#bi sikh
schrodingers-fool · 5 months
Hello and Sat Sri Akal! One may know I’m bi and genderqueer and also Sikh. This one is for other queer Sikhs: I made a discord! As you may know, sangat is very important to Sikhi, and sometimes it’s hard to build that connection to sangat when you’re queer, so I decided to build my own! If you’d like to be a part of our community, here’s the link!
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meerawrites · 9 months
Hello, I’m Ameera a 23 years old Muslim lesbian who is trying to come out, I’ve been in the closet with my girlfriend for way too long, because of how dangerous and hard it is to come out as a lesbian to a religious Muslim family, but me and my girlfriend have decided to do whatever it takes and risk it all to come out, do you mind supporting and encouraging us?, we have the plan to go away which is why I have my donation campaign pinned on my profile, if I raise at least that goal I can start the process with my savings, I can’t come out until I’d gotten my apartment and I’m away from family, so please support by donating if you can and help reblog though I know we all have what we dealing with, so I’m not imposing we just need all the support and encouragement we can get, check my pinned post for more information on how you can support, if you are a Muslim queer and you are out, please help with tips on how to make it less complicated, any word of advice is also really needed, we really wanna come out but we need y’all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ pride please come through for us, I believe pride is for all
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Hi there! Ameera, @deepeagletimetravel lovely name by the way. Fun fact from an almost linguist (Hindi, Latin, French, Sanskrit, & working on music theory and Haitian Creole) and history nerd. Ameera/Amira means "Princess" in Arabic. (source), I wasn't initially sure how to reply to this besides signal boosting and donating what I can (as a broke brown & queer college student). But it's lovely to meet more brown people who also like girls. Since you introduced yourself I'll briefly introduce myself, I am Meera, after the Hindu Bhakti Poet and saint, I use they/them pronouns, I am culturally Hindu and follow some Hindu religious thinking and I am brown, bi, genderqueer, and mostly a writer. I am 20, and I say this most affectionately, I'd be cowardly facing this entire thing. You are incredibly brave for following your girlfriend and sticking to your intentions and love for one another. I know for many it isn't easy, coming was not easy for me and I've come out four times now. Of course, you should never coerce anyone out of the closet, but, we are incredibly brave for loving who we love and not letting our parents and grandparent's generation dictate how we should live. There is a long history of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, and brown sapphicism in general. I don't mind helping or encouraging you at all.
Below are some flags I think you'd appreciate. Best of luck to you and your girlfriend, have an excellent timezone.
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South Asia’s ancient queer history.
brown wlw playlist.
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I think it's really interesting and important to think about and talk about the solidarity between groups that experience different forms of oppression.
Neurodivergent people and physically disabled people can both experience ableism, but it can look different. People find out about some of my mental health diagnoses and decide they wouldn't trust me with children (regardless of how I actually act) or they wouldn't date me or hire me. But this can be different than some of the opression I face as a cane user, when people assume I am faking being disabled or that I only use a cane because I'm fat (the intersection of ableism and fatphobia). And yet they're still connected.
We also see this in racism -- there are specific and unique kinds of racism that different groups experience. For example, an Asian person in a non-Asian majority country being asked, "No, where are you really from?" is different than a Black person being followed around a store because they are Black, but these things are still connected.
We also see this in religion and spirituality -- for example, antisemitism is real and important to acknowledge, and so is islamophobia. For example, Jewish people being targeted with violence while trying to come together in houses of worship is different than people seeing a Sikh person and assuming they're Muslim and therefore a terrorist, but these things are still connected.
The discrimination and oppression I face as a bi person is different than the discrimination and oppression I face as a genderqueer person, and both of those are different than the discrimination and oppression I face as a demi aroace person, but they're also all still connected.
We see this with transphobia -- there are specific and unique kinds of transphobia that transfeminine people face and that transmasculine people face. We see this in the kinds of stereotypes we come across about each group, and the kinds of hate crimes that are committed, and the challenges each group faces when trying to date, have sex, get access to health care, or just go out to buy groceries. These things are different, but they're also still connected.
We see this with so many different things that I can't begin to cover here. And we see that many people are part of multiple communities affected by several of these forms of oppression at the same time.
Talking about this requires thoughtfulness, nuance, and balance. True solidarity requires us to be able to be aware of the different ways that we face oppression, to be cognizant and respectful of the differences, but to also resist the urge to position these differences in some sort of persistent hierarchy.
Harsha Walia says this more eloquently than I can:
"I think allies and accomplices have become identities in and of themselves, when in fact they are meant to be verbs—to signify ways of being and of doing, of relationship and relationality. It is impossible for any one person to be ‘an ally’ because we all carry multitudes of experiences and oppressions and privileges. Most people are simultaneously oppressed and simultaneously privileged, and even those are always specific and contextual.My paid work is in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the country. Unsurprisingly, this is a disproportionately racialized neighbourhood but there are many older cisgender white men. A straight white cisgender man who is homeless faces a harsher material reality than me on a daily basis—with minimal to no access to food, shelter, health care, or income. Reductively, one would say that I have class privilege in relationship to him. But it goes beyond that. Even taking into account that I might be able to count off more forms of oppression, the entirety of my material reality is more secure.For me that is where intersectionality falls short; it has become a static analysis and one of fixed categories that leads to oppressed/ally dichotomies. Anti-oppression analysis becomes rigid in its categorizations when the question becomes who is more oppressed, rather than engaging in a dialogue of how oppression, which is relational and contextual, is specifically manifesting. Oppression develops a strange quantifiable logic, a commodity that can be stocked up on. This isn’t to say I don’t believe in anti-oppression allyship, but rather that I question its reductionism in place of a fluid, contextual and relational practice."
Harsha Walia, “Dismantle & Transform: On Abolition, Decolonization, & Insurgent Politics”
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daisybellejpeg · 1 year
So I have one question, Daisy. Since I am also rewriting Dr. Br*ght into Dr. Glenn Osborne (my rewrite and replacement of said character in case you’re wondering), what are the general rules you would give to anyone who is replacing Dr. Br*ght with their rewrites? Just curious.
BTW, sorry about what you had to go through with that creep.
Dw friend I gotchu!!
So the guidelines I could give since I applied these to Shaw are the following:
Use something else or another medium of possession to replace the amulet. Remember, AB used the amulet as a possession fetish thing. I was actually branded using it via them asking for nudes with me wearing it. I’ve seen some people give Shaw prior to me working on the project a yellow gemmed amulet but I’m pretty iffy on that.
Make sure you have some sort of magic rule in place that prevents your bright rewrite from possessing kids or teens. Animals are fine but please god we don’t need another Doctor Doctor Doctor fiasco. What I did with Shaw was make it so that he could only posses people the same age as he was during the original in in incident that separated his soul from his body: 29.
Bonus points if the character has no agency over who they possess, as that would be the final step to erase bright’s possession fetish from the concept completely. I know that would be hard to do so it’s not a requirement but it’s still good to point out.
Lastly, have fun!!! Honestly AB was really lazy with the concept they were trying to write (I mean, they were writing this character for sexual gratification after all) so while treating these as guidelines to be respectful of me n others I’d also take them as a creative challenge for you and others! I’d love to see people go apeshit with differing concepts as well as writing rewrites from all walks of life. Shaw’s latine-ness was heavily inspired by my experiences having a first gen Colombian immigrant tiger mom, given Shaw’s relationship with his dad.
Give your rewrite a foundation based family business, make them an only child, make them start working for the foundation on their own, make them black, latine, AAPI, indigenous, Roma, Slavic, middle eastern, Jewish, Hindu, Wicca, Sikh, Muslim, gay, bi, pan, trans, AFAB, neurodivergent…. Go crazy! Who knows, if this trend of making your own sub ins takes off I may do some tales where the multiverse merges a bit n they’re all in the same place, that would be fun.
Hope this helps💖
(Edit to add: if you’re gonna use a culture/religion/mental condition that doesn’t belong to you/you don’t have please please PLEASE do your research and make sure your rewrite is written as sensibly as possible and doesn’t play into any caricatures. Not doing so is how we got Bright’s mom being accidentally perceived as Muslim because AB thought all abrahamic headdresses were called Hijabs, lmao
Don’t be like AB, be smart)
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pussystigmata · 10 months
also is there really any instances of people facing misdirected racism or ableism or anything like that. like even if ur a sikh and u experience anti muslim racism it isnt like the racism is misdirected, its part of the reason u were targeted. you may not be the specific target but the perpetrator still obviously has racist views towards brown people and u wouldnt have experienced that if u were not part of an oppressed ethnic group. maybe a person thought u were a lesbian when ur actually bi but does it even really matter when their issue is that ur dating the same sex which applies to gay and bi people and again, wouldnt have happened if u were straight. privileged people arent being accidently oppressed by wrong perception of their identity by other people. if ur being perceived as an oppressed minority and treated as such theres probably a reason.
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ghastmaskzombie · 2 years
this blog is a safe place
this blog is safe for queers of all kinds: it is safe for gay men and lesbians, for bi and pan people, for aro and ace people, for allosexual aromantics and alloromantic asexuals, for polyamorous people, for trans people and nonbinary people, agender and pangender and genderfluid and others i haven’t heard of, for he/him women and she/her men, for cis people with unconventional gender presentation who are tired of being called ‘eggs’, for two-spirit people, and probably for someone else i haven’t thought of.
this blog is safe for people of all faiths and races and nationalities. it is safe for people white or black, asian, indian, hispanic, the natives peoples of all places, and anyone else i may have missed. for people atheist, christian, jewish, muslim, hindu, buddhist, sikh, for believers of obscure mysticisms and religions most think of as old mythology, and so on.
this blog will never condemn ordinary people for the actions of the governments that have authority over them or the religious institutions that have indoctrinated them. i have no ill will for the collective populaces or the individual people of red states and conservative nations, or common believers of historically destructive christian denominations and the like (i can’t just condemn every catholic now, can i?). some people are kind gears in cruel machines.
this blog is safe for people with neurodivergences and mental illnesses that are stigmatised and demonised even among people familiar with psychiatric ableism (is there a proper term for that?). i don’t know what many of those are but suffice it to say i’m working to scrub words like ‘psychopath’ and ‘narcissist’ from my casual vocabulary.
i will not interact with bigots or exclusionists on this blog in any way. i will never subject my followers to the sight of a debate about the validity of their existence, no matter how well i think i or anyone else can defend them. this blog will not share bad opinions for the sake of mocking them, or attempt to ‘own’ someone trying to make a point that doesn’t deserve consideration to begin with.
if it’s ever necessary, i will attempt to resolve conflicts privately, where they are not seen, such as in DMs. this is civility, not cowardice. anyone trying to get me to argue with them on a public post will be given this warning once, then blocked. (not that anything like that’s ever happened to me, anyway.)
this blog does not confuse doomscrolling for activism; it will not reblog out of guilt. there is a time and place to learn about the horrors of current events and i don’t know when that time is but my silly little blog is not the place.
this blog attempts to tag common triggers and phobias* and gets the obvious ones right sometimes, but i don’t know what i’m doing so always feel free to ask for your triggers to be tagged.
this post will be edited as time goes on, as i learn new things and i remember things i’ve forgotten to mention and i think of better ways to say what i’ve already said. this post takes suggestions. i think everyone who isn’t perfectly privileged is a little bit afraid that someone will claim to be safe and inclusive but then turn around and say “no, but not you,” when it really counts. i never want to be the source of that fear. i want you to know that you (yes, you), are safe here, and what ‘safe’ means when i say it.
*i use “#[trigger] cw” as my standard syntax for these tags
...Gosh, this post needs an update. I'll work on that.
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greenudon · 1 year
Auf Entdeckungstour in Delhi
Nach unglaublichen 8 Stunden Schlaf startete der erste Morgen in Delhi mit neuer Kraft. Nach einem kleinen Frühstück mit selbst gemachten Joghurt und Kartoffel Pfannkuchen vom Vater machte ich mich alleine auf zur Metro. Dort löste ich einen Fahrschein in Form einer digitalen Münze - für umgerechnet 0,33 €.
Danach erkundeten ich ein paar Touristenmärkte, wo ich hätte Teppiche, Kleidung und Bilder kaufen können. Zu diesen Märkteb kam ich durch Zufall, da mir ein Passant abgeraten hatte, zu meinem eigentlichen Ziel zu gehen, da es zu dieser Zeit überfüllt wäre. Nach einem kurzen, skeptischen Gedankengang ließ ich mich auf seinen Vorschlag ein und er organisierte einen Tuktuk-Fahrer, der mich zu zwei Märkten und einen Tee/Gewürzhändler brachte. In diesem Laden überzeugte mich dann die Verkäuferin, überteuerten Assam-Tee zu erwerben, welcher aber wirklich gut und sogar Bio sein sollte. Danach ging es mit dem Tuktuk-Fahrer zu einem speziellen mittelalterlichen Brunnenbauwerk - Agrasen Ki Baoli. Zahlreiche Stufen verlaufen tief bis zu einem Wasserbecken. Die schmale, aber tiefe Bauweise hatte ihren besonderen Reiz. Am Nachmittag traf ich wieder JD zu einer Street Art Tour durch das Lodhiviertel. In dieser sehr grüne Nachbarschaft wurden zahlreiche ehemals britische Bedienstetenhäuser mit einem Mural (großes Wandgemälde) versehen. Sämtliche Kunstwerke waren ein Blickfang und die vielen (gesunden) Katzen in der Umgebung hatten mich an Athen erinnert.
Zum Abschluss des Tages fuhren wir dann noch in den Lodhi-Park - ein sehr grüner Park mit einer Moscheen-Ruine und einigen Grab-Dome, die für ein perfektes Foto herhalten müssen.
Hier noch ein paar neue Erkenntnisse:
- Sikh-Gläubige schneiden oder rasieren ihre Haare nie. So auch mein Gastgeber, der unter dem Turban lange Haare trägt. Der Bart ist unter dem Kinn auch zusammen geknotet.
- Vor allem jungen Männer halten hier oft Händchen und fotografieren sich zusammen. Dies ist aber meistens kein Pärchen, sondern ein enger Freundschaftsbeweis.
- Man wirkt wirklich sehr oft nach einem Foto von einem gefragt. So wurde ich heute bestimmt 10x mit jüngeren Leuten und auch Schülern fotografiert.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 3.26 (before 1900)
590 – Emperor Maurice proclaims his son Theodosius as co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire. 624 – First Eid al-Fitr celebration. 1021 – The death of the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, kept secret for six weeks, is announced, along with the succession of his son, al-Zahir li-i'zaz Din Allah. 1027 – Pope John XIX crowns Conrad II as Holy Roman Emperor. 1169 – Saladin becomes the emir of Egypt. 1344 – The Siege of Algeciras, one of the first European military engagements where gunpowder was used, comes to an end. 1351 – Combat of the Thirty: Thirty Breton knights call out and defeat thirty English knights. 1484 – William Caxton prints his translation of Aesop's Fables. 1552 – Guru Amar Das becomes the Third Sikh guru. 1636 – Utrecht University is founded in the Netherlands. 1640 – The Royal Academy of Turku, the first university of Finland, is founded in the city of Turku by Queen Christina of Sweden at the proposal of Count Per Brahe. 1651 – Silver-loaded Spanish ship San José is pushed south by strong winds, subsequently it wrecks in the coast of southern Chile and its surviving crew is killed by indigenous Cuncos. 1697 – Safavid government troops take control of Basra. 1700 – William Dampier is the first European to circumnavigate New Britain, discovering it is an island (which he names Nova Britannia) rather than part of New Guinea. 1812 – An earthquake devastates Caracas, Venezuela. 1812 – A political cartoon in the Boston-Gazette coins the term "gerrymander" to describe oddly shaped electoral districts designed to help incumbents win reelection. 1830 – The Book of Mormon is published in Palmyra, New York. 1839 – The first Henley Royal Regatta is held. 1871 – The elections of Commune council of the Paris Commune are held. 1885 – The Métis people of the District of Saskatchewan under Louis Riel begin the North-West Rebellion against Canada. 1896 – An explosion at the Brunner Mine near Greymouth, New Zealand kills 65 coal miners in the country's worst industrial accident.
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lizardbytheriver · 10 months
Everyone (including Black Folks, White Folks, Asian Folks, Indigenous Folks, Latino Folks, Atheists, Agnostics, Christians, Muslims, Jewish Folk, Hindus, Sikhs, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Social Democrats, Libertarians, Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists, Gay Folk, Lesbians, Trans Folks, Bi Folks, Pan Folks, Omni Folks, Demi Folks, Ace Folks, Aro Folks, Intersex Folks, Two-Spirit Folks, Queer Folks, Nonbinary Folks, Xenogender Folks, Folks with Neopronouns, Agender Folks, Demigender Folks, Cis Women, Trans Women, Trans Men, Cis Men, etc.) deserves housing, heating, healthcare, education (including college-level education), employment protections, housing protections, a livable wage, electricity, food, and clean water. Let us work towards ensuring Housing, Heating, Healthcare, Education (including College-Level Education), Employment Protections, Housing Protections, a Livable Wage, Electricity, Food, and Clean Water are rights guaranteed to all.
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kharisubas40972 · 11 months
Prateik Patil Babbar visits Golden Temple to seek blessings to play British-Sikh for film based on the life of Princess Sophia Duleep : Bollywood News
Prateik Patil Babbar is gearing up for his new role in the international film Lioness alongside Aditi Rao Hydari and British Actress Paige Sandhu. Lioness, certified by the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) and the British Film Institute (BFI), is the first-ever official UK-India co-production being made under the bi-lateral treaty signed by both countries in 2008, the film was…
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
Groups representing Sikh Canadians are calling for a public inquiry into Chinese government election meddling and India's interference in Canadian politics.
Opposition parties are calling for a public inquiry into foreign election interference in response to reports that the Chinese Communist Party attempted to ensure the Liberal Party won a minority government in the 2021 election.
Intelligence officials have warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that the Chinese government is funding a clandestine network of 11 federal candidates running in the 2019 election, which Trudeau has denied.
Johnston was appointed to investigate and recommend a public inquiry into alleged Indian interference in Canada's politics, which includes infiltrating Sikh Gurdwaras, recruiting informants and agent provocateurs, and influencing Canadian diplomats, security officers, and MPs.
The ultimate goal of these operations is to discredit Sikh support for the Khalistan movement in Canada, and the report urged the government to look at other countries' efforts to interfere in Canadian politics.
Singh wants a public inquiry to examine how India's intelligence sector uses consulates and embassies and how they operate within diaspora communities.
Acknowledging the problem is the first step to addressing it, as Canadian intelligence agencies have been aware of India's attempts to interfere in Canadian affairs.
NSICOP's 2018 report looked at tensions between Canada and India and made six findings regarding foreign interference, which were redacted from the public report.
The committee reviewed Trudeau's trip to India in 2018, which became mired in controversy when Jaspal Atwal was invited to dine with Trudeau at a formal event hosted by the Canadian High Commissioner in Delhi.
Rogue political elements in India may have arranged Atwal's invitation to embarrass Trudeau and make him appear sympathetic to Sikh extremism.
The committee concluded that there was a high probability of an orchestrated disinformation campaign to tarnish Canada ahead of the 2019 election. CBC News reported that intelligence services are monitoring efforts by six countries, including India, to influence the election campaign. An integrated intelligence unit is providing Canadian political parties bi-weekly briefings about foreign actors' activities in Canada.
Senior bureaucrats have been warned that China and India would use their diaspora communities to advance their agendas. The British Columbia Gurdwaras Council and the Ontario Gurdwaras Committee are calling on the federal government to take an approach to foreign interference, both legally and diplomatically, by declaring diplomats persona non grata where the evidence warrants it.
National security agencies should disclose India's record of election meddling and political interference in Canada to educate the public and protect vulnerable ethnocultural groups like the Sikh community.
Indian foreign interference negatively impacts Sikhs as a racialized group and emboldens Indian officials to continue interfering in foreign states while violating human rights in Punjab.
The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service did not respond to CBC's request for comment, but Singh believes the constant non-recognition of this issue paints a different picture.
Singh has advocated for an independent Khalistan, a separate homeland for Sikhs, and believes Canada's reluctance to call out Indian governments may be due to trade issues.
India is not the same as China or Russia. Trudeau's government has had a fraught relationship with the Indian government during his time in office. It has been accused of being soft on the Khalistan movement and harboring separatist ministers in his cabinet.
Modi accused Trudeau of kowtowing to Sikh voters after a reference to Sikh extremism was removed from a terrorism threat report, which was seen as a threat to Indian and global security.
Amarinder Singh accused Harjit Sajjan of being a Khalistani sympathizer, but Trudeau reiterated Canada's support for a united India.
CSIS believes the threat from Sikh extremists in Canada peaked in the mid-1980s and declined.
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nhundal03 · 1 year
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Giselle Montes is my gender self, like my bi side; which lives in my wire; the vein from my cum to my face. This is the only true image of her, as it is at level 2 evolution (no gauge no anti)
Prabhjot Ahuja is my gender self of the gay side, which is in my auxiliary heart at the top of my chest; her pictures are not online.
Both have my physical glands, and for them the bullocks is just extra space between the sex organ and anus; for me is an inner extension of my dick.
Because I don't have duality at the sex place, only that my thoughts and mind are seperated (but for life and light would not be)..then the arch angels are gay/bi for men, and bi/straight for women.
As a minority in terms of this, I run the risk of becoming a torturous dictator like venom spitting vampire who puts heads on pikes; so they help me to care about sex and beauty.
Giselle Montes is Sikh race, and Prabhjot Ahuja is Punjabi Religion.
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puipui-official · 1 year
We and us and ourselves are such interesting words. They leave a trail. You can usually follow them back to the lair of their underlying assumptions.
“We have never been more polarized as a country,” for example, says something very clear about who is considered a part of this country, and who is not.
If one becomes adept at following the trail of pronouns, one might almost start to observe that the idea of “polarized” is very much a question of whose perspective you’ve decided to take up, and where you set your poles. One might almost start to realize that even neutrality is a way of taking a side.
But I get it; I really do. I see what is meant by “polarized.” Family relationships have grown cold. Friendships fray. There’s invective on the airwaves on both sides. Rhetoric is superheated on both sides. There’s a lot of anger on both sides.
And, if you’re a marginalized person, this is a terrifying time, because the worst intentions of those who wish to harm them have rarely been so near to political actualization, and the efforts of those who will normalize literally anything in order to maintain a comfortable order have never worked so hard to make that seem all right.
Yes, and what do we mean when we say “we’ve never been so polarized,” anyway?
What if instead we said “It’s been a long time since the reality of injustice has been made so unavoidably present to otherwise comfortable people”?
What if instead we said “Its been a long time since so many people have become so violently resentful of the moral demands of justice”?
Let me suggest something that might seem counterintuitive: We have rarely been less polarized as a country.
Am I saying we’re not polarized? Far from it. I’m saying we’re miscategorizing what polarization even is.
We are still very likely to treat gay or bi or trans or nonbinary, Black or brown, Muslim or Jewish or Sikh or Hindu, or undocumented, or disabled, ill, neuroatypical, impoverished, or unhoused people, and many others, too, as if their lives and dignity don’t exist, or at least matter enough to fight about.
But more and more of us are unwilling to do that to them.
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Eine Reise-Info, wie Sie Ihre Reise nach Indien unvergesslich machen können
Goldenes Dreieck Indien
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Das Goldene Dreieck ist eine der beliebtesten Touristenrouten in Indien. Es umfasst die Städte Delhi, Agra und Jaipur. Diese Route trägt ihren Namen aufgrund der dreieckigen Form, die diese drei Städte auf einer Karte bilden. goldenes dreieck indien ist aus vielen Gründen beliebt. Diese drei Städte bieten eine große Vielfalt an Attraktionen und Aktivitäten, von den historischen Denkmälern von Delhi und Agra bis zu den farbenfrohen Märkten von Jaipur. Darüber hinaus ist diese Route von den meisten großen Städten Indiens aus leicht zu erreichen. Daher ist das Goldene Dreieck die perfekte Wahl für diejenigen, die Indien zum ersten Mal erkunden möchten.
Indien Reise
Indien ist ein Land mit reicher Kultur und Traditionen. Von den belebten Straßen von Mumbai bis zu den wunderschönen Tempeln von Kerala gibt es in diesem erstaunlichen Land viel zu sehen und zu tun. Wenn Sie eine Indien Reise planen, fügen Sie Ihrer Reiseroute unbedingt diese sehenswerten Ziele hinzu:
- Das TajMahal: Eines der berühmtesten Wahrzeichen der Welt, das TajMahal, ist ein Muss für jeden, der Indien besucht.
- Der Goldene Tempel: Der Goldene Tempel befindet sich in der heiligen Stadt Amritsar und ist die heiligste Stätte der Sikhs.
- Die Ghats von Varanasi: Die Ghats von Varanasi sind eine Reihe von Stufen, die hinunter zum Fluss Ganges führen. Sie sind ein beliebter Ort für Pilger, um ein Bad im heiligen Fluss zu nehmen.
Nordindien Rundreise
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Begleiten Sie uns auf einer zweiwöchigen Reise durch die atemberaubenden Landschaften der Nordindien Rundreise. Von den schneebedeckten Bergen des Himalayas bis zu den sengenden Wüsten Rajasthans führt Sie diese Tour zu einigen der schönsten und abwechslungsreichsten Orte Indiens. Sie beginnen Ihre Reise in Delhi, wo Sie die vielen historischen Stätten der Stadt erkunden und einen Eindruck von der lokalen Kultur bekommen. Dann fahren Sie nach Agra, um das TajMahal, eines der sieben Weltwunder, zu sehen. Von dort reisen Sie nach Jaipur, wo Sie das prächtige Amer Fort besuchen und eine Safari im nahe gelegenen Nationalpark unternehmen. Schließlich beenden Sie Ihre Tour mit einem Aufenthalt in der magischen Stadt Varanasi, wo Sie den Höhepunkt Ihrer Reise das  weltberühmten Flusses Ganges Aartimitbekommen.
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Indien ist ein Land von großer Schönheit, Mysterien und Geschichte. Eine Luxusindienreise ermöglicht es Ihnen, all diese Dinge und mehr zu erleben. Vom TajMahal bis zu den Stränden von Goa gibt es in Indien viel zu sehen und zu erleben. Wenn Sie eine Luxusreise nach Indien planen, sollten Sie einige Dinge beachten. Zunächst sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie ein gutes Reisebüro haben, das Ihnen bei der Planung Ihrer Reise helfen und alle notwendigen Vorkehrungen treffen kann. Zweitens müssen Sie für Ihre Reise ein Budget einplanen, da Indien kein billiges Reiseziel ist. Und schließlich sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie die richtige Reiseversicherung abgeschlossen haben, da Luxusreisen riskant sein können. Mit ein wenig Planung und Vorbereitung können Sie eine unvergessliche Luxusreise nach Indien erleben.
Reisen Kerala
Kerala ist ein Staat in Südindien, der für seine natürliche Schönheit bekannt ist. Von den atemberaubenden Stränden der Küste von Kerala bis zu den Tee- und Gewürzplantagen der Hügel hat Kerala für jeden etwas zu bieten. Und mit seiner reichen Kultur und Geschichte ist Kerala auch ein großartiger Ort zum Reisen für diejenigen, die mehr über Indien erfahren möchten. Wenn Sie eine Reisen Kerala planen, gibt es ein paar Dinge, die Sie wissen sollten. Hier ist eine Kurzanleitung, die Ihnen hilft, Ihre Reise zu planen und das Beste aus Ihrer Zeit in diesem wunderschönen Bundesstaat zu machen.
Read Also : https://medium.com/@germanytoindiatour/indien-reiseführer-und-tipps-alles-was-sie-wissen-müssen-24b32687f5e6
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synonymsandcinnamon · 3 years
i really think supporting religious members of the community and supporting members of the community with religious trauma should be able to coexist together
let’s love and accept our members of the community who found comfort and acceptance in their relgion or faith while figuring out their identity and who still practice a relgion or faith
let’s love and support our members of the community who have had really awful experiences with religion and had to leave their relgion or faith to be able to be who they are today
let’s be there for members of the community who are still figuring out their identities and where their relgion or faith fits in with that
no matter who you are or what religion or faith you currently practice or previously practiced this community is a safe space for you and you deserve so much love and support
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 3.26
590 – Emperor Maurice proclaims his son Theodosius as co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire. 1021 – On the feast of Eid al-Adha, the death of the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, kept secret for six weeks, is announced, along with the succession of his son, al-Zahir li-i'zaz Din Allah. On the same day, al-Hakim's designated heir, Abd al-Rahim ibn Ilyas, is arrested in Damascus and brought to Egypt. 1027 – Pope John XIX crowns Conrad II as Holy Roman Emperor. 1169 – Saladin becomes the emir of Egypt. 1344 – The Siege of Algeciras, one of the first European military engagements where gunpowder was used, comes to an end. 1351 – Combat of the Thirty: Thirty Breton knights call out and defeat thirty English knights. 1484 – William Caxton prints his translation of Aesop's Fables. 1552 – Guru Amar Das becomes the Third Sikh guru. 1636 – Utrecht University is founded in the Netherlands. 1640 – The Royal Academy of Turku, the first university of Finland, is founded in the city of Turku by Queen Christina of Sweden at the proposal of Count Per Brahe. 1651 – Silver-loaded Spanish ship San José is pushed south by strong winds, subsequently it wrecks in the coast of southern Chile and its surviving crew is killed by indigenous Cuncos. 1697 – Safavid government troops take control of Basra. 1700 – William Dampier is the first European to circumnavigate New Britain, discovering it is an island (which he names Nova Britannia) rather than part of New Guinea. 1812 – An earthquake devastates Caracas, Venezuela. 1812 – A political cartoon in the Boston Gazette coins the term "gerrymander" to describe oddly shaped electoral districts designed to help incumbents win reelection. 1830 – The Book of Mormon is published in Palmyra, New York. 1839 – The first Henley Royal Regatta is held. 1871 – The elections of Commune council of the Paris Commune are held. 1885 – The Métis people of the District of Saskatchewan under Louis Riel begin the North-West Rebellion against Canada. 1896 – An explosion at the Brunner Mine near Greymouth, New Zealand kills 65 coal miners in the country's worst industrial accident. 1913 – First Balkan War: Bulgarian forces capture Adrianople. 1915 – The Vancouver Millionaires win the 1915 Stanley Cup Finals, the first championship played between the Pacific Coast Hockey Association and the National Hockey Association. 1917 – World War I: First Battle of Gaza: British troops are halted after 17,000 Turks block their advance. 1922 – The German Social Democratic Party is founded in Poland. 1931 – Swissair is founded as the national airline of Switzerland. 1931 – Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union is founded in Vietnam. 1934 – The United Kingdom driving test is introduced. 1939 – Spanish Civil War: Nationalists begin their final offensive of the war. 1942 – World War II: The first female prisoners arrive at Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland. 1945 – World War II: The Battle of Iwo Jima ends as the island is officially secured by American forces. 1954 – Nuclear weapons testing: The Romeo shot of Operation Castle is detonated at Bikini Atoll. Yield: 11 megatons. 1958 – The United States Army launches Explorer 3. 1958 – The African Regroupment Party is launched at a meeting in Paris. 1967 – Ten thousand people gather for one of many Central Park be-ins in New York City. 1970 – South Vietnamese President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu implements a land reform program to solve the problem of land tenancy. 1971 – East Pakistan declares its independence from Pakistan to form Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Liberation War begins. 1975 – The Biological Weapons Convention comes into force. 1979 – Anwar al-Sadat, Menachem Begin and Jimmy Carter sign the Egypt–Israel peace treaty in Washington, D.C. 1981 – Social Democratic Party (UK) is founded as a party. 1982 – A groundbreaking ceremony for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is held in Washington, D.C. 1991 – Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay sign the Treaty of Asunción, establishing Mercosur, the South Common Market. 1997 – Thirty-nine bodies are found in the Heaven's Gate mass suicides. 1998 – During the Algerian Civil War, the Oued Bouaicha massacre sees fifty-two people, mostly infants, killed with axes and knives. 2005 – Around 200,000 to 300,000 Taiwanese demonstrate in Taipei in opposition to the Anti-Secession Law of China. 2010 – The South Korean Navy corvette Cheonan is torpedoed, killing 46 sailors. After an international investigation, the President of the United Nations Security Council blames North Korea. 2017 – Russia-wide anti-corruption protests in 99 cities. The Levada Center survey showed that 38% of surveyed Russians supported protests and that 67 percent held Putin personally responsible for high-level corruption.
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