#besides more time to get fundamentals ironed out
lupismaris · 2 months
Sometimes self care is having a very stern talking to with the wounded scared parts of yourself that don't want to do the hard and difficult things and reminding them that nothing will get better if the hard and difficult things aren't even attempted
And then as a reward you promise to buy those wounded parts of yourself an entirely hot pink/pastel pink practice set if they agree to do the work required, as a little treat
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jellieland · 3 months
"I mean no!" says Zedaph. "It's really very simple. I don't know what you're having so much trouble with."
"I sure did!" says Zedaph.
"Hmm. Nah, not really feeling it to be honest." He shrugs. "Been there, done that, didn't even get a t-shirt if you can believe it? And besides, I don't have a hotbar. I can't believe you would try and take advantage of a man with no hotbar!"
"What? Oh no, no. It's just a fun sort of challenge."
"Oh, yeah! I feel like I would have a bit of an unfair advantage, and I wanted to kick things off with a challenge. Last time all I had to do was ask, you know, and they were falling over themselves to die! I guess it's just part of my natural charm."
There is a short silence.
Zedaph squints. "Are you alright? You look a bit unnerved! Don't worry, I'm not in the habit of putting cosmic forces out of a job, I've got much more interesting things to be getting on with. You know, I really do just want to be left to my own devices most of the time."
"There we go!" He says encouragingly. "That wasn't so hard, was it? Don't worry, I won't mess with your unpaid intern Reapers, as long as they don't mess with me! Promise!"
"Aww, thanks! Good luck with your Reaping and Reaping related activities! Now, if you don't mind me, I'm going to go look for one of the other Hermits to beg for some pity iron."
Zedaph respawns, laughs, and shakes his head. "One time Reaping? What will they think of next?" he muses.
The sheer novelty of it all is almost enough to distract him from the fact that he's back at square one, without a single stick to his name.
Ah well. If he'd wanted things to be easy, he would have joined Grian's little "plaything of death" game.
"Easy" was all very well and good, but he always was more of a fan of "interesting".
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shyrose57 · 9 months
Hey, uh, where's my Pirates SMP Fic where Scott's crew gets a quest to transport the Runeblade somewhere?
Where's my story where they're all out at sea for an unforeseeable time, sailing to distant lands, trapped on the ship with a sword they don't realize is more than it seems until it's far too late to turn back. Trapped with memories they don't know what to do with, and ghosts they never meant to invite onboard.
Scott sets the sword beside his bed, wrapped in it's careful cloth per the specific instructions from the harried collector. It's tucked away carefully, more carefully than even he is prone to, for reasons he can't explain.
Is that care why he wakes choking in the night, spitting up blood, and reaching out hands to yank the blade from his chest only to realize nothing is there, and the thick crimson spilling from his mouth has left no stain?
Is that why the pale dried petals in one of the many books on board slip into red and reform into a flower being tucked behind his ear, by a man in blue, a man in green, a man wearing a wedding ring. He thinks my husband before he thinks stranger, except when he goes to stand nobody is there, and the petals are still tucked between the pages.
Cleo eyes it warily, when it's brought aboard, but thinks nothing more of it, and maybe her carelessness is why she doesn't pay attention when the first flashes begin, just the barest hint of color shifting in the corner of her eye that she passes off as a trick of the light.
Then she turns her head and finds Scott's sprouted fins at his head, red streaked in his hair. A faceless figure behind him raises their sword, and she shrieks and slams into them, only to fall through and tackle her captain instead.
She leans back against the mast, and green flashes beside her, a toothy grin she smiles back at, a name on the tip of her tongue dying as Olive's face comes into focus, smile much softer, and the moss she swore made up their coat vanishes. She can't remember who else she thought it was going to be. She thinks it was someone she would've died for.
Owen has other priorities, and unless he's asked, he doesn't see the need to worry about it. And then, she spills some expensive wine he'd sweet-talked from a Kestrel's hands on the ground, and the exasperation is, for a moment, overwritten by terror. The liquid darkens and the scent of iron makes him reel back for a single moment, before she blinks and it's just....wine again.
He stumbles his way to the ship's side, not nearly drunk enough to wash away the unease in his heart, and double takes at her reflection, now blond and boyish, a warm brown jacket tucked around them tight in the chilly air. Someone calls her name behind him, except it's not his name, it can't be, so fundamentally wrong when the boy staring back at her would never know it was supposed to be his. It takes Water's hand at his shoulder before she responds.
Olive thinks the sword is curious, but that's the extent. Until, at least, the world wobbles under their feet, and the door to the captain's cabin suddenly seems impossibly tall, how are they possibly meant to get in there, they can't reach-
It's utterly nonsensical. It keeps happening. The ship lurches, their heart flutters in terror, for surely they'll be tossed into the walls, and they shake to realize they somehow stayed on their feet. Cruppy prods at their hands, concerned at their behavior, but it's not Cruppy, it's something else that's edges fade too fast for them to grasp. A shadow looks wrong along the ground, and it lunges for them, and they almost goes overboard trying to get away from some phantom that isn't there.
Eloise blinks back sleep from her eyes, not even thinking of the sword in the midst of her crew's strangeness, up until an absolutely beautiful shark swims beneath their boat, and the whole crew watches in quiet appreciation. She spins on her heel, goes to spill forth something that she knows in her heart will be just as pretty but the words don't come out how she wants them to, falling like flat notes in an off-tune song, and she's not even sure what she was trying to do when it's done.
She splits her hand cleaning a sword, and opens her mouth to call for Cleo, even though Owen is mere feet from her and already going for the bandages. The words catch in her throat anyway, when she sees her there with Scott, and the sunlight spins across orange locks turned greenish-ebony, and a tattered overcoat becomes a gorgeous, elegant dress that has no place on a pirate ship, and-and she averts her eyes trying to make sense of the sudden wish to be half as strong as the strangers that had stood where her friends were as Owen helps wrap her hand.
Water dreams. Oh, how she dreams. She dreams of a world where a single red heart hums on her wrist, and knows with a terrible sureness that she won't come back should she misstep here. But that means little, not when the warm earth beneath her fingers settles there so beautifully. Not when the food she pulls from the earth is so ripe, waiting to be torn into and devoured.
She wakes up, and steps from her bed, half-expecting the world to fall out from under her where it flashes gold for a moment, and stumbling for it. A phantom weight twitches at her back, and she greens at the smell of the sea for one, strange second, wondering where the flowers are. She comes back to herself, and tries to shake it off.
They all try to shake it off.
Scott's eyes are not green, or yellow, or red. He makes no noise when Cleo slams him to the floor with a protective snarl, aiming for some opponent no longer there to strike him. He waits for Owen to blink back to herself, and realize Scott cannot do whatever it is he thinks he can, does not know magic the way she sometimes is assured he does. And they quietly disperse the phantoms they catch him begging to in the night without a word, correct him when he inquires after a different brother than the one he has, half-asleep.
Olive is not small. But they are not shoved off when they desperately grasp at Eloise's arms, or tries to steady themselves against Water, when the world seems too big. And they take Water's hands when she scrabbles for the deck, digging at wood until it bloodies her hands, holding them until the other remembers they are at sea. When Eloise grabs for something that isn't there, and goes to jump ship at a flash of pink in the water, Olive pulls her back, and calls her name until she knows herself again.
They try to shake it off, and they utterly fail.
The Runeblade leaves it's mark. Even once it's tossed to it's next owner at their destination by Scott's too cold hands. The dreams fade, but still sit, waiting for them to doze and come awake crying out. The ghosts fall back to the corner of their vision, stepping forward when they make the mistake of wavering, with names they shouldn't know on their lips, and promises none of them ever managed to keep spilling forth.
Give the story, where a wretched quest changes them at their cores in a way they never anticipated.
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nokaru · 2 months
Akagami No Shirayukihime ED 2 Flower Analysis
Hello! Hi! Yes, I'm back on my bs with flower language in ANS nonsense and this time I tried looking into the flowers depicted in the ending sequence of the second season. This was made thanks to the gorgeous ending post that's been going around again so thank you OP for that! The beauty of the ED NEEDS to be appreciated!
Anyway, let's get into the flower analysis and their meanings 🌸 though keep in mind I can't 100% identify all flowers correctly etc etc...and be aware that Japanese flower language may differ from the Western one sometimes so I will provide both versions. Cheers!
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Starting with the first panel:
Shirayuki with her signature Yura Shigure
nothing much can be said about this besides Shigure being Shirayuki's fictional flower. The flower's whole deal is "if planted in the wrong place, it becomes toxic to other nearby flowers", it is also considered a very delicate and unusually beautiful flower.
Kiki & Mitsuhide
Pink Roses: in JP flower language Pink Rose signifies grace and is considered a very ladylike flower. They are usually given as a "Thank you". In the Western language Pink Rose similarly symbolizes gratitude, appreciation and admiration - but also romantic feelings and overall innocent love.
Yellow Roses: in JP Yellow Rose is considered as a sign of jealousy BUT much more often a sign of courage and inner strength. Fundamentally, Yellow Rose means friendship, devotion and self-sacrifice. Perfect flower for Mitsuhide.
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Panel 2 featuring Obi, Ryuu, Garak and Kihal has more flowers + two ANS fictional herbs
Orange Carnations: Carnations are globally considered a "sweet love" flower, though orange ones symbolize happiness, warmth, determination and other positive emotions. They tend to represent health, balance and success - Orange Carnations are given as a celebratory flower but can also mean a refusal.
Obi & Ryuu
These two share (Orange) Dahlias and possibly(?) African Daisies.
Orange Dahlias: in JP Dahlia symbolizes "good taste". Overall, Dahlias symbolize celebration, good relationships and resilience. Orange ones focus on determination and strength. The interesting thing about them is that they are associated with "standing out from the crowd" and "following your own path".
African Daisies: or Gerbera symbolize optimism and loyalty, especially white ones that are drawn in the panel mean - hope and high esteem for someone.
Roka Fruit, ANS specific plant, associated with alcohol. Good for you Garak.
Possibly(?) Chrysanthemums OR Dahlias again.
Chrysanthemums: ironically in JP Chrysanthemum is a sign of the Imperial/Royal Family...symbolizing the Sun and light, also longevity. The split of Red and Yellow there is questionable because Red Chrysanthemums mean love BUT Yellow ones mean sorrow and neglect - therefore these might not even be Chrysanthemums :/ though the flower as a whole just means rebirth and joy.
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Last Panel 3 - Raji/Sakaki (tho i think the flowers behind them belong more to Mihaya..), Mihaya, Izana and Zen!
Raji & Sakaki & Mihaya
Either Lilac or Phlox (??? big MAYBE here, its probably Lilac)
Lilac: in JP Lilac symbolizes growth and the promise of new beginnings. Quite literally Lilac is a living emblem of renewal. The "redemption" arc flower for the baddies. Purple Lilacs are a sign of early love, new emotions and confidence.
OR Phlox: literally means "We Think Alike", helps with family relationships, harmony and unity. Purple and Blue Phlox symbolize maturity and responsibility.
Irises: in JP Irises are considered a sign of good news and loyalty - convey a message of wisdom and honor. They are mostly associated with ambition and courage in the Western world.
Only thing I'm sure about is that these are Lilies by his side. Iconic Izana flower. The bush is giving Gardenia but not sure??
Lilies: in JP Lily is a flower of purity and rebirth. Very honorable flower used in all kinds of ceremonies and special occasions. Lilies are considered mythical and mysterious flowers in ancient times.
Gardenia: Globally means SECRET LOVE and admiration. Associated with trust, clarity and hope. Translates to "You Are Lovely". Damn Izana.
OR another possibility Sweet Mock Orange: literally means "misleading" thanks to its orange-like scent. Big symbol of Deceit. Sweet Mock Orange is a flower of BROTHERLY LOVE. Good.
Izana & Zen
Their shared flower is either Hydrangeas or Lacecap Hydrangeas specifically.
Hydrangeas: JP meaning is gratitude, pride and heartfelt emotion, occasionally considered as an apology. In Europe White Hydrangeas symbolize boasting and bragging - simply arrogance but also purity and and grace. Can be also considered a sign of good relationships because the petals grow so closely together.
OR Lacecap Hydrangeas: Popular display of humility. On the other hand, associated with estranged relationships because the petals grow apart from each other in contrast to the usual Hydrangeas.
Last flower(s) is Zen's Lavender or possibly Muscari!
Lavender: in JP Lavender is a flower of faithfulness/fidelity. Other meanings are devotion, serenity and contentedness. Typically Purple color is a color of royalty and luxury. It's not necessarily a romantic flower but rather a flower of comfort and cherishment.
OR Muscari: in JP directly translates to "bright future", although in Europe Muscari is a flower of disappointment. Its commonly used meanings are power, wisdom, and confidence. The flower carries "sympathies" and symbolizes trust and sincerity.
AND THAT'S IT FOLKS! Hope you enjoyed this lovely flower voyage as much as I did! Till next time I feel bored enough to rant about flower language with yall <3
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ninjakk · 2 years
The cold spring scene - An important part of Wangxian's developing feelings for each other
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The cold spring scene when WX are adorable teens is just such an interesting spa date interaction between the pair. WWX is a big tease and poor LWJ just can't seem to escape him! I actually think more praise needs to be given towards LWJ here... He keeps his cool quite well considering the circumstances. Although the scene is quite short and sweet - it still has a lot of details hidden just under the water surface.
After recently re-reading the ongoing MDSZ manhua, I noticed quite a few bits from the novel are missing. One scene in particular, is the one I am going to analyse here. I was quite surprised to see this was not included, even if it 'needed' censoring for whatever bullshit 'reason' - it still could have been included somehow surely?!
To me, this scene and the punishment scene prior to this, are actually quite an important part of the CR arc and a fundamental building block of WXs budding friendship/relationship. It shows their true characters to each other and the reader. LWJ punished himself alongside WWX because he is in essence, fair and just - even if WWX pulled him out of the CR grounds! We also see the utter horror WWX has at realising that LWJ has taken his words so seriously and is going to punish himself also. WWX tries to stop this happening, because he's kind and caring - he doesn't want LWJ to get hurt or punished, especially for something he caused. So to omit this and the cold spring scene, where WWX is very sincere and somewhat in awe of LWJ, is quite sad in my opinion.
So let's take a look at the scene in question. I have to say, one thing that always stands out to me is that WWX doesn't visit the cold spring until night-time. WWX was dragged out of bed very early in the morning, apparently 'before daylight even appeared'. After the beating, JC is carrying WWX away and they bump into LXC, who informs WWX there is a way for him to heal in a few short hours. WWX was beaten quite badly, and very swollen - yet he didn't go to the cold spring until much later. There were no lessons, because LQR was still away in Qinghe - so I find it a bit odd he waited all day before seeing to his injuries.
Chapter 18
It was night-time, at the cold spring of the Cloud Recesses. Lan WangJi’s eyes were closed as he relaxed in the ice-cold water. Suddenly, a voice rang beside his ears, “Lan Zhan.”
Lan WangJi’s eyes sprang open. Sure enough, Wei WuXian was lying on his stomach, above the blue stones beside the cold spring, tilting his head and smiling at him.
WWX has snuck up on LWJ while he is mediating in the spring. We don't know how long he's been there, but he's lying down on the rocks watching LWJ. Personally, I think it's safe to assume WWX was probably thinking similar thoughts to what he did when he saw LWJ in the cold spring in his second life. Blinded by his looks, but convincing himself he's not - as he's done so many times. We already know he finds him attractive from the amount of time he's said so since coming to the Cloud Recesses - so it's probably not too far off! The fact WWX lay on the ground in quite an alluring pose, just adds to the teasing tone he loves to use with LWJ.
At some point, probably after a long while of marveling at how beautiful LWJ looks WWX calls out to LWJ near his ear, which is quite a seductive way to make himself known. When LWJ opens his eyes, he sees WWX lying on the ground smiling at him with his head tilted. Interestingly enough, the head tilt is in a number of translations I have read as well. A head tilt is a subconscious facial cue that not only shows you are interested, but it also shows you are being submissive. Because it exposes a vulnerable part of the body, it's a sign that you are comfortable being vulnerable around the person you are talking to. Ironically, it's nonverbal communication that means 'I trust you not to bite harm me' - and considering LWJ's penchant for biting later in the novel, it's quite amusing. It's something females tend to do with someone they like. It's also often used in literature to convey flirtation and interest as well. So it's very interesting to see WWX adopting this stance in front of LWJ.
Lan WangJi blurted out, “How did you come in?!” Wei WuXian slowly crawled up, and spoke as he took off his sash belt, “ZeWu-Jun told me to come in.” Lan WangJi, “What are you doing?”
Wei WuXian kicked off his boots while leaving piles of clothing all over the ground, “I already stripped, so what do you think I’m here for? I heard that your sect’s cold spring can cure injuries aside from helping with one’s cultivation. So, your brother told me to come here and bathe with you. Except, it’s really not nice of you to come here to heal alone. Eep! It really is cold. Brr…”
I find this next bit quiet interesting. WWX slowly crawls up and proceeds to take his clothes off - which is a little provocative. He could have taken his clothes off before drawing attention to himself - but he didn't. He waited for LWJ to turn around and stripped in front of him. I know he's probably very used to be naked in front of the other male disciples back at his sect when they bathe and change. But it's the way he does it here that just seems more deliberate and teasing. Especially after speaking next to LWJ's ear and slowly crawling up before undressing. It's a good job LWJ's waist-deep in cold water if you ask me.
I also find it interesting that LXC told him to come and bathe with LWJ specifically. Perhaps to set up a spa date help mend their budding friendship after the joint punishment they received at LWJ's behest. LXC does seem to fancy himself as a bit of a mediator at times, and even used a similar approach to try and help clear up animosity between JGY and NMJ later in the novel. At least this one was more successful I guess! This could also be the reason WWX doesn't go to the cold spring until night-time as well.
“Do not move!” As he spoke, he extended an arm, and put his hand on Wei WuXian’s shoulder. Wei WuXian instantly felt a surge of warmth coming from where their bodies connected. Feeling better, he couldn’t help but to shift closer over there. Lan WangJi was wary of this, “What?” Wei WuXian replied in an innocent tone, “Nothing. It seems like your side is warmer.” Lan WangJi firmly kept his arm between the two of them, maintaining the distance. He sternly declared, “It is not."
I always find this part quite funny, as the adorable 'I do not have physical contact with others' LWJ was just pushed to the point he touched WWXs bare shoulder. LWJ refused to hold onto WWXs hand while saving him from the waterborne abyss, but now he's resorted to physical contact in order to keep WWX away from him - because he's shy. Personally I think the surge of warmth could have a double meaning here. Yes, the water is freezing and of course body warmth would cause this reaction. But considering how WWX subconsciously feels about LWJ, and the chemistry that has been there since they first met - it could also be a reaction to being touched by someone he is evidently attracted to. After the physical contact, WWX continues to gravitate towards LWJ, as he so often does. WWX claims he wants to get closer to him because LWJ's side seems warmer, apparently.
Wei WuXian wanted to get closer to Lan WangJi so that it was more convenient for him to flatter the other. Even though he couldn’t go over and was given the cold shoulder, he wasn’t angered at all. He glanced at Lan WangJi’s palms and shoulder. The bruises were still there, meaning that Lan WangJi really wasn’t here to heal. Wei WuXian spoke sincerely, “Lan Zhan, I admire you so much. You really did punish yourself as well, without treating yourself any better. I don’t have anything else to say.”
Lan WangJi shut his eyes again, without any words. Wei WuXian spoke again, “Really, I’ve never seen someone as prim and proper as you. It’d be impossible for me to do something like this. You’re so cool.”
Lan WangJi still paid him no attention.
WWX has now given two separate reasons as to why he was trying to get closer to LWJ, while they are naked in the cold spring. As we've previously seen, WWX actively uses self deception to rationalise the feelings or actions he is not ready to understand. There are many examples of WWX doing this throughout the novel. WWX actually did something similar when he saw LWJ in the cold spring prior to the Cloud Recesses flashbacks. He tried to rationalise why he was looking at the bathing beauty. So in the above scene, WWX is trying to reason with himself and justify his need to be near LWJ at this moment in time...while they're naked.
WWX goes on to state he wouldn't be able to punish himself if he was in LWJs position - but we know from other parts of the novel that this is not true. WWX actually takes the brunt of the punishment for the other junior disciples at his sect often. Perhaps not always out of choice, but I think he'd probably do it anyway as he's very protective of people he cares about.
What WWX is really impressed with is that LWJ took the punishment alongside him, which no one has ever done before. As we later find out, he's always the one taking all the hits and punishment dished out at Lotus Pier. No one has ever really stepped in to take some of the punishment with him. The joint punishment they received is an important part of the developing relationship (and somewhat unconscious feelings) WWX has for LWJ.
WWX didn't get a reaction from his very sweet and sincere compliments, so he continues to flatter LWJ to try and elicit a response. It is just adorable how much WWX craves LWJ's attention to the point he says 'I don't have anything else to say' after being so sweet - but then continues to praise him anyway!
WWXs compliments are genuine and sincere. He really is in awe of LWJ at this moment when isn't he tbh and his comments are very sweet. But as genuine as they are, this is also a flirting technique, as I've mentioned in a previous post. Complimenting in such a way, is feminine flirting technique that is a way to appease the male ego.
After Wei WuXian stopped feeling cold, he started to swim around the cold spring.
He swum for a while, but still went near Lan WangJi, “Lan Zhan, didn’t you notice what I was doing when I talked to you?” Lan WangJi, “I do not know.” Wei WuXian, “You don’t even know about this? I was complimenting you, trying to become more casual with you.” Lan WangJi glanced at him, “What do you want to do?” Wei WuXian, “Lan Zhan, why don’t we become friends? We’re already so familiar.” Lan WangJi, “We are not.”
WWX is yet again gravitating towards LWJ. As LWJ didn't react the way WWX wanted him to, he is trying to justify his compliments. He goes on to admit he was complimenting LWJ, in order for them to become 'friends'. Which I'm sure is what he wants, but subconsciously he wants more than that and doesn't quite understand that although he likes him, it's in a slightly different way to a 'friend'.
Wei WuXian slapped the surface of the water, “Now, you’re being boring again. Really. There are lots of benefits if you become friends with me.” Lan WangJi, “For example?” Wei WuXian swam near the edge of the spring, and leaned back with his arms on the blue rocks, “I’m always really loyal towards my friends. For example, I’d definitely let you be the first person to look at new porn that I get hold of… Hey, hey, come back! It’s fine if you don’t look at them. Have you been to Yunmeng? Yunmeng is really fun. Yunmeng’s food is also good. I don’t know if it’s Gusu’s or the Cloud Recess’s problem, but the food in your sect are so bad. If you come to Lotus Pier, you can eat lots of delicious food. I can take you to pick lotus seed pods and water chestnuts. Lan Zhan, do you wanna come?” Lan WangJi, “No.”
WWX begins to tease LWJ once again, because he has seemingly rejected his advances of striking up a friendship. So he initially jokes about lending LWJ porn, which he knows he would reject. In fact, WWX might have even been trying to get LWJ to get angry here once again - as he definitely got a kick out of it (and he later admits he most certainly does!). LWJ was about to leave because of WWX's teasing, so he quickly changes the subject in order to stop him from leaving. WWX invites LWJ on a date to come and stay with him at Lotus Pier so he can show him around where he lives - which is just utterly adorable! I've already covered some of this in a previous post, so I won't cover it much further here.
I really love this scene as it's nice to see WWX able to talk to LWJ away from JCs disapproval and hostility. It's also outside of the Library Pavilion environment, where he is being punished and LWJ is even more reluctant to talk. It's interesting to see how LWJ is able to converse with him a little more than usual, over their past two interactions. Granted, LWJ didn't say much here. But it's certainly a start! As @parlerenfleurs stated in a recent post, if LWJ had been a little less guarded - I have no doubt WWX would have been enticed into kissing LWJ, if he'd been able to get closer to him.
There is very much a sense of mutual respect and admiration starting to form, alongside their chemistry and physical attraction. Over the past few interactions they have shared, WWX has noticed that LWJ is very strong, perceptive and virtuous. LWJ managed to simultaneously save WWX and the third wheel Su She, pulling them away from the waterborne abyss. In turn, showing the shocking strength of his sword and himself - which certainly impressed WWX. WWX also got to see that LWJ is extremely observant, as he was first to work out the water ghouls were luring them to a waterborne abyss. As stated above, WWX is also incredibly impressed with how virtuous LWJ is, punishing himself as well as WWX. In turn, LWJ got to see how brave and kind he is by saving Su She. He also got to see that WWX is also a skilled cultivator with a keen eye, as he spotted the water ghouls hiding under the boats when no one else did.
I really think this small but sweet scene is a lot more important than some people might think. Once you have read the rest of the novel and extra chapters, this scene becomes even more important in showing the growing feelings that they had for one another from the very beginning. The Lotus Seed Pod extra shows the reader just how much both of them were affected by this small encounter. It's been around a year since they met and they are both still thinking about WWX's invitation to come visit him. Although they are miles apart, they are both pining for each other, thinking of what was said that night at the cold spring.
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prismatic-dreaming · 7 months
am i reviving this blog to ramble on about my tav bc ive been playing a bunch of bg3 .......maaaaaybe
i should really remember this exists and do more character writing in general buuut today im having seraphine thoughts aka a massive ramble under the cut
shes my little guy i love her so much look at her *points*
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i went wild with the mods and customizations making her extra as fuck because i mean so am i when it comes to characters (ignore her eyebrow colors i couldnt do anything about them, also she has earrings but im not at the pc i play on rn i think this laptop would melt trying lmao esp on the high gfx settings to not have her face be unanimated and detached from her head)
as you can see shes a tiefling but shes also a silver draconic ancestry sorc! currently lv5 in the underdark act 1 and a gay idiot for karlach with hubris and little self preservation between her ice powers and innate fire resistance so they've kissed twice and she regrets nothing she's feral to get that engine fixed we've already got our second piece of infernal iron on standby
when she's not being gay as fuck she's pretty reasonable, wants to help people out and treat the world better than it's treated her, spent some time in the church of selune (acolyte bg) and she's no cleric but faithful and grateful to the people there who helped her. willing to kill for what's right but doesn't like being too brutal about it (she's willing to help the myceanids but she's not really in the business of taking heads so she's wary). tried the illithid powers once and got freaked out, wary of the dream guardian and resisted/refused any consuming of tadpoles by either active resistance and shoving it in a chest to ignore it or just lmao not picking that up from any of the goblin camp leaders
probably what's freaked her out the most recently besides the whole tadpole thing is the susur blooms taking away her magic, it's been a part of her her whole life, for better or for worse - it was a bit volatile and troublesome before she learned how to harness it properly but now it's something she holds close, and losing a part of herself that felt fundamental, a presence that was always there freaked her out a bit. she definitely ended up talking to gale a bit about magic and sat close (but not too close) to karlach cause she makes her feel safe and the underdark's starting to get to her a bit but these darn sidequests must be done and the shadowlands sound terrible!
she wants a hug but the only one she feels comfortable asking for that literally cant ;n;
also pet scratch and the owlbear ofc they're besties now its so cute
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Jukebox reviews part 11! For context, see my post “A Project” under  this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA stories,  they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa  
Feels Like the First Time
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8/15/2009                                     mc mf fd ma
The title rather gives the "twist" of this one away, though it's very cute. I feel like I *know* these folk - they just seem that real in this text. John and Deanna are a sweet pair, and I enjoy the very in-his-head nature of "but I don't know if she's ok with this" vs "but she asked me to tell her what she needs to know" is relateable AF. And the use of 6 as a "really wake up" count is delightful. Given it was clearly negotiated out as an experiment, too, it's delightful and playful and wonderful. Definitely worth reading if you enjoy cute, consensual hypnokink. 10/10 spirals
  Love Stinks
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8/22/2009                                     mc mf md
Huh. If pheromones worked on humans, then they'd probably work a lot like this. But given we don't appear to have the right receptors for our endocrine systems to be responsive to pheromones like this, they don't. ... And someone needs to make me turn off my science brain for a bit so I can just enjoy mind control stories, apparently.Seriously, though, it's a good story of slowly shifting perception and control, and I find the underlying premise really interesting! Stan is an interesting take on a mind controller, one who does it because he feels to shy and awkward to get a gal's attention any other way, but is really fundamentally decent besides the whole inappropriately influence a gal's ability to meaningfully consent thing. That paired with the clever control makes this story one I enjoy
  True Colors
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8/29/2009                                     mc md fd mf ff
Oh, this one is INTERESTING. I think I've completely missed it in the past, because none of it was familiar, but *wow,* the plot, the depth of everything... I think I need a flowchart (mostly joking!) It has some good heat and conditioning and brainwashing woven into all that plot, too, and the ending is good - and definitely not where I expected it to go! And I'm glad that Cindy and Michelle stay together through it all, that's nice and sweet. 10/10 spirals.
  Look What the Cat Dragged In
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9/5/2009                                       mc mf ff fd fu
Ah, if you have a magical creature offering you something that sounds too good to be true? Maybe look for their loophole to get the better end of the deal. This is very fairy tale-esque in a way that makes the EMC part feel incongruous, almost. It's clearly foreshadowed, and not a surprise, just ... there's a level of tonal shift to the story that makes me not sure where to start reviewing. There's nothing I can pinpoint that's *bad* - in fact, it's all good - just ... it feels a bit off to me. But the characters are solid and their motivations make sense, all the same. 7/10 spirals
  Promises in the Dark
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9/12/2009                                     mc ff
... I'm probably the *only person* in the world who cares, but I don't think you can even FIND Iron City beer in Austin. It's a regional beer, and even now, a decade later, I'm 99% sure that the distribution network doesn't take it down that way. Shiner Bock, that I could see, and they're similar enough beers, but not Iron City. (Unless Austin refers to Austin, MN, but then you'd probably be looking at Leinie's or one of the bajillion microbreweries that are around those parts.) But since I *am* probably the only person who cares, we'll move past that and on to a lovely story of a couple of gals who have a spark of chemistry from the first. I love the flirtation between Desireé and Priscilla, and the way it builds to more, how Priscilla gets lost in the rush? It's *delightful*, I have no other word for it. I like a character who keeps her promises, even if she might bend them a little, and while Desireé isn't precisely my type, I can see what Priscilla sees in her - and vice versa! I hope they have very happy lives together with Desireé's roomate and any other gals who may enter their lives.
  Follow You Down
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9/19/2009                                     mc ff
This story has one of the best descriptions of what I find so ... well, intimate about hypnokink. "I don’t know why I’m only realizing it now, but there’s something so powerful, so sensual about the idea of hypnosis. It’s an act of trust, an emotional bond deeper and more intimate than anything that could pass between two lovers. Not just a sharing of bodies, but a sharing of minds." Because hypnosis *is* like that, even when being used with less than honest motivations. And Emma is so clever here, in how she uses that sense of intimacy to build a sense of connection and trust she can wrap around Gail and Carrie. And of course, technically, it's sound hypnotic technique, which comes as no surprise from a Jukebox story. The choice to start in the middle of things and intersperse the lead-up to where we see Gail and Carrie works so well in giving the reader the same sort of fuzzy confusion that a deep trance can provide, as well. I just wish that Emma was a bit more ethical (but that's purely my own personal preference). 9/10 spirals.
  The the Morning Comes
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9/26/2009                                     mc ff
Ah, Simone is such a sweet, suggestible girl who responds so perfectly to a reasonable tone, even when that reasonable tone is saying the most unreasonable things. I love the way we can see her just agreeing with somewhat outlandish statements because of who's saying them, and how much she *wants* to believe those statements. And there's clear signs of conditioning in play, too, in a way that sounds *delightful.* The shenanigans that Simone appears to have gotten up to are wonderful, given the overlying control in play, too. I kinda hope I see another installment with these three in the future, though, as the story would be better for more of the previous night being included. It lacks a little of the process I enjoy so much, for all it remains a wonderful story. 8/10 spirals
  Silly Love Songs
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10/3/2009                                     mc mf ff ma md fd bd ds ft hu la
This is more silly than hot, but if you enjoy filks you might get a chuckle out of a few of these. I do have to wonder if Jukebox has ever been ... shall we say "encouraged"... to sing any of them though ;)
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10/17/2009                                   mc ff
Oh, this is *fascinating* .... I'm not sure about EROTIC, mind, but fascinating. Even though the dusting the air to see a laser security system doesn't actually work, based on testing the Mythbusters did, it's still impressive! I love Yelena's dedication to her craft, and understand well the isolation that can come from folk not treating you as a peer, or holding you on a pedastle you don't think you deserve - though maybe Yelena does deserve it, given the rest of the story. Regardless, the ease with which she is captivated and controlled is interesting. I'd expect any skilled thief to have more focus of purposes than that. But maybe that, too, is the effect of the control in play. It's a solid story, with good control, if more than a little magical and maybe a bit rushed? 8/10 spirals.
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10/25/2009                                   mc mf md cb
Another one of Jukebox's superhero stories, again with Wild Rose and Sharpe. I got secondhand sensory overstim from the very beginning of this story, which says rather a lot about just how good Jukebox is at painting a scene. I do wonder just how much Sharpe is going to add to her security now, seeing as how someone found a hole that needs patching and a better firewall. I love the interplay between Rose and Sharpe so much, even when Sharpe's brain gets ahead of her a bit and she doesn't let Rose finish her sentence. They're just a cute couple, and this is a lovely bit of their lives. (Also the "Garbage in,  garbage out" line made me laugh, too). 10/10 spirals.
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter One: Demonstration Gone Wrong
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Summary: Tony Stark is the egotistical and arrogant CEO of Stark Industries. The man who makes sure that his big brother doesn’t always make a mess is William Stark. He’s not eccentric like Tony, but he’s smart and willing to help when he finds out about Tony’s escapades as the newest superhero: Iron Man. Trouble ensues. One thing is for sure; brothers always stick together. No matter what!
Word Count: 3113
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A/N: This is another marvel fic that’s apart of the revival universe!
THE CALM, DRY DESERT OF THE KURAN Province in Afghanistan seemed to be completely undisturbed. No animals roamed the vast plains or hiked to the top of the mountains. Though the peace of the empty plain was broken by a cloud of dust flying on the dirt road. Half a dozen U.S. military vehicles drove down the road. The distinct sound of ‘Back in Black’ blasted through a stereo in one of the vehicles. 
In this specific car, the famous, recognizable Stark brothers were sat next to each other in the backseat. While the eldest brother, Tony Stark, held a glass of liquor in his hand and bobbed his head to the recognizable music of AC/DC, the younger Stark, Bill Stark, sat in between his brother and a soldier stiffly. The younger looked somewhat similar to his older brother. However, while Tony had facial hair, Bill’s face was cleanly shaven. If anything, Bill was nothing but a baby face. Even though the man was thirty-six-years-old, he looked more like a twenty-six-year-old. God, the number of times that Tony has made fun of his brother for that was impossible to keep track of. Though that’s beside the point. His eyes were a lighter brown and his skin was slightly paler than Tony’s which is likely due to Bill’s decision to stay indoors as much as he can. Despite the differences in appearance with the brother’s, everyone knew that the two were brothers. Who doesn’t know?
However, even though they were brothers, they happened to be quite the opposite of each other. That was evident from even the fundamental fact that Bill was currently content with the idea of sitting in the jeep without talking and just listening to the music while Tony was dying in the quietness. The constant glances from two of the soldiers also wasn’t helping to ease him.
“I feel like you're driving me to a court-martial,” Tony commented towards the three soldiers in the car with them. “This is crazy. What did I do? I feel like you're going to pull over and snuff me. What, you're not allowed to talk?” The soldiers still sat tall and seemingly unmoving, so Tony leaned forward to look at the soldier seated on his brother’s other side. “Hey, Forrest!”
The soldier, a young man spoke up, “we can talk, sir.”
“Oh, I see.” Tony shrugged and leaned in towards Bill to stage whisper, “So it's personal?” Bill rolled his eyes at his older brother’s remark in exasperation. He was far too familiar with Tony’s (annoying) antics.
“No, you intimidate them,” the soldier who was driving, a woman, called.
Tony looked up in mock shock, “good God, you're a woman,” This earned Tony a jab in the ribs from his brother. He ignored Bill and continued on, “I honestly... I couldn't have called that. I mean, I'd apologize, but isn't that what we're going for here? I thought of you as a soldier first.”
“I'm an airman.”
Tony stared at her shamelessly, “you have, actually, excellent bone structure, there. I'm kind of having a hard time not looking at you now. Is that weird?” That earned him some chuckles and laughs from the others in the car, sans Bill who only leaned back in his seat with crossed arms. “Come on, it's okay, laugh,” Tony encouraged while nudging his killjoy (Tony’s words) of a younger brother. All he was trying to do was get rid of the tension in the car.
Bill just sighed, “you are so annoying.”
“Sir,” the soldier in the front passenger seat spoke up, “I have a question to ask.”
Tony hummed, “yes, please.”
“Is it true you went 12 for 12 with last year's Maxim cover models?”
“That is an excellent question,” Tony started while taking off his sunglasses dramatically. “Yes and no. March and I had a scheduling conflict, but fortunately, the Christmas cover was twins.” The soldiers in the car all smiled in amusement, “anything else?” The Soldier next to Bill, Jimmy, raised his hand. Tony sighed loudly, “you're kidding me with the hand up, right?”
The young man asked nervously, “is it cool if I take a picture with the both of you?”
“Yes.” Tony shared a glace with Bill, “It's very cool.”
Bill nodded his head with a genuine smile, “sure.” He was used to people usually only wanting pictures with Tony as he is the more… Fun and extravagant brother. Bill was more private and reserved when it came to his life, unlike Tony. Bill was more behind the scenes, specifically behind the scenes when it came to the medical side of the company. He may be famous, but not as many people wanted to take a picture with him as they did with Tony. Besides, Bill sometimes can be dreadfully shy, especially around large crowds.
Jimmy excitedly pulled his camera out and handed it to the soldier in the front seat. The three in the back seat all posed for the picture together as the other man tried to figure out the camera.
“I don't want to see this on your MySpace page,” Tony jested. Jimmy puts up a peace sign for the photo as the Stark brother’s smile at the camera. “Please, no gang signs.” Tony commented which Jimmy obeyed instantly, “No, throw it up. I'm kidding. Yeah, peace. I love peace. 'd be out of a job with peace.”
“Come on. Hurry up.” Jimmy urged the other soldier with the camera. “Just click it. Don't change any settings.”
While the soldiers bikered about the camera and they all waited for the picture to be taken, the car shook as an explosion roared in front of them. They all cringed at the noise as gunshots soon were heard surrounding them. The Starks were starting to panic at all of the commotion, “what's going on?” Tony shouted. He looked at each of the others in the car with wild eyes. Bill had started to shake in fright at the noise and gunfire. He truly did not like guns or weapons… 
“Contact left!”
“What have we got?” Tony tried to get another answer but the soldiers just ignored him and started jump into action. The woman jumps out of the driver's seat to try and combat whoever was firing at them but was shot down quite quickly.
The soldier in the passenger seat grabbed his own gun and looked back at the trio in the back seat. “Jimmy, stay with the Starks!” He hopped out of the car and positioned himself on the hood of the car to get a better shot on those attacking them. 
“Stay down!” Jimmy urged the brothers and pushed Bill down to try and get better cover as Tony did the same.
“Yeah,” Tony said as Bill nodded his head 
They watched as the soldier took a few shots out in the dust, but they couldn’t see if he had hit his mark. However, his marksmanship was no match for his opponents who shot him dead in an instant.
“Son of a bitch!” Jimmy got out of the car like his other two fellow soldiers.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!” Tony shouted over the deafening sounds of warfare and leaned over his brother was still cowering in his seat. “Give me a gun!”
Jimmy turned to them and looked at them through the dusty window to yell, “stay here!” Once he turned back around he was gunned down as the bullets shot at him pierced the car. 
Now seeing that they had no one to protect either of them, the Stark brothers knew that they had to look out for each other. Tony grabbed his younger brother by the arm and started to pull him out of the car through his door. Bill allowed himself to be dragged and hastily did his best to keep himself from falling flat on his face when Tony pulled him out of the car. The hot, desert sun beat down on the brothers as they stumbled around while looking for some kind of cover. Their scenes were dulled and their eyesight fogged up by dirt and dust. Finally, Bill dove behind a rock for cover from the rain of bullets and motioned Tony to the relatively safe area as well.
Tony and Bill sat next to each other with their heads ducked and backs pressed up against the hard rock. Tony pulled out his phone and slid it open to call for some sort of help. Just as he opened up his phone, a thud shook him to his core. Both of the men looked over to the left to see a missile had landed right next to them. The tried to scurry away from the logo of ‘Stark Industries’ that glared back at them, however, neither of them were able to get out of the way.
The missile exploded and caused both of them to fly off to opposite sides. With dulled senses and a pain in his chest, Tony looked around his surroundings when he noticed he couldn’t see Bill. He looked over to the side to see his little brother further away from him. Blood painted Bill’s left side completely and colored his clothes in the dreaded hue. The man was motionless with eyes closed and Tony was unable to tell if he was breathing or not. The sharp pain in his chest intensified and bothered him to no end. He looked down at his shirt and tore it open to see that his own chest was starting to bleed profusely. He obviously had been injured much like his brother. There was really no telling what had happened to either of them.
Just as Tony’s vision grew blurry and dark, a few figures emerged from the dust cloud and headed in his direction. Weak, disoriented and unable to do anything to stop them as he grew unconscious, Tony could only watch as the figures decked out in thick layers grabbed him. He was hauled up and started to be carried from the spot he once laid. He couldn’t do anything as his limp body was taken away and left his younger brother on the sand covered in his own blood. Finally, his eyes slid shut and Tony fell unconscious.
James Rhodes scoured the sand dunes that were laid out before him with squinted and alert eyes. The rolling hills of hot sand stretched for miles and miles everywhere he looked. There seemed to be nothing touched and no grain moved. His stomach churned.
He and the other soldiers riding with him in identical jeeps to those that had left only a short time before them had gotten a message saying that there was an attack. The jeeps that had been attacked had been carrying two of his closest friends, Tony and Bill Stark.
They had no idea who gave the message as she didn’t want to give her name, but that didn’t really matter. They would wonder about who the caller was once they arrived at the scene. All they knew was that many of their men had been killed by, most likely, a terrorist organization. There wasn’t too much information that they were able to obtain which meant that they didn’t know who orchestrated the attack. The U.S. military had far too many enemies in the middle east to allow them to make any sort of assumptions. 
He and a group of soldiers had taken their jeeps and sped through the sandy landscape to the coordinates of the call as fast as they could. James really didn’t want to think about what may have happened to the Stark brothers. Who knows who attacked the group of military jeeps and why. All James really cared about at that moment was making sure that the billionaire brothers were safe. However, as a soldier shouted out that he had spotted the vehicles out in the distance, James’ hopes were slowly dwindling.
Each jeep was unmoving and appeared abandoned. Sand was picked up by wind and pelted against the cars that were covered in holes that no doubt came from gunshots. There were obvious signs of explosions evident from the few cars that were charred black from fire. The wind had killed the spread of fire which was a good thing. Less fire meant that there was less of a possibility of any evidence to who had done this being burned away. They needed to find out who thought it was a good idea to attack the U.S. military and fast.
The soldiers all jumped out of their rides and marched hastily toward the fiery ruins. Fallen soldiers were laid out all over the area. Their weapons at their side as bullet hole decorated their bodies. It didn’t seem like they were a match for their opponents. They were completely caught off guard it seemed by the ambush and were unable to stop the assailants from killing them.
Each soldier ran over to investigate the scene and look for any survivors of the attack. Though from the carnage that they were all able to see didn’t give anyone much hope that anyone lived through this savage attack. They trudged through the sand and debris to find that no one had survived. Each and every soldier who had been inside of the cars had been killed. It placed a terrible feeling in all of their stomachs and a bad taste in their mouths.
James just about broke down at the fact that they couldn’t find either of the Stark brothers. They were his best friends! Now all of a sudden they were missing after a terrorist attack out in the middle of the desert. He leaned against one of the trucks in mental exhaustion and defeat. God knows where the Stark brothers had been taken and if they were even alive.
Just as James’ thoughts about his friends whereabouts turned grim, a shout pulled everyone’s attention to a collection of rocks a few meters away from the deserted cars. 
Everyone jumped into action and raced towards the soldiers cry. The medics grabbed their gear and readied themselves to help an injured person. James ran over as quickly as he could through the sand. His hopes were slowly growing more and more as he neared the area of rocks to see who was found.
He was greeted with the sight of a man who appeared to be quite young laid on his side in the sand. Even though his suit was caked in blood and sand, James was easily able to identify the man as Bill. James jumped to the younger man’s side as the medical personnel started to pull out their supplies. 
Bill’s perfectly shaven face was smeared with his own blood and painted an ashy black from soot and no doubt an explosion. James wasn’t completely sure if Bill was even okay. However, he was able to see the shallow movement of his friends chest. The younger man was alive but barely. He didn’t know what had happened to the younger Stark brother, however, he could sigh in relief for the time being that it wasn’t something that killed him like the soldiers with them. 
Yet there was still the absence of the eldest Stark brother. The cocky man was nowhere in sight at all! 
“Bill?” James asked the man to see if he could get some sort of response. “Bill? Can you hear me? William?”
As the medics worked on making sure that Bill’s side was properly taken care of, said man groaned out quietly in pain. His whole body burned and ached in a way that he had never experienced. The sensation emanated mostly from his side and crippled his body to the point that he couldn’t move. He found himself comparing the pain to the one time he had broken his arm after being forced to play baseball. However, it was far, far worse.
His eyesight was blurry and dotted with black spots dancing all over the place. People surrounded him and moved around him quickly. They were doctors, he thought, obviously they were there to help him with the pain. He was able to focus on one of the faces that was right next to his and choked on his dry throat as he tried to speak. "Rh-Rhod-odey?"
James sighed in relief as Bill was able to recognize him. That was a good sign. "You're gonna be alright, Bill." He watched as the doctors and medics looked over his wounds and dressed what they could before they transported him somewhere safer. 
"T-Ton-ny?" The injured man spat out painfully through his scratchy esophagus. "W-where is-s T-T--" his throat started to clog up before the medics tried to calm him down as the young man started to panic. No one could answer him that question because no one knew where his brother was.
Elsewhere, somewhere in a cave in the desert, a disoriented Tony Stark sat on a chair with a burlap sack over his head. After gaining conscious, he listened to the fuzzy words being spoken by the people who surrounded him. He couldn't understand a word as it was spoken in a language he did not know.
His eyes were then assaulted with a blinding light as the sack over his head was roughly pulled off. Helena blinked his eyes to try and adjust them to his surroundings and found himself staring down the lens of a video camera.
A group of terrorists surrounded him threateningly as the speaker spoke to him the camera. It was obviously some sort of ransom video. As the reordering continued on, Tony was finally able to understand what sort of situation he was now in. He was kidnapped by a terrorist group after they attacked the military. Oh, God. Where was Bill. What did they do to his little brother?! Tony didn't see his brother anywhere. Then again, Tony was having a hard time seeing anything within five feet in front of him.
Bill could be there… but he may not. He racked his brain to remember the last thing he saw of Bill. The chilling image of his baby brother laid on the ground with brooding painting his side that dripped down to stain the sand around him shook Tony. His brother could be dead for all he knew. 
For the time being, Tony stayed quiet as the man spoke and stared into the camera threateningly while speaking in a language he didn't know. As soon as he could, he would find out where he was, what they wanted from him, and where his brother was.
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phoebehalliwell · 1 year
I mean, if you want gossip, welcome to my tale of questionable decisions! Let me set the scene for you. The relevant players are me, my female friend, and a guy who we've both been befriending. (The setting, mostly irrelevant but must be added to emphasize the Questionable Decisions of this tale is a church group. As in we're all in the same church group. What the fuck at me) Anyways, friend has gotten some flirty signals from guy and is interested but not willing to do anything unless he's explicitly into her.
Meanwhile, I end up becoming closer friends with this guy bc we went to an arcade a weekend night, accidentally had too much, and then had a full on breakdown on how my ex bf almost definitely sexually assaulted me. The guy (nice guy not ex bf, he has no more relevance to this story besides my ~trauma~) ends up hanging out with me a few more days, in part bc I am Not Handling this well. (ha ha, i'm repressing it atm again, this seems like a better idea!) We end up being better friends tho, and I find out that he is into my friend which great!
Issue is that my hormones are fucking stupid as hell and I. haven't even kissed anyone since said ex bf and guy friend is nice to me and I am reasonably sure won't be weird about it. So basically: we ended up making out on my couch. for a while. Additional context: I outright told him beforehand that I didn't want a relationship with him and this would be a one-time thing that I would almost definitely never bring up again. Which: not wrong. He's a great friend and I like hanging out with him but we're fundamentally incompatible and I'm just not into him that way. (Seriously, the entire thought process on my end is that he has proven multiple times that he won't hurt me, will stop if I ask, and is chill enough that it won't need to become a thing.)
He had to leave after a while, because y'know time and I basically talked him into asking out my friend. So please, imagine this scenario. Me and him, having just spent two hours making out on my couch with the full understanding this was a one-time thing, now standing on my porch at midnight as I try to talk him into asking her out while he expresses doubt that she's into him. I've done it tho and he's gonna ask her out tomorrow. This is the current situation as of fifteen minutes ago.
My expectation is frankly that while we may talk about it in the future, bc he is currently only person alive who knows about my trauma, it will never happen again. (Like I said: I'm really not into him like that.) Admittedly, not totally sure on what'll happen with him and her but a legit possibility that they end up going out (and he's already promised me to not tell anyone about it, which he won't bc of who he is as a person) and it going well. Honestly, idk if I really need advice bc I do legitimately think that this will work out fine for everyone but may I get an f in the chat for what the fuck was I thinking. Any advice about the situation will be gladly accepted tho! (Also anything about dealing with said trauma bc like I said. I am. not handling it v well oof.)
The most ironic thing about fucking all this is that I am normally the most drama-free, chill person ever and never get into trouble and then I did this. To repeat: what the fuck at me!
legendary behavior on your part honestly like. like?? idk i'm with you i think this could turn out fine maybe. like obvs there are good odds it doesn't but like. ❤️❤️❤️❤️. like aint nobody gotta know like first off i totally believe in like the principle of making out with your friends. granted i rarely do it for like two hours with the homies but like making out for two hours with someone that you're into is also like not that weird of a thing either imo like making out with someone at the club!! you guys are both just there it's both just vibes like!! idk it's normal!!! i feel sooo hashtag phoebecoded rn i do feel like this is incredibly dumb advice but im also hashtag team you. i think this is gna be fine. but also yeah like really don't let her know. like. that's just business between y'alls just silly haha business and it's like if you get it you get it but if you don't it's really confusing and hurtful bc it's harder to get it if you already like the guy you get what i'm saying. but yeah. hope things work out for your friend and homeboy. homeboy sounds chill. also they're both so relatable for refusing to do anything until they know for sure it's reciprocated the amount of the times i have had to hold my homies at gunpoint (and vice versa!) to ask out the guy who clearly likes them... well it's a modern (?? or not idk i'm not old) rite of passage. wishing u all luck. keep me posted im nosy owo.
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gendrie · 1 year
i) do you have more concert speculations on how arya and dany might meet in Essos? I saw you speculating that she might intercept FM hit on Dany, which is more feasible than them sending her (an unruly green novice for THE assassin attempt of the century... yeah okay🤡) but I have troubles imagine her making the suicidal journey to SB that would require probably another book entirely; afterall Tyrion was sponsored, still spent the entirety of ADwD traveling, and finds himself at Meereen's barricated walls. How would Arya get on a ship going to SB? She doesn't really have the opportunity like Quentyn to simply enlist for a sellsword company. And the landway is nuts.
Or do you speculate they will meet when Daenerys does (is forced to do) busstops in Free City when sailing for Westeros.
ii) do you think the FM will be eradicated? Can't imagine an anti dragon agenda surviving in GRRM's world and current timeline.
actually, i think that if arya intercepts a hit on dany/the dragons it would happen in westeros. plot twist! the assassin formerly known as jaqen h'ghar is, by far, the most likely operative for that mission and it seems like he's already on it at the citadel (researching how to kill a dragon lbr). at this point nobody else needs to be traveling all the way to slavery’s bay. for the many reasons you said. arya has way too much to do in braavos anyway with her apprenticeships, the sealord drama, iron bank stuff, jeyne p.’s inevitable arrival, extracting herself from the FM, ect. i don’t think she has time for any major detours. unless grrm is giving her like 10 chapters bc she’s got stuff to do in westeros too. besides, how much longer is dany, realistically, going to stay in slavery’s bay herself once she returns? i’d imagine not too long. 
any dragon killing plots probably won’t fully play out until ados. which is why i see it happening in westeros. also it makes sense for arya to 1.) known dany and 2.) be made aware of the others and therefore understand how the dragons are needed to fight that threat in order to give her the motivation to intercept her old assassin pal. thats another reason im not envisioning it happening too soon. the connection between arya and dany needs to be made first.
but, yeah, if arya crosses paths with dany and/or tyrion in twow it will be in the free cities. i’ve never been able to shake the possibility of arya traveling back within team targ (whether they know it or not) but idk about the timing. arya can move a lot faster and i think she has to....but dany has a connection to braavos, tyrion thought about always wanting to see the titan, and we know its going to be a "crucial" location going forward so im not ruling it out?
im not sure about the faceless men in general tbh. grrm has only thrown us the tiniest crumbs about that mystery. they are anti dragon, but they’re also anti slavery and, currently, anti lannister. they’re an ancient order and a fundamental part of braavos too. their black and white imagery implies balance not evil. and dragons lived in westeros for hundreds of years without any interference from the faceless men. i dont think they need to be eradicated. any threat they pose can be managed. arya will deal with them as needed.
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shaftking · 2 years
Everything that is happening with abortion is the result of demedicalizing/politicizing a medical procedure. I tend not to be the "both sides are shit" centrist type, but both sides fundamentally miss the mark by decoupling abortion from the medical context.
I'll start by saying I agree with the argument that prevention should trump trying to abort. There are a million different methods on the market to help with that. Heck, the pharmacists where I work can legally prescribe birth control; it is that easy to get a hold of (they can also prescribe narcan, fun fact, but that is besides the point). If insurance does not want to take it (most take it outright), the discount cards we can give out make it very affordable as well.
With that established, now to abortion. There are certainly cases where it is inherently medically necessary to perform one. That is why I'd personally say this should be a case for the doctors and not the government, but legislators having the choice is still better than ruling with an iron fist like roe had before. This is where I differ from the conservative ultra pro-life crowd.
But we cannot forget that there are risks to abortion for both the mother and the child. We must remember that both beings are at play here. After the first trimester, many of the procedures include scraping out parts of the fetus and the lining. This is dangerous for the mother as well, as this can both make it harder for babies to latch in the future as well as cause infections. Keep in mind that this is an internal organ we are talking about getting infected here. This, along with other concerns, is why there need to be bigger conversations with the doctors before considering it a viable solution. The ultra liberal "we should abort whenever we want" completely ignored aspects like this, as if it is not a huge decision to go through with this medical procedure.
We really just have to start treating this like the serious medical procedure it is. We need to be determining medical necessity just like every other part of health care and not leaving it to the politicians to further demedicalize it.
Sorry to dump this all here. It is not that I am ashamed of my opinion, but I had to mention my job as an important aspect of this discussion and i didn't want that linked to my tumblr account.
No need to apologize, this is actually a very good point. I absolutely agree that so much of the abortion debate hinges on the fact that neither side necessarily wants to admit that abortion is a medical procedure with risks involved and shouldn’t be given out to anyone for any reason.
Even if you are the most pro choice advocate, who believes in the crazy idea that life begins at birth and not before, the idea of invasively removing or prescribing a medication that causes the expulsion of material from a uterus comes with zero risk should be insane to you.
There is a reason that having your appendix removed only happens when it is a threat to your life, because getting into someone’s internal organs will always carry some risk of infection and other complications. Obviously abortions and appendectomies aren’t exactly the same, but you understand the point.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: birth control is easier to access, cheaper, and less risky than abortions and carries none of the moral issues that abortion does. If you don’t want to get pregnant, would you rather spend forty bucks for a relatively low risk preventative like PlanB or would you rather get a literal medical procedure with much higher risk that costs more than ten times that?
I’m pro choice in the sense that it should be as safe as possible and a rarity. I am also pro birth, and women shouldn’t have to feel like their only option is abortion. There should be support for women accessing and using contraceptives, and there should be support for women in positions where pregnancy could get complicated or have a hard time supporting herself and her child.
The issue is when people treat abortion as a first resort instead of planning in order to avoid it ever having to be an option.
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the-lunar-library · 2 years
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Yew: Sometimes surviving the sickness that killed the rest of your village doesn't mean you're lucky – it means you're cursed. And if you don't want to deal with magic, then too bad, because the only way to lift a curse is to secure the goodwill of a sorcerer.
Or learn magic yourself.
And while Yew is bright and only rarely afraid of a confrontation, she may find that her apprenticeship as a sorcerer teaches her things darker than mere spellwork.
Eider: In the summer of her nineteenth year, Eider learns that being a rich, beautiful socialite with hands is worlds different from being one without. She was powerless to stop a magic spell from taking her hands. But she has her brains, curiosity, and determination. When her father disowns her, her train breaks down in the middle of nowhere, and she finds herself trapped in a magical house with an enormous snake, Eider realizes it's up to her to solve her own problems – and that killing an enormous snake might not be so impossible for a girl with a sturdy pair of hooks.
Besides. She has a certain sorcerer to reckon with.
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Arsen: Two hundred years is plenty of time to get set in your ways, and while he may be trapped within his own gothic manor, this vampire is used to controlling his environment, his spellwork, and his apprentices. Both feared and loved by the city that barely knows him, Arsen is a master sorcerer, and though he's been known to take apprentices, he's also known to be distant, strange, and frankly dangerous.
He agrees to take Yew on as a student, but that might only be because his magic doesn't include the gift of foresight.
Diarca: The world believes the sorcerer Arsen lives alone. But then the world doesn't know about the weird man who can be seen in any mirror in his house. Diarca is an enigma, in so many ways more approachable and human than Arsen, yet unquestionably more dangerous. When Diarca realizes that Arsen's taken on a new apprentice, he only hopes that he can convince her to escape before she gets in too deep.
His agenda, aside from lurking in mirrors, is a vague at best. But Arsen is certain Diarca will someday kill him.
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Rex: A charming, convivial, but fundamentally cruel man, Rex is a successful flour merchant. When life is good, he's – sometimes – good. But when life is bad, he's always bad, and when his daughter Eider is maimed by a sorcerer, life turns very, very bad.
The Enormous Talking Snake: didn't ask to be an enormous talking snake.
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The Iron Stag: The stag that wanders the halls of Arsen’s manor. A light in the darkness, perhaps, but a creature of darkness nonetheless.
The Rose Stag: The stag trapped in an enchanted realm, antlers summer-sharp, roses summer-blooming, so much of his life completely out of season.
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healthcoach95 · 4 months
Which food is good for bodybuilding?
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Sustenance remains a foundation in the domain of lifting weights, serving as a fuel for serious exercises as well as an impetus for muscle development and in general prosperity. As hopeful jocks dive into the complexities of chiseling their bodies, understanding the significant effect of dietary decisions becomes vital. This article attempts to disentangle the harmonious connection between food and lifting weights, revealing insight into the urgent job sustenance plays in accomplishing ideal outcomes.
Chasing building slender bulk and accomplishing maximized operation, a far-reaching comprehension of macronutrients like proteins, sugars, and fats is fundamental. Proteins, the structure blocks of muscle tissue, establish the groundwork for fixing and development. Carbs, then again, act as an essential energy source during serious instructional courses, while fundamental fats add to hormonal equilibrium and by and large well-being.
Besides, micronutrients and nutrients assume a vital part in supporting different physical processes essential to the working out process. From working with muscle constrictions to upgrading recuperation, a balanced way to deal with sustenance envelops a range of nutrients and minerals. Pre- and post-exercise nourishment methodologies, particular eating regimens, hydration, and supplement contemplations further highlight the intricacy of the connection between food and working out. In exploring this complex scene, people can open the capability of their bodies, encouraging actual strength as well as getting through imperativeness.
Key Macronutrients for Weight training:
In the domain of weight training, the meaning of macronutrients couldn't possibly be more significant, as they act as the principal building blocks that fuel muscle development, fix, and by and large execution. The principal foundation is protein, perceived as the essential player in muscle advancement. Rich sources like lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and plant-based choices supply the fundamental amino acids expected for a productive protein blend, cultivating the maintenance and recovery of muscle tissues.
Carbs arise as the second vital macronutrient, going about as the body's essential energy source during requesting exercises. Recognizing perplexing and straightforward sugars becomes basic, as the previous, tracked down in entire grains, organic products, and vegetables, gives supported energy levels pivotal to expanded instructional courses.
Fundamental fats comprise the third macronutrient, assuming a crucial part in chemical creation, including those connected to muscle development. Avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and greasy fish are praiseworthy sources, adding to by and large well-being while at the same time supporting the weight training venture.
Adjusting these key macronutrients in an eating routine is fundamental for enhancing body creation, strength gains, and generally speaking athletic execution. By getting it and decisively integrating proteins, sugars, and fundamental fats, weight lifters can establish a strong starting point for accomplishing their wellness yearnings.
Micronutrients and Nutrients:
While macronutrients take the spotlight in weight training, the job of micronutrients and nutrients is similarly essential for supporting generally speaking well-being, execution, and recuperation. Micronutrients, enveloping nutrients and minerals, work as impetuses in various physiological cycles critical for weight lifters.
Nutrients are fundamental natural mixtures that manage a heap of capabilities inside the body. Vitamin D, indispensable for bone wellbeing and invulnerability, guarantees the productive ingestion of calcium, a mineral urgent for muscle withdrawals. Iron, one more fundamental micronutrient, assumes a vital part in oxygen transport, supporting perseverance and forestalling exhaustion.
Microminerals, for example, calcium contribute not exclusively to bone well-being yet in addition assume a part in muscle withdrawals, a part of central significance in working out. Incorporating various organic products, vegetables, and entire food varieties into one's eating regimen becomes basic to get the range of micronutrients expected for maximized operation.
Understanding and integrating these micronutrients into a weight-training diet can significantly affect muscle capability, recuperation, and generally speaking prosperity. As muscle heads take a stab at ideal outcomes, a comprehensive methodology that considers both macronutrients and micronutrients is critical to accomplishing a fair and supportable wholesome establishment.
Pre-Exercise Sustenance:
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The significance of pre-exercise sustenance lies in its capacity to take action for ideal execution, giving the essential fuel to ride out extreme instructional meetings. Timing and synthesis are basic variables in planning a compelling pre-exercise dinner.
Consuming a decent dinner 2-3 hours before practice guarantees a consistent arrival of energy. This feast ought to incorporate complex sugars like entire grains, which give supported fuel, and a moderate measure of protein to help muscle capability during the exercise. Keeping away from high-fat and high-fiber food sources nearer to practice forestalls stomach-related uneasiness.
For those with restricted time before an exercise, a more modest nibble 30-an hour in advance can get the job done. Center around effectively edible starches, for example, a banana or energy bar, to give a fast jolt of energy without causing gastrointestinal misery.
Hydration is similarly pivotal for pre-exercise planning. Satisfactory liquid admission keeps up with ideal execution and forestalls parchedness, which can prompt weakness and diminished practice proficiency.
In outline, pre-exercise sustenance is an essential way to deal with improved energy levels, perseverance, and in general execution. Fitting feasts to individual inclinations and resistances guarantees that weight lifters are enough energized for the requests of their preparation, augmenting the adequacy of their exercise meetings.
Post-Exercise Nourishment:
Post-exercise nourishment is a basic part of a weight lifter's routine, pointed toward renewing energy stores, advancing muscle recuperation, and working within general variation to practice pressure. The quick result of an exercise presents an extraordinary metabolic window where the body is especially responsive to supplement consumption.
Protein utilization is fundamental during this stage, as it upholds muscle protein combination, fix, and development. Quick-processing protein sources like whey or plant-based protein shakes are well-known decisions for fast post-exercise support. Matching protein with sugars upgrades the renewal of glycogen stores, the body's essential energy source during exercise. This mix cultivates a better climate for muscle recuperation.
Timing assumes a significant part in post-exercise sustenance. Consuming an even feast or nibble inside 30-an hours after practice gains the elevated metabolic state, guaranteeing supplements are effectively used for recuperation. This dinner ought to likewise incorporate wellsprings of fundamental fats, adding to general well-being and supporting the assimilation of fat-solvent nutrients.
Post-exercise sustenance fills in as an essential device to upgrade recuperation, decrease muscle irritation, and improve the body's capacity to adjust and develop. A very much considered post-practice nourishment plan is basic to the drawn-out progress of any working-out program.
Particular Eating regimens for Working out:
As lifting weights advances, so do the ways to deal with nourishment, leading to particular eating regimens customized to fulfill the remarkable needs of muscle building, fat misfortune, and generally speaking execution upgrade. These weight control plans frequently collect consideration for their particular macronutrient circulations and vital supplement timing.
One outstanding model is the ketogenic diet, described by high fat, moderate protein, and extremely low carb consumption. Advocates contend that the condition of ketosis advances fat usage for energy, possibly supporting body arrangement objectives. Be that as it may, adherence and execution effects can differ.
Carb cycling is another methodology, including shifting back and forth between high and low sugar consumption days. This approach means advanced glycogen stockpiling for exercises while possibly upgrading fat misfortune during low-carb stages.
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While these weight control plans might have merit, individual varieties in digestion and inclinations require a customized approach. Weight lifters should think about their objectives, preparing power, and in general well-being while settling on a dietary procedure. A fair and adaptable methodology, consolidating different entire food varieties, frequently demonstrates success in gathering the different wholesome necessities of muscle heads. Talking with a nourishment proficient guarantees that any specific eating routine lines up with individual prerequisites, cultivating practical and compelling results.
In the realm of lifting weights, where serious exercises and actual effort are the standard, legitimate hydration remains as a foundation for ideal execution and generally speaking well-being. Water is a basic part of practically every physiological cycle, and its importance is amplified during exercise.
Satisfactory hydration is fundamental for keeping up with blood volume, directing internal heat levels, and supporting supplement transport. During exercises, liquid misfortune happens through perspiring, and keeping up with legitimate hydration levels is fundamental to forestall parchedness, which can prompt weakness, squeezing, and compromised practice execution.
The American Gathering on Exercise suggests polishing off 17-20 ounces of water 2-3 hours before working out, 8 ounces 20-30 minutes prior, and 7-10 ounces each 10-20 minutes during exercise. These rules might shift in light of individual factors, for example, body weight, sweat rate, and natural circumstances.
It is likewise significant to Pick the right liquids. While water is by and large adequate for most exercises, those participating in drawn-out, extreme meetings might profit from electrolyte-containing sports beverages to supplant lost sodium and different minerals.
All in all, keeping up with legitimate hydration is a non-debatable part of any weight training routine. By taking on a proactive way to deal with liquid admission, competitors can enhance execution, support recuperation, and defend against the expected entanglements of lack of hydration.
Supplements for Lifting weights:
Supplements assume a reciprocal part in the realm of weight training, helping people in gathering explicit healthful requirements and upgrading by and large execution. While an even eating routine remains part of the establishment, certain enhancements can be decisively consolidated to address explicit objectives.
Protein Enhancements: Whey protein, casein, and plant-based protein powders are well-known decisions to enhance protein consumption, advancing muscle protein union and supporting recuperation.
Creatine: Generally explored and acclaimed, creatine is known to improve strength, bulk, and by and large activity execution by supporting the development of ATP, the body's essential energy money.
Stretched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): Containing fundamental amino acids, BCAAs are accepted to advance muscle protein union, decrease muscle irritation, and help in recuperation.
Beta-Alanine: This amino corrosive is related to further developed perseverance and diminished muscle weariness during focused energy preparation.
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Nutrients and Minerals: While best got through a reasonable eating routine, enhancements can guarantee satisfactory admission, with Vitamin D, calcium, and iron being especially significant for bone well-being and generally speaking prosperity.
Pre-Exercise Enhancements: Frequently containing caffeine, beta-alanine, and nitric oxide forerunners, these enhancements expect to upgrade energy levels, concentration, and vasodilation during exercises.
It's vital to move toward supplementation with an alert, guaranteeing they supplement instead of supplant entire food sources. Individual requirements, objectives, and potential contraindications ought to be thought of, and meeting with a medical service proficient or nutritionist is suggested for customized direction.
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prodigiousvisions · 7 months
♫ runs at you runs at you runs at you
send me your favorite song and I’ll write a starter inspired by it ! Alternatively, send ♫ for me to choose a song. | accepting with enthusiasm teehee
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PIECE BY PIECE, gradually and methodically Momo has torn down his iron fortress of defenses, singlehandedly plucking him from the depths of despair to start anew and become reborn again. The past five years have been filled to the brim with nothing but turbulence and aiming for greater heights with his new partner at his side. As his fan first, Momo may have come to already know him on a fundamental level, but taking on this herculean feat of fixing himself up into a triple threat with no prior experience, how could Yuki not find himself pledging his full trust and care in earnest into him? But as of late, Momo seems to not be himself. Each time that Yuki attempts to show him praise in his own fashion, he pulls back with equal force. The utterly devoted Momose - once on his knees, humbled before Yuki in desperation to revive Re:vale to allow Yuki his fresh start to keep on singing, was unable to find his own voice to sing beside him any longer. HE SMILES, yet Yuki is no longer able to detect the all too familiar warmth that he basked in like sunshine.
'That song was practically made for you, Momo.'
He feels as if he has been forced onto yet another crossroads with his partner, one that was, again, not of his own accord. There's a certain anxiety that begins to get coaxed out of the otherwise calm and collected Yukito with every pushback he's met with. If he was not careful, Momo could leave him too. But he continues to stand there confused, simply unable to fully grasp the depth of his ails and why his tempered reassurances aren't doing what they need to. Why couldn't he see the wonderful person that he was and worked hard to be was more than enough for him? It was that enthusiasm and undying dedication that allowed Yuki to continue with his prior dream and shape it into a new one. One that included Momo in his path and motivations.
(What are you playing at? Who are you trying to be? There's no way you could be that, right?)
"Momo, please listen to me. You know better than anyone that I'm not the best with my words. But I don't intend on having anyone else by my side that isn't you." The idol frowns, knowing that his sentiments aren't conveyed in the manner he wishes for them to truly reach the other. If this were one of his composition pieces, he'd have thrown it away and started from the beginning. But human nature was not so mutable. Yuki clenches his fist against his chest in a growing struggle of his own, the innate perfectionist of his essence scrambling to regain the comfortable harmony of his life and his other half.
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"If you're not suited for the role; then just rewrite the script!"
a song that suits momo far more than necessary... Cinema🎶🎶// Yuki - Momo
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lentinsupplier25 · 1 year
Bulk Dry Food Commodities like lentils have plenty of medical benefits
Lentils, naturally known as Focal point, culminate esculenta, filling in units that possibly contain a couple of lentil seeds. Lentils are known as dal or dahl in India, as the Bulk, Dry Food Commodities are dried in the wake of collecting and might be sold entire or parted into equal parts, with the brown and green assortments are fantastic at keeping up with their shape after cooking.
They may be tiny; however, don't allow their size to trick you: Lentils are loaded with various supplements, from amicable stomach fiber to insusceptible supporting zinc. The little vegetables are likewise fundamental fixings in plant-based feasts because of their flexibility and surface. In addition, lentils are reasonable and cook rapidly, adding to their allure. Are they not persuaded? Peruse on to find out about the medical advantages of lentils alongside our number one recipes.
Medical advantages of Lentils
There are numerous Bulk Dry Food Commodities of lentils, including brown, green, red, and yellow. The specific wholesome substance shifts between each sort; however, all lentils, by and large, gloat comparable (and significant) medical advantages. Most eminently, lentils are a phenomenal wellspring of plant protein.
The most effective method to Appreciate Lentils at Home
If you're new to lentils, you'll love knowing they're not difficult to plan. They can be integrated into different dishes, says Ingraham, including soups, stews, curries, and plunges like hummus. Lentils are uncommon meat substitutes because of their rich protein content and the concrete surface. Attempt them in a vegan shepherd's pie or good lentil patties. Are you searching for a more straightforward methodology? Make a rosemary lentil side dish or warm lentil salad with poached eggs for a delightful and filling feast.
There's something else: Lentils contain polyphenols, a sort of cell reinforcement. As Ingraham indicates, polyphenols decrease aggravation and oxidative pressure by killing free revolutionaries (hurtful atoms). This shields cells from harm, possibly lessening the risk of ongoing circumstances like coronary illness or malignant growth. The consumable seeds are likewise loaded with micronutrients like vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, iron, and zinc, as indicated by the diary Supplements. Like protein, iron and zinc are many times ailing in plant-based consumes fewer calories, so [eating] lentils can be a valuable method for getting these supplements, makes sense, Ingraham. Besides, vitamin An and zinc are indispensable for sound-resistant capability, as indicated by the Places for Infectious prevention and Counteraction.
Lentils contain both dissolvable and insoluble fiber; solvent fiber retains water in the body, making a gel-like substance that might be useful to ease the runs. Insoluble fiber doesn't have water, which affects the stool. This can be useful if you're inclined to blockage, as the bulkier stool is simpler to pass. The fiber in lentils is staggering for processing.
Today, notwithstanding, the reputed Canadian Lentil Supplier produces lentils; these dry foods are nourishment for all and have assumed a prominent position among consumable vegetables for the two ranchers and café and home cooks. While different vegetables have tumbled off menus, the lentil has ascended in notoriety. Horticulturally, lentils are a strong yield when the dry spell is reasonable, and the dirt circumstances are not ideal. In the kitchen, lentils are valued for their capacity to cook rapidly, offer delightful flavor, and give a lot of supplements, like protein, iron, and Nutrients An and B.
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studioasa · 1 year
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Roof decks are turning out to be more famous business property highlights for places of business, eateries, and inns. While arranging the plan of your roof porch, you can search for inventive ways of furnishing visitors with an interesting encounter.
While they can give you a higher perspective of your environmental elements, they can likewise lessen your month to month warming and cooling costs. Moreover, they likewise set aside a remarkable room for engaging clients. Be that as it may, building a roof deck can accompany its own arrangement of difficulties.
Before you begin fabricating your porch, the following are a couple of significant variables to consider while arranging a business housetop deck.
While arranging the development, you should pick the right materials. Rooftop decks have the most openness to climate limits. Thus, your ground surface decision will be perhaps the most pivotal figure in your dynamic interaction.
Vinyl, PVC, and composite decks are bound to have issues when presented to coordinate daylight. Think about designing wood or level substantial ground surface for this kind of task. Designed wood flooring is not difficult to keep up with, impervious to dampness and the sun, and is strong.
Whichever material you pick, be certain it's protecting, shock-retaining, and shape safe.
Support is the one thing many individuals underestimate, however it's one angle you shouldn't overlook. Most business rooftops require some level of upkeep, availability, and association. To keep up with your roof deck the appropriate way, make certain to check for harm and holes.
Roof deck upkeep is a reliable method for forestalling further harm and guarantees the central air framework chugs along as expected.
Plants are a fundamental piece of making your business property appealing. They give a characteristic vibe that upgrades the general appearance of the space. Consider setting tree bushes around the porch region for protection.
Manufactured grass can likewise make an extraordinary expansion to work on inside protection and lower energy bills. You have a lot of ways of adding plant life, which can offer you various advantages, similar to shade and feeling.
Agreeable and lightweight furniture is an unquestionable necessity for partaking in the beautiful view. Be that as it may, you ought to consider setting the right kind of furniture outside. Water-safe furniture is the most ideal decision for housetop porches. A few choices incorporate teak wood or created iron furnishings.
Besides, cast aluminum furniture is a climate safe choice that gives sturdiness to endure each season. Nonetheless, this sort of furniture can likewise be to a greater degree toward the expensive side. The significant thing is to focus on your decision of material. What's more, on the off chance that you want to safeguard your furnishings, make a point to put it in a corner where it will get cover from the climate.
Business roofs need a great wind stream for legitimate ventilation. At the point when you permit that to occur, your rooftop will stay cool in the mid year and warm in the colder time of year. What's more, sufficient ventilation keeps dampness and form from gathering on the rooftop's materials.
To guarantee legitimate ventilation, talk with an air conditioning proficient to assist you with arranging cautiously. While ventilation is useful for protection and wind current, it likewise expands the existence of your roofing materials.
Regardless of the hour of day you'll utilize this space, the climate on roofs can be outrageous. At the point when you're as high as possible, you're a lot nearer to the sun, also the breeze. Assuming you intend to involve your housetop deck in the nights, center around making it warm for crisp evenings. You can put resources into a firepit and standing radiators to boost the degree of warmth for a roof gathering.
In the event that you choose to utilize it during the day, try to introduce umbrellas or a pergola. These will furnish you with ideal shade, particularly when it gets too sweltering in the mid year.
The main part you need to ensure is getting these elements appropriately. You can either utilize serious areas of strength for an or connect them to the rooftop's design with snares. Like that, your umbrella won't go off the top once it gets blustery.
Housetop decks are a brilliant component to have for loosening up outside. Nonetheless, it's vital to ensure you plan your plan admirably to take full advantage of the development experience. Since you have a couple of thoughts, you can utilize these six hints to guarantee you're fabricating a utilitarian and pleasant roof!
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