#big brother Touya
deanoloveswaffles · 1 year
Shoto and Touya calling each other son of a bitch but by bitch they mean Enji and they're just bonding over roasting their father
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heyyallitssatan · 3 months
I have made a fic
Theres the ao3 link if you want it, and the fics under the cut
She was always cold these days.
Frozen limbs, a sheen of frost always coating rarely uncovered skin.
It used to hurt, being so cold all the time, but it didn’t anymore. She didn’t feel it anymore, she didn’t feel much of anything anymore. All her emotions, frozen over, a thick layer of ice exacting them, never to be released.
It hadn’t always been like this. Once, she felt things freely, she felt her hands and toes and her lips weren’t permanently purple.
But that was before, before her mother burned her baby brothers face, before she was dragged off to a mental hospital kicking and screaming, before she gave her life to her brothers, before she became the mother hers could never be, before her life became theirs. But most of all, it was before Touya, her other half, her twin, her warmth, died in a blaze that left behind only a too small jaw bone.
Now was different, now was now, and now she was always too cold.
Her toes were the first to go, probably, but her fingers were the first she noticed.
It had been a year since Touya’s death, she was pouring her father tea when she dropped the pot and broke the cup. Her hands were numb, they always were since that night, and she couldn’t keep a hold of it. She was scolded, and disciplined, for her mistake. She spent hours relearning ho to hold a tea pot so that it didn’t matter if she could feel it or not.
It was almost a full year later when she realised it was her hands and feet she couldn’t feel anymore, she could move them, feel the movement, but she couldn’t feel touch, or warmth, or anything but that numbing cold climbing up her arms and legs.
She stopped using her quirk to do things after that, vowed against it, but it didn’t help. Frost slipped from her numb fingers to crystallise on her glass, her socks froze to the tatami mats of their home, and she didn’t notice.
She learned to watch her hands, and her feet, wherever she went, making sure she kept a fight hold of her quirk.
Her breath was next. She didn’t notice until Natsuo mentioned that her breath was clouding by her mouth, just too cold for the air. She checked, and realised her lips had turned purple at some point, nothing extreme, just a tint to her lips that wasn’t quite natural. She realised her skin had taken on an unnatural blush. She was sixteen when she started wearing make up.
She was twenty now, and the numbing cold had climbed up her arms and legs. Everything below mid thigh and shoulder was numb now. She had taken to always wearing thick covering clothes. She wore thick pants and long skirts no matter the weather. Sweaters and long sleeve blouses in the middle of summer. She had always been cold natured, no one noticed.
No one noticed, until she started wearing gloves. They were nice, expensive, and specially made to keep out the cold. If they could keep it out, they could keep it in. People noticed, gloves were too weird, but she was always cold, maybe it was okay.
She couldn’t keep her hands from frosting over anymore, and they always looked a bit blue, she thought that was more worrisome than gloves.
She was right.
She had taken to the hottest showers she could get, and when that wasn’t enough to warm her limbs, she went further. She had the body for a fire quirk, the heat couldn’t hurt her. She started boiling water in the middle of the night, when everyone else was long since asleep, it wasn’t like she could join them anymore. She was always careful to take the kettle of the stove before it could squeal, she cared infinitely more that her brothers got enough sleep than if she got warm. She’d finally take her gloves off, and pour the water over her hands in the sink, fill a small tub to set her feet in, all the while rising steam warmed her lungs.
It was as close as she could get to being warm again. It was as close as she could get to Touya again. Though, she supposed his body was just as cold as hers now. Those were dark thoughts, thoughts she only gave voice to on late nights like these, when no one was around to see the tears freeze to her waterline.
She was always cold, always numb, but she could still feel some things. Love for her brothers, all of them, was the first thing on that list, and sometimes the only thing.
Tonight was one of those times, when she was watching her Father and her baby brother fighting Touya. That was Touya, he was alive. He was alive.
That was all she could think about, he was alive. She lost control of the frost, it was covering the floor her feet were on, the couch she was sat on, little bits of it had started creeping up Natsuo.
She didn’t notice until he yelled at the cold. What did he know about the cold?
For the first time in a long time, her ice cracked.
She couldn’t bring herself to care that he was a villain, she couldn’t care about all the people he’d killed in the process, she couldn’t even herself to care that he’d attacked their Father.
She cared that he’d attacked Shoto of course, but that could be addressed later, after she’d seen him in person, confirmed it was really him, that he was really alive.
She never let herself consider it before, not even in the dead of night when no one was around to see the tears that never fell, it was the only thought she could never let herself give a voice to.
But it was true, he was here, he was alive.
He was gone again.
He left after the stunt, as quickly as he came. But she knew he was alive now, she found him once, she could find him again.
She hated her Father most of the time, deep down under cracking ice that let thoughts like that seep through now, but she couldn’t argue that his connections were helpful, and so was his money. She could afford to pay them to help her, and then to pay them again to keep silent. She couldn’t tell anyone what she was doing, Father would be so angry, and so would Natsuo. She didn’t know how Shoto and Rei would react, but she couldn’t risk that they’d tell the others, she had to do this alone. But what else was new.
She found him easy enough, about two weeks later. It was easy enough she didn’t think he was really hiding anymore. If he didn’t want to be found he wouldn’t have, he proved that many many years ago.
She sent him a message, through a hired hand, telling him to meet her at a nearby cafe, one considered neutral ground, where heroes and villains and vigilantes could meet without worrying about sides and fights. It was safe for them.
He met her there, he expected she’d been the one to send the message, the only one who would’ve wanted to meet him, the only one brave enough, even if she never saw herself that way.
He saw her, sitting at a little two person table with a coffee in hand. She drank too much coffee when they were younger, after Rei was taken, and he can’t imagine she dropped the habit, and if the shaking of her hands is any indication, it’s only gotten worse.
He sat down next to her, and she stared at him for a minute, not saying a word, but she didn’t smile at him, not a rare real smile that she showed only in the safest most vulnerable moments, not even the fake smile she used to placate Enji and calm Natsuo and Shoto. They never noticed, never noticed that that smile didn’t make her eyes twinkle quite the same, didn’t make her nose scrunch up just a bit. It fooled everyone else, but he had been there since she was born, he grew up with that smile, and he knew the difference.
Now she only watched him, and him her. She pushed a coffee toward him, and he broke his gaze just long enough to take a sip. He judged her coffee habit, but he wasn’t much better, at least when they younger, and she knew his order by heart.
That wasn’t his order, at least not his old one, rather it was closer to his order now. A White Russian, and it looked like she was sipping on the same.
“Since when do you drink?”
“Since Shoto and Natsu left and it’s just me and dad in the house.”
He huffed a humourless laugh, and so did she. Frosty breath fogged in front of her as she did, and that’s when he took note of the thick sweater, and winter pants, and gloves, all in the middle of August.
He was always hot, and honestly he was itching to get out of the meagre layers he was in now. He didn’t know why she was wearing so many thick layers, sure she was always cold, but he was pretty sure she was never ‘parka in summer’ cold. When he said as much she just huffed another laugh and shrugged.
He grabbed her hand, and she flinched, and that almost hurt, but it wasn’t the flinch of a civilian who just got grabbed by an S rank villain, it was the flinch of an abused little girl that hadn’t expected anyone to touch her. Scratch that, it hurt worse.
He wasn’t a family man, he hated Rei for abandoning them, He hated Enji for obvious reasons, he didn’t quite hate Shoto, but he was certainly angsty that he replaced him, and at best he felt indifference towards Natsuo. For some reason, he could never find it in himself to hate Fuyumi. Even at the lowest, when he hated the entire world, he couldn’t hate her. He could only remember how she patched his wounds, cooled his burns, loved him through everything, despite everything. He didn’t have room in his charred heart to live anymore, but she was spilling over with it, love for her brothers, her students, anyone who walked through their home. She even found it in herself to love some part of their parents, a part long gone, but she remembers it, loves it.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever be that strong, that brave. He left, he was a coward. But she stayed, protected her brothers, took care of them, carried the burdens of her family all alone.
He was built for the cool calm of the ice, but he got fire.
She watched him closely, her brother, Touya, Dabi, she didn’t care what his name was now, he was her brother, and he was alive.
She saw how his skin was stapled together, skin grafts and burns patched together. It almost looked like her first attempt at quilting, before she realised she was better at crochet. It was ugly and uneven, but she loved it anyway.
She saw the heat that radiated from his skin, a heat she had felt when they were young, heat that warmed her too cold skin, that fought the frostbite that threatened to over take her at every turn, when she couldn’t control her quirk as well. She missed that heat, until it grabbed her hand, warmth seeping through her glove.
She flinched, and she saw the hurt that crossed his face. She never meant to abuse that look, never meant to hurt him. She wasn’t scared of him, how could she be?
He was her brother, even after everything, he was still that. And she loved her brothers so much. More than herself.
She loved Touya, she loved that he could get angry. He could show his anger in ways she couldn’t, he was free and expressive in a way she couldn’t be. Her thoughts and feelings were numbed, hidden under layers of ice, but not his. They burned hot and bright and he made you see them, see him.
She wished she could be so visible.
But he cracked her ice, with each day she saw the breaks get wider, deeper, and things started leaking out. Her hatred for their father, something she buried so deep inside she could never feel more than the barest irritation at him, a super volcano hidden beneath the ice, ready to explode.
She doesn’t think she’ll ever be so strong as to let herself blow up, not like him. She wishes she could.
She was built for raging fire, but she got ice.
He grabbed her hand, much to both of their surprise. He pulled off her glove, and she let him. He winced at the sight of her hand, cold and pale. She was watching him, holding her hand so gently in his, but she didn’t react.
“I can feel it,” she whispered, like she feared if she spoke any louder it would stop, like she only knew how to speak softly and calmly, but her face betrayed nothing. She had schooled her expression into blank calm so long ago it seemed she had forgot how to make anything else.
He sounded angry, his voice always sounded angry, burnt thought scratching against his vocal cords, matching his permanently scowling face, made that way through surgeries or circumstance, no one knew.
“I can feel your hand, it’s warm,” her voice finally expressed something besides soft and calm observation, something akin to awe, surprise maybe?
She hadn’t felt warmth, or anything really, in her hands in so long, she couldn’t remember it.
He seemed to understand, he knew how her quirk worked as well as she did, and he knew what it felt like to use his quirk without her there, burning from the inside out. He imagined freezing was similar, her nerves were dead, just like his.
She felt his heat bleed into her hand at the same time it seemed as though the cold seeped into his.
They sat like that for only a moment, before it began to hurt. Permanent frostbite meant permanent numbness, and as she warmed up for the first time in years she could finally feel the pain that followed numbness. She knew he felt the same.
It had been too long, they had been without their balance too long, and now it hurt too much to go back.
They sat for awhile, but they didn’t say much, there’s was too much to say, too many years to relive, but nothing felt important enough to say.
Fuyumi knew she wouldn’t stop his goals, she didn’t try. He knew he couldn’t get her to come with him, he didn’t try. They should’ve tried.
They left, unfinished drinks still sitting on the table.
They didn’t say goodbye, they didn’t say anything. They just walked away, in opposite directions. Neither of them favoured literature, neither of them ever read Orpheus’ story, neither of them had ever learned his lesson.
They both turned around, wanting just one last glimpse of their sibling, their twin, their balance, before they left for good, before this became their new before.
They turned, and looked, and ran.
They hugged, the only ones who could touch each other with freezing or burning, the only ones immune to the pain the other lives everyday with. They couldn’t hug for long, their balance wasn’t right anymore, it hurt too much, too many jagged edges cutting against each other, two extremes that never should have met, but never could have left each other alone.
They hugged, it hurt, they didn’t stop.
They whispered, in equally trained voices, with equally drilled expressions, each others names, the only names they ever really felt like they owned.
Then, after a moment longer, they pulled apart, blood evaporating on skin, tears freezing on waterlines, they turned and left. And they both smiled, as close to the real smiles they wore as kids as they thought they would ever get again.
Touya wasn’t made for love, he was made for rage, clawing at his throat until he let it out.
Touya wasn’t made for love, but maybe there was an exception.
Fuyumi wasn’t made for rage, she was made for love, care and protection overflowing from her like the tears she couldn’t shed.
Fuyumi wasn’t made for rage, but the cracks were growing, and lava lived beneath her ice.
They were polar opposites, one left and the other stayed. One killed, the other saved. One burned, the other froze. But they were cut from the same cloth, a cloth woven of love and rage, and when you looked closely, ice burns as bright as fire.
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deaddollyscrypt · 10 months
Drooling over Big Brother Touya burying his face into his little sisters pussy in her sleep 🤍
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mymhameme · 1 year
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He'll poop outside if he must!
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fan-dweeb · 5 months
When I say I want dabihawks whump, what I mean is I want Hawks to randomly FaceTime Dabi in the following scenario
Hawks: heyyyyyyyy Hot stuff
Dabi: Hawks???
Hawks: s-sorry. But I think- I think I might need some help
Dabi: Hawks??????
Hawks: ‘s jus’ a small scratch. But I can’t-
Dabi: Hawks??
Dabi: Hawks!
Dabi: Shit that’s a lot of blood
Dabi: You know bones are supposed to be inside your fucking body right?
Dabi: I’m on my way birdie, hang in there
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milkywayco · 4 months
dabi doing toga's hair because he used to do fuyumi's dabi helping tomura and spinner when they get stuck on game levels like he used to do with natsuo compress and kurogiri parenting the league and both dabi and toga don't know what to do with the attention and unconditional love twice being like a big brother to all of them, most of whom have never had an older sibling before the league being family to each other because most of them either don't have family or don't have family that wants them (or that they think want them)
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thecuriousquest · 2 months
Touya-Nii Daily Reminder
TW: Platonic yandere themes, NSFW Platonic (non consensual punishment spanking)
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Daily Reminder: Touya-Nii will spank your bare ass when you’re misbehaving. Afterwards, he will force you to sit on his lap while he comforts you. He will run his hand through your hair and rub your back while you cry on his shoulder, and he will call you a “cry baby” and tell you that you’re being an “overdramatic brat”.
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alena-reblobs · 6 months
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WHAT DO I HEAR you haven't read Cardcaptor Sakura and haven't heard about these two dorks named Touya and Yukito? Time to change that! (Luring you in with this photoset...pspsps....)
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xicyhotah · 3 months
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Dabi knitting sketch 🧶
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mysteriesmuse · 10 months
Last night you’d gone out drinking with your best friend Fuyumi. She’d gotten a long holiday weekend and immediately begged you to come over to the Todoroki mansion so you could doll up for a girls night on the town together. Naturally, you dropped everything and scrambled over there with your makeup bag and outfit — because girls night with your bestie comes before everything else. And you’d showed up in record time and been greeted at the door by the baby brother Shoto himself. He’d waved you in without the same practiced ceremony that Natsuo had accrued. Shoto was still a little unpracticed of the normal comings and goings of the household. And instead of the normal shouting for Fuyumi that Natsuo did; Shoto preferred choosing to chirp a friendly hello with that young teenage heartthrob smile and shut the door behind you before pointing you in Fuyumi’s direction. To which you found her already curling her lashes at the vanity. Yelling to her brothers that they were in charge of dinner — to which the whole house filled with groans as you giggled and embraced her by the door. “It’s been too long since we’ve hung out outside of work!!” She squealed, holding you tight. you choked on air in her surprisingly tight grip and then got to work doing each others hair and makeup — only to be smudged all over your face and forearm this morning as you fended off a massively pounding headache. you awoke, sliding off the Todoroki family couch in the living room and tripping over the pair of stilettos that you must have managed to toe-off and set up neatly on the floor. And you wiggled your way to the bathroom door — shimmering black outfit still tightly clutched to your body, and even more so by having a chance to dry against your figure. You sat down and shimmied the skinny fabric up your plush thighs and sat down taking care of the piss that woke you up.
And in your hangover haze you must have missed the sight coming in because there was no toilet paper in here. You whined, your bruised toes cold against the tile of the bathroom floor — you stomped your equally bruised heels — and like a toddler shouted for Fuyumi to grab you more toilet paper. You huffed tapping your fingers against your knees until only a few minutes later the door creaked open and a large hand brandished a fresh roll of toilet paper. “Here ya’ go.” Called the voice of decidedly not Fuyumi. you studied the hand: the black wrinkles like one of those naked cats with no fur. Completely unfamiliar! “uh thank you,” you replied. Carefully grabbing the toilet paper by the top like a donut from the stranger. And just like that the door was swiftly closed shut again. A few minutes later with the flushing and draining of the pipes behind you, you walked out to see Fuyumi looking an equal amount of terrible — toilet paper in hand. “Ew girl,” she whined, “I was on my way. It took me a second to get out of bed.” You watched as she slouched even more with her messy layered white hair. The toilet paper dangling by her side. You waved your hands, “No! I didn’t not wipe. Someone else got me toilet paper . . .” Fuyumi noticed you trail off as you tapped a manicured finger against your slightly chapped lips streaked in a cakey, craggily layer of lipstick. “Oh my god,” she exclaimed hitting herself in the forehead with the hand still holding the roll of toilet paper. Whirling around she stomped back down the hallway a whirlwind of sibling fury. “Touya! You can’t just go helping my girlfriends by offering them toliet paper! Don’t you know that’s rude? Even in our house!”
Some more sibling shouts and another appearance of Fuyuming up the stairs led you into the kitchen where you got to see the rest of the man who got you toilet paper from the bathroom. He stood leaning against the fridge with a bowl of cereal in hand the spoon hanging partway out of his mouth. You waved a hand as his peeked brows, slipping over the the counter to grab a glass from the cabinets so you could water down this hangover. Your headache was too pounding and you were too tired to deal with this. You filled the glass quickly and you two gulped and munched in silence as Natsuo was woken up in Fuyumi’s raid. As soon as the steps turned back down the stairs this other housemate, brother you assumed, took off out the back with a wink. You glanced at Fuyumi who’d clenched her fist to her side and in an exasperated sigh said, “that’s my older brother, Touya. He’s a recovering convict,” she turned to face out the back garden door where he stood caught in his sneaky escape. She glared daggers at him through the glass pane, “ so he’s back home again now — but that’s no reason for him to be opening doors while you’ve got your panties down.” She turned back to you, “that’s no excuse, but — he’s still working on his social skills.” You shrugged, seeing the white haired and pierced male sneaking around the back garden of rose bushes. “He wasn’t so bad. Didn’t sneak a peak in the mirror — just a little odd that he answered my call.” You hummed tilting your head to the side. Fuyumi pinched the bridge of her nose, chest and forearms completely slouched on the kitchen island, muttering incoherently.
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inkykeiji · 19 days
I bit my lip really hard a few days ago. This morning I looked in the mirror and it's mostly healed, but the area has a splotchy dark purple colour. It's exactly what I think reader's lips look like after Touya-nii got a little too rough while making out with her 😭
omg!!!!!! okai i have had this happen to me EXCEPT it was my boyfriend who bit my lip instead of myself hehehe (*ノωノ) but yes!! you’re absolutely right!! already touya loves leaving marks no matter where they are (or what they were inflicted with), but he especially enjoys making a fucking mess of your lips, because—well, those marks are the hardest to hide, aren’t they? those marks are readily noticable, those marks raise immediate questions, those marks explicitly exclaim that you are unobtainable, owned, his.
so he bites and sucks and licks and tugs, sinks sharp teeth into thin, delicate skin, jaw tensing as they burrow further and further into your flesh until, finally, it splits, spilling hot copper into his mouth. a heavy tongue laves over the tiny slits (six of them, to be exact—four incisors, two canines, strung in a little garland across the inside of your bottom lip, a sick, crude smile carved into your skin) in rhythmic drags, slow and hard, streaking his tastebuds with crimson until they run dry. only then does he curl his tongue around the appendage, siphoning it further into the scorching wet heat of his mouth, the force of his suction reopening the gashes, procuring another warm burst of blood to flood beneath his tongue.
when he does finally let go, after salt stains your cheeks and your whines flood his throat, it’s with a hefty reluctance, the edges of his teeth scraping along your lip as you pull it from his clutch, snagging on the indents as they pass through, a sweet lil hiss exhaled against his mouth.
but that isn’t even his favourite part. no, his favourite part is the pretty little scabs they morph into, glittering like tiny rubies encrusting your soft flesh, and he will routinely pinch your lip between callused fingers and yank, exposing them all so he can run the tip of his tongue along them, feeling every bump and ridge of the little masterpiece he left behind.
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class1akids · 7 months
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Shoto reclaimed his family that Endeavor took from him.
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mirukosbitchywife · 1 year
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da nile (denial) is a river in egypt that is a homosexual couple and their child
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hella1975 · 1 year
you ever have a fic get you in such a chokehold you start pacing your room and talking to yourself
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
i've seen so many shouto and touya running away fics and gosh damn it really warms my heart. just them both making do on the streets, because a cold and tiny home is better than the previous life they had. they compromise and compromise and compromise even more bc both of them are essentially rich kids that are just... not used to this. touya is here turning his back from the more villainous jobs bc his baby brother is back home and he can't have anything putting them both in danger. shouto actually learning life skills because if his brother's not gonna let him work, he'd do everything he can to atleast help his obviously overworked sibling.
more thoughts of them adding toga, small and feral toga who got kicked out into the street, to the house they're calling home and suddenly their quiet nights are filled with excited chatters and curious questions. himiko toga who tried to shape shift one time and steal food for them bc the household doesn't really have a steady income and getting reprimanded of it instead of praised. she expects for them to kick her out but instead got a careful lecture from touya why she can't do that bc she. is. a. child. and she shouldn't need to worry about those things. the lecture was hard and confusing, but atleast the warmth of shouto's hug at her side keeps her grounded, knowing they won't let her go.
a few years later comes shinsou hitoshi, who touya found almost getting beat up behind an alley. even though he wasn't with them permanently, the home that they built provided a safe space for the kid whenever things got too much in the shelter. touya wants the kid to be with them full time but can't make the kffer knowing that 1. he can't take care of another kid full time and 2. the house just isn't big enough. shinsou still appreciates the care the small family has shown him and he wouldn't trade the soft pokes of himiko's weapon of the day(a spatula), the quiet discussions he has with shouto about their dreams of becoming a hero(to save ppl around them like how their nii-san showed them) or the food that touya makes once in a blue moon whenever he got the time between jobs.
(ok wow this is getting long)
anyways it all culminates when they all go to highschool and class 1-a is just confused because why their ice prince and introvert shouto clearly close with the trigger happy girl from support class and the aizawa knockoff from gen-ed. ppl not knowing they grew up together so all the sibling stuff doesn't get noticed right away. it becomes increasingly obvious though when the dorm system got enacted and shouto always has someone he's on a call with every night, without fail. the class can hear himiko's latest crush from his phone(to the absolute embarrassment of ochako when she realized her name keeps popping up) as another voice keeps teasing him about his failed provisional license. at the start of their 2nd year, the class finally meets one of the infamous siblings when the door to the classroom opened to a stranger and immediately put shouto in a headlock. just them w/ sibling dynamics plsss.
with all the kids busy w/ highschool, touya has found that he has more and more time to himself. this leads into him picking up more jobs and meeting a certain no. 2 hero in all of them. a kfc cashier? the bird is there to order three whole buckets every night. a hot topic salesman? the no. 2 hero suddenly needs eyeliner even when he already has natural ones from his quirk(unfair). the barista in a cat cafe? the press suddenly has pictures of hawks playing with cats even though he's famous for his allergies with them. just them meeting again and again and eventually trying things out. the first time they slept together, keigo wakes up to touya on a phone call with a clearly female voice, exasperation and fondness leaking out of him as he explains step by step how to cook an omelette into the phone. they get the talk that if they want to continue their relationship, he should know that he has three little leeches that he'd protect w/ his life. out of all the reactions touya expected to come out of him saying he's practically almost a single father of three, the blush and keigo practically stopping himself from hugging the life out of the man wasn't it. bc touya is basically the cold and edgy pretty boy with the adorable soft spot and heart of gold to anyone who he cares about and keigo is practically vibrating in happiness, and how did he managed to score this man??
their family of five (six? dunno if quirks are considered ppl) gets added once more, from a completely unexpected turn of events, when tokoyami fumikage starts interning with hawks and being immediately unofficially adopted. just him being so confused why two of his classmates are inside his mentor's apartment and watching a horror movie. he immediately latches into touya when the man came back from getting groceries with himiko, his fashion and hot topic vibe immediately earning him respect from fumi. the birb is just so confused when instead of doing intern things, he gets invited into the sofa and got fed more sweets and junk food than a whole year combined. he woke up to himiko sprawled on top of him on the couch as one of keigo's wings cover the 4 kids and the other shielding himself and touya from view.
(i want to add more but this is getting too long. might make a fic out of this? im still not sure)
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fairystar111 · 3 months
The Heirs of Yesterday
By: fairystar111
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Rating: Gen
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
The worlds come to be a dark place. So why shouldn't Shouto regain the childhood he lost? And why shouldn't he stay with his brother through it all?
Characters: Dabi | Touya Todoroki, Shouto Todoroki.
CW/Tags: Kidnapping, Emotional Manipulation, Infantilism, Toxic Codependency, Moral Ambiguity, Yandere, Yandere Dabi, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Stockholm Syndrome, Big Brother Dabi, Manipulative Dabi, Minor DabixHawks.
If Touya was being completely honest, he absolutely despised his youngest brother in the beginning. When he first saw Shouto’s distinctive red and white split hair he knew that this boy was going to replace him in their fathers eyes. Shouto would be the Todoroki family prodigy while he would be the defective runt. Touya hated the toddlers adorable little face and his sweet little smile and how no matter how much he pushed him away Shouto still found a way to worm himself into his heart. When Shouto turned four his quirk came in and he began his training with their father. All Touya’s hate for him died when he walked in on their father beating his baby brother in the name of “hero training”. Touya had originally hated Shouto because he had thought that Shouto would be treated as something precious and would be loved as his fathers masterpiece unlike how he treated the rest of them. It wasn't until he walked into Shouto’s training that he realized that even if Shouto was a perfect prodigy and exactly what his father wanted he was still being treated just as badly as the rejects like him.
Touya tried to get Enji to stop training Shouto by offering himself instead but nothing he said would ever change their father’s mind. He even tried to report their father to the police and multiple heroes but was ridiculed. They said he was lying and looking for attention because there was a new baby in the house. When their mother had her breakdown and burnt Shouto’s face, Touya decided that no one was ever going to help them. He was going to have to be the one to take down their father before he ended up killing his siblings. He lured his father to Seketo Peak and ambushed him with the intent to kill; his father held nothing back when fighting his eldest that day. Touya was left for dead by his father with third degree burns covering fifty percent of his body.
The only reason he survived was because he was found by one of All for One’s lackeys and taken to his doctor. He's pretty sure he's technically more noumu than human now but whatever at least he’s still alive. During his rehabilitation with Dr.Giraki he met a pale haired boy with bright red eyes named Tomura. Tomura had told him that he was just like him too; he had an abusive father until his sensei came to save him. Tomura invited him to stay with him and his caretaker Kurogiri. It took him a while to realize that Tomura and his sensei were villains and what they did was not exactly legal.
Touya was conflicted while he had begun to grow fond of Tomura as a little brother, he sort of reminded him of Natsuo. He was raised to be a hero and heroes can't be friends with villains . When confronted, Tomura explained how heroes only cause pain for the people around them. He told him how his grandmother had been a hero and abandoned her child making him into an abuser. It left Touya thinking, the heroes in his life had only ever caused him pain and suffering while these villains were the nicest people he's ever had to care for him. He asked if he could join them and if they could help him take down Endeavour but Tomura said his sensei had been grievously injured recently and they were not strong enough to tear down an entire society just yet. So they spent the next years training and recruiting strong but loyal members to their league under the watchful eyes of their sensei. By the time Shouto is entering UA they should be able to launch the war on heroes starting with taking down the top ten. He hopes his baby brother won't be too mad at him for leaving him behind all those years ago but he's coming for him now whether he likes it or not. His family belonged to him; they were his to love, his to control, his to own.
Shoto awoke groggily to the feeling of an unfamiliar plush bed. Why am I on a bed? The base doesn’t have any of those he thought. He glanced around the room and found it to be decorated in a very childish way. The room he was in looked like it was meant for a small child. There was a canopy hanging over his bed and rails surrounding the bed, plushies everywhere, the walls were painted a soft powder blue, and he was even wearing a fluffy penguin onesie. Hmm this is a little strange, this room sort of looks like a nursery, Shoto thought. Endeavor would rather die than have his masterpiece be caught dead in something like this. So where is he?
Then it all came rushing back to him, the league had infiltrated their base and come for him and his friends. Touya wasn't dead anymore and now Endeavor was. Touya had come to take Shoto away like he had always promised he would. Shoto was conflicted, Touya his big brother and protector was finally back, but he's not just Touya-nii anymore he's also the villain Dabi. He’s supposed to be a hero; he can't just ignore all Dabi’s crimes just because he wants his big brother back. He has to stay strong, heroes can’t love villains and Touya-nii is gone.There is still a whole society out there that needs fixing and he’ll have to be there to help pick up the pieces.
Shoutos head shot up when he heard the door start to open slowly as if someone was trying not to wake him. He carefully lowered himself off the bed and into a crouch ready to attack when he tripped on a chain connecting him to the railing. The door slammed open when Dabi heard the loud crash.
“Shouto are you alright? You shouldn't be out of bed without me.” Dabi scolded, picking up the boy and placing him back on the bed.
“...” Shouto glared at his brother in defiance, refusing to talk back. The brother he remembered is gone now all that’s left is this villain.
“Listen Shou I understand your anger you're probably thinking why did I have to uproot your life once you were finally doing okay but I had to. I wanted to come for you sooner I really did but dad basically murdered me back when I tried to take him down as a kid. It took a long time for me to gain my strength back and find enough powerful allies to be able to take you back.” Dabi said, ruffling Shouto’s hair.
“I wanted to take you out of that home as soon as possible more than anything but I was too weak. I'm sorry Shouto, I never wanted to hurt you but this had to be done for the good of everyone. Hero society was a toxic breeding ground for abuse and corruption. It needed to be brought down one way or another. I was never going to let you become a hero and be abused for the rest of your short life before you get killed off and forgotten.” Dabi said, angry just thinking about some pathetic villain laying hands on his baby brother.
“I am a hero and when I leave this place I'll fix what you have done to society.” Shoto responded startled when he was grabbed harshly and pulled onto his brother's lap.
“You're not leaving me again. Now that I finally have you back I am never letting you go.” Touya growled, cutting Shouto off before he could speak.
“And I know damn well you're not being a hero. I didn't spend all this time fighting for you just for you to get yourself killed living out a dream you don’t really want. Think about it Shouto did you ever truly want to become a hero by your own volition or were you groomed to be one since birth. If you weren't praised by everyone around you for having such a heroic quirk would you still want to be one?” The villain growled out.
“I've always wanted to become a hero,” Shouto mumbled, eyes focused on his lap. At least that's what he had always thought. If he couldn't be a hero what could he do? It's not like he can waste his quirk on a regular job. Being a hero has just always been what he’s supposed to do. His mother went through hell to give him his quirk; he had to use it to become a hero or she went through all of that abuse for nothing.
“No Shouto you've been groomed to believe being a hero is the only thing that will bring meaning to your life but it's not. Don't you want to live a life free of danger and the pressure of heroics? A life where you can finally act your age and just be a kid. Don't you want to live with your big brother Shouto? I sacrificed so much just for you, can't you make your Touya-nii happy?” Dabi asked, watching his little brother's eyes well up with tears. He almost has him right where he wants him. Shouto just needs a little push in the right direction and then he'll be all his.
“I-i cant. I-i don't know what to-… Please dont make me-” Shouto sobbed as crystalline tears flooded his face. He didn't know what he wanted, he just wanted peace. He didn't want to be constantly attacked by villains. He didn't want to fear for his safety everyday. He didn't want to go up against an army. And he sure as hell didn't want to rebuild an entire society but what is he supposed to do? How can he even start to fix this mess? Did he even want to? All he could do was sob into the arms of his brother turned villain.
“Shh shh It's okay Shou. I think you don't know what you want and that's okay because that's what your big brother is here for. As long as I'm here you won't have to worry about a thing you can leave it all to me.” Dabi cooed, gently wiping the tears off Shouto’s face. Shouto said nothing as he buried his head into the crook of the villain's neck.
“Come on Shouto it's alright you don't have to cry everything is going to be fine. Just give up all control to your big brother and you won't ever have to worry about a thing.” Touya whispered into the boy's ear while running his hands through the soft red and white hair.
“P-please no I don’t w-want to be a villain.” Shouto sobbed. He just wanted his brother. He just wanted to be safe and happy for once in his life.
“Oh firefly, you could never be a villain. You could never have what it takes to be one.” Touya cooed, gently grasping the boy’s chin and forcing him to look him in the eye.
“I don’t want to fight anymore Touya-nii. I c-can't fight you.” Shouto stuttered out through his sobs.
“And you won't have to not now not ever again if you give up your hero fantasy. I’m the only person who really cares about you Shouto. The heroes don't care if you want to fight or not, they just want a mindless soldier. I just want to make you happy.” Touya purred, he could see his baby brother’s resolve crumbling.
“What can I even do if I'm not a hero? I'm useless.” Shoto sniffled. 
“Don't say that firefly you could never be useless to me, maybe to the heroes but not to me. And you don't have to do anything really as long as I'm here I'll always take care of you Shouto. No fending for yourself, no more long sleepless nights, no more fighting for your life. As long as I'm here to take care of you unlike those heroes you like so much.” Touya said, watching Shouto’s eyes twinkle when he was called by his childhood nickname. The villain could tell it was getting harder for Shouto to differentiate the villain Dabi from his big brother Touya. Soon he will be falling right into his arms and he will never let go.
“So firefly, will you give up being a hero for your big brother? No one else will ever take care of you and love you the way I do.” The villain purred.
“Okay,” Shouto whispered. Maybe this is the best option for me, he thought. No one has ever cared about what he wanted except Touya.
“What was that?” Dabi asked with a smirk wanting to hear the exact words come out of his little brother's mouth.
“Yes Touya-nii I give up. Please take care of me.” Shouto said, looking up at him with pleading teary eyes. He could feel a small part of him finally letting go. He knows he's never been the most morally righteous person in the world but he never thought he would be siding with villains when Japan needed heroes most. But a little bitter voice in the back of his head always knew this was coming. Why should he have to give up his life to save everyone when no one ever bothered to save him when he was getting beaten black and blue by his father his entire childhood.
“Good boy,” Touya said, grinning so hard the gaps between his staples showed. He knows Shouto will still need some minor attitude and behavioral adjustments but he wants to stay with Touya willingly and that's way better than how the others are doing with their kids.
“There will be a probationary period before you can walk around freely. Just a couple of weeks at most. I want you to be on your best behavior and prove to me you really meant what you said. I don't want to punish you for lying to me, Shouto.” Touya lectured in a stern tone. He didn't think his brother was lying but he just wanted to make sure.
“I would never lie to Touya-nii” Shouto said in a scandalized tone, his eyebrows furrowed as if lying to his big brother was a strictly forbidden act that can never be done. Touya snorted; it seems that his baby brother hasn't changed all that much since he left. He doesn't know if it's the lack of socialization at a young age or all the abuse he endured but Shouto is pretty stunted for his age. Sometimes he’ll say something or do something only a small child could think of, not a teenager.
“That's good Shou but I just want to make sure. I don't know what they've been teaching you at that hero school of yours but if it's anything like what Keigo went through, there was probably some infiltration and undercover training.” Dabi seriously doubted Shouto could pull something like that off though. No offense to his little brother but from what he remembers he has seriously got to be the worst liar in Japan. 
“Okay nii-chan. Does this hurt?” Shouto murmured distractedly, his little fingers lightly tracing the villain's facial scars occasionally poking the shiny staples in wonder and concern.
“No firefly it doesn't hurt. Not anymore, the doctor fixed me up after my ‘accident’ and Tomura gave me a fire resistance quirk. You don't have to worry about me. The scars and staples are more aesthetic and to scare people off more than anything harmful.” The scarred man replied.
“You're not scary,” Shouto said with a confused look on his face, squealing when his brother dug his fingers into his tummy.
“Only you would think that Shou.” Dabi snorted fondly, tickling his little brother mercilessly.
“Stop, stop. Wait, I have a question!” Shouto cried out through peals of laughter.
“Okay, okay” Dabi said as his fingers slowed to a stop leaving him with a flushed breathless baby brother in his lap.
“What was so important you had to stop our fun?” Touya asked.
“Shigaraki Tomura, the leader of the League of Villains, gave you a new quirk? That's very kind of him, is he nice?” Shouto asked in a confused tone.
“Yeah he’s a real softy on the inside but don’t tell him I told you that. You can meet him some other time. He is pretty busy wrangling your green haired friend right now.” Dabi whispered with a smirk. He can share embarrassing stories about his and Tomura’s youth later on once Shouto gets to know him better.
“Oh-” Shouto uttered sullenly. He had forgotten about his classmates. What will they think of him when they find out he betrayed them? Will they hate him because he doesn't want to be a hero anymore? Shouto could feel himself start to tremble as his eyes filled with tears. He didn't want his friends to hate him. He doesn't know what to do. He needs help. He needs his big brother.
“What's wrong firefly? I thought we were getting along. What's with the waterworks?” Touya cooed, placing a kiss on his brother’s forehead, smiling when he felt Shouto lean into his touch.
“My friends, I don't know if they'll be okay. I know you love me and will take care of me but you're my brother it's different. What if the others are mean? What if my friends get hurt? I don't want them to be sad, I don't want them to hate me.” Shouto sobbed in his brother's chest, feeling his brother's hold on him tightening.
“Calm down, your friends are going to be just fine. I know you must think we all must be horrible villains and maybe we are to everyone else. But with each other the league is family and we take care of our own. And starting today your friends are also part of the family, they won't be hurt any more than a timeout or some other kiddy punishments.” Dabi said, rubbing soothing circles into his little brother's back.
“Are you sure?” Shouto sniffled, wiping his runny nose childishly on the sleeve of his onesie.
“Yeah Shou trust me Kurogiri and Compress are like strict dads to all of us, Shigaraki, Spinner, Magne, Twice, Toga, were all like siblings. We would never hurt each other and we could never hurt you. You all belong to us now, we'll take good care of you.” Dabi cooed gently, rubbing the tears away from Shouto’s puffy eyes.
“ I trust you Touya-nii. Will I be able to see them again?” Shouto asked.
“Yeah, after your probationary period you can have a playdate with some of your friends. It all depends on your and their behavior. If they're not behaving correctly you won't be able to see them for a while bud.” Dabi said resting his head on his little brother.
“Oh okay” Shouto pouted sadly, knowing that Midoriya and the others were not going to submit to a stranger’s will so easily. He probably won't be able to see his friends for months.
“Don’t pout at me. I'm sure you can play with Sako’s kid soon after you finish. He's pretty sassy just like Compress but I'm sure you'll get along. He wasn't in your class but you two will have to play nice. He's going to be your cousin now.” Dabi chided.
“He wasn't in my class? Who is it?” The boy asked.
“His name was Monoma Nieto though he goes by Sako Nieto now.” Dabi responded.
“Oh I don't like him.” Shouto pouted, anyone else would have been better than Monoma.
“Come on, Shou don’t be like that. He follows Compress around like a little duckling. I'm sure he's not that bad. You don’t like the old him but he's been here for a while now and Sako has straightened him out. He's a sweet kid mostly…He hasn't had company his age besides Toga in a while and she's mostly in and out of the house with her dad. Come on firefly can't you at least try to play nice with him for me?” Touya pleaded with his little brother.
“Okay I’ll try,”Shouto responded, the pouty expression still stuck on his face.
Three Weeks later
Shouto’s probation is finally over and if he’s being honest he'd rather it not be over. He’s been having fun spending every day with his Touya-nii. He doesn't really want to meet everyone else, especially not Monoma or Sako now I guess. They all seem nice from what his brother has told him but he’s still nervous to meet everyone.
“Firefly are you ready?” Touya called, knocking on the door.
“Shou?” Dabi called and received no answer.
“I'm coming in.” Touya opened the door to find no one in the room.
“Shou? Firefly? Where are you? Please come out now?” Touya yelled momentarily panicking. There's no way his brother escaped right? Shouto could not have been playing the long con right?
“Himura Shouto if you don’t come out by the count of three you're going to be punished.” Touya snarled. He is three seconds away from putting the entire mansion on lockdown.
“Thr-” Dabi was cut off by a whine.
“Nooo” Shouto whined, the sound coming from underneath his bed.
“Shouto what are you doing down there? You almost gave me a heart attack.” The villain asked crouching down relieved to see two little feet sticking out from under the bed.
“I don't want to meet them…too nervous,” Shouto finally spoke.
“Come on Shou they're aren't going to bite, they're all pretty excited to see you again. They're nice and remember all the stories I told you about. They all have been waiting to meet you. We cleared this day off specifically for you to meet everyone.” Touya cooed trying to coax his baby brother out of his hiding spot.
“Do I have to meet Monoma? I can meet everyone else but not him. He’s going to be mean to me.” Shouto whined.
“How about this you can meet the league first and then Nieto separately later.”  Touya negotiated.
“Fine,” Shouto answered reluctantly, wriggling out from under the bed.
“Jeez firefly you haven’t even started getting ready yet, your hair is a mess. Hurry up, lift up your arms, they've been waiting on us for a while.” Dabi said, dressing him in a pair of powder blue corduroy overalls and a creme top.
“Well I was going to hide for the whole day so I didn't bother.” Shouto said with a shrug as his brother helped him snap the overalls in place and brushed his hair.
“Okay let's go.” Dabi said, grabbing his little brother's hand and leading him out of the room.
This was Shouto’s first time out of his room. It seems their living space is quite big. Their floor is a pretty wide space with a large living room, kitchen, elevator and a lot of other rooms he saw on their way out. This place must be a pretty big mansion if just him and Touya-nii have an entire floor to themselves, the boy thought. The elevator was taking them down to one of the common areas where the league shares the place. Apparently they all have their own floors. As the elevator went lower Shouto could feel butterflies in his tummy, his grip tightened on his brother's hand as the doors opened.
Shouto darted behind his brother as they walked out of the elevator. He peeked behind his brother's arm to see the league in a lounge area hanging out and happily chatting amongst themselves. He quickly ducked behind his brother's back when their eyes shot up to them.
“Come on Shou, will you introduce yourself for me?” Dabi asked. He felt Shouto slowly shuffle in front of him and placed his arms around him in a hug.
“Hi…my name is Himura Shouto. It's nice to meet you.” Shouto spoke quietly before he turned around and pushed his head onto his brother's stomach. He didn’t notice all the eyes of the league softening, staring at him with adoration and fondness.
“Aww that was sooo cute! You have such an adorable little brother Dabi!” Toga squealed, twirling a knife around in her hands.
“Come on Shou let sit down” Dabi sat down on one of the couches next to Hawks and pulled Shouto onto his lap.
“Hi Shouto! Do you remember me? It's been a long time since we've seen each other,” Hawks spoke gently, trying not to spook the kid. He did kinda help murder his dad on live television. He just wanted to make a good impression on his mate's little brother.
“Hi Hawks.” Was all Shouto responded not feeling up to talking too much.
“You can call me Keigo. I don't go by Hawks anymore.” The bird said cheerfully.
“Ok.” Hawks looked up at Dabi, perplexed as to why Shouto was not speaking. Wondering if it was something purposely against him or if he was that way with everyone.
“He woke up pretty shy this morning. You guys can talk to him all you want but I'm not sure you're gonna get much of an answer.” Dabi explained before his pretty bird worked himself in a panic over what Shouto thought of him. He hasn’t introduced Keigo to Shouto yet but he was sure they’ll get along.
“Well this is quite different from the show stopping Todoroki Shouto we saw in the UA sports festival.” Mr.Compress put into words what everyone else was thinking.
“Yeah, his demeanor is so much cuter than before. He’s so much weaker now” Twice blurted out.
“Ignore the second voice, the first one is what he really means.” Touya murmured into Shouto’s hair, feeling him nod in response.
“Well I think this Shouto is the cutest. I wish Ochako was acting like this already. Why did Dabi have to get the perfect little sibling?” Toga whined.
“How is Uraraka?” Shouto asked curious about his friend's new homelife.
“She's good! She lives with me and dad now!” Toga giggled pointing at Twice.
“Twice is your father? The quirks would make sense in a way. Are you his secret love child by any-?” Shouto is cut off by his brother's hand covering his mouth.
“Shouto! We do not ask questions like that!” Dabi scolded though he was laughing on the inside at the shock on Jin’s face.
“Why?” Shouto asked, genuinely confused as to why that would be rude.
Laughter exploded around them as Dabi tried to explain that asking people if they were created by accident and kept a secret is rude to Shouto. Even Kurogiri was cracking a smile by the end of it.
“Man Dabi, your brother sure is a riot” Spinner said, the lizard man still chuckling.
“He’s not trying to be,'' Dabi said with a small smile. All the laughing had helped Shouto relax a little bit; he didn't feel as stiff in his lap as he did before.
“Okay that's enough of that I want to hold him too.” Magne said, making grabby hands at Dabi. Dabi looked down at his brother who just shrugged in response. He was handed off to Magne who carried him with ease.
“Hi sweetie I'm your Aunt Magne. I'll be taking care of you whenever your brother is out on business.” Mange cooed as she placed him on her lap. She had always wanted kids but the time never felt right. This will do for the time being.
“We get to be Aunts? I want to be Auntie Toga!” Toga squealed, loving that she is not the youngest anymore with all these new kids around.
“Wow I've never had an aunt before,” Shouto said, eyes filled with wonder.
“Really? How come honey?” Magne made the mistake of asking not seeing Dabi shaking his head and making an x with his arms.
“My father did not have any siblings and my mother was sold to my father by her family so we never saw her family again.” Shouto said nonchalantly as if he was talking about what he wanted to eat for lunch.
“Oh sugar, I'm so sorry.” Mangne replied, hugging the boy.
“It's okay, Keigo and Touya-nii killed my father so everything is good now.” Shouto replied; Hawks made a choking sound while Dabi chuckled at how uncomfortable Shouto was making everyone.
“Dabi, do you believe young Shouto here is ready to begin his studies again?” Kurogiri asked, trying to change the subject.
“Yeah he should be able to start soon. He isn't a flight risk anymore so he can go.” Touya replied.
“I have to go to school again? I don't want to meet new people” Shouto pouted. He didn't want to go to a public school where people would expect him to be a hero for them because they saw him in the sports festival.
“We would never make you interact with the public. We had a small learning institute built in the mansion for you children. Currently the only member is Nieto. Once the others are all fully conditioned you will all be able to complete your studies together again.” Kurogiri explained to the pouting child.
“Oh I don’t know if that's better or worse.” Shouto said.
“What seems to be the problem, little one?” Compress asked.
“My friends are very stubborn so I'm going to be stuck with Monoma for a long time. I don’t like him, he is very mean.” Shouto murmured not wanting to offend Monoma’s father.
“Shouto I already explained he better behaved now it won't be the same as when you were in UA.” Dabi said gently.
“Indeed Shouto. My little magician is quite the sweet boy with me but… I know how he is so I will be there to supervise his behavior on your playdate later today. I can assure you if he is mean to you in any way he will be punished swiftly.” Sako said sternly.
“Hmm okay.” Shouto said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He could get revenge for all the times Monoma terrorized his class.
“Anyways, how are the rest of your kids doing? I've only heard about Nieto so far.” Dabi asked. They've all been so busy with getting their kids settled in they've hardly had any real time to sit down and talk to each other.
“Izuku was acting like a brat so he's in isolation right now.” Shigaraki muttered sadly, missing the misbehaving brat he calls little brother.
“Ochako is still a bit too feisty for my liking but at least she is letting us take care of her now. She's a little brat. She was so underweight when we first got her but she’s doing better now. She's still too skinny!”Jin said.
“Yeah she's so cute when she stuffs her chubby cheeks full of the sweets we get her! I want her to call me Himi-nii but she won't say it yet. Honesty Dabi, how did you get Shouto to call you such a cute name?” Toga whined.
“Can’t help you there. Shouto is just the best, no training required.” Dabi said smugly, grinning at all the annoyed and envious looks sent his way.
“Fumikage is doing pretty well since both our quirks are avian in nature. I can use his bird biology against him to imprint on me. It's actually pretty cute since he’s never had an older avian in his life so he doesn't really understand that he's acting like a newborn hatchling. He'll be ready to play with Shouto soon.” Hawk spoke excitedly, trying to change the subject before someone attacks his lover for his bragging.
“How's he handling the quirk suppressors?” Dabi asked genuinely curious since it seems Shouto has forgotten about his collar or doesn’t seem to mind it.
“That's the only thing that's been rough on Fumi since his quirk is sentient and he's had it since he was a toddler. He keeps asking for his brother and saying he’s lonely. And I want to take the collar off, I really do but Dark Shadow is an extremely strong quirk that will do anything to protect its user so he probably won't be getting it back for a long time. How’s Shouto taking not having his quirk?” Keigo asked, hoping little Shou isn’t having as much trouble as his Fumi is.
“Honestly I don’t even think he remembers that I took it away. He hasn't tried using it as far as I know and doesn't seem to care that he can't.” The villain explained glancing over to his brother playing a game with Toga on her phone.
“Lucky you Izuku wouldn't stop trying to use his quirk to attack me the whole time I visited him.” Shigaraki snarked, secretly a little jealous of Dabi. Not that he would ever admit it but he really wished Izuku would act a bit more like Shouto. When he spoke, the little Himura’s head snapped up to look at him. He could see him hesitating before he nodded and began crawling over people’s laps. Shigaraki had assumed he was trying to get back to his brother but Shouto stopped at his lap and sat down.
“Um, what are you doing?” Tomura asked awkwardly, wrapping his arms around Dabi’s little brother so he wouldn't fall.
“How is Midoriya? He must be having a hard time without All Might.” Shouto asked.
“He’s been a brat but that is what I expected so… Why would he have a hard time without All Might?” Tomura asks, confused. Did Shouto know about One for All? He didn’t think Izuku had told anyone about the origins of his quirk.
“Because he's All Might’s secret love child.” Shouto said casually.
“WHAT!” Shigaraki shrieked.
“Shou we just talked about this.” Dabi groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“All might is NOT his father! All for One is!” Tomura exclaimed, wondering if Shouto was dropped on his head as a baby. Knowing his and Dabi’s history… maybe.
“Who’s that?” Shouto asked with a confused pout on his face.
“Ask your brother later. Anyways, what was so important that you needed to come sit on me?” Shigaraki's dry voice scratched out.
“Oh I want to thank you for helping Touya-nii when he was hurt and for giving him a new quirk so he won't burn himself. Thank you for saving big brother.” Shouto said quietly.
“Oh it was nothi-” Shigaraki started but was shocked silent by Shouto hugging him. Tomura’s cheeks flushed pink as he was thanked so sincerely by the kid. He had never had anyone react so kindly to his actions.
“Y-your w-welcome.” Tomura stuttered as he watched Shouto scooch back over to his brother.
“Wow that was bold of you Shouto.” Dabi smirked looking over to their leader looking very flustered.
“Yes, I saw on the Tv that the best way to thank someone is to give hugs.” Shouto said with a very serious expression on his face, as if he didn't get the information from a kids show.
“Can we leave now? There are too many people. I want to go home” The boy whispered into Dabi’s ear. He didn’t mind the league, they were actually kind of fun but he wanted to go back to his room now. He hasn't been around this many different people in a while. It was tiring for him.
“Okay the kid is sick of all of you, we’re leaving. Come on Compress, Shouto wants to go on his play date with your brat.” Dabi grunted smirking at the disgruntled faces of the rest of the league members. He knew they all liked Shouto but they could spend more time with him later.
Shouto almost choked when he heard about the playdate. He was having so much fun talking to his new family he had forgotten he was supposed to meet Monoma after! Is it too late to say he wants to stay longer?
“Come on Shou say bye.” Dabi cooed as he picked Shouto up and placed him on his hip.
“Bye bye, you all were nice to talk to.” Shouto mumbled, sticking his hand out to do a little wave before he put his head back into the crook of Dabi’s neck. He missed all the longing and adoring looks that were being thrown his way as they left. The league was absolutely smitten for the boy.
As they rode the elevator to Sako’s floor Shouto’s stomach dropped. He felt like there were one hundred butterflies playing tag in there. This is going to be the first time he’s going to see someone from UA since his brother came to get him. He can't help but think it's going to go very poorly. Class 1B never really got along with his class and Monoma especially hated 1A a lot.
When the doors opened they walked into an extremely extravagantly decorated home. It was very different from his brother's more traditionally decorated home. They were seated on a flamboyant red sofa while Compress went to get Monoma from his room. His heart hammered in his chest as he heard two sets of footsteps leading to the living room.
“No way… This is my surprise, the Todoroki Shouto. Ahahaha of course a member of the inferior class 1A would be kidnapped by villains!” The blond laughed, looking at the boy from class 1A dressed so childishly and in the lap of a villain.
“You're here too stupid.” Shouto muttered, averting his eyes.
“Well only because I was caught helping your stupid class escape. If you inferior 1A students hadn’t needed so much help, I wouldn't be here right now! But no you useless heroes couldn’t even-” Momona screamed all his anger from the past months coming to the surface and boiling over.
“Nieto. I would stop talking right now if I were you unless you want to be punished in front of little Shouto here.” Sako scolded, satisfied with seeing Monoma’s face pale.
“Why don’t you two head to Nieto’s room to play.” Compress added, hoping to ease the tension between the two boys.
Shouto could feel Monoma’s death glare on him as they walked to his bedroom. He wishes he had just stayed in his room.
“When did you even get here?” Monoma asks, cutting through the thick silence.
“Um, I'm not sure. I think it's been a couple weeks, maybe a month ago.” Shouto replied.
“You're still fairly new then. I suppose you have an escape plan already?” The boy asked with a scrutinizing glare.
“No, why would I?” Shouto answered, confused. He hasn't thought about leaving his brother since his first day home. And even then it was a more reluctant thought that he really didn't even want to do.
“Because you're a hero that was kidnapped by villains! Of course you should be planning to escape!” Nieto exclaimed. He knows he’s not the poster boy for typical heroes but before he gave up being a hero even he had tried to escape a couple of times.
“I'm not a hero anymore and I wasn’t kidnapped. My brother just came to pick me up like he had always promised me. As for escaping, why would I do that? I like it here.” Shouto answered honestly.
“Are you really that pathetic? Your morals didn't even last a month before you gave up! You were supposed to be one of the most promising heroes of our generation. What is wrong with you?!” The blond boy screamed outraged with Shouto’s behavior.
“Well I never wanted to be a hero! Everyone around me just expected me to. If hero society hadn’t crumbled, yes I would still be one. But only because I could never get away with not being one. Everyone would always look at me as the son of Endeavor and powerful quirk and wonder when I was going to become a hero, not if I wanted to be one at all. Now that it's gone and the only option for people who want to be heroes is to rebuild an entire society. I would rather not fight my own family for some stupid dream I didn't even want to begin with.” Shouto yelled back.
“So you were blessed with a perfectly heroic quirk and the number two hero as your father and you’d give it all up like it meant nothing.” Monoma yelled.
“Shut up! You know nothing about me or my life and what I went through.” Shouto growled.
“Oh please like a perfect little rich boy like you ever went through hardship.” Monoma scoffed.
“I was created from a quirk marriage for one purpose and that was to create the perfect hero that would beat All Might like my father never could. My father bought my mother and forced her to have three children before I was born. My oldest brother had a defective quirk not suited for his body and my two other siblings had weak quirks so they were neglected. Before I was born my eldest brother was trained by my father until his skin would burn from the inside out. His body was made to handle ice but he had a fire quirk. When I turned four my quirk came in and I was abused everyday in the name of training. Do you think it's a blessing to beat a four year old until they vomit everyday? Later my eldest brother tried to stop my father and was almost killed. The stress eventually made my mother go insane and she gave me the scar on my face. The ‘training’ went on for years until I got into UA and then my brother saved me.” Shouto explained with big tears running down his face.
“Do you want my quirk since you think it such a waste not being used for heroics. Because I can ask Shigaraki and he can give it to you because I don’t care anymore. You can take it and go try to be a hero because I won’t. I didn't even want the stupid thing in the first place!” Shouto cried out, staring at the sick looking blonde.
“Hey, what's going on in here?!” Dabi yelled as he and Compress rushed into the room to see Shouto sobbing and Monoma looking pale.
“Papa I didn’t know. I didn’t mean to make him cry! I'm sorry.” Monoma apologized with teary eyes turning to hug his father.
“Its okay Neito, can you tell me what happened?” Sako asked only to receive no response but a head shake and eyes looking anywhere but him.
“How about you Shouto, can you tell me what Nieto did to upset you?” Compress asked, looking over to the sniffling boy being held by Dabi.
“He said that I was pathetic for not trying to escape and that I was wasting my quirk not being a hero.” Shouto said, pointing at the blond in question, happy to get him in trouble and finally get a taste of his own medicine.
“Neito, is that true?” Sako asked. The boy just nodded looking down at his socked feet.
“Well seems like this play date is over. We can try again once you retrain him.” Dabi said ready to take Shouto and walk out of there.
“Yes it would seem it is. You two can let yourselves out. I've got a brat to punish.” Compress said as he closed the door to Monoma’s room.
The ride back to their floor was silent beside the sound of Shouto’s sniffles.
“Well that went well…” Touya said sarcastically, as the doors opened to their floor.
“I told you this would happen Touya-nii. He hates me.” Shouto cried. He doesn’t really care if Monoma likes him or not. But his reaction to him scared Shouto. What if his actual friends react the same way.
“Shouto he doesn’t hate you he is just having a hard time adjusting to his new life and needs some re-education. You’ll see eventually all the other kids will be like you too. Some just take a bit longer to train.” Touya explained gently, trying not to make Shouto break out into tears again.
“Okay Touya-nii,” Shouto replied sullenly. Even if it takes them a while eventually all his friends will be with him again. 
Five months later
In the following months his brother sorted out a routine for them. Most days Dabi would be there to wake him up, play with him a bit and give him a bath and dress him before taking him to school but when he was away on league business Magne and Keigo usually filled in and were suitable caretakers. Shouto started his schooling with Monoma soon after their fight and they have settled into quite a rocky relationship of playing/learning together and having fun but also hating each other and trying to find ways to get the other in trouble. They were frenemies… for now just until Shouto can get his real friends back.
He’s allowed to roam the mansion within reason now and allowed to visit whoever his heart desires. He usually likes to visit Toga, Kiego, and Tomura the most. The girl would act like his big sister and never hesitated to spoil Shouto and give him something fun to do. While Tomura showed him how to play video games and was always happy to play with him. Shouto liked him; he never got mad at shouto when he made them lose or got frustrated when Shouto couldn’t understand the mechanics of a game, he also regularly liked to spoil Shouto with new games and consoles much to Dabi’s ire.
Hawks would take him on mini flights around the mansion and tickle him half to death with his feathers. The man would regularly spend his free time with them on their floor. Keigo was always happy to entertain him playing hide and seek with him or tag. Shouto really likes Keigo and Keigo really likes his big brother too so that makes him one of Shouto’s favorite people. He doesn't like when they send him away while both of them are home though. He doesn’t know what they're doing and why he can't be there with them but whenever he asks anyone in the league they just give him amused looks and tell him he’ll understand when he’s older. But knowing how Dabi is that day may never come, many of the league thought.
The others also really liked Shouto’s presence and would regularly seek him out to spoil and cuddle. Twice was really funny and always made Shouto laugh. The man was really sweet despite the contradictions he would blurt out. Jin was what Shouto thought a good father should be like. Sometimes when he saw the way the man interacted with Toga it made his heart ache. He wishes he could have had a kind father like Jin when he was younger.
Magne was a kind and motherly figure in their home. She was one who he seeked out when he was longing for his mother. When his heart ached and he wanted nothing more than to see his mom. She would brush away his tears and comfort him until he felt better. She wasn't his mama but it helped and he appreciated her a lot. For now he just had to wait until the rest of his family was found and relocated. He really wanted to see his Mom and his other siblings.
Spinner was fun too. He taught him how to be a super secret ninja and how to use swords. Until his big brother found out and after that visits with Spinner had to be supervised to make sure he didn't give more swords to the baby. Shouto pouted for an entire week when his lessons were taken away but the restrictions were never lifted.
Mr.Compress was nice and showed him his magic tricks and would play with him too. But Shouto rarely goes up to him for that because Monoma always gets a jealous pout on his face and will be mad at him for days. Which he understands he doesn't like sharing his brother either. One time Monoma asked Dabi to carry him to his room just to make Shouto mad. And his brother did it?! He couldn’t carry both of them at the same time so Shouto had to trail behind them with Monoma giving him smug looks the entire time. That was the only time Shouto wished he had his quirk so he could fight the other boy properly. And fight they did, the next day Shouto waited until no one was looking and tackled Monoma pulling his hair and biting him while the other boy flailed, slapping him wherever he could reach. They were eventually separated by Kurogiri and sent off to their parents to be punished. Neither boy could sit very well at dinner that night after the spankings they received.
Kurogiri was a strict but kind man. He didn't hesitate to swat them when they were acting bratty but he also loved making them sweet desserts and cute bento boxes for lunch. The man said they both reminded him of his days taking care of Tomura and Touya. Much to the younger villains ire insisting that they had never been as bratty or as cute as Nieto and Shouto are. Kurgiri disagreed stating that they most certainly were a pair of cute brats making the duo blush.
One day Tomura stopped Dabi out of the blue to ask how Shouto’s behavior has been recently.
“He’s been good, why?” Dabi answered, confused. 
“Because Izuku has been behaving really well and making a lot of progress recently and has been begging to see the little peppermint for a while now. I thought I could give him a little reward to help him settle in.” Tomura explained.
“He’s been good enough for a playdate? That’s new, but yeah when do you want them to have to meet?” Dabi said surprised that the stubborn green brat was actually doing well.
“I promised Izuku today. If you're not busy.” Tomura winced, hoping they weren't busy; he would hate to disappoint his little brother.
“That's fine I'll go get Shouto ready then. We can meet at the play area in the garden in half an hour.” The scarred man said, already walking away.
“Okay. See you in a bit.” Tomura replied.
Dabi rode the elevator up thinking of how excited Shouto was going to be to see his friend. When he got to their floor he went straight to Shouto’s room and opened the door. Privacy is a concept Shouto has never understood so he doesn't bother knocking.
“Hey Firefly I got some good news,” Dabi said, walking in to see Shouto on his bed playing a game on his switch.
“What is it nii-chan?” Shouto asked, pausing his game looking at his brother with big round eyes and a cute little smile.
“Tomura says Izuku’s made a lot of progress recently and he wants to reward him with a playdate with you today.” Touya said watching his little brother's eyes light up.
“Really!!” Shouto gasped, bouncing a little in excitement. He's been waiting so long to see his friends. He’s so happy they're starting to like it here too.
“Yeah firefly. Come here let's get you dressed then we can go meet them in the garden.” Touya replied while picking out an outfit for Shouto to wear.
“Okay nii-chan!” Shouto answered, lifting his arms up to be undressed. He thought his big brother changing him and giving him baths was a little strange at first but if it makes Touya-nii happy he doesn’t mind. His brother thinks he had grew up too overly independent so he often did things like spoon feeding him and carrying him around to try to break him out of his old bad habits. Now that he has Touya-nii back, he's not supposed to be independent ever again.
“So what are you going to do with your friend?” Dabi asked as he changed Shouto into a fluffy light brown hooded sweater with bear ears and matching brown pants with a bear’s face on the butt. Again Shouto thought the clothes were a little bit childish but if it made his brother happy then he doesn’t care. 
“I’m going to tell him all about my new school and my new game Tomura got me and the lessons spinner taught me and what Monoma and I do so at school and-” Shouto babbled on about all the things he was going to tell Midoriya while his brother watched him fondly responding with the appropriate hmms and ahhs. Touya hasn’t seen Shouto act so excitable since before his quirk came in, it was good to see it coming back. His baby brother has been through a hard life. He deserves to be a happy kid for once.
Once he was finished putting on Shouto’s brown fuzzy boots Dabi picked the boy up, placing him on his hip and headed to the elevator. On their way down Shouto continues to babble to his big brother about anything and everything that has happened in the past six months that he was going to tell Izuku about. The closer they got to the garden the more Shouto would wiggle happily wanting to get there faster. Dabi held him tighter as they walked into the garden towards the play area.
“Shouto!” Izuku yelled, still holding onto Tomura’s hand. This was his one and only chance he and Shouto had to escape and make a plan to come get the others once they find some outside help. Maybe they can find a way to bring heroes in from other countries to help.
“Izuku! Can I go down please?” Shouto called back happily before asking to be put down. 
“Of course,” Dabi said watching the boy start to run toward Izuku the second his feet touched the ground.
“I missed you.” Shouto murmured as he pulled Izuku into a hug.
“Yeah I missed you too,” Izuku said, tearing up. Tomura and Dabi watched fondly off to the side, letting the boys have a moment to themselves.
“Let's go play,” Shouto said, pointing towards the massive playground in the garden.
“Um okay, let me ask Tomu-nii first?” Izuku answered confused as to why Shouto was asking to play with him. Maybe he wants to hide in the structure so they can plan their escape without prying eyes watching them, Izuku thought walking back towards the adults.
 “Nii-chan can I go play on slides with Shou-chan please?” Izuku asked with pleading puppy dog eyes towards Tomura.
“Sure, just stay where we can see you.” Tomura replied.
“Thank you nii-chan!” Izuku yelled hugging Tomura quickly before running back to Shouto. Not noticing Shouto watching him and Tomura with a happy smile.
“Let's go!” Midoriya yelled, taking Shouto’s hand in his and ran toward the play structure.
“Let's go on the slide first,” Shouto said, already climbing the ladder.
“Um okay,” Izuku answered, following his friend up the ladder.
“Um Shouto,” Izuku tried to talk to the boy but he was already sliding down. Izuku reluctantly followed him down.
“Let's go again.” Shouto giggled racing back to the top of the slide before Izuku could catch up to him.
“Shouto wait-” Izuku tried but his friend was already going down the slide again. Maybe he was just trying to make them look less suspicious, Izuku thought. He decided to wait on the platform near the slide for Shouto to come back up.
“Izuku, why aren't you playing? Do you not like the slide?” Shouto asked, confused. Maybe Midorya had never been on one and he didn't like it. Shouto had also never been on a playground before he came here. But he found the experience fun; it was kinda like a little obstacle course.
“No it's not that I thought maybe we should talk first. Since we haven't seen each other in so long.” Izuku explained trying to get Shouto to stop playing. Shouto is acting a lot different from how he remembered him. He’s acting a lot more childishly and happy than ever before and while that should be a good thing he doesn’t know if it is necessarily by choice or if he was being brainwashed.
“So what have you been doing since you got kidnapped?” Izuku asked, startled by the look of displeasure Shouto sent him.
“I don’t know why you guys keep saying that. I wasn’t kidnapped, Touya-nii just came to pick me up like he always promised he would. A big brother taking back his little brother is not kidnapping.” Shouto answered with an irritated pout.
“S-sure... so what have you been doing?” Izuku stuttered, feeling like ice was being dripped directly into his veins. There's no way he is being serious right?
“Oh yeah I was just about to tell you at first I was only with Touya-nii and I couldn't leave my room and then I was good and I got to meet everyone and they let me walk around now. You don’t have to worry about the league, they are all very nice. Tomura plays games with me and Toga plays with me and Spinner teached me how to be a ninja, and Twice is really funny-” Shouto babbled on not noticing the boy in front of him no longer paying attention.
Izuku felt like he had been stabbed in the chest. From what he heard it sounds like Shouto has had access to roam around freely for a long time now. So why hasn't he tried to escape?! Maybe he's been waiting for help?
“So Shouto, have you tried to escape yet?” Izuku asked gently, trying not to anger the boy in front of him again.
“Um no.” Shouto answered confused. Mononma had asked him the same question when they first met too. 
“It's okay, I'll help you now. I need you to help me break my collar and then I'll break yours and we'll make a run for it towards the nearest exit.” Izuku said urgently.
“W-wait, you want to leave now? B-but you and Tomura looked like you were getting along so well.” Shouto stuttered, feeling his heart break. He had thought his friend was happy to be here too but he just wanted to betray Tomu-chan.
“I know it's sudden but this is our only chance. We'll come back to rescue everyone else once we can get some help from other heroes. And don’t worry about Tomura, he thinks I'm happy being his dumb little brother. He won't notice a thing until it’s too late.” Izuku said with a smirk.
“You've been lying this whole time?” Shouto questioned feeling angry for Tomu-chan. Tomura was so nice to him he didn’t deserve Izuku acting this way towards him.
“Well yeah it's not like anyone can actually like it here.” Izuku scoffed, not understanding why Shouto was acting this way. They needed to hurry up and get out of here he thought. When suddenly Shouto bolted down the steps toward the edge of the yard. Izuku, thinking Shouto hadn't heard the plan correctly, ran after him.
“Wait! We were supposed to break the collars first!” Izuku whisper-shouted. Well he can pretend they are playing tag. It wasn’t until he heard Shouto scream for his brother that he noticed that they were actually running toward their kidnappers instead of away. Izuku stopped dead in his tracks but it was too late.
“Touya-nii” Shouto screamed, while tears ran down his face. Tomura and Dabi exchanged looks of concern.
“What wrong firefly?” Dabi said, picking up his little brother. Not again he groaned internally. What’s with all these little brats and making Shouto cry?
“Izuku said he wanted to escape and that he was going to take me with him. He said he was lying to Tomu-chan the whole time so he could get a playdate to escape.” Shouto stuttered out through his sobs.
“Shouto what are you doing?! You're supposed to be a hero! We need to get out of here.” Izuku screamed in rage. His only chance at escape had just been destroyed by Shouto. 
“I don’t want to be a hero! I just want to stay with Touya!” Shouto yelled back. They're screaming match was interrupted by an angry Tomura.
“Izuku” Shigaraki growled as he stalked toward his little brother. He can’t believe the brat has been lying to him for months. Oh he is going to be punished severely.
“Wait Tenko-nii he’s lying. I promise I wasn’t trying to-” The boy tried to lie.
“Save it Izuku. Shouto has a much better track record when it comes to lying than you do.” Tomura snarled.
“I-” Izuku couldn’t come up with any excuse so he just ran as fast as he could trying to get away. 
Tomura just pressed a button on his phone and Izuku could feel a needle puncture his neck. Soon he was falling on his back looking up at Tomura Dabi and Shouto staring down at him as his vision started to fade.
“Shouto how could you…” was the last thing Izuku said as the world went black .
“Touya-nii I want to go home” Shouto whined into his brother's neck. The exhaustion of Izuku’s betrayal started to weigh on him.
“All right firefly, anything for you” Touya purred with a deranged smirk on his face. He was thoroughly satisfied with how today’s playdate had gone. While Tomura grimaces carrying his reckless brat back already thinking of all the ways he’ll punish him for his misdeed. 
What neither boy had known was that today had been a test for both of them. Their collars have hidden microphones built into them. Touya and Tomura had been listening the entire time… 
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