#bifrost will always remember this
persephone-tim · 5 months
Happy fuck you and fuck your train friday.
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allthedoorsareopennow · 2 months
Incomplete collection of Marius lore
suggestions for additions are welcome, but it MUST HAVE A SOURCE
He is the ship’s medic[1]/ship’s doctor[3], plays fiddle and has a mechanised right arm[1].
He is neither a baron nor a doctor[3][5]; ‘Baron’ is a corruption of his original name, Byron von Raum[2][5].
Marius has a sister called Dorothea, and they were raised by a single nonbinary parent. Marius doesn’t remember their name or face, and knows them only as Zeze[6].
It is strongly implied that Marius was not mechanised by Dr Carmilla [7].
Marius is 5’5 and very skinny. This is apparently because he came from a world that is ‘somewhat medieval in its nutrition levels’ and Marius was not a healthy child. [14]
He piloted a mecha called KISMET. She was 5-6 storeys tall and slightly insectoid, like a dragonfly or butterfly. [17]
‘The control pod’s entirely in the head, which allows the internal control rig to right itself like a ball bearing, keeping the pilot upright whether she’s standing on the ground, hovering, flying horizontally, banking sharply or even rolling.’ [17]
The mecha is not meelee-oriented. [17]
time with the mechanisms 
Drumbot Brian said that ‘given that we're immortal and don't need a doctor, it's the job we're most comfortable giving Marius, and it keeps him busy’ and also that he ‘frequently tries to psychoanalyze inanimate objects’ [5]
His mechanism was ‘probably botched’ and he has a ‘tenuous grasp on reality’[2] 
According to Jonny, he grew a beard presumably around 08/02/2014 ‘almost instantaneously, and without warning’ and was apparently ‘very upset’ and ‘said he’d been holding it in for decades and just that momentary lapse of concentration as I kneecapped him had ruined all his hard work’[8]
He once dressed up as the Toy Soldier for a halloween concert [9]
Drumbot Brian once responded to someone asking how the mechanisms were by describing marius as ‘mad’[10]
The Aurora describes Marius as ‘the broken doctor’ [16]
He had a planned lecture on the psyche of the olympians, but this was cancelled[11]
He helped Ashes install at a minimum the camera in Ulysses’ vault in UDAD, though he does not remember this[4]
Apparently, ‘Marius spent his time on Fort Galfridian sitting at the porthole for days staring into the sun because he didn't realise it was supposed to be unbearable, and now the Ghouls think he's some sort of prophet’ [12]
In The Bifrost Incident, Marius does not know where he got the violin - in fact, he doesn’t even realise he’s holding it until Lyf points it out [15]
Marius was always skeptical of the crew’s immortality and was less surprised to meet his end. ‘One day, at something of a loose end, he will decide to check on the octokittens. Unfortunately, the purring horde has not been fed in many decades, and devours him, head to toe, in 11.7 seconds.’ [13]
Jonny is implied to have already witnessed Marius’ death before the final concert; he says ‘11.7 seconds. At least, by my watch.’ [13]
In Marius’ death, tunes from ‘Blood and Whiskey’ and ‘Favoured Son’ can be heard [13].
[1] Mechanisms Marius von Raum Available at: https://themechanisms.com/the-crew/marius-von-raum/ Last accessed: 11/01/24
[2] Young (2020) Future Projects: The Death of Byron von Raum (spoiler free) Available at: https://kofiyoung.com/2020/07/25/future-projects-the-death-of-byron-von-raum-spoiler-free/ Last accessed: 11/01/24
[3] Revenge of Spaceport Mahon
[4] Mechanisms Eskhatos Available at: https://themechanisms.com/fiction/eskhatos/ Last accessed: 11/01/24
[5] Below (2013) Why do immortals need a ship doctor? Available at:  https://www.tumblr.com/the-mechanisms/58736308596/why-do-immortals-need-a-ship-doctor-i-need-an Last accessed: 11/01/24
[6] Young (2023) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/neitherabaron/727612334921678848/holding-checklist-titled-qualities-to-kill Last accessed: 11/01/24
[7] Rasputina (2013) Where'd you folks pick up Marius and Raphiella? Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/the-mechanisms/58960694562/whered-you-folks-pick-up-marius-and-raphiella Last accessed: 11/01/24
[8] Sims (2014) Ingratitude Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/the-mechanisms/75995731661/ingratitude Last accessed: 11/01/24
[9] wickedacephotos (2013) The Mechanisms at The Cellar, 29 Oct 2013, for Halloween with Polar Patterns Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/wickedacephotos/65528149745/wickedacephotos-the-mechanisms-at-the-cellar Last accessed: 11/01/24
[10] Below (2013) Hooray for questions! Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/the-mechanisms/58734952128/i-apologize-that-i-didnt-ask-a-question-to-make Last accessed: 12/01/24
[11] The Mechanisms Ulysses Dies at Dawn Available at: https://themechanisms.bandcamp.com/album/ulysses-dies-at-dawn Last accessed: 12/01/24
[12] thedreadvampy (2020) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/thedreadvampy/624522490768736256/i-feel-like-i-should-clarify-because-it-does-at Last accessed: 12/01/24
[13] The Mechanisms (2020) Death to the Mechanisms Available at: https://themechanisms.bandcamp.com/album/death-to-the-mechanisms Last accessed: 12/01/24
[14] thedreadvampy (2020) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/thedreadvampy/630817295229468672/so-i-am-absolutely-going-to-go-draw-tim-with Last accessed: 12/01/24
[15] thedreadvampy (2020) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/thedreadvampy/631436135234699264/you-dont-need-to-awnser-this-because-i-am-lore Last accessed: 12/01/24
[16] themechanisms A Bedtime Story Available at: https://themechanisms.com/fiction/ghost-in-the-machine/ Last accessed: 06/03/24
[17] Young (2023) Available at: https://www.tumblr.com/neitherabaron/708247931183153152 Last accessed: 11/04/24
To do:
not yet added Marius’ dttm dialogue
may add more detail to what is contained in expert testimony
could probably add detail on things seen doing in photos, e.g. Marius playing rock paper scissors with TS. (are photoshoots canon? I assume so)
[3] missing a link
wow did I really miss pilchard. I will Get To It at some point maybe
does anyone have the his arm is like a fungus post link handy
perhaps more backstory info from byron
numbers are ordered mostly in when I added the source rather than order of appearance as I have moved things around a lot. as above this is very incomplete and I don’t have the willpower to update this now maybe I will later. I’m just uploading it now since someone wanted marius lore
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chantsdemarins · 4 months
The Breath of the Æsir 🏰 (Loki x Reader) Chapter 2: The Stranger
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Okay friends, I re-wrote Chapter 2. I was not happy with it after a friend pointed out to me that it needed work. Making me remember I really need a beta reader! *Any takers?
I hope those who might have read the first one will give this version a try!! As always reblogging and comments are the most amazing experience for me as a writer in this community. Thank you for reading and waiting. I am trying to get on a schedule I can stick to!
Summary: This is Loki's side of the story so far, as the world he finds himself in stirs into turmoil. What will the nature of your relationship be under these circumstances?
Smut Meter: Calm wildfire status
Word Count: 3,141 (give or take)
Loki was hiding among the Æsir. His true origin was not of theirs. Fárbauti, a frost giant, had been responsible for pulling him out of the tight silence and into form, so he could live among the Gods. A thin agreement had occurred between Odín and the Jötunn. This agreement was unknown to Loki. Odín would raise him. All his life, stirring in his veins was the blood of another people, another realm. The ornate mirrors in Asgard reflected back to him the image of a handsome spell caster with Æsir features. There was only ever the slightest feeling, that perhaps, his near-constant discontent, was related to the architecture of a family lie.
He knew where there was limitation, there was often equal illumination. Therefore, this conflict gave Loki insight into many aspects of the universe, some of which he would never have known had he not been born for deceit. This dual vision of light and dark created a natural and gradual buildup of powers, which he had no reason not to abuse. Where he lacked morals, he was tempered by circumstance back into some code of character that appeased both his father and whatever party he had offended by his lack of grace and concern. However, from time to time, something would cause him to change, more permanently, more absolutely. These events were so profound when they happened that the Skalds, both in Asgard and Midgard, told of them. Sometimes humans would be caught in the lava of the Gods' path. You were one of those humans. The day Loki lay close to one of his possible deaths, you had found him.
He was banished because he had seen enough. His contrary disposition had rejected the Northman’s insistence on placing his royal family at the heart of their bloody conquest. Thor, Freyja, Frigg—and Odín—had been brought deep into the conflict moving across the belly of Midgard. They used incantations and sacrifices to move the will of the Gods in their favor. Loki disliked this immensely. He did not like to be appeased with tokens. The ground of Asgard was saturated with the blood of Midgard. This disturbed him so much and ate at his being until he could stand it no longer. He cursed Thor, cursed Odín for the part they played in encouraging such worship.
In the throes of his discontent, Loki quickly discovered a God cannot have everything. For example, he could not have his opinion and his magic. Odín told him to go see for himself. Go see why the humans needed the Gods. See their fragility and need for guidance. He would be begging him to return to Asgard. “Go experience their ignorance with only a sword to protect you from it,” Odín had said to him.
When Loki decided to take a great risk, a great calamitous excitement would concurrently erupt. His enduring life and the lives of the Gods needn’t be so pristine and eternal. He longed for the shorter life of the Midgardians. He wanted to feel what life would be like if you only had a few years before you became permanent food for the beetles and worms. He needed to feel time slipping away from his grasp. So, without any seiðr, he nakedly stepped through the Bifrost and fell to Earth, fell to the home of the Midgard serpent, one of his many children, of which he was not the only father.
When he opened his eyes and began to walk across the hillside, so indulgently green it hurt. He took a moment and said a prayer to the elemental spirits that spun such colors into life on Midgard. They were independent of any God's influence, even ones with their full powers. The elementals were bonded to Midgard herself as servants. Loki could only admire their spinning of forms; he still had incredible vision even without any magic. He could see into their structural design and could listen to the hum of their cellular respiration. Loki was not the God of such things as fertility, but he felt himself in a keen understanding of it. He truly saw his station in the nine realms as a God responsible for making life, more than the ending of it. Not that any of the Gods would ever understand this about him. Creators often end up destroying their most precious creations just because they can. Loki had come to Midgard to change this.
He walked with careful trepidation; he was mortal now, and even though his heart soared with the thrill of his new lot, he did not want his tenure on Earth to be over so quickly. So, he cautiously guarded his path over the verdant hillside in the quiet of the afternoon. Things were seemingly calm, still, which actually began to worry Loki. Silence could mean only two things: peace or death. As he continued walking to gain a better view, he encountered a sight he was not prepared to see just yet. The ruins of a village burned in a heavy cascade of smoke. He quickly remembered he had no power to change the circumstances before him. He thought of Thor—would he truly celebrate this use of his name? He wished they would have the courage to do as he did, to come and see the work of the humans. Loki would have to be the eyes of the gods this time. Just as his contemplation ended, he felt the ground beneath him bend in a rhythmic flutter—horses. It was the same in any realm; the beasts were among the most powerful of all creations. Some could even fly, but not these. These heavy beasts carried their masters, who likely spotted him from their outposts.
They saw a stranger overlooking their burned village and identified him as one of the raiders, one of the pillagers, not as the God who made such acts possible. He looked up just in time to see a sword brandished by one of the riders. With a quick and skillful blow, he was impaled in his stomach. It had only been a few hours since his arrival, and already he was vanquished by the Norns. He fell, consumed by defeat and physical pain, his armor pierced. They spoke in their language, seemingly arguing whether they should take him captive. Perhaps they would have if they had not just suffered such a great loss. They left him to die and rode away without looking back.
The Encounter
Loki was consumed with a pain he had never felt before; it was completely debilitating. No sooner had he arrived on Midgard as a human he was swept away into the saga of their fragility. He couldn’t believe he was once so interested to experience this, to feel his life expiring and his pulse weaken. His heart was slowing, and every breath felt like he was uncertain if yet another would follow. He now worried that if he were to die on Midgard like this, his death would remain unknown, and his family would not find him before the vultures tore the newly minted mortal flesh from his bones. He fell into a fever quickly and began to dream of the frozen landscapes of his true birth home, of Jötunheim. His Asgardian façade was fading with every labored breath.
It was just his luck that as he could take no further steps, he reached the courtyard lined with thorny gorse, which pierced the white of his skin as he fell through the yellow flowers, leaving droplets of blood forming from yet another location other than his stomach. He called out something from a tongue he knew from Midgard, although he knew not where and when it was from. He saw you in the doorway before he closed his eyes; he wasn’t sure if he would open them again. He hoped that if he did, you would be there beside him. It was the tiniest of wishes; he was sure you were a Valkyrie. Not having enough blood in his veins to remember there were no Valkyries on Earth, his eyes shut, and the world of Midgard faded from his senses.
He had felt the jostling of stitches, the pulling of thread against his taut skin. He saw you, Valkyrie, with golden threads weaving his wound closed. He swore he heard you tell him his body was a tapestry, one you could embroider. He laughed at the thought of being sewn together by a fierce battle goddess of the nine realms. He worried about his weakness. He did not like the vulnerability that consumed him as he fought to return to the living. Part of him remembered the icy cold feeling of space he once felt as he let go of Thor and drifted off into the void, only to be intercepted by a race of beings so deadly and diabolical, he knew he wouldn’t be able to die enough times to satisfy their lust for power and domination. Part of him rested in the knowledge that you would make him whole again. The Norns had led him to a warrior who was also a weaver, a tailor.
He Lives, for Now
"Gef þú seiðr þinn mér," Loki mumbled once he was finally able to awaken. Sweat covered his face. A chill coursed through him. You had saved him just as he had predicted. He was still alive, but he was not yet well at all. "What is seiðr?" you immediately asked. You did not have what this man was asking for, and you would not be robbed of what you did have. Leaping to your feet, you grabbed the knife you had uncovered from his person while the man slept. Loki found himself once again at the receiving end of iron—only this time, it was his own.
"How quickly I forgot this is how people communicate, regardless of their station," Loki mused, clutching his stomach, fingers running along your needlework which now adorned him. "Communicate? Sir, you are in my home. I saved your life, and now you ask me for something else. What else could you want, unless you are the thief and murderer my servants say you are? Are they right? Have you come to kill us?" Your voice was a barely audible trill, but every vowel entered his ear as if it were a drum beating away shadows inside of him. You looked so shaky and unsure Loki was immediately disoriented.
As a Valkyrie, you would be more skillful, potentially than him. Why were you not wielding your own blade? Loki’s mind puzzled in a million different directions. In the chosen tongue, he rattled off an inquiry about where he was, now remembering he was on Earth as he came to. He needed you to confirm it. You told him the name of this small village, and Loki more solidly realized you were actually a human woman, seemingly. He found his voice hidden beneath the swell of feelings rising in his chest. "Do you know how to use that knife, woman? Don't wield something you aren't prepared to use, and why would you undo your handiwork?" Loki pointed to the careful stitches across his body. "You know me not, sir," you retorted. "I have unraveled nearly all the needlework I started. I have thrashed threads from one tapestry to another; I have no finished embroidery to show for it, so sir, flicking the threads that hold your guts in would be no long consideration."
The words that flew out of your mouth betrayed all your education and training. Never in your life had you spoken to a man like this, not to your father and surely never to your husband, but this man seemed to be able to feel and hear anything you might say. You didn’t know why you knew that, but you did. Perhaps it was the sewing him up that gave you such a perspective. The candlelight study of his stomach. You thought of the fine line that jutted across his abdomen where you had let your fingers trace in a kind of stoic appreciation for a moment while applying your stitches to his wound. You suspected your husband’s stomach did not have muscular curvature. The stranger was the first man you’d ever seen naked. You let yourself consider that for the briefest of moments before you returned to your senses and your defense of your home. By no means had you an understanding of just who this man was and what he was capable of even in his weakened state.
Loki continued to consider your origins. You could not be a simple incarnation of a human. Perhaps you were actually Asgardian, another traveler like himself, grown discontent with the trappings of the ethereal realm and transplanted to Midgard. He had known others who had come; his idea of leaving had not been a unique one. The Norns might have given him some grace after all, by leading him to you. Yet if you were a fragile mortal with a much shorter life than his, you wore your timeline with such grace, that it completely startled him. You were closer to the end of your short life than the beginning, perhaps you knew this and were prepared to defend what little you had accumulated. Or maybe it was something else that inspired such bold words. "What do they call you?" you finally spoke again, daring to continue. "Loki." His name was a rune itself, a spell, the only magic he had left. He wondered if you would feel its power. "Loki," you repeated, his name flowed from your heart to your feet, causing your body to feel heavy. You landed on the velvet living room chair with a crash. Loki, who had been situated in the other chair, leaped up beyond the ability his body should have allowed. "Woman," he said, daring to near you. "Please wake." He had not expected you to faint.
As he drew closer to you, he wasn't sure if you had fainted or passed to some other realm. You looked so peaceful. He held your head and for a moment dared to place a strand of your hair behind your ear. Your eyes struggled to open. "Loki," you murmured, not having heard the name before, but its composition—the four sounds—collided, perhaps stealing your breath. His concern for you was evident on his face, but it quickly faded, replaced by something akin to fear. Loki was startled by how swiftly Midgard's emotions were becoming his own. He had known so little of fear and now he was becoming proficient in all its shades and hues.
Suddenly a deep knock on the door and frantic voices could be heard from outside in the courtyard. A group of tenants had gathered, yelling and frantic. Perhaps the worst of your fears had materialized. Not only were you harboring a man, but now the townsfolk knew and had come to confront you about it in your husband’s absence. You did not want to open the door. You glanced at Loki, who had stepped further back into the darkness of the living room while you found your footing. "Lady, you should answer them," Loki's voice was a mere shadow, yet you trusted it to your surprise. Elinor was also nowhere to be found, and you were once again left to make decisions by yourself. This introduction with the stranger would have to further wait. With all your strength, you walked across the room and unlocked the large, heavy door. Before you could open it fully, the crowd of tenants crashed into your home and fell against you. There were strict conditions under which the manor lords ruled, and such an intrusion was likely less a group coming to judge your guest but one of desperation you immediately recognized.
You gasped for air and tried to calm them, beseeching one of the tenants to explain what had happened. "They are here, the slaughter wolves," Æthaldan, the young blacksmith, finally spoke wildly. The rest of their voices were a blur, a scattered cacophony you couldn't decipher. The "slaughter wolves," who sought to take the land you managed, had been kept at bay by bribe or sword wielded in temporary acts to push them back, to change their minds about the worth of the land. Words had been spoken by the manor lords about the rocky soil being no better than the soils of where they came. Their crops would not find purchase here either. You knew this to be true in your heart since your land had been barren, and that barrenness had crept into all places of your marriage, including your womb. Nothing but the yellow gorse you had planted around the periphery had grown.
Suddenly from behind the crowd, you heard the sound of your closest companion, "What are we to do?" Elinor had been able to come back to the manor from where she had been in the village; she was now frantic as well as she pushed Æthaldan and the others out of her way to get to you. You surveyed the tenants, as you embraced your friend; none had weapons worthy of the name. One held a reaping iron, another something procured from the hearth, likely nothing in comparison to the weapons of the intruders. You needed time to think, but there was none. You looked down at the weapon you had lifted from the stranger while he slept. You had nearly forgotten you were holding it, clasped tightly in your hand. You tried to hide it in your skirt pockets, but it was clear no one had noticed what you were holding in their panic, not even Elinor.
"Please keep them safe until I return!" you finally shouted at your friend, knowing the best she could do was bolt the door once everyone was inside. Your instructions were curt, "Call to the others, have them come to the house," your voice trailed off as you ran through the corridor of the manor, looking for the stranger. You wondered where he had gone; he was still injured but not knowing his nature of intent you imagined all possible things as you searched for him in the curtained darkness of your halls. Your thoughts ceased when you came upon his nearly collapsed form; he was barely able to stand. Without thinking further, you handed him back his knife, taking his hand and placing it to it, folding his fingers around the hilt. "Help us now, I saved you, now you save us," you demanded. "This is your weapon, use it,” you reiterated when you noticed he was not stirred to action. His blue eyes were crestfallen, “Lady, I cannot,” were his words before he handed the blade back to you.
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darknight3904 · 7 months
Reaching Out
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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Asgard 2011 
   "We need to go get Thor," Hogun said 
   "It is treason." Sif pointed out 
   "We will need Astri as well. I'm sure Thor will wonder if she does not come." Volstagg said 
   "And how do you propose we get her? She lives practically under Loki's thumb. I'd bet he has guards watching her 24/7, reporting to him if she even so much as breaks a nail." Fandral pointed out, "I love Astri as much as all of you but she has always been closest with Loki. Getting her to go against his orders will be impossible." 
   "Astri is her own woman. She can do as she pleases, Loki does not hold her back." Sif defended, knowing her friend had defied the trickster many times in the past. 
   "We should not speak so loudly of treason. Heimdall might be listening." Fandral said 
The doors opened to a guard entering. 
   "Heimdall demands your presence." The guard says "He also commands you to leave Astri here." 
Sif followed the Warriors Three towards the Bifrost. They passed the library as they exited the castle. Oh how easy it would be to call to her friend who was most likely buried in a book on magic or histories of the surrounding realms. She cast one more look at the doors to the library before continuing, Astri would be fine, everyone in the castle knew Loki was enamored with her. Well, everyone except Astri and Loki who had been dancing around each other for hundreds of years. 
Astri closed the book on mind linking with a heavy sigh. She was learning all sorts of new methods she hadn't been able to try since her and Loki's fight. She had reached out and tried to see what he was doing with his day but there was nothing. Sure, she could feel his presence and that he was alive but he never let her in to see exactly what he was doing or where he was. 
Odin's room was quiet when Astri entered. Frigga was asleep by his side, her head resting on the golden frame of the bed. Her queen's dedication to her husband was admirable, Astri hoped to one day have someone to devote herself to the way Frigga did Odin.  She sat down on the other side of Odin's bed frame. He looked rather peaceful as he lay there as still as a corpse. She was never close to Odin, he had preferred to spend more time with Thor and Loki, mainly Thor, when they were children. Still, there were moments when he had acted as her father figure and not just as her king. Astri smiled as she remembered the time he had chased her first boyfriend off after he had disrespected Astri's combat skills. 
   "Are you ever going to wake again? Loki sits on your throne and I fear he might just plunge us all into war." Astri softly said, her back turned to the sleeping Allfather. 
The large fire on the wall behind them crackled as Astri observed the ornate door that the Allfather had. Golden flowers and vines adorned its metalwork. She would hear Frigga shifting behind her, breaking the peacefulness of the room. 
   "Astri." Frigga said, her voice laced with worry, "Get up. Get Loki, bring him here now." 
Astri turned to Frigga, she was confused as to why they needed Loki who was on her last nerve. Frigga opened her mouth to explain but the crackle of the fire was replaced with the hiss of ice forming and taking over the beautiful door Astri had admired. Said doors nearly went flying from the frame when two huge Frost Giants stalked into the room. One of them Astri recognized from their impromptu trip to Jotunheim with Thor. 
Frigga made the first move as she cut at one of the Frost Giant's legs with a sword. His large hand swooped at her before she could make her next move and she went flying across the room. 
   "A child guards the King of Asgard." the one Astri was sure was Laufey, Loki's birth father said. 
Laufey pointed at her and his soldier came charging at her, ice sword drawn. He was quick but Astri was quicker. She let a sharp burst of power shoot from her hands, and the Frost Giant went flying into the large fire behind him. Screams of horror filled the room as he tried to get up, the fire hissed as his cool temperature began to put it out. 
   "I don't think so," Astri said, directing her magic so the fire would roar once more. 
The frost giant screamed in pain as he burned to death, Astri's magic fueling the flames and keeping him from getting up. 
   "Know that your death came at the hands of Laufey." 
Shit. She forgot all about Laufey. She quickly turned to see him ready to kill the Allfather. A sharp blast stopped her from making her move to burn Laufey to death like his friend. 
    "And your death came at the son of Odin." 
Loki! Astri had never been so glad to see him and his giant helmet-clad self. 
   "You saved him!" Frigga exclaimed, rushing to hug her son 
   " I swear to you Mother, they will pay for this." Loki promised before looking at Astri, " Are you alright?" 
Astri nodded glancing back at the charred body of the Frsot Giant she had killed. Loki's eyes widened at the sight, looking back and forth between the girl he hadn't factored into his plans and the freshly dead body. Astri could sense a comment coming from his mouth but the doors burst open again and Astri immediately turned, ready to burn another giant for daring to harm her family. Instead, she was met with a newly restored Thor, hammer and all. 
   "Thor!" She smiled as Frigga ran to her eldest, embracing him 
Astri hugged him as well as he entered the room fully. He seemed distracted as he glared at Loki, not focused on reunions at all. 
   "Have you told them? How you sent the destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me?" Thor asked 
Astri looked at Loki whose face seemed to paint the perfect picture of guilt. It couldn't be. Loki wouldn't. He had never been close with Sif and the warriors and Thor was a whole different story but he wouldn't try to kill them right? Her Loki was good, he had just saved Odin from certain doom for crying out loud. 
   "I must have been following Father's last command," Loki said, his spear raised, ready to defend against Thor. 
Astri looked at Frigga who was distraught, looking between her two sons who were ready to tear each other apart. 
   "You're a talented liar, brother." Thor mocked 
   "It's good to have you home. Now I must destroy Jotunheim." Loki said 
Before anyone could blink, Loki had Gungnir let out a strong blast. sending Thor through the walls and out of the castle. Astri gasped and ran to the hole Thor had left in Odin's room. Loki was moving quickly to the doors and she ran to block him. 
   "Tell me he's lying." She commanded, "Tell me that Thor's words of you trying to kill him was all some sick joke you dreamed up." 
Loki's answer was only silence as he stared at her. Astri felt her eyes well with tears as she punched at his chest. 
   "How could you?" She cried angrily as Loki caught her hands in his.
   "I have my reasons. I'll let you know all of them when I reach my goals, I promise." Loki said letting her go.
"And what of the Frost Giants today and on Thor's coronation? Did you have a hand in that?" She asked wiping at her eyes.
"How else would they have gotten into Asgard? Heimdall certainly didn't let them in." He said before stepping around her and walking away
Astri couldn't believe what he had just admitted. She knew Loki was one for tricks and mischief but attempting cold-blooded murder? She never dreamed he'd do all of this just for the throne. She raced after him as he moved quickly down the hall. 
   "You're a traitor!" She shouted "A monster!" 
Loki froze when the words left her mouth and Astri couldn't tell if she regretted it. All she knew was that she couldn't let him destroy Jotunheim over a conflict he had organized all by himself. Her moral compass outweighed her guilt as her magic flew at Loki. It hit him in his back and he fell to the ground, hard. Astri walked to him as he pulled himself up. 
   "What are you doing?" He seethed, angry that she had knocked him down 
   "Saving innocent lives." She said, ready to let another blast free at any moment 
   "So am I. They would have rebelled eventually! Do you want to see Asgardian children frozen where they stand? Dead because of a war I can prevent?" Loki asked 
   "You don't know that!" Astri argued 
   "You're just like everyone else. You don't see the bigger picture. Don't you get it? I'm not doing this for a throne. Why do you think I saved Odin?" Loki questioned 
   "You do a lot of things that don't make sense to me. " Astri said, ready to knock him down again 
   "They will, soon," Loki said sincerely 
Astri hadn't expected Loki's fist to come at her as fast as it did but by the time she had registered it, it was too late. A loud crunch of her bones was all she heard before everything went dark. 
Months later, Asgard 2011
Astri had spent the past months bored. The castle she had grown up in sometimes felt like a prison rather than a home. Her face had healed up perfectly after Loki had knocked her out. The break in her nose had been clean, calculated almost and the healers that helped her said there'd be no issues with it in the future. Now, she spent her days reading, training with Sif, and talking with Thor who felt Loki's absence just as much as she did. 
   "So this mortal of yours, she's what Midgard calls a scientist?" Astri asked in between bites of food. 
She and Thor had begun eating dinner together each night, something she used to do with Loki. 
   "Yes. She's quite brilliant. Heimdall says she's searching for me." Thor replied 
Astri sadly smiled. Ever since Thor had destroyed the Bifrost, traveling had been completely cut and the only way to see into other worlds was through Heimdall. Sure, Loki had his secret passages but had never bothered to share them with anyone. 
   "And what of that fellow you've been meeting with, in the markets?" Thor asked 
Astri blushed at his words. She had thought she was being more secretive about that.
   "It's nothing. I think I just need to talk to someone that isn't you, Sif, or Frigga." She waved him off 
   "Well, you ought to tell him that. Those flowers he sent to your chambers the other day are telling a different tale." Thor laughed 
   "When the hell did you become so observant?" Astri groaned and covered her face with her hands. 
   "I've always been like this...I'm just that good." Thor explained 
   "How is it you go to Midgard and come back more humble yet somehow weirder?" Astri asked 
   "What do you mean I've always been like this." He shrugged
Gods Thor was going to actually drive Astri insane one day. 
Astri had bid Thor goodnight after they finished eating. She was feeling tired after all her training with Sif today. Her friend never pulled her punches and thanks to that Astri was sure she'd have bruised on her skin for the next century. Beyond her physical exertion, Astri had a routine each night. It would start with a warm bath, followed by letting Drifa help her oil her hair while they talked about their lives. Drifa did most of the speaking since she had met a wonderful woman recently and were seeing each other. Astri supplied the doom and gloom to the conversation by often bringing up how tired she was of the calm that had followed Loki's demise. Following all of that, Astri would sit on top of her bed and search for him. For Loki. 
   "Tonight, I'll find you." She whispered to herself and closed her eyes. 
She always tried to remain hopeful but there was nothing but darkness as usual. Whatever was left of Loki, if he was even alive was unreachable to her. 
   "Please. Just a glimpse." She pleaded to her empty room 
A sharp pain fluttered across her face, followed by a flash of unbearable heat. Murmured voices joined the fray as Astri tried to focus on what she was feeling and hearing. Was this Loki? Or had she accidentally ended up in someone else's mind? Darkness was all she could see but whoever was speaking, their voice grew clearer the more she focused. Pained gasps followed another hot flash of something that felt as though her mind was melting. 
   "Do it again. He can handle it." 
And so we have reached the end of the first Thor movie. If you take a quick look at the summary for this story you will see that I have added warnings for this story. I do suggest going to the masterlist of this story to read them. I have decided to change that and it will include both smut (hehe everyone's fave ) and suicidal/self-harm scenes. Material like this will be marked and have individual warnings when it pops up. 
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lunarmicrowaves · 10 months
The houseplant Lyf storyline has an official name now:
The Bifrost Abomination AU
I will tag the stuff I make for it with that so that it’s all in one place and organised. Feel free to do whatever you want with it, just ask me first.
Anyway, no creation of mine is complete without some weird creatures, so here is Lyf when overloaded on Eldritch Rainbow.
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And now the infodump:
The form resembles a deer, a sacred creature on Midgard (also because deer are f r e a k y)
Lyf doesn’t remember anything from these episodes except for brief flashes of clarity and the general things they felt (usually fear and sadness, but also a strange comfort)
Being around Deer Lyf increases your chances of getting mutated through exposure to the Bifrost, although their effects can sometimes be reversed, unlike a direct exposure to unfiltered Yog-sothoth energy
Yes they glow in the dark
The horns/branches always spark with little rainbow light wisps, expelling the excess Bifrost from Lyf’s body.
There are patches of moss on the body, and the fur has algae and lichen on it (like sloth fur)
The eyes are somewhere under the hair, usually only visible either when they start glowing or when someone shines a light directly at them
Deer Lyf likes head scritches (Regular Lyf likes them too but will never admit it out loud)
Don’t look behind their hair, that’s where the nightmares live.
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Somebody asked me to talk about the misconception that Loki is always trying to kill Thor, so here are some thoughts.
When Loki and Thor are children, Thor is the one who expresses bloodlust: "I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all". We can infer from this scene that Loki was not violent or murderous as a child (unlike a certain scene in Thor: Ragnarok would suggest which, let it be remembered, was completely improvised and therefore not written with Loki's actual character in mind).
Loki never expresses a desire to kill Thor (except on Svartalfheim, and we all know that was a trick).
The closest he comes to this is his command to the Destroyer: "Ensure my brother does not return. Destroy everything." Notice how direct the latter part of the sentence is, while the former is vague and left up to interpretation. This is a partial reach, but I wonder if Loki wouldn't have just told the Destroyer to kill Thor if that's what he really wanted.
Loki had the opportunity to use the Destroyer's death ray on Thor, and he didn't. He chose to slap him instead. Yes, this proved to be nearly fatal, but he could have been much more direct. The Destroyer is a literal killing machine.
Even knowing Thor was mortal, I sincerely doubt Loki believed he would actually die. To Loki, Thor has always been his strong and unbeatable older brother. He has probably seen him mortally wounded hundreds of times and it was probably impossible to imagine him dying from a slap.
Remember that at this point, Loki has no reason to believe that Thor won't try to kill him as soon as he finds out he's Jotun. Thor had been happily killing hundreds of Frost Giants just the week before, and had likely been doing so for the last several hundred years. So even in this "him or me" situation, in the midst of a mental breakdown, moments away from attempting genocide, Loki isn't able to directly attempt to kill Thor.
Loki never even comes close to killing Thor at any other point in the films. They fight on Bifrost, but they're fighting more for control of the mechanism here than with intent to hurt (let alone kill) each other.
In the Avengers, Loki doesn't even pretend to try. He stabs Thor once with a tiny dagger that looks like it affected Thor as much as a bee sting.
In TDW he takes it a step further and sacrifices himself for Thor (or at least tries to). Is the opposite of trying to kill someone trying to die to save them? I feel like it might be.
In Ragnarok he tries to... turn him over to the Grandmaster? I guess? And we get the snake story, but like I already said, that was improv done with no regard for Loki's actual character. And then Loki literally saves the entirety of the Asgardian people and supports Thor becoming king which doesn't seem very murderous to me.
In Infinity War he sacrifices himself for real this time, first throwing away a goddamn INFINITY STONE to tackle Thor to the ground with no thought for his wellbeing and then having the life choked out of him by his greatest fear and tormentor and also oh my god it's been FOUR films since the last time he sort of maybe subjectively tried to kill Thor and he's been actively trying to save him in three of those
This got a bit long and rambly but yeah. No matter how you look at it, Loki's attempt-to-kill-Thor count is either one or zero. That simply doesn't add up to any number high enough to qualify as him "constantly" trying to kill his brother. Also his attempt-to-save-Thor count is by my calculations AT LEAST six, and that's only on-screen and obviously not counting the hundreds of years they spent together before this.
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starry-teacup · 14 days
stp and tma fandom I am so fucking sorry but I'm here with more violinspector songs
clearest blue- from lyf's perspective, terrified of being swallowed by the lights and colors, desperate for marius to act as an anchor into reality because they're starting to realize they can't do that for themself. A persistent feeling of disorientation and incomprehension feels present, like with the bifrost, and while the singer is praying that their person will stay with them and help keep them sane, there's this undercurrent of fear and doubt that their person, while able to do this for them, will choose not to, like lyf remembering the last time marius left them behind and they were swallowed by the bifrost. they're afraid that he'll do it again.
2. hey there delilah- from marius' perspective, the soft yet adoring near-puppy energy reminds me of the way the fandom always interprets his feelings for lyf look like (it's me. I'm the fandom lol). also like. marius after he reunites with lyf and seeing how being alone in that ship for so long damaged them and imagining what he wishes he could have told to them while they were still on the run from yog sothoth. and the musician loverboy winning over someone who doesn't see them in that light using the only method he knows-song.
(time square can't shine as bright as you taking on a sudden and literal meaning too lmao)
hey there delilah also fits more specifically to the way I interpret marius from the fic the stars claim them, super good, super long, ongoing and receives semi-regular updates. you guys should check it out.
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Just finished watching Providence. I'll probably have some more thoughts to share about it after sleeping on it, and possibly later if I rewatch S3 again (😍).
Providence and S3 spoilers ahead!
The first thing I can't stop thinking about is that upon giving the Psycho-Pass subreddit a quick look before watching the movie, the only post I saw was about how "this movie should have come out before S3". I didn't read the body of the post in fear of spoilers, but throughout watching the movie, I kept thinking about how much I disagree with that. How insignificant would Akira be if you didn't know he was Kei's brother? How random would Atsushi be as a character if you didn't know what he meant to Arata? Imagine this random kid showing up. No one would react positively to Arata, Maiko and Kei. Akira would feel like a side-character we only cared about for a split second and Atsushi would be confusing in the wrong way. Season 3 wouldn't be the same without the mystery of Tsunemori's incarceration. Objectively a wrong take if you care about the storytelling and characters at all imo.
With that out of the way, while Providence answered some of our burning questions, some have been left unanswered, such as:
Did Gino change his haircut so drastically all of a sudden because he realised the wind blowing in his face meant he couldn't see shit?
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I'd be willing to buy that he just enjoys changing styles regularly, though.
Since I'm looking at her... do we know what Frederica's deal is, exactly...? I also can't help wondering - is there a reason why Shimotsuki hates her this much? While she's always complaining over petty things, she seems to hold a pretty specific dislike towards Frederica. Is it really just her personality? (I'd be willing to buy that, too...)
I feel like we have gained a net zero information about either Homura Sr. or Jr. Or Bifrost.
I feel like I had another serious question... before I started joking about Gino's hair. It'll probably come back to me. I guess there's always "can Shou's backstory get a Moment? Anyone else remember how S2 didn't give its new cast the same amount of time S1 did? Babyboy's still kinda just Here rn."
I'm still a bit confused about Jackdaw and Vixen, and the fact that I only just realised that Vixen is a woman probably does not help.
I miss Azusawa and Obata...
Oh right, I think I remembered what I meant to talk about. There are events that clearly happened between Providence and S3 that haven't been detailed, such as Gino leaving the Bureau to join Foreign Affairs, Kunizuka running the fuck out of there or even, I believe, Arata and Kei being appointed as Inspectors. We know that Tsunemori contributed to the latter - I wonder if we may learn more about her reasoning in the future. I think we can also infer that Gino, who stated in the movie that he intends on protecting Tsunemori, had to change plans one way or another due to her arrest.
I feel like we still don't know enough about Akira's relationship to his brother or to Atsushi, and I don't know whether that will be forever left in the air of if it will be detailed. The exact implication of Stronskaya Sr. and her relationship to her daughter are also vague.
Honestly, there's a lot going on in this movie. A lot of politics... a lot of religion... and a thick wall of the story's context. It's complex, and it's interesting how Psycho-Pass is continuing in this direction that already stood out in S3.
I'll just say I'm upset about Saiga. Evil evil bad. I'm really hoping for more content with Arata, Maiko and Kei in the near future because I seriously love them!!! And I want closure for them!!!! Akira was a pretty interesting character, though his quick death was frustrating - which I assume was not not on purpose. Though it happened maybe a little too fast due to the movie format (compared to an episodic format), the revelation of his allyship was set up pretty well. Like I said, details are definitely missing - Atsushi didn't explain why Akira was so willing, and he was interrupted before he could say who he was in his own words.
It was pretty nice to see Kougami be a little cringefail. I didn't enjoy his characterisation in S3, but in Providence, it feels a lot more sensible - like he can really feel that he doesn't have control. I'm satisfied with his and Tsunemori's dynamic in the movie, wherein they care about each other deeply - dare I say, Kougami might even care a little more than she does at this point? - how does that dynamic shift feel my guy? - but Kougami's wrongdoings have weight and the narrative doesn't force him back on her. You can feel that he wants to be back, you can feel that to Tsunemori he never really left, but like I mentioned in a more personal post, Gino's her source of comfort, her trustworthy teammate; Kougami isn't welcomed back by default. This feels natural. This feels like the writing cares about their feelings.
What else... Oh yeah... Did anyone else feel like Saiga was kinda................. hot?
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Ivy Alexandria (The Mechanisms) "Ivy records the civilizations of every planet she visits, but has no objections to her crew destroying them (and is entirely willing to join). In The Bifrost Incident, she knows entirely well that the Ygdrassil system is doomed to be destroyed by the Bifrost, but she doesn’t try to prevent it--she just helps Lyf access the Black Box that will reveal this horrible truth and leaves them all to die. She was born in a library and raised surrounded by books. According to the website, "for her birthday every year, she was given a book […] She kept them all in a carefully separated pile, in the nest of blankets she slept in, in a cubby-hole made in the corner between two long bookcases […] Books were her companions, her friends, her lovers." She originally died during a library fire where she refused to let go of the books to save herself and hated the man assaulting her not for attacking her, but for letting the books burn. She describes herself as "search engine, encyclopaedia, almanac, index. She is not the reader, but the book, a library of books, each waiting its turn on the dusty shelves of an endless archive, centuries in the building." Because of her cybernetic brain, she can very accurately predict probabilities, but she remembers her past as a "catalogues of names, lists of dates, archived footage in the library of her head"--she can recall all the facts, but she not the emotions connected to them. She eventually tries to retire and spends her final centuries on a small library planet, until the library burns in a pointless war; she dies launching an escape pod, piled high with ancient texts that scholars will one day say were actually quite a dull read--which means she is committed to preserving knowledge even if it's boring. She’s the one who interviewed the other Mechanisms for their profiles on the band’s website. According to her official story "Archive Footage": "the present, she sees, she hears, she touches, tastes, smells, feels: that is what the present is for, the moment that is the only moment, the only experience, that she must absorb every facet of, because it is the one, the only now. There is no past but the chronicles, no future to speak of: there is only now, and she lives it to its fullest and is glad of it." She knows all the data, but she forgets herself every day, so she gleefully spends every day learning and understanding as much as she can."
Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale) "I know he won last time, but I honestly think he deserves it. He is seemingly all knowing about current events in the town and sometimes reports them in a similar way to fear statements. I don't pay enough attention to all the lore to know exactly how he knows all the goings-on all the time, so it seems spooky to me. Though there is no canon description of him having a third eye he is often depicted with one, and a huge eye is a part of the logo. Being watched is also a theme throughout Nightvale, with the government agents who are always outside your house, or the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home"
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xalygatorx · 6 months
Worthy (2015) | Chapter 1, "Subject Camo"
Disappearing sporadically in public spaces quickly becomes Cora Dempsey's least concerning problem when suddenly she captures the attention of the forming Avengers Initiative, the World Security Council, and Asgard's fallen prince all in one week. And the universe is only just getting started with her.
Worthy is a slow-burn SFW Marvelverse (films) romance between Loki and a female OC. For additional details on what canon is used, see the Prologue post.
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Summary: Tony Stark and Clint Barton are called in for a briefing on “Camo” from Agent Coulson and Fury. The target is 25-year-old Cora Dempsey—her codename references her sporadic ability to disappear from sight and, strangely, give off similar readings to the ones they’ve picked up from the BiFrost when she does. Tony expresses opinions.
Pairing: Loki x Fem!OC
Warnings: None.
Word Count: ~1.5k
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"I just wanna know one thing," Tony Stark muttered as he coolly adjusted one of his wristbands and then proceeded to finish off the packet of pomegranate seeds he was working on. "Why I got called out of a meeting, an important meeting, by Agent over here to chase a kid."
"You know, you can call me Phil," Coulson chuckled with a patient smile as he passed the self-righteous billionaire to sit down beside Clint Barton at the conference table. "And I'm pretty sure Pepper would attest to the fact that you were otherwise unpreoccupied."
"That's my girlfriend, you're not allowed to talk to her," Tony noted over the seeds in his mouth with a wag of his finger. He glanced around the room before asking, "So, what, it's just me and Big Bird that got called in?"
"Steve will meet you at your starting point. Didn't need Agent Coulson to be distracted…," Nick Fury said with a pointed glance toward Coulson, who averted his eyes a bit embarrassedly. "We've finally been able to make limited contact with Asgard, with the help of Dr. Selvig, and though the snow-bridge or whatever hasn't been entirely repaired yet…"
"The BiFrost, sir," Coulson supplied.
"…we've been able to enlist Thor as a backup. They've been very forthcoming since New Mexico."
"Why so many recruits for this one test? I could do this solo," Tony declared unabashedly as he dropped the empty silver snack bag onto the table and sat down, the Arc Reactor glowing vividly through the fabric of his shirt. "Actually, I take that back. Seems like you're pretty well-staffed. So I can go home."
"You haven't seen this girl," Clint commented with a knowing look, habitually plucking the string of his bow to check the tension before setting it down and crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Hate to admit it, but we're going to need all the help we can get."
"How are you guys having so much trouble finding one chick? Amateurs." Tony shook his head, putting his feet up on the edge of the table.
Fury gave a small, frustrated sigh before giving the file he was holding a toss. It skidded down the glass surface to lose momentum in front of Tony and Clint, who glanced away without interest; he'd already read through the file. Tony, however, picked it up, eyes always alight when there was information or data to be packed into his already jam-packed brain. "Finding her isn't the issue. She was fairly easy to identify and even easier to spot. Agent Coulson?"
Coulson leaned forward and calmly explained, "Cora Dempsey. Twenty-five years old. Hair: Black. Eyes: Blue. Pale, five feet and eight inches tall, one-hundred and twenty pounds."
Tony opened the case file and glanced at the photo inside, giving a soft whistle. "You sure her eyes are blue? They look black."
"They're really dark, apparently. Her driver's license and all her other official documents say blue. None of us have gotten close enough to tell for ourselves."
"Why not? What'd she do?"
"Remember that incident in Central Park two weeks ago?"
"Refresh my memory," Tony requested as he pored over the documents in front of him.
Clint was the one who spoke up first. "Someone wavered out of sight on one of the park benches by the Alice statue in front of about twenty people. Then again in a subway terminal off Broadway."
"And that person was this girl?"
"Yeah. There's no one we can bring in to ask about her either. No family apart from her grandmother, who's homebound in California."
"If she's homebound, there's got to be someone taking care of her," Tony pointed out a bit impatiently.
"Yeah, her uncle, but he's only met the girl once, according to him, and doesn't know a thing about her," Fury stepped in.
"Anyway, so she's pretty simple to spot," Coulson noted. "She's not very well off, financially. Owns like four different shirts as far as we can tell, so there haven't been elaborate disguises to get through. She also has distinctive tattoos on…"
"You know how many shirts she has?" Tony repeated with an arched brow. "You get bored around here or something? Creeps, shame on you."
"As I was saying, tattoos on her back and her right wrist. She also has a stud in her nose."
"If she's so easy to spot, why haven't you caught her yet?" Tony asked, closing up the file. "You. Big Bird. You started to say something about that earlier. What is it about her?"
"Well, we catch up to her fine and then she disappears."
"What, does the wavering thing? I saw some news report on that when the subway stuff happened. It's not like she turned invisible. She just flashed a little."
"She seems to do the 'wavering thing' just enough for us to lose track of her. And it does the same thing to our equipment. The interference is…"
"Well, it's similar to what the BiFrost arrivals did before," Coulson admitted, frowning. "It doesn't make sense though."
"This can't be the first time someone's slipped in some radioactive sludge and gotten powers. Stranger things have happened."
"It's definitely not. Most of them grow extra appendages though," he noted seriously. "But she's not radioactive in any sense and not an Asgardian. And the readings are nearly identical."
Tony snorted at the idea that there were actually weird alien-god-men up in space somewhere. "Okay, well, considering there might be these gods out there, maybe it's another kind. Maybe she beamed down from Krypton or Vulcan or something."
"Vulcan's highly unlikely since it got blown up," Clint offered, earning a roll of eyes from Fury and Tony, both.
"My point is, if there's actually one other 'world' out there besides ours," Tony noted, hooking his fingers through the air to punctuate his doubt, "there could be more, right?"
"She's been on Earth her entire life though and so have, er, had her parents. You saw the birth certificate, the diploma, the driver's license, the degree… All of that's there. In fact, her family dates back through the centuries, no problem."
"What happened to her parents?"
"Car crash. She was inside, but came out with just a broken arm."
"Did that have anything to do with her?"
Coulson shook his head. "Just a freak, tragic accident."
Tony nodded, not having to open the file back up to reassure himself there were all those documents inside. He'd seen them and his suggestion had been to exhaust all possibilities. "What's the interest here?"
"Interest. And she's a potential threat, should she opt to use her…talent for bad intent. It'd be ideal for a thief, a spy, really any covert operative position out there. She doesn't seem like a criminal yet, but we'd rather get to her before that happens," Coulson explained.
"Not much of a party. Just picking up a runaway," Tony murmured as Fury retrieved the file.
"You say that now, but I think it might be more of a challenge than you think."
"Tell you what, Stark, I'll give you a five minute head-start when we find her. See if you can catch her on your own," Clint smirked.
"Could with my eyes closed, Barton. In fact, will." Tony got up from the conference table and cracked his fingers. "Heading out, when?"
"Now. There's not much time to waste," Fury noted. "Don't do anything stupid either."
"Aw, Nick, didn't know you worried about me," Tony said with mock affection.
"Not as much worried about you as what your cocky ass gets me into sometimes. Now that you're working as part of the Initiative, you're going to have to act with a little more forethought."
Tony snorted. "Some of my best ideas come from impulse." He gave a flippant salute and then walked out of the conference room, seeming to walk on clouds of his own confidence.
Fury gave an exasperated sigh. "Our definitions of 'best' are very different…" He looked over to Clint as the other man rose up, starting to follow after Tony. "I'm counting on you, Agent Barton."
"Won't disappoint you, sir," Clint said decidedly as he left as well with an inclination of his head.
Coulson looked toward Fury with a raised brow, but a smile still on his face. "You sure you don't want me to accompany them, sir?"
"You've done enough for now, Phil," Fury told him easily. "Let them give it a shot and we'll see where we're at. It couldn't get any worse than it already is."
"Wouldn't say that too loudly, sir," Coulson chuckled. "But, for the record, I wouldn't have been distracted."
"Lying doesn't suit you, Phil."
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Next chapter: Chapter 2, "If She Be Worthy"
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muddyorbsblr · 2 years
relinquish the crown outtake: a trinket
Series Masterlist
Placement: Before the main story, a few years after 'midgardian amusements'
Summary: Loki returns to Asgard from an extended trip with a gift for you
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings (trust me you need these): themes of incest (he's adopted but still); apart from that, none, really…this is kinda fluffy… [if i missed any let me know and i'll update immediately]
Things to be aware of: Reader is still painfully oblivious
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The sun was at its peak in Asgard when Loki had returned from his trip to Niflheim to consult and negotiate with its rulers. It was strange; normally he would be itching to return home after trips such as this, especially given how monotonous meetings like this had become over the past millennia. But this time he found himself taking a detour to Midgard before returning, to acquire a trinket. A token of…what would it be? His affection? His obsession? His questionable and relentless lust? 
"Prince Loki, at the risk of overstepping, the affections you're feeling for her are…debauched," Heimdall spoke once he crossed the border of the Bifrost, ready to walk the bridge and make his way back to the palace. Back to you.
"I know not of what you speak, Heimdall," he attempted to deflect the words. He knew it was wanton. Indecent. To feel this way towards you, but it was a downward slope, and he was helpless against his nearly gravitational pull towards you. 
He found himself thinking of you at the most inopportune times, and the images he'd conjured of the two of you in the darkest depths of his imagination had been keeping him warm at night ever since he met you. He couldn't even think of taking on a new lover; every offer in the last few years he'd taken down for the same reason. 
None of them were you. 
"Princess Y/N may not be your blood, but she is still your family. Your depravity may have been overlooked, perhaps even approved of, before Odin's rule. But we are living in new times, Your Highness. Desiring her the way that you do--"
"I would gladly appreciate it if you cease your prying into my life," he cut Heimdall off. "What I do when my chamber doors are closed, who I desire, and ultimately who I choose to give my affections to, is no one's concern but mine. Besides, you said it yourself. She is not my blood." 
As he walked away, he failed to hear Heimdall's last words. "She will not love you the way you do. Not right away. It will take time."
He pieced together as he walked through the streets of Asgard that the kingdom was preparing for a banquet to celebrate the Summer Solstice. He made a note to stay at least long enough to attend. Perhaps even share a dance with you.
When he finally started walking among the palace halls, he could feel his step getting lighter, as if the anticipation to seeing you once more nearly made him fly. He couldn't make his way to you fast enough. That was how he nearly bowled over his mother, Queen Frigga, and her ladies in waiting. Thankfully, he was still acutely aware enough that he was able to stop himself from triggering the chaos.
"My son, you've returned! How fared Niflheim?" 
"Mother. I'm glad to be home." He enveloped her in an embrace. "Tedious, as always, then again there is nothing quite as lively and invigorating as our home," he finished with his usual practiced grin. Back before he met you, the giggles from her ladies in waiting would have done wonders for his ego; now all he wanted was to see you scrunch your nose in his direction.
"And what of Midgard?" He eyed her, feigning confusion. "You reek of their machinery, Loki. You cannot mask that from me. You cannot mask much of anything from me. Remember that, my dear son. Come, ladies." 
As they walked away, he heard one of them, your friend Astrid, ask her about his lack of courtship in the years past, to which he heard his mother reply, "Ah yes, well I'm afraid his affections have already been won by another. Effortlessly. Unknowingly. But he is hers nonetheless."
He couldn't find an appropriate word in their vocabulary to express the mortification he felt knowing that his mother had an inkling of his affections toward you. The Midgardians had the perfect word for it, though. Fuck.
When he finally found his way outside your chambers, he took a steadying breath, smoothing his hair, before knocking on your door. "Enter," you commanded through the door. Loki couldn't help but smile at the carefree tone of your voice. When he stepped through your doors and entered your chambers, he took a quick sweep of the room, noting the neat stacks of books and the journals on a study desk. He noted the four-poster bed with the sheer gold curtains, the sheets set in a luxurious black silk, making his thoughts go down a sensual route that he would rather do away from your presence, so he looked away.
And then he saw you, sitting in front of a vanity, fiddling with a black silk dress with gold detailing exposing your shoulders and clavicle, before turning around and greeting him with a bright smile. "Loki!" You stood up from your vanity seat and rushed over to his open arms. "Welcome home." 
Home. Funny how Asgard never felt more like home until he had you in his life, until he had you to come home to. And you weren't even aware of the effect your words had on him. "It's comforting to be home, darling. Especially if the welcome is this warm, and coming from the most beautiful maiden in the realm." 
His words made you chuckle, scrunching your nose at him as he kept you in his embrace. "Alright alright, I get it. I'm glad to see you, too," you said, laughing off his remarks. When he realized he'd held you a little longer than would be seen as appropriate had anyone else been watching, he loosened his embrace, allowing you to step out of his arms and sit back in front of your vanity. "Tell me about Niflheim." 
"There's really not much to tell, my dear," he answered as he sat on the edge of your bed, watching you contently through the reflection on your vanity. "The entire ordeal was quite tedious." 
"Tedious how?" Your eyes met through the mirror, the action somehow feeling so bizarrely intimate for the god, as this moment placed a new fantasy in his imagination. Of watching you ready yourself in the morning, insisting on alleviating your staff of as much effort as possible, your hair still disheveled from the night before. Him watching you contently from the bed, the sheets still tangled around by his ankles, the morning breeze floating in through the balcony doors, ruffling your sheer dressing robe and his naked form. 
Stop it. Right this moment. Not here. That future will not be yours. It cannot be yours. She can never be yours. 
He snapped himself out of his reverie and recollected his thoughts, resuming his gaze at you in the looking glass. "Well, darling, imagine a group of dwarves all talking in the same intonation, same agonizingly slow pacing, their voices all melding into one." He imitated their voices with frightening accuracy, making you burst into chuckles. 
"And what of the place?" you asked, delicately swiping some lipstick over your lips, hypnotizing him, bringing him back to his fantasies of being able to spend such intimate moments with you. Every day. As his lover. As his wife. Stop it, he scolded himself again.
"Irrationally dangerous," he answered you. "There's a mist that slowly consumes you once you step foot into it, an ever-changing maze that will guarantee you never find your way out lest you have remarkable survival skills. Or you can fly." You chuckled at his words once more. "Afterward I decided to pay a visit to Midgard…" he trailed off, conjuring a large, square jewelry box from his pocket dimension. 
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As he opened it to reveal its contents, your eyes widened in wonder as you saw an exquisite choker necklace with gold chaining, pearls, and emeralds, the bottom tier consisting of more delicate chain links. "That's beautiful. Absolutely enchanting." You turned and stood from your seat, facing the necklace in person and slightly hovering your fingers above the intricate design. And then your face dropped by the slightest bit. "Is it for Astrid?" 
The question perplexed Loki. "Astrid? Why would I acquire this for one of your friends?"
"Well, when I first introduced you to my friends she said--Well, aren't you two in courtship?" 
Your question made him snort. "Darling, I am not courting Astrid. She approached me shortly after we were introduced a few years ago and expressed her intention to; however, I politely declined."
"Ah, I see." Your brows furrowed. "Well, the recipient of that marvelous trinket is a very fortunate lady. You have excellent taste." 
He chuckled at your comment. "Y/N, it's yours." 
You looked up at him with wide eyes shining with wonder. "Mine? You…You bought this for me?" 
"Of course, darling." Who else owns me the way you do? Who else could possibly deserve my affections more than you?
"I don't know what to say," you said in a rush. "You shouldn't have. Truly. But thank you." 
"Would you like to try it on?" Your eyes lit up as you nodded and a smile found its way to his face at the sight of your delight over something so simple. If that was all that it took then he would find reasons to gift you little trinkets at every turn, every opportunity. He motioned to your vanity seat, and you took the cue to sit back down, facing the mirror, one hand gathering all your hair to one side and the other deftly unclasping the gold band you were currently wearing.
The lurid thoughts of him pressing his lips to your exposed neck attacked his imagination. Every part of him ached to desperately. Instead, he reached around you and fastened the jewelry around your neck, his breath coming up short as he caught your reflection, how undoubtedly regal you looked with the intricate chaining decorating your décolletage. And what he absolutely was not prepared for was the image of you wearing his colors, looking like you were meant to be his after all.
It was all he could do not to tug you to your feet and lay his lips on yours. 
"How do I look?" you asked, your eyes meeting his once more in the reflection. 
He willed himself to stop the tears forming in his eyes as his mind was once again bombarded with a future he could only dream of with you. Then he stepped behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders and leaning down to bring his face level to yours. He had to mask his breath catching once more when he caught sight of you two together in the reflection, side by side. 
It was as if you were made for each other. 
"You look resplendent, my dear Y/N," he breathed out, never taking his eyes off yours in the mirror, as he pressed a tender kiss to your cheek. He felt your cheek move in a smile and it took all his strength to not stay and continue to press his luck. To pull away instead. "You will make an exquisite Queen of Asgard and the Nine Realms one day." 
Your face fell at his words. "I erm…I do not wish to speak about my inevitable reign." 
"Why ever not, Princess?" 
You huffed. "The implications of my reign are…lonely." He felt you tense under his hold at the mention of the last word. He moved his hand to wrap around your upper arm so that he could rest his chin on your shoulder. "Me being Queen would mean everyone I love at this moment would be gone." 
"Y/N, darling, I'm sure it's not everyone--"
"Let me count them down, shall I?" you cut him off. "Grandfather, and most likely Grandmother. Then Father would claim the throne, but for me to become Queen that would mean he'd be gone, too. And also most likely Mother shortly after. And then you." 
Loki felt his heart flip in his chest at your words. "I'm on that list?" He couldn't focus on the notion that you believed he'd be dead by the time you ascended the throne. All he could hear was that he was among the people you loved.
"Of course you are!" you said with a chuckle. "Why wouldn't you be?" 
He couldn't stop himself from doing what he'd done next. He allowed himself the simple indulgence of wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing another kiss to your cheek. "I promise you I will see the day you ascend the throne, my darling Princess." 
If Loki thought your words had stopped his heart, your next actions might as well have plucked it straight from his chest. You laid your hand on the side of his face and tilted your head so you could press a kiss to his cheek as well. "Thank you," you whispered, so unaware of the emotions currently coursing through him. Completely unvexed by the proximity of your faces to one another. Norns, you were so close, one nudge in the wrong direction and he would have found himself with his lips on yours. 
He needed to put some distance between you two, if only for the next few hours. Recompose himself. He placed one last kiss to the top of your head before making a move to stand upright and walk towards the door. "I'm afraid I must go, my dear. Get my wardrobe sorted for the banquet." 
Your face lit up once more. "You're staying for the celebrations?" 
"Of course, darling. Save me a dance?" 
Your eyes softened as you scrunched your nose in his direction once more. "I'll save you as many dances as you wish, Loki." 
All of them, he thought to himself. For the rest of our lives. 
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A/N: Back hugs and cheek kith?? I am not okay I am so soft after this holy hell--
Everything: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @springdandelixn @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @arch-venus25 @freefrommars @littlemortals @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @peaches1958 @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @iobsessoverfictionalmen @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @avoliax @devilsadvocactus @purplegrrl27 @lokiprompts @sititran @imherefortomhiddleston
relinquish the crown: @kalinaselennespeaks @severuslovebot @kats72 @baffledbymybrilliance
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mischiefmaker615 · 1 year
I have a Loki fluff request with these prompts:
“Of course I waited for you”
“When the world does eventually end, there’ll be a little house on top of the horizon. It’ll be small and in shambles and always smell of laundry but it’ll be perfect. That’s where we’ll live- in our little house on the edge of the world”
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It had been centuries.. centuries since you had seen Asgard, her home, since banishment. One small mistake, and your powers had gotten you banished, without so much as a trial from Odin, the All-Father. Oh how you’ve missed it, being banished to Midgard wasn’t easy, living amongst mortals and their hardship ways, and just a breath of Asgard’s fresh air was enough to have your body relax a little as guards met you at the Bifrost and led you away down the bridge.
From your morning walk, the Bifrost had picked you up out of no where- scaring the shit out of you and not even having been able to even say goodbye to your second home or the friends you managed to make along the way. Just the rude thought made your body tense again but this time in anger.
All this time in banishment, now Odin calls upon you? For what? To change his mind of the banishment and maybe kill you instead? Lock you away? Perhaps change his mind and let you remain here again? No.. not even getting to explain yourself from the start, why would he show kindness now? One wrong move and he could still have you killed, or worse.. but you honestly wouldn’t know what you’d do when you laid eyes upon him again. You thought all those years a warrior would have gained you some type of respect, but after being cast off, you knew there was no chance of that.
You enter the palace, doing your best to keep up with the pace of the guards as they led you with a grip on your arms and having not forgotten the way around, knew you were heading straight for the thrown room.
After a hard knock, the guards led you inside and your heart nearly stopped as your eyes slowly lifted to the king before you sitting comfortably on the throne. With a wave of his hand, the guards left your side and the doors shut behind you. He looked just as uncomfortable as you were but your state was more of shock and he of pure.. nervousness that he failed to hide.
‘’You’re..king?’’ you whisper.
Loki, the god of mischief, god of lies and the one you loved the most, nodded slowly as he slowly rose to his feet. ‘’yes.’’
‘’you are.. king??’’ you repeat, this time your voice a bit louder as he carefully look at you with another nod.
‘’I am Y/N..’’
‘’YOUR KING!?’’ your voice suddenly shot, hot tears threaten to fall as confusion, pain and shock soak your words and he nodded quickly as he descended from the stairs.
‘’yes Y/N! yes! What more can I say-‘’
Your mind was racing as your eyes lifted up to face him as he stood before you, one stair up and stopped there, his helmet framing his beautiful face perfectly as his blue eyes bore into yours. What had happened over the years- did Odin Die? Where was Thor? Wasn’t he destined to be.. instead of.. why didn’t he.. ‘’where’s Odin?’’ your voice hushed, your eyes glancing away to the other parts of room as if to find his very body lying there.
Loki almost looked amused as he shook his head ‘’he fell into the Odin sleep and mother refuses to leave his side.’’
Your eyes tried looking sad but after what he had done to you centuries ago, it was almost impossible. Even Loki’s eyes didn’t seem to be that sad upon speaking about it as your eyes tried to search his. You were pretty much the only one who could read them, all those years ago when you two practically did everything together and you remembered finding it hard not to laugh whenever you heard him lie but you could call him out on it.
You knew this was all he ever wanted and all he ever talked about, the throne, power and the ability to do more than the position of a prince, but.. how? ‘’but.. how could you- how are you king?’’
Loki tried to hold back an uneasy look, but you had known he had disliked his brother already years ago. ‘’Thor has been banished.’’
By Loki’s tight jaw, it was wise not to ask why, and there was no look of sadness on his face either. ‘’but.. the law-‘’ your words stopped as your eyes betrayed you. You had never stopped loving him, not even all these years alone among the other realm, and the very thought of him being with another made your heart practically break ‘’..aren’t you to be betrothed then-‘’
‘’I am not betrothed.’’ He cut you off and your eyes flashed back to his.
‘’but the law- a king must be with a queen if they are to rule a perfect-‘’
‘’I didn’t want any of them.’’ There was a disgust in his voice and he turned away from you with a sigh, closing his eyes as if to gather himself. This was the first time you had seen him uncomfortable, in just these mere moments of being reunited.. this was an entirely different Loki. ‘’I refused them.. refused them all. Excuse, after excuse, after excuse..’’ he couldn’t help but chuckle as he rolled his eyes up to the ceiling ‘’lying always has a benefit if done properly.. it bought me time.’’
Your eyes looked up at him as you bit your lip, your fingers fighting with themselves as you shifted where you stood. ‘’bought time for what?’’
Loki gently gave you an amused look as he turned to face you again ‘’I had a small hope that you’d one day return.. becoming king granted me the power to lift your banishment..’’
You blinked up at him as your mouth opened but no words seemed to have formed yet. You could be home again? Now? Your banishment was over?.. but that’s not what had concerned you.. ‘’you.. waited for me?’’
Loki looked at you with slight surprise and he took the last step slowly from the stairs so he was standing before you, shoes practically touching now ‘’of course I waited for you’’
You couldn’t believe your ears as you looked up at the man before you that practically confessed his feelings. If the tears hadn’t fallen earlier, they were now and your heart melted when Loki slowly reached forward and gently cupped your cheeks, his thumbs wiping away your tears. All you had ever wanted was him, you two even spoke about your feelings years ago when life seemed to have been perfect until responsibilities took over.. responsibilities.. the joy in your eyes seemed to slowly vanish as you looked up at him and your hands gently rested on his wrists. He was king now, nothing was going to change that, you weren’t royalty..
‘’we- i.. cant.. I can’t.. your king now- you have so much to do.. you’ll.. you’ll forget about me- you’ll be to busy- there’s more important things to focus on now.. i.. you should never have brought me back! Just leave me on Midgard-’’ you cried as you removed his hands off you and turned fast on your heels to run out but you felt a strong hand grasp your wrist.
‘’ IM NOT LEAVING YOU BEHIND!’’ he desperately yelled and pulled you back to him, your footing getting the worst of you and you feel onto his chest, his arms ready to catch you and enveloped you, keeping you there as you felt him shake his head. ‘’not again.. I so desperately wanted to go.. to find you.. not a day past in those centuries where I wasn’t thinking about you.. Heimdal even told me once and awhile that you were okay..’’ he admitted, his voice now soft and almost a whisper as he closed his eyes, his grip relaxing and becoming gentle as your body slowly relaxed.
‘’everything is different.. we are at war with jotunheim.. my brother threatens to come back.. the world is practically ending if I don’t try to keep everything at balance here.. but regardless of it all, I will not lose you again.. you will always be my first priority I swear it.’’
Your lip quivered as you held onto him, as if this was the last time you ever would see him as you took a deep breath to gather yourself. Is it all really to good to be true? Or could he just be saying that before he forgets her as if she never came back from Midgard..
Loki sensed her doubt though and pulled slightly away to cup her cheeks again, bending down so he was looking her in the eyes with a soft expression as she gazed into his. ‘’you are the only one who could ever tell if I was lying Y/N, look at me now and tell me I am.’’
You look into his blue eyes and searched, his expression gentle and passion but your eyes never had any doubt. Regardless of the fact, Loki had never lied to you either, and even now his eyes and his words held truth before you. ‘’I’ve missed you..’’ you whispered and he smiled, pulling you back close and held you, his chin resting on top of your head in a gentle embrace as his thumbs rubbed gently against your skin.
‘’I’ve missed you too Y/N. and I promise no matter what, I will do nothing but try to make you happy.’’ He promised and you felt him chuckle a bit as he grinned ‘’even if its to still make your dream come true to provide you with those simple love story fantasies.. what was it you told me? White fence or something?’’
You couldn’t help but laugh as he referenced the white picket fence love life, the simple one where nothing was overly rich but enough to show that all you needed was each other. It was all you ever read about from the books you managed to find in the library- a very small selection in Asgard, and another thing you’ll miss from Midgard, but regardless, you got what you wanted right here.
‘’and besides,’’ you tease and pull back slightly to look up at him, a playfulness in your voice ‘’When the world does eventually end, there’ll be a little house on top of the horizon. It’ll be small and in shambles and always smell of laundry but it’ll be perfect. That’s where we’ll live- in our little house on the edge of the world”
Loki couldn’t help but chuckle as he pulled you close and kissed your forehead ‘’perhaps Midgard rubbed off on you a bit, but I’ll have that house built as soon as I can’’ he grinned before capturing your lips finally in his own, troubles being long forgotten and a new chapter for you finally beginning.
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theautisticcentre · 2 years
Shuri x GN! Reader
Summary: While Reader is on their way to the party, Shuri gets a talking to and starts to feel regret for her outburst.
Warnings: Angst, AU, shouting
While you were flying with your family to the Avengers Compound, Shuri was continuing her work in her lab. She was, as always, completely drowned in her work. She hadn't payed a seconds attention on her words towards you an hour earlier, and was instead focusing on her new security cameras, when she heard footsteps nearby.
"I told you I didn't-" She stopped her words of anger when she saw T'Challa and Okoye walking into her lab. "Oh, it's you two. For what reason do I owe this little visit?" T'Challa and Okoye looked at Shuri, their faces stern. "Sister, we must talk." Shuri rolled her eyes and said, "Listen, if it's about Y/N, I promise I'll,"
"It is about Y/P, but it is not like our last talks. We saw Y/P leaving with sadness on his face. What did you say," said a serious Okoye. Shuri, with a twinge of fear, said, "I just told them how annoying they are with their constant pestering with these gifts. And most of them aren't even that good!"
"Shuri!" T'Challa said in utter shock and anger. Shuri soon followed up with, "What?! I work so much and so long for my country, and Y/P comes in and distracts me just so they can bring me...these! I swear, if Y/P didn't distract me, I'd be able to get twice as much work done!"
"Enough!" The three looked to the voice to see Queen Ramonda in the hallway them. She walked into their room, dismissed Okoye, and said her piece to Shuri.
"Shuri, words cannot express my disappointment in you. You are usually much more composed, yet now, your words have dealt as much damage to Y/N as any weapon you can or have made." Shuri angrily asked, "How?! What harm comes from telling the truth?!"
Ramonda kept her composure, and simply gestured to the bracelet you had made for Shuri. "Look at that." Shuri responded, "I did. It's subpar, mother-" "No. REALLY look at it." Shuri reluctantly picked up the bracelet, and analysed it again. "Well...the (colour) fabric used for the ring is a nice look, I'll give Y/P that..."
"The (material) beads added on do complement the fabric, and the heart shapes...are quite nice. OK...it's actually pretty good." Ramonda continued, "Good. Now, look at everything else Y/P's brought you." Shuri looked to her workshop, and soon picked up a necklace you made for her. "This necklace...the (material) used in this makes it gorgeous! And I just left it there?!...Because I was...working..."
Ramonda nodded to T'Challa, as they both saw Shuri start to understand.
"This shirt...I always wanted one of those double sleeve shirts, yet when Y/P made me one...I just...dropped it there." Shuri's stomach started feeling really bad. "This...this golden knife. Y/P made me this for self defense...and I threw it there..."
Finally, she grabbed a photo of you and Shuri at a Christmas festival in New York. "I...I loved that festival...Y/P wanted me to remember, and...and..." Soon after she stopped her sentence, tears started pouring down her face, as she chuckled. "I remember Thor had to hold back Loki when I flustered Y/N..."
"They've done all of this for me, and...I said they weren't good...And I...I told Y/P that Y/P annoyed me..." Shuri fell to her knees, the waterfalls falling from her eyes. "Oh, Bast, what have I done...I've broken Y/P heart...over what?! Over some damn piece of technology?!" She furiously stood up and threw many pieces of her work away, nearly hitting T'Challa with one.
"Now you see, Shuri?" Shuri looked up to her mother, and tearfully said, "Yes, mother...I need to find Y/P, and make it up to Y/P!" She quickly checked the security cameras around Wakanda, and didn't see you anywhere. So she reversed the cameras footage until she saw one recorded when you were blasted out of Wakanda by Bifrost.
"Y/P...Y/P left...Then Y/P's either at New Asgard or New York!" Shuri immediately got out of her chair and left her lab, determined to find you.
End of part 3.
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heleciacrow · 1 year
anon from last time! GN or Femme reader would be alright thanks so much for tuning into my request <3
-Anon Gel
That's pretty much appreciated and I finally finished it. Sorry if it took so long but I hope you like it.
Too Dangerous
The day has been ending to your forging state, many had requested for new weapons accessories or any type of smithing needed for the daily lives of Asgardians. Even Odin himself seems to be fond of knowing the skill of a Smith such as you. Perhaps too ogling on how you make your own properties no matter how difficult things would be.
A different way as you are, the thought of thousands always runs. Perhaps the day had been tiring as ever or maybe, a certain day you wanted to rest it out or maybe relax. And that's where you put yourself, a place that always seems to put you in a better mood and that is taking a bath in a hidden springs in Asgard.
No one seems to know about these specific springs, but you find it better than letting many join. Not that you want company, besides you wanted it for yourself alone. After the day passes, you quickly close down your forge, pulling down the window that signifies it's the end of the day for it to be closed. Settling your own thoughts you finally lock the door of your shop before heading back to your selfless home. Many would greet you on your way back, and some would give you a brief smile to acknowledge your form, of course, even the Valkeries know your skills of making weapons as it builds you respect from them as well. Thor even nods on your way, you did the same. Once you pass a few more homes away, you finally reach your home. You step inside as you open the door, you quickly go to your room where you pick up some few clothing you will need for this little self care you're planning. Of course, you have to be discreet about getting out of the back door of your house, carrying a small bag with your things in it.
The walk was quiet, the part where you take your time since all you can hear are little crickets and few fireflies flying around. The lamp in your hand helps you see the path you're taking with ease and somehow feels tranquil towards the moonlit night.
It did not take any longer for you to arrive at the hidden springs, setting down your bag, you smile at how the steam folds in the area, so quiet and so...relaxing even just looking at it. You can already feel the calmness from it and you went ahead to remove every piece of your clothing, leaving yourself completely naked.
You test the water first with your toes and smile before taking a step in it. The warmth of the water makes you moan in satisfaction as you sink down your body up to your chest. Leaning back at the edge of it and removing the pin from your head to let your hair fall in the water as well. You lean back on the edge of the spring, washing away the stiffness from your aching body after a whole day's work. You sighed once more, with your eyes closing to let the silence engulf this relaxing feeling.
But suddenly, someone cleared their throat that made you gasp softly and look around, the other area of the spring is somewhat dark but your eyes widened in shock to find a pair of Bifrost eyes staring at you intently in the dark "What do we have here? Little Black Smith found my secret springs." You knew that mockery tone and you groan softly but that was cut off in your mind as you remember that you're totally naked in the springs and duck down to hide more of your skin. You also noticed his skin as well, the paleness of his, and few of his beauty marks showing. His hair is also down from his usual braids. You felt embarrassed being there with him "Heimdall..." You whispered "I did not know you were here as well..." You responded, not really sure how it will be going between the two of you. "I...I'll leave..." You muttered before you turned away from him "I did not say leave, now did I?" He interrupted, making your own head turn over your shoulder to find him leaning on the edge with a smirk "H-how did you...?" "Find this place? Mhmm...well, this is my spot. I come here at this hour every other night. And what about you, little smith. When did you start coming to this place?" The way he look at you made you a bit uncomfortable, his eyes never leaving your back, as if tracing it with his gaze alone. "I found this place when I was...looking for some berries and light minerals..." You confessed, it's no use lying since he can read your mind. He hummed at your response, not really caring how much of a privacy he needed and he knows that you need it as well, he did not dare to utter any more words towards you which you find off "Staring is rude." He stated, somewhat calmly in your taste when he knows your eyes seem not to move from his features, you immediately turn away again, feeling warmth growing to your face but you're glad that the springs hid it or at least that's what you wanted to believe. He has his eyes close the whole time and you find yourself relaxing as well with him not too far from you but still having a respectable distance between the both of you. "So, I'm sure you're aware that this atmosphere getting more awkward with your thoughts alone, let me help you understand, you did not see me tonight." Heimdall said, not sparing a chance to open his eyes to you, nodding at this you continue to cleanse your body with your back facing him completely.
But he open one eye to watch you, seeing how the water roll down on your velvety skin. He knew well why you wear such covered clothing and so does he. He never shown much skin like his half-brother Thor. He do not need to show skin on how strong he is, but what made his eye trail is your shoulder when you pull your hair to the side, exposing your soft back. How your neck crane slightly when you pour the warm water with your hand and how it glides gently down to your arm. But he did not say a word, however he felt something inside him. Was he mesmerized by your movement? Is he seeing the same Black Smith that is ruthless on making weaponries for his All Father? As if he's only seeing a gem shining, with the water falling ever so beautiful with the light of the moon, he's captured. He knows that you're not trying to seduce him with your movement but he can't help but feel seduced at the same time. Before he could think more provocatively with the way he watches you, he stand up from his spots before he got out of the water to get his own clothes. The sound of the water splashing and moving made you turn to look, but immediately turn away again as he was indeed butt naked like you, his back looks defined, he's not muscular nor skinny, he have a good physic. You saw how slim his waist is and how pale his skin was. You all saw that with one glance and you can't help but blush madly at the thought, and Heimdall chuckled at your flustered state, turning to a cocky statement towards you "Ah yes, of course, its not everyday you'll see such beauty from a god myself. Look at me." He demanded, it takes you a moment to feel the urge to return your eyes towards him and so you did, he's squatting down near you and stare at you. You noticed he have his pants on already but he's staring you down. You eyes scan from his torso up to his eyes, his face is much closer than normal "Do you feel the urge to touch, Black Smith? Yes, yes you do. Of course you do." You can't form any word from how he is there. You wanted to say something but you only back away from him, and catching a glimpse of his eyes staring down at your chest that made you raised your arms to cover them "I um..." Nothing, your own brain betrayed you and that made his ego grew even bigger "Well, this is fun. Perhaps you could join me often in this little secret place." It's not a request...it's an order. However as you were about to respond, he already left. As you stare where he was squatting down, he's no longer there, and you felt your own breath released not knowing you've been holding it after the intense stare down
"Fucking hel...."
Many days have passed since that encounter with Heimdall, and your mind has been fogged up with an image of him like that in front of you. The way he grinned, the way he speaks at you, his tone sounded like he's trying to tempt you, everything is coming back and forth and it's driving you mad. 'that asshole did this on purpose...' you lay the hammer down, picking up the sword that you have been hammering for too long since your mind would not focus at all. The tension of your muscles are starting to ache, you crane your neck to the side as you let it crack for a moment and sigh in relief before dipping the hot metal to the cold water barrel next to you. You hear the bell of your own shop, telling you a customer came in, you did not raise your head as you keep the metal sizzles in the water "Welcome, what can I help you with?" You spoke, taking out the metal again and grabbing your hammer to pound it once more, when the person did not say a word you raised your head to see who they are but your breath hitch to find Heimdall there "Um...hi?" Right, first thing is to sound squeaky, this caught Heimdall laughing at your reaction "is this how you greet gods? A hi? Really? You can do better than that, sunshine." He tease, crossing his arms together and leaning on the door frame of your shop, he's watching you, you felt... uncomfortable. "Ahem, apologies, Heimdall... Is there something you need?" You asked, not looking at him in the eyes while hammering the metal again before putting it in the blaze "Well, I do have something that you can work for me. Bracers, I need new ones." He says, walking towards your station and set down some fine materials for you to use "Ah...but, there's nothing wrong with your current ones..." Looking at his arms and seeing that his current bracers are not worn out or anything "Well I need a couple spare. Not quit your questions and work." Demanding you to go on with it, or is it an excuse to mock your state of tiredness, you do not know. "Oh dear me, you wound me with your thoughts, Black Smith. Here? Mocking? Oh no no, I'm simply giving you the privilege to make something worthy, not everyday I come to ask for your talent to make me one." Showing his signature sarcastic smirk, you can't help but roll your eyes. As soon as you were about to pick up the materials he brought with him, he grab your hand and pull you, making you bend slightly on your table with him leaning next to your ear "I would love your company tonight at the spring. Don't be late, sunshine." Your eyes widened with his words, he lets you go and head towards the door "Don't forget." This time his eyes look at you seriously, as if giving you a warning if you did not come. You did not manage to utter a word but another sigh leaving your lips as you hear the door close as he leaves
"...that bastard..."
Much to your liking, you found yourself again walking the same path towards the springs. You know he's there already but you can't help it, you feel nervous. You wanna turn back to your house and just take a regular bath instead. Instead of doing that, you keep walking until you found yourself standing right in front of the springs. A shallow splashing can be heard and there you find Heimdall already enjoying it "Took you long enough." He spoke, his eyes remain close while his body lean back with his arms hanging on the edge of the spring. You roll your eyes to see him there "Well, don't just stand there. Strip." He ordered, you gulped nervously at this, careful putting down your little bag of your belongings as you reach over your should to pull down the sleeves, with your back turn facing him, he tilt his head to watch you. Not saying a word, like he can taste your skin with just his stare. You can also feel the burn of his gaze burning deep on your back, but you did not say a word and let your dress fall to the ground "Your hair, let it down." He speaks, you bite the inside of your cheek and pull off the pin that keeps your hair up and gently fall down to your back. Once you're done stripping, you turn to face him, seeing him coming near the edge where you stand before he offer a hand for you to take as you tip down your legs to the water. "You're strange..." You quip, but he did not say a word, he's just staring before he pull you closely to him that made you gasp loudly. He remained quiet, his other hand finding its way on your bare back "Say something..." You tried again, but no, he refused, he just do whatever he thinks he wanna do, your heart skip a beat as he held your hand close to his lips "Mmh..." A low hum coming from his throat as he trail soft kisses to your palm, moving slowly to your wrist and turn it to kiss your forearm. But before he could reach your shoulder, you pulled away flustered "W-what has gotten into you...?" Staring at him, he must have realized it himself and move away from you as well, he doesn't know, he just felt like it's pulling him to you. Many things rushed into your mind, the way his gaze never leaving your form caught your breath in your lungs. It did not feel weird, you felt good even but it's not gonna leave your lips to admit you enjoyed it even though it was sudden. He read it, he saw it, the way your body heat rising in her. He wanted more but pushing it would make you run away but instead of getting out of the spring, you sink down in the water until to your lips and keep your eyes away from his reading ones, this made Heimdall smirk he's enjoying this more than he should "What? Are you flustered that much? Here I thought you think of me the way I think of you. But no, I did not read you wrong. You ENJOYED it." Pulling up a wolfish grin towards you. You did not respond, but he was right.
That's when you and Heimdall would start to share bath in the springs. The company of his wasn't as pleasant but you grew to enjoy somehow. Sometimes, he would be there first and sometimes it was you who will be waiting for his arrival. Many banters here and there, you're even more surprised when the first time you talked back to him when he said something flirtatious towards you "You wanted to touch me, don't you. I'm sure you do." Earning a rolling of your eyes that made him laughed, but the next thing is when you responded "Oh please, if anything I would want from you is to strangle you, right now." His eyes stares at you after you said that, you were about to apologize but he somehow chuckled "aww, can you even reach my neck, smith?" He teased, his smile growing as you puff your cheeks at him and stick your tongue out.
But for some reason, you stopped feeling anxious, the usual nerves you felt when you step in. You gotten used to his presence even tho you barely see him comes around the shop or at least asking you to create something else for him. However, you noticed that most of the accessories he wants you to make doesn't match what he needs. As if he's using it as an excuse just to tease you. Your mind is currently occupied that you did not hear him coming, you're too immersed with your own thoughts and Heimdall chuckled behind you "Well, looks like someone is daydreaming about me." Busted, your eyes widened. You did not want to turn around at all and you can feel him grinning somewhat a bit too much after seeing your little fantasies about him. He joins you in the spring, and he's closer than he usually do "Pray tell, Smith. You were just thinking about me. You can't lie to me." Gripping on your chin to make you look at him, your own breath released slowly as you stare back into his own. The atmosphere is setting in much more heated way, he's testing you, you and your mind.
You didn't need words to express it, just the way you stare back at him is a good answer already "I see." He finally said, suddenly, his arm slowly snake around your waist as if trying to feel your skin gently before he pull you to him. Having your bare chest pressed against him. The contact of your skin on him sent fire inside you. Have you been dreaming that he would do this to you? You do not know. "H-Heimdall...I don't think...you should not..." But he hush you, keeping his arm around your waist, he wanted to taste you and the way you bat your eyes at him almost made him growl "I know what you're thinking, smith... And it's not a bad thought." Showing you the same smirk but wider than he usually do, you want to hold back, push him away but his hand caressing flatly on your skin made it impossible. How did you two ended up in this situation? You just wanted to relax after a whole tiring day and yet, you started sharing this place together as if a dirty secret, plus the teasing coming from Heimdall never fail to make you flustered "E-even so... This is wrong..." Your voice reach his ears, how it sounded so breathless just his touch, he wanted more "You see, I can tell that you always watch me. I know you do, perhaps all too well. The way your own eyes burning on the side of my head and yet, I did not stop you. It's quite disrespectful, but you're lucky I'm in a good mood night after night whenever we share this sacred place. But, you're good at hiding yourself away...but I will unravel it, with my own hands." He whispered, dangerously close to ear where his lips touch your lobe feverishly "I know what you want, smith... You do say you hated me or my guts. But I know you meant differently." Busted, he was watching, always aware how your mind runs. From those days after you encountered him, he never leaves your thoughts anymore.
You groan softly when his hand glide back up on the nape of your neck, forcing your head straight"Look at me..." He demand, voice growing low enough to make your head spin, this is dangerous...you need to get out but your body refused to move an inch. You wanted to lean forward to taste his lips, he can sense it. The way your eyes move from his to his lips was enough to yearn for it. He lean closer, closer, until your lips are inch away, just one more breath and you can finally feel them. But before you know it, he laughed. Pulling away from you, and out of the spring. You were dumbfounded and stare at his back as he pick up his clothes "Don't hope too much, smith." He laughed, before he walked away, leaving you all embarrassed and realized what he just did. You hear his voice lacing with tease "if you want it, you have to earn it." And you swore you can hear his grinned from his voice that made your blood boil "Damn it... That asshole...!"
Heimdall knew, it was too dangerous...too dangerous to let his own desire flow. He grinned. No, not yet, not now, he will make sure you will fall first.
But is that how he wanted it to end?
(AN : I kinda wanted to make it a smut but maybe I will on the next if I find the right time)
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
Hi! I know it's been a while, I've got this li'l request? If it's okay? So I remember this Odin scene in Eternals where Gil said Odin taught him some drink or whatever bartending skills Odin taught him😂
I was thinking of Odin and his fighters/people resting on Gil and Thena's place and Odin offering Gil to live in Asgard as a thanks for helping them in the battle of Tonsberg or whatever that is 'cuz I totally forgot😭. And then one of Odin's knights/fighters saw Thena having an episode and of course Gil was quick to calm Thena down and Odin thinks/saw the threat Thena brought on Gil's life so he reminded him of is offer again, Gil said he would ask Thena about it and that's when Odin said that he couldn't bring Thena with him in Asgard because of the threat she posed (uhh yes, we slander Odin). And Gil immediately asked Odin to leave their place, because Gil would never let anyone disrespect Thena!!!!!!!!
Thena heard the whole thing and when they were having dinner, she asked Gil why didn't he accepted because he always told her about Asgard and actually considered living there.
You decide what happens next, so yeah this is kinda angsty request jsjshs. Thank you so much, not just for this but for everything...
"I have not tasted this since the great battle of Jotunheim."
It would be more apt to call it the battle of Earth, the war between the Frost Giants and Asgardians - with the Eternals to assist - taking place here on the planet.
But the Allfather was visiting for the sake of old times, he said. Supposedly he was doing his due-diligence of checking on one of his many realms of protection by dropping in on Earth.
Thena quite thought they had the planet under control.
Odin had even brought his young ones to inspect the planet tethered to their very own Asgard. Two boys, although the Warrior Eternal had distinct memory of whispers about Odin's 'fiercest child'. Surely the child making snakes out of rope and the boy trailing at her brothers' ankles were not the holder of that title.
She could remember being in Asgard, after the battle. It was beautiful there, the people under Odin's rule were peaceful and happy. Everyone kept addressing her as Valkyrie, which was odd, but she was unfortunately quite used to being called things by mistake at that point in time.
In many ways it happened a whole lifetime ago, and yet was less than a thousand years ago as well. His young ones had yet to become great warriors, as the old god was hoping and pushing for ceaselessly.
"I've tweaked the recipe--just a little," Gilgamesh smiled and laughed with the old god, the two sitting across their humble table like drinking buddies instead of two of the galaxy's fiercest defenders.
"You have altered my recipe?!" Odin thundered, and yet dissolved into laughter in the same breath. The lines in his face bent and accommodated the patch over his eye. "I could have you tried and exiled for such a thing!"
The two laughed with force enough to crack the bifrost.
Too loudly for the Warrior Eternal. Although she did smile as she rose from her seat. Odin observed as she trailed her hand from one of Gilgamesh's shoulders to the other, leaving with his mug to refill it from the larger vessel of brew outside the house.
Gilgamesh watched with soft eyes.
Odin cleared his throat and leaned forward, "and yet in exile I seem to find you."
Usually one to say exactly what he thought and felt at all times, the Strongest Eternal was silent. He took another sip, "you think?"
The old god looked around him, regarding the homemade - very literally hand crafted - house surrounding him, a far cry from the glittering opulence of Asgard's finest. "Is it...?"
Odin knew of Mahd Wy'ry. He had once stated that he could sense for more behind the Warrior Eternal's eyes than even a being of their life expectancy should have.
Gilgamesh looked around the home, candles flickering and casting long shadows around them. "We came here to be alone, together."
The old god made a face he might make at one of his sons. "Is that truly all you have to say, Gilgamesh?"
He shrugged.
Odin set his drink down more firmly, the way a ruler did when demanding attention. He leaned back and tipped his chin up, his white hair catching on the adorned shoulders of gold he wore. "My offer still stands."
After the battle of Jotunheim, Odin had extended the offer to Gilgamesh to come and stay on Asgard. His skill and strength was beyond renown and he had claimed that they would be honoured to welcome a warrior as fine as he.
Gilgamesh had said thanks but no thanks--he was happy on Earth.
Gil looked at the old god now, not even shrugging so much as rolling his shoulders, "my answer's the same."
"Your mission is done," Odin declared needlessly. "If you are truly not to return to Olympia then tell me why you would not agree to joining the echelon of the galaxy's strongest?"
Gil swirled around the suds in the bottom of his cup. "I'd have to ask Thena what-"
The air sat heavy. Gil inhaled, also setting cup down hard. "No?"
Odin straightened in his chair. "The offer is for you alone, Gilgamesh. The Warrior Eternal-"
The old god paused. "What?"
"She has a name," Gil reiterated, pressing his palms to the table as he pushed his chair back. "You've called her a valiant warrior, you fought alongside her, called her an ally of Asgard. But I've never heard you address her by her name. It's only ever Warrior Eternal."
"That is what she is," Odin snarled in the face of Gilgamesh's argument.
"And who she is," Gilgamesh growled right back at him, "is Thena."
The air began to fold and bend around the two forces of power in the room. Odin leaned on his elbow, fist on the table, "she is not sound, Gilgamesh. I will not bring a danger into my walls."
"But you would sit across from her in our home?"
"She is a liability to you!" Odin stood, forcing his chair back and his mug to roll and shatter on the ground.
Gilgamesh was quiet and steady. "Keep your voice down."
"Are you ordering a god?"
"I'm asking an old friend," Gilgamesh pressed harder on the table, letting the wood moan under his touch. "To not disrespect the woman I love."
Odin's face did not change. He was not happy to be ordered nor asked to do anything, whether by an old ally and friend or an enemy. "She is unstable, and I would hate to see a great warrior such as yourself fall victim to something as fragile as the heart!"
"Maybe yours is fragile," Gilgamesh scoffed, moving the table out of his way as if kicking a pebble out of his path. It toppled over. "It's time for you to go."
"Think about this, Gilgamesh," Odin far from pleaded but perhaps seethed at him. "Do you truly wish to make an enemy of the Nine Realms?"
The Strongest Eternal met the old god eye to eye. "Anyone who has a problem with Thena isn't welcome at my table."
Odin gave his old ally one last look of disdain, letting his disgust in the developments of the night drip off of him like mud. "It is always a shame to see a great warrior succumb."
"Thena has always been a better warrior than me."
Thena turned her head away as Odin took off in a thunderstorm of an exit. She sighed, "you just fixed the roof."
Gil shrugged, also looking up at the sky as the old god and once-ally made quite a dramatic exit. He bumped his shoulder against hers, "I can fix it again."
Thena looked at him, her eyes searching for answers he didn't offer to their guest. "Why didn't you?"
He had no need to clarify what she meant. He shrugged again, leaning over to pick up the table and then reaching for the broom. "It was never an option."
Thena let him put himself between her and the pile of shattered ceramic on the floor. She padded back to her chair in her bare feet. "It could be."
He ignored her.
"Gilgamesh," she attempted, but he swept the ceramic under his foot and then, with a glow of gold, ground it into dust. Then he swept it up to toss out the window properly. "Gilgamesh!"
"I didn't consider it then and I'm certainly not now," he grumbled, pulling the shutters closed against the evening breeze.
Of course he hadn't. Even after Jotunheim, even if they weren't still bound to their mission, he would never have considered it. Gil loved earth too much. There was too much to rebuild, too much healing to do. Their family was here.
Now their family was scattered around the planet.
He tossed the broom back to its place and slumped down in his chair again. He looked at her, "without you?"
Thena tried not to let her lip tremble as she whispered, "you could."
Gilgamesh did not indulge her misery, waving his hand through the air with a light 'peh'. She tilted her head, but he looked at her, shaking his head, eyes brimming with emotion. "How could I ever be without you?"
Thena blinked away tears of her own. Her other half raised her hand off the table in front of them and kissed it so gently it was like a whisper. "Perhaps you would be better off."
"Nah," Gil dismissed much more lightly again. He chuckled, "you think I wanna be anywhere but our little paradise here?"
Gilgamesh, the mighty and brave, champion of Athens and hero of Jotunheim and the strongest Eternal, much preferred his modest and hand built little shack. He had no need for Asgardian palaces or promises of Valhalla.
"I have everything I could ever need right here in front of me."
Thena smiled, almost laughing under her breath. She hadn't spoken a word since Odin's arrival. She leaned her head onto Gil's shoulder, "perhaps you are right."
"I am."
"You are far too soft for Asgardian warfare."
Gilgamesh laughed softly, running his fingers through her hair, "yeah, maybe. You seem to love me just fine, though."
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glouris · 1 year
What I tell myself when I get sad about Heimdall being gone, tinfoil hat edition
First of all, please note that I’m delusional and this should be taken as a collection of cool little details and theories, not as proof that the mf will be back in the next game. You never know of course, but don’t let me set you up for disappointment. 
So. Weirdly enough, Heimdall seems to have parallels with, you’ll never guess it, Garm. Kratos’ confrontations with them go very similarly: he is put against them because of Atreus, who persuades Kratos not to kill them, attempts at pacifying them go poorly, and Kratos does kill them after all. By choking them. Both lie on their sides afterwards. 
While Kratos and Atreus are chasing Garm, his appearances are followed by Atreus asking about the spear, or them discussing Heimdall - it’s a constant back and forth. And, as far as I remember, Garm is the only boss in the game, apart from Heimdall himself, that uses the spear as a mandatory gimmick. 
Garm’s ability to make realm tears made me wonder why we never see Heimdall travel by Bifrost. We see regular einherjar soldiers do it, but Heimdall only travels with Hugin. Why? He’s supposed to be the closest to Bifrost, be able to use it in its full capacity and then some. Is he being restricted, or is it just a minor plot inconsistency? Either way, Garm’s realm tears could have paralleled Heimdall’s Bifrost, especially when in some interpretations the mythological Heimdall is the personification of Yggdrasil - the man is THE realm travel. I guess the gow version is still a master of realm shifts. And Bifrost's guardian. 
What I’m getting at with all that Garm deal is that if this parallel is not something that I just clowned myself into and is a legit thing, then shouldn’t Garm’s resurrection and his transformation into Fenrir be foreshadowing for Heimdall’s return? Or not, and the parallel is only about Atreus carelessly causing something, which Kratos then ends. I really don’t know.
Then again, the situation with another pair of wolves, Sköll and Hati, happens because Heimdall steals the moon holding relic from Helheim. Their episode is followed by his, as well as the fight with him happens right after you summon Sköll to clear a path into Heimdall’s boss arena. A bit too much coincidental plot intersections involving Heimdall, legendary wolves and Helheim for my taste.
And, my personal favorite - the gow 2018 horn mystery. Full clown makeup here, but I think it would be cool if that was Heimdall, somehow. Giants called him “ᚺᛟᚱᚾᛒᛖᚱᛁ” (“horn bearer” in my sloppy translation) on Atreus’ mural, and he was prophesied to sound Gjallarhorn to open all paths and start Ragnarok. He didn’t get to, as we all know. But you see, the Giants seem to have this tendency of being right even when they are wrong. The prophecy said that Tyr, the god of war, will unite the realms and lead the armies against Odin. Tyr didn’t get to, but Kratos, another god of war, did. The prophecy said that Atreus’ father will die in his hands. Kratos didn’t, Odin, the All-Father, did. 
If Heimdall was meant to sound the horn, perhaps he will, perhaps he did. When Jörmungandr is called with the horn, the water drops, revealing new paths. Kratos was carrying Atreus to Freya when they heard the horn, and was going to Helheim afterwards (again with the Helheim, I swear) to get what they need to save the boy. If it was really Heimdall, then that falls right into what the prophecy said: sound the horn, open the path (water drops after the serpent moves, new paths are open, + the boat by Freya’s house is washed ashore, where Kratos reveals to Atreus that they are gods), start Ragnarok (save Atreus, who’s always the one that puts the events into motion - Baldur’s death, Sköll and Hati chasing his arrow, Kratos fighting Heimdall and getting Gjallarhorn, which then calls Surtr… you get it. Heimdall is the one that pointed it out too, and was right). Plus, there’s definetly a mural behind him on his promo, so idk maybe it’s not THAT far of a reach. He has to have this mural there for something, right? 
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So yeah, I’m somewhere at my bargaining stage of grief. I’ll be accepting that he’s not coming back only when Santa Monica throws it in my face by not even mentioning him in Atreus’ game.
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