#being dramatic about them is the only thing i know
ane-doodles · 2 days
I refuse to create a new au, let's call it "alternate timeline"
Ok so, this is based on this illustration. They were just thoughts that came into my head while I was coloring. I'm bad at narration and good at lists so bear with me...
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We are located in the time just before Narinder discovers/creates/idk the way to revive mortals. He is still the bishop of death with his own cult and there are no problems with the rest of the bishops. I want to add a note: since this is set before the whole betrayal thing here Narinder is portrayed as calmer focused on his own thing.
The lamb (we will call her Avan hehe) is part of the cult of the red crown. She is really interested in everything related to spirits and gods and often gets into trouble because of her curiosity.
One day in particular she decides to follow one of the fireflies/devotion lights through the forest and ends up meeting the bishop of death who, thanks to a convenient breeze, ends up revealing his face by accident.
I don't know what happens in this period of time but the lamb ends up visiting the forest often to meet Narinder until it becomes a kind of habit.
Visits in the forest become common company within the cult as well. Avan receives as a gift the red cord that she uses as a belt to match Narinder (thanks to this other cultists believe that she has ascended to a new position and do not usually bother her with questions)
Avan ends up helping Narinder perfect the resurrection method with the knowledge she has of materials (bones, plants, among others) in addition to providing a different perspective and questions to the god of death. In the end they end up achieving the result that we know in the game. [for the ritual to work the summoner gives a small fragment of his life, since Narinder is immortal this does not affect him in any way]
Here the pre-game events take place: the bishops don't like this, they plan a way to stop what Narinder has started and opt to imprison him in the gateway, but first they must kill him (inspired by this post, go check it out )
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So Narinder is killed but he is not immediately chained, but rather the bishops decide to first put an end to the cult (to prevent knowledge about the resurrection from being dispersed). Avan's life is spared because "she seemed to be close to Narinder and his memory should not be forgotten" (me to myself: HA FOOLS! they left alive the only one who really knew the resurrection ritual)
As the massacre takes place, Avan (between terrified and confused) decides to do the resurrection ritual on her own. She takes Narinder's heart and hides deep in the forest.
As Avan is a mortal, the ritual affects her quite a bit (you can see her blackened fingers in a sketch). Narinder is brought back to the world of the living as a demigod, as Avan's mortal life was not enough to bring him back fully.
This is where the story gets a little blurry because my imagination started to run out…
While Narinder fervently desires to take revenge, his powers are truly limited now, and abusing them could kill him and even the lamb. Avan, for her part, prefers to hide at least for a while, scared of the bishops and the idea that they will discover that she was the one who brought Narinder back to life.
How the hell do you hide a cat at least three times your height?
Before the story went totally off track this was supposed to be some sort of Narinder flashback for the CFP Au
I did think about designing a lamb especially for this one, but I prefer to take and adapt Avana, it's more fun and I think the blue suits her well.
Is this a romantic Au? dramatic? Platonic? of friendship? of survival? idk, be creative with your own imagination and enjoy.
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Why Benophie season is the perfect way to finish the first half of the Bton stories?
Now that Benophie season is unofficially confirmed, I've come to the conclusion that this was the greatest way to end the first half of Bton. It needed to be s4.
In the ton, marriage is about status. And while all Bton marriages are love matches, they are also incredibly beneficial for their position in society. The ENTIRE family's position in society.
Anthony is a viscount, an influential one, but in the nobility hierarchy, he's second to last.
Daphne climbed up 3 steps when she married Simon and became a Duchess.
Francesca will climb one step when she marries John.
Kate didn't have a title or wealth, but a married Viscount is an improvement over a rake Viscount.
Colin is only a Mr., but I will be surprised if the Featherington baby race doesn't end with Pen having a boy who will become Baron. He's going to be the father of a Lord thanks to Penelope.
So you can see how these marriages are extremely beneficial to them and elevate the entire family. Daphne understood this when she said that her marriage would set the prospects for her sisters. Anthony also knew that his choice of viscountess would affect the family.
So, by the time Benedict meets Sophie, the family will have a viscounty + relations with a duchy, an earldom, and a barony. They just need a march to have the full set.
Enter Benedict who will fall in love with a servant AND an illegitimate daughter.
If he marries her, he risks undoing all the work his siblings have done to maintain the family in good standing.
The book doesn't address this, but I wish the show would. It would add another dimension to Benedict's reasons to not marry Sophie. He would be thinking of the family. What would happen to Eloise, Hyacinth, and Gregory? They will no longer be siblings to nobles, they will be related to an illegitimate child and servant. Who will want to marry them? Is it fair to affect their prospects when they haven't even had a chance at society? (Read The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy) Perhaps it hurts the already-married siblings too.
I'm thinking about Ben and Violet's scene. Sophie refuses to be a mistress and Ben has already decided to marry her. But there's still this issue lingering. Is it right to drag the whole family to get what he wants? Wouldn't that be the most selfish thing anyone could do? In the book, Violet says this,
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Imagine if she adds, "and your siblings will support you too."
EDIT: The thing about this scene is that Benedict was ready to leave if the family didn't support him and Sophie.
This is also a great way to bring back the Sharmas' background. Mary was cast out for marrying a clerk, leaving Edwina in an unfavorable position. If the Queen hadn't named her the diamond, it would have been very difficult for her to get a good match. Not to mention that Mary's parents considered hated Kate and insulted her parents for being common people.
You can see why Benedict is afraid of the family's reaction. The Sheffields said that after Mary left, they couldn't show their faces in London for years. He wouldn't want to do that to his family. Sophie wouldn't want that either.
This is why it is so great to have Benophie come in s4. Not that a duchy and a viscount wouldn't have been enough, but this way is much more dramatic and LEGENDARY.
Despite the risks, the family will support Benedict AND Sophie. They'll support her too cause they know her and they love her even before they knew about Ben's feelings.
It's a test, not only for Benedict but for the family.
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Okay. I kinda want to walk through what I think is happening in each of their heads during the conversation. For my own sake, mainly, but who knows, maybe someone else will find it useful. Spoilers ahead, obviously. (Also fair warning that this is long and I expect nobody to actually read it; this is mostly for me.)
So let's establish first where they are when Blitz arrives.
Blitz hates himself. He's on the path to healing after making up with Fizz, but it is a very long road ahead. So if you can imagine it as a spectrum where "hates self" and "loves self" are on opposite ends, maybe he's not all the way at the hates self end anymore, but he's still pretty darn far over that way. So Blitz is arriving thinking he's unlovable, that he makes everyone's lives worse, and that Stolas is possibly getting bored of him. We also know from his half of the duet that he genuinely looks forward to these full moon nights and likes their arrangement. Makes sense. It provides him with the comfort of what he thinks is the closest he can get to an actual relationship where all he has to give is something he knows that he can and that he's good at (sex). He wants to keep the arrangement going. Yes, for a way to earth, but also for Stolas. This, in Blitz's mind, is the only way he gets to keep him.
Stolas is likely unmedicated for his depression, since this show doesn't show us things like him being out of his pills as just a throwaway joke; it's important. Anyone who has ever had depression knows that it just loves to remind you of the worst things about yourself, most of which aren't even true. It tells you that you're worthless and unlovable. We can see this in the way he's covered everyone but Octavia in the artworks in his home, mirroring Blitz scribbling himself out of photos. He's been in a dark place. But Stolas is also being so brave, ready to ask Blitz to love him anyway. To choose him of his own free will, the way it should've always been. His depression is making it hard, but he's going out on the limb anyway and hoping Blitz will catch him.
"I need it back...permanently."
Blitz starts panicking. He reacts like a puppy that's been told it's a bad dog. He starts promising that he can be good, he can do better. He can fuck Stolas like nobody else can.
Stolas rebuffs the advance and this is interesting to me-- Blitz slips into his dom persona a little, trying to regain control of the situation. He calls Stolas "bitch" and pushes his legs apart, lowers his voice to be seductive. And it alllllllmost works, just for a second, as Stolas blushes and starts to fall under the spell of it all. But then he gets himself back under control and reasserts this new boundary.
Blitz immediately drops the act and starts to beg with genuine distress, tears in his eyes even, and up until this point, I won't argue with you if you try to tell me that it's all about the grimoire. I disagree, but I'll let you get away with telling yourself that. Right up until this point.
Because this is when Stolas holds out the crystal and everything changes.
Their fucking leitmotif or whatever you call it, I don't know music terms, it starts playing, changing from the dramatic, ominous music before. Blitz starts inspecting the crystal like he doesn't believe it's real.
Let's be clear: he knows what an Asmodean crystal is and what it does. He's seen them before at least twice, both in 2x05. So it's not that he's in disbelief or confusion about what it does or that it exists. It's that Stolas is giving it to him that's taking him aback.
"You no longer need my grimoire." "Whaaaat?"
Because all Blitz is hearing is "you don't need me now. I can be rid of you without guilt."
"I don't understand. Why are you giving me this? Am I not fucking you good enough? Because I can always do better."
Let's take a second to pretend we're in a world where Blitz has zero feelings for Stolas. That this has always just been about getting to earth. In that world, Blitz never says this line. In that world, Blitz splits right here. He has the crystal in his hands. He knows what it does. He is officially 100% free at this point.
But we don't live in that universe and this line proves it. Blitz thinks he's being cast aside and instead of seeing it as his chance at freedom from Stolas, he's begging to be kept.
I can do better. Don't throw me away.
"I care...very deeply for you. And I have for some time."
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This is the face Blitz makes after that. The entire time Stolas is talking, he keeps looking between Stolas and the crystal while making this face, like he literally can't process what is happening. Of all the things he expected to happen tonight, this wasn't even on the list. And remember: Blitz hates himself. Blitz genuinely believes he is unlovable.
Have you ever experienced something so surreal that it's almost like you left your body during it? Like your brain literally couldn't process that this was happening to you, so it's almost like you dissociate to the point that you feel like you're watching it happen to someone else? Because things like this don't happen! Not to you. These are things you see on TV or hear happening to other people. But to YOU? There's no way it's real.
"You don't have to stay here with me."
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He looks ALARMED. Scared. The thought that he's about to lose Stolas genuinely startles him. He doesn't want what he thinks is happening. He doesn't want to be cast aside. If his choice is this or the chains, he'd rather the chains.
But. That's not the choice he's being presented. Because Stolas adds,
"But I want you to."
And Blitz's brain, his traumatized, mentally ill brain...just can not process that. No one wants to keep him. He's a commodity to be bought and sold and has been since his father sold him to Paimon as a child (which, by the way, I'm fairly convinced he thinks was Stolas's idea, not Paimon's). Maybe even before.
So his defense mechanisms kick in from this point on. Default to what's comfortable. It must be a sex thing! There's no way Stolas means this, so it's gotta be some weird roleplay. Well, he can do that! He can swoon and say he loves him (and if that hits a little too close to the truth, then fuck you, no it doesn't) and it's fine because this is fake. This can't be real, because things like this don't happen to someone as "worthless" as Blitz believes himself to be.
Blitz is trying to protect his own heart here, but what Stolas is hearing is rejection. Blitz playing it off as a joke must mean that Stolas is a joke for ever thinking Blitz could love him back. And why would he? Stolas doesn't see himself as lovable, either. One of his earliest memories is of Blitz "using" him to steal from the palace, never knowing that Blitz was only doing so on his father's orders, just as Blitz probably doesn't know that he was bought on Paimon's order, not Stolas's. He's a commodity, too.
Stolas's depression immediately puts him in a place where he can't see past his own pain and self-loathing. Blitz not immediately jumping into his arms must mean that all the worst things he thinks about himself are true. Blitz sees him as the monster he fears he is.
So he pulls himself together and starts to walk. And again, Blitz could leave here if he didn't care.
But the strangest thing happens. Blitz realizes that Stolas meant it. He even asks,
"Wait, you were being serious? Hold on, Stolas. What the fuck?"
He's trying to talk it out. He's trying to have the conversation. He's hurt and confused and in disbelief but he's not running from this. He's not letting Stolas walk away from him because he wants Stolas, and he's actively trying to keep him. They have to talk this through, and Blitz of all people is the one trying to pull Stolas back into the conversation.
"The fact that you couldn't believe that I could have these feelings about you, the fact that your first instinct is that it's always about sex, that's enough to know what this is."
See, what we have to remember is that Stolas doesn't have all the information we do. He hasn't seen the crossed out pictures, he didn't witness the flashback to the fire that killed Blitz's mom. Stolas hasn't watched Blitz cry himself to sleep or drink himself into a stupor after what he perceived as a public rejection at Ozzie's. Neither of them have all the information about each other that we, the audience do.
So when Stolas, who doesn't know that Blitz hates himself and thinks himself unlovable, hears that Blitz thinks there's no way that Stolas could love him, what Stolas hears is "you, Stolas, are an unlovable monster in my eyes."
It just confirms all the worst things Stolas thinks about himself. It's a literal, "it's not you, it's me," situation, but Stolas can't see that because he doesn't have all the information.
And here's what's even more interesting. Blitz doesn't think it's over like Stolas does. He's not rejecting Stolas.
"Fuck you, Stolas. You spring this feelings bullshit on me, are you fucking kidding? Can I get a fucking minute to think after everything you put me through, you pompous, rich, asshole?"
This is Blitz saying that this is all very unexpected for him, but he's not saying no. He's saying "give me a minute, let me think. Don't take my first reaction in the way that you are. I was surprised. I was in disbelief. Give me a fucking minute to PROCESS."
But by this point, it's too late. Stolas's self-loathing has taken the driver's seat in his brain and all he can hear is that Blitz hates him, that he is unlovable, that he's a monster, that he's all the things he feared were true, and the person telling him that is the person he cared (second) most for in the entire world.
Blitz's defense mechanism is fight. Stolas's is flight. And so when Blitz unloads on him like that, Blitz is trying, in his own messed up way, to have the conversation. To work this out. To be honest for once and see if they can get somewhere now that the dam has been broken. While Stolas...his instinct is to flee. And since he's the one with the magic portals, guess what happens?
"I didn't realize you think so low of me."
You can tell by Blitz's reaction that he realizes they're not having the conversation he thinks they are. He realizes in that instant that Stolas isn't going to yell back with him. They're not going to scream at each other until they get it all out of their systems and reach a catharsis. He's hurt Stolas, maybe in a way that they can't come back from, and he immediately shifts his demeanor.
"Stolas, wait. I'm so--"
And then it's over. He's been kicked out of the palace. Thrown aside, just like he feared he would be.
And each of them are left feeling like the other thinks they're a monster, because neither of them realize that the only person who thinks they're a monster is themself.
I gotta go lie down, jfc.
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abadbitchblogs · 1 day
Part 1
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Pairing: Jey Uso x OC x Damian Priest
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.6k
a/n: Ya girl is alive y’all! I wanted to revamp this because I felt like y'all deserved more! Thank you to everyone who has supported me and my work. I love y'all!  All likes, comments, reblogs and feedback is greatly appreciated!
-divider by @cafekitsune
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Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion as the entire roster hooped and hollered in  celebration of Trin’s return at the Royal Rumble. While shots, champagne and cocktails were being thrown back, all Amirah could do was watch the way her best friend humbly received the love she deserved with tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. It was such a full circle moment for her; comforting Trinity when leaving the company broke her, supporting her decision to join Impact! Wrestling, then experiencing the reception of her homecoming. Watching her fall back into the swing of things like she never left felt so satisfying. Before she could spiral into an emotional breakdown, a large hand waving in her face snapped her out of her thoughts making her scrunch her nose in confusion. “Aye, girl! You good?” Jimmy’s furrowed brows and jutted out bottom lip came into focus, immediately coaxing a laugh out of her. Jimmy was one person that you could count on to lift your spirits without even trying- he was the textbook definition of goofy.
“I'm good, promise!” If he doubted she was telling the truth, the content glimmer in her eyes deterred him from pressing the matter any further. Instead, she looped her arm with his and dragged him back over to their friends where they could enjoy their night out. Plopping down on the sectional next to Trinity, the group of superstars fell into easy conversation catching up with those who are on a different brand as they only see each other during the major PLEs. Somehow the chat turned into the couples pestering the single people; i.e Bayley and Amirah. Bay may have fought to defend herself, but she just found their concern amusing. “Listen. I don't treat being single like a punishment. I love being by myself. I aint gotta worry about nobody cheating on me, nobody resenting me for my career or trying to police my body.” No lies were detected as they all had no choice but to agree. Relationships in their business were hard whether you were with a fellow pro wrestler or a regular person. “Besides, the chances of finding real love like y’all are slim as hell!”
“I know that's right!” Bianca gloated; her and Montez’s reality show was doing so well that they were WWE’s IT couple. Mirah playfully chucked a straw at their girlfriend while Trin, Bay, and Jade were too busy laughing at her EST antics surfacing outside of the ring. “ What about you and Damian? I be seeing y’all posted up looking cozy?” The question got a chorus of ‘oooohs’ from the women, but Bayley  made a face of disgust at her friends’ insinuation. “Girl no. We're just good friends. That man doesn't have a committal bone in his body.” Amirah hummed in affirmation having heard the rumors about Damian Priest and his revolving door of women. “I'm honestly surprised that the two of you aren’t close. He's from New York, you're from New York. He's single and you've sworn off relationships. And I know you like them a little older.” The woman’s jaw dropped at Bayley’s insane attempt at matchmaking. “Girl are you trying to set me up with a sneaky link?” That sent all of the women into another uncontrollable fit of laughter. “You do need some dick.” Trin wheezed out, furthering Amirah’s appalled facial expression before she swatted her best friend’s arm. “You know what? I’m out of here.” A laugh bubbled out of her as she stood dramatically from their huddle only to turn and lock eyes with Jey Uso.
There he was hugging his twin with his chocolate orbs boring into her chestnut ones. Spinning on her heel,  she suggested the girls go down to the dance floor for a song or two. “Come on y'all. We can't let this night pass without shaking a lil something.” Clasping Trinity’s hands, she pulled her to her feet then tugged her towards the stairs with a “We’re going downstairs to dance for a little bit, Jim,” thrown over her shoulder. They scurried by without waiting for a response although she knew Jimmy and Montez were going to follow them anyway to keep an eye on the group. One of the things that Amirah and Trinity bonded over was their love of music and dance with both of them being former dancers. As much as Jimmy hated it when Trin showed her ass, he was going to have to suck it up tonight because they were owed some time to let loose. All that is holy must've been on their side because as soon as they made it to the center of the dancefloor, Twerk by the City Girls and Cardi B blared on the speakers. “Come on, Trin! Lemme see something!” It was always fun to get Trin and Bianca to cut up because Trin was going to kill it every time but Bianca had no damn rhythm. The club was playing banger after banger after banger after banger. If they weren't professional athletes, their feet and edges would be shot to hell. Amirah was throwing her ass back on Trinity, both of them cackling at Jade and Bayley trying to show B how to catch the beat when the tempo slowed to a ballad.  Of course it was a song that a nigga always dedicated to her to make her feel special and now it pissed her off.
This is for you, you, my number one This is for you, you, my number one Oh, yeah, yeah-yeah This is for you, you, my number one
Sucking her teeth as Jimmy giddily cut in for a slow dance with his wife, Mirah cut through the crowd to head back to their section for another drink when she bumped into the only person she did not want to see. His grills seemed to glow in the low light of the club but before he could get a word out, she took a sharp left in search of the restroom. A wave of nausea crawled through her body and she needed to gather herself after coming in contact with that parasite. Just when her hand grasped the doorknob of the ladies room for a moment of solitude, a large hand engulfed her other wrist pausing her movements. “Mirah…” She didn’t even need to turn around to know who the trifling ass voice belonged to. Calmly snatching her wrist from his hold, she shifted her weight to one foot with a snarl etched on her gloss coated lips. “I’m sorry. Do we know each other?” Jey’s eyes softened at her faux confusion as he took a step toward her and her, taking a step back to keep space between them. “Mirah, come on. I just wanna talk to you. I wanna explain myself.” His pleading only made the bile in her throat rise, making her face twist in disgust. 
“Nigga, you should’ve thought about talking to me before you just cut me off like I was some random bitch.” Her words dripped with malice in hope of it being enough to get him to leave her alone. “We ain’t got shit to talk about as far as I’m concerned.” Shoulder checking him as she walked by, not even wanting to be in the same building as him, Jey fought the urge to reach out to her again. He knew getting her to talk to him would be near impossible, but he was determined. Amirah was worth taking accountability and uncomfortable conversations. 
Amirah shuffled through the sea of bodies on the dance floor to find her friends and wish them a goodnight. Trinity spotted the agitated look on her best friend’s face immediately even though she tried to plaster a smile over it. “What happened, boo?” Trin’s brows furrowed in worry only to have Mirah wave it off. “Nothing! I’m good. I’m just going to call it night. That liquor ain’t sitting right in my stomach.” The lie came out faster than she could even register, but it wasn’t a total lie. That bastard did indeed make her sick to her stomach. “Oh okay! We’ll go back with you. I wanna make sure you’re okay.” Gesturing for Jimmy to come over to the two of them, Amirah shook her head in protest. “Hell no. You stay and keep celebrating. You deserve it! I’ll be fine! I already called an Uber and I’ll text you when I’m back in my room.” Pulling her bestie into a tight embrace, she gave her a fat kiss on the cheek before moving to hug their group of friends goodbye. Much to her delight, no one questioned her sudden decline of health too much, just the request of a text message to let them know when she got back to the hotel. With a promise that she would text them as soon as she got in, Mirah flew to the exit of the club like a bat out of hell. 
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Sucking in a breath of fresh air, the feeling of relief washed over her soothing the queasiness that plagued her. The Florida streets were surprisingly peaceful at night, allowing her to fully collect herself and actually call an Uber so she just wasn’t standing outside of the club like a lame. As she pulled her phone out of her black purse, the club’s doors opened once more flooding the silence with music. A tap on her shoulder made her slap a friendly smile on her face in case it was a fan wanting an autograph or a picture. But, it was neither and her smile morphed into one of shock when she came face to face with Señor Money in the Bank. Damian was dark and broody so she did not expect to see him at a nightclub, but if his reputation precedes him then he was here for a woman- or two. “Señor Money in the Bank. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Wiping the shock off her face, she mirrored his playful and dare she say- flirty smirk. “Well I was by the bar when I saw you rush out so I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Feigning surprise, Amirah placed a hand over her heart and cooed at his sweet gesture. “Wait until everyone finds out that Señor Playboy is a gentleman.”
Her teasing pulled a chuckle out of him as he cocked a brow in question. “Playboy huh?” “Mhmm I’ve heard about you.” Laughing once more, Damian accepted defeat but pushed for info on his supposed playboy reputation. “So you’ve been asking about me?” Zeroing in on Amirah’s smaller frame with his almost charcoal gaze, it was her turn to laugh. “You wish.”  His smile broadened at her bratty comeback before he very noticeably gave her a once over. “¡Te ves hermosa.” Damian’s eyes met hers again with his gravelly voice scratching her brain deliciously. Maybe Bayley was right; he was fun. “Oh I know.” Mirah shot down his suave Spanish approach smugly, crossing her arms over her chest. “¿Hablas español?” “No, but you pick up a few things when you live in Harlem for a while.” 
Both intrigued and amused by the other superstar’s answer, Damian vowed to get to know her better in any capacity. “You know I was actually heading back to the hotel myself. Why don’t we share a ride? Uber is already on the way.” After contemplating getting in a car with him, Amirah pointed an accusatory finger at him. “If you insist, BUT no funny business.” Raising his hands in mock surrender, he flashed another cheek numbing smile at her. “Promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.” Slapping his chest for his dramatics, she couldn’t help her own snicker which he ate all the way up. 
Their Uber pulled up two minutes later and like the gentleman he was, Damian had helped her climb into the truck before getting in after she was comfortable. “So do you still live in New York?” He pried quietly while they enjoyed their ride back to the hotel. “Sure do.” She replied proudly, watching the palm trees go by as the car rolled on. “Me too. Maybe we could be travel partners.” Humming in thought, she turned to him with a soft smile. “Yeah maybe. I don’t know how often I can be seen with you in public though before people start talking.” He chortled at the woman’s response before giving his own, “Fair enough.” The rest of their car ride was occupied with a game of 21 questions about themselves and their interests outside of wrestling. Coming to a stop outside of the hotel, the pair thanked the driver for his service and Damian exited the car first on the other side to come around and help her out. She could only laugh to herself about him turning on the charm heavily. When they entered the elevator, Mirah noticed that the taller man didn’t press a button for his floor so she shot him a quizzical look. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t walk you to your door?” 
With a playful eyeroll she muttered a ‘whatever’ and let the space fill with a comfortable silence. At least she’d be able to get up early for a workout and the night turned out… interesting. A ding broke both of them out of their thoughts as they shuffled off the elevator on the 14th floor. Amirah could feel his eyes studying the swing of her hips while she led him to her room. Abruptly stopping at her door, Damian almost crashed into the back of her too focused on how she managed to walk in those killer shoes effortlessly. “This is me.” She stated, leaning against her door curious to see how the night would end. “Well I think my job here is done. You have arrived safely.” “That reminds me.” Before her friends put out an APB for her, she texted in their group chat that she had mad it back to her room. “Thank you for the escort. I appreciate it.” “It was my pleasure and if you don’t mind,” Damian carefully slid her phone into his hand and input his number. “You know in case I can be of service to you again.” Peering at him through squinted eyes she gave him a drawn out nod. “Riiiiiiiiight.” 
Smirking down at her for the last time, he gently took her hand and raised it to his lips for a kiss on her knuckles while gazing into her cocoa colored eyes. “M’lady, I bid you farewell.” And with that, he turned on his heel and disappeared down the hall in long strides. Entering her hotel room and shutting the door behind her, Amirah collapsed against the door like women in romcoms. Girl what the fuck just happened. Taking in another deep breath, she headed to the bathroom for a much needed shower and to wring her damn panties out. Wait until she tells the girls about what just happened. Before she climbed into the shower to wash off the scent of booze, lust and worn leather, she shot the mysterious man a text of what she meant to say before he left her utterly speechless. 
{Princesa: Goodnight 🖤}
{Papi Chulo: Buenas noches hermosa 🖤}
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mirrormirah Your favorite athlete's favorite athlete 🖤
Liked by archerofinfamy, trinity_fatu and 482,719 others
View all 25,826 comments
trinity_fatu THAT'S MY FRIEND 🥳
⤿ mirrormirah BEST FRIEND!!!! get it right!
biancabelairwwe the finEST
⤿ mirrormirah That's all you bby ❤️
theyluvjeannie80 I know that's right !!!!!
⤿ mirrormirah I luv you boo 😘
archerofinfamy 😈
⤿ mirrormirah 🥰
⤿ bossglowstandard oop 👀👀
jadecargill sexy af 🥵
⤿ mirrormirah trying to get like you 😋
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@empressdede @wrestlingprincess80 @whatdoeseverybodywant @alichesmi @reci1996 @2-muchsauce @cyberdejos2 @southerngirl41 @brie-mode-activated @piinklemonad3 @lucidddreamerrr
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samandcolbyownme · 8 hours
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Summary: Reader goes on a run with a few of the others but they end up getting blindsided by another group, reader and Rosita take the most damage.
Warnings: strong language, twd apocalypse setting, not-so-secret feelings between reader and Daryl but nothing is official right away, mentions of alcohol, mentions of fighting, reader gets injured and needs stitches, reader giving and receiving punches, kicks, etc. mentions of blood, cuts, weapons such as knives and guns, heavy mentions of killing (FAKE OF COURSE!!), a kiss or two, maybe three if you’re lucky ;)
Word count: 5.8k
“Y/n. You comin’ or what!?” Rosita yells over to you, “or are you too bus-“
“I’m comin’, alright!” You yell back, cutting her off, and all she does is smile.
You look away from the group, cheeks turning red as you look up at Daryl. His head tilts to the side as he looks at you confused, “What’s she mean by busy?”
You shake your head, “Nothing just.. girl talk.”
Daryl scoffs, shaking his head, “Good luck out there.”
“You sure you can’t come?” You bat your lashes, which definitely does something to him, but he just shakes his head, “Y’know I would if I could.”
He reaches up to pinch your chin between his fingers, “Be fuckin’ careful out there, a’right.”
You give him a smile, “I always try my best.”
He hums lowly as he watches you walk away, keeping his eye on you until you and the group were out of the gate.
If Daryl didn’t have a prior commitment to help Aaron with the one wall, he would definitely be going with you.
“Try and convince him to come along again?” Rosita asks as you walk with her. You roll your eyes, trying not to laugh, “Can you give me a break?”
Rosita is your best friend, has been since you saved her life. She had six walkers on her, you were moving by and decided to stop and help her and she instantly liked you, so away to hilltop you went.
One night later on, when you both were giggly off some liquor you found, you admitted to her that you had a thing for The Archer in your group - Daryl Dixon.
Which, you and him also did end up taking a liking to one another. It only took one look from each of you and that was enough to not keep each other off your minds.
“I think it’s really cute.” She glances over at you, “Seeing you guys in looove.”
“Please. He is not in looove.” You scoff, a laugh following right after, “Now you’re just being dramatic.”
“You guys talking about you and Daryl?” Michonne elbows you and you sigh, “Not you, too!” You groan, “Oh my god.”
“I think it’s cute, too. Never really seen Daryl look at someone the way he looks at you, and I’ve known him a while.” Michonne raises her brows and you just shake your head.
Someone even mentioning his name has your cheeks turning a rosy color.
“You know it’s true.” Rosita adds, “C’mon y/n. Just take a chance already.”
“I’ll think about it and get back to you.” You laugh, everything becoming serious when Rick holds his hand up, signaling to stop.
“Walkers?” Michonne asks, moving closer to Rick, and he nods, “About seven or eight? Some might be in the side tree line.” He looks back at the group, “I think we can take ’em.”
You nod, getting your knife gripped in your hand before you continue to walk down and take out the small group of the dead.
About an hour later, you come to the few houses at the end of the one road, “Wait.” You grab onto Rosita’s arm, “I don’t think we’re the only ones here.”
Rick snaps his head towards you, “What do you mean by that?”
“Something just fe-“
Bullets. Lots of them flying your group’s way.
“Get down!” Rick yells as you all duck behind old cars and trees. You get your gun ready, along with everyone else and aim, looking through the sight to see if you can see anything.
As soon as you see a body you fire, which leads everyone else into shooting blindly in the direction of where gunfire came from first.
“We move on three. You two go that way.” Rick points to you and Rosita and motions towards the houses, “You two go that way.” He motions for Carl and Michonne to go the opposite.
“I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere.” A voice from behind and the sound of a shotgun loading makes you all whip around.
Six men coming to form an arch around her.
“Who are you?” Rosita asks and the woman with the gun laughs, “Hell, I should be asking you all the same. Damn. Thing.”
“Wait.” She squints her eyes at you and points, “You. I’ve seen you.. with that long haired, crossbow wielding, psycho.”
You clench your jaw, tilting your head slightly, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” The lady with the gun tilts her head, “I think you heard me. I don’t really like repeating myself.”
“What do you want?” Rick asks, ready to negotiate, “We didn’t come to cause any trouble we-“
“I don’t fucking care about your bullshit we need supplies sob story, although.” She purses her lips, eyes scanning over your backpacks and weapons, “It really doesn’t look like you have a sob story at all, so I’ll just go ahead and let these men pick you off one. By. O-“
“We will give you our guns and walk away.” You say with a shrug, “How about that?”
She hums, gun now pointed at your chest, “How about… no.. and instead, we bring you inside and try to find out a little bit about you mysterious, pathetic looking people.” She looks at all of you again, “And where you came from.”
“No. We’re not-“ Rosita is cut off by the woman pointing the gun at her, “Was I talking to you?”
“Well, you said, you mysterious people, so I’m guessing I was included in that, too?” Rosita fires, sarcasm on her words.
The lady just sighs, “You made it so easy to pick who the first one is going to be.”
She steps closer to Rosita and you all move a step closer, too, “I’m just sayin’, you mess with one of us. You mess with all of us.”
You stare at the woman, a cold stare, “Put the gun down, and we’ll fucking talk.”
“We can talk this out. If you just let us explain why we’re here.” Rick steps up and the gun is now on Rick before it’s lowered to the ground, “Who’s in charge here?”
You all motion to Rick and he nods. The lady raises a brow, smirking as her eyes fall onto you, “Really? Because it seems like she’s running the show.”
“Walk.” The woman points towards the one house, “Now. Before I change my mind about killing you where you stand.”
You all move in a line and her men take your stuff.
Guns, knives, backpacks. Everything.
You were racking your brain for a way to get out of this, just like the others were.
“I have to pee.” You blurt out, instantly going with it, “Can I use the bathroom, or a tree, or something?” You cross your leg over your other one to make it more believable.
The woman looks you up and down, rolling her eyes as she motions to you, “Take her around back. Bring her in when you’re done.”
The man grabs you by the arm and pulls you, “Wait, I-“
“I have to pee, too.” Rosita does exactly what you did and the woman looks between you and her and squints, “If this is some kind of a ruse to escape, I swear, I’ll keep the kid hostage until I find you again, and then.. I’ll make him watch you all die a slow and extremely painful death.”
“No.” Rick and Michonne says instantly, “You can trust them.” Michonne assures the woman, but she didn’t believe it.
“I don’t trust you.” She shakes her head, “Do what you want, but just know, I warned you.”
You try not to laugh at the stupid woman as you and Rosita are walked back to behind the one house, with only two guards.
You share one glance with her, and that’s all it took for her to be on the same page as you.
You both turn around to face the men, giving them both the stink eye as you squat down. You bring your thumbs up to connect them to your belt loops.
“Are you going to piss or wh-“
You and Rosita lunge forward, knocking them both back onto their backs by the knees with a grunt.
You’re in fight or flight mode, and you weren’t going anywhere, not without a major fight.
“Fuckin bitch, get-“ you stomp the heel of your boot on his wrist and he yells, letting go of his gun. You go to try and kick it away, but he manages to get you on the ground and his hands quickly moving to go around your throat.
You grab his wrists, trying to pry his hands away as painful whimpers and squeaks are forced out of you.
He brings one of his hands back, quickly delivering a punch to your cheek bone. You’re dazed instantly as the punch jarred everything in your skull.
He delivers another punch, this time harder, which busts your cheek open.
As your vision is turning darker by the second, you try your best to kick him anywhere you can connect at. A sudden wave of panic sets in as your vision is almost totally back now, causing you to fling your legs up, your ankles on the opposite sides of his head.
You straighten your legs out to tighten them, pushing his arms together as you bring your knees in. He starts to lean backwards, and it’s just enough for you to bring you foot back, kicking him directly in the face.
He falls backwards off of you, his hands instantly moving to feel the blood that’s gushing from his nose, or mouth, hard to tell.
You go straight for the knife, lunging over to grab it before whipping around to stab him.
His hand catches your wrist, pushing your arm away from him as you try your damdest to keep pushing down. You groan loudly, smashing your knee into his groin area, which gives you the opportunity to push down and plunge the knife, handle deep into his throat.
You look over at Rosita as quiet choking fills your ears. You’re still dazed, in pain and your breathing just as rapid as hers.
She stands up, and you notice she’s got a decent cut on her forehead, “You good?”
She looks back at you, eyes going wide, “Holy shit, y/n.” She rushes over to look at your cheek, “That looks.. bad.”
“M’fine. We don’t have time.”
You stand up, looking down at the corpse with the knife in its neck. You bend down, pulling it out with a squelching noise as it comes out.
As you both gather up the weapons and supplies as quickly as you can, you flick off the bodies lying on the ground and Rosita can’t help herself, “I see why Daryl likes you.”
“You’re still on that?” You ask quietly as you move with her to the back of the house, looking around to make sure no one is coming to investigate.
“Honey, I’ll be on that until you’re on him, okay.”
“Oh my god. Okay, I promise, I’ll make it clear to Daryl, but only if we get out of here with everyone alive.”
“I swear to god if-“
“On your knees! Now!” One of the two guards starting to run towards you yells, but it was only a split second later that you were being shot at, again.
You and Rosita book it around the building, stopping her once you see the woman come out of the house with another guard.
Rosita leans around, firing a shot right into the one guards head, but the other one is still back there somewhere.
You go to pull your gun up and you hear your name being yelled.
“Y/n!” She’s pulled back and slammed against the old garage door, falling to the ground with a groan. You turn your gun on the guy who threw her, “Step the fuck back or I wi-“
He smacks the gun up in the air, it fires one time before the man kicks you in the torso, causing you to fly back onto the concrete, “Fuck.”
The man kicks your gun before moving to stand over you and your hands desperately search for something sharp or hard enough to crack his skull open with as you kick to keep him back.
Rosita jumps on his back, yelling as she tries to choke him out.
You scramble to pick up a rock you felt, and as he flings Rosita off, he quickly bends down to try and grab the collar of your jacket, you quickly slam the rock into his temple.
He stumbles back, groaning, and you get up as quick as you can, moving to grab your gun as you glance back at the porch.
One of the guards from
You turn to warn her, but the man you hit with a rock runs at you, slamming you into the brick wall, back first, before he grips your shoulder and neck and delivers another hard slam.
He does it again, this time throwing you away from him you roll across the dirt a few times and groan, coughing from the dust that your body stirred up on impact.
. He steps back, looking towards Rosita who is now standing up, gun in her hand. The guards cant even say or do anything before Rosita shoots both of them, back to back, not even giving them time to think about what they even wanted to say.
Which meant there was only one guard.. and the main bitchshow left.
And speak of the devil, Rosita points the gun to the door as the woman walks out first, Michonne, Rick and Carl all follow, and they have the final guard on their tail.
The woman comes down the steps, walking over to you and Rosita. Her eyes move over to examine the dead bodies of her people.
“There’s more outback, probably making their way up here right now.” Rosita says as she walks up next to you.
“Should have just listened, you now.. because now, I’m going to fucking kill you two in front of everybody.” The woman raises her gun and you scoff, “Go fuck yourself.”
You step towards her, “We never wanted this.”
“That’s funny..bbecause once you’re on my land, this is usually the only way it ever ends up.” The woman looks around, “Looks like we got more than the two out back.”
Walkers push their way through the trees and brush, moaning and groaning as they move towards where the gunshots and yelling has been coming from for the last half an hour.
You swing quick, hitting the gun out of her hand which catches her off guard, “Rosita. Go. I got this.”
She nods and grabs her weapons, making her way up to where Michonne and Rick had just taken out the last guard.
The woman goes to hit you but you grab her arm, jamming your knee into her ribs as she groans, catching your leg and body slamming you onto the ground.
You cough as she stands up, placing her boot on your chest, pressing down as you’re now looking at the shotgun from the bottom of the barrel up.
“If you kill me, you’ll have people after you.” You lay there, looking up at her as you wait a few seconds for your chance to swipe her legs out from under her with yours.
She falls to the ground with a grunt, trying to quickly get to her feet but you tackle her to the ground, instantly starting to wail on her.
“More walkers!” Carl yells loudly and you wrap your hands around the woman’s throat, “Kinda busy here, kid.”
“You got this?” Michonne asks as she looks down at the woman turning purple in your grasp, and you nod.
As soon as Michonne walks away, the woman brings her knee up, hitting you right in the middle of the back.
You tense up, “Fucking bitch!”
She leans up, head butting you in the nose and you fall back, with a quick and blurry glance around, you see walkers, at least twenty or so making their way in from the field.
She moves her body onto yours, straddling your thighs as her knees pin your hands down before she delivered a hard punch to your face, “You really think you can kill me? I’ve been doing this for years.”
“I’m gonna.” You spit blood at her, clenching your jaw as her hands tightens around you neck, “Maybe if I get you out of the picture, I can have that rugged lookin’ archer all to myself.”
“S-say one more fucking thing about him.” Your voice is strained from her grip, “I swe-“ you squeak as she squeezes, lifting your head up off the ground.
She leans in, “I bet he would make me feel so-“
Now you were pissed.
Everything in you felt like it was on fire, “Fuck you.” You manage get out before getting one of your hands free.
You reach up and grab as much of her hair you could get. She groans through gritted teeth as you pull her down with a hard yank, her body lifting to free your other hand.
You immediately try and deliver a punch, but she beats you to it. She cracks you over the mouth, the force busting your lip open again your teeth, and you instantly taste blood, lots of blood.
You grab her by her shirt collar, heaving yourself forward as far as you could go before throwing yourself backwards.
You’re able to get your leg under her, which helped you throws her body over yours.
You quickly move, getting into a standing position, just like her. Your chest rising and falling quickly, face swollen and broken.
More walkers keep coming, but you weren’t leaving this bitch alive.
“Give it up already.” She pulls a knife from her side holder and spins it around over her finger before gripping it.
You keep your stare on her, ready for whatever was about to come.
“Y/n! duck!”
You duck, watching as the knife she threw, land perfectly in the bitches chest. Michonne helps you up before going to take care of the walkers that are a little too close for comfort.
The woman falls to her knees, gasping as she sluggishly brings her hands up to the object protruding out of her chest.
You walk up, putting a hand on her shoulder as you grip the knife with your other hand, “Who are you?”
She smiles up at you, “Oh honey. I’m am only the start of what’s about to come.” Without another second, you twist the knife, pushing it in more before you push it upward.
The woman gasp, groaning in pain as you twist it again, “Oh, and the crossbow wielding psycho, just happens to be the love of my life, and the people you pointed your guns at, are my family.”
“Family doesn’t mean shit.” The woman chokes on her blood, droplets splashing all over, “They just.. screw you over in the long run.”
“Not my family.” You stand up, getting ready to walk away when you fall, due to the slash to your thigh.
Your hand slaps over the open cut in your blood soaked jeans, crying out in pain, just hoping someone can stop bashing heads in enough to hear you.
You look over, quickly trying to push yourself over the broken concrete and stones to get closer to a knife that’s lying on the ground.
The woman moves over as fast as her knees could carry her, “It’s not over until one of us is dead.” She grabs your ankle, holding you from moving any closer.
As she moves up, she puts pressure on your wounded thigh with her knee, making you cry out in pain. You opened your eyes, watching as she brings the knife up,
It all happened so quick, right as her arms went up, you struck, gripping the the knife and plunging it into the side her skull, causing what little life she had left in her, to fully die out.
She falls over, revealing Michonne, who is looking at you, “I’d ask if you were alright, but..” she cringes in a joking manner as she moves down to hold pressure on your thigh. , “..you don’t look it.”
“What the fuck was that?” You ask, laying back on the ground, “I feel like none of that made sense.”
Rosita runs up, falling down as she digs through her bag for medical supplies, “Shit, all I have is gauze, and you need stitches, y/n.” She looks up at you, “Oh my god, your face.”
“Have you seen your face, yet?” You try to raise your brows but you just can’t, “You need em, too.”
Rosita nods, “I can feel that it’s bad.” She laughs slightly, “Alright, lift your leg so I can wrap it quick.” She sighs, “And then we can get the hell out of here..”
“You guys ok-“ Rick stops talking when he sees how beat up you and and Rosita actually are, “I’m so sorry.”
“Rick why are you apologizing?” Rosita asks as she glances up at him. You have your eyes screwed shut as you push through the stinging pain of Michonne holding pressure on your thigh.
“I brought us here I-“ Rick hakes his head and you look at Michonne, “Tell him it’s not his f-ah, fuck.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Rosita says in a mumble.
You look back to Michonne, “Please tell your man that this isn’t his fault. We’ll be okay. We’re the one who live, right?”
Michonne nods, a smile spreading across her face as she looks at Rick and Carl, “We are the ones who live.”
About two hours later, you finally reached home.
Your adrenaline has been keeping you going. That was until you seen Daryl’s face fall and him running over to you the second your past the gate.
“What the hell happened?” He yells, looking over the beaten and exhausted group as he goes right to you, “Y/n, hey. Ya still with me.” He cups your cheeks, tilting your head up and holding you with one hand as he snaps with his other.
“We were attacked, they’re dead. But..” Rick shakes his head and Daryl looks down at you as he feels your head move.
You slowly look up at him, a slight smirk on your lips, “I kicked ass, Dixon.”
That’s all you get out before you fall into him again.
“Whoa, hey, alright, alright.” He catches you, holding you up as he turns Rosita’s face to him. He looks at Maggie, nodding towards Rosita, “Take her to get help. I’ve got y/n.”
Daryl picks you up bridal style, carrying you over to the medical trailer. He kicks the door and Dr. Carson opens it, immediately rushing Daryl to bring you in.
You come to again, looking around as you try to figure out where you are exactly.
“Has she fallen asleep or passed out at all?” Carson asks as he moves with Daryl to look at you.
“yeah, yeah, uh..” Daryl’s mind is a mess right now, “..few minutes after they got back, then she collapsed on me right before I brought’er over.”
He lays you down on the table and you groan in pain, “S’okay. We’re gonna get you better.”
“Try and keep her talking.” Carson turns his attention to you, “Y/n, hi, it’s Dr. Carson, do you want any pain medication?”
You shake your head, whimpering at the pain setting in more and more, “No. no.”
“We have plenty, y/n. I sug-“
You cut Carson off in a snappy tone, “I said no.”
“Alright.. Do you know what happened, y/n?” He asks as he shines a light into your eyes, “Can you see me?”
You nod, groaning as you close your eyes again. He moves to get an IV ready while you mumble memories about the day you’ve just encountered. You try to move your leg but you forgot about your injury first a second.
You groan, “The fucking bitch in the woods.”
Daryl and the doctor look at each other then back to you.
“Hey.” You can feel Daryl lean in, interlocking his fingers with yours. You give it a weak squeeze and slowly turn your head towards him, wincing in pain. He lays a hand on your head gently, “None uh that shit, don’t be forcing yourself to look at me.” He shakes his head, trying to blink away the gloss coating in his eyes.
“But.. I like looking at you.” You smile slightly and Daryl sniffles, giving you a slight laugh, “I know whatcha mean, darlin’.”
You raise your hand up slowly, laying it on his cheek, “If.. i-f it makes you feel any better, I ki-lled her because she s-aid shit, shit.”
Your body starts tensing as Carson wipes the excess blood from your thigh. You whimper, returning your attention back to Daryl, “About you.”
He scoff, shaking his head slightly, “Me?”
“Said.” You grit your teeth, squeezing Daryl’s hand and the table below you, “You were a long.. haired.. c-crossbow wielding psycho, but.. but that was before I-I pissed her off.. enough to say some.. more dumb shit.”
Your words are almost a mumble, but Daryl focuses enough on you to understand what you’re saying, “what else she say?”
You shake your head, “I’ll tell… you later.. Where’s Rosita?”
“She’s with Maggie and Enid.” Daryl assures you, “She’s fine. Jus’like you’re gonna be.” He brings your hand up slowly and gently presses his lips to your turning purple knuckles.
“Y’sure you don’t want any pain meds, y/n?” Daryl asks, his words full of concern. You nod slightly, “I’m sure.”
You squeeze Daryl’s hand tight and he lays his other one on top of your hand. You arch your back slightly, “Fuck, Carson that hurts.”
“I know, I know but I have to clean it out.” Carson answers as he continues to work on your thigh.
“Tell me more about what happened, hm.” Daryl reaches in ever so gently as he moves hair from your face without trying to touch any bruised and swollen skin, but you didn’t care what he did, “Y’think you can tell me how you kicked ass?”
“Mhm.” You close your eyes and reopen them slowly, “We.. went, to that apa-apartment complex and a-ah..” you wince, “..As we were deciding on where to go, they came up behind us, held us at gun point while she ran her mouth.”
“They, who?” Daryl asks, “What did they say, what did they want?”
You work through telling Daryl about when those people first arrived behind you and what all happened in the woods.
“She thought you were the leader’n not Rick?” He smooths his free hand over your hair, “You did kick ass, huh.”
You smile, letting out a sigh, “I wanted to e-end her the-” You wince at the sting from the second round of the antiseptic on your leg, “Second I s-saw her stupid smug looking face.”
You tense up, groaning lowly as tears form in your eyes, “Um, she.. she wanted to know why we, we were on her land? Took our weapons, back..packs..” you let out a long breathe, “Said she had other questions?”
You go into telling him about how you and Rosita got alone and what you were able to do to kill the first two guards and how dumb the woman was because she were to only send two.
“They didn’t ..do nothing, right?” Daryl asks, tensing up as he let’s out a huff, “I’ll fuckin’ kill ‘em all.”
“They’re both dead, Daryl.” You whimper out, taking a deep breath, “They’re all dead. Rosita and I took care of them.”
“Wait, hold on a minute. Y’both took out.. how many guards yourselves exactly?” Daryl asks and you fight back a laugh, knowing it’ll hurt, “Five. Rick and Michonne got the.. last guard.”
“Alright, y/n, I’m going to ask you one last time.” Carson looks at you and you turn your head slowly, “No.”
“Alright. Sutures are going to be going in soon, okay? I’m going to need you to try and sit as still as you possibly can, do you think you can do that?”
“Like I have a choice to go anywhere.” You mumble, “Sorry i-“
“Nah, stop that.” Daryl shakes his head, “You’re in pain, we get it.” Daryl glances up at you, squinting his eyes as he leans in to look at your neck.
He lets out a low growl, “If there’s more. M’gonna find them ‘em. They’re fucking dead.” Daryl’s leg was bouncing up and down.
“Stop, stop, Daryl. I’m fin-.” You dig your nails into his hand as your back arches with the first stitch going through your skin.
Your eyes start to close then reopen as you try to keep yourself awake and talking to Daryl, but you cannot form any words right now.
“Hey, hey.” Daryl tries to comfort you but he doesn’t really know how, “Stay right here, darlin’.” He lays his hand on your head leaning in towards you more, “Don’t y’even think about leavin’ me.”
“I’m not..” you whisper out, “Going anywhere.”
You clench your bruised jaw, keeping your lips shut tight whenyou feel Carson do another suture, “The l-eader..” you groan, taking a deep breath, “..said that-that this is just.. the beginning.. I don’t..”
Carson squeezes a little bit harder and you are forcing yourself not to kick him in the face, “Fuck I want to kill you now, too.”
He shrugs it off, knowing that it’s just the pain and anger talking. He just shakes his head as he keeps his eyes on his work.
Daryl lays his hand on the lesser bruised side of your face, “Y’don’t gotta keep talking, if ya don’t want to.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, “You’re doing so good, almost done, baby.”
You can’t lie, your heart absolutely fluttered out of your body with his words, “I-I got..” you squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the final two sutures go in, a sigh of relief falling from your lips when Carson steps back, “Thigh is done, now let me have a look at that cheek.”
You turn your head, following commands from Carson all while Daryl still holds your hands.
He hates that you’re going through this, he’s kicking his own ass over not just going with you like you asked.
He blames himself, and you knew that, too.
Two hours has gone by, Carson said you could sleep so that’s what you did.
You opened your eyes, looking around to see that you’re in an actual bedroom and not the medical trailer anymore.
You try to sit up, just as Daryl comes back into the room, “Thought you would have been out longer, m’sorry.”
“Don’t do that.” You say soft as you look up at him. He shrugs and shakes his head, “Do what?”
He’s avoiding eye contact with you, that’s how you know something’s up.
“Can you help me sit up?”
Daryl is right there, sliding a hand on your back as you hold onto his other one to sit up.
“Good?” He asks, “How’s your pain?”
“I’m not taking any meds.” You argue and Daryl chuckles slightly, “Why are you are so stubborn sometimes.”
“Says you.” You smile up at him, shaking your head, “I just… I didn’t want to be taking it away from someone who needed it more than me, I-“
“Y’needed it though, baby. Somethin’ could’a-“ He stops for a second, “why ya lookin’ at me like that?”
You shake your head, a small smile resting on your lips, “What meds did I get?”
He sighs, “Look, I had Carson give ya antibiotics, a’right, but thats it.”
You nod, “Thank you.”
He looks up at you confused, “Y’not mad at me?”
“Mad at you for, what? Caring about me?” You shake your head, “I don’t think I could ever be mad at anyone who tries anything they can to keep me in their life.”
Daryl looks up at you, nodding as his eyes scan over you purple and stitched up cheek and your voice is low, “Could’ve happened to anyone.”
“But It happened to you.” Daryl stands up, walking over to the window before you can grab his arm, “Daryl.”
He keeps looking out and you sigh, “Don’t make me get up.”
He turns slightly, sighing before making his way back over to you, because he knows you’d try, “Don’t y’even think ‘bout it.”
“Look at me then.” You reach out, moving your finger slightly. His hand immediately finds yours and you can hear him trying not to get upset.
You give his hand a squeeze, “Hey.”
He leans over, careful not to put pressure on your hurt thigh. His arms wrap around you, holding you as you close your eyes.
You hand moves up and down his back, squeezing him tighter when you feel his body jolt slightly with a sniffle, “Daryl.” Your voice is just enough for him to hear, “it’s not your fault.”
You feel him nod, but he still doesn’t let go, “jus’don’t wanna loose ya.” He mumbles into your neck, laying his hand on the back of your head, “I like ya, a lot actually.”
“I told Rosita the same thing about you.”
He lifts his head, leaning back as he wipes his cheeks on the back of his gloved hand, “Been goin’ on t’me bout you, too.”
“That’s no surprise.” You laugh slightly, closing your eyes at the pain, “I’m good.” You look at him, knowing that he hates seeing you in pain, “I promise I’ll ask for medicine if it gets worse.”
Daryl goes to say something, but you cut him off, “Just shut up and kiss me.”
He rubs his thumb over his fingers, giving you a slight shrug and nod, “If y’want that,”
You tilt your head, reaching your hand out to him, “I want you.”
He smirks, laughing slightly as he shakes his head, “You’re gonna be the death’a me.” He leans over, hand moving up to rest on your neck.
You lean in, closing the space between you as your hands move up to cup his cheeks.
“You know you called me baby a few times.”
Daryl laughs softly, “I know.”
There’s a soft knock on the door before it opens, “Y/n?”
Daryl leans in, pecking your lips a few times before he tilts his head to kiss your cheek, “M’gonna go talk to Rick, ya good?”
You nod, brushing your thumb over his cheek, “More than good.” You smile and he kisses you a few more times before he stands up.
Rosita is standing there, arms crossed as she watches Daryl with a smile, “See, what did I say?”
He just shakes his head, a small on his face as he looks up at her, “You doin’ a’right?”
She nods, “I’m good.” You watch as Rosita comes over to sit next to you on the bed, “We’re good. Now, go.” She laughs slightly as she waves her hand, “We have things to talk about.”
Let me know what you think! I truly love each and every one of you. Thank you so much for reading! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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therealcocoshady · 6 hours
Little Lilly hearing reader or Marshall say a swear word and her repeating it at random times .
Time Out
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Author’s Note : Thank you for your request ❤️. I had a fun time writing this and I hope you like it ✨. Please keep these fluffy and cute requests coming because they heal my soul ✨. (Other requests are also welcome)
- Fuck.
It was almost inaudible at first, and he wasn’t sure he had heard that quite right. A tiny, childish voice using a big swear word. Definitely odd. Marshall turned his head, only to see that Lily had spilled juice all over the leather couch. She was pursing her lips, obviously frustrated. His three year-old was always annoyed when things weren’t proper. She hated having paint all over her finger, loathed having dirt on her dress after playing in the garden and, whenever she spilled something, it was as if she had witnessed the eruption of WWIII. Her being upset that she had spilled juice wasn’t surprising, but her using such a colorful language definitely was. It was the first time he heard her swearing and it almost broke his heart. It was probably a bit dramatic on his part, but it was further proof that his baby was growing up. She had just turned three and her language had gotten so much better in the past few months. However, he didn’t expect it to include swearing words. She was only three years old ! If memories served, his eldest daughters were a bit older the first time they swore.
- it’s fine, baby, he said. It’s just a little juice. We’ll clean it up. But you don’t get to use that word, ok ?
- What word ? She asked innocently.
- The one you just used. Ok, Lily ? No using that.
- Ok, Daddy.
There it was. Better. Lily was an extremely polite little girl and he prayed that she would stay that way. He decided not to make a big deal out of it. After all, he wasn’t even sure that she understood what she was saying. It probably wasn’t on purpose. Although, he wasn’t quite sure where she’d heard that word. Ever since he became a Dad for the first time, almost three decades ago, he had always been careful to mind his language around children - especially his own. One might argue that his making a living relied on the use of swear words - which wasn’t technically wrong - but there was no way in hell he would allow his kids to use them freely at home.
After tucking Lily in bed that night, he brought it up to you.
- So… Lily’s swearing now, he said with a frown.
- Swearing ? You asked. What did she say ?
- Fuck, he explained. I don’t even know where she heard that one.
- That might be me, you confessed. We went to the Starbucks drive-thru the other day and I spilled coffee all over my blouse. I might have let it out…
- Fuck, babe ! He scolded.
- You just said it ! You defended yourself.
- But she’s not around, he groaned. She’s three ! She has no business hearing that kind of word, let alone repeating it…
- I know, you said apologetically. Look… she’ll probably forget about it.
- I guess, he shrugged. I hope so. She’s only three. Even Stevie waited until she was five to use swear words.
- You must have had fun conversations when they found out you make a living by using swear words, you giggled.
- You don’t know the half of it, he chuckled. I mean, the kids always understood that it’s just me making songs. Mostly because we never used those words at home. And I would very much like it to be the same for Lily.
- She said it only once, you pointed out. Of course we’re not raising a rude little girl. She’s always so polite. I’m sure it won’t happen again.
Only it did happen again. A couple of days later, she let it out while you were sitting at the dining room and she accidentally dropped her cutlery on the floor. Both Marshall and you looked at each other.
- Fuck ! Lily said in an annoyed voice.
- Lily ! You scolded.
- Baby, remember what I said ? Marshall said sternly. No using that word. It’s a swear word and we don’t use that, understood ?
- But Mommy-
- I shouldn’t have used that word, you said. It’s a bad one.
- And if I catch you using it again, you’ll get grounded, Marshall warned.
You gave him a funny look. Out of the two of you, Marshall had always been a more lenient parent to Lily. He told you in the past that, when he was raising Alaina, Hailie and Stevie, he was more of a disciplinarian than Kim but, if you were being honest, you had trouble imagining him like this. Maybe it was because he adopted Lily when she was two, or because you had never had trouble scolding her yourself, but he was always so soft with her and, in fact, he had never raised his voice to her. He was very much the « cool » parent, to her. That being said, you could tell he was adamant on her respecting that rule - as he should because you were very much in agreement.
A couple of weeks went by and you didn’t catch your little girl swearing again, much to your relief. On a Saturday afternoon, you went for some shopping and Marshall had to pop by the studio to work on a beat he produced for some artists signed to the label and he took Lily with him. She was used to being in the studio and always had fun. She had her little habits, some toys and usually played peacefully while Marshall was able to work. She was on the couch, drawing when she saw that her marker had left some stains on her fingers.
- Fuuuuck, she whined.
Marshall immediately looked in her direction and sighed. He already hated what was about to happen but it had to.
- Lily, come here ! he said sternly.
- What Daddy? She asked in an annoyed voice.
- Quit the attitude, he sighed. Come here.
« She’s three » he thought. « she can’t start acting like an edgy teen when she hasn’t even started preschool yet ! ». He had her sit on the chair next to his and look her in the eyes.
- What did you say ? He asked.
- I said what, she repeated.
- Before that, he asked. What’s that word you used ?
- Fuck, she mumbled.
- That’s right, he said sternly. And what did I say about using that word ?
- That… I… shouldn’t, she said as she avoided his gaze.
- Right, he said. So now, you’re taking a time out.
- But Da-
- No buts, he scolded sternly. If you can’t draw without swearing, you don’t get to draw at all. And look at me when I talk to you, Lily.
She looked at him with tears welling in her eyes. It was the first time he scolded her like this, using his « big voice ». Her look immediately made him feel guilty and all he wanted was to hug her and apologize. It took everything in him not to, and he had her sit in the chair in silence for three minutes while he kept on working. She was looking down, her lip quivering. After a couple of minutes he looked at her. She had one minute left but he gave up. Toddlers don’t have a great time notion anyway and he was a ready feeling guilty for scolding her.
- Ok, bug, time out’s over, he said.
- Ok Daddy, she said in a sad voice that immediately guilt-trip him.
- You don’t like time outs, do you ? He asked with a raised eyebrow.
- No, she said.
- And I don’t like scolding you either, he explained. But I’m your Dad, and it’s my job to put you on time out when you do or say bad things. And if you use that word or any other swear word, you’re taking a time out. Ok ?
- Ok, she said in an almost inaudible voice.
- Now, I understand that sometimes, you’re frustrated, but we don’t use words like that, he said in a softer voice. You can groan, you can sigh, you can use normal words, but not this. Now, I want you to apologize.
- I’m sorry, Daddy, she said as tears welled up in her eyes again.
Guilt got the best of him and he pulled her in for a hug. Scolding her broke his heart and he was thankful that you were the one who did most of it because he wasn’t able to handle seeing sadness in the eyes of his princess. How he had managed to handle scolding the older ones over and over when they were growing up (mostly because his ex didn’t), he wasn’t sure. Had he always been so soft ?
- Don’t cry, baby, he said. It’s fine. You’re forgiven.
- But I don’t like it when you’re mean, she whined.
- I’m not mean, he chuckled. I still love you very much. Just because I scold you doesn’t mean I don’t, you know ?
- Ok, she sniffled.
- You want to go back to drawing ? He asked as he put her down.
- Will you draw with me ? She asked.
- I can take a little break, he said.
They went to the couch and started drawing together. They heard Royce and Denaun come inside the studio.
- So I told her to fuck off, you know ? Denaun said.
- Shit man, that bitch is a fucking- oh hey guys ! Royce said as he saw them.
- Time out, Lily said in a stern look.
Marshall immediately covered his mouth so that she wouldn’t see the smile he failed to contain.
- First of all, you say hello properly to Ryan and Denaun, he said. Also, you don’t get to put people on time out, Lily. I do.
- Hi, Uncle Ryan, Hi Uncle Nauny, she said as she went to hug them.
- What’s that time out thing ? Denaun asked as he picked up Lily to carry her.
- We’re learning not to use colorful language, Marshall chuckled.
- Oh, Royce said. Yeah, we shouldn’t have said that, Lily, you’re right. Sorry.
- Do they get time out, Daddy ? She asked as she looked at Marshall.
- Hell no, Denaun said. We’re grown ups, we don’t get time out.
- But you said the words, Lily argued.
- Yeah guys, time out, Marshall said with a grin.
- Seriously, man ? Royce asked.
- Yeah. Time out, Marshall said. Rules are the same for everybody.
He went to the kitchen area with the guys while Lily kept on drawing. They failed to contain their laughter. Ever since Marshall had adopted Lily, they enjoyed teasing him on his « Dad » demeanor, and how he was on a different mode when she was around.
- She’s got some attitude, Royce said.
- Probably got that from her Mom, Marshall chuckled.
- Wait until I tell Y/N you said that, Denaun grinned.
- Don’t, Marshall said. Otherwise I’m getting a time out.
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momowoah · 3 days
Okay but I really think that the worst part is that this is season seven. Unless they're planning to turn 9-1-1 into the new Grey's Anatomy the chances of us being already in the final half of the show are huge. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any drama, but the characters should've started to go forward, and yet nearly all of them feel stuck in the same place they have been for several seasons. Or should I say 2-3 seasons?
tldr: all/most S7 storylines were either useless in the long run or recycles. The only characters who had storylines on the good side of the scale (as in, they helped the characters develop and move to a new place in their lives) were Maddie and Chimney (and maybe Buck but he's on thin ice). All the characters are back to the same place they were in s4/s5. It's probably TM's fault. This shouldn't be happening in a 7th season.
(really long post under the cut but worth it imo)
Bobby and Athena had a whole seven episodes for their storylines and yet it didn't significantly change anything about them or their relationship. The doubts of how they are when they're at peace that were brought up in ep1 ended up not being addressed at all. We started the season with what was supposed to be this huge thing in their relationship and it was just never brought up again! Instead they put bathena through distress again just for the sake of being dramatic. And while I'm extremely glad we got Amir and think there were several high points in his storyline, what difference did it make in the long run? Yes, it brought up interesting things to Bobby's storyline, such as more insight into his childhood and the chance for him to explore another side of the fire he caused, but is it going to change anything? No! Bobby will be reinstated in S8 bc that's just how these things go, and I doubt they'll put any effort to continue the survivors storyline. I'd bet it'll just be ignored in the next seasons.
Hen and Karen have been trying for YEARS AND YEARS to adopt a child and they just can't let them! As a wlw, do you know how awful that is to watch? Seeing them fail time and time again and have their family broken up once again just because??? It was one thing with Nia, she got a happy ending, but that wasn't the case with Mara. The best thing for everyone involved would be for her to stay with Hen and Karen, but they blew it up. I know she's with Madney, but it's not the fucking same. Why do they have to go through this again? Why can't they finally get the family they've spent years fighting for? Why can't the drama be about anything else, why does it have to be about failed adoptions? I've seen this enough times before. Why not let them be able to adopt???? Why? I'm genuinely upset abt this btw, probably more than about anything else that went down.
Buck got to finally come out and it was great but instead of taking it as an opportunity to let him grow into himself they just threw him right back into the hamster wheel of dating people who are either not fully into him or who he's not fully into. (if you like bt probably skip the rest of this paragraph but I'd also be upset about how they're handling them if I liked the ship bc I liked the previous bt and they did something similar to them lol) Tommy's behavior could be explained away at first, but I feel like time and time again the show goes the extra mile to make him uninterested in Buck or just straight up an asshole to him? Instead of taking the small opportunities of portraying them as a healthy happy couple they just consistently screw up their relationship? They're not the couple I support but even then I wanted them to be good together bc I want Buck to be happy, and yet all we get is this?
I don't even have words about Eddie, especially considering what rg has said about him destroying his life and possibly reverting back to military no emotions mode next season. WHY CAN'T HE BE HAPPY? We already saw him break down, WE'VE ALREADY HAD A STORYLINE ABOUT HIM REBUILDING HIS LIFE, but happiness is boring so now he has to ruin his relationship with his son too right? It just pisses me off how they go about his character sometimes. I liked that they were bringing back the Shannon storyline because he was supposed to be able to finally move on, but this wasn't about that. No, it was about retraumatizing Eddie and Chris and splitting them up at a time when they should be leaning on each other and healing, because Chris has also been suffering with the Shannon stuff. We saw it in fucking ep 1. Don't even get me started on the Marisol stuff because idek why she was there at all. Literally don't get it. We had an off-screen breakup anyways. She wasn't relevant at all to anything that happened. Why was she even there? I'm genuinely asking. The only Eddie arc that has some positive potential for next season is him dealing with his relationship with religion (especially if they tie it to the military and the way he lives his life for others' expectations), but tbh I don't trust them not to fuck it up.
Finally, I don't have complaints about madney, except for why tf was Maddie so absent this season? The wedding episode was all about Chimney (who was also maybe kinda missing tbh), and although I love him and his backstory and the opportunity to see Kevin again, I really wanted it to be about their relationship, since it was their wedding, yk. Dispatch was also severely under utilized. We did get the 7x07 Maddie plotline and it might've been bc it was a shortened season but yeah, I'm still not that satisfied.
So, we have all the characters stuck in places they've been before. More specifically, in the place they were in season 4/5. Bathena relationship problems followed by a life threatening situation? Check. Henren struggling with adoption? Check. Buck getting into what was supposed to be a good relationship only for it to end up going really bad? Check. Eddie struggling with relationships and his mental health going to hell? Check. Madney in a good place with a new child and about to have an awful fucking time? Hopefully just check for the first part. And you know which question this makes me ask? It's whether Tim Minear is just reverting everyone to their s4 state out of spite for the seasons he was away. And even if it is a genuine attempt at getting the show back on the track he wanted out of good intentions, it still sucks, because it doesn't change the fact that it is just a repeat of old storylines. I actually complained at this before the show even aired, but (iirc) I ended up deleting my post because I thought that I was just overreacting. Guess what? I fucking wasn't, bc that's EXACTLY what they did.
Now, going back to the start of this post, the reason why all these storylines suck so much is not that they are bad. It's not even that they aren't original. No, it's the fact that we're doing storylines that belong in the fourth or fifth season of a show in its seventh season. Even the Gerrard plotline, which is new to 9-1-1, feels like it came too late, because the split up crew/villain captain storyline tends to happen much sooner in procedurals, and for a reason. Besides the fact that this was never really a big bad type of show and I don't get why they are making it one all of a sudden, and ignoring the fact that Gerrard being brought back as captain, especially to the 118 of all places, makes no fucking sense, that kind of plotline is one that it's obviously always temporary. No one believes he'll still be the captain by the end of 8A, much less by the end of the season. He'll hardly survive the first 3-5 episodes. That's ultimately a filler storyline. It helps the show go on for longer, it might even help in the development of a couple characters, but at the end of the day it doesn't change anything, which appears to be a recurring theme when it comes to 9-1-1 storylines.
The reason I have a problem with this is that we don't need a filler storyline, because no one knows whether the show has the luxury of taking its sweet time. Yeah, it has a huge audience and it is doing good numbers, but it is still a fucking money pit that was already cancelled once and it's unsustainable on the long run. It might not end that soon, but is it honestly going to reach season 14? Does anyone truly think that we've only seen half of it (or less) so far? Because I don't. Not many shows make it that far, and there's a reason for that. We have three huge names who are extremely important to the show. What happens if they get tired? What happens if someone gets a better offer? What happens if we're still revisiting old storylines when that happens? Do we get an incomplete story or a rushed one?
The show should be moving forward, even if there are no plans for it to end soon. We have the drama of the huge disasters 9-1-1 loves. We have the drama of the cases. We have a myriad of new possible dramatic storylines for the characters that show development without being too final. Athena could have so many different job related storylines (from moving up in her career to abandoning it), and her and Bobby's storyline from the beginning of the season about being boring together can be played in a good and dramatic line. Henren and Madney have a whole world of parenting issues that they could go through. Buck and Eddie both still need either an endgame love interest (whether it's each other or not) or to get to the point where they are fine not having one, and we have all of the relationship trouble that comes with that. This show can give us new things, storylines that are good for the characters, without losing the dramatic factor (which, if I'm being honest, would not be a deal breaker for me). Yet, it refuses to, and probably not for a good reason, because it comes down to either Tim wanting to rewrite history or just trying to drag this show for as long as possible (which apparently he only knows how to do by refusing to make the characters happy). And you know what? I'm fucking mad about it, and I think you should be too.
Btw, this is not to say the whole season sucked. We got Madney and Henren together multiple times which was great. We finally got Bi Buck. There were several amazing acting moments for both the main and recurring actors. As a standalone season, it was good. It just doesn't work when you look at the bigger picture.
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doeeyeseddie · 6 hours
Hello Pia, my darling, as promised here's 4 prompts for you to choose from as little or as many as you want: 1 (constant physical touch to feel safe -yes I am that predictable), 17 (holding hands when sitting next to each other -again, no comment please 😂), 29 (doing something silly to cheer them up) and/or 38 (craving their company after a stressful day).
Love you, mwah 💕
manon my love, thank you!! i tried to fit all four prompts in here, i hope you enjoy it 💕 (sorry i let a hamster die in here for dramatic purposes only)
[read on ao3]
“Come home with me?” Eddie asked, brushing a hand through Buck’s hair where he was sitting slumped on the bench in the locker room. 
Buck nodded under his hand, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes for a moment. “If that’s okay.”
“I asked you, Buck,” Eddie said gently. “I want you there with me.”
Buck blinked up at him, a half smile building on his face. “Okay.”
Eddie drove them home – they could get Buck’s jeep tomorrow, or maybe he’d want to stay at Eddie’s until their next shift, which would be more than fine with Eddie – and kept sneaking looks at Buck.
It had been a stressful shift, call after call with barely any downtime, and Buck had taken one of the calls hard, harder than the rest of them. They’d rescued a family from their burning home, all of them making it out with nothing worse than smoke inhalation – except for the daughter’s hamster.
Later, the mother had explained to them that he’d been old, slow, mostly blind, and probably hadn’t ever noticed that anything was wrong. But in the moment, there had only been a little girl, crying and screaming for her pet, and Buck hadn’t even hesitated to run back inside.
The look on his face when he’d come back out with the motionless rodent cradled in his hand and the little girl's cries had broken Eddie’s heart, and he knew that it had stayed on Buck’s mind for the rest of the shift.
In the grand scheme of things, it was a lot less tragic than many of the other calls they responded to on the daily, but Eddie knew that it wasn’t always that simple.
“You okay?” he asked, pulling to a stop at a red light and nudging Buck’s thigh with his knuckles. “You’re quiet.”
“I keep hearing her cry,” Buck said, a far away look in his eyes. “Maybe if I’d–”
“You did what you could,” Eddie interrupted him. “Buck. There was nothing any of us could have done. It was sad, but we saved that family, they’ll be okay.”
“I know,” Buck mumbled.
The light turned green and Eddie turned his main focus back to the road ahead of them. From the corner of his eye, he could see Buck fidgeting with his hands, pulling on a hangnail, and reached over to take his hand and pull it away. He just kept holding on, slotting their fingers together and driving one-handed. If the way Buck’s shoulders loosened and he stopped fidgeting was anything to go by, he didn’t mind.
“I guess I’m just sad,” Buck said quietly, his head leaning against the headrest but turned towards Eddie. “A– a little bit guilty, too, even though in my head I know that I didn’t do anything wrong. I just really wanted to find that hamster alive.”
“I know you did.” Eddie squeezed his hand. “One of my sister’s friends had, like, five hamsters in a row when we were kids. They never got very old. Not that that makes this okay, just– it’s not the end of the world, even for that little girl. Even if she probably felt like it today.”
Buck sighed. “Yeah. I’m just being dramatic.”
“You’re not being dramatic,” Eddie admonished him gently. “You care, you care really deeply, and I love that about you.”
Buck tightened his grip on his hand, and when Eddie glanced over at him, his eyes were big and shining. “I really love you, you know that?”
“I really love you, too,” Eddie said, trying to tamp down the undoubtedly goofy smile trying to spread across his face. It still thrilled him, hearing it, saying it, even weeks after the first time.
He pulled Buck’s hand towards him to press a kiss to his knuckles, then dropped his hand so he could pull into his street and then his driveway.
Once he’d parked, they both got out of the truck, but Buck waited for him by the hood, hand outstretched. Eddie took it and stepped close enough to press a kiss to his cheek.
“Come on, let’s go in,” he said, tugging Buck gently along with him to the front door. “Do you want to sleep immediately?”
“Soon,” Buck said, and he wasn’t letting go of Eddie’s hand, so Eddie did his best to unlock the door one-handed. “But I don’t think I’m ready to sleep yet.”
Eddie figured, because he could tell that Buck was still feeling a little down, and he knew that Buck preferred going to sleep after some distraction.
“So I don’t cry myself to sleep,” he’d told Eddie years ago, and it had been a joke, but Eddie knew that there was some truth in it.
So he was going to provide the distraction.
Buck was already in the clingy stage of tired, so it was easy to herd him into the kitchen, where Eddie made them both a cup of sleepytime tea, then turned the radio on at a low volume, all while Buck was staying close to him, their shoulders brushing with every movement.
The outro of a song he didn’t know was playing, but he immediately recognized the next song as it started, and smiled to himself.
“Hey,” he murmured, nudging Buck’s hand with his. “Dance with me?”
Buck tilted his head at him, adorably confused. “Now?”
“Yeah, why not?” Eddie asked, wrapping an arm around his middle and pulling him close.
The corner of Buck’s mouth tilted up in a small smile and he placed one hand in Eddie’s, turning Eddie’s hold into a traditional dancing pose. “Sure, I’ll dance with you.”
Eddie grinned and spun them away from the counter slowly, humming along to the song as they started swaying in the low kitchen light.
The song wasn’t a waltz but that was fine, because Eddie wasn’t even sure they could waltz if they wanted to, and he was happy enough to just hold Buck in his arms and turn in slow circles.
“Like a river flows, surely to the sea,” Elvis crooned, “Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be.”
“You are such a sap,” Buck murmured, but his eyes were sparkling.
“Take my hand, take my whole life too,” Eddie sang along in a low voice, “for I can’t help falling in love with you.”
Buck pressed his face into Eddie’s neck and Eddie could feel his smile against the skin there, followed by a soft kiss.
They swayed until the song faded into a new one, and Buck snorted against Eddie’s neck before lifting his head. Earth, Wind & Fire asked them if they remembered the 21st night of September, and Buck and Eddie grinned at each other.
“Which station is this? Is it oldies day?”
Eddie laughed and loosened his hold so he could lead Buck into a spin. Since neither of them had any idea what they were doing, their arms tangled above Buck’s head, and Buck snorted again, letting it turn into a laugh this time.
“Wait, let’s try that again,” Eddie said, dropping his hands and holding them out for Buck to take. “How does this look so easy when other people do it?”
Buck was still giggling and took both of Eddie’s hands this time, lifting them in the air and trying to turn, with the same result as the first time.
“Oh, I give up,” he said, dropping their joined hands. “Maybe Bobby can show us.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said and tugged him closer again. Buck’s entire body had relaxed, and there was still a smile in the corner of his mouth and the crinkles by his eyes. He brushed the tip of his nose against Buck’s. “But for now – tea and then bed?”
Buck slung both of his arms around his neck and stepped close enough his toes met Eddie’s on the kitchen floor. His nose nudged back. “Don’t think I don’t know what you were doing.”
Eddie grinned and pushed one hand under Buck’s shirt at his back. “Did it work?”
“You know it did.” His lips were featherlight against Eddie’s, barely a kiss, curved up in a smile.
“Good,” Eddie said, muffled against his mouth, and pressed even closer.
They could reheat their tea later.
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Do you think that most of the TWST boys would be homewreckers if Yuu already had a partner before them? Because while I do think that some of them like Deuce or Silver might be hesitant for the sake of integrity/honor, I feel like a lot of them wouldn't really care
Then again Lilia does muse about how stealing someone's bride would be "dramatic and interesting" with a smile in canon so Silver may just follow his example
And I feel like Kalim might just try to make a throuple
Now I want to make it clear in advance that I don't see any of them as the type to cheat or to help someone cheat.
But...showing you how they would treat you better or how the guy you dating is a dick? Comforting you after your breakup? Scaring the guy off?
Oh yes.
Will pull a Mr. Steal Yo Girl/Boy/Partner with no shame-
Malleus, Lilia, Leona, Vil, Rook, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Jamil.
Rook, Azul, Jade, and Jamil not only do that but make plans, backup plans, and schemes. Malleus, Vil, and Leona are pretty confident that they will succeed and don't need to do anything extra but will come up with something if need be.
Is a good boy and respects your relationship despite being sad but accidentally intimidates the guy/Would do something if the guy is a Jerk-
Deuce, Jack, Silve, Sebek.
They are such good boys and want you to be happy...will still mess that guy the fuck up if they found out he hurt you in any way though.
Cock blocks you and the guy to high heaven-
Riddle, Ace, Trey, Cater, Kalim.
Riddle will find any and all excuses the collar the guy and keep you busy. Ace would be the most annoying third wheel and might get into a scuffle with the guy.
Trey is sneaky and passive aggressive. Takes up your time, shows off his husband skills, gets Riddle on the guy's ass, makes anything the other guy eats taste weird, and is the first to be your shoulder to cry on with things don't work out with the other guy and brings you comfort sweets.
Cater is sticking to your side like glue and totally skalking the guy's socials for any and all dirt.
Kalim is pretty unintentional, sweet boy is sad but still wants to be in your life and actually tries to befriend the other guy. He was already pretty clingy before you started dating the other guy and there's gonna be so much third wheeling. I think underhanded things would be done by Jamil simply because he wants Kalim to shut the fuck up and stop being a big baby about you.
But also...Would pull a medieval and challenge the guy for your hand.
Malleus, Sebek, and Silver.
And oh my gosh they would be so serious about it, Sebek and Silver would straight up pull out a sword for their honorable duel for your love.
Epel and Floyd would just try to beat him up.
There's a possibility of doxxing from Idia and Ortho is totally cock blocking you guys for his brother.
I would like to know what you guys think too though.
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percyjavksongf · 2 days
June on the East Coast.•☆
➤Parings: Book!Percy Jackson x reader
➤Word count: 5’324
➤Warnings: very fluffy, one mention of death
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“But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it”
It was well known in camp that you had been blessed with a green thumb by your mother, you could grow anything no matter how bazzar and it would be the most wonderful thing to exist in the Demeter cabin garden. The only thing your hands were useless for was writing, you could spell and had neat enough handwriting of course but what use was that when you couldn’t put them to good use? You knew people kept diaries, journals, whatever the writer preferred to call them. You have no one to blame really for your frustrations but yourself since you’re the one who had the brilliant idea of starting a journal, you had overheard one of the Apollo kids raving about how useful they were, writing down all your emotions or even simply explaining your day, the point was that it was yours, you could write down whatever you wanted and no one ever needed to know.
That’s why you were currently tucked into the corner of your bunk, journal resting snugly on your lap as anxiously you chewed on the end of your pencil, why was it so difficult to write something down? You could think in your head of all the things you wanted to say but why was it so damn hard to put into words? You had managed to get the date down at least. You knew what you wanted to write about but the idea of having your most raw thoughts become materialised felt so nerve wracking, it would be better if you could write them down and then throw it away, maybe toss them into the firepit while no one was looking. You had expressed all this to Mitchell last night during dinner, making sure to be quiet enough that no one could listen in on such delicate information, after playfully smacking him for laughing too loudly at your fear of someone finding your journal and pinning it up on the camp notice board (dramatic but a totally rational fear) you downed the rest of your cherry cola.
“what if you send your writings away!” he beamed, an idea that received an unimpressed stare in returned
“don’t give me that look! I’m being serious. Listen, obviously you won’t be sending away all your personal stuff but even just talking to someone about your day can help make you feel more comfortable opening up to people, just do it bit by bit” you pondered his words for a moment, you supposed that some sort of penpal could be nice, you wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment of stumbling over your words because you start to overthink and panic yourself, you just write down some simple stuff and send it away.
“a penpal wouldn’t be too bad” you said, still not fully convinced on the idea
“it would be great! I also already know who your penpal could be” his sing-song tone earned an eye roll
“oh do you?” you say sarcastically
“yes I do” he replied matter of factly “and I’m sure Percy-”
“absolutely not” you spew out instantly “I am not tellingPercyof all people my secrets-”
“it doesn’t have to be secrets remember? Just writing to him about your day and how things are going at Camp” he protested and you pulled a face, he was always so convincing, probably another one of his mother Aphrodite’s gifts.
“Percy probably won’t want to write letters of all things, he’ll probably be too busy with mortal things” you say weakly, you however, did not possess the skill of producing a good argument.
“you know he’d ditch any mortal things to talk to you, doesn’t he call you with Iris every Saturday afternoon?” you had forgotten you’d told him that
“he does but-”
“but what? If he has no issues taking time out of his day to call you every weekend religiously then he won’t mind taking another ten minutes to write you a letter” Mitchell said finally and you rested your head on your hand.
“fine, I’ll ask him” you rolled your eyes playfully at his triumphant grin. You sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments, scoffing down more of your dinner before you’d have to head to the camp fire. “so..” Mitchell drew out, you glance over at him while still chewing, “what do you and Percy talk about when he calls? Does he tell you how much he misses you? I bet you two stare into each others eyes and-” you stand quickly from your seat and brush your hands against your shorts, hoping that your embarrassment isn’t evident on your face “ok conversation over-”
“I was just kidding!” he laughed, jumping up to join you quickly in your decent to the camp fire “but like does he actually say that or-”
“yeah he totally does!” you said with fake excitement “and he also tells me that he thinks your so nosy”
“I am not nosy! Simply curious” he said with a gasp as you finally catch up with the rest of the campers.
You stared at the paper for what felt like eternity, you had mentioned to Percy during your last call about the letters but quickly followed up that he didn’t have to do it if he didn’t want to, but of course being the selfless person he naturally is Percy agreed to it no problem, you didn’t mention why you wanted to start writing letters but he didn’t pry. Thats why you’re currently stuck in this situation, staring down at a page for at least half an hour while you think of how to start a letter, something most kids your age already know how to do. Writing ‘Dear Percy’ sounded far too formal and made you cringe, so you stuck with the casual and classic ‘To Percy’, good enough.
Eventually you decided that you should just ask Percy all the questions, you didn’t really know what to write about yourself. It was around half a page and probably contained a good few spelling mistakes but you decided to wake up early and send it off anyways, the only other people who could be wandering around this early would be the Apollo kids so it was the perfect way to get rid of the letter without all the curious questions. You had continued with your routine for the next couple of days with the letter glued to your thoughts, what if Percy thought it was stupid? What if it had gone missing in the post? What if he didn’t write back.
It arrived early the next morning, you ran frantically towards the big house to where Chiron had said it landed, snatching it quickly off the polished wood flooring you sprinted back to your cabin, ignoring your siblings protests of how early it was when you slammed the cabin door open and practically jumped into bed to read the letter. You stared at the smooth brown envelope for a moment, running the pads of your fingers of Percy’s name, you could tell he had taken the time to make it look neat and the thought made your heart flutter. You peeled the letter open as carefully as your eager hands would let you and let your eyes soak in Percy’s words, he asked about what was going on at camp and that it felt so old fashioned to be writing you letters, you couldn’t stop the grin on your face as you read through him explaining his days at school and how Sally had attempted to make blue pasta for dinner the day before. The letter ended with Percy mentioning that he accidentally made the water fountain explode and that Paul was trying to convince the school that he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your eyes travelled to the end of his letter that simply stated ‘miss you’ before signing his name, you sucked in a quiet gasp of air and thanked the gods that your siblings were fast asleep, giving you the privacy you needed to dramatically fall back against your sheets and hug the letter to your chest.
Maybe Mitchell's idea wasn’t too bad after all.
It took a couple more letters but you found that writing to Percy started to come naturally, you opened up about how you were doing at camp and that your archery skills were starting to improve, you ranted about your garden but criticised yourself after posting it because why would Percy want to read about your gardening skills? You were surprised to see how positively Percy responded to your ramblings about how successful your patch of radishes were that he was excited to see your work when he returned to camp that summer.
It was early Friday morning when you sat in the strawberry field, Apollo was making his beaming appearance across the sky and the daylight shined a golden hue against the plump red berries, you had taken to writing your letters to Percy away from your cabin, your siblings had become curious to who you were writing all those notes too and you felt this was the best way to insure your privacy. You twirled the pen around in your hands and stared down at the paper on your lap, it had been a month now since you and Percy had started exchanging letters and you felt more confident writing to him about your day truthfully, your feelings about certain things happening around camp and how you missed him. You swear you had never felt so many butterflies in your stomach when you sent off that letter, telling him that you wished he was here with you, or you with him, too be honest it frightened you because it sounded so sweet, so...couple-y. You weren’t really sure what you and Percy were, Mitchell said that it was obvious you both liked each other and that you just needed to bite the bullet and confess, which you reminded him was much easier said than done, but you knew he was right.
Well, you knew he was right on your part, you did like Percy, a lot. You only really grew close last summer at camp, both getting yourselves into a bit of trouble and being sent to clean the stables every other day together, surprisingly you managed to bond over those gross chores and become inseparable until Percy had to leave for school, you had never minded too much about being a year rounder up until that point. During that summer together you discovered a side of yourself you had never known, you felt more daring, willing to take risks and you took everything less seriously, being with Percy felt freeing. You had a habit of sneaking off in the middle of the night and meeting Percy down at the lake, he’d bring you around and show you what life looked like down there, it frightened you at first but once Percy promised theres no way you could drown with his air bubble you took the risk, and you were so glad you did. You spent ages down there with Percy, lounging in the calm air bubble and watching all the different fish swim by, Percy talked about home and how he’d be looking into the New Rome college for next year, something you were equally interested in. it wasn’t till you saw the streaks of light dance through the water that you and Percy resurfaced and swam back to shore, your mixed laughter filling the air as you quickly grabbed your sandy shoes and ran back to your cabins before someone spotted you.
You never realised how hard it could be to say goodbye, standing at the top of the hill in late August watching Percy double check that he had all his bags before turning to you, he stared at your form as if drinking the sight of you in, you felt your eyes sting with emotion and you looked down at Percy’s bags, you didn’t want him to see you cry.
“do you have everything?” you asked, clearing your throat after and looking back to Percy.
“yeah” he said with a small smile, he still hadn’t looked away from you, something you were hyper aware of, you nodded and picked at the end of your sleeve, not trusting your voice to hide the feelings you felt bubbling in your throat.
Percy’s quick steps towards you took you by surprise but you welcomed his embrace gratefully, melting into his arms and revelling in how snugly they wrapped around you, tight and secure.
“I wish I could stay” he said, voice muffled into your camp shirt, your arms snaked around his shoulders and you let your fingers run through the dark curls at the nape of his neck,
“I wish I could go” you replied honestly, you felt the imprint of Percys smile against your skin and your eyes squeezed shut at the feeling. “I’ll call you, ok? I promise” he said sternly, pulling away but keeping his arms wrapped around you and your heart stuttered at the position you were in, he was so close. You nodded and gave him a quick smile “you better” you said and pulled away from Percy, noting his small frown from the action. He grabbed his bags and gave you a wave before walking towards the camp boarder, your eyes welled with tears and you couldn’t look away from his retreating frame. He gave you one last look before leaving the camp, you let yourself cry then, you knew he was coming back, you knew this wasn’t goodbye forever, but why did it hurt so badly?
“it’s hard to watch someone you love leave you” your mothers voice spoke from beside you, you didn’t look at her though, you didn’t want her to see your tears.
“when will I get used to it?” you asked, deciding not to argue against her observation of your feelings.
“never” she replied honestly “it gets some what easier, but your heart will always feel the ache of their absence” you turned to look at her then, she out of anyone would understand to have someone taken away from her due to circumstance, you wiped your face self consciously.
You’re surprised when you feel her hand press against your cheek for a moment, it was warm and rough but held the gentleness of a mothers touch. The feeling is gone soon after and you left standing alone in the green waves, you turned to look back at camp half blood bathed in the evening light.
Breaking away from the memories of your mind you looked away from your page and back towards camp, people would wake soon so you’d better get writing before your private writing nook was private no more. You had decided to write two letters, you usually one that consisted of day to day life and questions on how his exams were going. You stilled you pen when you went to start your second, this one you knew was never to be seen by Percy, ever. Mitchell had said that the whole reason to write letters was to give your whirling mind a break and to spill all your feelings onto a page, something you had struggled with greatly so far, but it would be fine right? You write this letter and tuck it away safely in your pillow case never to be seen by eyes other than yours. You decided to write about the day Percy left, what you wish you had said instead of asking about his bags, his stupid bags. You wrote how you missed him being the first person you spoke to over breakfast in the mornings and how he was always the last person you’d wave goodnight to before going to bed, you missed his messy hair and perfectly green eyes, you missed how his face flushed red after laughing for so long, you missed talking about your future lives together in New Rome and how exciting it’ll be to be able to exist like mortals. You wrote how you wanted to go to New York and walk around times square with him, you’d never been before and Percy had promised to take you someday. You apologised that the only thing you could think to say when he left was if he had all his bags, because you didn’t care about the bags, selfishly you had hoped he left something important enough behind to come back, you told him you hated saying goodbye and you never wanted him to leave you for this long ever again. You finished by saying that you were sorry that you never knew the right words to say, and that if you could go back in time you would’ve just blurted out that you liked him, and that you would miss him more than any words could describe because maybe if your heart didn’t long for him so much you’d be able to write down how you felt.
You stared at the page in shock when you finished, Mitchell was right, it did feel a bit better to have all your thoughts slapped down on a page and away from the cage of your mind. Shouts of delight from camp made you quickly shove the letters into their respective envelopes and tucked into your jacket pocket, you ran quickly towards the dining area and sat down next to Mitchell, who by the side glances he was giving you could tell you had been up to something.
The day had been wonderfully warm, something you and Mitchell made good use of by sunbathing lazily on the lakeshore, lunch time and quickly come and gone and before you knew it your siblings and yourself had retreated to your cabins for the night, giggling away about the days events and trying to decide who was on cleaning duty tomorrow
“oh! You left your jacket down at the lake earlier” your sister Billie said before throwing the jacket over to you, you stared at it in shock, shit, how could you have left that around knowing what was in there? You hands raced to the pockets of your jacket but grasped nothing, oh the fates were cruel to you. You breath quickened and you turned back to Billie “did you find anything in the pockets?” you ask, trying to keep your voice steady. She nodded absent mindedly and flopped down on her bed “yeah your letters to Jackson, don’t worry I threw them in the post for you already”
if the world could’ve burst into flames then and there you would’ve welcomed the warmth with open arms.
Percy was going to read the letter. He was going to read the letter and think you were some sort of love sick freak, he was going to read the letter and never write one back, would he even talk to you when he came back this summer? He’ll probably just walk right past you as if you meant nothing to him. You dragged your eyes away from Billie’s curious gaze and walked back over to your bed, laying down against the sheets with your back turned to your siblings, who thankfully had already retreated to their own bunks. The bundle of primroses sitting in the lopsided vase you made in the camp’s pottery class made you frown, being a child Demeter meant being an encyclopedia for all the unique flora around camp and those stupid primroses were currently teasing your already fragile heart. The primrose was a flower representing young affections and unrequited love. You flung the curtain shut, feeling sick to your stomach.
You spent the next day hiding away in your bunk, no one knew what that letter said but you felt like everyone would be able to see the shame painting all over your face, your siblings had already caught on that something was wrong but you waved them off with a fake cough, claiming you just felt a bit under the weather and you’d be back to normal in no time. The cabin was quiet, maybe staying inside was a bad idea. Your mind was racing with scenarios of Percy’s possible reaction to your letter, one that made a sob escape your throat was the thought of him laughing at it, what if he thought your letter was hilarious and showed other people? Pointing out particular parts that you poured your heart into. You knew it was silly, Percy’s one of the kindest guys at camp and you already know he’s been confessed to by loads of people over the years, and they all still speak positively of him so he must’ve let them down easy. The idea of it still eats away at you, you wouldn’t be able to handle it, him being laughing at your words probably to hide the embarrassment your confession brings him. A knock at your door tears you from your darkening mind and you yell out a weak come in, Mitchell cracks the door open hesitantly, swiping at vines that tangle in his styled curls, the motion brings a small smile to your face.
“I heard you’re diseased, being a good friend I came to make fun of you- are you alright?” his sarcastic tone was quick to change, no longer caring for the plants that drew towards him curiously as he crossed the room towards you. You nodded and wiped your cheek self consciously
“yeah I’m good” you said, Mitchell took a seat next to you on the bed with an unimpressed look
“if you’re so good then why do the plants next to your bed look like they’re about to disintegrate? Your green thumb gives you away”
the yellow tulips on your bedside table did look like they’d seen better days.
You give Mitchells comment a weak laugh, wincing slightly when you noticed his frown
“what’s going on with you? And don’t say your sick because thats bullshit, you don’t always have to put on a brave face you know, you’ve literally watched me vomit from crying after watching ‘When Harry Met Sally’” you nodded at that, the memory made stomach queazy, it was really hard to wash that out of the Aphrodite cabin’s faux silk carpet.
“you remember how you told me to write letters to Percy?” you said, picking nervously at the loose seam of your sweatpants
“you did it? Are you worried about how he’ll react? I’m sure it’ll be fine don’t worry about it”
“we’ve been sending each other letter’s for the last two months” you confess, the shocked look on Mitchells face makes you roll your eyes
“you little liar-”
“I haven’t lied about anything! I just didn’t explicitly state that I did it” your justification earns a small shove from Mitchell, the grin on his face lets you know that he isn’t truly mad at you. Mitchell opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off quickly “I accidentally sent Percy a letter that confessed my feelings for him”
If Mitchell looked shocked before he now looked like you’d grown two heads “no fucking way”
“I know, I’m an idiot” you sighed, Mitchells hand grabbing yours shifts your gaze back to him, were surprisingly, he looks the most serious you’ve ever seen him.
“you’re not an idiot, maybe this is a good thing” you’re the one to now look like he’s grown two heads
“are you crazy? This is horrible, Percy’s never going to speak to me again” you argued, how on earth could this be a good thing? Mitchell scoffed at your words
“he’d never ignore you and you know that, I think you’re just scared that this could become a real thing, it’s alright to be scared you know?” Mitchell spoke soberly, but his words made you feel defensive
“I’m not scared Mitchell, I just know Percy doesn’t feel the same-”
“stop it. it’s obvious he cares a lot about you” Mitchell retorts earnestly, but you shake your head much to his dismay and annoyance
“no it isn’t” you said while moving off the bed, Mitchell’s quick to follow
“look, we could argue about this fort hours cus’ gods know we’re both stubborn. But mark my words there will be a letter from that boy waiting for you in the big house tomorrow” Mitchell sighed
“just remember that it’s not just your feelings that are involved in this, I know things like this scare you but sometimes running away can cause more hurt than just facing it” with that Mitchell left you standing alone in cabin once more.
There was a letter waiting for you in the big house the next morning.
There was another one waiting for you a couple of days later, a week later you had a very annoyed Mr D banging on your cabin door, throwing the letters at you and mumbling about how he was going to start blocking Johnson’s letters soon. You gathered the letters as quickly as you could before throwing them into your bag as if they burned to the touch, before you could zip your bag closed your eyes found the letter dated two days after you had sent your last letter, you wondered if some sort of magic had been laced into it with how drawn to it you were. You reached into your bag and grabbed the letter, your hands felt heavy holding the letter. The sounds of your siblings shouts made you quickly shove the letter under your pillow.
“I heard your pen pal pissed off Mr D, now I wonder what he has to say that could be so important that he’s sending you multiply letters” Mitchells sarcasm is met with a kick to the leg under the dining area table, one he swiftly returns
“you do realise he’s gonna be here tomorrow, you can ignore those letters but you can’t ignore him”
“I know” you sigh, to be frank you’ve been trying to forget the fact that you’ll have to face the consequences of misplacing your jacket sooner than you’re comfortable with.
“your cabin will probably be the first place he goes when he gets here”
“you’re such a stress reliever you know that?” you said sarcastically, earning another kick to the leg.
You decided to skip the campfire tonight, making your way back to the Demeter cabin and grabbing the letter, you’ve been doing this for a few days now, staring at the letter as if it’s just going to start talking to you, you kept imaging Percy’s voice flowing from the pages to tell you how you were ‘such a good friend but definitely not girlfriend material’. You flipped the letter over and eyed the back, Percy was going to be here tomorrow morning whether you liked it or not, at least if you open this letter you can take his rejection in private instead of having to look him in the eye, the thought made you feel sick. The cabin was too risky to open it in, anyone of your siblings could decide to retire from the fire early and walk in on you sobbing into your pillow, with that embarrassing image in mind you grab the letter tightly and made your way over to the strawberry fields. Sitting among the berries helped calm your nerves slightly but your teeth still chewed worriedly at your bottom lip
“it’s just like taking a band aid off, quicker so it hurts only for a second” you mumble to yourself while fiddling with the letter, you ripped the envelope open and made out the beginning of Percy’s messy handwriting.
“you got my letters” the voice made you halt all movement, maybe you had gone crazy and the letters were actually talking to you.
Percy stood in front of you, he was dressed in his freshly ironed camp shirt and a pair of baggy blue jeans, his hair had grown out slightly since you’d last seen him and framed his face delicately. You watched as his eyes drifted across your body before landing back on your face, you hoped he couldn’t see the way your hands shook.
“what’re you doing here?” you finally managed to get out, gods you weren’t prepared for this
“did you read it?” he asked instantly, his voice steady in a way that didn’t help your nerves. You shook your head.
“Percy I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to send it”
Percy frowned, he walked towards you and gently took his letter from your shaking hands, sitting down beside you and unfolding the page. A crimson hue had bloomed across Percy’s face making his tan skin look even more gorgeous, you mentally noted how his freckles had already started to darken on his face. You sat in silence looking out towards camp, the fire was visible from the field and you could make out the other campers sitting around it. For once Percy had no witty comment, no sarcastic comeback to lighten the ever dulling mood that suffocated you terribly, was this a punishment of some kind? What god or goddess had you pissed off so badly that they decided your heart needed to be crushed in return?.
“Since I was twelve I’ve ben tasked with saving the world, and surprising I did it, twice. I’ve lost a lot of people I’ve cared about through the years. I can’t help but think of Charlie whenever I walk past the Hephaestus Cabin. I get lost in my head and imagine the life he could’ve had if I never existed to take it away from him” Percy’s voice was soft, the choked emotions of everything he’s ever felt.
“don’t say that” you whispered back sternly, chest hurting at the thought of Percy feeling so guilty for the actions of the gods, their actions took Charlie away, not him. Your hand reached for his and he was quick to accept it, the touch wasn’t uncommon between the two of you. His hand held yours firm and vulnerably, an unsaid plea to not let go just yet.
“I see you in everything” he laughed weakly, “I see you everywhere, whenever I see your favourite colour I see you. It’s been really windy in the city the past few weeks, Mom has these flowers growing out on the fire escape that sway around with the wind and I can’t help thinking of your hair and- gods that was embarrassing to say out loud” the sound of your joined gentle laughter was music to your ears. Your eyes meet properly since Percy sat down next to you, he looked tired and the thought made you frown. Had your silence done that? You felt a pit of guilt in your stomach.
Percy’s hand squeezing yours breaks you free from your mind.
“I can’t lose you” you whispered “I’m sorry if I ruined everything”
“you’ve ruined nothing. You could never ruin anything.” Percy countered, “I couldn’t sleep last night, I kept thinking of my life without you in it, and you know what’s crazy? I realised that I could never get over you if you left, I told you, I see you everywhere” Percy’s thumb had started to draw circles lazily on your night chilled skin, he was nervous. “can I hold you?”
you nodded instantly, the feel of his arms which were toned and scarred for years of training and battle fit snugly around you, his touch spreading a warmth through out your body that you missed. You head rested against his shoulder, nose brushing the side of his throat slightly. “I don’t want to just be friends anymore” Percy’s voice broke the silence and accompanied your pounding heart.
“me neither” you admitted
“let’s be best friends” his words earn him a bucket of laughter from you, you missed the way you felt when you were with him.
“best friends forever?” you replied jokingly, looking up at him and trying not to focus on how close your faces were
his lips press gently against yours and it only lasts a second, he pulls away slightly before you push up and kiss him again, his smile against your lips melts away all the months of insecurity that had plagued you.
a/n: so ik i lied and said i had this ready like 3 months ago but yall school really kicked my ass so i literally haven't written in MONTHS, also this is not proof read so if it makes no sense then damn. hope yous have been keeping well!! so happy to finally have the summer to write more.
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mswritingthings · 3 days
Big Prompt List 2
"There are a lot of things that I didn't think were possible before you."
"Please don't overwork yourself, please."
"I'll take care of you until you learn to take care of yourself."
"What? I don't have a crush on (name)!"
"Take your time, it's okay."
"That is no excuse for the way they treated you."
"Crying isn't going to solve anything, I need to toughen up."
"Relationships aren't supposed to be problems that you need to solve."
"Every single time that I close my eyes, I see your face staring back at me."
"Always the romantic."
"Where are we going so late?"
"I'll always answer when you call."
"It's getting late, come on to bed. This will all be here in the morning."
"I've never wanted to be with someone like I want to be with you."
"You can't win them all."
"Slow down, we've got all night."
"I love the way that you make me feel. I've never been wanted like this before."
"Can I touch you?"
"My mom used to tell me what it was like to fall in love. Even in my wildest dreams, I never thought it'd be this good."
"I should have known that you hadn't changed."
"Come on (name) would do anything to make you smile, absolutely anything."
"Sometimes, I wonder why I put up with you."
"Hey! You love me."
"Don't listen to them, you're beautiful."
"I just can't believe that you really chose me, that's all."
"Who has you smiling like that?"
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to mess things up for you, I swear."
"When is the last time you saw (name) smile like that?"
"I feel like myself when I'm around you."
"It gets lonely at night, maybe you should stay over."
"We were cuddling, that's all."
"Did you lock the door?"
"I swear it might not be what it looks like!"
"Are you kissing my (brother/sister)?"
"Oh the horrors! I have to bleach my eyes."
"Stop being dramatic."
"Can I have a kiss too please?"
"Who do you think you are treating this precious angel so badly?"
"I think I might die if you don't get over here and hug me."
"Don't be ridiculous, we are not in love."
"If I asked you to stay, would you?"
"It's only for a few months, and then we'll be right back here together again."
"I don't think I could bear to be without you for even a day."
"Shh, (name) just fell asleep."
"It has been so hard without you."
"Please come back. I'm sorry."
"What do you want from me? I swear I've given you everything."
"You don't love me, and that's okay because I can pretend that you do for now."
"Just let go, it's not worth the pain."
"It's fine, you can just sit on my lap."
"God, you two are disgustingly cute together."
"One day I want to have something like that."
"Babies? Like, more than one?"
"I'd love to get to know you properly if you'd let me."
"You'd think they put the stars in the sky from the way everybody constantly fawns over them."
"Drop it, okay? I'm done talking about this."
"They made you feel small, but you aren't. You matter so much to everybody, especially me."
"Holy shit, I'm in love."
"Come back to bed, it's cold."
"Stop squirming or I'll get the ropes out again."
"Open up for me like a good (boy/girl)."
"Tell me what you want, and I'll do it for you."
"It looks to me like you've got enough holes to go around."
"I know it looks like a lot, but I'll go slow."
"If you need to stop, let me know."
"Take it off. I want to see all of you."
"All of that teasing, just for you to cum so quickly? What a shame, I had much more planned for tonight."
"Shh, that's it, cum for me."
"I think you can take a little more than this, don't you?"
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graendoll · 2 days
I finally watched the finale of 911 season 7 and my thoughts are below the break.
I have a lot of feelings about what they did and some of them are pretty "oof". Anyway, I realize I swept into Buddie fandom like two months ago and fell deeply in love with Buck and Eddie but after everything that is happening in fandom and in the show, I may slip back out as quickly as I came in because I'm not sure I can deal with the ship wars between now and season 8.
So yeah, if you want to hear what I think about where everything ended up, keep reading. Also...still a Buddie shipper in case it needs to be said 😅
First, Eddie's story has me absolutely heartbroken even if I suspected a lot of it. Chris calling his grandparents, him leaving even if temporary. I knew it was coming and it still hit me really hard. I know Gavin was considering pulling back so I get it. And Chris will obviously still be a part of Eddie's narrative but ouch that hurt.
Next, the scene between Buck and Tommy was just icky to me. Daddy kink is one of those things I filter out of fic because it's a major fucking squick so the fact that Tim Minear put that on my screen against my will nearly had me throwing hands. Any positive I was trying to find in their date interaction was quickly vomited out all over my coffee table.
I'm not optimistic about Tommy leaving quickly in season 8 for any reason. The date was very much a get to know you situation and while I thought Tommy was being a bit harsh about Bobby, I can guarantee the BT's are probably drooling over the implications of that scene.
(This is one of the things seriously impacting my desire not to watch this show anymore.)
On to Hen and Mara - I am very glad we have a mostly resolved situation with Mara going in to season 8. Honestly this whole story line felt unnecessary and written for the sake of drama. The show is feeling very soapy and while I was giving it the benefit of the doubt because of how much the writers were trying to do in 10 episodes, they better knock that shit off. It's a far cry from the writing of episodes like Buck Begins. (The second reason I may not watch anymore.)
Also, every once in a while Athena does something that makes me absolutely despise her character and this episode was one of those situations. Her jumping to conclusions and threatening Amil was just, rushed, overly dramatic and felt unnecessary
If you needed to get her to Amils house for the cartel arrival, maybe have her go without homicidal tendencies?
Honestly the only storyline that got any room to breath in this episode was Eddie's.
Which brings me to my final thoughts, specific to Buddie and the future of that ship in canon.
First, that will is never going to come up again. It belongs to us now. The writers have elected to ignore it for three seasons and it's never going to come up again, unless Eddie actually dies.
Second, the continuation of BT and the loss of Christopher is like a fucking death knell for Buddie in canon imo. I hate it, but without Chris, they are no longer a little family. Whatever magic was happening with Buddie up to the shooting scene has not been recaptured, and I'm not sure it's ever going to be at this rate, especially I'd the writers don't fix their soapy garbage.
Am I old and cynical? Yes. Does that make me wrong? Maybe...but right now what we have is Buck happily engaged in a weird Daddy kink relationship, Chris, one of the main points of connection between Eddie and Buck, out of the picture, and Eddie probably finding God and repenting for his sins.
Okay I made that last part up but it's a real fear!
In either case, I feel like we were horribly ship bated all season, and it was done only to create buzz for the show on a new network with a new queer character.
I miss when fandom didn't have access to creators and didn't feel like a place you could win because the BTs are going to be A NIGHTMARE for the rest of the hiatus and frankly I don't want to deal with toxic ship wars while we all wait for season 8.
So yeah, happy season 7 finale? 🤣
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minnielvrr · 16 hours
•.° Maknae's secret °.•
Lee: Innie
Ler: Minho, Seungmin, Hyunjin
Word count: 1k
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The unusual peace in the Lino + Maknaes dorm was broken by loud screeches followed by even louder laughs. The voice was only vaguely familiar, and puzzled, Minho and Hyunjin (who had come over the night before for some much needed peace and quiet) cautiously peeked into Innie's room- the source of the screams. The puppy and fox were wrestling furiously on Jeongin’s bed and if not for the adorable smiles on their faces, the two would have thought their youngest kids were actually fighting.
As soon as Innie spotted the two standing in the doorway, he yelled out, successfully managing to shove the lil menace off of him, “Lino hyung, Hyunjin hyung plehease hehehelp.” “ No hyungs help me! He tickled me all morning and now he won't even let me get revenge.” Seungmin pouted at them. The two watched as Minnie squeezed Jeongin's sides, easily getting the upper hand and quickly stuffing his hands in the maknae’s armpits. Innie, shrieked, bucking violently and clawing at Seungmin's forearms as the older just wouldn't stop wiggling his fingers in the most ticklish manner.
The two at the doorway wore fond smiles at Jeongin's rare belly laugh, finding their youngest to be the most endearing thing ever. They promptly walked in, each grabbing one of Jeongin's arms and holding them over his head, stretching his limbs and torso out until the boy could barely move. Jeongin shot them a betrayed look but it only lasted a second as more hands joined in, tickling his hypersensitive neck and ribs, Seungmin still determinedly sticking to his spot. Somehow his laughter got even louder, louder than they'd even heard, until it turned silent.
The thing about their dear maknae was that he'd lose his clever knack for words whenever he got tickled, only managing incoherent little babbles at best. The three stopped to give their cute fox a little break, petting his hair and playfully pinching his bread like cheeks. "Aww where did you hide such a pretty laugh for so long, hmm?" "Ah, I can't believe you betrayed us like this Innie," Hyunjin wiped fake tears from his eyes as he draped himself over Jeongin. The poor maknae struggled under the added weight, groaning in annoyance and trying to push his hyung off of him. A sneaky hand at his neck, however, reminded him of his current predicament, looking up to meet Lino’s eyes, filled with mischief.
“Why meee?” Innie whined, “Seungmin hyung is always tickling everyone but never gets punished for it.” Seungmin looked alarmed as everyone’s attention momentarily turned to him, scrambling to find the right words to plead his case. “This- this isn’t about me. Innie has been hiding his real tickle laugh from all of us. That’s a little unfair don’t you think?” He spluttered, wagging an accusing finger in Jeongin’s direction. “He’s right hyung,” Hyunjin purred, nuzzling his face in Innie’s neck and enjoying the nervous giggles the boy let out as he cringed away from the feeling, "Our little maknae is all grown up now, hes hiding things from us too." Minho sighed dramatically, playing along. "Guess we have a lot to make up for then!"
Minho pounced on the bed, Hyunjin quickly maneuvering himself so that he had Innie's head in his lap and arms held tantalisingly over his head. Minho took his assigned seat at Jeongin's waist and Seungmin, triumphtly sat the younger's ankles, scratching up and down with a single finger for now. Innie absolutely howled with laughter, chest heaving as he tried to twist himself free. Seungmin was being so so mean. Everyone was well aware of how bad of a spot their maknae's feet were, so starting with that was just unfair. "UnFAHAHAHAIR! YOUHUHU CAN'T STAHART WIHITH DEHEHEATH SPOTS."
His protests went unanswered, and another pair of hands traced all sorts of shapes over him tummy. It wasn't too bad so, for now, Innie resorted to throwing his head back and laughing. Seungmin was having a blast, knowing he was the one causing Jeongin to laugh so much, he pulled back the toes of one foot and scratched at the sensitive area. "ARGHH SHIT, NOHOHOHOHAHAHAHA," Jeongin went ballistic, bucking up so hard Minho almost fell off the bed. Somehow managing to free one foot from underneath Seungmin and, in his fit of laughter, ended up kicking Seungmin in the side.
The boy groaned as he scrambled for cover. It didn't hurt that much considering that Innie's strength had been completely sapped by the tickling but the three decided to grant their poor victim a break. It was obvious from the heaving breaths and tear tracks that he needed it. A little anxious at how long it took their baby to recover the three hovered over him, petting his hair and rubbing at his skin to ease the tingles away. Hyunjin gently cradled his face," You okay baby? Did we take it too far? Sorry we should've given you a break earlier love." Regret was thick in his voice as he but his lips in worry. Innie sighed, "I'm good hyung, it was fun. We could- we could keep going if you guys want to." The three kids faces lit up at Jeongin's answer, fawning over how adorably embarrassed their baby looked, all red faced and teary eyed.
Jeongin sighed. He knew he was in for an evening full of laughter and if he just had sported a teeny tiny lee mood because of how easily the others manhandled him and teased him, well, no one needed to know that. Although, judging by the smug look on Minho's an Seungmin's faces, he was busted. Hyunjin, true to his title as leader of paboracha, stayed blissfully ignorant. The four had their fun for quite a long time, bright joyful laughter echoing through the dorms, until the others returned from their schedules and found four bodies in a large cuddle pile on Jeongin's bed, limbs spilling out over the sides. Giggling at the cute sight, Chan covered them with a blanket, kissing them all on their foreheads then headed for the showers.
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typellblog · 19 hours
Suruga Devil - An Analysis
Something I’ve been thinking about is how even though Oshino disappeared six books ago, some way or another a specialist manages to crawl their way into every arc. Almost irregardless of the circumstances, these kids need someone to explain the problem to them. To bring them face to face with the truth they haven’t quite realised yet. 
In Hanamonogatari, though, advice might be the last thing that Kanbaru Suruga needs - despite, or perhaps because so many different people want to offer it to her. 
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I’ll be riding my arc formula all the way from Bakemonogatari until the wheels fall off, so I think here I want to talk about the title again. 
Suruga Devil. Isn’t that odd? It almost sounds like we’re dealing with the exact same oddity as her first arc. Except there’s a different Devil-sama in this one, someone who has more devil parts than Suruga herself. Numachi Rouka is also an oddity, by virtue of being already dead, and by that logic Suruga must be the ‘victim’ of her haunting. 
The theory is floated here that all ghosts work similarly to Hachikuji. They hang around because of a certain regret, and people with a similar regret or issue are the only ones that can see them. What, then, is Rouka’s?
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I think there’s something to be said for how obviously she wants to play basketball with Suruga again. 
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Even in a series full of unreliable narrators Rouka is unique in that we don’t get to see her internal narration, just how she chooses to present her life story to Suruga. There are hints that she was spinning it a bit - Higasa mentions that ‘family issues’ Rouka hardly talked about also contributed to her suicide, not just the broken leg. 
Frankly I see in Rouka someone trying to put up a strong front to hide how severely something actually affected her. She refers to herself derisively as misfortunate, acknowledges the suffering that it caused her, but still tries to make herself seem distant from it, like it’s something she’s already dealt with. Like her misfortune-collecting has made her happy again. 
Her initial attitude is hostile, confrontational. She seems like she’s trying to upset Suruga, describing her own activities in a tone that makes it obvious how unapologetic she is about the scumminess of it all. She wants to feel powerful, in control of the situation, even if it means she has to come off as an asshole. 
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In their final match Suruga leans into it, matching Rouka’s hostility and desire to compete with her rather than running away from it. I want to say it’s a way of paying her final respects.
Rouka says she didn’t feel like she ever suffered a clear loss in life. Her injury didn’t come from a dramatic final showdown. Losing her scholarship didn’t make it impossible to continue schooling. And her leg’s rehabilitation didn’t make it impossible for her to live on. But at the same time, all of these things ground her down until she didn’t know what to do. Rouka says you can run away from almost every problem, and she did. She ran away from school. She ran away from getting a job. And in the end, she ran away from life. 
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Kaiki remarks to Suruga that she can’t run away from all her problems. In his case he makes it brutally literal, but in an emotional sense he’s not somebody Suruga can ignore either, this weird older dude that has a history with her mother. Koyomi and Hitagi apparently told her to run away as soon as she met him, but they must not have considered he might have no ill will towards Suruga, not do anything that justifies running away from him. 
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When Rouka gets on top of Suruga and draws close enough to kiss, she could run. She knows she could run. She doesn’t. Did you want her to kiss you? Some things you can’t run away from, because deep down you don’t want to. Like the dark reverse side of a wish.
For Rouka, the Rainy Devil is a competitor. It actually does something to solve people’s problems, where her method allows these anxieties to work themselves out by having the people in question do nothing at all. Some things are only made worse by worrying about them - in the hands of the Rainy Devil these problems that may have worked themselves out over time instead get escalated into potentially life-destroying issues.  Rouka isn’t one to make use of the devil’s arm, Suruga thinks. She would simply run away from the problem, not rely on external means to solve it. She’s strong like that. Strong enough to pretend her problems don’t matter to her. 
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Only to pretend, though. The phrase “It’s better to regret doing something than regret not doing it” comes up. Rouka is of course on the side of regretting not doing something. A third path between victory and defeat. It has its advantages, Suruga does acknowledge it. But it can’t resolve anything. Rouka’s problems still exist, she just isn’t facing them. What Suruga does is make Rouka confront her and in doing so symbolically confront everything. It gives her a clear reason for her loss. It lets her let go. 
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I think the reason that Rouka is so confrontational with Suruga, so eager to play basketball again, is because she knew this on some level. She prefers to regret not doing something, but of course that means she still regrets not doing something. She still wants to do it, still wants to play a proper match and finish off their middle-school rivalry.
I wondered what Rouka’s specific regret was, as a ghost, and while that game is about as close as anything, it still feels like I’m missing the big picture. Rouka doesn’t just collect misfortune, she collects devil parts. The things that show up physically on your body to prove you made a wish. The things that remain so long as that wish isn’t granted. The physical manifestation of regret for a choice that still has Suruga checking the news every morning to make sure she didn’t do anything during the night without remembering. 
Hachikuji gets people lost because she is lost. Rouka frees people from the regret of doing something because she herself never did anything about the situation she found herself in. It’s why she’s so interested in hearing the stories, along with the devil parts. People who did something she could never do. People who failed and became even more unfortunate than her, thus proving her right. 
She takes the devil parts from people who don’t want them anymore. You can’t run away from something if you really do still want it, but Suruga is well over it at this point. Consider how Suruga deals with the devil’s continued presence in her life. Refusing to run out of fear that someone might be faster than her. She used the arm to pursue Hitagi to the point of destruction, but in equal measure refused to do so, and in doing so was unable to replicate Koyomi’s success. In that sense, when Kaiki says you can’t outrun everything, he’s telling her that it’s okay to lose. It’s okay to try, and then fail. It’s okay to just hand the arm over to Rouka and move on. 
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Higasa remarks that Suruga seems too positive of a person to have heard the Devil-sama rumor - because that’s the type of person Suruga is seen as. Polite, enthusiastic, direct, a star athlete, a hard worker,  a rich kid, a goody two-shoes. The type of person who would take issue with Rouka’s methods. Rouka expects a fight, because in a lot of ways Suruga is Rouka’s opposite, someone who would slap her in the face upon hearing about what she’s doing. 
At the same time, Suruga is the type of person to immediately second-guess that reaction. She lets Rouka’s hand sit on her chest for an uncomfortable length of time (the symbolic gesture associated with taking her devil arm!) because she feels bad about hitting her. Of course she would. She straps her arm to the wall at night because she’s scared of hitting someone again.
In other words, contrary to expectation, she’s the exact type of person that would encounter Rouka. The correct type of person to hear the Devil-sama rumor. The type of person that’s still burdened by the regret of a wish that turned into an obsession. Exactly the type of problem that can be solved, will be solved, simply by doing nothing. 
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I said I still wanted to talk about the arc formula, and here it raises an interesting question of where exactly the specialist comes in. Kaiki, of course, is prominent in this novel - but even though he helps, he hardly explains anything. He has a policy, Rouka tells us, of only sharing half his information. It’s a little like Oshino’s rule of balance, but even less helpful. He shies away from the spotlight out of what I imagine is self-preservation - running away from Koyomi and Hitagi in Karen Bee, blatantly subverting their expectations that he explain Karen’s oddity. He does it anyway, but it’s pointless. The fever disappears on its own. 
Where Meme’s balance is to make sure he doesn’t interfere too much in others’ problems, ensure his surprisingly impressive spiritual abilities don’t create further disturbances in the course of solving them, Kaiki’s balance is to make sure he always has another opportunity to mess with people in the future, to ensure his practical-minded refusal to believe in spirits entirely doesn’t end up biting him in the ass. 
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Even so, we’ve come to expect someone to come and clear things up, explain that which our protagonist was too slow to grasp on their own, put a neat little tie on the end of things. Like Tooe Gaen, perhaps? Deceased but apparently no less of an authority on the supernatural. “The motivation for justice is envy of evil,” we’re told, explaining precisely what left Suruga so unsettled about Rouka. Rouka did what she could never do, just like Suruga did what Rouka couldn’t. 
It’s a nice enough explanation, putting things into the dualistic perspective that Tooe seems to prefer. “If you can’t be medicine, then be poison, otherwise you’re just plain old water.” It doesn’t matter if you help others or hurt others as long as you do something, act in accordance with your nature, don’t let yourself be bound by the restrictions of society or conscience. Those are the type of people she seems most interested in, and the type of person Suruga ought to become as a result of this arc - someone who acts, as opposed to the inactive Rouka. 
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And yet neither her nor Rouka seem to fit into Tooe’s format. Rouka, despite being plain water, is still muddy. A swamp. That mud, composed of everyday misfortune, is nothing nearly so interesting as to be called poison. Suruga is even more confused. A flash-flood, capable of clearing up the dirt that Rouka collected?
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Suruga didn’t envy Rouka because she was evil. The implication there is that Rouka took pleasure in shattering social boundaries that Suruga felt obligated to stick to. But Suruga has already experienced what it’s like to violently pursue one’s own wishes in disregard of the feelings of others. It’s not fun! Suruga is jealous of, if anything, Rouka’s coolness. Her ability to roll with the punches, accept what happened to her with a laugh, shamelessly use her misfortune and pitiability as weapons. 
And Rouka, despite how she presents herself, was quite clearly not evil. Her offered ‘help’ is for entirely self-centered motives, and yet she’s much more concerned with the lives of others than her own. She does act like she doesn’t care about the people asking her for help, but all the same she does redirect those with more serious issues to the correct services. She did say she genuinely wanted to help Hanadori Rouka, the girl she met with the left leg, which is surprising from the perspective of Suruga’s vague animosity towards her, but completely understandable if you just think of Rouka as a normal girl. 
Suruga is neither good nor evil, as Koyomi puts it at the end of the book. She didn’t do the right thing, or the wrong thing. Neither did Rouka. They simply couldn’t look away from one another. Looking away, like running away, is only something you can do if you don’t really want to look. Even if Suruga ran away Rouka would have kept haunting her. She had the qualifications for it. Similarly, I feel like Rouka simply couldn’t look away from people’s misfortune, from the devil parts. Oddities arise for a reason, people have to want them on some level, and perhaps that’s true from the oddity’s side as well.
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Speaking of Koyomi, though, he’s the last to give advice. He encounters Suruga at her lowest point, where she doesn’t know what to do, and quite literally helps her get back on her feet. His specialist qualifications are a bit iffy, but this is a timeskip - he’s in college, he’s more or less overcome his coming of age stuff. The thing is, his advice is to ignore everyone’s advice. For Suruga to act like herself, act on her instincts. To do neither the right thing or the wrong thing. 
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Ironically, characteristically, she takes the advice anyway.
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She’s immediately less unsettled around Rouka, more confident in how she wants to play it. I think about her bluntly stating she’s an exhibitionist. It’s a pervy joke, something that’s been oddly absent in this book so far. One of the things we realise, looking at the world from Suruga’s benefit, is that her perversion, her exhibitionism, frankly even her queerness and interest in BL was much played up for the benefit of Koyomi. At the same time, though, I don’t think that makes it somehow false or an inaccurate representation of herself. She was able to be more overt with these things around Koyomi, because he was accepting of it, and that’s a largely positive thing. 
It’s not a coincidence that her meeting with Koyomi gives her the confidence to be more like that with Rouka, or that this line about exhibitionism actually ties into an important part of her character. You see, right after, Rouka says it must have been tough for her to conceal the devil’s arm. 
I think about the arm as representative of the stigma of queerness, as something that paints her desire for Hitagi as animal and violent (even as it’s capable of finding perfectly healthy expression on the flip side), as something that she has to conceal from others. Recall how in Suruga Monkey her being a lesbian is revealed right after the arm itself, and it’s her sexuality that Koyomi finds the more shocking. 
From that perspective, you could think about Rouka as helping the devil part bearers integrate into society by removing the outward signs of their queerness, their difference. She takes it all on herself, with her oddly dyed hair, baggy tracksuit, put-on limp. She takes it all on herself because she no longer needs to live in normal society. No longer can. 
It kind of explains more of Suruga’s hesitance to let Rouka go. It’s not like she wants to keep the arm. It’s not like it represents the truth of her sexuality in itself. She was gay before the arm and will be after. I think it moreso represents Tooe’s approach to identity and self-change. You can be whatever you want, but becoming is an inherently painful process.
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We’d like to think that Tooe’s message was that you should learn to change yourself rather than relying on suspicious magical artifacts, but the fact that she exposed Suruga to that risk in the first place indicates she’s fine with danger as a teaching device. Fine with her daughter becoming poison. Maybe even fine with her killing someone.
In the end, all the arm does is give her an inferiority complex. Her admiration of Hitagi, her graceful running style, is built on the fact that Suruga herself doesn’t feel she can run like that. She’s faster, but also uglier, more desperate. Her admiration of Koyomi, his self-sacrificing nature, is built on her shame over not being able to help Hitagi more herself. She’s self-effacing, but also uglier, more jealous. 
Suruga is glad to lose the arm, but she still feels uneasy about Rouka getting it. About being saved by someone else. Aren’t people supposed to just go ahead and save themselves? In this one thing, at least, Rouka is a more helpful specialist than even Oshino Meme. 
On that topic, the last person to give Suruga advice is Rouka herself. At the end of their second meeting, Rouka tells her to live a normal life. Do all the things I couldn’t do. She’s a negative example, telling people to not end up like her. Just stay in the closet. This, too, will pass.
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That, kinda sucks though. Integrate into society? Drop all visible signs of your queerness? Get a boyfriend? Rouka’s channeling old tragic yuri tropes for the last time she thinks they’ll ever meet. 
Is that really what Rouka thinks? Does she really envy Suruga’s potential to be normal? To get a job? Because the opposite is precisely what Suruga envies about her - Rouka’s ability to ignore social expectations. The thing is, after their final match, the advice changes again. Who cares about studying for exams? Just start playing basketball again. This is really the only thing I can imagine Rouka envying Suruga for. It’s the path where she gets to make use of her arm again. 
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Saying that basketball is representative of Suruga’s queerness here is even more of a stretch than applying that to her arm, but there’s at least one important respect in which the analogy kinda works. 
The way she wins the game. 
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Basketball is a game for more than one player. The phrasing is a little awkward - ideally it would read “Basketball is a game for two players” to make the comparison to romance even more explicit, but - that isn’t true, is it. So the fact that there are exactly two of them playing becomes a little more significant, I think. 
They have to combine their efforts to get the ball into the hoop. That’s a disingenuous way of putting it, when they’re on opposite sides, but it’s still true. Rouka, after all, couldn’t get it in alone. That wasn’t her aim in the first place. She was just trying not to lose. 
Suruga didn’t just let her lose decisively for the first time, she also let Rouka win. Rouka wasn’t passed to, much, when she used to play. This is the first time she realises that basketball can’t be played alone.
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And, well, when you put it in that sense, basketball isn’t just representative of romance, it’s representative of life in general. When you look back on Rouka’s backstory, at this point, one thing stands out. She never relied on anyone else. She never had anyone to rely on. It’s so bad that she ends up in Suruga’s orbit. The anime opening portrays what it might be like if they had a closer relationship, but that’s something that had to be invented in retrospect, because they really didn’t talk much. They didn’t even properly play against each other much. But when it comes down to it, Rouka is drawn to Suruga’s family inheritance of the devil parts, Suruga’s family inheritance of an annoying conman uncle, and in the end, back to Suruga herself. 
Suruga’s not the only person who ever truly understood her, as you might expect from a school rivalry situation. Suruga is simply the only person in a position where it’s even possible to truly understand her. The only person that could have drawn that final dunk out of her. The only person who could remind Rouka that she really did enjoy basketball, enjoy life.
In doing so, it serves as a reminder to herself, as well. 
Thanks for reading, everyone! Call this the Pride Month special, even though I didn’t discuss the queer themes of this story as much as I would have liked. Next: Otori. Oh boy.
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kaivenom · 1 day
Spider had a girlfriend who moved away (the reader) spider became more cold towards everyone, one day during school the reader shows up telling him she moved back and everyone gets to see the real spider ( gentle and sweet) the reader and spider end up getting back together and everyone is shocked
Smile again
Summary: you moved away years ago, while starting high school, but know after so much plead to your parents, they let you finish the year on your hometown, which revolt things on Hartley's.
Pariring: Spencer "Spider" White x reader
Warnings: a little bit of angst, mostly fluff
A/N: sorry for the waiting, now that exams are finally over (i hope) i could finally finish this, i hope the person that requested it likes it.
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You were excited to come back to your home, seeing your old friends and especially your ex-boyfriend Spider. When you left, neither of you had a choice, you were much younger and couldn't make decisions right. Plus, being so young means that your relationship wasn't entiretly serious, but that doesn't mean your liking for him got smaller. Another plus, neither of you had a phone so you couldn't track each other.
You don't know what to expect, he would still like you?, he would want to try a relationship with you again?, what if he already has a girlfriend?
All that questions blurred your mind while you go to the high school, while you signed the papers of your registration and while you crossed the courtyard. The only thing that was able to snap you back into reality was the ring of the bell and all the students getting out of class.
You heard your name being called by several people, you were thankful they recognized you and seemed so happy to see you. Everyone started to hug you, it's incredible how you only lasted a couple of second in recognizing which person was everyone. They had changed a lot but the still had some features that help you identify them.
But still, you couldn't find the blonde, if he is still blonde, you thought. Suddently you recognized Ant, you yell at him to catch his attention but not only him turned around. Your eyes met a tall blonde boy, his eyes oppened dramatically once he saw you...once he recognized you.
Both of them started walking to you but the blonde went faster and run to you. His arms were big and felt like crushing you but his scent was familiar, he is Spider.
"(Y/N)!!! i can't believe you are back!!" his arms were still around you, his voice sounded excited to see you and that relieved you a little.
"I can't believe it either, i don't konw how you recognize me, we both changed a lot."
With that said, now he let you go, his face is clearly red from the comment and he now looks a little flustered.
"I can't believe you are so big and tall."
"I can believe you are still so tiny... but you look good."
"You do too," now you both are flustered, you needed to change the subject, "How is your life going?"
"Good, well, an idiot made a map and now we are on a extracurricular class named SLTs." you couldn't believe at started laughing like a maniac, inevitably Spider started laughing too, "oh god, i can't believe how much i missed your laugh."
And now you are flustered again, his eyes laid on you with an intensity you couldn't believe was possible. He oppened his mouth like he was about to tell you something but closed it again.
"It was good to get to know you again." you said trying to break the awkward silence.
"You didn't get to know the new me, we only talked to minutes." he said dramatically.
"Well, maybe we have to hang out and get to know each other again after so many years." he took a moment to think what to answer.
"Maybe we can also take things were we... left it." he was nervous that you were going to reject him but you couldn't me more happy.
"Yeah, of course, gladly, yeah.... i should probably shut up." his laugh pleased your ears again.
"Nah, i always liked when you are flustered... but maybe we should move."
His finger pointed to the crowd that has been watching you both all the time, how could you forgot they were there?
"I can't believe it, Spider is a total jerk, how could he suddently..." Darren made a mimic of Spider's laugh.
"I am surprised too, this is good for a study." then Quinny took out a notebook.
"When i can hug (Y/N) too? i am the only one who didn't gave her one."
Ant was clearly sad about the hugh, after all you called for him, not Spider. You gave Ant the hug he wanted and went back to the blonde.
"How about we go now?" he nodded at your suggest.
"You can go were i work and..."
"No," Spider shutted Darren down, "we won't be calm if we go there, right now i want to disappear from here, right?"
His hand moved next to yours, so clearly you accepted it and started running with him. You didn't know were he was taking you, but you were sure it will be amazing with his company.
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adhdtsukasa · 2 days
good morning everyone, rise and shine, have you thought about the world hasn't even started yet today? nope? then now you do! because with full emukasa and ruinene sekahaji alts finally releasing, it's time for me to (over)analyze my favorite and definitely one of the most underrated wonderlands x showtime's songs that is still haunting the narrative to this day. (haunting the narrative is actually a bit of a dramatic way to call it, but i like to be dramatic and so do wxs.)
in full seriousness, i just really, really like sekahaji's lyrics and it's such a shame it's not getting talked about that much anymore only because that's an old song, especially since pinocchiop is a lyrics genius. so if you're interested in my personal interpretation of sekahaji, including analyzing the foreshadowing of the future events included in the lyrics and analyzing the line distribution not only in the original ver, but in the alt vocals as well, then tune in! because i have a lot to say.
will be using the screenshots from vocaloid lyrics wiki, but i'm going to say who's singing the line anyways, so it's not that much of a problem. i think. (also the alts line distribution is not really that important, it's mostly ruikasa and emunene singing each other's lines with two exceptions. but some lines hurt more when it's the other who sings it, so who am i not to mention it?)
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"sekahaji is such a fun song" and then the first lines of the song after the bunch of hey heys and it's showtimes are already giving me a bunch of an emotional damage. oh, man. being a wxs fan sureee is so fun.
while we're at the topic of the first lyrics, it's kinda interesting that rui's the one who says "let's go!" instead of tsukasa, as this is expected from the latter with his position as the troupe leader — but i'm not going to read too much into it, because i doubt it matters lol. if i have to somehow explain it, then i'd say it's because rui's a stage director, so he's in charge of being the one to start the show. sort of. it's not really important.
"with a cast who can use magic and monsters who are burdened with trauma" is such a tsukasa line, honestly. it may seem more rui-like at first, but it fits tsukasa a lot, too. personally, i always interpret it as a spark contrast between who wxs were and who wxs are now — their pasts weren't the most pleasant thing ever (with exception of maybe emu, but even she is still haunted by the grief from her grandpa's death), they indeed were pretty traumatized (especially rui, but you cannot just ignore the rest). they were monsters, because they weren't perfect. and tsukasa is the type of person who strives for perfection.
they're not monsters anymore, however. (they never were, but try to explain it to four traumatized teenagers) now, it's their turn to be the magic-using cast! and the mentioned magic is them putting on shows and spreading shows, obviously. if you read into it a bit more, you can even say that the former cast, the one from when wxs were still these so-called monsters, was their idols, the people who sparked the dream of performing in them — seiichi amami, rakunosuke otori, yuka kazamatsuri and tom gray. (such an insane april fools unit)
in the ruinene alt, rui's the one who sings this line. and this stings a bit, because obviously... he'd think of himself as a monster burdened with trauma. rui...
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nene is the one who sings this line in original, and this makes sense. that's a rather logical line, and so is nene. "disappear" isn't meaning death here, as it often means in the proseka terms — "disappear" is just the another word of something passing, something ending. vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas, you can say. i'm sorry that was stronger than me.
the disband arc (i'm so sorry, i know we're way past it. but it is an important part of the wxs lore. i'm not going to shut up about it) had it very beginning in nene, after all. its first mentions appeared in mermaid admiration, which was just a mere start of both the second arc and the second rotation (wxs has only just started getting better, after all!), and then island panic started the domino that was curtain call, amidst a dream and so on, and so on. nene knew that everyone's destined to disappear — to part ways — someday. this was creeping up to her from behind almost from the very start.
in the emukasa anabo, it's emu who got this line. it makes it even worse, because it's what emu's perspective of the disband arc was about. she wanted to stay at wonder stage, nene, rui and tsukasa wanted to go further than it. everyone's destined to disappear someday, because her dream is just too simple for them to share it.
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okay, i'm gonna be honest here — i have no clue what to do with this line. i didn't want to skip it, as it's rui's solo line and is surrounded by such impactful words, it surely makes sense, i just don't really see it at this moment. sorry rui. the best i can do is to say that "heartbeat fading over time" may symbolize rui's deteriorating mental state in middle school, but, like... that's an awful reaching.
it makes a bit more sense when you look at it from tsukasa's pov, both because he has this line in the emukasa alt and because it's a song formed from his feelings — the heartbeat here is his real ambition, his want to make everyone smile and the way he forgot it in the main story. still don't know what to do with the ticket that's long past expired. my thoughts are kinda going in the direction of it being wonderland sekai, but i don't have any argument to actually explain it.
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finally coming to an end of this part, (not because it's bad, but because it hurts), at this point you can guess that it's a line sung by emu and oh god, it made me suffer so much when i was waiting for our happy ending to release. yep, it's the foreshadowing of the disband arc again, who would've think, right? looking back at it now where the disband arc is finally resolved (for now. it's going to come back one day, surely), it's one of my favorite lines in the song, as it touches emu's internal struggle during these days perfectly.
i'm assuming the "let's come" means "let's come here" as in: come to a certain place (in my interpretation, wonder stage) because i have no idea why the "here" isn't here, as i was pretty much convinced that it was. but whatever. the way i see this line is how emu was always happily inviting the rest of wxs to visit wonder stage, wanting to spend time with them and make everyone smile, yet deep down in herself still knowing that she shouldn't take it as granted. she would want to spend yet another year with wxs by her side, but, back then, it was not a promise. there was always this possibility that next year, she'll be alone once again — because wonder stage is their place to go, but it's not going to be this way for forever.
in the ruinene anabo, nene got this line. i'm not going to say a lot about it, as i've already covered this topic before — it's a mermaid admiration reference, once again. even more so in this very line, because when i think about associating this line with nene, the first thing i see is her mermaid admiration untrained.
i think it's also pretty interesting that while tsukasa and rui got the lines that are more similiar to main story/first arc, emu and nene got the lines about the second arc!
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i don't have much to say about it, it's just that rui sings this line and it makes me think about main story — to the wxs fall-out, specifically. the troupe didn't even properly start yet, just like the world!, and yet there are already bad things happening — tsukasa screamed at nene for messing up the show, rui got mad at tsukasa and decided not to come here again, emu is blaming herself for everything, for being unable to make them smile. it's definitely already no-good... just like most of rui's experiences.
as you can probably guess by the way the line distribution is arranged in the alts, tsukasa got this line in emukasa anabo. and this makes a lot of sense after all too, because, well... it was him who messed up. maybe it's about the moment when he finally realizes his true feelings?
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the only explanation for this line is that tsukasa's feelings are currently all over the place because he's experiencing overstimulation. the conclusion is that tenma tsukasa has ADHD, thank you, time to pack it up, analysis over, everyone go home
i'm just kidding, but this line has been permanently noted in my brain as "the ADHD tsukasa line" ("why not autism tsukasa line" take a good look at my url. the sole reason is that i'm a bit insane) so it's hard for me to see it as anything else. we're not discussing tsukasa's obvious neurodivergence today, though, so let's move on to me trying to actually make something out of it—
"there's too much noise" part belongs to nene, while the rest of the line is sung by emu. nene (more in the early game than nowadays, but still) is often seen complaining and flinching at loud noises, and this was my first thought, however! emu got this line as well, and she doesn't really have any issue with loud noises as she's a very energetic and cheerful person, right? (and so is tsukasa and yet for some reason he has this line in his very own song. but i'm not going to repeat myself) here comes my second thought — it's referencing the main story fight. it would make sense both for nene (she's the one who is screamed at) and emu (she thinks it's her fault for being "selfish") to have it. this is also one of the two exceptions where it's not just rks emnn singing each other lines — rui and tsukasa in their respective anabos got the "there's too much noise" part. if it was about the fight, it'd make sense for rui as well — after all, he's the one who has to look at his childhood friend getting blamed for something that is partially his fault.
on a slightly unrelated note, i'm a big fan of the way how in emukasa alt tsukasa sings "there's too much noise" in a voice that's close to breaking, while emu is happily going "so much noise! and it keeps getting worse!!" with sparkles and flowers all around her. i love her so much. never change emu.
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besides "just as i always have" that's sung by nene, this whole line belongs completely to emu — and i think this says a lot. the "deteriorating, abandoned room" is yet another metaphor for wonder stage, because that's how wonder stage was like when tsukasa sees it for the first time; deteriorated and abandoned, with emu as its only visitor. but emu doesn't give up. emu keeps on dreaming, keeps on wishing for it to return to its former glory.
i didn't say anything about the first line, because, uh. despite being sung by emu, i think it correlates to tsukasa and his ambitions more, etc, etc... but i also don't have a clear enough thought to elaborate on it. sorry!
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the deeper we are in the song, the more cheerful the melody and the vibe of it gets, while the lyrics are starting to go in a slightly... different direction. the lyrics are inviting you to a never-ending party, a way to cope with all the bad things that happen to you. it fits wxs a lot, doesn't it? they're the group that is sharing childlike wonder with everyone and wishes to make people smile, while themselves are being often paralleled with niigo and aren't really the happiest and healthiest people in the universe (and they have a habit of not talking about their feelings as well). it would make sense for them to want to cut the negativity in their lives off, not only for their own sake, but also for the sake of the others around them (after all, this was the whole point of smile of a dreamer). wonderland sekai is their place to go, a place where they can drown themselves in the never-ending fun and fight off the negativity. because... they still can do it, right? because the world hasn't even started yet.
at this point, they're much better, obviously. because we're almost four years in the game and now wxs isn't only their escapism anymore, it's the place filled with the people they all love so much. but when we were still at main story, it'd make sense for them to be just like that, as their bond still wasn't as strong as it is now back then.
this part came out a bit too angsty than i wanted and i'm not proud of it, but i don't really know how to express what i mean with it in words. if you actually understood my intention, then you deserve a gold star. i'll have to rewrite it a few months later probably eh
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while a lot of people think of this line as of a really dark one, i don't think that's the case! actually, it's a rather positive and optimistic one. the mention of hell can make someone flinch, that's for sure, but it's the same case as the mentioned earlier "monsters burdened with trauma" — it's just wxs self-deprecating themselves because of their past. for most of them, their past experiences surely could be called "hell", because everyone experiences trauma differently. but they're not in this hell anymore. their past is over, they're not alone anymore, they have each other now — this is their happy ending that plays out... from their phones, in form of the untitled.
after all, rui was right! the ending for sure will be a happy one, as long as they are together!
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i've noticed that a lot of the sekahaji lyrics are matching with the latter ones, and this is no expection: once again, the first line talks about the first arc events, while the second is leaning more onto the second arc, just like in the first verse.
i'm not a native english speaker, so i have to admit, i had to look up what does thick-skinned mean lol i'm a bit surprised that's actually a rather positive thing? with how tsukasa was acting in the main story, i was expecting it to be more on the negative side. i can't say that it doesn't fit, though. tsukasa's most famous (?) depiction as a king is his wonder magical showtime card, while wonder magical showtime itself is an event focusing on how tsukasa is not going to let go of emu's dream that easily, that even the criticism of the phenniland members that didn't want to help them at first is not going to stop him (although it's been a long time since i watched wms, so correct me if i'm wrong!) — and that's what i understood that thick-skinned means.
meanwhile, rui is the alchemist. he's often described as such and is even depicted as one in his revival my dream card (...but we don't talk about revival my dream). and while "full of desires" doesn't neccesarily mean greedy — it's normal to have wishes and desires, after all — rui is not only called that by himself, but by the game as well, since he, too, has his own desires. and... having too much desires is a dangerous thing. (it kind of sounds like i'm demonizing rui i'm going to cry. that is NOT my intention i swear.)
and as i said earlier, the second line is corresponding to disband arc again. presented as the happy, unbothered group on the surface, wxs is some kind of an utopia, a perfect world, and so is their sekai — but they're always being followed by this feeling of uncertainty, of impending goodbye. or rather, were followed. whether you think disband arc is going to come back one day or not, i think it's safe to assume that sekahaji's references are not going further than our happy ending. at the point of the wxs story where we are now, the disband arc is resolved. of course, one day their utopia will cease to exist and they'll truly be forced to leave their attachments behind, returning to the real world. but this day is not today. today, they can still be happy. because the world hasn't even started yet. (or has it, it's just more pleasant that they were expecting?)
i didn't mention who's singing these lines earlier, but... i've already covered this topic many times. tsukasa (rui in ruinene anabo) is singing the first, nene (emu in emukasa anabo) is singing the second. and my explanation for it is pretty much similiar to the verses from the very beginning, so... yeah, let's just move on to something more interesting, shall we?
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this fragment is matching the fragment starting with "there is too much noise", so that's my yet another argument for it referencing the main story fight — and this part is way more transparent in doing so. "there's too much conflict" is sung only by nene, but the latter part is sung by both her and emu. and as we already know, nene was the one who suffered the most in it, while emu was the one blaming herself the most (interestingly though, nene sings the "i couldn't help but worry" in the full group version!). the boys got "there's too much conflict" in their respective alts as well, so rui singing this line applies to his reaction to the fight, too.
"it's like when our arms are all tangled together" could be the failed show, because that's what happens when you mess up. it's also emu who sings this, and it's a very emu-like way of describing things.
and even though tsukasa is not singing the last line (it's still either emu or nene, depending on the version) it's still his untitled, so i can boldly say that it's about him. he brushed off the dust of his memories and rebooted himself, remembering his true feelings and entering his path to become a better person. the fight has ended and we're nearing the end of the song, just like we're nearing the end of the main story.
you can also say that it's about rebooting robonene. that... would work as well, i guess.
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haha, hey, do you know what's happening on nene's mermaid admiration untrained? wxs are playing with fireworks, together. and do you know what they also want to do together? stay like that for forever. it truly was out firework show that lasts a lifespan!
the motif of a firework show appears also in wonder magical showtime, where it's an ending for the show the phenniland cast put on to save phoenix wonderland from being turned into a place that doesn't resemble the old phoenix wonderland at all. it's no wonder wxs would want it to last a lifespan. after all, it's emu's dream for phenniland to never change and always be the place that she remembers from her childhood.
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and this is just a description of wonderland sekai, honestly. it has roller coaster in it + they are often seen in the background of various wxs cards. the starry skies are often present as well. it's not like we got two (2) songs with "starry sky" in their name for nothing.
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i feel like "the best of the worst of crappy plays" is the show that sparked the main story argument in the first place — it was messed up, so it was crappy and horrible, no doubt for that. but it's also the best — why? because if not its failure, tsukasa wouldn't find his true feelings and wxs wouldn't even form. when such a crappy play made you get closer to your best friends and turned your life for the better, how can you not feel at least slightly grateful for its existence?
the second line is included here as well, because i don't really have an idea what to do with it. it's such a great line, however, so it would be a shame to just leave it out. the only thing i'm going to mention is that it's interesting that the prospect of an ending was there with them from the very, very beginning.
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this one i see as a nod to smile of a dreamer and wonder magical showtime — because emu's family already had their own plans about what to do with phoenix wonderland. these were the plans that'd make them a lot of money, so it was their "harmonius future", even though emu didn't agree with it.
emu alone wasn't able to do much, but then she met wxs... and then the entirety of phenniland stood by her side. together, they were able to break the plans for a harmonious future. together, they were able to made her dream come true.
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and, finally, the last line i'm going to talk about today! the bell is a symbol for new beginnings, just like this lyric itself says, so the act of ringing it is a new era in tsukasa's, emu's, nene's and rui's lives beginning — the formation of wonderlands x showtime! especially since it's the last line in the song aside of the last the world hasn't even started yet (not counting the hey heys and it's showtimes once again).
this is not the only time the bell is referenced in a wxs song, though — because it made an appearance also in the 2DMV for sekai wo terasu tetrad, once again symbolizing a new beginning, a new era, although this time it's a sekai expansion. and because i mentioned sekai wo terasu tetrad, i can now swiftly go to the conclusion of this post:
sekahaji is such a great song, because despite being the first wxs comm, it's foreshadowing the events way up to the third anni and this is not talked about enough. is this still applying to the events after the third anni? nope! not because they cannot be easily altered so they could still fit the lyrics, but because sekahaji has simply fulfilled its purpose already. i haven't studied sekai wo terasu tetrad's lyrics that much in-depth yet and i don't think it has the same 100% lore value that sekahaji has, as i don't think there's anything that hints tetrad being a canon second untitled, but it's the song released by the occasion of a sekai expansion — and if there are going to be future events foreshadowed, then it's going to happen in tetrad. not going to think about it too much for now, as three events (world link not included) isn't enough to say it for sure imo (unless it's going to be as short as the first arc was), but that's definitely a possibility.
that would be all! there's too much of my rambling in here anyways. i haven't really checked it, so i'm sorry if i ended up saying nonsense — after all, as i always say, i'm a overthinker, not an analyst! everything i said here is just my personal interpretation either way. i hope that you at least enjoyed listening to me babbling about sekahaji for way too much words straight!
and i hope that my main goal has been accomplished and you've just went to listen to the world hasn't even started yet because now you, too, have thought about it. right? <3
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