#billy wintergreen
ev-arrested · 4 months
Pet Names
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
Please talk more about B & D’s “unable to be defined/labeled dynamic/relationship as it encompasses many labels yet at the same time cannot be fitted to just one label” dynamic 🙏
I'd be delighted to!!
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In the previous post I had included a panel where Bruce is referred to Dick as his "surrogate father, mentor, friend, and partner." These words could not be more different from each other and while they should not be used in conjunction with each other, they have never suited these two people more. In fact I don't there is any character pairing in any fandom that has the same dynamic that these two have. Dick and Bruce's relationship has a complicated depth to it that Bruce and the rest of his children don't have.
I think the most confusing thing is when Bruce constantly confuses Dick being a son and a partner.
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First thing I want to start off with is that Dick and Bruce used to sleep in beds so close together it looks like one bed. In the 1950's this arrangement was known as the "twin beds" which were typically used for married couples. Children slept in a separate bedroom which begs the question why Dick and Bruce had a sleeping arrangement similar to that of marriage partners. This is the first weird thing about their relationship.
Not to mention, the romantic boat rides they used to take together. But was this normal then between father and son or is it just a romantic thing now, I don't know. As well as when they decided bronzing themselves naked next to each other. Not really sure what was going on there, if it was acceptable during that time or what but I do know that the reason that creators decided to send Dick to college in 1970 was because they wanted to beat the gay batman and robin allegations. It's weird as hell that they even came up with these ideas. Also the robin crossdressing. For justice, am I right?!
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I feel these instances are important because it breaks any barriers they have between them. They're so (platonically for me) intimate that there's nothing but each other in their souls. One of the key reasons that their relationship is vague and intense and encompassing.
Dick is also considered Bruce's partner intellectually.
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Instead of Dick listening to Bruce and following behind, as it's often shown in robin comics, they talk on equal terms. There's other moments of this shown too:
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I think this is the reason why Bruce considers Dick a partner. He's not only exceedingly intelligent, but he even at a young age he's able to keep up with Bruce's thought process as an equal when even the justice league and other major adult heroes fail to do. Bruce's inventions are Dick's inventions because they played an equal role in creating them. This is why he's called the Prodigal Son.
Now onto him being a best friend and a son mix.
We know the classic example of Dick expecting to be Bruce's best man and Bruce thinking the same. But there are other moments that indicate that too.
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But it isn't one sided because Dick also sees Bruce as his best friend:
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Dick punching Bruce in the throat and single handedly carrying him like a sack of potatoes is just funny as hell.
Also including the fact that Dick and Bruce embody sleepover, besties behavior:
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Having your child act as your bestfriend is terrible for your child's mental health.
I'm speaking from personal experience but when your parent trauma dumps their life onto you at a young age, you mature emotionally much faster than you're supposed. You start becoming aware of people's thoughts and emotions at a deeper level and you start attuning yourself to others. In layman's terms: you change yourself to be able to meet your parent's high expectations and act as an emotional sponge for their anger, sorrow, disappointment, and frustration about their own life.
I'm not hesitant to admit that Dick's manipulation tactics most likely stem from this behavior. He knows what he wants and he will do anything to get it. This doesn't mean he's a bad person though. In fact I give him the highest level of respect of any character because all his intentions are good. He doesn't cheat, lie, or trick people into killing themself or harming others or bringing them down. He does it to make their lives better which is-I'm sorry, I don't have the proper words to express the multitudes of emotion I'm feeling for that.
(I nearly went into a massive monologue about how other people view his manipulation but that's for another post. )
This is also where things get complicated, and why we know Bruce and Dick as the way they are.
Dick has become so emotionally and mentally adept that he's able to pick up on others' thoughts and attitudes (Bruce specifically) before they even realize them. This is why Bruce is so dependent on Dick for everything. In one comic Garth says "Dick's a good listener."
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I'm going to deviate for a minute here and include a panel that shows how this personality trait affects Dick's other roles:
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Speaking more about Bruce's impact on Dick, there's this:
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Aside from the huge ass painting on the wall of just the two of them-the panel is another perfect example of the complicated depth to them. They see each other as equals and when something interferes with that perception, then they start having problems. It haunts Bruce that the 8yr old he took in is equally matched to him in skill and ability but he also recognizes that Dick is too young to be able to do so. He should not have to experience the pain and responsibility of an adult but Bruce can't just get rid of him because Dick is the only one capable of keeping up with him. His heart also breaks when Dick is away (he starts crying in a panel multiple panels as Dick is leaving). For Dick he's already far used to the roles and responsibilities that he doesn't consider his age a factor as to why Bruce refuses to let him do the same things. This is a source of miscommunication between them. Bruce knows Dick can succeed at anything given to him but feels he shouldn't have to deal with those things. And Dick doesn't understand the hesitance when he's proven to have accomplished those tasks and greater before.
To expand, Dick's relationship with Bruce reminds me of Slade's relationship with Billy Wintergreen when Deathstroke tells him "You've been with me through everything...but now I have to say goodbye when you're unconscious or else I can't do it." Or something along those lines, the vibes are the same.
Oh yes, and this scene too:
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Which mimics a lot of the confusion other characters have over Dick and Bruce's relationship.
But the difference between Slade and Billy vs Dick and Bruce is that Dick and Bruce's relationship is blurred on ALL fronts. There's not a single moment where Bruce has viewed Dick strictly as a son.
This leads me into the mentor aspect.
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Note: while Dick knows Bruce the best, Bruce also knows Dick the best of all his children. There's a certainty to the way he speaks about Dick's abilities that he lacks when discussing his other sons'. That doesn't mean he doesn't know what they can do-he well aware and knowledgeable-it just means that his relationship with and understanding of Dick far exceeds what he has with the others.
Holy crap there's so much I'm bouncing all over the place-let me go back for second to partners.
Everyone knows this iconic scene whether you're in the fandom or not:
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But few people know what comes next-
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From the dawn of Batman and Robin comics, Batman has been obsessed with controlling Dick. I don't understand why he doesn't use his manipulative tactics on anyone else. There's a comic panel where Dick tells Barbara, "...you and Bruce don't need to manipulate me into doing what you guys want." It was always his way or the highway with him and Bruce reflects on this again in Batman and Robin Eternal. Dick also tells Bruce he's being pig-headed during the 1966 comic version of the Warner Brother's film and when Bruce asks him "Am I really pig-headed?" Alfred goes "hell yeah." Essentially.
(Also going to sneak this in as another example of why Dick wasn't an angry robin to a previous post
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Ofcourse Bruce seems him as a son too:
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Also in the linked previous post there's the panel of Bruce begging the judge not to take away his son from him. "Dick is like my own son!I've even changed my will so that incase of my death, Dick will get my entire fortune! You honor, I...I love that boy! Please don't take him from me!"
We already know many references about Dick being labelled Dick's son so I'll leave this aside for now.
Now here's the main point- the way Bruce and Dick interact with each other has so much history they're unable to explain themselves to others or each other. There's so many complex emotions between the two of them that sometimes even they're confused.
But seriously. What is your obsession with Dick, Bruce?
Lemme explain.
As everyone knows Dick and Clark are best friends. They are so close to the point where Bruce actually sweeps the stuff off his desk in the batcave and says "LET ME JUST GET RID OF ALL OUR TROPHIES. I'LL JUST MAKE ROOM FOR THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN AND ROBIN INSTEAD!"
Oh, yes, what trophies am I talking about? Trophies of their battles together of course!
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Which means the batcave is memorabilia of their time together. You know what that also means? It means that Bruce sulks in the Batcave because in the cave, he can literally surround himself with the time he spent with Dick.
Bruce is so abnormal about Dick. He sees Dick as an all in one. Every single relationship category you can think of, Bruce has bundled it up and put it into Dick. If all their various relationships became a physical string, Bruce would have a leash on Dick that resembles a thick, corded rope. So if you cut one thread of, say, friendship, the rope won't tear become the other threads of partnership, family, and other ambiguous threads would still hold them together.
Bruce has a leash on Dick but something Dick doesn't know and Bruce won't admit is that Dick has a leash on him too.
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He's constantly seeking reassurance of his place with Dick through the only way he knows how-manipulation. While Bruce consistently distances himself from his son, he's doing it on purpose so Dick will come running back to him. I mean-isn't that what he did with Jason? Expelling Dick in fury and fear and not telling Dick about taking in a new robin?
In the comic Dick drops by and tells him "I found out through a newspaper and since I haven't been robin..." to which Bruce responds horrified and guilty. He knows what he's doing. He just doesn't want to get caught as to why.
Others have picked on this obsession he has with Dick too:
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Someone clearly knew the importance of Nightwing to Batman. They knew what his death would do to him. And in response Bruce went out of his way-to a foreign land-just to take revenge on the man who almost took “his boy” away from him. Leaving with a parting promise, an oath, to hunt down the other one and leave him crippled for life too. Did Batman know KG Beast would survive or did he just leave it up to fate?
In the previous panel, apart from KG Beast calling Dick "your boy" to Batman, it's only implied though. So how do we know if Dick really does have that much weight to Bruce? Well not only is it confirmed, it is engraved in stone:
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And when the blast nearly kills Dick, Bruce nearly kills the man who did it. WITH A GUN.
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Also him trying to strangle Lex Luthor to death before Lex chokes out in between stolen gasps that Dick's not actually dead but he will be if Bruce continues.
Did you know that the dead Robin in the Superman vs Batman movie was confirmed to be Dick? Yeah. That says a lot right there.
I'm not going to get into their brother relationship because that involves how Alfred treats Dick as a son rather than a grandson and is opening a whole new mansion of stuff so I'm going to wrap this up here and say the two of them are a LOT.
Bruce and Dick's relationship is impossible to define and that's why they keep ending up fighting. Their relationship doesn't have clear boundaries and since each type of relationship (brotherhood, father/son, partnership, friendship, colleagues, idols&pedestals) has it's own unique problems, and because the two of them alone are all those things, they have all the problems of each of these categories combined. But they also have all the benefits. Inseparably entwined these two.
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damian-navarro-art · 21 days
SLADE: A Deathstroke Fancomic #3
Part I
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Hey guys! Im sorry for not posting anything all these months, this is the first part of what it is the 3rd and last issue I did for my fancomic series SLADE that i made a year ago, the idea was to make an issue for each of Slade’s child but unfortunately i never got to make Rose’s 😣, but at least here is Joey’s, or as most of you know… Jericho, i really hope this could be a nice introduction for the character if this is the first time you are going to read about him, Joey is basically the kind and heroic son of Slade, younger brother of Grant but older than Rose, but who unfortunately pays the direct consequences of his dad’s job , changing his life forever.
I hope you like it and that you could feel something reading it!
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ungodlybliss · 6 months
gay gay lgbt gay boys
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dc-worse-dad-poll · 5 months
Round One, Part Two!
Who’s the worse dad?
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View the brackets here. Reasons for submission below the cut.
Slade Wilson:
truly just everything bad dad??? UM ACTUALLY he HAD to kill his son and he was SO sad about it, so take that. And giving his daughter a radioactive eye that could give her cancer was just business, okay. Wait what do you mean he has a third son? Slade has never heard of [checks hand] grunt. 🤨 do i have to say it. do i have to say it He just sucks so fucking bad. Justice for Rose Wilson.
Billy Wintergreen:
because FUCK HIM that's why
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In honor of Pride Month I think its fair to absolutely lose it over these panels again
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Everytime I get back to these panels its just so overwheming.
Over the entire series we see Slade love and be loved but it doesnt really last does it? All these women even addi but it never lasts it always dies out. They or Slade always leaves. Someone always leaves be it on purpose or not.
Except Wintergreen.
Out of all of them hell even Addi herself sometimes, Wintergreen has dealt with SO much shit from slade directly and or indirectly.
He of all people has more than enough reason to leave, turn around and never come back. He could leave him, rat him out, hell even kill him but he doesnt. Through everything he stays. Even when he has every reason even when it kills him. And thats just not something you see. I mean srsly. Show me another comic from that time period that had a man who at times could be horrible that had a bestfriend someone who stuck through everything for them. Someone who even without labeling it LOVED them. Because be honest with yourself. You dont stick with someone forever, be there for them for everything if you dont care, if you don't love them. And it could be platonic it could be more who cares. Its still insanely obvicous that Slade snd Billy cared so much about each other that even people around them, EVEN PAT WHO WAS ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH SLADE AT THE TIME SAW IT.
Another thing about these 2 pages that will ALWAYS have me losing it is the conversation between pat and slade and the last 3 panels afterwards.
The conversation: Slade asks Pat to tell him about billy. Not only does he ask what kind of man he is the one question that stands out to me is "were we really that close". Then Pat answers that they were so close that it didnt even seem like just friends anymore because of how much they cared for each other. because be honest. It would have to take a lot of love to deal with what they deal with. She even adds that billy cares for him more than a friend and also says not in a fatherly way either. Even mentions if she didn't know any better she would think they were gay.
Panel 1: Slade and Pat sleep together after the entire conversation. The thing is the entire conversation leading up to them sleeping together was not about pat, its not about her and Slade, no its about Slade and WINTERGREEN. Even after everything said and done Slade doesnt talk. Pat just falls alseep after.
Panel 2: still no words are said but with a sleeping pat we see a wide awake slade. Hes obviously thinking but about what. Hes turned toward the right looking ahead deep in thought and this is where the 3rd panel rips my heart into pieces
Panel 3: Wintergreen is also wide awake in bed. Unlike slade though he isnt turned toward the right no he is turned toward the left. Almost as if he and slade are staring at each other. Still while no words are said nothing is written its very obvious this means something. It means alot. An entire conversation. Thinking about their closness. Their relationship. What they mean to each other.
And the most heartbreaking thing here. Is that Slade doesnt remember Wintergreen in this moment. When asked pat could have said something like. Oh. Bestfriend. Father figure. But no. She told the truth. She told as how everyone saw it. Wintergreen was more than just s friend. He loved slade. And however that may be taken HE LOVED SLADE. And Slade loved him.
There are so many more examples i could bring up. So many more times that showed how much there was between these 2. I wish this was something comic writers understood today. To make 2 characters and their relationship so interesting you have to show its good and bad sides. You need to show how they complete each other. How they help and mold each other. Even right here with unwritten words we see so much emotion. We see all the unwritten words. We see such a strong bond that you dont have to guess about anything. Another thing today is that this is before times were more accepting and i do truely wonder if this were to be written today what they could do with it. What would become of them. Because i think we can all agree slade is at his very best when with wintergreen. A common theme. Without wintergreen Slade just cant exist. Deathstroke can but slade needs his friend thats more than just a friend. He needs someone he loves. He needs his compass. And at this point billy doesnt just represent morals. He represents the very thing about slade. Love. Whether that be family friend whatever. How ever you look at it. Slades very thing is his love. For everyone around him. Its what makes him, him. Its what makes and breaks Slade and Deathstroke.
Anyways 3am rant over. Dont like it move on.
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comicheap · 1 year
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Deathstroke (1991) #29 
I bet he thinks he’s so cool
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Deathstroke Inc. #15
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skalidra · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Grant Wilson & Slade Wilson, Joseph Wilson & Slade Wilson Characters: Slade Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Grant Wilson (DCU), William Randolph Wintergreen, Rose Wilson Additional Tags: Past Child Abuse, Family Bonding, Family Issues, What-If, Coming Out, Good Parent Slade Wilson, By his measure of 'good', Homophobia Series: Part 2 of An Extra Shot 'Verse Summary:
"An accident," Slade repeats, flatly.
Joey's lips press together. "Yes."
He doesn't have to have half the senses he does to know that's a lie. Sure, an 'accident.' The kind of accident that involves one person's fist hitting another's face; he knows the kind of bruises punches leave behind.
Someone hit his son.
Grant's still fuming a bit when they get back home, stomps off upstairs to his room with all the physical drama of his age. Billy, sitting in one of the armchairs in the living room, glasses at the end of his nose and a cup of tea in his hand, watches him go with a raised eyebrow. It jacks a little higher when Joey heads off too, head hung low, with nothing but a lackluster wave in greeting.
The eyebrow turns to him.
Slade gives a gentle squeeze to Rose's shoulder as he gives a nod in the direction of the kitchen to Billy. "Dinner in an hour. Go get started on your homework; any questions can wait till after."
"I know, Dad," she says with a roll of her eyes, shrugging out from under his hand. "Didn't change since last night. Or last week. Or last year. Or—"
She heads towards her room, still throwing increasingly absurd measurements of time behind her until she's out of sight.
Billy snorts softly and heads off towards the kitchen. Slade follows.
Read more on Archive of Our Own!
Or read the first story here!
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consistenthero · 2 years
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this man has friends 
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ontheropesss · 2 months
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Deathstroke (2016) #6
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itachi86 · 4 months
billy wintergreen!
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damian-navarro-art · 21 days
SLADE: A Deathstroke Fancomic #3
Part III (end)
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And here it is guys… the last part, this project really meant a lot to me in my life and i really hope one day to be able to tell more stories like these of the Wilson Family, if someone would pay me right now i would be doing Rose’s story in a heartbeat which I have already written, but in any case, thank you for reading these stories and i know they are not the Batfamily but there is really so much potential and interesting stories about Slade with his sons, with his wife, his good old days, his mercenary missions, slices of life in the criminal world, the deep violent action missions… i.. it’s just so much… that i really wish i could tell or help someone to tell them someday. Thank you.
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starlooove · 4 months
Me realizing ppl irl don’t wanna fuck Alfred pennyworth….
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justdippers · 29 days
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Billy tells me he dips Grizzly wintergreen
Reblog JustDippers - new dippers every week!
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