblood. Talon jumped the oldest boy and they fought, despite her brother's protest. Talon's mother interrupted the fight. Back in their village, her mother cleaned Talon's bloody nose and scolded her about fighting. She reminded Talon that their whole village could have been exposed by her fight and that they don’t ever fight. Talon wanted to know why everyone hated them, but her mother told her she hoped not everyone did.
A group of mercenaries, known as the Bones, attacked Talon's village under orders to ensure that every Blackblood died. They lit the camp on fire and slaughtered the entire village. Talon awakened her brother and met with her mother, who picked her up and tried to carry her out of the village. Her mother, under the insistence of a villager, began to summon a Lu-Qiri but was shot with an arrow. She passed the creature known as Asterkinj onto Talon as she was dying. One of the men went to attack Talon with an ax, but Talon’s mother sliced his leg, which angered him, and he killed her while Talon escaped.
She hid inside a tomb when she spotted by one of the men. He fired an arrow at her but the magic her mother passed onto her glowed and a portal appeared. A being known as a Lu-Qiri stuck its arm through the portal. It intercepted the arrow and saved Talon's life. The archer, known as The Wolf, shot again, this time missing on purpose. Wolf lied and told his companion, Toru Magmoor, that Talon was dead. Toru signaled to their leader, Everit Dred, that they had won. When Talon returned in the morning she found her village decimated and the bodies of her mother and brother. She picked up her mother’s knife which she still uses in the present day.
As she wandered the woods she came across a mother and daughter with a cart of vegetables She went to take a piece that fell on the ground when she was spotted by the daughter, who pointed out Talon’s strange ears. The mother, Meadhbh, asked where Talon’s family was but then asked her along with them, promising food and shelter. The woman had a husband, Myron, and another older daughter along with a younger son. That night, Talon sketched the children as they played. As Talon washed up for dinner, she overheard Meadhbh and Myron speak about sending her away. Meadhbh wanted to keep Talon but Myron assured her people would talk and that someone wanted her race dead for a reason. He then referred to Talon’s ears as being too recognizable. To avoid being sent away, she cut the black tips of her ears off, which left her with scars.
Talon was taken in by the family but had trouble adjusting to their lifestyle. While out hunting, Talon struggled to kill a Remmick as her people believed that it was wrong to take what was not given, especially a life. Myron explained that she didn't have to enjoy the kill but they do have to eat. He explained that they “only kill to survive”. Despite the boy shooting early and scaring off the Remmick, Talon was able to shoot and kill even from a long distance. Myron was proud of her, but Talon was only saddened as she took a life. Myron told her that Remmick will feed them all Winter; they would use every part of it and each time it fills their bellies they would remember the Remmick and be grateful.
Back at camp, Meadhbh noticed Talon’s pointed ears were gone. She assured Talon that they liked her just as much with pointed ears. She couldn’t understand why Talon cut them off, but Talon refused to explain. She instead went to fetch water for dinner. When she returned, she found her new family had been slaughtered by a man named Varlek. He dressed in black and was also a Blackblood. He wanted to take Talon with him, but she refused to go. He claimed Talon’s mother passed the Asterkinj to Talon so she could pass it to him. She angrily told him she didn't know what he was talking about and kicked him in the crotch. She tried to run away but Varlek tripped her. He went to grab her, but she grabbed her mother’s dagger first and threw it at the man. It hit him the chest and killed him. She then recited what Myron had told her before, that they only kill to survive. Before abandoning the place, she buried her adoptive family and marked their graves. She then buried Varley in an unmarked grave near a tree. She left the place and never returned, instead staying to herself and becoming a traveler as she searched for vengeance.
Talon's search to avenge her slain family leads her to a tavern, where she learns the name of the people responsible for the slaughter of her village - The Bones. She travels to the far edge of the realm, to a place known as Gallwood Outpost, to find the members who have settled there. She is attacked by creatures called Plagueling's, and barely manages to fight one off before another appears. She is saved by the heroic Outpost captain she comes to know as Garret Spears. He takes her inside the Outpost walls and to the gate keeper, Marshal Wythers who will determine if she is allowed to stay. She lies that she is a barmaid looking for work, though Wythers is reluctant to believe her. He agrees to let her stay on the condition that she keep out of trouble. Talon agrees and looks for work at the only pub in Gallwood, The Nightshade Inn. The innkeeper, known solely as The Mistress, agrees to let Talon stay at the inn if she works for her. Talon meets The Mistress's adoptive son Janzo, a brilliant brewer with a shy nature. As she settles into Gallwood, she quickly encounters the Lady Gwynn Calkussar, who mistakes Talon's mistrust of The Bones for her allegiance. However, this quickly turns into the start of a genuine, yet rocky, friendship between them. They each held a secret agenda for their actions but understood they shared a common goal. Their friendship made Captain Garret Spears uneasy, as he still held distrust for the newcomer.
Talon quickly broke her promise to Wythers to stay out of trouble, thought she never truly intended on keeping it. She confronted a member of The Bones, Toru Magmoor, and successfully killed him, though she was gravely wounded in the process. She was saved by The Smith who understood her species as a Blackblood, and promised to keep her secret safe. He understood that she was being hunted by those in power. Talon initially rebuked The Smith's help, but was forced to accept the help of Janzo when her wounds reopened. He also promised to protect her identity from the Gate Marshal and Prime Order, all of whom were searching Magmoor's assassins. They used the identifying marker of black blood to eliminate suspects.
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dawnsdarkside · 3 years
🌟 , 💖, 💔
questions for the mun !
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse?
a little baby wolf oc named anonyme (anonymous) ! i dont think anyone on tumblr knows what blackblood alliance is but its what got me into rp when i was 10yo. i rped on a forum where each canon character could only be written by one person, so OCs were pretty much the norm !
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse?
oh boy where do i even start. diluc is really just my kind of character tbh. the reason i even got into genshin impact is that my friend was telling me about it and their favorite characters and when they mentioned diluc they had the misfortune of saying he was my type (which is the most guaranteed way of getting me into literally anything) and sure enough two days later i was addicted and invested in the game beyond reason.
i guess if i had to pick one thing i find most fascinating and unique about him is all the implications involved in his coming off age journey. a wonderchild who basically sacrificed his childhood to become the youngest most prodigious knight in history to make his father proud, only to have to mercy-kill said father on his 18th birthday because he used a cursed tool he should never have laid eyes on to protect his son from a danger even he couldn’t overcome. that same night, learning that his brother, the only person who he’d come to trust and rely on and be himself with for years now was a spy planted in his home all along. and the day after, being told that his father’s heroic last stand will be covered up by the very people he committed all of himself to every hour of every day for several years from having faith that they’d never turn their backs on him. giving up his titles and powers and leaving the home he loved so in a fury; traveling the world on his own for three whole years after he spent his life rich and well-surrounded; blazing on a revenge quest with a bit of a death wish, decimating the strongholds of the shadiest most powerful organization known to civilization using the very tool that brought an end to the person he wished to avenge. all of this to eventually come face to face with death himself, narrowly escape it, and realize all of his anger and bloodlust had been misplaced and immature and that he ought to just go home and make peace with what happened. it’s just,,, such good stuff man.
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
this goes for just about every genshin muse but i hate how much is left to interpretation and how much we can still expect to have revealed in canon ! it makes it very scary to theorize or establish significant headcanons. in diluc’s case specifically what is most frustrating to me is how little we know about his family. is kaeya really a traitor all the way ? was crepus a villain to some extent ? these are pivotal people for diluc and while i’m happy with what i have established thus far, i wish i could dig deeper without being scared of going against (eventual) canon
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thepilgrimofwar · 4 years
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The manor had emptied as twilight began to deepen. Bodies had been piled outside by the House Guards. Bloodstains in the courtyard had been scrubbed by an army of servants. Soldiers from the local garrison began to gather outside the fortress-like structure, and mobilized militia had begun to turn up- drawn to their liege’s seat of power like moths to a flame.
Relriah made her way towards the guest rooms, deciding to take the place of her son. The boy had already spent the day making his pleas for help and her hands did not tremble the way Stenden’s did. He hadn’t figured out his relationship with bloodshed in the way she already did.
She knocked on the door. “Lady Highdawn?”
There are no words, but there is no silence that answers her.
The weight of the woman striking the floorboards and traversing that short distance to the doorway is too palpable, too solid, to be unheard.
Little had been asserted of her presence following the Manor’s defense: Thanidiel had sent courier to speed up the march of those following, she had turned in her ceremonial armour for repair, and she had sought her solitude.
But now it was to be broken, and the woman dressed down to tunic and trousers bows her head upon catching view of Relriah,
“Highdawn will do,” is the immediate correction.
“Highdawn then,” the lady affirmed her with the slightest of nods. Reflexive, subtle, courtly, betraying to the soldier that she had been no more than a court lady all her life. “I’ve spoken with my family, and I’ve been given the authority to speak on Stenden’s behalf. May I come in?”
Once inside, her gait seemed to relax. Her posture uncoiling from strict procedure, as her shoulders seemed no longer pulled back by an invisible corset.
“My son is not one to mince words, so I neither will,” Relriah gave a brief pause to the gravity of what came next. “We need your help. We’ve received word that the Emberhearts will be fighting this war alone. Shalemarch to our east have responded to our declaration of war with Westheath by advancing their armies across the provincial border, throwing their lot in with them. The Cloudrend Glades to our South have declared their independence- And will serve neither side.”
“All we have to fight this war on two fronts are the militia still loyal to our Banner. In regular circumstances, My Father’s gambit would’ve paid off. My family would be dead, and their armies would cross into our lands unopposed, except for our truest loyalists.”
“But-” She gave a meaningful nod at Thanidiel. “Arenias did not take into account that Sederis was friends with the greatest killers the Kingdom of Quel’thalas has ever produced. All of them tested in war, and none of them have been found wanting. I’d have us use this against him.”
The veteran speaks up at last. “You all keep saying that - ‘the greatest killers of Quel’Thalas.’ Do you know what that means for those left over? I question as it appears that the aristocracy here is not as blooded as those Southern outside of Sederis and Lirelle.” As callous as her manner is - the intonation of her voice does not imply insult or criticism; but the seeking of awareness.
“We drove most of the slaughter of the Phoenix Wars outside of what the Blackbloods committed, and even that was minimal compared to what would have been if they had lived and rode with me,” further contextualises, reminds, of the consequences of accepting such a manner of guardianship to the cause of Emberheart.
There is want of more to be said - the unspoken words held suspended in the lift of her breast and the tension of muscle in her throat. But for now, the Phoenix Guard’s ear flicks and her jaw steadies as Thanidiel awaits Relriah’s thoughts there.
Relriah took neither offense to her mannerisms. It was in-fact refreshing, to speak with someone who did not have to hide her intent behind honeyed words and speechcraft. She nodded as Thanidiel plied her points. The Lady had kept up to date on the war’s events as they progressed. An obsession that pulled her through the depths of her grief over Sederis.
“In the case of the Emberglades, it was we who were the leftovers of Mereded’s slaughter,” She explained. “Sederis’ father forged the nation with bloodshed. Unifying the provinces under one banner. It’s reflected in our borders, our conscription laws, and why our sons and daughters have it in them to fight to the death.” She gave a pause. Wishing away thoughts of that ill-fated battle for the isle. “For better or for worse, killers are exactly what we need now.”
Thanidiel��s understanding seems to clarify some with mention of Mereded; the heldback hesitation there ebbing into a nod; it was not as though she would have been judged as hard to convince in the first place. The once-Kintaris thrived off the warbeat of horses and spears and battle. Though it would be also as easy to observe that her drive had taken on a different note, here, in the Emberglades - it showed in her steadfast presence over the family than to fly into the heat of bloodshed.
But such a stalwart demeanor did not dismiss the predatory search of conflict underneath.
“I ask for one thing; a land parcel in which either myself or those like blood to me may settle in the aftermath of service.”
“Then it is yours,” Relriah replied with no hesitation. “The end of this war will see Lords disposed and their lands... redistributed. Or, there is the Broken Bulwark- A place that has been given a clean slate, if it is a clean slate that is preferred by you and yours.” 
“Then a deal is struck, one as old as the kingdom itself. Your sword, for your land.” Relriah’s expression remained grim, even as they came to terms. “But if I may, I had another request. One that is more personal in nature. So do not feel obligated to see this through.”
“Do you have children, Highdawn?”
The soldier takes a moment to narrow her eyes at the courtlady - a squinting sort of expression of ‘Are you serious?’ before some manner of context for Relriah’s benefit is added to her thoughts. It causes a relaxation; all of that sharp dwindling to something simply factual.
“I have been in the standing military since I was of fifteen winters, Lady. Domestic matters are beyond my placement in life.”
Relriah takes Thanidiel’s expression harshly, more still her response. It reminded her that the lady in front of her was the personification of the Thalassian soldier. Doing battle so the ones like her did not have to. But she swallowed and took it all in stride, for it proved that she, of all the others they had called for aid, was the right person for her request.
The Lady nods. “Domestic matters have been my entire life. Like a good and proper lady, I’ve always stood dutifully by the way-side. To be traded from one family to another. One brother to another. Like a thing. And I bore with it. I bore with it, because I did not mind. 
Relriah looked Thanidiel in the eyes, as truth began to spill from her lips. Her truth.“If I was the price that needed to be paid for peace and a loving family- Then so be it. I did not mind. My importance was secondary to such things. But I love Stenden. More than myself. And I can bear it no longer,” her voice wavered for a moment, showing the cracks between her courtly demeanour. “I love him fiercely. I would burn worlds for him. And though his hands shake at the sight of carnage, mine don’t. My blood rushes at the chance to cause it to those that would dare threaten him.” 
She composes herself once more, pushing the anger that had risen within her down inside her chest. It was a righteous anger- and it burned as bright as any star. “So. My request: It is tradition in the Emberglades that their Lord marches with them into battle. I will be going in my son’s place. Solendis is already creating pronouncements that will rally the militia to the cause of a mother trying to protect her son- and I need to be able to defend myself. I have no illusions, I am no front line soldier nor will I to pretend to be one. But should it become necessary, I must be able to hold a guard- make a strike- and at least die a death befitting of an Emberheart.”
Thanidiel spoke. “He is not ready to soldier? He is not too young for such things - even if he is merely to be present with the army than to ride into any battle. There were those as young as me when I enlisted, and some a winter or two older. Soldiering is more than bloodshed; it is the maintenance of order, roads, food supply. The men would be spirited to see such care.”
Still, her words end on a contemplative rumble, like a great beast stirring from underneath snow.
“It is not that I do not think my son is not ready for such things. Rather my husband intends to make me a symbol for the people to rally round. A mother protecting her cub. A woman with a fury unlike any other against those who would bring harm to her family.” She recalled the headliners that Solendis had been drafting in his office. The Steward had busied himself there, lacking the facilities of his usual headquarters in Kearn- Under Illithia’s jurisdiction.
“But I will not lie. I prefer it this way, because it keeps Stenden out of harms way. Should I die, only a court lady falls. Should he die, the Emberglades will likely die with him.”
“There is much put into Stenden,” Thanidiel replied. “Concerning the fate of Mereded’s legacy. Solendis seems capable, as do you. And if you are close to Sederis’ age, then it is not as though a death of… any family member would cause such harm outside of the heart.”
It is both an observation and a question on Relriah’s views of the Emberglades - why things are the way they are.
“Of course,” the lady of the house conceded. Another heir wasn’t out of the realms of possibility, as much as the thought angered her so. “But men with good hearts are hard to come by- and there is no guarantee that the next of my loins will be as suited to the Legacy Stenden carries.” She banished the thought from her mind’s eye. 
“If I conduct myself right-” Relriah added. “If we can see this war through as I hope we can, then it shouldn’t need to come to that. Hence my intent. Hence my request.”
“You would not be the first greenling I’ve trained,” is the slow enunciation that drips from her maw, almost confused that Relriah’s request was one to strengthen herself. Thanidiel seems to have expected the woman to have asked her to ward the Lordling, if the other were noting the shift of muscle in her expression when words had declared otherwise.
“This would be accelerated, but you will have peers to guide you as well when Crow and my personal men reach these lands. Many of the latter were raised under my own command, fresh from the fields of the Dawnspire province.”
Lady Emberheart felt a weight she had carried since that decision was made began to lift off her shoulders. “Then you were more perfect for the role than I had imagined,” Relriah smiled. “I will absorb whatever I can in the time between now and my first battle. My life has kept me from the martial aspects of life, but I am a fast learner. Moreso when there will be lives at stake.”
“It will not be a matter of you retaining the rote of it all, as we drill even when we are all blooded, but I suspect you will be… uncomfortable for many weeks. The physical realities of combat and the tools we use, for bloodshed or civilwork, is beyond the strength of body cultivated in a courtwoman. We will need to target that and ply you a different mealfare.”
That is strangely polite of Thanidiel to not outright say that Relriah will be aching of body and her bowels afoul - nevermind the discomforts of camp and march.
“I am prepared for the hardships to come,” Relriah bowed her head, accepting what Thanidiel had to say. Though the Lady was soft, she was not weak. It took a different sort of strength to be used, to exercise restraint, and to be cowed by life yet retain any modicum of herself. Bred and raised to be a chess piece on her father’s chessboard- before she was stolen for Mereded’s. She was not a stranger to suffering. This would just be a different sort of pain. And for her son, she would gladly bear it.
@retributionpriest​ @stormandozone​ @thanidiel​
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maroon5-official · 4 years
5. list all anime you have ever watched 
So I’ve chosen to make this a separate post so I can hide the length. I’ve also included small reviews for ones that I like/dislike/have actual feelings about. This is just a list of everything I can think of that I’ve seen, whether I finished it or left it at one episode. Read at your own risk
Sailor Moon/crystal - Both fantastic. 10/10 
Dragon Ball series - I mean, its Dragonball
My hero academia - Popular for a reason
One piece - Unpopular because people keep living in the passed of terrible dubs, but the series has come such a long way, the new dub cast was chosen by the creator, and even the filler episodes aren’t terrible! Its a series you can honestly pick up at any point and figure out whats happening and even if you cant, its so outlandish that you have a blast watching anyway. While the character DESIGNS are a little… eh, the characters themselves are absolutely stunning, and when it comes to LGBT issues Oda comes THIS CLOSE to GETTING it for a straight dude before it becomes mildly offensive in some cases, but overall its just so wonderful and adventuristic and fun and I can’t get enough honestly.
Inuyasha - Honestly good, but some bits are just so silly
Natsume yuujinchou/2/3/Shi - VERY GOOD, a little slow since it’s slice of life-ish, but its so sweet and endearing
Oofuri/BIG WINDUP - First sports anime, and it literally had my sibling and I at the edge of our seats screaming.
Ghost stories - Watch the dub and only the dub. The anime itself is pretty bad so they told the cast to go wild and it’s absolutely disgusting at times but hilarious.
BLEACH - Also honestly good, and unpredictable because the dude literally just writes whatever he wants with no plot. Also the art is amazing because he just wanted to be a fashion designer and for some reason that didn’t pan out.
Naruto - Very good but ends in betrayal. I will never watch Boruto.
Demonslayer - So much fun and filled with sweet familial love
Blackblood brothers - Vampires. I remember it being fun but it was simple.
Blood blockade battlefront - Very fun!! Music slaps, and its such a wacky ensemble cast its so sweet and fun.
Yuyuhakusho - An oldie but a goodie. The anime also ended in mild disappointment because they altered it for no reason? But overall fun
Gekkanshojo nozaki kun - A good one. Cute and comedic
Pokemon - it’s pokemon its great
Durarara!! - Fantastic series, honestly. One of the best out there.
Baccano! - My actual all time favorite. PRobably the best ensemble cast you’ll ever see. Unfortunately didn’t get good traction so it didn’t go anywhere besides this arc, but it’s Immortal New York gangsters in the Great Depression. What more do you want?
Xxxholic - I’m gonna be real, I pretty much hate all CLAMP anime adaptations except for CCS. xxxholic was ok, the art was kind of an abomination, but it wasn’t as bad as Tsubasa’s adaptation
TSUBASA reservoir Chronicles - TRASH just read the manga.
Cardcaptor Sakura/clear card arc - Sweet and sentimental, I do wish it followed the manga story more.
JoJo's bizarre adventure - I’ve seen like 20 episodes and I don’t understand a thing.
Claymore - A lady monster hunter for hire. Dramatic and fantastic,
Violet evergarden - WOW what a gorgeous series.
Haikyuu - Volleyball anime. All sports anime is just by default goofy as fuck but I always find myself screaming like I’m at an actual game.
Seven deadly sins - It’s fine, honestly the hype builds it up but its just. Fine. Maybe I’m just bitter and traumatized tho
Sword art online/gun one - Also fine. It would have been much better without the sexual assault bits and the isekai bits, but its alright
Ouran high school host club - Where is the rest of the series?!
Fruits basket 2001/2019 - Already liking 2019 better, more plot?! More explanation? But also the creator is so straight it’s ridiculous pay no attention to her and make it gay.
Kuroko no basket - Basketball anime, also ridiculous
Blue exorcist - Its fine. Demon boys its ok
One punch man - Lives up to hype we need more but also its perfect the way it is.
Soul eater/Soul eater not!! - a CLASSIC. Needs a brotherhood makeover because they kinda fucked it up, but good!
Death note - I mean what more do you want.
Castlevania - Fantastic. I’m glad this hasnt been completely ruined for me.
Attack on Titan - The plot is good, just ignore the imperialistic view of the creator.
Black butler - I cant do it.
Beastars - I’M GONNA BE REAL furry anime is actually one of the best new anime I’ve seen in a VERY VERY long time. Music slaps, cute plot, deals with depression and anxiety very well. The sexual themes surprised me but they were very well done. The overall Kids Dealing With Trauma plot is fantastic
Magi - don’t rememeber much of it
FREE! + Eternal summer - Ok I love swimming anime its bad but its so cute and stupid.
2018 devilman crybaby - Fucked up. Well done, but I’m sensitive so I was a lil fucked up after.
Your lie in April - It was pretty.
Fullmetal alchemist/brotherhood - I can’t really watch it right now, but honestly should get an award forbest of all time.
The irregular at magic highschool - Boring tbh.
Fumofu - I’ve never seen Full Metal Panic and my friend made me watch this. I had no idea what was going on but it was funny.
Escaflowne - A classic I’ve meant to watch for a while and my GOD what a beautiful show.
Ruroni kenshin - Also good, also classic, don’t look at the creator.
Samurai champloo - Wonderful and fantastic as well. Samurai hip hop show.
Cowboy Bebop - What are you doing if you haven’t seen Cowboy Bebop?
Space dandy - an absolute wild ride.
Carole and Tuesday - A sweet show about girls and music.
Fairy tail - It was ok.
Little witch academia - Girl witches, also good.
Kill la kill - Would have been better if everyone involved wasnt a creep.
Anohana - If you need to cry and have time, watch anohana
Nura rise of the yokai clan - Boring
Sirius the jaegar - Silly title, but entertaining.
The devil is a parttimer - I loved the concept of this one, the execution was ok.
Rage of bahamut Genesis - I get hooked every time I try to get through this, but never finish it. Very beautiful tho.
Toradora - Cute
Yugioh - ???
Dragon drive - Cute but the anime designs did them dirty
.Hack legend of twilight - I don’t remember much of this
Digimon/tri - Its digimon
Black clover - Cute, but also like every other shonen anime.
Chobits - Manga Is better
Case closed/detective Conan - If you like mysteries and Sherlock Holmes, the best show for you. Also its been running since 1993 so its funny watching the technology rapidly change.
K - Cute and the music is fantastic
No. 6 - the plot was confusing, but good
Excel saga - I dont remember a lot of excel saga other than its quirky
Amagi brilliant park - Its fine
AQUARION - Everyone needs to experience Aquarion
Beyond the boundary - Cute!
Black lagoon - Very good if you like crime and violence
Blood c - Its Alright
Buso renkin - Magic sport?? I think? I dont remember
Zatch bell - Ridiculous
Code geass - Egomaniac goes crazy with power. Whats not to like
Corpse princess - Zombie fighting. It cool
D. Gray man - I need to actually finish this. It was good
Dance with Devil's - Also ridiculous. Demon dating musical.
Darker Than Black - Genuinely very very good
Dimension W - honestly i dont remember what this ones about but I remember liking it.
Edan of the East - global terrorism. Its great.
Fire force - not his best work, but its fine.
Food wars -  Genuinely shocked by how good this was.
FLCL - Classic
Dragonauts the Resonance - I remember watching this but???
Erased - Another genuinely fantastic one. GRoundhog dayish, but tragic
Gurren Lagann - Confusing but good.
Axis powers Hetalia - no
Gargantua the Verdurous Planet - it was cute
Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto - bonkers
Hellsing/ultimate - Alright
The heroic legend of arslan - its fine
Ranma ½ - read more of the manga, but its ok.
Pretear - the manga is better, but this was fine. Opening slapped. Biggest gripe is they changed one character’s design drastically for no reason???
7 ghost - bad, manga is better.
Wedding peach - manga is better
Saint tail - manga is better.
Ceres, celestial legend - this never got dubbed, but we bought a chinese copy and it was ok
Hero tails - ???
s-CRY-ed - the one instance where I say avoid the manga. Its basically two different plost
Azumanga daioh - Fun silly comic shows
Tokyo Babylon - ok this one is alright because its a two episode ova
X/1999 - I never finished it but they changed the ending.
Shaman king - Its good ol shonen
Prince of sTRIDE alternative - Silly parkour anime, really.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - a classic
Sakura Wars - Good, but I don’t remember a lot of it i watched it when I was ten
Mob psycho 100 - i couldnt watch more than one episode because the funimation app kept cutting out, but it was ok
Shin Sekai Yori - Fucked up
Psycho pass - Also fucked up, but great.
Paranoia Agent - fucked up, but also fantastic. The opening theme constantly gets stuck in my head
Spice and Wolf - sweet.
Sgt frog - weird and hilarious
DN angel - read more of the manga but also wtf.
Puella Magi madoka magika/record - good, but also why men shouldnt write magical girls.
Princess princess - I forgot about this anime entirely until i saw a picture and was like “ok I did see a few episodes. The manga is still better i dont understand why they mess with the character designs.
Bungo stray dogs - Its cute
Dance in the Vampire Bund - I watched a few episodes because vampire, but i dont remember
Deadman Wonderland - Very very good. Prison hunger games, really.
Endride - Gay crystals??
Eureka seven - I don’t remember a lot I just caught a few episodes on toonami. It was ok
Metabots - I don’t remember anything about metabots just that i was obsessed for a brief period
Galaxy Angel - I dont remember the plot just the baseball episodes and theyre pretty aliens?
Gunam Wing - I’m sure I’ve seen more Gundam, Its just mecha dragonball
Kaze no Stigma - I remember watching this but???
La Chivalier d'Eon - Fantastic and weird
RomeoxJuliet - I hate Romeo and Juliet as a play (I love shakespeare, but specifically the culture around RJ) but WOW i loved this anime
Michiko and Hatchin - I couldnt get passed a couple episodes I got way too sad. It was great tho
Nabari no ou - Ninjas??? I think??
Noragami - It was ok. 
Panty and stocking - Honestly wacky and fantastic
Rideback - One of my personal favorites. Ballerina gets injured and ends up being the face of a rebellion. Its so good. 
Servamp - It was ok. Vampires but like? Slaves? I didnt understand it
Strike witches -  I went into this thinking it was so cute looking but its all just weird pedophile shit. I hate this and anyone who watches it.
Tokyo Ghoul - It was ok. Not worth the hype imo but it was good.
Trinity blood - Vampire religious?? I remember a few scenes from watching 
Tenchi muyo - a classic.
Wolfs rain - also a classic. I rewatched it recently it was still very good.
Witch Hunter Robin - I dont remember much
Mushi Shi - also dont remember much but the art is good
Kumamiko - also adorable!!
Mongolian chop squad - I remember not watching a lot because I got uncomfortable.
Pop team epic - Hilarious 
Princess jellyfish - Drag queen meets nerds. Its great
Sekai ichi hatsukoi - One of my friends said I reminded her of one of the characters and I don’t know how to feel about it still
Yuri on ice - I love winter sports and this is delightful. My sibling and I were SCREAMING
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - It was ok.
Shigurui - Really violent. Good but I as too young to prepare for it when I watched it
Seraph of the End - its ok. Vampires.
Snow White with the Red Hair - Beautiful and fantastic. Fantasy slice of life
The Ancient Magnus’s Bride - Also beautiful
Bobobobobobobo - ??????
Bakemonogatari - Cute but??
My Love Story - Delightful!!!
Gravitation - Unhealthy gays, good for its time but wildly like ????
Tsuritama - fishing??? Cute
Marchen Awakens Romance - read more of the manga but!! Fantastic!!
Hamtaro - little hamsters, big adventures
This is not even a full list, I just can’t look at this anymore.
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korkrunchcereal · 5 years
Upon a nearby hill Bal-Varos Eyvor watches the host that has gathered, sitting astride a destrier black. In the northern pass of the Tempest Coast he vowed to make his stand, sending out a call for aid from the remaining southern powers. The first to answer had been the Lady of the Coast herself, for the enemy threatened her home and she could not allow such sacrilege. Next had come the people of the Gilded Lands, fractious by nature yet when faced with a common threat were the fiercest of allies.
Beside banners silver marked with the grey flame he watches the unfurling of the Blackfyre banners, and beside that were such houses as Dawngrasp, Sol and Indaris. Every house had sent soldiers or were otherwise represented by fierce patriots of their homes. Even men he knew to be of low reputation had come in motley bands of cutthroats and thieves, yet come they did in defense of their home. As the morning sun rose above the pass, he watches a shimmering gleam of steel catching the first rays of light.
They had come to protect their homes for they could not bear to see darkness destroy the world. Bal-Varos feels the blood pumping in his veins at the sight; by the gods he had not commanded such a host in decades. It felt good to wear the plates again, rather than the statesman’s robes. It felt right. His eyes, wizened with age, stared out beyond the army now and instead to the pass. Unconsciously he taps his fingers against the steel of his helm tucked into the crest of his arm, mimicking the pounding of drums.
“It is an impressive sight.” A woman’s voice called from behind him. Bal-Varos turns in the saddle to watch as the Lady Greyflame herself approached. Upon a silver hawkstrider she rode, her armor that of the Tempest Knights she so famously commanded. Yet greatest of all adornments was that of her dragonscale cloak, dyed grey to subdue the bright ruby it had once been.  
“Aye, it is.” Bal-Varos answers in acknowledgement. He turns back to eye the pass, brow furrowing in thought. “How many do you think we have? Two thousand?”
“People, yes. Veteran soldiers? Half that.”
“Mmm…” Bal-Varos nods with the assessment. He briefly glances to the black bear banner of his own house, forefront among all others. Greyflame was probably right. He could count upon his own soldiers he had brought, for none were as fierce or well trained in the Gilded Lands. Beyond that? The Greyflame Knights and some small smattering of soldiers. The rest were an uncertainty, yet he cannot second guess their intent or their use.
“There is less than I had hoped for.”
“More than I expected.” Bal-Varos sighs, a frown crossing his features. “Gods, it aches my heart. Two thousand…I remember when we had twenty thousand.”
“The Scourge’s wounds still linger to this day. We are not nor ever will be the same for it.”
“I know. It still boils my blood; damn the human boy. Reducing us to this state, with each battle a desperate bloody gamble for success.” Bal-Varos let go of the reins, realizing he had gripped them so tight as to turn his knuckles white. “Still, two thousand will have to do. We do not have time to rally anymore.”
“So the scouts reports are true then? The Blackbloods will be here soon?”
“Aye.” Bal-Varos nods once more. “They say by day’s end, but I think sooner. Foul purpose hastens their march upon us.” To slaughter us, though he does not speak those words.
“No doubt they will greatly outnumber us. You sent men ahead?”
“I dispatched several of my best just before the sun’s rise. I expect they’ll be back within an hour or two, I think.”
“Good.” Greyflame pauses before she speaks again, her tone neutral. “I don’t like the look of those clouds.”
“Clouds?” Bal-Varos looks up, squinting as he stares beyond the pass. In the distance were grey clouds swollen with rain, seemingly travelling south towards them. “Bah, it’s rain. Doesn’t it rain all the damn time in the Coast?”
“Yes, but rain dampens the strings of bows and turns the dirt slick and uneven. It’ll make for harder fighting should it arrive before the battle. I hear as well Blackbloods fear fire, and rain will rob us of such.”
“Oh? Where’d you hear that from.”
“Survivors of the Ridges massacre.” An awkward pause follows the statement, as Bal-Varos is uncertain how to respond immediately. He had heard of the tragedy of the Ridges to the northeast. It was already a land of ill omens before the invasion of the Blackbloods. Now? Bal-Varos can only imagine what horrors dwell in that cursed place.
“They say the Blackbloods fear fire?”
“The Blackbloods are undead given life by the void. Such abominations cannot stand the blessed warmth of fire, nor can they bring back our dead if the body is burned. Pray the rain holds, Bal-Varos. We shall certainly need any help we can get in this I fear.”
“Gods it is a poor day when I must battle nature too. Some evil purpose must favor our enemy, to bring the chance of rain on the day they’ll arrive.”
“Evil purpose, or simply bad chance. And as I said, perhaps the rain shall not reach us when battle is joined. I fear such is unlikely however, for those clouds swiftly approach.”
“Bah! It rained too the Day of Weeping. Up to our knees in muck and gore and death that day. Gods I can still feel the mud that seeped into your boots.” Bal-Varos sighs, remembering that day bitterly. Back then it had been Arcannon Indaris who ruled house Indaris, and no man ever lived so arrogant and proud. He had thought it possible to face the scourge invasion head on. He had convinced all the lords, including Bal-Varos, to meet the undead on an open field rather than fortify their holdings. It had been a disaster.
“Yes, the unfortunate truth of our part of the kingdom is that it often rains. Yet even still, I would take the rain over the temperate north. There, they breed only laxness for no hardship befalls the meadows and hills there. They have never known the harsh wave upon the crags, nor the fierce winds that howl. They do not know how to brace for the storm as we do.”
“They don’t even know how to brace for a shit, let alone a storm.” Greyflame chuckles at his joke, Bal-Varos spotting her shake her head out of the corner of his eye. “The fops in the north have been kept isolated by fighting. They were unprepared, and it shows. Took southern lords to save the north; men like the Truefeathers and the Netherstars. Fighting men.”
“They’re not saved yet. If the Blackbloods take the southwest, they have an easily fortified position to reinforce and expand dramatically. Already the Ridges are lost, and Havenblaze I imagine is in ruins or soon to be. As well, the rest of my lands and the Gilded Lands have all evacuated to the sea leaving our host the last stand.”
“Well, we certainly cannot afford to lose then, can we? Gods knows my ancestors would not allow me peace in death if an Indaris was all that’s left.”
“Speaking of Indaris,” Greyflame begins, “Have I heard correct in that he still marches north?”
“Aye, he’s with the Sunguard though I have had no word from him in weeks.”
“Nor have I. His brother and sister were on board one of the ships evacuating, but there was no sign of his betrothed or Cyvar.”
“Wrenth? Gods if there was ever a man with their talent wasted. No doubt he’s with the Indaris boy, or otherwise holed up in their pretty castle to wait out the storm.”
“Hopefully if anyone in that house were to live it’d be Wrenth. I can actually stomach his presence, which is more than can be said of his master.”
“Aye, a weasel shit that one. Still, the boy is damn cunning and is much like his father, for better or for worse. Besides, despite his many flaws he at least has the Gilded Lands interest at heart if only because it aligns with his own.”
“Perhaps…and perhaps he is simply just a snake with a golden opportunity.” The words hang in the air, broken only by the shifting of Bal-Varos’ horse. It stomps its hooves into the dirt, shifting nervously. Greyflame looks over, a brow raising. “I told you, you should take one of our hawkstriders. The Quilreven breed we have is the finest in the kingdom. They’d serve you better amid the Coast than your horse.”
“Bah; I hate the damn chickens. Besides, your birds are small. On the charge they’ll lose to a horse every time.”
“That I know to be false. None are as swift or as fierce as the Quilreven, especially on uneven ground.”
“And I’m telling you, a battle trained destrier is- “Bal-varos pauses as the sound of a horn interrupts him. He immediately looks northward upon the peak of the pass. The guards he had put there had spotted something. Blackbloods?
“Blackbloods?” Greyflame echoed Bal-Varos thoughts, though he shakes his head.
“I don’t think so. Perhaps it’s the scouts returning.”
“So early? That does not bode well.”
“Whatever it is, we won’t find out here.” Bal-Varos snaps the reins, his horse taking off. Behind him he hears the shrieking caw of Greyflame’s hawkstrider, the beast soon darting to move beside Bal-Varos. Down the hill they ride, past tents and soldiers still readying for war. Their destination is beyond the camp, beasts moving past armored knights and formations of troops until they stand at the forefront. Before them the maw of the pass looms, threatening to swallow them whole.
“A rider comes.” Greyflame’s eyes were true, for deep in the pass Bal-Varos watches a lone figure approach upon horseback. Bal-Varos could not make out which of the scouts it was, eyes narrowing. Why was he alone?
“Where are the others?” He voices with concern. There was something strange about the way the horse moved. It was awkward almost, as if unaccustomed to sprinting.
“Something’s wrong.” Greyflame announced. Bal-Varos turns to watch as she dismounts, moving to a nearby soldier armed with a crossbow. She does not ask for it, instead snatching it out of his hand. “Bolt.”
“Greyflame, what are you doing?” She ignores Bal-Varos, grabbing the bolt offered to her. Before Bal-Varos could act she pulled the trigger, a steel tip whizzing through the air. It slammed square into the torso of the horse, sending it collapsing to the ground hard. “What have you done!”
“That’s not your scout.” In bewilderment he turns to look at her, then the fallen body. To his horror, he watches the horse get back up, seemingly unfazed along with its rider. Another bolt is fired, finding purchase in the horse’s skull and causing it to fall once more. This time it did not get back up. Its rider however clawed its way out from under the corpse of its steed.
“What in the hell…” The rider charged at Bal-Varos, hands outstretched. This close, Bal-Varos recognizes the rider as one of his scouts, only the man’s neck was twisted at an unnatural angle and a hole was in his chest. A third bolt felled the man, piercing skull and brain and sending him collapsing to the ground. A miasma of black smoke oozed from the wound, shrouding the body in a foul cloud. Bal-Varos turns his attention to Greyflame for explanation, though he already knows as a sinking feeling hits his gut.
“We don’t have until day’s end. They’re here. Now.” Greyflame lowers the crossbow, face twisting in rage. Above them a great horn sounded once more, though this time there was a sense of urgency to it. It rang out thrice in a great boom that echoed through the pass. Bal-Varos feels a chill run up his spine, the hair on the back of his neck rising in protest to the horn.
The Blackbloods were here.
“Men, to your position!” Bal-Varos barks, wheeling his horse around to face the army. “Captain Eyvor shall hold the left flank. Captain Euwen shall hold the right, and I will command the center alongside Lady Greyflame.” He places his helmet on, vision narrowing to the slits in the steel. Swiftly he withdraws his sword, letting the blade ring out its cry. “Fear not this darkness that comes, for it cannot stand against true and just men! You are elves of Quel’thalas! Elves of the South! This is your land. Land you have bled to hold against the Alliance, the undead and now the Blackbloods! The day will be bloody and fierce, yet tomorrow a red sun shall rise over our victory. For Quel’thalas!”
“For Quel’thalas!” Hundreds of voices responded.
“The South stands strong!” Cheers echoed from near two thousand voices, and for a moment Bal-Varos feels hope. These were true sons and daughters of Quel’thalas. Today, they would prove why they are children of the blood. Yet as Bal-Varos turns to face the pass, his heart sinks in his chest at what he witnesses. By the gods, there were so many. Blackened horrors from the worst of nightmares crawled and writhed as they moved through the pass. The distance was well over a thousand yards, and from here it was merely indistinguishable shapes that squirmed with ill intent. Like a black festering wound they poured forward, the very shadows shirking from their presence.
“It was wise to make our stand in the pass.” Greyflame’s voice cuts through the air, nearly causing Bal-Varos to jump in his saddle. He turns to look at her, seeing a cavalry flail held loosely in her grip. “We can hold thirty men abreast at its narrowest. Their numbers will mean little in this funnel. Though we should move behind the front lines.” Bal-Varos nodded, pulling on his horse. The ranks of his men parted for their commanders, letting them move to safety. The terrain and battle left little room for cavalry, and so the two dismounted. This would be a meat grinder of infantry.
“Aye. Gods, look at them. What sort of evil is this?”
“The foulest of all. In men there is greed and lust and all manner of wicked vices, but in this? There is no motivation for power. There is no want or desire, save for destruction and annihilation. This is primordial in its hatred for life. In truth, I wonder if it is even capable of thought, or if its simply driven by the unconscious urge to consume?”
“Bah; a question for scholars, not warriors. It is a monster, pure and simple. Its thoughts and desires mean little to me. No better than a beast, and like a rabid dog it needs to be put down.” Closer now the enemy drew and from here Bal-Varos picks out mortals amid such monsters. The Void elves, or Ren’dorei as they called themselves, marched in formation amidst the chaotic charge of the Blackbloods. United in evil deeds, they were the worst of men. Bal-Varos grips the hilt of his sword fiercely in anger, blood boiling.
“Steady men!” Greyflame’s voice booms over the battlefield, though she mutters quietly to Bal-Varos now. “We’re outnumbered bad.”
“As you said; their numbers will mean little as long as we hold the pass, though I will confess I wished for the use of cavalry.” No response was given, for instead Greyflame raised her flail skyward, her voice strong with fervor and command.
“Archers! Fire!” In response, dozens if not hundreds of arrows and bolts flew through the air, arcing high for but a moment before raining down upon the Blackbloods. Before the first volley had even hit, a second was let loose. Shapeless abominations though they were, they were yet creatures bound in mortal coil and thus fell beneath the many-colored rain of fletching. Steel pierced flesh and bone and whatever else the gods had deemed these creatures be made of, felling scores. It did not slow them.
“We’re in for a tough fight alright…” Bal-Varos pushes aside the man in front of him, taking his place in the line with longsword drawn. He was a warrior king, not a philosopher. Many would deem themselves too important to fight on the front lines, and instead hide in the rear. Bal-Varos had never been such a man. He fights beside his men because how could he ask them to die for him, if he would not die for them?
Amidst his people, Bal-Varos was quite large in size, and towered a full head over even the tallest here. He would be the rock to hold the line and as long as he stands, it would not bend or break. Gods these monsters were hideous. Many did not hold a singular form, for they writhed and shifted in jerking motions. Some had two eyes and others a great many, though even that would change on a whim. This was chaos given an evil form for evil deeds. Yet among these monsters and the Void Elves marched the dead. Elven faces twisted with malice shambled, a faint violet hue to their movements.
Whatever foul sorcery had brought them back had allowed them at least the ability to wield weapons however clumsily, for spears and swords were gripped with ill intent. That was all they were afforded in this cursed resurrection for they marched with mindless obedience to whatever commanded such a host. Bal-Varos bares his teeth, though such his hidden behind his helm. He can smell them now, a sickly stench of rotting meat and fruit assailing his senses. He suppresses a gag, though others beside him are not so fortunate.
“That smell…it’s terrible!” A voice cries beside him.
“That it is. No worse than a goblin’s brothel though, I imagine. Little less oil here though.” Bal-Varos’ jest has the intended effect, easing the panic that was growing in the soldiers around him. Some had even chuckled.
“Can we win, my lord?”
“Yes.” Greyflame moves to stand beside Bal-Varos now as she speaks, looking to the world the warrior queen she was. Bal-Varos remembers the rumors of her with amusement; none had ever bested her in battle in the Coast. She was the tempest itself from which her land was named, unstoppable in her fury. The Indaris boy had bested her true, though the fighting had been fixed to ensure the safety of Greyflame’s people. Had it not been? Bal-Varos was unsure who the victor would have been, though he guesses it would not have been Aurelian.
“Men of the South! Brace yourselves!” Bal-Varos’ command was met by a wall of spears around him. The Blackbloods would break themselves upon the steel and flesh of elves, ready to die for their home. He grips his sword with both hands now, the great mantle of the bear cloak waving lightly around him in the soft breeze that rose. Overhead the clouds had darkened, the sun fading in the approach of the storm. Yes, it did look like rain.
A final volley landed amidst the Blackbloods before they struck with the force of a thunderbolt. In the opening charge dozens died, their blackened forms oozing away from spearpoint and sword tip. Bal-Varos claims the first strike with a roar of anger upon his lips, sword hewing a monster with a dozen eyes and as many limbs in twain. Steel pierced and sliced against the flesh of the Blackbloods, yet more charged over the bodies of the fallen.
Like a great wave they crashed against the rock that was the elven line. The great numbers of the Blackbloods was meaningless in this small pass, though they had a great many to throw against the elves. Arrows and bolts continued to rain down upon the Blackbloods, for their great horde was clumped up so stymied as they were. Sorcerous fire too began to rain down in bolts of lightning and fire, for the magi of the coast and of house Blackfyre commanded each with fierce precision. Battle had a funny way of making strangers allies, for together they struck with fury.
Bal-Varos himself was a god of war. Each sword blow brought ruin and death upon the Blackbloods, for they balked against his rage. Beside him, Greyflame was an avatar of vengeance. They had said she possessed supernatural strength and was blessed by gods, and right now Bal-Varos believed such tales. She smote the Blackbloods with ease, sending their bodies flying as if they were little more than dolls. Bal-Varos watches a void elf charge her, a sword and shield in hand. She strikes against the shield, crumpling it like parchment and sending him flying in a broken heap.
Around him men bled and died. Though the Blackbloods could not use the full force of their numbers, they still had many to throw. They were seemingly infinite, whilst the elves were finite. Each death is a loss Bal-Varos can barely afford, and dying the elves were. A colossal beast with two heads smashed into the elven line, sending men scattering like dice. Behind it the Blackbloods surged, trying to pierce further the wall. Concentrated fire brought the monster down, and stout hearts pushed back the Blackbloods.
This happened all along the battle line, however. Wave after wave of monsters charged fearlessly against the ichor laden steel of the elves and though they died, they could afford such deaths. Exhaustion would set in, for no man can keep fighting forever. Even Bal-Varos begins to feel his arms ache, for he slays monster after monster with great rending hews. Sweat beads his brow in exertion, though he keeps fighting.
By now the ground had become slick with blood and gore, causing men to slip and stumble. The screams of the dying were matched by the roars of monsters, and the smell…gods the smell. They never tell you about the smell. Bal-Varos gags as he cleaves a Ren’dorei in twain, the odor of death and shit pungent as blood spews across his tabard. He was getting tired, and there was no end in sight to the Blackbloods. He takes a brief moment to look skywards, cursing for he could not tell how much time had passed yet.
The ground shakes beneath Bal-Varos’ feet, drawing his attention down to the earth. There is a great hissing sound, followed by a low wail. He looks up, going wide eyed. A fog of purple miasma was racing towards the elven line, the source hidden behind the horde of bodies. Though it did not affect the Blackbloods, Bal-Varos knew such would not be the same for the elves. An elf too far forward is caught by the fog, and his screams pierce the battle. In seconds he dies, body a sickly hue. Moments later he pulls himself up, and Bal-Varos curses.
“They use foul magic!” He cries out, voice hoarse from shouting. “The mist will doom us!” Greyflame must have heard him, for she stepped forward against the fog. The fog seemed to shirk away from her presence, being dispelled by the simple act of her existing. The hair on the back of Bal-Varos’ neck rises, recognizing there was some power afoot though one he did not recognize. Yet Greyflame’s very presence cast back the fog long enough for her storm magi to cast fierce winds, and the fog was no more.
Yet despite this, the elves were losing ground. The sheer weight of the Blackbloods was slowly pushing them back. Men tripped over their fallen, only to be consumed and swallowed whole by monsters. Each inch brought more Blackbloods against the elven lines, the gap of the pass widening. Though hundreds of the monsters lay dead, they simply kept coming.
“Hold you bastards!” Bal-Varos commands. He stands his ground, a giant among men. For a time he is alone amidst a sea of darkness, dozens of blows raining down upon him. Most do nothing against the thick plates he wears, though some find purchase in the gaps. His bones ache now, and he swings his sword with great effort. He cannot break or fall back, however. He must stand and fight.
Bal-Varos bleeds now, faint stains of crimson beneath his tabard. A Ren’dorei had driven a dagger into his side, piercing plate and mail. Bal-Varos’ response was to separate the Ren’dorei’s head from her shoulders, but the damage was done. The great bear was wounded, and it began to show. He is slow to block and parry, and for a moment it looks that the bear would fall. He is made of sterner stuff however, and the bear is fiercest when met with death. He lets out a mighty roar, his sword cleaving in a great arc. Creatures guided by malice and instinct, the Blackbloods shirk away for in some recess of their twisted forms they recognize fear.
Fear that the bear will devour them.
Thunder booms overhead, and Bal-Varos is joined by Greyflame and the troops, who stand beside their lord. Lightning cracks in the sky, and they strike. Some unknown command forces the Blackbloods back and for a brief moment there is respite. Bal-Varos collapses to a knee, panting hard. He is exhausted, the weight of his sword aching. A hand clasps his shoulder, and he looks to up Greyflame. She is covered in blood but suffers no fatigue. Damn magic.
“Stand, Eyvor. The enemy threatens us still!” Slowly Bal-Varos rises, leaning upon his sword for a moment. With a deep breath he readies himself. He hears the wounded cry out, and the panting of men. He sees the broken bodies of his people scattered amidst the stygian hordes they have felled. They’ve put up a good fight so far. They-
A great horn pierces the air. The sound is ugly and cut short.
It is terrified.
It is doom.
Bal-Varos looks up to where the horn sounded and goes wide eyed with surprise. The Blackbloods were upon the crest of the peak. The horn was a warning; the enemy had scaled the walls of the peak itself. There were dozens, nay hundreds descending from the rocky outcropping. No mortal man could scale such a face without dedicated equipment and time, but these were not men. Some of the creatures fell to their deaths, unable to keep their grip yet many more still were behind.
Numbers counted for nothing within the pass, yet past it? Numbers were everything. The Blackbloods would flank and swarm the elves like locusts. They were going to be surrounded, and Bal-Varos cries out in rage. Damn them and their trickery and damn himself for not expecting such tactics. The situation was desperate now. He knows they could not retreat in any organized fashion; such would be too slow, and the Blackbloods would devour them all. A disorganized route would also doom the elves. No, there was only one course left, and he gives a silent prayer before uttering his command.
“Stand your ground! Greyflame gather the cavalry; we will need them very soon.” She gives a silent nod, her eyes trained on the descending Blackbloods as she leaves. The elves had exhausted their supply of arrows and bolts, leaving the creatures unmolested as they climbed down the pass. “Men of the South! Today is the day heroes are made. Swords will shatter! Spears will splinter! Yet we will not go quietly into the void that awaits. The South stands strong!”
The enemy had rallied now, and once more surged against the elves. Bal-Varos does not hold his ground, however. He meets them on the field, charging against the tide. He is tired and he is wounded, but he is not dead yet. Behind him dozens follow their lord and commander, ready to charge into hell itself should he order it. Not all were of house Eyvor, yet they follow the bear as if he is their lord. As thunder boomed overhead once more the two forces collided. There is great slaughter as man and monster alike fall in a desperate battle of survival. Bal-Varos hears fighting from behind and knows the Blackbloods upon the peak have reached the ground. He knows his daughter fights there yet and prays for her safety. Yet he cannot think further on it, for the battle was in front of him.
His sword is slick in his hands from blood. How many has he killed now? It felt like dozens. Even still hundreds if not thousands more were behind each monster he slew. He cannot fight forever and he knows it, yet he fights until death claims him. Death has already claimed many. He would be but one more amidst an endless sea of bodies, yet until that moment comes he fights. Slowly he finds himself surrounded, for the others are dead.
He is alone.
He does not stop fighting.
He cuts down another of the monsters, turning as a great force strikes him. He is sent flying through the air from the blow, and lands hard. He feels several ribs are broken, and it hurts to breath. He tries to rise, though stabs up as something lunges. Sword pierces flesh, and a mass of writhing limbs falls on him before going still. He is pinned under the weight of the creature, and more come yet. A lumbering monstrosity, no doubt the beast that had struck him, looms overhead. It raises its fists to deliver the killing blow.
The blow never comes.
Something charges behind Eyvor, a great shadow leaping overhead. He looks up, seeing feathers and a cloak dull grey. Greyflame has come to save the bear. She roars, her lance she has brought piercing the giant aberration. It falls hard, lance tip broken in its skull. She discards the broken weapon, flail now in hand and she smites the Blackbloods with fury. Her hawkstrider battles too, pecking and clawing at any that approached.
“Get up, Eyvor! Your gods are not done with you yet.” He strains against the weight, and with a roar he throws the corpse off him. Slowly he rises, breathing heavily. It hurt, but the pain was good. He was still alive. Greyflame was still fighting as if not burdened by fatigue, each blow as strong as the last. Witnessing her, Bal-Varos is certain now Aurelian would not have stood a chance in a real fight. She was an unstoppable goddess, each blow met with thunder above. For a moment he wonders if Greyflame commands the sky above, though cannot voice such questions.
The ground seems to shudder under him, as if quaking in fear. Behind he hears panicked cries, and he turns quickly. A great pillar of darkness strikes down from the sky upon the surviving elves with such force as to temporarily deafen, and when he regains his hearing he is met with panicked screams. Then he sees it; the route. The elves were fleeing as more strikes from the very heavens rained down. He turns back to Greyflame, shouting for her.
“Greyflame! Our lines are breaking. We must go and rally them!” She does not answer at first, though quickly pulls the reins of her hawkstrider. The beast caws, before turning and taking off. Greyflame offers out a hand to Bal-Varos, easily pulling the large man upon the saddle as if he weighed nothing. Gods she was strong. The two rode hard down the pass, past Blackbloods that shirked away momentarily. Yet Bal-varos hears them behind shrieking and howling, and he knows they follow behind. The two emerge from the maw of the pass into disaster. The elves were beginning to flee. The foul magic from the sky had broken several holes in their lines, and the Blackbloods filled the gaps.
“Stand your ground, damn you!” Bal-Varos shouts, though they cannot hear him. There is a howling tempest growing around him and Greyflame now, as if the very sky is threatening to swallow them. Dark magic coalesced around Bal-Varos in a fine mist, and he felt fear. Gods this was the end. There was no hope of victory this day, nor any other day. He had led his men to die, and for what? A hopeless task. Dully he hears his name, though it sounds as if underwater. They were going to drown be-
“EYVOR!” Greyflame’s voice snaps him from his stupor. He blinks rapidly, shaking his head to clear it. The enchantment over him faded with the mist, and he felt courage in his heart once more. “My magi are dead as well as the Blackfyre warlocks, and without them the enemy is free to bewitch our forces. The Blackbloods have someone powerful to curse our forces.”
“Do you know where they are?”
“Yes. They are deep amidst the host of our enemy, protected by a living wall. We cannot reach them.”
“Damn it. We must rally who we can and hold.”
“It is too late; we cannot reform in time to mount a proper defense. They’ve broken through the pass.” Bal-Varos swore, though he knew Greyflame spoke true. Their defeat was sealed when the Blackbloods scaled the walls of the pass.
“We must get word to the surviving commanders! We need to rally at Seahallow! We can mount a defense there.” And let the others die. He does not voice it, but they both knew what it meant. The Blackbloods would have free reign to raze the countryside and slaughter any that had remained behind. The Tempest Coast and the Gilded Lands would burn.
“It seems we have no other option. We- “Greyflame pauses before she pulls hard on the reins, wheeling the hawkstrider around. Bal-Varos does not see what strikes them, simply feeling the overwhelming force. A bright light blinds him, a great heat burning at his face. He brings a hand up to shield his eyes and he hears a grunt from Greyflame. The hawkstrider jerks beneath him, before taking off in a full sprint with a shrieking caw.
When he regains his sight he sees they are fleeing the battle eastward in the direction of the coastline. Behind him the Blackbloods howl, though they do not catch the Hawkstrider so easily. Greyflame is wordless as she rides, though something is wrong. Bal-Varos senses a strange tension in the woman and can all but feel the uncertainty. Finally, he finds his voice.
“What was that!”
“A spell.” She replies and he can hear how weak she now sounds. “A powerful one.”
“Are you alright?”
“Yes. I stopped it from killing us, though it sent the beast into a panic. I cannot control the Hawkstrider, anymore. It flees with us on it.”
“Damn it, we need to find the other commanders!”
“If your daughter is as smart as I think, she will know what to do if she yet lives. If not? No force on Azeroth will save our army.”
“If there is one left.” Bal-Varos mutters grimly. With time to breath came time to realize the full extent of his injuries. He is wounded badly and exhausted and struggles to stay conscious now. He closes his eyes for a moment. Sleep sounds nice right now. Just a little sleep.
“Stay with me, Eyvor.” Greyflame’s command keeps him awake. He cannot rest. Not yet. Gods he hurts though. They ride for what seems an hour before the hawkstrider collapses from exhaustion. Dismounting, he sees now the front of the beast was horrifically burned. Surprisingly Greyflame was untouched save a strange scorch mark against her breastplate though she paid it no mind. She instead looks outwards, and Eyvor realizes they are overlooking the sea.
“It’s beautiful.” He mutters, a hand pressing against his wound. In truth Bal-Varos has always loved the coastline. There was something awe inspiring to watch the waves crash against the rocks, unbending and unbroken. Yet in a thousand years even the rocks would erode against the waves and would swallow the world.
“Yes. I- “Greyflame pauses, turning to look at her hawkstrider. He follows her gaze and hisses, for the hawkstrider’s wounds had begun to fester and bubble.
“What is going on with it?!” In answer the beast roars, the sound unnatural. From its wounds ooze black ichor, and Bal-Varos realizes now what’s happening. He runs forward, thrusting his sword into the Hawkstrider’s neck. Steel parts flesh with ease, and soon the beast was still. “Whoreson magic. Now we’re without steed.”
“And we’re not alone.” Greyflame warns. She points to the west, and Bal-Varos looks. There were a dozen Blackbloods rapidly approaching. He curses, realizing they had been following the hawkstrider. Undoubtedly the beast had been marked and like moths to a flame attracted the Blackbloods to them. “Can you fight?”
“Do I have a choice?” He hoists his sword over a shoulder, grimacing.
“No.” With that Greyflame charges forward, Bal-Varos fast behind. They would meet the Blackbloods head on. They would not go whimpering into the afterlife, but instead face it with steel drawn. Lightning lit up the sky as the two elves smashed against the Blackbloods. Bal-Varos hacked and hewed his way through the beasts in desperation, each swing harder to do than the last.
He howls as something pierces his side. Bal-Varos looks down at the oily purple tendril that has broken through the plating into flesh, and with a cry he brings his sword down upon his assailant. Something hard presses itself against his back, and he cranes his neck to spot Greyflame. Back to back the two hold their ground as the monsters roar, biting and jabbing in some attempt to kill. Bal-Varos hears Greyflame grunt in pain but does not see what caused it.
They are few now, and one leaps at Bal-Varos. He brings his sword down hard but cannot raise it in time to stop the other. Jaws bite down hard into his shoulder, teeth piercing plate and biting deep into flesh. He does not cry out but instead slams his head against the monster. It weakens its grip but does not let go. Bal-Varos shoves his sword upward into the jaw of the beast, and it finally stills. As it falls, it brings Bal-Varos down with him.
Greyflame slides down with him, the two sitting in the dirt back to back. Struggling, he weakly saws at the monster’s neck, leaving its head still buried in his shoulder as the rest of it collapses. There is nothing in him except exhaustion, now. His wounds are a dull throb, and the haft of his sword has long grown slippery with ichor and blood. He can rest now. The midden heaps of Blackblood corpses around them is still and slain.
Time passes.
“It’s over then, do you think?” he asks, of the knight behind him.
“Mm.” Greyflame’s reply is weak.
“Hardest fight of my life. Should’ve…should’ve sent my daughter off with your boy now that I think about it, eh?”
“It’s bad luck to talk about regrets before dying, Eyvor.” Her voice trails off.
“Ah, I guess you’re right.” He grunts, letting his sword drop into the dirt. “We need…we need to rally the others. We might be able to strike against the rear of the Blackbloods before…before they destroy our lands.”
“Wake up. Wake up. You’ve got a people to lead, don’t you?”
Bal-Varos sighs.
It begins to rain.
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thinkofduty · 5 years
[ deliberation ]
He’s always there.
No matter how hard Orella tries, he slips away without fail like the dusk from the dawn.
But Rhalgr, she tries--
He’s insubstantial, an enigma by her own reckoning. She’d thought him another member of the Vista at first, a stagehand awaiting orders. The more often she noticed him standing around, the more she came to realise that no other did. Actors sidestep him unconsciously while they bark orders to their assistants, for this hot drink or that alteration. Playwrights pass by him to hand over sheaves of paper to waiting hands.
All the while, he watches, and Orella does her best to put him from mind. None other has noticed him, after all.
Until they do.
It’s Ingvald, of course, with his sharp eyes tired after a long day of making nice with Garlean mummers. He’s running out of excuses to escape with, especially when they call after him (“Make nice with your beau!” “Let us know if your bed isn’t big enough!”), and while he lets the comments slide right off him, it must be exhausting to endure them day after day.
They sup in silence, confined to the small room that has become their safe haven. Ingvald seems content enough to keep to himself, tongue tired from its incessant wagging, and Orella… cannot find even a moment’s peace to eat. Before long she’s frowning into her bowl, doing her level best to focus on the board than the bystander.
Her best isn’t good enough.
“What?” Ingvald asks the second time he notices her distracted glance over his shoulder. Orella doesn’t answer, but unlike Ashelia, he doesn’t let it go unanswered. “What,” he says again, and turns to look at the empty corner.
He meets Ingvald’s gaze full on.
“Orella,” he says, annoyed as he turns to face her, and she throws down her spoon.
“Am I not allowed even now to rest?” she snaps back. No stranger to her tantrums throughout the years, Ingvald lets her tone slide.
“You’ve been distracted all evening,” he explains patiently. “You don’t get distracted.”
“Well, I am,” and she cannot help the way it comes out of her, low and threatening. “What are you going to do, drag me to court?”
“I was only asking. What’s gotten into you?”
She cannot help but glance once again to the corner that is most certainly not empty.
“Don’t tell him,” says Lamont bas Aureus, youngest cousin of House Baelsar.
“Nothing,” says Orella, and drops her gaze once more to her bowl. No longer is she hungry, her belly full of some twisting darkness she’s not unfamiliar with. “I… must be tired. I don’t investigate murder on the regular anymore.”
“Hm,” says Ingvald.
Why don’t you work with us, for once?
The Roegadyn’s words echo in her dream. She is in Ala Mhigo as it falls; she is next to the broken body of her brother; she is on the Prima Vista, a far cry from its former glory, nothing but scrap and slag. She is the last thing left alive.
It sets her blood to boil once again. Orella takes aim and kicks the nearest heap of scrap as hard as she can manage. “I am,” she growls, and kicks it again. “I AM!”
“Are you?”
Lamont yet plagues her, even in this endless landscape of every ruin she’s ever been party to. When she looks, he wears the armour of his cousin the once-viceroy, the third pearly eye easily visible on his forehead. It is not the child she remembers standing before her but a man, slighter than most of the soldiers she’s ever set eyes on.
“Don’t you question me,” she snarls, and reaches for the blade over her shoulder. It melts as she draws it, the brilliant red metal twisting into something shapeless as she watches. When she drops it, it melts like ice on coals until nothing is left.
“You are as the rest of them,” Lamont says. Something about his matter-of-fact tone rubs her entirely the wrong way. “Withered within. Your heart knows nothing but blackness.”
The gaol below Ala Mhigo is as crumbled as the city above. The broken cells smell of ruin and decay, though no body remains down here. Curses linger like bhoots, drawn to the stench of her shortcomings.
Blackblood, blackblood, blackblood, they echo.
“What would you know?” Orella demands. “You’re just a Garlean.”
The jibe bothers him not at all. “I know how deep the well within you runs,” he starts, but Orella steps close enough to see her reflection in his eyes. They’re the same colour as Ingvald’s, as the deepest pool of water, of barren fields, of the low light of evening.
“You don’t know shit,” she snaps, and grabs his collar. The skull-like mask bleeds through his skin until it is all she can see, and she cannot feel her hands; when she looks down the darkness is winding its way up her forearms, pulling her in. No matter how she struggles she cannot pull away. The face looking at her is no face. Nothing but darkness looks back at her, a gaping maw pulling her in, pulling her down, a stranglehold around her chest, her neck, no escape, only--
A hand on her shoulder startles her awake, and for a moment she can still smell the wreckage.
“I’m here,” he promises, and tears the coverlet from her. “You’re sweating like Azeyma put hands on you,” he mutters as she sits up. “Bad dream?”
She laughs hoarsely, mirthlessly, and rubs at her eyes, turns the movement into a careless raking-back of her hair. “I don’t know what’s going on anymore,” she manages, helpless. “What the fuck are we doing, Ingvald? Don’t,” she says, as he touches her shoulder gently. “Aboard a Garlean vessel, cavorting around with who fucking knows, looking for- for a single grain of sand in the desert. This is a fool’s errand.”
“Orella,” Ingvald tries, but she ignores him and stands from the bed in one fluid moment.
“Why do I care about Dalmasca? Why are we here? Chasing after the overeager dreams of some chit who doesn’t know-”
“Doesn’t know what?” Ingvald says carefully. She turns to face him, and he’s on his feet too. The shirt he wears is rumpled from sleep and his hair is askew, but his eyes are alert. She recognises that look on him, but it instills no caution in her this time.
“Anything,” she hisses, and tastes the black again. “Just how deep the darkness in this world runs. Why are we here? Why are any of us here?”
Not even her bare feet give her pause as she takes a step. Ingvald stays where he is, but watches her closely. “Where are you going?”
“For a walk.” and she stalks past him, not even bothering to take a shirt to hide her breastband. “Don’t follow me.”
And as she slips from the room, she meets Lamont’s eye, and he trots after her with nary a glance behind.
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tvsotherworlds · 3 years
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sequentialprose · 6 years
Sequential Prose Presents: Fortunate Son
The sound of an early 00s model Toyota Camry hitting top speed ripped through the night. The car had certainly seen better days, but it was doing the job. The driver had got lucky with traffic, and lost the two cop cars in pursuit, and had managed to lose them on the Mopac Expressway, before turning off into Tarrytown.
Still, they weren't out of the woods yet. It was better to put as much space between them and the cops as possible, since it was unlikely they were going to let the duffel bag full of cash in his passenger's lap go.
Their brakes and tyres screamed as they rounded a corner, and took off again. Too late, they saw the dog run out onto the road. The driver couldn't turn, he'd lose control, they were going to-
The driver and his passenger surged out of their seats, held in only by the seatbelts, as the car came to a complete halt. They looked down at the dog, confused as to why they now seemed to be on an incline, their front tyres spinning with an awful screeching sound. The passenger turned back and looked out the rear window. “Oh shit...” He said, and unclipped his seatbelt, before opening the door and diving out with the bag of money. The driver looked back out the window and saw what had scared him. Behind the car was a man. Looking like something out of a myth, the tall, dark-skinned man stood, muscles rippling. He had lifted the car by its rear and planted his feet, and the car was making absolutely no headway in getting out of his grip.
Copying his passenger's actions, the driver tried to escape through his own door. No sooner had his feet left the pedals, and the car's spinning wheels slowed, than the man behind them dropped the car. The driver sprawled to the ground for a moment, before feeling himself being picked up by the collar.
Everything around him was a blur, as he found himself across the street, with his passenger dangling by his own collar, their feet just inches from the ground, as their assailant hovered above the ground.
“Ok boys, we're going to wait here for the police. Any questions?” The super hero asked, and both criminals shook their heads.
“Look, it's really just a matter of checking the right boxes.” Sergeant Gutierrez said. “I have to take a statement from the arresting citizen. You know how it is.” The super hero known as Prodigal nodded. “Of course Sergeant, anything I can do to help. I was in the city, and it is kind of my job.”
“Truth is, Austin could use some more guys like you. Every since Hire-A-Hero closed up their office in San Antonio, we've been a little short of heroes down this end of the state.” Gutierrez continued. “You certainly make our lives easier.”
Prodigal smiled. “There's no shortage of heroes here Sergeant. But I'll be sure to visit when I can. I haven't decided where to settle down yet. I'm... uh... working out some personal issues. After the last election and everything else that happened.”
“Of course!” Gutierrez said. “I'm a big fan of the name change. 'Gunship' was too... military.”
“Exactly. And with everything that came to light, I wanted to distance myself from the government and their new Liberty Force, at least for now.” Prodigal explained.
“At least we've got a President we know we can trust. If you can't trust Sam Carpenter, who can you trust?” Gutierrez said.
“I agree with you there.” Prodigal said.
The two stood in silence for a moment, before Gutierrez cleared his throat awkwardly. “Uh, would it be possible to get a picture with you? For my daughter. She's six and she loves superheroes.”
“Let's make it a video.” Prodigal said. “What's her name?” <><><>
Prodigal floated high above the lights of Austin, up here he could barely hear the sounds of the city. Of course, 'barely' was a relative term. With his enhanced senses, he could still hear everything as though he was standing on the street.
He had spent a year travelling from town to town, staying mostly out of the public eye, but of course fighting crime where he was needed. From a couple of career crooks robbing convenience stores in Austin, to an alien invasion in St Louis, to Captain Blackblood and his crew trying to steal the USS Albacore from a park in New Hampshire.
He often thought of his family, even though he tried not to. His parents and younger brother, all good people, all dead in a terrorist attack while on vacation. At least, that's what he had thought.
It turned out that they were psychically implanted memories. Prodigal didn't have a family. He didn't even have a real name. Prodigal was born in a tube. He was grown in a tube until he reached age eighteen, at which point he was implanted with memories and enlisted in the military.
Naturally finding out that three quarters of his life was a lie, and that the remaining quarter was based on that lie,  left Prodigal somewhat adrift, both figuratively and literally.
He had been offered a spot on Liberty Force, along with some of his former teammates, but had decided that he had some soul-searching to do. He needed some experiences that were wholly his. He needed to find where to go from here.
One one hand, he was a weapon forged by a rogue US Government organisation, to be used as a symbol, a propaganda tool for an illegitimate president. On the other hand, he did want to help people. His time in the military, and serving alongside US Force, had instilled a sense of duty, of responsibility.
Could he still serve his country without representing it? Defend the people without justifying his own creation?
He had changed his name from Gunship to Prodigal to reflect casting off his connection to those that had created him, to the memory of a family that never existed. But that hadn't been enough. He had changed his costume, but he had never worn a mask. People recognised him on the street. And they still knew him as Gunship.
He was a long way from discovering who he was. He knew genetically he was the clone of a dead man named Richie Jackson, one of a number of 'genetically perfect' humans, who were born naturally with all the benefits of the government's World War Two super soldier experiments. His powers had come from the super hero known as Captain Awesome, one of the most powerful individuals on Earth. He hadn't met Captain Awesome, half out of fear he wouldn't live up to the veteran hero, half out of fear that Captain Awesome would live up to the rumours he had heard.
He needed some time to think, to actually sit down and figure out what the next step was. Which would be easy, if he could just bring himself to stop fighting for one day.
He heard the unmistakeable sound of a mugging in progress in the city below and sighed. Maybe later. He turned to the source of the sound and rocketed downwards.
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curledlife · 7 years
Kpop Firsts
Tagged by @mirkwood131 & @daynicole623 Ty so much!! <3
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag 10 people
~First group you listened to? Girls Generation/Shinee...(Can’t remember who was actually first)
~First solo artist you listened to? BoA
~First group to actually know their names? BTS
~First bias ever? Kim Taehyung (V) (When I heard Girls Generation & Shinee, I had no idea wtf a bias was)
~First song to make you emotional?  Shinkirou by Loveholic ...(Blackblood brothers ending....IT WAS SO SAD OMFG)
Top 3
~Top 3 fave male groups? BTS, Winner, iKon
~Top 3 female groups? Mamamoo, Blackpink, 4Minute
~Top 3 solo artists? DEAN, BoA, Seo In Guk
~Top 3 fave songs of all time? .....I will not answer this because the answer to this does not exist....
~Top 3 biases? Mino, Taehyung, Junhoe
~Top 3 fandoms you’re part of? ARMY, Inner Circle, iKONIC
~Top 3 choreographies? The 7th Sense (NCT U), Spring Day (BTS), So Dangerous (UP10TION)
~Ultimate bias group? I don’t have one.....I guess BTS though.
~Ultimate male bias? Don’t have one, can’t pick.
~Ultimate female bias? It has to be freakin HWASA.... ;-;
Tags: @officiallyranting @lovepaintt @nikkutz @pyosunshine @eunwookit @wrecking-bias (Of course, you don’t have to do it!)
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hereveteknoloji · 4 years
Skyrim Türkçe Terimler Sözlüğü
Skyrim Türkçe Terimler Sözlüğü
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim oyununu Türkçe’ye çeviren dil paketini kurduktan sonra çeviri yapılan eşyaların İngilizce karşılığını öğrenmek isteyebilirsiniz. Skyrim terimlerin İngilizce-Türkçe karşılığı sözlüğü size yardımcı olacaktır.
7,000 Steps – 7000 Basamak A Brief History Of The Empire – İmparatorluğun Kısa Tarihi A Social History Of Cyrodiil – Cyrodiil’in Sosyal Tarihi Abecean Longfin – Uzunyüzgeç Abecean Sea – Abecean Denizi Absolute Blackness – Mutlak Karanlık Accession War – İstihdam Savaşı Acolyte – Yardımcı Rahip Adept (Kişi) – Kalfa Adept (Nesne) – Sıradan Adrenaline Rush – Adrenalin Patlaması Advanced Armor – Gelişmiş Zırh Adversary – İblis, Düşman Aedrome – Hangar Aela’s Shield – Aela’nın Kalkanı Aetherium Forge – Aetherium Ocağı Afflicted – Kayhastası Age Of Aggression – Saldırı Çağı Age Of Oppression – Zulüm Çağı Agent Of Dibella – Dibella Temsilcisi Agent Of Mara – Mara Temsilcisi Agent Of Shadow – Gölge Temsilcisi Agent Of Stealth – Gizlilik Temsilcisi Agent Of Strife – Çatışma Temsilcisi Agent Of Subterfuge – Dalavere Temsilcisi Ahnurr’s Anger – Ahnurr’un Öfkesi Alchemist’s Shack – Simyager Barakası Alchemy – Simya Alchemy Labs – Simya Laboratuarı Aldmeri Dominion – Aldmeri Hükümdarlığı Ale – Bira Alembic – Damıtıcı Alessandra’s Dagger – Alessandra’nın Hançeri Alessian – Alessia Müridi Alessian Empire – Alessian İmparatorluğu Alftand Animonculory – Alftand Üretim Atölyesi Alftand Cathedral – Alftand Katedrali Altar – Sunak Altar Of Dibella – Dibella Sunağı Alteration – Başkalaşım Alto Wine – Alto Şarabı Amber – Kehribar Amethyst – Ametist Amren’s Family Sword – Amren’in Aile Kılıcı Amulet Of … – …. Madalyonu Amulet Of Kings – Kralların Madalyonu Amulet Of Mara – Mara’nın Madalyonu Ancestor Glade – Atakoru Ancestor Moth – Atagüve Ancestor’s Wrath – Atagazabı Ancient – Kadim Ancient Traveler’s Skull – Kadim Gezgin Kafatası Ancient Vampire – Kadim Vampir Ancient’s Ascent – Antikbayır Andurs’ Amulet Of Arkay – Andurs’un Arkay Madalyonu Anga’s Mill – Anga’nın Değirmeni Anga’s Mill Common House – Anga’nın Değirmenevi Angeline’s Aromatics – Angeline’nin Lezzetleri Angi’s Bow – Angi’nin Yayı Angi’s Camp – Angi’nin Kampı Animal Allegiance – Hayvan Desteği Animonculory – Üretim Atölyesi Anise’s Cabin – Anise’nin Kulübesi Annals Of The Dragonguard – Ejdermuhafızı Tarihi Ansilvund Burial Chambers – Ansilvund Mezar Odaları Ansilvund Excavation – Ansilvund Kazı Alanı Ant – Karınca Anvil – Örs Apple Cabbage Stew – Elmalı Lahana Güveci Apple Pie – Elmalı Turta Apprentice (Kilit) – Basit Apprentice (Kişi) – Çırak Apprentice Necromancer – Çırak Ölüçağıran Apprentice Stone – Çırak Taşı Arcadia’s Cauldron – Arcadia’nın Kazanı Arcanaeum – Sırlar Odası Arcane Enchanters – Tılsımlama Tezgahı Arcane University – Gizemli Sanatlar Üniversitesi Archery – Okçuluk Arch-Mage – Baş Büyücü Arch-Mage’s Quarters – Baş Büyücü Karargahı Arcwind Point – Rüzgaralan Harabesi Arena Bloodworks – Kanlızemin Alanı Aretino Family Heirloom – Aretino Aile Yadigarı Aretino Residence – Aretino Konağı Argonian – Argonyalı Argonian Ale – Argonyalı Birası Argonian Assemblage – Argonyalı Limanevi Armor – Zırh Armor Of The Old Gods – Eski Tanrıların Zırhı Armorer – Zırhçı Arnleif And Sons Trading Company – Arlef Ve Oğlu Alışveriş Şirketi Arrow – Ok Articulation – Telaffuz Artifact – Eser Asgeir’s Wedding Band – Asgeir’in Evlilik Yüzüğü Aspect – Suret Assassin – Suikastçı Asylums – Tımarhane Ataxia – Ataksi Atheron Residence – Atheron Konağı Atmora – Yaşlıçam Atronach Forge – İfrit Ocağı Atronach Stone – İfrit Taşı Atronanch – İfrit Attunement Sphere – Uyum Küresi Augur – Kahin Aura Whisper – Ruh Fısıltısı Autumnshade Clearing – Güztanı Açıklığı Autumnwatch Tower – Baharnöbeti Kulesi Avulstein Gray-Mane – Avulstein Kıryele Ayleid Lords Of Cyrodiil – Cyrodiil’in Ayleid Lordları Ayleid-Ruled Areas Of Cyrodiil – Cyrodiil’in Ayleid’e Ait Alanları Azura’a Prophecy – Azura’nın Kehaneti Azura’s Star – Azura Yıldızı Azura’s Star Interior – Azura Yıldızı Alemi Baked Potatoes – Fırınlanmış Patates Balbus’s Fork – Balbus’un Çatalı Balgruuf The Greater – Yüce Balgruuf Balmora Blue – Balmora Şarabı Balwen’s Ornamental Ring – Balwen’in Süs Yüzüğü Banded Iron – Güçlendirilmiş Demir Bane Of Kings – Kralların Laneti Bane Of The Righteous – Adalet Katili Bane Of The Undead – Hortlakların Felaketi Bannered Mare – Sancaklı Kısrak Bannermist Tower – Sislibayrak Kulesi Bard’s Leap Summit – Hayalet Ozan Geçiti Bards College – Ozanlar Koleji Barenziah’s Crown – Barenziah Tacı Barleydark – Karaarpa Barracks – Kışla Barrel Of Mead – Bal Şarabı Varili Barrow – Höyük Bash – Sert Darbe Basket – Sepet Bat – Yarasa Battle Axe – Cenk Baltası Battle Cry – Savaş Narası Battle-Born – Savaşzade Battle-Born Farm – Savaşzade Çiftliği Battlecry – Savaş Narası Battlements – Siper Bear – Ayı Bear Claws – Ayı Pençeleri Beast Form – Canavar Bedeni Beastblood – Canavar Kanı Become Ethereal – Ruhani Form Bedlam Job – Yavuz Hırsız Görevi Bee – Arı Bee And Barb – Arı Ve Kanca Bee İn A Jar – Kavanozda Arı Beef Stew – Biftek Güveci Beehive Husk – Arı Kovanı Kabuğu Beer – Bira Beggar’s Row – Dilenci Barınağı Belethor’s General Goods – Belethor’un Temel Eşyalar Mağazası Bellows – Körük Beneficial Spell – Faydalı Büyü Benevolence – Cömertlik Bent Dwemer Scrap Metal – Eğik Dwemer Metal Parçası Berit’s Ashes – Berit’in Külleri Berserker – Vahşi Savaşçı Berserker Rage – Vahşi Savaşçı Öfkesi Big Laborer – İri Amele Bilegulch Mine – Kurudere Madeni Binder’s Conclave – Yıldız Meclisi Binding Spell – Bağlama Büyüsü Birna’s Oddments – Birna’nın Döküntüleri Bits And Pieces – Ivır-Zıvır Dükkanı Black Briar – Kara Funda Black Door – Kara Kapı Black Dragon – Kara Ejderha Black Hand – Kara El Black Marsh – Kara Bataklık Black Sacrament – Kara Ayin Black Soul Gem – Kara Ruh Cevheri Black Star – Karanlık Yıldız Blackblood – Karakan Blackblood Marauders – Karakan Haydutları Blackbloods – Karakanlar Black-Briar – Karafunda Black-Briar Lodge – Kara Funda Konağı Black-Briar Manor – Kara Funda Malikanesi Black-Briar Mead – Kara Funda Şarabı Black-Briar Mead Keg – Kara Funda Şarap Fıçısı Black-Briar Meadery – Kara Funda Şaraphanesi Black-Briar Reserve – Etkili K. Funda Şarabı Blackreach – Karamenzil Blacksmith Quarters – Demirciler Meskeni Blade Of Sacrifice – Kurban Hançeri Blade Of Woe – Gam Hançeri Blades – Yalımlar Blades Sword – Yalım Kılıcı Blank Lexicon – Boş Lügat Bleak Falls Barrow – Yelkıran Höyüğü Bleakcoast Cave – Buzsahil Mağarası Bleakwind Basin – Kasvetlirüzgar Kampı Bleakwind Bluff – Kasvetlirüzgar Kulesi Bleeding Crown – Kanayan Taç Blind Cliff Bastion – Körkaya Burcu Blind Cliff Cave – Körkaya Mağarası Blisterwort – Kabarık Mantar Blizzard – Kar Fırtınası Blizzard Rest – Kartutan Kampı Bloated Man’s Grotto – Kibirli Adam Mağarası Block – Engelleme Blood Dragon – Kan Ejderi Blood Horkers – Kanlı Aygırlar Blood-Brother – Kan Kardeşi Blooded Vampire – Safkan Vampir Blood-Kin – Soydaş Bloodlet Throne – Kanlıtaht Kalesi Bloodthorn – Kandiken Blue Butterfly – Mavi Kelebek Blue Butterfly Wing – Mavi Kelebek Kanadı Blue Dartwing – Mavi Yusufçuk Blue Mountain Flower – Mavi Dağ Çiçeği Blue Palace – Mavi Saray Blue River – Mavi Nehir Bodies Of Water – Su Kaynakları Boethiah’s Conduit – Boethiah’ın Kuklası Boiled Creme Treat – Kaynamış Kaymaklı Tatlı Bolar’s Oathblade – Bolar’ın Ant Kılıcı Bond Of Matrimony – Evlilik Yüzüğü Bone Break Fever – Kemikkıran Ateşi Bone Chime – Kemik Çanı Bone Hawk – Kemik Şahin Bone Meal – Kemik Tozu Bone-Breaker – Kemik Kıran Bonechill Passage – Soğukkemik Geçiti Bonemold – Kemikkalıp Bonestrewn Crest – Ayrıkkemik Tepesi Bonewalker – Aylakkemik Boots – Çizme Boots Of The Old Gods – Eski Tanrıların Çizmeleri Borkul The Beast – Canavar Borkul Borvir’s Dagger – Borvir’in Hançeri Boulderfall Cave – Asmataş Mağarası Bouncer – Fedai Bound Arrow – Büyülü Ok Bound Battleaxe – Büyülü Cenk Baltası Bound Bow – Büyülü Yay Bound Sword – Büyülü Kılıç Bounty – Ödül/Ceza Bounty Hunters – Ödül Avcıları Bounty Letter – Ödül İlanı Bow – Yay Bow Of The Hunt – Avlanma Yayı Bowl – Kase Braidwood Inn – Akılkoru Hanı Brain Rot – Zihinçürüten Brandy – Konyak Brandy-Mug Farm – Konyakbardağı Çiftliği Brass Tower – Pirinç Kule Brawl – Kavga Brawler – Kavgacı Brawny Prawn – Güçlü Karides Bread – Ekmek Breezehome – Meltemevi Brewhouse – İçkievi Brewing Vats – Mayalama Fıçıları Briar – Funda Briar Heart – Funda Kalbi Bribe – Rüşvet Brief History Of The Empire Vol. II – İmparatorluk’un Kısa Tarihi Cilt II Brinewater Grotto – Denizsuyu Mağarası Brittleshin Pass – Hassasbacak Geçiti Broken Azura’s Star – Kırık Azura Yıldızı Broken Dwarven Sphere – Kırık Cüce Küresi Broken Dwarven Spider – Kırık Cüce Örümceği Broken Fang Cave – Kırıkdiş Mağarası Broken Helm Hollow – Kırık Miğfer Oyuğu Broken Helmet Hollow – Kırık Miğfer Oyuğu Broken Iron Sword Blade – Kırık Demir Kılıç Ucu Broken Iron Sword Handle – Kırık Demir Kılıç Kabzası Broken Limb Camp – Kırıkkanat Kampı Broken Oar Grotto – Kürekkıran Mağarası Broken Steel Battle Axe Handle – Kırık Çelik Cenk Baltası Kabzası Broken Steel Battle Axe Head – Kırık Çelik Cenk Baltası Başı Broken Steel Sword Blade – Kırık Çelik Kılıç Ucu Broken Steel Sword Handle – Kırık Çelik Kılıç Kabzası Broken Tower Redoubt – Kırıkkule Mevzisi Bromjunaar Sanctuary – Bromjunaar Tapınağı Bronze Water Cave – Tunçbuz Mağarası Brood Cavern – Yavrukuş Mağarası Broom – Süpürge Bruca’s Leap Redoubt – Ölüvadi Mağarası Brunwulf Free-Winter – Brunwulf Hürkış Brute – Zalim Bucket – Kova Burglary – Hırsızlık Burglary Job – Ev Soygunu Görevi Burguk’s Longhouse – Burguk’un Hilalevi Burial Crypt – Mezarlık Burned Book – Yanık Kitap Burning Of King Olaf – Kral Olaf’ı Yakma Festivali Bust Of The Gray Fox – Gri Tilki Büstü Butterfly İn A Jar – Kavanozda Kelebek Butterfly Wing – Kelebek Kanadı Cabbage – Lahana Cabbage Potato Soup – Lahanalı Patates Çorbası Cabbage Soup – Lahana Çorbası Caitiff – Alçak Calcelmo’s Ring – Calcelmo’nun Yüzüğü Calcelmo’s Stone Rubbing – Calcelmo’nun Taş Kabartması Calcinator – Isıtıcı Caliper – Kıskaç Calixto’s House Of Curiosities – Endertaşlar Müzesi Call Dragon – Ejderha Çağrısı Call Of Valor – Yiğit Çağrısı Call To Arms – Seferberlik Caller – Celbeden Calm – Sükunet Camps – Kamplar Candlehearth Hall – Kandilli Ocak Hanı Candlelight – Mumışığı Candlestick – Şamdan Canis Root – İt Otu Carrot – Havuç Cast Iron Pot – Dökme Demir Tencere Caster – Büyücü Castle Dour – Dour Kalesi Castle Volkihar – Volkihar Kalesi Cat-Folk – Kedi-Halkı Cauterizing Agent – Yakma Aracı Cave Bear – Mağara Ayısı Cave Bear Pelt – Mağara Ayısı Kürkü Caves – Mağaralar Cemeteries – Mezarlıklar Censer – Buharlık Centurion Dynamo – Kumandan Dinamosu Centurion Dynamo Core – Kumandan Dinamo Çekirdeği Ceremonial Axe – Merasim Baltası Ceremonial Sword – Merasim Kılıcı Chain Lightning – Zincirleme Yıldırım Champion Of Malacath – Malacath Şampiyonu Champion Of The Night – Gecenin Şampiyonu Chapel Of Dibella – Dibella Şapeli Charcoal – Kömür Charmed Necklace – Tılsımlı Kolye Charred Skeever Hide – Közlenmiş Sıçan Derisi Charred Skeever Meat – Közlenmiş Sıçan Eti Chaurus – Dev Çıyan Chaurus Eggs – Dev Çıyan Yumurtası Chaurus Hunter Antennae – Dev Avcı Çıyan Anteni Chaurus Reaper – Dev Orakçı Çıyan Cheydinhal Sanctuary – Cheydinhal Tapınağı Chicken – Tavuk Chicken Breast – Tavuk Göğsü Chicken’s Egg – Tavuk Yumurtası Chief – Reis Child’s Doll – Oyuncak Bebek Chill – Buzdam Chillfurrow Farm – Soğuksaban Çiftliği Chillrend – Buzkoparan Chillwind Depths – Soğukrüzgar Mağarası Cicero’s Hat – Cicero’nun Şapkası Cidhna Mine – Cidhna Madeni Circle Of Protection – Koruma Çemberi Citizen Of Morrowind – Rüzgartepe Halkı City Guards – Şehir Muhafızları Civil War – İç Savaş Clairvoyance – Durugörü Clam – Midye Clam Meat – Midye Eti Clan Gray-Mane – Kıryele Klanı Clan Shatter-Shield Office – Kalkankıran Klanı Çalışma Odası Clan-Folk – Kabile Halkı Clavicus Vile’s Masque – Clavicus Vile Maskesi Claw – Pençe Clay – Kil Tuğla Clear Skies – Berrak Sema Clearings – Açıklık Clearpine Pond – Pakçam Göleti Clearspring Cave – Berrakpınar Mağarası Clearspring Tarn – Berrakpınar Dağgölü Cliff Racer – Yar Koşan Cliff Racer Wine – Yar Koşan Şarabı Cliffside Retreat – Yarkenarı Sığınağı Close Wounds – Yaraları Sarma Clothes Iron – Ütü Cloud District – Şahin Tepesi Cloud Ruler Temple – Bulut Hakim Tapınağı Cobbler – Çaylak Code – Kanun Code Of Malacath – Malacath Kanunu Cold Rock Pass – Donuk Kaya Geçidi Coldhearted Gravedigger – Taşkalpli Mezarcı College Of Whispers – Fısıltılar Koleji College Of Winterhold – Kışhisar Koleji Colovian – Koloviyan Colovian Brandy – Koloviyan Konyağı Colovian West – Batı Koloviyan Command Animal – Hayvanlara Hükmet Command Daedra – Daedraya Hükmet Commander Maro – Komutan Maro Common Sense – Sağduyu Common Soul Gem – Normal Ruh Cevheri Companion – Yoldaş Companions – Yoldaşlar Conjuration – Çağrı Conjure Dremora Lord – Dremora Efendisi Çağırma Conjure Familiar – Kurt Çağırma Conjure Flame Atronach – Alev İfriti Çağırma Conjure Flaming Familiar – Alevli Kurt Çağırma Conjure Frost Atronach – Buz İfriti Çağırma Conjure Storm Atronach – Kasırga İfriti Çağırma Conjurer – Ruh Çağıran Contract – Sözleşme Control Rod – Kontrol Değneği Convector – Konvektör Cooked Beef – Pişmiş Sığır Eti Cooking Pot – Pişirme Kabı Copper – Bakır Copper And Moonstone Circlet – Bakır Ve Aytaşı Taç Copper And Onyx Circlet – Bakır Ve Akik Taç Copper And Ruby Circlet – Bakır Ve Yakut Taç Copper And Sapphire Circlet – Bakır Ve Safir Taç Coral Dragon Claw – Mercan Ejderha Pençesi Corpselight Farm – Ölünur Çiftliği Corrupted Shade – Kara Gölge Corruption – Yozlaşma Corundum – Korendon Corundum Ingot – Korendon Külçesi Corundum Ore – Korendon Cevheri Courage – Cesaretlendirme Courier – Ulak Court Attendants – Saray Mensupları Court Mage – Saray Büyücüsü Court Wizard – Saray Büyücüsü Coven – Cadılar Meclisi Coven Of Namira – Namira Takipçileri Covenant Of Akatosh – Akatosh Anlaşması Cow – İnek Cowflop Farm – İnekboku Çiftliği Cowflop Farmhouse – İnekboku Çiftlikevi Crabber’s Shanty – Yengeçevi Barakası Cracked Tusk Keep – Kırık Diş Kalesi Cracked White Phial – Kırık Ak Sırça Cradle Stone Tower – Kalbur Taş Kulesi Cradlecrush Rock – Kemikkıran Kampı Cragslane Cavern – Sarpgeçit Mağarası Cragwallow Slope – Çamurluyokuş Mağarası Creep Cluster – Sürüngen Çalı Crimson Nirnroot – Kızıl Nirnotu Cronvangr Cave – Ayazeden Mağarası Crossroads Watchtower – Dörtyol Kulesi Crown Of Barenziah – Barenziah Tacı Crypt – Mahzenmezar Crystal Tower – Kristal Kule Crystaldrift Cave – Kristalkayaç Mağarası Cuirass – Göğüs Zırhı Cult – Tarikat Cup – Kupa Curious Silver Mold – Nadir Gümüş Kalıp Cursed Ring Of Hircine – Hircine’nin Lanetli Yüzüğü Curved – Kavisli Cyrodiil’s Cloud Ruler Temple – Cyrodiil’in Bulut Hakim Tapınağı Cyrodilic Brandy – Cyrodiil Konyağı Cyrodilic Spadetail – Kürekkuyruk Cyromancer – Buzatan Daedra Heart – Daedra Kalbi Daedric – Daedra Daedric Arrow – Daedra Oku Daedric Battleaxe – Daedra Cenkbaltası Daedric Bow – Daedra Yayı Daedric Dagger – Daedra Hançeri Daedric Greatsword – Büyük Daedra Kılıcı Daedric Mace – Daedra Gürzü Daedric Prince – Daedra Prensi Daedric Prince Of Madness – Daedra Delilik Prensi Daedric Princess – Daedra Prensesi Daedric Smithing – Daedra Demirciliği Daedric Sword – Daedra Kılıcı Daedric War Axe – Daedra Savaş Baltası Daedric Warhammer – Daedra Savaşbalyozu Dagger – Hançer Dagger Of The Final Wounds – Ölümcül Yara Hançeri Dainty Sload – Zarif Yelken Dancer’s Flute – Dansçının Flütü Danica Pure-Spring – Danica Saf-Pınar Dark Brotherhood – Karanlık Kardeşlik Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary – Karanlık Kardeşlik Tapınağı Dark Elf / Dunmer – Kara Elf Dark Ritual – Kara Ayin Darkfall Cave – Karaşelale Mağarası Darkfall Grotto – Karaşelale Yer Altı Mağarası Darkfall Passage – Karaşelale Geçiti Darklight Tower – Karaışık Kulesi Darkmoor – Karafundalık Darkshade – Karagölge Darkwater Crossing – Karasu Kampı Darkwater Pass – Karası Geçiti Darkwater River – Karasu Nehri Daughter Of Twilight – Alacakaranlığın Kızı Dawnbreaker – Şafaksöken Dawnguard – Şafakmuhafızları Dawnstar – Seheryıldızı Dawnstar Barracks – Seheryıldızı Kışlası Dawnstar Sanctuary – Seheryıldızı Tapınağı Dayspring Canyon – Şafak Vadisi Dead Crone Rock – Ölü Ucube Kulesi Dead Drop Falls – Ölü Atan Şelalesi Dead Man’s Drink – Ölü Adamın İçkisi Dead Men’s Respite – Ölüler Tepesi Dead Thrall – Ölü Esir Deadeye – Keskin Gözlü Death Hound – Ölü Tazı Deathbell – Ecelçanı Debate Hall – Görüşme Salonu Deep Folk Crossing – Engin Kavim Köprüsü Deepwood Redoubt – Derinkoru Palankası Deepwood Vale – Derinkoru Vadisi Deer – Geyik Derelict Pumphouse – Metruk Pompa İstasyonu Desperate Gambler – Ümitsiz Kumarbaz Destruction – Yıkım Detect Dead (Detect Undead) – Ölü Algılama Detect Life – Canlı Algılama Diadem Of The Savant – Alim Tacı Diamond – Elmas Diamond Claw – Elmas Pençe Dibella Statue – Dibella Heykeli Dimhollow Crypt – Karanlık Kovuk Mahzenmezarı Disarm – Silahsızlandırma Disciple – Mürit/Öğrenci Dismay – Yıldırma Divine – İlah Docks – Limanlar Dog – Köpek Dog Meat – Köpek Eti Doom Drum – Felaket Bandosu Doomstone – Eceltaşı Double-Distilled Skooma – Çift Damıtılmış Skooma Dovahcore Helmet – Ejderdamarı Miğferi Dragon Armor – Ejderha Zırhı Dragon Bridge – Ejderha Köprüsü Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp – Ejderha Köprüsü Kereste Kampı Dragon Bridge Overlook – Ejderha Köprüsü Yamacı Dragon Burial Mound – Ejderha Kabir Çemberi Dragon Cult – Ejder Tarikatı Dragon God – Ejder Tanrı Dragon Heartscales – Ejderha Yürekpulları Dragon Infusion – Ejderha Telkini Dragon Lairs – Ejderha Yuvaları Dragon Mound – Ejderha Çemberi Dragon Priest – Ejder Ruhbanı Dragon Priest Dagger – Ejder Ruhbanı Hançeri Dragon Priest Hevnoraak – Ejder Ruhbanı Hevnoraak Dragon Priest Staff – Ejder Ruhbanı Asası Dragon Scales – Ejderha Pulları Dragon War – Ejderhalar Savaşı Dragon’s Breath Mead – Ejder Nefesi Şarabı Dragon’s Tongue – Ejderha Dilli Dragonbane – Ejderbela Dragonborn – Ejderdoğan Dragonbridge – Ejderköprüsü Dragonfires – Ejder Alevleri Dragonfly – Yusufçuk Dragonfly İn A Jar – Kavanozda Yusufçuk Dragonguard – Ejdermuhafızı Dragonhide – Ejderhaderisi Dragonplate – Ejderkatman Dragonrend – Ejderyıkan Dragonscale – Ejderhapulu Dragonskin – Ejderteni Dragonslayer – Ejderha Avcısı Dragonsreach – Ejderkonak Dragonstone – Ejdertaşı Dragontooth Crater – Ejderhadişi Oyuğu Drain Vitality – Güç Emme Drainblood Battleaxe – Kanemici Cenkbaltası Drainheart Sword – Canemen Kılıç Drainspell Bow – Füsunemici Yay Draught Of Alteration – Başkalaşım Şurubu Draught Of Haggling – Pazarlık Şurubu Draught Of Strength – Kuvvet Şurubu Draught Of The Defender – Savunucu Şurubu Draugr – Metfun Draugr Archer – Metfun Okçu Draugr Death Overlord – Metfun Yüce Ölümlordu Draugr Deathlord – Metfun Ölümlordu Draugr Overlord – Metfun Yücelord Draugr Scourge – Metfun Zindancı Draugr Scourge Lord – Metfun Zindancı Lord Draugr Thrall – Esir Metfun Draugr Warlock – Metfun Büyücü Draugr Warrior – Metfun Savaşçı Draugr Wight – Metfun Nefer Draugr Wight Lord – Metfun Nefer Lord Dravin’s Bow – Dravin’in Yayı Drawbridge – Açılır Köprü Dread Cloak – Korku Perdesi Dreamstride – Düşgezi Dreamworld – Düşalemi Drelas’ Cottage – Drelas’ın Kulübesi Dresser – Şifonyer Driftshade Refuge – Kayangölge Sığınağı Driftshade Sanctuary – Kayangölge Tapınağı Druadach Mountains – Puslukaya Dağları Druadach Redoubt – Puslukaya Palankası Drum – Trampet Drunken Huntsman – Sarhoş Avcı Dual Casting – Çifte Büyü Dual Wielding – Çifte Silah Dungeon – Kale / Zindan Dunmeth Pass – Dunmeth Geçidi Dushnikh Mine – Dushnikh Madeni Duskglow Crevice – Alacakaranlık Mağarası Dustman’s Cairn – Tozadam Höyüğü Dwarf/Dwarven – Cüce Dwarven Arrow – Cüce Oku Dwarven Automaton – Cüce Otomatı Dwarven Battleaxe – Cüce Cenkbaltası Dwarven Bow – Cüce Yayı Dwarven Centurion – Cüce Kumandanı Dwarven Dagger – Cüce Hançeri Dwarven Greatsword – Büyük Cüce Kılıcı Dwarven Mace – Cüce Gürzü Dwarven Metal – Cüce Metali Dwarven Metal Ingot – Cüce Metali Külçesi Dwarven Oil – Cüce Yağı Dwarven Ruins – Cüce Harabeleri Dwarven Smithing – Cüce Demirciliği Dwarven Sphere – Cüce Küre Dwarven Sphere Centurion Arrow – Cüce Küre Kumandan Oku Dwarven Spider – Cüce Örümcek Dwarven Sword – Cüce Kılıcı Dwarven War Axe – Cüce Savaş Baltası Dwarven Warhammer – Cüce Savaşbalyozu Dwemer Bolt – Dwemer Oku Dwemer Bowl – Dwemer Kasesi Dwemer Cog – Dwemer Çarkı Dwemer Cup – Dwemer Kupası Dwemer Dish – Dwemer Kabı Dwemer Gear – Dwemer Dişlisi Dwemer Gyro – Dwemer Jiroskobu Dwemer Lever – Dwemer Levyesi Dwemer Pan – Dwemer Tavası Dwemer Plate – Dwemer Tabağı Dwemer Puzzle Cube – Dwemer Bulmaca Küpü Dwemer Ruins – Dwemer Harabeleri Dwemer Scrap Metal – Dwemer Metal Parçası East Empire Company – Doğu Krallığı Şirketi East Empire Company Warehouse – Doğu Krallığı Şirketi Ambarı East Empire Shipping Map – Doğu Krallığı Nakliye Haritası Eastmarch – Doğu Hududu Eastmarch Imperial Camp – Doğu Hududu İmparatorluk Kampı Ebony – Abanoz Ebony Armor – Abanoz Zırh Ebony Arrow – Abanoz Ok Ebony Battleaxe – Abanoz Cenkbaltası Ebony Blade – Abanoz Kılıç Ebony Bow – Abanoz Yay Ebony Claw – Abanoz Pençe Ebony Dagger – Abanoz Hançer Ebony Greatsword – Büyük Abanoz Kılıç Ebony Ingot – Abanoz Külçe Ebony Mace – Abanoz Gürz Ebony Mail – Zincirli Abanoz Zırhı Ebony Ore – Abanoz Madeni Ebony Smithing – Abanoz Demirciliği Ebony Sword – Abanoz Kılıç Ebony War Axe – Abanoz Savaş Baltası Ebony Warhammer – Abanoz Savaşbalyozu Ebonyflesh – Abanozvücut Ectoplasm – Ektoplazma Effigy – Temsili Kukla Egg Sac – Yumurta Kesesi Egg-Brother – Yumurta Kardeşi Eidar Cheese Wedge – Eidar Peyniri Parçası Eidar Cheese Wheel – Bütün Eidar Peyniri Eight Divines – Sekiz İlahlar Elder – Kadim Elder Council – Kadim Konsey Elder Dragon – Kadim Ejderha Elder Scroll – Kadim Tomar Elder’s Cairn – Kadim Kurgan Eldergleam – Kadimışıltı Eldergleam Sanctuary – Kadimışıltı Tapınağı Eldergleam Sap – Kadimışıltı Özü Eldergleam Sapling – Kadimışıltı Fidanı Eldersblood Peak – Kadimlikanı Zirvesi Elemental Fury – Öfkeli Silah Elgrim’s Elixirs – Elgrim’in İksirleri Eliminator – Yok Edici Elixir – Özsuyu Elixir Of Alteration – Başkalaşım Özsuyu Elixir Of Haggling – Pazarlık Özsuyu Elixir Of Strength – Kuvvet Özsuyu Elixir Of The Defender – Savunucu Özsuyu Elk – Karaca Elsweyr Fondue – Elsweyr Fondü Elven – Elf Elven Armor – Elf Zırhı Elven Arrow – Elf Oku Elven Battleaxe – Elf Cenkbaltası Elven Bow – Elf Yayı Elven Dagger – Elf Hançeri Elven Enchanter – Tılsımcı Elf Elven Gilded ……. – Yaldızlı Elf ……… Elven Greatsword – Büyük Elf Kılıcı Elven Mace – Elf Gürzü Elven Smithing – Elf Demirciliği Elven Sword – Elf Kılıcı Elven War Axe – Elf Savaş Baltası Elven Warhammer – Elf Savaşbalyozu Elves Ear – Elf Kulağı Ember-Master – Korustası Embershard – Kırıkçömlek Embershard Mine – Kırıkçömlek Madeni Embrace Of Shadows – Gölgelerle Kucaklaşma Emerald – Zümrüt Emerald Dragon Claw – Zümrüt Ejderha Pençesi Emissary – Elçi Emperor’s Quarters – İmparator’un Karargahı Empire – İmparatorluk Empress – İmparatoriçe Empress Of Cyrodiil – Cyrodiil İmparatoriçesi Empress Of Murk – Karanlığın İmparatoriçesi Empty Skooma Bottle – Boş Skooma Şişesi Empty Wine Bottle – Boş Şarap Şişesi Enchanted Ring – Tılsımlı Yüzük Enchanter – Tılsımcı Enchanting – Tılsımlama Enchantment – Tılsımlama End Times – Zamanın Sonu Endon’s Silver Mold – Endon’un Gümüş Kalıbı Equilibrium – Eşitleme Era – Çağ Erik Greenthumb – Yeşilparmak Erik Erik Hoe-Pusher – Tarlasürücü Erik Erik The Slayer – Cani Erik Essence Extractor – Esans Çıkarıcı Eternal Spirit – Sonsuz Ruh Ethereal – Ruhani Evening Star – Aralık Ayı Evergloam – Ebedifecir Evergreen Grove – Çamlıca Koruluğu Execution Hood – İdam Başlığı Executioner – Cellat Executioner’s Hood – Cellat Başlığı Expel Daedra – Daedra Defet Expert (Kilit) – Karmaşık Expert (Kişi) – Usta Eye – Göz Eye Of Magnus – Magnus’un Gözü Eye Of Sabre Cat – Keskindiş Gözü Eyeball – Göz Küresi Fair Enough – Öyle Olsun Faldar’s Tooth – Faldar’ın Dişi Falk Firebeard – Ateşsakal Falk Falkreath Barracks – Falkreath Kışlası Falkreath Hold – Falkreath Bölgesi Falkreath Imperial Camp – Falkreath İmparatorluk Kampı Falkreath Stormcloak Camp – Falkreath Fırtınapelerin Kampı Falkreath Watchtower – Falkreath Gözetleme Kulesi Fallowstone Cave – Yoztaş Mağarası Falmer – Yitikelf Falmer Archer – Okçu Yitikelf Falmer Arrow – Yitikelf Oku Falmer Bow – Yitikelf Yayı Falmer Ear – Yitikelf Kulağı Falmer Gloomlurker – Kasvetgetiren Yitikelf Falmer Nightprowler – Gecegezen Yitikelf Falmer Shadowmaster – Gölgeefendi Yitikelf Falmer Shadowwalker – Gölgerevan Yitikelf Falmer Shaman – Şaman Yitikelf Falmer Skulker – Sinsi Yitikelf Falmer Supple Bow – Çevik Yitikelf Yayı Falmer Sword – Yitikelf Kılıcı Falmer War Axe – Yitikelf Savaş Baltası Falmer Warmonger – Savaşöncüsü Yitikelf Falmer Warrior – Savaşçı Yitikelf Family Shield – Aile Kalkanı Fang Lair – Keskindiş İni Farengar’s Frost Salt – Farengar’ın Ayaz Tuzları Farmhand – Rençper Fast Healing – Hızlı Şifa Fear – Korkutma Fellglow Keep – Düşenkor Kalesi Fellstar Farm – Kayanyıldız Çiftliği Fence – Çalıntı Mal Tüccarı Fenn’s Gulch Mine – Fenn’in Çiftgeçit Madeni Fetcher – Alçak Fighters Guild – Savaşçılar Loncası Fine – Kefalet Fine Armguards – Halis Eldivenler Fine Boots – Halis Çizmeler Fine-Cut Void Salts – İnce Kıyım Kara Tuz Finn’s Lute – Finn’in Udu Fire Breath – Ateşten Nefes Fire Festival – Ateş Festivali Fire Mage – Ateş Büyücüsü Fire Rune – Ateş Tuzağı Fire Salt – Ateş Tuzu Fire Storm – Ateş Fırtınası Fire Within – Yürekten Ateş Fire Wizard – Ateş Sihirbazı Fireball – Ateştopu Firebeard – Ateşsakal Firebolt – Ateş Oku Firebrand Wine – Köz Şarabı Firebrand Wine Case – Köz Şarabı Kasası Firewood – Odun Firiniel’s End – Firiniel’in Sonu First Emissary – Resmi Elçi First Seed – Mart Ayı Firsthold – Başkale Fishing Job – Yankesicilik Görevi Fjola’s Wedding Band – Fjola’nın Evlilik Yüzüğü Fjotli’s Silver Locket – Fjotli’nin Gümüş Madalyonu Flag – Bayrak Flame Atronach – Atev İfriti Flame Cloak – Alev Pelerin Flame Thrall – Alev Esiri Flames – Alev Flawless – Kusursuz Flawless Amethyst – Kusursuz Ametist Flawless Diamond – Kusursuz Elmas Flawless Emerald – Kusursuz Zümrüt Flawless Garnet – Kusursuz Nartaşı Flawless Ruby – Kusursuz Yakut Flawless Sapphire – Kusursuz Safir Flesh Atronach – Kadavra İfriti Fletcher – Okveyay Mağazası Flora Of Cyrodiil – Cyrodiil Bitkileri Flora Of Morrowind – Rüzgartepe Bitkileri Flower Basket – Çiçek Sepeti Flute – Flüt Fly Amanita – Sinek Mantarı Focus Crystal – Odak Kristali Focusing Crystal – Odak Kristali Focusing Gloves – Odaklama Eldivenleri Footlocker – Küçük Sandık Force Without Effort – Çabasız Güç Forebears’ Holdout – Ataların Direnişi Forelhost – Forelkalesi Forge – Demirci Ocağı Forged Documents – Sahte Belgeler Forgemaster – Demirciustası Forgemaster’s Fingers – Demirciustası’nın Parmakları Forge-Wife – Demirci-Eş Forgotten Vale – Unutulmuş Vadi Fork – Çatal Forsaken Cave – Issız Mağara Forsworn – Yeminliler Fort Amol – Amol Kalesi Fort Dawnguard – Şafakmuhafızı Kalesi Fort Dunstad – Dunstad Kalesi Fort Fellhammer – Düşençekiç Kalesi Fort Greenwall – Yeşilduvar Kalesi Fort Greymoor – Bozkır Kalesi Fort Hraggstad – Hraggstad Kalesi Fort Kastav – Kastav Hisarı Fort Neugrad – Neugrad Kalesi Fort Snowhawk – Akşahin Kalesi Fort Sungard – Güneş Muhafızı Kalesi Four Shields Tavern – Dört Kalkan Tavernası Four Skull Lookout – Dört Kafa Gözlemevi Fox – Tilki Fox Pelt – Tilki Kürkü Fragment Of Wuuthrad – Wuuthrad’ın Parçası Fralia Gray-Mane – Fralia Kıryele Frenzy – Çıldırtma Froki’s Bow – Froki’nin Yayı Froki’s Shack – Froki’nin Barakası From-Deepest-Fathoms – Derin Kulaç Frost – Ayaz Frost Atronach – Buz İfriti Frost Breath – Buz Nefesi Frost Cloak – Buz Pelerin Frost Dragon – Buz Ejderhası Frost Mirriam – Kış Maydanozu Frost River Farm – Donuk Nehir Çiftliği Frost Rune – Buz Tuzağı Frost Salt – Ayaz Tuzu Frost Thrall – Ayaz Esiri Frost Troll – Buz Trolü Frostbite – Ayaz Frostbite Spider – Ayaz Örümceği Frostbite Venom – Örümcek Zehri Frostfall – Ekim Ayı Frostfeed – Ayazbesleyen Frostflow Lighthouse – Ayazdöken Deniz Feneri Frostfruit Inn – Donukmeyve Hanı Frostmere Crypt – Donukgöl Mahzenmezarı Frostmere Depths – Donukgöl Derinlikleri Frostwheat – Ayazbuğdayı Frozen Hearth – Donuk Ocak Full-Blood – Safkan Fur – Kürk Fury – Öfke Gallows Rock – Darağacı Kalesi Garlic – Sarımsak Garnet – Nartaşı Gauldur Amulet – Gauldur Madalyonu Gauldur Amulet Fragment – Gauldur Madalyonu Parçası Gauldur Blackblade – Gauldur Karakılıcı Gauldur Blackbow – Gauldur Karayayı Gauntlets – Zırh Eldiveni Gauntlets Of The Old Gods – Eski Tanrıların Zırh Eldivenleri Geirmund’s Hall – Geirmund’un Yeri Gem – Cevher General Tullius’ Armor – General Tullius’un Zırhı General Tullius’ Coat – General Tullius’un Paltosu Gentle Repose – Tatlı Huzur Geomancy – Toprakbüyücülüğü Ghorbash’s Ancestral Axe – Ghorbash’ın Ata Baltası Ghost – Hayalet Ghostblade – Hayalet Kılıcı Giant – Dev Giant Camp – Dev Kampı Giant Club – Dev Sopası Giant Frostbite Spider – Dev Ayaz Örümceği Giant Lichen – Dev Ciğerotu Giant Mudcrab – Dev Yengeç Giant’s Grove – Dev Koruluğu Giant’s Toe – Dev Parmağı Gilded Wristguards – Yaldızlı Eldivenler Gildergreen – Yaldızağaç Gjukar’s Monument – Gjukar Anıtı Glacial Crevice – Buzul Gedik Glass – Kristal Glass Arrow – Kristal Ok Glass Battleaxe – Kristal Cenkbaltası Glass Bow – Kristal Yayı Glass Claw – Kristal Pençe Glass Dagger – Kristal Hançeri Glass Greatsword – Büyük Kristal Kılıcı Glass Mace – Kristal Gürzü Glass Smithing – Kristal Demirciliği Glass Sword – Kristal Kılıç Glass War Axe – Kristal Savaş Baltası Glass Warhammer – Kristal Savaşbalyozu Gleda The Goat – Keçi Gleda Glenmoril Coven – Glenmoril Mağarası Glenmoril Witch – Glenmoril Cadısı Glenmoril Witch Head – Glenmoril Cadısı Kafası Gloombound Mine – Kasvetli Maden Gloomreach – Kasvetkonak Mağarası Gloves Of The Pugilist – Kavgacı Eldivenleri Glow Dust – Işık Tozu Glowing Mushroom – Parlak Mantar Goat – Keçi Goat Cheese Wedge – Keçi Peyniri Parçası Goat Cheese Wheel – Bütün Keçi Peyniri Goat Horns – Keçi Boynuzu Goblet – Kadeh God – Tanrı God Of Madness – Delilik Tanrısı Goddess – Tanrıça Gold And Emerald Circlet – Altın Ve Zümrüt Taç Gold And Ruby Circlet – Altın Ve Yakut Taç Gold Diamond Necklace – Altın Elmas Kolye Gold Diamond Ring – Altın Elmas Yüzük Gold Emerald Ring – Altın Zümrüt Yüzük Gold Ingot – Altın Külçe Gold Jeweled Necklace – Kıymetli Altın Kolye Gold Necklace – Altın Kolye Gold Ore – Altın Madeni Gold Ring – Altın Yüzük Gold Ruby Necklace – Altın Yakut Kolye Gold Sapphire Ring – Altın Safir Yüzük Golden Claw – Altın Pençe Golden Ship Model – Altın Gemi Modeli Golden Urn – Altın Kupa Goldenglow Estate – Altınateş Mülkü Goldenrock Mine – Altınkaya Madeni Gourd – Sukabağı Gourmet – Gurme Grace Of Kynareth – Kynareth’in Fazileti Grand Healing – Büyük Şifa Grand Soul Gem – Dev Ruh Cevheri Grandmaster – Büyük Usta Granite Hill – Kayaç Tepe Grass Pod – Hasır Otu Grave Concoctions – Mezar Karışımları Gray Pine Goods – Gri Çam Mamülleri Gray Quarter – Gri Mahalle Gray-Mane – Kıryele Gray-Manes – Kıryeleler Graywinter Watch – Bozkır Mağarası Greasy Thom – Kaypak Thom Great Bear – Koca Adam Great Collapse – Büyük Çöküş Great Darkness – Nihai Karanlık Great Hall – Büyük Salon Great Hunt – Büyük Av Great Lift At Alftand – Alftand Büyük Asansörü Great Lift At Mzinchaleft – Mzinchaleft Büyük Asansörü Great Lift At Raldbthar – Raldbthar Büyük Asansörü Great Porch – Talimevi Great Sage – Ulu Bilge Great War – Büyük Savaş Greater Soul Gem – Büyük Ruh Cevheri Greater Ward – Güçlü Himaye Greatsword – Büyük Kılıç Greedy Man – Açgözlü Adam Green Apple – Yeşil Elma Green Dragon – Yeşil Ejderha Greenheart – Yeşilkalp Greenmote – Yeşilzerre Greenspore – Yeşil Tohum Greenspring Hollow – Yeşilbahar Oyuğu Grelod The Kind – Kibar Grelod Greybeards – Kırsakallar Greywater Grotto – Grisu Mağarası Grilled Chicken Breast – Izgara Tavuk Göğsü Grilled Leeks – Izgara Pırasa Grimoire – Büyü Kitabı Grindstone – Bileytaşı Grisvar The Unlucky – Bahtsız Grisvar Grosta’s Necklace – Grosta’nın Kolyesi Guard Barracks – Muhafız Kışlaları Guard Tower – Muhafız Kulesi Guardhouse – Muhafızevi Guardian Circle – Muhafaza Çemberi Guardian Stone – Muhafız Taşlar Guild – Lonca Guild Halls – Lonca Salonları Guild Master – Lonca Üstadı Guild Master’s Armor – Lonca Üstadı Zırhı Guild Master’s Boots – Lonca Üstadı Çizmeleri Guild Master’s Gloves – Lonca Üstadı Eldivenleri Guild Master’s Hood – Lonca Üstadı Başlığı Guild Third – Lonca Üçüncüsü Guldun Rock – Guldun Kayası Gutter Saints – Kötüyol Azizleri Guttersnipe – Afacan Haafingar Stormcloak Camp – Haafingar Fırtınapelerin Kampı Habd’s Remains – Habd’ın Kalıntıları Haelga’s Bunkhouse – Haelga’nın Misafirhanesi Haemar’s Shame – Haemar’ın Utancı Hag – Cadı Hag Rock Redoubt – Acuze Kayası Palankası Hag’s Cure – Cadı İlaçları Hag’s End – Cadının Sonu Hagraven – Ucube Hagraven Claw – Ucube Tırnağı Hagraven Feathers – Ucube Tüyleri Half-Moon Mill – Yarımay Değirmeni Hall – Salon Hall Of Attainment – Marifet Salonu Hall Of Countenance – Denge Salonu Hall Of Rumination – Derin Düşünce Salonu Hall Of Stories – Hikayeler Salonu Hall Of The Elements – Elementler Salonu Hall Of The Vigilant – Gece Gözcüsünün Kırevi Hall Of Valor – Yiğitler Salonu Halldir’s Cairn – Halldir’in Mezarı Halted Stream Camp – Akarca Kampı Halted Stream Mine – Akarca Madeni Hammer – Balyoz Hammerfell – Balyozyurt Hamvir’s Rest – Hamvir’in Mezarı Hanging Moss – Asma Yosunu Harbinger – Yolgösteren Harmful Spell – Hasar Büyüsü Harmonic Energy – Harmonik Enerji Harmony – Harmoni Haromir Of Copper And Tea – Bakırçaylı Haromir Harvest – Toplamak Hated One – Nefret Edilen Hawk – Şahin Hawk Beak – Şahin Gagası Hawk Feathers – Şahin Tüyleri Headsman’s Axe – Cellat Baltası Heal Other – Şifa Ver Healer – Şifacı Healing – Şifa Healing Hands – Şifalı Eller Healing Potion – İyileştirme Özsuyu Health – Sağlık Heart Of Lorkhan – Lorkhan’ın Kalbi Hearth Fire – Ocak Ateşi Hearthfire – Eylül Ayı Heartwood Mill – Özkereste Değirmeni Heavy Armor – Ağır Zırh Heist – Dükkan Soygunu Heist Job – Dükkan Soygunu Görevi Hela’s Folly – Hela’nın Enkazı Helgen Homestead – Helgen Çiftlikevi Helgen Keep – Helgen Kalesi Heljarchen Hall – Akorman Konağı Helm – Miğfer Helm Of Winterhold – Kışhisar Miğferi Helm Of Yngol – Yngol Miğferi Helmet – Miğfer Helmet Of The Old Gods – Eski Tanrıların Miğferi Hemlock – Baldıran Otu Herebane’s Courage – Herebane’nin Cesareti Herebane’s Fortress – Herebane Kalkanı Hide – Post High Elf / Altmer – Yüce Elf High Gate Ruins – Ulu Geçit Harabeleri High Hrothgar – Ulu Hrothgar High King – Ulu Kral High Queen – Ulu Kraliçe High Rock – Ulu Kaya Highborn – Uludoğan Higher Art – Yüce Sanat Highmoon Hall – Uluay Malikanesi Hillgrund’s Tomb – Hillgrund Kabri Hilt Of Mehrunes’ Razor – Mehrunes Hançerinin Kabzası Hinge – Menteşe Hip Bone – Kalça Kemiği Histcarp – Sazan Histskin – Histteni Hjaalmarch Imperial Camp – Hjaalmarch İmparatorluk Kampı Hjaalmarch Stormcloak Camp – Hjaalmarch Fırtınapelerin Kampı Hjalti’s Sword – Hjalti’nin Kılıcı Hjerim – Nadideköşk Hlaalu Farm – Hlaalu Çiftliği Hob’s Fall Cave – Cintutan Mağarası Hollyfrost Farm – Kutsiayaz Çiftliği Homecooked Meal – Evyapımı Yemek Honed Ancient Nord Battle Axe – Bilenmiş Kadim Kuzeyli Savaş Baltası Honed Ancient Nord Greatsword – Bilenmiş Büyük Kadim Kuzeyli Kılıcı Honed Ancient Nord Sword – Bilenmiş Kadim Kuzeyli Kılıcı Honed Draugr War Axe – Bilenmiş Metfun Savaş Baltası Honed Falmer Sword – Bilenmiş Yitikelf Kılıcı Honed Falmer War Axe – Bilenmiş Yitikelf Savaş Baltası Honey – Bal Honey Nut Treat – Ballı Ceviz Şekeri Honeycomb – Bal Peteği Honeyside – Balkenar Honeystrand Cave – Balhırsızı Mağarası Honningbrew – Aselmayası Honningbrew Basement – Aselmaya Bodrumu Honningbrew Boilery – Aselmaya Kaynatma Yeri Honningbrew Decanter – Aselmaya Karafı Honningbrew Mead – Aselmaya Bal-Şarabı Honningbrew Meadery – Aselmaya Şaraphanesi Honningbrew Reserve – Özel Aselmayası Şarabı Honorhall – Hürmetyurdu Honorhall Orphanage – Hürmetyurdu Yetimhanesi Horker – Deniz Aygırı Horker Loaf – Aygır Köftesi Horker Meat – Aygır Eti Horker Stew – Aygır Yahnisi Horker Tusk – Aygır Dişi Horn – Boynuz Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller – Jurgen Yelçağıran’ın Boynuzu Horn Of Summoning – Celp Çağrısı Horse – At Horse Haunch – At Butu Horse Hide – At Derisi Horse Meat – At Eti Horse-Crusher – At-Ezen Hound – Tazı House Dres – Dres Hanesi House Gray-Mane – Kıryele Hanesi House Hlaalu – Hlaalu Hanesi House Indoril – Indoril Hanesi House Of Curiosities – Ender Eşyalar Müzesi House Telvanni – Telvanni Hanesi Housecarl – Yaver Hrolfdir’s Shield – Hrolfdir’in Kalkanı Human Flesh – İnsan Eti Human Heart – İnsan Kalbi Human Skull – İnsan Kafatası Hunt The Elf – Elf Avlamaca Hunter – Avcı Hunter’s Rest – Avcı Barakası Hunting Bow – Av Yayı Hunting Grounds – Av Sahası Hunts-Wife – Avcı-Eşi Hysteria – Histeri Ice Mage – Buz Büyücüsü Ice Spike – Buz Dikeni Ice Storm – Buz Fırtınası Ice Wizard – Buz Sihirbazı Ice Wolf – Buz Kurdu Ice Wraith – Buz Hayaleti Ice Wraith Teeth – Buz Hayaleti Dişi Icerunner – Buzkoşan Ice-Vein – Buz-Damar Icewater Jetty – Buzlusu İskelesi Icy Spear – Buz Mızrağı Idgrod Ravencrone – Idgrod Kuzguntaç Ilas-Tei’s Ring – Ilas-Tei’nin Yüzüğü Iliac Bay – Iliac Koyu Ilinalta’s Deep – Gizemlisu Kalesi Illusion – Yanılsama Illusory War Axe – Aldatıcı Savaş Baltası Imbuer – Telkinci Imp – İblis Imp Stool – İblis Oturağı Imperial – İmparatorluk Imperial Army – İmparatorluk Ordusu Imperial Battlemage – İmparatorluk Cenk Büyücüsü Imperial Bow – İmparatorluk Yayı Imperial Camps – İmparatorluk Kampları Imperial City – İmparatorluk Şehri Imperial Court – İmparatorluk Sarayı Avlusu Imperial Documents – İmparatorluk Belgeleri Imperial Galleon – İmparatorluk Kalyonu Imperial Law – İmparatorluk Emri Imperial Legion – İmparatorluk Birliği Imperial Legionnaire – İmparatorluk Lejyoneri Imperial Luck – İmparatorluk Talihi Imperial Sword – İmparatorluk Kılıcı Imperial Towers – İmparatorluk Kuleleri Imperials – İmparatorluk Irkı Incinerate – Tutuştur Inge Six-Fingers – Inge Altıparmak Inkwell – Hokka Inn – Han Inner Sanctum – Kutsimekan Inner Sea Of Morrowind – Rüzgartepe İçdenizi Inspiration – Telkin Invisibility – Görünmezlik Iron – Demir Iron Arrow – Demir Ok Iron Battleaxe – Demir Cenkbaltası Iron Claw – Demir Pençe Iron Dagger – Demir Hançer Iron Fittings – Demir Hırdavatlar Iron Greatsword – Büyük Demir Kılıç Iron Ingot – Demir Külçe Iron Mace – Demir Gürz Iron Ore – Demir Madeni Iron Sword – Demir Kılıç Iron War Axe – Demir Savaş Baltası Iron Warhammer – Demir Savaşbalyozu Ironbind Barrow – Demirbağ Höyüğü Iron-Breaker – Demirkıran Iron-Breaker Mine – Demirkıran Madeni Ironflesh – Demirvücut Ironhand Gauntlets – Demir-El Eldivenleri Isle Of Artaeum – Artaeum Adası Ivarstead – Ivar Çiftliği Ivory Dragon Claw – Fildişi Ejderha Pençesi İn Rags – Paspal İngot – Külçe İngredient – Bileşen İron Breaker – Demir Kıran Jade And Emerald Circlet – Yeşimtaşı Ve Zümrüt Taç Jade And Sapphire Circlet – Yeşimtaşı Ve Safir Taç Jagged Crown – Dişli Taç Jails – Cezaevleri Japhet’s Folly – Japhet Adası Jarl – Mevkibeyi Jarl Elisif The Fair – Mevkibeyi Adil Elisif Jarl’s Longhouse – Mevkibeyi’nin Uzunköşkü Jarrin Root – Musallat Kökü Jazbay Grapes – Yaban Üzümü Jessica’s Wine – Jessica’s Şarap Jester – Soytarı Jester’s Boots – Soytarı Çizmeleri Jester’s Clothes – Soytarı Giysileri Jester’s Gloves – Soytarı Eldivenleri Jester’s Hat – Soytarı Şapkası Jewel Of The North – Kuzeyin Mücevheri Jeweled Amulet – Kıymetli Madalyon Jeweled Candlestick – Kıymetli Şamdan Jeweled Flagon – Kıymetli Testi Jeweled Goblet – Kıymetli Kadeh Jeweled Pitcher – Kıymetli Sürahi Journal – Günlük Journeyman’s Nook – Usta Köşesi Juni Berries – Ardıç Üzümü Juniper Berries – Ardıç Üzümü Jurgen Windcaller – Jurgen Yelçağıran Justiciar – Yargıç Justiciars – Yargıçlar Kahvozein’s Fang – Kahvozein’in Azıdiş Hançeri Karliah’s Armor – Karliah’ın Zırhı Karliah’s Boots – Karliah’ın Çizmeleri Karliah’s Bow – Karliah’nın Yayı Karliah’s Gloves – Karliah’ın Eldivenleri Karliah’s Hood – Karliah’ın Başlığı Karth River – Karth Nehri Karthspire Camp – Karthspire Kampı Katarina’s Ornamental Ring – Katarina’nın Süs Yüzüğü Katla’s Farm – Katla Çiftliği Keening – Uzuvkesen Keeper Carcette – Koruyucu Carcette Keeper Of The Ring – Yüzük Muhafızı Keizaal – Keizaal (Ejderdilinde Skyrim) Kettle – Kazan Khajiit Caravans – Khajiit Karavanları Kidsman – Soydaş Kilkreath Balcony – Karagölge Balkonu Kilkreath Catacombs – Karagölge Yer Altı Mezarları Kilkreath Ruins – Karagölge Harabeleri Kilkreath Temple – Karagölge Tapınağı King Helseth Of Morrowind – Rüzgartepe Kralı Helseth King İn Rags – Paspal Kral King Of Corruption – Yozlaşma Kralı King Of Morrowind – Rüzgartepe Kralı King Olaf One-Eye – Kral Tek-Göz Olaf King Olaf’s Verse – Kral Olaf’ın Şiiri Kingship Of Morrowind – Rüzgartepe Krallığı Kingslayer – Kralkatili Kjenstag Ruins – Kjenstag Harabeleri Klimmek’s Supplies – Klimmek’in Erzağı Knife – Bıçak Knifepoint Mine – Bıçakucu Madeni Knifepoint Ridge – Bıçakucu Bayırı Kodlak Whitemane – Kodlak Akyele Kolskeggr Mine – Kolskeggr Madeni Kordir’s Skooma – Kordir’in Skooması Kyne’s Peace – Kyne’in Barışı Kyne’s Token – Kyne’nin Yadigarı Kynesgrove – Kyne Koruluğu Kynreeve – Yenilmez Kynval – Güçlü Labyrinthian – Labirent Tapınak Lady – Leydi Lady Luck – Şans Leydisi Lady Mara – Leydi Mara Lady Of Whispers – Fısıltıların Leydisi Lady Stone – Hanım Taşı Lake Geir – Geir Gölü Lake Honrich – Honrich Gölü Lake Ilinalta – Ilinalta Gölü Lake Yorgrim – Yorgrim Gölü Lakeview Manor – Gölmanzaralı Malikane Lantern – Fener Larak’s Longhouse – Larak’ın Uzunköşkü Largashbur – Largashbur Kalesi Largashbur Cellar – Largashbur Mahzeni Largashbur Longhouse – Largashbur Uzunköşkü Large Antlers – Büyük Geyik Boynuzu Large Decorative Dwemer Strut – Büyük Dekoratif Dwemer Dayanağı Large Dwemer Plate Metal – Büyük Dwemer Metal Plakası Large Dwemer Strut – Büyük Dwemer Dayanağı Large Mudcrab – Büyük Yengeç Last Seed – Ağustos Ayı Lavender – Lavanta Law Of Casting – Büyü Kuralları Least Leved Porcupine – Az Sevilen Kirpi Leather – Deri Ledger – Hesap Defteri Leek – Pırasa Left Eye Of The Falmer – Yitikelf Sol Gözü Left Hand Mine – Sol-El Madeni Left Hand Miner’s Barracks – Sol-El Madencileri Barakası Leg Of Goat – Keçi Budu Leg Of Goat Roast – Pişmiş Keçi Budu Legate – Legatus Lemkil’s Farmhouse – Lemkil’in Çiftlikevi Lesser Soul Gem – Küçük Ruh Cevheri Lesser Ward – Zayıf Himaye Letter Of Credit – Teminat Mektubu Level – Seviye Lexicon – Lügat Liar’s Retreat – Yalancı Sığınağı Liberty – Özgürlük Life-Extending Magics – Yaşam Uzatma Büyüleri Light Armor – Hafif Zırh Lighthouse – Deniz Feneri Lightning Bolt – Yıldırım Oku Lightning Cloak – Yıldırım Pelerin Lightning Rune – Yıldırım Tuzağı Lightning Storm – Yıldırım Fırtınası Lingering – Yavaş Linwe’s Armor – Linwe’nin Zırhı Linwe’s Boots – Linwe’nin Çizmeleri Linwe’s Gloves – Linwe’nin Eldivenleri Linwe’s Hood – Linwe’nin Başlığı Lisbet’s Dibella Statue – Lisbet’s Dibella Heykeli Listener – Dinleyici Lizard – Kertenkele Lock – Kilit Lockpick – Maymuncuk Lockpicking – Kilit Açma Lodge – Konak Logbook – Seyir Defteri Lonely-Gale – Yalnızbora Long Bow – Uzun Yay Long Taffy Treat – Uzun Karamela Şekeri Longhammer – Uzunbalyoz Longhouse – Hilalev Lord Of Domination – Egemenlik Hükümdarı Lord Of Seasons – Mevsimlerin Efendisi Lord Stone – Bey Taşı Loreius Farm – Loreius Çiftliği Lost Echo Cave – Kayıp Yankı Mağarası Lost Knife Hideout – Kayıp Bıçak Mağarası Lost Prospect Mine – Kayıp Altın Madeni Lost Tongue Overlook – Kayıp Haykırıcı Yamacı Lost Valkygg – Kayıp Yokuş Harabesi Lost Valley Redoubt – Kayıp Vadi Mevzisi Lotus Extract – Lotus Zehri Lover Stone – Yar Taşı Lovers’ Days – Aşıklar Günleri Lower Steepfall Burrow – Alt Keskinkaya İni Lumber Mills – Bıçkıevleri Luna Moth – Mehtap Güvesi Luna Moth Wing – Mehtap Güvesi Kanadı Lunar Iron Mace – Aydemiri Gürzü Lunar Iron Sword – Aydemiri Kılıcı Lunar Iron War Axe – Aydemiri Savaş Baltası Lunar Steel Mace – Ayçeliği Gürzü Lunar Steel Sword – Ayçeliği Kılıcı Lunar Steel War Axe – Ayçeliği Savaş Baltası Lute – Ut Mace – Gürz Mace Of Molag Bal – Molag Bal’ın Gürzü Machination – Entrika Madesi’s Silver Ring – Madesi’nin Gümüş Yüzüğü Madhouse – Delievi Madness – Delilik Mage – Büyücü Mage Fire – Büyücü Ateşi Magelight – Işıktopu Mages Guild – Büyücüler Loncası Magic – Büyü Magic Anomaly – Büyülü Erke Magic Resistance – Büyü Direnci Magicka – Efsun Malachite – Bakırtaşı Malachite Ore – Bakırtaşı Madeni Mammoth – Mamut Mammoth Cheese Bowl – Mamut Peyniri Kasesi Mammoth Snout – Mamut Hortumu Mammoth Steak – Mamut Biftek Mammoth Tusk Powder – Mamut Dişi Tozu Mandrake Root – Adamotu Kökü Mane – Yele Manservant – Hizmetkar Mantle – Pelerin Map Of Dragon Burials – Ejderha Gömütlerinin Haritası Mara’s Eye Den – Mara’nın Gözü İni Mara’s Eye Pond – Mara’nın Gözü Göleti Mark Of Dibella – Dibella Taşı Markarth İncident – Markarth Hadisesi Markarth Military Camp – Markarth Askeri Kampı Markarth Stables – Markarth Ahırı Marked For Death – Ölüm Damgası Marks Of Dibella – Dibella Taşları Marksman – Nişancılık / Nişancı Marksmanship Lesson – Okçuluk Talimi Markynaz – Cani Marsh-Friend – Bataklık Dostu Mass Paralysis – Kitlesel Felç Master (Kilit) – Çok Karmaşık Master (Kişi) – Üstat Master Vampire – Efendi Vampir Master-Wizard – Usta Büyücü Mauhulakh’s Longhouse – Mauhulakh’ın Uzunköşkü Maven Black-Briar – Maven Karafunda Mayhem – Kargaşa Mead – Bal-Şarabı Mead With Juniper Berry – Ardıçüzümlü Bal-Şarabı Meadery – Şaraphane Medium Mudcrab – Ortaboy Yengeç Meeko’s Shack – Meeko’nun Barakası Mehrunes’ Razor – Mehrunes Hançeri Mehrunes’ Razor Blade – Mehrunes Hançeri’nin Bıçağı Mehrunes’ Razor Gem – Mehrunes Hançeri’nin Cevheri Mehrunes’ Razor Hilt – Mehrunes Hançerinin Kabzası Mehrunes’ Razor Scabbard – Mehrunes Hançeri’nin Kılıfı Mercenary – Asker Mercer’s Plans – Mercer’in Planları Merethic Era – Elflerin Çağı Meridia’s Beacon – Meridia’nın İşareti Merryfair Farm – Mutluşirin Çiftliği Miasma – Miyasma Michaela’s Flagon – Michaela’nın Testisi Mid Year – Haziran Milady – Leydim Military Camps – Askeri Kamplar Military Forts – Askeri Kaleler Milk Drinker – Süt Çocuğu Mill – Değirmen Mind Of A Madman – Bir Delinin Aklı Mines – Madenler Mirror – Ayna Missing God – Yitik Tanrı Mistress Of Mystery – Gizemin Gözdesi Mistress Of Shadows – Gölgelerin Gözdesi Mistveil Keep – Sispeçe Kalesi Mistwatch – Sislinöbet Kalesi Misty Grove – Sisli Koru Mixwater Mill – Karışıksu Değirmeni Mjoll The Lioness – Dişi Aslan Mjoll Model Ship – Gemi Modeli Moldering Ruins – Yarasaevi Harabesi Monarch Butterfly – Şah Kelebeği Monk – Keşiş Moon Amulet – Ay Madalyonu Moon Sugar – Ay Şekeri Moon-Born – Aydoğan Moonstone – Aytaşı Moonstone Ore – Aytaşı Madeni Moorside Inn – Kıraçbaşı Hanı Mor Khazgur – Mor Khazgur Kalesi Mor Khazgur Mine – Mor Khazgur Madeni Mora Tapinella – Ağaç Mantarı Morning Star – Ocak Ayı Morrowind – Rüzgartepe Morrowind İslands – Rüzgartepe Adaları Mortal – Fani Mortar And Pestle – Dibek Ve Tokmak Moss Mother Cavern – Yosun Ana Korusu Mossy Glen Cave – Yosunlu Vadi Mağarası Moth İn A Jar – Kavanozda Güve Mount Anthor – Anthor Dağı Mount Kilkreath – Karagölge Dağı Mournful Throne – Kederli Taht Mournhold – Matemhisar Movarth’s Boots – Movarth’ın Çizmeleri Movarth’s Lair – Movarth’ın İni Mudcrab – Yengeç Mudcrab Chitin – Yengeç Kıskacı Muffle – Sesboğan Mug – Kadeh Muiri’s Ring – Muiri’nin Yüzüğü Murderer – Katil Mysterium Xarxes – Gizemli Xarxes Yazıtları Mystic Tuning Gloves – Mistik Düzen Eldivenler Mythic Dawn – Efsanevi Şafak Mythic Dawn Robes – Efsanevi Şafak Giysileri Nails – Çiviler Namiira/Namira – Namira Namira’s Rot – Namira Mantarı Natives Of Cyrodiil – Cyrodiil Yerlileri Necromage – Ölübüyücüsü Necromancer – Ölüçağıran Necromancy – Ölüçağırma Nettlebane – Isırganbela New Blood – Taze Kan New Gnisis Cornerclub – Yeni Gnisis Kulübü Night Eye – Gece Gözü Night Falls On Sentinel – Sentinel’de Gecenin Çöküşü Night Mistress – Gece Hanım Night Mother – Gece Ana Night Of Tears – Gözyaşı Gecesi Nightcaller Temple – Gecegözcüleri Tapınağı Nightgate Inn – Tünkapısı Hanı Nightingale – Bülbül Nightingales – Bülbüller Nightshade – İtüzümü Nightweaver – Gecedokuyan Nightweaver’s Band – Gecedokuyan Yüzüğü Nirnroot – Nirnotu Nobles – Soylular Non-Magical – Efsunlanmamış Nord – Kuzeyli Nord Mead – Kuzeyli Şarabı Nord Tongues – Kuzeyli Haykırıcılar North Gate – Kuzey Kapısı North Shriekwind Bastion – Kuzey Feryatbora Kalesi North Skybound Watch – Kuzey Samaatan Kalesi North Wind – Kuzey Rüzgarı Northern Cyrodiil – Kuzey Cyrodiil Northwatch Keep – Kuzeygözü Kalesi Northwind Mine – Kuzeyrüzgarı Madeni Northwind Summit – Kuzeyrüzgarı Tepesi Noster’s Helmet – Noster’s Miğferi Notched Pickaxe – Çentikli Kazma Novice (Kilit) – Çok Basit Novice (Kişi) – Acemi Numbers Job – Hesap Defteri Görevi Nurelion’s Mixture – Nurelion’un Karışımı Oakflesh – Meşevücut Oath Of Allegiance – Bağlılık Yemini Oculory – Yıldız Merceği Ogmund’s Amulet Of Talos – Ogmund’un Talos Madalyonu Olaf One-Eye – Tek-Göz Olaf Olava’s Token – Olava’nın Sembolü Old Delvin – İhtiyar Delvin Old Hroldan – Eski Hroldan Old Hroldan Inn – Eski Hroldan Hanı Old Ways – Kadim Yöntemler One-Handed – Tek-Elli Opaque Vessel – Opak Kap Orange Dartwing – Turuncu Yusufçuk Orc / Orsimer – Ork Orc Strongholds – Ork Kaleleri Orcish – Ork Order Of Talos – Talos Tarikatı Ore – Madeni Orichalcum – Orikalkum Orichalcum Ingot – Orikalkum Külçesi Orichalcum Ore – Orikalkum Madeni Ornate Drinking Horn – Gösterişli İçki Boynuzu Orphan Rock – Yetim Kayası Orphan’s Tear – Yetim’in Gözyaşı Orrery – Güneş Sistemi Modeli Otar The Mad – Çılgın Otar Outsider – Yabancı Pacify – Teskin Etme Painted Troll Fat – Renkli Trol Yağı Palace Of The Kings – Krallar Sarayı Pale – Akdiyar Pale Blade – Akdiyar Kılıcı Pale Imperial Camp – Akdiyar İmparatorluk Kampı Pale Lady – Akdiyar Leydisi Pale Pass – Soluk Geçit Pale Stormcloak Camp – Akdiyar Fırtınapelerin Kampı Pamphlet – Broşür Pantea’s Flute – Pantea’nın Flütü Paper Roll – Kağıt Rulo Paralysis – Felç Paralyzation – Felç Etme Paralyze – Felç Pariah Folk – Pariah Kavmi Passes – Geçitler Passwall – Geçitduvar Pawned Prawn – Rehin Karides Peak’s Shade Tower – Zirvegölge Kulesi Pearl – İnci Pedestal – Kaide Pelagia Farm – Pelagia Çiftliği Pelagius The Mad – Çılgın Pelagius Pelagius’ Hip Bone – Pelagius’un Kalça Kemiği Pelagius’ Wing – Pelagius Hücresi Pelinal Whitestrake – Pelinal Beyazçember Pelt – Kürk Penitus Oculatus Outpost – Penitus Oculatus Karakolu Perk – Kazanım Persuade – İkna Etme Pest Poison – Haşere Zehri Phantom Sword – Hayalet Kılıç Pheasant – Sülün Pheasant Breast – Sülün Göğsü Pheasant Roast – Sülün Rosto Phial – Sırça Philter Of Alteration – Başkalaşım İlacı Philter Of Haggling – Pazarlık İlacı Philter Of Strength – Kuvvet İlacı Philter Of The Defender – Savunucu İlacı Pickaxe – Kazma Pickpocket – Yankesicilik Pilgrim’s Path – Seyyah’ın Yolu Pilgrim’s Trench – Seyyah Hendeği Pillar Of Sacrifice – Kurban Direği Pine Forest – Çam Ormanı Pine Thrush Egg – Ardıçkuşu Yumurtası Pinefrost Tower – Donukçam Kulesi Pinemoon Cave – Yaslıkamer Mağarası Pinepeak Cavern – Yaslıdoruk Mağarası Pinewatch – Yaslınöbet Pipe – Pipo Pit – Çukur Pit Fights – Çukur Dövüşleri Pit Wolf – Çukur Kurdu Pitcher – Sürahi Pitchfork – Diren Pithi’s Ornamental Ring – Pithi’nin Süs Yüzüğü Plains District – Düzlük Mahallesi Planes Of Oblivion – Oblivion Düzlükleri Platter – Servis Tabağı Poacher’s Axe – Kaçak Avcı Baltası Poetic Edda – Şiirsel Edda Polymorph Skeever – Sıçan Biçimi Pommel Stone Of Mehrunes’ Razor – Mehrunes Hançeri’nin Topuz Taşı Popular Saying – Anonim Pot – Çömlek Potage Le Magnifique – Muhteşem Çorba Potato – Patates Potema’s Catacombs – Potema’nın Yer Altı Mezarları Potema’s Skull – Potema’nın Kuru Kafası Potentate – Hükümdar Potion – İksir Potion Of Alteration – Başkalaşım İksiri Potion Of Haggling – Pazarlık İksiri Potion Of Strength – Kuvvet İksiri Potion Of The Defender – Savunucu İksiri Powdered Mammoth Tusk – Mamut Dişi Tozu Practice Arrow – Pratik Oku Predator’s Grace – Avcının Fazileti Pressure Plate – Basınç Levhası Pride Of Tel Vos – Onurlu Telvani Priesthood Of Arkay – Arkay Ruhbankardeşliği Prior – Başrahip Prisoner’s Cuffs – Mahkum Eldivenleri Proto-Cyrodiils – İlk Cyrodiilliler Proto-Cyrodilians – İlk Cyrodiilliler Proto-Nords – İlk Kuzeyliler Proudspire Manor – Görkemlikule Malikanesi Province – Vilayet Province Of High Rock – Ulukaya Vilayeti Province Of Morrowind – Rüzgartepe Vilayeti Prowler’s Profit – Kurnazın Kazancı Psijic Monk – Psijic Keşişi Psijic Order – Psijic Tarikatı Psijics – Psijic Pugilist – Kavgacı Pumping Station – Pompalama İstasyonu Purewater Run – Safsu Mağarası Purple Mountain Flower – Mor Dağ Çiçeği Pyromancer – Alevbüyücüsü Pyromancy – Alevbüyücülüğü Quaestor – Maliye Sorumlusu Quagmire – Karabatak Quarried Stone – Yapı Taşı Queen Bee Statue – Kraliçe Arı Heykeli Queen Freydis’s Sword – Kraliçe Feydis’in Kılıcı Quicksilver – Civa Quicksilver Ingot – Civa Külçesi Quicksilver Mine – Civa Madeni Quicksilver Ore – Civa Madeni Quill – Tüy Kalem Quill Of Gemination – İkizlik Tüy Kalemi Rabbit – Tavşan Rabbit Haunch – Kızarmış Tavşan Budu Radiant Raiment – Işıltılı Giysiler Radiant Raiment Fine Clothes – Işıltılı Giysiler Halis Giysileri Raerek’s Inscribed Amulet Of Talos – Raerek’in Tescilli Talos Madalyonu Ragged Flagon – Cistern – Kırık Testi Sarnıcı Ragged Flagon – Kırık Testi Ragnar The Red – Kızıl Ragnar Rain’s Hand – Nisan Ayı Raise Zombie – Ölü Uyandırma Rally – Moral Verme Rannveig’s Fast – Savaşevi Kalesi Rattles – Kas Spazmı Ratway – Sıçanyolu Ratway Vaults – Sıçanyolu Tünelleri Ratway Warrens – Sıçanyolu Ağılları Ravenscar Hollow – Kuzgunkayası Oyuğu Raw Beef – Çiğ Sığır Eti Raw Ore – Ham Maden Raw Rabbit Leg – Çiğ Tavşan Budu Razor – Hançer Razorfish – Ustura Balığı Razor-Winged Butterfly – Keskin Kanatlı Kelebek Reach – Enginyurt Reach Imperial Camp – Enginyurt İmparatorluk Kampı Reach Stormcloak Camp – Enginyurt Fırtınapelerin Kampı Reachcliff – Enginkayalık Reachcliff Cave – Enginkayalık Mağarası Reachmen – Enginyurt Halkı Reachwater Rock – Enginsu Mağarası Reachwind Eyrie – Enginrüzgar Kulesi Reanimate Corpse – Ceset Canlandır Rebel Production – İsyan Çıkartma Gücü Rebel’s Cairn – Asi Mezarı Mağarası Red Apple – Kırmızı Elma Red Dragon – Kızıl Ejder Red Eagle Ascent – Kızıl Kartal Bayırı Red Eagle Redoubt – Kızıl Kartal Palankası Red Eagle’s Bane – Kızıl Kartal Belası Red Eagle’s Fury – Kızıl Kartal Öfkesi Red Legions – Kızıl Birlikler Red Mountain – Kızıl Dağ Red Mountain Flower – Kızıl Dağ Çiçeği Red Road Pass – Kızıl Yol Geçiti Red Tower – Kızıl Kule Red Wave – Kızıl Dalga Redbelly Mine – Kızılgöbek Madeni Redguard – Kızılmuhafız Redoran’s Retreat – Redoran Mağarası Redwater Den – Kızılsu Sığınağı Reeking Tower – Buğulu Kule Refined Malachite – İşlenmiş Bakırtaşı Refined Moonstone – İşlenmiş Aytaşı Refugees’ Rest – Mülteci Konağı Repel – Püskürtme Repulsive – İğrenç / Tiksindirici Residual Energy – Artık Enerji Resist Disease – Hastalığa Direnç Resist Disease And Poison – Hastalığa Ve Zehre Direnç Resist Fire – Ateşe Direnç Resist Frost – Ayaza Direnç Resist Poison – Zehre Direnç Restless Draugr – Huzursuz Metfun Restoration – Yenileme Retort – İmbik Revenant – Hortlak / Hortlatma Reyda’s Necklace – Reyda’nın Kolyesi Rift – Vadi Riften / Rifton – Vadikent Riftweald Manor – Bozkır Malikanesi Rimerock Burrow – Çevrekaya Oyuğu Ring Of Hircine – Hircine’in Yüzüğü Ring Of Pure Mixtures – Saf Karışım Yüzüğü Ritual Stone – Ayin Taşı River Betty – Nehirkızı River Hjaal – Hjaal Nehri River Yorgrim – Yorgrim Nehri Riverhold – Nehirhisar Riverside Shack – Nehirkenarı Barakası Riverwood – Irmakkoru Riverwood Trader – Irmakkoru Tüccarı Rjorn’s Drum – Rjorn’un Davulu Roadside Ruins – Saklıyol Harabeleri Roasted Ox Head – Kavrulmuş Öküz Başı Roasted Ox Leg – Kavrulmuş Öküz Bacağı Robber’s Cove – Hırsız Sığınağı Robber’s Gorge – Harami Boğazı Rock Warbler Egg – Kaya Bülbülü Yumurtası Rockjoint – Eklemkıran Rocksplinter – Kayabölen Rockwallow Mine – Çukurkaya Madeni Roggi’s Ancestral Shield – Roggi’nin Yadigar Kalkanı Roll Of Paper – Kağıt Rulosu Rorik’s Manor – Rorik Malikanesi Rorikstead – Rorik Köyü Rout – Bozgun Ruby – Yakut Ruby Dragon Claw – Yakut Ejderha Pençesi Rueful Axe – Matem Baltası Ruin – Harabe Ruined Book – Yıpranmış Kitap Ruins Of Bthalft – Bthalft Harabeleri Ruins Of Rkund – Rkund Harabeleri Rundi’s Dagger – Rundi’nin Hançeri Runed Lexicon – Mistik Sembol Lügatı Runner – Haberci Rusty Arrow – Paslı Ok Rusty Mace – Paslı Gürz Ruunvald Excavation – Ruunvald Mağarası Saarthal Amulet – Saarthal Madalyonu Sabre Cat – Keskindiş Sabre Cat Of Skyrim – Skyrim’in Keskindişi Sabre Cat Tooth – Keskindiş Dişi Sabrecat – Keskindiş Sacellum Of Boethiah – Boethiah Mabedi Sacred Trial – Kutsal İmtihan Sadri’s Used Wares – Sadri’nin Dükkanı Saerek’s Skull Key – Saerek’in Kurukafa Anahtarı Sailor’s Repose – Denizcinin Huzuru Saint Of Suspicion – Şüphelerin Azizi Salmon – Somon Salmon Meat – Somon Eti Salmon Roe – Somon Yumurtası Salmon Steak – Somon Biftek Salt Pile – Tuz Yığını Salvius Farm – Salvius Çiftliği Sanctuary – Tapınak Sanguine Rose – Sanguine Gülü Sanuarach Mine – Kayadibi Madeni Sap – Özsuyu Sapphire – Safir Sapphire Dragon Claw – Safir Ejderha Pençesi Sarethi Farm – Sarethi Çiftliği Satchel Of Moon Sugar – Ayşekeri Çantası Savior’s Hide – Savior’un Postu Savos Aren’s Amulet – Savos Aren’in Madalyonu Sawn Log – Kereste Scabbard Of Mehrunes’ Razor – Mehrunes Hançeri’nin Kılıfı Scaleback – Pullu Sırt Scaled – Pullu Scaly Pholiota – Pullu Mantar Scholar – Alim Scimitar – Pala Sconce – Şamdan Siperi Scorched Hammer – Alaz Çekiç Scorcher – Yakıcı Gaz Scroll – Tomar Sea Cave – Deniz Mağarası Sea Of Ghosts – Hayaletler Denizi Sea Squall – Derya Bora Sealed Scroll – Mühürlü Tomar Seared Slaughterfish – Kurutulmuş Katilbalık Second Era – İkinci Çağ Second Seed – Mayıs Ayı Secunda’s Kiss – Secunda’nın Öpücüğü Seducer – Gönül Çelen Sellsword – Kiralık Asker Septim Dynasty – Septim Hanedanı Septimus Signus’s Outpost – Septimus Mağarası Serpent Stone – Yılan Taşı Serpent’s Bluff Redoubt – Uçurum Palankası Serpentstone Isle – Yılantaşı Adası Settlements – Yerleşim Yerleri Shacks – Barakalar Shadow Stone – Gölge Taşı Shadowbanish Wine – Gölgekovan Şarabı Shadowcloak Of Nocturnal – Nocturnal’ın Gece Pelerini Shadowgreen Cavern – Yeşilgölge Mağarası Shadowmere – Gölgeyele Shadowscale – Gölgeavcı Shagrol’s Warhammer – Shagrol’un Savaşbalyozu Shahvee’s Amulet Of Zenithar – Shahvee’nin Zenithar Madalyonu Shalidor’s Maze – Shalidor Labirenti Shards Of Mehrunes’ Razor – Mehrunes Hançeri’nin Parçaları Sharpslope Cave – Keskinyokuş Mağarası Shatter-Shield – Kalkankıran Shearpoint – Kesiknokta Sheogorath Boots – Sheogorath Çizmeleri Sheogorath Outfit – Sheogorath Giysisi Shezarr Who Goes Missing – Kayıp Shezarr Shield-Brother – Kalkan Kardeşi Shieldmaiden – Koruyucu Nedime Shield-Sibling – Kalkan-Kardeşi Shield-Thane – Koruyucu-Soylu Shill – Kumpas Shill Job – Kumpas Görevi Shimmermist Cave – Parıltılısis Mağarası Shiv – Şiş Shivering Isles – Titrek Adalar Shopkeeper – Esnaf Shor’s Hall – Shor’un Salonu Shor’s Stone – Shor’un Taşobası Shor’s Watchtower – Shor’un Gözetleme Kulesi Shortsword – Kısakılıç Shout – Nida Shrine – Mabet Shrine Of Mehrunes Dagon – Mehrunes Dagon Mabedi Shrine Of Talos – Talos Mabedi Shrine To Malacath – Malacath Mabedi Shrine To Peryite – Peryite Mabedi Shroud Hearth Barrow – Saklı Ocak Höyüğü Sightless Pit – Kör Çukur Sigil Stone – Mühür Taşı Silencer – Susturucu Silent City Catacombs – Sessiz Şehir Yer Altı Mezarları Silent Moons Camp – Sessiz Ay Kampı Silent Ruin – Sessiz Harabe Silt Strider – Dev Kumaşan Silver Amethyst Ring – Gümüş Ametist Yüzük Silver And Moonstone Circlet – Gümüş Ve Aytaşı Taç Silver And Sapphire Circlet – Gümüş Ve Safir Taç Silver Candlestick – Gümüş Şamdan Silver Crescents – Gümüş Ayçalar Silver Emerald Necklace – Zümrüt Silver Garnet Ring – Gümüş Nartaşı Yüzük Silver Greatsword – Büyük Gümüş Kılıç Silver Hand – Gümüş El Silver Hand Stratagem – Gümüş El Taktiği Silver Ingot – Gümüş Külçe Silver Jeweled Necklace – Kıymetli Gümüş Kolye Silver Necklace – Gümüş Kolye Silver Ore – Gümüş Madeni Silver Ring – Gümüş Yüzük Silver Ruby Ring – Yakut Silver Sapphire Necklace – Gümüş Safir Kolye Silver Sword – Gümüş Kılıç Silver-Blood – Gümüşkan Silver-Blood Family Ring – Gümüşkan Aile Yüzüğü Silver-Blood Inn – Gümüşkan Hanı Silverdrift Lair – Gümüşkaya Sığınağı Silverside Perch – Gümüş Levrek Silversmith – Gümüşçü Sinderion’s Field Laboratory – Sinderion’un Alan Laboratuarı Sinderion’s Serendipity – Sinderion Şansı Sinding’s Skin – Sinding’in Derisi Skeever – Sıçan Skeever Tail – Sıçan Kuyruğu Skeffington Coven – Skeffington Cadılar Meclisi Skeletal Dragon – İskelet Ejderha Skeleton – İskelet Skeleton Key – İskelet Anahtar Skooma-Addled – Skooma Sarhoşu Skuldafn Temple – Skuldafn Tapınağı Skull – Kurukafa Skull Of Corruption – Yozlaştırma Kurukafası Sky Haven Temple – Sema-Alem Tapınağı Skyborn Altar – Semadoğan Sunağı Skybound Watch Pass – Semaatan Geçiti Sky-Dome – Gök Kubbe Skyforge – Semaocağı Skyforge Steel Battleaxe – Semaocağı Çelik Cenkbaltası Skyforge Steel Dagger – Semaocağı Çelik Hançeri Skyforge Steel Greatsword – Semaocağı Büyük Çelik Kılıcı Skyforge Steel Sword – Çelik Semaocağı Kılıcı Skyforge Steel War Axe – Semaocağı Çelik Savaş Baltası Skytemple Ruins – Sematapınağı Harabeleri Slaughterfish – Katilbalık Slaughterfish Egg – Katilbalık Yumurtası Slaughterfish Egg Nest – Katilbalık Yumurtaları Slaughterfish Scales – Katilbalık Pulları Slayer – Cani Sleeping Giant Inn – Uyuyan Dev Hanı Sleeping Tree Camp – Uyuyan Ağaç Kampı Sleeping Tree Sap – Uyuyan Ağaç Özü Sliced Eidar Cheese – Kesik Eidar Peyniri Sliced Goat Cheese – Kesik Keçi Peyniri Sloads – Sloadlar Slow Time – Zaman Yavaşlatma Slug Famine – Ağır Izdırap Small Antlers – Küçük Geyik Boynuzu Small Dwemer Lever – Küçük Dwemer Levyesi Small Dwemer Plate Metal – Küçük Dwemer Metal Plakası Small Pearl – Küçük İnci Smelter – Döküm Ocağı Smithing – Demircilik Snapleg Cave – Kırıkbacak Mağarası Sneak – Sinsilik Sneak Attack – Sinsi Saldırı Snitch – İspiyoncu Snow Bear – Kar Ayısı Snow Fox – Kar Tilkisi Snow Lark – Kar Kuşu Snow Tower – Karlı Kule Snow Veil Sanctum – Kar Örtü Kutsimekanı Snowback – Şerefsiz Snowberry/Snowberries – Kar Üzümü Snow-Hammer – Kar Balyozu Snowpoint Beacon – Karnoktası Feneri Snow-Shod – Karayak Ailesi Snow-Shod Farm – Karayak Çiftliği Snow-Shod Manor – Karayak Malikanesi Snowy Sabre Cat – Kar Keskindişi Solar – Güneş Solid Dwemer Metal – Sert Dwemer Metali Solitude – Issızkent Solitude Catacombs – Issızkent Yer Altı Mezarları Solitude Lighthouse – Issızkent Deniz Feneri Solitude Military Camp – Issızkent Askeri Kampı Solitude Sawmill – Issızkent Bıçkıevi Solitude Stables – Issızkent Ahırı Soljund’s Sinkhole – Obruk Madeni Solution Of Strength – Kuvvet Çözeltisi Soul Cairn – Kayıp Ruhlar Kurganı Soul Gem – Ruh Cevheri Soul Siphon – Ruh Çekimi Soul Tear – Ruh Koparma Soul Trap – Ruh Kapanı Soul-Snare – Ruh Kıskacı South Shriekwind Bastion – Güney Feryatbora Burcu South Skybound Watch – Güney Semaatan Geçiti Southfringe Sanctum – Güneyşeridi Mağarası Space Core – Uzay Çekirdeği Sparks – Kıvılcım Speechcraft – Hitabet Hüneri Spellcasting Skill – Büyü Kullanma Becerisi Spiced Beef – Baharatlı Sığır Eti Spiced Wine – Kokulu Şarap Spider Centurion Research – Örümcek Kumandan Araştırması Spider Egg – Örümcek Yumurtası Spigot – Musluk Spiky Grass – Hasır Otu Spoon – Kaşık Spriggan – Ağaçperisi Spriggan Earth Mother – Toprakana Ağaçperisi Spriggan Matron – Nedime Ağaçperisi Spriggan Sap – Ağaçperisi Özü Spriggans – Ağaçperileri Stablemaster – Seyisbaşı Staff – Asa Staff Of Chaos – Kaos Asası Stalemate – İkilem Stalhrim – Büyülübuz Stallion Potion – Aygır Özsuyu Stamina – Kuvvet Standing Stone – Dikili Taşlar Star – Yıldız Star-Made Knight – Yıldız Şövalye Statue Of Dibella – Dibella Heykeli Statue To Meridia – Meridia Heykeli Steadfast Ward – Sabit Himaye Steal From – Buradan Çal Stealthy – Gizli İş Steamcrag Camp – Dumanlıkaya Kampı Steamscorch Mine – Buharyakan Madeni Steed Stone – Küheylan Taşı Steel – Çelik Steel Arrow – Çelik Ok Steel Battleaxe – Çelik Cenkbaltası Steel Battleaxe Of Fiery Souls – Çelik Kızgın Ruhlar Cenkbaltası Steel Dagger – Çelik Hançer Steel Greatsword – Büyük Çelik Kılıç Steel Ingot – Çelik Külçe Steel Mace – Demir Gürz Steel Plate – Çelik Levha Steel Smithing – Çelik Demirciliği Steel Sword – Çelik Kılıç Steel War Axe – Çelik Savaş Baltası Steel Warhammer – Çelik Savaşbalyozu Steepfall Burrow – Keskinkaya İni Stendarr’s Beacon – Stendarr Feneri Stendarr’s Mercy – Stendarr’ın Merhameti Steward – Kahya Stillborn Cave – Ölüdoğan Mağarası Stirring Spoon – Karıştırma Kaşığı Stone Rubbing – Taş Kabartma Stone Tablet – Taş Tablet Stonearm – Taşkollu Stoneflesh – Taşvücut Stonehill Bluff – Taştepe Kampı Stonehills – Taştepe Stones Of Barenziah – Barenziah’ın Taşı Stone-Singer – Taşozanı Stony Creek Cave – Taşlı Dere Mağarası Stores – Dükkanlar Storm Atronach – Fırtına İfriti Storm Call – Fırtına Çağrısı Storm Mage – Fırtına Büyücüsü Storm Thrall – Fırtına Esiri Stormblade – Fırtınakılıç Stormcloak – Fırtınapelerin Stormcloak Camps – Fırtınapelerin Kampları Stormcloak Documents – Fırtınapelerin Belgeleri Stormcloak Rebels – Fırtınapelerin Asileri Stormcloaks – Fırtınapelerinler Strange Amulet – Garip Madalyon Straw – Saman Strongbox – Kilitli Kutu Stronghold – Kale Stros M’Kai Rum – Stros Romu Studded – İşlemeli Stumbling Sabrecat – Tökezleyen Keskindiş Summerset Isle – Yaztutan Adası Summerset Shadows – Yaztutan Gölgeleri Summerset Shadows Armor – Yaztutan Gölgeleri Zırhı Summerset Shadows Boots – Yaztutan Gölgeleri Çizmeleri Summerset Shadows Gloves – Yaztutan Gölgeleri Eldivenleri Summon Arniel’s Shade – Arniel’in Tayfını Çağır Summon Durnehviir – Durnehviir Çağrısı Summon Spectral Assassin – Hayali Suikastçı Çağır Summon Unbound Dremora – Serbest Dremora Çağır Summoned With Words. Bound By Blood. – Söz İle Çağrılır. Kan İle Bağlanır. Summoning Chambers – Ruh Çağırma Odaları Summoning Techniques – Ruh Çağırma Teknikleri Summurset – Yaztutan Sun’s Dawn – Şubat Ayı Sun’s Dusk – Kasım Ayı Sun’s Height – Temmuz Ayı Sunder – Uzuvkoparan Sundered Towers – Ayrık Kuleler Sunderstone Gorge – Ayrıktaş Oluğu Supple Ancient Nord Bow – Çevik Kadim Kuzeyli Yayı Surefoot – Sağlamayak Surilie Brothers – Surilie Kardeşler Swamp Fungal Pod – Bataklık Tomurcuğu Sweep – Arakçılık Sweep Job – Arakçılık Görevi Sweet Roll – Hamur Tatlısı Swindler’s Den – Üçkağıtçı Mağarası Sword – Kılıç Sybil – Sibil Sybil Of Dibella – Dibella’nın Sibili Sylgja’s Satchel – Sylgja’nın Çantası Synod – Büyücüler Meclisi Tablet Of Absolute Darkness – Mutlak Karanlık Tableti Tale Of The Tongues – Haykırıcıların Efsanesi Talisman – Tılsım Talking Stone Camp – Konuşan Kaya Kampı Tankard – İçki Bardağı Tannery Rack – Deri Tezgahı Taproot – Burgukök Teaching – Öğreti Telekinesis – Telekinezi Tempered – Tavlanmış Temple – Tapınak Temple Bulletin – Tapınak Bildirileri Temple Of Dibella – Dibella Tapınağı Temple Of Divines – İlahlar Tapınağı Temple Of Kynareth – Kynareth Tapınağı Temple Of Mara – Mara Tapınağı Temple Of Talos – Talos Tapınağı Temple Of The Divines – İlahlar Tapınağı Temple Of The One – Tek Tanrı Tapınağı Temples – Tapınaklar Thalmor Embassy – Thalmor Elçiliği Thalmor Headquarters – Talmor Karargahı Thalmor Justiciar – Thalmor Yargıcı Thane – Soylu Thaumaturgist’s Hut – Sihirbazın Kulübesi Thieves Guild – Hırsızlar Loncası Thieves Guild Armor – Hırsızlar Loncası Zırhı Thieves Guild Boots – Hırsızlar Loncası Çizmeleri Thieves Guild Gloves – Hırsızlar Loncası Eldivenleri Thieves Guild Hood – Hırsızlar Loncası Başlığı Third Emissary – Elçi Yardımcısı. Thirstle – Deve Dikeni Thistle Branch – Deve Dikeni Thorald Gray-Mane – Thorald Kıryele Thrall – Esir Thrice-Blessed – Üç Kez Kutsanmış Throat Of The World – Arz’ın Soluğu Thunderbolt – Şimşek Time-Wound – Zaman Yarığı Tolfdir’s Alembic – Tolfdir’in Damıtma Düzeneği Tolvald’s Cave – Tolvald’ın Mağarası Tomato – Domates Tomato Soup – Domates Çorbası Tomb – Kabir Tomb Of Ysgramor – Ysgramor’un Kabri Tonal Architect – Ses Mimarı Tongs – Maşa Tongue – Haykırıcı Tongues – Haykırıcılar Torc Of Labyrinthian – Labirent Torku Torch – Meşale Torchbug – Ateşböceği Torchbug İn A Jar – Kavanozda Ateşböceği Torchbug Thorax – Ağaçböceği Gövdesi Torpor – Uyuşturucu Torsten’s Skull Key – Torsten’in Kurukafa Anahtarı Torture Tools – İşkence Aletleri Torturer’s Hood – İşkenceci Başlığı Torygg’s War Horn – Torygg’nin Savaş Borazanı Tower Of Mzark – Mzark Kulesi Tower Of The Dawn – Şafak Kulesi Tower Stone – Kule Taşı Towers – Kuleler Traitor’s Post – Hain Makamı Transmute Mineral Ore – Maden Cevheri Dönüştür Traveler – Gezgin Traveling Dignitary – Gezgin Yüksek Memur Treasury House – Hazine Dairesi Treoy’s Ornamental Ring – Treoy’un Süs Yüzüğü Treva River – Treva Nehri Treva’s Watch – Treva Kalesi Tribe – Kabile Tribunal Temple Of Morrowind – Rüzgartepe’nin Tribunal Tapınağı Tribune – Tribün Tribute – Vergi Troll – Trol Troll Fat – Trol Yağı Tsun’s Battle Axe – Tsun’ın Savaş Baltası Tumble Arch Pass – Kırık Yay Geçiti Tumblerbane Gloves – Cambaz Eldivenleri Tundra Cotton – Tundra Pamuğu Turn Greater Undead – Güçlü Hortlak Defet Turn Lesser Undead – Zayıf Hortlak Defet Turn Undead – Hortlak Defet Turnip – Turp Tusk – Diş Twilight – Alacakaranlık Twilight Sepulcher – Alacakaranlık Kabri Twin Moons – İkiz Aylar Two-Handed – Çift-Elli Ulfberth War-Bear – Ulfberth Savaş-Ayısı Ulfric Stormcloak – Ulfric Fırtınapelerin Ulfric’s Gag – Ulfric’in Tacı Umaril The Unfeathered – Tüysüz Umaril Unblooded – Kansız Uncommon Taste – Alışılmamış Lezzet Undead – Hortlak Underforge – Yeraltıocağı Understone Keep – Taş Saray Unholy Matron – Melun Nedime Unknowable – Bilinmeyen Unliving – Ruhsuz Unmelting Snow – Erimeyen Kar Unminded – Gamsız Unrelenting Force – Amansız Güç Unusual Gem – Olağandışı Cevher Uriel Septim VII – 7.Uriel Septim Uttering Hills Camp – Uğultulu Tepe Kampı Uttering Hills Cave – Uğultulu Tepe Mağarası Vaermina’s Torpor – Vaermina’nın Uyuşturucusu Valdr’s Lucky Dagger – Valdr’ın Şansı Hançeri Valenwood – Yeşilyurt Valtheim Keep – Yüksekburç Kalesi Valtheim Towers – Yüksekburç Kulesi Valynaz – Ölümcül Vampire – Vampir Vampire Dust – Vampir Tozu Vampire Fledgling – Toy Vampir Vampire Mistwalker – Sisrevan Vampir Vampire Nightstalker – Gece Yırtıcı Vampir Vampire’s Seduction – Vampir Cazibesi Vampire’s Servant – Vampir’in Kölesi Vampire’s Sight – Vampir Görüşü Vampire’s Thrall – Vampir Esiri Vampiric Drain – Vampir Ziyafeti Vanquishment – Hezimet Vegetable Soup – Sebze Çorbası Velothi Mountains – Yalvaç Dağları Velvet Lechance – Kadife Lechance Velvet Lechance Wine – Kadife Lechance Şarabı Venison – Geyik Eti Venison Chop – Geyik Pirzola Venison Stew – Geyik Eti Güveci Venomfang Skeever – Zehirli Sıçan Verner’s Satchel – Verner’in Çantası Vigil Of Stendarr – Stendar’ın Gece Gözcüsü Vigil/Vigilant – Gece Gözcüsü Vignar The Revered – Saygıdeğer Vignar Vilemyr Inn – Nehirönü Hanı Vilkas’s Sword – Vilkas’ın Kılıcı Viola’s Gold Ring – Viola’nın Altın Yüzüğü Vipir The Fleet – Tez Vipir Vision – Öngörü / Görüş Vision Of The Tenth Eye – Onuncu Göz Vittoria’s Wedding Band – Vittoria’nın Evlilik Yüzüğü Vivec City – Vivec Şehri Vlindrel Hall – Vlindrel Malikanesi Voice – Seda Voice Of The Emperor – İmparator Sedası Voice Of Wisdom – Bilgeliğin Sesi Void – Kara Boşluk Void Salts – Kara Tuz Volendrung – Kudretbalyozu Volkihar Courtyard – Volkihar Avlusu Volkihar Keep – Volkihar Kalesi Volkihar Ruins – Volkihar Harabeleri Volkihar Undercroft – Volkihar Yer Altı Kemeri Volkihar Vampire – Volkihar Vampiri Volkihar Vampire Clan – Volkihar Vampir Klanı Yisra’s Necklace – Yisra’nın Kolyesi Yngol Barrow – Yngol Höyüğü Yorgrim Overlook – Yorgim Yamacı You’re All Heart. – Çok Nazik Ve Cömertsiniz. You’re İt! – Ebe! Ysgramor’s Soup Spoon – Ysgramor’un Çorba Kaşığı Ysgramor’s Tomb – Ysgramor’un Kabri Wabbajack – Çılgındeğnek Wall Of Flames – Alev Duvarı Wall Of Frost – Buz Duvarı Wall Of Storms – Fırtına Duvarı War Axe – Savaş Baltası War College – Savaş Koleji War Maiden – Nedime War Of Succession – Veraset Savaşı War Quarters – Savaş Meskeni Warchief – Savaş Reisi Ward – Himaye Ward Spell – Himaye Büyüsü Wardstone – Himaye Taşı Warehouse – Ambar Warhammer – Balyoz Warmaiden’s – Savaşnedimesi Warmth Of Mara – Mara’nın Şefkati Warped Soul Gem – Çarpık Ruh Cevheri Warrens – Bakımevi Wars Of Succession – Veraset Savaşları Watcher Of The Wheel – Çarkın Gözcüsü Watchtowers – Gözetleme Kuleleri Waterbreathing – Suda Soluma Way Of The Voice – Seda Sanatı Wayward Pass – Nazlı Geçit Weapon Racks – Silah Askısı Wedding Ring – Evlilik Yüzüğü Welknyd – Welkynd Wells District – Kaynak Mahallesi Werebear – Ayıadam Werevulture – Akbabaadam Werewolf – Kurtadam Werewolf Totem – Kurtadam Totemi West Weald Of Cyrodiil – Cyrodiil’in Batı Ormanları Western Watchtower – Batı Gözetleme Kulesi Weynon Priory – Weynon Manastırı Weynon Stones – Weynon Taşları Whaleborn Bridge – İskelet Köprü Whirlwind Sprint – Kasırga Koşusu Whispering Fang – Fısıldayan Diş Whispering Spirit – Fısıldayan Ruh Whistling Mine – Tizses Madeni White Cap – Ak Şapkalı Mantar White Hall – Beyaz Köşk White Phial – Ak Sırça White River – Ak Nehir White River Watch – Ak Nehir Mağarası White-Gold – Ak Altın White-Gold Concordat – Ak Altın Antlaşması White-Gold Tower – Ak Altın Kulesi White-Gold Tower Wine – Ak Altın Kule Şarabı Whiterun – Akçay Whiterun Catacombs – Akçay Yer Altı Mezarları Whiterun Hold – Akçay Mevki Whiterun Imperial Camp – Akçay İmparatorluk Kampı Whiterun Military Camp – Akçay Askeri Kampı Whiterun Stables – Akçay Ahırı Whiterun Stormcloak Camp – Akçay Fırtınapelerin Kampı Whitewatch Tower – Akmuhafız Kulesi Widow’s Watch Ruins – Dul Gözcü Harabeleri Wild Goat – Vahşi Keçi Wild Hunt – Yaban Avı Wind District – Rüzgar Alan Windhelm – Miğferyeli Windhelm Barracks – Miğferyeli Kışlası Windhelm Military Camp – Miğferyeli Askeri Kampı Windhelm Stables – Miğferyeli Ahırı Windpeak Inn – Yeltepe Hanı Windshear – Rüzgarbiçen Windstad Manor – Yelkonak Malikanesi Windward Ruins – Rüzgarkalkan Harabeleri Wine – Şarap Winking Skeever – Gözkırpan Sıçan Winterhold – Kışhisar Winterhold Imperial Camp – Kışhisar İmparatorluk Kampı Winterhold Stormcloak Camp – Kışhisar Fırtınapelerin Kampı Wintersand – Kışkumu Wisp – Ilgım Wisp Core – Ilgım Çekirdeği Wisp Essence – Ilgım Özü Wisp Wrappings – Ilgım Sargısı Wispmother – Ilgım Anası Witbane – Aklaziyan Witch – Cadı Witchmist Grove – Cadısisi Koruluğu Wolfskull Cave – Kurtkafası Mağarası Wood Elf – Orman Elfi Wood Mills – Kereste Değirmenleri Woodcutter’s Axe – Ormancı Baltası Woodenhearth – Odun Ocağı Woodsman’s Friend – Ormancı’nın Dostu Word Of Power – Kudret Sözcüğü Word Wall – Kitabe Duvarı Words – Sözcükler Workbench – Çalışma Tezgahı World-Devourer – Cihanyutan World-Eater – Cihanyiyen Worship – Mürit Wounded Frostbite Spider – Yaralı Ayaz Örümceği Wreck Of The Brinehammer – Denizbalyozu Enkazı Wreck Of The Icerunner – Buzkoşan Enkazı Wreck Of The Pride Of Tel Vos – Onurlu Telvani Enkazı Wreck Of The Winter War – Soğuk Savaş Enkazı Writ Of Passage – Giriş Fermanı Writ Of Sealing – Taahhüt Fermanı Wylandriah’s Soul Gem – Wylandriah’ın Ruh Cevheri Wylandriah’s Spoon – Wylandriah’ın Kaşığı Wyrm – Ejder Soyu
Kaynak: https://www.teknotipi.com/skyrim-turkce-terimler-sozlugu.html
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screamingatthevoid · 7 years
Ravens and Wolves, Part II
The long-awaited (at the very least, long-promised-and-not-delivered) Ravens and Wolves, Part II Electric Boogaloo is finished. Part III coming eventually, probably.
Leman Russ is haunted by the past, and the Space Wolves face an uncertain future.
[Part I: Nevermore on Tumblr] [Ravens and Wolves on AO3] [My Works on AO3]
Part II: For the Wolftime
211.M31 Fenris
IN THE SPACE of a moment, the world had been turned upside down. Bjorn, called the Fell-Handed by his kith and kin, was the fulcrum about which it twisted and bent. Unmoving, yet lost. There were two thousand others in the warrior-hall of the Valgard. Did they not sense the nauseating wrongness as he did? Perhaps they were no longer there after all. Perhaps he was alone. Bjorn could not tell. Two words filled all of his being.   Not you.
The primarch ascended through the upper levels of the Valgard, heading inexorably toward the docking platforms at the pinnacle of the Aett. Behind him came the Einherjar, two-score of the greatest warriors of the Rout. A shadow of their former numbers, perhaps, but every one of them was a veteran of the Heresy War.   Though there was a dark mood upon many of them, others laughed and boasted as though this were any other hunt. All knew that it was not. At their head, Grimnir Blackblood walked in silence at the primarch’s side, his features grim and his grip tight about the great maul Malanan. His one eye looked sidelong at his lord, and wondered.
  As Huscarl of the Einherjar, Grimnir had been closest to the primarch when he had entered his fugue. He had watched the primarch’s lips, and recognised the names upon them. Curze. Angron. Curze was long dead, but Angron? Russ had a score to settle there. Grimnir remembered their last battle, and his brow furrowed. It may have been a lesson, but the Wolf King had not let Angron defeat him – never that. Neither will stand, Russ had said. Lesson, or prophecy?   A giant hand slapped Grimnir’s shoulder, pulling him in close. Grimnir flinched at the touch of his primarch, and at the chill of the armour Elavagar.   “What’s on your mind, one-eye?”   “You had the look of a man experiencing a vision.” He didn’t ask what it was – such things were better left to the gothi – but perhaps Russ might reveal something of what it meant.   “Aye, it is so.” Russ chuckled, shaking his head. “All that time spent reading the runes to no avail, and a damned vision comes upon me when I’m just trying to have a drink. The wyrd is a real bastard sometimes.”   Had the wyrd finally answered the Wolf King’s question, then? “Where are we going, Jarl?”   Russ hesitated. “To find my brother.”   “Which one?”   There was a distant look in the primarch’s eye as he looked ahead, as if checking to see if a landmark he expected to lay on his path had come into sight. “I don’t know.”   Grimnir scowled. If a primarch needed to be found, there was only one place for the hunt to begin. It brought the cryptic last words of Kva Who-Is-Divided to Grimnir’s mind, the old gothi beckoning him close, dark eyes like drops of blood frozen in amber wide with revelation. The Eye is in the Well, and the Well is in the Eye.
The Fell-Handed stood alone, seemingly rooted in place on the edge of the dais where the great table stood. Bjorn was called many things – the Fell-Handed, the Bear, Daemonslayer, Wyrd-Marked, Youngest, Jarl of Onn, Shield-Bearer – but of all of them Einherjar seemed a bitter irony for the last of Russ’ guard. It was usually rendered blood sworn in Low Gothic, but lone warrior was just as accurate. The rest of the Rout let him be, treating his manner as if it were merely his usual brooding. Could they truly be so blind? Wild speculation as to the fearsome beasts the primarch would slay and the mighty trophies with which he would return from his hunt echoed in the hall of carven stone. They drank and ate, boasted and brawled as though nothing had changed. Perhaps they did not yet comprehend that it had.   “Who pissed in your mjod, Winterclaw?”   The bass rumble at his shoulder intruded on Thrain Winterclaw’s thoughts. He turned to see Haldor Twinfeng grinning at him from behind his greying beard. The jarl of Tra – once Bjorn’s own Great Company – wore a gilt-edged suit of power armour in the blue-grey that was slowly replacing the old legion colours, heraldry of the sabretooth snarling on his shoulder. His namesake, a pair of curved fangs each as long and sharp as seax blades, hung from his gorget alongside those of a dozen xeno-beasts slain in the centuries since.   “Hjà, Jarl,” Thrain replied half-heartedly. He had no retort to offer.   “Skitja, your mood is black!” Haldor pressed on, throwing an arm around Thrain as if it would impart a measure of his levity. With his other hand he rapped his knuckles against the newly blackened ceramite of Thrain’s breastplate. “Have you taken the priesthood’s colours not just on your armour, but to heart?”   “I’m not the only one.” Thrain gestured to Bjorn.   “And what of it? Bjorn’s been a miserable bastard for years, no reason you should join him.”   Thrain hesitated, wondering if he should continue. The first jarl only to have known the chapter, never the legion, Twinfeng shared perhaps the closest bond with the primarch outside the Einherjar.   “It’s not like you to keep a leash on your tongue.”   “What becomes of us now? We are not like the other chapters. It was only the will of Russ that kept us together. Yet we cannot fracture, the Wolf Brothers taught us that.”   “You speak as if the Wolf King died.” There was an edge of threat creeping into the Jarl’s voice now.   “How many of the others returned?” Thrain snapped. One by one, the primarchs had fallen or disappeared. With Russ’ departure, only Dorn would remain – the Emperor’s Praetorian to the last. “For all we are likely to see of him he is as alive as Guilliman.”   “Guilliman? Do not speak to me of Guilliman,” Haldor spat, corrosive saliva hissing as it ate into the flagstones. He had been at Thessala the day Roboute Guilliman had been laid low. He had been the one who brought home the saga of the primarch in his living tomb. He shuddered at the indignity, and the memory of the Wolf King’s fury. Russ had raged for days – threatening to march into the Temple of Correction and tear his brother’s stasis-coffin down. “Propped up like a trophy on Macragge.” It was no way for a warrior to end.   “Because they could not let him go.”   Haldor bared his fangs with a growl that warned he had at last been pushed too far. “The Wolf King will return.” He spoke with conviction beyond faith. He didn’t just believe it, he would defy reality itself to make it true if he had to. After all the madness the galaxy had seen, it might even work.   “I recognise my failing, and will be sure to correct it,” Thrain muttered, though his thoughts remained defiant. The Rout would not be held together by an empty throne and an absent king.
The Lord of Winter and War seemed to bend the very elements around him. The fur of his great wolf pelt stirred in disrupted air currents, bristling with impatience just as she had in life. Carven bone totems and ingots of raw metal rattled against the plates of Elavagar, cacophonous in the stillness at the top of the world. Beneath his feet, hoarfrost covered the exposed mountain peak.   For the most part the mountain concealed the vast bastion that lay beneath the surface, but the upper kilometres of the Valgard were marred by spires and docking piers enough for several star forts. Atop the highest of the sky-bridges that wove between the mountain and its towers, the Einherjar grew restless as the minutes passed and Russ remained unmoving as the mountain beneath his feet. A stormbird idled on the landing platform at the other end, the sound of the engines swallowed by the thinness of an atmosphere that tested the limits of the space marines’ genhanced physiology. None reached for their helms. They were the Wolf King’s own honour guard, and they would not show weakness in the presence of their liege while he stood alone and unhelmed at the very pinnacle of Fenris.   From his vantage point, Russ looked out over the jagged peaks of the volda hamarrki that rose from the storm clouds of Asaheim like the scattered islands of the worldsea. None came close to rivalling the Fang, but even the Father of Mountains did not quite live up to the legend that the World Spine pierced the void itself. Not by the Imperial reckoning, at least. The Imperium took things too literally, as ever, but Fenrisians understood the paradox. The mountains were the pillars that held up the sky-dome, and that limit defined the boundary between Fenris and ginnungagap, the space between stars.   The stars are bright, he thought. They are calling you.   Russ put the thought from his mind, for it was not his own, even as he paid no heed to the figure who was, and was not, standing beside him. The crippled king in battle-scarred bronze equalled his stature, even hunched against a broken spine, empty hands forever twitching, grasping for the bladed staff that had fallen from them centuries ago and light years away. Russ learned long ago to ignore the spectre that had haunted him since their duel on Prospero. It was easier to face the monster that his brother had become than to look into the blood-filled eye of Magnus as he had been on that day. That it had begun stepping into the waking world did not change that.   The wheel of life and death had turned again. The last links to the old age, when he had walked the ice with the first Einherjar, were gone, and even the age that followed – that he had once believed would last forever – was a fading memory. The Allfather no longer had need of an executioner.   Still you linger.   “Does he wait for some sign?”   “Perhaps he is having another vision.”   Russ made no move, ignoring the unrest of his Einherjar and the silent whispers of the brother he murdered. He would move when the thread of the wyrd pulled him, and not before. He closed his eyes, frigid air threatening to freeze his nose, throat, and lungs as he pulled in a slow, deep breath.   The death world had shaped him, and he had recast the Sixth Legion in his own image. It had been so natural, for all the primarchs, he had never stopped to consider whether it was wise. Now the wars they were made for were over. Where other legions had adapted to the new way, Fenris would not let the Rout change. Her ice was in their veins, her claws lodged deep in their hearts. Their fates were intertwined now. Perhaps they always had been.   But his was not.   An impossible distance away, a raven cawed. The smell of blood and brimstone filled Russ’ nostrils. His ears pricked up at the sound of the second, strangled cry. The third was a rasping death rattle. Eyes snapped open, focused with a predatory intent.   The Wolf King threw back his head, and howled.
Infinities away, within turning wheels of thought and memory, the single eye of Magnus the Red was fixed on the world of ice. If his daemonic form had possessed a face, it would have been smiling.
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