#belos headcanon
levshany · 1 year
What's your favorite thing about Belos? Do you have any headcanons about him? Also, I love your art and how you draw him!
My favorite thing... Should I pick just one? Well, if we're talking about the look, it's his hair. If we're talking about the temper, it's his hardworking
And here are my headings about him. I'll start with the most common ones, and end with personal ones that I haven't seen from anyone yet:
1. Belos is a retrained left-hander. He holds all the instruments with his left hand, but writes with his right, since it was previously believed that left-handers subject to devilish influence.
2. Phillip's mother was burned on charges of witchcraft. Perhaps little Philip even had to witness this terrible scene.
3. Belos was often ill at the beginning of his journey through BI. And I'm not talking about a curse, but about local infections, to which he had no immunity. Over time, his body adapted, and later the curse itself began to neutralize all poisons and infections.
4. Belos really had fun while communicating with the Collector. These two have the dynamics of a king and a jester, and the jester is allowed to interact with the king as equals, making fun of him, giving advices, and generally talking to him as a friend. Thanks to this feature, a trusting relationship was often built between the king and the jester. With Collector Belos could afford himself to forget he was an emperor and just chat about whatever came to mind.
Perhaps Belos could even tell Collie details of his life that he could not discuss with anyone else. He was going to get rid of the kid anyway and didn't allow them to have contact with the outside world, so there was no need to worry about spilling something to anyone.
5. It was Belos who built the portal door. This headcanon even has confirmation in Philip's diary, where one of the pages depicted scheme of this very door
6. The picture of the witches dancing around the campfire is based on one of Belos' real memories. I'm sure witches have such parties/rituals, and Belos was a witness to them. I like this massive wall of fire and it seems to me that it is somehow connected with the fire that occurred during the battle of the brothers
7. Some people think that Belos doesn't eat anything other than palismen, but I headcanon that he still eats normal food, it's just that his diet is severely limited due to his inability to digest most of the foods of the demon realm
8. Little Philip didn't allow anyone except his brother to touch his head and hair. This is the intimate area
9. Belos wrote a huge number of magic books. It is unlikely that this person was limited to only one diary. To keep order in the covens and teach witches the "correct" use of magic, books and guides were needed. So Belos wrote at least a book for each coven, but I'm sure there are many more. Maybe even Belos signed some of them with pseudonyms.
It is possible that some of his works have survived and are still used to this days for an in-depth study of a certain type of magic.
Wooooo, so far these are all the heads that I remembered for now! I hope you enjoy it :3
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pyralart · 9 months
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I don't think Belos is taking it very well
First part (You are here) >> Next Part
First batch of this little series, inspired by @petitprincess1's idea! I couldn't get this scenario out of my head so of course I drew it.
Get ready because it will have at least 8 pages! Probably my longest comic yet
There will be some angst but the violence will overall be canon-typical!
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catboymoments · 1 year
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“Hunter being transmasc doesn’t make sense because Caleb was-“ okay but consider THIS. Grimwalker logic. Also brb crying about drawing baby Hunter goodbye
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astrolavas · 13 days
might as well put this here now that it's confirmed hunter was created as a toddler but i do have a headcanon that hunter's sprig plushie was originally a gift from belos from an early childhood...
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belos getting it for him when hunter was a kid, back when he was still somewhat affectionate towards him, when he was actively making him love him/making him think HE loves him, before he grew colder/pulled away/started using more hurtful manipulation tactics... carrot and the stick, etc.
and then hunter not knowing what he did for the affection to end, wondering Where he went wrong, yearning to one day be good/helpful enough to get that affection back.......
and then after everything is done and belos is dead, hunter still asking darius/raine/whoever else would be going through the castle rubble to give him the plushie if they find it. cuz he still cares abt it, and it still WAS a source of comfort throughout his life, despite it being a gift from belos. in his mind the plushie is a positive thing in his life, that probably helped him through many scary moments and lonely nights..... a relic from the time he Felt like he was loved by his uncle.
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Have you noticed… that there was no steam-punk aesthetic in the revolutionary army… before sabo got there?
I love to imagine all of them in their cloaks was like
“…no actually that kid might be on to something there.”
And their aesthetic was never the same since
Also, sorry i had to un-boobify Belo Betty. A crime i had to commit for the joke 😔
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heuffopla · 2 years
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*with tears in my eyes* I think I'm coping pretty well
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magpieddd · 8 months
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OCtober day 8: past
When boiling rain has no effect on you #awkward
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letssofia3006 · 2 months
@tealy-tiel has caused me a major brain overload over toh characters into the universe of tlok. Just think about it—Amon as Belos. Titans being the equivalent of lion turtles. The vibes are absolutely perfect.
Drawing Belos in the Legend of Korra art style turned out to be more challenging than I anticipated. However, I'm really pleased with how the outfit turned out in the end :)
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fandoms-of-erlik · 25 days
Do you think Philip, lost in the euphoria of creating a life, creating his brother, again, named the first grimwalker Adam?
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child-of-the-nights · 11 months
Various characters on your birthday
A/N: So this is very self indulgent because yesterday was my birthday (yippee!) but I wrote some headcanons with a few of my fav characters from the fandoms I write for. Anyway have fun reading!
Warnings: none
Characters: Aro Volturi, Emperor Belos, Elrond, Shadow Weaver, Thranduil
Aro Volturi:
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Now, celebrating birthdays in the vampire world is a little bit different. Since most people at the palazzo have been alive for centuries, they don't really celebrate their birthdays every year. It's more like every decade or even every 100 years.
However, if Aro's mate is still human or a newborn vampire, they can expect to have a big party thrown for them. Even if they prefer solitude, they can expect to at least have the family invited. That being Caius, Marcus, Athenodora and Sulpicia.
Aro obviously gets his mate the best gifts. He can, after all, see their deepest wishes with a single touch. His mate had seen something online and thought "wow, it would be nice to have this"? Aro had already added it to the list of possible birthday gifts.
Obviously he would buy them more meaningful gifts as well. For example, maybe the mate absolutely loves a certain book series, well Aro would commision someone to make them a special edition of the books.
His mate can expect to find love notes and poems all over the place on their birthday. Aro is a gifted writer and he makes sure to capture all the things that he admires about his mate. Which is pretty much everything. Seriously, he can barely name anything he doesn't like.
The entire day is planned carefully by Aro and he intends to go through with his plan unless something absolutely crucial needs his attention. In that case, he promises his mate that he'll make up for being away.
Aro will ask them to dance with him to their favorite songs. Whatever the song may be, he would find a way to dance with them.
It brings him great joy when he sees how his mate has so much fun. Especially if they are holding his hand while doing so. Aro loves it when he can bury himself in their mind.
When the day is coming to an end, he takes them to stargaze outside of Volterra, somewhere not that affected by light pollution. They both would look at the stars and hold hands while doing so. Aro would whisper sweet nothings in their ear, possibly slipping into other languages while doing so.
His mate can definitely say that their birthday was amazing, if not the best birthday they ever had.
Emperor Belos:
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When it comes to Belos and celebrating birthdays, he actually prefers to not have a grand party for his beloved. He just thinks it would serve no reason and a private dinner or something similar means far more than anything else.
That being said, he is actually... hardly torn away from doing his Emperor duties. He must prepare for the Day of Unity after all. But after enough begging, he decides to humor his partner for a while.
I'm not saying that he didn't get them gifts, because of course he did. Belos is the type of person to hand-craft presents instead of buying them. He just feels it's far more personal that way.
Belos being the old fashioned man that he is, he writes them a heartfelt letter. As heartfelt as Belos can be of course. He would reminescence of their first date and the moment Belos realised he loved them.
Somehow the entire castle found out of their birthday, so the s/o can expect getting birthday wishes from most of the guards. Some (like Lilith, Kikimora and Hunter) even give them presents. Lilith and Kikimora just want to suck up to Belos of course, but Hunter's is more personal. After all, it's his uncle's lover.
As much as Belos denies it, he loves having matching things. So his beloved would get something for their birthday that matches something he owns. Perhaps it's a gadget he uses often, or a piece of clothing that he loves; he would get them something similar.
This day is the ONLY day he would allow them to wear his emperor outfit. Belos would watch them try to imitate him and would laugh along. After the day is over though, he makes sure to tell his s/o that they got their emperor-outfit-wearing priviledges revoked.
Obviously Belos knows everything on the Boiling Isles, which means that he knows all of the secret places that are just absolutely mesmerizing. He might just surprise his beloved with a trip to one of these places.
I believe at night, once the both of them are in bed, Belos would share some of his fond memories. That is probably the most sentimental his s/o had ever seen him. It's sort of a birthday present of sorts I suppose.
Now, if his lover REALLY wanted to have a big party, he might be convinced. He would use that to manipulate the Isles into believing that he is a kind man, but he would also just want to make his beloved happy. Belos is just a tiny bit twisted like that.
Absolutely the type of man who would ask for their s/o's hand in marriage on their birthday. I can just totally see that happen.
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Oh Elrond, beautiful Elrond.
Now birthdays are a bit questionable for elves as well since... well, they are immortal. But, whenever Elrond and his beloved would celebrate their birthday, the elven Lord would make sure to make it unforgettable.
Elrond plans the whole day of course (if his s/o agrees into the planning).
First, they would wake up and receive breakfast in bed. Elrond would stay with them the whole time, smiling down at them as they eat. After that he takes them on a walk in the gardens where they would talk for hours.
If someone happens to "accidentally" play some music in the distance, Elrond would ask his lover on a dance. They would talk while doing so and laugh along when they accidentally trip and fall in the grass.
After the walk in the gardens, Elrond takes his s/o back to the main halls and leads them to a room that is decorated just for them. There awaits them Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen with smiles on their faces. All of them would give Elrond's beloved a gift while the Lord waits patiently.
Elrond's gift wouldn't be too grand but it would be meaningful. Most likely it is something he made with his own hands. Like if his beloved wears jewellery, he would make them something out of their preferred materials. Since courting is taken very seriously for elves, I believe they wouldn't commision anyone for a piece like that like humans would. The elves make important gifts themselves as it's more meaningful that way.
After a joyful lunch with music involved, Elrond brings his s/o outside to celebrate with the rest of Rivendell. It's a very carefree party where the elves play music and dance around with or without the s/o.
Once nighttime comes around, Elrond will get them away from the party and bring them to a clearing where they can watch the stars in peace. The stars are very important in an elf's life, so why not spend the last hours of their birthday looking at them.
Elrond would tell his beloved how much he loves them while in the comfort of the stars. He would also describe their relationship using great many metaphors.
At the end of their birthday, they walk back to the party and dance the night away.
Shadow Weaver:
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We all know how Shadow Weaver loves gardening, right? Well, she would obviously put together a lovely bouqet for her s/o. It consits of their favorite flowers, or if they don't have any, flower in their favorite colors.
Shadow Weaver would wake her lover up by gently caressing their face and wishing them happy birthday once they open their eyes. After that she let's them eat breakfast before giving them the bouqet. It has a little note attached to it that is enchanted so it sparks little fireworks once it's opened.
Now, the sorceress is actually not that sure how to act in this situation because, let's be real, she did not partake in many relationships before. So her s/o will have to excuse if she's being a bit awkward.
She would get her beloved a cake, as suggested by Glimmer. It would be their favorite flavor and most likely would have frosting that is their favorite color.
Because Shadow Weaver is not very big on letting her feelings show, she wouldn't really give her s/o a speech about how much she loves them but she would try to write some of her feelings out in a form of a letter.
Once the s/o is ready, she will take them to her garden that is decorated just for them. It's more colorful than usual, but it still stays in the theme of the sorceress' taste.
Shadow Weaver would then lead them to a table that is decorated by candles. They would drink tea or something her beloved likes while talking. While outside, some residents of the castle would walk by to wish them happy birthday, especially Glimmer.
Once they're done with the little tea party, Shadow Weaver takes them out to a clearing in the Whispering Woods. There she reveals a picnic set up just for her s/o. While sitting and eating, Shadow Weaver finally gives them their present. It's something very personal.
The rest of the day consists of Shadow Weaver and her beloved watching the sunset and enjoying their picnic.
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Once again, the elves are a bit different about birthdays but Thranduil sure does throw a big party. Wine for the whole realm and dancing all night.
But before he gets to that, he makes sure that this day is the best day his s/o has ever had.
Thranduil wakes his beloved up by whispering to them and wishing them happy birthday. He let's them have breakfast in bed, while he eats beside them. After the breakfast he gives the plates to a servant while they stay in bed for some more quality time.
When they finally get up, Thranduil takes them on a stroll in the garden. They walk around, simply talking. Once they found a place where they could sit down, Thranduil gives them their first gift. It's a very personal gift that he made himself (much like Elrond).
While his s/o is looking at the gift, Thranduil whispers in their ear in elvish, explaining just how much he loves them. They stay there for some time before heading back to the palace.
Legolas would wish them happy birthday of course. If he likes them enough, he might make them a little carving of sorts and give it to them.
Thranduil showers his beloved in other types of presents as well. If they like wearing jewellery, he would get them something that matches his. Perhaps his s/o would like another sword? Something that fits them perfectly but also just so happens that matches Thranduil's weapon?
Once Thranduil and his lover had finished with the gift giving, he takes them to the dining room where an exquisite lunch/dinner is prepared for them. Some elves are playing music while they eat.
When they finish, they go to celebrate with the rest of the realm. Thranduil opens up the wine barrels for everyone to drink and all of the elves dance around while singing songs.
The Elvenking obviously would ask to dance with his s/o while most likely already drunk. His partner can also expect to hear a speech from him that is adressed to the entire realm. He talkes about how important his beloved is and expects everyone to respect them as such.
If his lover is more anxious, then he swoops them away from the party to dance alone in a more secluded area. After all, he only wants them to feel great on their birthday.
The day most likely ends with the drunk couple entering their chambers and laughing as they fall on their bed. Alternatively, if his lover isn't one to drink, Thranduil still gets pretty drunk and his s/o can deal with a far more affectionate King.
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pigeoncreep · 1 year
Happy pride month you silly little gays 🪄✨
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levshany · 10 months
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I don’t know if anyone's mentioned this before, but Raine's titan badge after the time skip looks a bit different than the others:
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They have this red piece of cloth attached to their badge that I haven't seen on anybody else.
Now, theorising time: I think they might be part of the new government, maybe even the president of the Boiling Isles. Hear me out, I have good reasons to believe so (and it's not just because they're my favourite character and I'm biased, shush):
1) As the former head of the Bard Coven, they'd certainly be qualified for the job: Raine has been part of the government before (as much as you can be when you're not the monarch in a monarchy lol) and knows how to lead.
2) They're probably more respected/trusted by the population of the Boiling Isles than most other public figures at this point - working together with the wannabe genocidal former emperor tends to ruin your reputation, so someone who led a rebellion against Belos (and fought against him personally in the final fight, though the question is if anyone except the people who were there knows about that) and has ties to other known rebels aka Eda should be quite well-liked.
3) They have already proven that they're able to make sacrifices for the sake of the whole Isles (for example: risking their own life and that of the woman they love to stop the Day of Unity in Eda's Requiem). Most of the other characters, like Eda and Luz, in comparison, have proven again and again that they would never be able to sacrifice someone they care about - which is an admirable trait, don't get me wrong, but you want a political leader to be able to consider what choices are best for everyone and compromise, if necessary.
4) It would be a great conclusion to their character arc: Raine spent half of their life trying to destroy the coven system from the inside and has witnessed its worst sides first-hand, let them be the one to build something new and better for the future of the Boiling Isled.
So in conclusion: Raine has the potential to be a great president....... as long as nobody forces them to make public speeches regularly.
Them being a member of the government would also explain why they are present when that coven sigil was removed: Why would someone who specialises in Bard magic be needed for something that seems to be based on Healing and Abomination magic? Because they're a representative of the government/the Boiling Isles!
Give me power couple Raeda as president of the Boiling Isles and Headmistress of the University of Wild Magic!!
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petitprincess1 · 1 year
Random, but I gotta get this out before me head explodes:
So, I had a dream of how King's Tide would end. Let's say that everything worked as it did, except Collector took away Belos's powers and turned him back into a human. Somehow, during all the madness, Luz and Belos end up getting knocked into the portal. Ofc, it's only there for one trip. The pain of the Draining Spell has already been reversed by the Collector. Luz is panicking and Belos is slightly joyful about being in the Human Realm, but then immediately gets pissed when he realized his work was never done. His staff got pushed inside the portal by Collector, so he uses it again. She tries to persuade him all "Hey, hey! You wouldn't shoot a defenseless, small, teenage....." She then stops when she sees Belos raise an eyebrow at her and dashes off into the woods.
Luz continues running away as Belos chases after her, shooting more of the artificial magic at her as she tries to get away. She goes towards a road and continues to run across it, hoping to lose him. However, everything suddenly becomes slow as a truck begins speeding toward her. Luz simply turns her head towards the headlights and her eyes widen, making her think that her life can't end here. It just can't! Not with everyone suffering in the Demon Realm.
As the truck tries to brake, Luz suddenly levitates and gets pulled back to the side of the road. She breathes heavily as she holds onto whoever's arm is around her and turns to see Belos, staring in complete shock. He doesn't know what else to say except "What is....*that*?" Luz then looks back at the truck as the driver comes out and profusely apologizes to her and her "grandfather". She takes a deep breath and asks Belos "So....still need that guide?"
This is how the two slowly get to know each other and somewhat bond. They get close but in a frenemy kind of way. Like you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours kind of truce. Belos teaches Luz more about the sigils, while Luz teaches Belos about the Earth.
Belos's biases get challenged as he learns more about how Earth has changed and even Luz's gets challenged, as she learns slowly about Belos's past. Even though she does not forgive him, she understands that it's not like her books. It's not nearly as straight and narrow as it is to say someone's evil. There were complexities and reasons for actions, none justifiable but still. It makes things more complicated for her when she realizes that anyone can go down this path.
....Insert people loving Belos's staff and cosplay x3
Idk if ANY of this makes any sense or even is remotely good. But it sounds like fun and a way to get to know a more "human" Belos. He probably would still die in the end, but I feel like it would come from a sense of closure than defeat. Plus, bonus suffering when they get back as he tries to kill Luz once more after the Collector takes over him, but then stops when he sees Caleb's ghost protecting her.
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yourbustedkneecaps · 1 year
guys please where’s my extremely-traumatized-but-just-thinks-this-shit-is-normal philip/belos? where’s my philip who has abandonment issues? where’s my philip who doesn’t know he’s terrified of loving someone like caleb again until it happens? where’s my chronic pain philip who doesn’t know everyone else just,,, doesn’t hurt all the time? where’s my philip having nightmares about the most insignificant things over and over again because it’s a trigger for him? where’s my exhausted, overworked, sick philip who never lets anyone take care of him but himself because that’s too much like having caleb back? where’s my philip that sleeps in the dirt cuz that’s the only way he feels comfortable anymore? my philip who blanks out when he eats palismen or kills another golden guard cuz he never quite recovered from murdering his brother? philip who likes flowers and knows how to garden BI foods? who knows how to sew a little? who doodles in the margins of his personal papers? who was fascinated enough with magic that he made scrolls and the BI’s first ever internet? who came up with crow phones? who struggles killing living things but can poke at dead stuff all day without thinking of his misdeeds with that dagger?
where’s my philip with all the human shit part of him that helped sculpt history? where’s he at?
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You know what I said it in the tags earlier but I’m gonna say it out loud now because I love being doomed by the narrative.
Obviously, Belos doesn’t care about the grimwalkers too much anymore. Doesn’t seem to do much except use them as child soldiers and, I dunno, feel some sort of twisted joy out of making “Caleb” work against witches.
But that’s just it. Some part of him cares, just a little bit, because he keeps making grimwalkers from his brother. And, clearly, he didn’t just make them on a whim. Belos wanted Caleb back. He still wants Caleb back. He wants to kill everything that made Caleb leave him, from a palisman to an entire society. He was already going to kill Hunter for betraying him, but he wanted to make it violent after realizing how close the similarities came to Caleb’s ‘betrayal.’
Belos wants Caleb back. The solution? Make a grimwalker. That doesn’t work. They don’t look the same. They don’t act the same. Even when he tries to mold them to be, he kills them. Why?
Because Belos killed Caleb simply for the act of being Caleb. No matter what he does, the fact will always be that Caleb is someone who learned to love a witch and live with magic, and those are things he had to kill him for. If he made a grimwalker exactly like Caleb, they’d always wind up six feet under.
He can’t make a “better” Caleb, either. To make a “better” Caleb is to make someone who isn’t Caleb. There is no “better version.” There’s only Caleb, and not-Caleb. Even if the grimwalker was perfect, if they were everything Belos wanted the two of them to be, they wouldn’t be Caleb. Because the real Caleb doesn’t think like Belos. So, it’s not Caleb, and he kills them.
Every single Golden Guard was destined to die because of something they couldn’t control. It wasn’t because they all betrayed, or because Belos despised them, or he because got bored. It was because he was trying to get his brother back. A brother who would stay forever, who would agree with his actions, who would love him unconditionally, all at the same time.
And that brother doesn’t exist.
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